The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 08, 1857, Image 1

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Otriellt •1110.' 411 CHESNUT -14TREICT
Twzr.viOaita via Wilez, payable to toe earners. glabilaribers colt of the Clity,at Sts DOLLARS
P AsNotir;llOws DOLL/tea 501 Bios? atealttle I PURIM
DocLaaelOtt 131x1foirg, Invariably in adraece for ilte
time ordtired;'-
947, at Mars Dot-
Yak dkiveilf to atiiituee •
WJULT. Paitsa Will. be sent to fiaboorlberm .by
(por tumum, In advanoe,) at - 62 00
Three Oro, • " 600
' .u"
Ten Copies, it
41wenty espies, Ai
Twenty Copies, or °lvry -
aubseriliery, eseh 'I,
0. 03
12 00
0 (to one address).-._ 20 00
(o &Urea of owl'
Fors Cl ub of Twenty-oho' or over, we will seed en
extra coprid the gaiter -up of the °tub. ' •
lU - Toatmaatera era requested to act *caveat for
Tue Wl,7ll[LTTanet
Elitati94 l :S:gsttitre in flllilioFlpbia.
For the benefit of strangers and others who rosy
sire to visit Any of Aur nubile hestitntions, we publish
the annexed list. ' , .
P17.13L10 ZLAGIS OF armassaws.
AcadeMy of Wate r (Operetta) corner of Broad and
Locust streets.
Areli,Street Theatre, Arch, above Bth street • „ ,
Parkinson's Carden, Cheatnot,
„above, Tenth. •
National Theatre and Cirons, 'Walnut, Itbove Eighth:
Sandford!, Opera House,(Ethloplan,) Eleventh, belOvr,
Walnut Street ; Theatre, northeast . c omer,Ninth and
ThoreenNi Varieties, Fifth sad Chestnut. , , , -
Thoraaa's Opera Hone% Arch, below *mantle.
„ 13011MCAB.
Academy nf-Natnral Sciences, corner of; SOW and
George etreete.
Academy of line Arte, Chestnnt, above Tenth.. ,
Artists',.l7nod Uall4ohestuut, above ; -
Prenklhalualltuto, No.ll Smith Seventh street..
Almshouse, west aide of Schuylkill, op p osite float'
Almshouse (Friends% Walnut street, above Third.
Association for the Employment of Toor Wonien, No.
292 Green atreet
Asylum for Lost Children, No. VS North Seventh
Blind Be t es•neir TWeilleth stgeet. , -
Christ unit heap, No.s Cherry street.," .
City Hosintal, Nin nthstreet..near ceetaal `.`•
Clarkion"s Nail, ti ".. 4 165 - Oherry !Street;
' Dlspeillaq.j,lifth; balOW - Oheitnutirtreetr •
'Female Society for the Relief and Employment of the
Poor, No.42.North Soventb'etteati• • • , 1 , •
Onardlitis of the - Poor, *Sloe 'Novfall. North Seveath'
Oerman Society Hell. No. 6 South Seventh 'street. • •
Home for Friendless Children, corner Twenty-.third
and Brown strests.., ,
Indigent Widows ' and Single Wpmeoßociety,'Obeity,
east of Eighteenth street.
Masonic Hell, Chestnut : above Seventh street.
Magdalen Asylum, corner of There end Twenty-first
Northern DisPeneary, No. 1 Spring Garden street.
Orphans , Asylum, (colored,) Thirteenth street, near
Odd Fellows' Hall, Sixth arid Haines street.
Do. do. S. E, corner Br oad '
, d SprOig Oar.
' '
' den streets, •
Do. ' do. Tenth and South, attests.
Do. • do.- Third and Broweetieets. '
Do. do. - Ridge Reed, below Wallace.- '
Pennsylvania hospital, Pine street, between Eighth
and =
Pennsylvania litstitutefor thelnstruetioneftho l lo4l
corner Bare and Twentieth street. , , ,
Pennsylvania Society for Alleidating the Minot:lea Of
Public, Prisons, Sixth 'and Adelphrstreete. ' ' „
Pennsylvania. Training School - for -Idiotic, end Feeble.
Minded Children, School House Lane, Germantdvni,
office No. 152 Walnut steet. . ; ,' .
Philadelphia Orphans , Asylum, northeast eor. Nigh ,
teenthand Cherry - ,
Fronton Detraat;Hansilton; near TWeilleth street.
Providence eimiety;Trune, below Sixth street.
SontheroLDispensary, No. OS Shipper' street. ' ,
Linioll"DinieValent 4asociation,
,W: corner of
Seventh and Satisoni Streets.-- - • • •
Will's Hospital, Race, between Eighteenth and Nine.
teenth streets. • • ••, . • „
St. loseplee Hospital, Chard arum, between Elf
teenth and Sixteenth- • , - •-
•, „
. ,
Epieoopal . Pronf stfliet, between Ranting-,
don and Lehigh avenues, -
Phlladelplua Dospited foiDiseases of the Cheat, S.W.
corner of Chestnut and Perk sfs, West Philadelphia.,
- •'' 51101.10 11117ILVINGS. •
Custom Hoagie, Chestnut street, above Fourth
Comity Prison, Passynnk road, below Reed..
City Tobacco Warehouse, Dock and spruce streets.
Citreentroller's Office, ellran,illank, second story.
Conunissioner Of 'City Property, office, Girard Dank,
second Story. '"
City l'reistareloi Otte; birai4i Bank, second story: ,
City Commissioner's Office' State Hones. •
Cityßolieltnes °fere; Fifth, below Walnut. •
Olty:Watetink Committee's Office? Solithwast corner
Fifth and Chestnut..
parrmount:WaterWorks, Fairmount ; au the *buy).
Girard"TraiieTroviuriea Ofik e , ' Fifth,eliore,Chiatuut.
House of Industry , Catharine, 'Cikideventh'.,
Hones of Industry, Seventh: slum Arch street.:
House of Refuge, (white,) Finish; between Twenty=
second sad Twenty-third street.
Iroise of Refuge; (colored,) Twenty-folirth, between
Parrish and Poplar streets.
Health QUISS,-,Crirner of Sixth and Sansont. -, . •
House of Correction, WWI Hill.
Marina - Ifospital, Gray's Ferry road, leloir Beanstreet. .
Mayor's office, S. W. corner Fifth and 'Chestnut
New Penitentiary, Coates' street, between Twenty.
Brat and Twenty-second streets. • t'
Navy Yard, on the Delewere, corner Front add Prime
Northern liiertlee Gailtorke Maiden , below Front
street. *, •
Poet (Ace, Be. FT Dick 'otrqot, .opposiee the Ex.:
changer. ••
Post Oface, ICensdpgt.on, Queen streeybelow Bhacke-
ZOllOll Street. ' - a,‹ • -
Post Office,' Spring Garden, Twenty-fourth street'and
Pennsylvania Avenue.. ,
Phliadelphle Ezeisange, , corner Third, Walnut and
Dock stroefe,
PhiledelphiallsAlforks,priutiethandlifarket; nalse,
No. 8 S.Devairthltreet. ' • • ' '
PetutaYlvenis Institutifof Deaf and Dumb, ;Woad and
Pine StrOttS," ',"
Penn's Treaty Monument, peach; above Hanover
Pubilo ,D , ,Cotner Brood. and Green
Public ltonnal School, Sergeant, ithOvni Ninth, • •
Reentder's,Offshe, No. 2 State House, east wing.
State noise, Chestnut street,'bettseen Pifth And Sixth
Sheriff's Office, State Donee, near Sigliattest. '
Spring 'Garden 40oininlitai9norhe MO, Spring Cisrdeis
and Thirteenth striate. • •• ; . •• , • •
str Tth ioneet Temperance; Mall, Ohriatlen,: above Ninth
United /Motes Mint, corner, of, Chestnut and Juniper
striate. -
United States Arsenal, *Ad, nee's. kede,
Naval Asytain, on thefichuylkill, near South street. '
United Stated savor Mid Clothing Equipage, corner of
Twelfth ead•Girerd streets. • - •• - , "."' •
United- States Qaartermaster4 Oidae, corner of
Twelfth and (thud streets,
College of Pharmacy, Zeno street, above Seven th .
" &feet% Medical College, Mathes street, treat of Kith.
Girsidt)ollege, Ridge toad-and Collage Avenue. . •
HonsteopathinMeNcal College, Silbert street, Abort
Blertuth., '
Jeffeisaultediesi Coilegei Tenth streetibelaw George.
Polytt c hnie Collaga,enther Market, and West Penn
enzwylvanie- Medkol. College, Ninthlatreet, below
Philadelphia :fs , Arcal Plitt- street, below
Celle '
e,'229 ' Arch' street:', • -
11nlifscrity •Detwksyivanie, ; Nin th street , between
Market Ind Chestnut. - ' • '• -
Unlvirsity . of Pres Medic,* and Popnlar 11110 w 1 010;
No:0111areh street." - ••• • • • • •
- • toothrom Or omens.
United. etateireffinia_ and Dutriot, Courts, No. Rd,helow Chestnut. ~ -
&grow .Caurf of ' Pennsylvanin,- Yi ft h and Chestnut
streets; .
Court Of o,4*.iiPleas, Independence
District Caustic Noe. 1 and 2, corner Of Six th and
Qattara streets. • • . ... • •
Court Of Quarter Boaslona, corner of Sixth and Chest
nutirtneete. -; . • • - • . • • :
, =1.11111.401008 INSTITUtIOO,
Amertoatt Nap Nat Rublication,flootety, No. 11 - BArch
dmortesi snit, Voief go OriaNaullnlon, No. 144 °Nest
nut Arcot.'
