The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 15, 1857, Image 4
pMt - > r ; -> ** $\ 1 l w>:;.«'-'i'vs?-» , Vi it *' ■ • -rt '■ , • Slip femC 1 * in . T t frj /j f V3 -,^v- i o <« Oh »Hpifitrr winter 1 s: itheiopgawfdrearywist?'.’. ~ . «;»V3» tiyutendgone again)-. - ■ , Aty) my hertt ierlpgins • • i. ' . .... • Of therein, *“*?• ,^n ' ' . > wMbj .•...,. AiitdaehMdntheroof :o i Ai.4 again#. ,th»,window rn r:.Wrtiii**PW««*pof*endflowers, ![i ‘ln-ike meadow and the lane ; j - “ i: Tft ronghmy Fulriaghoartaadbrain,. ': : ..... »rlTin**»r ( Sofrdwe ' ■ ; - ... Ofe Ufa thet’aph theWenc, ' ... V--. w' ', r Tholnngami dreary winter! • lijis My.heart ie gladenr emore~ '.', For the eartirit growiog green, And theflharpcb iJlwinisaVe o’er: * Ay, my.blood Ucourilng free, V, ,, ■ 'To langutih* on the couch, ■ , '. ,• ■. . ,5'- »«.!«[»oow, - ~ •*■ ' Ana the fragrant hrtath ol eummer,' . : , With an angel's loyk Mid Steals, in aU«Me *WBP ! f Wi *B*" ’* “" ’ OVihVbl*s*e4iuramer! - : The warm *ad f - - - IloVe it, vt^rair ' J'forit eo vm«sfliQgs l*d«n, r - i AiftJt.brk|/tife Mrr&tgolcten' '■/ [!,. ' i j: . ~ - - An*iheirnianljlK»opi»*w*ll, . Whonthey.wanflprjforth'4«orntng ... « ' < l 'Wl\Zi Vk* sickles In their heads; • r-| And at ev® SgarnjfcfttftJff > y h T >\ Shout asiwthok »M!W»fjFWW»: Wheft tV® wesUro sky is framing v. Hu Oh, the Waned summer!. , - • 7 -’:?The'Wtanaid ftm** *««i«rM' ■ I . r-srcE' m W%enth*gloiyofthftwuomw lv t, fcobeath* MTthud ti»ti4Mhe*T**',; •-«** ''^Ssftffissafcs 1 -'"" ;-j u Araltin w»njtW«n» U jlMBi »*t»SBSSßai».’''r. f.-r/ r} m * 4 Jn ;i'V/I'i'Ji V© ' DRAMATIC CRITICISM*’ 1 J ito&w.i:.. •* M • ;^ 3 »v' <! -‘ •' kjoiii \ peculiar nature of tragtdpirom that of ,thi , ptopHy' M*attM/-‘Th* play-ia,iijWb ; proa U, tfco,neutral gtowd. «# " h!cl1 •***“* “ 4 ‘ comedy meet and ht* ihenualrnninarmutual m» if eMh.but *dhnibn.ho dewdf*hmiliepri*li9i,’*»P»bl <l >f r ® , a ' tbitapiHiavvduty,.T oouiidta’. Hoptiiwi attempt hi ootnply axonUofi, of a inflnenne upoahls ; *udienpa It uprpoted;. Bt olooti, inataad at blending, together,in-' W-i moniouß n«triH«i.«h. other: end ihu ihorongbsW *»4>;aej>Ui °* *»« de * lin&tWri aifc * superficiality that »Wdi avUMMati and relneleea oritsAttgiMtona.;, Ihe, «st eiettbftheW OhitfieteiiettoproprieUm. . .Warn th. oooMiai^ilai#;:* mltia dto^plaak«..«afc.'*,«wS»»»*i^lAi eedenfi evebao Ugh cited in Ita defences BntwhUe anUol. denUiaoenanr ! 'paM*^. ratting tone* v of the d»m*tto ’(eellng,. tra*io.,or,ooßi«,jn>?m??W!d. , fritlmata morement of that feeling, yaf ft In tw degreaaffeoto it*' eutntial sbharaotar; ■»/«* raction. Binglenaat of 'effeet fa ’th'a ‘hiih" «f'’*jl traa aM, and ar altfa painting, eeulpture,r,»Kh, Hectare, and musk,. eo !a Health tha' dtaoiav Tha'animating j guiding,'apditontfoUing jWt?f tlianholeiit la, power end.dHtinotiveneßt,,»»f!!W*.°J‘ whioh raduoea.tha phf totheeontenipttbTe ieVel of a Uiiighti poaaeaiing paly the mennerqualitlea of i U conitltuenta, with neither power nordlatlne tive nesapeeniiar to itaelf,, Without attaining *»;%,' apittbaineto'and'.bywadt «*^RS-fJSW«, •tlay purpose *bd maleeUo’ grabdmrofe; ttagtopßaakmfVlhe, at. moapherebf ii transggnrad, ia rpil.eddWay. mentufiiaponding :oal* i dg at the rary opening of the aeene; thahatereing' awell of.pißloMUi! fntinifiiy, B*<WB* aonalltlto and inoidantojato itoowa ptodtoUnn?,, noralenaug eataattophe, integrating the aoUop, jititlfying our MttelpaUTeaeh»,findfaato«ltg the tapretoof M» tolemn myaUrlai endiritifly j thaaa, <indeed,' Uiat enthro*e,tnigadysinpre»« 3g£imj&BSSß®s! nataly, tho aenUanaea of ,tha asflat awtoito.*»9r garishly illuminate thalr tiiuel apieadotp u»ap *i of draautic MO, W Uawliop hlfjS^r r U’-nhiWe>) J^f¥{ jaantUy deehed out Md. lhßfc« JV u i »t»T, tnares ti««' tHist no h/ftd ihwl 6dm« j M^^**!?*?* 1 * piadtolsg any impretoions,beyond,,* kaoSfcsmgss, 'fheld ll '*. if KggWd, and _Amartea, •' hy^ J : ’tW ' Ohofoo. fona/, if i; 4nW(»tl«> tfra hheH refeWW-lh, tSttMginitia '|ny ! hlghelr fam' of 'drama tiitffortpand that hia'nrtutiooßltniwnaA not awakened him to a eonao ot tho inooeebletindaa 1 in preference t& r thUhj'- to piece bit eonV«rti-into imyiUrti* .k4ta*ttqffc,.£o*UMltpUtie. HUdtikl'ilhd CUmietlo 'effeoti Whert WO Itoh dltot odr ’aatonaa.ahonU ha atirtod to„«a*n^.TO»^y.^.dh^PWto»i?L l of.tbe aeane, r* aradUggated hyth* «UrUingd(a-i olosuropf aomoringnlar hut daniaif hi^pla?a;- ; thi:efeSt : lynipattiiMi ia Intariably atopped by.the thrilling’ whiohl apparentlyiho ‘w ifolighla; ‘ anduarfaaUnga, tranaitloßMo nmatia fying and nnnatntnt, at iaat, into a iondii: Jtai, » . fartk«r •video** ofi lfe: Beieiwy of power, JJwnvb, ■SU otjii>, ■’•‘W' tawtyWWf ifiilfce •afire'alwrac* fromkU >pl*ye td r*»jr ErSArfe^d#*) *paU from tl)*"ifhjl»@S&7 .(tft.Mraunlty. Hii chirwfervennMbortfMted' to,kS»; p)otilni|(»»(|nf : * fcftyi<H let*. or, igwm the nowirtenelei; of hwdruMtlo penoseli A H!e eliS tSeiaSeli’es ju dialouely, eVlairipliejlevfJppinent of the etory, buttlieykav*: Boieittinuii* scope for tk* diepUyoftheir trufcn.iureiV -oE ■ /There i»>jrrw*. weretriploui SI»r» »t<»t'tti!r Kmtirwnt, end a atnining for effect Abont their eeiotlonal phasef./s li»i»»*or,',ie/B(r|(d to)(«bpit . them to theitest of eolUoqnT, (hat eu elotte peitM tret* tlii'reo e**eJ oftteilr he*rti,trad ley betdthe secrete of their ieiKnFeffiTfielsoSeqe»r{oSelf eopporisndw th« eompUoAtod tirieloof wrlpypired eipet!enCß,;whjeh:wiWlddl»?!oWthoMM,qoe)i^ tietlng-tbilp/ooßeieteopy.'TiwjJKßOwii&ekprtr MeriSee* blindly to mere eeenfe illspiiiy; 'Sl<4d-hsai4--‘ ,*'^.^#-iKpi#rV^iw>n!jfAVSa j eotrUnt'-to etrito for nothlng beyond it./ HU ei pr*»rioh» are often welt tnrhed. AnJ fqii of pjjiht,' voice, there is little in his beet panageiihe^ond or pQpOt.J- ;,J,. 1 i ’/ i!f; In the Wlfe, the ploy before ue;«hiv« atujtie* tlepekl r. th«! t«<T, dirf tjtou V tk», epifff of tbs naked ieeldeirts, withoat the uforKi>ff spirM, to eelabfWi' : tbe : >A>Wrt"' kpWeeff/rtStt 4&l**nte and. oweewtioes- >, MggertloaehaSi in the bands of :Mr; lfi»w)es,- boon ' amuMtent of as boor. The play diverts, bat etrr Igstwawrywet” ww sti&mm-w w- ottoeof hlgb ponding and aeepofilaf inffuenea of Islpras -, ntMtf'iha ebarMter whisk herepreMets/andjfr.; With keen dlscriminatfjsjjreoognlslng ’ -the cbaneteriatie .qualities of the hero, whose,P° r - ] 'b4itor«} Mr-‘kn6wlJs nab -Only suggested, hehas, ' i by’tW empiUltgpKf of. lppkj / by , -ji!»y,‘ i .tMSPH ' itionj created;* souJ iritiin Ihuribs of death.- - ' Bt. Fierro isa limn of; the world, handeome, ao .compn#hed,..faaoinatlug, aud .steeped in crimo to . I'tho very lipsj- but over whose "heart the generous. ■ qualities, : nativo to his soul, enlT oevcr entirely eradicated,! havo/almost regsiflei ■ their/original sway - Repehtanee, therefore, is the 1 main feature of the delineation; the "toggle andgradual tri umph of good oyer eviUh ttaoulhighlygifted,-and. by the glowing im -Mlses whiolf'tiejr cheeked,' have'givou Him a pro-, f&mdibsight into human nature. ' v ; ; Jtii «ly,hyi thou light o( Mr. D.’a acting, how- , eyer, iliat sH this appears;; fur Mr/Knowles, irre siitibljr ' wbtf'by‘thd brilliant ; attrhotlven'css of 'fb'ejaeeomplishcd libertine, has, by i every means in hia powor, etitle&vored to thrust the barer quali ties oftbe fcWraotcr into the Yiewof the spectator. Hunger alone having pl*oed St. Rierpo again in thepovror he is made toyleld'with the eagerpesS bfi. g.'beitrdleSß' the ten ptationi of theganiiiig-tablo. tie whouhad km It upon biafathur’s grave "on altered toon,” '(•4 ghew.liioerity, Mr- KaewW himself does-not tnt ind that we should flodht, is weak enough! base nnrugh', for, the idle gratlficdtjuu of ambillept’s pleasure, to place himself s third time in the poifer of ;lt Ifi lhe’!'a r< lsltlf J^flt . the actor, preserving all its fascination, frees, hitn loll , nevertheless,'from; the ihebnsistepoies of the part, til at renders this performance of Mr. Devon-, ■port’s so singularly impresdro. , . lahiS.Very fetsiehe/together'with the robber like "audacity poouliar to St- Pierre,, ?nd. the ludmate .ftmiilarltyvwUh-the nieest -workingt of i Ferrardo’s ■s¥ I lag reluctance with which he again, plunges ihtberijne.- Covering/Ms 1 thee'bo conoo>l 4 the gaihermg eiiiotiiin/heHeniciltsitQ tho damnlng cohtrsoij'srith aihpstttertnding pathos rarely sur- I paised; convoying to the BpeoUtpr,,by this .touch ing evidence of manly emotion, the simple secret of gf. Pierre’s trueohaiaoter, and the convincing 'Brhofof HJiib'jrtlle^cislUnkskill'-'j ■ }•■/;, XXI ’ throughout', arc wdrthV ofthe cloteat atady, and certainly no other .tfie’ri ,J 4iso,n,Ctly inanlfeits 4 jfafsAof style., t The elegance of-bis. Intensity oH-bls utterance,! tbo'sympathotio power, ofhla descriptive narration, the manly pathos of Kit toirewi aid tho uh&chdihg eathesto'ess ttn'd te allty of.hlseommanding threats, allofthem escape rdsoi’lpUpn, as they ate bejrond praise. ,; , ■ " iiteiituWading’Jri iaaybe foupi inlthe atjeonnt of Switsetiand- tol Marianna, Ivhich he '-dignifies into a beauty not its own; and the soli tary built, that,-with the utmost watchfulness, we could 'detect,- was a'defective modulation of the hvpioe,jinHls'angry,,expostulation with Fcrmrdo, ta{ thebpening of i the/‘f:dagger soene,” where he HSoends too rapidly to the limit of his range, and ’fioomes, for the instant,- monotonous and oven ,*J V | ’•' iThronghdut'vjtho, 'delineation there, Is an under-, .cirront of meaning ' in close accordance with tho 'proprieties, of; tHe ehMdeWr, and expressed by a 1 subtle alternation of’ alertnoss and repose of man ner, pre-eminently rare' in! the degenerate hlstri onutm of, the day. i.r^iTlOV ' nnd the Utah gxpedltlen. ' '* . ' [From the latest bait Lake Papers.) ‘ I The JtommS elwtWi/for Territorial ofMrs,* ahi< jwiitth#owy>ce»dwaie for delegate/,, Thefollow*, loe notice to the Territorial militia appeared in the iyetoi:;hcu'- r -'fr.uirnt r f ' 3.- » —;:— “ .- ; MO. I*-;- I ~'-.Kill BRiaADftR’OBSKIUt’S Opslcb,’ ’ I J i i Great Sait Lare Citv/July'l2/1857i ) « i J I.—The offlocti .'aiiil' idtdiin 'comprising'thA lit Brigade ?! envoi) Legion, wifi iparadittoc |n3peoUon f of nrmaand drill on Union Square,'at eight o'oiook,. A..M., on Saturday, lst Auguat. i 1 1 expected to dnli on foot, the-Brigade wlirthOreforeappear dismounted,with their guns jjnd aibaiariidon in piece of pistols- By order of I jpL-.8/^BAtin, {tif g\ . i! I William wife and doughterfhad been cut, off; from itheChttrohof Christ of Latter Day-Saints for apestaoy. r! Bderi. Jdbn.Taylof'aiid iElastua Snorfof; thrc 'Twelve-Bishop Andrew Cunningham, and. Eldetif Henry W. Miller, William -Martlndalo, George J; Taylor and Dustin -Amy arrived at Salt .Lake on • tho 7ttf Adgdst.‘froth their’ vartohd. ihilsMbs, and giro a sid aocionnt of the people down below. 1 -, The following ii, the closing portion of Governor Young's sermon delivered- inSaltLake oityon the. 28 th of July: .o.i , . ,1 . , i “ WhattSuow the news, circulated throughout , the UnltodStatcs 1 i That'Captain Gunnison was ‘ killed py, Brighain Young, ; and ’ that’ Babbitt -Was ' leiUbd!on the plslns by-Brigham -Youngand his Danitobaad.. Whatmora.?. Thatßrigham Youog had killed all the men who luwe died botwoon the Missouri rivor and Californiar I do not say that President Buchanan lias any hucli idea.ortlicoSi . ceri of the troops who are reported to bo oh their : ,way here,but auoh aro .the newspaper stories., Snob reports sre in the bellows, and editors and ) polHitUns are blowing them, put. According .to. their vAfsib hi .Am guiltV ortho death oi every maij, wpoidh And'chUd that Ju",djis' ijdMrebn' .th, Miasojirl nvOf and So,; mums,.and: . they are coming here to.oiiaatiso wo, The, Idea i Makes mo laugh—and when doyou think they will get a chance? Catching is always before hanging. They understand, you know, that I had gone north. • and intended to'leafotMs place With suoh.aS would . 1, phd they, are coming to declare a jubilee. It is'theirdeslre'tosay W the people, ‘you nrefree;' yon are aotnnderthe bondageof Brigham Young; .yon need.wear his yoke no longer! now lot ns gat :drnnk,*ght, P>ay at cards and race horses: and, eiery'oitobfyoi womohthrn'd , tWwoiatbd with the ‘Civilisation- of Ohris- S .i Itdhs Trepd'otn thcy are endeuvo'ring' to .isolani Se«/' I will meko this proposition to . Uncle Sam:(l lyriU jfarpish oarriaeee; horses, the -best rf.driversi anil thobest food fhave, to,trans port to the States every man, woman,-and;.ohild that wishes to leave thls plaeo, it he will Bend on at his own expense ali thoao who want to ooine to : Utah, and' we will gain • thousand id their one, as , all ,, '*ho understand tho matter very wolt'know, It'would,hare bet«“mtU)h h'ettif to'.haVp'lpaded the wigShsTreportcdlo Vb bit the way hero with mWr,..'»9'henij a? | l eWldro.n, than provisions': t<j sustain soldiers, for they will never get here without'we haipi them?'ineithor do .1 think that it is the desiga of President Baohanan that’ they r shoulddOmn fere. ' ! T‘ am - not . going to’lnterJret dreanM, £bf I doti’fc'profoM to 5 bp' limb rp.rophet m wwj Jowph »hd DUntelj but! urn f gnesi. Bn-. i thauan has ordered this expedition to appoase the the IStH'bf duty to ofoes, thbfeplelni to this, point' bn foot Russell'A 'Co.jWtU probably makofrom eight.; tOi) ten..thousand;,dollars by freighting the MMaga'ofrthe expedition, v What' KOuldindueo S»cl t 45.000 idr the bitrposhpf,melting treaties ; the' Utah,lndians: Has evei that diminii afht>sre? tll.Js ia the .ooffers.ibf-,the, -Goyornioent ,to, this day, un less they nave stolen it out ,or ;improperly paid , iti;oati;for:.isoae»' Other purpose. Have fhey' evbr pslA theli* debts due- to Utnh? ! Nb, BiSpty.bixssiiaithJyknew.thathewiiaamsmherql; thlsohurcii (f ,,lf, hn Md only hare,apostatised in season and written lies about us, it is not probable that his mail oontnot would have been taken from him iwUhbut thb least sKadow of right, as has now! been-done;.'-He eras to have $23,000 for carrying the-iaail from' Independsnots to this oity oneo a Month,' Which was-the lOfveat bid, but hcenuja he' was, A ' iMdnnon’ tho confraot nmst bo disan inhlMrahd.that, toOj.afteriiehad put by.far.the Most,faithful and efioiept aorvioo onthe.rimU) that there aver has been, as is most well known at Wash .lngton—lfJthoughtthatmy.prav er mlghtbe an> I . jawered, I would pray that not another United States malt may come to tbUoUyv.fof until Mr. Kimball •began bUaemoeit had beon A.oonst&nt source of i apitoyjUwef/.dUappoiDtipent. and'to: m 4 to/ «P'd \<m<m*WXQW& maiiSj dost, ahd/ iswtcin oan»lvei,; ;Bnt-woe, woo to that man who ’coma* here nnlawfplly to intorfero >rith my affairs. woe to those men who oome hereto nnUw- this people.' ,‘i‘ : sWore/n iNanyooi when m>'bhero!es wirtf looklhit me jn the' ' fuMfiOi ,diafc’l,W6tl!d Send.them to hell across the lota' Ilf they meddled with me, and I &Jk np more odds of i all hells If they kill me/itje all rlght ; hot Llhey wUlnotuntiUhe tlmeoOmeß, and I think that ITfSSII ds# anatoral death, at least ! expect to: ' Would lt hot make any nian or comhuipity 'angry I t6 s S6dtird' and" reflect npbh tnO aboae bur ene imiegrhftto topcdupop us. .and ftrpstillstidyfng 1 ■ to pour out QodV people t Brolhpr. Bernhlw sel iays that McGraw.’p mall ..contract was out in August last, but they demanded at his hands, and' , wouldjaay him two or three months lon j ger;. • The Pott Office Department knew. 6r should i bkre k&owfij that it bad forwarded tho acceptance' bf-Mr.-Kiinpall’S bid fof the new'coritract In that’ 1 y 1 not carrying, and they tp£k. r advantage of Hhe' failure of that mail and tMmpednn afflso the unsettled , of Utah, aoa on those grounds dieannulled tho s>Uf tract «r4h Mil KlmbaU.pur mailr<ghUand other r>gh^and pririleges aremost upjusUy .trampled under footjbattbey can epoDd mmlonsto raise a hubbub and make out that’some thing wrong is be* lug dobe in Utah* s ' r , • • { ' Eet iae lie tho of-the United 1 States a I would say tp tho Senators, Rep/ and ojher omcers of (Jofcniinent-- the part of mop ,und statesmen, or I will reprove Vou. What aro they V? for ? -ptmsvlMill teprovd*6h F fdr tpelr iniquity* ond because X bave puoh joflotfndb very thing?they are all after. .They thjnk they.arejepiog to obtain it with money, but tho-pmarksof Qbverabr Ybdngy delivered fo'tho 'SAints in' Salt tAkeCFty^;bh.thb'2d'of4-Ugust: • o ‘\When I myiself I think just this—l have the grit In me* and I win do my duty, any* WEeu I began to Speak in pubHo i was ae arianguaed as a mdn cdttfd well be; but S*j®Cwfhl,:w|ibrd>*n>w dU;t|ie j w J t , ba’cdh faefo Wit h’seofog hot M^nd8 x of tWorfs wftk whloh to S2? V*l 01l \t *“ ea< b end then tell about being bash* ff r anifMffas, my beef asas'L'ifete&ja'ja - *- JMe.eC.*aug?.rlitoU!tileil,'infUiatpoint, and! must •uy.tiet if there is anything in the’ world THi wi|idCktfoWleclj;B Withßrothcr KimbslLaiul. \ 7 know it ia ii. 6 case With him, that I am o' great i mm tit. tKW«P;!riJn. ;»hat, paftiuqlar ?, I,love, to »• tks».h»»y, a to.»ee„thew ,weU,fed,*pdg-tren elotead, Aiatliiove to ,jm them cheerful. I love totMMU* wiwutiiejr lilitgpßigss.4MiltAiMLPHWi.MMAYEl ! I k 1 Nigia:etrow don’t care. There are probably but tew mo,ala ine world who bAfObouti the iprivate '.sQOloty of women X also lore obildron, had I delight to make them happy. -" *’• l v 1 15 - fi J *ootraral4to ft I ,' 'Urge amount ,bf but I' would just as Boon, feed my neighbor aa myself) and every one who knows ,ine .kpows whether or not a pmoe ( of johnoy-oake ’and butter, and ft potato, satisfies .Brigham. Ia an live on aa cheap and'as plain food as any man in Israel. £ bavo [ said to my family a great many times; 'I want you to > make ihe home-made olbthlng; but I would | meet suoh a whizsiug about my ears,.if I I have even a pair of home-mado, pantaloons 1 Ido nofcknpw that I have a wifo in world but What would say, ‘You are not going to wear tu©m, you ought to woar something more respectable, tor you'dogorvo to aj much as any man ! / “ It would be hard for okbtuUihrwiy * Ihe idea that'the (Ibvornmont of the UmtodatateS is shutting down the goto upon us» .forit is-wo 1 viaiblp; and this is what .hastens the work of iho Lord, which you are praying f° r «rory day. Ido ,hot| believe'that'there i« <rt man oc woman who prays at nil, but what praysbvery day for the Lord to. h asten Ills’Work. 1 ' NoW take oatC, for U Ho does, may bo yod will not be ptfepared,to meet it, ! , ‘ ‘The aimo !must‘como whAu/there/WUlibeft, separation between this kingdom and the kingdoms of this world, oven in every point of view.. Tho ' tune must'oomowhon this kingdom must be free and independent from all other 1 kingdoms.. Are ,W prepared to bavo the thread’out-to-day?” • ... % *. ,i -, ;* .‘‘How let me tell you> one thing, JCshalltake, it 84 d witness that God designs to out tho thread be tween ns nndthe world,when an army undertakes j to make their appearance in this Territory to chas* , iju^meortodestroy'tayMuG’' , fti>iA < ''tho earth. I iuyit dowp M'ft rale that.) right* is, or -at least should be, might with Heaven, vyith its' servants, and with all its people bn tho earth* As 1 for tho tfest, we will waft a little" while to'see. but I shall take a hostile movement by our enomles as an ovi -1 denoo that it is time for the'thread to bo ; cat. 1 I thibk .that wo will find thTdb hundred who will lap jWaier, r und ' we' Can 1 whip, dut i tho Midianitca. . ( 2rotbor JJeber said thathocohldturpout his wo men, and they 1 would whip them. I ask no’odds of the wickfd, the best.way they can fix,it.” ~. , £rcial Nolicfs/ ‘in the orphans* court for the X CITY AND COUNTY-OF PHILADELPHIA. U g In the matter of the Estate of James McQarrlty, de ceased. :-;r -• • An appraisement, under the fifth section of. the Act of 14th of April, 1851, having been filed In this matter,; notice ia hereby given, tbatMery Ann MoGarrity, widow' of the said James McQarrlty* 'claims to retain the,per sonal property referred to therein, to the value of three huodrcd dollars; and that shewjll apply to the Orphans’ Court fovapprovalcf the said appraisement, on f BIDAY, /the Eighteenth day of September,. 185?,' at 10 o'clock, A. M.i sec. reg. * .ALFRED C- TOWE. , se4-4 811 A 15# Attorney for Widow. IN THE ORPHANS’ COUHT FOB THE COUNTY 03 PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of JAMES HEMPHILL, dccuuioJ. ■ ■ ' The Auditor appointed to audit; settle, and adjust the (final) account of JOSEPH LESLEY, administrator, de bonis non, c.t. a. of JAMBS HEMPHILL deceased; and also the (final) account of JOSEPH LESLEY,Trustee under the will of the said JAMES HEMPHILL, de ceased, and to make distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Wednesday, the 7th day of October. A. D. 1857, at 4 o’clock P. M. at his office, No. 1 181 South Filth street; opposite Independence Square, fn the City of Philadelphia. JOSEPH A. CLAY Aud’r. SeptemberllJlMT.f',* l . •"*’ 1 r" f THE ORPHANS 7 :pURT OF MONT GOMERY.coubty, August 19th,‘ 1857." Notice is hereby girpn, to all persons interested in, the estate of Mary Alderfer, late of the township'of LOwer Salford, in aajd county of • Montgomery, ; deceased,, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Alderfer’have applied to said Court. bW petition, prayingfora decree for the sale-of the'reaf estate of said. Mary Alderfer, deceased." The said Court have Axed WEDNESDAY, the 30th' day of September, 1867, at 10 o’clock A. M.,'at the Court House, in Norris town, for all parties Interested to appear atid show cause, if {any they have, why the. prayer of said petitioners should not be granted. By order of the Court. 'J, El DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. , au2M4w j / fiOantg.’ ,'ttnrt AGENTS RANTED.—A. HOME «/Ul/ STEAD FO&jflGThirdDiy/siou.—43W.OOO worth of Farms and Building Ixfa, in ufe gold region of Culpeper.' county, Virginia, to .be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 7th, of December, 1557. (Sub ■striptiouß only- ten dollars down, or fifteen dollar*, quo- , hair down, the rest on delivery bfAhe ds,ftd.;i Jjrery wiU get a B&lldlqg Lot Or 0 T*nn, ranging ip. riiue from |2 0ta'825,000. These forms sUlots are sold so cheap to.lhduoe settlements.* sufficient number Mlngreserved, the increase In the value of which will compensate for the apparent low prlcenow asked.- Up wards of 1.360 lots Abd farms 'are already sold, and a company of settlers called the ( * Rappahannock Pioneer Association” is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of Contracts' and promises. Nearly 45,000 acres of laud. In different parts of Virginia, how at command,.and,will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to $&00 pet acre. IfnqiUstionable title* will in all cates, b'i given. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmers, Ac., or,i idanted, and five hundred Agents topbtaln subscribers, to whomthomostliberal inducements'will be'given. Some agents they are making J2OO por month. For full particulars', subscriptions,'agencies, Ac., apply tO ,*> I '.. * i i 1 B. BATJPER, -t; iaq&Mf - , Port Royal, CarpUne county, Va. . JTue proof Safes. .1A large assortment of - r * , ! ' ‘ EVANS is WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA HANVFACTVRED SALAMANDER SAFES, ! ' , ..T \ ; ..VAULT. DOOBS, < ,r - 1 ,} ; Tor Banks and Stores: ■ •’ •- BANK LOOKS, Equal to ant now In use. IRON DOORS f SHUTTERS, Ao., On as good terms as any other establishment In the United States, by . « , ; EVANS A WATSON, , V No. 29 SOuth FOURTH street, .. 1 - ; ' ’ ' . ' ‘ ‘ 1 , Philadelphia. 4 , PLEASE Giya pa i. CALL- ■'; " >ul3-tf,, ugtuulture. , ©TATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. n3—AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BBBEDERB, GARD NERS, POMQLOGISTS,' INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS, ARTIBANB i! All classes art invited to be oorae exhibitors.* • - 1 - ! THE REHNSYLYANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, will bold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at PowMton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 90th and 80th'and OCTOBER Ist and Yd"ewm ling, for the display pf Cattle, Hones, Sheep, Swine and Eomtr/, Agricultural Machines and Implements, Dairy. Field and Garden Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers nod Vegetables, the Mechanic'Arts, Domestic, Household and other M&uufaetures. StOTeii, Wares and Inventions, -- --- PLOWING MATCaM- - i In order to promote skill and .efficiency in the im portant work of the Farm, A Blowing Match will come off on the fourth day of the Exhibition, to which men andryeuths are invited td for the premiums. 1 p , To Belters and buyers of farm, .stock this Exhibition will nfford a most favorable market. . The different Railroad Companion will carry all stock and articles to and from the Exhibition free of charge as heretofore, and will issue Excursion Titkttt for the Fair week at the usual liberal rates. , ~ 1 LUts oI Premiums and 1 ail -other jnfonnation wiU be furnished on application to ROBERT O. WALKER, Se cretary* at the Rooms of 4 ‘ the-Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,” OheanutStreet, below Seventh, South side, up r. - .. 1 The books for the entry of articles add animals will be open on Afid after the life of September,' / ; « • f '> . I; - DAVID TAGGART, i i ' President Penns. State Agricultural Society. 1 anl3-dtsep2B e '.i 1 . ? j . . t •.< EDWIARD B. KELLY, i . / . ‘I • LATC ‘KELLY A BROTHER, ‘ 'Having engaged the services of 5 - CHARLES ROTH, Distinguished for the. .beauty, and excellence of his Goods when in' the Tailoring Business, has takea ; *•-. « -■ v-M»* .*• the Btore, ' Si 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AND nAB OPESEDFOE TH*<BALB, AT B2TAIL, OF CLOTHS, OASSIMKBBS, - VESTINGS, CRAVATS, T v-‘GLOVES, SHIRTS, Ac., Of the beat qualities, at moderate prices. Inr The business of KELLY A BROTHER is re moved, from to' No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, where it will be attended toby EDW’DP. KELLY or JOHN P.'DOHERTY.■ ' . ; - . . ees«ly TOHN P. DOHEUtY, ” "T AF ’ FOR TSARS WtTU KRLIt A PROTHBR, : LATE'WITH LUKENS,'KELLY A CO., .1 1- ’• ' , UAVISO SNOAOSD CHARLES ROTH, Fqrmerly the loading Tqilor of this and , —* . r lIAYSER, Fonrierly with 0. ROTH A CO., late Coat’and Vest Cutter with LUKENS/ KELLY A CO., and other supe rior Cuttora,ha« rented a part of the store of ! ! ‘ BPW’D. P. KELLY, ' BMCIIESNUT STREET, And has commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS. ‘ The. most unremitting attention will be paid to the t wiaheq of all who patroniae.the establishment; the best of Clothes will be made, and <\t moderato'pricos. [gos-y JAMES SHJpRIDA-Nj MERCHANT TAILOR, Not. 18 and 18-South NINTH STREET, -ABOVE .CHESTNUT; . : A large and well selected, stock of OLOTIXSaod OAS3IM KREB always on hand. 5 All Clothing at this ißqtahJUhment will .be of the best quality, and io tfee most fashionable style*.'' t. . Particular attention aired ’to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. . ; •. ,r ’; 7, * -Wtr Jf NIGHTS GdOKING ‘ EXTRACTS FOB Piet, Pudding, Cakes; Jellies. Custards, loe Dlano Manges Sauces, Syrups, Soups, Gra* Ties, Ac., &e. ! Comprising , 'i •, , Knight’s Extract of lemon. Knight's Extract of VsnUla. Knight’s Extraet of Rose. Knight’s Extract of Orange. Knight’s Extract Of Peach. Knight’s Extract of Almond. Knight’s Extract of Bfriwbertj. ; Knight’s Extract of Pineapple. Knight’s Extract of Raspberry. Knight’s Extract of Celeryii Knight’s Extract of Nectarine. Knight’s Extract of Cinnamon. Knight’s Extract of Nutmeg. Knight’s Extract of Ginger. Knight’s Extract of Cloves. Knight’s Extract of Allspice, Knight’s Extract of Mace. Knight’S Extrattof Apricot. These Extracts are made with great care, and are war* ranted retain all the flavor and strength of the artide MpreflSnted. ln apurlfied end Concentrated /o*rr, nlentfor all culinary purposes. Retaining their flavor for any length of time and in any climate, and can be aged at all seasons of the year when the fresh fruit can not be obtained. , They are put up ip a neat and .convenient manner for use. vis;,.? hnd 16 ounce bdjttlee, and are' kesufectfiUiy fecommwded to tteptltin of Honße'ahd .;‘ ■ - J Hotel Keepers. Baker*/Caterers, and’the public in general 1 1 ‘ ’ ‘,' I ‘' Price 25 cents berbdttle,or 5 bottles assorted for one dollar. Xtrt/i** 16 by 0l I> * W9 UT >'. No ' fTl B 0 ? 41 * PIXTH Grocers and ftealers sopited oh liberal term*. anlS-lro jmo ° A L N b * IK ° N > which constitutes a third of the stock of au Incorporated^dfnps&jV trill Wexchanged for merchandise or real SstaW: -It is Clear of debt aud friture' charges, (expCnaSs will .l>o hrorlded for Win come.) A railroad conoectlugTWO GREAT ROADS Is being made at the cost of other companies through the , minofal tJiO’foot of the mountains, on tholr : lands, ofteinDZ mwe,y to market on the sea board, and with Aoal mines for'security,-and: h6ue in the'country Can be mote attractive than these for their resources or •* Ttekleaa.s Atpljr 8. W. cdtaer of FOURTH afcd WALNUT greets, sbeond floor.- r : ' , eed-Jw*': f^HEAP.SUMMER FOEL.MJAS COKE, \J of excellentquality, iigoldatthe PHILADELPHIAt GAS WORKS-/bribe reduced price of fire eenta a bunhel, tod may be obtained in large or atnall quantity by arp- Stmf, at tkß OffiW^No/ SO ‘ South SEVENTH t *5? V Wb6l«a|e, it if fold at the Worki, r iul ’?‘W^fr: ‘ _ ' _ JO.OKSBSON,EnjIneOT. . •rwumnn* au Wdnii,, wi t. mst.K I '<& nHOIcTTPARM LANDS FOR \J THBILLIKOIa'OKN'fHAL;feAaROABO6M^ANr : I is now prepared tp dell about 1,500,000 acres or choice i Farming lands, in' tracts of 40 acres and upwards. on »ong credits, and at low rate* oflnterest/' Those lands were granted by the Government to aid j «n the construction of this Road, and are among the ' richest and most fertile in the world. They' extend I from North-East and North-West, through,the'middle I 0 f the State, td the oxtrenjeSouih, and Ipcluda every' ; rariety of climate and productions found between those parallels of latitude. The Northern' portion is chiefly prairie, interspersed with fine groves, and in the middle . and Southern sections timber predominates; alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. • the climate is more healthy, mild and equable, than, ant other part of the country—the air Is pure and bra*, olng, while living. strewn* and springs of excellent. watVaftrand. ‘ . - , , ' - BitdwfcourOoM 1* extensively mined, and supplies a cheapflbd deslrabla ifael, being furnished at many pointswW to $4 per ton—and wood can be. had at thy same rate per cord. .. . _' ■ ■ • Building Stone of excellent quality also abounds, which can be procured for,Uttle more than the expens? of transportation,, Tbe.great fertility,of these lands, which are a black' rich mould, from two to five feet deep,,and gently roll . log; their contiguity to this road, by wh|ch every fael Utvia furnished for travel ,and transportation to the * principal ,mark?t« North, South-East, West, and thy economy with Which they, con be cultivated, render, them the most yaluablo inveitmqnt that can befound, and present the roost favorable opportunity for persons of industrious habit* and small means to acquire a com-, fortahle independence. In a/ew yeays. * Chicago is now the greatest gram market In the world; ihd the facility and economy with which the products of these land* can pe transported .to that market, make .them much more profitable, at the price* asked,'than' .those more remote, at government rates, as theaddi tlonal cost of transportation Is a perpetual tax on latter, which ihust bq borne by ,the producer, in ihs re duced p»-ic4 h’e receives for hls'graln, &e. '“ * ; The title is perfect—and when the final payments are . made, deeds aro executed by the trustees appointed bV the State, and in whom the title is vested, to the pur chasers, which fconvev to them absolute titles la fee sim ple, free and clear ofewety incumbrance, lien or mort-- 8 The prices are from $6 to $3O: Interest only 8 per ct. Twenty per ct. will be deducted from the price for cosh; Thqse who purchase on lODgcredit,givenotea payable in two; three, four, five and sixyeara afterdate, and are required to improve one-tenth annually fot five yeart, so as to have one-half the land' under cultivation at the tnd of that time. ' 1 ‘ t mwwWiMwyw - Oompetont'fcurveyorß 'will abcompany those irho wish to examine these Ladds, free of charge, and aid therein making selections. TheXands remaining unsold are as rich and valuable as those which have been disposed of. * r . SECTIONAL Will he sent to any one who will endow fifty cents Id postage stamps, and books'or pamphlets containing nU' morons instances of successfnl farming, signed by re 1 spectahle and wMI known farihers Hting in the neigh* torliood of the-Railroad Lands, throughout tha State—* also the cost of fencing, price of cattle; expense of bar j resting, threshing, etc.,—or 1 any ether will be cheerfully given oh applieatldii.elther personally or by letter, in English. French, or German, addressed to .. JOHN WILSON, t Lana OommiSsioner of the Illinois Central R. R. Co. ’ Office in Illinois,Central Railroad Repot, Chicago, li- 1 ,linois. v- , •• aul T OCAL FREIGHT NO TICE—T HB' JLj Pennsylvania railroad company * are now prepared to receive and forward FREIGHT between Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Columbia, at the following rates per hundred pounds: BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. • FirstOlass. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class. . 22 eta. 18 eta. 16 ets. 14 eta. Flour, 1 18 eta. per barrel. Pig metal, 10 ets. per 100 pounds. BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. 'First OlfUs: Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class. ‘ 20 ets. 17 ots. 1 16 eta. 13ets. ' ,<• Flour, 25 eta. per barrel. ' Pig Metal, lOets. per 100 pounds, ARTICLES OF FIRST CLASS. Fresh Fish, • Bqota and Shoes, Nuts in Bags. Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter and Ale In bottles, Dry Goods, Poultry in coops, Eggs. •’ ' Pork, (fnab,) ' 1 Furniture, i Poultry, (dressed,) Feathers, Wrapping Paper. ' ! ARTICLES 0r 2d CLASS. Apples, Molasses, Cheese, Melons, Clover and Grass Seed, Oils in casks or barrels, Crockery, Paper in boxes, Candles, Pasteboard. ’ Casks or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried,) Groceries, . Printing Paper, ~ Guns and Rifles, Papor Hangings, Herring in boxes and kegs,' Queensware; Hardware, ’ Bweet Potatoes, ?°P\ . t . Tobacco in bales, Iron, hoop, bond, or sheet, Tea, f Leather, Type, Liquor in Wood, Tallow, Marble Blabs and Marble Turpentine, (spts.t) Monuments. "Varnish. ! ’ARTICLES OF 3d CLASS. Afcohol, Potatoes, > Coffee, ■ Turnips, Hides, (green,) 1 • Vinegar, 1 White Lead, ‘Oystors & Clams, (in shell) Window Glass, Tobacco, (manufactured,) ■ I ARTICLES OF 4th CLASS. .Cpdflsh,’' 'I . Rosin, ’ ' Cptton, /’ Salt, Fish, salted, - • . Tobacco, (leaf,) Grain ©fall kinds, Tin, v Nails and Bplkos, - Tar, ..! Pitch, Whiskey, i Plaster. Ji j£7“ For farther information apply to .■ ■ ! E. J. SNKKDfiR. Freight Agent, Phlla. , 1 E. K. BOIOE, Freight Agent, Columbia. aul3]. W*H.MYERS,Freight Agent, Lancaster, IMPORTANT 'IMPROVEMENT— i NEW GAB OONODMING TOKNAOE. CMLSON>B N&W, CONE EURNJICE, after hariog been put to the most severe test, during •the two cold wiktebb or 1856 amd 1867, has proved to be the moat powerful heater in the world, taxing from H to X the fuel oyer any of the best furnaces now in use, Tqksb Furnaoes are constructed with a cast iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brick or Iron etaves, The fire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS,, large and broad at their but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the auular chamber, through which the heat and smoke'pa&sto thermae. Tub whoLB products of combustion in the form or smoke and gasss, are suspended directly over tha fits, coxriHßDor compressed 'into the tapering Cons ana ooßTiffCALLYßxrosßDtothe direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. >_< , ( This heat andllght, is brought to f fooob In bags Cobb, notunlike the ' ' ” COLLECTION' OP THE BtrN’STIAYS, to a focal point through, an ordinary lens, causing the BHOU amd OABBs -to intensely heated and tho roughly consmfßD, by this operation the bkoxu amd oasrs are sup* ;saueLLr AVAit-AFus with the. ronL 1788LV for beating purposes, while, In other furnaces, It is OABBIKD ore AND WASTRD IK TBB CHIMNEY. ; AU person* desirona of obtaining the beat and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fail to examine the Kbit Gas: Consuhiho Cobb Fubuaos. beforo purchasing any other,. The at tention of arohlteote and builders' is particularly re* Quested, , ABNOLD & WILSON, ' * ‘(Bttcciafi’ott to Si a. llkMjJon,) • ‘ ? No. 624 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Square, Homestead for $2,001 eand DIS TRIBUTION!! CHANOB FOR POOR MEN 1 i . The Northwestern Mutual Land Benefit Association Will make a grand distribution of $30,000 worth of real estate and maps to its members., The number of mem* bew is limited to 15,06 q, $2.00 and five letter stamps per membership, or a share. 'Any Individual sending $lO and the stamps, shall be Entitled to six shares; or any person sending $lO with six names, with t headdress of each, carefully,written, shall be entitled to si* shares. The distribution will be made in Ohloago, Bept. 25tb, 1867. The following Is the real estate to be distributed: No. 1. An improved farm of 30 acres in Cooke Co., Illinois, alaed at ’ $3,000 No. 2. Ah improved farm of Iso acres in White* sides Co;, Illinois, rained at , 3,000 |fo. 3. An Improved farm of 100 acres in White*, sides Co., Illinois, valued at 3,000 N 0.4. Anexcellentprivatereflidentein Dubuque, - r lewa, valued at * ' 8,000 No. 6. 100 acres suporior farm land In Cooke Co., Illinois, valued at 2,000 No. 6. 160 acres well pine timbered In Waupacca Co., Wisconsin, valued at ' 2,000 No. 7. ‘ A good lot and cottage rflaidencein Ghl- ~ I cago, Illinois, valued at 2,000 No. 8. 100 acres superior land in Whitesides Co., Illinois, valued at ‘ 1 1.000 No. 0. 160 acres good land in Cblppeway Co., Wisconsin, valuod at Q6Q No. 10. 100 acres good land in Chippewa/Go., Wisconsin, valued at 260 No. 11. 160 acres good land in Ohlppeway Co., . Wisconsin, valued at - ■ goo No. 12, 160 acres good land in Dunn 00., Wls* . -■ consln, valued at goo No. 13. 80 acres good laud In Marshall Co., lowa, .valued at “ ' 1 600 No. U. 80 acres good land in Marshall Co , lowa, valued at * i ’ > • goo No. 16. 80 acres good land,fn Marshall Co., lowa, valued at edO No. 16. 40 acres good land inMarshollCo., lowa, valued at 800 No. 17. 40 acres good land in Linn Co., lowa, ral* ned at $OO No*. 18. 40 acres good land In Linn Co., lowa, val* ued at 300 No, 19. 40 aores good land in'Linn Co.,'lota, ral* 1 : 'tied at ’ ‘ J * -800 NO. 20. One building lot in Dubuque, lowa, ral*< - uedat , i. , ; ~800 No. 21. One building lot in .Sterling, Illinois, valued at 800 No. 22. One building lot in Sterling, Illinois, valued at ■ . 800 No. 23. One buitdlog lot in Sterling, Illinois, valued at 800 No. 24. 40 acres farm land lu Qrant 00,, Wiscon* ‘ 1 sin, valued at goo* No. 25. - 40 acres farm land In Grant Co., Wlecon* sin, rained at. - 800 No. 26. 40 acres land in OrantOo , Wisconsin, valued at, 240 'No. 27. 40 acres land in Grant Oe.. Wisconsin, i valued at ~ s ~ 1 1 240 No. 28. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, - ralhed at' ’ * 200 No. 29. 40 acres land in (Srawford Co., Wisconsin; valued at , . 200 No. 30. 40 acres land in Crawfordoo., Wisconsin, ’ raided at goo. N 0.31. 40 acres land in Monroe Co., Wlsoonstn, valued at . - f «, . 200 :N0.32. 40 acres land In Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued at .. , ' ; 200 No. 83. 40 acres land In Jackson Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 34. 40 acres land in Jackson Go., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 36. 40 acres land In Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin. valued at ' 160 No. 36. 40 acreßland in Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 160 No. 87. 40 acres laud in Bod Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 160 N 0.38. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 160 N0,'39. One lot in Pulton, Illinois, valued at 100 No. 40. One lot in Fultou, Illinois, valued at 100 The distribution wiU be conducted fairly and honor ably. Tho names and address of stockholders shall be written on as many small cards as they have shares, and the whole placed in a box, and the first name takep out shall be entitled to the improved farm No. 1, In the abpro list, and the next taken out will be entitled to No. 2, Hiidso on until the 49 itetusof real estate are all distributed. Then to each of the remaining 14,960 stockholders will be seut a cheap map of aWestern State or Territory. A full account of tho distribution will bo forwarded In a printed citeiil&r, to each member of the Association, with the names and address of such as may receive the real estate—to whom also the defads will bo sent and Immediate possea&ioh given. Each ap plication must be accompanied with $2.00 ahd five letter stamps. Address LINDKLL, JONES A CO., - tu-13 ' Chicago, Illinois. T UMBER f LUMBER! J—Tho subscribcr, AJ -who ha« for flOTCril years occupied the premise* at Sloan's Planing Mill. Keaslogtoo, has remored to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phoenix Placing Mill, on Delaware »?e»ue| * where he Intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other tioor ingooardS,'btej>i, risers,’shewing, celling. fencing and scaffold hoards, .thoroughly reasoned and well worked. For Sale at the Rweslj cash prlcM.' Purchasers train* Tlted to'call and exatumefor themseWes, and' ayerjr ef fort Srlllbo made to gWe Satisfaction, , Order* teceWed and supplied at the shortest hotica'for all hinds and sliea or Southern yellotr Pine. Timber and Scantling. ] 8/8. Ricifia. BT US 81A AND AMEBIbAITT'AKKEb »rot?? »g 8-tf, No, 23 N,/W>t& N. Whartei. BALE ROPE .i—Buyers ato invited to call and eidtnme cmr MahUSßatenope, which we can can Mil *b low as Amdrlcati.'and warrant it roporidrfn BtNbgth'and dtfrahiUty;' 1 TT . ' No. 88 N.= BaS/&a&M. bales Qulf Cotton, in atoro Vv «adlornlibr s' . MAETJN k MAOAtISTKR, , MT U»«9rthW*tMBtn«l, i RAVING 'PUN&i-FIVE FEH GENT; IN, 3 Tssusat—-naWosal Safety thus* com . ANY.-WAtSUX STREET, SOIITH-IVEST CORNER t THIRD, PHUiADELPfIIA' . . IM(JOiPOBATBD St THE BTATB Of PtMgTLTJJUA. Honey isxeceiTed ip any sum, large or email, and in < from thAday of deposit to the day of with- ThO Office 19 open dvery day from 9 o'clock In : ihe morning ttU f P’cloA In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday efenfhga tiUH o'clock. " AU puma, large or,small, are paid back in gold on de mand, without notice, to any amount. 1 ’ ‘ HON. HENny £, BENNER, President, ROBERT BJSLVBIDOB, Vice President. Wu. J. BMP, fleorptary. OIHKOTO&fl Hon. Henry L, Benner, 6. Landreth Manns, Edward L. Carter, F. CarroU firewater, • Robertflelfr|dB e J Joseph B. Barry, • Saml.K. Ashton, ' Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Fr&npisLee. , Company''couflneg ts business entirely to the receTvlpfi of jponey on interest. The investments, amounting to over OffJS MILRIjDN AND A UAL* OF DOLLARS, are raids in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND BENTS, ahd such flhfc class securities as will always in sure perfeet security to the depositors, and which can. not fail to give permanency and stability to this Insti tution?' ‘ ' ‘ “ ‘ anl-ly CtlX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of FIFTH and WALNUT Street. Open daily, from 8 to 3, And ou And, Friday Evenings, until 8 o’cloek. 1 Largb bf Binifi bums received, and paid with out rntliwwith JIVE'PER CENT. INTEREST, by check or other*l*B. 1 JOHN THOMSON, Tree’t. '' vroa raßSinxnrd.' ' THOB. T. TASKER, EDWIN M. LBWIB. , BRtiaBTABT ANDTBBAfIOBBB, 1 ' " WM. T. ELBERT. YBC3TIB9, Win. 0. Ludwig, D. Q.Levj, 'Charles E. Lex, A. Mlakey. Israel W. Morris, Jr., ' WimNeal. TboS. Neilson 1 , Thomas 8. Reed, M. D, James Rassell, ( , Thes. P. Sp&rhawk, OptarThoropsbn, Peter Williamson, 1 Isaac 8. Waterman, Charles TiYerhei. Johnß. Anitin, John E. AddickS, ,Belemon Alter, . •" .William Clark, 1 1 .Ephraim Clark, Jr., ;0b»rleB 8. Carstairßj •Robert Clark, 'A. J. DreWl. , Charles Dutilh, , Wm. B. Foster,' Benjamin Gerhard, ,Jobn Jordan, Jr., liswis Lewis, Jr., anl*Sm (\rO. ! 83 ,(241) DQOK STREET. —FIVE II PER (JKNT. STATE SATINGB FUND. IVO., 88 <24l> DOdK.'STREET FIVE 1“ -PER OKHT: STATE SAVINGS FUND. 7\rO. 83 , (241) . DOCK STREET FIVE IV PER tiENT. STATE BA,VINaS FUNIi. NO. 88/ (241) DOCK STREET. —FIVE PER CENT .STATE SAVINGS FUND. «ul-lj anil Iron. g'unrn: T. KSSBIOK. J. TACOIUH VUBBIQK. WILLUX B. MERRICK. COtXTHWARK FOUNDRY,. ~ O riPTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, i IP^ILADJLPHU. - MERRICK & SONS,. . ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, Hirer; and Marino service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac., Oast* ings Of all kinds, either Iron or Brass, Iron frame roofs, for Gas Works, Workshops, Bailroad Stations, A-?. Retorts :and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction, . ■ ■ ' Every description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw. ana Grist Mills,'Vacuum Pans, Open Stoam Trains, Defecators, Pilters. Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents for N. RUlieus’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus! Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. I Boss’ Patent Valvo Motion for Blast Machinery and j Steam Pomps. 1 Superintendent—B. H. BARTOL. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN -*•_ BURANCE COMPANY/rrieorporated by the Stats & f® now established in their NEW OFFICE,, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to make ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE, ftoaj LOSS BY FIRE, on property of erery description. and MANUFAOTOIUEB, WORKSHOPBcYiESSELSi fto. AUo, MRRCHANpZSB ’of . .11 ,kind.f SIOOKif « GOODS, Stock, of COUNTS! STOKES, Good. on STORAGE or In BOND, STOCKS ml TOOLS of AR. TITICBM knd JIKCHANIOSj FURNITURE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., at moderate rates ofpremium, and for any period of time. This Company refer to their jpaqt career as an ample guarantee for the PROMPT. SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES. There are at this time no unsettled claims against them. ROBERT P. KING, Prcs’t. _ M, W. BALDWIN, Vice Pres’t. . Francis Blackbcrki, Seo’y. ' aul-Sra RIOHAKD NORRIS & SON, LOCOHO- INSURANCE AND TRUST COM. BTEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, BXTSHXBHTH BTHSET, HAMILTON, VAIBYIBW AND ADDING GARDEN STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. Engaged exclusively in the manufacture of ' LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. » MaiUtaofcrq to 9rfer[Lpcomottvei of any arrange, rnent, weight or capacity, xor the use of Wood or Coke , or Bituminous Coal in ill' (rude state. or ANTHRAOITE COAL, ' mriour SMmiNO BMOKB,‘O4B OB VIIM. Is design, material and'workmanship, the Locomo* tires produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex* called by any. The materials used In construction are made on the spot, and insure the best qualit/ and most reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Com* SUt* Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable aem to execute the BEST Of WORK,WITH GREAT DESPATCH , / Of ANT arrangement required. CHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED AXLES, /With Forgings of any size or form, IKON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHINE WORK generally. HENRY DATIHER HORBIB. BICHARD NORRIS. aul.iy < ( PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL ER WORKS. HEANEY, NEAFIE & 00., PKACTTOAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MAOIUNIST3, BOILKB-MAKBR9,.,. JiiAOK smiths and founders Haring for man/ years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, Ac., Ac., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Engines of all' kites, Marine, Kivor, and Btationary. Having sots of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch• Every description of Pattern-maklng made at tho shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tabu* lar and Cylinder Boilers, ot the best Pennsylvania char coal iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Onttlng, and all other work connected with’the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. ' The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pain of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ac., for railing heavy or light weights. THOMAS HEANEY, JACOB G. NEAFIE, JOHN P, LEVY, aol-y BEACH Aid PALMER Streets, Kensington. Handy & morris— MANUFACTURERS OF CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR GAS, STEAM OR WATER. ALBO, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION MERCHTS. .Warehouse 8* B. oorner FRONT and WALNUT. ■ aul»3m ittebiriiKa. Nineteenth century?—the GREAT REMEDY OF TUB NINETEENTH OENTURY IS TUB IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. This Is now the great standard remedy for diseases of the Bipod, Stomach and Liver. , It you have a Cancerous or Scrofulous affection, at pneo use the Imperial Depurative. ' Teffer.—Are you troubled with this obstinate and un pleasant diseaset Use the Imperial Depurative. Try but one bottle. Hare you! White Swelling, Hip Disease, or Glandular Swellings! The Imperial Depurative will effect a cure. Try it. 1 • For Pimples, Blotches and Eruptions of the Skin gene rally, you nave a prompt and certain remedy in the Im perial Depurative. One bottle will satisfy you of its efficacy/ , Use the Imperial Depurative, if you would have a dear, healthful, and beautiful complexion, Use the Imperial Depuraitve for a diseased state of the Liver or Biomath. 1 For females of A weak and debilitated habit and shat tered nerves, 1 tho Imperial Depurative is lust what is required to re*invigorate the frame and restore the ner vous system to a healthy state. , We know the full value of this groat remedy, as we are using it every day in an extensive practice, and see Its great curative powers manifested in umnerous cases. We know it has no equal in this country. The careful preparation,' great purify and strength of the lmpeCial Depurative renders large doses or long continued use of ft unnecessary. It acts directly upon the diseased part, 'and it is not necessary to wait months to discover the benefits to be gained. ' If you wish to purify and enrich the Blood , and pre vent disease, &S veil as cure it at this season of the year, use one or two bottles of the Imperial Depurative, and we will guarantee its beneficial effects. Prepared by Br. LOUNSBERRY A CO., and for aale at the Principal Office, No. 50 North Fifth street, three doors below Arch, where patients may consult Dr. L. daily, free of ohdrge'. ' : ’ The Imperial Depurative Is the great remedy of the nineteenth contury. aul-tf HELMBPLD’S genuine prepara ' TION,' Extract Buchu, for all Diseases of the Blad der, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Nervous and DebiUtatod Sufferers. HELMBOLD* GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buchn, removes all the symptons, among which'will be found Indisposition to exertion, Lota of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Woak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweat*, Gold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular 1 System, often enor ,mous Appetite or Dyspeptic Byuiptoms, Hot Hands. ;Flashings of.the Body, "Dryness'of the Skin, Pallia ’Countenance, Eruptions on tho Faoe, Pains in the Back, Heavl-eis of the Xy6 Lids, frequently .Black Spot* flying 'before tbe Eyes, with temporary SuffiflslOn. Loss of Sight. If these symptons are allowed to go on, which this me dicine invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and Epi leptic Fits. FtOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY of tbe above distressing, ailments, use HELM BOLD’S PREPARATIONS. Try them, and be convinced of tbeir efficacy. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARA RATION, Extract Buchu, “Give health and vigor to the frame, ’ And bloom to the pallid cheekl” And are so pleasant in their taste, that patients be come fond of them. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE prepaba- TION, Extract Bachu—Seo overwhelming eviden ces which will be produced to show that they do great ?;ood to all who' honor them with a trial. Evidence open or the inspection of all. Helmbold* GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buchu.—Price $1 per Bottle, de livered to any address, Depot, 52 South TENTH street, Assembly Building, below CHESTNUT street, Philadel phia. 11 ‘'» 1 ■ - Address letters, 11. T. IIELMBOLD, 62 South TENTH street. below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits, , ao?-3m* Hoots anb Shoes, NO.. 442. SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MARKET and FIFTH Streets. Gentlemen’s Best Patent Leather Gaiter Boots. “ “ Calf do. do. “ “ Patent Leather Oxford Ties. “ “ Calf do. do. “ “ Patent Leather Mid Calf narrow strap Shoes. A Boys’ and Youths' Patent Leather and Calf Skin Gaiter Boots and Shoes. * aul-tf . For sals by GEO. W. TAYLOR. STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. J/ -JOSEPH H. THOMPSON A CO., No. 314 MAR KET Street, and Nos. 3 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE, have uow in store a largo and well-assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for sale on the best terms for Cash, or on thaususl credit. ' Boyers are invited to call and examine their stock, aul-dtf CHARLES P* CALDWELL—Wholesale and Retail WHIP and CANE Manufacturer, No. 4 North FOURTH Street.- ati4 LOOKING BOARDS—2B,6BO feet Coro lie* flooring boards: afloat, for sale by . - MARTIN A MAQALISTBR3 aal ■ t .'.'i . lie North W»t»r . r-iOAOH, ENGINE AND HOTEL tAMP VJ Factory of E.W USSnERS. No. 109 (lat*«) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut streot, has become a, saving of 60 per cent. to . our SOUTHERN,AND WEBTERN MERCHANTS; and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new ailver-topped and bottomed, and sent by express to all parts. , -j au!2-}y rtOTTON—2OO' bales good Middling to Mid- VJ dling Palp Ookton. la store and for sale by MARTIN;* MAOAUSTfI*, li4 . . } JfsvkhWftrfttmt., ■WhV " r j nggtgiitf ~ , Tike wSxlM*- , CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVIUStIK -pm. n : -TO 600,000. make mil v 7« P H DJ r iS T nOW Mly or * Ml ied - *» d prepared to ££* e * I J H?S* mgaloat low or damage by rue and Marine Peril#, at current ratee nn t v, ' OFFICERS. H. 0, LAUQHLIN. President. OKO.BC^fe^ 103 '^' 6^"1 - DIRBOTQBS. H* 0, lAughlln, D. Sharwooil, Win, oiborn«. . Richard Shields. T. P. Bhewoll, . ( (Lecrge Minster, W. O. StoUabury, R/U.sCariile, - 0.0. Butler, Qto. Sdott, [sulO-y ITOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SNK n LIN N n°,?r, 0 S?^ y 0» FHIwSSSmUL. . FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. »l WALNUT STBEBT. AUTIIOBIZKD CAPITAL, *lOO,OOO. io« ( /o'f'„ , ;.T' K,B, ’ MOK " u,D j ■ •' ■ ' cuy r p fT* m m Stocks • • ’ 223'10G Oaah on hand , Amount secured bj Stock ’' laoooo Amount of Stock duo 00ca11,,.,. l’tio cblndiM »£ r. ta *™«w »” Buildlng*?Jier- FrM#? lil V, re ’ lumbar, &«.; on V«a«u‘ <W, ru«!. ‘1 sU r° rt *> <u>4 t>/ JUUrotd, Label, ami term. °"“t retM, and upon tbß BlOli liUOrtl or lo«re» tj lil! l rom P t Payment on tbo adjustment lE7*Perpetusl Insurance nude upon the usual terms. DIRECTORS. P. M.'Potts, 0. E. Bpangier, Abr’m. Rex, Wm. 11. Woods, Georg© Ilowclt, J. Edgar Thomson, 0. G. Bower, John W, Bexton. Herman Haupt, Nathan R. I'otts, . ’ peruival m. v Q. B. SPANGLER, Vice Pre Augia-lj , It, T» KKN! ri Wm. S. Leech, R. T.Kensil, 11. H. Houston, Jos. R. Withers, Abr’m. P. Eyre, W. B.lgue!, Charles F. Norton, John 11. Lewars, JamesE. Stiles,, H. N. Burroughs, OTTB, President, es’t., W. H. WOODS, Sec., ISJL, Treasurer, lE.QUAKER CITY INSURANCE (JOSU'ANr. Offlcs K 0.408 (l.te.M) WALilDif Bt. purplm, ' y - Thu Corapanv continues to make Insurance against low or fanage W Fjrp ac<} the Peril* pf the Sea; laUnd Narlgatton, and Transportation, at current rates. . . PresJient—GEO. IT. If ART' ' 7 Ylce President—E. P. ROSS Secretary and Treasurer—U. R. COQQBHAI&. AssUtact Secretary—S. H. BUTLER DIRECTORS. S*W. a * H "*> W. Bailey, E.P. Boar,. ChhrMs a, lmlay. A. C.Oettell, Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., Joaeph Edwards, J, L. Pomeroy, , John O, Bale, Andrew R. Chambers. Hon. Henry M, Fuller. . H. E, Fosters.Perkins,' ' 'Samuel Jones', H. B. t John H. Chambers, »/«; ;Ai ?.Ch«e*brough. an 8-ly. ~ , p- PANT.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of TIIIRD and ROOK Streets. Capital, 1012,725 03. INSURES LIVES for short term*, or for the whole term of life—grant* annuities anfl ondowments~-par» eh&Bes life on interests in Beal Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators. Assignees, Trustees end Guardians, MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT in any amount-* Fire Por Gont. Interest allowed, from date of deposit, payable back on demand without sotiee'. ASSETS OF TilS COMPANY, January Ist, JBST, Loans of the State of Pennsylvania, Phila* . delphla City, Penn’a Railroad. Camden ana Amboy Railroad, and other L0an5,.....f179.856 3& Bonds, Mortgages and RealKstate 117,137 19 Stocks In,Bants, Insurance, Gas and Bail* ' road Companloa * Premium Notes and Loans on Collaterals, Ouh Id , Bulk, due , from AgeuU, later. *» £8,760 4T auuintM Otpit»l, gaUtrlpUeu No tee,,,... 100,000 00 ' 1711,52 i 08 DANIBL Zi. UIIiLEB, Preeidoat, - : SAMUEL B. STOKES, Tloo Prei’t. Jqhm W. Hoju<ok. SocraUrr.. &al«lr , Arctic fire .insurance compa ny, NEW ‘YORtfjJ-Ofled, No 2® W»H street, ad- Joining the Mechanics’ Rank—Cash Capital. $250,000, with a surplus: This Company insure Buildings,’ Mef. cbaadiae, Garniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Loss or Damage by Eire ana the Risks of lnlana Navigation. • • i DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Bars tow, Rufus R. Graves, Henry 0: Brewer, Henry Dstls, Edmund Penfold, 0. H. Lllienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Thoo, Polhemtu, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Elisha E. Morgan, ’ Thomas Monagan, Abm. R. Van Nesi, John H. Earle,' William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas 3. Nelson, Charles Ewton, James W. Phillips, Louis Lorut, Charles A. Macy, Samuel G.(Hidden, EdwardHincken, Steph. Cambroleng, Win. E. Shepard, Thomas Scott, - Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogart, William R. Foadlck, Peter Edes, Emery Thayer, Benjamin H. Field, Geo. Westfeldt, A. R. Frothlngham, Zalmon Taylor, Thes. P. Youngs, Henry E. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. Riohabd A. Oaklbt, Secretary. ’ an lMy , INSURANCE ATX COMPANY.—Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital! 0500,000. Fire. Marine, and Inland Transportation. . SUIOTOBB. Aaron 8. Lippineott, Charles Wife, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, ' Charles J. Yield, Jamas P. Smyth, Wm. D. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, John P. Simons, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. RHODES, Vico President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTIKN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a cash capital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to Its available resources—to observe prudence In conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of Idufcs. Office No. 10 Merchants’ Exshange, Philadelphia. aul»dly V r ; The MEKCANTII RANGE COMPANY 0] No. 222 WALNUT Street, ci BINE RISKS on Vessels, C LAND TRANSPORTATION Csnals, Boats, and other eat ALL TUB PROTITS dlvic sored, and ample security In , wuo Edward Harris Miles, John M. Odenhelmer, Mahlpn Williamson, Samuel J. Bharpless, Isaac Jeanes, , Henry Preaut, Edward 0. James, William L. Springs, ErankltnO. Jones, Daniel Haddock, Jr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Wm. P. Smith, A. J. Antelo, Samuel L. 0 EDWARD HAI ALFRED .FABI Jobs 0. Kirrsa, SeoreUr; -»E MUTUAL INSU* >F PIIILADELPHIA.-Offlw jpposite the Exchange. MA- Cargoes, and Freight*. IN* )N BISKB, per Bsilroada, trriage*. ided annually among the As ti eases of loss, iroia. Thomas 7. Batcher, Algernon E. .Aahbnrner, Allred Fauitt, Thomas 8. Boater, . Gnstaius English, James H. Stroup, Alfred Slade, A.Q.OatteU, . Charles B. oan taint, Samvel Robinson, JobQO.Keffer, John B, Steiner, Henry Gram bo, I Wm.JOaner, Drentsborg. .KRIS MILES, President. 3SITT, Vice President, rj. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND, MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY of HARTFORD. CONN. Cash. Q&pital |300,000. Losses in Philadelphia and Yiclnlty adjusted at the PAitafcfpAta Ojfict. By leaTe ne refer to D. 8. Bravo A Co., Phlla. I Hon. Joel Jones, Phlla. Cbaffeea, Stout k Co., u Hon. Bufus Choate, Boaton Hacker, Lea A Co., “ I Uon.T.S. Williams, Uart’d We have for placing any amount of Inaa* ranco in the most reliable Companies. , PHILADELPHIA. GENERAL . INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 418 (cW No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON k BOOD, Agents. COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP TUb STATE OP PENNSYLVA NIA.—O/Nee. N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia, Subscribed Capital. $500,000. Paid-up Capital. *200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Pres’fc, Samuxl S. Moom, Secretary. aul-ly Commission ilUrcljants. Handy & brenner—commission MERCHANTS' aid Dealer* lt» Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, East side, abovo Commerce street. Philadelphia, aul-tf CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER \J CHANT and Importer of HAVANA SEGARfI, (New) 138 Walnut street, second story. aul-ly CARD.— THE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECT FULLY inform their friends and the trade gener ally that they have made arrangements for one of their Buyers leaving monthly for the French and German Markets. From many years* experience, the permanent resi dence in Paris of tiro of the firm, and an'abundant Capital, they can offer unusual facilities for THE PUR CHASE ON COMMISSION In any of the European markets for shipment direct. They are,also prepared to recaive orders from samples tor Flowers and Feathers from their extensive and well known manufactories in Paris, to be shipped direct, either under bond or dnty paid. HENDERSON, Myth k. CO..lmporters, aul&-2m* No. 200 Broadway. Philadelphia type foundry— N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHKBNUT Sts. L. PELOUZE & SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that theip new BPEOIMKN BOOK is now ready, and from their Increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary In a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendent of the manufacturing department, justifies them in smarting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their coteroporarles. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. * Old type taken at 9 cents per pound. In exchange for new at specimen prices. l aul-tf iHE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, JL 320 CHESTNUT STREET, fonrtnU PARCELS. PACKAGES; MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES end BPEOIE, either br iti own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to »U the principal TOWNS end CITIES of the United Btat«i. K. 8. BANDIORO, ff«n*r*l SuperinteDoent. Abram slack— engraving, die •«. Staking »ud Kmbcsjed Printing, *nd Senl Pnu »T!mif»ctorjr, 37 airMt. Second and Third, apd Market *nd Cheatnut Philadelphia, Pa. Aul^ aARFE *s' _ MEN’S AND iJOYS’ CLOTHING) I* B North TODBTH Street, between Arch end Race. - l7 * Sardines—loo cases ot ou a O .«h, iu .u,» ..d foys y % omtlN 1 00 , fl No* sal and 838 8, Fourth IWH Hotel and summer ranges*— gold by OnADWIOK * 880., 3W If.&KCOND St. aug!B~Bipcn. ; ' 1 * * *> M OSiM7 »nl ,1 1H North fflMf Btrwt, lITELOOME RANGE.—Soto srUHAD VV W105&8R0. SO3 ff. SECOND fit. ftfr^tmay-.gaagMTWft-^BOTu ■ Jlcsolvtd by Me StnaU of Keprestnta ’tivds oftki qf, Pin.ajjJsfinta t'j* Gen oral Jjtetnbly nut: That the following amendment* are a ted to the Cen*titotl»a'of the CommontrtKh, in lance with the proTliiona of the tenth article thereof. ' riftai AKisowfrr. There shall he an additional article to iald Constitu tion to he designated as article elbven. as follows ABTICLEXI. ' OF 1 PUBLIC DEBTS. fiiorio* 1. The State me/ contract debts, to supply easual deficit or failures In revenues, dr to meet expen ses sot otherwise provided for; oat the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more aots of the general assembly, or at different periods of time,shell never ex ceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the moue/ arising from the creation of luch debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. «. Bkotiox 2. In addition to the wbove limited power, the State may contract debts ti repel invasion, suppress Insurrection, defend the State in war, or to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness of the State: but the money arising from the contracting of each debts, shall bo applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. • uotioilS. Except the debts above specified, in sec tions one and tie of this article, no debt whatever aball be created by, or on behalf of the State. Bbotiok 4. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and aoy additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first session, after the adop tion of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not leas than two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars ; which sinking fund shall consist of the net annual Income of the public works, from time to time owned by the State, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the Btate, togetherwith other funds, or resources, that say I>e designated by law. The said sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by as signing to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the State, not required for the ordinary and current ex penses of government, and unless in ease of war, inva sion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in extinguish ment of the public debt, nntU the amount of such debt U reduced below the sum of five'millions of dollars. BsßTiox 6. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not In any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any individual) company, corporation, or association; nor shall the Commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner, pr stockholder, in any company, association, or cor poration. ' giOTiott 9J The Commonwealth shall not assume the debt,'or any part.thereof, of. any county, city, borough,' or township for of aoy. corporation, or association; un less each debt shall hare been contracted to enable the Btate to repel invasion, suppreas domestic Insurrection, defend itself in time of war. or to assist the BUte in the discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. Sbctioh 7. The Legislature shall not authorise any county, city, borough, township, or incorporated dis trict, by virtue of a vote of Us duress, or otherwise, to become a' stockholder lu.gjyr company, association ot corporation; or to obtain money for. or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, Institution or party, eaooap. axsspiuMT. There shall be an additional article to said Constitu tion, to be designated a* article XII., as follows: AXri*u xji. OP HEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over one-tenth of its population', Neither to form a new county or otherwise,) without the express assent of such county, by a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new'county be established, containing less than four hundred square miles. ,< TBIXD AXfXDXBXY, Prom section two of the first article of the Constitu tion strike out the Words, “of the tity of Philadelphia, and of each, eeurity respectively;” from section five, same article; strike out the words, “of Philadelphia and of Me several coyntiis;*' from section seven, same article, strike ottt.the words, “neither the city of Phi ladelphia nor any,” and insert In lieu thereof the won!*, tl and no; 11 and strike out “teetiodfour, same articles* and in lien thereof insert the fallowing: “Sscyjoxi. In the year ope thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in.everr seventh year thereafter, re presentatives to tbs 'number of, one hundred. shall be apportloined' and' distributed equally, throughout the State, by districts, in proportion to the number.of taxa ble inhabitants in the several parts thereof; except that any county containing at least three thousand five hundred taxable's, mar be allowed a separate represen tation ; but uo more than three counties shall be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any city containing a sufficient number of ' taxables to entitle it to at feast two representatives, shall have a separate representation assigned it, and shall be divided Into coaveulent districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxable population as near as mar be. each of which districts shall elect one representative. 1 ' At the end of section seven, same article, insert these words, “ Me city qf Philadelphia shall he divided into single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as ' tyarly tquaj in taxable population as possible, tut no word shall he ditidid in the formation thereof. ** • The legislature, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia utQ senatorial and representative districts, in the man ner above provided; such districts to ramalntmehauged until the apportionment in tire year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. > i fODßfXihinmxvT. There shall be an additional section to the first article qf said Constitution, whieh shall be numbered and read as follows: ]; - ■ 8io?ios 96. The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred br, or under, any special, or general law, whenever In their opinion it may be injurious to the eitixens of the Commonwealth; in such manner, however) that no Injustice shall be done to the corpora tors. 81,729 09 198,003 01 i . ' lx Bajuts, March 29, 1857. Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 24. navs 7: on the second amendment, yeas 23. nays 8; on the third amendment, yeas 24, nays 4; on the fourth amendment, yeas 23, naya 4. fExtract from the Journal.) . GEO. W. HAMEBALY, Clerk. Ix tbs Houas ox RsPßßarxTiTivia, April 2d. 1867. Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 78, nays 12; on the second amendment, Saa 6T, nays 84: on the third amendment, yeas 72, nays • on the fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays 7. [Extract from the Journal.] ■ - / JACOB ZIEGLER, Clerk. Tiled in Secretary’* office, May 2,1857. A. G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Pennsylvania ss: I oo certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of theoriginal “Beeolation proposing amend ment* to the Constitution of the Commonwealth,” with the vote in each branch ef the Legislature upon the final passage thereof, as appears from the originals on file in this office. • i In testimony whereof I hare hereunto set my [ls.] hand and caused to be affixed the-seal of the Secretary's Office, the day aud year above written. A. G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Ix Bbxatb, Ware A 27,1387. The resolntlen proposing amendments to tha Const!* tntlon of the Commonwealth being under consideration, ©n the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment? Tha yeas and nays were taken agreeably to tha pro rlsions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: Ybas—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely. Kraus, Fetter, Flennlken.Fraser, Ingram, Jordan, Killinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers. Sun man, Steele, Stranb, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright ana Tag* girt, Speaker— 24. Nats—Messrs. Crabb. Cress well, Finney,' Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Souther—7. So the question was determined in the aSrmatire. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz:, Ybas— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell, Sly, Svant, Fetter, Finney, Flenniken, Ingram, Jordan, Knox, Laubach/Lewla, Myer, Sellers, Shuman, Soother, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker—lQ. Nats —Messrs. Coffey, Crabb, Fraser, Gregg, Harris, Killinger, Penrose andSeefield—S. So the question was determined in the affirms tire. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment ? JGh'e yea*, and. nays were takes .agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution,and were as follows, vis: Ybas—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabb, Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Fraser, .Ingram, Jordan, Killinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis. Myer, Scofield, Bellere, Shuman, Soother, Steele, Straub, Welsh.. Wilkins, and Wright —24. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—4. So the question was determined In the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro vlsioac of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz; Ybas —Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey. Cresswell. Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Fraser, Ingram, Killinger, Knox, Lauback.Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright—23. Nats—Messrs. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and Pearoso—4 So the question was determined in the affirmative. Ii vas Hocsb or Hbfbsskxt.avitxs, ) April 29.1857. \ The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, - Will the Hoose agree to the first amendment ? The yeas and nays wen taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vis: Ybas—Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown,Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, JSyster, Fausold, Foster, Gibboney, Qildea, Hamel, Harper. Heins, Hiestand, Hill, HJilcgas, Hoffman, (Berk*.) Imbrie, Junes, J&eobM , Jenkins, Johns, Johnson. Kauffman, Km, Knight, Loi senring, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M’Calinout, M’llvain, Moorhead. .Murnma, Masselman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemaeher, Pearson, Peters, Petriken, Pownail, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelqhia,) Ramsey, (York,) Beam or, Reed. Roberts, Rupp, ghaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Yaavoorhla, Vickers, Voeghley,Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, WllUston, Wiiherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Gets, £p«ak*r—-76. i Hat®—Mews. Backus,Benson,Dock,Hamilton,Han* cock, Hiixe, Hoffman. (Lebanon,) Lebo,Strothers, Thorn, W.nwiwd Wlntrode—lB. So the qoestion was determined In the affirmative. On the question. Will the House agree to the second amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follows, vis: Ybas —Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Ent, Fausold,Foster, Qildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, lilestand, HUlegaa, Hoff man, (Berks,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Innes, Jenkins' Johns fJobnaon, Kauffman, Knight, Leisenringer, Longv ker, Lovett, Manear, Maugle.M’llvaln, Moorhead, Mue ■elman, Nichols, Nieholeon, Nunemaeher, Pearson, Pe ters, Petriken. Pownail, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) (*>«;> Be»®«T l ßoberti, Bupp Shaw, Sloan, Tolan, Vail, VoegUey, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zimmerman and Gets, Specaitr ST. Nats-♦-Mtitsrs. Arthur. Augustine, Backus, Benson Bishop, Brewn, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eyater, Gib boney, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Hine, Hoffman, (Leb anon,) Jacobs, Kerr.Lebo, M’Calinont, JJurami, Beed, Smith. (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struth era, Thom/Yanvoorhls, Vickers, Wagonseiler, Warner, Wlotrode, WUherewand Wright—34. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follows, vis: Ybas.—Meerf. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell. Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Kyeler, Fausold, Foe ter, Gibboney. Hamel, Uarperr, Heins, Hiestand, UiU, UUlegas, Hoffman, (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Inea, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman. Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett. Manear, Mangte, M’Calmont, Moorhead, Mununa, Muaselman, Nichols. Nicholson, Nunemaeher, Pearson, Peters, Pet. riken, Pownail, Purcell, Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed. Rupp, Shaw, Slono, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson. Tolan. Vail, Yanvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley. Wagonseiler, Westbrook, WiUUton, With erow, Wright, Zimmerman and Gets, Speaker 72 Nat*— Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop, Carty, Dock, Qildea, Hamilton, Hancock, Hine, Jen kins, Knight, Lelsenrlng, M’llvaia, Ramsey, (Philadel phia,) Roberts, Strothers, Thorn, Walter. Warner, Wharton and Wlntrode—22. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment ? The yea* and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vis: Yp is—Messrs. Anderson,Arthur, Backhouse, Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, BUhep, Bower, Brown. Calhoun, Campbell,• Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fausold, Foster, Gibboney, Glides. Hamel, Hamr, Heins, Hiestand, Hill, Hilegas, Hoffman, (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie. Jones, Jacobi, Jenluos, Johns. Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Lefsenring Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M’Calmont, il'llvaJoe, Mamma, Musselman NichoU, Nieholeon, Nunemaeher, Pearson. Peters, Pa trikon, Pownail Poroell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Rsra «ey. (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts. Bupp, Shaw. Sloan Smith, (Cambria.) Bmilh, (Centre,) Stevenson/Tolan’ BSt-rKEk Wiiherow, Zimmerman, and Gete, Speaker—B3 * NATBT-Messre. Dock, Hamilton, Haaeock, 8 truth ere, Thorn, Wihtrode and Wrigtte-T. f ’ So the question was deUrrfflned tq the affirmative. ' fafffimar’S CfTTCf, lA* IfojT* fraegalß fftrefi M the ComitioawealtfcirM' the «wr niiewviwfgj ** nala of the two Hearn of the General AJUejfhfc, . r>: Commonwealth for the session of 1867. * ' . Witness ayhihd andthoseal'of miifJodn l ■ this twpnty-eeeocd day of Jane, one >; hundred and fifty-seven. A. o.>dCKlultVl • «»' aa3-mSm Secretary of the ComwMSfwWPh* < • «r. PENNSYLVANIA BAItKOA3<—THS , j X GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, conn—ting theM « 4 - lactic Cities with Westers, North-westort, and Acwfh , - w western States, by a continuous Railway direct. Tlsf* Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily Haw 1 ’* steamers to all points efi the Western Rivers, >ahd'- Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamer*4o all portsol • the North-western Ulue; roakiag the ntit fillffiT# CHEAPEST and RELIABLE BOffTEby which PntigM . . can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. . BATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA ARP TOTR BURGH. ‘ ‘ ' u . First Class—Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Cans, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxet bales aud trunks), Drug*, (is boxes - ‘ ' and bales) leathers, far*, *« The. per lOtll .4 Ssccxd Class—Domestic Shoe ting. .i j. fihiriing and Ticking, (in original , , bale*), Drugs (in e&axs), Hardware, Leather, (In rolls or boxes). Wool, sud Sheep Pelts,Eastward, Ae.4c....80e. per 109 b Tsisn Class—Anvils, Sieel, Gfcazas, (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Baited, (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, • miaafacturod.(exceptOic*rs6res* ■ 4e.,Ae . Toobth Class—Coffee, fish, Bacon, . „ Beef, and Pork, (in casks on boxes „ « eastward), Lard and Lard OU, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Piteh, Rosio, Ac .....40c. per 1M lb i Tloob—7sc. per fcbl., util further 1 notice.' Grain—3sc. per 100 lhe., util further notice. , In shipping Goode from any point East of Philadtf phis, be particular to sure package » vise Pennsylvania . Railroad .” All Goods consigned to the Ageataof this ; Boad, at Philadelphia,or Pittsburgh, wiUbaforwarded -• without detention. ~ * ' v Fbsiout Ao*xt s. —Harris, Wormier A OoMemphis, Tenn.; B T. Bass A Co., Bt. Louis, Mo.; J. fc, MJtSeU A Son, Evansville, Ind.; Dumeanil, BeU fit IteAeds/ and Carpenter A Jewett, Louisville, Sy.s R. Q. Met. .: drum, Madison, Xod : H. W. Brown A Co., and IrwfoU A Co.,Cincinnati; N. W. Graham fcOo » 3aaetviUa«4 Ohio; Leech A Co., No. 54 Kilby street. Beaton: Leech A Co., No. 2 Aator Douse, New Terk, No. I TfOllam st. and No. 8 Battery Place. New Torx; S. J. Rueedor. ". Philadelphia; Magraw A Keoae, Baltimore: D, ,A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. • v ORK LINES—THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COXPAMY’B HMS. TROM PUIL ADELEUIA TO NEW TORS, AND VA,' PLACES. ‘ Leate is follows, Tii: , * Yam At 1 A. M., from Kensington Depot, via ittNr : City, Mai 1...... At G A. M,, via C&mdaa and /era*/ Ciirj Hew 3m* ■ey Accommodation..,. At 6A. M., ▼!* Camden and Amboy, AceomsseXp* ' tioa 111I 11 Camden ani jtniy J At 10 A. M., by steamboat Tnsany Morning Kxpre55.............. t At 2P. 11., via Camden and Amboy, <J. and A. Xfi* At S P. H. tU Camden end Jersey" CiVr • Mai 1........ Y "*** At 3 P. H , via Camden and Amboy, Aeeoauacda • tlon,lstClaa*...... R At 3 P. SI., tla Camden and Amboy, Aacomaoda* tion,2ndClass. 1 A 4 i i At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy. Aocommoda tion, 2nd Clam...,J.^. i/. 1 . Xir.fA U. '1 { The SP. M. Une runs daily, another* SiA4a#G l cepted. - • •. •- *. * Express Lines stop at the principal stations ottly. For Belridere, £aston, Fleaingtoa, at OA. r and 4 P. If/, from Walnut street wharf. ’ For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Serentoa', Yithjtttr Montrose, Great Bend, A«., at SA. M.>ri»Mi«r Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and IP. M. Far Mount Holly at 7A. 11.. aadtV sad IP.K. WAT LCiS For Bristol, For Palmyra, Ranoocas, Bererly, Boidan town Ao., at 3 P. M. WAT LXNX Sxobbtaby's Officx. Haubisbuxo, June 22,1867. [w.». koohi TITICHEL & KOONTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ' No. 28 Camp Nrte Orltrn ilrniscts nr rnuDiinii Caleb Cope h Co , JM Market <treat. Smith, Murnhr k Co , 97 Market etreet. Win. n. Brava k C*-. 108 Market etreet. T\ANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY U AT LAW.Bocthaaat Gotsar of XIOBTH aad C«JBT Straeta, Hllulelphla. Myer strouse, attorney ay LAW, CENTRE itrnt, Pottsrill*, T%. mA-lj Spirits tubpentike— 2oo bbi* £&&&• Tttrp6aii£e|t6arriT*,fbrttl«frr mjAtiji A iUCAifflm - BaUroa&a. H. H, BOUBtOr.: General freight Ag«nt, fhiiadtiphk. H. i. IOMBABB2. v Saperinte odenS, Altos**, I&. W~Y Tor Mtmnt Holly, Burlington and WayßtMtew' Ml Steamboat BICHABB STOCKTON for Barfcag left «*t- Bnttol at 8K A. M . and for Tlmlrnfrini ulTatoaie • ■ diateplace*atsu p 3t • Steamboat TREJiV.?* to Ttiiit atilt lt* li M.,snd4 l. M.; aad for Burlington and. Bridal f* . ill line*, except 1 A. M., leare Walnat ‘Mwk 1 * wharf. ( £D”Ptfty pound* of baggage onlyallowed <*c& ja** u seoger. Pauengen are pronlbitM froatakitf thing aa baggage but their wearing tpparel. 'An Mg* •• : gageorer fifty pound* to be pettier exttw, .tfceOeer.-: pauj limit their reepoiuiMlity far baggage to one ießpT.-. per pound, and will not be liable to ny Moevat bit - j yoad $lOO, except brapecial contract. , WM. H. aATOPOL Agenf J . .. c: rcfc..— B. B. MQBBKfc J A|4nt'"' Phfia. I ,Tr’Y*.<o#;^ HANGE OP FIUA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMQAB RAI& - BOAD. , .T/" On ana after Thursday, Inly M, MSt/ ," rt , s ~' ~ . PASSENGER TRAINS LRATB PHILADROTtI . Tor Baltimore at S A. M., IP. M., lorWilmingtonatB A.M., 1,405 and UI.M. lor New Castle at 8 A. M., 1 and 408 P.X. ; lor Middletown at 8 A.M. and 405 P.-X* For Dover at 8 A. M. and 4051.14. - For Seaford at BA. 405.P. M. * * 3 TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA .:, * LeaveWOnlngtonat6Bo tad US4 A.HJ«rtUf* and 8.55 P.M. * Leave New Castle at 630 tad 11.01 A. «d i.fT? F.M. » * Leave Middletown at 10.00 A. X. and IN P. X." i Leave Dover at 8.50 A. X. and 11. M". -1’ r.' j TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE - r Leave Wilmington at 904 A. M., 9 P.M. j SUNDAYS only at U P. X. fromPhliaAallpAkin . Baltimore. ; TZWmsr.i to. to. 625 p. 11. froot Mlfd 0-| Philadelphia'. • - ! -• BALTIMOBB AND HAIRS DR GBAOR RATIOS TRAIN Leaves Havre de Graceat6.soAM. . s_ Leavea Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train, with Passenger Car wtHna*. as follows: * , , . ", Leave Philadelphia for FamrQla and Intenaediot* * places at ' «.Wp,*r. tJ Leave Wilmington for do. do. B.oft F/IF. _ Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia ai - ff.BfiF.lCr' 1 ml-lj S. M. MITOit, *r»*ld.ti»7 SPRING ABRAKGEMENT.—PBJ«r ►O BYLTANU CENTRAL RAn,yi)AT),~y M direct connection with the " - w.Trn^nt PITTSBURGH, PORT WAYNE CHIGAaOEAUr BOAS, ’ "', Tor Cincinnati, fit. Lonj*, . ; LouiaTilfo. New Orleans, SVPsols. Indianapolis, Cleveland, w t Terre Haute, Chicago, f ' IfApj&ft. . In advance of all other pmtea out of ’. Forming close connective with ail ike QraU.Wub . era Katlroads. ■> - % “ through trains , Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburg ■. from the Pennsylvania Railroad Pastes*** fttrtfla south-east corner of ELEVENTH and MARKS? strafe. - (entrance oo Eleventh street.) as follows: ' Mail Train, *t Fast tine stUtElilt' Express Mail .tU »3*ht- 4 * Columbia R. R. Lise leave* for Harriabhn ac9LP ft T.' M., Lancaster )Accommod»tion,)at d-3fl, rT St’', t The Express Mail runs daily, tha other. .UaiM, Raft* dars excepted. . ; For farther partlenlan seehaad-hflls, at the d&BtM 4 starting-points. Passengers from the Wert wflldLSlMb* the shortest and most expeditions route toPhfladettUft,- Baltimore, SewTork or Boston. - . \ , ' - THOMAS MOORR/AganC, Passenger Lise Pennsylvania Railroad Go., ‘ Philadelphia, February, I&S7. ' ao}-Ij PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN X AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD-SUMKSR AR RANGEMENTS. On *nd after Mar sth, 1857. ' FOR GERMANTOWN. Philadelphia at 6,7, 8, 9 10- sun., Id' Jlu, 4. M., and 1,2, 3-10 min., 4, &, 8, ?, 8,9, mf,P. «/ *. leave] Germantown at 6,7, 7-35, 8,9-10 nin., 10U HR, A. JI., 1.2,3-10 min., 4. 0.4, T, B,lofc, p/jL* The 7-35 o'clock, A. 11., tramfron Germantown. viR not atop at intermediate Etationa. OS BC*»AT«. Uave Philadelphia at 9-23 A. M. t *, 8,19, &-M and Leave Germantown at 8-90,9-20 A. M.. MO, ik' J IS.andTP.M. * ** CHESTNUT HILL RATLBftAB. Leave Philadelphia at 6. 8, 9-10 min.. Utf A. M.j A 4,e,8,9,P.M. ’ . * ** Leave Chestnut Hill at T-15, 7-35,10-10. 11-10, min., A. M., 1-40,3-10, 6-40, 7-40,10-W ntis., P.#. 4 t ; ’ OS BUSDATS. Leave Philadelphia at 9-20 A. H.,2,5K and 8 P.lft. Letire Cheetnnt Hill at BA. U., 12-30, 4-20, utlMl, On and Mir 4th, 18&T. FOR MANAYUNK, CON&HOHOCRRN, AMR KOI RISTOWN Leave Philadelphia at 0.9. and 11. A. X.. and S. 4ir. ojt, and 11 P. M. • ** pM ” I,< ’ rri ' tow3 ** T > »> U, a. X*, mat «JK, 09 BV*DAT». Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 3 P. X. Leave Norriatowri at 7 A. 11., and 6, P. M. CILKBTUR valley railroad.—for downs? TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and S P. X. Leave Downingtoirn at 7tf A. M., and 1 P. K. aul-lj HENBY K. SMITH. Grn’lSest. Depot, NINTH and GBEKN streets, Philadelphia. North Pennsylvania, railroad. FOR BETHLEHEM, EASTON. ALLENTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, WILKEfiBARRB, DOrtErOWN* Ac., Ac., THROUGH TO BETHLEHEM WITHOUT CflAHfcM OP CABS. On and after Wednesday. July tth. ItST, the +—»—■ on this Road irill leave aa follows, daily, <&saday« ex cepted : For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Mai eh Chunk. Wilkesbarre, Ae.. via Lehigh Valley RaQrhad MerSS SxpreM, tteisl. M. tot Bethlrtn., Em ton, AUontora. Miioh dink, viaJ.ehigh Valley Railroad, Evening En, t iu. atdli Passengers for Easton hy 314 P.M. train take stages at Iron Hill station. * 4 p°j l l)orle,toini » (Accommodation) at B 43 A. M. sat For Gwynedd, (Accommodation) at 6 35 F. X» „ RETURNING. Leave Bethlehem at 915 A.M. and J 44 P.M. with Passengers, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, freed Eb>4b& Allentown. Mauch Chunk, WUkaabarTa. Ac., arrtvimr in Philadelphia at 12 WM. and 5 45 P.M. . Leave Doylestovn, (Accommodation) at 044 A.M. and 4 10 P. SI. Leave Gwynedd. (Accommodation) at 440 A M ON SUNDAYS. , - Leave Philadelphia forDoyleatown, rtoomiiimuTiliiis at 8 30 A. M and 645 P.M. 1 7 Leave Doyiestown for Philadelphia, (Aecammodatlaa at 6A. SI. and 315 P. M. v««n»»ws Fare to Bethlehem . . . nan* Fare to Slanch Chunk . 9 m Fare toWUkeebarre , * 444 Passenger Depot, FRONT and WILLOW Stmts. * ol -*r ELLIS CLARE, Agent. at iCam George h. Armstrong, attor ney AT LAW AM COXVSTASCE*. ' Lombard ,tr«t, halo* Broad. a»IT-lia« LENWOQD CEMBtaIHT 51 HI WMHUX W.,Woir »m?. f [u£T-2a»