iIKGg IK KE W YORK. ’erpool,: witfe.22 -oftoin and> Wednesday evon belonglng to Mr. O'Gobner,, 1$ first avefUie—was. loft 'tog in Howard street, for a _ wns jußt'.ia tj»o’ £o>e hwhoreo driven off by a, young female:;- Thu ury of '‘stop thlof” was raised, bat"ike female Jehu tnadojgood hoi* escape. A'pgTir'Depredator ojr aLarqe Scai,e.-~. M&rv Madden was arrested by Officer Linebcok, of the charged with petit lar ceny. On* bee.-poison, an&tr&ced to her. person, wero found no tost than stventy-ttoo pawn tickets, representing articles a ehildto apron to a fea ther bed; whtoh; it is aHpged, Whe had purloined from various families and put “up the spout.” Most of the jStbiciV property hasboen Identified and restorfißMtd-. the owners. .. The accused: was taken before juatioe l'iandreait and hold to await an examination.‘ \ »•. ' • f -i • ,' Death by Scalds.—Coroner Perry held an in quest at the corner of-Broadway and Sixty-ninth street on the body'of Barbara Pink, who’died from the effects of scalds." Da at Briday week the deceased/ while sitting at tbo breakfast table, upsot a Qup of boiling coffee, .which fell upon her neck and chest, scalding her -severely. - Tne child (eighteen-months old) lingered.till Tuesday and died. The jury-rendered a verdiot (of death by scalds accidentally received. ' - Thb Gold Box Again.—A statement having beon published, purporting to have been made by Councilman Van Tine, who wont to the Hermitage upon the gold box mission, in which it isieprcsent cd that Sir. Jackson gave the Councilman posses sion of the box, the former has published' the fol lowing note: ; - • / - Hotel, Sept. Ift, 1f157. “I feel constrained to declaro mthispublio manner that , the ‘statement purporting to come from Counciknan’John, Van .Tine, published in the Herald on.-tharnorning of the 15th instant, la a tissue of misrepresentations and . falsehoods, from beginning to ond. The gold box Was never put in ntec&ro -or possession, either at the Hermitage, Nashville, or in the city'of Hew' York.' After 6nr reaching this oity, however, ho requested me as,a favor to lebhirn nave it to show to two reporters,' (in order- that they, might got tho inscription,) and also to permit his family and a few fnends to see it. under a faithful promise to return it to me onMonday morning,'whioh promise 'he complied with. ; ' Councilman'- van Tine mot mo on the morning of tho .15th instant, and stated to me that tliesuticlo above alluded to wng false in every respect, and forthwith had drawn up a true stotementof thewhich hesignod, and pledged himsolf faithfully ip have published, but which has hot as yet appostfod. ? ' **£Akoßbw, * * Abrival oY A PAkona Wdate -ov ; Ahf .-‘-Among tbß freight tif the steamer Benia'/ which' nit Wed on Tuesday lost, was thecolobrated painting of tho “Horse Pair,’’ by Rosa Bonhour, whioh has exci ted so much interest among the connoisseYir/ot art in England undPrahcb, during the post two years The “Horse Pair” hw been pusoaased.by Mr. Wright, of Hobokonbut wo hope he will allow it to be exhibited to tbe public* •/ . BY THE PILOT ONE. . LETTER FROM NEW YORK. [Correspondence of Th© Press.] ' New York/ Sept. IT, 1857—5.20 P. M. Tho continued absence of tho California stoamor,, which left Savona pn tho morning of Tuoseay, tho Bth instant, with 525 passengers, and $1,000,000 ip Bpecie, and tho inorcaslng* ahktoty as to Key fato,' exercise a.depreasing infl.uenoQ on tho. money and checks the, improved feeling, which set in' with ' so’ much hopefulness oh Tuesday. Should the worst fehre bo realized, the loss will not only J very severo hy the abseneo P? the gold somuch wanted at; thi3 time, but it will also press very heavily* on‘ the Wall street' insurance offices, where - the great holk of the specie is. in sured. .Independently of the ’fearful Ices of life which thewroeM pf the stcamor would occasion, and which is certainly more to be deplored than anything clso, the’money loss could not ooourat ft ' more unfortunato time., Nothiog.olse is spoken of today. , • * ' - * '*•' Under this feeling, of anxiety and gloom, rates for money still role Very high; with apparent prospect of decline. Tlie Juanks aro discounting their receipts &nd,not much more, and as .this is far W^Wi.aa,^ s %iugvthe. demand,, borrowers are almost as numerous in tho street as over, and as willing'to pay very largelyioc abcooimodatlon; 18 to 25 per cent; are the rates. The suspension of Meyer and'Eee,' ProdUCQ' add Provision Commls sion merphante; is atmouhood. to-'day; consequent on tho return of thfelr bill3‘protested fromEuropo. The loss will fall on several,'members of .the Corn Exchange, .and iSiß&id to be very evenly distri* bated amongst them.: The bilis'of the Moussm Elver Bank were thrown out tHiff morning.. The rumor that the Suffolk Bunk is in difficulty, and that the New England honks generally are nmon'is, authoritatively contradict ed,- as:utterly unfounded, the course of tion; bclng rogularly sustained, and with nothing appro&jching to panic or distrust. Another rumor .was-published In this morning’s Tribune to the ef feet that the bill?, of tbfe Vommproi&l Bank, of Col umbia; 8.- 0., were thrown out at' Charleston/ The President of the bank is now in and he has addressed a,letter to tho papers contra dicting the report, and referring to the Fulton Bank to corroborate his statement. - Exchange continues dnll at’ a slight decline in rates. The’ settlement at : thb clearing house this morning was quite Satisfactory. The clearings amounted'to $20,114,557.94 ,and : the, balances, paid in coin to $1,009,349.14 The cash trans/wtiohs for the ! day at the were: Receipts $178,-i 534.22. Payments $151,097.85. Balance $lO,- 365,308.68. iTbo Castoms recoipts/or duties to-day wereslo2,ooo. - -.'.w - - : . The stock market opened very heavily this morn*' ing, v<?ry) iUte destec to speculate being manifested Between'the boards, there were signs of improve ment, and some stocks wont up, and, the; second board clbtod at bettor prioea and with more Arm-' ness. Reading, which olosod attbo first hoard atib}, advanced to 481. Michigan Southern closed at 201; Erie'at 18J/'Pennsylvania Coal* Company it 73,' 23 bettor than yesterday New York Central was sold 1 above yesterdays closing price; Chicago' and Rock Island advanced!and Cleveland and Toledo 4 Illinois Cehirat is also fbettor than yesterday. -„Tcnpoaaa«,6’s and Virginia G’s. are I better.: The proposition to reduce time-sales to, three days was again debated to-day, .but. again fer further consideration, • . Ashes ore firm; With sales of 80 bbls.ats7.B7l4 for - --- . BBBADSTurrs /-The market? for 6 tato and - Western, Flour U lively for fill grades, with sales or' 7,290 bbla. at $5.45e55.66 for common to good State; $5.u0a55,76 for extra do., '< sfi.2Mss.4sifor common to good Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Ac.; $5.5Q©57.60 for extend© j $0.80<» sB. for extra flenewo, and $0.10253, for, extra St. lonia. Southern Flour l* firmer, with sales of 1,000 bbls, at 55.fi0&55.00 for mixed to good Baltimore, Alex andria, teas, ami s6.—fff7.So for extra, and fancy do. Canadian'Flour is eteadr, with sales of 800 bbla. at $5.85055.50fcr super., and $5.6Qaf7.10 for extra do. Rye Flour is firm, with sales of 200 bbls. at $4©55.25. Corn Meal is firm nts4Jsa-$4.20 for Jersey, and %l.AOeo s4.6oforßrandywine. 1 • ,; r , OomH:la dußj wHh sales of 300 bags Bio at 11c.® The market,is very qu.let, without any change from ytSstenteyte quotations - Qa&Sr- The firm,.with a fair do mandforsxport. The.Miea arc . 18,“00ba. at sl.Bo® fIRS for Southern red: $1.440n.48 for do. white; 81.80 for red Iliinojs; 51.50 for .white Kentucky, nod $1.28: for red Indiana. Oats are heavy and dull at 60c.®52e.' for State, and 53e.®53c. for "Western, Hye is dull at: 80o.ft82Ci, with sales Of-1.200 l»u, Corn is unchanged, 1 with'sales'of 21,000, W. at 80c.- for Western mixed. Southern yellow is nominal. . Southern white is quoted . atB7c. . . lUr.iala good ,demand for ah/ppfog lote at former •' - - •: Hinas ate still exceedingly dull and drooping. , ' Ison—Scotch jpig sells Blowly ats2B®2&; firaos. I.BAThsB-*-Tho market loir hemlock and oak'ia tetite at, ateady.'prices;r, SAYAh of turpentine fire: a ’little more active at Crude dote in better demand ats4 SSOfiis. rosin Is also in better demand at 185c&'310!bs,> Finer, kinds are- Brxu, ranging from $2.25®57, according to quality. Tar is quiet at $‘2®2,50, OtL?—Crude Sperm is buoyant at $l.BO. Crude Whale irateadjr;at,72e.o73e^uManufactured Whale is firm kt 80c.083c. Winter bleached at-86e.0&8o. Manufactured Sperm at 51.35 for fall, andH.46011.55 for -winter bleached.. TAnsecdOil U. quoted at 76Qe. 1 Olivo Oil js selling nt53.25, * market ia doll for Fork with some heaviness, Tho sales areBsobbisats2s 85®526 for mess,' and 520.75©|21 rorprime. Re4f JsJoweranddull, wjth sales of 380.bbls at|lo.lscsl7.sh for repacked W esterh, and flB®slB 25 for extra mess. Beef hams and cut meats are 'nominal: -Bacon is selling at ldßo'for smoked with'* better supply. Lard Mower, with. Sales of 370 tierces at -J4jkiv3s cents. Batter Is active ftt lSeclSe for Ohio, ana 17e0220 for State. CheeSei'fm-shipping; is selling at » - ' StroißS continue very heavy, particularly for tho loirergrade*. 'Cuba i« sold at Go#® Be. Refined arc also heftftwlW*ydiill> •' . • ‘n . . Wmscrr is better, with sales of 400 bbls at 25k ® 23c. . ;j KJS-W •SORR BTOOK RXCHARBK BALES, Sept. 17. >c ' ' - ' SIRS* SOAUC. 6.000 TennStCs *OO 76)4 210 N y Cen R s 3 70 6.000 Virginia 6a , 86)4 100. ' ■ d <?., . ,70jg 10,000 do • ■ Bd)n 100 Erie Railroad a 18)4 7000, ■ ...««••, : so m , .do. •• nn 200 do o ISj 3,000 do ■ 71 . 300, , do, 'l3 3817 M.OQO . do, 51V 32 do . 18, 5,000 Kentucky BtCjlOo 50 .do c 18K 6,000 N T Cent It Oh 83 100 ~, do ,; 18# 1600 do' 81K 20 do 19 l OOONtfOenKToc, 91. 200 La C Jfc Mill R , 14,. 2,000 EtteCon3jds.nl dl 416 do ■ “ 34K K,OOO ■ ' dd' . '' ! 4o OThlrdirK .TBK BttaoßitoßC6nbdO243 lOOßeadingK '■ ■ c 41% 1,000 Torre 1I&A1- 200 do «3 44« ■'4m U-V »:.'« 300 ■ i do 1 "' »10'44« 2,000111 ConHMb 600 ■ do «3 44V 16MorehBnKBcr!i>-102K 404 'do ■ e 44K 60 do . 102Jj 100 ••-, do : ' C 4b ■ 6 Continental Bk : 91 30 . do ’46K EO Park HatiK ’ 88 20!tietCenlt ! 03® 80 ■ 'do •' 88S 160MlcUS*NIB 1 20« 20 do ~ ,80 105 .- do ' f 20V 21'BnkStofNTork 94 10Ucl,St<N't P rf ß lk dog 26 O life & Trn.t Co 9 150 Panama R' 0 ,«1 40 Pa Coal Co 32 50 do c V 100 do :s3O. T 0 2 10'.. ■ do ■ 82c 20 'do 72ft 300 111 Cen R'. *3O 93ft 109 Onmb Coal Co lift 35 Clere&Pltta R lov 60. Pacific MSS Co 09 200 do 10ft 60 do't ' "l. 68ft 60 Oal & Clllo It 1 72J 26Bet&HttdCnl Co 100 ft 'l6' ' 1 do 73 IOOKSf Oehß .r ■ 70 200 Ohio & Bl.ldß a 73ft 107. c- do. i,■ ■ 69ft 60 do 73ft 425 - • do,!, ...«3 69ft 100 Mil* Slim It e 3» 37 200 do ;■ 610 70 ft - ‘ ''' --■ fiSCOSD 3,000 llarllUnlpi, '.6Bftl 2,000 Brie 11 Con te’7l4o 2,000 Hud RB2dm , 78 46 Am EX Bui' ' 92 6 BkSt of N York 03ft 10 Ba Coal Co - 78 100 Olero&Tol Bong 88 200 ' -do ' f&o 38 400 Erie R' «3 10' 200 .do - 820 13ft too, . do-.-ago, Hitt),S' 800—— to to do ••' 39ft 350ReadiuoR , , (l s 40, 200 ..do’.,'t'siO' 47 POARD. ' . 100 Beading B , »'0 .«!{ 100 , . 1 do e 3 47% 300 ’ ' do-. -, - -J4SU 20K .10 ~ do ■, , 20M 25,MohS&NIpff8tk,4l . J Oil* Ohio H 73 15NYCmiH. . JOX JA -- ‘•o ' . - 707,' i, do, ~ .10 70^ 30 do at 2d 71. :55‘" n smiiß. , , 32 K !A) iI„rU-ni R 8 50.Ol|fq*jfnutCo From jentznela. v'' *'' '» y rCorrespqndencffof Exchange.!' r m&TO bVBUU.O' Sept. 0, 3857.—Deal- Sir: 1 have to thank you for-ibe ’file, of newspapers received, per 4 * - WlsiteTV r lng l J J tfhich vessel leaves to-day lor* your port,' and I subjoin * tho * currant rates of Cur ; principal artieleit of’export s - CoffeO/ crashed; none; Coffee,' uh- ■ washed *ecarce } 3& cents .par ft, currency; Indigo, F lOOdjjer-ft; l6J£ooffetfed, 18c- asked by holders Hides. (mr) Slcpetro: C6cotf, klnd, $3l per' ,\^^>{ r dblpferior quality, 830’per 110 ftj-Deer Skins/ SVflflge.'.fll pef dozen; GoatSkuiß, do $9% nor dozen... 'vßgig^ueofge s tohfce- (Atnerieari) -lert hero ‘for Bdltii ?AfiiMican brig St. Mary, of otld from New Yorkyar riyed jbere'.on lat uncertain .when she wiU denari To* Mutehhlbo} otherAsSerlcfn vessel, to - - v ddJi*HHr i ty<isl at this particular;eeav, v. » ; ; '■ < vjve ;. /, f.n V '; •, .. -‘'K j' r< vti hf THE MONEY MARKET. > PUILIDSLPHU, fiept, 17,1857. . Tli® Money,Market to-day baa been more.stringent, if possible, than on any day since tbe commencement Of the prcssure—a fact attributable In' part' tofe&rs for tlio loss of the, steamship Central America,-with tho specie, on which' many hopes of further easo have been hung, and in part upon, tho extreme caution of our* Sauks in continuing the curtoihuent of discounts. One of these institutions discounted nothing at all to-day, and the others, if we are correctly informed, held tho reins very tightly. . t If this excessive fear on the part of th® banks is con* r tinned much longer, they will! flod themselves saddled with $o great an amount of permanent investment in he shape or suspended paper that their own position will bo far more critical than thol; timidity and *>«» »»»“ mate them boilers it la at present. Wo "• *l f ™ 4 tU “ the dlßjoaitionto do'all in their power to aid their cub. tomera, wliloh wo recorded ot some or theae Institu tion*. la by. no mean a general with thorn, end they aro tightening th.acrawa with what wo think aonnd Judg rnent would pronounce nnnocoasary force. The list of suspended arms which wo publish below, and of which many are well known „to have assets far in excess of their liabilities, should admonish our banks of the urgent necessity not only for lenity and forbear ance, but for liberaUty towa'rds’the mercantile commu nity. Oar banks arc in a sound, and healthful condition, it Is true,-but they are still not above the reach of general calamity, and a regard for their own position in tho future requires of them the exorcise of all possible HberaUtyj The continued and Increased pressure for money de presses Btocks. Almost evory description of stock sold shows’ft decline of #to % on yesterday’* ’prices. Tho best paper on the street cannot besold for less than two per cent, a month, the forcing of borrowers upon tho street for nearly all they need keeping up the price. The steamship*.Asia, which sailed from New York for Liverpool yesterday, carried out butsss,ooo in specie, .The receipts of the Illinois Central Railroad for 'August were as follows:" • ‘ * " * Julr. .August. Total. Number of acros.'.. .235,395 83 31,233 IT 266,269 00 Principal ..$2,885,196 17 $402’,873 83 $3,288,008 90 Interest;....... *S33|&lB 84 ■47 16 386,422 00 T0ta1......53,224,116 01 $450*315 08 $3,674,490 99 The earnings of the New-York Central Railroad for August wero as follows 1857. 1850. t , Decre&fid.*•«••• $30,405 81 Comparative - statement of earnings for freight for warded eastward frtjm Buffalo and Suspension Bridge in Auguat f 185Q&U&1&57' ’ \ ,1867. .... Ji. w . .$131,W0 03 91,207 62 n* Decrease. $39,832 53. y' Earnings from October, 1860, to August,lB67j both in* ' elusive (eleven 21 1 1 Do. for Bfttbe period last /ear.,. 0,838,176 04 ' Increase.;.;;..;...: $838,036 67 ; ,\Tho New York Board of Broken! having agreed to limit 'timo sales of stocks to thirty days, one firm adver tised that it would effect sales on longer time, as here tofore.' 'The Express thinks the rule will provo value less. Tbo Caurter and, Enquirer say*: “It Is inti mated In one of the papers to-day that the now rale of the Stock Poard, which fixes thirty days as the limit of time Bides, will he obviated by certain parties who agree to purchase and sell on tfco old,system of 4 to 0 months.' We can hear of only one house that.contemplates such & course, and It Is apparent that one firm cannot es tablish ft poliey'at' variance with-that adopted by the boitd.- The contracts, now made, undor' existing rules,, are acknowledged by the board, and can be enforced, or the penalty of expulsion follows. This is- a guarantee, to a certain extent; that such sales and purchase's will bo carried out In good faith, /It would bo otherwise, if only one or two or three members attempt to maintain old rules, now discountenanced.” Meanwbilo, it is now proposed that the rule of the ■ board, shall limit the credit on sales to three days. We think the latter rulo, rigidly enforced under the penalty of expulsion, the only measure likely to put a serious check 1 upon the practice of stock'gambling. Betting upon throe days* variation in prices would soon prove too poor abuslness to be followed. The’ purchasers' of the Franklin Railroad, Messrs. : Worrell, Dullj and Joacd, 1 propose to complete that road to HagerslowOflf iiho , People of Franklin co.,Penna,,' and Washington c0., .-Maryland, will subscribe $OO,OOO for the purpose of laying the rallsj the iron being con tracted for already. 'The people of Washington county, Md.,,held a meeting in Hagerstown last week, and. resolved to secure subscriptions In bonds to the amount of $30,000, of- which all bat $7,000 has since been sub scribed: look to a final connection with the Bal timore and Ohio Railroad. . , If the people of franklin county aid them to the same ; extant, the purchasers promise to have cars' running from Chamborsburg to drecncastle on next Christmas ,iay. • : ‘., ' ' ' . > 7 ._ . Failures, Abbiosmbhts, &c.—Tho following are the reported failures, assignments, &c., which we copy from VdpXridtptn&tnt : 1 , ' Buggies & Co.,Boultney, Tt., failed, i Eaton, Hill, & Chandler, “Drugs,” Boston, Massa ..chusetts, failed. _ W, P. Boston, Moss., failed. Freeman Orne, Boston, Mass,, gone Into insolvency. Philip Allen & Sons, Providence, E. 1., suspended. Z. Alien, Providence, E. 1., suspended on endorsed paper..-, * ,< f ' Doger Sc Pecknap, Palmer’s Comers, Conn,, as signed. Nesmith Sc. Go.,‘ New York city, suspended. •Carpenter, Ida At Co., “Straw Goofo,” Hew York city, suspended. 'Frederick Or Swan, New York city, assigned; liabili ties said about $1200;000 - ! . , Foster & Nickerson, New York city, suspended. Joseph'F. Moyses, “Dry Goods,” New York city, suspended. . Grant, SayleSj A Ford,' “Produce.” New York city, suspended. W. T. Hicks &,Co., New York city, auspendod. Wetrlur & Taussig, New York city, failed. Walker P. Jones, “Liquors,” New York city, sus pended. • William T. Bell Sc Co.,’ “ Bankers,” New'York city, suspended. < Frost & Pierce, “lists,” New York, suspended. ■Bayaud & .Treadwell, “Liquors,” New York city, suspended. G.H. Swords,'Walton, Ac Co., “Hardware,” Now -York city, suspended. C. B Conant, Dodge, & Go., “Hardware,” Now York city, suspended. *’ Thomas Douglas, “Hardware,” Now York city, as signed ti> Charles Douglass and John 51, Eagar. . Carpenter A Fullerton, New York city, assigned: caused, It is said, by the failure of Acker & Harris. Strauss- Sc' Emanuel. Brothers,’ New York city, .Called.- 1 • Solmson A Meyer, New York city, suspended. Stephen Potter,- “ Lumber,”- New York city, as signed. . - ‘ , . George W. Atwater, New York city, suspended. ' Rich As Loutrol, New York city, suspended. Clark, Guthrie, Sc Sturgis, Buffalo, New York, sus pended. 1 E, K. Brace, Buffalo, New York, failed. , William PenQeld, Buffalo, New York, failed. 1 ' Pratt Sc Perine, Rochester, New York, assigned. > Orange Catiln, Rochester, New York, failed. ; Justin Forbes, Mount Morris, New York, failed and assigned. - ■ ‘ Bank' of New Jersey, New Brunswick, N. J,, sus pended. •; - ‘ - ' - - , ... ■ John G. Kitchen, Newark, N. J., failed. > I*D. Hail Sc Co.jj Trenton, N, J., failed-. M. B. Canfield, Grange,-N.-j;; suspended, and said to have compromised;-- • Dawson-* Hancock. “Iron and Crockery,” Philadel ' phia, suspended; liabilities very heavy. - John x. Bushton & Co,/ “Crockery;” Philadelphia, Suspended. : Thomas White At Co., “Straw Goods,” Philadelphia, suspended; liabilities said to be $300,000. 1 > • Featherhoff, Montgomery, & Go.. “Grocer*,” Phila delphia, failed. } i ' W. I*. *G Slacker, “Crockery,” Philadelphia, sus pended., • - - W. Smith, Philadelphia. » - IlayesA Smith, MCoal,” Philadelphia, suspended. • Joseph Bipka, 'Philadelphia; suspended : liabilities about Iww.ooo. Bart, Montgomery, &’Go., Philadelphia; suspended. Mdrple,' Philadelphia, suspended: 3. & W. Horrock, “ Dyers,” Philadelphia, bus ponded. < Bockhlll A Alison jP** Clothing,*> Phlladelph)a, BUB pended. > iT ■ * >j< - ; Hotcbki&sA Barton, 1 Scranton, Pent)., railed.' , John Gommell, potei'avillo, Penn:; failed. • ' ' .P; II; Sullivan, i( Broker,*’Baltimore, Md., failed. : Michael Weasel, Cumberland, Md., failed. i ■ Pairo Affourae, Bankers,” Washington, D. 0., suspended. 1 B. P. Farnsworth, Chicago, 111., assigned to 7. M. William*. ....... . : ‘ G.F. Hamilton, Chicago. 111., failed and assigned. t.l>. Oy Norton, LockpOrt, 1)1,/assigned.,- ! JohnO.Porbee, Lone, Ili., tailed., . - , , Win. 0. Kyle, Franklin, Mich., failed. ■ , H. Flshpool.New Baltimore; Mleh, assigned. , PoweHA Sicard, Waterford, Wis., failed. ,M. Galien,Beloit, Win., failed. . . ' Z:,F. Lyon A Co;. Fairfield,.Wis,,‘failed.. J 3. K.i'fribqp, OnonnajKm, sniponded. > Albert & Boss, Burris; lowa, failed. ; Askew & Catlin, Grandview, Iowa; failed. : 11. 0. Rugwlea, AgencyOHyylowa, failed. Charles-Robinson, Toronto, 0.W., Suspended. . .Binford, Mavo A Blair, Hicbmond.i'Va., suspended. • Bonham, Gllbortsoh'A,Co., Wheeling, va., assigned, Jae. Corrigan Charleston, 8.0. suspended. 1 . W. B. Beazloy, 'Wilston, 8. <X, failed. - 8. EuseU A Bo»», Morganfield, Ky,, foiled. Merritt, Blariy It, Co., Bt.'Loula, Mo., suspended. It. M. Hubbard, St. Louis, Mo., suspended. B. Arrafleld, St. Louis, Mo., assigned. , Stnead, Oallord A Hughes, “Bankers,’ 1 Cincinnati, Ohio,.suspended;,/ > t , - . , ; Jeaee.A. Monro, Cincinnati, assigned, •;. . Boss A dennings, Columbus, Ohio,’ suspended and as pired., , b --- , ,* • . ' D. B. Livermore, Sandusky City, Ohio, suspended, B. Franklin & Son, Alexandria/ Ohio, failed and as signed. 'i -, i ’ H. M, Chandler, Attica,-Ohio,/ailed'. ( 3.0. Schuyler, Attica. Ohio, failed, : Ourfcig A Dibler,Borwiek, Ohio, failed. : E. Ulgby: Attica, Ohio, failed. Loomoy & Co., La Porto, Ind., fallal ami assigned. , : PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES,T ' SojitomtorlT, 3867. • Reported by R. Manly, Jr.; Stock Broker, No. . , . 80 i Walnut street. first BOARD. • JOOO Elm lU’» Into 09 100 Reading R«5 tly, 2400 City O’# lots - .ST ' 100 do 22X 1000 Sc Nar OV*72 W. 65‘ 100 .do ■ 2S« ,000 i do.. tT2 2da6s'< 25 ! do • %%% .1000 Union Canal 6's • 45 fl N Pcuna R < gv JOOO.Penna Coup 6*B •'B4 • 34 -do -Bft 1000 Pennu It o’s 2dmt 84 2 do ' Bft 1 600 N PennaßflV •60 - 20 do sSwn ' Bft ,15 Harrisburg B 62ft 20 do Bft 30 do -r 3■ • 62ft IPennaß 43ft ‘lO do • -52 ft *ll do 40ft ; 100 Beading R 6 dys 22ft 2 do • 43 ft 100 do b - 22 ft 20 Oirard Bank 10ft ilO ido - 2d*s 22ft 10 City Bank ’ 48 100 .do a5 1 -22 ft 4 -do '4B • ’BETWEEN BO'ABDB. y t ‘ICam&AmTV, 300 ft \ ’Hliochamcß , Bank 27 32 Girard Trpst , 20 | . . .r t . . , BBCONB BOARD. ' B *JS 10 Reading It 23]j 1000 Union Canal O’* 4 do 23ft 1000 N Veonano'a 60 ML Island RO5 BJ4 46W ■ flo ■ . ... .' 60 ■ 60' ■do ■ 8J? f SW do ." 80 45 Sch Nay common 0 • 1000 do -■6O ■ 6 ‘ do ‘ do ■ ■ 9 '6)00 City B.BV sSlts 87% 100 j 0 pro p d ]8 ; 000 Wilmington R 0180 7 I’enua It 43 V ' 500 Reading R' 1 W% -SOOltyßank - '47 . ' after board. : 500Readingß, * ■ -■ ) 100 Reading R 23f4 ; ' CLOSINO PRIOBS-STEADI-. ' ■ Bid. Asked. DB«'»,'6S 118 PMada to ■ i'!( 87?/ ■ -,. do ■ RR 87H 87« I•? do : Hew 02X‘ !)3X Pennasa, . 80 •' - 80 x Reading?. 23Jj i dn -Bolula *706915 10U : 'do 1 M O’a ,’44 82 ■ ■Peooa ER -48)4 4311 MnrriaCanVOon44 45 Bchyl HaySa’B26Bl4- 69 I stock B}J' o>i '' .'o .. . ' ',■ LATEST • ; aai. 100 Reading RW ~ St 800 do /:■ nr 24 200 ,■ do rw , 24 160 do . 'es ' :;24 lW ), , do f 6 23S 600 do K'nvu 24 ~ 200 do 80 24X W..-,n.vdo .. rw, !, 24 , 100, do Iff 24/ 10 do 2gt , , , , .HoadlngleleMs,,.., _ . , „ _ BM. A,Hi. BohylKutTPiet 15k 18 v Wm»p’t& EltnHl2* 10* do l«tmort7»s6B 70 do'' do2dm69 60 Long Wood ‘ 8v 8% : Vicksburg 9}s 7v: Girard Book 10 10 Lohlgh Zinc k 1 Union Canal 5 6# New Creek * ’ K K CKtawMset NR ’IK %K .