The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 23, 1857, Image 2

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    •1.,-'By! W° give our political .readers; Vgianco;
'. Goperiff'
K^wr.^pilrtiji'pagei Djr, .}. W 1( flibbpn’S -iliirdl
. Vrtielb' on Weight of Coinage.,,, ~,,. ~, ~ j
i ««*“—at*' 1 ’•* ■a-'T* st “'“ »s** K J
- ix?*. w e regret ,to learn of the suspension of
one ofimf }ar|esit im-;
porting and-jobbiiigfhouses on Market street, ;
. .iK-jrheiimpossibility. l of. negotiating ‘hpbiiTui'yj
( i le^,|o't^iaisnni' ul evbnt.mTho
, indebtedness. of: the house, w 0 ■ understand,
ambun,ts i to' ah<t', seven’immlf<s;
thousand dollars, arid their,assets, excluding all
doubtful debts,' exceed a million of dollars, bo
sides the private property, of. tbo partners i
which,; togetberwithtlio means of tbo firm,
amount to; rnorothaU hulfainiilioii of dollars
-If is tc»;tlioß6
nmy flnu, up, question-tbsay
that they, have struggled earnestly, and atgreat
j)ecuniaryskcriflce,'toßtistain thqicfojilt bftlieir
thft present members of the l firm have had no
-control,, We fqrtherregroj to Jearpthat the
illhealthof tho sepipr paiSjpryiili, preclude his
' longer jSiittinuaneoiinithe mercantile business;
But'wa l ; trust thathia jnniorsi Jwlßi' tbe assifit
- anejj pf liigbupi^^nif be enabled
to effect such an .afrangbmbht as will result In
the'resusbifationbf a hoUSe pfibp hijghegtfm*
poriance to "the tradetqf .t’biladelphia, and es,-
peoially of Market street.:: t ,
Addressifig au American public, and-hiving
beC^e''6atiira^'fWffi ; “tbe ( ’iiba.bthat from
Maine jtp.Cffflfornia there .was’intbnse and uni
fersai admiration'of .his pocms,LEiun Ht/Nr
evidently laid himself out , ! for complimenting,
them, in return. Hebbastsdiimself as “more
nearlyi related'to'thobAmerfcans by‘btood,
than -any'. other Britisb-'antlior’’—-his mbther
beihg’fln''4imsr|bs?i pafiye’pf Bar
badoes, and liis aunt,-Mra.WK3r, (wife of the
greatpsiritet;) “a Philadelphiatycmah,”. W e
are BE!fflO K rhch»B a hearty
hatred lor . the no-meaning word lady. In'
every way, tbo' fine .Old'-English'word t@ iktah
is superior: 'What wretchod pretension. ! ac
companies ike worif lady..,: Every female is a
lady now-a-days. ' We 'find advertisement^;of
“ a;ladjy wiShcs an .engagement as, .cook,” or
“a lady wishes to wait oh .a family going to
Europe,’’rand; no. Infer a thin yesterday; * We
saw an announcement; that “a; iadydohired a
situation' as,. biripaiff’? in a.drinking saloon.
Far bettor, if .wo have to describe a' person Of
thaoppo'B!tesek,eorresp.ohding withourpiain
term gentleman, is the honest, unambiguous,
■unambitious;word genthaoinanl' i"lt is a title,
tooiir staple taste, greater thdnthat ol : Em
press' or, Marchioness;
Indeed, what, is. Queen Victoria, socially corn'
sidered, bnt(the leading' gentlewoman of her
realm? ; ;
Lmnu Host, believes of his. American po-;
pnttrlty;(bncb'ns itniay ft fliutrelationsbifi.
. ‘ *94 .that the
Americau wUiinguete to .rend l what ho l writes,
“liesforthemost,part-in the ambnutof’ani
%. the aim than onrs,:
and the excess of-fancy in' its- jesting' haring'
of late years not a little surprised nip. 51 ’. .
It may wound Mr! f,KXUu nux"r 's amour pro
pre, but the .truth must be told, and the. truth ■
is that scarcely ahy of hiff American ' readers
were aware of his ?‘relatiensiiip” J with .them,,
and, if they ,ha<l beonj it .would not have. in
fluenced.them, one way. or another; ; Another,
bit of trutuwhiichhe may as well know is thsty
up to the issue of the’very*; Sedition
now before us, hip poetry.yrea little known alii
this country. - He was chiefly known, tofAmbri-
can'readers; by hisplpasanf, phattyjgatTqloiis
of-NpwYork,) and by. numerous volumes df
gossip about books , and authors, criticism,and
has produced,with greater fecundity than force.
Now,'thanks- to his ißostonrpUbliehers, Mr. 1
I.EIQH Huxi’a poemswill obtain a large circu
totheir, credit,
his writings have a deiicacy and purity which
permits them to; be . placed,. without fear ■Of
danger, in the hands of young people.; ' ■■ ’
The idea that Americans must like hie poems
because, their, pountry is “ nearer tim, sup;>,
than England, is very'’ijßiap Hnsi-js£ ,{, Tp
explain Inexplicable - thingsiby. a paradox is/of
the same character. 'Sut to say l tbSt 'thhiixt
cess'of Taney In ’American- jesting; wh'idhhas'
for the eame. liking, crowns the absurdity;
W£at, dyes, an -American like the. atoryi'of
“ Bimini,?? <ic /‘ Tbe Feast of the Violets,” of
thatbeautiM/ ajipjpguej'.of « Ab6n Bdn 'Ad
hem,” pr the'iouphihg'stanzastohisslck boy
—berajigp, i^thep, of, our, jesting,’
we .talk, 9f,a;maii','with so much absenco'df
mind that he blew himself out and put the'can
dle to bed; or of another jftbb was sb tail that
he bad to, mount a' ladder to! shave ' himself, or
of a third who was so thin-that his. shadow ent
downtbo.trecaas be, passed,.along? -No.lf
the Americans did'like Mr;'Hunt’s poems,
there khed bit nometaphysicalinqulsitipn asto,
tbe cause. Let it be conceded at once that'
they liked them—Jjpcjujsf theydjd!
' As might 1)0; expected, Mr. who
English to.the bac|,b ; <jn,o f echoes,hack;the!
familiar note of. “ identicalin >raee, language;
laws, and iiteraturo,” and glibly speaks of
“ the ! . Anglo-Americans.” , r Ho !gays,,.more
prettily than atruly,. when- speaking of, differ.'
cncek lifettrecn thb two nations, “Eiit of. all.
qnareeis, famify,quarreU> are., accounted to boL
the most exacting | and: the ,reason in general
why ’ftoy ’the, parties, wore hut
ofteiicr award—is the same which ought
to reiider. : for ft is
but.ioiyeiny.eirted affection,' the-more wounded
the,more it thinks affootionite duo.” ’■ ,
slrlHpkf iMj^s,f‘t!arii hpifriend,of,,p{mt of
any,kind,; John’s or Jonathan’s, but old pro
verbs' are qtiilgoodi 'blood !ia thlckecYhan 1
water,’’ atfjthe.pure' matter-of-fact truth .is,
that when Englishmen and Anglo-Americans
speak', .'bf jono .'an'bthef/jthcy speak ill ‘of
thoroseiycB,;/or they are one:people." ip -■
But they ate ho? ‘'oho' jp6ople. w ” Thereby.;a'
remarkably Small per centage ofAngio-Aincrir
canism in-the-UnitedStates; h'The Jiervadlng
and prevaning thOpdislribiffion; of
races, among us Celtic is and- not “Saxon! ”
In a word, Mr. Host blunders .terribly—from
uttef tgnpfpnce;of tliejfaeh:' Ho proceeds,,to
S4y s’. '■ x," 7
prune-writers* ffbenoceSsity,whilo“Weaving'
. the immortal ybrseV’ of.cartifiiliy weigWng the .
different and- deU- 1
cite shadesoi'meaning of each wbri, makes if
pbef'agdod writer of prdSß. (WitUesS'.thp’cbm
respdnffunbe Ilp 1 l pf < PopB ; WdrSirn'r;,' Cbw'pha and,
Bobir. nad- Bynos,. Moons - and!
SoirrßErj'-WoanfWOßTrt'tod OdtEnnkus;’ Mid s;
lbng.tmmytjfdtber illuStriohs say; no,:
thing of their actual prosowritihgs,
tbr publifj'periiad. ’ 'Wo'.'wioMbrj'Jtbbyefore, at'
finding snob an'agfeeffiie writer a/?'Xiß?pH Hu**
iruyilisstbe (Original.'of Harold
Skimpole in DraKKßs’sl l Bleak House”) send- '
ingte‘ I thji'wbjld a absurdity : in, the'
noilieibqiriteitcßtingXntroductbry letterj which •
hehußopte’fiind'tO the^beahtifift<Blub' fi and‘
gdld ’f bSttibu bfhisfp(),ems,jecbnfly’publi6bed.
byjrrpKMon,’* PrEtpSj’ofißostom m; urisf
It seemS‘to' us,'whom' the Gods have 'noi
made-j poetical,, that “loyo -inverted’? is no l '
thing.smaller, than'/iats.' 1 ■. ; ;•
“They inherit the Same bloodj the same names,
the-some-glories, the; <ame_ Alfreds and Bhlke
poarespay', and relatedterEogllshtnen as well as
AraoricanflcWcroyonrilluStiious titles store'and re
latives. tho Lees and the. Washingtons. English'''
men snd Americans Imre the same good qualities
and the! name faults;'are carrying on til o' same
good of mankind trader' dlffeferlt forms of free
Government l and 'VFOuld estob haVe aeted, mast
have 'Soled,' precisely in "the same' manner under
tho'sairie oircamttnnccs.' Lett and Washington
were obedient loyalists! till Oebrge tho Third him*'
self forced thom, h>‘ be' Otherwise',* 'Bad; &' Sove
reign like Queen")Victoria;'-heed 'then reigning,
reason':would -have-boon iipon the throne," and
Washiugtod rematnedlWlpving subject;” ’ ’
l£|tfi!is jfij that thppgh W;Jwßw6ioN!!cefse4‘
to ho “doyal’Uo-GEonaE the -Third,'he never
ditf bj ■ .“loying subject’’!‘of Bohsphl
loosely thatiw' meaning'
: widOlyi .different from 5 what hepintended m4y'
. he , ?di|i^ r ;TftijtnV|iiS^of®.'V.'Vfe^tselfeVß,,'thit :
. whatßyer-jnenarch was on-s the -British" tbronej
the'inde'pdmiencd of- the AinericanStateswas'
in^||fii]^e^;i|[dy4 l^^^O'’l@ ; UP.
]) oworfnlyand,-e veit- the n, too populous to bo
go^enlhd'ftenSTiNtßohall^'d,^|.^a|pej’s. 1 , :! j,
.7 Binds up wkfr wis very siAgnter
remark—“ And I venture to add, that If Queen
Viotobia had ehaneedjjo be of
family, she would have beenone of his staunch-,
eat abettors .” A
Would that have been .wuiidcriHU /' -As a
matter of course, a mau’s.owii h’.UtU.v, who aeo
Ids daily life, lilibgx-,
planation of his own views and motives, aro
precisely those who would be “ his siaunchcst
abettors.” There would have beon nothing to
bo surprised at if Aiexanorina Victoria
|uch a\yrpnum existed) had
been onOoPGkOROB wXsnniGTos’s staunchest
hadYa oertaln Aisx4ttßgi»i' !
Victoria,Guelph, f» Gkoeue
111-, been among that, staunch plalanx of “ sup
porters,” the 1 case Would hhva worn a different
V- :i '" / ,
■ <Wo haye done.with LEion Hunt. He Went
out pi jijs, depth—m Med by vanity, and igno
rancet-and babbled out .hid- compliments to
America; in full expectation {that America
would very gladly accept them,, becauso they
came from Aim, - Wo would part with him in
peace, and have pleasure, therefore, in paying
that those who. love poetry, which rarely rises
tojthe emiitionalj will be gratified with this
handsdjne iedition. vf, poems.’, which, though
more or. less, known here, have ■ nevor before
been ■ collected ’ iff this country. Hunt is a
thoroughly ainiablo man, and has freely poured
out his mind into his verses. 1
There is no lackof melancholy details!re
specting' tho wreck of .the Central America,
bat it is surprising, Sow, few facts have been
ascertained, beyond. two—namely, that the
vessel is lost; and that, out of over six huh;
dred persons known to , have been on board;
one hundred and eighty-two have been saved.
This in all,'if«we‘do'-not'' include the gallant
conduct’ of Captain" Hkbsdon, who, by his
iprompt action, savedi the lives of the; women
jund ■ It is ‘said that there!!? la chance
iof ;this exopllept man having escaped tUedoom
>by which so many were {sacrificed. But, kcep
ing ourhope urider subjbcKon to our judgment,
we can, scarcely, cherish any such expectation.'
'We fear; and we believe, that Cajitain Hebn
poit iSQf.thGdead. -
; There ire inany points over which donht.
‘still,’ hovers—doubt Which', it . is, iropenw
rtivo oh some,parties to removo. iTho sea
worthiness of the CentrdljAmejtica; Is one.' ' It,
isalieged, op <Snh'hand, that she was almost a
new vessel, built at one of the first ship-yards
in New Voric; in 18531 and had beep recently
overhauled; and pnt into complete repair, at
considerable cost. It is charged, on the other
hand,that she was unfit tp.fdCO a great storm,
tand wap not in a condition to carry passengers
r freight; that sho leaked, more or loss, from
lVtlme of her departure from Cuba; that tho
Strain of the sea upon her, during the hurri
cane; limdo her leak in divers places; that the
pumps, by which the crcw.and passengers en
deavored to free her from water; were, out 1 of
qrder and would hdt work j .that wlieu ' carpqn
hirsf and blacksmiths’ tools, withwhioh to re
pairtho pumps, were no ohbeduld find
them ; that, t)y ,laboring ih the trough of the,
sea, hor upperworks gave way, so that she was
thus inundated from tho top; from the ’ sides,
from a jieavy leak ih her bottom.
j Not onlywasit impossible to find the neces
sary tools to repair the pumps, (tho'good work
ing. condition of,'which should have 1 been as- 1
dertamed . before she left Havana,) hut out of
seven hundred life-preservers on board, not,
more than two hundred could ho found in the
dark and dreadful hohr of need. Haying them
bn board, without being able to have imme-
diate necessto them,at a momont’s notice, was
precisely asbadas nothaying tbonlatall. ~,
j Ope , point, . on;, which : the'.-public are
greatly in doubt is, tho vessol’s change
df,'name,,Frohi, 1853. to', .Ipnoj 1857, she
Was ,tho George Law, and,the question- ia,'
Why Was‘ hername changed' to tho, Central
Jlmejrica 1 We havo already stated that, on
her .arrival at the Quarantine' ground, Now
Tdrk, on ’June 18; 1857, a meeting of seven
hundredpassengers was,held, at which .indig
nant .resolutions ’of"complaint were passed,
idt theso 1 resolutions,.if ,Wq{rigptly,fe(!pUcc!t,
.them, though- they denounced the wretched
accommodation on board tho steamer, and the
abominable neglect of tho.most ordinary com
forts,of-tho. passengers; did not declare, that
the Georgy Law Was” a hid fit unsafe vessel.
1 Why,ibbn,was her namochaDge(i?T-clianged
so suddenly, too, that sho was sent back to
Aspinwall, 1 a days after, her arrival, as the
Central America. The pnblic have a right to
have this change of name accounted ‘ for.
What was” the Stoain-Coinpany’s motive in
ijiaking.this change f Was it simply because
ot the; bad odor which tho vessel derived from
the. resolutions adopted, in indignation, by
the assembled passengers, on reaching the
Quarantine, or was it because the directors
thought-that, the general reputation of the
steamer was at sera? 1
{ One thing forces itself upon the mind—the
necessity-of having * ocean-steamers built in
air-tight compartments; so as to render their
pinking next to an Impossibility; We are con
fident, also, that tbe loss of this vessel supplies
ajvery powerful argument ,in faVpr of tho con
strpctlon pf the Paciflo.Kaiiroad.. - •
; Much blame has been east upon Mr. Ashby,
. cjlicf-otiginpor,' for deserting the ypssbl id her
hpur .of extremest need. . His publisbed expla
nation, which seems straightforward'and fruth-
Pil, goes far tp show that h o strictly obeyed' or
ders in leaving the steamer, in charge of tho
Women and children, and that, vyhen he reached
the brig/ the men who rowed. his b oat refused
■tp take him baolc to the steamer.' There is
i eyidence,'snj)pjiQd l .by some of .the, passengers
wjip y erp saved, that he manifested the most
.urgent desire to return to thto Ctvff'ftVlirbifiid,
that he. oiTeiyila consldorablo nmpnot, ,of money
tp be taken back; and that; in peril - of death,
tho boatmen refused again tp trust them
selves to, the treacherous “ hell of waters’)
wkichrose, and roared, and yawned before
ttiomi-. Mr. Ashby appears to luiyp satisfac
tarily viiKiicated iiimsolf from the heavy im
putation hastily thrown uppn him.
; lit rests wjth the . jproper authorities of New
York, whoever they may be; to make a full
and open investigation of the loss of tha Cen
tTol yfancricu. Had such a calamity occurred
in Franco or England, on the very first inti
mation being made to the,Government, an ex
pprienced pfircer would have been sent down
tp examine into tho extent and causes of the
calamity,, and, t if nefcds bp, to collect and ar
.rangeGhe evidenco for the Immediate prosecu
tion, before alegal tribunal, of whatever par.
tiea appeared to be implicated by carelessness,
criminal neglect, or misconduct. ■ The samo
couteo ought to ho pursued iii the present in
stance, but « what is .every ono’s business is
■no one’s business}” so, in all probability, the
matterwili be a nihe-days’ wondPr; and then
)e busted opt, of the public mind by soino
newer incident—in this case; perhaps, 1 by tho
approaching trial of lira. Ciumingliam purdoll.
; nostrums; in, poutics,
.Like quackeries in medicine, are potent.of
mischief. Whon wo desert principles for ex
pedients, and attempt to tinker whore wb
should boldly renovate and reform, Wo . only
postpone tho, and yonder the inevita
ble crash more destructive. Another discredit
able thing is' tho attempt to turn to party ac
count ,ihd.‘,su(refings.<of trade, manufactures,
and labor,- which grow but of unavoldabto
causes. Fjif Jnstando, tho allegation that tho
present stringency in themonoy market is the re
sult ofthoTariffof 1848 is eminently unfair and
discrlSditablo. 1 , pho of tho city .papers boldly
asserts, that tho failure of Beeves, Bvoe, &
Co., and tho consequent discharge of some two
thousand -workmen, was produced, in part, by
that,Tariff.. Nowj.we have no doubt that this
firm itself wijnld disdain adopting such a pretext
as tlii^.TThder the Tariff of 1810, tho manu
facture of railroad .iron in this country was, in
fact; largely protected;', The great house of
REqVss, Buck, &-Co., has been almost con
tinually occupied in this important branch of
traße'ibr years, past,' and to its utmost capaci
ty- -Their suspension was caused by the simple
fact- that , they have boon manufacturing iron
for 'riulro’ad" companies, receiving in pay-]
ment tho bonds of those, companies, having
Some flinty years tp. run., failing; to npgQ
tiofe theso bonds, or to borrow' upon them, in
consequence of the’enormous speculations in
public,bands, and the abstraction of our capi
tal'fopay.,our foreign debts—which capital
'was . diverted to other purposes, in the Old
'■World than iiive'stmehts ,tn American sectjri
ties—a catastrophe became certain. The
idea of ‘ lugging'in tlio Tariffof;lB4G as tho
cause Of thesOlsuspenkfons.' iSj Wb repeat, ' hn
worthy ofi a great and enlightened party, and
Iwe are glad that the' expedient, htW'nOt hepn
generally resorted to.
SHUT-' ‘
! % ~ . - ' <
Our correspondent— i£ Occasional ” thinks
that,, from ptesentjsppear'anijesj the Southern
and the liepuBlipan;iS3enat-oi'S Will reject the
President's nomination of. KObest J. Walksu
a» Govcrnoit?of Kansas. Tho grounds upon
.which Bomobf’ flio Southern; Senators will act
will he tho’ alleged inlerferonco of Governor
Walker iu favor of making Kansas a freo
State, wliilo that of the Republican and Aboli
tion Senators is, that he is tho servile instru
ment of tho South, and stands committed to
making Kansas a slave State. We do not, of
course, arrogate-to,, ourselves the right of
calling Senators .to account.. They aro, wo
hope, all lionest mon, and nM ac ‘ ,v >*h
the lights before them, according to their
cOnscieUces. But His a strange plmso in poli
tics, when those whose rights are best protect
ed by a rigid adherence to tho Constitution
are openly declared to bo ready to join hands
with those whoso designs against that Consti
tution are alike notorious and flagrant. And
we hope, whatever may be tho course of tho
ihnatics of the North and tho West, that tho
Southern Senators will pauso before inflicting
upon tho truly consorvativo sentiment, North
and South, tjmt wound, which would ho felt to
thp Very heart by the great body of our coun
trymen, and might bo the causo of tlie most
frightftil dissensions. 1
The war of factions, on tho Kansas ques
tion, is 'confined, to those outside of Kansas.
The people of the Territory aro deeply in
terested-interested in thojr homes, in their
churches, and schools, in their household
gods—that there shall ho a permanent and a
perpetual peace in Kansas. No such motives
inspire thci politicians who want war and dis
sension. Thoy desire to help themselves as
partisans, not ns patriots, andlience they cry out
against tho amiable and fraternal spirit which is
preparing Kansas for admission into our family
Of States. Two gcnt]omcn connected with
tho public press, but both entirely independent
of party politics, who have just returned from
Kansas, concur in saying that when thoy left
everything was singularly quiet and satisihe
tory. The people weto absorbed in business
and other pursuits more enduring, than polities;
and it was only when our informants returned
to the States that they, found the real Kansas
war. -A few days, however, will settle the
matter, nnd we'shall the’n be able to tell how
far these prognostications are well-founded
or not. We.cannot doubt that wliat tho peo
ple of Kansas most desire, themselves they
will obtain, no matter how tho factions, who
liavo no right to interfere, may clamor.
The Banks havo adopted a measure, which,
nowever highly to bo commended, would iiavo
given groat heart 1 and hope to tho business
community, had it been extended a week ago.
They havo agreed to discount good paper to
the full extent ofthoir receipts, and to relieve
all solvent bonds from tho pressure, to tho full
extent of their ability. Thore is a vast amount
of money in band. The capacities and pro
ductions of our country are prodigious. To
calloht this money, to develop these capaci
ties, and to realize upon,these productions,
requires only one tiling— Confidence. With
confidence, Credit will arise, full of health and
power; and tho,so who now, suspond will re
sume, fnll of tho , determination never to be
Caught by sucli an amazing conjunction of
misfortunes as has befallen ou r country, in
tho full tide of prosperity in all the branches of
substantial wealth. Wo learn great lessons in
hours like these; and if wo gather no othor
benefits, wo' Bhali “from tho nettle danger
pluck the flower Safbty.”
j The worst, we hope, is past. As Boon ns the
determination arrived at became known, every
thing wore a more cheorful aspect. Men who
went to bank to get answers to their applica
tions for discounts, dreading a refusal, returned
to their counting rooms with lightened hearts
and smiling faces. They had got the accom
modation they needed and hroathed freer for
the roliof that had been granted them. Tho
banks nover performed n wiser act. We liavo
nodisposition to, lessen tbo merits to
which thoy are justly entitled, by ascribing
to them a'selfish motiVo for pursuing the
course they,did. But it is porfoctiy clear, that
had more timid or less generous counsels per
vaded in their deliberations, the end would
have, proved • most disastrous to them, and to
their customers who had to depend, bn them.
Lot confidence and co-operation he our
watchwords now, and soon business will rc
suipo its wonted'animation, and money will
return to its accustomed channels.'
But of those tried and unfortunate men who
havo gone down in tho storm, what shall wo say ?
It is a bitter thought to them, a sad one to us.
Thoy havo our warmest sympathies. Nay,
more-r-wo are proud to say—that no instance as
yet has come to our knowledge in which thoy
have not also the kindly wishes of all their
At this season of tho year it fortunately
happens teat some of our Philadelphia banks
annually receive large sums from New York,
and their supply of specie is thus liberally re
plenished. . Wo know of ono institution that
has obtained in this manner a quarter of a
million- of dollars within the last few days,
and it will probably continue to frequently re
ceive largo amounts, from that city.
At tho United States Mint we learn that
within a few days past $760,000 has been re
ceived in refined bars of gold, stamped by tlio
New York Assay Offlco, and half a million
more will also be forwarded hero for coinago
a few days lienee. This fact is interesting in
connection with tile present rate of exchange,
as a proof of tlio strong check given to tho ex
portation of bullion by tlio extraordinary de
mand for It here. Tho refined bars are greatly
preferable to coin for exportation, and the
principal portion of shipments of bullion rnado
to Europe have been in that shape, as tho bars
are, for that .purpose, not only more conve
nient, but less expensive.
[l?* Tho Southern mail, dne at midnight, lmd
not arrived up to onr hour of going to press—
two o’clock this morning.
• The money pressure in Now York seems to be
less severe, although there can bo quoted no dimi
nution In rates for the best paper, yet more money
is to bo had at those rates, and there ore no now
failures reported. The bank return of yesterday
has imparted a good degree of confidence, inas
much as that, including the London Insurunco of
the lost gold. $1,000,000, which is tho same as if
so muoh gold had arrived and boon re-shipped, tho
banks may bo considered to hold to $14,500,000,
with $1,500,000 due from California atthootoso of
the week, makiDgslB,ooo,ooo. At the same time,
good exchange can be had at 6J poroont, at which
rate the import of it from London will leave a profit.
It is true that this low price is partly tho result op
dear monoy, but it is also tho case that tho
same dear monoy ' onuses tho good 3 im
ported to, sell on consignment to bo' sacrificed
in a manner that greatly diminishes tho amount
to bo remitted ultimately. :Tho movemont of
crops, particularly grain, is already on a
scald which insures an early and largo Bupply of
bill?,from that source, while tho new crop of eotton
.goes forward at double prices this year, that is to
say, 18 cents for fair Now Orleans cotton. It fol
lows that'the supply 1 of bills'will bo early and
large to meet the returning case in tho money mar
ket, with relative abundance of papor. In so far
there is no further difficulty to bo apprehended from
the state of the external exchanges. Tho main diffi
culty now in tho market is tho rebound from othor
cities. Already Boston, Philadelphia
have felt tho worst. Apparently at Boston, whoro
the pressure first manifested from New York,
the worst has passed, and oonfidcnco is restored ; 1
but as tho tragic goes westward and South, tho
effects are brought back to us, more directly in tho
pressure which arisos from tho redemption of cur
'ronoy.’ ’This requires ft groat deal of monoy. In
: Now .York State tho'country ciroulntiou secured
i upon stocks is, In round numbers, $24,000,000, and
this is usually redeemed in New York and Albany
three times in a year; bRt, under the panioof tho
last thirty days, $35,000,000 has been rodeomod at
tho Metropolitan and American Exohaogo Bunks
in Now York. Of this amount $1,000,000 has boeu
returned to. tho State Bank, dopoßited and
burned; 501,000 of State notes had boon surron
<jlerW and sold to moot tho redemptions; also 110,000
mprtgagcs, making §611,000 of securities realized.
The redemption has, however, required so much of
the moans of the two redeeming banks as to compel
tUbm to cattail. thotr discounts largely. Tho
weekly reduction of tho loans of those two re
deeming banks,. compared with the total of all the
others, is as follows - 1
Reduction Total
Total Loans. Two 13k*s. All others. Reduction.
. *1,164,079 $875,780
Ai5.27.; %189,682 $331,101 829,739 1,101,890
Au#. 20.. 110,688,910 714,657 2,836,100 3,&&9,0G3
Bout. 5. 112,221,305 693,049 3,674,505 4,367,654
Scptiia:; 523 W,4BS *,gg.Jg
Bept.W.. 108,777j421 201,848' 906,009 1,008,162
Total ..*2,649,a18 $10,050,6ia $18,299,881
lima,» ia obEorroblQ that the two redeeming
banks mado far tho largest portion of the curtail*,.
mont. Tbi? they woro compellei“to do in order to!
prevent tho dishonor of tho interior banks;.' Th4y
wore botwoon tho protection of tho noto.cflrrcndy
and tho accommodation of their customers.'
tho “clearing" system, in New York, tho
balances aro paid in spccio, nnd that eagerly de
manded, when one leading bunk makes an impor
tant curtailment in its loans it becomes a oreditor
bank, unless all tbo others follow tho movement.
as the oirouiation pressed upon those two
banks it forced tho contraction upon tho others, and
this contraction making Now York a creditor eity
'has raised rapidly the speoio in tho banks, but
does not restrict their ability to remove discounts
until tbo currency'prossuro has passed, nnd that
has now much subsided. This has bcou the socret
of that bank prossuro in Now York which has been
regnrdod in some oases as wanton, but whioh has
been imposed by tho woight of Western cur
Tho ability of tho redeeming banks in this city
to receive thoso country circulating notes in such
quantities depends upon tho fact of their being
well secured on'Government stocks. Without this
security, of course, the risk would bo too great, and
the oarronoy would como upon tho market through
tho brokers at every posalblo variety of discount.
Thus, when tho Mechanics’ Banking Association
failed thorowos no disoredit to their bills; thoy
wore all taken by tho other banks as usual, sent to
Albany and redeemed. When, thoroforo, produce
and business aro aotivo at tho West,morocurrency
is needed; tho banks bccoma buyors of stock,
pledge it for bills, and pay them out to float in the
circulation; when business becomes slack, and
produeo falls, tho tide turns as now, tho bills
flow bnok, nnd tbo stock comes on tbo market
at rates much below those paid by tho banks
originally. In 1855 banks paid 05 freely for
Missouri C’s, to pledgo for circulation, Tbo otreo
lation now runs back, atuLihoy sell tbo atook atC9,
an apparent los3 of 2G por cont. This is tbo inconvo*.
nienco of tbo secured system. It is. remarkable,
howevor, that whon thoso stocks rise under tho de
mands of tho bankers, saving banks odn fell, and
these institutions now buy back cheap. Sinoo dur
ing tho presauro tbo amount of savings
havo much increased. As wo havo said, all thtT
olomontsof a disturbed market originating in panic
aro subsiding, lonving tho fact manifest that the
community has been called upon to pay up immense
sums at short notice, and has done so with remark-*'
able promptness.
■ptTTainmcni, Sept. 22, 1857.—Gen. Packer spoke
yesterday afternoon at Washington, Pa., Col. Wm. lIoW
kins, presiding; tho meeting was enthusiastic, the
speech tolling and derisive. Washington county will
give a Democratic majority. Gon. Packer speaks at
Groensburgh, 1 WcstmOroland county, on Thursday.
The Tehuantepec Route—lmportant Charge
against our Mexican Minister—The Mormon}
Controlling Indinn Trade—Complicity of Gen*
Houston with the Mexican Invasion, etc.
WAsniNOTON, Sept. 22—Senator Slidell has rocebjjd
a letter from Senator Benjamin, dated from the city
Mexico, 4th inst., announcing that ho and his colleague'
had succeeded In making satisfactory arrangements with
the Mexican Government, rclatlro to tho Telianntepeo
Transit Route, and that President Comenfort had
acted in this mattor against tho oarnest protest of Car
Minister Forsyth, who thwarted Messrs. Benjamin and'
La Sera to the extent of his power, causing them, by
hie opposition, tho loss of a million dollars.
Mr. Benjamin promises, at an early day, to set forth
all the facts in a proper form, to bo laid before the Pre
sident of tho United States. ' It is further stated that
Forsyth wai overreached by Soulo, who is represented
as tho Attorney of parties who aro opposed to tho
Transit Route.
The Administration having sanctioned or advised
tho movement which lias resulted In tho annulling *of
•tho Sloo nnd flaroy grants, it is reasonably inferred
that our Oprernment will take the conduct of Minister
Forsyth Into serious consideration.
Senator Slidell has submitted Mr. Benjamin’s letter
to tho President.
Tho United States Indian agent at Fort Loramio has
informed the Interior Department that the Mormons
havo Initiated measures to control trodo with the Indi
ans, by making settlements at every twenty cr thirty
miles. He calls on tho Secretary to romoTo thorn,
iug that if tills bo not done, tho Mormons will become
exceedingly troublesome, and defeat any policy our Go
vernment may adopt with the Indians. It is pialo tho
Mormons are acting lathis matter in violation of tho
Captain Qoldsborough has been ordered to servo oh
the third Naval Court of Inquiry, In place of Commo
dore Stringham, relieved.
The information in tho possession of oar Government,
relative to the complicity of General Sam Houston with
an expedition, supposed for the Invasion of Mexico, to
help the inhabitants of Tamaulipos, disaffected against
their Government, is derived from reliable sources; the
movements being conducted with more than usual se
crecy. Full information upon the subject cannotasset
bo obtained. ,
A letter has been received from Bupt. Magraw, who •
had reached Scott’s Bluffs, and was progressing finely
with hiß portion of the California wagon-road. v
It is now positively known that Dr. Tao, of Virginia,
has been appointed Sixth Auditor of the
placo of Phillips, and James Madison Cntts, father-in
law of Senator Douglass, Sccoud Comptroller, vice
Brodhend, ,
Tho Board of Examiners, having reported In Wror Of
tho plan of Mr. Wostervolt, of New York, for a screw
propeller sloop-of-war, tho Secretary of tho Navy has
awarded him the contract
The Loss of the Central America.—Additional
Passengers Supposed to be Lost.
Nxw Yoke, Sept. 22.— I Tlio folloirliig pas
sengers are known to havo been aboard tho Central
America, and are supposed to bo lost:
Judge Heydenfeldt, of California.
Charles Kent, Richmond, Ya.
Moseley, Arkansas.
Mlchcal Cregan, Hazel Green, Wla.
Oliver Oarrihon, St, Louis.
Mr. Ilalley, Pittsburgh.
John Horn and Son. Cincinnati.
Robert Hughes. Chicago.
Mr. Lee, Philadelphia
David Jones, Schuylkill county. I*a.
Dr. Leavenworth, or Lelhngerell, Mich.
Mr. Lohmnn. Wisconsin.
Philip Sackblower, Huntsdalc, l’a.
Samuel 11. Swan, near Pittsburgh.
David Stewart, Maysville, Ohio,
Elijah Spooner, Schuylkill county, Pa.
Robert Taylor, Wisconsin.
Arrival of the City of Baltimore*
Nkw Youk, Sept. 22.—Tho steamer City of Baltlraoro,
from Liverpool onthoOth hist., lma boon signalled be
low. Her advices have been anticipated by tho Indian
at Quebec. Her papers will be received too late to be
sent South by this evening's mail.
Operatic Treaty-
Now Yoke, September 22 .—Manager UUmann has
made an amicable arrangement with the Marshall Bal
lot Troupe, 'fhc combined company, including Itrigxoli
and Ainodlo, will hereafter appear at the Acadomy of
Music In this city, as well aa in tho Philadelphia Aca
The Affairs of the Micltlgnu and Southern
Railroad Company*
Albany, September 22.—Tho committee appointed to
examine into the afTairs of tho Michigan and Southern
Railroad Ootup&ny have reported a floating debt of
81,800,000. They say tho expenses can bo largely re
duced, and with economy, the road bo made to pay divi
dends. .
New York Politics*
Albiny, September 22.— 1 t is currently reported here,
that tbo “radical’ s Democrat? In the Republican State
Convention, soon to bo held at Syracuse, intend to odor
a resolution instructing Hon. O. 11. Matteson, motuber
elect of Congress from tho 20th district, to resign.
Failure at Boston.
Boston, Ropt. 22. —'Messrs. Emmons. Danforth & Co.,
grocers, havo suspended. Their liabilities amount to
Railroad Accident,
Nbw Haykn, Sept. 22.—Tho morning train on tho
New ITayen road run off tho track thin morning,
when near Eordham. All tho cars were smashed. Ono
person was killed aud rnauy wounded.
The Survivors from the Central Aiqerica*
Baltjmokk, Sept 22.—A1l tho survivors from the
wreck ortho Central America, who hod arrived in tills
city, and belonged to the West, started for homo to-day.
They have been kindly treated, nml tako with thorn saf*
ficent fund* to see them saloly home. * * ■
An easterly rain storm prevails this evening. The
woathcr is watm aud sultry.
Session of the Graud Lodge of I. 0« of O* F.
Bai.timoiik, Sept. 22.—T1i0 Grand Lodge of Oddfel
lows of tho United Staten are now in bcsbiou here A
largo amount of business was transacted to-day, but not
of any general Interest to the order. To-morrow tho
various committees’ will report, vihen considerable in
formation will be prcsouled. Tho Lodge will probably
adjourn on Saturday.
Later lroui Havana—Arrival of the Cahawrba
at New Orleans.
Nkw Om.kaxs, September 22.—Tho U. S. mail steam
«hip Cahawbv, from Now York on tho 12th Inst., via
Havana, lias arrived here.
The Ciihawba arrived at Havana on tho 10th Inst,, but
did not enter the harbor. On the 13th and 14th Inst., she
experienced rough weather, and was compelled to heave
to for twenty hours.
Business at Havana was dull. Sugars and Mol&sres
had a declining tendency. Exchange ou New York was
quoted at 2a 3 cent, premium.
The Cuhawbu passed tho Philadelphia, for
New York yesterday.
The steamer Calhoun, from Pensacola, is coming up
Non-Arrival of tho Canada.
Halifax. Sept. 22.—11]$ o’clock P. M.— The weather
is very thlcic outside, and it is ruining. A strong south,
southeast wind is blowing. .The Canada has not yet
been {signalled.
lUi.TiMonK, September 22. —Flour is dull, wheat quiet,
corn lower at 08a70c for white, 724274 for yellow. Whis
key, 23«20c.
New Orleans, September 22.— The Cotton market
to-day was slightly dearer 5 sales of MOO hales at I&7i
ttlOc. flour has an advancing tendency to-day; sales
at sd.2s«tss 40. Mess Pork is firm, Sterling Exchange
quoted at 7 dP" cout. premium.
[Correspondence of The Press.]
Washington, Sent. 21, 1857.
The vooanoy on tho Supiemo Bonch of tho
United States will not, I think, be tilled by tho
appointment of Mr. Toucoy. Tho President gives
no indication of his intontions, but it is ovident tho
innn who will jot tho post is not yofc named.
It is now stated that Senator Slidell ia openly op
posed to tho confirmation of Gov. Welker. Should
this prove to ba true, und I havo ovory reason to
boliovo it is, the Governor of Kansas will not got
Boventoen votos in the Sonute—that is, providod
the Republicans unito with the Southern Senators
to reject him. Of this there cau bo no doubt.
Tho division in tho military suporintondonoy of
tho work on tho aqueduct in this oity, and on tho
extension of tho Capitol, discussed somo days ago
by tho public press, will, it is said, shortly tako
Sloco. I havo heard tho namo of Major John
under*, now located at * tho Pea Patch, or Port
Delaware, spoken of as ono of tho now engineers.
Ho is competent, oxporioncod, and'incorrupti
ble. Occasional.
A repetition of “Faust,” at , tho Academy of
Musio last night. Mrs. lloey and Mrs. Blako, Mr.
Lester and Mr. Blake, in “ Tho Poor Gentleman,"
this ovoning, with these lino comedians in tho
oust, ami a repetition of tho “Captain of tho
Watch/* in whioh Mr. Lester nnd Miss Gannon
will play. At Burton’B National Theatre will bo
brought out this evening, a now tableaux threo
not drama, callod “ Tho Life of a Woman.” Tho
idea, (the sarao ns was adopted by Douglas Jerrold
whon he wrote “ Tho Rent-Day,” to ouibody Wil
kie’s painting,) is to roproduoo, on tho stago, suc
cessive tableaux which embody ono of Hogarth’®
series of pictures. Tho pioco is wrltton by tho
person who adapted " Jack Shophord” to the stage.
Miss Kimborly represents tho horolno.
At the Arch Street Thoutro, lust night, Mrs.
Bowers appeared a 3 Camille, lfor manner of
playing this character was entirely lior own—and
Nature’s. If tbero was a moro limitod exhibition
of physical force than wo havo seen in this charac
ter, there was no lackof intellect. Thoclosingaot
was oxtromoly fine nnd greatly applauded. “Tho
Brigand” will bo revived thisovening, Mr. Daven
port taking tho leading clumiotor. It will bo re
peated to-morrow ovoning, with ‘ The Bello’s Strata
gem,” in whioh Mrs. Davcnjmrt and Mr. Wheat
ley wilt play.
mund Thalborgwas well received in this oity when
he gave concerts hero, some months ago. lie re
turns now, to giro two concerts, at tho Musical
Fund Hall, on next Friday and Saturday. On
thoso two occasions, ho will bo supported by the
ronowned Henry Viouxtemps, (who has just ro
turned from Europe;) Madumo Elena D’Angri, tho
woll-Toaowa,prim« donna; Signor Kiotzor, and
tho buffo Signor Rocco. Signor Abolla will bo tho
Conductor. Tho admission will bo §l.OO, with no
oxtra Cliargo for reserved scats. Sucli a rnro com
bination of ability, vocal nnd instrumental, ns will
be collootcd on this occasion is oortnin to command
the popularity whioh wins success.
American Academy of Musio, corner of Broad and
Locust Streets.—llonzaul Ballot Troupe—” Faust ”
National Theatre. Walnut Street, arove Elan™,
—“ The Life of a Woman' 1 —“ Tho Limerick Boy.”
Walnut Street Theatre, N. e, corner of Ninth
AND Walnut streets.— ” Captain of tho Watch”—
“ Poor Gentleman”— 1 “ A Fearful Tragedy Up Town.”
Wheatley’s Arch Street Theatre, Alton street,
ABOVE Sixth.—” Tho Brigand”—” Tho Willow Copse ”
Sanford’s Opera House, Eleventh Street, above
Chestnut.—Ethiopiau Minstrelsy, concluding with a
Laughable Burlosquo.
The Mysterious (f Lady in Black.” —Tho
Polico Court at the Contral Station, yesterday
ufterucon, presented a scono of unusual yot me
lancholy interest. The occasion was the prelimi
nary examination of Mrs. Thompson, and her sis
ter Anna Montague, two young nnd lady-like
appearing* persons, upon various charges of folony
—shoplifting and obtaining goods undor false pre
tonoesi Tho hearing was fixed for two o’clock.
At that hour tho neoused, who wore out on bail,
' presented thomselves punctually at tho Mayor’s
office. There wero already eight female and a
numbor of malo witnesses waiting to give their
testimony, whilo the area appropriated to the
public was filled with curious spectators. At half
past two o’clock two largo trunks wero brought
into tho ofllco, and opened in tho presence of tho
accused. They contained, howevor, nothing be
yond tbo scopo of a Indy’s ordinary wardrobo, ex
cepting that sovera! packages of new hosiery, and
an unusually large supply of shoes, indicated an
unreasonable profusion of tho lattor articles. The
dresses woro all tuado up.
Thero wero several handsome silks among thorn,
and a mantilla in woiro antique trimmed with rich
Maltese lace, that should speak of opulcnoo in tho
woarcr. Several seta of tamborod curtains, now
and in their original folds, and two shawls that had
nover boon worn, excitod soiuo suspicion, espe
cially as both woro identified as having been pur
chased by Anna Montague. Wo havo said that tho
accusod woro sisters. Tho eldor, Mrs. Thompson,
was attended in court by her husband, who is said
to bo doing business sufficient to support liis wifo
,in a respectable wannor. In her onso only ono
witness proVed a diroot attempt to defraud. In the
case of Anna Montague, however, wo havo no room
to doubt that a systematic mode of proouring ovory
variety of morchumliso has boon pursued by her
for some time past. In tho honring of yester
day both parties wero arraigned together. Tho
.first witness called was J. It. Castlobury, a storo
koopor at No. 63 North Eighth street, and two of
his employees. According to.tho concatenated
testimony of thcao throo persons, tho younger sU-
Anna Montague, purchased goods, somo weeks
sinoo, amounting to $27. Tho lady requested
that a boy might be sent to her house with the
goods, she agrooiog to pay for them on their arrival.
A boy was accordingly sent, but tho lady by somo
moans obtained thobuiidlo from tho boy before
reaching tbo houso, since which timo nothing was
learned of her up to tho timo of tbo arrest. A
shawl and other articlos, found among tho proper
ty producod in court, wore identified ns being n
port of tho purchase, nnd tho ovidcnco of detect
ive officer Itussell, who testified that tho same
shawl was found in tho houso of tlio accused, left
•nothing wanting to confirm her guilt.
Isaac Chism, of tho firm of Thornloy & Chi«m,
dry goods retailors, in connection with somo of his
employees, proved that within a short timo past,
Anna Montague had purchased goods at his store
Ho tho amount of twonty-ono dollars, which wero
.sent to her houso by a*boy, sho promising to pay
tho .bill on arriving thero. Among other things
ashawl wassant. Ou reaching the houso indicated,
Annaontorcd, taking ono bundle, Hud telling tho
jboy to go with the shawl a fow doors abovoto show
it to a lady who would buy it, and call for tho
amountof her own purchase on his way book. Tho
‘boy did so, but found no ono who wanted tho shawl.
On returning the lady in blaok was missing, and
on inquiring at tho houso it was found to bo occu
pied by a rcspeotivble family who, of courso, know
nothing of tho mattor.
J. P. Barr,
Chab. Barrett.
\ Mr. W. S. Ringgold, No. 1030 Market street.
Was similarly victimized by.MLss Anna. He sent
a bill of sixteon dollnrs’worth of goods to Nine
teenth and Cherry streots, nndwus swindled in tbo
same manner.
Casper Itohn, a German shoemaker, No. 204 N.
Eighth street. Montificd the oldest sister, Mrs.
Thompson, 110 stated that Mrs. T. purchased a
pair of fine shoes at his store, and said that they
were to bo ohnrgod to Mrs. Harrison, No. 1125
SpruCO, atroot. Tho saleswoman allowed bor to
tako tho shoes, but, upon uftorwnrds sending to
tho plnoe designated, ascertained that no suoh per
son lived thore.
Robert 11. Millikan, Ninth, above Arch, and Mar
tin Lauor, 119 South Elovonth street—tho former
a dry goods retailer, and tho latter a ladies’ cord
wainor—testified that Mrs. Thompson had pur
chased goods whioh had boon sent to her propor
residonco, but bad novor been paid for. This not
being fraud, of oourso could rcooivo no attention.
Tho'ftllodwnsEnzabethß. "Wagner,
doing business at 803 Arch street. She deposed
that In February last Mrs. Thompson purchased
somo gauntlets, and offered as pay a counterfeit five
dollar bill; sho was told that it was bad. bat took
away tbo goods, leaving aa her addross, “Mrs.
Davis, ittCallowbill stroot ” This, as was after
wards found* wua untrue, no such person residing
at that number.
' Upon this ovidonoo both parties woro bound oVor
to answer at court, and wero conducted to tho
cells below. As Mrs. Thompson was led away, sho
looked appealingly to hor husband. Ilcr lips
quivered, and her eyes filled with tears. Tho “lady
in black,” bowovor, betrayed tbo most stolid
indiffgronco throughout the ordoal. Both, wo be
liovo, resided with thoir parents, and tho husband
of Mrs. T. m'Twonty-second street, near Raco.
It is not supposed that tho parents entertained tho
remotest idea of thoir daughters’ dishonesty,
though this wo obtain only from hearsay. Tho
Bpootaolo presented by tho acoused w« 8 » bowovor,
most doplorablo, aud affords ah impressivo coiq
iuontary upon that morbid spirit of extravaganeo
in dress, which unfortunately porvades, to a
greater or loss extent, nearly every class of
females in the sooial souio.
It is but just to say, that in forreting out this
matter, and causing tho arrest of tho accused par
ties, tho ontiro credit is duo to dotcotivo ofliccr
Russol—an officer whoso uniform courtesy to tho
representatives of the press rcmlors additionally
pleasing tho frequent occasions which wo find for
applauding his ulligonco and integrity in his offi
cial oapaoity.
Police Items. —At ft late hour on Monday
night, a colored woman saw ihrco young wkito men
in tho yard of tho dwelling of Mr. A. E. Bono,
No. 1002 Spruoo streot, above Tenth. Tbo woman,
suspecting that tho mon wero after no good, com
municated' lior suspicions to Officer Monillo, who
procured the assistance of Officers MoCaffcry and
Carpenter, and tho throo policemen jumped tbo
fence and found tlireo mon coneoalod in and about
tho yard. Tho bosomont door in tbo roar showed
signs of where a bit bad been used for boring,
und upon making closo search, a largo brace und
bit and a pioco of candle woro found. The bur
glars woro taken to thoKigbth Ward station-house,
and yesterday morning thoy had a boating before
Alderman Enou, who hold them in $2,000 each to
answer, and also committed them 03 vagrants.
Tho defendants gave the names of George Johnson,
Walter Edgeworth, and Gcorgo Moreland, alt an
Bank Johnson.
Boforo Alderman Euou yesterday morning, a
mnu giving tbo nauio of John McLaughlin, was
charged with battering William S. Smith about tho
head with a brass spiggot. Sovoral very eovoro
wounds wore inflicted with tho instrument. Tho
whole difficulty originated from a family squubblu.
Tho Aldcrmau hold MoLaughlin to unswor at
Yesterday morning, a young German, in tho em
ploy of Mr. John Hamilton, No. 2109 CallowbiU
street, documned from tho house of his employer,
carrying off with him a set of surgical instruments
worth sovonty-fivo dollars, which belonged to Mr.
11., and ft gold watch valued at ono hundred dol
lars, belonging to a boarder in tho hou»o. Tho
police arc on tho ulort.
Yesterday afternoon a. very well-dressed woman,
apparently ft littlo over forty years of ago, was
brought to tho Central Station, at Fifth and Chest
nut streets, and had a hearing heforo Alderman
33neu, on tho cliorgo of having, about two years
since, obtained from Mcesrs. J. D. Green k Co.,
drygoods morclmnts at Ninth and Aroh streets,
Soods on false protenco, of tho value of three hun
red and thirty-four dollars. Sho had just ar
rived from New York,%ml was yesterday morning
arrested by Dotectives Russol and Trcfts, in Gi
rard avonuo.
Mr. J. D. Groou was placod upon tho witness
stuud, ami to'tifiod that tho woman camo to his
placo two years ago, and represented that sho was
a rolntivo of a- distinguished druggist, with whom
ho was conncolod. On tho strength of her asser
tions, ho sold hor goods to the amount of three
hundred and thirty-four dollars, for whioh sho
novor paid. Ho afterwards ascertained that all
of her representations woro false. Sho had said
that she had ample moans—sho was owner of a
largo amount of property, whioh was in tho hands
of tho druggist—that sho tiosgossod real estate in
Rhode Island, do., Ao., all of whioh allegations
wero untruo.
When Mr. Groon had concluded his statement, a
singular soono ensued. Tho woman was uskod if
Bhodiad anything to say. Sho replied by asking
whether sho would bo allowed to oxpros3 hor
opinion of Mr. Green?
« Certainly,” Baid tho Alderman.
“ Then ho’s a liar,” Baid Jonetto Taylor, for so
sho called horself. ,
Jnnolte was committed to unswor, notwithsland
ing her emphatic declaration.
Boforo Alderman Mooro yosterdny, a final hear
ing was had in tho o&w of tho colored men charged
with tho robbery of tho storo of Mr, Dari* Doff*
nian, on Friday night last. They were committed
to answer at court. One of the defendants stated
that a pawnbroker, named Lory, in whoso establish
ment some of tlio stolen goods wore found, kept his
place open at all hours of tho night for tho recep
tion of goods. Levy whm also held by tho Alder
man to answor tho ohargo of receiving goods,
knowing thorn to have been stolen.
♦i, , 2. orn * n Si a Mr BenUert appeared at
8 cf 5 > 00 n , “»ndo complaint that a man
2 i n' , l '" -ufllh " llle ' 11 in the habit of
BOim; to his store, sovural times a wcok, and pro-
SVfi.i’ 1 8 “ n 1 ,,,11 ” l,u I B t 0 »<n«o 3100,000. Ho
\u.hod him sunt to tho limoo Asylum, as ho an
nojod him wry much Randolph allots that
hunt, i lol ''ll 1 ?. w *’ “"saged to ho married to him,
S. 1 10 an<l oifered him SoO.OOO
to say nothing about it. Ho also says that tho
Quoon owes hnn sjo,ooo for services rendered. He
imagines that Sir. 11. is tho agent of tho Quoon!
and wants to cheat him out of his monoy. Tho
uulortunato mdludual was consigned to tho Asy.
lum for tho lusano. ° '
Attempt at Setf-Deslructton. —About nine
o clock yesterday morning, a young man, named
Derr, throw himsolf in front of tho locomotive
attaoiied to a_ train of cars ns it was passing tho
corner of Parrish aud Ninth street*, on the Phila
delphia, Germantown, and Norristown Railroad
Tho would-bo suicide was caught by n lO cow l
catcher and dragged eight or ton feet, but without
boing seriously hurt. Tho engine was moving
very slowly at tho timo, and, as soon as the engit
noor reversed tho ongino, Derr was dragged out
by Mr. Sohenek and another neighbor wno wit
nessed tho ocourrcnco. Tho young man acted
doliboratoly and determinedly. Ho wasstandingat
tho corner, his hat lying upon the Btop of the store,
and, as the train enmo up, no took of his coat and
threw himself on tho track. 11l hoalth and want
of employment nro said to bo tho causes of the
desperate not.
The approaching Firemen's Parade ia at
tracting moro than usual attention. A number of
presentations nro to he made on tho morning of the
parade, among which may bo mentioned that to
tho Columbia Engine Company. A very handsome
nnd cosily silvor horn has boon prepared by the
numerous friends of this efficient organization, and
a .gentleman hns been solccted to presontitwho
will undoubtedly perform his pait in tho most sa
tisfactory mannor.
The Camden and Jlmboy Railroad Company
have sont to the oity of New York, over their road
in one day recently, baskets of peaches, tho freight
on which amounted to §2,400. The freight was
eight cents per bnskot.
Forly-ninth Philadelphia Trade Sale. —On
Monday morning, Messrs. M. Thomas 4 Sons, the
well-known auctioneers, commenced this sale, at
their aploudid Trado Sale rooms, South Front st.
Tho catalogue of books, stationery, paper, 4c.,
make* a largo octavo volutno of 391 pages. As
wo hnvo already had occasion to notice, thoro are
ono hundred nnd fourteen contributors to tho ex
tensive stook thus disposed o f, principally from
Philadelphia, New Yorlc, and Boston, but also in
cluding publishers from tho West and South, and
even from Canada and England. Aa this is a local
salo, there is a committee of Philadelphia publish
ers. viz. : Mr. Win. A. Blanchard, Mr. 11. Cow
perthwait, Mr. E. C. Biddle, Mr. J. B. Lippincott,
and Mr. James Crissy. Tho salo, which is calou
lntud to extend over sovon business-days, (ter
minating on Monday, tho 28tb instant,) com
mences each morning at half-past eight o’clock, and
sometimes stretches down into the evening as late
as 9or 10 o’clock. With tho laudablo (and buai-
purposoof keeping tho buyers and rollers
together, Messrs. Thomas oxerciso a liberal hospi
tality towards them. In plainer terms, they pro
vide thorn with a capital dinner, each day at 1
o’clock, and again at 6 in tho aftornoon with a
good supper. Tho viands oro cooked on tho pre
mises, and nro sorvod up with the sarno regularity
and completeness of a hotel. Mr. Thomas, senior,
presides, generally contriving to get near him such
book-makers as occasionally vonturo in with their
best friends (though they do not knpw it,) tho book
sellers. Tho salc3 on Monday included portions of
tho stock of S. Andrus 4 Sons, Hartford; iDorby A
Jackson, Now York; J. B. Lippincott 4 Co.,
Philadelphia; nnd Stringer 4 Townsend, of
Now York. Tho prices obtained during tho dny
were considered good, (undor tho depression of
business which has somowhat affected tho trade,)
but somewhat foil off ia tho evening. Ycatorday
tho prices wore considerably bettor; the sales con
sisted of publications offered by Mason Brothor3,
A. S. Barnes 4 Co., and Charles Scribnor, New
York; F. Bell, Philadelphia, commencing with
tho now octavo editiou pf “Percy’s Roliques of An
cient English Poetry,” with largo additions,and fine
steel engravings; JosporHarding4Son, Philadel
phia, who had a great variety and largo nnmbor of
family and pulpit Bibles of all sizes and in all sorts
of suitable binding; Phillips, Sampson, & Co., Bos
ton ; Parry 4 McMillan, Philadelphia; Morton 4
Griswold, Louisville, Kentucky; William J. Ha
mcrsley, Hartford, Connecticut; and Higgins,
Bradley, 4 Dayton, Boston. So far, the gales navo
been a great deal moro satisfactory than could
have boen oxpootod, oonsidoring what the recent
pressure has been. Tho purchasers consist of such
of tho leading publishers as vend books issued by
their brethern; of country booksellers, who come
hither to replenish their stock; of what are
callod second-hand booksellers, (wo noticed Mr.
John Campboll, the bibliopoliat, whose stand
is by tho Custom House, bidding with considerable
spirit); of travelling book-venders, or pedlars,
many of whom disposo of a large number of books
throughout tho country districts: and, above all,
of the gift-book people, who soil books for a dollar
oach, and dispense presents, to each purchaser, of
watches, jewelry, 4c., varying in value from
twenty-live cent 1 * to ono hundred dollars. There nro
five of those in Philadelphia, and Mr. Evans, who
has been longost in tho business, purchased
*lO,OOO worth of hooks at tho recont Trado Salo at
Now York, and bids fair to tako, at least,
tho sarno amount of books liorc. This morn
ing tho Sale opens with tho large invoice of
I>. Appleton 4 Co., Now York, which covorssome
eighteen pages, nnd besides a great variety of
paisccllnncous works, includes a largo stock of
scientific, illustrated, nnd classical publica
tions. Little, Brown, 4 Co. are next in order,
with their British Poets and ■ Essayists, Encyclo
pedia Britannioa, Loudon’s various Encyclopedias,
4c. To them will succood G. 4 J. Merrium,
Springfield, Massachusetts, with their largo una
bridged edition of Webster’* Dictionary, in vari
ous bindings, J. C. Biker, Now York, with a largo
stock of Albums, Scrap-books, Ac., Crissy 4 Marx
ly, 11. Cowpcrthwalt 4 Co.,M. Polock, John B.
Porry, nnd C. A. Brown, all Philadelphia, C. S.
Francis A Co., Now York; Honry P. Annors, Phi
ladelphia, nnd A. C. Goodman 4 Co., and Thomas
MeEirath. New York.
Destructive Fire Last Evening. —Shortly be
fore sovon o’clock last evening a firo broke out in
tho building now being erected ns tho now hospital
for tho insane, noar tho head of tho inclined piano,
West Philadelphia. A very largo quantity of
lumbor was entirely burnod, and tho hospital
partinlly destroyed. Tho hospital is looated on
tho Belmont plank road, in tho Twenty-fourth
ward, west of Montgomery avenuo. Thoro was &
hoavyrain falling at tho timo, or tho damago
might havo boon considerably moro than it was.
We have heard a number of rumors lately
that another prize fight is being arrangod by tho
friends of two well-known pugilists of this nnd
New York city. Tho fact thatthecontest involves
what tho prize fighters term tho “ Championship
of Awerioa” gives additional point to tho excite
incut whioh exists on tho subject. IVo sincerely
trust that thoro will not again ho a brutal encoun
ter like those whioh havo been too frequently wit
nessed duriug tho past few years in this and other
The British Ship Zcred. —The British ship
Zerod, Captain Corisb,for Londonderry, left Queon
streot wharf yesterday forenoon, at 11.30, in tow
of atoam-tug Amorioa, taking ont two cabin and
eighty-four stoerago passengers, and tho following
items comprise her freight: 20,300 bushels corn;
650 bbls. rosin ; 10.000 nhds. staves (white oak;)
900 barrels flour; 10 packages merchandise.
Cabin passongors—Mias Koto l)uffy, Mr. Hugh
Be learn that a number of delegations
from German Soeioties in this city have been on n
visit to Lancaster, whoro, in compauy with their
hrothron .of that place, they have had apic-nio,
shooting festival, Ac. Our German friends could
not have selected a moro suitablo plaon forgonuino
In another column will bo found an extract
from a letter of tho lion. Dudley Mann to tho Na
tional Intelligencer, in which ho speaks in the
highest terms of Old Point Comfort as a sommor
resort, and tho earo and attention bestowed upon
bis guests by our friend Col. Segnr, proprietor of
the llygeia Hotel.
Hospital Case .—A lad, named Charles Con
nell, aged nbout I t years, was aduiittod to tho
Pennsylvania Hospital, yesterday, having had an
arm brokon by falling on tho pavement, at Twelfth
and Fitzwater stroats.
Coroner Delavau was notified, last evening,
to bold an inquest on tho body of a man, named
John'Rielil, who died suddenly in Third streot,
übovo Poplar.
The following sales of stocks, real estate,
Ac., woro inadoby ftl- .Thomas & Sons lastovo
ning, at the Philadelphia Exobango:
300 shares Girard Bank slock, $S 02K to s9.l2**;
fllmro Mercantile I.ibrary Co., SSSO; Stockholder’s
season ticket Arch tdrvet Theatre, $11; 10 shares Phi
ladelphia Exchange Co , par $lOO, $6O 50; §CSO Rcrip
Delaware) Mutual Safety Insurance Co., 30 nor cent ;'S
First Mortgage Coupon Bonds, Lnrerne Anthracite Coat
Co., s,')oo each, 5 per cent.; $l,OOO Find Mortgago Cou
pou Bond. North CarLondalo Coal Co., 5 per cout.; two
story brick dwelling and bakery, ami frame stable, No.
20 Christian stieet, between Front and Water streets,
$3,975; three-stdir brick dwolling, No. 3)8 St. John
street, betneen Callowhlll and Wood streets, 5-1,430;
handsome residence, Wood streot, between liroad and
Union street', Burlington, New Jersey, $1,450; three
story brick dwelling, No. 125 North Ninth street, be
tween lUceaud Vine streets, $5,000; vuluablo residence,
No. 214 Ninth street, below Walnut street, $7,700
neat thri'i-story briek duelling, No 01 Stevens streot,
west of Fourth street, Cuimleu, New Jersey, $2,300;
tbree-stoiy brick store and duelling, No. 1127 South
Eighth stieet. corner of I.ittlo Washington street, lata
Southwark, $1,000; valuable lot, nearly six acres, on
tho ItiJgo turnpike, known as Wissahickon Square, be
tween the eight und niuo tulle stones, Twouty-Urst
Ward, $3,775.
A number of arrests Imvo recently been mado in
Camden of persons charged with being pickpock
ets “Torn Brown,” an old offender, has been
lodged in Camden county jail to answer a charge
of this character.
SuriEMUKR 22— Evening.— BreaiHtuffa are held with
tolerablo firmness, but buyers are fehy, and Flour is of
fered at $5 75 dP bbl lor standard shipping brands, * ith
sales to-day extras at this figuro, the local trade being
the only buyers, at prices ranging from ss.7srtso 25 for
common and good retailing brands; $Q.5OwB for extra
and freights, as to brand. Ryo Flour and Corn Meal Are
hold at $1 37J* srs 159 for tho former, and $4 bbl for the
latter, and but little selling. Wheats arc not so plen
ty, but there is none solllug for shipment, and only
about 3,600 bushelß havo been takcu by tho millers at
$1.30a5135 for reds, ami $1.40a51.45 for white, tho
latter for prime lots, which is rather scarce. Corn
moots with a fair demand at 60e, at which rato some
further sales are reported in store. Oats are wanted,
and if liore would command 37c for Southern and 38a39c
for good Pennsylvania. Bye is taken by the distillers
at 76c 4?* bushel. Ot Bark, a sale of 30 htuls drat quali
ty Quercitron was made at $4O 4P ton. Cotton is held
at old prices, but manufacturers aro not buying to any
extent, aud tho niarkot is very inactive at formor quoted
rates. Groceries aro also very quiet, tho sales being
only to supply the local trode, who are buying slowly at
the present high prices. Tho Provision market is in
activo and prices nio about tho same, Mesa Pork being
hold at $2O 50 bbl. Barou is scarce, with small sales
of Hams to note, at Sides atlsX®ls}£c,
Shouhleis at 13ail3,J*o bbl, on time. Whiskey I s
selling ut 24c for hhds, and 25«r20c for bbls, Beeds
There in nothing new in the market for Clover or Timo
thy, and prices rauge at $7e57.25 foe the former, and
bushel for the latter.
(Prom the New York paj*r. Q r lait .veiling.]
Thk Law of Tbadk-Makks—Clare’s Spool
Cotto Z.-Supreme Court-General Term.-Jno
Claris Jr. ngt. Geo. Clark and another.
—The plaintiffs are manufacturers at Mile-End,
Glasgow, of spool-cotton. In lm they used the ir
present trade-mark, consisting of four concentric 1
circles, the inner one in gold, the next in 6ilver :
the next black, with letters in gold, the next in
silver, the whole bounded by two concentric
black lines. In tho inner circle is tho number
of tho cotton, in the noxt, “J. Clark. Jr. 4 Co.,
Mile-End, Glasgow;” J. Clark, Jr. 4 Co. being at
the top—Mile-End,-Glasgow, at the bottom. °ln
the next circle arc the words, “ Six cord cabled
thread, warranted 200 yards.” In the outer circlo
aro tho words, “Sole agont, Wm. Wbitewright,
New York.”
J. 4 J. Clark A Co. aro also manufacturers of
the same artiole, at Seed Hill, Paisley; the de
fendant. George Clark, is their agent. They have
o? , Bolt J largely of tho article in the United
, 1 10 defendants, some years after the
plaintiff? trade mark was well known, adopted
one for thoir cotton to be sold in the United States,
consisting of concentric spaces of precisely the
sumo dimensions as those of the plaintiffs, of tho
same colors, in the same order, with tho letters in
black or in gold, as in tho plaintiffs’. There is
the same number for tho Inner circle, with the
k /. n ;! of *'™P- In the noxt circlo are tho
word. “ Clark A Co., Seed Hill, Paisley.” Clark
„• “ elu S “t tho top, 01 in tho plaintiff,)', and
" or<ls i « far as they go, aa tho plaintiffs’;
and tho other worda put bolowT and in the reverse
order, aa aro alao tho plaintiffa’, though thcae iaat
words oro entirely different from the plaintiffa'.
‘fen”" 1 ' “ Six cord cabled thread,
warranted 200 yards, precisely as in the plain
tiffs —in black ground and gold letters-and in tho
outor oirolw the words “ Solo agent, Goorgo Clark,
New lork.” The words “ sole agent, New York ”
being the samo &s the plointiffs p in every respect
oven as to thoir position, tho placo of their begin
ning and ending, and tho stamp for the letters
being exooUy alike also in both.
There. Is thus an evident design to Iraitato the
plaintifls’ mark, and it is successfully carried out
by actually transferring the face of the plaintiffs’
dm to tho defendants’ in ail respects, except that
tho plaintiffs’havo on theirs “Wm. Whitewrfght,”
“Mile End, Glasgow,” “J. Clark, Jr 4 C 0.,”
when the defendants have “George Clark.” “Seed
Hill, Paisley,” « Clark A Co.”
The law or trade-marks is of recent origin, and
may be comprehended in the proposition, that a
dealer “ has a property in his trade-mark.” The
ownership is allowed to him that he may have the
exclusive benefit of tho reputation which his skill
has given to articles mode by him, and that no
other may be able to soil to the public as his that
which is not his. An imitation of his mark with
partial difference, such as the publio would not ob
serve, does him tho same harm as an entire coun
If tho wholesale buyer, who is most conversant
with the marks, is not Jmisled, hut the smaller re
tailer or tho consumer is. tho injuir U the same in
kind and differs only in degree. The right of ac
tion must exist for the last as well as the first. If
all consumers do not discriminate, in the end it
would be indifferent feven to the wholosalo buyers
from which of the two they bought, aud thus the
extent, also, of the injury would be as great as if
they also were deceived. It would follow that the
defendants in this case should be enjoined from
using tho mark which thoy now use, and from any
imitation of it with only oolorable differences. But
the injunction should not be as broad as it was
originally granted. It should bo soexpressed that
the defendants might distinctly understand what
is prohibited.
The plaintiffs complain that tho defendants
caused to be inserted in the newspapers an adver
tisement that “Clark’q spool cotton was sold whole
sale ouly by Goorgo A. Clark,” and that their cot
ton had obtained the designation of “Clark’* spool
cotton.” The defendants show that their adver
tisement was inserted in consequence ef the plain
tiffs having previously caused to bo inserted in tho
daily papers an advertisement that “dark’s spool
cotton, too genuine article, has the name of wil
liam Whitowrighfc on every spool.” Both parties
deal in spool cotton, and, os Doth are of tho same
name, each is entitled to have his called by the
namo of “Clark’s spool cotton.” The advertise
ment of oaoh was, therefore, unjustifiable.
The defendants’ advertisement, if intended only
iudireotiy to negative tho plaintiffs, must be con
sidered as part of awarof advertisements, in which
neither has tho right to call upon the court to in
tercede in his behalf until ho lays down the hostile
weapons which ho has assumed, and comes in a
peaceful attitude to ask for the protection of the
( For this reason the injunction shoald not bo con
tinued as to the advertisement, unless the plaintiffs
stipulate to forbear such advertisements as they
liavo inserted. The injunction should be modified
in this respect also.
Fatal Effects of Rowdyisjt.— About 7 o’clock
this (Tuesday) morning, James Morris and two other
men, in a partial state of intoxication, entered the
infamous don 304 Water street, kept by ono John
Allen, (or, as he is better known, Van Allen,) and
in an insulting manner demanded drinks of Richard
Morrissey, tho bar-tonder. The latter at first re
fused to comply with the demand.,but in afewmo
monts afterwards told Morris that ho and his
friomls could havo some liquor provided they would
icavo tho house immediately and not make asy
At this tho rowdio3 took umbrago, and com
menced an assault upon Morrissey with their fists
and beer bottles which stood on the counter. Mor
ris struok the bar-keeper in the face with his fist,
and while his confederates wore boating Morris
sey over the counter with boor bottles, Morris work
ing himsolf into a groat passion, ran behind the
bar and commenced Deating Morrissey on the head
with a bottlo. Morrissey then seized a doable-bar
rolled pistol, which he kopt for use in cases of
emergency,' aud dischareea ono barrel upon tho
floor, thinking by so doing to frighten away his
assailants, but it not having the desired effect, he
raised the pistol aud fired at Morris, who at tho
timo was beating him on the head with the bottle.
The bullet took effect in the mouth of Morris, who
fell to tho floor a corpse, death having ensued al
most instantly. The companions of the deceased
thou ran out of the place and escaped, but one of
them was afterwards found drunk in bed by tho
Fourth Preoinot Police, who conducted him to the
Station House.
Tho remains of deceased wore also taken to the
polioo station, and the coroner notified to hold an
inquest. Nobody but the trio of rowdies and the
barkeopor were in the place at the timo of the
shooting, but Jane Myers, a femalo living in the
neighborhood, was looking in at tho front door, and
witnessod the affair from (he beginning to the end.
Sho, it is understood, fully justifies Morrissey in
shooting tho deceased. Tho bar-tender was prompt
ly arrested, and taken to the look-up to await the
result of the ooroner’s inquisition. Morris, the de
ceased,lived at 22 Batavia street, where he has
loft a widow, to whom he had boen married some four
years. Thoy havo nochildrcn. Morris was a ship
caulker by occupation.
(From the New York Evening Post of lost night.]
Relief for the Sufferers—Arrival of More Pas
There is little to add to the melancholy record of
the loss of tho Central America. The statements
already given to the publio embrace an unusually
full account of almost every fact connected with
the distressing event, and have been road with in
tense intorestoy tho whole community. No intel
ligence has been received of further rescued per
sons, although a hope is entertainod by many that
the vessel seen by Mr. Black, the boatswain, near
the wreck, when it wont down, may have picked
up somo others.
The steamship Alabama, which arrived from Sa
vannah this morning, brings Messrs. H. H. Childs,
Jnbcz Holmes, Samuel W. Look, and B. H. Ridley,
of tho wrecked steamship, who were taken into
Savannah by the barque Saxony.
To tho list of the lost we have to add the namo
of Daniel Mulrovy, of Pittsburgh. Pa.
Yesterday nfternoon a mootingof merchants was
held at the Atlantic Insurance Building in Wall
street. Pelatiuh Perit in tho chair, at which the
following resolution was adopted;
Resolved, That a committee be Appointed to adopt
measures to raise funds to relieve the sufferers saved from
the wreck of the steamship Central America, as well as
for the families of those officers who perished in the dis
charge of duty, and also present eomo proper testimo
nial for the humanity displayed by those who were
instrumental in the roscuo of the passengers and
Mr. A. A. Low offered tho following, which was
Resolved, That it is tho sense of this meeting that,
when not otherwise directed by the donors, tho money
shall bo applied:
First— to tho relief of tho immediate sufferers.
Secondly— For tho relief of tho family of tho officers
and crew.
Thirdly —ln rewarding thoso who have been instru
mental in tho rescue of those saved, in such propor
tions os tho committee may seo fit.
Mr. J. I). Jones moved tho appointment of A.
A. Low, Esq., as Treasurer, to whom contributions
may be sent. Carried.
Nino hundred dollars were subscribed on the
(Reported for Tho Tress.]
Quautek Sessions— Judge Conrad. — The Libel
Suit between the “ Newr' and the Sun •
Mr. Ashmead one of tho defendant’s counsel. There
was a caso fixed peremptorily for to-day. It is the
case of tho Commonwealth vs. Fletcher. I havo
coiuo from Now York expressly fur tho purpose of
trying it. aud if tho early part of tho day bo con
sumed by trying small cases, I fear thoro will not
bo time to finish it to-day.
Judge Conrad intimated that thoro fcresome
cases which wore pressing, which ho would take up
first. Thoro woro thensome liquorcascstakeu up.
In tho case of Dennis McCloud, charged with
selling liquor without a license, Mr. Cassiday ap
plied to the Court upon tho part of tho defendant
topoatpono tho caso till to-morrow morning. The
District Attorney said that ho would opposo the ap
plication as strenuously as ho could, as thoro woro
over six hundred bills of this sort to be tried, and
it was mado n public boast outside this Court that
all these defendants had to do wa3 to come down
and pay the costs of a bonch warrant, and that
would end it.
Tho Court said—That although disposed in this
caso to accommodatocounsel, yet itcould not, with
out the consent of tho District Attorney, moko any
James LalTcrty was charged with selling liquor
without licouso. Tho defendant keeps a tavern at
tho corner of Second and Master streets. The de
fendant asked for a postponement until to-morrow
morning. < Tho caso was proceeded with. Mr
Bull applied for a postponement for an hour. The
Court said the caso was beforo tho jury, and could
not bo withdrawn. Vordlct guilty.
William Carroll was charged with selling liquor
without license. Verdict guilty. Wm. M- Bull
for tho defendant.
An application was made to tho Court by Mr.
Bull in tho caso of Lawrence Riloy, charged with
homicide, that a witness was here from Boston, and
ho would ask the District Attornoy to fix a day for
tho positive trial of tho case. The Court, upou
consultation with tho District Attorney, fixed Mon
Court of Quaiiter Sessions.— Beforo Judge
Conrad.— Commonwealth v. Joshua S, Fletcher.
Libel.— Tho caso of Joshua S. Fletcher, publisher
of tho Daily Sun newspaper of this city, was
called up yesterday in the Court of Quarter Ses
sions, iu which ho was charged with having pub
lished a libel in that paper, on May 23d, 1857, on
the character of John P. Sanderson, editor of the
Commonwealth was represented by Wm. B
Mann, District Attornoy, Hon. James Cooper, and
J. Aloxandor Simpson, Esq. The defence by John
W. Asiimead, W. M. Bull, and Geo. A. Coffoe.
Thisoaso occupied tho Court all of yesterday.
Jury out.
[CctTMpAiuicDM of TL« Pre**.] t
New York, Sept. 22, 1857—5.30 P. M.
The Banks have been ‘more liberal to-day than
they have been for a long time, and hare dis
counted to the foil amount of their receipt*, and in
some instances beyond them. Their ftatement of
yesterday is regard edj«« favorable; and all things
considered, I mu3t report that money ii a great
deal easier than it has been—that if, that good pa
per has been in demand at the present high rates
of interest—lB to 2 o percent. There Is no doubt
that the action of the Banks has contributed to the
improvement, and shoald it continue, ut we hope
it will, rates must come down in the street, and
real, substantial relief afforded to those who are
obliged to borrow.
The reported heavy failures in neighboring
citic3 have a depressing influence, because they
keep alive a continual apprehension of new dis
asters; and the weak condition of the New Eng
land banks, as shown by their last weekly state,
ment, is a black cloud oa our financial borim,
from which a storm U feared- But it is confidently
hoped that this cloud will pass away without
doing any harm. The last accounts from Boston
are better. The banks have began again to dis
count, and the panic of lost week is gradually
dying away. The movement among the city
banks to discontinue tho payment of interest on
deposits does not gain ground. Some banks
are very anxious to accept the proposition bat
others are disinclined, and it is probable, therefore,
that tho matter will fall to the ground. Foreign
Exchange is very dull Sterling ranges from Iosa
19* 1- Francs 5.2uafi.30, with a downward tenden
cy. While this continues, and there is no present
prospect of a change, specie will not be reported,
and ns our grain crop is now moving, to be paid
for ir com. not in railroad iron and merchandise,
os we have no demand for these articles, we msy
soon have a return of no considerable portion of
the specie which we have sent away. Freights are
much more active, and this U a good and prem
ising of au early return of better times.
The Clearing House settlement co-day was made
with the usual promptitude. 1 The clearings were
$17,260,679.83, and tne balances paid in Coon were
$683,920.86. The cash transactions at the Sab-
Treasury to-day were: Receip{s,slB2.o73.2o;
meats, $290,968,64; balance, $10,083,466.65. The
receipts for duties at the Custom-house to-day were
$OO,OOO. The only city failures reported to-day
sre those of C. W. Forbuch A Co., stove dealers
and Farley, Morrison, 4 Co., leather dealers. The
Huguenot Bank of New Paltx, NewTork,hns re
sumed business. It is reported, but I cannot vouch
for the statement, that a German banking house
of this city has made arrangements with the Mer-
Saving Bank of Chicago to send forward
1.000,000 bushels of wheat by the Erie Railroad.
At a meeting of the stockholders of the Miefai
gan Southern Railroad, held at Utica, on the 19Ur
lost., it was
Re solved, That the stockholder* in the Michigan
Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Company, in
the county of Oneida, New York, here represented, are
of opinion that an entirely new Board of Director* of
said road should be chosen at the approaching election.
Resolved, That stockholders in th?* county deem
themselves entitled, by the amount of stock held here,
to a representation in the Board of Directors.
Resolved, That a copy of the above be presented
to tho meeting of stockholders, to be held on the 251 h
[Per “ Europa” from Boston.]
New Yotr, Monday. Sept, fl, ISST.
Our last advice* were to the JSthinst. Affairs seemed
on the improvement, when newt of tha melancholy loos
of the steamship Central America, with its cargo of
$1,600,000 in gold, was received, and disappointed the
hopes of those who had been looking forward to this im
portant arrival as likely to alia/ tho present crisis. The
lo*s of the treasure is total ; about ,000,000 of which
is believed to be insured in Londtn, arat the remainder
In the United States. The insurance companies having
immediately declared that they would waive the coo*
tomarv delays and pay the lo*seaaiance,avnox«<ia>et
feeling followed the announcement.
The money market as yet shows no favorable change
in rates, bat the Banks have discounted a little more'
freely, and there have been fewer and lev important
failures in this city. Oa the other aide, heavy raspea
. liens are reported in Boston and Philadelphia: and
throughout the cities in the Interior, In the Eastern.
Middle and Western States, money is to the last degree 1
stringent. Thus far, however, the Wert seems to have
withstood the crisis better than had been expected.
In every part of the country the crepe have never
been so abundant as now, and it requires but a few weeks
to realise upon them, to enable us to overcome the dif* •
fieultie* that at present beset us.
The Stock market has been inactive and prices hare
again declined. Speculation, whether for a rise or fall, '
is almost suspended, and transactions are mostly con
fined to sales mode for account of parties who are forced
to sell. The heaviest decline of the week is is Michi
gan Central, Reading, and Chicago and Bock Island '
State Stocks havo been active. Missouri Virginia
in particular, with an advance oti some of them. Vir
ginia has advanced per eent.; Tennessee Cali
fornia, 1875, sales at 55; North Carolina 1 per cent. -
higher; Kentucky and Ohio, ISBO, no change; Georgia,
sates at 100; Missouri bona* hare changed from TIB to
69# } closing 1 per cent, below our last advices.
City and County Bonds —We note taiee of MRwav-'
kce and Chicago bond* at a decline of 5 per cent.
Railroad Bondi—Lower Erie, 1871, have declined $
per cent; do h 75, sale* at 55, and 1863 at 43; N Y Cen
tral 6s have declined 2 per cent; do 7a, 3; Illinois Cen
tral Construction Bonds rose to 85 V, receding to 82,
being a fail of 2*s for the week.
Railroad Shares —Generally lower; sales moderate,
chiefly for cash. Erie h« declined per cent; Read
ing 7.V» N Y Central 4£; Michigan Central 7; Panama
1; Michigan Southern preferred Illinois Central 6W; ;
Cleveland and Toledo Chicago and Rock Island 7;
Galena and Chicago Cleveland and Pittsburgh 1
Hudson River Pacific Mail 2%; Mllwaakie and
sisaippi 1 per cent Michigan Southern has advanced
Ijjf; Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati, without
change; sales of Ohio Trust at 8 }{
Moskt—Extremely close. First-class paper !5034; ■
accond-clas do almost uusaleable at 24 to 36 percent. 1
ExcaxxGßa—Bates lower and extremely irrcguliw; -
business very limited. London 107»107W: Fra*Ss.2o
to 5.25.
With regard to tho Btoek market, I cannot report
any improvement. Stocks conk lower this odor
niu|, with limited sales. There was a alight rally
at tne Second Board, bnt nothing indicative of any :
permanent advance. Holders are obliged to rea
, lize, and thus force stocks on the market, and out
siders who have money only buy for investment in
what they believe to be “good” stock*, and
tempted by present low prices. Speculation may
he said to cease to exist. As you will perceive,
nearly all the operations are for cash. Chicago
and Rock Island, which closed yesterday at 651,hard
fallen to-day to fi2J. Illinois Central opened at
87$, foil to SGI, and closed at 87. Reading closed
at the Second Board at 42j, an improvement of
since morning; Erie closed at 17}, a slight advance
from yesterday; GalenaChicagodeclinedl; Penn
sylvania Coal Company 1}; Cumberland Coal Com
pany has advanced |; Panama is j lower, and New
York Central closed at 66!—yesterday’s price.
Ashes.—The market is very quiet, with soles at
$7.87)4 f <* mi ST.o6#3s7 for pearls.
Bbeadstuffs.— I The demand is a trifle less octire than
yesterday. The sales are 4,850 bblaat $5.50055.60 for
common to good State; ss.Sossfi for extra; ss.sotfss 60
for common to good Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Ac; $6.25
i 557.75 for extra and choice do; s7%sss for extra Gene
see , ami $6 75a$S for extra St Louis. Southern Flour
is quiet at $5.70£56 for mixed to good Baltimore, Alex
andria, 4c; $6 for extra and fancy do; sales
709 bbla. Canadian Flour is unchanged, with Bales of
400 bbli at $5 50 c$o 65 for super and $6d57.15 fbr extra.
Bye Flour is firm, with sales of 100 bbls at $4055.4D.
Corn Meal is unchanged at $4,153^4.60.
Coffee is quiet, with holder* 'standing out for full
prices. I annex the weekly circular of Wm. Scott, Cof
fee Broker, published this day: >
Stock of Rio on the 15th September, 1857.. .80,779 bags ;
Received since to date 7,204
Sales estimated at,
Stock of Rio
do of Java
do of do Got.
do of Cerlon
do of Maracaibo
do of L&gaaj'ra
do of St. Domingo
do of Bahia
on 22d September, ’57....84;129bag*
“ ....10,175mat*
“ “.... 400 bag*
“ “ T2O “
Bags and Mata 110,663
Quotations.—Rio—-Prime, 12012#c.,4 mo*.; Good,
ll#ell#c.,4 moa.; Fair, 11c., 4 mo*.; Ordinary, 10#
®lo#c M 4 mos. Java—Mats and bags.lOMOlTc., 6 moa.;
Native Cejlon, 13c., 4 moa ; Maracaibo,-12# olS#c., 4
mos.; Laguayra, 13013#c.. 4 moa.; St Domingo, U#c.,
Cotton.—There is almost nothing doing, and prices are
nominal. 1 repeat my last quotations;
Upland. Florida. Mobile. N. 0. k Tex.
Ordinary 12# 12# 32# 12#
Middling 15# 15# 15# 15#
Middling Fair....l6# 16# 16# 17
Fair 10# 16# notn. notn.
Geaix. —Wheat is in good demand, with sales of 43, *
000 bushels at $1.35a5l 50 for Southern white K
$1.23<251.30 for do. red; $1 50 for prime white Mis
souri; $1 2o for redjlnduma, and $1.25 for red Ohio.
Oats are lower with a better supply. State is quoted at
43245 c. Western at 45e47e. Rye is doll and heavy at
80c. Barley is unsteady at SBc Corn is doll at a de
cline, with sales of 10,000 bushels at 78©79cfor mixed
Western. Southern whito and yellow are nominal.
Hat —ls heavy, with sales of 300 bales at Gos7oc for
Hides are unchanged. There is no prospect of holders
conceding to buyers, and tire rersa.
Iron—The market ia quiet without any change from
former quotations.
Leatuer—There is a little unsteadiness in Hemlock
and Oak, hut prices arc about the same.
Naval Stores—Spirits of Turpentine are heavy at 46c
cash. Crude is quiet at former prices. Common rOrin
is heavy at $1 85 IP" 310 lbs. Finer qualities are quiet.
T&r sells insmaU lots at unchanged prices.
Oils—Crude Sperm is duller at $1.30, other kinds are
steady at former prices. Linseed is in slight request at
77«s7Sc for American, and 79sr$Ocfor English.
Pnousio.vs —Pork is quiet with very little doiug at
?21.C0j525 for moss, and $2O for prirno. sates 150 las.
Reef is heavy at $l5 50«?$17. for repacked Western, hnd
$l7 50J$1$ lor extra, with sales of 50 bbls. Bacon is
steady at yesterday’s rates. Lard is higher at 14# a
No change in Butter or Cheese.
Svuius are a trifle rnoro active without any change
in prices. Cuba is quoted at 7e9c dutv paid.
Win seey is unsteady, with soles of 300 bbls at 24»
24# c.
150 Had RR 37#
30 Third Ar B 80
, 25 do "9#
! 10 Mich Cen R 55#
25 Panama R 81
50 Gal & Chic R 66#
150 do 66
60 111 Cen R 87#
437 do *3 86
10 do 86#
100 do alO 86
50 do 830 86#
125 Cleve k Pitts R 14#
100 do 14#
5 Clev ColACln R SO#
5G do 80
50 do b3O 80#
lOOCleveATotR 31
50 ChieAßlsld H 63#
50 do 65
50 do 64 #
45 do 64#
152 do 64
100 do 63#
IS La C A 31111 R 12
100 do aid 12
100 N Y Cen R C6#
75 Read R 41#
6,000 Virginia 6s SC# |
0,000 N C St 63 92
6,000 Ohio St 6s’S6 95 I
3,000 Missouri St C»<} GO
10,000 do *3 60 V I
1,000 Cal St 7a ’7O s‘i |
3,700 N Y St 5s ’oS 95 I
1,000 N Y Ceu R 6s 75 j
500 111 Cen R Ids 52 I
1,000 do bd# I
1,000 LaCAMiI Land
Grant bis 30 |
27 Bank or Com 94
8 Metropolitan Bk 95
25 St Nicholas Jik S 7
10 Park Bank 85 #
55 Bnk St of X Y c S 7
20 Paulic M S S Co 69
50 N Jersey Zinc 5#
25 DclAHud Coi 100
50 do 105#
3:1 do 105#
100 Pa Coal Co c CS#
350 Curnb Coal Co 10
250 do 9#
735 Erie Railroad s 3 IC#
100 do 10 >.
2:0 do c 17#
2,000 Cal St 7« >75 65 |
3,000 Cal St 7s’7o 55 j
3,000 Mo St Cs 69 !»' I
9 : 000 do 60# |
5,000 Virginia 6s 8d
1,000 N Y Cen R Cs 76
500 111 Cen R bda S3#
1,000 Harlem R lstm C 9
10 Meh SAN I prf stk 35
25 Park Bonk 58
20 Am Ex Bnk 90#
00 do 90
10 Bk St of N Y c 87
3d Bnk of America 101
60 DelAHud Cnl Co 105#
25 Pacific MSSCo 6*
CO do C 3
54 Pa Coal Co c 63
60 do C7#
100 Cum Cuil Co 10
50 Canton Co 15#
200 Erie R 17#
1100 Erie R *lO 17 #
[lOO do sIQ 17#
400 do* 17#
100 do 17 \
20 Harlem R g
3QPanuna R gq
10“ do ggif
32 CleveAPitt* R 141?
200 Cleve k Tol Rl3 gIS
lJOChicAßima £*
100 do b3Q £•■*
w do “* gg
101) XT Cen R o S*
1A £ ■
ISniCeSR .. *
. 3,854 bags
“....10,644 “