"f 5 \ ♦ ISBT. "i'.t,>.' * » beautiful origi- J • nal Poem onCaptalu' Hebxdost Correspond .., epee;;Cowinupisati.oßSi .popprt of .Mr. WADs- lldBiwinesj »nd.A;.otiinl ‘ .-T '\' ‘ r -‘ ''■ 'w.'l - ‘ j i ; . PRES! DENT BUCHAN AN ATWHEATL AND. - reached Wlieatland, his-Lari 'castOTCoqtttyjiome, on evening;in r flnediiaaltfii VHe exjccftdtd’spend'three days among his old and to return 1 to - ~. . ’ . SUSPENSION OT SPECIE PAYMENT BY : THE BANKS OF PHILADELPHIA. 1 'Wo are informed, upon the; authority of a gentleman, President of one of the citybanks, that ho whs deputed at a 'full jneetitig ;of the; , Presidents of all the. hanks' of Philadelphia, held yesterday aitornooh, to'- inform the public prees that they had uha»iim6usly agreed to re ,, cqmmond tothoir respective boards, this niorii ;< iag, atemporary suspension of specie payments j - and also that another meeting will be held afternoon hy the same.officers,,tp (devise . such further means as the exigency may dp-, inand. 1 ; Deeply aawe regret thatjthe tanks havecon v ciudednpph suspension, andstoadUy as we tare riahored to produce a better state of tilings,! we have new. duties to discharge, to ourselves,’our’ fellow-men, and onr great city and 'Sthte. ’Theflrstcftheso duties, is to see that no harm . comes to bur great producing classes—tn tlio farmers, mechanics, and laborers—and, test, hot least, to those energetic’ and public-spir-' itc-d merchants, wh’okavo bravely stemmed the, torrent which set against ‘ our' Institutions and .interests from'Koir York, New-Engian’d, .. andtheTTcsti ‘The men who are rarely par ties-to the profits'of bahks, bat who always bear; ;the- burden Vof a general bankruptcy, : demand our.utmost solicitude. 1 Bosk measures viiuiiqrtii them moil. The banks, are silll in a condition to ihflict injury upon the communl i ty, and, while- many/of those who have en joyed the favors -of- these iristltutions will the,, blow, yet it will faii heavily upon ■ those’who have been toiling in their - humble avocations, content With the scanty rewards of honest industry. 'Let ns bear this leading fhct in ourminds iri,the course:of. our action upon .the present’emergency.; - ' : ; : ’Wo, are glad .to know that several of the . leading bankshave resolved to take- immediate stops preparatory to resumption. When,we reflect that all the great interests of agriculture - aro in a condition of prosperity. We cannot bnt hopethatthe present gloom will pasa’off in a comparatively short time.! and when .we re , member the stringent laws, against suspension,- wo may realize that it is the true interest; of every hank to tako stops to resume specio pay? .ments'fiefbre the law has had time to,operate. , Meanwhile, frjenda, be of good.oheer I,- ,Do not give -way to inconsiderate action. Bear . and forbear. This la no time. for violent im pnises. ■; ■ NOTES OP SHALL DENOMINATIONS; ~, ; . "Wo leatu that the Presidents of: several of ./ the banks of. this city haye expressed a deter mination to do all in theirpower to bring about 'tf generaV resdmptioh .of /tipecie payments) at , an; egrly'day. t JTe hofo, they may succeed;, But whatever may-bo their general-policy ,:wo 1 earnestly insist that immediate Measures: bo' ‘taken to .'tcdeenV,;in species ijl their <hbfes of. . smail iionommations—certainly aU their five, . and if possible,'all their 1 ten doliarbllls. The suspension ought notyunderany,circumstances, ' to,extend to small notes, and there ia no neces . sitythatit stioulddoso.: Before the run upon the '. tanks yesterday, the amount of specie ih their vaultsi,wiishtarly,,if not‘.quite,’..equal itutheir circulation. The former was about $8,600,000, and thejatter about*. $4,000,000. But yeater-. ■ day uoarly 51,500,000 of speeib was drawn from , them, a large portion of which-was received by depositors, who had about $20,000,000 in.the continuation of a drain upon them, of specie, bydopositors, wontdapeedilyexhaußt their, resources. Bat the policy of our existing hanking-taa discriminates their. oW V ligatlonto redeemm’ specie ; thelr notes and the balances dne to depositors, and while there . are in business circles many men who: regard ' the late, movement of the hanks as a measure Of relief, and Who anticipate from it rather - benefit than injury,' there is no such feeling to console thopoathody of note-holders, particu larly.thosQWho havesmall notesof ssor $lO, which are the fruits-of their hard labors,- and who canjl! afford to.baro;them,,even for a . short . time, discredited. ' Let such persons, . therefore, be protected. It caa cause:Uo very serious difficulty to the tanks to redeem their small notes, and whether, it does or not; their first duty is due .to their small .note-holders, who never receive their.fivers, who' cannot afford, and should not be called upon, ,to bear their losses. Those who hold notes of large denominations can better wait for tho general resmuption, which, wo hope, wifi take place at an early day, but wq protest 'ag’aihst the laboring men, the meetanica, the - toiling masses who cam' their bread by the . ■ sweat of their brows, being obliged to' bear the ■ brant of existing 'ff'e are satisfied, too, that to business men generally tho redemp . tion of small notes in specio would be.ahighly - acceptable movement, apd that It would, great ly tend to diminish’, the distress and pressure . - which will- be the necessary, consequence of . the present unfortonate..condition of. onr moi . hetarjr affairs.. V. ‘ | RECOGNITION OF MERIT. , .The Professorship of Natural Philosophy, in . tietfilueraltyof .GlMgoyy,, (Scotland,) lately became vacant.; Candidates were duly adver tised for. A great mAny qualified' persons. . sent liv tlietr applications apd testimonials. Among them was Professor the United States, who had the' honor of- being elected, on the principle too long neglected every whore, but particularly in Great Britain, of putting «the right man in the right place.” ;His being an American.wai no barrier to the , lecogiiition df,hismerit. ' • Professor : Rooisa: .was present at the recent / !jiiD&nj£' mehttij&’of tho{ British Association for the Advancement of Science, held in Dub lin, in the early partofthe present month. The University of Dublin; which is particularly chary, in the distribution of its honors, con ferred the degroo of D.octo‘r of. Laws upon few persons on that occasion, and Professor one of the 'recijjionts; On the Otb inst.j by speclab invitation, ho was one of •the members of the British Association,'who visited the Earl of Rossis, at Birr Castle, Par ’■ Sonstown; aqd. egamined the. Monster; Tele ■V graph, which Is at - once- one of the heieitifle' ' ,wonilers and tritunphs of the ago. v " ■' ! This election- of- an Amerlcai'scholar. to a Chair in ono of the great -European Universi ties,'abowßf-a- fine. Catholic spirit of fairness, which, wo rbjbice to.-say,iis f ,thieiliii.'Of our own previous'conduct W thisreaped,r~ South' Carolina and jfpw Vorh' ,liad ‘previously called .pr< FBANCts LiEiiEii, a Prussian,- to Profqs ; sorslilps ,1b . tlietr.- .Universities,- and Lotus • Aoassk, the eminent French naturalist, has siicCessivijly been Professor, at Harvard Col lege; aid thi Uniyerdity’ of Charlqßton.; Know ledge.has its birthplace In. heaven; dfaws'its ’nobility from God, and; has its abiding place in no particular locality, but the world.' ', THE ton IKEiSSBB. • ; ; There Is a report -Chat the Boston Submarine Armor Company have sent proposals to the ; underwriters of ..the CmlraLjAmerical Offering to raise the hull of that ill-fated steamer, with v' ; ia view. pf recovering the sl,6oo,ooo,which she ■ had on freight. The schooner, Eldonulo, ' 'which arrived; at Boston oh Thursday, and saw ~ the lights ~pf'the,C iniral America, disappear, at; a quarter to 8 o'clock IJ.1 J . H.,-on the 12th; :, lnsfohtf&res '(he locality with great precision,' - and,‘indeed, is-believed, to hayo.bad,tbat..p,o ’sltloh from Captain Heendox himself, an hour anC|K9an.Mnhhss; a 'beforo' t% - went ■ *-; down. 1 - The wrack Is supposed to. be tn twenty-, Mr. Smuhew Oaid . ,wpnh' (the.rescued passenger, lng account we exclusively published on Tues i 'vday); infOrmed' ns' that/ 'ahortly; before the - steamer wont they vainly attempted to "<• taUeaonndihgsi^ : > 1 , f- Siocxtosr, {mbiieherof the Bible ; . :: i!n Bep«raW ; ft'tirai>6nj, iB to fie»«h' inJeyno'e Afejtttil/ end'' eeenjitgi > a The jer =:a!:lnf fifjfi&w . Jd»®B CRIMINALS, GREAT AND SMALL. In New York, this week; Judge Bossstn sen tenced a man named HenmiOhan, convicted of highway robbery to;the valilo Of Five Dollars, to bo impriaoncd .in. the State Prison for Foetv xeabs. On th!s ;sCvero senicnee an arithmetical question might be’put,‘rrdf Hem higiian gets forty years‘for rdSiing:a man of five dollars, what oiight thtayo boen fluaxiso dom’s sentence' for forging to the extent of millions i Is the small rogue to be hardly dealt with, and the great one treated leniently? Hkn- NWHAEj git ignorant Irishman of 21, steals five dollars, and knock! V inaii down to got it. HmTiHoi>ox,‘a highly educated and well con nected “down cast" speculator, commits for igqries and frauds to the amount of millions. Henniqiian has Foarr years to spend ore his crime is expiated, (if he does not die orbecomo mad long' before,) but Huktikqdoh, even if hfe does not receive a free pardon long before, has only Five years to serve. It is better, therefore, to forge, than to rob. The taking $6, with violence, is voted brutal and vulgar— but there is something genteel, if not aristo cratic, in sitting quietly down in an office, cigar in month, forging signatures to bills, notos, and acceptances, getting money on them from the shaving-brokers of Widl street, and living en prince 1 on the cash, as a “fast man," rospected and respectable, hecauso he had a Fifth'Avenue mansion, luxuriously frir nished, kept a fine stud, duly sent his wifq to Saratoga with a full purso and fancy wardrobe which thebrightEnOEmE might view with envy, •honorodanotherlady or two With his protection '(and' p'ursey-in other sumptuous dwellings, and-went in, generally, for things pleasant, comfortable, and luxurious. Fifth Avenue greatly , grieved when Huhtingbon was sen tenced, .to , his, Fivo. years, and admiringly talked over the gigantic extent of his “ specu lations.” Five Points may have dropped a tear over Heseiohah’s Forty years, and ex claimed, “It is always our luck. The big roghes get the least punishment.” The trial of the pqbr.flve-dollar thief excited no interest. The Court was crowded when the Flfthavennefprgerimdswindlerwasatthobar— Which, by tho.way, he was, not,, for he sat next his counsel, andno stranger could have guessed, from the way he boro himself, and the respect Odth which he was treated; that he was on trial. The poor thief’s counsel did his dnty, no doubt, bnt the flashy forger’s' legal advisers ingeni ously argued that for his whole career, “in financial operations,” (as they delicately called his forgeries,) he was not legally or morally accountable, inasmuch as it was foolish to com mit crime, and the: reckless manner in which he had done it clearly showed a diseased and disordered state of mind; Absurd as this pro position was, it evidently had woight with the jury. By the Judge, it was properly received with contemptuous disbelief. At the, end of his Five years, (if not par doned before,) Huntmodoe will issue from Sing-Sing, still a young man, and as likely as not to resume “ financial operations ” among his old Wall-street associates. At the end of bis Forty years, 1 Hessiohak will be released from (bo same prison,’(if he' live'through the frill term of his sentence,).and comeback on ther world) an aged,'broken, wretched, isolated man, and . helpless, who would even re gret-the food and shelter and safety of tho gaol he had left.- Seems it-not as if thero -really was one measure of justice for the poor and another for the'rich? Surely, this remarkable in stance of unequal. punishment ought not oscapo the notice of the press and the govern ing authorities of New York., STATE POLITICS. - In elections to important public offices, and especially those of ari executive character, it is unfortunately too common to pay little re gard, to the qualification)' of ihe candidates. Mire <<talent,i’ in the broad .sense of tho term, will not always secure an efficient and profita ble discharge of duty. Exporienco in, and adSptatlon to, the partioular.duty to be perform ed, are requisites to success -in any prominent public position.- v This; period of great flnanbial difficulty in our commercial metropolis is a fitting time to reflect ,qpon tho grave importance of selecting an experienced and competent statesman for cmefExecßtrvßof-nie:Stato—-one-achooledin 1 the business of . State affairs, familiar .with its legislation and its wants. . The Democratic party presents Gen; Whliah F. Fackeu, of Lycoming, who has served, the State os Audjf tor-General, Cahal Commissioner, Speaker o| the House of Representatives, Senator, &c., aolf not only to the satisfaction of his party, in bach of which positions he bos acquitted him but to the whole people. Ho fault is now found by any of our people with his discharge of duty in any of these positions, experience in either of which would go far to fit him for the position of Chitif Executivo; nor will his general talent and ability be. denied. Ho is, then, palpably a proper man for the position— Bach an one as will give confidence in the Government,-.which is always precedent to steady confidence in general business opera tions. Again we say that this period of panic, confusion, and distrust; is a marvellously pro per timo to' think of these troths and to act upon them. , 1 , Neither of the opposition candidates : has the experience, and hence not the peculiar flt nessand competency, to discharge the duties pertaining to tho office of Governor in such manner as to restore and maintain public con fidence. Judge Wit Moria a mere sectional agitator, whose election upon such grounds, combined with hia Want of knowledge of State 'affairs, would only aggravate the great evils )fhjch,}iqw., .oppress , tho .communityi and Mr. HAZLEHonsi’sprospecta of election are hot of a' character to require remark. Our business men will net fail to appreciate the conse quences upon business of the election of a mete agitator to the chief office in tho State. With subh a result, there could be no rational hope of a return of business confidence. PROSPERITY AND PANIC— No. S, , The accounts from Philadelphia to-day, of trtrable withtkoßank of .Pennsylvania, again served to throw a eloud over themarkefc bare, and to oheok returning, confidence. The advices from the East are better *, tho banka. m© • becoming stronger, and all feeling of panlo seems to have subsided; but the increasing strength there is. in some degree, at the expense .of New York, since it is derived from Sales of paper at : high rates. Nevertheless, the payments from the country continue good, and the dry goods payments, thus far matured, are made with great promptness. Of tbo long list of failures paraded this week, qneonly is a dry goods house, and it Is offset by tho resumption of another pre viously reported. Tho pressure upon the redeeming banks in New York has becomes much diminished as to allow a resumptionof the regular employment in discounts of tho bank means, and regular dealers now pass their paper with more regularity. Tho failure of the Bank of Pennsylvania here has caused all. Philadelphia money to sell at 5 per cent, discount in the street, and, os a consoquenco, the htotropolitan and other redeeming banks re fuse it.- This is not the ooso with bank-money— that has a tangible security, like the'New York State, and some of the. Western banks, wbioh aro always taken without reference to the oonditition of the issuing bank, since .the Security is pro vided for independently. Honey, so sccurod is virtually government money, since it Is based on the State credits; and/wore all the States to adopt that system, wo should approach as nearly to a “national carrenoy” as is possible to do.. Penn sylvania has not adopted that system, and, as a consequence, js' exposed, in a moment of discredit like the present, to sustaiq a circulating panio. If the bills of the,Philadelphia banks were amply secured'on Pennsylvania stocks, the circulation would now offer no embarrassment either to the banks or tbo community. ’ Thus, ; whon tbo Me chanics* Banking Association failed, its circulation in this city was $200,000, scoured ott New York stocks; ft did not cease to circulate at par for a moment; it was taken up by other banks, returned in course of business to the bank department, its securities disposed of, with the bills cancelled, Without attracting any attention. On the other hand, the discredit of the, .Bank of Pennsylvania causes all Philadelphia money to sell at flvo per cent, discount, -This will be rapidly gathered up by brokers, and sent baok upon the issuing institutions, at, an inopportune inomont. The quantity hero is not probably largo enough’to create any serious difficulty. The condition of the Bank of Pennsylvania is considered an ex* oeptJonat one, and doea not give rise to serious forebodings, but Indicates the source of the trouble that Philadelphia merchants are encountering. Experience seems to show thatdaily “ clearings,” oh prompt'settlements ef balances, with secured notes and weekly, publications, although they may seem to bo r onerous conditions . for tbo time, are, after all, very necessary, as well for tho safety .of the banks themselves, os for tbo secu rity. of the public. Where daily settlements of balanced are enforced vigorously in specie, it becomes impossible for any bank long to employ its means outside of its regular business, because u».Wv»M»b *# o<w THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATtIftDAV, SEPTEMBER 28, 1857. manding the means to keep its settlement good. It is this enforcing settlement that constitutes tho safety and excellence of tho New England Suf folk system. In the six Now. England States oacli bank can tssuo as mnoh as is absolutely required for the’currency of its neighborhood Every sur plus dollar beyond that amount goes to Boston for redemption. Each hank is. there requirod to keep $3,000 on deposit with the Suffolk, and to redeem promptly all Its bills which aro presented. It bo oomes a neeesslty,thorcforo, to provide Boston funds, and particularly bills of other banka. Henoo ouch tank in Now England vigilantly employed tho whole timo in running all other banks to protect itself. It follows that ovory dollar issuod for ony other purpose than regular business, oomes back to tho issuing bank promptly for speoio. Honoo panlo can never drivo tho bills any faster, or im poso any extra strain upon tho banks. The clearing system of Now Tork operates in a similar way on tho city banks, hut tho ooun try . circulation, although woll seoured, is not subjeot to that continual rivalry, but spreads moro froely into circulation at tbo will of tho issuers. Honoo panlo will drivo it rapidly book in timo of pressure, oalling for an immonse additional oapital to operate tho redemption. It would soom, therefore, that os far as steadiness of onrronoy goes, tho New England plan is tho host, although it is by no means moro sate than tho Now York system. Pennsylvania has continued on tho old plan without any mutual ohook, oithor upon tho circulation or the dlsoonnts, oontontlng horsclf with a law prohibiting all bills bolow five dollars; and this has no doubt given her a larger speoio circu lation, while tho prohibition of tho bills of tho banks other States prevents any oloim upon othor States .by.rqturning them. That the Bank of Pennsylva nia may have been involved in irregular loans for want of some system of prompt oloaring is very pos. sible; but tho gonoral character of Philadelphia business oannot he regarded with distrust, al though all dealers suffer from tho rebound from an imprudent expansion. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. VIEBXTEHPS’-AHD TuAlßEno’S COXCERT Lust night this oonoert took placo, at tho Uusioal Fund Hall. Outside ooourronoos evidently had iittlo in fiuonoe on this occasion, for tho attondaneo was very good. Tho performers, instrumental and vooal, fully maintained their high reputation ; in dood Signor Booco has increased his as a buffo singor, first, by an amusing non-desoript song, "Tho Dram,” composed by himsolf; and next, in a vory dramatia duett, (ono of Rossini’s,) with Madame D’Angri. This lady was onoorod in a song of Doni sottl’s, and for tho repoat, gavo a sort of rataplan, rattling song, which was now to us. Sha gave ono of Paoiui’s beautiful arms, with her usual oloar ar tloulation, displaying tho power of her voloo. But wo must turn to tho instrumentalists. Thalberg is perhaps tho best pianist in tho world. At the ago of fifteen, ho became a pupil of Hum mel, tho most conscientious of instructors, who novor would ho bored with a dull pupil, and at tached himself, liko a father, to a bright ono. Baring the threo years of his instruction to Thal berg, bo always propheoiod great snooess. In 1830, at the ago of oighteon, Thalborg first played in London, whoro ho was considered as a youth of muoh promise. He did not nppoar beforo a Parisian audienoe until 1835—being thon in his twenty fourth year. Wo may mention that Sigismund Thalborg was bom at Goneva, in Switzerland, January 7,1812, and is therofore dosing his forty sixth year. From the first ho won tho applauso of tho diffi cult oritios of Paris. There was something in his sympathetic touch," as it has boon called, which mado the piano vory difforont under his fingers to what it had been, ero his advent, with most play, ers. He is a musieian, by physical ns well as men tal organization. He doos all hut mako tho in strument speak. As a composer, ho is head and founder of his own school,—his only error Is, tho frequent difficulty of his plooes, from not considering that what is faotio to him may ho a mountain in tho way of othors. His variations are wonderful. You never lose sight of tho origi nal air all thtough—it seems to float on tho waves of musio, which, with amight liko that of Proapero in tho Enohahtod Island, ho stills or agitates at will. This was evidenced in every thing of this descrip tion ho playod last night—in tho variations on tho musio from “Massanidloj” or that delicious air from “ L’Elisor d’Amore,” and on what ho sub stituted, on tho encore, viz; " Tho Last Roso of Bummer,” and thoseronado from “ Don Pasqualo.” As we saw hoto he played last night, (and as he always plays), we could not help thinking how much he differed from multitudes of performers, professional as well as amateurs, who bang and batter tho koys as if they were determined to heat melody out of them. How quiet, how grave, how easy did ho play—and how wonderfully woll! Yiouxtomps, as a violinist, Is vory highly esti mated in Europe. At no time was bo equsl to i?aganlni.' Bnt, at this moment, he is equal to Ernst—and that is saying a great deal. iVo aro strong in violinists in this country, at present— amonit sthorj, .Josonh Burke and.Jlsnrr..AWJ- Vienxtempa, therefore, ploys in Amorica before an aiidlenoo who can appreciate him. Last night, in less than fire minutes, he im pressed his nndlenoo with the convlotion thatfho has honestly won his high fomo. His most popu lar piece was a fantasia of his own from “I Lorn hardi," hismostartistioal—wondorfnlly effeotivo— was Paganini's “ Witobos’ Dahoo.” Ho was en cored in the oourse of the evening, and, like tho others, gave variety to the performance by substi tuting another piece. Madame D’Angri, a charming singor, has bean for some timo on this side of tho Atlantio, and bos gained "a fall grove of laurels.” With the ox* ooption of Sontag, no vocalist has over boon so popular os D’Angri, not only in good Amorioan society, bnt with her sndioneos. And what a splendid voloo, what a delightful manner, what skilful execution. How her oyes kavo utterance— glanoos aro very eloquent, at times—as well as her sweet lips. How gracefully sha acknowledges the applause, and half bashfully smites around, as if to show how happy it has mado her. Of oourso. What the dew or rain Is to tho flower or plant, applause (in tho proper plaoo) is to tho public per forator, whether actor, vocalist, or musician. Signor Rocco, we think, oamo to this country in tho Sontag troupe . Ho is “ a fellow of infinite wit and humoT” —at loast, no ono could sing as ho does without a lively approoiation of gaioty, hu mor, and harmony. The second conoort will ho given this ovoning, and tho merits of tho artists will oortainly draw a largo house. BETTER NEWS, At nine o’clock last evening tho New York hanks, as we are well informed, apprised the hanks of Philadelphia, of their determination to'assist them by an advance of a largo amount of specie ? and it is not an unlikely event that when tho Presidents meet their respective boards this morning, tho measure of suspen sion by our banks may bo abandoned. This timely aid reflects high credit upon our neigh bor-city, and is a lit response to the self-sacri ficing spirit which induced our merchants to meet the demands of their New York creditors during the jtffot three weeks. EXCLUSIVE NEWS FROM CALIFORNIA. Yesterday wo laid before our readers full details of tho important news brought from California by tho Hi-fated Central America , and rescued, from tho wreck by i( Billy Birch,” tho minßtrol, thus enabling << The Press” to givo the only intelligence from tho Golden State. No other paper had tho news. A PgNHBTLVANIAN RofcBKD IK CINCINNATI.— The Cincinnati Gomm-frctal of the 23d statos that on Tuesday last, a Mt. T. Dobbs, formerly of Hoi* lidayebarg, Pa., arrived- In this city, and took lodgings at the Steamboatman’a Hotel, on Front, near Ludlow, kept by a Gorman named Ebort. He wasexpeoted bore by Mr. J. B. at No. 66 Richmond street, and other friends, and had notified them of his intention to bring $3,000 in xnhnoy with him, to invest in business in this city. Mr. Bigham instituted search for him, and finally learned that he had stopped at tho above-named house.' Inquiring there, be learned that Mr. Dobbs had occupied a certain room, and upon re. pairing to tho apartment designated ho found a oarpot-saok Identified as the property of Mr. D., which had been broken open and its oontenta ran •aoked, but no due to Mr. Dobbs was discovered. Mr. Bigham also found an envelope directed to his address, the end of which had been torn off and the letter extracted,' Inquiring for further par ticulars, ho was answered by the landlord that tho “ old gentleman” (Mr. Dobbs) had only taken ono or two mods there, and that was all tho informa tion ho could give. Mr. Bigham took tho oarpot saok, and profferod payment of Mr. D-’s bill, but the landlord refused compensation. Mr. 8., who is a son-in-law to Mr D., states that the landlord can apeak good English when ho will, but iu reference to the missing man ho seoms to havo for gotten all knowledge of Anglo-Saxon. Circum stances justify the suspicion that Mr. Dobbs has boon murdered and robbed, and tbo foots ought to bo ferreted out. iMr. Dobbs is about sixty years old, is bald oa tbo top of his head, with patfhes of white balr. . . Muabsu near Trenton, N. J.—Joseph Dow' nle, a oolored man living about a milo above Bir mingham, Meroer county, was brought to Tronton, on Thursday, to await his trial for shooting his wife on Wednesday night—the injuries received resulting in her doath. Downie, it appears, has another wife living, and is regarded «» a bad man bv the people In tho vicinity. On Wednesday ho visited the fair at Nowtown in company with tho deceased and somo others, and after their return he and bis wife commenced quarreling. Ono of the nersons present' interfered, when Downto ordered him out of the house. The man refusod to go, and Downie went up stairs and got his gun, uttering threats againßt the man and his wlfo. Com ing down stairs tho gun was discharged, the whole load taking offoot in tho calf of tho right leg of his wife Although Downlo has frequently threatened the iifo of his wife, it is supposed by tho porsons present that the shooting was aooidontal. 110 was muoh affooted by tho ooourronoo, and ran immedi ately to tho neighbors for nssistanoo. Beveral come In, but were unablo to stop tho flow of blood. Dr Souddorwasoaiiodandstannohod tho wound, but it was too late-tho woman hod already lost I too tmioh blood) asd soon fiftor died. BY MIDNIGHT MAIL . FROM WASHINGTON. [Special Correßpondenco of The Press.] : Cabinet Meeting—Revenue Lands—Major Lind sey—Nption&lHotel—Nnval Intelligence—Ap pointments, &o, Wasiunotoh, Sept. 25, 1857. In tho rogular Cabinet session to-day, nothing was dono outside of tho current departmental busi ness. The Seoretary of tho Navy has docided not to award for the construction of tho new Bio6ps;pf-war until tho return of tho Presi dent, / , . The Treasury Department bos boon engaged dtuing this wook iu uxaklog up its report to Con gress; on the chango required in existing laifs re lative to \hQ personnel of tho foroo for colleotlng the customs and revenue sorvioo generally. Gov. Cobb is ambitious to codify the Rovonue Laws of tho United States under the laiy of last session* in a manner to meet with general approval through out tho Atlantio and Paelfio seaboards, and on tho part of Congroßs. Enoh particular branch will bo submitted by itsolf. Major Lindsey, Quartermaster in tho Marine Corps, is at tho point of death. Tho National Hotel is to bo opened in a little while, by a company of four New Hampshire men. They have given security for tho due performance of thoirpartof agreomont. Thoyare to have U rent freofor aperiod of years. Tho President has appointod Patriot H. Borns postmnator at Dover, New Hampshire, vice Benja min F. Yittum, from 31st Ootobornoxt. Tho Secretary of the Navy received the follow ing letter from Commander Page : “ Funciul, Madeira, Aug. 30,1857. “ Sir : I have the honor to report my arrival at this placo in twenty-four days from the United* States. “ I made tlm island on tho 18th day, after a fine run, but, meeting with an unusual wind, almost without precedent at this season of tho year, found it impossible to make tho anohorago before the 29th. ' “ Tho wind blew almost n gate for six-days, making a heavy sea off tho island, and unsafe at tho anohorago. u I am happy to report tho officers and men In general good hcnlth. I shall sail again. *t the oarliest dato after fitting up with wood water. “ I have communioated with the oonsul apd go vernor of the island, and have found nothing to report. The govornor I found courteous and exdetd* ingly friendly to the United States. “ Vory respectfully, your obd’t servant. U R. L. Paoh, “ Commanding H. S. Sloop Germantown.*- . Also, the following advices from the AfridfiS squadron: “United States Flag-Ship Ccwqert.and, “Porto Grande, Ang. 25, 1857. “ Sir : 1 have the honor to announce my arri val at this port. The United States ship Dale sailed hence on the 18th instant, for tho month of tho Congo river, and Saint Paul de Leando, on tho west const of Africa. I this day inspected tho United Statue sloop St. Lawrence, Commander J. W• Livingston, and mako a favorable report “ I have ordored tho St. Louis to proceed to Cape Palmos and Capa Mcsurado. Returning the lost of October or the Ist of November to the Cape de Verdo Islands, she will await for relief or further orders from tho Department. “Six American oitizens, found here in distress by Commander Mcßlair, I havo transferred to the6t» Louis, to bo earriod to the United States. “I propose to prooeed immediately down- the coast, and will probably return to these islands in November noxtr ‘ “I am, respectfully, your obodlont sorront, " Thomas a. Cokover. “Hon. Isaac Tobcey, Seoretary of Navy.” By the 7th seotlonof the act of Congress approv ed August 18, 1856, (Statutes for 1856, page 91, chap. 129,) tho Seorotary of the Interior is autho rized to make an allowance, “subject to the ap proval of Congress, of suoh reasonable compensa tion for additional clerical services and extraordi nary expenses incident” to the offices of registers and receivers os “ho shall think just and proper,” and is required to “report to Congress all ?&eh eases of allowance at each succeeding stasibn. estimates of the sum or sums required tosay the same. Tho General Land Office has now in course of preparation, in accordance with the aot above al luded to, estimates for the eoming fisoil year of tho sums required for tho additional olorioa! force necessary in oonduoting the newly established land offieea in Nobraska and Minnesota. Tho PostmaßteT’General has appointed Joseph 0. Hasbrouek, of Ulster county, New York, General Route Agent on the Hudson River Railroad, trice 'William P. Popper, decoasod. Henry L. Martin, of Miss., has been appointod to the $2,000 olorkship in the Goneral Land Office, mado vacant by tho resignation of Wm. Steiger. James H. Sprolo, appointed light-house kyeper at Pass Manchoc, La., in place of BoqjamlnUPil liamfl, removed. Salary $6OO. per annum. Tho snbjoinod is a statement in general of tho business of the Gonoral Land Office for the month ending Beptemhor 5,1857 : Letters received and registered. Letters written and recorded.., 4,064 3,828 fr.27o iBI? rrfrnr Patents engrossed..,.. Patents examined.,... Patents tran5mitted............. IntnetTHmflU-on: v»Cv Acres ofscrip issued. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Tribute of Respect to the Memory of Lieut* Herndon? bjr his Brother Officers. Washington, Sept. 25,—The officers of the navy and merino corps, now in this city, numbering between fort; and fifty, held a meeting this otening, to giro an expression of their feolings at the untimely loss ol? and to pa; a tribute of respoct to the memory of the!.* late brother-officer, Captain Herndon, Commodore Shcbrlck presided, and Commanders Rogers and Page aafod as Secretaries. Appropriate resolutions wero adopted, amongthem the following: ' , Resolved, That while we proffer to tho widow and daughter our heartfelt condolence, and the assunpee of our readiness to maintain In dud tho sympathy which we haro endeavored to enforce In words, we indulge the hope that the wives and daughters of all oor pro* foifllonal brethren will co-operate with us in contribu ting to thorn that material aid of which they bars been bereft in tho loss of our gallant officer. Resolved, That a monument bo erected at the Naval Academy of Annapolis commemorative of the dream stances of his death, not only as due to his uemoiy, bat to incite to tho emulation of his noble conduct. A committee of seven was appointed to oar# this latter resolution into effect. The News of the Philadelphia Bank Panic Charleston, Sept. 25.—The nows of the suipmslon of the Dank of Pennsylvania, and the refusal .of tbo Girard and some other banks of Philadelphia to redeem their deposits, excited, great surprise in our commercial circles. Railroad Affairs—Meeting of the Stockholders of the Michigan and Southern Railtead — Election of Birectors, Ac. Adrian, Mien., Kept. 25.—A meeting of tbo stock holders of tho Michigan and Southern Railroad Ooppa ny Is now being held here. ' The following gontlemon have been unanimously elected Directors—ovor eighty thousand votes being cart, Tin: John D. Janria, Sami. Yf. Comstock, Ql&rk son N. Potter, Robert L. Olyphant, all of New York city; Geo. BUbs, of Springfield, Mom.; John O. Wright, of Seheneotady, N. Y.; It. 8. Burrows, of Orleans co., N. Y.; NoUon Beardsley, of Auburn, N, Y ; Jobs S. Prenty, of Genera, N, Y.; Ransom Gardner, of Detroit, Mieh.j Schuyler Colfax, of South Bond, Ind.; Hiram Sibloy, of Rochester,N. Y.j and Wm. Wolcott, ofTJtiea, N. Y. Resolutions were passed, expressing entire confidence in tho direction of tho affairs of the road, anqthe be lief that, by proper management, it con be m&ip to pay fair dividends. Also, ordering tho general office to be removed to some point on the lino of tho road,! The Suit against the Reck Island Railroad. CiHoAQo,Bept.22.—‘In the case of the steamer Effle Aften vs. The Rock Island Railroad. Company, relative to a certain bridge, which has been on trial for two weeks in the circuit court, the jury failed to were discharged last night. f " rr Markets* Nrw Orleans, Sept. 25,—Cotton—Tho e&los to-day wero 2,500 bales at for Middling. Tha re ceipts of the past week amounted to 10,600 • balefr, and the sales to 1u,600. The stock in port is 30,000 baler. Flour fluoted at $0 00. Coffee-Sales of prim* Rio »t 11c. The sales of tho week wore 1200 bags, Tbo stock In port amounts to 117,000 bags. Sterling Ix change quoted at 10J5 cent, premium. Charleston, Bcpt. 25.—Cotton—Bales of the -week 700 hales, at 15#o for Middling fair. 200 tierces of new Rice, tho first ot tho season, were sold at 4,qa4j{(id£?d Wheat 125c©130c. A Fewalb Shot in a Water Street Dance House.— Deliberate Attempt at Murder.— Shortly before 12 o’clock, on Thursday night, a deliberate attempt was made to take the life of Ann Thomp son, a girl of bad roputo, who boarded in the donoo house of Sandy Mulholland, 315 Wator stroet. Ann, it appears, was formerly on intimate tsrmfl with ono James Mahonoy, An Irish boatyan, who bears a very suspicious character, but owing to a difficulty botwcon them, they became ono&ios. At tho time named, Ann was standing in tho front door of Mulholland’s house, when jiahonoy passed on tho sidewalk, and a dispute arose be tween them, which resulted in Mahoney drawing a pistol ahd discharging it at Ann. She received a bullet in tbo left shoulder or side, infiiotieg a very dangerous and porhaps fatal wound. Another ball, which is supposed to havo boon iu the pistol, passod over tho head of the injured girl, and lodged in the coiling. Mahonoy was promptly arrested by Officer Walsh, of tho Fourth Pro* oinot, and looked up to await on examination. The blooding victim was convoyed to tho Now York Hospital, wboro sho romalas in a critical condition. —New Yorh Evening Post yesterday . A Mountain or Salt in Missoußi.-rlt seems that tho resources of our noble State tffll never ceaso dovoloping. Something new, great, or won derful, la constantly turning up. Thelitost dis oovory Sa a specimen of salt iocs, handed us yes terday by Mr. Nettleton, olork of steamer Garwin. It was takon from a hill, or nquotains of tho saroo material, just discovered a jhort dis tance from the Mississippi Kiver, on the Missouri side, and about 72 miles from St. Louis.lt is sit uated on Saline Creok, in Perry county, and al most on a lino dividing that county from St. Gone vlove county. Saline Creek omptioa.' iuto tho Mississippi river about 3i miles below &. Mary’s landing. The Bpeeimon boforo us resembles a. ploco of quarts: rock, and ia a little mixed with a substance resembling iron oro. It has a pure, taste, and when ground to powder is as white fs any of the table salt now in general uso. If ws are not misinformed, this hill of salt will prove an ini monso speculation to its owners, and wIU obeapen the prloe of that article vjory materially *h® city.— St, Lome JDmowt, ADDITIONAL FOREIGN NEWS. [FROM LONDON AND LIVERPOOL FILES RECEIVED BY TIIB CANADA At flllfl OFFICE ] “ iNDiAtf Mutiny Relief Fund.— Tho following Is a oopy of a telegraphic despatch from Colonel Phipps to tho Lord Mayor, dated Balmoral, Sep tember 0! “You may announce subscriptions to tne Fund for the Indian Sufforera of £l,OOO from tho Qaeen, £3OO from the Prinoe Consort, and £lOO from the Buohess of Kent.” On the 9th the Lord Mayor of London announced that the fund for the relief of the b offerers by the Indian mutiny amount ed to £16,710. This includes tho subscription of tho Emperor Napoleon and the Iroporial Guard. Tho most munifioent offering from a private individual Is that of the Dowager Lady Forbes, who gives £l,OOO. The Duko of Cambridge, the Duka of Norfolk, the Marquis of Land&uowne, Lord Overstono, Lord Palmerston, and Mr. Vernon Smith, subscribe £lOO each. Tho Governorsof the Bonk of England hovo subscribed £5OO. Grind’ lay's Home News says : We have authority for stating that there is no foundation for the reported donation of Lord Dalhoueio, of the pension of £5,000 per annum, which he receives from the Court of Dlreotors; although generally notiflod by tho public press, nothing Is known of the faot at the Mansion bouse. Lord Robert Grosvenorls gazetted Baron Ebury, of Ebury Manor, Middlesex, and the Right Hon. T. B. Macaulay, as Boron Macaulay, of Rothley, In the county of Leicester. The Sunday Times says there is not tho slight est foundation for the roport that the Right lion. Robert Vernon Smith was about to vacato tho offloe of President of the Board of Control. The Limeriok Reporter contains the following reference to Mr. Monsoll: “It is not, wo believe, generally known that the Right Hon. W. Monsoll, [. P M has oeased to hold office in the present Government. The right hon. gentleman’s duties ns President of the Board of Health are now dis charged by the Hon. Mr. Cowper, under tho recent apt of Parliament. Mr. Monsoll was offered tho under-scoretarysbinof tho Colonies, an offioewhioh ho declined accepting.” The Earl of Mountoashell has jast disposed of the Island of Amherst, near Kingston, in Upper Canada, to his relative, Major Peroival Maxwell, for a sum little short of £OO,OOO. This sale, it is added, “will materially alter the state of his Lordship’s affairs.” . The 6th of October has been definltivley deoidod upon for launohiog the Great Eastern. Thomas Hiohens, the poor fisherman who was the means of saving the Exmonth, 90 gun screw ship, when embayed among the rocks, in a covo near Kynance, in April last, has been rewarded Jytho Admiralty with the sum of £5 for saving q English line-of’battloshlp, with a crow of 700 1 or 800 souls. It was announced this morning that tho subma rine cable to connect tho Island of Sardinia with- Algerla, and bring Franco into direct communica tion with that oolony, has been safely laid. Tho longth of tho line is ono hundred and forty-six sta tute miles, and tbo amount of cable paid out about one hundred and seventy-two miles. Tho o&blo has four wires, two of whioh will be appropriated to the French Government, and its contract price was 50,000/. The undertaking has been oarried out by tho Mediterranean Company, by whom the first part of the line—namely, from Gonoa to Cor sica and Sardinia—had been previously completed. They havo a capital of 300,000/. and a guarantied rate of interest from the Sardinian and Frenoh Governments.— Times. Tho last despatches received by the Frenoh Gov ernmont from Hong Kong oontradiot tho announce ment in tho American papers that the United States squadron in the Chinese seas had taken possession of tho Island of Formosa The squad ron in question, according to these despatches, consists only of the ateam-frigato Jacinto, of 13 guns, and the corvette Levante, carrying 18. The Court of Assises of tho Seine has terminated its cognisance of the plot against tho Emperor of the Frenoh by extending its judgment to the ab sentees inoriminated. Of tho ouTprits actually ar rested, Tibaldi was condemned to transportation, and Grilli and Bartolotti to fifteen years imprison ment. Marilni, Lodru-Rollin, Massaronti, and Campanella wore tried aooording to Frenoh lorms, in their absenoo, and haro now boon sentenced to transportation also. Tho Times says: “We foell bound, on tho pre sent occasion, to say that tho evidenoe by whioh M. Maziini has been inculpated is not of snob a oharaoter as convicts him of saboming assassins in the eyes of Englishmen.” Tho Assembles National has re-appeared under its new name of the Spectateur. It is said that M. Foutd, the minister of stato, beforo he anittedParis to preside over the connoil general of his dopartmont,' assembled several bankers to consult them on the best measures to bo i adopted to givo more animation to tho Bourse. It is further stated that tho bankers wore unanimous in 'reoommonding that the entranoo to the Bourse should again be declared free, and that the new taxon tho transforof negotiable securities should bo repo&led. Tire Conference of the Emperors.— Tho Independence states that England is so occupied with tho Indian outbreak os to make her desire to put an end to tho coolness which, sinoo the peace, , has existed between her and Russia; whilst, on tho other hand, the Czar Alexander is sincerely attaobod to that policy whioh can alone realise his wishes for tho development of tho great bat no glected resources of his empire. Finally, tho Em peror Napoloon is admirably situated between those two tendencies for serving as a point of union, and for obliterating tho last marks of old dissonsions. Tire Survivor from Cawnpore.— Letters havo been received from Ensign Robert Browno, of the late 56th Bengal Native Infantry, who arrived in General Havelook’s camp on tho 13th of July. Ho did not osoapo from the ontrenohmonts at Cawn pore, hut was on detaohed duty at a short distance with two companies of his regiment; they muti nied on tho 6th of June, but tho Sepoys allowed their offieers to csoapp. From that date ho wan dered about the oountry disguised as a native, until ha renamed thb English eantp. ono march above Futteyporo, where he immediately joiood tho volunteer corpft of oavalry composed of offi cers, and was advancing with the army on Cawn pore. Queen’s Troops in India.— lt is authorita tively stated that when all the reinforcements qow on their way and undor orders for India have readied their destination, tho total foroo of Quoen’s troops at tho disposal of the Indian Government will be as follows: 11 regiments cavalry, 55 in fantry, 4 troops of horse artillery, H companies of engineers, making altogether, with tho company’s European regiments, 87,000 Europeans. The East India Company chartered 11 sorow steamers yesterday for Tndia. No sailing vessels accepted, of whioh about two hundred wore of fered. Tho following are the names of tho steam ers accepted, and their destination—For Bombay: Great Britain, Italian, Indoinitablo, Melbourne, and Princess Charlotte (Belgian.) For Calcutta: Charity and Bt. Louis (French.) For Madras: Bahiana. For Kurraohoo: Ireland, Anstria, and Leopold. The Rev. F. Lwrolx, writing from Calcutta on July 17th, to the Secretary of tne London Mission ary Society, states that all its missionaries, with their families, were safe, so far as he know. Only Mr. and Mrs. Budden, at Atmorah, had not been heard of, and there was no reason to doubt respect ing thorn. COMMERCIAL. The Increase la tbo bullion of tho Bank of Franco is understood to bo much lea l , than was at onetime al leged. It is now said to be only about £lOO,OOO or £120,000, and this has boon from Urge artificial pur chases. The account* regarding the results of tho har vest appear to oxceed the best anticipations. Private letters state that the recent difficulties in connection with tbo management of the Credit Mobillerhave been smoothed over. The Herald says that in London it U very evident tho domand for money will be at present maintained. The payments on account of the revenue, and tho ab sorption for agricultural purposes, assist to stimulate tho general inquiry, and consequently the hill brokers are enabled to obtain the minimum terms charged by the hank. The Daily News says: “Wo cannot Indulge in any very bright visions of great commercial success on the East Coast of Africa. The prevalence of Mabomodan ism thore is a very adverse element, and tho country is, therefore, to be approached and examined both by the Government and commercial men in a oautlous spirit.” [From the Now York papers.] The UMated Central America. Wo are ofton asked by lottor how Jong H will bo botore the authenticated passenger list of the Con* trol Amcrioa will be received. There is no dupli oato in tho hands of the Panama agent, as has boon stated; consequently, tho namos and number of the pasaongera by the Control Amorioa will not be known until the return of the California steamer after the arrival out of tho intelligence of the disaster, whioh will bo in something over two months. It is reported that negotiations aro going on botwoon tho Poston Submarine Armor Company and tho underwriters of the Central America, to raiso her hull, whioh is supposed to lio in about 23 fathoms water. The apeoie in her alono would furnish amplo inducement for tho oxporiinent, if her position oan bo accurately fixed, and that it ean is probable, from tho fact that Captain Hern don was reported to have given hor position to the vessol whioh refiuod to oomo to his roliof. In addition to tho namos already published of passengers by the Central Atnorioa, known to have been an board and supposed to bo lost, the-follow ing worp communioatou to us yesterday by one cf tho passengers: Capt. l)yor, of Panama. Mr. Jeromo,of Panama, engineer. A. T. Dolano, of Boston. Mr. Snydor, cf Philadelphia; leaves a wifo and children. An Englishman (namo unknown) who was for merly olerk in tho Panama Railroad Company's offioe, and his son. A young man (name unknown) from Woaver ville, Trinity county, Col., bound to Illinois. Philip , a blacksmith, from Woavorvillo, Trinity county, Cal., bound to England. Throe young men (names unknown) who had been shipwrecked on tho ooast of Poru, and wero being sent homo by the American oonsul at Panama. Mrs. Cunnixouau once More. Supreme Court, ~This morning Mr. Stafford, Mrs. Cun ningham'S counsel applied for a eertiorart to ro uioyg her case from the Oyer and Terminer into tho Supremo Court CirouU. Tho application is mado in order that tho vouuo may bo changed Into another county, on ncoount of tho groat pub lic oxoltomont in regard to tho onso. Mr. Obatflold appeared for Mrs. Cuuninghain, and Mr. Whiting on tho part of tho people, was present, and made somo remarks, but did not wish to bo understood as appearing to opposo tho grant ing of the writ. At the request of Mr. Whiting the motion was postponed until this morning. Ludicrous Incidents in tlmh oir Danger.— When tho steamer IsoaoNowton broke hor walking on Saturday night, tho lamentable disaster to tho Central Amorioa was so fresh in the minds of tho passongors that it added much to tho exoitoment and alarm. Tho Troy Budgot says ; “ One gontloman was so ovoroomo with fear that ho plungod headlong out of his state-room window into the water. Another, a hypochondriacal old fellow, from lloohoster, How York, awoke at tho first crash, seised his carpet bag and bounced out of his room. With a whoop'of despair ho ran aft, and grasping four life-preserver?, placed two of them around his oarpot bag, and the others on oaoh arm. Thus accoutred, ho sauntorod biuk with baad erect, and with a pleasant, solf-roliant expression. It was not until his attention was dirootod to his light garments that ho shot baok again to his state.room. CouPLiMHKTitla AN Editor.— Mr. Thos.. D’Aroy MoGhoe, editor of the Montreal Neto Era t and well known in this city and Btato as a writer and loc tutor, is about receiving a substantial testimonial from bis Canadian frionds, before tho olose of Oc tober. In Monlroal alone, in a few days, the sum of nino hundred and fifty dollars wus subscribed and paid in. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS THIB EVENING. MusioiL Fund Hall, Locust striset, above Eighth. —Grand Concert by Henry Vieuxtempa, assisted b/ 8. Thaiberg and a troupo of artists, National Thsatrs, Walnut Btrret, abovh Eighth. —“ George Barnwoll”—“ Jack Sheppard.” Walnut Sweet Theatre. N. K. corner of Ninth and Walnut streets.— “ The Last Man”— I“Ernes tine”—“ Fearful Tragedy Up Town.” Wheatley’* Arch Street Theatre, Arch street, above Sixth.— “ Hamlet”—” A Coajugal Lesion.” Sanford’s Opera House, Eleventh Btbest, abots Orestnut.— Ethiopian Minstrelsy, concluding with a Laughable Burlosque. The Panic at Us Height—lntense Excitement in various settions of the City —“ Rim” upon the Banks—Talk on the streets.— For a number of daya past monetary affairs in our city have been deoldcdiy unsettled; but it was not until yesterday that tho full offoet of the rumors which nave been extensively circulated relative to some of our city banks was generally appreciated. Tbo immediate effect of these rumors has increased the publie uneasinoss recently manifested, and has caused an almost unparalleled state of exoitomont in all classes of too community. The monetary troubles reached their climax when it was announced yesterday morning that the Bank of Pennsylvania bad suspended its specie payments. A “run” was at onco commenced on most of the city banks. Note holders were desirous of obtaining specie for their paper, and some of the depositors became scared ana withdrew their deposits. At several of the banks, including the Bonk of Penn sylvania, crowds commenced gathering as soon as the doors were opened, and the tellers had their hands full oxohanging gold and silver for paper. The banks redeemed their notes as fast as they were offered, but throngs of curious lookers-on oo* oupied tho side-walks, and earnestly discussed tho extraordinary position of affairs during the fore noon. The Bank of Pennsylvania opened in tho morn ing, hut the doors wore soon closed again. This course attracted a great crowd of persons, and the street was througod during the morning. The outsido gates on Seoond and Lodge streets were olosed, except to porsons who had business at the institution, and the following notice was pinned upon the railing: ■ Bank or Psnnstlvania, September 25th. Resolved, That tho Bank suspend specie payments until further action of tho Board. By order of the Board of Directors. Thomas Allibone, President. Very large crowds of people gathered in the vicinity of the different banking institutions, some attracted by interest, and others by curiosity*. Timid poople were out in full force, almost quak ing with fright, firmly impressed with tho idoa that all tho oank notes in their possession were just about as valuablo as waste paper. At a later hour in tho forenoon, the official notice of the sus pension of tbo Bank of Pennsylvania was. exten sively circulated, as follows: ” BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA. ) Philadelphia, Sept. 25,1857.} . “ This Bank having been compelled to temporarily suspend specie payments, the Board of Directors assure all porsoni having claims against the Bank, whether of Circulation, Deposit, or otherwise, that no loss can POSSIBLY OCOUR. “By order, and on behalf of the Board of Directors. Thos. Allibone, President. Numbers of excited individuals gathered in front o£ tho gates on Second, Bank, and Gold streets, leading to tho Pennsylvania Bank, hut no person was allowed to enter this institution unless he had business to trunsact. We saw High Constables Russell, Trefts, Clark, and Watt, and special Officers D. S. Smith, Caliawan, Taggert, and O&rlin, engaged in preserving the peace, and pre venting the thoroughfares from being obstructed in this vioimty. It was not a littlo amusing to witness the various ludicrous scones which transpired during tho day. It appeared as though tho wuolo male population had found its way to tho eastern seotion of the city, for tho stroots cast of Fifth wero densely thronged, and speoial dotails of policemen from tho difforent wards wore required to be eoattered along to keep tho crowd moving in tbo gangways. In every oommunity thero is a class known as “ talkers,” and it need hardly bo said that tboy figured most conspicuously yesterday. Hero and there tboy wero gathered in groups, engagod in earnest conversation on tho ability of tbo banks to meet their liabilities, and ono would infer, from their exoited manner and fierao gesticulation, that tho institution in which all their deposits were made was either about to break, or in great danger of it, when, in faot, if the truth wore told, the en tire party could only boast of “nary red.” The •» bulls” and “ bears” were in amicable discourse, viewing tho subject of tbo “run” in different lights. Wo suppose that during tbo day we were sainted over a dozen of times with the questions, “Have yoa got your money out?” “Has Red Bank failed?” “Have you suspended yet?” Ac., Ao., to all of whioh interrogatories we replied in the same spirit of jest and amusement which suggested thorn. Numerous similar questions were pro pounded to each othor by acquaintances as they met at different places. The best good temper provailed, and the crowd was, in tho main, in the most eheorful humor. Some of those who had joined in tho rush'for specio oamooutof tbo doors of the banks jingling their “ shiners,” but seemingly at a loss what to do with thoir cumbrous “piles.” At several of the banks thero wero many who repaired to the receiving toller’s desk with new deposits, and wo have no doubt that some of the speoie drawn on the spur of the moment, found its way book again through the bands of tbo receiving tellers. In front of tho Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, on Chestnut street, above Fourth, wo saw an over* joyed individual, who appeared from the “rural districts,” who had two bags of gold with him, which in his joy at having scoured his funds from the “genoral wreck" ho was flourishing—one in one haud, and one in the other. At all of the banks, on which there was anything of a run, the cheeks provided for the use of customers vanished with a rapidity at which tho rannors stared. - Tho fihirogrqpby in tho way qf sig natures to phoeks were in seme instance* so’ bur riod by the ludicrous fright of the drawers os hardly to bo recognisable. The “run” on the Bank of North Amerioa was continuod during the bank hours, but notes were redeemed, and checks O promptly and oheerfully. The Girard, esmen’s, Commercial, and City Banks, and Bank of Commeice, redeemed all their notes very promptly, but refusod to pay chocks until after one o’clock in tho afternoon. This promise was com plied with by all the banks except tbo Girard, whioh promises to pay all checks upon presenta tion this morning. Thero has been nothing to equal tbo oxoltement whieh was everywhere man ifest during the whole day since tho financial em barrassmonts of the eventful year of 1837. Philadelphia Trade Sate. —Despite tho com mercial gusts out of doors, Messrs. Thomas suc ceeded in coaxing the trade Into good bids yester day. This morning, G. P. Putnam, of New York, offers a large miscellaneous invoice, including {un published) sots of “Irving Vignettes,” and various sots of “Bracobridge Hall,” and the “Life of Wash ington.” Willis P. Haxardjfollows, also, with a largo collection of valuable works, Standard, Libra ry, and Illustrated editions, a large supply of the Poets, in all sizes, and a groat many books for children. Tiokpor A Fields, of Boston, presont a select, rather than a largo invoice of their hand somely got-np works. Our townsman, T. B. Peter son, follows, and, albeit, a quiet man, soems re solved to “play the Diokens” with tho trade. In | othor words, ho presents twelvo difforent editions, in octavo form, and all varictlos of bind ing, of Charles Dickens’s works. This fills thir teen volumes, and makes almost a library of fiction of itself. Ho also offers the 12mo. 'lllustrated edition, just completed,-with all the engravings which appeared in the works os originally pub lished in London, from original drawings by if. K. Brown, Cruikshank, and Cattcrmole. He also has tbo works of Mrs. Hants and Mrs. Southworth, Charles Lover, Warron, Cockton, T. S. Arthur, Captain M&rryat, several Cookery Books, and many miscellaneous works. John P. Jewott A Co., of Boston, h&vo a miscellaneous collection. Sheldon, Blakuman, A Co., New York, offer on educational, roligious, miscellaneous invoice. M. W. Dodd, Rudd, A Corloton, R. M. Do Witt, Dick A Fitzgerald,D. AJ. Sadloir, and somoother New Yorkors, will also bo under tho hammor to-day. Miller A Burlook, J. W* Moore, Hayes A Zell, Hunt FA Sod, 0. G. Henderson, Lee A Walker, and a fowfrom other oitics will close to-day’s sa!o. The invoices of stationary will bo on the tapis on Monday. •Alleged Case of Incendiarism. —A paragraph appeared In ono of the afternoon yesterday, oaloulated to produce a wrong impression relative to tho slight fire whioh ooourred between 12 and 1 [o’clock yesterday morning. It was stated that tho contents of a crato of hay wore scatterod about in front of a rowjof small houses in acourt, baok of Lox loy Hall,at tho corner of Sooond and Little Dook stroots, and sot ou fire; and* that tho flames com municated to tho wood work of tho outside of tho buildings. Upon inquiry, wo learn that such is not the foot. A ora to of hay which stood in tho yard attached to tho Loxley llall was discovered to booQ firo, but the flames wore extinguished be fore thoy had done any damage. Tho orato stood apart from all other articles in tho yard. It is quito probable that tho fire originated from alight ed cigar, oarolcssly thrown from the window of one of tho upper rooms of tho Hall, in whioh a ball was in progress. The oiroumstances of tho case, as certained after thorough investigation, do not jus tify tho supposition that thoio was any attempt at incendiarism. It is bad onough to bo compelled to record noaso of inoendlarism whore tho proof is olourly defined ; but for tho suko of the reputation of our oity, do not lot us multiply imaginary in stances of crime. •Arson tn the Nineteenth Ward. —A slaugh ter-house at Tioga and Torphin streets, in tho nine teenth ward, was fired on tho night of tho 12th inst. Tho building was insured in tho State Mu tual and Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Insurance Com panies, and the fire marshal, in investigating tho causos of tho firo, was induced to believe that tho orimo of arson hod been perpetrated, with tho viow of rocovering the insurance. Tho owner of tho property, Charles Cotter, was there fore arrested, and will hare a hearing to-day beforo Aldorman Cotter fishes for a living during the spring and summer sea sons, ana in cold weather follows thoocoupation of a sort of country butchor, commonly known ns a “ shinnor,” or hawkor of meat. A short time sinco ho was held to ball by AldGHn&B MoOonaughy, on tho ohargo of falso protonoe, and subsequently a charge of tho larceny of a gun was preferred against him. On Thursday morning he was tracked to his house by the polico, and ho sought safety in flight. Ho ran into tho marsh, followed in oloso pursuit by tho officers, and was finally oapturod without any sorious resistance. Ho was oommittod by Aldorman Williams. Tho gun was reooverod and taken to tho Mayor’s offico. We learn that tho battle-ground at Ger mantown is being disposed of for town lots. The old field and tho houso of Chew aro on tho main street, about n half milo above tho railroad depot. A short distance below tho spot is a small grave yard, on a visit to which tho stranger will dis cover tho rosllng places of somo of the viotims of tbo bloody period. Tho inscription upon one of tho tombstones runs thus: “Honor to tho bravo. 111 c jaoot in paco. Major Irrine, Capt. Turnor, of tho National Guards; Adjutant Lucas, and six soldiers —Americans killed in tho battle of German town —one cause, ono grave.” In various other portions of tho ground tho marks aro perceptible of gravos whoroin repose alike English and Ameri can soldiers. « The Cry is, Still they Come.”—His Excel lency Governor Pollock, it appears, still desires aids, “with tho rank of Lieutenant Colonel.” G. W. Bartholomew, a graduate in the engineer de partment at West Point, and Charles Jewell, have boeu honored with this title of distinction. The disbanding of tbo present very largo corps of aids is not far distant. Samuel Ramsey , who was arrested on Thurs day night by High Constable Russell, bad a hear ing yesterday morning before Alderman Eneu, on tv onßTgo of having in bis possession a large quan tity of spurious coin, consisting mainly of oounter frit half-dollars. Iho Mowed was oommittod. the courts. YESTERDAY*B PROCEEDINGS. ' [Reported for The Press,] caTo cSTt 1 ?* 0 Woodward.-Tbejuty „ Ifa/Tobui w. tho Keystone W dlot ftr C th a plafnUff Affred”? Sow f- t r ho puS Hood, Paxton, A Price for defenants * Edmund M. Ivens vs. John Gannum? and Wm Whiteman, trading as the firm of Lnunnl A Whiteman.—An aotion for damages for the sale of property belonging to the plaintiff by tho defen df • .HP 00 an execution against the father of the .plaintiff, whose name is Martin Ivens. The de fence set up U, that tho property did at the time belong to Martin Ivens; that as the property was sold by counsel’s direction, and therefore there can be no malicious intention in the sale under the execution. On trial. David Paul Brown and John Markl&nd, Esq ra., for plaintiff; Briggs and Storer, Esqrs., for defendant. Court op Oyer and Termimbr— Judges Thomp son and Con rad.-C bar les J. Smith, Albert Here n!°r!i aD v ainM Dunn w ®7® charged, at a late hour tm- ? urad ?? ®yening, with the murder of Andrew !i «t° m°L ®!® a Way- The case continued all yester tSm ♦ A** faou toe case, as exhibited by the District Attorney’s opening, are as follows: The lR U J Jer^ k ,, pUco l»»t day of December, *?. deceased left his home In company wuh a friend for the purpose of serenading a young girl, to whom be was paying court. & “ defendants were cDjoying themselves after another feehion, parading tho etreete, and dressed “ {““tMtjeal ooitames. While the murdered man ana hie friends were serenading, the tentaetioale came up, and a collision occurred, in which the Uormene were dispersed—some into the house and some into a yard. In a few minutes after the ki l'id earae on’. 011 ; Mfortunato man who wee killed came ont of the yard, and waa immediately pursued by the defendants. * The other Germans had retired to their homes. After the fantastical, had re-assemblod, ono ot those defendants, Charles J. Smith, said to one of hie friends, “ Why were you not with ns ? Thank Qod for Henry Smith’s knife; I stack it into him that far.” It was not then known a murder had boon committed. The next morning one "of the workmen at a wheelwright's shop found the body of a man cramped up in a very unnatural posi tion. He waa quite dead, and upon the alarm having been given, the proper officials were sent for. The testimony so far discloses the facts pretty much as they were set forth in tho District Attor nay’s opening. Tho case so far docs not appear to inculpate the prisoners.- It will not be ooncltided, judging from present appearances, till this after ntwn. On trial. Webster, P. 0. Brewster, and Adami, for toe defendants; the District Attorney and Goforth for the prosecution. The case of Lawrence Riley, oharged with the murder of York Bill, is fixed for Monday next. Wm. M. Bull, Esq., defends the prisoner. WEEKLY REVIEW OF THE PHILADEL PHIA MARKETS. REPORTED FOB THE PBBBS Friday Eysniso, Boptembar2s,lBs7. Tho Produce markets co&tlaae depressed and dull, owing to the unsatisfactory condition of financial mat ters. Breadstuff! hare been very quiet. Coal Is in bet ter demand. Coffee is held firmly, but the demand has been limited. Sugar and Molasses are lower. Cotton has been dull, as most or the manufactories are running short time, and purchase only to supply their pressing waota. In Fruit there is a fair trado doing. No change in Hemp or Hides. The Iron market is devoid of ac tivity, and tbo sales have been unimportant. Lead, no sales. Naval Stores and Oils are extremely quiet. The stock of Provisions Is light, and the transactions have been limited. Teas and Tobacco are selling slowly at former quotations. The demand for Wool has been limited, and in some instances lower rates have been accepted. The bulk of the Western Dry Goods trade is over, and the commission houses generally hare been very quiet this week; and many of the Third street houses are very busy. There are no material changes to ootico in any of the leading styles of cotton goods, and holders are not pressing their stocks on the market Woollens are dull. BREADSTUFF3.—Ths receipts of Flour are ample, and there has been some little inquiry for shipment, but generally at a price below the views of the sellers, and about 3,500 bbls only have been disposed of at $5.50 o $5.75 for standard and good shipping brands, $5.75a50 for common to gcod western extra, of which latter the Btoek mainly consists, and the bulk of the sales wero made mostly at the lowest figures, showing a decline on the last week’s quotations of fully 25 cents V bbl. At the close holder* were generally asking $5.76 from store for shipping Flour, but there is little or nothing doing for export. The home trade hate been buying to a'fair extent at from $5 75 to $7.50 and $8 bbl, according to brand. Bye Flour is dull, and the sales limited at $4.87X®54.60 bbl. Com Meal is also dull, and holders ask $4 bbl for Pennsylvania Meal, with out finding buyers. Wheats are coming in elowly and are firmer under a fair demand, part for shipment, and prices have ruled 3a5 cents bushel better for prime lots; sales reach 30,000 bushels at from $1.25 to $1.35 for fair to prime red, and $1.35 t 051.45 for white. Bye is in steady demand and rather firmer, with sales 0(3,000 bushels at 75 cents for both Delaware and Pennsylvania. Corn is also better, and all offered; some 12,000 bushels yellow hare been taken at 80 eents afloat and la store. Oats are In fair demand, and about 25,000 bushels were disposed of at 54033 e for prime Delaware, os in quality, which is an advance. Some Pennsylvania also sold at the latter price. PROVISIONS.—Stocks are nearly exhausted, but there is very little doing in tho way of sales, and prices are unchanged. Mesa Pork Is held at $20e528.&0, and by some at more, and City Mess Beef ats2o bbl, with ■mall sales. Bacon and green meats are searee,but the sales are mostly in a retail way within the range of pre vious quotations. We note sales of 25 hhds Bacon Sides at 15 X«>ls Jse, 00 days. In Lard ~we have only * sms}S business to note at 10c for bbls and tes, and 17e for kegs on time. Butter Is steady, with moderate receipts, aid sales of solid Western at 14016 e, as in quality. Cheese is unchanged, with limited transactions. Eggs are bringing 14)6 4F doaen. METALS.—The Iron market remains very inactive, and to effect sales lower prices would have to be accepted, the transactions being only In a retail way ats2T, $25, and $24 for the three numbers of Anthracite Pig Metal, on flme. Borne small sales of Blooms are reported at $75, 0 mos. Scotch Pig Is dull at $2B for whole lots. In manufactured Iron there is little or nothiog doing to alter quotations, which are nominally the sauie. Lead is inactive, and there Is very little stock in first hands; a sals of 250 pigs Virginia, on private terms, being the only transaction we hear of. In Copper no change. In sheathing there Is a limited business doing in Yellow Metal at 22c, on time GROCERIES.—-There Is very little Inquiry tea Coffee from the trade, aad the difference In the views of buyers and sellers limits operations. About 1,000 bags Rio only have been disposed of at llXol2c, as in quality. A small sale of Java was made at 170, all on time. For Molasses the market continues at a stand, and prices in the absence of any recent sales are unsettled and droop ing. The refiners have put down their prieea at 15e $v gallon. Sugars are dull and unsettled, and buyers are bolding off for lower prices, with a small business doing at irregular rates, sales only reaching some 250 hhds Cuba, within the range of TXeQX® on time. Refined Sugars are also selling at Irregular prices, and are fully lower. BARK—The demand for Quercitron has fallen off, bnt about 80 hhds hare found bujer* on arrival at $4O for Ist No. 7. Tanner’s Buk It quiet, and prices the same. BEESWAX Is in request and scarce at 31032 e 4P lb, but we hear of no sales worthy of notice. BREAD.—Very little demand for shipment, and busi ness is confined to the wants of the local trade, without much change in priees. COAL.—The receipts and stocks continue very light, but there is so change to note in Anthracite Coal, and a moderate business doing for the season; the market generally is dull. Bituminous Coal is alto but little in quired for, and prices unsettled. CANDLES.—Sperm sells slowly at quotations. In Adamantine there is a moderate business to note at 22a 23c dp Jb, usual terms. Tallow remains dull, COTTON.—There Is very little disposition to operate on tho part of buyers and sellers in the present state of the times, and the week’s transactions have only reached 3000400 bales, taken In small lots at irregular rates, mostly within tho range of 14j{0l6){c for Uplands and New Orleans—cash and time. About 700 bales hare gone forward to Liverpool on owners’ account. FREIGHTS.—There is rather more doing in Euro pean freights, and more produce offering for Liverpool. About 3,600 bbla, Fleur hare been engaged at Is. Od.; 10,000 bushels Grain at fld., 700 bales of Cotton at 3*160 #d., and bhds. Bark at 25 cents. Very little doing in South America or West India freights, and rates nearly nominal. To California a ship on the berth is getting 22a25c. & foot. Eastern coastwisorates are steady; to the South wo quote at fie for Charleston and Savannah, and GaSc. dP foot to New Orleans. Colliers are plenty,and tkogoing rates are: $1.25 to Providence; $1.62t0 East Cambridge; 90 cents to Washington; $1.40 to Portland; $1,25 to New London; $1.30051.35 to Boston; $1.30 to New Heron; 90cent* to Georgetown; $1.05 toNewTork; $1.15 to Flushing; $1 30 to Fall River; 70 cents to Bal timore), end $1.45 to Bangor. FEATHERS—SeII slowly at 50052 cen*s for Western, a* to lots. FISH. Mackerel are coming forward more freely, and medium fish aro in limited demand, and dull at rather lower rates, say $160516.60 for first; $130513.60 for second, and s9©s9.6Q for thrcei, mostly from store. Pickled HctrlDg are scarce, and late caught fish are wanted at s4{ts4.so Sp bbl. Of Dry Cod the receipts and sales are limited, at 5404.50 the 100 lbs FRUIT.—The stock of foreign is nearly exhausted, and there Is little or nothing doing in the way of sales. A few Lemons have been sold at $5.60 S? box. Green fruit is arriving less freely, and sales range from $1.50 to $3 50 3P bbl. for Apples, and $1e52.50 4P* basket for Peaches. GINSENG.—No Crude la offering, and in the absence of sales prices are unsettled GUANO.—A fair business doing for the season, with out change in quotation*. H?MP.—The market is very quiet, and prices are no minally unchanged. Manilla has declined at the East, with large sales. HIDES —There is little or nothing doing from first bands to alter quotations, and the market is dull. An import of dry Lagnayra, has arrived since our last. There Is some inquiry from the Tanners, but the trans. actions arc confined to the jobbers, without change in rates. HOPS sell, a* wanted, at 130150. for new crop—the opening being lower than for some years past. Old crop are dull and sell slowly at 6ooe. Jb. LEATHER.—Good sole and slaughter leather is scarce and wanted, and If here would bring full prices, but other kinds are neglected. LUMBER is dull, and sales are confined to a few lots of eastern, taken at about previous rates. No change in white or yellow pine boards, business very mode rate foe the season. NAVAL STORES.—Of spirits of turpentine about 200 bblt. have been sold at 47048 c. 4P gallon, cash. In other articles there Is very little doing, snd prieee rule about stationary, with light receipts and storks of all kinds. Borne 400 bbls. rosin sold at $2 for No. 2, and 14 bbl. for fine. OlLS.—Linseed is selling slowly at 750T6c., as to lots, and the stock accumulating. No change in lard oils, and sale* limited. Sperm and whale are quiet, but firm at previous quotations. PLASTER continue* dull, but a farther sale of soft is eported at $2.75 dP ton. RICE—Wo have a few small transactions only to note ats*o&#c4P' fc. SALT—There Is no change In the market. An arri val of 4,090 sacks of Liverpool ground has come to a dealer, BREDS— CIoTer Is wanted at s7*7 25 V bushel, and A sale of 60 bags was made to go West, tt 12 cents fi>. Timothy*!! also In demand atrathertigberfigufer. and since 800 bushels hare boen taken on arrival, mostly at $3d3J25 & bushel. Flax Seed—Dorae*tic is scarce and quoted at $1 S 5 bushel. Calcutta Linseed has de clined at the East. Sales have been made at $1 75 cash. ’ SPIRITS—Brandy and Gia continue dull and un settled, and the recent arrivals are mostly going into store. N. E. Rum is selling slowly at 50 cents. Whis key is unsettled and rather lower, with sales of barrels at 2i% 026 cents, chiefly at 25 cents, and hhds at 24 cents gallon. TALLOW has been very isaetive, and prieea tha same; we quote city rendered at 12 eents 4F fi>. TEAS—The late auction sales hare imparted more firmness to holders, bat there in very Utile doing. TOBACCO—Remains inactive, with a limited busi ness to notice ai previous quotations. WOOL—Tha market has been very quiet this week, l* »«**aro owing to the indisposition of holders *“• present unsettled state of the times. The moch in first hands, consisting mostly of the common and medium grades being very variation in prices, but 55! * ttlce are limited to a few small lots within the range of former quotations. BY THE PILOT LINE. [Gorreepondence of The Prew.] New Toe*, Sept. 25,1857—5.20 P. M. The mlermin* new. from joar citj.of the failure of thel B«nk ofPouniiTlruaia, end tho ran on tho uirard and other banks, is the a ole topis of conver sation here, and has had the effect of making money tighter, both at the banks aSd the note brokers. The former, which, np withe receipt of the intelligence by telegraph, were acting iibe rally by their customers, became much more •tnngent, and the lattor did warcely any business, it would appear that there is really no canse for thualanphere.We have little or nothing due us in Philadelphia; your banks, by the laws of yonr Mate, can have no claims which they cm call on one banks to liquidate, so far u » U<, “ “ e ? ncern ' ii ’ lcd we ourselves are really in a sound condition, with no reason what orer to apprehend trouble. The excitement of our own panic, which had subsided. U, however distrust by everybody of everybody is revived in a great degree, tbmixh perhaps less than heretofore. Rates in the street hero advanced, and those who succeeded in getting money to-day had to stand a more than ordimmjj close thane. In foreign exchange absolutely nothing ia doing. Prime sterling bUb can be bought freely at IIMJ, aad good signatored below that pnee The Dills of the HedismJbnkjuid of die Bank of Canandaigua, were throwneetfeeday. The suspension of the latter baa caused mash ei eitement at Canandaigua. •*- There ia a lamentable contrast between thaeon tents of this letter and the hoph&L tone e( my •“i-, Yesterday was the in IfeU street I had seen amce the eoameneemant sf osr trouble, and now I am obliged to say otzrs&T k much overcast. .ur. Before we can expect substantial relief—Sat is. haTB an easy money market—(he grain cron tftha Vest must be moTed. This is Qua source aim which we can find the effectual means to nay mre dohts, and restore the health of trade, so badly jS. paired by the most severe of all diseaaee-want oR confidence, whioh is quite sa bad as wastof money, and much more provoking when it exists without any want of the letter commodity. The presence of this epidemic has undonbtedly retarded the forwarding of tho produce from the West, end the necessary consequence has been a needless pro longation of tho unhealthy symptoms. The We it em forwarders "held back,” thinking that we were all going to “buret up” here, and under this influence was afraid to trust us. Should this con tinue for snv length of time, U might hnrt us, it is trns, by withholding the means we require, but it wul also hart the over-oantioas forwarder and producer, who are «holding back” from want of confidence, because, should disasters oe oar here, and elsewhere on tha seaboard, prioes must inevitablj fall below their present nxuro, and when they begin to fall a rush will be made, the market will be glutted, and everyone will suf fer. It Is as much the interest of the producer as it is ours in the great shipping ports, that this banefal policy should be abandoned, and the want of cou fidence, holding-back-to-see-how-things-go system, made the exception and not the role. Our banks,mer chants, and capitalists should exert themselves to afford facilities to effect this great good, by which alone our ills can be cured, and our strength re stored. All interests are alike concerned, and they should combine, and by confidence and mutual exer tioo,put away tho trouble in which we bare too loog and unnecessarily been involved. What is it that constitutes the arterial Mood cf oar trade? Our wheat, corn, cotton, and provisions. We hare them all in abundance, but by the sadden and causeless anxiety to ascertain “who is safe,” a large portion of their beneficial effect is thrown away. Let the wheat be brought for ward at once and freely, and the good effect will soon be felt. There wUI then be no difficulty in moving the com 'and the cotton, and provisions will follow in due time. Tho settlement at the Clearing House was as usual prompt. The clearings amounted to $13,905, 605.01, and thebalanoes paid in coin to $618,874.07. These amounts are remarkably low for this yog; on, when business is usually so active. The Express says that it is stated upon compe tent authority that the steamer which leaves Liverpool to-morrow will bring gold, that it has been absolutely engaged within the knowledge of parties who came by the steamer at Boston. Should this prove to bathe case, it wilt be the fulfilment of a prediction of mine in me of my let ters at the beginning of last week. The cash transactions for the day at the Sub-Treasury were: Receipts $122831.10; payments $297,361.19; bal ance $9,547,440. The receipts at the custom house for duties were $91,000. The reported city failures are Bangs Brothers A Co., book auctioneer*, and Spe&eer A Porter, groeers. Westbex Bank or Locxpobt.— The Lockport CowWvr, of Tuesday, says, “We regret to announce that the Western Bank of this village suspended payment this morning. The result waa occasioned by the neglect of parties for whom this institution has been discounting to pay their liabilities.” The nows has also had a severe effect on the stock market. Everything is lower. Virginia State 6’s declined 11; Miroouri State C’s { ; Hew York Central B. R. 6’s, 21; New York Central, 2}; Erie, 2; Reading, s|; Michigan Centra], 5; Michigan Southern, 1; Do. prtf. stock, }; Chicago and Rook Island, 41; lUiuos Central, it; Gatcaa and Chicago, 4J; Milwaukee and Mississippi, H ; and La Crosse and Mil., In our bank stocks, the Bank of Commerce is down 41, and the Pork Bank, 3. Pennsylvania Coal Company, which im proved i per cent, at the first board, tell baek to &S at the second, a decline of 1 since yesterday. The market olosed very heavily, with a very un easy feeling. BAX.S9 ST A. H. yiCOLiT, BIPTKXZXK 24. 5,000 Erie Convertibles of 2871 35jk' 18,000 Virginia State 6 per cent, bonds.. 84, 85 10,000 Milwinkle City 7 per cent, bonds. 52V to 54V 2,000 Milwaakie City 7 per cent, bonds. 54 1,000 Watertown City (WU.) 8 per cent. _ bonds Passed. 10,00 Northern Indians KB (Goshen Bh.) lit mort. 7 per cent, bonds , M V 3,500 Bacine and Miss. B& farm mort. 10 per cent, bonds. 5,000 La Crosse and Mil. BB 7 & cent. land grant beads. 16,000 La Crone and MU. 7 W cent con* stria bonds... 14to 15v 690 Atlantic Mutual Ins. scrip of I&ST 63 400 Son do do do 1863 55 450 Son do do do 1356 52 610 Union do do dn 1856 36 600 Union do do do ISM 38jf 140 ahs. Buffalo and State Line B&.ssoea. BTi' 10 do Warren Men. S 3 45 do Bank of New York IOOea.ICQV to IQ4V 20 do Island Citj* Bank. 25 ea. SI 29 do Kational Bank. 60ea.66£ 47 do do ..... Men. Passed. 27 do Merchants’ Exchange Bk.. 60 ea. 96 V 02 do Farmers’ & Citizens’ Bank L.I 20 do Bk. of the Manhattan Co. 1 do Nassau Bank 12 do do do 20 do Artisans’Bank.. 176 do Ohio Life Ins. jb Trust Co 100 ea. Bto S V 40 do North Hirer Bank 60 ea.' 88 123 do Bank of Commerce 100 ea. 91 jg 15 do Hanover Bank..., 100 ea. 79jg 10 do Bank of Commonwealth.... 100 ea. 81V 60 do Peoples’ Bank 25 ea 91 40 do do do 25 ea. 92# 90 do Mercantile Ins Co 50 ea. 100 to 107 Jg 45 do Jefferson 1n*C0........... 30 ea. 173 20 do Atlantic Ins Co, of Brook lyn 50 ea. 140 10 do Phrnaix Ins Co, do 50 ea. 115 20 do do do do 60 ea. Passed. 13 do Hanover Ins C 0...... 50 ea. Passed. 140 do Hamilton Ins“ Co.. 15 ea. 59v 30 do 11umb01dt105C0..........100 ea. S 3, SB*f 20 do do do .........100 ea 87 20 do do do JOO ea. 40 do Irving Ins Co 25 ea. 300 20 do Wiliistosb’gh City Ins Co 50 ea 109 jg 15 do Gr’tWest’n Marine Ins Co 100 ea. Passed. 100 do do do 190 ea. Passed. 10 do Metropolitan Ins Co 100 ea. 90jg 20 do Long Island Ins Co 50 ea. 364# 30 do Jersey City Ins Co 50 ea. 101# 34 do Exchange Ins Co 30 ea. 79 100 do do do 30 ea. Passed. 50 do Firemen’s Ins*Co 17 ea Passed. 20 do Indemnity Ins Co 100 ea 90 40 do Excelsior InsOo 50 e* 112*, 112# 10 do Brevoort Ins Co 60 ea Passed. 40 do do do 50 ea Passed. 75 do American Express Co.. ..100 ea Passed, to be sold on Monday. 50 do Wells,Fargo 2c Co.'s Ex.loo ea 83# MARKETS Asiiks—are hear/ for Pots at $7 750 $7.87# t and dull at $7 for Pearls. Breadstoffs—The market for Flour is aetiroata decline of 5015 c, with sales of 9,200 bbls. at $5*30,» ss*so for common to good State; $5 600$£ 75 lor extra do ; $5 35e55 50 for common to good Michigan. Ohio, Indiana, Ac., and ss*6o«rs6 50 for extra do; JCsoas3 for extraGenessae, and $6 £oasB 50 for extra St. Louis. Southern flour is also 10c lower, with sales of 1.900 bbls at $5 60ao SO for Bsltimore, Alexandria, Ac; for fancy and extra broods ; Canadian fiour is s<rloc lower, with sales of 375 bbls at $5 40a55*50 for sup*r, and ss*7s®s7 for extra do. Rye fiour is heavy, with sales of 50 bbls at s4aso*so from fine to super. Corn Meal is also heavy at s4'ls for Jersey, and s4*4o for Brandywine; sales, 200bbls. CovrEK—The auction sales of Rio this morning was very active at full prices. Out of 4.000 bags. 2.057 wore sold freely at llolljgc. Cotton is dull and heaTy, at a decline of Y c on for mer quotations. Gbais—Wheat is 2e3e lower, and sellers anxious to realise, with eales-of 40.000 bushels at $3.23*11 37 for Southern red; $1.45051A0 for do. white; $1 25*51 27 for red Indiana; and $1.25*11-27 for red Ohio. Oats are heavy, at 42044cf0r State; 45»46c for Western, and 36044 s for Jersey. Rye is dull at 80c. Sales 500 bush els. Corn is lc lower, with sales of 26,000 bushels, at 78079 c for Western mixed; 80a 83c for Southern yellow, and 80c for white Western. Hay is unchanged. Hidis are lower and more active with a still down ward tendency. Iron ii unchanged and very dull. Liatbkb. —Hemlock and Oak are both dull. Nival Stubbs. —Spirits of Turpentine are very quiet at 460 for cash, with sales of 150 bbls. Crude do. is quite inactive at unchanged prices. Common Rosin is less active at firmer rates. Finer kinds are inactive at $6.50 & 280 Jbe. Oils.— ln crude Whale and crude Sperm there is nothing doing. Linseed OU is quiet at 76*77 for Ame rican . Other kinds are nominal. Provisions.— Pork is more aefre at Irregular prices, with sales of 850 bbls at s2sffs2s 25 for Mess. ai.l $19.75e520 for Prime. Beef is lower, with sales of SW bbls at514.75e516 for re-packed Western, and $l6 2i j $16.75 for extra Hess. Beer Hams are dull at $22. Bacon is heavy with tales of 50 bbls at 14#015c for western smoked. Cut meats are irregular at for llami, and llellJv for shoulders. Lard is firmer, with sales of OO tees at I4&0l5c. Butter U unchanged at 15019 c Tor Ohio; and 17 to 22 for State dairy Cheese is dull at OtfcOX 6 * ScoAßSare very heavy. Cuba is quoted Refined is also very doll at nominal prices. Collision of Vehicles. —A carriage, driven by a young man named Andrew Hamilton, on Thurs day afternoon, came in contact with a light vehi cle, containing a lady and gentleman, in Passyunk road, below Broad street. Mr. Hamilton' was thrown out, the two vehicles were demolished, and the hor3e3 slightly injured. When picked up, Mr. Hamilton was found to have sustained serious in juries in his side and on his head. was con veyed to his residence by Lieut. Gilbert, and at last amount* he wta not expected to recover. 25 ea. Passed. 50 es. 129* 100 ea. S 3 ICO ea. 85 V 100 ea. 65
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