The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 14, 1857, Image 4
rOf fftAVEL-NO V. ■tffMU, to im * SV JBr # 44 .9k185 B LBOT *9 *f.'t l •: lag how strikingly Similar to our own, 'uturea, i io£, % is.ttne, >fHhe elective franehiMax wHhtts,' in approximate nearer’ mtmodel;! noM*;U**n»d tbe neieMitainent,. the.same, ftoe jinid, pnbllbi men,', and, Wiio measures it'UrtiJijiii'of pebliftoWnlcib'; ; the. some. iivjasfcl&eialfyjtßiore liberalityia the' reception’ -‘'eoplnibns of -n.tered.ffoß.lfc.huetlpgs..;,, t>.V.,i■.ipft- } j The study of tho electoral statistics qf;BpKta?d, and.WalesxUf^BeVtieJactli'itVheMdntTcionty. refofoonaSomber' ii ftfrliament for ertryfiß.OflP :};i^abita fl U/yrhifo;tWil«^»^f n WTf*'. bar for every -22,500. This ft rather nmsrrofcbba-, aisby fopresintation, (l‘is trae,''but : tborb ta'S pip. siat,'Parliament,,.to eorreot.-ais ineqnaUiypfiy foldj'jeavlngifoe borough representation ,aa It’, !t wiU be Bnotber. »tep ia;thp'jjlr«)tien-j|s which poll-. . , ticA Wtrer has been tending foryoars—the atUl 7 s«ii!|d ! j : UshaUln the oataet of thia cotnmunleatlon giye 'a - ' 1 .'-■ <All. eloctioM for membersto servo In Parlla - n(eht ! take place nowby'vittaebf'VHls, 4sBti'«4obt • ...Inkionbfe jParliameet hy proclamation, wKlfch js . t the ordlßary 'methpd oP dlKplvlngj the proolami-'' ' -embodies, tie.' infoiw{i^ r; OwSi'tfiiaye l been given to the lu>rdl!heaebllorbf Gfostßrifoin, ' J ußdfreibnd forthwith to issue writs‘for the calling ' . .-tTbeea writs were fonne.rly sent to the sheriffs of ’{be then -iihSJ ont tho precept to iheiretUrning officer of thVoity or berOnghi and this, mode still continues at Irish' . aqdScetoheleelibua ; but a much simpler praotioe, nowobtaina in English elections, ' Writs,.for eleb *' tbediatyiy to tbo officer who is' the person engaged continu&nce.qf a Parliament, are fitled by elections’ ..underwr'its isauetibat of tba'CrownOffioe, by-order > ;.oftheBpe»lter,.*ut!h.elt«tioa.taiang.plWßdnHnk ■ <‘ .'tbereoese; ', ;-»*«" <jS !«t»s 3j ’ n.o^iwnBd.i p ,shbft^ l '^X*^tpitr<S^[>“fo make a return tor hi! county. Writs for holding eleetlonhfor the PnjyersiUeS'df ()|foM'<iß'dif6at4-. ' brMgp':';a’w; )^ot^;tdX t Hn"ytS'^s^i l pnß‘i?i9'e J e f ' these Universities, and write for every borough, fowh ebrpbrate^pSrl^or'pl^b^MturnlbgfjiieiSbets ;Epgiand, ,or i JT aiefp.«s : 3lJfSitrtkt<) aettffifitg -.officers. .Who those retuming ofiotrs . - •'foyth' in berfaun’eOhhdnieVa'ppeh'dp®. fo.fofj'abtjvby -•'Krtfipof which they pbrform tbelf ■ 3u% sr The Hiirfjeby.wfc.ebibbeb'wHfo arp'tV'lwfoiwimied to " lbepersons to whomthey are directed is; also made ;;fob'.subject <g specific ;. enaptmept-' oAS 'i soon as v thefe Writs reachtbphandsnfijtlie.sberUf, major, ’ 4 0i s othor''ietnrnrpg'idSoaf > -;he efojekwinpptt. the, , '^sasCMMi^ : > .- Havlng given this notice,- the theriff, or retnni necessary preparations' for bofotogtheelecitonamr ' . taking; tho’ polli ; ; iP'.thalt .bpsomes necessary. If ySih, bf< o’.whioh the pnvibns.eafiriuiiinggivMimploiddfos. and .sdlofment bjf.‘fiip'jSlproS^.t>boftte-b)^> sdays before-thaepmineooemcnt <& th»poli;,::He then appoints the ttopatles. and oleMta to take the ..poll, and furnishes to eaoh a true oopy of the regie .‘. Ktryof aU voiers entitled tb'vote at kaitl bibotibb, lit : •o^th4‘poM.Ma«m«tfdea, \%lgrj !„ 1 . ..V..VAII preliminarp.mattpm.baTlng been arranged, . -' tfie ihbriff or rcturnlng bSbef brptjeedSi'at tho day '' and biwmbd, to'bommenw tbb wpotkabtlbiisi -’»es« ' -Ho, inthofirstplMc,-reads the writ by authority' ' of which the dtotfontt to‘b« hbld, thcC'takes aU bribery, or corruption.' •* ll ; • JUving eoiwlodedr those format proceediiga. lie •i.tben.calls ttpon, the eieetonpresyfittopropose their crndidftte. Ewh otodidete . .seconded,) Jhp, casdi,dete> fbo oieolorf s : end then it la thoeenimoa prietioe to deolare, bV • however, is only gone throngh witli where 1 ’UtOro' fpfflTOreeana^tMj^po^^anth^i^iiSofe-’ to be snipUad. 1 : llhe’requiring the-'persOns. -. ■ ‘ present—tfee 1 great.TnajQrity pf'whbm arpih ;pjl ;.etsea ,no«-rl«clorjs_tn,ie*preig by * show of hands -their, ehoioe of acandidate, appejis tobe,_ hoWeTor, ’ v ','li/B'sf. scrvioe.ohlyfor the.piuppse' ofiscortainingwhetheranyof thebandidatespro- the intenUyp H' foreiiliy.'demiidiig j» ■ • : poH, „Tt often .happens,.too, that persons am pro ■ pjeed for the pnrpose of otiabling them to msko a • r mh^'ipjnd”t|o,h'qstlhgs. . Whore a poll is demanded the election obmmenees • ;With it, as betig,tHbr<4nlar mpdb'pf j)opnlat;:oleo "tipn>,;theih'o.w ofhinds.beiegonlyan^s.ahdim-. . perfect declaration of the; eentimemte of the elect' } Jbrs I o 11 1 often ’hapWns f titat,bn {* 4W<ll, '- ■ that petwih 'hiie a miijorlty 'whp is lost.ih : ' a nnnority v :yosi ' i;:.-::t;.;’ : .r.o >'ic”','’k’ '''''! ICsomof# oandidatbsarb' nbmiriafedthap. qtp ' 'necessary toiilltHevackbtsebtsltiieietnniing.of .' - Seer at once' deolsrbe thoaa who hara'boen eanotni- ' - ■ '/suited to'ho dttiji jjlijSiqj|;j?.;T r : ~ t ’■ j ,;Cp, ! j,' As eoon,l, ; hpwev«r,i«ii.* poll is demanded,^' - mtts the granted; the retarnlngofficer ,has'inb,dis hut one day ouly, beginning at eight in theiiiprri- 1 - ingpbnV ban ';|epiopbit;Bptii:(!yeinihe . aftarnpon; and X belieVoi this:ii ;tib csse:witii nil 'electionsinthe traitedkingdomP -withs the exobp %» iacfls® counties I . r.of Ork'ney and ShetlandVinßcotiand. In Engiand,,. . iu the boroughs, tho polling comntonces at/eight' . pin'.th.a forenoon of,the nest day fouhwng. the day”..fired for .the eleotioii'j.ln th«)botintiea d;jmi, a tSo.kt* . the day fixed.for eloCtiena, , 'fn tho. Scotch And 'lrish’counties,diffffA't"peii,W l fi'%p ,^(^n^: s , . Tho returhing ;eiiieor, ..wheß. thei,polling .‘eoni menoes.hasthe ibgiiter before hlmjandeveryf man ,'eelvingthe vote he has.,no4iser4tlim.-:; QuMilonß e 'foay be'Micid, snch'ie t ; Jthe wifotorpor heforo, hut the answer couoludea.thb roturuing j'.hffioer, althonghln mbstesses ofthe kind th»:oatt '. . '4idafoof.hfo : !ig*fo,if.W'iaffit’prm' m»y|?nt :tho applieanttnpon hIS i oMh, Pi Th¥ , recorded in’the pbil-hbokpspd’lf.theip&lpbterk’has ; once’ entered tho.votaii^ein* <v lar,candidate,, ifc ia then too late &t &» voter toaaV that he intended,te rpte for sotnponc else': ) But jf ”phe‘ miatekb oleariy appears to he’tliaVof the'.poU clerk, and bo at oboo pointed ont,- it is .the duty of ~’ .the officer presiding at the poil-booth to oorroet the .o polhabeording to the truth. - - - ; V , K B ; - - When tho hour for cIo«lng ;tho pbllfl srriveS ttj tk» cinmtics, the polt clerks at ; tho eeveral places • ' deUverlngthbth pbhlfeiyWepofoeedynifoUW fo ' These offloersare required tokeep ailthefoipdl-: ; .books unopened until thbiiiif .44y1tut :i bhe ,ifter: , th«fclosing of tiM poil, l anS nprsf'ftos.bpeniy,Break ‘ ntlie sealsi OSst opthO nnmber of vbtes as thoy ap poaron the ievbralbobks,,»nd opohiy doeiare'the I - Btate pfthe poll;makingproeiamaiioaof the meld- - - ■ her or mombers : phbobn, :pot.laioi' ’fhan:tw«/fo tile • ■ -^ah v- \ ; In the pborenghe the; iamb duties are performed , i, by .life rpWmteg.pflws .F4o..pfoiiJe:at ; the polls, wlih this differeaea, tnat they may deolarepthb •• remit of' th*' : e!ootlon : at *n«6i.‘or walt ; until the ' • •nioxtSaylffobytiiihlfpfoj^S. 1 • Theretnrn'of thercsultofevoryeleotionisthiin Jfolep epaled hy the piesldhig; officers, and being tacked' ' ln ehnnoery, fremarWAitisnwdi-A'.v,--.ivi S' election. i<i‘> ; ~ TbeseelcctS)Minfohne? ttifiek gave gteVt PPpor*- - \'lMtfl«ifofttWty,wd#^|Ko^ ; |n(lkU4()Hgli : "bobtt made tp preyept it, it.yysur not until thepas ..tmge.bfjshfiVjiiealledJho.'lCoWaptßraotioosJ’r'B-' vehtibn Act,” faMM, that Was acjom- : »h#t,i«'®Ml«*. 4*- duty of every' oihßidatb'tb senddn to foie oleotiod abdlforW-' i ni^<j'iy i |haf, s fof‘ eleotion,hip«u»eB; ,Buck'»gattsSOSbnt in are the ■■■fdnly have Sap'end or inenr'W'ixJehaifo'regrelV% it£ tfao'election,-inthe,paraep r Hehelf-ofany,eandi.: •, dafo; an .. of eisepbni which,-pyythe. ;w>t, are, rcqnlrmt ,fo he to the:election andjfcr *44particular,i&onnfs of all snob paymepta-As the electlqn auditor,, hbifever, has lb p*sr eaifotfor, emfrfoipjgof thfopbarhefoyilf Required !o'bpscni‘ .lntohlffljandlfinotsentinhythearbditofwitbin ohefooq®aftereljhftied drpont-lewed ThdOJco 1 -; ' . i liQu andifot. assoonas he an>ie eonirt of all the expenses^uienfrod at ibb eleetibn, specifying thy sums paid u hip, and 5y him, In be- 1 -All such aeConnlsiMe kept by ihK.paditor, In a epepfo mspeetiopi ppd f hep all the business eonneated info the accounts ISeon cluded.he hands uTSr all the accounts to the olcrk of' foe pans* in theooou|tfi. fofoe to«;n oierk or i officer performing foe brim ffefo ptajMde 4 pud fo,fob foeMenp«£tfow| pftet pay ing«pen»e»,for,nsa*t«eralfoiesf*aeh'oaiblW4te by the auditor jsi. paper eirrulatiujg ik^keplttii where each an elk amesK i - *■ > •'-! i, ift '• : '.V* 1 ai, ‘ K 1 ‘ ’ In addition to guards like tlroao, tho penalties of finb.and imprisonment ore,, incurred not only by 'parKfisfottudgtdUy of tdmporingw h voto rB but bjf every voter' prostituting .Hm, elective franchise), found ’gutlrt of'timing #0 deelbredivol t- ~ ~- ' , } Those oerfiMyeromoet ’WholeSdil»' ’provisions, 1 anaMH : te>; !s**>«?. w ihif ftde/tke ‘water .with MOM.-. la* o afraid the published'abstract of eloc of oar* oaniliilotes, jnfiei)!, aMMSffiasgasp have the terrible evils of BngmK*el«oiioßBylram ,not*prepa»d,ta say.; bat 'thave ■ thojqfor^'h^^ >flB& that these, lawk hare accomplished foitooh in ;fiU« vacanioyfofmeiabeVof ?arUainept;jn ? ,lBs4; beiegirat one.eandldatei&BJpdj there Was no poll tcrokpl^oe 1 on the liusi (pgs,' theieciunci'l chamber, f»oi»g tho maVket'plaoe] one of the'most spaoltm* in Borland afcour own eleotfon canvasses. The.' weather 'sovo'ralthtiusitnd personshad ossembtedtohear the spoeohoftho dabdtdafti' tobo sidsrable ibM figrlcultural 14- borots; but, though rather noisy .at,times, their oonduotblUgpod-biidt’odabtfbtderiy.; Arow of ’carringesVobfefly ocbupiod ky lMlea, was drawn round the skirts ofthe crowd; and all tbs windows spectators, looking for all the world like auAmori oannmis meeting ( a one of oUf cities,, t The candl-' v ciino .|wnr£r4 . shortly , ai|er. Ihe .ncaninatioßwas m*de| arid inasp^hiifabohtahhbtirgayeaYer^ <pAfUamept,ilefiningihis pdsUiony and'lkying dowp sotferloga of' the English soldlery, he rose at times, to'eonsidotableeibouenoe. wblbh tho.orowd mani fested ltb odiniriitly nbf’bye! upping of bends,,and tho cry of “ Hoari'bear !” - At ; the’, conclusion of .bis speech he was dooUred ejected bythb.fe turn ing officer, and tho crowd quietly-dispersed, u This, ‘wasa very ■tamehahlr,’ entirely different, as'X w4s told, from tho scene whenapoH has boon demand ed; and aoontos tod Clootioii geidg onv wltb alt the ’strife-ortho friends of tbo candidates,'thoir igonjs’ Cud oilers,, ip endeeyeringts seonro the election ef; their favorites. From tho description giycn, thoso soenes most more than equal in stirnnd excitement thebustlo and confusion: atour polling pieces on thoday, of * wann-contestod election., 3! 11 f with it isivory, seldom that, any,- very serious riots take : plopo; as a Frenchman said in my, hearing'one morning, to an Englishman at Miurioe’*—HToa English area wonderful peoplo: you meei in lergomimticrs— ten thousand aji you—. twenty, thousand of, yon;,-yog hayeapreiidoiit or 1 ohafraianeyou obcy fiim as if hbwofo, an Kmpe ’tot-ry qixmak* speeches and : Okprosi your' indlgna-. tion—you agree to. resolutions—you hold >up your ihaiiSs, you shofit; ybti.'lhroW i'up' Jdui/ hkts, and ’then gbhbm'Otoif’hothinghiilhSppenod: 'Why, if S» > s&h “y arc wehero for? 0 We an here to do and not to• r spoak.'end away they wotlldgb tO'.fho gunsmiths, apd .then there.would be * Revolution.’ 1 ■•' T j -^tmL«oton,«. ) | rvr - Ty -- ;r , r 77. . CUSTOM •HOtTSE.-'pHILAPEIiPHIA,— v/ 7 atpnMttK<-utr;'.* !' •'-The foUtnrinif iledCTlbeir'DKCLAHreD And JOB JEITED'MEROUANDIBKtrIU be wldet yobllo ule, at the APPRAISER'S STyREg; northeast career of front and lombard JKJDAY MORNING, October 1867, am O'clock*- 1 By order or' ■ ' . J- B. BAKES, Collector. V./,' r) ' ?', xl A BAIIKy, Auctioneer*. r .- Igfe'":?) S"i y-y- f 7_|a. illllllßlllllllgljll liiiiWiiiiit ■'WslSIJp . ?4illilliSsl|ll||PiSj • aaajMiififlagggagigggigdl <J :: : : Yjr: :::: J i; :8 :: %r i ! j•iii ;| : :: i :i:§ i i lilsilllSHiS 111 Ifclli Trli T: : :: : ■ > .i'i : *•/:: j ;2i i J • • '• ! iIfS - i :3 •; !i|‘: i'Sg 11 ill ’-j iri i i : i ::: */: i-Ia : • ::i Sixif ■ i' ; ii'i ”4'i'i C* : -S 5 is is' Ag,;; : s&IA- 1 •-1.5 • : ‘ ’• si? : 'Ss'2'»: ASA y.i/.ivi niSgSg 1 y>4 IlllT— alooj. *,- T « fti'....^i 1 1 :' ?i i’ : * ! Hi '• : *«• ij i nermitii oaaoHßO iJljj-ftiU ite S dmodhtu i' i: iL i s M;i;| i ! - ’ r i :i® H Mtt mum& rM T-< OO ce s W rtt '•A • * ’ •: r M ( ST ; ’ '• Jr ‘-t ■ o. © © .! O k P. ZZitex' 3 Had/ toe (Uj f sj»le. and thq goods will »P opes on the morning of that 4»y- •, OF COAt TO, -•Jb CHINA,. .v/-’ i'UV A-'-' ■- / Navr Ddri&nntiir, ) ' Bureau of Construction. tec,, August 13; 1857. i _•> •PROPOSALS*' healed and endorsed *• Proposals for •Jwtedfe to received at this bureau : until S o’clock ithe 10th September next, tor the trails* .portatlott.of.notexceodlug 4,000t0n8 of anthracite coal- Sim: tlWjjmr?ofjPbUadelpMi** i ih« such quantities ak mar be, offered, and the. Department deem proper to a e-' % .w^xiw-aut keeperi at Hong-Rone and Shanghai as mar be directed.'. - Thlf offtr irlU state the price per ° r 2.240 lb*, for primage or’ MijH other,., extra 1 charge, acd awotbdrate at -which: demurrage ’dill be chargeaj ' Nopther than cargo for the Government to be .receivedonhoaM?w?i--?‘ i , •'ln- U the 'draught 0f..,0f. the vine! offered idakes >My Ilxkt«m*ened«e4ry loitdfnK it* trill be 1 at the vesseli r ,butidbddetpauh ’trill be 1 given jin, loading, , ofithd coal within rdaih of theshjpi* .teckal ,at thoportsin Chin® lay day* trill be bf'one/air*vriather worklug'dfiy torevery wtonsof eoal; i “ TOfrtnia’Ai Mdv-l. fcfltopiss thr and the Wlod'tiir WatierlpetmlftltS tiie Vemei .111 .Lit s« "MT» ndtned, a mm equal to the ambrini demanded per day for demurraßO. - “ o y. ;i AUI. be, inkdesrlitzliu thirtydaV. hftdr th. In triplJtatei oflhe AelftSy™ mmiWXV iMT/Mdirtin VnlMetatM -But who WU he y« IBSSSSSMESP" NlCE,otal., rs. TIIB FRASKTORB •', UALL. L. P.i.67. ~N0.,47f1.. ; - ,w. >:F. J, 7,. No. 012. ABKLRBEI) m.BAMS. L. f.j.51. No. 724. , The Auditor.appointed ‘by the; Court to nmko diatri butidn oT tho food arising from the sale of the follow* ,desriWd. Baal Estate sold by,the Sheriff under tho 'above writs on July {Hh. 185?, will meet for the Purposes Of itfA-appothtpiont on Thursday, September 10th;'l§5T,>t 4 1 .0'c160V P. M.. A the WothoriU House, George Sixth, when and.whore all porsons having clhlins ar6 rsqueated to'prefer them before said Auditor, will otherwise he, debarred from com ing in,onsaid fund; i , All tliat'certalu iot orlnioc© of ground aituato on tho southeasterly side, of Maine street, in the borough of Praukford.'latho countyjof Philadelphia* n<? w in the city of Philadelphia, at the distance o£27£ feet north-easterly' from the notth-easfglde of Green street, in front on *ald Main street 60 feet, apd in length or depth south-easterly*, between parallel lines.,at right angles with said Mild streeKSOQ feet, to a 35 foot wide street contemplated to, bo‘opened called Thomas street. Boun ded south-westward and uorth-eastwardby other ground belonging to thd estate of tbesaid Isaac Whitolook, Uo oeaaed, 1 south-eaiitward by said epfatomplated etreet, and by -Jlftlu sttoet aforesaid.' Being the same premises wbfch the said Elisabeth Whiteloch, Mary WhitelocVamPEU??* V ,WbUol6cfc, Executrixes pf tho last WiU'auo Testament of Isaao lyhitelockj deceased, by Indenture Waring even date, w(tMh.O said, .mortgage, and executed Immediately bfifdro said mortgage, for the consideration thoreln*namod, which is intended to be secured by sild mortgage,'granted said oouvoyod tfulo tho said The Fraukfotd Odd. Fellows’ Hall Asso ciation,"their successors or asilghs, in foe.' .Togethor trith'the Wei Uso andprlrilogo of.tho said contemplated street, 33 feet wide', 1 when opened so far as thn same 1s laid upon lahda of tho Estate of the said Isaac White lock, deceased.. . ~ DAVID WEBSTER, Auditor. ; auk-^wAtsi; 1 V | ■ IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT'FOR‘TIIE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. TrugfEitile crjohp Jdel. 1 . . \ , r ; The Auditor, appointed by the'Court to audit, settle, ’and-adjust the-account of tcvl Sperry, Tmfetoo udder the will of Conrad Idel, deceased, of johb Jdel,anci to' report dlitributloo of thebalanco in hand' 'will meet the parties Interested hi hU bffice ht thfe Southegat coruor of Eighth andLocoßt streets, od TUESDAY AFTERNOON, September 224 i' ht'4 dhstoclf/’ r y ‘ l '- 8011-eodst DANIEL DOUQ IN'THE ORPHANS’'COURT! OF MONT GOMEBY county, 'Xbgust 39tb, 1857'. Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested in the estate bf Mary ATderfer, late of the .township of Lower Salford, In said cOUnty of'Montgomery,'deceased, that Abraham, John, nudttenj&mtu Alderfer have-applied to said Court, by petition, praying fora decree forthfe sale of the real estate of said Maty 'Che said,Court have toed WEDNESDAY, the'. jJOtfi. day •0/ September, IBST‘, ttlO O’etockA.M., kt House, in Norris’ town (for ill patties Interested to appear Hiad show cause, if any they have, why the prarerof said petitioners should not be grafted. By order of thaCourt., r ' •iJ- •- DAVIS; Olerk of the Orphans’Court. i-‘. augfi-d4W 1 ■ K A * > * , a ißants, ,■ ;■ CaVl| AGENTS/WANTED.—A HOME ’tWvr- STEAD'YOB slo7—Third Division.—s3lo,ooo worth of farms and Building lots, In tho gold region of Culpeper, doahtyj Virginia, to bo divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on tho 7th of D£cetabor, 1857. Sul?, toiptlons only ton dollars down,* or fifteen dollars, one* halfdoWn,iUe rest-on delivery deed.' Every subscriber will get ABailding Lt»t or & Faria) ranging iu valupfrom $lO to'sB9,ooo.' "These farms and lots, are sold j»o caeap’to induce Bettloments,' A sufficient number being respired,*theJinnreasrin the value of whlch-will cbtnpensate for theapparoat low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 lota and farms ore .already sold, and a company of settlors balled the “Rappahannock J? 1 plieer Association’? forming and will soon commence a ‘ settlement.’ Ample security will be'glven for the faith* ful performance of contracts and-'promises. Nearly' .45,000 acres of land. In different parte of Virginia, now at command, and will bo Uoldio settlers at from $1 up to ($3OO per aero. UntfuitiionabU till is will in all casks be.gtvtii.- Woodcutters, coopers, farmers, &0., are wanted, And’ five hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the-most liberal inducements will be given. Soma agentf write that they ato inaktags2oo per mouth. For (dllpwtlculeurs, subCcriptioM, agenclo^^&c, v apply • au24-tf f . •' —Port Royal Caroline cognty,Va.. gALAMANDEH SAFES. ' 'A large assortment of ' EVANS A WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA-MANUFACTV RED ■ SALAMANDER saves, I *;; I '• !!•/ 'VAULT DOORS,' „ lor Banks and,Stows. , BANK L9OKB, . , ' ■ Equal to .nr no. in übo, IRON DOORS, SHUTTBRS, tt,, On as good farms u any otter ostabllshmerit in the United Stetee, hr • . EVANS ic WATSON, , • ' ‘ No. 28 South FOURTH etroet, 1 : , Philadelphia.' . PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. . auU-tf: CJTATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. hJ —AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, GARD NERS, VOHOLOGISTB, INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS, ARTISANS I! All cllufas ere Inrlted to be come exhlbltore. ~ ; •. | „ THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY .HI hold lb. SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION »i Vorrelton„Weet Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 29th and. SOth, end OCTOBER let end ad-ensu- Field and,Garden Products yfieeds, Fruit*, Flowers and Vegetable!,,the JleehanldlArte/Dolaeftle, Household ft&aother ManufactotM. Stoves, Wares and Inventions. , ‘ A PLOWING MATCH !! In order to promote Skill;and efficiency in the im portant work of the Farm, a Plowing Match will come off on the fourth day bf the Exhibition, to which men and yeuths are'lnvited to compete for the premiums. \ To sellers and buyers of farm'stock this Exhibition .wilt afford a most favorable market. .The different Railroad Companies will carry all stock and articles to and from the. Exhibition free of charge aa heretofore, and will Issue Excursion Tickets for the Fair week at the usual liberal rates. I ■ ~'H ; J/iste.of Promlums and all other information will’ be furnished on application to ROBERT O. WALKER, So* crstam at the Rooms of “the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,“OhesuutStreet, below Seventh, south side, pn stairs. * The bbbxs /or the entry of articles and animals wHI be open on and afterthe Ist of September. . , , . DAVID TAGGART, iL. President Penna. State Agricultural Society. aulB»d t sep 28 , ; ■ ■ ; ; iHerdinnt Sailors! R, KELIaT, : , r KBLLY-i BROTHER, HaVlng erigaged the Services of OH A R iTe S ROTH, Distinguished, for the beauty and excellence of his Goods .when in the Tailoring Business, has taken ! / ‘ the Store. J - 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AMO HAS OPBSBD FOR TAB SALK, AT, BBTAIL, OF CLOTIIB, 1 CABBIMEBBB,' VESTINGS; CRAVATS, '■ ' GLOVES, SHIRTS, Ab,, ‘ ' Of tho best qualities; at moderate prices: ‘ - 07“ The htuiness of KELLY A BROTHER is moved, from this date, to No.-814 CHESTNUT Stroot, where it wilt he attended, to bv EDW’D P. KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. • - ■' se&-ly JOHN P, DOHERTY, FOR TUBS WITH KELLY & BROTHSR, LATE; WITH LUKF.NS, KELLY & CO., l " ' • H4VINO EKQAGBP CHARLES ROTH, Formerly the leadlngTanojr or this pity; nud . t Formerly 1 with 0-ROTH fic 00/, late Coat and Vest Cutter with LUKBNS, KELLY « CO., and other supe rior Cutter?, has rented a part of tho storo of ' -EDW'DrfT. KELLY, ! f / •« .v . ' 814OHESNUT'STREET, And has commenced the ' r ‘ ’ TAILORING BUSINESS. ‘ The most unremitting'attention wilt be paid to the wishes or all who patronise the establishment; the best of Olothes will be made, and at moderate prices. [se6-y JAMES SHERIDAN, MEIIOHANT TAILOR,' Nos. 18 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVH OKBSTNUT. , 1 • r A- large and well Selected stock of CLOTHS and OASSIMBRES always on hand. „ , All Clothing made at this 'Establishment wpi be of the befit quality, and in the most fashionable style,. Particular attention given to; UNIFORM OLO'flt* ING. - - ■ » •• ■» ••• « .>!' <js jr NIGHT’a EXTRACTS FOR XV flavoring Pies: Pudding, Oakea, Jellies, Ciistards, Ice Creams, . Blond Mange, Sauqei, Syrups, Soupi.Mrfi ,YUMf,fice,,&c: ' ' ' Comprising 1 . , Knight’s Extract of Lemon. ‘ ’ Knight’s Extract of Vanilla. Knight's Extract of Rose. Knight’s Extract of Oraige. . Knight’s Extract of Peach. ■ 1 Knight's Extract ef Alhlond. . Knight’s Extract of Btrawbeny. ' Knight’s Extract of Plneabple. 1 ' ' Knight’s Extract of Raspberry.. Knight’s Bxtract of Oolery. .Kuighv? Extract of'Nectarine. ' Knlght’S.EXti'ftct of Qlniuimon. 1 KnlghtU Extract of Nhlmog. ' Knight’s Extract of Ginger; y Knight’s Extract pr Cloves. t . Knight’sExtractef Allspice. Knighi’sExtrabtefAlaee. 1 v , , ■Knight’s Extract of Apricot.' ■' These Extracts are made with great care, and are war ranted to retain all the' flavor and strength of the article reprcMbtod, in a purified and concontmted form, conve nient for «U culinary purposes. Retaining their Savor for any length of time aud in any climate, and can bo used at all seasons of the year when the fresh fruit can ’notbe obtained- J ‘ r • ■- 1 They are put up In a neat and convenient manner for use, vuj,2and lff'OuiicOT>ottlea, and are respectfully to'the aftdhtlbn of Uoueeand J Motel Keeper?,-Bakers,'Caterers, and the public In general price 25 conts per bottle, or 5 bottlos assprted for one For‘sale by 0. D. KNIGHT. No! 7 South SIXTH Btreet. Grocers ahd Dealers snpplled on 1 liberal terms. aulS-lm, ..ooal and iron, which constitutes a third of the stock of an incorporated company, will bo excii&ngod for merchandise ob real osUte. It is clear of debt and future charges, (expenses will be provldecLfor by in come.) A railroad connecting TWO GREAT ROADS is being made at tho cost of other companies through tho mineral deposits, at the fodt'of the mountains, on their lands, offering away to market on tho sea board, and opening a village site of Incomparable beauty, ns well as healthfulnesa and profit. • No Investment can compare with coal mines for security, and-none In the country can be more attractive than tbeso for their resources or a residence. Apply fi. W. corner of FOURTH and WALNUT streets, second floor. so 0-lw* tys previous to thd ;n for examination , *e9 wlm t oc9^ TVEW PALI/ CLOAKS.— Jast received at i-1 the Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium^'to'which the attention Of Ladies and strangors visiting tho city, I? rsspectfa)ly invited.. GEO. BULPIN & Co., „ iT . _ ______ 708 Chestnut street. -- YALL CLOAKS, at Wholesale.—Merchants wifi Pricbs tow, and torma liberal. '~.t , GEO. BULPIN A CO., , ‘W-lm- 1 'Z 1 ■" “ 708Chagtnutitrsit. OFFICE OF THE NEPTUNE ‘INSUR ANCE COMPANY, 414 WALNUT Street.'PniLA- September 6tb.lBG7.—At » meeting, of the Boara of of thl?.Company, hold TIIfB.DAY, the’following wad passed : ’ , ,* f Rfifojyod, Tjiat the,Capital stock of.tfae Nentpne In «u*ance Company be Ibere&aed frtnn ono h’uiwed thou- Bahd to lratfdred thooiadd dollar*,- l "' ' Books of tmbwHptlon *M be obened on MONDAY, - -By'order of the Board, *j t .< \A ' se 9*9t OKOROB SCOTT, Secretar C BS ' */ afiMgaJlMtquftlU/, JsSofd at th APHU, ADHI-PUIA GASWOBKS for ih© reduced price of five ceotea bushel, and may be QbtalnedjD Urge Or fcti&ll taufcfltitr’.tr ap plying at the tian Office, Mo. 20, Sooti BKYMNTU To Purchasers hr Wholesale, it Isaold at the Works, in lirst at a price equivalent to An* SJ,. [ Vmawtwii Qitt WQ.KsVAug.gtij W/; .iffr-tt; TV|a ir I L i, a K NlXldL'ROTßl.meatifetthiedeiid fdi tale by ••' i ! ') ! WHAVBR, FITMRj& OO.i j «!•« Ho. WH, w»t«r it,, ud 22 N.WlunrH, ••qffig misW. Auditor. iJLgrittflltire: ' iUiacellantone.. Choice farm lands -for sale.~ TKK illinois.oentral bailboadcompany 'is novr prepared to sell’about 1J60U,000 'acres ‘of choice Farming lands, In tracts of 4i) acres and 1 Upwards, on 'ong credit?,'and at low rates'of interest. These lands were granted by the Government to aid the construction of ibis Road,-and are among the richest ! and ; most fertile in the world. They extend front North-East and North-West, through the middle of the State, to the 'extreme South, and include every Vhrietv of climate and production? found between those naraUoU'bf latitude.* The Northern portion is chiefly prairie; interspersed with fine groves, and in the middlo and aoutherft'seotious timber preaomihateij alternating with beautiful prairies and openlDM. • The climate Is more healthy, mild and equable, than any cither part of the country—tho air Is pure and tra cing; while' living streams and springs or excellent 1 wftwr'aboudd. " i , ’ 1 * Bltdinlnoas Coal is extensively mined, and supplies a cheat* add ‘doßirablo fuel, being furnished at ihany points' at $2 to $4 per ton—and drood can be hadat the same rate'per cord.' ‘ ‘ 'l > Building Ston* of eicoMout qnullt. «1 M abound., uhloh oau b« procured Tor little more than tlie ozdeuae * of transportation. '" , .. The great fertility of these lauds, which are ft black rich mould, from two to five feet (loop, aud gently Toll ing/ their contiguity to this road, by which evdry fad ' llty in fnrnlfihed for travel and transportation to'-tbft ptfnffipal matkote North, South, East, West, and the economy with whldh thoy can bo onltlvatod, render then! the moat valuable Investment that cau be found, and present tho most favorable opportunity for persons oflndustriouß habits ahd 'small means to acquire a com fortable indepoudence In a few years. • > Chicago is now the greatest gram market in the world; and the facility and economy with which the products 'of tbcßO lauds can bo traansorted to- that market, make them much more profitable, at‘ the prices asked, than those more remote at 'government rates, as the odd! 1 tional coat of transportation 1b a perpetual tax on the latter, which mutt bo borne by the producer, In the re duced price he receives for his grata, Ac. The title is perfect-*-or.d when the fibal payments are tdado, deeds are executed by the trustee? appointed by the State, and In whom the title is vested, to the pur 6hasers, which convoy td them absolute titles ia fee sim pie, free and oloar of eWery incumbrance,' lien or mort- Ts e price? are from $0 to $3O r interest only 8 per ot. Twenty per ot. will be deducted from the price for cash. Those who purchase ou long credit, give notes payable •in two, throe,' four ,five and sixyear? afterdate, and ore' required to Improvo one-tenth annualiy for five yehr*. so ad to have one-Ralf the land undercultlvatiou at’tbe end'of that tiue. C( Competent surveyors will accompany those who wish to examine these Lands, free of Charge, : and aid them in .making feelcotiocs. ' i ' The Lands remaining unsold ate as rich and valoible as those which have been disposed of. • f ' 1 ! 1 BKCTIONAL MAPS ■ J . .Will be sent to any one Who will ebolose fifty 'cents in postage stamps, aud book* or pamphlets containing uu metous instances of saccefeafnlfarining, signed by re spectacle and well known farmers living in the neigh borhood of the llailroad Lands, throughout the Btato— also the oust of. fenciug, price of cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, etc.,--or an/ ether information— will ho oheerfullygivenonapplicatloDj either personally or by letter, in English: Fronoh, or' German, addressed to < ' JOHN WILSON. 7 , a Land Commissioner of the Illinois Central R. B. Co. ■Office in Illinois Central B&ilroad Depot, Chicago,’ll linois. , anl T OOAL FREIGHT KOT 10 E—T fl E MU PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive and forward FREIGHT between Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Columbia, at the following rates per hundred pounds j ’• 1 , BETWEEN PUILA. AND COLUMBIA. First (Hass. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class, , 22 eta. - 18 eta. Ificts. • 14 eta. Flour, ■ 18 eta; per barrel. Pig metal, 10 eta. per 100 pounds. BETWEEN PIIILA. AND LANCASTER, f First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class. 20 cts. 17 ct*. 15 eta: IScts; Flour, , 1 26 cts. per barrel. 1 Pig Metal, lOots. per 100 pounds. ARTIOLEB OF FIRST OLA£S. Books, Fresh Fish, 1 .Boots and Shoes, 'Nuts In lings, Cedar aud Wooden Ware, Porter and Ale In bottlos, Dry Goods, . Poultry in coops, Eggs. Pork, (fresh,) Furniture, Poultry, (dressed,) Feathers, .Wrapping Paper. < ARTIOLEB OF 2Q CLASS. Apples, , , Molasses,' •Choose, Melons, . Clover and Grass Seed, Oils In casks or barrels, , Crockery, Paper in boxes, Caudles, Pasteboard, , Cask# or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (driod.) Groceries/ 1 _ * r V Printing Paper, ' Guns and Rifle's, ' Paper Hangings, Herring In boxes and kegs, Quoensware, Hardware, ‘ Sweet Potatoes, Hops, t Tobacco in bales. Iron, hoop, band, or sheet, Tea, Leather, , Type, Liquor in wood, Tallow, Marble Slabs and Marble Turpentine, (spts.‘) Monuments, Varnish. ARTICLES OF 3d CLASS. Alcohol, Potatoes, Coffee, Turnips, Hides, (green,) , Vinegar, ! ’Lard’, White Lead, Oysters A Clams. (Inshell) Window Glass, 1 Tobacco, (manufactured.) ARTICLES OF 4th CLASS. Codfish, Rosin’, Cotton, gait, Fish, salted, Tobacco, (leaf,) Grain or all kinds, Tin, Nails and Spikos, Tar, Fitch, Whiskey, Plaster. . lE/* For further Information apply to E. J: BNKKDBR, Freight Agent, Phlla. E; K. BOICE, Freight Agent, Columbia. au!3] W. H. MYERS, Freight Agent, Lancaster. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GAS CONSUMING FURNACE. CMLBOWB NEW CONEFURNACE, after having been put to the moßt severe test, during the two COLD wintsbs or 18W ahd 1867, has proved to be the most powerful heater in the world, tavinig from Jf to X the fuel over any of the best furnaces how in use. TOBBB Fobxiobs are constructed with a cast iron ash pH. and a* broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with flre-briok or Iron staves. The fire pot Is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, or TAPEMNG RADIATORS, large and broad at their Vase, hat tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with She anuiar chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the flue. Thb wholr products of combustion In the form of smoke and'casks, are suspended directly qrer the fire, oorpikbd or compressed Into the tapering Ooshs aud OONTiNUALbt kxposbd to the dlreot action of theriys of heat and light from tho Are. This heat and light Is brought to • roous in RiOH Comb, not unlike the ' COLLECTION OF THE BUN’S RATS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the bkokb asp Gibbs to become intensely heated ana tho roughly coKsuuiD, by this operation the buokk and QABBB are wads atailablr with tho tukl ITBBJ.V for heating purposes, while, in other furnaces, It is OABBIBD OFF ASP WABTBD IS THB QDtMNKY. All persons dosiroo* of obtaining the best aad MOBT ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fall to examine the Nbw Gas Cohsdriso Oosr Fursaos. before purchasing any other. The at teotlon of architects and builders Is particularly re quested. ARNOLD A WILSON, 1 (Successors to 8. A. Harrison.) • No.'fiM WALNUT Btreet, sul-tf , Opposite Independence Square. Homestead for $2,001. land dis- TBIBOTION i! OIIANOK FOB POOR MBN!! The Northwestern Mutual Land Benefit Association will make a grand distribution of $30,000 worth of real estate and maps to its members. The number of mem* bera Is limited to 10,000. $2,00 and five letter stamps per membership, or a share. Any individual sending $lO and the stamps, shall be entitled to six shares; or any person seudingslowith six names, with t headdress of each, carefully written, shall be entitled to six shares. The distribution wiU be made in Chicago, Bept. 23th, 1807. ' ’ The following Is the real estate to be distributed : No. 1. An improved farm cf 80 acres in Cooke Co., Illinois,, alued at $3,000 No. 2. An Improved fartn of 100 acres in White* , > sides 00., Illinois, valued at 8,000 No. B.* An improved farm of 160acr4s In White* sides 00., Illinois, valued at 1 3,000 N 0,4. ‘ Ah excellent private residence In Dubuque, lowa, valued at 3.000 No. ft. 160 acres superior farm land in O'ttke 00., Illinois, valued at '2,000 No. O, 100 acres well pine timbered in Waup&cca ’ 00., Wisconsinj Valued at 2,000 No. 7. A good lot and cottage residence in Cbl* cage, Illinois, valued at 2,000 No/8. 160 acros superior land in Whitesides Co., Illinois, valued at • , 1.000 No. 9. 100 acres good land in Chippoway Co., . . 'Wisconsin, valued at ' ,'OOO No. 10. 100 acres good land In Oblppetray Co., Wisconsin, valued at 900 No. 11. 160 acres good land in CblpMwiyOo., Wisconsin, valued at ■ ■ ’ *- * 800 No. 32, 100 acres good land in Dunn Co., Wis*. cousin, valued at 800 No, 18. 80 acres good land In Marshall Co., lowa, valued at " 600 No. 14. 80 acres good land in Marshall Co.,lowa, • valued at , 600 No. 15. 80 acres good land In Marshall Co., lowa, valued at ‘ 1 600 No. 10. 40 acres good land in Marshall Op., lowa, valiied at 800 No. 17. 40 acres good land In Linn Co., lowa, val* , ued at 800 No. 18. 40 acres good land in Linn Co., lowa, val* ued at 'BOO "No, 19. 40 acres good land in Lion Co., lorra, val ued at 800 No. 20. One building lot la Dubuque, lowa, val* • ued at ’ ' ’ , 800 No. 21. One 1 building lot In Sterling, Qllnoli, valued at 1 ' fIOO No. 22. One building! lot In Sterling, Illinois, . * valued at 800 No. 23. One building lot in Sterling, Illinois, ' valued at ; 800 No. 24. 40 acres farm land !u QranV Co., Wlscon* - Bln, Valued at ' .800 N 0.25. 40 acres farmland In Ors.nt Co., Wiscon sin,valued at 800 No. 20. 40 acres land In Grant Co , Wisconsin, valued at 240 No. 27.' 40 acres land In Grant Co,, Wisconsin, valued at 240 No. 28. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, ' Valued at 1 ’ 200 No. 20. 40acresland in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, valued at •' 200 No. 30. 40 acres laud in Crawford 00., Wisconsin, valued at 200 N0.33.' 40 acres land in Monroe Co., Wiso^nsin, • valued at 200 No. 92. 40 acres land in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, • valued at 200 No. 33. 40 acres land in Jackson Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 34. 40 acres land In Jackson Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 35. 40 acroß land In Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 160 No. 30. 40 acres land lu Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 100 No. 87 . 40 acres land in Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin. valued at ‘ 160 No. 88. One lot in Pulton, Illinois, valued at 360 No. 39. One lot in Pulton, Illinois, valued at 100 No. 40. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at '3OO The distribution will ho conducted fairly and honor ably.l The names and address of stockholders shall he written on as many small cords as they have shares, and the whole placed in a box, and Ibe first name taken out shall bo entitled to the Improved farm No. 1, in the above list, and the next taken out will be entitled to No. 2, and bo on until the 44 items of real estate are all distributed, Then to each of the remaining 14.000 stockholders will bo scot a cheap inun of a Western State or Territory. A. full account of tue distribution forwarded in a printed circular, to oach member of the Association, with the names and address of such as may receive the real citato—to whom also the deeds .will be sont and immediate possession given. Each ap plication tnust be accompanied with $2.00 and five letter stamps. Address LINDELL. JONES <fc 00., . i au-38 . Chicago, Illinois. LUMBER! LUMBER! I—The Hubscriber, who has for several years occupied the premises at Sloan’e Planing Mill,' Kensington, has removed to COATES 1 STREET * WHAItV, adjoining the Phconlx Planing Mill, ,pn Delaware avenue', where he intends kcepidg a'Urge assortment of Carolina and other lioor ingboajfdS, Steps, risers:Shelving, ceiling, fencing and Bca/Told boards, tborohgnlr seasoned una welt worked. 1 For able at the lowest co»U prices. Purchasers’are irf- Vited to call And examine f6r themselves, and every ef fort will bo mado to give satisfaction. Orders received aud supplied at the Übbrtest; taotice for; ail kinds and , aisc* of Southern yellow Pins. Timber and Bcahtljug. ’ ,, t vl . f.,* , .8. S> RlOHjfi. U.SSiA .ANJ) AMERICAN TARRED OOBOAOR.—Vmiperiof ,Article, WAooWtuto *bdMr»»lo(iy WEAVER, PIW.RB & 00.,; »dB-tt No. 83 K, Water at., ft »N. jhAtyei BALK ROPE.—Buyers aro invited to call and examine our Manila Bale Hope, which w» can can sell m low as American rand warrant it superior iu -. Ko.e3 WhirTei). jnoWok~loo bafoa Gulf Cotton, In istdre Vf khd ferrule by - : ■ 1 ' ; ' • VI MARTIN A MJOAUBT*R, i Aul in H«lfc W»t«r BUM*. _ injge ifo'nba. •FIVE P.ER CENT. IN «xiONAIj BAFKTY TRUST OOM- ,.—WAI,NBT BTRKBT.' SOUTH. WK3TCORNER Of TIIIHD, Philadelphia. INOUBPORATHD BT TH» BTATH Ot PbHNBYI. VASIA. Money is in any sum, largo or small, ami in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office U open every day from 9 o’clock in tho morning till 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o’ch>ck. ' AH Bums, large or small, are paid back in gold on de mand, without notlco, to any amount. UON. UfiNBY L. BENNER. President. ' EODERT BKLPIUDQB, .Vice President. , WM. J. lUio, Secretary. , B1KKOTOBS: lien f H.enry l. Banner, 0, L&ndroth Manns, Edward L. Carter, J, Carroll Brewster, Bobert Selfrldge, Joseph B. Barry, Baml.'K.' Alhtou, Henry L. Churchman, Janies JJ. Smith, Francis Leo. /This Company confines its business entirely to the 'receiving of money on interest. The investments, amounting to over ONB MULION t ANp A HALF OF DOLLARS, are ifaade, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, In, HEAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and'fmcli first class securities as will always iu suyd perfect security to 'the depositor#, eud which can not nil to glye permanency and stability to this Insti tution.,, , .. , aul-ly SIX PENNY SAVINGS F0N1), Corner'of MdWALNUT Btrcets. Opou daily, from 9 to 8, Mia ob Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until 8 o’clock. Large or Small sums received, and paid with out notice, with PIVE PEK CENT. INTEREST, by check or otherwise, ' JOTIN TIIOMBON, Pres’t. 1 TIOX PRBaiPKNTS, Tim T,TASKER, EDWIN M, LEWIS. SICBETAftT ASD TBRABCBBR. . "wm. i. kuieut. ’ TKCSTSKS. Wm. 0. Ludwig, L. 0. Levy. Charles K. Lex, A. Mlskey, Israel W. Morris, Jr., Win. Neat. Thoa. Neilson, Thornim S. Heed, M.D. James Russell, Tiies. P. Bparjiawk,, Oscar Thompson, Peter Williamson, Isaacs. Waterman, Charles T. Yerkea. John B, Atutlo, Jolfu E. Addlcka, .' Salomon Alter, It. W. Baldwin, WtlUaiq Clark, Ephraim dark, Jr., Cftarltis 8. Garataira, Robert Olark, A.'J. Drexel. .Oharlea DaUlh, Wro. B. Power, Benjamin Gerhard, John Jordau, Jr., RewliLewJe, Jr., \ aql-pm ' JVO. 1 83 (241) DOCK STREET—FIVE 11 PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NOr 83 (241) DOCK STREET, FIVE PER Ot!NT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. IVO. 88'(241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE ll PER CENT, STATE BAVINUS FUND. NO. 88’(241) DOCK STREET. —FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND, aul-lj iStaeijiturjj anb Iron. SAkOIL T. MIHBIOK. J. TACOHAH HBBBIOK. WILLIAM H. MSRBtOK. CJOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, ~. . . PHILADULPEU. MERBIOK & SONS,* ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, tnanufactnre High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Lb"nd f River, and Marine servico. ■ Rollers, Gasometers,’Tanks,'lron Boats, &c., Cast ings of ail kinds, either Iron or Brass.' Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &c. 1 ’ Retorts And Gas Machinery of the latest and moat Improved construction. 1 ■' Every description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw. and Grist Mills, Vaonum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters. 1 Pumping Engines, See. Solo Agents for N, Rillloux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Ross' Patent Yam Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B.H; BARTOL •QIGHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO XV TITK STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, - BSTXKTXSHTH BTKBET, HAMILTON, FAIB VIE WAND SPRING GARDEN STREETS, . PHILADELPHIA. Engaged exclusively in the manufacture of , Locomotive steam engines. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Coke, or Bituminous Cool in its crude state, or ANTHRACITE COAL, WITHOUT KNITTING SMOKE, OIS OB TIRE. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works aro equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used In construction are inado on the spot, and insure the best quality and most reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Com plete Equipment of Machinery and Tools } enable them to execute the BEST OF WORK WITH GREAT DESPATCH, ' or ANT ARRANGEMENT REQUIRED. CHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED AXLES, With Forgiogs of auy size or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHINE WORK generally. RICHARD NORRIS. HENRY LATIMSR NORBlfl. aul-ly PENN STEAK ENGINE AND BOIL ER WORKB. HEANEY, NEAPIE & CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILBR-MAKERB, DLAGK ( SMITHS AND FOUNDERS. Having for many years boen In successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engjnotf, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, propellers, Ac., 40., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being rally prepared to contract for Engines of all sices, Marine, itir&r, aud Stationary. Having sets of patterns of different sizes, Are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and-Low Pressure, Vine, Tabu lar and Cylinder Boilers, ot the boat Pennsylvania char coal iron.- Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron aud Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Catting, aud all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pain of boats, where they can lav in perfect safety, aud aro provided with shears, blocks, falls, &0., &0., for raising heavy or lightweights. THOMAS RKANKY, JACOB G. NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY, aul-y BEACH Aid PALMER Streets, Kensington. Handy & morris— MANUFACTURERS OF CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR GAS, STEAM OR WATER. ALSO, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION MERCHTS. Warehouse 8. K. oorner FRONT and WALNUT, anl-Sin itlebicmeo. TVINETEENTH CENTUHY!—THE AV GREAT REMEDY OP THE NINETEENTH CENTURY IS THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. Tills is now the great standard remedy for diseases of the Blood , Stomach and Liver. If yon have a Canrerous or Scrofulous auction, at one© use tho Imperial Depurative. Tetter.— Are you troubled with this obstinate and un- Eleasant disease? Use the Imperial Depurative. Try ut one bottle. •Have yon Whito Swelling, Hip Diseaso. or Glandular Swellings! The Imperial Depurative will effect a core. Try it. For Pimples, Blotches and Eruptions of the Skin gene rally, you nave a prompt and certain remedy in the Jm final Dtpvraliv*. One bottle will satisfy you of Its efficacy. Use the Imperial Depvrative, if yon would have a clear, healthful, and beautiful complexion. Use the Imperial Depurative tor a diseased state of the Liter or Stoinash. For female* of a weak and debilitated habit and shat tered nerves, the Imperial Depurative is just what is required to re-invlgortte tho framo and restore tho ner vous Bystem to a healthy state. ' , We know tho full value of this great remedy, as we are using it every day in au extensive practice, and see its great curative powers manifested In numerous coses. We Know It has no equal in this country. The oareful preparation, great purity and strength of the Imperial Depurative renders largo doses or long continued use or it unnecessary. ' It acts directly upon the diseased part, and it Is not necessary to wait months to discover tho benefits to bo gaiqod. ‘ ‘ If yon wish to purify aud enricA tho Blood , and pre vent disease, as well as cure it at this season of the year, use one or two bottles of the Depurative, and we will guarantee its beneficial effects. Prepared by Dr, LOUNSRKRRY & CO., and for sale' at the Principal Office, No. W North Fifth street, three doors below Arch, where patients may consult Dr. L. dally, free of charge. The Imperial Depurative is the great remedy of the nineteenth century. ' aul-tf HELMBOLD’S genuine prepara- TI ON, Extract Buchu, for all Diseases of the Blad der. Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers. HELMBOLD* GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buchu, removes all the symptfias, among which will be found Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Broathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Woak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Gold Feet, Wakcfulnessf Dimness of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often enor mous Appetite or Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands. Flushings of the Body, JJrynosJ of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Eruptions on tho Fine, Pains In the Back, Ue&viAess ot the Eye Lids, frequently Black Bpots Hying before the Eyes, with temporary Suffusion. Loss of Bight. If these symptous are allowed to go on, which thU 'me dicine Invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and Kpi leptio Fits. IF. YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY of the abovo distressing ailments, uso lIKLM BOLD’B PREPARATIONS. Try them, aud bo convinced of their efficacy. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARA RATION, Extract Buchu, ‘ i G ive ho<h and vigor to the frame, And bloom to tho pallid cheek !” And are so pleasant in their taste, that patients be come fond of them i ■ TELMBOLD 18 GENUINE PREFARA XX TION, Extract Buchu—43eo overwhelming eviden ces which will be produced to show that they do great good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for the inspection of all. tTELMBOLD’a GENUINE FREPARA XX TION, Extraet Ilucbu.—Prico $1 per Bottle, de livered to any adilrcii, • Depot, 02 South TENTH street, Assembly iluildiog, below CHESTNUT street, Philadel phia. Address letters, H. T. HELMBOLD, 02 South TENTH street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia Sold by Drugglsts nud Dealers everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. au7-Um* iioolo nub Sljocs, NO. 442, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MARKET and FIFTH Streets. Gentlemen’s Best Patent Leather Gaiter Boots. «« *» Calf do. do. »i << patent Leather Oxford Ties. it “ Calf ■ do. do. << « patent Leather and Calf narrow strap Shoes. . Boys’ ana Youths’ Patent Leather and Calf Skin (Salter Boots and Shoes anl-tf for sale by Fall stock of boots and shoes. -JOSEPH If. THOMPSON ACO., No, 314 MAR. KKT Street, and Nos. 3 end & FRANKLIN PLACE, have now in store a large and well.assorted stock of HOOTS and SIIOKS, of Gity'nnd Eastern manufacture, which they offer for &alo on the best term* for Cash, or bn tlio usual credit. Buyers are Invited'to eall and examine their stock, aul-dtf P.‘ 1 CALDWELL—Wholesale V/ and Retail WHIP And CANE Manufacturer, No. 4 North FOURTH Street,, *u 4 TJILOORINQ BOARDS—23,6BO foot Caro A. line flooring boards, ailoat, for sale by ' ’ fcd»TIN A MAOALISTER3 aol , ' 110 North Water Street. |~«OAOHj ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of K.W UBSHKR3, No.HW (1at043) South EIGHTH, below OUwtnut utrcdt, has become a Bavins of 60, per cent,, to our BOUTHERN AND WESTER* .MRJIOHANTS; and also the Mbteniitte* of having their ‘old Carriage Lamp* .ifow nil tfer« topped and’ bottomed, and B»nt by plprega to all parte., . ' aul2 : ly r^OTTON—2OO bales gopd Middling to Mid- V I MX X North Wer Bttaet. 3twttitonte Companies.' ' ptfmuwE jnsHancecomplSt.- 11 OFFIOK 414 WALNUT St., Franklin UulldlnCT. ...V,*™* AKD UAKINB T'FHUHAWF.' CAPITAL *lOO,OOO, WITH PM VILWMS to INCKBASB ' TO WoioOO. \T 8 DOIT organ tod, and prepared to make an Kinds or Insurance against loss or damage by Fire and Marine Perils, at curront rates.' „ „ . OFFICERS H. 0. LAUGUIiIN, President n Vn . Vice President GKO. BCOIT, Secrotarr. _ DIBKOXOKS. ;• ' Qj-orgo Mini ter, B. Bhinrood, W, o. Stote.bmy, Wm Ortproe, R. M . Cirliln, 0. 0. Hutter, ' l-v. Bhewoll, Oeo.Buott. r»ulO-i H°suiUNniw?>l KE ANI) MAIUNK in- I TN N m¥T??? II ‘ ANy 0V PHILADELPHIA. FRANKLIN IIUILDiMia No &I WALNUT STREET. AUTHORISED CAPITAL, $600,000 ' Inmted an follow. * UUNT B “ Ba,; “' BKU -> P "> «>» m stoou worth ::::::: Cohli-oq hand...* • rT too Amount Nocured bjrStock notes. * -la/inon Amount of Stock due on call *)) J ot 710 ' «600 000 Thto Company effect* insurance* on Building* Vicr chaudtse, Herniture, Lumber, Ac.; on Vessels, Oaree aml’FrelgtfT, td nil ports, and by ltallrood, Lakes, and Hirers, at the lottost rates, and upon the moat liberal guarantying Prompt Payment ou the adjustment of losses. , - 10*Perpetual Insurance made upon the usual terms. DIIUSOTOII3. ' -■ ' P. M. Potto. 0. B. Spangler, Abr’m. Rex, Wm, H. >Vooda, tleorge Howell, J. Edgar Thomson, V. U. Sower, Johu W. Sexton, Herman Haupt, ’ Nathan K. Potts, . PEIUJIVATj m. V 0. K. SPANGLRU, \icc l*rei Augltf-ly It. T.KENf T HUE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE ~ COMPANY, Office No. 408 (lato, #J) WALNUT St. Capital and Surplus, $260,000. Thin Company continues to make Insurance against iosaoe damage by Fire and the Perils of the Sea, Inland ■Navigation oud Transportation, at current rates •: ' ' OFFICERS. Presldent-OHO. H. UART Vice President-rE. P. ROSS. Secretary and. Treasurer—ll. R. COQQSHALIi. Assistant Secretary—#. 11. BUTLKB DIRECTORS. Georg# n. Hart, E. P. Robs, A.O.Oattell, Joseph Edwards, Johu G. Dale, llou. Henry M. Fuller, Fosterß. Perkitu, John H. Chambers, anB-ly , ■ . PHILADELPHIA-FIRE AND LIFE IN JT BURANOE COMPANY, incorporated' by the State of Pennsylvania in 1848, are now established in their NEW OFFJOE, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, vherd they are propared to make ALL KINDS OP INSURANCE, from LOSS BY FIRE, on property of overy description. In Town or Country, including PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, A*. Also, MERCHANDIZE or all kinds: STOCKS OF GOODS, Btocks of COUNTRY STOREB, Godda on STORAGE or In BOND, STOCKS and TOOLB of ‘AR TIFICERS and MECHANICS; FURNITURE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., at moderate rates of premium, and for any period of time. 1 This Company refer to their past career as an ample Eiiarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their OSSES. There are at this time no unsettled claims against them. ROBERT P. KING, Pres’t. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Pres’L Ffusoiß Blaosbqrms, Beo’y. aul-Sm Life insurance and trust com- PANY.—Tho PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, $032,726 03. - , INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and chases Ufo on Interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They, act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees and Guardians. . MONEY BKOEIVKD ON DEPOSIT in any aroount- VUe Per Cent. Interest allowed from date of deposit, parable back on demand without notice. ' ASSETS OP TUB COMPANY, January Lit, 1857. Loans of the State of, Pennsylvania, Phila delphia City, Penn’a Bailroad. Camden and Amboy Bailroad; and other Loans $179,885 88 Bonds, Mortgages and float Estate 117,137 19 Stocks in Banks, Insurance, Oas and Bail road Companies. Preminm Notes and Loans on Collaterals. Cash in Dank, tine from Agents, Inter* oit, 4c., &8,750 47 GuaranteeCapital,Sotooriptioa M0te5,,,,,, 100,000 00 , $711,226 03 DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Pres’t. JoiTH W. llornob. Secretary. aul-ly Arctic fire insurance compa ny, NKW YORK.—Office, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital. $250*000, wUh a surplus. This Company Insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Loss or Damage by Fire and the Risks of luland Navigation. ' Henry Grlnnell, Caleb Barstow, Henry 0. Brewer, Edmund Peufohl, Hanson K. Corning, Ogden Haggerty, Thomas Monagaa, John 11. Earle, Albert Ward, Charles Easton, Louis Lorut. Samuel (1. (Hidden, Steph. Cambreleng, Thomas Scott, John Ward, Ileury K. Bogert, Veter Edei, Benjamin U. Field, A. R. Frothlngham, Thea. F. Youngs, Samnel L. ALBERT WARD, President. RtonAHP A. Oaklht, Secretary. au 10-ly UfANUFACTURERS* INSURANCE IfX COMPANY.—Charter Perpetual. Granted, by the Btate of Pennsylvania. Capital, $500,000. Yire, Marine, and Inland Transportation. DISKOTOKB. ' Aaron 8. Lippincott, Charles Wise, Win. A. Rhodes,. Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Field, James P. Bmjth, Wm. D. Thomas, J. Riualdo Sank, Wra. Neal, John l*. Simons, AARON S. LIPPINCOTT, Presldint. WM A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTIKN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a cash capital, and the Directors hare determined to adapt the business to its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct* lug Its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of joshes. Office No. 10 Merchants’ Exchange, Philadelphia, aul-dly The meucanth RANGE COUP ANY 0) No. 222 WALNUT Btwet, oj JUNE RISKS ou Vessels, C LAND TRANSPORTATIOI Canals. Boats, aitd other cat ALL TUE PROFITS di vlt Bared, and ample security iu JTOBB. Edward JlarrU Miles, Thomas T. Batcher, John M. Odenbeimer, Algernon E. Aahburner, Mahlon Williamson, Alfred Fassitt, ' Saumol J. Sharpies*, Thomaa 8. Foster, Isaac Jeanes, . Gustavus English,, Henry Proant,, ' James 11, Stroup, Edward G. James, ' Alfred Blade, William L. Springs, Ai G. Gat tell, Franklin 0. Jones, Qb&rlea B. Oarstaln, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Samuel Robinson, William Taylor, John'O. Keller, James Murphy! John P. Steiner, ’ Wm, F. Smith, ' Henry Grarabo, A.J.Antelo, Wm. J Caner, Samuel L. Creataborg. EDWARD HARRIS MILES, President. ALFRED FASSITT, Vice President. Jtmn 0. Karma, Secretory. aul-ly and MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY or HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital $3OOOO. Lowea La Philadelphia and vicinity adjusted at the Philadelphia OJfita. By leavo wo refer to D. B. Drawn ft Co., Phila, 1 Hon. Joel Jones, Phlla. Chaffees, Stout ft Co., u j Hon. ltofus Choate, Boston Hacker, Lea ft Co.. “ (Hon.T.B. Williams, Hart’d We have facilities for placing any amount of Insu rance in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY,'No. 418 (old Ho. 146) CHEBTNUT ST. THOMPSON ft ROOD, Agents. COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF Tllh STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA.—Office, N,W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets., Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, 1500.000. Paid-up Capital. ¥‘200.000. ' DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Prea’t. Samuil 8. Moom Secretary. f . < aul-ly Commission Ulcrriiattts. Handy & brenner—commission MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame cIean.HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25'and 27 North FIFTH Street, East side, above Commerce street, Philadelphia. ' ■ anl-tf CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA SEGAR3, (New) 138 Walnut street, second story. aul-ly CARD. —TIIK SUBSCRIBERS RESPECT FULLY Inform their friends and the trade gener ally that they have made arrangements for one of their Duyors louring monthly fur the Freuch aud German Markets. From many years’ experience, the permanent resi dence in Paris or two of tho firm, and an abundant capital, they can offer unusual faeUttlon for TIIK PUR CHASE ON COMMISSION in any of the European markets for shipment direct. Tlioy are also prepared to receive orders from samples tor Flowers and Feathers from their extensive and well kunwn manufactories in Paris, to be shipped direct, eithor under bond or duly paid. HENDERSON, oMYTII & CO..lmporters, aulOdhn# No. 200 Droadv&y. PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY JL N. W. Cor. THIRD and CIIKBNUTSts. L. PELOUZK &‘BON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their now SPECIMEN DOOK Is now ready, and from their increased facilities, aro now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing'Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience In the business, and-the fact of their persoual superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that tboy can furnish a more durable aud better fin ished article than their cotemporariea. • Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. Old typo taken at 0 cant* per pound, In exchange for new at specimen prices. «ul*tf T~ inTADAM S^XPHESS^CO., OFFICE, 320 CUKStNtfT BtIiEKT. forwards PARCELS. PACKAGES. MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own LINKS, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNB and OITUSfI of the Uuited States. E. 8. BANDFORB. General Superintendent. GEO. W. TAYLOR. ABRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE xX. BlnXius ami Knibossed Printing, Envelope and Seal Press Manufactory. 37 Strawberry Street, between gocimd and Third, and Market and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, I»a. ; S~IfAK'PT , S MEN’S -AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, J 43 North FOURTH Street, between Arch and Race., ' anft»ly SARDINES.— 100 cases ol\6o half boxes each. In store and for sale by * HNNRY BOHLRN k CO., at, 6 Nos. 221 *ud 223 S. Poarth street OTEL AND SUMMER RANGES^ Sold bj OUADWIOK & 880., m N, SECOND St. RuglB-3mos, *' MOSS— IT bales Carolina Moss, lor saio by illAJll'lH'* MAOALIBTKR, U9-Worth Water Street. WELCOME RANGE.— SoId by,’OHAD •WIOK X PRO, m N, SECOND St. aul9-3ra, Wm. y. Leech, R. T. Recall, U. It. lloilstOß, 1 Jos. R. Wlthew, Abr’m. P; Eyre, ' W. Ralgael, •' Charles F. Norton, J«bu 11. Letrars, James E. Stiles, i H. N. burroughs, 'OTTB, President, ea’t., W. 11. WOODS, Sec.. I9IL, Treasurer. 15. W. Bailey, Charles O. ImUy, Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., J. L. Pomeroy, , Andrew It. Chambers, U. K. Coggahail, Samuel Jonog, M. D., A< F. Cheesbrough. 81,729 98 193,892 01 DIRECTORS. ' Joshua li. Pope, 1 Rufus R. (Irares, ■ Henry Davis, O.U.Lillenthal, Thoo. Polhemus, jr. Elisha R. Morgan. Aba. R. Tad Nest, William A. Cary, Thomas 8. Nelson, James W. Phillips, Charles A: Macy, EdirardHincken, Win. R. BbeparJ, Charles L. Frost, •liCthropL. Btorgei, Wiiliara It. Fomlick, Ktuery Thayer, fleo. WoatfehU, Zalrnoa Taylor, Heury K. Blossom. Mitchell, LE MUTUAL INSU )P PHILADELPHIA.—Office jppoaito the Exchange. MA* Uargoea, and Freights. IN'- )N UISKg, per lUkilreade, irrlages. idod annually among the Ax • cases of loss. "AfSOLUTION PROPOSING AMEND- J.l* MKNTB TO THE 00NBT1TUIQN OP TUB COM monwealth. ? Risblvtd $y iht Btnais and Jfouie of Representa tives o/ the (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania™ Gen eral '4sstifibly nut .* That the following amendments are proposed to the Constitutwn of the’ Coinmonwalth. in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof. FIBS? IMBNDMBKT There shall be an additional artlcie to said Constltu loa to be designated aa article eleveu, as follows: ASTIOLK XI. OP PUBLIC DEBTS. fijtcrios 1. The State may contract debts, to supply casual deficit or fallarcs in revenues, or to meet expen ses not otherwise provided for; bat the aggregate amount of such, debts direct and contingent, whether 'contracted by virtue of one or more aeta pf the general assaml)]}*, or at different periods of time,shall never ex ceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the mouey arising from the creation of sueh debts, shall be applied to the purpose for wbich lt was obtained, or to repay th&debts so eoUtracted,and to no> other purpose whatever. Sections. In addition to the *ibov» limited power, the State may contract debts to'repel Invasion,'suppress Insurrection, defend thy State in war, or to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness of the Stater bat the money arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the jiurposd for which it was raised, or to 'repay such dwbta, and to no other purpose whatever. Section 3. Except thfc debts above specified, in sec tions one and two or this article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or ou behalf of the State. SEOTtdS 4. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first session, after the adop tion of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the aeeruing interest cm such d«*bt, and annnalty to reduce the principal thereof by a turn not leas than two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars ; which sinking fund shall Consist of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the State, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or , thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the State, together with other funds, or resources, that mar be designated by law. The said sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by as signing t* It any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the Btate, not required for the ordinary and current ex peoses of government, and unless in case of war, inva sion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund shall be need or applied otherwise thau in extinguish ment of the public debt, until the amount of such debt Is reduced below the sum of five millions of dollar*. Scbtio* 5. The credit of the Conißiiuwealth shall not in any manner, or evont, be pledged, or loaned to. suy individual, company, corporation,’or association; nor shall the Gommouwealth hereafter become ajointowner, or stockholder,' in any company, association, or cor poration. ' SsorioxO. The Commonwealth shall not assume the debt, or any part thereof, of any countv, city, borough, or township; or of any corporation, or'association; un less such debt shall hare been contracted to enable the State to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend Itself in time' of war, or to assist the State in the discharge of any portion of Its present Indebtedness. Bbctioh 7. The Legislature shall not authorise any county, city, borough, township, or incorpooated dis trict, by virtue of a vote of its ciluens, or otherwise, to ha come a stockholder in any company-, association or corporation ; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, institutk* or party. 6KOOSD IMSNDMIN7. There shall be an additional article to said Constitu tion, to bo designated as article XII., as follows: mitu xit. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided by a Hue cutting off over one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new comity or otherwlso,) without the express assent of such county, by & vote of the electors thereof; cor •halt any now county be established, containing less than four hundred square stiles. THIRD AHXMDHSNT. from section ttfo of the first article of the Constitu tion strike out the words, “o/Ms effy of Philadelphia, ami of each county respectively;” from section fire, same article, -strike out the words, u qf Philadelphia and of the several counties;” from section seven, same article, strike out the words, “neither the city of Phi ladelphia nor any,” and insert In lieu thereof the wonts, “undue;” and strike out “section four, same article, ” and in lieu thereof Insert the following: “Ssctios4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, atod in every seventh year thereafter, re presentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be apportioned and distributed equally, throughout the State, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxa ble inhabitants in the several Darts thereof; except that any county containing at least three thousand five hundred taxable*, may be allowed a separate represen tation ; but no more than three oountie* shall be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any dtr containing a sufficient number of taxable* to entitle it to at'leasi two representatives, shall haft a separate representation assigned It, ana shall be divided into convenient district* of contiguous territory, of equal taxable population as near as may be, each of which districta shul elect one representative.’ l . At the end of section seVen, same article, insert these words, “ the city of Philadelphia shall be divided into single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as nearly equal in taxable population as possible , but no ward shall bo divided in the formation thereof ” The legislature, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the eity of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative district*, in the man ner above provided; inch districts to remain unchanged until the apportionment in the year one thousand eight hundred aud sixty-four. fourth urtxDjmr*. There shall be an additional section to the first article of skid Oonstitutloh, which ahall be numbered and read aa follows: Bsotjon2o. The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of Incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law. whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to the citisensof the Commonwealth; in such manner, however, that no injustice shall he done to the corpora tors. In Bnarx r March 29.1867. Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 24, nays 7; ou the second amendment, yeas 23, nays 8: on the third amendment, yeas 24, nays 4; on the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. [Extract from the Journal.] GKO. W. HAMEBSLY, Clerk. Ix TBS nous* Of &RPRBSIXTATITSS, April 28,1857. Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 78, nay* 12; os the second amendment, yeas 57, nays 34: on the third amendment, yes* 72, nays 23; cn the fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays 7. [Extract from the Journal.} JACOB ZIEGLER, Clerk. Filed in Secretary’s office, May 2,1557. A. Q. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Sicamar’a Omen, Usaaisanao, Juua 22,1857. Prnßjyirantfl ss: I aa certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of tho original l ‘ Resolution proposing amend ments to the Coustitution'of the Commonwealth,” with the vote In each branch ef the Legislature upon the final passage thereof, as appears from the originals on file iu this office. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my [LB.] hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Secretary’s Office, the day and year aboTO written. A. G. CURTIK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Is SMAvs, March 2T, 1857. The rewlutien proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On tbo question, * Will the Senate agree to the Ant amendment? The yeas and naye were taken agreeably to the pro* visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vii: ' Ybas—Messrs. Brewer, Browne. Coffey, 151 y, Krann, Fetter, Fleunlken, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan, Kiltlngor, Knox. Laubach, Lewis. Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shu* man, Steele, Straub, We lab, Wilkins, Wright and Tag gart, Speaker— 24. Nat»—‘Messrs. Crabb, Greaswell, Finney, Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Souther—7. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vis: Ykas—Messrs. Brewer. Browne, Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Fetter, Finney, Flenuiken, Ingram, Jordan, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker— 23. Nays—Messrs. Coffey. Crabb, Frazer, Gregg, Harris, Killluger, Penrose and Scofield—B. Bo the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz: Yais—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabb, Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Flennlken, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan, KiUinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis. Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuinau, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wlikius, and Wright —24. Nats—Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vis; Ykas—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Flennlken, Frazer, Ingram, KUlinger. Knox, Laubadc,Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers. Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright—23. Nats—Messrs. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and Penrose 4 So the question was determined in the affirmative. I* TBIUODSB OPRIPBKSISTiTITKS,) April 29.1857. $ The'resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration. On th« question, 1 Will the House agree to the first amendment ? ' The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were aa follow, vis: ' Ysia—’Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell. Chase, Clearer, Crawford, Dickey, Knt, Eyxter, Fausold, Foster, Glbbonuy, Glides, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Uiestsnd, 11111, llillegas, noffman, (Berks.) Imbrlo, Innes, Jacobs, .lenkind, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight, Lei senring, Longaker, Lovett, Manear. Maugle, M’Calmout, M’Uvain, Moorhead, Momma, Mustelman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nuneraacljer, Pearson, Peters, Petriken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelqhia.) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed. Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith. (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Bterensou, Tolan, Vail, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley,Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, WlUlston, Wltherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Gets,' Speaker—l 9. Nats—Messrs. Backus, Benson, Dock. Hamilton, Han cock,Bine, Hoffman, (Lebanon,)Lebo,Strothers,Thorn. Warner Wlntrode—l2. * * Bo the question Was determined iu the affirmative. On the question. Will the House agree to the second amendment T The yeas and cays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, aud were as follows, vis: Yeas —Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Ent, Fausold, Foster’ Gildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, lliestand, Hillegaa, Hoff man, (Berks,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Inues, Jenkins Johns,Johnsou, Kauffman, Knight, Leisenringer, Lonrv ker, Lovett.Manear, Maugle, M’llvaln, Moorhead,Mus selman, Nichols, Nlcholsou, Nunemacher Pearsou Pe ter,, Petrlkon, Pownall .Purcell, lUmso,. (Phlladdp'liia) (York,) Kfwer. Bobortj Rnnp, Shaw, Sloan, Tolan, Vail, Voeghlej-, VValter, Wejtlrook, Wharton Zimmerman and Gets, Spteaktr 57. Nats —Messrs. Arthur. Augustine, Backus, Benson Bishop, Brawn, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eyster, «»£>- boney, Hamilton; Hantock, Hill. Hine, Hoffman, (Leb anon,J Jacobs, Kerr. Lebo, M’Calmout, Mumuia, Reed, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Stroth ers. Thord, VonvOovhls, Vickers, Wsgouscller, Warner, Wlntrode, Wltherow aud Wright—34. So the question was determined In the affirmative. On the question, Will the flouso agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of tho Constitution, and were as follows, viz: Yeas.— Moers. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell. Chase, (Heaver, Crawford, Dickey, Eut, Eyster, Fausold, Fos ter, Uibbouey. Hamel, Horperr, Heins, lliestand, Hill llillegas, Jlofftaan, (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanou,! Housekeeper, Imbrie. Ines, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson Kauffman, Kerr, Lobo, Longaker, Lovett, Maue&r Maugle, M'Calmont, Moorhead, Mamma, Mussclman’ Nichols. Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters Pet’ riken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (York,) Reamer Reed, Rupp. Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria.) Smith’ (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan. Vail, Yanvoorkls Vickers’ Voeghley. Wagonseller, Westbrook, Wllliston, With erow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker 7'’ NATB-Messrs Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Ri’shop, Carty, Dock. Gildea, Hamilton, Hancock, uLne, Jen kins, M’llvaln, Ramsey, /Philadel phia,) Roberts, Btruthers, Thorn, Walter. Warner, Wharton and Wlutrode—22. ? Bo the question was determined In the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro vlsione or the Constitution, and were as follow, vis: Yeas— Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Backus, Ball, Beck, Rensop, Bishep, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell,, Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyater, Fausold, Foster, Gibboney, Gildea, Hamel, Harper,'Heins,' HiestanJ, Hill, Illlogas, Hoffman, (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, fmbrio, Indea, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, I,ebo, Lelsenrlng Lbngaker, Lovett, Manear, Maugle, M’Calmout, M’llvalne, Murapia, Musselman, NUhoM, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson. Peters, Pe trlken, Pownall Puroell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,} Ram sey, (York,) Reamer, Reod, Roberts. Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, SmWi, (Cambria.) Smith, (Centro,) Stevenson Tolan, Vail, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley, Wiffoaxeller. Walter, Warner, Westbrook, Wharton, Wft listen, WitheroW, Zimmerman, and Ueti, Speaker—B3 NAMr-Mewra. Dock. Hamilton, Hancock, Strothers,' Thorn, Wlntrode and Wright rT 7. So the question was determined in the affirmitiTe. fiioaaviav’flOrrioa. Hakbisbuko. June 22, IfifiT. fMitlfftMrwWi«... I do wtify that ttt rtflß m fonpiß a tat ftd SBBSX“iSftBfI»Si@SS ffisrsaaSEMaaV!® Commonwealth for the •eerfoaof IMf* - "* * ' [U.S.] WitatMinjrlund uidUuml <* this twenty-second dsy of Jon*} one thoueajgty *“* hundredaodfifty-seven. A* <*• au3-m3m Secretary of theCoruggg** Hailroaiis. PENNSYLVANIA EAILBOAB.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, w»at«N lan tie Cities with Weatera, North-wtrtare, western States, by a eon Undoes Bailuray 1 air*®*-. Taw Bo ad a! bo connects at Pittsburgh uith.dwp ***• steamers to all points on the Western BifWf, *®“ Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamer* to allpraw the North-western lakes; making the most BIaMJT. CHEAPEST end RELIABLE ROUTE by whidbfTMght can he forwarded to and from the QBBAI-VSaTv__ RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA. AND PITTB BERUI!. First Class— Boots, Shoes, Hats, tad - Capa, Books, Dry Goods, (in bases bales and trunks), Drags, (in fegXM •• ' and hales) Feathers, Port, As -?6s. ft* 1W lb Skcgxd Class— Domestic Sheeting. Ehirtiag and Ticking, (In original bales), Drags (in casks). Hardware, Leather, (in roils or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, Ac.Ae....6Ge,p«r 100 b Third Class—Anvils, Steel, Chain*, (In casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or in Backs), Tobacco, manufactured, (except Cigar* or cut Ac., Ae .60a., per 100 lb Fourth Class— Coffee, Pish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in casks or boxes eastward), Lara and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Ac ..40c. per 100 lb Plodr—7sc. per bbl., until further notice. GJLIIS—CSe. per 100 lb«.', until further nolle®. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to KABK package via Pranipfraaia Railroad.” All Goods consigned to the Agents of this ; Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, wfU he forwarded ! without detention. ‘ ' ' ' 1 Freight Aa * s t*. —Harris, Wormley A Co., Heniphi*, Tenn.; K. P. Sas* A Co., Bt. Louis, Mo.f J. B.kfitnhell A Son, Evausville, Ind.: Dumeaml, Bell. A llurdock, and Carpenter A Jewett, Louisville, Ky.; R. C. Mel drum, Madison, Inti.; H, W. Brown A Co., and Irwin A Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Orabaus A Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leeeb A Co., No. 64 Kilby street, Boston; Leech A Co., No. 2 Astor House, New York, No. 1 William st. and No. 8 Battery Place. New York; X. J. on cedar, Philadelphia; Harraw io Koons, Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh H. H. HQUBTON. General Freight Agent, Philadelphia- H. J. LOUBASBT. Baperifitende&t, Altosai_Pa. I\TEW YORK LINES.—THE CAMDEN JLI ANDAMIiOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINKS. PRO SI PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WA Leare as follows, tU • Y&aa All A. M. r from Kensington .Depot, Tia Jetsey City, Mall * At 6 A. Si., tU Camdea and Jersey City, New Jer sey Acc0mm0dati0n......;.,....,.;....,...,,....' At 6 A. K., vis Caisden uid Amboy, Accommoda tion I At T A. SZ., Tia Camdea and Jersey City, Horning Mai 1.......... .... } At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, Tta lieooy and Jersey City, Morning Express g At 2 P. M., Tta Camden and Amboy, O.nad A. Ex press...,. t .. 5 At AP. M. Tia Carndeu and Jersey City,'Ennis* Mail 3 At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, Ist Class At 3 P. M., Tia Camden and Amboy, At lion, 2nd Class At 6 P. M., Tia Camdea and Amboy, a« tion, Ist C1a55..,...,........,..........,,.,,,,... j At 6 P. M., via Camdea Amboy. AccomiDoda tion, 2nd C1a5a.............. f .. ... t ... ......... j The & P. M. line runs daily, all others Sundays • eepted. . . Express Lines stop at the principal stations only, For Behidere, Easton, Flemiagtoc,. Ac.,afcoA. and 4P. M., from Walnut street wKarf t ' \ For Water Qap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wllhsetwr Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at.d A.M./riaDeUirar Lackawanna at Western Ballroafl',. For Freehold, at 0 A. M. and 2D. H, ' ' For Mount Holly at 7A. H., and 2Jf tad 6P. It WAY USES For Bristol, Tor Palmyra, Baneoea*. Berezlj, Burlington, Borim town &e., at 3 P.M. WAY LIKE' Tor Mount Holly, Borliogtan u 4 Wif fttatfm* at $ Bteamboat BICHARB BTOCKTOH for BurUuffe* id Bristol atBjj| A. M • and for Btttoton’iaiMtcnkS* dlate places at P H Steamboat TRK3*'.? for Taeeay *t!o aad HE A. M., and 4 P. 11., and for Burlington Bristol at .4 P. All line*, except 11)L lease Walnut straa wliarf. ... {£7~rifty pounds of baggage onljr aUoired «*eb pas senger, Passengers are .prohibited from * mMn w any thing &a baggage but their wearing apparel*' -All bag gage oter fifty pounds to he paid Far extra, r fhp Oom pauy limit their responsibility Ter bumn tooe# dollar per pound, and vtUl not he liable for taj aaeent he yond JlOO, except by special contract. , WM. 21. Apat^ H.B. KCBilTLllAikr*' . PhUaTTr7k.B.Oo. CHANGE OF HOURS E HILADEJU PHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE ROAD. On and after Thursday, Jalj 2d, H}t, . ~ PASSKNIIKR TRAINS LEAY? PaiLAPXLFEIA Vorß,lP.M., (Express,) and For Wilmington at 8 A. 31., 1,4. U and U P. H. For New Castle at 8 A. M., % and 4JS P. K. For Middietowp at BA. M. and4AS p, X. ' For Dover at 8 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. * . For Seaford at BA. M. and 4.16 *— TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at S Si, Eapresa, U A- M,, agd 6.25 Leave Wilmington at 650 and 11A5 A. M.. and SJ3 and 9.55 P.M. Leave New Carte at 6.20 and n.«TAnr.7a»r*.o6 P.M. * Leave Middletown at 10.00 A. M. and AOS P. X. Leave Dover at 8.50 A. M. and 7 P. It. Leaieße&funl at T.OO A. M. and 4JB P M TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Wilmington at OJA A.M., 2 P. M. nsAJ2.IT SUNDAYS only at 11 P. U. Ire** Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do. 0.25 P, M, frost Baltimore to Philadelphia. ; - BALTIMOBB AND HAVRE DE GRAOB ACCOMMO DATION TRAIN Leaves Havre de Graee at OAO A. H. Leaves Baltimore at 4 00 P. M. Freight Train, with Paaseager Car attached, will ran as follows Leave Philadelphia for Penyrßlo »M intermediate places at gj^p.M. Leave Wilmington for do, ‘ do. 8 Oft P. M Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6.00 P.M. •rt-ly 8. M. n vtov, Pr«i<i»ot. SPRING ARRANGEMENT,—J?KNN -BYLVANIA CENTRAL RAlLROAD.—Routingla direct connection with the - ■ PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAIL* For Cincinnati, fit. Louis, - lowa OHt, Louisville. New Orleans. 8t Paula, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Ww— - Terre Haute, Chicago, NeteaaSS. In advance of all other routea out ef Philadelphia. Forming clou connection with all lit Great lTizf rrn Railroad t. THROUGH TRAINS Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and vectors from the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, south-east corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, (entrance oo Eleventh street,) aa follows: ' Mail Train 7—.A.M. Fast Line.... 12 56 P M Klprota Miil atll 08. Sight. Columbia R. R. Line leaves for Harrisburg at p. M.. Lancaster )Accommodaticn,) at 4 90, P. M. * The Express Mail runs daily, the other 'trains, Sun days excepted. . - For further particulars sea hand-bills, at the different starting-points. Passengers from the West wfll find this the shortest and most expeditious route to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York or Boston. - THOMAS MOORS, Agent, Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Philadelphia, February, 1857. t ' aol-ly PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN A AND NORRISTOWN ’RATT.Ttntn—anzrugw ip. RANGEMENT3. On and after May sth, 1657. FOR GERMANTOWN. Le&TO Philadelphia at 6, 7,8, 910-min., 10,31 V, A. My and 1,2, 3-10 min., 4,5, d, 7,8, 9, U«, P. M? Le&v*| Germantown at 6,7, T-36, 8, 9-w min., 10V ilKy A. M., 12,3-30 min., 4. 8.8, T,>,*lo#, P. M. Tho 7-33 o’clock, A. M-, train from Germantown, will not stop at intermediate Stations. OX BTODITS. Leave Philadelphia at 9-20 A. M., % 8,10,5-30 and Leave Germantown at 8-20,9-20 A. H., 1-19,4 E, 0 15, and 7 P.M. * 1 * CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 0,0,9-10aeftnJ lljf A. M., 2. 4,6,8,9,P.M. ■ * Leave Chestnut Hill at T-15. 7-35,10-10, U-10, min., A. M., 1-40,3-40,5-40, 7-40,10-10 min., P. M. OX SDSDATB. Leave Philadelphia at 9-20 A. M., 2,5 V and gP. M. Leave Chestnut Hill at 8 A. M., 12-50,4-10, and 0-40, P.M. On and after Max 4th, 1557. FOR MANAYUNK, CONBHOHOCKIH, AND NOR BIBTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at ft, 8, and 11. A. If . and S. 4k. «X,4t1411X,P.M. . * *’ Norristown at 7,9, and 11, A. M;, 3, and «#, 03 SUSDATt. LeavePhiladelphiaat9 A.'. tt., andftP.M. Leave Norristown at 7.A. M., and 6, P.M * CHESTER TALLEY RAILROAD—FOR DOWNIN i TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M., and 9 P. M. Leave Downiogtown at 7tf A. M.. and 1 P. M. aul-ly HENRY S. SMITH. (fea’lSapt. Depot, NINTH and GREEN streets, Philadelphia. TIJOKTH PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD. 1" FOR BETHLEHEM, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, WILKESBARRE, DOyLjSTOWN. Ac., Ae., THROUGH TO BETHLEHEM WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. On and after Wednesday, July Bth, 1*57, the train* on this Bo&il will leave m follows, dMly, (SewdaTl ex cepted : For Bethlehem, Kastoa, Allentown, Msnch Chunk, Wilkes barre, Ac., via Lehigh¥ alley Railroad, Horning Express, at 6 15 A. M. * For Bethlehem, Easton, - Allentown, Mtneh Chunk, viaj.ehigh Valley Railroad, Evening Express, at A IS Passenger* for Easton by 21£ P. if. train taka stage* at Iron Hill station. 4 P°M 1)0JIe,ltoWB? ( Aecomß,od,ltioD > at 845 A. M. and For Gwynedd, (Accommodation) at 8 35 P. M. . RETURNING. Leave Bethlehem at 9 15 A. M. and 245 P. M. with Passengers, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, front Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chuuk, Wilkcabarre, Ac., arriving in Philadelphia at I*2 10 M. and 5 45 P.M. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation) at 845 A. M. and 410 P M. Leave Gwynedd, (Accommodation) at ft 50 A M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia for Doyiestown, (Accommodation at 8 30 A. M. and 5 45 P. M. Leave Doytestown for Philadelphia, ( Accommodation at 6A. U. and 315 P.M. 1 Fare to Bethlehem . , t ■& 60 Fare to Jlauch Chnnk . . 2 6() Fare to Wilke&harre . . - 450 pawenger Depot, FRONT and WILLOW Streets KI.LI3 CLARK, Apmt. Attorneys at Cato. J. J. Michel.J MICHEL & KOONTZ— ATTORNEYS AT LAW. No. 2$ Camp Str/et, b’ew Orfrfraj BBS KRBXCKS 15 rntLSDIIPHIA • Caleb Cnpc A Co., JB3 Market street. Smith, Murpb/A Co., 97 Market street ' Wffl.H. Brown AC« >lOB Market street fto27 2m* Geokge n. Armstrong, attor ney AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER IJL Lombard street, below Broad. mJt'i** TVANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY x/TtliAWjiBonthftist Cornerof JBIGURr oust atfc»ta, YER STROUSE, ATTORNEY AT CENXBB .trwt, fctterm., p" s^sssasßwwSi rjLENWGOD CEMETEHIW«u« =mi. XX IIB WAIHET Wo, * (W. I*. KCOSTS.