Etf 6 „..,4 14 :44 Li II ' V, W . .64! THURSDAY; OCTOBER 1 4 1857. THE WEEKLY PRESS. • ilia 'etglithnumber of the, WEEKLY PRESS, for the week eliding watramty, October Bd, la tiow ready at our countor.,. It la a very attractive and readable num ber. • • „ - • _ Second chapter of William Elder's biography of. ELISHA KENT 'KANE; the great Arctio Eiplorer. The Boy's Battle with the Books-4lia Studies at Play— Reconciliation on his own „Terms and at Work with a Will—His Collegiate Couree—inVil Engineering— : System Salting the Subject—Dangerous Illness—Life • in a New Light- , -Self-eulture, its 'Limits and its 'An ^ thorities-The Study of Medicine—A Student at Block= ley'-Oharacter at Twenty-One—Clellbscy, and a Rea. son for It. .n interesting stork= TEE GHOST RAISER. , THE EADMVRA OF THE REVOLUTION—GEORGE WASHINGTON—(OriginaI.) - PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY. - - - WAIFS FROM THE WEST [SEANCE VALLEY—No. 4. Br .70)1R Or I.lsoarrcit—OrikinACY POETRY. . THE OLD BEGOAWS DEATII $6...**--FEtom ins FAMICIELoP • 337 CHA . RLDD D. aIItDICTTS —(Originat) SEENNN—(origituo.) • TILE LOST BOONTAIN—Iir 'Esiivis A. trwis—(Orig- Ina.) TRE BATTLE 01' LIVE=BY °so. BoieseinOt—(Orlll - HAPPINESS—Br Earstax A. Imers—:(Orlglnal.) THE MIMOSA.—Br P: DE BADE ..TemaiNß:=(ariginal.) THE LOST MISTRESS—.Br B. A. Olags. '," XEMORIAL VERSES—BY MARY E. PALLotrso. , ittIi3CELLANEOUB. A BIT OP ROMANCE. LITERARY ORITIOISMS. THE KRUM OF !MISTY: DOESTIONS IN PHILADELPHIA.. REMADE ADOWADDISRMENTS. . - OBIMINAL TRIAL.IN ROME: • 0 • MIRO AT PARIS. c • ' " ' " IFYRIGASON -AND BLICHANAPP-A COINCIDENCE. MAJOR RIDDLE AND ANDRE, ',' , THE CONVERTED ACTOR IN ELMIRA. , INTERESTING RELIC. . • , YANKEE DOODLE. THE APRICANItATION OR ORA. PREPARATIONS' FOR LAIIIRDIING THE GREAT , .iNFASM3 - 11, DIDDiNG AND .SPIDITUALIBM MASB&OHOSETTB. SEBASTOPOL IN 1857. SALANOIPATION BY-COMPENSATION. THE ?MUNE BUNS' IN THE OOTOREE ELEC TION. PROCLAMATION' GP THE GOVERNOR.' ' WIT AND HUMOR. ' COLUMN , FOR THE YOUNU=ENDISIAS, MA. - - . HADES, &. %DEEM/UAL, RELIGIOUS, ' MISC,ELLANEOUS, OEMS AND CASUALTIES., LATEST INTELLIGENOR,,BT • ELEGRAPH AND MALLS, PNOM EUROPE, CALIFORNIA, AND WHEY ?ART OF THN TIEN - 13ANNS, 'TUNER CONDITION, LATEST i TALE- GRAPHS, &a. SPECIAL- WASEINOTONICORRESPONDENRE FOR • THE WEEKLY PRESS. - •BTATE AFFAIRS. COMMENCEMENT OF THE SEVENTH. ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE PENNSYLVANLII. STATE • AORICUETUBAL, SOCIETY. - &TY A.FFAISS: - EXTENSIVE ROBBERY OP SILKS AND TEI,TETS: - DIABIttACES'AND DEATHS. WEEKLY R.Evrew OP THE MARKETS. TIiEMONEY; CATTLE, exp . , O,TiCER. MiItEETS. AGRICULTURAL DEIPARTISIENT. THE KITCHEN GARDEN—HINTS FOR ITS MAN • AGEMENT, , TOGETHER•WITH LISTS OF THE KINDS Olt VEGETABLES BEST TO BE GROWN, • VIDITOBIALI3.I • . MP - ANION OP BANIS43. , THE FINANCIAL CRISIS. STATE POLITICS. HEALTH OR OI,TIES. T THE OLD PRINOETON COLLEGE. 3, .LIEUTENANT HERNDON, IT B. N . CRIMINALS, GREAT AN, SMALL. PBAOH,IN KANSAS. • , NOBTIIIImani POLITICS. HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. • - DOUGLASJERROLD. ' ' 430BI'Mp TELEGBAPio NEWS; RECOGNITION OR MERIT. SUSPENSION OF PAYMENTS. ' THERE IS PLENTY OF , SPECIE Ali '.THE COML. *wet , wrra,'llrp :iltili4L'A.ll3 E. DO , • THE OPPOETITEITY: - S., DEATH OP' Ei.SE,EATOR JOlrri HENDEECON, OP '4OICOftOSIPPi: , . THE Banns , NORTHERN DIPTIOULTLES, AND SOUTHERN SLA.• VERY THE 'STATE .416rfoit. -; 2• • •;' THEII3T PORE/ON • ' '• ' WOKS; POE otrp NAYS PEED:, ••• •• • -+; THE P,REEMENT 8.0)M.-- AN INCIDENT, THE WEEKLY -PRESS 1s futnished to sitite'ritiors at $2 per year, in advanee,,f j c , orilia Single iipkind b:1 Clubs of hentY t when , sit 'Vt. one, addrees - , Ettp,'ln adhnee. , Bitigto cciplea for site at the count er otTrts t.toino or ! Ace, is Itt*Pro, read P,,,f°r ' • Peridue 'tending 'chip' ,ot• tvelkt,ror,tlOt tidy lame Islie in ioind thit tbn pa p er , thniotdertd catutotbn di hated to each, autg.criber, utiles the club price of nal per inn* is, pay% and paid, is 'advance. Thy le in accenlanee with l our published. rates,'snd 'loin a our frlenda have ohrloolted it: Our hearylists compel ns to 'adhere, to this ride. p a -ton Aret - ptigisT-Bditorials, Orange ttnd Green, Hudson's Bay ~Territories,'Ceram nitiegionl,lnterestieilitiirreiml?etterAeier- al News, ze , ' • '", r ; . _ . . iputhe,h fourth page—The very able speech of flarmuira Riau, Esq.; lice.:,`' '' " ' ' per Our 'candidate for" Governoi, ,IoSiterat Wmi.LSK P. PAOKER;' is at the 70i3i*nitian Rouse. He arrived, In this city yosterday morning. , 'ARE YOU ASSESSED T .To-day and to-morrow, ara the last days upon which parlous,: ran', api6seci, in the Several Wards. We give this 'invitatian to all citizens. : ; ;; '‘ • PREtkIDENT BUCHLANAN ON THE Su lEN/ SION or lesr: We have,. f9r, the twentieth road the ntifeithlahlihe speech of .41ise,, : 13yetimirin, delivered in the Senate of the United s'itates? err tlie 22d of January; 1840,' on theltiqopen debt Treasury bill, and in,* course of opi re'ading,lrave been admoriiihed,:not ,only 9f the truthfulness of the picture he has drawn of the panic of 1887, but also' of the "singarr and foreet'ul appliCability of his sentiments tb `the bitter experience of 1857. ..i7o:exgument that ever_ was prepared, pronounced; and printed, by a pliblic,man, was more industrie!isly mitsie preeented than. this very `aneeci of lir.' lin ortarusr„ The writer of, this article could nub- Loh a'full volume of incidents :to 'which this speech has given', rise. The rieWSPaper arti cles, the' addresses nt Public;Meetings; the',4ie bates-in Congress, gave it ,an -importance t in the - public view which could not attanh to ainy production not the effort of a manieriniud. i It. Will be xemmitbered that .itr„;t•Avs, a Senator In Congress 'from‘,MasSachusetts, re plied to it, and Misstated Its 'po'sitiOtq 0) adroit- IX as tp . pna6l,3 fl49,4PP9 ' sitic?fb General Hammes for ithe3Presidency, to use his plausibUities to the Intiniteldery4e!,o ' , the; lienuiCratto . party, . aristieted hisadversarY, Mr. Dow; and in the,r,course of the eontest , nearly every leading . man - in both brinehes of Congress, hecanie"ittOre lese votied hi the diScussiOn. The principles of;Mr.' Recnanan, , however, were - endnring. , l Liable to, misapprehension and misrepresentation, they conittituted,,for a time, faverite?basis; for an tagonism, brit every subsequent day has served to strengthen and'sanctify them. It is envious to read' over the debate growing ottt ibis remarkableipeeon. • . . Nearly every position assumed by Kr. 80. onanau, seventeen years ago, , has been fully sustained. -His (Onions road to' . i 1 at this diy 'like 'propheciefi. FelloWing, as he' did, the ' straight sloth of- philosophical ..refiec tion, and speaking no thought not founded in , the sincerest consciousness of its Irtith,We are impressed by,the contrast'' hich his logic pre comparison with. the attempted con tradictions of his opponents. Since the .time when. this speech,was in'onOitncecl, the Indei pendeikf:Tretunii7: has ~ beeti tested; and his triliMphedlittlie test . , Repealed: in 1841, the, nest - Congress succeeding that in which Nr. : Bueirarianspoke;it vni!if restored tithe seeond session orthei Congress, attd fro* ti# dayte. this has hems gathering roiontit i the approyal of- the whole countryomd .extorting. from its former opponents the warmest admissions as . to its practicability and necessity. le one word, it has become 'Wiliest al; much an inatitution of -the country as-, the . Ognstitution -Itself, and - nothing but the ,money.. and influence of the banks have' preverded'ltiladjitioit i by the be-' veral states; f9itye fOnde,Of thitieotile'of the reiMeetiVe. States:.' The speech of Mr. Same tn , ,sitraCtsfrom 414`, ire - Putlish this - ruoriiing, contains a remarkable picture of the suspension' of 18a7_ 432 4'40 tfrgllht':witich, transpired , before • and after that ,eatastropho. I We' beg the intent.' e,,%deit4striy well , this - picttire' . ardl fe apply its truthful lesson to our' present mein`' ° - rabhtsipe4eiscf fronallislesedi he'wlll 41FailotW'fiiit'cari Tor The 'tifettsiiis which capital, industry, and enterprise now labor. We confess that, in the course of our experience, we have never secnva more re markable transcript ofp,re . aot, politics copied from the record of (Aker 4.4 it .Z*T9t 'onig; the elastic character of ont pepitlatinn, their' mi raculous resourcesOliek,ap# 2 4 ll g Cpergy, are set forth in this sketch eisthe'panie 1887, but the relations of trade on this continent to the trade in the Old World are described with a luminous simplicity that cannot fail to reach the humblest understanding. Mr ; ; übtaib,ollruly Say's ; that no nation upon earth . could pass through so many vi cissitudes and trials in the monetary and `po litleakvorld, and could so readily and rapidly arise from them, as our, own. , Let us from this characteristic gather courage in the pre sent exigency, and we shall• then feel that, although prostrated by a conjunction of events far beyond the control of the people, still we have left us our natural and recuperative energies. But Mr. BUCHANAN, standing in the Senate in IH4O, seemed to look with a prophetic cle in another respect. Re spoke to the labor question then and now. What be uttered in that day is astonishingly apposite to this. Labor has not yet begun to feel the full force of the present' contraction, and we trust and hope, for every, reason, that it may never feel it. But we, fear for the worst, inasmuch as industry on no former occasion has l ever escaped the ultimate burden of a calamity in the monetary market. It is on this point that Mr; BUCHANAN speaks with" voice potential." It is here that he admonishes the country against the evil of a small-note currency. We ask the Legislature of Pennsylvania, those who have been recalled by Governor Poitou, to ponder well the counsel of Mr. BUCHANAN on. this.important question. We ask theni to forbear the application of nostrums to the chronic disease Under 'which the body politic labors, and to refuse the issuance of another flood of paper money, fruitful, as it must be, of inconceivable disaster to industry, and of dishonor to the State. THINGS RAPIDLY BEING FORGOTTEN lathelutsty chase for money news—in the eager discussion of cent. per cent.—in the anxiety to ascertain who has suspended or failed—Whiltme dispute over the broken banks of the West, and of the North and of the East— while one, class scolds New York for paying, and another because she will not refuse to pay— do we ever think of those things which, under other circumstances, we rarely forget? The patent questions for newspapers, a few weeks ago; were the Kansas question, the Hindostan •revolution, the meeting of Congress, the Cen tral American treaty, Tehuantepec, and the Chinese war ;and yet, at this present writing, these - topics Seein to ,be as old and as stale to ns as if they were discussed ten years ago. Oneh is the intensity of the absorbing anxiety for'gain, and for wet% and the selfishness of our nature. 183E4 AND MT Ws riolnowlts it ,was in 1838. Then the Government Of Pennsylvania required large suniabf 'money to complete the Public works, and were ,Ohliged, in order to procure them, to Sell to the banks the privilege of suspending Specie payments, that they iniglitloan their irredeemable paper to, the ,Columonwealth. The State now needs no such aid, and the banks Must rely upon themselves and the require- Monts of the community. In 1838 the banks loaned' millions upon millions of• dollars of their irredeemable paper to the Government of penneylvania, and this, more than any other Cause,' produced the relief laws of 1888, 1839; and 1840. „ PROSPERITY AND PANIC-NO. 9 ! Apeculia'rity Of the present money panic is the lowvate of thieigu, exchange, allowing on its face is largo balance in favor of :the United States, Which is no doubt the case, to some extent, mince the wants of •Brlgland and. France have induced a large demand' for gold, one of our staple produc tion* and whieli lies mid well,, better than the large supply would apparently, have justified. Ac trding to the treasury table, there were in oircu lion ' in' 1850;' $154,000,000 of specie, ,banks Ineliaded ;" in 1855 the ailment' on the same au. hority had risen to $.355,000,000; showing an )nernase 01'1'100,000,000, , Or an annual surplus of $20;000,000' added .to the circulation—a pretty large invoiatment 'in 'cirrency; And which, with the bank ;palmy,' Should :certainly, suffice fie ourriiltay. But notwithstanding that large supply, the 200,000 minors. of .California ' continued to prodilee 859,000,090 pe'r annum. After they had kotie'to all thelrosuble of scratching it out of the ground; they did not want to put it back again In a' hole. • They desired to get something for it. hey wanted beef and pork, and butter and . lothes.,, - Mt4sy 'Warsted to crane 'home, and they said passages, and spent the gold after they got home' for' the comfort of themselves and fa- MilieS., 'But the $100,000,000' they dug in the last two years was more' than was anted for eireulaiJon. It accumulated in bars, in the hands of . the bullion brokers in Wall . istroet; '.'whci offered to' ,Pell it at one-half die eoufit' rather than' have it coined. At the same "rinse the Bank of,Frence wante:. l money, and they made a contract with. Rothschild- to buy gold for 'hem at a premium, and the agent er that house nett the liars that ' were offered bet ' s at a dis durst, and sold diem at a.preminm under his eon met., _ It is very clear that the gold was ,not given 1 ,0 away,; and that France and ether buyers must tux, ;TO pay in gold would be ridiculous Hence they Pay With 'the products' of their own labor, is: in. geode. If California goes. on to produce gold; she must hive a .market for it, and she Must sell .to people who also want cotton and food in inimensequantitiee, and they can pay for all oats/ in goods'; brit we have received this year pot goods enough to pay for all this gold Bud cot ton' andllood .",ke. • The money spent in railroads 1 pas trenebed upon the consumption of goods, and the exchange indicates that France owes for a good Ideal of that 'gold yet. ' Thus good bills are selling at par on London, at 5.60 f. on Paris. This quo 4ation of pdr meets that it will pay 6 per cent. srosflt in thirty dayli tto import gold from London. The ! quotation par, is nordista. ,It is a misnomer that pas often been explained. In colonial tunes, when tpanish dollars were the ourroney here, the British , karatad was called equal to $4.44 of Spanish dollars. iGradriellYthe relativeValtasof the, metals changed, land the pound was worth a premium until 1830.7, !when Congress passed a law changing dm quantity '',f,i' gold in the dollar. The eagle of $lO was made to ;contain 232 grains of pure gold ; and .as the ?sovereign contains 112.88 grains ,of pure gold, it is worth $4.85, or 9; cents premium oh the old par; that is fogey, $4,800 is exactly the same quantity Of pure gold as £1,000; but to-day in New York an .order to receive £l,OOO in London can be bought tr $4,400; to get the gold and bring it home will ~ st about $l5O, leaving $3lO profit for thirty days. ;It is Stated that the Vanderbilt, from Havre, will ;bring $500,000 specie. l 'This state of exchange is not that which bull 'cats a large debt due abroad, nor does an increase bull ', cats $100,00,0,000 in our gold currency in five years ,indicabann'insedficiency of money here. These two 'facts arc ftttal to the theory that our money has all :helm exported by the foreign trade. Nevertheless, the extreme depression in exchange would never have resulted from a simple • balance of trade, It in aided by , Viers ; on the, part , of hebituel bill ,dealers,in reialion. to ;whit may' be the effect in !London of.the depreCiationof all Amerieart, securi ties, complicated with the. loss of . the • Central !America;.rind the chances of a large export of gold to' this, country . This ' Aspect of affairs, present ing itself on a disttrbed Lesulon market, may elicit measures directed against American paper; at the game time the dearth of money prevents the usual getnari,d to pay for goodo. - • • The itimossibllity ,of sailing exchange operate s very adversely upon the import of produce, and also upon its movement from 'the interior. It is hard for a shipper,of produce to lose nine per cent. ' froim the . laCenf hie, account to redeem his bill, and therefore difficult for. the commission, house to advance -to the country. This ;paralyses the export trade as' well ;as most others, and the Osiition of affairs is now so well defined that oven the banks adMit that the will to loan is all that ia now required to' restore the usual tone of the market. Accordingly,' the majority of the New York banks have resored to increase their ',discounts three per cent„ 'spud to $3,000,000 this week, during which the heavy fan payments of the dry-goods trade commence , 'The mere announce. relent' of 'such en intention caused relief, and dis 'eaed private lenders to imagine' that, the highest discounte fOr beat paper ,had hems reaaked. The banks held on Saturday $13,300,060, The Sub-Tretumry has since paid ontsl,ooo,ooo, and the city Savings banks , will realize $2,200,000 from the Treasury for United Stated stocks, while $1,500,• 000 is at bandfroni 'Palitorlaa. t esiakt3 tbp great; Pupply of produce soul sterling bills on the meaket,l the United States Tree:serq also disbarsee largely ford the Mali serv,lcti. ; Thei total supply thisffmair from alt sources is placed abase 05,0,00,000, and: sllls, in Cenneetien with the fact-that nq now protests au) reported, takes a• little of the fright out, of the tanks, and enabled them to come to the detennl. natiOU,Yeaterdity to:inereatio A sir dissents three per cant., that is to say, add i3,,000,050 to the pre sent line of discounts. There have been, in, con- Sequence; eome sales of paper .' Oma private bank- I log-hease . lied the courage to buy its own paper at eighteen percent„ 1 , , , . " • The perseverance. Engine and Ira sae Com pany of Lebanon, Pa:, last week received b, andeome, Ttfirillso-wi,fwen their. new u lt if ie rm th e " =l m o n bi el the employ to leave on Saturday afternoon, b ' t9ate . tend Philadelphia parade. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. THE DANIgi: WRBSTER AT NEW ORLEANS. Non-Arrived of thO Star of the West et Key OARS FOR HRIt SAFETY. New ORLEANS, September SO.—The steamer Daniel Webster, arrived at quarantine, reports having waited at Key West three days, in expectation of the arrival of the Star of the West, from Aspinwall, with the California malls and treasure that left San Francisco nn the 6th inst. This delay in the arrival of the steamer at Havana has given rise to apprehensions for Sr, safety. It may have been occasioned by a detention to the steamer ht Panama; on the Pacific. NEW ORLEANS, September 80—Evening —The steamer Daniel Webster has arrived. She left Havantion the 24th inst , and Rey West on the 28th. The Star of the West had not arrived there up to that time, though four days over-due The trtah Expedition—lmportant front Utah— Relief of the Money Pressure by the Trea• sury Department—Nlcaraguan Affairs. WASUINGTON, September 30.—it letter received to day from Fort Kearney, dated September foth , ethics that two companies of troops had arrived there that day, on tho way to Salt Lake, and that the fifth and tenth regiments of infantry had reached Fort Laramie. Colonel Raman had releed five hundred kegs of powder in a Mormon train. Returning Californians in formed the writer of the letter that the Mormons were making preparations for the fight, and did not conceal their hostile movements. Elder Kimball, In his sermon in the Tabernacle, at Salt Lake, said he could, with his wives, whip the twenty-five hundred troops, and do a good day's work on his farm in the afternoon. Ile farther remarked that the provisions for the army would reach the valley, but the troops would never enter Salt Lake City. Orders have been sent from the treasury department to-day to the New York assay office, for the transfer of a large amount of bullion to the Philadelphia Mint, to be coined into small pieces, to meet the pressing de mands of the business community for change. General Walker's sword wan sent to him this morning by express. The treasury department is still engaged in doing all It can in a legitimate way to relieve the money pressure. Applications for the redemption of a large amount of United States stocks are steadily on the increase. Wm. Pitt Platt has been appointed postmaster at Piettsburg, New York, in place of Moores, resigned. The whole number of warrants issued from the pen sion oßlce during September, under tiro Bounty Land Act of March, 1855, was sixteen hundred and twenty six, to satisfy which, nearly 245,000 acres are necessary. The names of fifty-five thousand and ninety pension ers, for revolutionary services, have been placed on the rolls since March, 1818; but on the 30th of June last, only three hundred and forty-six of this number were reported living. 4 7T The Administration has not yet received any definite information from William Carey Jones, relative to poli tical affairs in Nicaragua. While certain parties aro strongly urging the recognition, by the President, of the Minister from that country, rival interests are en deavoring to prevent it. The Minister from Costa lies claims that his Government has something to say about the Transit route, but It is believed that the Adminis tration does not respect that aaaumptlon. prom South America. New YORE, Sep. 30.—8 y the barque Antagonist, which arrived here to-day, we have Buenos Ayres papers to August 14, fifteen days later than previous advices re ceived via England. The news is of but little im portance. The Provincial Legislature had passed a law, confis cating all the lands conferred by Bons upon his minions, The first railroad in the Argentine States was to be flaugurated un August 30th, with great ceremony. It s a short affair. running from Buenos Ayres to a small town twelve miles inland. In the province, under the rule of General Urquiza, there had been disturbances. Revolutions in San Juan, Tueuman, and Salta had been suppressed, but the papers state that a general feeling of disaffection Pt apparent, and that the opposition to Urquiza grows stronger 'every day. The frontier Indiana, who were lately threatening to invade Buenos Ayres, had fallen to aghting among them aelves. From Montevideo we have dates to August 12. The Republic was distracted by the intrigues of Oribe and his partisans. The newspaper discussions were very 'violent. The editor of one of the papers opposed to Oribe had been attacked by an assassin. On the Ist of August a man was (wand with his throat cut near Orlbe's conntry.tonse. The yellow fever had entirely disappeared. "Washington Monetary At(olta. Wasutsoros, Sept 30.—United States stocks amount lug t 01400,000 use received here to-day for redemption. Monetary affairs continue quiet, and there Is no excite ment, though there is a considerable pressure upon the business community. The banking houses are all paying specie. The New York Crleis. NEW YORE, flitt..3o.—There is a much better feeling today in all kinds of business, and the panic is con sidered as over. No failures are reported PECODEID DESPAREff NEW YORK, Sept. 30, P. 31.—The firm of Samuel 'Wa ling Zs Co., salt merchants, hays suspended. The New Jersey Banks Boaiixoros, X. J., Sept: SO.—The Harlington Bank as not failed, being abundantly able to pay all its cir culation and deposits. But, being influenced by the action of the Philadelphia banks, has partially suspend ed. It continues to"pay out small sums in coin. The Mechanics' Bank at Burlington, and the other banks in Burlington county, pursue the same course. We are assured they are entirely sound, and will resume specie payments as soon as the Philadelphia banks resume, and at an earlier day, if such is course is deemed pru dent. The notes of the Burlington Bank are te4twinett in Philadelphia at thd Philadelphia Bank, and the notes of the Mechanics' Bank at the Bank of North Arnerl- The Stigelfank of Ohio Commune, 0., Sept. 30 —The Board of Control of the State Bank of Ohio, at a meeting held here to-day, unanimously adopted the following resolution t Resolved, That time branches of the State Bank of Ohio have the ability, and will continue specie pay manta, regardless of whatever course may )p taken by the banks of other States. New Orleans Money Market New 01ILEANS, Sept. 30.—There was nothing doing in the Sterling Exchange today, it being impossible to sell, The money market here continues tight. - New ORLEANS, Sept. 30.—Ootton—there were no sales to•dAy, awing to the impossibility at selling Ster- ling Exchange. Pharr his a declining tendency; sales at g&.62%. Freights ou cotton to Liverpool 4. - The Allegheny City Bank. Prresennon, Sept, 30 —The Allegheny City Bank con acmes specie payments on all its notes' and deposits. Connecticut Banks HARTFORD; C0E611,10,0. 30.—The banks of, this city have no thought of 0u4444)ng. They are satithed that the crisis has past. The Boston Banks Bosion, September SO.—Tbo proposition to extend the discounts to the extant ol 10 per cent. on their capi tal stock has beau signed by all . the Bank President e, giv Alf a aru i e h o t : r ill a ssYs ' . e li t u o tdr A , a ;elli i , a d: i li s ill, extension hardware dealers, has been announced tp•day. AI fairs is Chicago Cum Acia, Sept. 30 —Messrs. Swift, Brother, & John son, bankers, have temporarily suspended, this morn leg. There is bitt little excitement. Altair§ In Delr,olt Doraorr, Sept. SO.—The Peninsular Bank of this city has been enjoined to-day by Attorney (leneral Howard on Recount of Its refusal to surrender to the State Trea surer Its Circulating bills, to the amount of the deli- cieneies between the present value of Its stock securi 'Li es and that of ita * t wisting notes, as required by its charter. It is said thef .tht.S P49k has abundant means to ay its debts. The Steamer Tennessee, New YORK, Bept. 30.--There are mums that the steamship Tennessee, which leaves hero to•dag or Now Orleans, is connector with another fillibustering expe• dition for Nicaragua Selling of the Persia. 140), yonx, Sept. W.—The steamer Persia nulled of noon for UMpool. She Carries out no epode. Burning at n Arppellor near Chicago 01110A00, Sept. 30.—Tbeinumllpr, Louisville, belong ing to the Northern Transportalio,u, Company, woo burned last night ten miles from here. Thohoat and cargo are a total lose. 'They are insured for 822,000. to the crew, except one fireman, were eared by the atigioner Elbe. Markets nStaigOaS,tieltember 30.—Flour is steady at 1.5.50 for cash. Wb Wavy, except for strictly prime ; low grades of White vt*yi At 87N erll.l2X ; good to prime Red, $1.12x51.20; ,$f.25®5140. Corn—White an d Yellow quoted at 5$ ceNa. Whiskey 23x24 cents, for Cosh. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTiii If the ballet, entitled "Il Birriehino di Parigi," had been produced at the Academy of Music be fore "Faust," the success of the Bunsen{ troupe would have been assured and decided from the first. "Faust," splendid as it was, has hot so many of the elements of popularity as this new and beau tiful ballot, which won the oft-repeated applause of a orowdhd house, the most crowded of the sea son, as yet. ' The opening seam% bafore Notre Dame do Paris, (very miniature indoed,),ls (all of action—really what is comprehended in the tyyr pantomime. It introduces the hero—birriehino ip ftely,gamta in Paris, and seeps-grace with us—and shows him saving a child in the Seine, whieh, at the Acade my, is placed a greatdeal nearer Notre Borne than we recollect ever having seen it.. There are come good dances in this act—partioularly a sort of gyp sy duet by Louise Lamoureux and Signor Baratti, and a tbarming polka, by Meddle. Lamoureux and Signorina. Teresina Pratesi.' The lest named, wo should say, plays the , role Of the hero—the wane-grace! rn the second Act, tits4ery-telling properly commences. There is a grate jest of action, which almost supplies the place of dialogue. There le a splendid Giardiniere" dance, in 1434 eight of the principal female performers take the lead, wirieh struck us as being the prettiest and most (Muate thing of the sort we ever saw. Tie;011 Ad is all dancing—and each dancing too. Arlds,Nites place in a salon at Paris, a most sumptuous/sone, where a masked ball is supposed to be in progrptis. Here there are a military dance) a masked #'r°. (quaint and amusingot a pas de dear. by_Loidee banioureuX & Signor F. Baratti, rind the klarseilltusu galop. Of all the per. r u nganees, however, that uthit,toro . ar rests was a raw, Axed by two of the tamale : polymers, ,deelhaillyeipmost complete, perfect, q beauti ful d anc e we ever saw. The curtain toll' on a groups bearing the tri•color flag of France, with Atm rpusio of the Iflarselllalse. This' ballet 'is a• decided success. There has never been any thing better than it—nothing at ratlike it, in this country, until now. ides...lfewealtxtrtsri.—At the Walnut Street Theatre, this evening, Mrs. Hoey, the leading cotneatienne of New York—the "bright particular - star " of Walleok's company.—takes her benefit. We have only to name the feet, we hops, to re mind' play-goers of their pleasant duty—paying homage to talent and beauty. , THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1857. MR. BIJCWANAN 9 8 SPEEciI Wait Awn.) IN SENATE, JAMIAItY 22, 1840. What has boon the financial history of the country for the last tweuty-fivo years? I ean epoak with positive knowledge upon this subject during the period of eighteen years since I first came into public life. It has been a history of constant vi bration—of extravagant expansions in the business of the country, sueeeeded by ruinous contractions. At successive intervals many of the best and most enterprising men of the country have been crushed. They have fallen victims at the shrine of the insa tiate and insatiable spirit of extravagant banking and speculation. Starting nt the extreme point of depression of one of these periods, we find that the country has boon glutted with foreign merchandise,. and it requires all our efforts to pay the debt thus contracted to foreign nations. At this crisis the banks can do nothing to relieve the people In order to preserve their own existence, they aro compelled to contract their loans and their issues. In the hour of distress, when their assistance is most needed, they can do nothing for their votaries. Every ar ticle sinks in price, men are unable to pay their debts, and wide-spread ruin pervades the land. During this first year of the cycle, we are able to import but comparatively little foreign merchan dise, and this affords the country an opportunity of recruiting its exhausted energies. The next year the patient begins to recover. Domestic montane tures flourish in proportion as foreign goods become scarce. The industry and enterprise of our citizens have boon exerted with energy, and our productions have liquidated the foreign debt. The third year a fair business is done. The country 'presents a flourishing appearance. The banks, relieved from the drains of spoofs required for foreign export, begin once more to expand, and tempt the unwary to their ruin. Property of all descriptions com mands a fair price. Tho fourth or the fifth year the era of extravagant banking an dspeeulation returns, again to be succeeded by another ruinous re• vul sion This was the history of the country np till 1837. Since then we have travelled the road to ruin much more rapidly than in former years. Before that period it had required from three to six years to get up an expansion and its corresponding explo sion. We have now witnessed the astounding fact that we can pass through all those changes, and even from one suspension of specie payments to another, in little more than two years. It is curious to observe with how much accuracy you can read the ever-changing condition of this country in the varied amount of our imper . tationsi Tho year 1836 was ono of vast expansion, and produced the explosion and suspension of specie payments in 1837. The imports were greatly dt minished in 1837, being less than they had beesain 1836 by nearly fifty millions of dollars. In 1838 they sunk down to twenty-saven millions 1 han they had been in 1837, and nearly seventy seven. millions lees than they were in 18311. In 1839 we had another expansion, and our imports were forty-four millions of dollars greater than they had been in 1838. This expansion preceded the explosion and suspension of specie payments in the month - of October last. Thus wo have become such skil(pl architects of ruin, that a single year was' sufficient to prepare the late explosion. There never has existed a nation on earth, ex-. cept our own, that could endure such rapid and violent expansions and contractions. It is the buoyancy of youth—it is the energies of our popu lation—it is the spirit which never quails before difficulties—which enables us to endure such shooks without utter ruin. Yes, sir, a difference in the amount of our imports, between the years 1836 and 1838, of seventy-seven millions of dol lars, is sufficient to excite the astonishment of the world. What causes chiefly operated to produce this speedy recurrence of the second explosion and the second suspension of specie payments? Three may be mentioned. In the first place, after the bank suspension of 1837, every person who was friendly to well-regulated banks, If each a thing be possible under the present system, ardently de aired that the different State Legislatures might impose upon them some wholesome restrictions[ It was expected that they would bo compelled to keep a certain amount of specie in their vaults in proportion to their circulation and deposites; that the foundation of a specie basis for our paper cur rency should be laid by prohibiting the circulation of bank notes qt the first under the denomination of ten and afterwards rimier that of twenty dollars; that the amount of their dividends shoold be limit ed ; and, above all, that upon the reourronoo of another suspension their doors should be °based at once, and their affairs bo placed in the hands of commissioners. The different Legislatures mot. Much indignation was expressed at the conduct of the banks. They wore severely threatened; butat last they proved too powerful for the people. In• deed, it would almost seem 118 if most of the State Legislatures had met for no other purpose than to legalize the previous suspension of specie pay ments. No efficient restrictions were imposed.; and the banks were thus taught that they might there after go unpunished—unwhipped ofjustice. I'ast impunity prevented them from reducing thelibusi ness and curtailing their profits in each a manner as to render them secure in the day of trial. They have fallen again; I fear again to enjoy the same impunity. In the second place, the immense amount of money loaned to many of the States in England, a largo portion of which was brought home in the form of foreign merchandise, afforded great facili ties for ovortrading. or rather overbuying. And in the third - plane, the eondnet of the Bank of the United Stales gristly MOO tq produce these excessive imrtations. That institution be , came the broker for the sale of all State hods in Europe. It endeavored to monopolize the entire cotton trade of the country; and it drew bills of ex change on England, most freely, at moderate rates, against the proceeds of the bonds and of its cot ton. Every temptation was thus presented to spe culations in foreign merobandjee. These three causes oombinifig, have occoarienod a second suspension if specie payments within two yeare a'ter the first, and - produced that bloated cre int system, from the wreck of 'Oda our eonntly le' now deeply suffering. I most heartily concur with dhe - Senator from Kentucky In one of his positions Wo certainly produce too little and import too much. Oar ex panded erodit System Is the groat cause of this ca lamity Confine it within safe and reasonable bounds, and this disastroua effect will be produced. It is not in the power of Congress to do much towards a consummation so desirable. Still wo shall do all we can ; and the present bill will ex ercise SUMO influence in restraining the banks trots making extravagant loans and emitting extrava gant issues. What efi'eet has this bloated system of 'credit produced upon the warals of the country / In the large commercial cities, it has oonierted almost all mon of business into gamblers. Where is there now to be found the old-fashioned importing mer chant, whose word was as good as his bond, and who was content to grow rich, as our fathers did, by the successive and regular profits of many years of pa tient industry? Such men were the glory and pride of mamma, and elevated the °barmier of their country 174th at howm end. abroad. ask, where arc they ? not the rote almost extinct "+ All now desire tq grow flab rapidly. Each takes his chance in the ldtteryef spectrlatten.'„Worigh there may a hundred chances to one against him, cub, aa,gerly intent the golden 'prize, overlooks the intervening roe s and quieksands be tween him and it, and when fr BMW thinks he is about to clutch it, he sinks Into bankrUptey and ruin. Such has been the fate of thousands of our most enterprising citizens. If the speculator should prove successful and win the golden prize, no matter by what means he may have acquired his wealth, this clothes hits with honor end glory. Money, money, money, confers the highest distipotion in society. The republican simplicity and yirtne of a Macon would be sub 4eets of ridicule in Wall 'street or phostnut street. The highest talents l directed by the pnreA patriot ism, moral worth, literary and professorial V— ein short, every quality which ought to eon r dis tinction in society—sink into insignificance when compared with wealth. Money is equivalent to a titja pf nobility in our larger commercial cities. This in air, pipet of our credit system. Wo have ,ividely departed from the economical habits and simple yirtaer sf ,dor forefathers. These are the only sure folinthitions upon which oar re publican institutions cali'redt. The desire toreako an ostentatious display of rapidly ocquired wealth has produced a splendor and boundlati experlda un known in fernier f)ines. There is how more extra vagance in our largo eommercuil cities than exists in any portion .4 Gip weal, which I bap Over seen, except among the woolthy niddlity or Eng: land. Thai* Heaven, this ktra,vagaiice has but partially reached the mormiains ondytdieyeßf the interior. The people there, se far as their poten tial voice can be heard, are dotormilled to pot an end to this bloated credit system, which threatens to involve not only their private fortunes, but their political liberties in ruin. On Friday last, when I very unexpectedly ad dressed the Senate, I stated a principle of political economy which I shall now read from the,book. It iatkisi That if you double the amount id the nesessary circulating medium in any country, you thereby double Hie troprirral T itle of every article. If, whop the sgirod .1; N mil EI O , ' an article should eirt ono d; or, itnyhtfid cost two, if, without any increase 41/mils& ota'Cifinilating medium, the quantity ihadalo . , 2, oaSe4 to one hundred ' millions." The same effect Would he produced, whether the circulating medium were specie, or convertible bank paper mingled with specie. It is the increased quantity or the me dium, not Its character, which produces this effect Of copse J leave out of view irredeemable bank paper. Lot me now pck4er the proposition with irhich I commenced; and P repo fit that Edo notpretend to mathernetjaal aceuragy in the illifistraGoll itich I ehall present. Thu United B tatCP.CainV7r4"l9 with Germany and Francs ; the former a or -mo ney country, and the latter approaching it so ~early as to have no bank notes in circulation unl , the denomination of five hundred francs, or near ono hundred dollars. On the contrary, the tidied States is emphatically a paper-money country, having 0414 hundred banks of issue, all of ahem eipiktiag •neAep sif a denomination as low as five dollars, sa i l pop: of them one, two, and three bolter notes, J"o, overfdaftil• 61"g'old sod silver in the vaults of Masi Wilts,. Vie,1, 105 1 2 e OW, ikwi and some of theta as Inge as teif,'&l4 even tareed, dollars of paper. This produe!ni yapebeeVer• changing expansion of the currency, and It tense quat increase of the prioes of all articles, the value of which is not regulated by the foreign dmaand, above the priced of Blotter articles in Gorman and Franco. At particular gages of our expansions, we might with justice apple tho principle which I have stated to ofry trade with these countries, and assert that, from the poet redundancy of our cur . renoy, 'orb manufactured in Francs and Germany for eriodialf of glair actual post ;; this country. Let me present en example.' Ilitler. many, where itho ciirrency is( purely Metallici bed the cost of every thing is rodaded to:p hatit'lliOneY standard, a piece of briguichitl pan Is menu*. tared for fifty dollars, the nianufacture'Or which in our country, from the expansion - Of opi paper currouoy, would cost ono hundred dollars. What is the consequence ? The foreign French or Ger man manufacturer imports this cloth into ourboun try, end sells it for a hundred dollars. Dom not every person perceive that the redundancy d our curroney do eqtral to a premium of one hundred per cent. in favor of ,the Preto manufacturer? No tariff of protection, unless it corned to prchibi tion, could countermit this veutahty [fiate in famr of foreign manufaCtUrmanufactures.wpu to eavVei could arouse the attent of every manufacturer of the nation to this important aulnedt. The foreign manufacturer will net receive our bank notes in 'payment: Ile will take nothing home except gold and silver, or bills of exehsnge, which are equivalent. He does not expend this money hops, where ho would be compelled to sup pen his family, ours to purchase his labor and ma torials'n't the same %to pp prlees which he receives for his manufaCtures. pfkt e oontrary, he goes home, purchase's 'Vie labor, his wool, ond ell other articles which enter into Ste manufacture, (t) half their cost in this country, and'agaiti retdrAs in undate us with foreign woollens, and to sum our domestio manufactures. I might citeany Other examples, but this, I treat. wine suffici ent to draw public attention to the et:bigot. This depreciallon of our currency is, therefore, nquivalept to a direct protection granted to the foreign over the tileteletip manufaeturer. It is impossible that our manufac turers should be able to sustain such an unequal competition. Sir, I solemnly believe'that if we could but re duce this inflated paper bubble to any thing like reasonable dimensions, Now England would be come the most prosperous manufacturing country that the aim ever shone upon. Why cannot wo manufacture goods, and espeolally cotton goods, which will go into successful competition with British manufactures in foreign markets? Have we not the necessary capital Have we not the industry? Have we not the machinery? And, above all, are not our skill, energy, and enterprise proverbial throughout the world'? Land is also cheaper here than in any other country en the face of the earth. We possess every advantage which Providence can bestow upon us for the mourn , tura of cotton; but they aro all counteracted by the folly of man. The raw material costs us less than it does the English, because this is an article the price of which depends upon foreign markets, and is not regulated by our own inflated currency. We, therefore, nave the freight of the cotton across the Atlantic, and that of the manufactured article on Its return here. What Is the reason that, with all these advantages, and with the protective duties iThich our laws afford to the domestic manufacturer of cotton, we cannot obtain exclusive possession of the home market, and successfully contend for the markets of the world' It is simply because we manufacture at the nominal prices of our own in flated currency, and are compelled to sell at tho real prices of other nations. Reduce our nominal to the real standard of prices throughout the world, and you cover our country with blessings and bene fits. I wish to Heaven I could spilt to a voice loud enough to bo heard throughout New England; beaus°, if the attention of manufacturers could "once ho directed to the subject, their own intelli gence and native sagacity would teach them how injuriously they are affected by our bloated bank ing and credit system, and would enable them to apply the proper corrective. Although thin bill will not have as great an in fluence as I could desire, yet, as far as it gees, it will benefit the laboring man as much, and probe hly more, than any other class of society. What is it no ought most to desire? Constant employment, regular wages, and uniform reasonable prices for 'the necessaries and comforts of life which ho re quires. Now, sir, what has been his condition un der our system of expansions and contractions? He has suffered more by them than any other class of society. The rate of his wages is fixed and known, OA they are the last to rise with the increasing Ipansion, and the first to fall when the correspond ing revulsion occurs. He still continues to receive his dollar per day, whilst the price of every arti cle which be consumes is rapidly rising. Ile is at egth made to feel that, although he nominally earns as much or even more than he did formerly, yet, from the increased price of all the necessaries of life, he cannot support his family Hence, the strikes for higher wages, and the uneasy and ex cited feelings which have at different periods ex isted among the laboring classes. But the expan sion at length reaches the exploding point, and what does the laboring man now suffer? He is for a season thrown out of employment altogether. Our manufactures are suspended; our public works aro stopped; our private enterprises of different kinds aro abandoned; and, whilst others aro able to weather the sterns, ho can scarcely procure the menus of bare subsistence. Again, sir: who, do you suppose,held thegreater part of the worthless paper of the one hundred and sixty-tlve broken banks to which I have referred? Certainly it was not the keen and wary speculator, who snuff's danger from afar. If you were to make the search, yon would flail more broken bank notes in the cottages of the laboring poor than any where else, And these miserable shinplasters, where aro they? After the revulsion of 1837, laborers were glad to obtain employment on any terms, and they often received it upon the express condition that they should accept this worthless trash in payment. Sir, an entire suppression of all bank notes of a lower denomination than the value of ono week's wages of the laboring man is abso lutely necessary for his protection. Ile ought always to receive his wages in gold and silver. Of all men on the earth, tho laborer is most interested in having a sound and stable currency. THE CITY. AMIISEVENTS THIS NVENING 40ADEMY OP MUSIO, BROAD AND LOOOST STRUM tUrrichino pi Parigt." NATIONAL. TITRATRR. WALNUT STARE; ADOVE EIGHTH. The Stanger; Or, Misanthropy and Ilepentance."— , Ity Aunt." WURATLET'S ARCM STREET TREATER, ARMS STREET, ABOVE SIXTU.—•' The Vietima"—" Wild Oats; Or, the Strolling Gentleman." WALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. CORNER O► NINTH AND WA LIM Ermoirts —" Irish ROMS; Or; West End" —"Domestic Economy. , ' VIONEDY'S VARIETIES, FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. —Vocal and Instrumental Concerts. SANPoRrOs OPERA House, igt.RPSMTSI STREET, liOOVS COSMO? —Ethiopian Idinotrolay, concluding with a Laughable Burlesque. Second Day of the State .dgricultural Fair.— We paid but a brief visit to the grounds of the Ex hibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society yesterday afternoon, and were indeed grati fied to witness the increased attendance and the general improvements manifested in the arrange ment of the various articles in the differeAt tents. Duripg the early part of the day the Fair grounds were literally thronged, and the scone presented was most animated and novel. The various avenues leading to the exhibition grounds, at a very early hour in the morning, corn .meneed to look like aisles of market houses, hav ing on either side, stands, booths, and tents, con taining edibles, !to. The Milesion apple and sake vending fraternity were well represented—oyster .soup was smoking hot, with a remarkable scarcity ,of by:stare; and small boys, tattered girls, semi 'lunette canines of eccentric movement, and inde jfatigable farmers' boys in the pursuit of excite ment, were plenty. As the bap ow apace, the scenes became still more varied. The Biar4ot street omnibuses—the Chestnut street emnilmses—the Twelfth greet omnibuses, and all the other 'buses, were as fall of people as if one of the banks of the Schuylkill bad commence paying specie currency, and was having .a, t rap" upon it, Uyer Market, street bridge there was a string of vehicles as long as a law suit, and as varied as the trading stock of a Yankee pedlar. Comical parties went over that bridge. Imagine a pot-house politician—a Homeopathic doctor—a broken-down lottery dealer, and an actor, all in one vehicle, belaboring their animal until his over wrought feelings found vent in kicks of no very gentle character. The spectacle presented from Market street bridge wee highly eireptive. The g reel ten' of the' grounds, relieved by the gravelly circle of the race-course like a gigantic finger-ring rest ing upon a cushion of emerald velvet; the spa cious tents of milk-white canvas, with ropes tightly drawn, and ample flags flying from their peaks; the horses, trotting at pell-mell speed around the course ; the long lino of cattle in the open sheds that bound the west end of the en closure; and thegroups of people ever changing their PesitioP• like the pebbles Iq CI kaleido scope-rail gembined tq 'present a very inspiriting picture. Tho sensation makers outside the Fair have a num4PF pf shelve, to which a half-dime admits the visitor. The attrantiong qt two of these places aro educated pigeeporkers whp are taught to follow in a given line from their keeper's foot and select a card to which he points with the toe of his boot. As the cards are inscribed with answers to ques tions which the hog-teacher propounds, a few small laughs are elicited from the rustics, and piggy is voted a very knowing animal. Another genius exhibits a pig with six legs; while a second shows an animal which has every appearance of having been freshly barbered. as " the vonderful 'airless og, jest brought from Wan Dieman's Land." The exhibitde a 'ceding, of coarse, and in his loquacious manner is very entertaining. An other genius has rigged up a picturesque tent. Upon its side is represented a serpent of mar vellous dimensions, from which an African is fleeing at great apparent speed, with his eyes projecting like the eyes of a frightened lobster. Surmounting this work of art is the distioh, "The largest rattle snail( in the world." In short, what with tents, booths, refreshment wagons, wheel-barrows, stalls—till for the sale of edible and drinkable' nieknieckis-•-and a swarm of itinerating pedlars with very large baskets and Very little in them, there js.quite as much of life outside the a Pefr s there is in it. I,Ye'jtafee iiothi'ng to add relative to the articles on exhibition by individuals They are all ex cellent tin the :western side pf the race coerce, ae we remarked yesterday,' there iv a fine tent, from the penji of Which tharie 'the flag of the State Poultry Soeiety. This department is very interesting, and contains rarte Reeser every varie ty. Among thorn is a Shangline rooster, of such dimensions that we wonder the owner doesn't break him to harness and set him to ploughing. In the way of eating, these Shanghaes are hard to beat. A farmer assured us that ho once tried a rooster against a mule, each being furnished with it bushel of corn, and that at the end of two hours 'Gip rooster was half a pock a-head This, how ever, we think is slightly apocryphal and leeks aontitinevitin. But, taken as a whole, we think the hen 4eVartvlnt oho of the finest in the Fair, and d'eeidedly'kdoiniaittld`that'lbe rising more tion be permitted to see the rnflnttd eerieties of the gallinaceoue and web-footed tribes brought to light through the management of poultry fanciers In the way of Cochin Chinas, Brahma Pootras, Bantams, and other rare fowls, tho relationship of one species to the other seems especially singu lar. • Another large tent is devoted to fruits and vege tables, in which mammoth pumpkins, egg plants, anii diVers'nnwieldy wept; productions, excite ttid ypritet'e Lenient& ' 'fl' , eeih this' collection consists Of a' op/entity of eluOttirrof a blue plum, milled the Gordian prune, raised jh Tndlelin county by a German named Peter Pfeifer. These plums grow in dusters of from eight to twelve, like a Mulch of grapes, and, in our view, are a decided novelty. The exhibitor is unable to speak a word of English, yet displays a large silver modal, which was awarded to him at Harrisburg, with conscious pride The same man has a work, written by him self,:deserihing a remedy for the curculio A new r " , Abseil by en Englishman named Peter Potts, raised. l'Air Pittsburgh, Is especially notewor ai *Nits!, beithtiftdSPOCillien N7O have ever seen. At the HoriEdnitu'rat Exhibitherspething near so luscious was presented. It is estimated that over five thousand persons visited the exhibition yesterday, and we doubt not that double this number will do the same thing to day. The announcement of the award of premiums will not be made until to-morrow. The police ar rangements yesterday were most admirable. The dotal ofthe Elith Police District did excellent tervice! Th ere was not a single arrest on or about the grounds, hhd the best possible order wwl We eerresl " Sleviatt erendeeed consider ' able service - rn the prevention IA diatrhettons by carriages 4urin g the entireday.' The anneal dd dresa Cam) the Socie7 'Will 'lib delivered to-mor row afternoon. We see that one of HolataV pglPrigJatipg vrf life-boats, is exhibited at the Agrieulturd pejr, ' and from what Has been said of this boat, it will no doubt attract' the•general attention of the visi tors. , We are informed that the peculiar advan tages of this boat will bo explained by Captain James Marks. ' dlecitteet at the Fair Ground.—About seven o'ekent bd evening, entered man, driving a oar alas° en' t i lie l aaca maga at the Agricultural Fair, wee thrown from 111§ viihicie by coining in contact with another otirrlage, and etas Very serionsly in jured. A gentleman grinding on the Moe wee struck by one of the wheels, and received a severe injury on the breast. He was taken to his resi dence in Green street. Spirited Democratic Meeting was held at Frankford last evening, in the Twenty-third Ward. plo r ineqt speeahes wore mad', and a series of ap roprlitt? . i:esoNtleps va , itnonsly adopted. Y'q-day, nt tprep yee, gle grand trial of spad lay Tho horses on exhib it tion at tho Stattaair Will bake' place. It will be 'an interesting spec /019s • First Quarterly Report of the Fire Detective Polier.—We havo been kindly furnished with the following interesting report of Mr. Alex W. Black burn, Chief of the Piro Detective Police : MAYOR'R OFFICE, PHILA., Sept. 24, 1857. Hon. RICHARD VARA, Mayor : Sin: I herewith transmit fur your information, tho first quarterly report of the operations of the Fire Deice tire Police. The whole number of fires of all kinds, which occurred in the consolidated city of Philadelphia, for the quarter commencing June Ist, and ending August 31st, 1857, was one hundred and forty-three. The location of these fires, as to wards, was as follows: First ward, 12; Second ward, 4; Third ward, 7 ; Fourth ward, 7 ; Fifth ward, 7 ; Sixth ward, 9 ; Seventh ward, ; Eighth ward, 1 ; Ninth ward, 5; Tenth ward, 6; Eleventh ward, 5; Twelfth ward, 5; Thirteenth ward, 6; Fourteenth ward, 9; Fifteenth ward, 19; Sixteenth ward, 1 ; Seventeenth ward, 1; Eighteenth ward, 1; Nine teenth ward, 6; Twentieth ward, 8; Twenty-first ward, 4; Twenty-second ward, 5; Twenty-third ward, 2; Twenty-fourth ward, 7. Total, 143. Tho properties destroyed or damaged by the above enumerated fires, comprise the following list, which exhibits their description and character : Dwellings, 47; stores, 18; stables, 16; manufacto ries, 15; unoccupied buildings, 4; brick kilns, 4; taverns, 3; shops, 3; sheds, 3; chimneys, 3; print ing establishments, 2; bath-houses, 2; offices, 2; lumber yards, 2; slaughter-houses, 2; barns, 2; refectories, 2; bakeries, 2; ice houses, 2; mills, 2; outhouses, 2; haystacks, 2; unfinished building, 1; laundry, 1; boarding-Louse, 1 ; church, 1; ice depot, 1; daguerreotype saloon, 1; synagogue, 1; theatre, 1; freight depot, 1 ; lime-house, 1 ; dry ing -kiln, 1 ; spring house, 1; piggery, 1 ; hayrick, 1; quarry, 1 ; steamboat, 1; omnibus, 1; charcoal wagon, 1 ; crate, 1 ; fence, 1; cotton bale, 1; whis key cask, 1; bureau, 1; chest, 1; bed, 1. Total, 165. The origin of tho fires was as follows : Accident, 29; inoendiarisrn, 25; gas-lights in show windows, 8; explosion of fluid lamps, 6; children playing with lucifer matches, 5; recklessness of drunken men, 5; sparks from chimneys, 4; unknown, 4; spontaneous combustion, 3; foul chimneys, 3; defective chimney fines, 3; negligence in placing lights too near win dows, 3; fireworks, 2; lightning, 2; friction of ma chinery, 2; carelessness of vagrants, 2; hot ashes, 2; mischief of boys, 2; heated stove-pipes in too close proximity to wood work, 2; intense heat of a glass•anamelling oven, 2; ignition of powdered charcoal by a spark from a furnace ! 1; boiling over of pitch, 1; lighted cigar, 1: burning of a cigar stump, 1; explosion ofpyrotechnic materials, 1; blazing of meat left carelessly in a frying-pan over a fire, I; sparks from a burning building, 1; effect of a puff of wind upon a gas-light in a bulk win dow, 1; revenge of an insane woman, 1; explosion of a spirit lamp, 1; ignition of escaping gas in a meter room, 1, capsizing of a kettle of boiling fat, 1; falling in of a portion of the arch of a bake oven, I; upsetting of a lighted camphene lamp, I; sparks from a dentist's furnace, I; carelessness in extin guishing a paper lighter, 1; spark from a fire of shavings in a cooper shop, 1; hot ashes from . the smoking pipe of a loafer, I; recklessness of an in toxicated woman, 1; rats gnawing friction matches, I; bursting of a bottle in which a chemical prepa ration was being melted over a spirit lamp, I; sparks from an alcohol factory, 1; coals falling from a forge, I; latent sparks from blasting, 1; spilling of campheno from an overturned lamp, 1; candle left burning on a bureau in a chamber, 1; latent spark from casting, I; defective construction of a building, 1; spontaneous combustion of phosphorus exposed to intense heat of the sun, in the window of a drug store, 1. Total, 143. The total amount of loss by the burning of the properties above mentioned was $54,465; in surance, $36,235 ; clear loss, $18,320. The total loss for the same quarter of 1856, as as certained from the most correct and reliable data accessible, was $98,320 There were 86 out of the 143 fires where the loss ranged only from $5 to $5O each. rifty•one fires were extinguished by the police and others without the fire companies going into service. The number of lives lost by fire during the quar ter was 4 ; persons injured, 11; narrow escapes, 8 ; animals burnt to death, 8. Nineteen persons were arrested by the fire de tectives, who made a rigid examination of the cause of every fire, and still have under investiga tion every undoteeted case of arson. Warrants are in the hands of officers for several other parties who have so far evaded arrest. An experience of three months, as the head of the now branch of the detective service of the police, lately established by your Honor, has satis fied use that the crime of arson can be checked. If, in SO brief a period, a check has been given to its progress, cannot this hideous monster, in the course of time, bo effectually vanquished? I con fidently believe it can. But bow is this to be accomplished ? My answer Is, that its very life, by a vigorous and determined effort, must be crushed out. To this end, I would most respectfully submit for your Honor's consideration the following sug gestions : First—That there be an explicit standing order to the police department, enjoining upon every officer in the service, particularly the night patrol men, the utmost vigilance and activity in the prevention of incendiarisin and the detection of in cendiaries. Second—That in each of the seven fire districts ono police officer be eeleeted as a detective, with reference to the qualifications of intelligence, industry, and shrewdness, whose special duty it shall be to attend all fires in his district, and aid in every possible way the chief detective. Third—That, as an incentive, not only to the police, but to all good citizens, as well as a constant terror to incendiaries, the Mayor be empowered by Councils to offer a standing reward of one thou sand dollars for the detection and conviction of any person who shall wilfully set fire to any build ing or other property; that the Board of Five Under writers also offer a standing reward of five hun dred dollars for the same purpose, wherever the property fired is insured by any insurance com pany represented in that board; and, likewise, that each of the fire insurance companies not re prevented in the Board of Fire Underwriters offer a standing reward of ono hundred dollars for the bringing to justice of any party firing a property insured by them. I further submit, with great respect, as a MOMS of preventing fires especially incendiary renal • grations, the following recommendations : First—That the owners or occupants of proper ties should, exercise the greatest care In guarding them against the intrusion of incendiaries by strong and safe doors, windows, gates, fences, and other securities, and use every caution in not leaving in exposed situations about their premisescombuetible materials, such as shavings, hay, straw, rage, pa per, to., which might prove a ready means at hand, to facilitate the perpetration of the crime of arson. The security of unoccupied buildings and unfinished houses is very important Second—That housekeepers should adopt every precaution in the use of camphene and other in flammable burning fluids. These dangerous lights are constantly causing fires, to say nothing of the sad consequences of shocking injuries and. death. And that the same precaution should be adopted in regard to friction matches, which are now used by almost eyeryluxjy, and which are a frequent cause of fires, especially in the hands of careless domestics, thoughtless children, and mischievous urchins. Third—That the practice of juveniles playing about stables, barns, limber yards, shops, and other places where tbero it property of a com bustilde character, should be abated. Persona in charge of snob plans ought always to drive the youthful intruders away, and the day police should be required to pay particular attention to this seemingly trifling, yet really important, matter; for numerous fires are thus occasioned by the mis chief of these hopeful specimens of Young Ame rica. Another nuisance, which calls loudly for abatement, is the building of bon-fires, by boys, on lots adjacent to properties which aro peculiarly liable to catch tire. In conolusion, I would earneztly invoke for the Firo Detective Felice the encouragement and aid of every law-abiding citizen. Men of all classes and conditions in life have a direct and vital in terest in the suppression of fires, and more espe cially the conflagrations which are the work of design; for by the latter are almost invariably entailed the heaviest amount of loss and suffering. A fire is a disaster that strikes a blow from which the whole community suffers. Every dollar of capital swallowed up in the flames is a dead loss The rich and poctr, capitalist and operative, em ployer and employee, are all losers, and nobody is aitier. So that, Indeed, a conflagration is, at all times, a public calamity. Ha:retrolly, your obedient eervant, A. W. ALACKBURN, High Constable, 4cling ghier pi the Fire Detective Police Sad Case of Suicide.—Yesterday morning, about ten o'clock, the body of qn unknown man was found in the Schuylkill, near Callowhill street. The body was secured, and Coroner Delavan was sent for. and held an inquest. Upon examining the papers in the pockets of the deceased, it was ascertained that he was connected with the hard ware house of Martin Buehler At CO., Market street, near Fifth. Mr. Martin Buehler, upon being in formed of the fact, immediately proceeded to the Schuylkill, and upon seeing the body identified the remains as those of his brother, Mr. John Buehler, who was a member of the firm. The deceased resided, with his family, in Race street, veer Twelfth. Re went to the store about half-past uoyeri o'clock yesterday morning, and after trankbting some business went out. The next heard of him was the sad intelligence of his melancholy end. The deceased acted strangely on Tuesday night, and it is almost certain, that, while laboring under an aberatian of his mind, he went to the Schuyl• kill and threw himself into the river. Mr. Buehler was a gentleman of unblemished integrity; ho was a member of the Arch Street Presbyterian Church, and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees. 'fps untimely 'end has caused a pro founCsensatlon among file many persons who wore acquainted with him. The 4ecenac4 was about forty years of age, Testimonial.—Mr. William H. Lawrence, a member of the police force, has been presented with a very fine silver badge by the citizens of the Eighth division, Fourteenth ward, as a testimo nial of their respect for him as an officer and a man Railroad .1 fccidenl.—A man named James McPaid was caught be tween two cars in the Fif teenth ward yesterday morning and very seriously injured. lie was takeß to his residence in , Penn sylvania avenue. Persons wishing a correct and durable am brotypo or daguerreotype likeness of themselves or ftionds, should call at Craft's, No. 940 Market street, who is ono of the best artists in our city. Police Items were decidedly dull yesterday. The cases before the different police magistrates possessed no especial interest. qitEAT D . ISCOVERY TH.EASURE.—Ji Keg Fdtbn( 'on Lake Sheri, rontdstiinz Sixteen Ilundied 'French. Coiri.4.—An extraordinary story reaches us, which we give att we have received it When it was first told us we were ftilly' convinced that it was a hoax, bu't subsequent investigation coropelsne to that the" statements come well authenticated, and with every appearance of truth. The report is that two men, named respectively Ward and Rail, were at work down the Lake shore, some miles from this city, getting out hoop stuff, when they discovered a small keg buried In the sand. This they dug out, and opening it, found it contained sixteen hundred silver pieces. The coins were of an ancient French cast, and of the denomination of seven franc pieces, valued at $1.09 °eel!" The two men with their treasure have left for LihiJatielphia, where they intend to exchange their coin at the mint.—Osscego 74rnes, & pt. 21. The Mobile Mercu ry of the 24th ult. h says that Judge Alexander MeKinatry passed sentence upon Joe Pigeon, who so brutally murdered Lewis Williams a short time since. The Judge delivered a short and feeling address, during which time the prisoner evinced no emotion, but appeared perfectly resigned to meet his awful doom . He was sentenced to he hung on Friday, the lath of lio vtunlierzf THE COURTS. YESTERDAY' PEOCEEDINGI f Reported for The Presa.] BUIPRINS Conar.—Judge Woodward —Ludwig vs. Ra h:though A Torbert. An action of ejectment for pre- Waal, In the 24th Ward, before reported. Jury out U. B. blend er Ocouar.-4ndge Kane --John Maker was charged with passing counterfeit half-dollars The principal testimony against the defendant was a person named Adame,twho Is in prison for the Kama offence. Cu trial. U. B. Dudriet Attorney for the prosecutor, and Daniel Dougherty, EN , for the defendant. DIPTRICT COUNT lo inc.—Judges Sarswood. Stroud and Aare —Rex vs. Merchants , Insarance Company Same rs. Provincial Insurance Company i Same rs. Exchange Insurance Company. Same, cs, State Mutual Insurance Company. These eases •ere based upon policies effected by the plaintiff upon the Mount Vernon Hotel at Cape May, to protect his interest as mortgagee at the last term. The eases were referred to George W. Riddle, Esq as sole referrae. The reterree awarded in the first case $2900: In the'second case 0, 200 . TA the third case 52,6 M 60, and in the last case $2.607 60 making $15,575. Exceptions are Sled totbe sward, and the cases cause on for argument yesterday. The case was opened by Mr. Outline, who was followed by Judge Jones for the exceptsusts. A. Q. Keasbey, of the New Jersey bar, opened the argument for the plaintiffs, dors lug which the court adjourned till this morning. Messrs. (Wilton and Jones, for the eager-tants. Messrs W. L. Hirst and Newsboy, for plasntiffs. Qua ash Telowdosa—Judges Thompson and Con rad.—The jury in the case of Laurence Riley, charged with the murder of "York Bill," had not brought so their verdict as we were going to press. QUARTS% SESSIONS—J . IIde Conrad.—Hubert Council was charged with receiving a fraudulent rote et the late October election. Mr. Lewis C. Cassidy, who appeared for the defendant, asked the Court to continue the ease until the next term, which was opposed by the District Attorney. Mr. Webster, who appeared for George Esher, who was similarly charged, applied to the Court for a conti nuance to the next term. After some disonealon between the counsel and the District Attorney, Mr. Mann directed that Hobert Con nell should be arraigned. The Clerk accordingly read the bill of indict meet. The defendant, upon being asked the usual question, " How Lay you, Guilty or Not Guilty?" stood mute. A motion to the bill of Indictment was then handed to the Court, upon the following gromuie I. That the bill of indictment has been found without any binding over, a hearing, or accusation. 2. That the Grand Jary have originated It themselves without the subject baring been given them in charge by the Court. 3. That the District Attorney has submitted said bill of indictment to the Grand Jury without leafs of the Court first had and obtained. 4. And that the said bill of indictment was acted upon without the witnesses of the county having been sworn or affirmed. Mr. Cassidy, upon reading the above motion, asked the Court to postpone the argument until they were pre• pared to furnish their authority to support the motion to quash. The District Attorney salmi that the argu ment should proceed now. The Court Intimated that the case should proceed. Mr. Cassidy wished to show upon what authority these bills of indictment were sent before the grand jury. The District Attorney stated that the opinion of the Court, In the District Attorney's case, instructed him to send those bills of Indictment before the grand jury. Mr. Cassidy asked to see the record. The District Attorney asked Mr. Sharkey for the re cord. Mr. Shar key said be knew nothing about It. Mr. Webster said that they had come to court to ask for a continuance, but we have been unexpectedly torced to offer a motion to quash. We would liketime to offer our authorities to Court. •- • . Judge Conrad—l have already decided I would go on to hear the motion to quash. I cannot interrupt the motion which is now partly tried. Mr. Camidy asked if the Court would receive their authorities during the course of the day. Judge Geared raid be would. The District Attorney said that be would ask that the motion ahould be argued now. These eases had been fixed for to-day, so as not to Interfere with the homicide cases which are flied for to-morrow, and the next week. Mr. Lehman, who represented James McQuade, charged with a similar offence, said that be bad no no tice of these proceedings until yesterday, and that be was consequently quite unprepared to go into an argu ment to-day. It was quite a new proceeding, and time should be allowed to look into the matter. Judge Conrad said he would receive any authority daring the day in favor of the motion to quash, but he would decide the matter to-morrow,whether be received any authority or not. Mr. Cassidy inquired if it was the intention of the District Attorney to try a man named Costello in the Second Ward. charged with a similar offence as his client Connell ; as in that cane he would help to prosecute. The District Attorney said he would do equal justice all round. The matter terminated here for the present. The District Attorney for the Commonwealth; Mauna. Lehman, Webster and Cassidy for McQuade, Esher, and Connell. Charles D. Slaugh, who was Inspector of the Eighth Division of the Twentieth • Ward at the last October election, was brought into Court upon a bench warrant, charged with receiving ► fraudulent vote. %De was put under $l,OOO bail for his appearance the next term. Charles McNulty, of Morris City, west of Olrard College, went his bell. Frederick Brecht, a German, wu convicted of selling liquor without license. Sentenced to pay a Ins of $lOO and costs. LATER FROM THE WEST INDIES [Prom the New York Express of last evening.) We have Bermuda papers to the 15th, by which we receive later [news from Demerara, St. Thomas, Antigua, and St.. Vincent, Batbadoes, and Jamaica. In Jamaica there was some sickness consequent upon the rainy reason. The sugar market was falling. In the island of Trinidad the estates had made handsome returns for the season. In Demerara' an outrage at Georgetown had been committed on Governor Wodehouse and Mrs. Wodehouse at the moment of their embarkation for England. As mob of men, women, and children, lined the streets, and saluted the whole party with stones, plantain stalks. sticks, and other missiles, clean and unclean. The Governor was struck, and Mrs. Wodehouse received a severe blow on the head from a stone. The BishOp and Chief-Justice, Lieutenant-Colonel Goodman, and other officers, and the Government Secretary, received blows, more or leas serious, but equally loomiaiorui. The disgraceful conduct permed his Wroellanoy's party even when it had taken the boat for the steamer, and while on the waters they were assailed with offal and filth fronithe shamble:. Governor Wode• house will long remember Georgetown. ANTIGUA.—After long droughts, the rain had fallen very heavily. Basteanons.—Attorney General Sealy, after sit ting for eighteen years for St. Georges, load retired from the Legislature The young crops looked healthy ; the supply of labor was good. JAIIAICA —Rev. Joseph Williams, Rector of Portlandt; had raised the question whether per sons not in the habit of receiving thole:l4'a Sup per could be legally qualified as olturuh wardens, under a law requiring those oaken to be members of the Churob of England. Two persons had been elected who claimed to have a right to the office, because they had been duly baptised. Mr. Wil liams objected that they must be communicants. The question had been referred to the district court, - but not determined. The schooner " Endeavor," of Kingstown, Du rant master, had been attacked by the Indians off San Domingo, the captain and cook murdered. The rest of the orew escaped In the Indians' boats. It is said the Indiana were themselves afterwards massacred by another tribe in retaliation for Capt. Durant's death. The murderers set Ere to the •'Endeaver." AWFUL SUIPWRECK-MRN 'RATIN BY TIM SHARKS - • ST. "Tobago" schooner, owned by W. Rom, Esq., of St. Vincent, had been, with her cargo, lost on the second Bones at Trinidad. An extraordinary case of double shipwreck is reported in the S i t. Christopher papers. The " Rosabella " left Dominica early In May for the Spanish Main. On the night of the 14th May a storm suddenly hrewe d up, a heavy sea struck the vessel, and she became a total wreck. Nothing was saved but a trunk of money, and with this the captain and supercargo got ashore. They then purchased a cargo of sugar, and chartered the "Esther," of Curacoa , for half an hour, and then, without a moment's warning, a fearful tornado struck the schooner, and she instantaneously went down Twenty-one persons were washed off, and with great difficulty avoided the vortex, of the sinking vessel. The boat fortunately got adrift, but the plug was oat! For three boars they madly strug gled to stop the hole, and at last it was done. But meanwhile the sharks bad taken off several of the miserable men, and only thirteen succeeded in getting into tho boat They picked up the oars. It was quite dark, and when morning eame they saw no land in any direction. For four days and three nights the wretched men, without a morsel of food and so arcely a vestige of clothing, labored at the oars. and on the morning of the 9th of July the boat reached St. Christopher, ten men being alive, bat all in the last stage of exhaustion. One died almost immediately after being carried ashore. The rest were hospitably cared for. PHILADELPHIA. MARKETS Serrxxesa dOth—Ereuing —The trade in Breadstuffs continues depressed and dull, and the transactions in Flour are limited to a few Hundred bbls at $6.25 for single extra, and $1 for double do., and $8 dfr bbl. for a fancy article. Shipping Flour is hold at $5 60a55.75 Bfr bbl., without aides to any extent, the local trade being moderate at from $5.75 to $7.50 bbl., according to brand Corn Meal and Rye Flour were not inquired for, and dull at $4 for the former, and $4.37g 413? bbl. for the latter. Wheats ere plenty and dull iv-day at rather lower hares, and about 1,600 bushels only told at $1.22 e 11.30 for common to choice red, and $1.30a11.37 for fine to good white. Corn is but little inquired for, and about 2,800 bushels yellow brought 75.76 e., afloat. Oats sell slowly at 33e38e., as to quality, for Southern. Rye is selling at the distilleries at 75e. Bark is inactive at the late decline, and Ord quality is held at $3O ift ton, without buyer. at that figure. Cotton is nominally held at former quoted rates, but there is nothing doing, LI both buyers and sellers seem indifferent about operating. Groceries are quiet. and a few mall lots of Sugar and Coffee only are changing hands at previous quotations. Provisions are held firmly in view of the light stock, but the supply is fully equal to the demand, and the sales are only in a retail way at the present high rates. Seeds—Little or nothing doing, arid the prices of most kinds are nowt*. Whiskey cells as wanted at 24025 c. for bbl.., and 2to. for bads. 'the following shows the amount of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for the weelt. eudlng Sept. 2011, 1601: 511219. WEAK. PREVIOUSLY. TOTAL. Tons. Cwt Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Spring ?donatein—. 2,209 07 90,755 16 92,965 02 East Sugar Log 1 180 11 73,918 05 75,098 16 N. York & Lehigh 766 12 28,091 01 28,677 18 Council Ridge 1,759 15 48,863 07 60,613 02 German Penns ..... 6,507 19 6,307 19 Coleraine & Stafford. 565 12 37,676 10 38,241 02 Dolbin & Debaren . 778 05 7,014 16 8,393 03 Ilszleton ...... 1,616 12 38,306 09 39,822 01 J. B. bleCreety & Co. 163 03 5,279 17 6,443 00 8,969 17 3 - 36,802 04 346,762 01 The U. S. steamer Powhatan, at the Gosport navy yard, is to be fitted with a poop deck. for the act• commodation of the Commodore, being intended for the flag ship of the Bast Indb!. squadron. Cap tain.ioslah Tattnal Imo livens piomtexi commander of Ha aclOodfiini4 broad pennant on board the. row atap. 'rho Apo:Wing engineers have been orderedto the Penhaton. all of whom have reported : Chief ngineer, Wm. IA Shook ; Ist Assistant, W. Rutherford; 2d Assistant, G. W. City; 3d Assistants, W. N. Dungan, B. R. Archer, and G. D. Bright. The If avy Dinmrtinent has despatches from Com mander Page, dated Apgest 30 . at Madeira, place the Germantown reached in twenty-foPr dyps from the United States. U. found the Governor courteous and exceedingly friendly. The officers and men are generally in good health. NEW YORK CATTLE IfAßKET—Wabsisorf i Sept. 30.—At market, 3,653 Beeves, 199 Cows, 686 Teals, 13,- 649 Sheep, and 2,288 Swine, which all ow s from lut week g decrease of 81 Cows and Teals, and an Increase of T6B Beeves, 1.603 Sheep, and 1,820 Swine. - Prices were out W it a cent down from lut week. The matket wee not &Mire, and In stagy cues a deem,- Mon of tine cent in the rates was °WOW, bit this yet toe li m ited extent. 'Good cattle were Gilled iOt lit lig cents, but poor animals lagged. "The quality of the stock was only middling. trobtations for beeves Cow 4, $3 5 61 6 5. Te'ile 6NesBc. Sheep .Xu°o, extriS 6c. Swine tIX Co. Eclat itorn.fed pop fh c. Ottliii were mile at Ufa twi ts 'pushy by Step an }toward, of ' THE MONEY MARKET. Ye ILI DIILVIIII, September M. IBS7 We hare little variation to retold sin,:e yesterday in the features of the stock market, when the woe dull and unsettled feeling prevails. The Reading liallread stock agate fell off, closing .at 17 i City toads Wear:cad a trite, and State S's receded. The note-broken find it a dilleult labor to dispose of any paper at all, and the banks discount but little, and seemingly without any systematic action. Merchant, in all directions seeking earnestly thermion of meeting their obligations, and when all have failed, appeal to the holders of their paper to save their name* from the dishonor of a protest. Doubt, trouble, and duns hang in heavy folds about us, and the general gloom is increased by the published information that the Sunday School 'Union—an institution most warMly cherished by all gift and sexes of our people—is a loser of nearly ninety thousand dollars by the defalcation of as edheer whom the whole present generation has grown up to honor, and confide la as a model of integrity and worth. At any lime it world be dispiriting assn is Philadel phia that the Sunday School Union had lest largely in any way, but at a time like the peanut this gut an nouncement falls upon the community with tan-fold force. There are indications of a speedy improvement of matters of finance, however, to which we turn tram our domestic troubles with an earnest hops that they may be fully realized, and lead the way to a better lade of things in our own city. The Boston bank statement, for the week past, foots up as follows, compared with the week previous: Sept. 22. Sept. 29. Capital stock 5 3 L 903 , 03 0 531.060,000 Loans and discounts 60,601,000 49,766,000 Specie 2,371,000 2,1a0:12 Amount due from other banks 6,401,500 6,9e1,01X1 Amount due to other banks... 3,891,700 3,64.1-0 IX) 'Deposits 13,173,700 12,036,000 Circulation 6,015.000 6,232,600 It appears that they had gained nearly ball a million in coin in the last fortnight, and the telegraph to-day reports still further accessions to their specie reserve The Boston newspapers speak hopefully for the future, and the idea of a suspension of Specie motel:tethers in not admitted fora moment, provided the banks in Mew York continue solvent. The latter Institutions, if we aro to credit the gene rally-reeelved report, hare resolved to extend the relief the community so sadly need, in a large Increase of loans daring the week, which, If it bas not been too long delayed, will put a very different face upon matters in a short time. There would seem to be many regions for this step; apart from the needs of the merchants there. They hare, as compared with September list year, twelve millions more capital, two ail. lions more specie. and one million lees loam. The market for foreign exchange has fallen so low, that no specie will be shipped, and the Insurances for the lon of gold by the Central America, which are to be drawn for, will give a ingiciently large supply of exchange to prevent the market from rising too tepidly_ The produce bills will speedily come into the market, and help to keep it heavy. Gold is mid to be on the way from England to buy breadstuff., and if it is not, it will inevitably soon be gin to come, and our traiMeas will in a short time be flowing quietly on in its usual channels. pat own banks, unfortunately, hare lost us mite. Our good name will hams suffered by their unhappy failure, and our business Interests abroad will hare received a stag getting blow. from which it trill be diffmult to rearm. It will be for us all to aid , with every means in oar power, to recover the ground thus lost to us, and to place our city again upon a position of Credit and re spectability. The Boston Treseeller,l3epteaberZonsdentioldstkat it has been ascertained that there are now in circulation In that city a number of five-hundreddollar bills nen the Blackstone, Suffolk, Shoe end Leather Dealers', and Brighton Market Banks. Thew bills are all from the genuine plates, bat the dgnetures of the presidents and cashiers are forged. The Erie Constitution saw that the cashier of the Erie Cityßank Wham arrested for embezzlement, and, after examination, held to bail in =AWL We learn from the London, Canada West, Pl-a Press that Mr. Lucas, teller of the Gore bent, kw absesiefed, leering the bank to whistle for STOP% whisk he tad used in speculations in connection with other pasties: Ile bad lent the fluids of the bank to "share" noteafor other speculators, the proceeds of which 'were rein vested in real estate In Toronto, in Goderich, and the where. These deficiencies were covered from** to, week by drafts at abort dates, drawn on the retyped's. who were receiriug the irregular accommodation at the bands of Lucas. These drafts were honored from time to time and passed muster, and it was not till default was made known that the whole bubble bast. The .Press saw , That one firm at least will come down bookspretty certain, while numerous persons will be made to smart." The Washington correspondent of that Courier sin wirer gives the following " Table of Receipts from all worm' Into the Vatted States Treasury, from July Ito Sept. 1857: July let to July 1353,751,000 Lt 2354,000 2,059,000 - 2,053,000 1,745,000 1,541,000 1,T25,000 1,740,030 1,041,11* 00 032, 046,029 '• 80 (Jetimated).... I,boo,cao 27. Aug. 3. •' 10 17. :• 24 Aggregate revenue for the quarter..s2o,l3B2, - 188 "This sum exceeds by 'boat one million of dollars the receipts for the same quarter of MO. What is remark. able In this exhibit, is that the average of weekly re egipts, which through the month of July ranged above two millions, has declined to less than a million. _)for does this exhibit the entire decrease in the rentesetoma import., 113/ 'donned at the Treasury that the prh.i. teed' from land sales have been usetimally heary'this quarter. One authority represents theta to hart been nearly three millions of dollars, which is but little law than the entirereceipts of last year." The St. Louis (Mo.) weekly bank statement escapares is to the aggregates with that of the presating week, as follows: Sept. 241. Sept. 19. Exchange maturing-41422,M 5 1 , 114 , 992 ine Circulation 1,161,030 1,211,616 dee. OASIS Coin 195,3543 656,727 ine. ZOOM This shows alight increase of am:hangs mooing to maturity, together with a conaiderattlo dogma's& la tha eirculation and a rely large Increase Of coin. Thus: Increase. Decrease sfis Ex Circul tha iToh Coln MAI We learn from the Quebec Gazette, that forty milt' of the Quebec and Trois Pistol's section of the (Fraud Trunk Railroad, from St. Thomas eastward, will be graded this fall, and that the contracts therefor have been given out. six piers and one tribe will hare been added daring the year to the Victoria Bridge. A new iron bridge, the materials of which are being shipped for Quebec and Portland, will be constructed orer the 'Richelieu without delay. PHILADELPHIA STOOL =CHARM! BAUM, September 30, 11351. Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stock. Broker, No. BO Walnut street. FIRST BOARD. 8000 City. We 10t5.64 6O Rowan R.....b5.1611 1000 do .341( , I do eat.h.lB 1000 do 153.84 20 do ASA 300 do 83% 20 do 16% 700 do 83% 10 do 18% 1000 do 83% 100 do b 6.181( 300 do 20ew.93 100 do .... .cash.l3li NO do .245.New.93 mo do t 3.16 930 Poona 6'.. 79 50 do b 5.111 60 do 79 3 Puma R lots.4oX 2000 do .. ....b5.79 SO do 2000 do .... cash 79g 24 do 40% 8100 do 791; 6 do 40% 7000 Penns Coop 64...132X 10 do ~........40%. 20000 & A R 6 ,9 19s5wii65 3 do 40X 4000 City R 6's. ...21.1.63ti 6 No-Aistown R..... 51 4300 do 341.83 g 2 Beau Meadow R... 4614 1500 do 33,4 i 100 Long Island R.... 8% 50 Reading R.. sslrn .13% BETWERb 100 Reading Railroad RECORD BOARD. It Penm B 40 00 do 03.40 31 do 40 100 Reading R s 5 17 00 do 55.11 24 do ssarn. IT 3 do IT 200 liiniou Crag 4% 100 do 4,4 j 10 Ram ls Atoß 90 8 Bess Meadow R11i.47 5 Ilinebilla 03 T Morris CI Pfd...5.91X 6 Harrisburg R 51 1 do 51 1700 City It Ws. 83% 300 City iPs 831 i 7000 Penns s's 79 400 do 79 200 do 79 1800 do 79 :3000 do . 12 Penn/ R 40% 6 do 40sr 4 do ....s.iwn.4ol( 20 do 40 15 do ..........40 10 do 40 12 do 40 4 do 40 30 do to CLOSING P: Bid. Aged. II 8 Ws, Philads 833 do 811...831S 83% do New 94 93 POEM fis 79 7911 Betiding R 17 17N de Bonds '7065 70 h do Id 8'0,44 75 80 Penns RR 39% 40 Morris Cant Con 39 41 Bebyl Navas '8264 56 do Stock 6 9 CIS-11:F.AVIr. Bid. dikad. W tEiebji Nubs R ! . Um .34 & Ilm 10 12 do irtmort.Vi 63 a do do Situ 63 6T Long Leland SJ( 8. Vicksburg 6 7X Girard Bank 8 9 Lehigh Zinc X 1X Union Canal— 4x 4x Nan Creek .6 34 Catarina ILL . 6 TX TELIKAMPF Er NITCHING'S 15:00L WEE —saw Co ait, Oct. 1, MT.—Since our lut. report= change has taken piece in the wool market not only, but in all branches of trade. We have witimased a most extraordinary panic; which first originated with a clique. and the entire commercial community had, in conse quence of this fact, cause to feel mortified. at the evi dent result. It seems in fact, as if both sagacity and dignity have been apparently forgotten, and the clia tense of the usury law has also proud to be a promi nent evil at the present time, leaving the hank. with out the power to raise nor regulate their rate of dia conal. Considering the prosperity of the cotoatr/ for many years past, and the abundant and premising har vest all over the Enke, it is the more astoaiahlag to find a panic last longer than a few days. The policy of the Bank of England, if applied to our own banks, would, we 'minim to say, secure to as a healthy state of things, and even now the higher rate of discount upon Brat-class paper would not reach more than 1;4114 Ijr cent. The crisis has already ceased* peat number of mar. cantile failures—large and squilleeaud the aw er bim a t rated paid far roomy has produced a bad effect upon business in general Such a state of affairs has not merely paralysed our Wool trade, but effaced all Limier so that we are unable to gin any quotations at the present time. But we hare to report a feat sales lately made; domestic pea fleece at 5002.5 4, cent , aid months, tuldpubted paper, and low and medium deem and foreign wools, 15020 tw cent—aline terms —below former rates For cash, the buyer can purchase at a much greater reduction. tinder such circumstances we repeat that we hare omitted all quotations, as they will hare to be established anew. Our stock of foreign wool is conk paratitely larger than that of uniqs the goad peal- Nets Ire had for several months caused a better supply from ahrm,4. Prices will open mpch betty Um reamer sites, eo credit will fora While become 4jealied, and cash ar un doubted paper continuing acme must aid in keeping prices 101 l . Re shall welcome the time when the depth of our fluancial troubles will be ascertained, and be re jolted to see our market Me, WWI impro steg. ogWIGO, Sept. 29.-111 our study. 'Sliest a shone easier; sales 12,000 boa. Chimes Spring at 90.092 Ne. Corn quiet. Lake impute. ontlmportant. easel Ural. —2,000 bble. Flour, 14,000 but. Wb eat. BOIT SePt. 2 9” M.—Flour in modelers dozen 4 at uneuegoa quotations: supply good ; 'aka 1,4091b1e. *CP (00 rgequaii sabi4444 mtssiaiby but &etre oitatilo ter lop. ex:tr" Oki° sal r 4 "ikes Viten t is good supply, sad rates pressing , on e market; sale a 2,600 but. Won° Sintug at Sde. ' Cons—Atair demand, but above the views ofbuyers, wlm offer dOe, vs bile holden 'demand 43e. Oats q uiet; B,ooobus. sold st 24e, whrskey dull ; no sales held at Me. Itece_tpta ter th e last twentj-four hours—nous, 2,913 bbls.; 41. . 419 bus.; no Corn or bats. Canal Freight' =the aged The moron of Moout Wasik/ton is iii# oxwo4 with $ 1 491r4 nrirrargit den , - .E;';....P
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers