The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 15, 1857, Image 3
6^prjissW*Bß' »b»A ifont o'oiooki •a. FniiSSli .. .8 detained 'aa’a wit pets Mtdg't aUtlon honse, mads an BtteoilraiSkSniro. Vffliita Inibewill eha fast ened KB if shawl to a'bnwe.of.thn oelidoorand *boßtiw,BS!Ss nkAbe herseU-iforwarA, utraght, to produco galatton.; In ofrWof aWliiy .dm Would h»Vosnooeraoa, bad nut thh noonnaTi diseoyertd lierwhilo. on a tour or Mn- Kemble aid iuiniaini&tiy,«£t 4n<vn>nd tier fifo saved.; When, fuUyraetsrndieto stated; In explanation of her. oaodsmtfilhdt-.Hec-husband > uaatn. tho .'habit, of abcijW'bh'liimslweatinglier to Buoh a degree that •ha [jKitttiig*. op 1 With tt- «hy; <#£&? of resort were less ftnuuented.bymleaaare seekers; the htlr ahrpsSvere thronged, in deßMioe aftke IMsfriot Attorney and his lairiprooeedinga, andthagniillng oPhtMßbbilingj billiard playing, ate., continued in ftfltTordd'ali'dny: [. At thb yotk? oratnmed, and thoVatjioant -of lager, woi». etc,, consumed tree immense t onfinjo nornoiof oodiu. aion occurred. AttheVoiks Gtarten in' the Bowery, it wibftduxihßS>i'to', observe .the--otowdiag Of, the masses. '' •, ,o'. t .-.o t' >.‘ .i Cmu> ohilfl)' »ppa vently about si* weekSi)lil,,,wM .haljj past,eight, .n’clopkoa Saturday, evening,u in,the srooMnoort KalW,Washington Scpiarp,with.tho foiloiringsatnattacdiadtoils,dressy i-i. ~ ut ‘'iasnetwndadlng, the baby I hope will, take’ catMaPltfUitisnotorneltyl Makes' medoit. 1 1 do lijbrwantpf means to t&ko cartf of- It. ' f Ebd »owmmmm i&ihiitwjete 01,4:",;;;, : OEoer£(Wford, o£,lhe Sifteenth nveelnat, ..took, tie®Wn'|»eip6ntibUity;fc(.theoffloe oTXr. Sellopk,, supprirtamleEt;it»oat-door• poor,,!ws* Jlaahdiin'nhnrgeoi annvse. i ,t ■!. T t r %rt~'J OkMikor, Gnmn Lincakrti-Wni. Lindstidty l a Rfp*»B~hegga>%iy;<ta(een' age, Was »rrsl|ilf by [PCcOr Scott, 1 'of the, Srit' precinct, ohaenCw|th’etoalisg[4 silver watch and s.pookat-. boat Jfa. ?JUtftlyilig;Qti tbo foot of York street, Jersey of th« i&tukjF'Wtif fcmnd in possession of prisoner, Who clothing MJl.Ctthnlngheih arrivedtad.took berseat near hetiMrisel." Jtweanot intended'that/snythingi ibdatd bt(tloie»?h, thbffeour t-to-day,' beyond the orderinjlt of a panel ofjurorasrd hearing the. pleas of thsFrlmiww pared Ui'Whdlie' trials arc' to take in*, • .;wrC;4r»w4>y K«wy btackevell... !\ if .' siv£tpXina:v*a.TeOn.Bnnday evening about Iff o 7 elodt,-o(Beer-Kolllhvof dhePifih Precinct'digo eover«d‘4fttieTii«t tif North Moore'street. S.’lt., a BtaamWdrNSrW*'!, C'.UuS in.. - ! ■ ') f ■ . PILOTLINE. fOo>ri^ad<»uof 1 ; 6-20,tP. i&ssMmmm ia a godd'-M it Wia-on-Sstorfijr” but this may ia eome digre* tie' attributed teethe, 4 imported iQAIiU^ ity of thewelpknownraiUfciof.thb Stock Market. WeAfr&XMnim ***** ..tfwte'tfiw«emdhto .- She condition of.the ,bf»kij m tf\Hn>e*eenn'by Stem proportion to the growing strength of tho banks, mtin JuMtoJ#<ftu^b&4vertQd'lmt this is not the' W%kxto J*sf tfdefctn betfeplored; as tiinely assss tUe'taiiutas wfaicirooc ay - *r*ij dny,andthe panic ; fluThtirtSlrrit "‘ntr’ br-'no* laeans compensated : br -th» ’ fsofc,ltot!, n (6,li';«p«i« l in'tlie' bankB' ia an abstract sense dMjr MteOKllL should be by tending jp/ag sigtspaa, them they.necd,»M ere reilly : *°'™^*LmenVef , coniUtiou bf: tile tanks fir the'week ending' Sent. 'l2,"sbowe a de *i*M»oßB*J3S,l#ai»4«anr; of $350,876 in oirent 1 laiion; of gt,MJS*Uin deposits,- and' an increase • s( sl,»sS,BBg!fo Spttiel iifAnueged ie n ooniparisoU «f the sUlemsnt'of.lJip' iireelt, . with that ending tidshiaiu PiMctmtsV' Specie/' Sn&jtt. 1 «»,bu,mi / The ops lfc ftj«iUWot!^ns;iit:the.8 i ub-Treaairy for the day wife aßifolJo;rii ; Ilepoipls S1U,1I0; Pay, ' meets *2oii»3iBi;i B»l»Me/,»10,3M, 619,6?., She ' forantios^to-dey i t“ ! t!’linoW ICTO tMMdd. Large sulaspf MiaJ,:Bttt» B>s were made at To%r«t; of Virginian's 'air. 801*81,; end *2,000 with e&jS? of 70 \tof 6 late‘ *nd'' Weft'ero' le isarttrf, villi sales 0f.146/bljls »t ts.eeeb.ea..fes Wmlee of 800 la topd-ileioaad Rt 'ao adrsnceof iSSv& wSSPittH sßSrt* tEopo bosilii »i ties <» 1 tlaO Jer Soelifah tl'ss ’fes W. white: .»feerW-0hi0 1 1125 for do, Indiana, 'add ' o*ta wtreto good demand,at ftB<HS .wpylag •tfUi»Atoo4|Oe.i .according to qoAlitje ' , V 3^pH#^o7ydwP^»ff : iroopnjg , . ! • ’ • f»g isqtliet &\ *2B®s»,; | Thp.jiQpply bf sole is daily . 'of Taffßatlne are duUer; liiiwllilVn lint inclined^pmtte'conceifiionS^QdJ)rtfer ppiil; g 26 (W ! itr,Mih *Mw 23*121 Bo lpty rime: -lieer is afcWttWfre f&T •rt i pH6keA- , w»fttetnUfad tlBdlB rdr < •XfcrwlowittnMdM of 'WO bbis'.’Prime v&td is Unchangi i %m ftUßt kre'qafet at 823.50 llaCon b mUIu at 141; olSc-frfr amolted' - Cat-meats mre:onAangeds Xard sales of 120 \i\)lb ntid ti&sSffiW&nHs Win good dewitid at' 160 WdiM aro Suit lOttk 'gtOOg'-SXCHkHO* BAM3,' 1 BSpl. 14' it.OOOHUcoorlStfa WX. --lie !i> %' fl®** jf i >«#* 'B*», : t: 1 ■; .7 # r-i?g, ■"* So'’ lira 1 T?S 1* sficisN&lßcp&ctil, »,ll C«R., 92 Bssswsr Sm&um* » . S,’ - io gMififfifmthftlft <&mt Mm »**■ «n 1 ■U wwdtdcn* ■* ;'«#• wmm «g *-*•**« , sti-TS .^Bie»Mi»erireo»*tat»Wj £ ‘«'-WM..j ■>" Maßßasssssffi?ssst; lM(2tessKssss?Kr 98,55 CUteiod nM) BE M rnort Tptr\ ; 1U ■ 97,009 Inching M,l»Ui4tfrtsr,p<Sr cent „ (;;,!>«,','.';,;fti)ew,,yi; WX> ■"•' ■• to, ooo Gre»VWe«tern (111) IRK'lut mbrt V. /■ ; ; nslhstonnuM git«iit:6in&! ,';tti, .i;..V 46J<! •■>- » 9»,oo»Bti Iceland w™ii!rt( aB;;i«t ~ ■ ’.' .' » «• . Ke? _ matt 7 jet cent bondnus v! A |3, 000 private- UKWttßoefc Inland School District lOpiarA oi.v o 4 tsdesricodrvtlf. l. a, ,'J /i : .-;i.;. r.-Passed, llllll>ITIMlfll1"~ V T l*' lln 67}£ -1 ■ .feta rwrwnS ‘“S-Vn'WlUnm. 900,000 Terra WcS, BiV>i«#oitBt;ji/v,V iXk, ~JUt Jo.pet_ant.jt ►Mtfjfc aort-.„„ v ..,. , -St;setttTn*fond ‘ ■ • Withdrawn, h QO« privale? ftty.tMJl, &X 9,10* i|^i IISB wot .Mb '' * {jksptember 1 j :The?eporta p£ fitOcb, salbs to-day. powers ,“f“® j feature aa oa SattmUy, ofaumerou? ; purphafe*£* * *• la 6in ill lot* by parties oTldently seeking lay**™ 1611 j the present low prices. ( Tbeste<*tnar*<* UimprotlDg under influecce- l ro *a , ah wo a advanced 1; Bonding Ba|!ro«£, IX 1 *l™, k i’ Oity Siicj. 1 j North Penntfltt»l» RHI««4 B » 0lls > ?! LnngUtandjU. llut few sh«e« o f Bat* "‘ ock “' 6 offered for', salpi eight «h»rt« of Rarmere “ n 4 ”"‘ chanlea'Bank were .old at 81,Are »* par', and twenty.fonr aharaaof Kentucky Bank at 108. ■'- Money in'growlog gradnally inorn street; and’flratolaaa paper la net.dlfflcnlttowllat 18 Percent. The arerage amoantof epoclo in tho New ;Yotk banks Jartweak, reported at twelve mllUoai, and, the redaction in the rate at ’"Web their loans have been decreasing for some time, win, we hope, tend tn aceele rateth® tideoflmprorejnentwhich bet Sat,io'.JThe, tiduettoa Idthb loans last week is set down at two mil* lion*, the present amount of loans being 'llo millions; The 2Vi6uite saysthat, by,actual lt the amount of specie held by on Satordaytobe thirteen 'mlUiohs anda quarter, us atttouot wneh larger than the averse'for-ihe? treer,' end a* it show? that the specie reserve is *till oa tie idcreaw;' The total exportation of specie fortfce n week,is less I thanjtwo handled thousand dollars,' a million and a half I Js oh the [way from California, and the rttesof exchange | have,fallen so low as to prohibit jfbh the present further | shipment of gold to Europe, j ■, , 4 , ~ Monetary aflafca generally Wear a < better And belter aspect daily., The keofclß'fteem'to'hft've arrired at the cohclmion that the haandiyotooraeto a [full: stop, tod thobgh we can hardly hope for ease for gome timo tocome, we shall withoutaoobfc experience fr<jmtHjS,tlm<j forward* far mofeioforaMe, perhaps’ hvenacomfortablestate'of affairs. . It wotild supposed, in riewof the great o.oU -cry of excessive importations; that/the export*oftlw tolu'try for Se' tlsixljeir, »M«b ended two mtntiHW, Exceed tbe<iiaporfoJn*moopt/j {,*<,,'■•) , r 'I The followingaUtemhntv from 6ffid»i sources at Wuh ingfod) shows the value of the iftporUand exports of the Uni tod States daring thdfiscal jfear ending June SO, 185 T:" - % ' " ' " ' ',. r. *4:s?o7,wr ,*..294,100,836 Imports—Sp*riß., - Free goods. , Dutiable... ; Total.,. „...>a»,wo,i«i t : %■'■■ BatliMi.. i J; ; r 10,491,847 3 i >•' Total.. .g.JM.OW Dom«Btit«sorta—Specie,.;./...■.....:...v. «0,0T8,353 f i i; -r, ,Mercha0di8e..'.........'. 27tJ f i*W,7lB I Total' „.. “W;ii/Vi * : t .-'vr oKr..'; >u ; ...r ti,/. n.—^c | TottHljtort*—f&Mg&'sfcliloßiefttt.' Bfl2)W94** ■The Now Orleans BwjlC to 6th i*w {'folio**,: t-., ■■ f .* - , -,* ,'-i • August2o- ' Bepft.6.':"t • X0an5j;,..*518,874,168 J $]&,270 f 539'-' 1n0..5102,961 .Specie...'... ’0,516)628 . '0,233,969 ’ Dee»* 282,6&&. 'CircuUtiotu 304;-' .8,265,679 . - Inc.. -.40,286, , Deposit**... 10,451,572 j 0,991,420 . * Dec../ 460,162 ’We annex the following railroad receipts: h’ Auguit;- f -,'• ’' 1869.° ‘ 1867.’' *' ‘ 7 PJtts.ft. W.ato4 Chic,, $153,917 ;Deri:s2a,43T '(rnloiwand Chicag0;...'160,842• 266.429 Nevr /erser Centra1,,.60,761 , ",61,484' 1nn.,10,728 »H.Y;and Harlem.'....', 90,618 M ’199,p62 loci; 8,644 Terre,Haute arid Alton.., 88,160 -—’ —- * .Tho. XJnitedSjUtes Treasury returni?, for the weekend* ing September 7th, show a balance subject to draft 518,311,208-redaCtion within the week7s67l;9l2j re. 4 eaid, sl,l^7^!lnf^ea 4 $1,718,070. rXheAreduotioa fs caused ,by* ; traujfer.te c tho Post Offlce’Fundjthe-receipts and disbursement* 'ate’equ^(r ! ;/ > >*’' - ■'<' s - u ‘ l ” i : The exports from Philadelphia* to foreign, ports, from the let to the oth of August, amounted to $60,930, , The Importations io this port for'the week coding September lOthV arooimtflf 'to ,$197,170,' TotAl \ elhee ; 7&uuaj7, ... V.,';.- 7,‘ 7,7 , : The foreign -impCrti at Now York,’last week, wero ae 'follow*:’'-: r ;‘-V, * m* rs*k* -"■'#&&’ U! '‘ im: J : * mr::: 4 IDrr G00d5;.52,039)987 ; ;SIA*B,6I2V $2,184,438 qaMrtwfo-w-a IffiW 4,m,w • 6M' Total /oYtte,«wlc.*,ia3 l 'Mo** IS'K? ist wookiu .4,122 ,8W 3,522,m0 Total (of 8 li6i. ~!l00h» 98V ,sriio Jm, mtopf: r , The oxporta of specie frooJ; l«twea)Cj and since January Ist, have boon ob follows .Se-pt. T, barque Phonii, Bio Grande, gold $7OO . !*!' 7; atm’r loubloons 163,866 . 8 ■brigßmmai'Satamllaffrahca.-........ 9,900' - ({ .12, atm’rYauderbilt, Havre, gold, 11,472 *< 4 n ‘u *•' h £m.;go?d../. ■ 3,260 .... $187,187 .-aa.aWjW , - “Total tinc&Jtn'y Ist.'.;;.. 'am timJSms:... . ;v. t , g,«M» (Same tlmeluls&4.\ SamettjDßin‘lBi>2..y... y ......... 18,776,311 t l The Bergen County.GasaUe advises the holders of the ‘ notes “by eoanfcy bank*- to make no sacrifice upon,tbpm fl Q£d expresses a belle! that EesuQje’payiiienfdurUig tljepre*eatweek, -; * j We learo that’ the Peoria and Oquawka railroad; *ras completed to the'Chl&go branch’of the-llUnoU Central Railroad Coihpiny, bn the lfth iiist. * J.,' Ji ‘Total fey the week ; PHILADBLPEIA BTOOKiSXOHAKGS BALKS, , ! .. ir ,. . ' ' "' l kiiartfi Breiir, No. MX .JIBSTBOABD. 500 Penn'a s's 81X 100 Union Canal 65 6 000 &o 81J( 60 4® * 8000 city low so; > BiN?eita>aß< lota »R 600Citysax, lOOSoheyl Nargraf - v ' SOO4,HPenO»B'O'SIt»M " 100 do ' ■a6 IT ■ IM’ ;-‘W, "-•>«***»>:•».* 44' : • »•-•» ‘3H»rriatargß b "63"- ‘AO "»44“ ‘XT ■ 14 do, Km 53 , 100 LeLigll Zinc " '1 SBfW: •'•'JSS'I 16BOXdl&SR" «Swb 23* 490Umr'lalB tied*'tX 16" do " ' a6WB.2BJ< '366 " &>‘ ,">6 XoW BX‘ ' 10-" do - '■ 23)4 ,26 40->' "W OX 60 do b 5 USX i 61Pobb’»B-' -Iotd«~ ->».• do 23# 40 do lota 43 V 100 do <9 23* , 6 MiaehUl B - MR . 2 Pranßlta Pita Ib* .2 . do;,- ~i W)i -• , antaucel3s, . 2 , 40,/ .- ,6SV Slarmd: Hachik, OJJ< !10 Morris Canal pref 09 6 Commercial Bk , 60, ■ BOARDS;' " SOOCityßO’a, ' 86;/: l W Wilmington E ;, '2! ‘ MOOCityO’s • ■■ 80 20 Union.Oanal 1 ti% 2000,1- io . 86,. 6:-", 4o , . , , 6J4 GOO do 86 60 Reading R , 24 600.»5.40,8 M . do . Bdya 600 do note 23 7 50 . do . , . Bdj* 24 : ioooCitj)BB’d ■ - 1.:66 n6O ) do. ~ a6*nSH 200 do, 86 60 do .-:• v 24 > 1000 Pddn’a 8’« 181 14 Sforrla Canal caah 45 |loooPeßß’BCoap6’aiB4X SNPeno'aß a* ; S Bear Hoad It 42# 24 Bkof Kentucky , 108 - I ; . 6 Cam A Amboy Bloox | | 1 oloswo'piiio i--liurjuMs US6’a,>6B . 1 PBUadaOa; -"'.'B6X 86 1 do BB 86 86X ‘ do.,'Ha Penaafts, 81 81 £ Beadingßv. • 1 itn Honda *7O 68 ' 70 *do M6V4478 60 ' Pehnaßß • 48*43# MorriaCanl Con 46 1 46 Schjl HftTOa *B2 6B# 69 ■ do' r Btock 8 '32• i.t -u..--i :,-».i.-),.?.Al 100 Beading». 2dy«24X SCO . do ad 2iX 100 4o i- . v 26ja21X, Bead! ogdloaea.;. .v..... JE^TEADjY, tnit BW; A»fc«d. ScbylNavProf IT - 17 R WWifeSltußU 16 . dolstmortl’sW; .70 do- doSdmfiO .62 Long Island Yiekibarg - --T.;’ i.t% Girard Bank OlQtf W# Lebigh Zlno > X 1 Union Canal '<-• New Creek - % 1 . Catawissa RR 7 ' ,9 ■ EEaf.,-.,, 1100 tO I j *j’A ')'■ Commercial ; lntelliseft<?e. ’ • v> -' j - \ MOHABBSOH tBBOVHBBS & OQ’B> CIBOETtAJh [Per Baltic*)'•' “ • '• ! 7;'*' * LiTKKPodL, 9th Mo.'lgt, are still' favored Wltti usitutcrrapted fine weather, tod Harvest operation* Jn Hnglaud are fast drawing to a clou, i We' hear 1 many coavlalota tboat Pdtatoediseaae; it ■ (exists to » great extent In manyloealltiea about here* and our reports from other parts of England and Ireland speak of its existence toa' considerable eitent; tSe 1 present Very dry weather will. it IS hoped. In some de gree,arrest {U progress,’hot where It has struck the Tate Kinds the growth ip Moppedj and the crop most (necessarily be a’short'orie;' ;■■ ,• • -■ 1 Ode Grain-Market htri lriiled steady a?nce* Friday,* without’Variation in the- price of‘any article of the trade’;’’; “'? ,l -• '■ ,i" s ‘ ’’ J: t We bed,a pretty fcood -attendance at this mornliig's (market; aim a better tone-pervaded* the-Whehi- trade than for some tfae pdst; ft fair quantity Was taken for cdhsumpHop ind alsoshfpmenfc to Jreltndat-about the ;rates of our'list,ln , iwme i pai , ti|rt'ln*tauceß»tber let* .msneywas accepted;but at anghthera were more buy ’era than setters; ■ • ’''('’v'* v The deiiiand for Floor was alow,' *a onr present' stock is Chiefly eo&Oned to stale qualities, ‘ Indian Corn was in better demand fo-dsyfor feeding purpose*, but dot much demand for Ireland; Galatt and Ibrail sold at the extreme rates of onr last, white Mixed (was held aboye the views of Imyeraj say S3s!»3&# 3d V ;<BO fts. Whm being fnbettet-sdppiy {add sofceqaah -0»t« recoded ktyot Id V « »fc?- MOM tolkrtiM/ * teddy, belnginfibort supply ‘ ' ’.if.' "'V ' ...Tiiatwhi, athya; too. i s ) 'oi?WtAi»..v' £Per Battio.],,, ’* , . .* irrasPooL, September I.—TJrwMfrtulft,—The weather contlnnesall thatean be desired for harrest operations.' The wheat crop of England; exoept in Very liwUitrietSf la jjoWsecuredJnfloe condition; .aw a >-*=• . : At Mark lane yesterday EtigUib - Wheat. wki 2a to Sd lower, but a better business doing at the decline Onr market to-day was prets welt attended, and ft better demand experienced' for wheat, at the' full quo tationaof Friday* Floor was without chsng# f butpnms brands w« *eaifce,-ahd ’bring 'extreme prices. ' Indian Coni was in better demand,- andprices'advanced about leper quarter. •' ,v • ' *•'* .' T - ! ’’/ > ’ •- - 1 ittaotatloni:- White Wheat,-9s to»s Mj Bed, Sato 8s to 8s 8d per 70fte. Weifcefa Canal, Wr to 8k j lowA&toMefld: White; ASstoMaperqr.l m < Provisions. —The demand for Beef and Fork Is quite In retail; at about prerlous prides.; B«oh.“-Atthe aoc tion to-day there were no buyers of - A few iotsof long wide, Whittaker,;*) sold at 49s tpVewt j aauiS, ShotUders, 40s qp.hwt.' Choeie,—lnferior quAUt/ rerydlfflealt to sell. but prime quality is kileable ftt'Ws to m V cwt r *■■ l - * f •• - kMd Is quiet at 70s for fine, but ar rival holders shdw more firmness. 1 i ’"i ■ TaUowih fair demand; «4*forY. O* and North Ame rican, i- - > »' • .'-Ashes are without change, at 42a 63 to 43s for both Pot and Pearl, > ? u -• * •- Natal Btoteß.~Cobmod Koein (s quiet, at 4s 3d to 4s 4df fine l Is moth -wanted. 7 'Spirita of. Turpentine -is ’ . • -' ' . - - .o Oils without ehange.-. y, . ' it mora'pre44luetV otferedvat 1 2s to 12s 4di 'Philadelphia*. wanted,, at l 4« Cd to 16» ‘ ’ ,; ' J vf ‘ BiqhAND, ATHYA; A Co. ' BREADMtoPJS ATOHICAOO.~Bec«Ipt«of flour ind Grain for ti>e weekending B;pttomt>«rS: Hoar, M,653; Whr«B6« l M2 | ' WIM; 0at,,«,«». ’ ■ Bxportd of floor and Grata for as weekubdlng Sopt.! 1 Xoß'uffato , o notgo. <M«r Porn .Total SssfesiWi m Pr lp«|vsa.dW.MS ttt^tr,,Wl«iV.».-.»|W> .Rod;Soar,,' M,W j Confi <Mr..'}ir ; U.?WK ~,“ If.yiiftOjlrap.V to jmd prices tro K>m**ta»ilrwgu SK BoonJlic tordescrlptlodß <;oleUnd etctdy. 7 Indlg»—Merlt.t .Wf dem.ud. 8»le«M coses Be»g«l»tMc«,l.40o, 6 rao« t as tn qosllty, “IS* p! I«.—Trunnsctionfi in Calcutta Linseed comprise 4800 baas at j 1.9 “cash. '• 1 Wool?—The demand for Domestic Wool kM liNtt q«Ito -moderate during the week, the' continued tightness of the money market haring checked all active operations, In price, no material ebangO to notice, although the tendency kiln favor of bliyere. Tho sales for the week hare been 00,000 tts fleece, and pulled in tbei-abge of quoted rates. In foreign *the kales oamprlee 498 bales Cape of Good Hojie, and 158 bales Mediterranean and South America at quoted prices »a te quality, SmpottaUpns. (Reported for The Pre&] ‘ ' WItMIN&TON; H' 0-BeM Rhodi : & puqlab, Ooff. mau-489 this spirits turpentine 668 do KJflln 03 do tar Cochran Sc nfaaell; 47 bbli ; rb»ln SO do Spirits terpen tine Knight & Bell; 10 balei yarn Brown* HiU A 6 bbU spirits turpentine W Dunlap; 47 hale*> y«r® Hay * •- SAVANNAIt—Scbr Win t Springs, Upplncott—Opkga suniri&TgdiMnreDberger; 630 eecke vrheat Robeson In-ai lM bX yMn Hay A BcDevllt; 6T tons old I ton A WhltneVA Soni; 21 lisle, cotton Robert P«lt,r«.n& Co-lObbfe whiek.y 3 M Johnion; 1, bbls manganese N Imnbls t to ra b&»cotton 2,«Wki whost AlliboaO A Jdnke; Uddd A Comiyi ■ ItOTTEItDAM. —Ship Ocean Bangor, T»»orgy-20 pipes gin Mitchell ft Alien! 26 A 0 Orilg A Co: 16 pipes M IS emit gin John Olbibn, Btm! A Co; 30 pipes do Patterson A Boulton; 10 pipes-and 20 casks do Stoovei A Walden: 6 pipes do Ualto, Bonlden & Co; 6 casks dd Altenr & WiiiiaaoA': 10 pines and 6 esses do Join Garri son W Co; 6 ptpes'dd'Cox A Bstterly; 20 pssesdband 6 'Cases cheese Twells, GaskiU A Golvln; 26 ptye# gin 20 oases mdse Carson A Nesrbold; 0 cases wine cod 2do oil B Schmidt; lesso nldia i Muller; 1 do cheese L } Co hen; 1 case mdse I/ileddOisohni 18 do pine G Rdclio; 8 kegs herring 'A Bohler A-Co; 2 cases cherry brandy; 1 do nlum brandy Wm Bisonlohs; g cases lloxar roots 7 Walker; U pks mdse If' Wihtoror; l‘bo'x oil Geo W Ileg -{erger; gidatks 20 pipes gin 600 pigs tld 232 alabs do 60 cami clay pipes IWdo'wins 1 DBfk britady and 70 bales 75 do Ducknor, McCamraoo k Co; 03 do and IScMM do, Wardle, Barclay A Co; 283 do T Webster, In U hs]es domestics, Caldwell A English; 48 do Welling, CoWl) A Co; 10 do yarn JS Woodward A'Son; 163 plge lead 0 1 Adams A C«i 120 bags apples Idetln A Sbeweli; 42 do seed Boyer A Barclay; 3S'dd\Mlller; 6c Bro;,? empty ! D <* Evans; 12 phffiSuPariea; order. PHILADELPHIA'BOABD OP TRADE. •ißßigLHoiaiß.i 5 ■; •/ Joseph 0. Gtttty> Oomxittbb or tub HdSth. Joak WiLßa, r { 'V'; 1 j ; ‘ LETTER BAG* ’ '■< * At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tonawnfida, Julius.. Liverpool, Bspt 26 Ship 8 taNrart',X a tia .v. .V. 1/. .V.‘,. i, Liverpool, Bept 22 -Br ship Zered, Cortsh.. a..V.; 1 i Lonflohderry, Sept 15 'Bb{pJo»eph 'Jones* Flowers .San Francisco, soon : Bowue MlnueMtii, Oo!e;V,.Illo Jahelto, soon 1 fir brig Otfegon, 0r44n.',v. U. • Fort au Spain, soon Schrif Clykj,, ,y.V Jayp do (jttba, ,s6bn SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS* : u ’ / tßOtt ?m united states: • ' , -srslußii'' ‘ 'Vuoit'roß' ' mr 'ABia,... York Llrerpool .....Septl6 Queen if South;. NmV York - Bremen... Sept 30 Arago. flew,York Havre .Sept 10 Kuropa.. Bbston hlrorpool., Sept 23 • Persia;;.V;,„, f .Ndw York, L1v0rpwiJ,,,,,,,,,,8ept50 Hamtabola Hew Yotfe Hamburg,Oct l ' , V i .‘yiipsljircjjiopßi - • DAT .Hammonla Hamburg, New York.. Sept I 01aag0w........ . .Glasgow Hew .York. Sept 6 Perna.'./.Liverpool' Naw-York.,i.a.'.i.,Sept51 O of Baltlihore.,Liverpool How Y0rk..,.......5ept 0 . Fulton. ..Havro Hew Y0rk.......... gapt 22 0 of Washington,Liverpool New York ..Sept 23 Atlantic..'.Liverpool Now York.. Sept 30 Boruaala.; .Ilamburg New York .Octl MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. pHJLADstPHU—From N6w York 2d, arriving at Ha tana Bth, and New Orioanp IHh., From New Orleans HaradaSaiL arrivlnght,NiW'York'2Btb. 1 ’ “ , Quiuth Hew York 7th of-each mouth, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. From Mq* bile 22d, Havana 24th; New York 29th.' OABAWhi—-From New York- 12th, arriving at Havana l?th. and HevV Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th~, arriving it Hew York M. ; fiitvtas Git*—-From New York 17th; arriving at Ha- S23d, and Hew Orleans 29th; From Hew Orleans* Havana Bth, arriving'at New York 18th. idcWiaatoit—From Hew-York 27th, arrive at ma let and New Orleans 3d.'From New : Orleans Utb/Havina-ldth.dae at New York llth. , Charleston l9th had 4th, due at vana 28d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 26th, duo at New York 16th and 3lst. The California mall steamers sail from Naw York on the 6tb'atul 20th of eich month.-’ M j Marine 3tt{elhgejirt. 1 ' !PORt Or PHILAnELPHIA, »ept. Iff, ISffT. SDN BISKS ......6 47—BUN BETS .6 13 HIGH WATER,,. U » I - s ARRIVED. ' . Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, from Richmond, via Norfolk, 30 hour*, with mdse and paisengere to Thomas Jr. - < i . i • • Bhlp Ocean Ranger. Treworgy, 33 days from Rotter dam, wJth liqnor* to Js A Souder A Co. ■ Scbr Rhod* A Bnelah, Hoffman, at Quarialine, 7 days from Wilmington, NO, with. naval stores to D 8 Stetson t Co. .. ! Bchr J TV Hall, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Little Creek landing, Del, vithwheatto Bewley, Wilson A Co, \ Scbr Andrew Hanship, Grace, 1 day from Magnolia, pel, with oats to flewloy, Wilson A Co. , ; Scbr Wm -Henry, Paxsapea, 3 days from Baltimore, frith mdse to T Webster. Jr, i Scbr Juliet, Chase, d days from Boston, with sugar to Andrews A Morris, t t » t « Scbr Julia Anna, Harding, 6 days from Boston, with »dxe to Darid Cooper. , , , . Schr Edwin Reed, Green, .8 daya from Boston, la bid last to Brown A White. •; r ,r Bcjir> R H'WlUoo, 6 day* from Boston, in ballast to Rogers, Slnnickson A Co. , .» • flehr Jityry Haley, Haley, 6 days,from Boston, In bal list to van Ddssh; Norton A Co. f SChfr-J W Fharo, Cavalier, 0 days from Boston, In ballast to Tyler, Btone & Co. 1 Scbr Mary Q Banks. Bonks, O dors from Bslem, In bal-. last to Noble. Hammett A Caldwell, j Bchr Era Elmore; Smith, 3 days from New York, with padso to W H Bowlind. > Schr Lizzie Manll/Manll, 3 days from i Boston, in bal last to N StOrteraat A Co. l s Scbr fipeed.'Scmen, 6 days from Marblehead, in bal last to Lewis Bothermel.' ‘; i -- ■ ■* Scbr L Audenreld, Bartlett, 6 days from Marblehead; In ballast to Brown A White, Schr 5 Chester, Brower, 4 days from Providence, Jn ballast to 0 A Hecksher A Co. Schr Treasurer, Fisher,-3 daya from Boabury, In bat last to 0 A Heckiber A do. Schr Matthew Bird, Pice, 3 days from New Tork, In ballast to Lewis Bothermel. .. ,< ■ Scbr Lady Suffolk, Baker, 6 days from‘Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Scbr Martba; Bkxter, 6 days from Boston: Aitli mdss to Ota-all f OotUm. '■' ! 3 Scbr Gen Hereey, Gilkey, 4 days frOni Providence; In baltoatWLAudeoreidACo. ' -■ > Scbr M Wrightiogtoßi Wrighfingtoh, 2 days from Tall Blver, in ballast to Cabeen A Co. Scbr' John < Land, Artist, 1 day from ‘ Frederica. Del. with wheat to Jas Barrett A Son. < ' ■ * Schr Delaware, Denby, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with wheat to Jas Barrett A son. ■ * • Str Thos Jefferson, Schellinger, 8 hours from Dela ware City, having in tow 2 i canal barges', laden with Sour, grain, ooal, iron, lumber, bark, and Blate. Towed thereto!) barges, bound to different points in the inte rior, with mdse; >' • - CLEARED. Barque La Glguena, Berry, Portland.DS Stetson A Co. Brig Georgia. Carlisle. Boston, Tyler, Stone A Co. Schr E L B Wales, Williams, Charleston, Pettit,Mar tin A Co. • • 1 Scbr Georgia, Chandler, Portland, Repplier & Bro. ‘ | ScbrN B T Thompson; Barnes, Boston. N Sturtevant ACo. . L i Schr Lizzie MauU.Maull,' ! •* ' do 1 do I SchrUniotf, Baker,' . f Ji I'.do' W H Johns. Schr M M Banks;* Banks. Richmond. Noble. Hammett ; Rohr BroadffeldjTisk, Boston, Chae Hiller A Co. > r Schr Seleha Helen, Reliy, Bpabury, do 1 . Scbr Geh Herser, Gilkeyyßoston, L Audenreld A' Co.' Schr L Andenreid, Bartlett, Boston, Brown A White Schr Edwin Seed, Green, '-do' do Scbr.Marinah N, Etheridge, Washington, L B Myers. Schr J W PhOro, Cavalier, Washington, Tyler. Stonci & Co. ' Scbr Flight, 27unt«r, Providence, B Milnes A Co. Schr E Chester, Browor, do C A Hecksher A Co. Schr Treasurer, Fisher, Roxbury, do, , Schr Mary A ' Haley, ualey, Salem, Van Doson, Nor ton A‘Co; \ • ' ' ' • Scbt* Matthew Blrd,Pibei New Tork, L Bothermel. Schr Speed, Somers. Boston, do Str-KennebectHand, Now Yorfc, Jas ARdenMce. , ft gtr former, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. i 'Correipondendb of tha Philadelphia Exchange. OAPB ISLAND, Sept. 14. OX pM. * Iso pilot bo«t Herald, from ft crulsa, anchored In our Roadstead tblsftfternOoO} and reported having supplied M Baldwin, \h&>r, and a whr whoae name is forgotten. Wind strong from SB, accompanied kith heavy rain’atid atottny weather. ■ -Yours, Ac., • THOS. fl. HUCIIIKB. (sr tiLßOßirn,} {Correspondence of The Press.). ~ „ • .. . -IfBW YQBX.gSpt I*. Arrired, ships London, from London; CArolun Magnus, from Havre; Leander And Mont BUnc, fronr Cardiff: Boards, Bept. 14. Arrirfld, ship Northern ,LJghs, from Manilla, ,■ v '‘’forrwipondonce ofThePfeaa. , ; • • Havr* D* Qeaob, Sept. 14. ‘ Twentf-flix boats left here this morning, laden and consigned as follojvs; ,’Lewla Her ford, flour to R Kirkpatrick: MargarctU, bituminous cosl,J A Lfngla, bar iron and Woorn*, ahd KUe&burg Iron Work", bar iron, to Perot A Bro; Flll morn k Don'elson, lumber, to Holton, Vandervear k Co; D W Bennett, Virginia, and Geo Leyrls, do. to Malono k Taylor; Eleanor and X B Stephenson, do. to Norerose k Shoots; Eramk, do. to Young k Woolverton; Anna Frances And J K Lippiucott, dp. to H Croikey; II A Sehoch And Margaret k Mary, do. to M Trump k Son; Jf 0 Sterling, do; & Wilmington, Del; J B grater, F Wal ton', 0 Dougherty, Capt J Enney, F Wenerich, McCul- ItfUfh fc Goodrich, Sami Donnell, Columbus, and Col R Boggs, anthracite coal to Delaware City; Ocean Wavp, do. toElkton. *■ r . - - * . . < , • MEMORANDA Steamship City of Baltimore, Leitch, from New York, arrived at Liverpool 2d Inst, ( > Steamship Delaware, Copes, hence at New York 13th tart. s ■ ■ " . Steamship Palmetto, Baker, hence at Boston yes- ' . . _ , Shin Arkwright. Robinson, from Liverpool, Aug 10, for Philadelphia, was seen 13th lust. 7 AM, lat, Ac. not given, by steamship Baltic, at New York yesterday Ship Amazon. Jllngot, from Boston for Melbourne, be. fore repotted at Biudedaueiro, remained loth ult, and bad been condemned, Ship Carrie Leland, Smith, from New York, at Ade. laid*,May**..'' . Ship Baranak, Rowland, for Philadelphia,, entered ° ? effp^s«&"?*W^?»orWu4«(^hU, i tntetvl W »«<I itLiverpool2Bth lilt. . 1 * ' BMto' ftirtn 'G Owen, Norton, from Wrorpool ■ for ChkrUrtou,at Cardiff 27th nit. ? Ship Herald, Crowell,* honee; via 8t John, NB. at DublinSUtult. ' • ‘ ' / ; - Ship Emily.Bt Pierre_, Tewler, for Charleston, was in tbbnver at Liverpool let Inst, outward bound. !,om Mr ißUlp Lady Hawaiij Sinclair, for Savannah, sailed from frdm Manilla, entered Inward at London 31st ult. , _ /.'righlpJobjt Haven, Confer Boston, s%Ued from Bau- remained at H6ng Kong , *Eip Merturj, Irenti, from Noir. fork, irrivM it Havre Ist Inst. v *:.i * t • ; '* * . Ship-' Roebuck; Soule, from Swansea for Caldera, put, &tb nit. leaky. < ... *j from Hjmg at Manilla : BWt> from 8m rnailuo/ .tjfmlll* M/ , Calcutta ® r *S° n » Mtile, from San Frandaeo, at ’Mb, at 'tJotltidPeterson, from San Franciaeo, at ■ffiH »&,%: f Wp^Xl , ' MeltamnW fijr Hong; K tom A' P 'BrigiiumniUai,Dunning,&«"»,“reived at Ports- Dsmon, for Darb&does and a market, cleared nt Danger 10th lost. . Brljf William WlUeon. Farrell, from Rio de Janeiro,, arrived at New York yesterday., I Bria Broese, Outerbr/dge, hence for Bichracod, was,; passed 12th inst. off Obincoteague . . I nrlir Echo, from Baltimore for Rio da Janeiro, waa ' spoken 32th ulfc. lat 1310 8, long 3120, , . 1 Brig Beverly, Pierce, for Philadelphia, cleared at N York yesterday. . gchr J W Parker, Yanname, cleared at New Ynrif yes terday for Philadelphia., Nevada, |oUrk, sailed from Hartford 11th Inst, for Philadelphia. Schr Henry B Gibson, Orocker, hence at New Loadpn 11th lest. , x . tl , \ . ”, . Steamer Josephine, uruinley, hence, arrived at Hart*’ 'ford 12thinrt.. ..* , , M . . . ... v , Scbrs Lilly Dale and Alabama, banco at Baltimore tathlpxt,.,, , . - Schra Damsel, Barton; Sea Flower, Aim!-, ra, Pedrlcfe, and S Fisher, Fisher, hence at Baltimore yesterday, • • 'Steamer Richard Willing, Claypoole,heoco at Balti more yesterday. NATAL.-* ’/i •/ ’ 1 -V The U S steam frigate Minnesota, (not Mississippi, aa reported yesterday by Telegraph) Dupont, from Norfolk ftr China, waa npoken Aug 0, lat O 47,8, long 84 M W, by the barque Bradoe,,at New York 13th Inst from the Oblncba Islands, and which WM supplied w'th provi sions by the M.} v .| ; i , The V 8 frigate Congress, Captain Thomas Craven, the Bag ship of Oora Breeze, was at Smyrna on the 11th August, to sail same day tor Yourla, and expected to arrive at Spcuia about Ist Nov. ‘ . - SPOKEN. July 31, lat 16 33 S, long 3418 W, Dutch ship presi dent Plante, from Amsterdam for Batavia, with troops, all welt. ~ i ’ , Aug 27,lat40,long3iDL*hlp A3s,Gmn,fri>m W* vetpooi for New York. ,- { 1 , > . . Sept 13,9 AM, ship Star of the West, Shoppy > from • Liverpool, Aug for New York. : 4 23th uli. ship DoasUntiae, Macoducb, from Liverpool, Aug 11, for New York, lat 03, long 30. , MARINE MISCELLANY. , ‘ Steamship Falcon, from Savannah for New York,, which went asboro on the Knoll near Tybee, as before' Remained at last accounts; although two tug' boats were sent to her OMlsHnpe, they did no| succeed Jo getting,her off. Her agents hod chartered the sofr John 1 Price andtteo lighters to 1 take out her cargo, by which means ihtyhbpe to get her off Without any Be rloqa -('{ ,n . <<• At Smyrna lfthult, a propeller had been chartered at ip 10 per ton.tq load fruit Tor NeVjr York, outlie aV- ‘ rival of *fhe new'crop.'f prospect that ohi or two more propeller* wouM/be lbaded for/New Yoral and Boston. Quite anew featqvfriPtlie tale Jane 30: The,p|uHed States ship Levant forFoo choo fop, In proceedlog*to'-seA-June'la, g6f Wkho're on the north bank, but was assisted oil by Hie United States steamer, Jacinto and. Meteor, [s] and not having sus tained much injury, she proceeded on bee voyage 24ih. Fhe U 8 ship Plymouth, from Lisbon for Amsterdam,, 'pawedf.' ■ NOTICE TO MARINERS.... . Capt Snvonr, of bng Mary AForreat, Which arrived at New York 13th.InrtTfrom Bahia, reports: August 12. lat 9 38 8, long BMS, passed a new revolving light placed at M&cayo. The light is different from the Bahia and Pernambuco lights, as it shows only one color. • Notice i» hereby given that the Beacon Light, (of the Cliff Heoenqt) ranging With the Stake Light for eater* log Nantucket Hapbor by the channel, W|U be changed on the Ist of October from a Aged white to a Used rod, and continue so until further notice. ‘ • DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW YORK, Sept. 14.—Arrlved-Stoamship Baltic, Comstock, from Liverpool, Sept 2.’ Sept 2, 11.30 a m, parted Bock Light, saw steamship Malta, of Loudon, bound tu ( Sept I3i 19 50' a M, steamship/ Vanderbilt, boimdeast, iat 4Q 35, long dj-fi); JI.MI a »(, bqfk Jrac? Ring, from Cardiff, bound In; 2 v *. luunburg ship, Sir Roborhl’eel; Septfif x, arrived atlheßar; Ship Havre, Askloß, from Havre, Aug 16, with mdse nod 199 passen ger a ; Br brig Susan K Sfahon, 10 days from Wfndsd, N S; hr Experiment, Murray, Rio Grande. 29tli July, lelt 'brig Ouara,' for New York, loaded, waiting for water oo the bar; jgoliin/liamAlien, (3uiasls)Orwnt,fromß}ch * mond j propeller Jackson* llaher, from Baltimore. Below.