The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 21, 1857, Image 3
liETTER »AG& ' ’ Mfnhunty.Bztkn%s*, FftflodtipAia. , 8% us Li or pool Sept 26 Br^r-2^;OoVlsU;t--u;.....LondoD4oprv- 1 SeptJ? BSI b' ‘FI OffeW .SanFrancißOo, soon Barque Annaeßota. Col?/.. v> • *-.-V* 4 -H’ o Janeiro* soon ''l '459*1*8? £*U£W*ELPHtAi Scpt. at, J.BST, SCNJIStM..... ,£j,4,6 M~SDNBIiM,. .6 00 /TTHV*' -v. 5 .•,.ARRIVED. 1 «'.ir ,-.<■/ .. i i ; ’jEuteher/ Collins, ia days from New Organs,iwitkmM tbPettit, Martin & Co.'Sept «Ift Ist a 44, lou7Bi'encountered a terrific gale from N KB, sad which continued without much intermission until the 18th, daring which she shifted some treroen-i done scab, and losihaTfofjdeCk load, consisting of empty darta. On the 18th; pawed thS marts of a Bqnare' rig tf&fcvfasrt anfl. several pieces of wreck. •• Brig Muuge Park, Nicholas days from-’cardehas, with 71 hhds sugar to Grant & Bon. ■At noon'llth in stant,'south of Cape Hatteras, pawed a large rteam ship, painted black, exposed to bathe Central, America. rtcoT&ig NEbyN, wind Wowing 'strong from NW, and weather thick and rainy—observed nothing in the mo tlons of the ship to create apprehensions of ‘ distress or danger. On tha 12th; while scudding under clpso' reefed topsails during a terrlfle-gaie, saw; a steamship; sup ptfeedf same, laboring very heavy, without steam, remained in sight df her about half an houj,but she showed no signal of distress.' The M.T.-lost main sail end long-boat'whUdiylog to in tlie gale.' ’Capt N never before encountered so tlolentu gale. > > r 1 Brig Ocean Traveller, Sargent, 4 days from Portland, with mdse to.B A fonder * Co. ‘ 1 • Jlrschr Mariner,' Atkinson, lb days from gackvilie, HB,.wilh plniter to John.Rßuo. • i ■ , SchrSaco, Focemlre, 6 day. fromdamM* Blvor, with grslii toTlioaßicJiardeoni Co. i Sohißßsrtrethßj BKamiT Sk» from Quincy, Mass! wlth.pdm to Barker & Co. ■ ' ; ’ ;.M«Bl»t f: 'rMomiro, 6 d«js from Blohmond, with VBohr.H»ttiO!Annsh, loplej, .6 days from Boston,'ld hpllat to Noble, Hummett ft. Rampbell. • ’■ '■Schr B.'S. danes, Townsend,.6 dare from Savannah! utstM? 'f >Wrtln ft 00. Sept.' 14th, JMWM; log. 7?, jessed » three masted echr bsdly »r»lad, steering N, nhder clot* tcefed fore and msln Mils—the othef sails apparently gone: sho was deeply laden; pilnted leaS color with no boat, snanker boom cut Water, galley op house; bulwarks gone, and the water breaking aefoas her decks, but she wanted no aa- . sutance'f the -wind 1 and sea 3 were high and storming, could not make but her name. The following midnight, 80; loA-73,’'while nhder easy sail, fell in’With a •MraatAeadlng,-o,.lrat she. wyotsediher,-bourse, and OTrajed- ntarins^td I .Windward;''she ,bleff her whistle; then fell;’ltewwd ’hnd-tebppM Mtwh; feuppotoi bar ftfWto Ugtit t but at apyi lighFshe *tni ’iiTiilgfct.* 33frrvfrwiher L Tra8 Very’ stormy, with atrsmendoniftea rumung at the time. % - Echr Gov. Wm A Newell, Bonnet, ’’ 7 data fronT.WH mingte»VJf CwtthsaVal stores toJainis Baker. • ' Sdbr Belie, VerriU, 12 days fromOalaU,- With plaster to ualvin. : ‘ 7 • / - Schr Tiger, Colson, 12 days from Btaghr; with lumbar to*Twel!s?Gasklll dc-Galrfa: - ' •’« ■' 1 ' Schr T Benedict, Goldsmlthi 4-days from New Haven, in ballast to Hayes, l Smith* A Co/ * >* ’ • - Schr from Orient,-Ll,'ln ballast to lteppiier*-Bro <; ' < : . : - - • Sdhr .'Wostover, - Nickerson, 1 3 days from New York, withmdMtoOrowell*Collins. - Sohrßaml Castner,Garwood,- 6 days from Boston: in ballMt to Bogers, Sinnickion A Co. • f • ? ' SchrPranols.A Floming.-Hall, 3 deys from New York, in ballMt to C A Hecksher & Co: *f - Sehr-A Beaton. Byan,-4 days from Providence, in | ballast to Hayes, Smithy A Co. Schr.APhaio, Alleh, from Virginia. - Schr Zi P.Pharo; Cramer; 5 days from Boston, -in bal last to Lewis Bothormei.* ' BchrCol«tine<iPlts, from New York. '■ > ' r w ,v '- Schr Theresa O.Gcndy, 6 days from Boston', in’ballfust to Tyler, Stone. ArCo.’ * • -t 1 i'. - Schr Lebanoah, Teal. 4 days from Now Haven, iii bal last & Co: ? - Steamer-Kennabec, 1 Hand, 20 hours from Now York, with mdse and passengers, to James Alldeidice. Saw a coat loaded, on the lower end of Zoo.: Blogger, Jhad. a signal of distress flying,but on nearing her could see nobody on board. 1 , * , J • BfTnakKD—SchrPehneylvanla, Fargo, hence for Nor wich, with-a cargo ot coal, etrack on Marcos Hook-Bar Bth Inst, and immediately Ailed: ■- Oapt F had two light er load Staton Cut; and subsequently engaged the services of steam tug J.L Poser .Which polled her off, and the oity forrepairs. ‘ ! AT QUARANTINE. BanjnoElissbeth J-Thomas, from Kfcoga ton; Jain, ,• -* , . CLEARED* •' * >, Barque Thos AUibono, Thompson. New Orleans, Pet-' tit, Martin & 00. \ . > . Brig Albion, Parker,.-Liverpool, NS ThosVT&tson Sc Sons. , ;~ii Brig Oroaimbo, Rosobrook, Boston, L. Audenried Sc 00. i ,\ til’ . Behr W Q Mershon, Hershoo, Nrvr Orleans, J Baker; i Sahrßßßernard, Hbffiies, Charleston, CMiller & Co. Schr 8 G Ring, Andrews. Alexandria, T Webster, Jr. AchyjA^Heaton, -Ryan, Providence, Hayes, Smith Sc COi'i;’} ‘iii'4’ ' • ' ' -Behx'Z.Benedirt, Goldsmith;; do l - --do * - • ftcbr ThDSPotferv Glover; do RcppHcr St Bro Schr BCastnor, Garwood,'Boston, Rogers, Slnnickion /Sfff.'xA-r j. ;* U'-‘ r flchriF A Fleming, Small, Portsmouth, Ohas A Heck sher ACo/'v.V vitH /,.: *' do, Bancroft; Lewis t ? P PhjiofcrinmW'Bostoh. Lewis. Rothcrmcl.s 0 GtadJ*. Sklem; Tyler, Btone St Co. * Schr Hampden Bello, Alexander. Boston, Tan Baled: 1 Norton A Co. ‘~ t: ?> i * SchrOliVe.’Trsd«r,-GC6rgetown'. 2 ■’ ■ 'do* ; SchrLPhlegerObihCe,Baltimore, • do Schr Mary Adellne/Travers, Washington, do-i. ' Schr Baerfa-Tirta, Lynch. New Haven,' I do 1 Schr Anna B Hares. Hand, Hartford, - do' SchrCh&RCanbll,Pratt,’ do'. • - do Schr Levi Howe, Thomas Bridgeport,' ' 'do Schr Halifax, Lyrtd, Salerb, 1 -— 1 do - • ‘ Sloop Plantei', ‘MerHthew f ,‘Wilmington,’ Del., Sl’Cnl- Jbugh A Co. <• 1 ’ vr?**. >- - , ' - *.•*> j Steamer H. L. Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A. Groves iJ Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange; " 'LBwxa;DelsSept.l2—3A-M. ' There aro some thirty sail of vessels In the Roadstead, including the cutter Forward, and schr.W. H. Mitchell. The harbor was ehtfrllybaro of vessels'yesterday, no thing going inoroutwortby of note. Windß, NE; with indications of nu approaching storm. : ?HYoors,*e:; « -’ f • W*., «;-i Y; ' Haw!Yi/RK, ( 20. AiairxD—Ship Rome, from .Glasgow; ship Zarctan, from Bark Mary. Anna, from Sncderland. Bitow—Ship Elizabeth Hamilton, from Liverpool. .... " , | Sbipßali' Eagle, Treadwell/cleared at Boaton XSth inst for East Indies. , deTahmlle,' Chamberlain,* from' Cardiff, Savannah 16th J»st. ,- Ship City of Mobile, Marshall, from New York.'at Mo- MolithiMt., Vu .'’, Ship Daihda , fl3',' srcCnntQck, from Chincha Inlands, 82 day#; #i*at NorfolkJBib inst. { f - lOtiUuS' '^ Teal,; hence, an at Norfolk' ( Jce^, v f MfhiwfJ Steamship Block Warrior;* Smith, from Now Orleans, viaHavuuL Ijfthlnat, arrat York yesterday, ’" BwkCor4eUahma»y*fceriee via Barbados, arrived at Kingston’, J# 23d ult.- * /r ‘4 - ’ -BarkSamoayiJayfofd, from Norfolk, at Kingston Ja, Bark Yenus, ; Arkley,-hence aixlvcd at New Castle, N. B/Bdhht, s> * 8 Bark 35, W.Tonltaey,Manxman, hence arrived op at New Orleans, 12 th ihstandwa^npio'return.. ; Bttk’Xtfcy r Atm'CarriganV for .Cardonas; cleared at N > ' Brig# EdWln] Oirmaii.'anjj W Brfakd, Drisko, hence atßonon?Sth jhsfl ,u * ,•> > ’ ■ * ■ - HKelloy, for Boston,salled from Baltimore 12toInst, v,*'i* 1 **, * ! **i >b *• i ,* Brig WfoyaWySwasly,- hence arrived at Boston 18th Utttl l,s r '''”, ’ 1 ,r \ ‘ Brig Charles Miller, Brewer, cleared,at Boston 18th fn*fr,‘jor Pieton. M '" <4 f ° r ’Mthjwas Brig PeHfard,' Coafiftet, henco arrived at 8t John, N BildtainstV “ Brig Brookline, Brannon; for Baltimore, cleared at'St lohn.Nß.'mhtoit:’ Brig Zone,’'Thomas,' for Philadenphia, sailed from Boston 18th Inst, , ‘ '• '■/» “ lenf^7th*}ist S^^ t ’ t, W* l f? r^a port,. Reared at,Si- Schr Edca Ci'Kellyj h’itice at Boston , . SchrsWar Steed; Stoithi Jo# P Cake.Bndlcoftr'Maiy Mih>, tawsrprankAßill,Cain/ Win L r J>ayton, Bab- BtMfc Bjatapnd, Young,- ana Walter & Lemuel; ' • jJWft Hartford, : ;Gri«woM; fcenee; at Ilar/ford, 171 a Schrs Olass BlowefyPalne, from klyrriouth for this port, and Sultanna,Fletcher,- from Wakefield! Ul, sup posed for do at NewpprilCth Inst and remained 17th. Schr Charlotte, Smith, hence at Patrtncket, 17th inrtf SChrO Atwater,Brown, sailed from Providence 17th Instforthlaport. '• <;"* " ■- - ,J ‘ Schr Ida, Corson, into .Havannah 16th' irisk'by the Alabama, reports killed from Wilmington, N C, Gth Inst w-*-New.- York, took tbo gale on’ Wednesday ip°fU" ixur, wltti head winds and severe weather, which lasted till Sunday, wholi thO .vessel was’; thrown' on her beam etuis and had to cutawayhOt 4 fore-mast to right her; In this condition, and with five feet water in her hold, waa spoJfrnip. Aif, on the Jdtfi lost, aboutBmUefl ES Eo? Uatter*«Bhodls, by the Alkbafaa, whdfook off the crew 1 and took tho schooner In tow. Schrs Cyclone, Dail/AlfixamlbrSl, dhristfei Bayttond. And NtiVJerdey;Worth, hence arrived at New 1 Bedford 18th instant. * ->■' 1 - WnT TiiomM Besw, hence at’Warebam, 18th instant. , r , S'Odoper, Bailed frod Wareham 19inst;, for Philadelphia. ■ gchr Start, Allon, from Wilmington,Bel., at Provi denoe 18th instant - i- ; ’ 1 Schr Mineryia. Brooks, from Delaware city. atProvi denca 13th Instant. ■ • ' J * Schr Busan Orlean, Bragg, hehce arrived at Prorf dencolSthinstdntJ ,r - ''' • • ' •' Bohr. Jnd.'Boger*,' Elliott.’ for Philadelphia;-sailed’’ fromPforidened 18thibsfant,> ■ ' ’ . # r Brig < Volant, arriv’eii at Bristol Mth iostant., - fft.PbUadelphie, was dt Kings-^ ton l J*njaica,'24thult,A< i adlpg- ,r. , ; ' -.• r Bog: Jstmqnt.J Bl)lpt.t,- from Wilmington. N.O, for .Boston arrive'd at Holmes’ Hole' 17lh lost, d JnbV for ' RWlftdelphU, sailod from , BOS Beatrice.,Byor, sailed Ifeth, and. Taratane 36th iMjfromWarebatn for Philadelphia., ;i .. , i nillls J."^® r » o bcc arrived at New Bedford 18th -• r ~, ,i ./ . - , f J ?p&?iK^bte oWer ’* alWfrom^ tro,,J ' ml2thlMt ■»?pwSaeffls»f“ •’ ’"^ e4 rrom T ' nn ? M ' lo,h inßt ’ “ n,4 ' fco[n IlttntonlBtl ‘' . ? 5, 5!“ fw ' ri’iliilclslila.Tnt IntoßdgariOwn 16th Inst, leaking conßiderablv, sup-- posed around tho lumber ,post,' and, remained. Wih>re., pairing. '* BehrKnight,hence.a»lved,atProvincetownllth.. 5 KfrfOn'tario, hen«?e, arrived at Braintree 16th,Ifist/ . t ,;.’j 4 >\ ], •.> j' ,; > . , - SfehrEdna O Kelly, abd Onward, Lamb, kenco.^ar *V&*Lfe*kttiBto;‘. - - - i Wbr EUlott,“Weaver, for Ooorgetown. 80, cleared at Boston Igthjjnai. ~ \ ° . Sehr Battleihake- Rboa, for Philadelphia, bailed from Kingston. Ja, 32d pit, since reported spoken; :'' • 1 SAfWmyOhn',‘for'Philadelphia, sailed from'New Haven 18th inst,., _ Btdjrioh/EogebsVfor Baltimore/ sailed from Pall River 17th inst, . ’ , ; t.™ BoUaet for Phil»- d«ipbW,Mle4ftonnnn»lh,VeßHth ln«t. • gtJobn.^SU^ l ' 4o ' ' B?lllraore ' de * red .»*• KiWolpU.,- flobr Martlio J.GwjO) State}, honco. »»lv(4 .t H!ch mendlSthinst. *"• 4 *' T jaffifthlnjf ’ ?‘ lor ’ fc<im Stamfo,sl l «'Ws4 atnicb- Scjir Sooth Shore, Door,' for PhllMclphU, wcntta Rp. from Wltatagtoh, SOT, (Bet.- Schr limn, O’SrtOa, from; Klchmdncl, at SaUSx loth ( WWt. • , -,„>, T rt =• 1- f . Bebra David and. Hannah Warwielffhcncbi'&rr ' ' at Alexandria, 19th Inst; -if.,' \ , •• - W. Boston, at CbftrUatotf •, - . ; ■ l .< ttltfei SSiJllteßllauMth, atPro. rldotaitut.-"--" : - EaiitSti, jCKubvick, -tailed frora' Merchant 12th (»tV,) kalloggfor Phtladel: b‘ jnSiirf,’ bWii; * atEortooKtt nut." •'•"•- ‘ ’ ’ i 'i£feW'''W> Thacker, cleared at Boaton 19 th tart for Bristol, Alien,. ;«iW?fe#lteJ*«WWUiSjaS for Philadelphia,-- , -,,-t .'i. ■' fi .