"f 5 \ ♦ ISBT. "i'.t,>.' * » beautiful origi- J • nal Poem onCaptalu' Hebxdost Correspond .., epee;;Cowinupisati.oßSi .popprt of .Mr. WADs- lldBiwinesj »nd.A;.otiinl ‘ .-T '\' ‘ r -‘ ''■ 'w.'l - ‘ j i ; . PRES! DENT BUCHAN AN ATWHEATL AND. - reached Wlieatland, his-Lari 'castOTCoqtttyjiome, on evening;in r flnediiaaltfii VHe exjccftdtd’spend'three days among his old and to return 1 to - ~. . ’ . SUSPENSION OT SPECIE PAYMENT BY : THE BANKS OF PHILADELPHIA. 1 'Wo are informed, upon the; authority of a gentleman, President of one of the citybanks, that ho whs deputed at a 'full jneetitig ;of the; , Presidents of all the. hanks' of Philadelphia, held yesterday aitornooh, to'- inform the public prees that they had uha»iim6usly agreed to re ,, cqmmond tothoir respective boards, this niorii ;< iag, atemporary suspension of specie payments j - and also that another meeting will be held afternoon hy the same.officers,,tp (devise . such further means as the exigency may dp-, inand. 1 ; Deeply aawe regret thatjthe tanks havecon v ciudednpph suspension, andstoadUy as we tare riahored to produce a better state of tilings,! we have new. duties to discharge, to ourselves,’our’ fellow-men, and onr great city and 'Sthte. ’Theflrstcftheso duties, is to see that no harm . comes to bur great producing classes—tn tlio farmers, mechanics, and laborers—and, test, hot least, to those energetic’ and public-spir-' itc-d merchants, wh’okavo bravely stemmed the, torrent which set against ‘ our' Institutions and .interests from'Koir York, New-Engian’d, .. andtheTTcsti ‘The men who are rarely par ties-to the profits'of bahks, bat who always bear; ;the- burden Vof a general bankruptcy, : demand our.utmost solicitude. 1 Bosk measures viiuiiqrtii them moil. The banks, are silll in a condition to ihflict injury upon the communl i ty, and, while- many/of those who have en joyed the favors -of- these iristltutions will the,, blow, yet it will faii heavily upon ■ those’who have been toiling in their - humble avocations, content With the scanty rewards of honest industry. 'Let ns bear this leading fhct in ourminds iri,the course:of. our action upon .the present’emergency.; - ' : ; : ’Wo, are glad .to know that several of the . leading bankshave resolved to take- immediate stops preparatory to resumption. When,we reflect that all the great interests of agriculture - aro in a condition of prosperity. We cannot bnt hopethatthe present gloom will pasa’off in a comparatively short time.! and when .we re , member the stringent laws, against suspension,- wo may realize that it is the true interest; of every hank to tako stops to resume specio pay? .ments'fiefbre the law has had time to,operate. , Meanwhile, frjenda, be of good.oheer I,- ,Do not give -way to inconsiderate action. Bear . and forbear. This la no time. for violent im pnises. ■; ■ NOTES OP SHALL DENOMINATIONS; ~, ; . "Wo leatu that the Presidents of: several of ./ the banks of. this city haye expressed a deter mination to do all in theirpower to bring about 'tf generaV resdmptioh .of /tipecie payments) at , an; egrly'day. t JTe hofo, they may succeed;, But whatever may-bo their general-policy ,:wo 1 earnestly insist that immediate Measures: bo' ‘taken to .'tcdeenV,;in species ijl their 1 , f- Siocxtosr, {mbiieherof the Bible ; . :: i!n Bep«raW ; ft'tirai>6nj, iB to fie»«h' inJeyno'e Afejtttil/ end'' eeenjitgi > a The jer =:a!:lnf fifjfi&w . Jd»®B CRIMINALS, GREAT AND SMALL. In New York, this week; Judge Bossstn sen tenced a man named HenmiOhan, convicted of highway robbery to;the valilo Of Five Dollars, to bo impriaoncd .in. the State Prison for Foetv xeabs. On th!s ;sCvero senicnee an arithmetical question might be’put,‘rrdf Hem higiian gets forty years‘for rdSiing:a man of five dollars, what oiight thtayo boen fluaxiso dom’s sentence' for forging to the extent of millions i Is the small rogue to be hardly dealt with, and the great one treated leniently? Hkn- NWHAEj git ignorant Irishman of 21, steals five dollars, and knock! V inaii down to got it. HmTiHoi>ox,‘a highly educated and well con nected “down cast" speculator, commits for igqries and frauds to the amount of millions. Henniqiian has Foarr years to spend ore his crime is expiated, (if he does not die orbecomo mad long' before,) but Huktikqdoh, even if hfe does not receive a free pardon long before, has only Five years to serve. It is better, therefore, to forge, than to rob. The taking $6, with violence, is voted brutal and vulgar— but there is something genteel, if not aristo cratic, in sitting quietly down in an office, cigar in month, forging signatures to bills, notos, and acceptances, getting money on them from the shaving-brokers of Widl street, and living en prince 1 on the cash, as a “fast man," rospected and respectable, hecauso he had a Fifth'Avenue mansion, luxuriously frir nished, kept a fine stud, duly sent his wifq to Saratoga with a full purso and fancy wardrobe which thebrightEnOEmE might view with envy, •honorodanotherlady or two With his protection '(and' p'ursey-in other sumptuous dwellings, and-went in, generally, for things pleasant, comfortable, and luxurious. Fifth Avenue greatly , grieved when Huhtingbon was sen tenced, .to , his, Fivo. years, and admiringly talked over the gigantic extent of his “ specu lations.” Five Points may have dropped a tear over Heseiohah’s Forty years, and ex claimed, “It is always our luck. The big roghes get the least punishment.” The trial of the pqbr.flve-dollar thief excited no interest. The Court was crowded when the Flfthavennefprgerimdswindlerwasatthobar— Which, by tho.way, he was, not,, for he sat next his counsel, andno stranger could have guessed, from the way he boro himself, and the respect Odth which he was treated; that he was on trial. The poor thief’s counsel did his dnty, no doubt, bnt the flashy forger’s' legal advisers ingeni ously argued that for his whole career, “in financial operations,” (as they delicately called his forgeries,) he was not legally or morally accountable, inasmuch as it was foolish to com mit crime, and the: reckless manner in which he had done it clearly showed a diseased and disordered state of mind; Absurd as this pro position was, it evidently had woight with the jury. By the Judge, it was properly received with contemptuous disbelief. At the, end of his Five years, (if not par doned before,) Huntmodoe will issue from Sing-Sing, still a young man, and as likely as not to resume “ financial operations ” among his old Wall-street associates. At the end of bis Forty years, 1 Hessiohak will be released from (bo same prison,’(if he' live'through the frill term of his sentence,).and comeback on ther world) an aged,'broken, wretched, isolated man, and . helpless, who would even re gret-the food and shelter and safety of tho gaol he had left.- Seems it-not as if thero -really was one measure of justice for the poor and another for the'rich? Surely, this remarkable in stance of unequal. punishment ought not oscapo the notice of the press and the govern ing authorities of New York., STATE POLITICS. - In elections to important public offices, and especially those of ari executive character, it is unfortunately too common to pay little re gard, to the qualification)' of ihe candidates. Mire <ls Jse, 00 days. In Lard ~we have only * sms}S business to note at 10c for bbls and tes, and 17e for kegs on time. Butter Is steady, with moderate receipts, aid sales of solid Western at 14016 e, as in quality. Cheese is unchanged, with limited transactions. Eggs are bringing 14)6 4F doaen. METALS.—The Iron market remains very inactive, and to effect sales lower prices would have to be accepted, the transactions being only In a retail way ats2T, $25, and $24 for the three numbers of Anthracite Pig Metal, on flme. Borne small sales of Blooms are reported at $75, 0 mos. Scotch Pig Is dull at $2B for whole lots. In manufactured Iron there is little or nothiog doing to alter quotations, which are nominally the sauie. Lead is inactive, and there Is very little stock in first hands; a sals of 250 pigs Virginia, on private terms, being the only transaction we hear of. In Copper no change. In sheathing there Is a limited business doing in Yellow Metal at 22c, on time GROCERIES.—-There Is very little Inquiry tea Coffee from the trade, aad the difference In the views of buyers and sellers limits operations. About 1,000 bags Rio only have been disposed of at llXol2c, as in quality. A small sale of Java was made at 170, all on time. For Molasses the market continues at a stand, and prices in the absence of any recent sales are unsettled and droop ing. The refiners have put down their prieea at 15e $v gallon. Sugars are dull and unsettled, and buyers are bolding off for lower prices, with a small business doing at irregular rates, sales only reaching some 250 hhds Cuba, within the range of TXeQX® on time. Refined Sugars are also selling at Irregular prices, and are fully lower. BARK—The demand for Quercitron has fallen off, bnt about 80 hhds hare found bujer* on arrival at $4O for Ist No. 7. Tanner’s Buk It quiet, and prices the same. BEESWAX Is in request and scarce at 31032 e 4P lb, but we hear of no sales worthy of notice. BREAD.—Very little demand for shipment, and busi ness is confined to the wants of the local trade, without much change in priees. COAL.—The receipts and stocks continue very light, but there is so change to note in Anthracite Coal, and a moderate business doing for the season; the market generally is dull. Bituminous Coal is alto but little in quired for, and prices unsettled. CANDLES.—Sperm sells slowly at quotations. In Adamantine there is a moderate business to note at 22a 23c dp Jb, usual terms. Tallow remains dull, COTTON.—There Is very little disposition to operate on tho part of buyers and sellers in the present state of the times, and the week’s transactions have only reached 3000400 bales, taken In small lots at irregular rates, mostly within tho range of 14j{0l6){c for Uplands and New Orleans—cash and time. About 700 bales hare gone forward to Liverpool on owners’ account. FREIGHTS.—There is rather more doing in Euro pean freights, and more produce offering for Liverpool. About 3,600 bbla, Fleur hare been engaged at Is. Od.; 10,000 bushels Grain at fld., 700 bales of Cotton at 3*160 #d., and bhds. Bark at 25 cents. Very little doing in South America or West India freights, and rates nearly nominal. To California a ship on the berth is getting 22a25c. & foot. Eastern coastwisorates are steady; to the South wo quote at fie for Charleston and Savannah, and GaSc. dP foot to New Orleans. Colliers are plenty,and tkogoing rates are: $1.25 to Providence; $1.62t0 East Cambridge; 90 cents to Washington; $1.40 to Portland; $1,25 to New London; $1.30051.35 to Boston; $1.30 to New Heron; 90cent* to Georgetown; $1.05 toNewTork; $1.15 to Flushing; $1 30 to Fall River; 70 cents to Bal timore), end $1.45 to Bangor. FEATHERS—SeII slowly at 50052 cen*s for Western, a* to lots. FISH. Mackerel are coming forward more freely, and medium fish aro in limited demand, and dull at rather lower rates, say $160516.60 for first; $130513.60 for second, and s9©s9.6Q for thrcei, mostly from store. Pickled HctrlDg are scarce, and late caught fish are wanted at s4{ts4.so Sp bbl. Of Dry Cod the receipts and sales are limited, at 5404.50 the 100 lbs FRUIT.—The stock of foreign is nearly exhausted, and there Is little or nothing doing in the way of sales. A few Lemons have been sold at $5.60 S? box. Green fruit is arriving less freely, and sales range from $1.50 to $3 50 3P bbl. for Apples, and $1e52.50 4P* basket for Peaches. GINSENG.—No Crude la offering, and in the absence of sales prices are unsettled GUANO.—A fair business doing for the season, with out change in quotation*. H?MP.—The market is very quiet, and prices are no minally unchanged. Manilla has declined at the East, with large sales. HIDES —There is little or nothing doing from first bands to alter quotations, and the market is dull. An import of dry Lagnayra, has arrived since our last. There Is some inquiry from the Tanners, but the trans. actions arc confined to the jobbers, without change in rates. HOPS sell, a* wanted, at 130150. for new crop—the opening being lower than for some years past. Old crop are dull and sell slowly at 6ooe. Jb. LEATHER.—Good sole and slaughter leather is scarce and wanted, and If here would bring full prices, but other kinds are neglected. LUMBER is dull, and sales are confined to a few lots of eastern, taken at about previous rates. No change in white or yellow pine boards, business very mode rate foe the season. NAVAL STORES.—Of spirits of turpentine about 200 bblt. have been sold at 47048 c. 4P gallon, cash. In other articles there Is very little doing, snd prieee rule about stationary, with light receipts and storks of all kinds. Borne 400 bbls. rosin sold at $2 for No. 2, and 14 bbl. for fine. OlLS.—Linseed is selling slowly at 750T6c., as to lots, and the stock accumulating. No change in lard oils, and sale* limited. Sperm and whale are quiet, but firm at previous quotations. PLASTER continue* dull, but a farther sale of soft is eported at $2.75 dP ton. RICE—Wo have a few small transactions only to note ats*o&#c4P' fc. SALT—There Is no change In the market. An arri val of 4,090 sacks of Liverpool ground has come to a dealer, BREDS— CIoTer Is wanted at s7*7 25 V bushel, and A sale of 60 bags was made to go West, tt 12 cents fi>. Timothy*!! also In demand atrathertigberfigufer. and since 800 bushels hare boen taken on arrival, mostly at $3d3J25 & bushel. Flax Seed—Dorae*tic is scarce and quoted at $1 S 5 bushel. Calcutta Linseed has de clined at the East. Sales have been made at $1 75 cash. ’ SPIRITS—Brandy and Gia continue dull and un settled, and the recent arrivals are mostly going into store. N. E. Rum is selling slowly at 50 cents. Whis key is unsettled and rather lower, with sales of barrels at 2i% 026 cents, chiefly at 25 cents, and hhds at 24 cents gallon. TALLOW has been very isaetive, and prieea tha same; we quote city rendered at 12 eents 4F fi>. TEAS—The late auction sales hare imparted more firmness to holders, bat there in very Utile doing. TOBACCO—Remains inactive, with a limited busi ness to notice ai previous quotations. WOOL—Tha market has been very quiet this week, l* »«**aro owing to the indisposition of holders *“• present unsettled state of the times. The moch in first hands, consisting mostly of the common and medium grades being very variation in prices, but 55! * ttlce are limited to a few small lots within the range of former quotations. BY THE PILOT LINE. [Gorreepondence of The Prew.] New Toe*, Sept. 25,1857—5.20 P. M. The mlermin* new. from joar citj.of the failure of thel B«nk ofPouniiTlruaia, end tho ran on tho uirard and other banks, is the a ole topis of conver sation here, and has had the effect of making money tighter, both at the banks aSd the note brokers. The former, which, np withe receipt of the intelligence by telegraph, were acting iibe rally by their customers, became much more •tnngent, and the lattor did warcely any business, it would appear that there is really no canse for thualanphere.We have little or nothing due us in Philadelphia; your banks, by the laws of yonr Mate, can have no claims which they cm call on one banks to liquidate, so far u » U<, “ “ e ? ncern ' ii ’ lcd we ourselves are really in a sound condition, with no reason what orer to apprehend trouble. The excitement of our own panic, which had subsided. U, however distrust by everybody of everybody is revived in a great degree, tbmixh perhaps less than heretofore. Rates in the street hero advanced, and those who succeeded in getting money to-day had to stand a more than ordimmjj close thane. In foreign exchange absolutely nothing ia doing. Prime sterling bUb can be bought freely at IIMJ, aad good signatored below that pnee The Dills of the HedismJbnkjuid of die Bank of Canandaigua, were throwneetfeeday. The suspension of the latter baa caused mash ei eitement at Canandaigua. •*- There ia a lamentable contrast between thaeon tents of this letter and the hoph&L tone e( my •“i-, Yesterday was the in IfeU street I had seen amce the eoameneemant sf osr trouble, and now I am obliged to say otzrs&T k much overcast. .ur. Before we can expect substantial relief—Sat is. haTB an easy money market—(he grain cron tftha Vest must be moTed. This is Qua source aim which we can find the effectual means to nay mre dohts, and restore the health of trade, so badly jS. paired by the most severe of all diseaaee-want oR confidence, whioh is quite sa bad as wastof money, and much more provoking when it exists without any want of the letter commodity. The presence of this epidemic has undonbtedly retarded the forwarding of tho produce from the West, end the necessary consequence has been a needless pro longation of tho unhealthy symptoms. The We it em forwarders "held back,” thinking that we were all going to “buret up” here, and under this influence was afraid to trust us. Should this con tinue for snv length of time, U might hnrt us, it is trns, by withholding the means we require, but it wul also hart the over-oantioas forwarder and producer, who are «holding back” from want of confidence, because, should disasters oe oar here, and elsewhere on tha seaboard, prioes must inevitablj fall below their present nxuro, and when they begin to fall a rush will be made, the market will be glutted, and everyone will suf fer. It Is as much the interest of the producer as it is ours in the great shipping ports, that this banefal policy should be abandoned, and the want of cou fidence, holding-back-to-see-how-things-go system, made the exception and not the role. Our banks,mer chants, and capitalists should exert themselves to afford facilities to effect this great good, by which alone our ills can be cured, and our strength re stored. All interests are alike concerned, and they should combine, and by confidence and mutual exer tioo,put away tho trouble in which we bare too loog and unnecessarily been involved. What is it that constitutes the arterial Mood cf oar trade? Our wheat, corn, cotton, and provisions. We hare them all in abundance, but by the sadden and causeless anxiety to ascertain “who is safe,” a large portion of their beneficial effect is thrown away. Let the wheat be brought for ward at once and freely, and the good effect will soon be felt. There wUI then be no difficulty in moving the com 'and the cotton, and provisions will follow in due time. Tho settlement at the Clearing House was as usual prompt. The clearings amounted to $13,905, 605.01, and thebalanoes paid in coin to $618,874.07. These amounts are remarkably low for this yog; on, when business is usually so active. The Express says that it is stated upon compe tent authority that the steamer which leaves Liverpool to-morrow will bring gold, that it has been absolutely engaged within the knowledge of parties who came by the steamer at Boston. Should this prove to bathe case, it wilt be the fulfilment of a prediction of mine in me of my let ters at the beginning of last week. The cash transactions for the day at the Sub-Treasury were: Receipts $122831.10; payments $297,361.19; bal ance $9,547,440. The receipts at the custom house for duties were $91,000. The reported city failures are Bangs Brothers A Co., book auctioneer*, and Spe&eer A Porter, groeers. Westbex Bank or Locxpobt.— The Lockport CowWvr, of Tuesday, says, “We regret to announce that the Western Bank of this village suspended payment this morning. The result waa occasioned by the neglect of parties for whom this institution has been discounting to pay their liabilities.” The nows has also had a severe effect on the stock market. Everything is lower. Virginia State 6’s declined 11; Miroouri State C’s { ; Hew York Central B. R. 6’s, 21; New York Central, 2}; Erie, 2; Reading, s|; Michigan Centra], 5; Michigan Southern, 1; Do. prtf. stock, }; Chicago and Rook Island, 41; lUiuos Central, it; Gatcaa and Chicago, 4J; Milwaukee and Mississippi, H ; and La Crosse and Mil., In our bank stocks, the Bank of Commerce is down 41, and the Pork Bank, 3. Pennsylvania Coal Company, which im proved i per cent, at the first board, tell baek to &S at the second, a decline of 1 since yesterday. The market olosed very heavily, with a very un easy feeling. BAX.S9 ST A. H. yiCOLiT, BIPTKXZXK 24. 5,000 Erie Convertibles of 2871 35jk' 18,000 Virginia State 6 per cent, bonds.. 84, 85 10,000 Milwinkle City 7 per cent, bonds. 52V to 54V 2,000 Milwaakie City 7 per cent, bonds. 54 1,000 Watertown City (WU.) 8 per cent. _ bonds Passed. 10,00 Northern Indians KB (Goshen Bh.) lit mort. 7 per cent, bonds , M V 3,500 Bacine and Miss. B& farm mort. 10 per cent, bonds. 5,000 La Crosse and Mil. BB 7 & cent. land grant beads. 16,000 La Crone and MU. 7 W cent con* stria bonds... 14to 15v 690 Atlantic Mutual Ins. scrip of I&ST 63 400 Son do do do 1863 55 450 Son do do do 1356 52 610 Union do do dn 1856 36 600 Union do do do ISM 38jf 140 ahs. Buffalo and State Line B&.ssoea. BTi' 10 do Warren Men. S 3 45 do Bank of New York IOOea.ICQV to IQ4V 20 do Island Citj* Bank. 25 ea. SI 29 do Kational Bank. 60ea.66£ 47 do do ..... Men. Passed. 27 do Merchants’ Exchange Bk.. 60 ea. 96 V 02 do Farmers’ & Citizens’ Bank L.I 20 do Bk. of the Manhattan Co. 1 do Nassau Bank 12 do do do 20 do Artisans’Bank.. 176 do Ohio Life Ins. jb Trust Co 100 ea. Bto S V 40 do North Hirer Bank 60 ea.' 88 123 do Bank of Commerce 100 ea. 91 jg 15 do Hanover Bank..., 100 ea. 79jg 10 do Bank of Commonwealth.... 100 ea. 81V 60 do Peoples’ Bank 25 ea 91 40 do do do 25 ea. 92# 90 do Mercantile Ins Co 50 ea. 100 to 107 Jg 45 do Jefferson 1n*C0........... 30 ea. 173 20 do Atlantic Ins Co, of Brook lyn 50 ea. 140 10 do Phrnaix Ins Co, do 50 ea. 115 20 do do do do 60 ea. Passed. 13 do Hanover Ins C 0...... 50 ea. Passed. 140 do Hamilton Ins“ Co.. 15 ea. 59v 30 do 11umb01dt105C0..........100 ea. S 3, SB*f 20 do do do .........100 ea 87 20 do do do JOO ea. 40 do Irving Ins Co 25 ea. 300 20 do Wiliistosb’gh City Ins Co 50 ea 109 jg 15 do Gr’tWest’n Marine Ins Co 100 ea. Passed. 100 do do do 190 ea. Passed. 10 do Metropolitan Ins Co 100 ea. 90jg 20 do Long Island Ins Co 50 ea. 364# 30 do Jersey City Ins Co 50 ea. 101# 34 do Exchange Ins Co 30 ea. 79 100 do do do 30 ea. Passed. 50 do Firemen’s Ins*Co 17 ea Passed. 20 do Indemnity Ins Co 100 ea 90 40 do Excelsior InsOo 50 e* 112*, 112# 10 do Brevoort Ins Co 60 ea Passed. 40 do do do 50 ea Passed. 75 do American Express Co.. ..100 ea Passed, to be sold on Monday. 50 do Wells,Fargo 2c Co.'s Ex.loo ea 83# MARKETS Asiiks—are hear/ for Pots at $7 750 $7.87# t and dull at $7 for Pearls. Breadstoffs—The market for Flour is aetiroata decline of 5015 c, with sales of 9,200 bbls. at $5*30,» ss*so for common to good State; $5 600$£ 75 lor extra do ; $5 35e55 50 for common to good Michigan. Ohio, Indiana, Ac., and ss*6o«rs6 50 for extra do; JCsoas3 for extraGenessae, and $6 £oasB 50 for extra St. Louis. Southern flour is also 10c lower, with sales of 1.900 bbls at $5 60ao SO for Bsltimore, Alexandria, Ac; for fancy and extra broods ; Canadian fiour is s