to express ■irraitaMod iirquklhleiiW tt£ definite taiuedin-eaoh well-melted mass; in order-to distiu-! ffitfri/vpH’fdqjnm&g btfbumeas?' l** ' Ux - s -'\ -*r*t& «>*** is .- i^,1; :;'":^ * 'Himpiei' imtuta], bit'liitixlMttreigtiW,, eW ■ployodtty ancient meltera- and reflneMii*itlg’*“^ «TCr3*®’-sS,?|l-i mtHUieir tt®|« :mßaa*EHMg*i assess®?^ MMH! ‘^ :, i U;-; . &*««• 1 \^ißp»irt‘J!i^ isas^mßwms^ loorOMingi’lnwessUy for; conformity In national! . iiinjfallihfwiiMS— w<a: n6t ShWHld Weitbidftd-, j mid'Hie k*_ey e dvaricty !cm ploy ek ai ' lml ia'for thy SiM tfiQ®- CKlnefei ysjgiite' iryio |d|* ijlsed’- ip ,frpni : , srsiuf[ *of; 'nmifO, . “ ilijiSii coru.’! Secdsofnuliytin An-nam and ihbeyoffiio-Viroiitreo lir Algicrs/actSt;/Rtotl&Ml : i rir,’jW!i)i‘ji^fflmteJn. ; ‘gold dust'et;tiel«lflndof Siiisftit«k‘>ißarl^''andijg!ppijWm'^fti|nSa^ i Velt earieSiwitlnaiS Ao.* c?S to* ! ‘-3. » r ‘-< _ 9 ■•sStesssffifwr as variable irmly ti.iiuiu.durd—ao the i Tnmjtref ,n* AgardenorJjswife’s ofirettkl oficapucUy aboriginal Hl'tf Trliftpi t^eiriworth^jdOMenil^^,-w^/jjb^kaijivexception,' rested-&ft&fi6d Until neW the olose’uf the lasbcori^ ' s^r = ** d \ iyt • >Jr '- /l - ■ x ' : ■ ,’•'-* " Tho'mostregular : and *t&o smallest of natural grain me»aurea i fci’^ T ftU ! ‘t6o s Hoin | 7 '‘tor a modern « Mintfßetoedy ”*4?' folhrhtfou bf -inMfitju&Vpi proposed ' ~ Thplogal ‘, { j Xlpitod for iobidentalirariaUdnsM quality are .003 i&tiimnttlhVo£ a iialr grammo for golds pieces ott eaoh 'fiidO .Qf Jtho slahdai&J atf ndtfty \!, ;#lia*Vnu • ‘laUpwonoe ,, .-,wrioade , 'propoT-* tlonii of 1 alloyatoTrpgulaUdy tijyJi'h'o, abtfon and oalculatlonß of tho meltor acd ro&ner, whose n functions ~*th‘ fUHtiiujt' frdin'fchwe oftlie, mijje ty, ofailingo te ineltedfoi? coinage: >:i Tho legalimh edy being on bach’Sidebf exa^ . cin 'accruo ’ 'ib tWi-PtfWo, nif the; refiußß proppr tipW pppfejwity* j»nj*2i£ZitbUoa. a»tl cdmptttMW*; •’itiis.nowiitheionly'intuoro I siSfea.tSaiiSM: portionr departmenta il . elff the l Epitad-Siat«’Wor& directed, nob tojearn 7 to comptifcehd brit •s's?'s moua,vgii:jji)iDVHer3oholl)rem«iikBd';that‘* the Froebßedlmai' Systeiu'of repoHihgthuaßsiiyit of boiijon js./uft .the bid one of i reckoning' by;kaju»trjtraiui,” that.belng' a vhry pßxiiiDg"and almfclincOraprehonslhlo syatern to thosovrho. hay'o n# i'ioSaie it? MeVrl special ’business ' to hnieAtiiqdi IMti/iW inrsos M »««.«*» >r,v. .r-j*,. lu ■ Lutrtrt sAcd The Bank of Eflgji&nd toitiliji-’fhcontl’r, (1852,) re!ol t c d ; xi poliHii Uclia hg e /hi td 9' Qn ; oVe riur Ao th o , willing to introduce the French•lj%ttt& r ;-f6i’ aMays.' kbatrSf “fe^W 0 , 11 !* o .*' .iwio'o 5 own to m >lt Both the bank and the mint of England noV'fp'-' eoi'On tlMimal'roitirU 1 ! ' te »ts« f« .«fr» evoi-!jO £!% tem of karat&friil disappeai'TrOni 'the laalltmi m»^ o^a( , gp]iJ>Jv))}iieiaosm.-.thoaiAaittit be adopt edu “JiAisdort aepwttiohMe;’ i yaid l |fof-| dood) of the old tystoio bjr kartfct: - wohtdh'ayhbqon'faiolorahie/M'^i'W^^Aiii'fe . out Cableol'by whiob'snoh valuaUons httyo boen oar . ried ohfchitborto.’”’' 1 n of pranaring '"■aWMs imr# mumm^ fa.the.oyl^Um- 1 >,/* •■ <*•&> 2&o i oilastar or'the' ncfcWJW* letlged, jJWMo. o^auyyoryailoiUi faoiifues,’tW present coinage of Great^Brltsin 1 Tho;oij!y objoot(ou i p l «io,:by,him'to tho acOep tano6nf,a»«jtiwFron/ 1 ‘/■ i Among SBdvprahihSiiohtp WdfflS j jontimint iV’itllj-egiint to romoto'niothods of deciding do-' finite 5 atdndsrda of famliiar'wltli'tha JtaiaUio-’touoh-Btohac. without tilo aid of lioids. -_ ; : ■ EojdJ.OPs!iditiiitibk» offjjold 'ob'titalhing'* a firtbj'Or ateniK-piitt naloral, ailoya with coppor or nlirer,-whicil yary tho •soiotauoa $r 'the ihdfti ypoioßii'b«iSfiii.' •’,’ "■,';! ahWiiei‘6fadBfi^ig^!#p l a'^4^ay-Pi'S5?W 1 ?iu ' *l^^W«.^® : «PM^OTSts(!ale.WtktaSoh wcll-ilried speetmoM u ' Were.oeOOßßible,. exhibit the divoreitiea incident toßuoh naturttl jiWduo jltsne. ! The Tarictics to ho increnced by oul-'' tivutioft.Vi<;iVi sj-,,T, n,!;r,X!/,'d '‘t'.-i 'i 1, Tangrainpof white gourd Bead corn, ‘‘mAlte/? ciiMfully t' tukwi lroiu tho middlo nt the ear,” tho tmial' (tolecting tile beBtfoeowod difforenooJ equal .dBO tbou»anJthß of a French , half. grtßuhepwithirttle yaiidtitil ’iy weight. ] *t‘ ■ 2. bhfiffi-bedna there ytra'dif ferencea dqUitt td :dd7 thcnH.' ' ' ■' ./ . '/ : -No two grains being of j tbp,fpffiS,i?)gh.t»thpugli ( more than dodblo. W( ii’li’oif ■ We yariot^lPiKi6hf.MiffoVea/:frbfc;vhis ; 'fonptr7;;ff»'n .493 to .844 tVodiifftdtli< e4uall,oV4oi'thoußaodthß vatitttiofiW'‘il l^a^kiite.ti|irJy.dt{nble,.wcl ght ''" 7 l-0,-S!i. i 4. -Ton shicoted grain* of good quality rice gave dlfffrcq*op*/sqq*Ktq ..OU;th(mtaiidtlit, with'eight' Taia«fop»*»*.fis» tto pther.f UK' 7ii3 i'< ,i -t £ 5. ffieu Waiik weighMo9o ‘ of weight!,!, i y; ;.: d.Tdtfehucc.of tjarley.doru. imlicated.'al!!o Pino Tarietios lrf with dlatlhoiionß equalto ..054- thooßandtbSt., i— . By Btstop huWiei' of bdrleV corkg'ramsiforrhoioiioh'lemaßtfor ,tho valuation, ofthe«Wk*&s Mltotutoe.itelght avolrdupoite .'• ■ 7 TthHgtaina of nhito innetard Wad wnye'fly’s ■ 8. Ordi^^lhm#li'aM£oWd!i)uw.H!.Wu nnd’Wnilin, viryang from , were alTfouqd pf thb wune exfwfc weight, IJ"W'1 J "W' . .00IM£jmMplt9b?r‘ bus >3K*W*|r*««p.4 ; ? <^S6&^sPy^-Wiy r .Kfv.«; the. cma«a; - 'fit* liia6k ,>: fntittd'rd’'*sodti is' lcd dirnitiuti va f O7 division, and .qsjqtsMoftristtowii *9 tntuolfl a»os« iiVenchiiuliu-moorttliyusundth. ’ . servibiho Bihio cdiifthui metaia;*o VN' , jnrau n S|* 0r < l uallt j® a u^,l* y '*6TfilfS«"io«ms fo hsTqhwtt ®* r0 P° 80 ®jl after nitrifi wi<» in the fourteenth defines ■ tho'Trato’tof; alloylug’We'e^triegS,, u.slpg iiitl; 'dohidrp./or iMjriJiywe’rglitU, foij allyer t s-'< '~.vivu<, -i.t ; ■■•>} '>,'j ' -., ''V s WAiea'i'i . l f ! Bliverc- balanoes—adjusted wUhporfect nccu l i ro'tho'tombs of'rp^uyian.Xnoas, ‘ wb\y*welghti mnnunf of bullion ttid’y pro • sent aVtko I mints For coinage. This is the case, even when seigneurage, or charge, is fpr .the manufacture-of, bulH°u intoqoip! ..\o i. j * HowbWr vaHe'd einplpybd'in hiiptcnt or in fn'odern timo,ijb o ■'P r * nc *pl Ofprocoduro will .bb ifound*tho.Same,-by tb&'-prticttcftl, coinpa rißonaof cHetuioaldiaJysla, and' tho "dcductionsjof an exact physical philosophy. U!1, * * *•*• anolent.writers amQng ithoHebrewsf 'are-ytbr'tßy of httbnlioif, if - ' regardbd’'solbly ''a^ 1 dcsOnpiid na“pt; ’tfiq their.- higbiy;cultivated SPPte b W??S. sf> V\ Wy \l Ijjtbe scQondchaptcrPfThoGlcnesistliequairty bfgold is|hoted''(in tKe • 12 » n tHCjVaird.iif |lebrcr?yecprds offintiquity,esoh pos sessing a distinct stylo, indicating k Variety df*wri tort, knch I ‘dx^tn|) > llGda / whore, jtbuhd prodeely ;‘ modern. inlth6 for melting, rofining, stamp ing bifctai?i : Tor gold 'ami silver' for sgpmrating tfaeso precious metals frohi-oaoh 1 other t dividing piecos by f cer{ain weijghts, and estimating thbiy’yaluos pa t “moikfyfi i in^xobangeaocordiiig ■ to the same , prinolplos we bow hational mints;' ...Babhctanmeroiai and -artistic practices of the 4heircSed in h nomVnSlßtnn/rathbr hjbre pkj'-, ipfotmation, promoted: by iQxtondedi tradbf study,-observationj-and'travel.' 7 —T.“, " "’ r ; dis&n&Cß bet^qoii } tho‘ \ihciont depots 6ft d thc Mdditdrran ■ nean, tho noigb.boringjiaUnds;vrbalthy citieS| aud ) b ighlycnl tl vßted i : rilhh{f'^ta^es/'d|erbWinddqrato i . as,to ia beliefin theconetant faoilfties offered,• to enable all to appreciate the'arts ahdthb produd tioiU'bfbdeix’othet/' ' MfinipgJnitUctilast-ifl aor curate v-.A square silver eoitiPf ffnpah.’ proves to be! almost pure: silver, o> A •spbehmen obtained from Oalifdrtua. ®ud Mc|eryM^J'tliih£ a^^f@^ , StBioi' Jf®Coxbi6itl'-‘a is' impressed with syhißcnc devices on both sid|Bf>en'relief,-with the exception.'of a .spinll stamp,Supposed t6indioate tho’titlh'of ror, wntoh ii is dee'me'd tobd (Squil. 1/, worffi \ of l-.,.;;,' -yj .. . «. ■ } A Hehrew'shokol of silver of tho period of Simon Haacabajos, algo found invtho Mint Cabinet, dates ’about 14& years.before the modem aOdwbigW" 217- grainsyvery oloso tb ahalfouccb 1 avoirdupois,' «"CiL/- ;ji O/A to '.t/.!' ' '.t r.i.f DhentlßßlXtrnuu.ed InAgrlcuHuialWrUlngi. Aoids AHB. ALKAl.XEB.—plicmiflts' talk fib’ nuch about‘“ acidij ’’ and --alkalies'” That al nost 1 every body knows svhat tlu’se words moan. Hcidfi are usually sour .lor Jho taste, like vino ;ar,‘ and have tliu effect to change the color of •cgetalde blur, to red, land jieufralike. dr. do: itroj flio .'caulitiony pf alltalios. . Tliero are a greatminy-acids bothinthe mineralaiid vege table kingdoms, and ru combinatidu avith svliat ire'called i hues of metals or liases,- make, ttb: :rust if nut.the'bnlk.of tlie globe. Purc flint silica) is an acid, r cftllfd,»iltric,acid.'• V*»V;‘PiW tttes.o; , f6ie(h6r fn, iird.iiiopo’rtitipa) and ciiclv .Will ,'destrQ)'. dH,p.,'Vavst|City j of: the 6ther,.anr.H.;gttve m» - to-day Fonie syni]) from the Chtneso eanemadoh ' few days uirioo,- whieh thadx umdptio iooCßiderabte .dopesite of sugar on the bottom, and’sidbs of the' , jVessel'boiitatnlng it; and aicdxpbrioniled Florida siigar-maker. imixirtcd hy hlm to iverk an his crop, 1 tells too he lms ’no dount of, heing able to inako jr^ajr.’? 'i H.u f i :. V .J •• *-7-n —--•••• r'/ ’ Production bf'New Varieties of Wheat byCyoss t j .>« i*' -- »■ Fecundation. j Tito improvement of agricultural plants croBs-fccundationis'a‘ subjdct'i fc'yoia '#ll JPRRSSiHRIfIMBEt jE'j .DCiiiintOintSfjt'”® yVU stead,POß *lO Building iu ’tho/ goldWgfod ™ divided amojgst 10,200 subscribers, oa lBst: Sub- Mriptions only tea dollars doWn,-dr fifteen dollatd. One nalf dowa,ttho :roat,tJn deliveryef the dedd. Every, subscriber,vrilt get a lmilding Lot or a Farm, ranging in value to $26,000. Theso’foirms and'lots are. sola so cheap to induce' flflttlements; A Sufficient number warua of 1,850 lota "and’ farins'kte already, sold, fthd.a’ .company .of settlers called tho’ * l 'Rappahannock Fionber! Assoalatlon ,, is now Forpjlbg and will soon'commence i* 1 I WiftlTOent,.! Amj>U eecurity will Bo ‘gt.iw (of the r.ith- ] Wjipeyfonnance of- contracts.'and proniisM. Jiparly! 4p,0Q0 acres of land, in-’diffirfent' parts of Virginia, now, StDoramand r andwill bb sbld'tq'iettlxSrs at fvooa $1 Up to $2OO per acrei l >• Unquratfortable titles WiV/.fn all eases o« giaen,- Wood-cutters, coopers, farmers', Ac..‘are gome agents Write that' they ore making S2OQ per month. - For full particulars, subscriptions,' agbaries, Ac., apply, •ttfiio /<■ l .. ' ■ E. BAUDBRii .. 1 au24-tf 1 1 ' 1 ' ’ ■ Port Royal, Caroline county, Va. •..! / iFire proof. Sftffis. -• - A largo assortment pf; rr:r: , ‘ { i : .> JSVAKSAJWVfBON’S* •P HIL AJ?EI< P. H 1 A. .A* ‘A 'N- tPP A CT Uit £ D SALAMANDERSAFKS, " 1 r , r. IVa’OLT'BOOBS,;. . • i For Banka and' StoreSi' 1 ” ! i BANK LOOKS, , , • ' Equal toany noV in rise. , . .8008 S', .SHUTTERS tcb \ Qft as , good .Urms as anr other' establishment‘in the ‘ ' United States, by . 1 ;BVAN3 4 WATSON, No.'2oBoutUF©UßTH : atreot, , PhllttartphU.’' PLEABB QIYE P 8 'ACA'IiL. 'agrituUtiVi CJTATE AQRICULTfR AE J&XHIBITXOm O —AUitrctMimists, stock iiukrdkrs, gard- TfEßg, tQfIOpOCaSTS,. IKYKNTOR3, - MANUFAO- TmEBW, ABTJSAMS!!. AJI cjjvse, AM ioviUd.tobe cdraVj&xlilbltoru.' , , i' ---G ■ ' ‘ .THE, PENNSYLVANIA STATJB AQBIOULTUKH. SdOXETY wili bold‘;lta YSEVKNTU ANNUAL BXHI- BfIPION atPowelton, Sveat' Philadelphia, ou BER,29th apd ?otht.anl OCTOBER. Ist andt2d-ensu. Tor the display or'Cattle, Hows, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, Agricuitural Machines Dairy, Flohi arid GaVderi'Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, the, Meohanic,Arts, fipiqo^tJe,-Household and other, Manufactures", Stores, Warea a and Inventions. ' In cftler to* prompt#, and efficiency do the im portant work of tho'Farm, allowing Match/will come off o’n the fourth day of v (haßptbibition, to which men and yiuthVaro Invited to 1 compete for-the premiums/-. To sellers and buyers .of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. . The different Italltoad Companies will carry all stock and articles, to and from the. Exhibition free of charge as heretofore,’And WllL' issue Excursion Tickets for the t’ i / ; ; j 'lists of Premiums, and. all other information will he fhTnlshed dh’ippllcitidn to.BQBKRT Be. ofetaiy. Afthe jtoomji off l , 1 the Philadelphia Society for Mow Beventh, sbuthside/upstalrd. , .. » '•Thdbdolcliorthb'ehtry of articles and animals will bo open on and after the Ist of-September. • ;,I)A ! yID ; TA.QGART... • PresidentjpennikA Agricultural Society. ~aulS-dtsepffi ' , .. .< r.> '' iWcrchflftt 1 ©iillolrs. Ed \yardp.i{eTjliY. ■ 1 ,v 'c r vV -.raw.' • >'■ . REL Ii Y'& BTI6T U$ R , , ~ .(>..• liavlugeßßageddhesorvlces'pf. / O H AR L, EJ3 ..11.0 l it , ! Distinguished' for , the, beauty , and excellence of his 'Uodas when.iu,.the, Taitorihg Biwiuesa, has taken . ~; >;«4 ijifitafflitlffeflfiiJre,'1 •v ‘ i«o has opEsbn >or jrns „salr,. at retail, oft cim us-':c asstmerls vesyinosk cravats, 11 ' GLOVES^-SIIJBLS, Scc.y Of the best qualitles/ftt moderate prices. : XTT The .buslneVa 'of KELLY A re nioved,' from tlils date, io ‘.No.', 814 CHESTNUT Street, where it will be attended .to by EDW’O P. KELLY or JQHNP. DpgflßTY. . „ j sefr-ly r JOHN- P.’DOHERTY, ■ 1 . , .n-roa TEARS WITH *ELJ,Yjfc BBQTBRHrf •' ' ' -.-t lWtk witu lukUns; kllly a co., f tIAVIHO RKOACBD, ‘ . ; ' .CHARLES ,'IIOTH/ \ , and ■ Formerly, with. C. HO Til & CO,’, late, Cost and Vest Guttor’wlth LUKENS, BELLY & CO., and other supe rior Cutters, has rented a part of the store of ;c ; 814 OHESNUTtSTREET, And has commenced theii >«-* •Hi' 'A .'.-.r.r. ■ v.UAILOBIKO BUSINESS. The most, unremitting, attention will he paid to the wishes, of all who patronise tho'establlshment; tho best of Clothes will be made, and at moderate prlceß. [ses-y_ JAMES E-RID AIT, MERCHANT TAILOIL' Ndi.' lS «iaiB SoutU NINTH BTREKT. ABOVK,CHESTNUT: ' 1 , A ' large ;ond well* selected stock* br CLOTHS anti on hand-* ■ AllClotbingjuade&t>tht|,Bstabli*htnbht'will be'pf ‘the best quality, and in thomost faibionable style. K *■ Particular, attention given to, UNIFORM. CLOTH |INO. *' : 1 .» austu 'riusTbir hodSe, Philadelphia^ { \J SEPTEMBERB,IBS7. • i The following dC«d;ibed: > UNC LAI MED and FOR iFEITED MERCHANDISE will bo sold at publlokale/at !p,l^?i*tU'd , clock./ 5 g_ u i-i-iy jjy a Sj >y § £ s'frSS s"a«' «r- •U'erl-S 11 4i f g-S-g-~3~«-»^S|||. §|g I a c &S* & s ■§'3 9 Hl ' oP>-»h3a-< S ' •: : : gg 1 '■ : igg'; ] tS'. I i * J Ji! I d © § ’ l too . . . . ; >{:• MviH c •‘JJiSS ' ’"S'3*3 ! £3*4 os •Ij ,ommh t. 2 O'g >,Kwg «J 9 -.safflia gss o loI'* 1 '* !• J-'trji.* l f T tT. • * » * ?!*©•« y_ l \ l ?•:"r-T :>:jj :: : i : : :3.: : 1 : : , : 1 : jji, : s" : : • '^|. : Is if :,: .•S.'iS :{*‘s :i“ : :.• hi \°HiA -si :»si-iS UiSlliifllsiprpM' IaHHjOH h'h r^r^ri^g*f3»-«U?w»»«-<»TlTH*- ,v '• *'~**l !t 1 - y‘\ iß&lfilp itiriH' : , ’t *;j ••*• j v ♦ ®s i ; :;• :- '-|o s'i . U’-i< Isa-is.'i t-'S'SS : ; 55 If I3'si* t ill iris R**§; £s*. -i,s§4’W : waHh!«' SSS3R. o 3^ i ss . . - . -, .S3g®» ■■- ■■ I'li'Vi as'Sss- sfcS^ 8 r.rsSa«H S"ce!c3** eft*',3 os-110 --S®S”5 fto,3S X'c boi'Q & SPS’SvP ■ r, p. «* 3 3 g s rocaOO< «} •< SS >3 £5 «< | :1 .* i ; ; ; :o ; ; Ittit liitiji « b «»y a . 55,3 a$V JS.iS.S 5.8' « § HiijaSo gaao^gu IPU2je*n i l||hllaSso§ao 'mwgjaH&aiaaqa^w l!1:jili ! Hli : ; nrmiUMii & riiS|f'i o s a i2 v^iUn^i sKfdwll r-tfi f-l iH r-lf-l MWH»Hi 17& ; : ; - k ' ire r" f m% ■■ i 3. sS'San ■ 1 o o ;, j 5 o © j'g h' • * 1 9* Q A M If Jj • , jt > rues will be ready lliroo da) le> and. the bioMi the morning Of thht ddyt '* • 1 5' i y . I ■ ,-:/,•!/ p_flEAr SUMMER Ftnilf'.-GAS’ 1 tJOKE, and °^wn« Par=llMci:abT,JVhol < iufc,,Jtj»'jK l U «t;tfiWor)u, : ftt 1 rri, “ e< i olr * li,nt : to A ,^; /■ ■ (sWd,;* • 3.0. OKEgaos, Enilswr. - j r»lW’.y» p ?if Sf* s Aug. Myiji. ■ f»u3Mf Tt^T£-'i®lss(SESlugslsee6s^ ITt ITORY, 1009 and 1011 OIIESTNDT BTRBKT ■ ijbOTe TENTH, is m*i «ptifhfMh« 4*M of over? des crjptjqiliPC and Elegaucoof,FiQiob,froin the.Manuradtor> atth6corhßi‘ 1 of Bixthi9n4Mairt«rstroett, to} which 1 the attohtloir | NiE.t-Uspedi&l ittUctioii Cdfrisgos for re-* tho qhdj>afc< Ohicagois notfthd greatest gram market in the world; ; and f'tß®'R*Urpaa Bands, throughout the swfe-- also the coH of ftncl'tig/price of cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, etc A-t-or arfy' fetter/,information-* wlll bo cHfcerfully givin on application, Mthorpetsonally or,by letter, 1 < XWSBS* Land Commissioner of the Illinois Central 8..8, On. Office in Illlnoiß Central Railroad, Chicago^U- Local freight n o t*i o he ! Pennsylvania railroad company, «ej now prepared to receive and forward FREIGHT between Philadelphia, Lancaster, qud Colombia; at the fbllowing rates pdr hundred pounds-? - • 1 - ,M •' ' J BETWEEN PUILA. AND ’ (jOLDMBt A' 1 ' First Class. Second Glass. Third Class. Fourth-Class, •acts/-' 18 ctsl •• • "ifictsV** 1 14W.. Flow, • Foiirih OlAsi. 20ctsj.‘ 17 eta. ! •<’ 15cts. • ,l - 'l3cts. Flour,- >< i i i ' 25 eta. perbarrolV ' • - »•* FigJlctfU;: / 10cts. per 100 pounds, i. r ARTICLES OF FIRST CLASS. l- Books, ii i Fresh Pish," : BootSiaudShoes, <” !' Nuts in Bags. . ' ' 1 * Cedar and Wooden Ware, ■ Porter and Ale in bottloa,' 1 Dry Goods, - Poultry In ooopa, Egg** •• , s ■< 11 - J • Pork,;(froih,)< tr/ 1 Furniture, . u , Poultry, (dressed,), Feathers,’ " f t Wrapping Paper, - i . , ARTICLES'OF 2d CLASS. Apples, "■'*’ ' Molasses, ’ * • Cheese,' !' <’< ’ i Clover and Grass Seed, • , l \ Oil* in casks or barrels. Crockery* ■ > ' 1 ‘ Paper in bdxeaj f 1 “ CAbdles; Pasteboard; ■ •• ’ Casks or Barrels, (empty;) Peaches, (driW,) - , Groceries, 1 • I Printing Paper, Guns and Bided, ' ■ Paper Hangings, netting in boxes and kegrf, Queonsware, - ’ Hardware, i 1 r ’• Swoet Potatoes, ,' ' Hops, . * / ' • Tobacco in bales, Iron, hoop, bond, or sheet, Tea, 11 ’ • ' Leather, -• ’ * ’’Type, ’ 1 ‘ Liquor iu wood, - ‘ Tallow, ' " ‘ ' Marble Slabs aud Marble ; Turpontine,’(dpts.!) ’ Monuments,- '• ‘Varnish.- ' 1 •’ , .. ARTICLES.OF 3d CLASS. J . ‘ Alcohol, ■'’* Potatoes, 11 ' Coffee, ■ ! *>< >*’ Turnips; ' ; ' Hides, (green,) ! > l ‘ Vinegar, , * ' ■ Lard, - i White Lead. ' , ; • Oysters tc Clams, (In'shell). Window Glass, ‘ ’ Tobacco, (manufactured,) ’’ •■ • | ARTICLES OF 4tb GLASS. ~, . „ (Codfish,' 1 • Rosin; •, 1 ‘ rCotton,' 1 '■ ' Balt, • ; • 1 ’ ’ 1 Fish, salted, ’ Tobacco, (leaf,) ■ . Groih of aU kinds, - * Tin, 1 . 'Nails and'Spikes,' 1 Tar, Pitch,'- ■ ■ > - • Whiskey. ; . 11 ,' . Plaster, r' ‘ ■ • 5 ; ■; H 7“ For further information apply to' ' r " : [• Ej J. BNEKDER, Freight Agent, ?h!la.' , ’tE. K. IiOICK, Freight Agent, Columbia. , , j uulS]< - .W. 11. MYERS, Freight-Agent, Lapeer,’, )] IMPORrAjJrT^JHFROyjIIttENT— . jrUBNAOH* CHILSOJPS NEW.CQNE FURNACE, after having beeh'phfeto 'the itaest’Jevere tost, during the two conn wjktxb&ov 1850 and 1857, has proved to i jTuißH'FoeHloißarbbonstructed with i bast Iron ash I pit,,and a broad,- shallow ishn*shaped fire pot, lined | with fire-brick or iron stevMui The fire pot is surmounts A'flKßtEß OF CONES, 6r iUpIATORS, f large and broid at their Vase, bht tapering to email ! tures at the top, and nniting*wlth the ’anular chamber, tbrough’wblph .the- p&ss'tb thV mie. [Tub wnotß products of combu*ttaa?uL the-form of \smokc and ,04888, axa suspended th® . oosrfßßDor 'donlpresßed into .the taperipg .Cowa Md ;oosTJs«rriLLTExrosßD'totbe direct action of Ihe rSyi !ofbcatandlightfromthefire', '■ •: i- -i , • This heat andlightila. broughtto&FOCDS' in BiOff !Cqms,notunlikethe , ~ •. ' COLLECTION OF TIIE BUN’S BAYS, . to a foealpoilit through 'an ordinary lens, pausing the' BXOM OABKS .to become intensely Heated ana tho* .roughly ooxsuaied, by this, operation the. sKokB avd. 'casks are haps sqqAt.LV available with the rexL ’■ITSSLV for he&tlßg “purposes, while, in other furnaces, it is OABUlhb* MP IVD WABTKD IS tnS OniMEBT. 1 All persons desirous of obtaining tfeo best and MOST ECONOMICAL IIKATINO APPABATCB, ebiMtfd-notfon-to' examine the'Ninr OAB CosfatmiSQ Co« Fqrkxob. before purchasing any-otber. The at tention,of firemteqta and bollders'ls particularlr-re-’ quested.. ARJiQLD.A; .WILSON,, ~ ‘ ‘ (Baceessort to 8. A. lj&rrtson,) _* i Nb. ! 624 WALfre* Street, ' Opposite Independence Square, OMESTEA,D FOJt“s2,oo!'\L’A*fl) DIS-, TOIBCTION! !" CHANCE FOR' fcOOR MEN!! , I Tho Northwestern Mutual Land BSneAt'Association' will make n grand distribution of (30,000 worth of real citato aiyUpapH to its njejnberft* iThe pujaber oE mem bers is Limited to 10,000. ,$2 00 and flvo letter, stamps perwetabefahlji, be a ; ‘sha?e. Anr individual sending JlOand thestamps, sballtoo entitled to eUshares; or any.person sending $lO with six names,;wUh i headdress of each, carefully written, shall bo entitled tost* pharos,', The distribution will bo mado in Chicago, fiept. 45th, 1857. ■'* * ( I *■ " " ‘ i - Tho following 1« dhe foal estate to be distributed : No»,l. An lmprored farm of M acrosin Choke - ‘ 0o M Illinois,,,aiue4 at . „ . *■-**.W*QOO NO. 2. Ahimprovfedfarm of 100 acros,in White- . I sides Ob.yillltibls, valtibd at - ' - 3,060 No; 8. ■Ad improved form of 160'adres dn' Whltd* ' l ‘BldpsOo.»'luiaoUfiVpldbiUt, u?' -<>,[• ; 8,000 N 0,4. ApexceßoQijprfT£tex«sld«psefnpntwqap r , • 1 lowa, valnda at' * ’ . 3,000 No. 6. 160 acres Superior firm land in Cooke Co., - Illinois, valued at. f '<■ v *’ ■ 1 2.000 Nq.\B. ’ IoQ well, pine timbered jn>Wanjac& 'A Oo.j\ViBC ./! •»?{•! h-»u* ud >l/000 No;0. 160 aores good, fond in OWppeww Opi,'*: ft'.;’ ! Wisconsin,,valued at . . t . S . )Y . ~.,.,960,/ No.lo. - 160 aerds good land In Chfppeway C 0.,.» 