-o*4 mtJ t.» m*»* i«*-» i»* ' if /t v-* .4.jr ;' \wi fn»tr-M44, long«,■.ship Ctv«tto, (ot Riclimond, Me,)p«n6ury, from shields for Kpw York, . • ' 17th 46’ 10, long 69, a ship, steering E, show ing GrinneU A Minturn’s Liverpool signal.. . , MISCELLANY. Ship Genoa,- Pennell, »t , Kew Orleene, .18th W’ g: porta that, during q severe .gale, August 12, let 33 30, long 73-56, lost main-topmost and imatcn-top-galiant roast, which caused the flhip tq lP a k at tho rata oi m inehoa per-houn,.. „ ’ By a lettea- from Beaufort,- NO, September »'J>i> WO learn that tho achrn dbarlos McOloos, from Wilmington, for New York, with wheat, .and ,B 0 Staimrd, Jr, for ' Washington. DO, with .lumber, harbor b^ fore the ffale. ( During the gplo .of-fha 12th the two veaaelsran afoul of each other,.receiving, considerable damage: in attempting to BlipiboircahlestoKetcl «■, them went ashore. The Chwlg McO.lces was full of water, and has had her cargo, taken out, and they 18thInst,from Jeremio Sd.inst. 1 , kt 27 42, lon-7260, .experienced a heavy .gatOf stlll more violent gale on the 9th, during wlitcH was throwq on her beam ends,with yard armsin ; Gie water; Anally got before the wind,, and scudded, under bare poles, sprung a leak, and was obliged tokeppall hands at the pumpsforSO hours;. split Balls, Ac; threw overboard about3otons of logwood, i •/ lt . .. ...NORFOLK, Sep; 18-Schr Lydia, .B Copperthwaite, from Charleston fort New York, put ip* here in distress. ... • NOTICE TO MARINERS. New LiGflT-lIouBE at Bdtch Island, Rhode Island. —A new lieht-houseand keeper’s dwelling having been erepted on Dutch Island, R. 1., in place of tho old one, the temporary light exhibited during the erection of the nowhuildlngs will be discontinued on and after the 25th instant, 1 antHhe light exhibited from that time from the lantehi of the'new tower; • • >' '• The dwelllDg-hduse and- towCr are- built of brick In connection. aud both whitewashed; - - - '’ThC'base of tho tower is twenty and a- half feet, and the centre of tho light' fifty-six feet abova mean low water.' The-llghtwill-bo Qxedjof^tho 1 natural color, and Visible around the whole horUou; produced by a fourth <hdor catadioptric iilnminating apparatus of tho syatom of Fresnel; and should bo eeeil from the dock of avesael flftoftnfeet ftbovfeUhc ; water,,at a distance of fourteen nautical miles, under Ordinary states: of.tho at mosphere. - - ’ ' - - . ILB.HUNT, - - - Lieutenant Corps of Eugineers. ' Light-HotsbEkoinebr OrnoH. 1 , * ’ ; •••’ Bristol, R;l.\Seiit. 11, 1867. •« ' ' : BOSTOK,'Sept 19—Att this day, Wtiue Out*, (of N York) Daoknan, MmnUla, IstKnlt.'‘ 0n tire’ 20th, lnt 2145, lon 8028, experienced h hurricane from 1 BE to BSW, WNW, and NE, lasting seven hours. On the 20th, 1at,24 09, lon 8130. saw a barque with mainmast gone ten feot above deck. Spoke 12th inst, Ist 39 20, lon 71 22, brig ifartha ‘ Foster, from Sebastopol for NY. On tho lotn inst. lat 37 21, lon 7163, had calm weather with heavy swell from NE. and continued calm until tho * 32th. Br barque Sylpli, CroUFO, Turks Inland; barquo Petroa, (of Fairfield) OSborp, Mobile; Han brig Johan* Brpus, Bowman; brig Maria, of Fiymouth, Lee, Port au > Prince, 224 hit, Tla Inaguas2oth, ! left nq American vessel , Cleared—brigl Palestine, -Rogers, Marseilles; ‘David Duffel!,’.Tabbutt; St John, NB; Monticello, Tibbetts, j Port an Prince; barques Meldon, Chandler, Portland; brigs Kosßuthj’Pbmroy, Jacksonville; to load for NuO-* i vitas; Kudoras, Hiskell, Pdrtland; ship Humphrey, ’Puriugton,Given,NQ,.barque‘ Story,* Atklca, ’Baltimore'. ” 1 1 • * ' Also cld, steamer Jos Whither, Howes, Baltimore; brig Ada Smith, Wilmington; NO. ; , . ' NEW HAVEN—Arr 18th inst. Bf brig Onward, Sas isbhyfrbm Porto Rico. ‘ • ! u Sld 13th lust, barque Excelsior, Barbadoosl ’ ' RICHMOND—Arr ISth ihst, steamer llolvidero. Keen, Baltimore; schra Elmira, Cornelius. Williams; M Yannamo, Vannamo; Racer, Pcarcoj llax all, Winters ; ’WmE Leggett, Leggett, New York. - Sid DchrWrn B Jenkins, Peterson, New York,' I NEW YORK. Sopt, 19th. Ar Steamship Black War 'rior, Smith, Now Orleans 32th, via Havana 14th inst. Ship R'Robinson, Robinson, Liverpool. Aug 25, with' .rods and five hundred and fifty-seven passengers, A Green, ’Liverpool, Aug 13, with mdse and passengers, Oroon idalo, fof Providence), Williams, Shields, Aug 32, 4th ;JnStlat47 15, lon 43 spoke Prussian ship Dantzic, for Quebec, with poss’engers; 12, Jat43, lbn 32, saw bark Ca roline Elms, froin Shields for New'Haven, St Louis, Hoyt, New ( Holcno. (Droid),’ Wolkmann, Bre men, 22 days wi^h'mdse and SlOp&Bsepgcrß. Bark Har vest. Nichols, Savannah,Billow. (Br), Foster. Uaanica, PR.East, Hepburn, Galvbston. 31th ; lmit.‘lat 31,' lon 77, had a hurricane from NNE to SSW,‘which last 24 hours.' Samson (of Mystic),‘Murry, Crystal-’ River, via Key •West (where sho' put in for water),' Elizabeth (of Cam den), Howo/ Savannah, J H' Jonei,,(of Cold Springs), Nicholson, Charleston. > ’ • ‘ - ' Schra Pollux; Leehnsen, Now Orleans; H Price, Gar raow, Jacksonville; North Statt*, DdrricksoO, Savannah,*’ Maine Law, Fitzgerald, : Savannah; B N Haskins, Man dual; Charleston, Jos W Webster, Bennett, Charleston; B Strong, Hawkins, Wilmfnkton, NO: Worth, Allen, Wilmington, NO.' 18th,‘dff Egg HarW, spoke brig Jenny Rogers, from Campo&cby, with loss of bowsprit and jibboom, topmost and topgallant masts; 19th, Bar nCgat bearing wNW 25 miles distant, pissed a vessel’s mast, portly out oi water, with ■ rigg lug and light spars hanging around it; gelnh IV Strong, FarroU,WHniing- Below—Barque'AniClia {of'CWiz)j 20 days from Ha-’ vana. The A experienced yory sCVeroWeathor. and lost fore and matntopsail, mlttCp zailahd flying jibboom. i Cld steamships Augusta,' Woodhnll, Savannah'; Ma rion. Foster, Charleston; ships Henry Clay', Caulkins, Liverpool: W Tapscott, 8011, Liverpool; O Grinnoll, Fletcher, London; barques Nord Aroorica /nam). Brolin, Hamburg; Henry, Wilson, Savannah; Emma Lincoln, Johnson, Matanzos; Stevens, Jpnos, Baltimore,- brigs Dane (Br), Allen, Yartmouth) ,; Clinton, Dewhurst, Charleston; pchrs Hardscrabble,• •Gregory. Dominica; Enchantress/ Jayno. Charleston; Anfia Maria. Edwards, Newb£rn;'B Browning, Lanfair, Plymouth; -J B Myerß, Cobb, Richmond; ‘Arctic, Critchett,‘'Alexandria; F S Randolph/Hazleton/do; sir more. ’ BALTIMORE. 1 September IS.—Arr, brig Wheaton, Staples, Eastport: schrsWoodbrldgo, Lura, from Kings ton/Ja, Aug2s; Swarf,’ Diil.- Now York; Entcrprlre, Leeman;Eastport. - > Arr 19th, brig James Davis, Ginn, Portsmouth, NH; schr John Gilpin, (Br)'HaU, Halifax, NS.' - J i CldlSth* brig Victoria, (Br) 'Knowles, Nassau, NP; schrs BHHuntley, Hammond, New York; Benjamin Franklin, Greonleaf,Portland. ' - • Old 10th, robra R 8 Dean/ Cook, Tyuntoni Mass; Wild Pigeon, MilUkin, Providonco> and sailed. • ■ NEW- ORLEANS;' Sept. >l2-*.Arr Ships Realm, Burgess, Union, Davis/ sj.d Genoa, Penudll, from Now York. 1 f’• ' ‘'! k '- '■ •' * •- i BBtow^-ShipsDanfibo; Gliding, from Cadiz; Amelia .Oliver, City of -Brooklyn/ Mltchol,. and Wellington BarstowyNevrYork.' ; • • FOREIGN PORTS. i Arrived at Kingston. Jamaica, Aug 15, schr Petrel. Fitzgerald, Baltimore, 21 days. i Sailed—August22d, schr Petrel, Fitzgerald, Bocos del Tore. , i BrigPrlncetown, Allen, fromNewCastle, England, at Montego Bayoh 20th init.' - ’ • ■ • Ax'htQukbee 10th Gambria, Rush, Glasgow,’ Angl^s^caj 'C rawford, Liverpool; barque Salem, SlcPhec,- 1 Cldlßth, ship Pioneer, Nooth, Hull; barquo, Michael' Shinecr,’and' Anna London; Nordon’, Brodie, Hartlepool; 16th, ship Agamemnon, Barley. Liverpool; barqno Anrora, Dchiicko, Gloucester; brig Victoria, An derson. Londonderry. i Araf Halifax 13th, brig Boston, O’Brien,hence; 14th, barquo Indian Queen, Harding, now York ' Old. 14th, brig Bright,Star, Ritsy, Boston; 13th inst, brig Elizabeth, Cole, Baltimore., . .•• I Ar at St John, N B 14th inst, schr Oswego, Scott, New York,-115th, ship OphftlinAßarkcr, Boston; schr Alma, Corry. Alexandria: 16th, schrs Ivy Green, Johnson, und Pleiades,'Mcßurnte, Now York. , Old I.4tb,.schrsMamJane,Crosby,Raltiiuora;.Harr Smith, Anderson, Boston. ’ Ar at Chatham NB 12th ,!nst. schr UeJle, Gilbert from Boston. Old, at Dalfaousle, NB, Otli, iust, ship K Sherman, Hicbborn, Cardiff. . . At at St Andrews, NB, 10th inst, schr Utica, Clark, Boston. . , Ar Pictou 3d inst # bark ,T Cushing, Dow, for Boston abt 10 days; trig James Crosby, Clifford, for Boston. Cld at Liverpool NS oth inst, schr Greyhound, God . trey, Roekporfc.. . . • Ar at Yarmouth 27811th Inst, brig Avon, Levis, from Boston. Ar at Chatham, Miramichi,vl2th inst, schr Belle, Gilbert, from Boston. ■ . At Surinam 27t1» ult. barque ,C. 0. .Bell, Saunders,, tmej brigs Martha Worthington, Center, for Boston 4 days j.Cro/utadfr, Center, for Gloucester, une. .. , Ar at do 21th ult. barque Ocean os, Adams, Gloucester, hadbeendißmasted inahurricane in lat -030, lon ,52, And Would probably be condemned, haying lost every thing butthe foremast. r. ■ . At Cayenne Bth nit. barque-Lawrence, Hanson, from Satem.just ar HOTEL ARRIVALS. For further ‘-Hotel Arrivals,” sec Fourth Pago.- •■■■- GIRARD HOTBL.—gfaestnUt St. below Ninth. 8 Spencers Lancaster Of Blooper,Boston , i■, -J 0 Smith. Charleston, S 0 , Tlios A William** Miss ■ Geo B Black, Ga - 8W Wright A|iady,Ga. Lieut J. MWolawright U3N W Bbattrfek, A. Y .GcoMulford, G» • .T 0 Bejsher, Ala- . • W H Chambers, NY, . T 33 Gibbon ic lady, Ohio C W Sage, Addison, N X 3obn Hpey, N Y H R Daniels, Boston Mrs Hoey, N Y - J B Solomons A lady, HQ, . . , : MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. .Joaß'Taci-.Pbila. J FulJrod, Erie, Pa 0 P. Marks, Montgomery co , Asa Flint, Boston Wm Hale, Pliila 8 P Ilahiman, Georgetown ( 33 W Robinson,Georgetown G W Josephs, Georgetown E SLconard, L’ostercity . Jno.H Sinclair, Now York X P Mitchell, Now, York ” V Boone, Middletown: Del 3IW Johnston, L’pool, Pa . Hiram Kludow,' EUd’town N LPeters, Ohio Jacob Nisely, Ohio' G Mclfutter, Norfolk, Ta Jno H Minnock, Boston ThQsCßiclianls. Boston D M Jenkins, Ohio P BMeiidferson.L’caster co HonryP Adams, Pa , , . ißobt K Lewis, u’daysburg- 0 Mayo A la, Dayton, 0 Alex P Phillips, Dayton, 0 Jacob Sourer A son, PMUo MERCHANTS’ HOTEL,—Fourth St. below Arch, i (Victor ÜBardman*Bait ■ • AMERICAN HOUSE.—Chestnut, below Sixth. God W P Harper, NO EH Wilson, N Y BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Third street, ah. C&llowfalll. J’Brauinbttcli, Reading ' B P Apple! l’cnna College *» B Kramllch,: l'a 3 1) Rath, Penua College * E 0 Humphrey, Peunn College. TfiTELOOME RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD y? • WIOKA’BRO. 102N f SRCOfn>Bt 'apJMm ' IN THE ORPHANS', COURT FQR THE COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of JAMES HEMPHILL, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the (final) account of JOSEPH LESLEY, lyjministfator, de bonis non, c. t. a. of JAMES HEMPHILL deposed, and also tho (final)account of JOSEPHLESLEY,Trustee ondor the will of,the said JAMES HEMPHILL, do edased, and/to niako dUtributipn, will attend to the ,onties ofhls appointment on Wednesday, the 7th day of JOfctober, A. P. 1957, at 4 o’clock P. M. at hi a office, No. 131 SouthPlfth street, opposite Independence Square, la the City.of Philadelphia, JOBEPU A< OLAY Aud’r! . 'September 11, 1857. ; ,i- , • , IN>-THB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR TUB EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. ' ... .Ingraham r. Meado—ln Equity, October Ses*., 1852, Nn.l. ’ . • ■' ’ * Master, to Whom It was referred by the Court to 'examine aod Adjust tho further account of Benjamin . Gerhard and George ft.'Meade; surviving trustees under •thedeed of trust of Januftft 10th, 1821, mentioned in the decree In this carte, nnd toroport distribution of tho -Trust Fund roraataing üb'distributdd.'wUl meet the par ties interested, at his office; No! *628 WalnUt Street, PuUadelphla, ori Monday,' October 6th‘, 1857, at four P. M. 1 HENRY WHARTON, - :Bepl&-eod6t ' Master. J.