American Sunday School tnton (new), No. 1122
Chestnut street.
American Tract Society (new), No. 929 Chestnut. '
I.lononist, 003111 Octet; below flallowll t,
Pennsylvania and Pt Iladelphia , Bible Societycome
of Seventh and Walnutetreete.
Presbyterian ?Board of Publication (new), No.. 821
Chestnut street:
Presbyte;ian kublleit.tton:lroiteie, No: 4321 , Z7p;tuti
larthlt. -
tong ideitla Christian , AstKictition, No:182 Cheettntit
Northvu Yquag Afero,o Aagoolatita% aeK
maatorn itoidltool Piabklld:‘; - • -
Phil2;4alihts' Bib* . , iiici;'l,nd - NeTioicat
H. Stockton' ) ; tab 586• Arch street, Oat hohno below
Sixth streetilOttheide: ;
'',, trancligi'si 'buibe: , '`. i '
Penna. Central R. Elerowth and Market.
7 A. M.. cldeal2Preln for Pittebitrgh end the 19.eett
1,7466 Pehi,v - Prutt Line for Pitteburgh sod the West,„
2.30 P. M., for Harrisburg and Holundda...
~ -
4.80 P. M., Accommodation Train for lAMcastai. "
UP. lit; Aaproas Mill for Pittsburg;, and the Nast:'
Reirdingl?ailroad—ipepat,litaill and Wine."
726 A: 51.4Mtpross Trairilor
ElndriCand Niagara Yells, 4 . • -
s.R!!,P„iii„ so aboire (Night /Drones Train.)
• - - Now York Ltnes. •• • '
I A, M., froth Norkaktoni Tia Jinni; -010 ,
A. M., 'from Camden, Aicommodation Train.
1 A. 114 - from Handier,' ri . alersorlitity Rad. ; '
~. 13 A. M. , ,,,fr0m Wont' iltriat wharf, yin Setae) , city.
2P. M. its:Camden and Amboy,' Baotou- • '
8 P, M. - , els Camden, Accommodation -
6 M.; via Camden and i'arafy,.Cith Alen, ;, „
op eye Hamlon end Amboy ' Awntroodalifai.• -
... • .Conntrting Lines,;,
6i. M.; tro.,;, • ,
ut - Walnut street wharf, for BelvitiltiFe*Oll;
Water flap, Scranton, ke. •
6A. M., for Freehold. „
' 7 A.-M., for, Moun t trOt *ninth strait wharf,
2P. M. for Mahal: • - • , •
220 P : nl., for !daunt 11611}; Hitetbl T ' rention;lio. ",
BP. 51:, fOrTanarrfit ihnitegicat; llordentow , &O.
4p ; SOlvidere l Eastoni &a. trotaVallat, Weal'
• wharf... r ‘• ; - ; • •
5 P. M., (or hionnt Holly, Purlingtori i A .
14.4 R.—Depot, R R.—Depot, Broad and P ,
5 A. 11„ fOr,Balthuere, Wilmington, New Cantle, Mid- .
1 P. M., for BaltinfereV Wi l mington, and Heil tsane.'
1.16 P . for' Wilmington, New thistle, lUddlatown,
,dove'; and Benfca4.'o 4
P. IL; for Perr”ille; Past direight” .• •
p. m., for Baltinme and WilmßgtoM- •
Nora Periartiodraiain. •84 , -DapOp t prontand
dic k A. id., for licttilakimtlistim, malts -Ohm*,
8.46 01 5 ht , ..rfaX 00 1 100 .4 0 14 1 0659MaNd 6 0 . 6, • '.1;1 , ••
2,15 P. M.l for Rethlehatn, X•latOS M 40 :5 : 06 4,A 4,
4P. Bf.,Jor, Boyforitcini, Akio '
8,86 P. Bd.r,lot• Gwyneddj'Acconthtothitiore
Camden and Arianttc A... Vine street Wharf.
7.80 A. M. for Atlantic Olt.••
ffaddOndeld. • • - '
4 P. M.,-, , TorAtlantio tab.. '•
4.46 P. 11., tor Had neeHl.:l ,
Prit Weficiessitri-
OpyoltiinAla H. Saud Westchester 'Branch.
BrOii kit:it:Vet:eat, sonth etda above Eighteenth.
Ewe 881841eiptila A.-W{.l_4'o 37
4 Y. M.
Xeeteheekir 8.88 A. M, i and'Bl- . , , X,
911 itbllbT6'
/Asi a Vhiladelphia 7 A. M. ,
'Xisteiareder, 8P: !htl ' , ; •
Eiertebesteiliiireetßatirosiaigen aol'enneitentjhubber-
Sri Ov z
it t o64oll/10401teli ' -
Untie Ebilialelphia aid VA. 2; add -P: X:- '
Peitielteni Grubbs Bridgeirili, entl7l IE /ad
Qs Haeitrilays kart train from Pennelton at 7 A, N,
.-- -
10/ IFOAdelAla 8 A. X, and 2 P.M.
refinitton tig, A. M. and a P:ltt.
getalifiia's# lyorriitaiott 9th 1444
•- t arseth
fit t Kantnap Kolas, 4.415 i A" dad U4lB 1 1 :11:;
- • • Noniatoft.r.,
itai 811.144 fin Pirsiattrnt -
8? 0,4„-AwkB
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VOL. I-NO. 59.
TILE WEEKLY PRESS is published from the City of
'Philadelphis,,every Saturday.
It; Is conducted' upon National principles, and will
upbdld the rightent the States.' It will resist fanati.
dal in ^bvert shade ; and will be devoted to consort-
Stir doctrines,lta the lrtte 'foundation of public pros
per! y and • social ~ order: Such a Weekly Journal has
long been desired in the United States, and it is to gra
tify this want that THE WEEKLY PRESS Is published
THE WEEKLY PRESS Is printed on excellent white
Pep 4, clear; new type, and In quarto form, for binding.
I t',contains all the News of the day Correspondence
froM the Old World 'and the New ; Domestic Intelli
gence Itoperts of the various Markets; Literary Re
views; Iliheellineous Seleetlons ;. the progress of Agri
culture in all its cations departments, &e., At.
Ter'ms, invariably in advance. • '
'IT Sc , NDSNLY PRESS Will bb sent to
au More, by Mail, at $2 00 per annum.
Wehty Copies', when sent ' to one ad.
doss , "
!went , Copies', or` over, address of '
'each subscriber, each, -, 120
Fora Club ef:Twantfrone or over, we will send an
atm copy to the gatter•up of the One.
Post Mantes ere reonesU4 to act as Agents for TUE
11711pcL, P1t1 7 .94.
• -
f hill esteem it a great laver if my political and per
sonal friends, and all others who desire a first class
Woohly Newspaper, will exert themselves to give TILE
WEVKLY Plan a large circulation in their respective
nelgtiborlioods.' —
' 'JOHN ; sv. RORI9,I'.
•• - •
,• •
191,0,14CP.0.7,4, all
Oh taut street; Shoesetplige,
. • t t , f
N.001,0D 811q0KLAND, or Noma COMITY
• I
- -
E2ittllATltiCE4 1 iOON'E.A.VEZY,
, • JAYE'S iGGLO O I4•
8E1111 . 08,-
I. ~
N. ,•vreaoixas•
leinanT._D: /10.1E.EAII.
5 7041.1 t ICTA.DDgm.
JOSEPII . onookFivr.
• • • • obsottga,
4bux AL WELLS,
A. AET/1 - 08,
The management and administration of the
general business of the vast territories of the
'edited States, the ascertainment of their agri
cuitural and geographical character and re
sonrceti, the - surveyand the preparation ue
eptiqui for their disposal at sale or for mill
t/dy bonntles j or 'otberpise, as public lands,
are no'hiconsiderabrO part; of the dude's of the
ibipartment, of the TOterior and of the corps
on topographical engineers of. the United
Stites arms., ',- 'f,he .'co-Operation of , other
!Departments is' also more or• less necessary in
thls impoitarit basiness ; and especially the
necessity of forwarding supplies, of providing
sujtable escort and protection, of establishing
'military posts, and depots, require the ser
ifipes otother divisions of the army in addi
tion to the engitißers' r: in fact, it may be said
thpt the conducting of the extensive and
inliiimonsable oper'atioris 'relating to the pub
liq is a highly important part of • the
immense and multiforM duties of the General
GOverntnent of the tUnited 'States.
' TIM 'operations'
'Of the Government survey
orsl and of the topographical engineers are car
ried on witlicUit intermission, and the military
'services incidentsllY necessary are 'no leas un
itimittingly performed. The Government of
the United States facilitates, in every possible
miumer, the , settlement of the vast regions
under', its : management and possession i forts
'mid stations have to be established and•main
,qined ; reads, eseOrts,and protection extended
to parties on business of -the Government are
projected and furnished ; and the general good
of: settlerti and emigrants facilitated, and their
ri iits defended and insured to the utmost de
gee PrdetiCable; It is only by unceasing ex
e ion and , the most• constant attention that
;this reePOnsible' - 'and, important
,business is
04 completely performed, and the settlement
ef the public) lands, and the , placing them in a
ptoperFondition, and position for disposal, is
'mil eflhotitally,accoMplisbed:' Within the last
twQ zeds, or since the acquisition of Califor
nia and New idexice by the, United, States,
and the consequent extension of the territory
of our great Republic to the Pacific ocean, the
duties:9f, the Government relating to the
plibliclands have vastly increased. •
}The 'Olit.linlyg of full information, and in
fact of all details relating to the territories,
14, in, point of importance and utility, of the
'Moat, 'essential character, and apparent to
every, reader. For this purpose special expe.
ditions are frequentlyient by the Government,
ali well as , others, for the performance of
'4lritius dirties; specially designated, as, for in
stance, the construction of roads, the digging
.of wells; and other business 'of t 'great interest
tf, ensigrants'and travellers.
; ; 'i'hese exploring parties, or special expedi
tions, ' t are 'generally in' charge of officers of
I t)le engineer, cerps, though frequently of other
I a, leers of the unity or navy, or of gentlemen
'froMprivato life: - . ' -
I . TliOngli' We bye 'lltided to'the uses] duties
`of Government surveyors and topographical
.engumers, our present purpose is to give some
,t4'f3,xpeditions of the descriptions
'that we have just mentioned. Nearly all of
trese;it i vdit tiff seek, are in the territories of
0 341 ', ' Vll#M §,t., t€F.,
i sxi , mdrzeris TO conitrigor wapoit• RO4D 5 .
1 All these parties commenced operations in
the'lloring Of the present year, and their busi
ness is to construct roads or the best descrip
' Veil possible fer,the'tise of, wagoits and other
wheeled l velicles. These road's will be of ex-
Ceeding t villa to emigrants and travellers, and
also; for Military purposes. '
1. Road from Fort Riley, Kansas, to Bridg
er'S Pass in the Rocky Mountains--Lieut. F.
T. BRYAN, Top. Rug. U. B. A., Commandant
and Serveyor'; 13,r. IF: A. HAMMOND; U. S. A.,
Surgeon; Mr:•',W , . Si WOOD, of Philadelphia,
N4tuialist: "
Intersects Karnias Territory from east to
*at; • and is expected to be . completed this
Li Oat:, Eh vex, Dr: HAmmoxn, and Mr.
Vir s eon havelbeen previously engaged In Go.
artititept nap' Millions, ,'an'd are regarded as
highly competent officers. • • ',
MoinV:friehOinaha city, Nebraska, to
Eaugulcourt, Nebraska--Col. Sass, of Michi
gan, Coinixiandini and Sarveyor.
,OrOsses the Eastern end of Nebraska from
one point on the Missouri river to another.
• Rgi4. from Omaha city, Nebraska, to
Fort Kearney, Nebraska—Capt. E. G. BECK
,Tidp.,Eng,g,„p. A., Commandant and
krltp,r,4ects Nebi:lol, from east to'
amstipainiy along the course of the'Platte
Mlikr.,:l ,l ooo44l3aoovitit is'another sur
veyor . oft
ar route for thePacitle Railroad, and a
y' r aceena plishe:4 efficer of engineers.
/I* froth Fore? l 'i / .3, 31 PY , Minnesota to
South liass;:enthe Itielq•Miiinitains; 0. 6 0 1 ;
n0,*11,.,pf Missouri, polittkituidiuit and t3nr
', R,iiiitethronghlfinneiaita and Nebraska Ter.,
ritOriei ikon& east to 'West, and will be one of
I"o9 B tNtifoliant Odes from the Northern
*ttescto, California., •
4.f,,Nottd; l frOixt' in the Rocky
Xonzl!fin!.to California; by way of honey
Thu Eodern division of this important road ,
- r, mmuum, of
fMaryltuitli Drl J. Ceottn; of New York,
Surgeon; Mr. C. DnExrin, of Philadelphia,
The Virestern division in in charge of Mr.
Joint KIRK, of California, Commandant and
This road will terminate in northern Cali
fornia, crossing the Territory of Utah. Cot.
ALtintew has acquired high reputation as a
mail , contractor and stage proprietor in the
western Territories, and has performed duties
for the Government under extraordinary dial
culiiee and with great success. Da. COOPER
wa4 tdimerly attached to the party under Gov.
STAYERS that surveyed the most northern
route for the Pacific Railroad,
G. Road from El Paso, Texa,s, to Fort
Yuma, California—Mr. Jowl LIMON, of Texas,
Commandant and Surveyor; Dr. McKay, of
Georgia, Surgeon.
This road will enter southern California at
Fort Yuma on the Gila river, crossing New
Mexico, and is nearly along the course of the
mot southerly proposed route for the Pacific
'llr. McKay is ono of the physicians who
distinguished themselves as volunteers in the
Noifolk pestilence.
7'. Read from Fort Defiance, Now Mexico,
io palifornia, by way of .tho :Little Colorado
My! Mohave rlvra-.:-Dienituiftut,E: ViAirr,
navy, CommandantltneStitvoyor.
hie road will enter' Califerifja a More
soithern point than the preceding, and by a
diffpreni route across• New MexJ4o, andls in
tended to terminate at Los Angeles. Both of
the last roads are over much travelled routes
to California. Attached to the last-mentioned
party are the camels imported into this coun
try for the purpose of ascertaining their
adaptability to our climate, and general use
fulness. The experiment, so far, is regarded
by the Government and by Limit. BEALE as
entirely successful That part of this road
wldch is within its jurisdiction is to be con
structed by the State of California.
The preceding embrace all the "Wagon
Road" expeditions. They are expected to
complete their duties during the present
season or before the commencement of win
ter: It is supposed that the construction of
these highly valuable roads will be continued
for some years, and throughout the Terri
Having reference, also, to the public do
main, and the facilitating of emigration, and
for purposes of information in relation to sub
jects of public and. general interest, are the
following expeditions :
Expedition for digging wells on the great
routes of travel to California—Capt. Jolts
POPE, Top. Eng. U. S. A., Commandant and
Thin important undertaking is intended to
pr'pvide against ono of the greatest disadvan
tages experienced by overland emigrants to
California, and its success thus far has fully
guarantied that an unfailing supply of water
will hereafter be readily accessible. This ex
peldition constructs mainly Artesian wells, and
has 'finished the route from San Antonio to
El Paso, Texas, and is now in New Mexico,
bchveen El Paso and Santo Fe.
Capt. POPE is ono of the most eminent
officers of the engineer corps, and made one
of the surveys for a route for a railroad,from
the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans.
Expedition to explore the countries on the
head-waters of the Yellow Stone River, in
Nebraska Territory—Lieut. G. K. WABREN,
Top. Eng. U. S. A., Commandant and Sur
mor ; Dr. P. V. HAYDEN, of New York,
Both of these gentlemen are persons of ex
perience in Western surveys and explora
tions. In addition to other points of general
interest, the little known countries to be ex
p!ored by this party aro regarded as amongst
go most remarkable geological regions on
this' continent. This exploration is nearly
Survey and determination of the Southern
boundaty of Kansas—Col. JORNSTON, U. S.
Cavalry, Commandant; Mr. Jowl H. CLARKE,
Mr. CLARKE was attached to the commis
sion which made the survey and run the
boundary line between the United States and
Mexico. Col. JOHN9TON, a distingui shed offi
cer of cavalry, is the head of the commis
sion, which is expected to complete the sur
vey during the present season.
Expedition to explore and survey the Rio
Colorado—Lieut. J. C. IvEs, Top. Eng., Com
mandant and Surveyor; Lieut. J. W. WHIP
PIE, Top. Rug., Surveyor; Dr. J. S. NEW
BERRY, Cleveland, Ohio, Surveyor and Geolo
gist; Mr. B. MormmtusEn, Artist and Natu
There are uoveral rivers of this name, but
this is the Rio Colorado of the West, which
empties into the Gulf of California, and is the
largest river in Western North America. Hav
ing its head-waters in the Rocky Mountains in
Oregon, it passes through Utah and Now Max
ie°, and is the boundary between the latter
Territory and California. It has never been
explored nor ascended by any party or expe
dition, though 'watering regions of great agri
cultural and other descriptions of value.
The countries on the banks of this river me
in fact regions of the most extravagant fable
in Mexican story or tradition, in which they
ere represented as abounding in untold trea
lures and beauty of scenery.
Lieutenant WHIPPLE is another surveyor of
a route for a railroad to the Pacific, and was
accompanied then, as now, by Dr. NEWBERRY
and Mr. MOLLBADSEN. Their route was one of
the most southerly, and is near the thirty-111th
de g ree, of latitude. Dr. NEWBERRY is well
known as a skilful geologist and man of science.
Mr. Itiotmuiussx was a private student, and is
a favorite protege of the celebrated Hutenourr.
This expedition has only recently started for ,
the Colorado , and is expected to commence
its duties immediately on arrival.
Expedition to survey a route for a ship-canal
From the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, across
the Isthmus of Darien; Lieutenant N. Mien
tripographical engineer, in charge of land
operations; Lieutenant CaavEs, United States
nary, in charge of hydrographical department.
The very important duties of this expedition
Will be performed in conjunction with officers
closignated by the Government of Neuv Gre
nada, and its business is to ascertadn the
practicability of a ship-canal to connect the
two oceans, If found practicable, a route will
be surveyed, and all preliminary preparations
for the work will be completed. The engi
,neering and surveying department is in charge
of Lieutenant Alicimeti, while the ascertaining
Of the suitabilityof harbors at both ends of the
proposed canal, and all other 'operations of A
maritime character, aro entrusted to Lieuten
ant Caevan, of the United States navy.
