The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 15, 1857, Image 2

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p ? rr rr is’*"
Fjcbst' Pj.bß-rr-KdU6ri»l, d A Cehlury in
Pao*.—Poetry. Criticism on E.L.’Daven-'
An»l»rmQf,fl):ojf>t tbe
actualdangor, invariably produces copiksiqn
quenc*fc\. It U-Pmchwisfaq
Wo have ted an alarms wtother woU-founded
it to; the. commerclali > community) wwuSvH
greater are impending: , 7 ;' l ’ ll '
the condit!dn'of the .its
to exhibit iaetsy and to sustain, by all possible
means, the Jegitiihato'bpetatlons'of business..
. diejthiij
peudyd woitey
of railroida.’ In' aayingthis,' >it would bb un«
been awastelhl extravagancq and wm*i-Tl®TO
are' many; road»-fgreat thoroughfare .roads-n
whibb ;Wah'6f fallr yiiderj JodtoiOM • metapd*'
ment, tp, pay. dividends
The vwy,fact tbatiqtbershurahwn construct-,
ed Whichatedf doubtful fcbaracterhas added
to tJifi.pgolita
In airtsia like the present,, it js..quite,rpbyh
ous 1 that'the: discredit which ha* been c*st
interest*; eypty. rpadi mid hpnd in . .the
country. It has fellen,«the slightest reflect
. tioninusfhavd.
all thetnterests pfa«4pfy ;
tures, agriculture, iindrealesttte ilaelf.'Mon-:
eyed. institutions ; »efVO hh (iihe# ! pinrpose. ih
providing, it In aid pf corumprcial becessltiea, ; ;
Tbhse who hsivwthebest dtedhf and combine
the’cash of : the CBUntry;’.ioirfe*d,.of
lending It to those engaged th commercial opt
«ns£j&' th|s procfe»i : i4 to* dbt3
seen, places the accumulations of business men,
in thehandsoftho capltaHstai«r,if theyhap-r
pedto be sopiaced jasto be nnabletpcommand
the present cdtis. ls. nndoubtedly severe.
The commercial'cornmnnlty of iihci city -of
. Nctyrpiki’fdt l instiiice, has' had 'to ' meet a
conthaciiofi 1 df khd' tti^t 1 $$ vfjfbiU
less than, a .niqotb, jpj.nipe
Snob aproceeding hia-alacmed.tinrtd.TOonpy-,
and it is not too much tO Clata 1 that
by fefClfmbahs attamdttnt.tea'ehiiigsfs 1 n)iUiohV
1 move hW 'withdrawn from the channels
of trade. . This .-'enormous> weight,;ba». beep
borne so faflwith surprising ability: l it proves,
how thoroughly golvent.Js,, the commercial
community;howable4titto,meef itaebHgar
tions maturing b’nder’any' ether; law 'tbanthat
cf.apseio.y*fhs,follut'e» Jhjuvp; bepn''ihjjf’stfidj
interest,’ ’ibsblutely 1 but bffflrora «*f usual
-1 >iv_ Fi-Xi»; Q $ Vy>,-, aVjiwi'LUi.»it*
memwof t spppj#,,pi^, ; t|p J
it had a right' to i rely, by,the strength.of;*!*
oWhVesphiheh:W.h?. i P^i?!<®. i ?;?'
Whstdowe find throughout. thef coantty; to
comrannity at tfc#,pr«sent;time?,.lnaU ibe
SOuthtbe people are? job, andthllyabie topay
» was saidtobe'. heaviest, failures ,are ftw. snd
nnlmpo^hhhiThh i efopSaie !, sbn^daiiti : ; ; ’TKe'
interestsibl .are
The greatStaples/whicb form thebasis of oitr
ued. We have a large basis of specie, which
moneyinarkef.' -, Our aCcumhiatipnsihbm'piji.-'
; fomiaare mpiiand .timely. ~.Then why have
,we snchaptaiiol.' IWit wholly because' inen
Val, interests' are - not bnly haddiy, , bot> '»b«pi'
• 'fa. I !.; n&tsthrat mil.'
oHaitroad stocks:. have faUpn to';thaii point
. as'^tdW^y^Brad^h,i|3^Mp^af,'^i^ (
below this areso mab/ relieft to tbe aftAit;
so fffidm. $W> c * a he no
■. worse»nd ; mnst t soon mend, h'.,: iiaU
t 'But’we' Utviaponfa, audit, p&nibialaprac:
andkeepsalive Ihe'distfustof ihenelghboriit;
withdraws capitalfrom dverypnrthitiUfofce*'
and real estate; attdj above ellj it pUces bani
werkihg bnstem'melijai mete# tffhfiw:
nmnujirlendetf, nWffb
thoearningsof years iuafewdayslTheofedip
and character of yefars aro' BOt'llghtly to be
ton; ii Conditlontare/Holhlßg—money <must'
be'hhtaiheh> thV.b’i&iMm’ mhh.;ls;
placed wholly in' the. power or the uoney man.:
-‘hThi»l4tte; ; fhiifoy : S :^nic— i-d hhhio' go'tten'
prosperityf And who baS t 'ilt
■@^h^SJ bni'the'aValhnlche'
, ao<m .oyerwboimed themi andsUley are amongst.
• tb|‘j!reatest>«ntrereirs. ; ''. !!, ;’''f
veto pressure will* ia si* mouths* bo seen .to
' ''^^ddejUl * |pisbdh ! i^
Wimttreferiifo do.nol «y thstitiaabioldtoly
oruy ip QjKMaioqniiT^!;
of-;*U' nuumefof A Meuriti9t^4
week—is nnnatur»i,'*nd temporMypof couMei
AN A WAX.:'Tdi'*itt*;' ! ! *i>ITOKf; Olf'' TBis
' .o x<
The fact baa clearly pwrentedlUetf to mlitijr
mind»j.thatitfe* polfcy( of the Garsnunent in aetwl settlers the; public land* at
CBe' ,dol& ''srtd , t*S , ehty-flTc l i»nta'p<sr'*CM>''jß
profeMldhal,'Speculators,i , 1-.1,1,1'-;
clTnb!a{ft)nj' i )*bbjgb.'*est'
unprpyq 'ifafoiidifalfcib'Ht'-gii&fa
r*U And ftbo fertile lands Iti tbe hinda ot
)^' ( 'B()Wp«}l^fl'
■these reserved iands.atfrom fl»e,toi«tanty.(lo|-
iswper'scrte’orth plunge'ihw the'wilderncss
years to;bO dcprlvedofthe naceaaary helps and 1
nCedfUl ItffteehkOS of society. -This la' «j de|p;
andcryiegeyil. masae*,
injuriously.! affected, by it,- ednipiaiq bitterly
make Iktir grett nwpgs; Jpwyn,,, ,W*„?»g«td
y6n ; as;'One ;of-the men'irhp frill - yet’h«Ve :
iSoinefluiig'ttf ; do,' Jn, qt
Yon now occupy® high’ i vantage ground, 1».
Therefore - It. is,4but 'lj In Cdmmon with. the
■ practical-Mttaiioiii - aiiiirmrprittnl tpaclkt.
■and customs of all peoples jlnce the daya 'pf
- Moses andPlatp; and hwsjtofenUtedupori the
pauies efs|
tionSandineh 1 mostaccordingly find that the
whererctiedvpon.amonopoly,?/,#} s(,'-
»' TlUb subject nulshbe* eistained 'frith' entire
. &fiif'iit!i|Sreteit'ip:tSe
the refottf SOBiueh needid’in tWs bnmoh of
onr domesticpolicy a* yourself, because you
can ;^Wt
lpie,hutyotiare;aiaiired.:of ; ;aßilud!»e*«d!lf
y'ott i 'apeak : ‘fO :: tho'yatiohV^ i ! ,^e n ?
'depioastratlngthe.nlter futUUyof.the.preaent
"tetyM'pfokf Qpyejuj^« t ’';iean''p6iut
choice land pnrehasedjat fjpvernmeotvjirice,
,Ttet(iieat*Ufetttyeopl»:«ag V to.Uear^Kd.]
• ■ .. ./*4/ *
; - fhU r*l»<>rt of the Cttttle Market, in
. aft iiis»ijgBiMo*3^jHW» Hi
: : pm gretral attention.
. The wail-steamer Baltic,
pool on the 24 instant, arrivfBj'as|||® w |||®S fc |
yesterday. Her intellig|nc^fc^W^ e^ J
’Previous information. <^r.
/(nephew to that reverend J oker ’ ® YDSET
| Smith,) who has been receiving $25,000 a year,
■ft Fresident of the Board of Control, formis-
the affairs of British India, was re
ported as likelr-tjrrVp? fr W wiUl the
brarfd of Incapacity upon ins tftow. Ho was
"htpn4TSt,'BifhS ,{ hS ! Ci«wnl<yonttonOaiee,'toolSi
the frost roundabout way everything,
was, particular ih'ebiilloying fifty Words'to do
the work'of teu, and;was as much p red-tapist
kg Mr. Fbsdeeick Pbei himself. As a balance
,to, tbejdi'jigrace'iif who had
mbta. ambition than, gbUityipr’publl? life,' it .is,
, sstd tikatMVi thehißtorian, da to be
-crea^'^epr, 1 ;. This ip a'distiiictlon-well del
served) ahd theHouaepf tofrawiliha honored
,bsr a&Q& arj additibn't'o Its strength- .! :,■'>•••
t Tvip.y.earaagoi'kri j ,ii!Adiiii.A,v'totii^d j ftoin 1
the. House o£ Commons, where lie represented
.Edinburgh, neitlierthestate of his healthnor
,|ils .literary' engagements/ permitting him, to 1
give ibp requisite attehtion to the business ana
! lntbrests' L a,f l ,a;! \ ff / <l i- 0
itipper iHonsoutie,' wiiii.'haTP',®o'bparatir?iy
' little dirdo, 1 hut Will be 1 * great acquisition to ,
■the! Ministerial,force, in.#>»?.
Eegislature.- Maoamav is ms.JiHy-j
created a liffe-pserago, agd V.ooWWp iSfftfl .
;fdlc<)mpliraenttoL!teraWre. I 'ThMe,.iß v ßome
‘the peerage which, tit is djnderstpod,, bps been.
.itered' hW'. At t^e<'age i ' l Pf:slity-iive, .and
/yrith all hiaisrits, playep’s^lM l ,**!?.?
that howoildhavebeen happy fo;.haye .“hid
hid If&Mtiii V cb^nef i , '/( , tp;-n»a Sheeibas’s
#oidsii)i inti helpreiidbly •cl'erf rft
agaln/ehtering the Cablnet—ahope not lively,
>to j|Hi ttotni^nbjf■nffc®**
t^ALXKßgroK*,j' |»'j ) ;,')j! V,.,/!, ,'i • it.
/• ThehewS^rom 1 Continental Europe has no.
inte'reBd,Mye/th“i.iie l E.rpperofaAi.Kj:AS l i>Bß
and NAPbitON were going tohave andnteryietv.
/|nGiihfrihjf, - The Mkcico-Spantsh dispute is
uot. liitoly to terminato in actual .v/urfarcyiind
ino ctedit *as givon to a rumor that thoTlmted
Staiei a Ug > kekico Kid 6ade> SMWt treaty -
.underi;which,,hoisting' thbl.liieilcah 'flag, an'
AjHeWcaß'ibfce ofls,ooo’to 20,000 rtneniwas
' in Chinahas been shadowed ouit, ahd.wp.uldhq
a itrong,' Sndproliabiy sUjoceaSihl mode Pf pro.
eddure, prqyiaed/theiEpgiish had .W>Ww/tf°bps
tpcatry'iitenti" ■-'> - ■(' 1 ' •■•.' -
' J iTh^E^s'^Hd'a 1 had contracted
.ior.iihe establishment of .an /Atiglo-Indran
telegraph, which would bring Calcutta
L/ohdon Ja we'eb/,''^p/Uiiplttod comWuui
batipwwill be (much .more rapid.,
“ Titiiei, annotate* tbe ! taw-'
1 innlevahdthhrfa isnotbing which need inspire.
iliej'a]j!gh^ l M i atir^ ) iif^]b|6';SutodfB;'bf la'ai'aiur
hittMatiHyderabadorjofsnspected plots at
11 '■&*»* f tt’te in thd Bengal Pre
aidency.l’afonp ,shrder
'ean -raTOpabtj' aod i eta "ini,tills territory wo.
