ah& bo | 'Jt faBT« \VJ\ l4'^bn> &j *w)it?ri»,o 'will ■ iii ,'ij. wedMlM¥: ■ iwj. “ .TO .fiCfe Poltejcfejffi^ijSp^i^SSftJjSSPfei xm i.& .asuv*. Os FoTOTg PAaE-Beeond paTt^fe^^, s-Liu .rfiiii iu’a BAlWib'lßili'te' WOII» ’£<.! Imi: .oaii'i cng)um(M<uM<ni<iinil nS ...*; drf »*l^(l4w^^tF e JP,9?ton'TOj?%Pi4HP?‘ t < mc®ard(S t , 1 ifre x^srXox B^«S^W!?fc!i §WW movements jinn ..Congress;; it'y.P, resllU*! would'uhavoi SblloSredj idlJKd: ladnumi- J toryitoiftnanciers andpolittoisns. Xil theTirst plafea'iiV ''sufeli set] thSiiwrißrs of yi'iir<)!i(i‘ i gratife ‘itild Wltti' ltiopfeit *>*m swaa ears,’,an& thus have fatally, extW4ed,W°qe ( very opemtiaßa»»a^lcll > Jilitii<!a£jjuß Con gressiomd aidjJfjSye ffiiosfWanlaupted the whole ih tnei'saionSdVplMie) the political waters would-have-hecn stirred to thh^iTeSesJ.dfetfs.lM ,tM‘\aWSlktti)fi liyiS, wldS-teread HrffrWtGlrwMtfihig” ’iateslropliei* iWi crywdvld' halt -liKpu raiatij rand! the,! iwhole, upon THB KEDOOTIOif o*i'.*Hß: UnOH, vtehtou bakiEs'dlu 'rite* 'isVdH* DMiooa'ATs fv CoWiMs :i Y'' s t 4 ~r,T._/ /.nil..* «*!!>.«; ! ’t£la,wdiiettoA%ivip°iJ.v' aeddlBlb , 'WiSil a to (fbb.'giUltofifliJßn States, vbas'i from httCrruiti; and,.Uooco: hundreds of tthoßi* rfnds'of hbnest'^WKinjMtiU'in'thrixWesterii, nlobrutic.pitrtyj .Which,couldnotlhaYe failedito. M ,^fa»«ifc w V?o d M™' 01 * W wl njjt .(ivtiu im-.il Ida bv/ijpM ml* .'J-x.i.'ui no.!*!;, thbipblificSpOr'tlriSrloountliyiixiHen soiidr «ndi iqucfi j>(, uuiripad ssterprwi hr WeiwdfwfdK cism of Ohio and the West, and of New-Yorky, and J&k'ftogiahdMa tfe I fiM'’M'te'<MtWneB street tutor: .Herironhedahave only, led her to, ashr'dhit-tKe atoy'tk'heFrore^tf'cieiipetitoSrs! raihiofch'tto sister StateS,:*, HorpoopW paid, the gfcoit dfelf'iti hdi il i i diih^ivaT^a,Ceptt^l(''jfpaclS' tl& r.SmimmiU \ <4e«’»jmWteda 4oi-i. katie VievtA' ftotorhin. t,,01d Bennsyl vania, votes always on, i the'eons'erwtivh'atid^'ottsttttoio.nawdev'abd' is noi apt to to'ied asffiy By nwyiba;,ti;rpptpd-ihy-:go.eppeatxfOuhett'piattjal spirit; hr torherlOfeaUatere'itspinrfiMiHeto'cap-,, , ldrahaVo Whored again-had- Congress yielded! of the Wtttemrailroad,iatdifotiintemop<m*,L, bnti ghd-iis stfongotitt ben oldUisbiohod faith mands,<rf'ithe,!tnonopolistsipi , -..thetpubljo,idon, iriSto. 8 ' 1 ' pi iiiuy it(j,ia. T i«i-, hefcAus® it waa^inevitablyAiidtjuatUi *< AvA -ji-i f hv .j-4’i 4> yfV . T ,>1 '!■ tii{.t.i Y‘J it-tiit.t ir.i 15ii*>>liMi'.j t,. V ftiij.j.i --i.i't .'J h-iTOws reBigpatioR l offudgp. li Cpsris,lsa?, paused a-godd dealofspeculatiop., A-Bostdn journal opinion fnthe Bfcd thebenchhas hoenitoadotoncomfprtahla ; i that JndgeiSTOßtoiiMho latter part't>f his ijndioial I. W that, had not doath ; -iiiter«epted.-,hia purpose, Aeitroulddiaie retignedi ipai{<f to u.jhvi Jil'f wpulafßejpdto trales.’-If^elforroingJh&iid^jrtiafttPe^idbbt tendowthemwithmffleient‘f()fee : bf l; Aiiali&ter *i!il i;s A. J ’‘i'^ : ' l _*■>!. t-vlLi* •oiLTiiC jenahjp.Uiepi.to.^rfo^t^ejrau^es.Jecaußp e social relations of i tho, judgfes,Weronot'on W sasy, unjl, friendly.fgoting, • tliea;, .doubtless, » priwite,Btatioa »da better 'fltted to .'their pe culiar organization. But t(io £: Wt(ie'nie'rrt ) i!l w , e iTfeefiicAn^hi»Qes thatdf tePBWSdAWMfIWgffI, »f? He was verymuch disappointed at not receiving the post o£Chitfkraßtieai(mtha'dßath of Chiof JnsticoLHasssatJAraiHe.ijaertatoly toadrsomo dffi'del l! !dto‘ :, point>o^- , setylctfih | o rof, legal knowledge he: wjas,, uiidoiib’t^ily/au-j ‘pdnßr;to‘hiA^a<ioAiatiS,' |;i 'l j '' Sui'iiis sykfem ofcoiisV^gnaljK^.ilHp^fjrj *iti| Of ,courBe,„tho latier.jnithßiexeKiße'ofthaap pointing!! powcrj-hestovred- tbo-vacimt post upon ond.whpA.e ov^li. He eouldn hardly,have ihean’. expectol' tbadci otherwiso. .XnBtaadi : thefefdrei brJiidge‘ , Sioar ’ RP'BKiyfii?’ifwifii;,iflo.erminefeUuppaMr Ti>;Et(.!i:P..lP>.,BAn;BouEwasat,thesimieuui( t jspt.^tsasßpti ‘ fpilafcoeo 1 ,'f'ndgii ,wig,£*d[ f-;'.-',’;,*'!!! ; ■ The !W:4eBBioi!i.i>f i-theSd-;gontleißon-tO! th( ‘’Sptoi ..of ,fire principledthathadiieietoforeiiioewap piiedtbthe-inteipnStatidtiioftlioCdnstitotiou •r^V^.e'/p^i^ i 'lip^cjou}^ , t.oji‘^;jygj!i c.wasi «t’«i.voiyii^ea»aiitlbbdng I :,asrtheipub r fie**.- .iSbe.defliiiidn.dfithp Cburti how,ever, : dri j -the casetof Brtteoe-it;tksJßantiofi JKrttocfa/}: **i the ri Wamtii Bridgii qtfitei(iiaconce'ried him! Jtd iS W] docfrlnes, as declared inilie'case ‘st'Orsii'yjr ! /.anditherctee of >BBrtoiba/VCeUags,iwdrei«faßt to resign..i ; His.position .wfla wotuncomforhihlc •from‘any wahtiof doUrtesyjandirespocton the opinions were not inharmony-with his. „,. c , {• •; ’.‘Whether SWBp'.man'wtoild-'permlt'hliiispl f ■‘ to'be.4}s^)e^;, H 4ii4 r eauao all the,world,cannot agceo with liia ophl. ..ions,it is decide.':'But,' .;isu\eiy, it,feiiirdly,'oltetaefeTitoe l ofatw v i«R?rian •-tb.iqni* ] ]liS‘l t . , W towMW’hto*fellows hapjfon to “totVlVd' ai' iioWcmSl ott s : Wjtjfcjh’ | conflict ‘ hiß ; i.iown.: fdi la.t jm : j - l !i 'Thiit'fhd.dilisentinjj. dpldioU Of/JildgeOnn!. ijs 'i>i;B.re4!§'epi(f!^^ailifiteAltß’per-' r jiooai relfitiondwith tho. /othec! Judges .wa do’ , uptheljove,.. Wero.it sp ?) it vyouldovindß'that' - gentlemen'j.tliat thoy woro'-itliboral .umd iri '“'teldtoßtpSrtit'iM.' Ivp jhave ; ‘seep mo in proof.-; ffo I Judge Cuaxw has retired the. t; Bench, wp;yehtdro.ipi hot hecansoi'his ■ ■'toiattAin* higher.one.r.'He .has gained nutch among tho,l{epflhlieans onaccouiit.'of his' ' ~'i 'iitld'b^pJrQitaV^P^PVii^il^tntrt^tie' “‘‘MblieiSfiiS’ growing* old, f imd< inayibo.nnavailv bio in the next Frcsidtiiltjal Blectloh,’Judge ConTts may expect to shnn)y his place as a candidate. We fib not jinow that tho Itcpub* licons wUhventutsito put forward a man whoso* ~ osUmilik .clliras tft fami) and political.pypition .are a distnUfmg?opinion:fii)ntwp dfb know that ' ‘ .the mtclligcrrt‘ freemen;of'the' l dpUn<ry-iV(),uld ; 'diijenti.tolrifl.'.cl.&tiijphy. an oy.cjWheftoiHg ka!, jdrity. lluV 4,|-Vi'.i;c ;; ' - *•■ ■*'. ■■■'" “■■■•'■ n-i .! .15-' - *■; *■. -'■ vitEWenatA. ■ ; *- 1 1,1 ■'rlieiPemo, whfchloWtjrfeippicjioithefifth^ ■iarrived at* If ew ■ Yorlrf yesterday,- ;:Sho (brings l.in’tebigence, irdmimlia,-, though 'iihd,i:t,endon. i" 'newspapers’Cftf eAdwdbdi'Wlteiprlvathdotteiis'; ,-s «miWsWWdMMf|4: ; ;,lEao, British ! ]i'tftops ; ln;.iiidii J wi6 | ' ot! th ,l be' : a a' io iofcedfß6;(So6. Aa A the“lfiauri'ectfdii.jliiid!not, 3!n,«rteddodi. bej(Mid<the,fnofthw«Btbprovifleo, ft, “ wphegt «:b!eolnfonj a letter ftomfldkdltiy onglnillf pdbg , -aaS;: .ttl&Mlipfes V. that Prance ana England will jntb® | I BEFORE DELHI* * u There is no further inteffigsnco frod®ndia ‘btj the last steamer. fl|jf[|||te;t “that any aerious blow 'tip British until they orc||m ra§|t or Bj ,*j|i 'tlohiN Campbell will 1 “Of jDelhi—a military I^ratwB*T>i^ c mP s B s ' ' nijude and importance that the late Sir Henry Barnard said, “ I cannot disguise t rom my self thatiam before a new Sebastopol.” pelhi7b'esides the batteries on the ramparts, ‘ fi|4 sidit ey it, over 1 “faieive hundred which mwe than half ‘ guns; o? tiS’c^^ofUol.TefgtJ? 1 iteefiltSj , ’ltvjidt|'JKnb. u, t , Eh j ei>o'>wasi aleb vlargo oi hhifauhitfan’of'all desCriptions4-guns,,pbtv 1 , ..JfhMI «Sptwe4»)BellUi.dt4!,Vofi.p.9ntftifl a .Sijlithr)*EiiglMi'artlllei-jt-man oroilgimfcrj ;Th'C inatiye regiments of'ltmirei-y.'ahu' ehgineert' i “Jp .1 •; JiTut hi.ufiiii'./ iiAiLL'.T-t t ‘ k.i I •^ißiam» , TO?4%. l !i^yhn. : si?W': inters; thep'e; rpgimem.s joined thetp,! ■ and, aro. (perfectly »;eU„abl9 i tp, sijrYO tmdmse the guiis.-Thb reason wily such, ajlarge'quaiititybf’&nrimumtion; and , artillery ‘wad'bt Bblhi iyj thal'itiWas the depot froin 'whichi the’BiMeijt : torta‘iif’ ( thfe ndrtheastcift proviTi-' I ‘4s'&US , l teSyt'BreyiddtiyyHderß' , hntq)liedy mhero are'now a %w‘ttibusand, 'British' tto’opS (Afore sih^fj’‘'.pugitl||i$ i h^fj’‘'.pugitl||i> 1 ' i liesiegln£ ? s; Some^C,;,the, English . npwppaper?,; both in uondonand India,! wore bitter in their, attacks, •’Sir»<H6irߥ^‘BAisNe*toD»' wnotfiuc-: :c'ehdeitto l thehhief 'eemmandbefore Delhi, on, l Ad siiadeii'delttrf of ’Gbricral’ Anson, 1 ‘in dunej Andldied’ 1 pf ! 6li blera ‘ 1 with in; a’month ‘‘of -Uib*' 1 apppintiueiit. ’ 'Sir Hesby, though he eiajdyed| ; n^how;.W : tt° NAnnj):.fairiy. w,on Jiia grade; Hu, entered, the,, army, in; 1814, atitlje age of:fifteen,and was educated- ab- th'o •■MUltary i College l of i Sand-. 'hnfSt'.V’fn -lfeMi'Ma-HilMa aidideioamp’toidils nhclhj 'wHo’ cttnithanded’ tho Britlahforces in f fitfs ‘‘ in _i 8lD:2oi ! Ao‘l tv(ts‘ bii‘ tUo 'Rtniflr r dC th« tate‘i<ojrd TveAg s’ } ini' the.'TTpst'ihdleh; 'from 1 ' 1 iaj jnthpiingiieh sbjthfrq IliXtripthe com'-, faj,ndpd.tjio gopthlValesmiljtafydi stric tfropi, 1852 to 1854,until lie was sent out to head ft, brigade in the Crimen j ho<theie.bdcamo chief of thesttlfT nrtdebGcneral Simpson, and held pis command''tid"GfCh'B'rat i i< , tS£,ifAM was ap fcomfa^d^^liu"^o|i'^at^(srf?alli'h'<!itilion J» e mm l ty.M'ft MflYPfir, jjor, 1860, and, in tUe,,sapio year, was made jKnight Commander of, the Bath- After forty-, t'nree'yeiirs ■ seivicep in l faatay parts of tlio Wdrld; lib’had attained’ iia"h!ghel J rank'than (thdlbof’ ilafdßtjibneVyt,' 1 tvlihfi Hd‘dihd, >t' the fjp'iitJUi JUjrfliUlJ RtitJ !-•. i.J! 1 i > Duftt - .t« limn.,; A*lii S*SSISPfe 0 ai t i s , „ , V . In Bgwis/t him,, tasiPWM.tfilWlfi openly .madciwas Olathe. had not parrifid Pe.lhi, byasMult.i, IVhatcfiiWdlietla.wilh theJimited meins' iinderhis command IHo .was ..copiJ (pelted to'attbhthe ■defetisivej do' awnltcthoar-' riv^ l 6f’Eti^oiiein : r6ln!rot‘ceTfi'ents; i TBi 1 1 titlide' wßicUlio diititayt>dlh' ctii I ryin^,''!rfUi'h[i l weaned troojpsjj cpmmaptupg ,p6sitious In front ]P.f; il tl(e,;ladiapiCai)itaClan4 : ,tbe.'deciBion' ■with which, lie.,repelled - the rpiterafedjjifisauibj, |ofi tha Sepoys,, Bhow. tho.i man-Trnota, Nmd-, itKOHj'butw rightgood;soldiet., U..ri y,,,.U, i ' ‘jtt'li iWdrige tbit the 'ylndic.Ertiori of aßritish' ! nal"' j d^sj/^f^b'jr‘ijar ajlirtjve' ! man* snfitpbed.awaj', at .the very" time, when hp! : seemed. Rhoptitoiwjn tbsjwmejy vie, hays jfflfo?-, motion ion which ...wq can rely respectingiSir Hjst)Rsf'BAakAbD.l>lt maylbe Mraemboredthat Captain 1 -George MoOr.Ej,LA?t, : recent Iy ! of the ir.S'. ,u A'nny,TvaS'onepf the Commission Bent to til'd ’brhrlea“dtlHri^ ! 'tTlie iiitd'Wa’r.' HPatidiiiil coilgagues s ,!"’werk j mpstj''tcincijy' received , aiid handsomely treated, by Jhe Allied, officers, and Captain. •MsGiEpwtt, ■.whQi.qnjpyod.. fteqpppi opportunities, iofn,associating with.-Sici Hen ry- Barnard, . where iho Avas ochief.of, tho Staff” 'neat' 1 under General'. ■ Simpson, and efdsely;' obsßMnd" I how' 1 lib 'perfomied' the liHpJrtaift' , 'dlitl<s‘W hishtgh add responsible position," wasHinpJ'psdbd' "wjtli' *tho ‘,jdisWvlb tion that" Sfr 4I HENRT "was “the ‘ablest 1 soldier anjongipjj'Eiigllßii,' (xenWlii' 1ft 1 tlift • drimea. nOjilpticeil liim as, “.everattpntivo to his m.ost. nnn\jtei&tieB,., j cflnstantly.,.in;thp ; s4d(iie.whon' occasion hailed, andavincing, not only the.de sire!to fnlfllttlio s re(iuiritmonts of . his -station,! With;tire ability to# ‘ddi shj' but 'CKhibitingthat prompt 1 andphergetic ddrtngvthtchis soheees ;sai^ i iil"lfidla!'atj' l flip 'present’.” - Captain Mc (JiELLAN jsja'nattvo' tife ipmprited brI'GEORdF.McCx.ELLA»' ? and IP now the.ab!e.,CMpf Epgineer pf ,the great Illinbisj i, ‘ To drive the mutineers out of Delhi, :tha! h'oWet's ÜbSt, : is the thing tobo'fltst done.' •It ’ft ttf ; pelhi‘ t l &^t i ‘tho 1 mhtipeets flock, ;; as to* a jiliicja fteii pfsA'U; teciip .^acujty^ljjiep^e^gidfast|en)utfnyspeaaj tip tbs meantime,! ,fo other!presidencies, than those.,of Bengal.. .[ If it spread, .England, must .put forth all her, resources. ~ That.pho will do, -iPneeded, who can:-doubt ?- A- nation :wbicl| eipended 70,000 men, and $600,000>000 in de ■fending the Turkish; ftom tho Russian despot, ttili ndt“hfesitftte t6 i 'pfty. not' duly Vd Vut'hny' price—i-to ' recdver'her lijdiab ctaplrei • ( Wtli Englleh ther'o Is ono touphstonp ,pf merit—namely, Success. Tllis ..real. cause, .tvhy., because: ,Sir. iHEwii Bausaed, wi{h comparatively a Itandfulof mpn, not having-re-taken Delhi and ■ annihilated tho rrmtineertj Was blamed.- This is ; a very appro* priato princlple for the nation'that shotAdmi ’iiil Byso'.'fo Cnconrage tlib Others 'eur “ccntr^erles'autrbs i ? > ) ! ydt*bliilh [‘i^Aprincjpl^i'avjiiijh;,'wb ; sincerely ;neycr,b.e adopted,,in tids counlryV ; Had;Sip .PENex.BAßSAeo._surviye(l,l!omigi!t Imye wop .honors, ranki.pirojse. . But he .should, not ho blamed because he was unable to perform im* iiossibilitiesr • .1 . . <.i. 1.1 i3~ i a: r .... ; ,; '"NEWS fro; .... --.JjTTIIE . ...£SOIAj. j j|4jl4teVas jes.aiveil, herp from i ajnember.oi; Hpn. /ffttiua 3. siiite, written on. board the steamifrigato Minnesota, as she was about to cross = the bqimtor on heir yoyago’ to bhiiia." 'fills ! ia tbe first news tlisjt 1 Hire have receiver} from 1 the ship; f lie 1 writer ,bpon,o.us a month,to-morrow (Ist ; a3,yoji,will perpoivc by oar latitude, A d?s«, 22 mbfc, longitude 32 dog* l jnin., we are J Y;ery,noar i the equator to-night,. twoiyo and lour o’clock, liaye all along the moat beautiful .weather; but sincp we started have not hgd afajr wind-r-always cltbor running 'closV-hauled, tock 'iiig, or'asing "*' J '' ' _ , i “\ | . : ; , u Wc thplrades. no,Wj but they are do id fthepd, w,wo tl arp the, southwest,until we the lino; tbon ,tho oapt4in intends’t&ckiiig .again iand making a-'stretch over to tho latitude of Rio,-,where wo an ay go,in. At twenty-two dog. !lat.; of Rio, we ought to get the, westerly .grinds Pyerto the Cape of Good Hope. s wo shall there in:the winter :«cBßon, ,wo shall be foicedto go.to.Slmonfe .Bay,, eighteen miles .from .Capetown, .whorb.woitrp.to meet our, Urst coul i?hip*; Botrevor, there is no .possibility pf roapbing that, point before tho first of ; "#* ’ * >.*■ .Wohaveboeninthotrppicafor two weeks/and it has been remarkably cool and comfortable; in fact,, last night and < to-night it lias .been quitocold enough for overcoats. # 7* : 1 do not know when ,yon .will receivethii but wo'oxpect ovory day to seoa sail, and ifwo hredisabpoihtod now, we will bo almost certain to meet some back-strapped ship near ; St; I Boqtte. J> ! J> - ' ; 1 ‘ ‘ 1 ! ' ,i < -• ; Tho alioYo was written on tho‘lst day of. August. ‘They did not meetwitji a 'sail’iintU ;th?, 6lh, .as will, appear t by thei follovvibg postscript: ; ; , . ' ' 1 • <’S“;Aa ft' vessel is in-eight,>nnd is supposod .tp'be bound: tolltfdj I open the letter, to let you Icnoif that wo iare,< to-night,-off ipetrnombuco, sailing along splendidly. Wo Haro! boen back-strapped i{to lisa aishlp phrase) for three days .near J3t. Roqtnvbnfc now, I- believe,- we have a dear o.ourse :tottfae Cai>e Of Godd Hope. } r > ’ < , itMs supposed, has loft the Capo and; iflf now steaming it up tho k ChmAjtoa.' ‘ Tvfrl ItKEo will-arriVo at 4lib‘scenes \of duties J ,aD.out rjthe iioghmfiig but we sliaU iiof. havo an official , of his ;arriy;al at. Hong Kpng until OhJUtmfts; >; :. - ‘Very infcriiating • Ifcttir of ; Gun. H f ,cMuityi -ffiiftinuß ,f6>:|iiB'trOTe]B;ia.lna!a, on flrtf cultpre' of jt^o: peraaal.'* 'Ve'ofcWn-' It for.Tn? Jfjtps?, from, our ofßejent •toßcorrespondent. ) \ '•'! u tfc ri, - ! ! The trick-layers On the-Gettysbnrg Railroad hRVo coinplcte'ithd'lino of tliuir ioosS itftoAdjnms ’obahljj'in'db'itThtlrsda)' Jasltllo'Haudv'Cr Bftjnoh tira^ak^ ; ranS'tTaitl : o£oaJa'ot( tho.'irackas /liras ''ebktpleldir Tfcof tWhOtStf wljlsooil ’bs’bc&riUmiirti in* in tha violnlty of Gettysburg, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA* WEDNESDAYj SEPTEMBER 16* 1857. A skotcl wejpjJph citizens, b ceptable bered thai main building college, — was, through accident, burned; the walls alone being left uninjured by the inusmuclLaVat M'W ]}nttlAuhu:\t[hjh Jf, 0t Overburdened with a surplus of iunus. ie .exertions made to remedy this evil were -no > irdspoudW'ib 1 btliMs triohdlyto *lie College. ' Not' only were Suffi :ciont' fritltik ‘fctintrllJutCd' ‘td the old edifice,' lint 1 'seyfetaf maiii':'- tiy‘tl)is;ii>un|fesncp,,thp.ColWgp lmS • W»W?ed"w<W».»^ r ' *W ta W *X«K.. ■' Thq.mjw.buiidipgiS erected upon (hq site of thnoldj.tho same. walls,.being used, although somewhat ' extended and;, improved..,l It lias,, ■bpeh' ■' fco’iistfiitttcd 1 - entirely,-fireproof, * tbo iceili'tjgi'coiUisting of brickafclics resting upon 'iron bars,'.llio , itfc]j>sWilnd being'of I solid 'masonry. 1 “ IS" 'libhttd . 11l ■ furnaces,, is well Wh'-j tilate4, a, .disfiguredwith l.eaps .of-rubbish., »Jid,V, ni ( 1 S I ,!'f|!, materials, now appear in tlieir, .pristine. njeatttyl ,,, It' is' said, that the grounds, of the College ■ ! ami its- situation ary .-not, sur. I paS i^a, l)y'imyoth6i ,! iii'thd , 4btintrj f . i 'ThO'pre-. Went session'li&''Opened''tluspiclonsly,'mofe- ljeehmatfieuidted; The ■ undergrcddctys,ooty number about. 1 two bun-' .drqdi and!sixty. ~,Tilcrfiii?,ibn'9..feature of;'the. ■College-which, especially,, recommends, it, tq. notice, and which-hns been a' characteristic; of it eVcf sincC'its foundation, nit 'has invariably jfood'a/ooy/rhm'illc'po'li'liddi'aram.iria'.-unlikoa • alqjqsteye^'ihstiWtloii“bf 'the "kiiia- in • tbO' country, lias consjstbhtlyppcervea'its ntirtib ifn" iulUc4byiCon^t , .tjrlt^'.yny , 'jhcti'9n, i pr l aect^<)f' political. proclivities- Jt (Mbtollegt mi thelforth tawhickSwJherQsfc, hiiits comeitv <mij numbers- ~ Duriug, tbo .late. jjxCWing'periofl l of political stHfoyitlibre Bubo, hispid this I ,' istuilenfs,'though their polit leal crecais tditfered, the'.same' harmony and p9qptl bbffr&V the'! direct; 'qeqplt, of, thef _ cqnseryqf ivo ; cliariie tef; Which hastdWays.been ngbr , oualy, insisted upon by.tbo faculty. The secret l societies, ’’ prohibited lately by, tho .Trustees, " have been-. entirely .. extirpated, Tlrrs 1 hetioh wbs 'taken because their influence was considered as porniciousj 'hot’obly 4ipon i tho’ Bt^il^nts l,! £llenii!civb^'l>tit"upbn- the two literary ; ; societies—The 'AnS’et v attd 1 ' Cliosophic/ 'it fa' gbi\erally' 5 con® djid that , the to tewer’ipmpfend'ri^ , ltodissipntiduAnd t btb , wl,iinkißVli I t l ’i^' :^i, . jtnro thani ati Any "other .college-, i !th& Alma 1 Slitter to >.sb .many, great minds stand 1 |ab 1 a l,i Schbbl i of I, literaturej‘and .long,may ,onr, 1 1 country .continuo to appreciate its- excellence i 1 and'utilify : I,IJ •' "J -'•< <•AMUSEMENTS, ' ■' ’ ' .“Faust," t concerning which ,wo' have * already aMd.agoorfieat 'ln wilt i bo“'prodilcG(],'' to night, 'aVtHo Academy' 'of Muffle,and I ‘its’ may ))elook l cd'upon' is dstiurAd. '“Sirin j lot" is* to, be'pTdyed’ tbiiJ "evening '‘At tho 'Arch ; TtofttreV’ wlth[| 'BaV,ehbcirt,' 'aA* ‘/fii'wi/rt. 1 Wheatleyas off "Mrs - . 1 Davonporij 4 as QpTulia* Eltiord 1 "BiJ i)ic\Quem. ’This is a capital caSt.' There is a fawo^alaOi*called “(!ds6 l MAy,"which haVbeen very Buccesafiil- u ''J. Wallflok 1 aild his ryijfo, •w6oVcWW l ijay6 , ‘apji)ciiPei j afc‘Bdfton itonalj iHstinlgh't.hhVingTriilcU to aftpeitr/the /Wt?i hasbben WMrimpjyHbd'byMrVdU’d'MrA. Flo rohcewlio siicAbcded inplbakirtg a'good hbuse.' They have anew farce, better thad tiro usual run of per sonal pieces, in wliioh Mrs. FlOrohco takes seven disUhcfnbd Very' diffdrCrit <3 litlrac tors,''and - plays them oxtrembiy Ttelt. ’ ' Hcf were hpplttudcd! “Thd ' Florences play for th'brcsfdt' tho,'^‘delr.'‘ * At the Waliiut Street - Theatre;Mr: McDonough lYdr&wiOg good'housesr 110 appears, thlsovening, ds Rcubeit GlehroSj * ( *» " SamdfoVcl’s Opbra' troupe (Eleventh atroetjabove *Ohestnbiy continue tb receiro Wid Acscrvo aiiooess-. •Ttieir'neWbhrieSque w ;,s J 4, j ! ‘ ' FROM cbIJNTY, TI& Press.] ' 1 " • 1 - ml ■ hL, ■ ’ • - ■ l i; yonK-/ , Pa. 1 ,-Bopt:l2r ; lß67i i * Thishfternoon the Democracy of u Old Oodbriis” told a largeand' interesting honso George Brodbcck; -id that townsbip:- iVa lentlne'B./Werrt*, Esq.y''A fcUrling eld Democrat, ’frcniManheriu-township,'-acted and wksAsristodby a trrfmber of ‘Vice-Presidents and Secretaries. The called taordorbyj of Old Codonis I ,’* Who,j Mtkingd fewpo’rthlont-Twhirkay -intrddnced Welcli, Esq 1 . 1 /'of York; who addressed ‘the’ assembly’ foirsoino' time ‘upon the/ 'qdiestionk of,the day. ,Ho Svas followed by Mr. W. "A/S.tihitf/df Wo3t' Manchester; in 1 this county, spoke with'groat effect in the German lan* At the condurioriof hisremarkß; thameet-, ih'g itdjourhod* !n fln<i spirits, -nhd- with adet'ermi ‘nation to give the State dnd'ccruntytiokof an‘Cn*. thusiastlo support. General Packer will got a ■ handsome majority in York county. The right j feeling exists hero-; and our-county ticket-will bJ | triumphantly elected.- •' * Nogro Suffrage..; [From lhoMMUoo<Wisw»eiii) At*gus& -DomocrAt.j, ' The Republican Loglsluturd passed, last winter; .and their Governor signed, an -not to-extend the .tighto£ suffrage tq to.pegro rqco.. uThQ.RgpuhU can press has advocated the dootrino all-summer. Stfpposiffg it.to he'thus idGnttodaSa Republican teensoro, and being opftosod'to- lt'ira bdidurj unria tural'and wrbng, tneDemoflratioState Convention took bold,iopen, ;and!majily groundogalost it, in JhiSßtropginndjleoifdve hfngaago.:j i .., iV Ke,solved, Thditoeare uhalterdlly ojwo's'ftltQ the extension of the rightqf suffrage to tkemegro 'race,-and toillnever eotisent taut'the odioits doc* trine, of negro equality shall find a place on the statute-book? Of. \Vis.cQHsin” ti , .. , 4 , , Tbe.tunq oamo, for tbo Republican, Convention to moot. Negro suffrage was aKepublioon measure. Tossed by their Legislature, signed by tboir Govorf nor, endorsed by tboir press, it was of course sup* posed they would embody it in clear land .decisive language in their platform.,, Instead of that, not a lisp do wo find upon the subjeot of a formal acknowledgment of, it as a Republican racasuro. The only atlUsion to the subject is-this-gingerly but detestable union of negro suffrage with tho rights ,of- foreigners:, -< a , , ; Resolved, Tbatwe aro uttorly hoslilo to the proscription of any man'on account of birth-toliiCo. roligidJ, OE COLOR!’ 1 , “ They 'might'.havo'StatedHho dootrinQ of negro ; equality j in more open, but >thoy cquld not have <jtono.it in more odious terms. This placos/iWA yncs,nEuaiox, aud colon upon tbo same‘grounds as no,cause of inequality. It is saying to a white man of foreign birth ana a peculiar religion, “ yon ate as good as a nigger; wo take you all in.” Such is this resolution in affect., r ■■ ' . But if we can meet them on noothor ground—if they will sot up “ proscription” of color as tho hodgo behmdwbich thoy will fight, vro take them' there. - w e say that color ts ground for proscrip tion, so faras the, rights of suffrage antisocial equality go , Hirth-nlaco and roligiou aro not, but polor is And if to deny to tho negro tho right to make' laws for ud Is proscription, let us keep them ‘prosoribod. That word suits tho Republicans hotter. Those are tho tormsln.whiehthoyacooptthoi3suo; do not lot us.avoid (hour. , . The Bravest,Soldier In Now York Not Yet i. \;. • ,Fon n< ?t - ' !, : ; Androw ,Jaojtson>; Jr., who evidently pososses some* of tho fnokqry stamina of thovenorated old Hero, Wehtto Now York for thopurnoso of present ing the gold'box UUho bravest soldier who fought in . the'Mexican war, but boing unable to find him, sowed tho preoious relio up in his breeohos-pooket, ‘ and wontnvtey Ha>wrote to following lettor to tbo Mayor and Committeo, declining to „ dolivor the box, fop tlio roason that tbord wefe eo many remonstrances against it. Tho-following is a copy.of the lettor: Metropolitan Hotel, Sept» 14,1857. Peter Moskoiian, Esq,, Chairman of the Spe cial Committee: ■ > Mr DcAn Sint I aib herb with tho gold'box loft in trust with mo by my venerated father, to bo presented to tb&t patriot “.most valiant in defonco of bis Country, and opr country’s rights, to, bo ,ail- • judged by his countrymen.’’ I rogrot, under tho ’deep feelings and cohflioting'opinions'Whloh' I find (o exist, that I‘carmot, 1 satisfactory to iny own. 'sense ofproprioty and doforenco to tho will of my father, now.venture *o deliver this relic. . mo higher saUslaction than the oxeentidn of this trust, whondver tho'publio opinion Of tbo people of conoontrato upon' somo' honored son- distinguished, above all-others to rcceivo this precious token,; 1 * in strlot Complianoo with tho request of tbo donor.’’ Until I caii thus oxoouto tho trust of tho great and good man whom I ropVesont, 'I fnuit under a sonso of affeotiOn and duty.dcolmo to act.. I can but re« grot thedivision of,?ontimentand thocxcited feel ftgswhich seem liero. I have,.theroforo, dotortained'to return to tho Uermilago-' with this sacred memento of my father; whoso wjshos I de sire Httiotly to fulfil, and Whenever 1 tlie ''public, judgment .of-tho people 61 fchp State of : Now York 'shall sottlo the claim boiwbcp individuals, it shall bo my plca'sdrc at oneb td disohMo tlio- duty rest ‘ink ppohmo’by Vlriud'of : th»s dolicatq and teSpOR- ‘trust' i uHtii :, l ban satisfy wysolf> I oahnofc hope to, satisfy the but prompt action thill follow a clearly oxprossed pub- < lioopiniou. •“[ ’ * r ' : . ' '-'-l In conclusloh, ofid; tbit’l know of no opn test, and expected nonoj’uuder tho first application foitho ftOldnaxj bht, anxious -to dalmy duty; ;i 'liaVd dOWdOjl'tft preaontitQlmakc no delivery .of tbo bojf,'sbr decide between the, brave and gMlant gontlbiuori whose, rcsp&otivo olaims orb go warmly and ardontly urged by tboir friends. 'il hive the honor to be; t respectfully, yoqr obe dient servant,* • .- Andrew Jackson, Jn.‘ P. S.—ltisdho'tohisßbJfof tho Mayor to add that I havq decided on tbiato^® lwithont seen him, or having Wd ahy 'cbnVorsation with him, inconsequonco.df' hii absence from to bity* &nd, hehcb without kuwinz wfhathifl yfew#, wbto ,upon the subject, A. Jaokbon, Jr, THE Benloii out poliitm e Wasbihotos, Sept:.ls.—llon. TaoHAi ll.Bbstoh Ii pronounced oiiVOf danger. A run has been mads on all the hanks and banking* houses in this city. Pairo k Noorsb’s suspension, noticed yesterday, waa caused by their inahlUty to alarm Jm. spread to .Georgetown, where the cashiers of tho Bank of tfeeH IhtfedWfnYng their circdlatton', *hd ■paaßihg 'Ovfer ■■posited xHh.^em.,; jlty pound , of Tar. aro dqing, much to allay (ho ex lstlng|fipancial excitement, arid f to 'effect a'ltyeedy'-re** sumptidn of 'the usual iW»GdeiUePAittc% ! bOfllneßS'nWtt i ' F.‘H. SytOttfit haaboon appointed bJJ tbe/Seatftflyjr, ,! of thOilPrpMuiy'tpftßA^oijdTcltf^ifMWl.^e^ehlp^hJbs^ ofl3coj t*ic< jOkorob w.UiLb, removed. 1 l,! JpifW Busok?KRIHQK_ of ’Feniisy lVbMk/'hM 1 ‘been appointed to 1 A* sb'cOnd : ClaSs’(s!’,4oo) clerkship■ in the Porislon Bftreau, Indian-Department/ ,i, ,> ( l, . Mr. ItoBEBT Pobtusr,; who ,has. t beeu .employed for,; several years by the East India Company and the Lon don Horticultural Society to collect seeds and plants In , varloris'partebf Chirm, hasofferedfals' r aervice« .toi the ‘latent Dfflce.to .visife Jho, 99^ rx^^prf>vinco'j PMhat,; “country} procure tjie seeds, of the best yArletle* or the tea.plant, aa well as othbys, with A Vlb# ithein"ih thk tTnlWd fitkiea. l ‘ The 'Cotriteisslonerofi PaWntsbas responded t 6 thiibfToriKKiulrinttheAnrPMßt. of .Mk* papor ( on subject from him for the next agricultural report, , 'Before'fcavat Courts tfo i, Ei-GkveViW ( inertya fjvifhbt la' th’(J l 'nKVy > IhiLfeMsaAfat- MAhbiWaW. '‘-uJ k *.j 1 *;’ ’ . " ’(ioi,.., ■Before.Courts.Np.2, ComrpinderafPot.^^jSir^.Gopp*^ ■ 'testl!\(jil Ifflwjlf ,osjUejitpn^nt, ' . • ’ Before Coprt,|No. 3,'Commodore from slcxness. ' 'Lieutenant GL'ASfltfs*B Akse tip 1 . 1 ' 1 tidiatkMbifd't fikk t knd l , .Boeh'dii'testified for applicant/andLteutenant;SdtDJj* 1 ifor the Govenunont.. .m> i,o .uuA WAinrsoTOH, 1 Sept!. ‘Bowlin‘ has ‘ toßbgotai ‘SelWd ,; A«slstitrt’P<ioi£ master DundAs liarr gone to York, on • btulrfoss IqoAn nccted with the facilitation i ■ mailjj ~ , | r ' ,j i‘it # *l**' T*i - • The Soci-etary of the Trfeftsary'has, bn appeal, reverfexl th9dicikrdn ; bfthh'fcbllbttorof NewYbrt, WhO „ a ddtyof'tWeuty*foup Instead. ofininAtebni peri cehtpra,. plaid,flpnncl T colprejioij printed” docß not change ftmlr character, m! known in trade, nor remoVe’ih'em frbw,th ! b l scnpdliM‘^ 1 which flaiMelMre provided fbfiefopAOlallj'. “• iu *■- 1 The* Sebret&ry<*ori- apt)iealj -haa.stso reversed, the.fip.' “ cUloniotltheiparaa.coiUfctOr, w,ho. 1 mposftd.jJwe^t^fou^ ■ Inpteftd pqr on checked,^annols; ■ Thatthoyarecjiocked, ana a larger s> hap raised optlielr > sur/iice ttian oralnaty, flk’bs ilot bha’ngi'robl^distlbbtiye’ l ?haf^c!te'i i, bf ; fiantiel.-'lh anbther'casO,t'theSecretary br thefTreasmy jflays:! fUyi foreign iiahllity tO jduty. the apprjusora can determine’ suen Value Independently of : the‘ fnvoico, bjr' prices’eiiVrOdt, l ' add otkdr reliable meads of Infortration* of the ralue of the article In foreign markets, such, ai thfey eujplpy In of Import.” iii. Later.lrom'Tcxabr-The Aid ; . ~„.,r .... ! WASiumoN, Bopt. 35.—Tho Southern mail furniihes pipbWfrtiiftklVpdttits'tb thttfethluat;* 111 ' 1 •* ; L Judge Hemphill: 'and,Governor,EcaaeM, candidates for th&Uutted^mea. p|pco of i^uBk n a i i ( , |, ! Tho itoußton .Tt)egrapk ot thd‘4ta elate* that'lbV |Cotthn picking is ; : rAore cotton raised this than aoly pfoTldnaytoavln-tro***',' .while them/wilt not baiQTcrihxiaquartexa.cfthp^VWn uW.HSP'i.'KSV i. 'll . .wi Tho Mobilo Register states that 8160,000 havobeeri . rttieed in Georgia lb, aid-Geo. Walker li' ,Nicaragua' .is« ...int . ...I ’ „-l-Ui . .An | Parilal&usjiensibnofaGeorjieibWii Baiikv' 1 1 ‘ Wi'aiUNo'rtnr, Bept. 15.-iA‘ ‘Suddon and' 1 tho Bank of Coirimeres,. at: .earned. iwpar« tiftl i deemed its issues, apd paid of the depositors as ! weromostneedy, aud-If i*'aupopsed' will resume in a four days, as they are' represented afl able) ailil.willlprotcctthabank.: Ai ran iwas-.alaakapt up on ipost of,the prfvat© j Jmtalddeiuandf hav : Injj beep promptly ilie‘closing hour. ‘ 11 ‘ ' l " '* '!ii ...jih’i., lt 'i Nbw VTobx, September 3fi } -»The vltitod the dovernor’R room welcomed* by‘Gift Mayot*.'' ‘They sftfrrwfthli' viilted’(W<ienwot>d tietteWry, and will.to-morrow visit Ward’s Islands They Will re turn on .Thursday. i,inul Sporting Intelligence.' ' Kaw .Yx>RK,Scpt.,lsit-At a race .which, otthd off to-! dajr f jit;tho,Union Course, ‘• Prince” wpfl, “.Lantcrn , '.htUng < iani©. Xi the Centrovillo Course,' * t *tance^'J)eattte ,t^Rbseofl Waahlngton. ,, r ,l * lt 1 t k York AfnejflcatiConyentUn<. SyßAccsE, Sept. 15.—The Amorlc&n Convention hka b&dn by thb etettTbtt of Ilohry Il'. 'JCbWhorp President. Seats from: New Yprkaeity werp.setUedby.tho adnjUaloß ,<?f ofdflfagaief. Tho coaTantlouhaa agrted to hare no new platform, and) the resolutions to bo aaoptell will rotate to State matters ‘only. 5 ' *'•; * “' f ' “ : ! -<vj •‘"Jkntes o;?uinfim; of> Erie; for >litoA tary of £tate T CnI;N. S, Benton,; for .OomjrtraUetf,. ahd jhymna.Ojlcll for Treasufar. A recess was ihen taken till 8 o’clockj P. hi! * k ‘ ‘Evk.Wi Sfesslo^.'—The fftltowlhg fuVthor nboalilKtiotis have been-made :• - !i ■* '• - i -Jl.t-I .i . . Henry U. Boss ifor, Attorney Honera!; BwwellGrareS Jiulg o (Dßnpi*U)n_fpr CopualA .flloncr, John M. Btephons for State Prison laspsctor, 'and llirmu ICotebum ‘Tof ' Judgo of 1 CoUri“if dbrnchtiii •Pleas.-'Thotickc'tlias'betncbmptetcd.” * « , The Maine Election, Portland, BeptV hundred and VeTeoty-fiVfl townii, giro Morrill,lh’o Bi'publlcrfa ciiQ'lldato for Gt>- rfeiuor, 33,000 -votes, and. Siftltb, (Dam.).-25,000,.iThc <jyer.sj.W? 1 X0^f,.:..a.u. 1 : Failure.:' :l '■i Boston-, Septefcnbcrl6. O. H. Btoao At do., bardwaro merchants, susjwndcd,.to-day, on account o tho fa|lure Qonant, Dodge, A Co,, of york f \ Bondodt, , Ulstuu pouNTT, N. Y. f ls.