11Sooko. W _ Vas .ahluale-LADY. . NEW WORE ABSORBING INTEREST. The wide-spread sensation which the celebrated ,„, DRAMA UP OAIdILLE has ermited,bothin • - IN EUROPE AND AMERICA, :nal' excited a natural pariosity to become acquainted wish the original work of the distinguished author, _ - ALRUNDER DUMAS, THE YOUNGER. in`pronce, the thrilling story of the remarkable ha tine, " Marguerite - Gautier," whose real liaptisinal name Raa MAD'LLE MARIA DULPLISSES, elicited Irani the first. Moment of itentiblication a sYme -.-pathy where there was a heart 'to feel,:or a soul to be *ached with the serious of the unfortuate. • EDITION:AFTER EDITION ; was clatneroi t lr , called for, and in proportionas the pub lie became se fled that the incidents sre all , POUNDED ON ACTUAL PACT, Atti interest in the story went on augmenting, till it cul minated in an otatien of fame and admiration' to the author. The work ,marked allover with the .141 Itel of _ WONDERFUL GENIUS,' and is calenlated to ,stir the breast of the most indiffer ent reader. No true version of the erlginslhas yet appeared in an English dreits. The 'American publisher, "Egged that ,such a version was imperatively called for, has deter mined to supply this great want. , TRUE ORIGINAL of the work, published first under the title of " LA DAME AIIX O.4IdELIAS," from which the Opera of LA TBAYLATA and the drama of QAMILLE bare be i e4 te adafited for the stage , has just been issued from th . es, beantifitlly printed upon fine paper, and olegantlfp- ; wad. A copy of the Book will be forwarded (postage paid) to any:address in the Malted States for One Dollar. All orders to be sent to , - - • • - B, 7..111.110118N, Publisher,. oettidStredt 162 South Third street, seoond story SPLENDID GIFTS AT 489 CHESTNUT STREET...--THE' 1201114INATISTAR 411'7 BOOK STORE.-0: CV:EVANS would intone. his friends and the public that he has removed his Star Gift Book Store and Publishing House to the splendid store le Brown's Iron Building, 489 CHESTNUT Street; two' doors below Fifth, where the purehaher of each book will receive 'one of the following gifts, valued at 'fiem '25. cents to $lOO, consisting of 4o 'Watches, deivelry, fee'.: • 660 Patent Eng. Lever Gold Watches...4loo 00 each .650 Patent Anchor Lever Gold - 50 00 400 Ladies , Gold Watches, 18k. caseb..... 86 00 600 Oliver Lever 'Watches,. warranted.:.. -16 00 " 600 Parlor 'Tineepieses - 10 00 ' 600 Cameo , Sets,' EarEreps, and 10 00 u 505 Ladles' Geld Bracelets 12 00 600 ' " " Neck Ohaine , 10 00 ," 1,000 Gold Lockets, (large else and dimble cased., 10 00 " . • 2,000 Gold Lockets, small sloe , aOO 1,000 Gold Pencilnases, with Gold Pens... 600 1,000 B ra Gold Pens, with cases and - Holders r .• 360 ~ 2,500 Gold Pencils 2 60 " 2,500 Gold Pens, 'with Silver pencils ' ' 2 60 " 6,600 Gold Rings ' ' 100 2,000 Gents , Heavy GOld Rings ' 2 75 1 " 2,600 Ladies' Gold. Breastpins 2 60 ," 3,600 Misses' Gold'llreastphis 160 " - 3,000 Pocket Knives - 76 '" 2,000 Sets Gantt' Gold Bosom Studs '8 00 2,000 Sets Gents , Gold Sleeve Buttons.... '8 00 '" 2.000 - Pairs ladles' Ear Drops ' ' ' 260 '" : :EVANS'S Catalogue contains all of the most popular books of the day, and all the newest publications,' all of which will be sold as lour as can be obtained it other stores. A complete 'catalogue of books sent free,' by, , application through the mail, by addressing ft. Ct. EVANS, 489 ORESTNIIT Street. Agents Wanted in "everi , ,town In the United States. Those - desiring so to act can, obtain full particulars by addressing its above., ' " ' worth Gifts will ,be ' given With every $l,OOO worth of books sold: set, stuthtf 11,YEEDER80N 90' 13 GREAT LITER XL AO YAM FIFTH and ARCH streets. j order to , gratifythe wishes:, of 'oar ' numerous , pa trons; and induce the book-buying public to fill up heir libraries at the usual low prices, we Intend to presentto every purchaser of books to the amount of sl . and up wants, a Gift in , value of from 25 centeito $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at nein vaNsbt, eloey, and Wed Beconeet you are not lnying at chance, for every ur ebasar gets his books at the usual price, and . very many will get, in'additioo, spreeenoiorm. „an2l.- &n • . . . _ 011 N ' OAMP)3ELV&:WItiBIBLIOPO- LISTS, in the Cliff3TON HOUSE avenue, have al ,Ways for sale rare and scarce Books._ .Gentlemen brook worms are Invite& to eall and judge an to 0109 and va riety. -Law and ralieellsueous books purchased in Audi or large quantities. , Book! continually receiving from auction. " ' ' , ' ' ' ' • 'aedt-th trcnntS EVANS' GREAT GIFT BOOK-SALE, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. N. 8.--No oonneo Ono with any other bone° in the Oity. • ant-8m (Ivy 10 E .0F: „TEE RECEIVER OFi TAX213,*8.11. corner of Sixth nodOheetnut streets, October 5,185 T .'; - z 'NOTION MY. TAX-PAYERS.--The attentiol of po tax-re h directed_ to :the following section o the Fropplement of the 15Ct • chneolidatlng the Mg of P 11a - R.—Thl4 the Itedeiven: of Taps 'hag; on, the .SEOTION au v. • pawn •11611., first Mondays of October , N o vember and December,eglxe a general notice to all tax-payers three times in three newspapers, to pay the taxes then due; and that ; if not paid before the that day of the following January, Inte rest will be charged thereon , and that the nemea all delinquent tax-payers will then be publiehed according latf, and the- names of. the,delinguent tawayers. when published,altall bialphabetically arranged for the several Wards." - PETEWATI.IIII3ROSTERi Receiver of Texts. P FOR ERECTING tTRE 1. 0178 TOM 1101161 i ,, &0,, at Perth Amboy, FOR , Jersey.. tplll.Blll.lrPlitfittl:lfElir. ' ji , _ ` Wsinnifiroa, ifeitet - tAWILIi,IB , ST., PROPOSALS will be received at this Departmentitotil i r the 21th day of Noventberi.A. D. 186 1, at 12 o'c , noon, fee the construction of the O,IBtOM !louse 'oat Office, - and Oeurt•Rootti; authorited tohe erec at PERTH AMBOY, New-Jersey , according' to the plane and epecifications -prepared- at title Department; Toaid propoarie to be either for thi *hole building, or eepte for the diffettnit kinds of work; bills of parcels lin entry case accompany each bid, with the amount of sch kind of work, 'and 'the .total amount carried out • the Deputteent, reserving the right to, reject , or acce the proposals hereby invited, or any part tereof, whin it deems the. interest - of the -United States require It r a e Department also ,reserves the right to exclude. the Id of any perien of persona whom there Wiest cab to believe will not faithfully perform 'the' contract or which they have attempted to , obtain• by !nil on ,• and all bide when there shall be partiee in interest be do not join in the bids, and all bids that upon Invieldfia-: tton'aro below a fair price for the work:: , ' '.-',-',, s, Bids will not be received, in MU, Stitt AO cootract, ill - be *Welded to a bidder unless details are furnished the Department of the prices of the - eiliterent kinds of work and materials, which shall ' be mitiject to - the revntion of the Department,, so that it may adapt the whole or partlsi 'the bid, astins interest of the United Elites ' " may require. , • „ ‘ -; Ninety per 'mint': of the 'enionnt of work done, land materials delivered' aceording' to contract' price (said amount to be *wit:tined by an estimate of an 'ageot of the Department 'appointed'lor •that parried will be paid from time to time en the work progresses,„andi ten 'per cent : retained until the completion of Contfact, and the acceptance ' of ,the work, ice., by the agent aforesaid, and be forfaitedintheeyent of non-fulfilment of contract.; -, - ~ ~ • ~ , , ... Contractsivillhe sawardedOrd:) , tii . iria;terhOildersl mechanics; and the assignment thereof, except by and '• _ c....mt by la tent of tbelkwitary of .the Tteasnry, , will be a for sit-, ure of The same, ; , Each proposal must be accompeniedb g y a written r antee, signed by two responsible - Pinions (certified t be so by the United States District andge,'or loitttini of the said District ), in, the pun , etS5,OOO for thew whole work,' or, of a proportionate ani.nant teeny part, at the bidder will, when rbildirad, propose be aecepted, enter" into' a ;contract and'ond, with pr per and sufficient atanritles for Its faithful performance. Form of DMA - and' Dertifleate - Foquire4 will , be ur niahed on application to tha liapartment.. ' Plans, epectflostiont,, And ;working drawings wit be ready on the let of Notrepilier, whentbeycan h on epart application to the Dment. • No bid will be ancrideretr unless t 1 jolt t'e'mp in all its details,-with the requirements of this ad er tiiement. ,! The propagate tati# be eonf tiCEbie Defoirtmint ad dreesed ha the Sotcretarythe' Treasury; and plainly endorsed- "PROPOSALS yowl= PERTH AM Y CUSTOM HOIIi3}I,I , and Will be 'opened at 'one o'c ock of The last day named for resolving the game, - • ' yowELT, COBS, ' sefithltaktn-triolt ' . .,ller,retari of the %casein . youorOsits Fag, SI3IPPLIE`: - „' Queatessaarsaii °snag Manna Coale, Washfogton,2ept. 17,135 ' SEALEO PBooo6slll'Will be retnlvid l atilda 0,. '4 until 8 o'clock, p. m., on Thursday, the WA Otto er, 1867, for 'supplying the marine toms with the fol'y • hag articles during the fiscal year ending 30th Juror, 1:58, via: . • , 600 to 800 uniform cape, complete. • . ' 1,000 to 2,000 marine pompoons 1,000 to 2,000 patent-leather stocks. 600 to 800 privates" uniform coats, complet ,of . • , . , navy blue sloth, Indigo dye-44 be chemically tested, ' , , ~. i 60 to 100sargeants , unifOrm coats, (acme as , above.) 50 to 100Musiciens , coats, scarlet cloth, cochi • sal ' dye- , ..t0 be chemically tested. 100 to' 200'palre tion.commtseloned Weems , e . an, , let:os. 600 to', 800 pales brass .centre straps. , Bo to 60" red worottscriaShet , 2,000 to 2,00/pain lined eremite. , 1,000 to 2,000 Ilnen shirts. , 2,600 to 8,000 pain brogans, Nos. 6 to U. 600 to . ' 80.1 marine blankets, (gray.) 500 to 800 knapsacks, ~ 2,600 to 2,000 pain woollen loan. ' , q 500 to 800 marine fatigue caps ; the cloth to bo avy , blue, indigo dye, and &owl.. Ily - ' ' • tested, - 600 to 800 fatigue frocks. r . - 1,000 to 1,600 flannel shirts. 600 to 1,000 pairs woollen - *Serails, blue keno. 600 to 1,000 woollen jackets, do. 300 to 600 watch or great coats, do. 600 to 1,000 palm Canton flannel drawers. 85 to BO mulching' jackets, scarlettloth,,co hl• • • neal dye...to.be chemically tested Samples of the abote articles may be seen on a ll cation at this office, or at the office of the oasis ant quartermaster marine corps, 180 lipriMe street, P la, delphis.• It is to be understood that - the accepted bidder i to take all material used for manufacttuingcoate, eve Ils, &c., on hand at the time of entering into contract! at the contract prices thereof. Bide - will be received for the whole or In parts for the articles, required, and it moat be. explicitly, ?Anders od that a critical inspeetion will be given all articles or . Dished as, to Ot;and quality ) and that . articles whit do not come up to the'sample,will be rejected and the wn upon the handl of the cbntraetor, The quartermaster reServeg to himself the rigto ) .t. increase or diminish the quantlty named above, as he exigencies or interests of the Seniee may demand. Proposals to be addreseed to the ,, Quartermaster o he Maxine Cutps,' , Washington, D.' 0:, and , .endorsed " ro . peseta for Supplies." • The papera publishing thie advertisement will nd the paper contanung the /n.O - insertion to this offic for examiontion, aceempamledbyXdu,plicate account of he expenee—at the rate of-70 tentst for 800 ems fitat i er tion, end 37)4 cents per too oittoftir all aubsequen . in deadens. ' . ' 4l- ' ae lmtutlito y „1. fYARTMENTCOF MARKET-wow's, BNION, S. x i colarin or liitrrn AND 0141 Dr OTHENTS. i f , • .1 , Pninsiutirirrs, October'Let, I,Bf, . - Sealed 'Proposals will' be received at this Office til .tbe geth ditzuf ,NOVEMBEIt next, et:l2 o'clock, for the'Renting of the following Wharves and Landing for sa, term of three years: - Arch street landing, at the foot of Arch street on the river Schuylkill—lease commencing• December list, lecf Alec; Cerigeis street Landing, at , the foot of, On rgo flreet, 011 the river Schuylkill—leasecommencing4 env, Ary let, 1858: • , Approysd security will be required.. ;1i •• , :i • : S. C.,TLIOMPSON, „. oe/..th rtiilm - -Comsnlssioner of Marko . . I)VALE ROPE.—ROPE . to 411 and examine our Manila Bale -Elope; which woken can eon as low as American, and warrant, It Kiwi& In strength and durability, - WEAVER; HITLER & 00.,1 No. 23 N. Niter et.'ood 22N. Whirred itiAN I L L'A. ROIT. - -.I3IIPERIOirz ~,J 'Lu. NILLA. ERA mknitacturod and for nag bg . - 31 1 .T.t , VEni , Prriant 11. ..9 awl* No. p4,-,imititrott e „ and - N -vaarre WELCOME IANGE. I —Sorm BY OM; V WAIK*ORPEi WAY., ?MOND St ►3178-8 , ...10UBLOCILME RANGE.—SOLDB:x: s Bub utz rt. gtiordi s4g4 111 1 1HMAS E. BAXTER .—HARDW . .11" CrITPLUT AND TOOLS, 141.010 MAXIC a l oj ., /ono Muth, oath 04e, Philodolyl, Ql)ipping. FOR LIVERPOOL—THURSDAY, 22'l • Ootober.—The packet OW NONPAREIL, (1450 tons), Captain Faulk, will sail 00 above. il a e b o l u n lrar • 880 20 Steerage 18 Second cabin and steerage passengers found with pro. viaions according to the American passenger act. . , Apply to ,I , THOS. RIORARDSON & CO.. oes- , FOR: GALVESTON—TEXAS LINE.-- With quick despatch. , The fast-sailing regular packet schooner CHARLES S. pgARLEN, roster, master, to now loading at Race street wharf, having over two-thirds of her cargo engaged and going on board rapidly, will have despatch aa above. Shippers will please hurry their geode alongside, and bills of lading to the Counting-house for signature. For balance of freight or passage , apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & O. 3dNorth Wharves, oc 5-tf or to TABLES BARRE, 43 North Wharves. FOR SAN FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA LINE.--Direat from Philadelphia. The magnificent clipper ship JOSEPH JONES, Sam uel G. Flowers, commander, Is now loading at Race attest wharf; having a large part of her cargo engaged smiting on board rapidly, will have Immediate des. pato Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside with- Ont delay. For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS k CO., ess-dtf 88 North Wharves. FOR , SAN FRANCISCO—FROM NE W • YORK. • • The celebrated clipper ship SANTA CLAUS, Foster, master; the magnificent clipper ship BOSTONIAN ' , —, master, are now loading and will have despatch as above. For balance of freight api,ty to BISHOP, SIMONS & CO., SO North Wharves. finning /110CIJIMM. A GOOD SEWING' MACHINE.—HUNT, -cm.- WEBSTER, to 00., beg respectfully tollntroduce themselves to the publlOas the manufacturers of the " -TAIPROVED SEWING MACHINE adapted to manufacturing or family purposes. • Free - from the objections which have been urged against those already known in this market THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OF , THEM ALL, and will be sure to commend itself, upon examination, to families, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, and seamstresses. Those In want of A GOOD ARTICLE, that will make-A handsome lock-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will HEM, BIND, STITCH, RUN, or GATHER; Indeed, th at wilkeve entire eatioraolion even after they have been neeMor years, are invited to call at our rooms, CO CHESTNUT Street. HUNT, WEBSTER, & 00. Sewing of every description executed In the beat pos sible manner, and on reasonable terms. Samples of our work sent by mail to any pert of the United States. au22-tuths am. I ,, entlemen's 7 ffurniebing oloobo WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT HANUPAOTORY, No.' 700 OHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, philadelphis The attention of Sodtborn and Wettem Merchants; and Strangers, is particularly Invited to thin Improved cut of Shirta,,the most porfortfittlng article made. At tale and retail, and made to order. aus4Vir WESTERN TRAVELLERS. T, SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS ' • NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE TO • : . I 11.• Vir ST On and after Juno lei, 185 T, TWO DAILY TRAINS wilt leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and all West ern and South or Ziorthweatem3 TR& MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 8.16 A. M. eon:meting with the Mail Train over the °rest Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving in Pittsburgh at 1.20 THE AFTERNOON EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 3 P; M., for Harrisburg._- THE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN i , Leaves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. Si., !con necting with the Lightning Express over the Penbsyl vanla Railroad for Pittsburgh, arriving at 1.20 P. Mt Er, All these trains connect , closely at Pittsburg with - trains over the Pittsburgh, Feu Wayne i and Chicago .Railroad, and its Northern, Southern and Western connections. irr Passengers for Chicago, Rock letand, Burling ton,lovra City, liiilmankee, Dubuque, St . PaurA, Madi son, and other leading cities in the Northwest, will save one hundred miles of travel and fenhours In me, ;with four less changes of care, by taking this route. t V" Passengers for Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo; and Detroit, go by this route, and the time is unequalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other route. 117" Passengers for St. -Louis, Indianapolis, Torte Haute, Cairo, and all points on the Lower and Upper Mississippi, make less changes of care, and arrive is ad vance of any other route; and to Cincmusti, Coluribus, Dayton, Louisville, and other prominent cities, as hoick as by any other route. All Western Baggage CHECKED THROUGH' and handled with cars. FOR THE NORTH. The .816 A.M. connects closely with Express TS over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, Elu Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Canada, forming the moat direct railway mute to Northwol Pennsylvania and Western New York. Passengers) find this the shortest, cheapest, and most expodi route to Niagara Palls and Canada. Through Tickets are leaned to Philadelphia via Tumble and Lancaster by all the trains at $3 each, train having sure connections. Passengers by route avoid treseelled bridges, and all the 112C011Telli of ferrying across the Susquehanna river. Passengers for Hanover, Manchester, Gettyaburg„ mittsburg, Carlisle, Chambersburg, go by the trail 8.15 A. M., and P. M. WESTMINSTER BRANCH. The Care on this road make One trip per day, cow lug with the train at 3 P. U. Ifor THROUGH TICKETS and further informal "apply at the Ticket. L Ollice, Calvert Station, N. IL co 'of Calvert and "Franklin streets. sep2B-tf 0. 0. ADREON, Supit. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT- Iaw GAS CONSUBIiNG FURNACE CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNdICE, after having been put to the -most severe test, di4ring the two OOLD ININIESS or 1850 AHD /857, has proved to be the most potorrful heater in She World, saving iron, yy to g the fuel over any of the best furnaces now in sea Tnius Po Nacre are constructed with a cut Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, I nod with fire-trick or iron staves. Tho fire pot is surmount. ed with • A BERM OP.OONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small weer. tures at the top, and milting with the tinnier chamber, through which - the heat and smoke pass to the line Tim waome products , of combustion in the ?min of smoke and noise , are suspended directly over the ire. oeurnten or compressed into the tapering OCODDliand oostuttanor eSPOSSD to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. Thie heat and light is 'brovight to a room in taco Coax, not unlike the , COLLECTION OP THE KIN'S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lone, taming{ the SMOKE AND ocean to become intensely boated and tho roughly 00S6171(iD, by this operation the smote ken OASES are GADS SQUALLY AVAILABLE with the PDEL tram, . for heating purposes, while, in other furnaces, it 1.8 OAREISD OFF 6/ID WASTED iN TEE enlace,. All persona desirous of obtaining the beet and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATIIS, should not fail to examine .the.Nsw Gas 00N81/alno Coon Fosisacsa before purchasing any other. The! at. Outten of architects and builders is particularly} re quoted. „ ARNOLD A WILSON, (Successors to S. A. liarrison,p No. 624 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Squiare. AND MARINE INS t ILA ANON COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Office, 802 WALNUT street, west. of "FINN BEMS ONLY TAILEN. , ) ntavosess. Wm.ll. WOOD John Anspaith;Jr., Jno.ldcOlnre, H. N. Burroughs, Tho: Craven, J. B. Hughes,, A. S. Gillett; P. D. Sherman,' ; , Furman Sheppard, Wm. P. Hacker,' Semi. /ones, H. D. P. Steiner, Joseph Klapp, M.l;. IL A. Shackelford, Hon. DS JONES, President. Hon. WOODWARD, Vice President. 300. S. MOMULLIN, Secretary. IMO B. ALMORD,Assistaut Secretary. au1...3m SAVING FUND.--UNITED STAT I ES TRUST COMPANY, carnet of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. - Large and email mums received, and paid back on' do. mand, without notice, with FIVE PER GENT IN r EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdraw . Office hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, an on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and ficothind, from .il upwards. , . . , Prealdent—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FOE. • Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER. sel7-131if 3I " C i I t t Y N S ' T r A ' L B G P 1113 OR PHOTOORAPHIO MINIATURES IN OIL), - E. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST. The above pictures differ epentsally from anything ever hereto offered to the public. ,Their softness,;and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance;while the severity of the i or deal to whichlhey are exposed In manipulation equally .settles the question of-their permanence. These Siete enable the subsenber to. offer them, with the greatest satsatisfaction and' abundance, to the public and to! his . They are secured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY of E. D. MARONANT.I Dr-Portraits of the cabinet, and life site on canvas OA heretofore. ae 18-3 CLOVER SEED. —NOTIOE TO PENN SYLVANIA. YAMMERS AHD STOREKEEPE . Tie undersigned are now prepared topurchasel ter cash, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsyl Ma storekeepers and • farmers, by sending samples to ,our address, can, at all' times, ascertain the price at str we are ' buying, Parties 'wishing samples, by whic to be governed as to quality, can save them sent by ' all, by addressing us. J. II CHASE & CO, , setal9-tt .48 North Front, and 44 Water titre* BW. TINGLEY & CO., BANKENS • No. 97 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. - Stocks, Bond., dm, Bought and Bold on Commission. llncarrent Bank Notes, Checks, &0., bought at the lowest rates. , Deposita reeelved and Interest allowed, as per agree teant. , BOYS'''CLOTHING. Y. A, 'HOYT b. BRO. We nos on hand a very large assortment of READY-MADE goods suitable for the present season which they feel disposed, to Poll cheap. ASSEMBLY BE/WINGS, Southwest corner TENTH and OffEdTNUT streets. N, 31,....Vire have a large assortment of new goods of a superior quality and make, , eep22-Imtuths CHEAP SUMMER .COXE, of egeollent quality, hi aohl atthe PIIMADELPIIIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of five mate n bushel, and may, be obtained in large or email quantity by .up. plying at the Gee. Ofilee, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. . To Purchases by Wholesale, 1t ls sold at the Work,' in First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to Au thracito, a 152.60 per ton. (signed,) J. O. CRESSON Engineer, Pnrt.Aostrste hie WORM Aug.2o, '6?. andl-ti .4 BRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE ZR. Sinking and Embossed Printing,lErrrelope and Seal Preen blatturneOry,..B7 Strawberry , Street, between ,Second null Third, and Market and Chestnut:Street, Philadelphia, Ea .t aul2-ly 92 2 /2 , ,Nz et o 9 Onif Cotton, in Store C y MARTIN am lIP WAtmr COTTON -2i I bales good Middling to Mid tiling Fair Cotton,* store ant for Salo by • - MARTIN h MACIALISTER, ' I North Water Shwa 0 GRESS RAN GE.—SOLD BY OIIAD. MOB' & BRO., N 0.202 R. BBOOND Stre,t, , anq]S•Smoa 104 US I A AND AMERICAN TARRED CORtigtE.—a superior article, manufacture and for wile by WEAVER, FITLEn & CO., au B..tf No. 23 N. 'Water at., & 22 N Mane'. EIARLES ,Pl' PALDWELL—=Wholosale C ' and Retail WHIP and PANE Manntactuter, No. 9 .N.qtkk g . l TlKU fiket , eta SHAH PE 'S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTRTN4, 148 North FOURTH etnet, between Arch nod BINA del nuo.ly Wince and fawn OLD WHEAT WHISKEY.--E. P. MID DLETON & 11110 TILER, hoporteis of 'Vines, DM.. dies &c . Also, sole proptletors of the Old 'Moat Whiskey, N 0.5 North Front Street. sepl.7.lm DORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de- X. Denture 250 casks St. Joseph's Pure juice Port Wine, in qrs. end eighths. Ton puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt ficotehWhis key;2 years old Fifty pipes Anchor 111 M. Montt, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Dopey Brandies, al of which I offer to the trade at reduced. prices. JOS. P. ~ PODIAS, au2l-3mos dB soil 00 B. Front St., below Walnut. A LEN" ANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STOKE, No. 226, Southeast Corner o OLOROR and SOU= Streets. aul•ly CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, ko., 2tl South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. BRAI' 'DlES.—Pinet, Castillon & Co., Ma rett & Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various ag pipes and quarter casks i Pellevolnln Rochelle in half eßrandles, pale and dark, in ball pipes, quarter emirs and one-eighth casks, all In Custom House stores, imported and for sato by MiIDIRY BOHLEN & CC.,' an 8 lice. 7.21. and 223 South Fourth street. rkITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE it AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 520 (new No 938) North•TDIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shipping orders promptly attended to. golds nub ticstatirants TEM OLD STAR HOTEL IN HARMONY 0011 R T.—The public aro respectfully informed that the OLD STAR HOTEL is still in existence. The proprietor will be glad to see his old friends, and pro tutees to furnish them with a superior quality of Ale, Wines, and Liquors. Re feels assured, that on paying him a visit they will not be disappointed. Ile is also prepared to furnish Oysters in every style, at the shortest notice. Lunch from 10 10 12 o'clock, rep 24-1 m WILLIAM HANNING'S CITY LAGER BENR SALOON, No. 232 Oarter'n Alloy, Phila dolphin. oep22-3ro MoGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH west corner of DROAD and WALNUT.—game and all other delitacies in season. Families supplied with Oysters on the shortest notice sep7-im MERCHANTS' HOTEL, • NORTH 'FOURTH STREET, Attovs Hant, PHILADELPHIA. • aIL24-tI HOMELIER & SONS, PROPRIETORS Q,COTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. MARKER, Proprietor. t ante-3m Wants. 500 AGENTS WANTED.-A HOME STEAD FOR $lO !—Third Division —5310.000 worth of Farms and Duilding Lots, in the gold region of Citlpoper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10;200 tabscribers, on the 7th of December, 1857. sub seriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollare, one halt down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every subscriber will get a Banding Lot or a Perm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the Increase in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 lota and farms are already sold, and a company of settlers called the " Rappahannock Pioneer Association" is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 45.000 acres of lend in di ff erent parts of Virginia, , U4W at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable titles will in all Caere be given. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmers, hit , are wanted, and live hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will' be given. Some agents write that they are making $2OO per month. Nor full particulars, subscriptions, agencies, he., apply ' • ' " E. - BAUDER, Port Royal, Caroline county, Va Qtanuntsoion illercOnto ir H. CHASE & CO. or • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North FRONT and 33 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONFITANTLY RECEIVING CLOVER SEED On consignment froin the interior or PennsylvBnia, where our now Cleaning Mill is now in general n4e. IJ7° Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP always on Laud. • 1.12 AI ANDY & BRENNER—COMMISSION I~ MERCHANTS awl Dealers In Foreign and Arne. rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Noa. 23, 27, and 27 North FIFTH Street, East side, above Commerce street, Philadelphia. , eul•tl VIIARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER V CHANT and Importer of HAVANA BEGAIIS {Now) .13S Walnut otroot. second story. aully Ira, thus q en) twill loun CARD.—THE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECT FULLY inform their friends and the trade gener ally that they have made arrangements for ono of their Buyers leaving monthly for the French and Omni) Mat hots. From many yeare experience, the permanent resi dence in Paris of two of the firm and an abundant capital, them can offer unusual facilities for THE PIER CHASE ON COMMISSION in any of the European markets for shipment direct. They are also prepared to receive orders from samples for Flowers and Feathers from their extensive and well known manufactories in Paris, to be shipped direct, either under bond or duty paid. HENDERSON, SMYTH & CO.. Importers, aulo-2.m* No. 200 Broadway. Sire Proof Ode°. S A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALADIA-NDER SAFES, VAULT DOOM, For Banks and Stores. SANK LOOKS, Equal to any now In use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &0., Cu as good terms as any other establishment in the United States, by EVANS & WATSON, No. 20 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE US A GALL. aul3-tf CIPAL.--The very, best assortment of LE -1...i MOII and SCHUYLKILL COAL on hand, in 11110 AD Street, second yard above Vine street. eel4•Ln HOWELL DOIIMAN. 2P4oand LB c B o . usu l m S er s A are a U m l i r u E e l o l u S r stock of ,4 1,1011G11 LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK LtEATIL 90n." Our Coal is selected expressly for family use; being carefully screened, we will warrant it free from elate and duet. "We sell 2240 Ms.," being " 240 lbs. snore" than sold by retail dealers, at "25 cents less per ton," Also, on band a full supply of BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL" fur Steam-generating, Illaclunotthing, and Rolling-mill purposes. This Coal cannot be ex celled. Yards, BROAD and PINE—Big Sign, , •2240 LDS. IS A TON. [668-13m) LEIGHTON & rJO COAL! COALI COAL !-TAGOART' 9 OELEDRATEDAPRING MOUNTAIN LEIIIOII 00AL. J. &R.OLRTER'SGREENWOOD,TAMAQUACOAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE 'SOREST SOIIUYL RILL 00AL. • , RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL ftIZES. There is no Coal mined anywhere, equal In quality these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust and all impurities. Our P1310F.3 areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. °niers left at our Office, No. 161 BOU'Ill FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, CALLOWIIILL street, bale,, BROAD street. Orders left at our‘Wharf, WATER street, above UAL, towinr,t-or soot to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt atteutiod. Purchasers for enmity use will do well to call and ea amlue our Coal before purchasing. elsewhere. awt•tf - R UCK MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct from I..kr the Corapany , a Mines, and the only authorized agents, by retail, honth of Kensington. Aino Lehigh and licbuylkill Coal. T. TREADWAY, Sarturionalreet, au2o-2rn] lat Wharf abeve Washington, flouthwar k QOERTYLKILL AND LEHIGH' COAL. I am daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality o_ SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH 00AL. 'AO customers, and all others who may rarer' me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. 11Y No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW IMICES. ALEXANDER CON VERY, N. E. corner of Broad and Cherry Ste LEHIGH ANI) SCHUYLKILL COAL.- DALY, PORTER & CO., COAL DEALERS, .No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates', a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. an I-6,m j . IiMBER AND COAL.—MONTGODIEDX & NEALL haying 'connected the Coal with t tho Lumber business, infordi their friends that they have made contracts fot a, supply of the beat qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and aro now ready to. re ceive orders , Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders May be left with Mr. B. KILPATRICK, No. 13 S. FIPTII street, or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINE and WATER streets, ' aulB-3m 11011ILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY -1 N. W. Oor. THIRD and CHESNUT Ste. , L. PELOUZE & SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establirhment, and desirous to merit iti continuance would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN BOOK lo now ready, and from their Increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing ueeessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shorteekno- Mee. Their long practical experience in tho business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of 'the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more (linable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to pnrchaSiug elsewhere. Old type taken at 9 cents per pound, in exchange for now at specimm prices. • 1.41 11111 E ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE,' J-828 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCIILS, PAOKAGES, MERODANDIZE, BANK NOTES end SPROIE, either by its own LINER, or in connection with other OXFAM COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United Staten, E. S. SANDFORD, anl-1, • Oeneral Seporintendent. CUSTOM HOUSE, PHILA.DELPIIIA r- BEPTBAIDER ' " The following detteribed* %RECLAIMED and FOR. F.EITED IILERCILANDIBE will be sold at public mile, at the APPRAISER'S STORES,' northeast corner of Front and Lombard Streets, on RAIDAY MORNING, October 9,1867, et 11 o'clock. Tty order of 13KKEII, Collectdr. SHAW ec. BAILEY, Auctioneers. H OLMES' SELF-RIG . TANG SITRF ARV BOAT.--The undeteigned are sole Kg/luta for the sale of HOLMES , SELF.RIOATING SURF AND LIFE BOAT. Patent right for States or cities or banjo ,ready for 11110, eau be obtained by applying to manor, SIMONS, & se 18-Ira 36 North wharves. j E. &B. SCHELL'S or. CITY MADAME WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL PAOTODY. .. ' , - AAR : 111 1 E BALL, O. E. CORNER OP TENTH AND VINE BTRETS) PUILADELPRIA.. z . Where every variety of MARBLE MANTELS, TOMBS, MONUMENTS, ,T ABLE TOPS pad FLOORING, - cbe repplied,upwit r , easontible torios. „ , an20,4f3 griltiTS TURPEAII , II:=- / .200 bliligpiki Turpentine, to arrive, for sale b,y AIAMEANAOALISTER, aul 1113 Noah Water Street. THE PRESS.-PfiItAtiELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1851. I - 111010E FARM LANDS FOR SALE .