The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 19, 1857, Image 2

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    Fqurr«Aos«r-Jidiforiaii, Letter fromiEng-
Itimi ; -Letter: from Pittsburgh) The Yankees at
Home ; ;' Religious Intelli
geitee j'GeileralK'i'WS. • , "i ■
EoBBMt RkßSi^Peetry, l and the Fifth Part
of Familiar Life of Pennsylvania.' '' • ■ ■
We eaflnht dilbV4his Tminbof of The Press
to, appear, tylUijjut saying a word of hearty hope
and encouragement to .those honest , business
interestsi noW struggling - through an tines-.
pelted' pressure in thd money market. 1 The
■ first, tiling Jo insure*-Success in communities,
as 'in families, is cosfiijenc£: : —tfui next,
whjcli'is a .imtural folloiving, is co-oruHA-
TlOJf, '; in tliis - world we - are all, , more
or 'lpsg;ttlejii jstient. upon : each, other, 1 , ,We
must ang,together ; WO must, trust our neigh
bors and our friends, the men we know and
haW tricdpand-we'toust work side by sidd for
ouf ‘ ithe tjisest is noj top wise
to giTe,i<shunSeJiih..BUch''a, crisis, and the
wealthiest hot too wealthy to listen to it.' In :
i dee^i^isinpi 1 of .hplioy to enforce,
thisjrnle„but a necessity; and those who shot
up tlieir 'eoffera in times like tließojand refhse;
to help their fellow-heings, just, as •if they.
thcmselTes/were immortal'and impregnable,
shopid recollect that in a crash of all interests;'
;je?i)lt|igiTphr infatnition or selfifhness/those
iwho jfil) suffpr the/greatest will he tlioao who
have the-lhrgesttbrtunes to lose. \\
Wtf hot disposed io criticise oiiriißanks.
There w a greai deal of dangerous logic in the
public mind, just now, on the subject of Banks.
And it. cinybe well for the Banks to recollect
such .ah, exigency as, the present, thev oivo a
greater* phep/if -possible;', to the' community.'
Tbeyjmust 'contract for, the storm, hilt .they
must not Shut themselves > out from ;the
brake merchants, who, in prosperous days;
are ‘ibfe Steadiest ’ 'customers;' It is .one
of tne>i}est the ’ present • conjunc
tion of.’ affairs that- onr ■ Pennsylvania Banks
(out banks _ espcdiaily); hive
shown s.tbeihtielves to be- based:;, upon a
steady foundatio'n, while the'New England
anA Sew York Banks have been compelled to
conifactmpidly dpi fearfully. All pur ihstitu
tiousTrOWlngiißSS ~.we. think, ■ to . the fact
that I’pUr-'.grefityeoal trade lias made Phila;
delphui, a.^twpdi'tor'. city, ,an 4 has. made
it necessarily independent—have ' been re.
lieved'-frdnT' niiidi of the poril 1 that has Bur
roundetftliiiir neighbors,'and hence liavp been,
in "& assist their customers.
By -cll means iet the : Banks' keep this in view.
Let them,if fhfe'jfCannot'lehd'money, nnd.we
are ’tiio'last to advise them to do wrong—let
them lie-liberal in their.finiaals. '■ " i '
In k few days; or weeks: all this trouble will
be when,
it does,-the : community will look around for the
men who were tho most seli-sacriiicing and
gen erous in.tho hour-of a public calamity, and,
will never forget. them!.,
Ofl*tjtbBthi'of -this month the steamship
Central Amtrici, with l a' ihll 'crow,'s2s Cali
fornia passengers,,COO,ooo in specie, on,
wW..tiie.jpassengcrB ..must,
have had with them,) quitted tho port of Ha-
Tatiff:' 1 Keit- day, a arose.'i
ly it raged. üßtil jEho 12th—nobly the - ship
and. Om. gallant erefv,, battled, with, tho.tem-i
pesti'-oHnnian efforts' availed'not.’On‘ the
12t|; when , the tempest was 'most 1 fierce, Qie
vesselfoundercd.• Out of. all the humanbeings
on board, only sixty were saved. ■ .
That same hurricane caught: other vessels;
and did them more or ■ less injury. Among
these ,Vas'the steamer, Norf/AHt from this port
for Norfolk and Kichinond. Late on Sunday
night, 'Sho; was wrecked—3|ie went'- to' pieces
eadj'f 'on ’Monday;'mibming—but" crow atd
passengepi escaped., .The .last man, to. leave
the sihlung ship was the commandor,- Captain
J. B. Kejlj, who.was nobly, seconded by MS.
offidera'and crewl. l ßut for . their,'coolnessj.
courage, .and gallantry, the sad tragedy of . the
dritie might haVc been repeated. As it was,
the greater portion of those, on board were
picked, steamships CJoseph Whitney ;
and Caledonia, the commanders, crew, and
passengers of which r treated them with snr
passfng' humanity, kindness, and care.. ‘ The
NorfpOti a Piiiladelplda* vessel; isjutterly lostv
Tie Central America, on which life and
treasure hare been such S' great ' oacriilce,
was'heavily Insured, 'with, her freight' worth
§1,600,600. Tin's is not the. placevto
discuss..,the ,rpero worldly .question of dol-'
l#rs'.anil-cents. Bat we''may’say;'e» pe»-
aani'j' thkt 'tiifß large amount of specie, was
looked; for, with. wucious expectation, by. the
monetoiy. intcreat in Kew York—to relievo the
pressure on.the money market. The insurance
of the gold was chiefly effoeted in England! '
AIJ 'cdnsiderations ,of this' sort, however,
sink* into the ]dust, in comparison, with the
solemn and . impressive thoughts which this
motirrifnV catastrophe, must force'; into the
minds of even the least reflective. For
many years there has .hot been’ such a tragedy
at sea as this. The only parallel, .within our
meipory, is.that.ot the Amphitrile, lost off the
coast-of France, over-twenty-five years ago,
w ith about eight hundred, cquvicts on board,
wiro periahod .in a sudden squall, the greater
part, of thejn! being hand-cuflbd .and-linked
two-and-two with fetters;’ and unable, there--
fore,'to moke any effort to save themselves. •
The number of persons who have perished,
as far as is yet known, iniho Central America,
has . beett estimated -as follows'?. Passengers
625 ? .officers and crow, 101{total on board,
C2(l, Out bf this| it is saklthai Ninety-five
were saved. As many; therefore, as Five hun
dred'and Thirty-one of our fellow-creatures
iintborflusb of life—of hope—or expecta
tioh, inaay of these,’have perished, ;Who ’can
measure, the. am'oimt of pain which.this loss
will strike into- niany an niixlouo and loving
heart, all .over fi|iS vast territory. 1 . Who shall
coolly calculate the deep sorrows—the wild
andbittergriofei-thodeadly disappointments—
the’bijihedexpectationshJtbe heart-rendjng be
reavements—the . rent affections—tho absorb
ing desolations which this sad intelligence must!
bring into; ninny a loving, bosom. Not we.
The contemplation makes ns shndder—aud tho
onfl'pLCrvading thought in our mindßincc the
news reached us has been an imperative convic
tion,forced, as }t were, into us; by the great and
sudden shock, of Oro uncertainty of -human
lifej.-and liappihess; and hope,—of tho cer
tainty of that death , which, Faith assures us,
terminates..only our earthly being—qf the
necessity, amid the whirl of business and tho
crowded action of'our daily life, of.rcm cm
boring by what y hrierteniire ot sufferance
we' “ live,' and breathe, lind have, our be*.
ing’'—-of the necessity of being always pre
pared for llie change to which,this ppor mor
tality of ours is momentarily snbjebt. ■
California, that modem El Dorado, to which
all ./igcS tintl sexes' have mado pilgrimagos
for gold, sent back tp ns, in that doomod and
lost vessol, a little army of- edger-minded per-
women,’and children—the greater
part.of whom, no doubt, were bringing back
with thbii mbrc or less store of that necessary
evil— It has gone down into the depths
of the. sea, and they have miserably perished
with it, 1 ' : : , '
Amid shell a large number of passengers, al
most an epitome of life might, perhaps, have
begh found. Tijdfe.was the politician,/eager
and earnest ? prepared-ito stand by his party,
aud honestly believing that his party was the
best-/'- There - would ,be husbands, coming
home -in prosperous circumstances; once
more to clasp liis wife and little ones
in, his, arms, able and' anxious t to provide
them with some pleasant- homestead in which
the.-remainder ot their years might happily
glidc/on, ’ There would bo the betrothed lover,
who had self-sacrificed his best years of early
manhood irt . the pni'sitit'pf g competency to
sharp/isltli the beloved oho,’proud of the ener
gy, and perseverance which had enriched him,
• and gladly ant!c|pattng/tho delight and epjoy
mentof vlrtneugaffeotion.' There,
tooj Would -bej wives returning to their hus
bah|9;;cliilcir9ii,;t(> Jbeir million
aire .uiKltiiemeretiftiit—ttiesoldier and the
artisan—tho 'seaman and' the, clerk—all ages,
oep||at»p.%i janki fairly.' repre
sented.-and.most of them returning with high
hopes andfluahed expectation. ’
. we. , Rsk, "Where are they ?”
The waves/which wash their cold and stark
. which ,’siglraj re
quiem over "ffio' victims tbo' &nrricane/l
these moan back a wailing and melancholy an
swer, and the reply is but a sud and Ypjcefdl
echo of the words, “ Whef o arc, .they ? tL agth,
Manhood and youth,
alj the elements of societyiho.mpw 3
scmblage of five or six kandred peisohs, ajj;
were there, as it lately At
and now they are no m'dre. Tim world of wa
ters has roped over them, and they have pe
riShed. To thorn never again will return the
hUman. sounds 'Ot .mirth' or Borrow, the light
laughter 0 f -jcy ro r - thp sad accents of grief.
Never again for'thenl Will hilman passion make
tde heart swell- or'-the.pulse run with quick-,
eped speed. I.ovp and hatred, admiration and
envy, confidence ami jealousy/avarice and ge
nerosity—all that degrades, and all that ele
vates, are now the same -to thepi.. Their .hu
man race is run. “After Life’s fitful lever,
they sleep well.” ' , ; > •> .■ 1
. To such a mournful catastrophe as this,
how sadly and singularly applicable is the im
pressive languageof inspired.B.evelation. It is
whenunder the pressure.of such thoughts as this
event forces upon us, that we feel the simple,
grandeur and trathfhl beauty of Holy Writ.