,one extremist aha that of "tbV, at,^ie,
l?k'i fcv-» u-'-fi ,r>« H "<ii
! |“ The scene,.of, Asiatio.^jllanyand'Brttiilj;
endurance: is still, confined to the,!
eyn provinces, where ttio'fout-'grettt,'.cities: of,
and tJaveppori^pppl; 1
ISO hmbjn Ceritros. of interest to thousands, of
'Brittshfiearfs.y .Thattho regular assault upon
rie'ihi should have been still deferred wiU.crol
laSto : 'iio ! ai!tonisl)merit, lndeedi no regret, 1
:^hediC^i : ®^Sde^!i^t^e;c'dttpaia‘tivoly'
, spall ,artnywhich, would'be thuaplunged, into
tffjppulohs/'ci#, cOfirtitntes
arrival of
succors, the ascendencyof the British Govern
overftoloam that in, every. single instance ,the
iortleS of 1 thfe swarming desperadoes from tbo
ilphavkheepfiefcciy repulsed;, tjiifcthoßrit
. ishcamp ishealthyaodwel) supplied ( tha t our.
■ feSpp^^MjPnnjst/ ebndtat tfiepi*,
fei'wa.lwJth anpiyalbr,
that thehour cannot belbhg rotardedin which
dee&’ot ! nlfttcliec
.Urn retributionia.’fearffiii.and.^'tcriji'’'.; ■ i
! Jt now appears that there were about 10,000'
bretk ofthe nuutlny) thatofthesc»bont l4 s WO
bf4fii9<W tf^’istatiohed'lß'.’the'PhhJah; Sftd l
the-hqrth-westeW provinces and Bengal proper*,
Lord (jaWiM had collected apd
jtadr*s,and despatched to tbo pointsiwheroaid’
■was most rctjulredpseven regiments, togother
'(>f |hp ( ahd tfpso
yojral jwdllJe'ry'n^oinTiJpyid ll ! iffour , rpgint’qufe'
China have been Intercepted, pnd
[lndia front" the
itbFlsf'Jnljr/hs' niariyiias- 251KM) ;, soldlers had
!li-lrf .'f..,t,e.,.i’ 'I-,-. i itr.
! -:i- i MHs yek th* piow,e. ■ i
ifo not/often interfere betWeenporrcs
pondcnts; butiiii,ftei&i?oussl<)j'jb.etw?£B 'bln
■server and K., on tbe Bubject of “Our Public
l of out decided opinion; sltera fuU.reviuiv i of
, the whole cashf thatit is the duty of Gounbllsj
: matetlie improvement of Sedgcley Park, and so
; fol/o jfen[ td 'iihly;»/.healthy 'Wli
; pause, of hundred, acres,Wh^re,'loose
• wi'btinjt I 'tbd ,, fttr’‘df’ heayenWiayibiteathe' dt
is dvcrybut willproteot from all ; Impurity, the
SehiiyUtill' 1 which ! hew pourtthl/oilgti
our city one continuous,flood brhealtib reach
ing 'PllitaßSeßf blgh 14 and 'lowji (rich-and poor.
Ootineilß -.have 'formally< !accepted -the gift
Si' made by disinterested citii
jrtmsjf-ahd 'it'Would be sHeer ropudlation if
tiieydid hot ; mskegoo»d their solemn covenant)
WObaveno vrordstoo strong to thanfcthe good
toOif wbofdut' of'their .’mvn means,- without bo-
In' thq'.'rdiiiptestldogree intqrflßtedi.fn the
jSa’t@.^ i save i, (ia;.jtfib i }i>ih3fq^B'.oi'.'tbb J
our people ate Interestal.paid $60,000. on the
jgfoimdß/efterwarda accepted front them by the
city ithii a reducing ,tl\e. post of. tb’o' iPprk’mbre
than onohalf. Tho people havewitnosscdiliis
lieblp' >od liberality, nnd Counciin
should no lougefi delay Infulfilling obligations
Which are a* saered ihbotior asithoy are bind-
3 'the iflferrwiptif*
its flfty-sevfenth volume. ■ It is announced that
Bs,*uei. (D. Patiebsok, a.. Veteran of, We
Press; rMtl become a regular contributor to Its
~^>lunijis,l',, J ;,' u ''" '• '• •'''• "
U.'n .Mi
w . u. : {k^gipj&jeiyTsr, ( : t 1 j
,' ;Aithn ippdietp j night, !U»«& ‘juras,
• private reheawai of the neWiboUetof Faust,”
_ It a dree^reihe^r^i!, at all;
Canary f botir irare&eautifolj - Ibere/wa* : apy
: afajoPrit ; ftf ehjittnftg’daueeM.- * Tbo sconary f ‘ which
| ' 'exhibited: - ; The 1 efftcts,fo
,wii^the perfection %i la tobb
■flxhiWtadfWcra left to the imaginatiop» -Thpy>re
reeorf cd for the actual pajrfonnance,£ra to-merrow
l , W'p' hW6 i ndt |the' 'lfeaBt '!dctt of being
f prVintdj '* advance.of
:,tbat:perl ( onnanoo., i -'We, l tliereforo,oniy-indicate
( Oiiribpressioh*/: > r, : ...», i.. . ,
Inihe'firat placet then/ thedelleate, Intellectual
boktlty er tbo whole etorylt brought'oat, With a
superiority bo d«i
orlbod. :Ftrat among tbetn. ae the roprensonutive
of the oherecter of Margaret,, ii; a lady ;Who re-
Jhjefa in the hamonioue appollatio:] of JjUoi:v 1,0-
raoumii: Bbo line beantl/nl fetitrirea, (i graceful
potlo’ni tw llthd ■ Whii
.tigile,;aerrbut,.,wo,.,inwe‘ oii,r»;<o .opmyleto ,ff>«
itmlle. la the usual; ballots, a singlo premia
ifarittus'e IspotißldeVed suffiolent, ' Here, ther. Are
lltjptipjr'difjtti and wb scareoly knowtowhioh to
s,'“•> {&'• ifMllty fet/med
s& groat, and M balanced, that,at tup ooniilustouof
' oaeh fadiridualeffort,- the: spectators, num
b'et, bat serortlr lifUieal/. oOijlil uet help forgetting
.W#W»toj rpfj
.-warinly./wlfh «iny J opi(>iitity'M#i , Wl l “f?t;W, ii! h,#«»
igraoefoliy acknowledged by thefcir«wiplent«,:lbe
kiu were in tbe fourth Meoe in ; the
';ftrit^t((r9prtwil!ng'the,Bßbb^ntkd^Brden; ; W!tb
its lovolyuphabStintJ, eiich au 1 ' onticiug Citlyp^ 1 1
Seene do Fascination is introduced ; end, perhaps
, tableau efacUon. oyer got,np: tho.Coro
: nation; of .Margaret, Which closes tbo fidt, aid cer
tainly;, cannot,eyes ,have'.hfen,aarj>aoi)d ( : oji' any
r St*jrti“ In the third and oonolnding not, the real
''i^Mentjafad'passicii; 7 and, pathos hf.the drama
, ; 4,,'il«^a''l^,l»j;jttlou^h''Wbtltm
. takes,the part at
of motion. Herethe-Inoidente, deepen-
ibttnslty, 'ttssuibe the tragedy,- and
the delloaoy,.tho .tenderness, the beadty'bf the
Ideßdhlneeharaeter.dniperienaWil })>y Jdargarpt, is
’dnaatrfulij. UnnightiCitlto. .'rba dangoon.ecene.was
4ne)y played, ' and the VT&lpurgU Night setrio,
ending with the apotheosis of Margnret, purified
by Naith and Beptstanoe, and the dreadful doom
of hut.
Seldom haaa real drama hg||rmore _ e
Ujjj|j|rlod§Koeisori js Sjfijght,
flos turns, pipit housffiand tKe|crcnemen|'^ 1 pub-
Ito perfermlnoe are |lipgami|wo can- imjtjlinc a
nSe is jipgm|jjly “P
- wlltS3Effi“fWeiob9“
the whole, then, judging from the 'opporteMty we
had, tho verdiotis—“Nothing like it in this coun
try, at any time; a novelty and a triumph'd 1
' lv Tßti - DtB1 i ntCT*''ATTOR!I3T ’
learn that, the, sh.erifTJfl
embrace the notice for the election o ' 8
trict October ele®W»« M l 8
said to be tlio opinion of counsel .that the act
of Assembly does not require- an election,
beforo' tlio year 1869, whim the term of Mr.
Mans w|li eoii- '' '
Tue Gfci&H’Afi' EtEOTidN 'in Pennsylvania
will tajko place on the lßtli of ,October, four
week* .fron? this jday, Theijf appears to be
jtlut liUU> excitement onthe subject. Tho
election of Ge iieral ;F ap £bb , Jpy; a, large major
ity is Conceded by all parties. . •»«.».»
,! i. Chr.ter anil JJelti.var..
1 Pursuant, to, arrangement, tfyo Senatorial Con
fefoesof C ties ter and Delaware cQunties,appomtod
'it theit; recent Democratic Contentions, raot at tho
; Western Hptol, in Philadelphia, on the
il4thday.of/Soptenjher, j£s7 .
-The Conference was, organised by appointing
John P, James, Esg,, Chairman, and Johto P. B4ily,
:Esq , Secretary. ' ' ‘‘ '*
; Present on’tho part of Detawaro country Ale*s
andor H. Brooke, John P. James, and,Joseph’H.
Hinkson. u '• - , i_i«
'Present on the part of Chester county,' John H,
Brinton, JohnP. Bally, and William W. Dawning,
, )-The'Conference pr’ooeeded to veto for a Senato
rial Candldato, with the following result: ! >
n '!•» i",if .■ FIRST VOTE. , „ , .!•
i ForThomaBS.;BoJl f Trßrinton, Daily,Downing—3.
■-"•For it, Morris-jßrooks,' Jame?, fljhkfcon
t.H f *' f; ,f ' i B2ibkP , tOTß.'' ; ' ; i ‘ 1 "*1 ■' >
- ''For Thomas Si BoU-rßrinton, Bally, Downing,
Brdoke, Jame?,jnuhfour-rfi. , ~<f ;,
'The following resolutions wero then presented
by, John H." Erlnton, and adopted nnani
™Resolved, That S.’Bell be the
nominee of the Democratic pafiyibr tho office of
Senator in; thn district the counties of
Chester and Delaware;
• i Resolved, That ‘Judge Bell; W the wspohsiblo
■offlolhl utititons hehaaheretbforafllled, has exhi
bited strict integrity, untiring industry,.and win
mapding ability, and is entitled to,.be. placed on
the roll of.tho eminent men'of our State. ' ,
Resolved, That fusion# acdoaiutanoe with tho
people of and their various- pursuits,
in •Ability,saa pubUo speaker,
•will .enable him to represent, Its. local and general
interests in the Senate Chamber with more thani
usual,efficiency. "We thorCforo place him in rioini- 1
natlon with great'satisfaction, impressed with a
belief th'at his selection will be responded to with'
n hearty and active t support as a measure.of ,evi
dent publlo advantage. , .
1 2 Resolved,, That those proceedings be pumishoa,
in tho DeihboraHc papertbF the district, and' also
In Tue’PbE‘BB atiUPetinsylvaniaTi; ■■ ; < .
:On motion, adjourned. ' • , , , . .
1 mMj h „ Jp»N P* Chairman. ( ,
‘ JonN/P/.BAiLTj , . 1
Montgomery County Nomination..
, Tlie, DemQcracy of Montgomcfy'county met
in Convention at'.Morilgomeryvillp yc'stdnluy.
Thq'„oittohiiai(?e' Was', ye^'large "ahd'tl)p jpro T
feedings harmonious. Col. H. W . JBonsam;
Raided, and Gkokoe U. Cm,kk,: of-JPotts
town, and Wn. HiEagie, of Lower Merlony
.officiated as secretaries;, The following! are
■the nominations made:' 'i’ >• r
... , AB«titriMy i -iA;B.LdtigAktiryJdalnh'HUli^Mi'eSd
GeorgeHumiiel. <■' '• ...I. .11 it < .■.
