The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 24, 1857, Image 2

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    ~ S/ss£ v |M '’'
til pj 'X'/ 'Vary ''"'
P.neniPAa.'.^eAt-Edltotiat.i Literary
OritlclBtn-;-K.aus**f Steam as siJCotot) the.
Gfe'at Wreck (General News. ; FmmtH PAO*-^
BS 1 ” The ahle articles on “ Proigerity and
Panic;” wtieff arw Thk
Press,” aro’ffdni the pen; of s ono ,of fi«t
poHUcal'eeo’n'omiats .in .America, residing in
New York. •• 1 ‘-'--i-i = --
B?" Our Washington eorrespondentdesems.
w agology at bur hands*. H© fifeqneatJy; ?
adVaaob of regular telegraphy *a&J&
pens that aiter.ho has given us ‘hanews,' tne
telegraph Tepprts it ( the next day.; i W%
rally moke a notice ofthfsjbut failed to
yesterday, whenwe printed tob sainenws from
Washingibu %'hich'he sent ,fe. pa the any. *>, •
foie. : Wo cheerfully make toe omtnde. _ ■
I Ho W the practical stateaiiaan, ton real re
former, pbo recalls thbpubllcmlud.ftbip feu-'
■ eiesitb <£•“ lessoife, of, theory, to,
the lessons of experience. You caaaet extin
' roots. You mupt isphvince, not crush, a mis
taken or ati ’ erroiipous , opinion.
-Let’uslHusypfefc'jJ; 1 ';:'. ■ v.* ' "' ”,
. The ory lagainst the people.of. the South,
which/aftertheattaeka-upontheirpecullariß- 1
etitntlons, has; done the most, toVcxasperate,
themi hap beep tootr cwnparative. hufcof en-.
terpnae in conimeree^mahufactPftHirailroadS,
schools,&C, ;' '.: , ‘‘V
i This has been.sounded along the whole, fron
tier‘dividing toe? free'S{atea'frbm .toe South'..
, IthesbsePirintedapdßtew^vitoindustry
noparalieled- The. public mind in the North
it, even reasoned into ,it; ' : To , prove toe iin
cerity, of 'the. 'contiasij, the free”'States have
gpie intojali.sorts of .“ enl'erprise ” with .very; •
BtadnaBS," 'W'e'hKyo hsdinarblo' bankS “ran
np”iikb the palace'Of Aladdin, almoat ln a
' night,:every pillar costiag.ita thousands, every
architrave” laid ; to’ hjntMartied, gold; \*wjjr;'
brickcemented to itsfeilow by the sweat of
honest t0i1.,, Baiiroadshave been improvised.
Cities have sprung into existence as sudden
(and aa 'flebting) ' as. so many exhalations.
Great fectoines, havo risan in ,towering lines,
and men have heed made glad with' toe mnslc'
of industry. From ail toese’.bayo igrown tbp.
superb mansions of moneyed.! princes; feat
horses, frat men, &st;boy«,;and'feat,
Such is the reveree of too picture. ...White toe
’ .South stood still, the North moved onl - '•
•So the accusation against toe Strath Was nbt
one of wbnls. ' Behold toe fruits ,of toe accu
sation, and draw, toe contrast for yoursoif.
We disdain makihg u party appeal at. snch a
time & Ihls. Yhb burse of Joutiuditoi; IfcfMjd
days, is the habit of charging everything bad
fo party,’im to® ono hand, or claiming every-.
thlng good /or, party on too. other. -Wb scorn'
•bysutopurpose. ; ' *, ,/ ■ , t
But new, when we see the whole South—the
itove boen told—*tanding solidpn ter mate-.,
risiinteresis, on hermightysUples, and inher
proud - isolation from toe blast that tiaa swept
down so Biany pf thbse who hftYb.beon UhPtiog
and. depreciating,hir, let us tako the admonl-:
tion thus furnished to us, and; profit by it like
wisemon. ' !
Letus ask ourselyeshowburbiltorreproaoh-
es against toe South sound to ns how T- • c >
Bow little we could do withbui her money
In our cities, her timber in our waters, her cot
ton in our mills 1 j i •
Bow We should stand if she shonld'&ll t •’;’,
How wo'selflshly : .rejoice ; in:oar;?heirti,in
the. midst of: our distress, that,, 'for, wr sake,
- she should b6 r so much;bett*rdff thatt we, and,
thercfori,.Utter,abUibhilp as ihan'wtartio
hilp 'X-z i'.' v ,-drX -
We do not chargeitas.a retort upon those
Whohave dolightedintheseigibel nponthe
- South, that most of the great' distress .uodsr
-. . which, togcpputry,staggers tom?* from quar
point from which to. date a ttifxal off?*-
i'mal fitting btluteen ihi Siatis pf ihii Union!
From which! to start another war upon
aeotionaliamj - 5 «<■' ’>v» iif.rcniiw-j
• From whlchtoswoar deration the
Union’ and to the Constitution j uv --
' Fromwhichtorecallthebanlshedaffectioii*
for our brother* of the South j” ' 1 ij
From which to ro-iavoke tho oldrelatlon*
thatmadsus oneinreligionjoneiu country,
ohe!ii the Rattle-field, 1 and oRe ln • ; f?
how oca name atfjeczs engiahd,
• The City Article of Thc Times, of Septem
ber 8, Btatea tho effect, of tho Financial news
froip ADierlca upoh theXoodon Honey Mar;-,
ket- ti lt dcscribes the intelligeßce ftorir Mew
Tdrfc, jp^rStetT^lnElogt^d^'« nSqire dis
astroiu thttn.any recoived for several' year*.;
Ever since 1868' there ■ha*’ been a continnou*.
tendency to a destruction,of confidence !, ln'
-Ameriean railway securities, andfrom time to;
<ime, as each now announcement of fraud or
-insolvency has. occurred, there hashoenafur
therfresh fall iff all descriptions, whllo tho in.
stances of reaction bceu feeblo and tom-;
porary. Holders,, however; have constantly;
' tbp jdba. ofter each newrorelation,that;
. the lowest point mnalrhayp been reached atl«(;;
and laiterly . this foeling . baa Vhoei,: strength-’
a bolief that the adrdrso
were conflned ehiefly to an 'organhsed knpt 'of
1 speculatorawho wereendoavoringAto increase!
thij distrnatby circulating any-statement* that
. might.: snit their . purpose.: /Yet, ijit 'inly do
their predictions continue to be conflrmedby
jtbe bfpakdown ofeacb weak-ot snspected
- undertaking, bfftWe.have .by the present, mail
newacftbd stoppaga of a large'llnalitutlon
against slnglo premonitory d°uht
had been whispered. On one day tha abarea
, ;ire» neiuli’ one hnndred f and pn th«
, niit r day' they,i weni .Vptterly, 1 ; unialeablei”
f This iiatltntion -Is s the Oiio Life 'and
f.Tru# ICpfapttifyji ;;Ii; tile' jltaMlitlef
;ofi .thia :inid'<:
■ amoubl due So dopositors and others l is snp-
poaed to be lit least .and thipros,
pect of liquidation aoSma to be very nnoortain;
'yPossibly tho creditors rasiy get paid, klthibgh
yiren on,that potof .noibing ,jh kbpwn i butdt
wouldbe againstall experience tosupposethai;
■ Statoofiblicfrrthfipaj'mairtof the lntcieat
; yoßwaW’if tte jri|fl>-
i lie npoatoelrpojftion was frcwUy/jfiierWiwd
, ."jby. '<ssgc^si^a6?s^. > / ; '''^* -'-j="T x '’;- if* -r ■;
' cbmitog
; by the’diffcoreiy" cfthedlsorjjinlxationinthe
.' had ciiaed afloodof sales of ainiost eterjotlier
/ kirid'bfrioijk. v. Erte RallwS j: had gene from
"81to 22 i-2i Beading, from 691-2. to 691-2 ,
' NawYork Central; from .74 to 72 ; Illinois
Central, from 114 to 104; and Panama, from
82 to 87. Michlgim/.fjouthrirn, which a few.
. months hack stood &t’6B‘l-2, was now at 22.
In Asitif thoaosCcurititS* English' capitalists
arc largely interested.”-,. - , , - i
■’r ' - THE ircnjACßlglS.
S now* hy the India mall* had hot; boon'
_ rphed to'England'Septfimber. Bth, :
:; 'tbi’jilme when - the ,la« stoantev left for Now
./■ -York.: It.whsdtie.onthali2fhlnit'A/bot migM
anf pMjjablytfßfr as
; j'tootirttomor liom CalOuttawaa not .io con Toy
,L There
vrpuidftfifereforbi'be So‘delay iff waiting for It.
• - 'ifeeYWsiisayssA i V
‘\V A With regat'd'to thoprtfbahle effect,oftiie next
'-, ttiegropjt oni ihCatoik Etol)«>ite,\tliera is a .««;■’
> tainty that if the nsirs ehoaldteriierely notanfa*
■ .Torable.rt ctnisideraiU,increase ofetmJUtnce mitt
. is chatedisltics thaiaoatTiridapprehfcniioni hare’
.;' latciyVbooß enfertaiosa vrithretpeet to Lucknow,
4S4jE»JWF Hj*>mMbtWi4,al<bol’tho‘jios*lbl» e*<
: 'M j Uttoii In connexion With tbs grsat’anneal Maoonfr
./iiwsdau.fesliyiii e’)MSh;:wp;l<;jtal(e’ ]bla<i» at: the
■ /.t-biglanlngiiisf/ 'iagsmfjjmiifchißg-*' ißer'itim.
: .: ’id»i»iwhlf iho-last:-adrioa«. froaioaUy. Supi‘
;-rU-v jjotink/sood ■ i*d»i W 1
' ’'itriproyenießt'-lri the':- fands
havebeoa jatiusoteix; In other. .al*tri<it*, a>s o»p
-; «.(W»iOfrD*lKrtn.ofiM!-of:dU;«ri.*tft tided
with. ahy oonslderabU lo»OKO«:aid»:,»jii the
Beafd of almost with tuM-la*
b«n » grtot ehasge of fetling to this issptot, and
fee hope has now become general that the repres
Sica « too Inearreotion ippfeer parts otto 6 P lo '
Tinoo may proceed so effmually »» !sbUow °a r
army t* surround the ulfea arilfl ats-Jere, disaarc,
tod famine compel au uiicotKlitaobal
j This is left-handed eifttburaiHuet[||
pears that there are “ tffi a P?PS"
hensions” of toe
its present locality, ’and
occurrence of some outbreak among the
getifral population in India.”