This party is now about sailing for its desti
Expedition to run the boundary betw cen the
United States and the British Possessions in
the northwest—Anconnate CAMPUELL, Esq.,
Commissioner; Lieutenant J. G. PARKE, To
,pographical Eng. 17,5. A., Surveyor; Dr. C.
B. KENNERLY, Virginia, Surgeon and Natu
ralist; 14ir. GEO. Gina, New York, Geologist
and interpreter. '
This commission will, act in conjunction with
another to be sent by hbe British Government,
and its duty is to tar rvoy and determine the
boundary line betweer n British Oregon and the
United States Territories of Washington and
Nebraska. This lin o extends from the Lake
of the Woods to the Pacific ocean, over some.
fifteen degrees of longitude.
' Mr. Quinn'', commissioner of this survey, I
was formerly chief oterk in the Department of
War. Lieutenant Palm: surveyed one of the
railroad routes to the Pacific, and was then
WED accompanied ' by Dr. KVENEnEr and Mr:
Grans. The latter has been many years in the
western countries of this Republic, and is re
garded as having an extraordinary know;ledgo
of the Indian king :lieges and character.
This expedition has recently arrived in W ash
ington Territory, and will pass the winteir at
Bellingham Bay, Vancouver Island, near the
western termina Lion of the boundary, wh ere
it Is , proposed f commence the survey, ea rIY
as practioatile.
(For the Press.]
1% a have shown that no remedy will protect us
front being overreached by our shrewder neighbors,
until a proper rite pride and union of e,fort aro
tholMighly instilled in nil our policy. We will add
few suggestions of more immediate application to
the present emergency,:
. Let "Change hours" ho immediately re-es
tablihhod, and let every liminess luau make his
punctual and daily attendance a point essential to
tole credit end business standing. It might bo well
to enrol the names of those who consider them
selr'os business men, onch signer submitting to
small tax for non-attendance, to be inflexibly col
lected. A fund would thus be created of greet im
portance, if expended by a judicious committee
in 'pinking our commercial capabilities known
throughout the country. lint better than all, the
meetings "on Change" would in time produce eon
eedi of action among the business men.
2i Lot credits be established in Europe by all
our loading jobbers (as well as importeis,) and let
thein order their foreign seeds direct, instead of
thrtnigh New York. Time credits could be had at
Ices expense than in this country, and Now York
commissions, shorts, and profits, would he saved
It tyould pay 4?bbers well to send a buyer; who
undorstandsthew trade, to Europa every six months
or year, net the ex:ponse would not be' over $5OO
Otivh,toth Odr nper would net be j eructing bade
,at inconvenient pezieds for dlicount, and our
Meaty inittkahrould bo in a kraut' degrek
per dont of New York.
,No legislative enactments ere necessary to entry
out the , above suggestions, They are entirely
within our own power, and need only the will to
catty them out. Will you do it, fellow-citizen,
and reader of this article? We will add a few
more suggestions requiring legislative action :
1. Lot the legal rate of interest far our State be
made the same no in New York, vie : sewn par
emit. per annum, with an addition, making all
written contracts for the payment of interest, not
execeding one per cent. per mouth, legal. Some
restrictions as to the rates to be charged by banks
and corporations might ho necessary, and also to
prevent the sudden sale of property under mort
gagciand judgments over-due. The effect of this
change of interest rates would be to bring a largo
share of private banking capital, (principally
foreign,) which non , concentratex entirely In IVeto
York, to our city.
2. If constitutional to legalize a suspension at
all (?) lot it not be done longer than until the lst
of ;January next After that, let refusal to redeem
present circulation work immediate forfeiture of
:3. Lot a clearing-houso bo established by law,
voider proper regulations. (Soo Tau PLIERS of the
2 inst.) A bunk of discount nod deposits, (no
ique,) similar to the Metropolitan of New York,
mlght also ho established, in which country paper
would bo redeemed at nominal rates.
•1. Let the re-issue of present ciroulation be pro.
hibited, and instead, let banks be authorized to
ESiie paper only to the amount of the market
value of State and United States stocks, Ao.,
which shall ho deposited by them in the hands of
a State officer, under restrictions similar to those
which the cayenne° of New York and other
Slates have found effectual. As an immediate
relief to the community, the notes of the donomi
nittion of $lO and over, of this issue, might be
Triad° redeemable in specie in ono, two, or three
years. Being well secured, this paper will receive
the immediate cOnfidenco of the people, and de
posits and discounts may be paid iu it.
5. Every bank should be compelled to keep an
open book of discounts, containing the names el
drawers and endorsors of all notes discounted, and
of each party in whose favor the discount is
made, with the total amount of their obliga
tions held by the hank; this book to be
open always within bank hours to the inspec•
lion of those, desiring it. 'Trident opposition
will no doubt be excited by this measure, but Rhos
advantages which will more than counterbalance
all its objections. There is no reason why die.
tounts as well as judgments should not be open
o theinspertion of those interested.
A. Weekly statements of the total amount
of specie, eiroulation.deposits and discounts, of each
bank, should be made by its officers under oath and
We Jeol satisfied that if the above suggestions
tiro acted upon they would be of essential benefit
the community, and we would bo pleased to
see them thoroughly discussed. It is said that the
Officered our banks have already bad a bill pre
pared for the action of the Legislature, which
grants them all they want, but we trust our Legis
lators will pass no bill unless such restrictions and
regulations are made us experience has shown are
necessary for the protection of tho community.
These institutions are now at the mercy of the Le
gislature, and should bo compelled to do whatever
is right and rotts.onablo for tho people as well as
for themselves. Our city has sustained a shock
through their wretched blundering which we may
never get over, and its effects are seen in almost
every paper we pick up. It was a fatal mistake
to sacrifice the credit of the whole oily for the sake
pf individuals, and especially while Now York is
pursuing the opposite policy. No produce will come
to a city whose credit Is prostrated, and funds live
to ten per cent below par. Prices being the same
as in New York, it will all go there, the proceeds
being worth so much more. That our legislators
and business mon may see the right and net upon
it is the earnest prayer of your correspondent. G.
[Correspondence of The Pn3se.]
EASTON, September 29, 1867
I had a letter written for THE Pause on Satur
day; but having learned, just as I was about to
mail it, that a statement contained might give cur
rency to an erroneous impression, I withheld it;
though, as the sequel has shown, it was an unne.
cesnry sacrifice.
As you would readily expect, tho widening waves
or the financial epidemic have reached Easton
ho twithstanding the premonitory symptoms which
had been preparing the public mind for it for come
time, the arrival of the bank-panic news from Phi
ladelphia, on Friday evening, fell like a thunder
clap upon the ears of ovary one ; and, notwith
standing the presence of a balmy atmosphere and
a cloudless Sky, then was evidently a depressing
gloom weighing upon the public mind. Parties
there, holding Girard stock to the amount of ton
thousand, and in ono instance of which I know to
the amount of tifteen thousand dollars, wore par
ticularly long-faced.
Early on Saturday morning, a rather aceelera
tod drainage—not a run—was commenced upon the
specie in the Easton banks. Very soon squads of
the more interested ones were seen to assemble
about the corners for preliminary consultation, but
which lamp-post legislation was noon sapplanted
by tho action of bank meetings, which were called
early in the day, and which re-assembled in the
afternoon. The course adopted has boon a yarned
suspension. This utmost confidence and good feel
ing prevail on the part of the public toward those
institutions, and, in fact, it was mom particularly
at the urgent demand of the merchants hero that
suspension was resolved upon at all. As it is, the
banks will go on accommodating their customers as
usual. Tho Governor's calling an extra session of
tho Legislature, at this late hour of its official ex
istence, is not favorably regarded by the citizens of
Easton generally. Without stepping aside to spe
culate upon the panic, I cannot help remarking,
that the periodicity of these panics, for the hat
forty years, has been very remarkable: 1817,1837,
and 1857 have boon the respective detail of the
throe groat financial troubles within the recollec
tion of the present generation—carrying out the
homey years leap with even greater precision than
tho half-yearly return of the equinoctial storms.
Should this astronomical law prevail in the mane-
Lary heavens, there will be another similar eclipse
of ,ryeeir•in-tke-Lanka in the year 1877. All I de
sire to say to the reader of this record of the past,
when that year arrives, is, that the writer prayed
whilst writing it, that this periodic prediction
might not be realized.
In 'Attics, Northampton was probably never so
quiet on this eve of an election as she is at the pre
sent time. This is mainly owing to the fast that
the opposition have not yet placed a ticket in the
Somo consider this delinquency as a trick to cool
the ardor of the Democracy, by the impossibility
of defeat, and at the some time to come out in
their full strength to vote for State officers.
It is plain to bo seen, if such a scheme Wore
allowed to succeed, that the gubernatorial majo
yity would suilbr materially in this county.
After sovoral unsuccessful attempts to nominate
candidato for the president judgeship, of the
judicial district, composed of Northampton and
Lohigh countiot the conferees had another meet
ing to-day at Allentown, and nominated our able
and excellent fellow•citizen, lion. J. K. Findlay,
for that important position.
I am glad to find that tho calm, dispassionate,
fraternal recommendations of Tun Naas, re
specting our monetary difficulties, aro being favor
ably commented upon on all sides.
The Fair,, which cloaca hero on Saturday, woe,
so far at least as the patronage of visitors is con
corned, attended with remarkable success, as may
be inferted from the foot that there was the enormous
number of fifteen thousand tickets sold on the
ground In one day, (on Thursday.)
Nornatter what may he said as to the exhibi
tion itself, es a whole, I risk nothing in saying
that the pounds, including the building, the race
coulee, &e., with all their admirable arrangements,
in VliiCili ibis annual exhibition is held at Easton,
bavenot a superior; in point of extent, convenience,
in:ailment adaptedness, in the State, end probably
not in the Union. The enclosure embraces an ex
tent of thirty-nine acres of ground, and is located
immediately outside of the west line of the borough
limits. The race-course is a half-mile oval, and
embraces within its limits a clump of woods beau
tifully carpeted with green moss, and SO nicely
elevated that parties stationed beneath the cool
coveting of the stately trees may hero a fair view
of the full circuit of the course without either
mounting a fence or a life-risking platform, and
I withal shielded from the sun by a natural covering.
Scores of ladies, seated in carriages, driven
thither by their lords, sere scattered all
through this race-course grove, apparently enjoy
ing in a high degree the exciting sports of awing
foryomienub which came elf on Friday and Sat-
Tho entire cost of the grounds and appiar
terOncesi I am informed by a prominent stock
holder of the company to which they belong, was
semi t 535,000, which Inoludes also the cost of the
eloOrt exhibition building ($11,000) erected near
the centre of the grounds, and which presents
truly grand and imposing appearance from many
planted points about Easton. Yet, largo us the
exi.rnse of these Fair facilities have been, the evi
,deslet3 of its having been a safe and well-digested
ANA are quite apparent In the foot that the em
pathy last year (the first year of its being in ope
ration) declared the snug dividend of ten per cent.
to its Stockholders, and by those who have the means
,Meowing it is said that the dividend this year
Will be no lees than the lest.
The only unfortunate circumstance connected
with this institution, as I conceive, and as I be
lieve is rather generally conceded, is that the en
terprise of this company Is regarded as distinctive
from the county, and, as n consequence, there are
two annual faire held in Northampton, and which,
independent of any spirit of rivalry, would natu
rally detract materially from the completeness of
The county fair will be held at Nazareth, somo
eight miles from hero, and will commence on Tues
day, the 6th proximo.
It is probably owing to this division, that the
exhibition was not as large or as varied as I had
expected to find; though it certainly contained
quito a number of features of very special intorost
to all who tako any interest whatever in the very
laudable cause of improvement in the rmence of
agripdturc and its collateral arts, which these
fulmar° so admirably adapted to subserve.
I would here remark in passing, however, that,
so far as my observation goes, there is a radical
and very serious error almost universally com
mitted by exhibitors, viz: That, generally speak
tho ono role and absorbing idea of the depo
sitor is the premium and the diploma, and this to
the exclusion of this much more important idea,
viz : improvement in agricultural knowlelleee,by
observation and comparison. The man who has a
premium awarded for what ho exhibits onjoys a
pleasant gratification of a worthy ambition, it is
truo; yet the man . who loaves the exhibition with
his knowledge so much augmented as practically
to enable him to improve upon his former theories
will certainly have the advantago in point of mil
In.the horticultural department of the exhibi
tion the display of Frederick Soitz, Esq., of Ens.
tonolloited the applause and admiration of all
visitors. The really wonderful specimens of dwarf
grapes wore indeed a natural curiosity; many of
thole diminutive vines, not morn than throo feet in
height, bore a aingio bunch of fruit weighing cove
n] pounds, and almost touching the ground. At
the solicitation of Mr. Seitz. lhave visited his form
and horticultural garden, about a mile out of Eas
ton, and I could heartily wish that every fruit
grower In the State might avail himself of the
same privilege. The wealthy and enterprising
Proprietor has spent largo sums of money in pro
curing the groat variety of choice things that now
grace his grounds; but be is certainly accomplish
ing a good work for the community, as he is, doubt
less, a liberal-minded gentleman, and will af-
ford to tho community around him, at a in oderate
price, the scions of his costly varieties—ho will do
thilon Cho principio that he, light will he none the
less for lighting his neighbors. In the hot-houses
of Mr. Seitz I found twenty different varieties of
foreign grapes, among which was the white Patel
lino or Eshool grape, suppose(' to he the variety of
which Joshua and Caleb "born a cluster between
hem upon a staff" as they returned from search
ing the goodly land whiob tho Lord had promised
should he thoir heritage. Tho olustors of this de
licious fruit are frequently known to reach the
enormous weight of ton and twelve pounds each ;
a fact strongly indicative that this really is a de
scendant variety nt leant of the grape spoken of in
this passage of Scripture—the thirteenth of Now
here. In addition to these twenty-one exotica,
Mr. Seitz has twelve fine domestic varieties,
making thirty-three in alt. It would afford me
groat pleasure to enter into a morn extended notice
of the various kinds of fruita, berries, plants, end
grasses, together with their ascertained produc
tiveness, of this garden, for the benefit of the hor
ticultural reader, but have not sufficient time to
devote to it to-day.
In the cabinet-making department of the exhi
bition there was also a very fine display, many of the
articles fully equalling the finest finish and most
elaborate design; of Any thing I have ever seen in
our largest State exhibitions. The two master ex
hibitors in this lino were Mr. John Kutz, on North
ampton street, and Mr. Parid Gans, on Third
street, Easton.
An elegant display was alto made in the hat and
fur department, by Mr. James Hess. This gentle
man may be said to be the Oakford of Easton, and
his stook of hats and furs will compare favorably
with any establishment of the kind in the State,
outside of the metropolis.
1 Another very pleasing and most attractive fea
lure of the exhibition was by the prince dagucr
reotypist of Easton, Mr. Reuben Knecht. Mr.
Knecht had not only the good fortune to display a
collection of high artistic merit, but had also the
shrewdness and good taste to select some of the
prettiest faces in Easton (which is saying a good
deal) for his subjects. The reader will of course
understand this as applying to the lady portion of
the portraits.
The exhibition of the Lehigh Slate Company, in
the form of enamelled elate mantels and table
tops, attracted a great deal of attention, and the
speohnons displayed wore certainly very beautiful
Indeed, considering that this comparatively re
cent class of slate articles aro in many respects
superior to marble, and inferior to none, and,
withal, that the enamellod slate is produced at a
cost lass than half that of marble, it is quite sur
prising that it has not already grown into not
veraal demand. There is certainly an immense
field for profitable manufacture open in this direc
In addition to the articles already specified, I
most not fail to notice the superb carriages manu
factured and exhibited by Mr. F. Lerch, of Easton.
Tie merits of his specimens were very flatteringly
commented upon by all who examined them. Nor
would it be just to dismiss the fair without briefly
acknowledging the enlivening performances of the
Easton Brass Baud, under the direction of the able
and accomplished loader of it, W. H. Pomp, Esq.
There is a portion of the talent contained in this
company of performers that would do credit to
either Bock or Dodsworth. GRAYBEARD.
[Correspondence of the Press )
Mn. EDITOR : The first of October came in upon
us hero with cold chilling winds and biting frosts.
For'a few days previous our streets were wrapped
in a cloud of dust, and pedestrians had some diffi
culty in passing along with any degree of comfort
NW safety. A calm, however, has ensued, but the
mornings and evenings apprize as of our near ap
proach to winter. Along the river shore end in the
low swamp lands, the frosts have been pretty
Severe, although it is generally supposed that the
remains of summer's vegetation have thus far sus
tained no injury.
The absorbing topic of Interest with us is the
Agricultural Fair, whiob commences on the 14th
of this month. The arrangements will be fully
completed in the early part of next week. The
half-mile course, which was laid out for the speed
of horses, is said by those who seem to know to be
decidedly the finest In the State. A number of
our two•forty nags have already been driven upon
it, and there le no doubt there will boa warm com
petition for the lir ty-doilar premium on the day of
trial. About fifty horses are already entered for
this part of the exhibition, and no doubt many
snore will bo registered before the commencement
of the fair.
The stalls for cattle, three hundred in number,
aro all finished, together with a large number of
others, roofed over, and which are designed for
horses. The buildings will be come fifteen or
twenty In number, and several tiers of seats aro
being constructed, fronting on the trotting course,
sufficiently extensive for tho accommodation of
twenty-flye hundred persons. An appropriate
stand, to bo occupied by the band of music, as
also the judges' and speakers' stands, will compose
a part of the arrangements. The mush, has
already been engaged by the managers, and will
bo in attendance during the whole fair. Some of
the buildings aro very large, the most ospaolous
ono, in the centre of the ground, measuring one
hundred and fifty feet in length, and fifty feet in
breadth Adjoining it will bo another building,
which will beappropria • tad exclusively to the trial
of machinery, and in which there will be chatting,
stuam-power, engines, Le. This, prohubly, will be
the tuo-t ~ e ientitic portion of the exhibition, and
it is said that some new and untried improtetnenti
ore to be represented. The entire area of the fair
ground, including the trotting course, is to only
acres, about one-half of which will be occupied by '
the stalls, buildings, seats, and different stands.
Tho whole arrangements have been under the
charge of A. It. Spangler, the general superin
tendent, mho has evinced both skill and judgment
in the discharge of hie duties. Among other capi
tal provisions ho has made is the employment of
an efficient police force to take charge of the stock
in the day limo and in the night This sill be a
guarantee of security to the owners of cattle and
horses, or other live stock, in bringing them on the
grounds. On the whole, the arrangements are
equal, if not superior to, any r have ever :eon,
and will, no doubt, prove eltiqfuctory to the multi
tude of visitors which are expected.
Tho reputation which Lancaster county has as
an agricultural community, will, no doubt, attract
the curiosity and interest of many persons from a
distance; and should the weather prove favorable,
an immense crowd may be looked for on the fair
ground. We have not been pointed out as the in
habitant& of n the garden of the world," simply
through idle compliment. To see is to believe, and
when the intelligent stranger from a less fertile
region comes into our midst, ho cannot fail to en ,
predate the extended glory of our soil, and to ap
plaud the untiring industry which made it what it
is. Thorn aro, no doubt, in other portions of this
great Western continent, choice spots upon which
the Almighty has poured more than the usual sum
of his beneficence—regions where the flowers
spring up and the golden harvests ripen, upon as
fair a soil and under lira influence of as genial a
, e mlight, as wo enjoy The boundless prairies of
tho West repose in the sublime lovalinm of their
fertile wealth. Our southern seaboard is rich in
its delicious fruits and aromatic spices; and even
our cold, northern sections sometimes yield the
husbandman an ample compensation for his labor
lint after we have traversed this great country,
from the centre to the circumference, extended our
observations to the utmost of its geographical
limits, navigated it streams, and prosecuted our
researches over its mountains, and through its val
leys, and along the shores of its inland seas, and
come to stand again upon the borders of cur own
county, and cast our eyes upon the broad and un
broken field of agricultural enterprise that lies be
fore us, wo cannot but conclude that this, after all,
is the chosen spot of earth—the fairest, richest,
loveliest inheritance of them all. But I ant grow
ing poetical, and must change my subject
Notwithstanding the pressure of the thoes,lour
city still puts on the face of business, and we hear
but little complaint about the morality of money.
The principal trouble is to get change to answer
the usual purposes of trade and purchase. The
banks will not redeem their notes inspecio ; conse
quently, there is ainfireitY in its circulation, which
cads to considerable embarrassment at times
Our city, however, is Improving, and quite a number
of buildings in the different streets and along our
outtkirts arc in the process of erection. The
splendid hotel which is being put up by our friend
and fellow-townsmen, David Reese, will coon be
completed, and when it is, will, without doubt, be
ono of Ma finest in the State. The front building
is four stories high, and the rear three stories, and
is in depth, from North Queen street to its termi
nation, one hundred and forty-four feet. There
will be fifty-six rooms in it, with a sufficient
amount of unoccupied space for the construction
of ton more, should necessity require it. It bar
ell the conveniences of a modern first-class hotel,
and will be an ornament to the city when finished
On each of the upper stories of the building there
are chambers especially arranged for the ac
commodation of families, with servants' rooms,
adjoining those designed to be occupied by them.
The parlors are [large, and handsomely arranged,
and the sleeping rooms commodious and well venti•
lated. There is an excellent bath-room on the
second story, and every convenience, in foot, which
strangers or sojournors could desire. After this
hotel is finished, I may have something more to
.ay about it, in connection with some other im
provements which are going on in our city. We
will then have on the western side of North Queen
street, from the railroad to Centre Square, seven
capital hotels, commencing with the new ono of
Mr. Reese; the White Horse, kept by our venerable
friend Michael Mceirann ; the firanklin /louse, in
the occupancy of the widow of the late Reuben
\Voidler ; (ho Eagle Rated, on tho corner of North
Queen and Orange, one of the very be and
largest in tho city of Lance3ter, and of which
Emanuel Shober is the proprietor; the National
House, kept by Henry S. Shaun ; and the Grape
Hotel, by Mr. John Michael. These aro all excel
lent houses, and have their full share of patronage.
Mr. Reese's is nearest the railroad, and will no
doubt do an immense transient business after it is
in the full tido of operation.
Judge Wilmot was hero to-day, on his way to
Chestnut Level, whore he bad engaged to speak
this afternoon. To-morrow evening ho addresses
the faithful in Fulton Hall in thiscity. The meet
ings is different parts of the county have been
rather thinly attended on both sides. The fact is
there is but little enthusiasm in the canvass The
Remounts are confident of carrying the State
ticket, and the Republicans are as confident of
success in the county; so that the scale of cer
tainty being balanced, the fever of controversy does
not run very high. There will, no doubt, be a full
vote at the election, and if eo, the result in the
State, as well as in the county, is a foregone con
clusion. Mac.
It could not bo expected that during the financial
difficulties which have overclouded us during
the past two weeks, that trade in tiny direction
could be of a spirit that would bear much criti
cism Notwithstanding the weight of the burden
which has oppressed and continues to oppress our
people, the dry-goods trade has weathered the
storm bravely. Importers have boon doing, but
little, beyond supplying some trifling demands in
staple goods to keep up the stock in the jobbing
houses, and the commission men having on hand
an excellent and heavy stock of all kinds of
staples, have been doing a little to keep up tho va
riety. A few western men have been in the city,
and are still hero, some waiting for a turning point
in affairs, and others buying what they could on
the most available terms. Our near buyers hate
supplied themselves with goods to a great extent,
and are still on the move in and out of the
city. It has Lean wondered how businces could
Le done to any extent whatever, whtlit money
NS as so scarce and high in price; but the private
arrangements of buyers and sellers are matters
which the public do not wish to penetrate ; it is
sufficient to know that discretion enough is left
among our merchants to transact their business on
their own terms when left to their own " tender
mercy," and that business is being done. Some
largo Eastern houses have intimated their inten
tion to withdraw their goods from the market if
they cannot procure such paper as may be imme
diately negotiated on the most favorable terms,
but these are not the times to bo stupid, for the
heavy stock of Philadelphia goods now on hand
tends to give an independent tone to our leading
men. Some of them have determined to buy up
the Philadelphia stock on its own merits, and so
far are succeeding admirably.
Prices are not altered, although a decided up
ward tendency obaraaterizes all goods now in
Thoro have boon several heavy auction roles in
Market street, whore jobbers have gratified them
selves at an exceedingly cheap rate.
The Marquis of Lansdowne has declined the
dukedom which was offered to him; and other
scions of noble houses,'Cavendish and Vane, for
instance, have declined to anticipate their heredi
tary transmission to what Cobbett was accustomed
to coil the "Mouse of Incapables."
M. M'Garthy, ie member of the Geographical
Society of Paris, has just started on it journey to
Timbuctoo. Ho speaks Arabic and various African
dialects with great fluency. He travels alone.
Mr. I. J. Frazer, the, well-known and popu
lar tenor of the late Seguin and Thillon Opera
troupes, and recently of the Promenade Concerts,
Academy of Music, has settled down in this city
as a prokessor and teacher of singing. Mr. Fraser
who is a fine pianiste, will teach the piano-forte
oarly hour yesterday morning, the watchman en
gaged at Graham & Polley's distillery, foot of
North Fifth street, E. It , discovered a large fish
struggling in the water a short distance from the
dock. This he discovered to be a shark, which had
got its head entangled in a basket, and in endea
voring to disengage itself bad become exhausted.
Ile ?ramrod the assistance of another person, and,
taking a boat, succeeded in killing the shark with
a boat hook, Upon getting it on shore it was found
to be nine feet six Inches in length, and weighed
six hundred pounds The fish was cut open, and
its liver was found to be largo enough to fill an
ordinary wheelbarrow.
Punctuation—that is, the putting the stops in
tho right places—cannot be too sedulously studied
Wo lately read, in a Country paper, the following
startling account of Lord Palnaerston'a appearance
in the House of Commons: "Lord Palmerston
then entered on his head, a white hat upon his
feet, large but well polished boots upon his brow, a
dark cloud in hie hand, his faithful walkmg-stiek
in his eye, a meaning glare saying nothing. Ile
sat down."
The body of W. R. Patton, merchant of
Penn, Wan run over by a train of earn on the Illi
nois Central railroad on the 18th inst., and most
shockingly mangled, so much so that ho could not
have beau identified had it not been for his clothes.
It is supposed that be was shot in one, two, or three
places, and his body laid upon the track to prevent
" Adorned with Ilwrutyei grace and Vertuei store;
Per torebooo yrury ahrlr,
1101 snow ut neck tyke to 3 warble towre,
And all her bway lyke a pollard , fayre "
Presumptuous Art and rouldat thou dare
Attempt theca charms—these graze. fair—
Nor loso thy power iu sweet delight,
When Nebo rule upon thy 'tight,
With rarer Gestates then were given
To Flen'q Et e Gy lavaqh Hroeeo
The gods abet thy venturous hand :
Obedient to their high command,
The Parian gale its purest rein
Ile-opens in thy steel again,
Proud that our later day bath ahown
Fair title to Ito Jealous clone.
Olympian Jure, thine arm inspires,
Thino heart lifinreriain beauty fires,
And thy rapt soul with lofty thought
Of ,lassie days and deeds 19 fraught,
T,tl now the Phidian 0)1.10 rings,
And 10, the s irgin marble springs,
In form awl swelllng line,
v,atel lit nut mnulA divine
Item, the ngp of Perldeq,
Awl Attie flenlug to our clirou
Tranufers its hopes and powers sublime
Columbia greets with beaming smiles
The wanderer from the Grecian Isles;
bier fostering breast receives the trust,
And to it. highest aims le jest
Art triumphs on the new-found flehi,
And gathers to her turniihed shield
Fresh trophies, noble ehsplets aon
Beneath the skies of Washington
Nor bath Arcadia's favored groves',
Nor those sweet vales Apollo loves,
Nor Lesbos with its beauties warm,
E'er given sculptor more of charm
Than here is found in wealth profuse
To her no grace the gods refuels—.
S.ubilumg eyes and stately mein
That make of hearts the peerless Queen
0, mighty Art! to thus enthrone
Dear woman, conqueror e'en In stone'
' Nor less of charms that in the breast
Of thine original hare rest
East thou essayed and brought to light
In all their generous nature bright:
Beauty and Goodness well are blent ;
' Of tare anaemia each lineament—
While hero thy triumph ties, great Art,
T hoed Oren the graces of her heart!
D. It. W.
*A bust of a friend, executed in marble, by leaae
Broome, the young "%Bade/Ala sculptor.
• In most respects, Ashland has undergone no
change since the death deity. The old walksare
there. The trees upon the place, around the dwel
lieg and covering a large space upon the aides,
were planted by his own hands, and cultured by
his taste. I was informed by his son, Mr. James
11. Clay, that all the shade trees we saw
there,with the exception of a row of venera
ble uis, were net out by his father, and
stood, still, as ho planted theta. Tho row
of locusts skirls a walk , of a hundred yards
long, which wee st great favorite one with Mr.
Clay, whore, with slow tread, meditative and als
dis bed, ho walked daily, elaborating thought, and
still devoted to the public concerns. The lot in
which the family mansion stands is abundantly
ornamented with large evergreens; including the
belly, with oaks, maples, and ashes—all casting
deep shadows upon a turf of luxuriant blue grass.
Stretching away towards the south and wet are
Woodland pastures of great beauty, with fields of
grain, and open grass lots, in which noble cattle
and valuable hones graze and thrive
I The old homestead is gone. It has served its
lime, and menaced' the dwellers in it with a pre
nature burial: It was. torn down, and its place
km been supplied with one that retains the archi
tectural forms of the old It is a building spacious
and tastefully elegant, a fitting embellishment of
the spot where Henry Clay passed his years.
Through the hospitality of Mr. Clay, who offered
me a home at his house daring my stay in Lexing
ton, I was enabled to observe minutely all the de
tails of this interesting place.
The interior of the dwelling , is furnished with
much elegance and perfect taste, exceedingly grati
fying to one's sense of fitness and beauty. The
octagonal forms of the parlors, the lofty ceilings,
crimson and gold paper-hangings, rosewood furni
ture, upholstered in brocatelle; and the velvet car
pets of gorgeous pattern. give an air of princely
luxury to thee apartments. Among the objects of
interest here were the memorials of affection and
esteem presented to Mr. Clay during his life time
I ' by many of his northern friends. It was noticeable
that all of these were from friends in New England
and New York:--gifts to the patriot who knew
no North, no South, and. whose love for the Union
," was limited by no geographical boundaries,. and
I mingled with no sectional ambition. In the library,
a room of unique and original design, I noticed an
article possessing much historic interest—a brass
bound, mahogany writing desk, the very one used
by Mr Clay when Commissioner to °bout. Among
the paintings that adorned the walls was the oohs
brited picture attic Washington family, by Inman.
I l; e sides these, I noticed ether articles of taste,
which I had seen at the very beautiful residence
, of Mr. Clay, at the old Orchard tract, near five
suites from St. Louis, when he was resident there.
Before leaving Ashland, I passed over to the re
,idenco of Mr. John Clay, to pay my respects to
the widow of Henry Clay. At the hour of the
visit she was out taking an evening ride. I met
her, however, amid the scenery endeared to her
by a thousand asmciations—on a beautiful drive
through tho shades of the woods and pastures of
itlre. Clay is seventy-six years of age. Until
within a year she hos been in hearty good health.
liar feebleness is now, however, growing manifest,
and the time is not remote, when in the tomb
to be erected for her husband, and by his side. she,
too, will be consigned to her final earthly repose.—
St. Louis Rrpttbitran.
We learn from the Flint Democrat, that a
weak ago last Friday, Mr, Aaron Seaver, of Grand
Blanc, was found dead in his field by one of his
sons The circumstances aro these: Mr. Seaver
and son had been engaged in the field mowing; in
the absence of the son to the house for a jug of
seater, he heard the report of a gun, and on his re
turn to the field, discovered his father lying upon
his back apparently dead Without disturbing
ho returned and warned the family and neigh
hors, who proceeded to the spot, and found the de
cowed as stated, with the rim of his hat behind
under tho collar of his coat, and completely cover
ing hi 4 face in front The ball had entered on one
-lilts near the hip, and lodged next the sk in in the
opposite shoulder. There are no woods within
twenty rods of the scene of tha disaster, and it
seems next to impossible that it could have been
of a recent date, says: "Madison street was the
•ene of a rich and rare exploit about noon to-day.
T'ro women, in company, mot a man at the corner
of Main and Madison, and ono of them • let in' on
him with a cowhide, which she employed most
igorously, to his discomfort and annoyance. After
taking it a little while, the man attempted to get
away, and ran down Madison street to Bank ave
nue, up that to the next alley, and out at Front
row, Ho was hotly pursued by thp woman, and
I ollowed by an immense crowd, many halloing,
it to shim Hurrah for the woman !"
• Popper him!' cud similar exclamations. Oa
Front row the woman overtook him, and, having lost
her cowhide, gave him her fist and tongue in a
style which indicated the familiar use of both
thoso dangorous weapons."
Captain Drummond, of the firm of Trutand
Drummond, ship-huildere in Nlaino,.has invented
a hollow receptacle for papers and valuable docu
ments, to bo thrown overboard in Case of a disaster
at sea, and designed to float until it is picked up
or floats ashore. It is made in globe form, of brass
or copper, and the opening is Ailed with a screw
cap easily adjusted, and air-tight. A model is now
exhibited by Mr C C. Duncan on 'Change, where
it attracts much attention.
A monument has lalety been erected in the
cemetery at Concord, Mass , in memory of the lion.
Samuel Hoar, who died in November last It is
of Quincy granite, twelve feet high, six wide, and
three deep, and represents a door and window, the
design being from the Pilgrim's Progress
Mrs. Sarah S. Bradley, of Cheshire, (so,
says the Hartford Times,) committed suicide at
her residence, on Tuesday last. by hanging herself
with a rope, which she attaehed to the banister of
the hall stairs. When discovered by her sister,
life was eztinet.
Five cattle, among a herd of twenty, were
struck by lightning on Samuel Keller's farm, near
West View, Augusta county, Virginia, on Saturday
last, and instantlykilled The cattle were on the
summit of a high and bare hill, remote from tim4
her of any kind.
Woodstock Gas Works were destroyed byl
fire, September 30th. The Woodstock people hav4
been unfortunate in gas work operations. They
have complained that the eonstruetioa of the works
was faulty or their gas poorly made If the gas
would not burn, it seems the gas• Works would
The Newburyport Herald reports that thy
Atlantic Mouse, on Salisbury Beach, was destroyed
by fire last evening. Tho houso had been open tti
seasons, and was owned and kept by Mr Albert
Titeoinb, and was worth some $2,500 It was proba.
bly itpured
Mr. D. H. Barons left San Francisco by
the last steamer, with a barrel of Los Angeles
wine for President Buchanan, together with sans.
pies of oranges, citrons, lemons, grapes, &c. There
is something besides gold in California.
Dr. Lloyd Selby, formerly editor of the
Molly Springs (Miss.) Jacksonian, was drowned at
Vicksburg on the 22d nit , bye steamboat running
over a skiff in which he was crossing,opposite War
The match between the Boston and Lowell
Clubs wet played in Loral un Thursday. The
game not being completed, was decided by the first
innings, and the Boston Club decided victorious.
Under the new railroad arrangement which
goes into effect the 15th inat , the time from Buffa
lo to New York was fixed at eighteen hours It is
now fifteen.
The Governor and Council of New Hamp
shire have appointed Thursday, November 2dth,
for Thanksgiving day in that state This is the
first of the teaser].
An exchange says that 2,500,000 feet of
pine lumber were rued in Connecticut last year in
making elocke.
entrespondenm for " Tax Pams" will Ovine tear in
mini the following rules :
Seery cot:mutilation must be aseorapsnied by the
name of the writer. In order to insure correctness in
the typnersphy, bat one aide of s sheet should be
written upon
We shall be grestly obliged to gentlemen in Penusyl.
Tanis and other States for contributions eying the ear
rent news of the day in their vertleuthr totalities, the
tomatoes of the surrounding country, the in:reit:se of
population, and,any isformaton that will be interesting
to the general reader
The Centreiiiie Chi onitle has tie t.,11,0xin6 :
'• A little darkey, some tweirecr thirtet a rears
old, came to this village on McTudav last, and on
Tuesday he set fire to the barn of Mr James Kel
sey, in which were depodted four kegs of gani-vx
der The Rev. Mr. Martin, being near by, d:r
covered the fire, and. with the essiltan., :ere
eel others. succeeded in extinguishing the flames.
No suspicions as to foul play were entertained by
any one at the time. supposing it to be acs idental.
until an hour or two afterwards, when another I
frame building, which MO undergoing repairs. and
contained, at the time, thirtyor thirty-fire
worth of carpenter's tools, was seen on Eire. which
was entirely consumed Stopicion rested ca the
little colored gent. and, upon interrogating him, he
confesied ; assigning no other reason !Jr doing the
act, only to see the names and hear it snap and
Thu Oswego Tirnel of the 28th ult. tells the
following story. Two men, named. respectively.
Vtard rind Rail, were at work down the hit =bore,
some miles from the city getting out h..4,-..tuff,
when they discovered a smelt keg buried in the
tend This they dug out. and operang it, foam! it
contained sixteen fiunfired silver ptece.o. The
coins were of an anzieut French e..m, ard of the
denomination of seven•ftane Alue) s.
Sl.u9 each. The two men, with their ire .eon
hare left for Philadelphia. whe:e they intend to
exchange their coin at the mint It is yrebahle
that the money was secreted in the piece where it
was discovered, by some French officer, during the
old French war, and, afterwards, the officer mat
helve been killed, leaving no trace where the
treasure was concealed
As Mr. Thomas G. Rotm.ta of Dighton, E.
I; was closing his store, about nine o'clock on
Thursday evening, two teen entered, asking for
cigars, and, as he turned to the artisle, .ne cf
them gave him a heavy blow on the bwof k:o
brad, stunning and knocking him
Parti illy recovering, he clenched in with them,
and detended himself to the utmost until over
The assassins then tnok his wallet. eon
taining a small sum of money. and decamped, leav
ing Mr It unconscious upon the floor.
At Abergravenny (England) petty sessi Ora,
recently, says a kcal jytued, Darid 'Thomas. a
boy eight years old, was mulcted in Si. east., and
tined id , for picking four apples from a neighbar
ins tree, the branches of which projected over his
father's garden. The magtittatet on the ben,h
were one honorable" and 3 trio of •• reverends,"
whose decision deserves to be recorded 43 the hie.
specimen of `•justice in the rural districts."
It is stated in the Honduras Official Gazelle
hat the engineer of the Honduras lisilroad Cora-
piny had mentioned to the editor of that paper,
that to build the road would require , $25,00,00:1,
ip.stead of 510,000,000. as estimated heretofore,
and that the length of the road would exceed the
first calculation by one hundred miles at least. The
engineers were proceeding rapidly withithe MTV!34
for the road.
. An Illinois correspondent, writing from
Calhoun county, gays that there had been cat
there a mammoth tree, which made five thousand
stares, that were sold for eleven dollars per thou
sand—total, fifty-five dollars; and the top six cords
and a half of wood, and sold at three dollars per
cord—total, nineteen dollars and fifty cents. Total
product of the tree, seventy-four dollars and fifty
Joseph Baker, seventeen years old, bad a
difficulty in Cincinnati last week with his parents,
left the bonze and came home intoxicated. His
mother elaided him, and be, partly from anger and
partly from remorse, want into an outhouse and
endeavored to hang himself with his suspenders.
lie would, no doubt, have succeeded in his attempt
bad not some one entered the tenement and inter
fered with his purpose
A Wisconsin correspondent of the Roches
ter Union states that, in going from Prairie du
Chien to La Crosse, a few dap ago, a singular
keno was presented on the steamboat. At one end
rthe long saloon a clergyman was preaching to
small crowd gathered around him : in the mid
le, gambling was in busy progress; and at the
other extremity of the saloon there was music and
About three miles from Clear Lake, Napa
ounty, California, and near the borax lakes, is a
ulphur bank, from twenty to thirty acres in ex.
ont, and supposed lobe thirty feet thick, suffi
pure, it said, for the use of the Mint in San
raneisco. The sulphur appears to be constantly
funning from a dam, steam constantly rising CCU
he whole surface.
Mr. Benjamin Burnham, of Kennebunkport,
Caught in a trap, on Wednesday week, a wild-eat,
ineasuring three feet from the hp of his DC , 913 to the
;end of his tail, and weighing nearly one hundred
iponada. Be was attended by his mate, which fled
when Mr. Burnham made his appearance with his
gun, with which he soon pat an end to the exist
ence of the varesiar.
On Thursday night fire was discovered in
the barn attached to the dwelling house formerly
'wned by Hon. Nathan Clifford, and now recopied
by Mr. Orrin Challis, of West Newfield, Me. Tho
horn was entirely consumed, together with fifteen
`tons of hay. The fire then ezZended to the dwel
ling house, which was burnt to the ground. The
furniture was saved.
Last Thursday morning a man named Ed,
wilblorton, from North Branford, Ct., was loom'
:dyrng in a street of New Raven, his skull haying
;bean broken by a blow on the back of his head.
Ho had arrived in town the previous day, and had
,showed arroll of bills .about in a rather careless
manner. When found, there was no money upon
his perton.
A Frenchman, named Charles Seidel, a c ern
pcsitor, it is stated in the Rockdale tßr.giand) Ob
server, entertained foarteen friends to supper, at
'the St. James tavern, Yorkshire street, and one
course consisted of the legs of eighty frogs, which
had been fried with batter and eggs, in the French
The New York Sun tells a strange and im
probable story about the young and beautiful wife
of a leading steamship owner being fascinated by
the " Bones" of Chriaty's Minstrels; bat returned
to her liege lord on his handing to her a five-hun
dred-dollar bill for pin money:"
Mr. Richard Sherwin, the oldest practical
printer in Boston, died at his residence, 4 North
Russell street, on Saturday. It was he who.dreat4sd
in continental Costame,worked the original Frank
lin press inthe procession at the inauguration of the
Franklin statue, last year.
From a thousand to to elve hundred men
find employment in carrying on the fishing bnai-
Hess of the Strait/ of Mackinac. In addition to
the quantity salted, quite an amount of fresh fish
are packed in broken ice and sent off every sum
mer to Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo, and Buffalo.
Vermont is a model State. An editor of
ono9f its papers says of it: "There is but one city in
tuis State, and not a soldier. We have no pol , ce ;
not a murder has been committed in this Sista
within the last ten years. We have no museums or
crystal palaces."
The present Mormon population of Utah
is estimated by Elder Richards at 60,000. There
lava been some fluctuations in the population since
the last census, but the arrivals have exceeded the
departures The total population of the Territory,
(lentil° and Mormon, is 80,000.
In Rockland, Me., on the 26th ult., a boy
of mixed Spanish and negro blood was taunted
and provoked by a lad named Asa Willis. son of
Madden L Willis, when he set upon young Willis,
and dangerously, if not fatally, stabbed him.
The United States Indian agent at Fort
Laramie has informed the Interior Department
that the Mormons have concerted measures to com
mand the trade with the Indians by making settle
ments every twenty or thirty miles.
In the foundation of the great temple of
Ilaalbeo are stones twelve feet square and over
sixty feet long, lifted high upon the wail and per
fectly jointed. They weigh from six to eight hun
dred tons.
An anchor which belonged to one of the
English ships which were sunk in the Hackensack
iver during the revolution was recovered on Mon
In Cincinnati, an apothecary put up liquid
ammonia instead of eseenee of cinnamon, and
Neil McCarty, a baker, died from taking it.
The Germans of Virginia propose to erect
a monument to the memory of Baron Steuben.
[Reported for The Press J
DISTRICT Coma, No. 2—Judge Sharswood
tho case of Albert Lawrence vs.. Withers and
Peterson, a feigned to try the ownership of
a horse, thojury returned a verdict for the plain tilt.
George U. Oberteuffer 24. William S. Stewart. a
feigned issue to try the ownership of certain house
hold furniture. On trial. Ovorgejl. Northrop for
plaintiff; F. C. Brewster, Esq., and Judge Parsons,
Sur defendant.
DISTRICT Cott?, No. I—Judge Hare.--Josepl i
IL French vs Benjamin Whitcear, an action to
recover a sum of money alleged to have been paid
by plaintiff for the use of the defendant On trial.
W. A. Husbands Esc! , for plaintiff, Wm W.
Juvenal and J. Newton Brown, Ezqrs., for de
COMMON PLEAS—Judge Allison —Pleasauto vs
McClure, an action of covenant to recover arrears
of ground rent. Defence, that there was a para
mount ground rent. Verdict for the plaintiff $l5,
:abject to reserved points. Mcßea. E=q . for
plaintiff; J. t Colahan, Esq , for defendant
Van Boil vr. Harvey, an action for goods sold
and delivered. Verdict for the defendant fie_:.
Esq., for plaintiff; Junkin, Esq for defendant
Edward 11. Joseph Alaxirell. au
action for breach of covenant On trial. Earl J.
Woodward, Esqrs. , for plaintiff; Sproat. E:q , for
QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Tlaorop, , on.—The
Court was occupied all day in trying liquor czQe.i.
The following cases were disposed of :
Stephen Martin pleaded guilty to selling liquor
without license.
Jacob Read wtas acquitted of Ailing liquor with
out license.
Edward North Rae convicted of selling lique:
without license. Sentenced to pay 5100 and co,ts
Edward Lerecer was convicted of selling ;iv.,
without license. Sentenced to pay 5100 and co-t_
John P Thomas was acquitted of selling liqtn.:
without license This was the tirot cox in whi...11
the tide of conviction was turned The defeLia.,t
VW 'very ably represented by William B. P.s.ukin,
John Marlowo was acquitted of sellutg liquor
without license Lewis C. Ca.iitly, £eq.. tor the
John McAndrew!, eonvietea of selling liqner
without license :Sentenced to pay f;100 and ce t l_.
The following per,ow were acquitted of sollin,z
liquor without &license : Patrick McGurk, Patrick
Cannon, Bernard Lee, Charles °Tara. Daniel
Conaway, Catherine Finegan, pay costs : Jamey
McNulty, pay costs: Thomas Munn. county pay
costs; Patrick Farley, county pay musts.