Frothodotaiy—FlorenceSolUvan.r , ~
Kogistor—l’. S. (ierlnut. , .
; Hecofder—’'Vm. 11. Hill. ,
'/ .Cleric—E.''B.'Mopre," ’■ ' , ’
' TreWnrer—P. Brendllnger. l ; ; 'i ■
! Commlsiioner—Jacob Brant.: ■
Director—. Win. Miwknot.. , ..
' Auditor—Win. J. Buck. .. .{, . .
. The Democrats of Lawrence connty have
.nominated a ticket as follows: Senate, M. 0.
;Trout, Mercer connty j Assembly;! James
McCune; Associate Judge, Andrew ,Lewis;
Commissioner,!:William Keys;,, Treasurer,-
John Cunningham;. and- for. Auditor, John M.
Hanan«- in... , „ - ’
The ■ Democrats of Warren county. hare,
nominated ithe-.ifollowing .ticket: Assemby,
Francis. Bates, Spring Greek; Jtegister and.
Recorder, Joshua W,. Thompson, Deerfield;
County Commissioner,, Richard, Tillotson,
Columbus; Auditor, L. L. Lowry j Pittsfield.
[For The Preb.l ' '’-'l, 1 ■
, The untoward aebidont whloh lbwatlad tlie at*
tempt’tO'depesit the Atlantic* Telegi-kph Cable, ih (
pafc(y,ou thei' bbsom'df the sda/hdg b6eh fruitful
of r-egret. Thfe falts principally upon the
meotanloiif ho.’aß we ‘ ate^lnformed by'the en- !
jglneer in ohief, Mr Charles T. Bright, should
•■hive 1 bleti perfectly competent, etnce he was tho.
ronghly convorsaDt with the JeUHv of tho ma'-
chltie, nnti had borne» ! part'in ils confehuctlonV
f nio^wyer, r had Witnessed 1 its bpei'aiion froni‘the
.time of starting.' !
It Is* probable, that had the Board of Directors
rihltcd' the of th’e educatod
offioefs' attaohed to ! the vessel,' and who had nor
thing more to do, when oh deck, than to enter
records on the log—no yards to brace, the ship
being under steam—ahigher degree of intelligence
mlghibavO bbeh brought to bear. Several of the
officers Vera’ men' ftOcohiplishmBnt, nofc
onjy its’ fJedthehi' but ! as odnoated and scieritifid
seamen, accustomed a!s wcli to tbe veering of ropes
as to tho exploVatf6ii bf the depths of the
handling 'and management of lines of orery
description, ir ;. a{ i ;rrf ( , f
But the directors wisely, in one sense only, con
fined tho whole power or direction In tho English
engineer, and In saoh terms as to render tho offi
cers,of the vessels scnsitiTo to the ftccusation of
even a.n appaaranoo of taking part. .Tjioy.doubtless
theyj ylfk witboiit Peering
their services ns supervisors during the temporary
absence ;of the. engineer, i and ;Wi3oly,, kept aloof.
Yhpy,parried than that, they hat
" , „ { t,,'.
, FrpteraU&tion Is, a giod thing In itij way,’but
there are some elemopta that refuse,jb
out that, modium .whioh wafl oertainly Wanting in
this combinatlon competent’ head, ahal!
hwajt' some further 'developments.
The jßoard of Directors may decide to renew, thp
attempt; their, experience enahlo' them to
guard agoinst the jocurreflco of such obvious liabji
Utica M of thp cablo from the phobia
ofthopay|qg-Qut mswhino. Moanphilewb have
the satisfaction of knowing {hat ho insurinountablo
physiopl obgtaolo stands in the way of tho'cpnsum;
niationofthc project.. The, aeeidont resulting in
failure would scarcely be deemed ah accident by
engineers of this country who pay more attention
not only to the mlnfitim of ,'such projects, hat avail
of Well-developed hnd acknowledged
latrS, by whioh alone they are hm bled to anticipate
the costiy jresnlts of laborious and ill-direotea ef
forts of this,character. ~ , ~ ,
. When wp,consider the peculiarcbaraotor of this
entcrprißo. wo porceive instahlly that It ia of that
olasa which originated in thiscountiy boar
the stamp of the bold, -generalising
Amcrican. lt H r foot,..and..pna that
should be peculiarly, gratifying to the people of this
country, who pride thomsolves on' fnelr clippers, •
their Btea’mhra, theit eleetrio'tolegrhpLa, their rt
pentlnfes ttrms.'Uheir reapers, and their various
triumphs in all the most noble fields of enterprise,
: the practicahUity pC,laying the telegraph was
3 first proven by their deep.soa-sounding apparatus,
ahd Chat thb first step in the right direction was
taken by an American, (Maury,) who, following
the unerring eyktem of Baoon, develops truths,'
that by their startling oharootcr seem rather tfio
result of a mighty effort, a priori, ,
rhoViclorin on the X-bbea In this—l 4
Thursday lost waiitho anniversary of;ihe vleto
'iy on'l/akoErteby Commodore Perry,ori thb ! loth
»f BeptombeislBl3 r ' l nnd Friday. Was thononiver
ia*y of the yiotory.oaßnko Champlain by Commo
doreifacdoHoagh, on ifye Jlih of September, 2314.
.Perry, announced the, event In’ tbo following
graceful, and modest sty I e,in a letter loihoSeoro
'wntbf the Navy,' dated bn the day of the victory,
tfSir: Tfchalapleaaod the Almighty to give to tho
arms of the ./United States a, rfgp&l victory over
on .Thp British squadron,
eonalsistibg of 'twO riling, ’ two briga, and onq
schooner) and ouo ri&oji, ndvo thismomontsurren
doted to the forceuuder my command, after a sharp
Conflict.?* ■ ■. :*
Mapdonoagh announced hifl tho
following, brief but patriotic strain, in a letter tp
of tho Navyi'dated September 'll,
Bini The Almighty has been pleased! to grant
U 9 a signal victory on Lake Champlain, in the cap*
.turo.ofono frigate, one brig, and two aloope-of-war
of the enemy . Tt ' " *' ' ,
' In his "itunaal messbgo'of the Tth of December.
1813,;President Madison thus referred to the brii*
liantrvictoriesof Com. Perry: , • ;
/‘Op Lake, Erie, tho under the bow*
maud of Cnpt. Perry haying met the British squad
ron of superior force, a sanguinary conflict 1 ended
in tho capturo of tho wholo; Thec6ndu6tof that
officeiyodroit as it Was daring, and wbloh was so
well seconded by bis comrades, justly entitles them
to thoiadmiratidn-of ithoir country/.and WULATI an
early page iaita naval annals with never
surpassed in lustre, however, muoh ltjmay 'have
been in magnitude.
. In his, annual message pf the 20th of September,
,1814, Congress bayingßeen convened, in anticipa
tion of the regular .period. President Madison tbhg
noticed 1 the gallant achievement of Commodore
MaodWougfc..... t >,, ~) ~, w .
, “On JittkeChamplain,.whore oursup«ipr|iy hpd
been for some (imp, undisputed, l the Drltlrh squad
ion. lately o&me.into , action with the, Americans,
commouaed ; by, Captain Macdopough. It issued
in tho capture of the whole of the enemy’s ships,
Tho best praise for this officer and his intrepid
comrade*, w. in th? likeness of bis triumph’to the
jllustrloaft yipto/y which immortalised.,another
officer, andjegUblishQd, at a moment our
.oopimimdof;#iipfber ( laJty f " ~ ~ 1 ; J 1
. An immediate consequopce of, the fluocess ,of
Perry.was gainpd, by Gen. Harrison at
the,river,, Thames,dvprrilw pomblneA British and
JndUb,foyoes, on.theo|9^ WSr.endJn
eonnecti9n,withih^triumpahy' MMdonough,. w^
tha,riotory of oyerUhe enemy ojj
, -r j . '.. •
Beems to ps that dq,pok
maiutala their proper iuteresV m the remembtauci)
of our countrymen. Two h'aVd «luoe
sprang up, but events like those above described
ought soou pass Into oblivion —National
' FRojTwMmo ! i : ok. i/f'
[anouft pgBP4f(ji’.To' f tflß raasaj! \% :4 £\
Dangerous Illness of JHon* Thorons M Benton
—Stephens and Tombs, of Georgia—Davis,' of
Mississippi—Atlantic-Telegraph Company—
Appoinlments-Froraotlons-Ilesignation— Sus
pension of Patrofe Nourse—Decisions of De«
parlments, &c., dec.
WASp t&otok, Bept, 14, Hon. ppouis 11. Bkktok h&f
l>epH«smia)y pirifico PloppingJiki a'
consumption of the bowels Tbo morning papers staled
iittchdlng physldsns are
of 9pjnl(/n tbat,,tbq disease ti worse than,that, and In
Character ’ like Ihat or which Mayor M*oby died' so
suddenly Ho was .much easier to-day, though still suf
fering a great depl. 1 He is'dot out of daogdr. l Nobody
save the members of’bUfajmJr hero, and bis pbysictaua,'
arbpermitted to seoiilm. ' 1 ‘
In speeches lately, Messrs. aod
ToOmbs, of Georgia, take bold groundin Cayor of the Ad
mloifltratlon, and Col. Davis, of Miss., Is out Just psune
quirocslly-for Becdsdon ( < under iorttib cobtibgeneies."
~ Capt&ln'WW. (j, Hudson,'under data of August 27th)
1857, reports to the' Nary,Do'partment, from Plymouth,
England, that the United States' steam frigate Niagara
anchoredplT the dock yard at that lie
had just returned. fn>ifl,[snspa t where the, Beard of
Directors of tho Atiaqtle Telegraph Company and the
commanding Offlccw Of vessels employed in laying the
‘ cable had assembled to consult whether, it was practica
ble and safe ( to,lay the cable daring the approaching
month of October... It was the united opinion of nauti
cal men present that if might be laid during thatmouth,
but that the operation would be attended with great
The board have not decided whether td get more
cable'made and make'the attempt, or to dispose of.
-.'frhafc'thi»y have to other companies now anxious to
,WStn«* it 1 ih Order to' establish a telegraphic dine
direct to''lndia .'at * this important moment In, the
: history of that country. .The company seem determined
ito consummate itlielr undertaking; and have called op
k three of the beat practical machinists and of
.Lpufloh to examine and report on tho machinery on
.board of the (Niagara. Should the laying of the cable
be deferred until tho middle of July next, whlcii Is pro
bably the best time to commence the work, they woiild
have abumlanttlmo to make 3000 miles of telegraphic
cable by the Ist of May preceding.- ‘
'’Thefe board the two ehip» f 252$ not
nautical, J miles bf cable.) Three hundred and
; fire allies were lost when- the-brakes caused l the csbloA
to part, and Oapt, UodbCk it aattiOed that 3000 miles
wIU be required to insure anecese in. another attempt t
Officers and men were In good health. • ai
Secretary of the frejuury h»a made, the following ,
.appointments and promotions':, i u
'Jodi i’ t. noiftijiD, 2d class clerk ($1,400) in ‘the''
Fourth Auditor’s office; to be 3d’cl'a*s clerk' (fl,6O0) in
place if BoßshrßicKßTTs, of Va., removed. “ 1 * i '
JO9HPH D. Andsrbqn, Ist class Clerk ($1,200) In
Fourth Auditor’s office, to be 2d class clerk ($1,400) vice
John E-HoiAsko, promoted. . , .
- K; "Wallaos, Ist class clerk,(sl,2oo) lp Re
gister’s office, to be. 2d .class clerk ($1,400) via J. 8.
Nbviks, rempvod. , .
jSaul. MsLVIK, of Va., to be a first class clerk ($1,200)
In tbePcurth Auditor’s” office,' vice J.B'.AMDEitdbit/prb*
”moled."' 1 ... 1 " ■ -
. WiA.D, OißfioLt, , Mississippi, to bo first-class 1
clork (ST,ISX)) in Register’s office, vice T. K. Wallacb,
promoted. 1 • -- ! • ■
The resignation of tfaptain Anohkw (}. MiLL*R, Brst
infadtry, LOS been accepted by the President, to -take
effectOctpber $15t,.1857. , •> ,/ . ,m, , - ,
' Paibo,4 Noeaas, bankers, harp suspended, ■ The buf„
, pension,,it Is said, h&s .been produced by failures and
suspensions in New York. The firm is a solid and sub
stantial one, and money mon give It credit for ability to
ultimately poyjts liabilities, iti banking-house,’
and readme Hsordinafyluslness. Clerkawho have put
money by out of their salary bare generally intrusted
it with Pairo A NottßSk, Bud tho : Buspenslon of course
lias eroated-qnlti a flutter and excitement amongst
thesd Government officials] , . •
The President has appointed Jlbrrt S. Pottrb, Post
master, at .Port Iluron, ilichjganyxnd SusrwoooS.
Merritt, Postmaster at Nonrichf N. Y. . ,
: Before Naval Court No, .I—Lieut. March’s pend
ing, Lieul. Bkasiibr and Bev. Jobes,
tjrqrb examlnedln behalf of thoappllcßajk'. J,> 1
’ pourt No. 2—Case of Lieut. Chaßlss Htfitfgß, whd
wM'furlobgbed by the Retiring‘Board, Commodore
McOAbLKr and peRRr, and Commander Gleasom testi
fied for tho Government. Mt.Blovrt read Lieut. Wit-
LfAMBoj(’s defenco. ,
Court No. 3—la consequence o{ the sickness of Com
modore Storkßj nothing was done except the reading ol
some documeriihry'eriiiOpV-. 0' \’ r> .\ {\»
» - J <»n r i rrw i ,r: .■ r" k } ',i? U l
Arrival of the. Philadelphia at New Orleans;
The' British ‘ Minister at' Dima' Murdered.
Nkw Orlsaks, September H,—The U. 0. mail *taun*
ship Philadelphia, from Jlarana on .the,9th r hfsarrired..
BUe furnishes San FrancUcp dates to the tS)th.ult ; , two
ireek» later, received from the Central America, which*
stopped at Havana. '
The California news furnished ishot ofipfecial Itrr*
porUnce. The Soush American advices areihe mbeV
, The wore active.'
The Settlers' Convention had Kdtjftifd
Stanley m candidate,for Goyernott ,-Ur. g., also ,tHje’
Republican nominee. , A raised ticket vu otkervUe
formod * " ‘ ' i%
' 'Washington territory.
Mr. Stevens,' the Pemocrfttlc'&ndidate for Coogreuij
h&j been'elected by ft Urge majority; .
1 . i PERU a ii
•Mr. Stephen It. Sullivan, the British charge d’affaires
«t. Lima; had beep murdered by six Peruvian*. Different
cause* were assigned for act; some attribute It to
political questions, and others to an affair of gallantry.
General Castillo, who was absent at the seat of war,
had sent for Gen. Yivance, who wpa still at Aroquip*.
■ costa Moa: f ’ ■ ■ ‘ ‘
The GovermheaHfCosta Bled had decreed the -ox.:
pwted'Walfcei! expedition to be of a' piratical naturo,
ind the miters 'ln: it> would'ba treated as pirates, JT
captnrtd.i i ' .!* - ■> .. •
A Graqd Cdngreas of'Bpanish>djnerlean States is«fibbe
held at San Jose.r. <
Arrived at San Francisco, the ship Allen Foster, froni
Boston. ', . f , 1 ~
,', ' ' HAVANA. '" ' 1 '''
Tho yellow fever pt Havana was on the increase.
From Washington*
1 WismxoT os. Sept.l4l-wA letter received from Lieu*
tenant Beale’* partystate»/that his wagon-road expe
dition beached, Albuquerque on the,.Pth,of August, tn
rente for Fort Defiance., Thoy will fo)low
trail.pretty closely. The Navajo Indians were trouble
some. Tho party were ail well* '
The Southern mall has arrived to-night, '
- • -TJbe Orprlupd Mail Route tq, California* ,
.1 Sept* H.—The modifications tq r
land maH.routc. madpat {bej instance ol Hqn, fobuS.
Phelps, but.which require, theawept of the contractors,
are as follows: Thf’ rout*, starting from Si. tools, to
pass not farther west than Springfield,' Missouri j’thence
by Fayetteville, Van Buren/and'Fort Smith, Arkansas,
to Preston, Texas, intersecting at that point the ronte
from Memphis, Via Little Bock', Preston, and Fort FUl
more to Sim Francisco. .
General Jackson’s Snuff Box*
_ Naw York, Sept. 14.—Mr. Andrew Jackson, Jr., who
was brought to this city for the purpbsd of presenting
the gold box to Lieutenant Colonel Oarrelt’Dyckraan,
has declined io Hobo.' His Course :l prompted by the
earnest protests enUredagaiost the selection by a num
ber of'the members of the New York volunteers. ■ He
will return borne to-morrow. > > i
New York Weekly Hank Statement.
' Nkw York, Sept. 14.—Thb Bank Statement for the
week ending Saturday, shows'a 1 ,
- of Isoaria.;i. A l .*.$2,236,000.
» Circulation.,,,, 360 ( ooo
, I «», - .popos ts.. 3,103,000
; Incroaso 0f'5pecie^.........l VIV.'., ,1,964,000
i ' More Failures in New>Y<nJc».'/
New. York, Sept. 14.—The failures of the following'
firms are reported to-day; Wesley A Kidowski, bro
kers $ Swords, Walton, A Go., hardwaro; Nesmith &'
Co., drygoods. _ ,
American State Convention at Syracuse, IV. V.
, fiVRAOOsa, N. Y.,Sept. 14 —fho American State Con
vention w)U comment itp bore to-morrow.
Therp sro many prorolocnt inen, In town. It seems to
be the gepoi;&l doslre to nominate a ticket of flew men.
Colonel N. S. bentopj 'of ifcrldrocr, will undoubtodiy
l>e notpiQaied iTor Comptroller. Several names are men-'
tioued for each of the other offices.’ ■> -
/ Maine Election.
PobtlaXd, Sept. 14-rrAn eloctlcn ,for_ Governor, le
gislature) sod. certain.county officers, was held In this
Spite to-(Uy.. Blgliiy*ono towns give Morrill, the Ite
publlcaa candldatos for Governor, 20,244 votes, and
Smith, Democrat, 14,592.
Thevotoof thUcity, an relumed to-day, and com
pared with last year’s, li aa follow* :> , .
- ; 1356. JSW.
Uamlln,i/Bep.)„. M .. 2439 Morrill, (8en.).,.... 1818
Weils, (I cm.) 17r»7 Smith, (Dmh.)......’-I«T
Scattering..:'3B7 . ■! ■
, ~ 4533 i)ecreaa6d vote 1578
As there has been no excited canvass, tho vote this
year la much* smaller, and the s Republican majority di
minished from last your. > f •. .
‘ ' . New, Haven (Joan.) Item*.
, Nkw, llavbk, Sept. opposition elected the
asuejupfl of the oloctioh,, by two hundred
‘mejority. , ( Jl ‘
' The College term commences on Wednesday. Tho
new class wiU be unusually largo. - i
Marine Oi«««!er—Xh?, ol Ihe MU'
Nbw Orleans, Sept. i4.—Th'o’lwrque John Bird,
from ltqcklapd,, Maine, with a cargo or lime, took fire
yesterday atnong her cargo, and waa aeuttlhd and sunk-
Advices from tho'Ballte State that thero is only sixteen
feet of WAtor ah the bar, and the works therd are proving
detrimental rather than loiptovetaenia, i
( ,i, ;( FflliureCincinnati.’
Sept,l4.-«*Tbo Oitiied's’ Bsuk of LUiesd,
Cellar'd, and Hughes suspended this morning, and the
partner# have iwiued a’ circular, stating the cause of the
failure to he' the Ulnoss of the senior partner, end the
present crisis In the money market.
■ '• »• ' i •- il> '! - ' , . -I
i{, at LorWjUlo.
LooiaritL*, Sppt, 14,~-Tho firm of Ward & Hash, to.
jjicco dealers, siispe^^.td-day.'' ' ' '*"
tfSW Q*j.iMBi Bept.- 4.— Cotton.—ajiios , to day 800.
.blips} receipt* 2,600. Prices are stiffeV, but quotations
generally .unchanged., The market closed unsettled.
, tpkiur quoted at ssi®s 80 j BedWhest at $1,16/
flrmntl'iXo. ’ ‘ . ‘', '*
/ ' iaLfiifopß, Sipi H.—i'lour' it iery dii’l. Hbward
' ‘street and’Ohio or* held ih4\ n«baysrt.
area at $5. City $5.25. Wheat is unchanged, with a
brisk demand. RedlOOollfio. White Corn
dull 02aMo for white usd 00 for yellow,
BBTA|ti9 1 ’ .’£s^l^§wS'--WJTiNr I
Proclamation from the Delhi Insurgents.
A VnUsd.Sletfs oad Mexican Treaty.
( Provision for the Invasion of Cuba.
’ 'tfjho United States mail, steamship Baltic, Capt.
Comstock, vrhioh flailed from Liverpool at about
ton o’clock oo the morning of Wednesday, Soptem
ber 2d, arrived at New York yesterday morning,
bringing i 35 pft«enge>3; ’
The steamship- City of Baltimore arrived at
Liverpool just &a the Baltlowag leafing.
Th 0 fltoamships Khersonese and Queen of the
South had left England with troops for India. A.
proposition was op foot to withdraw the Now York
lino, to which the latter belongs, and engage all tho
vessels in the conveyance of troops to India.
, The by this arrival is of no special impor
tance, either politically 6r commercially.
iThomas 'Bablagton. Macaulay la to be created.a
British Peer* with' the title of Baron Jfaqaulay,
■ Nothing, definite hod transpired in regard to tho
4tl«nUo Telegraph.
, ,Tbo English 5 papers contain copious and in
teresting details of the progress of the Indian mu
tiny, but do not add anything of material im
portance to the facts already made known by
, Some' of the French journals had published tele-,
grppbio despatches from Marseilles; ip which it was
afijna?4«»mutiny htwi exhibited itseifin the
Bombay Er f egidepqy. near Bombay itself but had
and o ; plan had been adopted to
orm regiments .there, composed altogether of
Sikhs, it to suggested by English pApers, in view
or an V confirmation of the statement, that it origi
u&ted solely from the fears which prevailed both
In Bombay and Madras.
.The Paris Pays gives a complete denial of the
, report that.tbeVe were grounds for uneasiness in
regard to tpe French, establishment in India. It
asserts that all was’tranqdll; soinuch so that several
foreign families had taken refuge on Fredch ter
ritory. . 4 i. , - ....
f Letters from India Indicate that the ihutinem
were already in want ofVarious kinds of‘ammuni
tion- >.i ! • }•• (•- ; Mi; t. /} . ,
I ’The troopship ‘'Transit” a track, on a sunken,
rook off the Island ofß&nqa, oh the 10th’ July.
The'troops,'seven hundred ‘in number, were
landed. In safety, and vessels were. despatched
from. Singapore to tbeir assistance, the chartered
American ship Brand baitig amongst the number.
The treaty hotween'England and Honduras had
been ratified jin London. ,Its,mam feature in ad
dition to the usual stipulations’ of commercial
treaties, is'& SpAel&rartielo giving effeofc to the ob
ligations inourred by the Government of Honduras
under, its contraot with tho Honduras Intoroceanio
Railway Company! * ‘ ‘
' The west'lndia mall steamer La Plata arrived
at Southampton on the 20th ultimo, with nearly
tWo and a quarter millions of dollars in spcole.
> A prospectus of the Rod Sort Telegraph Compa
ny for constructing'tho first seotionof tho line to
India-—from Alexandria to Aden—has been issued.
Tho oompany proposes a purchase of the Atlantio
Telegraph Cable. >
1 I Via stated in the London Ntw* , that four oav:
airy regiments, latoly embarked from London, for
the East Indies, Are provided' with' Sharp’s Ameri
can brooch-loading oarbine. > « :
The Kmperors Napoleon and Alexander are now,
it 1s said, to have an interview atDarmstadt.
< The 1 threatened'rupture’ between ‘Naples and
Sardinia had' blown over..
. Diplomatic relations had boon resumed at Con
stantinople.' ’ * • * •
'' Large arrivals of specie had imparted firmness
to UmLondcui' Stock Exchange, and consols closed
at 90 3 a9O { for both money and account.