How touOhingly applicable are tho following
sentences, at tho' present moment: ’ “ They
that go.down to the sea in ships, and occupy
jheir business: in great waters,-theso mon see
.ihe works of the Lord, and his wonders in the
deep. For at'his word the stormy wind ariseth,
'Which-lifteill up the waves thereof. Theyara’
carried'Up' to the hekveh; anil down again to
tho deep; their soul melteth away because'of
the trouble. They reel to qnd fro, and stagger
like a drunken . man, and are at their wits'
end.” 1 - ’ ',! , '
Here wo might close., But- one reflection
forces -itself upon us i How comes it to pass
that, throughout the land, a universal wail
arises and a general sympathy Is awakened, at.
such a loss as this,4-while we carelessly
read, without sympathy or' sorrow, but,
simply as part of tho ephemeral' intelligence
of the day, how in'the Crimean war thousands
and tens of thousands perished of disease, and
perished in the battle 1 In less tlian tivo years,
03 many a5,250,00b human beings wore de
stroyed, in the Crimean campaign, and for
them we.had no pity. How is this? It may
be . answered that those whose death' at sea wo
havo, recorded belong to ourselves, and lite
rally are our own flesh and blood; members of
bur: own households,, as it wore. Vo grant
this—but let our readers remember the late
war with Mexico; and reiollect of what' small
account, was priyate ’ sorrow over the bravo
whbiperished; how in the lightning-flashing
Word “Victory” all other feelings were ab
sorbed. Inthe case of this wreck overOOOlives
•arc lost, and every one is deeply concerned;
in thb Went of a battle, many, thousands miser
ably perish, and, with our feelings .blunted
by the consideration of what is called Glory,
few (save the near relatives of the departed)
she'd a tear over' the dead or lament their
joss.V ' , ..,
, Tho Central America, it may be necessary
to' state, is not a new vessel,' bit an old steam
er, with a niWname. She was built, in 1853,
by Georoe Haw, of Now York, 'and bore his
name untiljast June/ when it was changed un
(ler thp following circumstances: .
.The George Law made her eighty-ninth voy-,
,igo, : !UK]'arrived at New York , on'Juno 13.
When she reabhed the Quarantine, afi indig
nation meoting of nearly seven hundred p’as
sbngers wits hold, at which sucli; strong, reso
lutions, complaining of the treatment received
oh hoard, including provisions neither of the
best quality; nor in tho greatest' abundance,
that, to get rid ofsuch a reputation she went out,
On her next/voyage, as the,Central America,
It,will bo impossiblo,,we fear, to obtain
anything lilto a correct and full list of all the
passengers until after tile arrival of tho next
Californian' mail.. Each steamer brings her
own list, and a duplicate js sent on by a sub
sequent vessel., Tho Empire City, it is said,
hid such a duplicate list, but it was carelessly
left at Norfolk, whence there is just a chance
of its turning up. " '
!Tbe Republicans havo just made their no
minations for the neto. Slate of Minnesota.
Tjie Democrats will Belect their candidates in.
a' few days! TJntii the Constitution lately
framed is accepted .by tho people,' and the
hew State - admitted into the Union by
Congress, , Minnesota, will be represent; but ns- therd will bo
no question and 1 little’ delay in receiving
this new sister into onr family of Republics,
tije. members of Congress will be on. hand,,
tvith the Senators to be elected by the Legis
lature yet to be chosen. 1 Wo can realize what
a‘ successful; progress Minnesota has made in
popn’.ation, hi the fact that shb' has enoqgli for
three members of Congress. ' Tho fallowing is
tho ticket of the Republicans:
Delegate to Congress —Clifts, McClure, of Good
hue county. ; - , ■
: Governor?—Alex. Ramsey; of Ramsey county.
' Lt.•Governor— J.,o. Ide, of,Waseca county.
■ Judge of Supreme Court —Chief Jnslice—Ho*
race R. Bigelow, of Bt. Paul. Associate Jus
tice*—John M. Berry, of Rico county; and H. A.
Billings, of Fillmore County.
* Attorney General —Georgo A. Nouree, of St. An
thony. ■ . ‘ - - • 1
Members of Congress —M., B. Wilkinson, iof
Houston county ,* Henry A. Swift, of Nicollet coun
ty ; and Gyrus Aldrich, of Hennepin county..
*' Secretary of State— L. K. Stannard, of Chlongo
; State, Treasurer —Frank Mantor, of Bodge
■county. [ ‘ ' 1 : ,‘' /; >'i
‘State Auditor —A. P. Lane, of Anoka county.
Clerk of the Supreme Court— -A. B. Bussell. -
The Republican candidate for Governor,
Mr. Ramsey, is a native of Harrisburg; Dau
phin copnfcy, in this State. Ho rose from
humble life_ by his own exertions, and repre
sented his native county, in Congress for
several years. He was sent to Minnesota as
Qovernor by General Taylor, and Is greatly
respected. The Democrats aro resolved to
select their strongest and best candidate for
tfyis offico. Greats interest is felt in tho con
test. ' ‘
■ Mb. Davenport's Hamlet.— Another large
and intelligent audience greeted Mr. Davenport’s
appearance lastnlght inthis great character; and
having enjoyed his fine acting, we take pleasure in
recording our impressions while they are still
frofih and truthful. ‘ Since tho days of Kean, whose
genius } shone more brilliantly in this play, per
haps, than in any other, wo hove been, in a de
gree, reluotant to witnoss any representation of
this imtnortal production. But Mr. Davenport’s
just appreciation of Shakspearo’s text, and his
fine rendering of its moaning, both apparent and
latent, have j ohailengod- our unqualified .admira
tion. His voice and wannor are both excellent,
while his/natural style bf noting, and his exhibi
tion of tho passions and omotlonsof the piece, prove
a sound judgment, a severe taste, and a high and
noble ambition to excel, not in -points of doolomo
.tioo.but in the expression of the great motives,
and the contradictory traits of character, which
have made Hamlet not only a problem to scholars,
but a task fora^tors.
, t The house: wascarriod spell-bound through tho
entire play. Mr. Davenport contred all iniercstln
himself, and the host acting of tho other perfor
mers derived their greatest interost from thoir asao
elation with him. Of tho meritsof the other notors,
and the manner in which they supported him, we
have not tiiuo to speak, but wo can Bay that the
properties of this theatre, and the general merit of
this company; arc brought out most happily in
this piece. The disappearance of the Ghost in tho
First Aot, was almost magical—a device, obtained
'by Mr. Davenport, no doubt, during his late visit
to England : while. tho changes in the Third Act,
though novel and striking, wore justified by tho
text of Shakspearo, and was so applauded by tho
largo'and discriminating audience assembled to
witness them.
Mr. Whoatley has won success because he hns
deserved it. llis timo, talents, and monoy, have
been, are, and no doubt will continue to bo, libe
rally devoted to tho gratification of tho tastes and
pleasures of his innumerable supporters.
, “ Paußt” drew aorowdedhouso, at tho Academy,
last night. Every thing runs smoothly now. Wo
would draw especial attention to Signor Filippo,
who dancea bottor than St. Leon.—Of “ Hamlet,”
at tho Arch Street Theatre, wo report favorably
Soveral pieces, including' “The Brigand,” and
“Camille,” aro underlined. —Mr. McDonough, who
had a good benefit at Walnut street last night,
■takes the leading part in V^ ua lhcho,” a new
play, this evening.—The Florences take a bonefit
at Burton’s, to-night, with three pieces, including
an eccentric piece, by Mr. H. Watkins, (tho . able
and accomplished fitage-manager,) which had, as it
merited, groat success in ftew York. The F)o- :
•Teuces deserve a bumper-bousff. Miss Kimberly
WIU shortly appear at Burton’s. • ' w
’ Deai>.—RevJ ■ Addison M. Lewis, a native
of Bpottoylvania county, Va., died in Huntsville,
Mo, on the 20th ultimo. Ho was well-known in
Virginia and Kentucky, having been a Baptist
minister for forty-nine yoars, and former President
of Georgetown College, Ky. He died from a frac
ture of the leg, received in a fall.
The New Magazine —Phillips, Sampson, & Co.,
of Boston, announce the first number of their now
Magazine, The Atlantis Monthly , to appear on
the first of November. The Hit of acknowledged
contributors is very strong.
QsF"’ Tho Eittsbjirgh [PcsP's notieo of the
fiua speech ‘of GeriitW. I^Stokes 1 , in reply to
W ilmot, 4ii\l appear on Mohday.
\ The;jPi/fs6«rgh' Gdze/iey aßepublicsvn jour
nal, says that The Press is disposed *to bfag
because it has said that “the; election of
General Packeu, by a large majority, is con
ceded by all parties, : ” and the Gazette adds:
“Easy there. Thore is a small party in this
Stato, numbering something like 200,000 voter?,
which conoedes nothing of the kind.’ 1 -
Wo have only to. say, thfit wo have not a
doubt that every man, Republican or-Ameri
can,in this choosesto speak his own
sincere thoughts, feels that The Press has
spoken the tnith. . Several of the leading op
position papers have openly admitted that
Packer's election was a fixed fact. Wo have
yet to meet tho man, no matter of what party,
who does not, in his conversation with his
friends, concede the same thing. In a some
what extended experience wo have never
known the result of an election so confidently
expected by the Democrats, and so good-hu
moredly yielded by their opponents. And yet,
while this is so, we do not counsel indiffer
ence on the part of General Packer's friends.
He has a good cause. He has thousands of
well-wishers in every county, not only among
the Democrats, but among those who lkst year
voted against the Democratic party. But tins
is not everything. Organization and action
are essential in every such canvass# Even if
tho cause, is not in danger, preparation against
surprise is the wisest and ablest generalship.
Charles V. Haguer*
A Goon Appointment.— This is a common
heading in tho party press to nlmost every ap
pointment mado by tho President, Govornor, or
any othor Appointing power, whether good or not.
In the present case, it ia ontitled to all
thet the phrase expresses. Tho President has ap
pointed Mr. Charts V.'ilagnor onoof tho appraisers
at largo for tho port of Philadelphia. Mr. 11.
is well known in tho old county ot Philadelphia,
whoro ho residod many years; but for ten or
twolvo years pnßt ho,has been a merchant in tho
city proper. To say that ho iB qualified in all tho
respects required for tho satlsfaototy fulfilment of
tho duties of tho office, would only be reiterating
what'everybody whoiknows Mr. H. frocly admits.
Tho North American', whoso pnrty inatinots are
opposed to thoso of, the recipient of this office, pays
of him—and its prdiso'is of no moan value—“ Mr.
Hagner is a well-trained merchant. Ho is intelli
gent.-’ courteous, industrious, and energetic; with
ability to detect a wrong, and courage to redress
it; aud wo are quite sure that bis integrity and
Other good qualities will bo found of groat sov
vieo in the place to which ho has 'been nssignod.
Wo will only odd, in endorsing tho foregoing, that
his many friends in tho old county will bo grati
fied with any good fortuno that may overtako
him.— GenruLiitowii Telegraph .
tCT 1, For latest telegraphic intelligence, in
regard to tho loss of the Central America, see
the following column.
The Neutrality Laivs—Expedition against Nlca-
raguq and Mexico,
Washington, September 18.—Tho Administration Is
determined to enforce the neutrality laws, and to-day
took the initiatory steps for that purposo. In addition to
information haring boen .received of tho fitting out
of threo’sovcr&l expeditions; viz t at New-York, New
Orleans and Mobile for, tho redavasion of Nicaragua,
under tho leadership of General Walker, intelligence
from an official quarter has come to hand of another ex
pedition, having its centre in, if not nearly altogether
Confined to Texas, for the invasion of Mcxicoj and it is
supposed being designed for tho seizure of tho Slate of
Tamaulipaa. ’ '
General Sara Houston is, by the reports received,
implicated as the leader or this expedition.
To-day tho form of instructions was prepared by Ex
ecutive authority, and copies will be despatched to
morrow to the various United States ronrshnls and
district attorneys on the seaboard, as well as to the
officers of tho army and navy, to use all lawful means
at their command to prevent such expeditions leaving
the United States for the hostile invasion of any coun
try with which wo ore at peace—in other words, eu Join
ing them to strictly enforce the neutrality taws. At
present no Presidential proclamation will bo issued.
- Jacob Barns has been appointed register of tho land
offio at Sheboygan, Wisconsin, vice Taylor, resigned.
A. K. Eaton, register of tho Osage land office, lovra,
has resigned.
Geueral lleuningseu arrived hero to-day tn route for
New York.
The Southern Moll,
Washington, Sept. 18.—The Southern Mali brings
papers from Mobile, but none from New Orleans.
The Charleston Courier states that the schooner Em
ily Ward, which was trank off New Inlet, lied a cargo of
rice and cotton, aud belonged to H. J. Ward, of New
The boll worm is committing great ravages in the
central countfes of Alabama, in some instances destroy
ing whole fields.
The Soiling of the Adriatic.
New Yoek, Sept. 18.—The sailing of tho steamship
Adriatic has again been postponed, and tho Baltic ia an
nounced to tako her placo on tho 26th Inst. The delay
is in consequence of some work that Is yet unfinished.
'Maine Election.
Portland, Sept. 18.—The returns of the election, as
far m received, show the vote received by Morrell, the
Ropublican candidate for Governor, to be near 46,000,
and thatof Democrat, 35,000. Last year, U&ralin,
Republican candidate, received 60,000, and the other
candidates 42,000. The fall returns will make the Re
publican majority about 12,000.
The Late Gale.
Chablbbtos, Sept. 18.—*The steamer George’s Greek,
from Baltimore, arrived hero a t 30 o’clock last night.
She experienced the lato gale fcr three days, and haying
leaked considerably, her cargo is supposed to he partly
Nobfolk, Sept. 18.—ThcsclioonerW. A. Kills, which
went asboro at Cape Henry, has been got off, leaking
CnAM-RSTON, Sept. 18.—Tho Cotton market is quiet.
The sales for the week hsvo bccu only 200 hates. Sales
of White Wheat at 135c.€?140c u
Nbw Orleans, Sept. 17.—Cotton markofunchanged.
Sales to-day 400 bales; receipts for the week, 3,000 bales.
Mess Pork, $23. Lard firm at 17#c. Eastern Hay, $l9
per ton. Other markets unchanged.
Baltimore, Sept. 18.—Flour'll steady at $5 &0. Bod
Wheat 120c.©12Gc.; White,!40e. W’hito Corn,
70c.©72c,; Yellow is lower. ■ Whiskey, 23c.«20#0. for
cash and time.
[For the Press,]
Thursday, Soptembor 17,1857.
“I hope I don’t intrudo.” I only bog to say
that, in your graphic description of tho “Federal
Profession,” in this morning’s Press, tho naino
Durant should have boon Dnrang.
John Durang (thy Author) wo9 tho peraon who
roprosohted the charaoter of Mercury on that most
interesting occasion to us all; and I may udd that
Benjamin Franklin superintended, personally, tho
costume of the mercantile god thus personated,
suggesting tho idea of tho Prtasns and tho Tata
ria to tho head and feet. My father’s memo
randa of the dress say that tho body and leggings
were of flesh color—not white, I should suppose;
tho other part of the description ho confirms.
Thus, as Mercury surmounting tho Press, he 'dis
tributed tho copies of tho ode struck off by tho
pressmen as they moved through tho routo.
Yours, respectfully,
Cuas. Durano.
Destructive Conflagration nt Keokuk—Several
Business Houses Burned—Loss $100,900.
Afirobroko out In Keokuk, on the corner of
Main and Fourth stroots. Saturday, which was at
tended by a calamitous destruction of property.
It originated in thowholcsalogrocory of Uanconrt,
Page, & Co., consuming it, tho wholosalo grocery
aud flour storo of W. H. Austin, together with
sovoral smaller losses, which wo take from tho Keo
kuk Post:
Tho first building on tho corner, a throe-story
brick, was owned by Mr. J. Tomplln. It was
totally consumed. Loss $6,000. This building was
occupied by Messrs. .Wooslor & Tomplin ns a
wholesale dry goods house. Tho loss by Tcmoval
and burning is about $20,000. No insurance on the
building and stock.
The next, a throe-story brick building, is owned
by a Mr. Wood, a non-resident, whoso, loss, about
55,000, is covored by insuruneo. Messrs. Hancourt
k Page had about Sid,ooo in groeorics stowed in
this building, of whioh nono was saved. Their
Insurance is $12,000-
Tho next three buildings were framos, owned
by Mr. B; Williams, whoso 1033 is about $4,000;
no in3uranco. They were occupied by S. Jacobs A:
Co., retail grocery and provision storo, who lost
about §350. Mr. w. 11. Austin, of tho city mills
store, is heaviest loser by this fire; ho had an im
mense, Stock on hand, a great deal of which was
dostroyod; his lops is about $10,000: bo was par
tially insurod, but tho company is a doubtful one.
Kopp k Neff's furnlturo storo was next; their stoek
was valued at $7»000, only $2,000 of which was
saved—loss 5,000; insured lor $4,000
Tho Gorman newspaper offlem in tho second story
oftbo building whs valued at $6.000; wastotully
consumed with tho exception of some typo, enough
to continue its publication ns a half-sheet, and we
understand it is tho intention of tho publishers to
eontlnue its publication in tho present shnpo until
moro typo can bo had. Lois, about. $800; no in
surance. This ooraplotcs the list of buildings
totally consumed. Tho next building is a largo
throe-story brick, owned by Mr. Stevens, which is
damaged to the extent of about $2,000. Insured
for $3,750. Tho occupants of this building, Messrs.
Ilamßoy, Stannus, & Haynes, grocors, had thoir
entlro stock, a very, largo ono, carried out into
the street, whore by stealings, water, &0., it mot
with a loss of about $2,000, which is covered by
Brinkman—two buildings demolished, occupied
by himself as a drygoods storo and grocery. His
loss is about $3,000; insurance for $2,000.
Mr. Linobaugh owned tho next building, which
was partially demolished. Loss not known. Tho
building was oooupiod by Morrison k Co., grocers,
■whoso loss is about $2,000. No Insurance.
Linebaugh A McLarning, jowolora, lost by re
moval about $2,000. No insurance.
Huiskam, boot and shoe store, lost by removal
about $l,OOO. No insurance.
S. Raugh & Co., Jew clothing storo, lost by re
moval $2OO. «... , ,
Cully, Scofield, & Co., adjoining tho burnt dis
trict on Fourth street, aro tho only porsons on that
Iside of tho firo that lost anything. By removal
thoir damago is about $BOO, which is oovered by
t .This is tho most destructive firo that has over
ooeurred in this city.
about five hundred lives lost
Rumored Safety of the Ladies and Children.
OVER $2,000,000 IN GOLD LOST.
Durinff' tho past three days tho most painful,
exoitement has prevailed in regard to the safety
of tho U. S. mail steamship Central America, Capt.
Horndon, from Aspinwnll, with the San Francisco
mails of August 20th, flvo hundred and twenty-five
passengers, making, with tho crew and others,
about six hundred persons, wh ; ch left tf%vann at
9 o’olook on tho morning of Tuesday, Septembor'
Bth, bound to Now York. Sho had on freight about
$1,600,000 in gold from California, besides a con
siderable sum in the hands of passengers. It is
also supposed that sho took on board at Havana
about $600,000 in specie, cud tho tolal amount on
board may be estimated at nearly $2,600,000.
The steamer Empire City loft Havana about an
hour lator than tho Central Amorioa, and the two
vessols were in sight of one another until the after
noon, when tho Central Amorioa outran tho other,
and was seen no more. On Thursday, dboutnoon,
oswo learn from thocaptaln of the Empire City,
one of tho most severe gales evor known began,
continu’ng without intermission until Monday at
12 o’clock, tho wind varying during the tlrao from;
northeast to southwest nround by tho west, and
blowing furiously from each point. This tempest
o/imo very near wrecking tho Empire City, but she
wqb ablo to get into Noriolk on Rio 15th, inst., but
in ade3poratoly crippled condition. The same gale
caused tho total los3 of tho steamship Norfolk, from
Philadelphia, Norfolk, and a number of
othor vessels.
A vague telogrnphic despatch fyopt
which appeared in tho Press morirflfg,
led to tho mo3t sod forebodings. But foe Inst ray
of liopo was soon destroyed by a dospatohTrom Nor
folk, stating that fifty passengers, resouedfrom the
Control America, had arrived at that port. , ,
The Central America went down on Saturday,
tho 12th inst., having become & total wreck in tho
fearful gale that commenced on Thursday, tho
10th, and continued; with little abatement, until
Monday, tho 14th.
The Central America (Gcorgo Law) was built In
1853. by William 11. Wobb, for the United States
Mail Steamship Company. Sho was coiutruotcflt>f
tho best materials, and all her planKfnjpfßfcboJifeSd
edgewise throughnnd through. Onlythico months
ago she was takou on tho dry-dock at New York,
and thorougly overhauled and partly rdooppered;
tho main porlion of it still bolng in good order.
Sho had two direct noting engines, of which nil the
working parts were wrought Iron, and very heavy,
her crank pins, for instanoe, being 18 inches in di
ameter, whioh is said toko as large os the Persia's,
and all other ports in proportion. Her boilers were
nlso thoroughly repaired at the same timo
Mr. Simmons, mato of tlio steamer Atlanta, gavo
to tho Board of Underwriters the following par
ticulars of fragments of wreck soon by him, as men
tioned yesterday : “On Sunday, the 13th instant,
at 4 o’olook, A. M.. Capo Lookout bearing north
west. eighteen miles distant, we saw fragments of
wreck, comprising a steamer’s wbonlhouso, black
or gray. At 6 o’olook saw two or thrqo panels of
doors, grained light oak, apparently now, split and
broken; also throe or four long knocs, such as
would bo used in building a light cabin or
upper deok. At midnight saw a light, stiftjfrwd to
ho that of a stoamer, a# it was high from tne water.
Tho Atlanta woe then about oightoocn miles E. S.
E. of Capo Ifatterns. Saw only one light, tho
ship heading E. N. E. Soon saw three signals of
distress—bluo lights in succession, not more than
a railo and a half or two miles distant. We hauled
ofT southeast to run for hor, when tho lights sud
denly disappeared, and wo saw nothing of her at
daylight. Tho gate was ono of tho severest we
ever experienced.”
List of the Officers mid Crew of the Central
Tho Now York Times publishes tho following:
N.L. Mcßride, atoward.
Jos. Ure9tier, head waltor.
Eli Clem Eris tdfmcns.)
Littut. Win, L. Herndon,
Chas. M. Van Rensselaer,
Ist ofljeer.
Bartlett Gaynor, waiter.
Cyprian Nelson, waiter.
Sanraol Nelson, waiter.
John Hogan, waiter.
John Brown, waiter.
Jaa. M. Ernzer, 2d officer.
Clina. A. Myers, 3d officer,
K. IV. Hull, purser.
W. 11. Hull, ship store
keeper, brother of tho
Win, Verkins, waiter.
John S. w Froeman. waiter.
Michael Dwyer, waltar.
Patrick Carroll, waiter.
Archibald McßetlT, waiter.
Wm. Stevens, waiter.
Philip Poker, BlUennan.
Wm. Myers, Tinman.
Wm. Haro, pantryman.
Elias Libby, pantryman.
John Young, pantryman.