'Wscoasid,valued at ‘ ■ J! 4 n '*’ '* f “' r No. IX.! 160 acroß good land in Ohipfrewayctf.j’' l “ , .Wisconsin, valued,at , . ,i • 800 No. )3, ICO acres good land Inj Dpan Qo„ fflis* * ' “ , ,800 No! 13." 80 acrOSgood land in M&htiall Co.', lowa, ' " valued at M- •-* ■> -i •>-/" •-•BOO No. U. 80 acres good land io'MarshaUOo lowa/' ' u ' valued,,at , ~ .j , 800 N0.15.' '’SOacresgoodlandiuMarshallCo.rlowa, ■ ' valued' sf- • i ‘ ’ . 800 40acresgoodlandIn Marshall Co/,lows/ ‘ 1 : .valued at:*. "• > ' ■. te : 4 - IW No. 17. 40 acres good land in jbjunCo., lowa, val ; ued at ‘ *'Boo No, 18. 40 acres good land in Ltnn Co., lowa,- Val- 1 • ' ■ iiedat - • v ■ ~i: * : . * 800 No, 19., 40 acres goodland in Linn Go., lowa, val-e : u«A at . i , t ’ 1 f 5 800 No. 20. One building lot in Dubuque, Iowa; val- i ■ ' ued at • 800' No. 21,'One building lot' in- Sterling,! Illinois,' • 1 ‘ rpluedat;,.' )' - ■'.!/ ' 'BOO No. 22., Qnoi building dot In Sterling, Illinois, 1 ' : valued at 800 N0.,23. Ono building lot ih Sterling,’lHluols/' lt> valued at- / ' -800 No. 24. 40 acres farm land in Grant Co., Wiscon-.- * • I sin, valued . . 800 No. 25. 40 acres farm land in Grant Co., Wiscon* ; sin, valued at . Jhfj'ju.} 800 No. 20. 40 acres land in GrantCo , Wisconsin, 1 valued at - /lit: ' 240 No. 27. 40 acres land iq Grant Co., Wiseohslnj ; raluedat i '' \ 240 No. 28c 40 acres land in Crawford Co.'.tVls'consin,’ valued at i i 1 ‘ I * J ' * ’ 200 No. 20. 40boreslknd in UrawfordOp'-i VlMbnain. ■ valued'at ! 1 '• - 200 No. 30. 40 acres land In Crawford Co., Wisconsin, Valued at ‘ .' 1 '2OO N 0.31. ■4O acres land In Monroe Co., Wisconsin, ' 1 i valued it .li.'' ' ■ , 200' No. 32. 40 acres land in Monroe Co., TTleconslp, ’ . j valued at '’ ‘- * 7 ' 200 N0..33. 40 acres in'Jaeksou'Co., Wisconsin, 1 1 valued at , 200 No. 84, 40 acres land ip Jackson Co.,'Wisconilp, ' valued at ' • • • 200’ No. 35. 40 acres larid In Bad Axo Co., Wisconsin, valuodnt' •" ,' ,160 No. 36. 40 acres land in Rad Ako Co.', Wisconsin,' > valued at ... , 16P No. 87! ’4O aorosland in Bad Ake Co!, Wisconsin,' ' 1 valued at , ' 160' No. 38. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 160 N 0,89. One lot in Fulton,’lllinois, valued at' ' 100 No. 40. One ioi In Fbitob,’lllinois, Valued at ' 200 , Tho distributiotf will bo conducted fairly and honor* ably... Tho names and address of stockholders shall be written on as .many small, cards j&s they havo sh&roi, snathe wholo placed in & box, and.the first name taken out phall be onlitled tQ the improved farm No.l, In the tbovo list! and’the next, taken out wilt, bo entitled to No. a.pndso on until tho 40. items of real estate aro all distributed Then to each of the remainipg .14.960 stockholders map of a western State or Torritbrr; 'A full dccouhi of tno distribution' will be fbrwardod In a prlht&d circular, to oach momber of tho Association; with the names and address of «CcK SR may receive tho real estate—to whom also the dcfldß will baaqntfnd huip94l at ®-poMepstcn given.' Each'hp pllcatlbu must he accompanied with (2 00 and Avedettor •tamps.' Address , .IjINBBIiL,,JONKS & CO.yii eriQtv ,*-** y» preViotis t 6 tho it -for examination wfm’t ac 9 J / USSIA ANIJAIJIEBICAf? TAIiRKD &> OORDAOB.—a auperjcjr .article, manufacture anil tor tala by > ; WKAVKRi JITLBR & CO., ian 8-tf • tty 23 ft Water at.-, *, 22 N. Wham*. BALE R OPE ,ttßu vera. ate Invited to ct*lj ‘fend exft'fntna toir'Manila Bale Rope, which wo can dau.iellMjojr a 9 Axngrlsan t nnd .warrant it ‘Wpferior In itWngtn tad,durability.m. , »• > ■ * T J?‘ » It. v, (ftTUEB* 00.jt; j att'ii ’r „ NPt2dN.WMer at!and WMJJWWftjwa rioilw—100; Mips Gulf OfWP&K'W? i SECTIONAL MAPS jjMjflaflafeaiflm m CJAYING ‘FUND-'-FIVH PER CENT. IN. 0 Money toVca io'm auin', RirgC qrtaiu, ana In ' from tnoday of deposit to the .dayof with* draw el <n,., „,,r - t , f , , ',,./aul-ly , CtlX PENNY SAYINGS FUNDI CorboV of PIFTn and "WALNUT Streets. Open dally, from 9 to 8, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until 8 o’clock. Largo or small sums received, and paid with* out.notice..with FIVE PER CENT, INTEREST, by ihefcror otherwise., JOHN .THOMSON, Preset. Vfoa passibßu-ifij, THOS. T. TASKER, .EDWIN M. LEWIS. , ~ SBOastAßrAiih'TaKAaoasE, 11 ' >’ 1 WM. T.KIBKUT.. ' / • Taosma, ' * John B. Austin, * Wm. C. Ludwig, Jpba E. Addicks, D. 0. Lory, ‘Solomon Alter,' ' Charles E. Lex, ' .M.W. Baldwin, A.'Mlskoy, \ ‘ ‘William Clark,' , IsjaetW. Morris, Jr.. Ephraim Clark, Jr., Wm; Neal, Charles £}. Carstairs,, ; , Thos. Neilson, Robert Clark;' Thirnas S. Reed, M. D. i,, A. y, Drerel. James Russell, , , Charles Butllh,’ , ,Thos. I*. Sparhawk, {.'Wm. 11. Poster,, . ■ Osoar Thompson, Gerhard, Peter. Williamson,. John Jordan, Jr., Isaac 8. Waterman, ' -.(LpwlsLewis, Jt.yf.s Charles T. Verkes. - < , (Dhto 1 . '! ,ment o/ Machintry and ■ Tools, enable em to execute the, . v ’i i SSfrQF WORK. WITH GREAT DESPATCH, < OF AST AnRAHQHMFNT REQUIRED. CHILLED OAB WHEELS, HAMMERED AXLES, *.With Forgings of any sixe or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, , . ' • And MACHINE WORK generally. BICttAJtD NORRIS. .< BBNBY LATIMER XOBRIB. -••ul-ly' ‘ ■ ■ ; 1 : 1 Benn. steam engine and * boil er WORKS. • J ■ REANET, NEAFIE & dO-,. , . PBXbTICAL'.' AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BQILER-MAKERS, BLACK- . ' ‘ > ;i BMITIIS AND FOUNDERS. Haring for many years been In successful operation, and been exclusively engaged m building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high And low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tunkß, Propellers; Ac., Ac,, respectfully offer their sorvUbs to the public, as being fully propaxec to contract for Engines of all' sixes, Marine, Rfvor/anc Stationary. - Having sots df patterns of, different sizes, are prepared to execute onlora with quick despatch. Every-description of Rattern-raaklhg made at ,the shortest notice. High And Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and .Cylinder Boilers, ol the best Pennsylvania char edai .iron; Forging# of all sixes 'And.Jclqd»; Iron and BraAi Castings or all descriptions; Roll,' Turning, Screw Cutting,'and. all othervrork connected with the above :bttslneM.‘‘ 1 ,f t . •, 1 * Drawings and speciflcatkujs for all work dene at their ' establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed, i The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats;, Where they can lay In perfect safety, and lore provided with shears, blocks, fallf,’Ac., 4c., for raisinghdayyor lightweights. , ... *• •' r ' .* THOMAS REANET, , , JACOB G. NEAFIE, * , 1 -f ‘ , JOHN p, LEVY* iadl-y' BEACH rod PALMER Streets, Kepalugton. Handy & morris— MAmJ*AOTDHBR3 Oj'. \CVMBJZRUINIT WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR GAS, STEAM OR WATER.' ; ALSO, general iron COMMISSION merciips. Warehouse 8. E. Corner FRONT and WALNUT. * j anl-8m ’ iJlebirihea. hVTINETEENTH CENTURY l-THE 111 , GREAT HEBHSDY OF TUR > NINETEENTH •CENTURY 18 TUR IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. i This U now the great standard remedy for diseases of Uhe Blood, Stomach andiicer. ! If,you havo e, Cancerous or Scrofulous affection, at •on'coliSe the Imperial Depurative. Tetter.— Are you troubled with tills obstinate and an* pleasant disease,? Use the Imperial Depurative. Tty ,DUt o»ebottl«. > Have yon White Swelling, Hip Disease, or Glandular Swellings? The ImperialDepurativeydllefTfmt&cuTQ. ■Try. It, ’ “ 7 . ,f , . FOrPlmpUi, Blotches and Eruptions of tho Skin gone* rally, yoti. have.a prompt and certain remedy in the Im ‘penal DepUrallve. One bottle will satisfy you of its efficacy., , < .. , >t „i r , ; ■ •, , ! ' Vse the Imperial 'Depurative, if yon would have a clear, healthful, apd boautifal complexiou. . . I Uft,the.lmperi,al Dtpurqtive tor a, diseased state of Ih* Liver ot Blomdch,. if »' .. , , j for females of. a oak habit and ahat* itered nerres, i\xp Imperial-DopurativrAe 'Just what is ‘required to Ve-Invlgorato the frame and restore the ner ybus syatelu , ~ / i JW$ snow tho full value of this, great remedy, as we lore using if overy day in an extensive practice, and see uts great curatire powers manifested,iu uumerops.cases. jWD'EnbW !t hStf no e"qual iu thl’a'country. I The;carefal;prpp&rati9n, groat-puriiyand'jf«n£M‘of ithe Imperial Depurative renders large do9es or long jooßtiritjed use df it unnecessary. It SPU directly upon tho diseased part; and if is i)ot necessary to wait months to diffcovet the bendfittf to be gained. 1 If you wish to piirf/y'and enrich tho Blood, and pre vent disease, aa'wfell as cure it at this seoion of the year, use one or two bottles of the Imperial Depurative, and wo wiU'guatfcnteedts beneficial effects, i Prepared by Br. LOUNSRKRRY A CO., and for sale at QffMi No. 60 North Fifth street, three doors below Arch, whdre'pationts may’oohsult Dr. L. dally, free ofeharge. • • ‘ 1 1 .The Imperial Depurative is the great remedy of the nineteenth century? *' ' - aul-tf j— n( { 1 fIXELMBOLD’® ’GENUINE PREPARA jXXTIpN, Extract Rucliuj for all Diseases of the Rlad* dor. Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Nervous, and Debilitated Sufferers. ■ , ‘ HELMBOLD* GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buchn, removes all the symptons, among which will ba .found Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, ilorror'of Disease, Weak Nerves, (Trembling, Dreadful Ijorror of Death,'Night Sweats, Coldypot, .WakefuJaess, i Dimness qf Visiou, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often enor mous' 1 Appetite of Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushings ;of tho Body} Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Eruptions on tho Fane; Pains in the B&ok, Heaviness of the Eye Lids,'frequently Block Spots Dying beforo the Eyes, with temporary Suffufeldn. Lbte of Sight. If, these symptons are allowed to go on, which, this me dicine invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and Epi* Jeptio Fits. , • IP YOU ARE SUFFERING,WITH ANY of the above distressing aUqionts. use HELM BOLD’S PREPARATIONS. Try them, and be convinced of their efficacy: HELMBOLP’b GENUINE PREPAHA RATION, Extract Buobu, ,) “ Give health and vigor to the frame, ; And bloom to tho pallid cheek!” ' And are so pleasant in their taste,* that pationts bo* come fond of them. < " ' ■ STELMBOLD’? GENUINE 1 PREPARA XX ,TION. Extract Buehu—See overwliblming eviden ces which will bo produced to show that they do groat good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for the tospection of all, U"ELMBOLE( ,a ’GENUINE PREPARA- Xi.TIQN, Extract Buehu.—Price $1 per llottlo, de livered to any addross. ■ Depot, 52 South TENTH street, Asseinbly DiUldihg, belpw (JUKSTNUT stroot, Philadel lottors, H. T. HELMROLD, 62 South TENTH street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Bdld by Druggists and Doalora everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. ( an7-3m* jUocus mti) ai]OCG NO. 442, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MAHKKT and, FIPTH Htrcoti. , ■; Gentlemen’s Dost Patent Leather Gaiter Boots. . ‘A “'Calf ,do. dp. u ' “ Patent Leather Oxford Ties. “ , “ calf do. do. “ ' u Patent Leather and Calf narrow strap Shoos." ~ ' Boys’ and Youths* patent Leather and Golf Skip Gaiter,Boots and Shoes. ~ \: , aul-tf For sale by GEO. W. TAYLOR. Fall stock op boots and shoes. JOSM’II 11. THOMPSON fc C0.,,N0. 314 MAH KKT Street, and Nos! B.'and 6 FRANKLIN PLACE, have jiqW In store a lal-gu'flndwoll.assorted stock of jIOOTB and SHOES, 1 of. City and Kfmieru manufacture, which thby offer for eAle'dn;tlte WaVtermu for Cash,' or On tim usual credit, , 1 ' • Buyer's ore invited to call Imd exanilne their stock.. • aul-dtf ‘, ( " l , .•' '• \ r'dIARLUS, P. bALDWELl,—Wholoaalo and Retail WHIP ahdOANK Manufacturer, No! 45 North FOURTHStroct. > au4 ' BpARDS—23,6BOpARDS— 23,680 foot Uaro : JL liua floorifag boards.-afloat.- for sale by MARTIN & MAOALIBTER3 *ol - /f. , r . . < fiQAOff, ENGINE ‘AND, HOTEL 'LAMP V/PMlorror E.w USSUKH3,No.]M (l»Ui3) South ElGHTH,'belcw.Cheßtuut street, has become a saving of 60 pe/denote OU r 80UTIti)Wf AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and alsq the crmvenlepco qf haying tbelr old Carriwq .Lamps new silver-topped and bottomed, »nd all parts. r , , aul2-ly ltjilua good,Middling to MW \J,d]ing,Fair Cotton, in store and for sole by w , MARGIN;-A MAQAfilfltEß, fdU 1 North Water Street, .‘ Jitfinrflntc Ofotupahteo.’ ]\TBPTtJNE XWSTOAWOB OOJff ANT^- 11 OraOK 414 WALNUT St; FrtnWln Buildingt.' AliD GARINS INSURANCE. CAPITAL *lOO,OOO, WITH i’RIVILKOE »0 INCREASE 1 n. 1.1 rt ■ T 0 000,000. Company ia now fully organ tod: and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against loss or damage by Fir Saud Marine Perils, at current rates ■• - • „ ‘ ' OFFICERS. 1 H. 0. LAUGHLIN, President. GEO. BCOT^B”r B olarr lEIDS ' VIM „ „ DIRECTORS. n.O.LanghUn, George Minster.* ' ■ . Sf-fi'SKS"*: - ’ T lC F a si Sh * O.o. Butler,’ . -,*• Shewell, Geo. Scott, (auKt-y ™lE AND ' MARINE IN- S iaTN N ™II C RJ[KI' NY or PHILADELPHIA. PRANKLIN IJI n uiNoa N „ w WALNUT STREET, . !■ :APIIIOItUED CAPITAL, *OOO,OOO. r . a «r V u L A “ odnt BUB30BIBKU.) Invested M follows: ’ Firnt Bonds and Mortgages on Pronortv in t>,» City, of Philadelphia* ...T 7 th * ei« non Stocks worth par... !V. *. WOMO Cash on hand. ’ .."i Amount secured by Stock notes inn'nnn Amouut of Stock due pa call !,”!!! 1 710 '' (COO 000 This Company effects Insurances on BuUdlnsa, Mer chandise, Kjjruiiure, Lumber, &c.: on Vessels, Carso, and iroighf, to all ports, and by Railroad, Lakes, ani llivers, at tlio lowest rates, and upon the most liberal torins, guarantying Prompt Paymout on the adjustment « 10*Perpetual insurance made upon the usual terms. „ % DIUEOTQBS. , - P.aj. Potts, Wm,F. Leech, ’■ 0. E. Spangler, , It. T. Kensil, .Abr'm BM, JI. 11. Houston, Jm-H.JVoods, • Jos. 11. Withers, Gcorgo Howeil, Abr’m. P. Eyre J.LdgarThomson, W. Kaiguol, Charles F. Norton. John \Y Sexton, John 11. Lewara, Uerman llaupt, James E. Stiles, Natha ni»Ai ,t ”’ ' U. N. Uuiroughs, n v M - POTTS, President, * C. K. SPAMILLIt, Vice Pres’t., W, 11. WOODS, Soc. AuglB-ly U. T. KENSIL’ Treasurer r w PUE quakes city iksujTance COMI’ANY, Oillce No. 408 (Iftto 92) WALNUT St. Capital and Surplus, $250,000. > j This Company coutlnuaa ,to make Iniurance siainst .lQMordsmw hy.Piro nad.the Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation, at current rates ■ . .. - • « « r-.OFFICERS.' President—Q EO. 11. HART . Ylce BresideuWK. P. ROSl' Secretary and Treasuror—H. R. COGdSHALL Aasiatafot Secretary—a. H. BUTLER 1 DIRECTORS. George IT. Hart. . K.lMloss, A. 0. Oittell, Joseph Edwards, Johu 6- Dale, . Hoa. Hear? BX. Fuller, Foster 8. Perkins,. JohaH. Chamberi,. an, a*ljr ■. ’ y>w~ is. W. Bailey, - Charles G. Iralay, Wjrt.D. Lewie, Jr., 3. L. Pomeroy, Andrew R. Chambers, H. R Coggshall. Samuel Jones, M. D., A. Y. Oheesbrough. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN -7 BURANCE COMPANY, Incorporated by thu Bute of Fennsyl? ftnia In 1848, are now established in their NEW.OFFIOE, No, 4113 CHESTNUT Btroot, where they are prepared to maka, ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE, froai LOSS BY PIKE, on-property of orery description, KS!'.V,L Cou * ,,l 7i ioriodius PUBLIC BUILDINGS. DWELLINGS STOKES, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, YESSELS, Aoc. At«o, BIERCIIANDIZE of, all kinds STOCKS OF GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY STORES, Goods on .STORAGE or Iri BOND, STOCKS and TOOLS of AR TIFICERS add MECHANICS;.FURNITURE, JEW EIiRYj .FIXTURES, &c,', Ac,, &t. . ' M. W. BALDWIN, tiW Prea’t. Fblsoib BlaokbebM, Sec’y! ‘ aul-3m iT, ‘ INSURANCE AND TKUST COM i-i PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFR INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast' Corner 1 of THIRD arid BOOK Streets, Capital, $6J2,726 03. i. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities.and endowments—par chases life on interests In Real Estate, and makes' all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. ' Thejact as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees and Guardians. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT In any amount— Five Per Cent. Interest' allowed from date of deposit, payable back on demand withont notice. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January Ist, IS6T. Loans of the State of Pennsylyania, Phila • City, Penn’a Railroad, Camden and Amboy Railroad, and other Loans $170,885 88 Bonds, Mortgages and Real Estate., . 117,137 10 Stocks in Banks, Insurance, Gas and Rail • road Companies.,,,., ; Premium Notes and Loans on Collaterals Cash in, Bank, due from Agents, Inter est, &o i Guarantee Capital, Bubscriptioa Notes., ■ • ‘ jj, ■'; $711,225 03 ‘ DANtEL t. MILLER, President. SAMUEL K. STOKES, Vice Freest,. John W. Hoexqb. Secretary. aul-ly Arctic fire insurance compa . NY, NEW.YORK Office, No 29 Wall street, ad- Joining the Mechanics 1 Bank—Cosh Capital, $250,000, wtth a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Loss or Damage by Fire ana the Bisks of Inland Navigation. DIRECTORS. Joshua L. Pope, Rafae B. Graves, Henry Davis, O.H.Lilionthal, Tbeo, Polhemuß, Jr. Elisha E. Morgan, ■ Abm. R. Van Nest, William A. Cary, Thomas S. Nelson. James W. Phillips, Charles A. Macy, EdtrardHincken, Win. E. Shepard, Charles L. Prost, ' Lothrop li. Star Jet. ■William R. posdlck, Emery Thayer. Geo. Westfeldt, Zalinon Taylor, Ileorj K. Blossom. Mitchell. Henry OTinnell, Caleb Barstow, Henry, O. Brewer, Edmund Poufold, Hanson K. Corning, Ogden Haggerty, Thomas Monagaa, John H. Earlo, Albert WatfL Charles Easton, Louis, Lorut, , - Samuel O. (Hidden, Stoph. Cuinbreloog, Thomas Scott, John Ward. . Henry K. Bogert, Peter Kdes. Benjamin it Field, Aj B. Frothingham, , Thus. F. Youngs, Samuel L. ALBERT WARD, Present. Bioiukp A. Oaklbt, Secretary. aq MANUFACTURERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY.—Charter Perpetual. Granted by tho State of Pennsylvania, Capital, $BOO,OOO. Fire, i Marine, and Inland Transportation. . • . niaxoTOßß , Aaron 8. Lipplncott. Charles Wise, • Wm. A. Rhiniep, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Flold, James P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J. Uinaldofiank, Wm. Neal, John P. Simons, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Socretary. , J. W. MARTIAN, Surveyor., This Company was organised with a cash capital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to Us available resources—:to observe prudence in conduct ing ita affairs, with a prompt adjustment of Jobsos, ‘ , i Office No. 10 Merchants’ Exchange, Philadelphia, ahl-dly “ , , THE MERCANTILE MUTUAITINSU RANGE COMPANY OF PIULADEWHIA.—Office »No. 222 WALNUT Btreet, opposite the Exchange. MA RINE BISKS on Vowels, Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other carriages. ALL THE PROFITS divided annually among the Aa smed, and ample security In cases of loss, lUBKOTORB. Edward Harris Miles, Thomw T. Butcher, 3'ohn M. Odeuheiritor, Algernon E. Ashburner. Mahlon Allred Faasitt, Samuel J. Skkrplew, Thomas 8. Foster, Isaac Je&uca, , , . UusUvus English, Henry Preaut, ' ’ James 11. Btroop, Edward, (J. Ja/tios, .Alfred, Slade, . William L'. Springs, ' A! 0. Cattell, Franklin C. Jones, j Charles B. Oarst&in, Daniel Haddock, Jr. } , Barauel Robinson,- ! William Taylor, , JohnO.Keffor, Jtuiiei Murphy, JohnP.lJteiuer, . . J Wm.F. Smith, Henry flrambo. A. J. Autelo, Wm.jOafWf, . Samuel L. Cfeutahorg. EDWARD HARRIS MILES, President. ALFRED FASSITT, Vice President. Joan C. Kepfbii, Secretary. , aul-ly CHARTER Oi HE ANPIIAIaNE INSURANCE COMPANY or .HARTFORD, CONN. Ca?h Capital $300,000. Losses in PtHadelphia nod vicinity adjusted at the PkilaitiljiMp OJict, Brloav© we refer to 1 , O. 8. Ur#wn A Co., Phila.! Hon. Jool Jones, Phils. Chaflfees, Stoat ic Co., 1 Hon. Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, lea # Co v ( V I Hon.T.B.Williams, Ilart’d ‘ We have faculties for placing any amount of Insu ranco in the moat reliable Companies. ‘ PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 fold No. 345) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON fc ROOD, Agents^ r'tOAlMOtf WEALTH FIRE INSUHANCE \J COMPANYj OF Tllh BTA1 V K OF PBNN3YLVA NIA—Office, NiW.'Corner FOUIITII And WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, $500,000. Paid-up Capital. $‘200,000. ’ - DAYIP JAYNE, M. D., President. ' THOMAS S. STEWART, Yice Pros’t. Bampkl 8. Moon, Secretary. aul-ly Commission llUrdjants. Handy. & biienner-commission 1 MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, No*. 23, 26' and 2? North PlFTllStreet, East aido, above Cdaimorco street, Philadelphia. ’• >' * • aul-tf ’ CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA BEGARS, (New) 138 Walnut etroot. second story. aul-iy ÜBSCRIBE r!TRESPECT VV FULLY Inform their friends and the trade gener ally that they have made arrangements for one of their Buyers leaving monthly for the Freuch and German Markets. From many years’ experience, tho permanent resi dence in Paris or two of the Ann. and an abundant capital, they can offer unusual facilities for TIIB PUR CHASE ON COMMISSION In any of the European markets for shipment direct. * They are also prepared to receive orders from samples tor Flowers and Feathers from their extensive and well known manufactories in Paris, to be shipped direct, either under bond or duty paid. HENDERSON, SMYTH & CO.. Importers. &ttlQ-2m». No. 200 llroadway. Philadelphia type foundry— N. W. Cor. THIHD and CIIESNUT Sts. I*. J'J'.I.Wl"/. 1. SON, thankful for.tbo liberal pa. tronsgo heretofore accorded'to their EntaMMimsiit, and desirous to merit Its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN ROOK is now ready, and from thojr Increased facilities, are uow prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, qt fyo shortest no lcl,i.*Qei*£ I°PK practical experience ip the busiceM, and tho fact of their personal superinteudenoo of the manufacturing department, Justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable aud better fin ished article than tholr cotemporaries.' Those, thereforo, who dcsiro Printing Materials would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhero. ‘ Old typo taken at 0 cents per pound, in exchange for new at specimen prices. aul-tf rrillh ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, A 320 OiIKSTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE. RANK NOTES and gPKCIK, either by its own LINES, or In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIK3. to alt tho principal TOWNB And CITIES of the Uulted States. ’ K. 8. SAND FORD, »u7-tf ‘ > General Superintendent A BRAM .SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE -A* Sinking and Embossod Printing, Envelope'and Beal Pitra Manufactory. 37 Strawberry Street, between Soeond and Third, and Market and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ku!2-ly JfARPE’ S' MEN’S AND BUYS’ CLOTHING, US North FOURTH Etreot, between Arch aud Race. _____ au6-ly Sardines.— iuo cases of oo hair boxes each, in store and for sale by HENRY IIOHLEN & CO., au 6 No* 221 and 2J3 9 Fourth street OI'EL AND SUMMER Sold by CHADWICK It BRO., 202 N. SECOND St. atiglB-3mos. ' MOSS— 17 bales Carolina Moss, tor saio by MARTIN A MAOALIBTER, tot . . ■ ■ I-. 119 North WnKr Street, ij/ELCOifE. T I WIOK /c imo. 2WN. BbOONb St. >alB-&u.. RESOLUTION* YROFOSING- Amrntu « sw a B S{ «aJ JJ Jelmtfy met: That tin fcllmrin/unendmjatf are preponwJto the Oonatltutim or the (JoaimonSth In JoWniancSL with th. provisions ot ttatoSh SrtlcW tkercpf FIRST itXBai)MBKT There shall be art additional article to aa! t , Will the House agrep to the first amendment? • The yea*,and.payp were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as foliow, via: i Ybas— Mcsara. Andersen, Arthur, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown. Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Clearer, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster. Fausoid, Foster, GiUbonay, Uildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestaod, UUI, Hille gas, Hoffman, (Berks.) imbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson. Kaufiman, Kerr, Knight, LcJ senring, Lougaier, Lovett, Manear. Maugle, M'Calmout, M’lH'aln, Moorhead, Nichols, NichoUon, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters. Petriken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramiey, (Philadelqhia.) Ramsey, (York,) Roamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Voogbley,Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, WUUston, Withe row, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker—7B. • i N ays —Messrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, Hamilton. Han cock, Hint, Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Lebo.Struthen, Thorn* Warner And Wlntroae—lfi. 1 •- - * So the question wag determined in the affirmative. Op the question. Will tpe House agree to the Beeocd amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions ot the Constitution, and were as follows, viz: Yras— Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Ent, Fausoid, Foster, Glides, Hamel, Harper, Heins,XllestandiUiUegks,Hoff man, (Berks,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, lunea, Jenkins, Johns,Johnson, Kauffman, Knight, Lelsenringor, Longa ker, Lovett, Manear, M&vgla.M’l Lain. Moorhead, Mus sclman, Nibhola, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Pe ters, Petriken. Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Ramsey, (York,) Reamor, Roberts, Rupp, ShAw, Sloan, Tolan, Vail, Voeghley, Walter, West mo pi, Wharton, Zimmerman and Gets, Spitaker —s7. Nays— Measrs. Arthur. Augustine, Backus, Benson Bishop, Brawn, Chase, CLavfer. Crawford, Eyster, Gib toney, Hamilton, Uancook, Hill, lline, Hoffman, (Leb anon,) Jacobs, Kerr, Lebo, M'Ciumont, Mumma, lieed, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struth era, Thorn, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Wagooseller, Warner, Wintrode, Witherow and Wright—S4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to iho third amendment ? The yeat and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the and were aa foltous, vis: Ybas.—Apdersnn, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Beqgpp, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell. Chase, Cleaver. Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster. Fausoid, Fos ter, Gibnoner, Hamel, Harperr, Heins, kiestand, Hill, UUlegas, ifoffinan, (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, ines, Jacobs, Johns. Johnson. Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Locgakcr, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M’Oalmont, Moorhead, Muruma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Pet riken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambna,) Smith! (Centra,) Stevenson, Tolam Vail,, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley, Wagonsoller, Westbrook, Williston, WUh erow, Wright, Zltnmermah and Oeta, SpMlkr—l2.’ ' Nays— Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop, Carty, Glidea, HamlltoQ, Hancock, Hine, Jen kins, Knight, Leisenring, M’Hvaia, Ramsey, (Philadel phia,) Roberta, gtrutfiera, Thorn, Walter. Warner, Wharton and Wiptrode—22. So the question w&a determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of tb» Constitution, and vrere as follow, viz : Yuis—Messrs. Anderson,Arthur, Backhouse, Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishep, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase. Clearer, Cr&aford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fausoid, Foster, Gibboney, Gitdea. Il&mel, Harper, Heins, Uiestand, UUI. Hilegas, Hoffman, i ßerks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, ones, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Korr, Lebo. Leisenring Longaker, Lovett, Manaar, Maugle, M’Calmout, M’llvaine, Mumma, Musselman, Nlchola, Nicholson, Nuneiuachox, Pearsun, Peters. Pe trikon, Pownall PnrceH, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Rani sey. (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts. Rnpp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Caffibrla ; ) Smith, (Centre,) Steve Mon, Tolan, Vail, Vauroorhis, Vickera, waconseller, Walter, Warner, Westbrook, Wharton, WDUstcm, Withorow. Zimmerman, and Gets, Speaker—B3. NAYs-T-Messra Dock, IlamUtoa. Hancock, Struthers, Thorn, Wintrode and Wright— 7. Bo the question uni deteraSlaed to the affirmative. BaCRETARY’aOVVIC*. „ . Hasbisbobo. June»,lw« fe**4y!eaHio, ss. ■ ldo ctrUly Uut Uii abOT* ud for«goii) itntMd awmu.; the Commonwealth* as the same appear* on the Jow « ttl * ,J>- 8 ) WitDeßs mrhiiid Mi*l l . M»i et «ii:c*a>, fUi^ill3m Secretary of ill* CoißJ2acw»»llh. Railroads. TiENiJSYLVANIA KAILROAB—THE iT « G „ I iS AT PESTBAL BOMB, ÜBaMOng th* At I«U^ E I^ il L WM * Cr s- fcffi »£?*?■ ButM > *7 * oontlnodw Hall war direct. TfcU ** wtttT SSrih»“ saas’swsf« IIkST Cum—Boots, Shoes lists snd . Caps, B«,k», Ury Good a (In boiea bales and trunks) Drug* 1 (| n and bales) reatb.ts,*Si*e «_ SsnlkD Cuss— u ™nes{ie fewiil"'• IS *’ *** *“ ™ ' Sblrtinr and Ticking, ( i 0 orfeisll bales), Pm& (in caaks), Uardware, Leather, (in roll* or boxes). Wool J SheepPelt*,K4*tward,io.4«...,eoc,»erlOO b Taiao Bteel, Chains, - *** “ (iu casks), Hemp, Bacon and Fork, Suited, (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, znatrauetured, (except Cigars or eat &0., &o . per 108 lb Joohth Ciis* —Coffee, ?jah, Bacon, , , Beef, and Fork.' (in cask* or boxes eastward)', Bard and Lard Oil, Nalls,' ~ Soda Ash, German Clay,Tar, Piteh, Boflo, Ae...40c. per 100 tb Flopb— 7sc. per bbl.. until further notice. ' GKiis—SSe.'per 290 ihs,, and farther .notice. > . - In shipping Good* from ah/ point iteatpf Philadel phia,' be particular to xa&k package e^a^«mMptraaia Railroad.” All Good* consigned to the Agents of this Hoad, or Pittsburgh, vlilbe forwarded Vithopt detax&on. .*■ ’ ; Fneiaa? Aoksts —Harrig, A Co., : Hempfc&. Tenn.j’B. F. SasaA Co,, St-Loois. Mo. f J.'S.MHefaeU & Scnu'EranijiUe, Ipd,; BumegaiL, £«Q 4'Afordoek, and Carpenter it Jewftt, Ky.;_ B. O-Mel drnm, Madison) Indl: 12. W.‘ £rown it Qo. r and ijnrio & Co., Cincinnati; a' W, Graham' 4 Zabearille, Ohio; Xeeeh & Co.; No. 64 Ki'lbjstreet, Boston; Ltech A Co., No. 2 Aetor Hoaae, New York ;No. l William at ead.Nev S-Batterj Place,. New York; B.' J. Encoder, Philadelphia; Uagraw it. Baltimore; D. A. Btewari, Pittsburgh, i'. ■ - ,H f H. HOUSTON. General, Freight Agent, Philadelphia. .. - * nr?, pmibabbt. ~ '" gnperintendeat, Aliena, Pa*, TYFEW ;YOKK LINES.—THE €AHDEN 11 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD LINKS. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WA PLACES. ' Lears as follows, rlt: Pau . At IA.M.. from Kensington Depot, Tin Jersey City; Mail fa , At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, New Jer wy Accommodation.... - , -....i' 4 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aonnsmod**; tioQ..., i At 7A. M., ria Camden and Jersey City, Morning * Mail... A : At 10 A.M., by steamboat Trenton, Tin Taoony . and Jersey City, Monung'Expresa.............. I . At a P. tfTia Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press s At 0 P- M. Tin Camden and Jersey City. Evening Ma 11... 8 At 3 P. M., ria Camden and Amboy, - - tioo, Ist Class ...V......... % ' At 3 P,'ria Camden and Amboy, Aeoosnaoda* tion, 2nd Class. X At BP. M l ,, ria Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, lstblasi 8 - At 6 PvM. t via Camden'and Amboy, Aecommod*^ ,tion, 2nd Clam;... .7..... .. ...'1 Thedp.M. Uae ruaadaily,J «31 AtherASoadayn• ' cepted. - . , . Express Lines atop attfce principal stations only. - - Porßeiridere, Easton. Plemington! andiP.M.,fromlYalnotstreetrfbarf. . t „■'( Por Wafer Cap/ Stroudsburg,' Scranton, WpkaabanL Montrose, Great Bend,' Ac:, at 8 A* M.. via Dafyrar; Lackawanna at Western Railroad:' \ Por Freehold, at 8 A.'H/and 3 P.'M. ‘ , For Moant Holly at 7 A.Af>, and SX and SP. M.‘ ■ * . . ‘WAY LINKS . - - • - For Bristol. a# and 4 P. M. For Palmyra, Baneocas, Beverly. Burlington, Boris*, town Ac., at 3 P. M.‘ *, ‘ ' WAY LINE - lor Mount Bollj, Burlington ud WarStatioß* it 0 B» M*.. . ' ■' Steamboat BJCHABD STOCKTON for Burlington tad Bristol it 8\ A. 34 - and for- Bordentewn usd totanoe di ate places at 2# P M , ’ . • \» Steamboat TK£N" «.y for Taeeoy at 10 tad IlJ| A. Mi; and 4 P.M.,apd for Burlington and Bristol %t 4£. "AH'line*; 'eifeerpt 1 A. M.. leare .Waljmi *itree wharf.- •-..<• r ,“ 2 - - . ID~?ifty pbundi of baggage only BAoger. Pasadngafa, are prohibited from taking any thing u baggaga.bat their wearing appafet.' ’Allt&g* gage brer fifty pojpals to be paid Jor extra. : The Cob panj limit their ye w&nsibiiitWar baggage to One deltas per pound, and tfUrpot .he.liable for fky mount bar yond $lOO, except by special contract. , .. f . wm: n. G^TZina^A^nt^. B. B. MOKHtU* Agent ' [ • I pWlik7tr^.K.Co, j /CHANGE OP HOUBS^PHILADBL \J PHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE *Al£ ROAD. On and after Thnndayy July W; H&T. -' • > PASSENGER. TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at fA. M.,‘l P.Jf (£xpne,> ini « For Wilmington at 9A. 51.,1, AUfitri 11P. M. ForNewCaatlje at? A. M.,1 and AI&P. If. - ; - Fur Middletown ai BA. M. and 4JBP.K. ' -- For Dover at &A. M. and AtflF.'H. ■ -oi. For Seaford at aA; M. and AHJP. M. ' !• * . . , TRAILS FOB PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at BA4, AU^fiadtJS P. Ma, ,7 " I ...-•- 1 Leave Wilmington MOM and UiA A. K., and 1.88 and ft. 55 P.M.* ... ‘ Leave New Castle **A» : aad 11.00 A.lfi.sa99.ot P.IL - . . i Leave Middletown at 10.00 A. 39. and S.MF. V. - Lear* Borer *t 8.60 A. M. and 7 P.M.- i - i LeaTeBeafordat7.oQA.M;i»d4.WP.Jf. TRAINS FOB BALTIMORE ' ■ • -"i Leave Wilmington at 9.1& A: M., 9 P. if. JUA SUNDAYS only at ll p. M. from PhfladelehJeto Baltimore; '.’k , do* . do. 8.2$ P. H.iftom. Baltimoreia Philadelphia. 4 BALTIMORE AND HAVRE DE GRACE UCCOSOeO RATION TRAIN . - ' * - . i - - Grace at A5O A. If. *' I*— - ' Leaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. • -■ ? Freight Train, with Paaienger Oar attached, win ran a$ follows: Leave Philadelphia for PerrjriDfi and intermediate place* at «<&p M. Leav& Wilmington for ’do. - . do. 8.00 P. If; Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at A.OO-P.'Ml aai-Ij 8. 31. FELTON, PresMect. SPRING ARRANGEMENT.—PENN SYLVANIA CENTRAL RATT.RftaTy (Sundays ex £or Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown. Manci Chcnk, Wilkeabarre, Ac.. Via Lehigh Valley Railroad. HoreLar Express, at Gl5 A. M. • • atormmg. Fbr Bethleheia, Easton, Allentown, Maoeh Chunk, ia^ e high 1 alley Railroad, Evening Express, at 215 Passengers for Easton by 215 p. M. train take stages at Iron Hill station. r , , Por Gwynedd, (Atcomraodatiou) at 6 35 P. M. RETURNING. Emd Bethlehem at 915 A.M. and 245 P. M. wfth Passengers* via Lehigh Talley Railroad, from Easton, Allentown, Minch Chunk, Witkesbarre, Ae., arriving in Philadelphia at 1210 M. and 545 P. M. Xtave Dovlestown, (Accommodation) at 645 A. M. and 410 P. M. Leave Gwynedd. (Accommodation) at 650 A, Jf. ON SUNDAYS. Ltare Philadelphia for Doyleatcrwn, (Aeecmmodatioa at 8 30 A.M. and 5 45 P. M. Loive DojlesUwn for Philadelphia, (Aceomaoditkai at 6 A. H. and 3 15 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem Fare to il&neh Chunk Fare to Wllkeebarre Passenger Depot, FRONT and WILLOW Streets. apl-1/ ELLIS CLARK, Ageat. SUtomcns at £am. ' w " v ' (W. B. Kaoatx. J. J. Michel ] Michel & koontz— attorneys at law, No. 2S Camp Strut, Jitw Orleani, BBPlMtt™ IX PHILADiLFffU ! Caleb Cope & Co., l»Mariet street. Smith. Murph/ A Co., 97 Market street. Wm, H itroyn AC» , 10& Market street. faa27»>»». GEORGE H. ARMSTRONG, ATTOR NEY AT LAW ■ AND CONVEYANCER, 1,84* Lombard street, below Broad. talT-lm* Daniel Dougherty,, attorney AT LAW, Soothewt Corner of BIGHTII and C'JST Streets, Philadelphia. * vtl-ly' ' MTER STBOUSE, ATTORNET AT LAW, CENTRE .treet, PettlTil!., Pa. nUy. . S“ PIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bblafiniritt tufpMtlae, Li fcrriv., f oc u| t b, , . r MARTIN fc MACAI.IHTBb tal , .«»-K°rttW»t.rlfiat “ Xofirft-Cfy,