Tho Liverpool Cottbh market wAs rather loss
animated, but still a good business was done at
flnu prioos.-, , ~ * , .
■ In Broadstuffs a dull tone generally' prevailed.
Soule slight fluctuations had taken place,'but the
circulars areoonfliotlng upon tho subjoot.
Previsions were dull.
A rumor is going the rounds of tho papers to the
effcot that “ Mr. Vernon . Smith (PresldentoC the
Board of Control) has rocoiyort permission to ro
tiro into private lifo. Mr, Sidney Herbert and Sir
James Graham are talked.of as his successor*.?.
It was also rumored—and the Qlobe. (ministerial ,
organ) confirmed the rumor—that Mr, Macaulay
was to bo raised to tho poerage. The now titip of
tho Marquis, of Lansdowno is to ,be “Duke of
Kerry,” and liord Robert Grosvenor la to bo styled
eithor Lord Ebory or Lord Middlesex,
The London, Times states that fifteen, thousand
men of the militia aro immediately to be aaUcd
out, and fifteen second battalions of tho,lino formed
in tho stead of tho regiments soot to India. Also,
that an additional force of artillery is to be sont to
India. . .
: At the half yearly meeting of, the Liverpool
Chamber of Commerce, a report was submitted by
the (Council, and adopted, in which it is ropro
aentod that efforts to induce the government to Cn :
courage the introduction of Chiuoso and other free
labor into the British colonies had boon productive
pf np favorable impression; that the Chamber ap
proves of the efforts of the Cotton Supply'Associa
tion to increase the growth of cotton in India and
’elsewhere, favors the Sues canal projoot; and
hopes that a bill establishing uniformity of weights
Afad mcasurea msy .claim early attention in tho, ,
next session of . Parliamont r ,
1 Miss Madewnb Smith.—lt was stated curidHi’
ly in town yesTerdaytK&t tbfa 'lady'fdft&heci Aber
deen in > tho- afternoon by the south train, oq her
•wav through u> ‘‘Orkney;'* More than; obO good
looking Indy with lustrous eyes and an abundance
of fine hair had the honor of being,taken for the
voritabto " Mini.” —Aberdeen Herald.
It is quite pq&tble that thoro were grounds for
this rumor.'’ An emigrant vessel, tho- Emigra»fc,:of
Montrose, sailed from Stromness on Monday for
Canada, and by leaving Aberdeen on Friday, Miss
Smith would ,6o enabled to reach Orkney in Buffi*
olentthneto meet her at that port, and secure a
passage for'the other side Of the Atlantio, without
raott/ring the publicity of a departure from Glas
gow or Liverpool. —John o'Groat Journal. ,
INDIA. . , .
The following Is a oorroot translation of the pro
clamation IssUod at Delhi by tho lnsurgonta:
'\To all'Hindoos and Mussulmtn x Citizens and
Servants of Htndoatan t th* Officers of the
Armty 'now at ’.Dr/Ai! and Meerut send Greet
> It is woll known that in thoso days all tho Eng
lish have entertained these evil designs—first, to
destroy tho religion of tho whole.Hinaostan army,
and then to make the people by compulsion Chris
tians.’. Therefore, we solely, on acoountof our re
ligion, hare combined with the people, and have
not spared alivoono infidel, and have re-established
the Delhi dynasty on these terms, and thus aot in
obedience to order, and receive double pay. t
“/Hundreds of guns and a large amount of troa
aurohaye fallen Into our hands; therefore it is
fitting,, that whoever of the soldiers and people
dislike turning Christians should unito with
Ono heart, and. noting courageously, not loavo tho
ftedd of-these infidels remaining. For any quan
tity of, supplies delivered,to the army the owners
are to take, the receipt of the officers; and they
wjU receive double payment from the Imperial
Government. ' Whoever shall In those times ex
hibit oowardioo, or credulously believe the promises
of these impostors, the English, shall very shortly
be.put to shame for suoh a deod; and. rubbing tbo
hapds of sorrow, shall receive for their fidelity tho
reward tho ruler of Lucknow got. ' ' •
1 “It Is further nosossary that all.Hindoos and
Mussulman unite in this struggle, and, following
the instructions of-some respectable -people, keep
theme©lves secure, so that good oruor may bo
.maintained, the poorer olassos Itopt contented, And
thoy themsolvos r be exalted to rank ; and dignity;
all, so far as It is possible, copy this
proclamation, and dlspatoh it everywhere, that all
trqo Hindoos and Muasuliuen may bo ;tlivo ami
watchful, and fix it in some conspicuous |<laco (but
prudently to avoid detection,) and strike a otow
with A sword boforo giving circulation to it. Tho
first pay of the soldiers of DeUii.will be 30r, por
fnonth for a trooper, and lOr. a foot man,, Nearly
,100,000 • men are ready, and there aro‘ tblrtooa
flags of the English regiments and above fourteen
sfcand&hla iYom different parts now rained aloft
for; our religion, for God, and the conqueror, and
it la the intention of Cawnporo to roqt out the scod
of Abo, devil. wbat tho army here wish.”
The United States frigate San Jacinto and
sloops-Of-war Levant ana r Portsmouth wofo at
Shangbai on the 4th of July.
Atlioug Kong the markets woro very quiet, and
tonnage was abundant.
At Foo-Chow-Foo it was expeotod that tbo trans
actions in toa during tho season would boon a very
HtnUod'ecale. 1 < '
At Shanghai tho business in tea had bean tri
fling. . Tho market for new Congou had opened
with a purchase seventy por coot, in advaneb of
the opening price last soason., Tho silk' crop * had
turned out very übuhddnt.’and of good quality. ■
The Journal dtf Debate states that the Empo
ror* Napoleon and Alexander aro, at the request
of the latter, to meet at Darmstadt. .
The fall in the price of grain in Paris und been
obeoked by Us, uot coming quiokly to rnarkot.
Tho Emperor had gone to tho camp at Chalons
It Is said that this camp wilt next you? mußter 80,.
OOdincn/ ■
Tho Paris correspondent of the London Time 1 *
says: ”
“ The Duke do Rivas (the Spanish Minister) bad
a long interviow, on Friday, with Count Walews
ki, and is sdid to have declared that, before pro
ceeding to hostilities with Mexico, tho Spanish
Government wohld publish a manifesto explaining
the question at issue, and permitting the Mexican
Government to open fresh negotiations. Although
accounts aro conmytiDg with respect to the exnpt
oourso die Spanlsh-Mcxioon disputo is taking, and
aa to thojuannor in whioh ills likely to bo &r
-ranged, it is prctty evident that all danger of col
lision botweon tbq two Powers is over for tho pro
leut. As regards tbo ; final settlement, that, oo'n
sidering the national character of the disputants,
may bo long. But fours for Cuba will restrain
Spain from carrying out those warlike threats of
which her press and eamo of her legislators .were
lately so,laviih.” , .
It is positively statod that Queen Marld Christi
na has rcoelved permission from tbo Spanish Go
vernment to rotoro to Madrid. i ■<
• a Madrid journal, the Peninsula announces on
tho strength of a letter from Mexico, that the se
cret treaty epokou of between the United Btatcs
and Mexico is to the effect that the former Power
shoutd supply to the 1 latter, In oase of war with
Spain, fifteen or twohty thousand armod. volun
teers, who should go undqr the Mexican flag to
take possession of Cuba; the Americans also fur
nishing equipments and vessels.
’ . ITALY. , „ . '
A despatch from Naples says that the Criminal,
Court of Salerno has deolarod the of tho
steamer Cagliari entirely innocent of any partici
pation in the late attempt to erbato revolt. It is
ntso stated that tho NoapolitanG oVornraent had.
Shown much anxiety to avoid a rupture. With Pied
mont, and had withdrawn tho ipuonrivo.iioto, in
which suoh a contingency was threatened. i ( .
The Marquis of Normandy, British minister at.
iflorence, had withdrawn from' his post on account
orbohib marked dMrreSbeot Shown to him on the oc
casion of tho recant visit of the Pope of Roma, f Itj
is intimated that the minister was allotted a sent
at the second table &t the banquet given by the
flwnd Duke, and that tho SwcWm #nd Amuian
Js. 18*7.
wwe “insulted” in the same manner,
iajfld>esented-tt|by abstaining from all participa
..tiod In' (he ceremonies. According to other ofr
counts,'hawpver, the Marquis had merely quitfiKy
'Florence attend to some domestic
.BhgUpd/ ' / -’... '• ~
' • .-.GERMANY.
The' Oadr is expected to arrivo. at Berlin on th®
loth of September, leaving there next day fo?
A loading Prussian journal publishes a state
ment that the King of Holland is disposed to mako
to Prussia a cession of tlio Grand Duchy of Lux
t j { j _*
announces that diplomatic rein*
twfls »&twecn the , repr«enUtim , ©&J?r*ne#> Bob
sift, Prussia, and Sardinia <jn the one part, and the
o A»g^r' ies,i ‘ rfo9y;Q<#ti! ' ¥? ‘ ?i ' lB
„1° * h ! ?* lu 'i from Liverpool—o WA ii liras,
JR Puck Durbham'& sevt.j Mini Bales,
Biifunain, Miss Paulino Durnhsm k svt, A B Cammoek,
M Craig, 0 H Clark k lady, D 0 dark & lady; Mlm
Mary Clark, W 0 Cay, Her Alexander Clements A lady,
SClift, lady A'2 setts,llls#:R CUft, fcdtth Clift, Bev
L Coleman, A Coleman, Mrs £ Coleman, Mrs A Coleman, 1
; Oapt 11 8 Corning .4 lady, Mrs J'Comstock, P Curtis,
L Draper, Jr., T Day, P DeCastro/Mlss Delano,tDolano,
F A Delano, Mr Dennison k lady; HHterck, DcDoco
▼an, 0 Doremua, Mias o'Doremoi, Mias >U Doreume, Mr
DosweUf.ADrypureh, Mils M Dry "burgh, V Eddltoa,
11 Emerson, R Klwell, 0 Espeban, J Fol k lady,
C Fry and lady, professor Alfred Groenleaf,.'J Gil
bert, J Glnchard, Tho* F Galon, Min A Halstead, 0
Morris k lady, J, Hoagland k lady, Miss BattteU,J
Howard, 0 Koooe k lady. W King, lady,, child k
Miss J(ing, J Kolobalii, Miss Lambert, W Law-'
ronce, J Lapene. F Lewis, K Lewis k lady;
ingston,' W. Livingston, - 0 Loomiss, H Lualmn, J. £
McCliatock, Jas McCookey, J McDonald, Mrs McElrata,
J Maguire, A Martin*, T, Mukelt, H Mathews, C’Mit
cheil, D Morgan. N Moore,' T Musgrove, J Meyer A lady,
Miss M Kevins, Air Perkins AS children, J Phillips. C
Probating, A‘Randolph, J Renalt, lady A child, F Beli
ton, J Spader,-F Schwartz, Miss Bchenck,Mr Smith A
lady, J firmer, B Fstkam, lady A 2 arts,Allas U Fathom,
Master W A CbasKatham, J Tireddle, Mr.Ysodervoort,
son A daughter, Miss Wakem&a, T Young A lady, Misses
Martha A Mary-Young. Total 185.
, .Liverpool, September 2, A-. M.—Ootton.—The sales
of the three days amounted to 28.000 hales,, including
about 4,000 on speculation suod fpr export. The
market closed ftrm at previous quotations; ' ‘ " i
' TJreadfltiiffs.—Thi treather continued very flne.iiod
except In the very late districts the wheat crop hsd,oesn
secured In g6o£ condition; ;The circulars are somewhat
conflicting as to the . fluctuations. Richardson, Spence,
A 00. quote flour dull and rather easier; Wheat, ld*2d
lower, and Corn is lower on White. , Richardson Bros,
say that Corn has declined lsg»2s, while Bigland, Atbya,
A Co. call It Is higher. Tn© latter firm alto Teport
Wheat Arm and Flour steady. JUchu-dson, Spence, A Co,,
quote Red, Wheat 7s IdoSsld;.'White, 9a®6s 9d; West
ernCanalJPlour > »30a'io308'ed; Mixed and YollowjCorn,
36s White noraimsly,l2ss44s. .1 f f -
1 Provisions —B6ef and pork doUmyl unchanged). Bacon
quiet and drooping. Lard dull at 30s. Tallow quiet at
70s. for North American.
Produce.—Ashes steady at 425. 6d.0435. Eoilndull;
fine m uch wintod.Bpltito yPtuffiebtlne
Sugar and coffee quiet. Wool in good demand for ex
port to America,
LondpbMoheVMsfrkH.tMu afctivedftmtmdax|rted-foT,
money, but the supply'was go«J aba*
changed. Consols had fluctuated somewhat, but closed
firm atoo#®9o# for money and iCcoont,
■ < i London paonopK MinxpT —JJark Lane op Mon
day there was an ituproyod demand for Wheat at'the
prices of the previous Friday. v SngarS wire dull and Cd
.©ls lower. Coffee buoyant. Tea firm. Bice rather
lower. Tallow firm’ at 62s SdaS2s6d. Scotch pig iron
selling at 6ss fidfefips 9d. i w J , i f > ,
, At Mancshetor—Spinners werq deyaandlng enhanced
rates, but buyers did 'not accede to 'the prices asked.
RECEIVED'AT "mß* rA'lCSrf” DPPlfcE.]
An order has boon received at Portsmouth to get
all the rigging, gear, Ac.,- ready on tho shortest
notioo for equipping six Ball of the line, In th,® event
of their being needed.— Times. , ,
The East India £pmß?ny have consented to tho
torms douxandod by the company for the formation
of a telegraph to Indict bythoKed gba routo, atad
have agreed to pay £20,000 a year, dating from tho
receipt of the first message, towards defraying the
expenses of tho company until the'annual profits
amount to six per oeat. 1 The -consent- of the East
India Company it, hoyrov-er, made, subject to the
oon ourrence of the Government. A prospectus has
been issued of the Red Sea -Telegraph. Company,
>?hb a capital of £lloo,ooo,for constructing the first
'section—Alexandria to Aden—of the line to India.
The purchase of tho Atlantic cable is oontemplatod.
t* The Prince Consort.— 4 outtoua rumor pro
yaiU in tho metropolitan clubs } and is generally
believed, but for its aocuracy it'isbf course impossi
ble to vouch. Tho story runs that Prince Albert
bos for many years past been dissatisfied with the
title which ho bbroin this country, and/that the
desirableness has been pressed upon more than one
administration of raising him to the rack and title
of u Kin?Consott;'’ which} though it would giva
him no m&h6f status tbad bo alreody poßsenra in
this country, would entitle him to prooedonee in
continental sald that Dord Palmers
ton was tho proposed change
title'on tue ? partof the Prince, Dut'he'waa nob
'exactly sure how the proposdrwould bo received by
thecountry patid that, ns a temporary compromise,
-ho Consented to the title of “Prince Consort,”, upon
the understanding that if no serious ' objections
wero raised to It by Parliament or out of doors, the
higher title of “King Consort” should be granted
at the oxpiration of a reasonable period. . '
Mr- Alciehiiau Salomons ha 3 signified-'hU ln
-1 tention of bolng a ■ candidate: for the .borough • of
Grcenwlch, iu the event of aTOcaqoy.oau&pd by,
tho bankruptcy of Mr John Townsend.
The noXt meeting of the British' Association will
bo held in Leeds, under the presidency of Profes
sor Owen. , . ; , .
' Anchors for tre Great Eastern Steahsdif. 1
—Ono of tho set df anchors for-tho leviathan steam
ship Great. Eoateih,-building on th} Thames, ay-
H?ed here yesterday, and is .now lying at (he
Goorgo’s Bosih. hear the landing staJs/ It weighs
6 tons 19 cwt. 2 qrs/, : and belog Of Trotmah’a ,p»:
tent, is equal to an ordinary anchor of'ten tons.,
Tho largest site used in tho British navy U fohr
and a half to five tons, and they are of (fc» bfttb
1 htiry dea6rit>Uon. Tho manufaoturerk are ,Messrs.
Wood, pf thU tqwn.. Tho apohors are cn the swi
vel principle', namely. Trbtman’a, for which the
firm In qu&stioh : has oeoomd largely thelabrfited.
This principle', waa, selected by Mr. Brnnel, ongi
,nocr of the Groat from a’host' pi opm
potitors, os ($o one calculated'to give the grcileH
security, combined with- other minor advantages, -
The jreport now. is that-, the King of Sweden ij
dying, and that bo baa made bis will. “ ‘
The Vienna' correspondent of the Timss now
states, an a positive fact, that the Emperor
leon and tbo, Emperor Alexander will meet (place
as yet unkuown) In tho'month of September; and
persona who “smell treason” to tho English)
alliance in this meeting are told that 4 was-the
Emperor of Russia, and no( the Emperor of the
Frenoh, who proposed that a meeting should tako
- place.' The Otar will arrive at Berlin on the 34th
Or 15th instant, remain ;(bprp one day. and then
join the Empress at Darmstadt, In wjiloh pity .she
has boon staying with her relatives since the 23d
ult. It is resanlod as nearly certain that thq two
Emperors,will meet a( Darmstadt.
A communication from Sliittgardt says that the
Emoeror of Russia will positively visit the capital
of Wartcmburg in tho course of September for the
purpose, of assisting at the,military,manoeuvres
that are then to take place ih that city.
The Duke de Rivas bad a long Interview on Fri
day with Oount Walowaki, and is aaid ; lo havo de
clared that,, before proceeding to hostilities' with
Moxieo, the Spanish Government would publish a
manifesto, explaining' the question at issue, and'
permitting the Mexican Poverament to open fresh
negotiations, Although accounts are conflicting
wiUi respect to the oxact course the 43panUb<MexU 1
can dispute is taking,- andiaa to the manner In
which it is likely, to be arranged, it Is proitir evi
dent that atl danger of collision botwfaen the two
Powers is over for the present As regards the
final settlvoioqt, that, considering the national char
acter of the disputants, may possibly bo long. 1 But
foars for Cuba will restrain' Spain from oarrying
out those warlike threats of which her press and
some of her legislators were lately so layiah. .
Mb. Macaulay.— [From' the Loudon Timts,'
Sept." IsM-Of the various peerages which are
about to-bei created, the pubtio wiH regard with
most interest that wbioh elevates Mr. Macaulay to.
tho Douse of Lords. It'is ah honor Which belongs
peculiarly to the tnaai and which is a fitting if not
an adequate return foy a,life spent ,in the public
service, and devoted to literary labors of tho most
dignified order. It is much to say that he is the
most popular author of the day, but we have to
say mere. AVlth a style that oompola attention,
with a oalm wisdom that commands assent,’ be bas
interpreted English history to ourselvos and to the
worla. * .* * In the Uouao of .Lords our phi
losophic historian will find an appropriate audience
foy that statoly cloquonco which ’carries with
it so much lourning and bo inmoh wisdom (ho prescnt.iDoment muat we reioico
at bis olovation, in the hope that when wo nave
qtushed thU IndiaiVmutioy, and the time oomes to
considlr Aalmly the future of Opr Eastern Empire,
theviowspf.ouo bas in most glow*
ing terms how Englapd booamd possfiried'orthat
glorious uriie, anti'who, in theprepsratbn of a
code [of Indian ;law,>bog shoiyn: that,he has most
prof9undly ftudiyd wants of the Htndoo, wllj
bo expressed as be sJdne of livins stieakertean ex
press them. Not only on our Indian difficulties,
but on all quostion* of high policy, tbero |s not a
man in tho country whoso opinions are ontitlod to
moro weight, and who will bo more gladly heard!
An historian is a statesman on his travels; and
while Mr. Mnonulny will still travel from contury
ttf gentury and from .country to country, we may
CXpcel flqvr to have nith sometimes at home with
ns, giving in# adyicp »P (b® present noed,
, Lord Elgin,— Lord Etgiqqrr|ved qt Hong Kong
ii'i perfect health. We have, therefore, a plenipo
tentiary whom all parties hope and boliove to be
.the man for the occasion; aud we have leaders
ordered to do so, would take 10,000 men
Sh China from the Yellow Boa to' the Httoa
iit wa 10,000 mep.- - - ,
U'wqs vojry Pv(4op( that Lord Elgin’s posUioii
win not allow hiro to remain flip ift Ifong lf on g.
aud no one was surprised whop tho niptoy spread
that he wa# going northward- Tho flyoyite tpoory
is that ho is going to Japan, and it (a pot impQui.
blc that ho may soo tbo coast# of that mysterious
island. Tho course really resolved upon; however,
iatbis 1 4 few days after this .mail has b o<m d°r
snatched, the Calcutta, the Shannon, the Pearl,
tbo Inflexible, the Hornet, and two gunboats
will procoed northwards, to. rondesroui at, Shang
hai, and to procoed. thenoo to tho mouth of, the
river Voi-ho, on which rivor Pokin stands. ‘ *•
Arrived St the nearest point to the qapltal, Lord
Elgin willdospaUh tlw, Mtboritfes, fpr .trans
mission to the Wiring the pm ’
poror within a sppoifled tlm® eHbef tq yecogntso or
to repudiate tbo acts of hU officers at (flofth, H
the Court of.PeUlu ropudiqto Yob. and'P a 7 com
pensation for,past injuries and givo’4&ounty against
their rocurrenoo—well. Ifj as is must probable,
• cither no notice l>e taken,of. (he. letter- or a dispo
sition ho shown to, entangle the ambassador in
questions of coromonlal,’ Lord' Elgin will doolare
war, ancj thus relieve 5 the relations of the two
Powers froj# -present .anomalous position.
Canton wjU than bfi ocennied, the trado of tho
northern phrts wtU not be ‘ unnofiossarily interfered
with, but such farther proceedings will ba. token
as may be > necessary to briog tho Coprt of Pekin
to reason. , . , , „ ,
Buoh is, I believe, the intondod policy. Under
other olroutnftanoo. I should question it niMt.bos
tllely. ,I, is full of risks. 11 sootns to giro an.
thorlty to tho tnleohieyona notion that a Power
which refuses to he ode of the oomlty of nation. It
ostitleil, to all tho omirtMios, and forms of inter
course which olvilljed nations maintain among
themsolvos. It affords an opportunity for the u.
irolso of diplomatio cunning, which, may,,«rapel
Lord Elgin either to foil In hi, mission or to adopt
ft tone oi dooision whioh may be readily represented
as a rudenoss. It affords a loophole ; for escape
from a position whioh will not recur, ,?lw*Mwer
to those considerations, however, is this : ,We must
do something, and we nave not force’ to do what we
ought tb do, - 1 •' >’ -• * * 11 *’> ■'ti ,< ■ '
■ Lord'Elgin f thoTefcirQ fi wiU .either, go direct to
Pekin find conclude .a treaty pr he will cxrale back
and occupy Cahton.' 1 Itf toe Interest of a durable
poaoo all the Euiopeans here hope that the latter
trill bo the goureo whioh event* will take.
The was held
atHongßonjlb the <rt*J§ly,bepeen Lord Elgine.
Bear dMW^*"rofcW^ 0 l ir iSf D ®rftt-Aehburnhaoj, and
*w™’* ^,Comi^ dB the Frcuch
The present is about the worst mail 70u will
have received siuce the commencement of this re- 1
hellion. Tho brave Sir H. Lawrence is no more, 1
and Lucknow is infearful peril, with small chance I
of its holding out iilf'trotfr* Arxivpf Without j
doubt Sir Henry whs toe Ablest man* wVnad in |
General, instead of the excellent Post-offioo clerk
Lord Paimetoton'aeajL if out! a We. have, retaken
Cawnpore, ndl not'until tKat fiend', Nena Sahib,
had murdered.the helpless women and children he
bad ini hit power.
The horrors of this outbreak are beyond descrip
tion or belief—women ravished and then scalped,
‘dr tUolr breasts cut off, One poor girl of tho refu*
bees now here, had to witness the revolting amr-;
aer of her father, .and then she and her,mother
were mode .to drink his blood. ,Wehave a poor
lady here, the. wife of an officer, who has been de
prived of her cars and nose, while her child is
without tbCs or fingers. 1 Children have been torn
asunder by the leg3,,and even other worse horrors
, Perpetrated on them. ‘ Sudden murder has been
the only meroy dealt pu^.to'Europeans. How
wretched’ must that system of government he
which, having its civil and military officers all
over the country, could yet give ns no notice of so
deep spread and completely organised a rebellion
as this proves itself to be.
-There no doubt that for years past this
conspiracy has been hatching, and it is stated here,
and believed,, that more than one officer has
brought to ihe notice of the Government the factof
evil influences being at work among the Sepoys.
The reply has been a sonb; for your Indian secre
taries are of a classcalled Heaven-horn, and will
take no advioe.' Even now they will not admit the
dangor, though they fear it/ It is a lamentable
fact that Lord Canning is finite unequal to the oc
casion, while those on whom he relies are,'equally
incompetent. Look tor si moment at the names of
the men who form our council, and say if there be
,onej who has tiYeir respectable ability. .We most'
have money and troops from England, and that lndia' is* lost. If Lord’ Pklmerston is
indeed tlic vigorous statesman we have always con
siderttljiim, lie bad long since sent ns oat, over
land, 5,000 of tho°e Crimean heroes who are now
idling at Malta and Gibraltar.
It will be all very well to send out fifty ‘housand
’'more round tho Cape, but we want at once a small
iMiay, to enable us to hold oar own, and to prove to
jute natives of tbifeouatiy that oar resources are
-not only vast but immediate.. Two regiments of
cavalry, with their horses, wore sent from India to
the Crimea overland, when tho emergency was not :
an hundredth part so great as it is now. Then we
fought for principle—nowt we fightfor life, and for
what is still- deader, the 'honor of bar country wo
, men.' 1 Should afiy' red-tapis® on tho part of that
l now almost .defunct body, the court , of directors/
or that'flippant rfiler of India, Mr.Smifh; prevent
this? there, will -be a, deep, feeling of sorrow and I
disappointment exhibited here, and/sueh a strong
expression of; opinion elicited that the sympathies i
of England cannot fail of being fairly roused ; and
then, woe to the supine Government; ’ But I can
not myself to believe that so Obvious a course
has been neglected, or that the authorities hare
been so unfaithful to their trust. .
I oannot close, this letter without lotting yon
know extraordinary fact, but which I think
people, even here, are not generally acquainted
wit® •! Jimp Bahadoori has written.a letter to a
friend of his at Darjeeling, saying that, at the ur
gent rOqnest of'Lord Canning, he despatched 3,000
men, cavalry and infantry, to the ralief of Luck
now and CUwbporo* but after they had passed
through tho Terrai he got a despatch from bis lord
ship,requesting him to withhold tho troops, as the
orieis had passod. They were accordingly marched
1 book to the capital of Nepaul,/sore-footed and
weary A few day* after comes another despatch
from the same ablefunctionary, urging hun. to
send thorn forward again. Jung asks in his letter,
“ How oan yon English oxpeot to role ludia with
euoh governors V’ And he is right, and the sooner
they are wplaoed batter.* Had these troops
not been recalled, Cawnpore and Lucknow would
have beon saved;‘‘the brave Sir Hugh Wheeler
and Sir Henry Lawrence alive/and pur six hun
dred slaughtered men, women, and children spared
to us. Surely, the people of England will see to
these things. • > - .; -
Ministerial Explanations—.Frew the Globe, j
—iTtis in connection with this subject that one of I
the grossest fabrications is now current. We allude
to the rutqor that the Porto.hut beenasked to give
its sanction to the passage of British troops for
India through Egypt, and had refused. Of this re
port we can only say, is in every particular
mid in every'acceptation false and destitute of foun
With reject to the story of Lord Canning and
Jung Bahadoor. wo say it is as false aaa very gross
misrepresentation can be.‘. It is, indeed, so vile a
perversion of thq truth, that we can onK ascribe it
to some one who has had it at second-hand, and
speaks in ignOranoe of the facts even' in their dis
torted form.
,It is tfue’ that at a very early stage of the dU
turbance| an officer of subordinate rank.took, upon
himself to ask the assistance of Jung Bahadoor,
and to invite the assistance of that- eminent per
sonage in a manner and in a direction peculiarly
objectionable, that Lord Canning
;woutd have laid himself open to deserved censure
had sanctioned thd course on its merits, ir*'
respectively of th 9 excqss of duty on the part of a
'gentleman who had not the slightest 'warrant for
acting on its own authority. It is true, that that
officer distinctly learned the opinion whioh Lord
Canning entertained of his indiscretion • But it is
■also true that at a more advanced stare an officer
,in n post of mucb higher authority did, with the
full approval of Lord Canning, accept the assiat
'aneeofJaogßahsdoor, which will no doubt be ren
dered available ip,a manner the most useful.
‘ f t SEAS.
mOog Kobg Correspondent of London Times.}' -
• 1 An. American, named, Eli Boggs,’was. tried ai- 1
Hong Kong for piracy and murder. His name
would do for a.viliainof the Blackbeard class, but
in form and feature he was the hero of a senti
mental novel. As he stood in the dock, bravely'
battling for his life, it'seemed im)x>33tble that
{hat handsome, hoy could be the pirdte whose,
namo had boon for three years connected with the
boldest and bloodiest nets of piracy. It was a
faoe of .feminine beauty. Not a down upon the
upper lip, large, lustrous eyes, a mouth the smile,
of which might woo coy maiden, affluent black m
hair, not oareldssly parted, hands so small and so I
delicately white that they would create asenßa
{ion In Belgravia—such wds tho Hong Kong pirate, I
EH Bdggs. He spoke for two hours in his defence, I
I And he spoke well—without a tremor, without oq
appeal for merev, but trying to prove that his
prosecution was .the result of >a 00 ns piracy where in
a Chinese bum-boat proprietor and a of
the oology (both of whom he charged as being in
leagae with MI the pirates oh the coast) were the
obief conspirators., The w defence was, of coarse,
fftlio. It had been proved that he hod boarded a
junk and destroyed by cannon, pistol, and sword,! and that,heaving all the rest over,
board, he fired at one of the victims who had
clutched a rope and held on astern No witness,
however, could prove that he saw a man die from a
blow or a yhot struck or fired by the pirate. The
jury, moved! by his yoatb and courage, and strain
ing hard their .consciences, acquitted him of the
murder, hut found him guilty of. piracy. He was
sentenced to bo transported for life,
i lt recordsthU trial, not because this young ruf
fian is a dandy as well as a cut-throat, but becauso
the subjeot of piracy is of great importance while
; dealing with this country, and must form an arti
cle our new treaty, where Inow writetberoarc
two hundred junks lying in the harbor before mo,
and every one of them is armed at loastwith
two bo&vy guns, some have twelve. Probably one
quarter of these are pirates, who live principally ,
by piracy, and adopt tho coasting trade only as a
cover to their .real prnfessien;fat least one other
quarter are not proof against temptation and a
weak viotim. It requires great charity or credu
lity to believe that all the junks that compose the
other half are traders. The opinion here is that
an armed Chinese junk is always a pirate when
opportunity offers.
The Paris I>+bstt goptaioaa budget;of misoolla
neous Intelligence .from Senegal and the French
West India, Wanda. In upper Senegal the Mabo
medan Chief, El Had! Omar, after baring been
ttvioo repulsed In fierce Attacks on tho fori of Me
dino, had Announced his intention of taking it by
famine. He had also proclaimed throughout Sene-
Zambia and Guinea, that, when he should have
finished with Sohegal, he woqld attack Gambia, Go
ree, and all the establishments on the West Coast of
Africa, whence hejjwaa resolved to expel the Euro*
poans. Meanwhile he has been detained two
months by a fort of no great strength, into which,
notwithstanding the’blockade, supplies hare been
thrown,’ and to which relief was sent in 1 .
Prom Guadaloupe we learn that the first cargo of
African laborer* bad arrived by the ship Pha-uix.
She left the ooast of Afrioa with 208 on board, and
lost 14 on tho postage, which iiutod 39 days Tho
Administration of Gpadaloupo had been informed
by tho Ministor of Marine that “two ships belong
ing to the bouse of Rogis, tho Stella and the Clara,
were about to sail from Marseilles, to recruit on
the west ooast of Africa the 1,200 or 1.500 emi
grants that house had undertaken to supply in the
course of 1857. n
WiiKATLKr’e Arch Bt*bbt Thbatr*, arch street,
above fiixTU.—“ Bt.‘Slarejior, The Husband's Saeritlce”
“Cape May."
aso WApwc? finiaarsOthello; Moor of Teniae”'
“Two Bapards.”
TAc Journeymen TVnVors.—An adjourned
moethtjy of the recently organised Protective
Journeymen Tailors’Association was held yester
day morning, in Franklin Hall, Bixth street, below
Arch. Mr. E. Helsep. who occupied the chair,
stated that the object of the meeting was to con
tidortho Constitution which had been proposed for
Tne Constitution was reported by Mr. Rudolph
Charapolion, ft provides that the election of offi
oer* spall be sembannually,
4 lengthy debate took place op tho question
wbctherfhe Constitution should he adoptedby sec
tions or as a whole. It wasstftted that there were
a number of persons In the hall who were not mem
bers of the association, and accordingly bad no
right to be: present. It was suggested that the
further consideration of the whole subject bo post
poned until the soelety met In private session. By
this method they would overgoing the peril of ex
posure by outsiders. The goutleuan who moved
tho adoption of tbb Constitution desired to with
draw his motion, but was denied tho privilege by
the Chairman, who decided that such a proceeding
would bo out of order,
A motion to postpone flollon on the Constitution
was thenmade, but the Secretary objected tons
being stated,until the persons present who wore
not membera should enrol their names on the list
bf gociety, aud pay their initiation fees, A
largo number of gentlomon oamo forward to the
Secretary’s desk and paid their fees.
A delegation from the German Protective Tot
lot’s society was heard, and asked that the Const!-
tbuon be read beforo their Society, bo that they
might know whethor to unite with them or not.
Thli Hoßßostlon was acquiesoed in, and a motion to
that effSot agreed to. .
Mr. John ilodgsoo, chairman of the Committee
on Bills, reported a list of prioes for seco&d-et&ss
shops, a list of prioes for customer work in sale
shops; also, a list of prices for regnl&r sale purposes.
A motion to' postpone' the consideration of these
lists was made and afifocAwk ‘ .
A committee was appointed to procure a suitable 1
room for tho mooting of the Association,
an addresa to the pailb* with a view .*£ *.- -.-
inserted in the daily papers of
dress is to be submitted at the Bfftißfc&W] '/’>f
A vote of ttihfiks wifi Veturnea 'to Ow'AfflMif
tho meeting aiwj io the reporters of 4 do
which the meeting adjourned.
Police //f/m.—JamesHainea, oolorai, resi
ding in Bedford at., near Seventh, Inflicted A savat*
out upon biswifo, with a knife, ateu eari? has*' ’
yesterday morning. The tnraiuLwasln thwawjv 1
and i 3 said to be of a serious character. ' HMoss to"
represented to be a drunken and disorderly Pa**
eon. and at tiraesl very > quarrelsome. £ Mfiiwife WiM
conveyed to the Hospital, and hat
husband was arrested and taken before
...Carter, who committed h»"» to prison to -trite hie
trial at Court.
i.Acsterday morning, about seven o'clock, consi
derable excitement was created in West PhUadeV- *
phia by the passage through the ward of a number 1
of men whose appearanceindicated that they were ' j
“knights of the manly art,” and were about to eu*
gage in a prhe fight. They walked i* squads.
and refused to gi ve any account of tho object they
had in view. Four officers subsequently proceeded
beyond the built-ap portion of west Philadelphia, -
.and found, in a lonely spot, a ring of mar lonsed, - - i
and the priie fighters ecgaged.°Tfcey attnf*tf
to Capture the leaders, who had just finished the first
“round.” One of them, namedMUghDevine, ran as
fast os he.could, but was panned us far as Cray's , .
Ferry, when he jumped’into the Schuylkill He - *
wus fished out, and, with his former antagooiri,
John McAllister, was held to ba3 is $1,090 to kehp ( ,
the peaco. Two accessories were held in $5OO fstt \\
by Alderman Miller. \«;
Jfaftbsrie*.—Between Saturday night, tad
yesterday morning, the office of the' Philadelphia
and Trenton Railroad Company, at Walnut street r
wharf, and occupied by Mr. Morrell; Was entered
by means of false keys. The firs proof was opened
by picking the lock, aud robbed of about 6£u doT
law, together with a bundle of old counterfeits and. *. <
broken bank notes, which have been accumulating
since the year 1831. Among the bank notes were
some of Dr. Dyott’s. Matches were found scattered
n)l over the floor, some of them having‘beau
■ During Sunday night a room atthe lied Lion Ho
tel, occupied by a gentleman from the interior of
. Abe State, and a Philadelphian, was entered and - -
robbed. The stranger lost a pocket book eoatay*-
ing 56Q dollars and a watch, and ihfc Philadelphia* - i
lost two drafts, payment of which ha* been f ;
The occupants of the room are positive that they " *
both locked and bolted the door when they went to .
bed. The door was found open yesterday thorn-, .
ing. c* . _ j
The Butler Estate . —One lot of the famoua
Butler estate, now the property of Mr. W. P petr *
ridge of New York, is to be sold by auction, &t,?er -~>
Exchange, this evening. The situation is CbMt- '
nut street, close to Eighth, is we of.the feetM* tad-x. j '
city. In the same blockif tha Girardß«Sl,*fid
soon will be the new Hotel now- it bourse ioti fisat
tion on the opposite side, at .the oomr-hfiCKirtWt
and Ninth streets. Thife particular 1o
Chestnut and 173 back fo Grape'
new and palatial stores of Mears. hiry A.VO-, _
Bailey id Co., Sharpies*, Stone/A Soafi, andnthtf* 1 .
who have moved “up town.” As a bcaineteatt*; Ci
it has not a superior. * The sale is in' tito hands of
Mr. Thomas, the well-knowa
the George Robins of Philadelphia, and/ilthbugfi 1 Irt
a quiet man, greatly addicted,
down”—to the satisfaction of allooncarDed. v * y'
j The Scott, Legion left the cityfofNew York,
.under commandofCaptain , {Jras^ak' / teA c
yesterday morning., .They, turned, phi'
muskets. At Walnut jitreet'wharf jmueC
by John W. Geary, ex-Governor of Kansas. Gen.
Patterson, did not accompany the Legion, t&ifc VU*
expected be would. • The New York Courtier 4**
Etats Unis, of yesterday, Id 'noticing the W«y* #
■ tion of the Legion, calls it “ la 'JStifeiuO' i -*
do Phitadelykie” or “the’iSfrqrcAliegfciibf Phi
ladelpbU,” which may or mav not be taken bi.n , a
compliment by the veterans who fblloweilthe :«T* ‘
lent Winfield through the bloody .field* tf Kbw.. ,
Coroner Delatau was summoned at a lit® J -
boar last nigbi to bold an inqafeft qb VbebPdj'Bf ;
John O'Donnell, who was billad la the {
fourth at noon,bybeing rntf oirafr
’by » cart, and also on the.body.ofwUHan SMpf2« /_
who was run orerbya ear on th* YaatC&Mtflr;
railroad. *;* i k-' i
Daniel Daley.—' This nnforignJ^® jajiffliQ-f 4
wns arrested a few days ago for an' t—lriU, on Jfta i A
wife,'died at the Mojan»Bsingpti»naoSateßajr.i
Daley'was a man of intemperate habit*, nsj'.vwU
as b> wife*. - The wife lias entirely msevec*£~l|££r * t
her injuries, which were riot'serioos.. •., VU'nv j 4
Gallag/ier, the * murderer of Peter
had not been arrested up t® ‘tifelt*
night. The opinion, howerer ? prevails that mJ» ‘
concealed in the lower Motion of the '
The Fajnen* Arrwwsmjth Hoax, ’-'-i
The correspondent of the London
ing from Mason, Georgia* under the date orJeJjTj *
23, alludes to the absurd urratfT* uf VrinM:
smith, of the dreadful series of nuuderf srihlclk jf
he stated to hare been uoiutHied daring lb* aid- rofi
night railway ride from August* to .Maeon. * Aflter- a
showing the nUorfallserof the whole’story, ha
ventures the followiog'explanation bf "the
ou3 affair, which, if correct places.'
smith in a very ridiculous position: ,« ,' i
“The baggage, curia the making iipg«L«CAii iS
trains and parties occasionally retire
‘refreshments.* It should he stated-ato'thnh*- 4
bottle of champagne is lutywn in these part*
‘Monte Christoputol,'&braßdottliatwisel|eiitßf!j
thenameof Dumas* hero. In the narrmtire,'tfetr
pleasant and harmless article figures a* a'
weapon, making but a slight report, and thMifiwtLa
used by the hostile parties as convenient for quiet
fighting. With the addition of as naaay wall
men' stretched oh the, boards as tbera'avO
bottles left behind, some ‘N'm*
cation of mistaking figurative langoagsTfbrfieplU
description became apparent; and soap of thik**-
guinary horror is wiped put of theater?.'
ten with the Monte Christo weaponjAtfcftkatgajn--
wagon are, I understand,
line. The courteous preridefaicf llm miaasei h—j i
I ifmtlifTrir iin|*|*4 tilS—
but he assures a*-
• It c seem by this.
been played o'ff upon H£Arrdv«fotsJ¥l&My*|
pressed that‘gentleman w 1 Gvid^fi r
that he
himself an eye-witnau
an auditoiTof fables. oy thubOOf.-i*,
respondent, that the whole story, eama.'rary MRt ' 3
being confirmed in England, with addittass,te tkk
following manper: - J : \srz^9
“It amused excessively a select circle of youth !»'-
S*vannah t who have more thne on their hsadsfifths
lianls can usefully feeling that t heauthor Oif**
‘the tale rather .required backers, one of thra'feiveite*
a clergyman, aud is h/s name wrote' to Mr. 4iiew*taUk-*?
in £nglan<l, tendering eorroborstfvo testimony,‘etfa
low-passenger. The offer was gntefallv awaited: *****
in performance of It, document* and aßlavttf
'to the truth of the weU-knpirp detebwtw pt
which would have deepened tte ajitef.- But twsf ’-
those cross-accidents that defeat thebestAaM souaMfw^ l^
erpool before bla document could he iiaaMrt, and Ua
scheme was necessarily abandoned.' ' M * <w
“This additional incident is of little
except that the 1 correspondence connected) tn&l&f
proves the delusion under which Mr. ArTOwsmiHr*
labors to be complete, whatever may bo itstiauM,
for he would hare received the proffered eoslmkj
tion ser'ously, and prodeeed insupport of She crea
tions of his fancy, a mass of proof xhat would tafft-’
been equally baseless; It'was to have paseea ts
Savanuah as excellent fan, thoagh most
would be inclinedt ocall it a deliberate fQTgatj. ■ J
Philidilhbu, Sept. 14—Ereninf 1
Bark—Of Quercitron some further sales of 'ArVt.
quality have been made at $4O too, wkleh 1* the 1
uniform asking rate for lots to 'arrive.
Breadstuffa are duller than' With Tsereased re
ceipts, and in stocki of Floor there ia little or aoehaag«,l
except for the supply of the local tniff—n*ne rang
ing at from $3.T5a56.25 for common and choice re.
tailing brands; $6.25a58*5 for extra, aods7osB btt.
for fancy family brands, aa in quality,: Gonk;M«*(
Rye Flour are but little inquired for, and held
bbl. for the former, and $4 50 bbL for the latter* Of
Wheat the receipts have been moderate, and tka -4a«.
mand fair at previous quotation*.' About I*MO lfc£'
prime Tennessee red brought 125 c.; bo.-Sowtheraf
and Fenna. do. at 117«125e.; 4,600 bn. prime Ohio
white at 130 c.; SOObu. fair Southern do. atl2Se.*l2Se.,*
and 900 bu. handsome Kentucky at 140 c., mostly in. ’
store. Corn Uin fair request, and not much oSsriag,‘
but the supply is ample for the demand* and about 2,000
ha.,mostly Southern yellow,brought OaUwe
steady, and 2,500 bu. good and prime Southern brought $6
c3Bc ,the latter for heavy X>elawave^adl l 2oo.ha.Fennak
at the same price. Rye sells as wanted by dtktiUe£
at 70a75c. for Southern and Fenna- .Buyer* of Cottoa
are not disposed to operate to any extent at the pmqnt:
high prices, »nd only a small buaineahas been done to
day at irregular rates, In Groceries .little o£, nothing,,
doiug, and prices the same. Provisions of aU.klada
main Inactive, bnt holders are very firm In their preten
sions, with a reduced stock to operate is. Whiskey is
dull to-day, and buyers shy. Bbls. are quoted afc 2£T#
26c., and hhds. at the same figure. The letter arp
scarce. 1
The first lot of new crop Cloveneed waa received by
Messrs. J. H. Cha<e & Co., of this city, os Thursday.
10th instant. This, we learn, is the earlieit receipt tf
that article on record,and the quality being *try npitfu
indicates a large yield. This Arm have their own clean
ing mills in operation 'throughout this State, which
facilitates the growers in bringing forward their seed at
an earlier period than heretofore. ’’ *' i.
philadelfkia cattle market.
[Reported for the Press.]
There was a very large supply of b**f eaUle yesterday,
but the market exhibited a declining tendency, sad the
quotations of lost week were not maintained. The quality
was from ordinaiy to good. The offering at the BoU , »
Head Drove Yard comprised IJ&S head, incJadiog $0
head over from last week, which were all disposed W?
with the exception of about 125 head, at price* ranging
rom $9 to The following sale* are reported:
HOC Murphy, Virginia, 9X»10h; HT do. do.
10*'; 56 Mr. Sener, Ohio, 9**3o; 53 Dr. Hopkins, hid ,
ah'ftU; 23 John TodJ. Chester county, 10*11; 106
Scott & Kemble,do o.h*H3»f 27 R
2, J. R. Rowell Virginia. 11; 37, Amoe Kemble.Ches
ter county. 10 >» oil S'; 25, Hugh Jackson, Cheater
conntv, ioywll: 29, Alexander Pyle, Cheater
10Wwjl V ; 47, Underwood A Chandler. Cheaterco §n
tv, 10VC-11S': 26. Webb A Prestoo, Chester eou«T,
pVa 11; 30. V. Gamble, Chester county, 9 k eU; fit,
MacflUau, Chester eonnty, 10; «0, BUu'Barr,
Ohio. 9i -*IO,S : 17. Jesse Miller, Cheater eonnty,
11; SS,J.A B SeMonridge, Ohio, 9#lOV: », Robert
.Verier, Chester county, lOanjf; 2J.'IVm. Fotnt,
Chester county, ; 32, Cochran A McCall. Chester
county, 10«vll ; 30. Thomas Stockier, Chester county,
9)s*lo>s. 19, West A Alexander, Chester county.
Mr. Chester county. P«10V:#.
Garrett A Darlington, Chester county, O.
Fuller, Ohio. 9jf*lo; 12, J<«. Menoh, Chester county,
ldall : 19, Joseph Men&h. Chester coante. 9k*
11 ; 12. Mr Mackey, Chester county, JfiiUjkT
At the Avenue Drove Yard there were about TOR head
offering, of which 000 found purchaser* at sprites vary
ing from s9# to $ll)f. They were from aiddUst to
good ia quality. ,
During tho past week about 10,C*» shsep wire sold at
this yard, the average price being $1.50 toll 50 ■
small extra fin e lot* bringiog $5
HOG STATISTICS —Tbp lonisvUlc Courier remark*:
w« baTe procured, and publish bridw. ccmnleu WSte.
from the assesaor* of the number of host (% KanSre
for 1857. We give also the total* for»ifiand *4aTSS
the total number of hn» packed In the esaTmt rJ Rfi
>54 and ; 58 '57. It will neceen that tb« nirisaiftiiT
Humbert more hogs this year than at any reriod fis# th*
past four years. Thb SiTMI.
tioos of the State complain ,of heavy and »*-*>-—*
the corn crop turns out aa well aa ft mobbl*M.' - u
ToUl reports for 1M1.;., tnsxl
»•*““ »».
u ' TBM ’..,U061K
Eic.m ,f ~47 otw 185*..... '
“ otlSSTowtlMS..... ■' m 2
Total pidtiug 186i-'55 3.489M*' . U
*‘ * j iwd-'dr i.nsidu •f« *
Rxoetepk’g «n^