m .8414. ;80-: |k .'7B'. . . >B3 80,., a,W)Oßrl?t>Bda 'TI .'M 1000.HniH.7l I»t KT9O !>l iSMeW*fion>l BK Scrip ICO .V:: jBßlc BtoCN V: 5 88-''' ■yeUkof AnjenCft ;102H' =' . M ' 29Patkßaafc i '- t ‘V«&' i \i 00-v * - > "25# noDsX&HadQdUIOIOS# 67 do.’Va } <-105' Mo'PftCoaUW s bBo 65: 23 ’ &s}{ J'W iW.t, - flo.’ •i - *;66-; • 225 Ca'mb Ofeftt Oo -‘ ,10 ' 25 do r'\ ' 4 'Oj 200 .do"-'" ‘ OK •100; do\n - - -9# 275 :- do r. ' ' 0 100’ do bSO • 10 ’ ‘ 5&0 'do «■ :- 8 H • - - 56PacIfloKS6Co . 69 . >. • tON.XCebB ’ 67 - 3<Kr ’ 60, *66# 100 do 66# ’ 200 - do -b3 06# - > , ,;do • ,66# ', : : v !‘ " • ' ' fisodso ' ~4,000 YlrgtaJafe - Si# ■ I,ooo'Missouri Ste os,- 70V . 6]000., .vdo' >; :,70 • 25 ; 9y ,-■2So' , ''-' lj '«2o; - v - ##• UX ' '2OO. do - 65 ' :jJtoU4 Ao.n ..- sIQ 65 - ,100 ; £yleH; >- „40OCleV.& Tol B t 35 MX \ .100 Beading ft' ,110 -39 > _ Vl2o do ZS% ,- 2Q0./;j do: ’nisS -•- .. ,?dO ; .. , 89 saoo : ;do> -.-V v r,&3, .37# £oGa\&qM£ sIQ. .60; | TUB MOitfEY MABKET. . ~yr . XV,: ■' 'V , ; PHii.iD*LpsiAi'Bei)t,2s, 1857,. v o < of• the most jrtStrtog: day*; in sie .financial Tha Bank of.BeansylTanjft^ : Jp!|§| : ; the -, X mX-i ‘' ■ mm supported each otharbrarely/ and.! nttitude-ih* yfaeVww ; calamity of & .-‘'Vfe hay* {9 ©’clock aVnlght) just -' with thSEspress agent,' and, gladly announce '" : New> Ycrkßanka'to their : Mlladeiphli brethreh; '* ipbcle f wiU ! S t6rbjdiT6W'Vorhlag. '-NoVj let 1 ',y^^^terflna',>X6rt^iWßeir>o'w’loijthV feveriifti’impulse tUto .the panic of-to-dayv;? ; : .• - / T hlnk /bhi ,A .inoineafy -and " thefblly of yielding to * 'who p^d , ‘out , ‘«^eii© f lo^4y , J 'on both notes and checks, do** L.- frtre well; of Sha.oommehiiy/’and.they will get their - 'WtlrardrUTho good old credtt,qf Philadelphia, must be . * * € attained.' •amongst the we' the y , ; JKid, ,?enae« and Me-' "Y iiumlcs, xf&o tiiltered’ nat , the whole day., To-morrow ,- (Saturday) will witness the return ttio specie to its uiual depoaitori&f, ijefcwee < i' i two; ond throe o’clock, to-day,' there’ were the-l&rgefty3epaeit* of the 'precious nistai* cs#do;,that hare heea i:.' ! .-*6k»ca.';- Aword totheßanks; don’tloseheart. ; s°' 5 °' - The case of Jhe of Pennsylvania r- . f a^ipst. theySonyWale Baiik, ,to xecovqr'the, penalty 1 \' ''imposed by the banking law of the State for. not-keep*'' L-,; >ldg iUxiotes atpar lli’Philadelphia, 1 was tried atHohes?- ••■■ tuid 'mBHo^ ina Verdict lot s9fth97 in' ;' , NewYhrk Pm/ gives some advice u ti the tillers of the soil,’ 5 from which wo take the following r> ' turd'timelyremarksi‘* -Hi , “The revolt in India,isdhe;^arhlnge/-of|amihe> 380. human creatures wiU. 'need: large sap plica of-food from tha products of otberregieds/ The ■y army'‘of-India, the tr&anport'fleet for that armyaud Us y v aupjdjlMptfio necessities. grbwlog cut'of the disturbed /{rtato'of thftCgreat English dependency) will call for {ranch-of otirsurptua beef}' pork, and flour. The two v ~t keef pr-nburiAhment before it is ready ' s ;lor waste otb/eeding power, ‘ Vwhi& ls ti^:, besetting ,sin of,Auii?ricah;fariherB,‘.ought V;to be cKei^d^ : ; farmor ought' to'he required to; gLTC .att' aecounfr.of .whp ’kills r a female calf. ’-"We ’oughb years ’■‘ to cottiei;’ weir^ghtwoonhaTe'ii supply not‘only for httnjelves wy r r i 'C) •i'', } r < -':-‘.:. k .t >;r W^'-; PStbABEiPHIABTObK'YXCHAKQEBiCtESr 1 : - 'SepUm%tl6,aWt,,;.;; & ]'*s- . ; JStporUd iy Manim Jr. l /Si6t& Broker f No. y ' ' mwJnutUrdtti- J ,}] ■. '<I,IEBI BOAED, -• >. >, •. t [- - Penns R 6’s s 5 44Y -16 Penns B -> s& '40 % im £ *0 - ; - 445 IP -'. >do 40^ 1000 . V.do • «X 0« do *' 40 ; c c*sh ! 44s 30 - "do' •'*• < 40,„. -MoCity6»» ''j ' 61 . -20 *■ do** > y 40 ' lQPenni R'' -41 V: '-3 * -do- - 40. 30 do ~ ‘ “ 1 30-Vdo . 40 |; ! 6- do-: \ r 40« -.6:'' do ‘" » ,40" 1 '\&<i■ >\ ~ 40* l do 1.^40 ■■b. * *'■'4o* ' -‘Z d&m A Am 8. : 55 M 'do f ’■ 405 100 Reading E bs2o='- " &->$- OS-/ i : • 40J{ 100- do ‘ . bSSO 2-\ do • 40X-.12 do 20 •i‘ '■•«VV , dd''"' ! -J--.-"4OK' '6O < .v- ; r a)'-" 10 :do /; V' v 40*' 100. - do - g 6 pO'^.i >3- 4 '- '"’do -•'•'■JaS'fO'';''’:' e, ; r do .. : 100 ; do . , - SO ‘J-'f SECOND 1 Bf>Aisi>.\'V : ’; . t OPennAß": --. . * , -v '■ . ’to-66* 4 do,- .* lOSchui-Navpfii. ;• 2 -r do,"' >: S'.-'j dq /i HX4 2O do ' Eooding closes at ab0ut.;..... - 1 , ISWBCTiow.of Fiqffs"*od iixil foi iht ireet aodtng .Beptcmter 24,1837»< • •./ M c ' ! ' Half Barrels ofSaperfine : 5apcrQ0e ............ • 1 ‘ do /* flna‘..Vi., do ' 1 aiiddliiiga.... do Byo. *; ♦.,; ..... do C0mUea1,..^.^,,.,. do/'-'• 3 Coi»donmed...;.'.".-;J ? -..i. Total >v: i < JttHiLBB, Inspector,. < ■ jffxattiammuL sois» oftrads. "! ' I«Si*t >V :; " ! Joßifn O.Gxue»,( Coxxijtii or tkm‘Mo*TB. , 3oa»'W»i.Bil,, • •; -C- *2&*gk; W®? f MJMe Jtftrfh an JSx/Jt *ng9, JPJni4d<lpkia.l Skip Tonairuida, J ulioa. ............ LitorpooJf B*jrt ?o . Ship I JJovera,,^w l ,.&m-ftinci»i», #o«o j JBanjoa mnvewti. Janeiro. #oon :>. Wtyte ,*lago»y*%:*c. S*ft J» JWRTOFPMJn^ABEiPmAvS^I.aOrISJT. rVC v':*' W\,r<) -lYe-.I ■■< .1 - 7, 4~8UK'8*T8,w»,...;i.6 M ' t ' 'HIGH *v«»»20 ’, '- '<7 ',' •. 1 1 AjtRTVSD,’-: ?»!!''' ' •,•'> . "'&tMa>«p'3oefcnf, Bellow; from, New-York, Ti» .Cape , V'-' Ilay, ft horns, with mdse nod -piaasangeAto James All* jJM»ed, r the brira.Malvem, :,; *» from . Jamal#* A : Eaton, from ,Bt John, Si)}, And Hey ward, from Chafes tojjfbeatiag up, ,;Abeye New.Owtle - -piaaed •seror&i ngbt schooners, apparently from Barton, in to ** ‘^BrigZead,' ThoßUW,sdiyS from Boston; inbalijwtto 1- , Vt <V BcfcrjXftyitUlrfuric, Cannon, A days from .Baltimore. , with coal to Yerree he Hltehsll. j,<,- t .) ; ", , Bchr .Elate, <}aj{ jfroni B<imore, with njdsetowptaJn.- -;':; ; i’ ,i»- % ■ I >- , flehr Chose, Jones, 6 days from Albany, with grain to Ponltney;&'Sasaej’. _ u, l\\ L. ‘ .Scfcr EscorijilOttf, 4 cUySfromßridgepori, la b*i [ last to captain. - - . . .V ■: .- < , Bebv lu H Stroup, Gorton j 5; days -from Boston, in I. ■b^ie®tto j captasn.';'^r ; -;/’-7; , iS 7iK‘j 47; Vs •• - - Schr ExpedlUoa.t Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, with ■ T&.-catena Bewlefi tflUcm A i-gSh Scbr Henry jobiisorij hauf«ns^rfrom'J?eir Fork, • [7 4 lw' B«Bt. rorntfew.York.; m ’ - \ \ ’t -■ l : ; - ,f Ttifecbr Sophia Abh*Smith,. JftoraJtoxbwy. j -., Keitoo; ~,,t t % 7f: : #Bchry_BiDteiio?i l Whwto& from Boston*#-. U ; ’ i ~ v |horoM : L 7 from seven canal barges. £-,■ 'CI»EA3VBB.y:, ;r V; < ; |'/.;^^^4wK,St«aTOhlpß^to<of;Geo^la,.Garvin,'Sa^an |V37 Bator.Boston, H"ffinsor. ' - - * wi, ..Popnayly/mIR,. T?e*l, > Xut^unond,. a"' ■ •.2 ) ®ftrqttl , y.Palmer/Turoey > 'ftichmobd, J ifeaMSA Co. 1,-' ’'—BiMgCeltißobbins,'Newbutyport, li Audenreid 1 ACo | - fich?Escort, Murrarißosimiy. O AHodufoer A Co. / I•• ’ VrBehr3iJ iJlekinKin. I Echr SopWa An^SnS^;l^xbQfy t .yan ,|h««n, Nor-' j>; ?•> -if/tOe Qtii-y'i l f ( ’ J ■ - y '" S Bcbr J-H Sbroapj Corecm,^olemVN ntnrteryant A Qo> | - ' . Rcht Mercy TajJor,Slckßjffton, Boston. ; °'do° 7 , fi r ‘‘- Af>BfitieJ<)bztßcg*n t r &lHpt&R*rßrhiU' } j ; do,; f. w Bit Boston,;'- * ->' flo’ | ' pchr PEUmore, Broofeiyn/Tyler, Stoco A-Co. --‘;-flchr : ll lAurensifJohiiaonj-.Oharlestohj BoricrSj hlAedn‘A,Co, #Ki; '' ; - . f fob? Cora fncker, Fuller, Ipswich, Tyler, StoneA Co. • rr, ‘ SchrWH-Hiwson.Pfty, 1 NO; Cofihrsn A f Bussell.'-’. \ “ 7- gchVPauiiuf-'FleWsiV' ‘7 ,? 'cfo • • Btr Kennebec,Hand, New York, Jm AUdeMica'; . SfrTbus Wks, GreenjNdwYork.WMlJ&frh &,Cp. v ’ .Sir B WlUiDgj.pia/poolejUalUmora, A Groves, Jr J ' "‘-7 y - t » ■’ . s . v 'au’’'”-; '>*'<•' <>-’j *•*•' v* • ■'; !i»vi i. v:-v , - ’ ;OAPB>iBriAND;S»t?JS;44(IPM. t • - Otte r three brig# passed in thVaftemoon, ‘ with some otght or ten schMnert.- gev«>ftt ohmß-wVe nowgbing to sea,. Wind rather fresh from the I fJS. S - ererr appearsneo of a storm. . .■_ - •} I .f-iymfrsi Arif"' V ' / ’ » 'w ' : *vr. v I . r . , r<jrt.) i i r . ** ■ BpsK*,gept, <s>, | 1 Armed ship Western Empiro, from Hvorpbol, | t Oorrtfpo&deccfl of tho Philadelphia Katcfcaig*.. I .. v- -9 XBWJES»DeI« BepV. 24/8A M... | Over pttv hundred ail tettttie ro&ftstiirft featetd&j £ morning, thirty of which proceeded tip. j , 1 The following ve&ei* f/m&lii’ttt the Breakwater; prlga f Wm M Croton, Whitman,'Ava; Castilian, Nftpo *v v Dldncotn.Baaqart, |. and fire others, wboMnaakil K&to hct fbund dnt; I Several *aaU craft araliaraight bound up arid>nk | ~ • > , 1 »,• -y \ • | Your?, Ac, v,.. J ;/vra|f.H. DICK MAN, j i - . of The PreM.? : j b • ' r'4vwvKf™* IWQsio»,l3«pfc. &. ri; \.jlereh boat®.left here this woniing, ud«, Jnd con', I'*' \ k ini and r , bark to Mr,Williams; Mlnw Peer, lumber to YouSk A I. :,. r WToeivarfoaj Klmer & Son, lumber to U b Taylor & Co. 1- ? :. ftunb A\o6©kydijj«ib<t} ft# ,Nw»o*«i4f ’SfiwajbJobii L|J Tmjjh - .$£ ,Trae-Americao, wm A MoConkey.end fonn "Wlsta/* : irie^’f ea i- e( i I ;t New, Tot,, • Pawliw^ h *** lm ’ m, ■ * igorf Is *«r*s-w> .*«?•£ •<* .->!- * ' : ■ -j; Ship Mai? E Balch, Woodbury, for Valparaiso, sailed /ij&oinijlifMpoolSeptlDtht-i! t. '->« ■* -c 'j 1 . < Blub Nfcholaa Biddlo, Bares, for New York, sailed from LlvorpoollOth in^t,. -.,, ;f.; Ships OeS&'EjfpreisvHctfeblHfis, and Constitution, - for Now York, sailed from-Llverpool llth inst. . '5 Snips; Cheshire. Farrar, and Bwanak; Borland, were . loadipgat Liverpool 12th last. for Flitladolph«‘V • _ , s i Bhip-Wil^Bsttget, from Calcutta for London, at Deal 11th illflt. f Jf - r -,1 > -r . BhipyO#riooa.Hpffabr/for-Philadelphia, sailed fro" 1 ,JUo de Janeiro i2tH alt, Ship Josiah. Brodlop, Having, sailed from Bio de Ja- tbJuly for Calcutta. .'. ,• n . ship Hamilton, Webster, f<?r, Boston, sailed front hio de Janeiro July itf.' ;,i - , •, Ship'SarahThlawh^Emery,from Bangor for.Yalpa-, " Shf p* from Sumatra, rivqdnt Gibraltar mi ult, and retoftined 2d lust, wait* B 'lhlf John Holding;, Milton, from S.an Francisco, ar rived at Callao 12th,ul$. . „, . oy , . .. of 5 -Ship Morning Star, Close, from Liverpool, arrived at sailed from Rio o Bar,jim o hut D^Truil l , of pliilodelpiiio, Scnll, at New York yesterday from Charleston, adlh wheat, rice, &tj, Baa hftd very bad weather: experienced the hurricane of the 11th, 12th, and 13th, duriog which lost foretop ‘sa{l,--foretopgaU»nt{mast,, iib^boom, mainsail, and re colred other damage.,. 14tn, Peter Young, a colored seaman,' was washed from tfto .pytjips;aq<l lost. Buring the gale damagditho cargo. ' Brrque Heiperon, of Boston, from New York for Aas tralift, wpa apokfn 15th lost, lat 39 25, long 05 20. , *- Barque'Panama', Graves, from Cronstadtfor Bio do Janeiro, passed Blsinoro 4th iust. . Barque John^GilplQuMaisens,'for Loando, cleared at Boston24thinat., <•, , Barque Belie,-Byder, heooo at Boston yesterday, : Barque Chostec, Crosby, cleared at Boston 24th Inst, for PhlladelphlA. ! ', ' • , Brigs Z/pdi, Sami Otis, Leontine, A:,Law renco, Georgia. ADh,En2fl.beth, M B Davis, and J Nick .erson, hence at Boston yesterday., . •. < Brig Daniel Mftlony, Steelman, from Matanzas, arrived up at Now Orleans 18th ipst. r ' Brig Olarcncd, Phlhhey, from Palermo for Baltimore, Is snpnosod.tq have passed Gibraltar 10th ult., Brigs Sarah • Eliiabeth, Baynes, and Emily, Sanders, sailed from Calais lsih Jnst. for Philadelphia. Brig 'MaDsanilln, Dunning, sailed from Portland 23u }nat, for Philadelphia. * ‘Brig Martha Washington, Anderson, for Philadelphia, sailed from Portland 23d inst. ..Brig garni SmaU, Lane, sailed from Balom23d inst. for Philadelphia, i 1 1 - Brig Altavela, Gilkey, sailed from Bio do Janeiro 12th ult. for New York. 1 Brig'Ganges, Jones,for Bnenoa Aytes, with lumber, cleared at Wilmington, NO, 24th Inst, - Schr David Paust, Jfoslandor, cleared at Wilmington; NO. 24th inst. for Philadelphia. Bchrs Buena Viata, John Tucker and Joanna, hence at New Haven 24th inst, >'6chf AVda, C&rberrr, bcoae. arrived at New London 24th inst'..'. ... ' SttUSGB MUM, .Bept. SI K' : '&s $95 do m ? 2u - flu; 66, r 9B"';’ fdo ;:'" «3 '6SX 350 few mtooda * 16){' goo'-. *do 5 ,' 1 -,'l6K *OO to • e WX 160- i.••.So-lej* 300 , ’ . dd 1 ' slO MX •'STHatMot.R ' v * i 714 1 10 Third Ar ft 1 80 ISJSOlevOOcdfcCtußM 1 tOO Reading R ' ; 40 300 ,' /do ' 'h3 39V 840 '' - do* ' V-' -39 V 1424 vdo ’t . 39u 200 .'do M 0 .40 100 ' 1 do • >lO SO K 350 .' dd - • 39 60Mieh'04nR': 68 176' - 'do, J 66- 160MBO&NKR 39 V 100 -do = • . 09 ■ tOMchSiNlptfitk-SS.. .10'' • do ’• v 67V, 2WtUCenR’ 1 .69 159 do >3O ; 88J4 120 Clmi Pitts R, ;H . 200' * 'do ' . ' ’ 1214 70'G»Ht0hloR' . .63. do , alO OBJ 4 26 ; do ' >lO 69 lOOOlero&tolB.,, 'B6 700 - ;-do ' 1 Ji3 34 X 200-' do--" ;S4J4'. 85 Chio&BXatdß , 08., '2O 'do,,' V, fOT.. '6O - do'. 1 ' . . .60,’. 1605111* SB>R " 34. • 50 do - • - : 5314 84614 Ci Stitt B‘ .■ 8 • 110 : do . • 814 VooigD, ' ' SS OalfcCiUoß. i 6614 10 do. . 07 .60•• ; .do ■ ; bio 67 40 OlevefcPltta B 12 BOOIROonIU,- J . .. 39 ’ .Ml., -do,: ‘ «30 ;rb 200CMc&RIR 0514 100 do 1.30 00 ,60 ... . do >lO 0514 SSLaCfcMilB ;s».- 186 • do vi ' 8 160 ~ do . .; 8K lOOlev CollOln R : 80 .60 NT Cen It is 06 a ,60 . .: do ' 6514 60 Mich. Cra R 64 ; hence fop Norwich, at Now Londoa Wth IOaV - f ,;Sphr Gen^Worron,Denson, pailed from Calais llth ’list; fofpfflikreiphik;. , < ■ > ■ - Schr BUea,Matilda; Yfolls, hehco/snlved at ,Calals v •IsthiaBt; ,{ ',(v> : . j: -i-u ■ •// y . <. Scb? yiq'i Joa 6s/ Jones, sailed ftoin Calais 16th inst, for-Philadelphia,-- • * •- - Bchr Howard Putnam, Nickerson r from Turks Island, arrived at Bostoh 24th mst; '. <1 ~,Bchr J/0 .Brookis, GraSain, for-Philadelphia, sailed from Portland 23d inst-7 ' p \- Bchr Southerner, Lefevrerhence', arrived at Norfolk 234in»t. , .. f , - t'SChrfl P Armstrong!,‘Dill, hence for New Haven, And. Thos Potter, Glover, for Providence, arrived at N York yesterday. l ‘ ... ’• SqhclOnly Boh, PeriVfhecoo atN Bedford 24th inst, . Schrs W A. Weeks, Weeks', and J Prsmbcs, Frambes, hence, arrived up jrt Plymouth 20th Inst. .Schrs Larinia Jane. Kotcimm.andGom, Crane, hence at Now York 24th inst' ' ' ’ • gjOhwPoquonnodt, Bunrongbs/and E T Smith, Lee, 'hence foe Boston, passed Highland Light 9 AM 24th inst. ' ’Bc,hrS D L oturgiS, Norris, for Philadelphia, and Sarah .Bright, Noble, for Wilmington, Del,'cleared at Boston 24thinst - • * * Schrs Minnesota; Baker; A M Aldridge, Bateman, and H -Blackman, Sherman, sidled from Salem 23d inst. for Philadelphia. ..• , . . Schrir Sawasseit, Hu2se,,and Huntpr, Fisher, hence for New'Haven; Yankee Bdyißisley* and T L Stiller,' Phelps, at New York 24th inst. ‘ Schr Joseph' Portqr. Adams, for Philadelphia, sailed from PftUßivor22(l jnst. " ■ Schrs JameS 'Blisgj'Hatnh, and J G Collyer, Chapin, sailed from ProViden'ce'23d imt.'for Philadelphia'. Schr' finsatt'Orlcan, TucKorton, NJ, sailed from Providence 23.105 t < ~t . \ ■ Schrs Mary Price,'Price, from Bristol for New Haven,, and Barah L, Smith,,from Brandywine; at Now York SitEitfat.'-”.'’ \u ‘ ■ 'Steamer flenrr D Gawl Iler. hence at Baltimore .Kthint:'' t. -' .i\ • - 1 ' Spoken' * 2d List.- lit BTI9. lohg 43 30, whaling barque Perl, 65 .days from New l6O bbls sperm oil. :VA}U:\ y ‘ 'Mabine:misobllany. - ' On the 10th and llth inst., the wind'blew fresh from the N JJ, Increasing on the > 12th to a heavy gale, vary ing Horn N E to At 3 o’clock,-A-M, .the brig Bftinbow, of Booth Bay, Capt Patterson’, while lying at North Island) broke,adrift, .haring parted both chains, and drifted into'the pilot boatWw Shackelford, carry ing away bowsprit and doing other damage. Xho Bain *ow was cartiod, then by wind and current on !a! reef of hremcera, two miles southeast from'' the • lighthouse, where - she was. imbeddod in the sand. Through the .strenuous exertions of Messes Benton and Watts, pilots, after three days’ unremitting labor, she was finally re moved from h6r dangerous positioh and conveyed safely to Georgetown, with tho foaaof ancbors,’’chains, boat and deck load,. > - • . ! . • I-. Capt Patterson and pitots having agreed to leave,the amount of,oompensstioa td-arbitration, the result Hrqs an avrard.of 69 per cent on the gross value of vessel and cargo. Zhls ia tho-first vessel-over removed from the quicksands of our- bar. - The' Rainbow is Dow ready to proceed on her voyage In a tight and substantial con dlflpri:\& ii -. 7 }. . ■ 1 , fleorgctowhj.fSOi Sept. 19/—Arr schr Samuoi N Smith,Capt Smith, U days.from New York; To Fraser & Heath, Has experienced heavy gales from 8 W to N Wj lost boat and. mainsail j Bplitfore&aU; ibroke wheel, and sustained other.damsgo,'t v i< > .. Barkparodi; Jones, of “and ftomProvldencefor-Zan citor'(Newport 18th' fnst) pntback to Newport on Tues day evening leaking badly, having sprung a leak on the Jolght ofi the 19th jn Ist q 7 0p ; < lon, 38 94, during heavy weather? 'Her pumps’ how kcep'.uer free, and rite will return to providence to undergo repairs.’ Antwerp,' Bept 4-yTne‘ship'Biohsi,,’Stevens, ,from Gallaoj with- guano,'ls* hsbbre' on' tho G.iatnels; in tho WlSlmgenr >'Bh9 lies in a'.veiy dsngerend position. Two steamers'-Ord by, hefto render’ Assistance - Falmouth; Bejpt9—The Doni of Newcastle , from Hsvlo *2 Quebec. sprtiag ’.aisak, aud‘ ins jh*nddpd-<wi tntr 2TO» ef^Awgt^j>i^4«*4air,'7otfg J 2y’tyfcr4w saved. Llsbon.Sept Bertch, McConnell, from Uallao gnd Fayal,-With guono for Queenstown, pot in hero yes terday, miking twelve‘lnches of water per honr, and with cutwater, head; 4c. started. - -Tho greater part, if not an, her eargo Will have to be discharged. : DOMESTIC POETS. ‘ NEWYORK,Bept.24':-~Xrr, Ur brig Independence, 'McA.lmotu ffotii Dorchester; achrs Alba, Merrihew* from Wlldihgtqn, N C; .JotuU South'.. Spates, do; Star, Dobgl&s, do.' Cleared, barques'Treke, (Aust,) Peloa, Cowes and a market; Holla. Rogers, Pensacola: ■. brig D Huptley, Earl.Winasor, Ns. . ' Bcpt 25—Ar bark Kate Wheeler, of Hampden, Grant, 'Rotterdam.' Had had'yery heavy weather, the whole postage.' Sept- 15th ,experieo cod a Violent horrlcano from JsNE,lnlat 2925,10 n 6?2p, .blowingthb tails fttrled/rom the yards; -br/g ffanstiske; Conklin, Jack* sosrlUe: 'three'masiod achr Ch<u» M Lavertv, Dowdy, St : Mary's,GSrscbirs Bellows,Baltimore, and Paragon, Williams, Beaufort, NC; steamship Locust Point;-French, Baltimore. Cleared, ship Thornton, Collins, - Liyerpoolj "brig Mary Means, Hopkins, MdnsaniUa, achr Cttir, Ham* mond. Aspinwatl: ship W ITWharton, Moss, Golvcßton; tahtis Jss W H&Ket; Soltew;; Cumberland, Chase','Alex andrlarKate Field, Bobbins, Matagorda; B F Beeves, Shaw, Beaufort, B C. 1 BOSTON, Sept. 24:—Clbabkd.—Ship Beramporo, Stone.'NevGrleani; • Ship Samuel G Glover, (now, of .this port, 701 88rW,th» tofts) New Orleans. Bark John Gilpin, Martins, Loando and & mkt. RWJggin k Co. Rrbarfc Wolf, Cc®rar,Pjctou.- BarkMoneyoick, Smith, Charleston; Bark Grampus, .£ F Cunningham, Wil mington, NO. BritfLaariU*; Lavender, CapeHayUen. PORTLAND, Sept 23G—rCi<l achr. Trident, Sudw, Chntou. :' : ‘ : 1 f'< 1 -r- SALEH—£Id 28d, brigs Frederick,' Eroira, Cayenne; bound®/ •* - MMM lOfiH & 1? NEWPORT—Arr 22d, brigs Brookline, Brandon, 8t Johtt ? NB. for Baltimore, and'eld 23dl'Aunandalo, Hugh#*,'Baltimore for Bangor; achr John Perry .Bock land for Richmond. Also arr at night,-baric Parodl, ;Jone6,'Providence' for- Zanzibar. 23d, arr 2 p m 2 pm, bark Charles William, Dashington, Savannah for Providence. ' 81d brig 8 PBrown, Freeman, HSvasna. ; '.-Inporfrthe arrivals of to-day; barkParodl; brigs El len Hayden, Almr, for Havana ldg. •; EABTPORT—BI4 19th,' brig Broome, Folsom,' (from Calais) Hatanzas; schooner Maria Jane, Crosby, Balti more, 1 ■ DIGHTON—Arr 21st, achr Sarah, Mills, Rowley, GooigetownfDO. ? ‘ ' 23d, ‘ sehr A Uayord, Pomeroy, MftrtticoCreek.'Var »*''v •. SAVANNAH—Arr brig BJo Grande, McCorbe, from f-- »< - ' • ' i MOBIL Sept 19; ship Sibyl, Jenkine, from Mar tinique,-to - bark ’WestWind, Saunders, from Boston, to J G Whitaker & Co; brig Lorona, Gibbs, fra Hayana,'iii: Jos E Marreli; senr Calliope, Buckler, from Boston, to master; 1 > - ■ •f»* BALTIMORE,’Sept ; 24th—Cleared, steamship Cale donia, L&yfleld, Ch&ritaton r brig Lady of the Lake, (Br)Newman ;sehrS'Bwan; Dill,' New York; BO Higgte*. Dayqy, New-York: 25th,-arr eahr Cohansct, ■Tobey, from Naif Bedford; Sarah B Jatned, Clark, from Boston, w*";- - - ' r Sailed Steamship' City of Norfolk, (having repaired boiler). Greene, Savandah; shipßoland, (Brem) Eeickl, Rotterdam; brigs John Mnrston,(not before) Young, Weep Indies;, Loring, Boston; James Da vis, Ginn, Boston, AJW Applegarth, Linden, West In dies: schtt Thomas Jefferson, Phillips, Wilmington, N C. Peerless, Patterson,'Kingston,-'Jamaica.' * - •v CHARLESTON, 1 fiepfc. 23d .—Cleared, barque Almatta, Richardson, Boston; brig Owcenee, Brown, Mobile; fichr CoLHatterly, ?ayJorWilmington, NO.' ; r Went to Sea yesterday, stoamship 'George’s Creek, Morley. Baßimoro |, H E Vincent, Steward, St Au- RttStinoV > -v - • ’ - - -NEW ORLEANS, Sept. B.—Arrived, Ope lootas, Ellis, Galveston and Indlanola; brigs Vorßeve rance, Miller, Minatilam Margaret A Stevens, BUtlcr, UaVAha; Goo Il.Obfifie, OaughnniHararta. .‘' Cleared, ba^que'WinW^ o^*s^^^ 'Coustand, Barcelona; Mfixieih'flchr Afdgahte, Cgbada, Uampeachy aqd Sisal; sehrs 3 IDay, Minor', Juvanußurlasa, Fowler, Mobile, ' Betowi, Britlsb »h{p Idu, ( WBBtcoU, from Liverpool 26th July. ... ; •',.J - v , ■*' / ‘ FOREIGN PORTS. ‘ ' ‘ Gibrattar—Sld 27th uUJ ships Clara L Preble, Long, and,Chu Sprogue; Pikp, both from jTfepeu, Boston. - . At MfhfttiU|ra 4tH'ibsL brig Peweverancb, Miller, for New Orloapa same day. . / ../At Coitaacpalcoa, —lnst, bcbpGen BcoiL for Mobile. 814 from Tam'pleo, 2d inst, brig liftlears, Vilctti, Now M,, ~,l f , . tJ r t r.BUW J for ldg; ‘at Quebec -19th (dat. ship Mortimer Livingston; Sampson, for Bristol, B. Jrfild.froox Pictou lith Inst, barque A It Kimball, , Adamson, Boston. r John. NB, 39th test, brig Robert Reed, John son,' Afeximdria'. Cldl9tb, schr Wilson, Bal timore. '• • 'List of Anrlvals-at tiio'Principal Hotels. ;; GIRARD nOTEL.—Choatnot St., halo* Ninth. ’e E Dudley, Richmond HR Gamble, 8t Louis • J LNorris. Savannah- • .. Wlf Cuaningharo, Va J BWelis,PhUa . .. .MiMHernden,Va J A Lanier, Miss , A 0 Harris, Memphis JW.Harris, Mempbla. ' A Betat, N,O . i-HLiddeldf.NT.i -- JI/CaitipbbH,SSoukCity 1 J B Ficklon it son; Va D A Huntj'PrOV/clenc'e 11 1 I Walter Lemonie. Va- * i; Miss LemonW, Va LBRabliog,Ny wm 'A G Seaman, Waablngton AG Seaman Jr,Washington J Graw, N Y D.GLoWber,lf 0 : - J EHhf»ter,Lahoaßter HonrjrllhsmU.N Y. ~i J. H Ulller, Portsmouth, « Portsmouth, - New Hampshire ■_ New Hampshire Walden Porter, Boston J KOnigmacner, Euphrater James-E -McCaU A lady,- Lftnaipter ep Cincinnati, Ohio Mr* A Wimbftck’, Mehijhis Miss' Henderson,JJothlcU’ra J Starke; Miss - ’ - OF Hampton, S 0 W9t ».:, RPTliompson.'N J 0 H Beison & la, Uniontown T M Lannhan. Balt Jpo e »j Va. v;. -/ . - JobnMarfleld, Ohio J 0 McCoy, Dallas, Toxaa , J D Bpiccr, N 0 M C Mordecal, GharUlon, SO E Loroghy, Mobile EH MarUn k la; Savannah Capt Boggs A la. u 8 N Missßbgg®- • 1 C E Rogga • ‘B T Pannell k lb, N 0 Miaa Bonner, N 0 . Miss&man.N C.~ 5 :.;s) Mias White, NO Mrs Dent,N C ; J,Holt, Montgomery, Aia GCoater fc ta, Mobile Mrs A R Lawton, Ga A porter* la, Savannah, Ga H H Muhlenburg, Reading .Lavjd,Y SH-4rta, Gi«gf>Tr ; MroDuffua, ,;r, l LfWefKHarriB ... ..- WmDiiffiWi. ■' s ; ARelfc,M&lyland. -, f A ia,Pa . MlssWtterblk; ujPen’nfi 1 ” -'Oftpt B Watermflu, P.nna . Hetltott, Onaxlttton.SO P Bhaw, Buputior, Wl> SJ BMter, Chicago, IH . Cyrus B Carter, 311 JJJ'WtiltOeia. JitM ! M Moorbooso, Australia - Si.SW'J* 1 ! Aa'potU, Std JT Baird, Virginia CwHattald'cia.Ohlo “Cl (fill, Baltimore J A Smlth. iijlti.nor, B J Willi., Baltimore SPfStojft yasßatMford.se , . ‘ - O' Rutter', (TV ■ j' SlteS2%? n t Hcsr ' i ■ OR Boole, Bo»1ob ' '•n> KMuntt,Sy iJ 4-. Jf.\ il r.i.'l/f'a-. H• •< \ ■ , , A .V ti' ■ > y.uA Ui-< , , 'i '&W U - v : THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1857. 3 tandem™, London • HoFlfeW & K Boton > R wScma,,; NT MW Ciuskcy, Washington T if Tonrno La ]'■ <>“ ,l , c few> , L ‘ 77m P Uodgo, N V HWrlgli, V ioksharg Cha. a Pli.w' Cin, Ohio Then X flhaW, OkjaWo G Forbes i uifo, Boston A J May & la, N Orleans Geo w Mordcicu, N C Miw Cameron, NO Mies Mordeica. N 0 John B. Mordeica, N 0 Bov Dr JJftlch, Baltimore Wm J Fooloz, N Y • OcoP Putnam, N Y . - HLJonefl,NY WJ Butler, NY Fdw Phillips, NY W ASbopard, N Y HBtrue,NY 8 A Moore, Pomeroy J KEdgerton. Fort Wayne W A Kifistiia, NY R JE Mooro Sc la, Mississippi 0 H Swopo, Alabama II Frankliu, N Y , L Foiger, New Orleans, La. N Whitney, New Orleans Wm Desendorf. NY J F Mason, Yft Jaa G Clark. NO W H 3forton, Jr. t Ta J W Andrew, Indiana • Ewtl P Budd, N Y i Jos Roberts, Cuba '' MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. 0 Blanchard, Loekhaven, PaT N Kurtz, Baltimore J D Nowlinger, N York - A B Clark, Richmond, Vft S M Clark, Washington W Humestou, Troy, N Y John Brownfield, Springfield, 1 Jos Wise. York, Pa Peons , John V Poster, Centro co Phillip Gophart, Centre co, F G Bellas, H 8 N • Penua 1 li Unangst A wife, Easton Miss S Coangst, Easton Hiram Greiner, Salem, 0 B P Martin* Abiogton, IU W E Scburr, Kansas Herman R Dean, Kansas C E Chaffer, Kansas Win Eborhart, Cookstown, Mrs. W«l«> Muscalono, Peons lowa > . J S Robinson, GrcoiiSeld, 0 R * Kennedy. Rlttstargh O G Smltere, Mlsa R A Bankhead, Miss SI n Horn, Jr, OaiaHanquo EH J Saegor, Oatasauana A G Brodhead, jr, Maoch B Crawford,Pa Chunk James Uagar, Ohio m r White Ya P 8 Blitz, Columbia 1) Biel. Hamburg, Pft Geo G Richardson, Ky Hon W Bigler, Pa £**s* . S Horkstem, Ohio , . C M Clay, Oxford , h Condie, HarrisonvlUo, O A Fenstemaker, Ohio Geo MoHlor and wife, 111 John M Keen, Leeesburg, 0 Walter P Snow. k ta,Md Miss McOoßkoy, Wyoming A Van Camp, Washingtonfl Goo li Ulelock W G Wilson, N J Jan R MorJem. Jersey City W B Bivere, l'a IID Patton, Pa D Snyder Indiana PE Dayton, Jackson, Tenn 8 O Fry. Pa Chas Bonnet, Wilkesbarr© B J Kulin, Port Clinton,Pa Robt 8 Lyon, N Y James McCullough. Ohio L Bowers, New York. UNION HOTEL —Arcb Street, above Third. Jacob 8 Bouder, Bethlehem Julius Berge, Trance V Hau&ner, Ohio V Maumy. N Carolina M E Cross, Delaware co., A J Delong Sc la.. Ohio Jos Dewalt. Lande3hurg, H Weber, Marietta, Ohio Mark Pellheimer, Waynes- Mrs Orumbnker, Ohio burg, Ponna Henry Fellhoimor, Latrobo Philip Jollev. Ohio 1 . Geo B Barrett, Ohio 8 M Moore, Lowistowa A Mundoy, Lincoln E Webb, Ohio John Reed, West Chester Sami Brunson, Ohio . AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut, below Sixth it. J Scager, Pennsylvania ». G W Pornell, Maryland John W Konnedy, Virginia Wm Moulder. Virginia It Taggart, Ohio Thou Reynolds. N Carolina Louis P Dotrick, Maryland Sami Jouefl, Pittsburgh Gop T Benkort, Philadelphia C Jenkins, New York W Preston & la, N York Jtobt King Sc la, Conn J Ahearn, Now York J Kilburn, Provlncotown II De Meon, Cumberland 0 W Pringle, Cumberland H D Carleton, Cumberland T A Faw, Tennessee 0 H Orawford, Baltlmbre ’ M B Crawford. Baltimore H H Harrison, N York B 8 Harris, Missouri I.N Rasuey, Missouri 8 T Wilder, N Carolina WII P’arkhurst, New York' C H Mann. Maryland 0 HHohurt, Phllada R Elswortb, New York Thoa Plnkbam, Ohio P J Jummel, Atlanta, Ga 8 J Foster, New York W Davidson & la, N York Ohas W White. Philn Jas T Smith, Beading W B Brown; Me Yornon 0 II B Banning, Mt Vernon 0 P F Fuller, Pittsfon Pa W Brannon, Plttslon Pa lIE Rood, Philtul’a A Folsom, Dover NII S Rhino, NT 'JO George, Boston James R Bird, N Y BLACK BEAR INN—Merchant street, bel. Fifth. C M Taylor, Del City J W Towne, Chicago M Packard, Media E T Mercer, Chester co, Pa G S Murphy, York co, Pa A Jones, Md Wm A Wagner, Montgom’y Lewis Heaves, Montgomery W A Bowers, Pa James Williamson, Pa Herbert Thomas, Easton, Pa , NATIONAL HOTEL, Race street, above Third. F Fechtig, 3ld Jos Ackerman, Ashland Sami Reinamlth, Ohio P Hoppcrfly, RusUviUe, Ky L 0 Smith, M Chunk, Pa R Peterson, M Chunk, Pa Qeo P Richardson,Clarion co T BVankirk, Troy, N Y 0 Dougherty, Troy WF Kramer, NJ C 8 Stanley, P Robinson ,OW A G Mills, Cklppeway, CW Elon Tupper, Niagara Falls Jos Whitaker, Mount Glare Peter Polio, Pottstown, pa John Lovrain, Galena, 111 Chas 0 H Richardson,Boston W Myers, Lebanon Uriah Terry. Bradford co Ul* Augustine, Ohio H J Handier, PotUville S Spigolmyor, Pa Mr Brower, Lebanon Wm J Youart, Lancaster ; C D,Smith, Massillon, 0. STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. Wm Crcsswell, Va Jas M Bay, Ya A W Bonts, Carlisle J Dorshoimer, Mechanicsh John Boiler, Pa James W Goal, Pa j Bleyler, Indiana co. Pa A Wnddler, Ohio E V Drake,Poland, Ohio J Evans, Armstrong co, Pa Win Sanson, Pa , E McDonald, PottaviUo G' W lleckrothe, Pa Miss J Barns, N Y B N Farren, Mass John McVoy, Harrisburg, Geo W Ilarmer,' Carlisle, Pa Tenna MADISON HOUSE—Second street, below Arch. ] 8 Lemon, Phila 8 D Poo Sc la, Balt C 3f Adams, Delaware J Graham, Rick'd, Va E Marshall, Phila T E Cottingham, Seaford, W Moora Sc la. Burl’n, N J Dolaworo u G Moore, Frederica, Del EII Hollingsworth, Flush- J,MUler, Pa ing. Ohio IF 11 Atherton, Boston J P Margan, Boston G W Powell. Vo K Barber, Missouri G Brown Sc la, Trenton J Ycttnnn, N J W FlVlUaby, N Y 8 V Reese, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab. CalfowhiU. J B Fisher, Spring Mills bliss R Fisher, Spring bills ABuckman, Feasterville Miss Buckman, Feaatervlle S Honinger, Green Lane J R Haldeman, Warrington Wm Sassamon, Sumneytwn Alun Olayton, Eouthamptu Master Clayton, Southamtn Casper lloads, Byborry Mis* Roads. Byberry P D Greisemer, Oley 3 Fell, Buckingham. ’ Blaster Fell. Buckingham S Roads, Southampton Henry Walter, Bucks co Geo Olewneaa, Chester co 8 T Fleming. Pa M Haldeman, Bucks co Henry Brand. Pblla . SK Brobst Allentown CITY HOTEL—Third street, above Race. S A Turner Sc la, Easton ' ■ 8 Austin, Easton G S Keyler, Danville T Phelps Sc la, Dnaphln w iinii...^«hore 8 Haaeltorr, VwscjrBnort • R M Gradey, Pa Mrs Smith Sc son, Pa W Do Camp, N Y D Roes, NY G It Thornton, Balt Col h Tate, Pa Mies J 0 Hopkins, Pa Wm. H Mason, Pa H M Starr, Centro co 11a. W Baker, Centre co, Pn 8 Forrest, N J J McCabe, West Liberty J Hamilton, West Liberty M S Bisol, Lewlsbnrg, Pa Miss V Eider, Lewisb'g, Pa A Roberts, Bucks co. Pa. Bpirial IfolitDs. The Phrenological Almanac for 1858, Illus trated, is now ready. Price 0 cents. ForsalobyFow lbb & Wells, No. 808 Broadway, New York; No. 142 Washington streot, Boston; No. 922 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; and by all Newsmen. Its valuable contents should secure it a place in every family. There are 83 engraving#, including the Names of tho Organs; What is Phrenology; The Human Brain; Lemuel G. White; Howell Cobb, Samuel Colt; Two Paths of Life; Horace Manus Henry A. Wise; Anna CoraMowatt; Elisha K. Kane; JicKitu, the murderer, and Norcross, the victim; Ebenezer Mortam; Intellect and Idiocy; Anson Burlingame ; Cyrus W. Fiold; Prof. Morse; Robert J. Walker; Erastus Palmer; Cnrrer Bell, and General William Walker. Capital likenesses, with descriptions, oro given, and the whole beautifully printed, Every family, and eyery store, shop, factory, oiSco, hotel, ship, and steamer, should ba supplied with a copy. Agents, booksellers, and newsmen, may sell hundreds and thousands. Get a copy. OnlyOoents, (ao2>2tAw2t Great Redaction in Prices of Arthur’s Self- Scaling Fruit Jars.—F#m and after this date, Av.tiiuk's Patent Fiutit Jibs, with CH&bs aud Fire-Proof Stone Ware, will be sold at greatly reduced prices, lower even than the many worthless imitations of Arthur’s now iu the market, in order that the people may preserve their Yait, and our largo stock be dosed out. fT7“ Store open in the evening, ARTHUR, BURNHAM, tc GILROY, N. 11. corner Tooth and George sts. Scsmed’f Saving Fond—©//ice 203 Walnut street, one door west of secoud street. Receives de posits m sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from 0 until 5 o’clock, and. on Mon day and Saturday until 0 In the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M.Morris; Secre tary, James 8. Pringle. Bower’s Infant Cordial.-—This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. , By ita powerful Influence a speedy cure is effected in all cases of windy pains and spasms. Believes and mitigates much ofchildrea’S suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran qaillses pains of the bowtU, looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and,has been used lu thousands of cases with the moat (abundant success. Ho family should be without it. Prepared only by Usury A. Bovrea, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and QreCo ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders most be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 13-ly Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—No tional Safety Trnst Company, in WAWor Street, south west corner of Third Street, Philadelphia. Assets over Os a Millios ahd a Hal? o? Dollars, Invested In Ehal Ebtats, MoßtaAG*s,<JnootrD Rbxtb, and other first class securities, as required by the charter, This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, is ,received, and the money J» always paid bach, with out notice, to any amount. The'office fa open every day from 0 o’clock Jn the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 0 o’clock. ilia ranges. On the 23d Instant, by tlio Bor. Alex. Macklin, D. D., Mr. EYMBIt SMITH to Miss JENNIE GIYEN, all or Philadelphia. On the Ist of Juno, 1857, by Bov. Anthony Atwood, Mr. JOSEPH HEMPHILL to Miss JANE CAMPBELL, both of Philadelphia. On the 23d instant, by the Rev. Mr. Cookman, Mr. JOHN J». &NODE to Miss SABAH DULLER, all of this city. ' {Oeatl]o. On Friday afternoon, 25th instant, WALTER 0,, youngestson of Jesse E. and MarthaJ. Smith, aged nine months. The funora! te take place at his father’s residence, No. 2039 Chestnut street, on Sunday, 27th instant, ax 2 o’clock p. m., without farther notice. * ■ On the 24th instant, Mr. WM. KKYBEB, in the 61st year of his ago. Tile relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from bis late resi dence, at, the Ilietog Sun Hotel, Forks of Germantown Road and ’the York Road, on Monday morning, at ten o’clock, without fu'rthor notice. To proceed to Laurel Bill Cemetery. , flt* On the mornlpgof tho 23d instant. SABAII JANE, youngest daughter of 0, J.aud Sarah Sharp Blackburns, aged 1 year and 7 days. ■ , Funeral on Seventh day, (Saturday) aftornoon, tho 20th inst, at 3 o’clock, without further notice. Suddenly, at Frankford, on Thursday morning, 24th Instant, Sir, JOHN SHEARD, in the fifith year of his 48 Tho relatives and friends of tho family are respect fully'invited to attend tho funeral, from his late resi dence, Paul street above Tacooy, on Monday afternoon, 28th instant, and the Order, in genoral, are invited to attend. JC7* Rev. Thomas H. Stockton will preach In JAYNE'S HALL, to-morrow (Sabbath) morning, at 10k o’clock, and In tho evening at 7k(. The public are Invltod. ' sep26-lt* f£?“ Head Quarters Keystone Club.---The Democratic Naturalliatioii Committee will sit daily at ,ti>e OLOnr. HOTEL, rl>. Monaghan’s,) SIXTH, below Chestnutatreet,’ from 10 A, M, Until 8 f, M, jeB4;3t ir T7r , ": > r ~ 1 ‘ Hi * J * : -.'l - - i r ] >-s» Bti8 tjaY DiPARTMJfTi ‘ , • - j I-- .Bflptdiabsr23, ljfif-' 1 * * Notice is iiereby"givon Vo tho bolder* olptocks of the United Staton that this will purchase tooh certificates m shall be focoivad hero, duly asalgnod to ibo-Uulted Stales, previous to tholat day of Novem ber next, at the rates heretofore offered and paid, vl#: I 10 per cent, proraimri on the loan of 1842. 1G per cent, premium on loans of 1847 and and 1848, 0 per cent, premium on Texas indemnity 6 P«f <*ut. stock, together with the interest accrued in each ease from let July. . Certificates of stock received hereon and after top Ist day of November, until further notice shall be g»T en > will be purchased at the following rates, vli: 8 per cent premium on the loan of 1842. •. 14 per cent, premium on the loans of 1847 and 1848, and 5 p:r cent, premium on Texas Indemnity 5 per ctrat., with the accrued interest payable thereon, respectively. Where certificates of stock, Inscribed and transfera ble on the books of tlio Treasury, shall bo received hero, assigned to the United States, between the Ist Decem ber, when the transfer books will be closed, and the let of January, when the half-yearly interest is payable, the accrued interest for the half-year must bo expressly assigned to tho United States by the stockholder, as ®o interest for the current half-year can bo included in tho settlement, but tbe raido will be payable by the Assist ant Treasurer on the interest schedules, as heretofore. In all cases the purchase sums Will be settled in favor of the lawful holder tf the stock, who shall assign it to tho United States in tho mode prescribed by tho regula tions of assignments of stock; and remittance will bo mad© of tho amount by draft on the assistant treasu rers at Boston, New York, or Philadelphia, at the op tion of the party in whose favor tho settlement Bhall be mado.' Ono day’s additional intorost will be added from tho day of receipt hero for the draft to bo sent by mail- HOWELL COBB, Secrotaryof tho Treasury. u Scott* ThUUe Society.”— A* a stateA mooting of tho Scot’s Thistle Society, held on MOh- DAY KVKNING, Sept. 7, a committee appointed, tor tho parpafio reported the following, which was una nimously approved: Whereas. It has pleased Almighty God to remora from our midst, whilst yotiu prime of life, our valued' friend, and fellow-laborer in the cause of benevolence, John Hough, late President of tho Scots’ Thistle Soci* ety: And whereas, Wo recognise In his dooease tho ab sence of one whose storting integrity and kindly man ner rendered him a safe counsellor for the society’s qesi interests, a true friend to the needy and distressed, and a more than brother to thoso allied with him in deeds of charity: , And whereas, in our bereavement we bow submis sively to the will of Him whoso ways wo cannot under stand, and yot who dooth all things well, looming, In the sudden decease of our brother, an admonition 'tor ns to bo also ready: , J i- Therofore, Resolved,' That this preamble be entered oh the minutes, he published! and further, that a copy of tho same, duly attested by the officers and seal of the society, bo transmitted to the family of our deceased chief officer. i , JOHN Q. MO2OSY, ) ■WM. J. YOUNG. SCommltteo, ANGUS MAQPHRTIBON, ) Robert 0. Gibsox, Secretai7. ft/” A Grand Mas* Meeting of the Democracy of tbo Third Congressional District will bo held at Washington and Master streets, on MONDAY EVEN ING, 28th inst., at 7J{ o’clock. The following eminent speakers will bo present and address the meeting; lion. Thos U. Florence, ffm. E. Lehman, Esq., Son. John Codwaluder,’ Joshua J. Owens', Esq., lion. Harlan Ingram, Vincent L. Bradford. Esq., Hon. Wo. 11. Witte, John Campbell, Esq., Samuel M. Bn Dois, Esq., Lewis C. Ca&sliij, Esq., Robert AWon, Esq., Eugene Ahern, Esq., 'lhos. E. Harkins, Esq., Dr. 0, W.Nobioeer, lienl. Johu D. Miles, William A.Portor,’Esq., Thos. W. Higgins, Esq. Come out in your DcinocratiCfltrongth and might, and give another evidence o( your determination to crush to' tho earth the efforts of your insidious enemy. A full Brass Band will be in attendance. By order of the Committee on Town Mootings. J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. Tnos. J. BnouKH, Secretary. Bep26*3t {£7* Democratic City Executive Committee.-'. The Committee will moot every Tuesday and Friday af ternoon, at 3o'clock, at tho Globe Hotel. JOS. LXPPINCOTT, Chairman. se23-15t 117* Atnmeetiug of the Democratic City Ex ecutive Committee, held on Friday, gopt. 13th, it was Resolved, That the following town meetings be held ' MONDAY EVENING, Sept. 28th, northwest corner Washington and Master. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Sept. 30th, Prankford. SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 3d, WestPhlUdeiphla. THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. Bth, Mansyuuk. TUESDAY EVENING, Oct. 6th, New Market and Drown street. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oct. 7th, rasayuok toad and Federal street. THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. Ist, Frankford road'and Norris street. FRIDAY EVENING, Oot. Oth, Broad and Coates street. 9ATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 10th, State House Yard. A full Brass Baud will bo ia attendance at each moot ing. J. J. MORRISON, Chairman. A. 0. Tnoursos, ) JonNKsi.au, I Tml K j\ BMW™' 1 OomtoUtco on Mooting. Mjcsukl lUqbtbr, John K. Lauoulin, it/* Office of tUe Union Canal Company Piuladklpiiia, Sept. 14th, 1867.—A meeting of Ihe stockholders of tho Union Canal Company of P caasyU vnnlawUlbe hold at the office of the company, (Far qubar Buildings,) No. 228 WALNUT street, below Third, on TUESDAY, October fith, next, at 12 o’clock, M. Bf order of the Board of Mauagcra, selS-dtocO 0. THOMPSON. Sec’y. HJ* Democratic Naturalization Committee will meet dally at the Globe Hotel, oth, below Chestnut, By order of tho Democratic City Executive Committee. JOS. LIPPINCOTT, W. M. lUxoiM..) Chairman. J. J.Sullivah, sBec$ Becy *' 5023-27 t efPLmmv gifts at 430 chestnut • STRHET.—THE ORIGINAL STAB GIFT BOOK Publishing House to the splendid store in Brown’s Iron Building, 439 CHESTNUT Street, two doors bo/ow Fifth, where the purchaser of each book will rocoiv* one of the following gilts, valued at. from 25 cents to SIOQ. consisting of Gold Watches. Jewelry, Ac.: . WORTH 650 Patent Eng. Lever Gold Watches....sloo 00 each 650 Patent Aucbor Lever Gold do. .... 50 00 41 400 Ladies* Gold Watches, 18k. cases.,.. 36 00 “ 000 Silver Lever Watches, warranted ... 25 00 44 600 Parlor Tlmuplecoa 10 00 “ 600 Cameo Sets, Kar Drops, and Pins..,. 10 00 « 600 Ladles’ Gold bracelets 12 00 “ 600 “ “ Neck Chains 10 00 1,000 Gold Lockets, (largo size and doublo ca5e,)..,,..,.... 2,000 Gold Lockets, small slzo 3,000 Gold Pencil cases, vrlth GolAPmu... 600 “ 1,000 Extra Gold Pens, with cases and Holders 2,600 Gold Pencils 2,600 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils 0,600 Gold Rings 2,000 Gent.’ Heavy Gold Rings.. 2.600 Ladles’ Gold breastpins... 3.600 Misses’ Gold breastpins, 3,000 Pocket Knives ,000 Sots Gouts’ Gold Bosom Studs , 300 “ ,000 Beta Goats 1 Gold Sloovo Buttons.... 300 « 2,000 Pairs Ladies’ Ear Drops.. t 260 “ EVANS’S Catalogue contains all of the moat popular book# of the day, and all the newest publications, ail of which will be sold aa low os can bo obtained at other stores. A complete catalogue of books sent freo, by application through the mall, by addressing G.U. EVANS, 430 OH EBTNUT Stroet. Agents wanted in every town in the United States. Those desiring so to net can obtain fall particulars by addressing as above. N. B--4100 worth of Gifts will bo given with every $l,OOO worth of books sold. s«2O stuthtf BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILA DELPHIA. Beptembcr2s, 1857—This Bank having been compelled temporarily to suspend specie payments, the Board of Directors assure all persons haring claims against tho Dank, whether of Circulation, Deposit, or otherwise, that no loss can possibly occur. By order, and on behalf of the Board of Directors. sop2o»3t TUO3. ALLIBONE, Brest. All city bank notes taken at PAR for Groceries, bj JOHN. n. WEAVER & CO., Grocers, Second & Pine. WINES AND LIQUORS, FRENCH Brandies, Gin, Old Mouougahel* Whiskey, Wines, Ac..just received ami for sale by OirAHLES STUART, e<i2d-2t# No. 182 Passyunk road, bel. Carpenter at. riO-PARTNERSIIIP NOTICE. WIL 1J LIAM F. SMITH, late of the firm of RAIGUEL k CO., and EDWARD MAYUEW, have this day associ ated themselves under the natuo of WM. F. SMITH k CO.Afar the transaction of the General Notion and Va riety business at No. 215 North Thiu! Street. so2o-lt* PENNSYLVANIA AND GIRARD BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAR. O.DONOGIIUE, 15 South WATER street, offer* for sale at the following reduced cA*h prices, New York Crushed and Powdered Sugar llKc} Brooklyn 0 Sugar oj£c, Loveirng’s X Yellow Sugar 90, and Feltus 4; Zlm merling’sßugar Kattorhorn’s Extra Golden Sy rup 450, Harris Kuhn’* Extra Golden 45c,’ Stuart’s Syrup 42c, Grocer'* X Syrup 40c, Plain do. 88c, Brook lyn Syrup 42c. Maracaibo Coffee IJSo and SantOß 'Coffee 12c. All of the City Bnnk note* taken at par, lt-fc ’ CITY COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE— Philadelphia, September 24th, 1857. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That tho AeaeAorT of tho City of Philadelphia will meet at thafollewing places «n WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, the 30th of SEPTEMBER, and Ist. and 2d daysofQO TOBER) between the hour* of,ONE and TEN o'clock P.M., for the purpose of adding to the LUt the twna* of such Citizens who may hare moved in the respective Ward* after the last Assessment, or who may have been, omitted by the Assessor*. < G. M. HILL. ) JAMES M. LEDDY, S City Commissioners. JAMES LOGAN, \ Firet Ward—At tho house of Colonel Ja*. MeClaskey, corner of Tenth and Pasa/uiik road. Stecond Ward—At the house of Folyard Dogftn, Pass yunk road, Above Onrponter. Third Ward—At tho houßO of Lswisß. Coffin, south , cast corner Fifth and Queen streets. Fourth Ward—At tho house pf William JlcMulJln, Eighth street, bolow South. . , Fifth Ward—i At tho houßO of Peter McElroy, Fifth **rcet, bolpw Walnut. Sixth Ward—At the houso of R. F. Wellington, cor ner Second and Quarry streets, Seventh Ward—»At the bouse of James Lobley, north east corner Twelfth -and Lombard streets. f/ Eighth Ward—At the bouse of Hugh Monoy, sduth castcorner Eleventh and Georgo streets. Ninth Want—At the houso of Waterman’s Western Exchange, Market street, above FiUeentH. Tenth Ward—At the house of J. McLaughlin, north west corner Broad and Race. Eleventh Ward—At tho house of John Qlark, north west corner Becond and Green streets. Twelfth Word—At the houso of Mrs. Diemer, Fourth street, above Brown. Thirteenth Word—At the houso of Henry Wellbank, RJdgo avenue, above Vino street. Fourteenth Ward—At the houso of Isaac Grossman, east corner Twelfth and Spring Garden streets. Fifteenth Ward—At tho housa of Owen Reilly, corner of Twenty-ficcond and Hamilton streets. Sixteenth Ward—At the liouso ot Joseph Clozler, Fourth, above Culbeft street. Seventeenth Ward—At the house of James Donnelly, corner of Master and Oadwatlader etreots. Eighteenth Ward—At tho house of Newmans, corner of Marlborough street and Franklin avenue. Nineteenth Word—At the house of Robert F. Bowers, corner of Frankford road and Norria street. Twentieth Ward—At the houso of Robert Pollard, corner of Tenth street and Girard avenue. Twenty-first Ward—At the house of Joshua Lake, 1 Manayunk. Twenty-second W*t4—At tho houso of Joss© Bender, Germantown. Twenty-third Ward—First Division—At the house of Reuben Fredericks, Ilarrowgate. Twenty-third Ward—Second. Division—At the houso of James SluUon, Frankford. Twenty-third ward—Third Division—At the houso of Georgo W. Comly, Bustlcton. Twenty-fourth Ward—First Division—At the house of John Leech, Kingsesaliig. Twenty-fourth Ward—Second Division—At the house of John L. Gorman, corner of Market and William streets, WestPhiJodclpbia.' The Assessors will procure their Transcript* and Blanks for the Extra Assessment, by calling at this Office ou MONDAY, Sept. 28th, 1857. se2s-toc2 A YOUNG- MAN WHOSE EVENINGS are unemployed would like to devote them to Post ing Books or Writing of any kind. Address M., at this OjfiCti \ i ■ ‘ ‘*e2s-3t rPHE WEEKLY iGIESS. TIIH WEEKLY PRESS for tho week ending Satur day, September 26th, is now ready ntthoebunterorf nE Paras. The high estimation in which the Wbkkly Pr»B8 U held by the public U attested in tho fact that it has now the largest circulation of any weekly journal published in this country, with aaingle exception. Tho present uuraber is filled with a variety of capital origi nal and selected articles, as will be seen by tho CONTENTS, ELISHA KENT KANE. A Diooraiuy, bt Dr. WjL- Luu Elder, Oiuptbr I. - [Wo have been placed under obligations to tho pub lishers for tho privilege of giving to our readers, io advanco of its appearance in book form, tho initial chapters of the forthcoming life of tho great Arctic Explorer.] THE DETAILS OP TUE APPALLING CALAMITY— WRECK OF THE CENTRAL AMERICA. THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. NEWS, PEIISONAL, RELIGIOUS, MISCELLANEOUS, OIUMES AND CASUALTIES. WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE: Removal of the Sixth Auditor and Commissioner of Customs—Something of Imporianco relativo to Foreign Missions—New Arrangement with Great Britain concerning Central America—New Bloop*of- War—• Engineers Surveys, Ac. Appointments—Visit of the President to Wheatland. WEEKLY REVIEW OF THE PHILADELPHIA , MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK CATTLE MAR KETS, MONEY MARKETS, CORN AND GRAIN MARKETS, Ac. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. IMPORTANT TO THE FARMER. EDITORIALS. PURSUIT OF GAIN. THE WRECKED STEAMER. EFFECT OF THE POLICY OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY ON THE FINANCES OF THE COUNTRY. LET US BE TRUE TO EACH OTHER. THE EAST APPEALS TO TUE WEST. THE BALANCE OF TRADE AND BALANCE OF PRODUCE AND CONSUMPTION. JUDGE CURTIS. LIBERAL ACTION. A CENTURY IN PENNSYLVANIA. RUSSIANS IN INDIA. NEW ENGLAND ORATIONS. EUROPEAN NEWS. RAILROAD IRON—A Word to ocr Luoislators. ■ MR. OLAY ON AGITATION AND NEGRO EQUALI TYWITn THE WHITES. THSANNIYEHSARY OF THE ADOPTION OF TUB FEDEB tL CONSTITUTION. LORD MACAULAY. CIRCULAR OF THE DEMOCRATIC STATE COM- ' MITTEB. A CURIOUS DILEMMA. LITERARY CRITICISMS. ELDER’S LIFE Op DR. KANE. POETBY. "WILLIAM WOOD—(Original.) VENIE—BrOfIABLBS B. GlLLKsris—(Original.) THE COTTAGER AND NAPOLEON—TnsN3i.ATKD FROM THE FBL’MCU OF BSIUNOUIi. A SONG OF THE DESERT—From the Aiumo OF Anußo Ben Dooad—Bt Ohaki.bs D. Gardsttb— (Original.) MISCELLANEOUS. WAIFS PROM THE WB3T BRANCH VALLEY—No. 3. Bv Jons or Laxoaster— (Original) GRAND FEDERAL PROCE3SION, PHILADELPHIA JULY 4th, 1788 —A GLORIOUS KEVOLU, TIONARY MEMORY. OUR PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS—TUB PENNSYLVA- NIA HOSPITAL. SABBATH RBADING NATIONAL THANKSGIV- ING. OHINESK SUGAR OANE, SYRUP MAKING, WIT AND HUMOR. CHARADES, ENIGMAS, Ac. THE WEEKLY PRESS is furnished to subscribers at $2 per year, in advance, for tho alugle copy, aud to eluba of twenty, whoa sent to one address, $2O, in advance. Single copies for sale at tho counter of Tub Pubss of fice. in wrappers, ready for mailing. Persons sending clubs of twenty or over will plcaso bear in mind that tho paper thus ordered cauuot be d{- rectod to each subscriber, unless tho club price of $1 20 per annum is paid, and pmd in mJvanet. This is in accordance with our published rates, and some of our friends have overlooked it. Our heavy lists compel us to adhere to this rule. INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS !~ TYNDALE A MITCHELL, IMPORTERS OB CHINA, GLASS, AND COMMON WARES, are now Belling their NEW AND ELEGANT PALL IMPORTATIONS, QRKATLY KKDtICBD PRICKS, With a ' lIANDSOME DISCOUNT TO THOSE WHO PAY CASH. !07 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH ST., 8025-2w*finw. PHILADELPHIA. NEW JIONTIILY MAGAZINE. PHILLIPS, AND COMPANY BEBPBCTPBI.I.V XSSOUXCB ?»AT, ON THE FIRbT OF NOVEMBER, TIIEV WII.L COMMENCETUB IfcBCE OP TUE • ATLANTIC MONTHLY The* will aim to furnish tho reading public a now source of amusement and instruction, and to give to authors a new and independent vehicle of thought. Tho current literature, and tho prominent question* of tho day, will receive duo attention; while, at tho same time, no pains will be spared to present an attrac tive miscellany of tales, sketches, and poetry, from tho be&t writers. Among other contributors, they are permitted to name the following, from whom articles may bo expected: jfttUAJt U.-Pm*ecovt. Mr*-G-* a «u.. - Ttvw* wiTno Emerson, 'Authoror 'Ruth,' 'Mary HknktW. Lo.NOVßllow, Barton,’ 'North and Btv, P. H; Hbdob, D. D., South,’ etc. Nxta’L. HawTHoaxß, Mrs. L. Maru Child, JOBS <J. WUtTTIBR, Mrs. PIKK, OliverWsndbll Uontss, Author of 'lda May,’ 3kU.tR R. Lowell, Caste, etc. J. LoniROP MoTi.Br, Miss Rose Tekrt, OHO. WM. CORTIB, WILKIB COLLINS, Übrmah Melville, Author of * The Dead Se- Mrs.H. BeboubuStowb, cret,’oto. Mrs. C. M. Kibeland, Prof. C. 0. Felton, 0. Ryvm*i, Prof. F. J. Child, Author of ' Doctor An- E. S. Yflllm.ll, tonio,’etc. Edmund Qvjinct, Bmiauv Biwoks, Author of ‘ Wensley.’ Author of • Aspen Court,’ J. T. Tnowanmow, etc. Author of 4 Neighbor E M.'SVmtvb, Jackwood,’ etc. Author of ‘ Political Por 0. W. I'hillbo, trait*,’ eto. Author of ‘ Twice Mar- James llaksay, Hod.’ Author of 'Singleton TBOMA3 W. PANSOXB. Foutonoy.’ Tho attention of authors is respectfully invited to tbia advertisement. All articles received will bo care fully examined, and, if accepted, will be liberally paid for. 3 60 " 2 50 “ 2 60 “ 1 00 “ 2 75 “ 2 50 “ 2 60 “ 75 1‘ Tho publisher* will aim to have each number roady In tlma for distribution and sale in the more remote parts of tho country, on or before tho first day of tho month for which it Is intended. * Retail price, 25 cents each number. A liberal discouut made to clubs, or to those who buy to noil again. The attention of Booksellers, Periodical Dealers, Newsmen, and Book Agents is requested, ami their or ders respectfully solicited. sel9-s-w-s-3t Henderson & co* great liter ARY FAIR FIFTH and ARCH streets. In order to gratify the wishes of oar numerous p,v trout, and Induce tho book-buyiug public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of $1 and up wards, a Gift in value of from 25 cents to $lOO. Call at oar establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at the usual price, and verv many will got, In addition, a present worth having. au2l-3m EVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 439 CHESTNUT Btreet. N.R.—No conneo -tlon with any other house In the City, aul-Sm StgriraUnrc. CTATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. —AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, GARD NERS, POMOLOGISTS. INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS. ARTISANS.'! All classes are invited to be* como exhibitors. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will bold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at Powelton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 23th and 30th, and OCTOBER Ist and 2d ensu ing, for the display of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, Agricultural Machine* and Implements, Dairy, Field and Garden Products, Soeds, Fruits, Flowers ruia Vegetables, tho Mechanie Arts, Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Stoves, Wares and Inventions. A PLGWINQ MATCH ! ! In order to promote skill and efficiency in the im portant work of the Farm, a Plowing Mutch will come off on tho fourth day of tho Exhibition, to winch men and youths are invited to compete for tho premiums. To sellers and buyers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a raost/arorabjo market. .The different Railroad Companies will cany all stock add articles to and from tho Exhibition fret of charge as heretofore, and will issue Excursion Ticks l3 for the Fair at the usual liberal rates. Ltettof Premium! and all other information will he faroloW oa spnliwtlop to nOßßttt 0. WALKER, So. cretarwj at the Rooms pr f ‘ the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,” OhesuutSfcfoot, bolowSeventh, south side, upstairs. The books for the entry of article* and animate will be open ou and after the Ist of Soptcmfeec. DAVID TAGGART, t President Penna. State Agricultural Society. aulS-d t sep 23 Jrioir,Sale nith la £ct. ILLINOIS LANDS.—THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND, In tho counties of Union. Jaeluon, Perry, Washington, Jefferson, Frank liu, Williamson and Fayette, Illinois. They will bo sold upon accommodating terms. Apply at No. 203 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. «e2l-ot* C<TOUE TO RENT, at No. 125 Chestnut K 5 Stroet, ' D. M. CHAMBERS, sc23-lw# 43 North SECOND Street. dhqnn or $5OO book bindery for BALE-—Soven years established, doing a fair Job business, which can be increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location. 535 Arch street, bolow Sixth. Blank book* at cost, jobs bound to order. &uglo-6w • PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GUHJOKS TER, N. J., FOR SALE, handsomely located and Bhftdod—Lot, 75 feet by 140. Price, $3,000, Also, Lots suitable for manufactories, fronting tuo river. Apply too. ROBB, No. 311 South Fifth stroot. au2B-lin» Great bargains. In consequence of tho great sacrifice* made ol AUCTION BALES, WE WILL OFFER THIS MORNING, OVR XSTIRE IHPORTATIOS Ot DRESS SILKS, At price* fttUy a* low, if not lower than those offered from AUCTION SALES. Customer* will find it advantageous to call, as wo are determined to sellout goods asenoap as they can bo fouud elsewhere. THOS. W. EVANS k CO., ee24-3t 823 and #2O Chestnut St. BARRETT’S GYMNASIUM,SPARRING AND fKNOINO SCHOOL now opon. sp24-7t* Lost. —two certificates of STOOK of the NOHTHEItN LIBERTIES SAVING FUND ASSOCIATION. The finder will be rewarded by leaving them with J. j, MILLER, 8624-31* N. W.cor. Logan and Spring Garden ste. Law department university OF PENNSYLVANIA. A tend will comraonco on THURSDAY, October Ist Introductory lectures will bo delivered by the several Professor* on tho evening* of THURSDAY, October Ist, SATURDAY, October Bd, and MONDAY, October 6th, at 8 o’clock, at the lecture room of the University. se23*dtos (steE _ and~summer ranges— Bold b, QUABWIOS *'BRO., 202 N, SECOND St. »BglB-3moi, tJoolio. farnttseruento. XSEKIcAfrAOAEiMT'oFIJMo!^' KE.OPKNINQ OS TUB Ol'f.lU BBASOS. K. A. MARSHALL has the honor to inform the patrons of the above named Institution, aud the public generally that enconragod and grateful for the extraordinary patronage bestowed upon hla efforts to promote their gratification during tho past seasons, and determined not to shrink froJB any expense or sacrifice, ho will this year present au array of the most distinguished aud world-famed talent, selected from the best theatres in Europe by his Agent. The justly popular ImpreSaario MAX MARETZEK. This, In conjunction with tho very eminent artists ami established favorites in this country, will form a combination which may justly be pronounced unrivalled iuany opera house in the world. The Lessee has great satisfaction in announcing that amoug tho new European engagements, those with the following celebrities are retained. BIGNOR RONCONt, acknowledged as the greatest Lvrle Art’stof the age. SIGNOR TAGLrAfrCO, the great Basso, from the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London. SIGNOR STECCHI BOTTARDI, favorite Tonor from her Majesty’s Theatre, London. BIUXOIIA RAMOS, Prlma Donna, from Turin, and SIGNORA TAGI.IAFICO, from the Theatre Royal, London. In addition to the above galaxy, the former favorites, accordant with the wish of th 9 former subscribers to the Opera, have also been secured. Tho re-engagement of tho following Artists, tho lessee flatters himself, will bo received with groat satisfaction, vis: SIGNORA MARIETTA GAZ'ZANIOA. fcJGNOIt THHGNOLI. SIGNOR AMODIO. SIGNOR ABSONI. SIGNOR COLETTE Besides the abovo celebrities, the Leeseo cannot but feel justly proud m being able to announce that A posi tive engagement has been concluded with SIGNOR TAMBERLIK, who will arrive in this country immediately after the termination of his present engagement in St. Peters burg, and that further arrangements with SEVERAL OTHER EMINENT ARTISTS are now pending, which, when ratified, will be duly announced. Such a powerful combination an tho above 7 the trusts and believes, is a sufficient guarantee for tho grandeur and brilliancy 0! the forthcoming Opera season, and that without resorting to any further extraordinary preamble or flourish, ho can fully roly on the merits ol these artißts for a liberal response to his enterprise. The Operaseason will open on MONDAY, the 6th of October, with a favorite Op>cra. SUBSCRIPTIONS for Twelve Nights will be received at the Box office of the Academy of Music, Monday, the 2Sth, Tuesday, the 29th, and Wednesday, the 30th instant. Fkice or Subscription ?12 for 12 nights, with choice of secured seats. Tho Box Offlco for the sale of single Tickets for the first performance, on MONDAY, tho &th or October, will open next THURSDAY, the Ist of Oc tober, at 9 o’clock A. M. Further particulars in future advertisement. . se2fi-amitu3t CH2COND GRAND CONCERT, 69 THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, September 2Ctb, AT THE MUSICAL FUND HALL. Second appearance of MADAME D’ANGBI. Second appearance, this season or 8. THALDERG and HENRI YIEUXTEMP3. SIGNOR ROCCO, THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, September 28th, AT TUE MDSICAL FUND HALL, Mr. TIIALBERG Will play Dun Giovanni; Home, Sweet Home, and Lucreita. Mr. VIEUXTJJMPS Will play Lucia, Prcverie, and Tarantella. MADAME D’AKGKI Will slug Aria Donna del Lago, Ah, man fils, and Cone rentola. SIGNOR ROCCO Will *ing Aria Noazo d’i'igare, II Callo d’Jarniglift, Duette Faliana lu Algtcri, with MADAME D’ANGIU. Conductor., .Sig. Abella Admission Ono Dollar. No extra charge for reserved seats. Sale of seat* commences this morning, at Beck Sc Lawton's, and Edward L. Walker’s, Chestnut street. Concert commences at S o’clock. s»2&-H rJIHE AGADJ2MY OF MUSIC will be clpsed JL This Evening, (Saturday,) the 20th of September, In order to rehearse und complete the requirements of tho New Grand Ballet, entitled IL BIRRICHINO DI FARIGI, to bo produced on MONDAY EVENING next, the 28th inst., by the groat and popular RONZANi ballet troupe. sc26-it National theatre, walnut sr., near Eighth. Admission—Seats in Private Box, $1; Orchestra Chairs, 75 cents; Dress Circle and Parquet, 60 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o’clock. Box Oflteu open from 10 to 4 o’clock, when seats con be socured. Stajre Manager ..Mr. H. Watkins THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Sept. 20, the perform ance will commeuco with the popular Drama of GEORGE BARNWELL. George Barnwell Mies Kimberly To conclude with the Drama, entitled JACK SHEPPARD. Jack Sheppard Miss Kimberly IfiTHEATLEY’s ARCH ST. THEATRE. YY —Sole Lessee WHEATLEY. Soalb or Thicks Orchestra Stalls, 60 coots; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre. 25 cents; Boats in Pri vate Boxes, 75 cents ; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 coats; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. Doors open at quarter before 7, performance to commence quarter past 7. J.M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, fiepfc. 28, Hie perform anccs will commeuco with HAMLET. Claudius, King of Donmark...... Mr. Fredericks Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Mr. E. L. Davenport Ghost Mr. Dolman Ophelia Mrs. E L. Davenport To concludo with, first time tbia season, the very laugh able Comedietta, entitled A CONJUUAL LESSON! s!r. Lullaby.. Mrs. Lullaby,. IfIfALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Los- VT ace, Mr. E A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Sir. John Sefton. Prices —Dress Circle and Parquette, 60 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Bex and Orchestra Seats, 75 couts. Box Office open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 3 P. M. Doors oponat 7 o’clock; performance to com mence at 7K. ■nils (fc»Turd&y> r, v»arxc*7wpt. *&c«d the Domestic Drama of THE LAST MAN. Geoffrey Dale, the Miser .........Sir. TV. R. Blake Major liattergato Mr. Le Moyne Lucy Dale ..........Mrs. Proctor After which, a highly interesting Drama, entitled. ERNESTINE. Frederick. Mr. Wall&ck Lester Viscouutuo Champeurvillo. Mr. Young Juliette d’Krcevillo ....Mrs. Proctor To conclude with the New Extravaganza, entitled A FEARFUL TRAGEDY UP TOWN. Mr. glumpington Mr. Chapman Mrs Slumpington.... Mr*. Stonoall SANFORD* 8 OPERA HOUSE— ELEYKN'Tn street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7)< o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 cent*. SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE Io their Operatic Entertainments, introducing all the latest Bcai(9 t Glees, Choruses, Dances, Ac., concluding each evening with a LAUGHABLE BURLESQUE. selO-lm jCcgal Notices. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Trust Estate of John Idel. Tho Auditor, appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Levi Sperry, Trustee under tho will of Conrad Idol, docoasod, of John Idel, and to report distribution of tho balaneo in Land, will meet the parties interested at his office at the Southeast corner of Eighth and Locust streets, on WEDNESDAY Afternoon, September 80th, at 4 o’clock. eel7-th atu 5t DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—Estate of Samuel Uremer, deceased. Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court to audit, settle, and adjust tho account of Lewi* Bremer, acting Admio istmtorof Samuel Bremer, deceased, aud to tnase distri bution of the balance in tho hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his uppoiutment, on Wednesday, September 30th, at four o clock P. M.j at tho Wetherill Ilouse, Georgo Street, above Sixth, in the City of Philadelphia. gflpl7-ths ta 6t JAMES R. LUDLOW, Auditor. WIIEREAS LETTERS OF ADMINIS TRAT lON to the oatate of CKatharine Bcldeman, deceased, havo boon granted to tho undersigned, all persoudindebted toil will make payment, and those having claims will present the same to D. S. BEiDEMAN, Administrator, sel2-sa-6t# 209 Vino street. IN TOE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OK PENNSYLVANIA. Ingraham v. Meade—ln Equity, October Boss., 1852, No. 1. The Master, to whom it was referred by the Court to examine aud adjust tho further account of Benjauiiu Gorhard and Georgo G. Meado, surviving trustees under the deed of trust of January 10th, IS2I, mentioned in tlic decree lu this caso, aud to report distribution of the Trust Fuud rotuaimug undistributed, will meet tho par tie? interested, at his office, No. 628 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, on Momluv, October sth, 1557,atfsur P.M ’ HENRY WHARTON, . EcnlO-s tu th fit Master. BN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE X CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. In thQ matter of J. W. Starr, Executor of Maria Starr, deceased. Tbo Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, /tad adjust the account of J. W. Staw, Executor of the Estate of Msiria Starr, deceased, aud to report dis tribution of tho balance, will meet the parties interested at Ms otfico, at the southeast corner of Locust and Eighth streets, in tiie city of Philadelphia, on TUES DAY, September 29th, 1657, at 4 o’clock in the after noon. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, belT-th s tu 5t IN THE ORPHANS 5 COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, August 30th, 3857. Notice is liercbj'given, to all porsona Interested in tho estate of Mivy AWrfcr, late of tho towuship of Lower Salford, Iu saul countv of Montgomery, deceased, that Abrnhaiu, John, amliicnjautin AWcrfor have applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for tho sale of the real estato of said Mary Alderfer, deceased. The said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, tho 80th day of September, 1857, ut 10 o'clock A. M ,at the Court JloubC, in Norris town, for all parties interested to appeur and show causa, if any they have, why tho prayer of said petitioners should not be granted liy order of the Court J. B. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. au2o*d4w iUcrrliflitl Suitors.' TOIIN I’. DOHERTY, uf von ruins with kkllt & BaomHß, LATB WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR. Has with him tho best tailors that are now engaged in tlu* business in this country : CHARLES BOTH, formerly tho leadlug Tailor of this City; M. KAYStilt, formerly Cutter for 0. ROTH A CO., and late Coat and Vest Cutter with LUKENS. KEL LY, & CO; HENRY WAGNER who has junt arrived, considered in Now York tho best Pants and Vesta Cut ter in tho United States, for years cutter with Depierris, under tho Irving llouso, Broadway, and withlDepielrrs A l’cttus, under the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway Tho most unremitting attention paid to tho wishes of all who patronise tho establishment; the best of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, low prices for cash. g 024 P. KELLY. LATB KELLY A BROTHER, Having engaged the sorvlcea of OHAKU'S ROTH, Distinguished for the beauty and excellence of his Goods when in the Tailoring Business, has taken tho Store. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ani> has opem?u roa tu* bale, at retail, or CLOTHS, OAS3IMERE3, VESTINGS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, BHIRTS, Ac., Of tho best qualities, at moderate prices, i ITT The business of KELLY A BROTHER is ro moved, from this date, to No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, whoro It will be attended to by EDW’D P. KELLY or JOHN V. DOHERTY. ses-ly JAMBS SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 10 andlS South NINTH BTREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A largo and well selected etock of CLOTHS and GABSIMEIUBS always tni hand. Alt Ciothiug made at this Establishment will bd of the best quality, and in the most fashionable style. ! Particular attention given to UNITORhIjvLOTH* ING. WBIU PROFESSOR SAUNDERS’ INSTITUTE, WKST PHILADELPHIA. i i i ’ No Seminar/ whatever is more like & private family. The course of study is extensive and thorough. i‘ r lessor Saaddera will receive a few wore pupils under fourteen years of age into his family. Enquire of Messrs. 3. 8. Film and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. 3. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose sons or wards or© now members of bia family.' Bepil4-tf IMTSS BONNET AND MISS DILLAYE J-IA will BE-OPBN their BOARDING AND BAT SCHOOL at 1615 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, Sep tember 11th, _ REPEBENOES. Rarj. H, A. Board man, D. D., PhlUdelphia; DaTld , l lo ’ 0- WSoil worth, D, D., do; 51. G. Clark, do; i. Natrton Brown, D. D., do; ffm. B. Jacobs, do; lira. Blackwood; D. D„ do: A. CouTerae, D. D., do: John do; Jam*. H. Oothbert, do; ffm. T. 0- B - do; it. B. Chonsj, do: William Brad- S n n Y °.r' k e i lJi A- D * Ottletto, D.D., do; R. Bab- EntoaVr. DD *> Baltimore; Geotte W. v«f‘i S! 1 * 011 ’ S** York; O. Kempton,North XJist, Now lork; Thomas Rambaut. CassWlle neArri&r Howard Male™, D, p Le ? .b ure Philadelphia; P.ol 1. Em., do; u ; **-' It. ' Vale rinao, ,iO; Caspar Monks, il D do* Itobert A, Esell, Kan., WihUl. T.i; w” "'C: plo, Esq., PittahurSh, Peonsjlrania; James Edmands Esq., do. do; George W. Jackson, Esq., do, do; John h! Raymond, LI, D., Brooklyn, Nek York; Msyaon Bray; S', OWcago; Hon. George W. Bradford, Homer New York; Stephen D. Dillaye, Esq., New York eitr : Hon. Daniel 8. Dickinson, Binghamton. New York Jt sep4-lin pRITTENDEN* PHILADELPHIA COM vy MKKCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNOT Streets, Second end Third Btories BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Beat Penmen In the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac-, aeSlm TLYRMAN ALLEN - , A. M., is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils on the Violin. u? i4 a°» •*"! P% Violin parts or accompaai* ™ n ,“r t h ad ™ Qce <i pianists. Apply at the residence JiJXiIfe«M*.Pro 1 fe«M*.Prof MBor ALLEN, No. 21& BouthSeven at G t \Nimv*- t Jf c > aU i?» lrith terml ani references, at G, ANDRE A Co.’s, No. UM Chestnut St. *eMm* S?AnS E K S INSTI 'nJTE for young dVPaPila->P a P ila -> »* W.comer fcijb'VKruu.aad GREEN streets. Vifth session will Xnn° a n BGptem^r , 7t , h - Beat gSSS, to cloiling all present and former patrons. au26-tf SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOVS, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. ™the233s qualifications employed. Catalogues containing® f Q U particulars, pupils* names, testimonials, Ac., can be had on application. ’ au2s-tr F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. Hall of st. james the less, PHILADELPHIA. • A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Ear. B. R. SursEß, Rjjctob. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1, * r Oircaier* maybe obtained at the Book Store of H. HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila dol!*l*- , wir-em MRS. BARTON 1 * BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL 808 YOUNG LADIES, No. 1928 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY In September, ’ frttMhri TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE A v persons, mala and female, to gain a share of this world’s goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BU9INEB3 ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 150 BIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a short time. THU LEIDY’fI take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persons aeqaired a* BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro- ; Stable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au23*3m. CAA AGENTS 'WANTED.—A HOME tA/U STEAD FOR $lO J—Third Division.--$310,000 worth of Farms snd Building Lots, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to bo divided amount 10,300 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 1857. Sub scriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the Increase in the value of which will cempens&te for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 lot# and farms are already sold, and a company or settlers called the “Rappahannock Pioneer Association” is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 45,000 acres of land, in different parts of Virginia, now at oornmand, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable titles will ts all cases be gicen. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmers, Ac., are wanted, and five hundred Agent* to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liboral inducements will be given. Borne agents write that they are makings2oo permonth. For full particulars, subscriptions, agencies, Ac., apply to K. BAUDEfi, au24-tt Tort Royal, Caroline county, Ya. AN experienced GERMAN TEACHER de sires some PUPILS for the PIANO. Term# mod erate. Apply at the music store of Mr. MARSH, CHESTNUT, abovo Thirteenth-Street. se 23-51# Department of highways, sept. 21st, 1857. “ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS”— CLEANSING THE CITY.-—Sealed Proposals, entitled proposals for CLEANSING THE CITY, will be received br the undersigned, until Monday, September the 2Sth. atl'4 o’clock M. \ Each Proposal must be accompanied by the names of two responsible persons ta sureties. ■ Specifications may be had at this Office. ..Mr. J. B.Clarke .Mias Aoma Cruise Wednesday next, commencing at 10 o’clock, we will tell, withont resero, a Urge and TaluaMe assortment of gold jewelry, watches, dec. Samples and catalogues early on the morning of nl». SALE OF TUB BLEGAKT ASDTALrABLE SfOCS JOHN MnCattTTTV at SCOTT ! S Millinery and Embroider? Emporium, ths »trrs.in, cmfennnnrfhXSroutT arifigESsyiT " y ,, r i<l,,w -tn, TSUJJ branch of tbe tnnl- ————— ■■■ - _ ,/ nesa. Department op highways, Sep- TEin-SR 21,1867. —Sealed Proposals, entitled “Pro poaaHfor bulldingCuWett, near Thirty-fifth street and Myrtle * tract, in the Twenty-fourth Ward,” w3lb* re ceired at this office until WEDNESDAY, the 30th Inst , at 12 o’clock M. Each proposal must bo accompanied by the names of two responsible persons as sureties. Specifications may bo had at this office. JOHN MCCARTHY, se23-tuths3t Chief Commissioner of Highways, ROYS’ clothing. ™F. A, HOYT & RAO. have now on band a very e assortment of READY-MADE good* suitable for . P resent x«*soa wfeich ih«y f«| dispoeed to sell Cheap. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Southwest corner TENTH and CHESTNUT street*. N. D.—We have a large assortment of new goods of a Buperioroaolity and make. sepfcMmtuths Ladies* dress trlmmings.— FAXOY AND STAPLE. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL A SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1020 CUEdTNUT Street, foot doors below Eleventh. And 316 S. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES.—Nos. 95 and 9T GEORGE St., below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few hours’ notice. se£2 4mif M ARCHANT’s orystalographs, OR PHOTOGRAPHIC 3JINIATURE3 IN OIL. N. B. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST. The above pictures differ essentially from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness, and truth of color nod outline, extraordinary minuteness and oceanic/ of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of mombUnce; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed ia manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These facts enable tbd subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to his friends. They are secured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY of E.D.MAECHANT. (O 3 * Portraits of the cabinet, and life size on canvas as heretofore. so 18.3 m TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS— Attention is invited to the following stock of se*. sotted LUMBER: 300,000 feet 6-4 Yellow Pine Floor Boards. jtoQ,WO feet 4*4 do do. 30,000 feet 3-4 do do, suitable Tor lin ing stores. 75,000 feet White Pine Floor Boards. 350,000 feet Spruce Joist. Selling low for cash, to suit the times, and in lots to suit purchasers. TteTEW FALL CLOAKS.—Just received at la tb« Tavis Mantilla and Cloak Emporium, to which tho attention of Ladies and strangers vhitinz the city, is respectfully invited. GEO. BULPIN & Co., _ . 70S Chestnut street. NEW FALL CLOAKS, at Wholesale —Merchants will find the largest stock of these Goods, in tho greatest va riety of materials and prices, at the Paris M&ntUla and Cloak Emporium. Prices low, and terms liberal. , GEO. BULPIN & CO., *e4-lra 703 Chestnut street Removal. SHARP LESS BROTHERS Haro removed to their NEW STORE. N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT, Where they nro opening & stock of Autumn and Win* ter Dry Good*, at RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. *e23-4t TVfIACGKKGOii HOI-AIR FURN\C£S, ITA Sold by CHADWICK A BRO., SECOND Street, first door nbovn Race • ftaglS-Srnos. AVIDSL HOG AN, BLANK BOOK Manufacturer, Stationer and Priutor, No. 418 WALNUT street, betweenk’ouxth and Fifth, Philadel phia. ee3*lm jVOTICE TO - CONSIGNEES—The^sIiip X* STALWART, Capt. A. H. Lucas, from Liverpool, is now discharging under general order at Almond street wharf. Consignees will please attend to receipt oi their goods. TUGS. RICHARDSON A CO. s©B-tf Russia and American tarred CORDAGE.—a superior article, manufacture and for sale by WEAYER, FITLER k CO., an 8-tf No. 23 N. Water at., A 22 N. Wharves. HAVING FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Largo and small sums receivod, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from tho day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. - Office hours, from 9 until 5 o’clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for salo ou Euglaud, Ireland, and Scotland, from El upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PUNY FISK. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER. sel 7-lylf Sardines. —iw cases of go half boxes each, in fetore and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN& CO., au S . No*. 221 and 223 3. Fourth street 817, TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS < Ho. 37 South THIRD Street, PhlliuMphla. COLLECTIONS prompt!/ mate oa all accessible pointa lathe United States anl Canada. Stocks, Ronds, 4p.. Bought and Sold on Commission, Uucnrrent Bank Notes, Chocks, 4c., bought at thi lowest rates i . „ , Deposits received and Interest allowed, taper agree msut. *ul-8n» LUMBER I LUMBER!!—The subscriber, who h*s for several years occupied the premise* at Sloan’* Planing Mill. Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phcenix PUniug Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intend* keeping a larg« assortment of Carolina and other Uoor ing boards, Btepa. riser*, shelving, coiling, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash pticeß. Purchasers are In vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to givs satisfaction. Orders received aud supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and sixes of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling, •al-tf S. 8. BICHI*. RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD \J WICK k BRO., N0.202N. SECOND Street. aoglfi-Snjo*. WELCOME RANGE.— SoId by CHAD WICK SBBQ, 802N.6£0QNDSt. golMn. (gdataiiotial. ttJants, ALBERT BENTON, South FRONT street. gripping. CHIP OTSEONTHE FOR NEW OS- LEAKS—Louisiana Line—Guarantied first tcxml, witb qaickdispatch-—freighttaken.-at u ]ow rate* as any Teasel loading. -The remarkably fast-sailing ship OTSEONTHE* Wn. K. Maxwell, master, now rapidly completing her load ing at Race street wharf, has nearly all of her cargo engaged and going on board, and will positively sail a s above. Shippers will please examine thts ship before gmg elsewhere Those who have not completed tbelr shipments will please do so at once, nod in bills of lading for sig nature. F or balance of freight, which will be taken at the lowest rates, or passage, apply onboard, or to BISHOP, SIMONB* * CO., BB North Whanrex. The pTSEONTHE insures at the lowest rates, and will take steam down the DcUvuv and up the Mis sissippi. selP-dtf FOR SAN FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA from Philadelphia. The msgolScent clipper ship JOSEPH JOVZS, Sam uel O. Plover*, coratuinder, is now loading at Kate street wharf; baring * large jart of her and going oo board r*pi<Dj } wiU hara immediate des patch. ■Shippers will please horzj their goods alongside with out del*/. For t&U&ee of freight apply to BUBO?, SIMQKB * CO.. 35 North Wharrea. For sax prancisco—from new TfOKK. celebrated dipper ship BASTA CLAUS, Foster, master j the magnificent clipper ship BOSTONIAN, ~—»master, are now loading and will nave despatch as above. Por balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SIHOXB k CO., 86 North Wb&rree. hotels attb Hcstoaranis. ITIHE OLD STAB HOTEL IN HABMONY OOBBI —Tbe jraMie are respectfully tafonned that the OLD STAR HOTEL is still in existence. The propnetorwillbegladto see Ms oM friends, and pro mises to furnish tne® with & superior qualify of Ale, Wines, and Liquors. He feels assured, that on paying him & Yisit they will not he disappointed. He u also prepared t* furnish Outers in every style, at the shortest notice. Luxsh from 10 to 13 o’clock. TV/’ILLIAM HANNING’S CITY LAGEB T » SEEK SALOON, Mo. 233 Carter’! ASej. Pkila detphia. «ep22-3m CGO WAN’S KESTAUKANT, SOUTH weat comer of BROAD and WALKUT.—Game and all other delicaelea in eeaaon. families mpplie& with Oysters on the shortest notice. aepT-fm Lewis b. coffin,— THIED WAKD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC] HEAD . QUABTEBS,) South-eui comer VIJTH and QUEEN Street!, eep3 Imp Philadelphm. ]VfEBCHANTS> HOTEL, NORTH EOUKTH ST BEET, Aboys Hiun, .. - YHTLADELPHIA. tvU-U MoKIBBBS A SONS, (sonaiou. CICOTT HOUSE—-Corner of Irwin Street ►p ftnd Duquetao Way, Pittsburgh. B. d mmw Proprietor. TSsSn* (Dines anil £i4flors. OLD WHEAT WHISKET.—ErprSIF DLETON A BROTHER, importer* of Wlaea. Bran* dice, Ao. Also, pole proprietor* of the OM Wheat Whiskey, No. 5 North front Street. seplMtc "pOHT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de- X benture 230 cask* fit. Joseph's Pure Juice port Wine, iaqr*. and eighth*. Tea puncheons Jaha Ramsay Islay Hah See tch Whis key, 2 year* old • Pilfy pipe* Anchor 6 in. Mare it, Martel, Bonvet, and J. X Dupuy Braadlet. *1 of which I offer to the trade at reduced price*. JOS. F. TOBIAS, *a27-3mog 83 and 90 8. Front St., below Wthxut. a lbxandeb v\ holmesTwine and LIQUOR BTORN. No. JSB> Southeast Corner • OROBfIB and SOUTH Street*. y Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FIN* TONES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, *e 20 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. anl-ly Brandies.— pinet, castuion & Co., Mr tett & Co., and other brand* of Cormea of tkvooi vintages. In half pipes and quarter caab ; PeUetehU Rochelle Brandi#*, rale and dark, in half pipes, quarter euxftasa one-eighth autke, ail in Custom fion#e ateree. imported and for sale by v ' HENRY ROBLES A CO., j and N0e.221 and223South fourth street, f DITHMAK k BUTZ, PORTER, ALB AND LAGXR BRER BREWERY, No. 620 (new No. 938) North THIRD Street. Philadelphia.—Shining ordere promptly attended ta. aal.tf Sales bg &nrtum. VirOLBEBT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, f,¥ 432 CR23TNUT Street, opposite the Custom Houie. between Fourth and Fifth Street*. BALE OF EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERYGOODS GLOVES, HOSIERY GOODS, Ac. Wednesday next, 30th inat-. commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, w* will Ball by catalogue, without metre, a largo and valuable assortment of choice French and 6c*tch Embroideries and Millinery Geode* Also, Ladle*'and'Gents’Silk and Buck Glove#, En glish Hosiery Goods, Ac. Also, 200 carton# French Artificial*, Ostrich Feather*, Ac. PEREMPTORY SAL* OF A VALUABLE ASSORT MENT OF GOLD JEWELRY, GOLD WATCHES, Ac., BEING THE BALANCE OF STOCK OF AN EX- TENSIVE JOBBING HOUSE. ON MONDAY, Sept. 28, commencing at 10 o’clock pre cisely, and In continuation at 3 o’clock? M wewm commence the sale at No. 916 Chestnut street, below Tenth, of the LARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK OF RICH FANCY GOODS, imported expressly for the best city trade, consisting of Embroideries, Lace*. Ribbons French Flower#, Fancy Bonnets, Dress Cap*. Head Dresses, Bridal Wreaths,Bertha Capes, Hair Ornaments. Fancy and Mourning Goods generally. The lots will be sold to #mt the convenience of con sumer*, and will be arranged for examination two day* prior to sale, when the ladies of this eifyaad rJoaity are veiy respectfully invited to attend. The sale will be continued from day to dir at the tame hour* Until the whale *i«ek U doted, NOTICE.—The sale of the itock o. Jevdiy, to hare been held this day, is postponed oat J further notice. Moses Nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION HXBCHANT, g. I. corner SIXTH and BAOE Streets. - LARGE SALE OP FURNITURE, BEDS. MATTERS ES, MIRRORS, Ac., A*., on WEDNESDAY MORNING next, September Sfitb. at 10 o’clock, at the Auction Store, S. E. comer of SIXTH and RACE Streets Salea Room Second ttory. Entrance from Race street. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and silver talent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and Preach watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instrument* Ac., Ac AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged oa second fiocr, household furniture, of every description, bed*, mat. treoses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy article*. Ac., Ac., Ac. Out-door sale* attended to personally by the Auction eer. Charge* Tery low. Consignment* of furniture, clothing, jeweby, Ac., Ac., solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will he leased on gold and dh«r plate WatlhM, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Segare, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed ding, Horses, Vehicle*. Harness. Stocks, and on all ar ticle* of value for any length of time agreed cn, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. fses] M. NATHANS, NATHAN’S gnat sale of FORFEITED GOODS will taka place in a few days. Due notice will be given. WEBB’S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, 1 Gun*. Pistol*, Musical Instruments, Ac., will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ac., being forfeited collateral*, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEEH—No. 325 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. BALES EVERY EVENING, at? o'clock, Of Boots, Shoe*, Hardware, Cutlery, Watthea, Jew. «Iry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac, Ac. N. B.—Terms of Night Soles, four months’ credit for approved city acceptance*, for sums of $lOO and with in terest added from date of axle. sepl-lm George vr. smith, auctioneer, N. B. comer of BARRON and SOUTH Btreets. above Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,' 1 At 7 Ko'clock, «t the Auction Score, of Hardware, Cuts lery, Housekeeping Article*. Clothing, Watchsa, Jewel ry, Faucy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite pear st., only eight doGrs below the Exchange. Hour* of business from T o’clock, A. M., until 10 o’clock In the evening. Out-door sales, and calea -at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. £s<a6KstaJ/or the last Thirty Years. Advance* made from one dollar to thousands os Die monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Her chaudUe, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigar*. Musical Instruments, Gun*, Horse*, Carriages, and Good* of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. All advance*, lmn one hundred dollar* and upwards will bo charged 2 i«r cent, per month j loCOartd OTer, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 2 SO feet, ha*large fire and thief-proof rsulta to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heaTy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons haring gooda advanced upon. N. B.—Oa account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances ou more satis factory and accommodating terms than any other in th:9 city, Money advanced to the poor, in «n\*U with out any charge. AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. * aul-ly vSentlemen’e fnmisljing (foods. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- Tv MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 7C« CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philkdelrb-a. The attention of Southern and Western Merchant'-* and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the moatperfectitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. anS-lylf OIBAKD FIRE AN ASCB CO2&PA NT, PH 302 WALNUT street, west o! “JIBE BISKS C ci&ac D MARINE INSUR rriADKz.pnrA—OEce, ko. >f THIRD. ’ ONLY TAKEN.” lOTCBS. Wm. M. flwaia, John Anapach, Jr., H. Jf. Bnrrongha. J. fc. Hughes, 7. D. Sherman. Wm. P. flicker, J. P. Stainer. H. Jl. Shackelford, Hon. jesi, JONESj President. Hon.G. W. VTOODWABB, Tice „ v fi Jso. g. Hc3iffM.u, Secretary, JIXB3 B. Altoid, AsatsUatSecretary. aul-Sio-i? Jer. TValker, Jdo. McClure, Tho. Craven, X. S. Gilleit, Furman Sheppard, Sami. Jonw, M. IK, Jeseph Rlapp, SI. D, SHARPE’S HEN’S AND BOTS’ CLOTHING, MS North rOCBTH Street, behreoo Arch sod Boco. » n t>- ] 7 Tiff OSS—I7 bales Carolina Moss, tot sale by JLtJL UA&TIX * MACAilSTfifc, »ul ____ 115) North Water Street. BALE ROPE—Buyers are invited to call And examine oar Manila B&ie Hope, vhich ire can can tell as low as American, and warrant It aaperiot In gtrength and durability. WSATBS, JOTJSR t CO., an 1 No,23N.'Wat«*t. aad22N.\TTjxrrec. Thomas e. Baxter—hardware, OUTLSBV AND TOOLS, No. 010 MARKET ST.. ho.* Nioth, math etds. PAiiodolnM*. sa I-Sra WELCOME KANtiti. —SOLD BY CHAD WWR4BK9, WSN.MCQKDet. amMab JOHN COBLEY.
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