—ShipMounkßlanc, OHard.fmmCurdifT; bark Savannah, Borbe, from Liverpool; Wig D Drummond. • Cleardd-fsh)pa Cpfra' LWu, Luther, .(llasgowj R.Al* sop, W&Ulngtoa, New Orleans: bark S Morley, Ilobn, St Marks: echrs Jamestown, Latourptia, City Point; Pearl, Wesfervelti Washington; Segulqo, Bell, Balti more. ' < •', , ,•. • , BALTfMORHfhopt. |C)u»rautine, Brig Oeo LoUse, Hathaway, from Porto- Cabeßo, Hrrlycd nt Cape Henry llth, in 9 days passage, Brig Orlando,. Krabbe, from Havana. \ ' FOREIGN PORTS. . ; • By theB<lo. At at Liyerpool Ist lost, slifps Jano Lowden, Quebec. Aug 81. Savannah, Smith, BWebn,-N li. 30th, AUstra ,Ua, Smith, N Yolk. 29CL Ppyoiuaiidal. Thompson, Cal-t cutta; LaeonU, Parker,Cdfastaotlnonli. - • *i - . ; V <T/ Bristol Aug 31, cld Highland Light, Trippt N York; arc utl’Ul, William, do, . ( v, "j Texei Aug 31, aid Canton,PeitingiJJ. Brunswick. 27th sld Oebroedors, Fisk, N York. - , Fiuahlng Roads, Aug. 28, aid, Talavora, Merriihaw, Boston; 29th, TfOy» llalch, Now York, BreraerhavCnAugSft orr- Johann Sroidt, Brandofff, New Orleans; Edmund Wehmann, Baltimore; Ocean Home, Means, y'rlnidad do Cuba; Athena, Seheitiog, N York; Geestemunde, Kulilke, do; 28th', at anedsor, 1001-. ana, (a),do. ' ' , Ar 20th. Athena, Scbelllng, Now York; 2Ttb, Tfur *ats, Steingraff, do; Weser, Weiperman,Galveston: The nise, Hohorat. Baltimore: 25th, arr, Stella, Yfuli. New York. ’ ’ * Pasted Falmouth 27th. Mercury, N York, for Havre. Albert Crosby, Montreal for London. Gravesend 29th, sailed Henry Bradford, Thompson, New York. Passed Beal 29th, ship Richard Amlersou, Coffin, from Botterdam for Baltimore. , . , Goal ?Stb, arr Quickstep, Nelson, London, aud sld for N York. f Newcastle 2flth, old Victoria Reed, Preble, Now York; Ar at Hamburg 27th, A B Kirabal, Bletheo, Callao; Jobauiiel, Brahn, Now York. 29th. prsovit, Davis, Boston. , 814 at Uelvoet 29th, Mary Coo, Abbey, Bontouj Rich, an! Anderson, Coffin, Balfimoro, Radiant, Flint, Boa too! Sid frro Celt© 26th, Throe Slaters, Robinson, a York, Sid from Nasarloe 2?th,; Admiral Carey, Leroy, San Francisco, GottenbuTg Aug2T. ar Minona, Rider. Boston, . Lisbon Aug 22, ar pentucket, Beare, Now York. Barcelona Adg 14, ar Angclito, Yentosa, New Orleans; Cattallua, <do; Celia, Rivas, Savannah; Ocean Ware, James, New York. Allcant Aug 22d, aid John Henry, Merrits, Cadiz, Trieste Aug2o, ar Gulls. Destrariah New Orleans. / Smyrna Aug 18, aid Cambridge, Harding. Boston; 19th Carolina, Sheail, do. . ~ ( Off Cork‘2Bth, ship )[toa SidoW,' Currie, Iron) Lepreiax] N, 8., for Liverpool. ■ : Cardiff, Aug. 29—Came down from Bristol—ship Ocean Star, JB.Z.. Paciflc, and barque C lariSM. Also arr, ship MoroOwtic, for Bristol. Off Duoj+enuc&s 2Sth, Jenny Lind. Lombard,' from Geflo for New York. • Off "Wicklow Head Aug. 89,* Windermcer for'Naw Or. leans. , ■ Bombay July 17, arr Santiago, Kamos, Boston: 22d, Sweep Btaicea, Lane, New York, Sid 16th, Mary Robin gon,Crocker,do.: . ’ : ,i j.■ : ~ / : , Calcutta July 12th. arr Geneva, Walker. Boston; lapta, Colby,,do; 38th,, Rerkfhlro, WllUams,do. CM 174 b, Art Union, .Sherman, New York; IBtb, National Eagle, Matthews, London. ■ ( , Singapore July 4, aid Black Prince, Brown. New York, Passed Straits of Sunda, June 20, geafitar. Livingston, ghanghac) for London; 21st, Lowell, BatavU, for Bos ton; i2stb, S&rauel. Russoll, Konnedy, New York, for Houg Kong; July 6th, Nubol, do do. Wooaung June 23, sld North Wind, Gore, Yoo-choo foo. Hong Kong June 29, arr Hotspur. Potter, New York; Bth, Samuel Bussell, Ken&oily, New York.' Sid Bth, Et? Johanna. Boaoven do. Shaogaae June SO, ar Mandarin, Peril. New York; 22d, Celestial, Palmer. Hong Kong; 28th. Skylark, Fol lansbee,do; Jupu 27Hi, the Arid sa loading forN York at sld for tea and 329f0r silki / Ar at Manilla June 2d, 6 Lnckman, Sap ’ and aid Tld for Loudon. 16th, Whirlwind, M'jbourno. 13th, Flying Childers, do 14th, Scargo and > mxandrja, from San Francisco. 15tb, Prospero, do '-ud aid 29th fop Amoy. 21st,Corlngo,Boston.-' Arr at Amoy June 14, ship Ino, Plumer,Swatora, and aid 28th for N York. 28th t Edward Koppfsh, Ragieson, Formosa Julr 2, Challenger, KlUick, Loddon, and aid forShaoghae, AtSiogapore July 13th, Fl&vla, Toylor, disg. Lucky Star, Sweeney, New York; Anno Maria, Rhodes, and Hussar, Howland, for tho y States; Medford, Gray, for China. Saugor July, 4, sailed Clarissa, Carrier, Knapp, Boston; 6th itiadostoo, Jayne, do; 16th, Tanjoro, Hall, ditto, , ■ , v , . , In China Waters, July JO.-rAt Uong-Kong, Canton, Kemlan.for San Francisco; Independence, Haskell, for New York: Sea Witch, lloy, for Shanghai; Frolic, King, for Hancock; Challenge, Kenny, Amoy; Eliza Jane, Parker: Elisabeth, Curry: K II Qreen; Phan, tom; Peterson ; Samuel Bussell, Kennedy; Stagliouud, Peterson; Venilla,Page; Vlndox, Morice. At Macao, Clipper, Matson; Orescent City, Uarmay; Labuan, Lily, Hardiug At Amoy, Gazelle, Fox; Golden City, Lee; Paragon, Adams | BcaNymph,Hege. At Foo Choo, Avron, Jamieson; North Wind, Gore: Spirit of the Ago, Billings, At ShanghAe, Ariel, Cullen, for' New York; Antelope,’ Lypch; Celestial, Palmer; Foreruuner, gyUivan; Goldou State, Hepburui llellospoht, Crochet; lidratio, Hunger* ford; Intrepid, Gardner; Mandarin, Perit: North Star/ Knight; Skylark, Follansbee; Watorwitch, Baker. Arr At Batavia, July 1, Quatre Oroe, Bondix, San Francisco, gid, June 33, Lowell, Knowles, Boston. Sid from Bladros July 18, Sea Nymph, Marwick, Mau ritius. '! Arr at Aug 14, A E Bawlins, Grant, Sa< vannah. Arr at Alexandria, Aug 16, Bounding Billow, Small Boston. Arr at Venico, Aug 28, Mary Elizabeth, Nichols, Rich mond; John Woiley, McClure, do. Buenos Ayres, July 81, in port ships Parana, Bangs*' ion, from Now York, 'for N CK to sail in a Week; J ■ Q Ad ams, Lewis, from Now York for Calcutta, reftdyfot sea; Alipe Thornkyke, Spsldlpg, from d 0 fordo, discgjAlma, Freeman, from do"for do,‘ do/ barks Thdrnkyke, Sawyer, from Boston. d 6; WII Newman, Garitt, from Baltimore for Bio Janeiro, do: Saorio, Karstelds, for Boston, to fc&U in a few days; Orlffin. Davis, from New York, and Rosa rio, utw: Alabama,. Sheriff, from NewYorkCdhrchg; dnc; Msnto, Savage, for Boston, Idg; Mkrla, Brown, fforfl Baltimore for Rosario, ll A: Antagonist, Crowell, frntn New York for N G, to sail in a fow days; brigs Itaska, Mitchell, from do for do, loading, do; 8 Churchman, Anckor, from do for do do, to sail in a week; Ohio, WU~ kinsouj from Isle of May, for Montevideo, dfqcbg; schr Pedee, Baker, from Jacltsodvllio: (Just arrived) do. Sid from hfonterideo about July 81st, bark Ellen Morrilon, Lewis, and brig Joliet, Dutton, for New York. At Porto Oabello, Sept 2d, brig St Mary* Johnson, from New York for Maracaibo, to sail in a few days. At Laguayra. Sept 2d, schr Louisiana, Masson, front Baltimore, 1 loading for Baltimore, to sail fat Porto Cft* bello, to finish; also, a barque unknown. 1 1 * ! > List of Arrivals'at llio Principal Hotels. GIRARD llOUBE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. S A Woods, S O H Stubbins Sc. niece, 111 do J J Allen, Texas. Mrs Gibson, do . J 0 Dugan.B&Ulmor* Miss Woods, .. do ; EJwdrdiP.wott, Yu John Campbell, Ala W Wall, Washington, D C W Spear, Ala , ? J M Volt*. Phita , , J B Stone, Westport, Mo HA Smith, Bomb, Ga JllAvcnt, NO , 0 Fllavrell;Selina, Ala H D Ifort,, tio E A Turpin, NY J Yorker, plndn, Ohio . J B Wbeelor, N Y Geo 8 Crlpps, Wosnng'tn Daniel S Hunter, Reading J P Grove. Donviil W O Foote, Savannah Mr Ifaldwell, NY J W McCrary, Ala D F McCrary k la, Ala , Miss McCrary, do Miss A Peck,,Ala Fred Peck, Ala Dr Pitney, Chicago . , J McKinney, NO U W Shipman; N Y O W Owens, N 0 MispJatnes.Bo ■ Mil*Law,B 0 , , < . « MlO Williams, SO £2 B Cosaidsy k lady Ciu, G J R Morin k lady, Newpt, Ky B|lia M A Smith, Newport, Nies M B Throbp 1 ’ 9 Ky CL L Lecoy, Daltimars 0 R Moornuu, Ky L WK*y, Ky Mr Jewett, Wash; DC Mrs Ridiely, Dover, Del Miss RMgelyi Dover, Del Mies % Parker do Daol pummens, Del W D Cbmefeys, Dover, Del W R Ramsey, Norristown J n Cools, Balt WII Elliot, N Orleans Geo Mudge 6e lady, Boston A L Wilson & lady ,Mlm RMarsoniDaH ' ' Kennedy,Del ! i 3 F Hunter, NY W W White, Ky & k la, Charleston A U- Wymer, Jr, Boston 0 Mordecal, do . A W Leiseoring, Pa A Mordee&i, do J JI Coos, Worcester, 1 hsaSfl Miss A Simpson, do JsS McConkey, Balt Miss D Poiock, ■ do •'* Tho* It Waring, Va Mrs Chas Taylor, Ya ' l ' Mies R V Taylor, do 1 , .Mis* A A Taylor,.do, . • WmL Waring, do D Adams; YrinVlm * John Chandler; La ' j) Mrs S P Russel fc' aoh, NY YP Owmaa k lady,' lowa Chas Lagay k wife. N 0 J Cooper k nleco/ do >! de laCuroh/HaVaha ’ J D Wemple, La. Oh Easton, Balt ’ Mr* W«rapte,do' ‘ ” Dr Gkmett, U 8 A: ' Mias Long. ' do - ■ J W Hungerford, U B A ’ JLWemple,do 0 Davis, NY, , . Mrs Oapt Simmons , i GebFrancis, Yt ' ‘ FSHunter, lAeßpdrt'; ]) t BOtto.'jfcixHhk • T ' ? ! RBAmiddiladr, Mich L Southgate, do 1 WUIYwU tousli, H» JAM /BS&RW ]^sa^tr' ,l, £Effla'oW : : J RBorke. do aSGreen,N Y J?J«i ■ WMKelllnger.Ya BY OhunWrs, Miss J Keller & la.N Y I S V* W J Florence * la, N Y SR Paper, Boston DRMaugam, NY NY W A Adams, lowa Boston EW Gere, NY \ « UMoncro, N Y Chas Ledeard, N Y J Crlckard, Now Orleans J C Gorton, Baltimore W A Bhephord, N Y MERCHANTS I HOTBL—Fourth street, below Arch. H M 0 Btrone, N O PADavis.NO R)bt WHHams, do D Dnnsmoro, Muscatine, la W D Kerr, Attloa, Ind Adolph Reis, New York J G Atom, Brookfield, O Miss B C Beydeo, Boston Bfni Grover, AM „ Mrs Organ, Ala W G Begiand, do W 1 II Bassett, New York R Meredith, New York John B Stryker tv, NJ John W Henry, Lebanon Miss S Fisb, Easton V E Plollet, Pa . Hon D D Wagner, do W A Cox, Bhippea*bnrg ' Sami A Shroff, Mi Joy, Pa , John H Drennerman, Mt Philip Arnold, Carlisle „ Joy, Pa IB Frey, Newvitte, Pa John Liggett,'Cham’burg J U Letdig, Ouuberl&nd co MALeidlg, Oumberlana ’ MB Weaver, do Prof A L Koepper, Lan’ter Chas A Miner, WUkeebarro Y Aydelott, West Chester W W Tanhise, Ohio - Prof Bailey, Texas 1 1 F Crlderi Green villa, O G Levf, Hagerstown/Md J L Pratt, Miss J W Morgan, Lafayette, Ind C Sim ton, New York 1 - ‘ A Rock, New York • J W Canfield, Ohio- RH Hardin, Loudon, Tonn J Canfield, Newark, NJ Chas A Rloe, Knoxville, T C N* McAdoo, Groensbo- GeoO White, New York rough, NO ( AMERICAN ITOysE—Chestnut, bolow Sixth st. Wtl Rarrlngoc & la,N 0, A Grohnsteln, N Y I) Silver, Balt . , John B Austin, Ya, John £ Rathbone, St Paul Chas W Gibsou, Ohio Chas Adams & la, Balt , Henry Anderson, N Y WmTaylor Adsughjdo Mrs Smith, N J John O Wiltloson A lady, John Frazer, Jlmorsvllle North Carolina fiiss Sterling, Greousboro’, .MissSterchi|Uethlehem,Pa North Carolina . X Nttttle, Md Tbos h Meredith, lowa Baml Silver, Bel L T McG(n\ay. Ya J Bird, YA \Vm HurtQu.MiUbrd, Del ( BaSn;ufltpr, Ylrglqia Mias U U Burton, do TCFranco, no EliaaSliced, Milford, Del ,G W Rupp, Bedford Y. E UusfleU,U&ssMkChuseUa Vm Paylor, N Carolina J D Dcrrysrille, do PJLourie, . . do CJ Johnson, do G 8 fltarr, N Y W II Brittain, Greeusborp’ W F Bright, Ashland, , Miss L Curtis, N J F A Curtis, Del : Miss l A Curtis, dq Mrs 8 M Bowman, IVilkesb Alex Flshor, Reading ; MniHTTHuB, ,. t dp . KdwLHego,Lexingt , n,No Winter, NV LL Sharpe, NY 1 . UNION HOTEL—Arch Street, above Third, j X Strong, T» N 8 Gregg, Ohio ' J> H Beecher, Poltatown, Pa C Clauser, Pekin, 111 . Mrs co, Pa C U Gelaso A la, Reading ‘ SUm SeHriuget, . do James ?ocht, PottsviUo .jtiasSonde*, - dQ John M Kauffman, Pa . )W® WetherMl, do Miss Kaufmen, Leeßpprt RSnig&eld, Port Clinton Mr« Hunter, do Win fchmtQk, Canfield, O F Solti k. la, Easton, Pa L R K&Ur, Phocnixvllto Edw Holtz, do Goo O Bain, Pbila John Bridges, Shippensb’g J M Paridson.Pa j R 0 Thornton, PhJla J Reaver. Waynesboro, Pa J Hutton, Chambergburg : Robinson, Ohio J II Heller, C&vUslo, Pa J W Roblnsou, Uhift I . ’» Jacob llyeM,. ! :t- 5. > 8 :■ Pa v ll Klng.PUUtv' , - John Shank, P SSelteinger, Reading 1 Fort Be* Moines, lowa Wm Norbeck, Baltimore Abraham Paul, do A KauftnaoyNY* > 'Janjospalmer, dp. J Iloke, Cbambersburg, Pa J E McCoy, Ohio STATES UNlON—Market, above Sixth. . R Dearo, Wilmington, Dql Geo 7< Columbia LHunL ,dd ■ James McGovern, Pa < J H Rmjn, Lebanon, Pa O Kelm. Cumb’d co, Pa John Doily, < do John Dewalt, Pa A’Brower*, Lisburn, Pa Wash CromUon, Phlla John Rhoads, Uarrlaburg John E Fox. Chester fo.Pa A Morrison tc la, Wash,DO . GU.RsrnwoU, PRR JR Cunningham, Phlla Geo Myers, Columbia, Pa LE Martin, Cookstown, Pa Lewis T Frederick, X J Holloway, Morgan coj Q (lulombia ' CITY HOTEL—North Third Street, above Race. M Kano A la, Minnesota Joseph Kennedy, NY 'Jacob CaHioion, Albany Ohas Franklin, NJ Chas Pettit, Phila . G Hawkins, <do Willis Blimey, do D Emery, do Thus Odell, do £ Jones, Phlla SAntl IT Bikes,-LewJsburg W llaul;ngs, Columbia, Pa D Wells, ViUsburgh 8 JJmmnernly, do J.R Fowler-, Jum-tfvfilc, Pa T 8 Shavora, Clearfield 8 G Grier & Is, Lflw)>lown D ¥ Anjcruon, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Secopd street above Arch A J Filch, Jersey City . H T Thomas, New York DBMyors, Ya J M Rollins, Mlddieford, J W Claikson, Michigan iDol W W McConnell, lyavnes- J B Wapels, Geo'tn, D O 'burgh District Wm Horsey, Seafnrd.Del Jas Dysart A la, Altoona, Daniel Conover, N York . Penua Samuel P Murphy, Dover, Samuel Harris, Trenton Del David M Jones, New Yprk Peter O Fusber, llarrls’bg Thos 0 Miller, do J&sPouder, Del J Balstenton, Phlla JnoSraith. SmithtUle, O Thos Jones Bmlthvllle, O B7,ACK BEAR INN, Merchant street, be!. Fifth. J Trninor, Oiicstor 00 Pa ¥ Coates, Chester co Pa James Scott, do 1 Wm Brinton, / do A Roman, Cecil co Md ST Roman. Cecil co Md A Lyon, Port Deposit T S Williams, Pa J G Williams, Pa 1 . Rev T U Crawford, Pa NATIONAL nOTEL-Race street, above Third. F Mayfield. Ind A Ream, Ohio P Uhlep, Penna E J Hunt, Ponna K Wetzel, Pottsvllle w Myers, Lebanon P Peyor, Sch Haven Pa J H Whitaker, Mt Clair L Onpenhehuer, do J Rico, Bethlehem Pa Q Weltrout, do DO Saylor, Shoenersv Pa JE Nice, do 8 Roth, Allentown G W Morgan, PottavUle ! P Ford, York Pa J Lovege, M Chunk Pa E Msrbew, Lane JP BimuM>a, ,• do , T W Mayhew, do WbitaW.’ ‘ Penna D P Bhhitx,Reading 1 1 S D flclnaru, do CD Rouse A la, N Berlin , t ■ ■ J Tromer, Danville BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab. OallowblU. L Fisher, Berks co J Jones, Sumneytown D Boyer, Boyeratown B Shaner, Royerstown M K FrelckUr, Claytons- J K Steward, Newmans. ! Tille ~ , vlUe J Weller, Macungte David Peter. Washington JWortnkessel,Macunzl4 ALorash. ZlonavUle Wm Thdmpaon, Wowtvllle t H Weldner, Trexlers- J Trout,, Reading town Muter Trout; do J Mats. Trexterntown HTfadmie. frauconfa DHerro, Allentown 0 nnber, South Easton Mrs M Hiss, Boston MiM R Messingcr, do J H Uunsman, do GHKabbler, do Ruben .Moyer. Allentown JB Conrad, bernvlUe 8 W Miller, BernrlUe. Special Notices. ' fi»wn*i Esspßce of Jamaica Ginger it as Invaluable Family Medicine at this season of the year oa a preventive and euro for dlarrhcea, dysentery, and many luthrunldiseases. It is'peculiarly efficacious in summer complaints of children, and is known and pre scribed by the Medical Faculy. gee advertisement. Warburton’s Inlmlubla Coverings for the Head.— SiTlxb. The Dress Hats of the present issue are eminently de serving the preference of gentlersen, as they alt the points necessary to genteel effeot, pud all the. details and nicer elegancies which Impart finish, comfort and durability—at the same time exhibiting appropriate accordance with the other prrta of the Fall Costume. Paris made Moleskin. Hats, Opera or Compressible press Hats, American and French Frit Hats. WARBURTON, Hatter, sepll-f&s mwfcf n w 430 ChfcstuuUtrcet, Seamen's Sating 'Fond—Office 303 Watuot street, oue door west of second street. Receives de posits in toms of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of fire per cent, por annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open d&Uy, from 9 until 5 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening, President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris, Secre tary, James 8. Pringle. Bower's Infant Cordltti.—This Invaluable Cotdlal It prepared from a variety of the inert choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and Is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By Its powerful Influence a speedy cure la effected la all cases ot Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates ranch of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tr&n qnillses pains of the bowtls, looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial h&s become a standard reraody, mi has been used In thousands of cases with the most Abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Ushrt A. Bows ft, , At his Drug and Chemical Store, N.E. corner of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom all ordors most be addressed. And for gale by Druggists generally. »u 18-1 y, Sarin* Fund—Fire Per Cent. latereat—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walnut Street, south west corner of Tatnft Street, Philadbli'iua.. Assets orerOx* Matrox and a Halt or Dollars, invested in But Estatk, Mortoaoks, Ground Rshts, aud other first elaas securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any mm, large or small, is received, audtho money is always paid buck, with out* notice, to any amount. The office >is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday erodings until 9 o’clock. marriages On the 20tli July last, by the Rev. J. 0. Olay, D.D., Mr. JACOB P.ELLENSWORTH.of Delaware, to Miu HBTTt 11. MACKbIN, of Philadelphia. On the Oth inst., by Bov. W. U. Furneas, Mr. WM. G. DODD, of Boston, to Miss ELIZA D. DAY, daughter ol 0. M. ray, of this city. iUentlio. Oil tho 12th itutont, LI7.ZI>: 11. HARLAND, wifo of lleury L. Uaclaod, in the 26th year of her ago. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her lmsbami, No. <W4 north Tenth street, this (Tuesday)afternoon, at 3 o’clock, without further uotico. ## On Saturday morning, 12th Inst.. ANDREW LITTLE, aged 28 years. His Mends anu those of the family, and the members of Green llill Lodge, No. 162,1. O.of 0. i',, and tho members of the Order { also the members of Uood-WIU Engioo Company, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from hU late residence, Eighteenth street, above CallowliiH, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. On tho 13th ipst, MARGARET O’OONNELL, wife of Thomas O'Connell, aged 62 years. The relative* sod friends of the family are Invited to attend tho fuuural, from the residence of her husband, Ro. 728 Georgo street, above Monroe, between Second aad Third, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, with out further notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. On the 12th lost,, PATRICK McCUSJCER, in tho 38th , year of his ago. The relatives and acquaintances of the family ure re spectfully invited to attend tho funeral, this.(Tuesday) afternoon, 15th inst,, at 3 o’clock, from his late resi dence, Star alley, Cherry street, below Sixth. |o* Office of the Union Canal Compony, Poiladklpuia. Sept. 14th.-ISST.-JA meeting of tho stockholder# of the. Colon Canal Company of renosyl vanla will be held at the offleo of tho company, (Far qultar Buildings,) No. 228 WALNUT street, below Third, on TCKaDAV.October 6th, next, at 12 o’clock. M. By order of the Board of Managers, aeld-dtocfi 0. THOMPSON, Seg’y, Sept. 13t 1857.*.A meeting of the Democratic City Executive Committee will be held THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON at 4 o’clock, at MONAGHAN’S HOTEL, SIXTH street, below CHESTNUT. ’ JOSEPH LIPPINCpTT, Chairman. ?j!sou.m», l aeor “ tlrlM ’ Miwt DW® SUPPLYING THE . l'uiLADfcLpnu, September 14,1857. NOTICE /® hereby riven that the IMt of DELIN QUKNT WATER RENTS, f0r,1857, will be handed to the proper officer# for the cutting off or detacbtug fur rul«*upp|yioj?«uch delinquents with water. oa TU£S. DAY 'MORNlNOiBeßtetuber 22d. 1857. HO WATER RENTS will be received at the Rcglater’a Office after MONDAY, September 21st, 1857, To eavo dxpeni*, < those whdhavh not paid their -Water Tax for 1857 had better call and Bottle before that date. ’ s .‘I n : ,M ' ' ' ‘ RAYBOLD, ; eelG'M i R E MLE ESTATE—THOMAS k SONS* ‘ EXTRA YAIVABLS ZOT, CHESTNUT STKEET, WEST OP EIOHTU STBEET ~, , ? AIt I T, ‘ E butler ektjtA ' Adjoining the splendid new stores of Messrs Levy’ i Co., Bharplosß, Stone A Sons, bailj- & Co dod others, and opposite the NJSV HOTEL, iVow building at rta comer of Chestnut and KUtk st», 25 ft. on Chestnut st. 173 ft. 6 inches deep to Graoest . TWO VALUABLE FHOXTS. ' ON TUESDAY, September 16th. 1667. At 7# o'clockin the EVENING, will be cold at public sale, AT TUB PHILADELPHIA EXGHANGE, AU that valuable lot of ground, situate on the north side of Chestnut street, 76 feet west of Eighth street, (formerly part of the BvtUr Xttate,) adjoining the splendid new stores now being erected; it contains In front on Chestnut stteetSd feet. and., extends in depth of that width 175 feet 0 Inches to (trape street. TWO VALV4DLK PBONT3. A jwrtlon of the purchase money may remain on mort gage, ■ ', ‘ * ID* This Uono of the moat valuable lota in the city for business purpose*, adjoining sori>e of the most elegant store* in the city, f« the ttos,square, with the House,*’and nearly opposite the New Hotel now being built at the comer of chestnut and Nmlh streets^; i M. TIKJMAS & SttKd, Auctioneer*, .. aelfi-lt 139 Sc 141—formerly 07 409 3. Fourth st, T PENNSYLVANIA HORTIOCTLTU «AL SOCIETY EXHIBITION Will of*n THIS DAY, at 12 o'clock noou. The dSapluj or Fruit* and rare apeclm<ma of Plant* ha* never been equalled. i«e35«.H PERSONAL.— LET XT BE DISTINCTLY understood that.Dr, 3. D. FBANCIS does extract Teeth with GALVANIC FOJIOEP, without ptio, st' S4O Booth Fourth street, below Spruce. 1 iel6-6tV AmericS aoadbmy of music? K. A. MARSHALL Sole Lessee CHEAT NOVELTY. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Bopteinber 18th, 1657. FAVBTUB, Grand Fantastic Ballot, by Domenico Homan!, the ' celebrated Maltre de Dal let and Pantomimisi. PRINCIPAL DANCERS and PANTO MIMTBTS. Assoiuti (It rango France si: M’lle Louise Lartoareux, j Signor Filippo B&ratti. . * JfmDtstfflgtustrrf Itaitrm Dancers: • ~ Sjgaoro Oulsopplna Prates! {Af’lJe Luciilq Lamcareux. TeresinaPratisi, *" **'] Blg‘raEmma'^ontollnl. ~ . , First Italia# Dancers: . . Signore Oecehettl, 1 ‘ Sigoore'MaDcy,’ “ Heekmahn, -M. Shew, (< Dalton, “ E. Shew, “ Gale, “ Weiss. First Pantomimists assoluti: Gaspare Prates!, • • j Cesare Pratesi. First Pantontimitts: Giovanf Prates!, | Ifaftme Prates!. , Parti Ingtniis: Fla Gecchetti, | Enrico Ceccbettl. ' ' Secretary and Agent, SIGN’OB COROJ2I. Two hundred Auxiliaries; Entirely new and superb Scenery; now and magnificent Costumes; nowanaapJ proiirlate appointment*. t. • > Musloby UAJETTI COSTA FKNOZZA. Orchestral Conductor, UAW/BERGMAN 1 .> ’ ■ 4 Particulars in future advertisements. Prices as before. >• Box Olllce will be open for the securing of seats for the Ballet Season, of Sixteen Nights, on Friday and .Saturday, from 0 till 4, and on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for tho securing at nightly seats, three days iu advanco, without extra charge. P. are requested to present their Certificate* of Stock at the Box Office, and procure their Tickets for the ensuing season. Tickets of the former season will not be admitted. ' ; *el2 TIIO3. McKEON, Treasurer, w ALNXIT STREET THEATRE .-Lea- Hue, Mr. E A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. /obnSefton. Prices.—Dress and Paquette, 5a cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats. 75 Cents. Box Office open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 3 I*. M. Doom open at 7 o’clock; performance to com mence at 7 Jf. ~ * THIS (Tuesday) KVKNINa, Sept. 15th*, will be acted tragedy of OTHELLO, MOOR OF VENICE. Othello ! Mr. M’Donough I&go Mr. Daly Besdemona. 1 Madame Pooisi ■ To cunolude with the Laughable Farce called TWO BUZZARDS Btr. Benjamin Buzzard John Small... MU* Lucretia. WHEATLEY’ 8 AROH’ST. THEATRE. —Sole WHEATLEY. ScJiLf at paregs.-t-Orcbeatr* Bt*llM, &0 cent* ; Proa* Circle (no extra change f«r Secured seats),,6octfatir Family Circle 26 cents: Beats la Pri vate Boxes. 76 cents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, cents; Gallery for Colored Person*, 26 cents; Pii« rate Box in Gallery for Colored Person*. 38 cent*. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P.M. J. M. B.wniTTOK..; Treasure*. THIS (Tuesday) BVENINO, £ept, 15th, the per form&ncea will commence with the piny of ST. if A BO; Or, THE HUSBAND'S SACRIFICE. St. Mqr0,,,,,, Mr. £. L. Darenport Gliiaondo Mr. Dolman Vlonoc* Mr* E. L. Davenport To conclude with the new farce of CAPE MAY. Thomas Twi5t........ Mrs. Thomas Twist., TyATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST,, i.Y near Eighth. . .No bill receired. Sox Bale anb ia £et. T"“ ‘(Trent.—'THFinvELLiNG tart ok tho House southwest corner LOCUST and SEVEN TEENTH streets—Qaa; Bath, Hot and CoM-Water. Inquiro ae above. , < ■ < 'i ./( 1 ae!4 2t* Cjorui OR $500.800K BINDERY FOR tfptJW SALE—Seres year* established, doing (f fair Job business, which can be increased, both blank, and printed Jobs. Location. 635 Arch l street, below Sixth. Blank book* at cost, jobs bound to order. auglD»sw - • 1 PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N. J., FOR SALS, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 76 feet by ltd. Price, $3,000. Also. Lota suitable for manufactories, fronting the Ttrer. Apply to O. ROUP, No. ail Sou th Fifth afreet. augß-lui* Horticultural socikty’« ex- UlBlTlOff.—The TwentT»nlnth Exhibition of the PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY will bo held in JAYNE’S HALL, Chestnut Street, near Seventh, on the l&th, ldth,ana I?th instant, being Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.' Contributions in choice or rare Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetables arc respectfully solicited. Goutributora from a dl/itanca may addreu ■ THOMAS P. JONKS, Secretary’, No. 630 Market atreefc, Philadelphia. B liUlSt,Chalruuuu Nob. 022& 624 Market PM». StiTfiri Print's fur, l kvits Flowebs, h(k! © I vVF Ykcktabl** by the Pennsylvania Hor ticultural Society, at Jaynes Rail Oheatunt Street, near Seventh,on Tuesday, IStli last. Articles must be staged before 12 o’clock. TO WESTERN MERCHANTS—A young' intin, tireiit/>tvo years of with the most un exceptionable refcrenc* from present employer and others, I* desirous of an engagement iu Clerk, or Assist* ant Bookkeeper. Address “CLAYTON,’ 1 P. 0. Box 2002, Philadelphia. feU-lit* FARM OR COTTAGE iviuitcif within 15 milear of Philadelphia. In exchange for a three* story Brick House, east of Sixteenth in Vine street, and a three-story House in Murray street, one in i’earl street, and a lot in Kensington, 190 by 100 feet, fronting on four streets, all clear. Hither or all the above arm part cash. Apply to BOB’T A. PARBISH. sept o*lw# 8. If. corner of 4th tc Walnut sta. JE. k B. SCHELL’S * CITY MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL 8. E. CORNER OP TENTH AND VINE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. - i Whore cvetyvariety of MABBLK MANTELS,TOMBS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and PLOORINO, can be supplied upon reasonable terms. . au34*tul3in /"i IRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR* Vf ANOE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA-Office, No. 803 WALNUT street, vest ofTHIBD. . “JIBE BIBKS ONLY, TAKEN.” ftlftlOTOSS. Jer. Walker, Jno. MeCUre, Tho. Ccitea, A. 9, GUlett, Yunnan Sheppard, iaral. Joses, M. 0.. Joseph Klapp, M, D Wra. M. Bwaln, John Anspach, Jr., U. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, y. D. Sherman, Wm. P. llackor, J. P. BtolDor, H. A. Shackelford, Hon. JOEL JONES, President. Hon. O. W. WOODWARD, Vlo* President. Jmo. S., Secretary JiVßd B. Altohu. A*M«tant Secretary, i anl-3m Dancing academy, -naylor 8c DAUGHTERS DAtiOnW ACADEMY, TENTII ami SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY, September 1,1857. The subscribers, in offering this prospectus to the claiming community, respectfully acknowledge their kiudness during past seasons, and pledge themselves that nothlug shalrbe ■wasting on their part to make the coming aeaaou surpass in briUlaacy that of former years. ' Mr; N. and Daughter have, with untiring exertions, added to their already full list of fashionable dances, many new ones, which will he introduced during the season. , For Children—Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons from 3 to 6 o’clock ; for Ladles and Gentlemen—Tuesday and Saturday Ktehloga front 7 till 10 o’clock. au 27*3m MKOPOSALS FOR EXCAVATION .—The IT WEST PHILADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY will recelre PROPOSALS, at their office, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, IVALNUT Street, till noon of the 15th Inst., for EXCAVATING end EMBANK ING along the line of their route. ‘ IfaYerford road nu 4 Vine street, West Philadelphia—about 12,800 cubic yards cutting, and 17,000 filling—there being very little, u aujr, rock. Contractors will state tho time required to finish the job and terms of payment. Janies Miller, F.sq., En gineer, Market street, West Philadelphia. will explain details of tho work required. J. S. SILVER. Chairman of Committee, FIFTU and LIBRARY fits., Philada. TO CAHPENTEHS AND BUILDERS— Atteutlou is Invited to the following stock of sea soned LUMBKII: 300,000 feet 5*4 Yellow Pino Ploor Poaydi, ' 250,000 feet 4-4 do do. •* 30,000 feet 3-4 do do, suitable for lin ing stores. 75,000 feet >Vkl to Pine Floor Hoards. 350.000 feet Sprucu Joist. : Bolliug low for cash, to suit the times, and lu lots to suit purchasers. CtUPEHWR PICTURES—IMFBOVED ►3 AMBRQTYPRS at the new skylight rooms, Jitt) MARKET street, vest of llroad Chance's Dry Goods store. JSVANB, practical Photographer and teacher. m?y.lw# TV^TIOJB, —A MEETING OF THE CKED i" ITORSof REEVES, BUCK & Co , The MIOENIX IKON COMPANY, ana REEVES, ABBOTT & Co., *ill be heJtJ at tbeir Office in the E/anWm Building, Wataut Street, above Fourth, oil Thursday ovening, 17th imit., at half-past 7 o'clock. scp!24t* I\fEW FALL CLOAKS.—Just received »t 1,1 the Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium, to which the attention of Ladlosand strangers visiting the city, la respectfhlly invited. GEO. BtILpIN h Co',, . , 10$ Chestnut street. NSW FALL CLOAKS, at Wholesale—Merchants win find the largest stock of these Godds, in the greatest va riety of materials and prices, at ibo Paris Mantilla aud Oloak Emporium. t Prices low, and terms liberal. i GEO. 3TOLPIN K CO., flQSCheatnut street. OFFICE OF THE NEPTUNE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, 114 WALNUT Street, I‘BU.*- oHtruu, September Bth, 186 T-At a meatinu or ILo Board of. Directors of this Company, held THIS DAY, the following resolution was passed: ... * Resolved, That the capital stock of the ?' saranrt'Cotnpaftv be Increased from one buuaniatuoh* .sshd to two hundred thousand dollars. Booksof subscription will be opened on MONDAY, the 11th iiut. ( »Dd remain open for Urn dapa wn*»a itlvely, between the hours of M A. M. and 3 P. M.. By ordar of the LMr %EOT»M 800TT, Sonrelary. WASE, CUTLERY AND TOOL 3, No. MQ, MARKET BT., »hott Ninth) Hath »i4«t fWWiipWh • *aJ«toa Skater sf WM»s, lAi^nsements. first siany or’rin* * .Mr. A’Decket .Mr. Chapman .Mr*. St'ouCrtll ...Mr. J, S. Clarke .Miss Emma Taylor It. BDIBT, 'Chairman. P. P, JAMES, Secretary PAOTOBY, MARBLE HALL; DAYS OP TUITJON ALBERT BENTON, South FRONT street, • : c ; (gfinrationol. -■ T3ROPESBQR SAUNDERS’ INSTITUTE, A WEST PHILADELPHIA. No kemtatrfy whatever is more like a private family. The course of study )s extensive sad thorough. Pro fessor Saunders wiU; receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age Into hi* family, Enquire of Messrs J. g. ftiWer and Mathew NewkgrV, or Got. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Papery whose eons or word* are now members of hi* family. septlLtf CT. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, ■'f. WCO3T STttEEI, waaUfSixtoefltli. ClM»e» ki w*d tho uaual EagUah braacUea, *”fP' *° **J° *llow pupils <0 adraoce in each, inde- °fth® other*, with a rapidity proportioned to f "'“l Muel, tLe I. gW durta* tSnedan>Acffi?.;' ,M “ i ' Circol * ra J. A.vjmgwg Harris',-PriacipAl. ' MISS BONNET AND MISS DILLATE i”-*- HX-OV XN their UOAKDINIr AND DAT tepWHth lol6 CUEWNDI S, " at > °oMo}(D*Y,^ ' ’ references. , Rets- U .A. Boardmau, D,. D^g Malm, dp; 0. Wadsworth, D. D., doj M. o!ciark do* J.iNeWton Brown, I>. D., do; Wm, B. Jacobs, do; Wra’ Bl&ckWooA' D. D., do: 'A. Coarerxs, D.- B , do; John Leyburn, D. D., do; James U. Cuthbeirt, do; Wm t Brantley, 3). D,« do; E. B. Cheney, do; 'William Brad ford, New York city; A. D, Gillette, D. 8., dof B. Bab eock, D. 0., do: B. Fuller. D.J>., Baltimore; Oeorga.W. Ecton, D.D., Hamilton, New York;G. Remptoo,North East, New York; Thomas Rambaut, CassvJlle,"Georgia; Howard Maltom, I>. D., Lewiaburg, PeontyWanU; John 8. Hart, LL, D., PhiUdolphia; Paul T, Jones, Ksq,, do; Col. A. 0. Waterman, do; Caspar Morris, M. D., do; Robert A. Ezell, Esq., Marshall, 1 Texas; John B. Sem plo, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, do: George W, Jackson, Esq., do, do; Johnil. Raymond. Lb. P., Brooklyn, New Yorjr; Mayson Bray son. Esq.{ Chicago; Hon, George W. Bradford, Homer, New York; Stephen D. Dlllaye,- Ksq., New York city; Hon DaniqJ 8., Dickinson, Binghamton/ New York. aej>4-Irt\ 5 *' ‘ 1 ’ 1 f iKITTENDEZT 8 PHILADELPHIA. COH VJ MERCIAL COLLEGE, 3. E. comer of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Second and Third Stories: BOOK-KBBPING, PENMANSHIP, mcTaM*. COMMERCIAL LAW'S AND FORMS. < , , . wmmercul calculations. LECTURES,Ac. . Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. : " '-•>< r One of the Best Penmen In the CoflairriM dhewof the Writing Department. . ' * Please call and n« Specimens an 4 gat V Catalogue of Terms, Ao. 1 • ALLEN ? -A. lp ** limited number of pupils on the Violin or pn the Plano, 1 iud to play Violin parta or accompani ment* with sdviaeed pianiiitl. Apply at the residence of hia father. Prof«a?or No. 215 South Seven: ieentb Street. Circulars, with terms and references. atG; ANDREA Co! VNoLllOiChettriatSK sel^lni* LADIES, SOUtH- Ip WEST CORNER OF ARCH AND TENTH STREETS : The pupils in this That] tution willbe Instructed In all the branches of a thorough English Education, *nd every facility for,the acquirement or knowledge provided for jhem. ' 11 ’ ■ 1 * 1 ' 1 ■*»>' ,' The discipline will he a earefai pointing onward ned upward. . xJ The, school-year is divided into two terras, of Ere months each, commencing first of Ninth Month : /Sdp*‘ tamber,) and first of Bocond Mouth (February.) . •, term h First Department, per term of five tnoaths...’..i^S.OO Second ■ , tt . “ ♦. 20 OCf Third “ , <» “ 16. cm Fuel, Ad.;per term................. 1.00 - .. HARRIETT BROWN. Philadelphia, _ (t , I# <■ : ' : 1* Thomas Klmher, J. D. White, M. I>., > Baioufel Battle, Jr., Besj.B. Jsaner, St. D. Marmaduko C; Cops, Bohert K.‘Wright, * William Kettle, SmUh, • Thoiuaa Wistar., t , George Griscem. Anthony I* Morris, William ?. Pitfietd; ‘‘ Joshua n. Morris, • •D&vidYaoda'rteerj , ‘ .! , Uriah Bunt, William B. Thomas. , ►u2s-lra. • ‘ • gUPPiiE T ONSf“ INSTITUTE FOK YOUNG V LADIES, (bq&nliog *M. day N» W..corner KIKVENTK and UREGN ilrntt.' open ,oa September 7ih. Jfceti, nfceoee .gifop t )Q« binding all precept and former patron*. ao2S-V SPRING .GARDE*? . ACADEMY , FOR VOUNG MEN AND EOYS.'N. E. corner EIGHTH Jiod BUTTONWOOD.streets., ot the hjgheit qualification* employed. containing full particulars, pupils’ names, testimonial*. &0., ethb* uad on application. au2s-tf P. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. Hall, of> sx. james xhb less, PHILADELPHIA- . < . - i A PAMILY. BOARDING SCHOOL TOR DOTS. r { Rbt. B. R. BHTOEB, Kecroa. * 1 [The Annual Session will’ begin on TUESDAY, Sep-’ fembetl. >- '> Circular* maybe obtained at the Boob Store of H. HOOKER, 8. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, 4( or the Rector, Post Office, Tails of Schuylkill Phila delphia.,; sajl-Ga, MRS. BARTON’" BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL JOB YOUNG LADIEB, N 0.192» CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth.''will n-open oa the SECOND MONDAY In September.', - eolb^w* TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE i i persons, male and female, to gala a than ot this World'* goods and comfort*** * ,> BUSINESS EDUCATION. . . t ,LEIDY BBOTHEBS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, ' ■ ; Nos. 118 end 151) SIXTH Street, near HACK. ' will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER let, for till and rioter Studies, embracing a Knowledge of . WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING 'AND ARITHMETIC .by simplified methods, in a abort time, '■ ti.l. .1) THE LEUIY’S take piewaw In saying, that dndng the past year a. large number Of persona acquired a BUSINKB3 EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro* Stable altaatjone, and others to proseente their business operations successfully, ’ l an22*3ro. ’ fYOAL.—The Tery best assortment of LE HIGH, end BCHUTtKJXL COAL on i»wf, In UKOAD Street, Second y«d eborb Vine etreet.' eeW-Im ' ■ ’ ‘ HOtVKLL DORMAN. . 99/10 WS. I,S A TO^BUYEBS &Gr§Xj and, consumers. are invited to examine oar atock of “LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK URATII CO A L.” Oar Coal f* selected expressly for family use; being carefully screened, we will warrant it froa from slate and dust. “We toll 2340 !ba.,” being 15 240 lb*, more” than sold by retail dealers, at “2$ costa Icm per ton.’> Also, on band a foil supply of t; BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL' 1 for Steam-generating, BUrk*o)iihing, and Boiling-mill purposes. This CO9I cannot be ex-' celled.’ , 1 : ' ‘ Yards, BROAD and VINE—Big Sign, ‘*2240 LBS/18 A TON. fseMtn] LEIGHTON A CO t. COAL! COAL I COAL!—TAGGABiC’ I CBMKNUX ED SPBJ.VB mVXIAIH LSUIOU COAL. • J. A R. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TAM AQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER’S PINE FOREST SCHGYL KILL COAL. ■ ’ • ' RANDALL & MEREDITH U&n ter sale, sd<J are constantly receiving from abore celebrated Collieries, < 1 COAL OF ALL SIZES* There is no Coal mined anywhere, equal 1* quality ‘ these, and atrial will convince any One of their great superiority. Our Coal iarery carefully screened at,our yards, and wa will, warrant It perfectly free from slate r duat and ail Impurities. Our PRICES axeaa LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at ocr Oißoe l No. 151 SOUlff FRONT Street, choke Walnut. > - 1 Orders left at our Yard; C ALLOWniLt street, baton 1 BROADetreet. i i ■ Orders left at opr Wharf, WATER street, abovsCAL.. LOWUILL—or sent to either glace per Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. . , 1 ; Purchasers for Family use ?riU do well to call and e!g amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. . aui-tf BUCK MOUNTAIN COAk—Dlrect fVom the Company’s Mines, and the only authorised agents, by retail, south of Kensington. AW Lehigh and TchurlXill Cool * 1 T. TREADWAY. Swanson street, " ‘ , au2D-2m] : Ist Wharf above Washington, Southwark. CCEUriiKILIi ANJt) LEHIGH CQAL*- VJ lam daily receiving, at my yard, the heat quality o. 80UUYLKILL AND, LEHIGH COAL- My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders,, may rely on getting Coal that will bo satisfactory to them: 1 |£r No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. - ’ ALEXANDER CONVERT, N, S. corner of Broad and Cherry fits. Lehigh and schuylkili* coal.— DALY, PORTER A CO.. COAL,DEALERS. No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth,' keep'constantly oa hand, at the very lowest rites,'a'full supply of Lehigh' and Schuylkill Coal. i aul-fim L~UMBER AND COAL.—MONTGOMERY & NKALL having connected the Coal with tha Lumber business, Inform their frlebdJ that they hays made contracts for a supply of the qo&lltiM., of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are nowi readr to re* celve orders, Twelfth and Prime streets, ’ Orders may be left with Mr. 8. KILPATRICK, No. 13 8, FIFTH street, or with Mr. WM. D. NEALI, corner PINE and WATER streets. > aulMm COAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, vis; Bloat’s Coast Pilot. 18th edition; Bow • ditch’s Navigator,27th edition; Shipmaster's Assistant, 9th edition. We Invito attention to our new Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavy weather, and ate especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where the motion i» considerable. They require fewer repairs than any compass now in use. Marine Opera Glasses of superiopquality. Bpy Glasses, Aneroid aud Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad* rants, Azimuth Compasses, Binaclei, Log Glasses, and alt kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. ; Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and best authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Code'of Signals, Deni’s Ohronomet*™ and Compasses, and for-Abbott* s Horo raetor, and av Instrument for working Oat problehSi In Nautical Astronomy by simple Inspection and with per fect accuracy. have received the approval of ex*' pcrlenced snijuusterj. and hare been adopted by the U. S, Navy. R. k O. W. BLUNT. . aaiB-lra* No. 179 Wafer Street. TTENDERSON & CO’» GREAT LITER il ARY FAIR, FIFTII and ARCII streets.,; , Ip order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa* toons, and induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of $1 and up-‘ wards, a Gift in value of from 25 cents to |IOQ. - Call at qur establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. > v Recollect you are not baying at chance, for every pur* chaser geti his books at ine usual price, and very many will get, in addition, a present worth having.'' autl-Sio Evans 1 great gift book sale, No. 835 CHESTNUT Street. N. 8.-No connec lion with any other hou&e In th* City. sul-Sm NO MORE PILES—NO MORE FILES. DB. CHARLES KELLNITZ, from Paris and Lon* don, Is la possession of a remedy which will qure radi. tally this painful disease, however prytractvd and'ob stinate it may be. The flret prescriptionarresti uH ’ pain os If by magic, aud three days’ treatment effects a com* plots cute. No charge will be made if the remedy fails. AU diseases cured. He is also the inventor Of a liquid for nourishing the growth of the hair, and removing baldness, the efficacy of which he fully guaranties. Lewis Fishbtatt cured of plies. Apply at 923 LOCUST street, near the Unitarian Church. sel-ltu Jn. CHASE 9c CO. • ‘ „ ' 'QKSBRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North FKOXT ud 44 WATER Street, PhlWelpU.. OOKHfAKTI.V CLOVER SEED, Gn consignment from tho‘ Interior of Pennsylvania, ’ where our new Cleaning Mill is-now In general use. ET* Also, TIMOTHY AND BED« TOP always on hand,. < T>OSIN-t-WOBARRELS SOAPMAKERS’ XV ROSIN, to arrive per schooner J. U. for sale by MARTIN i MAUAUJTSE, au jl- ! ' H 9 XotthVato street., Manilla rop.^superioh ,ju.~ ,RIULA BOYS, '-• .i, UhY Ko.» R, Wat« it, »48S K.VUmfl, Sljipiping^: fiSHIP" O T sMTHffbsWOR kS LEANS—Guarantied'B»4 ¥e***\ to* salt hi all this week, *»d takes what freight offers at.the lowestrate?. The remarkably faai-«JaUng packet *h*p OTsYoS THE, Wb K ifaiweil, master, now loading rapaJir it Raet street what f. haring a large purtton bet cargo engaged, will sail as aboee, foil or oof fhll. . • • Shipper* will phase burr/ bills of Idling to thecoanUns-lious^'TorSlguavuTt. for halanv.* of flight;'<j? ‘passage-, h\tlßi:*ul*S»et •tatd-room rcco or stoemg* to UiaUOi’,, SIMONS A CO,, 30 North Wfcarrc*. Tie OTSEONTHE liAre,'at'thMoirert rate*-»nd will take steam dotra the Delaware iftd up the Mis sissippi. - ~ FOR SAN f RANCISCOr^AL.IFtoSIA. LI.YE —Direct fro®. Phlladelf&ia > TJlp magnificent clipper ship JOiE PH 70YT3, San* uel O. Flowers, commander, is coir loading •* IU«;e street wharf; having a larga par* of her cargo engaged *jjd going oq board rapid!/, will ksr« Immediate dea patch. ' 1 Shipper* will pleas® brary their good* alongside with out delay. • • . . , For balance of freight, apply to bishop, snross * co.. 5 3$ Korth Wharre* SAX PKANCISfeO—VKOM' NEW • York. ’ ' 1 The celebrated clipped ahfp BANf A CliAUfi. • Foster, toaster; the magaratehteUpper ship/BUATOZiIAN, •) toaster, are oot luadiat tad viU Kaye despatch as »hor«. . , ' For balance or freight apply to ' • '* BISHOP, STMOKS * 00., &> h’orth,'Wfrarre-*. ipolels unit l-UslaaraiUs. TIIcGOVi'AN.’S BESTAL'KAXT, south weat corner ol I)B£U2> nad VaLXCT —Game 11 other- delicacies in 'se»-wm. Families supplied lystera on the shortest notice. - J '' sepT-Tm AVIS B. COFFIN,— . . THIRD WARD HOTED, {DEMOCRATICHEAD QUARTERS.) South-eadt comer FIFTH Street*, s?p3lmo - Philadelphia. Merchants* hotel, ' NORTn JOURTUOTREBTv - • ' U&9W JU*MT* - ■ fIDLADELmiA. McKIBBES &.130SS, F&OPKSTQ&a CJCOTT HOUSE-rComor of Irwin Street K 5 and Daqaeaae TVay, Pittsburgh! B, 3). MARK£B, Proprietor. , , s UJinesanlT jEiqaoi^,'. ,7 ( PORT WIZ^E.—In to de benture 250 cariu st. Pore/Jcuce Port Wine, in qrs. and eighths. T "" * * . Ten pancheods John feirdsar ker, 2 year* old ' .■*: •> >- is'..: U ' Fifty pipes Anchor &&; > 4 , ll&rett, Martel, ItaaTet, »a 4 J. J Papur Brandies, alt of 'which I offer to ,£hs trade at reduced prices. 1 ** 'JOB. F. TOBIAS, sa27-3moa 89 Aft* 90 & Frdnt St., beior Walnut. EP MIfIDIiETQN. & 880., CtPORT • ERSof BBAJiBfJS, WISES. *£.; olw.'.ureaU »ol «ole proori*toNof Ow old "WHEAT "WHISKUT &’o.syort& yßOXTitrget: i . 0032.1 m ' LEXANDER V-HOLM; .... .aiES, TFIN'EAN D LIQUOR BTORE. No. $26. Sonthaut Coro«r of OEOIWK .aJfoqTKfrEtfeJ 'iJVtff / Sfrlr G I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • 'lN'fttfß- WIHS9,LHjIKiEX?CWI2a/£tt2t i South FIPTH Street, Philadelphia. au2*ly BHANQIES.— YkieJ, G«Ulloa & Co., ili-. wU4.Cc.. and other brand* ©{ Cognac* of>ancoi vintages. ln ( half IMIefWSJn ~ BMacueßritidiM) ttltiM dwi in half , fasks and 080-ofgMh c**2p. g|L in Onsttsa House stares, 1 Imported and for sale by s . “ '* Klt “ * HENBY KOHLER .. t . and- :. i . No^2Slwd.meocth?oarth«resL DITHMAR’ A BOT 2; b EOKT£B* :>AL& 3 AND IAGBRBSEB BUHWERY. No. ft2Q,fn - . N 0.935) North limUJ stre«t, < Phi4dfiidua.—Shipping” orders jpomptly . . ' va\( 7 * V daiefiV.bjj sLi(ctuj«. VttrOLßEtfP BrSCOTT? AUCTIONEERS* fT -WVCOTfWnjT Stmt.i*i*mte ti* Custom ; ■ Thursday’ next, WFBVeloclfrwo Trtlf •- itell without restm.'astodc-of aod. bore* Fall . ahd Winter rietetef l; { . ‘ * ’ , ~ . - 5 ‘ L OtfMONl>AY;!lft*>B*fc,; • .>?/- , . 'Atl©#hMeek»i*«ol»atai**wjJl, soU,:lgr order of . Mrs. Sarah. Hames, pdminDtralfir to the estate''of John Uuy, Jr., deceased, «t theuostom'Bote*,'Che*?. nut street, between Toutth. and. Fifth *thrett-,JS>.JIa2I pipe*brandy, lr • ■ ;?, , • ! PEREMPTORY, SALK l ' OP' "BWBBOfDimtS. 1 shawls; milt-inyrt W, * at 20 o > »D.oa * Liwrai credit hr reteloru* ft large; and Valuable ♦iwortrqexiV'ijf choice ' French and Scotch irabrotdeytei, ShaSrU: Bihtohs,' Arti flcfals, Skirt*, Corset*, Ifonwte, and. JKiJHnai? Coeds generally.-. .!iM‘-vnei’i i'>. Vr . ~.i. . b.B. .Saroplf* displayed Forexaminaffeareti* ' W ontW mortlng of'Sal*; WfcenHS* tradevahd tot. cb«*w generally, sriU Bud it their ijttfiHftt to attend. . BONNET BIBHOh'Mn Wednesday's sale *ill he foundlOOcarton* PallCi’Tors'Boaaef ffihbear.- *• FRENCH ABTirz<)lAl&—Atao+tGD e*rt*a* Fruxh ValvetArtiStUl*.:.. r? , ~ JEWELRY**-Atso T at'commencement 6F sale, an hi-*' ’ voice of Gold and-plated Jewelry. • s - _ . » • CfiAHPAeNB :AKB PORT WIN&-At 1© o'clock will be soldi) baaketaUhampigue, 2 2 do Port . WBBEriIQUOIt -FLASKS—At 10 a’doek, 4.00 Q Robber UkqurrFliahfe - , MOSE 3 K ATHANS, AUCTIOJIEEB . AND COMMISSION IUSCHASI, i. S. antr , HIKrH«A»ACJi'Btn»t«. . ... N.ITUA.Va PBISCIPXL LOAN OITICg, > ■ Corner of SiMA ini Strata, , where aowy mill he loaned 4* gvlfiaad. silver plat* . W*kh««,;lowelryj,DuiqqMs, Cnothhyr, T>rr a«d*, ' Groceries, Seg&w, Chjtlerr, 'Voniiture. B>4- diny, Her*es, T*lilde« t Baralte, Stocks. axA onaU ar- Gelee qf.taliw £ot length of time agreed on, pamon aaUsfaetory and liberal terms than at any other estob- * luhroent. '• » • 1 f*es} ' - H. RaTQAKS. t ■ KATOAM'S great niral FOBFEIT&D GOODS wiU take piaoeja a Fear days. ' JDuenotieeviUbarfrvu. Wnßß’B rreaf sale of 1 forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guoa. Ptatofs, UoshCal Ac., will take place , shortly. - JToeftetie* will be yireq.- WESO.'S great sa]e of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding. ' 1 Ae., being forfeited collateral*, will Wk* placeahoctlr. 1 DUeaotioeviUbe gireo. LAUGH SALB.QF FORFEITED GOODS. NATIIAK’S Great Fale of Watches.'Jewelry, Ac., Ae ’ - Qn IWs (TUESDAY) doming Stapkilith. - at- Jdoee* hiathao* r Auction hsvre, a.JL, .ccwurr of ’ an4 RACK Streets, Sales Boom 3dktorr, eh« * trance from lUeest. - - . ' , OaoHsttag in part of Hsstlne (w . Doable pa»r Double Dottotp and Open Fare Enclhh’' patent Lever Watches, the most of theh* IS tatat, fulf- ' jeweled;;and 'df'lhl'niottt i GoidilnntiagCaae, DouUe Bottom aud Ooep F»c« Ka> «apemeijtSw«s Lever Watehe?.ls karat Sue goldraad'' 9 of the Trtst makers; Tine Gold Lepinelt^tchre.!» Hurt- * teg Case* and Open Fare, fuß.jawelted -and pUin: Fugliah, fiwiis, and French Gold Watches; a splendid assortment of Hunting Cas*and Open Face SGrerKnrc Hsh andYwfss Patent Lerer, £ma{ietniatLer«r; Leniatk ; Watokec-D«>fthte,Ca#eVjl>puWe,BoiU>«ied, ,and Single 4 Cage Watches) gold Chairs, Pencil Cases/Ks'r.nnrt, fiagtr Breist Miu,' and Jewelry geherallr. Javeleea,J>ealn» Ure Trade gaaetal lT» w? PrtTato purchasers, will ftndlt Jo their *dv*n- *' tage to attend ibis sale, it will erahrate'the ihest afcd best assbrtihent of Watchsi em bg&red ai puUteaale. i > tOHNBAVUS,' %F '• ARCII Strtet, between YbiidaadYbutth*Stoei*ta.’'- J - 'BALB3SYMT SVSNIKS.MTb>doak,. Of. Boota, Hu*.j.H«o!„are, CntJeyr, ly«eh«, Jcsr- ’ •try, Hosiery, S’hij*, Trunks.' Fancy Goo-la, Nonnas," Ac./Arc.'• ‘ r • • l --u t,»r - • N. JL<—Term* of Night Ssls«, tym. months’ credit far. approved *ity sccepUnces./wsttaisof |H»aod with to* tercet added from date ortode. ' " sepl-Im \V. SMITH, AUgTiOXSEH, VK N. E, comer or'BABRCK and SOUTH Streets, abort Second; ■ ' -t 5 • * - > > r*. -KYEKINO BALES, SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING. At TK'o’ctock.-attte AueSon Store,'of Hardware, OwtQ lery, Articlaa, Clothing, s*val ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. _. . } CJAMUEL NATHANS, ; AUCTIONEER. ►3 and MONEY LOAN QFHCE. fio. US 3outk THIRD Street, below Walnut, oppoaiU Fear eight doom be’ow’the Rxchaaite'. * *'•" • .Hours «f business-from I o'shrek, A.'kt., ■» > il 19 . o’clock to tha evening. . f . _ M , Out-docr sain, and sales'at the Auction House, at tendedupodthenmetkatlsfactoryterm*-. - - • ’-f - : CAPITAL XX 0,099.. : Eilahlixktdfot th* UulTKittji Years. . Advances nude from one dollar to thousands on Dto amids, Sliver Plato, IFstehes, Jewelry,-Hardware. Mer » chacdtoe, CtoUung, luoaitur*, Bedding, Cigars. Mpeical InttoumenU, Guns, Hocus, Carriages, and Goods of' CTeTT description. - *■" /All goad* baa remain, any-length of time ap4«t upon. . ,» ' All advances, from o&e hundred dcUara and upwards will be charged t pee cent, per nmath; 9509 sad over, - the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feeLhae large fire aad thief-proof vaaita to’sfore oil ralasbiew, and pri vate ‘ watchmen for the ; alaoi, a. heavy s&sa* mace fqr thq benefit of all persons haring goods advanced open. , N'. oweunVcr Daring ~au' ualhaited capital, this office to prtpaxed to wto Ipivaacee on more matio-; factory and accommodating terms than anj other in, this city. - Money advantodto' th* poor, in small ametmts, with out any chary*, AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other "Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will he sold at reduced prim.' anl-ly , ijnta, Copa, CH, GARDEN & GO., , • Manufacturers of and Vi hoievalr Dealers tu HATS, GAPS, FURS, STRAW* GOODS, -• FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS. - 1 , JLH.TJMCIM* ELOWRRS, &OUCHB&, FEATHERS, Fc., Ar. ' No. 552, (old No. 198) MARKET Street,' Below- Sixth, non th tide. And No. 523 HlNORStreet, FhlUlelphia. 0. Hsvur aaaOE.Vj ' daxisl p< i vova-v. Merchant* kto 1 tetpectlhlly invited to examine our ■took . • o*7-0» CJULiiEHDEK & PASCAL, >3 • HATTERS, aul-doa ; No- s 8. SIXTH street. PhzUdelphla, ©eitlkmeii’G (goobs. 11/INCHESTER & SCOTT,' GENTLE ff MEN'S FC6NISHING STORE, and PATE.NT SHOULDER SBAM SHIRT HANOFACTORY. Xo T6fl CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern end Westers Merchant*, and Strangers, i» particularly invited tothi* improved cut of Shirts,’ the most parCecOltUng article mads. At whole- aud-tytf r-QNGKteSS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD- Vy WCCK * 8R0.,N0.203 V. SKCOND Stre«t. 1 FLAGS! FLAGS!—FACKER FLAGS, also Plain Flap from two and a half inches to firt feet, wholesale aud retail, at the Flag Depot, No. M South Ssoood street aagto-lmt BfY. TIHGLET & CO., BANKERS, • tio ST South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible point* in the United State* and Cauada. Stocks, Bctuds, &£■< Bought and Sold on Corn mission. Uncarrvnt fiknk Notes, Chedu, Ac., bought at the received and lntsrast allowed, 1 as per agree* Bt»s* > ■rrOTXCE TO CONStGOTES.—The ship ll STALWART, Capt. A. H. Locif, from Liverpool, is now discharging under.gonsrtl prd> r at Almoudittreet jrharL CoatigUWS.wUl pl*aw attend to receipt.erf tbeir good*- . THOS. RICHARDSON A’CO.'' - seS-tf - ‘ • TMACpEEGQH HOT-AIR FURN \CES. fewt, CttXtftrtCK * BKO., SibdM) Street, flret 3o4i< ,bnw J '■ ■ ’ ' . IAAVID M. BLANK BOOK V~rj|l4sn?Ktarer] SUtioaer. utd ‘Pridttr. No. '443 ViHrtJT »fe,T, bet.oeafoatlh InJ KTlh, PMhrfol pblAiiiti, t ,i* i . . BLCOME RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAU- Va!a*J3BO,KiIC.«KX»iSBt. .mlMki