-4 * 4FREI/44111,f'-' LINE: LooTiOnac l niffrtilitt,j 1 YOU, 04ebeti—stio P. et itip' banks wer• meryliberwita4xY in their accommo. dstloti ie.these; to meet thelr eugage . inunts bil:itortuir, - edid it is believed confidently that the Peet , maser' thOnapetr which t rnaltUrag to-morrow is proxided OS; by thilegetioii,on the - pirt of the banks, and - thS''eX•tipPdim, Of, thlrtir d+Sys- Oven lii.many in. steams to these unable-Ai get,disuoripto to meet their - It is the general belief that to-morrow will pass weep quietly, arid thot' ending theCweei well, we slug have better tinlee neXt •feele..and geo on ImProving 1 1 90 andgpod imehmage. - The feel4* it, bank and cOmmortisi airclesis stronger - oil mire Imperia l mul peoplaseesfallve ta r the uecesaity of helping:each Ober as the only 'means of averting a general ; mesh.. It la well that people' begin to see that it le far more profitable toeustain and cheer each other, to bear and forbear, aufi,M4irrag•pu lie, COW:Memo, • and cease to lose time Sesiching , for ,the causes of the crisis, and indlieriminately abusing the government, the banks, and each other, as the guilty parties. When things are bettor we tan 'amend Our morale and Jnode . doing business, but for, the' present check the disease, alikafhellefe.are convalescent take measures to meld lietwithstaiiding this, however, the denoted for Mal neyltifile ',trek is unabated, and the tightness is not The money &elan arescueely doing buy ' twig, and it is -impossible to quote,' rates of interest, This 14, fi certain extan t , to be expected , but te-roor ' row'_ auge r :A*2e; mum 'is expected, although few poo) deo* of rat es Of discount for some time to come: The aaleiees from .Enrope per Arabia' are - conaidered --' favorable, - .,tionej. - in 'London' being easy et - f o rmer 2 rithatjAindi what ts,`equaliy esterdshirg and weitcone • tidings.faria Ardor! hale arrived for the purchase of stook:eat - the present deprecisted prices.:, life call for. ' the ill per cant: istetnent ti 010 nalla4oen'tila tail; ro4d - Co., bap koMnfliolt 'cheerfully responded to. The firm Of Ohouteits.-9, Oci.; in dealers, la announced ens : ,Pendod tiklity. , The trod house of the same lirmAill °• 'net iitaend.' Mimes Rained ale, formerly president of the'llitii:maltronl. la 'Said to hava sitspended. The Far' ~.:, MeiS2',4lel!figeolniiii , Rank 4,f,,,Williams2urgh, with a ' 'SO4II* circulation of .about - $lOO,OOO, has Mopped ~, , , - the Clearing-ltoase settlement was as usual satisfac• iori eid prom pt . ~ OleasiPP $ 14,987 , 272 e 3. Balances ' - Paidia,eolll, $917,05 60. The cub transactions at the - 8011-Troieury, Re the day - , here- - _ -. • - Totaißecadpki -' '- - ' ', -, 267,10560 - --` ' - "- 'Vartaent ' ' ' — ' •"• 7 132,662 49 Trani! rted to Mint etyitlya..,:.: : ~- 4 00,009 7 ..._,,- ~ ,: i'll, elatice:.t;.: .... ! . ...'..... .% '2,06,63310 , The vecialpte for duties at the Custom Rouse were only 1620.088 th e lowest:6pin tell year': : , • - • • Pore sAa s ittehange_ni exceedingly depreased, and al . moot doing. I saw bills sold by one of the first; if aot *every drat, homes in the city for 101, apd in ' , terser signatures are offered at pat, without boleti, ' • In the stock market-there is - no abatement 'Of - the ' panto. „Utter prices were reached today'; and it to _lm possible to formerly 'opinion as to where they ate going ' to stop. - Rending closed 'at - 81 ; 'Nett York - Central 'at •`. 62%; Penn. Coal Oqmpany 65% , .• Illinois Central 76%; • (Alcor and , Rook Island' 63 ; Michigan Southern 14 ; , bed La CrOasa do Milwaukee 7 ; „State 'Stocks afar-other ' drumewith the exception of Istlssouri • *Vs, which' have ' fallen 3 per cont. • , - Dank stocks are. MCI heavy and - depressed; A core - whoa of yesterday and today'. closing prices, will gird P„EL us ths , oat accurate idea' Of air siu i situation. 1 Thc i dadosgo et., Rock /eland B. R. Company. have. I postponed their October -dividend, and the 'Michigan Oentrat lays- Mine . likewise and - intend 'devoting the - roonsyloward paying a part 'of the floating debt: • fgaRKETS.--Asnes-Are quiet, with small eases' at 81•69 for Pots, and 50.60 for ?eerie. ," . - - , Itakeverusifit.-The market for State' end Western Flour. is very heavy and , dePtessed:' :Very low prices ' . have been accepted forcesti. The sides sro 6,250 bide -at $4,254411.80 for common to good State L . ,54.50056 for ' extnirdes) 64.60054,60 for common to good ' Michlgarf; Indiana, &C. ; 5506.60 for extra do.„ arid' 20.000 - t6O I let maim ttenesee and 81. ' Louis.' Southern Flour is , . a/solteavymal Sommf with sales of 1,700 MS 'at' $6.100 '55.36 for milted to good lialtimereoka., and $ 660057 for oh* and -fancy dot Canadian Flour ie lower and :with eases of 600 MO. at 114.00e4.85 for en ,•- .I " p u lt s a * E6.looll.6o for extra. Rye 'lour is dull and' ... anedmugeri. l Corn Meal is also very heitryih.t nominal , : cly unehanged price!, ••, --, ,f , -', . ,- '-, Come-The market ix very depressed. Thera is - Aare* any business doing. , ', , -..t- , ~' .-” , • - - Votorrox is quite Inactive at nominal quotations.. " , •. itauttli.-Wheat la 3050 lower. ' with salon of 17,600 ,-binthelt at for Southern Red; $1.16931.35 for 59. White ; other kinds are nominal. Oats are heavy at soparro for Mate and Western. Rye is'quiet and an= '' chaestedly Barley is also quiet at 78600 c. Coin is firm -71•72 c for mixed ilYestern• ' • • ' ' ' ' Rex la In good demand at 1100700 for shipping, with • , aedes of 300 ha . ,les : 4;.:- ~' ...- ... InOstillimcbangidstind very doll. , Navid.- &rotted are ' very - dull- for all kinds. Under lleigeniskaldittroselor money,-holden would readily - make-very ,seat sacrifieee., /Nicea are nominally un - changed, 1.1 - -( , ..... 1 IA; `1 • -1 J' , -,-; ~ • • •. .. ' oi6.94ltere is. no inoveinent•irt Crude , Whale and Sperm. Lineeed"oll is very languid at 700 for English, awl 72073 c for,Anterican........- .....: , ~' •., ' , . - ' - rioTSMPIOI-4' orkis lower and unsteady. ,There were Wall soles to-deyet #23.37,k062390 formes, and $lB. 60013.76 for prime.- lied la verylieavy at 214015.50 for repacked Wessern„ and. 316:763616 , for, extra •do. There la no cha nge , inflacon or out mute, Lard is firm , ' at 14%0/410, with:Mica -of, 250 tibia; ;and' Rutter - MA Cheese are alio firm, with-little movement., ... , • &roses are nominal, sad. very heavy at Orkke for Cana. - Belvederes.* heavy, with nothing doing. If, . 910 x 9, 0 0 la demand , at a farther decline, with mho or Noo tilde it 210229,, ' `2X7l!¢ !081 ST4IOI ;ERORANO.II' SALES, Oct. 2. --......:;', ,--• Mal' 8 .400. lustre . stun State Ils 41 74 2O li I{ &RartikiXtlol ,- , WOO Virginia tie. •.' , ,781. .. 80- -dal , - -100 ' 1040 Missouri - State'ds 06% 060 Reading 11 -- 32 . 10000' do • , ~ , .06 ,1. 400 . •do . .10 31% , 1000" ;do . ;,,- 1 . 641(, - 200 dri , . -..• • e 81% MO ! ..,,, Ow ' , 04, - 400 .. do . . -,- . , 01% 2000 Oalltate To '7O -- 501 160 do 81!181% , ' 8900 Ohio State. 6080 80 -- 20 -; do - , - - 32% • ' ..1000%itki It Otairtßda .-400 - ,do 31,i1 -' ,'' , olil.l-' , ..- - ', .- . 21„ i 100 -. •do , , c32' 1600/S Y Oen 11 Is ' 18 . .1 aoo : ?do 31% I' - - 4000111 Oen It. Bondi; _ea- 12.2n0 : do" • - • 081%, I • lIMO_T ff & Alt 2d mt 30 ;100. .do , - sii 9l% . ' .16 filetedriluits Bank ;92 , ' .20 Sixth Avenue-11 $0 - ' -- 2011ank of America 94 ' - - 151fidlch Central 13. ; .82% 85 Park ileok,..- .;. 70 z .26 • , do . , ~ . 82 20 Corn Ibt Bank 73 25 do 33% 64I14neilitan Ex DU 69k ,' 25.Mleb, Sok Nina 14 . • '6 ,do •,'• 70 . 25 Mich SO 411, Nls • - . 700 glint OW Co., I : prefd Stock •A 28 - do, - --• -6% t. 200 - 11 l Central It . 76 '46 •• do• ! .a 5 511 I , 60. do alo 76 , 60do ' __6%1.50 . do . . 78.. 8614 Cr &ha R :7. , 160, du ,76% 70 Del &Had 01 Co 07 - ',9(Ki Clei & Pith) a • , 9 :4 10 •,- do, ..,.. . relgx- lop ~ ,d,,,, .i . ~ g 80 - do cO6 100 -do' • - 147 "8% 100Penna'Coal Co , 60 , '- 6 Oil & Ohicagollllo 'll6 'do 68% 160, -- do 62 - 1.00 do': , -- , 1 '6B , -26 -- do -. ' 66 - • - 80 - do- , , - 67. - 70,.. do - 64% • -$76 -' do -- 68 • 66 - 600 Clay lc Tol Ra-22 . ..200114 Y Olaf! •,UM6B -. 100 - ..'' do ' '. ' 20` - 18..---i,do- ~ --..: ,= • 68% 200'- - do WO' 20 - 60-- do -'. - , - do 100 do - b$ 20 - 160 •do " , 64 6 Ohio klt IsPd R5B 100 - do- ' 63:-' 134 • "do''o62 ' 160-:-' do- ,- . • - 52% 160,, 'do " ' 61 , . ,410 Erie ilatlrota • -10 , '7O , do 63 160 , ".. -do 'l3 - ' ptco 10. - ' - 100 BIM er.. Mies R 10 - ' . 616 do - • 10% 100 do _ 10,k , , $l2 do' . ' --10 k -80' do 11% 2:10 - do. -' ' , O 10% 60 , do ' . 1 11% . • - '' ' SIOOND surto,, ' - ' wood StatO 75. , 10 "-,66' . ..100 Nl' Oen it slO 62k 3000 Mb/owl State* 04y," ,100 ,do, , - elo 62% 10100X11 Csuß Bonds 87 76 0/ev Col*: aiti R 72 , - 80 Armiriont "Ski& 68. ' 150E10 II _ p&c 10k - 60,1fanhat'A Oas 0010 •, 6 0 --do ,', ° Pg' , N A ( -44 °.,„„0'd°,,_ 0 .0 4 ke1a. , - L . ';s,l( ' . 200 Reading 11, , - _3O '" ' °,-... '..no 5 % 200 ' do • • 0 10 -30 _ ' 60Penna u,nel uo . 66 . 26. do 31 , -.. 260 dO , ' *OO 66.14 -, 60 11l Central It 016 76 -- 07 Plld 7 c Hid 01 Co 95 - 60 d 9 I , aS, 75% 60 do , - sso 91 230 elm , i Pitta It 8%. ' 6if y Contra! R 65 . .260 'do b 26. 9, ' 10' , , ' - dc: ,- ' ", -', 641{ 16001er & Toiedo R 25" 6 ,' do , -, ' - • '63% -39ta Cr & mill A 7 • 60 do ' • -63 k 46 -do - - 011 100 do " 63 • 111 .70 do ' 0% ::TRE ,MONEK MARKET. ~ - ' ' PHIL4DELI4IIII, October 2,1857. - likrokli,lo-day, clewed a atilt farther tendency to de. ellue;eapecially the fancies,' foi which it was very dial -1 - ' , colt to. find buyern: The transactions are vary limited, awitheiteik rearket can not now be considered se afford -- log in any Cam a eviteridd of the veal value of eecuritles -' - for lovestadunt. ' In the coarse of the afternoon considerable excite. meld was produced on Third !Welt by the InditetrEoua -!.., ',. sircniation of a .report that a well•knewn corporation ~„- bed aidlstedjiint4rt, but, on inquiring of the principal . , notaries, we could god 00 corroboration of the asaertion. The money market M qolet, bicanie it ii next to a hopulaiiituk to atteiOptio'seil mor at all. "The'nOte. '. brolve4saythey do notmaki enough to a day to pay for r, shilidititleps, - .; A ' 2Y .' . ' ,- - - Tho*thion ig - r ilie liesding : itiliroad Company, V - 7 1 , ' !Web.' we sin ,eompelhUit to , announce this morning, 1, ri, ''' limas* Outives the idesS a placing at the _head of the .. Lt, - new' or i p,i4tiiii, og the glorepant,lbhnl 0.1 ocher, ~ g . . (whiebtiqiiiliition ti;paiiatu 14 toUbw,) , Nliedia allay; popularity, waergY, end hence his great resonrees,Point 4 0:: %illai out la the 'emir foi:the Poiltion. We are not Mi. ..... poled to ceimure . the recent management—lt wee doubt t'. - lean for the beat; but we ahould - recollect John Tack- er'a istilleas lathe days when the _Reading Railroad " • Nantfi„Vidiktatiatal fethOd ihit'frieret in hits,'' ..-, 29tfr iidThileiy)F 1.104 4 yorht.o7defitepraierit things theiiiiii kite iiiet state than at any time yet, probably ouriik,to,tteiertreriielyituferorible thniticial hewn from , - - the contitscrit of Zuropeone the reported withdrawal, t, -,,. '441 thefatelowinfiiiim Ihillii, humoring iitoolongition of t ',.' . tbitisir ind the lineally of • loan for its support, mat-, t ~ I urealmoit of certainty. ''the New Pork banks are mid `' , , to Jesi'ort Ile ell-Mull ot eip - onllentis short of suspension A to rues their ; peela being dralfn from them. and the --, - iwpciftediaeriaiwariOicoants, Unlade so was intended. .i - weetnittrAterialforded the community bat little relief. t . ~ • , OirElfew Verk doireeponifent, we are'led . hii believe,, * 31 ,0 Prn , , r ip,ikeital ?blyelolphiaexchange‘yeetirday - at TAN Der *a. aseenat. An intelligent merchant of ea city, interims Ma that he was in-`a doom brokers oill •,-,, •.. co g, in Will attest; yesteriht,n`td buy Philadelphia city ....bitiliiti ' llo, .; iiGr ,o l ,l4 .iloifind 011 d . huilldiid dollaretor ea1e21,4 anyliicei and two per cont. smiths bust offer be --, could get, for his gohloToi.ebarat check an Philadelphia. ..i. It lig dinadritritage to no to hors New Pork" eichange . bunted higheT, than it really 10, and while we are sinuous for an etirlystsumption of specie parmante here, we are aorry-thatkukerot &OW& tieWato bar eal4MO which to ealealateito Orive . ukof any particle ef.o4 e - ri4lt, i Date litakiii VW - oulaiei on New, York at 2g lie, cent, sa4 ett,l_ at, 4 per cent , Messrs ; Ozonise k Oa. quote American gold Ida per cent: pretnitim: ', '- - - The - Nostikare'4teu; says: 44 If the present:rolitlinon - fa strakkiii/4144 < owyoot to ilideee tklnge to their; imbstanifal element;; - enctreeolntiontse to a pest extent . . - the rinNiiiteand r` - - it , ~. lnt.jnes and pieetteis t butlneta, It inyi, . Ty, 9,n 1n ' -' " tbl icing eVeennteebittincinglil Partial and ' i ..1 'l6"inn 01. 47 , -..- t niiu." if... edit °xt4' te 4'4l6: turau ' ''' 1 I wIn ; Irbi l' eh: fru : k it 11.t t. ' , /' s it u od u o g u h t t t t° it .. it ''.. bar n ,_.,' ~11,..t bring , : about ) thin' which 'no "1 4. ° 4 ter wilt fi...'"*"7 ' ^ • thipublic. ' Thi pikes ofeal the f ' betted* dintd Meilte to .,. 1. „ 1 - i...4..iiii‘ 41406 MIA) and the rots of all ' ordinary cc. 1.. ----7,-- - ' -'',.....„` ' inordmittely bionieied s upon the ono. Denies ....---,-. , ......i.atiw e iti ti et oiectit,iint they. 1' - ittong oak naa an a ""' 7 . - - - theft ' t hate II lilt birddliPed- 11, __Suureu rugh6**44, - , - . ifdiating atil the fruitful ; ' thernell#44442o WO ''-, ieurre# L. to*C'; ? , - '-'', lil t ei m o chn o ,of revenue eolleet4.4 I,ii,llVickTitt ' . - - seenth tindint i i i tt 4o , lB6l iiidi• -1 - 4 “ - •‘• •• , w ill 0 vollOtettok3a,e eninth ktrliulteuPL 80i iada; , , I.''' ,:., ,:',..`jitptilui;',,t a..,... -- ...t,','.., '- Un Broadl4 °::-.- ' ,4 1 0 0 I.l.4la ti OL -hi :t. Wsine ' 114 911410ai:tinie'ioe ter a Ohnolsr, negging. , c o*** ** o I'M' t heir dui °ciente -, . tail permit of the 4091 . 0# p.s: - . '-: 40‘ . 4 part of erhielithly 'xi IrWile As! lueeViu Lam, 3 , '4 " •. ' ' Sr - - Treater part of their tittkeinininjoiio4 4l PRI! th. -- -‘ - ,---- - i-a..-,..,.... : , ,-0 , ...• . , „ ... 0 -, -"; ' --lizjir'Eis Of IsoftepuyvivoA ~ No. • A ' l*4 'l i, 4l- ; 61 ,U. iti4 4 - l imit . * isiit ; eyeliner, Noz I l ' 1.1-:. : 1 'n 'iftriligUnii,l,nc,thet will depend alto c.;.::-1.:-:,'.4et.le ~ ,-, 'ear eini:n ?it t is of tere emp n i o o rr ruent idief ,t - . -, , , 0 10, 4 411 1*.,q 4 -, • i...„„,,,,. , i. ---,- -'!.., , ti i i, 1 ion 101144 peider,eri fv!ir27l7,e ... steX ii tited ' 'S . :P. - : ',.:- s.,AV,i't ;diri - r ., .. , o;':..f..i , Gir,:. ' 1 '.4'44.;'14%1:',';',2',__444 , I j 4.4tAithilx#walsr..#4.opp Tram ,cinulatiou city, will be sensibly' felt by ell classes daring the winter." The Oommissidriers of the Pittston, Pa., Dank met , ,on the .29th'Ult;,, for the purpose of rescinding the resolu tion calling for the second instalment of $2O nit the' Capital stock to be paid On Wednesday next. In view of the present crisis, it was decided to adjourn to De cember 3d. The Directors of the State Dank of Elizabeth, IC ;J., hero declared a semi-annual dividend of per cent., payableon and after Friday of ibis - week. - ;The return from the, Bank of England for the weak ending the 12th of Septemher, gives the following to mtits, When ernimitred with the previous week: Public deposits £7,358,478.... Increase 1571,141 Other deposits ... .. 9,180,187.....Decrea5e 130,032 Best 3,903,222.... Increase 9,971 • On.tbe other side of the amount Onvm't secinitlea :.£10,593,653 ~. Decrease £1 Other securities . . ..... 18,694,052....1ncrea5e 302,002 Notes unemployed.... 6,154,375....1ncrea50 129,809 The amount of notes in circulation Is £18,872 2 ,825, being a decrease of £574,015, and the stock of bullion in both departments Is 11,1418,461; shelving 'a decrease of £172,849, when compared with the preceding return. !Tint Teton or THE EVADING RAILIIO.II).—The follow. hig le the amount of Coal transported on the Ph,ladel ph4 ind Reeding Railroad during the week ending Thursday, October 1, 1857: Prom Port Carbon '‘ Pottsville • " Pohaylkill Raven, • Auburn " • Port Clinton Total for week .Previously this year ToW for year same tithe last year ....1,707,4 03 10 :fitnieratritti hialweiciox CoiL Titann.—The Orin ,Itro the receipts of Coat for the week outing Thursday, October 1, 1857 ifroni Port 0xib00..... Pottavillo Schuylkill Haven ,4 Port Clinton ,Total for week .Previously this year lc. same time lestfyear The June fin gives the following comparative state ment of the Anthrictite coif tonnage, from the Lehigh a/084120U) ißsfons, for the lantlieek Ind the Beason: • - B0110•11.11LL. 1667Beasen.'• Week . • - Session. Oiutal.. ~,,..80,621 . 090,214 , 20,307 , 929,469 Railroad 8,000 346,762. 24,009 . 1,447,629 akiTotat 80,481 1,038,038 , L0,31p; L 2,370,998 Week. Season. Week. - Beasot.t. 114,073" 887,010 ' 02,130 i '842,628 'llitilroad 0,148 111,716 65,235 1,797,404 T0ta1..... 41,221 998,760 87,374 2,649,930 UEDATITVGATION OP THE PP.AOON. 1850. , 1957. Lihigh thinal 887,010 690,274 Dec, .190.730 " Railroad.... '111,756 345,162 1nc:..Z14,006 Schuylkill Canal... '842,521 '029,469 'lnc.. 86,5143 ; Railroad: 1,707,,,404, 1,447,529 Dec.. 259,875 3,648,06 ' a,418,U 4 Dee.. 136,602 Total LPIIILADELPHIA. O , S to r 2, tX t. O 7 IIA , NOR HALLS, lieportea' by ??..,Ittarili; 'Jr.; St l act.Diviei . ; ; 4Vo 'BOl 1 alnqt itreet.. ROAM*. :t " • 6 &forestal.' pfd b 5.84 I ' 6 Deny Meadow B. .40X 60 Sebuyi NS, pfd,..lsX 10 , do 15X 60 Union Canal pfd.. 4 - 2 Norristown R.... 50 0 do 60 2 do - 60 2 dO 60 4 Penns R 39X 2 do 2,0 x 6 do 39X 10 • do 39X $1 11.13 T 000 City R Oa ' 83K 1000 do_ 83 .400 city cOop Os 93 1000 Oity 0a.:.. new: —9B ' 100 do 83 . 300 - 'do ' • 83 200 do 83 1000 , • 1000 Poole do & 58 79133 M 790 'do 79 1200- do 79 - 500 do 70 2000 do •79 100011 Pen 4 ,411 68....48 ' , ,"' • - BETWItEt 12, Points R 39% 1 '4OO Read 13..2 daye...18% 200 - d0"..'.2 daye...loh -200 Union 01 pi& .b 5. 4 'IOIOOND . . . 60 Union CI pfd 4 2000 Pe.o VD 79 4009 • 79X BOARD. d'N Penns ...... ..Bjl 6 Diineldll R 63 16 Reading R.... x5..16 10 do. a6..10 22 Irard, Ronk 8B Bank of By 103% Oki—PULL. 100 City 13 , 0 . 83 1000 City R eqs 83 " 6000 Penns 6's 701( i 2 Etas. Meadow 1t..40X 2 Norristown 0....60 , 0 N Penns N ' CLQB/NO P • , - aid. Asked. g 0 831, Pbilads .".83 833‘ do - .:83 , &IX do New 93 ' 93X Pions bs ' 79X 80 gesdlng R " 10 10% do - Bonds '7064'- 70 do '.16 6'14 1 4444 - 78 Pinta lilt 39 39% tetoriblesnl Con 39 41 Bcpyl Navas '8263 68 • do'-Dna ,10 Bid. Asked. Bclipl Nay Pear 16 g 16g Wlnelpq 84 Shun 10 11 do Ist inert 7's 63 07 do do 24 in 53 b 7 Long Wand 6 8X Vicksburg 6 7X ilizsid Bang 8% 9 Lehigh , Zino X 1X Union Canal.— 3% 4% New °rant ' 3 Datawissa BR.. 6 TX Richardson Brothers and , Company's tarlgar, '" 0 , Livitarooh, Sept. 18: ' Cottou,—The demand since our last has continued active,'altltough rather less op the last day or two. All descriptions are again dearer, advance on the 'cur rent qualities of Americana be nearly Xdify Si. Sales to-day 6,00011i/en, closing/plot V' Imports for the week 60,298 bales. • Total esies, 73,680 bales, of which space latent took 29,600 i and'oxpottere s 1 ,710, leaving to the • cluercitron Nark-We have had some arrivals daring the week, and the market remains dull; at the quota. tions of our Mat. - • • • ' Lard has not been In very Waive demand, but the safe* that have been made are at the full rates current this day week.' • • ' Tathfw has declined 203s,cart., owing to advice* of farther considerable shipmate fnsm Bueela, and P. Y. o.cloees at Obi. North American &assegai:a, and South American Glens 64.•-• "The market in London has also declined. and closes dull, at 80s en the spot, and aßa al for lost three menthe of the year. Oloverseed'continues dull, theprospert of the crop in -this country being very good. 'Nat.—The imports this week being heavy, (nearly 2,600 tierces) principally inferior and repacked parcels, • has deterred dealers front' operating, and hardly any sales have beenmade The nominal value of these de sariptioas is 12001306 V tierce. Pork.—Some transactions have taken place in new at lased 68' barreli• No old here. Ns 41). barrel f. o. b. has been paid for new French for forward delivery. Bacon Is in rather better demand especially the better qatilitieS, which may be quoted rattler dearer. The weather has been uninterruptedly fine since the date of ours of Tuesday, and the crept in the late dis tricts of Ireland and Scotland; la a few more days, with a continuance of, such, will be gathered. The market la all its branches has ruled steady, however, with only a very ° limited Madame passing prices of most articles May be written nominally as before, except for raw wheat, which is, offering at about ,2d air 70 lbs de cline, - 1101Pierlea of wheat from our own farmers for the past week coludet Of 118,886 quarters, against 80,282 quarters same week east pear.,Average prices 66a Bd•V' , •quarter;ligalnit titte" ad corrspondius; week test year. Our Market this, mottling was ita.: very thinly attended, sad • rho 'dem and for Wheat. low, al though we do not, altar our rates for Foetal. Wheat, had. purchasers grimed: they tinight hive; aupplied themselves on somewhat easier terms. Now Irish Wheat being in larger supply, and, condition of some but vary middling, al decline of 3iced 6/s . VMS W/Xsub crated to. . , lllour sold aparingly, but the scarcity at the moment enabled holders to procure previous prices. Irish sack Fold at Nous gr,oplo iba gross, as in quality. Imlien Corn was held for a slight Improvement, but our demand at present is quite local. Oats steady at former rates, but New Oatmeal being in better 'supply ;told scarcely so well as at our last. We quote the value of American White Wheat 9s 3des 9164, - .llxtra Si 9deloa•, lied Ss 2468 s 9d, extra 8s 30d elis er,lollbi. Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Ohio Flour 88084 a ; Western Canal'B2e33s 84 Sir barrel. • Indian Corn, Mixed end Yellow, .188 81, White 44s tEr 48016 a. ,• • Imports frog imo.llth to 9 too, /7th incluelve, con sist, of 16,934(0i. Wheat, 8,694 qrs. Indian Corn;l,Bsl midi and 670 bbla Flour. Paports for same period, 2121 qrs. Wheat, 2,109 gra. Indian Cons, 1,103 mks snd bl 4 bias Flour, Marine intelligence — MT OF POILAPE4oPitiAO Oct' 3, 1857. BUN BUM 6 12-81 IN BETS I 48 111611 WiTSB, 116 . • - , ARRIVED. Steamship Penruylranie, Teal, from Richmond, sla Norfolk, 80 hours, with mho and pinuengers to Thomas ,Webster, Jr. , , Steainekip. Delaware, Straw, 22 boors from New York, ill 041)0.1111% With, merchandise end 'passengers to Jas - Alldiee„ , • „ . , Bar erd que Chester, Cro s by , 4 days trim Boston, with sods@ to Twills, Gastrin, &Galvin. Brig Groans, Baker, S days from New Bedford, with India to Shobei, Raining & Co. Brig Illackllquall, Bryant..l2 days from Havana, with oranges pine apple., do. to G W Bernadon & Bro. - , Brig R ound Poun d i d Ordworth, from New York. ?, Brig Loci Air, waaa, 0 ova from Somerset, in bal last to Captain. , , t . • .-- Bohr 03E014; Carpenter, Millais Coin calor, with ' Bei. to Twells, Sakai & Calvin. . „- Bohr Bay StatsiOlirk, 11 days from Calais, with lathe, to Evelio, Goodall & Calvin. ~- ' • Behr -Wm Jones, Jones' 40 days from Cilaix; with laths, &c, tdEarelli,Ginkill & Galeih. - ' ' - Bohr Alabama. Barter, 12 Mini from Calais, with laths, &a. to Estella, (WWI & Galvin. ' Bohr Almon Bacon, Williams, 4daysfroin Middletown, Conn, with stone to Thos Mansfield. ' Behr XII Connce, Long, lit days from Hillsboro, with -.plait*? to N A Bonder le Co. ' , Bohr Tennessee ( Webster 0 days from Eastport, with plaster, &c. to E A *louder So Co. • Schr Baltic Inutility, 16 days from Lingan',oß, With , coal to il Morris Wain & CO. Behr Wokana, , ,Wllliamit, 8 days from Prorinnitown, with'iddie to - a A 'W.taxl. Behr Pte A *Maine: Percival, 4 daya from Province-, toini, with mdse to G A Wood: 1- Bohr 16 II Rowley, Godfrey, 12 days from Charleston, 80_, With C otton, „ lnc. to Martin JOIDo. Bohr 1314ney Price, Godfrey, 10 days from Cleorgetowu;” SO, with lumbar to Sailor & Bank. • --Bohr Cyclone, Dalt, 6 days from New Bedford, with mdsa to captain. ~- - • . , ' Bohr ;oho (I ilracks, eraftam, 6 (rays from Portland, with Ind** to It II Stetson k 00, , ' Bohr S M Tiler; Satoh, 6 days from Portland , Conn, , with stone to 7 Norman. , t. illohrJohn, Donavan, 7 days from Eastport, with fish toB A Bauder fc Co:- - ' • - Bobs John Lank, Artist, 1 day from Frederica, Del, [ with,grain to Jae Barratt & Spn , ' . ' • ' , t` -Sabi Wm 'George, &lotion, 1 de; Iron? Smyrna, PO4l wilh . grain, to'Bewley, Witstra & Co. Behr ''llei'l 0 /ones, 11111, 4 dap from] Nivark, Md, Witham?' to*J IS McOolley. ' is Bohr email Lavinia, liaison, from 'Pall River. 'B 861'11 - A Weeks, Weeks, from Plyioontli. ,-- Buhr I, 11 Endicott, Violtir_ ,k from Newport. , 2 - OLEARRD. ',. ill IfOrth America, cling, Mobile, D 8 Stetson tr; 00. t rig Mislay*, Lambert; Boston, B.epplier & Bro. ! Brig HoYwarat XeßeMittli, Charleston,o K Danis & 430. Brig Bound Pond, Oudworth,. Boehm, Roger., Sin ai iknon k. 1)oi ''' " ' ' - , gam crystal Palace, Leighton, Salem,' captain. ' -., Bohr i' It Austin, Nob Boston A N Sturtevant It On. - Behr &web, tew/Set lima", New YorkiTyler, Mono &Co. •4 4 ' 4 ' - hr 11 A 'Westrej-Weelse, New York; do ' 1 chr LH Builcott, Vanklrk, Newport d o i till Willing, Olaypoole, Baltimore, L Grown, Jr, L A, Grovur Poynter; do ' ' do' t rge J $ Ide, McDermott, New York, W M Baird . r..- '' ' l4'; n ref istilislin.j ' ' ' ' ' ,•-• ; Correspondence of the Philadelphia Iliclismg e. ......" '' '' ' '- 3 ' OAPWIELAND, Oot. 2, 68 1 P 11. +mond` heim'brlgt and schooners passed n ttottlay. -Nothit, P. Obit out. Wind south.' ' i s oes, &0.,' - ' - ' THOS. B. SD RUBS. i' I t - •" -• Lon . rsisoitarg.l ' , 40orrespondence of The Preset' New Yoatc, Oct 2. Car ~_.4N1N41: obili Adonis, frees Bremen; Bilon'esoto, from ~ .iw,i" JONA Mark, from Oronstidt• ban tue Amalie, .tralo Drown; BAP Wm Mason, horn; 8 c ,,,,,,,,,baa1i4 gelira Loyetilnact hkoodentideou. Henry It .)444r4, from , jit4.. : Nolpw l ship Aiploo, from Mittmakikistx• ' ' ' r., 8 ~,- ',,....,,,,i-,,,i ilia I', ;, _ .. -1,, •,;.i a-...ft _ , HORTON, Oct. gr • .. „ Arived, Brige'll W Packer, frour Cape Ilaytiem Saxon, from Port au Prince; Judge Blaney, from uc Cayes. Below, ship NMI' Bose, from Calde Oct ra, Idoem, .1. Arrived, bargee 0 0 Forbes, from New York. New 011LXANS, Sept. 80. Arrived, dap Et Ohafles, Conway, from Now York. Correspondence of the Philadelphia 'Exchange. LEW Del., Oct. 1,8 A M. MI the fleet reported In yesterday's letter as being at the Breakwater left last evening, except the following, which are now getting under way: Brigs Elvira, Chas Reach, Alarms; schrs Larkin, Itenrietta, Bea Ranger L 0 Relay, Roanoke, Escort, Tiger, James Bliss, Hick man, awl John It lite Fee, Mr Fuller, Pilot, landed this morning, and reports a lumber loaded schr ashoro,on Joe Flogger. Wind light from SW—weather cool.. Correspondence of The Pren. HAVRE DE ORAN, Oct, 2, Thirteen boats lett here this 'morning, laden and WO signed as follows: . , J Curtin, bar iron to 0 It Campbell & 0o; Wm kidler, John Durell, and El Dorado, lumber to Malone & Taylor; Alta Nesbit and Jacob Brown, lumber to Bolton, Vitoderroer & Co; Wm Loom's, lumber to D B Taylor & Co; 11 Dunlevy, lumber to 11 Croaltey; Calu met, lumber to At Fire; Trade Wind, light, to Faros, Hoffman & Wright; Venbruno. light, to Budd & Comly; J W Boyd, light, to A 0 WWI & Co; T Eck• tad., anthracite coal to g Cleorges,l3o. MEMORANDA Steamship Arabia, Stone, front Liverpool,l9th ult, at New York yesterday. Steamship Ariel, Ludlow, for Southampton and Bre men, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship Granada, Griffin, for Havana and Now Or leans, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship Yang Tze, Dearborn, from New York, at Bombay Aug 14. Steamship Jason, Britton, from New York, arrived at Southampton 18th ult. Steamship North Star, Lefevre, from Now York, at Southampton 18th nit, and proceeded for Brenton, Ship Spark of the Ocean, Drummond, from Bombay, at Liverpool nth ult. Ship Weymouth, Elliott, from Akyab, at Liverpool 19th ult. , Ship Invincible, Robinson, for Shanghae, sailed from LivorpOol 13th ult. Ship Messenger, Corning, for Melbourne, sailed from Liverpool 12th ult. ' Ship Screamer, Snow, from Melbourne, was in the river at Liverpool 19th tilt, outward bound. Ship Sumatra, Dudley, from Calcutta, entered inward at London 14th ult Tong. Cwt 6,86 T 09 334 02 .10,928 14 368 06 6,620 19 ...24,009 04 1,423,619 10 1,447,620 00 Tons. Ow/ 7,177 /0 1, 2 06 00 16,885 00 1,960 00 Ship Ticonderoga, Boyle, for Bong Hong, sailed from Bombay . July SO. Ship Superior, Soule, from Rotterdam for New Orleans, put olio Deal 14th ult, and proceeded Mb, Ship Boston Light, Crowell, from London for Shaoe. hat, was off Bainbridge, I W, about 12th ult. Ship Crest of the Wave, Colley, for New OrWane, Bailed I rem Havre 10th ult. 26,)307 10 903,180 16 929,498 05 942.625 6 Ship Russell, Condry, for New (Moan', ifrom Ilavro lbth ult. Ship John Tucks, Sherman, from Chincha Islands, be baw Baltimore yesterday. • Ship Amazon, Bawd, from Boston for Australia, be. fore reported condemned, had been sold at 1110 previous to Aug 20. .Ships Castilian, Graves, and Elvira Owen, Alexander, from Mocha Islands, arrived up at Baltimore yester day, Ship Charles Davenport, Kelly) from London for Cal 41era sailed from Deal 1611, ult. Ship Bonita, Smith, for Pernambuco, sailed from Li verpool 18th ult. Ship Berkshire, Williams, from Boston, arrived at Calcutta July 18, and remained 20th, one. Ship Currituck, Knowles, from Bombay for Marseilles, arrived at Mauritius 15th July. 9t ip u ir t Arco , lo, Mumu, for Gurgeute, cleared at Venice. Ship Orion, Libby, from Liverpool for Calcutta, was spoken Aug 5, lat 9 S, long al. Ship Norman, Swett, from Boston for lava, wee spoken Avg 8, lat 35 15, long 43 39: Ship Hathaway, Thompson, from Charleston for Li verpool, was burnt at sea Sept 7—crew )utt ed. See Alls• cellauy Ship South Shore, Lathrop, from Calcutta, June 3, at Boston lot inst. Ship Edith Rose, Crowell, from Caldera, was below Boston yesterday. Ship Consul, Mortimer, for Savannah, sailed from Li verpool 18th ult. Ship Banshee, 'Wingate, from Rio de Janeiro, Aug 20, at Baltimore yesterday. Ship Chariot of Fame,Rnowles, from Claineha Islands, arrived. at Norfolk 30th ult, and salted let inst. for New, York. Sbip 'Windsor Forest. for Philadelphia, W ELS loading at Liverpool 19th ult. " Ship Philadelphia, Poole, hence, Aug 18, at Liverpool 10th ult. Ship Saranak, Rowland, sailed from Liverpool 16th ult. for Philadelphia. Ship Cheahlre, Farrar, for Philadelphia, was loading at Liver pool 10th alt. Ship Darlington, Toro, nailed from Liverpciol 18th alt for Quebec. Ship Empress of the Sea 'Wilson, from New York for San Francisco, wan spoken 22d Ang 90 miles NE of Rio de Janeiro. Barque Alfalfa, Randall, tioro Caldera, sailed from Hampton Roads let last, for New York. ,Barque Laconia, Beane, beau, arrived at Bolden lat lest. Barque Jane Doteu, Holtman, for Wilmington, Del, cleared at Savannah 28th nit. Barque Wilheindua, Dillingham, 28 dap from Rio de Janeiro, in Ifampton Roads 30th ult. Barque St James, Cruse, for Philadelphia, was at Rlo de Janeiro 29th Aug. Barque Sumter, - Humphrey, from St John, NB, at Cork 18th ult Barque Oak, Ryder, cleared at Boston Ist inst. for Philadelphia. :Barque Hem, Hammond, hence, arrived at Boston yesterday,' Barque Amy, Ryder, hence at Boston let Lost, Barque Hannibal, Kline, cleared at Boston lat Inst. for Rio Janeiro. 'Barque Selah, Gould, from Boston, at Baltimore yes archly. 'Barque Semmes, Daw, hence, was below New Or cram 26th ult. 12 rig Evellna (new 238 tons) cleared at 'Baltimore le not for Rio de Janeiro. 'Brigs "Indian Queen, Ate Gregor, and Lincoln, Corn wallia, hence at Beaton lot Inst. Brig Win Crawford, 'taker, Bailed from Bath 10th ult for New York . Brig Breeze, Outerbridge, for Pernambuco, with Rout sailed from Richmond 30th ult. 3rig Chesapeake, for Boston, sailed from ApaLichl colslStit Brig Delhi, Kenny, hence, was going into Port au Brines 14th tilt. itrieltartne, Dart, froth tailerunt, via Norfolk, at 14 York yesterday. Brigs 0 B Doane, J Nickerson, Orozimbo, Victor, Emma Hudson, and . Kooks, hence, armed at Boston yesterday. Bahr W I. Spline Lippincott, hence, at Wilmington, N o.lst inst. Mrs Afississippi, Jeremlo, 1.1 Gould, and Jactnel, hence at Boston yesterday. Bohr Mary Tice, Tice, from New Maven for Philadel phia, arrived at New York yesterday. Eche Daniel Morris, Bloomer, from New Haven for Philadelphia, at New York yesterday. Behr George Darby, MuHiner, for Aspinwall, cleared at New York 7th inst. Behr Vesta, Grace, hence at Pawtucket 30th ult. Behr P A Benders, Ireland, hence at Charleston 291 L On the 25th, MT Cape Halloran, experienced a heavy gale from NNE, which carried away bead of main mast, and caused other damage. Behr d D Bellows, Clark, from Middletown, Conn, at Wilmington, Deli /St Inst. Behr Gazelle, Coombs, from Delaware Oity, at Bath 30th nit. Behr Saratoga, Small, henco at Plymouth 24th ult. Eche Victor, Sean, from Hallowell for Philadelphia 'at New Sedford3Oth ult. Ears Julia Anna, Grace Ginner, It Corson, Jos Ward Elizabeth it, and Lewitt Chester, hence, arrived at Dos ton Ist inst. Behr Valparaiso, Brown, from Trenton, at Boston la Rehr Amelia p Rockhill hence arrived at Richmond 30th ult. flehr Sally Wheaton, Ayres, hence, arrived at !fart ford let inst. &br tineline Blakey, Tice, from Bristol, Pa, at Pal River 29th ult. RrUr J E Atoueback, Risley, sailed hour Ernst Green. wich 29th ult. for Philadelphia. Debra Jantes Martin, Harding; Win 0 Atwater, Drown; Catharine, Bobbins, and B Applegate, Disbrow, hence at Providence 30th ult. &bre Fidelia, Shaw; J L Hess, Loper; Xi Holmes, Wil liams; Suwaeset, Hulse, and Mary riatt, Smith, palled from Providence 30th ult. for Philadelphia. Behr Wagon Washburn, Thrasher, hence at Taunton 29th alt. Behr Vaahti Sharp, Sharp, hence at Salem 29th ult. Behr Gazette, Crowell, called from Salem 19th ult. for Philadelphia. Beim Charles Parker, Compton; Aid;Engltsb; Oleona, Leonard, slat Emporium, Mathew, hence at Boston Ist Met. steamer Rough And Ready, Kellogg, cleared at Hart ford 30th ult. for Philadelphia. Steamer Josephine, Growler, for Made/phis, sailed from Hartford 'lst that. t3loop Mary Nichols, Thompson, from Delaware City at Briatol. ) RI B 29th ult. 29th nit, tat 3820, tong 7315, barque Oakland, bound south, . , 2lat ult, tat 29 GO, long 74 09, kchr All Plancheßter rout Now York for —,, 3 WS. 31, let 19 GO S, long Ul5, glip Beet:leo, from London for Melbourne. . . Bopt 11, lot 4025 N, long 2095, llblp Troy, wltb pan sengers. JOno 9, lat 24 25, long 87, an American ablp, from Chinch& for Cork. Aug 17, Int 10 N, long 33, ahip Conqueat, Croon N York. Ang 0, lat 8 282, long 82 41, ship Express, from Li vorp.aal for Ordrpts. U 8 frigate St Lawrence, from a cruise, arrived at Rio de Janeiro about Sept let, all well. U S corvette Plymonth, from Tose!, arrived at South amptowl6th Wt. MARINE BIIBOELLANY Bargee Parodi, which returned to Providence 24th ult. leaky, was hove out 30th, and the leak found to have been caused by the oakum having worked out of the larboard garboard streak Borgne Eva, rooter, at New York yesterday, from Maracaibo, reports Sept 24th, when in lot 39 30, long 84 $O, during a N E gale, while laying to, was run into by an unknown vessel, carried away the bowsprit and ail attached, foretopmaat, and doing other damage—(sup posed to boa brig); when last neon was steering the yaw as when she ran into us, with but part of one omit standing ; do not think her hull was Dinah thiared. FROM' PORT on Patriot —Captain Clenfords of British brig Ashby, from Port an Prince, at New York yester day, reports that place as being very sickly when he sailed. Ile has loot two men, and his mate is very sick. KM lays at the Quarantine Groand. The hull and material of the Br brig Roberts, pre• vlously reported aahore at Southampton, L. I, were sold at auction on Tuesday last, and brought the nett sum of $260 . . • •• • . • Southampton, Sept 18—The Harkaway, Thompson, American chip, from Charleston for Liverpool, was burnt at see Sept 1. The Harkaway moor 645 tons, and sailed from Charleston Aug 17, laden with cotton, tur pentine, and rosin. There were on board the captain, two mates a. crew of 14 men, and 10 passengers. On the evening d the oth of September, while under full sail, steering E lay DI half N, au explosion took place in the ship's hold, and it wee soon discovered that the hold was on fire. Every endeavor was made to extinguish the fire ' end the boats were prepared. Cu the oth , at noon, the Ore increased. Next day ate A at, there was a hea vy sea and it being Impossible to save the ship, and an :explosion being feared endeavors were, made to cut away the fore and main mast, and fill the ship with water. Tho flames began to ascend the fore hatches and come through the starboard aide. A vessel steered toward the Harkaway about 9 A ld, which proved to bathe Sarah and Dorothy, of Newcastle. The passengers were got into a boat with much difficulty. The barque sent a boat to the assistance of the Rocka way, and saved some of the crew. The ship wan then In newels, the turpentine exploding and blowing up the decks. The boats returned from the barque and took off the remainder of tho crew and the captain. On the 9th of September, the Advice, of Liverpool, for London, fell ,in with the Sarah and Dorothy,and took seven of tbo crew on board. Oa the 10th tho royal mail steamer A.tr do. bore down and spoke to her She took on board the captain, the first and second mate, and the passon geta, (five adults and Ave children,) the rest of the crew (seven in number) remained on board the Sarah and Do rothy for passage to'St. /ohn k New Brunswick. DOMESTIC PORTS. HEW YORK, October 2.--Arrived—Ship vi c to r ia, Ch am pi on , London, with mdse and 148 passengers; barques Ilva, Foster, from Maracaibo Sept 10; Al m eid a , Gaga, Apalachicola, Sept 13. Sept 24th,, hi lat 3340 , lon 20, daring a heavy gale from NNEwhich lasted days, In which split nails, ace; fiasco, Wougb. Trini dad de Cuba; brigs Ashley, Clements, Port an Prince; Riled, of Eastport, Bailey, from Aux, Cayes ; Anna A Frig, of Bangor, Megawatt, Deboyy , liar ochre 0 Chad bourne, (3 masts) Marshal, Wilmington; Shepherd A Mount, Smith, Baracas.,• Augusta, Van Chef, Baltimore; Ilurrltt, Hortick, Osorgetowu B 0; Jamestown, La tonrette, Petersb argil ; Prances, Connell, Bndgeport for Washington D C ; Hamilton, Hopkins, Georgetown 13 0; Mindoro, of Eden, Sargent, Ouracoa ; Henrietta, Hop kins, Georgetown 8 0. Old—Barque P &nor, King, Stabile, Scbra lee Boston Jones, Savannah; P Merriam, Avery, Charleston. BOSTON, Oct I—Arrived—Sches Rageueath, Rogers, 'Richmond, Va; Coast Pilot, Jones, Baltimore; 0 Id 'Petit, Clark, Baltimore. Toleasphed--Beig Caroline, from T Cleared-411p 'Ashburton, Crocker Havana; barque IHUM AWL callsi Br barq,l34lACtress, Vickery, THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1857. , .. . . . At John, N if; Ilr barque Royal William,l Hughen At John, N 11; barque Setif% Crocker, Wm McDrinald, Port land, to lead for Anglia; brig Aantlago, Medley, Aux Cuyeg. Soiled—Wind W to WSW—Barques Id If Torrington, David Kimball; brigs W A Brown, Lopatin°. BALTIMORE—Oct 2d, Arr barque Justly° Story, At kins tram Boston. Brigs Titania, Appleby ; Fearless, Skating, Windsor, N S; Ina, Laney, from Halifax, N S; Brookline, Brannon, from St John, N B; Frances Jane, Kira', From St Johns, P It; Wm R Itlbboy, Booze, from Ponce, P 11. Behr& Illonteven, Nall river; 19hite Squall; Wm Baena ; Prowess ; Helen Mar ,• Only Daughter Richard A {Wood; Mist. New 'York ;Wm Cobb, Dighton; Prances Slouch, Providence; Cornelia, New York. NORSOLK—Ar Sept 30, barque Agnes, Hartford, from Now York, went up James River to-day to load; barque 11. Desold, Rain Boston; schooner Betty Hooper, Ise• Steady, from Port Depoelt; schooner Matta Maria, Lot en, from Boston. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, GIRARD HOUSE—Oheettut Street, below Ninth Mr Habershatu, Savannah E W Brown, Augusta, (fa WMarry, N Y 1' 0 Williams, N C Wm A Dayloy, N V It Ilunlgin, Va C IS Dana, N Y .1 A Otatiam, Mt Sarno Miss Prooton, Mass A Meuheinicr, N 0 Geo W Howell and lady, N J Mrs A Murrell, Va IL E Johnston, Baltimore WII Stover, N Y J N Turner, Mississippi Geo Hassel, Mobile ti W Gooch N Y 0 N Denniotou, 11 81: • (loin S (3 Bowen, U S N Geo A Steveus, Boston Wm II Edes, 0 0 J Thou Davis, D (I; M 9 Darkesdall, —11 T Keokuk .1 it Clapp, Columbus Mrs (Sapp& son Columbus Miss Cooly, Columbus N J Walker, Columbus 5 Dr S Fair, 0 Al' Penn, New Orleans 0 W Clammily, Savannah Capt 11 A Adatas, US N Samlllarr d is. Dalt Sarni D Toy, Balt John It Palmer, N Y 9 S Webb, Mobile J Ml:awards, N Y Mr Dartegentleld & In, Va II MI McGilbrick, Oa And 19 Ballad, Reading 13 Tyson, Reading N Michler U 9 A II Evans, Washington Wm 19 Ga it, Washington Thou Trusibw, Jr, N Y J Scott, Cumberland, 0 John Stockdale, Ohio Debt Bliss, N Y E R Jerritt, Buffalo II E Wolfe, Plymouth, N 0 II Hyslop, N Y 818 Haskel l , N Y James Al! radronl, l'af Mr Jewett, Buffalo II Von Lindelop, N Y Jos It Blossom & la, N 0 C J Purley, Pa 11 D Neill, St Paul 'A R Nye, Boston 8 A Irous A la, Prov, R 1 PL Smith & la, Va IV P W Taylor, Vu W 0 Taylor, Va Mrs Jaines SI Taylor. Va Miss V 19 Taylor, Va Nathan Newby, N 0 W II Gill, S 0 Mrs It Swann, 11.1 John Carson, Balt A 111alespine, N Orleans P L Tilestou, Boma 5 Clark, Boston 'Mr Ilaculltta ,N Y • Jag Hutchins .f . la, N Y Chas J Roeford, W Tudles. W 0 Henderson, Lenc co E F. Mitchell & la, N V J Collier, Ohio 11 W Crothers, Ta J F Degener, N 'V P it Stark, Vn Jos Graham, N Cr Thom W Johnston, N 0 W Reynolds & la, 11l ! 1.1 Bartle & la, N 0 J Munyin, Win VDu Pont, Del 0j Du Pont, Jr, Del ' (1 J Welatetrth, Ohio ' 'W 11 Grant, N II L Parsons, Mass F D Ring, Mass J D Cameron, Harrisburg J 0 Gallaher, Virginia I .1 S Gilkerson ' Virginia John JOracy,l3 0 Miss Gracy, S 0 Miss Braden, S 0 Silos North, S 0 ThosGoff ,Georgia W A Fitrhew, Now York II Mouton, New York Rev 1) %lob A la, Belt 19 W Steels, Alabama J D Aaron, New York W F Underhill, New York David Main, St John, Nll Geo A Shield, S Carolina T Llue:rstot I? lpnliBt r ll" iZenllmori eraaytsan 11 Dolton, New York W D Benton, Now York 11 It Tinker, Mass li P Felridge, New York II Arnold, New York T p arluell, New York I 11 Kroebe, New York D I, Gray, New York T P Stanton, New 'York 0 Loeser, Reading An 9 Hunter, Reading Jll Wilson, Baltimore, B Emerson, Jr, Illinois. • AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut. below Sloth at. J It Dale, Philadelphia 0 E Howard, Malasebusetta It II Stevens, Washington It S 151cOanta, S Carolina I' J Hainan ' S Carolina 0 0 Campbell, Virginia A T Farmer W ' ashington S Prenglo & la Baltimore Miss Mary Scott , Farmer , altimore II 0 L Barton, Delaware Henry Johnson, Tenn 3 id Irons, Tennessee 0 E heard, Leesburg, Va . 3 It Jarman, Arkansas J Heinous, Indiana Jas N Bell, Virginia ' , Win II Street, Virginia J I. Scott, N Carolina Jas T Hunter N Carolina , I /I Beckwith, Maryland y Johnson, If Carol Ina A P Miller, Chillicothe hire Walton, Maine J 49 It Kelly, Delaware John Thomas, Mass Frank Cray, N Carolina J Heald Jr, Massachusetts Sand. It Ely, New Joraey Robt Stage, Now York E Hinds, Juniata co, Pa lienj Foster, Chatnbereburg Coo W Bond, Harrisburg Miss Id A Bond, Raffish' J . J Jameson, Pa Miss Anna Leo, Ilarrish'g 0 Jameson, Pil John James, N V 0 P Drake, Boston 41 1 D Savir, N V 0 J Johnsen, Harrisburg Joel Thompson, Del W J Herbert, Pa Joe N Hannon, Dcl Capt S Dowla Ma Id B Eshelman, Pa 8 Boreter, She J Ilan - elan, HO W C Sprnance, Del It B Swope, Clearfield, I ' a .1 Garman, Williamsport F k 3 Fleming, Pa James S Sanford, N C T 0 Fleming, Pa Wm P Porter, N 0 an Lunsdall, N Y Joe Lappern, Boston D TLunadall, N y Jos Hammond, Del II L Fultzback, Pa C J Dougherty, Phila Ddlitter and lady, N Y Itobt Simpson ' Phila Geo Dien), tad .1 Illanllin, Troy, N Y C C Eaton, Dresden, Ohio 13 H. McMaster, Mobile D 0 Dodd, N Y A J Yorke, Concord, N 0 A 0 Reed, N Y J 0 Ross, Albemarle, N 0 UNION HOTEL—Arch Street. above Third. Jll Milhous, Rural Dale, 0 John Paisley, Pittsburgh Wm Diebardion. Pittsburgh 0 Gamble, Lancaster co, Pa Theo Wanda, Lancaster co W T Day, Newark, N J John Gordon, Now York Sand Gordon, New York Jar Schmitt, Pittsburgh W AI Orme% Maryland tt'm ii Dilworth, Mary laud N L Warm, Danlield, 0 Wm F Donaldson, Chester Col It Ilateliff, Tamaqua John L Baker, Pittsburgh Saul Oaleua, Pittsburgh JII F Felker, New York .1 Gilchrist, Greensburg J Ii Manson & la, Del Jos Hanson, Delaware J Little, Steubenville Mrs Spencer & child,Pottsv tiles Youngliog, PotteTille Droncle fell , N J MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Jdu Boynton. Clearfield 0 Prentiss, Ohio L 'Barber, Ilernvor, Ohio 0 Maples, N Y Thomas White, York, Pe J D Levet, Pa At V Scott, Ohio II II Frisbee, 11l If Germ Harrisburg if A Guernsey, Wallsboro Thos Anderson, Ye Al MAdams, Cambria co J 0 Caldwell, Arch Spring, W 0 McGowan. Reading Perry Deen, Denville Jas W Oliver, Ye A.,1 kurnneY, Albany A Armstrong, Colambas t ° Ara E 0 Cochran, Allegha- Henry Wolfe, Pittsburgh W S J W al l , J it Cornwall, Pittston gh Va \V W Kenney, In Shat Cannth, Philadelphta Robert Woodside, Ireland W R Nixon, Chciago 0 K Taylor, Centreville J Nrobree & da, Ohio W J Croasdale, Delaware J D Haines, Allegheny City J R Carothers, Lancaster co ./ Coutran, Lancaster on II Redman, Lancaster co J llegill, Owen.brag, Ky 0 D Wayne, Troy, NIC 8 A tillott, Media, Pa A Ai 0 Simmons, Ky NATIONAL HOTEL—Rase street above Third. D Philipe.Stark co, Ohio 8 Gillespie, Warrenton, 0 P 'Shollenberger, Gusty, 0 e W huger ec la, N N Bloom, Now Columbus J D Mace, White Ilaven,Pa Gee W Morgan, Pottsville II J Untidier, Pottsville 11 G rout, Reading, Pa J II Jones, Danville, Pa Frauzheini, Pa (I Schwarzbach, ii Wafter & is, Dalt W 8 Kelly, Newark, N J Waspinan, Dalt lieu Jones, Bethlehem, Pa Pittstown, Ps W 0 Palmer, Pittetown tt l ld Plumb; Plttstown, Pa Owen Hughes, Pittstown Jae Whitaker, hit Clair Jan Levi, !Murillo, Pa STATES llNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Jos Spencer, Weattnoreland Henry Kauffelt, York, Pa (Wolter!, Nashville, Ohio . N H Hawthorn, Missouri Sand Wislar, St Louis, Mo Wilder, Su C Baker, Newark, N J 0 0 (troll, Blairsville, 0 Julio Crawford , Ya It L Sultzback,Marietta,Sa J S Espy, Harrisburg ' BLACK BEAM INN—Merchant street, bel. Fifth J A Wickersham, Chester co E T Mercer, Chester co C Taylor, do J P (trees. do A Little, do John Pinith, du JII Kerr, • do 81) Byels, do / D Marra, Lancader co lire. Small, Salem co, N J J '''irnall. Del co, Pa. (lent L Brower A, la, Lobe- J Lalracken, Northeast, Pa non, Pa A Rutter, do do T C Crazier, Northeast, Pa John Baker Jos Baker, Del co, Pa J WlHeron, lirady's Bond DI L Wate . rmen, Dutler co J be•ayno, Del co, PA A F Zimmerman & lady, Wm Covington, Juniata Co, , Jullitlifs co, lave Cook, do Li Leinay, Montgomery co H M Anna, West Chester Id J Hunt, Rising Run, Md I) It Jones, Norristown, Pa. MADISON llDEBE—Second street, helot stub. O W Wilson, Boston N E Wright, Dutra, N J E N Moore, Odessa, Del W lI Piper, SpringtM, 11l L Bennett, Camden, N 3 3AI Hamden; Del 3 Sharp & friend, N J L grant, Pros, It I JJ /envier, MeDou'h, Del J Williams Wash Knight, Butt, N Y 11l 3 Merritt, 3 Davidson, 11l A. It Mule, Boston P P Connell, Donlon 'MACK BEAU HOTEL—Third street, above CaHoehn!. Skull Freetl,Gosheuhopp'n L Clemens Doylestown }7 Haldeman, Beam co A llogeland, Southampton Jno Yost, LeLalion • II Selleubauin, Lebanon Wm K (Arlin, boyertolin Eddows, Alorelawl C Roads, Ilyberry A Clayton, Southampton Win Hartman, Leesport Levi Mader Leesport L Leesport Dan'l Bain, ' Leenport tlito Markley, N Britain Geo Clemens. Cheater Ylly Baling Truinbower, Doyl'tn Wm Brumbach, Exeter Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de. posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all chimes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate opflve per cent. per annum. bilice open daily, from 9 until 9 o'clock, and on Dion• day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles 91 Morrie; Nacre. tail, Jame B. Pringle. Dower's Infant Cordial.---Tads Invaluable Cordial is prepared from It society of the moat choice and efficient aromatics known in tneilisine, and le the Malt peifect and reliable carminativelextaat for infanta and yohug children. By its powerful influence a speedy mire is effected In Ail cam of Cholic, windy Piling and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much 0/children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by Ile soothing properties trau. manses pains of the bowls, !Doneness, vomiting, &o. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used la thousands of cases with the meet abundant suceess. Ito family should be without it. Pr,pared only by Ilmins A. Downs, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. D. corner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. • To whom All orders must he addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. su 13ly Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Ns. tloual Safety Trust Company, in Wstamr Street, south west corner of THIRD Street, PIIMADNLIVIA. Argots over One 2114L10P AND A UAL? or poLt, Atte, named in BAAL TWAIN, MortroactheAkeoutre Rum, and other lint clads securiCee, as required by the charter. hie Institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on &petit. The office le open every day from 9 o'clock la the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thuralay evenings until 9 o'clock On the bit instant, by tbo Rev. John Chambers SAAIIIEL L WOODWA RD to ELIZABETH Y. ALEX ANDER, both of Chester county, Fa. /n Nov York, on the 30th ultimo, by the Rev. J. J Lyons, LUMEN MOSS, of Philadelphia , to BARAN. daughter of Benjamin Nathan, Esq. On Tuesday ce ening, Oct. Ist, Mrs AURELIA NEVILLE, wife of Commander Frederick A. Neville, Matted States navy. The relative. and friends or the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 2118 Green etreet, on Monday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without further notice ip On the 30th ult., EMMA, daughter of Denjamin E. and Deborah P. Carpenter. . „ . The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 722 North Tenth Arad, on WA (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Woodland. Very suddenly, ou Tuesday evening, about nitre o'clock, sit his residence, in Shrewsbarg, York county, Pa., CHRISTOPHER FREDERICK MYERS, in the 67th year of his age. He teas a native of Klechbeim Linter Te et, in Germany. The deceased was a partner in the firm of Meyers & Small, and had been in business in ehrewebury for over twenty-seven years. tre Sermons for the Times and the People.— PKeachlng trill be continued on SABBATH Morning, at lOyi o'clock, Evening at 7,1, at JAYNE'S LULL by ROT. TROIAB B.BroceToN, oe94t. YESTERDAY Eipecial Notices Alarnagcs. Menthe TIM/BURY • Septembor 21, 1857. Notice is hereby given to the holdall of stocks of the MAW Mates that this Department will purchase such certificates av shall be received law, duly assigned to the tinned Stated, previous to the lot day of Novem ber neat, at the rates heretofore offered and paid, viz 10 per cont. premium on the loan of 1842. 16 per cent. premium on loans of 1847 and and 1848, 6 per cent. premium on Taw indemnity 5 per cent. stack, together with the latt,ext 'accrued in cacti care from let July Certificates of stock received hero on and after the Ist day of November, until furthet notice shall be given, will be purchased nt the rates, vie: par cent premium on the loan of 18.12, 14 per cent. premium on the leans of 147 and 1848, and 5 per cent. bromism; on Texas Indemnity 6 per cent , with the accrued interest payable thereon, respectively. Where certificates of stock, Int:Abed and transfera ble on the books of the Treasury, shall be received here, assigned to the United Staten, between the Ist Decem ber, when the transfer books will be closed, and the bit of January, alien the half-yearly interest to payable, the accrued interest for the half-year must be expressly assigild to the United States by the stockholder, as no interest for the current half-year can be included in the settlement, but the same Wtll be payable by the Assist ant Treasurer on the interest schedules, as heretofore. In all cases the purchase sums will be settled in favor of the lawful holder of the stock, who shall assign It to the United States in the mode prescribed by the regula tions of assignments of stock; and remittance ail! be made of the amount by draft on the assistant Item: tern at Poston, Now York, or Philadelphia, at the op- tion of the party in whose faros the settlement shall he made One day's additional Intereet will be added from be day of receipt here for the draft to be sent by mail. 1101VELL 001111, Seemlary of the Treasury. 17'truerktuu Life lusuruuct SAW Trust Collis pooy—WALNUT street, southeast corner of FOURTH, Pifibstearuis, Oet 2,1857. At a Ineetingof the 110ARD Of TRUSTEES, held this day, the following Resolutions gore adopted : Vf herons, This Institution has during the recent panic continued its payments or demand, therefore Resotied, That the provision in our Charter which has governed this Company since the day of its organirs tion, prohibiting "the purchase or discount of, or ad vance upon Promissory Notes, pills of Exchange, or other Negotiable Paper,'' has born salutary In its effects, uo fosses having been suffered by reason of tosurficleor security for money loaned. Resolved, That this Compaay will receive on de posit, at its former rate ul hmerest, (Five per rent.,) Notes of the Banks of this City ander such other Banks lit they shall receive on desOnsit,:and will continue to }sly sit BOOM large or small, Oa demand, a About notice {Koran frulis the kfluutee, oe3-3t Jrit. U. SIMS, Secretory Q - -7" A grund Mann rtleethig of the Democracy of the ELEVENTH and adjoiulas Wards will be held at NEW MARKET and BROWN streets, on TUESDAY EVENING, Oth tent , at 7,14 o'clock. The following eminent %oaten' will be present and address the meeting: lion. Chen. R. Buchalew, Chan. W. Carrigan, Esq lion. Limy St. Phillips, Daniel Dougherty, Esq., Don. John W. Forney, James F. Johnson, Esq goo. Thee. D. Florence, Win. A. Edwards, Egg , non R.N. Wright, Wm. lit. IL Smith, Esq., Lewle O. Can*. Let every Democrat ha present, and hear expounded the great principles of the rights of the States and the Federal Constitution. A Cult limas Bawl will he in at: By ceder of the Committee on Town meetings. J. 3. MORRISON Chairman. TllO9. I blitutlNS, Secretary. oct3-3tis 117- A Grand Ain's Meeting of the Demo cracy of the Twenty-fourth Ward will be held at Ma ya:gunk, on Saturday Evening, 3d Mut., at 7S o'clock, .The following gentlemen have been invited, and will be present to saldrega the Meeting : Hon. 11. 31.1111111 m o.li . Carrigan, Eaq , Ron. Wm. U. Witte, Joshua T. ()wow, Eey , lion. Thou, 11. Blorence, Eugene Ahern, P. 9,1 lion. It. L. Wright, Wm. A. Edwards, Eaq., Benj. Roth, En., Vlac. L Bradford Eaq , Wm. M 11, Smith, Levis C. Cassidy, Esq. A full In ass Band will be in attendance. By order of the Committee on 21feetingly J. J, .311311RISON, Chairman Tomas J. BROUNN, Secretary. oct Notice to Consignees.—The ship Nonpareil, Captain Faulk, from Liverpool, is now ready todischarge at Queen street 'wharf. Consignees will please send their permits on board. All goods not permitted In five days will be sent to public store, oe2 THOMAS 1110IIARION A-. CO. ED' Noticer—A Meeting of the Creditors of JOSEPH MoDOWELI. will be held at his Store. (new) No. 121 MARKET street, on FRIDAY EVENING, at 71( o'clock. ocl-3t. it r Law Department, University of Perasyl vaula.—A Term will commence on THURSDAY, Octo ber Ist. An Introductory lecture will ho delivered by Professor Sherwood on the evening of THURSDAY, October tot; by Professor McCall on tho evening o S A TURDAY, October id, and by Professor Hitler on the (ironing of MONDAY, October Gth. at 8 o'clock, at the Lecture 11001 u of the University. octl-it •D' The Annual Merlin of the Contributors o( THE YOUNG NUMB INS TITUTE will be held on MONDAY, the sth inst , at ono o'clock P M., at No 282 Walnut street, on which occasion the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees still be submitted, and au election held for the appointment of Trustees WM. L. RRIIN, Secretary of Board of Trustees V" Extract from the Minutes of the Demo cratic City ksecutive Committee: 'Bow:red, That the Committee on Town Meetings be requested to call a Meea Meeting of the Democracy of the County of Philadelphia, on MONDAY EVENING, October Sth, at 7 o'clock, in Independence Square, to make a suitable demonstration of opposition to the legalizing of the suspension of specie payment. JOS LIPPINCOTT, Chairman J BULtVAN, Sometimes Tubs. B llAnctxs, f Democratic City Executive Committee. The Committee will meet every Toothier end Friday of ternoon, et 3 o'clock, et the Clore hotel JCS. LIPPINCOTT, Chairmen. Wee. 7,1 Itermatd, i s eere i m -w . J. J. SULLIVAN, Yst• b ; at - At a meeting of the Democratic City En o titre Committee held on Friday, Sept. 18th, it was 'lesolved. That the follogg Mg town meetings be held : SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. Bd, Wegt Phllade/phis TUESDAY EVENING, Oct. oth, New Market mid Drown street. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oct 7th, Vasayunk road and Federal street. THURSDAY EVENINO, Oct. Bth, Manayunk. FRIDAY EVENING, Oct oth, Broad and Coates street pATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 10211. State Howe, Yard et full Mass Bud will be in attendance at each meet. Dag. 3. J. MORRISON, Chairman A. O. Tnotirmar, Jong Karen, Joan E. OeeDwrct, TRou Coutneittee on Meetings. .J BROWN, MICR/1L EIOIITHR, i Joan K. Laoanma, V" . Of flee of the Union Canal Company Sept.FAIL ADYt . PHII /dill, 1857 —A meeting of the stockholders of the Union Canal Company of Penney!. v4nia will be held at the office of the company, (Far quhar Buildlnge,) No. 226 WALNUT street, below Third, on TUUSDAY, October 6th, next, at 12 o'clock, M. By order of the Board of Moneta, mels-11toce 0 THOMPSON. Beer. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING THE 1 PAPER YOU THE PUBLIC DRINTINO. Omen. SUPSIONTSSIAST or THE PUBLIC PRINTING, Washington, October Ist, 1857. IN PURSUANCE of the provisions of the +. Act to provide for executing the public printing 4kc ap peoved Augult 20, 1852, sealed proposals will 'be received at this ofbca, in the Capitol, until the first Monday (Ith day) of December neat, at twelve o , clock M , fur fur nishing the paper that may be required for the public printing for the year ending on the Drat day of Detroi ter, 1858. The subjoined list specilles as nearly as can be ascer tained, the quantity, quality, and description of each kind of paper that be required'. 10,000 reams flue printing paper, uucaleudered, to measure 24 by 39 Inches, and to weigh forty-live pounds to the ream or 480 sheets. Ut..199 11. 4,000 roams Sue priutin paper, calerlered, to measure :tau , 38 lashes, and to 0 sigh fifty-sit pounds to the ream of 480 sheets. 5,000 reams impart:lee tilted and calendered printing OW, to measure In by 88 inches, and to weigh fifty two pounds to the resin of 460 ntterty. 800 reams superfine bard-sized and caleudered printing paper, to measure 24 by 32 inches and to weigh forty eight pounds to the am of 430 sleets. 3,000 reams superfine sized and ealendered map paper of such sizes as may be required, corresponding in weight with paper measuring 10 by 21 inches, and weighing twenty pounds per ream of 400 sheets. 200 reams superl3no plate paper, (caleudered 'or un ealendered, as may be required) 19by 24 inches, sat( of such weight per ream as may be required. The fibre of the paper of each of the above classes to ho of linen and cotton, free from all adulteration with mineral at other substances of a lair whiteness, and pot up in quires of tweoty .tour sheets each, and iu bundles of two reams each, each ream to contain 480 perfect sheets. Uniformity in color, thickness, and weight will be required; and no bundle (exclusive of wrappers) varying over or under five per cent. from tho standard weight will be received, and tho gross weight will, In all cases, be required. Mixing of I'AtIOUS thlok. flosses in the Ramo bundle to make up the weight wit be considered a violation of the contract OLIIIB No. 1-1,500 restos quarto posi'irriting paper; No. 2-2,000 reams liatcap writing paper; No. 3-500 ruing demi wilting paper; No. 4-2,000 reams folio post writing paper ; No. 5-500 reams'medium writing paper ; No. 0-50 reams royal writing paper; No. 7-50 reams super-royal writing paper; No. 0-50 reams imperial writing paper; No. 9-100 reams colored medium {assorted.) GLAIIS VIII. No. 1-0,000 reams writing paper, 19 by 20 inches, to weigh twenty-eight pounds per resin. No. 2-1,500 reams writing paper, 19 by 2G inches, to weigh twenty-three pounds per ream. No. S-3,100 reams writing paper, 18 by 23 Inches, to weigh twenty-six pounds per ream. No. 4-100 mauls writing paper, (18 by 22 inches, to weigh twenty-four pounds per leant No. 0-340 reams writing paper, 18 by 18 inches, to weigh twenty-two pounds per ream. No 0-400 roams writing paper, 12 by 18 inches, to weigh twelve pounds per roam All the papers designated in classes 7 and 8 are to be of the best 'materials, free from adulteration, end finished in the beat manner. The payers in class 7 are to be white or blue, of the regular Ftandard $l,Oll of the res pective kinds, and of such weights as may be required by this office; those iu class 8 are to be white, and of the Ores and weight specified in the Schedule. The right is reserved of ordering a greater or less quantity of each and every kind contracted for, at such times and in such quantities es the public service may require. Each class will be considered separately, and lie sub ject to a separate contract ; but bidders may offer for one or more of the classes in the Caine proposal; and the privilege Is reserved of requiring a bidder who may have more than one class assigned hint to take all such classes, or forfeit Ws right to any clans. Samples (not leas than one quire) of each kind of pa per bid for, arid but one sample of eath kind, must ac company each bid; and, in assess 7 and 8, be numbered to correspond with the number of the paper proposed for la that schedule; and, in the first six classes, to be properly designated on the sample, or it will not be con sidered. All proposals and samples must bo transmitted to this office free of postage or other expense. Each proposal must be signed by the Individual or firm making it, and moat specify the price per pound land but one price for each) of every kind of paper contained in the ohm prepared ler. All the paper in the several classes must be delivered at such place or places as may be designated in Washing ton city, iu good order, free of all and every extra charge or expense, end subject to the inspection, count, weight, and measurement of the Superintendent, and be in all respects satisfactory. Blank forms for proposals will be furnished at this office to persons applying for them ; and none will be taken into connideratiou unless substantially agreeing therewith, Bonds, with appeased Recur diva, will be requited ; and the supplying of an inferior article Many of the chime, or a failure to supply the quantity required at any time will be considered a violation of the contract Each bidder is required to furnish with his proposals satisfactory evidence of his ability to execute them; and proposals unaecompmded by such evidence will be rejected. The proposals will be opened in the manner required by law, " on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in December' , next, (6th,) at ten o'clock A. M., at the office of the Superintendent. Proposals will be addressed to the " Superintendent of the Public Printing, Capitol of the United States, Washington," and endorsed ‘, Proposals for Supplying Paper.' A. 0. SEAMAN, oes a 9t Oupertutmleat 9f Rublio MASS MEETING .11 , TIIC DEMOCRACY 01 THE DM 01 PHILADELPHIA, LYDEPENDEECE SQUARE "We hold the Integrity of Democratic principles para mount to all consideration of place or position." The Deuaocrotic Citizens of the City of Philadelphia frill assemble in MASS SIEETIND, in INDEPENDENCE St/DANE, we bIUNDAY EVENING, the sth of October, MI, at 7 o'clock, to take into consideration the preseut financial difficulties. tip order of the Committee on Too n Meetings, J. J. MORIIIBON, Choluteca. Taos. J. bawlNx, Secretary. oca-azi FREMEN --ATTENTION I—A BEAU- Taut, SILVER FIRE TRUMPET, of an entirely um pattern, will be RAVELED for THIS EVENING, at Major COPPLE'S Exchange Dining Room, corner of Cal tur's alley and Egehatige place. Tickets oue dollar each uct3 its WANTED. -A FEW AGENTS, EITHER Male or Veinsle, are wanted to sell a new and very popular honk, Just issued ; entitled "The Crooked Jahn; 111 Lilo by the Wayside " Four editions have already been exhausted in Boston and the New England States. Agents are wanted to Canvass the Nom., Southern, and Western States Some now engaged make from $5 to $l2 per day Address, by letter, Book Agent, 17 State Street, Boston; or call personally at 11141110 place, oe3-1m . 1 61 I MERIOAN GOLD WANTED, AT HIGHEST CURRENT RATES BY CRONISE SC CO., SPECIE BROKERS, 40 SOIITII THIRD STREET oc3-3t PEOPLE'S TICKET.- ()OVER OR WM. F. PACKER, Lycoiniug County. 3011 N I' LINDERMAN, Berko County JUDGES SVPHEM6 COURT. WM. STRONG, Berke County. TA3LES TIIO.IIPSON, }trio County CITY TICKET SENATOR SAMUEL H. RANDLE. ASSEMBLY. JOHN 0. KIRKPATRICK. GEORGE 11. ARMSTRONG, JOSEPH R. CHURCH, JOHN RAMSEY COUNTY NOMINATION SENATOR. DR. I. N. ATRIASELES. ASSEMBLY. DAVID E. McOLANE, OLIVER EVANS, 3. 11. ASKIN, JOSHUA T. OWENS, A. ARTHUR, JOSEPH. II DONNELLY, THOMAS 11. WARAND, ABRAHAM ENGLISH, DAVID SELLEY, DAVID H. STYER, JOHN H SCOTT, GEORGE S. FOX, JAMES J. ALLISON JUDO" . COURT 0011110 N PLEAS, JAMES R. LUDLOW. PROTRoNOTARif DISTRICT COMP, JOHN P. McFADDEN. CLERK QUARTER SESSIONS, JOSEPH CROOKET. RECORDER DEEM, ALBERT D. BOILEAU. CORONER, JOHN K. FENNER. 0c2.2w cllinusements AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. E. A. MARSHALL 4 ole Lewin POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT OF THE GRAND RONIAN[ BALLET TROUPE! THE NRIV BALLET A COMPLETE SUCCESS' ITS LAST riEPRESNNTATION ' THIS (Saturday) EVENING, October 3,1 W, Wall be preeeuted the New Ballet in three seta and four sconee.sentitled 111, lIIRRIOIIINO DI DARIO', with all its characteristic Daticed, New Oostatneit, and varied Decoreitioaa. Barnum Morin (Wimple Signorina Teresina Prate, i Mut Mlle LOlll4O Lamoureux During tho Ballet, Mlle L. LithIOUBED X and Sig P. RABATT' will Dance TWO GRAND PAS DE DEUX PRICE 3 0? ADMMlON—Parquet, Dress Circle and Balcony, El; Family Circle, 60 cents; Amphitheatre, 26 cents, The Box °face of the Academy is open from 9 A Al to 5 P. 51 , for the securing of Reserredflests and Boxes, without extra charge. 'no Ballet will commence at 8 precisely. Carriages will set down heads Booth, and take op heads North. oc2-1t THOS. IfoIiCEON, Treasurer AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MIISIC.-E A. bIARSIIALL, Sole Lessee. OPENING OP THE ITALIAN OPERA SEASON, MONDAY EVENING, October 6th, 1036 T, And re-appearance of the former GALAXY OF FAVORITES, MADAME M. GAZZANIGA, SIGNOR BRIGNOLI, SIGNOR AMODIO, SIGNOR COLETTI. In accordance with the general wlgh of the subecribere to the forthcoming ("MOD. VerdPa popular Opera of LA TRAVIATA will be presented upon that occasion, but Pottitrt/y for that Evening Only, tur the requirements inehlental to the NEW OPERAS nor in preparation for the debut of the various RHO tINT ARTISTS recently arrived from Europe, and engaged for this es tabllshment will preclude a repetition. Musical Director and Conductor, MAX M AR&TZEC. PRICE or A 1 ,14183103 :—Parquette, Dregs emelt), and Balcony, ; Family Circle, 50 cents; Amphitheatre, 25 rents R - The Box Office of tho Academy it open from 11 A. M. to (P. M , for the securing of Boers ed Heats and Boxes, without extra charge. Treasurer Mr. T. lifogeux The Opera v. ill eminence at 8 precisely. [Er Carriages will set down howls Borah, and like up heads North. oe2-2t NATIONAL TIIEATIUI, WALNUT ST., li near Eighth. • ADvisstoa —Seats In Private. Box, $1; Orchestra Chairs, 75 cents; Dress Circle and Parquet, 60 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents, Doors open at 7. To commence at 7)4 o'clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when seats can be secured. Sole Lessee Win. E. Burton stage Manager Mr. IL Watkins THIS (Saturday) TIVENINO, October 3, 1017, Will be performed Schiller's romantic tragic play of THE ROBBERS Or, THE FOREST OF BOHEMIA Oharles de Moor Mr J. 11 Murdoch Francis do Moor Mr. T Mills OM de M00r... Mr. Worrell Amelia Mrs. Hudson Kirby To conclude with the new and laughable farce of the TWO BUZZARDS! Jelin Saudi Alias Lucretia Buzzard IJHEATLEY'H ARCH ST. THEATRE •. V —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY Scrum or Psioss.—Orchestra Stalls 60 cents: Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured ' Seats), 60 cents ; Family Cl cle and Amphitheatre, 23 cents; &ate in Pri vate Boxes, 76 cents ; Whole Private Box. $3 i Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box iu Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter past 7. J. M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, October 3, 1831, Will be prevented, the first time In two years, Schtiler's celebrated Tragedy, entitled TILE nomins: On, THE FOREST OP BOHEMIA. Amelia Mrs D. P. Bowers Charles:do Moor Mr E. L. Davenport Franck de Moor Mr. Delman Count de Moor Mr. Fredericka EfAfter the Tragedy, an original address, complimentary 5 the visiting and reeident Firemen, will be spoken by Mr. Was, Wheatley, also au appropriate song and chorua by James Dunn, words by John Brougham, Esq., music by Charles R Dodirorth. To conclude with the aide-splitting Payee of SUDDEN THOUGHTS' Jack Cabbage Mr. 3. 5. Clarke Mrs Impulse Mrs. Tannehill WA .e L e N l KT E Sp it r ar E o T an THEATRE.—Los •, g John Sefton. Prices —Drams Olrele siParue r tle, 00 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents, Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 70 cents. Box 00Ice open from II o'clock A. El to 3 P. M. Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance to corn. memo at 7,ti. Benefit of Mr. Blake, and last appearance, and fare well performance of Mr. Wallack Lester, Mrs Ifoey, and Mrs. IS. R. Blake. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, October 3, 1857 , Wi1l be acted, by desire, tho excellent comedy, by Sour cicault, entitled OLD HEADS AND YOUNG HEARTS. Jesse Rural Mr. W. It Blake Littleton Coke Mr. Wallack Lester Ludy Alice Ilawtherou Airs. flow Countess Poropion Mrs W. It Blake During the evening there will be Ringing by Miss Adele Roomer. To conclude with the laughable Farce, called DOMESTTO ECONOMY. John 0 rutuley.....?.. Sergeant John Brown Mr.. arumley QA_NFORD's OPERA HOUSE-- ti ELEVENTLI Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7,ti o'clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 ceuta. SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE In their Operatic Entertainments, introducing all the latest Songs, (flees, Choruses, Dances, As., concluding each evening with a LAMINABLE BURLESQUE. JOHN B. STRYKER, 'Wholesale Dealer in AUCTION DRY GOODS. N 0.12 BANK Street, Philadelphia octl.2m VISITERS TO THE AGRICULTURAL FAIR, ~haul' not forget to call at DAKF OR D'S, and procure one of their THREE DOLLAR HATS, or a line Soft Hat at $1.50. Children's new styles of HATS AND CAPS. Sets of Furs front fS upvrands, at 6'24 CHESTNUT Street, below Seventh TREASURERS DEPARTMENT, PENN BYLVANI RAILROAD COMPANY, ,Pult.), taunt, September 28th, 1857. NOTICE —Tno Coupons for Interest on the 2,1 Mort gage Ronde of the Company, due on let proximo, mill be paid on presentation at the office at any time on or alter that date. THOS. T. FIRTH, acp3o-5t Treasurer. MOSS -17 bales Carolina Mons, for sate by MARTIN & MAVALISTER, *al 110 North Water Street. NOTICE TO OONSIONEES.--The ship STALWART, Capt. A H. Lures, from Liverpool, 39 now diecharipug under general order at Almond greet wharf. Cousigueee will plow attend to receipt of their goods. THOS. RICHARDSON & CO. seB-rf TIAVID M. HOGAN, BLANK BOOK X/ Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT street, betweenPourth awl Fifth, Philadel phia 114,3-/W INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS! TYNDALE Ac MITCHELL, WOBURN OP CHINA, CLASS, AND COMMON WARES, are now 'wiling their ram AND ELEGANT FALL IMPORTATIONS, GRN/TLY IitDOCYD PRICKS, with a lIANDSOBIS. DISCOUNT TO THOSE) WHO PAY CAM. 707 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH $T st+2o4w-twir. raLLADILPAIA. Al THOMAS & SONS, 111 • Nos. 139 and 11l SOUTH VOURTIt I . 