<- << - ■' £;| V *• J »Voi££ ■wi«aflte?saß6 aira^M ;ifiit«d?b #Mies'tg delire (bids tjf.pf -tiiel.n l&mi tteee j» shi !4« iWonoffdiaWiheteY;; myi ' •• Third; ebcepi bo-'peMroirered bj a Usurer. This, ® ielpocl4lly‘conifa4ti’to:>oii bow.; "' fodepriteyou^yoo*' bftlajiceii \- *..- *\:.ri t,/' ' ] *# vUrtltfio kup - ■ J <ilftliiKie<r^ i 'l«|tliii«Me4; ! ,Wrj,.- i ;.;5-,-...; > ;.:'i>'(:-ii'- i Vt, tout here notice the tnstauettons of a ootoroporsrp ■u, r >i.'j,‘b>fhehsiiV« I sceattWpiediriththreats odmiSWWhope »*■» !t V ' Irat If bar neighbor beibeen Nfo'seandlseotmt Syone o{ the four, stosaggeetto ik,'in TlSw-of tto rieolaSion of “tVeSii. - to ttp'lgblh., ‘i'ft'i *>'?«*„??« don’tsucceed,Ac.’’ ~. f / '.r, {■ '■ -• ■. t' . i ; Thebctiro dMirt-iraflnglig np f* *™|”t token «H thoioV rite ofelch&nge, indicates t / T^aie-VJfcieoje.pak^ttHrf / v» jre«iE»ot’we^ through eirij'elcefieian.t State cars*..\i-., ; . | .- ’ j'ff-’tifey\^*i»t : thhfegiteti!rn;a»»leni(Wieul»te oi^ . -^^C^ttiig^^jjihJti^tinJxrWiyn^n/Jfirobi : W PSoftWH 'itphfstedWMWtrin'lbdto.eadsrithOhbitt.t i ' ' • $ -isftf/- j f"’ * l'Vii^is«^ini ; '»B,M6 i ii»-}*2^Bd.«is> ssOnt.tn. 1* wfe ««ve, indj vlUf m oarlow figure* iwe.kno*ii °^e’o?iSto^Tß&i'ii'»3'deol«rea , y eemt-innnildij *he Phlledslpbl*,' Wilnungton-aodllAUlmars Roll-; ittd r o(imiitej;4i»' : 'pifa «f. lto 1 flosting’clobt, end'd#-; .*■ r .'■''.l f_ , ' .-' >) ,V, »>:■* J t K <•' ; ;K. Yt, ti'sumed Mth; K *•:■ *'** ' } thejirejenf yeerleeeUmetedet 8,000,000•- Mwc; Allowing.Boo,ooo. bells fordotoeitfe'eoaimiipUon; end therewill remain 1 ~: 1.100,080. Weiforetpart.'.fho present prices warrant : # WMto wwl*l«, « NnflSgstb Tolas ofsaportot fro” 1 thlesouree alone, of noerlr <nM lu«4rtd‘ieajS/iy mtiHoebftioHare! ; '4'l(iiF^raK^Mrw^dwteU<>di}:' tl >rehee^ • ®f «> .-ittw. - heska ere dfitcounuog ee llberellj M poasible, ena elding'menfofthetrdeelert freelf-who widd'othbririee: •"p* o4 -’* ' ' . ■, i .;i • ■’-- •:••••?'-•.•• • wIU . There. is but tv vary moderate in<jaliy, ; *tiro lrrtgiil&ri -. . Iv**, *,?«**#. .edrlMi from New Or-; ■iwfe fjfl<f;fejytotti*g»ittSterUpg td-6g»7 y cent,' < Irrttetoare^qoiet.' To Ltrerpool; 1,250 balei cotton ; r Tr,dOO b'aetigraUi at’ - - p** ablp Hellespont 2,000 nStliiMmeni ; godd« ; it' XfotM, fcwnjaehniohdto’BtoeiritbJjourj ,on;prl»«to. ■ -teraii"; 'fiUk’ Citf/ for l!r!rtel, on prirete ' A Xroiji Oily Point to .Tenlso,! ' witk per cent, prlmego. .-:.,. a V.";| Weabd*«t*bdthat aeO.tP. Keolery, of Oer-; ef'CiUjiiiuiuej lo'wbich he wte recentljreiccted, ainl' -lMt;j/%'S^', ;^,pr;ttaitoii,\h»e.*wn v -cho<iM,'.toj ■ »»ppif thSeebiiey.ri.'A; ..;; ;;a .*•.; vt - ' ; 1 •-* ; s#fl«pi*»ter22yl«T>‘d-1--1 v? : uis.w'o'z.-ieiitwt :■>- . iooo., d 0 ;; „yiift„m, -, r r ao tS : <P’i ?'.■<* -‘.do 1 f- t ao ! SSeSffiii!ot« 8:-’ 4s: ;V:g l|.! M n gB ; • 4s> ■[■ ‘. ,w».oik*’« M 100 Heeding B/ , , oja ; v.SiißeueX, !ot» QK - ,B.f ,k l^hMolßv MO.,- do ,1. »ik!h»«rp»M (; i44V ; ,700 to caeh 7* . O-;. .200... do -, -bi-,« .''4S*®@MSBM®6 twfr. do-5, x-i.a a ?x. v- ;• .• ‘ BXOQND BQABD. . .'•-« s ,-:-'n.i . f/lOOßedding K "ISOb I Kioto sswn . 8. .’n.- •jSf-'Miy '!’ :'3Ponnß!tebetti ;«K dtoO ,J*.i>.i lots'.,Bl Blehlglt'Sefo-t'U7J( loooratfoedd', 0id.02 ■n»■ iotof47 j>»l»M»to«l>t«» «« ' SOQlrird'BUflt -, ->*dßeM*WllMnr>22 • Bihlrt.fKr‘,. : los; .lota *}% ‘ : <imw.mt 'rSffiiplstp > .<j Oe**f* > ?kv t - j/ f », j'.tfift'fh ’--'- v '-ki " iL&ig .>H, itB^TBAVT.’ J : ,; ■■■ ■ ’<' l '! [WtolHir-PsCJS «3s^: ■go Jon gMuI 1 ;4*r, ,6? pm* , ji'rAj ?>'«.- *vWVI ’ -1 < l WlUfe?*aMSd£&»,-* , «MMMt lfc«»A(* golif.'S--"-' ’-*« fc,v.-w4.. . : t*?»aaii»iti*H£i' , Sdlß»'6ir nttr'y v f |Sffipfom®ro&ir«* orSl« , S|prate ! 't( >; (ttlUHftW.TOß'.Wjyks'.ti'ißHlWß* i . fiv«: (i;i«iita»i*iDS,aDSH«3).arAtia.:i:jJ -*4«, •rtjutt*/:; ifi.\ -■> "'i*M»firo! . »« .:.......#wr Tork Urertwol'. I ....;S«iit*o: ': iHUaidi. ;t. /.NMrTort; ~.V.,.iOrt 1! . . IROM KtJBOPE. • iii l ■ J!th, »rriTing»*B»«Ul»' ,Ortwin toth. fWnn-Motf -flilwtwl Now.tort 13th,j ‘ fc’Jfw } . «Wto#ton lath wtoth; to* WHi-: . H»**t»Mth»o4 iH&dirt/n* |H Tori I6(i ud 31« t.: > * ~ :< >; ■! n>s*h« o»Uf(irßS* »#lf *t*rn*H «O fiom H«w tort on' j»ljte({jw4.vsW ■•> j r> .•- -_f.-l>.’ .*«■ -■ r- ... - n < & ifyn l iifT^fii>tit*af;i*y iv* 1 - . r .,. ■_ -*- -•-'." f» b.n I B**i|S»(*!«hv.'TOrttt/4ilim>'froin (Bolton f .irltlu4Jw | • .SfittifemiitlM, E»jntt, T, 4*jt (ntf‘Vtnkfan, Iti i ! 5 ■****’ ft 0 ® -U«»ndrla, ! »3v*?g»t wttofej >;Bchr'Wia BDennlsj HfittVSMt OamtrWge.'WailMo! » > ‘ Jtehr Jonathan Doaej Reppltor) ■M to-.u } *i*? '.'i | ( .. v ' *-:>,<>.'/ '’i-S'*'' 'i j . Bchr Bally Wheetoo.’AyceHi.Hartlori, Bogcw, Bln- . e i,; v -nT BobrHaanibal,Wentworth, Sated, Sturteraoii&Co. fifcr H L Qaw, Her. B#ltiinore,.£ Groves, Jr. • • 'Ui of the Stalwart consiataof Sl.cafluof :o», 87 do chrotaej ore,lB9lihd« baric,. 1601 btla flour, 2SS h*l?« cotton, 138. toe Seer, 14(166 huahela wheat, 07& do corn, wd 8 pkga merchaadlfeev v , 'nc- t ■••i. l * I*-’ : ... ~h 'LKWEStiDeUSept, 23*8 AH. I . * The fleet that haa-beea detained at the .Breakwater left this morning*for thecity;-- *iw> aoVera\,brlg* and' ichn canfe down end went to tea this afternoon., Wind MW—weather flho. i , , .'* ■ ' j; i ■ a.:* • . - „WM £ H. HICKMAN. , - Coroapondenee of tho Philadelphia Exchange.. s’.r ■•* .SALEM) NJ* Sept. 21.; j The schr Schoolboy* Robinson, from,New. Vork for. .Philadelphia, loaded with lead, cedar wood, &o f struck on JoOj about S o’clock on. Saturday morning,- And sohn after bilged sad filled;. All,.bands took to the; boat,.were picked up, and brought here yesterday, The '.▼easel and cargo is : a total-idea; ▼ossel sot insured. The Wind was hoi to fresh from the NR -fefcea the 3 struck... , W*?. X- 'h . -A . JOS. H. RUBJOOK. ; correspondence tofVhefrreuu; . i ' > *»•-' -■ Havbb Dh Gbaoi, Sept. 23, \ boats loft here thU'Uttn&ing, lodaa and con signed atffollewsi.V,. •-? 1 •Monroe. eOrn.'ftad- bark to Perot & Bro; J-A Hopper, •nd'Artley >4; fEarafwr^lumber'to H Oroakeyj t A-, •Mackey.luaiberto M Traiop A Son; Lunto’a £ &n ®i tbertoNorcross& i Sheet*;;White Swan* lumber to»B, City. ;• “ • iV',: -JJSIIoIuNDA ~iV ■■ '}■ J. BtotmjWp'Nowyotlt, Cr.lSitrom New Toik, «rrlved. at GlaiKoe'«hinrt. v t . -Steamship FennaylranUi Teal, sailed from Richmond BUtfnat.;for Philadelphia. • i v .' Ship Boston Light. Crowell, to r Shaaghae, sailed from Sunderland4thlnst. *- 4 - • *•»’<;*• .V/_ -I iV-Sblp Robin Hood. Beam, for Hong Kong, sailed from] , -6anderfand6Uj'insi.' ‘-’/ 4V>% ,;»*.• a-j •7-..-? us ] .for' Galveston, • aailed>from: .Quodwiny; forSlobn*,; j*Uedj „ -?;<«•■-• i s BWp\OiMfr of the-WMTOi Colley, for New cleared '■ - j .'i- 8blp ! Goldenßagla, Fabens, ffo'tfu Callao, at St Na* j aair« *thtlh*VJ‘ .rsu*j\u. ,u: i Ship’Commodore F«Ty> IVehh, from tiTOrpool for! •MeU»ttrae;saUed.frbm Biwla‘2sth JitfyV -- ‘ - r | ' Ship'Witekcraftfßbot, for Hong Hong,> sailed from Melboorne 7th Junejbefore reported sailed Sd. ; Ship Alfred Stdror, Comery,' from Calcutta, arrived at. Liverpool Cthinat. ' - V - ;' 1 ; '' ’ j Ship CalistaHaws, Haws* for Mohilef sailed from Li- 'J >\ . .Ship Northland,• Plitner,)from New* Orleans, sailed: from Liverpool 6th loßt/ - v .'i, ? > ' . ship Horizon, Reed, foi?: Melbourne, sailed' from Li-j yorpoomhinßt, • iu'v ; iwShiptfary B BalehyWoodbnry, for Valparaiso, cleared .at Liverpool SUrinst, and was m the river Oth, outward , ■ bound.-,-', ; Ship James Brown, Crabtree] entered at LlverpoolGthj -Inst, to load for Melbourne. - . ■> m' ;■ 1 .. • - Ship Albatross, Knowles, from Callao, entered inward; at London 7th inst. ’ • • ‘V..* * . , • Ship Castilian, HrayM, from Callao]iras-in Hampton; Roads 21st Inst. ordered ' .-'-if Hhh'ateekety'afalbotj frda’ Callao, at London; London7tbfast.? < i s ,,x *■>- <> i c/i >■<'.' - 1 :- i Ship JSwt Indian j Lee raw j 1 cleared at Boston 22d Inst ( , for London/i. i V'”' ls '''” '• Ship Bobert-Patten, Paine, from Manilla for’Boston, :wM*¥ot-&eleßft<Auff7, leakyx-'>' - ' * <} it 'V-.. ; - London, elearedat St John, j NBydvth: Insf.v - ■-• -i- »-t ; > Ship' ElHfa Owen. Alexind«r,’l2s days from Callao, • was JnHamptnnßoada 21st inst.walUng Orders. j ll»ritn 'Bna.for'Valpandso. waa in Hampton’ Boad*airtlost.waninr6nlers : . 'i • <; • ! itn ship Bunker-Hill i Bluot r for Calcutta, oleared atLon-; ••doff S' i;*' : j:. > <len‘Nowell] Nowell,-fwr Melbourne, cleared at Linidoasthitut. . > -V : > Ship Asa S4wjer,G*lesf from London for RloJaneiro, <laU4d'fromD&tm4iirt,‘*ad la working' btrtof.iho, Down* got foal ofvthePactolo*; doing -the latter ' some damageable* wM Uke several data to repair, » V- - Ship. Nor’-Wester,-Gregoryj'from Oklcutto for Lon don, pwsed PalmoathSthlßSt-’' •« ' . - ■ v>- Ship Queen of- HodjrKoDg, foiled fronjMelbourne JTabe4th.-'» l-r* 'r.--" . ; -■•‘Ship Isaak' Wolton, Williams, for Singapore, sailed from Sydney, NBWy June4tb; 5 '- ’ * 1 • for Guam, sailed tfom Syd -k Kalamkr 6o, -Tajlor, at Cardiff 6th Inst. from’Mi ratoichi. *-•.•■. m-z <. j 'j i<r H •<- >* Ship Raid Eaglo, Treadwell, from Boston for East In fdiesr passed Highland Light'** SI 21vf lost, . ■ w.* ' Ship Enphrisis, L&nfair, Aericer for New Orleans, was - spoken -16th- in»t> by brig Marie, 1 at Norfolk ITth iosfe, and which towel she > supplied with’ provisions for the . jwaeogerr rescued fromtUoCcntrafAmerlca. .Columbia,‘Lemfeke,- from' Baltimore - for Richmond, went up James River 20th Inst. • > - - Baiuu& Loulih Jewet?, Sdiith, from St John. NB, at 'Qaeenstowtt6th'lflst.'«j I :! - J H 'if' . i7 ’’.■ ■■ *H Si>*4deh, nit: for Lon- - — — - ;; - Barqno Jultst-Srakfotf, KeUyifromSt Stephens. NB, at Cone 8d Inst, f > •>! \ Banins JohnsonVfor Cardenas, sailed from Uverpoolfith fnst. - I , Bi&deßtaUngt<ih,'Keen, from IfatatHAS, entered in- 1 wild ttMdon&thinst/i! -- * - ‘ftd'i: w . < v , i uw* Sophia. Gupt il, from-Boston} arrived at Nor-, 'ml*v j ■ .Barqae’Laurettd, hence at Boston B2d Inst! - Barque .Sylph, f <jnes,frqni' Bolton, at Baltimore 22d Instiir.'=A ‘ Brig Charleston,"at George* town"SO/18th-inst. -- Sebr O-W Hallock, Atkinson, hence for Boston, was it Newport 21st idst. • - Scbr Saxon) MoDeHnott,-Bence for Eaetport, was at NewiwrfSlsfcwrt. <-'U-' ''' ~-nc&rratCTprtpo, bente st New Harm 21st Inst: » ■ "Schrs James-Btiekatar and'Wm John,'for Trenton, sailedfromNewHarenSlstiriit. '-m';; ' r ‘ Seh'r A’Fieaerfelt, String, from ToxtnZis.&tPensa* colalfithlnsti-’ -. i -a!