~ E. &B. SCHELL'S i •. • OITY MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL 1 . • ■' ' ‘ EAOTOBY.- ■ i ' MARBLE HALL, ' . B 1 »■ COIttfEK 0» TENTH AND TINE STREETS, \ , ' 'PHILADELPHIA. Wh«ra overyrnricty of MA-lUIT.E MANTELS, TOMBS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPB tind i'LOOIHNO, can bo ggppiied upon rcaaonablo terms. nu24*tu/3m - IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND CQTJNTY OS PHILADEfjPFffA; In the matter of J. W, Starr, Executor of Marla Starr, >- 1 ' 1 ■ ' 1 •-* * SPhe. Auditor afpolnted-br the Codrtdo audit-, Bettte; add adjnat i tho account of J. w. Starr, < Executor of tile Xetate of Marla Starr, deceased, and',to report die trthutlon of the balance,: will meet the patties interested at his office, at thd- southeast corner of lamest and .Eighth streets,! in the-city of Philadelphia, on TUES DAY, September-20th; 1857, at J o’cloek in the after- Mon. . ■ I DANIEL DOUGHERTY, , Icll-eed&tV i Auditor. ’TN .THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE 'A CITY AND COUNTY Of PHILADELPHIA, , .Trust Entato of John Hol.-i •> ‘ ■ i The Auditor, appointed By the Court .to audit, Battle, 'and. Mitlit the , account of Levi Sperry, Troeteo under the will of Conrad Idel, deceased, of John. Idol, and to report distribution of the halonceln hand, will meet the ‘ parties interested at his office at the Southeast corner of EighthATidLoeait.BtreeM, on WEDNESDAY Afternoon, September 30th, at 4 o’clock. , i. DANLBL DQUUIIERTI', Auditor. ■f i " ,S lij.l'W* )«• DOMESTIO PORTS. “"Sjjeiclal IfoUres. Fowler, WelU, & Co.—late 831 Arch afreet— have removed,to 922 Oubstnut STnagT, where they, will continue to keep standard works ou Phrenology, Pbysi olggy, Water-Cure, and Phonography. Full and reliable examinations by an experienced Phrenologist, day and evonlng. Cabinet free to visiters. 1 s«l7-4t<f Srnmen’s Saving Fund —Office 803 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, Jame* S. Pringle. Bower’s Infant Cordial,--•This invnluablo Cordial is prepared from'a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics kuown In medicine, and is the moßt perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy euro Is effected In all cases of Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates mubh of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quilises pains of the 6ow</a, lobsoness, vomiting, &c. The Infant Cordial boa become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant ouceoss. No family should bo without it. "Prepared only by Hbsrv A. Bowbr, At bis Drug and Ohemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 13-ly Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in WALMorStroet, south west corner of Third Btreet, Philadelphia. Assets over O.vk MiLLrox and a Half of Dollars, invested in Rbal Estate, Mobtqaqbs,Ground Rents, and other first class securities, as requitpd by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to tho recei ving of money on deposit. Any snra, largo or small, is received, and the mohey is always paid back, with out notic&, to any amount. The office is open every day from 0 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evening* until 9 o’clock. fllarriages On the 17th inst., at tho residence of tho bride’s fa ther, by Rev. A. G. McAuley, JOSEPH lIARVEY, Esq., to Miss SARAH JANE, daughter of Win. Ilogg, Esq., all of this city. , On'tho 10th instant, by the Uevl M. D. Kurtz, Mr. GEORGE D. WIBIIAM, of Moorostown, N. J., to Miss KATE'A. BOWEN, daughter of Mr. D. ll. Bowen, of Philadelphia. ’ ■ 1 On the 17th inst., by the Rov. W. Blackwood* D. P., Mr. JAMES MoNEILL to Miss ELIZABETH STEEL, both of thiscity;- , 5 JDcatljs, Oa the 17th inst., in tho 31st year of his Ago, ALFRED W.INGRAM. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his lato residence, No. 1 White’s Court, this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. To procoed to Lebanon Cemetery. On tho 18th Instant, MARIA RORER, widow of tho lato David Rorer, in the 67th year of her ago. Her relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral, from her lato residence, near Miles town, this (Monday) morning, at 30 o’clock. On tho XBth instant, FREDERICK BOBBER, in tho 64th year of his ago. The relatives and friends of tho family aro respectful ly invited to attend the funeral, from his lato residence, Monroo Village, this (Jronday) morning. 2lßt inst., at 10 o’clock. , , ! ID" Notico.—At n Meeting of the Cotnmlltee of Arrangement, held at Zftno street Hall, Sept. 18th, A. D. 1857, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Itesatvid, That the thanks of the Committee ore iluo, and we tender tho same to the members of the Phila delphia Press, (nith one exception.) for their kindness in publishing a synopsis of the G. U. O. ofO. F. Parade and Promenade Concert, which took place on the 3d m £-’.‘ aDd * lso r ° rthelr complimentary and Impartial criticisms thereon. ' Jicfolved, That an expression of our thanks arc par* .tlcolarly duo to his Honor tho Mayor, and to tho •Ollier of Polioo, for tho courteous and gontiomau-liko manner iu which they received the Committee, and ex >tended their official protection during tho parado. And dike vise to the gentlemen comprising tho Police force, ,who rendered efficient oorrlcco in thostreofa, and at the Ilall, during tho day and oveuiDg. ' Resolved, That tho thanks df tho Committee are also duo to Mr. Buffington, for voluntarily performing tho closing Ode of tho Order, on his oxcellont Organ, at Na tional Hall. ’ Resolved, That we adopt this inothod to return our sincere thanks, and to oxpress our high consideration for all who in any way interested themselves in our ho , ... JOS. JOHNSON, Ohairmau. AMOS WEBBER, Secretary. (so. 21-I*. - ipr* Thirteenth Ward.—'The Democratic Exe cutive Committee will meet this (MONDAY) evening, f l ,. 7 ,# o'clock, at the house of D. S. Drum, corner of EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streots. L fl nnWAKm SKINNER, President. E. S. ROW AND, Secretary. scpl’l-lt# ! tCP Second Word—A Sleeting of ihe Umo. erotic Executive Committee, of SECOND WAltl), will S’, v 1 “ f Mr ' T - IAErEitTY. this MON' DAY EVEMNIt, Sept. 2Ut, at « past 7 o’clock Tl It. 11. OOItIIUTT, l'rcsldcut Edward Boff, f a . , * Moriuh A.. Uarrikotos, 5 ° cor ®“*‘l*S' 10-Hpn<l Unarters kerstone Club A Mrrt vSvw>u', 0 . Club will bo held TIUS (Monday) .a. 1 iD " ll,nt = »t Hold Quartern, (llobo Hotel, pixta street, below Chestnut, at half>past soveii o’clock By order of , JNO.O. MoOAIJj, Sec, Journeymen Tailor*, fcooh to your Interests! »7i7i r j D » Mass Meeting of the Journeymen Tailors of Ph lodelpliia will be held at Sanacun Street Hall, at 7 b clock, on Monday evening, Sept. 21. Every man that losirea to better his condition, it is hoped will come forward now. By order of tho Committee, (* ; A Special Meeting of the wholesale and re tail Malt and Liquor Doaler’B Association will bo held on Tuesday afternoon, Sopterabor 22nd, 1867, nt two o'clock, at the Mechanics’ ll&ll. 3d atreot, below Green, raytlcular attention is required 6f every member. Bv order of tho Association, J \ & 21-2t.# hlnss Meeting of the Democracy of the First, Congressional District will beheld on Monday evening, ilit, at o’clock, at Fifth and Shlppei Btreetfi. * r The following named gentl tlcmen will addresstho meet* ing: James It. Ludlow, Ebo., Dm. 0. W.Kibikoui, non. Thom. ii. Flohexcb, Cuab. IF. Cakutgak, Em}., Hon. IVm. 11. Witte, Titos. E. Habkixs. Eeq., } • Come one, cowo all! Coni ’ Ky order of the Democratic afloat [Evening Argug c ID® or« IDasibl DotronEßTT, Esq., Wu. C .Lbiimas, Esq., Lewis 0. Gasamv, E*q., Stkhik.vH. Heston, Esq., JohnUoLkiKn,and ( Rout. J. I'alktiioup, Esqi, «e iu your strength ! oCity Executive Committee, copy.] —jco of the Union Canal Company PmMPELPHu. Sopt. 34th, 3857.—A meeting of tho stockholders of the Union Canal Company of Pennsyl vant& Tfftll be held at the office of tho company, (Far qubar Buildings,) No. 229 WALNUT street, below Third, on TUKSUAY, October Gth, next, at 12 o’clock, M. By order of the Board of Managers, sel6-dtoco 0. THOMPSON, Bec>y. Light .'light i light.'— „ . THBHB nonits FOR ONE DOLLAR. iIiNAPP’S PATENT HOSIN OIL LAMP Tho ,, »«d ta/fst Artificial light in tho world. The proprietors of KNAPP’S PATENT LAMP do not now hesitate to speak of it as ono of tho greatest benefactions of tho age. It is now established that it is prac{icoi/ji adapted to the burning of Hosin Oil among oil tho people. It has for a long time been * oil under, stood by ail Chemist* that Rosin Oil was five times ekeaytr than Whalo Oil, liumlng Fluid, or oilier mate* rials producing artificial light, but heretofore, although more than one hundred thousand dollars lm© been expended in Boston In attempts to produce a Lamp in which to burn this oil, they navo all. from some enttne or OthM./atied, and it baa remained, iui was remarked by tbo Boston Journal, for A. H. Kuanp. from beaut], fully simple and philosophical principles, cosily under* Stood, to bring forward a Lamp exactly adapted to burn ing this Kvain Oil in all styles of Lamps, and for tho common use of persons everywhere, at a mere nominal §osfc, so that no one can afford to do without it. Besides be above, ihig Lamp gives so char, soft, and steady a light that persons with .weakeyes find no more difficulty in the,evening than in tho day-time—making it, as se veral clergymen have remarked, tho “ student’* friend,” as wfiU os the mechanic's and seamstress’s indispensa ble companion. , PENNSYLVANIA COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their interest to call at tho Agency, and examino this truly wonderful Lamp. Couuty Rights for tho sale of these Lamps in tho State of Pennsylvania , will bo sold on terms so favorable th&t those becoming interested cannot fail to realize large profits from tho business, Agency, 202 CHESTNUT Street, above Second. so2I-d2w&w2t jplßfi INSURANCE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM- PANY. .CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CASH, ' AND SECURELY INVESTED, OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD STS., SPRING- GARDENS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John 11. Dohnort, Henry M. Phillips, David Woelpper, Lewis SUinnack, Benjamin Davis, John Lendell, , John' Evans, Jr Charles Field, 1 Auicy M. Park, William E. Wood, James DurnoU, John 1). Stevenson, Jacobs Mintzer, OurwJn Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thos. D. TJUinghost, , 1 Gconjo K. Childs. JOHN H. DOUNERT, Presidont. 'L. KRUMBHAAR, Secretary. sept 21-ly Department of highways.— Septembkh 21,18&7. ‘ 'Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until Thursday next, tho 24th Just-, at 12 o’clock M., for pav ing tho following streets with tramways: Lemon Btttiol, from 10th to 11th, ) Penu do do 13th to Broad >in the 14th Ward. Hazel do do 11th to 12th, ) Sterlings Alley, do Race to Cherry—in tho 6th Word. All the materials to bo furnished, and to bo of best quality, and the work to bo done in a substantial manner, and kept in good condition for two years from the tlrao of completion. JOHN II’OARTHY, *ep2l-3t Chief Commissioner of Highways. Girard fire an ANCE COMPANY, PH 302 WALNUT street, west o l “FIRS RISKS O DIBBO' ID M All INK INSUR IILADELPHIA—OOIO9. NO. }( THIRD. ONLY TAKEN.” DTOES. Jer. Walker, Jno. McClure, The. Craven, A. 8. Olllett, Furman Sheppard, Sami. Jones, SI. D., Joseph Klapp, 31. D Wm. M. Swain, 'John Anspach, Jr., H.hVlJunfooghs, J. B. Hughes, F. I). Sherman, Win. P. Hacker, J.P. Steiner, H. A. Shackelford. Hon. JOED JONES, President • Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice Prenldont. ‘ Jso, 8. BIoMOLLiN, Becretary. Assistant Secretary. aul-Sm-lf QAVINU FUND UNITED STATES TRUST COMPART, corner of THIRD and OHEBT. NUT Streets. • Largo end smell sums received, end paid back on de mand, without notlco, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. ' Office hours, from 9 until 5 o’clock every day, and ou MONDAY EVENINGS Irom 7 until 0 o'clock. DRAFTS for solo on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. IPrcflideut —STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. [Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. . Teller—TAMES B, JIUNTER Office of the street sweeping AND FERTILIZING COMPANY-No. 020 SAN SOM Stroet, below SEVENTH. PniLAPBLTmA, Sept. 16th, 1857. A Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will bo held at the Office of the Coropauy, on MONDAY next, the 21st Inst., at 11 o’clock, A. M. By order of the Directors, • aoplB-3t OIIAB. GUMMING, President. 17th instant, a KNAPSAOIC, containing; wearing npjfarel. Tho owner ctm procuro It at No. 20 WOOD ’BINE Street, hy proving property. 8018 It .JWOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.—The ship Capt. A. H. Lucan, from Liverpool. Ifl n6w dlachatging under general order at Almond street Wharf. Consignees will please attend to receipt ot THOB. RICHARDSON * 00. THE PRESS.-PHILADELTffiA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2i, 1857. List of letters remaining in the PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE up to 12 o’clock P, M. on Saturday, Sept. 10, 1857. (Pomona applying for advertised Lottbra will please mention the date of the List.} Open on Sunday from 7ft to Bft o’clock A. M., and 2 toSP.BI. Arrott Bliss M Gray Mrs Ellon Parvens Mary Anthony Anna Garry Catharine Palmira Miss Adlen Fanny Ilouzley Miss I’oesclio Blra B Aortsen Lizzie B Iloydon Mins E P pooha M&ry Allen Lizzie P Harrison Mina MO Penaleruiachoo J Beale Mr* Jos 2 Haiumon Mary Pbato I’hoeba A Beck Miss Emma Hampton Mrs E A Pratt Mary Barclay Julia A Haywood IlaunhE Parkor Mma Bancker Mr* J WHamlon Anna Poiton Mary Jano Bates Matilda Ilonry Miss Sallio Palmer MrsM Boeluo Mrs J W Hartriek Sallie Pink M K Henna Sarah Hankins Mrs N Parmer SII Botton Mrs Hendrickson Eliza Pennington E Barnes Sarah IleenryMadanu :piewou Sarah Bay lisa Miss Heyward Evolio Palmer Julia Baltioaon Amelia Ilotty Mrs Oarmell Porter Mary Bill Miss Anna Harper Mary Ann Ramble Margaret Berney Mary Harry Margaret lUndoll Mrs Bergen Miss Hall Mrs Anna M Ralston Mrs L r Bermenton I M lIUI Miss Mary Earner Mrs J J Blytho Mary nill Miss Hanuah Redmond Mrs 2 Blades Rachel Hilbert Ellen Rickards Annie moon Mrs Holland Sirs Dr Richardson M Blain Mary 0 GW RitlerOleive Bliss Mrs L nodgstou Mrs EUt Richey Anna Bleucher Anna Horn Miss Cnth'o Riding Mary Birch Mrs Thos Howard Mrs W J Ritchuvilson P Briliy Emma llugUeß MraJamea Read Nolllo Burke Carrio H Hubner Mrs Beany Mrs Ann Berrell Mary J Hull Mrs Coram Rees Mrs JohnH Boostlck Nannie Hopper Susan 8 Rlolegly E L Brodhcad Mrs D D Howard Mra lIF Riber Mrs M E Bradley Mrs John HuttonMrsEdwd Riley Bridget Barre Mrs Hasraer Naucy 0 Rogers Rachel 0, Burr Mary T Hyde Mrs Isabel 0 Roulaton Martha Buckley Sarah P Holloway llacheUßyne Mary Brainward DT H Hulley Mrs II Robeson Jane Brady Anna Hunter Mrs Jane RowaudrMaryU Burke Rose nothkfo* EUzabh Robinson Kiia’th Brauld Madam HovodimJano Roth Rebecca BruenstenJlaryE Idlon MrsUosanna Rodino Jano Burney Mrs Jones Mrs Rich’d RothraelMary BrophyMaryA Jones Miss Porela Robertson MrsE Bonat Susan Johnston Mary Robbins Emily Brobct Sarah Jones Mias Ellen RodenbokMary Brown Ellen Joseph Mrs B Ilcsenbugcr F Brady Margaret Johnston Matilda Rothschild Esther Buck Miss 0 Johnston Mary Shelley Miss V J Carroll Miss Mary Kern Mrs ShuttyMrsJ Caldwell Mary A Kolley PhelUo ShonrorMlsaEW Churchman Anu Hilo Mrs Miriam Sanford MJbs M T Chase MrsSylv’r Kuhn Miss Maria Shultz Josephino Cmnpton Marg’t Ketnpsey EHzabh Schwarz Christian Cavaiifth Julia Kcmbo Mrs Mrs Chambers Susan BKeenyMra W Scott Eliza A Carpenter Mary E Kemble Mary W Saffery Mrs Cauipoon Sop’y W Kellar Mary W Sheppard Sarah W Chase Sallio E Kamraerilargary SaenKate Carroq Miss Eliza KicklmnsCharl’to Sharp Juliet Canning Bridget Lightbron Mary Scoot Mias Ellou Chapman Marg’t Latri&aou MUe MC Sindcra Julie Casey Miss E Longstroth Miss Scott Mrs Chapman Sarah L Mary M 2 Sorro Mrs Ann Chapman Mrß LouraUlorMra 0 Soiople Bolle Cashcton Sopha 0 Lechler Marg’ta Savage Mrs A H Carden Abigal Lyson Susannah Bhannon Mra U A Caferty Mrs Lyda Leo Mrs Mary- Beton Matilda Chavo Elizabeth Long Mrs Sarah Shattenock E G Cariilo Rebecca Loago Mrs Chari’© Smith Miss W Cassett Martha J Leo Mrs Lizzie W Smiley flachol Oaulen Mary Lighten Mrs Mary Smith Miss Maria Cazenove 0 L Lafore Miss Stazie Smith Miss Sarah Carroll Anna Lochline Mrs Ann Smithley Jesse Campbell Carrie Lenes Eliza Mrs Clark Mrs Elira Lynch Mrs Ellen Smith Katherine Clarke M W N LeonardMUsKllen Smithwick Mag Clino Mrs Sarah Lee Norah Smith Mra Ann Older Mias Anna Liuselle Fanny Boiith Matilda B Clnrry Elton Lippincott Louisa Smith Emma Clements Clara E baton Mra John T Smith Anno Clark Frances Love .Maude Small Julio Ann Cleveland Mrs II Martin Mrs? P Spiers Malvlno Clmney Mary L Mason Miss Sillias Stewart Isabel Cowan Mrs Mary Megrath Llzzlo Stevens Mary Crock Mrs Ellen Mastin Jane Sorell Mrs Corr Mary Mnclollan slrs G Stewart Elizaboth Coleman Mad’e B Martin MissMollio Spurston Mary Coyle Susan MuthcwsMre Eliz Balon Emma M Cooke Mrs Hill MartinMissMA3 SpeucerMrs Ann •Crokor Mrs Sarah Maxwell Ellzahth Slavcely Kate Craft Emily E Moldrew EHzabthSobv Mrs M A , Coleman Martha A Mason Mrs H A Sullivan Margaret 'Cooper Sirs Geo Mu-Miss Bridget Stevin Mary M Crlapan Miss J II Metcalf Louise A Blocks Margaret Crurord Eliza Mahan Sirs CathaStalno Susan • Oreamen Julia A Jfnyaflger Sarah Sparhnwk Barah Cooper Hanuah Money Miss Anne Sullivan Ellen 2 JConnell Anna 0 Matron Mrs 0 Sweoncy Clara Coloy Miss Lucy Middleton Ada Sparks Mary U •Onrless Elizabeth Mitchell Jano C Seven Mlbb OR .Crawford Slary Minard MrsMaryD Suzlen Sarah Colfield Mfftti S Miluo Mi»s Isabol Bpringor Marg’t Codington J Mecarto Mad L Starkeweth Jlrs ;Dauphln Mrs Mary Minl/.or Mrs L Starkeweth Larna ,Dcene Miss Sarah Moffatt Louisa B Stltoa ili6» V R •Daily Mra Mary MurphyMissEHzaSuram Catherine iDihel Mrs S E Myers Mrs Caro! Turner Mra J D Daily Misa Mary Myers Sirs Emma Thompson Mrs CN Dollayer Mias F AMulHn Sira Mary Trumbell Ann Domaugny stad Mcnly Mra Rhode Tinsley MraM Dealy Mra A K Moffat Elizabeth Taylor Lizzie Davia Mrs Leah A Murtagh Kato A Thum Barbara DUkes Mrs Jano Moran Mary Tockel Mrs iDettunoro Mra 8 Moore Miaa Rebec Trucbel A II 'DoughssMrfiPorali Moorhead Sarah E Tobin Mra J ‘DupTaine Lydia Morris Mias Oath Tracy Hannah Doyocoin Am’a2 Moore Mary E Townsend Mrs E 'DoyloMiss Mary Murry Miss Cathß Tltocnaa M G Dorsey Lizzie Mollin Madame TaylorHarvet Donahue Mias W Murray Mias Mary Taylor Mrs KID D Dupree Lizzie Mehoney Kate Tall Mr* 0 Earley Cath’e Moore Margery Tato Mra Win Endikott Anna E Mortiwon Emma White Mra R G KvoreatMrs 0 Morriss Mary 51 Watson Mrs Elliot Mrs J Thos Myers Mrs F Walker Tillio 0 Euders Miss Mary McNamee Rosa Whinnoy Mra W Erick sliss Clara McCuirrHenrictto Worfull Blargt Eckford Sirs 11 McGlonn Bridget Washington Mrs Erekiei Mrs Flora slcCann Sue 31 JC Elwoou Jennio E .McKeunoy Mrs J WnlkerMrsSlA Edgled Mrs AnnaMcCabo Mins Jane Wcaboler Mra R Fort Alias Anna K McCoy Elizabeth Wolla Mary Froel Marg’t MeFaddoa M J Walker ME Fulton,Mary McOehey slary Wurt Airs E A Fauike Fannie KBMcCaffery Elizab Welsh Mrs S Fisher Bfary E MeFaddoa Msrgt Wayne Mrs 51 W Forrest Fauny JfcOlaskey Jane We*gatt Mra K U Field Rebecca JlcCriHtal MisM Walker Nancy Filmoro Mrs E McKay Elizabeth White Mrs Forrest Fanny McShane Bridget Wall® Sophie Ferguson slariaTslcGinu Miss M J West Mrs E A Fell Mrs Mary J McHenry Ellen Watson Jano Fitzsimmons K ilcAlcou Jano Wadsworth Mrs K FollonbooCll McMunigalMary White J Foquett HN Y McGrath Mrs J A West Jano Fairchilds ioh'o McllUl Mrs Eliz’b Washington Mrs Farrell Julia JlcKcon Cath’no JO Farce .Mrs Anna McManus Sirs And Williamsons Mrs GlasgowEJiza’h Newton L Winner Airs S Gibs Miss Anna Nellie Bliss Willy E A Gorman Mary V Nesblt K Winncraore F Gray Miss D Ann Nippor 3lrs E Wlnnemoro E J Gordon Iren© V Nixon Elizabeth Wilson MrsM Gasmen Mrs KieUMraJF Wilson 0 Oorbut Einma Nichols Margt Williams sirs It Orcther II Marla Ncisson Rosey Williams Sirs M E Gillis Mrs 31ary Nolan 3largt Wiso Mrs J (iraeff 3largnrot O’Rourk Cath Williams 3fra Graeff Isabella O’Urion Mary WilcockMW Uodfrey Mrs N D Osgood Mrs M A Wine MU Green Alary D Ogilby Sirs M Wilson Mrs 0 Gregory Mary II Ogdon E William* M A Gray Elira M OncnsMrsEA WJlmerFaimiO Gllmoro Eliza’h O’Neil Mrs K Wolfo Emma GcUlla Bridget Ogden Cora Wjckoff Mrs E 8 Grifften Mary It O’Neill Ellen Wyndham R Gaines Marg’a O’Niell Mary Wood Mrs H 2 Gordin Jane IMco Sally A Worcester I* J 2 Grant SUss Pyle E 31 Vumtusen MrsMM Garner Bridget Purtoll Ellen VoUer Elizabeth GiUs 31issAuim Pettyjohn 3lrs II Vonriedio J Gets Mrs Henry I‘arton Airs Vanderallco Jfre M Glaser Sophie Pollock A H YanjouabeckMrsE Gougajan Mary Porter Jlrs H Yarfot Claire Gleimon .Mary PcttlttAE Zimmerman K Gunning Miaa 0 Parson Mrs E T Greenwood Grace Pittsou Eliza Adam Gilbert Brunow F Crossloy Emonue! Allen Gcorgo Brooks Jat A Co Crosby Pearson Agump Dr Simon Bronch John H Cunningham P Alexander Geo Brower T 0 Cruise Francis AlHngham John Brooks Richard CmnmUkeyDe J American Light* Brachvogel Oscar Crossman 011 niug Rod Co Brown Philip W Crozer John 1» Adams Henry Bradfield Mr Crasher Samuel Administrator of IJryant AG A CoCrosboWmS the Estate of Jos Urudey Tlioh Cushing David L Nowbold Bruce Henry CranoWinS Ashley CC Brady John Crouh RovDW O Amis'ihosK Brooks Horaco LCuahmauGH Alden itev J O Brigc, Siman ACo Cmikshank Law’e Alspach Petor Bryan Timothy Cushing Wm Allen Wra . Bridge Robert Curtis F Abell Frodorlck Buuton It II A CoCuthbOrt K Andrews Dr MII Ilrophy Martin Curran Patrick II Adams Samuel Bumpud JVT Oußkade John Albortson Isaao Burka Jas Sc Co ' Orall Bitnou 31 Aarons Uenry Butler It Davis Jno R* Agin Isaac Burdett Dr B D Dancnhowcr Cbas Allou John Burwell Geo U Davisson Harry Allen IleuryS Butler Jas A Daly John Armstrongs G Bryce Jas G Dawson Simeon Armstrong Geo n Buchhund Thos Dolton Robert Aunan A Groves Buck J Daniel John L Ayres Wm Burnett EJ Davis Clias Walkr Atwell Robert Bush John Doniher 3llchael Anderson Gilou Burton Thos 0 Daelll (J Ash H Burlehtor 0 Daugherty JE Atkinson Lewis Byrne Thos Daly Darnel ArendPr Butler Cbas Davis Austin Anderson 31 Burgoss Nathan B Dade. Vandyke Sc Anderson JG- BurdlattJohu Co Avory 8 Burganer B Daniel John L Aroiand Mods Burgon Wm Davis Thos Ayer Dc J 0 Budd Wm A Daniel J T Arnold Josiah Burns Thus Dartny3lichael ABhton BESc Co Burt Dr IV B C Davia J Baldwin A T Butt 011 DassonvlUe Henry Bartleson Jno Carter JSc It Daugherty Wm Barrett Robert CananJ C Daly John A Bancroft, Iloina A Cohim Robert Dale Onpt Frank Co CaliiU John II Dawey Stephen BanorWm Camen Wm Dee Wm G Baker Wm G A Caldwell David Derlirn Augustus Son Campbell Jos S Do Young S J Bagnell Richard Cain Lewis II Dobrow Rov Wm Barclay J J Carr Samuel J Doloughry James Barclay Jas T Cabell Philip B Do Nogri Agostino Barrett Henry Carlton John Doan J & Bon Bailey 3lason R Carpondcr 3lr DilloryAmoa • Barnes J II Carpenter Jas H Dickerson Wm R Bancroft ChasH Canning Jlark Diloy PP Barnwell Robt Galium Bernard Dlettoh John Baker H A Co Gannlug Robt Dienolf Wm Bakes MO Callahan James Dougherty John Bakor Win Oabasse P Dorrell David Baird Wm AGo Caldwell RH Dontioll Judge Boswell B T Cannnn Sir Donald David Basllio M CarrSJ Douglass Jos T Basley J H CalUday n 3 Downey M J Barron J P Campbell Jamos D’Ouovyllo Edwd Bantz Jacob Cardaneo nenry Doughtou Thos A Baker Cbas W CallaghauMichaol Dounelly James Bates A Palmer CollerAACo Domicil John it Bclgcam Mona Caffcrato Pietro Doty H H BetchelJobnW Childs John DoosonGeo Beaman KW Chambers AloxairDobbins John Beck Loren?. ChesnutJohnS DowlnoChas 31 Bertram Henry C Chandler Capt Jos Dorroll Clifford Beirmelster Jl W Chamberlin II A Doauo J K Bercan Joshua Chandler Thos II Donoho Sami M Beause JPA Co Christoy Daniol Doylo Torrence Bordaw H Churchill Wrn W Donorty James Beuttler Jacob Clumont Aaron Dolan Stephen Bertram Geo W Olaiborne R R Dorr Capt Joseph Bertram Mona Clinton 0 A Dunehuo Martin Beaton John Clarke Rev WJ Bolter 0 8 Bender Geo Clemens Joseph Dobbins SHcnyah Beaman E A Clouston Wm Drew Geo Berger Frans Clausen Joseph It Drayton Daniel Beatty R W Clarkson Thos Drewry Win II Reiner August Clark Robt C Bulmnoo Edward P BenthnorSoloraon Clark II E Dummor Geo Beach W Clarko Wm By eon Joseph Bottle Baioucl Clarko KAJ 31 Du Koudell Dr K Bottle Joyce L CJowger W Dunrahue Daniel BenU Henry R Clifford JIV Duncan Geo 801 l W D Conveyauelr A Duhm August Billo Torben Weller Dunbar A Bishop A6o Conrad Cbas T DnComiuneMonll Uickcl Tohason llCorneoa Messrs Edmondson John Blake J D Colo II W • Eckhatt Abrah’m Blako E J Coates H Ridgway Edwards Wm 8 Bluo Rev olt Colhoun John W Ells Philip J Blackward Rov JtCorley Patrick EastWm Blox Rev John Colborn L H Ehrcsmann H Blitz Wm Collins John Eltenhead Wm D Blood Wm 0 CorsonThosE Ed Scott’s Week* Blank A P Coy II ly Black Wm ft Collins D 0 Elkins John Boland Jas Collins Ohag Ehlert Aug’t Boyer J S Cowan Frank Edyworth John Bowen Jos T CookoJohnJ Earley John H Bormel Jonathan Connolly James Khregolt Leb’hs Bornainan F Conroy Edward Eagle Refinery lioureau It Colhoun Hugh Edgar Jonathan Bollcs Jesse N Cox Jas M EttirsJos Bowman Wm Coulter .Stephen Earley JII Boyd Tliob Connell D T Englemon Francis Borda E Conant AII Ernst Ilenmoin Boyd B D Corcoran Wm Estuick Jos Booth Alpheus D Cochran John Ernst Tailor P Bourns JF Corbin Koyal Evans Geo Gib’t Booth Job Colima Lamer It Elmir Abraham Basscrt Geo Colton Johu Emworson Jos BonstoadJai Cornon Lucina C Evans Wm Bon&ud A Collens J P Evans Jas Bourguln F Jc Co Cooper Thos Erwon Robort Brown Thos Coffroth Geo R Fnaslt R F Brown Rev Chaa Colman James Farrenatoek B F Brown B Cooper F Franklin Farlow B Brown A Oitneo Andrea Farrell Thos Brown JM E Craig Wm I‘ Fraley W» H LADIES’ LIST. GENTLEMEN S LIST, Feraald Oapi D Lewellyn W. • . Bogerift Gilbert i ; FlgaciraFJ ‘ LeibbrandtG Rosa Jas Fisher Geo Lenox Wm* Rowland Pruf lIN Fitzgerald Wm Lo«da ACo Rosse Henry Fisliur Ed wood MU Bap , Rogers VmW Fletcher Thos Ledbetter Chas Rodney Afich’l Field & Winkler Lo Conte John Robb M Flynn Mr Levlck, Davidson, Rom Isaac Field Edgar R & Co Royster Thos Fleming WW Lawton Jaa Roberts JIB Fjtler Wm Lewerla Chas Rockwell Thos Flum B Lizard Richard ' Ryan Wm Fletcher Rev Win Lipsor L , Rusawll Isaac N lishorS Lmseu Jan Rus-ell \YIufW 8 * ouruov A* F Loyd Pavid 0 Ituschanbergcr Dr Flynn Thos Loes F RustLO Francis John F Lutz Jas ' Runaaw Lt J M Frceijloy EdwJu T Lmlilen Wm Ityan Chas Freno ACo Longatvcth M F Kumsey L M Frank Jns Low Gilbert Ryan Richard French WmH ‘ Lyn© Thos Richards Bani’l Forlien l* LynosGeo Rush Vaanamp Francis John W Loughead Y Bchantz Christoph Frank Jacob Luethev Jacob Schorl* R Fiona Cyrus Long Wm Schofield Harry Feiratepholm II lupqks ioor o v BchtoslngorAftio2 Fulton J Allemania No at 2 Scott S L L Fries Albert ■ American Star 4058aylc« John Foster ileoj Block llouso 393 Schofield T Frick Jacob Cadwallador 353 Schwarr Joseph Froidham Chas F Cobocksink 383 SchlagerJohn FulleuwlderKß Equal Right 404 Schatz Martin Frank Herman Franklin 6 Bcott Ross Fraley David G Frcdonia 145 Scott Henry II Gamble Aaron Guardian 402 Schulz Valentino Gardiner Jas Justice ]HO Sapp Job 8 Garruty Jno Lodge 133 Hayro A Co Wra Gaudy John Moyamensiiig 330 Saudford Wm Gardner E 8 Mount Olivo 375 Snmbola Anthony Garvorich Amos Neptuno 354 Schroder Admn GatcscUe G PennTowm»hip 319 gchUQer J Garrett Wm Purit/325 SandorsonTurnerJ Gaylard John Progress 495 Scott James D GaUaghor John Relief 452 Schuabel Ellisß Goorgu Leandur Shackaumxon 343 Sellers Capt T A George JohuS Veritas 443 SeabucyACoAM Geascy Hewgr Washiugtou Camp Seawell J M Glass Adam Order of Junior Bedgwick P 0 Glnsacow Geo W Sonaof AmerlcaScars Uobt Gilbert Isaac No 1 Seamen E C Gibbs Robert ft , Washington Camp Sewell Rev Ben T Gilman Capt R Order of Junior Sowell A Worth- Gibbons Jas J Sous of America iugton Gibson Rev DM No 42 Seaglo T J Gibbs Jas K A West Eud Lodge Short Chas Gibson Stephen No 355 Shu O'Andy Gilbert Geo Maguire Robt E 2 Shuster M U Glass Edwd MacatilyDrD Bhippen Dr Wm Goddard A Parker Maddox Rev John Miumuu Wm II GordanST Maener Benedict BhunesayJM Goodrich N N Madden Bornanl Shyiock'j H Gormley Hugh Mair George BhowirChasJ Gobin J P SldrvdelMarshall Jas Shaper Carl Gourloy Wm > Manninglll Phctzer Abraham Gordon Edwa Maynard Geo II Shayno Peter GourUy J ft Marin S E Shaw. Bull.Aßnr tGaervey Geo Martin Henry hour Gorman Aunoy Mason Capt WW 2 Shear© Rudolph' Graff F Martin Joseph P Sheets J A J Grant Ruben" MaofiQold Edgar Bhaofer George Grumley. Captain Martin James L Shields Janies Wm 11 Martin Joseph P Sichuls Morris Grew Rudolph Muon M W Sinclair Wm G Grass Joa MarstorsJM Simmons Dr W II Owln Lt Wm Marshall Wm M Skeller Thos Griffeu A Titua\ Martin John Himnson Eft GrautUG ManirSoloniou SlappJM2 Gray John M May Daniel Slack E P iGwynn Chas Manning Daniel Slocumb Mr Griffon John Marseilles Veter Slack Capt Wm B Green John Mason W 8 Smith Ashbury Urour Alex’?, Marshall A Budd Smith JP Guitcras E Merrill C II Smith Robt L Gunklo D 0 Morshon Wm Smith Wm T UransWm Meredith Jaa W Smith Danl Gray Robt • Mellor Jonas Smith Stephen Groomo Bam’l W Meyer Heinrich Smith Joseph P Graham John H Mengea T Smith Francis S Graham John J Medmger Fred Smith S C GriiQths Wm G Mearaftenj ft Smith Wm A Grotgnn Theo J Mealy Timothy . Smith II A 0 T Gullagher Wm P Meixell A.GraltonSmith Dr A H Greer Chas T Merna Edward Smith ACo C 8 Gross Johu Miller Michaol Smith Owen Hamilton J Miller G N 2 Squibb Jacob II Hampton Thos M Mitchell E 2 Smalley Joseph Hallowell E A Son Miller Jno Snowden Jno Haldoman 0 8 Mills Jnraos SouthwortU D P Hammond Isaac Mlllor Mr Spriggs James IlahuCW MicklyJJ Spencer Dr II W Habersham Lieut MluHtuinlnink Mr Springer J D AW r Mjllor Jtcv A A .Spiudlor Muthlaj Holowell Jos Mitchell Wm Spence lfonrv UaUASpeer Miller Jacob Sparks Henry A Hall Rev AddUon Mitchell A Y Springer S D Haggerty Lieut U Bliller A Ricketain Stokes Chas I BN MillerS II Stubb* Reuben ' Hampton Dr S T Mitchell ACo DM Steel John A HaUowoll Chas L Moore 0 Steiger Reni F 1 Hall Dr SJI , Moore Thos Staino Jos J *}»H J « Morso Albert Sticknoy John II Hamilton Dr Jno Morey Uriah J 2 Stipp J Haffy Peter Moult Wm Stcveus Frank Hans Rev J 0 Moulson John Stephenßon W Hamilton J A Moon-son MCA Stultz Wm Haughhciuetlsaae Moore J A Stokes Joseph Hammond Wm A Morgan J T Stanton Dr JO Harris JL P Mouges Gordon Stocker Henry T 2 H&nce Robt A Morel Chas 2 Stevens John G UAstings John Mowry Wm Stevens ThoaJ Haskell ACo Morris J S Btedenfeld Max Harrison J Marse P A Stephen Monsieur Hams Sami Muce ft Story Albert Harrell Oscar ¥ Myor Henrv Stewart Geo Hansen Andrews Murphy D A Stockman G W Harrison D Murdow Alex Steele Jo* Uaupt, Galbraith Musgrove J Stillman,Heinrich & Co Murray John ACo Harrington JW Murphy Robt Stokea&CoJG Harman Chas Murray Chas Stowart A Murray Hayerly Louis A McCoy Thos Svpus John Hasenzubl Philip McCaffary Michal Suthkony Philin HarrisThosK McClure 88 II RyhcßterLW H ays Dr Isaac McDonough Michl Swaby John H Hartman 8 McCormick John Subcns L 8 Harper Henry S MuDermott Bornd Buliebercer Jno V. Hand Edwin McCloakoy J Tarroll A M Hanf Joseph McCarter Wm Terr Dll Harris John Mcßride Wm Taylor Mr Haro Rev Dr McDcvittJas TalhotS D Hernmnden T** Mcßrido Bernard Tallndie Louis Hcany DeirnU McCabe« l' ager t James lleyeh Joseph J JlcDermott Philip Terrill LII Ileiflloy Michael McDonald Wm Taneeray J L Ueintrvman ACo McCord, William Tarres M Hoffrim Thos A Co Taylor W Heston Rev N McDonough P Taylor G M Hoy David McCorkle James Taylor C N Iloringtou Jno W McGulro Daniel Tack John Holey John II McMullen 0 Thompson Lewis Healey Johu McQpo T Ignatius Thompson Wm HeUdr cks AG McLaughlin Robt Thomkinson J 2 Helyl David McManus Jr V D Thomas John 3 Horr Benjamin McGrath Owen Thomas Quincy Reyman A Eso-McLaughlin Danl Thomas CK ' kial McKenna Michael Thompson J 3 Hoil A Hammer 3lcGuirk John Thompson Jos Heron Francis McNutt Robt Thomas Geo 2 Henry Win McNulty James Thomas Joseph Higgins T W McNoal Vtephon Thom Dr J Zlibberd Oapt GiO.Naeger Francis Thomas Henry HibbsJobnD. Niimaor GotUeib Thompson M Hill Chas Nuen Thos Thompson Geo lUll 8 U Newton Mr Thriso P JliUcr J Frank Neukomot k Me- Thurilon J]> Uowo Bavid W lido Tbompeoa i Sons Holland Johu W Naylor Jas 0 Win Horland Henry LNVnhoff M TrottOoo2 Ilodges Thos 0 Nvweoiub Denj Troup J ft” IloOy A Norton Geo TrunmcrJohn lloldham A W Nowell Thos Trainer ¥ Holser E Bush Noal Thus Trlmbtll Wm Houghton Fredk Norris Wm II Todd Dr All Howo Mr Nanan Philip Tomlinson 0 W Honklna Col L Nauahton Thos Todd W M Holton John 8 Nicholson Geo TownsinJ K •Hopkins Geo G Nolen J H Turnor Capt Wft Hodgson John E Nard, Bancroft, A Tytmn Bmnucl 1101 l ugghoad It Co Trolingor Jacob HoffbaurG NewboldWm II TrcmpceJobn Holliday Fiaucls Nelson Itov Jos Trustee Jacob Hopkins Mr Nauts F A Tathier A Broad llortCh&R Noun© ACoC V, head Howard Gardnov O’Sullivan Jas Turin r Tims M Holbrook Jas W O'Brien John Towau rftephen Huffsey Sam Osbord Geo W Townsend A CoT Hunol Chas Oleinad W TrueQtF Hutrise M Osborn Wm Toul It R Humpheys Hugh Osbeck Arthur Trevor JII IluuninghamChasOvborn John Truoman Geo Hughs John 8 O’Donadau Richd Tookcy Wm HubbsAJ O’Keefe Jaa Traver IO Iluck Danl O’Neill Thos TurnorCF UugoU Juhn OaklyOeo Trowert A Levine Iluddell Wm P Paul Wm N Trott Geo Indermuhlo Jos Pantolion Alex Quick GF Irving Wm Partridge Dr 0 H Quinn D F Irwin Thos Patten W H Quinlan J 2 Irwin A Steinson Parker Wm Utbanski A Jarvis Geo l’aihin M Vandevecr A Ar- Jackson E B Parker It H chor Jenkins J 8 Paris Frank Vance Wm JestorKlius PawonsWmO VeazioCaptJ2 Jack Wm Patrick John ViuUyko Dr P A Jenkins Wm M Patrick Dr John Yuulier 8 2 Jackson Jacob Paley Thos Vauarsdatlen g James Jas Payne Wm Vollrath M Jervcttee Anson Philips Mr Vollrath Robt Jamca Stephen B Pedrlck Chas W Vogel Chas Jack Col Wm Penua Salt Co Voorhead D V Jewett Henry JI Philips, Riloy, A Vinton 0 A JotorWmG Co VerelnGrutll Jandoa Bawl Perry Joslnh Vandorspoil J Jackson Jas M Pfaff John Vanhorn ACo 0 W Jones WJ Philips John II Waite 0 P Johnsou Geo , Phinuey Tim 2 Warner W S Jones Stephen B PerryadCapt Jno Warner J L Jones P Pettinglil A CoDD Walker W a Johnson’Gilbert A Phelps Chas Wallace E D Jones Wm Perry Capt Geo Ward Bernard 2 Johnson John G Pfirraans Chaa Warner Jft 2 Johnstou J J Percy Nath H Watson W B Jonos McMorris RPhelpsAlonzo Wallace Alex Johnson AW , l'erham’s Gift Co WnllacoSuml Jones Henry Perrin Benjamins Wanlman Patk Johnson Wm ACo Walters Henry Johnson John J Tfciffer Geo Walter Geo Johnson Thos W Peters Wm M Wutaon Capt A A Jones John Philips Edwd E Walter Edwin Johuson T H Philips Cbas G Wattou li F Johnson A W Polls 0 S Walton D E Johnson David Peterson Edwin Warren Joseph Johnson Wm l’ciperWL Watson Johu Johnson Wm Pilgrim Wm Wa-ihington J G KaglnPtk PumJasll Wells HO Kanomiitako Biair Pllo Wm II Weaver J W KeisouSaml PilippsDrJos Webb W G Kessler A Co Ponueboeker V K Wolloman Carl Kendall J Plympton Chas Wells M B Kennedy A Plunkett David AWeelanJaa Kenny Jas Pluokott Ptk Weikcl Peter Kerchline Jacob Plietz Carl Weir Edw Kergcc Jacob PopeM Weir Thos Kroiuloy Jacob Powell John W White ACoL W 4 Konnnody 8 A Pollard Pool Whaley J A Kern Horatio G Pool Erasmus Whitaker Rev DK Kay Edmoud I'culson Erantus Whitaker Josoph Keenan John Potter Jos WlilteUey F W Kcobzerhy John Pritcr JI M Whitworth Josh Kolloy S 8 Prlnco II T Whiting A Koofo Kelley John P Vreusucr 0 White Wm Koyacr Wm Price Geo D Whittemoro Wm 2 Kent John Brico A Fltzge- White Mr Klein John raid Whitney Henry IvvebH Micliiu-l Price Geo lt White John KirchnorJohn IVeiss A Sarlorius Whilab H L King Sand A Purnell Ed S Willisoognmuel Knox Wm II Puruell Danl Wihon J W Kimball Thos Ruffeflncuta D A Wilson Hturv King Dr Alfred T Rnynolda W T WillianiH E b’ KuieesJos Rattt) 11 WlucmtsEJ Krotschmau II Ray John A 2 Willcux K T Kulle Ohos Ralph Wm Williams Capt C II Kahn Harrison II Randall Win W Withe* P M KrctchmavCapJCßausch Aug’t Willing JM. King Wm Randall Theo Wilson J H Kltteriugham Jas llaukln S 8 Williams J W Kidpur John Rail Pat’k WllbooPM Krause AndyJ Raub J Miller Willottn K W Kromfcld Herrn Rood Win Williams Edw Keelin M Read Go o Wilt J L Klrshbnum John Roigart Adam IV Williamson A Klohr Ilcury Uenwick Robert Wirling Wm KirnbinJF RoiriingorO Williams Wm Kronhermcr S W Retngiiulo G Williamß Rev II B Knapp Wm Uehl Adam WilHamson J D Lawson Thos L ltoener Christian Willson Philip Lautenahlagor J Richardson T P Williams J B Labborton Rov Hftitebiaon Col J 8 Wlllsonßathmel 2 Lambert II 0 Richardson Wm 3 Willson Joseph Laflins, Smith A Richards Samuel Wiley W V Iloioo Rice David Wilder, Case A Co Lamb Winefonl Richey Jas Woodbridgo F LaduoJohnW Riddle Jaa Woblfalth Gotlb2 Lalmt, Honry A Richmond JB Wolfort Gotlioh Co Richardson Joa Wooten A!f R Lanfalrßobert Riboul Victor Woll Potor Lasnll Joseph Knot Wm 0 Wolf W B Lahens A Kogjos WoodunrdJH Lavery Wm Rogers T Wood A Nickels Laehnor Francis Rosenthal J WottonTlioa Lafforty Hugh Rosa John 2 Woodard A Co G Laforest Alfred Robinson John W'omrath G F Lamoth Edmond Rockhill Geo W Wright Col Aft 4 La Rue Chas Rocelt Denmis Wright Hugh Lawronco Alex RobiaonJaaF WilghtWll LanileraJl Roberta John H Wright AM 2 • Lathrop Morlial Rom Richard M Wunsch Ludwig Lannlug J P Robuds Thos H Yarnol Henry Lano Col N B Rogers A N Yautis A Sou J H Langley Henry Rood A Young John Loutz John H Roberta Sam’l F Yolo A Son Ilobt L Lelaen Chas F Rose Henry Zuckachvart And Laller Goo J RoulyT Zeiltor Edw Lonmn Goo llobina Capt B H Zehner Iteurr Leonard Peter P Rollason M '/obol Anton Leo Dr Wm H Robertson John P Zeigler Dr G J GIDEON G. WEBTCOTT, P. M BW. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS, • No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. t Btocks, Bonds, <fcO., Bought and Bold on Commission. ’ i&Unourrent Bank Notes, Chocks, «fco., bought at tbs' lowest rates. Deposit* rewired and Interest allowed, as per agree j»«t. wl-Pm Qlmttsetiwnta. AMERICAN ACADEMToFMUSIC H. A. MARSHALL 1,1, BRAND RONZANI BALLET TROUP dfßaU u t BperB ° n < “ r * clloD orth “ celebrated JMtre DOMENICO RONZANI MONDAY EVENING, September 21 185 T And every evening until further notice, *W be nrewnt. ed the grand Fantastic IJallet, entitled P Sent * FAUST. Joctor Faost Signor Gaspare Pratosl Jeter. . .Signor Cecchetti Marguerita..... .......Mde Louise Lamourenx Signora Cecchetti Splrito Dauzante Signor U&r&tti Mefisiofele Signor D. Ronxani PHIOE3 Of Admission—Parquet, Dress Circle and Balcony, 11; Family Circlo, 6U cents; Amphitheatre. 25 cents. Tbo Box Office of the Academy is opou from 9 A. M. to 6 p*. M . for the securing of ReserredSeata and Uoxcs" without uxtracharge. Tho fiallet will commence at 8 precisely. Carriages will set down heads South, and take ud beads North, THO 3. McKEON, Treasurer. WHATLEY' B ARCH ST. THEATRE. *▼ —Solo Lessee WUEATLEY. Soalb or Pmoxs.—Orchestra Stalls. 50 cents; Dress .Circle (uo extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Seats in Pri vate Boxes 75 cents; Whole Priratd Box, S 3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons 25 cents: Prl nt Qaller J r Colored Pergoos, 38 cento. BoxOfUco open from 10 A. M. until 8 P M J M.IUYHITTON “ TrJisnrer THIS (Monday) BVPNINO. Septal, the'per formances will commence with Shakspcare's * U A II L £ T Claudiu. ; Mr. Frederick. Mr K. j,. Davenport renhoV-^*' ;; Mr. Wheatley Ophelia. Mrg P. L. DaTcnnort To conclude with the Laughable Faroe of BKKTOIIEH IN INDIA. Sir Matthew Scragga. Tom Tape..... Lady Scraggs TVATIONAL THEATKE, WALNUT ST., xi near Eighth. Admission Scat? In Private Box, *1; Orchestra Choirs, 75 cents; Dress Circle and Parquet, 60 cents: iatmly Circle,2*)cents. Doorsopcn at 7. Tocomtnonco at 8 o’clock. s Box QlDce open from 10 to 1 o'clock, when seats r*p be secured. BtajiS Managor Mr. H. WatVlnH (.Monday) EVKNINO, Sept. 21, the porform anco will commence with Knowles’sPonularPiarof LOVE. Countess..... Miss Kimberly Ij oo ' l '••••*' Mr.T.B.Ums bap™** Mrs. Muzzy „ To conclude with the comic piece ontitlM THE OMNIBUS} OR, A CONVENIENT DISTANCE PROM TOWN. Pat Rooney Sit. Lodger. Sirs. Dobbs. STREET THEATRE^£oT _ Mr - B A. Marshall ; Stag© Manager, Mr. Johnaefton. Price*.—Dross Circle and Parauette, 60 Cents; UppwrOircle, 25 cents; Prlvato Box and Orchestra Seats, 75 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. 51. to 3 r. M. Boors open at 7 o'clock; performance to com* meuceat7tf. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Sept. 21, will bo acted the olegaut Comedy, entitled CAPTAIN OF TIIE WATCII. Viscount do Ligny 51r, John Wallack lister Baron Vanderpotter Mr. Lo Jloyne Katryn .Mias Gannon 1 o conclude with Goldsmith's Standard Comedy, called SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER ' Old Hardcastle Mr. W. R Blake \oung Marlow Mr. J. Wallack tester ilu-fl Hardcaatle si rs . noey cjanford’* opera house— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at o'clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 cents. ’ SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE In their Operatic Entertainments, introducing all tho latest Songs, Glees, Choruses, Dances, &e., concluding each evening with, a 5 LAUGHABLE BURLESQUE. 1016-lin liegal Notices. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE J. CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. In the matter or tho Estate of Jahn Doramic tlmcll, dcc'd.—The auditor appointed to audit, settle, aud ad just tho account of Iter. 0. J. 11. CARTER, Adminis trator of tho Estate of JOHN DOMINIC BERRKLL, d e c „’ Wlll weet tho Parties interested at hia office, No. 213 South Sixth street, Philadelphia, on Monday, Sen* touiber 2d, 1857, atto’clockP. 51. ” 1 le , ck LEWIS 0. CASSIDY, » »*P aB*fimr 5t Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS* COURT OP MONT GOMERY county, August J9th, 1857. Notice is horeby given, to all persons interested In the estato of Mary Alderfer, late of tho township of Lower Salford, iu said county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Alderfer hare applied to said Court by petition, praying for a decree for the sale of thoroai estate of said Mary Alderfer, deceased. The said Court *”,« ta«J WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M., at tho Court House, in Norris town, for all parties interested to appearand show cause, if any they have, why tho prayer of said petitioneri should not be granted By order of the Court. J. B. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans' Court. ‘ au2o-d4w Agriculture, STATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. —AORICULTUEISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, QARD NEB3, POMOLOGIBTB. INVENTORS, MANUPAC TUIIERS t ARTISANS!J All classes are layited to be* come exhibitors. oZ'.'L STATE AGRICULTURAL SMH'TY will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at Powoltoo, Wait Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 20th aud 80th, and OCTOBER Ist aud 2d «u«u ing, rot thodlapW of Oattto, Horses, Sheep, Striae and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and Implements, Dairy, Field and Garden Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers and vegetables, the Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Btovos, Wares and Inventions ♦ A PLOWING MATCH 1 ! <ln order to promote skill and efficiency iu the im portant work of the Farm, a Plowing Match will come off on tho fourth day of tho Exhibition, to which men and youth* are Invited to compote for the premiums. ■To sellers and buyers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable Market. Tbo different Railroad Companies will carry all stock and articles to and from the Exhibition fret of charge as heretoforo, and will issue Excursion Tickets for the Fair week at the usnal liberal rates. Lists of Premlams and all other Information will be furnished on application to ROBERT 0. WALKER, Se cretary at the Rooms of “the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,'»OUesnutStroet, below Seventh, south side, up stairs. ’ Tho books for the entry of articles and animals Will be open on and alter the Ist of September. „ „ „ DAVID TAGGART, President Poona. Eta to Agrienltural Society, aal3-d t sop 28 iFor Bale anb to £et. rrio LET.—THE STORE NO. 110 ARCH X street, between SECOND and FRONT streets, ad joining the block of large STORES, recently erected bv SAMUEL SMYTH, Esq, will be ready to occupy on the 25th instant (September) w Ruin or Fluid Lamp busiueas not treated with Ap ply t« WALTER PATTERSON, soplP-lw 43 North Front street jt&QAfYOK $5OO BOOK BINDERY FOR SALE—Seven years established, doing a fair Job business, which can bo increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location, 635 Arob street, below Sixth. Blank booka at cost, jobs bound to onler. auglo-5w PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N, J., FOR SALE, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 76 feet by 140. Price, $3,000. Also, Lota suitable for manufactories, fronting the river. Apply toO. ROBB. No. 311 South Fifth street. au29-lm# * f'tLOVER SEED—NOTICE TO PENN. V SYEVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned aro now prepared to purchase for cash, prime Closer Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeepers and farmers, by sending samples to our address, can, at alt times, ascertain the prico at which we are buying. Parties wishing samples, by which to bo governed as to quality, can haro thum sent by mail, by addressing us. J. U CHASE A CO, aepltMf 43 North Front, and 44 Water streets Wm. d. ho^Fs^carriageWpos- ITORY, 1003 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, above TENTH, Is now Open for the Bale of every de*» cription of Carriages, combining Stylo, Durability add Elegance of Finish, from tho Manufactory at the corner of Sixth and Master streets, to which the attention of Citizens and Southern and Western gentlemen Is res pectiulljr called. N. B,—Especial attention given to Carriages for re pairs in the shops connected with Die Repository. Eu trance on Chestnut 9troot. si»l4-mwf2w Department for supplying the CITY WITH WATER. Philadelphia, September 14,1857. NOTICE is hereby given that tue lint of DELIN QUENT WATER RENTS, for 1857. wilt bo handed to the proper officers for tho cutting off or detaching fur ruls supplying such delinquents with water, on TUE 3 DAY MORNING, Septomber 2’»d, 1557. NO WATER RENTS will be received at the Register's Offico after MONDAY, September 21st, 1857. To save expe«*», those who have not paid their Water Tax for 1857 had bettor call aud settle before that dato. t J. M. KAYBOLD, flol5»0t Register of Water. LUMBER! LUMBER! ! —Tho subscriber, who has for several years occupied the promises at Sloan’s Planing Mill, Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phoenix Planing Mill, on Delawaro avenue, whore he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina aud other lloor lug boards, stops, risors, shelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and woll worked. For sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and oxamine for themselves, and every ef fort will bo made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for ail kinds aud Sixes of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling, 8. 8. RICHIE. HOLMES’ SELF-RIGHTING SURF AND LIFE BOAT.—The undersigned are sole agents for the sale of HOLMES’ SELF-RIGHTING SURF AND LIFEBOAT. Patent right for States or cities or boats ready for use, can bo obtained by applying to BISHOP, SIMONS, A CO., selß-lm 36 North wharves. MARGHANT'* ' CRYSTALOORAPHS, Oil PHOTOGRAPHIC MINIATURES IN OIL, N 35 corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST. The above pictures differ essentially fiom abytbing ever before offered to tho public. Their softness, and truth of color and outlino, extraordinary ininuteuess and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, tho greatest ttdelityof reKcmblanco; while tho severity of tho or deal to which they nro exposed in manipulation equally Bottled the question of their permanence. These facts enable the subscriber to offor them, with the greatest satisfaction and coniidonco, to the public and to his friends, They are secured by letters patent to, and can bo had only “ f ... ... e. d. merchant. ID-" I ortroits of the cabinet, and life site on canvas aa heretofore. „„ 18 . 3|u DissolutioFoF copartnership. Tho firm of 0. 0. DAVIES .V CO. la thi. day dissolved by mutual foment. Tho husinoas of tho Into Brin will ho settlod hv either of tliopartners. o. 0 . DAVIES, IVM. S. NOBLE. A. L. HOUGH. Philadelphia, Sept. 16th, 1857. aold-Ct TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS^— Attention Is invited to the following stock of sea aoned LUMBER: 300,000 feet 6-4 Yellow Pino Floor Boards, 250,000 feet 4-4 do do. 30,000 feot 3-4 do do, suitable for lin ing stores. 76,000 feot Whlto Pino Floor Boards. 360,000 feet Spruce Joist. Selling low for cash, to suit the times, and iu lots to suit purchasers. ALBERT BENTON, South PRONT etreot. f'JHEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE*, .V,,?, r .,'^L l ™ t l u “ m .> r . ISBoldattho PHILADELPHIA (> AS » OHK3 tor tho reduced price of five cents u bu«diol, oiid may be obtained in large nr small quantity by ap plying at tho Goa Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH titrect. ’ To Purchasers by Wholesale, it is sold at the Works, In First Yt aitl, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thraclte, n tJ2 fiOporton. (Signed,) J. 0. CItESSON, Engineer. HII.MIWU I)U Wows, Aug S 5, ’67. »u27-tf Thomas e. Baxter—hardware, CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 810 MARKET BT„ AhOTe Ninth, eouth eide, Philadelphia. ns 1-Oa Processor saundeeFSJstitute WEST PHILADELPHIA. * No Seminary whatever is more like a private fainilr The course of (study Is extensive and thorough. Pro fessor Saunders will receive a few more pupijs under fourteen years of age into his family. Enquire of Messrs. J. 8. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J, Yi I'orney, Editor of this Paper, whose sons or wards are now in o^ libera of his family. * wptH-tf ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, LOCUST STREET, we.tof Sljtteenlh. Cl»a«»in i-atin, Greek, french, and the usual English branches, arranged so as to allow pupils to advance In each, iode pendently of the others, with a rapidity proportioned to abilities. Much time is given during Jnin°°i *«* *? P re Paro lessons. Circular* may be ob tained at the Academy. _*rtl2«*_ HARRlS,Principal. M IS n { J J*£™ EY AND MISS DILLAYE SCHOOL SOABDIKO AMD DAY iemWllth 15 CHK3Tt,DI «™t, on MONDAY, top- T> „ » „ references. iV; w Le/burn, D. D., do; James H. Outhbert, do: Win T Brantley, D. D . do; E. B Cheney, do; William Bed ford, New York city; A. D. Gillette, D. D.. do* tt Tub. E? c t k » D h D n’ d ii Il \? lLlIer .; Baltiln °re; Ooorge W. vll? ti?’ S a »». ,ton * *l* York i <>• Kempton, North East, New York; Thomas Hambaut, CaMriUe Georz'a: Howard Malcotn, D. D . Lowiaburg, Pennsylvania; John 8. Hart, LL. D., Philadelphia; Paul T. Jones, Esq., do; Col A. <i. Waterman, do; Caspar Morns, M. D ’ do- Robert A. Ezell, Esq., Marshall, Texas; John B. kem' £le, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, :*q , do, do; George W. Jackson, Esq., do, do; JohnQ. Raymond, LL. D., Brooklyn, New York; ifayson Bray son, Esq., Chicago; Hon Ooorge W. Bradford, Homer New York; Stephen D. Dillaye, Esq., New York city Hon. Daniel S. Dickinsoq, Binghamton, Now York. . sep4-1m • • • • Air. Tltayor .Me. J . li. Clarke ....Mrs,Thayer PRITTENDEN’9 PHILADELPHIA COM MEROfAL COLLEGE, 8. E. comer or SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ererYstria. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND fORMB. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, 4c. Each Student has inttiriduai instruction from comra s^rriifon^iTh^ri^" 8 ’ ” d " ID lllC Conntr E■>' Tera“*e’ U “‘ 1 ' l ' 1 " SpeClmeU *“ jB ' t * Catalog ° r ’ ee3 lm HtMAN ALLEN, A. M., is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils ou the Violin or on the Piano, and to play Violin parts or accompani /,M tS ril ha<l X an ? edplaDl3ta - A PP J J *t the residence ALLEN, No. 215 South Seven! h a th iw^tri , v. C J rC ! lla r 8 ’ * ,th twrm * and references, at G. ANDRE A Co.'s, No. 1104 Chestnut B*. tel-lm* Mr. J. Seymour ...Mr. Worrell Mrs. Myers (SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, SO UTH WEST CORNER OF AKCH AND TENTH STREETS The pupils in this Institution will bo instructed in ali the branches of & thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. • ’ ■ ' The discipline will he a careful pointing onward and upward. ■ The school-year Is divided into two terms, of flTe months each, commencing first of Ninth Month' /Sep tember,) and first of Becond Month (February ) T E It M S • First Department, per term of are months *25 00 Second “ n « anm Third ••• tVS Fuel, Ac.,per term "" j'qo HARRIETT BROWN. Philadelphia, 1857. REFERENCES; Thomaa Klmber, J. D. White, M. D., fiamael Ilettle, Jr., Bcnj. S. Jaunej, M. D. M&ra&tiuke 0. Cope, Robert K. Wright William Settle, Thoma* D. Smith, Thomas Wistar, George Grlscom, Anthony P Morris, William F. Pitfield, Joshua U. Morris, David Vanderveer, Uriah Hunt, WHUam B. Thoma. au2s-lm. UJPPLEFJO CrtJPPLEE’S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG ( b P^ di !l? da J PttpilJ.) N. W. corner aud GREEN streets. fifth session will opoa on September 7th. Best reference giren, In. cluumg all present and former patrons. au2u-tf [6 GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. comer EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets.' Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing fall particulars, pupils’ names, testimonials. *c., can he had ou application. *u2s-tf F. DONLBAYY LONG, Principal.' Hall op st. james the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Rsr.B.B.Smtsbr, Rsorox, The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sen* temberl. * r Circulars mar he obtained at the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Palls of Schuylkill, Phil*. delphia. aul7*6m TI/TRS. BARTON* 3 BOARDING AND *7*- DAY SCHOOL FOB YOUNG LADLES, No. 1929 CHESTNUT Bt., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. iulD-e** ■jVOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE i-'* persons, malo and female, to gain 'a share of this world’s goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and WO SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Btudlee, embracing a knowledge of (WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a short time. THE LElDY’Btake pleasure ia sayfng, that during *k®J^r.T e , a .t.w.A arg ® number of porsous acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro. Btable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. mpo-Sm. ■ i - |pOAL.—The very beat assortment of LE IIIGII And SCHUYLKILL COAL on bsod t In BROAD Street, second yard above Vine street. seU-lrn 110 >Y ELL DORMAN. QO/lf| LBS. IS A TON—BUYERS w4rlv and consumer* are invited to examine our stock of “LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK HEATH COAL.” Our Coal ia selected expressly for family use; being careful]/ screened, we will warrant it free from elate and dust. ‘‘Wo-eell 2240 lbs.being “ 240 lbs. moio” than sold by retail dealers, at “25 cents less per ton.” Also, on hand a full supply of “ BROAD TOP BITU MINOUSCOAL” for Steam-generating, Blacksmlthing, and Rolling-mill purposes. This Coal cannot be ex celled. Y.rde, BROAD and VINE—Big Sign. ‘■2310 LBS. IS A TON. [teS.Sm] LEIGHTON A CO. COAL! COAL! COAL!—TAGGART’S CELEBRATED SPUING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH DUAL. J. ic n. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GLOItOE W. SNYDER'S PINE POREST BCHUYL KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for Kale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OP ALL SIZES. "here is no Coal mined anywhere, equal ia quality these, and a trial will eonviuce any one of their groat superiority. Our Coal it very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust and all impurities. Our PIUOLS areas LOW &a the YURY LOWEaT. Orders left at oar Office. No. 161 SOU in FRONT streot, above Walnut. left at oar Yard, CALLOWHILL street, bole* BROAD street. T £SK7, toft 14 0M WATER street, nbora CAL LOWHILL—or sent to either placo per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. ’ Purohasere for Family uso will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct from the Company’s Hiaea, and tho only authorized agents, by retail, south of Kensington Also Lehigh and Bchuylkill Coal. T. TREADWAY. Swanson street, >u2Q»2m] Ist Wharf above Wasnlngton, Southwark. CCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— Kj I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rolyon getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. jTj No Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PHI CEB. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. E. comer of Broad and Cherry Sts. Lehigh and Schuylkill coal.— DALY, PORTER A CO.. COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. aul-6oi Lumber and coal—Montgomery 3c NEALL having connected the Coal with the Lumber buHineae, inform their friends that they have made contracts for a supply of the best qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may be loft with Mr. 8. KILPATRICK. No. 13 S. FIFTH S, t ’. or w ' ,h Jlr - TVM. D. NEALL, corner PINE and WATER street.. aulB.3m Henderson & co ,s great liter ARY FAIR, FIFTII and ARCH streets. In order to gratify the wishes of out numerous pa trons. and induce tho book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low priced, we intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of $1 and up wards, a Gift in value of from 35 cents to $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Hecolloct yon are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at the usual price, and very many will get, in addition, a present worth having. au2l-3m EVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK. SALE, No. 139 CHESTNUT Street. N. 8.-No connec tion with any other home In the City. iul-3m NO MORE PILES—-NO MORE PILES. DR. CHARLES KELLNITZ, from Parle and Lon don, is in possession of a remedy which will cure radi cally this painful disease, however protracted and ob stinato itiuay l»e. The first prescription arrests all pain as if by magic, and throo days’ treatment effects a com pleteoure. No charge will bo made if the remedyfails. All diseases cured. He is also the inventor of a liquid for nourishing tho growth of tho hair, and yawning baldness, tho efficacy of which he fully guaranties, Lewis Fishblatt cured of piles. _Apply at Q 2& LOCUST street, near the Unitarian Church. eel-lm JII. CHASE & CO. • general COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North FRONT nnd 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia, CONSTANTLY KECEIYISG CLOVER SEED On consignment from the interior ot Pennsylvania, whero oitr MW Chaining Mill ia n „w |„ general use. ID' AI/m, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP alwaya on haild - TIfACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. Bold'by CHADWICK. A DUO., SECOND Street, first door t hove Race. auglB-3moa. PERSONAL.