- ?fe ' ;Wi>\ BobttJohn iUs.ejBoUn.SUMiVWmtfJ^&G.P"* 1 • 0 ™™°°rn»na, ■■ ‘ 24thripst. 7 , ]7> v v ;•■ *r -i ! , < - i hence at New.Xooden 23$ inst. V Ck£s’ W, Bentley/ Nichols,' from J Bightojj, su^ ; fotthisiport; passed down Fail BiVerSlth fast. • ' Zealnnd,, Thurston/ftoarNearßaysa for - atNewTork 2sth - \ : c -'’/■' - t 1? Browning, Conoyor,, lysnco 'at.'PMytackot . I '(MlV.i Schoouor Chief,.GbarntejUid, from DelKware 7 Oity for Mystic, atNewXork yesterday . -‘' ;; •" 5 j Schooners 7as 'E&rratt, Davis,hence fdrProvidenea: r Wia/Jonerf,“JOnes,. for !d<s:;' Seaport/ ScaU.for do,;' 'C Carroll, Pratt,,for. do,; J Oh*miy,'Barrett,' for Newport} U & T Cramer, Huntley, for Warren; Ann'Turner; Grifßn, for ‘Bridgeport r lamarifoo; Johnson, for 'Bos ton, and B‘Godfrey; Williams,Tor Sag ’ Harbor, arrived .atNowYorkSSth'iW;' .V’ * - , 1 'Schrijsßeym<Mr:Kelly, and,Ye«ta, r Watt,hencft, at NcwYork26ttJJa4fc. . / ,*- J ’ ’ ’ ; w Sehr Gazelle. CroweH/henee at Salem Sotninst., Schr Northern tighf, Xttke, for Philadelphia, sailed fromSalwo'i&thiiist.'’ '- _ <, ' • ! Bchr Granadllla, Baker, sailed-from Providence 25th lust for Philadelphia'or Alexandria. " \ * '.'■ - Schra Crystal Palace,. and ChariottO/Cleared at N, York 25th inst for Philadelphia. u ' ' ' , Schr Ann KHza, Bobbins,- cleared at' Ndtf York .28th inßfefdi* Philadelphia.*/',' ‘7 ' • V ' » •“ ' Steamer 'Josophiue/ Gruprtey, hence, at Hartford 26th iustant; -' , j ; . t> ' >t V ' f[ '\ t , 1 •' >4 'v; MISOBIUNV. : J, ; ■;= • . ' Set'. Edna 0, of New London,- Las.had her', name -•- Changed’tbMouhtsid'Avenae. - '" *•;-/ ; ‘ . Lmjxqubo—At Sept, 22, from the.yMd oft SJ TalfyJt.&Co/ a, schooner I ' pf 143 tons/c»Ued the, 1 'Brig. Nswpot]fc, t frimvPJctOn’for Boston. ,1 1 before reported wrecked; sprung a leiklSth irist. ana ' to prevenffliafeing was run ashore bri.Bcoit'ißeacn, at ” /thwmodthLof the'bhrbor of.'Liverpool, V N',B, where «h 6 ‘ //now/Uss bilged:- Her huU'atjd'cftrgoj'wltnher spars -and ngginj?,.wereadvertfeedtobo'seldqii'the 17th. ’. " /'Bafque paf-bdl, Janes* from ProYidenceTor Zlpzibar, * v ' returnea to P 24th, leaking badly. K4pt>rta, Sept 20, lat 38 08, lon 08 04, had strong gilfia and a heavy aea< causing,the'vtssfll Cq labor, much, leak freely., At pddnlght -strong gales' from BSI3, accompanied with sharp llghtnlhgaod % hea>7 thunder. At noon, the sen / being In confused heaps, and running in all directions. V earned, the-.Veasot to labor yery; heavily, and; increased uieLoat fo one bund red and thirty-seven ihcheddf water Aw ’Vjfefb&U&*/M?4*pih^'2iW’» , < iHh.Vekther;l>«amo‘ thoyo. • ‘ Sjderate^RtiU'kwauludQ&MUto Ifldrfb.biYtiy.tbafc. ■; iVwas’c&firidetridhhiftfo foprooced on:t&e/fbytfg«j she - 5 'was Cutaway 'tax - trimo/w undergo -Mnsjra *' .the 51 '^‘leaking ohher wprn'.at the'’'iate 'of 2,suoirtro’kea per. ~ ..lujdr i' TV is thought that . her cargo' la not muett da in - he hull of tha Br ship City of-Toropta, from Liyer*, •pool fur Quebec; lost bribe Straits of 'Belle Isle, and all , tbc/goodS that remained in ker hrive’boehsoM for ■ account of-the underwritcrs/fojL‘;£733.'’.TKetmcbors, „ chains, nails,Ac;, ichoon ■ era. • ' r . - Liverpool, £ept. 8.~-Allthe cotton, consisting ofl088 ; 1 boles, and about 50'looBeand 60d0'stayed, bare been' landed from - the American'ship Lexington/ from New: “ Orleans for this port/whichis <m shore in Brandon Bay. ' Capt Johnson, of snip Eliza, at New York, ' reports on - the 19 th iiyit.'lat 38.08; lon 60, fell in with wrick of Hr Lrlg Nancy, Capt Grant, of arid from.' Halifax (Sent 11) for Porto Rico, which waa capsized 16th in * violent, gale from S'; took from her foremast head Wm 0 White, * Ist officer,'pnd Thomas-White (boy) his brother,-ana brought them to this port ■ j - 11 - L ' ' Barque-May Gower.; at New York.reports, on2othiost, „ lat 83,14,10 n 73.80, fell in with wrftjfc ofshipFlooting, • 2epUyr, wattcr-iogged-and abandoned; fore mist gone' - ’ ivbore deCfcj and,-bowsprit off, all ; . Barque Goqdapeed, ,(of New York) Faye, from Gotten ibnrg Aug2s. for Boston, wi^h-railroad iron;' arrived at ' Portland 2Sta ihst, In distress; 'Has experienced a con* tfcuotfon of lieavy gales from sll points br the Compaq, ' from lat-SO,'WSable Island, and is leaking very badly, : ■' LOth pumps bring unable to kelp her frde; 1 A'sirom fag- and pump have been Sent from Boston, and'the barque will proceedwithout repairing*. Two infanta have died on the passage - ; has 102 passengers/ *** J , ' »' BOMEBTIOPORTB.- r '' - ' \ ..NKW 2s—Cleared, ship, President •Schmidf; Moyer Bremeb; brig Ahha fOlden)London. - NEW YORK, Sept. 20-—iAriived—Steamship' James, Adger,.Tamer, Charleston." , , ; r - t ' Ships Klita,-Johnson, Liverpool, 31 ; day!'; Grotto (of Richmond, Me,) Dunleys, Shields, Aug 9.. •’ BarguesGen Jones (of Boston) TalpeWSagua: May-, Bdwer,'Lufltze, Turks Islands. ■ ’• . - j.- , ..BrigBpanlah Moan, Hardy, Guayanflla, P B. ! -*‘flchrl’Thos•'Holcomb, Goalee, Savannah;’'Ann Sc Susan, Myers, : Chafrloston; Lady-Laker, Parker, Alex andria; , ghepplegato, Talman, Alexandria for Provi 'sden‘ea> - i ■ - . 1 ' ! Cleared—Stemnshlpa Alabama, Schcnck, Savannah: ' ’ liashvllle/Murray.Dharleston. " t - 'ShfpsWMhlngtoni’WhitejXiverpool; Highland Chief, l " 'Swanberjg/SAvannsh." / 1 ‘ : ■ • 5 ’ '-^ar^ues'John Herman;; (Bremen),Bornholdt, Ham 'V ’• ‘bbrg 'Stevenfl', Cttracoa} Ycnus.-Atkirwon, Our* Aura, CrOsoy/Ctiarlestoii| LA Nickels, Nickols^ Arr'Br steamer Canada, Shannon.’ 1 Liverpool yjft Halifax barques Uafriet Spaulding (of -JvockiandJ. Booker, New Orleaualst {nst, ‘ Pass ’3d; Bay State, Sparrow, Baltimore/ brigii Eagle,. ; .Blaek.’JapksoUTiUe:,'Souther, Smith, Chlrlaston: Ida t McLeoa,,Davis, Baltimore:'.Candace;' Bray/.Balumore;- '' Financier (or Deerlslo)V'liaskeH;-port Ewen; Prederiek; . WordingjNeweU, Bondout; schrs AmericUS,'Walters, . Mobile;.wnta'uga, Cook, ''Wilmington, NO: .Champion., *C/iskUi, Wllihlugton,NC. 1 ' '■ Cleared—BarqucsCommodore/Winiams, Trieste; Bru nslte, Pinkham, Port Spain; Palmetto, .Backus,; Sa-„ BOSTON, Sept."23.—Arr ghin'Goldeii gfar,' Constant,r Nassau', .N r, 33th* ' Left'ship Zone, Wells, for. Gibraltar, Idg; barque Victoriae, Bdlkley, tor Mobile 2 days; brig puukirt,;disgj schr 'Mystic , for Now . - ,York;,brig Minnie/(of Charleston) 'Nelson. Marseilles ' ' July2B,GlbraltsrAugl2; ' v ‘* 1 Cldsbips Clara Ann, Patten, Havana; Chs^ ‘ ‘Short, St. John, N B; steamer ‘wm. Jeioklhs, Hallett, Baltimore; barque P B Hariotine, Copmbsr New,'Or -1 leans!" - ‘ ‘‘ ; '• , % NEW BEDFORD—Ar 25th, schrs D,W Eldridgej Og den/Nansemono/Va ’, ’ -- 1 ) Sid ,25th/ Florida/,Butler, Dar&n. Ga; J Bow man;Taylor^Virginia.: •• : , . HOLMES IIOLB/'Sopt: 24.—'Arr ■ brig Hatanzas, Mc- Lcod/Georgetowny 8 o.' for Boston; Goh.ett Gate,. Haw ohona, Boston for. Baltimore: SAB Small. ’Drlsco, St Johns. ifß, for 1 do, with loss of Anchor.' >■’ • J ' l BALTIMORE, Sept.' 25^-Arrived - Steamship Jack sot»j‘B«kerjfrom N, York; 'schrs George/Walt, from . .Kenncbunkport; Henry‘Cole, Hazleton,: from Staten. '’ "£riimd; bargeß J A Shriver, Meekins ,• from' N Yotk; E'A.' Eterens, Jones,'from N York; ‘ ‘ 4 -•/' Below—At‘the inouth. of thb'river,* bhlp Dashaway/ _ McCliuLicli , (before reported in Hampton Roads, from , brig* lAdyof the . lake,' (Ur) Newma&j -West Indie*; James 'UaviSj Glnn,' * 'Boston; *cbr A LUyde» Anderson, Calais/; ‘ Ji> *. 1 ' , ■. . SeptlS— ‘Nathaniel Thompson, Shannon; Constitution,Lawrence, froth'Boston; Ha*, westcott, from Liverpool, -26th Inly; , Welto/NewYom; brJgßafajrSpalerDaTJff, ;i Belonry coming up-ifihlp'Silas Grechmjm, Wfcbberj ,^, jlannahCrooker,lftmtodn,New York; j,;- FOREIGN POBTB. " “ 'Vj 1 - ' ‘At Constantinople. Sdth jilt, barqrieGray Hoadiliaye, forgiajrhh, tolbadwTfnHedStatfe*:' ‘ At Smyrna , 29th ult, barques Salfenai Watson, for New -York, Race .Horae. Ssarlea: Jroitcr, Dawes;, White ~'Cloud, Itoyti ahd.Mlnso'so, King l : for Boston. 4 Arr at Monroviir,' (Africa)' Aug 13, -seht Antelope, Wormwood,fromßoiwn JglyA " ' ’* , At SlaJaga.3d Inst, birkWmfam, Fatterson./or New. ' York r gime'eyeduigr'scans Kate' Weston." Ellis, tatid-, rYorktoirii, Wogl*m,tordo # sotfu'," and- otbera'tmc, j Sid 2d, Boston. 1 v ; '' •" • M 1 . At CfOhstadt, ithinst, ship W £ -Lindsay, Gray, for New York, ready;-barks HanJacmto,- Fraitja, forßoatoa, do;Scaler, Pratt, to loadfor-do.-*-, . - v: ~ '< > At at Qaebw'iJlrt inst-.-ehip-Bonocb&iCS&H£London J ’ ‘barque; BerblceJ Seotti Aberdeen;Lady Hastings, . Jlitchie', Fleetwood; SophlaMcKenife, Graham, Lofldou; 22d, ship* Elit&’KeUb, Solvent,-Cork; CH/of 1 Quebec, . JTaHocUj Aberdeen; barques Duchess of Northaraber ., loud;! Waddle, Portsmouth;'Adiriv Lodge, Thoburn, Greenock; Hehjy Duncan, Badcock; Milford.; ‘ ’ Old ahipSParlarid } Bnxtdd,'Plymouth; Nepaul, BlcFar lene, Liverpool; barques Lord ByrOn, Mooole; Glasgow; . Elgin, Montgomery. Newry;. Standard. Ritchie, Belfast; , 'JbrlgsMoryr.Wii son, Swanson;Cfstus,Ainsworth,N^h. [Per steamship Canada, at Boston.] 1 ; -• - . jig Bth inst, JD Pennell, Jones, St John,• jff B.Jlfch, Johd G.Grfffin, Park.' St Jwrd do Cuba. Sid, SifeVß L‘ Lane, Oballlard; New York. K ’ Also aid Grand Dachess.HUr, Now York*Me-: fcropolia,. Yoei&F, Robert A 1 Lewi*, Clements. St John, * /-} A ,t <•* • ’ '<''t Id tKe’river'otttwardboundJlthjWebster’.'Latrrencoi • '. Emewtld,‘Oduk. and MnegHl, for ■'Heir York; ' Patterson,' Hill; Blood, MeLellah; Caatlpe; Shrippoo, -‘audßoChesler,BlwcU ; forNewOrleans. : ■ • ilk'of Arrivals at tlietrinciparHoteW. ' i! A Welcb,AYaaW»gt©iu n >f Hon JtfihE Ward,* - CA D Ltitnkr, Ga, • .. nah, ,oa, , „.r i Tb6S t ‘ ~ ::n ' 3 yr,Kt6\>*, Baltimore ;*, 1 , ■ • - -T WckPeLevy,Vermont ; •. SB Hays. Cincinnati, 0 . R WH&ydJ OlUcTnnsti, 0 ; B U Harrison, Spr ing£ eld . . I» J? Cowdey .Columbus ,Gi -Jgjr Thomas,3f 6 » * , j,' fßdrolrd Riddle, JkJstop • .Me» r/W Mason, Ya ’ ’’ WB PeUrsori,BaU '<’ ’ RQftl-jUhewfljlUctm’ijL Mbp Matthews»Richmond * -vf Mfcßottthmayd.'NY • , ' ft B Pittsburgh b , 1 A Weteh, Viuoniowp, £a yJ.XorkejOinfippati, Ohio 13 • 1 J If IfcCiung, Sib Jloulfi K W Taylor/Youagatowri •G 0 Peorson.Chicago ~ IY Connorat, Satan’h. Ga ThQR Berry, ltd ' ' ' R Mather,"Hartford, Cotm Mis* Mather,Hartford,Con $D Morgan & la, N Y ’ A W Alexander, Ga , UA Alexander, Oa WH Cooper, Auguste, Qi L>V BHowgfciYa,- J 5 Y SUw&rt, Gl&ftgow. - 3 no P Brown, Saw York T Hays'*. IS, Lafayette. N 3 B Hawking Mass.' j,- ' • *2 H Greonfleld, NoabvUle , das A McOlure, Nashville 3 p Grafton,Xiltle Rock, Atk W Kndx, Ilf otttgobwrtr, Aik' •J 5 X.Tan GourtK-Natchez 1' £. :G'W Hoyt: Concord. N 0 . jI Newly,-N O ? . , JofY Watkins. Ya ' *, ' WBTanWr Ala,Richmond’ „ Kd Erfdh>rU,Florida. •, l» .MjbsJl M Bradford/florid* •, m£d¥ Ssaßfordi Florid* vMirtß ¥ Whltekefr l< ■ * ‘Moririita&laPlfO ? * 1 • '' 'VlW^hns^^Fli'^-^^yAH^BrtodjSWxlfakton' 1 1‘ . ‘ bi W 0- |-;'- < B BBdtfnySoW Orleans ' e * > ChM C New, York 0 H Prentice & UsHortford T A Case A la, Hartford - <fߥrdemhil,’Ba<|j f Eog ,NW VaughahfHOV f V JaaßfalKm, New York' ■. RTnslay, Sow York' ; \* H 3l®?> Row York. D Dunlop & I*} Virginia ,“ : W Bennsyl’jafiia • Danlop, Vlrgioli i -‘ s - Id BPtJngU; s cartdlnA ' SDBoHoir.'SfcLottJs . 3 T Ro« Orleans ' P*T »lappm>A Jo; England vj/Borda. peaMylVhnlft ► i Thompson,-Ponna'\' f ' Wm WUUtwif-#f*ad> >, • ,-,j-C TffiltO, PototHlo ‘'; 8 Breck & la, Baltlmoro Wm Montelth, Ne# York ■' 5 A Bloomer Hart, U York.BSmiDowp.Auvia? YotV J ’ 3 DComstock * la, NYork ZdwJ-Conoer,DßA - IV '‘ - ; r <j*pt Palmer, BhUftdelpkla' ED-BatdnQue'beo { -Mrs Rallroan, New York MlMßulftnaiiiß'eVYork '' Bkmßß Brown', How York -- Wm H Chosa, New York T P Cherry. BaHlmoroY r-t B H Hutton, New York | 'A'T SWwaH.HeWA'dcfc .J«fa«*T4lcott,Hew York I J T Granbory.-NCarolina • CPYlmraennatij N York • s "W HBeacli, Charleston' •> M BaArln*. OharlteflloA* •5? A Betas,'Brooklyn H£berbttrtJGflorffia >‘.. • WM Boberta^.Carlisle ' J , W P Wilson, Washington C R Johitfoii Atl»i IJosfoh i-jßPrittddVlUb&la.Chleagtf = W'AKennedy, NewpTork C H BuchanacS" Vfrgfafa ?> * garni Chadwick, Eagpvti V, BAnderson,fennai.Wßi^iig,CMUdroia - 11 ) lot Realdri, ClnehmatlV; *{. SamUHtroyroahilJostoii Davis,-Gen HWaibrid|o,N Ydrk W HBtom, New York’£ f D Mojwinore, New York !DIl Garrison,-BtLojifo '/nj ? Mister Ala, Virginia i' jtich’d Hcckscher, NYork) g VjdneV,' Georgia ‘ ; t* ■ J) W Bartlett, Now York iCq W Bartlett; New York' 1 J W Hall, New i A QUtmn, N 'Carolina s r- JmHEJW/jN Carolina Dm-U JFIeUcWn, NYorlc l- - , Jaa Monteith, >-G*©A~o&tea. Augusta, fla \ 3 HCbAdbourn.N Carolina iyjßl/«tigler. New York \ i /oo Washington * - J £hatVf Doswoll, Virginia. 3Ym Alien, Virginia i -Jißaltyer, Wftßblogton . f 3 AWorrliam, YltglsliK' Waobing’n i J Washlte«L Virginia : \ OjW NorrJa, Baltimore , tF 1 BHBailey,stLouie'. BB&orbamjNew -A \ OecflYWilktae/NY'' V'D'BHdtbrMk.NYT l "-'-' . YYRHolbrook,N Y--,; Cnpt fan BoWieled &ViA l. v - M*\, J : ; i lo® ‘ JltStoner;Temi. ; " t WfiSlj Helstww^ m *l -x CbK» A NeybSur.iylrfeinU f ] - .-AYTalentlnc, Mr Btoward Delaware „ , ;Wm 7 ASM/MSnttoiUiY V«J OS«lth\ ; oSlP' f „ - !?.nj>/JS jusmltfi, Mifflin to •; - I B'l/raftVMofrttfomory co . J TTatoon • ! ‘MbROHAS# HOTBtiJintth itreot. bolo* Awh. A 5 Horner, Salem, Ohio B B Jonee, Mlse : : ■B E Rosier, Train -- • J H Baguo, hiron. OliiO , QeoMKlng, fa ■ -B GStall, Cin, O , Johh Hederon, N Y ;-. ■ Banl Setrendaon, Md , ■W NTabbotl, Wnsvillo’.O J D Tabbott, Bonurillo, 0 ■A JiTork-, N 0 ■ O’II 8011, Blair co, Pa WI White, hoioeeter.Mase JT Crelgh, JohnerlUe, 0 JamoeHegilV-Kr' - 1 ■• J Morion and . G R Whit;, Wttebnrgh Br W B De ""T> *‘ l “ al, ? reh '/HHoaeton, Chicago •’ • rKS i?Jf- ! J } Moore, BUlsburg U G Sidle, , S B BeU, 0 - a RelMnsteln, Lebanon, Pa lll •KMelr^na' NO' ' Geo W Harrison, Va ; 'P-W MelU, NO'. , 3J BSFShn S«it H W Mauk, : Jolletj 111 Qeo-Wilson, Balt oDavenport, Ohio’ •' '• ' Schsap, Richmond, a Miss L Bohaap,.Balt E N L H H Duccah. Pa ‘ * ABErnatd, Pa ; j\ois p» E 6B l Cent l Q & Pa R, B Campbell, Waynesburg J Hodk. , M Gilman, Pa. ’ • A J McKean, Merv-er, Pa, , •’ - d Cummings Sc la*, Bellefoptj Pa • - AMERICAN HO'SSE—Chestnnti below 81xth fit. ■JamesA Piper, Va ' MH Pitts. Balemj NO MfsßS Water*, : Va , - ? J PolUtz, Virginia V Goodwin’; N York’ ' A E Thayer A la, N York J&o J Patterson. HarriiiVg' C E Euston; Ohio • J'HShelby,Palmyra, Ten JohnH WilllamH W ESeaver/Philada ' 'O J WUllamfi, Woßhington G A Ewldg; Sparta, l 111 ' H Anderson, Pittaburgh HenryO Bedes, N.O ' R R Crawford, Venn • ? S H Matthews a Cleveland J G Effinuer, Harrisonburg/ D Bailey ft'wife, do ’Virginia !• R W Thurmind,-Harrifion- 1 D U Switzer, Hdrrisonbu’g, ' 1 ’ - 51 ' Virginia <•' Jas Hunter, Rlchffiohd,VA Sam Rathhurii, Ya . ‘ R G Spildlng, Penna • E Platt. Watorbury, Conn T BroWn, N, J' * ' 1 ' Lewis Bates <fc la,Boston Edward North,NY- John W Cbaso, Augusta ‘MrfiChase,Augusta'' - 1 MififiDorr, Augusta ' J BaWerson. -BristoK pa ‘ ‘ RJ Darden, Jerusalem, >ft S A’MIX; New Haven, Gorin Thos M Almond, Va S JiWsboyfer, Va ■ BO Stevens, Washington Alex Elliott, Washington' Wra Clark, Newark, N J 'WJud&hvKr . ,M • ' Jis WilHatnfi, Boston PMLowe.PhUa ’ ■ U BrowfitoVA la, S Castle Chandler/StLoUlfl 'W H Brecdm, N Y i " l , ' ’ ' ‘Y DGott,Ndw Orleans • ‘ t’ ' 9treei, above Third. , JobUßlmor,Brldgoton.N i h'V Paltcrrfeon, NJ L OButnsey, Salem. N j M Weinstein. Prussia L Bauer, N Y H K Hunter, N Y Clit* A Woodruff. N Y ¥m B Rabj, Quimbv, Pa ' S J Itouskulp, Wd J T Hatcher, Ohio • Mrs J 0 Purcell, Ohio John Lawson, Jr. Salem,JNJ H W Wilson,' Jievrnrk, ft J "A Webster,’ Indianapolis . TVm H Ladd, Ohio " - 1 Mifiß h B Frants, Ohio • Mitt BAI Yranfel Ohio' John Bmooker, Ohio 4 Wh# H Bayfce. Jr, M Chunk Win Mlntzer, l*a "J 5P ■Braiiddhbarg, Ohio' •' ; Q- W McOonn, Ohio' Jbbh Jdneg, N 0 ' ‘ C A Anders, AM SacobKindiSk,Bedford. Pa J Brown, Bedford, Pa , '3ldioa BtazTy, Pittsburgh ’ ,E II Houson, Pittsburgh P Amhi6rmsn,ShamokiDjPa J Boblnson,Ohio - , 0 W Ohio ‘ oBrown, Ohio : - J L Jbssolyn, Ohio BKnode.Hd ' v 1 F B Picking, Gettysburg Geo Cook, Upton,'Pa' ! ' ;Onpt Thornton & la, Pa W Hall, Ohio 1 l ,HTMerkcl, Pa B’Rdegglog, Butler, Pa ' DWG Sharp, Pa Bichard Bell, Pittsburgh Samuel Simons, Pittsburgh Geo Crouse, Pittsburgh •• ' r NATIONAL HOTEL, Race street, aboTo Third. Isaac Jones, NX ‘ ’ „ Sami Antrim, Danville Orrin Finns/, Sharon Obas Hubuor, Lee, Maps Hr RiehaVdson. Boston II S Stull, Phila J H Arndt, Phila Wm Seymour, Alex’n, Va Jas Lowbll, Alox’a, Va Chas Ueebner, Lee, Mass Harry Bird, Jr, NY, . Mr Geo Boyles A la, N<Y GeoW Morgan, FottsviUe ' Goo Wood, Concord, N II Jos Butler, Mauch Chunk J S Herstor, Easton, Pa . Jap Heckman',Boston, Pa E C Patterson, Can’ll, Ohio Jlrjsh. Pottsville, Pn .R, Watson, Doylestowq, I’a J McLean. Summit HIU * Sami Levis, Allentown' Wm,FargGBoft,.Pa,, , ' Thos'Philips,NJ■ 1 S B gasaaman, Coopersburg A J Jluntzfngor. Reading ,T Prosh. Harrisburg . Jos Garretson. St Clair John o Hall, St Glair ‘ JnoFFisher, Bedford Ainoil Wodllson, Pittsburgh' Jos Goodman. Greeaaburg Cni9 Amer, Greensburg P G Roberts, N Y ' ' ”' , ' Joe Lowell, Alexandria , STATES UNION HOTELr-Market. above Sixth. W BLerr, Washington . J A Wikou & la, Pa ;JL Torr r Lanc’r co, Pa Miss F Goodman, Bait’ F L Herriion, Tatn&qua Miss Harri6on, Tamaquo W.Oromelien, PhlU •>. 0 T Russell, Pittsburg - 'MrLeiy ALyN Y. , . A G Clark, Va J Oldborofer, New Berlin, J Ralston, Armst’gco, Pa *i-Penna: ' • ■ MJdLadd&U.WigreEt'n J Balderaton, PliIU. •* lIJI Mullhoff, Weatm’d co, H Snider, Lauc’r .. ( S McKenel,Phila * a, E McDonald, Schuylk’l co, H WGonder.Pa, . • - .• . Penan B Bickford,Pa- . - • JL Reese, Penn It It , 0 A Denwiddie, Phila MADISON DOUSE—Second street, belotr Arch. H 0 Canrood, NT- Wm Hall, N V ' J E Force, P’fcDeposit, Md S Larabden, Del ' Jno McMullen, N J Chas Thayer, Pa Wm B Cosgrove, lowa ‘ B B Mitchell, lowa DU Tllney dfc lady, N J - ■ 0 nornbeok, Honcsdalo Wm P lUnfleld. Pa Wm Mofllt, Del Purnell Lolland, Del “ "0 Thompson) Marietta, Pa Wm Hulner, St Louts Jlobt A Davis, Halt Jap F Dcnnalson, Bait Peter 0 Millfigan, Balt H P Hagg, Newark, N J •. <:GIT7 HOTEL—Third gtreot.-abovo Raco. John M Petersen, Onba- Wm B Thomas, Ya HDPittofl', Pft - <'• H Nankin, Marietta Homy Brown; Altana, Pa Henry Bordenton* Halt JBradft Germantown Henry Hunch, Halt ■ John Blake/Altoona, Pa <ff B Hoffman, Altoona. Pa EmithNewkitk, Salem; NJ Henry Mclntosh* Pa ' Bperial ISoUks. ■' Griat Redaction In Prices of Sell* Sealitog Fruit Jars;— From and after this date,' Arthur’s PirgMi Pkdit Jabs,' with Glass and Flro*Proof;Stono ? Ware, -will be sold at greatly reduced prices, lower even than the many worthless imitations of Arthur’s now in the market,-In order that the people may preserve their liTj\t, ‘ftiid our ; Wrgo stock he closed out. fijr“ Store open In the evening. . ARTHUR, BURNHAM, Sc GILROY, -2f. E.'corner Tenth and George ste. 'seSi-et* u t Seamen*! Sarto*. Fund—Office. 303 Walnut •treat, one door'west of second .street, Deceived de posits ia sums 'of One Dollar 1 and upwards, from all classfee of the community, and allows interest at the rate fire perceut.'per annum., Moneys paid on Demand. * . Office open daily, from 0 until 6 o’clock; and,on Mon* •'day.and’ Saturday Until'o in the evening. President fetnkilh Pell; .Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; 'Secre tary, James’s". Pringle, '' i , lufaaf Cordial.-«-ThU invnlnabln Cordial Is prapared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatlca known in medicine, and Is the most perfect and reliable oahnlnatlve extant for infants and young’children.' ■ ' ■T®/ its powerful influence a speedy cure Is effected in all cases of Cholic, wind/pains.and spasms.. Believes and mitigates much of children’s suffering 1 during denti tion or teething,'and byita soothing properties tran quillsef pains of the bowels} looseness, vomiting', &e; ; The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used In thousands of cases with the tnost abundant supaess. _ No family ahouldbe without it.l Prepared onl/ by.., _ jttasar A. Boras, ; ■l‘ -■ At bis Drug and Chemical Store, ‘ .' • N. X. corner of Sixth and Green ste., Philadelphia, ’“Tcnrhotrf slf ordera inuat be addressed. - And' for sale ’h/'Druggists v \_ an 13-1/ V Ba-ving Per Cent. Intereat—Na tional Safety Tnut Company, in WansorStreet, south- - ’tfeat corner ; of Thibo Street, Tnitinsumia., Assets over,Css Million atwa Half 0/ Dollabs, invested inks in Estate, Kobtoaojsb,GbOohd Bests, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines Its business entirely to the reed- Ting 'of money on deposit. The office is open overy day from fi ’o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thtttsdaycrverilags Until 0 o’clock: ' ’• filarnogeo. ’ „ .On t&biaA'iD.tanlLby Iter,Clarke Eeudon.Mr, JOHN to lUm HANNAH IKONS, both of tliia idk tie 21«tlint.. by Rev; j. If. Bonnard, Mr. SAMtT tti. UCMFHREYS to Him MARGARET B. FREED, hath of Jhlflcity. _ ■ ♦ ■ SOctttlja. , ’Cnthe 25th ,Just., Mrs. HESTER BATCHELOR, In the 72d year of herage. ' The relatives and friends of tlio family are respect fnlly .invited to .attend the funeral,'from the residonce John Batchelor, No. 1 Coates street, on ,thla afternoon at 2 o’clock. '; Oh tho 3Mb , i»st., SAMUEL H. JENKINS, agod 31 ,yoi«C / . , ' ‘ lUafriends and acquaintances and those of the family .are respectfully' Invited, to attend tho fuherai, from tate rCBldence,Plum street,.below. Elfth. Camden, ‘on .iitfi afternoon at 2 o’clock, ' a . “ < / Suddenly, atPraukford, on Thursday morning, 24th Instant, Mr, JOHN SHEARD, iu the 60th ' year of his age:; ' . . '.< The relatives and friends, of the family are respect fully, invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence', Paul street, ahoyo Tacony, on Monday afternoon, 28th Instant, and the Order, in general, are invited to attend. . ' September'2sth, JOnN 0. KARTSHER, infant son ol Charles U, and AnnaS. Kartabor. Is in the city of Philadol fl2 o’clock to-day,' is... .382 »>,»*••••««*.178 Cholera lufadlan} o Consumption of Lungs.. 27 Convulsions; 8 Dr0wned;..';....... 6 Debility.... 1 ; 32 Inflammation Brain.... 9 The number nf Interment phla, for the week ending at Last report,.,.. i;... 63 .Children,,. , r ; ,V 09 Males;. 1 ;,.;...; 1103 ! . Females.;,...;, ; 70 _• Lungs.... 6 ' ' Stomach.. 6 Marasmus 14 Still horn ...... 12 182 80V5,.85 v ,.-44 ,J ; 09 O2 Betareep 1 tod 6 years, .30' tTrider ! 6years,;.. •« 99 ' Of tbe atiuve tkeie «rere— Worn'Altortaonse.'..^ poo Other diseases........ .< 70 Peopio of Color 3 N, ÜBNDEHSOf*, , Health Officer. , . . TBSIBUBY DSPAJITJtBJIT, !, - • September23,lBs7.' -•'■'Notice is hereby given to the holders of stocks of the lilted states that this Department trill purchase such •‘certificates M>b'ajlbe receirad 'her^‘duly assigned to -the 'Doited previous to tho Ist, day. of'No vcm ■ her next, at the rates heretofore offered and paid, vis: - 10 per cent, premium on t|io loan 0f.1842. ' : to per cent, premium on loausof 1847 and <md ls4St ; tfl,per ceut.>pretolum on iexwr indemnity 6 percent 1 stock) together vrith the interest accrued in each base 'from Ist July. 1 7 ; ‘ • Certificate* of stock received.tiered*, and.aftorthe .l*t day of November, until further notice shall bogiven, .vflU be purchased at the following rates, vis J /*! 8 peb the loan of 3842. 14 per cent.' premium on the loans of 1847 and 1848, ,jmd>.;- A * i • 5 p?r cei)t. premium on indemnity 5 percent., ’yritji the accrued Interest payable thereoD, respectively. ’ Inhere certificates of stock, -inscribed and transfora- blexmthe bookabf the shell be received here, Assigned to the United States, between the Ist Deccm bcr,wbentke transfer books vjll be dosed, and the Ist ; of January, 'Vfhep.the half-yearly interest is payable, the accrued interest for the half-year must be expressly io thp United States by the stockholder, as no- current Hatf-yearcan bc included in the . Mttlementj'.but the siuie ,will be payable, by the Assist •antTreasnrer on the interest schedules, as heretofore, all cases thb purchase sums vrlll be Settled in.favor 4iie Uqj t*d k laiea In the inode prescribed by the regula . tions of, assignments of. etock j anti remittance k will bo •lpadtf ef thk aipbunt by-'draft on ttio, assistant tro/um* ■ a* tye op-' tlon of ine party inSrho so favor the settlement ahall be infeie,* Cm day?* additional interest will bo added from, 'ihbdky df for the draft to bo sent s mail. * r,i4 ' ■■ thiDoSiwy of tta* Seventh and Neighboring Wards will be held on ‘ TUESDAY EVENING, Sept. 29th,' at the comer of EIGHTEENTH and 'WILLIAM streets. Democrats of the Western Wards, rally, rally in vour might and numbers to hear,expounded those great principles which hav© made onr country u tlie land of the free and the home ol the brave.” The mooting will be addressed by Lewis 0. Cassidy, Ohas. Campbell, . Hon T. IK Florence, Edward \Y Power, i Win. E. Lehman, 1 Thos E. Burkina,* • 1 JohnU&ssau, Henry O.Kutz, ; Eugene Ahern, ''• It. It. Young, , Dr. Geo. W. Neblngor, (Geo. Thompson. .■ Dy order of th© Committee, sep2B*2t RICHARD 11. HENRY, Secretary. CD 3 * A Grand Mass Meeting ol tlie Demo- CKACY, 1 ■ FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD WARDS, Wilt bo held on TUESDAY EVENING, the 29th Inst., at 7 H o'clock, at the house of AQUILA PASCOE, N. W. earner of SECOND and WASHINGTON Stroets. Lot ,oyery Democrat bo at the meeting, and ratify the nomi nations made bythe'Conventions. ' , The following gentlemen have, been invited and win ftddtmthe'tfteetlDg*.' ’ ‘ 1 „ T » _ Gen. Wm. F. Packer, Hou. Tlifts.B. Florence, Hon John. Cqdwalladec, lion. Win. H. Witte, I on. Lany, Captain Alfred Day, Lewis C.Cassidy, W. E. Lehman, Stephen S. Boroak, Doctor I. N. M*™ l . l *’*[!!' F. Johnston, Daniel Dougherty, Thomaa W. HjgglM, Thomas E. Ilarkinß, Doctor C. Ernest Kamerly, Stephen B OF MUSIC will be present. se2B^t “Vs* The Democratic Executive Committee of the Eleventh ward—John McDovltt, John Daily, T. T. Thels, ifathow Crawford, Lawrence Kelly Wilson Ker, Samuel M. Lane. David Balslor.J McNeil, George S. Laro, J. F. Mascher. William Piper, Joa. Huneker, and WilliamHaalett.jr —will meet at JOHN GREEN’S, THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 7 o’clock. ' SAMUEL KING, President. F. A. CnAPWICK. Secretary. ae2B-lt irjPThe following Resolution wns this day passed by the Philadelphia BOARD OF BROKERS That all settlement* for the purchase and sale of Stocks, past and to coroo, may bo made in corti •fted Checks of any of the City Banks curront on the day of settlement, up to 3 o'clock sep2B It VIT • Twelfth Word Democrfttie Executive Committee —At a meeting held on Thursday Evening. September 24th. the following persons were appointed as a Finance Commlttco: Dr. Philip Do Young, Andrew McManUx, H. Dunlap, G Ilinckle, A. Weber, F. Myers, nnd Lewis T. Meats. GEO. RUNNER, President. Lkwis Snbm., Secretary. se2B-lt* fly* A G rand Mass Meeting of the Democracy of the Third Congressional District will bo hold at Washington and Master streets, on MONDAY EVEN ING, 28th Inst., at 7# o’clock. • The following eminent speakers will bo present and address ihe meeting: Hon.Thos B. Florence, Wm. E. Lchmm, Esq., Hon. Joint Cadwalader, Joshua J. Owens, Esq., • Hon. Harlan Ingram, Vincent L. Bradford, Edq., lion. Wm. H. Witte, Jobu Campbell, Esq., Samuel M. Du Ilois, Esq., Lewis 0. Cassidy, Esq., Robert Allen.iEsq., Kugeno Abern, Esq., < Thos. E. Harkins, Esq., Dr. G. W. Nebinger, Genl. John D. Miles, William A.Porter, Esq., Thos. W.Hlgglns,Esq. • Come out in your Democratic strength and might, and give another ovldonco of your determination to crush to the earth the efforts of your insidious enemy. A full Brass Band will be in attendance. By order of the Committee on Town Meetings. J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. Tnos. J. Bnonxx, Secretary. 1 sep2s-3t £7-Democratic City .Executive Committee*— The Committee willmeetovory Tuesday and Friday af ternoon, at 3 o’clock, at the Globe Hotel. JOS. LIPPINCOTT, Chairman. se23-15t I£7* At a meeting ol the Democratic City Ex ecutive Committee, held on Friday, Sept. 18th, it was Resolved* That tho following town meetings bo held: MONDAY EVENING, Sept. 28th, northwest corner Washington and Master. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Sept. 30th, Frankford. SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 3d, West Philadelphia. . THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. Bth, Mauayunk. TUESDAY EYENING, Oct. Oth, Now Market and Drown street. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oct. 7th, Passyunk road and Federal street. THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. Ist, Frankford road’aud Norris street. FRIDAY EVENING, Oct. 9th, Broad and Coates street. SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. lOtb.StutoHouaoYaM A fall Dross Band will be in attendance at each meet ig. ' J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. A. 0. Thompson, ] John Kklsu, | lS. b“oto, W ’ [Committee on Meetings Michael Riquteb, j Jobs K. Laoohlw, / ID" Office of the Union Canal Company' Puila.i>klpiha, Sept. 14th, 1857.—A meeting of,the stockholders 01 the Union Canal Company of Pennsyl vania will he held at the office of tbo company, (Far* quhar Buildings.) No. 228 WALNUT street, below -Third, on TUESDAY, October Qtli, next, at 12 o’clock, 31. By order of tlio Board of Managers, aelfi-dtocQ 0. THOMPSON, flec’y. iD* Democratic Naturalization Committee will meet daily at tho Globe Hotel, 6th,below Chestnut. By onler of the Democratic City Executive Committee, JOS. LimNCOT'f, W. M. Raxdall,) Chairman. J. J.Sulliva.v, S Becys ' »023*17t TO "WESTERN TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. , , NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY, . TWO DAILY TRAINS TO PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST. On and after June let, 1857, TWO DAILY TRAINS will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and ail West ern and South or Northwestern cities. 1 THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 8.15 A. M. connecting with the Mail Train over the Great Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving in Pittsburgh at 1.20 A. M. TjFIE AFTERNOON . EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 3 P. M., for Harrisburg. ’ THE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. M., con nectiiig with tho Lightning Express ovor tho Pennsyl vania Railroad for Pittsburgh, arriving at 1.20 P. M. ID" AU these trains connect closely at Pittsburg with trains over tho Pittsburgh, Fort Waynt and Ohimgo Railroad , and its Northern, Southern and Western connections. ID*- Passengers for Chicago, Rock Island, Burling ton, lowa City, Miliunukee, Dubuque, St. Paul’s. Madi son, and other leading cities in the Northwest, will save one hundred miles ofttavel and ten hours in vine, with •four less changes of cars, by taking this route. fD“ Passengers for Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo, and Detroit, go by this route, and tho time U unequalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other route. ID* Passenger* for St. Louis, Indianapolis, Terco Haute, Cairo, and all points on the Lower and Upper Mississippi, mako less changes of cars, and arrivo in ad ranee of any other route; and to Cincinnati, Coluubus, Dayton, Louisville, and other prominent cities, as quick as by any other route. All Western Baggage CHECKED THROUGH aud banditti with care, ■ FOR THE NORTH. The $.16 A.M. connects closely with Express Trains over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Jails, and Canada, thus forming the moat direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western Now York. Passengortt will tiud this the shortest, cheapest, and most expeditious route to Niagara Yalta'and Canada. Through Tickets oro issued to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at |3 each, each train having sure connections. Passengers by this route avoid trcssolled bridges, anil all the inconvenienco of fcrryiug ocroti the Susquehanna river. Passengers for Hanover, Manchester, Gettysburg, Em raittaburg, Carlisle, Chamborsburg, go by the trains at 8.15 A. M., and 3 P. 51. WESTMINSTER DBANCH. The Cars on this road tnako one trip per day, connect ing with the train at 3 P. M. For THROUGH TICKETS and further information, apply at the Ticket Office, Caivort Station, N. J 2. corner of Calvert and Franklin streets sep2B-tf IUST PUBLISHED— *I BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO , QUITS; Authorized edition; from advance sheets of tho Lon don edition,by special arrangement with the author, the Baronesß Toutphmus, of Munich, (into SJiaa Mont gomery, l author of “ The Initials.” complete, 2 vols. m ono, 12mo ; price $1.25. ' THE LIFE OF JOHN FITCH ; THE INVENTOR OF THE STEAMBOAT. By Thompson Wegtcott. (( In tills narration are sketched the early career of tho subject of the Biography : his revolutionary ser vices, hia adventures in tho wilds of Kentucky and Ohio, his captivity by Indians, and as a British piooocr; his exertious to obtain means to constructs steamboat, his trials, failures and successes \ his mortifications and final suicide. ” Full refercuco is made to tho steamboat plans of Ruroscy. with notices of tho experiments of Morey. Rooscveldt, Longstrcet, the Stevens family, Oliver Evans, Ac., with engravings of tho different models of machinery, and plans of propulsion by Fitch, Franklin. Itumsoy, Volght, Thornton, Ac., to tho time of Fulton.” Ono vol. 12mo, 415 pp.,illustrated with2s engravings. Prico $1.25. ’ INFORMATION ABOUT TEXAS ; carefully prepared by D. K, E- Braman, of Matagorda, Texas. This volumehos been written solely .for tlje benefit of persons looking Information about Togas, and the matters herein contained are definite and fe){ablo.” — Prefau. SYaVOPSIS OF CONTENTS t Information tor pmi grants ; Description of Counties; Stock Raising; Sheep; ioney Bees ; Wheat j Credit; Schools; Taxatlou ; Heir ship and Rights to Property; Conveyances of Heal Estate ; Legal Rights und Remedies; Lands; Court of Claims; Itinerary ; Jliscelluncous, Ac., Ac. Quo v 01. 12mo. Prico 75 cents. MODERN REFORM EXAMINED ; Or, Tho Union of North and South ou tho Subject of Slavery. By Joseph 0. Stilts. One vol, Pima. Price $l. gemUßßlt 20,1857. - TUCKER’B HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from their colonization to tho end of Twenty-sixth Congress, in 1841. By George Tucker. ludvols. Bvo. Prices 2 per vol. J. D LIPPINCOTT & CO., so2B.Bfc . 22 and 24 North Fourth street. TTINGLISiIItBpORTS—VOL, XXXVIII, JC4. ENGLISH REPORTS IN LAW AND EQUITY. A complete collection of the Oaseß decided by tho llopso of Lords, tho Privy Counoil, the Queen's Bench, Com mon Pleas, and Exchequer, tho Loyd Chancellor, thp High Court of Appoals in Chancery, tho Court of Crim inal Appeal, and tho Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Courts. This sciicfl Hab the merit of lobs flonjplotp, reliable, prompt, convenient, and cheap. It is tidvr universally cited Id the Courts, and referred to In the recent law books as standard authority. All the cases reported In England nrd here reprinted from the most reliable lourcefi 03 flood ps they reach this country. , Vol. 33 just published, prico $3,00. by , UH'liK, BROWN, & CO, H* Washington street, Boston. Highway departmew'T, SEfTKMIJKK 28.1857. SEALED PROPOSAL will bo received at this ofllco until THURSDAY, Oct. Ht, 1857, at Vi o'clock J£., tor tho GRADING of the following Btroets: Twentieth Btrootfrora Montgomery to Berks Btreets, In tho 21st Word. ’ Thirteenth Btreot from Columbia Avenue to Montgo mery Street, and Montgomery Street from Twelfth to Thirteenth Street, IttiheSOthWard. ™ Art removed to bo deposited as may bo directed by tho Highway Department. T IGHT ! LIGHT! LI *HT » ' ’ The cheapett and sa/*s/ Artificial light in the ■world. Tho proprietors of KNAPP’S PATENT LAMP do not now hesitate to apeak of it as one of the greatest benefaction* of theage. It is now established that it fl practically adapted to the burning ofßosia On. among all the people. It hM foi a long time been well under* stood by ail CheraUU that Jtosin oil was five tinw* cheaper than rials producing artificial iient, cut heretofore, although more than oni hundred thousand dollars nave been expended i» Boston |u Attempts to produce ft Lamp in which to hum thin'oil, tljey bayo Ml. ffOm Some c*une or other, failed, and it baa remained, as was remarked by the Boston Journal, for A. JI. Knapp, frpnibeauti fully ilmplo and philOßOphigalprincinlos, easily under etood, to bring forward a tamp exactly adapted to bum- Ing this Rbsln Oil in all styles of Lamps, and for the common uso of persons everywhere, at a mere nominal cost, bo that ps onocaO afford t. - without It. Besides the abdve, this Lamp gives bo t^ar { so//, and steady a light that persocßWlth weak eyes And no more difficulty in the evening.than In tho day-tltpe-Umaklhe It, as so retalclergymen haveromarked, the “student's friend,” as well as tho mechanic’s and seamstress’s Indispensa ble companion. • PENNSYLVANIA COUNTRY JJBROIUNTP will dud it to their interest to call at the Agency. and examine this truly wonderful Lamp. County Rights for the ftftlg of these Lamps in tho State of Pennsylvania will be sold on terms so favorable that those becoming .invested cannot fail to realize large profits from the business,' Agency, 803 CHESTNUT Street,* above Second. ' ee 2J-d2w&w2t* ; fHK PltEaS.-t»tfIt.ADBLPKttA. MONDaV, feptMßEft 28, 1857. r IST' OF letters remaining in Li the PHILADELPHIA POST, OFFICE up to 12 o’clock P.M. on Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857. [Person 8 applying for advertised Letters will ploaso mention the date of the List.} Open on, Sunday from 1% to 8)$ o’clock A. 31,, and 2 to 3 P.M. , LADIES* LIST. AndrUMary Goto Miss Kats O’Rourke Oath Ashton Ellon - Oorvis Marg’t O’Neil Bridget Appleton Mary M Gold Elizabeth O’Neill Mrs T Austin Emily Gregory Mrs Kate O’Conner Mrs Aylitlo Mrs P H Glbony Sarah J Ogdon Cora Alien Miss Sarah Getty Virginia A pmuney Alary Adams Isabel Guiger Elizab’h C Packer E A Amies Louisa Groble Sira Sarah Price Margaret Alexander Oaulr C Gilbert Miss M A Powers Mrs M J Mrs Gibb Annie 0 probascoMrs Anthony Hope QrtyrMaryK Price Carrie Aarons Mary Green Mrs Mary Palvlck Mrs Bailey Harlet Gooldy Cealla Pedrlck, Sarah J Barry Sarah Jane Gill Mary Virgi’a Pearose Mary B Barton Ellzab’tUO Gordon Miss Idell Ploen Mrs. July Belcher Jane W Garnott Theo L Phillips if b Baldwin Saruh Ouyer Elisabeth Parmelle Mrs E V Banker Juloy Green Elisabeth peters tyles or Mrs Baonon Bridget Grinder Mary Pratt Mrs A B Berry Sarah W Glusor Caroline Romson Sirs Ann Babb Miss Annie Good Mrs Rachel .Rhodes Sarah E Bell Mrs Tboa Gates Sarah L Reagan Mrs Brlno BordleyKato Gibbß Mrs Sarah Read Mrs AM Blairsaell Mary Hell Mrs M RUtenhouae John Blake Annie M Hermann Ellen Mrs Blakely Sirs David UeiltnAn Mrs Elia Raman Rubena Biddle Miss R Haywood Kate Read Mrs Anua Botton Mary Hart Mrs M Remton Miss Tbo Bowen Anne Ilcmpel Mrs D 0 Jlleol Christiana BranigaaJauo Harper Mrs A J Reed Mrs JW Boynton, Caroline Uattlier MrsAunießeynolds Mrs R Brown Mrs A L Hall Mrs J Mort Rush Mr ft Anua Bro&dbent Sirs Haller Mrs Cath’eßoonoy Wiuflel Brcese Ann Marla Hampton Annie Robinson Mary A Brandon Mrs Harper Miss Jane Rogers Annio Brady Anno Harris Hannah Rogers bLH Burns Mary Harrison Kate 0 Rush Elizzle Bcelsford Emily Hememary Uarr’tßocks Ellen Brion Mrs Mary Harmon Mrs Janelioberta Hannah Bolton Mrs , U&vrka Lizzie Rudolpbson Mrs L Brooks Mary B Hagens Elizabeth Ross Sallle S BostHek Naotnin Hargrave Mrs 0 GRooko Anna E Boyle Hannah , Henderson MagglcßobiuHonCath o Bolivar Julia Hatton Ellen S Rogers Lizzy Bruster Rebecca liosuier Alisa N P llooMary L BurwollMrs Geo Hughes Miss MaTyßyan Mrs Wm H llorgin Catharine Schwartz Christ’s Jloroling Mm M A Huott Mary Aon Schneider Anna M Booth Caroline M Holcomb Bfarla Shepard Mrs Burgoync Mrs Holt Margaret E Shoast Mrs Boyer Elizabeth Hutton Mrs S A Shoppy Mrs B Bighttron Alary J Hunter Airs Issb SadlorKlloa Brown Margnort’alluguemin Mad Smedley Samuel Qhava Elizabeth Hughes Mrs Tboa Mrs Carter SalUe Hummel Rebecca Shraeder M T Carr Miss Susan llugheeSarahJano Shuto Alary Jane Carpenter LE , Hoffman Mrs Anna Sheerln Margaret Cane Mary A B JohnsouMrsllolcn Shaw Miss Ettie Carroll Mary E Johnston Busan Shallcross M E Carrolii Mrs M A Jones Eleanor A floes Airs Alice Carter Airs Sarah Jordan Mrs Oath . Sellers Eliza M . Cantor Alias Kato Jones Annio L Bchlant Mary Chapman Sarah L Jackrey Airs U Smith Alary R. Catle Alias Alary Jones Charlotte Bweonoy Marg’ Carr Mrs Mary Jenkins Mrs IV F Smith Airs Joslah Campbell Corie Keller Airs Alary W Caswell Mre 8 Ketler Harriet N Smith Mrs T Cameron Sarah KelloyMrsD SlncoxJnno Cleaves Martha , Kuncha Mod Marg Smith Helen Clarke Mrs A Kougeter Mary Smith Mrs A E Colley Almyra L Knowles Mrs Julia Snarer Mrs E W Clark Alury E Ketrlum Josoph’e Swoouey Alary Cl&sett Airs Ann Kemp Miss Lucy Stillwater Mary A Conner Bridget Kemble Mary W Bpring Lizzie Cummings Jane Killea Miss Susan Stewart Anne J Collins SalUo Lanogan Anno Strong Catharine Colburn Mary AI Lawrence W H Stabler Airs C F Cowan Miss Chll- Lea Airs Alary Syks Margaret dreu’d Asylum Much Catharine Spear Susannah Cordwcll Sarah LotenMrs John T Sutileld Alias T F Conover Airs p Lemle Christine Swartz Caroline Coulter Airs W H Lea Mrs Leonora Spencer Louisa Coupor Mrs Geo II Lltch Mrs Sarah B Stuart Susan Crage Alisa Alary Alason Annie V Trenchant Mrs SD Council Cath’e Alaliin Cathariuo Trevor Mrs M B Cody Sarah Mastive Jan® Thompson E 8 Coutter Hetty A Slayer Mrs M A Turner Angela ComstockEnuna Manley Emily Temple Mrs A E Costello AdsieJda Mansfield Mrs Tompson Mrs H Craig Airs Wm P May Mrs F D Taylor Airs Daly Julius Merrit Airs P G Tyson M U Dearing Miss Mahon Mary Ann Timor Airs T S Davis Alary SB AlalerMarl TowneAlra Dowell Sarah W Martin Alisa Eiizh Taylor Mrs M . Delaney Cath’o Melvey Mrs T F Taylor Mrs K A Deotner Fallio AlannAfrsCaroline Townsend Virg Pavla Airs K 0 Merritt Alias Rose Thomas Alary Dair Alias Ann Maddox Eliza Taylor Airs E Dcllass Ann E Alarsbull Miss Bell Warner Josephine Davis Nancy' Aload Amanda T White Maria Dishenger Ellz’h Alarrls Miss Emma Wright Mrs A R Davidson Jos L Magi!! Mrs Matiid Williams Mrs J Danlop Matilda May Miss Ada WitsonAlraW’ Durrborrow 8 G Alarfln Miss Mary Vionemore Jane Dudgeon Frances Miller Mary Jane Virginia Alisa DoutyAlrs Mitchell Martha Williams Eliza Drake Airs J N Aloore Alias 0 E Winchester M E Dulin Harriet Mortimore Emma Williams J Douche Aire D Moore Miss ‘Winner Alary Dais Susan M Alurphy Emily AI Willy Alary Elliott Lucrella Alurphy Allas Oath Wile Mrs L Everett Airs F Moulding Airs WK Woodley Mrs A Evans Anuoß, , Myers Alias AllceWood Mrs O J English Uoilcn ’ Murphy Airs HobtWyctcMary Estwlck Mrs Jos Murphy Margarot Wood Catharine Emraens Amanda Afontgomery Isab Woods Ellen . Farrell Julias AlyersMrtr Windham Mrs It FJanlgan Coth’e Morgan Nancy WoodsideAlrs AI FHber Bose Aou3fo|owney Nancy Weed Airs Ellen Fanny Donaldson Murray Rose Walsh Kate Fouutress Alarc’t AJUoa Afiss Emily White A|ra E Fettcra Matilda AlcGottiganßosa Warren Airs PII Freeman Mary A MoCaUflllo Emuia Welsh Alary Ferris Miss Kate AlcDoweli Jane Waddlngton Ada Freeman Miss J AJcJlakin Hannah West Airs A Al' Frederick Eliza McElentock Lizzy White Hester Fox Miss Bridgot McCauley Allas Whlmery Mrs Af Feutou Julias Mary AM Wagner Airs R 8 Furguson Ilestor McDowell 8 W Wards Mrs M Foster Airs Ghas AleKonny Slartha Ware Airs E Porter Elizabeth Nice Mrs 8 R Wcso Tocy A Flyun Mrs Alary Nickers Eliza Weaver Alary Flaulgau Alice Nelson Hannah Whitaker PL Folia Alisa Alary Ncwbold Mrs Y K Yousto Mrs L Fofell Airs Jcnulo Noxon SalUe AI Young Mrs R Forrest Fannie Notsoq Ellen Ypdmoud Ellen Fisher Hozlua O’Brien Aun Young Afary J Fritz Alarie Anno Oram Ann Yoho Airs J. Fodlo Susan M GENTLEMEN’S LIST. ! Allen Jos Chappell AG FislorWraAl Albom Theodore Chase Jr Thos FislerT ' ’ Alexandria llobt Chalfant It D Fitzgeraldl’at’k Albary StephenßOliristy JamesO Fisher JasH Adams Henry D Chapman EdwdU Field J Allibone Jaa Oherice R 0 Field ChM Allen Edward Christman E FitoSara’PA Adam. WorthmaftCbaweau P Fizell Eli Sc Oo Ghusley Isaac Findley Alex Audiberf Emllo Clever J M Fithlan 9 0 Angelo Henry Clark Ezeklah Flslcr Felix Applobaugh J J DrClendanioll Dr Elitcher J ‘ Appleton At Co Olorme Wm Fisher Henry AunerT Clark Enoch RCap Fields John Ashton Th J Clark Edward Fobister David Atkinson, Lewis Clark J W Frazer JJ Anderson M Clock John Fox Philip L Atkins AD Rev Clarke JO Frahmll Ashford Wm CftptClcuiPnt WalterU Freeke Henry Ashmead J Cline Richd Foster 0 B Atkinson Sc Co L Clark John Fowler Thos Avery D Clarkson, John Foster Hdwd Andrews W A CJollins Thos Furn Geo Atkinson Jos Corvetl 0 M Fordo Winfield Arthur Sc Town- Cohen Gratz Frustenhcim H scud Coutora Elmer It Fuller J C Appleton Isaac P Oouwell John D Foltz Henry Arnold A Corwin P&nlel Foster Chas Baron Geo Corrv G R Flows Franklin Ball! Alexandria ’ Collins Joseph H Frvborger W W Barry John C owner for 4M ’ Fulton Wm Burner Henry Comstock 11. Follett Luthor Baldwin A P porneßltycD 'Fryer W J Bayker Corbin Royal FoX E Batts Dr Cochrane fianlel Fish Cbw Barugs OJlvor W Coryan Richard Fuller Win A M Baker Chas Cprson Henry Friotot Chan Bates Wm CoyalWm Foerseh Christ’a Bacon Edward ColdoughWP Gallagher PJ Baxter 1' LA- II Cook Arthur GatchoU Elisha DNottl* CotiToy Cttpt Edw Gardner John fiuvftrd Samuel J 2Collins CapOVoltr Cable Geo L Basinger Mr Collins I* Gaumer M&thi&l Burry II V Cooley Thoa Wm Garner Abram II Barry wan Wm 0010 H W Garner 3 0 Ballard John Cornuth Fred Gaunt VmF Barrette B L Coleman Win H - Gaull Geo Baldwiu ACo J Condley John W Gardner Jos Ballard Jno ' Coleman Thos Oastwerth Mr Bates JohnW Cornish Caplo Geieeuhotfer l»r BackmauJobn Cplfrea A CnWm Oelsepgerjl Barrio Jqs Crelg 4 CJ° Rhbt Gf*sey Henry Bain Geo 0 • Cr&hbJohw • GcrretQeqO Bates T 0 . Craven James Gerltt Mr Baker John J Crawford John George John 8 Bents JR CromoUan B Gefkorah Chas Botton Sami F Crocker Win B Gernanet Philip Bertram Goo Croissant Richard Gilbert Wm T BenueUJosM Crall Simon 51 Girdwood ltobt ilechtold B Glbhesßobtß Betts Edwin J Crery Wui 51 Oilpillan John Bell Samuel W Crank RW 0 Rot Glewon 0 B Capt Beckley Edgar Craig Peter F Guthorsn £ G Bell Samuel Cramer Gubhard 2Goodrick Win Block Win Cronby Poarwm Goodrich Chaon’y Berry Horatio E CrcngbaurANurro Good Wui Bert Samuel Crane Francis W Good A 0 Berger JeuaPterro Curter Christian Gready Jos Beren Wm Cummings U K GriOith J J Bell, Garrotson A Culy Augustus GraybillSam’l Co Davis 51 Garland A Capt Bernard John Bare Andrew J GracffAd Beoken Dr Daniels Henry A 2 Green pat'k Belknap J Davis John W Qrotjian Thos J Bcih Augpst DasdonvlUa Henry Green J L Darin Wm (Irene Godfrey Bird Bonj Davis >Y nrre P Groman Courtney Biddle Oj>Q if, I)a|y Gray Wro II Biban Marc Ravls Elijah 5f Guegt} Nicholas Blrgin Lcviis G Dayeo Jas Uißick Edwin 0 Blain Wm W’Anglotero YolgGr}fi}thThQS Blair 0 R Rev 2 Boros M Qurtjne ProntlCOP Blenkinsop P J DelcasrlYUßsDr Grcoq J D Roy Decker H R (Irlujit) Joseph lil&ck a A Delßm August Gregory Wm Bomojsier Chas Do Goyrsnoy Ifen Green >Y Bonsai CRus A Be £aqgo J A GroßiflEmß Bopelfl Bopj Jf peqois A uraiijo Jo* Bond 0 D Dolonghy Jameg Gurney DhosE Bolter It 51 De Guerrilla Sr D Gratz ACo Wm II Bouergon Geo Fornaodo L Haas Fmuz Borer J 8 Denso Henry Hamilton N 0 Bowser James or Dcaz Ambrose 3 Ilacket John Isaac ' Dillard TDr Hamlin A Klirell Brown John Dixon Wm 0 llammond W Her Brown Geprgo pickip&Qn 51 >Y Halne* R T Brown AH Key Dlctrlck Frcdk Halstead JnoJ Brownlym plylnojohn HasaeJohnA Brown Thos potm H J Hall (100 )Y Brown Samuel A Dolan Pronk I lain \Y Brpwp H L Dover tori K ltalleigh J 51 Brown J U Tdeyt podd Avery A Hamilton Sami Brown Wty DoirCljasll I all I larnsou Bryan JoaJah JMeJplm I amjlton Bonj ByanatJos l)oeg Ray Id Henryl smnton Jno F Brok Ja? 4- DDUghty John II 1 aqfnlng J Bryco Ja« G John 1 arjapn (foo Brunow T W Roran Wm II i Richd Bryce J W Dodge Srovortor 1 ashlar Joßn |» Bryan Turner DonovauJohn -1 annyJohnD’ Brinklo & Michell Dniqry Wm IX Ilarrisop. Houry BrpnnollHM D Draper J llarkyß Bpopker Wm if priger Hayen Thoa Rrolton E E PW lY RGpkott Upland Henry L RHpe A Qpty ’ . C B lUt\ei\ Joj, n Rropk JW 1} pi)piaijj David Hayens Thos iiryaujir HupuyJohn HaugChas Bradley Robert Diimoulln August Hayes John Brodnck F 51D Dubois Bcnjumiu llauptman John Bryan Jos Dudrean John Hnuimao K3l Brane Jos Burk A A Harman Chas Jireoao OudJJeb Durrett A Beck Hartniys II BringhamEA, Ellis ACo JW' Hatch John Burt Jos Edmunds J 51 Itov Harris H N Bureell Michael EdmundsJas S H Hastings J B Burrow A A Rev Eckard 8 R Hanna Robert ByerlvJ&aD Edmuodßou John Harris Jonns Bunnell }*s<* S KncbU Ely ‘ Harvey Frank H Buck John EwYra « Haley Thos R Burgin Jos Edwards Thog W Byerly E “ EteperJohn Hartherljavid 0 Bpwrteilcy T A Ey'arg Goo D ‘ Hayel J RudinsTA Erhhack 1? Hyhtt&OQ Bupk>VmA , HciblingJohannes Bulger Johuß Eyre J5l HomsleyJ W Bnlier Geo Espy Wm Ilewson Atdlnell Burohorn If B Evan John 8 Hear Valentino Burrftp Henry Erana Evan llefti & Co Otis Burgess John English W 8 Herbert Jacob 8 Brynes J F Emerick 11 Herm 0 A Bush A tobdoll Evans J Heeman Thos Cabo Rafael Emery Geo Honsel N W C'ampbollDß Evans JJ Herrltt John R Carlnowr Dalbalns Ewing A Bro E J Heath Thos Casllq Danl Fennell Michael Herton N Itov Carr Thomas Fotterri Johti nenry John Canron E W ' Figole/A Btp’r Ifendno Eli A Carrol Wales " Farrolf Jos' < Jter^y^ymH Cain Chas Faulkner, Rim- Hiller Romig Cantwell A Koe- hall ACo Hlnamafi mq man Fetter! Geo IIiJtSR Carpenter Chas F Faonory Pat’k Itlll Geo Carroll Chas H FarnJbs Hines Jas B Caß.-edy y Ferguson Wm W Hongler Luther CurlPtft E Fftrrjs Mpses A Horn 51A Rev CalHsproipor 1 Filler Goo Hook R Edwin Carson Joseph Cap Flehpsn Joi Hoyt h S Carroll Peter K , Fisher Cornelius Hodge* A Bros J Oearey John 2 Fltzollburn C J Holmes G J Chase Frank J FloteherJohn Howard J Chamber* D&vd W Flempee JDr Holderie Jos Chicane JY , , FloyilThos Hllman Z Chase Alfred 8 , Vlthian Joel Holbrook AACW OhwFwakJ FitcbellJolma Hockettg C. 0. ADRKON, Sup’t Hunto’m Jeafd' Mount Carbon and Scbettre Joseph or Hugh John Capt, Port Carbon RR Bphuet* Hoopes ThoA P 1 * Co Shore Edward Holly Geo Mowdy Wm Shanaghon M Hope Groglow Sc Morrell Edwd Shankland Chaa Co Alaroney Patrick Schoouin W F Hock Howard Alorria P 8 Bimpson Geo Ilontor Hugh Morras Thos J Bibley John Hunter Jos W Jtoore Thos Simms John Hyser Mace Monaghan Mlch’l Sick Christian Hudson F Aloore G F Sleight II Hnfton T Muir Joseph B Slommons Jno Dr 2 Hulso 0 W Muiloy Edward Sloan Geo W Uapt Hutchinson R Murphy John Sledard Henry Hutchinson Ac CoMunonCbaa Smith Thus T J A Murray James Smith Johu Hunter Edw C Myers H Y Smith Thotnaa 8 2 Hughes J G AlyersWAiOo Smith Vincent Hubbard WmL Alygatt A 2 Smith Win T Hutchinson EJC 2 Mulligan Daniel Smith Jas MAc Co Ilaiue John Alurry Boruard Smith Geo W Imloy Richard Mcßalth Wm Smith JM Idgerzoll St Miller McClonahan J B Smitii Tboa Jasper J McCollough N G Smith David Capt Jackson Chas McCobb Orlando Smith DA Jack G McOaxnmyWm Smith MB JaineaJou McCnllJohn Smith, Brown & Jaraea V N ilcCloak FranciH Sailor Jackson J H McAioer John Smallwood Jos C Jauas Henry I, AlcClenachen M Snow Jonathan D Jefreut'sßN McDonnell T Snelker Nelson S Jauuei Rev Dr McDonald Alex 2 Solomons J T 2 James D McAvoyGeo Soirin E Jenkins J 8 McCollum J P Solan Isaac Janeshofcr, James Spaodcuburg J ny, At Co McGlinchy Patr’k Sparks T Jackman RW McLean James V Spence Henry Jones At Baker McEvren Win A Steward Patrick Jourdan Auguto BlcKeago B Staib John JuedeaMr McUuire Michael StuutonWm Jordon Johu Mcßae Cam F Rev Stsnlegeyer Isaac Johnson John G BlcNoight John Stubbs Wm E Johnson W Nprof McPhorson EJwd Strothers 8 JohnsonPSD Nowell Patrick States Wm Joner Sami Oapt Niely J T Stow James P Johnson Wm Normau J B Steiger B F Joseph Wm Nichols Wills C Staiger Christian Jones HO Nuttall Kd»d A Stuober llerrmaun Jones Stephen B Neidig Valentino Star John Johnson Henry Nowbold A Stein R Johnson N Capt Nicholdson Wm Storbuck C W&Co Johnson John W Nowcom Capt Stewart Jos B Jose S D Nugent John Stagers Theo n KallenfergerTheoNowbold Sami St Stead Isaac Karshner John Gowan James Straughn Chas Kay Wm 2 Nauldy Patrick Stevons Geo L Kelloy Thos Nathano Sc Co Stratton Richard KelleyAA Nowell Ohas AI StoiyJohn Kenuedy Wm Napier Dr Stitt LR Kerr Jos Norris Chas Steadman Hunter Kennedy JF Norton Geo Stephen Vaulthies Kelley BO Norris B Mons Kelly Thos Nowman John Sterner FranklinD Kessler ThosO O’Stara Oliror Dr Stewart R K Kern Jos O’Parrell Wm J Stowcll A KernoyJohn Owen J P Stevenson C Keuntz Chaa Oliver Goo L Stoveua Thos J Kacch Christian Oldher John G Swam John G hock Ac Co Wm Ott Wm II Swopo Blad Kuntz Matthias O’Brien Jeremiah Swain Wm James Kunyan A U 011> or Edvranl Swan 0 Koeher F Patrick John G Samtiou Geo Karlybllchael PaxsonWmL Talto F G KnoxWmJ Parker Win li ToylorJW Kirk R Patterson Sami P Tenfol Jacob Klentzlo Alex Palmer Jos 1) TallmugoE 0 Krunover D N Parker HollacoG Tasker Thomas JMBler E II Paling Joseph Terhuno Jeremiah Kelaier II Palmer LSc Co Teel Andrew Ron*JohnB ParKerUeo Thompson Johu Kuhn Harrison Patton Alfred Thomas Wm Kunz G- Paute Joseph Thompson Be Co Kilpatrick Jas Parrott ¥ W Tiernan F Klrwan M A Rev Patrick J Thiea E Klingethoffor E Painter Geo Thomas Jos R Kunz Jacob Parham John Thompson Sc Kel- KUneJ At Paganell Uoxello loy Krlmmel Fred Poalo James Tiverton Paul Kfiudel Mason Perkins Dwight A Thompson 8 S Krceg 0 Porvile 1‘ M Thomas N B Laughliu Jno W Perry Jas Thompson J W Lafferty Jas Polimm Ueo Thumars John Lamon W B Penny A Thomas W J LauoWmllß Peters Henry The President of Laurence TO Perry NE American Mau- Lambert Asa Capt Philips Rp, uracturing Co Lathrode 2 Perkins J judge 2Thomas G 0 Lantbero Edw Piaffe Win Thayer OP Lazarus Solomon Phillip Leri Thompson J 2 Long Christoph Pettit A 2 Tudus Henry Lauronco Geo W Peruiann V Traiiuor Citas Lamborton Wll Peters J H Townsend K 8 LavertyJasO Penna Land aud Town Edwin Landars D Y Alarblo Oo Travis James Lange Edw Phillip David Trotter Edw Lambert Henry Pease David Tuthlll AIJ Lewis James Biota Michael ToellnerChos LatinerTbos PliceWC Treat C L Lehwell Christian Powel Stacy Tow naend J e Lentz CW PolockM Tyler James Lewis Jas Prahl Samuel Tyler Hogh Lee John President of theTituE F Lee Sc Co Jos Pruno at shop of Turner W R Lee Hiram Capt Young Men Tai-Trent USA Son Lee Thos AIK lors . Town Richard 11 LepsOhain Prince J WakomaaSM Llnnen FOR President of State Walder Thos Loyal David 0 Mutual Ins Co Wagner Cluis LJndsy Wm Publishers of Pel- Walker Air Mmmlny Frank ton’s OutlUeWarrlckWm Lloyd Thos S Maps Ward It W Lloyd Wm Randel John Jr Wallace JD ? Lynn Bernhard Radoay St (Jo WaMou Louis It Luckier Sami ltamsdull Chas Walker Win Lynch Jos RawdonSam’l Warner G W Lushlaugh PII Ragglo Giovanni Ward Edwin Lord Peter Raiycur Mons Wnrdel W G Lunday U Dr Rathbud R Ward J A Rev Loaners tad ter, WRudel Alichae! Ward E W Lowery Thos Randolph Air Wallace Edw Lower Abrahwa Ranch Johannes Wenrick J E LowalsWlt Rood A L Walters NP Lynch Jones Redmond Robfc O Wallace Wm Mr Lynn John W Raynold Wm F Waterman Chaa Lonass io or or ltubil St Linklcin Washington J 0 No 282 2 Kedgrovo, Wm B Welherby 0 D i Franklin No 5 Kovels F 0 West C R No 28 Reed II W Weber F Adams No 01 Keittingcr Sc BrosWella L 8 American Star No Roux Mons Woigant 0 F 405 Reed Win Weinsiugor J M W End 355 j Rus II K Rev White L W Ac Co 2 M&hood Wm Riley Hugh Whitaker W U AJaekoe C F Rev Jlishell Thos Y Whijney TD2 Malchi John KichSam’lß Wharton Henry Mallow John Rovidan Wm Wilson Edw Mackray Wm Ring John AYisdomMr Alacferran James Richardson Jas Wicnbcrgor Carl Muggary James Richardson S B Wilson N M Macarihy Johu Riddell Robt Willard II H Aracdonough Fra’s Richardson D 2 Wills Frank Mayer A Schultz Ritchie Jas Williamson C U Malhow* R T Rich Ellas Rev Martin J Munroe Rlodon Emilio F AViomann JII R AlanerlyJohn Rozenbaum AI Willson D B Manonf Dr Robins Jas W RotAVUliainzou F.lias Alatbor Chaa Rogers F G Winslow R Capt Alartins Theodore Robertson Chas Wise A J Alaxwell Sami Robertson Capt Whitting HW . Martin Aaron] Rogers Thos Wilson Robt Martin Robt Iloaa r O M'illiams Chaa BlausfUld S Rogers AI Winslow J H Marret Alous Rogers Sc holies Williams WSc Co Afasso E Rone Joseph Williams 11 AI Blettlach Chaa Robberts Thos II Wilson Philip Mathews John Roach John WilllmerJohn MajnCapt Rorer Jas AI Wilson Henry JlartlnJW Rons liuac Wilson Joseph Alarkham Jno N Rose A T M’llsan J U Myorll Iluiipert John AVitson JAS MUaick John G Russell Isaac A Wolfe D U Aleyer Adolph Ityder John A Woodruff Jno MeguiroJ F Runyan Sc Thorne Wood Tll Maze James M D llussoll Chat \Y Wooicy E L MUzAVm IWtU A “Wolf Wm MyoraSF HucxJ Woodworth 8 T Mercantile Adver- Rutherford Wm H Wools ton T 8 tlser Seattcrthwaro P Wood 0 W Millor James Schaefer 11 Work W R Rev Mifflin J B Scarlett Job A Wood Tbo* MSUhoune Wm BchnmU W II Wood D U Mitchell John Schmidt II Wolfo D U Mick John Saxton Calvin Wiekard Henry Mitchell T F ScblosselmanJohn Uzzcll J D Meloin Wm Sohroeter F Yauc& W 8 Morey Uriah J 2 Sampson Albert Vanbnriu Kdw Miles Samqel Seiler* Cadwnladr Yonass Fred MjJJor If w Scnftjobea Mr Vanloon J Mltchelj AHeR 8 Sexton Francis 0 Oulgley B W Mlsqer Jlonry S Seltzer Johu II Vinton Clarence Minor Albert Soars Robt Yaudyke J Capt Mirkle Joseph Shall Kdwd Ulmnno Isaac Morton James ShofTerU- Uuicksallll Moore James Shearer Andrew Vaullor S Moore Nicholas Shower Chas Vert* W U MookWilhelm Shaw Kdw T Vciller T Mooney John Shaw Thus B VanlferS Moorieson D Shulicr L L or Wales T Moore Mordecal R Thuller Young M W Morton L 1* Shade John Yuug Jackson MoierDarld Shutter Dauiel Yorks IJ F Moorcol Wm B Shields Chs W Itev Young DII Mqore Joseph Sylppou |l K Rev Yerger G \Y Montgomery Mat Shannon Robt F Yates J W Morris Chas M Fhuater Jacob Z,ern Wm Morrell C 11 Shean Daniel Zeltler Kdw Morrison QN Schartlo JnoC Ziegler Lewis UIIIEQN 0. WESTCOTT, P.M. piTY COMMISSIONERS* OFFICE— " J PliUamilpiua, Skptember 24th, 3857. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, That tho Assessor* of tho City ofPhilftflolphlß will moet at tho following places on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, ami FRIDAY, the 80th of SEPTEMBER, and Ist and 24 dayi of OC TOBER, botweou the hours of ONE and TEN o’clock l\ M., for tho purpose of adding to the List the names of auch Citizoua who may havo moved In tho respectivo Ward# after the last Assessment, or who may havo been omitted by tho Assessors. G. M. HILL. ) JAMES M. LEDDY, > City Commissioners. JAMES LOGAN, S First Ward—At tho house of Colonel Jns, HcCl&skoy, corner of Tenth and Fns*yunk road. Second Ward—At the houso of Folyard Began, Pass yunk road, aboyo Cnrpeuter. Ward—At the honso of Low*s B. south* east corner Fifth' and Queen streets. Fourth Ward—At tho houso of William AtcAlullln, Eighth street, below Boi;th. Fifth Word —At the houso of Voter McKlroy, Fifth street, below Walnut. Sixth Ward—At the house of R, F. Wellington, cor ner Second and Quarry streets. Sorenth Ward—At tho houso of James Loblcy, Dorth east corner Twelfth and Lombard streets. Eighth Ward—At tl\e house of Hugh Money, south casteornor Eleventh and George streets. Ninth Wflfd—At tho house of WatermauM Western Exchange, Market street, aboyo Fifteenth, Ward—At tho house of J. McLaughlin, north west corner Broad and Race. Eleventh Ward—At the house of John Clark, north west corner Boeond nnd Green streets. Twelfth Ward—At tho house of Mrs, Diouicr, Fourth street, above Brown. Thirteenth Vfard*-»At the house of Henry Wollbank. Ridge ayenuo, nbovo Vino tfieo{. Fourteenth Ward—At tljo of Isaac Grossman, east corner Twelfth and Bpring Garden streets. Fifteenth Ward—At the house of Owen Reilly, corner of Twenty-second and Hamilton streets, Sixteenth Ward—At tho house of Joseph Cloiior, ■Fourth, abovo Culbert stroct. Seventeenth Ward—At the houso of James Donnelly, corner of Master and Cadwallader streets. Eighteenth Word—At the house of Nowmans, corner of Marlborough street and Franklin tuenuo, Nineteenth Ward—At the house of Robert F. Bowers, corner q§ Ptankford road aud Norris street Twentieth Ward—At the houso of Robert Pollard, corner of Tenth street and Girard avenue. Twenty-first Ward—At the house of Joshua Lake, Manayunk. T»onty-«econd Ward—At the Loqso of Jefiso Bonder, Germantown. Twenty-third Ward—First Division—At the house of Reuben Fredericks. Ilarrongato. Twenty-third Ward—Second Division—At tho houso of James Mullen. Frankford. Twentr-thlrd Ward—Third Division—At the houso of George W. Comly, llustleton. Twenty-fourth Ward—First Division—At thohouso of John Leech, Kingsesiing. Twenty-fourth Ward-Second Division—At tho house of John L, Gorman, corner of Market and William streets, Went Philadelphia. The Assessors will procure theif Transcripts aud Blanks for the Extra Assessment, by colling at this Ofilco ofi MONBjAY, Sept.'2stb» JB6T. e<*2s-tocii TJQYS’ QLOTpnWd, F. A. HQYT A RUG. havo now on hand a wry large waurtmont of RBADY-MADF, goods suitable for the presont season which thoy feel disposed to sell cheap, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Southwest corner TENTH aud CHESTNUT streets. N. B.—We havo a lsrgo assortment of new goods of a superior Quality and make. sep22-lmtutna BARRETT’S GYMNASIUM, SPARRING AND FUNOING SCHOOL now opon, tu>24-7t# Hotel and summer ranges.- Sold tyr CHADWICK Ic 880., 202 N. SECOND Bt auglB-3tnoa. MOSS —17 bales Carolina Moss, lor sale by MARTIN A MAOALISTER, apl 110 North Water Street. CONGRESS RANGE—SOLD BY CHAD \J WICK A 8R0.,N0.202N. SECOND Street. anglS-Smoa RANGE .—SoId by CHAD- T" WICK A. nuo. 202 N. SECOND Bt. aulS-Sin, mHOMAS E. RAXTER—HARDWARE, JL CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET BT., bov® Ninth, aonth eide.PhUodfdphl*. an 1-flm WELCOME RANGE. —SOLD BY CHAD WIQ& A BRO,WaN. SECOND Bt. aolWa, XMERlOAir^CADEifs^OFTiinsic •fi. E. A. MAHSIIALL joUuL, POSITIVELY THE LAST WBKK OP TIIEBONZA\! UAILETTEOUI-B! Tho tvqtiireroouts of tho new Pallet, «IL nin IIIGUINO Dl PAIUGA” not being yet completed, tba grand Faateatvc Ballet of ’ FAUST. Will be presented MONDAY JEVKNJNU, Sepl*jHbrr 28, 1857, Doctor Fau5t.......... ..Signor Gaspore Prates! Mefistofole. gpirito Danzanto i Signor B&r&ttl Margaerlfca Mde Louise Lamoureux Pbioes or Admibsios—Parquet, Dress Circle and Balcony, $1; Family Circlo, 50 cents; Amphitheatre, 25 cents. The Box Ofllee of the Academy is open from 9 A. M. to 5 p. M.,for tho securing of Resented Seats and Boxes, without oxtracharge. The Ballet will commence at 8 precisely. Carriages will set down heads South, and take up heads North. so 28-tt THOB. MoKEON, Treasurer. TVATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT 3T., Xl noar Eighth. Admission —Seuta in Prirate Box, $1; Orchestra Chairs, 75 cents; Dress Circle aud Parquet, 50 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Poors open at 7. To commence at 7# o’clock. B£ Box Office open from 10 to 4 o’clock, when seats can be secured. Stage Manager Mr. H. Watkins THIS (Monday) EVENING, Sept. 28, the perform ance will commence wi th tho popular Comedy of THE INCONSTANT. Young Mirabel Jlr. Murdoch Old Mirabel.. . .Mr. Mark Smith Crlana Mrs. Hudson Kirby To conclude with the peculir eccentricity, entitled LAUGII ANP GROW FAT. Whimsical Eaton ........Mr. II Watkins Old Eaton Mr. T.E. Morris Adela Eaton Miss Allen WHEATLEY’S ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Sole Leasee W. WHEATLEY. Soils air Prices.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents ; Family Circlo and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Seats in Pri rate Boxes, 76 cents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 33 cents. Box OOlce open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. Doors open ut quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter past 7. J. M. B.WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Sept. 28, the perform anco will commence with OTHELLO. Othello Mr. E. L. Davenport Demieuiona.., Mrs I’. L. Davenport Emilia,. Mrs. D, P. Powers To conclude with the laughable Comedietta, entitled A CONJUGAL LESSON. Mr. Lullaby Mr. J. S. Clarke Mrs. Lullab/....,... .......Miss Anna Cruise WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les foe, Mr. £ A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. JohnSefton. Prleea.—Dress Circle and 6O cents; UpperClrcle, 25 cents; Private Pox and Orchestra Seats, 76 cents. Pox Office open from P o’clock A. M, to 3 P.M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance to com mence at 7#. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Sept. 28, will be acted Sheridan’s Comedy of the Sir Anthony Absolute ..Mr. W. R Blake Captain Absolute Mr. Wallack Lester LyJia Lauguish Bliss Gannon Mrs. Malaprop Mrs. IV. R. Blake To conclude with the laughable Farce, entitled TWO BUZZARDS. Air. Benjamin Bazzard, Alias Lucretia.,.,. AN FORD’ 3 OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Oheatnut. Doors open at 7)* o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 26 cents. SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE In their Operatic Entertainments, Introducing all the latest Songs, Glees, Choruses, Dances, Ac., concluding each evening with a LAUGHABLE BURLESQUE. selO-lm £cgal Nolirro, IN THE MATTER OP THE PETITION IN INSOLVENCY OF JOHN 0. ODERTEUFFER, Notico ia hereby given that the subscriber has applied to the Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia fora final discharge under the provi sions of the Insolvent Laws of the Commonwealth, and also that he has applied by Petition for the benefit of tho 43st Seetionof the Act of June 16th, 1830, relating to insolvent debtors—by which section it is provided that the court, with tho consent of a majority In number and. value of creditors of an Insolvent, may grant him an exemption of his astute and effects from execution for his indebtedness for the space of seven years. These ap plications will be heard by the Court of Common Pleas on Saturday, October 10th, 3857, at 10 o’clock, and the attention of creditors and all others interested In these applications is invited. J. 0. OBERTKUFFER. so 23-wfm Bw* IN TIIE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. . In the matter of tho Estate of John Dominic Burrell, dec’d.—The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and ad just the account of Rev. O. J. H. CARTER, Adminis trator of the Estate of JOHN DOMINIC BERRELL, dec’d, will meet the jiartloa Interested at his office, No. 213 South Sixth street, Philadelphia, on Monday, Sen. teuiber 28,1857, at 4 o’clock P. M. LEWIS 0, CASSIDY. sep 38-finw 6t Auditor. TN TIIE ORPHANS’ COURT OF MONT- A OOMERY county, Angnit 10th, 1857. Notice is horeby given, to all persons interested In the estate of Mary Aldorfer, late of the township of Lower Salford, in said couutyof Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Alderfer have applied to said Court, by petition, prayiog for a decree for the sale of the real estate of saiu Mary Alderfer, deceased. The said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, tne 80th day of Beptember, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M. ? at tho Court House, In Norris town, for nil parties interested to appearand show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of said petitioners should not be granted Dr order of the Court. 3 . B. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. au2o-diw Jflcrcliimt Sailors JOHN P. DOIIERTY, ron tkars win/ ckllt 4 buothxr, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY. & CO., TAILOR, Hm with him tlio best tailors that are now engaged in the business in this country : CHARLES ROTH, formerly the leading Tailor of this City,* M. KAYBER, formerly Cutter for O ROTII A CO., nud late Coat and Yest Cutter with LUKBNS, KEL LY, A CO; IIKNRY WAGNER, who ha* just arrived, considered in New York tho best Pants and Vests Cut ter in tho United States, for years cutter with Depierris, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Dcpieirrs A Pcttu*, under the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment; the best of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, low prices for cash. JgDWARD P."KELLY. ~~ KELLY & D RO T II E R , Haring engaged the services of CHARLES ROTH, Distinguished for the beauty and excellence of his Uoods when in tho Tailoring Business, has taken the Store. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, axd nxa opkmrd roa in* sal*, at hstail, or CLOTHS, OASSIMKRES. VESTINGS, CRAVATS. GLOVES, SHIRTS, Ac t * Of the best qualities, at modor&te prices. ID* The busine»a of KELLY A BROTIIER Is re moved, from this date, to No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, where it will be attended tobv EDW-D P. KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. M s.i y JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAII.OK, Not. 10 tniUS Sooth NINTH BTIIKET. AItOVK CHESTNUT. 1 A large and well seleoted stock of CLOTnSand OASSIMKRES always on hand. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of tho best quality, and in tho most fashionable stylo. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH INQ. au6-tf Henderson & co* s great liter ARY FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH stroeta. In order to gratify tho wishes of our numerous pa trons, and Induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at tho usual low prices, we intend to present to everv purchaser of books to the amount of J 1 aud up wards, a Gift la value of from 25 cents to $lOO. Call at our establishment, lookat our valuable stock, and selest for yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his bouka at the usual price,and very many will got, in addition, a present worth having. au2l-3ra Evans* great gift book sale, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. N.B.—No couneo tiou with any other house in the City. aul-3m .for Sole mib lo £tt TLLINOIS LANDS. —THfR TY-T W O A THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND, in the counties of Union, Jackson, Perry, Washington, Jefferson, Frank lin, Williaiusoaund Fayette, Illinois. They will besold upon accommodating terms. Apply at No. 203 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. se24-6t* qjTORE TO KENT, at No. K>s Ciikstnot Street. D. M. OHAMUKItS, __ 43 North SECOND Street. tfbqnn OR $6OO BOOK BINDERY FOR SALE—Seven years established, doing a fair Job business, which can ho increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location. 535 Arch street, l)low Sixth. Blank books at coat, jobs bound to order. auglO-flw OlomnnsaioH i(lcrcl]iuil3. JII. chase & co. • OBSSUI COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING GLOVER SEED On consignment from tho Interior of Pennsylvania, where our new Cleaning Mill Is now in general use. {D* Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP a hr ay „ on hand. eei2.tr H~“ ''ANDY~¥"BUE7rNER^GOMMISSroN MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and OUTLERY, Noa. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, East side, above Commerce street, Philadelphia. aul.tf CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA SKGAR3. (New) 135 Walnut street. second story. aul-ly CARD. —TnE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECT FULLY Inform their friends and the trade gener ally that they have made arrangement* for one of their Buyers leaving mopthly for the French and German Markets. From many years’ oxporience. the permanent real deDCO in Paris of two of the firm. aud an abundant capital, thoy can offer unusual facilities for THE PUR CHASE ON COMMISSION in &ny of the European markets for shipment direct. They are also prepared to receive orders from samples lor Flowers and Feathers from their extensive and well knowu manufactories in Paris, to be shipped direct, either under bond or duty paid HENDERSON, BMYTII A CO.. Importers, au!o-2m# No. 260 Broadway. Bank of Pennsylvania, Phila delphia. September 25, 1857 —This Bank having been compelled temporarily to suspend specie pqjmcnta, tho Board of Directors assure a|l persons harms claim* against tho Rank, u bother of Circulation, Dopo-dt.or otherwise, that no loss can possibly occur. Bv order, and on hohaU ot tho Board of Directors sep26*3t THQS, ALLIBONE, Brest. L~ Aff DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OP PENNSYLVANIA. A term will commence ou THURSDAY, October Ist. Introductory lecture* will bo delivered by the several Professors on the evenlugs of THURSDAY, October l*t, SATURDAY, October 3d, and MONDAY, October sth, at 8 o’clock, at the lecture room of the University. se23-dtos A YOUNG MAN WHOSE EVENINGS arc unemployed would like to devote them to Post ing Books or Writing of any klud. Address M., at this Ojfice, *©2s-3t Manilla rope.—superior Ma nilla ROPE, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FITLEft A 0(L fttf-tf Ho, 28 N, Wftto it.) u 4 22 N. Wbwv«, f PROFESSOR SAUNDERS’INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary what#ver is more like a private family. The course of study is extensive and thorough. Pro fessor Saundeni will receive a few more pupils under fourteen year* of age Into hi* family. Enquire of Messrs. 4.8. Silver and MathewNewklra, or Col. 4. W. sorney, Editor of this Paper, whose aon* or words are now members of his family. eeptU-tf MTSS BONNET AND MISS DILLATE Brmm, IU .?J :OPSN tbelr HOARDING AND DAY Smber IIU CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, gep- ■ Signor’D. Konzan! it , „ REFERENCES. M.lln rtn. n \o B ? t4man ' D - u > Philadelphia; David J Newtri »• » ■ do; M. O Clik. do; Black wood ,io'’/“i-"'"' “ Lavbnm k *1 ao J A Converse, D. D., do; John KtS Olf i \ H - Onthbert, do; TFm. T. rr'oi “ el » phla i T. Jones, Ew do; Co .A. G. Waterman, do; Caspar Mowfs.M i> T Robert A. Esell, Esq., karahall, Texas; Johuß. Sem’ pie, Em., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds l*sq., do. do; Oeorge W. Jackson, Esq., do, do: Johnll Raymond, LL. D., Brooklyn, New York: Alaysoa Brav son, Esq., Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford, Homer New York; Stephen D. DUlaye, Esq., New York city- Hon. Daniel 8. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York. ’ sep4-lm CRITTENDEN’* PHILADELPHIA COM \J MKROIAL COLLEGE, 8. B. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Btreets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING. PENMANBHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac, Each Student has individual Instruction from compe tent and attentive Teacher*, under the immediate •uperrislon of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has eharee of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. se3lm TjTEMAN ALLEN, A. JL, is prepared to f~-r a limited number of pupils on the Violin, acd , to P la 7 Violin parts or aecompanU Sf 0 M- pianists. Apply at the residence Pr^ eMO , r ALLEN, No: 216 South Seven teenth Street. Circulars, with terms and references, at G. ANDRE A Oo.fe, No. 1104 chestnut 81. *el-lm* INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG mi?'s'v“‘! P“PBs.) N. W. cornsr HLLVT.NTII.ud QRLEN street.. Filth session will open on September 7lh. Rest reference given, "n. eluding .11 present .nd former p&trons. M2C*tf cjpring garden academy For ™ BOYa < s - £■ corner EIGHTH Mii IIUTTONWCHJI) streets. Professor* of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing foil paruculara. pupils* name*, testimonial!, Ac., can be bad on application. g. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. Hall or st. james the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOB BOYS -rv . Fo r B R S*m&,R*cto». The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1. ' r ba *»«■• Book3tors of H. noOKBR, S. W. corner KIQttTII and CHESTNUT, or of the Hector, Post Office, F.Ui of Schurlkill. PhiU. del P hla - inlt-em TVTRS. BABTON’B BOARDING AND itA DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LADIES, No 192) St,br!ow Twentieth, on S SECOND MONDAY in September. 1 &ulg-6w* .Mr, A’Becket .Mrs. Stoneall TVOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE * persona, male and female, to gain a share of this world’s good! and comforts a! a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Noa. 144 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Stadies-embraclng a knowledge of WRITING, BOok-KEEP&G AND ARITHMETIC by simplified method!, In a abort time. TBRLRIDY.S take pleasure in saying, tint during ££?£ Stable ntnatlona, and others to prosecute their basinesa operations lacceaafully, au22-3m cnn AGENTS WANTED—A HOME STEAD FOR $lO J—Third Divislon.—43)o.<XX> worth of Farmland Building Lota, in the gold region Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10.200 subscribers, on the 7tb of December. 1857. gub ssriptlon* only ten dollar! down, or fifteen dollar* one half down, the reat on delivery of the deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lot! are so d so cheap to induce settlement!, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 iota and farina are already sold, and a com pan/ of settlers called the “ Rappahannock Pioneer Association" is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promise!. Nearly 45.000 acres of land, in different parte of Virginia, nev at command, and will be sold to settler* at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable tills* wilt sa all cates be given. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmer*, Ac., art ic anted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subscriber*, to whom the moat liberal inducements will be given. Borne agent* write that they are raakiugs2oo per month. For full particulars, subscriptions, agencies, Ae., apply E. BAUDER, a024-tr Port Royal, Oaroiine county, Va. A N experienced GERMAN TEACHER de sires some PUPILS for the PIANO. Terms mod erste. Apply at the music store of Mr, MARSH, CHESTNUT, above Thirteenth street. se 23-51* CTATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. —AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, GARD. NERS, POMOLOGISTB. INVENTORS, HANUPAO TURERS, ARTISANS!! All clxeeef art Inelted to bo. Come exhlbitorl. THK PKNNSYLVANU STATE AGRICULTURAL BOCIKTY will hold 1U SEVENTH ANNUAL EXIII BITION xt Powelton, Weet PhiUdelphix, on SEPTEM BER 2»th xnd SOth, and OCTOBER let and 2d eneu. for tho display or Cattle, Horeee, Sheen, Swine xnd Pottltr/, Agricultural Machines and Implement*, Dairy, Field and harden Prodoct*, Seeds, Pruita, Flowers and Vegetable*, the Mechanic Arte, Domestic, IloateholJ and other Haaufaetoree^Store*, Ware* and Inventions. In order to promote skill and efficiency In the Im portant work of the Farm, a Plowing Match will come off on the fourth day of xbe Exhibition, to which men and youths are Invited to compete for the premium* To tellers and buyers of furm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. The different Railroad Companies win carry all stock and articles to and from the Exhibition frtt of charge as heretofore, and will issue Sxtumon Tickets tor the Fair week at the usual liberal ratea. Lists ef Premiums and all other information will bo furnished on application to ROBERT C. WALKER, Se cretary, atthe Rooms of ‘'the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,’’OheinutStreet, below Seventh, south side, upstairs. The books for the entry of articles and animals will ho open on and after the Ist of September. „ DAVID TAGGART, President Penna. State Agricultural Society. au!3-d t sop 28 1 Ladies* dress trimmings.— FANCY AND STAPLE. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL A SON WnOLKSALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, four doors belovr Eleventh. And 319 8. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES.—Nos. 05 and 97 GEORGE St., below Tenth, aud SECOND Street, near Union. Order* made at a few hour*' notice. ae22 4mlf MARCIIANT»3 CUYBTALOGRAPHS, OR PHOTOGRAPHIC MINIATURES IN OIL, N E cornorof EIGHTH aud LOCUST. Tho above picture* differ eisentialty from anything ever before offered to the public Their Roftnee*, amd truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail. Insure, of ucceKsity, tba greatest fidelity ©f resemblance; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally Mttles the question of their pernratjenco. These faeti enable the tmWnber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to tho public aud to hit friends. They are secured by letter* patent to, and can be had ONLY of K.D. MARCHANT. UJ~ Portraits of the cabinet, irnd life sise on canvas as heretofore. se> 18-3 m TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS— Attention n invited to the fullowiug stock of sea soned LUMBER -300,000 feet 5-4 Yellow Pine Floor Boards. 250,000 feet 44 do do. 30,000 feet 54 do do, suitable for lin ing store*, 75,000 feet White Pine Floor Board*. 350,000 feet Spruce Joist. Selling low for cash, to suit the times, and in lota to suit purchasers. NEW FALL CLOAKS,—Just received at the Pari* Mantilla aud Cloak Emporium, to which the attention of Ladies and stranger* visiting tho city, 1* respectfully Invited. QEO BULPIN * Co , NEW FALL CLOAKS, Wholesale—^Merchants will find the largest stock of these Goods, in the greatest va riety of materials and prices, at the Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium. Prices low, and terms liberal. GEO. BULPIN A CO , 804-lm 708 Chestnut street INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS! TYNDALE A MITCHELL, iJSPoitTxas or CHINA, GLASS, AND COMMON WARES, oru now Felling tlieir NEW AND ELEGANT FALL IMPORTATIONS, at CMC tTLT J.SDI’CXD FRICKS, with a HANDSOME DISCOUNT TO TIIOSR WHO PAY CASH. 707 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH ST., 8u25-2w-fraw. PHILADELPHIA. WM. D. ROGERS* CARRIAGE REPOS ITORY, 1003 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, above TENTH, ia now open for the aalo of every des cription of Carriages, combining Style, Durability and Elegance of Finish, from the Manufactory atthe cornor of Sixth and Master streets, to which the attcatioo u! CitUtiu* and Southern and Western gentlomon i* res* pecttully called. N. B.—Especial attention given to Carriages for re pairs in the shops connected with the Repository. Ka trance on Cheiinut Btn*@t sel4-mwf 2w MACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES, Sold by CHADWICK dc BRO., SECOND Street, first door above Race auglB-3moa. David m. hogan, blank book Manufacturer, Statlonsr and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT street, betwoenFourih and Fifth, Philadel phia. te3-lm IVOTIOE" TO i* STALWART, Oapt. A. H. Lucas, from Liverpool, is now discharging uuuer general order at Almond street wharf. Consignees will please attend to receipt ot their good*. * TUOS. RICHARDSON A CO. seS-tf Russia and American tarred CORDAGE —a superior article, manufacture aud for sale by WEAVER. FITLEIt A CO., au 8-tf No 23 N Wat«*r at , A2d N Wharvaa. Saving fund;—united states TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Street* Large and small >uin» received, and paid back on de mand; without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hour*, from 9 until 5 o’clock every day, and on MONDAY BVENINOS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from XI upward*. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES B. HUNTER. »e!7-lylf —lOO cases of 60 half boxes each, In store and for snle by HENRY BOHLEN & CO , as 0 Nos 221 and 223 S Fourth street BW. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS e No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible pointe In the ÜbiU-d State* and Cauada. Stocks, Bonds, Ac., Bought and Sold on Commission. Uncurrent Bonk Notes, Checks, Ac., bought at the lowest rates. Deposit* rewired and interest allowed, u per effree aict, Mtfa Simcatiomtl (Dante. SVgricnltnrc. A PLOWING MATCH »1 ALBERT BENTON, South FRONT street. 708 Chestnut street. gripping. ]\JEW ORLEANS PACKET NOTICE i’ LOUISIANA LlNK.—Freight received antU THIS EVENING, si as low rate* as any thml leading. Shipper* per packet shIpOTSKONTHB. Wm. K. Max well, mailer, «U 1 pleas* hand in their bill* of lading THIS DAY, for signature; will receive what freight offers until THIS EVENING, and positively sail as above. BISHOP. 8010X8, A CO., »e2S-2t 36 North Wharves. JBHIP OTSEOtfTHE FOB NJSW OK >3 LEANS. Louisiana Line, guaranteed first vessel. Receive* freight until this evening. Freight taken at as low rates as any other vessel loading. The feat-sailing packet ship '‘OTSXQNTHK,” Max well,master, now taking in the last of her cargo at Race street wharf, will continue to receive what freight offer* ana sail as above, full or not full- Shippers will please norry their goods alongside, and bills of lading to the conntiughoase for threats re. For balance of freight or passage apply on board or to BISHOP, SIMONS, A CO, 2d North V harm. The 0. insures at the lowest rates, and will take steam down the Delaware and op the MisslAAnni «ep 23-It **' FOR SAN FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA |LIh~B —Direct from Philadelphia. The magnificent clipper ehip JOSEPH JOKES, Sam* Del G. Fiovera, commander, ie bow loading at Baca •Geot wharf j haring a Urge part of her cargo engaged patcf o^00 rapidly, will h*T# immediate de»- otftdeEf ” WIU urr J Cieir g°edj alongside with- For bine# of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMOKS k CO., 38 North Wham*. FgJA* FRANCISCO— FROM NEW M^° c .' le tt rlt<d cl, H«*lup SANTA CLAUS, Foster, muter, the magmdeent dipper ship BOSTONIAN. —.muter, are now loading and » iU Lara deapatch U For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS A CO., 30 North Whirr e*. fjotels anil fiestanrants. qiHE OLD STAB HOTEL IN HARMONY J. COU BT.—The public ere respectfully informed that the OLD STAB HOTEL U still in existence The proprietor will t* glad to see his old friends, and pro mises to furnish them with a superior quality of lie nines, and Liquors. He feels assured, that on paying him»Tlsit they will not be disappointed. He u also prepared to furnish Oysters In every style, at the shortest notise. Lunch from 20 to 12 o’clock, aep 24-lta WILLIAM HACKING’S CITY LAGER a.T. BALQOS, So. 222 Carter’s Alley, Phils »ep22-3m AIcGOWAN’S restaurant, sodth .lr™ we £ ***** of BBOAD and WALNUT .—Game and ail other delicacies in season, families raralied with Oysters oa the shortest notiee. »ep£fa T EWIS B. COFFIN,— -*-* THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC _ QUARTERS.) South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets “P 31 ” 0 Philadelphia. MERCHANTS* HOTEL, AWL KORTH FOURTH STREET. Abotw Kiun, ... .. PHILADELPHIA. a024-tf McKIBBEN & SONS, psora moan. SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street and Duquetae Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. MARKER. Proprietor. aalMa tDitua ons> tifluoie. WINES AND LIQUORS, FRENCH Brandiw, uln, Old Uonongahela Whisker, Wines, Ac.,jastreeeired&odforsale by _ CHARLES STUART, se2U-2t» ho. 182 Passyunk mad, bel. Carpenter*t. OLD WHEAT WHISKEY.—B. F. MID DLETON A BROTHER, importer* of Wines, Bran dies, A©. Also, sole proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey, l«o. 5 North Front Street. sepli-lm PORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de benture 250 casks St. Joseph's Pure Juice Port Wine, la qra. and eighths. T«.n puncheons John Ramsay Islay Halt Scotch Whie key, 2 years old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. Marett, Martel, Bouret, and J. J Dupuy Brandies, si or which I offer to the trade at reduced price* ~ F. TOBIAS. au2T-Bmoe 58 and WB. Front 8U below Walnut. A LEXANDERV.HOLMES,RTNEAND ■f A I'IQUOS BTOSI, Ho. 239, SkUhil Conn * PRO BLOK mid SOUTH Ml*!, Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER l naCOKS, CIOJLB3, to., 28 Bomb FITTH Btrett, PhtLdtlphlo. ul-1. BRANDIES —Finet, CastiUon & Co., Ms rett A Co., and other brands of Coenacaof various vinUgM, in half pipes and quarter casks: PeUtrotca Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in etpe*. qcarter casks and one-eighth cask*, all in Custom House ctexas, imported and for sale by - ~ _ HESRT BOHLEN A CO., * a 8 Hot, 221 and 223 Booth Fourth street. TRITBXAB h BUTE, PORTER, Af.g AND LAGER BEER RRSWSRT, No. 530 <mv No. 938) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shipping orders promptly attended to. aal-tf Bairs feg <3.g ztiatu VIfOLBERT k SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, * ' 451 CITE3TXTJT Strut. opposite the Cvctoa Roue, between ronrth s&4 fifth Struts SALK Of JEM DRqrDERIEASI>MILIIXrRT GOODS OLOvna, uoaiEßt goods. WcdllHiUj Mil, 30th iut,, emnm«u-'»» J 0 wecuelj, we will sen ty catalogue, without merre, a large sod raluaMe assortment of ehctee Preach xod Scotch Embroideries sad Millinery Goode Also, Lalies'and Gents* Si!* and Buck Gloves. Ea gHih Hosiery Goods, Ac. Abo. 200 cartons French Peather*. Ac. PEREMPTORY SALK OP A YAIFABL P ASSORT MENT OP GOLD JEWELRY. GOLD WATCHES. Ae . BEING THE BALANCE OP STOCK OP AS XX. TENSIVE JOBBING HOUSE. Wednesday next, caruaotnda* at 10 o'clock, v* vill ■ell, without reserve,* larse a*4 valuable a*#©ri*ea* of sold jewelry, vatcbes, Ac. Samples aad catalogues early oa the menua* of sal*. SALE OP THE ELEGANT AND VALUABLE STOCK at bCOTT’S Millinery Uhl Embroidery Emporium, tb* proprietor reiiaqaishia; tbe nUil brack of the beii* DSM. jhij day, £ept. 24, commencing at IQ o'clock pcr 1 - cisely, and la continuation at 3 0 clock P. M.. we will commence the tale at No. 9!6 Chestnut street, below Tcatb, of the LARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK OP RICH FANCY GOODS, esprei«lr f«r the b«t city trade, eomutiug of Kmbroiderie*, Locea, Bibbcne, French Flowers, Facey BocaeU. these Cape, Heal Dresses, Bridal Wreaths, Bertha Capes, Hair Ornaments, Fancy sad Mourning Goods generally SCPERIORGEUMANTOWN KNIT GOODS Also, an inroice consisting or Shetland Wool Shawls, Fancy Hoods, Fancy Cuff*, Victorinea, Nybia, S«rf». Polkas, Shetland Head Dresses, CraTats. Hosserr. Ac. ALSO, -51 deaen Gents' Lamb Wool and Merino Shirts Auio, 1,000 yard* 4-4 Damask, suitable for Pew cot erings The lots will be sold to suit the convenience cf con sumers, and will he arranged for examination two days prior to sale,-when the ladiee of this eity and vkiiuty are Tery respectfully invited to attend. The sale will he continued from day te dav at the aame hours until the whole stock is closed. Moses nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, B. E. corner SIXTH and RACE StwU. LARGE BALE OF FURNITURE. BEDS. MAT TRESES, MIRRORS, Ac., As.,on WEDNESDAY MORNING next. September 30th. at 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, S.' E. corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. Sales Room Second story. Entrance boa Race street. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swi.«, and French watches, Jewelry, of every description, matlea! ioftrumentc. Ae Ac. AT PRIVATE RALE—Arranged on second tJocr. household furniture, of every description, beds, mat trenses, cvpettng, looking glasses, fancy articles, Ac, Ac., Ao. Outdoor sales attended to personally by the A action eor. Charges very low. Consignments «f farnittw. clothing, jewetrr, Ac . Ac , solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE. S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will b» loaned on gold and nlirr plat* Watches, Jtfwoiry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Segaw, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture. Bed’ ding, Horses, Vehicles. Harness, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, ca more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. Jseh) M. NATHANS, NATHAN’S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place In a few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB’B great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelrv, Guns. Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ac., will take place shortly. Doe notice will be given. WEDD’3 great sols of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ac , being forfeited collateral*, will cake place shortly. Due notice will be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 520 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. SALAS EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, or Boots, Shoes. Hardware, Cutlery, Watehm, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whip*, Trunks, yancy Goods, Notions, N. B.—Terms ef Night Sales, four months* credit for approve! city acceptance*, for sum* of $lOO and with in terest added from date of sale. Kpl-Im George w, sxith, auctioneer, N. E. comer of BARRON and SOUTH Stmts, above Second. EVENING BALES. BALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,' At TK o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cut] lery. Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jaw el ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. SA3IUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, N*. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear it., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from T o’eleek, A. Jg., until 10 o’clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and salsa at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terns. CAPITAL 1090,000. KsinMisheJ/ov tkt lojt Tiirty Year*. Advances made from one dollar to thousands ea Dia moods, Silver Plate, Watchee, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer ohaodbe, Clothing, furniture, Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instruments, Gum, Hoxaes, Carriages, and Goods of •very description. AU good* c«A remain any length of time agreed upon. AU advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be ehargoa 3 per cent, per month; 1600 and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 (bet, has Urge fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persona having goods advanced upon. N. B —On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satis* factory ana accommodating terms than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, In email amounts, with out any charge. „,, „ A AT PRIVATE SALS. Gold Patent Lever and other Watchee, Jewelry, and Clothing will bo sold at reduced prices. aul-ly ©enlicmcn’s -famii WINCHESTER k SCOffI^g^NTLE MEN S FURNISHING PATtNT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFASJWKt, No. T 96 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh.ebwet,Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the moat perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. as£-lyif Girard fire an ANCK COMPANY, PH 302 WALNUT street, west ol “FIRE RISKS 0 nunc ID MARINE INSUB IILADXLf HU-OflM, Ko. >t THIRD. ONLY TAKEN " JTOM. Wm.M. Bwtla, J«r. Witter, John Aoaptch, Jr., Jao. llcC’iar*, H S. Burroughs, Tho Craven, J. B. Hughes, A- S. Giilett, 7. D. Sherrata, Turman fhecptrd, Wm. P. llscker, Sami Jcaes, Jf?D-, J • P. Steiner, Joseph KUpp, ML D H.A.ShsckeWd, 1 Hon JOEL JONES, President. Hon. 0. W. WOODWARD, Vice Presiieot Jso 8 UcMtau*, Secretirr. Jaiasß Aitosd,AssistantSeereiarj. sol-Tm-if SHARP £* S KEN'S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, 148 Non* JQtTBTH gtrwt. b«tv««n Arch tai 3*c*, JOHN CORLEY. #ing €oobs.
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