- j-! / i'. Scbr-'Village'Gera ] Phlnney, henes-at "Wilmington, N C, 2!st inat, in 60 hours’ passage. s : v, v Hi/ndersoa, to sail same day for Philadelphia, wa* advertised at Charleston 21st last. »■ Schrs Matt H r Banks,' Banker and Oh&rlotto ‘Williams, GoVtotyhenoj at Richmond 23dInst. .u ?, . gchr'John Price, Ryder, for ‘Philadelphia, was up at Savannah 19th Inst. ... Scbr Northern Light. Lake, hence at Salem 21st inst. 1/henco for Bath, at Salpra 21st “Schr *Selt '»bwl; CABaill'/cIWM Key Pesafec, Fostflt (Billed frojii I’rovi'lenco for >• . , Bchr Dkrlftlrt; Stiimli tterei Et llartford 21st liiV.itfWWelplils; " ‘ 'Wht Convert, a»oirni(ui.'(fleiLre4 »rpltite 15th hut. for.PMlB%phi«;".'.,' ' Bear I.uey t shtrj), Shir,, oHufed Jit Bo*toas2(l {hit, for Wilmington, NO, , . , ‘ “ * * Bchr J^M 'Houston, Raiaell, cldiired 1 at 12th ft'oiqLi*t*KW),*3,forCsleufU, m ftMJmMi, mi* tt/tojinlut.. ~ , , .; • ' c »®R2flV’X*tfiBG7\lon IQ aifeUp Sagamore. Gerrlah* (romittpJjscMMWewJorfe.;~ **' efept IJtfo from BiUtol for Koflr orlc«%6dv*.«W.:; v, v;!',''7-- - 77 V. ' Bw*zrlatwWilorf47Wil)ipqne JohnCurUi,'Stftn- from NewOrjetww, JjUy 25, for Barcelona. 3ID utclt' ship Jupiter, bound - 25 K, Job 64 W, «cbr jatnes'jladißOD, from JlaltTnipte'for Barb Woe*. . / ( ih&r\w !</■ '.'^OmANY, Charleston 2*th instant, and placed on board tfao pl|oi boat,Charleston, to whjch.veißel they warp,{wan) to jbat ftHy j XJmwub Joseph Yondg, ft. , and.toe remaining lately, attached orßdilok. Capt.Voang 2eftijrfi»i!Sl from Vmiveh foriJUMrtwfoo. outlie V«irto.«f diijr of hit. 130.30, 10n;74, fytt almavy gale from Nfvß. bahluig ,t 015,. Booth,and’ finally to South weflt, ltte& Jttooderiied, On'tfaellth'insfant, during theseyerefci oftheg*l*,tHe*hip sprang aleak, which iocreasedwitoao much rapidity that the , water gained two 1 (irfeetbtrthOphnips esbh’‘balT hour, when the reseelwtled <wm became entirely, wattr logged,. During the galo the ship lost* all he*‘boats, and the4«riwmalitw'oa to'ewrecKfire rti) daw,’ when, on tod 18to Instant,'tobr Were taken 1 offbr the ihlp •?lorldaV* , .'Th6 decks of todfioattag Zephyr,.washed’up 'beforethoefew ieft’ ! h«. crow lost • every in',' ThVship florid#, Which was about WOjnliw Northeast of the position pr the galop/experienced no --- y. •*** Ju'* , j,^Ni6rgai>B;^f here-aro,jqow'' ontoestoekebetween', of Bath;, 1 Mc,l2‘ttew; . ahlptf and 2 hrig,7hifcln|i9 : al!ifliotAl tOnhagdof 10V7T0 ■ half a'toUUOfe iiolW*> r The ’ I ,.'*- '' , , , |,Abson*!>7^At ’Belfast, 1 fttfai ;theyard of JfeMrs 0 P (farter & Oo;, J lfithinBt;‘ the 1 flttebarqa’e‘‘Gface Ham- ; tSond,**pwneawp;H’H4*olteU:AOo, andbtoers'. V, , • 3 lK)ndon, : Bept Oajitaln'DlckißnDd and Mr., Cooney.eblef mattor the XWerpool’ (cargo,cotton and bttteflWhJto'w&irfconiahore inßrahdonßsy, Tralee; on' {to’t'«ih ; «lfr-4efi Kew Orleans oblltour July. Nothing i • mM&m * • swiisiiiM! 'KjuWlrhuifehto^ thepn(jf on her!bphmen'apjmd jttb'wjhg] bint.-Tore atttf/hUwn t^jfraiia ahd |hwnre-the waterj the Mif, being lore overy/our l W .ttftheTadhthWard,■ the wfpf'blowing; from toe WeltwiM; VJfttireftftl ■ tht«* four O'efoek tbe 1 land was been alvead ’br‘un der theleo: too wheel waaput^fortoard;' Endeatore'di ftf cofittfecctt oftoe i not anew her hOlin’or/Wear.To aTOtt’rtotilng Oh' frtnddaHead, lot-goto*^ttrboard J atichor, with alongj enft'preheWwaicA’ appeared tb hpld for'aome'time. ! That thin prirparod to ship chain/and reefed topsails ; ‘ whlfeMoJng'io nrtitf and driftedl'up tuto Brandon B*y. It Wflf about ff ‘A M when the shfc 'ftrtt itrneh the j gron&d.'‘Aseodn s* ihebrofce.Udrirt thPriet go the port anchor, hut she continued to bftak up kndl strike httiilfj the s< bFealrfn£ v o7eriter Until BbO got ’af-pfejbbt'Temain;e,/:Eoi< twenty.four hohta hcfoie the ship eftfok; it.rtteea without ceasing. >, wer* foiiaecv after ebb ijdo~iho jnatej John ; Witedn' ttinrprf Wtod'ship' fdur.pr fire dif- * fertntt&Vs"; The OoaSt-huatd gaVe-‘itfferf dMlstoneeln» theirpower; * s “'‘ r 1 - j '/-BObrig’Qaßen bfthe lVffiH r Spohii, nltfrpbi New ’ferrhi was todM T t<j Uataha. ahd 'pht fn Torrepaiw. ''Ofi the JOth'idsti iat SO.-ida 73 W.' eX- B l during Wbleh ! lott th? r! ae<ik' > 'he , ad ! tif mftfhmkst 'Uhd pstt!'ofi the 12thbl«tant,'piMef?the French ifeipt Havre j and at femettmehaw An* Atrietf*! p catt^h^kJrit^i•si3lsbftahl J - ,,V ' Y ; •<’ hßles] hfid about'»} • Puftge. W.llpCotSy Bipt; 6_T)ie ArrtirJfjsn «hlp. fpwMiiuljr rtMrtedrMh.vlDg pal la,! hauled Into the TJctoria dry-dojk for .epaifa; *"■'. - e Cape of fl6?e) ißdhelia, Hatthvffdtn April 21 for Calcutta, put into Juti*lB,;iii ftrery Btttej wak-: lf UjtoeS'of water perhonrj her btewrtrhooks'are' =h»kebfand the Wlta on/edch side stirttd.; Bho had’ pOsed toe.’port sort* dJsttn&Vbnt toe erewrefußOd to; tSdlKU.ftnOiijo'prßparatorj'tounilergolDg repain:; ■Brig'*'. Blnn«harti iUoch«nJ;,»t .Keir Votlr.ratorti.j llaiaiifti, Ist 82j Utr 7J,e*parisnco<l i, hafflcMo; i™*jKBw BSvri.)o«t fora' iid »»la topitiist, ■?!>«<?, : intoW’by, pilot boat Geo Steers; ! t®gJw® l #pkt ; t«GuaranflUw -■-'■■■ -■ * ® r “ l ™ro»l to th, inter'al tit, loutlUVMldl ®B j T ft' V|</ rod\ ire Uildthlpji-nbpetfad to.hajal«en»itWjte -St'eaci arid; and waalartng by rtartwardonctlonjhe larboard anchor,and cßainbaSpg.grab. Boppoied bar to be a brig. %j ’ DOMESTIC PORTB. , .. ’ ■ I :' tifiw: FORK, ?opt 23.—Aw, bpi, A Blanchard, Man 'chiltf: Oatop'eachy! «chr D»rlplit, llardjr, Havana. • • > Cleared—steamships* Roanoke,-Ski tiher. Norfolkj Co lumbia.’Bertf. Charlestou; ships R D Metcalf, Btet*on, J*sw Orleahsf ATgonhht; Morton; Capetown; Herd, Staf ford', Rotterdam, nArk Carolih&r Tillraatv Charleston; .brigs Triumph, (Br) Atkinson, St Johns, NBj J Steven*, ’(Br)'Rotors; Kingston; Ja; ’l?a,-.Williams, Jacksonville; ’suftrs E'Klddef, Hackson, &ivinnfkh; A Smith, Smith, Richmond}, S ,E Johnsok, Newborn: Ned, McOready, WilniingtonrAltna, Curry,’SbJohns, NB: BOSTON, Sept 22 Eben Sawyer, Snow, Jacmel; Fearless", Adams, Gonalves. ? ’ BRISTOL, ’Sept 21st—Cleared, brig Factor, Titus, Havana. ! BALTIMORE, Sept eh»p Admiral, (Brem)i Welling,’Bremen;'schrs Mecca, Sargent.Bt John, NB; Seguln, Bell,New York; deoSAdams, Chkea;Boston; Sea Gull/Howland, Providence. Cleared, brig John, Matttoto, Young, West Indies. Below,' coining ®P» barque Fame, from IUo; ship Dashaway, McOlinttekj fromOhiuchas.^ . , . , FOREIGN PORTS. ' ' . . ‘ ' [Per ateamMiipCityof Baltimore.] ’ ' Liverpool— At 6th ihst, glraoda, Nason, New Orle ns, Widlan, Crowell: St John, N B; Northern L ght Dan. «68, QdWeci aiobo, -7-Ls}Bt. cm etl&. Meto, Cooper.'St John, N B; Imperial, 1 afpran, do, 7th, J B ! ' Penqeli, Jobes, St Jobn.-N Bj' Aeodla, , do, Susan No» OrloanH, Baden. StllpDonido. r ■ <>*, New York; Robert LLanb.OoulUard, do. Entered for loading 6th, Young Eagle, Nowell, for Calcutta, Sarah SrMiUs,MelbpurneandGcoloog, Jacob A Westervelt, Austin, N&w York! 7th. Ironsides, Our-. tis.NewOrleans; Yorick, Seale, N York. ’ London—Entcred’lawards 4th, l> D Paters, Cajtis,; Quebec; 6th,-Priscilla, Newton, Havana; 7th, Betsey Ames. Bartlett, Pott a*Bp*in, vie. New York; Ar«H («) Benson, New* York; Progress, Chase, Tadousacj tthlte, Eagle, Sutton, iTantaqxaa} Bth, Times, Andrew*/Ban, Francisco via Puttta Arenas; E Wilder Farley ,- Nichols, Rlmousbh'Amaxon,Hovey,;and American, Witham, New York/- , ' - 1 ‘ Old,4th, Northumberlad Spencer, Now ;York; 6th, State'of Maine, Humphrey/Sunderland and Boston. Entered for Idg 7th, Keying, Cook, Boston. Gravesend—At flth, Crouch Brothers, Crouch, Co* lombd. *, ! Deal—At sth, Volga, Holme, London for Bombay,; (and sld 7th:) 6th, Got*. Morton, Berry, do for Sidney,; -NSW, (and sld 7th;)Elmir. Carlton, do for St Kitt*,(and 1 sld 7th.) • .' w . , Ar at doTth, Corinthian, Winch eater, Antwerp, for, K BMMV?rerstiU d moMr.(ftom do) Port Phillip. Cotioj-At«b, Daniel Dyer. Cooper, Wo, Janerio; ; Sth.'t'eopoM X, Wi— Hi X“?V *”? proceeded to I Antwerp* 1 v '• ' ’ ' s ’ ; l 'Or-DurLstdrie Head 4t, Canton, Petteug≪ from the texoUor ... i» v■ . -Spurn 4th, Am ship Cora, of N York. . Falmouth—Ar Bth, Nor’ Wester, Gregory, Calcutta, and proceeded-forLondoat Hudson, Boam&n,BioGrande, Sld 6tR, Revenue, (from Akyab) Antwerp. Bristol—Ait 4th, Anna F Schmidt, Mllllken, Quebec; Sharon, Mills, Cronstadt; sth,' Oanrohert, Holliday. New York; Panama, Weßtcott, Rlchlbuclo; Forest Eagle, Crockett,' Cronstadt; 7th, Eagle, Qoatice, New York. Pill—Ar 6th. Moonlight,* Pendleton,* Quebec for. Bristol,: V in , •' • - * • ' Newport—Sld 3d, Cornelia, Morton, Savannah., -, . Swansea—Ar 4th, John Banyan, Nichols, St Stephon, N. D.; Esther Francis,* Jones, Madeira. Sld 7th, Sun beam, Oliver, Gibraltar.: . Sunderland—Sld 6th,, Charlotte, Lobe ivy, and Josh, , Boggart', New York. .. Gloticeater—Ar 7th, Martha, Gilchrist, Ratrsley, T&t matroaehe. Hull—Ar 4tb, Java, Graflfam, Cronstandt. Sid 6th, Hanson Gregory, Sylvester, New Holland.' .■ fid, Alma,Raymoad, New York; 4th, Wa ban, Bayne, Ceylon 1 Glagow—ArZtb.Mory Mortopj Davidson, Huntsport. Sid 4th, Mary Miller,. Peterson, Cardenas, (and from Gyeenockflthj) Bth; Jacob Prentiss, JatncaomSt Jago de Cuba/rdna sailed from Greedock sth;> JoneDaggert, Lambert, New York. 11 . ''' ' 7th, Minnehaha, Lewis, New Carlisle, . Queenstown—Ar 6tn, Louisa Jewett, Smith, St John, N.B.' J Dublin—Ar 7th, Manzanillo, Span, St John, NB. " ‘Orohstadt—At Ist, Kepler, Pratt, Boston. Bigs—Ar 2d. Isabella, Cobb.Llverpoot. Memel—Sid 30th ult, Jcnnint Marla, Moller, Boston. ’’BteinOn—Arfitb Inst, D H. Watjen, Bayer, New Or lean«;'Copornlcusßahe, Charleston: Kosmos, Wesseli, Virginia; Telemacb, flchoeter, New .York; , Bremerhavon—ArSd, Johannes, Von Tritzeri, Balti more. Sid 4th, Gerhard, Xaebol, Now York, .Coxhaven—Sid 3d, Saracen, Barry, London'; Rhein, Spier, New York. Hambprg-f-Sld' 2d, Copernicus, Dahl, New Orleans, (&ndfmGuxhaven3d;) Bheln,Bpler, NYork, (and f jom Cczbaven3d;) Johanna Elise, Wiborg, NYork, (and fen Oaxhaven 3d;) 3di Dr 3Srth, Meraan, do, (and from Caxhavon 4th.) • - • Havre—Ar &r, Alma, Brown, Nassau, NP; Fulton (s) Wotton. NYork. • ’ ' 1 ' • _ Sid 4th, Johannisbev, Nelson, New Orleans; Fairfield, Hathaway, NYork: 6fh. Bay State, Simmons, do, Bordeaux—Ar 4th, 81s-Peter, Savin, NYork; 6th,'Ply month, Austin. New Orleans. ,-i Sid from the Rosd*stb, Brothers, {Thompson, Charles* ton. . * Cadiz—Ar22d uJt, Susan W Lind, Sweetzer, NYork. Gibraltar—Ar 30th, Clara L Preble, Long, from Tra >anl, and eld for Boston; 27th, Charles Bpraguo,Pilco, : rom do for do, (aad- eld.) Old 27th, Bull, Plummer, New York. ' Lisbon—Ar29th ult, Kate Btamler, Andro. NYork . Barcelona—Ar 20th ult; Moralidad, Now Orleans; 21st, Vinet, do; 22d.Pas, do; 24th, Teroaita, do; 26th, Bosa Carmen, Msriftany, New York; Carubew, Fabregos.do; Linda; Ferreo Savannah; i26th, Euriqua, Oliver,' New York; Amalie, Charleston; 30th, Ju&niio, New York; 31st, VJecuta New Orleans; Forrucoia. do. Tarragona—Ar 4tb ult, F 3 Means, Mean*, New York; 20th, Jacinth Bosch, New Orleans: 26th. Voyageur, Freeman, 'tew York; Franklin, Bngiicro, do; 26th, Eu rope. Frauds, do. ' Trieste-At'2d Inst, Oifian Breeze, Leighton, Malan ias. Suiy»&«Ar 23d ult, Sultana, Watson, Boston; 25th, White Clmd,'Hoyt, do; 2Qth, Mimssa, King, do. MftdeiJ*-rSId 27 th ult. £ A Rawlins, Gnu it, St CroiX. Fayal-Ar9thhit; Preble, Green. Norfolk;l2tb, E A Loud,'Bee,'St Georges. 1 - ' ifoltuorne—Bid June Lovott, Callao, ;;6th, Horning 01orv,tI!obbi,'Liverpool; 27th, Indian Hon ws'Austin, Callao. ■ Ario Jnne 24th, Rod Jacket. O’Halleoran, for Liver pool /nly 14th; What Cheer, Bakpr, for San Francisco fly: A - ■ SM from Cardenas 11th Inst, barque 0 B Hamilton, Mead:; Portland. •' ■ ‘ r‘ At do 11th Inst, barque Emma A Chase, Redden; Dili gence, Young, and Harman, Orr, disg; brigs W H Park, Pa>k; Nebraska; McFadden, and Sea Lark. Adams, do; tchr Dazsle, Dodge, do. - Ar at Quebec 18th instybrlgs John Brown, Thompson, Bxeter; Falcon, Hore, Wolford. ' Old 17th. barque Marla, BrFiley, Queentowh; Hat roonie, Nielson, and Charles ToHio, Fleetwood, London; 18th, ship Lockwoods, Cooke, Queenstown; barques Hindoo, Joaes, Carnarvon; Nina, Bell, Montrose, Ar at do 17th Inst, ship Helen, Godwin, Liverpool, not New York. • • f At Chatham, Miramichl, 301 b inst, barque Mon mouth, Merritt,• from Boston, to load for- Bristol Channel. , - t ‘ . •• i -Ayrek, Aug I—ln port, ships J Q Adams, Lewis/for .Calcutta, ready;- Alma, Freeman, and Alice Thorndike, Spalding.'disg, for do; Parana, Langston, for New York, ldg; barques Antagonist, Orowell, for do do; Manto; Savage, for Boston, do; Thorndiko, Sawyer, disg: Alabama, Sheriff, wtin Griffon, Davis, unc; brig Itaska, Mitchell, for New York, Idg; sohr Pedee, Baker, dlsg, for Rio Grande. ' - \\u v ’ J' r ' ' K MAbbot. NY, “Cbaa W Cooper, Lancaster OFWefiAteV;Frederick,Md 0 B Wlldman, V* - n OClaßettjVa - jgj Bcnainey, u Va OLCrum,Va JoaSnodgraw, Teua. John T. Kimball, R Y - B Carter, Va J A Morphy, Baltimore, Md RCbarlcaault, England Thoa Paries, England BJSliaw, Nr J H Livingston, N T - H Arnold, N Y Dr John Harris, Alabama 0 B Phillips, Chicago - A OXHcnn.Ya ' Wm Bennet, Ya D E Small, York, Pa , Morgan ¥, Modlor ’Sc la, Pa J? 0 Dinhey, NY' John Webster,' Salem Geo R Bradford, Boston B SHeywood, Boston (fit Crichton, Boston Arid Macooeson, England G Applog&to A lady. N York M K Holbrook, Prov. R I N 0 Anderson. Now York J Williams, Jr, Va John Stuart, New York Beverly RKeim, Reading W P Halbert, Cincinnati, 0 James Lyons, Richmond MrsPerin, L» Mrs Lyons, La C R Honeywell. N York John Warren. Ohio ' ! ATjCoufcfns,'YA " Geo W Winn A la, Rich* ; Miss Breeden, Richmond raond, \ JllcKosA Teton ‘ ' Mrs Earles, Washington J R Slagruder, ‘Annapolis . 8 W.Bakor f PrQVidence,Bl A H Paris A la, N V Mrs Gen Green, N C Mrs lUrpood, Baltimore Misa Harwood, Baltimore Mi6B Henderson, Baltimore . D S Wilson, Baltimore RL Bryan.SO Dr P Stanton A la, Lools Whiley, Now York RH Howell A la, N Jersey J 0 Moore. A la. New Jersey D S Anderson A la, N J W P Pfatt,North Carolina JJiss Gould, Georgia Rr lletcare & son, Natchez A P Brecse, Ya MWBteele',' Alabama • CapfcSitgre&vo* & la, U 8 A A W Hall, California Albert W Hall, California JL Hardman, Mo 'JasE McCall Ala, Ohio J L LeiTerts Sc niece, NY 8 Morgan, North Carolina S D Cartwright, NC ‘ lIA Reeder, New Jersey Miss S B Seeder, N Jersey' ' Mrs Gov Reeder, Easton Miss Reeder, Easton Miss E H Reeder, Easton Miss Connor. Easton Wm W March, New Jersey Charles Fonlday, lowa ' D P Gibbons, Baltimore N W Thompson, Reading WXI MeCorkle, S 0 Henry Ghiselin, Norfolk W D Cromwell Sc lady, N Y Miss Cromwell,NY Mr. Cromwell, N IT J Winslow, Brady’s Bend W P Sheppard A wife, N Y D de Gorc'ourle, N Y . R J Lang, Boston MrTrenholln&ljCKarlestn 0 E,Habricht N Y HOJarrett,NY " 1 ' W Lyons. Indiana J H Haines, Brady’s Bend D Tyson, Beading H Vanroed, 1 Beading' 'J Mr McDowel & Is, Chicago W P Burden, Troy f , p E Nolari, Williamsport 'J M R Tatcott,'Cia 1 1 ’ Wm T Coleman, N Y B Guillaume, N Y L A Thomas A wife, Ot " Hr R O,Abbott T J> Bonner, Providence A A McCoy & lady, NY Gao T EUtotL N Y H W Metcalf, Ohio Mru P T Snowden, Ohio G W Barton.Dabuquo lowa O W Leavitt, N Y LBangston,Balt D A Bokeo, Brooklyn OSCa!ef,N‘Y 15 a *; fi M Wing! Ky. S-OjDerwott, Ky„,,. < lAH Bowman, ky > W Griswold, HY, „, , ■ Alt* ft Wilion*' iUttford .r. s**/ >, Kline, Hartford, Ofc. . r MERCHANTS’ IXOTBL—Foarth street. below Arch. W-K&mena. H fork ' John D Neff, Blair co, Pa Jps J VonUtf Centre to Pa John Forster; Centre co D R Smith, OambQrland to J Sutherland, London • J D J-o*Wrohch, l Pa ■ •'L (rMsenhelmer,' Wash- WmA Taylor,* Tennessee ingtou " Koht Kaye, Glasgow 1 J wArmstrong, Ohio &W'Wlm Illinois' - <■ S*mlG Patterson, Mo J H Williams, Missouri 1 JA' Colwell, Armstrong co Q-B Putney; Putneyville B A Paige, Richmond, la J Burnes, Ohio S McClain, Ohio p Ijsstobetson', Ohio H Camp, Salem, 0 Alex HSolgol, Reading . J p ficabit, Ohio , ,3 A.Morehood, Hickman, By Jas A Brown, Huntington W Sturgeon, Londonville A*W ! lson, Pittsburgh 'yoW6W;bhia m^ WD ’j^v*cffi h n t ohio ! V NLDarnea.Va ■ WH La Fever, Va- •< * J W Treusdell, Pa W Sanders, Va 1 * Miss Harvey, Luaerne co ; Janetta M ; Smith, Cum- GPitterson; Memphis, Ten berlandoo, Fa ‘ H W Emraert, Hanover, Pa J Thomas, New York OW Armstrong, Pa * G?o J Piper, Pa winMcCtußey. Ohio ' B Bullivan, Elmira ’ nliw Bhannon; Turbotvlllo John L Strong, Detroit MissUThompaon, J’hila ' James 8 Taylor, Conn m 11 Engleman, Williamspt' Jos Emraitt, Waverly, 0 , i ‘ J7NION.HOTEL—ArchStreet, above Third. P McCloskcy, Albany fc* o;N?«»Ai'Riiß 111 Tiffin, Leesburg, Ohio Wm 8 iJaltipioro Mr Grecnwolt, Ohio 1 John Wroth, Jr, Maryland John Coleman, Ohio 0 D Bwkeit Ohio Andw GlUlgan, Ohio James StilHvati, Ohio, GW Hall, Ohio D F MeCUne,. Indiana, . R C Collins, Indiana Ira Swaney, Ohio J David ShUltt, Manchester P 0 Cawgiil, Ohio B E Frasior, Ohio 'A M Bussell, Ohio M A York, North Carolina J 0 BosS, Albemarle, ’Ohio J D Kiptinger, Ohio Daniel Knoop, Ohio A 8 Gurnee, Chicago 1 J.King,PhiMelnhia . • .Ep-Wolee/Pa 6 Olios Dunn; Zanesville, 0 JohnJiaxtrosser,’ Pa ' MlssM LWilson,Allentown K D Schooner A la, p a B Gillroon & lady; NY- Hugh Steel, port Deposit J Stambaugb, Pa , J Stair, York P& David Gaines; Baton, PA. Jflbn 0. Hopewell, N J W Nichols, N J’ P Bettekfcr, Wilkes Borre ■ . * Margaret M Olellan, Pa *’*' BIASES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. ~ ; Gen Thompson, Lancaster, Hiram Cramar, Pa.' s W Butler, West Chester E J Rinehart, Port Deposit James Connor, Pa, N Carrier Jefferson Co - . Pa UCarrier,Jeffamoooo.,Fa BMcDonaldjPottavllle,Pa‘ BdWDnrang, PoitsvlUo', ' Job nßoyd, Harrisburg John'McYey, Harrisburg A D Boggs, Lancaster S AGre?ba*att.Lancaster Satil Black, Onto J OR Briton, Pa V H Yogle, GroveportjOhlo 1£ Jones, Harrisburg BLACK BEAR INN—Merchant siroot, bol, Fifth. Chester co 0 Laraborn, Chester no - '2*j“ SVottOg. BUmin. ■ ’ • r S 7‘ J . ' * DMMh,Mont*o M „co , £dfollubor,]P* W MMgtU.P»it.ABELi>«IA. THMWDAYi SEPTEMBER 34, 185?. . AHBBIOAN HoSBB—Ohe.tnut, b.loi* MrtM. Thos Johnston, Brooklyn' Wm Dunbar, 6klo . Lewis Passon,Baltimore yW H Rider, Maryland ; Miss Bidor, Maryland , Mtfs A Eidor, Maryland. - w Ira Smith, Richmond Mrs N 0 Barton, Richmond. Oapt W 0 Smith, Richmond Geo Preston, Baltimore 1 .Alfred Bears,Pittsburg •, JJYDi»tch«r,Pa: ’ , ' ' J W Cramer, Pa < R Davis, Pa B Broomhall, Lancaster. ' GW Spencer, Lancaster R Whitaker', Phlloda E WHyde, New York C B Reynolds; New York * 1 O B Reilly, Lancaster r *YMLynch'. Oxford, NO TKHkmsbreger* U. >4; A W MaxwellfVirginia . Thos W LRUe* YlrglnU ? B S Guytrer, ’Baltimore W 0 Taylor, Tenhessed ; R R Templeton; N 0 “ ‘ G Henderson, Virginia RR Galaway, NO I, ,T WPrastod. NO Thos Smith, DoWon - T W Parlia, Mo < John D Kerr, Pbllada L J Rinehart, Md '■ , It Norton, Newark. NJ • W dark, Newark, NJ S D Holder, Milton, NO • B G Hamilton, Havre de> 3 Groenwalt, Havre de Graco 1 Grace J B Hammokln, Pitta town { John De Witt, West Point 0 L Ford, Castieton, Vt Alex Thompeon A la, NY S N Owens, NY,. - Mrs Joyce, NY ' > Miss Ollteilley, NY ; W. Goodwin, NY i • J Tipping, Ya ,W D.Whiting, NY Jas M Gartett, NO 0 A Tomlinson, Lancaster WD Barringor & ly, NO, 8 T Brown, Georgetown ' 1115 Berry, Georgetown ’ B J Carter, N Y WBDttnbftr,NU '. . . - MADISON HOUSB-Second street, below Arch. 1 j E N Gamble. Pbilada. Daoiel Murry, New York ; Adam Connelly, Pittsbg John L Addison, Pittsburg, T B Terry, Trenton, NJ Leon Monlaung, N Orleans! Jas McKewou, Lancaster . W B Michael, Lebanon Coi Flndloy Hart, New Yflrk John B Smiloy, Hartford BLACK BEAR nOTEL-Tbird street, ab. OallowbiU. A Faust, Upper Dublin AugKolier, HoidlebUrg V Roland, Reading • LII Lees. Matxtown Nathan Peter, Washington J Andereoni Norristown Jesse Schtottery, Perkoomon Sami Young, Berks eo n Walters, Doylestown . Elias FisseT, Lancaster no J F Woatbufer, Lancaster co John Mathias,|Heading Charles Holfi;ick, Kutstown - NATIONAL HOTEL, Raco street, above Third, ■ James Driko, Old Town Thos Ilenrr, Harrisburg G Dublo & la, Ohio w M B Rldgwoy, Dinvllld 9 Wm Major, Xeesport H J flendler 1 , Pottsville N J Eyor (c la, Oattawissa James Tonner, Ohio John Esmshaw & la, Ohio llobt Garrett, PottarillC Josso Ll6yd, lowa Henry 0 Hoffman. Pa Jos Whitaker, Mt Clair • • • John Chapman, St dais' • WmH Whitaker, Durham Great Redaction In Prices of Arthur's Self- Sealing Prult Jara.^—From find after this date, Aayaua'a PiTssr Phuit Jars’, with Ql*ss and Fire-Proof Stooe Waroj will bo sold at greatly redaeed prices, Iqwor eYra than the many worthless imitations of Arthur** noVla the market, people presets fruit,'and our large st«fcss-c|QBed out, 1 ID** Store open in ■ > A N.J2. corner Tenth aad ( Geprg£ its. ; Phrenological with advice la referonco .to business, matrimony, self-improvement, health and longevity ,* in all cases Interesting and im portant, Rnd'in worth more than a, fortune, are made dally at Fowler, Well* & Co’*., 923 Chestnut street, below Tenth. . . se22.St# Seamen’s Saving Fund?-Office 203 Walnut street,' one door west of second street, Receives de posits in sarns of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allowe Interest at the rate of fivi per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily,' from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M.Morris; Secre tary, James 3. Cringle. Bower’s Infant Cordial.*—This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from* variety of the most choice and efficient aromMici known in medicine, and is the most perfect and roliablo carminative extant for Infanta and young children! By its powerful Influence a speedy cure' Is' effected In all'cases of Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething/fad by its soothing properties tran quil! sea pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &o. The Infant Cordial has beoomo a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most 1 abundant success. No family should bo without it. Prepared only by ' Hbnrt A. Bowsa, ' ■ ’ At his Drag and Chemical Store, N. 38, comer of Sixth and Greed sU., PhiWelphia. To whom all orders must bo addressed. And foreale by Druggists generally, . anlMy Saving Fund—Five Per Cent, Interest—Na- tional Safety Trust Company, In Wilxot Street, South west comer of Tniap Street, jPaa.ADii.rHU., Assets orerOss Millioh and a Hal* or Dolla&s, invested in RbalJßstath, MObtoaoxs,Ground lUars, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its-business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit.. Any sum, large or small, Is received, and the money Is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock ia the morning until 7 o’clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday ©roams* until 9 o’clock. *1 ‘‘ M.lol, nock, county. Pa., or txus city. ' SDfatljs. On tho 10th I net,, ROBERT n. HANSON, In th» 43d year of his age, . His friends and tboso.of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hi* brother-in-law, Mr. Benjamin Matlack, in Smith- Held, Ward; tbU (ThUrsdayS afternoon, 24th at 1 p’clock. without further notice. * „ th ® 20th lust., Miss CATHARINE of Ana *“»* late John Gibson, in ihe22d year or borage, j it H« relotlv* ud 'ftluU nro rSspMtfully In.lurffl? •ttMAtbefawtl, from tho resldonn of her motkn. No. 028 North Sorenth «troot, .boro Poplar, thl« (Thuraday) nftomoon. mat; »t 3 o’clock, without fur ther notice. ' Suddenly, on the SJd Inrt., MATHIAS J. BffIHK, In the 35th year of his age. ’ Tho friends of the romily are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, corner of Philip and Diamond streets., Kcusingtoii, on Friday af ternoon next, at 3 o’clock. ' „ C7* Ordlnation.-Oeo. Alek'r Pcltz will be Ordaluod to the work or the Ooepel Mluktrr, at the Spring QanleiilJaptlat Church, Thirteenth Street, abore Walkco Street, on THIS (Thursday) EVKNINQ. Sor vices to commence at 7# o'clock. It* ItrTwelfth Word Executive First Division. I>r. Ph. Da Young, Sf, Wartman. Second “ Denis Snell, And. McManus. TbJj-d ‘‘ Hem/ Dunlap, John h. Loudenilager. Fourth il T. G. R. Ilfncklc, Georgo Runner. Fifth “ Allen Weber, Georgo Mock, ' Sixth “ Fred, M/ors, John Keyser, Bovonth “ John Rump, John Carpenter l , l The above Committee i» requested to meet at Snell’s THIS EVENING atB o'clock. . » n ■„ ‘ GEORGE RUNNER, Chairman. LkwisSxbll, SecroUr/. V «021-lt# _.87" _ _ ' Ueod. Quarters Twelfth Ward Dome- A stated meeting Kill Ih> held on Tfiw JTIHJBSDAV) EVENING, at SNELL’S Demo cratic Head Quarter! .at 7« o’clock. By order THOMAS 8. VERNON, preeldeut Hssar A. WILSON, ’ Trios. Lures, , | Secretaries. DJ" A Meetliu of the Democratic Executive Committee or the fourteenth M'ard will be held at the Hotel, comer of TWELFTH and SPRING GARDEN street*, THIS EVENING, at 7* o’clock. GEORGE n. DERRIbL. Chairman. JoukF.Scbsll.) . . Giobob Rkksb, j Secretaries. "07* Dt -'•bUc Exep’ > ‘* „ democratic Executive Committee, 2itb VTerd.—A meetiug of the Committee will bo held At the READING BOOM, IIH3 EVENING, it 8 o’clock. Mit-lt* , ~ J. MILLER, Secietarj. ID* A Alerting of Ihe Yoaug Men's Demo critic Commercial Club will be, held at tho GLOBB EVENING, at 8 o'clock. it* ID*. Heat! Quarters Keystone Club.•--The Democratic Naturalisation Committee will sitdailral the GDOIiE QOTED, (1\ Monaghan’s,) SIXTH, below Chestnut street, from 10 A. M. until 3P.M. ae24*3t 1 ID" A Grand Mass Meeting ot the Democracy ot the Twenty-second Ward vrlfi be 1 held at German, town Hall, on THURSDAY EVENING, 24th Inst., at 1% o’clock. The following eloquent speakers will address the meeting; lion. Wm. H. Witte, Vincent h. Bradford, Esq.. Hon. John Cadrallndor, Daniel Dougherty, Esq,. Hon. Owen Jones, Wm. M. Smith, Esq., Hon. Thos. B, Florcncq. Joshua T. Owens. Ksq., Thos. 15. Harkins, Esq!, Robert Allen, Esq., John K.Gimble, Esq., . John B. Makins, Esq., ' Benjamin Rush. Esq. Come out In your might! Come in a blase of light!l Como for the rights of the States aud the Federal Con stltuttonMl ■ , » ' A full brassband will bo in attendance. By order of the Committee on Town Meetings, ■ , J. J. MORRISON, President. Tiioa. J. DROPBiM, Secretary, »c23-2t JD* Democratic City Executive Committee.— The Committee trill meet every Tuesday aad Friday af ternoon, at 3o'clock, at the Globe Hotel. JOS. LIPPINCOTT. Chains a», Rah®am,. . J. J. Sullivan, < Secretatiea 8c23-16t irr At a meeting of the Democratic (JltrUx tOutiTG Committee, bold on Erldar. gopt. 16th, Jft «m>* iti?clved, That ibo following townmeetiaiibi held j THUII3DAY I3VKNlNftvßept.aitb,o«i!S&trn - •MONDAY UVENlNftjgljit. 28th f fcorthwesteblkw Washington and Master, •_ <■ • ' EVENING, Sept. 80th,Fr«nkford. f jy^ lNG > Bd, Wok Philadelphia. - MONDAY EVENING-,Oct. 6th, Man&yunk. TUESDAY EVENING, Oct. ’6th. Nevr Market and Brown lirdet. . • , WEDNESDAY EVENING, Got. 7tb.'PaMjunk Mid md Federal street. THURSDAY EVENING-, Oct. Sth, Frsokford ro&dud Norris street, • \ . ’ FRIDAY EYHNINO, Oct. 9th, Broad and Coates street- • B A T V, I \? AY fWi oct - 1( »h, State House Yard. A full Brass Band will be in attendance at each meet ing. m J. 3. MORRISON; Chairman. A. 0. Thompson, \ 1 John Kklsh, ' - - > . John K. Oaapviok, - * ... „ lt . TnoB; Sf ; Committee on Meetings Micuazl Rights*, John K, Ladoh&ih, tET Office of the Union Canal Company PmiiADKLVHu, Bept. 14th. 1857.—A meeting ef the stockholders or the Union Canal Co'ciipany of t’encsyl ▼aiilawlllbe hold atthe office'of thu company, fpir quhir Buildings,) No. 228 WALNUT street, below Third, on TUKSDAY, October Oth, neyt, at 12 o’clock, M. By order of the Board of Managers. ael6-dfocfl 0. THOMPSON. Seo’y, ID* Democratic Nataralizatlon Committee wiil meet daily at tho Globe Hotel. Oth,below Chestnut. By order of the Democratic City i;£ecutire Committee, ** ' ' ‘ JO3. LIPPINOOTT, , Chairman. J.3.Sullivan, se23*l7t Q.REAT BARGAINS. ?TSvT.J^ o j? B^u ® nc ® the groat sacrifices made at AUCTION BALES, WE WILL OPPEIt THIS MORNING, oua BNmn iwoRTATtoN or „ ukess SILKS, i At prices folly aa low, if not lower than those offered ' ‘ from AVOTION BAJ.E9. Ctutorocra vin findltadrantageousto call, agwe are determined to poll our goods aachoap as they can be found elsewhere. ’ TUOS. W, IJVA.NB & CO., 818 and 820 OkMtaal 81. JOHN OAMP.BEW* &, SON, BIBEIOPO MSI'B, In tho CUSTOM HOUSE) Aremie, hsVo »!-, **y» for sale raro and Scarce Books. (JeaUdmoa book worm* are invited to call and Judge as to prices and tA* Tietj. . - Law and miscellaneous books purchased la small or largo quantities. Books contiAually te'celvlDz from auotioa. «024-f<uSra* ILLINOIS LANDS T UIKTY-TWO WRBB 0* UANO.In th» corn,l M of JJ : •?SIn/r Won » tcj £7» Washington, JefTeraon, Pranks Hn, Williamson and Fayette, Hlfnols. They will be sold sfxiH'MnEET. 08 M¥T Dperial Notices, illarriofles. f.pHpPO3AtSpOEERfiOTtNO MiiUNE J. BARRACKS AT PENSACOLA. FLORIDA. ~ ‘ Natt Department, v i >, ~ , Waabiugton, September 21,1857. , SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed “ Propbsals for build ing Marine B4rrack*'at’Pensacola t Florida,” wiUbe're vivedthis department until the 6th day of Novem *i? r ’»r ® o’clock P. M.. for tho construction of i u ? Da rrapks authorized to bo erected at Fensa cola, FiOrida, according to the plans and specifications pretarod.by the direction of'the Navy Department, copies of which maybe seen at the offices of the com mandants of the Navy-yards'at Portsmouth, Now Hamn shire, Boston, New York;'Philadelphia, Norfolk, and Pensacola, and at the Navy Department, " Tbh proposals must be for furnishing all the mate rials and completing tho work in a maimer satisfactory to the person who may bo appointed by tho Navy De. partment to superintend the same; and the department reserves the right to reject or accept any of tho propo sala'heroin invited, when It dooms the interest of the unltod States requires ito Ninety per cent, of tho amouht of work done and tho materials delivered will be paid for from time to time, as the work progresses, upon estimates made and certi fled toby the superintendent on tho part of the United States, and ten porcout. retained until tho completion or the contract and acceptance of, tho work by the said superintendent and department, and be forfeited in the ovont of non-fulfilment of the contract; provided that no bill shall be made for an amount less than fi\ o thousand dollars. Each proposal must bo accompanied by a written guar antee, signed by two responsible persons, (certiflod to bo so by a navy agent, post-master, district judge, or some other officer of tho United States,) in the sum of five thousand dollars, that tho bidder will.wheu required, if hi* Proposal bo accepted, enter into a contract ami bond with proper and sufficient security for its faithful performance. Bidders arc invited to examine the plans and specifl* cations at tho offices herelu-beforo moutionod. The proposals must bo sealed and addressed to this department, and plainly endorsed “Proposals for build ing Marino Barracks at Pensacola, Florida.” . Tho bidder only whose offer may be accepted will be notified, and tho contract will bo forwarded as soou thereafter as practicable, which ho will he required to execute within ton days after Its receipt at the postoffic® named by him. All tho above work la to be completed In all respect* according to the plans and specifications within twelve months from and after tho date of tho contract ISAAC TOUOEY, Secretary of the Nary. s«2iths-tNfl Proposals for erecting the CUSTOM HOUSE, Ac., at Perth Amboy, Now Jersey. Treasury,Department, > WAsniNQTON, September 21st, 1857. J PROPOSALS will be received at this Department until the 25th day of November, A. D. 1857, at 12 o’clock, naps, for. the construction of the Custom House, Post Offloa, and Court Room, authorized to be erected at PERTH AMBOY, New Jersey, according to tho plans prepared at this Department • said Proposal 4 to beeHher for tho wholebullding, or separate Nr the djffitoentlllada of work; bills of parcels must in ,®v}ry ease accompany oach bid, with the amount of each kltt of work, -Bad the total amount carried out: tho .Deparituentroserving the right to reject or accept tho proposal! horcbj Invited, or any part thereof, when it deems thi Interest of the United States require it; the Department also reserves tho right to exclude the bids of any person or persons whom there is just cause to boljere will not faithfully perform the contracts, or which'they have attempted to obtain by indirection; and all bias when there shall be parties in interest who do siot join in the bids, and all bids that upon investiga tion are Wlow a fair price for the work. Bids will not be received in gross, aud no contract will be awarded to a bidder unless details are famished the Dsbdrtmeut of the prices of tho different kinds of work ana materials, which shall be subject to the revision of the Department, so that it may adopt the whole or part of the bid, as the Interest of tho United States may require. Ninety per cent, of tho amount of work done, and materials delivered according to contract price (said amount to bo ascertained by an estimate of an agent of the Department appointed for that purpose,) will bo paid from time to time as tho work progresses, and ton per bent, retained uutil the completion of tho contract, and the acceptance of tho work, Ac., by the agent aftrosald, and be forfeited intheeront of non-fulfilment of contract. . ; . ' Contracts will be awarded only to master-builders and mechanics; and tho assignment thereof, except by con sent of the Secretary of the Treasury, will bo a forfeit ure of thb same. Each proposal must beaocompanled by a written gusr antoe, signed by two responsible persons (certified to be so.by the United Statos District Judgo, or Attorney of the said District), in the sum of $5,000 for tho whole work, or of a proportionate amount if any part, that the bidder will, when required, if his proposal be •eeepted, enter into a contract and bond, with proper and sufficient securities for its faithful performance. .Form of Bond and Certificate required will bo fur nished on application to the Department. •■Plans, specifications, and working drawings will bo ready on ihe Ist of November, when they can be had on application to the Department. Nobidwill be considered unless it fully complies, in all its details, with the requirements of this adver tisement. The proposals must be sent to this Department, ad dressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and plainly indorsed “PROPOSALS FOR TItE PF.RTU AMBOY CUSTOM HOUSE,” and will be opened at one o’clock of the lost day named for receiving the somo. HOWELL COBB, se24-th sAtu-tno24 Socrotary of the Treasury. ffIHE OLD STAR HOTEL IN HARMONY JL COURT.—The public aro respectfully informed that the OLD STAR HOTEL Is still in existence. The proprietor will bo clad to see his old friends, and pro mises to furnish them with a superior quality of Alo, Wjnes, and Liquors. 110 feels assured, that on paying him a visit they will not be disappointed. He is also prepared to furnish Oyster* lncvery style, at tho shortest notice. Lunch from 10 to 12 o’clock. sop 21-lra Lost— two certificates of STOCK of the NORTHERN LIBERTIES SAYING FUND ASSOCIATION. The finder will bo rownrded by leaving them with J. J. MILLER, *c24-3t* N.W.cor. Logan and Spring Garden its. CONSOLIDATION OF %J EMERSON’S MAGAZINE AMO PUTNAM'S MONTHLY, 40,000 SUBSCRIBERS TO START WITH! The Publishers aro happy to, announce that in the anion of theso favorite Mazarines, the best literary and Artistic talent of both publications has been secured, and "ttq most attractive features ol each vriU be retained lu ‘w , «on*A i d»tcdiroik. r. It will >»tn to presont In its pages the choicest pro ductions of American thiukera and writers, aud the oest akerts of American artists. yra «h»u endeavor. byaaagaciou# use of the exten sive resources now at our command, to wake a Mage* sine that, in the richness of its lltorary contents, aud In ih*boautyand profnscooss of its pictorial illuatra bona, shall outriral any publication ever bcforo pro < need in this country. The new issue commences with the. OCTOBER num , her. which is now ready. It is tilted with the choicest , iroduetlons of 4omo of tho most brilliant writer* of the \ lAftftnd is embellished with forty-four splendid original •bgravings. It appears in a now dress, embracing an elegant, classical design on the cover, and tho entire work presents the roost attractive appearance, it is iroaouficed by all who have seen It to be tho most wauUfal specimen of a Magazine ever issued in this country. Paicji, 2$ conts—a Yhar. It miy be'obUlneJ of any News Dealer or DooVeeUor, or by enclosing 25 ccntato the Publishorn. J. M. UMKIWON fc CO., Publisher*. No. 37X BKOADWAY. N. Y. CJPKIGHTLY, PUNGENT, AFFECTION* ATS, LIVELY. FANNY FERN'S beautiful NEW BOOK, ontltled FRESH LEAVES. Bound io Biuo and Child. Price Serenty-five cent*. [l-Vom the Boston Transcript.] There ate sevoatyfour tales and fugitive pieces In this volume, all stamped with the spirit, originality and tltacHj of tho author, and which will be road with more satisfaction than any other work that has emana ted from her prolific pen. [FVom lAs New York Courier.] Fanny’* style has the Tivacity, terseness, and epl grammatical liveliness of the French school, while her fancy it so full of genial tenderness, and as teeming with simple dramatic scones and feelings as the most nearly and idiomatic of English writers. Thoro are some who complain that she Is a mere paragraphist, and so she Is, and so wore Solomon, and Franklin, and Pope, trod Mon taigne, and La Rochefoucauld, ami Bacon. Butit would be an odd objection to make to any author, that he com pressed into a paragraph the wit which another in rain attempted to diffuse through an essay or a volume. Fanny Fern climbed into a reputation through the great est difficulties. She wrote in obscure journals, snd eojspalled the world to recognise her genius in spitoof tho unfortunate channels through which she addressed [From the York DijpareA.] This handsome brochure contains upwards of 300 pages'of Fanny Fern’s gayest, gravest, wittiest, and most caustic emanations. While it doeA not profess to be philosophical, it is full of philosophy, of didactics which only a keen-sighted woman, whoso soul Is in her work, can observe and fasten upon the minds of her pupil*—her readers; nor is it religions, yet it is replete with tho trnest and most attractive piety. LJFVom the j V«u> Yorker,] This Is one of her richest publications, brim-full of life, varied and abundant. Published by MASON BROTH ER3, TVW TREATISE ON LAND SURVEY* 11 ING. This day published, by E. 0.4 J. RIDDLE, No. 608NINORStreet, A THEATIBEON SURVEYING; in which the theory and practice are fully explained. Precoded by a short Treatise on Logarithms, and also by a compendious system of Plain Trigonometry. Tho whole illustrated by numerous examples. By SAMUEL ALSQP, author of a “ Treatise on Algebra.” Ac. In the abovo named work the Author has presented the theory plainly and coinprohensivoly ; has given definite and prociso definitions for practice; and has embraced In it everything which an extensive business in land surveying would bo likely to requiro. The work will bo mailed at $1.75 per copy, pottage pro paid. ■ - sep22-3t HENDERSON &*CO* GREAT LITER *1 ART |AIR, FIFTH and ARCH streets. • ,Jn order (ft gratify the wishes of ouf numerous pa tara aod induce the book-buying public to fill up their iibnne* at tho usual low prices, wo intend to present to purchaser of books to tho amount of $1 end up ward*, a Gift In value of from 26 cents to $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select fpr yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at tho usual price, and very many wit} get, apresont worth haviug. au2l-3in B VANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. N.8.-No connec tion with any other house In the City. aul-3m Sot Sale aitb to £ct. Neat modern houses, with back Buildings, No. 067 Nortli THIRTEENTH Street, for Sale. Apply No. 1528 OHERItY Btreet. »e23-3t* STORE TO RENT, at No. 125 Chestnut Street. I). M. CHAMBERS, se23»lw* 43 North SECOND fitreut. TO LET.—THE STORE NO. 119 ARCH street, betweon SECOND/nod FRONT streots, ad joining tho block of large STORES, recently orocted by SAMUEL SMYTH, Esq, will bo ready to occupy on the 26th instant (September.) Rura or Fluid Lamp businosa not troatod with. Ap ply to WALTER PATTERSON, «6p19-lw 43 North Front street. dhOAA OR $5OO BOOK BINDERY FOR UpOvFl/ SALE—Berea years established, doing a fair dob business, which can be increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location. 635 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank books at cost, jobs bound to order. aaglO-fiw _ TJBIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOIfCES -1 TER, N. J., FOR BALE, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 76 foot by 140. .Price, $3,000. Also, Lots suitable for raatiufactorieq, fronting the riTer. Apply toO. ROBB. No. 311 South Fifth street. &u26-lm* LA W DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A term will commence on THURSDAY, Octobor Ist. Introductory lectures will bo delivered by the several Professorton the oveulogs of THURSDAY, October Ist, SATURDAY, October Bd, and MONDAY, October &tfc at S o’clock, at tho lecture room of the University. 5023-dto5 f WM. D. ROGERS’ CARRIAGE REPOS ITORY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, abovo TENTH, Is now open for the sale of every des* crlptlon of Carriages, comblnlug Style, Durability and Elegance of Finish, from the Manufactory at the corner of Sixth and Master streeta, to which the attention of Oltisem and Southern and Western gentiomen la res pectiully called. ■ .4. B.—Especial attention given to Carriages for re pair! in th* shops Connected with the Repository. Kn trance on Chestnut Street- eo!4-rawf 2w Thomas e. Baxter.—hardware, CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 010 MARKET BT., bora Ninth, toutt iid«, Jhiladelphla, *u l-finj OHAND rokzani ballet trouts'! SoB»H t et OPer “”“ dlrootlo ' l orthe Haifa* DOMBNICO BONZANI.' MONDAY EVENING, SeptoralorOl IMr and ever/ atoning until further notico, will la nreiant. ad the grand Fantaitlo Ballet, entitled P ” V PAOBT. . Doctor Fault Signor Qaapara Prateii Peter...,. Signor Oacoletti Margnent&..,., Ude Loalw Laxaonreux Marta , Signora Oecehetti Splrito Danc&nte Signor B&ratti MeQstofele...... Bigcor D. Romani I’ttiutig or Admissios—Varquet, Dress Circle and Balcony, Jlj ( Family Circle, 60 centaj Amphitheatre, 2i cents. Tho Box Office of the Academy Ji open from 9 A. M. tqsl>. m ,for thesecurlng of Reserved Seats and Boxes, without extra charge. The Ballot will commence at 8 precisely, v . r i? gei * will set down heads South, and take np heads North. r *9 21-Gt ■yjEUXmIPS“AND THALBEKG ,s ” okand concerts. The public are rKpectridljr'lnrnoedUut the ~ „ . VIII3T UttAHD COJtOSBTi And flrat appearance of ’ In conjunction VIEUXTMI “ S . fcJ. TUALfIKKO, MMK. ELENA D’ANORI. ...... . . . SIQ. ROCCO, Will take place on ' FRIDAY EVEMNO, SEPTEMBER 251 A AT THS ’ . MUSICAL FUND HALL. Conductor.... otq ipp TT > Admission ONE DOLLAR— no txtra rAar« for re tired seats. Boats will be secured beginning on Thurs day, at tho music store of Lee Sc Walker, 183 Chestnut street. 7 °* On SATURDAY, Sept. 26, the Second Concert. Seats for tho secoud Concert cau be secured at the tnusio store of Reck Sc Lawton, 166, and Edward Walk or, 142 Chestnut street, beginning on Friday. se2B-4t TVATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., XI near Eighth. Admission ——Seats In Private Box, $1: Orchestra Chairs, 76 cents; Dress Circle and Parquet, 60 couta: Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o’clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o’clock, when teats can be secured. St S B ,'!. J !’° n ?* er Mr. n. Wetkinl Tilld (Thursday) EVENING, Sept. 34, the perform ance will commence with tho Drama entitled „ , THE LIFE OP A WOMAN. Abel Rosemay.., Mr.L. P.Roya Mom Merle Mr. Brlgi. honny Rosemay Miss Kimberly Dorcas.. Mr.. V. Drew To conclude with the comic piece, entitled „ THE HAPPY MAN. Paddy Murphy M c . j. 8,,m0w Foxl-Fura Mr. Morris K “- Kcl MU. AUsn ARCH ST. THEATRE. T V —Sole Lesaoe W. WHEATLEY. Scata os Faioßa.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents: Dress Circle (no extra chargo for Secured Seat#), 60 cents; Pamily Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents: Seats In Pri vate Doxes. 75 cents; Whole Private Box, J 3; Gallery, 13oents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri. vato Box In Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 8 P. M. J. M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Sept. 24, the per formances will commence with . • THE BELLE’S STRATAGEM. Sir George Touchwood Mr. Dolman Ptatter Mr J . fi. Gierke Letitia Hardy Mrs. j£. l. Davenport To conclude with the beautiful play of , TUB BRIGAND. Allo3andro Mr.E. L. Davenport ' l “ b . llld ° Mr. J.mes E. Duun Ottavia.... ..Miss Emma Taylor WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les seo, Mr. E. A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. joun action. Prices.—Dross Circle and Pareuette, 60 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Scats. <5 cents. Box Office open from 9 o’clock A. M to 3 P. M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance to com mence at 7%. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Bopt. 24, wlllbe ected the Comedy of ODD HEADS AND YOUNG HEARTS. Mr. W. It. Bleko DltUotou Coke Mr. Walleck Le.ter Lady Alice Hawthorn Mr*. bm p’^o Rocket. Ml,, G, nn on lounteu Pompion Mr.. W. K. UUke To conclude with tho Lrngheble Pnrco, died A PEABPUD TRAGEDY HP TOWN. Mr. Slumplugton Mr. Chapman Mr., bluinplngton Mm. Stoneall STANFORD’ 3 OPERA HOUSE— ‘ ' ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut, Doors open at7>f o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 cents. SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE In their Operatic Entertainments, introducing all the latent Songs, Glees, Choruses, Dances, Ac., concluding each evening with a 6 LAUGHABLE BURLESQUE. sel6-lm IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE COUNTY OP P UIL ADEDPHX A. —Estate of JAMES HEMPHILL, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, aud adjust Vi# (enal) account of JOSEPH LE3LKV, administrator, de bonis non, c. t. a. of JAMES UEMPniLL decease* and also the (Anal) account of JOSEPH LESLKY.Trustee under the will of the said JAMES HEMPHILL, de ceased, and to make distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Wednesday, the Tth day of October, A. D. 1857, at 4 o’clock P. M. at his office, No. 131 gouthFilth street, opposite Independence Square, in the City of Philadelphia. JOSEPH A. OLAY Aud’r September 11,155 T. a-t-th-5t JOHN CORLEY. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DIWRIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA. , Ingraham v. Meade—ln Equity, October Bess., 1852, No. 1. The Master, to whom It was referred bv the Conrt to examine and adjust the further account of Benjamin Gerhard and George G. Meado, surviving trustees under the deed of trust of January 10th, 1821, mentioned In the decree la ibis cals, aud to report distrlbuUva of the Trust Fund remaining undistributed, will meet the par ties interested, at his office, No. 528 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, on Monday, October 6th. 1867, at four P. M. HENRY WHARTON, seplO-s tu tk fit Master. IN THE ORPHANS’ COUHT FOB TUB CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of J. W. Starr, Executor of Maria Starr, debased. The Auditor appointed br the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of 3, W. Starr, Executor of the Estate of Maria Starr, deceased, and to report dis tributionof the balance, wiitmeetthe parties interested at his office, at the southeast corner of Locust and Eighth streets, in the city of Philadelphia, on TUES DAY, September 21>th, IM7, at 4 o’clock in the after noon. DANIEL DOUGIIEBTY ■el7-th e tu it IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Trust Estato of John Idel. Tho Auditor, appointed by the Court to audit, settli, and adjust the account of Levi Sperry, Trustee undsr the will of Courod Idol, deceased, of John Idel, andto report distribution of the balance iu hand, will cueotthe parties interested at his Office at the Southeast coner of Eighth ami Locust streets, on WEDNESDAY Afternoon, September 30th, at 4 o'clock. sel7-th stu it DANIEL DOUGUEBTY, Außtor. IN TIIE ORPHANS* COURT FOX THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA—Estate of Samuel Bremer, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust tho acoount of Lewis liremor, mting Admin* istrator of Bamuel Bremer, deceased, and to make distri bution of the balance In the hands of tie accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on Wednesday, September 30th, at four o clock P. M., at the WethcrlU House, George Street, above Sixth, in the City of Philadelphia. sepl7-th s tu 5t JAMES It. LUDLOW, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS* COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, August loth, 1637. Notice Is hereby given, to all porsous interested lathe estate of Mary Alderfer, late of the townrfiip of Lower Salford, in said county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Donjamln Alderfer have applied to said Court, by petition, graying for a decree for the sate of the real estate of said Mary Alderfer, deceased. The said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, the Sfith day of September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M., at tbe Court House, lu Norris town, for all parties interested to appearand snow cause, if any they bare, why the prayer of < said petitioners should not be granted Byorderof the Court. J. B. DAVIS, Clerk of tbe Orphans' Court. au26-d4w STATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. —AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, OAUD NERB, POMOLOGISTS. INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS, ARTISANS!! All classes are Invitod to be come exhibitors. New York. THE PENNSYLVANIA BTATK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at Powelton, West rjHiadelphie, on SEPTEM BER 23th and 30th, and OCTOBER Ist and 2d ensu ing, for tbodisplay of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and implements, Dairy. Field and Garden Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, the Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Stoves, Wares and Inventions. A PLOWING MATCH ! • Id order to promote skill and efficiency in the im portant work or the Farm, a Plowing Match will come off on the fourth day of the Exhibition, to which men and yeuths are invited to compote for the premiums. To sellers and buyers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a moßt favorable market. The different Railroad Composes will carry all stock and articles to and from tbe Exhibition fnt of charge as heretofore, and will issue Excursion Ticksis for the Fair week at the ostial liberal rates. > Lists of Premiums and all other information will be furnished ou application to ROBERT 0. WALKER, Se cretary. at tho Rooms of “ the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture," ChesnutStroet, below Seventh, south side, upstairs. Tho boose for the entry of articles and animals will be open on and after the Ist of September. DAVID TAGGART, President Penna, State Agricultural Society, aul3-d t aep 28 JOHN I*. DOHERTY, FOR TEARS WITH KKL.LY k BROTHKK, LATE WITH LUKKNS, KELLY, k CO., TAILOR. Has with him the best tailors that aro now engaged in the business in this country : CHARLES ROTH, formerly the leading Tailor or this City; M. KAYSKR, formerly Cutter for O. ROTH k CO , and late Coat and Vest Cutter with LUKENB. KKL LY, tc COj UE.NIIY VAGNER, who his just arrived, considered in New York the best Pants and Yeats Cut ter in the United States, for years cutter withDcpienis, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Deplenis k Pottus, undue the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patroniao the establishment: the best of Clothes mode at moderate prices for credit, low prices for cash. * e 24 Edward p. kelly. LATS KELLY k BROTHER, Having engaged the services of CHARLES ROTH, Distinguished for tho beauty and excellence of his . Goods when in the Tailoring Business, has taken . tho Store. ' 814 CHESTNUT STREET, iND HAS OPENED FOR THE BALB, AT RETAIL, Of CLOTHS, OABSIMEREB, VEBTINOB, CRAVATS GLOVES, SHIRTS, Ac., ’ Of th9bestqualitios,at moderate prices. E 7“ The business of KELLY k BROTHER U re moved, from this date, to No. 814 CHESTNUT Street whom it will bo attended to by EDW’D P. KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. aeWy JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 10 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. ’ A large and woll selected stock of CLOTHS and OASSIMERES always on hand H All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality, and In the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. auO.tf BW. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS ■ No. 87 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made ou ell accessible points in the United States ana Canada. Stocks, Bonds, &0., Bought and Sold on Oommlraicm.. Uneurrent Bonk Notes, Checks, Ac,, bought at the lowest rate*. Deposits received and Interest allowed, wpef agree neat, aol4m ; iktimsemetUa. TIIO3. McKEON, Tnuarer. MMK. ELENA D’ANGRI. £eflal Notices. Slgricnlittrc. iUcrcliaiit Enilors, PHOFESSOB SAUNDEBS’ INSTITHTE WEST PHILADELPHIA. ’ No Seminary wbaterer U more like a Private famiir The CQurae of study is extensive and thorough. Frol Usaor Saunders will receive a few more pupu* under fourteen yean of age into bis family. Xnqnlre of Messrs. J. 8. eiivefiad Mathew Newkirk, or Coi.j. w. *oniey, Editor of this Paper, who** son* or ward* are now member* of his family. Mpt^i-tf SST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, tT« L ?, OU ? t STBBKT, vest of Sixteenth! .Clsuesi* rfl‘“'£ reos£ i French, and the tuukl XngliAh tranche*. JJJjJWf} IO ®f, to *H«w puplU to advane* in each, lad*- fhefr se/erai* * lu *» repWltj- proportioned to oMitiei. Mach tune 1* giren during CUouhts/W b.\sf soil 2w* J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal. jVl iB in ®? NNEY AND HISS DILLA.I*. REVERENCES. Bi22££<3- B D%’ D j D '’. d °L Wm - »'• Blackwood, D. D., do: A. Converse, D. D., do; John Leybnrs, D. D., do: James H. Cuthbcri,do; t Brantley, D. D.. do; E. B. Cheney, do; William ford, New York eitjj A. D. Gillette, D. D..do:R Bab cock, D-D., do: R. fuller, D.D., Baltimore; George W Eaton. D.D., Hamlltou,New York:G. Kempton,North Last, New York; Thomas Rambauf, Cassvllfe, Oeorria: Howard Ualcom, D. D.. Lewlsburg, Pennarlvanio: John 5' Philadelphia; Paul T.Jones. Esq., do: Col. A. G. Waterman, do; Caspar Morris, Ai. D* do* Robert A. Ezell, Eaa., Marshall, Texas; John B. Sem ple, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, Esq:, do, do; George W. Jackson, Esq., do. do; JohnH. Raymond, LL. D., Brooklyn, New York; Mayson Bray son, Esq., Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford, Homer. Now York; Stephen D. Dillaye, Esq., New York city; Hon. Daniel 8. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York. •epA-lm • ’ . rmiTTENDEN’ B PHILADELPHIA COM- V MKROIAL COLLEGE, 8. K. corner of SEVENTH end CHESTNUT Streets,Second end Third gtorloe. “ t “K-KBEI'ING. PENMANSHIP, erery«tyl». SSHSiSS OIAL LAffa and forjlb. OO.fJMKRQJAL CALCULATIONS LEOTORE3, Ao. instruction from eotnpe tho Wr O | , 4 e^& nl " UwoO “ ,^h *' TenMf&^r“ Wl, ’ ,Bpflfiimeoi * nilget & CaUlogue^of TTESfAN ALLEN, A; M., is prepared to I?' 6 * Malted number of pupils on the Ylolln or on the PUno, .»d to ploy Violin pin. oi.«oi,S-’ "Fui* plonlate. Apply .t the reHdence of hl.f.tlior, Profi.Bor ALLEN, N 0215 South Seron teenth Street. ClrcnUtn, with term, and rofmnei ntQ, ANDRE A Co.-e, nl. JIM Ch,,t»!!tiSSSi CCHOOLFOR YOUNG LADIES,SOUTH. >J WEST CORNER OF ARCH AND TENTH STREETS Tho pupil. In thie Inatltution will he lnrtructed in tli the branchei of a thorough Englleh Edocatlon, end erery facility for the requirement of knowledge prorided for will be . cereful. pointing ouwurd end The echool-yeer !e dlrlded Into two term., of Are month, eech. commencing Sret or Ninth Month (Son. temher,) end tret of Second Month (Februery.) , T K H M 8* Sl, „ 4^.00 Third <• tc M foal, 4o.,per term.. *”**’ jqq hab&l£tt jiitowu. Philadelphia, 1857. BMEEHNOBS: Thoma* Klmber, J. D. White, U. Baamel Uettle. Jr., BenJ. s. JanW m! D. Mirmvloken.Ooin, ' Jtebert K. Wrijrft, William Be,tile, ThbmaaD. Smith . ThomM WisUr, George Grltcom, AnthoorF Mortll, William P. PiUSeM, Joshua H. Monte, Barid Yamterreor, Uriah Hunt, . William B. Tbomaa. *u2s-lm. "" SJUPPLEE’S INSTITUTE FOE YOUNG ►>3 LADIES, (boarding and day Danila.) K W corn»>• ELEVENTH and GREEN atree4. P ,i.Vira?S °pen on September Ith. Heat reference gleen, In cloding all pre tent and former patron*. &036-U SIPRING GARDEN ACADEMY POE MEN AND BOYS. N. E. comer EIGHTH *od BUTTONWOOD itreete. I rx'fesKors of tho higbe.t qooUttocUoM emelojed. Outftlogue. containing full particular#, pupil* l name*, tMUmonUla, to., can t» OM OD lppUcatl«D. 1 * An2s-« F. DONLEATY LONG, Principal. Hall op st. jambs the less, PHILADELPHIA. * AFAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS . - ®«T. B. R. Bu7saa, Raoroa. The Annual Seuion will begin on TUESDAY, Sen tembet 1. * r oM * hl « l *«the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, S. W. comer SIOHTH and CHESTNUT, ot of the Rector, Po*t Office, lalle of Scbu/lkltl, Phila. deipnia. oulT-dm TIJRS. BARTON’S BO AE DING AND yOK V °HNO LADIES, No. IKS **'•* Twentieth, will reopen on the SECOND MONDAY in September. *ul9-9w* TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE * \ P«rwo;, male and female, to gain a share of til* world l * good* and comfort* a* a businkm education. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, No*. Its and lfiO SIXTH Street, near RACE * wrll re-opeoon MONDAY, SEPTEMBER lit, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge cf WRITING, BOOK-KEEPINO AND ARITHMETIC ■ '7 simplified method*, in a short time. XIIELEIDY'B taka pleasure in saying, that daring ntafl* situations, and others to prosecute their badness opention* successfully. au22-3m. ,fI«HT! LIGHT! LIGHT!— 1 *H»E« HOURS FOR ON* CENT. KNAPP'S PATENT BOSIN OIL LAMP— and **/«** ArtiHel.l tight in the fat It 1. all (he people. It bu for a long time been well under stood by all Chemist* that Koala Oil was (Sri lime*. cheaper than Whale Oil. Burning Fluid, or oiber mate rials producing artificial light, but heretofore, although >morethan ont hundred thousand dollars nave been expended in Boston in attempt* to produce a Lamp in which to burn thie oil, they haro all, from some cause or other,and it his remained, a* was remarked b y the Boston Journal, for A. 11. Knapp, from beaati. full* simple and philosophical principles, easily under ■ stow, to bring forward a Lamp exactly adapted to burn tipfthia Rosin Oil Jn all etyies of Lamps, and for the .c»ramon use of person* everywhere, at a mere nominiA mat, so that no onecan afford to do without It. Betides the abore, this Lamp gives so eleer t soft, and steady a light that persons with weak 171 s find no more difficulty in the ereolug than in the day-time—making it. aa se veral clergymen have remarked, the *f student’s friend,” as well a* the mechanic’* and seamstress’s Indispensa ble companion. PENNSYLVANIA COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their Interest to call at the Agency. and examine this truly wonderful Lamp County Right* for the tale of these Lamp* In the State of Pennsylvania will be sold on term* ao-favorable that those becoming interested cannot fill to realise Urge profit* from the business. Agency, 202 CHE3TNUT Street, above Second. **22-d2wA»2t* Department of highways, Skit. Jilt, IWT. “ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS”— CLEANSING TUB CITY.-Seil.J Pnpoull, entitled proposals for CLEANSING TUE CITY, will he received by the undersigned, until Monday, September the 28th, at 12 o'clock M.) Each Proposal must be accompanied by the names of two responsible persons as anrettM, Specifications maybe had at this Office. john McCarthy, se 22-5 t Chief Coramlwloaet of Highways. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, Sct- TBttFßt 21,1857 —Sealed Proposals, entitled “Pro poMtf forbulldingCulrert, near Thirty-fifth street and Myrtle street, in the Twenty-fourth Ward,” will be re eelred at this office until WEDNESDAY, the 80th Inst , at 12 o'clock U. Koch proposal must be accompanied by the names of two responsible persoosqa sureties. Specifications may be had at this office. John McCarthy, 5022-tuths3t Chief CommiwQuer of Highways. Boys* clothing. F. A.' HOYT ic RRO. have now on hand a very large assortment of BttADY-HADN goods suitable for the present season which they feel disposed to sell cheap. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, outhwest corner TENTH and CHESTNUT streets. N. B.—We have a large assortment of new goods of a superior quality and make. sep22-lmtutus Ladies* dress trimmings.— FANCY AND STAPLE. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, * ' J.G. MAXWELL k SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, four doorrbelow Eleventh. And 319 S. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES —Nos. 03 and 97 GEORGE St., below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few hours’ notice. se22 4mlf ARCHAN T ’ 8 ’ CRYSTALOGRAPHS, OR PHOTOGRAPHIC MINIATURES IN OIL, N E. corner of EIGUTU and LOCUST. The above pictures differ essentially from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, Insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These facts enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public ana to his friends. They are secured by letters patent to, and ean be had ONLY of E. D. MARCHANT. fl~>~ Portraits of the eablnet, and life tiie on canvas as heretofore. se 18-3 m TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS— Attention is invited to the following stock of sea soned LUMBER: 300,000 feet 6-4 Yellow pine floor Boards. 250.000 feet 4-4 do do. 30,000 feet 3-4 do do, suitable for lin ing stores. 76,000 feet White Pine Floor Boards. 850,000 feet Spruce Joist. Selling low for cash, to suit the times, and in lots to suit purchasers. ALBERT BENTON, South FRONT street. selfi-Im* HfIACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. iTJ. Sold by CHADWICK k 8110., SECOND Street, first door above Race. cuglS-Sraos. David m. hqgan, blank book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT street, between Fourth and Fifth, Philadel phia. sfeS-lta COTTON— 200 bale, good Middling to Mid dling Fair Colton, In .tore and Tor sain by MARTIN tc MACALIBTSR, aol l North Watar Slraal. Rosin.— 500 barrels soapmakebs* ROSIN, to arrive per schooner J. JI. Planner. For tale by MARTIN k MAGALidTIHt, au3l- 119 Keith Water street. Notice to consignees—Tba B wp STALWART, Oapt. A. 11. Lucas, from Liverpool, Is now discharging under general order at Almond street wharf. Consignees will please attend to receipt of their goods. THO 3. RICHARDSON k CO. ttS-u Russia and American tarred CORDAGE a superior article, manufacture and for sale by WEAVER, FITLER A CO., auS-tf No. 23 N. Water st„ k 22 N. Wharvas. SAVING FUND.—UNITED STATES ►3 TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Largo and small sums received, and paid bock on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from tho diy of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 uutil 6 o’clock every day, and oq MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER. sel7-lyif SARDINES.— 100 cases of 60 half boxes each, in store and for sale by ’ HENRY BO ELENA 00., Ht Not. 221 tad 228 S. Fourth ftreet. CJHIP .O T.SE ONTHB, FOR NEW OR LEAKS Lina—GnaraatUd first iraaael, with quick dl,patch—Freight taken at aa law rates as ear Teasel loading The remarkably fuDeaiUhf ehlp OT9SOSIHR, Wm. , * Maxwell, aarter, nownpklly completing harload ft>g at Bace street wharf, hia nearly all m her earn Jggaged and going on board, and will pocUtoly mil ae Shipper* will pteaee examine thin ship before eaga* glnweliewhere. Thoe# who hare not completed ‘their shipments will pleue do to at onfte, and hand in MUe of lading for rig- ° r ImWrt, which will ha taken at the Xoweit rates, or apply on bomd, or to BEEHOP, SIMONS, fc CO., The OTSEONTHE Inmuta at Will take steam down the Delaware and bp the His* •iaslppi. nlB-dtf FOR SAN FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA LlNK.—Direct from Philadelphia. The magnificent dipper ship JO&&TH J6SKS, Sam uel 0. flaven, commander, is now loading at street wharf; haring a large part of hereargoeagaged and going on board rapidly, will hare immediate das patch. Shippers will ple«o hurry their pudi elcagxftt with •at deUr. for of iM«ht Otmlj to BISHOP, bukws k, CO , 30 North Vheme. FOR SAN FRANCISCO—FROM- NEW YORK. The celebrated elipoereh.'o gAN’TA CLAPS, Teeter, ®uter; the mapiMeent clipper chip BOSTOKIAff, , muter, are bov loadiag will oar* as For balance of freight apolj to bishop, snnwts * co.. 36 North Whaxraf. hotels aub tttslonrants. \V r 3LLIAJ£ HANNING’S CITT LAGER T ¥ BEER SALOON, So. 233 Otrttf’i Alter. pfeila 1 delphia. *{«-*- ‘ ]McGO WAN’S BESTAHKANT, SODTH west comer of BROAD end WAT-vyr g tTBI end all other delicacies ia season. PaadUes supplied with Oysters on the shortest notice. sepwm Lewis b. coffin,— THIRD WARD Jrmin South-esat eontr FIFTH mi 4&BOt Strwt,, Mp 3 lmo Philadelphia. IfEECHANTS' HOTEL, -‘■U NORTH FOURTH STREET, Avon Xiuir. PBiUßnjmi MM-tt KcKIBBES A X», nanniu. CCOTT HOUSE—Corner. of Irwin Street pfop“JtiT'“* w * x ’ »• ®- h*|§h«, IDines anb Ciqnors. OLD0 LD WHISKEY— E.'pnmr- Vf M.ETOS fc BROTHER, Importers of Wine. Bran £>.*'• -AUo, iol ß propHelon of the Old Wheat IV hitter, N;>.s,NqHi Trout Blraat. Mpll-lm POST WINE*—In bond tad entitled to de b«nOu« 330 esaka Bt. JoMph’a Pm. J.le, Part nine, in qn.and eighths, , * Ten puncheons John Banjojlalay Malt Scotch Whis ker. % fears old fifty pipes Anchor Gin. 1.1 Dray Brandies, tl of which I olfor to 1h» trade at ao3T-3jao« 83 and SO 8. ErontSt^bdowWaknt. ALEXANDER V.HOLMJESTwINE AlfD f*- LIQUOR BTORE. So. SJfi, Eonthaait Carmar . GEORGE and SOUTH Street, < ‘S*f T * Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WISES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ac M Booth TOTH Street, Pkfladalpkg7 «£j. X»K ANDIES.—Pinet, GutiDon & Co., Mr. . , ratt k Co.,and ether hraada of Conaaef TarJou ™ pipaa and quarter mu,: PallMotsla Rochelle Brandma, pale and dark, In halfpipe, quarter " ‘i®—wme; «« ■ ...tuamssik TyTIMAB & BCTZ r PORTEK. ALE JTO i±Crtß USER BKKWSBY, K». 6» (new Sales bn Radian. MTOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, T.f 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite «h. On Hooae. between Fourth and firth Stnata. SALE Of TOE ELKOANT AND YALUABLB STOCK of Mr. K. D. BCOTI, rwlinquUUng »ha ratal] branch of hia business. *J 0 ?? AT «**, “oMMMtos at 10 o’clock pro* euelj. end in continuation at 3 B if <«• Via commence the sale at Mo. Bid Cheetnt struct, b*low T«ntn, of the LARGE AND VALUABLY STOCK Of *ANCT GOODS, imported expreeilr for tha heat city trade, coosirting of Embroideria*. Leeee. Jtibbeo*. fencj* and Mourning Goods generally* * The lota will be sold to suit the eaoeestaiee of rm lumera, and will be unond for examination two dan prior to tale, when the ladles of this e»tr end rictaitr are rery respectfully laeited to attend. 1 The (litem he continued from tar to daw ah the am hours until the whole stock is closed. NOTICE —The ule of the,lock of Jewelry, to hare peon held this day, la peetpooed until further notice. TMOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER f/A AND COMMISSION KIBCIUST, 8. *. camr ELKTH aW RACE Btracta. LARGE SALE 0? FURNITURE, mm MAT TRESSES, FIBE-PROOF CHEST, kTke. On FRIDAY MORNCiG rant, lSth, at 19 o clock, at th. aoathenat enrnar of Blxth and *— •treat,, lecond-atory ruem, eatranc* from JteaitrM ronalathbf !n part- 6t Jenny Lfedj High Feat, Medium CotUg., and French B-tetaads, tin T*%thn Bade, French aUmcOral bognay Tranb* Lookisy-Gluaee, Bar****, Curd Table*, MyMe Top, Boqu*t, aad Centre Tables, SpriarSeaft Sofas, DiYini. Loonyee, Spriny eeat CJuin. Ibjrble Tea Sideboards, windcor Chain ud Settee*,Cherry BTahU. Cane-seat SockincChain. Walnut Crihe. aadfsrutoe ge Derailjr appertaining to nooMkeeaint, Ac- Ae. FIRE-PROOF CHEST A Im, a laperio; second-hand small Plrs-Proof Chest, NATHANS PRINCIPAL LOAN OJJICE, “ 8. K. Comer cf Sixth »t»d JUct Street*, Where money wiU be Loaned on gold uKer dst* Watch**, Jewelry, Dismaarf*. <flwlh««j [ Groceries, Segers, Hardware, Cat!err, fanuttrre, Bed. ding, Horses, Vehicles, Binm, Stocks, sad os *l3 ar tides of valu* for aaj length cf lime tgreed oa, oamoc* MtiL f utoqr end liberal terms thin »t any other eetah* Uahmeut. feed] if. NATHANS, NATHAN’S rrsat sale of POR7KITKD GOODS sriS take place ia a few days. Doe notice will be give*. WEBB’S great sale of forfeited Watches. Jewelry, Goa*. Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ag will take dace shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB’S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ae., being forfeited collaterals, will takedacoshortlr Poe notieo will be given. JOHN BAYUS, AUCTIONEER— No. 825 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Stream SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o’clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hcelery, Whips, Trunks, Taney Goals, Notion*, Ac., Ac. N. B.—Terns td Eight Seles, four months' credit tor approved eitr acceptances, for rams of is terest added from data of sale. ■ sepl-la rjEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER. VJ N. S. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets, above Second. EVENING RAT.M SALES. EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, ’ At TK o’clock, at the Auction Btore, of Hardware, Cw!9 lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, ►3 tod MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 11S South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear st., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hoar* of business from 7 o’clock, A. M , until 19 o'clock in tbe evening. Out-door sales, and oalvs at the Auction Hoot, at tended upon the moet satisfactory terms. CAPITAL {300,000. for the last TXrriy Tsars. Advance* made from one dollar to thousands on Din mends, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chaadixe, Clothing, furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Hones, Carriage*, and Goods of stctv. description. All good* can remain any length of time agreed npon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month; 8509 and over, the lowest market rate. This Store Uooee haring a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, aad pri vate watchmen for the promisee; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N. B.— Oa account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advance# on more satis factory and accommodating terms than nr other tn thU city. Money advanced to the poor, la email amounts, with out any charge. AT PHTYATI SALS. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-Iy ©fntlemtn’s i’nrnisfjing tgoobs. "MTINCHESTER h SCOTT, GENTLE vI MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. TBS CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, aad Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. auMjif GIRARD FIRE AN ANCE COMPANY, PH 302 WALNUT street, we*t oi “FIRE Riser q BiasC' ID MARINE INSITB ULABBLfHU-Ofltt. No. it THIRD. ONLY TAKEN.” *WM. J*r. WaTksr, Joo.McClaro, Tho. Ct»t«q, A. S. GllleU, ParntAn £fc«pMnl f Suni. Jones, U. D-» Joseph Kiepp, M. D Wm. M. Swain, John Anspaeh, Jr,, It. N. Burroughs. J. B. Hughes, F. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J.P. et*inw, H. A. Shackelford, . Hon. JOXt Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, U JONES, President, , Vice President. McMpilis, Secret*!?. Unt Secretary. anl-tv-if Jxo. 8. Jans B. Altoeu, Aeaid SHARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS* CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Arch and Race. eufi-ly TWfOSS—-17 bales Carolina Moss, lor'saie by XlJl MARTIN i MACALISTER, aul 119 North Water Street. I\T£TF FALL CLOAKS.—Jost received at J.l the Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium, to which the attention of Ladieeand stranger* the city, U respectfully invited. OEO. BULPIX * Co. t 708 Chestnut street. WSW TAI/L CLOAKS, at Wholesale.—Merchant* will find the largest etoek of these Goods, in the greatest e*- rietp of materials and price*, at the Para Mantilla and Cloak Emporium. Prices low, and term* liberal. GKO. BULPCT & CO., 70S Chestnut street J^ESIOVAL SHARPLESS BROTHERS Have removed to their NSW STORK, N. W. CORKER. EIGHTH AND vHBSTITCTj, TThere ther are opening a iteck of Antuao and »fia ter Dry Good*. at ' BBTAIL AND WHOLESALE. «23-4 t AN experienced GERMAN TEACHER de sires some PUPILS for the PIANO. Terms mod* erate. Apply at the music store of Ur. U4B3H. CHESTNUT, aboye Thirteenth street. H 23-41# BALE ROPE.—Buyers are invited to call and examine our Manila Bale Rope, which we con eell m lqw as Americas, and warrant it superior to strength and durability. * WEAVER, TITLES & CO., aw I No. S 3 N. Water st. aad 22N. Wharves. •WELCOME RANGE.—SOLDBY CHAD IT WIOE*BR9 l 2Qltf.WQK]>ot. HlMa>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers