CORRESPONDENCE, Sept. ,25/107. „fa:, front au44lestrishing city otPeoria, the second in point k -`-'of:PePtdittitatq,arid! , beinmeinint 'adv,antages - in the ' • , hot my design, =at the peeeght=Eima„tß;gtve;n sketch of the oitn but merely, to speak leftlieThateTair, whieh was, held here the - „pMeentseasen.., - - - - FairOommeneed 'on:the 21st ortepteinberi,'„and 'ended on the was , of the city, On the bind's .aintbeltie:cet ; the':priiirle: The •errangementa se , 1„ ,Of! l #o B ::'' ; ' ll ),rliffwiSA B ‘odlhrieed'att orkelosure• A,AI, twentrtwe Mires,,heldnging to the _Peoria Agri ''Thefenoti -buildfugs ' qtot 2 , ooo ,Vshieb 'Mita was. raised by private subsoriptions, contributions; do:'. The • ground is beintiftliyiiiitersperiedmitli krov,es of fine shade i'Aties;'"O'tor carpeted Sward of green grass. There wore . :ti b! inso6 'the encloseni, mostly fashioned affir -the Chineset style of arab'- , mature, which , gave- them on iTilesing , and inter esting ivere used for;tbe eald bition of artieles in the various' deportnoints. In the centre of the 1.141140 d for trotting ipurposes Was a flee buildiol in pagoda, 'style, used oaclu eively by a band of Music, - which - discoursed sweat strains of melody r , The'eahibitiOn, in itui various departments, was tion. The; '„O;iftle, and horses were partioularly , • fine, and showedth,e proper spirit among the farm 'erg ta;raisis good ethci.‘,.• LaFge::nuMb4s ;Were- in: attendance, as the • weather was fine, and every one 'seemed to take a lively interest' in the exhibition. • OnThitrsdny,the, jadtaher Of -IVisiters reached 25,000. This was the greafday:'• c. : .'',.: Sere rnist, and bad the pleasure of inking by thelandi the distinguished Sen'ator and statesanan: of StOdier4. Liefiglas, who nns in attendaiMesoieral days, freely mingling with the crowd, and taking an interest in the exhibition. , As - *litit nattirilly be 4 .expeotod, a crowd of l'_one.ltoran.showts" were en herd outside. Here; were AIM , lat;women," the of :land the' • ::targeitrniaba" , in, the' world.m ; The "fidoeglassir )icyii ; ;*; o,tht,/ 41#bi 6 - ad 04 P. 71i) ' !;! 3 , ip4-thtiAtiji"lyith t'i.the , huppyjamili;l' the agents of which were trinunted on - boxes in front of - their respective shpers," all crying outtbe, won dOrfalittraPtions OM:, were offering inside., The vieer-from the fair ground was delightful. Abenntiful Undulating plain siretehed out, as 'far as the eye could reach to the north, whilst beneath ,you layrthe bluffing city on thibankaoethci "river, With numeroris,fmMiteamboatsinOorecfattlie levee, „sending forth dense volumes of blackaUtoke tram ,their tall chimney's. 'Prioria. is a ,beautiful city. • is, located, too 'upon one of the most beautiful nod eligible, spots ititaginable'for a great ; commercial emporium. The population .ever 20,000, and Increasing rapidly. It Is spite& dy destined to be a largo city. A full history of the plaits', its, tiado, resources, dm, would be -very .intiresting tM well as valuable. - Z map' 'attempt it in a future article. „` , ;'• " 'lllinois is 'mildly becoming ono of the leading Stated: The present season she is far :ahead of any 3t}iei in r tho,praiiiiition'ef, Wheat and earn. The • day - is not-far disiput When she 'will be the fore:, asld tunrunerpial;adian(ngia, as her population isintinstrious and energetic, and deterinihed ,to deVelcip hpi immense iettourchs.. The Fairruslled4age f their,,un ,unusual swarm of pickpockets from the !Arlene river towns, anti they , •Idroya quite' a:stonily) begin* imp hear :i)f a, great many persons who wire relioved of their • • s pocket-books.,' Taking,everything into consideration, ,thopr., sent exhibition hns proved to be • the best' and 'the saasfnetory,,that hits yet 'bean held hi 'the State ; _Jona os LLNCEASTEIi. -14,Paitticsikiirs of the Columbia . Firer ' [Wrens the Smarm/Cisco }lmelda , ". ; 1.. `-':.c August 20, 1857. "Yr. • Blacknimi, 01(U resident 'of Ooludibia, fernished "follewitig; Which may be Oiled 110 MI d.tWeitt At B+tx'clooki P. Ai ,yester• day, an aratilde,f, ,f . BAitiNt,,,e-nd irithice Apure ths Aot,,rniwns anid A. few only of Aro biwllingF,on,lho outskirts of the town escaped. the devastatnigrelementa A. large nninker of fire , proof buildings with valuable. contenta,lare Masa : of sinciphloring ruies:,.. The large , ,b . ,i,,lll.l2lll l g4o'Peo' of jr,:ti. Brown, on „train street, yr9,,bhosts to '''atom; - *UV - et:plosion of 'Some logs q,p 05 01 44 ., At the time of,the explosion there.wesoni le a no m, • beret , persons in • the building, Aro ,or whom ate - known te have been: blatantly killed, and quite a number dangerously wounded. The killed *edit. N. BriiwiWc,blii. Teobayi Itudolph;„ it clerk!, of Brown' Pc i e - ,1: - ..11,111.i,erhoks;_gtot-roniti of qua Franoisio, - andfd ',ialner, Dibicell: W. , 0. - Sleeper & 06. 1 ,iliarikors; tliti.,Posi":Ofilee and. Tele: Vs. PP Broadway • matiettOr thiefiludsers , block,) DePoissons, Limy (Boinard's block-)Swarts, Courier office :GMrsite Offies, l (lightlirdatisagedi`Oarvived 'the desmarlog identooka • in of. valuablevaluable furnit, re, wiiett eitedin tb bantingqieraes 'bf 0,- Bleopor4-O6i; and, is perfectly- safe, the bending being anitaagiee be4 4 9d," 1 41.0 4 - -11 4 6 4nh fire - 1 , 0 301 of any.iii.tio 'Agee. • This despatelOis;senti from the inside of the banking-house; and we feat no .wa r y grea t 4n e on .• venience from the beat. No estimate of the leis 'of proporty-has been Annie,' brit it mug ..b e some' two hundred thousend.dellaremore than the fire of `1854; was'four, hundred and fifty theusond donate. •..liany , pf the). suppased,;.tirelProof bindle& werec so „confident of being mixed - tot they removed none, ef. their elreats,iliutTrecei ed and stored what wits brought to themi. - The territory embracery in the burned districd is as follows : Broadway, from Smith, - Atoore k CO.'s -", dumber yird,ritohiding• their • oiliab`, to hfaionio .:: • Nall; all, east of Broadway to Jackimir' street, in. Chiding Odd Fellows' Hall, Main street, With the ".mice ti of Wake' above mentioned and .the,Phita . Aeinhits Vimile,on the east, as far as Dr-Vitae:lC.lM's ..liOlPital, all isin complete ruins, ',Stott! and Seek streatf4ifai Colum bia street, with one or 'two ekeeptiroft;'arifdeStroyea: lire originated in A,,,Ohingso,brpthol,, on. ,Tatirion etreet,,between Main 'and Broadway, and it is said was caused by an opium smoker:. , _ . - .• The wind was item , the west, and blew the dairies immediately to -Miller & Williams'. large livery stable; anti from' - thence to Columbia 'street. ',- It thiWreieti.lOthVeouthviest; and swept its coarse to 'Main Gulch', as far as Smith, ;Moore &. Co.'s lumber Owl. ' - an d deadladlee., ari. now In the.Phrenit (look` and Ladder awaiting the Oonnierti , innutedijAhir`L'people-'are: glottirry; and sad—alt itUeonfieledi - Thenstaids, - nre `eonung in frith#d. joining camps; who' deeply'synipatbize `with nain'thellatauf life and property,: The tele :: ' . gritplf tkiliurited doWn, ',but is,teMporarily repaired pad eaahles..,Wa „OM the news of bur ad calamity.. ;Materials:aro being brought on the ground preparatory to building temporary One , ,• menet) - -The 'families-are' being .provided-for t! by, the people Of the - adjacent towns. • Three thonsand Men, women and children have not had a' orsel of - food .slueo c ypterday., I. Thank God, they 'wilt' be "Pfgliackfek./44 1 :0 1 'llegra apfl,o*eT Hazen, returning *pia, -Covington, Kenticaliy,,j o ,';OixietiMatii: between ;,'Seyeri „ and eight "o'cleek., on, Saturday ,evening,. they sow },.number., of men, on the landing-in possession of a negro, „Whom they-accused of-having stolen a „ carpet Mick. The "otEcersi. eontrarytti eitioa of-the White teen; took the negro into custody, and plttetwilsitaqii the Hammond st.reet -statipn house, but after keeping him there sme, Gael no one. oppoared ogainst turn, and he was,diso barged. - The negro says tie has been a 'slave; and traveled ,about the eoantry a great deal with' his master, a resident of Kentucky, who, a number= of weeks since, left hint:it:the:l3mila •Iletato as a servant; him he wad at liberty. OR 'Saturday 'even. ing; however, the master,• with several 'other "per , low; she negro asserts; came to biru,4rict. Seising upon him , endeavored M xitnra' him into :slavery bxeatryteg hipita,oras-• the rover;; which - they_ - muuld.rdeci been puopesaful, had not• the offlooriln terfeied. The, 'negro, we understand, bas since left the city, fearing he nisy be again • placed' in -boudirge.inrisinare Oommerrial,'Srpr'2B. • = THE' MONEY MARKET: ';.t.iiii.crossmnsA, October 8, 1851 . We bellere.thet vre hale mare to too* . tbOo*, l O. bgpp notion thO,Leigiilatura We deeinedginn4lon or,tho Governor in so heetily con renipg it wistylso tiled nnwnrrantedy and we greirather Inclined to the belief - !het before this time;Witbthe ex , implitof sad": ieiten heforOJl4ltYies, bud Ciiiiiiiiiedseeiensloo hanging over them; the solventbinbiould !nisi isictideci payment of specie' upon ;their, tirculetion: , 16151.1 i n o* to thts ibUi d and honeet telphere ef the • eckeffoitio save tai `from • thd evil Ooiiiiiatuces:radeb may but too speedily result (cons the celllueof.this special sesaion. Their. drat Mkbe'dlrectod, to prootrio an immediate• - qtiestioif es to whether tht, bolehe Should ies relieved tnsm the consequence of their sespensiono to w.,LeOslpture:ehosen in of the ext. ,19,4.:Atencied ' by, lkeli cert.. ite;,Courite they, shouldmane. . s ailing fit t4fi L fet argon eyed siery .atternpt Ineeeose,the powers and pritilegos of th e . MiKehter. `working cotglotstlone, ayd oluiQ no,lel?Pri to,,letest cor rapt lesbiletlertof every t, ki ' We want.more•eafegrusrdi throvvh around our lutukiog. - thinga wideic*nit th 9 '4ooi,reitdt, of tit'e:wotking of Could, name to MIMI e= pm¢pfMil ad- wealthy, but ulnae' iinroliiddrilinlitnif kW' bro:Tiglitt no pild.thikery ", defttaiq- ltd.' 40 when OnFr'bniiks, ens - OS* = tjld 'Of email 1444.4**1 1 ‘ 004 1 0 4niAdlidid switildeot.-64411! dowetvAnsh.iminintil they to* o pinlabi4licsol: I•jittils: *ousel*, thoylrefe uet iffill imitliaiid.tnr sinde , • eireula tton foe in 4 to lief.. , ,:toseettt:Wlß, rtgloeo bikild Ithealwhpie, totisjoi*lbi .6100 onrryloy of the '9opOlation, and „-:i w y, owideifroluViiiiaddde toitkiis'i.itinaredeopintion riNe4Torlr,po4 thi." 2 o;oli • s .?01004141' oPl.ued 61. '- t k e ii #10 664 ,0 i PPOV r,4tRA k two *** , ,gold• 40104 jeWfiiii:7;,*.tiii,*i' keVell6llljitit ri g 5;44.900,.: ; *#/y 3 / 4 .4ittb‘xiitio ;(044ti - onffi.': * T r Yno f : our saics Oft,*** 0 4 -0-fiL- 4 4n, "wi,ff 04 °A)VieslIFIA :040010,Ark:440.1trrirO04/044#101 of tftOW, l i Ato"* l946.l l 4 Ati4e 441 14 Iff; ' 4 „.100414:11014 c0ndirp 4 4... ; , 0 4 ,:17,6140: j:.-t* . ,i4ll4l6o#l44'fig .0 9 „, origi:'! 40 ;;ksii 011* ,34 rite 4i s; -' t% i , 141. Alyo. I***loo ,okaen-a viar — Viritlrrirrist ,114.0 AS nt•l Xisk,..94le4i44roamo ,a• • 7 '' ' S I* • *1,7 77f tni'44,' to gz r • quite full; and, rondpred ,pretty 'Onerarsatistao The eanjmun{ty.are•eugering grierously from a I,ltate, of debts. Suspension arose from the want of a clearing boar, eattrunlthuyant of a_ publlshed weekly state 'ment elthe condltfonof every bank, verified by the with Or affirmation bf .311 leers. It is the result; not • of the weakness of all, but of the rettenness'of individuals, smothered up and concealed under a veil of secretly, not Only from the, outside world, but from floe very banks themselves, until It could be bidden no longer, and the whole system fell ' because of • the • weakness of its We doubt the ,efficacy of any check imposed by low upon the amount of diaconate to individuals, and the relative line beyond 'Which expansion `shall not pass. There are tqo many Ways by which these may be evaded. But we can, have a clearing house established, and the .publication of weekly verified statements of their actual condition rau be enforced, - and the publio will thus`, far at !exist be'enabled to Judge 'for 'themeslees when any bank, is exceeding the .bonmis of prudence, and it will immediately be recalled t, a safe position, by its inter ested creditors, We hope to see both these measures insisted upon, as, the price for which the banks may he relieved from the penalty of their tiansgreasiona, and that they will be required to resume . bneele, 'payMents immediately—so far, at least, as their notes are concerned. the market sales of Macke have little interest at present, the market having 'ceased' entiroly 'to perform any of the thermometric functions 'Usually attributed to' it. It straqds.atthe lowest point, and must continue so while the unsettled condition of affairs continues, end money is tso bard to procure. The'bariks aisdount as little as nOssible,Walting for AIM action of the I.ogislature in their behalf„ On the Street', money it worth 1.4 41' cent. for good narcesi but the transactions are very 'mall, and mostly bettreen; the buyer and seller directly. The brokers bays bard 'work for small profits, , Exchange on -New 'York is bought at 3%04 g ,E.ccordiug to the quality and quantity offered, and said at 5 4 cent. - The notes of the Western Bank of Springfield, Mass.; the Mineral Bank Of Cumberland, Md., and the Wear Bank of Hew ilempettiro are discredited by the brokers. Satunlay'must have been a very blue day in New TOrk: The Courier and Enquirer says "a large 'ainount of collection parsir laid over—as sunny as one hundred and thirty bills in one bask, two hundred is another, and forty in a. third." These appear to be bar vest times for the notaries. PHILADELPHIA SPOOK EXOtIANGE SALES, October 5, 1867. Reported by R tet rSrle° Broker, No et FIRST BOARD 50 Reading 1 RR 15X 60 do 5X 60 do 15 100 do nswn&int.l4% - 1 Penns RR....,..38X 1 do 33x • 8 do 38); 10 do 383 do 8816 10 do ....$5...8856 6 do 38.34 1 do 38 25 do 88 49 • do ....10t5..33 1,000 Wilmt , n RR We 81 1,00011 Penns RR 08-40 600 Penns 5e 79X 793( • 100; ,•-, do --79 y • 100 -do 793( , 1,000 City 83 'l,OOO do ...• 83 , .. .603 do ...New.93 -43 Reading 8R......14% 60 do esivn&iti4.l4% 60 • 03 • 14% 80 do arratelnt.3s 100 - do 0bwn..14% 2.1 do 16 do . 60 130A1113. 3,600 City R1163.PRR.63 100 do .15 RETWER. MOO Oity 10 Penuo RR 39 1 do 38 61 do 233 i 60 Long Island RR. 7B 2 N Penns RR.... 83 25 Rending RR....14% 25 do' ....13% 300 do ....14X 1,000 Penns' 6'o 79X 1,000 do 793 1,000 do • - 79 x 860 do 70X 400 do 79X' 1,200 Oliy ti's 83 400 do -82 X, 1,000 City RR 6', ..b2.83 r, „ ,OLO3ING Bid. Asked 84; Philods es 83 83 , 4 do. 83 OBEI-DULL Bid. Asked Schil Nal' Prof 14) 16 Wsnsin&Rimß 9 11 do letanort Vs 63 00 do do 2dm 50 64 Long Island.... 7%, 7,7; Viekeburg 6 ' 7% Girard Dank 8 8% Lehigh Zino X I Union 01115111 2X New Creek 3; 1 Catawima RD... 8% 8 • do New 93 933 .Penns ba 791 f 79 3( ReadSngß '• 14% ,14% de "bonds '7085 ‘.70 • do. It 13'5,)44 70 • :80 Penns. RR BTAI 88 drorris Omni Oon 88 40 Sthyl Nava/ 1 82 52 . 50 do i• .Eltook 8 100 , Beadjig 50'dd plOsing 14X 100 do 14% ," PI~i4AyIELPM DIARAETS og.—ihe markets cont 'nue Mosier; (ictoiNiV,s—Eve almost at a stand still, and the operations in Dreadstuffs today aro very Melted,. Shipping brandeof Flour aro bold' at 85.50, but Clore are no takers at this figure, the local trade being the only buyers, at from $5.60 upwards to 570.57.50 4' bbl 4 the latter for fancy brands. Eye Flour and Corn Meal are unchanged, but there in More selling, and quotations aro entirely nominal. Wheats are in fair supply, but, the demand is small, and prices range at $1.20e51.25 for red, and $1.28551. 35 for white, - according to quality, the' latter being the top rates. Qorn is but little inquired for, and good yellow is 4aotod at 75 eta., without much offering or selling. Oats are arriving more freely, but sales of about 2,6oo,bAshela good Delaware and Jersey have been made at seats' Eye is dull at 72075 cents, buyers generally offering less. Dark is steady at $35 for first quality Quercitrmi, at which figure there aro buyers as feet as . it arrives. Cotton Is not inquired for, 'aqff the'niarket 1s dull and unsstlied, there being n ot enough doing to establish, prices. Groceries and Pros'. elthas aro held at former gilded rates, but the demand is only to4unply tha hoine-trado. Whiskey le dull, bids being quoted at 245t210., and blade at 230., and rather "scarce,-bit there is very little selling at these"figtires. a urtatlons. ylepotte4 for the Press LlVElti'Ofih:4hijt belle of 'the Ocean, Read , -25 ; Bteineilt.Co;,lo do Les & Co; 1 R ' , KWing;lll Bllt;4liVOcirtlV Wane* & P oo; a w Lehman & Brw, 6 Bosengarten & Ban; 4 Bates& 00ateS; Bound ,& 43itodgraisr1W1 bare 14.0 Un r ead 10 Wls hasp friedritigriet,-Bye'&13o; 130 ban IB.Podrick* CO.; 1537 ban liarrett & Bow 2100 hila 'Oda (Incident& Hitt an bars bdteiud29olnlla bodlilron Morris& Jones & 170 tiara B 11131thig Os' 8r0r.89• bdls steel Thobld Swath; 49 de W P Potts; 11 eases and 00 bdlo do ASt B. Welton; bags's:mils 9 chains and 14 mks rohainalig 0 Lewis & CS; 50 casks sodd ash 0 W Church man & 0o; 2 caste hardware 1' 8 ;Wks fe•Co; 2do W 11 &4 W- ettenp 1 do W'P Willitach; 1 do F K Tryon; 2do T Baiter; 9 1d Smith, Seltzer & On; IdoB 11 'filbighau4 4 do Dilworth, Branson & Co; 12 grindstones klitehelli 50 crates earthenware A Rherman; 67 .do B B Verde & eons; 6.8 bite and fit cases steel 170 pkgs soda ash 145 do earthenware a casks files 2 pkgs mdse 4745 sacks salt order., CAPE TrAli'llEN:-..Brig Ilehm Mar. Olturchill-350,- 250 T 66 leiPktod 1 be . sitet fruit Tboti Wattson & Bons. SAYANIAN—Bchi 'John Price , Ityder-18 bales cot ton W P Newlin; 5 do raga Jessup & Moon; ' 169 do do mestics flay hfcDayitt; 112TBrown; Ulll & Co; 20 Ull 11000 & Co; 12 boles typo Johnson & Co; 6 empty casktf Poultney & 51asSoyi 140 do 2490 sacks wheat 18 pitedO ~PKILADELPILTA 110AIID OP TRADE. Wll. C. Kex; A.S. , Buexuou,?norms or HE ElNiro ELLIS YASSALL, '• , , LETTER BAGS • 1 At - the Merchantat Exchange, Phiksdr/phin. Ship Joseph Jones, Flowers ' Ban Francisco, soon Brig Oregon. (10)11reen - • Port An Prince, soon Bahr BE Hell, Olsrk. si • St deg° de Ouba, coon BAfLI (Q OF 'THE 'OCEAN STEAMERS. BtObi, TUE UNITED STATES. 14meiew - .toom Fon Canada., New York Liverpool, Itultcln` — ' New York Uevre., • PROM EUROPE PROM IOR DAT .gultoo .. . New York ....Sept 22 oof Wo.alkiegtoo..Llverpool New York Sept 23 Niagara ..........Liverpool Boston Sept 26 ktlarttio Liverpool New York ..Sept BO BOrnasia liatreaurg New..... Oct / dragoifavre New York Oct al 610V/iItiNNTEVOIt HAVANA fiTEAßigtll. PHILADELPHIA—From New York 2d, arriving at He variaSth, and New,Orleans :11th. From. New Orleans 20th t, Hamm 234, arriving at New York 28th. 'QUAKIp Ornr—Yrom New Yorklth of each month, arriving at Havens 12th, and Haile 14th. Prom Mo• idle ' , OA, Havana 24th, arriving at New Ybrk 28th. title New:York lath, arriving at Havana 170 r. and NewOrlearia 19th From Now Orleans 27th, florins 29th, New York ad: tiring Oliff—Prow New •York 17th, arriving'at Ils-• Vitus 23.6, andNew . ..Prloma 26th. Prom New Orleans Sth,`lfirans 801, arriving at New York 13th, - Nisei IVanuunt—Frorn New York 27th, Arrive at 'Miran& lat'ind Nei( Orleans, 3d: Brom New Orleans 12th; Havana 14th dugat New York 18th. Isaser.—Prom Okarleston 19th and ,41b, doe at Hs. vans 23d aid 7th. Tram Havana 10th and 26th, due at 'New York 1611i'ind 31st. ' • The California mail steamers sail from New York on the Bth awl 2ath of each month. 411ai*, Jntelligente. RORT:OF:pIiFILADELP#Lki Oct. 0, 1867 BIStEr 8 18-LI4IIN 118T8 6 44 111(111,'W321211. ' 331 Map •Indlo of the Ocean, Deed, from Liverpool, Aug 22, with Mdse; &o. to 8 Baldwin & Co. Brig Helen Mar, (Br) Churchill. 13 days from Cape Maytleu, with logwood to ,Thos Wattaon & Bone. 'Brig'Altiniajersona; froth New York. Brig Martha Washington, Anderson, froin'Portland. '' ',Mr - Manta; Maxon, I diy from Predotica, Del, with wheat to au Parrott & Bon. ' Behr - Henry 11111 Layton; 1 day from Milford, Del, -with wheat tolis-Barritt dc Sod: • " Sclur;Complaki'ltiggin, 2 day's' ftom Maryland, with lumber to au Barrett & • Bobr Smith Tattle, Mayo, 6 dais Troia Provineetown, with mdse to Q A Wood. Bohr Telegraph, float 2 days from Wilinlngten, Del, In ballattio Tyler, Stone & Co. 13chr:6ridrew (three 'muted) Nicholson, 10 dere from Charleston with Indus to Dettiti Martin , `• SchrldartheWrightington,Wrightington, 2 days from ' River; hrballast to Careen Sr qO. On ad met, WM, CO miles SW of Montauk, saw brig America, of and for Salem; 18 days ont from Oape neinry; bad her colon; ad; 'ran down to her and the odptain sold he had no provi- Vona on poard except beer and pork; could hare sup piled him, bht a heavy sea running at the time made no atfonipt to lower hie boat; understood he would make for the Delawarellyeakwater. Ritr.Combridge t lf ark, B days from Port/Loa, with se tolitirus Baker, ' Scitr Edwin Reed, Green, from Boston. Behr Mathew Bird, Johnson from New York • CLEAR ED.' Brig Alien°, ,Pas'sotis;• Boston, Noble, rhunniett & , aldwall. ' - ' - • ' 'Brig Martha Washington, Anderson, Portland, N ptiirtetant & Bohr EdwitqlOod, Green, Boston do Behr Telegraph Roath t Norwich, Tyler, Stone & Co. Bird Johnson, Norfolk, Rogers, Bbanlokson BcldAecetur, edam, Partliitt, 8 J Ohriatiso:' 56,4 POUT Price, Price ;litobile, Pettit, Martin, /c Co Otr Partner Denzile Biatlinore Grose', Jr. ~ • - mato a r, OctrecPoadonee or the Rhltvg "g 'Bl ' OA " in Dlcbange. AND, Oct. d, L 48 P M. :i ;A pai lle i p r u ni b t i o t t las i. u tstlin o hl t z vessel that ha been observed i!ours : • goins Out. Wind N. ,f, , THOS. B. HIIG/1103. tar,siasentsrt.) ' ' ' ' ,`:i- :"' '''' ib°449r/I:494ereafrijA2"r9 r,+1,..' l i g licls' Itsji rora-43ept Iv, tdrieb at Ilaiisi ib Tioiatiltspo'l,o'n'db; ~,,i l kl '82,11141 rt 4u5,... 24 1' at B arcelona, 104;04 I=l 1199r99991/lEW Indl,X at Bremer -4,ll,,,eirrioni, ;Nate Orleans— , , mime loth " Wall ' dirllen*'Arailt -4 ' ° P al ' 9 10th , Isabella ai rdoLlilli`Eniest!iirr, Or !harnen* $ ~ 1 ' '' ". 9 ' V T in - lutb Altantelans ?Saila at ' etiattrl'A*;9 0 4!” . - 7 . - ' I - - 4 1,„Ini r°'' ,W ili srir 4 ; Y inti' L l - n l 4 B e t te ' Llti ih e e e t , fr t= ardi ' Idreipe :l9t o b lt, ,11 ? *is awl; Lad Snesell and Mercury, f rom laierght,t l asq l lenrergarOffi l!nah Thanrintir , .. , ':tii i."s l7 4 iltf l aill44.d . 1510 tli,l9,llbut Bak; fm I._le . eiyoo , . I_._ ‘Sitlatt4lia'flpeleSns-:-19tb Barnabas -Wean 'l'm '', ir ' -,' , ,l, Nem Your, bot 6. ' TTVad; 41 40 4140k:step, from Londoti; Emerald Isle Anli usoe,ATlalop feom, Uyarsool• Bagamaro,' from lfitohrlima: • • , .... MEMORANDA ! a gity of New York, Hewes, hence at Beaton 4thi e n a tt s c et, t hl i : America, from Boston, Sept 9, arrived at Liverpool 20th. Steamship Vanderbilt, from Now 'Work, Sept 12, at Southampton 224, AM. The Atlantic, which sailed at the Lame hour, arrived at Liverpool oh the night of al. ' Steamship New York, Craig, from Glasgow, Sept 20, arrived at New York yesterday. From 23d to 28th in elueive, had a continuation of very severe gales fromN W. 25th, at 7 A 31, passed H M steamship Buzzard, bound W. 2,1 lust, at 820 P 11, passed 11 11 steamship Persia, 3d rust at 10 30 A 11, signalised American ship Arzao, bound N. 1 PM, paused Br ateamship City of Baltimore. 4th, at noon, saw a large paddler steamer; also' ship Alexander Wise, hound E Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, hence at Rich mond 3d inst. Ship Fanny McHenry, Smith, for London, eleared at New York yesterday. Ship Gleaner, Lunt, from New York, arrived at Callao Aug 12. Ship Pam Flub, Maguire, at Callao 13th Aug. from New York, via Valparaiso, flailed Aug 28 for (Wachs Islands. Ship John Fyfe, Lawson, from Melbourne, at Callao 131 h Aug, and sailed 10th for Mucha Maude. ' Ship Expounder, Foster, front Ohioan Islands, at Callao Aug 14, and sailed 22t for the United States. Ship Mary Godell, Harriman, from Mochas fur the U States, at Callao 19th Aug, and sailed again 28th. Ship Fanny .1 Party, York, from L`binchas, at Callao 24th Aug, and sailod BOth for England. Ship Revenue, Robinson, ealled from Callao 2.1 ult. for the 19 States. Ship South America, Bray, from Now York, via Val paraiso, arrived at Callao 9th ult. Ship Snap Dragon, Davis, from Sydney, NSW, at Val paraiso Aug 1, and sailed 26th on her return. Ship Wild Pigeon, Mayhew; from New York, at Val paraiso Aug 9. Ship Bethla Thayer, Munroe, I or Valparaiso and Cal lao, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Susan G Owen, Nortoni sailed from Cardiff 19th ult. for Charleston. Ship Evelyn, French, hence at Mobile 29th tilt. Ship Belle Wood, Bush, from New York, at Mobile 29th ult. Ship Mary Caroline Stevens, Heaps, from Slourovia, at Baltimore 4th inst. Barque Saragossa, Dow, hence, arrived up at New'Or lama 28th ult. Barque Ella, Sparrow, for South America, railed from Richmond 3d inst. Barque Agaer, new, Hearford, from New York, at Richmond 3d inst. Barque Union, Power, hence, remained at Pernam buco 6th ult. dischg. Barque Victor, Holmes,hence : via Panama, at Callao Aug 30, and sailed Sept for Mucha Islands. Barque Valetta, Groves, from Boston, arrived at 'Val paraiso Aug 9 Brigs Abby Ellen, Gilchrist, and Castilian, Merry man, hence at Portland 2d Inst. Brig Mack Hawk, Harnett, from Boston, at Medan aria 3d Diet. Brig Joseph Cabals, for Philadelphia, cleared at Sa vannah 2 , 1 inat. Solna Sam' Croft, Arrants, and Fannie, Stokes, hence at Baltimore yesterday. - Schr Argue Eye, Sharp, frdm Charleston, at Baltimore yesterday. Scar Charm, Star, from Wllroington, Del, at Rich- Mond 3d inst. Schr Jane C Doughty, Murphy, for Philadelphia, Balled from Richmond 3d inst. Schr Pennsylvania, Bruster k hence at Alexandria 3d inst. Behr Florence, Noyes, for Philadelphia, railed from Alexandria 3d lost Behr Mary B, Pierce, hence at Bangor 24 inst; Mar Arietia, hence for Charleston, was spoken 28th oft, lot 35 15, long 72 20. Schr Manuela, Van Pelt, from Boston, at Valparaiao August 3d. Sabra Victor, Dale, from Hallowell, and Volta, Case, from Greenport for Philadelphia, arrived at New York yesterday. Setae 11 W Morse, Phillips, from Taunton, and Sarah, Bensdh, from New Bedford for Philadelphia, at N York yesterday. Schr Amelia, Fairweather, from Boston, at Valparaiso Aug 28. Scars S H Shaddick, Williams, and Charles Carroll, Pratt, hence at Hartford /at inst. Scar T L Miller, Paddock, sad stoamer Josephine, (Huntley, sailed from Hartford let inst . for Pb Had Schr Thou Potter, Glover, from Providence for Phila delphia, at Newport 24 Inst. Sear J Oadwallider, Godfrey, sailed from Marblehead 29th nit for Philadelphia. Schr Francis Arthemous, Small, hence at Portsmouth Ist inst. 2 2rinelill RR 63 1 Norristown RR.. 60 Eept 22d, lat 49. 80, lon 02, saw a large steamer steer ing supposed tho Deltic, from N York for Liverpool. Oct 2, let 41, lon 08 01, a large screw steamer, ship rigged, steering E. . . • Aug 14, lat 37 40, lon 135 25, Behr L Poster, Moore, from Puget Pound kr Honolulu Aug 10, no lat, &c, barque Ella Frances, Flinn, from Ban Francisco fur Puget Sound. Schr E 01 Peck, a fine vessel of 220 tons burthen, in tended for the West India trade, has recently he m launched and fitted out et Cleveland, Ohio She is said to Le decidedly the moot beautiful craft over seen on the lakes. The Si bi l'eek arrived at Oswego a few days since, and will take trade on the lakes until ice makes Its appearance. Ship Catharine, of Thomaston ' where from or bound not stated, was seen to sink, no date, he., immediately after being In collision with an unknown ship, by Capt Nickerson, of fishing schr Minnesota, which arrived at Provincetown 4th Inst. The °Mery and crow were towed and taken on board the unbeaten ship, which was bound to Liverpool. To MADTSII6 or VWSSELS RUNNING Dirris . B6N BAN FRANCISCO AND SIDNEY , As tho longitudo or Christmas and Fanning's Islands are incorrect on most charts' we give the correct location: Fanning's Island—Tho harbor of Fanning's Island lies in N lat 3 &gat, W, long 110 deg 20. Approach the island from the cast, and sail round the south aide. There is no such island in this vicinity as is laid down on the charts as "American Island." Christmas Inland—The harbor, which Is under the lee of the N. Wt point of the island, is la north latitude 1 deg 68; west longitude 167 30. The oast point °flits island lies about 45 to 60 miles outward of the earlier. age, and vessels in approaching cannot be too careful of thin point, an it is here whore nearly all the wrecks oc cur. The island is not mom than eight feet in height' and enema be seen from a ship's deck more thou seven or eight miles oil. Diana fiboal—This shoal has novor, a e believe, been laid down on any chart. It lies in N tat, 8 deg 40 ; W long, 167 deg 20. It was discovered by Capt. English, of Farming's Island, and it has on it only elk feet of water. The observation was taken at midday, within a short distance of the shoal, and may be relied do as *tenet. - Dilaters and officers of vessels bound to or past Hono lulu arc requested to take notice, that a Marine Tele graph has been erected on the ridge connecting Diamond Head with the mountains inland, and all Vessels pasting within ten miles of the head wilt be reported. China -hotted vessele can display their signals without calling out the pilot. The national ensign at the main or fore is a signal for having a United States nail on board for This signal should be displayed at the fore only, when a pilot is wonted. Vessels can run along :within two miles of the Fhoro with perfect safety, and without losing the trade wind. New YORK, Oct. sth —ARRIVED, Behr Victoria, Reel, Preble, Shielo. Mary Bradford, 'Thomp son, Loudon Aug 29th, with /79 pasaengerav Lagoa Taylor, Havre .Aug 30, 554 passengers; Brain Larks Louise, Rencke, Bremen Sept 6, 241 passengers ; • Oleo, Pranklin, Bremen, 242 passengers, Wilmssen, Bremen, 44 de, 240 passenger', brig Onward, Br Rigging, Pictou, N S, Br brig Talbot:of London Putt, Pernambuco Sept sth schr Emma furbish, Kendall, Bonaveutine. Cid ship Bark Exact, Trlsby, Savannah; Brig lioratio, Wiggins; Madeira; SehsO T Strong, Liseurn, Baltimiwei John Roe, Hammond, Wilmington. Ship Christian, Ow ens, London; ship Ashbartoh, Bradloh, Liverpool. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut Street, below Ninth. L 9 Eddins, Olinger Win P Dysart, Glasgow B G Dysart, Roan6ke DemostheasWhlte,Missouri John A English, Va 0 J . Dupont, Jr, Del 0 IL Birkhead, Washin& John W Martin, Washing'n Wm 0 Gallant, Washineu P Douleng, Washington P Pawn, Balt W 3 McOants, Copeeburg Wm 11 Spitler, Texas Thos,W German, Balt D O'Keefe, Balt John Lutz, Balt D Hagerty, Richmond Irs, ' E W Nichols & It, Ilrookl , n Mrs C B Babcock, N Y Mr L Allen, Newark, T 111 K Orough, Oreetiab're A 0 Baulsburg, Balt 7 11 D Gregory, Bait John° Rodgers, Balt Peter Montague, Balt XI D Eyre, Philada II A Nichols, Reading Sand Bell, Ohio Ed G Butler, Louisville • Sirs. Dares, N 0 Mrs A P Bowers, Gs Miss J P Bowers, Ga Miss McLin, N 0 0 Doves, N 0 Chas Barnes, New Loudon 0 tY Bradstreet, Boston A It Gilman, Boston M /1 Hobbs A B Parrotte, Macon, Ge. 1 II }heifer & sr, N 0 II Shepherd, Louisiana V Gay, Louisiana OW Squires, Louisiana It Gilmore Heitman, Balt E Jlialley, England Thos Shields, Balt Geo Earle & la, Md W Mcllvaine, Springfield Sarni D Stryker, Jr, N Y Jose S Abren, Cuba E Manual, Cuba 111 Carbonell, Cuba J J Jever, Cuba Jae AVfilte, Citt J Gooden, Cincinnati J I gahriekee, N J J McCarter, Charleston Mrs McCarter, Charleston Miss McCarter, Charleston E 11 Height, Chicago Mr Johnson & la, Balt Miss Johnson, Balt Jas IV Veazey, Md Geo it Adams, Pa 8 Judge Dunkin, S 0 Mrs Duncan, 0 Chas 111.Erben Lancaster Wash 11 Erben, Lancaster A W Sanford , e la, N 0 IV Ring, Jr & la, Savannah G Il Grinell; N Y Mn, Myers, Phila Miss Myers, Phila Col Myers, 1.1 9 A ' R A Hunter, Reading Simon Stevens, Lancaster P G Conover & la, ri J E Hewes & la, N J Jae 9 Richards, Reading .7 N Hazlett & la, Toledo T 0 Kibb, N Y Ii A 'Bridge, N 0 .oapt J D Dickey, St Louis A 0 Mitchell, NA' 8 Seymour, N Y 0 GDahlgreen A la N Y R D Wolcott, Troy P W Hinehman, N Y Ang Beeler, N Y Ohas Heath, N Y R 0 Gorman, N Y P S Hughes, N Y H Ames, Ot J H Wilcox, Ct .1 Gordon, Va ' Geo I. Sassier, N 0 .7 Ripley, N Y .1 H Wilkinson, Cincinnati STATES UNlON—Market stroot, above Stith. Id BhaiTer, Harrisburg Goo Z Bentz, Columbia J Prissel, 'Harrisburg Wm Hebert, Ilarrßburg John L Roos°, Lano Wm 0 Ilarcomb, Batt 8 G Porter, N Y 0 P Clifton, N Y J Bundlck, N Y Thus BI Dukohart, Balt <leo W Campbell, Balt Alonzo Mina, Va John Ridgway, roue P N Sanderson, N 0 John 14 Price, Boston ,(leo A llaltenburg, Dol Ohaa Starr, Del A Kurtz Chicago J D Marahbank, Pa ltobt L hlchhaltz, Pa AMERICAN UOTEL—Ohestnut above SIM 'areal. .D Markly, N J Wm Holden, N J .1 A Gordon, Va , J 8 Borba, Wheeling, Ya Darn 'W Myer, Balt Wm Bayley, Balt Geo Fay, Balt Wm U Johnson, N Y T B Johnson, N Y E Latham, N Y J . 11 . 0 Thirikel, Balt Then Brown, Balt Ohm A Pinker, Balt Jos II Wiley, Balt W Gibson, Pa 0 G Yearsley, Pa M 0 Cunningham, Wesivn 0 Cunningham, Wash'n Walter Fleming, W Cheat a P Chandler, Del 8 8 Jackson and lady, Ohio Frank Pricker, Rending John L Du Bois, Doylest'n Ed,v 8 Stillman, Pottsville WAI Bell, Smyrna, Del W Patton, Del 01111 l Winton, Cheater co, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street ; above Third, J PlNatBo/1, New York D Oleckemyer, New 'York It I! Entwistle, New York Win Rainer, Now York Peter Barlow New York I R Savage, New York R McManus, New York T IV Boyle, Ned York M Neville, Now York D Chalmers, New - York 0 Holland, New York L Guerusay, New York O Collins, Williamsport Wm Maxwell, Logansport E Potts, Lancaster co 3 Cabman, Wheeling, Va Win Gine, Wheeling, Va. E K Davie, Mues B V Davis, Mace B 'V Denis, Mass Wm Denis Mass Joe 0 Poor, Mau 13 $ Drew, Mass D S Tacker, Mass 8 P Kelly, Mau O E Rogers, Mass J R Savage, New York II It Hull, Lancaster JP Ilamberger, Pottsville A Sailor, New Jersey J H Moss, Ephrata J K Funek, Lebanon L Beetle, Columbia co J Brumer, Jonestown W E Drainer, Jonestown 0 T Wilson, Itornaby John Bcheltly, Tamaqua L Dearer, Jr, Bethlehem M Leibed, Bethlehem Meaty Luke, Allentown P Wes, Allentown Jillielbner,Lambsoloville LI Rupp, Lehigh co John 0 Nice, Bch Karen E A Adame, Phila - Samuel, Halifax Miss Boughton, Middletown Thou °reamer, Balt W Rainer, New York Eder Deo& & lady, N J W Ermentrout, Jr Reading , Jan Whitaker, Mt Clair H shank, Nowyfilo. Ra D j Oetrender t NVilkesbarre J Wolfe, Danville Miss Perrino, Danville Qyi Morgan, Pottsville iiIBROHANTB , HOTEL—Pourth street, below Arch. 1 0 Baltzell, Abington W 3 Harper, Ald Win B White, MA G J Ball, Eric, Pa , J Randolph, N Y Mrs Johnson and da N Y. J II Tricker, N Y A G Mason ' Brownsville lilmPalls, Port Deposlt, lad 0 II Miser, Wash, D 0 1 Brown', Balt . , - . N E Stealey, Uhas , burg, Ta Lloyd Lowndes, Ches94,Ya W D Cony, Belt • .1W Bloomer, Balt . I Crawford, Va Richid Thomas, Md It A Guernsey, Pa W 8 Chandler, Mim i Del 0 0 Bush, Wilm, Del . Basel Culbert, 114/m, Del 0 F Coo, Boston Al Bales, Pittsburgh D 8 Hammond, Pa A M Hart, Reading Hon J A Lines; Easton Hon Jesse Pearson,Pa G W Shawde, Barton J Earner, Pa Miss A Oliphant, li !I / L Pulkerson / - N 0 A D Markley,Alontgomery- Swill Bower. Strasburg, Pa villa ta nor Kilter; Goldsboro, Pa 'J 5 Maurer, Ohambersbl THE PRESS.L-PITTLADELPMA; TUESDAY, OCTOBER a; 1837. MARINI; MISCELLANY NOTICE TO MARINERS Up to 12 o'clock Last Night 0 L Wornt'z,'Rtrasthrg 0 Roam' Strasburg'' Marla Stone, Strasburg 'Martha Lovette, Strasburg Ama Stone, Strasburg Alex llteCloy, Strasburg P IllcZeigler, Mt Joy, Pa J W Deese, Dayton, 0 Thou McCombs, Delaware J L Deerhert, Ohrimbersb'g D P May, Elkton, Mtl John WC inuiss, 111 Hon J S Yost, Pottstown nos 14111181011, VS , Miss SI 1: Shl/117.,130th1'1n 11 A Shultz, Bethlehem R Jenett, Pa It Duncan, Pittsburgh T S Thompson, Pa nos J Rae, Chicago Gen Wm Patton,Lancaster Mra Plarer, Lock Haven A J Sloan, Bloomsburg J E Griffin, Churchtown It W McAllen, Pa Jan Renee, Stockton P'llarper, Strasburg J W Kauffman, Freeport If Hargrave, N 0 A Hesse, Wyoming Co E J Bowser, York Co J Ilarvey, Pa It 0 Hotchkiss, N Mayen Geo Stonebouse, N York M C Turner. N Brunswick Thos Smith, Waverly, Pa Steam] Jenkins, Wyoming E J Taylor, Waterford, Pa Robert Lockhart, 111 Chunk, L Westbrook, l'ike co, P ONION HOTEL—Arch Street, abode Third. 9 Hart, N Y 3 P Horn, HY J I Groasin, N Y E (I Diggs, Balt E II Gast, Lancaster J D Sidles, Lancaster lil 0 Snistmen, Payette co Jlt Neely, New Hope J . Hammer, Orgwigsburg E Collings, New Castle, Del .5 Clelland & la, N Castle, Del A D Bullion, Gettysburg JtM Cook Ohio Chas Kemp, Ohio It Sharp, Ey ' W Morrison, Juniata co Edward Able, Easton tt W Sheppard, N 3 C Wheeler, Reading al Tucker, Reading Wm IT Etter, Chamberabing Mrs J E liershberger, Id J Moore. Chambersburg Chambersburg A Moony, Carlisle D Denlinger, White Hall E Parker & lady, 14 Y a ohnT Jakee, Camden, Del J Gross, Harrisburg Jas Ashton & lady, Pa 1' W Ackerman, N J N S Short, Littleetown Wm P Crouse, littleatown , Mrs II Evans & finny,Phila J Carter, Tamaqua B 51 Smith, Tamaqua ACI Reminger, Allentown Geo Bruner, .1 Y 0 Stark, Pittston, Pa H S Searle, Montrose, Pa L Snell, Mechanicsburg ll 3 Crampton, Newton, NJ 0 I , May, --- P AI Leaman, Middleton, Pa J McKeen, Easton P B Greenawalt, N Y 0 L Cecil, Middleton. Opctial 'Notices Seamen's Saving Vaud— Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second then. Receives de posits in some of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of five per coot. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until I o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles ht. Morris; Secre tary, James S. Pringle. Saving Fund—Niue Per Cent. Inter est—Ne. tioual Safety Trust Company, iu WALNUT Sheet, south west corner of THIRD Street, PHIL/1112E1MA. Aseetg Over One MILLION /ND A MALY Or DOLLARB, InYeSted in BULL VerATV, MORSO/03,01101INDera, and Other first class securitlea, as required by the charter. hie institution.contlnee its busiuma entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. The office le open every day from 0 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, end ou Monday and Thureday evenings until O o'clock. Bower's Infant Vordial.•••This laminable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the moot perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. Ay its powerful Influence a speedy cure Is effected In all cases Or Choltr, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quilises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &o. The Infant Cordial • ham become a standard remedy, and has been used in thouaands of MOH with the moat abundant !mamas: No family should be without it. Prepared only by HENRY A. BOWER, At Ws Drag and Chemical Store, . N. E. corner of Sixth and Green ate , Philadelphia. To whom all orders mast be addressed, And for sale by Druggists generally. as 13-ly Tanesur.y DEPAP.i/16171 . , September 23, 1857 Notice is hereby given to the holders of stocks of the United States that this Department will purchase such certificates ai shall be receirtul here, duly assigned to the United States, previous to the lot day or Novem ber next, at the rates heretofore uttered and paid, viz: 10 per cent. premium on the loan of 1892. 18 per cent premium on loans of 1841 and and 1848, 6 per cent. premium on Texas Indemnity 5 per cent. stock, together with the interest accrued in each caso from Ist July. Certificates of stock received hero on and after the Ist day of November, until further notice shall be given, will he purchased at the following rates, viz: 8 per cent premium on the loan of 1842. 14 per cent, premium on the loans of 1847 and 1848, and 5 p , r cent. premium on Texas indemnity 5 per cent., with the accrued interest payable thereon, respectively. Where certificates of stock, inscribed and transfera ble on the bookeof the Treasury, shall bo received here, assigned to the United States, between the Ist Decem ber, when the tiansfer books will be closed, and the let of January, when the half-yearly Interest Ss payable, the accrued interest for the half-year must be expressly assigned to the United States by the stockholder, as no interest for the current half-year can be included In the settlement, but the same will he payable by the Assist ant Treasurer on the interest schedules, as heretofore. In all cases the purchase sums will be settled in favor of the lawful holder of the stock, who shall assign it to the United States In the Mode prescribed by the regula tions of assignments of stock; and remittance will be made of the amount by draft on the assistant treasn. rers at Beaton:New York, or Philadelphia, at the op. Lion of the party in whose favor the settlement shall be made One day's additional Interest will bo added from the day of receipt here for the draft to be sent by mall. HOWELL COBB, Secretary of the Treasury. ftlarnagm Ou the 28th ,)1" March, UM, by Bey. Wm. 0. John elope, Mr. ALVIIID ALLEN to !dim AMMA, deught4r Cr B F. Bower, Esq , of thle city. Elentl)o At Itoxboroueli. Philadelphia, on the 2J Instant MARY ITAGIJEIt, in the Ka year of her age. This old lady was the daughter of Colonel Frederick Ilagner, subs - Lieutenant of Philadelphia in the Devolu tion. Previous to the British army taking possession of the city, Colonel llagner received orders to take down, and remove to the Interim, Christ Church belle, Ile put them in boats and took them up the Delaware to CanePe Ferry, from thence to Allentown in teams. By the same conveyance he took his own family, of which this old lady was one, She frequently related all the circumstances of the journey, and remembered them distinctly until a short period before her death. On this city, on Wednesday evening. of whooplugeough, JOHN STOOKTON HOWELL, eon of John C. Hou ell, O. S. Navy, and grandson of Commodore Stockton. It On the evening of the 3d lust , SANICEL (MAMAS, in the nil year of his age. On Saturday, 3d Instant, of consumption, Mr. IHIPO LETY Lonft, in the 34th year of his age On the 3d instant JOHN S. son of John and AULIR RifitiEll), lu the 3 fl year of h is age. ll:f" A Mass Meeting oldie Democracy will be held at the house of James alcOlioikey, PABSTUNK ROAD and TENTH STREET, TO MORROW (Wednes day) LIVENING, the 7th hat , at 7 o'clock. The following eloquent speakers wilt address the meeting : Hon. Thos. D. Florence, mils. W. Carrigan, W. D. Lehman, Jr. Daniel Dougherty, Deo.W. Nablnger. Wm. Y. McKean, Lewis 0. Cassidy, Benj. L. Berry, Eobt. J. Palethrop, Capt. A. Day. Wm. A. Edwards, and others. By order of Committee on Town Meetings, J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. J. J. SULLIVAN, Secretary. octf.-2t (Evening Argus copy.) Neuro-Electropalay....Dr. Williams is drawing large audiences, who are Wlily delighted with his Lectures and Experiments, Ito lectures title week, by request, again at Odd Vellowa , nail, West Philadel phia, on Tueaeay and Saturday veninge ' and at Spring Garden Institute, corner of Broad and Spring Garden streets, ou Wednesday and Friday evenings. at 8 o'clock. Go early. Medical office, 1237 Spring Garden street. ocei bti" g Girard College. The Directors of the Girard College give notice that they are prepared to bind out, in the Pinto of l'enneylvania, nineteen (1,. phone, in accordance with the will of Stephen Girard, to " suitable occupations, such as agriculture, {gallon, arts, mechanical trades and manufactures." The mas ter will be required to teach his apprentice hit mimic five art, to furnish him with suitable board and lodging In hit own place of residence. (except where, for xpocial reasoue, tho apprentice may be allowed to board else where) and to provide him, upon the termination of his apprenticeship, with at least two suits of clothes. The master will be allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term net exceeding one 111011ih. Persona desirous of ob taining tin apprentice can apply at the College between the hours of ti and o or, if pot residents of Phila delphia, can address the undersigned In writing, stating name, residence, occupation and references—the latter, whenever possible, to bo eltirens of Philadelphia. 1111NRY N. AIIEY, Pecrotary of Girard College. ErAmerican Life Insurance and Trust Corn. pang—WALNUT street, southeast corner of FOURTH. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 2, 1851. At a meatlngof the BOARD OP TRUSTEES, held this day, the following Resolutions were adopted : Whereas, This Institution has during the recent panic continued its payments on demand, therefore Resolved, That the provision 10 our Ohartor which has governed this Company since the day of its organisa tion, prohibiting "the purchase or discount or, or ad vance upon Promissory Notes, Bills of Richange, or other Negotiable Paper,'' has been salutary In Ito effects, po lemon having been suffered by reason of insufficient security for money loaned. Resolved, That this Company will receive on de posit, at Its former into of interest, give per cont.,) Notes of the Banks of this City and ur such other Banks as they shall receive on deeposit, and will continuo to pay all sums.large or email , on demand, without notice. Sittract froth the Minutes. ocB-3t MO. b. SIMS, Secretary. in?" A grand Mass Meeting of the Democracy of the ELEVENTII and adjoining Wards will be held at NEW 3IAIIKET and DROWN streets, on TUESDAY EVENING, 6th inst., at 7X o'clock. The following eminent speakers will be present and address the meeting lion. Chu. R. Duckalow, °has. W. Carrigan, Esq,, Hon. hoary M. Phillips, Daniel Dougherty, Esq., lion. John W. Forney, James F Johnson, Esq., Hon. Thos. D. Florence, Wm. A. Edwards, Esq., Hon. B. S. Wright, Wm. M. B. Smith, Esq., Lewis°. Dankly. Let every Democrat be prevent, and bear expounded the great principles of the rights of the States and the Federal Constitution. A full Brass Bend will be In at tendance. By order of the Committee on Town meeting's. . J. MORRISON Chairman. Taos. J. Baum. , secretary oct3-3t* Notice to Consignees.—The ship Nonpareil, Captain Faulk, from Liverpool, Is now ready to discharge at Queen street wharf. Comaigneem will pleue send their permits on board. All goods not permitted in Ave days will be sent to publio store. oc2 THOMAS RICHARDSON /c. CO. Irr — Dentoernile City Executive Committee.— The Committee will meet every Tuesday and Friday af ternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the (Hobe Hotel. J.J. JON. LIPPINCOTT, Chairman. J. J. BO Secretaries. se23-I LLIVAN, RANDALL, 6t Irr At a ;menus of the Democratic City Ex ecutive Committee held on Friday, Sept. 18th, it was 'Waived, That the following town meetings be held : TUESDAY EVENING, Oct Bth, New Market sod Brown street. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oct. Ith, Passyunk road and Federal street. THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. Bth, Manaiunk. FRIDAY EVENING, Oct. 9th, Broad and Coates street: • , SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 10th, State House Yard. A full Brass Band will be in attendance at each meet. log, J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. A. 0. Tnoursoa, ' -Jona Anse, Jena K. OAADIVION, Omen:Ate° on Meetings. Taos. J. Beowx, Alicusec Rianrea, • Jowl K. LatreELlE, 113- °Mee at the Union Canal Company PUILADIIILPHIA, Sept. 14th, 1857.—.4 meeting of the atockholdere of the Union Canal Company of Penney'. MI6 will be held at the ofilce of the company, (Var. ober Buildings,) No. 228 WALNUT etreet, below Third, on TUESDAY October etb, next, at 12 o'clock, M. By order of the Board of Managers, 8610-00(30 0. THOMPSON. Seal. '~ ~lnitsss~siicsit~. A MERMAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. 13L E. A. al MA'AM Sole Lessee Serond Nicht of the Italian Opera Sargon. WEDNINDAY HVENINO, October 3 1837, Will be presented, for this night only, Verdi's Opera, in three nets, untitled It TROVATOItE Leonora Mmo . Gazzanign Aaudeoa 111188 A. Phillip] Maurice Signor Brig:toll Count *Lund ,Signor Amodio FerrandoSignor Cole tti Gipsy Signor Muller Max Manatees , Musical Director and Conductor. Ornha NlOliti.—Moudas, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. PRICE 01 , Annie:4log .—Parditetto, Drees Circle, and Balcony, $l; Faintly Circle, OU cents ; Amphitheatre, 25 cents Irr The box Office of the Academy le open from 9 A. M. to 51' Dl , for the securing of Reserved Seale and Boxes, without extra charge. Tretumer Sir. T. McKnos. The Opera will commence at 8 precisely. ELY' Carriages trill set down heads South, and take up heads North oc6 NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., near Eighth. ADMISSION —Seats to Private Box, ; Orchestra °balm 75 coots; Drees Circle and Parquet. 60 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents Doors open et 7. To commence et T 4 o'clock. BOY Offico open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when seats can ho secured. Sole Lessee Wm. E. Burton Stage Manager Mr. 11. Watkins TIIIS (Tuesday) EVENING, October 0,1857, Will be presented Bulwer'a Play of LADY OP LYONS. Claude Alolnotte, Mr. J. E. Murdoch; Beauseant, Mr. S. Murdoch; Col. llamas, Mr. T E. Morrie; Major Deamoullua, Mr. Lawson; Pauline, Mra liuth,on Kir by ; Widow Melnotte, Mrs. Myers ; Alad. Deschapolles, Mrs H. Muzzy, To conclude with the laughable Farce of TO OBLIGE BENSON. Trotter Southdown, Sir. H. Watkins; Mrs. Trotter Southdown,Mrs.Dren . - - WHEATLEVB ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Sole Lessee W. WHEATI,EY. Sciatic Or Patera —Orchestra Stalls, GO crate; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents ; Family Circle and Amphitheatre 25 cents; Beata in Pri vate Boxes, 75 rents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery-, Parente., Gallery for Ordered Persona, 25 cents; Pri vate BOX in Gallery for Colored Penning 38 cents Box °nineteen front 10 A. 21. until 3 ' P. 151. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter peat 7. J. M. It WHITTON Treasurer. TRIO (Tuesday) EVENING, October 0, 1807, Will be presented Shaltepere's Play of OTHELLO. Deadomone, Mm, E. L. Davenport; Othello, Mr. 11 0. Davenport. To conclude with, second time this Season, the Farce of BUIDEN THOUMITS I Z7D. 1 11; Sophia, Mask; Taylor WALNUT STREET THEATl2E.—Les pee, Mr. E A. Marshall ; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. prices —Drees Circle and Partmette, 80 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Sesta, 75 cents. Box Ottice open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3 1' M. Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance to Com mence at 7%. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, October 8, 1857, Wtll ho acted (third time) the Great Drama, entitled EUSTACIIE ; Or, THE CONDEMNED FELON. Eustache (Madan, Mr Daly; Alphonse Lamborti, Mr Showell; Delboie, Mr. Young; Countess D'Alberte, Mrs. Silehee To conclude with (Orel time this Season) the laugh able Fares of THAT BLESSED BABY. Frank Finicky, Mr. Showell ; John Thomas, Mr Chap roan, Mrs. Lerer ; Mrs. Munn ; Mary Jane, Mrs John Sefton. SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELIIVENTIS Street, above Cheetnut. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. Admittance 25 cents. Ethiopian I,lln Illustrated by Sandiord'e Troupe of Stars—Nose Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with BOX AND VOL Box, 8. S. Sanford ; Cox, Cool 'Whit° TROMEUF's VARIETIES, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTS NIGHTLY, Comprising a most Diversitled and pleasing MUSIOAL AND TERPSICHOREAN MELANGE, In which appear Mad. PAYNE, Wile LEFOLLE and other superior Vocalists, Musicians and Comedians. Commencing at 7,1‘. Admis.slon, 10 cents. T. W. AGJECKET, Pianist. THONIEUF, Proprietor. pIEILADELPHIA LITERARY INSTITUTE EIGIITII PUBLIC MEETING, To be held at tho SPRING GARDEN ASSEMBLY ROOM, Northeast corner of Eighth street and Spring Garden, ou WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 7. PROGRAMME. Essay—The Influence of Banks on a Com munity .1 - S. Cohen. Declamation—The Maniac Howard. Essay—Remarks on Conversation J. T. Elliot. Declamation—The Grave of the Beloved ..A. U. Elliot. Reading of the Journal by the Editor. 0110.1,TH. Subject—Would the integrity of the Union be en dangered by an unlimited extension at Territory 1 Affirmatives—l. D. lluhn and T. P. Ross. Negatives—W. A. Levering and E. R. 11awkins. Decision by the Judge. Adjournment. Tickets can be obtained of Mr. B R. Hawkins, South west corner Market and Second. oc6-2t CIIURCIITOWN ACADEMY— LANCASTER CO , PA. The next Sesesion of this Institution will open for the reception of Students on the trot MONDAY of November coming. The Instruction is thorough and practical lu all the branches of an English, Classical, and Mathema tical. education. There is no more healthy location in our country ; and this is evident from the fact that not a single ease of sickness has °rem red since the Institu tion has been in operation; which has been since Its The Principal will be at the Merchants' Hotel,(MeKib bin's) FOlifrui Street, on the 7th, Sth, and 0111 Octo. bee, •ikehon City references, Menton, and aoy informa tion M.sired mill ho green. JAMES E. GRIFFIN, A. M,, Principal THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE City and County of Philadelphia; Estate of PICAS. CIS MeAVOY. &ceased _ - • DIAROARET IIeAVOY, widow of said ilecodent,khas presented to said Court an inventory and apprinsernent of personal property, which she has olecied•to retain under the provisions of the Ait of April 14, 1951, and unless exceptions are filed before FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1857, at 10 o'clock A , the same will be allowed and approved by the Court. AN DRIIW MILLED., Attorney for Wilow, 2068 FIFTLf oct). t La. th thee IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE Oily and County of Philadelphia. Estate of 611011.a111. RIGHTER, deceased. Tho auditor appointed to audit, settle and adjust the account of JOHN SEIBERT, executor of the last will of tho sold MICHAEL RIGHTER, deceased, and to re port dlatriblition of the balance, will meet the parties interested at No. 617 SARUM' Street, below Seventh, on MONDAY, October 1211, 1861, at 4 o'clock, P M. HORACE L. PETERSON, Auditor. oca-tu th-2t Nil lie WA Nb4,--110,000—PRI IV TE De! A ll s Cargill per flour; , A l4'W Th. Pens Hat •as oevel,\.l Ly tbee .4.1. D I , 6l,lelplas rrvre, at Melt. s. ttttt }Lt. gi R. A V0i1.... - w, 114$ Peso n A lobitowe y e V I.'" Prlal. Co. atut rev.. D L icerlV it " tll r,. A C al e. rr Iloer,lr. we I I ' ha very 1.... t at V ;l:—.l il Peuvv , mealy Yedurvel 1 I S i 4).. Cor.l,lbrary Foul - mit MT. below CheWout 111 _—__ ' _ pEOPLE'S TICKET.- CCM= CANAL COIdIiNSIONFit JOHN F. LINDEIIMAN, Derive County JUDOES SUPRRIIR COURT. WM. STRONG', Betio' County, JAMES THOMPSON, Brie Couuty CITY TICKET SENATOR. BAhiiiia.. II HANDLE JOHN C HIRKPATILICK, OEOROE 11 ARNISTIIONU, JOSEPH )1. JOIIN RAMSEY. COUNTY NOMINATION SENATOR. DR. I. N. bIARSELES. ASSEUELY DAVID It McOLANE OLIVER EVANS, J II ARKIN, • JOSHUA T. OWENS, A. ARTHUR, JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, THOMAS 11. WARAND, ABRAHAM ENGLISH DAVID SELLEY, DAVID II STYER, JOHN II SCOTT, GEORGE S. PDX, JAMES J. ALLISON. JUDOS COURT COMMON PLEAS, JAMES It. LUDLOW. PROTHONOTARY DISTRICT COURT, JOHN P. McFADDEN. CLERK QUARTER SESSIONS, JOSEPH °ROCKET. RECORDER DREW, ALBERT D. BOILEAU. commut, JOHN K. PENNER W.ANTED 16,000 DOLLARS PA R VALUE North Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds in Exchange for Real Estate in Kensington. Title per fect. Apply to JOAN O'BRIEN, South FIFTH street ocl3- 1 tv WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried teen, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. ray from gl2 to R 2 per month. Ito man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 817 MARKET 'Arca, above Eighth, north side. WILLIAM 11. 110YALL, Ist Lieut. 2I Rest. of Cavalry, oct 5.1m1 Recruiting Officer - - - Male or Female, are wanted to sell a now and very popular book, just issued, entitled 4, The Crooked Via ; or, Lilo by the Wayside." Four editions hare already been exhausted In Boston and the New England Rates. Agents 1113 wanted to Canvass the Middle, Southern, and Western Staten. Seine now engaged make from to $ . 12 per day. Address. by letter, Book Agent, 17 State street, Boston; or tall personally at fame place. oc3-I m AMERICAN GOLD WANTED, RIMIEST CURRENT RATES ORONISE d; Co., SPECIE BROKERS, 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET Xegol Notirco TN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION 1. IN INSOLVENCY OP JOHN C. OBERTEUPPEE, Notice le hereby given that the subscriber has applied to the Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia fora final discharge under the provi sions of the Insolvent Lava of the Commonwealth, sod also that be has applied by Petition ( or the benefit of the slat Sectionof the Act of June 10th, 1830, relating to insolvent debtors—by which section it is prosidedthat the court, wish the consent of a majority In number and value of creditors of an Insolvent, may grant him an exemption of hie astate and effects from execution for his indebtedness for the apace of 847011 yenta. These ap plications will be heard by the Court of Common picas on Saturday, October 10th, 1817, at 10 o'clock, and the attention of creditors and all others interested in these applications is halted. J. 0. ODERTEUFFER Oil 23-wfai 3w* Mlleo IT 'Auction THOMAS & SONS, 1'1• Nos, la 9 and 141 8011111 YOVRTII STREET, (Formerly Noe. 67 and 69 ) yIEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, ificc. Public Sales at the lilladelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. Handbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to oach sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. IV- FURNITURE BALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning, REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE EU^ Wa Lava a large amouut of Beal Ewtato at PH 'rate Sale, including every description of City and Country property. Printed Lists may be had at the Auction &ore. VRIVATE BALE REGISTER Irv" Real Ratite entered on our Private Sale Re gister, are advertised occasionally In our Public Sale Abstracts, (of eihich 1,000 copies are printed weekly.) free of Chuigu. STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—TIII3 EVENING. Pamphlet eetateguen now ready, containing full de seriotione of all the property to be sold This Evening, 6th inst., Conipri4iug a tango amount of Stocks, Loane, Real Eatato, PIIRENYTOII? BALE-500 elle1:11E8 UNION ()ANAL. This ovening, 6th October, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, without name, for account of whom it may concern— 500 shares preferred nix per cent. stock of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania. Par fit, with power of attorney fur transfer endorsed. 5 shares American Academy of Music. 5 do Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Co. 1 do Point Breese Park Aesociation. do Philadelphia Library, Philadelphia Athe• namin, and Mercantile Libraries 10 shares Premium Loan Association, 4 , 50 paid en each ibare. 10 shares Philadelphia Exchange For account of whom it may concern— ' GO share, Columbia Coal and Iron co. 2 Stockholders , Seasoayickets of Academy of Music DANK STOCKS - - - Alan, 42 shares City Think Par po, full paid 40 hares Commonwealth hank Par $5O. $25 paid shares Bank of Pennaylionia. 40 do do do ESIZEIMEI Thug sale will include— HANDSOME RESIDENCE, 'WITH HIDE YARD. Handsome modern Residence, with aide yard, south side of Washington street, first house east or Seven teenth street. It illjust finished In handsome modern style. Immediate possession. $5,600 may remain en the property. . . . NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE _ . Neat modersltesidenro No. 713 Buttons ood street, east of Delaware Eighth ;trot Immediate po.session. DWDLLINOS, FItANKFORD ROAD New three-story brick dwelling, No. 129 Frankford Road, above Redford Street, 'nth three-story frame dwelling in the rear. RESTAURANT AND DWELLING. Three-story brick restaurant and dwelling, 9 E. cor ner Second and Shippen Streeta. BRICK lIAKERY—ADJOINING Also, a brick bakery adjoining the above, fronting on Sinppeu Street SEVEN TLREE•STORY BRICK DIVEI,LINGS Seven three-story brick dwellings Camilla Street, be tween 11th and 12th, and Carpenter and Prime Streets They will be sold separately MODERN RESIDENCE, SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Neat modern residence, west side of Eleventh Street south of Pine Street. HANDSOME AIODERN STORE AND DWELLING Three-story brick store and dwelling, southeast cor ner of 17th and Wasbington Streets, (late Spring (iar den ) It is handsomely built and finished for a store and dwelling. PEREMETUNY SALE—HANDSOME NEW RES'. Also, the handsome new residence, with silo yard,and replete with all modern conveniences, west sole, North Seventh Street, first house south of Thompson Street. Sale positive. ' • " ' Neat modern dwelling., No. 3.35 North Twelfth Street between Carlton awl Callowhill streets FOUR FRAME DWELLINGS. A two-story frame Dwelling, south-east corner From and Plicemix streets, with three two-story Immo Dwell lugs In the rear. VALUABLE FARM—DELAWARE CC, PA. Valuable lam, 165 acres, Bethel township, Delawar county Penna., about three miles from Clayazout, am four miles from Marcus Hook. ELEVENTH FALL BALE, "Mth OCTOBER Thi# male will include— Valuable Property, known sa the Port Providence Axe and Edge Tool Factory, on the EL.chuylkill Canal, oppo +lto Pbcenixvilla. ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE, &c. Elegant modern residence and offices, N. W. corner of Thirteenth and Arch streets . 2.5 feet front on Arch street. 128 feet on Thirteenth street. Orphans' Court Salo. ESTATE OP DAVID LEIENIAN, DECD =EI _ . Valuable Real Estate, dt John street, between Green end Coates Streeta--several tuessuages, and lot 37 feet S inches front BUSINESS STAND Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, N. W. corner Eleventh and Christian streets Sale absolute VALUABLE. RESIDENCE AND LARUE LOT, 230 Valuable brick residence, barn and stable, and largo lot, corner of Cherry and Wakeling streets, late borough of Prankford. It fronts on three streets, and is a very desirable situation. FRAME DWELLING Frame dwelling, west side Second street, below ear pouter street. Two and a half story brick store and dwelling, No 1317 North Second street, with a three story brick dwelling in the rear on Perry street. FOUR BRICK DWELLINGS. Four thrce•etory brick dwellings, on Ninth street and Charles street, between Willow and Noble streets. ' LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT. Large and valuable lot, occupied as a coal yard, ea s aide Ninth street, north of Poplar, with railroad track office, ko. Salo NO3. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR GERMAN FLOWER ROOTS. This Morning, At 11 o'clock, at the Auction Store, 6 cases superio Oerama Flower Roots, from R. Vanderschoot Sc Sons Harlem, comprising Ilyaciuths, Tulips, Narcissus, Ac Salo No 332 South flfteerith Street HANDSOME FURNITURE, VINE TAPESTRY CAE PETS, ENGRAVINOS, 4ic On Wednesday morning, At 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No 333 South Fifteenth street, the superior household furniture, flue tapestry carpets, engravings, china, glasawure, Ac , of a gentle man declining housekeeping Also, the kitchen furniture and utensils. fr 7 The furniture has been in use but a short time, and Is in excellent order. Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street SUPERIOR FURNITNRE, MIRRORS, PIANO FORTES, BRUSSELS CARPETS, Ac. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, an extensive assort ment of excellent second-hand furniture, mirrors, piano forte, cupola, hr., from families declining housekeep lug UPLRIOR CLOTHES MANGLE —Also, a superior ilothee mangle, in perfect order. BILLIARD TABLE.—AIso, a small parlor billiard table, complete. FIRST-CLASS STORE FOR RENT . . The largo new FIVE-STORY STORE, No. 240 MAR KET street, East of Third etre., 26 feet front, 202 teat iu depth, with a aide front on Iliad allay—brown atone front—built and finished in the best and most substantial manner, with every modern convenience— furnace,. to heat thei entire building throughout—lire Proof Safes, Water Cloaeta. lioLatiug Machin. 1. Well adapted far a large Auction or Commission house. MOSES NA TEA N S, AUCTIONEER ill AND COMMISSION AIHROLIANT, S. E. corner SIXTH and RACE Streets. NOTICE.—AII persons having goods forfeited at the office B. E. corner of tith and Race streets, are requested to call and pay charges and renew their tickets, other• wise they will be eold on WEDNESDAY MORNINO nest. OCTOBER the 7th, at 10 o'clock, by MOSES N.4.TUANS, Auctioneer, 8. E. corner of Oth and liace streets LARGE SALE 09 FORFEITED GOODS, BY ORDER OF JOHN WEBB, Broker, at MOSES NATHAN'S Auc tion Store, 9 E corner Gth and Raeo streets, on WED NESDAY MORNING next, OOTOBER the 7th, 1857, at IO o'clock, at nales-room second story. Entrance trout !taco street The (locls w ill be arranged and open for Examination on the afternoon of Tuesday, the day before the sale. Consisting so put of Watches, Jewelry, , gold honiing-case, double-case, loublediot tom and open laced English patent lever watches, of the very best and most approved makers, the most of them full 18 karat gold, gold escapement patent lover watches In hunting rases and open-face, best makers, 18 karat gold cases, gold 'opine watches in hunting-cases and open-lase, most of them ',try tine, 16 karat cases; gold Safes mid French watches, silver English lever watches of the most approved inakers,in hunting-cases,double.cases ; and open-face, silver escapement lever and lemon watches of best makers, silver double-case, hunting, ma, and opens face watches, luplex and quartier watches, line gold neck, fob, and vest chains, line gold curb chains, line gold medallions, fine gold pencil-cases and pans, flue gold ear-rings, breastpins and linger-rings, large seal rings, !Me gold bracelets, sett of tunes, forks, and spoons, in case, silver plate, plated forks and spoons, portcnounaies, flue gold charms, seals, and keys, silver medals, gold sleeve-buttons, gold studs, gold thimbles, and numerous other articles of jewelry. 1D" Watch-makers, jewellers, dealers, the trade gen erally, and private purchasers, are respectfully Invited to attend this sale, as every article will positively be sold without the least reserve whatever, (or cash. IMMENSE SALE OF FORFEITED QOODS. Ou Friday morning next, October oth, 1867, at 10 o'clock, at Moses Methane' auction store, southeast corner of Siith and Race streets, sales rooms second story, entrance from Race street, con sisting in part of dry goods, clothing, gagers, fowling pieces, musical instruments, tools, furniture, bedding, beds, mattresses, looking-glasses, travelling trunks, vet- Uses, bcasks, homy articles, lie., &0., viz : cloths and cassimere pamtaluori patterns, cassedunt vestings, over coats, Back coats, raglans, frock coats, dress coats, mon keyjackots, cloaks, cassisucre pantaloons, silk velvet. silk, cloth, valencla, win and other vests; shirts, under shirts, drawers, gentil" boots and shoes, umbrellas, para. sots ladles' cloth arid merino cloaks, silk -volvet, silk, !merino, cloth, and other mantillas, baaques, and circus tars, silk, merino, mouse de lane, cashmere, alpaca, de Lege, French chintz, and other dresses; under clothing, vests, coats, and dress patterns, Melia, broche, crape, Bay State, woolen, plaid, Bileand other large and square shawls; silk pocket and neck handkerchiefs, embroidery, gentlemen's woolen shawls, gaiters, shoes, cloth talmas, fine featherbeds, mattresses. blankets, quilts, comforts btes4spreads, bed valences, lied tteklng, ease or childrens shoes, assorted sires; five thousand segars, knives and and forks, carvers, steel skates, double-barreled and fowling pieces, twist barrel, back-action locks, and patent breech, pistols, several complete chests of carpenters' tools, planes, squares, gauges, Ba as, and other tools, ilutinas, flutes, violins, gui tars, looking glasses, paintings, engravings, large and medium size bibles, elegantly bound, and various other books, largo bag of curled hair, chest of curled hair, traveling trunks, valises, carpet bags, dirks dirk knives, swords, shirt boson's, window shades with gilt borders, china, glass, and crockery ware, and numer ous other articles. The whole to be sold without reserve Dealers, the trade generally and private purchaners are Invited to attend the Sale. The goods will bo open on the afternoon previous to the day of Sale. Oates Room Seemed story. Entrance from Race street. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and silver patent lover, Wine, English, Swiss, and French watcher, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, Ac , &e. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on oecond floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Ac , ha Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction eer. Charges very low. Consignments of furniture. clothing, jewelry, .ko , &c., solicited NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver pinto Watches, Jewelry Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Segall, H ardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed . . ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on all Cr. Helen of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. pet] M. NATHANS, NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place In a few days Due notice will be given. walnut great sale of forfeited Watches Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, &a., will place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEB D'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ao,, being forfeited collaterals, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 325 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, hardware Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunk., ' Fancy Ooods, Notious. N. R.—Out-door sales attended to All goods sold at the Auction Rona, packed, ]UR. AND MISS DURANG'S DANOING IL ACADEMY, cor of CHESTNUT and TWELFTH, will open 00T013ER 21d. aap2S•fmw-2wr tinlec, bn %union JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, 1:0. 423 WALNUT STREET. above POURTU. CARD—SALE OF LIDUSEUOLD FURNITURE—TUES. - - - BAY. Ili' We beg leave_ to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our OPAL:IOUS SALES ROOM, NO. lflti WALNUT every possible attention Is given to ob tain the highest, prices for the goods of those who tray laver us with conAignmenta. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keepin4 and not ot fishing sales at their own dwellings, eau have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUlt SALES ROO% wuEitt: THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY IJAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUOTION STORE IN THE tilT Y. CD"' Perrotns favoring ua with consignments can rest assured that their property will not be sacrificed. irj- Commissions more moderate than those charged by say other &wilco House to the city. Consignine tits respectfully solicited. 1 . 1 - 2 - Sales pAia luamedlately after the goods are sold. REAL ESTATE SALE, October T. Thi9 sale will includr.-- ENVell tors' Absolute , Slle—Egtate of Lydia and Susanna Wills, deceased WELL-SECURED GROUND RENTS. 2 old Irredeemable Ground Rents, $lB each. 1 '• $2O i‘ 1E $5O to be paid on each of the above when the mime is struck off. Executor's sale, N. E. corner Bath and Pine eta , TIOUSEROLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDS, *.e., On Friday morning, at 10 o'clock, will be cold at the N E. corner Sixth and Pine streets, the entire well-kept household furniture of the late Henry 21 Zollickoffer, deceased, by order, f the Executors . Comprising mahogany tables, cane seat chairs, ingrain carpets, pier mirror,, Venetian blinds, off cloth, Venetian passage and stair carpet, rods, ewe. nor bureaus, wardrobe, bedsteads, superior feather beds, excellent bedding, mahogany, secretary and book cases, wash-stand and chamber ware; also, dinner and tea care, kitchen furniture, stoves, Arc Also a barometer and quadrant Also a hardware C 3,, Wlth .SWiS9 views and magnify ing glass, in perfect order. Also a share in the Philadelphia Library. Alto a share in the Athenaeum. \ - TO RENT. EC? A three-story Brick Dwelling, with two-story truck back building. 1.95 North Ninth street, above Wood Street. Rent $4OO per annum. Apply at this Auc tion Store. AT PRIVATE SALE. A first-class Printing Office, with a good run of busi ness, four printing presses, two Ruggles and one Adams. Type and everything necessary for the business. Apply et the Auction Store WO 4 L s p e aT sl t u ip s O t T re T ot , A . lICTIONEERS, the Custom House. between Fourth and Filth = l d e s. PEREBIPTORY SALE OF DESIRAULR 000D3 FOR CASH. On Wednesday next, Commencing at ID o'clock precisely, we will sell, without reserve., for cash, a large and valuable assort ment of desirable staple and fancy Fall and Winter Goods, comprising, viz: GOD dozen women's hosiery, of white, black, mixed, and brown. Also, ladies' kid glores, lambswool and merino shirts and drawers; regatta spirits; gents' silk shirts; English printed cotton balk; birdseyo towels; colored harege Also, Yrench elastic suspenders; superior patent thread, white and colored Also, white and colored spool cotton; o_l jaconetet ,i‘slll , 3 oull , &e, &c EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS. Also, a general assortment of French and Scotch Em broideries, consisting of collars, sleeves, sets, caps, capes, coillures, head-dresses, embroidered and plain linen cambric hinds, infants' robes and waists, linen shirt fronts. itouncings, edgings, embroidered skirts, binds, &c, of cambric, Jaconet, Swiss and mull GERMANTOWN KNIT GOODS. Also, A general assortment Germantown knit goods, consisting of Shetland shawls, cravats, scarfs hosiery, hoods, pelerines, victor - men, cuffs, mitts, fee &c. SUPERIOR SILVF.R-PLATED Also, an invoice best quality-silver plated ware, such as elegant tea setts, castors, table and dessert spoons, table and dessert forks, tea spoons, &c, worthy special attention RUBBER AND HORN COMBS . . Also, 1000 dozen best rubber and horn dressing, sae And back combs. SALE aT GUY'S HOTEL, 31 South SEVENTH Street. On Wednesday, 14th Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell, on the premises, 31 South Seventh street, by order of Mm. torah Haines, Administratrlx, the entire furniture, bar-room and kitchen articles, liquors, wines beds and bedding, embracing the valuable contents of the hotel. May be examined early on the morning of sale. QAMITEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st , only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction Rouse, at tended upon the moat satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. I:5101:JAN for the last Thirty Years. ; Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, bler chandize, Clothing, furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Cans, Horses, Carriages, and Gaols of every description. EMMIMiII=I All advances, from one hundred dollar® and upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month; $5OO and abet the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, hoe large fire and thlef-proof vaulta to etoro all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises • also, a heavy InEU rOOCO effected for the benefit of all ' persons having goods advanced upon. N. B —Oa account of having an unlimited capital, thi3 office is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor ; in small amounts, with out any charge. . . AT PRIVATE PALE Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be cold at reduced prices. aul-ly GEORGE W. SMITH, AIJOTIONER, N. E. corner of BARRON and BOUM Streets, nleove Second. EVENING BUM BALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ' ) 7,4 o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware Coq iery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Artusles, ke. ' eburational IRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERA TURE —PROFESSOR GERARD, A. M , late Consular Agent of Prance, and formerly Professor in Trinity College, Hartford, Ct., and author of several works to facilitate a prompt acquirement of the French language, es now prepared to give Instruction to ladies at their own residences, in the mornmys, from 9 to 2 o'clock, and to gentlemen, at his study, No. 79115 CHESTNUT Street, from 4 to 9 P. M. N. R —Particular attention will be paid to ladies and gentlemen intending to visit Europe.taa to con ver sation in Reach. For particulars, please call on Prof. G. for a CIRCULAR, No 1008 CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, third story, front room, from 4to 9 P.M. ocl-2orii- PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, W EST PUILALELPIIIA. No Seminary whatever is more like a private family. The course of study is extensive and thorough. Pro• Assoc Saunders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age into his family. Enquire of Messrs. J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose eons or wards are now members of his family. septl4-tf Nvss BONNEY AND MISS DILLAYE .151. will RE-OPEN their BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL at 1616 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, Sep• tember I4th. REVERENCES Rave. IL A. Boardman, D. D., Philadelphia; David Malin. do; 0. Wadsworth, D. D , do; M. G_ Clark. do; J. Newton Brown, D. D., do' ' Win. B. Jacobs, do; Win. Blackwood; D. D , do; A. Converse, D. D., do; John Leyburn, D. D., do; mes 11. Cuthbert do; Wm. T. Brantley, D. D . do; E B. Cheney, do; William Brad ford, New York city; A D. Gillette, D D , do; R. Bab cock, D. Itdo; R Puller, D D., Baltimore; George W. Eaton, D 1/., Hamilton, New York; G. Kempto., North kart, New York, Thomas Rowboat, Cassville, Georgia; Howard Malcom, D D. Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, John S Hart, LL. D., • Philadolphia; Paul T. Jones, Esq , do; Col. A G. Waterman, do, Casper Honda, At. D , do; Robert A Emil, lag , Morahan, Texas; John B Sem ple, EN ' Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, Esq., do, do; George W Jackson, Esq,do, do; John II Raymond, LL D., Brooklyn, New Yor; Mayeon Bray sou, Esq., Chicago; Hon George W Bradford, Homer, New York; Stephen D. billoya, Esq , New York city, Hon Daniel S. Dickin,on, Binghamton, New York sepal-lm fIRITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, S E. turner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. AOOK•KEEI'INO. PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS COMMERCIAL. CALCULATIONS ==ll Each Student hay individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the intmethate eupereismo of the Praaripal. Oue of the Beet Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Deputmeut. Please call and eee Specimens end get a Catalogue of Terme, kc. sad lm QUPPLEE'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG b. 7 LADIES, (boarding and day pnyols.) N. W. corner ELEVENTH and GREEN streets Fifth session will oeFuetn g on all Se X e se m n b t e Ll 't fo h no . e ß r e p3 at tr r o e n fe s rence giavueptti.ttrn. SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E corner EIORTU and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest guilificatio. employed. Catalog-nee containing full particulars, pupils' names, testlmonisle, ,ke 5 can be had ou application. au2S-tf F DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING 901100 L FOR BOYB. RSV B. R. SSITUR, MMUS. The Anunsl Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep. towbar 1. Circulars may be obtained at the Book Store of II ROOKER, 9 W. corner MORTIS and ORESPNIIP, or of the Rector, Poet Office, Fella of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. aul'fnm IVPy a i t.R N G LADIES,D I G No c_isTD DAY SCHOOLI92I s . BT°O N;lt B CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in Septennbar. autc.6w* NOTICING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE person's, male and female, to gain a share of this world's goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION LEIDY BROTHERS' 131SINES9 ACADEMY, Nos 14S and )50 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER lit, tor fal and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of IVRITINO, 1300 E-KEEPING AND ARITIIMETIO simplified methods, in a short time THE LELDI , B take pleasure In saying, that during the past year a large number of persons acquirod a BUSINESS EI)UC.%TtOY, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully au.n•3m NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD FALL ARRANGEMENT, von BETHLEHEM, ALLENTOWN, MAIICIICHUNK, TON, DOYLESTON, AC. On and after Monday, October 5, 1857, the train= on this toad n ill leave Philadelphia For Bethlehem, (Express,) at 8 A. 51 For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown and Mauch Chunk. (Express) at 215 P. M. Paasengers for Easton by 2 16 P. H. train take stages at Iron Hall station. For Doylertoo o, (Accommodation.) at 6 P. M. For Gwynedd, do at 9 A. SI. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bettielem (Dxpress,) at 9.15 A. 51., and 2.45 P. M., coonettmg with L Y RR trains, and arrive in Philadelphia at 12 10 M. and 6 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 6.15 A M. Leave Gwynedd, do. at 3 P. M. Accommodation trains run daily; other trains daily, Sundays excepted. Fare to lloyleatoten , BO etc ~• Bethlehem Fare to Mauch Chunk oct 5 BUIS CLARK, Agent _____ Tu AN ['FACT UR ERS' AND MECIIA -111. NICE' PLIILADELPIII.I. OCt 4, The animal meeting of the Stockholders of this lss7. Bank will be held at the Banking House, on Tuesday, Novem ber 3, at 10 o'clock, A M "The annual election for thirteen Directors, to Ferve the ensuing year, will be held at the Daubing Home, on Monday, November 10th, from 10 o'clock, A M., to 3 P. M. Inlyttnl6 M. W. WOODWARD, Csabier (!)ippinc FR ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1.557. New York and !Imre Steamship Company —The United States Mail Steamships AISAGEI, tt,Stid tons, David Lines, commander, and FULTON, ZIMM Jamos A. Wotton, commander, wilt leave New York, there and Southampton, for the years 1957 and 'SS, on the following days. LISTIC 11ZW your 1&57.- -• • rultou, Saturday, Aug. 4 Arugo, do. Sept. 19 Dalton, do Oct 17 1 ArAgo, do. Nor. 14 Patton, do. Dee. Et Arago. Saturday, Jan. Fulton, do. Feb 6 Arno. do March ti I Volta% do. Apra 3 Arlgo, do May 1 Yolton, do. Nay `2-.) LUIZ Emit. 1857. Arago, Tuesday, Aug 2.5 Fulton, do. Sept V. Arno, do. Oct. 'XI Fulton, do. Nor. 17 Arago, do. Dec. 15 18.58. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Arago, do. Feb. 9 Fulton, do. /forth 9 Arno, do. April 8 Fulton, do. Mayo Arago, do. Jana 1 Fulton, do. June 29 Taws Or LYITZ EAUTHLIOTOH. 1857. ArK O , Wednesday, Aug. 23 Fulton, do. Sept. Arno, do. Oet. Y 1 Fulton, do Nor 13 Arago, do. Dec. lei 1853. Fallon, do lan. 13 Arogo, do Feb. 10 'Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arno, do. April Fallon, do. May 5 Amp, do. June S. Fulton, do. halo 30 PASSAGN : From New York to Sontbaropton or Havre—First Cabin, $l3O ; Socond Cabin, $75. From Bane or Southampton to New Yost—First Cabin, 800 trace; Second Cabin. 000 francs. For freight or passage, apply to MORTIMER LIVINGSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIti, " Havre. CROSKEY & CO. Sonth'lon. AMERICAN EInIOPEAN EXPRESS ANHc.‘ Paris. ORANGE CO. ant QAVA NN A H STEA3ISHIIIILINE.- WILEIGBI3 RYDUCED. - • • • • . Tho well known first-class fide-wheel steamships STATE OP GEORGIA and KEYSTONE STATE, now forma weekly line for the South and Southwest, one of the ships seihng. erery SATURDAY, at 10 A- .11 THE STEAMSHIP STATE OF GEORGIA, JOHN J. Ginvos, COIHM.N.DrIer. Willtreceire freight on THURSDAY. October Sib, and man SATURDAY, October 10th, at 10 o'clock. A. U. THE STEAMSHIP KEYSTONE STATE, OkILBLI3 P. Ail 83111101. Commander, Will receive goods on THURSDAY, a n d sail on SATURDAY, —, at lOo'clock At Savannah theme ahipa connect with steamers fur Florida and Havana, and with railroad for the &nth and Southwest. Cabin Passage SID Steerage do 8 No freight received on &teensy morning. 'lie tills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or paaaage, apply to A. HERON,Jr., No. 81 North Wharves Agent at Savanunah, O. A. Haulm. & Co. FOR YLORIDA.--Steatners St. Ilary's acid St. Johns's leave Savannah every Tuesday and Saturday. se2f!, ►PIM NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL -B. UNITED BTATE3 Aim liITU &Wai —The Ships composing this Line are : The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC. Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADItIATIC, Capt. James West. These ships have been built by contract, exproaely for Government service; every care has been taken in their &instruction, as also in their engines, to ensare strength and speed, and their accommcdatiens for passel:gen are unequalled for elegance and comfort Price of peerage from New York to Liverpool, in first cabin, $130; in second do., $75; from Liverpool to Nevr York, 30 and 20 guineas. No berths secured anima pa:a for. The Alps of this hue have improved water-tlght bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP RAILING. 11316 11W TOES PLOY LIU/SPOOL. Saturday, June 21, 1937 Wednesday, June 24, 1337 Saturday, July 4, 1657 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday; July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1357 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 15, 1857 Wednesday, Aug.l9, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1957 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1957 Saturday, Sept. 26, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 29, 1557 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1857 Wednesday, Nor.ll, 1357 Saturday, Nov. M, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1857 Saturday, Deo. 6, 1657 I, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 1357 I Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1957 Por freight or panne, apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, No. 56 Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, IMPLRY & CO , Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD & CO., 27 Austin Prism, London. B. G. WAINWRIGHT & CO., Paris. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, luillion, specie, scions stones or metals, =less bills of Lading, s , i ; nod therefor and the va lue thereof expressed therein ,41. anb flarmicals FREDERICK BROWN,-CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, north-east corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Mszinfactarer of DROWN'S ESSENCE OP JAMAICA GINGER, which is recognised and prescribed by the Medical Fa culty, and has become the Standard FAMILY MEDI CINE of the United States. - . This Essence is a preparation of anus:nil excellence. Daring the summer months, no family or traveller should be without it. In relaxation of the bowels, in nausea, and particularly in sea sickness, it is an active mid safe, as well ss a plessant and efficient remedy. OAUTlON.—Persons desiring an article that can be celled upon, prepared solely from pure JAIIAID.S, GIN GER, should be particular to ask for " Brown's Es sence of Jamaica Ginger." which is warranted to be what it is represented, and is prepared only by FREDE RICK BROWN, and for sale at. his Drug and Chemical Store, north-east corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets Philadelphia ; and by all the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries in the V. States. atil-3m tUatrhes, Jewelry, cc BAILEY & CO., CHESTNUT STREET Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Under their impaction, on the premises exelneively. Oitizens and Strsngere ere invited to sinit onr MUM factory. WATCHES. Constantly on land a splendid stock of Superite Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ras-Rings, ringer. Rings, and an other articles in the Diamond line. Drawings of NEW DZSIGNS will be ramie free of charge for those wishing work made to otter. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. & beautiful assortment of all the new styles of Pine Jewelry, such sa Mosaic, Stow) wet Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Margniaite, Lars, &c., &e. 8111111711ILD OASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, an. Also, Bronze and Marble ()LOOKS, of loosest, styles, sad of superior quality. anl-dtmkurly SILVER WARE.— WILLIA.3I WILSON I: SON., MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER WARE, (ESTABLISHED 1612,) a. W. coaasn FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. A large assortment of SILVER WARE, of every de scription, constantly on hand, or made to order to match any pattern desired Importers of Sheffield and Birmingham imported Ware. se3o-c1.4 & A. PEQUIGNOT, bIiNUFACTITHERS OF WATCHCASES AND IMPORTERS or WATCHES, 1 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT PHILADELPHIA. COSST/NT PEQDlnsor. AUGHSTIt Pc:mu:tux sel4.3mose JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 432 CHESTNUT, BELOW Ping STREET, Importers !of Watches and rine jewelry, Matinfactu reds or Sterling and Standard Sayer Tea Seta, Yorks and Spoons, sole agents for the sale of Charles Fralsham's new *eves Held 'Halal tendon Timekeepers—all the sizes on hand, prices U5O, $275, and $3OO. English and Swiss Watches at the lowest prises- Rich fashionable Jewelry. Sheffield and American Plated Warta. ses-y I S. JARDEN & BRO. LP • MANUFACTURE'S AND IMIORT2II3 Or SILVER-PLATED WARE, No 304 CRentiat Street, above Third, op tairso Pluladelphis. Constantly on hand and for sale to the Trade.. ERA BETS, COMAIL'NION SERVICE SETS, URNS. PITCHERS, GOBLETS. CEPS. WAITERS, BAS KETS, CASTORS, KNIVES, SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, .te , Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal ne2-ly FRANC S P. DIIBOSQ Sr. SON, late of Dubosq, Carrow k Co , Wholesale MANUFSC CURERS OF JIWELRY,SDI CHESTNUT street. Nut...- dolphin. Uosois P. D 171105,4 au3l 3m tobacco club Zigars H „, ..,,,......,„..-------. HAVANA CIGARS—A handsome assort meat, such as }1L 114.0, Partagu, Gloria,lA, Sultana, Jupfter, Gologo, Couverciantee, Torrey Lopes, Union Americana, Onion, Flora Cubans, he , he , &c,in X, X , 1-5 and 110 gee, of all sites and quali ties, to Gore and constantly receiving, and for sale low, by CRAM-5n TET F., (new) 138 WALNUT Street, below Stored, second story 'VICAR°, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS SEGAB3 —A. choke invoke of these celebrated brands on board brig ‘, New Era," daily erpected iron Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES USE, (New) ll Walnut street, below Second, and Suomi Story. funtiture Le KITE & CO. -n—a• FURNITURE, BEDDING. &c. No. 413 (late 129) WALNUT it , Philadelphia. A cew and superior Etyle of Spring Beds. Lent/ B. Errs. Josses W 11.103 au3l dm tjats, Caps, R:c H. GARDEN & CO., • Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers In RATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOIPERs, RO [THEN, FEATHERS. 4'r , ,t•r. No. 152, (old So 1D8) MARKET Street, Below Sixth. smith Aide. And No 523 MINOR Street, Pliit.utelphis. O. RINELYIADIN, I).3:‘l..posonks- Morchstits are respectfully incited to elAnune stock se7.2co SOLLENDER 6' ' PAS TA 4' ER , anl.3al No E. 5 SIXTH st;reet, INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS! TYNDALE tr. MITCHELL, IMPORTS/LS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND COMMON WARE:.:, are now sellinz their NEW AND ELEGANT FALL IMPORTATIONS, QPSIr LT REOCCSD EPICS'S ? with HANDSOME DISCOUNT TO THOSE WHO PAY CASK 07 CHESTNUT : , PREET, ABOVE SEVENTH rT, le2S-2w-Cmw PHILADELPIIIA- L .- ADLES' DRESS TRIMMINGS FANCY AND STAPLE NEW GOODS. OPENED DAILY, 3 D. 3IANWELL S SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES.. 1029 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below EleTenth And CIS S. SECOND It . b.tnu Sprur.. FACTORIES —Noi 95 and 97 •GEORUE Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Un ton Orders made st a few hours' notice M OSS -17 bale3 z aro u T l i i , - :!:t ,t l i ofh ti to/ I ss y le by Ils 'North Wtter stmt. J OIN B. STRY-la.R. JR, hohraii Tkrat r in AUCTION DAT (100N4, No 1: DANK Street. rbilarlelphis. atl•_rl GLENWOOD CEMETERY OFFICE, NO. US WALNUT At., belor4/27311. mg flu Wm. 11 DczioN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers