r 7 '; -A,17-Cl 2 w,r,4 , ,tfu4. ]9mg* n1,A,,,54.1.-.00,1F4.4x-pR, atponw tar. TLo Prose.]. itewinixs , Opinii:Latirrwe'NoodWatd.+ - In the race ' tuflniol4seitlttenbangt; befoteloP, 0 ?1 ,01 ) po Jury-re nthadVisfrolkoting vsnifiti' 4 • = " • -10,1114 jtefors the.sbove 'entitled Mitt, do find a verdict in aurora thOptalotift for the prereivei claimed 111041 indittedmilt,anbject to the payment of n certain mor e g ft e th e gy o too‘pswr4 Smith, ter ten thousand onto add n.Aoie b• paid by Veintiftberore ny er y.l, o himotioir Oreibisee,n* said 'defendant' to be r e C e i i katiadj a pand - 141? respenelbilityi; for .or on ar., , count of the - inid teatime, and= that said 'Plaintiff be allowed hit t '1858; to - ipay. said: mort- VOW* lerandint rrofn his (derendailtie) re% , oponsibllity,under the Wane. •: _ `We do fluthhrdeclare that sold defendant shall upon theliardalatmadhPga °Crams° ef.hitlyesid,do. fendsn,t,fby sald'platntig, deliver the possession ofi said premises free end aleoe of. ail inontebranee; except , the above referred to - Mortgage.- • ' ,••• • • • , • Q417.1 1 X lisissoss.;:sudgeConrad.—ln the,c ue of the court os,ljubert Ooninell, on a motion to quash the bill of indictment, char with Xeceitlng-unqualided votes, hL IhmOr old, that beam+ the ordinary proCess , ded forth* 'enamietioement Ofaations;there were'excop • tonal wept • lit by dlrectlim of the • court to the grand jury; 2d t •bj direction of the court to' the District At torney; and,3d, by the action of the grand jury at their Gin instance •• • • _ _ _ „itotldnelappear that. the proceeding' Woe witheut the leive of the overt; for it was officially known' to 'the cottrt that the' District Attorney hod sent the bills to the .grandlnry, There is no anthoHty for the princi ple esserted that the , leave of the court was required. Ia regartl tithe witnestuet of the Commonwealth not being sworiii kii,liorkor said there wee 'no evidenee , of that, and the legal preemption in, that , the witneeees upon the back bill were propmly.qualified. The court, therefore, efter.exerninatlint of the Opts presented by determined to overrule the motion quaak: , Yr. Oiuldi telied the Court'te''tlle anoPuilop In this saes Ifr,litenn said he would try the cases to-morrow: „, Mr.,Casaldy.saidhe would file kdemurrer, ' ',The Pistriet Attorney aid lie would ask the demurrer to be argued when it was preaented..: „ Oweldy said he would, be r eedy Marva the do. Wheb it was presented. Mr. Webster fidthat he amid sat see on What greeted cfpaled these parties should . ,tried, at the end of the 'term, especially as there-were a number of other eases ready to be tried. could not Me' r any. distinction should. made In theme eases,: Theldlitript Aittmiey said that he ambit" no reason wbythesa,snee elierild be_ pokpcuid, .; There:were ape, Mad mitiont oily Wise eases should be tried at once, and he *Mid' insiatripon'their going to trial t 0... morrow. Mr: Webster said it was, of no consequence what _the: District Attorney Whited. " Tkfe Coact was the proper appall from any- "insisting on ,tite -part of the ..Distnet, Atney,L heliepat each an gmearwould net be iq Uhl. If there were anyapecial reasons Mimed bytheDls. trkfMtorpbylrhy,thelTplwp should betaken u pnow in mederemur to. allollarsu'he would like to know ahem, W l V,„4 O t e*Etlx` , loree /Ike lereeniesper any,famr imam MOO, part.tes charged and,net peek, ing evade justice; and do not intend to run allay. Dist?* Ationney said that there were, special. res n a ts l4 -t ik lr 09 414, P 1 /. ttled;flowi 'Abet these partimtWareabotts repeat the conduct for Whieh they way now under "ctment:. They were abort to . teeign the awes they held ,under the city, to go : In as throw, tors inalmileeralt elctions to "defraud honest - chianti', of their right..., That he wished these defendants and the publiplp know_ thit these - bbinga cannot.be done witß time/mitt ; thrktbere is law enough ptiteetche citizens in'their moat cherished rights. , Cassidy Add the delimiter would be Med "to-drii, and that he felt outdo the rases could not be tried after his demurrer was „ _ OYIR Asp Tosinnse--,/, udges Thompson audOomed, Homiaide'c - charged' with' the homicide ottamea Timobsy, 'was put mitral yesterday g,_ mornin - The ,District Districtttinney, in opening the case, said in substaaoe that he could not imagine the oireMn atanceseirbid warrant him in asking for a touriction of murder in the first , degree..,' That IC would appearlhe' dormant and.the decirmsd had been. Wm:album, on the; night to queatito, , but bedlam& up their dllfieniti shaken hands ; that the dalessed. was fodAd4iettMern-- lag dea4With tvontal - en the left aide el , hlsi week. It woold. - ,be for the =jury: to say who. indicted ltb ese wourelsi, but the cue was, ao far as he knew, barren of amts. t = „ The OMnmenirealth's wito‘iiisivere then'oandoll rnd after thai else hadheere- proceeded with far soma -time, lhe 'District abtorsey abandoned the case, ,The. trictAthirbey for 'the Ooninionirialth Req., for the defendant. + 47,- -•• , Nitir-Vork Trade: [ iron U 614 0, Yolk Herald ofryisterdiy:] '•, '-" ThelutUanit nicureuiente lit'ttrede NottilattAaing;iittfitig t idx*.(«Snoed,4kimill-: -pfl io liange, the shipmente produce troukliai pit were quite large yea tenlay t having been kagelletru: ;1:;.; ii,;)(t : I. V. 4,1 TP44tetitook - ltititrukted Yolue. 90,000letakAlsithat at 5i541•.•..;•....,.. i. 4100,000, 10,000 corn it 70e a 7,000. 4,000 bbla bur at $5.60 22,000 500 Wes cotton 4 04 06 per bale W 2,400 Iditoil4f4istl4 at,g9 • ' To dloo-:pr , ' - 44000.1440,erud0 tuipentitui at $3.15 .16,0'00 Ti - 44tratoen,_, - - -; 2001#44,40gar,44.4100,Pei hbd • WOQU TOW — $101,40 —beeideo neve - rat oduor einiagemente to other porta. Whileihe foregoing formed a single day's 'ship. merit froerNew Yorh,the ship Tontsianda cleared yesterday frotrePhilidelAierfei LiVerjoh?l;,, with' the following cargo :. ,,. 4 • 125 1.14* beef: ,(atgiog).sl2. •'",4a4Si 99S ollea*is at per , • ilateer, bb e,:ffoor,otss_,Per betrel • .;127;164 1 491 es of cotton at 05 pe r bale ' 30 . ,956 14,904 bushel! corn at TO can - • '" • ; „0,200 7,6i9tesneas wnsit it $1.20 ' 0,589 lihda bark at $5O per boo 17ieerio10 Among the charter movements at New York yes. - tardier, twut itnninenireesele Were liken Ei plO'loatr, with Anlerioan•!prodsiee for ' 4nstrilla, nminding lour, =•••- - .4* 3 ; When dn'above:pioduee ieashoe'LiVeriiol, - the bate drawn against it getW fientlen,' an goals, from 7to 9 per sent. higher in' New ."•Yorici an Loden, it ie. . ilkeiy,.the,prooeede,wilt.besetnrned in 1 4$010%:•,:Aklastt'steeounts.;new oath:wires also being pretty freely shipped frowNew Orleans and MobileXerEuropo:•" atn very . fall •primhe W. et =ratio egos! to the !Fill irilfeWrorh; whioY proves thailhiii diltbialresOtireesitio'ettensiek and Venable. the above may be addod Ship ments' ad beeiiditaTi tofiirejga ports 34.ionte Went, froak . .44l,b*ire: itlehm9o4.: ektriCitiriOatOnfi. this eemo l ooeteaoik ezki te -.of cotton , &mama of Tennesson'w eat vet *direct Am Liverpool,' which -was 'Sorosidered; to • sixttunmend ,-oiretsmir Myetennun Death eg Twe . feraeu,s, Conner-Pieohs tilbjd VrailxidnarYinciueSties: terderovei the' bodies 6P Warren Osplifgagil Whiquiddied'en Sundijoiveillig,iifterh few, dayit`iihneigfrom — the, *gloxinia ',effeofis "ef, nelson. swallowisrby them "Cialretendayeyentug, Dlr. arid, Mnr'CitilleldchiidjtheAttter's'etitali, - partoolOif aupnerijirbieh.• , e6nAlsted tninelpally "tif hit&p, ptokieiinilk; and &mei; ";,'ptiritit the! at ht"ail of the*weiti nleit i liut, with,* except*, of Mrs. CA sisterree6rered aufileiently k themor, ring to, resume their usual routine of duties. -The former lady' remained An her - ohnmbetvand - wet! quite-ill for serikil days. after breakfast on IVA,: nodal. morning, Mrs. Canfield 'was tiahi seteo with the - ;slekness of the 'previOnenight, Mid id .tarno te,lito.,-"Afr."o:;,ivlik iorie3ci h0,0.00t of brisinest - bn"Tornitietli Benet, 'was "sinzinteli 24 r 0 40,, , k,f1W. , Allotitar4is. and,-returned, home, , - tyrytt kiVaitthernwse called And ad 4. _ ministeredutc . the Mkt of 'afferent,. but: their , ailment4afilid his skill, and on Sunday evening Mr, afikiXte:panfield Water, vitiating injun4;othk VitiOt; oonialasetriat;and line.wooludderKent o dynger;. Thirdetnianid !nein two ehildrint ri orkearWaut,; neither ofwhom was taken - - - - T r i*"..nvrAtoptfloost.mort....xamintia, to wady, tut. igyaste4.this took to Drs. 0: 0, Milisizid James):lWO. The inquestwas adjourned until this afternoesoat 6.1e0100k , - whet thll_phy sielausseill Submit thetsMiest:—./ti t SpnonekTV7ii Sap k, -I ,1 Hrs. HoNstil s , fof Lotkiwirt; 'a - 1110 1 41td,tiad been*base kittherarirailia board the cetstral;Afrierree,..e4d. ires-finellyjdo4. reftmliCahliid,l4o." /sate the:-steamer unless he eo r stielaritirf hor, Heceamil 4intsractshift to per: her Ito go withotit hint/ hnt-lindingiair revointalifiter detelmination,,eama ligulnlthertit aftetwitattqPidePtwidtthat Thht mt.*? ets;AIR;;Pa4 r4:Joefircluit ressete:'He tteeolipinied her to the,side of _the oideted at ,jowering her iptpi th„abogt, hat; badikehrdil; arid Okd rliotcho!gyallgrotf low.her t ati,".; be boat shaved:A an 11 was An. last UM, slineaw:orlittard';of :film, =Sept that ha went,doni:. nal the; hundreda I of- others . who perished .on that, fearful night:: We, knew right' well the husband of 'this breve 444, Mr:-Willtitter McNeil: In the days wheit we were iring niter:the musty *need Otero and,Wrsee, cliett wee our remit-Mite" He ,yrits: , generous; ay, led,,hasr , proded Mins' Ifildayeitiers.4H/arita'Or.X.),dis ! , The milluneo,OtWesrtYirrle'tity 4 hare re cently held a meeting, and ,- Cetus to a unanimous determination 4,4);:lritise the price of #ntlls to epveif cents per (plait" they ore' dtiteh course by the ralfroallnolopaUies and the:4o;9os," The f° lol tr, , 4 l .4oita„reased: their rates , ' for, the transportationefrief,Mm / to 1 cent ,penquerh , and thAtisoitisTl to 3) cents per quara, - sirlie of about one dent, which makes Abe:cootie tb& milkmen ,aboat, fire'ofints, including waste.: As a milkman can , "onlyttilitri,othent . one' bkmdrod and' fifty quarktrar day; ttfolltnie that his profit will only be aboal,Wit small item anon& when: the cost' of the "rOolod , w°o9 l 4 04 50 Por4doY, Which Jetties. just iStlit•Htigitolottitnatlim Ow milk sit es en cents, - 1:no use In tee price commended yesterday} • Lathes* wise expeotto get good milk:Must expect td pdy . fefiltlr 4")0 4- 41, -- • ••1 41, BlraiVedie' ink 'Aijwsal . .:.WitielaY4lB3e? beeri'7'driestad,kt irecolleated th at' • Cole .isAlierged.with pota(ming his wife three weeks since, at Bainbridge, Boange , county, klississippilY , Wheeler,' hit ',pktamonr,. id arrested;on suspicion , founded: - pn;lettoor that passed between herself and' col(Wor being en ati• eoropliee - in the mtotlet_ After,Qytog,from, Ohio, Cole went toPenteMiran' end 'ertited hang on the there Old his horse and' buggy._ He staid 'in 'Allegheny' and Pittsburgh until the folk/wing rfidey, ,on the. night_ of that days pplying'ACHerfcitotely ln , pittsherglii for boardint - end, ,idgistering his name as Joseph Riga. ;BAtardsy he disappeared; and was not hoard - of again until arrested as stated above. A, Buffalo', (N. Y.) phyifietan!trait seat for on Holiday told to 'Grand Island and attend s' supposed dying woman When 'he arrived at the plaee.indicated; " hi found 'a' yonturgirl,lettteen, years of age, whO ise ce "'einem° as, PAor, WO, her threat horribl angled , and ber'person others wise chi end bru ; her story, in 'substance, wen. that her husband recently stole two ,hundred dole. lara in Buffalo ; lied with her to Canada; spent the money; killed a boom end - broke - coarriegetO„ pieties escaPedierarentilaltitikand thhid led lir into the woods and attempted , to' kill her-4.utting her throatowith elsiganiferatikjimphii lier head. Thu Allairt,Whe,pitypotrated this outrage has, , of-Xoff.lod,.°4 gltfirOr „s . anutet.:,Skeelyi - , ranster2; residing near HainliatOldblyeak arree4d.''3eptimlier 2eth,:by the United; Meta dePUt.t hie/Thal, and Eli bogus quarter-eleiarendlwo 04'4Y-dollar counterfeit notes on liiirmers' and -Mechanics' Bank at Wayneslintgi; Rat, were found in; hid poeseasioiV aloud/ hie been suspected of dealing -in counter.c felt money for about two years, and the-deputy maphil watelted likatiol osel yy ,sew JAM parreitese, 101 ° ,4 4t iels' giro ]tile aele Irak gatrinOra to sf*C;Sheely is a farmer ,*Putoloodkand;antart efauilY:r ,) • • • Ou•-Teleadaylit7iefFivee1411ro. Elisabethton, PA., mite& a_ quantity of arsenie wirkilOorfPurpl ai ng . to nelson lints.. no, gervont girt &deo 04 steak Which she prepared for. teak. 41111 ,1 . ,4, 1 0 0 ,44 8 2 ,0 1A12 0 it 0 s to.t"thinr"? it before oaoaseg,i• Aprie YPa kof , the poisoned 144". ,iere..4ll--taken- 111,—A physician WV calleddir,itlitidotee Were eamihistered, acid ; all thertilafedodfliind death.' 4' -:: 1 1 1 4,-Viti4nAll aasetfe, Of Helff.'3l;fs'ity4 AteisHoWa4 jolt( Tidloott ,has, eon boarding, Wri t obifillino al* gime /ome, •beAfeen Main and Sycamore Pe loroyi ftVi wed And JiltYltuf been Ire: von obtaleire,mnploymentdn , aitr,"oobil ed .. - ufght before Bud to itetre - thie tothrotont swelloWed 1414_41 issi*WysajottYttiorkiitt f 0041441. 141! VeCarra- • -44 '0 COURIS. FOR GALVESTON—TEXAS LINE.— With quick despatch. Freight taken at low rate's. The faet.eailing regular packet schooner 0. B. PEAS LEE, Capt. Foster, will commence loading at 'lace street wharf on Monday next, pet. 6th. Having nearly all of her cargo engaged and ready for shipment, will have quick despatch, For balance of freight or DMUS apply to ' Bikluor, & CO. LlNE—Direct from Philadelphia. The =guidon* clipper ship JOBNPII JONYS, Sam uel G. Flowers, commander, Is now loading sit Race street wharf; hiring a large part of her cargo engaged sod going on board rapidly, will hart Immediate des. patch. Shippers will please hurry their goads alongside with• out Forbalancea of freight apply to BI6IIOP, 36 No 131110N8 in 00., sea.dttNorth Wharves F' YORK. The celebrated clipper ship SANTA CLAUS, Foster, master; -the magnificent clipper ship BOSTONIAN, —, master, are now loading and will have despatch as shove. - JH. CHASE & CO,. - • COMMISSIONMERCHANTS , , iIS North TRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. • • . CONSTANter sow:imam • OLOVE•it''S•gED - On oonsignotent from the Interior of Pennsylvania:, where oar neiOleining BEN to now in general nee. Irr Also; . fililOTßY AND RED TOP always on ANDY & BRENNER—COMMISSION A.M. MERCHANTS and Neaten in Foreign and Arne. nounHARDMAN.* and CITTISART'i• Nod. 28, 26 and 24 North FIFTH Street, Xset stdei istsoye Coltman. street, Philadelphia. ' int-tf iIHARLES TETE, COMMISSION„MEM ILI CHANT and Importer . of - HAVANAi IHIABA, Mow) 13d Walnut street. second etory. ' VARD.—t-THE SURSORIMEASRESP.tOT ‘,." FULLY inform their friends and the teach gener ally that they hare made Arrangements' for one of their Rigors leaving monthly ..for• the Trona end fierspan• Markets. - „ • . livens many .sterel expevtenee, neinattent real. dance in• Parts ihf two et the '• Erln end an abundant es4sital, they Can offer unusual feellitisa for THE TUN OHARA ON 00111XIS8ION in any of ,the Europium markets% for eldpineadlreet. , • • ' • They are also ,prepared to resolve orders fromsamples lot Plowere and Teatime from their extensive and well Emma manufactories in Pods, to ,be alsipped• direct? either underhand or duty paid • • .)NEENDEBBON, dMTTH & 00.. ImPortete, • • ,•• auld.dosie • No: POO Broadway..• - irN THE MATTER, OF THE 'PETITION T IN INSOLVENCY Off JOHN o'2' OBEETEMEN,' Settee is hereby given that , the subscriber has applied Ao; the Court of ClourtnenVPlesi for the city and county hfiffhiladelphis fora final discharge under' the prcivl limo of the Insolvent Laws of the Commonwealth and alio that he haa apPlied by petition for the benefit of • the 41st Sectionof the Act of June 10th, 1806, relating tiiiinsolveht debtors—by which Section it isprovlded that the court, with the consent of a majority in number and value of creditorii of Sachniolvent, May, grant him an 'et,emption of his estate and effects from execution for his indebtedness for the space of emu years. Theis ap. plications wilt be heard by the Court of Common Plea on Saturday, October 10th, 1857, at 10 o'olock, and the attention of creditors and all otters interested in these 'applications is invited. - • ' J. 0. OBBRTEUVIER. ti ~Se 234itai SwC 'OTICE ----Wliereas Letieri' 'of deceased,Mministra ier n Fist; t l l -1 4 n uP grtn i t h z rot: o u 'r lideralgar all in debted to said Estate will pleasernairepayment, and plisse baring claim will present the Rune to 1 . . /Alp?, DUGAN; 'Adroinistratrlx,' „Soptll-fat* • ' • Grape istreet; , fdaneyoulk... ii itterih ant (tailors. . ~,.„ . . • • . „ JOHN P. DOHERTY,: • YOE TRARS WITH MILLI& SBOTHSA L LATE WITH ,LIIKENE, KELLY, k OV., i - , . TAILOR, r flu with him the beet tailors that are now engaged in; the baldness in this country 141. ABLES BOTH, formerly the leading Tailor of this City; ILAYSNR, , formerly Cutter for 0. BOTH & 00., and late Coat and Teat Cutter with LUKENS, BEL- Ly, lc 00; BENVI.VPTAGNSII, who has jot arrived, considered In New York the best Pants and Vesta Cut— ter In the United States, for years cutter with Deplerris, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Depleirre &Pettus, under the St. liieholsa Hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting • attention paid , to the ladies of - who patronise the establishment ; Abe , best of Otthen made at, moderate prices for credit, low pekes fo cash. . men I"DWARD P. KELLY. • • • Wan A it'E S SHEMIDAN, MERORANT 'TAILOR, Nod. 18 48818 South NINTH STREET, OUFS EN weII ielee lIT. • large and ted stook of °LOTUS Ind • faIIMItItEB items On hind. 11 elothlng mule et tbls Establishment will be of ~ beet quality; sun In the most feshlonable style. -' ' articular attention glen to 'UNIFORM OLOTIL. ' - 0054f' Ship] ino• te North Pihe.rves, JAMES BAKER, 99 NohltWharvis. i aIW...LUMML!i n =,!L.MiO2MIa mziprm•vti:l‘ffiwg - imlawuziall For balance of freight apply to BUMP, North 0., 8,3 Whortet Comnitosion ,Aerc legal ` Xoticee.. KELLY & BROTHER, Haying engaged the aervices of OH ARIZ VIL 0 ," Tletingulehed for the: beauty : end, excellence of his Goods when in thaV thb allerittx baa taken , BWrb, 'Bl4 CHESTNUT STREET, ' ( /HD wl. Ulna 501 . 2111, Litt; 'AT AAAAA 05 °TOTH% OSSECLMEENS,:TESTINGS, OESTATS, •.atoyle, SHILKT, Qt the et qualities , at moderate'prices. , IJ7 The -.business ,of KELLY & BROTHER he re me red, filen this date, td N.I. 814 CIIESTNLIT w ere it will be attended to kirk:WA T. KELLY or 4"' P.DOHRRTY. , - • ' . set•ly tiopko. #ENDEREON * . oo'! , GREAT LITER order MR, 171/Tff inil AlgOR 'streets. ~,' e togrittify the wiahee of our numerous pa= it , no , and Induce the booh7bnylng publio to Oil op theft :ti ' if* At the umiallow velem, we intend to present to ev ryi,urehaeerof bhoke to, the 'Mona of El and up ti -, , a Gift in value of from 2d vents to $lOO. . , Call at .ou extablisl3ment,look it our trainable stook, ad select fo yourselves. $ • . 'collect you are not buying etbh . anei, for every pr.. 01 -r gets hill book' at the usual price, and very many lei I get, in additlon,,apresent,:ivorth baying. aunfim LNI - 4 . e: - '. . :ler'•. 7 , I o, ,{39 . o}Xpbillttriet. , A. $ - .7*,:aT i r , . with any ntherlonso in th e Olitir %Wrap, Al, LAM ..... ................... r - , -- HARLES D.- EMERY; A TORNEY AT LAW, Willtaisurport,Lyaothingeoiulty, Pik, c l am w pag tenlar attention to Beaming and Collecting lis) n Livomlng and adjoining 'counties. 'll/111!0 - • Hon. J. 0. KaOX, Supreme Bench, Philadelphia, .Be,'ld Jayne & Son, Phila.Norcross re, Shoat., Phila' . • pact, Reed & 00., " !Smith Shantz & 00., " • el4m* . • . - E W I E L L 8, ATTOENEY•AT LAW, N 0.2 AIRY STRUT, NORRISTOWN, Pa., 1 attend with punctuality,' and , to the hest of his lityi to all business entrusted to hie c:sra., oet.the . , 101111 L, micnEL & sbcolTzr.-- ATTODNYIYA AT LAW, • : No. 28 Damp Muss, New Origami XXXXXXX 01111111VP111,11MILTSFA: ••• slab Cope & 0o.; 188,116arkat street , ' Murphy & 91 Market 'street. •• m. Down it Os .;1013 Idarket street. taral4rle EORGE , ARMSTRONG, ATTOR II' NET - AT, LAW AND OONVDTANOEB, I,SO • . bard street, below Broad. . sepliatarr dis DOUGHERTY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sou theast Corner of ? NIGHTIE slid 8D Streets, Ebiidelphit. • • ; - • Y EHH TR 0 U SE"ATTOENEY AT, LAW, 0 1 0NT11111 street, Prittsrille, , Pa, aut-ly •• . .. .I IG : _IL : I TURES HOITRE•FOR ONE CENT. • APP'S PATA'N'T :ROSIN OIL LA.MI';-• T. e cheapest and' safeir Artifibial light in • the w.. Id. The proprietors of ICNAPPIirAuNT,Ledge, - 6 I. not Mitt initiate td spoilt of it iii and of lye greatest' . efaetions of the age, " It la now tstablittecl ttiet it, ,10" f pr firefly ainpted to the burn, of ROlifiTzbiamdtut - -. al the peclOa: .', It him fora long time bran , Well tinder. a ITO .ChamiatelhaVitean 'Oil •Vratlve firnsi, 4 aper *ben ,?Iniste Oil • Tatting Plaid, - or other Mate. ri lipeciducl4 arbenial lightibut heretofore; although m re than ono hunclibl.lhoifida4'itSflars hate' been evendell in Ilnaton in itteitipti 'M1;46111'00 a Lamp in i ti w ch Whom this oil; Soy hate all, from some canoe or thee, /nail!, and' t has remained,' as 'was Yenwarked b the BoatoMOOttnal, for' A:Et:Knapp, •ft;einheanti%• :In iraimple and. philosopltioaLprinclples, amity andel'. I to bring forward ifLatap treaty ottlapHd, to bun. - in this. Negri 011 in all styles of. Lampe, and for the ' • co mon nee of pawns synrywhere, at a mere nominal, tyao that tue oilman afford to 40 Withont it. Betide' ..th above, thieLamp give. se 'cleat, eaff,'l4l4 Cloddy a •I' t that personswith.witakeyeattd fienlore clifflonity kilts evening than in the daplinintking. it loss seta olormgmen haVe remarked, the "attgenVefriandin *well mi the , machaitiOs and iteainattabra .indispenase ble companion- • .., --, ,--••., - • - , . • • PENNSELYLNIA COUNTRY IifERIMANTA - I, find it to their interest to fall at tlit -Agency, and erm becominging - thin !nay, wonderful' Lamp. -County Sights the sale of theiteLstaps in the State Pennaylvanis Idl , t be sold on terms so favorable that those becoming interested cannot fall 'to realize isrgeproiltd from the buldnasa. Agency, , 202' , 011ESTNUT' Str4t, slitive Beton& , - , • ' se 22414werw21* lIBL IC IiAMP S.—THE PUBLIC IS' I respectfully Informed that Offices have been opened' by the histriet Superintendents of Publid Lighting', at w lob calm:fa are requested to give Information respect accidents which may hippento the Public Lampe; or of ny failure in lighting or'extinguiehing thbni at the coroner time; or If not properly cleaneetratel to good lighting condition. The Booki' will be kept by Joseph' ,ItallyeNo. 612 QUEllollstreet, Third Ward; 'Charlie Oprty, Nd. 16 South - Seventh etreet, Ninth Ward; Kfrk, No. 1425 Hutchinson' street, Twentieth Wink M. WI Denbo:nig, No, 2231 Coates greet, Fifteenth, Ward' Thai Y. Dotal, Owl Office, Twenty-FM:rill WardatFest ,Shiladelphie; IP/hidden, Ocui Office,'"FtrantY• $e . and 'Ward; (Gerrnsototroa , Wm: , Office Twenty-third Weld (I,llLUitrOrd,Y ;:9 0 011100 in Seventh Meet, below Market.- By 'order °VIDA' Trneteen Of the Philadelphia' Ose W. eke. A. 7. HMV, 1.6 w, - - Superintendent of Distribution. ' r pEcUCEMENTS TO , M CASK BUYERS YNDALS ec'ITCUSLI., • I.lo.ollltas OF ' 011TGA, GLASS, AND OHMS!' WASES, • are now idling their ,NNW AND NLLOAIr'ItALL LMPpETATIONs,, at 1 OM W L T BgEVIND fc 11 ! 1 1,! • • Milli LLANDBOMG ILLSGOIIIV;;TO TV4E PAL , ' GAUL: . ref OGIES'ENVa SLIL*L'T, ASO? B i II , UNTB. 14/ $ 5 • 0.32,5.2*-fixix. • IT • MA. ME W FALL CLOAKE3. I 4IthrOafiTCV lit 1. 1 1 the Paris ariantttla'aigt tgatiortg;to .- 101,ell' the attentioit'.sr =Ladies and strangers visiting Mk civ, "B:resPessun.Y Invited, ozo. lIIIEIT7 'Es _ 77,011 - 04eittlietetzeet; pFALLOtO.AIte; itiWltaiesaleA4itiretutett wil t tad the ,largeet ate* of Slew (Nodal lh the greatest ta• Wig of materiels and ptlaea r at the'Pette ahem* And Olosk $m 5, rPtieei low, and terms 01.0:-BiLl'Itt'k 00., ;708 Chestnut street._ PIRITS, TITRPENTILIVE,2OO bble Spirits ~Torpootioo, to arrive,' tot tale by .• , • .. 4 , MARTIN k MACAU:MB" and • •-• • • USlotth‘Wstor Street. ARD 'l3- 10 9. 04 14041'.41, 49. t.T 1 0148#. • ~,4 , , iii.oPxtfiflsrei g rio i t i iii k ,, e 'e : KO 100, SU 614 2116)TkOvnlitWit' Sire 11:Ipof cafes SALAMANDER SAFES. ''''' A large asoortment of &VANS & WATSON , S HIL, D PHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SUN, VAULT DOORS, Yor Hanks and Storm BANK LOONS, Soil* to any now In ttse. ,IRON DOORS, SIIUTTRRB, On mi good terms la any other establishment In the unitaa States, by EVANS k WATSON, No. 28 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. 5u13.0 PLIRABIEGIVE US A CALL, C°4l'.—The very best , assortment of LE- Mall and BOIitIYLRILL GOAL on hand, in BROAD Street ; second yard above Vine street. eeld•lm HOWELL DORMAN. 240 LBS. :IS ,A and conceivers aro Invited to examine our stock of "LEHICU LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK IIPATH COAL " Our Coal is selected expressly for faintly use; being carefully acreened, we will warrant It free from elate and dust.' "We WI 2.240 lbs.," being "2fo lba. more" than sold by retail deiders, at "2t cents lees per tom' , 'A./ so. on band a full supply of " BROAD TOP SITU. IiMNOCiS COAL.' for Steam-generating, Blackumithing, and Rolling-mill' purposes. This Coal cannot be ex celled. drards, BROAD and VINE—Vg Sign, ,4 2240 LBS. IS A•TON. (eeB.3ln) MORTON & 00 C()ALI COAL I COAL I—TAGGART's V CELEBRATED RIMING MOUNTAIN LERIOII ODAI. J. do R. CARTER'BOREENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL DEORGE W. ornenswg PINE FOREST BOIMPL KILL 00A.L. RANDALL , MEREDITH ;Hare for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There is no Coal mined anywhere, equal is quality 'these, and a trial will convince any one of their great auperlority. Our Coal le very carefully screened at our 'elle, end we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust and all impurities. Onr-TRIOES areas LOW 'lathe VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Odle.; No. -16 l /MONT 'treat, above Walnut. I niers left at'our Yard, 13.4.LLOWHILL strati+, bolo% OAD street. Orders left at onr,Wharr, WATER street, shore OAL LOWMIL—or sent to either place per Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. purchasers for Ilandly use nal do well to WI and ex amine oar Dool before prattling eliewtora. au.44( Bum MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct from the Company's Mines, and the only authorized agents, by retail, south of Kensington. Also Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. „ T. TREADWAY, Stransonstreet, nu 20.2 m 1 , let Wharf above Washington, Southwar k gOHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.- 7 I 'daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o. Itrun r, sm AND LNEDOU COAL. My customers, d all others wise may favor me with their orders, may rely ongetting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. o/17 a ' t NoLOW Werior Coal kept at this establishment to ffer PRIOII3. dIERANDBIt CONVERT, N. B. corner of Broad and Cherry etc CHITYLKILL COAL.— ILA DALY, PORTER & 00., GOAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep content ly on hitud, at the very lowest rates, a lull supply of Lehigh mid Schuylkill Coal. an 1.6 m . : UMBER AND GOAL.—MONTGOMEFY NEALL haring connected the Ooal with the Lumber businees, inform their friends that they have made contracts for a supply of the best qualities of Lehigh abd Schuylkill OW, and are now ready to re'- arrive orders, Twelfth end' Prime streets. Orders may be left with Mr. S. KILPATRICK, No. 18 8. EIPTII street, or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINE and WATER streets. anlB-8m InanOits 9ttabetnits. AND KISS ,DURANG'S DANCING ACADEMY, cor. of 011ESTNIIT and TWELFTH, I open OCTOBER 21st. sep2s. four-2w* 'OM HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA,— , TEMBER 8, 1867. dlowtng Adescribed lINOLAIMED and TOR ITERCIDAIDISE will be sold at public sale, at lAISER'S STORES, northeast corner of Pront and Streets, on FRIDAY MORNING, October n O'clock. ' By order of J. B. BARER, Collector. - SHAW & BAILEY, Auctioneers. OUST' 'Le' SEP' The to PELTED the APP and Um , 9, MT, a .4= a 3 - a ~, -.-- an . - !..0 - P.g.la TA7,*d' .„;',436002 As Od A4 4v.ff=l,llo.o.lll.. figgiNglta:tiat'd4.9.7.44a 0p0,mXA44.110ZZmm,717... . •• • - ;Ali3,lllls4igitAlLlAL. i tt ' tt . a.: '.: t•' t taw —73 ap~k e Eil 113 : : Aihtt" :'s7' ailli i ...D u: -u 4 A ....,. : , 20800 e -P'N....l26ttliA U.ssqllsoi. l gEpEs i A , 5044,Aga1",,4;11 . 010 m .. 4 ........, e 11. 1 0.4 11 .4 s4,4gaggatg..WA.6gg. ,r, : —; : ; i" - • • •11 i i 41 g, S ' . t , ;.,:ii..1 ;: ts it: v 17.1§14I 7.1§14j 2 li 14 il o v or. w; t 5 bo,, m .9c...g .4 4.... 4 N'll. Vs 5.0!. s ltnBO u iMA ii Nit 1gq"17,15104 1 '5.0i1fe. 3 1."..*itAalass chada!agigS. 522.5 5521 ........,,..lel ~-01.5.4.-,0.,-1,-,,i .. "• . )a Al ... .0 4 . 4 I 4 1 :: il et, 2 d .-; °I .., .., ..., e . 6 4 Al ~, '-' '''' c. 3 r ' '... i'g .. 11 o " R •i ' S r: X: , , 2 .... P. C) r,-1 4 2 ',4,03 t o ~. "74 4 ~'4 .• f a 0 4 p,,, gg 'g a gi, % 7. 1 3 , 4,, 210.3 k ^ l. ga f, i.,,v ; 4 '9 tt _Q,I4 b6Z1,3 .. 2^ ° 'g 04 viam...- t? Pi'. g1. 9 4g c if-22 d'A sg. --g3 ;PA I .4 , ,i•Ai.4 aix , i ` ) .„•64 mi.;;;9 ; 1 ,gE-.. oci m ;.. a4,i 6 5,,x , .cl 4 AtA MORN a , -.00 , -1 , o ogA g 6 •d, • :11 0 4 N R " m a kkw, ... m , .s.s polet end‘ol 11"zo 4P.tc...tg4 [W. B.,Koons 11.)iil OAANW OMOCEOO : : d : : S y i 124 td , " 11 M A gt . . 84, V . O : 1 , 4 P :1 § 4046 ,:a e 8:14 I E io4A. axa gm Sao d to td,d 1-A44';34',%Malili A'' • :1) . • e , E 2 Al 124.2 A gig. 2 .02-sav 8 . 0 01' 4 23's S Net t" - 4 46114 . • ^—gl ii 01 - 1 S * . hO9 L ' A i t , * ... a o 11,CA t . t Oatalogtles will be toady three days previous to the de i et 2414, and the goods will be open for examination witty on the morning of that day. ee9 wfm toc9 VdiTiii):TFNIXAtCi Digil34•4 ITOBY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT dTREET, alms TENTH, is now open for the Sae of every des iription of Carriages, combining Style, Durability and ,Elegance of Finish, from the Manufactory at the corner of Sixth end Master streets, to which the attention of Citizens end Boutttern and Western gentlemen is res . 'tinily called. B.—Especial attention given to Carriages for ro ta re in the shops connected with the Repository. Eu t nee on Oheatnut Street. ealst•mwr Sw E. 80. tiQBELL'S , • , , t • CITY' MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL FACTORY. i MARBLE HALL, S.I.E. CORNER OP TENTH, Asp VINE STREETS, i• , PHILADELPHIA., Where eVery Misty of MARBLE MANTELS, TOMBS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and YLOQIIINO, can be as plied upon reeeounble terms. ' au24-turam NORTR PRNITSYGVANIA RAILROAD. 11 ORANGE OF HOURS. On and after, Monday, October 6,1857, the trains on into void will leave as folloWe; • , For 'Bethlehem, Entail ' Allentown ) Mauch Clunk, Ail., (Eapreead at 8 A. hf,and 2 18 P, M. c; poylestown i (Accommodation,) at 6 F. M. • • or testriedd,' do.„ at 9A. M. usTtnuairta— ,, .3ave 'Bethlehem, (txpress,) at 916 A. M. and 2.45 PSI. Me DOJieptOWU, (Accomm odation, ) at 8 16 A. Ig!. ' ' 3 'tli t afeid, ' , at bP. ni. . teconini tt a trains run daily , other trains daily, a ndays elcepted: ' ELLIB OLARR, .1 tl,4tt - Agent. MARG lANT'a , ORYEITALOGBAiIIS, ri - OR,FOTQQRAPANNINIATIMES IN OIL, , ''', 11; aerate!' BIONTII and LOCUST. , • The a ova idthitrib diffettlisinfinlly from anything eiter before offered to the public. Their softnevi and truth - of aolorlita outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessitl , , the treatist aellty of resembisnO Nutters i Xlirile Oa glgtenty of the or' ,,, 11 al to which ‘ . im Mee exposed in manipulation equally i the lineation of 'their ptr*anence . ' These facts u able the subecriber to' offer Went; With the greatest ' Ideation end confidence, to the phblie and to his , They are secured by letters patent to, and can be had giKTLY ofr Id , p,mitnogektir, . , ,_.. , Igirr - Portraiti of the cabinet, and life else on (marts ailinetofort ile 18.80. plit§§.—iltntAtogthitt, OCTOBEI 2, 1851. LOOAL FREIGHT N 0 T I 0 B- - T 11 i PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive and forward FREIGHT between Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Columbia, at the following rabies per hundred pounds : BETWEEN PIIILA. AND COLUMBIA. First Clam Second Class. Third Class. /fourth Clan. 22 eta, 18 eta. la eta. 14 ate. Flour, 18 etc per barrel. Pig metal, 10 ete. per 100 pounds. BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. First Claes, Second Olus. Third Class. Fourth Masa. 20 eta. 17 eta. 15 ate. 11 eta. Flour, 28 eta. per barrel, Pig Metal, 10 eta. per 100 ;bounds. ARTICLES OF FIRST CLASS. Book'', Fresh Pleb, Boole and Shoes, Nuts in Sage, Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter and Ale in bottled, Dry Goods, Poultry in coops, Eggs. Pork, (fresh,) Furniture, Poultry, (dressed,) Weather'', Wrapping Paper. ARTICLES OF 2n MASS. Apples, Molasses, Cheese, Melons, (Rover and Grace Seed, 011 s iu realm or barrels, Crockery, Paper in lams, Candles, Pasteboard, Ceske or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried,) Otoceriee, Printing Paper, Curie and Rides, Paper Hangings, Herring in boxes and kegs, Queeneware, Hardware, Sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco la bake, Iron, hoop, baud, or aheet, Tea, Leather, Type, Liquor In wood, Tallow, Marble Ohba and Marble Turpentine, (apts.!) Monuments, Varnish. ARTNLES OW lID CLASS. Aloohol, Potatoes, Coffee, Turnips, Hides, (green,) Vinegar, Lard, White Lead, Oaten & Clams (in shell) Window Glass, Tobacco, (manufactured,) ARTICLES OP ern CLASS. Rosin, Salt, Tobacco, (leaf,) Tin, Tar, Wiskey, D. For further information apply to ' E. J. BREEDER, Freight Agent, Phila. E. K. BOHM Freight Agent, Columbia. anlB] W. 11. MYERS, Freight Agent, Lancaster. Codfish, Cotton, TM, stilted, Wain of all kinds, Halls and Spikes, Pitch, Plaster. fIHOICE FARM LANDS FOR SALE.— vv MR 2LLINOII3O.ENVIAL RAlUlo.4lioOfilibtfrir to cow prepared to sell about 1,600,000 acres of skate Pinning lands, in tracts or 40 sores and upwards, on long credits. and at low rates of interest. Thera lands were granted by the Goventment to aid , to the construction of this Road, and are among the richest and most fertile in the world. They extend from North-East and North-West, through the middle of. the State, to the extreme Smith, and include every variety of climate and productions found between thee. perallele of latitude. The Northern portion is chiefly prairie, interspersed with fine groves and. In the middle ar r Southern sections timber predominates, alternating w th beautiful prairies and openings he climate Is more healthy, snild and equable, than any other part of the 'gauntry—the air is pure and bra cing, while living streams and springs of excellent weter abound. lituniinotut Coal is extensively mined, and supplies a cheap and desirable fuel, being furnished at many points at 82 to St per ton—and wood can be had at the same rate per cord. _Building Stone of excellent quality also aboundr, which can be procured for little more than the expense of transportation. the great fertility of these lands, which ere a black WI mould, from two to fire feet deep, and gently roll ing; their contiguity to this road, by which every Mei lily is furnished for travel and transportation to the principal markets North, south, East, West, and the economy with which they GM be cultivated, render tlrm the most valuable investment that can be found, d present the most favorable opportunity for person' e industrious habits and smell means to acquire a cum• fottable independence in a few yearn. Obleago is now the greatest grain market lathe world; arid the facility and economy with which the products Of; these lands can be transported to that market, make them much more profitable, at the prices asked, than those more remote at government rates, as the addl tiSnal coat of transportation is a perpetual tax on the latter, which roust be borne by the producer, in the re diced price he receives for his grain, .to. The title is perfect—and when the final payments are tritie, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed*, the State', end in whom the title is vested to the tier Omen', which convey to them absolute thiamin fee sim ple, free and clear of ewery lncnmbreaee, lien or mart he prices are from 10 to SAO: Interest only 8 per et. TWenty per ct. will be deducted from the price for cash. Those who purchase en bag credit, give notes payable MI two, three, tone, five and six yeere aftsedate, lodate required to improve one-tenth annually for five yearn, saes to have one-half the land under cultivation at the 11 of that time. ompetent surveyors will accompany those who wish to.examlne these Lands, free of charge, and aid them In making selections. The Lends remaining unsold areas ride and valuable ae those which have been dlspoied of. SECTIONAL MAYS Will be sent to any one who will enclose fifty cents In pokage stamps, and books or pamphlets containing no manna instances of euecessful farming, signed by re epbcteble and well known farmers living in the neigh borhood or the Railroad Lands, throughout the State— also the cod of fencing, price of cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, eto.,--ur any other Information— will be cheerfully given On application either personally orl by letter, In English, Wrench, or Herman, addressed ton JOHN WILSON. nad Ocenmisoloner of the Illinois Central It. H. Co Office in ll'lmola Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, ti eat fIObitSTEAD FOR $2,001 LAND DIS TRIDUTION ! ! CHANCE FOR POOR MEDI! The Northwestern Mutual Land Benefit Association will make a grand distribution of '530,000 worth of real estate and maps to Its member,. The number of mem. bets is limited to 16,000. $2,00 and dye letter stempe pa memberehlp, or a share. Any Individual sending $1 and the stamps, shall be entitled to six shares; or .n person sending $lO with sin names, with t headdress aach, carefully written, shall be ent itled testa shares. te distribution will be made in Chicago, Sept. 26th, . . . . . .. .. an Of f 141 The following is the real estate to be distributed : Nd. 1. An improved farm of 80 acres in Cooke Po:, !Nino'', slued at $3,000 Nq. 2. An improved faun of 100 aeres in White aides Co., Illinois, valued at 3. An Improved farm of 100 acres in White ides Co., Illinota, valued at N ,4. Anexcellentprlvatereildense InDubuque, lowa l valued at 3,000 No. 6. /BO acres superior farm land in Coots Co., Illinois, valued at 2,000 ....01, value.... 8... 160 acres well pine timbered In %tiptoes i. )., Wisconsin, valued at 2,000 7. A good lot and cottage residence in Ohl. qsgo, 'Moots, valued at 2,000 2. 8. 160 acres superior hind in Whltesides 00., Illinois, valued at 1.000 .6. 9. 160 acres good laud in Ohippessay Co., Wisconsin, valued at 060 40 10. 160 acres good land in Ohlppeway 00., Wisconsin, valued at 900 No. 11. 160 acres good land in Ohlppewap 00., Wisconsin, valued at 800 No. 12, 160 acres good land in Dunn Co., Wit. cionsin, valued at 800 No. 13. 80 acres good laud in Marshall Oo , lowa, valued at 600 No. 14. 80 acres good land in Marshall Oo , lowa, valued at 600 No., /6. 80 auras goed lanai's Marshall Co., lowa, valued at 600 No e 10. 40 acres good land In Marshall 00., lowa, valued at 800 No. 17. 40 acres good laud in Linn 00., lowa, vei ned at _ _ 800 Mt H. 40 am good laud in Lau 00., lowa, vii dad at Nd.l4. 4.0 sores pod laud in Lim 00., lowa, yid- Wed at Nd. 20. One building lot in Dubuque, lowa, 'al ed at N.. 21. One building lot in Sterling, Illinois, Valuod at 800 Nd. O. One building lot in Sterling, Illinois, Valued at 800 NO. 23. One building lot in Sterling, 'Ginnie, Valued at 800 No. 24. 40 acres farm land in Grant Co., Macon valued at Na. 26. 40 scree farm land In Grant Co., Wiscon sin, valued at 800 No. 20. 40 acres land In Grant Co , Wisconsin, Valued at 240 No,. 27. 40 acres land Grant On., Wisconsin, valued at 260 No. 28. 40 acres land in Crawford Co,, Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 29. 40 acres land in Crawford On., Wisconsin, valued at 160 Nd,. 80. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, . valued at 200 No 81. 40 acres land in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 NO. 82. 40 acres land in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, Valued at 200, NO. 83. 40 loran land in Jackson Go., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 54. 40 acres land in Jackson Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No,. 86. 40 sores land in Bad Aso Co., Wlsconain, valued at - 100 Na. 86. 40 acme land In Bad Axe 00,, Wisconsin, Valued at 160 Na. 87. 40 acres land 10 Bid Asa Co,, Wisconsin, jalned at ' 100 No. 88, One lot in Dalton, Illlnole, yalited at 180 No. 39. One tot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 lid. 40. One lot in Tolton, Illinois, valued at . 100 r tt edistribution will be condinted fairly 'and haunt. ab . The names and address of stockholders shall be w en on as many cards as they bah shares, an! the whole placed' in a box, and the first riarnetiken . on shall besil litled to the improved farm Ne.l; lb *be ab ve list, and the next taken out will he'entittadte Nd. 2, and so on until the 40 lament . rod Leetatd ars all diqtributed • Then to each of the 'rernalning_l4,9eo str A. boldere will be lent a cheap map 'of a Weeterte to or Territory. toll account of the distowtioa wi be forwarded In a printed circular, to each insititiet of ;the Annotation, with the .unman and iiddrave of Ouch, asmay,receive the real eatate,,to, whom also the dtutde. wilt be ',tent arid iMmediate ptutiviadou given. Sitellega , plication must be accompanied with 52.00 and Ste lett& s , 'pa. Addroas LINDELL, JONITI & , n-111 Chicago, ORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GA OONBIIMINQ WIIIINAOR: pHILSONV NEW CONE FURArAcR, • actor having been put to the meet Severe test, during tha two COLD WIIITABO OP 1868 an 1867, has proved to be the 'most Powerful teeter in the World, saving from to X the fuel over any ot the best furnace. now in use. TUBB VDMIAO/11140 conetractea With a east iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow, pan-shaped Ore pot, Itued with tre•brick or Iron staves. The Ore pot is ausmount , ed with A. SERIES OP CONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small epee tures at the top, and uniting with the angler chamber, through which the heat anti smoke pain to the flue. Tug wnot.g products of combustion in the form of smoke and OADDS, are suspended directly over the Are, osmium or compressed into the tapering Coxes and CONTINUALLY EXPOSED TO the direct notion of the Says 'of heat and light from the fire. Thin heat and light is brought to a POOVII In ilea Coss, not unlike the COLLECTION OP TUE SUN'S DATE, to 'focal point through an ordinary lime, causing the menu AND oases to become intensely betted co4tho. roughly 001181111110, by this operation the smock AND oases are MIDI EqUALLY AVIALADLII with the shin ITNIILIT for heating purpones, while, in other furnaces, it ISCIARNIXOIIO/1 , .0110 WASTRO IX RIM 0111101SY. MI persons desirous of obtaining the best and , MOST ECONOMICAL MATING, APPARATUS, should not fail to examine the New Gas 001181011110 Coca Wlllllll.Ol, before purchasing any other. The at tention of archlteete and ,builders is particularly re quested, . ARNOLD dr. WILSON, (Summon to B. A. sanioco No. 524 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Square. PHILADELPHIA TYPE ' FOUNDRY— N. W. Oor. THIRD and CHUMP" Ste. ' L. • PHLOEM*: & lON, thankful for' the liberal pa tronage heratoforo warded...to thew ratablid vent , and desirous to merit its costinuance, r would sunquilee to Printers and Publithera that thei now SPEOIMAN' HOOK is now ready, sod from their lammed hidi tics, sre now prepared to furnish erery thing mouth in a complete Printing Ratebitehment,„at the shorn t cm. tiCe. Their long practical experience, in the bus nese, and the fact or their personal auperintendeuce of the manuficturlngdepartment, Juatihea, them to ue,rtleg that they OM furnish a more durable tuid, better -Oa. lobed article than their cotemporariee. Thew, therefore, who desire Pridting Matyflfilli would do well to apply to them preriOue to puropaing elsewhere. . Old type taken at 9 cent' per pound, :in exchange tor pew at specimen prices. aul-tf - LILOPRITIO 'BOAREd-28,580 feet Pao tine ti m ing hatigti s meos,t toi,oge by MARTIN & mApAlysTmitt eel 110 North 'prom Roost. IPP OSIN.-4500BARRELS OARRAIURS' Akio ROBIN, to arrive per IsFlioooor A. Rimer. /or ky, MARTIN ramaciainTXß, jam} 130 North, Water street. idiieccltaneouo Jnottrance eroinpanies FIRM INSURANCE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CASII, AND 81COURELY INVESTED, OFFION, N. W. CORNER OF SIXTH AND WOOD STS. SPRING GARDENS. QUARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John 11. Dohnort, Henry M. Phillips, David Woelpper, Lewis Shinnack, Benjamin Davie, John Landoll, John Evans, Jr Charles Vold, Auloy M Park, William E. Wood, Jetties Durant!, John B. Stevenson, Jacob A. Mintzer, Ourain Stoddard, Mousy Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, OaOrge K JOIN H. DOIitERT, President. L. KRI3IIIIIAAR, Secretary. sept .21-1 y NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- (Wm 414 WALNUT St., Erunklin Buildings. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE, CAPITAL 5100,000, VTR Pity MEC E to INCREASE TO 600,000. This Oomfutny Is now fully organ aml, and prepared to make all Mode of Insurance agaluot loss or Minago by Fire and Marble Perils, at moment rates. OFFIOEIIB. H 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RIOHARD SHIELDS, Vice President. OEO. SCOTT, Secretary, DIRECTORS. H. 0. Laughlin, I Gporge Master, D. Sherwood, W. 0. Btotesburr, Wm. Osborne, R. H. Carina, Richard Shields, O. O. Sutler, T. P. Showell, Geo. Scott [aul9-y HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANOR COMPANY OP PUILADELPIIIA. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 9.1 WALNUT STREET. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 8000 2 000. • (PULL AMOUNT BUBBORIBIED.) Invested as follows : First Bonds and Mortgages on Property to the City of Philadelphia $136,000 Stocks worth par 2n,1• Cash on hand 61,190 Amount secured by Stock notes 100,000 Amount of Stook due on call 1,710 1000,000 This Company effects insurances on Buildings, Her eltandise, It'grtuture; Lumber, &o.• on Veasels, Cargo, and PreightTto all ports, and by Railroad, Lakes, and Rivera, at the Marton rates, and upon the most liberal terms, guarantying Prompt Payment ou the adjustment of louse. 117•Perpatual Inenrance made upon the usual term. DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, I ' Wm. P. Leech, 0. E. Spangler, R. T. Kenna, Ahem. Rex. 11. 11. Houston, - Win. 11. Woods, Joe. II Withers, George Howell, Abr'm. P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Refund, 0. O. Sower, Charles P. Norton, John W. Sexton, John H. Lewara, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan R. Potts, 11. N. Barrouglia, PERCIVAL M. OPTS, President, 0. B. SPANGLER, Vice Pres't., W. 11. WOODS, Sec., AuglS-]y gl. T. RENSIL, Veasurer. T"QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 408 (late 92) WALNUT St. Capital and Surplus, 1250,000. This Company continues to make Insurance against lose or damage by Fire and the Perlis of the See, Inland Navigation and Trunsportatlon at current rates. OFFICEAS. President—GEO. 11. HART Vice President—E. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—M. R. COOOBRALL Aasietant Secretary—S. IL BUTLER. ECTORS. George R. Hart, R. P. Rose , p 0. Oman, Joseph Edwards, John G. Dale, Ron. Henry 11. Fuller, Poster H. Perkins, John H. Chambers, 88 8-17 kl W. Bsiley, Charles O. Dnisy, Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., J. L. PomercT, Andrew R. Ohamber, it Coggehall, i3amnel Jones, M. D., A P. Ohembrongti. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN BITRANON COMPANY, incorporated by the State olPerirusylvania in 1848 are now established in their NEW OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to make ALL RINDS OF INSURANCE, from LOSS BY EIRE, on property of every description, in Town or Country, including PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIE S MANDTAOTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, &c. Also, MERCHANDIZE of all kinds ,• STOOKS OP 000D8, Stocks of COUNTRY STORES, Goode on STORAGE or in BOND, STOOKS and TOOLS of AR TIFICERS and MECHANICS; FURNITURE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, too., 0.,c., too., at moderate rates of premium, and for any period of time. This Company refer to their past career as an ample guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES. There are at this time no unsettled claims against them. ROBERT P. RING, Pres't. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Prea't. ?IIJJIOIB BLAOCSURNii, 880 J, ant-Sin 'LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of TIMID and DOCK Streets. Capital, 801 . 2,724 03. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of Ilfe—grauts annuities and endowments—pur chases life ou interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trhatees and Guardians. MONNY REORIVRD ON DRPOSIT In any amount— Pito Per Cent. Interact allowed from dato of deposit, payable back on demand without notice. ,ABSRTB OP 'MR COMPANY, January let, 1867. Loons of the State of Pennsylvania, Phila. dillphla City, Pena'a Railroad, Camden tad Amboy Railroad, and other Lome $179,886 88 binds, Mortgages and Real Rotate.. 117,137 19 Racks in Ranks, Insurance, Gas and Rail toad Companies Pramlum Notes and Loa' on Collateral. Osak in Bank, due from Agents, Inter est, /to 38,780 47 a,rsateo Capital, BabSetiption Notes 100,1V0 00 $111,325 05 DANIEL L. MILLED, President. SAMUEL E. STOKED, Vice Preeit. oar W. Haddad. Secretary. ant-1f , ROTIO FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, NNW YAM-003m No 29 Wall etreet, ad jot • lag the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital, $260 000, w h a surplus. This Company insure Buildlugs, tier. &Sadly), Furniture, Vessels la port and their Cargoes, and other property', against Loas or Damage by Fire aue Woks of laland Navigatioo. DissoTorts. lieury Mann( ...only ...__......a11, 4oelma L. Pope, Caleb Benito', Rufus R. (trove; Henry 0. Drawer, Henry Davie, Edmund Penfold; O. U. Lilienthal, Hinson K. Cornlug, Theo. Pothemes, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Engl.& E. W Horgan, Thomas oman, Mull. R. Van Nest, Tau H. Bark, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. Nahum, Charles Euton, Jamas W. Phillips, Lotiis Lorut, Charles A. Maey, Saauel G. Glidden, Edward Ilineken, Staph. Camhreleng, Wm. E. Shepard; Ti:mu Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lotbrop L. Sturges, Rehr,' K. Bogert, William R. Foadiek, Peer Edee, Emery Thayer, Se Jamin U. Field, Geo. Weetfeldt, A. a Frothdrigham Salmon Taylor, Thee. F. Vounge, Henry E Blossom. i Samuel L. Mitchell, 1 Secretary. WARD, President. RICHARD A. 01KLBT, au 10-1 y fti A eOl t irM T — U Cl i t i a E rt ß er 'S' Pe l rp N etu S al ij . INSURANCE the fState of Penns ]vents . Capital, $600,000, Fire, Marano, and Inland Transportation. 1311111610118. ,Aaron S. Lippincott, Charles WIN, Wm. A. Blau Alfred Week!), Charles J. Field, Jimes P. Smyth, WO3. B. 'Phoinaa, J. Rinaldo Sank, 19112' Neal, John I' Simons, AARON O. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. MORES, Vice President. ALFRED WHIMS, Secretary. J. W. AIARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company was organized with a cash capital, and this Director& have determined to adapt the business to Re available resources—to observe prudence in conduct in fits akin, with a prompt adjustment of lessee. ince No. IS Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. ItEROANTILE MUTUAL INSU RANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPIIIA.---oMce No. 222 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINE RISKS on Vessels Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Railroads, Canals, lioata, and other carriages. ALL THE PROWITS Melded annually among the As anted, an ample security in cases of lots. DIUBOTORS, Edward Harris Mlles, Thomas T. Butcher, John M. Odenheimer, Algernon E. Aehbiuner Mahlon Williamson, Alfred Vassal, Samuel J. Sharplea, Thomas B. Foster, Imo 7eence, Gustavus English, Henry Precut, James H. Stroup, Edward G. James, Alfred Blade, William L. Springs, A (I, Oattell, Franklin 0. Jones, °Mules B. Gerstein, Daniel Haddock, Jr, Samuel Robinson, William Taylor, John 0. Keifer, James' Murphy, John P. Steiner, Wm. F. Smith, Henry Grambo, 4.. J: Antelo, Wm. J Outer, Samuel L. reutcborg. EDWARD HARMS MILES, President. ALFRED FAMITT, Vice President. jun 0. HEMS, Secretary. anl.ll eIHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INBUBAI4Og 0011PANY or UARTFOItD; CONN, Caeh Capital 5400,000. Lows in Philadelplais and vicinity ailjnated at the Plecia4elpia Office. !4.1.0..,,„ refer to ( D. . Itravnt 1 On., Phila. Hon. loot Jonos, Phila. Okoffoes,Btout hr. 00., '' ion. Rufus Ohoato, Boston flanker; Les I Co., " Hon . T. S. Williams, Ilart , d We have facilities for p acing any amount of Irian. lance in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGrNCY, No. 415 told No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. TROMPBON 1. ROOD, 'ul-8m Agents. COALMONWEALTn FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OW TUE t3TATI, OP PENNSYLVA NIA--Oftice N. W. Corner FOURTH. wad WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia Subscribed Capital, SMIO,OOO. Paid-up Capital. $200.060. DAVID JAYNE, U. D. PraVdont. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Pree't. 11•110111,8. Mardi, Secretary, , aul-ly %IDE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by He own LI MES, or in connection 'Oh other }EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of Inn United Slates E. S. HANDFORD, Geueral BuperioUndent ITOLMES'SELF-RIGHTING SURF AND LIFE BOAT —The undernigned are note agents for the ride of HOLMES' BELF•RIfIITINO BURP AND LI'E BOAT. Patent right for Staten or cities or bugle ready for ate, can be obtained by applying to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO., 90 North wharves, O MORE PILES—NO MORE PILES. Igt. CHARLES KULLNITZ, from Paris and Lon don, le in possession of a remedy which will cure radi cally this painful disease, however protracted and oh athlete it may . be, The Brat prescription arrests all pain ae if by magic, and three days , treatment effects a corn. pieta cure. No charge will be made if the remedy falls. All diseases cured. Lie Is also the inventor of a liquid for nourishing the growth of the hair, and removing baldness.the eillciicy of which he fully guaranties. pawls Hishalatt cured of piles. Apply et' 1r2.3 WOW street, near the Unitarian Church. CHEAP SUMMER ra.EL.—GAS COKE, IL/ of excellent quality,,is sold at the PHILADELPHIA GAB WORKS for the reduced price of flee cents a bushel, and may be obtsined in /urge or smell quantity by app! plying at the U .Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To Purohnnorl by Wholnnate, It le sold at the Works In Vest :Ward, by the ton, s Flee squlvslent to An thrselts, ts 2 60 nor, ton. (gigued,) , , 7, 0. ORESSON, Engineer , 4AS Woasa, Aux, 26. 147. 5u27.11' ABEAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking And . kinlboaced Printing, Envelope and Heal Prams Manufactory, 37 Strawberry Street, Wawa Second and Third, and,Mariret and ineetnut Street, Philadelphia, Pe. aul2-ly COTTON-100 bales Gulf Cotton, in store Vv and for aids by MARTIN & meminern, ' 110 North Wats.. Ntroot 00 TON-200 bales good Middling to Mid- V Mg PLir 00tton,_in store knd for sale by ec' bIikOdLIEITER, and 1 North Wider ellrot. Savings .rinds SAVINCr FUND-FIVE PER CENT. L,IN TEREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY.—WALNUT STREET SOUTH - WEST CORNER ON THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. INcouronsvan BY TON BUTS OP PZIMYLYANII. Money is received in any sum, large or small, and in terest paid trans the day of deposit to the day,of with &ravel. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT BELWRIDOE, floe President. MC J. REND ; Seoretary. In9z0T0118: Ilon. Henry L. Benner, O. Landreth Mauna, Edward L. Carter, Y. Carroll Brewster, Robert Mt rld go, Joeeph B. Barry, Bawl. K. Aehton, Henry L. Oburchman, James B. Smith, Wrench/ Lee. • • • Thin Company confine' its business entirely to the receiving of money on interest. The investments, amounting to over ONE MILLION AND A RALE Op DOLLARS, are wade in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, OROUND RENTS, and such first class securities as will always in sure perfect security to the depositors, and which can not fail to give permanency and stability to this Insti tution. SIX PENN Y SAVINGS FUND, Corner of VIETH and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from 9 to 3, and ou Tuesday and Friday Eseninge, until 8 o'clock. Large or small sums received, and paid with out notice, with FIVE PER CENTANTERY.ST,by check or otherwise. JOON THOMSON, Preal. 71011 FREMDSHIS TROB. T. TAMER, EDWIN M. LEWIN. BEGMBTANY AND IMIASUMIR, WM. T. ELDEST, TRUSTMM, Wm. 0. Ludwig, D. 0. Levy, Charles R. Les, A. Mickey , lsrael W. Morris, Jr., Wm. Mel, Thos Netleen, Thomas B. Reed, IL D dames Russell, Thos. P. Bparhawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter Williamson, Isaao 8. Waterman, Mules T. Yerkes. John D. Austin, John E. Addicks, Salomon Alter, M. W. Baldwin, . William Clark, Ephraim Clark, Jr., Charles 8. Carataire, Robert Clark, A. J. Drexel, Charles Dulllh, Wm. 11 Foster, Benjamin tterhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lewis Lewis, Jr., anl•Bm NO, 88 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER cm. STATE SAYINGS PIM. LAO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS MUSD.- N O. 8' (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PER. CENT. STATE SAVINGS PUNE. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS PUND. eel-IT Alatbittern anh iron. STEAM ENGINES, FROM TWO TO ONE HONORED NORSE POWER ALSO, A TOLL ABBORIIOI3I. 01 MACHINISTS' TOOLS, SLIDE LATHES. PLANING MAOICINES DRILLS, °RUCKS, MORTISING M For sale at the MACHINE DEPOT— AOIIINES, ' No. 186 NORTH THIRD STREET. 0517 lmo J. M. lIOLLINGSHEAD. HAMDSL V. MERHIOIC I. TANDHAM NEREID& WILLIAM N MIRMIOL. SOUTITWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASUINOTON BTBITB, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Preesurtriltesm Engine', for Land, River, and Marine Berlina. Dollen Gasometers , Tanks, Iron Boats, & e., Oast. Inge of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &a. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the bated and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such ae Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters Pumping Engines, ace. Bole Agents for N. Rilleetta'a Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Ross' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—ll. H. BARTOL lip ICIIARD NOR AID TIVE STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, NNVINTINNTH STREET, NAINILTON, NAIRVINW AND SPRING GARDEN STAMM, PHILADELPHIA. Engaged exclualvelttu tbo manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange meat, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Coke or Bituminous rod in its crude state, or ANTHRACITE COAL, ITITOOO7 EMITTING SERI, OAS Oil PM. In design, materiel and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works are equal to, and sot ex celled by any. The materials used in construction are made on the epot and insure the best quality and moat reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Com plete Equipment of .11Inehinery and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF IVOILK WITH (MEAT DESPATCH, OP ANT ARRANGEMENT REQUIRED. OUILLED CAB WHEW, HAIM:RIM AXLES, With Forging. of any size or form IRON AND BRASS OASTLKO, And ILICIIINX WORK generally. RICHARD NORRIS aul•ly .. 81,729 98 ... /03,602 01 PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL NR WORKS. I REANEY, NEAFIE & CO., PRAOTIOAL AND THEORETICAL SNOINREIIB, MAOIIINIATII,ROII.BR:IiIARRRS, BI AWL- MITf9 AND BOUND%S9 Having for many years been in sneceseful operation, mid been exclusively engaged in building and repairing *Urine and River Engines, high and low primer°, Iron Recta, Water Tanks, Propelled, &c., &a., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Engines of all ekes, Marine, Rivet, and Stationary. Having seta of patterns of different miles, ad prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shOrtest notice. High and Low Pressure, Fine, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, or the best Pennsylvania char coal iron. gorging* of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Braes Castings of Rai descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and speelfications for all work dens at their establishment free of charge, aid work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re paid of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and ore provided with cheers, blocks, falbi, ito , for dieing heavy or light weights. THOMAS REANEY, JACOB 0. NEAPIII, JOHN P. LEVY, and-y BRACH and PALMER Streets, Remington. H ANDY & MORRIS MANDBACTURERS OP CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES TOR OAS, STRAW 011 WATS& ALB°, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION MERCIIPS. Warehouse 8. IL corner FRONT and WALNUT. tiul.3va NINETEENTH HERM?"' I -THE GREAT REMEDY OP THE NINETEENTH ORDPPIIRY IE3 THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. • 'his is now the great standard remedy for disoases o the Blood, Stomach and Liver. It you have a Cancerous or Scrofulous erection, u once nee the Imperial Depurative, 'Fetter.—Ara you troubled with this obstinate and tin .leaant disessa ? Thus the Imperial Depwraties. Try •ut ens bottle. Have you White Swelling, Hip Dlsetuse, or Glandular Swellings? The Imperial Doper(' tire will effect hone. Try it. For Pimples, Blotches and Eruptiona of the Skin gene rally, you have a prompt and certain remedy in the Im perial Depurafive. One bottle will satisfy you of its efficacy. Use the Imperial Depura tire, if you would hare a clear, healthful, end beautiful complexion. Use the Imperial Deptrrative for a aimed elate of the Liver or Stomach. For females of a weak and debilitated habit and chat tered nerves, the Imperial Depurative is just what is required to re-invigorate the frame and rotors the ner vous system. o a healthy state. We know the full value of this great remedy, uwe are using it every day in an extensive practice, end see its great curative powers manifested in numeroue cuac. We know it has no equal in this country. The careful preparation, great purity and Strellgal of the Imperial Depurntire renders large doses or long continued use of It unnecessary. It acts directly upon the diseased part, and it is not necessary to wait months to discover the benefits to be gained. If you wish to purify and enrich the Blood, and pre vent disease, as well as cure it at this Beason of the year, use will g u aran t ee ttles of the Imperial Depurat ire, and we will its beneficial effects. Prepared by Dr. LOUNSDERIVP & CO., and for sale at the Principal Office, No. tO North Fifth street, three doors belaw Arch, where patients may consult Dr. L. daily, free of charge. The Imperial Deptirativo is the great remedy of the uleeteelsth century. eul-tf jOFELIIIBOLD'a GENUINE pREPARA iII TION, Mitred Bache, for all Diseases (Atha Bbid. _4 de Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated 0 erem. 1 ELMBOLD'o GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buchu, removes all llin symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Fewer, Lour of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Digitise, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, tiriiversal Laseitude of the Molecular System, often enor mous Appetite or Dyepeptio Symptoms, Hot Hands, Elnehings of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Eruptions on the Facia, Paine in the Back, Heaviness of the Eye Lids, frequently Black Spote eying before the Eyes, with temporary Suthation, Loss of Sight. If these eyinptons are allowed to go on, which this me dicine invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and Bpi. leptio Fite. IYOU ARE SUFFERING WITII ANY of the above distreseng ailments, use HELM. BOLD'S PUP.PAIIATIONIS. Try them, and be convinced of their efficacy, HEL3fl3OO' ,9 GENUINE PREPARA RATION, Extract Hoehn, "(live health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek !.' And are No pleasant In their taste, that patients be. come fond of them. HELMBOLD'a GENUINE' PREPARA TION, Extract Buchu—Bee overwhelming (widen-, ces which will be produced to show that they du great good to all who honor them withe trial. Evidence open for the inspection of all, LIELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA ALL VON, Extract nuchu.—Price ft per Bottle, de. Braked to any address. Depot, b 2 South TBNIII street, Assernhly Building, below OUNSTNUT street, PLitedel pLis. Address letters, II T. lIELMBOLD, 52 South TENTH street, below CIIESTNUT, Philadelphia. Bald by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. au7.3mie Moats anb shoes NO. 492, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MARKET and I IPTII Otreete fientlernen'a Beet Patent Leather Gaiter Boe do te. Oalf do, . " Patent Leather Oxford Ties. tt Oalf do, do. tt " Patent Leather and Colt Jarrow strap Shoes. Boyd and Youths' Patent Leather and Calf Sktri CI altar Boats and gam aul•tt Nor sate by 'LULL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SIi(OES. —iOsEPIII.I TIIOBIPBON te CO., No. sit MAR. A rr threat, and Noe. 8 and 6 IRANKIAN putok have new In More a large and well-alsorted stock Pr 1100T8 and 811088, of City and Sadao martnfactrge, which they offer for side on the beet terms for Oeab, or on the tumid credit. Buyers are invited to call and examine their eta*. aulAtf COAOH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of E. W lISSIXERS, N 0.109 (late IS) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut Ntrewt has become a easing or 60 per cont.' to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the conyanienea of busies their old .carriage Lanni now Silver:topped and bbitftStli NW sent by express to all parts, enla ly IS & SON, LOCOMO Alebicitteo 0310, W. TAYLOR RESOLUTION PROPOSING AIJEND MEETS TO THE 00EtTITUION OY TEE COM monirealtla, Resolved by the Senate and Haim of hfprotente, tires of Ike Ceinmeneterolta Pensisyleanio in Goo oral Alooonably ma: That the following amendments are proposed to the Ooteititutioo of the Goonuoneralth. to aceordauce With the provisions of the tenth article thereof lAtIF• 4 I There shall be an additional article to said Oonetita ion to be doeignated ae article eleven, as follows: 1.11710411X1. 01 PIJULIO DEBTS 811011014 1. The State may contract debts., to supply canal deficit or failures in revenues, or to meet expen ses not otherwise provided (or, but the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent. o heftier contracted by virtue of one or more acts of the general useably, or at different periods of tbne,shal I never ex ceed seven hundred 411,i lily thousand dollars, and the money arising trout the creation of such debts, shill be applied to the purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contrasted, and to ne other purpose whatever. Sedriew 2. In addition to the above limited power, the State may contract debts to repel invaelon, suppress Insurrection, defend the State in war, or to redeem the present outstanding indebtedueds of the State; but the money arisiug from the contracting of each debts, dual be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay ouch debts, and to no other purpose whatever. SINOTION 3. Except the debta above specified, to sec tions one and two of this article ' no debt whatever ahall be created by, or on behalf of the State StaTioN 4. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contracted as *foretold, the legislature chat!, at its Seat 0068/00, after the adop. Lion of this amendment, create a 'linking fund, which stall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on inch debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not lees than two hundred and Any thousand dol lars; which pinking fond dial/ cousist of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the State, or the proceeds of the sato of the same, or any part thereof, and of the Income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the State. together with other funds, or resources, that may be designated by law. The Raid sinking fund may be inereand, from time to time, by as. *join to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the State, not required for the ordinary and current ex- Renate of government, and nukes in case of war, loos& sion or insurrection, no part of the said staking fund ahall be used or applied otherwise than in extinguish ment of the while debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the sum of Ave minions of dollars. BariWWl 5. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any individual, company, corporation, or association ; nor sheathe Commonwealth hereafter become siohit owner, or stockholder, In any company, association, or cot potation. BsOmos 13. The Commonwealth DWI not assume the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough, or township; or of any corporation, or aser,ciation ; un leseauch debt shall bare been con tracted to enable the State to repel invulon, suppress domestic insurrection, defend itself in time of war, or to assist the State In the discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. Bsorion 7. The Legislature shall net authorize any county, city, borough, township, or incorporated that, by rattle of 6 vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, association or corporation • or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, 'restitution or party. 111100 PD AXINDICIZNT There shall be an additional article to asid eon/tins tion, to be designated as article XII., as tallow: ♦l7lOll MI. OP NEW COUNTIES. No °entity stoat be divided by a line cutting off over one•tenth of its ;population, (either to form a new county or otherwise,) without the express assent cf such county ; by is , rote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new county be established, Containing leas than fora hundred squire nines. TRIAD LIOIXD/Oirf Prom section two of the lint article of the Constitu tion strike out the worde,"of the city of Philadelphia, sad of each county respectively;" from section live, same article, strike out the words, "of Philadelphia and of the several counties• ,, from section seems, same article, etrike out the words "wilder the city of Pet ladelphia nor any," and insert in lien Thereof the word", "and co;" and strike out ttsection four, same article," arid in lien Mersa insert the following " SNOT7O2I 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and silty-tour, and in every seventh year thereat_ ,ter re presentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be apportionied and distributed equally, throughout the State, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxa ble inhabitants in the several parts thereof; except that any county containing at least three thousand five hundred taxable', may be allowed a separate represen tation; but no more than three ilounties obeli be joined, and no county "hall be divided, in the formation of district Any city containing a sufficient number of takables to entitle it to at least two repreinuitatives, shall have a separate representation assigned it, and shall be divided into convenient districts of oontlimous territory, of equal taxable population as near u may be, each of which districts shall elect one representative. , ' At the end of section seven, same article, insert these words, " the city of Philadelphia shall be dividedinto single senatorial districts, of eutignous territory as nearly squat In taxable population as possible, but no toned shall At divided an tde formation thereof. The legislature, et its ant wagon, after the adoption ofi this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia Into senatorial and representative dietrieta, in the man ner above provided ; such districts to remain unchanged until the apportionment In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. FOURTH I.IIIIINDMIWP There shall be an additional section to the first article of said Constitution, which shall be numbered end read as follows : psorwir 25. The legislature shall have the power to alter revoke, or annul, any Charter of incorporation berevifter conferred by, or under, any epeeist, or general law, whenever to their opinion it may be injurious to the citizen/ of the Commonwealth; to such manner, however, that no injustice alkali be done to the corpora tor. fissurs, March SI, 184 T. Resolved, That this resolution psis. On the first intendment, yeas 24, nays 7 ,• on the second amendment, yam 23, nays 8 ; on The third amendment, yeas 24, rays 4 ; on the fourth amendment you 20 , asp 4. tratrut * WU the Journal. ORO. W. EIAMERSLY, Clerk. ill an Ilona or B/PIIIII2IIPUTITII, April 28,1867. Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 78, nays 12; on the secomiamerstment, yeas 67, nays 34; on the MIA amendment , yeas 72, nays =; on the fourth amendment, yeu 83, nays 7. [Extract from the Journal.] JACOB ZIEGLER, Clerk. 7Us& In Secretary's oSce , May 2, 1817. A. G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Ozoixraave Oaten, umintasoaa, June 1867- Penurylconic' U: / ao certify that the above and foregoing is a Into and correct copy of theoriginal “Itesolutionpropolingamend• mints to the Constitution of the Commonwealth," with the vote to each branch of the Legislature neon the final passage thereof, as appears from the ariguialv on file in this °Mee. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my [mi.] hand and caused to be allied the seal of the Secretary's Office, the day and year above written. A. U. CURTIN, Seentary of the Oommouwoalih. IN ttllsn, Merril 27, 1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Conti lion of the flomtoonwealth being ander consideration fin the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment. She you and noya were taken agreeably to the pro. Melons of the Constitution, and were as follow via: Ysaa—Mosars. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Eli, Ryan., Fetter, Flenniken, Fraser, Ingram, Jordan, Winger, Koos, Lanbach, Lewis. Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shu man, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Tag. gart, Speaker-24. Nate—blesare Cribb, Oresswell, Pinney, Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Souther—l. So the gumption was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second amendment' The vas *ad nays were taken agreeably to the pro. of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: rese—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cromwell, Ely, Evans, Fetter, Pinney, Flenniken, Ingram, Jordan, Knox, Limbach, Lewis, Myer, Sellers, Unseen, Soother, Steele, !Straub, Welsh; Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker-28. Narti—ideunre. Coffey, Crabb, Fraser, Gregg, Harris, Killinger, Penrose and Scofield-8. So the question was determined In the Marmatite. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro , visions of the Constitution, and were as follows, via Rene—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Orabb, Ores:swell, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Truer, Ingram, Jordan, Eilimger, Mika., Limbed:4 Lewis, Myer, Bonfield, Sellers, Shuman, Smatter, Steele , Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, and Weight Nets—Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, /anti and Penrose-4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment T The yeas and nays wore taken agreeably to the pro slalom% at the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : kiss—Messrs. Brewer, rowne, Coffey, Ortswirell , Ely, /vans, Flenniken, Frazer, Invam, Knox, Lauteick,Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, geurbe et Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright-23. Crabb, WM:Mb Jordan and Penrose-4 Bo the question was determined in the affirmative. /11 Taff House OP BSPIEBIINSATITZEI, Apra 20,1867. The resolution proposing amendments to the 00llati• titian of the Commonwealth being ender oomildention, On the question Will the House Urea to the first amendment The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were u follow, vu: Yisa—Meams. Anderson, Arthur, Backhonse, Bell, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brows, Calhoun, Campbell, Chem*, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, SysterFausold, roster, Gibboney, (tildes, Memel, Harper, R eins, Criestaud, Kill, Milieus, Firemen, (Berks,)lnebrie, Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight, Lei , seuring, Lotigaker, Lovett, Mmtear. Mangle, M'Calmout, gloorhead, Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, Nieholson, Nunemneher, Pearson, Peters, Petriken, Pannell, Purcell, Ramsey, (Phllegleighia,) Emma (Tprk,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rtipp, Ighaw,-Sloan, Septa ( Cambria ,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson; Ulan; Vail, Tanvoorhie Ticker', Voegbley,Walter, Westbrook., Wharton, Willis ton Witherow, Wright, • Zimmerman and Shots, Symtkor-7S. Neva—Meame. Backus, Damson, Dock, Hamilton Hen ouk, ainaliloffman, (Lebanon,)Leba Struthers, Thera, Warner and Wintrode-12. So the quertion wee determined in the affirmative. Ott the queetion, Will the Hones agree to the second amendment! Theyeas and naye were taken agreeably to the preci sion, of the Constitution, and were u follows, via: Viss-Hexer. Anderson, Beadle:me, Ball, Beek, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Ent, Fausold, Foster, (lades, Hamel, Harper, Heine, Hiestand, Hilleges, Hoff. men, (Berke ,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Tunes, Jenkins, Johne,Johnson, Kauffman, Knight, Lei senringer, Longa. ker, Lovett, Pdanear, Mangle, ld'llvain,ldoorhead, klue selman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemecher, Pearson, Pe ters, Pehiken, Pownell,Pratell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Ramsey, (Vork,)Reamar, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw Sloan T clan, Yell, Voghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, ' Zimmerman and Oak, Spteaker--61. Hars—ifesers. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Benson Bishop, Brown, Chaim, Cleaver, Crawford, Eyster, Olb bohey, Hamilton; Hancock, Hill, Hine, Hoffman,(Lob. anon,) Jacobs, Kerr, Lebo, BiTahnont, Zilumme, Reed, Smith, iCatobria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struth ers, Thorn, Yenvoottle, Vickers, Wagonseller, Warner, Wintrode, Wlth.row and Wright—SS So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question: Will the House agreeto the third amendment! The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Conatitution and were as follows ' ' viz Tile.—Been. Andorran, Sul:house, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, ClMse, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Ryder, Fausold, Fos tet,.(libboney, Harperr, Heins, Iliestand, Halogen, Hoffman Allerks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Itubrtei Ines; Jacobs, Johns, Jamm u . Kingman, Kerr, Lebo, Lonjaker, Lovett, kt utieue • 111 *ogle, lirtlalmont, Moodie , Mumma, kluselman: Ni c k e ls, Nicholson, Nunemecher, Pearson , Patera, pet_ riken, Pawaalh Purolt, ' Ramey, (York,) Roamer Reed; Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cembria,) Smith, Wetbroolt, Williston With , (Centre) - eterearOal Toles Vail, Vanvoorlde, Vickers; Voegtiley Wagoneeller, With crow, Wright, Zimmerman and Oats, Speaker—Td. Hare—llieseni. Arthur,Augmatine, Huhu, Bishop, Carty. Dock, Glides, Ha milton, /buttock, Hine, Jen kins, Knight, Leiselaring, bt'll4ln, Hammy, (Ptilladel. Shia,) Roberts, Struthers,- Thom, Welter, Warner, Wharton and Wintrode-22. So the quektion Wu determined In the affirmative. On the guanine, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken sdreeskir to the Pl' vhdone of'the Constitution, and were as follow, vis Yets—ffieurili Andereon,Arthur, Beckham, Backus, Bell, Beek, Renate, Bide*, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, . °l46 Pb e nt Out), Wiese, Cleaver , , Crawfor d, Dickey, Jut, Reeder, iratuiold, Foster, Gibbet:ay, Glides, Hamel, (ones Arne, 1111 ) aas, T Junta, JeralLs, Johns, Johnson, Kenthsum per , ; LeLsenring Lonelier, Lovett,. MUM., Neagh), Wildalesont, Wllvalne, Mumma, iduseelmen, I Nichols, Nitholson, Nunentather, Pearson Peters, p o bikes, Poweall Purcell, Rummy, (Philade l phia,) Ram. de)' (Mork,) Reamer, Seed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, gl ue . , qu a to . hch o g m iu, ( Cent e,) Stevenson, ratan, VAil, Ifiincoorble, Vickers,' Vneliqe.r, Waren_ aer, W e tter, warner, Westbrook, cohesion Willison, Witherow,Ziromerman, and Oats, Speaker—SS. riefa-1110.611 Dock * Hamiltoti, Haneoek, Struthers, Thorn, Wintrode and right-7. po the qu estion wee determined in the affirmative. eacaitunr , is Ornav, Iss• 2s„ 1 3 T. roussyloams, • 140 cortiq 041 the above 124 tenpin • 1116 oai correct eopy ofitis : " tees" and Nays' , . On the resolution proposing mnandinends to ibe ConstinitiOs the Commonwealths as the same appears on the Jour nals of the two Iteuwee of the General Assembly et this COIIIIIIOII4 ealth tor the setaion of 1837. . . 8.1 IV+lneei my hand and the seal of said ales this twenty-second day of lone : one Thotteaut hundred and fifty-seven. 4. G. OtrIVII4f, au3-mam Secretary of the Commonweafta. tinitroatio PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THR REA.T CENTRAL BpOTY , counseling the At ludic Cities with Western, North-western, and Beath western States, by a continuous Railway direst. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line steamer. to all points on the Western Rivera, and Cl.,eia,at mat hanfinaky with Steamers to all ports o r the North-wester n Likes; making the ascot DIRSOT, ell FA PEST and BELE A BLit ROUTE by which Weight csu 10 forwarded to and (ruin the CHEAT WIST. RATES BETWEEN PIifiInaDELPRIA AND Pl2lll B 1 114111. Pisa? Ctiris —Boots, Shoes, flats, and Caps, !Make. Pry Goods, (in boxes hales and trunks), Thep, (in n oun and bales) Feathers, Pun, & e The. par 100 lb flanonn C4/32---13ouaestio Sheeting, • Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (In casks), Hardware, Leather, (in-rolls or 'boxes), Wool; and Sheep Peite,Eastward, A e. &e....00e. per 100 b TEHIL. CJASS—Avvila, Steel, Chains, (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted. (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, msunfactured,(eXcept Cigars or eat Ac., Ac aoc, per IND WOOSTIi ClARB—Codes, Fish, R ye . Beef, and Pork, (in casks or Mae; eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nail, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, HOEIO, dt e4oe. per 100 lb Ftona-76c. per bbl, until further notice. tsars- - 55c. per TOO ne., until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular tots se package , f tire Prissirytenn Railroad ff All Goods cosigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. TONIGHT Anwers —Barris, Wormley & Co. Ifemphie, TlM]] ;H. P BASS &CO Lonis, Mitchell Mo •J. S. tchell A son, Evansville, ind ; Damao:di, Belt & Mar:lock, and Carpenter A Jewett, Lonieri)le, KY.; IL 0. Mel drum, Madison, Ind.; 11. W. Brown & Co., and Irwin &' Co Cincinnati; N W. Graham & Co., Zensmille, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. 54 Kilby street, Batton; Leech &Co No. 2 Astor House, New Perk No.l William rt and No. 8 Battery Placa New Too k; B. J. Speeder, Philadelphia; /Regrew £ Koons, Kalthuses; D. A. Stewart, Pittaborgh. H. H. _HOUSTON General Freight Ara, Philadelphia. H. J . LOIMERT, Poperiatendent, Altoona, Pa. NEW YORK LINES.-THE CAMDEN 11 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND VIIILADELYMLA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COWART'S LINES. PROM PIIILADELPILIA TO NEW YORK, AND WA CLAUS. Leave as follows ' viz: Lust At lA. M. from Remington Depot, Jersey City, Mall 112 At 6 A. M , Tie Camden and Jersey City, Nay ter pay Accommodation At 6 A. 11., via Camden and Amboy, Acecannods. tion 2 At 7 A. M. , via Camden and Jersey City, Horsing Mail At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, via Tacony and Jersey City, Morning Repress 3 At 2 P. M , via Camden end Amboy, C. and A. Re press. At 6 P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, It a mut At 3 P.M., via Camden and Amboy, Amommeder lion, let Clara 2 At 3 P. M., via Camden end Amboy, Accommoda tion, god Class. 1 At 0 P. M. ' Tie Camden end Amboy, Acounnotaba tion, let Class 2 At 6P. M. Via Camden and Amboy, AreiNdirlOdia tion, 2 2nd Class. I The 6 P. M. line runs daily, ell others Sundays* Repress Lines dap at the principal ' stations only. For Belvidere, Beaton, Flemington to., at 6A. and P. M , from Walnut atraet wharf. For Water (lap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Willmebiszr Montrose, Great Bend, fee, at 6A. M., Via Delayer Lackawanna at Western Baum& For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. At. For Mount Holly at 7A. M. and 2X and 6 P. M. WAY L INES - Por Brietol, Trenton .4e. at 2N end P. M. WAY Ac., 'For Palmyra, Baneoces, Beverly, Barlingten, Borden town ,st 3 P. /1. . _ WAY LING VOT Mount Holly, Burlington and Way Mations at a P.M. Steamboat kIOBARD STOCKTON for Burlington and Bristol at 8X A. M . and for Bordentogn and iatorma• diata plates at :Ix P Sa Steamboat TRYN'O I for Twiny at 70 and 11% A M:, and 4 P. M.. and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. * All lines, except 1 A. 11, lease Walnut xtree Serf. ,- "lfifty pounds of baggage only allowed each paw seager. Passengers are prohibited from taktag ens thing as baggage bat their wearing apparel. All bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Onto pany lualt their responsibility fur baggage toes* dollar par pound, and will not be liable for Clay amount be yoiad 3100, except by special contract. WEL 11. GATUITR, Agent 0. k A. R. B. CO. B. B. MORRILL Agent Phila., R. Co. CHANGE OF HOURS.-PEILADICL- Vi PULA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMOEB EAU RiAD. On and after Thursday, /ray 2.1, 185 T; PASSESIIIBII. TRAINS LRAVB PHILADIMPHLO. For Baltimore at B A. 11, 1 P. M., (swpreas,) and U. For Wilmington at B A. N.,1, 4.18 and 11 P. N. For New Castle it 8 A. 111., 1 and 4.111 P. M. For Middletown at B A. N. and 415 P. N. For Dover at 8 A. IL and 4.15 P. N. For Seaford at 8 A. U. and 4.16 TRAINS FOB PIIII.ADILPRIA Leave Baltimore at S 64, lizpreas, /1 A. M., and 555 st. fflEMMa== MEIMEO==iI Lear. Middletawn at 10.00 A. M. and 3-04 P. AL Leave Dover at 8.60 A. M. and 7 P. M. Leave Seafonl at 7.00 A. N. and 4.00 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMOR.I4 teen Wilmington at 916 A. M., 2 P. H. and 11.17 A.!11 91.3NDAY2 only at 11 P. M. from Plelladelfbla 19 Baltimore, do do. 6E5 P. U. from laMum* to Philadelphia. 14LTIMORK AND HAVRE DE GRACE 100061310 DATION TRAIN Leaves Havre de Grace at 6.60 A. M. Leaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. freight Traio, with Paavettier Car attar-hied, LS follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville sod later/sadists placed at 6.00 P. U. Leave Wihoingtou for do. do. 8 00 P. M. Leave Wiloungtoo for Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M. B. M. FELTON, Preaidea4 SPRING ARRANGEMENT.-PENN SYLVANIA CENTRAL ILAlLROAD—Runningist diiect connection with the PITTSBUDOII, SORT WAYNE AND CHIOAGO RAIL- ROAD. St /mils, lfcC Cincinnati, Nw lirtetara, Bt. Pyxis; I=l2l Indianapolis, Cleveland., Kansas, I Terre Haute, Chitago, Nebrastz. In advance of all other mates out of Philadelplun. Farming close COIIIICCIIOI7 With old ids groat MO. aril Hai/roads. THROUGH TRAINS Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and western either, [rem the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, south-east corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, (entrance on Eleventh street) as follows Mail Train at 7—, A. M. Past Line at 12 65, P. M. Express Mail at 11 00, Night. Uolumbia R. R. Line leaves for Harrisburg at 2.80, P. M:, Lancaster )Accommodation) at 4.30, P. M. - The Express Mail runs daily, the other trains, taxa thro:l'inler'al.partieelars seeat the diffenset skarting-points. Passengers from the West inlithla the ahortest and mast expedition' route toPhiladelphia, Baltimore, New Took or Boston. TFIOMAB MOORE, Agent, Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad 00. rdladelphia, February, MT. PHILADELPHIA, GERMA.NTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD--SIIMILER AH RANGEMENT3. On and after 1114.45th,1837. roa GERMANTOWN Leave Philadelphia at 8,7, 8, 910-min., 10,11 X, A -11,, and 1,2, 3-10 min., 4,5, 6,7, 8,9, MX, 11. I.,eavei Germantown at 6,7, 7,35, 8, 9-19 min., 10N 11X A. U ,1, 2, 3-10 min., 4,6, 6,7,8,10 g, The 7-35 o'clock, A. M., train fromflermantown, will not stop at intermediate Stations. 02 4426443. Leave Philadelphia at 2-2:0 A. M., 2, 2,10, WO sad P.M. 1. mire Germantown at 8-20, 0-20 A. )1., 1-10, 4%, 16, *147 P.M. CHESTNUT HILL Luumakb Lae PhilidelplW at 8,8, 9110 min., 11K A- M, 4,8, 8,9, P. M. Leave Che,stuut Hill at 7.16, 7-35, 10-10, /1-19, A. , 1-40, 3-40, 6-40, 7-40, 10-10 wan., P. M. ON SUNDAYS. tDAYS Philadelphia at 0-20 A. M. 2, 6.34 and 8 P. Y. Lease Chestnut Hill at 8 A. 11., 1240, 4-10, and 0-49, P.M. On and after May CD, 1857. 011, MANAYIINE, CONSUOHOCHIN, AND NOS RIBTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 0,9, and 11, A. M., utd 8 , 40, eland 113‘, P. M. 11Y0 Norristown at 7,9, and 11, A. M., 5, and 6X, P. M. ON Emma. 1,0111/0 Phlladelphis at 4 A. M., and 8 P. AL Leave Norristown at 7 A. M. and 6, P. M. (MESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. —FOB. DOWNIN TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6 A. M., and 3 P. IL Leave Downingtown at 7 A. AL and / P.M. inlay HENRY R. SMITH, 00)11 Slept 'Depot, NINTH and OItEEN streets, Philadelphia. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD • -L N FOR BETHLEHEM, EASTON, AT T i vNlowN, MiIICH CHUNK, WILKESBARRE, HOFICUTOWN, he, &C, THROUGH TO BETHLEHEM VOTHOHT CHAHHH Or OARS. - On and after Wednesday, July Bth, l&St, the train% on this Road will leave as followa, daily, (Sundays oS eepted : For Bethlehem, Easton ? Allentown, blanch Ohm*, Wilkeatarre, Ac , rid Lehigh Valley Railroad, Morning Express, at 615 A. 51. For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, blanch Chunk, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, Ringing Exprers, at 2 lb P. M. Passengers for Reston b 215 P. M train take stagen at Iron Hill station. For Doyleatown; (Accommodation) at 45 A. M. and 4 P. M. For Gwynedd, (Accomencslation) at 6 3 1 P. M. RETURNING. Lean Bethlehem at 915 A M and S46P. M. yak Passengers, Till Lehigh Valley Railroad, from East on , Allentown, Mauch Chola, Wilkesbarre, &c , lathing In Philadelphia at ltt 10 M. and 545 P. 51. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation) at 645 A. M. and 4 10 P. kt. Leave Gwynedd, (Accommodation) at 6 GO A. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia for Doylestown, (AecommodatiOn atEIWA Id.audSISP.M. Leave Doy-le.ito‘st for Philadelphia, (Accommodation. ate A M. sod 31a P. M. Fare to Bethlehem Fare to Mauch Chtuttit Fare to Vidkesbarra Passenger Depot, FRONT and WILLOW Streets. • ELLIS CLARK, Agent. UMBER! WILBER tt—The enbacriber, , who has for several years occupied the premiss at Bloan'e Planing Mill, Rensingtan, hu removed to COATES STREET Wilellf, sdiousing the PkenidZ Plinth% Mill, to Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large sasortment of Carolina and ether door hoards, gem rieers, shelving, ailing, feneiag and unaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. San sale at the lowest cash prime. Parchaains are in- Tiled to call and examine for themsehea, and every af. fort will be mate CO gave satisfaction. Orden received and supplied at the shortest notice for ale bade and slim of 3.o.bern yellow raw, Timber and Scantling. anl-11 B. B. WOMB. /110 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.— .. Atte.t...o, is butted to the following stork of Set ooped LVIIBER 300,000 feet 5-4 Follow Pine Floor Boards, 550,000 feet 44 do do. 30,000 feet 8-4 do do, suitable for lbr t o g stores 75,000 feet White Pue Floor Hoards. 350.000 feet Spruce iota Selling low toe cult, to gait th. tutu, and la Me se sun purchasers. Allan SIMON, Sot nun street. lota City,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers