53 44# 111 9• FOIVENGLAND AND FRANCE, 4857. low York. and Havre Steamship Dompany.—The llnited • !natal Mall Steamships AltAoo, 2,500 tone, David Mum, commander, and DDITOIB, 2,500 tons, James A. Nirotton, commander, will leave New, Dort, Havre and Southampton, for the years 1857 and '5B, on the following days:, LIIATB NSW TOBIC. 1857. 1858. Patton; ElatUrday, Aug.- 22 Arago, Saturday, lan. 9 .Arago, do. Sept. 19 Walton, do. Feb. 6 Dalton, . do. Oot. 17 Ango, do. Meech 6 Arago, do. . Nov. 14 Walton, do. April 8 Dutton, do. Des, 12 Arago, do May 1 Patton, do. May, 29 I mtva eooislol.7oB. 1867. Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 26 ulton, d Bog- 23 Arno, do. o, Oct, 21 Fallon, do. Nov. 18 Arago, do. Deo. 18 1858. Fulton do. Jan. 18 A r age,' do. . Feb. 1 0 Fult - oxi do. Mar. 10, Arago,' - do. Ayr!' 7 Fulton, ,d o . 6167 5 Arago, o June 2 Fulton, . do. June 80 LB/'la 11LT139. '1857. Axago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 rulton, do. Sept. 22 Arego, do. ' Oct. 28 WuDort, do. Nov. 12 Arisgo, do. Dec. 15 1858. Button, - do, Tau. 12 Arego, do. web. 9 Vulton, do. March 9 Arsgo, do. April 8 Nulton, do.- May 4 Arugo, do. Zane Balton, do, Juno 20 POlOll Of P/EISAGIII From New York to Southampton or Havre—Fleet ; Second Cabin, $75. From Havre or Southampton to New .York—First Cabin, 800 trims; Second Cabin, 500 franca. - • For freight or paesage, apply to tiORTIMEIt LIVINGS'fON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAIif " Havre. OBOSKEY & CO. " South'ton. AMBRIOAN BIALOPEAN - BXPNESS AND EX-" Paris. ' ' CHANGE 00. , aus AV A N N-AH STEAMSHIP LINE.= FRSIGIITS REDUCED. The well known first-class side-wheel steamships STATE OF GEORGIA end KEYSTONE STATE, now form a weekly line for the South and Southwest, one of the shTHEips sai STEAMSHIPIing ever STATE SATURDAYTE O , F GEORGIA, at 10 A. M. ' Joan I. GARVIN, Commander, Will receive freight on THURSDAY,. October Bth, and nail SATURDAY, October 10th, at 10 o'clock A. M. - THE STEAMSHIP KEYSTONE STATE, Olianmea P. hiARSTIYANy Commander, Will receive goods on THURSDAY —, and sail on SATURDAY, at 10 o'clock A. M. At Savannah these ships connect with steamers for Florida and Havana, and with railroad for the aOuth and Southwest. Cabin Passage $2O No do No freight received on Saturday morning. No bills of lading slimed after the ship has sailed. . . For freighter passage, apply to - A. HERON,./r., No. 81 North Wharves. Agent at Sovatinnah, 0. A. QRZIFIES & ',OR FLORIDA.--Steamers St. Mary's end St. John's leave Savannah every nimbly and Saturday... Ben 111 HE , NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS.—The Ships composing this Line are : The ATLANTIO, Ospt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. TheIDRIATIO; Ospt. James West. These ships have beenbuilt by contract, expressly for e o yernment terries. every care has been taken in their construction, se alschn their engines, to ensure strength and speed, andtheir rmcommodations for passengers are, =Waned for elegance and comfort. • Price of , passage from New York to Liverpool, in Bret cabin, $190; in second do., $76; from Liverpool to New York, 80 end 20 gaineaa. No berths secured unless paid for. The ships of this line have improved water-tight balk heads. - PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. 18.011 - Kiar YORE. :TROX,LIVIRPOOIe, Saturday, June 20, 1867 Wedeesday, June 24," 1817 Saturday, July 4, ' 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, 1n1y . 22,, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday , Aug: h, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 15, 1857 Wednesday, Ang..-19, 1857 &aural, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1837 Saturday, Sept. VS, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. SO, 1867 Saturday, Oct. 10, - 1857 WedneadSy, Oct. 14, • 1867 Saturday, - Oct. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct., 1851 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1867 Wedneaday, Ney.ll, 1857 Saturday,,Nov. 21, 1857 WednesdayiNov. 28; , 1857 Saturday, Doe. 6, 1857 Wednesday, MO. 0, 1667 Wednesday, Dm 22 1857 Nor freight or passage, apply to - EDWARD R. COLLINS, No. 68 Wall street, N. T. 111101714_ ,__EMPLEY tc . 00., Liierpool: OTEPREN NPNNAND 00 .,. 27 ' Austin Priam, London. - . j}.,I3.,.,WAINWRI g HT tr.,00., Paris. • The apneas a these ships if3l not be troodntaiste for Sold, sllrer,,brallon, specie, jerrelry.pr iselone stones or 'notate unless' bills of, lading,. bed therefor, and the reins thereof expressed therein " ' F°" LIVERPOOL—THIIRSDAY, 22d October.—The, packet ship NONPAITEM, (1450 tons) Captain rattly., wilt sall u above. Cabin passage Second Oabm,, r. Steerage Second cabin and steersie pessengers found with pro. visimu according to the American passenger act. -AIM', to THOB.,,ItIOIIA4D3ON'tc CO. -ocs FOR' GALVESTON-TEXAS' 'LINE.= With quick despatch. The fast-sailing regular packet schooner CHARMS. PEAFLEE, Foster, Master, is now lending et Race street wharf, having over two-Thirds of her cargo engaged and going on board rapidly, will have despatch as above. , , Shippers will please harry their goods alongside, std bills of lading to ThesConnting-hone for signature,. For balance of freight or apply, to" 1118110 P, SLISIONB, & 00. North Wharves) 00 s.tf or to JAMES BAKER, 43 North,Wharves, FOR 'SAN FRANCISCO-0 AT.TVORNIA LlNE.—Direct from Philadelphia.. The magniikent clipper ship , JOSEPH JON i th' nal a. Flowers, commander, la now loading .at Race street wharf ; having a largo - part of her cargo engaged and going on . board rapidly, will hava immediate, dee patch. Shipperswill please hurry their goods alongside with out delay. For balance of freight apply to BIBIIOP, 311610N3,2b 00., 88 North Wharves.. FOR SAN FRANCISCO—FROM NEW YORE. The celebrated clipper eddy SANTA: litditiß, Boater, master ; the maguticent clipper , ship BOSTONIAN; ---, maste r, are now loading and will have despatch as above. For balance of freight wanly to , 4 • BiarHOP, 81E10248 & 064 80 North Wharves. liook.g. SPLEITDID GIFTS , •AT 489 -CHESTNUT ..STRUT.—THE ORIGINAL STAR GIFT -BOOK STORE.-0. G. EVANS a - Mildlnform hisfnends and the publio that he has removed his Star Gift Book Store and Publishing Ibsen to the splendid store in Brown's iron Building, 430 CIIESTNIIT Street, two doors below Fifth, whore the purchaser of each book will' receive one of the following gifts, valued at from 25 cents to $lOO, consisting of Gold Watches, Jewelry, he.:' • WORTH' • . , 550 Patent Ellk. tever'Gold Watches:::.lloo 00 each 660 Patent Anchor Lever Gold do.' .... 60 00 w 400 Ladies' Gold Watches, 18k: rases. j.: 85 00 , w 600 Silver Lever Watches, warranted.L. ' 16'00 500 Parlor Timepieces 10 00 w 600 Cameo Sets, Ear Drops, and 'lO 00 '. 600 Ladies' Gold Bracelets 12.00 " 600 Neck Chains ' - • 10 00 w 1,000 Gold Lockets, (large site and double •' case,) 10 00' it 2,050 Gold Lockets, amall 300 " 1,00 Gold Pencil cases,With"Gold pens,— 6 00 "." 1,000 Extra Gold Pens, with cases; and ‘• , Holders 8 60 2,600 Gold 'Pencils ' ' • • 250 w 2,500 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils • - " • 6,500,g01d Rings 1 00 " 2,000 Gents' Wavy Geld Rings" 2 75' 'w 2,500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins ' r 2 50 8,600 Misses' Grad Breastpins' ,160 ' 3,000 Pocket Knives - -- '76' w 2,000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs ' B'oo' 2,000 Sets : Gents' Gold Sleeve - 800 " 2,oollPalra Ladles+ Ear Drops ' ,2 60 EVANS'S Catalogue contains all of th; most popular books of the day, and all;tlio ' oewedt public:aliens, all of which:will be sold se low de'ran be obtainedet..other stores. A complete ,catalogne. of books sent .creS, by, application through the mall, by addretaing zypto, 450 CIIESTNIIT Street. Agents'wantedin every town in the .Lialted States. Those deSir,itig se to artpari obtain'' full pertieulara by addreseing as above. - N. 11 .4400 worth of Gifts will 'be given' with' every gl.OOO worth of books sold.. ' . se'Ai etuthtr TORN 'CAMPBELL Fs - SON',, 8L8.,11 . 0P9- .111-titTS, In the CT:TATOU IiOtTSB ~ti7o al= Trays for sale rare and scarce Books, GenUeralitlook vomit:are Invited to pall and' judge aa tolZb ajid va riety. taw`and miscellaneous bookserf or tarp ; quantities. Books omitinu beiilinefrom auction'. se2.4.th to Sin* WIsTDERs9N & .o's - ,0-TIEAT• LITER . ARY' /lAEA, PflrPHinealfoll 'strpete: '• " 'l ll .order te'rgsllff:the Wishbe or our )3 =ends pr.= trons; and Jaddauthri boblauxlng public to 011 apiheir libraries a the usnul low prices, we latend to present to etery Purchaser ut boob* hi, the amount of 01 and up. war4u, a gift iii,valtte of from 21 multi to /100: - WI at oirrpetihnibment;lopkat mit salttibleatcelF 4 aud Select for yourselves.' ' , Recollect you are'hot borhigat'ehanoo; for ,oyery pur chaSer get his honks at the' usual Price, and *ritinany will get, hi addition, a present troith having': . at4l4m V_VOS' GREAT GWV)4O,QIC.: 44 1 ,4; No. 436 OTIEBTIOJT 8.- 1 410 oOnneo ton 'with any other 'home lathe Olty. - - enl-8m- Jurf{tif`e.' B. KITE &' CO. • FURNITURE,: DSDDfNQ .d o. No. 418 (14to, 129) WALNUT. it. ,Phil delphfe. A new And superior style of spring Beds. , „ LYDIA N Joseeneveon au3l am , • : • 1 : i , 11' W. TINULEr & • BANKERS A-P. No. 37 South THIRD Street, Phltedelphls. COLLECTIONS promptly , made on All seareetbhr points in the 'Bolted States and Ostiads,„ , ' Stocks, Bonds, & c., Bought and Said Ott 000;sidieett• - tineurrent Bunk Notts, Oheeire, &a.'jbousht the retie. . - Narita reeeiTe4 and Interest allowed, Sa per agree- CHEAT SUMMER FIIEL.=--GAS COKE, or exdallent quality; la gold at the PNILADELPINA GAS WORKS for tho reduced price of five bente abtuidie!, and may be obtained in large or email quantity by ap. plying at the Oka °Moe, No. 20' South kiNiTNNTII street. To Purehasers by Wholesale, it is sold at the 'Works, in First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to Au thraeito, a 122.60 porton. ' • - (oigned,) , I. 0. OItSMON, Engineer. • l'utl•Allivsis Gas Mutts, Aug. 2d 4 057. • . an27.4f ABRAM —SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE Wolin* and Sarboosed Prlatiaglevelope 'and Seal Press Manufactory , 87: Strawberry, rltnretrbetween Seeoad and Third, awl Market and , Pheatnut Street, _ Philadelphia, Pa. : "142.4 y, rOTTO,N.-100. lial6s • Vriiic'Cottbn; ittore 71J tattler mad " " - MARTIN & MACIATASTREI, and 'llO Narth Into. Streat POTTON-200 baleß gOodliiddling•to Mink yor Cotton , in mote vaii for tale by MARTIN' & • - Nor . th Watar Myna! 'R SSi RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD. NYIOX. R BRO,', N 0,402 N.SZOOND Street, • ang7R•amoa lUSSIA AND AMERICAN TARRED 0011DAGE.--a superior article, manufacture and tortilla by WEAIfOII, FITLER & 00., an 8-tf No. 28 N. Water at., h 22 N. Wharves CHARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale V awl Retail WHIP awl +ma Manufactafer, 1t054 .Neeth YOIIRTIE Street. • , sat 11ARPE'S),Itkps . AND . Boys! f. 7 US North SOILIATII Street, Wilsey Groh aad RAO, • r. . •• • „ • „ FLOORING 86,4:114.9,23,68Q feet Caro Un flooring boards, afloat for sale ; MAAT Yiitt a t i ne i Wi nntn nt ST tOleittl ß e ' Dte ' r In ', AUCTION ,DRY GOODS: , No:I2DANI . 3. Stript, Ditiladolt* , 'ob -2m 'CILENWOOD CEMETERY OFFICE, NO NS 316 WA.INITT Sti., boIoVIITU. w Utf , Ce ' H. GARDEN & CO., Mannfacturors and Wholegate Dealers In HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS,. FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLORS, WERS, , ROUGHER, FEATHE f.- No. aide, 5828 e, (ollow d Sixth, o)outh MARKET Street, , s And No. 623 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. - O. /MORT GLOM, DANIBL DONOVAN. Merchants ate re invited to examine our stock,se2.2m S No. 8 T R , lII,LENDER & PASCAL, aul•Ore LATU Oreet, Philadelphia, PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. QUARTRESIABITIVS 017102 HARDIE CORPS, BRAVED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until o'clock, p. m., on Thursday, the 22d October, 1857, for supplying the marine corps with the following articles during the fiscal year ending Both AILIO, 1858, via : `. 600 to 800 uniform caps, complete. 1,000 to 2,ooomarine pompOons 1,000 to 2,000 patent-leather stocks. 600 to 800 privates , uniform coats, complete, of navy blue cloth, inllgo dye—to be chemically tested. 60 to 100 sergeants' uniform coats, (same as above.) 50 to 100 musicians' coats, scarlet cloth, cochineal • dye—to be chemically tooted. ' 100 to 200 palm non-commissioned officers , epau lettes. 600 to 800 palm brass centre straps. 80 to 60 rod 'worsted sashes. 1,000 to 2,000 pairs linen overalls. 1,000 to 2,000 linen shirts. 2,500 to 5,000 pairs brogans, - Nos. 6 to 11. , 500 to 80) marina blankets, (gray.) 600 to 800 knapsacks. 2,60000 8,000 pairs woollen socks. - 500 to 800 marine fatigue caps, the cloth to be navy blue, indigo d.ye, and chemically tested. 600 to 800 fatigue frocks. 1,000 to 1,500 flannel shirts. 600 to 1,000 pairs woollen overalls, blue kersey. 500 to 1,000 woollen jackets, do. 300 to 600 watch or great coats, do. 500 to 1,000 pairs Canton flannel drawers. 85 to 00 mush:date? jackets, scarlet cloth, coda heal dye—to be chemically tested. Samples of the above artioles may be seen on appli cation at this omee, or at the °Mee of the assistant quartermaster marine corps, 180 Spruce street, Phila delphia. It is to be understood that the accepted bidder is to take all material used for manufacturing coats, overalls, &c., on hand at the time of entering into contract, at the on prices thereof. • Rids will be received for the whole or in parts for the articles required, and it mat be explicitly understood that a critical inspection will be given 411 articles fur hished as to fit and quality, and that articles which do not come up to the sample will be rejected and thrown upon the hands of the contractor. The qtuirtertnaster reserves to himself the right to increase or diminish the quantity named above, as the exigencies or interests of the service may demand. Proposals to be addressed to the "Quartermaster of the Kathie Corps," Washington, D. 0., and endorsed ',Pro peals for Supplies." The papers publishing this advertisement will send the paper containing the first Insertion to this office for examination, accompanied by a duplicate account of the expense—at the rate of IP cents for 300 ems first inser tion and 87% dents per 800 ems for all subsequent in sertions. " ' se 19-stuthto22 DROPOSALS FOR ERECTING THE .L! CUSTOM HOUSE, &e., at Perth Amboy, Now Jersey.' • ' Tasaauar DSPARTMENT, WAIMIINGTON;BepteMbOr 21st, 1.857. PROPOSALS will be received at this Department until the 25th day of November, A. D. 1857, at 12 o!clock, nobs ; for the construction of the Custom House, Post O f fice, and Court Room, authorized to be erected at PERTH AMBOY, New Jersey, according to the plans and specifications prepared at this Department; maid proposals to be either for the whole building, or separate foe the different kinds of work; bills of parcels must in every case accompany each bid, with the amount of each kind of work, and the total amount carried out • the Department reserving the right to reject or accept the proposals hereby invited, or any part thereof, when it deems the interest of the United States require it; the Department also reserves the right to exclude the bids of. any person orrsons whom there is just cause to believe will not faithfully perform the contracts, or which , they have attempted to obtain by indirection; and all bids when there shall be parties in interest who do not join in the bids, and all bids that upon investiga tion are below a fair price for the work. Rids will not be received in gross, and no contract sill be awarded to a bidder unless details are furnished the Department of the prices of the different kinds of work and materials, which shall be subject to the revision of the `Department, so that it may adopt the whole or part of the bid, as the interest of the United States may require. Ninety per cent. of tho amount of work done, and materials delivered according to contract price (said amount to be ascertained by an estimate of an agent of the Department appointed for that purposed will be paid from time to time as the work progresses, and ten per rent. retained until the completion of the contract, and. the acceptance of the work, &c., by the agent aforesaid, and be forfeited in the event of non-fulfilment o contract,' $OO Contracts will be awarded only to master-buliders and niechanies ; and the assignment thereof, except by con emit of the Secretary of the Treasury, will be a forfeit ure of the name. [Each preppie' intuit boaccoMpaoled by a written guar antee, signed by two responsible persons (certified to be so by the United StateeDietrict, Judge, or Attorney of the Bald District), in the sum of 55,000 for the whole Work, or of proportionate amount if any part, that the - bidder will when required, if hie proposal be ardepted,anter will a contract and bond, with proper and sufficient securities for its faithful performance. Form of Rend and Certificate required will be fur nished - en application to the Department. t Naos; specifleatiino, and working drawinge will be rxady on the let of November, when they can be had on application to the Departicent. No bid will be comidered unless it fully complies, it all its details, with me requirements of this adver tisement, The proposals must be sent to this Department, ad dtemied, to the Secretary of the Treasury, and plainly endorsed "PROPOSALS FOR THE PERTH AMBOY OUSTOBI HOUSE," and will be opened at one o'clock 'or the last day named for receiving the same. HOWELL COBB, Secretary of the Treasury. i se24-th al t u- tuo24 PROPOSALS FOR ERECTING MARINE BAREAOKS AT PENSAOOLA. FLORIDA. Nari Dar Autumn, Washington, September 21,1857. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed Proposals for build ies Marine Barracks at Pensacola, 'Florida," will bo ro cmved at this department until the Bth day of Novem ber, 1857, at 8 o'clock P, M.. for the construction of the Marine Barracks authorized to be erected at Pensa cOla, Florida, according to the plans and specifications prepared by the direction of the Navy Department, copies of which may be seen at the offices of the com mandants of the Navy-yards et Portsmouth, New Ramp ehire, Boston New York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, and Pensacola, and at the Navy Department. The proposals must be for furnishing all the mate rials and completing the ,work ins manner satisfactory tp the person who may be appointed by the Navy De partment to superintend the same ; and the department deserves the right to reject or accept any . of the propa gate heroin invited, when it deems the Interest of tho United. States requires it. I Ninety per cent. of the amount of work done and the materials delivered will be paid for from time to time, le the work progresses, upon estimates made and certi fied to by the superintendent on the psrt of the United States, and. ten per cent. retained until the completion of the contract and acceptance of the work by the said sriperintondent end department, and be forfeited in the event of non-fulfilment of the contract) provided that no bill AWL NI made for an aliment less than five thousand dollars. , Each proposal roust be accompanied bya written guar antee, signed by two responsible pereorts, Scertified to be so by a navy agent, post-master, district judge, or some other officer of United States,) In the Bum of five thousand dollars, that the bidder will, when required, if his proposal be accepted, enter into a contract and bond with proper and sufficient Security for its faithful Performance.. Bidders are invited to examine the pleas and specill- Cations at the offices herein-before mentioned. - The proposals must be sealed and- addressed to this inopartment, and plainly endorsed, "Proposals for build g Marine Barracks at Pensacola, Florida" The bidder only whose offer may be accepted will be totified, and the contract wilt be forwarded as soon hereafter as practicable, which ho wilt be required to execute within ten days niter itsrecelpt at the postoffico samed by him. All the above work is to be completed in all respects seconding to the plans and specifications within twelve month:eft= and after the date of the contract. ISAAC TOMMY, Secretary of the Navy. se24thir , tN6 !TOWESTERN TRAVELLERS. In URING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS PROM BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST, ( On and after dune let, 1557, TWO DAILY TRAINS leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and all West ern and. South or Northweatetn onion. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 8 16 A. M. connecting with the Mall Train over the Great Penn ;sylvanla Railroad, and arriving in Pittsburgh at 1.20 THE AFTERNOON EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 3 P. li., ;for Harrisburg. THE NIGHT Expriuss TRAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. M., con !nesting with the Lightning Express over the Penney'. yenta Railroad for Pittsburgh, arriving at 1.20 P. B. V - All these trains connect closely at Pittsburg with trains over the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and IC/oicago Railroad, soul its Northern, Southern and Westerd'conneetions.' - • " 1:13 - Passengers for Chicago, Hock Burling. ton, lowa Cityillihruinkee, Dubuque, St. Paul's Medi. !son, and other loading cities In the Northwest, will save one hundred miles of travel and ten hours in Vme, with 'four less changes of cars, by taking this route: E 5 - Passengers for Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo, and Detroit go by this route, and the time is unequalled, !being no miles shorter than by any other route. 07 Passengers for St. Louis, Indianapolis, Terre :Haute, CalrO, and' all points ou the Lower and Upper Mississippi, make less changes of care, and arrive in ad vance of any other route; and to Cincinnati, Colutsbus, , Dayton, Louievillo, and other prominent °Mee, as quick las by an) , other tout°, ' All Western Baggage CHECKED THROUGH and handled with care. FOR THE NORTH The 8.15 A,St, connects closely with Express Trains over the Dauphin road for Wl'Rampart, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo Niagara Falls, and Canada, thus forming the most direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New york. Passengers wilt find this the shortest, cheapest, and most expeditious route to Niagara Falls and Canada. Through Tickets are issued to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at $3 each, each truth having sure connections. 'Passengers by this route avoid treaselled bridges, and ail the inconvenience of ferrying across the Stagnates's river.' Passengers for Hanover, Manchester, tiettyaburg Em. mittsburg, Carlisle, Chatebersberg, go by the trains at 5,15 A. M., and 3 P. M. WEBTHINBTEft BRANCH. , The Oars on this road make one trip Rer day, connect ing with the train at 3 P. M. For THROUGH TIOKETS and further information, apply at the Ticket Office, (htlysrt Station, N. D. corner of Calvert and 'Franklin Mute. 'sepp-tf 0.0, AMMON, Sup't. [JAVANA CIGAR went, nob u Figaro, Portages, Cabanas, Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter Oologo, .. OOnrerilantes, ' Torrey Lopes, Linton merleana, Orejon, ' Flora Oubana, Sm., eca., ho., In 3i, - ,l‘, 14 and 140 oxen , Of 01,94esfrqd, quail ties, in store and COna I Sig and Yew sale , taili, l l:lM,3 A by , , , LI LES TRT.IO, (now) laB WALIsItIT Street, below Second, secoad,erary tiVIARO, 6ABANAS AND PAIitAGAS BENANS.--s choice tarok* of Ulm celebrated brands on board brig "Neer Ers, , , , dolly ospeeted from Omens, and fee sale lonAltts TETti f - • (Now) 12 , 11 'Walnut street, below Second, • - - Second Stoll. BALE' ROPE.—Buyers are invltol to call and examine our Manila Dale Rope, whiph Ire can can soll as low as American, and, warrant superibr in strength and auribittty: - • I NNAVNR,' YITLNIt tr... an 1 No. 28 Ni Wlterat. /Ind 22N. Wharves. ANI L ROPE.—SUPERIOR MA LTA NMI* ROPE; Inandraeittred and for sale by. WEAVER, FITLER CO., ' •see.br OR. Widellot. ins 72 N:Whitirog, tittELCOME RANGE.—SOLD By CHAD WIOS & BRO. 202 N. OROOND at, aulB-gm , fjats, eaves, &r Wasbington, Sept, 17,1357 (tobacco attb (Eigars A handsome assort- f ,!,;,,H, , ]!1 N; PREgS.—K PIIIIItADELA.; r 1 TfruRSDAY, oCroßEtt 8, 1857. Wines anb tiquore. OLD WHEAT WHISKEY.—E. P. MD inivroN & 11110111 BR, hi:viler:l of Wines, Bran dies, &e. • Also, sole proprietors of tho Old Wheat Whiskey, No. 5 North Front Street. sepl7.lin • DORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de bontaro 250 casks St. Joseph's Pure Juice Port Wino, in qrs. and eighths. Tan puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt Scotch Wills. key, 2 years old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. Marott, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Dupuy Brandies, al of which I offer to the trade at reduced prices. JOS. E. TOBIAS, auTianos 80 And 90 8. Front St., below Walnut. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Southeast Corner o OEOROE and SOUTH Streots. aul-ly CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER . IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, dco., 20 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly BRANDIES.—Pinet, Castillon & Co., Ma rote & Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes awl quarter casks i Pollevoistu Rochelle Brandies, polo and dark, in half pipes, quarter tasks and one•eigbth casks, all in Custom House stores, Imported and for sale by HENRY BOTILEN & CO., au 6 Noa. 221 and 223 South Fourth street. IThITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE .IL/ AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (now No. PM North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shipping orders promptly attended to. and-ti otele attll ticotanranto 91111 E OLD STAR HOTEL IN HARMONY 1 0017 R T.—The public are respectfully informed that the OLD STAR HOTEL is still in existence. The proprietor will be glad to see his old friends, and pro mises to furnish them with a superior quality of Ale, Wines, and Liquors. lie feels assured, thht on paying him a visit they will not be disappointed. Ito so also prepared to furnish Oysters in erory style, at the shortest notice. Lunch from 10 to 19 o'clock. @EMI WILLIAM HANNING'S CITY LAGER BEER SALOON, No. 232 Carter's Alley, Phila deljAtis. asp22,4int iIIoGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH west corner of BROAD and WALNUT.—Cfayee and all other delicaciea in season. Families Implied with Oysters on the shortest notice. eepo,bn ift NoRERCHANTS ' R OTF,L, lIPOILETH STREET, , ABOVS Wen; , PHILADELPHIA. stiSt-tf HoEIDDEN & BONS, P,ROPISIZIO.AB SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street snd Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. MARKER, Proprietor. aul3-3m Wants. rfifi AGENTS WANTED.—A H0ME t."511.7 STEAD FOR $lO !—Third Division —5310,000 worth of Farms and Building Lots, in the gold region, of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 7th of Deeember, 1857. Sub scriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a learm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold, and a company of settlers called the " Rappahannock Pioneer Association" is now farming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 45.000 acres of land, In different parts of Virginia, now at`command, and will be sold to settlers at from $l. up to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable titles will in all eases be given. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmers,_&c., are wanted, and five hundred Agents to' obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given, Some agents write that they are making $2OO per month. Mir full particulars, subscriptions, agencies, &c., apply to E. 'BAUDE, au24-tf Port Royal, Caroline county, Va. Tomnneeion ilicycijants ir Ti. CHASE & CO. as • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING CLOVER SEED On consignment from the interior 01 Pennsylvania, where our new Oleaoing Mill is now in general ueo. ir7" Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP always on hand. 5012.41 HANDY & BRENNER-COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers In Foreign and Arne. rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, East aide, shovel:immerse street, Philadelphia. ant-if CLIARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA. NEGARS, (New) 138 Walnut street. second story. and-ly ' ARD.—THE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECT FULLY Inform their friends and the trade gener aly that they have made arrangements for one of their I P Hoye's leaving ,monthly for the French and German Markets. iFrocn many years' experience, the permanent reel dime° in Paris of two of the firm and en abundant capital, they can offer unusual facilities for THE PUR CHASE ON COMMISSION ha any of the European markets for shipment direct. They are also prepared to receive orders from samples ter Flowers and Feathers from their extensive and well khown manufactories in Paris, to be shipped direct, either under bond or duty paid. HENDERSON, SMYTH & CO. Importers, . I aulo-2m* No. 200 liroalway. Sire proof Oafeo SALAMANDER SAFES A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAVES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores, DANE LOOKS ' E to any now in toe. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &0., On se good terms as any other establishment in the United States, by EVANS & WATSON, No. al South YOUTH street, Philadelphia PLEASE GIVE VS A OALL. aul3-tf COAL.—Tbo very best assortment of LE T—, MIMI and SCITUYLKILL COAL on band, in 0110 AD Street, second yard above Vine street. sel4•lw HOWELL DORMAN. 220) LBS. IS A TON.-BUYERS and conanmere are Invited to examine our stock of "LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK lIIIATII COAL." Oar Coal Is selected expreasly for family use; being carefully screened, we will warrant it free from slate and dust. "We sell 2240 lbe " being 210 lbs. more' , than sold by retail dealerS, at "25 touts Ines per ton." Also, on hand a. full supply of " ftROAD TOP SITU MINOUS COAL" for Steam-generating, Blackemithing, end pummel. This Coal cannot be ex, Celled. Yards, BROAD and VINE—Big Sign, , •2210 LBS. IS A TON. [aeB.3m] LEI LUTON & CO (1 . 0A L I COAL! COAL !—TAGGART's Iv CELEBRATED MINN MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. 17.& R. OARTER'S GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SOIIIIYL EILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. - - There Is no Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality those, and a trial will convince any one of their great Supesiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust and all impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the :VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Mee, No 151 SOIIIR FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders; left at our Yard, DALLOWWILL street, below tROAD area. Orders left at our Wharf. WATER street, above UAL LOWIIILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Post will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family um will do well to call and el ;amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. aut-tf 1101tUCK. MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct trout the Company's ➢lines, and the only outhunted 'agents, by retail, south of Kensington. Also Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, T. TREADWAY, Swanson street, ati2o-2so] let Wharf abovo Washington, eouthwar h S.CHUYLKILL AND 'LEHIGH COAL.- I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality 0.. 'ESCIILTYLKILL AND LEMON COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. irr No inferior Ooal kept at thia establishment to loiter at LOW PRIORS. ALEXANDER CONVERY, N. E. corner of Broad and Cherry Ste ANT) SCHUYLKILL COAL.— .iLa DALY, PORTER & CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on band, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. au 1.6 m LUMBER AND COAL.--MONTGOMERY & NEALL having connected the Coal with the Lumber business, inform their friends that they have made contracts for a supply of the beet qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal and aro now ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Primo streets. Order; may be left with Mr. 8. fi/LPATRION, No. 23 Li. SIBTII street, or with Idr. Wlif. D. NEALL, corner PINE and WATER streets. ar,lB.3ni PIIILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY N. W. Car. MIND awl CRESNUT Sts. L. PELOUZE & RON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their now SpEQIMEN nom is now ready, and from their Increased Iscilitica, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing' Establiehment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the, business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justides them in asserting that they can furnish s more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them praTioug to parchaning elsewhere. Old typo taken st 9 cents per pound, in exchange for now at specimen prices.. IIIIIE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forward, PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZII, RANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by He own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the 'principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. E. S. SANDFORD, General Superintendent NIARCITANT" , DRYSTALOORAPIII3, OR THOTOGRAPLUO MINIATURES IN OIL, N.,E. corner of EIGUTII and LOCUST. The above pictures differ essentially from anything over before olfored to the public. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary tninutenosm and accuracy of detail, Insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or dealt* which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the questien,of their pertnanence. Thwie facts enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the publieand to his frionds t They are Secured by lettere patent, to, end ' can be had ONLY of ; 4. D. MARMOT.' 11:7 - Portraits of he cabinet, and life size on canvas as heretorpre. CLOVER SEED.OTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOSEKDDPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purChase for cash, prime Clover Seed of 018 how crop: Pennsylvania storekeepers ntuly farmers, by sending samples to our ruldrebe, bani at'all timekj snide - dant the price at which we are buying. Partle'Pavishlng , samples, by which to be governed as to quality, can have them Sent liptn4U, by ruhlressing us. • . J. U. CHASE & CO, senlo4l 43 North Pont, and 44 NVatnr streets ROSIN.--450013ARRELS SOA2MAICF,RS' . 2 -11 0 ROSIN, to arrive per echoorieri J., 11, Flaanpr. For male by DIARTIN ea nuciAtnerEn, AU* UP North lour drat, rIIOIOE FARM LANDS FOR SALE.- TUE ILLINONCENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY le now prepared to sell about 1,1100,000 acres of choice Panning lands, in tracts of 40 acres and upwards, on long credits, and at low rates of interest. These lands wore granted by the Omen:vent to aid In the construction of this Bead, and are among the richest and most fertile in the world. They extend from North-East and North-West, through the middle of the State, to the extreme South, and include every variety of climate and productiona found between these parallels of latitude. The Northern portion is chiefly prairie, Interspersed with fine groves, and in the middle and Southern sections timber predominates, alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. The climate is mere healthy, mild and equable, than any other part of the eountry—the air is pure and In a wciantge„, w ab h o l u lo o ltving streams and springs of excellent Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, and supplies a cheap and desirable fuel, being furnished at many points at 52 to El Per ton—and wood can be had at the same rate per cord, Building Stone of excellent quality also abounds, which can be procured for little morn than the expense of transportation. The groat fertility of these lands, which are a black rich mould, from two to five feet deep, and gently roll ing; their contiguity to this road, by which every loci lity is furnished for travel and transportation to the principal oalirkots North, South, Eflat West, and the economy with which they can be cliltlvattd, render them the most valuable Investment that can ha found, and present the most favorable opportunity for persona of industrious habits and small means to acquire a com fortable independence in a few years. uhicago is now the greatest grain market lathe world; and the facility and economy with which the products of these lands can be transported to that market, :nuke them much more profitable, at the prices asked, tha n those mere remote at government rates, as the addi !knot cost of transportation is a perpetual tax on the fatter, which must be borne by the producer, in the re duced price he receives for his grain, he. The title is perfect—and when the final payments are made, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, end In Idiom the title is tooted, to the par chimera, which convoy to them absolute titles in fee sim ple:, free and clear of every inattmbrasce, lion or mort gage. The prices are from St to $00: interest only 3 per ct. Twenty per ct will be deducted from the price for cash. T ose who purchase on long credit, give notes payable in tSS, three, four, five and eixyears after date, and are required to improve one-tenth annually for Ave yearn. so as to have one-half the land under cultivation at the end of that time. JOHN OORLEY Competent surveyors will accompany those who wish to examine thaso Lands, We of cbarire, and aid them to malting selections. The Lands remaining unsold are as rich and valuable as thus which have boon disposed of. Will be sent to any ono who will mine fifty canto in postage stamps, and books or pamphlets containing nu menus instances of successful farming, signed by ro spectable and well known farmers living iu the neigh borhood of the Railrod lARPI4, ihrotighoo the State— also the cost of fencing, price of cattle, expena of har vesting, threshing, ete.,—or any other Information—. will be cheerfully given on application, either personally or by letter, in English, Branch, or Garman, addressed to lOUN WILSON, Land Commissioner of the Illinois Central R. It Co. Office in Illinois Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, Il linois. aul 11031ESTEAD FOR $2,001 lAND DIS- E_E-TRIBUTION!! CILANCE VOL POOR MEN!! The Northwestern Mutual Land Bonen Association will make a grand distribution of 030.000 worth of real estate and maps to its members. The number of mem been is limited to 10,000. $2 00 and five letter stamps per membership, or a share Any individual sending $lO and the stamps, shall be eutitied to six shares, or any person sending $lO with six names, with t headdress of each, carefully written, shall bo entitled told." shares The distribution will be mode in Chicago, dept. 26th, 1857. The following to the real estate to bo distributed : No 1. Au improved farm of 30 acres in Cooke Co., Illinois, allied at ROO No 2. Au improved farm of 160 acres in White. sides Co , Illinois, valued at 8,000 No a. An Improved farm of 160 acres In White side, Co., Illinois, valued at 3,000 No, 4 Au excellent private residents in Dubuque, lowa, valued at 3,000 No 6. 160 acres soperior farm land In Cooke Co,, Illinois, valued at 2,000 No. 0. 160 acres well pine timbered in Waupleca Co., Wisconsin, valued of 2,000 No 7. A good lot and cottage residence la Olal cago, Illinois, valued at 2,000 No. 8. 150 acres superior land in Whiteaides Co., 1111nole, valued at 1.000 No. 9 100 acres good land In Chippeway Co., Wisconsin, valued at 060 No 10. 104 actes good land in Chippeway Wisconsin, valued at . 980 No. 11. 160 acres good land In Chippeway Co., Wisconsin, valued at 600 No 12, 160 acres good land in Dunn Co., Wis consin, valued at 800 No. 13. 80 aeres good land In Marshall Co., lowa, slued at 600 No. 11. 80 acres good laud in klarahallOo , lowa, aaluod at 600 No 15. 80 acres good . land in Marshall Co., lowa, - valued at COO N 0.16. 40 acres good land In Starshalleo., lowa, valued at 800 No. 17. 40 acres good land In Lion Co., lowa, val ued at 300 Nn. 18. 40 acres good land In LkeiCo ,lowa, val ued at 300 N 0.19. 40 acres good land in Linn 00 , lowa, val ued at 300 No. 20. One building lot in Dubuque, lowa, val ued at 80 0 No 21. One building lot in Sterling, Minato, valued at 800 No 22. One building lot In Sterling, valued at 800 No. 23. Ono building lot in Skirling, Illinois, valued at 800 No. 24. 40 acres farm land In Grant CO., Wiscon sin, valued at 800 No. 25 40 acres farm land In Grant Co., Vristron sin, valued at 800 No. 20. 40 acres land In firma Co Wieconaln valued at 240 No. 27. 40 acres land In Grant CO., Wisconsin, valued at 240 No 20. 40 acrea land in Crawford CO., Wieconsin, valued at 200 tso. 20 40 acres land In Crawford Co., Wisconsin, valued at . 200 Nu 30. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No 31. 40 acres land in Monroe Co., Wleconain, raked at 200 No. 32 40 acres land in Monroe Co., Wieconsin, valued at 200 No. 33. 40 acres land in Jackson Co., Wisconsin, , valued at 200 No. 34. 40 acres laud in Jackson Co., Wisconski, valued at 200 No 35. 40 acres land In Bad Axe Co.,Wisconsin, valued at 160 No. 311 40 acres land in Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin. valued at 100 No. 37. 40 acres land In Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at ' - 160 No as. one lot In Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 No 39. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 Ne 40 One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 Thu distribution will bo conducted fairly and honor ably. Tho flume and addrose of stockholders shall bo mitten on as many small cards as they have chance, and the whsle placed In a box, and the first name taken out shall ho entitled to the Improved farm No. 1, lu the above list, and the next taken out will be entitled to No. 2, and so on until the 40 items of real estate aro all distributed Then to each of the remaining 14,980 stockholders will be sent a cheap map of a Western Slate or Territory. A full accolint of the distribution will be font anted in a printed circular, to each member of the Association, with the names and address of such as may receive the real estate—to whom also tho deed. will bo sent and immediate possesalon given. Each ap plication must bo accompanied with $2.00 and five letter gawps. Address LINDELL, JONES rt CO., au-I3 Chicago, Illinois. y OCAL FREIGHT NOTIC E-T H E .1-1 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive and forwanl FREIGILT between Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Columbia,' at the following rates per hundred pounds: BETWEEN MLA, AND COLUMBIA. First Class. Second Olass. Third Chas. Fourth Class 22 cts. 18 cts 16 do. 14 cts. Fleur, 18 eta. per barrel. Pig metal, 10 cts:por 100 pounds. BETWEEN` PUMA. AND LAM/ASTER. Shit Olari. Second Oleos. Third Olato. Fourth Ohm 20 eta. 17 ate. 15 cte. /8 eta. Flour, 25 eta. per barrel. Pig Metal, 10 els per 100 pounds ARTICLES OR FIRST CLASS. ]looks, 'Stash Dish, Doote and Shoes, Nuts in Doge, Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter and AleIA bottles, Dry Goods, Poultry In coope, kegs . Pork, (fresh,' Furniture, Poultry, (dressed,) Feathers, Wrappiog Paper ARTIOLPS OP '2O OLAN3. Apples, 1110 lapsed Cheese. Melons, Clover and Grass Reed, 01ls in casks or barrel'', Ci ockory, Papor in boxes, Candles, Pasteboard Casks or Barrola, (empty.) Peaches, (dtiod,) Groceries, ' Priothig Paper, (Inns and Rifles, l'aper Hangings, Herring In boxes and kegs, Rovenswaru, Hardware, Se oet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco in bales, Iron, hoop, baud, or sheet, Tea, Leather, Type, Liquor in wood, Tallow, Marble Slabs and Marble Turpentine, (apts.!) Monuments, Yin oisb. ARTICLES OF An CLASS. ,Alcohol, Potatoes, 'Coffee, ' Turnips, Hides, (green,) Vinegar, Lard, ' ' , ' White Lead, Oysters &Clams, (In shell) Window Ulan, Tobacco, (manufactured) KIITIOVES OF , are CLASS, i Codfish, Rosin, Cotton, Salt, Fish, ratted, Tobacco, (leaf,) Grain of all kinds, Tin, Nails and Spikes, Tar, Pitch, Whiskey, Planter. ID- For further Information apply to R. J. SNEERER. Freight Agent,Thila. E. K. BOlCE,lllreighi. Agent, Coltnbia. 101.3] W 11.11YERS, Freight Agent, Lancaster, PIIBLIO L AMP S.—TILE PU43LIC IS respectfully Informed that Offices have Leen cloned by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give Information respect ing accidents which may happen to tho Public Lamps; or of any fallout in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph tinily, No. 512 Queen mireet,Third Ward; Charles OartY, No. 18 South Seventh street, Plinth WareJ; ftiram I(,rk, No. 143.3 Ilutchi»sou street, Twentieth Ward; M, W. Deshong, No. 2231 Coates erect, Fifteenth Ward; Thos.V. llowlby, oas Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philadelphia;) M U. Ill'Fadden, One Office, Tu enty- Second Ward, (Germantown;) Win N. Market, (las Unite Twenty-Third Ward (Frankford,) end at the Gas (Alice in Seventh street, below Market: Ily order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia CMS Works. ' 'A, ocl- Gat Ezipetintendent of Distribution. ' FITORTANT IMPROVEMENT-- NEW CAS CONSUMING FURNACE. CIASOIV'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the moat severe lost, daring the two COLD WINTERS or UN AND 180, has proved to bo the most powerful heater in the world, oaring from x the fuel ovorany of the boat furnaces now in use. TIIRSR FURNACES are constructed with a cast iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-briers or iron staves. The fire pot is surmount ed with A EERIES OF CONES, Oa TAPERING riAintons, large and broad at their sage, hut tapering to anion aper tures at the top, and uniting with the mauler chamber, through which the ite:it and smoke pass to the due. Tue wainbc products of combustion in' the form of smoke and asses, are suspended directly user the lire, CONPINEDOY compreesed Into the tapering Com and CONTINUALLY ooroeut, to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the are. This beat and light is brought to a Foes in IAOII CONE, not unlike the COLLECTION OF TUE NUN'S NATO; toe focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the SMOKE AND OASES to becomo intensely heated and tho roughly °owner , by this operation the DROSS AND OASES are MADE EQUALLY ,ATAILABLS with the yen ITSRLY for heating vurpußee, while, In other Maims, Hien/MED ore AND WASTED IN TUB CHIMNEY. . _ All persons desirous of obtaining tha best and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fall to examine the New Ws Co lson's') Coon Yunnan before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Summers to S. A. Harrison) No. Eat WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Square. pOLMES' SELF-RIGHTING- SURP AND BOAT.— , TheVtideraiwick are Polo agents fur the sale of DOLMA' SELF-RIDIITINO SURF AND LH% BOAT. Patent right for States or cities or boats ready for uao, can be obtained by applying to BISHOP, DIMOND, A. 00., So North wharred. ,i~li~ ccUait~c^t*,~. SECTIONAL MAPS Jnettratut Qtompatties MEM ;t'RING IiARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CAUL, AND HEOURELE INVESTED, W. CORNER, OF SIXTH AND WOOD STS , SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John II Dohnert, Henry M. Phil a, David Woelpper, Lewis Shinnack Benjamin Davis, John Lundell, John Evans, Jr Charles Field, Auley AI. Park, William E . Woo . Jame Burnell, John D. Stevenson, Jacob S. Mintzer, Corwin Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, George R. Childs JOHN H DOHNIIRT, President L. ICRUMBHAAR, Secretary. sept '2l—ly OFFIO , N 'NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- .01 OFFICE 414 WALNUT St., Franklin Buildings. FIRE AND IiTARINE INSURANCE CAPITAL 1100,000, WITH PRIVILEOE TO INCREASE TO 600,000. This Company is now fully organ nod, and prepared to make all kinds of Insuraneo against loss or damage by Fire and Marino Perils, at current ratoa. OFFIOEII4. 11. 0. LAIOIIIILIN, President. lIICUARD SHIELDS, Vico President. CEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIRCOTORS. 11. O. Laugh D Sherwood, Wio. Osborne, Itiehard Shields, T. F. Showell, OWAR..6 George, MIDMor, W. O. Stotesbury, R. M. Carina, 0. 0. Butler, (leo. Scutt FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. FRANKLIN BUILDINOS, No. 91 WALNUT STREET. AUTHOR C IZED APITAL, $600,000. (FULL. AMOUNT SUBSCRIBED.) Invested as followa First Donde and Mortgagee on Property in the City of Philadelphia $115,000 Stooks worth par 222,100 Oath on hand 51,190 Amount secured by Stock notes 190,000 Amount of Stock due on call 1,710 $600,1)30 This Company effects insurances on Buildings, Mer chandise, Fjirniture, Lumbar, dtc.; ou Peasela, Cargo, aud . Proiglir, to all ports, and by Railroad, Lakoa, and Rivera, at the lovrost rates, and upon the most liberal toms, guarantying Prompt Payment on the adjustment of 10590 R. K7 - Perpotnal Insurance made upon the usual terms. DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, W . F. Leech, 0. N. Spangler, N. T. Rimini, Ahem. Rex, 11. II Houston, 'Win. U. Woods, Joe. It Witheni, George Howell, Abr'm P Lyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. ,C. U. Sower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John U. Lewars, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan R. Potts, N. Burroughs, PERCIVAL M. I OTTS, President, C. L. SPANGLER, Vice Prea't , W. 11. WOODS, Sec , Aug IS-ly B. T. KENBIL, Treasurer. QUAKER CITY INSURANCE .I._ COMPANY, Office No. 408 (late 92) WALNUT St. Capital and Surplus, $250,000. This Company continues to make Insurance against loss or damage by Fire and the Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation, at current rates. OPPICERS. President—(l EO. H. HART Vico President—E. I'. ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H. It COOOI3IIALL. Assistant Secretary--S. II LITTLER. ACTORS. George 11. Ilart, E. I'. Ross, A . Cattail, Joseph Edwards, John G Delo, Mom Maury M. Fuller, Foster tl Pe, kiwi, John H. Chambers, an B.ly E. W. Batley, Charles 0. Imlay, Wm D. Lewis, Jr., J L. Pomeroy, Andrew IT.. Chambers, U. It Coggshall, Samuel Jones, M. D., A. Y. Cheesbrough. 1311ILADELPIIIA FIRE AND LIFE IN- A SURANCE COMPANY, incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania In 1818, are now established In their NEW OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, where tbey erg prepared to make ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE, from LOSS BY FIRE, ou property of ovary description, In Town or Country, including PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES. FACTORIES and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, Au. Alm, lIERCHANDIZE of all Muds; STOOKS OF GOOK Roche of COUNTRY STORES, Goode on STORAGE or in BOND, STOCKS and TOOLS of AR. TIVIOEIIS and MECHANICS; FURNITURE, JEW. ELRY, FIXTURES, Ac 3ce.. Ac. Ac., at moderate rates of premium, and for any period of time. Vile Company refer to their pant career as an ample guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their 1.053118. There are at this time no ungettled claims against them. ROBERT P. KING, Presq. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Ptea't FRANOT9 111. immense, See'y. ant-3m ,IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM- E l'ANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIEN INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeagt Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, 5613,125 03. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole Itirni of life—greets annuities and endowments—pur chases life on interests in Real Estate, mid makes all r contraots depending ou the contingencieg of Life. They act 11H Executers, Adminintrittore, Assignees, Trustees and Quantizing 'MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT in any amount-- Piro Per Cent. Interest allowed from date of deposit, payable Lack on demand without notice. AMETS OP VIE COMPANY, January lot, 1857. Loans of the State of Pennsylvania, Phila., dolphin City, Pen,t'a Railroad, Camden and Amboy Railroad, and othor Loans $179,885 88 Ronde, Mortgages and Real Estate . 117,137 19 Stocks an Wake, Insurance, Gas and Ran t road Companies 81,729 08 Premium Notes and Loans on Oollarerals .... 193,602 01 Cash in Bank, due from Agents, Inter , oil, ko 88,780 47 Guarantee Ospital, Subscription Notes 100,000 00 $711,225 03 DANIEL L. MILLER, Prosidont. SAMUEL N. OTOKEO, Vine Presq. Sons W. Hon Non. Sucretarv. aul-ly ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, NEW YOWL—Office, No 29 Wall street, wt.' joining the Mechanics' Dank—Cash Capital, 125090, with a surplus. This Company insure Dulidinge, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels lu port and their Cargoes, and other property, againat 'LOU or Damage by Fire and thu Riau' of Inland Navlgation. DIRECTORS. Joshua L. Pope, Rams It. Craves, Henry Davis, 0. 11. Lilienthal, Theo. Polhemus, Elisha E. Morgan Abel. It. Van Nest, William A. Cary, Thomas 9.Nelson, Jamesvy. Phillips, Charlea 4 . Macy, DhcayLl isickon, Win. E.hepard, Charles L. Frost, Lothrop L. Burgos, William R. Fosdick, Emery Thayer, Geo. Westfeldt, Zahnon Taylor, Henry D. Bloaaom. Henry Grinnell, Caleb Barstow, Henry 0. Brewer, Edmond Pent°ld, Honan K. Corning, Ogden Haggerty, Thomas Nonagon, John 11 Earle, Albert Ward, Cholla Eaton, LOUIS Lorut i Bound G. Glidden, SWIM, Calibrelong, Thomas Scott, John Ward, Henry K. Bogert, Peter Edea, Benjamin 11. Field, A. It. Frothlngham litios. IA- Youngs, Samuel L ALBERT WARD, President. Manna A. OARLET, Bocretary. itulo-ly Ap o N o l 3 .lMTll 3 i . E ,t l o i r S' po l ri !LS o l:l l u t r A an t i d b E; the Stole of Ponnsylvania. Capital, $600,000. Sire, Oariue, and Inland Transportation. DIREOTORES Aaron 8. Lippincott, Charles Wien, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Field, James P. Smyth, Wm. B Thomas, J. Blueldo Sank, Wm. Neal, ' Jelin P. Simons, AARON 8 LRPINPOTT, President. • Wlll A. 8110D.E.9, Tice President. ALPItal WEEKS, Secretary. J W MARTIEN, Surveyor. Thin Company was organised with a cash capital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resources —to observe prudence in conduct inv, its edam, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Office No. 1U Ilerchauts' Exchange, Philadelphia. anl-dly iiiiOlifilEll - 0 - ANTIIE MUTUAL INSU RANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA —Office No. 7L' WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINE RISKS on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISES, per Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other caritagea ALL THE PROFITS divided annually among the As mired, and ample security lu cases of Iva. DlineoToNti. Edward Barris Mica, Thomas T. Butcher, John M. Odeuheinier, Algernon E. Anliburner, Mahlon Williamson, Alfred Fassitt, Samuel J Sharpless, Thomas 8 Footer, Isaac 3 Oune,i, litotAVith English, i ; Henry Preatit, Jalurs W. Ste sip, ' Edward 0 J ames, Alfred SUulc, it illialu 1, Springs, A. li. Candi, F.tatalin C. Jones, Charles it. Carstaire, Omit Haddock, Jr., Samuel Robinsuit, William Taylor, John 0. Kotler, James Ifurphy, John P. StolnE•r, Wm F. Smith, henry (trend)°, A J Antoin, Wm. J Cuiaar, Samuel L. Jroutrborg. EDWARD HARRIS MILES, President. ALFRED FASSITT, Vice President. JOHN 0. KBFFEN, Secretary auLly 'CARTER OAK 1 1.../ INSURANCE COMPA IRE AND MARINE NY OP HARTFORD,CONN, Loam in Phßadelpbit and &hie:villa Office. 'Cash Capital $300,000 . 'vicinity adjusted at the Ph ' Ily leave we refer to I . DS. Brawn. & Co., Ma. Hon. Joel Jones, Phila. ' chalices, Stout & Co., " lion. Rufus Choate, Boston Ilacker, tea & Co., " lion. T. R. Williams, llart'd . We have facilities for p acing any amount of Insu rance in the moot reliable Companies. P fiII.ADELPHIA GENERAL. INSUSANCE AGENCY, No. 411 (old No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON & ROOD, Agents. fIOIIIJIONIVEALTII FIRE INSURANCE 1.. J COMPANY, OF THE WPA'PI, OF PENNSYLVA NIA —Office N. W COTIM FOURTH and WALNUT Strretq, Plinadelplint Subscribed Capital, 1300,000. paid-up Capital. *200.000. DAVID JAYND, M. U president. THOMAS 9 STEWART, Vico Prenl. SAM IL S. Mon, Pecretury. auldy itlerctimit Ctailorz JOHN P. DOHERTY, PER YEARS WITH KELLY k BROTHER,_ LATE WITII LUKENS, KELLY, & 00., • TAILOR Has with him the best tailors that are now engaged in the business In this country : CUARLES ROTA, formerly the leading Tailor of this City; AI KAYSER, formerly Cutter for U ROTH & CO., stellate Coat and Yost Cutter with LUKENS, KEL LY, & CO; lIENRY IYAUNER, oho has just aril, cd, considered InNnw, York the best rants and Vests Cut— ter in the Umidd States, for years cutter o Oh Depierris, under the Irving House ' Broadway, and with Depieirrs Sc. Pettus, under the St Nicholas Hotel s Broadway; The most unremitting attention laud to the i% Ishes of all who patronise the establishment ; tho best of Clothos toads at moderato prices for credit, low prices for cash • se24 EDWARD P. KELLY. LATE KELLY & 11 ROTHER, Having ongaged the bury tees of CHARLES ROTIL, Distinguished for the beauty and excellence of his Ooods•when in the Tailoring Business, has taken tho Store. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AND RASOPENER FOR TEE RALE, AT RETAIL, OF CLOTHS, CASGLO VESSIMERES, HIRTSVESTINGS ko , ORAVATS, , S, Of the beet qualities, at moderate prices. 117- The basiness , of KELLY & BROTHER is re moved, from this date, to No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, where it will be attended to by znry , D P, KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. sefqy y AME S 'SHERIDAN, MERCHANT •F TAILOR, Nos. 16 andlB South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. - - . A- large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and OASSIM.VRES always on hand. All Clothing_ made at this Establishment will be of the beet qualify, awl in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM OLOTII ING. au6-tf gARDINE6.-100 mos' of '6O half boxes cach e store and for sale by , , HENRY BOHLEN & 00 , an th NOR. 221 and 228 A Vonrth street. AGGItEGOR 110 T—AIR FURNADES. sold by 011ADWICIE & 13110., EISCOND Street, Itrot door Om Ram AuglB-Bmoo, Onvings Snubs SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TIKJUST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY.—WALNUT STREET, BOUTII-WEST CORNER OF THIRD, PRILADELPIIIA. INCORPORATED EY TUE STATE OP PENNOTLYANIA. Money is received in auy sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal, The oftlee Is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock kr the evening, and ou Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock HON. HENRY L. lIENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice president. W. J. Bean, Secretary. DIRBOTOBEI Hon. Henry L. Benner, O. Landreth Munna, Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Sarni K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Francis Lee. • • •• This Company confines its business entirely to the receiving of money on interest. The Investments, amounting to over ONE MILLION AND A HALF OF DOLLARS, are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter ? in REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first class securities an will always in sure perfect security to the depositors, and which con not fail to give permanency am! stability to this Insti tution. iaiX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of KY FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from 9 to It, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until o'clock. Largo or small sums received, and paid with. out notice, with FIVE PERCENT, INTEREST, by aback or otherwise. JOHN THOMSON, Pres't. VICE PRESIDENTS TEO& T. TABRER, EDWIN M. LEWIS. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, WM. T. ELBERT. TRUSTERS, Wm. 0. Ludwig, D.C. Levy, Charles E. Lex, A. Macy, Israel W. Morris, Jr., Wm. Neal, Thos. Neilson, Thomas B. Reed, M. D James Russell, Thos. P Bparhawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter Williamson, Isaac B. Waterman, Charles T. Yerkes. John B. Austin, John IL Addieks, Solomon Alter, M. W. Baldwin, Witham Clark, Ephraim Clark, Jr., Charles 8. Contorts, Robert Clark, A. J. Drexel, Charles Dutllh, Wm. B. Roster, Benjamin Gerhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lewis Lewis, Jr., aul-3m N O. (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N O. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND, N 0. 83(241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N O. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. sal-1y illachinern attb Jran STEAM ENGINES, PROBI TWO TO ONE HUNDRED HORSE POWER ALSO, A ROLL A 89011 1 .1185? OP MACHINISTS' TOOLS, SLIDE LATHES, PLANING MACHINES, DRILLS, CHUCKS, MORTISING MACHINES, &o For sale at the MACHINE DEPOT— No. 135 NORTH THIRD STREET. sell luto J. M. lIOLLINOSITEAD •. MMBRIOK. I. VAUGHAN MERRICK WILLIAM H. MIRRIOIL. QOUTITIVARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. • • MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River and Marine service. Boilers,Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Aa , Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, dna Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction Every description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Detonators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac Sole Agents for N. RillienVe Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Niusinyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Rose' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pampa, Superintendent—B. 11, BARTOL. au3-y JICHARD NORRIS St SON, LOCOMO TIVE STEAM ENGINE, BUILDERS, BRTlCCeraterli NTRo6T, HABILTuN, VAIRVINW AND SPRING CiAllUgN fiTitERTS, PHILADELPHIA A. Engaged exclusively in the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufaetare to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Coke, or BIIIIMINOII3 Craton tit nude elate, or ANTHRACITE COAL, IrIIOOIIT OMITTING Ounce, NMI DC MN. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo. tires produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used lu construction are made on the spot, and insure the best wilt., and most reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Com plete Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANY ARTIANGENENT REQUIRED. CHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED AXLES, With Yorgings of any size or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHINE WORK generally. RICHARD NORRIS aul-/Y PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL ER WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE & CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENQINEERS. MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, PLACK. 0.111.T119 AND FOUNDER:9 Raving for many year. been in successful operation, awl been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Beats, Water Tanks, Propellers, &0.,&c., respectfully offer their sertiees to the public, as b eing fully prepared to contract for Engines of all sizes, Marino, River, and Stationary, Having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute order' with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. Lligh and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, of the beat Pennsylvania char coal iron Forgings of all sines and blade; Iron and Braes Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications (or all work done at their establishment free of charm and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room (or re palm of boats, where they Ban /ay in perfect safety, and ore provided with shears, blocks, falls, ace., &e (or rnialag heavy or light weights. . . . . TllOlll4B .11,1SANEY, J4OOB G. NEAFIE, 401 IN P. Liiyy, aul-y DVACT( end PAVll.l3llStreets, ISensington .TIANDY & ?if OR MS 4AKTFAcrunos Cy CUMBERLiIND WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR GAS, STEAM OR WATER 4140, CLENEI34I. IPON COMAiiSSION ATERCHVS Warehonee 8. E. corner FRONT and WALNUT. au 1-3121 Illebirines N I N.V TEENTII CENTURT !—TIIE .1 GREAT REMEDY op Tuo NINETEENTLI CENTURY IS TUE ,IMPERIAL okipußATivE. niis is now toe great standard remedy for diseases of do Bloat!, Stomach and liver. If you hare a Cancerous or Scrofulous affection, at once use the imperial Llepurative. Tetzer.--hre you troubled with this obstinate and un pleasant disease? Use the Impertai pepurativa. Try but one bottle. Hato you White eweliigq Hip Disease, or Glandular Sirelllaga The imperial Depurative will effect &cure. Try it... • For Pimpled, Blotched sudEraptlorisot the Skin gene rally, you have a prompt and certain remedy in the fin perm/ Deyurative. One bottle will datialy you of its efficacy Use the Imperial Depurative, if you would have a clear, healthful, and beautiful complexion. Use the Impetus! Depurrittre for a dideased elate of tha Ltver or Stomach for females of a weak and debilitated habit Ett4 shut tered nerves, the Imperial Depuniiive 13 just what is required to re-invigorate the frame and restore the ner vous system to a healthy stale We know the full value of this great remedy, as we ale using it every day in an extensive practice, and eee its great curative powers manifested iu numerous cases. We know It has uu equal in this country. Thu careful preparation, great purity and strength of the Imperial De puralme readers large doses or long continued use of it unnecessary. It acts directly upon the diseased part, and it is not iircessary to wait mouths to discover the benefits to be gained If you wish to portly and enrich the Dloo.l, and pre vent thaease, as well au cure it at this season of the year, nee ope or two bottles of the Impo nit Depurati es, and we will guarantee its beneficial filled*. Prepared by Dr. LOUNDBERRY it CO., and for sale at the Principal Office, No. GO North Fifth street, three doors below Arch, where patients may consult Dr. L. daily, free of charge The Imperial Delnirative IC the great remedy of the nineteenth century. auj•tf I[_TEUMBOLD'i GENUINE PREPARA .I. ii TION, 'F./tract Buchu, for all Diseases of the Blad der, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated Buffoon., HELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Beau, removes all the symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to eXertion, Lose of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Leith, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the isluerular System, often enor mous Appotito or Dyayeptic Symptome, lit tlande Flushings of the Body, Dryness at the Skin, Palibl Countenance, Eruptions on the Fee* , . Peiei iu the Back, IleavineAu of the Eye Lids, frequently Black Spots dying before the Eyes, with temporary Suffamon, Loss of Sight. If those symptoris are allowed to go on, which this me dicine invariably remover, soon follow Fatuity and Epi leptic Fitn. IF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY of the above dlitreming aihnente, use REIM BOLD'S PREPARATIONS. Try them, and be convinced of their efficacy. ITELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA _Lit RATION, Extmot Euehu, °lvo health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek !" And are so pleasant in their taste, that patients be come fund of them. 1114E1,11180L1Y 3 GENUINE PREFAB A.- Extrnet Duchu—ere overwhelming enden coo which will bo produced to show that they do great good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open fur the inspection of all HELMBOLD'H GENUINE PREPA.RA- Eitract Huhu —Price $1 per Dottie, de livered to any address. Depot, 63 South TENTH street, Assembly Dualding, below CHESTNUT street, Philadel phia. Address letters, H. T. fiELMBOLD, 52 South TENTH strevt, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia Sold by Druggists and Dealera everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits au7-21.u* ilooto anti floc° 442,_ SOUTHEAST CORNER OF .t 1 MARKET and FIFTH Stroets. Gentlemen's Best Patent Leather Gaiter Boots. " Calf do. do. it Patent Leather Oxford Ties. Calf do. do. cc Patent Leather and Calf narrow strap Shoes. Boys , and Youths , Patent Leather and Calf Skin Gaiterßoots and Shoes, aut-If For sale by GEO. W. TAYLOR. FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. --JOSEPII 11. TUOMPSON k CO., No. 314 MAX KET Street, and Nos. 3 and 6 FRANKLIN PLAOII, have new in store a large and welLassorted stook a BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, whirls they offer for sale on the best terms for Cash, or on the usual credit. Buyers are invited to call end examine their stook. aul•dtt COAOII, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Fact ory or E. ' ussuEns, No.loo (late 43) South EIGHTH, helot{ Chestnut greet, has become a saving of 60 per cent , to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN 61filt0HANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps now eilver.topped and bottomed, and mat D 7 onpren to all party, mai kr IESOLUTION VROPOSIN(' "jr:IP). 11. MENTS TO THE CONBTITUION monwealth Resolved by the &Ante and Holite tires of the Conzoiontotolth of Pennsykanin in Gen eral Aw..m/y no• I. Th it the following amendments are proposed to the Colstltutl..o of the Commonwaltb. to accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof. Then: be an a idit.oniti articia to said Cornititu 'on to Le. dv,ignalvd ai Krtielto eleven, as follows: Alt7lol. or PUBLIC DI BTM PIiCII..DI I. Thu Sidle may contra,t debts, to rupply casual delielt or failures in revenues or to went expen ses not otherwise provided (or; but lila aggredate amount of such debts direct and contin4ent, wheat , r contracted by Tit toe ul ca.e or tool, acts of the genet it assembly, or at dilbv zit pi rio la ol time,strall to.ver ex ceed tenon huntirt di, ii fitly thousand dollars, and the motley arising !row the crest..o of each debts, shall bo applied to the porpoia fur whub it uuo obtained, or to repay the debts HO contracted, nod to no other pulps...o whatever. SECTION 2 In addition to the above limited weer, the State may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, defend the State in war, or to redeem the prevent outstanding indebtedness of the State; but the money arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which It was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. SECT:ON 3 Except the debts above specified, in sec tions one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of the State. SECTION t. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first aeavion, after the adop tion of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a stun not lees than two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars; which sinking fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the State, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part aereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the State, together with other funds, or resources„ that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by co signing to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the State, not required for the ordinary and current ex pense. of government, and unless in case of war, inva sion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund shall be need Or applied otherwise than in extinguish ment of the public debt, until the amount of each debt is reduced below the sam of fire millions of dollars &SIMON 6. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any individual, company, corporation, or aseociation ; nor shall the Commonwealth hereafter become &joint owner, or stockholder, In any company, aesociatien, or cor ponstion. SVITION S. The Commonwealth shall not &saw, the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, cit.!, borough, or townehip ; or of any corporation, or automation; mu test such debt Audi have beencontracted to enable the State to repel invasion, suppreu domestic insurrection, defend iteelf in time of war, or to assist the State in the discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. Suortos 7. The Legislature shall not authorize any county, city, boroughtournslop, or incorpolated dis trict, by virtue of a vo te of its cations, or otherwise, to become a stockholder In any company, 11880elatiou or corporation ; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, institution or party. C=MIMML=D3 There shall be an additional article to said Conslitn tlon, to be designated as article XII., as follows: ABTIOLI OB NEW COUNTIES No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or otherwise,) without the express assent of such county, by a rote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new county be established, containing lest than tour hundred square miles. slurp atillanatitzir. From section two or the ant article of the Oonatitn- Lieu strike out the words, raj the city of Philadelphia, and of each county respeclively;" from Section five, same article, strike out the words, "of Philadelphia and of the several counties;" from section seveu, same article strike out the words, "neither the clip of Phi ladelphia nor any," and insert In Ilea thereof the wards, "and no;" and strike out "section four, same article," evil in lieu thereof insert the !allowing: 4 ' 8110710 h 4. futile year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, re presentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be apportioined and distributed equally, throughout the State by districts, in proportion to the number of Usea ble lutiabitants In the several parts thereof; except that any county containing at least three thousand five huodrod taxablea, may be allowed a separate represen tation; but no more than three counties shall be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any city containing a sufficient number of taxablee to entitle it to at least two representatives, Shull have separate representation assigned it, and shall be divided into convenient districts of contigroaus territory, of equal taxable population as near aii . taay be, each of which district, shall elect one veßeaeolative." At the end of section ',even, ipso articya, insult these words, " the city of Phiiadeflikta shalt hi divided into sixth aenatortoi districts, of Tunghai.; territory as nearly equal to taxable peps alio* as possible, list sio leant shall be divided its the formation thereof." The legislature, at its first nession, alter the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative districts, in the man ner above provided ; such districta to remain unchanged until the apportionment in the year one thousan4 Nat heated and sixty-four. YOUFp.f.llfliaillyqt There shall be an achliticaat aeci t ou to the g rit art ia, of said Coustitqlipp, which shall be numbered and read a 5 fc.ll9w.m egortom Ed. The logialatura shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may be injurinits to the citizens of the Commonwealth; in such vitw.v, however, that no injustice gall be done to taa corpora tors. Xri 78, March 29,1857. Resolved, That Ilus resolution pass. On the first amendmeot, yeas 2.4, nays 7 ; on the second amendment, yeas 23, nays 8 ; on the third amendment, yeas 24, nays 4; on the fourth amendment, you 23 naya 4. [Extract from the Journal O E O - W. UNIX, Clerk. Ili TIM Roues or ltaralSSlFTSTleas, April '2B, 1851. Resoluta, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 78, nays 12; on the second amendment, yeas 51, nays 31; on the third amendment, yeas 72, nays 52 ; on the fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays T. [Extract from the Journal.] JACOB ZIEGLER, Clerk. Piled in Secretary's; ace, Iday 9,1857. A. G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. SIWILTANY'S 07/ICII, TURRIEBURO, Jane 22,1867. Pennsylvania ss : I ao certify that the above and foregoing Is a lama and correct copy of the original "Resolution proposing amend ments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth," with the veto in each branch of the Legislature upon the final passage thereof, as appears from the originals on filo in this office In testimony ylllll4/ have hereunto net my [Le 3 hand AIM mool to bo affixed the seal of the oralary , a Office, the day and year &trove wrir,3l). A. O CURTIN, &oratory of the Commonwealth. lx aBNATII, March 27,1&57. The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment? Thu yeas nod uaya were taken agreeably to the pro risions of the Conatitution, and wore as follow, Tie: YEAS—Mews. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely, Evan, ' Fetter, Flenniken, Fraser Ingram, Jordan, Kintner, Laubach, Lewis, Slyer, Scofield, Sellers, Sha m Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Tag gart, Speaker-24 , Nara—Masers Grab, °maven, Finney, Gregg, Penrose and Soother-7. So the queetott was determined in the affirmative, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro• visions of the Constitution, and were as follow viz: Yeas—Messrs Brewer, }nowise, Oresswen, Kip, Roane, Fetter, Firetoy, Flenniken, Ingnuu, Jordan, Knox, Lanbach. Lewis, Myer, Belleau, Shaman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, 'Wilkie", Wright and Taggart, Speaker-23 . NATO—Means. Coffey, Crab, Fraser, Gregg, Harris, Hillinger, Penrose and Scofield-8. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as Yeas—Messrs Brewer, Browne, Crabb, Creativell, Ely, Enna, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingrain, Jordan, HiHinter, Rims, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, and Wright —24, Nye—Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose-4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. Cu the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth nmendniert The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro Thlioxii of the Constitution, and were as follow, vie Yeas—ltteesrs Brewer, Browne, Coffey,Cresswell, lily, Evens, Vieunikep, Prater, Ingram, Killinger, Knox, 4 L 144; Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele. Straub, Welsh, Waking and Wright-23. Neva—Messrs Cribb, Finney, Jonlan and Penrose-4 So the question was determined to the affirmative iti TOO 110094 0? RI3PILESIINTATIVIS, April 29. 1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, Will the Rouse agree to the Brit amendment 7 The you and nays were taken agreeably to the prowl mous of the Constitution, and were as follow, via goes—Messrs Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Hickey, Rot, Ryster, Pausold, Foster, (4 ibbonev, Glides, Hornet, Harper, Heins, Iliestand, II ill, ilillegas, Roffman, (Berks.) Imbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight, Lob. souring, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M'Calmout, bl'llvain, Moorhead, Mumma, Munielman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemaelier, Pearson. Peters, Petriken, Penman, Purcell, Ramsey, (Phileilelqhla,) - Ramsey, ((fork,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, ' Smith, (Cambria,) Smith. Cent re ,) Stevenson, lain, Vall,Tanvoorhis, Tickers,l'oeghley,Walter; Westbrook, Wharton, Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman pad Oats, Speaker--79. Nairn—Messrs, Backus, Benson, Dock, Hamillam, Ran cock, Hine, Hoffman, (Labours:o Lebo,Striatkore, Thorn, Warner and Wintrode—n• So the question was determined In the affirmative. On the quest*, Will the /10{130 agree to the second amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi- Mons of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz: Tkae—Messrs. Anderson, Backhonse, Bell, Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Ent, Fansold, Foster, tiodea, Hamel, Harper, Helm Illestand, Ililleg., Goff man, ((Berke,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Innen, Jenkins, Johns,Johnann, Kauffman, Knight, Le iseuringer , Longa ker, Lovett, Maurer, klaugle,M'llvaln, Aloorhead, Mao aelman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemaelier, Pearson, Pe t ers, P etrlk e n, Pownall, Puree 11, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Roberts Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, 'Polio, Vail, Voeghley, Walter, *estbrook, Whuton, Zimmerman and Getz, Spetaker-57. • Nara—Messra. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Benson Illation, Brawn, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eyster, Gib honey, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Hine, Hoffman,(Leh. anon,) Jacobs, Kerr, Lebo, M'Calmont, Mamma, Rued, Smith. (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struth ers, Thorn, Vane - nodele, Vickers, Wagooseller , Warner, Wintrode,Witherow and Wright-34. So the question wan determined in the On the question, Will the House agree to the third amendment? . . The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follows, via : Vans - , Meers Anderson, Backbones, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, 'Spier, Pausold, Fos ter Uibboney Barad, Harperr, Heins, Hiestand, Ilillegas, Harman (Berke) Hoffman,(Lebanon,) llourekeeper, Irubde, Ines, Jacobs, Johns , Johnson, K,,,,ff e iso, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, Menem, m aeg i e, itticalmont, Moorhead, Mumma, dinseelman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Pet liken, arnell, Purcell, Han Pownell, ey, (York) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (o=hrin,) &nth, (Centre) Stevenson, Tobin ; Vail, Vanvonrhis, Vickers, Voegliicy, Wagonseller, R estbrook, Williston, With erow, Wright, Zimmerman and Gets, speaker-12. NATS—Messrs Arthur, Augustine Backus, Bishop, Certy Dock Glides Hamilton , Hancock, Hine lon. kiss,Knight, Leleeniing, Ramsey, (Philadel phia) Roberts,. Struthers Thorn, Walter, Warner, Wharton and Wintrode—V: So the question was determined in the aMrmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pre visions of tho Constitution, and were as follow, via: Yana—Mesare. Anderson,Arthur, Backbones, Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, 'Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford,' Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fannold, Foster, Clibboney,Oildes.ltemel, Harper Heins, Iliestread, Hiles's, Hoffman, (Berke) Hoffman, (Lebanon) Housekeeper, Imbrie, I pan, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kaufman, Kerr,' Lebo, Leiseuring Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, Dl'Calroont, Bl'llvaine, Mumma, blimeelumn, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Pe trllion, Pownall Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Item ee ~er, Seed, Roberts, Rupp,Shaw, Sloan, Bmttis ( Cambria ,? 8m h, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolea, Vanroorhm, Vickers, Poeghley, Weemaselier, Walter, Warner, Westbrook, Wffart,,,,, wi ll i gtax „, Watherar, Zimmerman, and Gets, Speaker-83. Nero—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Struthers, Thorn, Wrritrode and Wright-7. So the question was detenalue4 In the affirmative. ENCUIT/IT'S Orozos, ilrolustrao, Juno 7:2, 154 T. fossoioania, ss. do cortity that the abate and foregoia a Insert correct copy oaths .f Tare , and a Karoo Worn cm tie resolution proposing asneustmenda to the Constant:fon of the Commonwealths as the mane appears oe th e R e , oats of the two 'Howie' of the General Assembly of tb,a Commonwealth for the session of 1841. (. ) Witness my hand and the seal of said °Noe this tut/Ay-secs / A day of June, one thousand eigt hundred and fifty-seven. A. G. CURTIN au3-m3m Secretary of the Commonweatia. tiailroaas PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, tont:meting the At Willie Cities with NVeatesr., North-western , and South western States, by a continnou Railway &rest. MD Hoed al, conueela at Pittaburgb with daily line steaicsri to all point, au the IVestern Rivers, and elevate.' and Sandusky with Steamers to all porta 013 Ow. Sorth- western Lakes; making the moat DIRECT, Cll E APLOP alai RELIABLE I.oti rElm which Freight coil Le for. aided to mad !row the Likk:AT IVE3Y. It VIES LETI'EEZ.I PHILADELPHIA. AND PITTS I; Ron Fiaor Ct. + 1 8.4--Hmts, Shoes, flats, and Cape, Books, Dry Goods (in boxes bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) leathers, Furs, &c ...75e. per PM lb Le COD D CLASS--Domestic Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (In original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Leather, (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts. Eastward, &a Ire —Me. per 100 ti THIRD Ciass—Anrils, Steel, Chains, (in casks), Hemp, Baron and Pork, Salted, (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, manafactured,(except Cigars or cut Ac., Ac 50e., par 100 lb FOURTH CLASS—Coffee, Fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (In casks or bows eastward), Lard and Latd Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, &e 40e. per 100 lb Ftouo-75e. per bbl., until farther notice. GULLS-35c. per 100 lbs., until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadal. phis, be Particular to Kull Package "Dia Pez.l3,h-,24 Ito !boast" An Goode consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will oe forwarded without detention. FIB lons August—Rants, Won:Easy& Co., MemphM, Tenn.; It P. 134188 ic Co , St. Louis, Ho • J. S. Mitchell A Son, Drularine, Ind.; Damesnil, Bell & Murdock, and Carpenter & Jewett, Lewisville, Ey.; B. C. Mel. drum, Madison, Ind.; 11. W. Brown & Co . .1 Irwin A Co., Cincinnati; N. 17. Graham & Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. 54 Kilby street, Boston; Leech & Co., No. 2 Astor notute,New Yetis No. 1 William at. and No. 8 Battery Place, New Yor k; E. J. Speeder. Philadelphia; SLagraw & Koons, Baltimore ; Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. H. HOUSTON General 'might Agent, PhiLadelpida, H. J. LOgß*Eirp. Superintendent, Altoona, NEW YORK LINES.-THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILWIntu AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANV.4, PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YQP:., AND WA PLACES. Leave an follows, via; At I A. 11., from 'Kesisineon Depot, via Jersey FAßß City, Mail g 2 At 6 A. M., via Carmen and Jersey City, New Jer sey Accommodation At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommods lion,• At 2 AM., via Camden and Jersey City, Horning Mail 3 At 10 A. II , by steamboat Trenton, Tie Tacony and Jersey City, Morning Exprehe 3 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press 3 At 5 P. M via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail 3 At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aisicanmoda tion, tat Class 2 At 3 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Ascommcda- Gen, ibue Class. 1 At 6 P. M. ' via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Class 2 At 6P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion' 2nd Class 3 TheO P. M line runs daily, all others Stual:ys• eepted. Express Lines atop at the principal stations only. For Belvidere, Sardon, 3' -Imington, Ac., at 6A. and 4 P. M , from Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbaro Montrose, Great Bend, &t. at 6 A /S., via Delawar Lackawanna at Western Bailoosid. For Freehold, at 6 A. 114. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly at 2 A. M, and 2X and 6 P. M. WAY LINES For Bristol, 'Trenton, &e , at 2X and; P. M, WAY LINE For Palmyra. liancouse, Beverly, Burlingien, Borden town Ike., at 3 P. M. WAY LOP. For Mount. Holly, Burilogtoa sill Way Stations s.t. P. N. Steamboat RICHARD BSOCKP9N for BatWigton sad Bristol at 8% A. Al . and for Bordentown mad interme diate places at 2% P Steamboat TRlgleo..7 for Taeony at 10 and 11% A. Al., and 4 P. I/.. sad for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. TA Sines, except 1 A. IL, leafs Waimea strew • g - Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taring any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All big gage over Oily pounds to be paid for extra. The Cana party limit their responaibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not bo liable tor any amount be yund incept by special contract. Wal. U. tiATZIMII, Agent C. & A. B R. CO. B. R. MORRELL, Agent Phila., Tr. B. B Co VIIANGE OF lIOURS.-P II IL ADE L PHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE BAIL ROAD. On and after Thareday, Jaly 2d, 1857, pA..RwNGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADE L PHIA • For Baltimore at 8 A. Id., 1 P. M., (Fannin) and P. M. For Wilmln,gion at 8 A. M.,1, 4.15 and 11 P. M. For New Castle at 8 A. M., 1 and 4.18 P. M. For Middletown at 8 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover at 8 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 854, Exprees, II A. 51., and 8 25 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6 SO and 11.55 A. M., and 228 and 9.55 P. M. Learn New Castle at 620 and 1.1.65 A. Id., and 005 P.M. M. Leave Middletown at 10.00 A. M. and 8.05 P. M. Leave Dover at 8.60 A. M. and 7 P.ll. Leave Seaford at 7.00 A. M. and 800 P. M. TRAINS TOE BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 9.15 A. M., 2P. M. and 52.37 A. M. SIINDITS only at U P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do. 625 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND HAVRE DE GRACE ACOOILYO DATION TRAIN Leaves Havre de Grace at 6.50 A. M. Leaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train, with Pat/wager Car attached, will ran at follows: Leave Philadelphia for Parris - 81e and intermediate places sa 6.00 P. M. Leave Wilmington for do. do. 8.00 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 600 P. M. :aul-1T 8. M. FELTON, President. PRING ARRANGEALENT.-PENN SYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD.—Bunning in direct connection with the PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAIL ROAD. For CincLantli, St Louie, lowa City, Louisville, Now Orleans, St. Pauli, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Kansas, Terra Haute, Chicago, Nebiasitt. In advance of all other routes out of Philadelphia. Forming close ctoineelios with all the grew Wm. eta Rotiro.li. TIIRORGII TRAIR9 Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and western eltld, from the Penneylrani& Railroad P Station, south-east corner of ELEVENTH and BI T streets, (entrance on Eleyenth street.) as follows : . Mad Train at r—,A. M. Fast Line at 12 53, P. M. Express Mail at 11 00, Night. Columbia R. R. Line leares for Harrisburg at 2 30, P. M., Lancaster )Accommodationd at 4 30, P. M. The Express Mall runs daily, the other trains, Sus, days excepted For further particulars see hand-bills, at the different dining-points. Passengers from the West will flied this the shortest and most expeditious route to l'hilx.ielphis, Baltimore, New Fork or Boston. THOMAS MOORS, Assay, Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Phtladelphta, Pebruaty, UST. and-1y DHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD—SrMILER AR• RANGESIENTS.On and siterSlny bth , 1557. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Plain:lMO:us at 6,7, 6, 910-min., 10, 111 c, A. Al., and 1,2, 3.10 min , 4,5, 8,7, 8,9, 11S, P 51 Leave/ Gennantonn at 6, 7,1-35, 8, 8-10 min., lO 11%4,A M , 1, '2, 3-10 min ,4, 6.6, 7, B,IOX, P. M. The 7-35 o'clock, A. M., train from Gennantoca, not atop at iotarmethate Stattor.a. CS BVIDATO Leave Phila.leiplla at 0-2 C, A. N., 2,9, 10, 5-20 tad Leave Germantown at B-20, 0-70 A. M., I-10, 43,, 15, and 7 P M. CILESTI4UT BILL RAILROAD, Leave Phitedelptaa at 8,8, a-10 min , A.M., 1,6, 8,9, P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill at 7-15, 7-35, 10-10, 11-10, tniai., A.. 51 , 1-40, 3-40, 5-40, 7-40, 10-10 mia , P. 11. OS SIISOSTS. Leave PhilaJelphia at 2-20 A. 11., 2,6 X and 8 P. M. Leave Chestnut Llill at 8 A. M., 12-50, 3-10, ant 8-40, 1' M. On and after May 4th, 195 T. TOR MANAYUNK, CONSHOHOCKEN, AND Nog BISTOWN. r Leave P 11118.1,31010. at 6,9, sad 11, A. M., and 3,4 X, 6X, atallX, P. M. ' LeaTa Norristawa at 1 3 9, snail, A. M., 3, and 6X, P. M. 011 SIIIIDITEI. Leave Philadelphia at Y A. M , and S P. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A. ...IS, P. M. CHESTER VALLEY BAILROAD._IOR DOWNTN TOWN. Leave Philadelphls at 6 A. di , and 9 P. di. Leave Downingtown at Tx A. NI., sad' P. IL aul-ly lINNEN K. SMITH, Gen't PAW. Depot, NINTH and ORENN streets, Philadelphia. ca ttorn ens at Eau) VIIARLES D. EMERY, ATTORNEY AT V LAW, Williamsport, Lyeoming county, P. trill pay particular atte ntion to Securing and Collecting claims, in Lycowing and adjoining counties. mnini Hon J C Knox. Suprema Bench, Philadelphia. Havid Jayne & Son. Phtlal Norcroes St Sheets, Phila Ansoch, Reed & Co , •• Shantz. & Co.. oel-lm% y EWIS S. W E S, ATTORNEY AT -EA LAW, No 2 AIRY STREET, NORRISTOIM PA , htll altervl otth punctuality, and to the hest of his ranlity, to all business entrusted to his care. net-3m A. 3. Ahem. ] MICHEL & KOONTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 28 Camp Stria, Nat. Orlams. BRURENCS3 IN PHILADELPHIA Caleb Cape & Co , 153 Market street. zenith, Murphy & Co , 97 Market street. W. H. Drown & Ce., 103 Market street. (aa37.7sair CIEORGE H. ARMSTRONG. ATTOR ILA NEY AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, 1.344 Lombard etreet. below Broad. sepr-lue. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY 1.1 AT LAW. Southeast Corner of EIGIITQ and COT Streets, Philadelphia. aul.ly TER ST ROUSE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRE street, Pottsville, ri. . ,UAUTZR! LUMBER!!—The subscriber, si-e who has for Revered years occupied the premises at Sloan's Planing Mill, Kensington ? has removed to COATES STREET wilArs, fidioita4 the Phtvilii Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other floor ing boards, steps risers, ahelving, ceiling, fencing and ecaffold boards, thoroeglaly seasoned ami well worked. Per sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and examine for themselves, _awl every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for als kinds and sixes of Southern yellow Pima, Timber and Soantlhig. anl-tf S. S. 1110E1E. ToCARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.— Attention la Invited to the following stock of sea soned LUMBER : 300,000 feet 5-4 Yellow Pine Floor Boards. 250,000 feet 4-4 do do. 30,000 feet 3-1 do do, snitablo for lin ing stores 76,000 feet White Pine Floor Boards. 350,000 feel Spruce Joist, Selling low for sash, to suit the times, and in lots to WI purchasers. ALBERT BRETON, South !ROBE Print OTEL AND MIXER RANGESt... Bokt by OHADVION. IC,NRO., 10S N.I2(NNMS. saglB-amoo. Iw. B. Sown