James Yancoy, steerago
Henry Holcombe, steerago
James Henry, steerage
Gcorgo Wilson, steerago
Peter Kelley, steerage wai
John Blue, steerage waiter.
Richard Fainter, steerage
William Sarvaat, pfirWn.
Chas. PeraingUik
Wm. Garrrtson, Osptfiu’a
man. - i ft
Lucy Dftwson, stewardess.
Richard Gilbert, officers’
mess boy. y
Wm. Flynn, Cremtu’smess
NJ* 1.
AAron Hcdcorrfb, ealobn
cook. ’• * r
John Prattls, second uloqn
John Hanoy, third saloon
Isaac Prattls, second ship’s
J&uios West, third Bhip’s
Charles Cornell, scnillon.
John Patterson, butcher.
John White, pantry cook.
Win. McLclfand, baker.
Jamoa T. Tcnnlaon,M. D.,
Jacob D. Gillead, barber.
Isaac Nash, water-closet.
John Black, boatswain.
Finley Frnrer, seaman.
Robert Long, Beamon.
David Ray man, seaman.
Francis Outers, seaman.
James Clnrk, seaman.
Jame 3 Travers, seaman,
John Davison, teaman
Frederick Brower, seaman
Kiclmrd Reed, seaman.
Barauol Lawrence, seaman.
Ed want Brown, seaman.
Thos. Barker, seaman.
Wm, Jackrton, seaman.
Jas. McLane, seaman
Timothy Mcfevaen,boy.
Ohus. H. Boyd, boy.
George R.Asnhy, chiefen
John Tlco, asa’t engineer.
Henry Hooper, do
G. Buddington,3d ass. eng.
D. McDonald, 4th ass. eng.
Wm.,6th aas. eng.
Job. Ofark, fith ass. eng.
Morgan Jladgeley, fireman,
Martin Ilyde, fireman,
Alex. Grant, fireman.
Bernard Conklin, fireman.
John Smith, fireman.
John Clark, fireman.
Patrick Carr, fireman.
George Stewart, fireman.
•John Davosey, fireman.
Edward Doyle, firoman.
John Jones, fireman.
Henry Iletherington, fire
Patrick Gavin, coal passer.
Arnold Bell, coal passer.
James Norris, coal passer.
Herman Yeager, coal pass.
Bartley McCarty, coal pas
John Gillespie, coal passer,
Richard Bell, coal passer.
Christopher Cnllara, coal
Patrick Evans, ashmau,
John Kiernelty, ashman
John Banks, ashmnn.
James Branuan, ashman
Wm Wigglesworlh, store
Thomas Mathews, Robert Christy, Win, Bourne,
who worked their passage, aud probably left at
Whole numbor
Number reported saved
Total lives lost . . . 531
Tho officers of the steamer aro spoken of: os tho
choicest men in tho employment or tho company,
being distinguished for ability nnd tniKtWortUt
ness. Mr. Hull, tho purser, has been in tho em
ployment of tho Steamship Company since tho first
establishment of the California Lino. Among tho
passengers was probably a son of Mr. Raymond,
tho agent of tho company, who wont out in tbo
steamer to spend a vacation from school,i- :
Tho following despatches came to us yesterday
in rapid succession:
Norfolk, Sept. 18.—Tho steamship Central
America foundored on Saturday last.
Fifty passengers, including twenty-six females,
wero rescued by tho Norwegian barque Elolso,
which has arrived at this port.
Tho officers were all lost except Mr. James M.
Tho chief ongincer, Georgo E. Ashby, took a
boat, and deserted tho ship.
Tho two millions of dollars in specie, whioh
wore on board tho Central Amorica, were lost.
CiiAni.KSTOX, Sept. 18.—Tho officers of tho
steamor Thomas Swan report that the Norwegian
barque Floiso, when spoken on the 15th inst., was
making for Norfolk, for tho purpoao of landing tho
forty passongors rosouod from thou rook of tho
steamship Central Ainorioa. Tho details oftlio
calamity will bo obtained on tho arrival of tho
Eloiso at Norfolk.
Savannah, Sopt. 18.—Tho barquo Saxony ar
rived at this port this meaning, with five passen
gers rescued from tho wreck, oz the Central Amo
She reports tho total low of tho vessol, treasure,
and mails, and about fivo hundred passengers.
A portion of tho crow, together with tho women
and children passcugors, numbering in all forty
Kerrioua, wore saved by tho brig Marine, bound to
Tbo sea was very heavy at tho titno tho Bhi[
foundored. * j
Forty-nine other passengers were pioked up
by tho barquo Eloise. ThU makes ninety-fivo
known to bo saved out of six huudrod hud twonty
Tho numesof tlio fivosavedby thobarqueSaxony
aro as follows;
11. 11. Cbilds, of tho firm of Childs A Dougherty
Now York.
Jnbcz ilowos, of tho firm of Geo. Howo9 & Co.
San Franoisco, Cftlifiirnin.
Georgo W. Look.of Maine.
Adolph Fredericks, of San Francisco.
Robert Rudley.
Norfolk, Sept. 18.—Tho . brig Marino suc
ceeded in recovering twOnty-sLx women and
children and twenty men. •
Tho Chief Enginoor, Georgo E. Ashby, de
serted tho ship an hour before her going down.
The Norwegian barquo Ellen, (sjKikoii of in tbo
despatched as tbo Eloiso,) from Belize. Honduras,
bound to Falmouth, England, rescued the follow
ing persons:
Cpt.T, W.Umlgor, 11. Holland, IV. F. Fletcher,
A. Y. Easton, H Colwell, Win. Edo,
It. L. Brown, Henj 8. Colwell, Charles A. Voso,
O. Harvey, Benjamin Saver, R. Casey,
J. Bircli, John George, J \V. Casev,
J. A. Forrester, Kdwnrd Moore, John W. Crafts,
E. l\ Maloim, John 1). Krnen, Henry A. Ituunol,
Thus. McNeiinli, J.V. Clark,,
W. A. Osborne, H. T. O’Connor, Janies Jackson,
L W Follna, Julius Stetson Charles Reid,
W. Chase. P.A.Wallp, JohnMcCaber,
J.O. Taylor, George Biuiu, Henry Hartman,
C. Agiilo, Joseph H. Ross, Jacob Jueneer.
Messrs. Childs, Howo, Loot, and Robt. Ridley,
Mrs. Badger, Mrs. Eaton, Mm. Browne, Mrs. liar*
voy, Mm. Birch, Mra. Connor.
Of tho crew—James M. Frazier, sepnnd officer.
Henry Kcopur, seooud assistant
Joini Jnncs, fireman. 1
J. McCarty, “
A. R. Holcomb, saloon cook.
Henry JlondJorborg, ship’s oook.
Tim. McKugh.
The steamer was lost when two miles off Capo
Hattoras. Tho steamship Empire City, which
sailed from hero for Now York, takes a part of the
Tho barquo Ellen has arrived at this port, with
forty-four passengers.
It is positively stated that all the ladios and
children who woro passongors In the Central
Ainorioa were saved on board the brig Marine.
Anothcr despatch says that all tho ladies nad
on board tho Central America wero
A letter to the Baltimore Exchange Reading
Roojus* dated Norfolk, Sept. 10th, says:
“Thß barque Snrah A. Nickels, which sailed
from Baltimore Sept. 12th, for Montovldco and a
market, when at anohoron tho Horse Shoe, on
Sunday night, during the gale, lost both anchors
at eight P. M., mado sail and got to sea at nine A.
M. next day, and returned to-day, and as soon as
other anohorfl ore obtained will proceed to soa.
When at soa, Cape Henry distant twenty-five
miles, and bearing west by north, aaw a quantity
of wrecked mattrosqea, belonging, apparently, to
a steamer. Amongst thorn was part of a wliool
house, painted white or a very light color, tho sido
of a cabin or saloon, with four windows In it, and'
a sofa bottom. ’
The Wreck ot the Central Amcrica-Statcmf nt
ol Hetuy H, Childs,
lliT.Mi, September 18—Henry 11. Cliil.le, one of
tho rescued purangera, states that tho Central America
left Havana on tho Bth Inst., hnvlng had dolightful
weather and a calm sea from Aspinwalt to that port.
On the Afternoon of tho day of Hailing from Havana wp
had a fresh breeze, and on Wednesday it blew very
strong. At night it increased and rained in torrents.
On Thursday the wind Hew a hurricane, and the sea
rose very high. On rriday the storm raged witli una
bated fury, and at elcvon o’clock, A. M., it was first
known among tho passengers that tho steamer
had sprung aleak and was making water
A lino of men was formed, who went to work in bailing
tho water from hor engine room, tho flrea having been
already extinguished by the furnaces being oversowed.
tVe gained upon it so much that tho Bremen were eua
blod to got up steam again, hat this continued for only
a few minutes, when tho Ores were again extinguished,
and tho engines were abandoned. The balling, however
was continued in all parts of tho vessel, and kept up
until she flnnlly wont down. During Friday night, the
water gained gradually, hut ntl being In good spirits, we
worked to tho best of our ability, feeling that when
morning camo we might probably speak some vessel, and
be saved.
Tlio fatal Saturday came at last, but brought Dotbing
but an Increased fury of the storm. Still wc wnked on.
About 2 o’clock, P. M., tho storm lulled a little, and
the clouds broke away, so that our hopes wore renewed,
end wo all worked liko giants. At 4 o’clock, P M, wo
spied a sail and fired guns. Our Hag being nt half-mast,
it was scon, aud the brig Marino, oP* Boston, bore down
upon us. YVo then considered our safety certain. She
c&me near, and we spoko to her And explained our con
dition. Sho laid to about a milo distant, aud wo, in
only three of the boats, saved all tho women and chil
dren, and they woro safely put on board the brig.
As evening was fast approaching wediscovored ano
ther Ball ,which responded to our call and came near
us. Capt. Herndon told them our crippled condition,
and asked them to lay by and send a boat, as no had
none left. Sho promised to do so, but this was tho last
we saw of her, except at a distance, whioh grew greater
at every moment
At! o’clock wo saw no possibility of keeping afloat
much longer, although if we could do so until morning,
all would be saved in a short time. A heavy sen for the
first time broke o\or her upper deck, and our hopes
faded away. Life preservers were then furnished tothe
passengers, and we sent up two rockets. A tremendous
soa then swept over us, and tho steamer, in a moment,
went down. I think that some four hundred or four
hundred and fifty souls were launched upon the ocean,
at tho mercy of tho waves. The storm at this time lmd
entirely subsided. We all kept near together, and want
as the waves took us. There was nothing, orrery little
said, except each oho cheered, aud courage was kept up
for two or threo hours, and I think for that space of
time none hod drowned.
But those who could not swim became exhausted,
and one by ono gradually passed to eternity. The hopo
that boat* would be sent to us from the two vessels we
had spoken to, soon fled from us, and our trust was
alone in Providence j and what better trust could you
or I ask for ? I saw my comrades fast sinking, and at
ono o’clock that night, I was nearly alone on the ocean,
soroo twolmndrcd miles from land. 1 however heard
shouts from all that could do so, that they were
not far from me, but I could not see thorn.
Within an hour from this time, I eaw a vessel,
os I judged, about ono mile from mo. Tuking
fresh courage, I struck out for tho vessel, and reached it
when nearly exhausted; but was drawn on board by
ropes. It proved to bo a Norwegian barque, from Balize,
Honduras, bound for Falmouth, England. I fouud on
board of her souie threo of tny cnmrndus, nml at nine
o’clock the next morning wo had forty-nine noble
fellows on board. And theso arc all I know of ha> ing
been saved. We cruised about tho scene of disaster,
until we thought that all alivo bad been rescued; and
then set sail.
We found the barque short of provisions, and the
crow liviug on gruel. YYc bad some tea aud cofico to
refresh ourselves; and at noon on Sunday spoke tho
American barque, (the Saxony) bound for Savannah,who
supplied us with provisions and took five of us on board.
Our names aro B. 11. Bidley, of Malue ; Jabez Hanea, of
San Francisco, and Henry H. Childs, of New York. The
Norwegian barque then set sail for Charleston, with
the balauce of the forty-nine passengers. Their names,
unfortunately, I cannot give. Tho few I rocollect are
Capt. Badger, of BaliirnOro ; Frasier, second officer of
the Central America; R. F. Brown, of Sacramento;
DlUy Birab, of the San Francisco Minstrels; A. I Eas
ton, of Ban Francisco, and Fletcher Augusta, of Maine.
There is also a lad saved soven years old, whose
mother wss, with the other ladies, placed on board tho
P. B.—Thore were three passengers that got into thg
‘‘‘boats that saved tlio women and children, who were
known to mo. Their names are Mr. Priest, of Long
Island, Thomas Payne, of Stamford, Connecticut, aud a
Mr. Jones.
[Prom tbo Evening Poet] ' j
The steamer was valued at $300,000, and wos
not insured. Thocompnuy does not insuro any of
its ships. The freight lists and other papers of the
ship wore all on hoard, and duplicates cannot he
obtainod from San Francisco under five or six
weeks. The specie is supposed to bo nil insured,
either in this oity, in Snu Francisco, or in London,
The AGantio Insurance Company usually takes
largo risks of this naturo.
Wo understand that at a meeting of tho under*
writers it was determined, that in tho ovont of its
being ascertained that the treasure by tho Central
America is indeed lost, upon the recoipt of propor
proofs, to hold thcmsolvcs in readiness to discount
at onoo any claims that tuapr arise undor policies
which have boon taken out in offices in this city.
The duplicate bills of lading will bo received by
tho steamer duo on the 25th inst., so that in case
of loss, the only inconvenionco to thoso to whom
remittances wsrc made by this conveyance, and
insured in Now York, will bo tho dolay of a few
days in the realization of their means. This
prompt action on tho part of tho insurance eorapn*
nies is deserving of all praise, as it will do much
toward tho alleviation of tho effect of this blow
upon tho money market.
As to the amount on board tho Control America,
it is bolioved that it is confined to tho shipmont
from San Francisco, reported by telegraph to bo
about sixteon hundred thousand dollars. Tho re
port of a largo shipment at Havana originated
from a telogrnphio despatch received by ono of the
largo houses horo, that a certain amount had boon
sent to thorn from llavnna by the Catawba, ar
rived at Charleston; another amount by tho Con*
lral America, Ac., summing up iu tho nggrecato
$125,000. Now aa shipments of specie lor New
York oro not made by wav of Charleston, as it
would involve tho paymont of double freights and
doublo insurances, it is inferred that tho remit
tances by the Catawba wore in hills of exchange,
and, no express intimation to tho contrary having
boon made in tho despatch, that thoso by tho Cen
tral Amerioa are of the same character.
Tho larger amount of tho loss will full upon tho
foroign insurance companies, probably fully two
thirds, and tho reclamation to uo mmlu from them
will form a basis upon which to draw bills of ox
ohnngo, and thus stand us an equivalent for tho
.shipment of specie to tho same amount. It is he
lioved that our own insurancocompanies are linblo
for about five or six hundred thousand dollars.
Their losses will certainly not exceed that sum,
and us tho companies havo all been transacting n
very successful business during tho year, thoy nro
abundantly ablo at tho present time to moot tho
obligations arising frpui this ouhimity, without se
rious inconvouienuo.
Groat Inconvenionco and somo ansioty la folt
by our merchants in tho West India trade at the
non-arrival of tho Havana moils of thp Empire
City, containing as they do duplicates of letters
forwarded from that jxirt per Central Amerioa;
and also advices of drafts, tho seconds of which
havo reached hero r/a Charleston, by the Catawba.
Tho conduot of tho Postmaster at Norfolk in re
fusing, us reported, to roocive tho mail from Cap
tain McGowan, for fear of yellow fever, will
hardly escape condemnation. Tho Postmaster
General will doubtless look into tho facts at once.
Op to ouo o’olock to-day nothiog was known nfc
tho post office In this oity of tho wheroahouts of
tho mail, but it is reported to have been thrown
ashoro at Norfolk, and on its way hero in charge
of some one, but when or how it is to eomo, ne ono
seems to he advised. If this rumor should prove
incorroot, and Captain McGowan was obligod to
keep his mails on board, thoy will probably roach
her© to-morrow morning.
The Utah EKprdHlon-rt' , q)» Fight
with the Cheyenueßf
Tho Leavenworth correspondent of tho St.
Louis Republican writes:
Tho officers constituting the Utah Territorial
Government havo not yot started, though at ono
tiuio thoy were on tho point of doing so, and woro
only stopped by an order from tho War Depart
ment. Five hundred officers ami soldiers, yester
day, gat out for New Mexico. Col. Johnson, of
Texas, is to tako command of the Ctnh Expedi
tion, Instead of Gon. Harney, whioh, by tho bye,
seems to bo strange treatment of tho (1 onora},
But Gov. Walker, wo uro satisfied, thinks his
prcfionco important in Kansas, and ho has there
fore signified his dosiro for his retention hero.
Gov. Cuimnlug is gotting Impatient to \isitthc
dominion of Guv. 13. Young, and would liko to bo
underway. , .
As soon ns tho Colonel commanding arrives, the
expedition will move forward, but even then forced
marches will have to bo mado in order to reach
Salt Lake Vnlloy before tho wintor sots in.
Gov. Walker is now at Fort Leavenworth, pro
bably consulting with Gen. Harney us to tho course
hereafter to bo pursued.
Tho St. Joseph Journal of tho 10th givos an ac
count of a fight botwoon Col. Sumuors command
and a band of Indians, about tho middle of August,
on tho Arkansas river. Tho Indians fought as well
ns any disciplined troops could havo dono. They
received tho firo of tho Americans, and returned it
with effect, killing and wounding four of them.
Tho loss of tho Indians was twenty killed and
wounded. Tho soldiers were greatly dissatisfied
with their treatment, tho want of provisions, &o.
Col. Suranor had sent to Fort Kearney for a sup
ply, and it was on tho routo for tho placowhero
they wero stationed.
Jamos Henry Robinson, son of William
Robinson, Esq., of tho Goldsboro’(N.C.) Tribune,
committed snioido on tho 11th lust., by shooting
himself in tho head with a pistol. Ho was about
seventeen years old, and had boon a etudont of tho
A Southern company for the manufacture of
rosin oil is about boing established at Mobile. Tho
vast pino regions of tho South will thus bo put to
a moro profitable use than heretofore. Tho oil is
to bo manufactured by a patpnt process, at a cost
of from fifteen to twenty cents per gallon.
Ambbican Acapkmy op Music, corner op Broad and
Looust Stjibets.— Romani Bullet Troupe—“ Faust."
Wheatley’s Arch Street Theatre, Arch street,
above Butu.— “ New Way to Pay Old Debts”—“ Rob
ber’s Wife,’*
Walnut Stbbbt Theatre, N.E. corner or Ninth
and Walnut streets.—'“ Euatacho, or the Condemned
Folon"—“ Alley Croakor.”
National Theatre. Walnut Street, above Eiohth.
—"lrish Assurance and Yankeo Modesty”—“ Laugh
and Grow Fat"—“ Your Life’s in Danger."
Sanfokd’3 Opera House, Eleventh Btrbet, above
Chestnut —Ethiopian Minstrelsy, concluding with a
Laughable Burlesque.
The Murderous Assault in Fourth Street. —
The roporter of ono of our eoteniporariea took ooca
sion yesterday to deny tho truth of the statement
which wo published relative to tho murderous as
asult committed on a defenceless woman by an indi
vidual in Fourth street, below Chestnut, at a lato
hour on Wednesday night. We gave our account of
this brutal affair on our own authority, having been
in tho immediate vioinity of the occurrence, and
Seeing the parties subsequently. We nro froe to
state, notwithstanding nil the efTortß made to sup
press this matter on account of the alleged
respectability of tho accused, that rarely, if ever,
has thero bean a more dastardly attempt nt mur
der in Philadelphia. Tho faetsof the case, briefly
stated, aro those *
Botwoon twolvo and one o’clock on Thursday
morning, a man whose name has been suppressed
was in ooinpany with a degraded woman in one of
tho upper rooms of 0. Colbert’s printing office, in
Fourth street, below Chestnut. Shortly afterwards
loud oiiea of murder, uttered by a female, were
hoard issuing from this room, and the voice of an
oxoited man was alsodlstiuctly heard, threatening
violenoo towards his companion. In a fovr minutes
after this, a woman was found lying on the eastern
sidewalk, directly in front of the door of tho print
ing office, literally covered with blood, and bleed
ing profusely from a deep wound on her right
wrist. We saw her in this condition, and ascer
tained that the main artery of her arm had been
cut by some sharp instrument.
Dr. Coad attended the woman, after sho had
been conveyed, in ah insensible condition, to tho
central station, and on our asking him whothor ho
thought the woman was suffering from a stab with
a knifo, ho replied in tho affirmative. Dr. C. is Pre
sident of the Hoard of Health, and his opinion is
certainly ontitled to ro3pect. Tho affair created
considorablo cxcitoment in tho neighborhood, and
rumors of murder Wore flying in overy direction.
Tho individual who is ncouaed of this cowardly
attack on tho unfortunate womun, states that on
going to Im office at night, ho discovered tho fo
inulo lying in tho entry, and in attempting to got
her to move out, sho toll, from being intoxicated,
and met with tho injuries described. But tho
strangest part of tho whole occurrence is, that he
sneaked up stairs, and eluded the polico officers for
two hours, when he was finally jound concealed on
the roof of the house, crouched down alongside
of the chimney.
When tho woman was restored to consciousness,
sho stated that in consequence of a dispute between
them about money, ho drew a knifo, and was in
the act of deliberately stabbing her in tho breast
whon slm threw out her arm, and received the
very serious and dangorous out she is now suffer
ing from. Sho states that ho then brutually
kicked kor down stairs, and pushed hor out of the
door <m to tho pavomont.
Tho man was hold to bail by Alderman Cartor
fora further hearing, which wc trust will not be
long delayed, on tho chargo of assault and batte
ry, with intent to kill. Such aro tho facts a* sta
ted by the different pnrtiea. We cannotagrcewith
tho paper in question, in making light of an affair
of such a character.
Daring Attempt at Highway Robbery, —On
Saturday Inst, 12th inst., as two ladies wore walk
ingon tho Germantown plank road, above Tioga
street, between three and four o’clock in tho after
noon, a man suddenly emorged from somo bushes
at tho side of tho road, and knocked down the
younger of tho two ladies. The other lady (her
aunt, wo believe) onlled loudly for assistance, and
was heard by a lad, who was sitting in tho piazza
of his fathor’s house, noarby, Ifo ran immediately
to tho srot, and the sound of a wagon approaching,
tho robber ran off and escaped, thero being no ono
ntliand to pursue him. Tho lady, who had fainted,
was assisted by tho brave youth to his father’s
house, and after sho was sufficiently restored, sho
and her aunt took tho Germantown cars at Tioga
station, to return homo. They reside on the Ger
mantown turnpike, a short distanoo above the
railroad bridge, and nt tho time of tho attack they
wero walking for pleasure. Tho name of the lad
is Frederick M. Wagner, son of Mr. William W.
Wagner, engraver, Sixth street.
Fttlal accident in South Street . —Last even
ing Coroner Dclavau was summoned to hold tin
inquest on tho body of a man named MoClasky,
who was lulled by a gravel bauk falling upon him
in South street, between Willow and Bank, in the
Seventh Ward, in tho afternoon. Two other per
sons who wero at work with McClasky wore vory
seriously injured ot tho’saine time. The deceased
resided in JUurraystreet, between Twenty-first and
Twenty-second streets, and loaves a wife and two
children. A verdict was rendored by theCoronor’s
jury in accordance with tho foots.
The Fair iu aid of St. Bridget’s Church, at
tho Falls of Sbhuylkill, will bo continued during
to-day nnd this evoniug, nt the Muscat Fund Hall,
Locust street. Last evening wo passed a few
minutes in the Fair room, and wero gratified to
observe tho largo nnd exceedingly handsome dis
play of fanoy nnd useful articles, which wero
kindly contributed by a number of generous
Indies. The Fair has been very attractlvo during
the Inst two weeks, and we doubt not that this
ovening will throng tho Musical Fund Hall with
thoso nnxiou9 to see a really beautiful exhibition.
Yesterday was decidedly dull in respect to
local nows. Thero were but few items of interest
at Aldorman Eneu’s office, while at tho Pennsyl
vania Hospital thore wero no cases at all. The
Coroner’s office furnishod but one fatal accident.
The weather was oppressive nnd unpleasant,
while business, in many respects, &Dd in warm
departments, exhibited a general look of en
To-day , from 8 o’clock P, M. to 9 o’clock
P. M., tho polls will ho koptopou atthellall of
tbo Typographical Soeioty, Fihb and North streets,
to give all porsons entitled to the privilege, an
opportunity of voting for tho Board of Managers
of tho Association formed to found an asylum for
superannuated printers, and the widows and or
phans of dooooaod printers.
Important Military Co?ire»/io?i.—The Major-
Generals and Brigadier-Generals of the volun
toers of this Stato are to tnoet in Convention, in
Harrisburg, on tho 9th of November next, to take
action towards restoring the citizen soldiery of tho
State to its former condition.
The Police Returns \x ere entirely devoid of
interest yosterday. The arrests, in the main,
were for trivial offences. There wore no eases
heard before Aldorman Enou lost evening at tho
Central Station
yesterday’s proceedings
[Reported for tho Tress.]
U. S. CincriT Court —Judge Kano. Dock vs.
Nowoll. Patent case. Motion for an injunction to
restrain defendants from using patented barrel
making machinery. Injunction granted, nard
ingfor complainant; Campbell and Serrill for de
U. S. District Court— Judge Kano.—Stephen
Spratt, second in&tu of tho steamer Boston, this
morning prosonted a petition asking to bo dis
charged ns nn insolront dobtor, accompanied with
tho oath requirod by the oot of Congress. After
rending tho petition, tho Court discharged him
from custody. Spratt was charged with and con
victed of oruol troatinent, by knocking down, kick
ing, aud boating a passenger named Goorgo Rosen
borgor, who had taken passage on tho llth July
from Now York to Philadelphia. Judge Kiwo
awarded judgment against deft, for $360 witbeosts,
in an opinion thon published in tho Bulletin, of
considerable interest to passengers and masters of
vessels, defining their roeipToout duties and obli
gations, which opinion was extensively published
throughout the Union.
Quarter SESSiotfs-Wudco Conrad.— The Last
Fall Election Fraud* The Grand Jury this
morning returned'trUe bills against the following
poisons, alleged'to 1 have boon concerned in the
olootion frauds Of last Fall:
Hubert Connell, Inspector of 7th division of
Fourth Ward, for receiving a vote without requir
im» proof; fivo hills.
William McMulUn. for Interrupting nndtheaten
ing an Inspector of tho oleotion; ono bill.
Wm. C. Finnegan, Inspector of 6th division of
Fourth Ward, for receiving a vote without requir
ing proof; five bills.
Jno. U. Riugland, for interrupting an inspector
of tho oleotion. I bill.
John Marlow, Inspector of 9th division of 2d
Ward, for receiving avoto witlioutreqairing proof.
7 bills.
Jamos McQuaid, Judge of Oth division of 4th
Ward, for roeeivieg a vote without roqniring
proof. 5 hills.
Michael F Costello, Inspector of Oth division of
2d Ward, for receiving avoto without requiring
proof, 7 bills.
James Donahue, Inspector of sth division of 17th
Ward, for receiving a veto without requiring
proof. Chills.
John Cullen, Inspector of Seventh Division of
Fourth Ward, for receiving avoto without requi
ring proof, five bills.
Deter MoAnnany, Inspector of Fifth Division of
Seventeenth Ward, for receiving a Voto without
requiring proof, six hills.
Siirmifler qf (jallagkrr.— John Gallagher, tho
young man who is ohnrgod with having caused tho
‘dentil of Rotor MoVey, in a fight on Saturday
night last, enmointo Court at half-past ono o’clock,
accompanied by his eounsol, Messrs. Lehman and
Webster, and surrendered himself into the custody
of tho Court, and asked to bo admitted to bail.
Tho District Attorney said ho had read the ovl
donco taken before the Coroner, and was satisfied
that in no case could tho offenco committed he
murder in tho fif3t degree, That it was a difficul
ty springing from an unoontrollublo temper on tho
part of Oio ncousod, and resulting seriously through
tho possession of uncommon physical strength.
Mr. Lehman said that tho provocation on tho
part of dooensed was groat.
Judge Conrad remarked that the prisoner was
already under conviction for an aggravated assault
and battery.
Mr. Mann said that tho assault and baltory of
which Gallagher stands convicted, although not
resulting in doath, was muchmoro aggravated than
this unfortunate occurrence.
Tho judge, nt tho suggestion of Mr. Mann, fixed
tho bail at $5,000. It waa entered for defendant
by James McDonough, Patrick Duffy, aud Wm.
Terrible Dxplosiqu In HnUlraore— I Two Lives
Lost—-Severpl Persons Hndlr Wounded.
Tho Baltiraoro American of Friday gives tho
particulars of a dreadful explosion which took
place on Friday evening, at tho Telegraph mills
of Leo & Welling, at tho corner of President and
Fawn streots.
As for the scone presented by tho ruins, (boy aro
of a character which defies an adequate description.
Tho structure, which was on tho oast side of the
mill, (a largo four-story brick building ) and which
contained the boilers and furnace, was blown to
atoms, whilst the bricks, heavy timbers, and pieces
ofiron work flying In every direction wuh ntre
mendous power, mado destruction complot . *
in twenty feet stood two small framoJ > u,w *"£»
fronting on tho west side of Slemmor alley. They
were completely demolished. On tho opposite side
of tho alloy aro threo BinnU brick dwellings, ono
of thoso was also completely wrecked, ana the
others damaged to such an extent as to require im
mediate pulling down. , , . ,
Ono of th© houses firot uiouDoned was occupied
by Mr. Patrick Farrol, apd at tho time tho affair
ooourred, thro© eistoraj vli: Mrs, Conner; Mrs,
Mallory, and Mrs. Farrell, together with a number
of tho children, were therein.
Mrs. Farrell is much injured about the head and
limbs, and now lies in a painful condition.
Mrs. Mallory was injured very severely about
the head and breast by the falling timbers. She
had her three children with her in the house. One
of these, a little girl named Anna, aged three
years, was instantly killed, having received several
very severe wounds upon the hoad and body, and
dreadfully scalded. Mary Ellen, another, two
years old, was injured in such a horrible manner
that death was anticipated every moment. The
hot steam was thrown upon it, and it is scalded ail
ovor the faco and shoulders.
Catharine, an infant, not more than six months
old. was slightly scalded.
Mary Ann Conner, a little child but thirteen
months old, was scalded and injured so badly
about the he&d that its reoovery is somewhat im
Mrs. Conner escaped with a few slight bruises.
Theodore Kolbmeyer, a lad eleven years old, and
of German parentage, received a dreadful wound
upon the back of the head, which fractured the
skull to such an extent that portions of the brain
Srotruded. He lingered a short time, when he
William Henry Brown, the head miller of the
establishment, was scalded in a terrible manner.
His face, arms, breast, in foot the whole upper part
of his body, was so dreadfully affected by tho hot
steam which poured upon him, that it is doubtful
whether ho can possibly survivo such serious inju-
Ti. ea ’ was standing near the boiler house when
tho affair took place.
Margaret Bilman, a German woman, somewhat
advanced iu years, received a severe blow by a
falling brlok.
A man named Jacob Wheeler*was driving a
horse nnd dray along Fawn street, and a brick
struck him upon the shoulder, braising it very
Mrs. Susan Hill was struck upon the back part
of tho head by a piece of brick, which knocked her
down in tho yard of the house.
A child of Mrs. Farrell, nearly five years old,
was very badly soalded about 'the head and arms,
and severely bruised around the body—will no
doubt recover.
Mrs. Bridget Farrell was struck upon tho top of
the head with a piece of boiler, which created a
very painful wound, whilst her right leg was
sprained and much swollen.
A little oolored child, named Stephenson, was
standing in Sletnmer’s alley at the time and was
considerably scalded.
The loss sustained by the owners of the houses
on tho alley, however, will not exceed $2,000. The
loss of the firm has been estimated at $6,000, in
addition to which their business is suspended at a
season or the year when heavy quantities of grain
are ready for the miller, and a constant activity
pervading the flour market. The fine hail received
8,000 bushels of wheat for grinding a few days
previous to the occurrence.
Several gentlemen of scientific attainments yes
terday visited the place, and closely examined the
boiler. They all agree that there was a want of
water in one boiler, and that the sudden introduc
tion of hot water into it from the other, consequent
upon the starting of tho engine, caused the affAir.
The hot water being forced into tho boiler, sud
denly generated more steam than the strength of
the bojlor ooald hoar.
Friday Evening, 1857.
Rehabks.—The Produce market still continues de
pressed by tho unsettled condition of the Money mar
ket, and the business of the past week has been of a
very limited character in all departments of trade.
Breadstuff* have further declined, but the market closes
with a better feeling under the lute news from abroad.
Cotton rules dull. Coal Is very inactive. In Groceries
and Provisions thero is but little doing, and prices are
without any material alteration. Tho Iron trade is at
a stand. 'Whiskey has been unsettled. For Wool thede
m&ndisless active, but prices show no change. Hides
nro not Inquired for and prices are nominal. Naval
Stores remain unchanged. Lumber is dull. Seeds are
in request at previous quotations. Teas aro firmly held,
with moderate sales, and light stocks of all kinds, in
tho other articles usually mentioned there are no vari
ations of any consequence since our last weekly review.
BREAB3TDFF3.—The market generally.haa been un
settled and dull and with a limited export demand. Flour
has declined 25a50c dP bbl, the decline being mostly on
low grade oxtra; the week’s sales Include about 6000
hbls at $5.5Qtt55.75 foe standard, and good straight
brands at $5.75a56.25 for extra, as in quality, and
$6 6Qes7 for fancy lots ; the market, howerer, closed
with a little more firmness on the part of hotders, who
are not offering their stocks so freely at tho former
figures; the sales to the local trade have been limited
withiu the range of $5.50e , 56 for common and good
brands, sG®s7 for extras, and $7«$S for fancy lots, as
to brand. ' Bye Flour Is dull, and a small business doing
at $1.37c54.60 bbl. Corn Meal is also quiet, and
there is more Pennsylvania Meal offering at $4 bbl.
which is the uniform asking rate. Wheats have been
plenty and dull, at about last week’s rates, but the
market closed with a better demand, and prime lots are
scarce nnd wanted at an advance of 5 wide bushel
on the lowest point; sales reaching about 45,000 bushels,
part for shiprneut, at $1.15a51.35 for reds and $1.29a
$1.40 for white, the latter for strictly prime parcels, at
which rates the market left off Arm. Bye is in steady
request, with sales of 2000 bushels Pennsylvania, at
75c, and Delaware at 70c. Com has been in better de
mand and scarce, and prices at the close are better, with
sales of about 20,000 bushels, in all of Pennsylvania
and Southern yellow at 74©75c, mostly at the Utter
rate, including some 4000 bushels since at soc, afloat
and in store, whieh establishes an advance. Oats aro
also in better demand at the close, and about 25,000
bushels have been taken at 33©36c for fair to prime
Delaware, and 38c for Pennsylvania.
PROVISIONS —Are firmly held, with a very reduced
stock on sale. In barreled Moats, sales are confined to
a few small lots at s26«s2tJ.&o for Mess Pork, and $2O
3? bbl for City Mess Beef. Of Bacon, tho sales are also
limited, at 14#al5){c for plain and fancy Hams; 13©
13}*© for Shoulders, and 15alojtfc for Sides, usual terms.
Greon Meats are scarce and high, but we hear of no
sales. Lard is taken as wanted at 16e for bbls and 17c
for keg*. Butter is firm, and the receipts-,gf Western,
which are light, have been, disposed of at tealfe, as to
quality. Cheese is steady at quotations, with *«"*»
sales. Eggs are worth 14©14){e dozen.
GROCERIES.—HoIders of Coffee arc demanding fall
prices, but buyers come forward jilttitiy, and only some
; 1,800 bags have been disposed to 12c for
1 Rio, on the usual terms; a fewsmatt-Saalei of Lnguyra
bare also been made at!3.a]3#c,‘andi Java Italic
lb, on time. Sugars continue dull and unsettled, and
buyers are not disposed to operate to any extent at pre
sent prices; about 400 hhds Cuba have been disposed of
atB£roc,and 1,000 bbls Boston refined at 20){©ll)$c,
as to quality, all on the usual credits. There is little or
nothing doing in Molasses, and priees are unsettled and
drooping. Tho only sale we hear of is 100 Muscovado
at 42c, at 4 months.
MEa'ALS,—There is a limited demand for Iron, and
prices are nominally unchanged. We quote Anthracite
No. 1, ats2o«rs27; No. 2, $25, and No. 3, at $23.50e524,
on time, butthe sales are in small lots at these figures.
Nothing doing in Scotch Pig Iron. In manufactured
tho salos have also been limited, and prices about the
same as last quoted. Of Lead the stock in first hands
is about exhausted, but the demand is limited at pre
vious rates. Sales 1,000 pigs. Spanish, and 150 do Vir
ginia aro reported at a private bargain. Copper is
steady in price, with limited sales.
BARK—Quercitron is in steady demand, and not
much offering; about 150 hhds have been sold in lots at
$-10 for first No. 1, which is a decline on last week’s
sales. Nothing doing in Tanner’s Bark worthy of note.
BEESWAX is in request at. Sic. for good Yellow, but
there is very little offering, and holders generally ask
BREAD—The demand 1a confined to the wants of the
local trade, at aboutprevious quotations, end the market
very dull.
CANDLE3—Prices of Sperm and Adamantine are
steady, with about the usual business doing in the latter
at -2ft23c., on time.
COAL —The receipts and stocks at Richmond are
unusually light, and there is no material alteration to
noto in prices, but tho market is dull. Bituminous
Coal is also dull.
COTTON.—The foreign nows has had little or no
effect upon the market. Stocks are light, bat spinners
are not disposed to operate, except to supply their im
mediate wants, iu the preseut unsettled state or the
times, and prices rule iu favor of the buyers; the week’s
rales reach 050 bales in lots, at from 35c®17c for Up
lands, and 15*4aAlTK© for Orleans and Mobile, on the
usual terms, the market closing very quiet, and prices
FlSH.—Mackerel are arriving more fully, and medi
um fish nro selling in a small way, mostly from store, at
sloffslB 50 for l*s, $13«513 60 for 2’a, and 58.50a59 for
3’h ; largo 3’s aro worth $9 50 %r bbl. Pickled Herring
continue scarce, and good lots aro wanted ats4®s4 25
bbl. Of Dry Cod the receipts and salos are limited at
$4 50 the 100 lbs.
FRUlT.—Foreign Fruit is scarce, and an import of
Sicily Lemons has been disposed of in lots at $5.75
box, for prime. Green Fruit la scarce and high. Ap
ples &ro selling at lbl , and Peaches at
from $1 to $2 50 basket.
FREIGHTS rule very dull; some small engagements
hare been made at 20s to London, and 25« to Lis erpoolfor
u eight, Is 9d for Flour and 3s lCd for Cotton, aud there
is rather more produce offering. South American and
West India fi eights continuo pretty much at a stand, a
small vessel has been taken to load for llayti and back
for a round sum. California rates are unchanged, and
range at 22,Vft260 Southern Coastwise freights ore
steady at G»Bc to Charleston and Savannah, and Sc to
New Orleans. Colliers are more plenty, the going rates
aro to Boston $1 50, New Bedford $1.55, Cohasset $1 95,
New Haven $1 25, Newburyport $1.63, Plymouth $1 CO,
Georgetown $l, Portland $1.60, Baltimore 70c and New
York $1.05 Z? ton from Richmond.
HIDES are very dull, and all the present Imports
havo gone into store, owing to the difference in the
views of buyers and sellers.
HOPS sell slowly at from 8c tol3e 4? Jb far Eastern
and Western. The new crop is beginning to arrive, and
SAles are making at JBcalfic, the quality beingvery su
LEATHER continues steady and firm, with a fair de
mand for prirao Spanish sole and slaughter, at full rates.
LUMBER Business has been dull this week, with
out any material variation to note in prices. White pine
ranges at from $l4 to $lB, and yellow sap boards at sll©
$l3 About 600,000 laths aro reported to haye been sold
atsl 20*i$l 25.
NAVAL STORES —Stocks and receipts continue
light, with small sales Spirits Turpentine at 47©50c,
cash and time. Rosin is scare at $1.85a51.9Q for com
mon, and $4.50a50.50 for &no. Tar is steady at
$2.25, and Pitch at $2 %r bbl. A sale of 200 bbla of the
former was mado at our lowest figures.
OILS.—No change in Fish Oils. We are advised of
sales of 1,&Q0 gallons Winter Sperm at $1.45, and 2,000
gallons dark Bleached Whalo at 85c. on time. Lard
Oil is firm. Linseed is steady at 75®77c, and the stock
light. Red Oil la quoted at 71©73c.
PLASTER—Continues dull. The laat sales were at
$2.75 per ton for Soft.
RICE.—Tho market is quiet, and the sales are mostly
in a retail way at sX®s#c P* r
SALT.—No change in the market; two cargoes of
Turks Island and about 7,000 sacks Liverpool, ground
aud fine, were sold at the close of last week at a private
SEEDS.—The demand for CloTerseed is good, but
there Is very little offering, and prime Seed is wanted
ats7®s7 25. Timothy Is more inquired for and scarce
at $3e53.25, Z? bush. Flaxseed is quiet, and Domestic
is quoted at $1.95®52 qp bush.
SPIRITS.— Foreign is very dull, and prices are nomi
nally unchanged. Whiskey has been dull, but sales of
bbla to some extent are reported at 25®26c; hhds are
scarce, and selling at 24©25c 1? gallon.
SUMAC.—About 300 bags Sicily have been sold at
$B2 500585, on time.
TOBACCO remains inactive; but piece tjw the seme.
TALLOW.—The demand, has fallen off, and city ren
dered is quoted,at I2s very little doing. r
TEAS are held firmly, with rather more demand
note at fully former prices.
WOOL —The transactions of the lest week here beat
limited, but common and medium qualities continue
scarce and in request, at full prices. Fine Wools are la
few hands, and holders are not pressing their stocks oa
the market. The sales are only aboat 80,000 lbs. of all
at from 40c to GOc. & on time.
[Correspondence of The Press ]
New York, Sept. 18,1857—5.20 P. W.
The fearful calamity of the loss of the Central
America, better known as the George Lair, has
naturally east a gloom over the community, and
has had a depressing influence on the mosey mar
ket, though not nearly as great as was anticipated.
The prompt and liberal action of the New York
Board of Underwriters, in offering to pay all poli
cies in their offices at sight, on presentation ortho
necessary proofs, has tended very greatly to tasen
the effect of the blow, and is certainly entitled to
tho highest praise The following is the official
announcement of the Board:
We, the undersigned, underwriters on the treas
ure per steamship •» Central America,” from As.
pinwall to this port, in the present state of finan
cial affairs, deem it proper to give this psblie no
tice that npon the presentation of the propsr
“ proofs,” the claims ogainst oar respective com
panies will bo promptly paid in conformity with
the policies, and when requested by the assured
will be discounted.
Naw York, September IS, 1367...
The Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., by 3. D. Jooas.
The Great Western Insurance Co., by Richard
Lathers, President.
The Sun Mutual Insurance Co., by A. B. Neiteon,
The Union Mutual Insurance Co., by E. J.Lathrop,
The Orieut Mutual Insurance Co , by Leop’d Bran
worth, President
The Commercial Mutual Insurance Co., by D. Brake
Smith, President,
The Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co., by Elwood
Walter. President.
The New York Mutual Insurance Co., by John H.
Lyell, Tice President.
The Pacific Mutual Insurance Co., by Alfred Ed
wards, President.
As tho duplicate bills oflading will arrive by the
next steamer from California, due here on the 25fh
inst., the only loss to those who had treasure in the
Central America, invoiced here, will be tbatof the
use cf tho roonoy from now till tho above date. It
isbelieved that about $1,500,000 of th© total lon
are insured abroad, and that the representatives
of the foreign insurance companies here will pursue
a similar costs© to thoso in this city. The total
los3 in treasure and vessel, will nsoont t052,250j
-060, of whioh about $750,000 will fall here.
Tho loss is no doubt & very heavy one, tad id
severer at tho present time than in a season of
monetary ease; but it Is not believed that ft will
cause any vory sensible aggravation of the pres
sure, or in any way effect the action of the banks,
who continue to discount to the amount of their
receipts. The street rates for money continue
very high, and the demand very active. Foreign
exchange is exceedingly doll at 105 a 107 for ster
ling, 60 days. Bankers name 107 a 108. Francs
3.25 a 5.171. The clearings at the clearing-house
this morning amounted to 515,188,724.16, and
the balances paid In coin to The cash
transactions at the Sub-Treasury were: Receipts,
$137.099.(8; payments, 163,277.23; balance,
$10,339,190.51. The Customs receipts to-day for
duties were $98,000.
Thero is a report that theEUenrille Glass Com
pany has suspended, and that the Miami YaJley
Bank, at Dayton, has also suspended The Union
straw works, of Foxborough, Mass.,is also repos
ed failed, in consequence of the previous failure of
Carpenter, Ide AGo Hills A Co., of Boston, are
said to have stopped payment.
Tho Stock market, as yon will perceive by the
bulletins of both boards, was very depressed and
irregular. Tho loss of the Central America bad
some influence, but was not the sole ©ease ©f
th© heaviness. Tbo decline in prices is in
many instances in stocks considered the most
solid, whito those which do not enjoy that
reputation, but are classed among the “ fancy
stocks,” have been firmer. Beading is down
again to 45}. seller 10. Brie closed at 1$; New
York Central et 70; Michigan Southern at 19};
Penn Coal Co. at 72; Pacifio Mail S. S. Co. opened
nt the first Board at 00, a decline of B}per cent.,
closed at 04, and finally advanced to 65} at the
second Board; Michigau Central has fallen 3}.
being sold at CO. I append the list of Stoeks and
Bonds offered for sale by auction today from
which you will receive a good idea of tbe general
feeling with regard to those securities.
Sales by A. 11, Nlcolay, September IT.
$B,OOO Lexington City 6 per cent bonds.... 56)f
$20,000 Detroit. Monroe and Tol. RR lit
mort. 7 per cent bonds Passed
$25,000 Mil and floricon RR land mort 10
per cent conr’6 bonds Passed
$2,000 Cm . Log&njtport and Chicago RR
Ist mort 7 percent b0nd5........ 52#
$30,000 Northern Indiana BB (Goshen
Branch) Ist mort 7per cent bonds 58Jfe59x
$lO,OOO passed.
$2,000 Cm., Logansport and Chicago RR
2d mort 7 per cent b0nd5........ 12
$5,000 X. 3. Central RR 2 mort 7 per
cent bonds 71
$lO,OOO Mil and Horieon RR S per cent.
farm mort bonds 33
$l,OO Cleveland, Medina and Tuscarawas
RR 7 per cent, b0nd5.......... 9
$3,000 Racine A Mississippi RR fans
mort 10 per cent, b0nd5....... 6S
$12,000 Cia, Ham and Dayton RR 2d mort
7 per cent, bonds Withdraws.
$B,OOO Milwaukee city 7 per cent, bonds 53K to 5$W
$lO,OOO Clev aod Pitts RR 2d mort 7 per
cent, bonds 39#
$16,000 Brunswick and Florida RR T per
cent coupon Boods(hypoth).... 'Withdrawn.
120 shs Buffalo and State Lice BB
$l,OOO ea. 90
31 do Third ATenoe 8R... $lOO ea. 83#
25 do New York and New Haven R
R (genuine stock.). $lOO ea. 45)4
100 do Warren RR 50 ea. 32 to $4
25 do N. J. RR & Transportation
Co $5O ea. Bold private.
, 100 do American Timber Bending
Comp.nj.... ..... . »u,nit.
18 d* Bt ofCotnmw th ... 100 ea. B*%V
50 do Park Bask 100 ea. 83#
'4O do Irving 8ank........ 50 ea. 94
5 do Farmers’ Loan and Trust
Co $5O ea.
10 do Bank of Yonkers.... 50 ea. SO
25 do Phenix Bank. 20ea. 101 V
COO do Manhattan Bank 50 ea. ISO. 130 v
20J do Farmers’ & Citizens
Bank, LI 25«£■*71.80pass’d
100 do Mercantile Bank 100 e*. 108,108 V
40 do Beekman Ins C 0,.... 25©s?<108v
61 do do do 25dk?lOS
40 do Phenix Ins Co of
Brooklyn 50 ea. 327 V, 1 2SX
18 do Etna Ins Co 40 ea. 10S}£
34 do Exchange Ins C 0.... 30 ea. 87#
100 do do do .... 30ea. STj£
15 do Home Ins Co 100 ea. 138
120 do People's Ins Co 50 e*. 95ta9T)£
10 do ContinentallnsCo... 100 ea. 100
10 do Long Island Ins Co.. 50 ea. 17$
SO do Excelsior 1n5.C0...... 50 ea. 120
40 do do do 50 ea. 118
100 do North River Ins. Co. 25 ea. 141
40 do Corn Exch Ins Co., 50 ea. 127jf
10 do lns. Co 40 ea. 150
180 do St. Mark’s Ins. C 0.... 25 ea. Sold private.
40 do Irving Ins. Co 25 ea 106
55 do National Ins. C0....537){ ea. 170
20 do Washington Ins C 0... $5O ea. 136
60 do Brooklyn Ins. C 0...... 17 ea. 135
20 do Humboldt Ins. Co 100 ea. 95W
60 do Lamar Ins. Co 100 ea. 10Q to 165
40 do Manhattan Gaslight.
$l9 26 paid........' 50 ea. IO6W
150 do O Life Ins & Trust Co, lOOea. 8
100 do U S Express Co lOOea. *3 to 80
20 do Grocers* Steam Sugar
Ref’gCo lOOea. 09
2000 do Brunswick City Land
Co loot*. Withdrawn.
$llO San Mutual Ins Scrip of 1855. 51
SCS3 do do do 1856 4S,q
$750 Cuiou do do 1857. 40V
$O4O Com’l do do 1856. 25
$790 Atlantic Mutual Jns Scrip 0f1557. 63
Sales bf P. R. Wilkins, Sept. IS.
$3,000 Ohio and Miss R R constr’n bonds.. Withdrawn
$4,000 Western Vo. It Ky. BE i Coal Co
bonds Withdrawn
$B,OOO Great Western fill.) RR 24 mort T
cent conv’t bonds ~...'lO
13 sbs. Nassau Bank $lOO «a. 62
15 do do do 100 ea. - Passed
200 do People’s Bank 25 ea. 91, ffljf
140 do Irrlng Bank 50 ea. 91#, 91#
10 do Clinton Insurance C0.*... 100 ea. 101#
20 do Indemnity Insurance C 0... 100 ea. 91#
10 do People’s Insurance Co 50 ea. 95
10 do Republic Insurance C 0.... 100 ea. 91
10 do G’t Wcst'n Marine Ins Co. 100 ea. 115
Ezra Ludlow, jr.,4 Co. sold to-day, at the Merchant’*
Exchange, SI.(XM) Michigan Southern and Northern
In liana first mortgage 7 percent bouds, due in 1860,
interest May and November, SO; $2,000 Chicago 6 p*r
cent. Water Loan, interest Ist January and July, 77; 90
shares Resolute Fire Insurance Co . $lOO each, hypothe
cated, 87*t90; 20 do. Lenox Fire Insurance Coxspaay,
$25 each, 100; 247 do. Ohio Life Insurance Trust
Company $lOO each. 10.
Ashes—Are steady and iu good supply, with sales of
100 bbls at $7 87 K for Pots and s7a7 06 X fa* Pearls.
B&exdstcfs —The market for Western and State
Flour is more active at an improvement of 10®15c co all
good grades, with sales of 9,600 bbls at $5.60®5 fO for
common to good State; $3.70<t5 85 for extra do; $5.40®
5 55 for common to good Michigan. Ohio, Indiana, 4e.;
$5 Gsa<7.sQ fur extra do; $6 40®T.75 for extra Genesee,
and $8 50«lS 50 for extra St. Louis. - Southern Flour ih
alro 10&15c better, with sales of 4.Soobbls at $5.C0®6.90
for mixed to good Baltimore, Alexandria, 4c ; $949®
7.50 for fancy ani extra do; and $7«r7.75 for Rich mood
city. Canadian Flour is actireat an advance, with tales of
1.150 bbls at $5 45®5.C0f0r super, and $6®7.15 for extra.
Rye Flour is steady at $4c5.25, with sales of 100bbl*.
Cora Meal is rather daller at 54.J5ff4.2S for Jersey *a<t
$4 40j4 45 for Brandywine, with sales of 150 bbls.
Fofflk—ls dull at steady prices.
Cotton— ls very dull at the following quotations ;
Upland. Florida. Mobile. Jt.O. & ffci
Ordinary 12tf 12J$ 12)2 J2v
Middling lofj lo£ lav 15*
Middling Fair.... .18# 16# 18# 1?'
J* 4 '/ .v.* ***.*.• nom. nom.
Gitus—Wheat U firmer for all rood qnslirira, with
nalen of 44,200 bushels at sl-30cr51.40 for honther# red:
$1 47 r $1.54 for Southern rod; fl 20a31.2S for red Ohio;
$1 30 for red Illinois, and $l5O for red Indiana. Oats
are steady at 50ctr5*2c for State, and 36c©40c for South*
ern. IJyo is Bteady at S2# for Southern. Sales
3,000 bushels. Corn is a little better at SO# for mixed
Western, aud 83e.iS5c for Southern yeUow. Sales 19.000
Hat is steady at former rates with a good supply.
Hides Are exceedinclv dull and drooping.
ißoy—Scotch Pijj is'selling slowly at $23 Csl9, »lx
months. Other kinds nominal.
Natal Stores—tfoirits of Turpentine ar* quiet, with
less firmness at 46c for cash. The demand even at this
rate is moderate. Crude do is inactive, bat firm at $4
2SO tts. Common Rosin is firm at sl.Bs#* 380 &i.
Finer kinds are in demand at $6.25e?7. Tar is quiet at
$2 for Norfolk, and $2.12)$ c{2 37 if for Wilmington.
Pno> isioxs—Pork is verv dull and heavy at $25.85#
$2O for mess, and $20.75ff521 for prime. Beef is lower
and heavy, with sales of 165 bfcls at sld Ss<rsl7-23 for
repacked western, and ?38e538 25 for extra mes.s Beef
hams are dnll at s22a 123. Bacon is selling at 14Jtf e for
smoked western. Cut Meats are nominal at 12al8c for
hams, and localise for shoulders. Lard ia lower, at
14c©i4»fc, with sales of 140 tes Butter is heavy at
former rates. Cheese is saleable at stfee9Xc for ship
Sugars —The market is very dull, and buyer* are
holding off for a further decline. Cuba is quoted at 7 o
S.h’c ; Porto Rico at Btf 9)fc, ***& Havana at 7c. Refined
are very heavy atllV fur crushed.
Whiskey—la .unchanged, at 26c, with sales of 450
Tub Track or tdk Rsadihq Railroad.—The follov
log ia the amount of Coal transported on the Philadel
pbia and Beading Railroad during the week ending
Thursday, Sept. 17,1567:
Prom Port Carbon.....
• ‘ Pottsrille
«* Schuylkill Haven.
“ Auburn
“ Port Clinton.....
Total for week,
Previoudy this year
Total for year.
To tame time last year 1,596,281 W
Tons. Cwt.
.10.261 07
. 720 IS
.15,873 0$
...34.221 01
.1,3fi3;072 03
.1,303,193 04