— LET IT BE DISTINCTLY' understood that Dr. J. D FRANCIS does extract Teeth with GALVANIC FORCED, without pain, at 340, South Fourth Btrcot, below Spruce. sel6-6t* David m. hogan, blank book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT street, butweenFouctU and Fifth, Philadel phia. eeB-lm COTTON— 200 bales good Middling to Mid dling Fair Cotton, in atore aud for sale bv MARTIN ft MACAUSTER, ftOt l North W*t«r Street. TJOSIN*— COOBARRELS SOAFMAKERS* At/ ROSIN, to arrive per nhoouer .« (I Planner. J-or sale by MARTIN & MAf-JULUrEK, nudl- IJ*> Ntitlj Water street Manilla robe, -superior ma NILLA RQPK, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FITLER * CO., anß.if Wo 23 N Water at . 12 N Wh»r*M COTTON —100 bales Gulf Colton, in stord and for sale by ! MARTIN A MACALISTER, Ufltferih Water 6tr«t.9 (Educational. Shipping. CHIP OTSEONTHE FOR NEW OB LEANS—Louisiana Line—Guarantied first Teasel, with quick dispatch—Freight taken at as low rate*** any vessel loading. The remarkably fast-sailing ship OrSEO.YTHE, IFtn. K. Maxwell, master. now rapidly completing ktr load log at Race street wharf, has nearly all of her cargo engaged and going on board, and will positively sail a* above. fchippers will please examine this ship before enza g«ngeljewhjro. * Those *ho Uira not completed their ehipcaeote will please oo so at once, aod haod in bills of ladinz for aiz asturo. • • For balance of freight, which will bo taken at the lowest rate,, or pn»age, apply „„ boanl, or to EliilUF, SIJiO.NS. £ CO., The OTSEONTUE inanrea at the’lowest rates *aod will take ateaia down the Delaware and op the Mia- MISWtf F OK SAN FKANCISCO—CALIi'OKNLA LINE —Direct from Philadelphia. The nugnificent clipper «hip JOSEPH JONES, Saa. no! O. Flowera, commander, is cow loading *► street wharf; haring a large part of her cargo and going on board ripillj, %Ul hare immediate d**. patch. Shippers will plena hnrrr their goods slongside with, oat delay. For balance of freight apply to fiI&HOP, SIKOXS k. CO , 3d Korth Wbarres. If'OR'SAN FRANCISCO—FKOM .NEW YORK Tbo celebrated clipper ehip SANTA CLAUS, Foster, maater; the magnlßoent clipper ehip LOSTOXIAX, fc | wr , a lna£ter » ar, ‘ now loading and will hire der patch u For balance of freight epplj to BISHOP, SIMONS A CO., 3* North WbirTW. Jeis oni> Usstanrauts. 1 ]t|cGOIYAN>S KESTaSaXT, SOUTH- J ~w est coruer of BWAB and WALNUT —Gim» t°th o 1 t ther d * lic *r» ,n se **' ia - Families supplied Oysters on the shortest notice. sep7-7m Lewis b. coffin,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC nnn „ QUARTERS.) Sonth-east corner FIFTH and QUERN Streets gep3 Imo Philadelphia. TUEKCHANTS’ HOTEL, IT* NORTH FOURTH STREET. Anor* Mikrt, Philadelphia. ftnA*tf McKIBBEN It 80K3, Ftonutoss. SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street and Duqueane W«/, Pittsburgh. B. D. MASSES Proprietor. ' aalMa lOincs on& JJiqmrrs. OLD WHEAT WHISKEY.—E. P.'mTTT diM * LETO :' , I A importer. of Wines. Ursa wiS’.w!-v -4 .*?? »“•« proprietor, of the OIJ IVhe.t Whiskey, No. S North Front Street. seplT-lm VJOKT WINE.—In bond and entitled to do ~. benture 250 casks St. Joseph's Pare Juice Port Wine, in qra. and eighths. • Ten pnncheonj Join Bmmsj lilaj M»lt ScotchWMs- Key, 1 years old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. • Marett, Martel, Bouvet, and J, J Dacny Brandies, ail of which I offer to the trade at reduced price* * M _ JOS. ?. TOBIAS, sa27-3aos 88 and 90 g. Frost Bt.,below Walnut. Cl P. MIDDLETON & 880., IMPORT "• »> BRANDIES, WINKS, 4c.; ilio, .gents w f 8?. Proprietors of the old WHEAT WHISKEY Ho. 6 North FRONT street. anffiSa * A V - HOLMES, WINE AND «as^t. 228 ’ ®3s t - I"") I. LEWIS, IMPOBTER AND DEALER * J-LJ, r . N ?._ Wlfi£S ' IMBOItS, CIGARS, Ac., X South FIFTH Street, Philidfljhia. aul^ly XBEANDIES.—Pinet, Castillon & Co.. Hd- MJ nttfc Co.,,and other brands of Cognac* of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter cask*; PelievoLOa Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, Quarter assSt?* 1 *“ in Custom H °’“° * imm > m . HENRY BOHLRN A CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Sooth Fourth street. DITHMAB & BDTZ, PORTER, ALE BASER BEER BREWERY - , No. MO (neir no. 038) North THIRD Street, PMUlrlphin.-SMppln* orders promptly .Headed io. Sales bg anrlitm. Thomas & sons, auctioneers. South FOURTH street. 9 LARGS PUBLIC SALS OF STOCKS, wbat. ESTATE Ac. ’ On TUESDAY next. This sale wdl comprise 300 Sham Girard Bank, la Shares Rank Northern Liberties, 37 Manufacturera and Mechanics Bank, 25 Bank of Pen® Township, 300 Shares Colombia Coal & Iron Co., 60 Shares HailetoaCoalCo and a variety of other Stocks. Bonds, &e ' Also, a Urge amount of Real Estate, including ralu- Matters** COlmt7 Propenj '» b J" «*« of ex^atora ST See Pamphlet Catalogues issued con taining also a large amount of Real Estate at' private i /wT" Fublic Sales at the Exchange ercry Tuesday, and 1.000 Pamphlet Catalogues issued each Saturday pre. Vjoua ‘ »epl9-d3tU WOLBERTF.,O,r, AUCTIONEERS, tr " 431 ' CHESTNUT Street, oppeeite the Coelom Home, between Fourth. and Fifth Stnata. CARD-Purchasers are respectfully notified of the peremptory sale of tD» Eighteen halfpipe* “ Otard Dnpar 4 Co.” CO2- xuc, to be held at the Custom House. CHESTNUT street, this (MONDAY) rooming, at 10# o'clock, hr or^ er of v” • Haines, administratrix to tho estate of John Guy, Jr , deceased. The brandy Is represented to be equal to any in the market. Catalogues ready. The brandy is at the Custom House, where the trade and dealer* «ner ally are invited to attend * SPECIAL &ALB BY CATAI/)GUE of the entire bs- Unceof stock of a WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE, b/ order of the Executor. 1 Wewill fell on THURSDAY MORNING next. 24th last., at 13 o’clock precisely, ca account of an Estate, for cash, the entire balance of a stock cf a Wholesale Jewelry House, comprising gold, silver, and plated watches, gold chains, fine gold medallions, shirt studs, seal*, creases, pencils, and tooth picks, elegant lets of , fr*® jewelry In cases. 100 assorted fin* gold bracelets, comprising Cameo, Oriental Jet gold atone, real Moeafe, Florentine, Ac., Jackets, and rt ch new styles of solid gold brooch es, drops, and sets full ladies and gents’ scarf and ribbon pin*— assorted l*4ies r and gents' gold finger ring*, very rich and new styles—gold sets, drops and broochea, with real paintings, sterling silver pencil cases sod pens, gold thimbles, elegant gold seals, 300 gold watch hecks, \ .h a IATR® and valuable aeeortment of other new styles of rich and valuable jewelry, watches. Ac., &e. The good* will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of the »ale FEHESIPTORY SALE OF EMBROIDERIES AND MIL LINERY GOODS. " EDNESDAY next, commencing at 10 o'clock pr«. cisely. we will sell on liberal credit, bv catalogue, a gtncrul assortment of choice French and Scotch em broidcriesjshftwls. mantillas, bonnet trimmings, ribbons French lace veils, laces, Ac , Ac * FRENCH ARTIFICIALS. Alw, au elegant assortment of fall stylea Freneh arti ficials. gold jewelry. At commencement of sale an invoice gold jewelry such as gold watches, hreut-nlu, watch-chains, ear drops. finger-rings, cameo sets, watch-keys, Ac., Ac. N. B.—The Whole will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when the trade and purchasers generally will find it their interest to attend. Moses nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MEBCHAXT, S. E. cornu SIXTH and haps Street*. NATHAN’S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Comer of Sixth and Raee Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods? Groceries, Segars. Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture. Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Horneas, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. fses] M. NATHANS, NATHAN’S great Bale of FORFEITED GOODS wiH take place io & few days. Due notice will be giTen. WEBB’S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns. Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ac., will take shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB’S great sale of Dry Goods. Clothing. Bedding Ac., being forfeited collateral!, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 325 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Street* /x, „ SAU L 3 EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches. J*w. elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac. v > , N. B.—Terms of Night Sales, four mouths* credit for approved city acceptances,for sums of $lOO «.d with in. tereat added from date of sale. serd*lm QEORGE TT * KWS== iGh t SMITH, AUCTIONEER, K. E. corner of lUftROX sxd nOUTU Streeu, nboTe Second. EVENING SALES. BALE 3 EVERY SATURDAY EVENING/ At Ttf o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cats lerj, Houackeepins Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. ’ CSAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, KJ and MONEY LOAN OFPICE, No. 112 South Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hour, of ta«in«w from T o’clock. A. SI., until 10 o’clock in the evening. Out-door olei, una uJh at tt» Auction Houae, at tended upon the intist satisfactory tenca CAPITAL $200,000. J Established for thi last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia rnoads, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandise, Clothing. Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical instrument*, Gun*, Home*. ClTriagOT. and Goods of every description. upon go<>,ia 0110 remain lon S tb of time agreed All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month; sjoo and over, toe lowest market rate. This Store Home having a depth of 120 feet, has large Are and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises j also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced, upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances ou more satis factory and accommodating terms ttinw any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other 'Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-ly (gentlemen's imrnislnitg Coo Us. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. No 7e6 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street. Phihivlpbia. The attention Of Southern and Western Merchant*, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved rut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. auo-lyif OFFICE OF THE STREET SWEEPING AND FERTILIZING COMPANY — No. 620 Sas’sou Stkeet. This Company, incorporated by the State of Pennsyl vania bra perpetual charter, with a capital of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, is now prepared to dispose of its remaining capital stock at TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS per share, the price originally fixed upon by the Board of Directors, by virtue of tbo pro visions of the shatter. Ten per cent, only of the price of each share!* to be paid at the time of subscribing, and future instalments of not more than ten per cent, will only be repaired in periods of two months after due notice given, until one-half of the capital stock is sub scribed and paid in. The Company, contemplating the cleaning of street* by machinery—the sale of patent rights to use the ma thiuea—the collection of wußte. garbage, offal, refuse of funiiies and manufactories,&c , curc.asei uf animals, blood. t»om*, »ui fecal matter, for convert eg the same ii,u> fertiltter*, offer* n large field for the profitable em ployment of capital, and presents great inducements for subscriptions to its stock. Subscriptions received at the office of J. L HUTCHINSON. Treasurer, Northeast corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the office of the Company, No. 620 SAN SOM Street, below Seventh street, where information of the nurposea and prospects of the Company, and pampble£a containing the charter and other matters connected with it* opera tion*, will be furnished. WlB-31 CUARLEB CCHJUNG, fruitM)