3TREET, (Formerly Nos. 07 and 69.) REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &e. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening, It Ilan of each property issued separately, iu addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale oue thousand catalogues In pamphlet form, pia ing full deberiptions of all the property to Le sold on the following Tuer. IV FUltNif UNE SALES AT TILE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. We hare a large amount of Real Estate at Pri-11 rate Sale. including every description of City and Country property. Printed Liats may be bad at the I Auctiou Store 117 - Rea/ fl,tate entered ou our Private Sale Re gihter, are advertised orewloteally lu our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 ecopleg are pr uteri weekly 1 free of charge STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—TEE DAY NEXT. Pamphlet cataloguer now ready, containing full de scriptions of all the property to be sold on Tut,lay next, Gth hart , corupriving a large amount of Stocks, Loan., Heal Estate, Ac. PEREMPTORY . SALE-500 9HARE.3 UNION CANAL. On Tuesday evening 13th October, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, without reserve, for acconnt of whom tt may concern -500 shares preferred sit per cent, stock of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania. Par PO, With power of attorney for transfer endorsed 5 shares American Academy of Music. 5 do Philadelphia and Savaroiab Steamship Co. 1 do Point Breeze Park Association. do ' Philadelphia Library, Philadelphia Athe na•um, and Mercantile Libraries BANK STOCKK Also, 42 shares City Bank Var f2O, full pail. 40 shares Commonwealth Bank. Par SSO $25 paid J shares Bank of Pennsylvania 40 do do do TENTH FALL SALE, 6th OF OCTOBER, AT TILE EXCEL...NOE, . . .. • - • . This sale will include.— HANDSOME RESIDENCE, WIT' SIDE YARD. Handsome modern Residence, with side yard, south side or Washington street, drat Rouse east or Seven teenth street. It Is just nnished to handsome modern style. Immediate pmession 0,500 may remain on the property NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. Neat moderultesidenee, No 718 Buttonwood street, eget of Delaware Eighth street ^ Immediate possefaioa. DWIILLINUS, WRANKYORD ROAI! New three-story briar dwelling No. 129 Frankford Hoed, above Bedford Street, with three-story frame dwelling in the rear. CCESE=I ••• • . Three•etory brick restaurant srld drlting, 9 B cor uer Second aud Shippen Streets " - Also, it brick bakery adjoining the above, fronting on Shippeu Street. SEVEN THREE-STORY BRICK nw.r.LuNes. . _ . Seven three-story hrielcdwellinta Camilla Street, be tween 11th and 12th, and Carpenter and Prime Streets They will be sold separately. MODERN RESIDENCE, SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Neat modern residence, west side of Eleventh Street, south of Pine Street. HANDSOME MODERN STORE AND DIVELLINO. Three-story brick store and dwelling, southeast cor ner of lath and Washington Streets, (late Spring Gar den.) It la handsomely built and finished for a store and dwelling. PEREMPTORY SALE—HANDSOME NEW RESI- Also, the haulsonse new residence, with side yani,and replete with all modem conveniences, west side, North Seventh Street, first hones south of Thompson Street. Salo positive. . . Neat modern dwelling, No. 336 North Twelfth Street, between Carlton and Callowhill streets FOUR FRAME DWELLINGS A two-story frame Dwelling, south-east corner Pront and Phcenix streets, with three two-story frame Dwell ings in the rear. VALUABLE DAR.II—.DELAWARE CO., PA. Valuable turn, It 3 acres, Bethel township, Delaware county, Penns , about three miles from Claymont, and four miles from Marcus Hook. ELEVENTH FALL SALE, 20Th OCTOBER EM=l Valuable Property, known as the Port Providence Axe and Edge Tool Factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, appo• site Phoenixville. ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE Ac. Elegant modern residence and offices, N. W. comer of Thirteenth and Arch streets. ^25 feet front on Arch street, ELS feet on Thirteenth street. Orphans' Court Sale. ESTATE Of DAVID LEGMAN, DEC'D. Signor D.lionran .Signor Ceceb ett Sir:tortes Oa. Prates Valuable Reel tatate, t3t. John street, between Green and eoates Streete—several meaauagee;and lot 37 feet 8 inch., front. BUSINESS STAND. Three-story Brick Store ling Dwelling, 14. W. corner Eleventh and Christian streets. Sale absolute. NUTIOE-SALE SUPERIOR FUNITURE , The superior Household Furniture to be sold on Mon day morning, at No. 716 Saloom street, may be examined on the rooming of male, at 8 o'clock, by catalogues. Sale No. 715 formerly No. 13 &Inseam street. 81.51.1111101 t WIJIINVII.IIIII, MIRRORS, VELVET CAR PETS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, &C. On Monday morning, October sth, at 10 o'clock, by caiislogue, at No. 715 formerly N. 13, Saimln street, above Seventh street, the superior household furniture, 011rfOr9, carpets, &e. ID - The Cabinet Pnrn•ture Was made by (leo. 3. Henke's, has been Well kept, and is in excellent order. *vs- slay be examined on the morning of sale at 8 O'clock. Sale Nos la and 141 South Fourth Street SUPERIOR GERMAN FLOWER ROOTS. On Tuesday Morning, At 11 o'clock, at the Auction Store, 5 C 9.311 superior German Elmer hoots, from R. Yanderscboot & Sons, Mama, compriging lilaclaths. Tuhpg, Narciasud, The large new FIVE-STORY STORE, No. 240 MAR KET street, East of Third street, 28 feet front, 202 feet in depth, with a tide front on Riddle's alley—brown atone (root—built and finished in the best and most aabstantial manner, with every modern convenience— furnaces to beat the entire building throughout—fire Proof Safes, Water Closets. Hoisting Hubbies, Ice. Well adapted for a large Auction or Commission House- WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CIffiIiTNITT Street, opposite the Clidtoll3 douse. between Fourth and Fifth Streeta MO SE S N A.T H A N S, AUCTIONEER IKE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 9 E. cornet arxrn and RACE Streets NOTICE: —All persons haring goods forfeited at the office 9 E. corner at tith and Race streets, are requested to cantina pay charges and renew their tickets, other. wise they will be sold on WEDNESDAY MORNING next. OCTOBER the 7th, at 10 o'clock, by MOSES NATRANS, Auctioneer, E corner of 6th and Race streets. LARGE SALE OF FORFEITRD GOODS, HY ORDER OP JOHN WEBB, Broker, at MOSES NATHAN'S Auc tion Store, S. E corner Bth and Race streets, on WED NESDAY MORNING next, OCTOBER the 7th, 1957, at 10 o'clock, at sales-room second story. 'Entrance from Rare greet The floods will be arranged and open for Examination on the afternoon of Tuesday, the day before the sale Consisting in part of Watches, Jewelry, Ac , via gold hunting-cane, double-case, double-bottom and open faced English patent lever watches, of the very best and most approved makers, the most of them full IS karat gold, gold escapement patent lever watches In hunting cases and opeu•facs, beet makers, 18 karat gold cases, gold lepine watches in hunting-eases and open-face, most of them very fine, IS karat cases; gold swim and French watches, silver English lever watches of the most approved mak ers,to hooting.casee,double-casecand opeu•face,ailver escapement lever and lepiee watches of best makers, sliver double-case, bunting-case, and open face watches, duplex and courtier watches, fine gold neck, fob, and vest chains, fine gold curb challis, fine gold medallions, fine gold pencil-eases and peon, fine gold ear-rings, breastpins and finger-rings, large seal rings, fine gold bracelets, sett of knives, forks, and spoons. In case, silver plate, plated forks and spoons, pOrtmoonales, fine gold charms seals, and keys, silver medals, gold sleeve-buttons, studs, gold thimbles, and numerous other articles of jewelry Watch-makers, jewellers, dealers, the trade gen erally, and private purchasers, are respectfully invited to attend this sale, as every article will positisely be sold without the least reserve whatever, for cash. Sales Room Second story. Entrance from Race street. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and silver patent lever, Levine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, urhslcal instruments, Ac Ac AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Ac., tic , Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction eer. Charges very low. Consignments of furniture. clothing, jewelry, ho/iciterd, M. H Wattlas Mrs. Muzzy NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL. LOAN ONFION, S. N. Oorser of Sixth and Race Streets, Where mousy wilt be loaned ou gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry °Lads, Groceries, I.:egars, Hardware, Cutlery, FUTIMIZIT, Bed ding, Ilorses, Vehicles, 'Unless, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terma than at any other estab liehment. (sea] M. NATUANS, NATHAN'S greet sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days Due notice will be given. WP,BB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, wilt place shortly. Due notice will be given . . WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, dcc., being forfeited colisterals, will take place shortly Due notice will be given SAMUEL NATIIANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, °ripen/to Pear at , only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of busioess from 4 o'clock, A Al , until 10 o'clock in the evening. - Outdoor aides, and sales at the Auction Howie, at tended upon the moot satisfactory terms. CAPITAL 0200,000. Rstabliibed for (he last Thirty Pori. Advance. made from one dollar to Cloonan& on Din moods, Silver Plate, 'Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, kler chandise, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Cone, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. ....Mr. Chapman Mr. Monte Mrs. John Sefton All goods can remain any length of time agreed eß VlCadvancee, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month i PO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, haalarge fire and thief•proof vaults to More ell valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy Wm rum. effected for the benefit of all persona having goods advanced upon. N. 13.—0 n aecoaot of having an unlimited capital, this office to prepared to make advances on more setts. factory and accommodating terms than any other m this city. Money advanced to the poor, in email amounts, with out any charge. fold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and (Nothing will be cold at reduced priers. and-1y JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 32 ARCH Street, between Thin! and Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Or Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew shy, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notioos N. 11 --Out-door sates attended to AU goods sold at the Auction Rouse packed. GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. E. corner of DAIMON and SOl7lll Streets aboTe Second. EVENING SALES. BALES EVER? BATURHAY EVENING,I At 7g o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware 0114 Iffy, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel TY, Fancy Articlee, Sc DEPARTMENT OF MARKET-110IISES, OFFICE, i 3 W conNstt OF FIFTH AND CHESTNUT &TRIMS. PUILADLLYHIA, October Ist, 1&57. F.eale‘l Proposals sill be received at thii Office until the With Jay of NOVEMBER next, at 12 o'clock, for the Renting of the following Wharves and Landings for a term of three years: Atch street Landing, It the foot of Arch street, on the river Bchuyikill—lease commencing December 31st, 1857 ANO, Ueorge's street Lauding, et the feet of tteorge street, on the river Behaylkill—lease commence:4J see- Cry lot, 1858. Approved security will be required C TIIOIIP.SON, ocl•th s to lm Commissioner of Markets BOYS' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT & RHO have now on hand a very large assortment of RtIADY-MADE goods suitable for the present season which they feel disposed to sell cheap. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Southwest corner TENTH and CHESTNUT streets. N. B —We have a large assortment of new goods of a superior quality and Mk.. tepra-/mtntha Oaks b :Auction PRIVATE SALE REGISTER BRICK BAKERY-ADJOINING NEAT DWELLING PIRST•CLASS STORE FOR RENT fialrs bu ',-.ktiction. JMMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIUNEER, Nu. 422, WALNUT STREET, above FOTILTU. CARD—BALE OF ROUSNUOLDPURNITODE—TUES DAY. la- We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 106 WALNUT IiTREET, where every possible attention is given to oh- Lehi the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor us with consignments. Families having'portions of their furniture to dispote of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM. WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER. PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM. ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. ID' Persons favoring as with consignments nu nit assured that their property will not be astir:aced. Commissions more moderate than those ehsrget by aayother Auction !loose in the City Consignments respectfully solicited. gales pail immedisteiy after the goats are sold.. REAL ESTATE SALE, October 7. This rale *ill Intl e Executors' Ab,blute Srle—Estate of Lytha aid Sciaurta _ _ Willa, demised WELL-SECURED GROUND RENTd 2 old Irredeemable Ground Rents, 318 each. IE7 350 to be raid on each of the shore when the &slue is struck off, TO RENT. I:rf* A three-story iriek Dwelling. with two-etory trick back bonding- 195 North Ninth street. above Wood street, Sett WO per annum. Apply at the Auc tion Store. AT PRIVATE SALE. A first-elass Pnating Office. with a good run of boAi nest, four printing presses, two Rugg.ler and one Adams. Type and everything riecesvary for the businerr. Apply at the Auction Store. eaurational F ______ FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERA TURF —PROFESSOR GERARD, A. 31 , late Consular Agent of Prance, and formerly Professor In Thistly College, Hartford, Ct , and author of sevens'. works to facilitate a prompt acquirement of dr French. language, i 9 now prepared to giro instruction to ladies at their owl residences, in the mornings, from 9to o'clock, and to gentlemen, at Air studs, So. 1943 CHESTNUT Street, from 4 to 9 P. M. N. )3 —Particular attention will be paid to ladies and 4 entlemeu intending to visit Entope4as to ton versa:text pa Hemel, re For particulars, please call on Prot 0 for 0, CIRCULAR, No.looB CRISTIIGT ntreet,abore Tenth, third story, front room, from 4t09 P. Al_ ocl-Iw* PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever is more like s print. family. The coarse of study is extensive and thorough. Pro fessor Saunders win receive a few AZIOre puistle under fourteen years of age Into his family. Inisuire of Messrs. J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose smut or wards are now members of his family. aeptld-al MiS i S u BO . ti p NE BN Y the ANII O MiSiNSaDILLA AND DYaly: SCHOOL I at 1615 CKESTNA Street, ock MONDAY, Sep tember lith. REFERENCES Hare. H. A. Boardman, D. D , Philadelphia; David Malin. do; 0. Wadsworth, D. D., do; 11.0. Clark, do; J.Neirton Brown, D. D., do; Win. B. Jacobs, do; Was. Blackwood; D. D., do; A. Converse D. D., do; John Leybrum, D. D. do; James H. entliber_t, do; Wm. T. Brantley, D. D.. do; E. B. Cheney, do; Wi ll iam Brad ford, New York city; A. D. Gi ll ette, D. D., do; R. &b -rook, D. D., do; R. Puller , D.P., Baltimore; George W. Eaton, D D., / I . , wilton, New York; G. Rempton, North East, New York; Thomas Bambant, Cssarilie , Georgia; Howard Malcom, D. D. Lewistomg, Pennsylvania; John S. Hart, LL. D., Philadelphia; Para T. Jones, Era_, Col. A. G. Waterman, do• Caspar WAAL M.D. , do; Robert A. well, &cf., Markmll, Tow; John B. Sem ple, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, No;, do, do; George W. Jackson, Esq., do, do; John H. Raymond, LL. D., Brooklyn, New York Mayson Bry son, ma., Chicago; Hon. George W. B radford. Homer, New York; Stephen D. Dillaye, No;., New York city; Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York. ceps -lm CRITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA. COM MJfRCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTIMP Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOON-IfEEPING, PENMANSHIP, entry style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND 1/011118. COldelttnClAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, &c. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate sriperrision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country ban charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ctet se3 bra S - - - PPLEE'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADLES, (bearding and day pupils.) N. W. earner ELEVENTH and Ciaszx streets. Fifth erasion wilt open on September 7th. Best referent* given, in cluding all present tad former patrons. au23-U SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR Ps, YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. corny" EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues cootaining full particolsrs pupils' names, testimonials, &c., can ba had on application. au2.s.tf F. DONLVAVY LONG, Principal. HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Rev B. R. Semi, Rama. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1. Circulars mar be obtained et the Book Store of H. HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTS - UT or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill, Philo-, delphie. astl7.Aro AilDlgk s. A.l l l . D DAY SCHOOL ➢OE 97,9 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth; will zw.open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. sol9-Ewll NOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE persons, male and female, to gain a shut of thin world's goods Lad comforts as a . . BIJSINVB3 EDUCATION LEIDY BROTIPERS' MISTRESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 150 SUM latreet,"aear RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Stndles, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOO R-KLEP MI AND ARITHMETIC by /amplified methods, in a short tune, THE LEIDY , B take pleasure in saying, that daring the put year a Large number of persons nog/aired a BUSINESS EDUCATlON,cnabling many to seesaw pro. Stable situations, and otters to prosecute their boMnisse operstfuws successfully. atire-342. Orntltinen's furnishing e oobs. WINCHESTER &" SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S YURNISHING STORE, sad PATENT SHOULDSR BRAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. T 66 CUSSTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Streams, is particularly invited to this haproredscit of Shirts, t h e most perfect fitting article mode. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. anS.lyif IMPORTANT LMPROVEMENT NEW GAS CONSUMING YURNACR CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after baring been put to the most torero test, /urine the two COLD AMPS'S OP /156 AND 1857, has proved to be the moat powerful Teeter iu the rwld , sarixf fro= X to X the fuel over any of the beet furnaces now in use, TEM YOZPACIs are constructed with a ca.at iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan shaped ire pot, lined with fire-brick or Iron stared. The hre pot le soireowat act with A SERIES OF CONES, ea TAPEELLNO RADIATOM, large and Woad at their hue, ►at tapering to amall aper tures at the top, and uniting nth the ocular chamber, through which the heat nag smote peas to the due. Tel WOOLI products of combustion in the form of intake and cause, are suspended directly 0T92 the fire, oeserszn or compressed into the tapering COM aad 00.11TOMALLT 12120310 to The direct action of tier raja of haat and light from the fire. This heat and light la brought to a foam in lira Coin, not unlike the COLLECTION OP THE BUNTS EATS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the 311019 AID 092111 to become intensely heated and Tbo. roughly coney - tan, by this operation the SNOWS eau 02859 926 919DS ZQOALLT ATA1L.921.9 with the TOIL mate for heating purposes, while, in other furnaces, it is OaaalZD Ott ATV WASTED ra TIT caucent. All persons desirous of obtaining the beat and • HOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPAPTUN, should not fall to examine the lizw OssaßoSatritlati CONN FORIAON t before purchasing any other. The at tention of arehlteets and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD t0 1,.7%N, (Successors to 8. A. fiarriaond No, Kt icALNET Street, Opposite Independence Sumac GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE WEI:M ANOR COMPANY, PHILADELPHLt --Office, No. 302 WALNIIT street, nest of THIRD. " PLEIR RIMS ONLY TAKEN." micros. Wm. B. Swain, JR. Wslker, John Aim - pooh, Jr., In*. 11rOhue, H. N. Barrongtue, Tho. Craven, I. D. Hughes A. S. Gillett, Y. D. Sherma n, Pennon Sheppard, Wm. P. Hacker, Runt Jones ,, X. 1), J. P. Steiner, Joseph Klapp, M. D H. A. Shackelford, Hon. JORL JONES, President. Hon G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jso. S. Stokfutsm, Secretary. JAMES B krAroao, Assistant Secretary. auLAm-if SAVING FUND.-UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST. NUT Streets. Large and email sums received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PEE CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hoc" from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on SIONDAY EVENINGS from I until 9 o'clock DRAFTS for Bale on England, Ireland, and Sco from £1 upward.. President—STEPHEN R CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLEVY FIRE. Teller—JAMES IL RENTER L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS.- PAVOY AND STAPLE. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J G. MAXWELL 2c SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CIIESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 319 S. SECOND St , below Spruce. FACTORIES —Nos 95 and 91 GEORGE St , below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union Orders niade at a few hours` notice. n W. TLINIGLEY & CO., BA-NIKERS No 37 South THIRD Street. Phaadelpbia COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible point• to the Malted States and Canada Stocks, Bonds, &c , Bought and Bold on Coo•e 4 .eion. Corarrent Bank Notes, Cheeks, &C., bought at the loWeat rates. Deposits rarely'( tad taterest allowed, at per agree ment. ent-sns CREAP SUMMER FUEL.-GAS COKE, of excellentquality. iv sold at the PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of See cents a bo.hel, and m ay be obtalued to large or small quantity by ap plying at the kiaa Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. - To Purchasers by Wholesale, it it soli at the Works, in First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a 1t2.60 per ton. (Signed•) ' d. C. CRESSON, Engineer Flutsnetrtilit (ho Whims, Aug' 2d. PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Our. THIRD tad CRESNLT Ste. L. PELOOZN & SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Kstablodunent, and desirous to merit its coatirmance, would announce to Oilmen and PublLshers that their new S ECIU Lai 1300% is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to (cotish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shorte,t no tice Their long practical experience he the bu.:ireal, and the fact of their personal superintendence at the e n inconetnrin g department, justifies them in 115321110,1 that they ran furnr.ti a more durable and better fin ished article thiurtheir cotemporacies. Those, therefore, who desire Printing lilaterials, would do well to Imply to them precious to purchasing elsewhere. OM type taken at 9 ecati per penal, to arching., foe new at specimen Rite*. aul-tf ABRAM SLACK-ENGRAVING, DIE Stoking and Einboseed Panting, Envelope and Peal Press Manufactory, 37 Strawberry Street, betweaa Second and Third, and Market and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa surd-1y C6ITC)N- 7 100 bales Gull Cotton, in store and for sal* by MARTIN ee MAOALISTER, ant llg Worth IlTatar Atra.t COTTON -200 bales good Middling to Mid- Ming Intr Cotton, _in store and for rate by AUSTIN fr MACIALIS7I6I.. pal 1 North Water fitreet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers