been OMigeUtOdmlVthU morn-' irtisemonts, anil tlie letter of oer ipondent, (or whioh ire ask indttl- genceV:* YKJ9 TE B DAT’S TR 0 0 BSDINQfI. fßeporteAfor/J'lie SflFttsy Count Judge Woodward.MJeqrge Li^wfelc ; W.>A4%® ..S»t€ntaagb an 4 James Eor berfcT y-A n ao Uonof > ej ea tm edt to recover possession of rPn Androyr Miller Ibgoreol, Esqrs.,ibr the plain* tiff}*P< 0. Brawstor ais4 J. M; Eea4, Eaqrar, the def9^aiiir Strong vj. Hatch. Ft Fee. On motion of- Wm. L. Hirst, Esq , rulo to show causeTrhy the'('execu tion should not be set asidoiand.wny, judgment shoold, not be stricken off—proceedings id stay in tho'm'eantime.' Returnable 10tb Ootober» 1857, Court of OrsßAH© Tebuinbu—Judges Thomp son and Conrad.—ffbo oa& of.Lawreneb RUey, oharged with the nmrderof William-Kelly, better known as “ York Rill,” was taketi up this morning.. The affair took plaoe ondbo 23th of 1 March'last, m the house of the murdered man, in 1 Bhippon street, botwoou Third and fourth streets. ~ jbeoireum-; stances that led to the affair were briefly as follows: A Womhn' who was called indifferently. “Elisa j Kelly, Elitaßiley, and English Lise,” had been l for some time an inmate'of “•York Biirs” house, | and was his reputed wife. • She- was. however, in | reality,,only rrinrried to Lawrence Riley, the do-, oused. On tbo'higbt !n question,.Riley, who had been in the TJnited,states raarine.ser?foe. a.few; months previously, bUtimmodiately preceding the ©ommissiori.of this crime, had been & laborer in the nayyyard* entered the house of “ York Bill” to inquire for bis wife. r ThA latter'woi upstairs atthV time/ and Bill' told Biley, that if he wanted her,lie most hiring an officer arid take herlaway, as he would hbt';aU6w auy dlsturbanpoin the house. The woman in the meantline wasdescbncUng the.stairs/whea Riley Bsilted her, arid commenced dragging her away.: Bill interfered, to, prevent him from taking her way, when It is alleged Riley drew a knife and infiloted & stab with it on the’ neck of BUI, which proved fatal in a fow minutes. A man named Russel! who witnessed the ooourrecoe, struck Riley a blow in the right eye with a blaok jack, when Riley turned on him and out at him with the knife, hut without doing him any injury. Tho prisoner, than' ran down Shipped street to Third, and concealed himaolf in an alley between Shlppen and Plumb streets. Jdq was, arrested a few minutes by' Officer Ruak,:«hp conveyed : him to‘ Southwark Hall.’ •: '"i‘ v- C , .j On arriving afc tho. hall*.-tho. prisoner -made no' attempt s deny his is & young man, not moro, perhaps, than twenty-five yoars of: age, and was born in the city of New his paronta now rosido. He is of small stature, about five feet seven or eight inoheainheight, vrifh dark eyes and hair, and does net appo&rtd have Buffer ed much by his long imprisonment. He was well and cleanly dressed, arid .wntohes'the proceedings in ccmrVWith great attontlbn,.but without any ap pßrenfc ahjtiety as to .the, result ,of, tho trial. He eonsitfers'blmself. perfeotly jufltified? in killing “York Billion the ground .of his having, token awayhls wife from nim; The prisoner’s mother was ill Court, Betting nearhie counsel, and appeared to foci deeply tho unfortunato position of hor son. * ■_ * ',' i v , • • , Tbo- District Attorney opened tbo case as fol lows: Gentlemen of tbo JoryYrinentionod to yoa before yon .wero.sworn in this ease, that the oase yon are about to try was tbo oase of Lawrenco Rily, ohanred with the murder of a man named William* itelly, alias MeGlensey, otew “ York, Bill.” j 1 The developments which will be .made in this caso lyill show a .shocking Estate, of aooiety/ ;and, are not unknown to many, but are matters of notoriety to all. The deceased kept a low-drinking house in Shippen street Be had living with him-tho wife, -as we will oail her, of the prisoner at tho,bar.. This woman, whom We will call Mrs. Biloyy'wo mil show was an inmato.of .the house of MoGlensey or Kolly; that before Eiloy married-Her he knew,, the terms of her intimacy with MoGlensey of Bel ly. -After some time sho separated:].from „Riley. and married MoGlensey. At the time of this occurs rence sho was living thore as tho wifeof McGJen* sey. Riloy told several persons on tbo night in ques tion, ho was going for his wife or to havo revoiuge; ho went, there, inquired for bis wife, and started up stairs; she either met him on the stairs or coming down them., In a short time oil the parties were together,’ but the result of what occurred there was the, death of HcGlensoy,; ho received a severe-wound from aknifo; Riley started from the house, add was followed by MoGlonsey, who stag geredinto a’book] room; Riley was found in ah alley, andthV knife found on Mm, and he admit ted Having 1 donethPdeed'J. I desire ypu’win.flrst ascertain, the-fdotsj and’ then yro will* argue tho law of the cflso. *’ I will call the first witness. Coroner Delavau, Sworn—jtam the coroner of the city of' Philadelphia ; I .was so in last Maroti f I was:callod to hMo an inquest ontho.body qf Kelly* McGlcnßcy;,or Xork Bill, at tho house of- thede-, ceased; there was a cut on'tho left aide of tho heok about two iuoheslong and a little over an inoh in depth.;.it appeared a.clean out. .(Knife * witness.) ' I think a knife like that would do it; I received that knife Lieutenant Buckley. , ' : CroB3-cxamihed by hir. BulX- 1 ! viewed the body at the house and then went up to .Riley’s; it was', botween eight and nine o’elock ;/Idon’t know what time the post-mortem examination took place. * .y-, • James RnvseU; sworn—-Lives at 612 Ball, between Th'rd and Fourth and Shippen and South streets ; I lived kvith William Kolly, thd' doocasedj in last March;,halived,afc 135 Shippen.street; KellyV business “'was kofeping a tavern'; i merely boarded .there; . ho ..had a bar, tender; .1. knew Lawrence . Riley at’ that filmo j ' I 'knerr bim two years, or nearly;. I know, tho wo man Lawronco Itilej'called his wlfq; I know her by tho name of Liverpool Lize; sho was living kh Ball street in March; sho was keopiug house there; I don’t know who was living with, nor; I'rbmemhor being in Kolly’s on the evening of tho 28th of March ; X saw the prisoner there; as far as I can rocoUeot, I left'Kelly’s house about half-past six o’clock in tho evening, .on.tho 28th of March; I and Edward IXughos were, together ;.we< went aa far ns Colonel Riley’s tavern, and Xlookedin; I saw Kelly’s bar-tender running up tho street; Iweot right book to Kelly’s house, and Hughes with me ; I went right into tbo house and' into ths kitchen, and Isawßiley iuQdKellyst&ndiugand talking to gether; itwasonly two or three minutes wh en Riley, was going up stairs, and met Bliza coming down stairs; ho oaughther by the arm and kind of stung her over towards thestove; then Bo turned round to Kelly and sho wouldn’t go out; when Kelly mado the remark to him, “Riley jif sho won’t go, get an officer and' take 1 her out;”'-Kelly was sitting oh the table, one hand under him j'Riley was standing right in.froht'of him, within two feet of him; Koliy hadn’t hardly the words out of his mouth whon Riley raised his hand and struck him on the neck, Oh the left side; I saw tho knife glitter in the-gfiSfligbt; as soon as he'struck Kelly, I ran and struck him; I was standing within two yards of him, and I ran aiid struck himwith a,billy; he kind of fell hack, and I made a grab at him; wbbh ho made a ,sweep with the, knife at me ; I kind, of jumped back and got put At the, kitchen,door;. I jumped QVqr tho bur, And. he .raß,towards . the fronts door,} and, be made ft.cntat Hnghes then; jhe-ran out. tho. front door, .and ‘passed right out between Kelley,-Hughes,-and they hod hardly got out, before Kelly Wggered hook'thto tho honso with his hand to'his, neck; I. saw.him ooming intq tho house with, bis hand : to his heck, and tho. Wood gushing out of his mouth; I went' out officer on Ablcrman. Moore’s atop; Iw'fiit down Fourth to Plumb stroet,-&ud up Ihfrii to Shippen ; he generally goes to a lagor beer saloon, andX wont straight to‘that place; I, received iofonuation thore whereho was; we'went hack to,Third street below BMppen into. ( an and'there -was; wh'oto' we. him ; J be- was standitigloahing backward with ,hig } band to his eye;.thore were therc.O.fficersßuak;fCars6n, and another whose name Ii don’t know ; -wo- took' the: prisoner to the station-house, and when I went back to Koily’s houso he was dead; at the time the blow was struck he .was silting on iho table with his hand 1 under him; bo did not alter his position* when bo told Riley to get an officer; tho ")ast'l saw of Kolly was when ho staggered book, into the house; X didnot strike the prisoner before he struck i Kelly;, there was no disturbancoor a word said out | of the way; I went to strike Riley and ho turned j his boaa and was struck on the left side; t did not ; move to strike hitu, nor intended it, Until! saw Min’ i strike Koliy withJbis knife;, tho instant Kelly was I ttrneklie staggered‘toward the doqr. - \ lT ' r '< 1 Cross-examined by Mr.,Bull—l am a carpenter i by trader I have had no buainoea. lately; itis \ about,,eighteen or twenty. months sinoo I worked | at my trade; I havo been engaged in keeping a [ publio house in Pine alley, jtjss above BaU’dlpy; I ■ kept pubne'honaoaboqt a year; about laatDCcem -5 her I .quit keopibg tho,houso ; I rented the house ' from Mr. Rooney; I did not pay tho rent; my wife,, ' 1 think she kept tho house for nearly a year; f knew > Riley for nearly a year ; canH say how long; I. I used toacobim round there every day before thooc •? emi'cncc; I don’t know that Riley and his wife were $ living logother; Idon’tkhow of my own knowledge \\ that Riley add' his ’.wife were - living together the g day bofore in Pine alley; 3lie generally oama thore | when sho. got drunk; sbar did not some there as t housekeeper; Kelly .Had been arrested out of' I thero a few nights before; it,was about twenty-five | minutes of seven o’clock that the bar-keeper |camo.for pie; tho bar*tender; was thorp and throc |women,'beside,- wife;, one of.them was % named-'Mary Snyder,;.,the;.otber,,Sarah Meßon % noil, and tbo other was named Maria—her first •| namat X don’t know What RHoy was doing' at this - time; I beliove ho was in tho navy yard ( ho was )! oftenAboutiri the daytime; I conlun’fc Bay whether it was day after day, or every three"'daysX was there most of,tho time during tho day— lor 2 o’oipok; not solate risdayiighf;,! saw R)ley,about a year bofore the. 28lh March, in sphiladolphia; I oan fc say for cortam, but ! think I saw him some fourteen Or. fifteen: month* around,thwo; I recol lect whon ho cam? from too, that is about two years from how } ho marine on board tho Cumber gland;. laaw him going round,.about Fourth'and fShlppon; after he returned from his voyayo I bo-* llioveho w.'is ; employed at tho navy yard; lyns intimate with York Bui; I- havogono round ato tho yarioua cities with him At different tiihos; I |was not there in .Baltimore during tho election*. |Kelly.waa at the first, and X.vras at the last; I,was' f there during the riots, and saw them all: as a spec ■ ■ * ;,f ' 1u1 -■ 1 - l t Question asked.—'Were you in other riots?, Ques tion objected to by'fha B/gtrict Attorney, and ad .mittcd r ,. I havo seen tho.riots at Baltimore; have' yseon slroet-fights; don’t know-howrniiny; baVo P>««n in tiro or three; lire-fighta; 'X na'v4t vita in ' company with tho deceased in a riot Of SKhtj I jhavo hadtffow words with Riley, soma Umoshort- Jly before was married.tof,ire; itwai fpore than, h year jwo had no crp;s words together; ;I only knew bim.hy, sight; we never had any dif- Iflcoltytogetior ;.thp house of Kelly, isllghtod with ftae, tho baok room M not; It Is gencraliy litwith tsandlos; it was not Ilf ot all tbatmghtj out by tho Irefiection from the bar-room t there are twohutt&rs 'there, right over thAbar ; tho,.hw*.,.stand* om tho 'scat side of tho housotuo fro lit doojrlsa, fcox CD . fry, joining tho bar; the brfr right-ffifoatiie fmnt door; there is But one door to lhe box ontry w .which opens Into tho b&V-rOom; the door loading ip to the pock room opens on tho west; thehoußoiscnthe ♦ north gulp of Shippen street; the door/ hohlnd tho yor IdMihg into; tHo back- yard; the .table Ipon ywhlchr Kelly 'Jjfa* rsltUng' was: by 'th'rf |aok 4ippr, on the ..WPafc- of the btok ryord; {here is t a" i bank entrance from ’' Pino' alloy; {X wwiirtho when';l-.'saw tho knifpL lughes ahd; 1; Lfzo flndAnbtber, girl wore present/ fhon X sftWHhO'hiJlferafter ’ X saw Riley strike at Celly. X-iuTJck athim in order to have;Mm ar pstedfiliwaifsoberj/the girl said Kelly w’as' lq bPA 1 ■iat. aftorhooc } V.and' that hh& tvas with ' hlrh;' toftnsMAwto came down, stairs, was not partlr ar-keeperfisroPfor mo® that Ril«ydidn’fc«)‘ p stairs wi|h^anthbrity; :I: ani ifot a police offi jr-nor was Xihentf I; waa there during the .whole. ,1“ tha :rooihf. |k*nfWj#jk 6utt ir w w»nt oaf th*Xrwt d»tx .nobody l struck him htoy where; thoy were all ahead of him; they were running from him; I don’t'know that the baek door was fastened that led into Ball alley; ! hod 1 not', been thero' more than four or five ;minufe| when the rbroTV->as struekj-'Hughes was standing alongside of the partition; wall; Hughos didjtnot stand in tho door, nor MoCluna; Hughes has gone away; Idon’tkuow if he is in the penitentiary; the bar-tondor was standing in tho . nook part of the hack room; hid name is Robinson; Riley appeared cxcited,imtl can’tsay ho was in* toxicatea; -ho did not appear .voVy much oxoitou j I havo aeon him talking In the same Bill before—-not angry, but m a serious way; I nave been very often arrested, upon different charges; I was arrested in Trenton ;,only once ; the charge was fighting > X was not arrested then on a charge -of picking’pockets, nor for highway-' robbery ; X never Wat arrested [xi t .Washington, or New .Jforfr; rhayd been arrested over, ton times; I .decline answering whotbor I oyer was arrested for larceny; I never waa arrested for highway ‘robbery or picking pockets; I- never struok Riley in that honso or anywhoro else beforo;. Qoo&tion by a jnror —Was'Riley’ drunk' or '’eobor'- that, afternoon ? ’Answer^—X don’t know.’ ,!. ‘ Dr. S. P» Brown, sworn—lfwaa tiofc suhpccnod to attend, hero—l‘was here this , morning by acci dent, I made Ajpost mortem examination on Wm. MoOtenaey or Kelly; I ascertained the cause of his death ft bo a cut in his neok with a sharp knifej catling into the- Windpipe about two and a half inches In length, catting off tho teasels of tho ; neok*.- Tho carotid artery and the '1 jugular vein wow severed,-according to heat,of my recollec tion. - • Cross-examined—The-dopth of the wound was obout two inches*' Theextorior jugular .vein 1 was severed, and - the carotid artery. ■ The woundwas qnite'sufficient to prodacedoath.' The Court re-assembled at four o’clock. ‘ David Robinson, sworn—l reside in South Ninth street, No; 245; I waa attending bar for Kelley at that time; T have'been in no business for six ,months; don’t know thatElizo was Kelly’s wife; dld uotsee.Kelly bofore I wont for Hughes.and Rousell; X went to Riley’s to find Kolly, and. not finding him, asked Rousell to conm out; I can’t ,sayj whether I ran from; Kolly’a to Riley’s; tho reason •! did not* waut Itlloy to go, because ho might-kick up a*’fight. The 'statement of the witness is very conflicting, and given in hearsay, which indicates that not much rclianco can bo placed upon them, never having any acquaintance with the prisoner, Riley. Re-examinod—Did not see Rousell strike Riley; I saw no other blows; saw no other blows struck bat'on “York Bill;’* know Liverpool ’Lire; X have not seen her ainco last fall. ; *',Re-or63s examined—Blue was there; .I did not -see any blow Btruok beforo. I leftiho room; Riley did not appear to bo drunk; there was no candles lit at that timo; when Kelly was struck, my eyes were on Kelly after he had received the stab. Mary Snider, sworn—Lived at N0,'135 Shipper streetl can’t tell whether Elizo loft town or not; did not seo hot' since last' March; I have known •her for aperlb’d'oftwoyears; last saw horin July *, she lived at Wm. Kolly’s; don’t know when she married; did not.know whether sho was the ? wifo of anybody; sho was married 14th of Novem ber,'lBss, to Riley; I'was in the house of Kelly •between-O and 7 o’clock, in Maroh last; I was sot ting in tho kitchen when Riley came inho asked -whore is Elize; I told him that X did not know; Riley .walked towards tho bar-room; X walked ; out the back way; did. not see anymore; stayed, out till a little after 8 o’clock; did not oomo back till Kelly was doad. ,• Cross-examined—Did not know whether Riley was drank or not; bp did not act like a drunken man ;'I had only been living at tho house'of York Bill for five days. * On trial—Tho District Attornoy for tho com monwealth! Wm. M; Bull and James Randall, Esqs., for the prisoner. -- THE MONEY MARKET. SsrrßMfcgft 28,1857. •Whllo the most amlablo feeliug exists amongst tho trading community In relation to the suspension of specie payments, yet the question. *• How soon do you expect to resume?” is constantly asked of every ouo .connected' with tho "management Of the’ banks; We have'studied tho question somewhat closely, and find the.,true he, ** As soon as the community pay Us debts to the banks;” and that will be when our Philadelphia merchants make their collections through put our 5 whole country,'which collections cannot bo matte-.qatil'iho' great, exporting, staples of-tho coun try-cotton and, corn—havo been sent'to market and sold.' ,k * ' ■ ' ' '■ - If the New York banks (the Boston ones are of email account) could keep on paying specie, wo would 4 dato ttie resumption of Hpeclo payments hero at a very early day ,*' but with our present light wo do not sco how they can.' They can Uly spare tho coin belonging to thorn, which Is locked up in the banka of'Philadelphia, ItaltE mbrOfKcw Jersey; Pennsylvania, oqd Virginia. Ono of the, Now York papers, tho Tribum, which usually puts the bfest face on atfaira, says: “ Our tele graphic .despatches show that tho movement inaugu rated by’tho Philadelphia banks has extended South and jVfeßt, and wUI probably still further extend, The Ohio 'bankers who are In town foci confident that tho banks in thatJ3taie will stand.” I . The Ohio bankers' complained in this City last week, •becanep not boy their .currency except at a very high rate. It will go bettor in New York, if thoy can talk up their own credit; The same paper remarksj “Every one appears' •: ; t\t of the*strength of our city banks, and, although there isdoubtlossjotfic hoard ing going on ty c i/io, middle, flams, there is not the slightest appearance of any disposition to withdraw de posits-by the mercaritiUTor 'financial classes. At the close to-day there were numerous rumors of failures, some of them terp.important, and, under tho present Impossibility of making negotiations and almost entire annihilation'of collatteral values,,most of tho rumors are probably true. The most important is that of Garner & C 0.,, a very wealthy and respectable dry'goods house, 'with large liabilities. .The bills receivable duo next month are said to reach a million and a half, bat money enough to carry them through could not be raised upon them'.” 4 ‘ ' ‘ ' The significant parte of this extract arc those we have italicised, showing the similarity between their'c&so and outs before suspension/ "With us the suspensions began amongst our' head men—merchants of the first rank— and extended so widely and fast that the cry of ruin was heard on all sides. To relievo the merchants our banka expanded and broke themselves, and tho New York banka will, go and do likewise:: We'wllt ho most joyful if our forebodings prove Incorrect. .. We, therefore, think there will he no permanont restoration of confidence until we soli onr corn and cot' ton, and receivo returns for them. Meanwhile there Should be, on tho part of tbo'banks, a disposition to loan to all. manufacturers and' mastor mechanics who can show their entire solvency, so that aa many parsons as possible may continuo in employment through the winter. And this, after all. is the nearest interest to us, We think it will be well for tho banks at once to cam tho good .will of tho incoming legislature, by adopting a generous course towards all responsible par ties applying for‘loans or' renewals, ( Tho outgoing legislature will find'.this a good time to engraft on tho banking system of Pennsylvania, a.weekly report, pub lished in the nearest paper of-largest circulation, and certified by the prpper officer of each bank, In a proper manner/'*' 1 ' • -„*’■ Another thing of the highest Importance is the com pelling, by adequate measures/all the country banks, east of the Allegbanies to keep their notes at par in Philadelphia,' sod tho.s'o west at par . We .fear that much of the discounts-for country banks are male in uneuwont notes over Third street, counters. A leading bank discounted freely to-day, and the frails ofthelr "discounting will go directly to certain of : our machinists, who are somo weeks in arrears/ If this liberal policy IS‘everywhere followed, with duedlscri-’ niination K thore will bo no .fear.of a refusal of tboLc ;glfllature,to,renow the now forfr itei charters, ■ ' ‘We afo Informed,that : the checks and ,notes of the •Bonk of .Pennsylvania will bo received on deposit, and pass through tho bank' exchanges as before tho suspen sion of. the banks.., Wo axe glad for the sake of her de positors to hear of .this apapgemont, .< ’The circular of Messrs. Benson & Co,, by tho Canada, 1 says: . j < - T *- - • i ' , r.) 1 . “ LONbOJt, Bept; 11, 1867. T lt There has been no material alteration in too y&Iuo of money since the date of our last circular, Tho do ,mand [ on tho,Stock Exchange has not been very great, so that the rates there have ruled from 4 to 5 per cent., while tho continned demand on the discount market has {kept.the rate iorflrst- class bills at 6# per cent. The accounts from Paris ana Now York havo induced great.caution on the part of capitalists, and put a .check-to engagements for any lengthened pe* riod. • i r u Th e disastrous accounts recoired from Now York by •the last steamer, .coupled .with the previous want of con fidence in, American. Securities generally, have nearly put a.stop to all transactions in these, and lowered prices very considerably.” We annex'a comparative statement of tho foreign imports at New. York for tho week, and since January 1: : ' 1855. ' ' -1850.' . 1857. Dry Goods $1,421,104 $1,383,676 $1,338,201 General merchandize. ~1,293,430 2,095,03 d 2,203,310 Total for the week., .$2,719,534 ?3,483.708 $3,500,747 Previously reported. .100,383,623108,975.577 182,431,092 ! Since Janaary 1..,..5112,103,107172,459,285180,028.459 ■ T&e total•v&tuO of foreign imports at Boston, for tho j,veok ending Sept. 18th, was aa-follflwa 1857, 1860. Increase. a ‘ §242,430 •The exports -of specie froib New York for the wool; ending this day, and for the year i 857, thus far, wore •as follows; Brig Maty Pierce. Para, specie Brig Corrco, Chjuad, Bolivar, Ain/ gold Total for tho week....;.. Previously reported ...... T0ta1,1857., ~.,.132,884,861 89 Tho follotving Is the latest weekly statement of the Treasurer of the United States: ' Receipts of week up to 22st£eptembor...., $948,629 01 Drafts retamed paid....;*................ 1,797,160 62 Drafts Issued.. ,1,180,602 23 Subject to Draft..... ... 17,161,464 64 Reduction during the week...**.. .231,873 23 Amount In New York 4,969,997 64 Amount in.Boston*..., .* 2,514,629 36 Amount in ’Philadelphia,.. 220,913 84 ' Amount in New Orleans .1 317,130 61 Amount in 5fc.X0ui5....... 4 .... s 1,320,768 77 Amouut.itt Dutmaun 221,305 71 Amount In'LitUo Rock - 355,515 80 Amount in Baltimore 308,701 16 . .The bußinesa ot'.thD Sob-Treasury was; Receipts, $67,243.41 j Payments, $136,577.42 1 Balance! $9,777, 805.90. * - -/J - ' ' ‘ ' PHILADELPHIA g’fpcK' EXCHANGE BALES, i , ' V' fl*ptemher2B/1867, , _ : Reported tyßi Manly, Jr., Slock Broker, No. : - . " ,80i Walnut Atrtct JIftSTSOABD. 30001 2000 do 600 . do- 1..82 1000 do 82 , 1000 , do .'..,'.....,62 1000 .' dO 62 600 ' do' ...82 . 800 , do- '.....82 '2OOO do'.«3 , bkewee KIWI City 0’,! 3200 OamJen Oltr (J’B. J 5 5000 Penna fi’5.,'.’,,,70 ,000 Morris Canal 6*8.04 , 2Ueadiß2ltH. t ,,,,,10 3Penna It It ;, f 40«£ lON Pennaßlt...... & lOLehlghNav t>5.47 ’ 6 .-'do ~,.1)5.47 H BOARDS. 11400 City 6’* ~.,.82 BCIABD. ,1900 Penns6!«. 70 | A $ 1 ;'l'\ , , 6BOOND 'l#s Wilmington KO'fl,6o M City B’t 82 E £& ’ s° - 83 m* r 1600 da ..n ew..olv "SW . do '6OO -da’ ’2 days,.9lv 1 4000 do v I V.*;. ;K. Zb-" >l6OO • do ...,,..,82 .1000. dp ■? (“SdO Eenna 60 Beading R B s6wn. .17 % m 4 8 Beading It 8,.m<m71 H ’ rlO ~,...18 30 ‘ do ' }IH •4'. do 2 do’ •*» •••*!■*» 6 Morris Can pfd *6. .84 6 ' do : .. Ip Poena K8.,..,...40# 10 do 10.' ‘do 2- do . |io ‘ do- • ... 41 4 do ........41 lOtehlgh Nar....b5..47 lO’B&nk Kentucky. .101 v f; i; *«l° 4 AFTER BOARD—DULL 2000Penna5 , 5....*.».70 I 2 Fauna R R........ 41 2 Fenoa RR...** 41 [S do 41 CLOSING PRICES. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. USfi’s,’6B....UB SchylNavPtef 14« 15)4 Philadafia 82 82)4 Wmsp’t&ElmßlO 12)4 do 8R...82 - 82* do lßtmort7’fl6s C 8 do Now 19*4 02 do do2dms7 58 Pemia 6a ......70 60 Longlsland. 1% 8)4 Beading R.. i... 17)4 18 Vicksburg........ do Bonds *7O 08 70 Girard 8ank....*.0)4 do M6V44-73 ',82 Lehigh Zinc 1 1* 41)4 Union Cana).... 4# sjfc Morris CaulCbna6J4 37)4 NowCseek...... & 1 Bchyl NavCs'B26s 66 Qatawisaa RB.. OK 7k do Stock 7 10 NEW YORK STOCK EX( 4,000 Ohio St Bs’6o 85 6,000 . do } BO 02 1,000 Virginia Os 73 1,000 do 72)4 1,000 do - 71 7,000 do ,0 70 Missouri St 6b 03 • 1,000 do 04 6,000 Tena St Os.’OO 75 f>,OOON Y Cenß 6s c 64 1,000 , do b 3 C 4 2,000 do c 89 1,000 Hud RR l*t m ,00 3,000 Harlem Rlstm 65 6,000 do' ‘ bS6 CO 2,000 Gal&Chl 2d mbs7s 1,000 Chl&R I Ms 81 10 Bk of N America 09 25 Am Ex link ' 80 25 Canton Co 15 5 Del&Hud Cnl 101 60 do 100 300 Pa Coal Co eBO 63 300 do 100 do 60 do 62)4 850 do c 29 50 do 62 400 do * b 3 29 350 do 61 100 Chic & RIR 63 00 • do 60)4 300 do 62)4 250 do GO 6 do * 04),' 200 Curab Coal Co 6)4 72 La C & Mill R 6 16 Pkdfie 51 SSOo 64 300 do 5)4 100 Now Jersey Zinc 6 200 do 5 100 -do 4)4 5 Clev Col&Cln R 75 ' SECOND BOARD, 7,000 Missouri Sto 6s 68 20 Mich Gen R 45 2,000 N Y Con R6s 64 10 do 45)4 10 Del&HudCnl Oo 300 360MchS&NIR 30 200 Pa Coal Co bIS 01 160LaC&MilR 6)4 101) Canton Co 16 20 do 6 40 Chic&Rlsld R 63)4 100 do 0)4 50 do 64 50 G&l&Chic 163 6.5 N Y Ceuß 69)4 25 do 64 50 do sIO 59)4 000 Reading R alO 84 160 do slO 69J4 60 do 34)4 COErteßailroad 11# 60 Olove&Pltts R 0 450 do 12 « 20 do 'B - , - . do bCO 12)4 . Reported for tho Press. KINGSTON, Ja.—Brig Malvern, Lelor—2o7 tons log wood D N Wetzlor k. Co. WILMINGTON, NC-Schr D 8 Morshon-13 pkgs mdso Isaac Meyer; 1 hhd do Geo K Smith; 1 box do Faust, Winebrener & Co; 155 bbls rosin Cochran k Bus hell; 202 do llowloy, AsUburnor 3c. Co; 1555 do jalrus Baker. CHARLESTON—Brig Heyward—2s bales yarn Hay k McDttvitt; 30 do Browu, Bill k Co: I’pks maso Megargo Bros; 62 bdls paper A Priestley: 127, sacks wheat P T Jones; 357 do Robeson Lea; 661 do J k 0 Bfoise; IQbhds old iron E J Ettiog & Bro: 17 hhds bacon order. CALAIS—Schr Sarah Elizabeth—B3o6 feet deals 92,000 pickets 23.000 laths Twelte, Gaakill k Galvin. ' CALAIS—Brig Ava—soo,ooo laths 7800 pickets Twells GftskiU& Galvin. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. Israel Morris, l Josßrn O. Grubb, > Coumittbb op thb Mohth. Joux, ) LETTER BAGS At the Merchants * Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Joseph Jones, F10wer5.........5an Francisco,soen Barque Minnesota. Goto Rio Janeiro, soon Barquo White Wing, Esling Laguoyra, &e. Sept 29 Brig Oregon, (Br) Green..........P0rt an Prince, soon Schr EII Bell, Clark St Jago de Cuba, soon Marine intelligence. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 29,1867. SUN RISES 6 7-SUN SETS 5 63 HIGH WATER ; 10 7 • ■ r ARRIVED. Ship Mary k Adollno, Fales, 5 days from Foraandlna,- Fla, in ballnst to Bishop, Simons k Co. Brig Malvoni, Lelar, from Kiugston. Ja, 31st ult, with logwood to D Wetzlor k Co. Left barque Corde lia, Lindsay, from B&rbadot* for Philadelphia, and brig Etaua, arrived Aug 31st. and requested to be reported. The M lias experienced light winds and calms tho whole passage. { Brig Heyward, McDougal, 7days from Charleston, 80, with mdse to 0 K Davis k Co. Brig Ava. Bennett, 12 days from Calais, with lumber to Twells, Gnfkill k Galvin. Brig Geo Harris, French, 0 days from Boston, with old iron to captain. * Schr Sarah Elizabeth, Johnson, 11 days from Calais, with lumber to Twells, Gaskill k Galvin. • Schr John Fatnura, Baker, 6 days from Providence, with mdse to J M Kennedy k Co. - Schr J A Hazzard, Deputy, 2 days from Milford, Del, with corn to J U McColley, ’ Schr Farmer, Laws, 2 days from Milton, Del, with bark to J U McColley. Schr Young America, Tuft, 2 days from Port Deposit, with grain to Bewley, Wilson k Co. Schr Octoraro, Tuft, 3 days from Baltimore, with wheat to Jaa Barratt k Son. Schr J L Hevorin, Pearce, 1 d&y from Dover, Del, with wheat to Job Barratt k Co. Schr Jos Hazlett, Rust, 4 days from Milton, Del, with corn to J TV Bacon k Co. Schr Renpor, Still, 2 dsys from Milford, Del, with lumber to J \V Bacon k Co. Schr D S Merahon, Morgan, 8 days from Wilmington, NC, with naval stores to J Baker, Schr 8 N Smith. Smith, 5 days from Boston, In bal last to O Miller k Co. Schr Mary, Racket, 8 days from N York, with mdse to captain. Bchr Vulcan, Ramsdell, 8 days from Windsor, NB, with plaster to E A Souder k Col Schr J G Collyer, Ch&plu, 3days from Providence, in ballast to Vau DasOn, Norton k Co. Schr Nebraska, Gaskill, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to Chas Miller k Co. Schr Adelo Felicia, Cartwright, 3 days from N York, In ballast to Blakiston, Cox k Co. . OLEAKED. Sbip Tonawanda, Julius. Liverpool, Copo Bros. Brig Alracubbeh, Carlisle, Boston, captain. Brig Mungo Park, Nichole, Boston, C Miller & Co. SchrS N Smith, Bmith, Charleston, SC, do Schr Nebraska, Gaskill, Providence, do Sehr W A Hammond, Powell, Savannah, Pettit. Mar tin & Co. Schr Eveline, Ray, Charlestown. John R White. Schr Henrietta, Wlnchcnback, Charlestown, RenpUec & Bro, • Schr Tiger, Colson, Boston, "Wallace & Co. Schr J White, Carlisle, Baltimoro, 8 J Christian. Schr J 0 Coltycr, Chapin, Hartford, Van Duseu, Nor ton & Co. . Schr Adele Felecia, Cartwright, Port Cheater, Blakis ton, Cox A Co. , Schr Luther Child, Nickerson, Boston, do Schr Larkin, Cburbuck, do do Schr Jl‘ Nevins, Rodan, Haverstraw, ' do Schr Geo Edward, Baker, Boston, N SturtevantA Co, Steamer Kennebec, Hand, Now York, J Allderdice. Steamer Farmor, Dennis, Baltimore, A Grows, Jr. Bargo Catoctin, McCuo, do do [nr TZLBORiPH.J ' Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Bept. 28, OKP M. Several brigs and schrs went in during the day. No vessels seen going up. Wind quite freah from NW— weather clear. Yours, &c., THOS. B. HUGHES. [B7 THLROSUPU.} {Correspondence of The Press.) Ksvr York, Sept 28. Arrived, ship Martha Rideout, from Sunderland; schr Qen Scott, from Gambia, Coast of Africa. Boston, Sept. 28. Arrived, ship Augustus, from Archangel; barques Goodspeed, froraGottonburg; Cordelia, from Clenfuegos. MEMORANDA Steamship Boston. Sollew, hence at N York 27th Inst. Bteamsbip Black Warrior, Smith, cleared at N York yesterday for Havana and New Orleans. Ship John Merrick, Flitner, from Shields, arrived at Now York yesterday. Poter Johnson, seaman, fell over board on tho night of the Gth ult, and was drownod, Ship Ocean Belle, Kelleran, from Liverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Commodore, Bliss, from Sunderland, arrlred at N York yesterday. Ship Hurricane, from San Francisco, arrived at New York yoaterday. ' Ship Lydia, Jones, from Stockholm, was in tho ofllng at Charleston 20th iDBt. Ship Dashaway, McClintock, from Ohincha Inlands, via Hampton Roods, arrived at Baltimore yestorday. Ship North Carolina, Foster, from Cardiff, was below Baltimore yesterday. Barque Cordelia, Lindsay, from Black River, Ja, for Philadelphia, was at quarantine, Charleston, 26th Inst, with part of crew sick Darquo Helen Maria, Nickorsou, at Baltimore 27th Inst, from Boston Barquo Hamilton, Webster, from Rio do Janeiro, ar rived at Boston 28th iust. Brig Ormus Baker, sailed from New Bedford 26th inst. for Philadelphia. Brigs Denmark, Barbour, and Busan, Cottrell, hence at Boston 27th inst. .Brig Hope, spoken oth inst. off tho Holo in the Wall, was from Wilmington, NO, bound to Honduras. ; Brigs B G Chaloner, Chicopee, aud L M Trout, hcnco at Boston yesterday. Brig Caroline A White, Whlto, remained at Fort au Prince 15th inst. loading ior Boston. Brig Delaware, Tor Philadelphia 10th inst, was at Black RWer, Ja, 29th ult. Brig Qqeen of the South, Cook, from West Coast of Africa, arrived at New York yesterday. Brig Foster, Crowell, for fit Johns, HP, sailed from Baltimoro 28th Inst. . ' Brigs R B Clark, Rumnoy, and Santa Clara, Elling wood, from East port, at Baltimore 28th inst. Schr Virginia, Iligbee, hence, arrived at Savannah 2oth inst. Scht W C Atwater, Brown, hence for Providence, at New York yesterday. Schr W 0 Kirby, Cross, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Schr Angelins, from Trenton, arrived at New York yesterday. Schr \Vest Dennis, Crovrell, hence, arrived at Boston 25th inst. Schrs J P WcthorHl, Cobb, and Anno Gardner, Har ding, from Baltimore, arrived at Boston 27th inßt. Schr Geo O Gibbs, Gibbs, hence, arrived at New Bod ford 28th inst. Scbrn New Jersey, North, aud Cyclone, Dali, Balled from New Bedford 26th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr O 8 Rogers, Bailey, at Now York 27th Inst, from Mayaguez, reports; From tho 13th to tho 16th inst. ex perienced a very sea from NE, with squally weather: lost mainsail and light sails. Schr' Access. Adams, cleared at BaKimoio2oth Inst, for Philadelphia. . $10,821 00 .32,874,849 89 14th Inst. Bremen barque North AmorJca, 22 days out from New York, bound to Laguna, by tho ship Job Tit comb, at Now Orleans Slat Inst. Bth inst, lut 10 60, loDg 70, Br ship John Morrison, frpm Hong Koog for Havana, with a food of coolies. Schr Guilford, Hewitson, of and from Savannah for Nassau, NP, was fallen In with 14th inst. on her beam pmta and full of water, by brig W M Groton, from Jack- Bonrlllo for New York, arrived at the Delaware Break water. The W M G took off the, captain, mate, and ihred seamen, who had been on tho vessel’s bottom for thirty hoars, mid saved nothing but what they stood in. The G was a small vessel of 47 tons, built at Guilford, Ct, in 1855. Brig Echo, King, at Now York yesterday, from Da rlco, Ga, has been 10 days north of Hatteras, most of the time under doublo reefed sails, and & portion of th© time under baro poles: tho officers and crew bolng all aick and unable to do daty, and the greater part of the time there was not a single man to attend to the vessol. On tho 21st, lat 37 SO, saw a sail to windward; sot a sig nal of distress In the main rigging. She proved to be the schr Narragonsett. of Fall River, bound to tho Che eapeako.. She lay by us about one hour, and after as ccrlalaiflg that'all our crow were sick kept on hor course. The Echo at the time being under nothing but storm staysail, and It blowing fresh from the eastward, sho labored heavily ia tho trough of the sea. . The only one at present able t© do duty is Capt King. Barque Parodl, which retarned to Providence leaky, has nearly finished discharging her cargo, which has all boon landed in good order. Tho little remaining on board also appears to bo Uninjured. 1 The vessel con tinues to leak badly, which it was thought was caused by the starting of a butt amidships. DOMESTIC PORTS. ttL'V >ORK,Bept 28—Arrived, ship Mediator, Coffin, i!??* ,°J left days; barque Deucy, AveriU, Black Ql? 6 ' HrbrjßByrcn, Creamer, St John, NB^ Cleared, amps John* Lawrenco, Charleston: Arctio, Z °£l& W K««»d. Reed, Savannah ORDERS, tiept 21—Ar ships Hannah Crooker, Uuptoom New York; James Titcomb, Dean, Oaellarl. , Olepredjehip Arlington, Norton. Cadi* and a Market. • Below, ihljp SUu Greenman, Weber, from Now York. ''29, 1857. IHANGE SALES, Sept. 28. 116 N Y Cen E c 65 119 do 69 150 do c 68# £0 do , t>3 58# 360 do . i . o 68# 60 do 58# 100 Ed© Railroad c 12 60 do WX 760 do o ™ 250 do b 3 10 60 do 10# 400 do o 10# 800 Reading R o 31# 100 do 30# 300 do 32 50 Mich Cen R 45 60 MSo&N In R 10# 60 do 10# 60 do 16 10 ? .. . . if 15# 27 Afch S&Nlprfstk 34 f 160 . do 32 200 Panama R 70 560 CUve&ToUL WO SO 3mporlations. MISCELLANY. - FOREIGN PORTS. At Port au Prlnc9 25th inst, barque Clara Windsor, dia; brigs Cuba, do; Linda, do; ichr Gen Voaile, ldg, Ur brig Ashby aid two days previous; brig Anglo fiAion ono day previous. At Gibraltar 8d inst. ship Comoro, Lord, from Coast or Sumatra, bound up the Mediterranean. Wind W. Barque Metita, Polleys. from Boston for Genoa, passed through the Straits 2d. Ar at Bordeaux Oth Inst, not 7th. brig Amanda Jane, Dorr, New York. At Marseilles 7th Inst, ships Australia, Kinsman, for N York, ldg; Abby Brown, Hearse, do Ob; Jane K Walsh, York; Sea Lion, Colburn; Lancashire, Allen; Moses ( Tay*; lor, French, and Falmouth, Berry, uuc; barques LefiOcq, Dahr, for N York ldg; Henry Shelton, Burr, from Oar-, dlir, ar4th; Mary Lee, Morton; Martha, Jenkins; Qs pray, Nash, and Adriatic, Duuham, unc; brig Victor of the Wave, Aymar, do{ schr 8 E Mealier, Smith, do. Ar ar Marseilles 7th Inst, barque White Squall. Cann, ’ New York. 1 < At Rochelle 2th init, brigs Mary Ellen, Hutchinson, for Boston, detained by bead winds. Ar at 8t John, NB, 20th lost, brig Robfc Reed, J6hn aton, Alexandria; 21st lest, brig Enterprise, YVisoman, Now York. 1 * ’ - Old at Quebcn 283 Inst, fhlps Equator, Smith, Sunder land; Storm Queen, Burke, Clyde; Wrquo Gentoo, Darke, Swansea; brlgi Lion, Jamieson, Aberdeen; Wil helm Tell, , Cork; Oconn. Sanderson, Bpye, Hid 20th. steamship Indian, Jones, Liverpool. Old ut do 26th, ships Rainbow, Coster.- Ponarth Roads: Inkcrraann, Chambers, Greenock; India, Willis, Wa terford; barques Cuba, Longstaff, Parham: Danbrodio, Williams, New Ross; Melea, Logan, Nowry; brig Ann, Banks, Dumfries. * " ° list of Arrivals at (he Principal Hotels. GIRARD HOTEL.—Chestnut St., below Ninth. Samuel II Miller, PottsviUe Wm II Potter. Rhode Isl’d Marcus Hughes, New York O W Lentz, Baltimoro T Barry, Baltimoro . Isaao N Inskoop, Ohio FA Howard, Boston Itobt Gibboney, Virginia Mrapholpß, Now York Mrs Tracy. New York i ' Mrs Carryll, Baltimore John Lee CurroH, Baitimo M Urowu, Washington Tlioa Uwry, Washington John A Linton. Wasliington John II Gordon, N Carolina Hiram B Dickinson, Va MIC Jones Gil ?.°. Lo .£.?. itluoi, ', Kcw York Miss M Ulnaey, New Yors Miu£ Burney, New York Geo 8 Lawman, Reading ’ R B Qarroll, Virginia Miss A McCarinick. Kent’y Miss B M Doltz, Kentucky JUT Mitchell A la, Va A Lecner, Hamburg Dr Robt 8 Dowell, N York 5 £ 8011, New York J A Child A la, Vermont R II Andorson, Carllslo Jt J McCandlish, Virgiula RobtTuraor, Baltimore N Ripley, Boston TJB Bunting, New York John McKee, New York \Y J Flagg & wife. Ohio A G Leaman, Washington Mrs Beaman, Washington Dr It M Garrett, Virginia W R Garrett, Virginia A H Ilayden, 8 Carolina Geo K Borland, Now York Mias M E Borland, N York J Lambdeu, BalUmoro L A RoUenstein, Baltimoro E Bernort, Statou ißland C A Welch, EG Fair A la, Jatueg Salinond A wife, Jos A Millet, New York J Lan&ir, Mississippi 8 8 Carrier, Harrisburg D 8 Barnes, N York W A Cochran, Boston Miss M Hyde, do A B Spelr A la, N York Sami S King, Now York W F Murdock, Texas * h > Va J A Whitney, Olassboro, NJ J HWUUney. GlwsboroNJ E H Harrison, N Y Mr Adams, Cohoes, Wis P T Brennan A la. N Y , C II Morgan, USA AC Wildrick, USA Mrs P C Lewis, Term Miss V P Lewis, Teen Miss M O Lewis, Tcnn R N Lewis, Ark Simon Stevens, Lancaster H H Munson A la, K O R Ten Brock, N Y Wm T Cogswell, if Y Batnl Marshall, Wis , Salmon Fitch A wife, Ohia Sami 0 Konigtraacher, Pa Mrs U C KonigtmachOr, Pa }£“ £ Isaacs, Va Wm B Royster, lllch'd S’a ”80 Kano, Indianapolis Ohas N Hubert A fam, 8 C T O S Furguaon, Va Wm B Newell, Hamburg U Kotchum, New York MERCHANTS* lIOTEL-Fourth street,below Arch. JO Boyd, Tennessee S BStakely, Tennessee T C Hauser, N Carolina R D Cummings, Bellcfonto M Shaw, do II C Caruth A la, Phllada David Rupp, l ork, Pa David Witmer, IlHnoia Ihos ttlmo, 1 ork, l*a Peter Wilson, Centre eo H D Colemau A la, Berlin Win McLean, Shlpponab’rg S S Paltoraon, Mt Joy, Fa, 111> McClure, <Io Jas A ilo Tlios M Bell, Fatteraon Smith Battorton, do IVm II You Dorcn, N York Jno S IVallaco, Lauc C o Chas O Boyd, Waterford W S Green * da, Heading SI. VYillitt, Muncy Lawig Koborts, N York J W Huuter, Newark Hon J H drakam, Carlials Orrln Newton, Fltbbnmh A Pulton, Pittsburgh IVm lVitds. Smyrna. Bet Jt B Lewis, Farramlsvillo L Morton, Harrisburg Isaao It Bennott, Pike co • 811 Van Boaklrk.Mifßln&b James H Young, MilHlnßb’g Ohas Crotzer, Mifflinsburg Ja* It Pringle, Mercer co j A Hepburn, Willamsport J O Horton, Nortliumberl Wm Uenbcrn, WiUhvmsp J Brown, Milton. Po Spencer L Finney, Milton J F Ganger, Milton, Pa • nenry Bhoemaker, Milton Win H Cook, Nebraska D S Reevea, PhiEidviUe W Dellaven, Minersvlllo R Bonford, Reading ft T Forsyth, Nortb’mland W A McQuail A la., Wash. Jamea Taggart, do JasMcCture, Leesburg J L Fisher, NY H F Adrckc.i, S O Hon It Broadhead A fam, Pa M R Bishop A lady, Md. OL Bowen, Md PLove,Va O W Bmltb, Hartford AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut, below Sixth «t. S W YVorrcll, NO 8 H Fisk, Ga YV J Johnson, Balt J J Johnson, Balt YV R Roberts, NY YY C James, West Chester 8 outheroll, Va Henry Buff, Va Ben 8 Elliott, Md F J Herr, Lane co, Pa R Roberts. Perrysvllle, Fa Wm R Benny, Y'n G N Grayson. Adams co, Pa James A Harris, lowa city Jonathan Alden, lowa city 8 W Randall, Phila TbosFHill, NewCa9tle,Dol T McCauley, LI Mrs M Price, Phllada Jno YVare, Jr, Freemsbz T E Smith A la, Trenton Jno E Itirby A la, Balt Miss E A Fennell, Balt Chaa W Cooper, Wash, Pa 8 Garman A la, YVmflpt, Pa J U Hopewell A la, Pa A Hart, Phllada Geo W Day, NY E A Uhler, Lebanon Thou YV Russell, Hartford E V Warner, USA UNION HOTEL—Arch Street, above Third. Miss R Neff. Mifflin co, Pa E A Helmbold, Saxonburgh YVm Applegate. N Jersey Mr Blako, New Jersey Louis T Detrick, Maryland n Greiner, Salem, Ohio D Eppley, Harrisburg L Reogii, Mechanlceburg Aud Singlser, Mechanics’bg JohnKeogil, KC Gallagher A la, Mlfflln’n N T Harm, Wheeling, Va David Zook, Pennsylvania Mr Newton A la, Delaware Jacob 8 Soudor. Bethlehem Henry Haller, Bhippon3’bg John Peasloy. Pittsburgh YV luchardsou, Pittsburgh Slrnon Bloomington, Conn J A Shebely, Connecticut! Pctor France, Connecticut E Vedder, Albany, NY 8 Thos Pfohl, Salem, NO J F Preichol, Btlem, NO SI Nathnnson, NY Johu 8 Gable A Bon, Pa J P YVatson, Ohio H J Myers, Hanover, Pa TJ2 Gardner, York Springs Mr Haas, Northumberland Mlssllaas, Northumberland Miss Boulton, Suubury John Weittol, Pa J Carter, Tamaqua YV Aodwey, YVllliarasport J Edw Barnes, Tamaqua J SI Stello, Rendiug 8 B Dalrymplo, Pa 0 Tomlioeon, NO W 0 Petty, Ilußh Hill E YV Frazer, Bush Hill NATIONAL HOTEL, Race street, above Third. C Miller, Mich J Lloyd. lowa F G Boas, Schuylkill Haven J B McCamant, Tamaqua J Kauffman, Reading J 8 Brobst, Cottaussa, Pa YVm Bird, Cottaussa, Pa Wm Rhoads, Reading John Schifley, Tamaqua J C Amerman. Dauvillo Joelah SlcMurtro, Pa ST Minlck. Pa A C Stevens, Wheeling, Va A Stevens, Wheeling, Va WmSlajor, Leesport 8 P WceJraan, Pa GeoW Morgan, PottsviUe n J Handler, Pottsvlllo Jos Whitaker, Mount Clare John Gould.llickoryQrovo Geo C Moyor, Freoburg R Bwinofora, Now Borlln, F M Blaiifnss, Trappo, Pa Penna Dr Brass, Berwick, pa J W Harlman, Bloomsburg STATES UNION HOTEL-Market. abore Sixth. Geo Z Coltens, Ohio M G Boyd, Pittsburgh Miss Neff, DAUphln J L Laws, S Carolina 0 Carmauy. Lancaster A H Chase, Lancaster David Seller, Penna Alex Blessing, York co, Pa John Blessing, Yorkco, Pa J Glelfcltor, York co, Pa P Bosserman A la, Penna OSI Wharton, Delaware Miss M B White. Delaware John P&tchln. I’tuna J U Del W Jlooro, Md Edw Bleisiug. York co, Pa J>s Fox, Chester, Pa 8 Shaffer, Alliance, Ohio D Hardy, Canton, O Wraßfigshaw, Chester, Pa II Taggart, Ohio J KLodwlek, Portem’thO J Smith, Pa 8 A Cbainpboll, Pa James Mow, Fa. Orias Simmons, Illinois W B Anderson, Perry, Pa JT Jackson, Berks, Pa, BLACK BEAR INN—Merchant street, bol. Fifth. A L Cuator, Pottsvlllo Master H A Custer, Potter A Smith, Cheater co, Fa T Coates, Cheator co, Pa J Trainer, Chester co, Pa J Scott, Chester co, Pa D numes,' Chester co. Pa D Kimble, Chester co, Pa Mr M Garrett A la, Chester J Schoval, West Cheater county, Pa R W Levis, West Chester II Jackson, Scroggy Mr Hammond, Newark, Davis Hanna, KlmbleviUe Delaware K Hartrauft, Pottstown II Garrett A la, St Louis D Loinay, Montgomery co J Winstead, Pottstown J Rohrer, Str&shurg, Pa A P Rohror, Ohio J Clendenln, Hagerstown, AG Bowers, Lancaster co, Maryland Pennsylvania J E Eckels, Cumberland co G MuUln, Lancaster co BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street ab. Callowhlll. L Thomllnson, Byberry Silas Rhoads, Southampton I Greible, Upper Milford 8!g Hogelaud, Byberry A Finfrock, Manchester 8 Dreoblebiss, Richmond E D Irres, Reading D 8 Baxter, Reading II Mohr. Lehigh co Mrs Schmucker, Reading' Jan R Schmucker, Reading Sol Ohl, MHlerstown Jos Good, Lehigh co J Polcy, Norristown O Bowers, Halifax D Seashols, Sumnovtown E Newman, Allentown Wm T Cramer, Gmnvllle HThomas, Franconia Ii 11 A KUruulUr Penn Col C W Cooper, Allentown D Ji Dry, Guthaviilo J KRotbermel, Richmond H B Fisher, Boyorstown A Lorasb, Zionsville J D Clark, N J Mrs Clark, New Jersey A Bartrand, Reading John Beihl, Kutztown Wm ICutz, Kutztown Ohas Deckard, Mt Patrick J Neagley, Liverpool J B Barnos, Kohrorsburg B A Giano, Frfedmburg MADISON HOUSE—Second atreat, below Arch. J Burns, Now Jersey Robert llall, New Jersey Joseph B Bell, Now Jersey W 8 Lawton. New Jersey Harvey Colo, Nebraska Ter Michael Larkins, N Jersey Wm Welsh, N Carolina Bftmi Graco, Dolawftro Sami B Cleavor, Delaware Philip Hawkins, Ohio John Rodaoy, Delaware W W Kenney, IlUuola CITY nOTEL-Third street above Race. D Wells A la, Clearfield J A Martin Richmond S M Dubois, Doyleatown J Cowoll, Danville Jaa 51 Tortonia, Rlchm’d Wm Graham, Harrisburg F 51 Stratagor, Loudon Wm Franklin, Boston Thoa Foster. Flemlngton IC H Mount, Brooklyn Henry Jenkins, Pa J M Btroml, Baltimore A M Lawsho, Lowlsburg Franklin Mown, Albany 51 Brobat, Lewisburg M Rynk, Branchtown J M Raukln, Dauvifio Henry Prim, Bloody Run Win Lafferty, Boston Fillmore Irwin, Bucks co UMBlackwell, Wihnlnt’n T5l Thornton, Parksburg James Maugln, Pa M F Rlchlsoo, Parksburg Alfred Myers, Pa J McDonald Lock Haven Samuel Organ, Phlla Ilenry Judaon, Allentown Special Notices. Great Reduction in Prices of Arthur’s Self- Sealing Fruit Jars.—From and after this date, ABTima’a PITRKT Fudit Jans, with Glass and Fire-Proof Stono Ware, will be sold at greatly reduced prices, lower even than tho many worthless imitations of Arthur’s now In the market, in order that tho people may preserve tholr fruit, aud our large stock be closed out. (CT* Store opeu in the evening. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & QIIROY, stfM-Gt* N. E. corner Tenth and Gcorgo ste. Seamen’s Saving Fond Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits in suras of One Dollar aud upwards, from all classos of the community, and allows Interest at tho rate of five percent, per anuum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open dally, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on felon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M.felorris; Secre tary, James 8. Pringle, Bower’* Infant Cordial.’••-This invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the west cholco and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and is tho most perfect and reliable carminative extant for Infanta and young children. By ita powerful influence a speedy cure is effected In all cases of CAoft’c, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran qullfses pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ao. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used la thousands of cases with the most abundant suctess. No family shouldhe without It. Prepared only by Hnanr A. Bowes, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green ats., Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. aulB-ly Saving Fund—Five For Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company. In Walmot Street, south west corner or Third Street, Fnn.At>KLi-Bix. Assets over Os* Miluoh ahd a Half or Dollars, invested In Bbal Estatb, MoBTaAG*s,GROCHD Rkkts, and other ffrat class securities, m required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on doposit. The office Is open every day from9o’dooklathe morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock, tflnrnagss., . ■■ On Monday, Sfptembor 28Ih, by Rar. A. Bloomer Hart, Beotor of the Cliurck of the Advent, Now York, Mr. JAMES MONTEITH, of Now York city, to Miss EMMA A. PALMER, of Philadelphia. S)cfl!l)5, . On Friday, 25tk inst., Sira. SIARY O’NEILL, wlfo or John 0 Neill, in the 31st year of her age On the 20th imrt., HOSANNA BIcFILLIN,wIfo ot Jas, McFillio, atfod as years. On Lord’a'da.v nmrnla*, Mrs. KLIZAP.KTII JIASSELL, wiloof tV. 11, Rlcharda. On Saturday, jotlt Inst., Mrs. MARY 11EESI.EY, In the 04th year of her ago. On the 20th inat., JOHN KEEGAN, In tho 20th voar ofhiSHgo. On the 28th inat , Sirs. ELIZABETH COMBRFORD, In the 41th yoar of her ago. ' On tho 20th Inst., MARGERY GALBRAITH, in the 39th yuar other ago, Tbba‘ju;‘.y Pei'Autmkm 1 , September 23,1857. . Notice Is hereby given to tho holders of stocks of tho United States that this Department will purchaso such corliflcatcft as shall be received hero, duly assigned to tho United States, previous to thelnt dny of Novem ber next, at tho rates heretofore offered and paid, v iz; 10 per cent, premium on the loan of 1812. 10 per cent, premium on loans of 1817 and and 1818, 0 per cent premium on Texas indemnity j per cunt, stock, together with tho interest accrued in each case from Ist July. CertiGcatM of stock received hero on and after tho Ist dny of November, until further notice shall bogiven, will b 8 purchased at tho following rates, viz: 8 per cent premium on tho loan of 1842 14 per cent, premium on tho loans of 1547 and 1848, and 5 p u r cent, premium on Texas indemnity 5 percent., with the accrued interest payable thereon, respectively. Whero certificates of stock, inscribed and transfera ble on tho hooks of the Treasury, shiill bo received here, assigned to tho United Slates, between tho Ist Decem ber. When tho transfer books will bo closed, and tho Ist of January, when tho half-yearly interest is payable, tho accrued interest fortbo half-year must bo expressly assigned to tho United States by tho stockholder, bs no Interest forth© current half-year can bo Included in the settlement, but the same will bo payable by tho Assist ant Treasurer on the interest schedules, as heretofore. In oil iaaea tho purchaso sums will be settled in favor of the lawfu) holder of tho stock, who shall assign it to tho United States in the mode prescribed by the regula tions Cf assignments of stock; and remittance wilt bo xnado of tho amount by draft on tho assistant treasu rers at Bostqp, Now York, or Philadelphia, at Uio op tion of the garty in whoso favor tho settlement shall be made. One day’s additional interest will be added from the day of receipt bore for the draft to bo sent by mail. HOWELL COBB, Secretary af the Treasury. Dj'A Grand Mass Meeting of the Democracy of the Twenty-third Ward'wiU ho held at the house of James Mullen, FRANKFORD, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, J>3oth Inst,, at 7% o’clock. The following gentlemen haro been invited and will address tho meeting; Hon, Wia*li. Witte, Hou. John Cadwnllador, Hon. James Landy, Win. A. Porter, Esq., Win M. B. Smith, Esq.. Bobort Allen, Esq., Win *E. Edwards, Esq., A full brass hand will be i; By order of tho Commit J. J. Tims. J. Bnow.v, Secret Hod. Rich’dson L. Wright, Chas W. Carrigan, Esq., Vin. L, Bradford, Enq.. Gun. John D. Miles, i Col. l’hos. W. Duffiold, Dr. Geo. W. Nebinger, Thos. W. Higgins, Esq. in attendance. ltte<- on Town Meetings, . MORRISON, Chairman. )tnry. se29-2t ID"Ma*§ Meeting.—A Grand Mass Meeting of thu Democracy of the SovontU and Neighboring Wards will bo hold on TUESDAY EVENING, Sept. 29th, at the corner of EIGHTEENTH and WILLIAM streets. Democrats of the Western Wards, rally, rally In your might and numbers to hear expounded those groat principle* which have mado our country “ the land of tho free and tho home ol tho brave.” The meeting will bo addressed by ' Lewis G Cassidy, Chas. Campbell, Hon T. B. Florence, Edward W Dower, Wm. K. Lehman, Thos E. Harkins, John Ilassan, Henry 0. Kutz, Eageno Ahern, 11. It. Young, Dr. Geo. W. Nebinger, Geo. Thompson. By order of the Committee, »V>SB-2t RICIURD H. HENRY, Secrotary. JD** A Grand Mass Meeting ot the D«uo« CRAOY. FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD WARDS, Will bo held on TUESDAY EVENING, the 29th inst., at7# o’clock, at the house of AQUILA PASCOE, N. W. corner of SECOND and WASHINGTON Streets. Lot every Democrat be at the meeting, and ratify tho nomi nations mido by the Conventions. The following have been invited and will address tho meeting: Gen. Wm. I?. Packer, Hon. Tbos. B, Florence, Hon. John CiulKAllnder, Hon. Win. 11. Witte, Hon James Lauy, Captain Alfred Day, Lea is C. Cassidy, W. E. Lehman, Stephen S llemafc, Doctor I, N. M/trstTia. Jan. F.‘Johnston, Daniel Dougherty, Thomas W, Higgins, Thomas E. Harlans, Doctor C.EroostKamcrly, Stephen Benton, Jr. A good BAND OF MUSIC will bo present. se23-2t JD" Bemocratlc City Executive Committee.— Tho Conunitteo will meet overy Tuesday and Friday af ternoon, ot 3 o’clock, at the Globe Hotel. JOS. IAPPINUOTT, Chairman. ;Wm. 31. Raniull, l a J.J. Sullivan, \ Secretaries. w2S45t ID* At a meeting of the Democratic City Ex ecutiro Committee, hold on Friday, Sept. 18th, it was Kesolved, That the following town meetings be held : WEDNESDAY EVENING, Sept 39th, Frankford, THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. Ist, Frankford road and Nofrls street. SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 3d, West Philadelphia. TUESDAY EVENING, Oct. Gth, New Market anil Brqwn street. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oct. 7th, rassyank road and Federal street. imntSDAY EVENING, Oct fith, Mauaruuk. FRIDAY EVENING, Oct. Otb, Broad and Coatos atrciit. SATCItDAY EVENING, Oct. 10th.State IIoum Yard. A full Brass Band will ho Jti nUeinlanco at each meet* In?. J. J. MOItHISUN, Chairman. 'A.C. Tno.xpsoi., i Joi ut Kclox, JOltH K. OIApWICE, n Tium J.Bnowx, Committee onMeeting., Michahl UIOiiTFR, John K. Lioonus, 10* Office of the Union Cana! Company PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 141 b, 1857—A mooting of the stockholders of the Union Ganal Company of Pennsyl vania will be held at tli« nfllrr* of tho company, (Far quhar Buildings.) No. 22S WALNUT street, below Third, on TUESDAY, October Gib. next, nt V 2 o'clock, M. By order of the Board of Managers, aelfi-dtoeff O THOMPSON. See’j. Democratic NnturnU/.utlou Committee will meet dally at tho Globo Hotel, 6th,below Chestnut. By order of tho Democratic Uitv Executive Committee, JOS. LIPPINCOTT, W. M. RiKDAI.L, ) Chairman. J.J. Buluvas, so2fi-17t PENNSYLVANIA AND EASTERN BANKNOTEBTAKES AT PAR.—C.DONOaUUE, 16 South WATER Htroet, offers for sale, at tho follow ing reduced cnah prices, New York crushed and pow. deced Sugar at ; Brooklyn C Sugar Lover- Jng’s X Sugar Pc ; FeltusA Znmnerling’s Sugar 7)£c ; Kfttterhoim’s extra golden Syrup 45c ; Hnrrh A Kuhn’s extra golden Syrup 45c. *, Ste% art’s Syrup 42c.: Grocer’s X Syrup. 40c.t Plain do., 38e; Brooklyn Syrup, 42c; Maracaibo Coffee 13c., and Santos Cofioo 12c. AU of tho city bank notes taken at par. *e2o-2t* OFFICE 01‘the KECEIVER OF TAXES, S. J 5. Corner of Sixtli and Chestnut Streets. Sbptkmukr 28, 3857. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS.—AII checks marked “good” by the banks on which they are drawn, ftud all notes of bauks which are received on deposit and rccog nlsod by tho sovenvl banks in tho city in their exchanges or settlement of balances, will bo received at this office In payment of State and City taxes. PETER AHMBRUSTEH, sep 29-r.t Receiver of Taxes. TtoTADAME MAY, of 210 Chestnut Street «LtA (old number), w ill open a splendid a'Rortmcntof Fall and Winter Millinery on Thursday, October Ist. sop 29-tuAthu MA. LEHR WILL OPEN, ON TJIURS • DAY, October Ist, at hor ROOMS, Nos. 720 and 722 (now numbers) CUK&TNUT street, opposite tho Masonic Tomple, FASHIONABLE PARIS FALL and WINTER MILLINERY. ee2a-3t mo WESTERN TRAVELLERS. X SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. NORTHERN CENTRAL TWO DAILY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST. On and after June lat, 1557, TWO DAILY TRAINS n ill leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and all West ern aad South or Northwestern cHiea TUB MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 8 16 A. M. connecting with tho Mall Train o\ er tho Great Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving in Pittsburgh at 1.20 THE AFTERNOON EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimoro daily (Sunday excepted) at 3 P. M., for Harrisburg. TIIE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimoro EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. M., con necting with the Lightning Express oyer tho Pennsyl vania Railroad for Pittsburgh, arriving at 1.20 P. M. 10" All theso trains connect closely at Pittsburg with trains over tho Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chieago Railroad, and its Northern, Southern and Western connections. |0“ Passengers for Chicago, Rock Island, Burliug tou, lowa City, MUmaukeo, Dubuquo, St. PauVs, Mndi 6on, and othcrieading cities in the Northwest, will su\ e one hundred miles cj travel aud ten hours in t’mo, with four less changes of care, by Uking this route. Jo' Pakseugers for Cleveland. Sami sky, Toledo, and Detroit, go by this route, and the time Is unequalled, being Ilil miles shorter thau by nuy other routo. Jo* Passeugcrs for St. Louis, Indianapolis, Torro Ilauto, Cairo, aud all points on tho Lower aud Upper Mississippi, make less changes of cmb, and arrive in nd vanco of any other route; and to Cincinnati, Coluuhm, Dayton, Louisville, audothor promineut cities, oh quick aa by any other route. Ail Wcstorn llaggaßO OIIKCKKD THROUOU and handled ivith tare. i'OH TltK NORTH. The 8.15 A.M. connects closely with Express Trains over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagira Falls, and Canada, thus forming the most direct railway routo to Northwestern Pennsylvania aud Western Now York. Passengers will find this the shortest, cheapest, aud moat expeditious route to Niagara Falla and Canada Through Tickets arc issued to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lancaster by all tho trains at §i> each, each train having sure connections. Passengers by this routo avoid tresselled bridges, andall tho inconvenienco of forryiug across tho Susquehanna nvor. Ptusengera for Hanover, Manchester, Gettysburg, Em mittsburg, Carlisle, Chamborsburg, go by tiio trains at 8.15 A. M., and 3 P M. b ’ J WESTMINSTER BRANCH. The Cart on this road make ©no trip per day, connect ing with tho truiu at 3 P. M. For THROUGH TICKETS and further information, apply at tho Ticket Uflieo. Calvert Station, N. E. corner of Calvert aud Franklin streets, jwjfia-tf 0, Q. ADREON, Sup’t. Highway d erakt m e n t, SEPTKMnm£B,IBS7. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received ut this oflleo until THURSDAY, Oct. Ist, 1857, at 12 o'clock M., for the GRADING or the following streets: Twentieth Strsot from Montgomery to Berks Streets, In the 2lst Word. ’ Thirteenth Street from Columbia Avonuo to Montgo mery Street, aud Montgomery Stroot from Twelfth to Thirteenth Street, in the 2Gth Ward. The dirt removed to be deposited as maybe directed by the Highway Department. JOHN M’OABTUV, Chlof Com. of Highways, rE. & B. SCHELL’S CITY MARBLE WORKB AND STEAM MANTEL FACTORY. MARBLE HALL, S. B. CORNER OP TENTH AND VINE STREETS, ... PHILADELPHIA. every wicty ot MAI’,DLL MANTELS, TOMBS. MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS ana PLOORINCI. can bi supplied upon reasonable terms. au24-tuf.'lm BOYS’ CLOTniNG. F. A. HOYT A RUO. have now on band a Tory large assortment of UHADY-MADE goods suitable for the present season which they feel disposed to soil cheap. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Southwest corner TENTH and CHESTNUT streets. N. B.—Wo have a Urge assortment of now goods of a superior quality aud make. «ep22-lmtuthi WELCOME RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD WWR4BRO,IWN. SECONDS*, aulWm, M THOMAS & SONS, • Nos. IS9 ant! 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET (Formerly Nos. 67 and 69.) ' * STOCKS, REAL ESTATE, tea TUESDAY NEXT Pamphlet Catalogues now ready, containing full de scriptions of all tho property to bo sold on Tueidav next. 29tii instaut, with a list of sales in October, and of Heal Estatu at private sale. REAL ESTATE. STOCKS, Ac. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evonliig, IC7* Handbills Of oaeh property Issued separately, lu addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous t to each sale ouo thousand catalogues In pamphlet form,' giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the follow ing Tuesday. ID* FURNITURE SALES AT TnE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. real estate at private sale. ID*, Wo have a large amount of Real Estato at Pri vate ailo. including every description of City and Country property Printed Lists may bo had at-the Auetiou Store. __ „ , PniVATB SALE REGISTER. , R' } al Estate cutcred on our Private Sale Re gißtpr, ora ntlvcrtlsol ocmslon.tty in out Public Silo *»°°° ct) P les are printed weekly,) This evening, At i o’clock, at tho Eichnngo, for account of whom it may concern— -100 shares Columbia Coal and Iron Co I>ar *5O 200 do' Window do. do. W CO do Columbia do. du. Par $OO Also, for other accounts— * $lOOO Coupon Bonds Columbia Coal and Iron Co In. tercet payable January and July. 20 shares Commercial Rank. Also, without resorTe, for acconntof whom it may concern— 1 shares Commonwealth Rank of Philadelphia, Par $»0~on which s<>oo, being $25 a share, has been paid. AUo, same account, 40 shares Columbia Coal and Iron Company. 200 sharra Big Mouutajn Coal Company. Pew No 43. north nlslo, middle block, Church of tho Advent, Old York Road, above Buttonwood street. It cost $3OO. CO shares Ilaslcton Coal Co. 20 shares Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Coal Co. Sale Positive. COO shares Columbia Coal and Iron Co. 6 shares American Academy of Music. 1 do Point Ilrcezo Park Association. 1 do Philadelphia Athentuum. 1 do do Library, 1 do Mercantile Library. ADDITIONAL BALE OF STOCKS, FOR ACCOUNT OP WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. 15 shares of the capital stock of thelVeosterdasCom pauy. of tho Slate of Ohle. Pars2s. 6 T-harea of the capital stock of the Canton Gas Light and Coke Co., State of Ohio. Par $5O. 2 shares of the capital stock of the Mount Vernon (Penna.) Gas Light Co. Par $5O. q 34flliarea onbe capital stock of the Fottsville (Penna.) PEREMPTOY SALE-590 SHARES UNION CANAL. On Tuesday evening. Ctk October, at 7 o’clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, without reserve, for account of whom It may concern— SQO shares preferred aix per cent, stock of the Union Canal Company of Ponuhylvanis. Par $5O, with power of attorney for transfer endorsed. NINTH TAM, SALE, 29th SEPTEMBER. Will Include tha following— Executor’s Sale—-Katata of Alexander Lei me r, dec’d. FIVE WELL-SECmiED GROUND RENTS. Five well-securvd ground rents, Twenty-first Yfard-~ one of $5O, one of *42, and two of s2sa year. Full de scriptions now ready. Administratrix’s Bale-Estate of Edward Flood, dec'd. TIIREE-StOKY DWELLING AND LAItUE LOT. Three-story frame dwelling, Somerset street, south of Brown street: lot 40 feet front. Estate late of James Hooper, dec'd, DWELLING, SIXTEENTH ST. Three-story brick dwelling, oast sido Sixteenth Street, north of Cherry street. Same Estate—DWELLING, THIRTEENTH ST. Three-story brick dwelling, N.K. corner Thirteenth and I‘leasant streets, (14th Ward ) Peremptory SaIe—BRICK DWELLING, lhreo-atory brick dwelling, N.E. corner Browu and Division streets, (into District of Richmond.) NEAT MODERN DWELLING, TWENTIETH ST. Neat modern fonr-story brick dwelling, No. 142 North Twentieth street, above Cherry street. It is finished in modern j-tylo. Immediate possession. BRICK DWELLING, TWENTY-FOURTH WAItD. Threo-Rlory brick dwelling, Forty.fiwtßtreot.northof Lancaster Avenue, Twenty-fourth Ward: lot 24 feet froutj TWO NEAT MODERN DWELLING 3. Two new three-story brick dwellings, with baek buildings, finished in modern style, Noa. 709 and 711 Christian street, opposite the elegant garden of Mrs. Smith. TWO LOTS.—AIso, two building lota adjoining the above houses, each 10 feet front. TWO TRACTS OF LAND, LUZERNE CO., PEKN’A. A tract of land, containing 408 acres, Luke township, ftDd n tract of 400 acres la Fairmount township,Luierne county, Peim’ft Full particulars In handbills. VALUABLE LOT, COAL YARD, &e. Large and valuable Lut, Coal Yard, Brick Office, Sta ble, Railroad track, Ac., &c. t southeast corner Ninth and Girard avenue. TJJ.NIU FAIL SALE, Oth OF OOTOBEU, AT THE This salo will include— HANDSOME RESIDENCE, WITH SIDE YARD. Handsome modern Residence, with side yard, south eide of Washington street, first house e&at of Seven teenth street. It is just finished In handsome modern stylo. Immediate possession. $6,600 may remain on the property. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. Neat modern Residence, No. TlB Buttonwood street, oast of Delaware Eighth street Immediate possession. DWELLINGS, I’UANKFQRD ROAD. Newthreo-fltory brick dwelling, No. 129 Frankford Road, shot o Bedford Street, with throe-story frazno dwelling in the rear. RESTAURANT AND DWELLING. Three-story brick restaurant and dwelling, S. E. cor ner Second and Phippen Streets. BRICK BAKERY—ADJOINING. Also, a brick bakery adjoining the above, fronting on Shlppi'it Street SEVEN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. Se\ en three-story brick dwellings Camilla Street, be tween 11th and 12th, and Carpenter and Prime Streets. They will be sold separately. MODERN RESIDENCE, SOUTH ELEVENTH BT. Neat modern residence, west side of Eleventh Street south of Pina Street. HANDSOME MODERN STORE AND DWELLING. Threo-story brick store and dwelling, southeast cor ner of 17th nod Washington Streets, (late Spring Gar den) It is handsomely built and finished for a store and dwelling. PEREMPTORY SALE—HANDSOME N E W It E 8 I - Also, the hamlronionow residence, with side yard,and rfpletn with all modern convenience*. west side, North Seventh Street, house south of Thompson Street Salo positive. Neat modern dwelling, No. 335 North Twelfth Street, between Carlton and Callowbill streets. FOUR FRAME DWELLINGS. A two-story Dwelling, south-east corner Front and Phrenix streets, with threo two-story frame Dwell ings iu the rear. This sslo will include— Valuable Property, known w tho Port Providence Axe nnd 'Edge Tool Factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, oppo site Phumixvillo. Orphan’s Court Sale. ESTATE OF DAVID LEHMAN, DEC’D. 1 rarnn messuages east sido St, John Street, between Green and Coats Streets Sale No 1235 North Tenth Street. NEAT PHINITURK, IMPERIAL CARPETS, OIL- CLOTHS, Ac. This morning, 25th Instant, at 10 o’clock, at No. 123 d North Tenth street, aWk» Girard asemie, the neat household and kitchen furniture of a family declining housekeeping. ID- May be examined on the morning of sale, at S o'clock. 1 Polo of Girard How, Chcstout Street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, IJRUSSEL9 CARPETS. CHINA AND GLASSWARE, CHANDELIERS,&c. On Tuesday morning, -3th instant, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 1105 Chestnut street, Girard Row, the entire household fur niture of a family declining housekeeping. Full par ticulars in catalogues. ID"* May be examined on the morning of sale, at 8 o'clock 9ale Nos. 133 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, ELE GANT PIANO FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, Ac. On Thursday morning, At 0 o’clock, at the Auction Store— An extensive assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, Ac , from families declining housekeeping. Sale No. l'iSaofiom street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, VELVET CAR PETS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, Ac. On Monday morning, October 6th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 13 Paiiftom »>treut,aboro Seventh street, tho superior house hold furniture, mirrors, carpels, &c. [D“ Tho Cabinet Furniture was made by Geo.J. Heukcls, has been well kept, and is in excellent order. *** May bo examined on tho morning of pale at 8 o'clock. RAILWAY FIRST-CLASS STORE FOR RENT. The largo ucw FIVE-STORY STORE, No. 240 MAR KET street, East of Third street, 28 feet front, 202 feet in depth, with a sldo front on Riddle's alley—brown stone trout—built and finished in the best’and most substantial manner, with every modem convenience— furnaces to heat the entire building throughout fire Proof Safes, Water Closets. Hoisting Machiuoa, Ac* Well adapted for a large Auction or CommUsiou House. ■fOIIN CAMPBELL & SON', BIBLIOPO *>’ LISTS, in the CUSTOM HOUSE AvcnUD, lin.o »1- ways for a&lo raro and scarce Books. Uentlemeu book worms are invited to call and judge as to prices and va riety. Law and miscellaneous books purchasod in small or largo quantities. Rooks coutlnually receivhi g from ™ c Gon. * sc24-th tu 3m* IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Tru»t Estate of John Idol. The Auditor, appointed by the Court to audit, Bottle, nud adjust the account of Levi Sperry, Trustee under tho will of Conrad Idol, deceased, of John Ido], aud to report distribution of the balance in baud, will meet the parties interested at his ofiico at the Southeast corner of Eighth and Locust street*), on WEDNESDAY Aftoruoou, September 30th, at 4 o’clock. 8017-th stu 5t DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PUILADELPIIIA-EiUte of Samuel Bremer, deceased. Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court to audit, aettlo, and adjust tho account of Lewis Bremer, acting Admin istrator of Samuel Bremer, deceased, and to make distri bution of tho balance iu the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on Wednesday, September 3(Jth, at four o'clock P. M ,at the WotheriU House, George Street, above Sixth, in tho City of Philadelphia. nepl7-th ntu 5t JAMES R. LUDLOW, Auditor. JS THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE OF PFS»;S?'LVANIi yoa TUK KASTERN DISTRICT Ingraham v. Meade—ln Equity, October 8o?j„ 1532, No. I. Tho Master, to whom it wav referred bv the Court to examine aud adjust tho further account of Benjamin Gerhard and George G. Meade,surviving trustee*under the deed of trust or January 10th, 1821, mentioned In tho decree in thin case, and to report distribution of the Trust Fund remaining undistributed, will meet the par* tie* interested, at his office, No. 628 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, on Monday, October sth, 1857, at four D M- HENRY WIIARTON, sodlO-b tu th fit Master. IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE 3L CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In tho matter of J. 4V. Starr, Executor of Maria Starr, deceased. Tba Auditor appointed bj the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of 3. W. Starr, Executor 01 tho Estate of Marla Starr, deceased, and to report dig* trlbutionof the balance, vllt meet the parties Interested at hia o/Tlce. at iho southeast corner of Locust and Eighth streets, In tho citj of Philadelphia, on TTTFH. DAY, September 29th, 1557, at in tho after noon. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, seir-th a ta 5t ILLINOIS LANDS.—THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND ACRES OP LAND, in tbs counties of H m w}ir ttck,oo> P ! rr yt Washington, Jeffersou, Prank. l!ii, Wllhamsonand Fayette, Illinois They will bo sold slxmTS 0 * t,r ' ,u - Applp “ N ° S. TU ©TORE TO RENT, at No. 125 Chestnut Street. D. m. CHAMBERS, ae23-lw* 43 North SECOND Street. SARDINES.—IOO cases of 60 half boxes e*ch, in store and for sale by IIENRY BOHLEN&CO., au 6 No*. 221 and 223 3. Fourth street. Sales bg SUelion. STOCKS, Ac, EXCHANGE. NEAT DWELLING SALE 20tb OCTOBER. £fpl Notices. Sale anb to £et. A merican academy or music. -t*. E. A. MARSHALL.... Sole Lessee LAST NIGHT BUT FOUR OF THE RONZANT BALLET TROUPE! auder the personal direction of Sig Domenico Romani. THE SECONP NOVELTY! „ THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, 2WK 1857, will ba presented the New Ballet in three Acts and four Scenes. . tu ~ ’ \ h BIBRieniNO DI PARIGI, with all its characteristic Dances, New Costumes, and n „ ■ Ta riedDecorations. * t n - e L a i Morla Signor D. Romani s‘, ™“ Morl “ Sigooriea 0». Prateji KHm SiguorlniT«resin»Pr»t«l Yu* V.*!f *M’lle LouisttLamontcux L - LAHOL-KEUX “« Si s- TWO GRAND PAS DK DEUX. Parcas op Adiussto>*—Parquet, Dress Circle and Scents* Ctrcle > 60 ce&U; Aw Pb!theatre, ♦ P®*® of ttie Academy is open from 9 A. M. Tho Ballet will commence at 8 precisely Carriages will set down heads South,' and take hd heads North. r THOS. McKEON. Treasurer. A AIERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— RE-OPENING OF THE OPERA SEASON. E. A. MARSHALL has the honor to inform the patrons of the above named Institution, and the public generally, that encouraged and grateful for the extraordinary patronage bestowed upon his efforts to promote their gratification during tho past seasons, and determined not to shrink from Any expense or sacrifice, he will this year present an array of the most distinguished ami world-famed talent, selected from tho best theatres in Europe by his Agent. The jostly popular Impressario MAX MARBTZEK. This, in conjunction with the very eminent artists and established favorites in this country, will form a combination which may Justly ba pronounced unrivalled in any opera house In the world. The Lessee has great satisfaction In announcing that among the new European engagements, those with the following celebrities are retained. SIGNOR HONCONI, acknowledged as tho greatest Lyric ArtLt of the ago. T r < l' lX ‘*^' U ' o, the [rreit Buio, from the “OTTAKBl.f.rorlte Tenor from her Majesty’s Theatre, London. SIGNORA RAMO 9, Prima Donna from Turin and SIGNORA TAGLIAPICO, from °the Theatre* Rojal, London. * Id addition to tha above »U*jr, th* fonoar favorite., accordant with tho wish of the former subscribers to the Opera, have also been secured. The re-engagement of tho following Artists, the lessee flatters himself will bo received with great satisfaction, t« : BIGNORA MARIETTA GAZZANIGA. SIGNOR BRIONOLI. SIGNOR AMODIO. SIGNOR ASSONI. SIGNOR COLETTI. Besides the above celebrities, the Lessee cannot but feel justly proud in being able to announce that a posi tive engagement has been concluded with SIGNOR TAMBERLIK, who will arrive in this country immediately after the termination of his present engagement in St. Peters burg, and that further arrangements with SEVERAL OTHER EMINENT ARTISTS are now pending, whieh, when ratified, will be duly announced. Such a powerful combination as the above, the leasee trusts and believes, is a sufficient guarantee for the grandeur and brilliancy of the forthcoming Opera season/ and that without resorting to any further ; extraordinary Dreamble or flourish, he oan fully rely on the merits of these artists for a liberal response to his enterprise. The Operaseason will open on MONDAY, the 6th of ‘ October, with a favorite Opera. SUBSCRIPTIONS for Twelve Nights will bo received at the Box office of the Academy of Maslc, Monday, the SSth, Tuesday, tho 29th, and Wednesday, the 30th instant. Pricb or Subscription $l2 for 12 nights, with choice of secured seats. The Box Office for the sale of single Tickets for the first performance, on MONDAY, the sth of October, will opeu next THURSDAY, the Ist of Oc tober, at 9 o’clock A. M. Further particulars in future advertisement. ee2C-Bra&to3t TVATXONAL WALNUT ST., 11 near Eighth. Admission— Seats la Private Box, $1; Orchestra Chairs, 76 cents; Dress Circle and Parquet, 60 eents; Family Circle, 26 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 7% o’clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o’clock, when seats can be seeured. Stage Manager Mr. n. Watkins THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Sept. will bo pre sented Shakspeare’s sublime creation of HAMLET! Hamlet Mr. Murdoch Ghost of Hamlet's father Mr. S. Murdoch Ophelia ..Mrs. Hudson Kirby To conclude with the laughable Farce of* YOUR LIFE’S IN DANGER. John Strong. KrokwUt..., Jenny.. \7ffHEATLEY' 8 ARCH ST. THEATRE. * V —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Scalx of Priors —Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Seeured Seats), 50 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 centa; Seats in Pri vate Boxes, 75 cents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Perseus, 26 cents* Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 33 cents Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter past 7. J.M. B.WITITTON Treasurer. TUI3 (Tuesday) EVENING, Bept.CO, the perform ance will commence with the VICTIMS. Mr. Eerryweathec Air. E. L. Davenport Mr. Herbert Fitzherbert Mr A Wheatley Mrs. Merryweather..... Mrs E. L. Davenport Met. FUahetbert Mra.D. P.Doaera To conclude with the Drama of THE BRIGAND. Alleaandro Massarone Mr. B. L. Davenport Prince Biancbe Mr. Thayer Maria Grazie,.... Min Amu Cruise MfALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Lea- V Y see, Mr. E A. Marshall ; Stsgp Manager, Mr. JohaSsfton. Prices—Dress Circle and Pnrquette, 50 cents; Upper Circle, 26 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Beats. 76 costs Box Office open from 9 o’clock A. M. toSP.M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance to com mence at 7«. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Sept. 29, the perfor mancea will commence with the very Popular Comedy, entitled the LITTLE TREASURE. Captain Walter Maydenblcsh, Sir Charles Howard. Lad/ Florence Howard .Madam Fools! To ho followed by the lausrbable farce, called SKETCHES IN INDIA. Sir Mathew Scraps. Count Glorleui La ly Scrapga Mrs. W. R. Blake To conclude with the laughablo Extravagant*. en titled BEWARE OF GARROTER 3. Alderman Sylabub. Mrs. Cbutnay SANFORD* 8 OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Btr*et, aboTe Chestnut. Doors open at 7# o'clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 eenta. SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE In their Operatic Entertainments, introducing all the latest Sonzs, Glees, Choruiea, Dances, Ac., concluding each evening with a LAG OH ABLE BURLESQUE. selG-lm JUST PUBLISHED— BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT A CO , QUITS; Authorised edition ; from adraoc e sheets of the Lon don edition, by special arrangement with the author, the Baroness Tautphmns, of Munich, (late Miss Mont f;omery,) author of “ The Initials.’ 1 Complete, 2 tols u one, 12rao ; price $1.25. TIIE LIFE OF JOUN FITCH; TUB INVENTOR OF THE STEAMBOAT. By Thompson Westcott. In this narration are sketched the early career of the subject of tho Biography: his revolutionary ser vices. his adventures in the wilds of Kentucky end Ohio, his captivity by Indians, and as a British prisoner; bis exertions to obtain means to construct a steamboat, bis trials, failures and successes; bis mortifications and final suicide. “ Full referenco is made to the steamboat plans of Rurosey. with notices of tho experiments or Morey, RooseveUt, Longatreet, the Stevens family, Oliver Evans, Ac., with engravings of tbe different models of machinery, and plans of propulsion by Fitch, Franklin, Rum&ay, Voigbt, Thornton, Ac ,to the time of Fulton ” One vol. 12roo, 416 pp., illustrated with 23 engravings. Price $1 25. INFORMATION ABOUT TEXAS ; carefully prepared by D. E. E Braman, of Matagorda, Texas. *« This volume has been written solely for the beoefit of persons seeking information about Texas, and the matters herein contained are definite and reliable. M Pre/nce. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS : Information for Emi grant* ; Description of Couutiea; Stock Raising; Sheep; Honey Bees ; Wheat; Credit; School*; Taxation; Heir ship and Rights to Property: Conveyances of Real Estate ; Legal Rights and Remedies; Lands; Court of Claim*; Itinerary ; Miscellaneous, Ac., Ac. Ono vol. 12mo. Prico 75 cents. MODERN REFORM EXAMINED; Or, The Union of North and South cn tho Subject of Slavery. By Joseph G. Stiles. One vol. 32m0. Price SI. TUCKER’S niSTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from their colonization to tho end of Twenty-sixth Congress, itt 1841. By George Tucker. lu4vols. Svo. Price J 2 per vol. J. 11 LIPPINCOTT Sc CO., se2s*3t 22 aad 24 North Fourth street. SPLENDID GIFTS AT 439 CHESTNUT STREET —TIIE ORIGINAL STAR GIFT BOOK STORK —G. G. EVANS would inform bis friends and tho public that he has removed bis Star Gift Book Store and Publishing House to the splendid store in Brown's Iron Building, 439 CHESTNUT Street, .two doors below Fifth, where tho purchaser of each book will receive one of tbe following gifts, valued at from 25 cents to $lOO, consisting of Gold Watches, Jewelry, Ac : " " ivORTII 650 Patent Eng Leror Gold Watches....sloo 00 each 650 Patent Anchor Lever Gold do 50 00 “ 400 Ladies' Gold Watches, IBL. canes.... 35 0*) ‘* 600 Silver Lever Watches, warranted ... 15 00 “ 500 Parlor Timepiece? 10 00 “ 600 Cameo Set?, Ear Drups, and Fins..., 10 00 500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets 12 00 “ 600 “ “ Neck Chains 10 00 “ 1,000 Gold Tiockots, (largo size ami double case,) 10 00 “ 2,000 Gold Lockets, small site 3 00 1,000 Gold Pencil cases, with Gold Pena .. 500 “ 1,000 Extra Gold Pens, with case* and Holders 3 50 u 2,500 Gold Pencils. 2 60 ‘* 2.600 Gold l’eus, with Sitter Pencils...... 2 50 “ 6.600 Gold Ring 100 “ 2,000 Gent ,'Heavy Gold Bings..... 2 "5 “ 2.600 Ladies’ Gold Breastpins 2 60 “ 3.600 Misses’ Gold Breastpins..... 1 60 “ 3,000 Pocket Knives. 75 “ 2,000 Sets Gents’ Gold Bosom Studs 300 “ 2,000 Sets Gents’ Gold Sleeve Buttons.... 300 * { 2,000 Pairs Ladies’ Ear Drops,... 260 “ JiVANSVJ Catalogue contains all of the most popular books of the day, and all tho newest publication*, all of stiilchwlU be sold as low as can be obtained at other stores A complete catalogue of books sent free by application through the mail, by addreasintr O ft KVANS, 439 CUKSTNUT Street! 8 Agent* wanted in every town in the United States Thoßu desiring so to set can obtain full picticulors by addressing &a above. * • 9 ifUwill bo e iven wlth every SI,OOQ worth of books gold. ec2o stuthtf English reports—vol. xxxviii. ENGLISU REPORTS IN LAW AND EQUITY. A complete collection of tho Cases decided by the House OlLords, tho Privy Council, the Queen's Bench, Co:n £!«**» and Exchequer, the Lord Chancellor, the High Court of Appeal# in Chancery, the Court of Crim inal Appeal, and the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical CourU. This series has the merit of being cotnplote, reliable prompt, convenient, and cheap. It is now uuiver'inv cited in the Courts, and referred to in the recent law books as standard authority. All the cases reported In England are hero reprinted from the most reliable sources as soon as they reach this country Vol. 38 just published, price $2.00, by „ fl O* little, drown, & CO, ae2B-2t 112 Washington atreot, Boston. Henderson & co> 3 great liter AR\ FAIR, FIFTH and ARCn streets, in order to gratify the wishes of our numerous na trons. and induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at tho usual low prices, we intend to present to every purchaser of boohs to the amount of $1 and up wards, a Gift in value of from 25 eents to $l9O. Call at our establishment, look at oar valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect vou are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at the usual price, and very many will get, in addition, a present worth having. eu2l-3ra Evans* great gift book sale, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. N.B.—No eonuro tion with any other house in the City. eul-3a II7OLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS,. H 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House, between Fourth and Fifth Streets SALE OF EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERYGOODS GLOVES, HOSIERY GOODS. Ac. Wednesday next, 30th Inst. commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, we will sell by catalogue, without reserve, a large and valuable assortment of choice French and Scttch Embroideries and Millinery Goods* Also, Ladies’and Gents’Silk aud Buck Gloves, En glish Hosiery Coeds, Ac. Also, 200 cartons French Artificials, Ostrich Feathers, Ac. PEREMPTORY SALE OF A YALUABL** ASSORT MENT OP GOLD JEWELRY, GOLD WATCHES, Ae., BEING THE BALANCE OF STOCK OF AN EX- TENSIVE JOBBING HOUSE. Wednesday next, commencing at 10 o’clock, ire will tell, without reserve, a large and valuable assortment of gold jewelry, watches, Ae. Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sale. Moses kathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. B. eoner SIXTH and RACE Streets. LARGE SALE OF FURNITURE, BEDS. MATTRE&ES, MIRRORS. Ac., As., on WEDNESDAY MORNING next, September 30th, at 10 o’clock, at the Auction Store, 8. I-, corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. 8al«a Room Second story. Entrance from Race street. AT PRIVATE SALE-Gold and silver patent lever, Lenine, English, BwJsj, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, Ac., Ae. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, Ao., Ac , Ac. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction eer. Charges very low. Co&slracieats of furniture, clothing, jewelry, Ac , Ac , solicited. NATHAN’S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Comer of Sixth and Race Street*, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver platf Waters, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Grocrfies, Segari, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles. Harness, Stocks, and on ail ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. fsesJ Jf. NATHANS, NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. Due notice given. WEBB’S great sale tff forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ac., will tsks plans shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB’S great sale of Dry Goods. Clothing, Bedding, Ac., being forfeited collaterals, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 825 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Street*. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes. Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, WnJps, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac. • K. B.—Terms of Night Sales, four months’ credit far approved city acceptances, for sums of $lOO aod with In terest added from date of sale. sepl-ln rjEOKGE TY. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, V N. R. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Street*, above Second. EVENING SALES. .... EVERY SATURDAY XYZSIHO.' At Tjf o clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, CstS lery. Housekeeping Article*, Clothing, Watches, JewsT ry, Fancy Articles, Ae. ’ * CAMUEL NATHANS, ATJCTIONEEB, KJ and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 113 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear st.,oaly eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from T o’clock, A. M., until 39 o’clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction Hoase, at tended upon the most satisfactory term*. . CAPITAL £230.000. Established for ike fast Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on J)ia monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewwlry, Hardware. Her chacdiie, Clothing,Furniture, Bedding, Cigar*, Musical Instruments, Guns, Homs, Carriages, and Good* of every description. All goods can remain any length of amed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollar*upward* will be charged 2 per cent, per month: 9500 and over, the lowest market rate. This Store Hoase having a depth of 120 feet, has lam fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premise*; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persona having good* advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an rfnlfmjted replfaJ. this office is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amount*, with oat any charge. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, ad Clothing will bo sold at reduced price*. kuOj FOR GALVESTON—TEXAS LINE— With quick despatch. Freight takes at low ntM. The fiat-sailing regular packet schooner C. 8. P£AS liߣ, Cspt. Poston, will Co eminence trying Street wharf on Honda? next, Oct. sth. Haring nearlr all of her cargo engaged rtadj for shipment, will hare quick despatch. For balance of freight or passage, anplr to BISHOP, SIMONS, k CO , 3d North Wharves, JAMES BAKKR, 43 North Wharves. .Mr. II Watkins Mr. Morris .. Mrs. F. Drew or to sa C9-tf SHIP OISEONTHfi FOR NEW 08. LEAKS. Louisiana Lin#, guarantaed lint vessel, freight until this evening. Freight Ulm ki u low rates £2 -oy other retul loading. The fast-ssiling packet ship »<QTBgnK i riT» ) » Max well, master, now taking in the last of her eargo at Baee gtreet wharf, will continue to receive what freight offer* and sail as above, fall cr not fall. »Ul please hurry their goods alongside, aa4 Dills of lading to the counUog-hooae for signature. For balance of freight or passage apply on board or to BISHOP, SIMONS-, & Co . 3# North Wharves. The 0. insures at the lowest rates, and will take stsaas down the Delaware and ap the MUeieaiofd. jVjEW’ ORLEANS PACKET NOTICE LOUISIANA LlKE.—Freight rtceiTid i&tii THIS JSSISO, At u lot rates u any tuml lotdiu. Shippers per packet ahipOTSEOXTUE, Vm. EL.Uvx well, master, will please hand ia their Mile of lading TUI3 DAY, for ■ignetore; will receire what freight oS*era until THIS EVENING, and positively sail u «ove. _ BISHOP, aniONS. ft CO .Mr. Wallaek Lester FOR SAN FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA 4LlNE.—Direct from Philadelphia. The mapiifieeat dipper ship JQdEPH JOXES, Bsa. uel Q. Flowers, cotnmaa-icr, ia »ow loa&sg at Kac* *tr«et wharf; haeiag a largo part of her cargo »nn< ea board rapidly, Till hart msediaU daa -15 Pi* 4 * 9 burry their gooit nth- For balance of freight apple to nisiiop, smoxs & 00.. 36 XotthYferrw. .Mr. Shewell .Mr. W. R Blake ..Mr. JohnSeftou .Mr. Chapman ..Mrs. Stoneall For sax fraxcisco—from xew YORK. Tie etlebrtted tllpper iilp BAXTA CLACB, muter; the mafnl&eot clipper this BOSTOKIAX, ~ —i muter, *re nov tad will im u aboTt. Tor btl&ooe of frefght »pp!j to BI3KOP, BTMOSB fc CO., 3d North WbirTM. tjotfls anil HesJanranta. OLD STAR HOTEL IX lIARMONT COURT. —The public are respectfully informed that the OLD STAR HOTEL is skill in existence Tbs proprietor will be glsd to see hi* old frit ads, u 4 pro cni»es to furnish them with 4 superior quality of Alt* Wines, nod Liquors He feels assured, that on mtlst him a Tint they will cot be disappointed. He u also prepared to furnish O/sters ia ererr style, at the ihorWt notice. Lunch from 10 to 12 o’clock, sep 24-lra YyiLLIAH HANNING’S CITY LAGEE V T BEER SALOON, No. 232 Car tor*. Aller. Philo mqM-Ap MCGOWAN’S RESTAURANT, SOUTH »eat comer of BROAD ,M WALNUT —OtrM and .11 other dolicaciei in aeaaon. lajniliet ioppU.4 with Ojrt.ra on the aborteat ootiee. aepi-Ta LEWIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC trwrn . QUARTER^,) Socth .11*, comer PIPTH rad QUEEN Streets M P3 In° BhiUdelphin, 19 TEKCHANTS’ HOTEL, If A NOBTH lOCETH ST REIT, ABOTS Bum . PHILADELPHIA. McKniBEN 4 SONS, PsorsisTozs. CCOTT HOUSE—Comer of Irwin Streat KP and Duncan. Wai.PitUbnrsh. B. D. MARKER, ** aulS-dci A GOOD SEWING MACHINE-HUNT, EBSTER, £ Co., hep respectfallv todntroduoo themselves to the publicas the manufacturers of the IMPROVED SETTING MACHINE adapted to manufacturing or family purposes Preo from the objections which have bees anted those already known in this market THM “•JCaiSB COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITI'tSoI! TiLLJI ALL. and will be sore to commend Itself dwq examination, to families, tailors, ixddlers, ahoemaklr* and seamstre«ses. Those in want of A GOOD ARTICLE* that will make a handieme lock-stitch. work WITH U S T 4^,sS l3E ’, th4t wiU HEM,BIND, STITCH. KCN\ or GATHER; indeed, that will gire entire satisfaction even after they hare been used for years, are invited to call at our rooms, 820 CHESTNUT Street e . , HUNT, WEBSTER, £ Co. Sewing or every description executed i Q the best pos sible manner, and oa reasonable terms Samples of oar work seut by mail to any part of the United States au22-taths3m $1 O $l2, $lO, $12.-0\m T G TO THE 9 HItEAT SUCCESS attending the sale cf VATcON'S ?10 FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the subscriber has secured larger accommodations for it* RH.e aril He has leased the commodious CHESTNUT street, second floor, where they are now epen for the inspection of the public. BnOIIESTNCT O l t r e 6t J ; C^ L £ “^ T IGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT!— ViT . THREE hours for one cent. KNAPP'S PATENT ROSIN OIL LAMP Thei ehrflpsji and safest Artificial lieht in the world. The proprietors of KNAPP’S PATENT LAMP no not now hesitate to speak of it as one of the greatest benefactions of the ago. It is now established that It ia practically adapted to the burning of Rosix On. among an the people. It has for a long time been well under stood brail Chemists that Rorin Oil was fits tints cheaper than Whale Oil. Burning Fluid, or other mate rials producing artificial light, but heretofore, although moro than one hundred (Aourand dollars bare been expended in Boston in attempts to produce a Lamp ia which to buro this oil, they hare all, from eome caua* or other, failed, and it has remained, aj waa remarked by the Boston Journal, for A. U Knapp, from beauti fully simple and philosophical principles, easily under stood, to bring forward a Lamp sxacriy adapted to burn ing this Rosin Oil in ail style* of Lam pa, and for the common use of persons everywhere. at a mere nominal cost, so that tie one can afford to do without it Beside* the above, this Lamp ghes so clear, soft , and steady a light that persons with weak eyes find no more difficulty in the erening than in the day-time—making it. aa ea ters! clergymen hare remarked, the *• 'tuJent’a friend, M aa well as the mechanic’* and seamstress's indispensa ble companion. PENNSYLVANIA COUNTRY MERCHANTS* will find it to their interest to call at the Agency, and ex unine this truly wonderful Lamp County Rights for the sale of these Lamps in the State of Pennsylvania will be fold on tenaa so favorable that those becoming interested cannot fail to realise large profits from the business. Agency, 202 CHESTNUT Street, above Second. a©22-dJw£w2t* MARCHANT’ 8 crystalographs, OR PIIOTO3RAPHIC MINIATURES IN OIL, N E. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST. The above pictures differ sJstaxiaify from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness, ana truth of color and outline, extraordinary miuuteneM and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of tbe or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally Settles the question of their permanence These facts enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and oonfldenae, to the public and to h*a friends. . They are secured by letters patent to. and can be had °^ L 1 of . S. D. MARCHANT. LIT Portraits of the cabinet, and life else on cutis a. n.retofor., „ Ij-Ja, SHARPE’S MEN’S AND BOTS* CLOTHING, 113 North POURTH gtroot, hot... *roh ud Boot, Sales bg SUction. AT PRIVATE SALE, Shipping. 36 Xcrtb Whirr*#. JOHN CORLBT. Sewing iilarqmrs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers