the last Jjgh£intobfo« gloom by whteh we ' M-Wdayasurrounded. r Pot theflrstttme slaca their present their ave- Jtftge impQpt of j.QMia bM 'decreascd iu a greater . H«e /;jtof6yA they regulariyJogiTnore by the withdrawal they gained by caHtog' fn loans; v; ii'e jjtawnidnt forTast.wefek; • '^9^T^V^^^ s^^®i^r< P t * g^ tloa ' oa ^uiV:»t , *tlor4a;a,ptotty'';jmto. indication, that they have touched bottom, and that a suro-and steady im - provomant, in ih«- ordinary 1 course of .events, will now gratify I tig feature howler, .they have in Sp&c\o.-&',STi,S29,-notwithstanding.tho loss 'of the treasure onboard of the Central America. w They hold, with tho rfecNpt/of yesterday/not less than four* bf dollar!,,.'V “] .'Tho effect of.thJS improvement has been cheering to ■ those' who; are /laboring- to. pro vide. the' means 0[ .’ meeting .thejr obligations in’the true, hdpeafcy noble l T^hlladolpliuiipirit'.'l’BXoro’tban oneef oar merchants; when ,he‘Xead' in,.oat,-telegraphic columns to-day Ibis -jltatßdwntpf'tho of the Now Tork’banks,feH Within his Conviction’’that ’ lt man’s J ( 'oppori[anlty,»'> ja tho strength of ■ ;wh!eiiV and ’tu‘ tho. Abiding faith of success in upright j-Mffh'ehMl'enJeivef*,- ¥;i»'iM'rMhrali!e hie efforts, to 'payhl£ d fe hh?' they m Attired, ’end to show by His city stood in no heed and no'dingerof ftgenerul or ft general exteh- Tifon/A/S. /•_ ; . ,* ’ ■' - V***? |haijit,i meeting of bhnV offlcew this mom fcg,rt iis_rl)«ilvodtU)- airord. asjtrcot lactlitiea to the .- tha city as the ' full extent of tho rc .■ Admit, discriminating infavor of thosewho «uld Bh<^wwtis?attorily f thatthey ate in a sound ponl -1 ofb’ot temporary aid to avert bank ruptcy* .Thcragh but an announcement of a more. ' application of rthe system they have all along aad-ite.pubHcation pro ' 'dhQed.-jfc.idsfiwsdly abetter, fediog- in financial circles. ih« *»breaking upon’our nJghtof trials, Aodthot we shill ROonbsvApassed entirely out of ; this, time, that a , quarrel Among themanagers of tho Mutual -Deposit 16- jroruncoAssociationto-day to a suspension, o! the ' "'This institution wasnetin 1 any .af lhsu^ujie' company—as- it .!pok no risks ' eithor.agalnst hre, or Ike seiw,orof lives, Itahnsiness j was confined to reco Wingtaoney ondeposlt, And Inrost ingltin Ic»DS| i orothferwiBe, andwe'caq'hardly conceive : ■tho-iStia notable to raeei'itoUabUitip.s promptly.,', o‘f th« diacoiuV# among its managers has { not' transpired,' and- we learn that'a rooeting,of Its i dfrjscfcWtiTo b 4 held' ftils 5 evening to'decide upon thB ! conditloxi 'Of the' Company; and what .course shall be pursued//Wejrust that, in n time like tho present, no private,feudk thail be allowed to close the.doofp of any _ moneyed lnatitutio&; and that we • nmy be' edablod, ha fora Wo go' topre&s, to announce that its regular business ■ ' ‘ Tho Block market shows very cnodorate tranaactlona WlthwithapitJTeinentiTjpriced ' - v * XBCltjding thh and .oie&ting Houbo ope radons of ,th« pMt week, tha: followtog. U tha general comparison, of the'banking movement in New 1 York, with the previous ?eek; wid' aUdwith' tiw coriespoad log «tajen}enf.of feslemW.2o,lBsB : v „■ . COMPABATXVSJBCCfiyiTDLATIOS. -M Sept:-38, ‘ Sept.-K, ; MMi--. - '.d867. . 1857. - CMWI ~.858,885,000. *06,480,000. ‘ *85,430,000 loan 108.774,4Z1 109,985 672 Speele 12,270,885,' 13,550,186 12[181,857 Olrculallea,./8,7W,383 - 8,073.601: 8,323,816 OrosaDeporita: 90,563,866 76,772,774 75,838,070 E1cha0501........ 24,697,448 ' 17,920,842 ■19,054,265 VWpwn.v,..,...■ 06,860,422 . 57,851,932 67,334 121 In Snb-Treaaoiy.. 13,780,819 10,290,838 10,483,802 ■/tB6 ( 3SW Toftt 3W5u8e;07 to-Bag says: A-letter frStitbe Preafoantof tho State ffanfc of Ohio, received by hla correspondent in thia citrto-ilaj,,is. of an en. cuuraging character. Ho says tho banks have arranged | with the Ohio Trort&J.Trfitflj- fflakiog Iwiiu'aaoi mort gagaafotthtirhatWcea,aboutBBoo,ooo. xhia lockapß that aini/unl, 'bnVU not to their tutdlvided proßta. Xhew* brancliea, trith *4,100,900 capital,' *l)l99,oooaadWidei liriifl ta ,anB 80,000,009 biUkrocoivv remarka, .“‘'are' in a mor« eitiiatiouth&T\ vth«a the Imi Conv panjr’a the ate cm active epmmer cial'ykpSr, baAwl cklAay,oa_the thV State,. Witii or bonds, or stocks/!; ;. The.?ayotte Circuit Oourt hasrecenUjdcijl'ica;' in a suit between tho of Kentucky and tho .rarmeifs’j 1 that'a' brink,'"note, 1 fraudulently ed, Is of. ijoyalue fn thp.hande of even on Inwo 'cent hoWer, and tho bank is not hound to redeem such' notes. -’THbC will 1 oporote news systeia ai for^Jag,' which consists’ te mutilating a number of bank all of the same*'denomination, and putting the mutilated parts together in such a man ner that outbf fifteeii'gendihe holes sixUen’con readily t* maiie/each fiavfng'bat'tt small part wanted. ‘ I Huguenot Bank, of Now Plate, N. Y,; which was previously reported suspended, resumed oh the3^;~. 1 ' J V * 1 ‘ 1 ' 1 fIOCK J3XCHANQE SALES, . ‘ 1 1857. ReportedJr!\Sloc£ Broker. No. -*r:~ tir '' m - fV : T 'Si' BOARD. " ’ mCiifi&'liin**' 00’ / 20'Biding B town' 20^ '2OO f y do-, /V 84% i Too udo cash 20# W a6 u : h r *■»! ■do bswa"2oK 6200 do . io»-‘ 83- ■ M ■6e 202 1600HP»6>» leii-47' mvaon Csosl ’6 SSPeenaK ,leU 40J| ilOßllalitsißhaira' 1% '<>6o!-a olii lOgcb Narprefd v 35 .CO do \ * ?jk s-M -a 0 J i v ' m 10 Sflnehtli R .61 25 NPa It, cash- 8 ■ -“bSwh 51 ■' 25 '’do cash’ '-8 ' • 2?Ol«ird Bank - / 6F&M Bonk .>.' &}% i 3 ' 109Be¥in*Jt3ay« 20V 23 Penn It . 40« W •> Viir.fZitjt .2014 ■ 188ehNutprefd 16 ’ BSOOSftBOABl). . . S?SS?S’ 4 '- ? ,ots 83 i7N PennaH - '8 600.'KJ?efin»B6’l 46K 608 eh NarproWhs lit' ■12Be»»5t»l Biota 47i- : . 60Hel«ndB 7H 100 >"do- ••■ gif 12 00 20Jf: ■ . • .' ■ - f " - ' ,*i ?ha J «.otoflijw piu ~-s'■jtti.&Uii csVn.’ea - jw tMSsttta . XiK 93 5, -» ! *br «X M tunaiM,"-';!il*x J Bo> Swdioia . ~205,»« 4b &>m«s*:<»B ■■ -tv.* ,y.v..;;.; 47 ioiss-iciLV r • - : ? j. -' : = r -i JUktds Scbyl NivFref 14# ,15 Wmap't&ElmJUS . 23 t aolMmortT’Jiei "67 - 'do' do 2d in 6S 69 Loti g Island 7 Jf 7& "Ylckabnig Gltasd Bonk. &K 9 Lehigh Zinc ' K 1 Union Canal' ,5 5% New Creek- ? r u : i- s Catawiisaß& .7.;., V'4o;M®VF/4A ; W' J * , W Benia BB •- 40lf 41 'KbrrUCaul Goa 40- 45 1-100 Beading ’ss 21# = fiQßettktffc >: b$ '2l.' W '2l/ Beading close j^alxjii'fc...;. DOMESTIC MARKETS. , BALTIMOEE, Sept.Sl.-rfc'LOUfc-continues to brisk dejqacd, and-for all description* fheixvarfcet so* dtni at fiatttrday’fl rates’. Thera if ere sales on ’Change of 1,000 bbk Ohio, 25? Hoßttrd-street* end.4so Jjbis City Mills Meek all at 85.50 per bbl cash. - City Afrits super was ,lteidflnnlj , -There la a good iajajrr for Floor from Bpipper*, and/the, market for aU varieties cio«ed with more buyers than aeHers&ttbo - quotations. • \?o,befrof m> transactions in Extra Flour. We quote Ohio Exit*,at £fl«r£6.2VHoward strCatdo at so.suefi.7s, arid City Mills,lo.2sasB.&Oforcom* ttoisbranda, wid.s7;.peF,bbl for .select Bye floatJt stesufri &i $5.25, > and we quote Com ; Meai at s3Me%SMiffpr Country, and $4.12 per bbl for City. Grais.—Tne recelpta continue tube -lights She. total ceef&tp being only about 20,000 .basbeUv - For aiTwialie*- the market was firm, and for Wheat end Corgjprices Tim demand far ; Whcat was brisk, and the recelps, wbteh r4ieh about-20,000 bush els jrgra wfehbU a’aaio of 20,000 ft» winter cufcd Bulk BhOuldeJS at - 'Winter curad'Bulk Sides are hold afcS4o/4«dwe,dttbie J sdmcjor curedßitUr ll% for Shoulders, ‘l3calS3£e foe Sides,- and for Htmkgißarrclcd Fork is quiet, and rather heavy. We good Western do $2O, and do Ffim# ats2l eSZL.MI.c lhhevr- Votk Foricfs declining. Beef is steady at $2l for Baltimore Mew/ ood $lB bl>J fcpn ;1 do Wil |-son Arttoldf 77 do S- Brodbe/vd j • H B Inez] 82 do Vf 1 ’ Brown; *do B Boone; 6 fio jnbo: Worden: 2& /bales. do I WJI 0- BrcmfyV- cte do 'Connor & co; ID do > P , | Clsyion;. 3 do I), s (JotUgft’,.Sl .dp II Cobon; 6 do U 1 Co*jvemwiU STWJtfjk&a J W gibbon; 4, do pm? Jap, & Biapbain; 3 ca*e»'£srlyA do-Jisiorick, Bl&ck\Av_c' jfernuia, co; Ido 08 Featk’f>r/-10 do P Jford; 15 do tftdff■& FftfrUyst'; tjpiahos’J 15 Gould: ly pkgs ® Satrtl Hoys: sdo 2 KHirtflltfdolßfodry- drflsrrls; 17 do Ml* Uutchtn; 3ofcn. lial»eroaD‘ .45 do IrwlOi.Sheeta. fc'Oo; J 5 bales 1 mercbandladiy: D’JoWa; 82 cisbXnne.'SleriW, & Co; ;32; 14 SnjUh & 18 do Idwdnc&tty BaVry, fcuo? Bdo W& Lpirfo A Soa- 35. >doLttile&StokeSiludoßawbrcadd A Co; 50 Rennet.' I Stone, A Cbjfto do ttysr*,Gl&}fborn,&oo; 15 Motshol! A | »“n; 9, b iJittntoe: 10 do fMiVIO do O S Mayen * ;f° tmndlujLpapetcijMMeg&rge A co/U-fiaae* AMcOali' nl 0 ? 1 A i do Peck A Blmj A *>J SSdoiadei ;BG,B&rUagj ; 6 : do^ltofaentacbcr; 125 do W A A L j§b&£ f*£T {# do Sldeabach Aeo } ft , A Sender A co.eo J;{Bo|l6 do.;a,H,WQndcrL 7 do B dr' 0 / do do -Weet * Boathwortbj A-eo/ 32 do sjkngers vaumveK?:. , . in J W Brown. :**&*>' % ... LETTER BAGS At lAe Merchants l Exchange. Philadelphia ' Ship Touawaoda/ J ulius/.V. .Liverpool,' Sept 25 Ship'Joseph Jones, Flowera.\;u,-.;.Bsn Francisco, soea Minnesota. C01e,,.,.Ri0 Janeiro, soon - MOVEMENTS OP HAVANA STBAMBBB. Pmabßi,rau~l?rom New York 2d, arriving at H*. van* Bth, and New Orleans ‘llth., From orleau9 20th'; Havana 23d, arriving afc'Newiprk 28th. .' QdakEb Oitv—From Now York tth of each month, arriving at Havana 12th‘, and Mobile H^v.ETPJ 113I °" bile 22d, Havana tilth/arriving at -cth. Gaiiawba—From Now York 12th, arriving at Havana •ITth. and Now Orleans ltith. Prom New Orleans 27th; Havana 39th, arriving at New York w. , __ JJnrißß Oitv—Proto'Now York 17th > arriving at ua vann2‘Al, and New Orleans 20th. Efom Now Orleans sth, Havana Btb. arriving at New York Ijßh.g Black WabKioh—From New "Vork -7th, arrive at Havana Ist and Now Orleans 3d. r From Now Orleans 12th; Havana 14th.-dU6 at New York 18th. * Isabel— Prom Charleston loth. and 4th, due at Ha. vana 23d and 7th. Prom Havana 10th and 25th, due at New York 10th and 31st.- ' - The California mall stearaera sail from New York on the sth and 20th of each month. < iHflrine Intelligence. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 33, 1857. SUN KIBES .....01—SUN SKIS 8 69 UIOR WATER..., 4 6T ARIUVED. ' Barque Elisabeth J, Thomas, 24 days from Black Blyer, Jo, with sugar and logwood to order—vessel to Barque R B Walker, Baynes, 14 dayß from Pictoa, NS, with coal to S Morris Wain A' Co, •Barque David G- Wilson, Peacock, 8 days from Charles ton, with mdse to Jatrus Baker, - • Br brig Waterloo, Condon, 30 days from Black River, with logwood to DNsWgUIm&Co. •. " • Brig A J Dyer, Rogers, 8 days from New York, in bal last (o X* Audenreld fc Co. . Biig Resolute* Hill, 3 days from New York, in ballag' to L Audenreld to Co, - Brig Geo-E Prescott, Gilkey, Odayfl from Waroh&tn, in ballast to John R White. Schr Zavaila, Grumloy, 25 (lays from Havana, via Quarantine, with mdse. &b, to Q Benot to Co. Bchr Anne J Russell, Hodge; 5 days from Portland, with stone to J Struthom & Son. > Schr Claw Blower, Payno, 7 days from Plymouth, in ballast to captain.. - Schr Elizabeth Seger, Pauli, 5 days from Taunton, In ballast to captain. Schr 8 W ponder, Eflingsworth, 4 days from Provi dence. la ballast to ReppUer , Brig Catharine Nickels, Loud, Boston,’ ’ do Brig Ant ate, Davis. Charleston, Pettit, Marlin & Co. Brig J Nickerson, Nickerson, Boston, Jalrue Baker. Brig A J Dyer, Rogers, Boston; L Andenreid & Co. ■ Schr Resolute,-Bill, Saco, N Stnrtevant to Co. ScbrDanl Townsend, Townsend, Savannah, D S Stet son & Co, Schr W L springs, Tfippincott/Wilmington, NO. do Schr H'W WeIIS, Charleston, Rogers, Slouickeon &Co • '•«* ' Schr P A Saunders, ‘trelan, Charleston, B Milnes to Co. , Schr Diamond, Norton, N York, Blakiston, Cox & Co. -Schr Lewis Chester; Corson, Boston, do -Schr Louis Walsh, Paine, • do do Bchr Irene, Pearce,»Tora'aßlvef, 1 do • Schr'Naiad Qtxooq/Uulsc,E&Umvcr, 1 Bast, Rommel 4 Co. 1 1 lv\ .-•!}. - . 1 ' ■ Schr Art; Moore, Washington, - do Schr JB & P L, Pharo, Georgetown, do' Schr Flyaway. Davis, Providence, O Miller to 00. * Schr Wm O Atwater, Brown, Providence/ Noble, Hammett & Caldwell, & Schr B\Y Ponder, Elltogsworrti, Norwalk, Itepptter Schr A Cordery, Babcock, Boston, OAlTecksher&Co, Schr O Matthews, Warren, Boston, John U White. Schr St Marcy, Ryder, Matt&polsctt, Bancroft, Lewis &Co. * • < < Str Rich Willing, CUypoolo, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, 1 • I'M pr TBLBOniW!.} - fCorreßpondence of The Press.) ‘---’S Nsw Yomc,Sept 22. Arrived, steamer: Indiana,, from Southampton; ship Johanna Lauge, from Bremen; brig Elizabeth Watts, from Jamaica; schr Kobrina, from Washington, NO, .leaking at the rate of 500 strokes an hour, from a colli i flion with on unknown brig. •' ; Ml - -•> BoBtoh, Sept. 22. ’ Arrived, ships Mountaineer, from Gofle; States, Trom l Savannah for .Scotland/'to repair damages; barques Charlotte, from Singapore; Royal William, from Wales; Saono, from Buenoa Ayres. J ■ Correspondence of the Philadelphia Eachange. - LEWES. Del.; &©pt.‘2lj SA M. The .btlna AlruCfifibah, Jli Lincoln, ■with schta E Er 'ricJcflofi,. Caroline,- ■Newport, Banquet, Empire, Martha ! Wrightihgtort, Golden Buie. Monsoon, B Darling. 8 :L Stovens/Alary Piittemop, Afcoia/ Ocean 'Waye.Hroftd 'fiflld, Pearl, P Pbaro, S P Holiday, J Q Denton, Stephen jlV'atcrpan, Alice. Southerner, Larkin,'Fleetwood,hlary, jMoscb A Leonard, and more than twenty other*, came ?to Lftrhor last evening, and still remain. Wind NNE—’ weather cool and atorxny; , ’» Tours, Ac. ■- Correspondence of The Press. ' .. . n - Havre DbGrsct, Sept. 21. 1 Light bo&ts left Ret© ibis morning, laden and con signed os follows: - •. •’ / \ Raid Eagle, Jarober-to D B Taylor 9c Coj- John Griffin ttnd 3 W Greenough, lumber to Young &, Woolverton; John Hellley". lumber toM Trump h Son; ManotiU Bly, lumber iomliningUro, Del} Suaquebauna, T W Edgar, and Magnet, anthracite cool to Delaware city. y* . v ' ’ 'Norvo&u, September 22. J The barque Cuba. from Wilmington, K 0, to Surinam, i? off Ocracocke, dismasted and with rudder gone, The captain has arrived Lcro Tor assistance. - A’barqae, name unknown, is ashore between Ocra coke ana Beaufort; ’ ' ; Schooner £ 8 Willett, also ashore, and reported broken Into;- / 1 - Schooner Rattlesnake, Rees, from, Jamaica 22d ult, bound to Philadelphia; with a cargo of logwood, is also reported to bo among the vessels off Beaufort. Bho will probably prove a totallosa; is fully Insured. Steamship City of Baltimore) Leltch, fr om Liverpool, flth Inst, at New York yesterday. . Ship Andrew Jackson, Williams, from San Francisco, at JJew York yesterday. Ship Rebecca, Bsmriter, from Ship Island Harbor for Rio do'Janelro, at New York yesterday In distress; Sea Miscellany. . . „ j • < Ship Mary Morrill, Kinsman, from Havana, arrived at ?ox:tiaqd ifltfa. lost. ■ > Barque Bello. Ryder, hence for Boston, was spoken Dat inst,-30 mile* 32 of Sandy Hook. Barque Selah, Gould, for Baltimore, cleared at Boston 2Utlnst.. . . . ,- , - ', Barque Maryland t King, for Surinam, cleared at Bos ton 21gt, fust ~ Barque Isaac It Darla, Hand, hence, was below New Orleans 14th Inst. , Barque /Gen Warren, Clifford, at New Orleans 12th lost, from Mataneos. , Barque A'Cooper, Rollins, cleared at New York yes terday for,Buenos Ayres Barque Olga, (Chil) Glaroy, 139 days from Valparaiso, at New York yesterday. • Barque Mo/itaak, Lincoln, from Galveston, arrived at Now York yesterday/. , .... : Barque Narranlsslc, for Baltimore, was loading guano at Sombrero Islands about 4th lust. Brig,lT H, JlcGilvery, Harriman, for, Porto, Rico, cleared at Portland 10th lost. .’. r ,nk Brig N Stowers, Stowarg, hence at.Boaton 20th lust,, ’ Brig Joh.dE Rhodes .which wap ashore at Cape Hoary, w&sgotoff tina towed into Norfolkyesterday; cargo saved. ' Bng O’Brien, Robiusoo, bonce at Porsmauth 19th inst. i Brig Emilia, Span, from Havana'for Vigo, put into N York yesterday in distress, gee Miscellany. Schr Pranei b Newton, Bpfagqo' henco at Portsmouth Ifithibst. ■ • •' '■ ' 1 1 SchrMary A Susan/Baynes, hence for Danvers. atKd gartown I3th iost, *- ‘ ■ Sebrs Grecian, Matthews, Jacob'& William, Mat thews, and Empire, Lincoln, henco for Newtiurypcrt. at New York.yesteeday. Schr Mary,- Backet, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. 1 ‘ SchrMary / Hoyt, Stair, cleared at New York yester day for Charleston. ( \ ‘ ; SchrMoro, Bray,from Delaware City, arrivedat Port land 19th inst. ' * . , r Schrs Qoa Deoriog, Piokbam'/and Hornet, Upton, henco at Portland 20th inst. : Schr Mdrli Pickup* Baker, /rota B&Uhnore, at Provi dence IPthiosL ; • ■’ ' J SchVa’ Mary,Haley, Haley; A M Aldridge, Bateman; Minnesota; Baker, and Mayflower,'Johnson, hence at Salem 19th Inst. ' ’ : Schr Christopher Looser, Snow, hence, arrived at Salem 20lh inst: ' - Bchr Sultana, Fletcher, from Wakefield for Philadel phia, sailed from Newport 18th inst. ■ Schr Tennessee, Wooster, from Eastport for Philadel phia, at Portland 20th Snat. with foresail split, '< ficur Globe, Homer, hence at Warren 19th inst. j Schr Charlotte, flialtfr, for VUlltfa'atpiilh', sailed from Pawttickot 19th inst. • V lf 7' * J - ■ . Schrt Edwin Hoed, Green, aqd SpOfed, Somers, henco «tßostoniSUilngt. ‘ ; Schr# Adelaide: 1 OUtk}'Elllou/Reeve*; J Ireland! StecimAu; Silver Magnet, Perryj’Coarior, Crowell, anu Louisa, Newcomb, hencpatJflostofi'26th Jnrt.' 1 BeJ» Afctroa, Pine, from’ Windsor .lot Philadelphia, jailed from Yt&tpoct lGthlbst/' ’ * ■ - . fichr JosTortor, Adams, hence at Fall JUver 18th inst. . Schr Swan, Leeds, for Philadelphia, saiicdfrom YaU Rlvor jOthlust. 1 , > Schr Albert Fiott,Wojrtgt»to, hence at Taunton 17ih inBt. ;^' . ’ ' • 1 • J ’• / ■ Schw Anginotte, 'BWkwoJl, and' Kmellno 'Chester, ' Brower, henofe at Wartfen lStUlnat ' Schr'J hence at Hartford 39th that} - ' - • ' ' • - ; edit Percy Heilner/ Gandy,,heac© at Nowport 18th lust.- . ' ;" . 1 Sohr It lAnfaif, Morton, sailed from Plymouth J6th inst. for Philadelphia. , ; Schr Edward Blade, Uaylep,,from Delaware City, at Providence 39th lost. ’• Schr Minerva, Steelmftn, sailed from Providence 20th inst for Delaware OUy'. r ‘ 1 Schr Lacon, Bearso/ cleared at 1 Boston 21st lust, for Philadelphia. ■ ' , . Schr Passaic. Bowen, hence at Baltimore 21st inst. ’ Steamer M W Chapin, Qruinloy, Uonce at Hartford 10th Inst. • . • 1 } ' , Bfeamer J GOollycr, Chapin, from Georgetown, .at Pcoyldehce 38th inst. 1 v " ■ ; Steamer'Bough'niid Beady. Kellogg: Cleared at Hart* ford 19th tost, tor Phlltidelphia. 1 j SPOKEN. barquo Ella, boaud west, wasseen ship Game Cock, Osgood, from New*Y°rk Juno 26 tor Capo Town, CGH. Kt,r > , 6lMn Ohio Otto Heiaze, New York Mr Donaldson, Maryland R G Alien, Virginia J Curtis Boston F Curtis, Boston T Barrett 3c ly.Augusta.G* H Iml«y. New York Jos F BaUon, Now York P L Lewis, Vn J G Blackford. Ya Mrs V B Horton, Jr, Va MlB3 8 Lewis, Ya Miss M McCulloch, Va Edw Turpin, New Orleans John Wooster, N C John Inglo, Jr, Evansvillo Rov W W ifaylin, Brooklyn Lowla B Parsons, 8t Loulb O M Reed, Washington A D Evereux, Chicago O O Cooper, Chicago J 8 Rockwell. Wisconsin M M VaoDeusen.SprinKfl’d W Q GUI, USA B*ml Stoirart & la. New a Miaa O Stewart,’N Orleans A W Stewart, New Orleans Geo W Lewl», Boston R M Masou, Boston A B Battirt, NY W H DowitJ, N Y W J Vincent. N Orleans W ltaddo, N Y Miss Uadde, NY * Mist Fanny Raddo, N Y 8 M Moaquera, N Grenada Win Mcnenua & wife, , DrWro NorcU, Ya Detroit W J Clark A la. Washt’n Misi Carroll, Washington Miss Wlghto, Washington G W Murray, Jersey City Win U Trescott, 8 0 John A Appleton, N Y Wm 8 Gottsbergcr, N Y Mias Ida tlalhornc, 8t Louis Francis W Crane St LouU James Collins, St Louis N P Hofack. N Y Thos L Morton, Va Lewis Phillips, Petersburg P E Moore &■ la, Ga Miss M Higginn, On CL Dolor, N Y MiMDewall,Md EdwHiU, NY G W Wilklna, NY J P Slow, Montg, Ala N Richarda & la, N 0 W B Walt, Arkansas , James E Ray, New York. Jno L Richer, New York MERCHANTS* HOTEL—YourtU street, below Arch. W P Binckpston, 111 J V Burnell, Snow Hill, Md AY M Burnell, Snow Hill G W Smith, Snow Hill, Md L R iliahop, Jr, A la, Md G L Bowen, Berlin, Md Jobu T 8 Smith, lowa Daniel R Anderson, Pa J C Icenbour, Columbus,o A W l'itttewou & la, Taris, Jacob Ulory, Washington Pa IV Workman, Washington J M Patterson, Pa RT Kennedy, PitUburgh N G Oglesby,Middletown,o W M Cleary, BmHhQeld,Pa E Brownfioiu, Uniontowu J Bear, Lancaster, Pa John T Oberfy, l*a J Weaver, Pa L H Green, Jamesvlllo, 0 J V Butt, CUtvmbcrebarg li Potnanska, Ind P G Miller, Ole&rflotd, Pa AllenS Jacobs, Carlisle 0 W Loos & la, Harriaburg MUs P S Ellcott & la. Indiana, Pa MII Meyers. Ga J P Stcvick, ShippenHbnrg Sami Arnold, Carlisle JM Anderson, 111 D Snyder, N Y D M 6 tiger, NY E 11 Arnold, Hartford,Con J Crabb, Louiavillo, Ky 5? McKee, Pittsburgh N 0 Dauiels,Cln, Ohio Jackson Hay, Ohio Huston Hay, Ohio Voter Welker, Ohio. B L Craven, West Alex, Pa Dr. Thomas, West Chester J Heck, Shlopenslmcg GII Dcvoe, Cal T Cruniso, Miilo A P Horner, Salem, Ohio Benj P Trench. NY A 32 McClees, Tayloretown J B Creamer, Hanover, Pa W D Emmert, Hanover, Pa J R Stino, Hanover, Pa C E Wert, Hanover, Pa DMcOamill,Bt©nhonvlUe,o R Crawford, Pa James Hagen, Ohio J L Schick. Gettysburg, Pa Win Jones. Greenfield, Pa Josh Weiroer, Ashland John Bchull, jr. Ashland OB Bowman, Willlamapt Geo LlVren, Middletown A King, Now York J ¥ Ruling, New Jersey E U Kerlin, Scranton UNtOy HOTEL—Arch Street, above Third. Jacob Alder, Jonesboro, Eph 55ug, Mechanlcsburg , Toon Jus Jonen, Richmond, Ohio Tljob W Ladd, Cincinnati O 0 llradshaw, Peaoa. D lilllebrant, 3let‘dsburg,o Mrs Patten, Eastport Ilarrcy C Easton, Cincia- John Wallace, Cincinnati nati, 0 Janies Long, Sbippeosburg Cyrus Ifambrigbt, Cincin- E Landerbarn, Pcona nati, O Israel It Kline, do Jos 1) Thompson & lady, John Lawson, Jr. & aistor, ’ Salem, ft J Wm, N J IV A ffatshew, Lancaster T K tloughoy, Maryland J T WllliaiDß, Belawaro Mrs Ludlow, Chicago »ard. Ureenwhlch John Shively, I‘enna jOialn, M&ssachu* H Harman, do _ B McClain, do Mrs P Eddy, Pror Jtl It M Reynolds, N Y Tobias Barto, Rohding D P Ilunsberger, Ohio Jtts P Bowman, BucurasO H Slack, Wyandotte 0 P P Laffer, Ohio Hamilton Starkweather 0 JU Chadwick, Pittsburg J Pulton, Poet Wayno Ind Jliss Bolger, Ind David MUet, Berks co Pa SLnutenbauch, N Y Mr* Lawson, Now Orleans vMra Shephard,Greenwich 0 Miss C M Patton, Col 0 II i Punic, SpriuglSeld Misa Kato Punk, SprlogQ'd LooKussoll.NC Leo Johnson, I'hUa I) B Wagner, Clrclevillo 0 011 HcltzoU, Pa, . ’ Herman Oquc, Tennessee •AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut, bolow Sixth st. IVra tforsell, Washington it Brico Hall 4c la, Wash’n A G Graham, Tennessee ltobert Parker, Ya J Jl Morcer, Ya TI Prow, Ala G W Brecso, Pittsburgh 3 V Danbat & In, Pittsb’rg Miss M £ Dunbar, Pittsburg U M Thomas, Brooklyn Ji U Kennedy, Ciu, Ohio Miss M J Kennedy, Cin, 0 9 ICclley, Piiocnixrillo it Bell, Rending John L Hendrix, NO J Davault fc family. Term Via Bostwiek, St Paul, M T Mrs goal, $t Paul, M T J J Patterson, Harrisburg Win A Lash, N 0 .g&amtor, NY MB Sparks, Cin, Ohio Jna (1 Laird, Ya 011 Mann, Baltimore R A.Tiuimpson, NY ; g W Kaod-j.ll, Phlla II M Lash, NO B T Whaley, Maryland T Raymond. Norwich, Ct T L'clgerton, Kingston, N Y A E Thayer & la,, N Y ll Lamberlon. PrankUn, Pa ftMU&e, Maryland, J Lane, Wilmington, Del BLACK BEAR INN—Merohant street, bel. Fifth. Daniel Smith, Harrisburg Jacob Devo, Westchester .Tluja SteUey, Chester co Dr Duflicht, Chester co A B IlalL Chester co John Moyer, Lehigh co John Harwood (c lady, N J 118 Barnhart, Pa NII Wells, Lancaster co 321) Patterson, Lancaster . G P Thornton, Pa . BTATR3 UNION HOTEL—Market, aboro Sixth. Nathan 0 Gove, Columbia P Travers A la, Wisconsin Jos Miller, Bucks co, Pa giunl Maxwell, Indiana, Pa Levi Meutzer, Lancaster co JogsoO Weir, Pairvlow, 0 Jno Myers, Indiana, p a J Bussey. Ohio W 8 Head, Latrobu, Pa Win Kanson, Blairsville L Martin, Blairsrido Thoa H Marshall, Dayton It 51 Gibson, Armstrong co A 9 Balaton. Armstrong co A H Chase, Lancaster, l»a D J Krouso, narrlsburg Mica S Close, Harrisburg V g Art* gfiinpenaburg Hatdy, Lancaster J Brittain. Ckundcraville, J p Weathay, Ohio H McVey. Ohoi. Win McVey, Ifarrisburg It M Uinlde, perry co, Pa W W Crouse, PcnnsylvAnia Dr J P Clark, Newport, l’a . NATIONAL UOTEfi—Unco street above Third. JO3 J Greer, Doyleatowu,Pa H B Stull, l*a i H Amdt, Pa Ewd floaemvell, Carbon co PhiHp Haines, Fort Clinton Owen Snyder, Port Clinton Sami Drerfußtj, Toivanda B Gregory* Lnrome co B P Whitting, PhoenUviUo Jos Whitaker. Jit CJaro Sami Weiss, Pa JI 3 White A la. N J Geo O Korn, Allentown. 1’ C Stelnraan, Lehigh co Lovi Miiiui, Pa A Dean, Wilkesbarro OliaaKoek, Aiiontovro Jos Abrams, f«nruluburg,Pa Harvey Closer, jjew Castle M. 8 Kqous, Columbus K Alloueel, Preeport, 111 W Thorhurn, Albany, NT , X>UErieabacli,UeachHaven CITY HOTEL— I Third street, aboro Raco. SScbrcycr, Lewlsburg 0 M Coleman, Elkco Williamsport U A Thompson, Eel R 8 Morcr, Milford 8 Jenkins, N J S Mi Swan & son, McEvrena- Wgtoward* 1. Jersey'Shore yUIo Miss FSteward, J eraey Shore 0 n Steward, Jersey Shore K $ Pifttt, JvHejr SUw J 0 ilftUiww MADISON llOCSE—Second Btrtot, below t Mr Wll»n & ladr, 1>« JimU BirlPT, Pel, „ . JB Linton, Portland, Mo JO Olllien., Camisrt, Si W W Stratton, Fronbford J Staumbaugb, Mlffllb. Fa D ff A Bedford, Sllfflln, Pa Sirs W Ooro, Md O A Conaway, Del j p Conaway, Del N B Settles, Va D Danger, WalortHlo, N Y - ¥ Oooly, Pittsburgh BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab. OallowblU, Isaac Bllgor, Ridge Yalley Jos Grove, Ridg® Valley J W Wlelor, Perkloraanvlllo O Finney, Ducks co, A Buckman, FeastervlUe Wm Blank, Kliocsvllle Wm It Sfoli, Allentown J ilalsberger, Reading Geo K Levan, Reading J B Musaolman. Bowinauav J R Hill, EarlViUe J S Becker, Maiden Creek . L Llngcrmau.Byberry M Winder, llatbwo 8 Andurson, Bpinuorsvllle J Eiseubuth, N Yqrk. M II Qulae, Orangovillo Jno Yorker, Reading Geo Fearing, Cooporsburg Sir Wejet, Dauphin Special Nonces The Hygefa Hold—The folio wing letter, copied from tho national Intelligencer, will give tho readers of tho Pkkss an idea of the many comfort* and plea sures of this most deservedly popular place of resort: Ou) Point Comfort, Sept., 1867. To the Editors of the National Intelligencer: Gs.vrLEitf.'K: Haring just enjoyed the Invigorating bath at this favorite resort for tho aixty-flrst and last time during tho present season, I shall proceed home ward this afternoon in as perfect health as ever mortal enjoyed, I havo been for tho last ftftcen years an occasional visitor at tho moro distinguished watering places in Eu rope, aud prior to my going abroad I repeatedly so journed for a week or two in mid-summer at Newport, Nabant, and Saratoga, but I never quitted the sea-side or tho mineral spring so reluctantly as I quit this time-' houoml historical Rpot—the virtues of whose baths and genial atmosphere have endeared it to me by new, In dissoluble bonds. Willingly would I prolong stay until tho middle of October If my engagements did not command my presence at homo. I con well imagine how dbliglitful September must be lu such a climate, with such a gootlQ invigorating sea-breeze as generally pre vails. Of thO ordinary tropical diseases there are nouo, while there is a total übaeueo of tho bleak winds of tho North, which drlvo the health nnd pUasure.seoklng world In that quarter from the Bco-shoro at the latest by this time. Old Point Comfort assuredly lias a brilliant future. I believe that it is destined, and at no distant day to bccomo tho most attractive resort for searchers after health and pleasuro In tho Union. The home-leavlng Southerners will repair to it by thousands in enromcr and early autumn, as also many Northerners, when they become familiar with tho excellence of its properties. May It heuaveful not to depart from tho reftned, elegant simplicity of manner by which its social Intercourse is distinguished I Since my arrival hero in Juno I understand that tho number of visiters has amounted to about 6,000. Nearly all of them oro now in tho mountains. In regard to tho time of visiting our watering places we differ materially from tho inhabitants of other countries. The season of recreation in Europe terminates at Ostcnd or Boulogne, 1 instead of at Radeu-Bnden or Ilomburg. Tbiß la tho better habit, as it tends to secure a sufficient amount of health to carry the visiter safely over to another sum mer. Medical men will generally recommend that the system bo purified by tho medicinal properties of the mineral fountain first, and then fortified by tho salt bath and tho bracing bree*e from tho broad Atlantic. If this recommendation woro adopted, Old Point Comfort would not bo abandoned at tho very period its atmosphere be comes most delightful and Us salt-water dcllcacica have attained perfection. Tho region around the Point is aa healthy as any in America, and even Norfolk la remarkable for Its froa dom from disease. If good quarantine regulations had existed her tcrriblo afilictions of 3553 had doubtless never been experienced. It was tho Infectious malaria convoyed by the Franklin which caused her temporary devastation. Philadelphia or New York would have suffered similarly under Uko InfiQcnces. Tho \a'v ™ W 9e P*- Erankford. ?m T v U n i vA? r ;.V; wi Kt A' Pet. ail - I‘hliadolphia. MONDAY EVENING.Oct. &th, Manavuuk TOK3DAY Oct. tith, Now Market ami Brown street. WEDNESDAY EYBNING, Oct. 7tb, Passyuuk road and Federal street. TUmtSDAY EVENING, Oct. Bth, Fmnkford road and Korns street. mijUAY wrnim, Oct. 9tfi, Broad ami Coates street SATUUBAY EVENING, Oct. 10th ; State IW, Yard. A full Erase Earn! will be in attendance at each nw.«t. tag- J. J. MOItUISON, CbaWn A. 0. THOMPSON, 1 J oux Ksua, John K. CaadwiuK. n m Tnoa J. Drown, ' Committee on Meetings, MtOIUBI. ItIOHTBK, JoiiNK.LAcoiii.nj, ID"_TM rA Thn J»rjllu(riil!(’ j f XCm cntwo CommlUcoorf hin\ Ward will roocton Wctaaday cvenlnft, 23d Inst., at 7,‘f o’clock, at the homo of lwfs U. Cofflii) comer of ¥ifth and Queejj streets. ' ’ ' , W. J. JACKSON, JiS.MoPiDOBS.Ig Chairman. Cws.Maua, }“««#■• kej22-2Ht ttr Office of the Union Cenel Company Snai.CEt.Hni, Sept. l«h, 1667.—A meeting of the stockholders of the Union Canal Company of Pennsyl vania will be hold at tho office of the company, (Far* quhar Buildings,) No. 228 WALNUT street, below Third, on TUESDAY, October Bth, next, at 12 o’olock, M. By order of the Board of Managers, *el6-dtoco O. THOMPSON, Beo’y. T AW DEPAIITMENT UNIVERSITY AU OF PENNSYLVANIA. A term will commence on TIIUR9DAY, October lei. Introductory lectures will bo delivered by the several Professors on the eveniugs of THURSDAY, October Ist, SATURDAY, October&J, and MONDAY, October 6th, at 8 o’clock, at the lecture room of the University. «523-dtQ& Removal. BUARPLESS BROTHERS Have removed to tboir NE W STORE , N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT, Whore they are opening a stock of Autumn and Win ter Dry Goods, at RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. »e23-4t WTANTED—An expemmeed BLACKING TT MIXER. Address “BLACKING” Press Of fleo. k“23-U* AN experienced GERMAN TEACHER lieKc'KKKtfruW’g, crct.’ctc Mrs. O. M. Kirula.nd, Prof. C. 0. Fklto.v, G. Romxr, £">{• ?. J. Child, Author of ‘ Doctor An h. P. Wnm-LE, tonio ’ otc. EDMUND QuINOV, finißLEr Brookh, , A ut li or oI ‘ Wensley.’ Author of • Asncn Court,’ J. T. Trowbridge, etc. Author of ‘ Neighbor K. M. WifirrE, Jackwood,’ otc. Author of ‘ Political Por- C. W. Pjiillgo, traits,’ etc. Author of ‘Twice Mar- Jamesllinxav, riod.’ Author of ‘Singleton Thomas W. Parhoxs. Fonteuoy.’ The attention of authors is respectfully invited to this advertisement. AD articles received will bo care fully examined, and, if accepted, will bo hborally paid Til© publishers win aim to have cnch number ready In thwi for distribution and mle in the mote remote parts of the country, ou or before the first day of the month for vhich it is Intended. Itetail pr/ce, i!5 cents each number. A liberal discount made to clubs, or fo thus© who buy U> sell again. .The attention of llooksollers, Periodical Dealers Xuwarnen, and hook Agents is roasted, and tholr or New TIiEATISK ON LAND SuTlVJiy. This day published, by K.C. A J DIDDLE. f»°- SbSNINOKStreet, A THEATISKONSUIIVKYIXtJ • in which the theory and practice are fully explained Preceded byasbort Treatise on Logarithms, and uffio by a compendious system of Plain Trigonometry. Tim wholo illustrated by numerous examples. ]ly SAMUEL ALSOP, author of a “Treaticu on Algebra” Ac. aboro named work thu author has presented •h© theory plainly and cornpruhenshofy ; Jias given definite ami precise definitions for practice s and Ims embraced in it everything which an extensive business in land surveying would he likely to require. Tho work wiUbe mailed ftt $1.73 per copy, postage pro- P fl *d. sep22-’* Henderson & co’» great liter ARY FAIR. FIFTH and AUC'ff streets. In order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa trons, And induce the book-buyiug public to till up their libraries at tho usual low prices, we intond to present to every purchaser of books to tho amount of $1 and un waw, a Gift m valuo of from 25 cents to fIOO. Call at cur establishment, look at our valuable stock, and seleat for yourselves. ' Bfcollect rou are not buying tit chance, for every pur "f® books at the uniftl price, ai)i| very niAny got, Id addition, aprosout north au'jl-'* JAVANS’ GREAT - GIFT BOOK SAIJK M-i No. 439 OHESTNOT Street. N. S.-No conoco tioa with auy other homo io tbo City. - *ul.3m Light i light! lighti_ TUUKK HOURS FOR ONK CENT KNAPP'S PATENT JtOSIN OIL LAMP.— The cheapest am! safest Artificial light in tho world. The proprietors ol KNAPP’S PATENT LAMP do not now hesitate to speak ot it as one of (he greatest benefaction* of tho ago. It is now established that it fa practically adapted to tho burning of Oil among all the people. It has for a long time been well auder atood l>y all Chemists that Rosin Oil was Jive limes cheaper than Whale OH, Burning Fluid, or other mate rials producing artificial light, but heretofore, although wore than one hundred thousand dollars have been expended In Ronton In attempts to produce a Ramp In *hlch to burn this oil, they have all, from some causa or other,/titled, ami it haa remained, as was remarked by the lloston Journal, for A. 11. Knapp, front beauti fully simple and philosophical principles, easily under stood, to bring forward a Lamp exactly adapted to burn ing this Rosin Oil in all styles of Lamps, und for the common nso of persons everywhere, at a mcro nominal cost, bo that no onocan afford to do without it. Residua tho abovo, this Lamp gives so clear t soft, ami steady it, light that persons with weak eyes find no more difficulty in tho evening thau in tho day-time—making it. as Be yond elergymeuhavoromarked, the •< student’* friend,” a« well as the mechanic's and seamstress’s indfapensa blo coinpauion. • PENNaYLYANIA COUNTRY MERCHANTS till find it to their interest to cull at tho Agency, and oxamlno this truly wonderful Lamp. County flights for tho sale of these Lamps in the State of Pennsylvania will be sold on terms so favorablo that those becoming interested cannot fail to realizo largo profits from tho husiUOM, Agency, 202 CHESTNUT Street, above Second. so 22-d2wAw2t* Department of highways, sept. 21st, 1557, “ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS”— CLEANSING THR CITY.--Sealed Proposals, entitled wopoaaU fotCLKANSING THE CITY, will bo received iy the undersigned, until Monday, September the *811), a, 12 o’clock it. ’ Each Proposal must ho accompanied by the names of trrq responsible persons as sureties. Specifications may he had at this Office. JOJiN MCCARTHY, so 2'2-St Chief Commissioner of Highways, BOYS' CLOTHING. F, A, HOYT k HUO. have now on baud a very large assortment of RRADY-MADE goods suitable for the present season which they feel disposed to sell cheap. ASHEMRLY 13UILDINUS, Southwest corner TENTH and CHESTNUT sheet*. N. U We have a Urge assortment of new goods of a superior Quality and umke. sep2*2-lmtuths LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS.— FANCY AND STAPLE. NEW UOOD3 OPENED DAtLY, J. G. MAXWELL k SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, four door* below Eleventh. 1 And 319 $. SECOND 8t . below Spruce. FACTORIES.—Nos, i>3 and 07 GEORGE St, below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union Order* made at a few hours’ notice. hc2J -indf Department of highways.— Septkuhch 21,1857. ' Sealed Proposals will ho received at thin office until Thnmday noxt, the 24th inat, at 12 o’clock M. ; for pav ing the following street* with tramways • Lemmitttrcef) from JOfh to lltli, ) Penn do do 13th to broad >in tho 1-UU Ward. Hazel do do 11th to ItUU, ) StoriingsAlfay,do Race to Cherry—in tho Oth Ward, All thft materials te bo iuruisbed, and to be ot befit quality, and the work to bo done m a substantial manner, and kept la good condition for tun year* from tho time of compUiUoa. JOHN M’CAKTUY, sep2l-3t Chief Conmiisßioticr of Highways, Notice to consignees.—Tim ship STALWART, Capt. A. 11. Luca?, from Liverpool, is now discharging under general order at Almond street wharf. Consignees will please attend to receipt ot their goods. TUGS. RICHARDSON Sc CO, seS-tf MAHOHAKT*" ORYSTALOOUAI’US, on photographic miniatures in oil. N 11. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST. The above pictures differ essentially from anything ever beforo oiiercd to tho public. Their BOftiH‘ , o*, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance} while tho severity <»f the or deal to which they ate expound in manipulation equally sotties the question of their permunenco. Thcnu facts enable the subscriber to oiler thorn, with tho greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to h)s friends. Thev aro secured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY'of K. I). MARCHANT. ID" Portraits of the cabinet, and life sun on canvas as herotofme. _ selS-am Dissolution of copartnership. The firm of Q. 0. DAVIES & CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The bußtncfiS of tho latu firm will bo Bottled by either of tho partners. 0 0. DAVIES, IVM. S. NOULE, A. L. HOUGH. Philadelphia, Sept. 15th, 1857. selO-Ct TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.— Attentfou is invited to tho following stock of sea soned LUMURR • 800,000 foet 6-4 Yellow Pino Floor Hoards. 250,000 feet 4-4 do do. 30,000 feet 3-4 do do, suitable for lin icg stores, 75,000 feet White Vine Floor Boards. 350,000 feet Spruco Joint. BelUng low for cash, to suit tho times, and iu lots to suit purchasers. At.Br.UT bf.nton, South EUONT street. Russia andameuican tahrkd CORDAGE.—a superior article, manufacture »ml for B»lo by WKAVEIt, SITLKIt & CO., au 8-tf Wo. 23 K. Water at., k 22 N Wharves. OTEL AND SUMMER RANGES Sold by 01UDWI0K & BKO., 203 N. SECOND St. XMMiCANACADEirr^JI'MUSio^^ -CX. E. A. MARSHALL Bri.Vi™. OBAKD MONZA HI BALLET TROVPX* andar y Petition for tho benefit of tho dUtfJectiouol tho Act of Juno 16th, IS3O, relating to insolvent debtors—by which lection it is provided that tin* court, with the consent of a majority iu number ami value of creditors of an Insolvent, may grant him an exemption ofhie aatato and effects from execution for his indebtedness for tho apace of seven years. These ap plications will be heard by the Court of Comiuou Pleas on Saturday, October 10th, 1357, at 10 o’clock, and the attention of creditors and alj others Interested la these applications ia Invited. , J. C. OBEIITEUi'SKtt. so 23-w and th 3\r* TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR Tim A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In tho matter or tho Estate or Jehn Dominic Bcrrell, dec'd —Tho auditor appointed to audit, settle, amt ad just the account of ttev. C. J. 11. CAKTEU, Adminis trator of tho E*tate of JOHN DOMINIC DEHHELL, dec’d, will meet tho parties interested at hUoffice, No, 213 South Sixth street, Philadelphia, on Monday. Sen* teiuber 2S, 1837, at 4 o’clock P. M. LEWIS C. CASSIDY, Auditor. sep 18-fmw fit NOTICE.—LETTERS TESTAMENTARY XI upon tho llutate of HANNAH CALHOUN, (de ceased,) Lading been granted to the undersigned, all person* indebted to Mid Estate will please make pay. moot, and those having claims will present the same to OUAIILE3 B. BEES, Executor, au!9-w6t* No, 1336 Coates street. IN TUB ORPHANS’ COURT OP MONT GOMERY county, August 39th, 1657- Notice is hereby given, to all persona interested in the estate of Mary Aldcrfer, late of the township of Lower Ba]fonl f Jq saul county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Aldorfor hare applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for the salo of the real estate of said Mary Alderfer, deceased. The said Court havo fixed WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of September, 1857, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court-House. In Nortla tuwu, for all parties interested to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioners should not be granted By order of the Court. J• if. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. at)2o*d4w Agriculture. STATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. -AGRICULTURISTS,STOCK BREEDERS, GAUD NERS, BOMOLOGI3TB, INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS, ARTISANS'! All classes are invited to be come exhibitors. Till! PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will holtl Us SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at IWoitoo, West Philadelphia, on BEPTEM HER 23th and 30th, and OCTOBER Ist and 2d corn, lug, for the display at Caltlo, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, AgrlculturalMachines and Implements, Dairy, Field and Garden Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, the Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Stores, Wares aud Inventions. A PLOWING MATCH! « la order to promote skill Rad efficiency In the Im portant work of the Farm, a Plowing Hatch will come oir on the fourth day of she Exhibition, to which men a.ui youths are Invited to compete for the premiums. To sellers and buyers of farm stock this Exhibition will njford a most favorable market. , Tho diflbreut Railroad Companion will carry all stock and articles to and from tbo Exhibition free of chargo as heretofore, aud will Issue Excursion ZSchets fur tho Pair week at tho usual liberal rates. Lists of Premiums and all other Information will be furnished on application to ROBERT 0. WALKER, Se cretary, at the Rooms of “tho Philadelphia Society fur PromotmgAgriculture, M CheBnut Street, below Seventh, south side, upstairs. The book* tot tho entry of articles and animals will bo open on and after the Ist of September. DAVID TAGGAIIT, President Teona, state Agricultural Society. au!3-d t sep 23 _ for Sole unis to £ct, TVEAT MODERN noUSEsTwiTH BACK i 1 Buildings, No. CO7 North THIRTEENTH Street, for Halo. Apply No. 15'2S CHERRY Street, se23*3t# ©TOItE TO KENT, at No. 125 Chestnut fj .Street. D >l. CHAMBERS, ho2Jjlw * 43 North SECOND Street. nrio LET—THE STORE NO' lllt ARcTI X street, between SECOND find FRONT Streets, ad joining thu block of lnrgo STORES, recently orected by SAMUEL SMYTH, JKq, will bo ready to occupy ou tho 251 h iiKtant (September ) Rum or Fluid Lump buMiicss not treated with. Ap ply to WALTER PATTERSON, BOplO-lw 43 North Front street. ffl.qiUk OK 5500 BOOK BINDERY FOR fJyOvfd HALE—Seven years established, doing a fair Job bn'incra, which can bo Increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location, 535 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank book* at coat, jobs bound to order, augl9-5w PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOCCES -.8. TER. N. J , FOR SALE, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 76 feet by 140. Price, $3,000. Also,Lota BuiUble for manufactories, fronting the river. Apply toC KOIHL No. 311 South Filth street. au2o-lui* BW. TINGLEY k CO., BANKERS • No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made ou all accessible points la the United Staten ana Canada. Stocks, Ronds, Ac., Bought and Sold on Commission. Uncurrent Rank Notes, Chocks, Ac., bought at the lowest rates Deposit* received and Interest allowed, as per agree ment aut-ltm r’HIBAB SUMMER FUEL.— GAS COKE, KJ of excc)]eutqualUj,h*(tl(Ut the PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS for tho reduced price of five cents a bushel, and may bo obtained in large or email quantity by ap plying at tho Uas Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Stieet. To Purchaser* by Wholesale, It Is sold at the Works, in First Ward, by the tou, atanrico equivalent to An thracite, a ts 2 50 portou, , (Signed.) J. Q. CREB3ON, Engineer. Pini.AOKi.Pui a Oab Works. Aug 20. ’67 *u27-tf rpiIOMAS E. BAXTEB—HARDWARE, X OUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 610 MARKET ST above Ninth, smith shin, Philadelphia. au l.ftm ** TVtfOSS —17 bales Carolina Moss, Jor eaia Dv 1»X MARTIN A MAOALISTKR * ll£j7orth Water Stroot. TVJbIK I*ALL CLOAKS.-—Just received tit 1" tho Pari* Mantilla and Cloak Emporium, to which tbo attention of Ladies and strangers visiting tho cit* is respectfully invited. GEO. BULPIN A Co., NEW PAM. CLOAKS, .tWhrtX find the I irgext stuck of these Goodi. in tho greatest va riety of material* and prices, at tho Pari* Mantilla and Cloak Emporium. Prices low, and term* liberal. . „ GEO. HULPIN k CO , BQI-im 703 Chestnut street BALE ROPE.—Bnyors nro invited to call and examine our Manila Bale Itopo, which we can can sell a* low a* American, and warrant H suporior in atrongth and durability. WEAVER, FITLER& CO., an 1 No. 23 N-Water «t and 22 N. Wbsrvo*. Sardines.— 100 cases of oo hair box** each, in a tore aud for sale by HENRY BOIILEN&CO., *uo Noi. 221 and £430. Fourth flUwt. PROFESSOR SAUKDERS* INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever 1» more like a private family. The course of study 1* extensive and thorough. Pro teisor Saunders will receive A few more pupils under fourteen years of age into hie Dually. Enquire of Meetr*. j. s. Sliver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. 3. W. Pontey, Editor of this Paper, who*# *£oj or wards are aow toeenbara of his fata fly. fepttt-tt OT. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, LOCUST STREET, west of Sixteenth. Classeila Latin, Qroek, French, and the usual EttgUih branches, JJJWJ *° ** to aJ , lc * w pupils to adr&npa in eecb, inde {m D£l«atJy of the others, with a rapidity proportioned to “ WUtUs ' Ho* tta* U given during s™’} “°?; s *° pwpare lenoiu. Circular, majr be Ob tamed at the Acidemy. mu a«» j. Xnbrb'Ws hawhs - Br -iONNEY AND MISS DILL AYE will RU-OPKN their HOARDING AND DAT UmW Uth 1016 CU£STNIJX atrofct i on MONDAY, Sop- t REFERENCES. Her*. U, A. Boardman, ]). d., PhilndelnhU* rk»M Multo. do; 0. Wadsworth,' B. D., V “S J Newton Brown, 1). D., do; Wm. R. Jacobs, do; Wm’ Blackwood; D. D., do; A. Converse, J>. D., do; John Leyburn, D. D., do; James 11. Cuthbert, do: Wm T Brantley, D. D .do; JS. B, Cheney, do: William Brad ford, New York city; A. D. GUletto, D P.,do:R. Bab cock, D. D., dojß. Fuller, D.D., Baltimore; George W. Eaton, I). D., Hamilton, New York: G. Keiopton, North Esat, New York; Thomas Bambaut, Cassville, Georgia, Howard Malcotn, D. D,, Lewiaburg, Pentuylvania; John 8, Hart, LL. D., Philadelphia; Paul T. Jones, Esq., do; Col. A. G. Waterman, do; Caspar Morris, AX. I?., do; Robert A. Ezell, Esq., Marshall, Texas; John B. Sem ple, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, Esq., do, do; George W. Jackson, Esq., do, do; John 11. Raymond, LL. D., Brooklyn, New York; Mayttou Bray son, Eaq., Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford, Homer, New York; Stephen D. Dillaye, Esq., New York city; Hon. Daniel 8. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York. sep-Mm rnUTTENDEN’a PHILADELPHIA COH MERCIAL COLLEGE, 8. E. coroor of SEVENTH Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style, COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. * COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS LECTURES, &o. Each Student has Individual instruction from eompa unto lh “ v2vm££sS£ST in li “ ta ■*"** ° f Please calland see Specimen! and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. se 3 lm HLiIAN ALLEN, A. M., is prepared to receive a limltod number of pupils on the Violin or ou thoPlanc, and to play Violin parts or accompanl* advanced. pUalata. Apply at the midsnee ot his father. Professor ALLEN, No. 216 South Seven teenth Street. Circulars, with terms and references at tf. ANDRE k, Co.’s, No. IIM Chestnut St. sel-lm* SCHOOL FOR rOHNG LADIES,SOUTH- K 5 WEST CORNEROF ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. The pupils in this Institution will be instructed In all the branches of a thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. .Mr. Dolman ...3fr 3.8. Ciarko .Mrs.]). P. Dowers The discipline will bo a careful pointing onward aM upward. The school-year is divided into two terms, of fire months each, commencing first of Ninth Month 3 YOUNG MEN AND BOYB, N. E. comer EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing full particulars, pupils’ name*, testimonials. Ac., can he had on application. au2s-t? F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. Haul of st. jahes the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING gCHOOL FOR BOYS. Bjy. fl. R. S*rssa, Racron. Tha Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember I. Circulars maybe obtained at the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, S. W. comer EIGHTH and CHESTXUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls pf Schuylkill, Phila delphia. aul ?-oio i|fRS. BARTON* BOARDING AND ITX DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1029 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aul9-fiw* TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE * ’ persons, malo and female, to gain & share of this world’s goods and comforts as » LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY. Nos. 14ft «ui ISO SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of , WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC py simplified methods, in a short time. ' THE LEIDY’3 take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a largo number of persons acquired * pUBtNllBB EDUCATlON,enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operation a successfully, an-y».3 m . COAL.— The very heat assortment of LE HIOU Md gCHtiyi.HJLI, COAL on hand in BBOAD Strcot, second yard shore Vine street, seld-lm HOWELL DORMAN. QQAf) LBS. IS A TON—BUYERS m/far IV and consumer* are invited to examine oor stock of '-LVUIQU LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK lIEATJI COAL ” Our Coal is selected expressly for fatally use; being carefully screened, we will warrant it free from state aud dust. “Wo sell 2210 lb*., ’* being u 210 lb*, more” thtmaold by retail dealers, at “25 cents less per ton.” Also, on hand a fall supply of “BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL” for Steam-generating, Blackeotf thing, and RolUag-mUI purpose*. This Coal cannot be ex celled. Yards, BROAD and VINE—Big Sign, ‘*2210 LBS. IS A TON. [B6B'3mJ LEIGHTON & CO. COAL! COAL! COAL!—TAGGART’® OELKBIUTED SPBINO MOUNTAIN I.EJIJOII WAL. S. &. R. OARTER’9GRKE?TWOOD, TAM AQUA CO AD GEOROK W. HNYDER’d BINE tOREST SCHUYL KILL COAL. RANDALL h MEREDITH Hire for tale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. "here la no Coal mined anywhere, equal la qn/Olty these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal ia very carefully screened at our rards, and we will warrant it perfectly frae from Male, dust and all impurities. Our JPBIGE3 areas LOW as U*« VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. 151 SOUIH FRONT street, above Walnut, Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWHILL street, beloa BROAD street. oar Wh WATER street, above CAL LOWHILL—-or sent fo either place per Despatch Post, Will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct from the Company’s Mines, and the only authorized agents, by retail, south of Kensington. Abo Lehigh and Schuylkill coal. , T. TREADWAY. Swanson street, *a2o-2mj Ist Wharf above Washington, Southwark CJCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH GOAL.— K? I am daily receiving, at my yard, the beat aualitv o. SCnUYLKIIi AND L EDI GIT COAL. Sly ana all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. lLf~ No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. Leihgii and Schuylkill coal.— DALY, PORTER A CO., COAL DEALERS, No. S2l PRIME Street, abov® Eighth, h%cp constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a lull supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. an 2-6 m Lumber and coal.—Montgomery A NKALL haring connected the Coal with the Lumber business, inform their friends that they have made contracts for a supply of the best qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Cual. anil are now ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime Btreete. Orders ww be left with Mr. S. KILPATRICK. No. 13 S. FIFTH street, or with Mr. WM. D. NKALL, corner PINE and WATER streets. aulB-3m ey\n agents ‘wanted—a houe- OUU STEAD FOR *lO '-Thirl Division -$310,000 worth of Farina and Building Lots, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to b« divided amongst 10,200 aubacribera, ou the 7th of December, 1857. Bub ssripUons only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rest on delivery of the deeJ. Every auWenhor will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from SlO to *25,000. These farm* and lots are sold 60 cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient nu:nl>er b«mg rcseru-d, the increase in tho value of which will compensate fur tho apparent low price now asked, Dp wards of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold, and a company of settlers called the “Rappahannock Pioneer Association” is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will he given for the faith ful performance of contract* and promise?. Nearlr 45 000 acres ofland, in different parts of Virginia, u«w at command, and w ill be sold to settlers at from $1 op to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable hilts will in all eases 6s given. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmers, Ac , are wanted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducement* will he given. Some agents write they are making §2OO per month. For full particulate, euWripUona, agencies, fcc , apply Xa .... - S - BAUDEH, r au24-tf Port Royal, Caroline county, V*. T\o MORE PILES—NO MORE PILES. ■IV DK. CHARLES KELLNITZ, from I’ari, and ton don, is in possession of a remedy which will cure radi cally this painful disease, however protracted and oh sliunto it may be. Tho first prcscriptlonarrests all pain as if by magic, and three days’ treatment effect* a com plete cure. No charge will be made if the remedy fails. AH diseases cured. Ho is also the inveutor of s liquid for nourishing the growth of tho hair, and removing baldness, the efficacy of which he fully guaranties. Lewis jpishbiatt cured of piles. Apply at TO3 LOCUST street, near the Unitarian Church. wHb TiIACGREGOK HOT-AIR FURNACES. AT*. Sold by CHADWICK 4 DUO., SECOND Street, first door above Rare. auglS-3mo*. David m. hogan, blank book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT street, botuocuFourtli aud Fifth, Philadel phia aeS-lin COTTON —200 bales good Middling to Mid dling Fair Cotton, In store and for sale by MARTIN A MACAtreSBR, *al I North Water Street. Rosin.— soo barrels soapmakers’ ROSIN, to arrive per schoouer J. II Flanoer. For sale by MARTIN A MAOAUATKR, * u 3l- 119 Noctb Water street. SAVING, FUND UNITED STATES TIIUST COMPANY, corner of TUIKD and CHEST NUT Streets. Largo and small sums received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from tho day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 5 o’clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 uptil 9 o'clock. DRAFTS fgr sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. .Treat-urer— PLINY FISK. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER. selT-lyif W~ ELCOME RANGE .—SOLD BYDEAD W1044880* W N. B1092U) fit. @&«ration«l. EABKIKIT BBOWii REFERENCES J.D. White, M.D., Benj. 8. Janney, M. I>. Robert K. Wright, Thomas D. Smith, George Griscow, William V. PittteU, David Y&uderveer, William B. Thomas. GARDEN ACADEMY FOR BUSINESS EDUCATION. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. E. corner of Broad and Charey St#. Ibauts. Sluing, CIHIP otseonthe foe new or. < iNg-.i rt }aiiiaaa Line—Guarantied tint vessel, with quick dlspatch-Frelght taken at ax lev rates as any vessel loading The remarUWy ship OT6EONTHS, Wm. « ' - ! ? ireli » master, now rapidly completing her load tog at Race itreat wharf, has nearly ill ofhar cargo *bo**** sod going on hoard, and will podtf rsly sail u Shipper* will pleas* examine this ship Wort enga ging elsewhere. I, ® w^°i*T *not computed their shipments will please do so at once, and hand In httu of lading fat tig, nature. For halanoa of freight, which will he taken at the lowest rates, or passage, apply on hoard, or to RldHOi*, SIMONS, * CO., 36 North Wharves. OTSEO.NTIIE ins ares at the lowest rates and will take stedm down the Delaware and up the Mis sissippi eeliMtf FOR SAN FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA LlNK.—Direct from Philadelphia. Tho magnificent clipper ship JOSEPH JONES, Bam* uel G. Flowers, commander, is now loading at ftyy» street wharf; having a large part of her cargo engaged Rod going on board rapidly, will hare immediate des patch. o ple«e harry their good* tloogiide irith. ITor Wane® of freight apply to BISUGP, SIMONS & CO.. S 6 North TOum*. FOR SAN FRANCISCO—FROM NEW IORK. The celebrated eUiper ship SANTA CLAUS, Fatter, mestec •, the migui&wat clipp*? ship BOSTOXUtf, abore Kla * ter * *** Q£l * hiadiof tad trtU hire de»patch u For baUnee of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS 4; CO., 3d North Whenree, hotels ait2> BesiauraiUs. TSIILLIAM HANNING’S CITY LAGER . , Y. BEEN BALOQS, No. 232 Co. ter'. Alley. Philsl Tile GO WAN’S "SjBSTA UKANT, SOUTH weat eorner of BROAD and WALNUT.—Game 4od all other delicacies In season. Families supplied *ith Oysters on the shortest notice. sept-fm Lewis b. coffin,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DSMOCHJLTJO HEAD „ lt QUARTERS,) Sontb-MUt corner FIFTH and QUEEN Stract*. Mp 3 100 Philadelphia , HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH STREET. Asora Siakkkv, PHILADELPHIA. MQKIBBBN A PaonurroM. CJCQTT HOUSE—Comer of Irwin Street Pn>prietf r Uq,ieiMie Way, Pitttbmgh. b. D. MABKKB, toin*s onJ> Juqaora. OLD WHEAT WHISKEY.—E,‘prSnr. DLBTQS & BROTHER, importers of Wines. Bran* *° i4 proprietors of the Obi Wheat Whuftey, fro, 5 North Front Street. Mplj-lm XJORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de- X b*oture 230 cask* St. Joseph's Pure Juice Port wine, in qra. and. eighth*. key” 2 years I*Uy Malt Scotch WhU-' Fifty pipe* Anchor Gin. Bouvet, and J. J Duwoy Brandies, aU ot which I offer to the trade at reduced prices. * „ JOS. F. TOBIAS. %u27-3mo* 88 tad 90 8. Front St., below Walnut. VUBXANDSRY. HOLMES, WINE ASS ■f* UQUOB STORE. No. 226. Southeast Corner of OEORQE and SOUTH Streets. sul-lf Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • JN HNS WINES, LIQUOBS, CIBABS. *«., Sg Bomh PIPTH Strwt, Philadelphia. itf-ly Brandies. —Pmet, Castiiion & co., m&- rett 3c Co., asd other braada of Co£nae.ot rorKHu lull pipe. Mid quarter oiU: Pelletoiiin Kochell. Brandiei, pula and dirt ta hut pip.,, matter c«U .ndouj-jlghtS carta, U 1 In Ceitom Hmm iton., imported ami for tale by 1 HBNBY BOHLBN A CO., No*. 221 and 223 South Fourth street. TYMHMAR. &BUTZ, PORTER, ALE and LAGER BEER BSEWKEY, So. S2B (a** 80. 933) North THIBU Str«», Philul«lphi»._Shippllic ord«r» promptly attended to. saf-tt* Solis bg Anrliun. VVTOLBEKT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, • • 131 CHESTNUT Street, oppoaita Iho Carton Homo, between Fourth tad Fifth Street*. SPECIAL SALE HiCATALOGUE or the entire ba lance rf atoclt of » WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE, by order of the Executor. ’ AUCTION NOTICE.—"We incite the early and par tieidar attention of the trade, and all dealers, to the i?r ?o r.f. D i attractiTe “sortmeot or choice STAPLE and FANC\ GOODS, to be sold by catalogue THIS DAY. commencing at 30 o’clock precirely. Included will bo found a very desirable stock of French and Scotch Em broideries of every variety, Silk Lace YeiU, Ac Also, blk silk velvet ribbons; bonnet ribbon*. Also, 100 cartons elegant French artificials. Also, linen sets > linen cambric hdkfa. Also, embroidered curtains and curtain muslins. Also, an invoice of gold jewelry and fancy good* GLOVES AND HOSIERY GOODS. Also, an invoice of ladiesVand gentV jilk glorea and gauntlets; gents’ shirts and drawera. Also. 50 0 dozen ladies’ English three-thread white cotton hoso. The whole, embracing 600 lots, are now mured for examination, and are worthy the special attention *f purchaser*. We will sell on THURSDAY MORNING next, 24th tost., at 10 o’clock precisely, on account of an Estate, for cash, the entire balance of a stock of a Wholesale Jewelry House, compriilng gold, silver, *»t jj.t-d watcbe*. gold chains, fine gold medallions, shirt stsd* seals, cresses, pencils, and tooth picks, elegant seto t. v 8®“ jewelry U cases, 100 asserted fins gold bracelets, comprising Cameo. Oriental jet gold ftvone, real Mosaic, Florentine. Ac., locket*, and nch new styles of solid gold brooches, drop*, and set* full ladies’ and gents’ scarf and ribbon puu—l 000 aborted ladies'and gent**goU finger ring*, very rich and new stylra—gold set*, drop* and brooches, with real paintings, sterling silver pencil cases and pens, gold thimbles, elegant gold seals, 390 gold watch hecks, with a large and valuable assortment of other new styles of rich and valuable jewelry, watch**, Ac., Ac- The goods will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale. PEREMPTORY SALE OF EMBROIDERIES AND MIL LINERY GOODS. This morning, commencing at 30 o'clock pre cisely, wo will aell on liberal credit, by catalogue, a K acral assortment of choice French and Scotch cm oiderat, shawl*, mantilla*, bonnet trimmings, ribbon*. French lace veils. Uees, Ac., 4c. FRENCH ARTIFICIALS. Also, an elegant assortment of fall itjlea Franeh arti ficials. ST. RTEINK VELVET RIBDOSS. Also 100 cartons best quality Silk St. Eteioe Tehwt Ribbons, fast edges GOLD JEWELRY. 4i commencement of sale an invoice gold jewelry sneb a* gold watches, breast-pins, watch-chains, ear drops, finger-rings, cameo sets, watch-keys, he., Ae. N. D.—The whole will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when the trade *nd purchasers generaßr will find it their Interval to attend "MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER A»X AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. R ccrocr SIXTH and RACE Strata. LARGE BALE O? FURNITURE, BEDS. MAT "TRESSES, YIRBYrCoYCHEST, &c ~*e. On FRIDAY MOSSING next, B<{trntber Sitli, at ID o’clock, at the southeast cvruer tX Sixth and p*/s> streets. second-itorp room, entrance from Esct jti’rtt, cornminj; io part of Jenn/ Lin*!, High Peat, Slediein, Cottage, and French Bedsteads, kite Feather B*J*. Mattresses, Carpets, Frentb Flat® tod other Oval and Square Mirrors, ia rich gilt frame*, Walnut and jja hogany Frame Locking-GU***, Bureaus, Card Tables, Marble Top, Boquet, tod Centre Tables, Spring Seat Sofas, Divan?, Lounge*, Spring-seat Chairs, Marbid Top Sideboards, Windsor Chairs and Settee*, Cherry BTahts, Cane-scat Rocking Chairs, Walnut Cribs, and furniture generally appertaining to housekeeping, kc., ke. FIRE-PBOOF CHEST. Also, a superior aecond-haod small Fireproof Cbwt, ’ NATHAN'S PBIXCIPAL MAS omc*. &, £. Corner of Sixth sad Baca Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold aod tilve* p]&te Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry GwoA*, Groceries, Negara, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Btd dbg, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, aod on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on morn satisfactory and liberal Unsi than at any other estab lishment, {a*s) M. NATHANS, NATHAN'S mat sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. I>»* notice will be given. WEBB’S great talo of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns. Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ac., will take place shortly. Dae notice will be given. WEBB'S great s»l* of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ac , being forfeited Collaterals, will take place shortiv. Due notice will bo given. J OILS’ BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. &2& ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY ATENING, at 7 o’clock, Of Boot*. Shoos, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whips, Tranks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac- N. B.—Terms of Night Bales, fear months' credit for approved city acceptances, for soma of flOOand with in terest added from date of sale. sepj-im George w. smith, auctioneer, N. E. comer of 2ABBON and SOUTH Streets, above second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,’ At TW o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, CutJ l«ry, Honsekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, *3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 Sooth THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 1 o'clock, A. H., until 10 o'clock In the evening. Out-door sales, and valet at the. Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL 1300,000. Eslailisked/of tit iett Tktrt 9 Ytart. Advances nude from one dollar to thousands ca Dia monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer eha&lizo, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars. Musical liwttumeuta, Guns, Hones, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month; JiOO and over, the lowest tuarket rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persona having goods advsuced upon N. B.—On account of haring an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satit factorv and accommodating terms than any other U this city. Money advanced to the poor, in Small auounta, with out any chug*. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gobi Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at redaeed prices. snl-ly ©cutlcmctfe -famishing Coobo. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. No. 7«5 CHESTNUT Street, aboT* Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern sad Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly incited to this Unproved cut of Shirts the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. aaj-lyif GiJiAKD EIRE AND HARINE INSUB AN'CB COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Office, No. &22 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. “ FIRS RISKS ONLY TAKEN.” nuaoross. Wra. M. Swa/a, Jer. Walker, John Ampach, Jr., Jno. McClure, II N. Burroughs, Tho. Craven, J. 8. Hughes, A.S. Gillett, F. D. Sherman, Furman Sheppard, Win P. Hacker, Sami. Jones, U. D J. P. Steiner, Jeeeph Klapn, M p H. A. Shackelford, Hon. J6EL JOSES, President. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. J3O. 3. McMullis, Secretary. Jawca B. Alvokd, Assistant Secretary. anl-Sm-if E’ S MEN’S AND BOYS' ►3 CLOTHING, U$ North FOVRTH between Arch and Race,