* .»ct! e-ti j .-I ,• ,1 • i (Reported for The PieM.l ' DOSTON—Steamship Phineas Sprague, Blatthewa.--10 cases shoes W T Anson: 38 do do Baker, Bro & Jones; 15 Sf£SS!«t & IbSSelll 80 dodu Broadhead & Robert*; 27 do do Conover * Bros, 15 do doCoolidgo* BurBorow; 2 furnaces Arnold & IVilson; 25 rases mdso W Brown; 5 do domestic. Bnlijjs & Miutwoll; 31 pigs do Caldwell A Ohrlskey; 76 do Parnliam, Kiri Ham &Coi 21 do do M Tliomas & Sons: 10 do do U P Hutchinson; 17 do do Horn, lleister Sc Taylor; 6 cases 1 bbl do O Kills 43 cs boots and shora Haddock, Reed Ac Co; 9 do do Ilaiell Sc Harmer, 41 do do Hendry Sc Harris; 50 cases Keouo, Stirling & Co; 18 do J 0 Patten; 33 do Vanduson,Smith & Co; 62 pkgs dry goods Lawrence, Sumo Sc CO ; 118 do Alfred Slade ; 30 cases boots and shoes Levick, llatsln A. Co; 130 bdls paper Jlegargeo Sc Co; 23 pkgs glassware Muzzy Sc Monroe; 85 halos Tlios Potter: 4do Tredlck & Stokes; 10 do S T White; 05 cases boots Borer, Groff & Darling: 150 do do WASc L Sbumwny; 18 cases mdse J W Soudor; 00 do do JII Thompson Sc Co; 11 do do Thache Sc Woodruff; 22 do do Thayer Sc Cowperthwalt; 8 pkgs Thomas, Thompson, Son Sc Co; 73 casesdry goods Wain, Learning Ik Co; 1,000 pkga mdse Leech A Co; 1,200 do do various consignees. Sir, Iljenon—Sclir Flyaway, Davie—lo,ooo galls N W whale oil SUober, Bunting * Co. CHARENTE, Fr.—Bark Warron Mallet, Unllet.-205 pkgs. braudy, Patterson Ac Rouldeu, 142 d0.,45 pieces building stono, G. E. CastUlou; 60 pkgs. brand!} J•«. &J. Boker; 20 do., order. ~ PORTO CABELLO—Uarque White Wing, EsHng.— 914 bags .eoffeo, 0295 hides. 25 ligmimvit®, 14 Reroonfl indigo, DaUott brothera: 82 bulcsT goatskins, A M So teldo, New York.' NEW BEDFORD—Bcbr. §arali, Demon—*2ll gals bleached winter whale oil Alberta Asbinccd; 1150 do do Hodgson & Keen; 21 hbls oil soap do; 70 bxa spermaceti caudles Cochran & Russell. RlCUMOND—Stoamsbip City of Richmond, Mitcholl —69 boxes and 32 cases tobacco, Bucknor, McOammon Sc Co: 60 do. Mercer * Autolo; 26 do do. Moet* * Boehm; 60do do, Dohan * Taitt; 79d0 do, Sailor & Sauk; 38 do do, B M Jones & Co; 13 pkgs sundries. Parker* To land; 283 bundles spokes. Wilson A Childs; 18 bagfißeed, CII Cummings; Bdo do, Miller & Brother; 20 bars iron, Morris, Jones * Co; 10 pieces brass, Win Dennis; 10 bales mgs, Server Ac. Marker; 51 ompty casks, 61 pkgs sundries, order. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. From Boston, iu steamship Phineas Bpraguo—ll R Ilobart, T II Tremlct, H Bingham, Cyrus Smith, U Wagner, E B Stuart, Thoa Tomlinson. _ PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Joseph O. Grubb, > Committer or the Month, Joun Welsh, } LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tonawanda, JuUys .....Liverpool, Sept 26 Ship Stalwart, Lucas Liverpool, Sept 22 Br ship Zered, Corish Londonderry, Bopt 15 Ship Joseph Jones, Flowers San Francisco, soon Barque Minnesota, C 010...,. Rio Janeiro, soon Br brig Oregon, 0reea....,,.,.....P0rt au Spain, soon gchr HE 8e11,.C1ark,..,.., .St JagodeCuba, soon ~.$067,451 73 ... 097,857 64 SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES. Arago New York - Havre Sept 19 Eur0pe........... .Borton Liverpool. Bcpt 23 Persia ...Now York Liverpool Bept 30 Haminonia New York Hamburg.,.,.. Oct 1 G1a5g0w.,........G1a5g0w New York Sopt6 O of Baltimore,.Liverpool New York,., Sept 9 FuU0u.............. Havre Now York. Bept 22 Cof Washington. Liverpool New York .Sept 23 Atlantic Livoruool New York Sept 30 Borussia ..Hamburg New York Octl MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. PniLADgLrHu—From New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th. From New Oricanß 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. Quaker City— From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. FroinMo bUo 22d, Havana 24tb, arriving at New York 2Sth. t Cauawoa—From Now York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 19th. From Now Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New York fid. Empiqr City—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha vana23d, and Now Orleans 23th. From New Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 13th. Black Witißioc—From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th, due at Now York 18th. Isabel—From Charleston 19th and 4th, due at Ha vana 23d and 7ib. From Havana 10th and 26th, duo at New York 16th and 31st. The California mail steamers sail from New York on the sth aud 20th of each month. illariuc Intelligence. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept, IS, 1857 SUN RISES HIGH WATER. Steamship Phineas Sprague, Matthews, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse aud passengorß tollWinßw. Re port* three ships outside the Capos bound iu, names un known, and in the river banju« Warren Uallett, from New York, and twenty barques, brigs and aebrs. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, from Rich mond, via Norfolk. 34 hours, with tndao and passengers to Titos Webstar, Jr. On Wednesday morning, offFou wick. Island; in a heavy sea, wind blowing from NW, had rudder carried away; boat to tho Breakwater. And from thenco was steered up by tho pilot boat Gen Dike. Among her passengers are Capt Kelly, lady, and four children; together with the passengers of the steamship -Norfolk, which foundered on Moudoy morning near Hogg Island, off Cape Henry. 1 Steamor ‘Boston, Bellow, from New York, via Capo May. 20 hours, with mdse and passcugers to James All derdico. Reports having passed below the Ledge Light Blilp two ships, ono the John Fatten, from Liverpool; off Reedy Island passed barque White Wing, from Porto Cabello, together with three brigs and sixteen schrs all under canvass, bounnd up. .Barque White Wing, Eating, from Puerto Cabello. Sept 7tb, with eoffeo, hides, Ac. to DaUott Bros. Left brig St Mary, Johnson, from New York, for Maracaibo in 4 or 5 days; schr Bowman, from New York, just ar rived from L&guayra, and a schooner from Baltimore, name unknown, from do. The W W experienced a suc cession of southerly galea with & heavy sea, and lost se veral Bails; made the run from Mona Passage to Fen •vrlck’s Island in 3 day* and 0 hours, aud from Porto Cabello in fi days aud 7 hours until she took a pilot. Off Chiocoteague saw a large barque with fore aud main topgallant mast gone; name not ascertained. Barque P G Alexander. Merryuiau, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain. Barque Warren liallctt, Jlallett. from Charento, Franco, via New York, with brandy, Ac. to Patterson Sc Boulton. Barque Albion Lincoln, Plnkham, 7 duya from Port land, with plaster, Ac. to J Eakor. Barque Gora, Hamoioud, 6 day a from Boston, with mdse to TweUa.Goskill Sc Galvin. Brig Aurate, Davia, 4 days from Boston, In ballast to captain. Brig Empire, Crowell, 4 days from Doston, with md«o to Crowell Sc Collins. Schr Jas Martin, Harding, 3 days from Providence, with wdae to J M Kennedy tc Co. Schr.Flyaway, Davia, 3 days from Sag Harbor, with oil toShober, Bunting Sc 00, > Bchr Grace Girdler, Paine, 4 days from Boston, fnbsl last to L Audcureid Sc Co. Schr J«a Barratt, Davis, 6 days from Dorchester, in ballast to H Mar. Schr Mary Adeline, Travis, 10 dava from Petcr&bujg, with wheat to W B Potts Sc Co. Schr. Chag Parker, Compton. 6 days from Boston, in ballast to O A Ucckskor & Go. Schr Bio Grande, Parker, 3 days from Egg Harbor, in ballast to J It While. Schr Salon, Randall, 8 days from Bath, Mo. in b&llast to capt&ln. Schr Hudson, Griffin, 6 days from Boston, In ballast to Noble, Hammett tc Caldwell. Bchr Elizabeth, Parsons, & days from Providence, in ballast to Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell. SchrGulnaro, Darling, 0 days from Gloucester. Mass, with mdse to Geo A Wood. Schr Urbano, Norton, S days from Jersey City, with cement to CS Smith A: Co. Schr Sarah, Benson, & days from New Bedford, with oil to AS Afihmead. Schr E A Matthews, Regan, 6 days from Laurel, Del. with’lumber to J H McCouey’ Schr Ann O Gray, Kelly, 1 day from Little Creek, Del. with corn to Bewtoy, Wilson (c Co. Schr' Wm George, Jocknon, 1 day from Smyrna, Dei. with grain to Bewfey, Wilson & Co. Bchr Expedition, Connor, 1 day from Smyrna, Del with corn to Bowley, WilsouJc Co. Bchr Robert Knowles, Bcott, 3 daya from Concord, Del, with bark to Bewley, Wilson Sc Co. Bchr J L Uoverln, Pierce, 1 day from Dover, Dol, with , with wheat to Jas Barratt & Bon. Schr Mantua, Maxon, 1 day from Frederica, Del. with ; with corn to Jos Barratt Sc Son. 1 Schr Delaware, Denby, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with wheat to Jos Barratt & Son. ’ Schr J W Early, Sipple, 1 day from Frederica, Del. with corn to Jos Barratt & Son. Schr Frs Ward, Till, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with wheat to Jas Barratt Sc Bon. »■ CLEARED. Brig Canton, Crowell, Boston, Sharp, LeislorlngA Co. Schr Hamlet, Hall, Providence, J M Kennedy & Co. Schr Saxon, Randall, Thomastou, captain. Schr A K McKenzie, Prisko, Boston, L Rotheraioi. Bchr Grace Girdler, Paine, Boston, L Audonreid A Co. Bchr Juliet, Chose. Boston, Yon Duaen, Norton Sc Co, Schr Paugossett, Waplea } Boston, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. > r > > Bchr Elizabeth, Parrone, New York, do Schr Hudson, Griffin, East Cambridge, do Bchr Jas Barratt, Davis, Koxbury. D Eatnes Cliaa Parker, Compton, Roxbury, 0 A Uecksher Schr \Y Wrightlngton, Wrightlngton. Fail River, J C Whitakef. • ' J Schr Rio Grande, Parker. Washington, J ft White, Str Kennebec, Hand, Now York,, Jan Allderdlco, Str Parmer, Bennie, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Btr Beverly, Pierce, New York, W M Baird & Co. [nr telegraph,] 'Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Sept. 17 , P if. The pilot boat Whildin came in this afternoou, ami reports putting pilots on board the ships Arkwright and John Fatten from Liverpool, and Armorial, from Leg horn. Two barques and several brigs and sclirs went iu to-day. Wind &—weather lino. Voure, &c., TIIOS. B. iiuonEs. Erratum. —The steamship Norfolk, bonco, 12th snat. for H/chmond, anil which foundered at h A M on the 14th off Hog Island, is Incorrectly reported in tho Norfolk papers as haring arrived at that port on the 14th. The game paper announced the arrival atNorfotkon tho 15th of the,steamship Pennsylvania, whereas thut vessel only cleared .at P hlladc-lphia on that date. fov TELEQJtAPn.J < fCoiFmpondenco of Tho Frew.) Nkw York, Sept 17. Arrived, ship Constantine, from Liverpool; barques J J Robb, from Darbadoes; Tally Ho, from Rotterdam; Mary Broughton, from Buenos Ayres; Sea Bird, from Lagusyra; brigs Marian, from Barbadoes; Laurilla, from Capo Iluylicn. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES. Bel.. Sept. 10,8 AM. A considerable fleet Is In the harbor; among them aro: Barquo Albion Lincoln, brigs Open Bca, May Queen, II B Bally, echrfl M E Price, Grecian, Challenge, Jacob & Wlllain, Wide Awake, Lea, Native, Abbott Lawrence, Paragon, Susan, Ann, and Jos Brown. Mr Vfta Jeffries launched from his ship yard yesterday a fine schr of about 350 tons burthen, Intended for the coasting trade. Wind NW—-weather coq!. Yours, &c, WM. XI. HICKMAN. Correspondence of The Press. lUr ax De Grace, Sept. 17. fourteen boats left hero Ibis morning, tedou and con signed as follows; Elia, hour and whiskey to Christian A Curran; Bloomer, lumber to M Trump Sc Son; Stars and Stripes, lumber to Noreross & Shoots; 0 B Nagle, lumber to J 1 Croakey; City or Philadelphia and Lady Franklin, lum» her to Malone & Taylor; Fairfield Mills, lumber to Wil mington, Dolj Frank Jftller, Fear Boys, Swats™, W 8 Taylor, John H Rich. United States, and Frank Wyku, aatbraclte coal to Bela war o City JET For loss of steamships ContrallAmerlca and Nor folk, see general news and telegraph. steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, benco, arrived a t Charleston 16th inst, A M. Ship John 35 Thayer, Powsland, from Oblncha Islands for Alexandria, remained in Hampton Hoads 16th iust; before reported ordered to New York, Steamship Daniel “Webster, Miner, for Havana and New Orleans, cleared atNow York yesterday. Steamship Delaware, Copes, benco arrived at New York yoaWrday. Steamship ff B Beach, Ramsey, from N York, arrived at Baltimore yesterday. Ship Colorado, Ricker, from Calcutta for Now York, was spoken July 12 in the Straits of Malacca. Ship Marathon, Vandyke, cleared at New Orleans 30th inst, for Boston. Barque C \V Boultney, Marakman, hence, was below New Orleans 10th lost. BarquoMystory, Taylor, from llld do Janeiro aad up at New Orleans 10th inst, with 4410 bags coffee. Bark Palermo, Ingham, for Marseilles, cleared at Now York yesterday. * Taylor, for Philadelphia, cleared at Bos ton 16th inst. Barque David Lapsley, Teal, benco at Matowaa 2d inst. Barque Nashua, Lewis, at Alexandria 16th Inst, from Boston. • ’ , IQtofest ree£0 * oHieT&rWge i ** ence ; arrived at Richnfond <1 : : i t THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER is, 185?. Importations. -* VBOM FOB FROM EUROPE. .6 47-SUN SETS. ARRIVED. MEMORANDA Brig Zone, Thomas, cleared at Bonton 16th inat. for Philadelphia. -< ’ • * ', ' * . ' - • * Brig Enchantress, (Br) Murphy, nence, arrived a4H& lifax 10th inst. Brig M A J 6 Gilmore, Kldridgo, cleared at Baltimore 10th inst. for Boaton, and Balled same day. Brig MaiizanillA, Dunning, lieuco, via Portsmouth, at Portland l&tb inst. Brig Eloißu, Davis, for Philadelphia, galled from Now buryportl6th inst Brig Geo Whitney, Watson, was loading at Havana Bth inat. (or Philadelphia Brig Mungo Park, Nichols, sailed from Cardenas 3d inst. for Philadelphia. Brig MaryE Milliken, Norden, henoo at Havana 4th inst Brig 0 Matthews. Warren, sailed from Providence 15th lust, for this port Brig Orozimbo, Rosebrook, from Dighton for Phila delphia, sailed from Newport Isth hist. Brig Black Squall, Bryant, hence at Havana 6th lnßt and was djschg Bth. Brig Emma Eger, Kelly, was loadinc at Havana Bth inst. for Philadelphia. Brig North America, Wallace, from Jonesport via Bridgeport for Philadelphia at New York yesterday. Brig Emma, for Philadelphia, nailed from Boston 16th inst. Schr G M Baylies, for Philadelphia, sailed from Now Bedford 10th Inst. ’ Schr President 'Z Taylor, Sellers, from Belfast, for Philadelphia, at Gloucester 14th lost. Bclir Now Republic, before reported ashore near Wil mington, N. C., had about two-thirds of hot cargo taken outon tho 10th inst., the larger portion of which is in good condition; and was carried ovoi the beach to two small vessels inside, and would bo taken to Wilmington without delay. More force had been Rent to tho wreck, and it Is supposed that tho balance w 111 bo got out in a damaged state. Vessel a total loss. Schr Sarah Jane, Alo, from Wilmington, Del, at Bal timorelOlh Inst. Schr Josophine, Waterbury, sailed from Richmond ICtii inst. for Phllod. fichr Brilliant, hence for Elcuthora, was spoken 21st ulfc, lal 2S.SO long 73.J5, with mainmast gono, and was supplied with wood and water by tho ship Rajah, at New Orlcnnfl 10th inst. Schr Win John, hooce, at New naven 16th inst. Schr Ida, Corson, reported by telegraph wrecked aud towed into Savanuuh, 10th inst, was from Wilmington, NC\ bound to New York, with a cargo of naval stores. She vaa a flue achoonor of about 360 tons burthen, 2 jcaiwoM, and owned in this city and Wilmfngton, Del. Sho was valued at nboutsl6,ooo, and is jnsurod here. Schr Mary Anna, Oibbs, cleared at Boston 10th inst; for Philadelphia. Schr N R Heagan, Griffin, for Philadelphia, cleared at Portland 16th Inst. Schr Jameß Hendrickson, Westcott, from Petersburg, with wheat, put into Norfolk 15tli iust. leaky. Schr Martina, Sampson, from Petersburg for Brandy wine, Del. at Norfolk 16th inst. Bchr Leocadia, Dsuge, from Baltimore for Jamaica with flour, put into Norfolk 15th inat. iu distress, hav ing lost saU«. tea. Sclir Sally W Ponder, Ellonswortli, sailed from Provj. deuce 15th inst. for New York. Schr Zavallaht G rmnloy, for Philadelphia, sailed from Havana 27th ult. Now at quarantine.. Schr Geo Amos, Merrithew, for Savannah, at Havana 3d inst. - ’ Schr John Christie, Langstaff, cleared at Now York 10th Inst: for Philadelphia. Bchr Presto,Clark, for Philadelphia, sailed from New port 16th inst. Schr Worcester, Rhodes, hence, ila Fall River, at Providenco 15th inst. Schr Barah Lavinla, Hanson, sailed from Fall River 16th inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs Carroll, Norton; T R Jobch, Gatcomb; Beauty. Johnson; M R Carlisle, Wiusmore, and Ann S Brown, Brown, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence ]6tb inst. Schr W W Brainard, Bowditeh, sailed from Providouce Ilth inst. for Delaware City. Schr Allen H Brown, Endicott. for Philadelphia, sailed from Wickford 35th ins t. Btr Rough and Ready, Kellogg, hence, arrived at Hartford 10th Inst. ’ 61 * MARINE MISCELLANY. Schr Mary Eliza, Cartwright, from Millville, NJ, loaded with coal for Westport, went ashore a few days since at the mouth of Westport harbor, and sauk. Sho witt probably be a total losa Ship Wm Badger, Maxflcld, of and from Now Bedford, Aug 31, for Indian Ocean, put into Newport, lU. 16th inst. in a leaky condition. 2d iustant, lat 43.50, long 43, barque Tally-ho, from Boston for Rotterdam 14th instant, lat 4015. long 00.20, Brcm ship Admiral, from Bremen for Baltimore. 11th Instant, lat 42 07. long 04.02, a abJp steering W., showing a white signal with a blue anchor In it. 29tU ult., at anchor off Stirrup Keys, barque Hollow A 4 ranees, 23 days out from New York, bourn! to 61a tatuas v 1 33th Inst.mt, lat 33 25. lon S 03.27, schr Sprlnghill, or Provlncetown, from Rio llnche, with mainmast gone. DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW YORK, Sept. 17.—Cld, barquoJns Fish, Phil lips. Cardenas; schrs Fume, Pratt, Jacksonville: Rio, Small, Washington, M G Leonard, Leavitt, Fredericks burg. Arr, steamships Falcon, Brown, Savannah—ex perienced heavy weather tho wholepasaage; 33th. passed a largo quantity of wrecked stuff, conaikting of bands, boards, &e; Monday, off Hatterns, was' in co with two barques and two schra bound N; Piedmont, Wiilots, 70 n.> r ufm mi,aUi^ oro r Tfl . efl,ia y' !4th ln*t,puasedrclib C P Vi illianiH, at anchor in Chesapeake Rav, with loss or mainmast, forctonmast, ami /lying jibboom-{he Piedmont had exjicrienced heavy easterly gules tho whole passage; barquesCarotina, (Swedish) Wosterbery, from Getic, (Sweden,) with 200 tons Iron end 143 jmm acngerß) Lucy Ring, (of Luboc) Thurlow, Cardiff Aug 19, with iron; Jubilanum, (Bremen) Wonku, 40 days from Bremen, with aqd 219 juutaeugers: Atlantic, (Bremen) Floldhanson, Draincq, i\ days, jn ballast: ltobt; Leonard, (Br) Cook, Oiasgow, 38days, iroiuml whiskey; Nazareno, Smith, Boneventura, Camidu: g 1‘ Mussen, (Br) Leaycraft, 18 days from Cabarojl, P R; schrs Pawtucket, Ros*i 4 daya from Rockland; CUaa A Griffln, (of Fall ltivor) Bordon, Bumcoa—7tii inst, lat 28, ion 73.03, experienced a hurricane from jgWtn NE, lost deck load of oranges; I Holmes, Holmes, Alex andria; Samuel Francis, of Baltimore, Gourlay.Jac mol—left brig Starlight, Ooit{er. for New York Atig 27* tho brig Ocean Eagle, Tor New York, sailed llth: Cum! berland, Chaso, Alexandria. Sid, Br steamship Kanea r<?o. Jeffrey, for Liverpool. BOSTON, gept. 16,—Cleared ships Hampden, Butman, New Grieau/i; Geu Berry, Davia, do, (21 clearance); brig Virginia, Carver, potomac Riyor.'Sailed, wliulN NW, with heavy quails, ateamor Eastern State; ship Gen Borry { barques Calcutta, Feta, Laroy, Helen, Ma ’ Bcha L’liaperatrice, A F Linneli. t Sept 17.—Arr, atoamship Caleiloma, Laylield, from Charleston, 80} schra Lll Nickersons Deane, Tram Boston; IVUyjw, lllteh»«»£f«r from Rlrh mond. Sailed—Ship Leila, Galt, for Rotterdam; barques Co lumbia, (llrem) Lomcke, Richmond; Edward Everett, Hardy, Boston; kotch Comet, (Br) Browulow, West Indies. N. ORLEANS,Sopt. 10.—Arrived, ships Ocean Pearl, Chundicr,Rajah, Bowen, Union, Davis, Maid of Orleans' Dennis, from New York. Barka Avanlo, Burton, Ist dtst; John Bird, Brown, from Rockland; bark Ardennes, Marsh, fm Mfttanzas; schr filar, Commou, from Punta Rosa, Fa; ship Luna, Naion, from Boston! Genoa, Pen nell, from New York ; ahlp Susan Hlnkfl, Cl&usson. frm Boston; schr Old Dominion, Smith, from Now York; Moxachr Arogauto, from Oampoachy; towed to’nea 9th mst, bark Saw Stick awd schr Mlmm Srhfffor; towed to seaOth last, ships Mediator, It B Sumner and Loreno, aud achr Suffolk. * FOREIGN POUTS. Arr at Quebec Hth Inst, ships Siam, Stafford, hirer, pool; India, Willi* Waterford; barques Lochilbo. O’* Donohue, Dublin; I2th, ships Louisa, Howes, Bristol; Aurora. Morrison, Troon; Mary Carson, Wlllitmis, Li verpool; Achilles, Walker, Port Glasgow; barques Dr Bunting, Lloyd, Bristol; GcorgoPyfo, Hogg, Greenock; Fanny, Rankin, and Witch, Christenson, Belfast; Lord AMqiouth, Gibb, Port Glasgow; Wan! Chipman , Harbor, Limerick; Clnslha, Matson, do; 13th. shin Inn, Hudson, London; barques Planet, Brown, Newcastle,- Atlantic, Sergeant, ftlddoford; brig PhcKnix.Haroeus, Malta. Arr at Havana. 3.1 lust, brig Cygnet. Ulertnrnnen, Easlport; Selirs Matron, Taylor, Pensacola. 4tl», brig Fontie, Martins, Frankfort; I) Davidson, llurdy, New \ork. 6th, Favorite, Patterson, Now York: barque Cornelia, Barton, New |York. 7th, Mary KUtabath, Pluimpwra, New Orleans; A A Chapman, Laurens, Now Orleans. ’ ’ Sid Sept fid, hrig Tallulah, Roberts, New Orleans. 3d, brig J R Curtis, Isloy, Remedlos. 4th,barquo Ohas Edwin, Flood, Portland. sth, schr Lydia Gibbs. Yf&\- son, Mobile. Clth. barque Lyra, Dennis, Now York; brig Nahum Stetson, Butler. Rustam. Win port fith Inst—ships aud barques—Louisa Eaton, inslow, for Portland in a Tew days; Slrl, McCann, freight for charter ; Nacouchee, Smith, waiting; Har per, Perkius, discharging; Gov. Parris, Mussana, for Portland In 2 day*; R 11 Knight, I.uscomb, discharg ing; 8 Larrabeo. , dlsg; Bernard, Barney, disg. llriga—Lorano, Gibbs, disg; Cygnet, Chapman, ilisg; Fannie. Martin, dißg; George Allan t, Thommon, load ing for N York; Henry, Drunn, disg; M A Stovons, Butler, for Mobile soon: Jebosso, Stovens, disg; Mary Elizabeth, Thompson, just arr; A A Chapman, La* mont, just arr; Schooners Matron, Taylor, disg: D Davison, Hardy, disg. Ar at Matauzas, 6th Inst, Mary D Lane, Gardner, Now York. Ar at Clcnfuegos Aug 20, brig Mechanic, , Boston. Ar at Trinidad, Cuba, Aug 28, brig A Peters, WarUnd, Now York; schr Masonic, Perry, New York. 29th, barque Casco, IVaugh, New York. Sent 3d. barques Jos Cook, Wntton, Boston; E Wright, Daniels, Now Ar at 8t Jago de Cuba, Aug 2Cth, barque M B Btetson, Kincaid, Boston. Sailcil from ilnnjanitla, Aug JTtli, barnuo Cordelia, Cook, lioflton. 20th, barium Uabbldgo, Ulolsilell, Ham burg. Arnt Matanrafl, Sejit. 2d, torques Vigo, Tliurnw, Cardonna; Helen Frauces, Lewis. New York. Sailed 6tb, barques Ardennes, Marsh, New Orleans; Canada, Mitchell, Portland. Aral Cnrdonmis, Sept. 2d, brig Eureka, Gllkey, Bucksport; W, H. Park, , Portland; 11. 0. Parker Knight, do; 3d, ship Herman, Orr, do ; Otli, brig Gen. Worth, Gilkoy, Boston. till o£ Arrivals at the Principal Hotel,! GIIIARD HOTEL—Chestnut Btreot, below Ninth. CaptWAUuliett,Baltimore HDMoars, Baltimore Tnos A Walker. Alabama R J White. N Carolina T E Farming, N Carolina T W Bhonemakcr & wife, Thos K Potter, Philadelphia Detroit. J W Btribtlng, Virginia Jan Foster,Oregon Geo B Roberts Sc la, Md SJ Bigelow & la, St An-* Bam 8 Harris, Washington thony Falls AII Jones A la, California TSI Rhodes, Boston Geo W Frye, Boston T Osgood, New York J T Twlug. Jl/Olfax Francis M Uymnn N 0 Wm J 1 Merritt, New York E L Uustrick, Milwaukee A J Morse & to, Boston 8 Higginson A son, Boston Clias Darkness, Cincinnati J L Van Ordon, N Jersey J H Parker, New Jorsey J L Shafer, Now Jersey Horace B Pike, Chicago Ohas Hummel, New jWr 0 A Wftterbury, N Y Prod T Field, N Orleans Geo Doan, Boston Oscar P Wortham & w N Y M Doherty & la, Boston J 0 Walker, 8 0 Beldon Martin, lowa N B Jeffress, N 0 John 8 Bryan, Ga Geo W Adams, Ga J Fountain & la. Ala 8 Hart, Charleston, S C Mw Robt Hart, 8 0 Miss K Cohen, 8 0 Jesire L Maury, V* Mrs Maury, Va MissPrico, Va Miss Maury. Va A 8 W D , r i v * J B Stevenson, Mill* S Rea( Hng Geo M Steinman, Pa E 8 Talcaferro, Richmond Juan E Ramlrcs. Chile J M Morguere, N Granada V Harem, New Granada Mrs llynall &c, Chicago John L Toed, 111 i V , a^'P.’. Dai iTl Uo J M Green A J.BO Sunil Phillips, N Y Edwin V Welch, N Y TliOH ft Rosser, WeslportMo 0 W ftrenemnn, N Y RDGuorard,Savannah,Ga Nathaniel Dalloo, Pa M Bucknian. Pa M Dittman, N Y Chaa W Craig, Troy, N Y Jno Hoakk-y, N Y Jno Marshall, NY A A Kevins, New Orleans C G Bruco A lady, lona J E Jliester, Lancaster , Albert Kirby, Washington M J Hiokok, Pa Chas Sheldon, Rutland, Vt Win M Cranston, N Y Mrllubbard, Conn J Sllornor, Helena, Ark Miss MHorner,Helena,Ark MissF Baldwin, Arkansas Major Scott, U 8 A Goo F Getz, Chicago Mrs Scott Jos McCullough, N Y MUfl Scott ft J Latimer, Jackson,Mich Mrs E Fitch A ch, Chicago J C ftrlseoo, Reading JasM Talbott, Richm’d,Va Edw Winno, Albany, N Y John P Burk, Rochester Chas Benedict, Waterbary, H Hodges, N Y. Conu’t II B Shuto, NY SB ltindgo. Bi>»ton Joseph Blaiik, NY J C Uorard, N Y Chaa Nelson, Ky Jeremiah Kyle, Va M Shoemaker, Balt Tliob 8 Morgan, N Y E U Jeffecess, Va. W V Alexander, N Y L J Meichers, NY PH Loud, N Y CITY HOTEL—North Third Slreot, abovo Race. S Devine, Baltimore O W Chase, Allentown R L Cowans, Schuylkill co D W Bailey, Jersey Shore R Maxwell, Jersey Shore S Reinhart, Jersey Shoro Morris Phelps, Lewlsburg S M Clure, Reading J Smith, Lock Havcu R Mcllppoy. Lock Hatch M A Pray, Boston Henry Duncan, Phils Jam McCurdy, Lewistown John Morico Lancaster W Vllnn, Lancaster Win Dacres, Dlairsvillo Juo Free, lilairHvlllo Henry Lucien. Pottsvdlo Jas Bilgor, PottcviUo Henry Blei, DoyU-stown Jas Ruffles, N J Jns Bicker, Jersey Shoro Sirs Harbinc, NY TT Datis, l*a R 0 Brewster, Bristol, Vt BLAOIC BEAU nOTKL—Third streot, ab. Callowhill. N Landes. Distich BH Lenhart, Leesport Peter Steincl, Reading John Reiner, Reading ThosPadeu, Perry co, Pft Win Hittlo, AUontown George Hocker, Allentown l" McAlister, Wilmington MADISON HOUSB—Second streot. above Market. J D Ayres, Briclgoton, N J BcnJ Johnson, Burlimrtou, J U Quyon, Pblla I*wa ThosP Oilpin, Balt Jno A Grossbeek, Balt CUB Day, Florenco, Del N L Atwood tc la, N Y Ed "Watson, Lewes, Del Jas B Simpson, Va Ed Bnrford,SharpBtown,Md 0 J Hall, ilydo Park O U Moore, Md R a Morgan, Md MERCHANTS’ riO-TEL-Fourth stmt, bolofr Arch. Thcs QUlßsplsJjr, B-ccyrus H Douse, Bucyrus, Q JjiCII Hofuiaii, BUoyrus II MBcrosgs, Bucrrus It K V»u Vulkenhui'gli. NY Miss Van fuikcnburgh.NY tV V Blacljhiou, 111 Adolph Uellor, Woo-lsiook Josltho,t«»,Va. J VoM«li,ir,ffe»u O C atroct, (Jongersvillo N 8 ltiscr, Ohio Juo Blianklm.Evaimvmo lion Arnold Plnmev, Pa Hon II S .Mott, p H Ifon Geo Scott, Pa Andw U Blair, Carlislo R B Wiogton, l*a Jo.ibua Noyes, Ct W l’arbrry, Missouri W P bearight, BrownHvillo Mra H 0 SlcOullough, Jno R Dutton, lirownsvillo Ihownsville, pa A J Crefisman, Blair co J McCullough, Ohio S ll Chapin, Lexington J R Harjaker, New Castle Jno Waddington, E Brook Ja» Wilson, Pittsburgh John 0 Hager, Lancuster K 8 Wriston, N C Cliaa 3paugler, Yock, Pa V Snider, Jnd A M C Simmons, Kv R Hughes, Ky W C howls, SUarou, O V Badaliet, 111 Alex Nott, Uictimond Thos II Owens, Richmond ASTldd,Ohlo Wm llunley, Miss Jor Y GrilUlU, Ohio M Baum, Georgetown, D C J W Morrow, New Phila, O John Irwin, Va SUm L Graimtn,Astor Hugo L M Hobbs, Lancaster Hon J S Yost, Pottstown J ti’omelsdoif. MUs John Bangs, Pittsburg E Chapman, York, Pa F Kernan, Lftncahtor W II Jiart, Lobanmi, O E Kingsbury, Bradford Paxton Coates, Cin, O D Abraham, Savaunali UNION UOTEfi-Arch Street, above Third. W Hawk, Chicago W A Hinchraan, Sumcrset N O Hinchmun, NY lIS llinckmaa Newark, N J G A Pixou, Winchester, O G 8 Hon, Ohio J A Gardner, York Springs Mrs A A Glass, Pa W Armentruut, Va Thoa Fergus Sc lady. Pa John P Vniidivell, Ohio Mi*>s Price, Green Castle Geo H Tockor, Balt S Slmemaker, Ohio Iraac Stauffer, Mt Pleasant Philip Bees, Rochester Goo Wiggana, Tamaqua OB Wilton, Pa John C Mulford, Salem, N J Wm M Roberta, Salem, N J Miss Taylor, Balem, N J D Brindle, Mechanicsburg A/Lybrand & lady, Dei, O OF Weston, Ohio E Iliteshew, York Strings J 8 Malinger, Y Springs D W Riley, York Springs W H Iliteshew, 51d J J Wilson, Gold lilll, NO J C McCreyht, Ohio Hugh Steel A son, Md John Royer. Bethlehem W S Bvown, Bethtehein fi &t Spang, Bethlehem Mrs SeitrJuger, Montgy co MissSeitziuger, Montgyco Dr W WotherUi, Moutgy co F S Scitziuger, Montgy co A O Bryson, PhlJa 8 Coldreli, lowa City Wuv Norbock, Baltimore. AMERICAN UOUSE—Chestnut, below Sixth fit. Capt Thos A Bain, Va N K White, Ya SSBrown, DC W II Bangs, Washington A Cochran, Ya J BllaskinaA la, NO Wm P Webb, NO T F Humphreys, Va Jos Humphreys, Va J A Wallace, Va W P W Taylor, Va W O Taylor, Ya Mrs J il Taylor, Va Miss V ll Taylor, Vo Thos O Burton, jr, Go Thos O Burton, ar, Go Mrs Burton, Ga Mim Burton, Da TJ Biglow, N Orleans Randolph Rogers Sc lady, M Bradley A la, Ohio Rome, Italy T S Crayton A la, SC Miss Susan Hoke, SO Miss Mary Long, SO Jns W Long, SO Mlm A L Dodge, SU Wm H Mouldin, SC Jos W Whitlock, Fin Miss F J Caldwell SO Albert J Rose. SC 0 Wottderlr, Mihs P G Thomas, Miss RII Caiett, Va R 8 Smith, Washington T Cooney, Tenn 0 D Cooney, Tcim A A Hardy, Pittsburgh J F Good go n, NO J T Baker; Miss R L Seth, lialtimoro C 0 Skeer Maueh Chuuk G VT Uavecatick, New Ycrk A U Jackson, Tennessee C O Hamilton, Williamsport A G Harrison, Willi&ina'pt J P Chandler, Delaware A T Beecher, Connecticut It IV Peck, ProvMeuco, R l EL Hendrick, New York Jftg'B Field, Taunton, Moss Jns Watson, N Carolina W M Kimlor. S Carolina W Bartlett, Now York S Hill Jr, New York Jaall Thomas, N Jersey B V Wait, Dayton, Ohio Thos R Cohleii, C West E Wasliburn, Now York NATIONAL H9TEL—Race street, above Third. P. Uliler, Pa Mr Peacock, Reading Uco Cleaver, PoUslown,Pa 1) 0 Bunt n, N Y II S Stull, Pa Miss Brown, N Y Col S Harris, Pino Plains Miss Ilnrnrd, Elmira, N Y J Knickerbock, Pine Plains Rami R Scliwenk, Reading J 0 Hageubuch, Easton 8 A Blroiwo. J U Arndt. Pa U Gibbon, Winfield. Pa W Hanks, Chicago W Major, Lcesport Mr Lovcngard A son, Har- James H Tempi in, Easton rliburg Geo W Morgan, Pottsvillo W T Rogers, Pa U Watson, Dovlestywn Thos Loch, Pha*uirville p J Phillips, Pha'alxnUo John T Bechlo, Allentown LKreamer, PUoenlxville Levi Holier, Pluenixvmo Weston Dodson, Pa Levi Franega, l*a lIE Swartz. Easton John WitWfli*. ftemling U Shipler, Port Carbon ‘ JII Rrossman A- Id, Ohio Y B Stuart, Phillipsbing 'STATES UNION HOTEJr— above Sixth. John Smeltzer, peach Bot- J K Fox, Chester co, pa tom A R. Kerr, Pa C F Griflln, Burlington NJ Johu T Simpson. Pa 51 N Crons, Delaware co Pa Jaa Good, Danville Pa Geo II Ringer, Parksburg Pa If Eborsol, Parksbnrg Po JnoM’Cnrdy, Shringfield 111 U II Brontou, Pa Geo Crowell, PitUburgU Thoa 51 Clark. Lancaster E Clark, Lancaster co Pa Jas Brmwll, Lancaster J M Roberts, Perth Amboy D B Black A .n, Blair Pa New Jersey BMurshhank A wife, Elk ton Md BLACK BEAR INN—Merchant streot, bel. Fifth. SB Uockeubury, Concord Pratt Roberts, Chester co 31 R iMcllrnry, Chester co Wm W Eaven«on, Chest co Mr* Robt Lyle, Chester co Master Lyle, Cheater cq T 8 Williamson, York ca T M Crawh'.td. York co G Gallagher A la, Darby Pa J l) Marshbank, Jjewisville II Mm show Illinois Wm II Cheney. N London Joi-l Fink, Port Pro\ idence Dnul Walton, Pa J Starr, Md Special .Notices. Have you purchased oue of Onkford 4 * Throe-. POI ii.AK llAid ?If nut, wo advise you to do so at once; they are tho heat Hats for the money ever sold. Re. member the number, C 24 Chestnut street, below Seventh. selB-2l* Removal. —Jnrdcn 9c Urother, Alnnufactur era and Importers of Siu eb Platvj* W.»»; f bavo removed from Niuth and Chestnut to No. 304 Chcstuut streot, übo\o Third, up stairs. Their stock of manufactured and imported silver ware is tho finest in tho city, nvlH Warburton 1 * Inimitable Coverings for the Head.— Fall Sttcks. The Dress Hats of the present issue aro eminently de serving tho preference of gentlemen, as they embrace «U tho points necewiary to genteel effect, and alt tho detail* aud ulc-j-r elegoncfea which Impart finish, comfort and durability—-at tho same time exhibiting appropriate accordance with the other prrts of tho Fall Costume. Paris made Moleskin Hats, Opera or Compressible Ureas Hats, American and French Felt Hats. WARBURTON, Hatter, *epll-fAs rawifnw 430 Chestnut street. Fowler, Wells, A Co,—Jnte 331 Afrh afreet— lava removed to 022 Chkstnct htubkt, where they will continue to keep standard works on Phrenology, Physi ology, Water-Curo, and Phonography. Full and reliable examinations by an experienced Phrenologist, day and evening. Cabinet free to visiters. aeYl-4t* Seamen's Saving Fund —Office 203 Wulnut street, one door west of second street. Recedes de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from ail classes of tho community, and allows Interest at the rats of five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open dally, from 0 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 In tho evening. President Frankllu Fell; Treasurer, Charles M.Morris; Secre tary, James S. Pringle. Bower's Infant Cordial,—-This Invaluable Cordial Is prepared from a variety of the moat choice aud efficient aromatics known In medicine, and Ib the most peifect and reliable carminative extant for Infants and young children. By its powerful Influence a speedy cure is effected In all cases of Cholic, windy pahm and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, aud by Its soothing properties tran quillses pains of tho bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ac. Tho Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has boon used in tliousaudß of cases with tho most abundant nucecss. No family should bo without it. Prepared only by llbnut A. Bowxb, At hlB Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth aud Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addtoshCd. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 13-Iy Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Intereat—Na tional Safety Trust Company. In Walnut Streot, south west corner of Third Street, PHllauklpuu. Assets over Oxb Million and a Hal? or Dollars, Invested In Rkal Ebtatb, Mortgages,Ground Rents, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business eutirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, is received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office i» open every day from 8 o’clock Iu tho morning until 7 o’clock iu the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. Ulamagcs, On tho 15th Instant, by Rev J. F. Berg, SAMUEL LODOKto ELMIRA HAHN, daughter of Dr. Wm. ft. llalin, of Limerick, Montgomery county. On Tburrtday eviiuing, 10th inatant. by Rev. Father Rafferty, Mr. JOHN J. LARUAY to Mins SUSANNAH L. GKSSLLER, both of tins city. On the 14tli hist., by Rev. Father McAnanev, of St. Paul’s, Mr. CHARLES DKVLIS, Jr., to >Hm MARGA RET FAULKNER, all of this city. On the 23d of July, 1857, by Rev. Fntnsr O’Har.tn, of St. Paul’s, Mr. BERNARD MeKINNKY to Mi». MARY FARR,, all of thin city. iUcatljs. On TncMtuy, 15th Instant, Mm. 3IARY WESTER -IIOOD, wiiuoi Lewis D. Wusterhood, in the 40th yoar of her age. llhu relatives and friends and thoso of tho family aio respectfully Invited to atfond tho funeral, from tho re aidonco ot her husband, No HID Cherry street, nboio Duke, Into Kensington, this (Friday) aftccnoou, 18th at 3 o’clock, without further notice. On tho 14th instant. JASIE3 C. BACON, formerly from Dublin, aged 47 years. Tho relatives and triends of tho family aio invited to attend his funeral, from his Into residence, White hall rood, Norringtonville, three miles from Norristown, this (Friday ) morning, at U o’clock, to proceed to tho Cathedral Cemetery, West Philadelphia Suddenly, on the J6th instant, ANDREW HERMAN, agod 64 years. Tho relatives and friends of tho family are respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral, from tho residence of Charles Puuius. Main street, above tho depot, German town, this (Friday) morning, at 10 o'clock. 10-* Office of the Union s Cunul Company PIULADRU-mA, Sept. 14th, 1857.—A meeting of Urn stockholders ot the Union Canal Company of Pennsyl vania will bo held at the olllco of tho company, (Far quHar Buildings,) No. 228 WALNUT street, below Third, cm TUESDAY, October Oth, next, at 12 o’clock, M. By order of Uio Board of Manageis, holS-ltocO 0. THOMPSON, Sec’y. OFFICE OF THE STREET SWKEI-ING AND KNHTIUZINO CO.MI-ANY No. 020 Saxkom Strkkt. 'This Company, incorporated the State of Penniyl- Miiiia byu pinpctii'tl charter, with u capital of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND WJU.Mtrt, ia now prepared to dispone of Its remaining capital stock at TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS por share, the price originally fixed upon by tho Hoard of Diroclois, t>y virtue of tho pro vision# of tlio charter. Ten per cent, only of tho price of each share is to bn paid at the time of subscribing, and fiituro instalment* of not more than ten per cent will only bo required in periods of t«o months, after duo notice given, until ono-nalf of tho capital stock is sub scribed and paid in. Tho Company, contemplating the cleaning of streets by machinery—tho salo of patent rights to uso tho iiia clilhes—tho collection of waste, garbage, offal, refuse of families and manufactories, & c ., carcases of animals, blood, bones, and fecal matter, For converting the same into fertilisers, offers a largo Held for tbe profitable em ployment of capital, und presents great inducements for subscriptions to its stock. Subscriptions received at the office of J. L HUTCHINSON. Treasurer, Northeast corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at tho Office of tho Coinpauy, No. 020 SANSOM Street, below Seventh street, where information of tho purposes and prospects of tho Company, aud pamphlets containing tho charter and other matters connected with its opera tions, will bo furnished. eclS-Ot CHARLES CUMMING, President OFFICE OF TinfSTREKT SWEEPING and fertilizing company-no. «2o san- SOM Street, below SEVENTH. * I'uuADEt.riah Sept. I6tU, A Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will ho held at tho Office of tho Company, on MONDAY next, tlio 2lat jnst., at II o’clook, A. M fly order of the Directors, HeplB-3t _ oUAB.CUMMlNa,l’ri?sldent._ IilOUNl).— ON TITe’MOR NING OF THE J 17th instant, a KNAPSACK, containing wearing apparel. The owner can procure it at No. 20 WOOD BINE Street, by preying property. iwlB It H/JARCHANT's JjJ.. •*.' - ■■ cry b i a i»o Graphs. OR PHOTOQRAPHIC MINIATURES IN OIL NE. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST ’ The nbovo pictures differ ',<,nlial!y from Mjthtair eviT bpfi.ro ollcrci to the pubUo. Thei, .ottneM, a„® truth of color Mid outliuo, estraordlnarr mlnutcnui and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the creates! fidelity of rcsemblanco; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles tho question of tbolr perraanonco. These facts enable the subscriber to offer them, with tho greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to his friends. They aro secured by letters patent to, and can bo had ONLY of E. D. MARCKANT. ICT Portraits of the cabinet, and life size on canvas a* heretofore. selB«3m Holmes 1 SELF-JiiGiiTitfGsmiF am) LIFE BOAT.—The undersigned are sole agents for lho sale of HOLMES’ SELF-RIGHTING SURF AND LIFEBOAT. Patent right for States or cities or boats ready for use, can be obtained by applying to BISHOP, SIMONS, * CO., 4 e]B-lm 30 North wharves. Amusements A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ■lm. K. A. MARSHALL ....Sole Leasee THIRD NIGHT OR THE GRAND RONZANI BALLET TROUPE, under the personal direction oT tho celebrated Maltre de Ballet, DOMENICO RONZANI w»iii TIIIS KVEN , IN(} ' Sept. 38 1857, Mill bo presented tho grand Fantastic Ballet, entitled FAUST. ' Doctor Fount Signor Oaipara Pratosi 1 oter. ... .Signor Cecchottl Margnenta Milo loulx, lanmureuX 1 . f SlgnoraCecehattl Bplnto Danranlß ~Signor Jiaratli MeUßtofeiO Signor D. Boninnl Pricks op Admissiox— Parquet, Parquet Circle and Balcony, $1; Family Circle. 50 cents; Amphitheatre 25 cents; Colored Gallery, 25cents. ’ Tho Box Office of the Academy is open from 9 A. M. toSP. M ,for the securing ofßeservedSeats and Boxes, without extra charge. The Ballet will commence at 8 precisely. Carriages will set down beads South, and tako up heads North. TUOS. Mc&EON, Treasurer. WHEATLEY 18 ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Scale or Pbioeb —Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Beats), 50cents; Family Circlo and Amphitheatre. 25 cents; Seats in Pri vate Boxes, 76 cents ; "Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 23cents; Gallery for Colored Persona, 25 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons. 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 8 P. M. J. M. B. WHITTON. Treasurer. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Sept. 18th, the per formances will commence with Shakspeare’s trotredv of HA3ILET. Ilamlot .......Mr. E. L. Davenport Ophelia Mrs. E. L. Davenport To conclude with the comic Operetta, ontitlod SWISS BWAINB. TVATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., 1 v near Eighth. ' Admission— Seats in Private Box, $1; Orchestra Chsirs, 75 cents; Dress Circle and Parquet, 60 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Doorsopen at 7. Tocoratnence at 8 o'clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o’clock, when seats can be secured. Stage Managor Mr. 11. Watkins THIS (Friday) EVENING. Sept. 18, tho perform ance n ill commence with IIUBH LION. Tim M00re.,,.........Mr. TF. J. Florence Mrs. Fizgig Mr«. F. Drew To be followed by the popular piece entitled WORKING THE ORACLE. Fred Fizgig,and threocharacters ...Mr. W. J.Florence Mad Ihdly Sparkall and three characters, Mrs. Florence To conclude with the comic piece of the YANKEE HOUSEKEEPER. Barney 0'C0nn0r.,................Mr. Yf. 3. Florence Pegann MohltabloUißginfluttor....Mrs, W. J. Florence WALNUT STREET THEATRE—Los * v sqe, Mr. E A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. Iphngefton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Parquette, 60 amts; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 76 cents. Box Office open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 3 P. M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance to com mence at 1%. BENEFIT OF J. B, M’DONOUOH. THIS (Friday).EYENING, Sept. 18th, will bo act od Shaksnoaro'e tragedy of iIAMLET. Hamlet .Mr.M’Donoagh Ghost Mr. Daly OpheliH Madame Ponisi To conclude with BEWARE OF GABROTKRB. Sylabub Mrs. Chutney, SANFORD’ 8 OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, ahore Chestnut. Doora open at 7# o’cluck—ta commence at 8. Admittance 25 cents. SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE In their Operatic Entertainments, introducing all the latest Songs, Glees, Choruses, Dances, Ac , concluding each omtiiig with a LAUGHABLE BURLESQUE. £cgal Notices, IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COVNTY OF VniIADKIPIIIA. In the matter of tho Estate of John Dominic Berrell, ilcr’d —The auditor appointed to audit, settle, ami ad just the account of Rev. C. J 11. CARTER, Adminis trator of the Estate of JOHN DOMINIC DEHREI.L, dec'd, will meet the parties interested at hiß office, No. 213 South Sixth street, Philadelphia, on Monday, Sep tember 28, JBST, at 4 o’clock P. M. LEWIS O. CASSIDY, sop 18-fmw 5t Auditor. '[VOTICE, —Whereas Letters of Adtnimatra -11 tionupon the Estate of JAMES DUGAN, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, all persous in debted to wild Estate nill please make payment, and those haviug claims will present the same to JANE DUGAN, Administratrix, septll-fDt* Grapo street, Manayuuk. IN THE ORPHANS* COURT OF MONT OOMKIIY county, August 19th, 1857. Notice is hereby given, to all persona Interested in the estate of Mary Aiderfer, late of the township of Lower Salford, in said county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Aiderfer have applied to said Court, by petition, praying for & dccroe for the sale of the teal estnto of said Mary Aiderfer, deceased. The said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Court House, in Norris town, for all parties fntercstedto appearand show cause, if any they hare, why the prayer of said petitioners should not be granted. By order of tho Court. J. 1). DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans l Court. auSo»d4if ►jjricuHurc. STATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. —AGRICULTURISTS,STOCK BREEDERS, GARD NERS, I'OMOLOGISTS, INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS, ARTISANS! i AU classes are invited to be come exhibitors. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold Us SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at Powedton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 29th and 80th, and OCTOBER Ut and 2d end ing, for th® display ot Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and poultry, Agricultural llachlnes and implements, Dairy, Pleld and Garden Products, Soeds, Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, tbe Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Stoves, Wares and Inventions. A PLOWING MATCH ! • In order to promote skill and efficiency In the Im portant work of tho Farm, a Plowing Match will come off on the fourth day of the Exhibition, to which men aud youths are Invited to compete for the premiums. To sellers and buyers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. The different Railroad Companies will carry *U stock and articles to and from the Exhibition free of charge os heretofore, and will issue Eztunio* Ticket* for the Fair week at the usual liberal rates. Lists of Premiums aud all other information will he furnished on application to ROBERT C. WALKER, fie crotary, at the Rooms of <: the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,” CbesoutStreet. below Seventh, couth side, upstairs. The books for the entry of articles and animals will be open <?n and after the Ist of September. DAVID TAGGART, President Penna. Btato Agricultural Society, au!3-d t eep 28 fot Bale an& to £et. 4hqnn or s6oo book bindery for tJptlvJvV SALE—Seven years established, doing a fair Job business, which can bo increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location. 535 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank books at cost, jobs bound to order. aug\9-5w PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N. J,, FOR BALE, handsomely located and Bhaded—Lot, 75 feot by 140. Price, 83,000. Also. Lota euitable for manufactories, fronting tbe river. Apply toC. KODB, No. 311 §outh Fifth street. au26-lm* IVTOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.—Tho ship 1Y STALWART, Capt. A. 11. Lucas, from Liverpool, is now discharging under general order at Almond street wharf. Consignees will please attend to receipt ot their goods. THUS. RICHARDSON A CO. SQB-tf Horticultural society 3 * ex- IItMTION.—The Twenty-ninth Exhibition of tlio PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY will be held in JAYNE'S HALL, Chestnut Street, near Seventh, ou tlio Jstb, 16th, 17tb and 18th instant, being Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday aud Friday, Contributions in choico or rare Fruits, Flowers, aud Vegetables are respectfully solicited. Contributors from a distance may address THOMAS I*. JONES, Secretary, No. 630 Marketstreet, Philadelphia. R. BUIBV, Chairman, sep!2-6t Nos. 822 Sc 024 Market 6treet, I‘hila. JE. & B. SCHELL’S • CITY MARULE WORKS AND 6TKAM MANTEL FACTORY. MARBLE lIALL, S. E, CORNER OF TENTH AND VINK STREETS, Whore every variety of MARBLE MANTELS. TOMBS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and FLOORING, can bo supplied upon reunonablu terms. au24-tut3ra S“AVTnG FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Lutge and Miiall hums received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from tho day of deposit to tho day or withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 5 o’clock every day, mid ou MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for halo ou England, Ireland, and Scotland, from XI upuurds. Pres'deut—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD Treasurer—PLlNY FISK Teller—o AMES K. HUNTER O' LI) WHEAT WHISKE Y.—E. P. MID DLETON i t BROTHER, importers of Wines, Bran dies, Arc Al-o, sole proprietors of tho Old Wheat Whiskey, No. j North Front Street. sepl7-lm #7 TINGLET & CoTbaNKERS, • No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. CORRECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points in the United Status and Canada. Stocks, Bonds, Bought and Sold on Commission. Uncurrunt Bank Notes, Checks, Ac., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits received end interest allowed, aa per agree rmmt anl-Bm TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS— Attention ia invited totlio following stock of sea soned LUMBER: 300,000 feot 5-4 Yellow Pino Floor Boards. 250,000 feot 4-4 do 40. 30,000 foot 3-4 do ;U>, suitable for lin ing stores. 1 75,000 feet White Pino Floor Boards. 350,000 feet Spiuco Joist. Selling low for cosh, to suit the times, and in lots to Buit purchasers. ALBERT BENTON, selO-lm# South FRONT street. David m. iiogan, blask booTc Manufacturer, Stationer nnd Printer, No. 418 WALNUT street, botweenJourth and Fifth, Philadel phia. B&S-lrn COTTON —200 bales good Middling to Mid d/ing fair Cotton, in storo and for sale by , MARTIN k MAOALJSTER, * q * l North Water fltraat ROSI N. —500BARRELS SOAPMAKERS 5 IIOSTN, to nrrivo per uchoouer J. II Planner. For Bale by MARTIN Sc MACAVfdTKU, 119 North Water street. Manilla rope—superior ma. ■NILLA RGPN, manufactured and for tale by i' WEAVER, FITLER k 00., 0 •uB.if No.& N. W»t«r «t., and 9$ N, PROFESSOR SAUNDERS’ INSTITUTE 1 WEST PHILADELPHIA, ’ No Seminary whatever is more like a prirate fa® jij. The course of study is extensive and thorough. Prol fesjtor Saunders.will receive a few more papjJe under fourteen years of age into hht family. Enquire of. Messrs, j. 8 Silver and MothewNewkirk, or Col. J. W. Furuey, Editor of this Paper, whose sons or wards are now members of his family. aeptl4-if ®T. MASK’S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, , , IOCMT STREET, west of Sixteenth. Cluum in Latin, Greek. French, and the usual English branches, arranged so as to allow pupils to advance in each, Inde- Fh«sJ others, with a rapidity- proportioned to J?£» »*i? vera l a^"*‘tl<9. Much, time ia .given during ?SStToAsr;. Ie ’ sou - cire “ u ” ba °b _sen Sar* _J . ANDREWS JIARBIS, SAndT MPSS ®S?™P7AnFMISS dillaye CUE3TIi « »~t, «OT»D«, s£ references. Rm.il. A. BOMfiman, t>. D,. pVjlaArinw-. Malin. ilo; C. Wadsworth, D. D., do; it o P 1 Newton Brown D D.,’ 10; Wm. ii. lcX° "S °’ Blackwood; D.D., do; A. Conyers, D. !>., do /ohn Loyhurn, D. D., Jo; James 11. CuthberMo: Wm T Brantley, D. D.. do; E. B. Cheney, do; William BnuP ford, New York city; A. D. Gillette, 1). D. f do* it Bab cock, D, D , do: R. Puller. J). 8., Baltimore: George W Eaton. D. D., Hamilton, New York; G. Kempton, North East, New York; Thomas Rambaut, Casrville, Georgia; Howard Malcom, D. D.. Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: John S. Hart, LL. V., Philadelphia: Paul T. Jones, Esq do* Col. A. G. Waterman, do; Caspar Morris. M. Ddo ; Robert A. Kiell, Esq., Marshall, Texas; John B. Bern’ pte, Esq.) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, , Jisq., do, do; George W. Jackson, Eeq., do, do; JohnH. Raymond, LL. D., Brooklyn, New York; Mayson Bray* son, Esq., Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford, Homer, New York; Stephen D. Dillaye, Esq., New York city; Hon, Daniel 8. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York. sep4-lm pRITTBNDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM- A-l MKRCIAL COLLEGE, 8. 55. corner ot BBVSSNTH and CHESTNUT Street*, Second and Third Storie*. HOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every ntylo. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, ic. Each Student haa Individual instruction from compe. *owrTHio„°o^Prl^ CM ’ mAw ** im “ Kll * <<> tow?“ ~c<,“ i 7to cl^o ' Term«*Ao ,na ” eOSp “ oimei ' s, ° Jget * Catalogue of * aeSlm "MAN ■" ~ . A-LIiEN, A. M., h prepared to receive a limited number of pupili 0 „ .he violin or on the Piano, mid to play Violin uLta™ ISoiS nienta with edyanced pianists. Apply at the realdenee of hla father, Profeator ALLEN, Nol 315 South Seven ts<mth Street. Circulars, *ith terms and references at (i- ANDKK fc Co.’s, No. INH Chestnut St. sel-lm* CJCHOOLFOR YOUNGLADIES.3OUTH >3 WEST CORNEROJ? ARCH AND TENTH STREETS The pupils in this Institution will be instructed in aii the branches of a thorough English Education, and every , facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. ..Mr. J. B.Clarke .Miss Anna Cruise The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward, . The school-year Is divided Into two terms, of fire months each, commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) First Department, per term of fire months £25.00 Second ** u ; (t fmnn *>>« “ , “ “ um Fuel, &0., per term. -- 1,00 Philadelphia, 1557. Thomas Kimber, Samuel Settle, Jr., Marraadake O.Cop®, •William Bottle, < Thomas Winter, AnthonyP Morris, Joshua u. Morris. Uriah Hunt, »u3s>lin. i JUPPLEE’S INSTITUTE FOB YOUNG LADIES, (boarding and day pupil*.) N. W. corner £LI<V£NTH &ud o&££N street*. Filth gensioD frill open on September 7th. Best reference given, in eluding all present and former patron*. au26-tf SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS* N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD street*. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing foil particulars, pupils* names, testimonials, 4c., can he had on application. au2s*tf F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. .Mr. Chapman • Mrs. Stoneall Hall of st. jahes the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Rsf. B. R. Sxrs&R, Rectos. The Annual Bessiou frill begin on TUESDAY, Sen* iemberl, * Circulars maybe obtained at the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, 8. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Pust Office, Falls of SchayliiU, Phila delphia. anl7-6m HfRS*BARTON« BOARDING AND i"A DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 192& CHESTNUT St., botow Twentieth, will re-open on tha SECOND MONDAY in September. aul&-Bw* TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE it persons, male and female, to gain a share of this world’s goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS* BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nob. 148 and ISO SIXTH Street, near RACE, will ic-opea on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Btadies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a short time. THE LEIDY>3 take pleasure in saying, that during tho past year a large number of persons acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATlON,enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. *022-3m. /^GAL—Tho very best assortment of LE \J UUIH and BCHUYLKILL COAL on Laud, in BROAD Sireot, second yard above Vino street wU-lm HOWELL DORMAN. QO/fn kBS. IS A TON.—JSUYEKS wVlv and consumers are invited to examine our stock of “LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK HEATH COAL.” Our Coal is selected expressly for family use; being carefully screened, we will warrant it free from slate and dust. ' l Wa sell 2240 lbs.,” being “ 240 lbs. more'* than sold by retail dealers, at “23 cents less per ton.” , Also, on hand a full supply of BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL" for Steam-generating, Blachsmithing, and Boiling-mill purposes. This Coal cannot bo ex celled. Yards, BROAD and TINE—Big Sign, <*2340 LBS. IS A TON. [seB-3m] LEIGHTON A CO. COAL! COAL! COALI—TAGGART* CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. k R. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER’S PINE FOREST SCHUYL KILL COAL. Have for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SfZES. There is no Coal mined anywhere, equal la quality theso, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefolly screened at our yards, and we will warraut it perfectly free from slate, dust and all Impurities. Onr PRICES areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at onr Office, No. 151 SOUIH FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, CALLOWHILL itreet, below BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAL LOWHILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Pest, will receive prompt attention. ; Purchasers for Family use w!U do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct from the Company’s ifines, and the only authorized agents, by retail, loath of Kensington. Abo Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. n J- TREADWAY, Swanson street, au2o-2mj Ist »> harf above Washington, Southwark {SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL— SI » m daily receiving, at my yard, the best qnality o- SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. IC7* No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRIORS. ‘ Lehigh and Schuylkill coal— DALY, PORTER A CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh aud Schuylkill Coal. au l-8m Lumber and coal—Montgomery k NEALL having connected the Coal with the Lumber business, inform their frieuds that they have wade contractu for a supply of the beat qualities of Lehigh ami Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime street*, Orders mar be left with Mr. S. KILPATRICK, No. 13 S. FIFTH street, or -with Mr. YTM. D. NsALL, corner PINK and WATER streets. aulB-3m COAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND IHLI SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, viz: Blunt’s Coast<Pilot. ISth edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator,27th edition: Shipmaster’s Assistant. 9th edition. * We invite attention to our now Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavy weather, and arc especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where the motion is considerable. They require fewer repair* than any compass now in ose. Marino Opera Glasses of euperiorquality, Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compasses, Binaries, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly onhand. PHILADELPHIA Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latwl aud best authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Signal*, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott's Horo meter, aud an Instrument for working ont problems In Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex- Serienced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the 8. Navy. E. k G. W. BLUNT. aulB-lm* No. 179 Water Street. Henderson & co' 8 great liter ARY FAIR. FIFTH and ARCH streets. Iu order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa trons, and induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, wo intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of $1 and up wards,a Gift in value of from *25 cents to $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you iro not buying at chance, for ivory pur chaser gets his books at the usual price,and very many will get, in addition, a present worth having. au2l-3m »7l VANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOkIaLE, J3i No 430 OUESTNUT Street. N. 8.-So CS Non »ith an, other house iu the City. aul-Siu IVO more PILES--NO MOKE PILES. Ax DR. CHARLES KELLNITZ, from Paris and Lon don, is m possession of a remedy which will cure radi cal»y this painful disease, however protracted and ob stinate ittnav be. Tho first prescriptionarrests all pain as if by magic, and three days’ treatment effects a com plete cure. No charge will he made if tho remedy faiU. All diseases cured. He is also the inventor of a liquid for nourishing tho growth of the hair, and removing baldness, the efficacy of which he fully guaranties. a Lowis Fishblati cured of piles. Apply at 923 LOCUST street, near the Unltariai o hurcl >- seMm JU. CHASE & CO. • (ilillßßA I, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North AHO NT und 44 TVATKR Stroi-t, Flmudclnhiu. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING CLOVER SEED On consignment from the Interior ol Pennsylvania, j&s°*? Uc ww ploatilng Mill i« now in general use. Hr Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP always on ' seTi-tf "MACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. i-TX Sold by CHADWICK k BRO., SECOND Street, flm door above Race. auglß-Bmna. PE RSONAL.—LET IT BE dTsTINCTLY understood that Dr. J. B, FRANCIS does extract Teeth with GALVANIC FORCEP, without pain, at WO South Fourth fltreot, fyjlow Spruce. *el6-6t# (Educational TERMS * HARRIETT ittOWNi REFERENCES /. D. White, M. D.. Sea). S. Janney, M- D. Robert K. Wright, Thomas D. Smith, George Griscom, William S, Pittield, David Vanderreer, William B. Thomas. RANDALL & MEREDITH ALEXANDER CONVERT, Nv S. comer 6f Broad and Cherry Sts. Shipping. CHIP OTSEONTHE FOE NEW OB- WShJtS—Guarantied llrsVweeart %oualt In allthia week, and takes what freight offers at the lowest rates. The remarkably fast-sailing packet ship OTBEOK- TilE, Wm. K. now loading rapidly at Race street wharf, haring a large portion of her cargo engaged, will sail as above, fall or not full. Rippers will please hurry their goods alongside, and to the conntiog-honse for signature. For balance of freight, or jasage, having elegant state-room accommodations, or steerage passage, apply *0 BISHOP, BIMOS3 4 C 6., _ 36 North Wharves. insures at the lowest rates, and wm take steam down the Delaware and up the Mis sissippi. ael^tf "008 SAN FRANCISCO—CALIFORNIA JL LlNE.—Direct from Philadelphia. The magnificent clipper ship JOSEPH JONES, Sam uel (r. Flowera, commander, U now loading at etreot wharf j haring a Urge part of her carlo earned and going on board rapid!/, wdl hare immediatedea- Bhippers will pleaae hurry their good* along&ldt with* out delay. for balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS & CO . 38 North Wbtrree. T>OR SAN FRANCISCO—FROM NEW X’ YORK. The celebrated clipper thip SANTA OLAt7S, Poster, tauter; the magnificent clipper »hlp BOSTONIAN, ——t rawter, ere now loading and will hate despatch as above. Por balance of freight applr to BISHOP, SIMONS k. CO., 30 North Whirr«. Gottis onb Hfstanrartis. TMcGOWAK’S RESTAURANT, SOUTH . ,T*„ we fi cor ?" oI BROAD and WALNUT.—Game a °7v^L? ther dellcacie > »n season. Families annulled with Oysters on the shortest notice. sep'T-Tm Lewis b. coffin,— THIRD RATIO HEAD South-east comer FIFTH and QUEEN Streets aep3 lmo Philadelphia, HfERCHANTS’ HOTEL, i-v-i. NORTH FOURTH STREET, Aboyi Haskxt. PHILADELPHIA. • an2t-tf McKIBBEN & SONS, Piorautoii, CSCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street KJ and Duquesna Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. MARKER, Proprietor. «u23-£m tDineo atib £ ignore. PORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de hentnre 250 casks Bt. Joseph l ! Pore Juice Port Wine, in qrs. and eighths. Ten puncheons 2 okn Ramsay Islay Malt BeotchWhi*- key. 2 years old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. .r ■S e l , ’r M i rt * I .’ S?” 6 - *od J. J Bnpnr BtmbUm, ill of which I offer to the trade at reduced prieea. jQg v TOBIAS w«-3mo» 88ma»>S. Front St.,t*loir Wktnst. EP. MIDDLETON & BRO., DtpoßT • I3S of BRANDIES, WINKS, 40.; H», Mia «o e P"JTOtonot th. oW 'WHEAT WHISKEY. No. 5 North FRONT Itre.t. ia22-lm A LEXANDER V. HOLMES. WINE AND fA- LIQUOR STORE, No. 2£6, Boatluut Comsr of QEOET.K »od SOUTH Bt-e.;,. * jS" T Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINK WINKS, LIQUORS, CIQABS, 4e,.M South FIFTH Stmt, Philadelphia. sol-lj Brandies.— pinet, oastaion-4 c©., Ma teH & Co,, and other Wands of Cognacs of Tartous Tmtages.ta half pipes andunartsrcasks; PeUeroUln Eochell. Brandln, ije and dafh.in halfpipes, quarter casks and one-sighth casks, all in OnatomHoSs storas, imported and for sals bj ’ henry bohlen t CO., SU 8 Nos. 2a and 223 South Fourth street. TWTHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, at.b AND LAOKB BEER BBKWKBY, No. 620 fnsr N 0,035) North THIRD Street, Thilalelphis.—hhippinjr orders prdmptl/ attended to. snl-U Sales bg Auction. WTOLBEBT A SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, * ' 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom Douse, between Fourth and Fifth streets. C ARD.—We invite the attention of purchaser* to the peremptory sale of men’s and boys 3 Fall and Winter Clothing:, embracing - 1000 GARMENTS, to be held at on? store THIS MORNING, at 10 o’clock. Also, at commencement, an invoice of Gold Jewelry The whole are now arranged for examination with catalogues. GOLD JEWELRY. At commencement of sale this day (FRIDAY) will be sold an invoice of Gold Jeweller, comprising ta assort ment of Ladles’ and Gent’s Breastpins, Ear-drops, Fin ger-rings, Ac.pfce. CLOTHING ADDITIONAL. Also, an inroiee of Gent’s and Boys* fall and winter Clothing, city made, worthy the attention of purcha sers. NOTICE.—-The Brandy .to be sold at the Custom House, Chestnut street, on MONDAY next, may be ex amined on the morning of sale It was imported per barques ‘ I R. H.Doeglass,” December 2hxL IAM and 14 Franklin,” August 8. 1856. Otard, I>apay & Co Cognac, represented to be the finest Brandy in the mar ket, and worthy particular attention. SALK Of BRANDT IN BOND. On MONDAY, 2Ut Inst., At 10* o’clock precisely, we will sell, by order of Mrs. Sarah Haines, administratrix to the estate of John Guy, Jr., deceased, at the Custom House, Cheat nut street, between Fourth and Filth strata. 20 hall pipes brandy. Mosbs nathaks, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, fi E. cam SIXTH and RACE Streets. * NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. £. Corner of Sixth and Bate Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silvW ulatw Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods Groceries, Began, Hardware, CutleryT&mita n Bed ding, Hones, Vehicles, Earoeaa, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of valee for any length of time agreed on. on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. JieAJ M. NATHANS, NATHAN'S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS trill uke place in a few days. Dae notice will be given WEBB’S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry Guns. Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ac., will take plaee shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB’S great sale or Dry Goods. Clothing, Bedding. Ac., being forfeited collaterals, will take plan shortly Due notice wiU be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No- 325 O ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Btret*. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o’clock, Of Boota, Shoes. Hardware, Cutlery, Watehea, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods. Notions &e., Aa. " * N. B.—Terns, of Night gales, four mouths’ eredlt for approved city acceptances, for sums of £lOO and with la terest added from date of sale. sepl-lm George w. smith, auctioneer, N. E. carnet of BARRON and SOUTH Street*, above Second. * EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,’ At Ttf o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, CulS lery. Housekeeping Articles, Clotiwig, Watches. Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, fte. CAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, I d Ali o!e,cis r No. 112 South initLS Street, below opposite Per .{ CD [. eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of busxaess from T o’clock, A. Huntil 10 o’clock in the evening. OuVdoor sales, and sale* at the Auction House, at tended upon the men satisfactory terms. CAPITAL 9300.000. EstaMishtdfvr tAs last Thirty Years. Advances nude from one dollar to thm m mondj, Silver Plate, Watehes, Jewelry, Hardware, Mar , chandiie, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instrument*, Guns, Hones, Carnages, sad Goods of every description. AH goods can remain any length of «ma agreed upon. • All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged *J per cent, per month: |.V U ? and over, the lowest market rate. * This Store House haring a depth of 120 feet, has largo Are and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons haring goods pranced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office i* prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms than «ny other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in umotats, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALS. Gold Patent Lerer md other Watchei, Jevtiirr, >ad Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. au-Iy ocntietnen’s jrnrnislpug (Eoobs. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- T T MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, .nd PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 766 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, 5s particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. anfi-Iyif Department for supplying the cm’ WITH H ATES. , , PaiLion-mii, September 11, ISiT. NOTrOL ta hereby giren that the lint of DELIN QUENT WATER RENTS, for 1857. vill be luoded to the proper officers for the cutting off or detaching fur rula supplying such delinquents with water, on TCE3 DAY MORNING, September 23d, 1357. NO WATER KENTS will he receiTed at the Register'* Office alter MONDAY, September 21st, 3857. To sate expense, those who hare not paid their Water Tax for 1867 had better call and settle before that date. 3. M. RAYBOLD, Register of Water. Girard fire an ANQR COMPANY, PH 303 WALNUT street, west of “PIKE KISKB 0 DIUC <D MARINE INSUB IILADELFEIA—C£ce. No. >f THIRD. ONLY TAKEN.” 3TOSS. Wm. if. Swain, John Anapaeh, Jr., 11. N. liurroQgha, J. B. Hughes, P. B. Sherman, Wm P. Hacker, J. V. Sterner, 11. A. Shtckelford, Hon. JBbL Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Jso. S. 3 Jiireaft. Aurora, Aiaiat Jer. Walker, Jno. McClure, Tho. Craven, A.S.GiUeU, Fnn&axk Sheppard, Sami. Jones, M. 1> , JaaephKlapp, M. D L 3ONES, Preaident. , Tice President. McklciLts, Secretary, .tint Secretary, aal-i»-if Dissolution of copartnership. The Arm of C. 0. DAYIE3 A CO. ii thi» Jijr tliSNolml br mutual consent. The basme** of the late firm will be settled-br either of the partners. 0. C. DA7IKS WH. 8. XGBLS, A. L. HOUGH. se!s-6t Philadelphia, Sept, lath, 3857. OFFICE OF THE NEPTUNE INSUR AN'CK COUPAXY, 4U TTALXUT Street. Phila DKLpuu, September Bth, 1857 At a meeting of the Board of Director® of this Company, held THIS DAY, the following resolution was passed: Resolved, That the capital stock of the Xepfone In surance Company he increased, from one hundred thou sand to two hundred thousand dollars. Books of subscription will be opened on MONDAY, the 14th iust., and remain open for fire days consecu tively, between the hours or 10 A. SI. and 3 P. M By order of the Board so 9-9 t GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary. NEW FALL CLOAKS, —Just received at tho Pari* Mantilla and Cloak Emporium. to which the attention of Ladies and strangers visiting the citr, ii respoctfallr Invited. GEO. BULPIN & Co . 708 Chestnut street. NETF FALL CLOAKS , at Wholesale.—Merchants w'iU find the largest stock of these Goods, in the greatest va riety of materials and prices, at the Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium. Prices low, and terms liberal. GEO. BCLPIKT* CO., 70S Chestnut street rniIOMAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE, X CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET ST., above Ninth, south Md», PMladAlphi* *a 1-fim CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLDBYCHAD, VTIOK * BBO.,No.2OSN.SECONPStmt. WELCOME range.—sold BY CHAD » v A PRO. VT2 N. RRCOBTO Rt. anlft-Sm FLAGS*—PACKER FLAGS, A also plain Flags from tiro and a half inches to fro feat, wholesale and retail, at the Slag Depot, No. BO Sooth Seooad street. anflj-lw*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers