. Tik zit ' -141M , Pilia l f ,, t , .L , ' IU4S -1 1 triajfitO!il Fe RIC. , • ; [Odi t abia6iiiiiifilid Piiiiithi': ;l:'. " • ' : • . ' ' ~._. ~. ~,- ,- 1 1:4 14; ; i ~,, -/illy , lloitic, aopt, 80 1 -6:20 I'. M. - Thai'*ittifoe - takeri''hi - tho.llinka yeateiday; 4rrepiliii,l44.oo;tedheir-disooiri line three per Oent-,;:or about 11'3,0011,000i Inis, produced a Visibly good effect; and thonghl.-the demand for money is as attire as it oils be, the feeling among borrowers bPatiedifilespt' nidebt: :41 . 11. to be hoped thip - thii iortiOzor #4§: banks , May, he: itead%O.ineiol34 , 34 .41,1n4„tinia,,get _the ntost,speedY and nifeetual men ' Ilf gettinthimierti'difiletiltiee: ',Thk, general' feel ... isf'7, that -'lllB 46iffiii :iiip: be i. pnlined - and Mit ' „bariki bill 'tie( ii.ittino themielieald th e . i 4,11, s eta pf.thr*,*llliens, but,will go as ,far As ilifelli tit-Millions;:larieW,of,the great accessions ofi:alittiagthlrthieh& they, are idally, rebelling. , 1,1 copy from the •Post or this evening the following , succinct StateltiOnt , of- the'soirees , from -which this additional strength is . derived; •-- - - '," ' Escaaof'payaaucta by Sub-TreaSurySeplehi- ' ' bee ZS; arettrtacks 'redeemed, abou t:,' ' ' ti', 000 , 01 ) 1 ), The one of the-Yanderbilt.baireadrice of ' , • a'-shipment two'and a hair millions fiance ' - in gold •'' •-'' • ''' l4OOO The Ualiforliketediner now due has probably:: I,ftaspOO Tlierb ; will attire' SW the duplicate of the .. , , , _ e,Ct drafts loot in theritral airlocks; arid the' ' usual 70111 i trance of iperempout.: - ...;,... .• 600,000 The excess of paymentsover receipt:shy lye. - • Easb-Treactury today, frill be' about ' .'- 20000 Thilll3 Willbe afarther redemption of govern , . - meat-stock' sent foVisardby the yortous • ' " 86YinjeS Iniititlitioisinf.: . ~'t, '''' ' t ` - ' LAWN) (1600,000 of , this Will go to:au:Vona fo-mo rrow from .0411' bank ,) - -"'-' - ` ":" - ' - ", ' ' - - 'Th'eatiaViitill make a total addition to the aPeoie of s6,lloB,ooo;before the end of the week, , „ .11,6juttilligimoe,fronl. Boston is' also cheering. ne -banks therelurre, 'resolved , to . . extend their disconnte' , three : millions, .Whielq leProportion, is wadi larger than-for - the' Now York, eitt,bardcs;' bet,,the managers of the former institiitiouSbellever they-¢Wearranted" iti'dollig, so, COnalitently with 'their Atrlif safety. ,r. ~„ ~ ,,. ~,, , , - llidslitscOunt.hrekere are doingslittle.or nothing *air, ti c- keenly operation'of any import,atMe that I. , ftulddearni is that of a.:private banking-house ef iso*bnying,their Own'paper at 18 percent., alai' Oilia*ithdrarring It front thO'at)met, where it was ottered - it ti much higher tha've. -' • In'Toreign Eithunge nothing ' is doing; rates range from per to, 1e.,,•f0r sterling, and francs are proportionately lord. Even,at thus pyiee , it is im possible.toaegotiato bills; and foreign shipments aroftherefortralimit at svetand Sall. The business 4 - the Vitali/ 4 thisoporgiug, w.asto..fok lq Sl2 +722.42444c ,*lauesajaid;th. aohkYltifiKl .ll.WaffitqatObj- ef.`,:theigiiitetn` Ifitakt toidey The Beek bee declared - semi-arinnal diwidend of 'six per oent.' There is almost a run for gold _on the sayings banks; but they are sustain inglt with .esse,, mad there is not the least appa rent danger of any 'trouble in thie' quarter. 'Mid' Chambors street anima bankcateee' hitte takezt steps redeem"' $4:61,000` of United Stat es' bonds,.,Mitt ',Other er theite, jeatibitiene Will. Miele their exampfe.,--I has heard that tbe. Bowery Bailees:ilea; has sent :51,06'0,000 Government stocks biWashimgton for redemption:- Uncurrent money it `shade easier to-day,' and , trto - Ves , at discount of from. -one , to seven per cent. • Instate - bills ire' taken tatitiotisly finder the' Intliten'oe of the'gronndlesextostor that the, Suffolk , Bank had ceased 'l.4i - redeem This: ; was` aatti4h.EAlte refusal, of Ihateller, to re deem notes. bonded in 4y the public over the counter, but there has been no difficulty. whatever in 4,he redemption of bills sent by. banks corresponding regularly with the Buthilt"Bank. ' , This has always - 'bean the taro; and , thererny therpfore„ nq cause EiWornitikikizsz h itjuNia Per "Rotals.vs. - Nsyriente, Sept: 20) Cubist advicee - werudated 21,1nat. L In theearlypert of the meek seventralluce, wereannommed Moon' the leenthaelehiladelphis bootee. These were followed, on theAUsi - by_the Wu?. of three of thsinbanks, audit& - the 28th, by the genera esipenalon of ipecie pays:haute ores other-banks of that city. i.This act Occasional', auccesalvely:,Alte Suspension' of. the banks in Baltimore and Wisbington ididts - pitrt of these in Rhode Island I - and Tennessee .; 'The jscultaln Ahe interlorSot Peunryl rains, Maryland, and Ylwdrilakhave adopted, or seem likely to adopt, aoilmiler: Pollsy. ..The banks. or- Few. TOrk andlfeWOrleans Inspire no uneasiness; and stems to have both the reeans,and the determination to Meet specie ,pa.vraturt4sisme what unty,' The. 111040 TO-banks bare been made stronger daring the past week,land ' Nein; latteAn _Willietandi the Large and,nu nureouSladjures,;ln. the various branches of trade and comperes bare taken place, end serious appreheni alensLeLntrontheOctither ps.reentat Confidence has =rend thewhoiti .systenrls for the: orarle. paralysed. - First-class paper can hardly .-._bsnojdetpS,le,B6,4o,eent 4,,tb eaalee helms only limited; ssna4d-ciam paper cannot be negotiated at may price, out, sZl 4 4 , nle.'4 o eM4sleillTentr.solcuritles cap only be ob ' haliMiterlsoniamdwitladifficulty; on uncurrent 110 0sfilhtSIS:isTPIX1 t hafeeteilboliteobtain mousy. Do mestiamrehangesare nastateetepfuslon,aud relations WitltattF 4 l4lo4,47- r teinPoegiirirtterruptekb-Phllltdeb, pbhi undebeing !AI tolo et.disconat. In some 6 the' Stites Serpent ;lOC , only soil fur, gold.: Drittshand Cynatinintal .egehatig'es have fallen to points whiglifiiiifergeisargin for prat on the importation of tieolikiatt t)le difisuutd - lasn„restricted, that foreign I endive foelPeintoce and - Stock carrot be executed,uln I the StOilt merkit the operations -are on a small scale; I mid mint - snook km/ninon .6ontleneto Made: -'.llbieug the fillareiorthe ereek,ere notice the Delanare, - Leolra, wane and 'Western Railroad Company. The Erie Rail 4 road has thus. far hundredth; engagements; but it is an imperative: necessity for; the European ;us well at the eine-Linn holders or; be uroseeured bonds, to Subscribe withouU delay; otherwise, the company must finally succumb, andabe mamma Into the eaclutive possession et ,the holdsrs'of thentortgage bonds; ; State 'Steeks.- - • , Weak in the forepart of the Peek, and 'seriously depressed it lie eines; - sales Chiefly confined Ao Titg,ints. and blisiouri. The fall is enormous, being 16% Onailatouti 6 on California., 2 on North ' Caren*, ton Kentucky, 8 on 0101866; sales of Ohio, /560, at 85; 'lndiana at. 80; Louisiana at 88; Michigare 4_16; City and Conity Bonds.—We • noteaalea at auction - ake goat merino or Milwaukee ,Oity. Vs; at from 65 - - Railroad lgonds.—We note almarydecline, especial. s-sAly an T. °Weal: and• Erie tastes. Elie, mini has „Allen 10 DP tent;',do. Id ,mortgage, heavy at, 75; do 1888, sales it tar N,,; ..Central t3ltiengo and Rock hind; Ales , et ,64; Galena and, Chicago; 24 mortgeges ai 74. - „,/lattieed:Shares genera.. mad heavy fall ages anali, fine mostly for cash- , Brie has fallen 3% ; Read ing, ,fkg,, 4; Panama, 11; Michigan ,cleistr , lll,4l4 . ' - fionthern. 3l{ .do. preferred, aAlf Cleveland , and. Toledo„ 8; Chicago and Rock Islandi abont,the same; Galena and Chicago, 2%; Col. nod- Clap, 51 Cleveland and Pittsburgh, roi ; , :'l4; I.a Crowe ;and till- MOX4l , .—Wiret-Clasi paper,"24 to 60 coat.; sinned, nu buyers at anyprice.- salitunge.s. - =brot . much doing, rates very inept* nod vary much depressed. Loudon-105 ;,,eldet Ades it 108.106) chiefsaleaettuac6.4o.- The liltoolt, Utatket•is Still exceedingly depressed sokure.gular;:vlbpre, every, thing is anxious and eicitajrrhilelnfOrninelef Circles things ae,bopei - ttillind - risprerrizie , i'esterday's: gain' was morn than loot tdfili Ly- - Avery,,thfiag; thexiaxiafFeltai the 'ofeibtfurelal:the. basll,falf logethei, . tfitif - thereri. really,,reems no bqttom to reach, Rend-, iug'elosed at,32/.. Erie at 111, New rota , Central at 60 ; Pennsylvania Coal Company at 62 Michi an Oeatral at 46i; Panama Railroad at /2; bud Militsitithiliuttlfillaissippi at 16; Oda per tent. fall Milne yesterday ;) Virginia 6's are 10 per Omit. ter 'sad the stoeli.of ;thk i Book of Commerce has tuo adjourauaerd.., :'µotiru;.-Prioite, ere , exenotowor,-- with Terysairieualliclinky ; - . - ithallESTS-Ssaiti icre 'demi CS , pots i isitlvialei of of 28 tioh.-ef87760 for potsi and $8.16 forpearle,: • .: , BiflSP6fitilts , lThe,for market State and Wolitirii dinar to Arms Wit/blast doing: -The • sales are 1;000 bbla:,Atit S 4 S6**l o l4f c 0100 240 to good Btat4t ;3 15w5540 for 'extra d0.444.90446.1010r , marmots to good Ifichigan't Obkt Iteataaaifird , 86.106116.65 for extra dal Southern dour 10 unebsoLe,i with sales of 1,400 bbla, , , at IS.2ocf 818.6010 rifted :good Ilsltimore,-Aleaseldtia; Se.; and $11.47618710r fancy and extra do . , ... Canadian flourfahlad trifeliangediirittettleant 680 Ws., at $4 05@5610 for: super and 55,256E6.70 farUxtra do.; Ilya dont • ink , dull at 1e161'10.-ii1 ,,, ,t. , i i', ..411' _ - 00 ils'Avliv ifyies,wiplistles'of-.1,00 tibia, at On; ' IL •:f :.net•-_ , , 24Pktfr;- ,1i ., A tif il l _ t, A / iN e ; b Attelf9s* l6 4 6 a 1 4 {f 0. ~ 7... be ., ,ts .is e 1 .,- ‘ rtantiL - Thera . is very little doing„ ',Prices areitoj ' 1 , 1 ,1 - , ~si .2,-rz . ea, •-t, ..!, ;,..“ ..i.,,, .•w- . - .; t anita-Wheaiiii itilidi . 'Ali "wiles,'of 80,000 hattheli atiflXlollol24'hi',looithefo Red; 51.80681'.85. for do. W!litte; $l.lO forded "Ohio; 8146 for 'White Idlchliaul aid sl3,f , fir totted 0414, , ' . • ,-, ,-, ~. i - , 008,areffety" irregular', And may be tidoteS at 375 . 400 for lesiey; 42844' for:t3!ata,tuad' 44046 for {Tat ra Ilyi}SiOWp at 76086.; ' -'•" Coo tea Wit better, with wiles of 23,000 luish'ele 'at 68570 fox; Western raised. Ilifts tatter tetra fin. Ohne" shipping' kits; 'did Indy. be quoted at *67Se, .Thulatter,are outefda Steil: - Itipits,,are'.lfiqettOrdemifitid,A but' dielCifit, of, pale, owing to tliddiftfenity Id sallthe exitiangb,•" t ,- , ': Mint.* tkadiannt andyery„dall, - :,, - • , • Ladlliattja *Sob mead o l of no thi t iot -,. ~,-, ~ „I , , , , Mobs mutS.--Uffier market is'verpdalrfor all 4esCri f slops- at ;Meade for Culla filuitofradti ,Tdes3o,,for CM clayett - W/066eftAr : Yprto"l4o; sok 4f,h, 46pa.`101`NE: ~-."'. ' --- • - - ,- ~ NATAL Brousa,- Spirits . _of ,Torontltio Late ,Wlllll - QAI IsMCAUAA,AmI,may. pe,ortolnally quotert:at„,4,3a44c., omi t +firrpontrob 'ti -alto,Yory *dun' and 'unchanted. o mmo u soaps Is quoted - p.losti,so, .4r A 39 Zta. Otiler kfids afe nom lid. - - : ,-. , r• . _ 01ba.-. Crude sperm and whale oils are quiet and titi". ekingad: , Marinnietaied'oild are In moderate dttostict. 180s830 for fall ulnae, Ste for 'winter bleached whaler Stab dtsl 4o l o r,for fall sperm; and 8145®51.60 for win ter and bleached eperm. ' linseed oil it ausittled' and 4,itozokt,7oclor'lliglithi ' -- -9 . , ~,--- Ttottitrituts;XTOrk is' stet di and +Add acdfrh; Willi ales of Nu Waif 824.60fi524:60 for moss, and.BlB,76se $l9 for pripe7, -Siecii,heity', With 411er•de'' El bide 'at it.itop.oo Ai repeal*Test, enti - ,, y acidllif.76BBl6 for extes , ,dd,'PlASoti qv, Tarrd-uft tit'islf,Ki,f , F emeked Weaterit:'•Certificate are noftifilit ~ ' ' s' - - - 141m.d.- Tairrx i lts at 145 i .14X . t s Aincrtit( A itste4Sid nitehanged.l'i et t ~..', '4; , AtitaaVet • dida,l4 l lokad *lbPos Palmation; itintia iii.sliaartit yiti iNt,t 4 , '., t i , ..-.. . : ...., ~i rw, i,.. i , - Iftualar-In nom nal at Om*, P - f XTAWISOVIAt*AtterIAketi 7 A!(. I- iff ',-,,, 7 .. f i.,, ,J, -;av 811111f_1011F STOCK XXOBANGE BALMS, Sept. up. ..,..:.0.....0,3 ~, : et _ q;....rripoltsomut.i ... , 41:- ~ , - 0 , ,-, 1;80011reild -80 1 25 OOP Stritekt3p# do 01! At 40091 -15018r 4 ' , 40 i!'' 67,4 1 4 000 - do, • 61) 1 1 , wit "torts 1 ,16 - '!6O `YAWN rata Tik":80 --, ..I,oo6liiie 0 Bde ea qoontittekilr 1610 4; 6 021 .,. do , 3,000 lisi&Ohl 241Kbi 7 p i iooo do, 111 . 0 Amerl44 ' 7 4:O l VOto "' ,y - ,• 84,1 K liisDotkEvokouL_; 0 Deltic , t"lffx; uotAcodeo_ 2W' , csBo' 63'' • 160 • - do_ OW_62 , BdB kldll 71( .7g goal Co 7• 888 8 1 1 00" .201E - -, -, ; -, doz•• • - 7 1( too - do 7.4 100 - do" «bBO 734 OP 1.44t0e co 461 •, - 0 /X 4/4 N 1r Cecil& "• blO - 412 k AIX 101, ; do t _ i- - 1,11‘,714,131: SKI do . 1.06 4 1 'ice5,.3 6 14. frec' '- '441 34v -4000 r - . 4 -4 • , ~ , - • of 00. _ 82 ykittpf - k - affilr ;to • IV' 44J0151,' vm- r!' - .7k 0 'blo 7 ; tr", • ..0.t‘ea.414: c, . 40014 Y 0611 "bf . o ' 60 L " 100 do ~ at I.od ' 60! -•' 20 Via 111 Railroad" , 13),v, i, 1" 20' :.'do 10 " do - - ',-- : :1 N' ; 660•••' do . " , " , '' 18 100 4 •; d&': '' 'bad '4' 450 .do 1211( -200 % ' do' - ,-- 'up -13 i los 60" , ' - "- 6 - 111 i ' 100 Riadialt IC ' 'MO 86'.., 1125 do &50 - -: do '' - , '• 04% , 'lo' , "do , '' .9' 60, l'7o Cleve k PittiA . ' 201)Itelt Cod* . ''- .4ti• ' 20-- - 1 , de - -,';.. , : 45' '-10 •'• 'do ' . '-- - ' 45,6 c .29, , •-• di) - ' 190'40A 22 14115T'n&ffart rtloo - • - 01 , 141[00 &N .1b 'it - ' 16)g :19 , . -do- , 167‘ 24011h1J&N I tritk 6 83 - 60 Pm:WM it - "72)4 00' ~ " do - - ''e'72 29' ' do .' ' 'O3 72 -' 100.111475 a ft • ,! ` b9o' , 8 5 i 169 , ' 'd6 . '''...- • ' 14 63 --.."'"do''• '. , 1)30 'Ed /0 oi&ehlim . as 66' 60 .do 60 - 66 116- --- do , -' 6 -e 65)C .10 QlotaltTel It al ct::eat '46, •„ 2,0 x 060 - ',.- -do- , --...-. - , 24%, 480 • 4 1i .4 •_. - t : . :;14 , .50 . 200 4 -- ),,, 44 ug', 100,0blefeklald It _, Nl J ed , x , - ,40 ; ,...- do ~..; to -' do .1.. .-.' 4,04)C ' 1 .40 34)(deltt '- lit;i ), .-11 idiadtc., .1 1 ii.ooltAiiii[gt atiod..' NM' Oticli d° , .ri fg4ll opt 14,4...,...$ ~- *26*1 1 R 6 elietin A ~ '„. lodi . . - It st i t y)iA . 'io‘ - . ta 40 , 61444:4' igire - 1, - .'i 4411 er e, 4 i ill'et -Spools ,IC ,t , ;.4 :6 Ilyfq L glia&Ohiß 66 , Nul & Me X IC . 10.01e4x00 1 &C0071 r. plinths pia+, );44 4 7.141Yrit , '; - t - . t••• , 4 4e0,444 )174441/1444v*vi I • r f it • ! Reported for Vm Press Bloll3loN3teamsbip City ofilichmond,blitebell -117 bOxes tobacco Sailor & Bank; 80 do Bdcknor, me- Camelot% & Clot 10 do Bohan !8t- Tait; 55 do Mercer &' AnteloY 150 do Mots & Boehm; 31 A Armstrong; 10 bbls smoking tobacco parker- '& 1'l 99 bags seed 0 Outraulogs• 63 do Miller & Bro; 18 do feathers W Wain. !right,* 4ikgs 'V A NowBsll & Co; 3do Copt 8 Ors aeor7. lah do Copper & Wallerp 30 empty bbda Volt nay it - Massey; 48 bales Pith Brown, 11111 & Co; 174 pigs lead 0 .T Adams & CO; 17 casks brandy 3 Garrison & 00; $8 boxes candles Martin-& 001 880 empty casks, 69 pkgs amidrles to order. - ' - -,ftiorine ifntelligente. t PORT .01 2 PRILADELPHIAS fiat. 1, 1857. . . uxerst' 0 Il,Bott BETII 640 111011 WATER " „ 12.36 AVM R Steamship Mite of,-Rioinnond, laitgbell, from .Riatc- Mond, Yia blity Point, 30,bonraorith lads° and passen gers to "P We inter, Jr. .Tuesday, 7, PM, Railed oil the Buoy oil the'Brown ship Noppariel, Wore .Liverpool, anchor; oft the Arandyerine.Light .6111p,,passed, at an chor, Ship , ,Oarlota, „tram Rio Janeiro,' „at Welock ;Wednesday morning, ott Reedy Island; paned the ship ,Towmanda. for .Livarpool,,at anchor, with tug America alongside, 'Raper* having wined is the bay and river about 3 banal/riga and-19, tars upward bound. Steamer_ Boston, „Sellew,fron, ~Now York, via ,Cape , May; 2p hours, yith mace and passengers to,,Tamee All. L derdiee. ;Paned below Reedy. Island_ brig_ Delaware, • "from awaniti, beating up: , - . ~ S ehr Aoklaw. Pord, 20 days, trout Qalsie , iitYlaihil '.'to id Trump* Son. ; , Rohr. Jail , English, Nail, days from NOW Raven, la' (ballastl to Van Puree, Roden au 00. • Sehr John Warren, Louie, ¢ days from Newark, NI, fin ballast to Noble, Harm:nett &he .7 . :Prambes.,Frambea, 0 days from Plymouth, in :ballast to 0 Alfeeksbardr, Bar Q Rraynter, Oonny 6 days from Milton, Maas, in ballast,to Blakieton, Oot 4 Co. CLEARED. Ship ,Htectinthe, Maxwell, New, Orleans, Biebop, Sl roona & 0o.: . Bteatelhip,Oity of Richmond, Blitclaell, Richmond, Brig B Baltwln, MontgeMery,Boitou, oho B While. Brig Essex, Sinnott...Boeton. L Audenreid & Co. - Bohr Zohn,Warrett, Lotter; Washington, Noble, Ham mett & Caldwell. - . . Behr 8 Framboo, Prombes, Plymouth, 0 A Heekther & Co. , Behr 0 It -Poynter, Conway. Stony, Point, Dlakiston, Cox & Co. Behr Jae English, Neal, Middlesex, Ot, D Barnes Behr Osceola, Solloway, Baltimore, B J Christian. Behr Balms, Straughn, ~ do . do t3tr II L Dew; Der,Daltinsore, A Groves, Jr. , • Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. - , LEWES. Nei.. Sept. 20;8 AIL • , ' barque iradikneetor schooners.west to. soa moralug.": Ylve Schooners came to harbor last evening, and still remain. Mind strong from the NW. i• , . Yours, Ao, , • - .Jl. , HICKMAN. , -tsr.TELsousruj • Correspondents of the Philadelphia Nash:tripe. CARS ULM, fiept.,Bo, o'3o P M. The packet ship Tonawanda, for .LlTTrpool, went to sea this afternoon at 2 o'clock. No vessels In sight in 'ward bound. Wind:NW—menthe:cool: ' Yours, &0.,- THOS. B. HUGHES. [Br T.UILIOSAPIt,] , • (Correspondence of The 'rells.) 2 , NOACOLT., September SO. The Edwinbrig H 'Mier, from Philadelphia tor Sa vannah. Is ashore on Ourrituck Beach. Bhe will prove rs . , Correspondence of The Press. 'Halms Da Gamm, Sept. 80, Tea -bents left here this morning„ laden and con signed se followe: • . , t , •,, , Pranklinochost,,barley, AC, to T Danes; Grape Shot, bituminous coal to A 11.0attell &Co; libityPlion, lum ber,-to ,Tramp. dc, Bon, and -adagios to _Norcross & Sbeets;_ Copt A. Id Grey, lumber to,Wilmington, Del; D Titylor,Dogar,&. , Willson,--R D. Jones, Rebecca Am, nyder mtigoroalogtork‘ and Raymond, anthracitO coal to Delaware City., . 1 ; , - ' Steamehip,Sennaylvania, Teal, hence, arrived at Nor folk 27th tilt, and at Richmond 29th... •Steatilabip, Phil:alas. Sprague, Matthews, galled from Btoton - 29th ult. for Philadelphia. . • &kap Kate Ranter, Trafethen, from Calcutta, before reported ordeted to Boston, arrived uVet New Orlooni . , ofihip John Trucks, Sherman, in Hampton Roads from Mancha islands, aalled2Bth ult. for Baltimore.. ShiluAltua,,lrreeman, for Calcutta - woe day, was at Bnonothyres,ang L • r Ship.Europs, Robertson, for Hong Hong, was ready at kmootsavorJw 8. , • . , Ship Jamesßarnes, from Portsmouth, E, for caleutta, with troops ,' wasepoken 21st Aug, lit 33 10 ion 23. Ship_Oourier,-from Brazil, is ballast, arrived at Bue nos Agree Aug 7, Junius, Wanderer, from , Doston, arrived. at Buenos Ayrp,a Ayres Aug 11. • Barque Emblem, Nickerson, for Baltimore, sailed from Boston 29th ult. • Barque Edwin Cohen, Sargon, for Philadelphia, was et laghpr,n stb ult. • Zototr, Clark; for Cayenne, cleared at Salem ult 11 8rquil Emily, Lyle, from, PI :York: atliarana 234 ult. Barque bold Lapaley, Teal, sailed from Afatanzas 281 alt.fer Philadelphia, . ; Eltier.,Turple, (row Philadelphia for tia. ralltiab, ie allege ,8 ;miles „north of Nag's, liesdp; has seven, feet water in her hold, and will probably be totatloss. - - Briftiecinies,Stinnon, foriVilmingion, ItO, cleared at Beaton 2%43dt. Brig Plumea Stang, ,for Philadelphia, sailed from Balla!, Me, • .ttrig Baronet Ohurchinan i Ankara, for New York, was loading at BuenosAffef Aug 15 Brigl•PurciaXgar, Kelly, for Philadelphia soon, re mained at Havana 25th ult. Brig: Min , 'X • ,Minion; hence, remained tat Matanit26thtilt. die.., - Brig gnome/ RmeU, Tape, for thin port, nailed from Salem 28th , , , . , . , Brig Canton, Crowell, hence at Boston 28th nit. • ~ Brig John 0 Helfer, (pen t 251 tone) sailed from Balti more Mb At, for-Trontaad— Brig 'hos Aehora, Hastings; from Boston, arrived at Mobile Beth Ont. , Brig Moun t -Vernon, Mail; for Ili° de Janeiro, aalled from Baltimore; 30th nit. Behr BaAall -P,Abbott,-,Ludism,, Wein', arrived. at Richmond Pdth all. , - _ Bolds L .1 , Pharo, Oranmer, Hill Carter, Fisk, and Caspitui, klegathlln, hence at Boston 29th ult. ,fichis. Gilbert Sireen, Weaver, and -Charger, Kelly, berme Nsulmodein 294. h. inst. *he Marla Pickup, Baker, for Baltimore, sailed from Providence 2Stle nit., • • Behr II Deputy, Neal, from Alexandria, - at.Albany 28th ult.• , , Behr Chief, Chamberlain,-from Philadelphia, at Alpe tro 28th nit. Behr Sculth Tuttle, Main, from Provlncetown for Phi ladelphia. at NeerAorkrastaida.ve itchy Almon Bacon, Williams, toe Philadelphia, sailed from Middletown 23,1 tilt. Mr , Albert Thouipxon; Vein, from Fall River, cup poked for was at New-Ocirt 1f 29th ult. , BehrlifarFEddr,leirle, from Dighton for Alexandria, at Fall River 27th ult. , ' Behr A: Havitinoild, Piffle; Tor BOtiOidke, cleared'at Bost= t4th:tat. Behr J 0 Henryirenton ; hence; arrived at Hartford 29th - ^ ' Soh!' 1011,/ Wetnon, Trile;froli3 Xlizsbotbport,'tl Hartford 29th Inst. , • • .Soltraa SI *Naafi, Look liroliu; blear°, Yates, Spray, Somers; Woodruff films, Sups; A Tlrrell,lfiggius; Lady Suffolk; Baker; 'A' IC Maeirzle,brislco, and Daket, hence at Easton 29th ult. - Bebe' Redraft, from Dighton M141141141004E', plumed down Fall Elver 27th ult. , Bchrsiiindinerlilsiey addd Volta Case hence et Fall River-28th oltA - G' Bohr, /Phonies. Tap, Robindozi; hence at I'awtoxent 28d illy' ' • " Sehre L Borders; !Isiah ! Tones; liellalbOsapooo,Uorsoof Warl'Ancii,'Boireo; T Potter; Glover, Richard Thompson, Lloyd, and sloop Ornament, Liwreace;btake Prtivldeiieb 28th 'tilt." ' Bohr J L Hess, Loper, trdai'Delaware CIO, at Proiri: dente 28th NAL - Selma Rail, Crowell; R M Brownlii, ; Conooir,:and Gen Cameron ; Zee; sa il ed 'from Prov i dence nth nit for Philadelphia. —• • - . , . . . , flebr i llt'dc-T Cram er , Wuntlin hence at Warren 28th ult. - ' ' ' ' . . •- - ; Bohr Dinh t, Optith,"eleir4 at New York 29th Wittainehh, Del. • . Behtlthrrdae 0, SteiOni; ho'nce liklarlettoia 27th pit. Edit 0 W itotmeh,,Webb„'hence At .rittwbur/Pott With ttit." ' ` Schnt'SL Stevena;iltudie n yi - Thireszi 04 4 Y,' RentT ;Mgr, Watson) !tad ,Yeyna, Mrstrow, bunco at Salem. 28th ult:'' ' ' " • ' Bohr Yengy;'Nreene,`butte~at lll4dfol.d. 28th ult. " *OM iiBbELLANi. Ltoitort—A 'ship o f onut 860 tone burtheo, eaNed the Elizabeth (Inching, was ready to be lannched,from the, yard of Tohn Onrrier, Br; fiewburyport, on the morning of the 281h'fi1t: 'She 15 owned by 'Messrs i N& W Quell lag, and 'Henry lemon, of that city. Missing vessel—Setif Visitor; Davis, 'with a crew con ' Acting in alt of seven persons. from Pfinetillan 234 Aug ,for New Orleane,And has not been heard froincince; she • had no passengers. , • • ' ' ' Oche Magyar, Havener, frog) Oity Point, Ca: lloports , that on the'2Bthnit: should, A.. 11.,whett' elites') P Dint, , fras run ilitobY tiehr W 8 *land,' finta 'Baltimore for Yorktown, Vali and lost 'bowenritljoretopmait, and //0,14 Towed up by the steamtug Tiger. Thu 'W-8 N toil inainniasti•belwarke. &'c„ and had one of the ;crew gery, ln bsdlrinjurest bythu'Uolilsion: ',She put back yesturdsyOrnhig for replan: ' • „' '•' ; ' , Oharleston Sept. 29-. The steamship George,. Creek.' "Iforeliti, Master, whit)/ 'Sailed front - thin non on the, 22d `inst.„.retartiet , to port ft...day,_uitinik prop r e her nrszik pin on the second day`out: ' ' • ; .The brig Dunkirk, et this Part (nun Nassau, (N P) re-, 'porte hoeing left atthatport on the'2oth !net., the bark W. o.Alden,'of New York, from Wilmington. N. for- Belize, Iforidiras; in distress , one r ,man having died, and had three ethers sick with fever. NOTICE Ti) MARINERS. trivet. moron, AT - Irvroe's Pond; • Low., Iscenn 410oin11-11% thifeseele or the 16th Of - .October, /5 6- 7, ',third order ,estadloots Blued Light will be exhibited !for thiStlt tithe from the - light tionsitowerat gorton 511 :Point, - north shore of long „ „ .'1 i The light hawse tinfoils 80 jest hig, built of . brink, :and' the lig ht kfU befe,o focal plane of 110,feet above, -the mean level' ()Mutes. Thle lasi is attached to the kin - pies 4isel4ng, which hi also Of brlek.' • _ - spetailieste *Aide of' this light house is hal tude 41 deg 6 Min, lee 72'deg* We 16 sec, 11,14.nauti ;cal settee WSW front PluMbejsland Light House, - • • By order ofthe Ltghtbouse Board. , DUANE Lleut Corps of Engineers. , Ifleser Office, Third Light Uou - seßletrlct ow York Sept SI 1461. , The following noticis to mo a tets . 'weighs intending Peee'thi 4 o4 l l , Tee" , ' 8 4kOte, - has been received by the' State _Department from Jp , Williams , late, United Lillitek Consul at 0/ 4 11 4 Yjkil5W: „ I- ADP 016311eSey; .the ,utf ersop of New Boutb Wales, - i'dentfres to 'mike it known to, all masters of tees - sets pro - - I biedlegfrom'Bydnert , s Tomes' Stvelts, that it is tetrad ,ed to forward, by the Eficbantiles, for the perpose of beini .Olneed •on Booby Island, a further quantity of mead, fresh wale!, mesd, aud spirltsom provielon for 'shisseireckert rifle mays,* a t refuge en drat ;island; shd kle xeellentifBarnsitly, Invites , =afore, who utstylliit 'lfboby rotted, afferl,srlog ouccessfully Passed the Strata, to make , ffein'time to time, such ad-, dittoes ta the Mon, whtetrwartoriginailly estsblished by, 'Curtain Illaekirood, of, the ReislAses, may gallica to - keep up a constant sullilyofprovislorm Oct the island. - Directions foe nudist the provhdoes will' be left at the, 'place called orbs Post tifleqr sea Web): Island. L . POMESTIO PQ11,141; - NP , w - TOrtrgept aO—Arsived Ship Ordumhlii, plutcb Ima' freer Liverpool d.ug 25, mdse and 480 pass; salsa, Josiob' Fraecee,.lllller,* 11 Rand i Leery, Alex:nutria. OtianuiLTuttle,l4.lthreend; Mandl:Alt, Conklin , Bath', merek - J W Hugh* Hulse; Newborn; Pro - Oilers Jack son, Baker, osithusee , •,koints; Gem, Charlaiton. Cleared, ateitesbimi ktistS,Adser; Tame, Obsslostau , Jldatiolfelkienet, Pa Month - mid Norfolk. ship pees-, r+,., 449 /11 1 11 1 0i schts — Elliboif, Igeosway,, TlidnMorei - Star, oeugli,' Washington.; :Make, .Keyou, , ?ensacol_,_er W.ll 1111111 and, Bristliest, Chirloidou Guide, .osekilf,'Wtddibitan: • - • • • - I BOSTON, 11•10 9- . Arrived, ship htelsilesen;Godfrej, Blew Orleaniir Minato' Zeinetishoopif Litch) Ilauszons, mi t Echivielyl2,ll- N 'llsYritee,' Smalley; Ptetow Sim Alick,-IdAyo,'N Orleans; it batik, Riereasososi,,oil m w. 4014 lege. Angeline • Avery t ,loissey, - , Plet 4 * Heiry, • Ldtde Oda', ',PO AN 41 40 (314 4,0 , iIAiSP - A 0 44 , linttiOrdsM .*throo.:4ll, 3 o r tfliPeis;ak T i on ie mild bib fistekti tt, : - 011d1k0*/**Nr ilept tick S *Min; lits* -- Terit r 'Sspti.22, old_ nicktifik. a , Alitodlifilkfin• Torkillep L 26, 111, polar Ilustetc 7 .116.1riek, MS Se* Year: . - • • Rowe; N Xork; . saw JACkiontille. fltir'ptllmv.44lo4,-..wape flinches, ereit; - ;echruCLirey,w , Alexander, •H=el." fettle Light Dles,;ifslfre.g; N 8; Bea QE '' - 0//qllloo2s,,.JrheLlMOWiditt eetands,are.iii the bay Initmet - upl'ltlahOlenoliee, Wingate, tro,a„,E° gatieltO' SA' Baliftheyef wss4:7 l e u ,rpo %Oh, 41,1 " 0 t lcsin Boston with' less ' of "putiSto Ilant"msetr,brig illrantellilrUJUSehyliceriPbsto' c &clipper bargee, 'two br4s , ans nuimerselsse, all beating up. NprOimarki#4-44Tived--ohly gilts green ,ii:ltim;4l/h44l7llinte ". / ken +44 -0 i'-',74t,N1 r,,:i,,-,,',.1; Cleared—Balk Mount Vernon, lingers, Barcelona; Selo Bullrush, Ashby; Tampt Bay; Alex Rehr Eduardo, Laforio, Tabasco. Below—Shlps Adelaide Bell, Flagg, from biverpool ; Marcia Greenleaf, 'Merryman, from Liverpool; William ,Tane, Cobb, from New York; Um riot Ilazieline, Brink water, from il(114011.. KEY WEST, Sept. Sept. 13, sehrs Columbia.' Smith, Now York; 18th, Evergreen, Tbutupoun,N York, With loos of sails and rigging—experienced heavy Weather On the oth last., In the latitude of Charleston, and was so badly damaged as to render it necessary that he ohould seek this port for repairs • 18th, U S M seta' Joshua Skinner, Green, Miami ; S schr lien Busk, 09170118 ,New Orleans via Florida port A—no Wan ; S M steamer Caltawba, Bowes, Charles Sailed—September 14th, schooners Columbus, Smith, Mobile; J Crandall, Chase, Pent.aeol ; 7th, Eliza Ca thariuo, Alder; Tampa; 224, Evergreen, Thompson, Tampico' • • • ' Spoken—September 10th, barque West Wind, 11 days from Boston for' Mobile; 11th. ship Emily Ba ker, 10 days from New York for New Orleans; lath, ililinfliladialor,l7 days from Vete Orleans for New Vol k; 17th, Owego, lb Jays from Now York for New Orleans, Mill; Cotton Planter, 10 days Irmo New Orleans for Laudon.. VOIItIGN PORTS - - Mambo°. West Coast of Africa, July 24—In port ,barque May queen Goldamith, for leeward a few days. ; Accra, Aug 10—In port barque John Swasoy, for Salem Ova or six days Buenos Ayres, Aug 15—In port ships Alice Thorn dike; Spalding, Tor Calcutta 55th; barques Manta, Savage, for Roston few days; Griffon Davis, une; Alabamit,Sheriff, 'do; Then:Mike, Sawyer, diag; W anderer, Caulfield from `Boston, air 10h, do; brigs Make Mitchell, for N York two or three days; Ohlo, Wilkinson from Balt Islands; ;Behr Pedro, Parker, nice. . , ! Havana—Art 24th, steamship Daniel Webster, Miner, 'New York, and old for Key West; Fehr Jae J Day, Miner, N Orleans. Cld 24th, barque Escorlaza, Ryder, N York. Sld 24th, barques Light Brigade; Crowell. Remedios; Jo seph Dexter, Rae, Halifax; brig Mary Elizabeth, Thump two' N Orleans; sehr EstlieLllorr, Ottorson, Ruatan. At. do 24th, Alps J B Harris, Prentils tine . ' liesper. Perkins, dis; International,',Benvey, do; ' Stepllen Ler 'rabee, Cray, wig; barques SRL Cann, for frt or charter; ,Glen, Holmes, die; Gambia ' :Kean, do; brigs Favorite, ,Phelps. rid for N York, Northman, die; N Curtain, Mountford, die; ache Pliutormoyeti, Morrow, dis, Ar at Halifax 24th lust, barque Tahiti, Kelley, Car. schr Harriet, Bat tincorW. Cld 21st, sabre Margaret Bennett,Berinett, Baltimore; Resident, Herman, New York. . Ar at 8t John, ND, 26th indt, barques 'Walton. Drown, from Boston; Palmyra, Lovett, do; Mb , DavidDuifoll, Tabbutt, do; 26th, ache Democrat, York, Belfast, Me. Cid 24th, satire Eagle, Anthony, Boston; 26th, Lizzie Sturges, Farnsworth, and Fowler, Cropley, do; 2Clh, chip Trimountain, Dudley, Liverpool; schr Ivy Green, John son, for Boston. , ARRIVALS AT' THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, St tSTN IrD A Y.' GIRARD.HOUSII-Aliestnut,Street, below Nintb. Wli Morris, °Baltimore 0 a Shaw Cinn, Ohio • R K Taumage, Memphis W Jenkins, Patterson E IV 'Hooper, Phila ft W Cassedy, Jersey City Met Comedy, Jersey City . Mrs A, T Smith, Jersey City N Richards, la &child, N O Mit J P Boyd, Albany Wm 0 Dayton, Elizabeth.NJ Alex Mattison. New York J D Cameron, Harrisburg 0 ItLarrabo, Wong° D Crawford & lady, Wash T S McOahan&la,llunt'don Mont Wallace, Philo , N F Merrill & wife, Mali- Miss It Porter, Pa • son. Wis • Miss Ludlam, New York Dr Meister, Reading Bliss V Fox, Miss L Richmond,'Mles L Class, N York - Joseph Pollard, Ala Benj Hart, Louisville Chas T Pollard, Ala , Henry Mott, Ala Time J Scott, Ala WII Acker, Elt , PAul, Minn (I K Ratchlord, SCa Mrs Fillertson, Cin, 0 , Mita Richards. Cin, 0 Mine Coolidge & act, Bostrin Mr Burnet, Cin, 0 Wm D Goldsboro, Alen, J Dupont, Jr, Del J McDowell, St Louis I II Wilson, Ye AlrEpes, Petersburg, Va Mr J 8 Ely & la, NY ' xI L Bolton, Leesburg, N 0 `3 A Thompson, N It L Allen, Granville, NO DB Wilkerson. N C W 0 Boborts, Va • J W Farrar, St Louis J D Tshudy, Linz, Pa Woo V Brown & la, Nobles AII Reeder. Easton, Pa , B Campbell A. son, 11l Mrs Patten,',Washington Miss Taylor, Washington Richard Spoor, Boston NJ bond & lady, Boston A Marotzek A. lady, N Y N W Nicholas & lady, N Y Wm 11 Whitehead, Va, Wm Crudup A. lady, N Miss L Crudup, N Orleans J W Boddie, Miss , McKenzie, N A Geo Marcia, N 0 Thos Ashby, S 0 T M Moore, N 8 II Goetzel, Mobile P W Junta, Va Geo Seymore, R I 0 F Chine, l I Id Taft, Mass • J D Berkman, Chicago E Barton &lady. Georgia Goo Bagden, Boston Lewis El Robbins, N Y , Jared Pratt, Maas W Whecion, Washington D Grafton, Ark SW Bartlett, N Y , ii Gilman & lady, Pa W F Sage, Tray, N Y Q S Slower, N 0 W Ilebass, R I 0 Warriner & lady, Wash J Foote, Freeburg T 0 Singleton, Boston G W Blackmon, N C W Kittrell, N 0 • I II Reed & lady; Del Miss E Reed, Del bliss Lizzie Tyler, Pa ", E Borland, N•Y W Miller, N Orleans Cole N Hammond, Chicago Nil Haight, Chicago, , t. B Kline, Beading D IllcKnight,.Reading F Tuneny, Mexico' M Alston, Mexico C Loeser, Pottsville J S Ifoitehongs, N Y N 11 Hogg,.Pittsburgh G E Hogg, Pittsburgh Jas Gardner & wife, (la Mrs 0 Jordan, Gs - Mrs It S Jordab, On Mrs J Beall, GA' ' Ohae Eliot. jr, Wasdlugleu, D 0 MERCIIA NTS' 110YEL—Pourth street,below Arch. . J 11 French, Salem, Mass P Dull. Now Rope 0 Ilubbdslontoursville, Pa R Mclllseny.Ps J IC Mcllheny, Pa J King, Ilunteratewn, Pa , II Jones, Danville Jos Levi,Danville C H .- Palmer, Stroudsburg 11 (I Wer, Miftliuburg John Munster, York co Col .1 McCormick, Danville W Sheleff, Danville " Peter Not, Columbia Cochran, Steubenville A D Cramer, Bedford, D T Redfearn, N C Mr Drown, Va W F 'Felton LA Barber, Ohio Mina p 1 D Errick, Marietta A M Coburn, Maas R. J'Lloyd; Ebeiisbutg, Pa 0(3 K. Ballm, .7 0 Noon, Ebensburg, Pa W Wolfe, Centro Mall, Pa J N Cell, Blaleco, Pa Mr Rations, Wisconsin W Cornelius,Marrisburg S laett, Blair co, Pa S 'Wigton* son; Bunting- W 'Wagner, York co, l'a don co, Pa J J Thompson, Centre co S Wileon, ,Illair co W S Packer, Pittsburgh 110 Pritner; Clarion, Pa J X Ilaslatt, Pittsburgh .; P. Duncan, Pittsburgh, Pa Thou 0 McDowell, Pa - II 0 Bulau,iPittaburgh :D R Merritt, Haddonfield W 11 Thompson, Easton Slim Thompson, Easton Mrs 0 8 Dtmlap, /LyttonGraz, Bloomsburg Miss Cathcart, Cumber'd co A. A North, N York It IV Marboury, Johnstown John Walton, Pa 0-Woodward., Elats'll co, Pa 9N Dickinsou,Westboro,Pa Thos Graham, Pittaburgh M Wimberling, Va M D Lent, Mt Jackson Win McCreary, Poland, 0 Wm Duff, Jr, Hillville, Pa Wsis Dunlop. Steubr'lle, 0 Win McCabe,Paris, Tenn Id 110, Louisville • T L Wilson. Harrisburg II Kennedy, Allegheny Cty T W Loughrey, Pittabg A.l Eckels, Pittslig 11 Officer, Pittabg 0 W Coffin, Pittsbg 1.1 Murphy, .Pittabg , John Stine A dau Pa N C MoVeytwn,Pa W C Parry, Casseille, 0 R L Dick'sn, Pa IV McMillan, New Castle R Hover, Shoran, Pa 11 A Wolff & dam Pittsbg D Grant, Freeport John R Orr, Chambersburg .1 Roffman & la. Juniata co Jam Daily, Butler co, Pa . 0 & eh, Mobile AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut, below Sixth at. Mr Spruance, Smyrna, Del W J Lewis, N Y It M Heiden, Baltimore 311 Taylor, Wlnchester,Ya IV II Kiser, Winchester, Va.Mra Ford A son, Ira W B Redden, Ye F Osborne, Hancock, Md Barclay, Ohio , Chas Gooding, Delaware E Cleland, Delaware John Chandler, Dolea are E Smith, Delaware 'M A Cleland, Delaware Geo Baker As la, N Y Miss Baker, N Y J Thompson, . Lewis Cox, `'' IL Gray, Baltimore 3 0 Callaghan, Wytheville Henry Dlusseinian,Lancasterl S Crawford, Md Sand Bainkt, Springfield, 0 It A Dawson, Paris, Tenn SII Caldwell, Paris, Tenn LII Deney, Brooklyn SR thy, Pa Geo Douglass, Phlla Mlce Donglass, Phila Miss Douglass, Norristown Levis Oskamp, Cia, Ohio Sand Arnold, Ct IV L'Brooks, Va S C Black, Va W A Lock, N C Com T Crane, DIN Alin Barham, N OW German], N Castie,Del Sam Silver, Del F W. ; Burwell, Norfolk, Va (1 W Stiles, Cumberland' li Sterritt, Deaver, Pa aunty J P Wild, Dover, Del BIS OBdewiliewark, N 7 G P Hall, Newark, N WIL Thompson,Newark,Del Theodore S Collins, Berlin IT W Knowlton, Miss „R II Milbourne, Md STATES UNION HOTELLldarket. above Sixth. W 0 .Blee..Pa. AI Shirk, Clearfield A It Wright, Pa D S Christy, Berke co Sand:A Tritt, Newville, DS Jaeobn Hollidaysburg N Reader. Port Royal, Pa II Norton, Wisconsin 11E Robinson. Juniata, Pa lilies Corneas, Harrisburg John Kelly, Harrisburg John Morrow, jr, P RR J Entriken, Huntingdon Jaa Piroved, Lewistown C W Carroll, Pittsburgh CP C Mutter, Clearfield , D 8 Kephart, Clearfield , J Y McCartney, Clarksly A S Kephart, Clearfield A L Carter, Lancaster co Si nil J King, Lancaster co Wm Loaders. Perry co A C Clemson. Evergreen .1 D Randolph, Pa John M Mooney, Pa H M Slack, Dauphin co. Pa L Kerns, Clinton co, Pa Dr II &I Johnson,Boyerst'n Sandi Maxwell, Lancaster co Miss Maxwell, Lane co I 0 Bruner, Columbia A Cable, Marietta, Pa P Erb, ILarrisburg Il L Burkholder, Carlisle Sami Carver, Pa Joe Carson, Chester co, Pa 7 A Eicholtz, Chester co II Parker, Carlisle Col Chambers, Carlisle Saml Adams, Carlisle 0 Coffman, Silver Spring W Campbell, Po 7 Newcomer, Mechaniasb , g Mrs II Harkness, Carlisle N W Smith, Carlisle Albert K Ahearn, Carlisle W C Woods, Carlisle J Common da so Carlisle J 0 Sample, Hougestown BIL Adams, Hougestown T Sample, Pa 0- Bodine, Ilugesville, Pa V, Waters, Hugeaville Koufman, Carlisle Ceo B Dickson, Del W Irvin, Mechanicsburg Mrs bi Smith, Pa• ug Smith; Pa Nagle,'.Pa • 716 Illthorn, Lancaster Umber, Columbia T R Torr, Lancaster .7 Kemp, Hollidaysburg • 08 Stoner, Pa Elm McDonald, Pottsville. UNION HOTEL—Arch Street. above Third It G