- IbLINOISOENTIIAL RAILROADCODIPANV is now prepared to gait about 1,500,000 acres of rho,' Farming lands, In tracts of 40 acres and upwards, on long credits, and at low rates of Interest. Them Imola were granted by tltd Government to !Gd in the construction of this Road, and are among the richest end moat fertile in the. world.. They extend from North-East and North-West, through the middle of the State, to the extreme South, and include every variety of climate and productions found between those parallels of latitude. The Northern portion is chiefly prairie, interspersed with tine groves, and in the middle and Southern sections timber predominates, alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. The climate is more healthy, mild and equable, than any other part of the country—the air is pure and bra• cing, while living streams and springs of excellent water abound. Bituminous Coal is ostensively mined,. and supplies a cheap and desirable fuel, being furntshed at many points at $2 to $4 per ton—and wood cau be bad at the same rate per curd. Building Stone of excellent quality also aboundr, which can be procured for little more than the expense of transportation. The groat fertility of these lands, which are a black rich mould, from two to tire feet deep, and gently roll In their contiguity to this road, by which every tact lit' is famished for travel and transportation to the principal markets North, South, Bast, Weet, and the economy with which they can be cultivated, render them the most valuable investment that can be found, and present the moat favorable opportunity for persona of industrious habits and small moans to acquire a com fortable independence in a few years. Chicago to now the greatest gram market in the world; and the facility and economy with which the products of these lands can be transported to that market, make them much more profitable, at the prices naked, than those more remote at government rates, as the eddi tional coat of transportation is a perpetual tax on the latter, which must be borne by the producer, In the re duced price he receives for his grain, /ke. The title is perfect—and when the final payments are made, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, and in whom the title is seated, to the Pur chasers, which convey to them absolute titles In fee sim ple, free and clear of ewery incumbrauee, lien or mart. gage prices are from $l3 to PO : Interest only 8 per ct. Tweets , per ct. will be deducted from the price for cash. Those who purchase on long credit, give notes payable in mod, three, four, five and stayears after date, and are required to improve one-tenth annually for five years, so as to have one-half the land under cultivation at the end of that time. JOHN CORLEY Competent surveyors will accompany those who wish to examine these Lands, free of charge, and aid thee' in making selections. The Lands remaining unsold are as rich and Yal4ble as those which have been disposed of. SECTIONAL MASS Will be sent to any one who will 'maim fifty cents in postage stamps, and broke or pamphlets containing nu merous instances of encomia' farming, Bigned by re apectsble and well known farmers living in the neigh borhood of the Railroad Lands, thrometout the Stab— ilise the cost of fencing, price of sponse of her vesting, threshing, etc ,—or , any other information— will be cheerfully given on application, either personally G Cr by letter, in English, French, or German addressed to JOHN WILSON. Land Commissioner of the Minnie Central R. R.,00. Office in Illinois Central Railroad Depot, chimp, Il linois. and HOMESTEAD FOR $2,001 LAND DIS JLATRIBUTION!! CHANCE FOR POOll MEN I! The Northwestern Mutual Land Benefit Association will make n grand distribution of $30,000 worth of real estate and maps to Ito members. 'Phe number of mem hero la limited to 15,000. $2OO and live letter stamps per membership, or a Share. Any Individual sending $lO and the stamp., shall be entitled to six shares; or any person sending $lO with six name, with t headdress of each, carefully written, shall be entitled to nix shares The distribution will be made In Chicago, Sept. 25th, 1857. The following in the real estate to be distributed : No. 1. Au improved farm of 30 acres in Cooke . Co , Illinois, alued at goo No. 2 Au improved farm of 180 amen in White. t sides Co., Illinois, valued at 3,000 No 3 An improved farm of 100 acres in White. I sides Co , Illinois, valued at 1,000 No, 4. Au excellent private roeideuee In Dubuque, lowa, valued at 3,000 No. 6. 100 acres superior farm land in Cooke CO, ! Illinois, valued at 9,000 No. O. 100 acres well pine timbered in Waupacea ' Co., Wisconsin ' valued at 2,0000 No. 7. A good lot and cottage residence In Chi. i cage, Illinois, valued at q,OOO No ti. 160 acros superlor laud in Whitesidea Co., Illinois, valued at 4.000 No. 9. 100 acres good land In Chippeway Co., i WINCOLLOU, valued at 900 No. 10. 100 acres good laud in Chippeway Co., I Wisconsin, valued at : 000 No. 11. 100 acres good land lu Ohippeway Co., Wisconsin, valued at 1800 No. I'2 100 acres good land to Du CO, Win• , consin, valued at I 800 No. 13. 80 acres good land In Marshall Co., lowa, , valued at 800 No. 14. 80 amps good land In MarshallOo , lowa, ; valued at I 800 No. 15. 80 acres good land in Marshall Co., lowa. '. valued at ' 800 Nu, 10. 40 acres good land in Marshall Co., lowa, ' valued at ; SOO No 17. 40 acres good laud In Linn Co., lowa, val. ued at • 3041 No. 18. 40 acres good land in Linn Co , lowa, Val. I ued at ; 300 No 19. 40 men good land in Linn Co., lowa, val. ' ued at 1800 No. 20. Ono building lot in Dubuque, lowa, val. i ued at' 1800 No. 21. One building lot in Sterling, Illinois, 1 100 valued at No, 22 One building lot in Sterling, Illinois, valued at I 300 No. 23. One building lot in Binding, Illinois, I valued at 1800 No. 24. 40 acres farm land in Grant Co., Wiscon- ein, valued at 1800 No. Mi. 40 aoros farm land In grant Co , Wiscan. 1 sin, valued at SOO No. 20. 40 acres land in Grant Co , Wisconsin, i valued at ; 240 No, 27. 40 acres land In Grant Co., Wisconsin, valued at ; 240 No. 23. 40 acres land in Crawford Co.,Whmonaln, valued at ; 200 No. 29. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, ; valued at ' 200 I No. 80. 40 acres land in Crawfordoo.,Wisconsln, valued at! 200 N 0.31. 40 acres land in Monroe CoNiseunsin, ! valued at ; 200 No. 32. 40 acres land in Monroe 00., Wisconsin, ' valued at 200 No. 33. 40 acres land in Jaekson Co., Wiseensitt l valued at No. 34. 40 Item land ho Jackson 00., Wisconsin, ' valued at 200 No. 33. 40 acres land in Had Axe 00., Wisconsin, valued at leo No. 30. 40 acres land in Dad Axe 00., Wisconsin. valued at 180 No 37. 40 acres land in Dad Axe Co., Wisconsin, , valued at 180 No. 34. Ono lot in Yellen, Illinois, valued at ' 160 No. 39. Ono lot In Fulton, Illhmla , valued at 100 No. 40. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at lOO The distribution will bo conducted fairly and honor ably. The names and address of stockholders shall be written on as many small cards as Choy have shares, sod the whole placed in a box, and the first name taken out shall be entitled to the improved farm No. I, in the above list, and the next taken out will bo entitled to No. 2, and so an until the 40 items of real estate arq all distributed Then to each of the remaining 14,960 stockholders will be sent a cheap map of a Western State or Territory A full account of the distribution will he forwarded in a printed circular to each member of the Association, with the names and address of such as may receive the real estate—to whom also the deeds will be tient and immediate possession given. Each ap plication must he accompanied w ith $2.00 and flee bitter stamps. Address LINDELL, JONES Sr. 00., au-13 Chicago, Illinois. LOCAL FREIGHT NO TIC E—T E PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OOMPANY tare now prepared to receive and forwent FREIGHT bettteen Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Columbia, at the follofing rates per hundred pounde: BETWEEN PIIILA. AND COLUMBIA. FiratOlase. gocoud Clem Third Ohms. fourth Miss. 22 eta. 12 eta 10 eta. 14 ate. •... . • . Flour, 18 rte. per barrel. Pig metal, 10 eta. per 100 pounds. BETWEEN PIMA. AND LANCASTER. Fleet Clare. Second Clara. Third Okra. Fourth Clare 20 cts 17 cte. 15 cte. 13 cts. Flour, 20 els, per barrel. Pig Metal, 10 ate. per 100 pounds. ABTIOLES OF FIRST CLASS. Books, Frost) Flab, Boots and Shoes, Nuts to Raga Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter and Ale In bottles, Dry Clouds, Poultry in coops, llggm Pork, ( fresh,) Furniture, Pou ltry, (dressed,) ' Feathers, Wrapping Paper. ARTICLE'S OP 2n CLAM. Apples, Molasses, lihesso, Melons, Closer and (Hass Seed, Oils in casks m bimetal, Crockery, Paper in boxes, Candles, Pasteboard Casks or Bsrrele, (empty,) Poaches, (dried,) Oroceries, Printing Paper, (Inns and Rifles, Paper Hangings, Herring in boxes and kegs, Queens. are, Herds aro, . Sweet. Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco lu bales, Iron, hoop, band, or sheet, Tea, Leathor, Typo, Liquor in wood, Tallow, Marble Slabs and Marble Turpentine, (apts.!) Monuments, Val Lich, ARTICLES OF go CLASS. Alcohol, Potatoes, Coffee, Turnips, i Hides, (green,) . Vinegar, ! Lard, White lea, Oysters dc Clams, (in shell) Window Oho, Tobacco, (marinfacture4,) ARTICLES OP 4171 CLASS. Rosin, Salt, Tobacco, (lest,) Tin, Tar, Whiskey, HY' For further information apply to Si. J. BNEEDER, Freight Agent, Plilla Si. K. BOHM, Freight Agent, Columbia. nun) W. IL MYERS, Freight Agent, Laneaster, Codfish, Cotton, Fish, malted, Grain of all kinds, Nails and Spikes, Pitch, Plaster. L IGHT LIGHT! LIGHT PLIRLI: HOURS FOR ONII ()ENT KNAPP'S PATENT ROSIN OIL LAMP.— Tho cheapest and safest Artificial light in the world. The proprietors of RNAPP'S PATENT LAMP do not now hesitate to speak of it as one of the greatest benefactions of thong°. It, Is now established that ft is practically adapted to the burning of liosiN OIL among 'all the people I t has for a thug time been well Under stood by all Chemists that Rosin Oil was fire tomes cheaper than Whale Oil,. Hunting Yluid, or other mate. Hale producing artificial light, but heretofore, although more than one lumber! thousand dollar 3 hers boon expended in Boston in attempts to produce a Lamp in which to burn this oil, they have all, from some cause or other, foaled, and it Ina remained, as was remarked by the Boston Journal, for A. H. Knapp, from beauti fully simple and philosophical principics, easily under- Mood, to bring forward a Lamp exactly adapted to burn. tog Ws Rost. Oil In all styles of Lairipsi and for the common nee of persons everywhere, at it mere, nominal cost, so that no one eon afford to do without it. Besides the :Male, this Lamp gives no deer, soft, and steady a light that persons with weak eyes find no onto dilXceity in the evening than in the day-time—making It, as so. veral clergymen have romarked, the "student's friend," as well an Ma inachanie's and seamstress's indispose• bin companion. PENNSYLVANIA COUNTRY ]HERO lANTS will find it to their Interest to call at the Agency. and examine this truly wonderful Lamp. County Rights for the sale of these Lamps in the State of Pennsylvania will be sold on torus so favorable that theme becoming interested cannot fail to realize large profits from the hemlines. Agency, 202 011ESPNUT Street, above Second. tie 22.d2wkw2t* PUBLIC LAM - F . B.—TUE PUBLIC IS respectfully infOrined that Offices have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which eitisens are requested to give information respect ing accidents whichmay happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the Fighting time; Ds if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition.. The Books will be kept by Joseph Daily, No. 612 Queen street, Third Ward; Oharlea earth No. 18 South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; Hiram( G. Kirk, No, 1438 Hutchinson street, Twentieth Ward; N. W, Deehong, No, 2231 Ooptee ;meet, Fifteenth Word; Thes,V, Dow lby, Gas Office, Twenty• Pour thWanl, (West Philadelphia;) M. IL ISl , Fatiden, Gag (Mee, Twenty- Second Ward, (Germantown;) Wm. N. Market, Gas Office Twenty-Third Ward (Frankford,) and at the Gael:Alto in Seventh Greet, below Market. Dy order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works. A. J. KITE, ool,Om Superintendent of Distribution. ,WILOORING BOARDS-28,680 feet 04ro X' limb flooring boards, afloat, for salryby ' MARTIN & MAOALTSTEIV aml yip prnro, Water Atreet ROSIN. -500 BARRELS SOAPMAKERS ROSIN, to arrive per schooner I. 11. Flanner For sale by MARTIN ar MACIALIOTEB, sual• 119 North Water street, Illistzllo6na insurance Companies FIRE INSURANCE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE CON PAN Y. OAPITAT, $120,000, PAID IN CASH, ANDIIP.OURELY INVESTED, OFFICE, N. IV. CORNER Ole SIXTH AND WOOD STS , SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIREOT ORS. John H. Dohnert, Henry N. Phillips, David Woolpper, Lewis Shlunack, Bargeman Dario, John Landoll, John Evans, Jr Charles Field, Auloy M. Park, William E. Wood, James Burnell, John B. Stevenson Jacob S. Mintzer, Curwin Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thos D. Tillinghst, George K. Childs JOHN H. DOHNERT, Dreg Una. L. KRUAIBIJAAR, deeretary. sept 21-1 T NEPTUNE INSURANCE CCMPANY.- I. 414 WALNUT St., Franklin Buildings. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILECIE ro INCREASE TO 100,000. This Company in now fully organ red, and prepared to rnaka all kinds of Insurance against loss or damage by Fire and Marine Perils at current rates. dFFICERS. H 0. LAUOHLIN, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, Vice President. GEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DrItEOTOB.S. , 11. 0. Laughlin, D. Sharwood, Win. Osborne, Diehard Shields, T. F. Showell, ()WARD (Jorgep Allude?, W. 0. Btoteebury, R. M. Cathie, 0. 0. Butler, Geo. Bcott. eta! MARL FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADELPIITA. FRANKLIN DUILDINGS, No. 04 WALNUT STREET. AUTUORIZED OAPITAL, $600,000, (Fula, AMOUNT 817133011111BD.) Invested as follows First Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia, $135,000 Stocks worth par 222,100 Cash on hand 61,190 Amount secured by Stock notes 190,000 Amount of Stock duo on call 1,710 stxxi,ooo This Company effects insurances on Buildings, !der chandiso, Purniture, Lumber, ac . ; on Vessels, Cargo, and Preighrto all ports, and by Railroad, Lakes, and Rivers, at the lowest rates, and upon the most liberal terms, guarantying Prompt Payment on the adjustment of losses. Da'Perpetual Insurance made upon the usual taims. DIRECTORS. P H. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, 0 E. Spangler, R. T. Remit, Abr'm Rex, 11. 11. Houston, Wzn. H. Woods, Jos R. Withers, George Howell, Abr'm. P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Ra!gnat, , C. id Sower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John IL Lowers, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan R. Potts j H. N. Burroughs, PERCIVAL M. OTTS, President, 0. E SPANOLER, Vice Presit., W H. WOODS, See , Auglii-ly R. T. KENSIL, Treasurer. .._ TUE QUAKER - CITY LAISURANCE COMTANY, Office No 408 (late 92) WALNUT St. Capital and Surplus, $250,0:819. This Company continues to make Insurance against lose or dainagO by Fire and the Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigallon and 'lransportation, at current rates. OFFICER:4. • President-0 EU. U. lIART Vico Prealdeut—E. B. BOSS. &cranny and Treasuror—U. R COUOSUALL, Aasistant Ecorotary—B. 11. BUTLER. ROTORS. ( 1 1 :791 1 1, 11."t ' A. C. (hatell, Joseph Edwards, John U. Cale, Hon. Henry M. Fuller, Foster 8. Porkha, John It. Chambers, au 8-ly 311ILADELI" R. W. Bailey, Charles G. Lxlsf, ' Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., J. L Pomeroy, • Audrew R. ChtimbT, R Coggeleell, • Samuel Joues, M. IL, A. F. Oheenbrough. HIA FIRE AND LIFE IN _ BUItANOE COMPANY, incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania iu 18.48, are now established in their NEW OFFICE , No 433 CHESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to make ALL KINDS OP INSURANCE, from LOSS BY EIRE, on property of every description, In Town or Country, Including PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, Ac Also, lIIEROHANDIZE of all kinds STOOKS I OF GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY STORES, Goods on STORAGE or in BOND, STOCKS and TOOLS of Alt- TIFIOERS and MECHANICS; FURNITURE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, Ac., Ac., Ace., Ac ., at moderate rates of premium, and for any period of time. This Company refer to their past career as an ample guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES. There aro at this Limo no unsettled claims against them. ROBERT P. KING, Pree't. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice T'rea't. RUANOIS BLAOIEBOANII, Bea'y. aul-Sro 11 - IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM. I' RANY.--The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets, Capital, $012,720 03. INSURES LINTS for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life on interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingenmea of Life. They act as Ezecutore, Administrators, Asslgnese, Trustees and ()nudism MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT in any amount— Fite Per Cent. Interest allowed from date of deposit, payable book on demand without notice. ASSETS OF TUE COMPANY, January let,lBo. Loans of the State of Pennsylvania, Phila delphia City, Penn's Railroad, Camdan and Amboy Railroad, and other Loans $119,885 88 Bonds, Mortgages and. Real Rotate 117,137 19 Stocks in Banks, Ineuranco, Gas and Rail road °timpani°. 'Premium Notes and Loans on Co'laterals peak in Bank, due from Agents, Inter est, &a $8,780 41. Guarantee Capital, Subsoription Notes 100,000 00 $711,2`'.4 08 DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL R. STOKES, Vice Pres't: JOUN W. /DIMON. Secretary. ati-ay 11"TIO FIRE INSURANCE COM A NY, NEW TORR.—Office, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital, $250,000, wish a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Loss or Damage ly Fire and the Risks of Inland Navigation. DIREGTORS. Joshua L. Pope, Rufus R. Graves, Henry Davis, 0. H. Lilienthal, Theo. Polhemua, Jr. Elisha E. Morgan, Abm. R. Van Nest, William A. Cary, Thomas S. Nelson, James W. Phillips, Charles A. Macy, Edward Hincken, Wm. E. Shepard, Charles L. Frost, Lathrop L. Sturges, William R. Fosdick, Emery Thayer, Geo. Westfeldt, Zslmon Taylor, Henry E Blossom. Henry Grinnell, Caleb Barstow, Henry 0. Brewer, Edmund Fanfold, Hanson K. Corning, Ogden Haggerty, Thomas Dlonagart, John H. Earle, Albert Wald Charles Easton, Louis Lorut, Samuel o.Glidden, Step. Carubraleng, Thomas Scott, John Ward, Henry K• Bogert, Peter Eden, Benjamin 11. Field, A. It Frothlngham TIM. F. Youngs, t3atnuel L, Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. RIOITARD A. OAKUM, Secretary. au 10.1 y MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COMPANY.--Oharter Perpetual. Granted by the State or Pennsylvania. Capital . , $500,000. Wire, Marina, and Inland Transportation. DIEBOTORS. Aaron S. Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Allred Weeks, Charles J. Field, Jiimes P. Smyth, Wm. B, Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, John P. Simone, ' AARON 8. LIPPINOOTT, President. WM A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W, MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a each eepital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resources--to observe prudence in conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of tomes. Office No. 10 Merchants , Exehange, Philadelphia: /VIM AtEROANTILE MUTUAL INSU JL RANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Office No. :^. WALNUT direct, opposite the Exchange. MA RINI: RISKS on Vessels Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Rallroade, Canals, Boats, and other cal ridges, ALL TILE PROFITS divided annually among the /te nured, and ample security in cases of lore DI2EOOOOO. Edward Harris Miles, Thomas 'P. Butcher, John M Odenheimer, Algernon E. Aahburner, Mahlon Williamson, Alfred Fassitt, Samuel J. Sharpleis, Thomas 8. Foster, lease Jean., Ountlvux English, Henry Preaut, James 11. Stroup, Edward O. Janice, Alfred Slade, William L. Springs, A. (1 Cattell, Franklin C. Jones, Charles B Cantata, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Samuel Robivon, William Taylor, John C. Keller, James Murphy, John P. Steiner, Wm. P. Smith, Henry Orman, A. J. Antolo, Wm. J Caner, Samuel L. Oreutzborg. EDWARD HARRIS MILES, President. ALFRED PABSITT, , Viee President. ' Joint 0. Eureua, Secretary. sully (I . IIARTER OAK it INSURANCE COMPA' ['IRE AND hfARINh NY or HARTFORD, CONN. LOHABS In PhHAdelphis !and iladelphia Office, Cash Capitol M,llo° vicinity - adjusted at the Ph, By leave we refer to B. S. Brown &, Co. Phila. Hon. Joel Jones, Phila.! Ohaffeee, Stout & Co., " Hon. Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, Lea & Co. " Hon. T . S. Williams, Hayt'd We have facilities for p acing any amount of Law , ranee in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 (old No. 115) CHESTNUT T. THOMPSON & ROOD, Agents. 001010NWEALTU FIRE INSURANCE V COMPANY, OF THE STATh OP PENNSYLVA NIA.-olllee, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, $b00,009. Paid-up Capital. 8200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President. THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vice Pree't. SANDIE. S. MooN, Secretary. ,lcrtbant gailors. JOHN P. DOHERTY, FOR YEARS WITH KELLY & BROTHER, LATE WITil LUKENS, KELLY, k TAILOIL lint with hint the belt tailors that are now engaged in the business in this country: CHARLES ROTIL formerly the leading Tailor of this City; M. KAYSER, formerly Cutter for O. ROTH & CO., and late Coat and Vest ()utter with LUKENS, KEL. LY, & CO, lIF.NRY WANNER, who has just arrived, tonaldered in New York the best Pants and Vests Clut— ter in the United States, for years cutter with Depierris, tinder the Irving House, Broadway, and with Deplelrra & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas lintel, Broadway. The moat unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment; the hest of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, low prices for cash. sell EDWARD P. KELLY. LATE! KELLY & BROTHER, Having engaged the services of CHARLES ROTH, Distingedeked 'for the beauty and excellence of his Hoods' when in the the Store. Tailoring Business, has taken • • 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AND HAS OPENED FOR TRH RAIN, AT RETAIL, OP CLOTHS; OASSIIHERES; VESTINOS, OIAVATS, GLOVES, SKIRTS, &0., • 1 Of the beet qualities, at moderate prime. • liry The business of HEM & BROTHER is re moved, from thlt date, to NO. 814 CHESTNUT Street, where It will be'attended to by EDW'D P. KELLY or JOIIN P. Loamy., se6-1y JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 16 audl6 South NINTH STREET; ABOVE CHESTNUT. A largo and well seleoted stock of CLOTHS and CASSIMERES always to hand. All Olothing made at this Establishment will be of the beat quality, and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM ULOTH INO. au6-ti ARDINES.—iaI eases of fsp half halms LI atoll, in store and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN & 00.; art 8 ' 't ' 'Nos 221 and 228 8. Yourth street. IACGREGOR HOT—AIR FURNACES Bold by MIADIVIOK do HBO., SECOND Street Bret door abuts ROOO. anglB-Ssucm. Bauingo Snith SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY.—WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF THIRD, PHILADELPHIA._ INCORPORATED BY TUE STATE OY PENNSYLVANIA. Money is received in any sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office le open every day trom 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock its the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evening.; flit It o'clock. LION. HENRY h. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. Wu. J. REED, Secretary. D 1112010119 Hon. Henry L. Benner Edward L. Outer, ' Robert BeLfridge, Barra. K. Ashton, James B. Bmith, " • • This Company confine* its business entirely to the receiving of money on interest. The inveetmente, amounting to over ONE MILLION AND A GALE ON DOLLARS, are made In conformity with the provisions of the Oharter, in REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first class securities as will always in sure perfect security to the depositors, and which can not fail to give permanency and stability to this Insti tution. aul-ly SIX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from 9 to 3, and on Tneaday and Friday Evenings, until 8 o'clock. Largo or email some received, and paid with out notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST, by check or otherwise. JOHN THOMSON, Presq. TION PRESIDMFTB 11108. T. TABKER, EDWIN M. LEWIS. SECRET/la VW TREASURER, WM. T. ELBERT. TRUSTE/8, Wm. 0. Ludwig, D. C. Levy, Charles E. Lex, A. Miskey, Israel W. Morris, Jr., Wm. Neal, Thos. Neilson, Thomas 8 Reed, M. 11 James Russell, Thus. P. Sparhawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter Williamson, Isaac 9 Waterman, Charles T. Yerkes. John B. Austin, John E. Addicks, Solomon Alter, M. W. Baldwin, William Clark, Ephraim Clark, Jr. ) Charles S. Carstairs, Robert Clark, A. J. Crete', Charles Dulllh, Wm. B. Foster, Benfatuin Gerhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lewis Lewis, Jr., aul-8m N O. 83 (241) DOCK STREET, —FIVE PER GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N o. " (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. r #ol°. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. aul-ly .ftleabinern anti ,iron STEAM ENGINES, FROM TWO TO ONE HUNDRED HORSE POWER ALSO, A POLL AMORTI4ENT or MACHINISTS' TOOLS, SLIDE LATHES, PLANING MACHINES, DRILLS, CHUCKS, MORTISING MACHINES, &c Nor male at tbe MACHINE DEPOT— No. 135 NORTH THIRD STREET. eel 7 Imo 3. M. HOLLINGSHEAD. gAILUEL Y.lianlol. J. VAOI2I.IAN ugitalose WILLZAII H. XimalOlC. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, • PHIL•DIC1.11111. - • MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &a , Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or Brass. Iron trains roofs for Oas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, Retorts and Qua Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. livery description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Dofecatore, Filters, Pumping Engines, he 8010 Agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nammyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P Boss' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—E. H. BARTOL. au3-y RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOC:MO TIVR STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, lIRVENTMENTH STREET, HAMILTON. FAIRVIEW AND SPRING GARDEN STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Engaged exclusively in the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the Wu of Wood or Coke, or BOmmtnous Coal in its erode state, or ANTHRACITE 00AL, WITHOUT EMITTING RHONE, OAS OR elan. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. Tho materials used in construction are made on the spot, and insure the beat quality and most reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Com plete Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORK WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OF ANY ARRANGEMENT REQUIRED. CHILLED OAR WHEELS, lIAbLMERED AXLES, With Forgings of any size or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHINE WORE generally. RIOUARD NORRIS. HENRY LATHER NORMS. 11111-/y 81,729 98 183,892 01 PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL %R WORKS. REAI4.EY, NEAFIE & CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL SNORTERS.% MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, STACK SMITHS AND FOUNDERS . „ Having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, &e. respectfully otter their services to the public, as being fullyprepared to contract for Engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary. Having into of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest ndtico. High and Low Pressure, Flue Tubu lar and Cylinder Boller" ot the best Ponnsylvanta char coal iron. Forging' of ' all sizes and kinds; Iron and Bram Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and speeifleations for all work done at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairo of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &a., .k.o , for raising heavy or light weights. . . . . THOMAS HEANEY, JACOB O. NEAPIE, JOHN P. LEVY, aul•y BEAM and PALMER Streets, lieuskngton HANDY & MORRIS— MANUFACTURERS OP CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES sort OAS, STEAM OR WATER. ALSO, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION mERNirs Warehouse 8. E. corner 'RONT and WALNUT. aul-3u iticbiditen NINETEENTH ' CENTURY I—THE GREAT REMEDY OP THE NINETEENTH CENTURY IS THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. This Is now the greet standard remedy for disease!, of the Blood, Stomach and Lever. If you hove a Cancerous or Scrofulous affection, at once use the Imperial Depurative Tetter.—Are you troubled with this obstinate and nn. pleasant disease? Use the Imperial Deputat,te. 'fry but one bottle. Have you White Swelling, Hip Disease, or Glandsdar Swelling, The Imperial Depuratire will effect scare. Try it For Pimples, Blotches and Eruptions of the Elkin gene rally, you have a prompt and certain remedy In the im perial Depuratire. One bottle will Rattily you of its efficacy. Use the imperial Depuratire, If you would have a clear, healthful, and beautiful complexion. 17,e the Imperial Depuratire for a die:owed Mate of the Liver or Sidney/1. For females of a weak and debilitated habit and chat tered nerves, the Imperial Dedicative US Just what Is required to re-invigorate the frame and restore the ner. conssystem to a healthy state. We know the toll value of thin great remedy, as we are using it every day in en extrusive practice, and see i i ts ,, ,v n eit o t w or t r a lzo n lo e w q. e a rs l r i n n s t u l tf i e ,, a c t u e u d ai t l u . umerous cliffs The careful preparation, great purity and reriega of the Imperial Depuratire renders large doses or long continued use of it unnecessary. It acts directly upou the diseased pail, end it is net ueeeMary to wait months to discover the !moults to ho gained It you wish to purify and enrich the Bland, sod pre vent diastase, as well as cure it at this season of the year, use one or two bottles of the Imperial Depuratier, and we will guarantee its beneficial effects. Prepared by Br. LOLINSI3ERItY 6. CO , and for gale at the Principal Office, No. 60 North Fifth street, three doors bola. Arch, where patients may consult Dr, L daily, free of charge. The Imperial Depuratire is the great remedy of the nineteenth century. anl-tt ITELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPAR:A x.a. TION, Extra et Bodin, for all Diseases of the Wad. der, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated Oufferers. HELIIBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA TION,JILL Extract Dula', removes all the symptom', among which will be, found Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power, LORS of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Vireakuess, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerved, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweat., Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Molecular System, often enor mous Appetite or Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing. of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Eruptions on the Ease, Pains in the Back, 1100Arineliti of the Eye Lids, frequently Black Spots flying before the Eyes, with temporary Suffilliioe, Loss of Sight. If these symptons are allowed to go on, which this me dicine invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and 41- leptio Fits - F or Yo th Er e ARE SUFFERING . WITH ANT v i hn om en a t: 4 .l e a c e o. ll , E m i c m ed • 'BOLD'S PREPAlrAT d It t irVy of their efficacy. ITELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA JEL RATION ; Extract Hoehn, Give health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek !" And are so pleasant in their taste, that patients be come fond of them. • LIELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA x.a. TION, Extract Buchu—See overwhelming enden cos which will be produced to show that they do great good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for the inspection of all. IPTLIO"NB E 0 . 1 r D:: B INT7plrNiceE $1 P pe ß r E B P ottle, A de - - livered to any address. Depot, 62 South TENTH street, Assembly Building, below CHESTNUT street, Philadel phia. Addreee lettere, H. T. WELISIDOLD, 62 South TENTH street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia Sold by Druggiate and Dealers everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. au7-3m* Wow anb 01)oca. N°. 442, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MA.11.103.T and FIFTH ettesta. Gentlemen's Beet Patent Loather Gaiter Bente. •" Calf do. do. , c Patent Leather Oxford Ties. Calf do. do. te " Patent Leather and Calf narrow strap Shoes. Boya' and Youths , Patent Leather and Calf Skin ssal te r Boots and Shoes. attl•tt Pot. sale by CEO. W. TAYLOR. FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPH H. THOMPSON & CO. No. 814 MAR KET Street, and Noe. 3 and S FRANKLIN PLACE, have new in store a large and well-assorted' stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for Cale on the beat terms for Cash, or on the usual credit. .13 , u d y . og i ere invited to call and examine their stock COAOII, XNGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of D.W ~ussgraa, N 0.109 (late 4S) South EICFIITII, below Cheatnut greet, ham become a saving et 60 per cent, to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lampe new silver-topped and bottomed, And tent by express to all parte, aul2 Sy It F hi s g i- 170 1° Tu N E et ß ys l rigoN 4 A g g: monwealth. ReSOit'etl by the Senate awl House xsepresems tires of the Commonwealth of Penoryiennia in Gen eral Assembly met: That the following amendments are proposed to the Constitution of the Comments alth. iu acoortlance with the prosialona of the tenth article thereof /IRS? AlIgNl3Oll6l. There shall be ten teirlition4 article to geld Conatita Eon to be designated as article sloven, as follows : ARTICILS xi. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. lisortos I The State may contract debts, to supply casual deficit or failures to revenue., or to meet expen ses not otherwise provided for; but the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more acts of the general assembly, or at different periods of time,sholl never ex ceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollard, mkt the mouey arising ti 0111 the cro ition of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose fin which it was obtiuned, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. 0. Landreth Munro, F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Barry, Henry L. Churchan, Francis Leo. duiriow 2. In addition to the above tainted power, the State may contract debt, to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, defend the State In war, or to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness of the State; but the mousy arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. Scutum 3. Except the debts above specified, in etc tione one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall ba created by, or on behalf of the State. SECTION 4. To provide for the payment of the present debt, end any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the leginlature shall, at ate first session, after the adop tion of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars; which sinking fund shall emilat of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the State, or the proceeds of the sale of the tame, or any part thereof, and of the Income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the State, together with other funds, or resources, that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by as scorning to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the State, not required for the ordinary and current ex penses of government, and unless in cue of war, inva sion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than In extinguish ment of the public debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the stun of fire millions of dollars Stenos 5. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not In any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any individual, company, corporation, or association ; nor shall the Commonwealth hereafter become ajoint owner, or stockholder, In any company, association, or cor poration. Simms 6. The Commonwealth shall not assume the debt, or any part thereof, of any minty, city, borough, or township; or of any corporation or association; un ion such debt shall have been con tracted to enable the State to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend itself in time of war, or to aasist the State in the discharge of any portion of Ito present ludebtedr,ers. SECTION 7. The Legislature shall not authorize any county, city, borough, township or incorposated dis trict, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, association or corporation ; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association , institution or party. . . There label] be an additions] article to Mid Conatitu thin, to be designated ILO article XII., se follows: No county shill be divided by a line cutting a over one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or otherwise,) without the express assent of such county, by a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new county be established, containing ksa than tour hundred square miles. Brom section two of the that. article of the Conetitu. Con strike out the words,"of the city of Philadelphia, and of each county respectively;" from section Ave, scion article, strike out the words, "of Philadelphia and of the several counties;" from section seven same article, strike out the words "'wither the ray of Phi- Indelphia nor any ," and insert in lieu thereof the words, "and so;" and strike out "section four, same artiele, , ' and en lion thereof insert the fallowing: " Seems 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and elxtrtour, and lu every seventh year thereafter, re presentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be apportiolued and distributed equally, throughout the State, by districts ' in proportion to the number of taxa ble Inhabitants in the several parts thereof; except that guy county containing at least three thousand awe hundred taxables, may be allowed a Separate represen lstion; but no more than three counties 'shall be Joined, and uo county shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any city containing a sufficient number of taxables to entitle it to at least two representatives, shell have a separate representation assigned It, and shall be divided Olio convenient districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxable population sa near as may be, each of which districts shall elect QUO representative." At the end of section seven, same article, insert these words," the city of Philadelphia shall be divided into single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as nearly equal in taxable population as possible, but no ward shall be divided in the formation thereof." The legislature, at Its drat session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative districts, In the man ner above provided; such districts to remain unchanged until the apportionment In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. There shall be so additional section to the first article of said Constitution, which Mull De flambared and read as follows: Bsoilom W. The leglelsture shall hare the power to alter, revoke, or ennui, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may be ininriona to the citizens of the Commonwealth; in Bach manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to the corpora tore. /X Bseara , March 29, 1857. Resolved, That this resolution pus. On the Ant amendment, yeas 24 nays 7; on the second amendment, yeas 23, nays 8 ,• on the third amendment, yeas 24, nays 4; on the fourth amendment, yeas 23 nays 4. [Extract from the Jmunai nai l l GPO. W. BUY, °lark. IN The I[olool 07 8EPH1P12317•71173, April 28,1857. Bemired, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yews 78, nays 12; onthe *scowl amendment, yeas 67, says 34; on the third amendment, yeas 72, nays 22; on the fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays 7. ' (Extract from the Journal. JACOB ZIEGLER, Clerk. Piled In Secretary's office, May 2,1857. A. G. CURTIN, imerstary of the Commonwealth. Pee►tyleania as I no certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original "Resolution proposing amend. ments to the Constitution of the Commenweaith, ,, with the vote in each branch of the Legislature upon the final passage thereof, as appease from the originals on file in this office. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my [Lei hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Becretery's Office, the day and year above written. A. G. CURTIN, Bearatery of the Commonwealth. IN lisSaeli, Mara 27.1537. The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment' The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro- visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, cis: Tess—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, ZIT, Evans ; Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan, killinger, Knox, Lanbach, Lewis, Myer, tcoffeld, Sellers, Shu man, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Tag gart, Speaker-24. Navu—Messrs. Crabb, Oresswell, Pinney, Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Souther-,-7. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, ' Will the Penste agree to the second amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow vie: Yesa—Meears. Brewer, Browne, Creartral Ely, Evans, letter, Finney, Flenniken, Ingram, Jordan, Knox, Laubach Lewis, ?dyer, Sellers, Shuman, Souther. Steele, Straub, ' Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, Sproker-23. Narst---Messrs. Coffey Crabb, Fraser, Gregg, Harris, Ktllinger, Penrose and Seofield-8. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were an follows, win : yin—maim. Brewer, Browne,Orabb,Oresswell, Fly, Beans, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, lonian, %Olinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, and Wright —24. NAYS—Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penroee-4 Be the question was determined in the aßirmetive. Cu the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : Tiede—Mears Brewer. Browne, Coffey, Orem well, Ely, Evans Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, Killinger, LitubA,Lowis, Myer, &ofield,Bellers,Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright -23 NAYS—Mews. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and Penrose-4 So the question was determined in the affirmative. 111 VII 1100811 01PRIIPRIMTAVIVSS, Aprit 29.1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Conati• tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, Ou the question, Will the House agree to the drat amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, via 11513 - Melifirs Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brows, Calhoun, Campbell. Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Nnt, Nyster, rausold, Foster, Gibboney, (lilies, Hamel, Harper, Heins, ?beaten& Hill, Ifillegas, 1i0f111134, (Berks,)lmbile, Trines, Jacobs, Jenkins, dolma, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight, Lei seunng. Lougaker,Lovett,Maneu. ?dangle, M'Calmout, ?Myths, Moorhead, Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson,Peters, Petriken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Phladelithla) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer,Reed, noberts Rupp, Shaw , Sloan, Smith, (Cambri a ,) Smith, Cent re,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vanvoorhis, Ticker*, oeghley Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and beta, Speaker X7B. N iss—tdeaars. Backus, Benson,Doek, Hamilton Han. cock, Hine, Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Lebo, gtrutkers, Thorn, Warner and Wintrode-I'2. So the question was determined In the altirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the second amendment The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz: Yeas—Mel:ere. Anderson, Backhocule, Ball, Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Eat, Fansold, Foster Oildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Mesta:ad, Hillegaa, Hoff man, ((Barks ,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, lanes, Jenkins, J oh us ,Johnson , Kauffman, Knight, Leisenringer, Longa ker, Lovett, Mauear,Mangle,M'llvain, Moorhead, Hus sein:au, Nichols, Nicholson, Nnuemacher, Pearson, Pe ters, Petrikeo, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Tobin, Vail, Toeghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zimmerman and Getz, Speeaker—L 7. Nero—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Benson Bishop, Brawn, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eviler, Gib. boney, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Hine, Hoffman, (Leb anon,) Jacobs, Kerr, Lebo, M'Calmont, Mumma, /teed, Smith, (Cambria) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struth ers, Thorn, Tanvoorhis, Vickers, Wagoraeller, Warner, W introde, Witherow and Wright--34. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will the House agree to the third amendment! - • • - The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as fellows viz : Teas.—Moors. Anderson, Deckhouse Dad, Beck, Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Pausold, Pos. ter, Oibboney, Harperr, Heins, Hieetand, UM, Hillegaa, Roffman, (Becks,) Heft.. Housekeeper, Imbrie, Ines, Jacobs, Joins, Johnsen, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Lougaker, Lovett, Mannar )(angle, )lalroont, Moorhead, Mumma, hi 5 ,,,, k ,h,„,„' T Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Pet! riken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (rork,) Reamer, Reed Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Total:1 Vanvoorhis; Vickers, Voeghley Wagonseller, Westbrook, Williston, With crow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz; Speaker-72. NAYS—Mears. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop, Carty, Dock, Oildea, Hamilton, Hancock, Hine, Jen kins, Knight, Leisenring, hi'llvain, Ramsey, (Philadel phia,) Roberta,' Struthers, Thorn , Walter Warner, Wharton and Wintrode-22. So the question,Was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Hones agree to the fourth amendment I The teas end nays were taken agreeably to the pre. 71110 d, a the Constitution, and were Si (01101 r, via Yull--hieaers.'Atitierson,Arthur, Backhonse, Backus, Ball, Beck, Denson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, OkaPhell, Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyelet, Pausold, Poster, Gibboney, Glides, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Illeatand, Hill, /Lieges, Hoffman, Perks,) Hoffman , (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, 'rune, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, EMIEMSII; Kerr,' Lebo, Lelsenring Longaker, Loyet,t Mannar ' SVllvaine, Mumma, Mrieselman, NMiacuhBollesi,3Nllcehalomlsocnut,'Nunemacher, Pearabn, Peters, Pe 'tribes, Poe - nail Purcell, Ramsey, ( Philadelphia ,) Ram say, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp,auw, Sloan, seo, ((Cambria ) Smith, (Centred Stevenson, Tolan, Vail Venvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley, Wegoneeller, Walter, Warner, Westbrook, Wliatton Witherow, Zimmerman; and Gets, Speaker-33. Nsre-t-ldessrs. Dock Hamilton , Hancock, Struthers, Thorn, Wintrode arid Wright-7. So the question eras determined fiy the, alleenative; , flaoaatsar'eOrrioa Maarasuari, June 20557. ! missy/canto, 33. do certify that the above and foregcdo s Into Ys gIiCOOND AMSNDICSEIT ♦RTIOLI XII. OW NEW COUNTIES KMETBAIMaMIMT. 820/117.11BY'S 0/11011 HABSIBBORG, June 22, 1667 correct eopy atlas "Teat" and Nays" taken on the resolution proposing amendmetuts to the Conititatfon the Commonwealths as the same Impure on tho Jou nets of the two Reuses of the GSrarsa Assembly or this Commonwealth for the session of 1367. BA Witness my land and the .eat of said Ohm this twontpaiocond day of Ana . , one thoommd sift hundred and fittpailyen. A. G. CDRTL73. an.A•mam Secretary of the Commommity. Ilailreabe PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At tante Cities with Western, North-western, and South western States, by continuous ItaDirer direct. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line steamers to all points on the Western Biers, and Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all = l 4 T sn the North-western Lakes; making the most D CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Freight Call be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTA DEBUG Erase Cane—Boots, Shoes, Hats, and caps, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Weathers, Pars, 750. per 100 lb &moo CLLSB--Dameatie Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in origina l bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Leather. (in rolls or boxes) Wool, and Sheep Pelts,yastwatii, ke. &e....50e. per 100 b Talon skies—Anvils, Steel, Chains, (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or in necks), Tobacco, manufactured, (except Cigars or cut &e., &e soe., per 100 lb FOURTH Claes—Coffee, Pish, Bacon, Reef, and Pork, (in casks or boxes eastward), Lard and Land Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar. Pitch,* Rosin, Ice 40e. pee 100 lb Ftotni--75e. per bbl., until further notice. ristant-050. per 100 ibe., until farther notice. shippinx Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to ILanit package "rill Perussyleaa Ruilrocoi." All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. FREIGHT AGENTS —Mini!. WOrinley Co.ltempkat Tenn.; B P. Sass & Co., St. Louis Mo.; J. S Miele & Son, Evansville, Ind.; Dumeartil, Bell & Murdock, and Carpenter dc Jewett, Louisville, Ey.; R. C. Mal dram, Madison, Ind i FL W. Brown & Co., and Irwin & Co., Cincinnati; N W. Graham & Co. Zanesville, Ohio; Leech & Co , No. 64 Kilby street. Iliaton; Leech & Co, No. 2 Astor House, New Yerk, No. 1 William at. and NO. 8 Battery Place New Yor •E. J. Speeder, Philadelphia • Magri, A Rains, B altimore; D. A Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. H. 110178 TON General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. J. LOMBASIT Superintendent, Altoona, „. pa. NEW YORK LINES.—THE CAMDEN / i AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PIIILADIMPHLI AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WA PLACES. USTI! SA follows, via : Pasts At lA. M. from Henaington Depot, via Jeney City, Mall $2 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, New Jar sey Accommodation At d A M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommocia lionAt 7 A f. , via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail At 10 A. 11., by steamboat Trenton, vie Tnoony and Jersey City Morning Express 3 At 2 P. M , via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press At 5 P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail a At 3 P. M , via Camden and Amboy, Aoconisooda. lion, let Class . 2 At 3 P. M. ' via Camden and Amboy, Ai:commode, lion lodClass. 1 At 6 11. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, Ist Chao 2 At 6 P. M. 111, Camden and. Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd Class . The 5 P. 11 line runs daily, all others Sundays cepted. Expreas Lines stop at the principal stations only. For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, &e., at dA. and 4 P. M , from Walnut street TUrf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilbsabarr Montrose, (treat Bend, kc., at 6 A. M. ; via Delairaz Lackawanna at Westcrn Per Freehold, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Moult Holly at 7 A. M., and 2N and 6 P. M. WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at TK and 4 V. M. WAY LINE . . ISiMIiMG=I WAY LINE For Mount Holly, Ituzlington and Way Stationa at I P. M. Steamboat BIOBABD STOCKTON for Burlington aril Bristol at B,x A. Id sad for Bordszitown and /stems dints places at 2ii P M Steamboat TILSN'I...Y for Tammy at 10 and IIX A. N., and 4 P. U., arid for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. M. AU liner , exeapt 1 A. id., leave Walnut rhea wharf. il77ifty pounds of baggage only allowed each pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All big_ gage over fUty pounds to be paid for extra_ The Com pony limit their responsibility for baggs_ge to one dollu per pound. and will not be liable for Toy amount bu yond $lOO, except by special contrut. WM. R. CfATiMRR, Riftit 0. ft A. .8,„ 1. co R. B. MORRELL, Rapt Phila.. irr—B..B. Co. CI 'GE OF 1101111S.-PHILA.DEL FRIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMOILE "AIL ROAD. • On and after Thursday, July Ed, 1857, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRILADILPIELL For Baltimore at 8 A. M., IP. M.., Otrprene,) and P. M. For Wilmington at BA. 11., 1, 415 u 11 P. M.. For New Castle at 8 A. 51., 1 and 4.15 P.ll. Par Middletown at 8 A. M. and 415 P. U. For Darer at 8 A. M. and 4.15 P.M.' For Seaford at 6 A.M. and 4.15 P. 11, TRAINS FOR PRILABRWMIA LSAT. Baltimore at 8.54, Rtranee,.ll A. M. , and 835 P. M. Leave and 9.66 P. M. Wilmington at 660 Ina 11.66. A. M., and SS Leave New Outlet at 11.21 and 1/.95 A. 11., and 9.05 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10.00 A. H. and 3.05 P. If. Leave Dover at 8.60 A. IL and 7 P. Al: , Leave Seaford at 710 A. M. and 400 P. M. TRAINS FOB BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 9.16 A. 11, 9 P. 14. em 519.31 A. H. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from 9leiledalwlein BaStamm do. do. 68 8 P. M. ihozd Dahlman to Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND HAVRE DE GRACE ACCOMMO - DATION TRAIN Leaves Havre de Gran at GAO A. M. Leaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, wills= sa follows : Leave Philadelphia for PenTrille and latiosaolied' a places at SAO P. M. Leave Wilmington for do. do. 8.00 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M. and-17 8. M. FELTON, President. QPII IN G ARRANGEMENT.-PENN k3 SYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD.—Rnaaing is direct connection with the PITTSBIIRCIU, TORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAIL ROAD. Tor Cincinnati, Bt. Lopis lowa City, Lotusrille, New Orleans, St. Paula, Indianapolis, Ciewelszat, Imam, Terre Haute Chicago, Nehrilat„- ,-. In advance of ' all other codas out of Philadelphaa. Forming close cosuuction with alt Nis Gran: aisl es Railroads. THROUGH TRAINS Leave Philsde'phis, for Pittsburgh and ',Meru cities, from the Fennsylranis Railroad Pasaenger , Station, sonth-east corner of ELETIDITH and MARKET streets, (entrance on Eleventh streek) as folios : Mail Train at T—, A. Id. Fast Line at 12 54, P.M. Express Hail at 11 63 Night. Colombia R. R. Line leaves for Harrisburg et 15.30, S. IL, Lancaster )Aceommodation,) at 4.9 D, P. M. The - Express Mail runs daily, the ether trains, Son dars ad. or e f: s t6er particulars see hoed-h' llg at the Mama starting-porno. Passengers from the West sill find this the shortest and most expeditions route to Piubbfelphie, Baltimore, New York or Boston. THOMAS HOORN, Aged Passenger Lim Pennsylvania Railroad Ca. Philadelphia, February, 1E47. antay I_II.ILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN X AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD-411MM% AR RANGEMENTS. On and after May 6th, 1657. FOR GIRMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6,7, 8, 9 10-mln., 10, 11,V, A. Id., and 1,2, 3-10 min., 4,6, 6,7, 8,9,113 i, Lescej Germantown at 0,7, 7-35, 8, 9-16 min., 10)6 11S, A. M.., 1,2, 3-10 min., 4, 6;6, 7, 8106, P. M. The 7-35 o'clock, A. 31., train from Clarmantown, will nut atop at intermediate Stations. ECEI=I:I Lee►e Philadelphia at 0-20 A. 31., 2,3, 10, 543 an/ P. H. Leave Germantown at 8-29, 9-20 A. M., I-10, 16, and 7 P. M. GIIRSTNUT RILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 6,8, 9-19 nun., 1114 A. M., 4,6, 9,9, P. M. Leave Cheatuut Hill at 7-15, 7-35,1040, 11-10, min., A. M., 1-40, 3.40, 5-40, 7-40, 10-10 min., P. ON SUSILITA Leave Philadelphia at 8-20 A. M , 2 6,14 and B P.ll Leave Chestnut Hill at B A. M., 12-50, 4-10, and 8-10, P. M. On and of ter May 4111, FOR MANAYUNK, CONSHOyOCHIN, AND 1:0A BISTOWN Leave Philadelphia at d, 9, and U, A. M., and 3,4 X, 13X, and U%, P. M. Leave Norristown at 7, 9, and 11; A. )t., 3, ►n9 3X) P.M. ON ISONINAIT. Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 3 P. M. Leave Norristown at I A. di., and 6, P. M. OLLESTEIC VALLEY ItAILROAD.....IOE. DOW-NM TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6A. M utd 3P. M. Leave Downingtown at 71C A. IL, and I P. M. sal-ly HENRY IC. SMITH, Cien'l Supt Depot, NINTH and OR EN streets, Philadelphia. attornens at Law. CHARLES D. EMERY, ATTORNEY AT V LAW, Wllliamsport,Lycocaing county, yeLy particular attention to Securing and Collecting elem.', in Lycoming and adjaintug counties. REFRES Hon J C. Knox, Supreme Beath, Philadelphia. David Jayne & Son, Phila. norms.' & Sheets, Phila.' Anspach, Reed &Co, •‘ Smith, Shantz & Co., °' LWELLS, ATTORNEY AT LE LAW, N 0.2 AIRY STRRET, NORRISTOWN, Pa., will attend with punctuality, and to the best of his I ability, to all business entrusted to his care. nel-am J. J. Ettou6L.l 114. B. toostx. 'tIIOUEL & KOONTZ— ATTOILNETS AT LAW No. 29 Camp Street ; New , 667666501 d Caleb Cope & Co., 169 Market street. Smith, Murphy & Co., 97 Market street. Wm. 11. Brown &C. , 108 Market street. 1nn.27..2mW GEORGE H. ARMSTRONG, ATTOR itj NET AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, .1,344 Lombard street. below Broad. sepl7-tai ANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY JJ AT LAW, Southeast Corner of IGHTII and OUST Streets, Philadelphia. aal-iv IYER SPROUSE, ATTORNEY AT it LAW, CENTRE street, Pottsville, PA. An 4-17. LUMBERS LUMBER I t--The subscriber, who has for several occupied tha premises at moan's Planing Mill, nensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining tha Phoenix Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping • large assortment of Caro lina and other &for lug boards, steps, risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. Par sale at the lowest cub prices. Purchasers are in vited to cell and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for al* kinds and rises of Southern yellow Pine Timber and rearitling. aul-tf S. S. MIME. TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.— Attention is invited to the following stock of sea. mooed LIMBER: 300,000 feet 54 Yellow Yin, Moor Bose,. 250,000 feet 1-4 do do. 30,000 feet 3.4 do do, imitable for lir• lug stores. 76,000 feet White Pine Floor Boards. . . 859,000 feet Spruce Joist. Selling low for cash, to salt Out tinYeS' and In lots to suit purchasers. ALUM' 1114NTON, Booth YRONT street. HOTEL AND SUMMER RANGES'— Sold by CHADWICK & 880. , sos H. szcONeSt 544.16-3 mos.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers