The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 02, 1857, Image 3
_~_. ?dux♦_ ;S,R4IIADBLVItIA, October 1, 1857. Theettioknieritell-rdieffti -- tdi improvement 'Upon the feeling of yesterday, aid the aiiiihity • orliititted to wake, eales4tiftlAttiler 40044: prima , It is reported that gintiOlOtAO_Uiall ' aire increasing their discounts, but weeds tiotimmeedfinding any goodantherltyfoi,' the ii t iltermito milts little oviitto to ieaewiog`the` awountid thete,, imitdspeii falling due, es', teeming rialto be in Panatela line of their duty under th e, ggns- of:rebut` - of kerning end' coilindlng their' assetstbet .ere' have , grief ',denbta ,Of having in sip; 14118 • 14 Piper le- ' ces~ll 7g di gyill to iogotiile; ' end thaugh the quota tiOna tioacenrelt lewer :thin in .New York, where they runtipts-fintri-fietti and'sluyer -cent. per Month, theis ts salt tlikitiffitence that *runty* be, obtained 'there at s'ohieVrtii,;,whifeierett,iretild • seem that it 'cannot be hinhakellk , Thediutresii ofrthe, ritercluitile cOmtnu 7 ray does not appear, to have, been ,itt all alleviated by the bank suspensions : , - •:` '" Specie commands four per Cent. premium. Bymakroftgirlillt honor to whom Itonorfle duel' we quote the following Mini the Honesdale ',argosies of yesterday : " The lidnesdaltrßank - iiiik not snipe Owl specie payment, and 'e 4d Morally certain that it will • Probehly It lathe only bank in the Commonwealth that is fulfilling its obligation's to note-holders, Or that will for sornerrnonthe bilidneee, - bee been conducted ,with ah, animist, degree of wisdom and foremist,:suidatrictly iq alegltlmate mariner. The bank is siroag in Its resources; and in the 'contidince 'of the • peeple - of this whole region._ 'Phis „titioluese rolitiona Of the Hominids' Bank „ere almost 'exclusively with the hielciyerktelty :banks and. not .irith the Philadelphia Ilentidalelankkas fax resonztes locked, up in ttm itiMpieded beirks'of Philadelphia,,lt his only iibotitiOsiden depCsit In that city, not tooleo e l l • piper mitsring Piers." Weleatiarrem - theßvesifag Binisria that it meeting Of stockholders of thole* Chester and Philadelphia Bail-, reiuktletiHsktky Walla* nt:Westtlteated. on liondaY last, • Pii44ll hforris,, preildent, made cooed', and stated that they required but a - small =Mint of cash'to some pleteihe zned—only - k12,000i,P4 riensfularl Of the 'work wotildAdinte fin; bonds. ,He , .thlrefoie *god upon all dnikandiasee thiemmount; and promised, if proper efortowere'madeAhatthoi locomotlie would be running to• Went () heeler i n stir weeks Jonas Brook followed,' and when - he.coneinded, : lames leilcot Offered 'reboil'. time, which _,were, uizao*litoly adoptedoippokiting a committee to zates. $7,000 iii Chester county, and one to raise ggOiler in'Helaimine county. General confidence (ararettOgirithatediYa)ls said to have.prevalled„ and the lifidliolmefiraek:,4i that:inany:Whe 10 'doubts bey foretrannWcOnlideoetliaCtlut*dWill,lmonViiird'ehed, niitt44ooth4:l4o*lngumßrailah Bank, otZaneit.. Mlle, Ohio, on the Bank of Penneylvants, will be paid at the - qdfice of U. Robinson St PO.,'PH seuth Pront street, ' dt PrevideriCeieii Idejuiltio an Injunction wee iss u ed against the Hopkinton Bank, on, application of the Bank Oommiseletiere, tend Hon. Nathan It:DI ' ion of Weiterlyi was appointed receiver. 11,1 s said that the bank has made loins ,upen- *eaten seenrittee and has issued protected Circulation but the securities are of a good character, and the bills are iinquesttoriabligool. We conyllefollowing front the Richmond South Of September_ 80th '<i In -the midst of, this. general ex ettementind alarii, we are gratified to be assured that the banks in this city_lisie - determined to - stand'firin, and, itiu*ssary, to redeem army one of their notes. Such action Will tend greatly to allay the consternation among our aims,- and to rescue the State from the disastrous effects of a general prostration in business circles, The equaltiseieleut, but we lions ''will soon The condition of the banks of New Hampehire, on the let of August, 1857 , Ii representid itt.' the following capital paid in Individmil dines-Hs,: • Loans ' - - - -• 8,781,000 Bscie in vaults.e. -„, -. , ' - - ' ',226,000 -143,000 Deposits in Boston, ko.s tor.rislemptiOn. ost ,', -",,_ ~ circulation ' • • ' ‘.: 816000 Total 90,31000, The disec;nnta are shown to have been ttonsidetably more-than the aggregate of capitatand daposite:, tutostaieittit ntssunstinass afTllll 01TiOi Or RITZ 4133)117,01 . TSWASUIpIIt, MUTED STATES, NNW lime: SoPtafamlT: l o; VAT; 1 ,3i Willie 47,787,830 89 Receipts during the month On e'en:mat crChi5f0mc.......152,0164448 84 , do ' Potent Foes— 4 ; 776 71 do P.O. Ihrpt'cot. - !--401,205 40 do - :" 230,000 00 ' .do 11431*Matiootte ,7 ; 616 90-2 ; 909 0 953 63 •L , , Papasilts Vieguibry Drafts. Poet 0111de do .19,767,7 n 92, 8,428,526 zp,seo .7,689,186f60 feptinliber 80tfit 180018184 mo. By 1:418008,;01.4 - 018bflAita:". 2,087;083 09 By recelOaddrinithe Month 1,620,890 43-3,713,028 id To pamopys , , , ,1 1 688,619,61, 2,146,369 . 01 - 04,840 06 16,021 09 • talante,Cr,,,intereat To . ; .... tialatied ' • - • 49;225' 40 By rwiptlt t forQuetoms In Sept. 1857 - 2,289,4f8 do - .do 1 r do 1858 3,803,425 58 racoss,li\ SeptinoVor‘ ' , 1850 ..... 4,613,979 74 By bal. Or., Bill. and ExtAe't for AtVy Of. 1,925,020 34 By coin rec , ddlingtbsmonth, 186,1383 52 , t, , 050bOrs • :s do 1 '094,50149-1,341,190 11 • - 3,279.211 05 To payments in coin 1 - 1,015,301 08 , -,do 4 line bars ' 777,003 13-2,202,984 21 ' • >Z80 1 248 84 By cola In hand in As.n. Of. ,8,393,1.31 83 do Auer Or, 112,870 31-6,668,002 07 By9izeibB33.' i 718,378 00 . By anpart'dbul 692,407 83 Bullion - st.lette.fdi coinage...;. 857,882 11-2,003,886 94 Total . - • 8,759,668 01 8 2 .422111 /3T or,Depsers'4s6,Conficui AT TUB MINT Or, rwa•Usattriti •dvsyss, during the Month of Beptimber, 1857., - Gold Bullion Dtposited:—Vrop Califon:as $4340,- 415,60 ; other sources , 12,054.50; total gold deposita, 8/,662,470: - • - • - • -• Silver Bunton Deposited,—lncluding silver porch*. ses,ll46l,62s;lpantsh and Mexicali fractions of *dollar readied fir etchings for new cants, 01,856. Total ell ver, 8013,490:- . Coppertebto CO. 8.) redeired for , exchange for new , cents, 1/1016:' Totaldegiiiits; 81,828,076. Gold—Coinage • Extekted.—Donble -eagles; 40,902 plead; N 98,012,00; , , Silver=-Vomage Swefirtell.:-410arter , dollars, 48,- 080;"vilfte,' $527,000,. - ' . - , Cager---Coftsag F;tep4--2,440,009 'FOOS; value ,., s24 .ll.eapiolation.—Gold cot 4, 49,902 pieces I value, 1498,010,' 1611 , ei eolatige. 948,W0 pieces ; value, ,5231,7 000. Copp er coinage ,' colaage,'2o4moo pleefli 'Jane t 421,- 400. Total iu_ta_bor of p00004,- . ,6 ,37 , 2 u 2 ; total.Tal4l* 1 51 , 252 , 46 9-:` ' • - STATECIPIToe 11811t288 AT, THE VRITSD TATIM AAT OYTIO'N AT 'NM Yon, for the cloak tqutlag Sep.; ternber 110th, 1867: - - =ems $3 0 .0001• Forfka 'SA kVA*. 8t41,41 1 1191 g 2 N-W0 00 ,w 9 . .Mrposta .t . etriad v acs., :5-4tw'r2.l-40ra1id,066, 11187,W9; - /forolip2 $40,000i United Btateillut. llo;, e, eantalised gold,) 411,000; Vatted States 014-cidnajs66 - ,000; -United State, Bullion, (Lake Ign ot9 $7lB 900.: • - •- -• otia ioropolti; payable ; In bars, 5E60,000 ; . total da paelna pay4l-410 Okla, 81,326,000: Total, 81,676,000, Mold liars stamped sl,o69Alo.72."Tratuunltted-14 ,the ,United States , for ,voldsge, 2. . Fianna,. AneNnwitrre,&o....-Tini followinii are the Irspiwba failures assignments, &o. far ,the wadi int.o9r 6riat *bellow York Independent • ``,4"-tahorls,7 Batton, sue pendedl S.Btpt t .~.arP-/ iihilitles SOO 000. , -•-•• • - Co.,aft fc ' . Publisien, , BoSion, Eta. P* l 4•llBisbilftleatkoo,o , oo. MB* TOwle, - :" . boirierr,"llolitoti, inspendnd.' ' Qign • "Dry 0 0Y. /5" , Bones, gone into involvency„ ' W. B. Invejoy & "clothing," Hatton; suspend ed ; lisbilitierreported $176,000, -with' assets of &bait David, 3:- Postai Co.; "Buttons," , Boston, .sus Pen9/0 11 ." 4 7 Ralph Warren, Boston, Ifsee;, reporded last week,la Bali* Werreu "Milliner." • ' Platner S mith, "Paper,"'Lee, Mass. suspended. Le &squat do Davis, Haverhill; Mess.," failed. • "' D W. Vatign, Providence, R. 1., , GeorgiVlastrausif,Proildence, D:14111,110d. ' ' Garner 1 Co., "4;7 f.loods,!_ , New Ycirk peuded; doubtless boon Aliens! ' Fosters &Co,' "Auctioneers," ,New York ;City!, sups yarded; liabilities heavy., , Alberti -Doge t ' • Co. YPrOdsee " Ne' York "city; sm • UkttAY k Co., `.Commission ," Now York city, - onwipiifid said to be $000,000; !mad assets sbeatedoo,ooP:'-' • - " • - • Bans Brothers "Book ittietkmeere ". New York oftr, !IliSPelvled• •, o p eou p i j r t ek : 'IS ar,,,* - ,4," New York city; peudedi - will pay in full, and dontifiese soon resume, Carlon 16' Hard, a Papar, ,, -New York' city, ClS pended. . Her' :Robinson & ' " Bilks,'" New York' ci 0,7_,71a. ,4., ,s," new YoricuAy, uardlner,,Shorrao, & Co'.., .tProduco," N ew, Yrrk city, topooded. - - - --, -- • - '.- - - James H. lenedi at & 116:AAy.r,ittp t;York tatlgne4rlfibiineigootgloW. i , w , , W. D. guiselly r f‘RobPUßo 4 '! P ra nllotl ultratoPoilisWelljlithillti4ll2k(Xl,;n - 7 aa 02,0001 .- 4 1111.'0#1,1alli -lossifteot As' Ageit , or « olhOhg pareon: M •A . r.• • . ~,,,, ~ „ 1 , D. th - filtdet,titii:ii , gailei Goo , it Nolor'rork cl *, v V* Miytl,toqi "Dry Goode Cosoiairoltao ti ivr YorkeroA =it ,. ~ - • ~.. ' .-,-;!, i ,,- , - • • T ' : .. 0 ' 1, milky* ' ei Ave r ,,, N o w :Ito* city, fail id. f'. & ikfin, di; New York city, assigned. , & .21aLak&-hgaing4,,,4 Trio/10411W 'aiew: lo 4 l k I i Ilikillties esidlooo 000.,. ---7 5 1 ,42 14 , t ”, litudllloo,!? , kotyc W..* oith otioPoniO l • D. 'U. vorigliu; Now Ara* dty, NSW i . 1 4011"tio, Imp, loott heir, am in Novena. . P ' , 4* C l "- 144 1: - !.. fl ociro," DAM:York, clty k follaio;34 ' " J i g g le L. Baud Dicta eo:, i"filkiiiie 1 4 , , ; New i , ri l ; t..i.; rnatd a irez e4 .4 " . d .rrate. izziz a bitl: b oi &mazy.' . . S pr # / . 4 ,41 ko r, f Pony floods,”.Naer York city, ass . SimOnolic o, l"APwßiels,"; , l4:ll7,l,"ork, citylaus. aendad, and IA an extension. John Clarke. dr. ;Cn.,, l'„Milltoors," NU; ',cull clty, suspended. ' - t....,,,,L, pi _. ' Mow* U. Won, q .119011 1 01" New , , Yu* e.itY > 14' , BO " lAlitil *10; 'l, - t treii))64iii, , ! New torkialti, our, POrittal . - -= i, B..eoldessilb,... gl iglifloei,” ", Newyork '. Ark'. city, iiimig‘d. IttOkeasinna Railroad & Cal Co.; Now Tor& city„pp, POTW WOPOS 131 1 1 ;t8W /ad, shotad - real/ . -DOir ll os MICICIIIIMIMIL* Western It. ER., David, ati,..., , .. catra g ov , Brooklyn , N. Y., assign e d. Ira Belden , ' Rochester, N. Y:, *Woad. ', . , . J.. John An!eli t gstrego,,N, Y. aujgaed. . , • ~ . , . • 1 o,'N'. gicketti Oswego, N. Y. assigned; • =.. • ? .+, Abu Surri sPstul, N. &Allgood. 1.: , . L 1 Theodoya ol es, Utica, N. Y., ratilta„ ,;„ _ , Putt *dew, CorandAlgua, N. "1f,.., coiled. ":, . • , Pte ea mut Dodiork,N.-T. L goolgood., . lakti.. , 7lso '1*.g4 0 b0 1 .4. 6 1 W. x.) gagilUded flifP.. 141ltIoisfddilliii OW Bottuteattodd;lo:domi,i. f., autimilas4. -. _.• . . AlArtprir litset - 8.W4.1%,1 Usigtied. is • . to, ....991*..-..T., . •.'i - ' -A, '..• :; .. ~,,ifinli.pi ~ qiUrt,tio. N. .-: •olloPoodod- sod V , g. 4 .)4foallsiOlf.: l 4 ll' , o nOt. Usilod,o4. u . Ontr it r o ftm&,re ~.7. h .AOpor , tiro, , • 1 44 tr PfkAAtitelAit; f. J. iitoisopasa— ' /..,,.-. : t. j : ti ma raetrliAWl /1 1;ttille i Zit'' ilii4 - 1 L. ,'-...,.. -,. ..,. . ~ . .-.1 , -.,' P I ' .Vit u .iiii4Mi" , i'.iiiiiidel 4 44ll, , , Nis.: 05A:ii;,4)11.7 46,44 v iiidi,a4i4.,.., 1.404 Son, Yql.fenliql l ,,, l Rktibld° l -' ... : ...„ ~..: t.. ....... ..-. , . . *We. " 4 '4';* Yrdiic!'" Oink* . Cig`4 l o . 1 1 , 1 1 O'. A vg., 4* 1,04, ilospen44. , , ./ , ._ , _, p er ' „.., ~ p , 1.,,. *void' * J 9 Bag* I, ' elphlo, AO ' , ,•. 4 10.4 4 4 '`Crdli*W9n;"' P hil l ith ' i iht°, ' 1 0 - P0. , • - •-•-: "•-,,. - • , • -,,,,, - . ~-, - . , P : ' 11: 14 16 z!t- ii.44 '14 4 64 e'% .1 140° 1" !=,....14ai1id0 Cu!- ' ilitil*, , i 14dia4101K40 .. , : , ',•••• ,- !.. fr. 44 ~ 17.-.1-..W. , • • - : .toorAiV.l4ool iiino4 :-.=,.,i• !Li-, Joshua Barnes, o Notions," Philadelphia, suspended. ppritteei *.!Bro.ol:try Goods," Philadelphia, Ana , ponded probably 009,4 resume. • , Addleks, Van Duren, & Smith , " Straw Goode, and Shoes,", Philadelphia, ouspended. , . - • ." Ray & Do Haven," Hardware,' Philadelphia, sag pended. Wolf Tandler, Obething, , ; Philadelphia, failed. John Drake, '• Shoes," Philadlphia, requests us to say that ho lies 'not suspended, as reported. • S. N. Hand, Cuthberti Geo.,,falled Darby and Barludale, Bankers," St. Louis, Mo., waspended., John J. Anderso'n, "Danker," St. Louie, Mo., sue. ',ended. Bogy, Miltenberger, & Co., o ihinkere,q St. Louis, ?do. suspended... J. B, 'Holmes, Cincinnati, Ohio, assigned. r, William Slum, Cincinnati, Ohio, assidued• Lowry & "Iwo, Cuyahoga, Ohio. assigned. , r, • N. It, Kellogg, & Co. Hats," Chicago, 111., sue- Pended 8115,40.. inkhato &.00., Bankers;" Chicago, 111., cue. ;ended., „ Jemea Carter fr. Co., Galena, 111., susPeeded. I. Wheeler & Co., Joliet, HI., assigned; lfabllb ties eald • P. H. Burch, Dbooniington,lll,, assigned. , Hutchinson &Ross, Sterling, 111, , asolgued. Joseph Hough, Pontiac, Mich., assigned., • , Thomas Whitney, Saginaw, Mich., failed. Charles Wheeler & Co., -Wyandotte, Mich., assigned. Samuel R. Pox, Madison, 'Whs., assigned. - W. A. !Keough, Menasha, enspendedi Heron. Bros., ilankers, , ,' Dubuque, lowa, assigned. Woodward & Hepburn,' Des Moines, lowa, suspended. Ehillack,,Waterloo, lowa, failed. M. S. & M. H. Clark, St. Peter's, Minnesota Territo- George H, Cheney, Toronto, C. W.,,aseigned to .I.D. Harris; liabilities about $100,000.. • George Morton, Broeirvlllo, 0. W.:, 'Andrew McGee, Brockville, 0.V., assigned. 1 PHILADELPHIA' STOOK EXCHANGE PALES' • - Ootober,l - , 1807. Reported by H. .IVrardy,. Sr., Stock Broker, No. . - ad. Walnut streot. • pIRST BOARD: 50001ty6's 83hI 6 Lehigh Nay 4Th 300 do 833 .2 ,do 4 7% 600 do - .....uevr..93h 10MinehillRR 63 Penna R 10 do 63 do ... 39K. •6 , do 53 .7 .do - - • 89% 60 Long Id It R 165.. 8% 2' d o 3930 60 . do, - 65.. 8% 25 , .. do 2 daya..3830 2 Beaver If ead R R..d7 .29 .... do' - 39% 21 fichnyl Nay pfd....15h 18 , do 39% 60 do ....15% do 39h. 79 do 100 Reading B. 1t..b5..1Th 100 do 6 Camden & Am R.. 90 2 do. ... 15K 6,l(arriebure 8.-.61 Mor ofd9 day a..84,1‘ ' BETWEEN BOARDS. ZOO Palma 5.9 ' 791200 City 500 - do . - 79 1000 N PEW) R cah..4B 1.000 Cam dedmilr..ll R 6 Lehigh Nov ..47% 6.2 'B9 • • - 65' 10 Morrie Canal pfd..B4 !' 1310011.b,±03ARD. - 1000 .01M; at 20 Lehigh Nav 47 O's 'B3, , " 00 ' 111 Penne It It 89g 1000 - N Yeana R 641..48 ` 9 , .410 • 8930 1000 do ...".48 9 .do - '9% 1000 do ....48 • R It _ 5.3 • 620 • . do Morris Canal 40 1000 City 6"it 19 Behoyi Nav ptd....15h • 400 db 8330 -1 Reading R R 1730 400 do 83K. •‘1 •do 1734 ' 700 do 8330 15 do • 17% 300 City 6 , e.... new.. 93 10 do 17 14 400 do 50 do 17% 200 d0..' 60 do ...85-17% .1000 Cam & Amb R R., 60 do ...8.5..17% , 89 65 5 Vam Er. Amb R R.. 90 600 City Coup ; CLOSING T 1 Bid. Asked. B 6'll '68.-118 • Phtlade 6e toje 8830 - do R1t...83K. $330 do ' • New 93 .93,K Penns 50. - 70 80 , Readingß 17K-'I7K de .Bonda 40 65 70,' do If 6'e,'44 . 78 80 '- Pe= RR 89Ki 3930 Morrie Cant Von 40 41 Bobyl Nay 131 'B2 63; '6O d 0 /Ronk. 8 9 •41,041,000 4,101,%* 4,469.000 NEW. 8088'0800K 'Et • '" slut 3,009 N Y kii'e '60'53 03 , 9,006 AlichsVo 81 ,67 " 4,000 Tend at 65'90' 16: ' do ' /4' 18,000 Y1,10,16'86, 71 ' `do 78 11,000 8048004, Ste 68 - 6 T" '2,000 N X 08u8 8r ,(4 - ,ipoo do . - 013( `GAO N Omit 7a: '79 , 1,000 Erie NoOdS 13: 60 I,ooo'Blo 0 Ilda , 71' 1,000 Mieh S'Skg PC 40 1,000 111 Bdo ex-st 89 ' 'l,OOO d o o 67' 3,000 do 66 3,000 do 6SX 11000 do ' 67 , 15 March Bank ' '93 G )1k of America 95 • 6 do ' '94 20 Ilk s of Com ' 83 Id Am Xi Bak ' 70 18 54 4tropolitan Bk 74 80 00 • 75 Park Bank 70 4,198,697 42 10 Imp & Traders Bk 00 , 0 6 Bank 6f N York 98 .158 Del&Hrid"Oul 99 28 Oentoir . 00 - • :14% 100 Po Coal Co, ' 811( 200 Oumb Coal Oci .71( 600 do , . '17.1( 015 " 12' 7 200 do, 310 85 Pacific If 8200 4* oo - , 22 BrlrOeuß '6O" ' 240 , do " 59g . 250 do : 60 50 50 do do 58 ' bl 3, % „ 20A ' do 67% 1 dq . ; 83.5 ,1.74( 000088 10,000 Cal St 78'70 60 10,000 elis'd St es bit 67. 8,000 do— 65)4 4000, do , 66 10 4ths Bank 10 20 Bank of COm 82% 809 Own Coal Co - 7 400 , do- 0% 10V, do , ; 800 do s 3 260 -do , 010" - . 27 Ps Coal Co , ;61 160 -do • =aa 60 , DeldstLudenl ea' 00 50 Pacific 81 Li 800 43 (4). 5 Mich Can 8 42 THELAIDELPRIA, MARKETS. Commies lat.2-Erening.- , Biencistiffs, in the absence of any export demand, one dulland heavy, and the ' trans antloorn Stour were only to supply the local trade, at pifces ranging from $5.75 to $7.50, and $347 bbl accord. ' log tribmnd end qualitY, the latter for premluni Flour. Standard braids of superfine, usually taken for ahipruent, are held at $5.60015.73, , but there are , none taken at • these figures. Corn Meal and Bye !lout' are much hi; gated for ' and dulrat $4 for the'forraer, end $4.37X bbl for thelatter. Wheats preannt no. new feature to. day, and the tiles are only to supply the small millers, at %nem 120 t0'1256 for!fine to prime red, and,l3o to 135 c fog white. but little Inquired for, and dull at 75 for good. lota afloat, but „there is. Sot much lathe' market:, Oats also are rather scarce, but the dknandle goody lets ire worth'3oo37ofor Sonthern; forPeimsylianig: Bye to takenatthadlettilerlee at,l4e,-,with market receipt', and sees at that , price itarley and Itarley,malt continue dull, and prices are un. settled. 'Bark is less ice request, but some' further sales or first quality quercitrou ,ara reported at $35 ifr ton. COttonlatrithouS &squid la the present uneettled date of the time', most of the mills hiving either 'stopped •operationi, dr are working - short ihne; and prices are merely nominal. Groceries and Provisions continue in active, and the stoelm of the latter are mostly exhaust- Seeds are dull, and prices are the same as quoted: WhiSketis Mriottled 'Mellower, with 'sales of bbis at 23 6311Netuftelote - and quility; ibde aro dull, and quoted at 240 4' gallon.' ' , pOPP&W OIROULAR-44onsentx 13zt11ggar.-Im since Isranar7:brt, 1857, of Rio, direct 92,910 bags; other descriptlinni,92,67l; ,total number of bags, 118.067. Una periodlB66,•of Rio, 74.028 bags; otherdescriptiorui, ,24988; total, 23,071 bags. -"lncrease of direct Imports this year, 22,071 bags; increase of Rio this year, 21,388; increase of other descriptions, 683 bags. • Stock in first and second hands , this day, of Rio, 29,782 bags; of other descriptions, 2 ,000; total, 31,782 belle , Same time last year, of Rio, 8,200 bags; of other deporiptions.2,ooo; total, 10.200 bags.. Increase of stock this year, all descriptions, 21,682 bags. Arrivals from Caps flatten; brig Unroll, Rd bags; from Porto Osbello, barque:V . s%Ra Wing, 916; totalim. Ports this month, all desori ions, 1,016 bags. Sales of the month : bags, at Jou ell; 2,000, at U,VI9//jg; 6,000, atoll ell, C. 2,000, at 11% esl2; total, 104,00 bags Rio, ogre-sales. - • 11116katAillo ordinary 103(4610)(3- fair to good, lles . 11%; good to Am, fl% men.' n4160,12%018)4; OIITA O /6,4404.71 - • ANDRXWA &MORRIS, Broken's, 126 0. front PinLaD24llll.4, - September,2o-, -- OAMBRIDGB ‘ , OATTLIII MARKET --WEDISsDAT, Bept.3o.—At rearketl,9l3 Cattle, about 1,000 Beeves, and Oa stows—oomaisting Wurking Oxen, Ooira, an d one, toro, , and three years old. ' Tneee:— Market Beef, extra ; •$8.26e58.76; Ist quality, $7.26®57.60 1 • , ' 2d quality, s7i ad quality, 193; ordinary quality, ..50.. Working Oxen, $9O, $lOO, $l6O, slls ns2oo pair. Cents and Oalres, $ll5, $4O, 145, ssoess7i 'Yearlinge, $lB eVt4 Two years old, s27esS3o; Three years old, Eno s 49. Shoop_ a n d Lambe; 4,1110 f at saittketf pates in loth SIA6, $2, 52.60 idehr?rtreaeleetione, $3,5119, , Swine, 1460 at tontk¢t`, tbs 3 41" ito; &Medi 409364 Abooto, eibotetato -ao sales" te do. H1dw7X441 . 16 gr' atwgronow,• "Tdrool#lb, Peru,676450 *Mk.- 0k4t0i12.130-4tv lh; ' ' Iteiorted, 00:00 Peek?, ,' LIT/111P0(1/,L. , Skip Holtman, Natdk•-7- package mdze Dateir& &hies, 66,, J Serbs; 2 Hotiontley& Hineei L BenkertLl A,O Oahe* Co; 8 J 1 Masten; 4 J G Dale; Robt 1008; 18 U 'Wadden & an; 8 Fisher; / /11 Ford; 288 bow glue "trench, iticluirde * co; 24 pack. ages merchandise Grundy% Wardin.* co; 18 D Graham & co; 2 Harris Iteyl dt 09 11l HUB; Z W J W Rlograbami• 14 011ay(Idt /a is co; 1. A LEN- 2 4 1401 co 1 2 L Levjdc co; 13 : _ haler 10 jeukagettadB,B Orne; 154 91008; 6 W D Plistsoll; 21 Geo D Psrrlsh; 9 (too Romi,"Son* 0o; 1 Thos Reath;2llll, andtl44 Sharp. less Bros; %Sharp, 1/innea'l. 00; 1 Blnner, Ziegler; 8 & P SteineVl Bro; 82 Stuart & Dro; Thinupson; 411 G Tazlo4l4 P W.04441a* WS-AWN & Co; 26 , wr ., 11, .105 Iwo,. rugs T, _V0R.,.. 6 0 0 V, 9 pkgibiw W k ,W ANNA? Id Itebler,liro ,19 Ilk WO Diddle I Clo;Bl7llworth,Snumon Go; 8 Field & Hardie; 2 Goff* Paterson; 2 Moen k Bons; '1 Handy* Branner, 441 440; S. Hewitt; MarabW 68bta4 14 I,llllostateetvi & Ayres; 60 bills steel Ourns 11045 11 *brill', Baiter den" 89 cado soda" soh; o ,16 ' Obareklualf '0,1?"" bare 488 "bnfidloB 'lron .P „Pr o l o ng „,,w, orm,uer; 206 , bundles, do Garrott , 40 do J 0111Ingbarn,k , Bon; SAW& 473140 dot '4 Doopos 70 bars 19 140 HMorrill &Jones' Oo 881 1580485 bd le do Middleton I artiB4; "276 Ws: 858 "striptrAo 958 mingles Morris, Tao,o* an; "47 1bdt5"8101,277 iron plates 1191 bare and 91•bdIs lion.Warlor & co; . ~ b atu 288 bills iron T J P 0tb11;*13238 lartaft , ,(Bll,, do If Pothi; 1888 beau 11l do & DltObbius; 90 bdtal "Smith; 1278 bars 781 Wln Stierer atiATltattaker; 1809 bag nu 2 -100410 Trotter & co; 2ai Mho 409 lagarat, & Aye , ,Wood Dro; -18 g1rg819.77, co 8515 aks nue salt son Ooisnnou do n nu m& & co; 2.8 crate*, earthenware 07 oils 114 / 7 . 1 ,19U1 1 0. 0 5 6, 9 08,Pla 904 Ant o9lBr. , BOSTON—lliteamolnp P Sprague butthows..29 bbls .1 T Alburger ;1111 800 almealt Ty , Drown; 10 do ea&-BrolSuesmdeesUpooperthwaita & 0o; •9_ . 90 A-0 Dickenson ; , 99 , p198:40 goods Punk= I, RAMO° ; 4 IMMO dry ROc 4 g 'Told ; 11 do Graff & Fatw rain; ;10 bbls oranberries,G Polson - ; , 110ndry, kt Harris; do - Heddockiibead, I 00. ' 6111 1 6 5 1 100,10 00 0 MU I6 / W 66 0 , 06'•4114 y4obbla lf-kt OraWford ; ;12 casospshoesj, X 1414 0 .1 *Ming !&, Go; 28, lolls ,csrpots - 50449 noftestietr,- Lawreace; Stone & 001 20 =MIS SIPS/114TICk{; Basin &,0011. 6 or, -.d u , Litm & OronVlolsles iloogstlest Larourade; 00* &t On; pkp gbuswarealoaini / 14.440, ; ,40 bd&ie11e1 11 3 316 - Wolfe & 00 ; 20 1 11 0107ntarw, 0 ilfrattt 30 ' bins 'Bah J Palmolll-(tr mdse , Oluti:Plund4 , l6' 'cues ithbealtohrer,„ katerlhigat doW liShinmoy; 86 do Tsvassisij- db I.l9Thomplon , / flop.ll mdse >r VOW& & -1200-pkgs Mho various con , 41080 600Ao Leech &•, , Clo. • TO DI JAN/LlRO,SidpOrsioe4iloifaer-4500 bags ;,. Jantairarattar-.4i ?*- • , •71111 , ADXL193LC MA • OY TRADX... is ,„ 91:VArt114 Of um Mom, piag* Palau ) loft atu.t ahnvici kat ORS-DITVG - Bid. Aged. fichyl Nay Pref 1636 16 Wmplt&Elralt 10 12X do latmort 'Ps 64 60 "do do 24 m6B 67 Long Leland 8 8* Vichabitrg 8 7 / 4 Girard Banh• • • .8% 9 Lehigh Zino 1,41 Union Caaal ..,. 4% , 5 New Creek,: 1 Oatawissa Ad.. 8 7% 'OHAW/11 BALER, Oct,tl 236 E rlo lOillrood ", 11X 'lB ' do , 11% • U% 60 do —11 X 350 " " : ia 11 106',. , 'do; ' c 111:, 350' •- do o 11% 150 116044 R , 83 200. do o 3 52% Tao -, do 32X 200 .do _ , mlO 82X /00 do, , 32% 1200, do. 'io.o 32% 1181x1h Av It ' 81 112 Mich Penn 42 , - '- 41' 10 "do 41% 1 25 - do 41% 50 Pinims 16 830 71 100 'do 1.60 71 12 do , 70 10 " do 69% 2500111 Om? R , 82 6 0 d 0,,,, 81% 160' do 80 100 dO 70% 25 Olovel6 NUS R 9 250 Olevo&Tol It 27% 400 do 28 200' do 28% 150 'do 20X 15`fIal & Ohl lt, 4 0 , " do - 62 :,46,0110'&o R I R 62 25* do 83 61 00 do of 00 50 'do 69% 150. 13 69 50 „do 68,14 200 do, . 68x 4511Q&64161 K 12 85U0&61111R , ' 7 4 110 do 25 Mlch 814 NTH, 15 1101.101., 12 611 ch Oen R 40 -60 • do 39 76.E90 &NUR, 15 26 Erie Railroad 11) 100 do .-•" 11x 10 Ohicitninld R : 69 .10 •• do • • 68• 26 • do • 100E11 & MIA 11, 67X 10X 106 do r' • al 60 Lo.OIOIIIIR , OX 26N Hav , o&llart R 102 20 Reading 11.•• ' 33 100 do c 34x 100- do 33X inipetitations. The barque Victorine, Buckley, at Mobile 25th ult, from Plateau, N 1.,) reports: Barque Victorine Buckley, from Nassau , (N P) Sept 15, 'with cargoes or barques Edwin and Sanford Achorn, to Mobile Insurance Co. On the 16th, at 5 P. 81., off the , Biding Rocks. 8 8 11, 10 miles, saw a ship upon the Banks, apparently but a short time ashore—the Riding Rocks bearing from her about loath. Same day, off the Beminis, parted company with ship Aquila, for Now Orleans.' Left in port ship Zone, Yoe CiPoraltar; in' about 16 days, brig Dunkirk, and Rehr lify tie, discharging. The briga Jas Wakefield, Captain Oliver, and achr Thorndtke. Capt Lowe,' were totally toot, the former upon Ababo, Aug.2B, and the latter upon denim, Oven, Sept: sd, Otlicera and arena of both reside arrived at Nassau, Mid called Sept. 13, in shin, ,Golden Star, (since arrived at Boston.) Captain Ilewetatn, of the seta Guilford, arrived at New York, Eiljth'ult, in the brig W td Groton,and makes the fpilowlog statement respecting the lons of his yes " Bel ?'The' 'The' Guilford sailed from Sarawak, for Nassau, N p, with a cargo of lutaber and provisloos, on the 12th ,itlt, add it fi P. at. of that day 'found the vessel had ' t i l gie ll l 4rii t i-'l le tli l a t qFt.4tooVtl fete d t s : gtaae,g writer soon gained on her, and at 41, A.ll, she filled and capsized on her beam ends, In lot 30 50 end long 81. .The crew all. sucepeded in lashing themselves to the aide, where they remained until the 14th, when they, were taken off Captain Tibbetts. from whom we received evpry kindness and attention—he and his officers sup.' plying us with clothes and all slue that wet necessary for our comfort: " An American brig (name unknown) from Pictou for Roston; ran ashore at Liverpool, N 8; vessel and cargo .a total loss; materials saved. . One-half of chip National, of Bath, hat been sold to parties In that city, and to °apt Boyd, of Vi'hicasset,vrho is to command her, at the rate of 850,000. The N. is a first class,ship of 1000 tons,, built about a year ego by Means Beery,' Richardson k On. . Rehr Muster, Harding, at New York Yeeterday, from 1 . 0000 ( P It) Sept Ili,' reports Sept 20th, let 25, Son 78 '4O, wan in conipaoy with a brigantine, with loss of fore isiaat head. and bowsprit' had a' temporary bowsprit I lead y Mm was painted black with a narrow white S eak, and had a forward and after house ) was steering 3. tth. Sept 29th the 0 Attack on 'ilarnegat bar, and , tarter lightening the vessel of 10 Made molasses got off ' the neat morning, Raving received little or no damage. „ The New. York courier and Enquirer of yesterday, pdblishes the to/lowing list of marine Mute during the month of September showing an aggregate of Bil res. Bele. The total value was $3,172,100. This Is the value of the property totally lost, exclusive of damages ,to Vitals not Puroapting to a total loss, and of partial LETTER BARS / At the Merchants , Ezeitaage;/Philadelphia. 1314 Joseph Jones, Blowers Ban Francisco, soon Brig Oregon,. (Br) (ircea • Port an Peace, awn Bohr E Etark t t3t Jago do Cuba, mom ' SAILING OF TILE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM TUE UNITED STATES. BTEAIIHR DROII ' POE ' DAY Canada • New York Liverpool Oct 7 Fulton New York Ilavre Oct 17 FRO BI EUROPE. • ' ' ' FREW 'volt DAT Arabia Liverpool New York 9ept.l9 Fulton .. . ... . .. :.... Havre , New York ... ... ..... Sept 22 oor 'Muth i ogton.Ltverpoot NetrYork Sept 23 Niagara ....Liverpool Beaton ' Sept 26 Atlantic Liverpool New York Sept 30 Borusala • Hamburg' New Y0rk. , ...,' Oct 1 Arno - . Ilavre New York.. ' Oct 21 MOVEMENTS OF lIAVANA STEAMERS Pmcamments—Yrom Now York 2d, arriving at 11a• vane. 6th, and New Orleans 11th. From New Orleans 20th ; Havana 23d, arriving at New York Mb. QUAKUR 0107,—From New,York 7th of each month, arriving at Henna 12th, and Mobile 14th. Prom Mo• bile 22d, Havana 24th, arriving at New York 20th. oaniwßA=Proiu New York 12th; arriving at llama. 17th. and New Orleans 10th. From Now Orleans 27th, Havaim 29th, arriving at New York ad. :Emma OttV—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha vana 2ad; and New Orleans 26th. From New Orlmins 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at New York lath. InallteWsthoon—From New York 27th, active at, Havana let and New Orleana 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th, due at Now York 18th. linnet—From Charleaton 19th and 44h, due at Ha vana 23d and 7th. From Havana lOtleand 25th, due at Now York 16th and Slat. The California mail steamers sail from New York on the Gth and 20th of each month. Marine FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 2, 1857. 'SUN RISES. ...... —.O 11.---ZUN BETA 6 49 man WATER 3215 ARRIVED. Steamship Phineea Sprague, Matthews, 48 hours from Boston, with wise and passengers to II Winsor. Ship Nonpareil, Foulke, 30 days from Liverpool, with mdse and 8 passengers to T Richardson & Co. Crossed the Banks,on the lath Sept, in lot 44 50. On the 16th experienced a strong gale from S SE, at 2 PM, in lot 42 60, long 68 10 W; the wind in a violent squall shifted to N NW, and blew a hurricane; lost fore and main lower topsails, fore topmast atoysail, main spencer, and received considerable damage to sundry other salts. It continued to blow a hurricane for three hours, with a tremendous heavy sea running from the westward. Had nothing but strong gales, chiefly from Wto N NW for the last sixteen' days,;, (The N has been absent only two menthe and twelve days, including twenty-one days iii the' port of LiverPool:3 Ship, Carioca, Definer, frbm Rio'de 'Janeiro, Ang 12;' with' coffee to James, DeveronX. 'Vessels left before re,_ ported. • Brig Delaware, Meld, from Black River, 3a, with logwood, &e, to D N M'etaler & Co. Schr Golden ,Gate, Boone, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with grain to JaS Barrett !lon. "'' - Behr Enterprise. Brown ' 1 day from Newport, Del, with corn to Jae Barrett & Son. 'Behr Henry Wolfe, Adkins, 2 days from Milton, Del, with wheat to J 1f McColley. Schr Eldorado, Williams, 4 days from Laurel, Del, with corn to 3 II McColley, ,Schr Lacon, Beams, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. ' .Sehr Abby Whitman, Clifford, 5 days from Bdeton, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Behr Sharon; Thurlow, 5 days from Newburyport, with noise to E A Bonder & Co. Behr B 1 I Carlton, Shale?? 4 days from Middletown, ot, with stone to captain. Bchr Charlotte Shaw, Reeves, 3 days from New York, with mdse to Crowell & Behr Reporter, Berry, 10 days from Frankford, Me, with mdse to captain. Behr S Lockwood, Purnell, from Camden, Del. Sloop S D Fish, Bell, 1 day•ftenn Lewes, Del, with mdse to T W Parker, Sloop James Brown, Betts, 3 days from Milford, Del, with lumber to 3 W Bacon & Co. CLEARED. Steamship Boston, Bellew, New York, JAB Allderdice. , Steamship Union, Conroy, Lagneyra, captain. Steamship City of New York, Howes, Beaten, Remy Winner. Barque Minnesota, Cole, Rio de Janeiro. J Devereux. Borgne White Wing, Ealing, Lagnayra, .Hallett Brea Behr J If Planner. Themaon, Wilmington, NO, Pettit, Martin & Co. Bahr Bawl Croft, Arrants, Baltimore, ft 0 Christian. Behr M J Carlton, Shaine, New Raven, Repplier & Co. Behr 8 Lockwood, Burnell, New York, Noble, Ram melt & Caldwell, Behr Knight, Soars, Providence Repplier & Co. Behr Euphrates, Quintin, Washington, 8 Rothermol. Behr Sultana, Fletcher Cambridge, do Steamer Fanner, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. , LEIVES. Del,. Sept. 30, 8 A M. ~ There ` are about thirty sail at harbor, among which are ochre Wm Jones. "Alhambra, Maine, Tennessee, IV Rail, Rickman, and John It Made, A few deeply laden ochre are now going to sea. Wind NE—weather cool. . For:111;5re," ' " WM. U. RICKMAN. [BY TlitlOolP.ll Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. OAPS ISLAND, Oct. 1 530 P Several brigs nod schooners passed in to-day, but none proceeded to sea. Wind strong from the mouth. Wea ther cool. Yours, do., THOS. B. HUGHES [BY TELEGRAPH.] ' (Oorrespaudeuee of The Press.) New Your, Oct 1. Arrived, Vr. barque Jules ' from °ape Ilaytieu; brig tiralm, from St Croix Br schr Paradise, from Port au Platt, at Domingo. Correspondence of The Press. - Myna Ds Gluon, Oct. 1. Twelve hosts left here this morning, laden and con signed as follows: Mollie, staves to Twells Caskili & Calvin; Mary El. len, whiskey to Nesbit and Garrettson, and lumber to II Taylor & Co; Samuel Weaver, lumber to D B Tayior & Co; J 0 Sampson, lumber to Young Ir. Woolverton; Then E Sheets. lumber, to Norcross & Sheets; New World; anthracite coal to II 51 Fuller; Dr L 8 Filbert, Heine, F Wenerich. J 1) Cameron, McCullough & Gar vaNch, and Frank Fidler, anthracite coil to Del city: . - ' ITOBANDA . . ißeatualdGhisgovi, unestOor Glasgow, sailed from New York 30th ult. • Steamship Indium, for Bremen, sailed from N York 80th Wt. • Kennebec,Steamshipenb Hand, hence at New York yes terday. • Steamship Borussia, (Ham) for Hamburg, sailed from New York yesterday. Steamship City of Baltimore, Leitch. sailed from New Yerk yesterday for Liverpool. Steamship Tennemee, Talbot, fur New Orleans, sailed from New York 30th ult. Blain Norway, Motor, for Hong Kong, soiled loom Nen YOrk 80th ult. Ship Kate Hunter, Treiethen ' at New Orleans from Calcutta, has not been ordered to Boston, as reported; she will discharge all her cargo at New Orleans except 150 tons of saltpetre, which will be sent to Boston. ship Trenton, Green, for Liverpool, cleared at St Ste. phens, NB, 28th ult. Ship Loo Chao, Se barn, for London, cleared at St Stephens, NB, 20th ult. Barque Meridian, Boss, (or Akyab, cleared at N York yeatorday. Barque Vigo, Thurlow, Irons Matanzas for Portland, put into Savannah 26th ult. in distress. Barque Island City, Stevens, frOm Diverpool for Ilicksport, was spoken 27th ult: on Georges Bank. Brig Marine, Burt, having repaired, sailed from Nor folk 28th ult. for New York. Brig Golden Lead, Johnson, cleared at Norfolk 28th ult. for West Indies ' Brig Beatrice, hence at Boston yesterday. Brig Alfaretta, Bibber, hence at Portsmouth 29th ult. Brig R 0 Dyer, Turner, harm at Bangor 28th ult. ' Brig Lucy Ann. Weer, from Semerset for Philadelphia, Sailed from Fall River 29th ult. Brig W A Brawn, Nickerson, for Aspinwall, cleared at, Boston 80th ult. Dag J A Taylor, Young, hence at East Weymouth 25th ult. Ochre' M Powell, Jonathan Cone, and P Armstrong, hence at New Haven 30th ult. Behr New Mexico, for Philadelphia, salted from Now Haven 80th ult. fichrlulletta, Chase, hence at Boston 80th ult. Behr Only Son, Perry, sailed from Now Bedford 30th ult. for Philadelphia. Behr 0 If Neal, Henderson, hence at Port Norfolk 2Tth ult. Bohr Anita Damon, Marshall, hence at Weymouth 26th nit, and Moho°, Robinson, on the 28th. Behr Memo, Allen, hence at Milton 27th ult. Bohr L Sturtevant, Corson, hence, arrived at Quincy 291 h ult. Bohr L A Danenhower, Miller, Irma Delaware City, at New Bedford 29th nit. Behr Thou Page, Jones, for Philadelphia, sailed from Pawtuxerit 29th ult. Behr E Townsend. Slocum, for Georgetown, SC, went to sea from Charleston 28th ult. Behr Kaloolah Patterson, hence, remained at Angell. tort oth ult. Bohr Alexander M, Christie, from Now Bedford for Philadelphia, at New York yesterday. Behr Argus Eye, Sharp, for Baltimore, went to ace from Charleston 28th ult. Behr IV C Eliaeon, Buckaloo hence at Charleston 28th ult. Saws 'Brazil, Pool; J Barrett. Davis, and A Cordery, Babcock, hence at Boston 30th ult. Bchre 'Henry Payson, Eldridge, for this port, and 8 Welders, Smith, for Wilmington, Del, cleared at Boston Stith Wt.— • ' Sohn Sarah Eatinia, Hanson; J 0 Runyon, Endicott, and Naiad Queen, Hulse, hence at Fall River 28th ult. Behr Albert' Field, Phillips,'lrom Taunton for Phila delphia, sailed from Pall D i ver 29th ult. Bohr It Vickery, Horton, hence at Taunton 28th ult. Behr Globe, Homer hence at Warren 28th ult. Ochre Old Wilson, damp; Shenandoah, Hickman; John .1 Lancaster, Stites; Learning, Brower; Beaport, Scull, and 7 Ruling, Brewster, hence at Providence 29th ult.. Bohr Oscar F Hawley, Beckett, at Providence 20th ult. from Delaware City. Behr Star, Taylor, hence., via Pall River, at Provi dance 20th ult. Mae Madonna, Teazle; 'Chas 'Whiting, Butter Jane Patterson, WM and A. Heaton, Ryan; for pliia, sailed from Providence 29th ult. 13chr, Mail, ()rowan, t for Philadelphia, did not sail from Providence 28th silt, as wan reported. • Behr Alyarado, Bounders, tailed from Cabals 234 for Philadelphia . . Bohr John P Collins, Butler, for Wilmington, Del, cleared at Albany 80th ult. Bohr W W Brainard, Bowditch, hence at Pairtuxent 28th ult. Behr Charity, Barrett, hence at Newport 29th ult. Str Vulcan, Morrison, for Philadelphia, cleared at N York yesterday. SPOKEN. 14th nit, south side of; Cuba, Behr Ann Gardner, of Harwlch, froniNew York for Jamaica, ' MARINE MISCELLANY PRES,ST.O II 44DF.M I 4OI 143 1IPMv Pqr-BERP 4 11 1857.: .. . _ ~ . . . lesson of cargo—and as will be seen by reference to the table given below, has been (with one exception) the most disagrees month for undonvrlters of any, so far, this year, occasioned by the foundering of the Central America, whose value, with that of the specie un freight and in the hoods of pasnenzers, we have given at 52,000,000, being rather under then over the amount of property lost. The vessels reported in this lint are chiefly American, although some foreign are included—when bound to or from a United States port, or known to be insured in this country. Vessels marked * are missing, supposed lost ,• those marked f, abandoned at sea ; those marked*, sunk after collision ; those marked §, burned, and those ii, foundered. 'A summary statement of Octanes for this year shown that there were ,in nine mouths, 445 vessels, valued at $14,158,300. Nemo. From For Behr Albion, , Calais, Phibulelphia. Brig Albion Cooper, Portland, Cardenact Behr Albion N Carolina, Buzzard's Bay. Behr Abilel Albion, Wash 'ton, N 0, Now York. Fehr Corinthian, Weymouth, Bangor. Ste Central America, Aspinwall, New Barque Colin Mcßae, Liverpool, Wilminglii, NO. Fehr N S Willetts, . N. Carolina, Now York. Bohr Emily Word, Charleston, New York. Behr Frances, (whaler) of N. Bedford II Ship Floating Zephyr, Pensacola, Buenos Ayres. Behr Guilford, Savannah, NMAMI, N P.t Behr iteration, of Plymouth, fishing. Barque John Parker, New Orleans, Rotterdam. Barque John Bird, Rockland, at New Orleans.§ Brig James Wakefield, Bath, , cerdenas. Bahr John N Calvin, lfunt'gCreek, Norfolk. Ship Lexington, New Orleans, Liverpool. Behr EL Scott, Bristol, Pa, Boston. Bohr Lucinda Jane. Philadelphia, Belfast, hie. 't Ship N. de Etubill New York, Santander ot • Behr Minnehaba, New London, St lleloua.* , Behr Mary Eliza, Millvillo, N J, Westport. Steamer Norfolk, Philadelphia, Norfolk. Sehr New Republic, Philadelphia, Wilming'n, NO' Bohr Ontario, Port Richmond,Boston. fiche Ohio, ' N Brunswick, NJ, Hudson, NY. Brig Portland, Philadelphia, Charleston. • Schr,Pearl, of N Carolina, Buzzard's Bay. Barque Rosalie, (Br) Boston, 'Sydney, 0 li. Behr Rattlesnake, Kingston, Ja., Philadelphia, Behr Robert Palmer, El izabet't,NJ, Charleston, Brig Reveille, Jacksonville, Trinidad, Cuba, Barque Susan,(whttlerl fat Di Bedford, Ritoneraida, Sclellcitoolboy, Now York, Philadelphia BrlESarah Thorudiko, StStephens,Nß Matanzas, Brig Vermont, Picton, NS Boston, Behr Visitor, Minltitlau, Nov Orleans, Behr Wake, Wihreng, N 0 New York, NEW IORIC, Oct I—Ar, ship Chas L Merwin,Rotters dam, Aug 21st; barque ACronaut, Peckner, Turke Island Sept 1711,; ochre Castor, liarding, Ponce (P ft) Sept 10th; Augusta, (of Harrington) Cole, klayagues; Bed Eagle, Robbins, Charleston; II Cole, Ilarleton, Balti more; henries, Whipple Richmond; Ii T Watson, Ro bins, Newborn. NO. Old, Ship John and Albert Crew el), New Orleans; barque Mary Lucretia, Gibbs, hIolie; brig &ilia, Crowell, Norton. 'BOSTON , Sept. Sd.—Arr barque Elizabeth Lewitt (of Ifoston), Knapp, Archangel; Er brig lindannted,Co meau, Turks Islands. Telegraphed—Brig Indian Queen, from Baltimore. Cleared—sbip John Spear, Spear, New Orleans; barques E Yarrington, Gorham, Constantinoplo; Growler, Pillsbury, and David Kimball, Ames, Mobile; brigs Caroline, Gibbs, Remedios, Leontino, Bray, Port Harvey. • PROVIDENCE, Sept 29.—Arrived Bch Wm E Steven son,lkfears, Watehaprigue, Va.; eels Wild Pigeon, Milli ken, Balthnoro. SAIED—Br barque Wm U Jenkins, Lovitt, St John N B, to load deals for Europe; sehrs Jos Turnar,Crewell, Norfolk; Daniel W Vaughan, Gifford, for New York, to load for Matagorda. CALAIS—ShI 20th, brig Boyne, Hume, Cobs. PORTLAND-291h—Ar steamships Emperor, (Br) Chisholm, St John, N B, via Eastport; Admiral Small. do via do, far Boston; barque It U Knight, Lnsoomb, Havana. Old Dr steamship Emperor,Ohisholm, St John, N It,• brig Amine, Lewis, Alexandria. NEWINIRYPORT—Bid 29th, brig Waverly, Haynes, Windsor, N S. NEW BEDFORD—Arr 29th, sehrs S Waterman, Keith, Norfolk; Wm 11 White, Montgomery, Trenton, N Y. Sid orbs Mary dans. NEWPORT-1n port 20th, iA M, brig Sarah Wooster; aches A J Ward, Robbins, from Providence for Cherry otone, Va. 2 P M—ln port brig John Hathaway Smith, from Bristol for Havana, detained by the desertion of some of her crew last night; schre Mom and others. Sid schrs Sarah Mills, Albert Thomas and A J Ward. CHARLESTON, Sept. 28—!Arr brig Clinton, Dowhurst, New York. At Quarrautino—U S 51 steamship Catawba, Hawes, Havana via Key West and Savannah. Went to een—barquo Jasper, Bennot, New York; ochre Snow Squall, Crockett, a Northern Port; Col Satteily, Taylor, Wilmington (NO). SAVANNAH, Ca,, Sept. 26—Barque P W Barter, Bar= ter, Bath, Me.; Behr N Berry, - Pendloton, Camden, Me. Cleared steamship Augusta, Woodhull, New York; Rehm H Clear, Bethel, Harbor Island, Bahama; Target, Furman, New York. MOBILE, Sept. 25—Arr Barque Victoria°, Buckley, .from Nassau, N. P., with the cargoes of barques Edwin and eaudford Aehern, to Mobile Insurante Co.' Brig Jehosse, Stifles, from Mcßae. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 24—Arr eteamehip Texas, Forbes, from Vera Cruz, 22d lust; ship Owego, Stevens, N iv York; ship Adelaide Bell, Flag, Liverpool; barque li rriet Hazeltine, Drinkwater, Boston; barque William & tine, Cobb, New York; barque Wm. Henry, Young, Matanzas; Spanish barque Mitts, Ravens; brig Taft. lob, Roberts, Raven& Below—ship Wurteroberg, Mc- Lellan, from' Werra 21st July, to Baxter, Lovell & Co.; ship Muria, Greenleaf, aferryinan, from 'Liverpool July' 29th, to 3 1 , Whitney &' Co. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. OIRARD Hol7BE—Chestnut Street, below Ninth. Andrew J George, Balt L W Badger & la, Elmira Id Solomon, N V It M Badger, Blinks 0 J Cherey, Tons Thou 5 Ring. Miss A BDeloach, Miss Chaa Weiss England .1 II Helmuth, St Louis II Bldgley £ la, Del W It Perkins, Dolt Wm H Gray, Frankfort,Ky 0 T Layton, Del C H Adams, Albany, N Y Thou It Lewis & eon, Balt E B Gar, Va B 0 Ger, Ye W Whitehead, U 9 N J H Rodgers, Vs Wm B Tucker, Balt Shrum Stevens ' Lancaster Ii iil North, Columbia T J Slumlord, Detroit , Joe D Nichols. Columbia B P Fillmore, N Y • J F Watkins, Va II Snowden, Vs Col II Henderson, Tam ei A N Curtis, Sharon, Pa D Ricketts, Louisville 8 B Deffendedrfer, Looter Alt McCoy & Is, N Y Geo SI Lauman, Heading James Campbell, St Louis G A Frierson, La J W Ilebler, Danville W 0 Hoobey, Pa Dr II Correll, Tenn Lewta Baker, Cincinnati 0 B Smith, Kentucky , .3 A °rallied, Va • • Mks 8 Shontlrerger, Oln . o WM Shomberger, Cln, 0 if Nicholson MD, Florida II M Marcus, N Y John Erwin Ale Mrs Erwin, Ala Miss Shortridgo Ala John A Linton, Washs 1. Goode, Was'hington J P Strohocker, Charleston J W Bigelow, Boston Tipton Walker. Texas Aug B Fitch, Buffalo A J Poland & la, Chicago 111 Benson, Salem, Mass TIV Benson, Salem, MU. W Batchelor & family, Mil W Spear, Ala II Spear, Alamo Mute Smith, N Y Jos Clark, N Y i 8 It %Abe., N `I Jam ()have, Portsmouth , Chas E lloveland, N Y It Murray, Lockport 1 Jae P Adamn & lady, 8 0 V Errlvr, Alignata, tin 1 W 0 Smith, Greensboro,tia A S Scarborough, Cis, 0 Mrs E Wentworth, Purtalt Site, 'Wentworth,. Ports'h ' 0.1 Wentworth, Portsiu'li J A Williams, Oxford ' T I Blacknall, N 0 Alias A B Meek, Ala N BMWs, Harrisburg A .1 Pierson, N Y ' A Buchanan, Jr, Scotland EAI Moreland, Charleston Miss E Moreland;Char'n Miss N Moreland, ChtirPn Wm Morris, Va B Warn irk, Va E K Harris, N Orleans Judge Pearson, Florida P Van Schanck & la, 5 0 W A Itichanleon & la, Mass D 8 Bryan, New Orleans Mr Whitney, Now Orleans David Davies, New York B Hoskins, N 0 J 0 Holbrook, New York Jackson Smith, Texas ft IV Forbes, New York Capt Smith, l'a Win Pinkerton, Pa It D G Carroll, jr, Ma It Moffoll, Baltimore Jos F Knapp, New York Bobt Campbell, New York P A Goodwin, Illinois John A Oakley New York F W Coggell, New York ChsfrAniburg, Balt Wm' 0 Dotter, U 5 N MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street,below Arch. A Farrington, Herkimer, NY J A Rutherford Ilarrisb'g W W Arndt, Pittsburgh I, ef Vance, Indianapolis 1 B McDowell, Del .1 Rowe, Greencastle, Pa 0 8 Murray, Morcersburg It M PI4II, Kansas D Gutman, 'York, Pa A i Bowers, York, Pa Rll Alendendall, Indiana .1 0 Leslie, Poland, Ohio II }toucan, Poland, Ohio L Litten, Indiana J D Oorgas, Carlisle .1 0 Porterfelan, Pa Isaac Doan, Harrisburg Thus Mcßride' Harlemburg T D Oran.blett, Ohio A Barnes, Ohio' 0 W Porter, Sharon, Pa S L Coin, Sharon, Pa John Brown, Pa J Griffith, Indiana A L Kerr, Pittsburgh Mrs L Kerr, Pittsburgh AIM P Bigaton, Ohio Miss F M Pall, Ohio - W Green, Md A D flank, Paradiso P L Nichols, Paradise I Brugg, Paradise I Brugg, Paradise J F \Yearn, Clearfield Win Overfleld, 1:45t011. P 4 Jll Cradled, Monroe co Jno 0 Mott,Milford Wm Young, Allatinhorg Gdo L Derr, Tamaqua T 0 Hill, Summit Hill, Pa II W Bonsall, Norristown Joseph Dysart, Phila 111 OGieeson, Juniata co A Fulton, Pittsburgh A.l Brand, Pennsylvania I K Gemming, Cresson J I) Brady, Pittsburgh J D Dayton, N Alexandria 5 Solomon, Georgia J 0 Wallace, Pennsylvania .1 M Barton, Mt Vernon E Prince & la, Raleigh .1 Morgan, Washington, Pa A Wolin, Bethlehem .1 L Pulkerson, N Carolina 'A 0 Cawles, N Carolina Wm L Martin, N Carolina JII Anderson, Virginia 0 Newton, Pennsylvania A Clary, Maryland P .1 Nichols, Beading T at Cleary, New Castle Mies L Robertson, Ohio A C . l ohnston, Ohio E Denison, Ohio D Williams & Scaly, N Y Seth McClain, Ohio J W Mohan & lady, Pa $ A Wilson, MA J Rankin, Troy, N Y II Hershey, Columbia Isaac Fisher, Pallas, 11l It R Piper Harrisburg Robert S Lyon, N Y .10 Boyer, Sweetwater N E Wandell, Wilkesbarre H A Roes, Harrisburg JO4 B Cooper, Albany, N I Ira Fowler, N V Bobt Allen, Albany, DI Y P Pettobono, Wyoming, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Oheatnut, below Math et. E Sturdevant, Ot W Ii Barton, Ot Peter Adams & al, N 0 Mies Adams, N 0 J Q Rudealll, N 0 0 W Colter, NJ II W Hammond, Del A L Nye, Morgantown J D Norneet, Va A El Darden, Va B B Brett, Ye E Meredith; N Y T Love, Phomizville Thee 0 Passitt & la, bid IP tt Alueselman,Straeburg,Pe D ki Potte, Strasburg, Pa Thom J Prow, Ala A J Ring, Del G D Mooed, Phila J Pitztvater, Pitssratart'n R Roberts, Chestnut MI ' Baml ?dant, Phila Wea ti Bull, Phil& it Davis, Lane co, Pa B Strobe Lane co, Pa Mrs Johnson &da, W Chest John S h l uthey , W Oheet 1Y It Robinson, TO Y It 8 Robinson, N Y W hi Williams, 111 .. Theis W Little, Vs .7 W Mason, Vs J Pretlowe, Va Wm L Ellis, Va Gee Chandler, Del 4 A Mason, Vs TO 0 Weeicott, bid ' H G Brother, Ohio II Benedict, Ohio A 3 . Miller, Pa 8 Cortes, Va T Street, Balt Mims E Douglas, W Obeet Jae W Deacon, N J Wm It. Deacon, N J . Adam E King, Del W E Jenkins, Va 8 Jameson, va bl P 11111, Fort Week 8 Halsey, N J J P Chandler, , Del UNION lIOTEL—Arch Street, above Third. D Black, Easton M Vaumetro, Easton nos Duor, Bucks co, Pa A Seize, Reading Abel Darlington, Chester coltiaml Lindsay, Pittsburgh John Unger, Berlin, Ohio Dunlop Paxtoneaettysburg H Aughenbaugh, Gettys'bg Wm Roller & la, Ohio ' A D Buehler, Gettysburg Mrs P L Buehler, Goltys'bg W L Heisler, W Hansel, Easton; Pa David Claris Easton, Pa B Thompkins, Easton, Pa A White, Fitchburg, blase Jan p Alamo°, Masa Jno it Larwill, Ohio 0 Bruner, N Y "P Strang, Hoboken L L Rettig, ti A Foil, Mt Pleasant, NO Col J Clayton & la, Del RiptJd Clayton, & la, Del Whi Patterson, Ohio Mrs Illgelow, Ohio Mrs McKenzie, Ohio Mips McFall, Ohio' Miss McKeasy, Ohio Watson, Arinah Jos Brown, Hartwell, 0 J H Wollner, Winfield, 0 AII Trugo, Lambertville , R Russell, 'Lancaster ' W Whiteside, Lancaster N IL Nicholy, Ohio J H Shively, Pittsburgh J 8 Sbreder, Pittsburgh A Bpang, Pittsburgh Jno Heebner, Pt Carbon Wm Donaldson, Tamaqua 8 0 Eckel, Mt Pleasant 118 itois ell, Der Water flap John Pearson, Reading, Pa Wm Mintzer, Pottstown W J Roepper, Bethlehem Plt Writzel, Easton, Pa Robt Oriswell, N Y (Truce, N Market, 0 We, Ii Scott. N Market, 0 Jan McCandlish, Newville J N Ilimea, Shlppensburg L 1.1 Nyman, Md James Moore, Bridgeton, NJ T B Robertson, ?id - Thos Rice, OM, 0 Peter Strong, Chi, 0 Jan Price, Olu, Ohio ' • STATES UNlON—Market atreet,.above Slath. M E Croon, Pa ' D Lamborn, Pa Joseph 0 Walker, Pa Samuel Miller, Lebanon John A Woods, Pa • 11M Slaymaker, Pa P MellVain, Pa J A Fox, Cheater co John Ward & la, N Y C Hem, Souderaburg Wm 11.AlbrIght, York co John Oliver, Harrisburg John relit & la, Columbia Wm U Harkness, Carlisle N 0 Gove, Columbia A Loudon, Oumberl'd co A G McGreier,WestmorePd T J Ruch, Columbia A T Deemer, Carlisle A Billow, DilllCBllllloo S Arnold, Clearfield M J Speakman, Christ , a co Wash Sturgeon, Harrisburg B Moeyer, Harrisburg Semi B Satoh, Harrisburg J W Sideman, Marietta " Henry 11 Munn, Centro co Patrick Pim, Notristmen Jos Graham, Coatesville Geri A'Brooks, Harrisburg W A McDowell, Yale College E Shober & lady, Lancaster Haul Sayler, Parma WLightfelt, Williamsburg Geo Johnson, Harrisburg ' Saud Kenuey, Pottsville d Dobson & la. Harrisburg Kirk Pew, Harriaburg John McVey, Harrisburg Dr J Hopkins & son, Md 11Stubbi, Cacti co, Md J W Caldwell, Cecilco,Mtl Geo P Cook', Maryland J Horner, Middletown S Rupp, Penns J P Esdney,Peana 1 • , 0 Naugle, Renasy/Itiall DOMESTIO PORTS YESTERDAY . - BLACK BEAR INN—Merchant street, bet. Fifth. John Boyd, Chester coiltity (leo Boyd; Chester county J Devoe, West Chester Clarkson Mosel!), N Mores Brinton, Pa 31 0 Mandan, Cheater co W Shields, Midwa y , Pa AIV Ponnaytou, Rol Pennayton, Del • Mr Dierbower, Chester co Thos Rakestraw & In, Ohio Win I. Bake:trim & la, 0 Henry Beacham, 'Seiko co M T Hewes, Chester co Jos L Catlett, Chester co Isane Massey, Chester co Pauttl Sharpless, Chesteetar Thos Sharpless, Chester co AOh en, Juniata county .1 Beerbower, Pn Mtm P II Webb, Pn John nankin, Ohio Isaac Oray, Ohio Jets B McDowell, Del Jos I) Mai chank, Louisville Paces. Wichrsliam, Pn Lewis Gauge, Chester en 11 P Underwood, New Lon- II McHenry, New London don Thus Purguson, Lancaster John Williamson, Chester JP Osmond, Chester co di Cosgrove, hid NATIONAL HOTEL, Rano street, above Third. John M Vleit, Milford, NJ A Wilkens, N Y 0 Wilkens, N Y , T, Prank, N Y 311 Arndt. Howard ExCo II 8 Stull, lloward Ex Co A (liven, Del , 'l' J Allkon, Del P It 80111111 U, COillinbin, Pa Win B Tholuerhon, Pa 'r Anthony. Del Water Gap II C Wintergreen, Perryvie (1 Neweoutb, Perryville (leo Lawton, Pittsburgh I (leorge. Lebanon ' II 11 Price W In, Ohio .1 T Dimon, Itoading M Reynolds, Ohio 311 McMillen, Warren en 309 T Paxton, Lane co Jacob parr, L . lllO co Beni Groff, Latta co Samuel lialliet, Pit j Ettritslintv, Ohlo Jaw 11 Twiner, 01,10 11 Adams, Pottsville Miss Adams, Pottsville 11 It nogg'. & In, Pn Etlw Wilson, New Berlin JI) Hopi', New Berlin Leo in Kaufman, Danville 31) Bitting & la, Rending Jan Gnome}, Middletown t) Delimit'', Germantown BLACK BEAR MOTEL—Third street, lib Callowhill. Atm Buckman, Feaster, lie 141 PIS Vartichile, Feastery .1 Vartsilsie, Feaster, file ill (I Boyer, Norristown lF tie) men, Reeding J Miller, Bucks CO J Muller, Norristown J SLireugood, Rending J lirumbsch, Rending Pli Benny-der, Whiling W R Kline, Reading J llogeland, Southampton Wm Hogeland, Sou themptin Stet en Rhoades, Sthampt'n Wm Young, Catasauqua Mrs Young, Cutassurpm (I,Ludyrtek, 'Meanie A 11 Trexler, Sunbury Piank "healer, Macungie Jesse Preinig, hreinigsville jois T Reber, Beading 11 S Ludwig, Berko co Airs Ludwig, Berke county MADISON HOUSE—Second street, below Arch. James Sharp, N J George Sharp, N J Wm Black, N 3 Thos Brown. N J J 3 Itaughly, Del E Bobbins, N J J Treadwell, Del Jas M Wilkinson, Pa Woo Bogart, N Y C ll Haines, N Y John IY Cullen, Del T 1! Lacey, Del J Y Buckmaster, Del Jag L Wllson, Pittsburgh Ilt.nry May, Baltimore Edw Watson, Del AI II Wells, Morestown, B O Bulbs, Morestown fl 11 Morn, Philo Relit A Farron, N 1' Henry 0 Milligan, N Y Jos ► Smith, Ohio , Special Noticca. p~enmen'• 14 Irvin Fund—Office 203 Walnut Woof, one door west of second street Receives de- P ool lo'in `sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all ch 65606 of the community, and [Mous interest at the rate of the per cent, per annum. OtßOCepen daily, from 0 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Paturday until 0 in the evening. President PAnklin Fell; Treasurer, Oliarlea M. Mozria &ere tug, James 8. Pringle. bower's Infant Cordlnl.-•-Thin invaluable (*dial is prepared from a variety of the meet choice and efflcleat aromatics known iu medicine, and le the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. Dy its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected to all cases of Cloth., windy pains eel epasma. Relieves mid mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or, teething, and by its soothing properties tran unitises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &c. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, atra bee been %Med in thousands of cases with the most abpadant mouse. No family Amnia be without it. prepared only by DeCRY A. Bowre, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N.E. corner of Sixth and Oreen tits., Philadelphia. To whom ell orders must he addressed. And for sole by Druggists generally. en 18-ly Sawing Fund—Five Fer Cent. Interest—Ns tidnal Safety Trust Company, in WALNUT Street, south. west =MOT Of THIRD Street, PRILADELENIIII. Amgets odprlkui MILLION AND A MALY OP DOLLARS, invested intßial. ESTATE, MONTOSONS,4IIOOND RENTS, and other iirSt class securities, as required by the charter. his inMitution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money ou deposit. the office Is open every day from It o'clock in the m9rning until 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock. bit the 14th of September, by Rev. John McDowell, Mi. THOMAS J. CARVER to Mine CADDIE A., eldest , abghter of the Into J. J. N. Douglas, EN., all of this 1 .1% in the 16th of September, by Rue. 11 8. Sparkman, ARLES D. GREEVES to SARAN O. BOTSFORD, both of Philadelphia. Meatlp On the 30th ult., EMBlA,daughter of BeimaniluE. and Ddbornh I'. Carpenter. Who relativea and friends of the family ere respectfully InTlted to attend her luneral front the reridenco of her parents, No. 722 North Tenth street, on Saturday after. noon, et 2 o'clock, without further milieu To proceed toVoodland. 2tS 13n the 20th ult., Mrs. MARGARET HUNTER, aged 83 years. On the 29th ult., CULBERT DU RNETT, infant sun of Wpt. S. and Auna Maria Pine, aged 17 months Suddenly, en the 30th ult. of heart disease, Miss MARY CHALMERS; in the 05th year of her age. Ou thu 29th tilt , Mr. COURTLAND BUTLER, In the 38th year of his ago. Ou the 29th ult., MARGARET DOUGHERTY, aged 80 years. On the 30th ult., TIMOTHY 1., son of Nancy S. and Hilate Timothy 1 Dyre, I a the 30th year of 61s age. 1 n Tuesday, 20th ult , Miss MARGARET JANE 0 ANEY, in the lilet year of her age. TRFASURT DEPARIINENT, September 23,1957. Notice is hereby given to the holders of ntoct.e of the United States that this Department will }imam., each .cei3lOcites as shall be received hero, duly assigned to thi United States, previous to the Ist day of Nom, lief next, ut the intes heretofore offered and paid, viz . 10 per cent. premium no the loan of 1342. per cent. premium ou loatl9 of 1317 and and 1818, ,0 per emit. premium ou iudeMoitj• .0 per emit. stock, together with the interest nem ued in each V9ho froln lot July. 6ortificatee of stock received here on and after the lst k ilay,of November, until Inc thee notice shall beget en, will be purchased at the following rates, vie . will cent premium en the loan of 1842 toper eeut premium ou the loot of 1847 and 1348, tG wr cent. premium on Texas indemnity 5 per cent., with the accrued interest payable thereon, respectively, 'Where certificates of stock, inscribed and tranafera blit on the bookit or the Treasury, shall be recoised bore, asnlgned to the United States, between the let Deem bor. when the transfer books will be closed, and the let of January, when the half-yearly interest in payable, tha accrued interest for the half-year must be expressly assigned to the United States by the stockholder, as no Interest for the current half-year can be Included in the settlement, but the same will be payable by the Aeslat ant Treasurer on the Interest schedules, an heretofore. In nil cases the purchase some will be settled in favor of the lawful holder of the stock, who shall assign it to the United States in the mode prescribed by the regula tions of assignments of stock ; and remittance will he made of the amount by draft on the assistant treasu rers at Boston, New York, or PIA MOlOllll, at the op tlein bf tho party in whose favor the settlement shall be made. One day's additional Interest will be added from the day of receipt hero for the draft to be sent by mail. HOWELL COBB, Secretary of the Treasury. IL? Notice.—The undersigned, a member of the FRANKLIN FIRE COMPANY, of this city, anx lons to contribute In come degree to promote the greater efficiency of the fire department, proposes to present to the Chief Director of any fire company that shall first give water to the now engine of the Franklin Engine Company, at a fire in the Second tire district, a GOLD LEVER WATCH. The company cannot put their en gine in service till after the parade, and then due notice will be given. The undersigned desires the watch to be fairly won, and will not deliver it if there is any dis turbance of the public peace, or any conduct calculated to Airing the department, of which he has for many years been a member, in bad repute The watch may be neon at any timo prior to the presentation, at the house of the undersigned... WILLIAM BYERLY, Fourth poll Stanley streelm 113 - A Grand Mass Meeting of the Demo cracy of the Twouty.fourth Ward will be held at Ma nayunk, on Saturday Evening, 3d lust , at 7:4 Weisel:. The following gentlemen have been invited, and will be present to address the Meeting : Hon. M. M. Phillips, 0. W. Carrigan, Esq., Bon. Wm. R. Witto, Joshua T. Owens, Esq., Ron. Thos. B. Florence," Eugene Ahern, Esq., DOA. R. L. Wright, Wm. A. Edwards, Esq., pets. Rush, Esq., Vine. L. Bradford, Esq., Wm. M. B. Smith, Lewis 0. Cassidy, Esq. 4. full Brass Band will be in attendance. By order of this Committee oar Meetloge, J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. tuonse J. Itnotirm, Secretary. oet 2.21 ae A. Sleeting ot the Democratic Executive Committee of the First Ward Ann be held at °Mead 710.41111:cOluskey i e, FRIDAY, October 24, at brilf•past Beim o'clock. • HENRY STARR, Chairman. PATRICK DaVLIN, PRIM MAE; Seceetariem • oct24t* JOHN MIIRTIIY, Treasurer. Notice to Constaneea.=—The 'ship Nonpareil, Captain Faulk, from Liverpool, is now ready to discharge at Queen street wharf. Consignqcs will please send their permits ou board. All goods not permitted in Live days will be sent to public store. oc2 THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO trr Notlee.—A Meeting of the ere,'Hors of JOBEPII. MoDONVELL wlll bo held at hls ittore, (wow) No. 121 MARKET Greet, on FRIDAY EVENING, at 7X o'clock. ocl K uzr Law Department, University of Fennell vania.—A Term will commence on THURSDAY, Octo ber Ist. Au introductory lecture will be delivered by Professor Sharswood on the evening of THURSDAY, October lst) by Professor DlcUnit on the evening of SATURDAY, October 3d, and by Professor Miller on the evening of MONDAY, October oth. at 8 o'clock, at the Lecture n()0111 of the University. octl-4t fa" The Aununl Meeting of the Contributors of TIIE YOUNG MAN'S INSTITUTE will to) held on MONDAY, the Lth iust , at one o'clock P.M., ut No 2.i2 Walnut street, on which occasion the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees will be submitted, nod au election held for the appointment of Trustees. WM. L. RUIN, Secretary of Board of Trustees. Extract from the Mutates of ti Demo cratic City Executive Committee : Belo:1,M, That the Committee oh Town Meetings be requested to call a Alma Meeting of the Democracy of the County of Philadelphia, 011 MONDAY EVENING, October Mb, et 7 o'clock, to Independence Square, to make a suitable demonstration of opposition to the legalizing of the suspension of specie payment JOS. LIPPINCOTT, Chairman .1 5.. .J 05 . .8 Numlinti.,,Ns?(So cretorlen, TEr Democratin Cllai Executive Committee.— The Committee will meet every Tuesday and Friday af ternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the Globe hotel. JOM. LIPPINCOTT, Chairman. Wm. 31, RANDALL, Becretarlea . .023. at ur At a meeting of the 'Democratic City .cutive Committee, hold on Friday, Sept. 18th, it was Resolved. That the following town meetings be held : SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 3d, West Philadelphia. TUESDAY EVENING, Oct. 6t h, New Market and trawl' street, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oct. 7th, Pasmink road nd Federal street. THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. Bth, Manaytink. FRIDAY EVENING, Oct. 9th, Broad and Coates treet. SATURDAY EVENING, Oct 10th, State House Yard. A full Brass Band will be in attendance at each meet ng. J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. A.O. YIIOIMON, JOHN Recall Joax 0. 1 d:MICI Vioni J. BRoM, Committee on Meetings id.lollAti. Jag K. Wand; try- wilco of fn. union canal company PUMA t . 14th, H5l.—A meeting of the etoekholdero of the Union Canal Company of Pennsyl vania will be held at the office of the company, (Far gnhar Bitiblings,) No. 220 WALNUT street, below Third, on TUESDAY, October tith, otat, at 12 o'clock, M. By order of the Board of Managero, sels.dtoc6 0. THOMPSON. Sec'v. PEOPLE'S TICKET.- ECM= WM. F. PACKER, Lycoming County JOHN F. LINDNItittN, Horke County JILIDGFS SLIPREHR COURT. WM STRONG, Lterks County JAMES THOMPSON, trio County CITY TICKET SENATOR. SAMUEL 11. RANDLE. ASSEMBLY. JOHN C. KIRKPATRICK, GEOROB H. ARAISTRONO, JOSEPH R. CHURCH, JOHN RAMSEY. COUNTY NOMINATION SENATOR, DR. I. N. Id &RSELES.. ASSEMBLY. DAVID It. McOLANE, OLIVER EVANS, J H AMIN, JOSHUA T. OMENS, A ARTHUR, JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, THOMAS 11. WARAND, ABRAHAM ENGLISH, DAVID SELLEY, DAVID H. STYES, JOHN H SCOTT, GEORGE S. FOX, JAMES J. ALLISON MOE COURT COMMON PLEAS, JAMES R. LUDLOW. PROTHONOTARY DISTRICT COURT, JOHN P. MUPADDEN. CLERK QUARTER SESSIONS, JOSEPH CROOKET. REcORI , EII DEEDS, ALBERT D. BOILEAU. CORONER JOHN K. FENNER. 0c2.-2w %Inusemento AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. E. A MARSHALL Sole Lessee POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OP THE GRAND RONZANI BALLET TROUPE! TDB NEW 33ALLET A COMPLETE NOCCESS. The Artists Euthusmoirallu Chterrd. THIS (Friday) EVENING, October 2, 185'4 will be presented the New Ballet in three Acts and four Scenes, BIRIIIOIIING DI PARIGI, ' with all it, characteristic Dances, New Costumes, and varied Decorations. General Morin Signor D Romani Amadoo Signor Ceechetti Baroness Morin Signorina Ga. Pratesi liuiseppo Signorina Teresina Prateti Visa Wile Louise Lamoureux Daring the Ballet, aVile L. LAMOUREUX and Sig. F. RABATT I. Mill Dance TWO GRAND PAS DM DEUX PRIM OP Amtrssiox—Parquet, Dress Circle and Balcony, Si; Family Cudle, 5Q cents; Amphitheatre, 25 cents. The Box Office of the Academy is open from 9 A. ti. to 5 P. 51,, for the securing of Reserved Seats and Boxes, without extra charge, The Ballot wilt commence at 6 precisely. Carriages will set down heads South, and take up hoods North. oc2-1t TllO5. hfoICEON. Treasurer. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., near Eighth. ADMISSION —Seats in Private Box, $1; Orchestra Chairs, 71 cents' Dress Circle and Parquet, 50 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 7,3 i o'clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when seats can be secured. Stare Manager Mr. H. Watkins BENEFIT OF THE DISTINGUISHED TRAGEDIAN AND COMEDIAN. MR. J. E MURDOCH. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Oet. 2, will be presented the beautiful comedy of ELDER BROTHER, OR LOVE MAKES THE MAN °harks Mr J. E. Murdoch Angelina Mrs. Hudson Kirby To conclude with the Three Act Comedy of THE DRAMATIST, OR, DIE ALL, DIE NOBLY Vapid ...Mr. J,. E. Murdoch Lady Wanton Mrs II Muzzy WHEATLEY'B ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Bolus OF Pamit.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cants; Dram Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), GO cent;; Family Circle and Amphitheatre 25 cents; Seats In Pri vate boxes, 75 cents ; Whole Private Box, 53; Gallery, 13 coots; Gallery for Colored Persona, 25 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persona, 38 canto. Dos. Office open from 10 A M. until 3 P. M. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to continence quarter past 7. J. M. B.MTIITTON Treasurer. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Oct. 2, will be presented, for the fourth time, the last great lilt, by Tom Taylor, Esq , author of " Still Water boos Deep," entitred the VICTIMS. Mr Merryweather, a Stock Broker Mr. Dolman Mr. Herbert Fitzherbert .. Mr Wheatley Mrs. Merryweather.. Mra. E. L. Davenport Mrs. Fitzherbert Mrs D. P. Bowers To conclude with, fifth time, Plauche'a Beautiful bo meotic Drama of THE BRIGAND llosendro Massaroef Maria 0 razie WALNUT STREET TREATRE.—Les .ee, Mr. E A Marshall ; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton Prices.—Dross Circle and l'areuette, 55 cents; Tipper Circle, 25 ceuta; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 76 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. AI to 3 P. 51. Doors (*isnot T o'clock; performance to com mence at 73g. Only Night of tke New York Stars, from WaNeck's Theatre, New York. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Oct. 2, the performance will commence with Shrikspeara'a Comedy of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Benedick Mr. Waßack Lester Beatrice Mrs Licpay During the evening Mr. Chaplin. will Mug the Comic gong of "Robinson Crusoo," sung by him Three Times on IYetinesday Night last. . Concluding with, second time this season, the Laughs- ble iarea, by Kenny. enßlliql BURIED ALIVE. Billy Bowl.°ll Irz3 ..... AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.-E A MARSHALL, Sole Lessee. OPEN INti OF TIM ITALIAN OPERA SEASON, MONDAY EVENING, Ortotar M/1,180 And re-appearance of the former GALAXY OF FAVORITES, MADAME M GAZZANIO A, SIGNOR DRIONOLI, SIGNOR AMODIO, SIGNOR COLETTI. In accordance with The general wish of theenbacribers to the forthcoming season. Vert'Pa popular Opera of LA. ,TRAVIATA. will be pre+ented upon that occasion, but Pevitively for that Evening Only, 3.4 the requirements incideutel to the NEW OPERAS now In preparation for the debut of the various EMINENT ARTISTS recently arrived from Europe,and engaged for this ea tablishment, will preclude a repetition. Mueteal Director end Conductor, MAx. MARKTZEK • Pam or ADMISSION :—Parquotto Drees Circle, and Balcony, $ 1; Family Circle, 50 mite ; Amphitheatre, 25 cent.' rig - The Box Office of the Academy Is open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., for the secursug of Reserved Sesta and Boxes, without extra charge. Treasurer Mr. T. MaKam The Opera will commence at ti precisely. irr Carriages will set dosru boa& South, and take up heads North. oc2-2t T HOMEIIPS VARIETIES, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Entrance on Chestnut street. Sf ITE PAM VISITE:HS—TAKE NOTICE : VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERTS EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. . . Comprising a most diversified and pleasing MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN NIELANtir, Commencing at 7%. Admission, 10 cents. se29-fit IANPORD's OPERA HOUSE— K. - 1 ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut Doors open at IS o'clock—to commence at 8 Admittance 26 curds SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE In their Operatic Entertainments, introducing all the latest Soaps. Glom Choruses, Dances, &a , concluding each eNoning with a LAUGHABLE BURLESQUE. sold-lm WHAT IS VERY SELDOM FOUND 0011 SALE—A full half acres of LAND in the village of Benedict, on the Patuxent liner, Charles County, Md It is in the heart of said village—extend ing to the river with about 60 feet of beach as an outlet; on this outlet is a Steamboat Wharf, which can be put under rent after this year; three freak)) steamboats to and from Baltimore use this wharf, and three vessels would cheerfully pay wharfage for use of same. This property one sold by an act of our Legislature. I be came the purchaser with a view of carrying on a foundry, blacksmithing, wagon and cart making, oyster saloomng, pickling oysters, merchandising, lumberyard ing, &c., and to erect several buildings for annual rent. It is one of the greatest openings in the United States for everything of this kind. Charles,Prince George's, St. Mary's, and Calvert Counties call oudly for it, and would patronise almost exclusively. It in the shipping depot of this part of Charles county, and it is hard to estimate the extent of shipping, &e., to and from Balti more, carried en through this place annually. Often it is a perfect thoroughfare. Oysters can be had of the very best Mud for ten cents per bushel, or raked up from their inexhaustible beds by vessel loads for nothing; fish of all kinds are at the door the year round ; crabs and turtle plentiful in their season, and the cost of a family living in this place is but nominal. Indeed, the value of this property cannot well be de 'scribed. There ere no buildings except the large square county tobacco win ehouse, an office and one small house. I am a large planter ten miles off, and iu delicate health, becoming more and more ro, otherwise no person could buy this property. Terms made to suit the purchaser or purchasers. Baltimore two-thirds of a day's jour ney br steamboats from Benedict. Persons wishing to install themselves in a road leading directly to fortune can write tome, and I will meet them at their appointed time on said property; then they will see that I have tailed to do justice to said property iu noticing it as I have. They can leave Baltimore by Wednesday morning or Saturday morning steamers, and reach Benedict early in the evening. Direct your letters to ALFRED W. GARDINER, °ea-tit Bryantown, Charles Co., Maryland. JOHN B. STRYKER, JR, Wholesale Dealer in AUOTION DRY ROODS. N 0.12 BANK Street, Philadelphia. eetl-2m V"ITERS TO THE AGRICULTURAL FAIR, should not forget to call at OAKPORD'2, and procure one of their TIMEX DOLLAR HATS, or a One Soft flat at 8160. Children's new styles of lIA.TS AND CAPS. Sets of Furs front 16 upwards, at 624 CHESTNUT Street, re 30-4 t below Seventh 91REASURER '8 DEPARTMENT, PENN BYLYANI RAILROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, September 28th, 1881. NOTICE.—The Coupons for Interest on the 2d Mort gage Bonds of the Company, due on lat proximo, will be pall on presentation at the office at any time on or after that date. THOS. T. FIRTH, Treaaurer. MOSS -17 bales Carolina Moils, for sale by MARTIN k 1160ALI8TNR, aul 115 North Water Street. Ali Wimp NIES. E. MOULSON, 91,8 Chestnut street, will open beautiful Millinery on Fliday. Bank notes taken at par. octi-2t* OPENING, THOMAS MORGAN, NO. 138 NORTH NINTH STREET, Will open on THURSDAY, October Ist, a large and splendid selection of FALL MILLINERY, FRENCH FLOWERS, RIIIIIONS, , &e. The Ladies are respeetfully invited to call. aepBO-St THOMAS k SONS, 11.1* Nod, 130 aul 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, Ac. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. in- Handbill,. of each property issued separately, in adhtton to which we pubhsh on the Saturday precious to each sale one thou and catalogues na plutpltlet form, giving roll description.; of all the property to be sold on the following Tut,,day. Ifs FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. ItEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. 1 W e hal e a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale, includiog every description of City and Country property. Printed Mate may be had at the Auction Store PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. ' f Real Estate entered ou our Private Sale Re gister, are advertised oceacionally in nur Public Sale tbstraete, (of which 1,000 cop.:, are griut..,l weekly.) fret) el charge, PEREMPTORY SALE-500 FRARES UNION CANAL On 'T nenday evening. oth ()atelier, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, without reserve, for account of whom it may concern -500 shares protected six per cant. stock of the Union Canal Company of Penney Wuxi.% Par $5O. with power of attorney for transfer endorsed ti shares American Academy of Music, do Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Co I do Point Breeze Park Association. do Philadelphia Library, Philadelphia Atha amain, and Alercantilo Libraries. BANK STOCKS Also, 42 shares City Batik. Par 550, full paid. - 40 shares Commerci►l Bask. Yat $5O. 5 25 paid. TENTII FALL SALE, 6th OP OCTOBER, AT TILE . This sale will include— , HANDSOME RESIDENCE, WITH SIDE YARD. Handsome modern Residence, with side yard, south side of Washington street, first house east of Seven teenth street. It is just finished iu handsome modern style. Immediate possession- P 2590 may remain as the property, NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. Nest moderaßesalooce,No. 718 Buttonwood street, east of Delaware Eighth reet. Immediate possession. ~, DW.ELLIAB, BRANKiORD ROAD. New three-story brick dwelling, No. .129 frankford Road, above Bedford Street, with three-story frame dwelling in the rear. RESTAURANT AND DIVELLINO. Three-story brick restaurant and dwelling, S E. cor per Second and Shippen Streets. BRIM BAKERY—ADJOINING. Also, s brick bakery adjoining the above, fronting on Ehippen Street SEVEN THREE-STORY BRICK DIVELLINCIS. Seven throe-etory brick dwellings Camilla Street, be- Avieen 11th and 12th, and Carpenter and Prime Street.. They will be sold separately. MODERN RESIDENCE, SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Neat modern residence, west side of Eleventh Street, south of Pine Street. HANDSOME MODERN STORE AND DWELLING. Three-story brick store awl dwelling, southeast cor ner of 11th and Washington Streets, (late Spring Gar den ) It is handsomely built and finished for a store and dwelling PEREMPTORY SALE—HANDSOME NEW RES I - Also, the handsome new residence, with side yard,and replete with all modern convenience.s, west side, North Seventh Street, first house south of Thompson Street. Sale positive Neat modern dwelling, No 335 North Twelfth Street, between Carlton and Callowhill streets A two-story frame Dwelling, south-east corner Front and Phcenix streel..4, with three two-story frame Dwell ings in the rear. VALUABLE FARM—DELAWARE CO., PA. Valuable farm, 185 acres, Bethel township, Delaware county Penna., about three miles from Claymont, and four miles from Manua Hook. ELEVENTH FALL SALE, 20th OCTOBER This sale will include— Valuable Property, knave as the Port Prolideure Axe and Edge Tool Factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, oppo site Phoenixville. ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE, Ire Elegant modern residence and officei, N W. corner of Thirteenth and Arch streets 25 feet front on Arch street, 125 feet on Thirteenth street. Orphans' Court Sale. ESTATE OF DAVID LEIIMAN. DEC'D VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. „ . Valuable Real Estate, St John street, betweeu Green and Coates Streets—several messuages, and lot 37 feet 8 inches front BUSINESS STAND. Three-story Brick Store and Dwethng, N. W. corner Eleventh anti Christian streets. Sale absoluie. .- ... SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, VELVET CAR PETS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, &c. On Monday morning, • October sth, at 10 o'cloCk, by catalogue, at No. 13 8.120111 street, above Seventh street, the soperi or house hold furniture, nutters, carpets, Ace. ID- The Cabinet Furniture was made by Geo. J. lleukels ' has been well kept, and is in excellent order. is * V May be examined on the morning of sale at S o ' 'Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street SUPERIOR FURNITNRE, MIRRORS. PIANO FORTES, 131IUSSELS CARPETS, &c. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store an extensive assort meat of excellent second-hand furniture, mirrors, piano forte, carpets, he , from families declining housekeep ing. Mr. E. L Davenport Mies A Oruiee FIRST-CLASS STORE FOR RENT The large now FIVE-STORY STORE, No. 240 MAR KET street, East of Third street, 23 feet front, 202 feet in depth, with a side front on Riddle's alley—brown stone front—built and finished in the beat and most substantial manner, with every modern convenience— furnaces to heat the entire building throughout—fire Proof Safes, Water Closets: Hoisting Machines, &c- Well adapted for a large Auction or Commission House WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House. between Fourth and Filth Streets. ELEGANT SEVEN OCTAVE PIANO WITH MELO DEON • ATTACHMENT, IN ROSEWOOD CASE, LOIN. RIVER STYLE. . , This Morning, At 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell one elegant seven octavo piano, with melodeon attachment, two rows of keys, with pedals awl swan, in rosewood case; style Louis XlYth, elegantly finished at an expense of $l.OOO, for a gentleman of this city. The instrument is particu larly adapted for secular or snored music, and is worthy special attention. Sale positive. CARD—We invite the early and particular attention of the trade and all dealers, to the extensive perempto ry Bale of Embroideries, Millinery floods, Germantown Hatt tioods, *dyer Plated, coid Jewelry - , Rubber and Dorn Combs, French Artlticials. Laces, Ribbons, [foolery and Gloves, etc., he ,to be held at our store THIS DAY, for cash. commencing at 10 o'clock pre- cisely, Included will be found. viz: • Mr. Cbapinan Nallia WRENCH EMBROIDERIES. FINEST OFFERED THIS Aiso, Embroidered linen cambric handkerchiefs, all grades. Also, 200 cartons French artificial:l. Also, Men's, women's, and hosiery and gloves, wool, silk and cotton Also, Au elegant assortment Germantown knit goods Also, Thread laces, cambric floancings and inserting.. Also, At commencement of sale, a valuable ins owe , of best quality silver plated ware, sold to close a partner ship concern, consisting of rich tea setts, castors, but ter knives, table and dessert spoons, table and dessert locks, Ac. Also, 250 lota gold jewelry, comprising a general variety, ouch as breastpins, finger-rings, ear-drops, be. Also, 000 dozen hest quality horn dressing combs. Also, 300 yards colored damasks suitable for pew linings. Also, Au invoke of gent's lined buck gloi es and riding gauntlets, ladies' silk and wool gloves, mitts, Ac. The whole embracing a mast desirable assortment of staple and fancy articles of quick sale, are now arranged for examination with catalogues, and are worthy the particular attention of every dealer who has money to invest In goods certain to return a profit SALE OF EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS GLOVES, HOSIERY GOODS. R. This Morning. Friday, October 2d, commencing at 10 o'clock pre cisely, we will sell by catalogue, without reserre, a large and valuable assortment of choice Freud' and Scotch Embroideries and Mtllmery Goods Also, Ladles' and gents' Silk and Back Gloves, En glish Hosiery {foods, ALso, 200 cartons French Axtificials, Ostnch Feathers. Jct. VALUABLE STOOK OF FINE EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, Ac. Also, will be added to sale thus morning, a large and valuable stock of Fine French Embroideries, Ele gant Thread Laces, Bonnet TOMMitI2 Ribbons . Also, a valuable assortment of Men's and Women's Hosiery and Gloves Also, Bliss.' and Children's Merino and Lamb's Wool Hose and Half Hose, embracing souse of the molt &st rafe goods In the market VALUABLE STOCK—SILVER PLATED WARE. Thri Morning At commencement of, sale, will be offered the balance of stock to close a partnership concern, con sisting of Teat Sets, best silver plated ; do embossed do; Castors do. Alto, Dessert spoons, tolde spoons, butter knives, de, sort forks, tea spoons, table forks, fr.e., &c. May be tsamlned early on morning of sale. MOSES N A.T H A N S, AUCTIONEER .LIJL AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. E. corner SIXTH end RAGE Streets. NOTICE.—AII persons having goods forfeited at the office S. E. corner of 6th and Race streets, are requested to call and pay charges and renew their tickets, other wise they will be sold on WEDNESDAY MORNING next. OCTOBER the 7th at 10 o'clock, by MOSES NATHAN'S, Auctioneer, 8. E. corner of oth and Race streets. LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS, BY ORDER OF JOHN WEBB, Broker, at MOSES NATHAN'S Auc tion Store, S. E. corner oth and Race streets, on WED NESDAY htORNING next, OCTOBER the 7th, 1857, at 1.0 o'clock, at atles-zoom second story. Entrance from Race street. The Goods will be arranged and open for Examination on the afternoon of Tuesday, the day before the sale. Consisting in part of Watches, Jewelry, /cc , vie. gold hunting -case, double-case, double-bottom and open laced English patent lever watches, of the very best and most approved makers, the moat of them full 18 karat gold; gold escapement patent lever watches hunting cases and open-face, beat makers, 18 karat gold cases, gold lepine watches in hunting-cases and open-face, most of them very line, 18 karat cases; gold Swiss and French watches, silver English lever watches of the most approved makers,in hunting-cases double-csses.aud open-face, silver escapement lever and lepine watches of beet makers, silver double-ease, hooting-case, and open face watches, duplex and quartier watches, film gold neck, fob, and vest chains, fine gold curb chains, tine gold medallions, fine gold peucil-cases and pens, floe gold ear-rings, breastpins and finger-rings, Urge seal rings, fine gold bracelets, nett of knives, forks, and spoons, In ease, silver plate, plated forks and spoons, portmonnaies, fine gold charms, seals, and keys, silver medals, gold sieeve-buttons, gold studs, gold thimbles, and numerous other articles of jewelry. Ha" Watch-makers, jewellers, dealers, the trade gen erally, and private purchasers, are respectfully ins ited to attend this sale, as every article will positively be sold without the least reserve whatever, for cash. Sales Room Second story. Entrance from Race street. AT PRIVATE SALE—Ciold and silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, km., .k.e. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on, second floor, household furniture, Of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Ac., Ac , Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction eer Charges very low. Consignments of turniture. clothing, jewelry, ,kc Ac. solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned ou gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Segars, Hardware. Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on all ar tidies of value for any length of rune agreed on, ou more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment [sob] M. NATHANS, NATHAN'S great solo of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. Due !elms will be given palfill'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments , Ac., will take place shortly. Duo notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goode, Clothing, Bedding, ate , being forfeited collateral!, will take place shortly. Duo notice will be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 325 ARCH Street, between Third *tad Fourth Streets. SALES EVERT RVENINO, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Sew elry; Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions N. 8.--Out=door sates attended to Alt goods sold at tho Auction If ma° packed. GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, N. IL corner of DAIMON nd SOUTH Street., above Second. • EVENING SALES. . 13111:89 EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,I At 7X o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware Elea buy, Ilowlekeeping Articles, Olotheng , Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, it 0, .sales bn Audio!' (Formerly NOII, ta and 6.) (=I NEST DWELLIMI FOUR FR.kslli DWELLD:US Sale No. 13 Sausorre greet gales, byrA.ttrtiz' TAMES A. FREW , ' AN, AUCTIONEER, cir O. ea WALNUT STREET, lapse FOURTH. CARD—SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-11TM- We beg leave to inform the publie that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 106 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention Le given to oh- Min the highest prises for the goods of those who may Livor us with emmigumenta. Families harineportions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales at their .own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFITLLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTITER.AL'CTION STORE IN TUB CITY. 11:?' Persons faroring us with consignments tan rest ssured that their property will not be swami Ty- Commissions more moderate than those charged y any other Auction hones in the city. ID -- • Consignments respectfully solicited. dales paid immediately atter the goods are sold. REAL ESTATE SALE, October I. Thin aide will Include— Executore Absolute Sale—Estate or Lydia and Susanna Wills, deceased. WELL-SECURED GROUND RENTS. 2 old Irredeemable (Iround Rents, 518 each. I 44 " ID" SW to be paid on each of the above when the same is struck off. KIEMI ID— A three-story Brick Dwelling, with two-story brick beck building. 195 North Ninth street, above Wood street. Bent $.lOO per annum. Apply at the Auc tion Store. AT PRIVATE SALE. A first-class Printing Office, with a good run of busi ness, four printing presses, two Ruggles and one Adams. Type and everything necessary for the business. Apply at the Auction Store. SAMUEL NATILANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doors below the Yaehange. Hours or business from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction Rouse, at: tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL =O,OOO, Established far the last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware. Odor thandize, Clothing, /furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horsed, Carriages, and Goode of every description: . All goode can remain any length at time agreed upon. All armlets, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month; $5OO and over, the lowest market rate. This store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises- also, a heavy 'WU ranee effeeted for the benefit of all persona having goods advanced. upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited Capital, this office L prepared to mate a:trances on more satis factory and accommodating tame than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE BALE. Qold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry., end Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. anlly Qf btt c ational. IRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERA TIIRE.—PROFERSOR GERARD, A. M., late Consular Agent of Ranee, and formerly Professor in Trinity College, HtlrifoTil, Ct., and author of several works to facilitate a prompt acquirement:of the .Frenels language, is now prepared to give instruction to ladies at their own residences, in the mornings, from 9to 2 o'clock, and to gentlemen, at his study, No. MOM CHESTNUT Street, from 4 to 9 P. M. N. B.—Particular attention will be raid to ladies and gentlemen intending to visit Europe,:as to conversation in Renck. LE7- For particulars, please sell on Prof. (1. for • CIRCULAR, No.looB CHESTNUT Street, above Troth, third Mary, front room, from 4to 9 P.M- oel-lsria PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' MISTIME, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever is more like a private family: The course of study is extensive and thorough. Pro feesor Saunders will receive a few more pupals wrier_ fourteen years of age into his family. Enquire of Hews. S. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose sons or wards are now members of his family. septle-tf MISS BONNEY AND MISS DILLA.YE MISS wiLL BS-OPSH their BOANDLNG AND DAY SCHOOL at 1615 CHISTNCT Street, on MONDAY, Sep tember 14th. ILYSSItINCEB Here. H. A. Boardman, D. D., Philadelphia; David Malin. do; O. Wadsworth, D. D., do; M. G. Clark. do; J. Newton Brown, D. D., do; Wen. B. Jacobs, do; Wm. Blackwood; D. D., do; A. Converse, D. D., do- John Leyburn, D. D., do; James H. Cuthbert, do; Wm. T. Brantley, D D.. do; E. B. Cheney, do; William Brad foid, New York city; A. D. Gillette, D. D., do - , R. Bab cock, D. D., do- R. Fuller, D. D., Baltimore; George W. Eaton, D. D., Hamilton, New York; G. Hein ton, North East, New York; Thomas Bambant, C Georgia; Howard Hideout, D. D. Lewisburg, Pennsylvania; John S. Hart, LL. D., Philadelphia; Paul T. Jones, Esq., do; Col. A. Q. Waterman, do; Cooper Monis, M.D., do; Robert A. Ezell, Esq., Harebell, Tow; John B. Sem ple, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, Eaq., do, do; George W. Jackson, Esq., do, do; John H. Raymond, LL D., Brooklyn, New York; Maroon Bray ton, Su, Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford , Homer, New York; Stephen D. Dittlye, Esq., New York city; Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York. • sepe-lm VRITTENDEN 3B PHILADELPHIA COX SIMICIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPINII. PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, &c. Bach Student has individual instraethm from compe tent awl attentive Teachers, under the immediate =pannier' of the Principal. One of the But Penmen in the Country ha chug* of the Writing Department. Please all and as. Specimen and get a Catalogue of Terms, /Co. ' se3 las 1/E.MAN ALLEN, A. N. is prepared. to receive a limited number of Pupils on the Vl*lici, or on the Piano, and to play Violin parts or ax oyn peas mends with advanced pianists. Apply at the raildemcs of his father, Professor ALLEN, No. 21.6 South Seven teenth Street. Cirenbsre, with terms and references, at D. ANDRE & Co.'s, No. 1104 Chestnut St. sel-Ito4 SIIPPLEE'S INSTITUTE FOR 'romp. LADIES, (boarding AM. day pupil,) N. W. eproex ELEVENTH' and GREEN Street& Fifth union will vppP~ on Oc-ptembar 7th. Beat, reference Veen, ill elwlltig all present and former patrons. azas-tt QPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR PO , YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. corner .EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest quallßeations employed. Catalogues containing full particulars, pupils' names, testimonials, &c., can be had on application. an2.5-tt F. DONLRAVY LONG-, Principal. HALL OP ST. JAMES THE. LESS, ffi.J. PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Her B. R. Swims, Rzcio*. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep toffiber I. Circulars may be obtained et the Book Store of U. HOOKER, 8. W. corner EIGHTH end CHESTNUT or of the Rector, Poet Office, Fa ll s of Schuylkill, Philo, dolphin. nun-6m MRS. BARTON's BOAR DING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADLES, No. 1929 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY In September. anl9-61r* NOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE persons, male and female, to gains skim of this world's goods and comforts as a BIIiiRiESS EDUCATION LXIDY BROTHERS' BIiSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RAGE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for tall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOR-KEEPLN4 AND ARITHMETIC by ?simplified methods, in a short time. THE LEIDY'S take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persons acquired BUSINESS EDUOATlON,ensbling many to secure pro- Stable situations, and otbera to prosecute their business operations successfully. ati22-3m. Gentlemen's furnis4ing (boobs R IiV I II N B C s H .2 E F VE S.3I _ _ SfINGS BCI9OI7, GEand pNAT TEKT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANTITAC I PORY, No. 795 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly Invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfectjltting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. aus-lyif (211 R AR .7 ••-!, IRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR- X /diem COMPANY, PHILADELPRIA—CMS, No_ SO2WALNUT street, we of THIRD. ~ inn RISKS ONLY idiglN. ,, wszoreas. Wm. IL Swain, her. Walker, John Anspach; Jr., Jno. McClure, H. N. Burroughs, - Tho. Graven, J. B. Hughes, , A. S. Gillett, P. D. Shennan, Furman Sheppard, Win. P. Hacker, &sal. Jones, U.S., J. P. Steiner, Joseph Klapp, M. D. H. A. Shackelford, Hon. Jen JONES; President. Ron. 0. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jno. S. Mollotaas, Secretary. Isaias B. ALTOID, Assistant Secretary. and-Bm-if 4AVING FUND.-lINITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small some received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT LYTED EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office boars, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from T until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES R HUNTER LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS.- FANCY AND STAPLE. :NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. ItAxwELL it SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1026 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Elerenth And 115 S. SECOND St., below Spruce. PACTORIES.—Nos. 95 and 97 GEORGE St , below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few boon' notice. B, W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS /• No. 97 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Stocks, Bonds, Ore , Bought and Sold on Commission. Inscurrent Bank Notes, Checks, to., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits recelsell and Interest allowed, as p er agree ment. and em BALE ROPE.—Buyers are invited to call and examine our Manila Bsle Rope, which we can can sell as low as American, and warrant it superior in strength and durability. WEAVER, FITLER & CO., No 23 N. Water et. and 22 N Wbarred MANILLA ROPE-SUPERIOR MA /AA. NILLA ROPE, manufactured and for sale by 'WEAVER, PITLER & CO., iinti-tr N Water a t, and N HOTEL AND SUMMER RANGES.—. Sold by CIIADWION 1 DllO , 202 N. SECOND St. sti,V.S-State NIOX TO CONSIGNEES.—The ship STALWART, Capt. A. H. Lucas, from Liverpool. is now dinothis log thder§eneral order at Almond street wharf. CIF itifficialease attend to receipt of their goods. *HOS. RICHARDSON dc. CO. eeS-tf DAVID 31. HOGA.N, BLA.NK. BOOK it 3trinufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 41S WALNUT street, betweenrourth and fifth, Philadel phia ea-1m lIP c GREGOR HOT—AIR FURNACES. Sold by CHADWICK & BRO., SECOND Street, first door above Race. attalS-Stricia. THOMAS E. BAXTER.-HARDWARE; CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 ELLRKST bore Ninth, [ninth side, Philadelphia. an 1-61 in CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD WICK & BRO., N 0.202 N. SECOND Street. sualfi•Amon eARRETT'S GYMNASIIIM,SPARRINQ AND FENCINQ ECHOOL ncw open. pe24-7t* Ee22 Omit