The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 16, 1857, Image 3
iiisKii ' I W,y l t n«aiw>r / fr‘ tif i ,i *y to me, in-adattas « Teat lmpro.e has taken plaoo in SseagayM * lumta'etiolteWfstV'tkiaii'itha^bsW ,'*H9lWli»fia*“J' < >oti»ide« l <i' i -'»ary strong, and It.'is JftMtagivitfpfttt : to;tnhS-tt&eßi i i , ; , a ( , 'onr or greatly modifying their contraction poltojrl and wnttauing dealers. t.9Ko>i m) ,'-4111*1? Utft-: j i.Mj j nmvia js*t further contr||’(k^x^ L »nd jimpolitioj and that .limit the .-of-tie-Oalifordift ateamer’a remUt&hm- 'MS# 1 war! ' W»*. nay ioawtba trin, dRSMwf fi;>Mh,.th»t.Xho. mifetithmovt will ahow a .iB | bW|^JoaßS, l an<rf| consequent rejflrpi sv.«o®psrftiively.*aW.'iimß3j There is noW»uepable \deaHue fifl ‘ itiw^wtes tlghtnaaft. .f«r.b»e6Wd u /daS',iiie?’odMinulni ■nmabaied! fdi*)fitd hope, ipwhvrj.aMf w oe, seen, acoommodatidn wiH' he ■ftlln<toa*;i»rho dassrvi Id' Ittwßta'aw* ■tenna.i'.iTho adoqtinta froia'Snglatid . J>y;theiPe»»»are--wryfavdratjleV'andhaTeco'fti ierboted; :&‘'tiie itaPOTidcgS^ ,tBs!w? intotio 5 vaults-of Aoecttase id fhW rUtte, of interest of that institution w'm ■ ‘Jbdlreil folrr the» outside‘ifitfii.h&ihglii jttint below the bank's mini-) jnum.«i<F>rWifU'eiefiaDgU'''ll : dUlf UVformer rates.) thejMfiring Bouse this wti jfrßfflows. . ~ j Shifts MSjlSlfcft? Ww UAOh.U/.« VitHltfA it At. I fbtUfcei d*y v at’^he, 1 Bub*; -Of AHi*U.UlritUn T i Jfc;** stools Ubtt the 1 ihSe6oe"ot'fiuu\-! nesa-or sudden ria*is <&< sign' of; a* TetOrti .token valeieeftei\^'ftis^brt^hW^ybr) 6 U9t-to^woe^h*| b 6 ,; before .the. lapse .of. some - timer) 'At! the fe&he*ittißaqaing wenttfi>4<>t49|i and hjmflff , touched W at the second- bcArdi olottd* WUh.’MsSej of £r^?; L Bne;elc&d at;2Dij god s(ioag». and Rdejt tslAiid at 72i,an advance of 1 since yesterday. Virginia: e’«fellittelfsiltCentralV!B*,‘»id'Ooltimbiß4ndi Ciniiiufafl*. JM,per-din t’j■ “-:;■* < W{^;^^a^sil!^SMi|tave.., net,been diminished; on tbepwixvy,' they ftrerather larger. Tbeate|»ttfidc UabUltrsf. TWeeWyiAtKovalahtito meet web engagemtftasiyeetefelay morning waa to * eerUMlefUHttt%W.ffti»dbdi üb«bun^‘ftybihged u b«bun^‘ftybihged haee ftetnaUf Mid*W!,o<|(lJn differences within a h«v6A,narlng, aailicara, obtained an extenmom I • hw^imtgwiinwielOTdAy^iltamoWi-tool-weteltii .: jife.tto nSDAI, and Vio'JyenttoaaTO litier ■' aawtaaatmatta ‘aam»rasar,»*s“ g,i»*MCiffS L lit ay.ifaWtvrauera JjMShb.ft) teeojjlaUll'-fnTtlierimpmTetMmt »tl*»tyJf»qitt*aW»;U4eMb#av-;.Viitit.pirit i(ilqe«ijV'aaa;n«6ttil;WxWy of the September 15i l I W ' sion) 2d mart.T per ceat. hoots PuMdi"- 0 ' 1 96,000Mihtt4iHw5eAnBT»,lit mert.‘3 in BB Ist tuort. 7 per cent, con’vt l -,'b . iit Jeft^.ftloSoVi^iy.-*!* s “ r .i SO aha., la!»agi/ Ca^Baak..^ l 10 do., Bt;olc!fc<>la*Bia&.U,.w'UWW Wlthdratu. 60 do. Pel. Lstf«afi&W4fit>*&i£{ft dap- PesSOd: 00 do. AmerhsfaQaiDiOo.'..V.loo-e*.l2; 5 A«»a—Sdrifci st's7»jjtf 'Wr Pots, and , pmmuok f^iftOa.* 3 «“«<•%«**#»7Mr BuiieaierM—The market far State ami Wettort 'ss.B6*|&.6o for common W'gn^i^StSte; gocd lliehiaan,.Oble, Indiana, Ac.; gsyteld for extra ■do! »#Htfld«rlUtMOahdM«(,tai geitSrOroitTagt. Xenis. Sonttem JiedriUiljS er, amlln aeUrt dom.eii, xrith MlejmtaW.XHAAt J».eo»s6.S*«itoa*Dd ' tatbitatae oM»W>l»Htt ♦laloMJ for fltia W Huperfleafi Goru Meal is stead, at ■' V>d W-M ifori Brandfirine. gales 140 Cotto*—The iwket id rety iosetirb at the tollofrlsg %ttoUtioas: ' . if: ,‘I \,u i i>. v;u;i.'':U'. i J*. a I (lift Ui-ir'iUddM* *fl»« Jtia»KMno*ii«v’t,t:„ £i * --' Vpiand. fioriSa. fioWle. K.0.-fire*; ,’ grdtowy,,,^•»,,* ll* ,t-.WH: '. , MgaSW-tf »* 16Jj 15jf I ..:.ia2 w»jfj l^i. r ‘>’res>••■■■■r J - nosi, .: nom. - . 'ibATa.TrVbtAt Sup/iy and 2e3c "better, : ail* mlu -lm.i.els -et_ 01 ;2tictl,!32 for; red ■ *o»«Wpt dW Oatsireloftet.W i^SB±StSS? i s s*stt9id»)n*lot. are Selling freely at SOcafOe.Trltir I *!f?SsW.tWdencyi:o-.i:rtwet | a<«a«stll Tory dWlanddtooping.■ aiSlM*- '-* * SBo * SB^ r ;?f t ,o ‘‘ i vi * > otter kinds are-aoiet, bat, steady tat 4«c for good shinning lota; Ciiide do.*ls M»»4e.-Crude Sperm' PgOTiinaia-EorkJs.iluiet., Meui.Mglier;bnt prime •* fmS'jJ&P aales are.S7o.ibU. at*f£s for primes, Jkef la lever aid lnsctlfe, 84.75a117.Jt for repackM, aaaMß«sss^i?^-^ aMlS&§t a 'Bdme) MAU Ufa of Cub* here UkenipUce *ih^«oe/VXefihed‘ "M«.^Wm^s«,.bb,.,at SSPfelfe” B * iftpMXi Imßisiieiaß r:;* i .l|t 1,000 taoulslsuSt 0s 7o" e .35„, f do 71)2 SSwiAurii*:«•-tea.-Sj,, 100 ,do MO 83 CEfOjtji-, do- i;,, i, ,Igs <SWSft£ ■>■&■ r!^«.iA,ci 60 Canton Co ISK 100, do 71« StOOnmb Coal.Oo . ,ll)t 100 Clov tc ToUtp.Vc 100 do- , :b3O iiX , '2OO do. ong arf 3 S'#4<d4bßggl§"'l» J< / .ifwXaO'&HUll ' it'" *M. tS - W/nWuPli -i.f!SbTeOoiatoln.B»o - R6a -82- 100 dor * Pitts, B „17 , millCeft.BßdiAi,doi i lii situ#, ; Mm§&sji§ lSi”s ! j W'l'2 *»* .'i *H I &I&& -Id .0 <*• * n ) *'••’ ) ‘ - 'J* V , U * COM try ltk« OBE*#j?r<rftWP» any other, eretr 1 • } •- s&hi&&^toihi9x><>yntty l' pSmt&frrf *«<!> fojnred,, ,i ] 1 trbc/ atari i: ‘yottth of toll hire been stripped of their \ hOMft twiio ’ nave ■ «n*.<i»<r/srt«n<fi»lp«l^B,’aj>(ifi<li«lr'jiresli!t'»*"f»H'” ! i;| ! fotufttdud Krmljr estaUUheii! ftisnulHUfloirifer'cr n nun toiled tlirougiieorljy putli rprd yigorou* ] ] a>t*lijM<£ prilenily »nJprnioYerelnglr,BWlpP(l3 lstsi Ip \ - ffifidhi* nobreltiSflenlj' dishonored br '&snk:, ropfe^i'addtftaTityiafeofijoHfe.iliWe'-'ffTrrpt.ay'iixlTr ir , <*v- ;■' . \am3 isi aiwosU; | lUr more than ever galling to % man Tbo hat ttrlren *• arttwJiMt jfijf in the drama.of Jlfo, trtuSm jew* ! and Jaftunoa ImrtjMfo’fWsAffi’Wli'i&t, ■ U« ant«prl|*i t o ®>rU ;; *"*•* to around him ( '' *htn M«M»a eomforWMi ), M Wre for. i -sfJw siresßoiSoww »So: t» ! dtopMo4* (i< down In a»J«tto‘lißd,.ini,,*',# ei th«lr spyaitaatjßeteffiS [tMm. ruv JtMH' «Ja@Htt*l«r*T buryinggrisrmcra s fQrglTli:g yrronga, forgettißKl* l^ 11 ' , J»imon»jnin*Ste« m o .’**'*''. *:'T yc*torf»y.-; Tk'lbga mnf nM ba J grtUta<»r;*°""'* euler, katmr, fill-:} at. tbg Stnrk pricas ro jj i&U WWVfSf iuiv»nc«d:«,,olty «'g«gMDctUnßeniiAy'»“»' Bond, 8, toe Iwpton'mito to tt> ba.jtuonfLMyonpwtedvH,^ ;;; > d »»*,.-'<••• ‘low !U ~ "jaw,880(14,1 ’ ■TmsiOtU..'- .-..»•-■ 562.fU3114 ' .Bjno»t»:.l;i'.wi.oi.U- 326,964, 808 v. -..> Kneskof oj»ort«. ;. , .w’Sli!,SSt,<KO. ~l :,'52,000,003 ' -•‘WO entordd'Ujo.'flßca! year ir ‘tie totor/; SWPjSSMC slSfjwH' hi'pweei jßßtoa .of.tWft pwm rfttiF" »wy aerltrai loin, but than to eiilVuur epperOnt SffiffiSSW • by <mr -bsob'.lawtopjre, who'Mopthsii ByM ■'so intljntlyoiKl'nilbatbe doinihtWlr WuiW, tonntjjig ~ I ‘‘Sbeseigcvy'co»o«taepiTpMU»e,*wUbWldMi} ttArb'gteAWj eonddenedltt tk'e fntoroVeo far »»the ftri 'SjWr trSakiW&iistod;;' Ifle ‘ two mytoai Wilia.' b'ij4 ;i„to New.Sork, tnd small exports, liutftU.thaljrl)! soon be changed. ■ lAlrrady grain commencea lo go forward; ‘idf fant kijraiU^' 'iip'P' it/ ,1 ,*4e ,| j^rldVttlotgo'tof# 1 W ,‘lliljw qCjU«.estot» Wf>'i»Woft-,fir S#W[ rieo sndtobseoo, tho 'goM of tbo nlll . nn; be talcettfMter thdriWe'oanetfirail’COiiilbrtaWy, ' ■'■ j **« ‘v ’ignat, litoii to tht cort. It’ dons not shoK.alJ tto facts,,for It dbea 1 not’add 'otfrnhWiaoifVldMit (iobtUMifc', '.Oflrinfry. '/Th* export* ibaie., paid ..for the tajx.rU w>4 the interest upon esrSteokslxte bonds,,witlt a entpltts; The flptres'sboir-notMnj-'to buo'ii panic npbn> Tbs credit of somnWpito, of railway property fta« boeilsbakch, '.bnt.bsjoitd tills (iWto.Wdiwto vbich Prudence and ■reasontoe confidence cannot readily overcome , n ' •> ■■’ ’Wo gnvo tho footfnga of ifiQ' N’etr 1 Vdrkr Treekly bank nueVabowaUiaitboujhtbe.genoicalnioremcnt >nd been araoubfr ©tilosbi, the following S^®2iSE£S£ , .^^- :^S Bank of Oommercf iBO.OOd ,&Wte’«at»,-v.MVfHad...l-.<-K.a»a-,-MsS»ia VLitmy ir.asMar,isfrv.v,if.f. HfiW Jba,j>ablkj, Axe .jcmmone<l- Bgainat. notes,circulated, ..purportingitobb •iMu«4 i by ! Morgan, Goor -gti. 'JHHiih'UuMiiUb'jjifW, t&pifMitiih dfjrffi bnt'd by irroapon»}bllgi®:iles •■,' .‘c. ’ ’ Bteamahip.Baltic, ut iNffir^ork 1 , from Liverpool, brings lui-foor days'later'* newtf froth iKorope. j ' 'The ah<> .vlees'are 1 not at|alt '-l6j^rtiUjt!. ( ‘iiwilAllyi'they' do, frvm, fbQ *,e> prc yiopaiy received. '.-A.alight adrarito;in-consols:is re ■pdrted.'Ko change ’had ‘taken-plte* in' linoUtior^for J 4^«?@.(W l i9 e Atß : A‘^)lWW‘.B|K>RiM»«>U».,,The-, largo arriTftlaof gold had helped the bank; and Another r«> •ductldnih the rateof 'lnterbtft u i**- 0 -"-! , u ; l ?a JrfdayJ tije 'o*99 ,o£ i£arvcy.Oi3cKLrich.vs. .the .Bankof, taade for an'injnnctlon and- for’the appointment' bf i ieCelvet ! r,'' i djuttCtiOn BlftfctifOte'M i^u^rtWiiKfiitni^i gi.Y«,b»il in*6o,ooo, Trltb euretlea to justify 1n575,000. '. . : --i l~ J' -1“ ! •■■■'• *•'*->-> | 1 ■■ Tho lisMegs of(ho'MeßeilroMfor iliotaontbof,’': 'AOguSl,' 1557, were'.V,.1,*,.>5530,033.84 irfelfflSftKPW^,ew#»,irw»..w 6tP,2.W,03, i; ,vi;;";; i;v.; i. «d;aa^,« £be<earaU>gajfoc Augnat, 1855 y wore $434,775.67—<- u.-iTUe (jamingaof- th.e'Oliieaeo, fit. Paul, and Fond dal L&cEailroad vjfere jw,- 5 ' i V'' 1 * I T ?P««o &i-s*‘***r*J U The Coal tonnage over the Lehigh Oaoal, for the ‘week ending Sept. 12th, was as * •*' . u ( ’ ro»‘w*ik. ‘ , ", . ' i '~dt*vtk'CklMf. H,l *fonk: OwL Vans.Gvt. , BummttMlnee. 11,470 14, 500,82/ lb Tunnel No; J.,..'.’...:..'..^.'.. ',,855 01 ,; 6,338 00 BoomßnnMinis;.i«.oS „, . 46,057 n, Ssstbebfeb Jlteei..;.-. .:,',... '1,2» 01i30,622,# snd^qstCosl,.,,, 66 03 2,107 12 I ■ !...!' .'....• •> toingiioontsln Mines 1,740 .01. , i .2100*12 KiisfßpgsrLosl. ,dO, .....1..,; 070.08,,- ~ -10,432 06 OoTorsine “. . ‘d0,,.., ,87* 33 ..i. 1.36,487 14 Stsfford 1 fdp„t.,’;..b 6lO 11 %fS flcutbflpriur MounOijn (Jo*l- 1,17.7.07. ,112,632,13 NotfbSpkoSironntsip.OosJ... 806 14,4 84801 B6ir6f &sdo* , C6Mr;V. ; - 73.00 , ... 1,108.18 hSoi• d> O’rs.’iberry .Mfrics. 8,881.03,.v J | 45,405 17 Diamond Mines,-.,,;'..;,.080 00 18,743 12 00t460T g 5",’ t //... i t^ 4 ....a 1 i4!t4ia,K.c.uM.»6aioo Mt. 6lf 01 4,012 00 - 2,f55 00 40,138 06 White Haven. u y :i 6 !:v’.'.::':;'‘^o7., JUflford Cosl C 0.,, .487.00 - 1^605.14 't • jrot*r/;.';v,v. I'.. ;,‘L s^mM'Vd ' ,7“ .XusnSfh ■; , ) . t i u. it i-1 .F«Pt. , Is},: 50,'872^79. ( v The following fa the amount transported over the VWliy Railroad, for the week ending Sept: v '* 4 '* g * ! Vims. Wk*. r PasriopsLr. Total, Klitfu a itTAS.f.'. t -:2,OST ®J ®,<®4 14 hm Otf N. York i. Lehigh .. 763 M , 26,647 ,14 27,300 ~13 Qfetmun^yhmt,,.,.. ,6.SOT Id ~6 j3OT 'l9 (.‘obrAlnL*4; SUitTordiljisi, 02 WyM' 11 36,78i;-ilB DolMSfc Detain.. 673.;# ‘ 0,476 . 07, . «,M8.03 .Hwiofoiiv..." of |f.-Bf«cCri«ly&;C6, .«*„<%.,; tm -ft «| K 121360 .oT Tho shipments or bltnmiiKiaß OO«l from Pitiiburgh/ ■during the inonfh 1 J of' Auguat, amounted to 19,400,800 ! ,bu»hela r .Adding, for ; the latter, month' the .amount i brought jtothfjr market uni also thaiehlppad dona river, <we hra the following: * *• • '* i \ "* 19 a Jolylat..; .; 10;400,800 i For Augu5t, i, .; ..V,............ ' £ ihoaßei In D.wton.fPT IB® ] From sources below, Jlttsbi f Value of ine'rch&nflue vr&r (week coding Sept. Hi 1857 1> Bit, Goods.'. i» <. r...... .;.a All other ntepchsndlie. -1. -.'.t: i...A36,94000 ;r ... • Warehoutedforpamidat. BtjrGood*.... Aliothd? merchandise, 1 .. .... r !?24o!6o ‘‘W,391.00* ~ ~,*206,772:00 .ssonAiiQK sms,:; 16,1857. ■ V'-l' 1 '; Irl. Btid) Btcitr, Nt>: SOJf irtfrtft. B.QAR - V. i If I* do 11 ss* ‘ dd ' ,«s*rn ' 1 100* "do , »s** 4 1M* "100-'* *'do'* cuh 24# 300 do Uas6wa24tf J 1 vd6 * - , • 24# -800 ' do M'- * ,24# 50 drf jWt'/SMK :> 8 Wilmington K" 41' «s BeatMsad Bin M -10 Morris Oin jirePd 89# 109 L Island Bon* 9 200 ■ ’do * lots -l; • 13 Coir: Hank lots ; 80 " * V & M Banfc b 5 ,01# .;i8Mfc ; ll'BkJol« -40- • ■ 10 Consol Bant M 1 “ ‘4 Com Ms Bank L 12 Bank of Kira "108 i •‘boa&ds/.;; } 160 S<Sh Nav pr«f>d bs' 37# 10 MorrlsCanal ■, 45 110 do/ • tpret'4‘'B&# SO.Boav Meadu lots 60 >• 18 Consol Bank 28 Totrl Y&lue v '■* BTOOI September Aeportte awi ygfjyj Ij'JlVsT SOOpennAfiVewt It,. , 3ooo‘i‘-*«ov ' lo' • ;: ;w ’ 1800 Bch NarA’t >B2ltssB£ I 1000 Bead B 6*0*43 Its $9 6000 'do •• ’TOlfeW " 1000lElmBT»alstrat GQtf 20(1 City dtefciw v Q3^ , 100 N PennaK lota • 8# lOKotrtaieira K .08 • 15 H&xb’g Biota 88 12 1 do M -83* - G&tuU Its . 40 • 1 Cun tc, Asi'B » 1001/ j i.4'i do: .• :i -1001/ S ‘i ‘.to- A < M .OBeadiogE S4# :«0 .Vdo.-i ; WB j .10; .i do 4- • 4 T24¥ .:2 * .‘doit .-24* j .60.: :'4o-r.*3 - ? i. hooitpadlag H«5.:l 247 i 100 ... «bi ..06 .1.-. r 2*» 200 do w as*a'i.'-2S: 100 do ~M» :.. 26« ; 25 Bth Nay proPd 17 H i - SECOND 2000 Elm R 7 J e 2d mt 60 2000 do 2d lot bS 60, 1060 do latmtlATO WCONP«m»BB’»ItaW. SWCltr O’*'- ,-J/ ,WH 560LI«16ndK6 i « :«o; 16 BoaYMead'Blofcl 60 ■: ■ •*>'.. , W'm;. SS'.'.do • fcsWb 60 • 10 jeon* B loti : 44jf 6o^, • -os;. 1 , ' AiTEtt; Mo»CltrsOVlBs. 1 88^| wOMisiMO PMO BOARD. ‘ 21 Morris Canal lota 8&# 660 Read R lota *swn , 25# 100 do b& : . 25#. -Hi / do . lotas. ,'35: 600 do *swfl . 25- 100 L JslMd R'ftSyfcn ’. . 9 » ,H Hnrb’gßSdyjsUs 58: « SMlnebMß 56# mWrwdßwk lo.ta .10#. - , i Bank 60 . AnH,.', u ymugiuii pjedii/u 90 raa-BijsAinr.,: .• : . .Bid! diked. '• P8«’»,’«8 118 ! MUM* 8? ' | .4o -RH WX• 1 ddo Xew \b\ M '.' Morris Can! Cop 45 ,45% Scbrl Nat 68X^69' [ fo -ifitock- 8 13. , v /.;■ .;rwm ifoßeading ßbs >' 26 i f 100:-; da «5 -■ [ do- Nw. ;• 35 ’ I f BchylKar#tef MX flWtAKlraßlfl- 19' ■ mtimbiWitok *7OX • do ’ do 2dtt6o 7 ,60X , *" 0 - 1 yid&utg ■■ ,"t:- >.\t% Oirard Bank;,: lOv 'l()u 'lAKlghZittc ' " X, A* UhtOh OAnal . 5% “. 6-' NetfOreek “ ; !% %'■% OiUtriMisa "i* ",f riaiLV.' ■'- llOOKeefltiiglt b - sf)i I 160 . do ,b 5 ■ ,2i« I .68 - flo' ■ ' rw. ■ ' 21b IMo''. do w 1 100 s .io • e*,' a 'J* 200 . do S»t»ir4»J.W I; i«o : ; do 'ywif - .'24 ; V:...ii 4.Hj‘ 24 “bdi: A ' .***.. ' J6O ■ ’ dor, gjwn'i-i 34#1 [as • \:do; Bflkn « SUtf l 100 >'dd .;.-b6 I • 24K. 30a • do 'li rw '• •'* 84# { Beading c10m,;., v.. *. u ivU rtf* .riwu,. a »popfo ofh Mo. n i&s7,~^9t6©rt^Thei*cUre' uotl(Hui i» 9or lwt t continued ddrlng iy p4ttcrt tbBpr«fient'9f66H,‘>lnfe thert Ujo; w might nave beena'pticfpatgd,.hA'j somewhat’ qapljtiea of Amwicahare If * shade higher, and “Fair” % & ib orer M then qurrent,-, -.«; , r . ;: ■ U 1./.f Ha for the week 7,888 pates. - Total sales 65,030 f;Wch;;«peculatcM ; and, exporters thotraded? ,300bafee, j, » -% !l{«m 8 lfa, SWorlisltlmoro issfe, M4t2s«i|r crrt no}#>r* otbh'ladalphlo would' cwt.j but ;«t tbla 3«J«e Hum «r*.ftw. SjMßWda tor arimiU.viintHj! b/««tt«» flaring grloesj P.Y' .O. bWbeofl ffop'SiioM.- Jtorth ‘AmerlonK OSioMe, SonUi Amorti dtiiOSisStti.' .*£ ijiultoMfl Losioolua.bjejbtTill: T this.week> except; l about 81ft uerc«* f ‘prlnelxi*llr of inmHorqaaUSy.e-t *^ Ct ‘ i w A vie.--jrdtMßg done Bl&ce.pUT.h|Bpo; A - r * " \ l V B .h.M.h««9,jttore far* .add tlxe. sale# p*arM"or 3,oooboxes,the bulk of which consists Middies, rib ia,4t4s««soa. It is stated that eUi b y, fl< s repr , u?S £ iiJ’iyttv] foift wfy i fr t Lz\?s h bS±Sf44|r^ikr|r r w3 bought eoroewhatmora^^uiW "heat at the extrema ratoa nurrant her? Oh Tuesday. ul i,lmuJ ’> It s Dslivorleapf Wheat from oor own fartnvft for %e past week conaUrojfOiMg qra ) agamatW,?.^qt?}. ipmy reek l&at yedt^ 4 Average price (fOs. 4d. Bd, stten^awith'onlyi ratSotosfit^'o^l'l^u^!^4by. , . 'Otto' ‘dt*4fllitlo,tto vm'bo adrance. but (roly a'imSU Jt Indian Corn being held at a of la^leed'V^uhVtwb'tf VdlioWi'codiJiloteiy Cbeciceu.Vr.a busintason-Irltti awottnt.-butthe hdmVtrtde, again took' eorae- quantity for feeding purpose*. 1 ,7***. ■ ghWo cheaper »eay 42a Gde4&s, ana but a , *'■c* OW Moal- sold 1 to at ft»Tj priest. ‘New Mod-wo© -a • tolerably free rate it rates say 36aa368 Od load: but oatß, particularly Tawney^ to move without submitting r e'\s§d“ antin'lbs’ vslttS 'Df Irtoi.Wiert'.iinco^uto to'O mo. 4tb lndnslve; <!&■ Whsstf T,462 or*. IndfSH'Oonl,’2,4o3 e&cke and S)3 barrels Flour. ExporU for tlte Sarbe .5M,3SMi'q»-^Wh«» v ;‘a,9»- qfs'.lddiaiiComl 81^ Jacks and 1,006 barreWFlqtjr/* ,u ~,,« . j We iidotathd of American white HFlieat 6d: cxtrh’O* gdikSi'lQd; V e( * * a 10do8e l 4d (eitrt BaG4 089lOd#' 76!tt»S. !l ßaltlinore, Philadelphia Sad ObM Flour Sled32s i< Western Oftnal 505»314 hbli Indian Corn,'-mixed and yellow. 375; white 425©439 480 ftaj ’ '»ICI<A3IdSON BROTtt^BsS^'CO. T'”H 1 4•—1 . . I ■ 4J— - - >l5 1 j ' ,!ij ’ ■> i" 1 ! V•<-V - - 1 - 1 ! ‘ t ■ 1 ,',S u<u»sV for'T^ pre«a.y "' jV ‘ 4 u l, |]( 1 .IPQ tana plaetorE A Bouder A Co. »> ■■ < * ' u NEW BKPFOBP—Schr G G GlbbsyGibbs—33lB gal*. Jons winter whale oil A S Ashmeid; tf.pkgsoirOoehr&n ,A llussoll; 10 do Penna Bit Co; 6 do IV B Baker; 80 do Schweitor A .Co 1 * l ‘ 1 •■•• 11 11 ‘ ” PHILADELPHIA !«6XbB,OF TRABB. Jossru O Couuirtaß or vnn MoHtir. Johk Welsh, )ua.>iitLi ’.‘.‘ijtteiarEa bags,.;.' •• ■■• •'■ , l At the &lerq\ariltf Exchange, Philadelphia. *• i Ship Tonswanda, Liv*l-pool, 25: Ship Stalwart,,Lucas. Liverpool, Sept 22 Br Sept la Ship Jopepk JoflCp,PlQwers Ban Franblscoj soon. 1 Barqud Mlnheson. Cole Bio Janeiro,"Soon: Bchrlf Eb! »“ 'Clik °i ]']'. ii !C “;rAililNG OF, THE OCEAB STEAMERAi •■ ’ ;i I, f. i ' -FROM THE- UNirSD BTAWS.’ , ,"■ " : 1 •Bt<4MB»'i‘ yßOM^roa. '•• * -■‘ i ’* ,bir i.; .h i,7 i .New-York 1 ' LivorpobU 1 ;'.,.,i,..8ei)t16 QbßebiofSOuthLNevr Ym*k '* BreinflbV... Bep t io a /..; .New Forte '■ ffavfe:.....BopHO ißuropa; i .-. .vßoston ‘ Liverpool: .'. 1 . , .';.‘. . .Bopt^3 ■‘New Tdrk Livferpbol.. 1 ... Bepi'3o Eamnionl&iv. l . *;N cw Yotk Himburg: l . Oct .1 ....■.« yjiojf'^inibW.' • ■■“ ' "' ; . . '*«6>4' ■ ,. .MY. NQwtbrk,.,,,,,.,..Bept 1' 'OUUfgbwU ..GlMsgOjr'. New'Yoirk 4 ,,; M . M .Sept & O of BsitfmorA.Liverpool York.,„ tf; ... M Sept,9i Fulton.!.,VA*lfovre Jiew York Sept 22; oofWishfo^otilLlvafpool "New York,Sept23, Ati&ntie Liyernoor’Wew York ~.3epfc 30; Bpru®liv.',.i:»j'Jlaiabnrgi NmYork..iwUiOc^l gausxmt-'*' PsiUDßitnu —From New York' 2dy Ha-; llth. ■ Frcrtn^New 1 Orteknai 26thj.HaTana23d, arriving at New York 28th. 1 ‘ j uuQwmb' Cirr—Frora New York tth of ’ each 1 month, 1 arriving,at Havana 1 2ilL and llobiJo -14th. ’’From Mo* f bile,22d, ; Havana24th, arriving at New York 23th:* 1 OiHAWBA—From New York 12thi arrjvihg at Harsiia 17 th. and New.Orlaans 19th. >' From' New Otleahs'STth, llayana 29th* arriving at New York 3di j.i * -’• ■< '■* ' CiTr—From New York 17th, arriving at Hai. andNew .Orle&nsi26th : . ‘From Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at NeW'York 13th'. 1 ■ Black V/aubiob—From Now'York 27th, arrive at .Havana,!** and.New.Orleans Sd/ .From 1 New Orleans 1 j(9tb*HavAiiA lAtl*. do* at New-Work JBth.’' •“** IgAkßL —From CWlntlon 19th and 4tb. dse at Ha* rVAt)a,2sd and 7th. From Havana 10Ut and 24th, due at Newark lethMdßJstj...- .>.)■» . . * The California mail, steamers sail from NOw York oh th® 6th And 20ih nl each month. •• ■ J * .' * iaanne gntclligeiue. PORT OP PHU.ABEt,PHfAiB«pI ; IO, 183y.{ SGH ai583,.4:k......:5 AT~BSCNiBere...Ui.. , .k'.Qfl3 .t0....1219 . /. 1 ... ABBIVBB. - , ••' • • •" ■ Colley, 6days from Warehnis,ln ballast 10-EAjSQUderA-Co.- *•.**• •<• •> • J " Brig Martha Kendall, Norton, 6 days from Boston, In ballast to Van Busen, JfortonAs Co- Scbr Mary, Flettcher, Orosby, 6 daya from BaelporV. with mdse toE A Bonder-A Co. -•“‘‘ ■* ,5 Bchr Fly. Gheefaman, Adays from Nantaekefc,'itrb»D last to captain., i•■ > u > , i. . Scbr .Velma. TroWorgr, 6 days from Boeton. with mdM toE ASondM&Co.-. . . .. u . ,•• Scbr ,Geo. 0 6 days from New Bedford: with oil, Ac. to A SAshmbad. •; ' “ • ' f Scbr!HiU Carter. Flak* 6 days from Boston? with mdse to Crowell A. Collins. t •• " : *- l * ‘ Bchr Mary A Louisa; Steelman, 7 days froM; G-lOfaeey ster, with Bah toMarpliy Ac Koons. *- SchrJ B Mather, Nickerson, 6 deys/rom BostctaJwlfir mdse to Crowell A CoUJdii - i Scbr Florida; Keljy. 8 days from Boston, With zadse tb CrowellA Colllni. •<- >* 1 • 11 Schr 3 <J Patterson,.Hshd, 7 days from Salem, in-bal*' lost to o Miller A Co. . •>'? . ■* Schr Louisa Gray, Morse, 6 days from Salem; In bat-, last to Ogle A Co. •> . .. .t -* Schr Fequonnock. Burroughs,4 days from Salem, In bailasttoCAHeekihorACo. Schr? Yaahtl Sharp, Sharp, 6 days from Salem, In bal last to captain.— ' • , • r ‘Schr ‘ Charged Kelaiy, 5 days ! frdid Salem, In ballast to Van-Doson, Norton-A'Co. 1 * •* ' ‘ ’ *• ' -Schr Almira 0 days from Providence, in' ballast to Rogers, Slnolckson A Co 1 . ‘ ‘ • * “ Schr Cicero, Yates, 6 days from Providence, In ballast to Ogle & Co. •-> .. - * •* - • ‘ l> *\- Schr Gazelle, Somers, 4 days from Boston; in ballast to JohnßWbite. * . \ ‘ ‘ l Schr Jesse Williamson, Winsmore, 5 days' frdm Bos ton, in ballast to Bogore/SlqnicXson & Co. * " “ SehrUasplanf days from Braintree, Sfaas, in ballast to captain---*-• •• • •* • * l - " Schr Young America, Tuff, 2 days from' Port Deposit, with wheat and bark to Bewley, wllson A'Col' IStr iDeb*wato,-Bbawy2o hours from New York,via Cipe May, l with mdse and passengers to James Allder dice,! Reports a shin at ancbor-below the Brown, appa- 1 rently upward bound. . • Barge Johns Ide, Tnn Dusen, 24 hours from N York, with barley malt to O'Neill Brady. 1 • Pci Biou—Tho barque .Laconia. Boarse, hence .for, Boston; Sprung a 4 le&kbn Sunday Jaei, Off Bombay üboi, . which increased:!# i 96- strokes, per hour whin off the Brandywine.- Captain S. thinking It daiaft to ptofyaf to sea, put,back,‘and was taken In tow. by the tUg Jacob' (4 ‘Noauerand brought to‘port fdf'rebalts." ShdvfiUj have to discharge the greater part of tor Cargo—Hour 'and corrtf-preparatory to going od 'the rklWiy. 'The |cargoisnotmuoh-damagod. ■ ‘ ' Steamship •Pennsylvania, Teal, Richmond, Thomin Webster,'Jr. . f ' ' Barque Belle, Ryder,' Beaton, Twells; Gaskfli A Galvin. • ’ ‘ < • '• * 1 : Brig Martha Kendall/Norton, Boston, Van’Bused, NortonACo. - ' 11 ' ! ; “ Brig Napoleon, Gatcbell, Portland, C’A 'Heckahdr & Co. r ‘. 1 .. ’ * ■ Schr lsiao Rich, Smith! Bpckport. ‘do ‘ Schr Virginia, Rlgbeo,Savannah, Pettit,Martin&Ce. Schr J C Patterson, Hatod, Providence, C Miller &’ Co. Scbr Fly, Cheefleman-, Nanluckot, • db • Schr Lady Suffolk*.Rakfer, Boston, Repplier A Bro. - Schr D B Doanoj Teazle, Boston, Lewis Bbthermfel,' Schr Boston, 0 A Heeksher Schr Cioero, ; Yates; Boston, Baum, Ogle'A Co. Schr-Ldulsa Gray, Marts, Boston, do “ Schr Gazelle, Somers, John ißTfhite.; • • ■ 1 Scht AlmiiaT,Gandy,Xynn, Rogers. Sinnickson A Co' ’. .ficht 1 WRUimSonVJr»Wihsraore, Boston. do *B6hr Adelina, - Howes, Gloucester, Brown a.White. Schr Cliarger.-Kelgey, New London, yaa Dusen, Nor-* ton A ,Co, , , . } Steamship Bostoh, Sellewj New York, Jas Allderdice, t Str ft Willing. Olaydoole, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. , ’ ‘ Btr Bristol> Allen, New York, W 51 Baird A Co.. .$12,145.04 ■' , fßf T*LBO»AFH.? .; , ; Correspondence of’the Philadelphia JSxchange. i : - - 1 ~ ' -CAPE ISLAND, Sept. 16, PM. 1 A la tgffMct of Collibra wfcnt to sea to-day, A barque, ’three brigs and six schooners are now going up. The ateamer.JohnSykea, bound south? passed off - this place, this morning, .WfndNW-rweather pleasant. .r ‘.j 1 , ..TYouhyJkq.,:]',;;: /i TROS. B, HUGHES. 1. ; *"" ' 1 [by Tataoßara.J . . , . WILMINGTON, NO, Bepfc. 15. - The sohr N>w .Republic, from Philadelphia for Wil mington,'is ashore, and the barque Collin. MftfUe, from Liverpool for WBmlngton, U,a totanpss^NopMUsulaW. Arrirod, chip Wm ¥rothlnghara, from Havre; barqhei ajerldlao, from Brqmpo; W gather Gauge, from Bio. Below* ebipa Vfjabamo, frpm Antwerp; (Hawse, from Newcastle; <1 0 Humphries, from Cardiff. , i; Cmseßpotuiance.df tbo‘Philadelphia Exchange; * i : ; -'-..l'' ..LKWES,DeLiSept.H y BAM. * : The ship Quebec, for New Orleans, and about 60 sail,.' moatoi which are colliers, outward bound, are,at the - Breakwater, ‘detained by. rer y Soggy weather, and .wind, from the northeast. * :.Xtws, Ac, • WM. H. HICKMAN. ’ ,) ; . . ; v;.— ... . • * i i Correspondence of The Press. ~. . .... EUy»»D* Giucb, Bept. 16.; ; jfeleren boats, left here this rooming, laden, and con* elgnedas follows: . , .Merchants’ Ffiepd, Capt d F jJcholHogcr, John Platt, and Norcroes A Shoots, lumber to Norcroas Sc Sheets; Capt Porter, lamb or to D B Taylor & Go; Rebecca Ana. Iloirie, Stephen Gould, Eliza, Louisa, J D Oaweroh, and Amelia; anthracite coal to Delaware city. . -MEMORANDA'*- Steamship Phlneaa<Bpraguo, Matthews, cleared- ai Boston 14th inet. for Pbiladelpaia, 1 ; hence Neif, Yotfc yep. terday. , ‘'‘ ' \ . ,• . - f "* gl Bieamsbip VAndarbUt, Higgins, frofn New York for I Havre; vaa eeen 13th ipst; 7% AM, Tat 40 40.1onW>4°' i Steamship Persia, Judkins, from Liverpool. sth Inst. , atNpwYorkyestewajr,. ' . 1 ! &team»hipFnltort, 'WottOn, from New York, 22d nil at Southampton 8d Jttst, ahd proceeded for Harro.' , Steamship Canada', Lang, from Donkin, 29th ult. wax i s®*n lntq Liverpool oih inst. * . BteamsEip Hammonia, Schwenritn, eallod froni'Oux* Liven Ist fust. for. New York.' . • • | ; .Steamship city of Richmond, Mitcholl, for Philadel phia’, salletffrom Richmond 14th ult. , ; ■ Burlington, Tuzo,- from Queboo, at Liverpool 4th'inA>« ?* a , ‘ < :aMp-Emilio at Chorlenton,put back to Llrerpool 2d Inst. * f Bhfji, Star tUoi.fofStafeoponi,., Homo lunoM. ' : ; Ship 'Kensington, Thrane, for Singapore, bailed from i Ship'Of,an fTomcilcuttn, alHarrj Ship Merldlonl'Cnmelli from Stiohn.Kß. ms»J«g lhto'Livfirpoolsthinst.;,• . ■< { Ships Oheshtro, kvm, and Satan?*, f o c Philadelphia, veto loading at Liverpool sth lost. I Ship Muscongos,‘Carter, sailed from Livorpool 4th inst-for Baltimore. , ' \ BhipErowa Jimo, Jdrdah, hens*, via Bt-John, NB r f 0 r tendon, at Gravesend 2d lost.- *■ Baniad 1 Lizzie Boggs, Dltor, hence at «*w Orleahs thinat, - >' - - t : ■*■ •. | Barque Clara Haxall, Kelson, Bailed frtußichmohd 14th nut, for Bermuda Htmdrod, to finish loading, for South America/- 1 ‘ Jl./ - . • ' 1 Brig -Industry, Bobln&h, hence at Boston ISthJnst - \ Brig 'Watson. Tibbetts, from Delaware City, et Doston uthlnet: .... - ■ ■ - , Brigß GChbloner,'Brown, from Bhiladelphfe, sailed from New Bedford 14th Inst. . ' 12thVnat :*}<**> Rocket,* hence at New London ; . BcHr ijhp Rogers. hence for providence, at fj' hf s&**&**& i Vil, from ProrWonco for mii phio, Ot Nov London 12th mot. trNo“ra^ n, - ft ° m -' w vort,itw, “ff /Oorr*Bpo»denc& of The Press.) >_ .j.. r. •!. New Yobk, ftopt IS, ~£gfggh, aSiKSSi . - '■••'h' 1 1 ■ ■ Ng:nh lh«i ,nr » ‘ 4W .. iJWH-MllWr, B*AllBtilldiP*'L’MortoD,‘Hafri»ba^;Pi, Smgr&mm ■" j«fe» ■:’ ’ S " i g»o wZ&an,' ,; , „'J MSm!th>llf„rtla •» gchr J Grierson, Hardin#, 1 ! 'of , D , aia#Jrij' I Cl'tr,'^ i i>» d j '■ ■*!'W!?”? Neff ®f^Y)^®Ji for ’.ttgtf*® kit/ly; Bdtflin, ■«tht ! V&nfc-Mt'lton’P*'-- Mailer TSWimt&flKon.Pa ISsgSs fSMiasf •' Sla^MSrt*p* i«feb.n./o Bqfitaml2lhluA^' ,J: ' 1? “ ’ ■ -.i*-."t-i'*' ,J ' n ";.>.,*} I M Andoraon.Pa .1 , WjntlopnweU, Kanlon, . ‘'Setik''Worcester, Rhode#, henco for prorldenM, it, BBosteis, Muncy >,., >.. R Delumy.;,, ido ~ >u W. , v - : j ,te: r^.vv ' • ■ |»^‘Vc a ■', :..••••*...' «••«•£■£*&** ,l ' ■• m,T • '•:d<>.;: 14th ult. lona'22 50,,birW Luc/, Rc<len, PiW!P«dpw, Olewflold ~; G 8 Poster, , . do i from Kingston, JaWofc Bremcn. fo'days out. * ,’' -'- do. • ■ . - ' •> ido - ... 6th ip*t, ( lit2T, longlS 14, khip JG, Atylewon. from JiA Gilbert,-. hycomlng. co W.D Hank, Jobation ca i New York; bSundß., , f ‘.'"V p«>rge.J«pfia, 8toul»B co ,: James Holmes, Harrisburg - *. i.*i -'iU ..j i J JjJUnCkjNWljcrgtP®* ■“ -dAUWWW HOUMWleSandstreet, abote Market. , fast*. Ti nr.. B i v.> ■'■" ygjg J &te w,*;:. •Ms&'.teSK *. The brig of .25a,.tods, belonging to W-B •Wilson, oi Collins,Michigan- . Eobt.ij*.Monro, 'Syracuse Breww,Which ha#been oS the ituW “H•?»<*!"’ year, Bierce,or SsmuelPendell, s do - others, wutiato be InimedfatelyffntsM itnd JJ Owen#, Borrytown. Henry y ganders, ifnldle* ae*. t n. .. .11 «■/ «•. . i J „,i ‘bory; <u. . * -i Journal, of Sopt 14th, that the barque Colin MoKaa, j 1 .Alleghe Ugjf* q, jq, J. tf(mo (0 aMhor.-Kilh-lhe.wlod.NK:. COold.not .obt*J» Jono,aiMk BM,. Ja» V t e] it ■•< ■■ j?', street*, abore Third. , . PJR 'parted ana atrttek'on-Middle i ‘Warfofd. yiehchto'wn, Chas Meyran, ritUburgh Ground; Tessel.wUiproy* atotalMoSa/i w*#iowhed “N J'.' ‘ ,’V . ‘ , , ■ HMerer, Canton, Ohio by.4* D 4'rfto, Naff A %)R«,MW , k '[X t ÜbUan,.Wni W sbft'rre lWCaptMSßll\;%l:/> c .r/.' l »?Sfioftr,C«fro,Olil<i ,;5-n Arndt,P». ' , M<j; /ally InMdtdd. ’A' of the Mils; ana:ringing, 0 PiytaptoQ, Ph5U , ' J. Berg, ButUr,B& ~ ~ “ana p&r tof cargo, improbably Be saved In a damaged’ £Hpoby,* ~ ~0 titncft^er !«{ HWlt',‘ Blodiett, hon)' td«'« f.BWli-fa»| j*f|iotti'im,^dkV(Ton/^OhVmte?