Dardwell, Kent, Md E Hollingsworth, Kent,Md H J hloFerren, ookstown, D Long, Louisville, Ky D'ldurlough and la, Pa J B Stapler, Doylestown 0 B Hill, Doylestown L Mansfield, Ga 11C Fonderandth, Columbia /I A !dish. Harrisbargh S Hasinorint, Ohio W H Miller, Westfield Geo Wiggin,Tamantia B Guilford, Pa T Hatztolledis J 0 Purcell, Cadiz , 0 Kitchen and la Easton " I' Beaver, Lewisburg, Pa ' .Winter,Salem, N • • Chas •Dunn, Zanesville, 0 /as Hacker, Fhilada H Dell, Penns no Rehl, Zanesville, 0 J H Gittinger, Md .11t1 Cox, Delaware „ J Gordon, Winchester, Va Henry Cramer vs, A Mangle, Indiana • .111. Watson, Trenton; N J LD, Keefer, Upchanicaburg Wm Myers, Harrisburg Sam! Gilmore, Pa .8 Price, Franklin, 0 , •JD Price, Fairview, 0 B BOW, Ga B Campbell, Ye Jll Daugherclay, Ye C Cromer, Ohio TIC Nessly, Ohio W Wilson, Ohio W Jarvis, Pittsburgh Caleb Russell, Pittsburgh T 0 Warrington, Pittoburg J K Frew, Princeton. N J Jae Brown Salem, N , 3 T Werner, Pottsville, Pa 0 LLRIce, b & Pit it, Ohio II 13 Roff, Ohio :J W Stairs, Ohio .1 Clark, Dauphin, Pa P B Greenawalt, Dauphin JII Spousier, Dauphin, Pit It Watson; Ohio • Pashbatigh,• Delta, 0 John II Streets, Md ' J Bruen, Hanover, Pa Jan Ely, Ranter, Pe Jacob Wyler, N Castle, Pa 'Cyrus Clayton, Pittsburgh Beni Burk, Pittsburgh Thos Spring, Pittsburgh Jas,Buteher, Pittsburgh Dan% Soirely, New Albany, Ind - . NATIONAL HOTEL, Race street, above Third. II 3 Dandier, Pottsville 8 Laubach, North'n coira W Chapman, Bath, I a J R Morae, Dartford - Bvenhorth, Bellui't P Deem, Danvillo 8 Hell, Danville ' J Rlaycock Philo .3 A McCord, Pottsville J Sutton, Wilkeab'e 'Cleo 8 Kelly, BRIM Win Major, Leesport Voli, Darrinbarg J Bower. narrisburg T A Gettyn, Allenville Ii Jennedy, Mt Joy ;Al P eII x Porter, Ohio Rubt Craven, DarlemOblo N Brower, Doylestown Carroll, Wheeling Va , Ohaa Muselernan, Va Sand Edmonds, o h rj D'ld Romany, Lebanon Jun Bergrlst, Lebanon A R Brlghton, Lebanon D B Orist, Pottaiille .I',ll Willa; Bucks co too Siegel, Reading, Pa W B Waticins,Newmammi •W B 'Wynn, Boyeratown Mlea ki S Zeller, Danville Attu A L Zerber, Danville , Mrs Gardner, Danville 0 W Morgan, Pottsville Dant 13cater, Phmnixvillo J'W Large, Putnam, Ohio • 0 Willard, _Mann J M Bricker, Lancaster ;D Coons, Wilkesberre „ Andrew Sailor, Jr,NJ BLACK BEAR INN—Derebant street, bel. Flab. N Dickey, Oxford; Pa E Dickey, Oxford, Pa - '0 Dickey, Oxford, Pa Clement Dickey, Oxf'd, Pa N Beniandn North Celt a Pearson, Cheater vo SharpleSs, Delaware co Robt Baldwin, Lancaster J Taylor, Lancaster co 'E A Howell, Chester co j•E Earobletoo, Chaster co Jas °rice, Chester co P Wickersham; Cheater 0 Hayes, Cheater co IJ Batley, New London 0 0 Okuble, Cheater co !X Rittenhouse, Pottstown Wm' Chandler, Del co 17 REloffolan, Delaware co J R Hoffman, Delaware co Lteliont, Ella Ward W Sill, Delaware co ?no Scott 13Wy, Cheeter co . L Harlan, cheater co ntaler;Chester Co • Jae OordotiiChester co• iWm P Cooper, Lancaster Morrie Cooper, Lancaster 'Lewis Garrett, Del en Wm Henderson ' Chester. llsaao Panting, Cheater to Elliot Sharpies', Del co • Eisler, Chester co • II Hnnsberger, Chester to • • Mrilarria, PortProvidenee .1 Mlealmer, Port Carbon ,0 B LeaDolddr , Pottstown Geo Sander, Chester co .Mr Howell, Philadelphia ,W Sill, Jr, Delaware co !Di3toufter is In, kliflilutewn II Stouffer, Juniata to, Pa IP Lindecttlate, Berke co 7 Clevenatinei Berke co H Balderip,,Ohestor co I' B Earls, Berk co , . .1 Cooper, Lancaster co J W Pluton, Tarrytown Woad, Lancaster co A P Zimmeiman,Junlata to , dno Swarm, Cheater cc 0 W RodebanglaAlbester co Ho_o . por, Cheater co' I, &Lehner, Chester to , (Mb 9boster co APsnnypecker, Chester co TM.; PAE§§ . . 7 1,11,, - .Aprjnirj4,.., , ,,TßlTspAy, „ pqraNFR, ;t, 1857. - , _, BLACIC BE klt 1101Th—Thint atrent, all, Callowbill. Win Smith, Bucks county 4 Bowman, Lebanon bliti Smith, pucka county Silas hand, blwynnedd Y 1., Sloever, bleeliiinienbing Eli VON, Berke county A Matthi, Dituplilu It B liiegner, Bola co Mrs Mattis, Dauphin } W Kliubb i 010 Y Miss Itlilillwrivr, Dauphin C W V mulerlioster, Ilerw'k 3 V McLain, Money , Wm peeling. Amity Daniel Flick, Muney ti Kline, }lath illu Chu, Cromby, Money ' Mod Kline, Earlville II Yeager, Bei roysburg It Stabler, Allentown . ' bliss C Heed, Union cu Mrs Stabler, Allentown N (i (lerling. Reading Miss Stabler, Allentown 13 (I anger% er, Bonding blaster Kline, liarlville 3 S Miller, Monterey J De Frehn & ly, Potttville M. Johnson, Stuumertown D Itittnian & ly, Dauphin MADISON HOUSE—Second street, below-Arch. Woo Darker, Phila Henry Hirsh, Now York J Il CIIVW, Now York Shellabarger, ttliouskor, I'sey Shore, Pa N Down., New Yolk A 11 Conway, St Louis Win 11114h:14 Sussex, DO N 0 Smith, Kent no. Dal Nathan Taggart, Dolton Eilw Worthington, White Henry L Cotton, Moos en, Ind Jesse Higgins, McDonough, D it Higgins, McDonough; Del Del J Prayer Woodsi Pit Penns, Jas Mains, Bridiele,Thil Pet It N Foster, AUtown, Dee' 0 I) Whiting & son, Wheel- C S Kuisell, J tog, Ya 14 4, Sweedsboro, N Pai to S Cnrlioie, F'nea, Del It Prire, Port Penn, Del Woods, Port Penn, Del J Woods, Port Penn, Del das It Deryanoss, L'rel, Del W 1, Cannon, Gelitie, Del E Masten, Soot lt'dge, Uel Daulliroublen&Yhtidge,Md. Saud 11 Muth's), Boston J A Pittenger, Lambert- L Simon, Pittsburgh, Pit s Jle, N J 13 Horuitz ' Pittsburgh, Pa (1 11 Non York Alex Ely, New Hope, Pa 11 Searbo, angle, N llope,Ps Seamen's Saving Fund—Office .203 Walnut ,street, one door west 91 second street. , Deceives , do posits in BMW of One Dollar and 1411i:quail, from ;'all 'classes' of the community, and allows interest at the rate. 'of five per cent. per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from 8 until 5 o'clock, and on Mori. :day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell ; Treasurer, °bailee Al. Morris; Seem f"tary, James S. Pringle. Bower , . Infant Cordini.—This Invaluable Cordial Is prepared from a variety of the most choice and 'efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extent for infants and young children. Dy its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected In, all cases of Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's angering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tram quilises pains of the bowels, looseness, TOMitiOW &e. The Infant Cordial'has &come a atandara remedy, and has been used in thousands of case, with tiro most abundant suceess.' No family should be without it. Prepared only by Maar A. Bowan, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. P. corner of 8111.11 and Green sta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. ,an 13.1 y Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust °Moony, in WALNUT Street, eolith: west corner of Taints Street, PUILADELPIIIA. ASSete Over ONE MILLION AND A. Ha' or DOLLARS, invested in Rau. ESTATE, MORTGAGEB,OnoriND RENTS, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. his institution confines its business entirely to the recei• sing, of money on deposit, The ogle° is Open every day from ft o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday And Thursday evenings until 0 o'clock. On the 28th ultimo, by tho Rev. Daniel Washburn, Rector of Trinity Church,.Poltsvlllo r Pa., FRANCIS II WALLACE to FANNY, eldest daughter of George Mason, Esq., of Pottsville. • * Ou the 17th ultimo, by Rev Joseph G Kennard, Mr MARTIN C. HICKS to Miss 1.1.7411 E T. SNYDER, both of tIII9 city. By the Rev. George Chandler, on the evening of tho 27th ultimo, Mr. FRELVK BELZER to Min JANE L. POWERS. On the 30th Ju1y,1867. by Rev. Idr. Ifelfenstetn, of Germantown, Mr. FRANK KING to Miss LILLIE MOORS, daughter of Benjamin Moore, Esq ,all of this city. On the 3d September, by Rev. Wm. 0. Johnstone, of Kensington, Mr. THOS. McDERMOTT to Miss ELIZA DRAMAS!' ' Ou third day morning, the 29th inst. DEBBY T. HOWELL, daughter of the late Joseph newel]. Her friends an d those of her family are Invited to attend her funeral, without further notice, from her late residence, 717 Optima street, to-morrow (fifth day) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. so 311.21* On the 29th ultimo, Mr. FRANCIS SHELDON, In the 02.1 year Of his age. ' On the 29th ultimo, EPIIRAIM HENRY, infant son of Samuel end Lavinia Leister, aged 4 months. Ou the Nth ultimo, Mrs. ALICE McCABE, In the 90th year of her age. On the 29th ultimo, Mr. BENJ. HINKLE., in the 46th year of Ids age. On the 28th ultimo, Mr. THOS JOHNSON, in the 70th year of his age. TRBISORL DHPARTAIENT, September 23,1867. Notice is hereby given to the holders of stocks of the United States that this Depertment will purchase such certificates Rs shall be received heie, duly assigned to the United States, previous to the let day of Novem. ber next, at the rates heretofore offered and paid, Tin 10 per cent. premium on the loan of 1843 16 per cent. premium on loans of 1847 and and 1818 8 per cent premium on Texas indemnity 6 per cent stock, together with the interest accrued in sub rase from let July Certificates of stock received hero on and after the Ist day of November, until further notice shall be given, will be purchased at the following rates, viz 8 per cent premium on the loan 0f.1842 14 per cent. premium on the loans of 1847 and /848, and 5 per cent. premium on Texas indemnity 5, per etrbt , with the accrued interest payable thereon, respectively. Where certificates of stock, inscribed and tranafers ble on the hooksof the Treasury, shall be received here, assigned to the United States, between the let Decem-' her. when the transfer Woke mil be closed, and the lit . of Jemmy, when the half-yearly interest is payable,. the accrued Interest for the half-year must be expressly assigned to the United Slates by the stockholder, as no inteiest for the current half-year can be Included in the settlement, but the name will be payable by the Assist ant Treasurer on the interest scheluics, as heretofore, In all cases the purchase SIMIR w ill he settled hi favor of the lawful holder of the stock, who shall assign it to the United States In the mode prescribed by the regula tions of assignmenta of clock; and remittance will be made of the amount by draft on the assistant treasu rers at Boston, Nair York; or Philadelphia, at the op: lion of the party In whose laver the settlement shall be made 0110 day's additional interest will be added from the day of receipt here for the draft to be sent by mail. HOWELL COBB, Secretary of the Trepsury. 10 Notice.--A. Meeting of the Creditori of JOSEPH MoDOWELL will be held at hie Store. (new) No.lil MARKET !street, on FRIDAY EVENINO, at 7% o'clock. orl Irr Law Department, University of Pennsyl. sante —A Term will commence on THURSDAY, Octo ber Ist. An introductory lecture will heldelivered by Professor Sherwood on the evening of THURSDAY, October 2st ; by Professor McCall on the evening of SATURDAY, October 3d, and by Praetor Stiller on the evening of MONDAY, October sth. at, 8 o'clock, at the Lecture Room of the 'University. oett-it ID" The Annual Meeting of the Contributors of VIE YOUNO MAN'S INSTITUTN will be held on MONDAY, the btli tad ,at one o'clock . ld., at No. 232 Walnut street, on which occasion the Annual Report of the Board of . Trustees will be eubnlltted, and an election held for the appointment of Trustees. ID" A Grand Mass Meeting of the Democracy of the Nineteenth and the adjoining Wards will be hail at Frankford•llond and Norris street, on THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. let, at 7}9 o'clock Let the Democracy turn out in their strength to Con firm the nominations of the good and true nice placed ou the ticket. The following eminent speaker& will bo present, and address the meeting. Min. Win. li. Witte, Win A. Porter, Esq , Hon. 11. L. Wright, Vincent L. Bradford, Esq lion. Harlan Ingrain, • Lewis 0. Cassidy, Esq., Hon. Thos. D. Florence, t Robert Allen, Esq ' Hon. Charles Drown, Thos. W. Rghts, Esq Wm A. Edwards, Esq., • Charles W. Carrigan, Thos. E. Harkins, Col. Thos. W. Huffish A full Brass Band will be in attendance By order at the Committee on Meetings, J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. Toes. J. Banos's, Secretary. se3o.2t A Grand Mass Alerting of the Democracy of Twenty-Fourth Ward will be held at the WEST PHILADELPHIA HALL ou Friday evening, October Id at 7),6 o'clock. The following mimed gentlemen have been Invited : and will be present and address the meeting Hon Heavy IL Phihips, lames T ho'huien, Env, Hon Chan It Duckalew, Vincent L Bradford, Eng, Hon John W Forney Wm H D Smith P Hon Thou D Florence, Win A Potter, EN; Daniel Dougherty, EN, J T Owens, Dab Wtu h Edaatils, Esq. • , Eugene Ahern, Esg - . DEMOCRATS to the rescue—meet in yout strength and show that you are Mill attached to the cardinal principles of Democracy. A full Dress Dand will be la Attendance. ' By the order of the Comtnittee on Meetinga. , 'J. 3. MORRISON, Chairman, Tuos. J. BROONN, Secrehry. re '24 3t f 17' Extract from the Minutes of the Deno, erotic City Executive Committee : Er4o/vrd, That the Committee on Town Meetings be requested to call a Mass Meeting of the Democracy of the County of Philadelphia, on MONDAY EVENING, October fith, at 7 o'clock, In Independence Square to make a suitable demonstration of opposition to ' the legalising of the suspension of specie payment. JOS. LIPPINCOTT, Chairman J. J. SULEVAN, DA'reterles Tuos. lIABKINS, 117. Mum hieeting.—A firaud Maas Meeting ,of the Democracy of thwEighth and neighbortog Wards will be held cot this ( ThorMay)eVen log, October lir, at :the corner of Twenty•third nod Walnut strew. The Democracy is especially called upon, at this time, .to assemble and counsel together upon the issues which are now agitating the public mind, for in them alone cats the peeple now place their reliance, and hope for safe relief. The meeting will be addressed by , Bon. Thomas B. Florence, 1 William E. Lehman, Esq., Hon. We, . H. Witte, I Charles W. Carrigan, Esq., ,Lewis C. Cassidy, Esq., , Richard 11 Young, Esq., Wm. B. Rankin, Esq., Wm. A. Edwards, Esq., John Campbell, Esq , Eugene ahem, Esq., Edward W Power, Esq., Charles Campbell, E 4., Aud other eminent epeakers. . By order of the Committee. co i V,r" A Meeting of the ‘Vholesale nod Retail IVIALT AND LIQUOR DEALERS' ASSOCIATION will be held at the DILIGENT HAW TENTH and FILBERT etreetc, on THURSDAY, October .14t, 2857, at 2 o'clock. BOVA . * BY ORDER OF THE ASBOOIATICN D Democratic City Executive Committee.— The Committee will meet every Tuesday and Friday af ternoon, et l o'clock, at the Globe Gout JOS. LiPPINOOTT, Cloaca:ut WM. 11. RANDALL Secretariat'. J. Sot.tavAN, ie23-15t lij• At a meeting of the Democratic City Ex. ecutive Committee, held on Yriday, Sept 18th, It woe Resolved. That the following town meetings be held : THURSDAY EVENINO, Oct. let, Frahlrford road and Norris street. SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. ed, West Philadelphia: TUESDAY EVENING, Oct. 6th, New Market and :Brom, street. WEDNESDAY EVENING; Git t 71h, Paasyank road sad Federal street. ' TitultSDAY EVitl4l.lW, Oct Bth, Itranayunk. YILIDAY EVENING, Oct. 9th, Broad and Coates street. SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 10th,Btate Come Yard. A full Brats Baud "willby in attendance at eath,tneet- Ing. " J. J , MORRISON, Clutirthan. A. C. TIMPSON, 1 . hntt Rum, ' • Joule K. Taos. J. Shown, OAADWICK, Committee on !destine MiONABL BMUS, JoAsig./4VGIILIII, Operial Notices. Marriages {PM. L. REL{N„ Secretary of Board of Tcuateca: , se30•110 11 — Office of the Union Canal Company PIIII.IPRI.PUIs, Sept. 1811, 1857,—A loet lll 2 01 ( It° etnckhold"ra of t h u Union Canal Company of Peons), Va ill bo hold 'at the office ,d the company, (Yar guitar Buildings,) Nu. 224 street, below Third, on TUESDAY, October 6th, nest, at 12 o'clock, M. By ordor of the BOWL'S of Managers, sul6-dtuc6 O. TIIO3II.'SON. Seer. WHAT IS VERY SELDOM POUNI) FOR Sktill--A toll half acres of LAND in the village of Benedict, on the Patuxent Hirer, Charles County, Md. It Is in the heart of said iilloge—ext out ing to the river with about 110 Met of beach us an outlet; on this outlet is a Steamboat Wharf, a Lich can he put under rent after thin year; three oeekly steamboats to unit from Baltimore use this lilted, and three vessels would cheerfully pay wharfage for use of same This property was mold by an Ca of our Legislature. I be. came the purchaser with a view of carrying on a foundry, blacksinithing, wagon and cart looking, oyster salooning, pickling oysters, ine ellandis I ng,, lumber.) itr)• log% the., and tociect several bulldlugs lur amia' 'pot It is one Of 11113 gidstest openings in the foiled Slides fur everything of title kind CLnrfea, Prince tieorge's, St Mary'a, nod Calvet t Counties cull loudly lor it, and wnilld pail onice rthilost exclusively, It ii the shipping depot 01 this pert of Clot, les county, nod it to hard to estimate the extent of shipping, S e , to and front Blab , rat nod on through than place annually. Often it is a perfect thoroughlale. Oysteia can be bad of the ygr v best kind for tun centa per bushel, or raked lip from then ineXhauslible boa, by vensel to els for nothing; Bib of all kinds ale at the dour the year round ; crabs and turtle pleotitra in their season, and the cost of a 7nwill In lug in this lIIIIee is but nominal Indeed, the %aloe of this property cannot n ell he de scribed. There ore no buildings except the large square county tobacco warehouse, on silica and one small house I stn u large planter ten nines off, and in delicate health, becoming more and more so, others icy no person could ,buy this property. Terms made to suit the purchaser or purchasers. lialtimwe two-thinly of a day's jour ney by steamboats from .4 llenedict. Persons wishing to install themselves in a road leading directly to fortune can set its to me, and I mill moot 'them at their appointed time on said property; then they call see that I have dailed to do justice to said property in noticing it as I have. They can leave Baltimore by Wednesday morning or Saturday Morning steamers, and reach Benedict early in the evening Direct your letters to ALFRED W GARDINER ISryantuoo, Churitut Cu , 111 usluol. 011 PIIANS' COURT SALE.--ESTATE of DAVID LEIIDAN, th.celoaed --THOMAS & LIONS, Atietionoori Valuable REAL ESTATE, Si' JOHN street, be. Oven Green and Coates streets Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at Public Sale, on TUESDAY, October 20th, 1817, at 7 o'clock in the evening, 'ut the PHILADELPHIA - EXCHANGE, the following described property, late of DAVID LEI!. MAN, deceased All those fame MOllitrlge6 and lot of ground, situ ated on the oast side of St. John otreet, bets eon Oruro 00,10410, streets, 121 feet 4 Inchon north of GrAon street ; containing in front on St. John street 21 feet 8 indict, and in depth eastward on the north line 100 feet ; audton the south line 99 feet 1 inches to alO feet wide court or alley, on which It is in front or with 12 feet 67,i; inches. This and the following will be sold as one property— And two messuages, and lot of ground thereto be longing, situated on the east side of St John greet, 105 feet northward from Green street; containing in breadth, north and south, on St. John street 16 foot, and in depth eastward, gradually narrowing from St. John street, 00 loot and 1 inch to a 13 feet wide alley. and In breadth north and south on the said alley 13 feet 8% inches. including the ono moiety of a 2 feat 0 inches wide alley on tho south lido, to be left open forever, for the use of this and the adjoining premises on the south. Bounded northwardly by the tot and inessuages heretofore described, F5O to be paid at the time of sale. .• Sly the Court. JOHN SHERRY, Clerk O. C. - . HENRY WEINSHEIMER, Trustee M THOMAS dc SONS, Auctioneers, 189 and 141 (tormerly 67 and 69) S. FOURTH St 001.19.50 lIBL IC LAMPS.—TIIE PUBLIC IS respectfully informed that Mikes kayo been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give Information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extinguislung them at the , proper time; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Daily, No. 612 Queen street, Third Ward; Charles Carty, No /8 South Seventh street, Ninth Word; Hiram if Ksrk, No. 1438 Ilutchinson street, Twentieth Ward; ki W. Doshous, No. 2231 Coates creel. Fifteenth Ward; Thos. Bowlby, oas Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West IliNhiladelphia,) M. 11. 11 , Nadden, Gas Otlice, Twenty- Second Ward, (0 ormautown;) It'in N Market, Gus OSlee, Twenty-Third Ward (Prankfori,) and ht the Oat Offico in Seventh street, below Market. Irder of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas ceWo A. J. KITE, ocLffen Superintendent of Distribution NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. CHARON OF 11011116. Ou and after Monday, October 5, 1857, the trains on this road will leave as lollows : For Bethlehem, Reston, Allentown. Mauch Chunk, Ac., (Expreaa,) at 8 A. M. and 2 15 P M . For Doylestoa n, (Accommodation,) at G P. M. For Gwynedd, do. at 9 A. M. RETURNING— Leave Bethlehem, (Exps els.) at 9 15 A. M. and 2 45 P. AI. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 6155 A. M. Leave Gwynedd, do at 3 P. Al. Accommodation trains run daily; ether trains daily, AlKlulays excepted. }ILLIS CLARK, octl-3t Agent. DEPARTMENT Of MAlllt - Ei-HO - USEg, °MCI., 9 W. eORNER OW Fiffil AND CHESTNUf STREWN. PIIILADV.LPIIIA, October Ist, 1851. Sealed Proposals will be received at this (Mice until the 30th day of NOVEMBER molt, at 12 o'clock, for tho 'tenting of the following Wharves and Landings for a term of three )ears. Arch street Landing, at the foot of Arch street, on the river Schullloll—leaso comutenciog December 31st, 1837. Also, George's street Landing, at the foot of George street, on the river Schuylkill—leaseconitneodugdauu ary lot, 1858 Approved security will he required. 8, C. TnomrsoN, Commissioner of Market.. `'ocl•t6 u to lm CIIARLES D. EMERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pa., will pay particular nttontion to Securing and Collecting claims, Lycoming and adjoining counties. RlaltDo TO 'lion. J. D. Knox, Supreme Beath, Philadelphia David Jayne & Son. Phila.Norcross' & Sheets, Phila Ahspach, Reed & 1 , " Smith, Shultz &Cu , oel-lunar E W " WI S S. W ENS, ATTORNEY AT o LAW, N 0.2 AIRY STREET, NORRISTOWN, Pa , Will attend x ith punctuality, and to the best of his ability, to all business entrusted to his care net-tf tosr_on September 3U, a small black TERRIER, MIC mouths old. The tinder xill be re- Warded by returning hint to 703 LOCUST Street It* rltE YOUNG MEN'S DEMOCRATIC JIiOnhIERCIAL CLUB rill Inca THIS EVEN !NU, et the (Hobo Rotel, et t o'clock °elite JOHN B. STRYKER, .11t., Wholegalulor AUCTION PRY GOODS. N 0.12 HANK Stroot,lodelphm. oetl-2m VISITEHS TO THE AGHIOULTLYRAL FAIR, ghould not forget to call at awl procure one of Moir THREE DOLLAR HATS or a fine Solt Hat at $1 60. Children's new styles of HATS AND CAPS. Sets of Furs from $l3 upwards, at 1.114 CHESTNUT Street. below Seventh TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT, PENN tYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, PalL.WaLrnta, September 28th, 1857. NOTICE —The Coupons for Interest on the 2d Mort gage Donde of the Company, due on let proximo, will be paid on presentation at the office at any tune on or after that date. TILOS. T sep3o.6t Treasurer. OFFICE of the RECEIVER OF TAXES, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Chestnut Streets Seen:gam 28, 1851 NOTION TO TAX PAYERS —MI checks marked "good" by the banks on which they are drawn, and all notes of banks which are received on deposit and recog nises, by the several banks In the city in their exchanges or settlement or balances, will be received at this °nice in payment of State and City taxes. . . PETER ARMBRUSTER, Receiver of Taxes aIRARD FIRE A. lA ANCE COMPANY, YU 802 WALNUT street, wust 01 "FIRS HMS 0 MAYO 41) MARINE INSUR IILADELPIIIA-001en, No ONLY TAKEN.. /TORS. Jer. Walker, Jno. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. J. Gillett, Purina,, Sheppard, kainl. Jones, M I) , Joseph Klapp, M. D Wm. M 811111 D, John Anapach, Jr., H. N. Durrougho, J. 13. Hughes, P. D. Sherman, Wm. P. hooker, J. P. Steiner, N. A Shackelford, Hon. JeFli JONES, President lieu G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President /NO. 3. MOMULLIN, Secretary. JAmee B ALVORD. Aeqistant Secretary not-IDu•if SAVING FUND.--UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner or THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small sums received, and paid back on de wand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Mee houra, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for eale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, irons £1 upwards. President—STEPUEN 11. CRAWFORD, Treasurer—RAlNY SISK. Tellen.--JAMES R. MINTER.' W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS .s..iPs No. 87 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points In the United States and Oausda. Stocks, Bonds, die. Bought and Sold on Commission. Occurrent Bank Notes, Checks, &c., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits received and Interest allowed, as per agree. toast ant-4m • ALE ROPE.—Buyers are invited to call 1-11 , and examine our Manila Dale Rope, which we can can sell as low as American, and warrant it superior iu strength and durability. . . . WEAVER, EULER & CO., so 1 No. 23 N. Water at and 22N Wharves MANILLA ROPE.-SUPERIOR MA NILLA ROPE, manufactured and for Kale by WEAVER, PITLER & 00., suR-Or Nn 123 N Watnr nt • nod 44 N Wa OTEL AND SUMMER RANGES.- ..A Sold by CHADWICK & BRO , 202 N. SECOND St. suglB-3moe. (5116.8T0 CONSIGNEES.—The. ship 17 STALWART, Capt. A. H. Lucas, from Liverpool, is now discharging under genet al order at Almond greet wharf. Conahmeta will please attend to receipt of their goods. THOS. RICHARDSON k aaft.tl DAVID M. HOGAN, BLANK BOOK Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT street, betweenrourth and PIM, Philadel phia 1111 ACGREGOR HOT—AIR FURNACES. .1.1.1. Kohl by CHADWICK h IMO , sittectic Stmt, Ord door above Race. auglB.3mor - It DIV , CUTLERY• AND TOOLS, No, SIS MARKET ST Wive Ninth, moth aide, Philf.dolphia an I.Bm Alillittern MRS. E. MOULSON, 918 Chestnut street, Will open beautiful Millinery on Friday. Bank notes taken at par. octl-2t* if A. LEHR WILL OPEN, ON TEAMS -1,1 • DAY, October let, et her ROOMS, Nos. 720 and 722 (new , numbers) CHESTNUT street, opposite the Masonic Temple FASHIONABLE PARIS PALL and WINTER MILLINERY. se29•St 'MADA'MADAME MAY, of 216 Cheetnut Street ME (old ntnt.er), will open a splendid assortment Fall and Winter Millinery on THIS DAY, October lit. cep 29-tu&tbu OPENING 1 THOMAS MOROAN, NO. nil NORTH NINTH STREET, Will open nu TIIIHISDAY, October ht, a large and splendid selection of FALL MILLINERY, FRENOII FLOWERS, RIBBONS, • Ao., Re. The Willa are respectfully invited to call. eeplO.3t bales bn 'Auction. T N 111 „?. 3 1 1 3 A 9 ::3,101(4148SoN141i NOIIRTIS STREET, (Fulaterly Nub. 07 and 09.) REM, ESTATE, STOOKS, Publio Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. iD".• ltamtbilli of each property issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each Rao one thong:Lod catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to he ~01,1 ou the following Toe,.lay. ID - FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning,. REAL ESTATE .1T PRIVATE SALE 113 We have a large amount of Real Estate at Wi lms Salo, Including every description of City and Country property Printed Lists may be had at the Auction :tore. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER 1..17 - Real E•tato entered on our Private Male Re gliter, are al ertioi.l oecaaionallv lu our Public Sale Ab , truct4, (oi uhmh 1,000 copies * are priuteil weekly.) free of charge PEREMPTORY SAI. E— Toc7;;HARES UNION CANAL. On Tuesday evaultmi , Gni I),tober, at 7 o'clock, at dm.ladelPhia Ez change, without reeerte, for account of whom it may concern-- eikdshares preferred six per cent stock of the Union Canal Company of Peousylt QUILL Par pp, with power ci attorney for transfer endorsed. TENTH FALL SALE, Gth ..9F_OOTOBEH, AT TIli: LEE= TIM Arlie will include— HANDSOME RESIDENCY., WITH BIDE YARD. Handsome modern Residence, with side yard, south side of Washington street, first home east of Seven teenth street. It is jast finished in handsome modern style. Immediate possession. $5,500 may remain on the property. . . . NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE Nest modern Boudenee ' No 718 Buttonwood street, eaqt of Delaware Eighth street Iranitellato pot,ie,sion DlVtl.l.lgtie, SRANKFORD RDA J • New lliree.iitery brick dwelling, No 120 Frankton" above Bedford Street, \NMI three-story frame dwelling In the roar " " RESTAURANT AND DWELLING. Three = , tery brick reqaurant nod Snelling, 9 E cor run Second and Shiplieu Streeta BRICK BAKERY—ADJOINING. Al+o, a brick bakery adjoining the above, fronting on Shipper Street. BRYEN TIIREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS „ . Seven three story brick dwellings Camilla Street, be tween'llth emir:3li, and Carpenter and Prime Streets They will be sold separately. MODERN RESIDENCE, SOUTif. ELEVENTH ST Neat modern residence, west nide or Eleventh Street, eolith of Sine Street. HANDSOME MODERN STORE AND DWELLING Throe-story brick story and dwelling, southeast cor ner r 4 Nth and Waabington Streets, elate Spring den,) It is handsomely built and tloished for a store and dwelling PEREMPTORY SALE—MANOR/J.IE NEW NES'. . _ Also, the handsome new residence, with side yard,and replete with all modern conveniences, west aide, North Seventh Street, first house South of Thompson Street. Salo positive. NEAT DWELLING Neat modern dwelling, No. 336 North Twelfth Street, between Carlton and Callowhill Eltreots FOUR FRAME DIVELIANOS A two-story frame Dwelling, south-east corner Front and Fluent% ?duets, with three two-story frame Dwell ings in the tear. VALUABLE FARM—DELAWARE CO., PA. Valuable farm; 365 acre 4, Dethdl township, Delaware county, Fenno , about three miles from Claymont, and four miles from Marcus Hook ELEVENTH PALL SALE, Wtti OCTOBER. This sale will include— Valuable Property, known as the Port Providence et ie and Edge Tool Factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, oppo alto Phivutkville ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE, Ac Elegant modern residence and Mikes, N. ‘V corner of Thirteenth and Arch streets. 23 feet front on Arch eh set. 128 feet on Thirteenth street Orphans' Court Sale. ESTATE OF DAVID LEHMAN, DECD. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. • • • . Valuable ]teal Estate, St John street. between Green and Coates Strcots—several nicstuttgos, and lot 37 feet 8 inches front SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO axamm - - . CARD.--Included l■ our sale at the Auction Store Tins MORNING, will be found besides 600 lots of ex cellent furniture, floe piano forte, fine French plate wir. rocs, superior tapestry and Brussels carpets, three hud dred hair, wool, and husk mattresses, hot-water and cha fing dishes, beds and bedding, china nud glassware, &c forming au assortment rarely met with, and well worthy the attention of those desirous of purchasing Cata logues now ready, and the articles arranged for exami nation Sale N 09.139 and 141 south Fourth street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, ELE. CANT PIANO FORTE, DRUSSELS CARPETS, he Ttil At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Sto - re— Au extensive assortment of excellent seeond•hand furniture, ,kc from families declining housekeeping. Wlle=f2= - - - SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, VELVET CAR PETS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, &c. On Monday morning, October Gth, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 13 511219011.1 street, above Seventh street, the superior house hold furniture, mirrors, carpets, &c. J 7 The Cabinet Furniture pas made by Oeo. J. Ilezikels, has been well kept, and is In excellent order. * ,* May Isis examined on the morning of sale at 8 o'clock. FIRST-CLASS STORE FOR RENT . . The large new FIVE-STORY STORE, No 240 MAR KET street, East of Third street, 29 feet front, 202 feet in depth, with a side front on Riddle's alley—brown atone front—built and finished in the beat and most substsulial manner, with every modern convenience— furnaces to heat the entire building throughout—fire Proof slfea, Water Ciente. Hoisting Machines, Ac• Well adapted for a large Auction or Commission House. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, V 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House. between Fourth and Fifth Streets. SALE OF EMBROIDERIES AND liIi.LINERY GOODS GLOVES, HOSIERY GOODS, &c. • Friday neat, October 24, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell by catalogue, without reserve, a large and valuable assortment of choice French and Scotch Embroideries and Millinery Goods. Also, Ladies' and Gents' Silk and Buck Gloves, En glish Hosiery Goode, &c. Also, 200 carious French Artifluals, Ostrich Feathers. dce VALUABLE STOOK OF FINE EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, &a. Also, will be added to sale ou Friday next, n large and valuable stock of Fine French Embroideries, Ele gant Thread Laces, Bonnet Trimming Ribbons Also, in valuable assortment of Men's and Women's Hosiery and Gloves. Also, Misses' and Children's Merino and Lamb's Wool Huse and Halt Hose, embracing some of the most deal table goods in the market. VALUABLE STOCK—SILVER PLATED WARE Friday, at commencement of sale, will be offered the balance of stock to close a partnership concern, con sisting of Teat Sets, best silver plated; do embossed do; Castors do A 1..), Dessert spoons, table spoons , batter knives, des sort forks, tea spoons, table forks .kc May bo examined early on morning of sale. MOSES NA THA NS, AUCTIONEER AND COMAIISSION MERCHANT, 0. K. corner SIXTH es/d RACK Streets . - - NOTICE —All persons having goods forfeited at the *face S E. comer of 6th and Race streets, are requested to rail and pay charges and renew their tickets other % ise they will tie sold on WEDNESDAY MORNING next. OCTOBER the 7th, at 10 o'clock, by MOSES NATIIANS, Auctioneer, S. E. corner of 6th and Race streets. LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS, BY ORDER OF JOHN WEBB, Broker, at MOSES NATHAN'S Auc. lion Store. S F. corner 6th and Race streets, on WED NESDAY MORNING next, OCTOBER the 7th, 1857, at 10 o'clock, at sales-room second story. Entrance from Race street. The Goods still he arranged and open for Examination on the afternoon of Tuesday, the day before the sale. Consisting' to part of Watches, Jewelry, Arc , viz gold hunting-cAse,double-ceuie, double-bottom and open laced English patent lever watches, of the very best and most approved makers, the moat of them full 18 karat gold; gold escapement patent lever watches in hunting cases and open-face, best makers, 18 karat gold eases, gold tempo watches in hunting-cases and openstare, most of them very flue, 18 karat cases; gold Swiss and French watches, silver English lever watches of the most approved niaketa,lnlnniting-ctmen,double.casexand open-lace, sitter escapement lever 41.14 'opine watches of best linkers, silver double-case, Limiting-case, and open face watches, duplex and gnarlier watches, tins gold neck, fob, and vest chains, doe gold curb chaint, tine gold medallions, fine gold pencil-cases and pens, fine gold ear-rings, breastpins and finger-rings, large seal rings, line gold bracelets, pelt of knives, torka, and spoons, in case, silver plate, plated forks and spoons, PertnionflaieS, tine gold charms, nests, and keys, silver medals, gold sleeve-buttons, gold studs, gold thimbles, and numerous other articles of jewelry. Watch•inalters, jewellers, dealers, the trade gen era ly. and private purchasers, aro respectfully muted to attend this sale, its every article will positi, sly be sold without the least resarte whatever, for cash :sales Room Second story. Entrance from Race street. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and silver patent lever, 1 -" Pi", English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of et cry description, musical instruments, &c., &c AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Sze., Sc ,&e Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction ecr Charges very low. Consignments of lurniture, clothing, jewelry, Ac , Ac , solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Blatt; arid Dace Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver. plate Watches, Jewelry, Diemonde, Clothing, Dry Goode, Groceries, Segare, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Fatties, Stocks, and on all ar. tides of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. feel] Dl. NATHANS, NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great male of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, , will take place shortly. Due notice will be glee,. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Balling, Aco., being forfeited collaterals, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIOV EBB—No. 325 ARCM Street, between Third and Yourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Raney Goods, Notions. N It —Out-door sales attended to All goods sold at the Auction house packed. eIEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, '-* N. N. corner of BARRON and BOUTII Streets, above Second. EVENING SALES, BALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,' At 7,14 o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Itardware, Uuta lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. JAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, 1.7 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st,, only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o'clock, A. M , until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and eaten at the Auction noose, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000 lisradlirerd for the lost Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on DIA moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, hardware, Her cbandire, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Rune, Horses, Carriages, and Goode of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agteed upon. AU advance', from one hundred dollars and upwards will to charged 2 per cent. per month; $5OO and over, the lowest market rate . . This store iIOtIBEI having a depth of no feet, Milano fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises i also, a heavy Inem ranee effected for the benefit of all persona haring goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, thie office is prepared to make advance. on more satis factory and accommodating terms than coy other In this city. Money advanced to the poor, in email amoncita, with oat any charge. AT'PRIVATB Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices aul47 MOSS -17 baloa Carolina ?doss, for sate by MARTIN & MAOALISPER, aul 119 North Water Btreat. CONGRESS RANGE .—SOLD BY CHAD ; WICK & BRO., N 0.202 N. SNOOND Street. auxlB-Bmom, BARRETT , S GYMNASIUM,SPARRING AND FENCING SCHOOL non , open, 5e24.70 sales by I.uction TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, AP NO. 423 WALNUT STREET. above FOURTH. CHILD—SALE OF OOUS.tiIIOLD FURNITURE—TT:M. ILL' We beg leave to inform the public, that e bold our regular vieekly salmi of Furniture every Tuesday, et our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO 106 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest tiriree for the goods of theta who may ri‘ or 115 with convigninmiti Families haviug'pertioni of their fin Whire to di.poce of, or flume declining hone. keeping and nut winkling alien at their own dwellings, can have their (molten; CAREFULLY REM OTEL TO OUR SALES ROOM, WIIEIIII THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN PROM ANY OF TUE FURNI TURE BEALEnt; OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. ET- Persona favoring us with consignments can rest 3:illred that their property will not be sacrificed. poimni,lons more moderate than those charged y any other Auction House in the city. fri - Consignments respectfully solicited. ID — Sales paid lu re,! istely alter the goals aro sold. REAL 'ESTATE BAIA% October? Tbl4sutle will Include— Executors' Absolute Sale—l Mete of Lydia and SUSIIIIIft Willa, deceased. WELL-SECURED GROUND RENTS. "old Irredeemable Orouni Rents, dB each I - $2O IL. 1".:4 1 to lir yard Cu each of the above when the same is struck off. EMEM By A three story Brick Dwelling, with twoatory brink back building. 195 North Ninth street, above Wood street. Rent i4OO per annum. Apply at the Ana. tion Store. titurational FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERA- Tritr —PROFESSOR GERARD, A. late Cadman( A'rut of Plante. and formerly Professor In Trinity Cot Irge, Hor(folil, C. 1., and author of revers! Nark, todarilitate a prompt acquirement of the Pewit fa ngoage to now prepared to gave inr Unction to ladies at their mon rtintenets, an the morph:iv, from 9 to 2 welodr, sod to g, linemen, et his stud!, No. 1008 CIIPSYNIIT Street, from 4 to 9 P. 21. N B Perheular attention will be paid to ladies and gentlemen intending to vied Europeots to ronversaturn ut Fret,. it. Irr — For particulars, please call on Prof. . for a CI Itel;LA R,Na 1008. CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, third story, trout room, from 4to 91'. M. coel-1 w* PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever is more like a private family The course of study is extensive suit thorough. Pro fessor Ssuuders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age into his family kingulrs of Messrs J 8. Silver Cud Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Porisey. Editor of this Paper, whose sons or wards are now members of his family. septl4-tf % ISS BONNEY AND MISS DILLAYE IT R. will RE-OPEN their BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL at 1016 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, Sep tember 14th. 1:1=1=1! Revs If. A. Boardman, D. D Philadelphia; David Halm. dm O. Wadsworth, D D., do; M. G. Clark. do; J. Nest ton Brown, D D., do; Wm B. Jacobs, do; Wm. Blecknood, D D do; A. Converse, D. D., do; John , Leyburn, D D, do mes 11. Cuthbert, do; Wm. T. Brantley, D. D . do; E B. Cheney, do; William Brad ford, New York city; A. D. Gillette, D D do; R. Bab cock, D. D. do, B Fuller D D , Baltimore; George W. Eaton, D. 1)., Hamilton, Stew York; G. Hampton, North East, New York; Thomas Rambaut, Commits, Georgia; Howard Malcom, D. D, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania; John 9 Ilan, LL. D , Philadelphia Paul T. Jones, Esq , do; Col. A G. 'Waterman, do; Caspar Mornay, M. D , do; Robert A. Ezell, Bsq , Marshall, Trios; John B. Sem ple, Est; , Pittsburgh, Penuaylvania; James Edmunds, Esq., do. do; Ueorge W. Jackson, IN., do, do; John H Raymond, LL. D Brooklyn; New York; Alaysun Bray son, Esq , Chicago; lion George W. Bradford, Homer, New York; Stephen D. Dillaye, Esq , New York city; Hun Daniel 8. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York. sepl•lm IRITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E comer of SEVENTH Mid CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING. PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. -- • . LECTURES, &c. Each Student hen individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the Immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing 'Department. Please csll and sue Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terme, An. se3lm EMAN ALLEN, A. M., is prepared to H receive a limited number of pupils on the Violin, or on the Piano, and to play Violin parts or accompani ment% with advanced pianists Apply at the regblence of 111.1 father, Professor ALLEN, No. 215 South Seven teenth Street Circulars, with terms and references, at (.1 ANDSE & Cols, No. 1104 Chestnut Se sal-lm* SUP PLEE'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LLDIES, (boarding and day pupils,' N. W. corner LLEVENTIL aud GREEN streets. Fifth session will open 011 September 7th. Best reference given, in cluding all present and former patrons. auN-tf ; 4 1 . RING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG HEN AND BOYS, N. E corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing full particulars, pupils' names, testimonials, Au can be had ou application. aullb•tf H. DONLSAYY LONG, Principal. HALL OF ST. JAMES TEE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Rev B. R. Sauna, RZOTOR. The Annual &salon will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1 Circulars may be obtained at the Book Store of H. HOOKER, S. IT. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT or of the Rector, Post Office, Palls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. an 7-dm S. BARTON'S BOARDING AND Ltl DAY SOllOOl. DOR YOUND LADIES, No. IMO CHESTNUT Bt., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aulg..6w* NOTHING 80 NEEDFUL TO ENABLE persons, male and female, to gain a share of this world's goods and comforts as • BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS' BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fan and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, In a short time. THE LEIDY'S take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persons acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. an73-3m. --- illerthant (ailors. JOHN P. DOIIERTY, ron THAHS WITH XIILLT & BROTHKR, LATE WITII LUKENS, KELLY, ‘t. CO.. TAILOR. \ Hat with him the best tailors that are now engaged in the business in this country : CHARLES ROTH, formerly the leading Tailor of this City ; KkYBER, formerly Cutter for 0. BOTH & CO , nod late Coat and Vest Cutter wah LUKENS, KEL LY, & CO; HENRY WAUNER who has just arrived, wondered In New York the bee t Pants and Vests Cut ter in the United States, for years cutter with Depierris, under the In ing House, Broadway, and with Depleirrw & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who petrouiee the establishment; the best of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, low prices for cash. se24 EDWARD P. KELLY. LATE KELLY & BROTHER, Having engaged the services of CHARLES ROTH, Distinguished for the beauty and excellence of his Goode when in the Tailoring Easiness, has taken the Store 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AND 1118 OPENED TOE THE SALE, AT EMIL, OF CLOVIS, CASSIMERES. VESTINGS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, &c Of the beet qualities, at moderate prices. ' The busineas of KELLY .b BROTHER Is re moved, from this date, to No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, where it will be attended to by EDIV'D T. KELLY or 'JOHN P. DOHERTY. eel-ly JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Noa. 16 a 0416 Bouth NINTII STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and CASSIMERES always on hand All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the heel quality. and in the movt fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH- I bill. books. SPLENDID GIFTS AT 439 CHESTNUT STREET.—TIIE ORIGINAL STAR GIFT BOOK STORE —O.O EVANS would inform his f rieuds and the public that helms removed his Star Gift Book Store and Publishing UOU9(I/ to the splendid store in Brown's Iron Budding, 439 CHESTNUT Street, too doors below Flith, where the purchaser of each book will receive one of the following gifts, valued at from 25 cents to 5100, consisting of Gold Watches, Jewelry, drc WORTH 650 Patent Eng Lever Gold Watches....sloo 00 each 550 Patent Anchor Lever Geld do .... 50 00 '• 400 Ladies' Gold Watches, 10k. eases—. 35 00 600 Silver Lever Watches, warranted.... 15 00 .• 600 Parlor Timepieces 10 00 600 Cameo lets, Ear Drops, and Pius.... 10 00 600 Ladies' Gold Bracelets 12 00 •, 600 " " Neck Chains 10 CO " 1,000 Gold Lockets, (large size and double cued.. 10 00 " 2,000 Gold Lockets, small Rico 300 " 1,000 Gold Pencil cases, with Gold Pens .. 600 " 1,000 Extra Gold Pens, with CEI9BI and Holders 3 50 " 2,500 Gold Pencils 2 50 " 2,500 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils 2 50 " 0,500 Gold Rings 1 00 " 2,000 Gent,' Heavy 0051 Rioge 2 75 " 2,600 Ladies' Gold Breastpins 2 60 , • 3,500 Misses' Gold Breastpins 1 60 " 3,000 Pocket Knives 75 •• 2,000 Sets Gents' Gold Bosom Studs 300 " 2,000 lets Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons.... 300 •• 2.000 Pairs Ladies' Ear Drops 260 " • " ' '• EVANS'S Catalogue contains all of the most popular books of the day, and all the newest publications, all of a hich will be sold as low as can be obtained at other stores. A complete catalogue of books Cent free, by application through the mail, by addressing 0. ':VANS, 439 CIIESTNUT Street Agents wanted In every town in the United States Those desiring so to act can obtain full particulars by addressing as above. N —4lOO worth of Gifts will be given with every $l.OOO worth of books sold se% stutbli HENDERSON & CO's GREAT LITER ARY FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH streets. In order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa troua, and induce tho book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prima, we intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of 51 and up wards, aGit t In value of from 2.5 cents to PA Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and selest for yourselves Recollect you are not buying at chance, for erery pur chaser gets hts books at the usual price, and very many will get, in addition, a present worth haring autl-3m. OHN CAMPBELL & SON, BIBEIOPO- ~ LI9T9. in the CUSTOM HOUSE Avenue, have al ways for sale rare and acme Books Gentlemen book worms are invite," to call and judge as to prices and va ttetT. Law and miscellaneous books purchased in small or largo quantities. "looks continually receiving from auction. se24..th to 3m* VVANS' GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, I.A No. 439 CRESTNEYT Street. N. B —No connee ion with guy other house in the City sul-Sus Oentlemcit's Surniet)ing otooba NV INCITESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT BIIOULDRR BEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. TOO CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street , Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strsngers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retell, and made to order. SILVER WARE.- WILLIAM WILSON & SON., MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER WARE, (ESTABLISHED 1812,) 8. W. CORNER FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. A large usortment of SILVER WARE, of every de. serlption, emeettotly on hand, or made to order to snatch any pattern desired Importer' of fihefileld and Birmingham importird ware. leBo-ditwly amusements A MERMAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. A- E. A MARMALL sole Leesee LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OP TUE RONZANI BALLET TROUPE meter the PV:LI9ont direction of Sig. Domenico Romani THE SECOND NOVELTY! TlllS(rktuely) EVENING, October 1, 1531, will to pre , euted the Now 13111 et in three A et+ and four :renew, 11. lIIRDICIII NO DI PAIIII.I, %ills all its ch.tracteri , De Ounces, New Costumes. nal I rated Dpcotationi Generul Morin •igncr D. P.onsuni A rusuleo Signor Credit tti Baroness Morin •Iguoiins Os Prates. Guiueppe .ignorms TeresinaPratmi Elks. Mlle Louise Lamoureux Daring the Ballet. Wile L. LAMOUREUX and Sig. F. BAIIATTI will Dunce TWO GRAND PAS DE DEUX. PRICKS OF ADMlS3l.ol—parquet, Drew eiTelß and Balcony, Si; Family Circle, 50 cents; Amphitheatre, 25 cents. The Box Office of the Academy is open from 9 A. AL to 5 P. AL, for the securing of Reuerred Seats and Boxes, without extra charge. The Ballet will commence at 8 precisely Carriages will set down heads South, and take tip heals North. 5e2941 THO 3. HcH.F.O.N. Tre3surer NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., LI near Eighth AM.:J.IION Seßtg in Private Box, El.; Orchestra Chairs, 75 cents; Dress Circle and Parquet, 55 Cents ; Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 7 yi o'clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock, when seats Can be secured Stage Manager Mr. H. Watkins THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Oct. 1, ell be presented Kotzebue's interesting Play of THE STRANGER; OR, MISANTHROPY AND REPENTANCE. The Stranger Ntr I. E Murdoch Baron Steinfort Mr S 31nrdoch Ira Haller Mr?. IIud•ou Kirby Peter Mr 11. WV-ki To conclude with the admirable petite Comedy of MY AUNT Dick Dasiall Frederick... Mra Corbett wHEATLEY' S ARCH ST. THEATRE --...g01e Leases W. WHEATLEY SCALE or PRlol3.—Orchestra EtoIH, 34:1 cent.; Draft Circle (no extra ebarge for Secured Seats). &Ocosts; Family Circle and Amphitheatre. 25 cent., Setts in Pri vate Boxes, 75 rents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13 coati; Gallery for Colored Permur, So cents • Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons. aS eenot. Box Office open from 10 A. 11. until 3 P. 31. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commeue quarter past 7. J M. M. WHITTON Tressarer. Tlll3 klburiday) EVIININU, Oct. 1. the perhirtesuce will commence with the la= - -• Mr. Merryweathec Mr. D0L113.11 Mr Herbert Patalerbert Hr. Wheatley MN Merryweather Mrs. E. L. Davenport Mrs. Pltzherbert Mrs. D. P. Dowers To conclude with the Comedy of WILD OATS; Os, THE STROLLING GENTLEMAN. Rover Mr. Wm Wheatley Sir George Thunder Mr. Thayer Lady Amaranth Mrs. D. P. Bowen I V AL .ee N m U r T E S A TREE .h T io T . il s T Les tage iiß.E.—r , Mr. John Sefton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Pam:tette, 50 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 15 cents. Boa Office open from 9 o'clock A M. to 3 P. IL Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance to com mence at 7 6. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Oct. 1, will be revived the elegant Comedy, by Boareicsolt, exiled the IRISH HEIRESS; On, WEST END. Lord Dayentry Mr W. R. Blake Percey Ardent Mr. Waltack Lester Norah Marion Ws, Rosy To conclude with the laughable Farce, called DOMESTIC ECONOMY. John Urnmley Sergeant John Brown. Mrs. Grumley IROACEUF'S VARIETIES, 1111TH and CHESTNUT Streets, Entrance on Chestnut street. .firsre FAIR VIAITIJ44—Thcs NOTIcr: VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERTS EVERT EVENING THIS WEEK- Comprising a most diversified and pleasing MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN MELANGE, Commencing at 7,ti. Admission, 10 cents. se29.fit* SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, &bore Chestnut. Doors open et 73 o'clock—to commence &t $. Admittance 26 cents. SAISTOILD'S OPERA TROUPE In their Operatic Entertainments, Introducing all the latest Sono, Glens, Choruses, Dances, Ac., concluding each erening with a LAUGHABLE sußrx.ntni. Shipping FOR GALVESTON - TEXAS LINE.- With quick despatch Freight taken at low rates. The finsbaailing regular packet schooner C S. FEU LEE, Capt. Foster, will commence loading at Race street wharf on Monday next, Oct. sth. Having nearly all of her cargo engaged and reedy for augment, will hare quick despatch. For balance of freight or passage, apply to Bump?, 31310N5, it CO., 36 North Wharves, JAMES BASER, 43 North Mliarres. or to re '29 if FOR Si A FRANCISCO--CALIFORNIA LINE —Direct from Philadelphia. The magnificent clipper ship JOSEPH JONFA G Sam uel G. Flowers, commander, in now loading at Dice street wharf; hiring a large part of her cargo engaged And going on board rapidly, will hare immediate des mach. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside with out delay. For balance of freight apply to BLIMOP, SIMONS & CO., 183-dtf 38 North Wharves. jIOR SAN FRANCISCO-FROM NEW YORK. , - The celebrated clipper ship SANTA CLAUS, Foster, roaster • the cent clipper ship BOSTONIAN, —, m uter, are now loading sad will have despatch as above. For balauee of freight apply to BL9IIOP, & CO. otnmission 11. CHASE & CO. • OENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CO33vauTLY lIRCEITINd CLOVER SEED On consignment from the interior of Pennsylvania, where our new Cleaning Mill is now in general use. Err Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP always on band. 5e1241 HANDY & IMENNER-COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. "M., and ir North FIFTH street, East elde, avec Commerce street, Philadelphia. CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER- V CHANT and Importer of HAVANA MARS, !New) 139 Walnut street. second story. and-1S CARD. -THE SUBSCRIBERS R E SPECT FULLY inform their friends and the trade a.ener. ally that they hare made arrangement! for one of their Buyers leaving monthly for the Preach and Raman Harked. Prom many years' experience, the permanent resi dence in Facia of two et the firm and an abundant capital, they can offer nnascual faciliti , es for THE PUR CHASE ON COMMISSION in any of the European markets for shipment direct. They are ALSO prepared to reCeiTe orders from INUTlrriel for Flowers and Feathers from their extensive and well known manufactories in Paris, to be &hipped direct, •Itber under bond or duty paid. HENDERSON, 83ITTII & CO . Importers, aulo-Zarsi No. 800 Broadway. LIGHT ! LIGHT ! LIGHT ! THREE HOUB.S FOR ONE CENT. KNAPP'S PATENT ROSIN OIL LAMP.— The cAearest and safest Artificial light in the world. The proprietors of KNAPP'S PATENT LAMP do not now hesitate to speak of it as one of the greatest benefactions of the age. It is cow establtaked that it is roc ncalty adapted to the burning of Rosin Ott, among all the people. It has fora long time been well under stood by all Chemists that Rosin Oil was fire limes cheaper than Whale oil, Burning Fluid, or other rnate nala artificial light, but heretofore, although more than one hundred thousand dollars hare been expended in Boston in attempts to produce a Lamp is which to burn this oil, they have all, from some cause or other, foiled, and it has remained, as was remarked by the Boston Journal, for A. II Knapp, from beauti fully simple and philosophical principles, easily under stood, to bring forward a Lamp exactly adapted to burn ing this Rosin Oil in all styles of Lamps, and for the common use of persons every - where, at a mere nominal cost, so that ne one tan afford to do without it Besides the above, this Lsmp gives so clear, soft, and steady a light that parsons with weak eyes find no more difficulty iu the evening than is the day-time—making it, as se semi clergymen have remarked, the •• student's friend," as well as the mechanic's and seamstress's indispensa ble companion PENNSYLVANIA COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their interest to call at the Agency, and examine this truly wonderful Lamp. County Skean for the sale of these Lamps in the State of Pennsylvania will be sold on terms so favorable that those becoming interested cannot fail to realize large is from the busineiss. Agency, liird CHESTNUT Street, above Second • se El-d2w.k w2t MARCH ANT'S CRYSTALOGRAPHS, OR PHOTOGRAPHIC AIIZGATCRE.9 IN OIL, N N. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST. The above pictures differ esse■nally from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These facts enable the subscnber to offer them, with the grcate,st satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to his friends They are secured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY of E. D MARCHANT. Ha - Portisits of the cabinet, ant life size on case.* as heretofore. se 14-ibri BUTS' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT & RHO have nos on hurl a very large assortment of READY-MADE goods suitable for the present season which they feel deposed to sell cheap. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. outhweet corner TENTH and CHESTNUT . streets. N. 11 —We have a large assortment of new goois Of a superior quality and intke. sep22-ImUlths "NEW FALL CLOAKS.—Just teedred at the Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium, to which the attention of Ladies and strangers visiting the city, is respectfully larded. OEO BELPIN it Co , 701Chestnot street NEW PALL CLOALLS, at Wholesale —Merchants will and the largest slot* of these Goods. in the greatest we. riety of materials ant prices, at the Paris IdantilLt sa l Cloak Emporium. Prices low, and terms liberal. GEO BULYIN & CO , 204 Chestnut street LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS.— FANCY AND STAPLE NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, I. G MAXWELL A: SON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 10119 CHESTNUT Street, tour doors below Eleventh. And 315 5 SECOND St . below Spruee FACTORIES —Nov 95 and 97 GEORGE St below Tenth, and SECOND Street. near Union Orders made at a few hours' notice TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.— ..it Attention is invited to the following ster:k ei s--t -zoned LUMBER 300,000 feet 5-1 Yellow Pine Floor &stuff. 250,000 feet 4-4 do do 30,000 feet 3.4 do do, sailable fur lin ing stores 15,000 feet White Pine Floor Beardi. e 50,000 feet Spruce Joist Selling low for cash, to snit the time!, anl in late to snit purchasers. ALBERT BENTON, S-uth FRONT It-re-et SARDINES. -10u cases of GU half boxes eacia, in afore and fzr sale by HENRY BOECLEN d CO , an 6 No 431 and 4239 Foartla •trcet SARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 14$ North FOURTH Pt-eat, between Arob and Race. ine-ly Mr J. E. Murdoch Mr. Myers Mrs. Myers Mr. Chipman Mr. Eberle Mrs. Jobs Sefton 36 North. Whar;;ls achants
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