! In connection with this, subject come the
remarks of, Yiseount MbivuM,, at a public
dinner ia SeotUd. Be’ ii a* man of aense and
no ,croaker, and he.-commanded toe Bombay
column in too Punjab—he is a Major
in the army, and has Just returned (wounded)
from India. His einphatio word* are s •; -
anny afo brooght to * olose ltt India' we • must pre
pdrs orlrselves for still : worse calamities than we
iaye already-suffered, and, I'fear,'for losses of a
ovore ls' not only 1 that WO have to'
irovide anarmyfor patting.down' toe rebellion,
tot we have to’ odoupy the-country' os well as have’
it feme engaged ih moveable columns for the sup
-1 iressitm” of too' robeillon' , te'. different distriota. 1
:hfs will reqUite a large' force, gnd I am afraid
such foreeas we have yet sent out is not adequate
la thi ‘service’ (hat has to* he performed. At
almost every available soldior that England can
IOW prodnoeia'on his'wayto that oo'nntry, 6ria
ingagod in oar other possessions; I feel that it
England inoans to retain all her. foreign posMssions,
she must maiiUain. a much larger army than she
has yet dons.- You cannot maintain ! these distant
Colonies without’ r an adequate foroo* not-only_to.
oooupy thorn, but to defend, them if necessary. .
i The . Byjtisii fierce ,in India wUI . speedtly
amount to 80,000 men. The BuropiaK troops
in India, at the cbmuienpemeni 'Of tho yoar
numbered , altogothor, including those in the
torvioe:of the -.Company, about 86,000 or
dpiQOO,' ipeh. . '.Tp may be reckoned
feat idjOOO'have been or wilt, bo added train
the Cape, the'Mauritius, Cleylon,-ond the OM
jo despatchedfrom England.: As of-this eom-:
jltiment 25,000 .havo already aailed, aiid nehr.
lylo,ddo - moro are under orders, for embar-,
cation,'too, full nnmbbr-of 80,000 will bo made
up,., i v b ,i l '; ‘‘.s' ; '
' .Meanwhile England seoms fully awaro of too
greatness of the exigency, and the Commandcr
h-,Chief bus bfieredk'freb.commissibnto every
young man who can raise 100 men by recruit
ing. India will be regained, but by no rapid
oreasy.process: ,
cmcvlab. of the bemocbatic state
I Wears jjennitted to print the following well
written7an£;iegpreisl;yo ' Hon." 0.
fe. Bocialiw, Chairman of tlio Democratic
State Committee, to tho Democrats through
out', the State. It cannot fail to; awaken the 1
bleepers, and to infuse energy and concert into
the ranks'of all the fripridß of .Packbb. ..Mr,
Bdceaikw conducts the campaign in the proper
jspirit. 1 Hisallusion to the venerable sage now
at tliehcti} of .tho affairs' of,the, Federal Go-
Vemmantwilibe responded to by the great body
of,the ! people t'
i! l j ,MHmu>*i.rHiA, Sept. 22,1857.,
;- DsAnSin: The Demooratio State Committee are
Impressed with the importance of effort to seooro a
foil to to of pur, friends at tho election.. With a f° u
ivbte, our'triumph is sore; and nothing but exertion
is noocuary to secure it and, obtain an overwhelm
ing siatory orer the opposition. We appeal to yon
to see that every reasonable effort is made in your
oountv to got pat the full.VQte yf our party. Wo,
dothu heoauio tUere is room to fear that a sense
of security—a confidence in opr strengthTri* ope*,!
'ratingto decrease interest and paralyse exertion.,
The opposition are adapting,their &otioa to this
'condition, of things, hr failing .to nominate local
itlchets'in,Berks, and many other counties whore
'Democratic majorities are. large, and In holding'
meetings and patting forth, their exertions in those
'parts, or the State .where they have majorities.
Their object doubtless- Is, that the vote shall bo
foil where, they are strong and light where >hey
are. pit., We therefore earnestly urge yon to
giro, your. Influence and aotlvo aid fpr the short
Ume that will. elapse . before the election to
the' measures neeeasery toseonre ,s fnll Demo
cratic vote In your county. Oar friends every
where willbs urged to 00-operato in thuauty, and
it is hoped wili be everywhere fully dis-,]
oharred. . The salatary results of a decided vioto*,
fy over the oppofitionat this time will be Wt for
many years, and.wlU relieve ns from muon _ effort I
and dlffionltyhereafter. It will settle ;aU the fa- 1
natiolsms of the day, destroy the faotlona spinb
who would array ima, portion of- the. national Clot; j
fedorasy against, another, end .utterly or ash tie
fell monster of disunion.. Every instinct of.p»fi
otism, then, demands our heat efforts, , and evdy
man who lines Ms country, hit party, and Ml i»e,
should how shew, his faith bynij works—by d»i
ded, vigorous, .energctloeffort. We look to yonfor
candidates on ttf State’
exertions, end tkelr success wiU .Hy^iffrSt
-Tr^-a*^. I win
oner to do, so, much ;»fl,oan .now be donelor our
,*; * ,* 1 •'
-• It is'n6t‘.*;inere'WssnmptrblithatPen&yhafala
holds the fate of.the nation In her hands,.diluting
I itipolloy, and egrbingand oontrolHng Its faoCoas
ind ite-Janetiolsms. If she warer, these latter
I will soon riot in triomphoyer the rains of onr a*,
ttonal glory. and power ;; hot while she jematu
firm, patriotism oan.hiddofiaaoe to Wrong; and'thV
bnlwerk of eWU liberty, will remainas free from
injnryat tboegh no boisterous .waye beat'against
Us base. Ina.reoent oontesi, Pennsylvania, by the
influence and power of her gnat, name. While the
donntry.waa trembling, with fear, of the Worirt re‘-
snlts, placed, her mint eminent sen in tbs’ national
Executlro Chair. He has administered the Go
vernment . with - marked ” ability and ’jtutioe,
and has well nigh Stilled the yolco of tac
tion and tnrhuienbo.' ' Shall we now proro
rcoreant to him in .the boar of his triumph, and
by'eupioeucsss lose thoelory and thojmblioprofit
of his achievements? Bather, spall we . not, like
trae 'men, strike »' final, blow' with energy—with
all oar ppwer—to overwhelm the opponents of his
polloy,establish, his .andpardootrinosas Indispu
table law, and thus soeuro lasting onr
boiintry, and good will amongst all our people?
Xo.disohargothis groat'daty, and to seonro those
highly patrlotio lends, we' repeat to yon, it is only
necessary to go to.worK'wilh manly determination
to goloht a fall Tote of the people’ at' theonsuing
cleotion. Lot ns not fail in this, dor hayo cause
horeaftor to reproach OnrsolyoS with indolence dr,'
/ ! ; y , / A’.cuKipus dilemma. _i
i.-Tbafethereis adispositioa in some qnartew,,
todr4B(iriousonC,too, toremothe.'protectlvo
hi'doubted.y fl le
oxperionCe:- after every such • contraction in
money matters 'as wo now labor under. But;
unhappily for most of those in ibis State who
are anxious fto make this - appeal against the toVeiiuo'yiawsT-bettor .known; ax- the
tariff oflB4B—they: are ali ongaged to the snp
port ofi a gentleman for Goveroor who was the
head and front ol tho’ Free-Trade partyj and In
fkror oif this very Tariff, ten year* ago I Hager
to challenge the jlemocrats for the’ doublo sin
of .originating affdsupporting.that Tariff, and
moro anxious to prove that this Tariff—difficult
task I--liaB Veeh the maiff.eansa bf the present
money straitj they find that they are exoinded
ftom any euch effort-hy having Hr. Wilmot
Xor thelrdeader. Re call this a Tery : curious
dilemma. - What does itteach us 1 It suggests
self-examination, and that charity for (be dplnf
ions of otheni.whlbb in fperiod* pf Apolitical
excitement we aro apt to forget. Let Mrl
AlYttnor bimself remember that, In proportion
s* he was denounced for ids Free-Trade sentl
mpnts in 1846, so do |hdsowhonowdiffer from
on, anbtber of slavery—
receive bis dennoctatlorls t •• . - A
1 • , n That tnsrey 11* othsrs show,
, . > ■ • lint msrty show te 3nSi ,J
, Laxoabtsb Couitir.—The progress’ of, the
' great' county of Lancaster,Ponnßylvan!a,'and
Us peUtlcal, agricnltural, financial, and social
hlstory, wquld ffll a yolnme. Its immense dl
meMiouij lts pdpulailoh and A resources, Its.
fields, It* fimners, Its polities, would form
many; an Interesting 'chapter,' For years this
'county waathe hack-bone of tho
(he Homocrate; but new issues, new converts,
affd .new combinations, arc preparing for a.
new A order of things,. Last year Mr. Bn
cnAXAX was defeated by a very small majority
in Lancaster County—a circumstance greatly
owing to the .efforts of many gentlemen
formerly attached to other parties. This
yesr an anlmated contest is going on between
the Beinocracy, strengthened by these sew
allies/.and the Republicans. We give the full
notional ticket, from Sahdeeson’s Lancaster
leitUigtncer ani Journal, of Thursdaylaat:
■ Senator* —William Patten, Columbia; Dr. John
K. Bsub, Providenoe.
AtstmMy— John H. Bronnemon, Mount Joy;,
Thomas -B. Mollvoln, flallsbury; Jamofl Bonos,
• Manor: Samuel WioksjFnlton.
Shiriff —Jacob Sfccor, Hast Hcrupfleld.
.Vrothoiwtary —William Carpenter, City. ; „
, Regiiter—Wm. Hays, Little Britain.
Eeeorjsr—Hon.ryltosh, Providenco. . ~'•
•Cltri of Quarter Sc-mons-rJioot> Folts, City.
f OUrk. af .Orphaht' Court—Dr. A.. S, Bare,
Upper Leaoook. ;, '■' /' . . ,
-. County Treasurer —John Hostetler, Manheim.
jtowv lVhitoside; Clole
‘Oityj/S. 3.
iCeronorzrpr, J, B. Preelana, City.
..-duditer—Amos A. Hauke.Paradtw.
nt- Qn this .ticket we recognise several of the
: flna«rt;iM ; nio*4 ltifiuentlal : pf the old leaders
pf . tbo i Heniy AfllsAy ’ .dyhig. pgrty In .Eastern
Pennsylvania, t Among., those'we cannot for-A
bear aff; allusion to 1710.1111 OinpESraa, Who’
rune for Prothonotary. He possesses as mndb
pdisffnit pqpnlarftyln L»i(ftast*r county, If not
-MiHi Wi#
won this popularity Hf 'm
— ~ I T rr "I | | r. minn i
kindness of heatt, and strong Intellect. We
are glad to see John T. S.
SIN on the ticSjst. These,
tTon Seijaft>ra, will se
” if thflse whoarp ore as active
ought'to he. •'Z |?; •’ \
[Correspondence of The Frets.] . '
Wellsdoro, Pa., September 10,1857.
The following are the proceedings of a Demo
cratic County Convention for Tioga county, which
csscmolcd in ibeCourt-room, Sept. l6th, 1857, for
the purpose of placing In nomination a county
ticket. 1 ,■ , j •} ■
;H. M. Gerouldfl was called to’the Ohair, H.
PftrkhOMt and Ji r'Wolbfidga were ohosen Secreta
ries. The rpll of delegates from the several towns
being called, showed a full delegation present, bo
sido the largo room being crowded to excess with
enthusiastic'spectators; and all seemed moro than
yyer determined to bring Tioga county back to her
standing In tho Demooratio party.
I The following persons were thon appointed a
committee to draft rosolutions, &c.: J. YT. Kyon,
IT. Parkhurst, H. A. Guernsey, and W. B. Rich.
The following ticket was then nominated:
For Representative, Austin Latbrop; Protbont
tary, A. S. Brewster; Register and Recorder, John
Lang; Treasurer, Thos. Reynolds; Commissioner,
A. H. Bacon; Auditor, Wm. B. Rich.
The following resolutions wore reported by tho
committee, through their chairman, J. W. Ryon,
and.&ll wore adopted without a dissenting voioo,
amid the deafening cheers of spectators and dele
! That ‘,Wo congratulate the people of
this -Union upon the cleotion of James Buonanan
to the chief magistracy, apd that we point to ; his
wise and patriotic course as a fall vindica ion of
the Confidence of tho people.',
Resolved, That we deplore, and denounce as the
Source of an unmitigated evil, thatseotionai agita
tion', which has so long embittered and Injured tbe
peace of the country; that we deny, and repudiate
fhO right of one State to . interfere with, and give
shape to-,’the domestie institutions of another; that
to the' people of the, States and Territories, ex
clusively, belongs tho right’ to determine all local
questions affecting their domestic polioy, Without
icterferthoe from any outside power. -
Resolved, That to General Packer and h!s asso
ciates on the Demooratio ticket for -State officers,
we pledge our oordlal and hearty support, and in
voke to their aid the support of -all good citizens
who would maintain the honor and integrity of our
Stale, save it from tho grasp of evil fanaticism and
the control of a class of men who would destroy the
pitiOe and harmony of our glorious Union,
Resolved , That we hold to a prudent and eco
nomical administration of out county affairs, and
that it is the duty of every Demoorat to work for
tbb overthrow of the present party in power, by
whose extravagance and'lmprudence the publio
fands are squandered, tho treasury empty, and the
credit of the county impaired;
Yours, Ac,, |D. R.
Gov. Pollock’s Position*
[For The Press.]
EbiTOB Press : In your paper of this morning
it is stated that “ Governor Pollook has oomo out
for Judge Wilmot.” This, I think, is a misappre
hension, arising from the foot that the former is
said to havo addressed a Republican mooting at
Look Haven. The. writer, of ibis was present at
that meeting, and heard tbe remarks of tbe Gover
nor. He simply apolpgiwd'for not making a speech,
a aid a few Words ih justification of the sale of the
main line, Rndnrged every one to attend the elec
tioa—ln his own .words—“ Democrats and Whigs,
Americans and Republicans,' and vote as you
please. 11 He did net make the slightest reference
to anything In iwe’e in this oampoign, or to tho
slavery question,or to tho candidates for Governor.
Sept. 23,1337. A Citizen of Look Haven.
1 Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate*
Col. John C. Groome, who has been nominated
;by the Derawratfl for Governor of Maryland, is an
•esteemed cHlsen of Rlkton, Cecil county. Up to
the last Presidential cleotion, when he voted for
Buchanan, ’Col. G. had boon a Whig; and
from a'correspondence which is published, it ap
pears that a portion of bis Whig friends and others
desired Mm to ran as on independent, candidate.
Col. G.’s reply conoludes as follows:
“Although, as an old Whig I. havo nothing to
disguise, regret, or retract, yet I am constrained
to Admit that, at the present time,'the Democratic
party U the only national political organisation,
vmioh throughout the longth and breadth of the
Rnd U sound upon the groat political questions of
ihe day, particularly upon those whioh affect the
jibertir of conscience, the rights and privileges of
American eltisens, the interests of the South; the
harmony,of the States.' and the preservation and
Bermanency of the Union; and regarding it in this
ght,'l had do Alternative but to glre its nominee
for BreaidenVat the last election, my humble sup
port. ' In this respect, I may, in the opinion of
tome of you, have erred, bnt the act had tbe ap
proval of my‘own conscience: and nothing has
transpired slnoe in the administration of the Fede
ral Government to shake niyeonfidenoo in its pro
priety and wisdom. , l ‘ i
v’ “ If, after this brief but ezplioit exposition of my
political views, and principles, present and past,
you think I can command the confidence and sup
port of a large portipn of the people of Maryland,
kbavb ao objection to aftow myself to tw
, >'• ■; > of the
State, and; if elected, I will try tA_di«*wge my
duty with fidelity.” • - - •
•'This dorrespondcnoa trai seen by many members
of *|he Domocratio State* Convention before that
body udminatod Mr. Groome by acclamation. 'The
Elhton Democrat, la ‘putting’ up his namo at the
bead of the Demooratio State ticket, says that, “as
hs is a gentleman of education and ability, of great
moral asd sooial worth, of unspotted integrity and
hbfior, we shall snpport bis eleotion with entire cor
diality, and if these qualities whioh we have named
be sot disqualifications for public trust, wo predict
hli success at’ tho coming election.”
Otar The Press.]
We have ootieod, for some time book, the many
pociliar and erroneous views promulgated by the
varies journals of our olty with regard to the
oauiei and effects of the presontcrisis. As a young
merchant, valuing the oommeralal Integrity of
Philedeipblai and the individual integrity of Us
we humbly, yet strenuously, protest
against a reckless and wholesale speculation on the
part of our press upon the probabilities and tho
oonsequenoos of what, in their multifarious deduc
tions, they display deoided ignorance.
'; Tho times aw stringent, and it is notour busi
ness notf to inquire; into the oauses which have
made them So, but what is tho remedy? Is there
a cure ? / 4 lf there is, why do nothing but proolaim
1 thb progress of thp postilonco, and the number of
deaths from its contagious influence?
Why, increase tho general feeling of timidity?
Why heighten the pervading sentiment of distrust ?
;W.o sa? 1 there is a cure, and a speedy one. Let
confidence be restored. There is no other. Tho
oountry is in a, prosperous condition. Money, in
reality, is as plenty as during ordinary times; but
tkete is no confidence.
We look upon this orisls os a calamity for the re
moval of which there should bo associated action;
and there oennot be associated aotlon without a
restoration of oohfidonce. Lot this be the aim of
the public press. Let Hbo the aim of the trades*
toith and the laborer, the bar and the pulpit; for
there isno avenue pf industry hho,t its continued
progress will not seriously affect. Wo would, there
fore, recomihend a general meeting of our mer
chants on tbb subject; I know of no method there
Jlkely to. drive away an unnatural panic than this.
[Correspondent:* of f ile Frol*.] ~ ,
Sloop oi War— Appointment— \avnl Courts.
WAsmxqros, Sopt. 22,1857.
,' .Noproceeding on' tho part of the Corarnmont
, sinoo the last 4th of March has'oroated each an ex
.eitement in W aabiogton aa'.tbe. utlver tisemon t from
tho Navy Department for proposals to construct, in
a private Bhljbybrd, one of the fivo new sloops of
wap., Tho intorost at first manifested in the mat
ter oontinnes unabated, and men who have not ex
perience of the sea end sea-going oraft, not even,
H may bo, of tho raging oauawl," converse most
mathematically and pusilingly of tliiplactmtntt,
and the problems necessary to bb resolved in order
to reach intelligible and reliable results. What-'
ever other opinion we may entertain on the sub
ject, we must hail- this encouragement of ship
builders on the .part of .tho. Government, end the
oonoomltant stimulus to. Improvements iu ebip
. building incur sonntry, as ona great stride toward
the naval supremacy throughout ’ tho world of freo
Amofloa. Safety, speed, ability to' live in heavy
seas and make time, trimhess, capacity, and all the
requisites for perfection in naval architecture, are
alone to bo secured by bringing Into competition the
plana and models of ship-builders from every quar
ter. This the Navy Deportment has done, and
with a beneficial effect that It must ho proud of.
Ithaa not.leakod out what the hoard have re
commended.' There are rumors plenty that this or
the other bidder has loon successful. It is said
that Pago & Allen, of Norfolk, have been recom
mended to the Secretary,.or/if ,not that firm, that
tho Itioky party is Westorvolt, of Now York. It
seems to bo pretty certain, however, that Fhiladol
phia has lost the oontractA. Yet it is well enough
to have it known that (he drawings for moohlnory,
submitted frOm Philadelphia,are admiringly spokon
of'dniall sides. The Board of Engineers are un
derstood strongly to advocate tho superiority of this
machinery; and, though tho sloop may riot go to
Philadelphia, is not at all improbable that
Philadelphia will Bupply tho ongines and pro
'peuer.' ■ ■ A >'"■
.. An effort is being made to get ono of the remain
ing sloops constructed at Philadelphia, and, just
now, With'sOme show of suoeoss.
No contract hue yet been made for carrying coal
from Philadelphia to tho China sea, under tho ad
vertisement of the department.
Andrew'J. O’Hanlon baa boon appointed agent
for the payment of pensions at Fayetteville, North
Ootolihe. lb plaHo of James Huske, removed.
.Captain Qoldsborough has been ordered to serve
on the Third Naval Court of Inquiry, in place of
Commodore Btrlngham, relieved.
In NaVal Court No. 1 Lieut. Wataon’e oaso was
eonoluded, and Lieut. Peter Turner’s taken up.
Oapt, P. Buohanab was examined for the Govern
ment ' 11 ,
In Court dooumontary ovidenoewae pre
sented in Liant. Parker’s casa. ( , . ■ ,
! InOourt NO.-8, in the.oaao at Commander Joseph
ft. Jarvis,. Commodores. Storer, 'McOluney, and
'Lieut. Brasher, testifiedln behalf of.tho florern
aent. X- Y.
Ihers Is *’l«U in.'tfc* fittt* St mono, fttfalttr,
soemtugly presaging a return to tftSt “ cofiSdsboe’ 1
abloh on allsiaqs-iAsamittoji to In tho ops thing
needful otthlamostent, Tljsro hr, no doght, now
lying (die more IhonwESoloiit fimib to cause, for
tho sea too r on unOahallylO'ir'ltato of interest if qm<
ployed irltb-tho usual confidence. It io the'eare,
and vory'nnlnraliy, whoa any individual'll pos- J
soiled of an fiVHolo’ whioh ho thinki iiahont to
appreoloto'rtpldly In value, that ho holds tho ar
tiolo, whether It ho money or any othor commodity,
in order to realise the highest value. This is
moro parti on larly theoMO with money, booauso it
Is tho article whioh alf branohoS of business re-'
quire. Every mon has given his note tofieUver it
within a short time, and he mult proouro it at wmo
rato. The same alarm whioh induces possessors
to hold it BUmulalos all promisors to demand
not only what they have present ’occasion for,
but also to'look, ahead and provide for pros--
pootivo wants. Ho asks, at bank and elsowhere,
for a great deal more, than will sudioo for this also,
and tho aggregate demand bocomes astonishingly
great. , This is what has ocoarred every fail sea
eon, to a greater or loss extent, daring tho past five
years. It has beon heightened this pear by tho
sugar speculation, and also by tho great fall in
stook values, indneed by stook-gomhllng for a
fall. Tho sucooss of tho operators in producing.a
great depreciation In values,’ amounting to many
millions, has sprend a vague distrust, sinco it has
been thought posstblo that many firms may have
beon involved and weakened by this depreciation.
iTJp to this time, howover, although many wealthy
firms have been compelled to suspend, there have
iboen no developments that indioato any infiuenoe
'of the steok market upon mercantile credit. The
immonso payments that have so suddenly been
•made by tho publio, arc of thomselves a proof of
'thegreatsonudness of general business, and tho
'strength of individual honsos. Tho demand for
money evidently is leas pressing, great numbers
having euoooeded in providing for their, wants.
The 1 funds so'procured, however, are hoardef.
Many of the leading mercantile, dry goodrgad
other houses, are known to have; large west
balances, some being as high as §300,000. Vbeao
are not, oa usual, loanod at oall until •
are deposited, eomo as "special” deposits; dwijy'
ing events. And the hank return tbdlM
tho unusual feature of a deorease. in loons
simultaneous with an Inoroaso in deposits. The
'stock, markot, whioh originated tho difficulty,
is quito cosy,' and shows a less demand • for
money than for years. Money is thus offered, at .six
per cont. on call, while tho actual deposits tn
bank, for tho first time sineo July, show an in
crease. Prom $68,682,088 August Ist, they Tan
down to $57,260,004, and havo now risen to $57,861,-
031, Indicating the tarn with tho banks. Tho in
tense struggle to obtain and control oash means is
subsiding, and tho payments of dry good#' jobbetoj
paper in tbo next month will bo large. Tho funds
np W ’hoarded will then move, and many exp*-*
rlenced o&ohiers look for a very-low tango of
money at an early date. It is to be borne in mind
that tho hlty banks hare oalled in and received
10 per cent, of thoir whole loans in four weekj,
and that, with $12,000,000 more oapit&l than at the
corresponding date last year, they owo $10,000,000
less deposits, havo $1,000,000 less loans and $1,500,-
000. more spccio. Tho assets of the meroh&nts, who
mostly owo these loans to bank, are for goods sold
all over the interior, South and West. Thus ftp,
as they have matured they have - been paid with
remarkablo promptness, and tho moans, of pay
ment based on the crops were never so great or
more available as they are this year. The pt'o
dootiou is admitted to bo everywhere large; inter
nal transportation alleged to be too cheap for
railroad profits; ihe foreign markets are Retire,
and freights for the shipping interest ruinously
low; prices for Indian corn In Hew higher
for tho season than sinoo 1847. There can bo no'
question but that these are elements of fargq
payments. At the South the moans are still
groator. Tbe value of the cotton crop alono has
boon as follows: ~
Crops, Average
Bales. por bale. Value.
1856 3,527,845 $lO $141,113,800
1857.;i.,:... 2,040,000 67 171,000,000*
Increase. $20,886,200'
’ Thus, for 550,000 less hales, they got, In round
cumbers, $30,000,000 more money; and a new orop,
estimated at 3,500,000 bales, Is how coming to mar
ket, at $75 per bale, which will giro »valoo of .... i ITALY.
*262,000,000. In 1840 the raluo wu *42,000,000. «?» «f *h« '.t.lnsurrection h^rml- is evident that the announcement of Mr. “‘I Tw * nt r->6’r< > n oftho pri.ondr.nro charged with
’ . - ot> - . .. murdering or malualnj*oldier*. and tho remainder arc
Biddle, to 1887, when the erop wa. 1,360,000 bale., „ u blo “ for tih t “„ on .
that the banka ana creditor* of the South ‘‘must. ■ SPAIN'.
wait until next crop,” by no mo&hs applies to the Eelnforcemonta are still being despatched to Ouba.
prosont state of affairs. Again, if wo take thdl' ' 1 AUSTRIA.
produce movement at Cincinnati as ft ***“'oocurred between France and Anaida
point, and at NewOrlean. a* a southern "8^ ™ «™, In the States, an open
for the years 1852 and 185 T, we .hall observo some, h , 1 " 4ht04 - RDgglA
progresslra wealth, aa follows: r The Emperor arrived at Warsaw on the Oth.
Produce atClnclneati. At N. Orleans. Total. I PERSIA.
1352 *33,234,890 *103.051,703 *141,283,3041 The Persians hare evacuated Herat.
1857 65,042,171 168,081,809 INDIA. 0 1 am vtn annnonai , so ... : No laterlntolUgenSeliasbeen retelrod from India.
Increase.... 22,407,276 60,000,661, 72,416,936. jjje total number of the, English army In India and
An increase of fifty per cent, in agrioidtural L- tK#rouU miher nQTr rtM^4i men .
I* l "S reported th*iangJandts aboutopening recruit*-
to of ? r?importauons. { , Jhgo&cei in ieveraloflho German Principalities.
-Tha predueers and owners of, all thAt fetorol Commercial Intelligence,
wealth, South and West, merely indicated in the .Liverpool Cotton Market,—The Brokers’ circular
above figures, ore the makers of the Besofeof the £ e £?f** cf the last three days were IT,OOO
/.itk ** ■- Speculators took 26,000, aad ex^rlere
°!iy foundation t>f btfpH Jp,wbalss.. American had advanced «d, and other
eredlta.'.The Want of confidence in those fliidlU Th ® 8ale » on Fridaywer# 12,000
lo one of the most snrprlsingphenomena of tho d»ji
ouotatloai: Pair Orleane OK: Mlddllor Orleane 9Ki
Pair Mobiles OK ; Middling Atobile. 9 l-10l Pair Up-
Jaod 9X l Middling Upland 9.
„ The stock in Liverpool was 300,000 bales, of which
210.000 were American.
The Manchester market was more favorable, and all
.qualities of Cotton were allghtly advanced.
Lmspool Cotton Ms b ket .—Messrs, Richardson,
- fipence, Sc Co., Hewitt Sc Co., and others, quote AmerU
can Cotton c higher.
’Liverpool Brbadbtoffb Market.—Mturs. Richard- *
son, Spence, Sc Co., and others, fay Flour is firm and
advanced M owing to scarcity. Western Canal Flour
80se3ts; Philadelphia and Baltimore 315a32«: Ohio
82se32s 6d. Wheat was quiet but steady; rod wheat 8 a
2da9iCd; while QsfflOsW.. Corn wsj quiets mixed aud
yellow SBaj white 425a435. The weather was showery.
Liverpool Provision Market.—Messrs. Richard
wn, Spence, Sc Co., Blgland, Atbya, Sc Co., and others,
quote Beef firm, and fine qualities slightly higher.
For Inferior qualities those was little inquiry, and prices
were weak. Pork dull., Bacon finn—-holueni demand
ing an advance. Lard was allghtly higher, and quoted
at 700735. Tallow wag slightly advanced.. Butcher's,
645. 6d.065e.
Liverpool Produce Market.—The Brokers’ Circu
lar reports Ashes quiet; Pots, 425. fid. A43s. 61.: Pearls,
420435. Spirits of Turpentine steady at 375.
Roslnsteady; sales or theweek4,ooo bbls. Common
at 4s. 2d.045. 64.; Medium,Bs : Fine, 17s. Od.
Bdoar quiet and deolined Bd. Coffee steady. Rico
buoyant j East Indian advanced 8o6d; Carolina un
changed. Tea buoyant, Oougon Is 2dola 2tfd. Salt-,
petre slightly advanced. Philadelphia Quorcitron Bark,
16s; Baltimore do., 12a. Linseed Oil quiet at 425543 s
Bd. Cod Oil, salea unimportant: Sperm Oil 95. Jute
slightly lower.
I/jedon Monet Market.—Messrs. Baring, Bros., Sc
Co. report money active, at unchanged rate*..
The bullion In the Bank or England had decreased
£6,000; Bar Silver, 5s Eagles, 76s 3d.
Consols for money closed at 90Vo90K> and for ac
count, 9Qjf. ,
LONDON Markets.—Messrs, Bariug Brothers quote
Iron dull at £7 6so£7 7s fid for both rails aud bars..
'Wbtat firm, and B*oss higher on the week; red 65sa
68s; white 60«655. FloprlOASls. Sugar dull and un
changed, ' Coffee quiet. Rice firm: East Indian ad
vanced 3d. Tea In large speculative inqnlry at full
prieei; common blow o! sale, but prioos unaltered.
Spirits Thrpentln* steady at 80s: rough turpentine
lisd , T/ulow quiet; &t. Petersburg 62s 6d on the
spot, and 60s for delivery at the end of the year. Tin
and copper firm.. Saltpotre 'Slightly lower Sperm Oil
tendltg Upward; sales at £90a91. Linseed Oil quietat
ImaroOL Feiiqbt Mamet.—Messrs. Warren Sc
Thayer report freights generally unchanged. Passen
firs 4uU to New York, £Bl2a 6: to Boston, £410: to
bUalelphJfl ( £6., Dry Goods toibfew York, 12s6d;
Obeedcals, I7s; Iron, 16s: Hardware, 12s 6d; Crates,
Bso9i. • ‘
[special despatch to the press.]
SIo«p-of-Wftr---Appolntments : ~Vi*il of the F fi
ilden" to Wheatland
, Wa&bisotoh, Sept. 23, 1557. — It Is not true, m t#U
graphed by the agent of the Associated Proas, that t>
Bccrotary of the Nary has awarded the contract for co)-
structtng a new Eloop-of-war. The award has not boa'
made np to this time, and it would cot be buardfe
much to say that it will not be made for' some tlmo-if,
at all. The facts are these: The Board recommend!
one of the Now York bidders, stating, however, that to'
model and plan did not come up to the requirements *
the advertisement.
Tho remaining ten bidders allege and press strong
npon the Secretary of the Navy, that if neither of thebl
comes up to the demand of the Department, as ma
public in tho newspapers, neither of theip should obta
the work, There is something in this objection, ai
the Bfcrot&ry only to-day gave them the assurance th
’ It should receive at his hands proper consideration.
. It is rumored that polities! influence secured the I
commendation of the New York yard* Nobody hei
save those who have been disappointed, gives credit
it. I believe the question will be adjusted withregi
to the merits of tho plans of the several parties c*
eerned, anil without regard to any political ioflueO
whatever. , Z
The Board will, I believe, be ordered to submitt
special report on the plans of machinery which wj>
before It.
No other appointments of Chiefsof Bureaus, other tM
those I sent yon, have taken place. It is stated iff
Purser D. Sljjim, of tho Boston Navy Yard, wills*
assume in the Navy Department tho place of Head?
the Bureau,’of Provisions anil Clothing. |
In respect to tho roslgnatlbn of Moaaiv McOorrs:,
Fifth Auditor to the Office of Solicitor of the Tr6M«i
and eorao others in .the Treasury Department;
haabeen done, and nothing will ho dona juet norr. j‘
Tho President will lo&ro, In a day or two, for tank*
ter, Pennsylranla, to arrange hia private affairs. His
expo eted to bo absent for a week. f>
The Secretary of tho Treasury has made the folk
lug appointmonti: , t
Solos M. Stodlbt, to be keepor of Minot’e Lfi®
light Vewol, Massachusetts, in place of Jo&x Lis-
Flild, 'resigned. Salary seven hundred dollar MX
annum. i { '
TnoMis Stbvexs, to be assistant keeper of Seij
foot Knoll Light-house, Maryland, in place of Wmß.
Basbfobd, resigned'. Salary three hundred doUarjer
annum. .
Rbsd Flbtoqbr, Esq., United States
torney for tho Eastern District of Arkansas,
signed. ■ ; X.^;
Additional Newi From
WasbUhotos, Sept. 23.—1 n addition to who. W
stated In my despatch, the Interior Department
celved official Information that on the 25th of Mam,
a large Mormon oolony took possession of the Valfof
Deer Creek, one.hundrod miles west of Fort l)asip,
and drove away a band of Sioux Indians, whops thin*
dla agent, Mr. Twin*, had settled there in April, alip«
dueed to plant corn, and which region of
was assigned td them by the treaty of of 1860. >j •
The pretext under which these settlements arekde
is under cover of a contract of the Mormon Ohui to
carry the mail from Independence to the Groajcdt
Lake City. The number of Mormons who have ailed
In the valley of Deer Greek is about three
They have ploughed and planted two hundred aca of
prairie, and are building houses for the accommoqlon
of five hundred persons, and have collected theretrge
herds cattle, horses, and mules. The agent ids t
“I am powerless to control this matter, for
toons obey no laws enacted by Congress. ’ 1 <
The General Land Office has taken measure In*
eluding tho use of the telegraph, with the view o{ras»
ponding the patents on nil the warrants recently plea
from the land office at Faribault, Minnesota. (
Tho Treasury of the United States will pnrchaspucb
certificates of the United States loans of 1842,164 and
1848, and the Texas Indemnity five-per-cent, stag, pfl
may be presented previous to the Ist of NoYemV, at
tho rates heretofore'fixed and paid, together Yrltf the
Interest accrued Id each case since the Ist of Julj
The Bank of Commerce of Georgetown, ,C.
TPABHIKOTQS, Sept. 23.—The Dapk of Comm :e of
Georgetown, D. 0., have resolved to pay all depots of
a hundred dollars and under, and to pay the into it on
larger sums, t(U sufficient assets have been re (red,
which, as is hoped, will be In a few days. Thetock
holders acknowledge their individual responsibly of
all tho liabilities. ■ i ,
New York Republican Convention*!
Btbacube, September 23.—The city is to-day e>wded
with delegates and others interested in the Bto Re
publican Convention, which was organised at Aon by
the selection of A. M. Olapp, of Buffalo, as temporary
chairman. i
. Baring the afternoon session; Abljih Ma 4, was
elected permanent president. The Committee jp Ad
dress and Resolutions was appointed.
Timothy Jenkins, of Oneida county, has beemoml
sated for Judge of the Court of Appeals. !
, Wm. Curtis Noyes received the nomination ir At
torney Generil.
Robert Denniston, Comptroller. j
, Arrival of the Artel* j
Nsw' Yonk, goptember 22,—The stownship Ariel,
from Havre', arrived this evening. Her dafes been
?fe cable.
Breadatufla Quiet-Cotton Advonoed.
HALIFAX, Sept. 23.—Tho steamship Canada arrived
tbltf afternoon, with Liverpool dates of Saturday, the
l&th tost., three days later than brought by the Indian
ajrf City of Baltimore.
. There wo* mach anxiety in relation to the expected
he** from India, •which had not been received When the
Canada sailed,
1 Cyras W. Field,) Esq., has written to the London
Tivut, controvortlng tha statement* of that Journal in the availability of the Atlantio cable for tho
Indian telegraph. Mr. FJold says, after a minute ex
amination by ♦ioctrieiaw, and others, that the reported
Feneration of heat in the cable is, false, os no heat ex*
ista in the holds of thy Agamemnon or Niagara beyond
what Is natural j that the cable teats os perfectly
through Its whole length os when it was first put on
hyerd ship, and that there is not the slightest appre
hension oMnJuxy to the cable,,experiments eta tem
perature of 185 deg. Farenheit, and extreme pressure of
weight, having been recently resorted to with very sa
tisfactory results.
He alsb says" that as regards the sale of tho cable, the
suggestion did not come from tho Atlantic Company, and
when offers were mads, they only consented to entertain
them on condition that they would contract for a simi
lar oho, to be inode ready for them In tlmo to secure its
being laid at the earliest practicable moment in the
spring. Ur. Field briefly disposes of the other false in*
Fkftßatlont against the company, by asserting that they
Awe nothing to conceal, and all their acts ore open to
public scrutiny. Recent trials prove the cable os perfect
jKtrfcynon board the ship.
The money articles of the London T*tnts contain some
Mended remark In regard ,to the financial crisis in New
jra* { and American securities generally. Its estimate
amount of American securities held in England
g^&miSOjOOOjOOOto f 100,000,000 sterling,. It depre*
apathy exhibited by capitalists as to the man*
.ogtapn* ojayllrcad affairs in England, while In America
Jfhjje |i a powerful combinatioA'diaroae avowed purpose
the principal railroad undertakings to ruin,
these of other countries, the leading specula*
ftonfof N,etg York endeaTor to depreciate the national
dpedit. They influence the press, andareable not mere
ly Cooperate with Joint capital, but to regulate! meot*
luFs, retain permanently legal advisers, whose vocation
Is to discover the points for shaking the validity of
every hind of security, thus creating universal distrust.
•£*4 articles embrace much more in tho same style, and
condudo by suggesting the formation ‘of a London
committee on American stocks, to protect the interests
of foreign holders.- ’ 1
, ’ A'lfOndon attorney named Dean has absconded, whose
tttbta amount to £160,000, including'forgeries on a
gigantic scale.
Dr, Livingston attended the meeting of tho Manches
ter Cotton Bupply Association, 4n& explained the com*
f*nerctal resources of Africa. He' said it was welt
•idapted for the production of sugar and cotton, and
jihht he intended to devote his future life in special
jiffbris to derelope those products in Africa. A resolu*
, jddß was adopted asking the Government to furnish Dr.
Mtingston -with a steamer with which to ascend the
tabbest river. ‘
j f Letters • have been received from Lady Franklin’s
jixwiio Expedition, dated from Baal’s river, Greenland:
jeys that the progress of the expedition had exceeded
jibe expoatatlon entertained when starting.
! The sub-marine telegraph connecting Europe and
!&ftica was successfully laid ou the 9th."
\ Jhe East India Company bos chartered ten additional
Isomers to carry troops to India.
I , The religious riots at Belfast havo been renewed, and
the Catholic* have organised an armed dub for their
protection against the Orangemen. The Government
has appointed a commission to inquire into the affair.
Capt&ln Roberts, convicted of the munler of & sailor
an ah}p*board, vu hung at Liverpool, on Saturday, the
12tblnit. The two mates, under sentence of death,
The B raperor Nepclaon Is to meet the Russian Empe
rqp, Alexander, at Battg&rdt on the 26th. It is rumored
that the Kings of Prussia and Bavaria'trill alio be pre
sent. 1 •
The official account of the French harvest exceeded
the general expectation of the yield,
The recent difficulties of the Credit Mobiller have
been settled.
The British agents are recruiting at Lisle for India.'
The Bank .of-Prance returns show an Immense in
crease of bullion.
Lirsspoot, Saturday. IP. M.—Misers. Richardson,
Spence. (fc'Oo. quote Cotton buoyant. Estimated sales
to*day, 10(000 bales,
' BaKlDSTurya quiet, but steady. 1
- PaotieiOMS steady. 1 .
LoasoN, Saturday, 12 M.—ConsQls for money
90 H, and for account 90ti O^o\ .
, Havas HArkbt for the week ending September 9, in*
elusive.—Cottox buoyant; sales 4,600 bales; stock,
100,000 bales. New Orleans tree ordinaire 121 f, Bread*
stuffs tere considerably lower. Ashes Arm. Coffee
heavy. Provisions quiet. Sugar buoyant. Lard dull.
Rico quiet. Whalebone and Oils very firm.
AnsfctCAH Stoois.—Baring Bros ‘ report American
Securities goaorally not much affected by the accounts
from Ityy xorfc j eAlestmiwportent. Maryland Fires,
BondS, Fives, 74^} Mass. Fives, Bonds,
i BellfA Co. report sales unimportant, and quotations
•re nominal, U. 8. sixes, bonds, 1808, 104®106 ; Mass,
fives, bonds, 100; Penn’afires,bonds, 3877,78®80; 111..
.Central sevens,4B6o, (Freeland.) 95®100; do. shares,
•30 paW,lWir2J4 promlumr, Michigan Central eights,
1609, 86090; New York Central sixes, 80s81; Brio R.
Sevens, •convertibles, 03®65.
Satterthwalto says the panie in New. York caused
much aaxiaty, and the severe foil brought forward many
buyers at lower rates for Illinois Central shares. There
was a gtod.domand for New York Central, Seadlcg, Brie
and Ulcnigao Southern.
The Times of Monday reports the following business
on the preceding day: Illinois Central Railroad shares
302 premium; do. 7'abares of ’76, 86X®80&; Erie
Railroad stock 20.
Departure of the Earepa.
BoSTOf, September,23.—The B. M. steamship Europe,
dapt. Ldtsh, sailed for Liverpool to-day, with no specie
lint (ford County Bank, of Connecticut.
HiBT&nD, September 23—The Bank Commissioners
have enjeinCd the Bank of Hartford Oounty, at Hartford,
and closed its dcots.
Governor Walker’s Proclamation on the
Kansas Election,
St. Luujfl, September 23.—The proclamation issued
by Governor Walker, relative to the October election,
has boenncelTed hore.
While admitting the- Injustice exhibited in the
apportionment,' which excludes fifteen counties from
pirt(c!j>athg In‘the election, the Governor attempts
to exculpate himself from blame, by declaring that only
four dayi'smalried', after bis arrival in the Territory,
to make Otrapportionment; that he did ndt know that
there ollittd a law requiring him to make, the appor
tionment, and, 1 therefore, the .duty 'devolved-. upon
others, Hi expresses the opinion that no one can Tole
except tlv>*e who are qualified under the territorial
law of th>2oth of February last; also qualified under
this law: md that a territorial tax Is not required as a
qualiftcaUa for a voter.
The Governor states that Mops will be stationed at
the various Voting places,' where violence is appre
hended. entthat the best exertions will be made to
render the lection a fair and honest expression of the
Views of Unpeople., ,
[ Sailing of the Canada.
HALIFAX, September 23 The Canada lallod for
Boston at frlf-past Seven o’clock this evening, with a
northwestern! and cloddy. Bhe will be due at Boston
early on Ffifry morning.
Baltimob , Sopt. 23,—Flour is firm at ss.Wfor cash.
Wheat Is goerally unchanged at $1.26081.60 for red.
and $1.80a5.40 for white. Corn—eales of white at
70072 c; yefcw 76077 c. Whisker 23®2Sc. ' ’
New Oai/iHtf, Sept. 23^—Cotton—Balek to-day of
4,000 bales alOc for middling. Prices are stlffer, but
/quotations tiehanged. Flour has. an advancing ten*
«v#>y *’ tedl* Fork firm at $2B. Kaajern
[From flies of London and Liverpool papers received at
the office af “The Preu. n J
: The City of Baltimore, from Liverpool on the
9th ioat , has brought us oar own flies. ,Wo Bab*
join the prinolpal items of interest:
In'Spite of the rather flattering yet sever© re
proof* of the alira-Miniriorial journals, the Daily
Mews r«./Mserta that the Court exhibited a want
of good taste and propriety in hurrying off to a dis
tant part of the kingdom at a time when the most
terrible and afflicting calamity that ever befell a
groat country has befallen England—a calamity
.which has wrung hundreds of the bo3fc hearts in
the country for tho loss of their dearest and nearest
mends under oiroumstanoos of appalliug atrocity
and unparalleled surprise—and a calamity, too, of
whiofa no human being can at present forosee the
result. Still rendfeting full praise to Lord Pal.
.morston for his devotion to publio business, the
Daily Wem &\so repeats its belief that at this
crisis tho work of the Cabinet should not bo de
puted to a coaple of Ministers, assisted by such of
their colleagues as may happen to be in London
for a day or two! If the counsel of the nbsontees
is worth anything, they ought to be on the spot to
render It; If it is not worth anything, they ought
not to be in the Ministry.
The proposition to employ the Atlantio cable for
a line to India was still in abeyance. Evidence
of the availability of the cablo for the purpose was
being brought forward to refute the report that it
was not adaptod for tho service, • .
BelVs Life in London , remarking upon the
American horse Lecflmpto's running for tho War
wick Cup,says: “Lecompto has never run since his
raoo with Arrow at New Orleans, owing to his hav
ing then injured one of his joints, whioh has inter
fered with nis doing muoh work during the twelve
months he has been in Bogland, and to-day he pre
sented Buch n very enlarged appearance that it was
almost even hotting about hixbreakingdown. This
result might hnvo happened if it had been a strong
run race, or if the rain bud not come to alter the
state of the ground, and under the circumstances
Looompto performed much better than his owner
calculated upon. Tho horse pulled up very lame,
but did not break down, and we believe it Is Mr.
Ten Broeck’s intention to send him back to Ameli
Mrs. Catbarino Sinclair had made a sueoesfal
debat at the Haymarket Theatre, London. The
ditto of the London Daily News describes her as
the widow of the late Mr. Forrest \ - '
i Dr. Livingston, the Afrloan traveller, his wife
and son, are at present on a visit, to Manchester,
ft ** toungfct ho will be invited to a publio
breakfast or other entertainment.
ProfoßSor H. Rogers, of the United States, has
been appointed Professor of Natural History in the
University of Glasgow. , .
Thb Foueigx Office.—There aro fifty-nine per
sons in tho Foreign Office, Including the Secretary
of State, an< excluding offioe-keepers, door-keep
ers, Ao., having salaries amounting to £23,620
The.average mlaryin tbla establishment is £400.
Civil Service Gazette.
Tub Howp tppxcß.—There are forty persons in
the Home Offiio, Including the Secretary of State,
and the ohargefor the current year is £21,900, be
sides £2.506 ooitingent expenses and messenger's
'WUa. The avenge salary on this establishment if
.£s74. —Civil Service Gazette
The Colonia, Opfice.—There are thirty-two
persons in this effioo, including the Secretary of
State, and exoluling offioe-keepers and porters,
having salaries amounting to £14,045. Tho
average salary in bis offioe is £433.— Civil Ser
vice Gazette.
Taxes on Conbwption, Ac.—Tho following ex
tract from the “ loople’s Blue Book" will show
the amount of tax© placed upon tho consumption •
Coffoe, £587,630; molt, roirits.
£10,350,478; 5ugar,£5,227,055; tea, £5,802,086 ;
tobaoco and snuff, 45,006,693 ; Wino, £1,965.479
Total, £35,015,781. ’ * ’
Open-air proaehingin Belfast has given rise to
a series of Sunday diturbanoes of a very disgrace
ful kind. On Sundajlaat this practice origmaUA'
a serious riot. Tho Rat Act was read and tho mob
fired on by tho constahlary. Many persons were
badlv wounded. A jmng man, named George
Walker, was shot in Mil stroot. .On Monday the
town was quiet.
Wo have great plefirure in hearing that the
Marquis of Dalhoosio hs placed tho whole of his
fiension of £5OOO per amum, end which wss oon
erred on him by tho Eas India Company without
the intervention of P&rlltnent, at tho disposition
of the London committee f or the aid of the suffer
ers from tho Indian rebollon. This is as it should
bo. —The Press. ;
Thb Indian Naws.—Aioordiog to the Globe,
tho Bombay and Calcutta nail pockets should have
arrived at Suez on S&turlay last. The India
Government despatch, via lagliari, should reach
London on the Ota.
Tho sooond largest nugge. wHoh has yet been
discovered in tho gold region of Austria (says the
Dundee Courier) has just teen brought to this
country by Mr. Thomas Down*, o t Stirling. This
monster nugget weighs 31 lbs. 6 o;., and is valued
at nearly £2OOO.
The Minister of the Interior las tddreuod a cir
cular to the prefoots, instructing them to recom
mend the establishment of osjlums foi invalid
operatives throughout their distrots.
The Frenoh Governmeut has intruded is repre
sentatives in foreign countries to lisavow he hlu
ratiat proclamations whioh have bum distibuted.
Theso proclamations, however, prataed no
effect in tho kingdom of the Two Sidlles.
Great preparations were making at Stutgard
for the meeting of the Emperors lapoleoi and
Alexander. It was reported that ofhef crcvned
heads would likewise be present.
It is stated that one of the best French aifote
has been engaged by the Emperor to go to the
capital of Wurtemberg, and execute a picturere
presenting tho meotiog between the two La
The Counoil-General of the Department of fa
Horault, under tho presidency of that enlightenl
financier, M. Miohoi Chevalier, bare just unai
moualy passed strong resolutions in favor of a y,
vision or the tariff, and they have done so on tie
ground that the existing restrictions are injorots
to tho agricultural interest of Franoe, and not
called for by tho state of its manufactures.' I tt
jwoof of the latter position they adduce the Ira
markable foot that the value of the manufactures
exported from Franco to markets where they meet
with foreign competition exceeds £40,000,000.,
whereof at least £16,000,000., consists of artiolei
which the Frenoh tariff protects by prohibition.
Thoy estimate that at least nine-tenths of the manu
factures of Franoe are protected by absolute pro
hibition, and that of the tenth left the greater
part aro subject to duties so high as to be pro
hibitory in fact.
Ferakh Khan, tho Persian envoy, his first conn
oillor of embassy, and his privato secretory, ha*
been rocoived as Freemasons In the Sinoero Amit>i
a lodge of the Grand Orient of Franco.
There appoar, at present, five hundred and-on
journals at Paris, of which forty are dedicate to
politics, and the remaining four hundred and s#on
ty to literature, art, science, and the Undoes.
From the Ist of January to tne 7th of Ang-st of
this year, one hundred and eight new jarnals
have appeared in the Frenoh metropolis.
After numerous unsuccessful trials, the natural
incubation of ostrich eggs has just been accom
plished at tho Government estoblishme* at Al
giers, and no doubt now exists that these-di'dsm&y
do roared in a domestic state. This is the only
successful experiment that has yet boejobtoined.
Tho Paris correspondent of the Tiv*s says that
intelligence from Home is highly fawrable to the
arrangement of the pending diffl-dlty between
Moxico and tho Holy See. Althousn nothing has
as yet been finally concluded, the ifdxioan pleni
potentiary at Rome has obtained tie assurance that
tho sales of church property ant suppression of
convents already effected should *e recognised.
Tho Neapolitan Government has addressed, to
all its foreign representatives, * despatch relative
to tho affair of Cagliari. According to this note,
tho whole of the Individuals awestea have boon set
at liberty, and tho vessel has been plaoed at tho
disposal of tho oaptAin.
Tho Nord says that tho .niluro of tho Into at
tempt in Naples has not dbconraged tho Italian
liberals, as would appear tom tho reports that a
new revolutionary oxpedltbn i? preparing at Tunis,
probably under the direction or Mazxiui himself,
who seems to have resided some time in Sardinia,
and found means to evade the searches of thepo
-1 ice. Tho Fronoh squadron, whioh has just left for
Tunis, has porhapsfor coo of itsohjeots the preven
tion of. tho designs of this indefatigable dema
'f ho correspondent of the Italia del Topolo says:
“ Ou the 22d of August* sanguinary affair, oaused
by the rudoness vrhfeh characterizes tho Austrian
officials, took placo at Padua. A young student
was walking with life betrothed on the public pro*
menado, when a German official, attracted by tho
beauty of the latter, followed her, and not satisfied
with impudently staring her in the face, went so
far as to insult her by an indeoent act. The stu
dent replied by striking tho man on the oheek.
The offioor thereupon drew his sabre and wounded
tho student in tho hand. The bystanders rushed
upon tho offioor, to assist whom some other officers
oame up. A terrible souffle took placo between
tho officers and, tbo students of tho oily, whioh
continued for somo time, and ‘resulted }n tho death
of seven offloers. Many others wore wounded'.
The loss on the side of the students Is not known.
Numorous arrests have taken placo, and several
othors have flod to Switzerland and Piedmont.”
A few days ago it wns stated in a London nows
paper that the Russian Government had addressed
to its diplomatic agents abroad a circular, in whioh,
after adverting to proralont rumors, it repudiated
all participation in the Indian insurrection. The
Nord is at tho pains to dony that any such ciroular
is in oxistenco, and declares tho statement to bo
altogether unfounded.
Hr. Liohtonstoin, tho colobrated Prussian pro
fessor of Natural History, is dead.
The London Times recommends tho recall of
tho present representatives of England and France
at Constantinople, on tho ground that their ani
mosities are tho only impediments to a peaceable
adjustment of the pending questions in Turkey.
Tho U. S. frigate Congress had left Constanti
nople. Tho day before its departure a grand ball
was giroQ on board in honor of Mr, Sponoo, the
Amorioan Ministor.
Tho Shah of Persia has placed Isis Mahomodan,
Christian', and Jewish subjects on a footing of por
feot oquality. Persons of either religion will in fu
ture bo permitted to servo tho State. Herat ,Is not
yot evacuated. 50,000 men ore assembled in Khp
rosaan. Mr. Marray was received by tho Shah at
his summer residence in tho mountains.
Indian Relief Fund—Contribution of tub
Emperor Napoleon.—Tho Emperor has addressed
the following letter to the French Ambassador: —
“I Bond you £l,OOO sterling as my personal sub
scription in favor Of tho officers and Boldiers oruolly
afflioted In India. 1 I also send you £4OO, the re
sult of the subscription of tho Imperial Guard.
We have not forgotten tho generous subscription of
the Queen and oi the English pooplo at the time of
tho inundations.”
It is said that the screw steamor Groat Britain,
belonging to Mosers. Gibbs, Bright k Co., of Li
verpool, nos boon tendered to tho East India House
for tho conveyance of troops.
Slgismund Thalborg, Henry Vicuxtemps, and
Madame H’Angri ap groat names, on a concert
bill. Wo aro to have the personages themselves,
in a body, at tho Musloal Fund Hall to-morrow
evening, In company with Signor Roooo. Thalberg
is one of tbo finest pianists In the world. Now
that Pagoniul is no moro, Vieuxtemps Is one of the
best violinists—not surpassed, if he be equalled,
by Ho Beriot, Bivori, or Ole Bull. Madame H’An
gri is a charming singer. Signor Rocco will be re
membered as one of the leading vocalists in the
Sontag troupe. It is a fine combination of talent.
Boats Tor to-morrow’s concert may he secured,
without any extra charge, at Lee A Walker’s
musig store In Chostnut street.
Situs AoipiifT Of, cofcvsß 0 r Bsoin a»d
Loousr fir*t*TS.—Romani Ballet Troupe—“ Faust.”
.National Tbiath, WalmctStsibt. ibotu Eights
Th* Llfo of q Woman”— u Happr Uau.°
>Wai»OVBt*mt ffwAtaii N.R. coa*« of Kim
AID W£tm l jTBiIfS.—“OW Heads and Youmr
H»arto"T> A Fearful Tragedy Up Town.”
Anew SMUT Thiatbs, Arcs stbbit
ii3vp Sixth.— 1 u The Belle’s Stratagem”—“ The Bri
Sanfoan’s Opiba Hoost, Elitbxth Stsist, a»otx
OuiSTMDT,—Ethiopian Minstrelsy, concluding with a
Laughable Burlesque.
The Fairzrumnt. Water Works.—Lfppin
cott’s Gazetteer make* the following iost remarks :
“ Falrmount Water Works, situated in the diltrlot
of Spring Garden, on the Schuylkill, about two
miles northwest of the State House, were; previous
to the motion of the Croton Works, in New York,
the envy of tho other cities of the Union—'Phila
delphia having been for a long time the only oily
in the Unitedßtotes supplied with water in this
w*y-~and are still justly the pride and boast of
Philadelphians, not more for their utility than
for the picturesque attractions of the place. It
would, perhaps, be difficult to point out anywhere
a spot concentrating in the same space so many
elements of the beautiful and picturesque. The
raggedness of the native rock; the view of the
adjacent river and fails; Falrmount, four reser
voire, resembling so many silver lakes; the flowers
and rich verdure of the level plat and of the Mll
sjdes, added to the sparkling play of numerous
fountains with which the grounds are adorned, all
combine to form a landscape of exquisite and al
most unequalled beauty.”
The Returns of several of tho lieutenants
of police, made to Mayor Vaux yesterday morning,
contained the complaint which has been very fre
quently made, relative to the gross carelessness on
the part of store-keepers, private oitixens, and
others, in leaving their premises open at night.
Much negligence appears to prevail in the Eighth
Ward in this reapoct. Let the evil be speedily
remedied, and we will cease to hear of so many bur
glarious operations, whioh are atpresentapparently
invited by those who fail to adopt the proper pre
cautions for the safety of their property.
Drowned Bodies Recovered^—Y esterday morn
ing the body of Michael Riley was found floating
in the Delaware, atFier No. 10, Richmond.' The
deceased in the Nisetoenth Ward. W«
learn that be has been miiiinr since Saturday last.
Oorooer palavaa held an inqaeat fo the ease, and
a verdict was rendered la accordance with -the
Tha body of a sailor named Reuben Hathaway,
"ho fell from a vessel at Pier No. 17, Richmond,
on Tuesday night, was recovered yesterday mom
ing, and an inquest held upon H by the coroner.
The Ship Btahoart 9 Captain Lucas, for Li
verpool, dropped down from Almond street wharf,
at 5 oclook, yesterday morning, and anchored
below the navy-yard, where she was token in tow,
«?’ v 8 team-tug America, in company
with ship Zered, for Londonderry. The following
items oomprise the Stalwart’s cargo: -31 oil:
37 do. oromeore; 189 hhds. bark: 1801 bbls. flour:
285 bales cotton; 138 tierces beer; 12.165 bushels
wheat; 9,704 do. corn, and 3 pkgamdse.
The Jipple and Potato Crop of the counties
adjacent to Philadelphia is not very good, judging
by what a number or the farmers say. As regards
the apples, some trees have no fruit on them atall,
while that on others, which are full, Is small and
of a very inferior quality. Large numbers of
farmers bare found tneir potatoes afflicted with
the rot, and in some places three-fourths of ths tu
bers are unhealthy.
Jnother Democratic Rally, —To-night a
grand mass meeting of the Democracy of the
Twenty-second Ward will be held at the German
town Hall. The list of speakers includes the*
, names of some of the most eloquent and popular
of our city’s favorite orators. There will pe un
doubtedly a large and enthusiastio attendance.
The Good Will Engine Company has en
gaged the Pennsylvania Comet Band for the Fire
men’s parade; and the BohuylkUl Hose Company
has engaged the Boston Cornet Band for the tame
The Yachts “John Green,” “Theodore
Ealing," and “ Daniel P. Ray," will make a race
to-day, storting from Mandenon’s wharf, at 9
o’clock, to proceed to Chester Buoy and back.
It is thought that final action will he taken,
to-day, by the City Councils, on the subjeot of a
bridge across the Schuylkill at Chestnut street.
We hope so.
[From the New York papers of last evening.]
ANkssT roR Grand La&cknv.—John Grady
was last night committed by Justice Welsh, in de
fault of $l,OOO bail, to answer the oharge of grand
larceny, preferred by Hughes, Dupuy, & Crehange,
No. 37 Maiden Lane. 1
It appears from the affidavits in the oase, that
some four weeks ago the above firm had five and
& half dozen of gold fob, nook, and vest chains sto
len from their store, together with a gross of Corne
lian rings, amounting in value to about one hundred
and twenty dollars. No traoo of the robbery was
found until Monday last, at whioh time a
named, Bernard Prato entered the store, and
exhibiting to a olerk a piece of plated chain, asked
if he bad any like it. The clerk took the ehato
to Mr. Hughes, one of the proprietors, who identi
fied it at similar to the stolen goods. Hughes
questioned Frain as to where he got it, and he re
plied that he found it in his wife’s drawer, and
supposed that Grady, their boarder, rave it her.
He further pointed out several patterns on toe
table, and said that Grady had a lot similar to
them. Upon this information Officers Klider and
Arohuto, of the First ward, arrested him, and
searched his rooms to Frato’s house,! 207 Gold
street, Brooklyn, where the goods were found and
identified by toe owners.
Tne Watbr Strbit Traobdt.—Coroner Hills
' resterda; aftoraoett held a* isqae«t toe i
.body of James Morrison, (not Moms, as given yes
«n£ay,) who was shot by the barkeeper of Allen’s
house to Water street, yesterday morning. The
jur rendered the foliowuig verdict: ’’ '•>
“That James Morrison, the deceased, earn© to
bs death by a pistol-shot fired by Riobard Morrls
ey, he having been attacked by the deceased; but
to jury do not find that the attack was such as to
istify defence with a murderous instrument.”
On this verdiot, Morrissey, the accused, vaseom
nitted to the Tombs to await the action of the
Jrand Jury.
American Institute Fair.—The Crystal Palace
is now one of toe greatest of our city attractions.
Notwithstanding the storm last evening, wo under
stand, that over 10,000 persons were present daring
the day and evening.
Counters’bit Monet found with a Disorder
ly Girl.—A girl named Ann O’Conner was last
night arrested dj OffioerGreen, of the Sixth ward,
for disorderly oonduot. Bad money to the amount
of $1,300 was found upon her person. She had
also $231 good money.
[Correspondence of The Press.]
Nkw Yorx, Sept. 23,1837—6.20 P. it.
There is no new feature in the money market tc*
day worthy of special notice. Although the bonks
acted very liberally yesterday, as I stated at the
time, they could not possibly discount anything
like their offerings, and consequently the demand
for money oontinues very actire, without the least
falling off In street rates of Interest. The Journal
of Commerce gives the following table of street
rates, whioh is as accurate as it is possible to be in
the present irregular state of the market: *
Loans on call 15024
Prime endorsed bills, 00090 days ....Me—
Do 4®S months 24023
First-eIAAI single signatures... .24436
Were the shipments of grain as large as tho arri
vals, wo should soon obtain permanont relief; but
there is so much difficulty in disposing of bills of
exohange that shipments are very much retarded.
Foreign exchange continues exceedingly doll and
irregular. Sterling, 80 days, quoted at 107*108
for hankers, and lOHalOdt for good signatures.
Francs, 5.25*5.22}.
As soon os the panto is completely post and gone
many of those who were most frightened will won
der why U ahouldhave ever occurred With really
plenty of money, if It was only available; a pros
pect of an exoellent crop cf cotton ; an unusually
abundant harvest; peace and prosperity on the con
tinent of Europe, it Ishard to say why there should
not be as perfect confidence as In ordinary times.
It is much easier to create distrust than to allay
it, and thoughit is very justifiable to know whether
a man is “«afo” before yon lend him money, to
doubt every man’s “safety” is the most direct
means of causing the evil we affect todre&d.
There have been many failures, it is true, some
of whioh havo been caused by the suddenlstoppage
of bank accommodation and the decline In securities
of all sorts; but there were many which deserved
to fall, and whose loss will be a gain to commerce
generally. We shall very probably hear of fUU
more failures before we roach smooth water. Sus
pension becomes contagions, qnd, in times like
these, is ofton a very acceptable means of covering
up indiscretion ana extravagance, or a very con
venient and economical wav or avidiog the anxiety
and annoyance of “ hard times,” it being always
open “ to resume business, having paid 190 cents
on the dollar,” when the sky is clear.
This last mentioned course may be very agreea
bio to tho individual, but scarcely j moral, even
though his ultimate intentions aro strictly moral.
Our sound commercial men are beginning .to. see
that there was no real cause for what' we shall
hereaftor oall the panic of 1857, and that they
havo been far more “ soared than hurt.” and busi
ness transactions go on more easily, ana with fewer
hesitating exclamations—* 4 We oannot say whether
he is safe or not.”
The settlement at the Clearing House was prompt.
The Clearing amounted to 316,786,965, and the
balance paid in coin to $707,167.03.
The cash transactions at the Sub-Treasury for
the day were: Receipts $129,116.15. Payments
$195,965.83. Balanov $10,016,611.47. The re
ceipts at the Custom House to-day for duties were
Tho bills of the Hartford Co. Bank hare been
thrown outto-dav.
The stock market is still very irregular. At
the first board there was a more lively feeling,
and several stocks advanced some points from
yesterday's closing price. At the second board,
however, prices fell off again, and closed heavily.
As you will perceive by a comparison of the bulle
tins of both boards, the gala cf the morning fa*
generally lost in the evening, although the clos
ing prices were a trifle better thou those of yester
The meeting of the stockholders of the Erie
Railroad took place, as announced, this afternoon.
Mr. Moran made a very able and lucid exposition
of tho state of the company’s affairs, and gave the
most premising view of the solidity and remunera
tive capacity of the road. The $6,000,000 loan is
essential, however, as a preliminary to success, and
the most active measures are to be token to nego
tiate, Brown Brothers having agreed, as I am in
formed, to head the list for a strong sum.
$5,000 11!. Cea. RRTper cent eonst’n M’s <s7* and Ist
$3,000 Missouri State 6 per cent bonds.... 6S£ “
$3,000 Racine and Hiss BRform uorWO
per cent bonds 69,# “
s2,oooMilwaukie City 7 por cent bonds.. 61)* “
$2,000 Sacramento City funded loan 10 per
cent bonds 65 “ .
$2,000 St. Lonis City 6 per cent bonds.... 74£ “
144 sba. Erie and North East HR $6O ea 90 aSOk
95 do Morris and Essex R 8.... 60ea CQJf
200 do People’s Bank 25 ea 91 a9lj{
SO do Chatham BAnk 25 ea 64|f
10 do Bank of the Common
wealth ...lOOea, 89
40 do North River Hank 60 ea; 89
10 do Continental Ins 00..,. 100 e«u 99K
-115 do Exchange Ins Co 30 e*. BOVOSI
«850 Atlantic Mutual Insurance
[scrip of 115 T.. 63k
$670 do do do 1863.. 55
Colon d. 4* Ityl.. M
i **“* «• wrxqiaw, wXVMjf tar t,u, wttmrr
■ B.i.MTß.fillih.'iiiko.t'ii TMrkUon MtiT.,
DjrtieaUrir for Western, “with sales of AOOO bfcU. (t
|5.45«55 6 foe eoDsaca to good State, 91 fee
M. 500» for.ltr. Gmmik., uj %6.Ula»i« tar
Biw>i>«ra n»tr * lm
V. 1 ? .n*,* 5 ?®* 8 foc Aluudri*,
e1T.60 (or fiAc. KA «tt. .CuaJUa floor It
fiSKf cf 15° .< fat raj«,.
' jf ** fronfa. t. hmt. ' Pom wr.l (f In
ft* “• Ml °*
nIM an He*- ■
Ottn« U»aeiMf«d»« jaUiixj’. qaoUUaM. ,•
Wheat is to good demand and Se
f “- Wl «! *1 JUm rolln&Un.;'
for Sui- Oatoanlaro »t 41»«i
tf *iV w ?“ ,hel * at 7T©7O for western mixed.
Hxjfia unehaaged tt SOnTSe.
Hides aroasdallw erer, with a downward teuton*?
laps U quiet at $3*529 for ScotehpS™
Lsatbsr Is dull for Hemlock and Oak*
NaVal Btoebs—Spirits of Terpentine are doll if is,
awl., Crude do. iT ,al.t *t
Bojln U narta >t jmlenUj’i price,: g Mr
nominal »t,6.50 ySOfe*. TkalSiowlnrl iSeaaZ
meat for the week: ' "
Beeelpte for Exports fee
_ , the week. tos week.
Crude Torpe&tiae, bb15....... ■ E 29 |
Spirits do , do 4MO jp#
Botto. ..d0........13,5(6 ' &A9o'.
*"v to »SS Tm .
Pitch do 125 ’
eo?i^i 8t , 0S *-~ Pork u h Vh*r, with cries of £0 bids at
$»« 126 for meas, and $2OR$3O AO foe prime. Beef to
unsteady and lower, with sales cf 170 bbls atsiSwESAO
for P«ked Western,and SI6JO«|I7 JB forextremre.
««<l«iet at SS. Bacon la steady at 14 K*
15e for Western smoked. Cut meats are nnatoat- Lard
U to demand, and better at Bstter U to
SJt de Sff!LV L s *! 9 * for Ohio, and 17«23 for state
dairy. Cheese is steady at SKw9X*-
Bpoa*s are unchanged. There is a nroenect of
riJ4V*tS d lt b f. rer * thelr iSreSw Sf’
v«w*, and it U supposed that the former maityltM
mn aoann.
1,000 T.irn St 6. >«0 75
10,000 TlifinUS. St
(,000 do (T tt
»» d. ||V
SJOOMlMonri SttibJtOk
•. ' do 1 60S
o. & ~b» ttr
,2M0O:- dq' bSO TO 7
B,WO ' 60 bE TO
City to »70 ET
-2,000 do 87
28,600 lUCenEbds 83Jf
20,000 do bM
« £2. 1,1 Cen Jeb BtilOS
2,000 Ter Hante£ Al
ton fidate 46
LaCAMiI Land
_ Grant fads 80 ■
80 N River Bnk 90
26 Am Xx Bnk 60S
20 Metropolitan Bk 96
JO Irving Bnk 90V
300 Canton Co isv
800 do . fa3o lo
20 64 Nicholas Bk 84
76 Park Bank 88
80 DelAHod On! 106 V
300 Curnb Coal Co 10 v
300 do *3 10
160 do JO
6 U STrust Co 10Q'
20 Pacific M SB Co 0S
338 NY (fen R c 66V
3W do *6 MV
JW do s 5 67
100 . do fig
130 do sS 68S
100 S T Cen R s 3 66V
600 bis Railroad lTv
k? £ *
SSyj-t -l UI
340MQ Ml]
10 Os = Klf'
UOBttOtoi X A 43K
100 3 t» «
100 <to bs «
15 4o |S M
100 0. lit/'
WO ie ■» S*
200 do a 44 tr
400 4. d «2
100 d. bo UK
SO OZmkPtUa K u
UtOirrCdOCiaK 71
mam* OU.K 07 ‘
JOO to mo to*
10(0 4. MM
100 do d* Kit
100 ds 0»
313 do OSv
M do uj
.635 do H-
So d« MU
10TUi4XtX M
2,000 Mo St to TO
ft 6OON YCenRCe TT
2,000 do T 8
2.600 N Y Cen R 7s 88
1,000 Hud R9LBdmto 63v
W ImptrsATrdraßk 104
200 Pa Coal Co e 66
100 Cum Coal Co 10k
100 do - - lew
600 Brie R *3 it* j
200 do b 3 IT
< 20 Paeifle M S S Co 68 V
60 O LifeATnut Co 8
10D Panama R 81
60 N Y Cenß b$ 87 V
66 do 6TV
60 do 6TS
100 . *>. kao «V
SPO do W'tT
104. .. do MO ***
iSOO - do - dft 43
100 da IS]/
SltlUOnS «7
60 do iIS MX
ioo a.T. *. pm. * jfS
160 do . IJ2
SOOCl.r.tTol BriO M !
X) TtrtWlm X . UK
WSilthlTft B
Philadelphia markets.
Bxttxxsxx 28—Xvxrao.—Qnerdtroa Bsrk eonttosM
rieady, at $4O for Ist quality. In Breedstafc ther* a>©
no changes to sots to-day, and salsa of U to HMbhifc
Western extra are reported, part oh terms kept eaecst,
and part at $5.T5086 bM. The demand fe?
is limited, and lidders ask $6.78 4T bfad. tot staatazd
brands, witheot sales at that figure. The local demand
is quits moderate at from ss.76«|T£o and $3 4T bfat: fe*
common to choice lots, as to brands and quality. No.
thing doing in Com Heal erXjv floor, and ipntotit—
are unaltered; we quote the former at $4 end the totter
at $4 37 V’bbl. Whreta are steady to price, bet the
demand is less active, and onty about 8000 btshcls have
been disposed of at slJ2B«slA4'for Wtochoiee zed,
““l $1.41e5Z.45 for white. Byeis wanted, end thedte
tfllere are buying at 76c. Coes la to steady damanT:
abont 2000 bnritela Southern yellow brooght 80e.
and Oate are aslliag at STcotSo, and teaneeetkms to the
extent of about 600 bushela have *» mad© at these
figures. Seeds—There is very Uttle Clare* or timothy
Soed offering, and prices range at $T«$7-37#
former, and bushel tor the latter. Greeeriee
are held at abeut prevtons prices, hot hejme are
off, and the market is lull and unsettled. Gotten to
also but little Inquired for and. vary dull to-day. .' t Pso-
Tiaioos are unchanged, bat tho stock is Marly ntiiit,
od, and the sales quite to a retail way. Whbksy todufil
at 26cw26e for bbia, end 24c for hhds. p
THB COTTON TRADE.—(From Wright’s Weekly
Circular.)—There is so new feature to report oct tho
’ The w»»fleet to togA
we nave tompLaiate fom some footumi of jjmhmbm
Georgia. The beckwardatM ot, ths jn»p
poaitiop qyry An early frostCxto jw wodd
‘cnaaa a Mcrfooa muteUmeat, while oadea fnsjsbte
, weather sad - a late fzost, the prebabilitles ate advene
for more than an average yield. The quaetfoa tote
become one of weather entirety.
‘paid to pay estimate put forth until alter tho period
trosL and until its effects are laity knows.
Tho receipts at the ports continue on a Toy moderate
scale, being bat 0,000 bales for the past week, cofest
; 20,000 bales same week last year, ana 41,0e9 bales toe
year before. The export to Great Britain far the week
to only 1.000 bales, and will be quite small for many
weeks to coma. Nothing yet exported to France.
The following to a statement of the movmnenA is Cot
ton since September 1, as compared with the jrotteM
four years: r ’~ r ~
1867. 1860. 1866. M 66. Hi*.
Reo.t P’ts.. 8,000 50,000 71,000 18,000 U.OOO
Ex to 08... 4,000 6,000 £9,000 l-t.OOO 3^600
Ex to France " 5,000 11)00 l[n»
El other F F 1.004 4,000 3,060 ■ t,OOO 1009
Total export. 3,000 10,000 53,000 SO.OOO MJMI
Etockonh’d.34,ooo 00,004- M 2,000 ' 04,000 15,000
Of which during tho prat week, fnelnded in the ohoA -
Bee ot P'ta.. 4,000 20,000 41,000 10,004 10,000*
KltoQß 1,000 2,000 10,000 2,004 tjXO
£x to France. .... .... 2,000
EX other FP 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Exports 1,000 3,000 14,000 10,000 10,000
BRXAD3TUFFS*AT CHlCAGO.—Receipts of Tleusaad
Grain for the week ending September 12: Floor. 12.896:
Wheat, 608,741; Corn, 176,919: Oats, 80,427.
Exports of Flour and Grain for the week endinr Sent.
To Buffalo. Oswego. Other Farts. Total
Floor, bbla 4.650 .... 2,526 AJ96
Wheat, bus 223,677 266,824 248,206 SSSIfiOT
Corn, bus 106,874 .... 61,96$ 1»,634
TOTAL VOX gBS 854895.
Floor, bbls. 64,867 U 1 90AM MASS
Wheat,bus 1,534,081 1J66.063 897,476 3,40,664
Com, bu5,.,..,3,827,696 876,791 t£44,3»
Oats, bos 149,400 ........ 906,68$
Floor and Grain in store, Saturday. Sept. 12,1867:
Wheat, Spring, b<u.481,251 I FJaor, bbls TA46
44 Red, bus.... 19,491 Corn, bun. ~164^60
44 White, bos. 4,845 | Oats, bos 23^302
New Tork Cattle Market, Sep. 21,
The current prices fer the week at all thamrketi of*
as follows ': t
Bur Cattli.—First quality per ert, $l2AO«$l2 •
ordinary quality, $?0.&0e$12: ooaraon quality, $9,500
*10; Inferior
Cows iJD Caltm.—Tint quality. s6oas7o; ordinary
quality, $50065; common quality, $40045: inferior
quality, s2Sas3s. . .
Till Cilvia—Extra quality per lb, ?X*Bq ether
qualities, s®6Ve.
Snap aid Lambs.—First quality, sfc 69#$6A0> other
qualities, s3as4.
Swixx.—First quality, 7flo7#e; other qualities,
Best Cattu.—The receipts hare ifinen off this week
about 1,000 head, hut as the supply was to large last
week, the supply to-day was thought to be deficient to
satisfy all demands. The quality of the offerings was a
trifle better on the average, and prices have advanced
about We on all qualities. The demand has been only
moderate this week, in consequence of the large num
ber en sale last week—many having bought wp-larffkly
at the redaction in prices, quoted at that time. Tfceef
fenngs came mainly from Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, and
tills State. The market was much - the same as last week
in every respect, except that prices have advanced a
trifle—prices ranging boa B#l2e—the overage was shout
The w eather from the date of our last has heed ex
ceedingly fine, but this morning a change has taken
place and a good deal of rain has fallen; except In inant
parts of the north ot England, Ireland, and Scotland, it
cannot be of any moment, as our crops are now amtr
well gathered in.
The market has assumed a firm tone,' Wheat and flour
ore more difficult of purchase; ou stock of really useful
descriptions is narrowed into a very small « the
American market, with a better supply and lower prices
from our aide, had yielded somewhat: new white wheat
might hare been laid down here at about Sa®Sq 3d: and
red SssSs 3d per 70 lbs, duty paid ex shim and mixed
Indian corn 3de per qr. The qoantity ■uipping wai,
nevertheless, exceeding!/ small. Freights were only
quoted at 2 / *,'d per 60 Im, or about 9®logper ton, which
at once shows the quantity offering for shipment to be
very limited indeed. Indian com has been in fair re
quest, for both feeding purposes in England and also
shipment to Ireland, and the tales havebeen made at
the extreme rates ot our last, say 37s for Ibrai), 38a for
for yellow American, and 42s Gde43« for
Oar market this morning was fairly attended r -Owing
to the scarcity of good useful description* of American
"heat, holders were enabled to obtain a father adro&ce
7O lbs oTer the rates current on Friday.but
other sorts, such as Baltic, although held for soma im
provement, were not by any means a free sale.
The demand for flour was somewhat better, aMCdto’
bbl and Is sack advance in most instances obtain
We have again to note a fair demand for Indian Corn
for feeding purposes, for the Interior, and the full rates
of oar last fully maintained for Black Sea qualities
while mixed American, from scarcity, was at 6d
qr improvement, cay 38s fid qr. White met a foir de
mand at 43e44e, as in quality.
Oats and Meal steady at extreme rates, say 2s TdsXs
8d 46 tbs, and 36037 s for new Meal, as in quality.
LxviarooL, September B.—Tbo weather has continued
variable but with the greater part of the harvest se
cured, this has little effect on. the Grain trade.
A better market at Mark Lane, yesterday, together
with the tightness of ear stocks, has imparted some
firmness to the trade here, and at Tueeday^’e market Red
Wheats were held for an advance on Friday’s rates of M
to 2d per bushel, at which a moderate consumptive bu
siness was done; in White there is no change to rroort
Fiourof good quality scarce, and 6d tels per bbl dearer
other kinds unaltered. Indian Corn quiet, with reteif
•ales ot American mixed at SSe: Whit# sells in retail at
420435. We quote Wheat-Red, Be2doBs6d: Whit*
!b. Flour—Western,B6«sQefii* Phtia^
delphlaand Baltimore, 305«3156d; Ohio, 32a53«
Pork slow; no transaction* to report.
Bacon—ln small request, at our last Quotations
Lard continues dull, but so little U offered that pre
vious prices are maintained, sad 70071 s must still be
given as the quotations for fine.
Tallow has again advanced li cwt., sad If on the
the spot, Butchmr’s Association would to-day bring 64*.
In London the closing quotations ft* Y. C. art 62*
6d oa the spot, and 50s fid test three month* of tho
Bojta daU, »* 4, Wo-b M for cwamon.
Cstten—The demand continues animated, and tho
market for useful Cotton daily gets dearer. Middling
qualitiM of American must be quoted at l-lMssWdJ?
»»P «“«• rriAzj. in Manchester the inquiry for
Taros does not slacken, and prices advance in proportion
to the- rtee in Cotton Good* are also dots* better.
“Middling” Orieias 9* dTSobltoS, J£?Us2i