* 1 New York, laden W&ift.'wr off Main 1 H 4 ® ” Morgan, PottsvlUe Pa Bar,withpumMSSB'«as<fekklni?^ef^lW^%*- |hfijoQYeagefM»?ntown PMlfcil > . tendlnjtto.pUtln for topaiM;)• l Oh iM> CopTm, , .. /yf 8, Bre^qback,, M»»- parted her chains, aad-wa# blown across Prying Pan! »V^S r *'M?ViVPl?? a l n .» vn)q Q^ w “' ‘i„ -,i; 1 Shoals,tbumpipg,OiraTUy;,'Siki near New: fS.toW* i GB»oftqp,Mta»pwmo . , Inlet, with low of hothawJhftra-and.pwAflfieaHi. We; vohn Klsenhart, Bolraout D Gaupp, ilrookfillo , .learnthattiqcapUln >odWWiWWh^ J ACoTet ; potU^4o a „„ AW*WPocWj.Ringold t ■ B s r .H.Otai-Jfarket, alwre Sixth, for Now Yorb/ladcn with wheat, dour, cqttpnand 0 GYNnkle,:p.B R. .». iO W llanti, Balt * ?*“i^kanrk-Columbia ai G BStarr, NF ; North as Si 23. On Friday tho -wind Increased t9.#kh»X A N HaU» TViUi&nwport, Pa D.W Wililanisy do ! T.We.l lahQrtng.theftyllyiprung.lieak: WHnnterjColtunbia .. Bouben Line, Carlisle l pUlnpscnoKcd, and sails all blown,awa/d...At 1.0/dcck Geo MlUcr. Jefferson Co, Pa Slichael. Bossart. Va l - „ Su °d#/ .niiopnln* toipg ynaWe %o .peaphther.; A h CbandlMyPA. , .. .OP Hunter,-?* > |n6, was anchored ,«P9Ut,lnlet John Ar«yj,,, ,do . , -••■>'■ Amos Rockcy, do Bar;a'ndfimile#from sheaunk,dttrlju|iAe MB Dolce, v,. da » i in jAndrewFoils.Harrisburg ClkpWn wd creW.kG Jnthej C P Foreman, Pa, ... ~t Lewie Pooao, Tenn . . • . Wi *?d mpked,.Bhorn. l Qn., ; We JH Hutchins. NY i . M McCiees. Atlantic City . ,hayenotlea^ | ed lfc wh H W:BmJth)Colhmbift,Pa: J BMorris, Pa.. • eured. ( j-; | - h Abdel J^p4?r i CarnpllUl, frftW .IhU.port for i HOTKB-Aych Street, aboro Third. r lfB *,“ l^ c B £ o TIi 1 01 “ 0 ■ • •■; j; l!i 'Lc B hed.ho? e I | T; n ! <•'• •- do l.lotaMllli,'NO near SmltbriUe. | TB Orant,(Jalenx, 111 '“ 1 Geo A Bumier, Balem,N J i , •• ' BAMMYIS WMtti si ; -'/ “-; :i } APBwwtf tl llaw|Btwg, Pp D Balom.NJ . NHW I Vork 1 Sait I f„ o ' n ' ! *® er _ i do ffm Minder. PotUtown , lin MnM.rJ 1 1 M , The. Cox St«kK,,SU „ Stoh.rd, of N'York, bound N, wlth'loM of?oV«»ndm»la Wm Aii.h Uewra‘pH’* 0 ”: V “‘. torg«ll»nt Mill; -Hanibttn! «hlp Robert Peet.' Jowin.; j * Jobm ‘ 1 do* 1 ' W s AnUllZn tlomborn, 23 d./.; b M bm Sl dejtlu. mostly children, & 'ttm&A,- L Pr?r» on bonrj daring tbe'pMugn; ahlp MMdlelor, PnrmleO, A Andein’on Proono?t P'a ‘ rhlrt. '‘‘ l? ' Liverpool Aunl«. ■ eiored.ihlpNortbatnpton.Oottiir, j o Lncoib'ohlo P ’ ' ' n iitilL N»n6rW^, nl WmTOoM do ‘‘ Sw«jshS’ fWlif*.;/, . . “,be.T| Wander! Bering ■ PORTbAKI}, popt »Wn MMtrfso,' of J°h“RSmokcr do * 1 ‘ I M.TIkL n d °i t Blehmond, AloxsnSor, Haranr., Olearodlbrioafatiei H3r ß „, l ' r p P !‘ do -Sfr wJ!»’ robn 1 N^ n n i m“‘‘pa W “‘ !mrgl ‘ Boston. Balled, * ship • Annapolis, Pickett) ’> Marseilles; Bam 1B Myers, pa D IIABimi?MAP3! kaa, l b»niuca w H b „“’'' Bf fß fai,, tos. BlobmonAtor gOarreU do' ’' H ’ Ho ” ' MOPTIiT ff* 1 tWin'M' r.qpjiiii tv»l A« :TT..ptßrid J 0 Johns, Philada , 4 Wm 8 Griffith, NY . .. * , w l w b iM5 c,tobe ' l,r £?u£ssiffc*sf -: w. , w ,a gMi w , ’ • . .. 11......1 ' OWStroup.Pa “« : FOREIGN PORTB. ‘ ',. : r - *' ' ‘ ’* •* . ’ ' Liverpool—SW 3d Inst, Madrhs,Now OrleW«; Stephen Glow addHottense,Calcutta: Root Kelley and yere m(fib Thotonwltf. Netr Ydrk;VeeU. Wllwjhgfrn.m *' CttM.BtWAWk.'Mon. / Tr* " But for ttadtagißt, Golden Ba£la, Orleans; South Caroliun, Siyith.M6| SC uil4»,rlJrowD, NPrleaal andYMoblW orald, Cook. dofsdjGraolfo Stated Weob, Galcbtta An telope;' NF, V'or&i son 1? enflle{oufNftrY’ Cl WO. ' • - * In the river outward bound stV'Ge<jrge», Slater, flew, Yk; Enjer&ld Isle, UoralahTdoY SuOblkWe*- der, r\* ’ ! LondOri-s-jfiii'inwards 2d fast, Keosing, Cook, Rio NB; Old out Ist lost. Tolga.iEplfli, JBouibay. feud eld'Sid from Graresood); 2d, Qor Mortoo, Berry, Brin or; S)« mor, Carlton. Sti , . 'Gravesend, ad B ip> Petert, tjaebed; TitenlV BtJohd,Nß. John,.,NP, and an chorcdSdatDcal. ' Peal, 2d Inst, ar, Asa BawWr, London for Rio Janerio. , Free Trade, all for Port Phillip; and both ‘anchored; •’* Off,BflUy. 2(Ub u)t, ( Telnmach,.£chafter, .from- New York for Bremen, .. ~.. i - Off Puugeneas l&iik ntt, Alness, Schilling, front Bp*-- men for Now York," and Verger,'from New York for Bre men. ~ ji IJi it.. Jli Falmouth 3d, arr Revenue, Howes, from Akyab, Bristol 3d, aid IndlsqQueert. Cardiff. , ' . . Newport Ist,''otrWm‘&Anii,‘S&Venoab. / I * Alexander, Baltimore; Bid 2AJ3' Schulte, DMufort, no. - • • • : - .u •. ■ 1 ■ Gl&sgow-Sd Inal, sldWitham, Boston. Ilarre, arr Sept I, Guttembertf. Weeks, New Orleans. 4, i <GldliMnat, John- Bowes, Moore, Newport add tl States. • ’ , * j 81d4Hmmtt,Logan, Taylor, N York. ' ; .Bordeaux lit lust, arr Hoitensls, New Orleans/ , Greonoek, arr Ist Inst, 0 A Morrison. Jlorrlsoa, St 'jotra.Nß.' ' " 1 Elsinore,>srrBofch nit, Nelly; Turner 1 , Riga, Boston. i Palermo,arr 10th ult, Gulsopplna, Napoli, New Y’drk. 1 ! Cadiz, arr 20th- nit,-Rambler.-Richard," New York; :24th, Venice* Whitman; NewOrfoaus: S Fayson, Fuller,’ N«w-Ycrlu ••' ■ • *' ’ i Gibraltar, arr 23d nit, Metis, Crane, Baltimore; dJthy Nereos< Atkens,'Boston. •• * ! '• •;’ * - 1 St. Helena—Ar-July l?;Flying fish, fflekkik LtinUlaf and left }7th *for Boat; BUrer Star. Wa4 o i ‘ Calcutta 21st, W S Lindsay, llalmer. Calcutta; I Marseilles—Ar 30th ult, Sea Lion, Colburn,‘N Y‘ ‘ \ Hamburg—Ar 30th ult. Wabash,Parintoa/Darlett/ Malaga—Ar 16th ult, Sicilian, BaweZ, Bbitooi Edw&rd mil, Arey, N York; Grace 'Worthington/ White do!‘ Lamplighter, Payne, do; Yorktowo, TeVklUs, do/ B ft jPeny, Pa William, Patterson, do.; ‘ ' ’ | L\m\ql -Jkrrit ol* at tbe Principal Held*, • . ! GIRABD Street, below JOnth., | JohAW JulhßpVt ‘ MW Oloikey, Waifc.BO It D Sbult, Ohio ' ‘WtaD Powers.lttch’d, Va- J D Powell 3c W T) WO W U MeLun, SC MUsBIIaM Black,Gbarie*- Julius A BJack, Charles* , too. SO . ■ : ton, &O' Oeo-AShielda, Cotam'a.SO* J 0 Coodll* & Wife, Ali Ml&fi Salllo Ooodloa. A!* i BlissM II Coodloe., dft . Thflo ft Welmore, It Y I. 0 Tower, PoKgviUe , ,Wll Hf>nrlck,Balt: . Jao B McLanabtui, Ohwn. w Shepherd, lintT't. Ill* ~,,>VmMaclajHall,B©a’d,Ba I Sfiennttf 3c wife, tf Y Miss Bl G 11*11, ; da . , 3 Gardiner, Maine Thoi4 B Garter, Boston Horace Barnard, NT. " JVKPlannagan, Yft, jj ft Whipple 3c la, Brool/n, .Brooklyn,' . k Barnej & IA, Ky A Strau,Kf - •*' * -1. 3 SI J B Sutton, Parenport, la 1 BO Anderson, SaTannah, Mrs GW Andersqn.Saranah, ,0a.... < • Ga_ * * Mlsa M Anderson, -do - j OWTelfair, NO . . WDCoofc,NO , 7 W Barclay, Lexington, Va E Locket, Savannah, GA W M Forclicr, Charleston, A R Wright & la, Gft {BO .. H Borns & la, Nashville, U Drovn, Cal Robt W Crawnoll, Albany, L W Hall, Altoona. Pa Sirs Blair, Pa Mrs $ £ Morgan, Chicago, M B BranhUl, N Y B Vernon Sc. la, Mich. B Bradley tc la, Pa 8 A Whiting, N 3 ■ 8 A Wimon,Providence,ft I £ £ Man ton, Boston i . 0 L Hellhretf, Canada • B A Stetson, Boston Wm M Shuts, Boston : « J W Batfrortb djla, Oleva*.; NMtfnes ’ 1 land ‘' " • ’’J Mahifield'&Tal‘Mempbia 3 Scober & I&.KY B M Wilson, »f. , W A WilioO,.Bdt ii /- Mi iTO AtbisoujAler, Vtf M h A K Skluuer A la, llartfordMlga,Good man. Hartford i. W 0 81bboy, Augusta, G* .W.H Tutt, Augusta, Oa A W Letsenrlug, Pa UH Levy, NY / F Hurd, Providence, RI Mrs Robt Smith, 8 0 I - J 3 Pringle Smith, 8 0 Mias Pringle,:. ? do - 3 M Wardvrell. N Y Thos A Brents, Va 1 Mr* 8 VmvNoMrsud, Pa u>. K H Ewing, Nashville ‘ t i G W.Russoll, Alabama Dr Rnseell & la, Alabama * John Tracey, Jr. Albany James Quinn, Albany P h Qox, LotuUna ■ .. J P BaWdson, iid • • Mrs Cox, do O Alien Aw, Alex, Ya • MißflCoXj. dO . COQ M L&urm&n, Rending « BlTrson, Reading 'T Ribas, WdMrihWon S K Oco Washington, Va • • Peter Smith, Cin, Ohio a “ Bloomington; H A Reyr, 111 , ! lit' ••• ‘ - J -*’-•••Jsa Ackerman, NY‘ A C Seaman & family, Joty M Comstock, N Y )’ I i Wash,-DO • 1 : OJCarriVa •• *. . ' John G Floyd & daughterr,- John OPage, Jr. it srlfa, . 5 Keokdk, ' Va * I fcdw A Smith, Va DM Dersiral, N Y ‘ Paul AsamJUr WnUEmiamM** John P Braumb, Pa H M Davey.'Bng E M Ferguson,NY “ * FJSmiffi, rfY B Ferguson, N Y • M Parks, Va , , WaiN Berkley;Alex, Va' R'llDdlaby, Vs: * B T Van Nostraad, Pa -• f I AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut, below Sixth it. W Winter, Kt ’* ’ UV Willis, Balt L L Sharps, do ' Atf Brisco*, Ga Wm Brown, Pa MN Davis, do t 8 Spencer, N 0 , , J Gray, Wooster. 0 J *wo*•*« Wm James k la, Oa famlß Iladdfn, N Y W J gwbary, Xynchbnrg, Thoi it SaunderS, do ‘ ’ Va- . Jos N C)arke & dan, Man •,. X B.QpdftM. Qiun.iQ,; ~, SQ&'Clatiadtaon, do Horace Smite, Conn '! Jas P.GwnmoOd. Norfolk. A C Bertram, Wasb,DO Va r ' : 1 •' . W Williams, do , Joshua Reynolds, at Louis 0 T Batnutn, Wilfcesbaro ■ Mary L&vel, White Haven - L Hakes, do, * Ed* Washburn, Brooklyn “R K Watkins, Va X E SUcoU, Washington, Q J Sands, WajneaVUlS, 0 •> H B Swoops, Clearfield, Pa n 0 Sterling, Reading jlßreeso, Norristown,fa TBBrown, Washington SDavis, . do . , . LL Parsons, .NO, . . John Thomas, N Y *•> * * * * 0 N-'Karr, Albany " ‘ ‘ ’ MMRhodn.Tauntoa.::. FABdtl«r,NO -' ? Wolfe, 8 0 0 Woodward, 8 O' 1 * * aaanWyman, 8,0 • H & lady r : Concord Anton JowotjConn ‘WmOOfcedi,'* “t'do ’ • 1 ; y , ;W{jflaow,NY •’ - iBLAOK street, ab. OallowhUl. J W WUler,'PerkeoxnanviUe Tobias Crewman,’-' ■ . ABackmau‘'pewte^Uld r - BalfdrdrtUe Isaac Snyder, a Lane • Wo Blank, KllnesvlUe' AMB*bn4cb,Norristown., MBTanArtidalep,- * - 0)S Blapb.'Sideon Valley - , Southampton 0 Weand, Allentown Mrs Van Artadalea 4 *, Daniel Bugle; Reading ’ t Sonthamptod n Winded, Hatjoro Samuel Tfumbower, . Jacob Sack, Milfoil . . Doyluloiro Jobo Oaman, FotteriUo' " .OiMod WhetltoM, ‘ ‘ , Tmßow.SpfdortcTn, WwiSflui . • ' ftcadlo; iilwt. '. .'opwi«l tibiuea. ' .’ • Brawn’# Essence *of Jamaica Ginger Is an ltirilu4b]a Family Medicine this,'.season pf ’tb'q jrear srui 1 diarrhoea, dysentery, sad. many-internal diseases; ‘ It Is •peculiarly sffieaclons In inmmer complaint* ot children, and Is knqirn fm'dpro-" i art| by ths' d I cal‘Fa euiy., flee.sdyarilscroent. .. : Coverings fer the j SITLWU - • ! TheDrtae lists or thepresent Issue are eminentlydo the pfofjfince“of hs fhey. embrace all '{he" points neeotiwy fo genteel effect, and all the ! details and nicer elegabclee which Impart finish, comfort and durablljty~at the same time exhibiting appropriate' Jecoordance with ibeothor prrts of, tho Pall Costume. { jnade Moleskin. Hats, Opera or Compressible Dross Hats, American and French Felt Hats. • * WABBURTON,Matter, ‘ , SepU-f&ifinw&r ßf 430Chestnut,etroet. . 1 fte loan'd /i,03, lYalpat street, apo doqr.wwit of second street. Receives do. polite in.sum# of One Dollar tad upwards, from all elude# of the Community,’ ami allow# Interest at the rate jof fir# percent: po^annuiu,/Moneys pat A on Demand. > Office ppendally, from 0 untjlS o’clock, and on Hoo day and Saturday 0 In the, evening., Preqljlqnt Pranklin’ Pel) j ciiwV© 9 M. Morris j JJjßqy#-; tary, tames d. Pringle. , ; i i( Bower’* Infant‘Cordial.*—ThU Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the meet choice 1 and efficient aromatic# knqwa in medicine,.and Ja the molt, perfect and reliable carminative extant for infanta and young children. By itapowerfutlbflnerico a speedy'cure is effected in' all eases of ,(taolu,,windy pains and aposma.. Relieves and mitigate! much of children l # suffering daring denti tion on teething, and by it# Boothlng* propertied trad quiUios jAMiorthe iotoefi, looseness, vomiting, Ac. the Infant. Cordial kur become. a tUndard remedy, been need In thousands of > ease# with the most abundant cnoeefa. 'No family shottldbe without It. ' 1 l Ytep*redonly by HstfßT A. Boirwa, ' w ■At hi# Drag and Chemical Store, , N. IS. cornerof Sixth andGre&n ita., Philadelphia, i -To whom all orders must bo addressed. ; And for safe byDnigglsteaenerally. -' " ' aqlMy j Baying Bund—Five Per Cent* Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walxct Street,• south*' West corner of Tains Street, PaiLADPLrmA. Assets, over On iiiLtrostaßb a' HalV 'oy Doubana, inverted in SLbal Srtatb, Mo*tOAQßß,GnomtD Basts, and other first class securities', as required, by the charter. This institution confine* Its business entirolyto the retai*' vlarf of money on dejK»it. Any sum, large or spall,, is received, and v ttie money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. * The office. Is open every day from 0 o’clock in the morning until T O’clock in the evening', and on Monday and Thursday evening! until ft o’clock. ■ '. ■ * Mlanrlages. • Ou Tuesday morning, September 16th, by tho Rev. Thomas 0. Yarnall, HENRY M. DECIIERT to ESTHER 0., daughter of Thomas 8. Taylor, Esq., all of this city.' On tuo 6th last., by the Her. James N. King, Mr. WILLIAM JAMESON to ANNIE LOWRY, all of Phila delphia. ' On the. Ist ,uR., at the Parsonage, 023 Catharine street, bv the Rev. J. U. Anderson, Mr. WILLIAM R. POOR,of thUnity, to Miss MARY.McOOTTER, of Al*' b*ny. On the 2dinst.'by tho Rev. J. B. Anderson, Mr. JOHN n. REILEY to Mis# MARY BCALLAN, both of this city. ... " “ Prates. i lrist., A'S'Nil JULIA, daughter of John G-.*Armbmrter, aged 3 years., ! .Tho relatives and friends of the family aro respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence t>( her father, CaUowUUl street,below Fourth, on Thurs day kt 2 o’clock. To proceed to laurel HIU Cemetery., ■ On the 14th Inst., MAROaRET RIDDLES, aged 20 yeaft. .;, . T Her relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited, to attend the funeral, from the roslaenco pf her uncle, John Carey, No'. 2041 Lombard street, WfiSt of this (Wednesday): afternoon, at 3 O'clock, Without further notico'. Oil the 14th instant, TIIOMAB FAGAN, aged 70 years. The relatives and friends of tho family at© respect fully Invited to attend tho funeral, from his late resi dence, In Hamilton street, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock, without further netice. To proceed to Cathedral Ceme tery. Oft the moraine of tyo 14th Inst., JACOB SOHIKDT, in tho 71atyoar or his age. ; H)s relatives and frlonua apd those of tho family aro respectfullyinvited to attond the funeral, from his late residence, between Mulberry and Hanover, late Kensing ton,‘on Tousdaynext, at 4 o’clock P. M. < 07* Meeting 0/ the Wholesale and Retail Malt and Liqilor Dealers’Association will bo held on every THURSDAY afternoob, at 2 o’clock) at the Dili-, gent Hall, TENTH aud FILBERT Street*. I eelfi-gt* BY ORDER OF ASSOCIATION. ITT, Notice.—A Quarterly Meeting of the niUERNIAN BOOIETY will be hold at Jones’ Hotel, CHESTNUT, above Sixth rtreet, on THURSDAY, tho 17th Inst, at T o'clock P, 11. AND. 0. CRAIG, aelO-gt ;.i ■ Secretary. {pf Keystone tlnb. Opening Meeting to Ratify the adoption or the; Constitution. Democrats, fall/ in your strength for the' opening of the cam paign, arm redeem r your pledge to the Democracy of the Union, to keep the glorious old Keyatono in the Column of those who respond*.J< No North,>no South bar Uuion, one and Inseparable, now and forever.” ■, A Grand Ratification Meeting of the Keystone Club wIU be 'held' at Independence Bqbare, on Thursday evening. September 17th, to ratify and confirm the gene ral nominations of the party, to which all true men of the Doiorwro invited. ; The meeting will be addressed by General Wra A. Packer, Hon. Wot. Bigler, Hon. j. Clancy Jones, Heft. Stephen A-Dongles. ElUsB. Scboabell, Esq., Hon Peter Shannon, Spencer E, Cone, Esq., of New York, and a nqmberof our fellow-townsmen. ’ I Demooratlo Clubs and Ward Associations intending to participate will report to the Committee, at the Club Headquarters, Globe Hotel, Sixth and Chestnut streets. . I Powbb.) • • * ; I * • Wn.Ooflfk, ■ v‘ ; JoBSt-H OoLLrxs, ? Committee. Joax 0. MoCall. J , , ; By order of- . ; adfll-wWAfit * B, RANKIN, Freafdent; , ID* Office of Canal Company* Sept. 14th, 18&7.1-A meeting of tho o» the Union Canal , Company .of Pennsyl ranli will be held at the office'of the company. (Far mha? Dttlldlngi,) No. 228 WALNUT street, below third) 6n TUESDAY, October oth,‘ next, at 12 o’clock, a. By order of the Dowd of Managers, 0» TUOMefION,Ot9 ! ;, SfttittgiJßftripneß. WiFSli^mfSSSStffiHig lwSSrC S i* W W*WT. BHWINO, itAOUINH rtf t h sr »wn luoMtlon of th. S c h ■Ujawr ; ' PANCINTi 1 AbAUESv 7^ JMhwSiw! t^fm e um a 4 A , a ’ > ® K ' tnmir, iltn tnj etfiOS.wvin SIAf 111 . S' >»*• sssßmstestefi®? swiaAssHS'9 T * ? * u^tQd **£&&&£**% stlG'lw* k «*« *»■** a>, “ t ° a ™ w^b^i^&'““ r C “MI Q BALLET TROUPE »*tbp,»»U, wta olft. SSm ’ DOMSMCO HONZANI. ‘‘ In nnnonneins IW>.nnt the Lreaea red, »,.»( SS&iSt w * ta * hUtUuk * taUi * WwS . ', , I ,1 MAX.MABET7.EK, w tw ’ '«- '*lllB Sept. !B ; lMT, ; '' Will ' pcosuW llitt, graod.?u>taatl« Bullet, ln-lltrto entitled BowS, FAtJST Sto&stofelo,'Ji «Vaia, '■' ?’Blsilor ti l Rhnitirii W* I*™ 1 *™ *r>d 'Decoration* p. ’ffhm* knd u^it- Machinery by j. Kugler and '•' '“‘ ,f Paigi&o» AoJiraaros—Parquet, Circle khd * x K Circle, 50 tenia; Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Colored Gallery, 25 ceott. • •*•*“ ’ T . h ® B .® x J ffic ® of thu Academy is fjrdin 0A: Mi t? 6 the secarldg of Beaerreffßeats add B&i&? without extra ehftTge 1 . •.••'“'* ■ -* >• - •>>The Ballet will commence at'B precisely.’ ‘ 1 V hSSvSL wU : ( Bet • leio ... ...» .■»■ THQ3. McftEOK.-Tra^nrej.-;' tITALNUT STREET • I THBATRB.-^Uesi Vu™o *f®>'Mr. B A/Marshall V' ?tage Mib&ger, 3jr, Johnßtlton.^^leM.^refls'Olrcle art'PkM&tfa, fid oen «; UjpperdtaWe. 25 ientrfiTifratdßo* ahdt&rcitesW S*® 4 *, 76 ««nta. - Box Offlcr oped ftotd o’o'ctock A. M'. to3P. M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; petfbttnkucd toMra^ meuoeat Tff. '••'* -• * r j »* *•'•'"• < ••> *> ••• < (WedMMart Ulli, Arm M actedfhfc heabtiftil pU)*of • • • •'-TOWN'aSDCOUI^BT. 1 ‘" ‘ Reuben Glenroy Mr/jrDonWi - ' •Toxoncladrwltif thtfLaeghAbleTarcecallea'^ WHEATLEY 1 * ARPP.(S.T ? .TfIEAUBS. —Sole Lewes ...... W. WUEATIjj!?. scan or Palqaa.-VrcKMlra 84,111, CO ,ce»la j Drew Clrclo (ne dttra oßarm far Secured, toi,). 50 centa; Family Circle and Amphitheatre. 2£ eeqtsTTflesis in Pri’ rate Boxerf.‘7s cehts pWhole Prftaft XJallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Person*; 25 cotittv Pri vate Box In Gallery for Colored Pertain. 88 rtntx. Box Office open from 10 A. M; Until 3 P. M. J. M. B. WHITYON.. *»‘ ; j .Treasurer , THIS {Wednesday) EY»l»IN&, Bept.T6th,' tha'par (otaiaoctH will oommeuee' with •fihakspeare’s tragddy of ““*!•* ....l.Bfr. B. D. DaVCßpo^f OpheUa.'.uaii Direnport ‘To eonriude with - the now 1 faftb of' 1 ‘ ' •’ • •' 1 - • “ •'•‘OAPE-MAY. ■ ; • Thomas Twist Mrs, Thomas Twist. - Rational theatre, WAj,Ny.Ti sf.* ApMlßS'os-aMff lD PriraW Boli $1; Orcheilra Oliilra, 75 cents ;' C/eus Circle tat Parnuet. 50 csuts; Family Cltala, 2a eaht*. ■ Doo» open »tT,' to bonnnooso At 8 o’clock. '■ t» B6x Office open from‘lo to 4* of’cldck.’ vhen aea eiuA beaecared. ’ • 1 • • • 1 ‘ S K» Mf. 11. Wafklnd Tins (H’udne.dAjt KVENINOI BtpVW, the perform tnco wiUcommence.with., > . TUB IRISH EMIGRANT... .■~ . i P»t O'Brien '..ijuj.Mt..w. J. Florence Polljr Uoltalink Drew , To be followed by the Protean Farce entitled . ...MISOI&EVOUS ANMS, i. i . T>m Souae ... Mr.W.J. Florence Annie Spruce end four ptbrr, character*. .Mrl, Florence 'To cohcfifde with tire rearing Irish farce of . ; " “ PADDY MILES’ BOY. ", , Paddy MUon ‘; J. Fl'oreice , Mm. Fidget. 1 . ; ;. Lebrun, SANFORD*, OPERA HOUSE— > ELEVENTH Btreet, aboreChegtmit.' - '• -Boor* ope»at*7tf 6’clock—to. commence at 8; 1 . Admittance 26 cent*. 1,1 ' SANFORD’S OPERA TBOUPB In their Operatic Entertainment*, introducing all the latent fleowwj Glees, Ghofisei, Dances, 4c, > bonelnding each evening with a ~ . tl tl - . ‘ " i-IUOUABLE BUBLESQUE. TOSTITHTWFQH.HMI BttNbU~i V X Exhibition every WEDNESDAY AETEBNOON.ftb 3X o T <ploflk-t A<foll*ioa2oconts. Store JSq* 7 South Eighth street. £egal Notices. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Trust Estate of John IdeL *"Th© Auditor, appointed by the Court to audit.settta, i ft od adjust the. account or Leyl flpony, Trustee under \t\e will or Qofirad Idel, deceased. of Joho Idel, end to reportdiitribation of the balance in hand, will meet the 'parties interested at his office at the Southeast corner of 1 Eighth aod Locust streets, on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, September ‘i&J, at 4 o’clock. eeH«eodst DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS FOR THE CITY.AND OF. PHILADEL PHIA, of June Toruj, 1857, No, 11; - Elizabeth Mooney, by her next friend, Saml.Beynolds, its. George Mooney.- - - • T , Now, August IS, 1867, on moUon of R. H. Lee, role granted op respondent to show cause why a dirorce shall not be decreed, returnable bn the third Monday of To George.MooneySir, please take notice ofithe above rule. ~ - < Sept., A.D.1847. - H.ltrLEB, \ ■ au2p-sAw2w For Libellant. IK THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS, JOK'VUE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADEL PHIA, of December term. ISM. Altai March term, IW7. No.lStf. - - - 1 Isabella Josephine Jane, bj her next friend, John Smith, vs. James M. June. . Now, August 13th, 1667, on motion of B. M. Lee, rule granted on respondent to show cans® whya dlrnrce shall not be decreed* returnable on the third Monday of September, A. 1). 1867. . T To James M. Jane: Sir, please take notice ofthoaboVo - B. M. LED, j ' au29.2aw2w •' - for LibelUntJ w J'OTICE.-—LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the SnUfe of HANNAH GAtHOUN, (de ceased,Sharing been grunted to the tioderaigned, all porsons Indebted to aa!d Eatate will please make paj lueat, and thote having claims irill preaent the name to CHARLES B. RKES.Kxecutor, No. 3336 Coates street. AuW-wfit# I“N THE. ORPHANS’ COURT OPHoNT GOMERY count/ 1 August 10th,' 18(7. ' Notice is Hereby given, to ail persons Interested In the estate of liar/ Atderfer, late of the township of Lower in sail count/©I Montgomery, deoeased. that ; Abraham, John, and Benjamin Aider/er hare appllod to said Court, : by petition, praying for a doc roe for the sale of the real estates! said Mary Alaerfar,'deceased- The said Court sivo fixed WEDNESDAY, tne;3Qth day of September, 1857, atlffo>clock Aj M.,at the Court House, in Norris town , for alVpartles into rested, to appear and show cause, If any they have, why the proyorof said petitioners Should not be granted. ,By order of the Court. * J; B. DAVIS. Olerk or the Orphans’ Court. fcu26-d4w : £ox Sale atib to £elr toOAft OR SSOQ BOOK BINDERY FOR 'SALK-Seroa years established, doing a fair 'Job business, which cau be increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location, 535 Arch street, bolow Sixth. Blank books at coat, jobs bound to order. j auglg-fiw _ PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N. J., FOR SALE, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 75 leet by 140. Price, $3,0001 Abo. Lots suitable for manufactories, fronting thorlyer.' Apply toO. ROBB, No. 311 South Pifth,street, koSa-ha* trORTICULTURAL SOCIETY*® EX II MMTION.—Tho Twenty-ninth Exhibition of <he PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY will beheld in JAYNE’S HALL, Chestnat.Street, noar Seventh, on tbo Kill, 18th, aud 17th Instant, bolng Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 1 Contributions in choice or rare Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetables are respectfully solicited. - Contributors from a distance may address THOMAS P. JONES.Secretary. No. 830 Marketstreet, Philadelphia. R. BUIST, Chairman. sepl2-5t Nos. 922 & 024 Market street, Phila. fo WESTERN MERCHANTS.—A young man, twenty-two years of age, with the most uq» Exceptionable reference from present emplojer and then, is desirous of an engagement as Olerk, or Assist ant Bookkeeper. Address ‘‘CLAYTON,’ 1 P. Q, Box Philadelphia. «eIS-.2t* IERSONAL.-I.ET IT BE DISTINCTLY JL understood that Dr. J. JJ. FRANCIS dots extract Teeth with GALVANIC FQRCKP, withoht pain, at 340 South Fourth street, below SprUco. I 8915-61# „ T|EPARTMENT FOR SUPPLYING THE M-P CITY WITH WATER. ; ' - Pim.Anat.rnu, September 14,1857. ! NOTICE is horeby given that the liatof DELIN QUENT WATER RENTS, for 1857. will tj* handed to the proper officer# for the catting off or detaching fur ruls supplying such delinquents with water, on TUES DAY MORNING, September 22d, 1857. - T NO WATER RENTS will be received at the Register’s Office after MONDAY, September 2jst. IW7. To save expense, those who harejtot paid their Water Tax for 1857 had botter call and settle before that date. Girard fire and marine insur ance COMPANY, PHILADELPHIAi-Office, No. 80S WALNUT itrut, vut ot THIRD, • ■ “JIIUS BISKS ONLY TAKEN.” ; ’ ] lIUOIOB9. | Wra. M. Swain, ! John Anspach, Jr., ) H. N. Burroughs, { J. B. Hughes, ! P. D. Sherman. 1 Wo, P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, H. A. {Shackelford, Hod. JOKfc JOKES, President, i Hon. 0. W. WOODWABP, Tice President. Jmo. 8. MoUdllis, Secretary. I . JIXMB S. Alto»d, Auiatant Secretary. «ul<Bns T\ANCING ACADEMY,—NAYLOR k MJ DAUGHTER'S DANCING AOAi>EMYy> TENTH And SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY, September 1,1857. The subscribers, I* offering this prospectus to the dancing community, respectfully acknowledge tbelr kindness daring past seasons. and pledge themselves that nothing shall be waiting on their part to make the coming season surpass in brilliancy that of former years. Mr. N. and Daughter have, with untiring exertions, added to their already foil list of fashionable dances, many new coeij which‘Will ba latrodaced daring the season.' - . *• * r • DAYS OP TUITION. For Children—Tuosdsy and Saturday Afternoons from 8 to h o’clock i for Indies and Gentlemen—Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from! tIU 10 o'clock. *u2T4ca- ITvi'i) to.' tiIOGAN, BLANK EQOjS. Manufacturer, Stationer. and Printer, No. ‘4W WALNUT street, &*t*renFwH» and «f&i 2hlM«u $Wa, -*W* TOC3 'NTO’H/U. n: JvtaAlg nO!nipY*.*l yJ [jii/jiinu: oil ni PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE] -XT flttacßilrtiß*LPlllA, '1 - ... J j... A 1 . . Np SemlOM? wtmtefer it loorO. like A nrirsto family. •Thbodufte of study !i extensive aad.tnorqugh. Pro • fesahb iSiohd/W^kiuI'*receive 1 '*receive * fewWrd -pawns' fourteen years of age into hie family. Enquire-of Vewre,, J. 8. Wwr,»n4JWliwP*yW«i />*&)>■ h WJ ' Pottiey, Editor‘of thw;Paper, whose , eons <?r wards are . ncm tutmbtaiot'iLlM fihallf. - ■ ’ - J " sept H-if ( «3SSS®SSS?SS .Gratfc. F/wneh, : mtahl ‘English u-to pemlontly of the others, with a tepidity proportioned to their seyeral abilities. Much time tl J Jave'n'during •wolhodrs to prepareUssodS., CipcuUb cm/ bw ob tained at the Academy. •. ' tell ur- ■ - J. AKtiaEwa tfAßibfl, WfrU. i rtjrisS and .miss dildaye "J' 11 W-OPJW (heir'flOAßMM 'SnST)A*! •BOHOOL»t 1416 CBKOTNU* BtrMt.'unMOSBAT'WW .tqmbprjdth, , . ,i jj’.i ii Hrim.4o| O. TV«d.«,Ui, B.Bo; M. &Foi«k^b* BIttliwood; D. 11., 3oj A. Corns™, D. D., Bo; John Leybpfn, Dr D.; do; James H. Cuthbert. do-Wiri: T, Brantley, D, D do; £. B. Ghenay, do; William ford, New York city; A. D. OHlette, D. D.. do; B. Bab-! •«jck, D. D:;do; B. Pulley, I ®. Dr, Baltimore; <*66rge W J Eaton, Hamilton, Now York; G. Kempton/Norlh! East, Jfew York; Thomas, Ramhaut, C«f sril/q, Georgia? fiitap* H P c ODsylrania;7obn‘ 8- tiart r LL, D., Philadelphia* Paul T. Jones; Esq .‘.do;; t, Q Caspar .Morris, M. D' do: Robert A. Exell, Em., Marshall, Texas: /ohaß. &uj.' pie, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pgnnlylvama; James Edmunds, JfcUjdo, do; Georg# W. £SPv& d ' r&A?'' N e 'r^o ^k > Bray-, jou, Esq.) Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford, ; llomer,! New lork; fitepheu D, Dlllaye? YorE cltV;! Hon. New Yoii. ..- I jpaJEBTJBMDEtf*. PHILADELPHIA COM 1 - 1 ' . >*s£ol4l* GQfcliEffßt £LJB.> confer of SEVENTH slcOTte'5 lcOTte ' SKund and ThirdStorlos ~ 5R25.‘55? h,M,: KJMMSSHIP.'oMtr jtrio. • ■ £SSJ!s2 diai ‘ lAwa * m «wms. " ■ ■■ ■ ■ toflSlS In l Md * a t : hutraction from' eoihra ”S SMStaen » “"A eoi ».CoUlogoe. of - ... .!■’ I:■ ... ; J. ‘ , .-.. ,■; I,,posin'. IXEMAN. ADDEN, A.'M., Is prepared to recoira a limited oumlxirof pupil, oaths violin oroa thaPnao, ind to play Violin port, or accomiura' f*,? ippfy %t\u ““ISce ot'hl. father Bro&sajr ALLEN, fio.Hls Sooth Sorrn! . ®J r P? Ur *i ®*tti ‘Bran nnjl, rtdoreoOT.. *tQ. ANDIUE i Co.’s, No. UO4 Chestnut si. • selOtaW CCHOOLFOR YOUNG LADIES, SOUTH'. K 3 CQBN£a,pF>JtO«4IiD 318 NTH STREETS. The pupils Jit this Institution will be instructed in all the briumhbs of h thOfotigh Bn Wish Eddcitioc.'shd every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. a , - ~ , will he * careful pointing 4^ The school-year is dirided into two termsyof five months each, commencing first of Ninth Month /Sep tember;) W flrflt bf‘Second Month (February ) ' V ' ... IFJSBUS: , , - ,i First Department, per tenn of five m0nth5.....’.*25 00 Second *«* • ■ “ «■ ■ Third .I^i ... . w...l itw fuel, £O., nor term..,. yoo ■;v mason uroiyn. Philadelphia, I&>7. • . • • • “ •• '• ThmAacKtabcr, White', M.D., J ‘ Samuel Bottle, Jr., Beaj. 8. Janaoy, 11, U. iXhomMiWlslar,l , • George Gittconl, * ■" >" AatKpoy , Mprrlj., William.*.,BitteU, It. , Jbshu&U. Morris,, DaTldVsnderveer, Uriah Hunt, '” r j ' •' ' Willlain B*. Thoma*”* ‘' »u25-lm. , t .!, .. ... JBUFPDEE’S INSTITUTE FOB YOUNG < b f‘S4l“* and..daypnpiU,) N. W. comer aud GflKl'N etreefe, fifth sestloa will OMa' on Sepsdmher Ith. 'Beet reference girer., in'. Clßdipg nUprtMot and formerpatrens.- ' ■ , ao26*tf ' CJPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR *7 YOUNG MEN AND BOTB, N.E..corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD itreela. , Profeeeore of tho hlikee* ijtialiftchtloiis Employed'. ' Catalogues , containing fail nartJcalare, .pupilti. name.,, tealimonlal.j Ac., 1 can he' on application. , . . , . , ~, _ - auSsitf *. DONBEAVT LONQ, Principal.,, HP ADD OF ST. JAMES' THE DESS* L BHII.ADgX.BHIA ■ A JAiHLY BOARDING SCHOOL JOB BOYB. Knv. B. B. am**', Hadron-. ' .ThoAnanalieuloa irUl begin.on TUESDAY,-Sep. tcmberl. , ~ >- Oiittilari' may ho 'Obtained it the Soofc Store"of ii. HOQKBB, 8t W, comer EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, of hf.tte, 800 tor, .Pott .Office, JAUr or BclwjlkUl.iPhiln delfMe. aolKm MRS, BARTON’ 8 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL YOR YOUNG LADIES, No, J#29 CHESTNUT St., Mlo# Twentiolh; trili re-open oil tto SECOND MONDAY In September. ■ "onlMlw* TVOTHING SO NEEPFUD TO ENABLE 1 v persons, male and female, to gain * share of this worid'sfe6od**wic6mrottß'afca • '* 1 * ~ ' f BDSIHKg3..K3WJCATIOK. LBIDY BBOTUEBS’ BUSINESS.ACADEMY, , , Nbl, 148 and ISO SXXTsStreei. near BACJB, “ wtilre-epon en MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist; for fall • and winVeT embracing a luunrtedse. of " •..» » WRItINO, BOOK-KEKPINO AJ/D AKIT2UISTIQ ■bj simplified methods, In a short tiirie.' *’■ THE LEIDY’B take pleasure in aaying, that during the past year a large number of persons acaaired a BUSINESS.EDUCATION,enabIing many to secure pro- Atable litpaUpoi, and ethers to promote their basinets operationssnccsM/aliy. . anfrkSn... t /■’iOAD.-f-Tiio very b<;st nasortmoot ,of LE-. • “>* WM. .Pn.ii&wi, in uROAD Street, second yard above Yiue street. srttlto- u 4 ‘ “HDTfIXI, DORMAN.‘ .LBS. IS K TON.—BUYERS comamen am invited to examine our stock of “y,EHIGH LQOUQT MOUNTAIN aad DLACK lIBATH COAL.’* Oor Coat is selected expressly: fpr. family use; being carefully screened, we will warrant It' free from siate and dcßt. “ Trti sell 23401ba'., ,i being “ 240 lbs. more” than sold by retail dealert, at *‘2s cfebts less per toni> } . , Also, on hand a falL supply of • “ BROAD TO? BITU MINOUS COAU” /or Steam-generating, and RoUing-mIU purposes- This Coal,cannot ha,ex», ceiled. l>4 Ya«j; BBOAD and Sign, ‘-2310 LBS,’I3 ■A TON. [«.S-3m] LKIOHTOS't CC. - jpoAL! COAL! COAD!—TAGGART’ B OELBBRATED jMfIUNJAIN LEHIGH i 1. 4R. CARTER'S GREENWOOD, T AMAQUA COAL I OKOJiGg/W. BNYDBB'3 BINB. BOEESB 80HDYL. KILL COAL. RANDALL U MEREDITH ' ‘ Hare for sale, Abd Are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries; ! • COAL -OF ALL SIZES. ■ - , Tbfrb is no Goal mined anywhere,ew*l those, and a trial will convince any one of. their great superiority. Our'Coal Is very carefully screened it oar yards, and we will wanmot-it perfectly free from slate, dust and all impurities.. <?ur PrWES.kwLOW aathu VERY LOWEST. Orders "left' at oUr Offlcel No.Wl SGUIH FRONT Street, above Walmt. • • * . Onicrj left at oar Yard,, OALLOWHILL street, boh* - BROADstreet. . < Orders left at our Wharf, WATER above CAL LOWHILL —or sent to either place per Despatch port, will receive prompt attention. 1 » • •< Purchasers for Family «»* wIU do well to Call Mi-**, amine our Goal before purchasing elsewhere, au-t-tf BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct, from ‘the Company's Sfinfes, - And the only Authorised agents, by retail,-sooth of Kensington. ’ , A l^^b>gh snd^huyUiill.Coal. , • T. TREADWAY* Swanson street, au2o-Sm] ‘ ‘ Ist Wharf aboVe Washington, Southwark. AND LEHIGH COAL.^ I am dally receiving, at mv yard, the best Quality o. SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAt. My customeA, and alt others who may favor me with their orders, may *ely on retting Coal that will be iatiafwtjry to them. U 7“ «° inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. • 1 ‘ ALEXANDER CONVERT, ‘ aal-ti. .. N, E, oorner of Broad and Cherry Sts. T EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— JLi Daly,-PORTER A CO., COAL DEALERS'No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly On band, at the .very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. aaj-sui, , LUMBER AND COAL.—MONTGOMERY k NEALL having connected the Coal with the Lumbar business, Inform their friends that they hate mule contracts for. a supply, of the best.qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime streets.' Orders may be left with Mr. S. KILPATRICK. No. 13 S. FIFTH Street, or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINE and WATER streets! " aulB-3ni COAST PILOT.—IN. PRESS AND WILL SOON DK PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, vis: Blunt’s Cowt Pilot. 18th edition { Bow ditch *a Navigator,27th edition: Shipmaster's Assistant. 9th edition. We Invito attention to our new Spring Centre Com* passes, which answer for eltberlJght or heavy weather, and are especially adapted-for steamers, and‘Vessels where the motion is considerable. They require fewer repairs thaneny compass now in use.' Marine Opera Glasses of superior quality,Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers. Thermometers, American, French and -English Sextants, Octants, Quad, rants, Asimuih Compasses, Binaries, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly an hand. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and best authorities. Agents for Rogers' American Code of Signals, Deni's Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott’s Horo meter, and aqinstrument Tor working Out problems in Nautical Astronomy byslhiple inspection and'with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval ofbx* porieuced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the U. 8. N*vr, , . , u .R. * G. W.,BLUNT... 1 sulB-lm* ' No. 179,Water Street. Henderson a co* great liter ART FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH streets.. . ! In order to gratify the wishes of our,numerous pa-, trons, 1 and Induce'the book-buying public to fill np theft libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to present to OTerjpurchaser of books to the amouat-of <1 and up wards, a'GICt in value of from 25 ceqta to $l9O. ~CftU at our establishment,look at odr valuable stock, and select for yourselves.-• 1 ‘ Recollect yon are not-baytag at chance, for every par- 1 chaser gets his books at the, usual price, and very manr. will get, in addition, a present worth having. auO-3m J. M. RAVBOLD, Register -of Water. O VANS’.GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE. •Li No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. N. B.—No connec tion with any other house In the City. qul-3o No moke piles—no more piles. DII.CUAELEBKKLLNITZ,(rom raris »nd lon dob, is In pdsiieaaioa of a remedy 'which will euro radi cally this painful disease, however protracted 'and ob stinate it may be. .The first prescriptioaarreflts all paia as if by magic, and three days’ treatment effects a com plete cure. No charge will bo made if tho remedy fajis. All diseases cured. Ho is also the inyentor'of a liquid for nonrishlng the growth of the hair, and removing" baldness .the effleaej of which he fully guaranties. Lewis Fiabhl&tt cured of piles. , Apply at 923 LOCUST street, near the Unitarian Church.- ael-lm ‘ Jer. Walker, Jno. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. B.Glllett, Furman Sheppard, Sami. Jones, M; D.. Joseph Klspjr, M. D JH. CHASE & CO. , 9l.Kim .. ■ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North FRONT and 44 WATER Bfcftpt, PbiUdolshia. ' CONSTANTLY HBORIVISO CLOVER SEED'’ OQ‘ ecßslflumeist from tho ioforior of where our new-Cleaning Mill is now in general use. 07* Also, TIMOTHY AND RED. TOP always on hand. sel2-tf (\rOTICE .TO CONSIGNEES.—Tho ship ; X V, STALWART,-Cant. A. H.* Lucas, from Liverpool, is now discharging under general order at Almonds treat wharf. Consignees will please attend to receipt ct their goods. TCOS.'RICHARDSON;* CO, ' : seS-tf . . . 4 . 74*A,CGREGOR HOT-AIR l'A Sold bf OUABWIOS * DSO.iffICONE, Arrt door above R*s*. “■ ■ »ttjlWiaM; ujiLUxOO''' j„ i11.i.; •. ..’i,i ! . fflieal. jtjoojio; \o uHT SO w JW& M Mil te eiO^is week, and takes what freight dffers at the lowest rates. Race'street wharf! haring i fcjarge portion of-hw cargo Wf^rpdffiWjU.*tyan#i>oT»*ioii f&p&Mh ■ anippers wUt please hurry their goods alongside, sod bins or for sigoafar9. c ' w ' * -ogor 'batenee'iof. fr^it^ioripaasscvK'^^teg.alegaai Li ’ \j j|fi^rthWharfea. at.thc Um*% yatsa.jMsd t*ks steam.doyn .the Pftewara haf «p ths MCf- - - “ r sel«tf * pOR SMf mAXGISGO^QU4FbHM± wX- . from Philadelphia. *. The magnlfleeot clipper ship .‘jrOsEpH JONRS, Saa'- twl +i at-Race street wharf; haring a large part of her cargo engaged and |plug og hoajd r»p|dly, jrill h»T* iomediate des . good* wtth- ' DAuv/ - fUJONE M CO., Horth.VharT^wJ .TJIOR r YORK. Tbo celebrated clipper, fthip SAsf A CLAUS, Yoder, i 1 —t* -, nuatftTf areadw tt ebore. • . , ~ . ~• Jpr baUoee o? freight Apply <o • l ••• J * •«;.»- RflmOP. SIKOKS fc 00., - J „.^ifertß.y)mree. fjoUSs aa& a«2taßrflnl9. : : SOOTH 'a.*JL"ir4w Corner ‘ it ‘KSOAD ibl’ WALNU'r.—-Game and all other delicadee la season, Families supplied 6 *n the shortest notice.. ,sop7-?ps 1 • EWIS IB.' corns,- -! i- - JU. I BIRD: WARD HDTRI, (MMOCBATIO HEAD , QUARTEB3J .' «oiih-«»ie cornW FIFTH diit QUEEN Streati, - WgSlmtl • •■‘■■•l- !-■ .1 1 . ' F|,il»dctpVa. ' ItfBBOHAIfWHOTEtV'• : Jll' NORTH FOCBTH StBROT,- „ .i-., „i , - AMOTtUinKwr. . , . philadblphia ■■ M24-tf HoSIBBKf ft ROSS, P»0?*IM01«; J CQOTJ .JEIOUSE-TTCorper ,ot Istrin Street Vo. And Dnquejoe y*tj, Pitt*bargh, B. D. HABERE PrßOrlctßr. .... - »alMm PORT WTKB.i-Itf Wrftld sadt feßffiled to do v eaiiw’Sfcy Uodcph** Pur*'Juice Port Wine, inqn. pad eighth*.. „ \l ...... Ten puncheons Jnsn Humy T«ii> l>»lt Scotchwhis key, 2 years ©id - i .Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. •• i li ' t J03.-F.TOBUS, W2T-?W<Fi .tMnai Wa, Front St., belt* KXLoot. E 7 P- MIDDLETON k BRO.. MPORT iit»:EE3 of BRAKBIig; FmrßS,'fce. : *l*o,' eeeete •ad «olt pnpcittmiol.tht. 414 WHEAT WHISKST, No. 5 North FRONT ; ~ , | ...00-1... A LEXANDtBE V, HQLKES. WINE AND ft. I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER M»- other brands of Cognacs of ranooi rmagta, hi 1 1 tit pipe, AoJ <(tiM-t.r cut, : Mleroian BeehalleSnlndiM.anle 4ftl,urt,in b*lf plcee/qurter l£&8r SrSM* ‘ to *•*" fl''-’ ***> !>..,. ..•.(■.nii-OTMty.BomEir ftoo.v • • •a 8 Noe. 2ZI cod 323 Sonth Tout], street. . TAITHMAR ■ & BBSS,- PORTER, ALE 3J AND LAOIR BMB-BRBWERT.Xo. IM fee* js'im'aimibn. MTOLBERT k SCOTT,AOCTiON£ERS; iTiT.’..4W .CIUiSTNPT-.Sfroit,cmkmU*. the Custom House, between Fourth pad Fifth Streets. loptTilusAetaeettf ek«i«t-Xn^ *w4**tow Store Uui morning, commencing hi JO o'clock. ~ • •Incioded wffl-ba found’French-ttnd Scotch ’2mbrotd£» rjtttlfeApeifDfltFtaminc Bibtesi t .Artifld*b, fihavit. Infants’ Bobesand Waists, with s greet var&ty of de sirable staple and fsac/ articles, to be sold without rv ser«e»**u V* i 1.... »-ii. .. ... t ,A.•* t ammo'.-,. . .Thursday next, commencing at 10 o’clock. we .will dell without 'Wiar¥e,"‘a stbCfc of men’s'and boVs* Fall and Winter cl»Uoa*. ; ■ -• SA«OP BBAWJTJK.BOKB On MONDATt 21st inst., > At * precisely, we'kin'sell. V-drf« of Urs. rSdadnlitratrix .to the eetete of JohnOpy. Jr,. dKeased, at the Custom House, CM nut street, between FCurfli and’ Fifth streets. 20 hsU pipesbreqdyj. . .• < •• We'clock precisely, wO'will sell on'a'liberal eredft by catalogue large jud. ralnable assortment «f eboiee French and Scotch Embroideries. Shawls, Ribbons, Arti flcllls. 'SkMl,' Costs', BonneW, and MUUnezy Goods gawrallf;.... »a.I : - - , ?*.- be displayed fprexaiaiiatioßwar ly on the morning or Sale, when the trade, and wnt chacart groeraify; will fed ft thefr'intekst to attend. * BONNE?, JHlißOra~lß-.Wednesday's e%Je- wfll be tfound lOiTeartons Fait Colors Bonnet hUbboos , TRENW mincuiij. AW/lbOwtoiis 'ittftdi Velret-ArtiSeialsi »•* * £NWftt«B&» cofcmeneemant. oT- aala, as ia- - ▼otce or Gold and’Flated Jfewelrr. CHAItPAGTOI A.VB VQXT 10 Vel6ek : gddMly* viU 1» sold 20 hsASW 1240 Feet ‘ n 'R»DBKU''IIQtOft ; FtJUK^-At lO o’clock, 4,000,' Flasks.'* • . ' ■jl*oSES N 1 THIN'S, AUCTIONEER ill AND OOWMISSION SUBCHANT, 8/ B. comer SIXTH aadSASßßtrwte. NATHAN’S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICff, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where-money-wdUM loaned on gold and silver piste Watches, Ci(tthiag, Dry Goods. Gotten Fcrruloro. BM-. dihg, Hones, Harness. Stocks, and on all ar ticles of vaiueforjmy length of tints agreed on.'onmore * MttefacWCTfM liberal s«»a.*t 4ny Other estnb liahment. fsofil J£. NATHANS . NATHAN’S 'great itfe ofTORFBITKD' GGODS vnfl * takaplane-iB-aOwday*-iDaeeetfeft vHI begiren.' i WEM’S ™t orforC«iied.W*Sh**».J«wil*y,. [ WRBJRIR great sale. of. Dry Goads, Clothing, Redding -•' fee., being forfeited collaterals, will take place ihorUj. Dusnoti(sirtUboglTenf:- - ' * ‘ JOHN BAVIIS, AUCTIONEER— No. 835.. ARCH Street, between Third arid Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY 'EVENING, at? o’clock, Of Boots, Shoes* Hardware, Cutlery. -Watehee, Jew* - efty, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, * At., Sc 7 • N. B.—Terms of-Night Sales,- four months* credit fhr approved atrpeceptan9«s t fc>r.Sßmartf slo9and with in* threat addefl from date of tile. sepl-lm fpORGE; wT SMITH, AUCTIOXfEEBa M N. E. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streete. above Second. EVKiIHG BALES. - - ■ SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,* . . At TJfo’crdck, at the AnefTon Store,' of Hardware, Cutfl lery. Housekeeping AHlries, CJoQang, Watehes, Jew? Fancy Article*, - . SAMUEL ‘ NATHANS; AUCTIONEEB, ..and. MONEY LOAN. OFFICE, No. HE South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite pagr gt M nnlr eiATdbursWowttiExrhiigle. Hours of bosineM from T o'clock, A. M., tmtU ID O’clock in .the e.TenJog» - - Out-door sales,"and sales at the Auction Homo, at* tended opoa the most satisfactory terms. * . . . CAPITAL $906,000. • Este&Jisiudfor tit lott Thirty Yton. . . Advances made {nun one dollar to thonaands ea 2>fa mondr, SUvexFlatejWatcha, Jews try; Hardware, Mar chandiae, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Motion! Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description! ~ All goods can remain - any length of time agreed upon. ...... All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 9 per cefct: per mouth: $5OO and' over, the lowest market rata. ----- . „ This Store House haring a depth of IB) feet, ha* hwgw lire and thief-proof vaulU io store all valuables, and »ri. vate-watehmen for th* premisesralso,'* heavy inari rune* pfftefed fox the bentfitof Jdl person* harto goods advanced npbn. N.' 8.-^On' accnuht of 'having an unlimited capital, this offlee Is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating tern* than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out aqy .change. , . . AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever ahd' other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at red coed prices. aol-Zy ' (Btnllnnen's Jnmisliing ®oobs. -MANCHESTER & SCOTT,, GENTLE- V? MEN'S FURNISHING- STORK, .nd PATENT SHODtDHR SEijl StllßT iIANUFACTORY. No TK CHESTNUT Btreet, abotw Brrwth street, ThiUdelphln: The attention of Southern and Western Merchants and Strangers, is particularly United to this improved cot of Shirts, the mokt perfect btting article made. Atwbole sale tod retail; and made to order. • -- auS-lytf QmCB OF,.THE NEPTUNE INSUR ANpE COMPANY, 414 WALNUT Street. Pmaa . nsLPBli, September Sth, 3837.—At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Company, held THIS DAT, the following resolution was pasted*: Resolved, That the capital stock of the Neptune In surance Company be Increased from one huadred thou sand to two hundred thousand dollar*. ’ Books of subscription will be opened on MONDAT, , tha 14th .Inst, and remain open for five days censecu tlvelj, botween.the bouts of 10 A. M. and 3?. M. By order of the Beard,' , aq9-9t : . QKQRGE SCOTT, Secretary. NMV FALL CLOAKS.—Just received at the Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium, to which 1 the attention of Xadiea and strangers visiting the city, \i respectfully invited. GEO. BULFIN k Co., I . 1 i . . IQS Chestnut street. NEW EA.LL CLOAKS, fttWholead*,—Merchant* find the largest stock of these Goods, in the greatest va riety bf materials' hod prices, ai the Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium. Prices lew, and terms liberal. GEO. BtTLPIX 4b CO_, 70S Chestnut street TVOTICE.—A MEETING OP THE CREI 11 ITORSq* RESYBS, BUCK & C*., Tbs PHOENIA IRON COMPANY, and REEYES, ABBOTT & Co.,w.\i be held at their OfflCo In the Franklin Building. Walai t Street, above FoarthronThttrsday CTenihg; 17th irwt., at half-past 7 o'clock- sep!24t* rfUIOMAS £« BAXTER.—HARDWARE, X CUTLERY AND TOOLB, No. 810 HAKKET BT-, •hove Ninth, snath aid*. Philadelphia. an 1-flm CONGRESS RANGE .—SOLD BrCHAD \J V7ICK * BRO., N 0.303 N. SECOND Street. auglS.Sinos . Flags t flags i— packer flags, also Plain Flags from two and & half inches to fiva feet, wholesale and retail) at the Jlag Depot. No. 00 Sooth Second street anglP-lm* BW\ TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS, • No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible point* In the United States and Canada. Stocks, Bonds, ft*.. Bought and SOM ea Commission. Uneorrent Bank. N6tes, Checks. *«k, honxht at the .lowest rates. . -• . * Deposits raeeirad and Interest allowed, m pas' agr#*- ment _ * hiA, rr<o CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.— X Attention is invited to the following stock «/*»• sened LUMBER; - » * 300,000 fast 6-4 Yellow PLae Floor Boards. ■ 350,000 feet 4-4 do. do. > 30,000 feat 9-4 do, suitable for lin ing stores.. 75,000 feet White Pihe Floor boards. * 550.000 feet Spruce Joist. Selling low forc&ih. to Idit tha‘ times, And In bis to suit purchasers. • ALBERT BENTON. 1 South FRONT street. taTEtCOMEANGE.-SOLBBrCHAir TV If 1014BS0,*»R.S*WS5>M,.win*.