—The baukliig house of havis,' fiuydam, Bubols, At Cb. h'aj suspended;-• ‘‘‘ * - 1 1 l - •- « Heavy Robbery' on a Railroad. ■phoViDßito, Scpt/is,— A trunk coDUfriinla'if flOjdtK), -belonging to-tho Worcester County Bank; bf Blackis. .ton,.was stolen fmm the conductorls saXa, in the* cars on tbe Boat Thompson Baiiroad, this ; t ■ ’ ‘Heavy (Gallon the €hesspCakb :: Bay^-M&Hn^ -i ■< - w.'- i'.'ii I'Hlaaater*^^ 3sj--_Tha«toamqx'\7niUc(i l Jepkins, from Boston, wr|yed reports gaieib ‘the bay, ‘during Sunday, SfoiufAy,*jiind*lasV;night; l • passed at-anchor; tlie uteamerCaledonia,'froml-Ohkrlts .tou, having bean run into the previous.night. ~fiho.{isd got her propellor foul with her haasor, and would pro ceed as soon as clear. She reported haring on board Ihf engineer and Drcraab df the stc&ttierKorfolkj which was sunk during thcgUe. , tfho remainder ofherVifieerA'Knd crew wore on hdard the Joseph* WhitneyJ heiice fop Boston, on Saturday.. Wo do not know what ptwuaer Norfolk this refers to, but believe she belongs to York. - ... • ;; ,• * i . .The Empiro.t’ity at Nprfplld ’ t ‘ Norfolk, Sept steamship Bmphy djty.fipoi Nbw Orleans, hound to‘New York, with pa4* ■ sengors, put la hom* to-day for a. supply of ioaJ.i-Sho experienced heavy gal«»g And some slight-damage) All ■yero well on board. She brings no hews- bfimpbrtaijw. 1 i _ i,* ■ Destructive Fire ot Keokuk, lowa. { - - : Bt. T.ouia, Sept. lf».—A*prlvato lettor from Keokuk, lowa, states that h firo occurred thcro on tho evening of the llth inst., dcstroylnk over 1100,000‘woPth of pro perty. Tho principal sufferers aro \Voo*ter & Temple,; Blarcoart- A: Page, and Messrs. -'Ddstia, Morrison, : MoLearing, and Ilaskamp- Tho dnsarancais not mb4-‘ .tiopod. , . . ! * , fiopt. is ppttcr j;fiplojs of Ohjo and Howard street at $5.25 for and City Mills it $5 50, on time. Wheat 1 is Armor; skies of Wd-rit lioci®. llGo; whito l‘2. r )c«l3sc; Corn OOcOflTc. Whiskey 23jic a 24c for city, and 25c for Ohio. , . New Ohlbanh, Sept. 15.—Cotton—Tho sales to-ddy amounted to 3,000 hales, taking-nearly all of tho ndw ftock ifi port. .Price? nro Rtiffer,.but, un changed; good middling quoted at Sterling Bxchango ; other markets unchanged. * ” ‘ ‘ 1 Want of Nervq in tho. New York! Bank*; . i ‘‘Bnnks aro oithor 'a blessing or & ourso, to* tbe j .Community in.which toy,exist;,,and toy msy, it any timo bo rendered a ourso to tbemsolvos iuid thoirquStouiors, if‘not managed ivlth disototioh, 1 and by,mon of judgment and norvo; u,:"i 4 i ThorO was n lack of iudgmout oxbiblted by tlie banks in tho Julv and August oxtonsiohs; and* we think thcro has boen alack of horvoveryplafnly indicated by certain of tho institutions in thoi* violding to tho late panic, and curtailing thoir loans in t)ro wpeks to an extent never before, heard of in tho same period of time,' and which shoujd huvQ occupied at laast eight months/ Wo owe 'it to to commoroial i community,, to spoa)t. thus frankly.; but wo also owo it to several of tho oldest and leading banks, todemonstratotot toy haVo .not. rendered themselves liable tq tpo oharge of having .bceu influouQcd by panio, ; Thus it appears that the following banks, have variid tboir loans during the; last two weeks ps follows:, Bank of New Y0rk...... Munhuttafi Bank.-, '...if Merchants’ 8ank.,...... 'Mechanics’ 8ank....,... Union Bank.. Bauk of America....... Phcculx Bunk Wo, havo token tho first Boven banks, as wo find tnetq'nt'thphcad of tho'list of banks; pad-we pre sume that the place,in ifhioh tlioy stand- indicates tboir relative in this oramination we ar rivo at the gratifying^faot^-thdt'tthesd- 1 voaorablo" institutions, with tho largest cxporlonoo, instead - of curtailing their i loans uuderja panic, have, bravqly resisted;tbo ihfiqpncp of. that fooling, and shftve reduced their ;loqpsjn Ah® past' two weeks apd if 'AuedUi likouonrsq, tbff,total p.urtaflmeht.of- iho two -■weeks would have hew only instead of, $8;ooo,oofi.. , , ;j, ,* * ■ • l ' ~,J ;* This proves satisTautorilyJa us, thftt .tho oxpan-i sion in: Jgly and August was ana .roQeOt hasty, hoixtracjtiqn of loqris Aho; oopsequenoe of a want of ,nerve on the psv - or, those who con trol ourmonetary affairs. With all duo roapeot to tho. president?, eashio^,. .qnd difOPtors ,of the banking,institutions of qlly. we must,be pot fitted to say, that to.J r ® n ? 8!f andjivisddm of the veterap iiißtHutionß wqh&Yeßingledout'QQ account bf their ago and M gt; dro Well worthy .of being held; .AS>c3? thtbdsd of less ek- 1 pcriepco,. in -suoh ; trying; ttmes.flU hftVe.beoii wlin* nelscd in Wall stfeot diirlhgHhft pM thjf® wstor —Connor a?td Enquirer, u<rrh- u _ Markets.) LofUH on Loans on sth Augusti: September. .. $4,071,01# “ $4,144,540 .. 4,301,268 • ‘4,258,520 .. 3,342,011 ■* 8,871,998) .. 3,949,033 3,702,408 .. 2,071,775 ’ . 2,603,042* .. 5,343,007 5,348,042 .. 3,210,077 2,994,876 .$26,850,883 ' 820,483,051 1 26,483,0 - ■ • • FRQgtID&C •• iji AR^i.VjifToF j ffißßMMi} pWl agora.'^ The steamship Tultoii arrived off CdweTto-tVe morning of the 3d September. The steamship Antelope was appointed to leave Liverpool for Bt. Johns, Newfoundland, on the 7th, ftYff and twenty passangorn. and $05,000 in specie." * The Paris Payjndhib's the' rejUrteil-otoUpatiori; tif dhVfslritid'M 1 P6rm6S& 'b'y the United SUWs, /0 - n. fhh Polyteohnie ItrifcituWhftd blende-, Strayed >firov,iAmopg tha; articles . thtf .iiy Jainei ■ Vl.'W rMii;!,'.! <(’7o ■' ‘ * f ' :i j AJt the autupn Cojpiyonooment ‘of Trinity' Col lego, liublfn, tiol l! lor tno puVjitwb l df cunfei'ring 'degrees ihofnbers of the .British, "Ai3octetlbri, P^crfe^sOr ' dtogera,; ofnßpstpq,, I WshinOilfestdlio parties sd honored*,, (i ( ■' ,The shipment of silroy to.thb Past, by tho.stea .tnornf the 4Ah was , , , 'Th.a piiijk.iOtl ndtioe' [ b ! f a slight, ,iu their terms,‘ by indkiiig 1 rid-' Vances bn biUSjhaying six* month's td’rhny Instead *bf os‘of late.' v-cd ' Ctirii^lalntiJ 1 bf the spread of-thV potato disease, bpth in England’and ‘lreland, were very, pievft-. Jint>«und Indian’ com had, consequently a rising wmlancy*.j ,n > * ; i?f i t [ Uo t( times .says that' _ Marine hail received des 5 - the lJith' Of July 1 , ah-' manolng’lhat two aliipspfiVht'had been despatch* ea tb protebt'tne' Frehoh consul at Shanghai; whose: hid beets threatened!" '- 1 • >/ , > | TlieYrbubh Government has instructed its repre sentAtltes in*foreign.oonatrlds tdidlshyow, any,o9o - with the Muratist prpceqdiugswhjch. have .j" ; PlrtmhWPOß were, ihoreasing in Palestine and throughout the whole of &yrid. “ ‘ 1 ‘ :k ‘‘ Great BitiTArtt: l 1 1 • I Rumors'of ministerial 'oh'ariges ’Continued 'to bo Iropagated.„! The.London ,3/or..(anti-Palmerston ajM.qaySJr f‘P|r Charles Wood, it, is bolieyod’,‘ rill leave, the Admiralty and‘’take the Board of lonttol; white Sir l James >Graham>*wiU,'beeome 'irstLord of .tbe.iAdmiralty.;, Lord, tjanmure is sported as anxious to .resign, to be succeeded by' lr! CrinlwriU'or Mr'. 1 Herbert.'' Adtniralßorkeloy,. hOSonlor.NavalLcund> rifitha, Admiralty,, will re- IribiJWT&ff M.Jti* Mat in Parliament,, and We' lear wllloe wocoedfld'by AUhilWFwhill, M.'P.* for'llH^iton. ,f{!il ‘'• *<i ,rl.!i ul .s ~ ~ lu [ AD.imporUptjntceting ip fayor of the scheme for the improvement of the navigation of the ViVO'rs of India,' vrth' a'V’toW tb increasing the ■■ supply.of. cottbu from lndiai had been. held, at Manchester : [ _Agre.at m9et|nßi Q* Tr.wtorian clergymen is to 1 he, held soon in London, with rdforene&lo'the'nbwi piWWe'laW: *- ; l -‘ '* » | Thoilon.Georgoßynghad bqoiiplepteil to sue-, coqdLprd Robert, GroBvenor,,as one of the mem-' bora pf Parliament for' Middldsoxi'without opno* fitroii.' • •; • ) .u.i •; lU ! .EWren .more worq under ordors for' India—eoToh infantry and'four oavalry.' ‘ 1 * • *’ ;* ’ , " i ' < '“ITHB I, AMERICAK HORBES. *-u , Leoompte ran for the wi9kjChl», aqd,,™ badly beaten. Throe Horses |ran, yii.. LeoomproV Pwhoiman; ahd Cakhall; and ■ therdbaree was-three miles long.- .Thttirdeais Idosbribed;;,Fisherman wqnj, aw»y With thejoad, jCecompto Wing off,about twenty lengths! The orily“bnabgo u in these 'pbsitloni took place/ about a. tnlfe from homo, whon Lcoompts wentup to Oak- /joojo pfterwards dropped back again. Fisherman was novoroauglit, and wohin' a’cahtdr'hw a 'lCngth.-'Ledompt-e 1 W*s ; beaten by upwards of twonty lengths.” . THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPft.' ' Thb Lo’ndoh tinderwrttcrfl on lhb> cable of. the < Atlantio-Telegraph Company had.qffered to scttlo by paying 36i per cent! id’ o&sn, and giving tip alt oihinlsnf salvage ou the ohbieoti board tno- Niagara andAgamemponjand that ( , 1 \rhe of thc 'Gbpartmont of> Ho rahlt hod Unanimously 'adopted resolutions in,favor, of a the tariff, with a, view of carrying out free-trade prihoipleß.' 1 '’ TiiO' -Pa'riS ooWespondent of tho j Timts denies that the Branch gone to Tunis fqr,the purpose of.exacting satisfaction for'the recent outrages'fhoW, bht 'willi'Oii tho’ebutrary, Support the Tunisian Government against the.rcU gioni/aijßUmpm.^lph^PJo^tilB./0 , ( Thb Ebjihtia* positively. donies, -oh information obtained from tho best fiourccs,, that.apy eecret treaty, exists between tho United States arid HexiccK ' Vhkt hits given Viso 1 ta Uie rumor of the existence of one is< ibfiays,.that en . understanding ejdsjta [ h.otwcon jsoinq Amorican and Cubaa filli bustersfbuf iVaecl&rcsthht'thept’bJeots of these 'parties triay 1 b&rOgardbd with contempt . The reoentocnsus shqws tho pppulation of Spain to Amount to 10,3X0,500 souls. " M! HidaTgo,“Moxicah charg'd d'affaires in Ma drid, 1 bad, in oonsiquopce of tho rupture, in diplo .matio .rflJatiQnvJeit, .tb.at oity, in, obedience to orders from his Government. ‘ ‘ "’ ’ “ ‘ r • I AUBTR'rAV ‘" lj -i- • ■*•{. ' Loiter*-fromllongsry state that the Emperor of IAIMtEMJwrPojT t&opgh gapgarjr wn« # porfeot triumph, ; bis,moptioQ being very enthdsiasrio. Emperbr'lrarfyeryhibaT moetlngwltbh serious i the train ioLWhkh.he.wafl riding having ran off %o traok, bat fortunately without any Ifl 'restitt.' ' ' ““ * - -‘-PRUSSIA .U , ... ■ Lettert.fraw tb° Eihg ofPrus ala had lately had two attaoksof apoplexy, clhd ' that cdneequbtitty his health Inspires donslderable uneasiness.- 1 i*..•*.*.». j... . \ j l . ~n ITALY. . ; d( Ift JBourae t of Vienna, suysthat it learns from a good source that diplomatic rola*j lions jriU soon be rosained bctweou Naples and l England and Franco, Austrian, mediation haring l .boon.St work to accomplishthat object. ; The ceremony of commencing*the rMlrdad tun nel under MontOonid; at whiob the King of Sar dinia and Prince Napoleon assisted,. passed .off in a .yery satisfactory manner. ; . It is stated that'Wlirarit! Dukc of Tusoany In formed •tbo'Pope While at Floronce, that It would bfi.imprudenti at .the present, moment,, to contract the proposed oonoordat. ... .... *r- .. . . RUS g IA; •‘Reliable-advices from tho Caucasus state that' §chamjl still hold elovcn out of tho twelves block houses which ho rocontly took from tho RusaTane, aUhougll' ‘several ''’desperate * attempts had boon madoto recover them.lt instated that reinforoa moots to the, extant of jSO.OOO monaro to bo sent from Tiflls azaio&t'Shamvl. ' ' ** , •It is statetHhatlarga bodies of ltußsiau cavalry have roqeotly matched toftaidftbaAtutnan fron tier. with a .view probably of preventing "Auafrlti frbm inWrfferinttob'muoh latho affairs of thoDanu bitm Principalities. i.‘j .. i • ...t. I*., i tfhb'BriUsh and Austrian Ambhaaadbfs at'Cob* Btantlrioplo formally notified tho Porto bn the 25th ultima, o l the agreement lof tboir (Jorerwift?nU 4 to tbp annulment of the elections, and the Divan im mediately Torwanlcd’to'MoldaVia'diY order to re oommonce-thb elootitms. i t . , . ....VtqMfwni nmoflgtt.fto .Husfplipon was pre- Toiling with much yiolonoo. * **• - ,u •“ GREECE. -1 ‘ ■ i • Thd original'cbtof of;tho insurrection in Epirus in 18M, ft tbreatof imprisonment; hna io-opcned tlio campaign'. " l ! 11 At Corfu the British Government-had prorogued tbaParliunont for. two years, and a great irrita tion was the consequence. /. tll ;I AERIALS BY THE PERSIA. InGiq steamship Liverpool.—SUbs Cush njauj ur Wright anil lady, Sir Duncan and hian.servant, Lieutenant ColonolTaylorandtwo.sefvaatß, Slrßr*ypli, Master Brayell, Sir J W >lalmßloy,Mr Pilip A Williams, 'Mra flteiiiberg,'infant, and femalo httondnut, Messrs P4ok«Daud lMTi.j'o Loir and.lady, Sir Torres, John SlcClnrc, Percy Dove, Thomas Gray, Sfessrs gpc-yor arid flkhit,‘Slisa Alexander; Mfss'ffatioi. Mr S A Harvey, . MastiHarvey, Miss Harpy,, wife of Lieut Col-Taylor and servant, Sir Watt* and Servant, Sir Bnt tssb)vchild 1 imd’mrrSo; Mis* -Hilrtridg«,Misa. Frances, A Qou, SLrs Wedgwood, Mt* Robertson, MUa Harvey, My Uacvey’a three children and two maid servants, Sira G6WOII, wo ohiMren'aad nUrse,-Mr F NovJs,.Slr ,I<ovAritWßernard, Jfr William Barton, lady,,and child, Hon Michael Ryan, Sir Tomes, Sir J* Heririques-and lady-,-Miss''Henriquc*', Sir John Bowmau, Ur Ed wards, Dr Tyna, Sir Andrew Coates, Mr Cameron, Mr-uaycliVnk,’ Mr Henry," MIM’ Henry, Miss H R Rooketv Sir Ward, .lady, .child, infant and nurse, Mr Jessup, Silas Wallaco, Mrs Qoodband, Sir Ju lius Wei*,' Sir LenlotO, MV Grattan,' MrTyng, Sir Kin-, hard, Sir.-Berry and iady. Mr.; PAtei, lady and boy 5 Sics. Coates, two children and muse; Miss Sillier, Mr. DaVoy andhtdv, SflsaGambleyMr. Kendall, Jlf*- 1 Taus . andßaiitthtnr/Jtfj. James aud lady, Mr Chiles Koel.Mr Harman Levy, Mr Josoph Btett, Mw John* Russell, MrSlichaol Hatpin and lady, Sirs K Maitland, Mrs A Urquhart, Mrs Edward Mark, lady, two children, ch'ilu arid nurse Messrs Nicholson, Nowton Booihj Jolm Gillies,Beroman, Ww Bates, H W®dh°ll| Jr 1 Sladame Gosling, Miss Slusson, Mr AL Torre, Mr SluMob, Mr JatndSMayoV, Mrllarricott; Mr Holdford, Sir Huldn-H,. IJulia.NorrlOiAod nurs®* Mr Gapwkl and lady, Sir 8 Crooks. Mr C T Mitchell, Sir II Brady, 1 Mr T K Cullbn, this‘Chevalier HuUemari, SlrHuliUer, Mr J W Edison, jff J 515 JJrout, Sir, Patman, Mr Ilirchmau aud lady, Mr Marsdon and lady,Sir Edward Tdrpln.'MrJoteph Brtmweli; Mr Davidson, -Mp-Hugh-SlcJuiies, Mr.J H AtwonJ, Sir Jpbq Leech, Sir Win Leech, Mr Gooden sham aud lady and frient}, Mr'Oildoy and son,’Dr Bodl ehehnnd vrlfo, Mr Bishop aad wife. Goo Woods, L Pppe, Thos Maddocke, Mr Richardson Bon » Miss Moole, Mr John llcoiiett,- Sir J Kihn, John L6w, My Howes, Mr M •OUlrlefi. Mr-Steltonwick, Mr 31 C’Oonnor, Sir Reynolds and lady, 3li/w Hubbell, Sites'Thorais, Sir G B B North* cofo/lady, irifipt slid nurse-, Site* Cochran, Sir Robert EUis, Mr Montgomery and brother, Mr Anderson and hvdr. Sic C A Roberts, \U Wrn H Smith, Sir Frahcia ■Kbrfl*. fir J S N*ira. - Sir R<l Steele, Sir Geo Woteton ihoiiw, mAMI, Mr.pm,, Mlm■BfWll'/i Miss VieW', Mr Baldwin, )Jr Stnodley, Mr ußobnteon,' Ifist Wuttn, SlraJ'TScbroederAnd brother, Fir Johu. H tyshp, |>r Porter, .My Fordham, Sfr P Mallard, Mr Watt, Mr An derson, Mr Watts', lady nod (Vo daughters,' Mr Watts, aitdfour-aonB) Mr Moke r lady and infant. “ ‘‘" ‘ Foreign Markets.* ' LivEurooL SIARKEVs.-iGoTTOv—Tho nmAet had bev •come rathoe lost actiru, hut prices of American wero nevertheless Arm at an advance of 1-lOd upon tlio quotations of the previous Friday. • Other description* ■were tfsnjjd dearer. .iTJ}9 week's l»ualnflkS amounted to 05,000 hales, of which speculators took about' 15,500 bales, and exporters about 2,000. The-stock of Ame rican t* reduced , to [278,000 bales. Fair Orlpana is quoted 9Kdi aud middling 818-I6il. - In Manchester,A good and satisfactory business has born doing. BRifAUSTurra —Tho weather bad beeri very changea •bVo aud wet, but as only a small portion of .the crops in the North remained insccured. it exorcised hut Ilttlb intiueuco. Flour Mm withoutchnf)go: Whcftt in limited -supply, and rod 2d.®3d dearer thau at the dor&rtufo 0 f tho Baltic, Indian corn In good demand, and under the Influent of report* df ’ tho potdto ttisdaw advanced. isa2srerquACtor.-ni , ,[ j t; . (J < < , Messrs.;Richardson, Sponco & Co. quote i-ed Vlieat 'T* lM«Bs'4d j 9d| mixed-and .y*Uow .corn u . , , * yaovtsjoxs.—Doef 6*®losper tferco and dull. Pork quiet and easier. l -Biobri flnnw, arid tp.aome cohos slightly; d®a? ep * 4 Lar(l IJrm.at 70sa71s. Tallow un *aoUledlmt quiet, Butcher*' A*irielatloh'62*o6S*. • r paooucH.—Aahcs in Tatr request at 42* 6de4ss 3d for Pots, and42a«42* Od-for Poarl*. 'Sugar dull, and Is' lower.' tea buoyarit arid Trithbridearer'. Rice flrrii and East Indian slightly higher;! Naval itprcf steady. London Slonxt Makcbt.—Baring Brothors report a fair demand for money, without change- in rates, , Consol* closed nt'WftitWJS for hot.R money and ac count. ‘ , . . . ' The bullion lu the-Bin): of England had increased 4279,009*' „ ~.i , a American Securities doll and nominal. 1 LoNoori' pßbuuoß Mißfit,-»Br«ftd(ihillA:to Jjotter request, and u wheat a trifle higher. Iron steady at 4T bars ahd'ralu. - Bdgar'heavy, at a decline ddalsion the middling and Me* qualities. Tea ftt fprpoer rates., Spirit of Furpau ADDITIONAL FOREIGN NEWS. «?; -v LONDON AND LIVERPOOL PAPERS 'I RECEIVED AT “ THE PHESB n OFFICE.) ■ wlTn jioxnnßAs.—A treaty'ojf’, between Hor Majesty anirthk. *rgnetf Vh the 27th of AuS printed. It Is to enduafc .eefon Tt*' most importanfrarticle is an additional on© relative to the right of way by tho interoceanio route, tho Honduias Government agreeing that the right of way over any such route, from sea to sea shall bo at al! times open and free to the Government s I ffcW 8 of Great Britnin “ f °r all lawful pur- P®*®*»*» that no tolls or dues shall be imposed .ffiJjisJranrit of property or on the publio mails of tabliah free ports at tlio extremities oftho contem hlatod road., 4ij'dopfce&loiSsjEng- Tand reoocmses the rights of sovereignty ana pro • perty of Honduras. in l end' over the llno-of said roau, and guaranties tho ontiro neutrality of the «a,no, witlsi turn nmuq that, hor iguarantee .and ,Brotootipp .mn^r, bo withdrawn if tho company managing tho road adopt rognlations cmitrary to ■ tlio Bpiot and intention of this article of'tho *v “■. • ■' / . , ~ .. SItT'IIOtrSAND MOHB TltOOl‘B FOR that thet Eaetr.lndinf Company have mado ft requisition foraboutCjOQOftddiUonal troops ’ which it-is calculated, »ftqrj fdlpinng for contin gencies, .wiUirqifeJb?. E\»fope/iq forep in India to 80,000 mon. Tho number sent out, will have ex ceeded by a few, thousand men‘the hid*specified ..by the Governor-gericnfaTtobe ill hisdpihlotr re quisite. V - J ■.» -. ■ Betwoeh conflicting fiohemes there seems a’ pro babllitythat telegraph,.which ought to be complete in six months, willielther fail alto gether, or bo delayed’ until the greatest need for it ispassed.— Timet. i When order has been, restored, 'as' it must be, the apathy with regard to India will disappear; Tor, aUhopgb.tho.pxpense of the revolt will be ulti /mately borne by the Company, .'it will fall 1 in "the j firaWnstance on the .Government, .arid will 'affect, ouf'Sortle of taxation for years .to come. There is nothittg which keeps open the eyes of John Bull so unmistakably with 1 regard to his distant posses 'Hoflß'tis the consciousners that, if ho falls asleep, he wiji have to pay for it in the form of increased, taxation.— Time*.'. » ,i >, . A netnro b»a been issued by tho Board of trade of the deptaredj valupa British arid Irish pro-' duce and manufactures,Exported from' the Unitod KingaoriidiiHW'the first half of the present year. From this doouraent tho following ust..has been; compiled, showing the order.in which the various oonramnitieS'Of the-world- rank-aa_our. ouslomcra.. Thirty per cent, of our aggregate shipments go to our own possoasious, and 19f per cent, to the United" States. jThb| fo#,thhiyear the exportations have bepn thofrate <* per aramm.f \ ; > The sliippirig returns of' the Board'of Trado for> iho month of July show a moderate increftsri in the 1 Aggregate amount of tonnage omployed. The In ; ireaso jn British,veuals is very, considerable, while in foreign,'with'the' rixoeption of Amdrioab,ther6 has been a falling off. hal and tho Family Herald—’ have just changed bands. Tho former has been'bought by Mr. In gram, riiombor'-for Boston; dnd .the sola pro prietor of the IjondoK „ Illustrated News, for £20.000, and an annuity of £l,OOO a year to Mr. Stiff, tho former proprietor. > .The latter has been obtained for £lO.OOO, by-Messrs. Spalding A Hodge, tho paper-makers, and by Mossrs t Stevens A Co., ,the printers, jointly. ’ Lord Brougham will preside during the second week in Optebor at ft meeting at Birmingham, the object or whibh'fs'tho' establishment of ad'aisocii- Ition which Bhall apply what is called social science [to ordinary lift 'and is} popularise many things which are nOw-oonaidered abstruse. Thero will be five departments in tho forthcoming congress, in each of which papors will be read and dlsoussions take placQ.'“These departments will be [—jurisprudence and amendment of thelaw.eda •cation, pumahnteqta»d.refprm*tioiv pqblio hoalth, : nnd sgQial .coonomy. .The inaugural lecturo will bo delivered by Lord brougham himself.' ' Mr. Layard, tlio Assyrian Exo'avaWr, who was ejected from Aylesbury during the boat of the iChinoso fever, has been receiving from his late constituents a handsome appreciation of his sor vices, in tho shape of a valuable silver teasorvice. ,Ho declined office under Lord Palmerston because ho would not sacrifice his own .convictions, and ho lost hjs-eeat in deference to, the same scruples. | . » . -ITALY.. .... It la stated by the Pari# correspondent of the Times that the Duke do Urammontj boforo leaving Turin for bis post at. Romo,, was endeavoring to pavo the way for a perfect reconciliation between tho Holy See find the poortof Piedraout. Tho Popo .will mat? .his solemn eutry into'liis' oapital on tho. ffth of September. .. PRUSSIA, Tho Prussian- Government has the intention to oonstruct a bridge aeross tho Rhino at CoblenU. FRANCI2. Tbo Emperor left Purisfortho Chalons Campon Saturday afternoon, - fin the previous day the Emporor, accompanied by Count Walgw dk'i hnd Lord Cowley, went to Itambouilletfor a dav’sshooting.... t jjhe Gffietu dt France announces that the long pending suit between tlio ' State and the Count'do Chombord ts now completely terminated. The Em peror JNapQleoftiha* jnUmutod the crown will, not appeal to, the court of cassation againbt the decision 6f thd'imperial'court''Of-Dijon, which, it : may be remembered, declared infavor .of tliaCount do Chambord and sister, the Duchess of Parma. . . t ~ PERSIA. 1 Constantinople lotters of tbo loth (via Trieste) slate 1 that Mr.' MutVay has balled upon the Persian ‘ GMrernmenttt evacuate ilerat immediately j „tTho .4 ,^{pow . Cr«f?W learns 4 from ; ita corres pondent at fiorlin/who had the' nows "from Con stb'ntluoiJltf,* 1 that.in- Persia-the Indian mutinied are regarded as. a result of. English oppression, and contempt for pvoiy non-CbrisUau fuitn. At Tehe ran, li is related, tbe'miDlio oxeltoriient BOtfte&ti thatthe members of the British legation, if thoy .ventured to appear in public, wppid.iu all probabil ity bo assassinated, as tbo members of tbo Russian legation’vterC twenty years ago:'at a time when the populoeo were in a state. of great irritation, -because f. pence Jiad b.oen, oondudtxl on disadvan tageous terms,” ....... At the conference held aHlong-Koug, 111 the bo, ginning of July lost, at which Lord. JElgin,. Ad miral Seymour, and Qeneral Aahburnham were pfosent, Admiral Guorld, whO, porldibg'thc!' arrival 'Of Admiral lligault do UenouUly, command* the PreUoh. .floet in tho China seas, announced officially that ho had received instructions from Paris to uct in coiicort with the English com* m&ndors.. ; , . . The London Times says: “ Lord Elgin israther in tho position of Baron Munchausen, when, on turning round, the baron found the hind quarters of hii, horse gone, and that ho was riding on tho front half only, tho violent slam of a malignant gate' ciit'thti animal in two In the middle. The ambassador to China looks book nnd sees his , army—rthe train and Jong array should havo booked him op—tho hind quarters of tho pleuipo tentiaty~vAmflhod. Ho has only possession of the horeo’i hood—tho front, .or.diplomatic half, tho offioiql mission, ceremonial state, and dignity of tho ambassador. Tho Indian‘.Mutiny Is' tbdgato which has slammod violontly upon : his lordship’s .ch*rger,andcut it.iu two .. -Ml. INDIA ; . It.is said,that thpmutineers,havpexponded thejr powder, and that tUeir efforts to make up some havo fcdou sOrlohaiy impeded by the Tains and the swell ing of theoanals. -- , , She rebels appear to Jhavo kppt quiet within the walls bf Delhi up totheaflornoon of the 12th infit., Their’loss 1 is estimated ‘to have been' nearly one thousand .killed in the action of tbe.9tk. . ~j A lottor states that the,Delhi peoplo continue to graotice great atrocities‘againH every unlortunato ikh or Punjaubeo who falls into their hands. The brother of a.sapper Sepoy, a Sikh camel man, was caught and sent back with both hands hauging by a String,'and his noso cut right Chronicle Extra, July 2. LETTER FROM CALCUTTA. Tho following is a translation of ft letter of July 4, rcooiyed t by tho Augsburg Gazette from Cal* outta: . ‘ ' " “ Since tho departure of the last mail our posi tion has got worse rathor than, bettor. It.is now placed beyond all doubt that wo liavo not only to do with a revolution in tho native army', but* also with a revolution of the whole of the'Mahamedan papulation of India, The plap; is to murder all Europeans and Christiaus, and to restore the an dent Mahomdtlaii Empire. All tho plans vrero well laid, and the object must have been attained .if it hud not boon for the precipitancy of tho twen ty-first nativo regiment. Tho revolution was to have bogun in Calcutta, and notin Delhi. “ Tho second Ilegimcnt of Ureuadiers. was .to havo taken possession of tho fort in Calcutta, and at tho sarao tiino tho thirty-fourth Nativo Regi mbnt'was to have murdered all tho Europeans re siding at and aftowards made the best of its way to Calcutta. The native artillery 'dt Dumdum was to hava acted in the same way, and to havo assisted tho second Regiment of Gfe- iq sinking the ship* in the Ilooghly by means of the guns of the fort. Tho ‘ship* were to bd sunk in ordor that- no' Europeans might be nblo to csoapo. Tho body-gaord of tho Governor-Go neral (votorunj taken from tho different cavalry regiments) was to'hftVo murdered all the porsons Id the service -of Govermnont. • The Mahomodans in tho bazaar wero to .hayo destroyed the railroad and tolegrapb. Tho mnoteonth Regiment, after all the Europeans had boon*put-to death, was to •march towards thp norths murdering ,and plunder ing os it went. As has been said, tho prooipitonoy of tho twenty-first Rogiraentoaused tho failure of tho whole scheme. “ Sli men .belonging to tho 2d Regiment of Grenndiors wero arrested, but, instead of boing thoy wero banished ‘for ‘4O years; that is thoy were allowed to go their way iu peace. As tbs.plot bad been discovered at. Calcutta, tho northwest provinces began to act, tiiid tho movo mont' soon oxtondod from Dolhi and Meerut through tho wholo of fudia, (Presidency of Ben gal.) Dolhi is still in tho hands of the fobpls, and tho loss of tho'Europeau regiments is great. Tho Gwalior Continguntand the inuch-euloeizodGhoor kas fired on the besieging troops,.amf made com mon cause >yilh ttye insurgeuts. >Vhen it was known that tho CMncsp expedition • had reached Singa pore and-had sailed for Calcutta, the ioaurgents, who are spread $ll oyer tJjo couutry, majo an attempt to got possession of thofbrt in diamond harbor, but failed. a Government is alone to blame for what has happened, , Lord Dalhousip laid tho toundation of tho thing, and Lord Canning thought hlmsolf so wiso that iio scorned to listen to/uthor oounsol or -warning. Tho following statement will show what tho fndian Administration is, how secure the Government foil, and how well planned the revo lution was In November last old Gbolab Singh, ,jfbo wap wall kiiowa to the publio during tho Sikh' war wroto to Lord Canning that tho Mahomedans hitefidod to riso andovofthrow the British Govern ment, and had offered him tho direction of tho pro jected movement. The Government laughed , and dill not'even reply to the letter, “Mr. Hamilton, a merchant iu Cawtiporo and Allahabad, who had, gainod tho confidence 4 of tho nativo doalers. recoivod notioo to send away his family within six months. At firdt ho'rofused to do so, but atlast he followed tho well-msant coun sel., )At;the same time.ho wrote, to the Govern ment and offered to obtain furthor .information; but repeivod no reply to his letter. 1 (A copy of the 1 letter is in tho hands of the booksellers,.Thuoker, Sniek, Co.) If I should inform you in my noxt letter that tho Government has been driven hway (veljagt), you must hot bo astonished. This ovon* lng.thereis to bo an (independent dinner,’iu tho Town Hall, and afterwards a meeting is to be held there The meeting intends td draw up-a petition to the Queen of England, praying.her to take tho reins of government into, her hands, and to ap rint*a provisional administration for tno mdnient. could mention th‘o nhtno'bf tho proposed Presi dent of the Provisional Government, but, do not , ■P?SEMSKI(*jrHja‘*rENINO. A *i™pKisßßlTfe-vi*ffT’emBT, ABQTB EIGHTH. “I©V K Annie*’—** paddy Mi!es*,iky ’’ SAKr&sis Ope?.* Hocsi, Eleventh Stubbt, above Chestxut.-—Ethiopl&D MinatreUy, concluding with a Laughable Burlesque. The Jlnnual Exhibition p/./Ae Pennsylvania Agricultural jSto-b€|heJ|H4 fcpr elton, in the Twenty-Fourth Ward, is attracting -ccm3iderabhr i -attb\itlofi.‘' , ‘ '‘The arrangcniefits •m most complete, and ap in the hands of p very com* patent toipmUteabf .gfntlßffieibj .yesterday flitter. , noon, a number of representatives of the press vis ited the grounds, and partook of a liberal collation, i In response to a complimentary sentiment, the Hon. David Taggert, President,of the State Agricultural Society, deliyerjid an eloquent addressl,,' ' Speeches were also made by 1 Messrs. <T(unoi MoGowan, W. D Baker, James Moore* M*D.. and others, and the-whole affair passed .off very. ; pleasantly. . , ... • Wo lekrn that 1 the Fair grounds -will* inolnde about twenty-live acres, and that there are three hundred and twenty-eight pens andstAbles for dni mals on exhibition The track for trials of speed » half a mile in lengthi and forty feet wide, ,Tjjo b air will open in two weeks. . The. premiums of dollarsm ° Unt t 0 otwecn • 67 ® n and eight-thousand Police Ite'fiis —Joseph Turner I ,,Was" bcfdre 1 At-' dorraan Devlin yesterday morning, charged with entering into the room of a female occupant of his house.. The fpcta.wa obtained were as fallows: turner rented to this woman, a fow days since, a room In his 'hbush, in Cadwallader street, above Franklin avenuor on Monday,-he alleges, darln® his absence she entered hisroom and took there? from a pair of pataloon'S, which oh bis 1 returning’ late last night be discovered were missing. Tbiojk-j ing she had taken thorn, he, in & rage, went to her dqor which ho burst open and entered hep room. At this time an officer who was passing by heard the noise and went into the' house, and arrested 1 Turner, who was taken before the'Alderrtan andt bound over to keep the peace 1 - ’ l ,, Yesterday‘morning, about one o’clock, 'three' men, named Heo. Myers, .William i Knight, and William Railey. entered a lager.bser saloon on the Frankford Road above Phoenix street,> and while* there, got into analtercation with-the bar-tender, during which glasses and numerous other articles were destroyed.’ The officers 1 who had made the 1 arrests at B6ach and Poplar were at this timei passing to the station-house with their prisoners.' They entered the boose and arrested those three,, and took all to the Seventeenth ward Station- House. They were taken before Alderman Devlin ybsterday morning, who bound 1 them over to-keep the peace. About half-past twelve o'clock, yesterday mtW ing, James Matthews and John'Robinson created quite a disturbance in, the fioinlty of Beach and. Poplar streets by fighting. Officer' Cody, who, at tempted toqniet them, was severely, handled, hist head being cut, and hit-face showed l that he was roughly rffeed vj the ruffians. ; Two other hearing the disturbance, 1 name to the assistance of Cody, add vrero abd Uk^nbe- 1 fore Alderman Devlin, who held.them "tq\haQ to, keep the peace. , ... ' ■[' On Monday afternoon, Amos Toley, who keeps, a tavern at Frankford Road and Qseen streets, was niTosted by Officer Flemming-for selling liquor without a hoense. He had a hearing befc*e Aider man Devlin yesterday morning, and was committed to answer. 1 *V liUßnVil ... . r 4 I ' I | i Statistics of the Philadelphia County' have compiled frotn the Tenth Andnal Repor t of {he Inspectors of the PhiUdelpbia’COubty Prison the following interesting table, sKpwing the, whole, number of prisoners, bolh,befqre dudf,aft«V trial, confined in the Philadelphia .County. Prison during the lost year : prisoners received for trial. 6,769 Vagrants.; l ..- ; 2,322 Disorderly and breach of peace, Ac.....' '6.974 Disobedient and rnneiraj- apprentices.. .. 1 .. , 25 United States prisoners:. - Sentenced, trot not to hard 1ab0r.... Sentenced to hard labor... I Total Add number in Prison Dec. 81,1865 ! Total for 1856 1*,951 Discharged in I 860..; 14,390 |tomainlng In Prison Die. 31,1858 591 Convicts to bard labor All others.: i........ J. The whole number of'cases on the calendar to the ' “ Court, of cases for trialih 1656,was 2,SIS Add number of cases' for trtfl committed to Prifcon in 1866, by United States authorities, re- 11 •turned to same ‘...'.....1....'.. ’ ‘ S 3 jWholo number of triable cases committed la 1850 6.769' s LeaTiog the number Who were dlschaifcM by the * ’ j several authorities before thbcommeacetneiiVof ’ ’ * ; the term ofthe-Court for tria1:.5,498 Jinnual Exhibition of the Horticultural So ciety —Jayno’s Hall, Chestnut street, presented a very busy appearance yesterday, 6n the occa sion of the opening of (ho annual exhibition of the Horticultural Society, whioh commenced at noon. .There is, as.usual, a fine display of fruits, flowers, and vegetables, tba • latter em bracing immense -boots, mammoth .potatoes and onions, enormous egg-plants, do., Ac. Some of the grapes in the exhibition are the most luscious we Have ever seen; the clusters'are perfectly colos sal, and ‘the Individual grape's ‘are * plum-sized. Eiwh succeeding exhibition gives evidence jot .the constant improvement in this delicious fruit, and in., thanumber.of tha different varieties.- There arc ; numerous rare plants from the hot-houses of pri vate gentlemen, and the professional gardeners display various tasteful designs in fruits; flowers, , mosses, grasses, dc. * ‘ ‘ •“ ' W o noticed particularly thp fine display made by hfr. James Jones, tbo gardener ah Girard College. Some of the yellow six-week beans, the Mohawk do*, and ihe..while Lima, which he has on exhibition, are certainly the best that we have ever-seon. He displays five variedesof beet, four of cabbage, four of carrot, two of celery, four of egg plant, tw6‘ of lettuce, I sliof Onions; 'two of pareley,nine of poppers, three of potatoes, pumpkins, three. of radishes, four of gnashes, end a great number of herbs, making, altogether, seventy-two varieties.- He has also on exhibition some Chinese sugarcane, about ten-feet In height. l Although Mr. Jones has long been celebrated for his extensive and beautiful displays, we think that in the present instance he bos greatly exceeded all his former attempts. The.large hall looked very prettily In the evening. The exhibition was in* full blast, and was visited by a large .camber of ladies and gentlemen*. The exhibition will be oou tinuod until Thursday evening, and we doubt not that thousands will avail thomselVeß of the oppor tunity of visiting oneof the most attractive displays' evermade by tho Horticultural Society. Funeral of Peter McVey. —The funeral o! PotoY MeVey, who was struck down and lulled on Saturday evoning by John , Gpllagher, took place yesterday afterboon from his late residence, No. 1313 Catharine street, above Thirteenth, at three o’clock. The> members. of the American 1 Union Benevolent Societies, Nos. 1 and 5, attended the funeral'in a body. The remains were interred in Cathedral Cemetery. Three have elapsed sinco the commission of thif murder by which an innocent and unoffending man was .suddenly cut down in a oarqer.of .active usefulness, and tha mur derer is still at largo. Several policemen were up* on the ground at the time of the murder before Gallaghorgot out of sight*, and heis-probably known to nine-tenths of the officers in the lower part of the city. We foot assured that Lieutenants .Gilbert and Carson will leave untried no exertions To seoure the speedy arrest of the offender-.. . The Coroner’s Office, —Tho suggestion origi nally made through tho columns of Tub Press relativo to a central office for the Coroner of the city, we are gratified to observe, has been seoonded by scvoral of our cotemporaries. There can be no dispute - or difference or opinion on a questionof this character. Tho Coroner should, at all times, bo ready to make an immediate inquest,-unless engaged on another oase, when he is notified that his ofiioial.services are needed. Let measures he at onae adopted by which tho m&ny evils hitherto coropjained of in connection.with the. Coroner will bo obviated, and the community will not be dila tory in oxpressing their apprtbatldnbf the ohange. A central office for the Coronor is now a matter whioh concerns and Occupies tbopublio mind. The Inquest upon Mrs,. Voldez * —This mys terious affair was further investigated last night. Tho following testimony was introduced: Eliza Rallston, colored, sworn.—Reside ifi t S£. Mary’s street; was sitting at Scvonth and South streets at six o’clock on Sunday morning, on a bake-houso steps; next door is the scene of mur der; heard a scream uttered by a female voice; first it was loud like a shriek, and afterwards it was repeated but more dull; heard-a heavy fall and then a groan; an awning obstructed the view nnd I came from under it; the sound appeared to issue from the third story; went away, and re* turned about half an hour afterwards; saw a .crowd around the. door; a little girl told toe that a woman had killed herohild and then killed herself; I then said that that must have been tho occasion of tho noise I heard ; a gontloman overhearing the re mark, asked for my address, whioh I gave him; was perfectly sober at Ihe time; saw nobody come from the house while I was there. Officer Fitsimmons recalled. —When I entered tho room, part of the blood was fresh, but part of it was olotted and gory. ... Katharine Kennie.— Know Mr. Voldez, and knew his wife; reside In the same house which they 6c* ouplcd; hare heard them quarrel; the daughter told mo her father was vory cross; never saw him strike his wifo. Hilary Voldez recalled—Returned from Wilming ton about ten days before the murder, and went there on tho 20th of August. My stepfather was angry at my toother, because she wanted me to go to tho country, as I was sick and could not work. There being‘no other testimony, tho Coroner’s jury returned as a vordlct, that the deceased came to her death by the hands of some person or per sons unknown to this jury. ■Voldez stands committed, notwithstanding this verdict, and tho cage will bo transferred to the Courts. On yesterday, a qar4 Sighed by the'offi cers of tho Do Ralb Lodge of Odd Fellows wss published, in which was expressed a firm belief in the ipnoqouoo of Valdez, and ft certificate .of hia good standing in their fraternity, ft is but just to say in thus closing tbo subjeofc for tha present, that wo are informed by a respootablo police offi cer, that tho colored woman, Kennie, U not a woman entitled to credit. Church Consecration.—She Bishop of New Jersey will conseorat# the now Episcopal Church al Woodbury, to-morrow morning, at half-past ten o'olock. The solomnltlos w!U be of tho Most inte resting and imposing oharaotor, a largo number of our pity qtorgybeiiig pxpeotod to assist, in them, lhis is a delightful opportunity for families to enjoy a pleasant excursion and, to ho present at a most laudablo ocoasion.. - The - village and tho country around it abound with beautmil scenery, and its inhabitants are highly refined and culti* ■voted. Tho cars will leave Walnut st.wharf at B A - M , and the ferry via Red Bank, from South street wharf, at 9 A. M, * * Xecfure.—Hon. Robert T. Conrad will lec-. ture this evening at tho Spring Garden‘Hall; Thirteenth and Spring Gordon streets.. The pro ceeds, we learn, are to be applied to tho aid of a fumily whioh has recently sustained an affliction which rbndeVs them moat worthy objects of charity, the husband and father having recently become blind. Wo oommend this lecture, in view of its objects, to the atteptiop of our readers. There are at present two thousand and ten inmates of the Blookley Almshouse, which- is an increase of one hundred and ninety-four over ths same period of last year.. There were twenty-thre* deaths at this institution last week. MternvUd Suicide.—Yesterday n)prpin& at as ssrlyhour, it attempted to destroy hej caaSuiaas city; itm (tm ,*WW-10 Long may it continue so. -♦ The followingtski& m2 estate, Ac., weTem&ftt* by Sfi*Tbomu M Be*s,lari eve-.v v niog, L at ftd'Pfcnad.elphiaXiettaart;- .=- . -L' ct*:,SslSa ■*• CoupdbtobfritSdatb Cubden FeriyXe i fewr 8 Shires Philadelphia Exchange Co ,s6i; Share to > 4ha Mercantile LU>efc<y>£BAttj Stockkcll^tc^SeaAhisfteket Arch &raet T*a#j»,mw i X SJwtWMWaijhUAth*-, v neum, $14.60: 5 Shares American. Aakkai'y jf»ifffe: 1 ' : 350; three-storj flej«f»n firm. TEb*t of WniUm •tr%et7latt Dlstr(ct'rfsfcSi?TQ ajtlei| * . $250 •/ fetma east, s2o(k- three-story brier ewelling,•Onemitinfc« s $225: three-sterybrickdwelling !$225| ihree-etory brick dwelling. Biddle street. SS&Ot -. i neat modern roeideoace, No. 2118 Green street, vest of r T.wenty-ftrrt street, sl3Cl>: three-story briefc atom and • T dwelling. No '270 south fourth Sprnse. - '.55000? Keystone PkmrMills,* with «*»eni trier; ms-- ,cbiiier>-, .Ac.j 3f. E. corner of I rani V* Leopard street, between Fn>ntatreet and Prankford 'j-t ;roau, BeTCßtoenth WanL s3ooo} . threeatru? VMc' dwelling, No* 1222 ilarshail street, Horth7;tf Giracd , a.Sr tliree-story brick dwelling. Kjchipoodr stmt, northeast of Ontario street, (late Dtttriet~<rfTCehmoad.) $1400: three-story brick dwelling, Amber streetf-mth- or - - Dauphin,,|B2s.. 1 j * , .1 . I. \, /. /..};,/ ;; 4 r s MATTERS AND THINGS IN NEW YOEK. fProm the Ney York papers of last erening.^ AnaWerisry ot the Captvre of M ~lri m , tion of the Scott Legion in New SvrtU- • >••’ The tenth anniversary' of 'tbO'*mtendßr.of the city of .Mexico to the American army ***,«•!». brated in this city yesterday. , The display otiol. -1 diery .vaa sot very large, bat the-few who mad*,. » • their appearance excited' a. lively intereataa part or the pablto, and thw event- ■•ill low be r*- * ■mefobered for bringing together the few brave fel lows—theremnant of Those gallant rcrioenti. the New York and Pennsylvania: Voloafoeifc* ■ nia Volunteers whu servo*! in the tt--i — —• having expressed their intention of.vintiac thfe - .city sn<Htniting l jn the’eeWhratien, extensive ni»- ‘ 'pantions were'made br the New York Votanteea. of otlr'cititetf fbt tbeip retwp- ' iJ <*>«* ■*■ M.;.tse>iWtaejfeent:<rf m;: York Volunteers,.,and many wftg _. the arum daring’ the. Mexican war r assembles!* front oftthe Mereer-Honse, and -received the*. Twelfth Regiment New*York -Btatelrlilitia, nader camlnand or Col. J. Ci-Cook*. Her* tie militant remained until two o'cloek,whffnthe line'was.-* formed, amp toon tfter broke intocoUnlm and : marched to the Battety to rtaelrethe $6eU I>*t' ‘ J gloa,.which was eipoctpi 1 train. .. .*ai In dua .time the train arrived with the diatiß gnuhed visiten. The mett'neetieaiitf tha Zrttfos. attended by a fine ba^d/aart-bedfrcS thebSKto «u ? at^ r A. where were Hihcken , s battery. After a few word* of waleo&«~' by Gefil W aVdB. Snrndit/irMeh’irAi respouMioLV hyCapt Gray, the Legion passed down the live. and were a^ignsd 1 their‘bSdtton. 'Rje line now sioned officers and United States Amy >in the Mexieaa bir, Bhdir the command of ■ Gen. 0. B. Wheat, mirted by Cota."Gen. ! H. Hobart Ward, Cabt J£u7vtt*Ui ,4-. cape o^f«r«id; - , it i t etta 1 of. fouT/nodpr Vomn»an4 oV‘iol. *>**«*; t j Major-General Pattereon, Bmct-Mafar GMaret .. Cadwalladerv Colonela Wjnkaap. and Tleatj. other gnests; In oatrWhe.-- -- *•■ 18968 Eegian,' tonimibded : hy Oaptaln yi H., ‘ J Yetoran Corpa of. the War;of 18U, under <*£»-? xhandiof Col. JUymond. The eolamv.z&ATed nii Broadway to Chatham street) np Chatham street -to thb east gate of-the Park, through the Park to Broadway-—giving a marcUnfe-eahrie istbeMflye* apd. members of the Common Council—-op fin**. Sottare, naming north tb't&aUtaM of Waabingtom 4»wn ?«rth- erepna to * Braoaw" atreet, through Brocme street to tha ilsrnrßene. v Thnweatherwa. ver,nnrfeaoml hSnSSfc standing, tha streets throash wbiek the Tr ilTlim planded and cheered. 4 - r - c s.; i\? ,% ) The Twelfth Regiment left the 'Volttnieent and 4 * their guestaat'ths Mercer 'Hdrue, atfd, tauehlng to their annorr- dismissed., 4, tb.hreroj-. ‘ (erehasge of feeling* asd aeoltiaenta was pleasant- fipecchee were made by bgoew mm > toasts drank. The ‘privatee together « . littiu companies l hBr# * atuj tnen‘abons'ULe roms; fsd fonght their battles oter again"' *l*4lB' is thb*'* hfternoop the JTegio.B was eaoorted, ,hj the Ybivn- J feers to “ aaarters” at Tammany HaU, mine host &oam ample ptwfalon for them. ! .t-t fcL ,* k ■ iortho'erenln; lack’s The&tri. * Skriofs .. StAskisa Amur i* ' Street .—Atnttof tie , Supposed. QfiniU About 11 o’oloek oq Monday &ght* flTihibam occurred at- toe boom of James O’Brien, Caroline ‘stieet. between O’B.and eome dSaordiwly? fellows, who/U is alleged, rbad tfcsulted ‘Jllii? P'&r MichaelQ’Briea being lup the.time. arcs and* engaging in. itabbedin tbe groin, thebjaao of tbe weapon tak ing an upward and- inward dirytio«,.|»ftkt tDg a very dangerous * wound. Tboaua Bya>n t an Irish boatman, 1 who, fit • is 1 1 aOerfod,' gave the” blow; *wai~ arrested ' 1 by ' Officer ; Xfuger, Of tbe Mb Precinct, and , taken.,to. tb#"Station . House.. jhe bloody flowed eopwqiljfStoa jUija * wound, and fHMnn.ln n ptstn ofttiaft nTnufrtfni s was eonreyed •to the New York. Hospital. *3bi! wound- is sot necessarily fatal*- but-it > l*teo*«; Rldered -extremely- dangerous. o’Brietti*''*iA? to be a bad character, and' together with several brothers, haS'glVCti'tbe polldS ‘bf'tle'Pifti pre cinct a great deal of trouble for serezal years pasi' one TrilliMn'OWinj who- lived-in'the same Souse, received a fetal stew on the comer of JDcaae and-West strata, i habds oT a minwbO, Was walking with' tfittfeld' i whomO’Brien tornlted.' Tbp deceasedWainatV relative of John O’Brien now in -the. hpfpijSer * a Bold Operator op Pickpockets.— 3fr. Joseph O. Frost; doing business at 48 Pine street, wai sor-i rounded by a* gang of pickpockets On tbe comer eg* Brokdway and Courtland streets; white Tritt—fTtr* the t prgrto"of » military, company. passing up,, One of tbe thieve*. grabbed the mSL. watch and chain, worth $219, from the TBStfiocktfc> of Mr. Frost, whothereuponeeiaed the-boldthiMi and took the stolen property ftomhim.— * * At this moment a confederate pickpocketrwfchiF ab knd rescued the prisoner ’ from the efatohsseP Mr. Frost.’' The officiating thief in turn wiicanghk by the Pine street gentleman/»pjl white 1 ito “agart? :waa being made to procure his liberation, officer iEing of the Fifth.precinoi eame:fcpebti arrested the fellow, who gave his name as Thomas HlgtbUr.' The-accused was t&kento toe Tombs, andeocttrifc ted to await his trial. *1 Burnuw. Fluid Accidertv—A Maria.Terpe, reading.at. 123 ThHy-tittfr; street, v.m .severely . abonjt.'. the A?d face, on Monday evening, by the explosion of'*, finid lamp which ehu v(ftf set of ailing vriulft lighted. AllkgxP o’clock on Monday evening; Mr. JamesfCrgmon, a very respectable igentleftaag, |rap pasting along West, street, .pear Hammersly, when be was vio-j lently assaulted by two men, who sprang npon Upa from behind a pile of lumber, freer* they were Tying Tn wait. Mr. Ferguson ‘struggled with iSo villiaUs. but* being overpowered anahurled to the sidewalk, wasTobbed of niagoldwateh:: He cried for help, and fortunately officers Johnson and Stilwell, of the. Eighth heard the alarm, and running^to the spot arrested toe rob bers. They proved to be John Qalnaa, alj— “ Corkey Jack,” a notorious Offender, and Pat rick McCauley. The priasnere were taken- to tkfc station-house and looked up to) ftWftlt exam|petlqß, by Justice Davison. The nat and gold spectacles or Mr. Ferguson were found on the rfdew&lk, where the robbery took place* .The.stolen watohyresaot reCQTiered. however. .j, , , . , 5, Natioital Guard.—The occasion of the tenth anniversary of the surrender of the city of Mexieo to the American army having been set apart by thfe Common Council of this city, for the delivery of the gold snuff-box bequeathed by Gen. Jackson to tho “bravest man, application was made!to Gen. Sandford, who directed Gen. Hall.todetah the Seventh Regiment as a “guard of honor” for tho occasion. At noon the Seventh Regiment were formed in line in the Park* but loir before that hour it bad been ascertained that Mr. Jackson would not give up the box, and consequently the National Guard had nothing to do but to match home. pmi.ADEi.pmA markets. Philadelphia, September 15*-Er»nJaf.—Qnertitrea Bark is inquired for; and rather scarce at $4O for Bret quality. BreadttuSa are vithoot much al teration, and the Flour.market U dull to-daj ati pre vious quotations; the enly tales are 1,000 this Wastes extra at a price kept secret, and 360 bbts Kentucky do at $6 bhl; the Jitter shows a decline ca prcTtoua sales; holders of standard brands are asking $S MoC' V ' ‘ bu*“ ' ' ' ffr but buTcrs are sbr, and not prepared to opwaUai these rates, and only psmall homo trade has been done at from the aboVV figures'up‘to £S.stfs£7.so and *T. 75 hbl for common to choice brands, tad extra* as to quality. ‘The demand Tor Cora Heal and Flour is very small, and price* range at 94 for the former, and *4 50 & barrel for. the latter article. Wheats are not so plenty and more in demand at quotations; about 3,500 bos. red found bayen at 120 »125 c. for fair to prime parcels, and T,fioo bui. white at 1250135 c., the latter for handsome Western in store. Com is firmly held and mote- inquired for to-dpy> and aomo srnMl tales Of Southern yell jw are reported at 75c. afloat; 6ats are unchanged; about 3.500 bus. good Delaware brought 34c. afloat, and some in the ran 365. theUtterforPenna. Groeqrfra Provisions'qr'edovoid of animation, apd crises *Je nominally the same as last quoted, but the latter artidesare'held' firmly and quite scarce. Whlakey-fs selllpg moderately at 35525 c. for bbU ,• 24525 c. for hhds., and 23«24c.fordruJge. BALTIMORE, Ssrr, 35.—PROVISIONS.—The mar ket for all descriptions continues ferj buojant. Bacon U in cood demand, bat owing to the light stock the operations are small. We note an advance to day of Of cent & lb. in the rate for Sides. The only sale* re. ported were 15 hhds' Bacon Sides at Id eta, 30 tierces llama at 15 eta., and some 15a20 hhda. Shouldeea at 13J,'flI3X cts. Hams ar* selling at 14#015X cts. as to quality. Bulk Meat is held very firmly at 11« cu. for ice-cured Shoulders, 13ai3jf cts. for dp. Sues; cts.—for do.- flamr, - cts -far winter-cured end 14 eta. for do. Sides In barreled Pork we hare reported a sale of 30 bbls. Western Mess at $26. Some holders, however, are ask. ing $36.50 4? bbl. for it. , Prime Pork may be quoted flruia.ts2l.sGas22. .Beef is steadyat $2l for Baltimore Mess, and bbl. Tor do No. 1. Lard is rery qaiefc. There is’uoWesterh herb. City rendered la held at 15a ln bbls , 36al6>jC. ih kegs, SEEDS—We hive no sales of importance to note to day. Timothy deed li selling ih small lots at $2 75*13 bushel, and doraraeed at s7.6b«sK. SUGARS.—Tberb was todia little inquiry for Sugars to-day, but the sales were rather limited. The only transaction reported was one'of 15 hhds. fair Porto Bleo Sugar at $9. The market for Sugar to-day it leu buoy ant, but we bare no change to note in our quotations, which are as follows', tli":—sB 50a$4 fair Porto Rlto, $9 50a510.50 for good fair to slsodsmfor grocers' Jtfrtea Cabs and English and $7.f3a55.25 for refining grades,do. Bogar» th* qaotationaare altogether nominal, oTblis having been zuade for some time past - ' - - p ~ WIII&SKT.—The. market wts dull aad Ww i, the only said we heard of was 100 bbls OhioTThlfievT* Mih.' Counter t Whigey, i tt hS »5 good bbls mar be quoted at £3X«2i fa amiOiteSu tilled do ati*«A2s cts. lor time gql**^Milssi£ Xtuchof &«q*uu toeah«tp»>S^Sm«Sr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers