.nnXctfebiljk*, . Tim Bread-, '^SSttgfiSSSSS^W mfoaren are ahyand _^ot'9iip^’ls'%<r»f«t*H9ie ‘ e ratc " lß > 1 »«•£■*. «Tate of tbo the loco! traito ia m .derate 4olng, and.holders ate--dob' bq s ' plenty, hut' ' ; for. good immune red; i tokfchtte, the litter handsome Western. lower, and 4,600 Sppthera sold fttSso- Aiid sales were maktogatfte:’ 1 Cotton Isheldllriniy, buVttm'aplhnera only, necesait/ei atabilut provjons’ quotations,j lie,_pr• nothing: doing,' an * quotations apsjlcalteted.' . Provisioua continue In light stoefcand iho dduiand Is onlyto a retail <* 4 !chang? ta the market, : and Timothy Seed is quiet for want of Btouks.-. ''Wht«fcey l« soiling moderate!/ at 26©- 26c. for hhdSjTsnd 26cv for bbta; >" • ‘ ' —’? til 00t vfr t «,J - - ■ -'/, \' ; , !.' of .alpttor, dated-_ .. ; . t' ' , •;> ..i;,'fUQpqJfiirßißO, Aug. 9th. By the ftfprai t 6f.tha3!ft»ror. on-tbo,Bdinstant^we rMr«Mffeei from Europe, which not proving, «o favors c‘ at aJtWO .ti&gs for there wore pur chW^thiB;&te„w;hM9 for. the United. States OOjOOO « u% Mg* were bought at from 6|j2M to BIJ4OO for fair, to good ‘*, J.'lOw'jat whift-r»t?« quiet; the wmmmite* 3,648 this received per Gai*' f'aywo'iwiftfr ajlfiOOj tfl gsaiOh ■ ; The:receipb> , . IhlamonOi -ftrq s,ipo bbla Richmond brands, abd;2so9 ! f ., y^w,KAltSqore . ;. The, .total shipments pi Coffee to the B4toa',fgr.tije month of July.amounted to 50, - • ! LI Europe HsiosB baga.aodfor Abe year; h' tv51tf812,935 to Europe.« •* 9 f Q g* r /f r/ oly. were limited /or con*ump* ,V, rfM* ,W hawlbein« &>><*» hags au 1600, case* f # *P B « CroMifrora the Northern Provinces promise hs ' AoUimhT while.that of the CiunpAr (rill he sozaH. ’No aalesJff.Hide&ihave taken place, and bytho latest ad- Tfeph.'ftofia/810 Qrsnde.ye ipara- that,the ad rices from tW 3./.£ad 'namly3edT>u*Jnbss, buyers holding off. - J/ralHu'dooflnue- inactive, and may he quoted at' * ahhaifotrOOc to the tr< States, Exchange has flattened) £>.3«ptosttLh*arilqn* faaretokeo pla# Sftitoys.; ’ Ai tM.rdyl)-l mV <l/-^- ■) v.. '■<*.. «:/.a * • ; A Wu', %ud 'tsartey, UfJ r hV the -New York State , ’oWi/, *£■ ilkek 'iRM;;;.XB.-385J07.17S '- ; 421,710, . 80,647 185f:.1V*6 001 '■ A 71 747 V ~,671,560 ~ . W 017 , „ »«!:'.13,85!i»«.:/oi;(l29rno..l4!),SsOrn<i.,,citi7o ' Thd'jurgrewfe qriinttty. pf tlle Mmo, articles IpH at ~tia»-waterfrom thocoramencement of havigatlou to the , 7to^>t^rer;',fMl'ttlTej'jdu^Dg s the years 1856 ind i.\ MV, iitt.t -Corn,bu. DaVley, ha.' t1 1Wf„.,561 1 TW;,...5,Q83J«> • 280,453' lsf M .,4Wsj 1,756,711. 3,530,924- -5281^83 L V''ttwSosS 3.302,778'.1-,934;319 •; 31,470 ” s. .By.Xttluctog.thu wheat to• flour,• the quantity of the lattirsleft at yo*r 5 compared‘ ; Trlth the ifcorr6spending period of, bat year, shows a deficiency so farthta aeMon bbla. flour.' 1 ■ > ** BRIGHTON BATTLE MARKET; Sept, loj-Atcmar- Jcet, I,4(JG fiecves, 050 Stores'. 3.000 Sheep and EambS) W*1;290 Swine'. * Beef Cattl6^Prices,,extra S?>t9N.i fc second quality ; thlzdqua*- lityBs«S6>^ k? Worklnff,Oxcn- r f185,190»5105 ;Milch . Mhasiffts; ■ ye.rcnivuft-j'K, av®ss - TWoToai^Old—^fiaiaS./Thtoo . T«r* old-4«hff«f : Pelta-SO ; *7542-;c«USHw-13»l IX .'Sieepknd f3<v64; •»X. Bwln^.gb^l6salfe,^jgByx#Bo^ , fej,»Wl^ •iPBzAtPgWg .•^~V T -. - ; ; : »7» ■ i; . i6l)iibcb'jii»KST r -There has been a rather ,b»wCO during the waefi^butwe hava no material change 'xhbroWfls a falrdemandforcommon awd inferior Tfr 6 receipts have be'enVery »v % Wo, hewefer, continue taouote as follows, viz: " B^wn‘tcaiats99o.so; tonnalityj Inferior' abort spronds .*7AO*B,;, 49010, and. Extra stUl comesliq’slowly, and pri-" fi rttheradrooping tondenoy, but>e sMl] con« ; tinpe previous figures,..vis: .Tips,*t t9oll;,Seconds f‘ BUfyfloVlWe ara without, any. trausactloas. to note hi recrlptharo Tory light. YVo continue «’OSPSM^^jaw^?a ' . »10»12: KOOdJo |M reds and spajigled SlZoZo; good to c emi Vefloir 'fl7 i «'3o;'fine n*d cigar wrappers may be •. r fcto'w['',at'sl4®lß: ’Kefituchy .Tobacco ia in fair dc- th6htt\by : M'me&nk atiive. Wu quote*. Keu- S f ’ totwyTobufeb boyer'cbmro'oh Lugs; good Lugs I«r.fl5«16;, Fins yi dt'firwlf/'fiiid seldct do.' at SIBA2O ' The.inspections • ***'*£ ,iua 9«t.>switfa»puttt Mr ' w ;.' ! • JUO X>p Phsntom,. Qtilc—6' n ,iMMis4!(o 386 a jpeMcosBhB' Weisfard &/}FiU*ni. < TfEwOAdTLfcpShMTYm N Kent, tons c toas«oiUßTa7J6r& , Oo. • * ’’ ’»'/’<<! WILMINGTON. NO-gehr 3 H Planner, Thbropsoh -3 bok hjdto A W 1 HamtoO; juniper billets 960 Etta roiin. It* do spirits Rowley, Aihburner &Co} bfeUMsfa fc fifaoalester. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. ’ I! itwiMi hobris, T ) : | , Io«*m O.O*WB, > OoKiams or mk.Hohth, . • joira%»tsß," : t BETTER BAGS f * AV.IU flmktuUt’ Kithtttlgtt Philatllpkiil. < II Barquo Ooto-y.’.. I .,giq Janeiro, sgofi, o; filtttffte.lßtcUtgeticeV ’‘ ’VUbt er PUiLibEtriiiA, sept. 14, isjt. 7 ' f *fr r~ ? ' amrfttSKS,. iJ& SETS 613 HIGH.WATW;V;Js.B4' i ; ; ( . ftp W y Kent, ItxyMpi 66 day? from Newcastle. XL j • - •, ■ N • *«,. 'i&fettua>shantous, Qotz, 82daya from BlodeJaneLro, with’ feUeto Welsford,« WllUoti,, Kem&med 43 days s( tt Wkf} asdti&n.Xijft iftlimwittiout-'ccffßeLgood qua •lftyßtfpf 'wfth- oa board. Left Blips 'Martha, al }fcpprfw»4Efm3t»»YgrkV4frtgi ißaiislUb Wingate, from XUreeicnt* do;/barques Mary/Gardner, --utSefrCßaiWfi fa.iliidn’ *'eraU*3a * few days;- Mesco, Gotham, from New Yttfc: wtzj fame, Kennedy, for Bal-. Merlin,-BJcearai from Bueno* Ayres'/ do; Ottl>mln> , !&ademon}’frdm Patna, do: Wilhelmina, Dll- 1 llnghaiti fcc PhU&dfitpUa,do; Moty Elisabeth, Stetson, fra* Baeoos Ayres, do: > Henrietta, BUiej do ddf Boaii .xolter-SaftßtJfroaa Santa, -do; Garalfer** Kf from : -v Hubbard, fcotnPernaihbuco, 40, brig* Altayells,Gilker,for NewTorkyidg rose-* wood! HonUotU6fAoibkinßvfrdbii’BaltUnore,wtg; abd inJaroaoAmj\'Bjdßf,'ld»7*from,Boston,withmdseto it '-YwaUaffiottoi .*?} - ! t *> Beir WmXgpflngi, Lippioeott, lGldays from Saran tf»h. with Wh«»tAe.,tqJ?,Q Stetson* Co.;' ~*x. \ .<£ Sebri r JC 2£<?4bQsr v Tb<nnp«}i}, 6.days from WflmJog-' i.to«C,SO»'Withjj*TaJstot«itoPfiUit,Martin*-.Co. T ,‘i\irimht Bi'BiMUler.Henderson, b days from Boston, in •fiiiV , pwiy* 3 day* from New 'Bedford, in - BelJast to.eaptaln. 3 days from Newi Bedford, In r.e.Wbottn -* ~ i ,*; ■ Aehr/AdelLne, Howe#, ft days from Gloucester, Mass, with mdse to Crowell* Collins. .V- ■. .. ■ \ ,gehiMßrinharfit.Peterson. 7 diiys from Marblobead', itafclUßMoGlittttUUeAOo. • < . < , t-itfekr Transport. Tilton, £d*y» from la*tto6*ntttft,Xewis&Co, • '7^ r, foUwfc to ■*- • fciKJ3HewUtjßosß,6d*y*rrota Boston,fnbaUact' fojVtilmJrotertffV/' >£«;* .Tii'-l ‘■' ■' 5- *, jss trrlrfidi, *U]f, frdayi- from Boston) Uirballaat to' „• u.v -If.-.. •j*l JMfr;Ablta'Damon,; Marshall, 6 -days from Boston, is ,.;- - ; i \v. * Jdlffit JL> GPorffr.ll odwn. 0 day* from Danvewport; iftballMttoß Milnes A Ce. i < • Scbr A Hector. BrJen, 3 day* from Now York, in hal- Ljbrtr fas A Caldwell.:;, t Scbr K Jane. Kens*rd, 3 day* from New York, fsbal- & f H*t#Nptdo.P»?«<pettf&CafdweU:.-? ■ -j 1 Bcnr f idelift, flhaW, 4 days from Providence, inb&l- Jut to NoH*r .< » g isfrkti JrJU»niwt,Btovec r .4dar*fromPr.tldence;in. ' Ballast to Noble, Humnott«. Caldwell. * , . <r, S v' fiobrp William*,OoMejiddays-from providence, in ' ballad tojdeffii A Homy; .« ; ,* _ t , < . •Behr to»n. McDeyifott, 4 days from providence, in, 1* bm**t -?' :a ] d day*: frqiuProvidesce, In Wl r last to captain. •_ y. -* i - Bt«wwrXeinwbw,.Haiid*2o fours/rom New .York. «<s^t^pn^M&d : Pai9n3ent't9Jame*AUdordice. ; Passed eiftyßM Phantom, fropiJModc Janeiro, Amy, from Bos ■i ‘tWf.acd attejral -*chn*,beiQir £<sedy Island. found* up; * ‘ iuaniw • Boston, * ’geUiyrafropu N*nv _#qric, Oajm, . James AIJ -•:. ’ , CLEARED. ! 7 fiteaßwhlp Blate of (frrvln,Ch*rlettou,t A Heron, 3*. -Yj.„/ if i , -- t-.- , --i u ; I U ; g W? J fopnigj,Hlgbee } Afplnwalland a market, Arix fitnrnw, : Portland; .Van .Buses, - ; J^ OQI| O» Plymouth,' A gardes ' Bo'aton, ? 'Jdo\ \ < v /“*c<-3Hilii?KHebder»oni ‘ ; ; Y '|dfrm’fleintertv'Piter»bc, Charles ton, do : IfWllli; Jtrpmth, 0 A Heeislier ’l‘ff Bmltb' • :!^ eiSit Cdokf fiflfitori, Bfowd'i! Whlfe.'' -'•ihr f o*wH { AQii ,: B^; ; &icr, c iioslon, Bl*Jdaton,Cox 'A Co.' ‘ - j t iS:M~fc|Lrß|BfeM»-,!-Kiiyer, ! 'Jfo«(jn ( - Blnnlckwa >ll 1 J ’■ - getsr Almeida, Dickinson, Norwich, do 1 1 S'flewtti-Tlwui, New Bedford, Wallace & Co, . fchr 0 WiilUa*. Colder. Bicbmond, Morr/s A Id oYr*y t o-i s B«sr' A' Dauvertport; B' MilQea A Caldwell. BchrAnlt* DamqiiiJdinbaW, WeymoutU, do ; tM-i Mtw&«tJftno,jSeitairdj <; 'do . .‘.l/./do. ; \do , gchrCndindi Blsley; * l :’* do . f da . . U > J d®, t.j ; ,5° I < Schr JTJieaainx, Brown, . .do ' * y*o . , <Bclfr-AtriiPlckcrBf;ls«kes:Ale3CflfldriSj T welwter, J r .. Bchr ..- do < y tifiU- imam ACo. , fkhr tiUie SAMders, WiilNitoei Provideode. do , Btr AU&rdjce. Oftw« fier. Jr. Inf 2 •' ~ • t -L.i’jSim * fk~s'‘< l f * vCkwmpondenoect thePWladfclphi&TSlehatige. j c Jh§/SiH*4IWW»» for Richmond, andtwd.coaUoaqeu golnr * v '* A, * llt TosaeWatehaTbor*-1 We noticed' rSSs!|lS*S®^ WM; XI. mcKMAN; te *aaMS»^»fissM ?.TJ . :. >f.;ir;*/ ■ of .%JgKrl l •• a.«Ws wSSS, •v XHUtoH/lately nshore orb Colorado Kw, te&lkWWji»li>«je)WroWt StoiSshlp C«hawbs r LuUoclf, fpt Havftwfc attd N*w Orleans, cleared at Heir York 12th, tost*. - 1#1 _ f -7, Steamship Boston, Bellow, hence at N TorklTto «o»t, /•Steamship H B Beach, Rainey,clearpd atN4wYprK •12th toat. for Baltimore,., N Ship W.bfoot. Hedges, iio days from Ban TreiielsaOi at New York 12tu Inst. -- w^bfl. • fit.ip Kiohatcl OoMon, Black, from lirerpool, wa. uo for Saojeray Rio, cleared at Farleyi 'km.MvoH® ol ! K“ clj . 2l > ' tre.teuroc, dearod r, a^ft to ßiwSlßa for .Caicutta, cleared fore reported .at ue Janeiro to dlstreif, remained Oforvis.- Maleom,- hence at Savannah 6th tost. S ft rt ch K ha -islanda. arrived;.i». Hamptpn- Rosds Wth.inst, andhos ,beenoraored,to,NewYork.,, .. • Shipßorodino wmspoken Aug^i,no tot, Ac.gWen, from Chincba Islands for Cork. .The Borodino, Pendle-, ton, is reported to have .sailed from Chtocha Islands Aug id tor tbe.Onltedi States ~., 1 . >. Barque Sarah A Nickels,‘NickeUt for Montevideo and a market) sailed from Baltimore }gtb inat. -Barque Urania, Turner, hence. at Kio de Janeiro pre* ~viou» to 9tb uH,‘ and was up to.tetutn., . Barques Hamilton, ‘Webster, loading Rosewood, for Boston; Anna, Wheeler, for New York, and Geo Krell, for California, were loading at Rio de , Janeiro 7th ult, and wore notteported in port,the9th. \ ■ > , Barque vSt James, Cruse, for Philadelphia, remained at Riodo JanelroUtb uU. - .. , ~, Barque P O Mexauder. Merrymau,.for Philadelphia, cleared at Now Orleans 72th tost. > • ~ ,- ■ ; Barque BHa, Sparrow, for Richmond,,to load for Per* , nambuto, cleared at Beaton 12th tost. ’ • Barque,-Homer,,Lindsay, for Mauritius, cleared at •Boston 12thinsi, f - • . < ~ •- . < . Barque Brunette, Ptofchßray from Havana, at Boston 12thJnst. ~ t i r < • .'• - - ; < i./ HajcqqeChasß Lex,’(supposed) WUU&ms, henoo for Port au Prince, was seen 25th ult. off St Nicolai Mole, Gonalves, ~l )t , ; . ' ! , - Barque WJUUett, Haltett, cleared at New York 12th Ipst. tor Philadelphia. ‘ i • . v,'/' Barque,Mary £t Kendall,Brock, hence, arrived at Mo bile 7th inat. . • -i • -s ~ . ■ . -i !■•• -Barque Mord, (Norweg) from Rlp.de Janeiro, at New Orleans 6th inat. Barque Rebecca, Stover, fox Rio de Janeiro, with Hour, sailed from Richmond 11th Inst. • Brig Hurricane Bird, Dubell, tor Bahia, sailed from JUoUmond 12th Inat. . jEtrig.Emtue, Matthews,/or Philadelphia, cleared at BoatoQ]2thjnat.4T »>.•• ..Brigs Yelona, Sims; iTrlndelin4H*rener, and Chlmbo raro,Brown,.heDCeatßoiton22th Jn>t. • . , Brig BetoudajHpyt, for. Boston, sriledfrom Newbury . :Rrig.H G BerryVßace, cleared at Boston 12th idst, for.Cqpstostlnople. 1 . : H, Kelly, from Boston, arrived at Baltl • , Brig William Willson* ToneU* tot New York* sailed from Rio de Janeiro Aug 6.’j K’m'. . ■; ■: ■. ,»* \ Brig Moonlight, Bmau, hence at Boston 31th lost.' Brig Marsh all, Ayres, for West Coast of Africa, .cleared at Boston 11th Inat.. . >. ' ' Brlga Aurate, Davis, mid Tangier, Ford,' for Philadel phia.'sailed from Boston 11th lost. ■ - • Brig £llze,-Uorn, hence, clearod at Wilmington, NO. lltUiuat. for Rotterdam. - . . Brig Aiforatta, Bibber, sailed Dram- Pali River 10th inst. for Philadelphia _• .1 . Brigs, Com Stewart, Bishop, and Bfartha Washington, Anderson, hence at Portland 10th inst. , Brig S*ml Small,' Lane, hence at Salem 10th inst. . Brifi Geo E Prescott, GUkey.’oailed from Wareham' 7th,lnst tor Philadelphia. . Sqhr Redington, ,Clark, from Bs-ltimoro, arrived at' Bostonllthinst. ... .. 1 ,u Sobra B-,Watson, Bobinson) >Venloo;KnowHon: Ro sanna Rose, Wyman; Ella Packard, and Mercy Taylor, ■ Nickerson, toy Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 12th inst. . Schr O W , Holmes, Webb, tor Philadelphia,* siulod .from Newburyport llth inat. i • 't < , Schr.J P Rent, Wallace, hence at Salem llth tost. ' t Schrs.PaugaaaeVWapleß; .V Sharp, Sharp, cnd .B Prink, for PhiladelpMa, sailed from New Bed--. .. Schr J M Baylle, hence at New Bedford llth inst. ,6chr N SBrayton, hencoatPsll River 10th inst. . - Sohr O G Wateybury, Boston, for Charles , ton, was at. Newport llth tost.,2 PM. .SchcOCarroll,Pratt,from ProvMencefor Philadol phia. was at NewportlOth ins. 2 PM. * ... Sphr LHEndicott.-Vankirk,hence, was at Newport IJtb inst. diMhg. • . -' • / Schr Kendrick .Pish, WdUy for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence llth tost. 1 . •- Schr* W Hamill, Lewis Mnlford, Aid, Clara, Alfred Barrett, Sarah Bright, Triumph, S N Smith, Bobt Opr 'eon, and Jj.B Austin, hence at Boston 12th inat! > 1 Schr, Arotarus,Rich, hence for Rockport, arrived,at Proytocetowfl lOth UutV . i > . RPrico find 0 R Yickerv, hence at Taunton, Bth inat. -.4, ■* , ; . , • 4 . • * . Schrs Alert) Ella, Bourne; * Geo Edward. .Baker, aod LuSylr Sharp, Weaver, hemce, arrived 'av - ® c b r Mary Price, BUusrd, from Brandywine, at Bos toß-uthinst,... ■ -- T BchrMayy, Blanchard, hence at Bath 10th Inst. . 0., , » 418 Bargess, hence, arrived at Bucksport Bthinst, * -ySchr Judp Hopkinfion, from Bristol, Pa, arrived at N Schr. Liberty, McEwen, hence for Norwalk, at New. .York 12th inst.’- . . , . Bchr H B Baacomb, ; Bark, sailed from Richmond llth Inst, down the river, light. - ■ » ; •. Schr D. Meeoerole, Steelman, hence at Bichmond llth lost. • /-i I*•> ; ,- ' Schr &)nth. Shore, Dorr, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmington, NO llth inst. with lumber. - r Sriir t B 0. Scribner, Carlisle, hence at *Oharloslon 9th tost. ; \ \* k • • : t Schr< Hiawatha,/ Shannonv hence, arrived at Balti more llth tost -Schr Sarah M Kent, Beany, for. Philadelphia, cleared ,atßaUlmore.33th<to«W/ Schr. .J. P WetherUl, Cobb, for, Boston, sailed from Baltimore 12th iqst o, ■ .1 1 .* < T Bchr Wm H Bowe, Wiggins, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bristol lOib lust j_ . . <, Schr John R Bice, Smith, hence at Bighton 7th insf. Schr' Gazelle, Coombs, ror Philadelphia or .Baogor, according to -wipdysaUod from Dlghton 9th inst. I ~.Schr liohawk. fleoderson, hence at Boston llth tost. Schr Luther Child. Nickerson, cleared at Boston llth Inst, tor Philadelphia. Scbr J Lltoss, Lbpor, aailed from Fall Rlvsr 9th Inst, tor this port. . Schrs S H Burnett, Worth, and 0 P, Hawley, Backett, hence at Providence 10th Inst. , , . 1 . / Schraßevenuo, Corson; 8 B Bally, Whlrlow; Charles Qan-pII, Pyatt, and Hampden Belle, Alexander, for Phi- Udelphla, sailed from Providence 10th last. Schr. Jlaouela, Kelton 1 , hence at Salem 10th inat, * Schrs Brelinq, Stevens, hence at Taunton 6th; Daniel Godwin, Ralrspn/on the Bth* and H W Morse, Phillips* on the, 9th lost. •„ Schr TsLrkln t Ghnrbuck; hence at Wareham 6ih inst, Steamer M n , Chapin, Crumley, cleared at Hartlord 10th Inst, for Philadelphia. Sloop Trace, Rogers, cleared at New York llth inst. for'Philadelphia* - - - MABINB MISCELLANY; Information has been retired at tho State Depart ment fromthe’U 8 Cornell a Trinidad of'tho loss of the American brig Reveille of New York, boond from Jack sonville to Trinidad, with a cargo of pitch pine lumber, onthe'eouth-weat coast of the island, on the night of -the 6th of-August.' 1 Astnall portion of the cargo was landed and - Bold, .* The remainder, together with the hull and materials of the vessel, were* sold as they laj on the reef. No lirea wero lost. <;Midsntt>-Ybbsbx/—sehr Minnehaha, Copt Comstock, sailed from New London Deo 28 for St Helena, since when nothing has hoon heard of her; As the last ad vices from St Helena (July 22) leave her'about 7 mos out, it la probable that she foundered on the passage, and that all on board perished.' Tho Minnehaha was. a now acbooner of about 50 ;to ns,'built in November hut, In the most thorough manner, by Messrs Patton & Stur divant, of Richmond, Me,' and was designed for a watfir . boat to supply ship* touching at st Helena. She was. owned by Messrs Carroll &?* Kimball, of St Helena, the junior member of the firm. George n Kimball, Em, be ing U 8 .Consular Agent' at 8t Helbna; The sohrls be lieved to bo full/ insured in Boston and N York. -> ’ "spoken, .t-i* '■'/* ' ] 7th Inst. lot 41' 46, long Cd/passed shlp'llufns Choate, Rich, froin St John, NB/for Penartb Roads, 1 By the-ship John £ Thayer, Fowslahd,, at Hampton Roads, 10th inst, from O&Iocha Islands, July 18th, lat so 03 0, long 38, exchanged, signals with brig Rsporapsa. July 80, lat 16 52 B,;iong ‘S3 31,'saw two large dipper ships, could uotnfake outthelr numbers. AfjnHmght same dap spoke an English ship with painted ports, un -pA —***4 jior name to he ' ,f Atre, , ’42days from London - -TurUHicuita, with troops on board, "' ; NAViltf • ■; Tho V; S, slodp-bf-war Cyahe; commander 1 Robert ,G Robb, from Bostpn'Sd lost, vJaEaj tport, arrived at fit John, NJJ, 9th Inrt. 1 ' ’v' > , . •^wCTa^^uu—B—ww—w——isen List of Arrtvalg at the Principal. Hotels. . GXRABD HOUBE—Cbeetautatr eet/tefow Ninth. ,E N.Bussel!. Cin, 0 ' X J Grant. Rlchtnond.Va R C Sufart,' Greenfield, 0 ~ W H Merton* Jr.CUris’Ue BA Broadnax & ln,Pcters*g J GotehaH.Htirriaburg ‘BStfemus, Pa'' BM Simpkins, Ohio Jo* Montietb, N Y A W Lewis Sc ,la. 8t Louis Geo II Rudd, Chicago Jss J. Snyder & la, Savan* Gfeo’Jpnes, Qa . , nab,Ga. * Jno.WBpoar.Balt .< . " M Cheatham, Nashville 3m Norton. N Orleans, w , Geo 0 Johnson, Bav’h, G» MrjMMiirigney^N.O. ~. Y $ Johnson, , - do Thba L Harria, 111, . T S’ Johnson, Jrj dp L P Blngl6ton, r Norwich . Jff Cunningham, N 0 <. L.W Ynrt>h*me. Ya / < P.ACbutonnnd. ledy,‘Al&, MisaJohnson,Cimrkfi'n.SC Mtes AJohnsoi?, Chartes'n, Mrs Corbett,, ..do, ~r 8,0 , *, WtofeCorbett,.• k do', . ‘ MluVoralen, . -,, do . JudfoDuukln./do ~ ‘Mm Dunkln,’ .dpi GtU Golditon.NY., RM, Jennings, "wife £ l dan- MrMcKlnl£j.£.la.Pa ■ JohnA Pratt fc 1a.., IVm W Street, N Brunswick : / ~ ' Paris, Ky RBerfe.NY - , • yTraPHaley,Newark,Nrf KXI “Dana Jr,' Boston ' TJ Davis, Virgin La MOLDarnel.La- WmGVenable,do , JRohlnaoaj New York, B B McKinney, do . A Antoine. do JLMorton, do j 3 Wallingford, Ky . . Her pr Kerfoot, UM’NlXoD.iiarauallTUleGft ~ Hamilton po, Vt ; Vwou,,Ala, , M^ui, (■ -do j -BBRrowd,P*ytonO. '• ; Apg £ Bait ley, Boston f % TCladn. do .-, , John,Cochran 3c wife, Ala an Hyde, Baltimore ■ .James Campbell, Pa, ; .0 Alexander, Ky , r.JohnT Whaling, Mite Alexander*Ky ' J, , %) * LynchhnrgjVa WmG CoowMj Halifax NB. WiC Baker, Providence , DB BrowneU,providence £ JSckford, Houston, Texas AO Buyer, Harrisburg Col Joqm. Rochester ~, 16m M Jones, Rochester Miss >! Ward, Rochester £ Cardan, Vft/‘ , ' fiwexey, Ala ~ . ' S .'i I Mitla .a l .WUWlUontl., Jly w.t JfilMn t/Wer.Kr ,; J. McKoo 4. la, K, , . ' A II Moira, B.H . . . A-SS.rlnholt.Tsiu . W L nodge, Washington ,D Samson, New Orleans R P Harkijess, Gin, 0 /8 M I'osdick, Mobile "Wta Gromnbr, Providence 0 G Meromlogen,., JObiiLShowenJCy . M , j . Charleston, 8 G ,}VmM Todd,Ky ~ .BeniMiper, Va * 3 N Masbh. Provi^nco, ? Glt Eudde, ‘lfOn Jas U'CowliD.gt Lo.uU C M Comag, New Orleans It H Jones, Huntsvjl{e Ala, .John Murry, Columbus Ga CCTiOfckeU/Va MlssSalmoad,N 0 . J Q GAlleher, do. - ..PSorlth.Va ’ .• • SBHolder,Milton NO. ~EdwinSelyln,Oha’stonBo WiTWftUon,Ta ~f ChasWWeat.do, . TMNoblo.do ./ • MrsCWWest.da ; WnjMascm,Taunton •’ ‘i -M It Thomas, Ala , JW Grady; 80 . ‘ x LHHill, do • . TAHunt.NY .. , JMDenson, OolutnbusGa C P.TcUowes, K Orleans ~W W OrlESi Ya > John h Mitchell, Wash L J B.BrldfTTdo it Hdmnbreya, Balt ( Jonh M Bavonport, do BBfownJr. do . ~ ’ Wm Crane. ■ R Mason, dp -> „ , John L Moorp, Quincy ,JpMG BatuardjSC ,• J G,Rowland, do > V HD Cooke,Sandusky,Ohio .SamißParrls.WaMh . ',A A Thompson. NY Joh Jscfcjk>n r N 1' Geo W C*iopbelJ,do C AGndkln, llichmd, Va , Rben Ring, 8,0 . W J McConnel,’ Orocriabo-. 1 ,p. W King, do v 1- ■ . ' iGwGptoßi do > ' II VPorrine, Dayton, Ohio r: , . ,A G Jeffreas> Vs . 'Et JeffreM, Va W R Blchards Jr, Va , Jau?es 0 Cin, 0 ~ L G Terry, Baltimore GeoH Bronson, do J A Hutchinson, Colombns ,Wm Kiefer, NYi t -. (1 . ~,.GWTin Hook. Miss , P P'Rossol, NY_ , J*mee BCuer, Ky W Burnett, NO . s.wc«pU, Memphis jnJatueßon,AbcriieeiJ,MissWßDeaQ,NV v ; WBPringle,SO' ~JphnPergusoa,Boston AFfllt,%Weit , . do.. W.M Martin, Charleston • £ 3. Hius» 80 , - , SGOourtnaj, . ' do ; £ Drew Jr, Boston 80tt. o heim«,NY IW Bjo»n,, i 0 .... ChtlUKlcioti, io ■ r ■ •’ Elt V.lenttoo, N Y ■, . 'H BourUeriNeiv Orleans • Qeo 8 RlthMdMQj flttow ..;. ilX™,™: «: M Gflrf*«ttoui*i®b* ’ JS L Bmttfe; io ;.. - H PAddin** ft Carolina ; r SMBlili,' , do , : , 1 $? Duckett. Baltimore J B Hughes, Ky „ I jjP6Uß)Miß»flAb«&c«,o John Bowman, Hamilton I Wm ftßoww,- Hamilton Richard <? Huston*!* for I#m »B|fl« PKtobwgb James H etwj»Wj to* l ‘ i £ grff r*i-. ' f ' THE HRBBSi«.rHaiAD^ffiA.'' MOftßDYvi SgCTEMIiER;; 14. 45?7. BrCVßmnti4tV.\VEUumK Ark P P Mo8oireVo1«rtl>Bl ’ ’ » Uertm,‘Oomier«.llle, I Wm H Barley. Alex. Y» J BCrc S hton,Alex, Va, Joha FiMllairea Tenn < Dr Wilson, NY ‘ WReed. NY , T Struthere* la. Watren , T J McCamont, WaaVgton John T Hallidoy, Ohio G H Davenport, Ohio .. , 1 W TDaugheity, Broad Top J A Davenport, do It J Gauldlng, Va DF Sharp, ’ • do leaar Overbey, Va P Sharp, . do • James Overbey, Ya p. V Ilradsbaw, Va E Meredith, New York Henry Sonyu. Tenn' • <T M Blackmoru*, Warsaw Jrme) 0 Davett, Pittsburgh, i • • AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut. bclow.Slxth st. | , JH Harrison, Washlngtoa N J Harrison, Washington It H Clark, UBN* R 0 ForsythlWasbingtn.DO Qt Platt, Washington. DO W WRico, WUmingtn.Del W 51 Tracy * Deposit B F MUhanb * la, N 0 , Benj H Owebs, Va S Hudgens, Va 1 S 3 Chatham, NO I A E Sllcotf. Washington,o J N Hart, Washington, O ■ JR Crist,,NO ,* ; ASPortet/Groensboro, NO WT Akers,Monroe, Va iMD Smith & U,Groensboro, AGWhlto, Miss' •! v •1 • NO ■ .• Nathan Stroud,MUa . WmN Brown, Va •■. / <*l Prof.BQnnejr,Waab'too, DO Capt O Partridge, Boston • W P Paetlow, Manchester, Jones Watson, N 0 .. ■ « a JI, Foust, Term 1 Thoa E Oldham, Tenn ? Qurwits, N Y , 8 A Faulke, Galena , ■ ThoS 8 WUlianu, N Y Cbas L Williams, N X C T Herrington, N, J Thoa 0 Anner, N J » J 8 Hughes, Ky. Q Haswell, N Y . Wm T.Reed, Balt. . '■ K K & to fcj * l ii Q ßich Mias Martin & rioter, Ga Jas H Fecor & 1», Rich •D Clark. Lyon, lowa T 2 1 «’•Kvon»lllfl Tnd lIF Sullivan] Md • L Ke n Y ’ 1 d J-UPniAv. N fl 5Vm Monroo, « * ■ A Miller. do J 1 JIS v* ’ - , 1 l ' jSdIuH&I., Wa»li lID Mailman, Unit Jj ' I tin Mitchell, New Borne W F ' n »|*jr< ™ • Thoa J Mitchell, Ido . Geo 8 Darkling, Md tV P Fieldfelt, Md n N Bacon, Ga Baml Glbaon, Vft' John Doran, '. , l Wm Divine, Pittsburgh N Brooks, Plnla G Bartholomew, 'do C Wilson, do Deni E Glttlngo, Waah’gton K Goodwin, Go Mrs Gittiugs, - do 0 Charlton, Go Baml Sampson, 'do iB. S !5 I,el J“ ori „ H r o i. n , 0n ; • .do . C K Henshaw, Mobile ! K W Hunter &.la. K West Sami H Hilton, Boston WHStahlo, New York ,W 0 Alien, Neir York Henry Field, .do , , Goo A Mudge t la,, Boston NATIONAL HSTEL-Roco street, ftbdvo Third. ! It S Stull, Wilkcsborro 3 3 Kbhlor. Phlla Wm Itogers, Lancaeter co C Helmer, Mass , J H ariKlt, Phtla 3 O Garrotson, WesfOold J ilacS. Nowport yWOPranklin Loaorno A Goodyear, Thnkhannock JH Ramircr, Chi l ' , G W Slorgan, Pottsvllio HWLawrenco,Louisvl,o G B Belly, Whitehall B Ilolnhuch. N V 0 P Patterson, N ,Y 0 W Defcw, tUyno co, q B WMonegerjOlnn , ;,G L Bubo, Allentown A W Reynolds, Wotidbury ..HGBt!ue,Mmerstown CHWailoco,' 'di. J AOorver.qhlo ■ ' . W H Atgravo, DO' K B Wagontlre B O GP Yonjllng.Ohlo' MBose, Lafayette, Ind _ T D Reynolds, N Y J B Morey, K 7 Wm MlUhoiia, Va J L Dorhorn, N H i J S Olawgca, Phlla 1 .11 Voute, Port Clinton - Johh'Lorraine, Galetut E Schwerin N V ; Morris ftorhvtcli, Irkt CharleeStr no,'Philo , B S Schoonover, Philo 3 Comly, Chesnut Hill .CITY HOTELS— Third atroot. oliovo Race. John Nicole, Bloody llun Jas Hart, Doylostown M Brett, Altoona. Pa • , P Blanoy, Willlanlsport H S Morton, LoraberMlle Wm Poster Marietta. Pa • Mrs Aullck & sn, Phtla WmCuthliort & lnj Plthgli Samuel Clark, Bolmont, Jno Crawford & la, do JasThompson, do, .. Luke Jones, Baltlmora John Blake, Loekhavon . H G Bclilpsa, Parkshurg M Beiehtor, Mlddtebnrg Henry Drown, Altoona P Pastor PorryvlHo, . M Anthony, Georgetown HMRaker, Parkahurg, Geo McAhoe, Baltimore Geo Harrison, Birmingham Honry Gilmore, Blairs bg Homy Quantln, Unntg’dn Wm Prltsor, Niagara Falls HBaiston, Altoona Michael Hololey, Wmoport A Armhrustor, East Blch- Parker Askon. Morristown ■ mond, Ohio ’ . Philip Ashland. EFrodonia RichardDubosq, AUogha- M Newman, N Y . ny county, Pa- , , , EugonoTrevost, S#n Fran- Jacoh Cameron, Albany .cisco UNION, HOTEB —ArchStreot, above Third. Jacob 1 Clinard, Frederick-" Miss Begga. Pittetmrgh i •town. NO -* • ' Miss J Bcggs, do I ' - Sami Morris, A«hv!Bo,0 ! J Ballard J Jr, Ohio » B Wagner. OlrclovlUoi 0 J Logan, Marlon, lowa BJ Clark, Ohio H J FyOst, Wooster, Ohio P F Hager; GermantownPa G W Fox, MansSeld, Ohio 55 Houston, Pittsburgh, Pa D Sulvoly, N Albaua, Ind lIS Scarborough, Hlllsbo- JRalnoy, 111 - ro, Ohio Miss Bunstlne, Eaatou Miss M Manley, do MmWlklo.do D Boss, Port WashlngtonO B Faust. Portsmouth, 5 a IFm Armrtrong &la do 3 0 Paat, DeV E L Egnia, Pittsburgh W 61 Lee. Readiug Vfni ilunrod, lowa J Keller, Wiacponalu 0 Warner ic In. D C W A Turner, Aurora, 111 LRuMeil.NO " 1 JH Groff, Ohio ThosDurnes, do 1 Jobu 0 Savory, PUUa GFKrung,Wilmington,NO A JCuwfer, Pa if N Beam, ’Ohio ‘ ' 1 ' ' STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. L Kingston, Baltimore ' C 0 Hiokle, Parkaburg Geo. WRaldwlb, Balt ’Charlesßoom, do Robert Water*. Phlla ' 1 J Elliott, HolUdayebutg J Barringer to lady, Bait JC Sayers, do H Bloom. Clearfield Co, Pa John B Stone, Obio Jam*! P Brewer, Pa John Barr, Baltimore Lori Slade,' do’ ' John Brooks, Pa P McKenna, Pliila John JohnwonJ Phlla W B Wflaon. Harrisburg ' iQ Wrcaenthal, Johnston, J W Thompson, do , , Penna John L Keofle, Lancaster H L Tanosten, Harrishurg i. . ,j , 3 3 Steele, Ya. MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Wm Wclrii, Swodeaboroogh D Lombard, N Y W H Mar, N Y C K Hannon, Batt J C Read, Fleminglon 8 R Painter, NY H Voorhlea, . do J A Collins, Niles, Mich Asa Baker, Boston S Krebbs, Salem J Stone, Camden - G Scott to la, St Paul T Lori her, N J J Warner, Haddonfield L Carson, Baltimore W L Pratt, Boston It Caldwell, Lancaster Mrs Clendanlel, Phlla T Murdock, do Mrs Mellvlllo do C Clark, Balt A Bravo, Phlla John Heany, Bolt D Henry, N Y J A Forbes, Cumberland A H 7<ocksrd, Va J B Mitchell,. . do 0P Davis. SO J S Baker, Camden > M P Smith, Camden BLACK BEARING, Merchant street, bel. Fifth, Dr. W. 8. II. M. Oiaik, Pa. W. R.Smith, Mont'y coPa 8. D. Byers, Chester Pa. W. Garret, Del. ■ * Chas. Farland,-Marylaud W.F. Howard, sfd. p. Scott, do If Thomas, Easton Pa. G. Spickman, Del. Co. Chas. R. Sbautt, Texas, Geo. P. Harlan, Pa. 6.P.BrecktoLady,Pa, . JohnPoters, bid. f BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, &b. C&Uowhllt. Lewis Fisher, Kutstown Martin Reiber, Butler co David SteshoUz, Montg’y co J Wambold, Sumneytown 0 Helfrich, Kuutown . L Tomlinson, Byberry Joseph Hogoland, Byberry. Special Noitceo. Brown'* 'Essence ot Jamaica Oinyer is on Invaluable Family Medicine at Ibia boaaou of the year os a preventive arut’cure for dfarrhasa, dysentery, and many internal diseases. It is peculiarly .efficacious in summer ccmplAinta of children, and Is known and pro* scribed by the Medical Faeuly. Bee advertUcment. Warburlon’a Inimitable Coverings for the lead.—Fall Styles. . The PresaJHats of the present issue are eminently.do aervfog the preference ot genMeuon, as the/ embrace nil the points necessary to genteel effect, and &U the details and nicer elegancies which impart finish, comfort and durability—<at the game time exhibiting appropriate , accordance with the other prrts of the Fall Costume. Paris made Moleskin Hats, Opera or ,Compressible Cress Hats, American and French Felt Hats. WAKBURTONi Hattefr, 430 Ctiestnutskeet. sepll-fAs mw&f n yt Seamen's'Saving Fund—Office 203.. Walnut street, one door vest of second, street. Receives do* posits la earns of One Dollar and upwards, from all clause of thfi community, and allows interest at the rata of Ora per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from 8 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon* day and Saturday until 9 la the evening. President franklin Fell Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre- Jury, James B.Pfl»gl«* Bower f s Infant Cordial;—ThU Invaluable .Cordial is prepared from a, variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and is the moat perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. 1 By ita powerful influence a speedy cure is effected In ail cases of. Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Believes and mitigates much of children 1 * suffering during denti tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tran quUiset pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used In thousands of oases with the most abundant success. No family should be without It, Prepared only by 1 - Hsbst A, Bowaa, • ■ ’ At Ms Drug and Chemical Store, •' N. B. carrier of Sixty and Gn.su sts., Philadelphia. To whom all orders’ must be,‘addressed, jAnd for sole by Druggists generally. . aulMy Saving Fond—Five Per Cent. Interest-Na tional Safety Trust Company. In Wit not Btreet,south west cbrnlt it This© Street, ?mL&oULtau. Assets over Osb Million x*d a Half or Dollars, Invested in ftsii. 23T1TS, MoatGiQas,orousd JUmts, anil other first das# securities, as required by the charter. This institution confine* its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, largo or small, Is received, and .the money is, always paid back, with notice, Ap.anjfaWint.’ 1 ‘ : t > ", The office ii open every day Jrora 9 o'clock la the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday imS Thursday wvenings until 9 o’clock. 11 ‘ ' i , fllarriageß. On the 3d of September, by the Rev. Robert H. Patti- Bun. Mr. RANDOLPH HOWARD, to Bliss HANNAH BETTERTON, both of West Philadelphia. On the 10th September, at the residence of the bride’si father, by the Rev. Robert U. PaUiaon, Mt. JOHN D. ABEL to Mias BALLIK h. WEST, of West Philadel phia. i UDeatljs., On tho l2ih instant, LIZZIE B. lIARLAND, wife of Heavy h. Jlarland, in the 20th year of her ago. Her relotlvos and friends’ arc ‘ respectfully invited to attend her funeral, front the residence of her husband, No. 601 north Tenth street, on Tuesday afterpoop, at 3 o’clock, without farther notice. ** On Friday morning, Bept. 11th, THOMAS FLOWERS, aged 47 years. < His friends and those of the family, and the members of Washington Lodge, No. 2, I. 0. of 0. F.. and the members •! the Order, are respectfully Invite! to attend his funeral from his late residence, Myrtle stfeot, be tween Eleventh and Twelfth, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. To proceed to Mechanics’Cemetery. ID" Thirteenth Ward.—A Meeting of the DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will be held THIS (Monday) EVENING, at7Wo’clock, at the house of P, 8. Drum, corner of EIGHTH and BUT TONWOOD streets. BBIItH BKINNER, Pres’t. I E. 8« Bowakd, Becretary. • noU-lt* fry Second Ward Democratic Executive Com* aittee. A meeting will be held at Lafferty’s this; even ing at TJ4 o’clock. so 14-lW . B. H. GQRBUTT, president. ry Keystone Club. •* OpeWng Meeting ,to ratify the adoption of the Constitution. Democrats, tally in tour strength for the opening of the cam paign,* and redeem your. Pledge t? the Democracy of the Union, to keep, the glorious old Keystone In tho column of those who respond: “No North, no South— •or Cnloi., on— Md lnwijmablo, now jnd rot«T OT ... A Grand Ratification Meeting of the Keystone Olnb will be held at Independence ftinare, on Thursday evening) September ITth, to ratify B*ne. ral nomlaaVloni of the payty, to which all true men of .the Union ate invited. • , „ Tit raeetlnzwlll be eddteMed br Gene™' ,Wn A. Pieker, Hdn. Wd>. Bigler, Bod. l. Chicy Joae«, Hoa. Stephen A. DcraglM, Jillis B. SchnebeU, J»lji Hon Peter Shannon, Spencer B. Cone, Esq., of New York, and a number of our fellow-town amen. .... * ■ Democratic Olubs and Ward Associations intending to participate will report to* the Committee; at the. Club Headquarters, Globe Hotel, Sixth and Chestnut streets. Sow Ann W. Fowx»,) , 1 SSiSSoidUM.-' Csn,mi ““’ ... John 0. MoOall, J By onto of— 1 ■!, • IWp, BABBlHißristol r IST OS’ WITTjBRS- hemawing in 1-4 tim pntUDKr,i‘niA. ‘ rtißT opfios up to, is <Mtoof the list.] Open on Sunday frotoP# b’dlwk A.M.>and2 ' > w ' LADIES’ LIST. AnthonyAAlra FlynußriclgotAlr?Kutz bUz 0 BMrs Aroze'Mrs FreeraanMaryAnn Nichols Mr’gc Alra Allen Klizab Sirs Fairchild Josep’o Noxon Mary F ' . Atkina Anna Miss Greenwood M Aire Nowman Catharn Atkinson LTj MissGrunley D Mies Nowtoo Mary Mra Atwell Emma Alra Green Annie Miss O'Connor Outh’ra Aruhdel Eliza. pdrsQranloo S Alisa , Oliver Mrs Almond Julia A Geneva AHm Oram Ann Mias B*nnon Bridget George 8 J Alra 0 ‘ Callahan J Alias Berry Klirah Mrs Gregory M Alias '0 Brian Mrs 1 Belt OH Airs Goyit Eliza Ovey Cath’ruTV Bagaley Wm Mrs Graver E Miasr , O’Rrien Bridget Barriugton Af Miss Groesbeek It OMrs lWall Grace Ann Barr Mary M Miss Goldsmith A Afiss Price Delilah ) Bebee'S Airs Grohl 8 A Airs " Paul Rate Miss Beal Maggie Alias Gorman Ann MUVPedrlck $ Jlrs-r2 , Bell E Airs ‘ , Groom Elia’h PruixmanACUMisa Barnes S Alisa Qfttliff Af R Miss Parsons MftryMira Beaman E A Mrs Graces Mrs Pyge th Mra Bainafd it Mrs George BJMm , Proud Mrs ' 1 Barksd&ll SAI Mrs Grotchan 8 Mra ; Parker Mrs BidgOod TSMrs GrayAJulln p@sisanno'E Mrt . Blanchard K Mrs Griswold 0 A Airs Parker Eljsabetk , Blackhlirn Mrs Gordan Alice PeixottoLubaMiss Birins Susan Airs GlotthaarAlEMlss Peterson 0 Airs . Bishop M Miss Hesaicn E Miss Peters A M Mies Blhnkford E A Mrs Karris H Airs Paul Hannah Alra Bourk Catherine -UalipauALMtss/ /Perkins 0 Air# ' Boyce Me Mins ’ ilem Lucinda Allss Phillips*C E Mrs Briggs Af Miss Heath Af J Miss Read 0 K Mrs - Boyer 8 A Miss ' Harkins Sarah / Bnguot A’ta Alias Road,EAIMrS . Hnwloy Susan Alra Redpath E Airs BurgeskN Alias Hays 8 Miss' Rems E 0 Mr# Burney Mrs Hasson M Mias 2 Richards'A Alisi . , Boyco’M E Alls* 2 Ball Kliz’h Mies Reaves Elizabeth Broftti S WMiss Herbert 8 B Airs ' Rltnlmb'dr'Mrs Burne Mary Miss Hargrave 0 GAlrs Rcnshaw Mary B Driest Mrs Horris 811 Alloa Kupprecht E Miss Byerd Alarg’t _ Henry Twibello Ray Ann , ! Bower MP Mrs . Haunaban Bridget Robinson 8 AUss .. Borel Mrs ‘ Hlmelwrlght M’gt Rodman J! Mrs ' Byers L Airs , Hill Surah A Roberts M Mrs 5 Boyer S A Miss, Hickman E Miss Rowland J S Alias Brown Erarnk Higgins Mra Rutter E Miss ! Brachan Elizb'h Halwinnio Alias' RusSoll EmriiaL Borer LiZzio Miss Howell Eliza Airs Rowlo Marla ‘ Barr Rabhel Miss Hudson R M Alias Ross SJatah Ann Bradley P Alra Hunter I Mra Roberts Matgaret Brlaton’E AfrS ‘Hoadcly Afra Rtthdy Af J Miss Calhoun R Allas Husbands T 0 Airs Rowlaild Eliza J. Chapman Airs Hodgson AlaryAlrs RoblnionS Allas' ChapmanAV E Mra Husfy Miss BoseyMlas ‘ i Cain Al A Miss Hymn Jane Robinson N Airs Carletou Mrs Howorth Mary A Rose Kote'L Mrs Campbell AIL Alisa Htfhn fiallie If <, Roli/ason, It Mrs . Copehart Cather’o Johnson Ellon , RosoEmma R ' Chambers SEMrs Jones C F Miss Reod Mrs .OacrßMiss • Jones Alfred Mra Bemans Sarah Airs Campbells Alra , Jones Lydia Miss Schortser F.Airs' GoxAlra, ~ -j Junghanus.C W .Sauerbrey p Miss Clo'wd H Airs ‘ Jordan Sallie MissSchnlbley L Alisa Cotter MMrd • ' 'Jasper Marg’t Mrs Scott Jane Mira ,Cooper R'Mrs : i JphuaOn J'A Alra’ Seddinger 0 BMrg ColtonLßMi?s Jcnk)n3Sarah T -Schilling EAlra Corkrin Bella Alias Jones Ann 0 Mra belleraE Al Alra Crane BtJ Mrs Johannsen B L MShermanJuliaMias, Collins Marg'tMra'JordanLDnlt&AlisfcSiXton Susan Miss Collins Ellon Bliss Kinney Al Airs Sanders Sarah 1 Crone B B Mra , Knowfcy 0 Airs Snowden J W Ali-s Cohen 3 3 Mrs' Killer Mr* RQ ' Skillem 8 R Mrs Creamer A Mrs- KlrkTherwdaMlssSmith Eliza M Cowell Airs 1 Ke/Ter Obo Aire •'Hihith Lydia J> Copper Louisa Alra KilrooJabe Alisa l Simmons MM Alra Crcssman Alarg’t Kilter A E Miss Smith K Airs Crispin LII Alias • Knowles J A Mra' Small J Mra CulUn Ann Miss Kelly Alarg’t Al Smith Mra Cormany Jane Airs Korney Mary • Small J Aun*-2 Cocoeh.i llaaar Kemble MW Saydor MreM CouoU Airs Kerman. Alra Singleton EAlrs CunninghamEAlre Lose. Ann Mrs Smyth Alar’gtface CoultersJaneMlosLloyd E A MiSfl BteelßHoAlrfl Condo Ellen Miss Loud II C Alra Strattoa Otbn Airs Coleman Al P Mrs Leughrldgo Airs Sullivan M Alra 1 . CommerfordCAHss Lessge Charl’tJl *s Stoaker 0 Mrs Clonau Mary Littlo Ann C Airs Stocker Mias Conklin M E Airs Little Amos Airs Btorens L E Alias Cony Ann Mrs Leidy Lydia Miss Steiner Julian Afra CummindsKAMiu Levoy Alar'gt Alisa Seward II Alra : Davis U Allbs Lamb Alar’gt Miss Btnart A Airs Davis Al J Alisa LinchtnauKtoMl**St*eie J H Miss DeKing Allss Longmlre L Alias Souder E A Alisa DaymondOAUss Loveland.A MissßtonerHM Mrs Dulauy Al A B Alias Lanaban Mg't Alra Stewart Jaijo Mcs DeSandran M 1 0 Lodge Ohi’it MraStelnbrenner HeL Madam Lananzo Miss lie Miss - ‘ Dawson 3i J Alias LucilloHMiss •.. SpaarF Miss Dickey A Mra , Lunchman K Alias Tennesfc J Mrs Davis Kate Mrs K. MissXafferd E Miss 1 Deolor Aliases AlcFaddenB MUs TrinsTßMiss Dawson Eleanor G MoAllißter Ajnry Talbot Maty Allw Djivlb Marion V McOinley M Mra TuDy Jane Miss'- Davis Jane Miss -AlcMacklnM’tAHasTusner Cftth’rn B DauidronoOKMisaAlCAnanoy A Afra ToweyAlJMiss DoLentllhoeAlMe McCormick Mary' Thompson Mra Doborty Hannah McWilliams Elbth Tolo Susan Airs • Downing N B Mrs McDonalds Airs . Tuller Alary . DowDn Alary Ann A/OCoHagh R Afra Trayera S A AlisS DonellyMarg’t McDevott B Airs TrimimllHb’laAlrg Dowdy M J Mra AXcOard EAliss Tull Cord’U a Dowlhy SaraliMisaMcUske Charlotte Tlracus L Alisa Dolono Alarg’t Al’KendrlckJt.Miss Van Dyke R Airs Barney Al Mrs AfcAlvoy Cnth’rji Volkmar h Miss Dunn Plarr Alra ' AlcCall Jane Mra Ulni/ia Is’bjs Alisa Dyke Bliz’u Mrs AloOlanoyL Mias AVay Alias Douglass M Alias Megs Eliza Alisa Wayne Mary Mr* Dalles Ell Allss Atagrath Miss Whitnoy E D Mrs Dorcoy 0 T Alifia Mason K L Mira Washington John Eaglokm 0 Mra Margrah M Mira 0 Miss ' Edwards Tbog Afra MarleyAfg’t Miss Weller Susan Mias ! ErdmanJoh’nMmAlayllu Han’h Mrs Walker E K Mrs Emlon W f Mra Mcdara R Mrs.’' 1 Weaver T Aliss Edwards B Airs Martin Ml* Alisa • Whitaker A T Mra Evans Eliz’h Mrs May Alary Airs Walters L Alra < Evans Eliz’h 31 MingeJ JMra , Whitaker Jf LMJra Earle Fanny. JlicutcL Btadame Warner E RBIJsi Evelett Anna Miller 9 J Mra WaaqomacherSnl- EwingEmel’aMraMlllerEiiznbeth 'He if Mrs ElltoU J T Mra Miller Harriett Welch Sarah Mra Fabcau Emma Mra Mosley S.rah Mrs Wart U Mra Foster Bore Alisa Alosny Mra , Wilnou Emelinp l 'j™ 8 , r ) 11 * 8 . t ,. M<»™ M«!'y 11 Williamson ]! Mra Futhey M A M.aa Moj en A Mias Willlama E Mra Forsyth A Airs Alyers Goo Mrs WUmer M Miss ' Fitagibbone Afra Aloulding W HMrs Willing L L Miss Fosberner E Mra Alyera Air* Williams M A Alls Flint ll A Airs AiottorshenJ J Mrs TVJso A Alra Flood Cath’e Alra Murphy Johanna Willhany Al Airs Freeman F Mrs Morrison Sarah F Wyner P Miiw Fling Alarg’t Bliss Myers Catharine WiUison A E Miss Foster AnnaAliss Alorip Madamo Woodward LCMis* Felt Maria H, Moyer Lizzie Mis* Wright E A Mra Fitch J W Afra . h'ewcombSHAliM Woly Maria Miss GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Adam* Mr BAI Cock Ezekiel Eldrldge H H Alton Jo*oj>h Caron Mera *Co Edwards Jonathh Alien If W Carter W T Rey Aitkens Darld Cass John Jr . EldrldgO Ohfts Abraham Edward Calhoun W H Elliott Win B Adams lICJ Carpender~~~~- Edwards 3 Adams Gilbert Calwell M Ehrrnan John Aekley Carter Chos EUngham John a\iken»John Casey Patrick Ellis ChasE Aikiu M Cav*-mlor John A Eakto 0 Al Allen Lewis Carroll John Edwards Wm Allibone Robert ComolJ Thomas Elliott Henry' Addition D L Col Cadwaicder DJI Ellison William Adams G A Cftrthwrlght Rush Kinster & Lane* Abbott L Wm Carter Jll 1 huwe Alexander Peter Capper Wra > Einstein Lewis - Alexander James Chamberlain WW Bolster B L i Allen H James , Christian Creep,A Elcelsior Lodge ! Alexander Harris Bro No 42 * Alexander TVm Chilton William Engles Hal) Ajalon Logo Chew ortb Joshua Erettmau Wm Ailantlo Lodge ' Child Addison KuderaJobu America Lodge Christie Joseph Esheleman J 8 Amity Lodge Childs John Ermln Phillipp Adam Lodgo Chester Co Iron Evans Robert Ariuetrog Wm . Maotzfsctitr’g AEspyC' Armstrong MWm Co Epglsmsn Francis Avery W H Obarnlcg N P Fafrman Npd AuugerS ’ Chns* J II Farao Uutaf In Co Applety J W CiucinnatusLodge FarmsworthOliver Anderson James Clark W S , Ferguson Bryant ' Armfstoad h 8 Clump Wilhelm Fatfjohn 0 Anderson Wm Closs L M Fell David AnhWJ Clark WE Vurraud D W Archoraph Chas ChritonJohr Fakir of Slam Aaron David , , Clark Wwll Fernthal Kart Attuood Marshall Clark John , Field BamnelJ Archer Son & Bull Clayton Mol L Fair Mount Lodgo, Arthur Robert Clark Samuel No 149 Ash W Joshua CleavjsCO Fisher George N Ashton Frank Cioonthe Grove Fleming Horatio Andrew E John No 9 Fleming DF Athursou William Colhoon Anthy K Fields Robert Anderson R Edwd Collins Absalom G Fitzgerald J Archisrdi , Corbiu Samuel 8 Fleming WmW Atlantic Grove U Collins John 0 Flock John AO D Colladay Saral R Fithl&n G B Apollo Lodge Clowila Jrone Fisher TJ Atlas lodgo Costclia Michael Eihejleo Valent’e Ashland Lodge Coleman Co Fidelity Lodge No B&kor N 0 . Coulter Wm B 138 Baud in E Oolborn L H Fulmer Samuel Bacon M H Cooper John H Fowler E H Barlow Thos Couvell James ForbusGeoreW Bsnibrey GWm Cooper P L Freeman Alex Barclay G,J Coi Samuel Foster OB Dr, Barnes Henry , Clerk County Fontvieullo Etats Daley Edmond ' Conner Fatrick Unis Baxter John > Cobden Arthur Frorier Graff ' iantz, John Couvrar John N Frost Kdwatd D Barnett D Cox Win Henry , Fulton Barry B Ceslow WUUam Foote E Barber Isaao Commorford —— Forman &. Lewis Daley C Sam’l Cap Conover Ous M Forrester James BanyolJeorg , Coleman Samuel FryWT&Co Baird S Win Cooley Thomas Fruith E R Balliutlng John Connell Cbas FoulkeJosMD Battle G Samuel Condon l’otk Freid Geo . < 1 Banker Henry Cole William Fry peter • Bedenstoiu x And Coffer P J Bov Foley David F 801 l F Joshua ■ Cories John , -Fletcher Lorenzo BorJyn'J ' CouHerWDr Furman A Boaen- Beiginan M Cornley II ' edlep Bonnet * Nath Cap CooperS W& Co FunchFoOM BlekelACo Collins Daniel Franklin ,l»enj Dr Bcnford B G - 1 . Columbus a rove NFogan Michael Bosnian A E Concordia Grove Friendship - Lodgo Benner Jacob No 6 No 2 Bell Levi Covonant Lodge . Fraternal Lodge Belgrand Baptister Cooquanoek En- No 188 Jean - -camps :l FredoolaLodgeNo BenoyetFJohn Colnmoian Lodge 145 Bilsinger Philip . Connor Patrick . Gallagher Michael Berger Franz Curray William Gauon Francis Beaman A E ’ Crockett William Gardner Jno Benz Jacob Ourlis Thomas Gallagher John Buchanan G R Crawford George Garner A B Bumpus WBharply Oullm George Garrett William Birmingham Curiu Andrew Gatdelle U D ' Biddle A Crowell A Co Gardner Wm il Bishop 0 U Culbertson Harris Geiseoger David U BlouptTM. *r/ UtozsJohn B ■. 8N Btdncb Antonio CreasWilliam * Gerber7D ’ ' Gusman Crane William’ . Gesoer Isaac 0 Black HN CruudJhmesJ GewyonbroProf Blor, Rev John E Cullen P Qen&larlon Lodge Blake Charles A ‘CuJbertJoha ’* ‘No— '•; Bloxom Jno Crawford John Gibson JAG It Boon J B - Cummings 0 0 Gibbs Alien S Bogcland Elanor Cunack John Gibson James G Bowman JR CrossmaitEU GlnaderGvorge Boswell U T Cunningham Wm GHtert Franklin B'Hllue SapjueV Crojax >Vni GiUin Bdward Borsch Charles Crist Alfred “ Grier R Bond K M - Crauloy p Gilbert Harry Bond Henry Cummings MossW Gleann Albert Bowers Win H Davis Joa Capfc Girin Lieut Wm Borukcffol Martin Daniel J L Gilbert Lyron K Boynton W EDrDavisouWU Gilpin John F Bonand A ' Daniels J T Gdddard Abnxn Boliuger John T Davis 011 . Gorett Wm H Uortbwlek 8 Dunnhcr Michael Goodman Julius Bonek Christopher Dassomvillo H Goodin William Bowen Frank Dulu John D Goant 0 H A Co BoymunJosL Daly John A' Goodwin Ezra 8 Brown A Davis James GouJW Brown Wm 8 Davis John R Gonsalvln Manuel Brown N W Dermody P Gossago James Brown Peter Denny Wm Good W H Brown J W Do Wolf Rev® Good Samaritan Brown J B ‘ Devcnport J R Grove No 33 Brown WnjC DrekehnrtJM Graham John ‘Brown Doleanx John Graham Joseph Broad TliosO -DovittJosE Grover A Brother BrodheadJohn Decatur Lodge * GruzunJcbn Bryant A G Be Guemlta F L Grim James Brooks Robert . Dixey Charles GriggWm BrognardTT Diehl Christian Oriflln Frank Braiding Charles Dickson Georges GriekertValontl’a Dressing Cattman Dillard Thos Dr Guilshemon James A Dressing Dick Waited B Grier John M Brooks Henry Dearney Patrick GtlffithWm Bryant A G Dodd Avery A Grifßtbes E Brooks Richard Dodame&d Thos Griggilahlon Britton GL DohhellJudgo ; ’ Grsy LW DradfleldMoss&CdDobbinsß J Goodman J Bowers Fred ■ Doonell J R Judge Graham G W Brody John DowniugWDV (Jutekunst Gott- Bryde WinT ACo Dobbins W DDm-fried Bradley J Doruhoch August Grier WroN Bright N G Dorr Jos Cant Grow BenJ JA Co Button Mess ACo Dowdy fi F Col Guthrie John Budd George K Doyle Jas B Guthrie 0B MD BampusSW Downing John W GreanGeorgoCapt Burk Michael - • Dodgo F D Griffith Francis A Byncelond D W Draper J H Qhuther Abriihara Bats Edward Drouo Messrs' A co Gluekert Valentin 1 Byrne Terence 7>umey ?i j Grumiey WR Cspt Butterfield E F Dutchett Wm . ; Guttenburg Lodgo Byrnes Patrick Dyssrt Samuel No 109 ’ By waters M , Dagger RH HallWmM ' Burges# M Du u *el Heath AcoHalemsoAutheny Bullock David Dirkehart John M Hair Jacob Carroll James* i Durrin Thomas Haley Thos R Cavender J 8 Enjon? Geo K Haines WC * Cambios Frank Evans John 8 Hager Henry W Cavender JohnS EwtngHenry HailoUWinlJ ' Cannlchal Wm Rmpir*GroveNo3slUHWTaylor ' Camp Jacob A Excelsior Grove Half Nathan D, Camp J H No 32 Hamilton J Carr Samuel J Enterprise Lodge Hallett A Bros C&thraU Geo ;/ • . » No 201 Hamilton Empaon Cam Samuel , Empire Lodgo , .Hamilton RUhard Owprtl#ima»l T, MoJM g-Slewdia^T ItaEO MeGreely Jo*.Rooaey Jamea Hannah 1\ D '• ! McLukn GT > ttyden Thomas Hall Warren McM&houJ BynardJD. Ilahan h Boyde McStrille. Smith Smith Samuel . HaToy Thos B , ACo , Smith Thomas .Hamilton Philip McStay Patrick Smith Fred’kO Halderman Henry AloNovin John Smith CW Hole James BlcApanyM Smith JasS Ifaiucs Alex > Maguire John Smith Frank Il&as U AioTnmo Croaby Smith Jaroes Capt Halo AW ■ AlsuroJ BmjthWrnM Ilall J H U 8 N MaokeyJohn Smith H H Ilaltatoad Paines M*uror Jacob Smith H F Hall J N AIoyoST . Smith Samuel 0 Harper Thomas Mather JN A 0 Smith S Halt E A Dr . M&uUho Geo Smith Samuel Harrison WP . 'Marshall Thomas Snyder David Harris A Blaster B bCo E Snyder Thos G Hart LA i Mason A CoJno S Soydcr Lue.un T Harding 3 L .Marxen Henry Sower E G HarahamJon ■ Maurol Wiu .Schiller Lodge NG Ilaaslor DW B ' AlanualE Np 9510 OP Hsyoes Wm . Manley G /Southern LodgeNo Hamer Haver , Mauikey Michael 41 IQQ F , Harman Robt - : Maxwell George, Spear Chasßcr Uasster M Alarsch Henry Spyltard John Huuser JosephJ .MaswellTbosJ Spencer Dr JF Harrison A Son Alarten Horace P Spear Chaa o Harper & Bro Afaxvrell K 2 Sprankle. Wm H 3 Harvey C J 1 Blarung Henry , Spencer H HastingsH, .AlathlealSG Spear W M .Hart Ambrose * Blarps ilyer R . Steonhen Vaulhcr Harris Wm Mason Geo R SterJenger Jacob HaxraQr James Maun Samuel Btraup Hartmann HellvJi Edward Aland A Co, J 8 HuiUler ACo HiggonboUoiuWmMarcol F A’ Staring OK 2 Hill James A . MurnnelOF Stults William ' Howell A Bourk MarcoeFA Steward Joseph B Hood A Co Martin JPB Starluck A Co CW Hosmer JacobE .Mead It F fctowartWntG liock«Mlay Isaac Jleredith Sullivan St Eutgchut Sr Al Iloldahip Chas A BlcGonigal Win L oi iiouof,tholm- Hollnud James .Mershow A Capt m&culatoConcep. Homes Owen Aloyer Sol ■ tion Houser ZA Co ,Alemle n h a 11 B Btobaugh Wm J HodsonWm Frsuklin Stoavison Thus B House James • Merchant Lodge Slegtbens G M HogelandA Miller No 283 10 O F Stark Wm Houston 0 ■ Metropolitan Ldgo Stovensoa Robert' Hackott Calvin. NoHdIOOF StorrAlbert IlorwitsDrUSN Miller J 8 Stocltmun G W Uoy John L Miller A Zeigler Stasvenson \Via Hobson Hartley Alllnor Edward Stephenson AVm N Hagan Blichael * Alitcholl Wm 0 Stanton E W Howard Philip R. Mitchell Daniel Stewurt J N - Ilolmas D 8 Miller G Stadlonmn Jos Houstou Robert A Alitcholl Charles Steophens Jacob Hodgoson T Mitchell Jno J Swain John G Holloway Wm Dr Alillor Charles G Bummors Jolin W Holmor EA J Blills AVilUam Bummers Chiu l Hoffman J Prof AllllerJohn Saflaura,. Howard JG Dr. Mitchell William SatherQeld W A Holmes Thomas Alltchull Jacob - Schmidt Thos A Howell Wm 11, Miller John B fichreiver August Hunter Walter Blich James F , Scott Robert Huey James Minerva Lodge No Schrener A F ; Hutchinson Jno B : 2241 00 F Schaeffer Adol 0 Hunter LB 1 Alolony Samuol Scott John Hunt A Allnor . MorloPetor SchusellerO UuneaJohn . MooroDrO KchiUine M Hutchinson Wmn Morrison Thos Schtnziy M 1 Hughes P , • Alourhead Jno Schellwrßernardus Hupflold 0 F . Moor Park Schmukor Au 'UuntZPACo Monehsn James gustus Hustler Edward 0 Alollcck Thomas SangstonFH Husband B J Morris John J Scott Austin ' Huhhg A J Alohr Crispin SchofieldWAß iHuntzlngcr Johnißloffutt Robert WScigler George Iluggs Janies Alorel Bayun Soheil Stephen Uulme Jphn Morton William gandoraou ACo Hastings Hugh F Aloran Doct ’ 'Ucargo " Haynor Wdi Moneango Charles Schoide Charles E ■Harrington J 4 AV Morris Stephen P gazers A Harris J T Moore 0 Bcofleld F K llarroy Mioor 0 Moore Wm A Sarua ACo Jaa Harding Wm • AloutuguoTß- Schneider Ludwig Iland E Capt • Monroe Lodge No Soott & Ingraham Harper John ; 93 Savage Littleton Hartford Archoy Monroe Lodge No Saranac Lodee Hay JTCo • 38 10 OF 297 10 OF ’ Hart John. . , MDora Fulton_ 1 gears Thomas Hancock JP W Alyora A Luna J geabreok Dr B W Harvey Joslah L Aloran James • Sears Robert liaran Wm Blu tgo F Henry gebring Eduard ' Uartoi Monsiur MuraelmnoNU Sea Sidney Banner WlHtem Alorrel B • Sobriug Edward 2 Harmony Lodgo Alyer ACo Thos B Sellers 0 Edward N°W ‘ Myers WmL , Shapleigh Jr E C Hancock I#odgu • Mullne C H • ghclley AVm No 43 MursetS BhnuroAVm Hiaton Samuel • Myor ACo Wm Shoinor Kwpcr Herrlot Thomas MallerGoo Shcobail Carl Henry James Aluslen Robert Shelmire Wm N Hoateboat J F MuilerCorneliusSgheJgar James Hermann Josoph Afurdon CaptE 0 Shehuu Timothy HeishleyChristlan Norris Biosea Shephard Wui A Hewlings TB A Nuho]a AlGed Shualer Jacob* i Hell John 0 NalHs John Sharky John F Ilonzo John Nowb&ld W All. Shelten Wm Pen Hennesly.T boneßov Bhoanell.Wiiliam Hess John Newman HH ' Levmora Uoild Simon . Nicholas II 8 fihulvah Lodge Ilcring Newman John 8 No 1421 00 F Helto Charles Notte Charles P Singleton Rich* Hendrickson G Nelson ACo ard Jr HeWin J B Norton John A Stlman Pelter Holier Christian Norton F D Semona ssi Hcaduiau CBI Naglo Henry L Sitbworth W Herman Hain Newmann Ucinr’h Semms T G No 38 Nicholas Joseph B Silvers Addison Herman Lodge Not Mllock Wm Summers Bani’l R Honcosus Adol. North American Simkins Annanlus phon Lodge No 28 Coal Co Slpplo Capt Caiob lUckok W 0 N Avpevicau Paper Slmm* Joseph M Hill A Co Bag Co SlocuinACarponter Hitchcock WE Northern Liberties Slack ACo Abra- Imboden John'D Lodge No 17 10 ham lines J W OF, Taylor Win ACo Irwm Jno O’Kauo James Taylor E IHlns Chs OLsow Samuol C Tatbert J W Inghraiu Saral D Oberlo Blichael Terry Harvey ! Jolfroy N Osterman Wilhelm Tonnent Janies Jankir Alonsiuer Oherron John Taylor John D JosurumAJ Osborne JH Tearoy Micbeal Jacobs M Odenhoimer A Bro Taylur W in Jewell Bidney 8 Okeron Nelson TuggortEß 1 Jacobs John Osucfter Air Templo' Lodge Jarrott Thomas Oppenheimer R 2 N 0258 I OOF Jenny Wm A Oriental Lodgo 113 Tortonfa Lodge . Jewett Chas B T Q 0 F N021100F2 Jenkins J QUve UrancULodg Thomas R W Jefferson Lodge ' 11610 0 F 11 Thomas Wm H No 12 l’arr Thomas' 'ACo > Johnson James II paxson Richard 0 Thomas Joe V Johnson George PftrlonWmJr Tllghraan GenT ' Johnson Jerome Tarr Wm P Thomas Al B Joselyn Wm K Pacclorins Boste ThompsonLowii ' Johnson Osoar Rov EACo Jolveslln Bro A Parham Charles ThiesO Co his Executor or Thomas John n Johnson Thomas administrator Thurgalaod Geo Jouaerßßush PallonBamuel Thatcher Ch&a JonuaESACo Parry T Thomas Eli Judtou Wm F Purge Benj F Grove No 4 i Johnson Wm. JPor&dUe Grove No If A 0 D Jones Wm oOUAOD TunoerSumpter Jones Patrick Palestine Lodge Tyson Samuel . • Johnson AW 2711 oof 0 F Tyler Wm F ' JohuioaJF Paradiso Lodgo Toloy F Judge Sir Al 127 Ioof 0 F Townsend E S Johnson Wm Perrird Benjamin Todd Bernard Johnson Alex Peoples James Tornee Joslah Joycclyn Wm R Pennsylvanian Turner Capt 0 0 Jones Anthony 8 College Townsend 3 Karrick John W Pbila Real Estato Triane J U Kropp Beuj BavingsAL’n Co Travers Henry Kaufman Fredk Veiiuevoyer Chas TecUudy Martin Hamer John Penn Grauvillo j 2 Todd John Al Kaogl James B Perry Geo Tunuee, capt J Kelley Jno P PeutlandWm V 2 Kelley Patrick Pholfer Jr Henry Trier V Kollej' Poter Poroll A Brother Taylor J H KolleyJohw , Phippf U Tnletvr M Kelley James Bevpelouro Lewis H 'iVcadriiic D Kelley David U U A Tohamx M Kever Henry F PbUtwn Alexan- 'fully A M’Crea Ktilaghuc Owou dtlaK Townsend Dr K KyesJJ , FhinpsACoJß Turner Thomas Keyle A Harwood Peck W L Tramell Geo Keyser W R Pettit Martin A Tysou Jos L Ke&uy Johanla 'Co - Van Hook E Kont —— PetersHumphreysllnßin N Kesler John A Perkins JuoJudge Vanmln Bonj F Kew Stephen Perkin Richard Vickers Samuel Kerr Jo* Peterson R Yanloun Jolm Kenton T PhelauJno VanleerJohn- KoouJatnos Porkio# Alfred P Volkmar Harry Kendall Perkins A It Vivian Henry Keen Isaac Penua Grovo No 2 VaiiOasleek Ths Keyle E Prof U A 0 D L 3 Keen E Philanthropic L’eUnsnorth Jas Kennedy Ohas F No 15 I Oof O.T Van Deriyn G Kershaw Robt Penn Lodge No 28 Vethak Henry Kilpatrick Thos 10 «f 0 F Van Reek Rev Kltulck James Ponna Lodgo No 1 Dr Krohn Isaac I Oof 0 F Vueeu John Kona Francis Pill Joseph M Vigilant Lodge Kertland Joseph Pill William II No 155 10 0 F Kittermigham Jos Pierson Simon Union StatesLgo Kiander G Pierco Justice Dr No 34 I 0 0 F Krnmm Fredk Plympton Chas 3 Wallhalla Lodge Knight AW Dr Powell A H 111 I OOF Kindter Fr Poucet M Wymor John Kiander Rudolph Potts R Wotbonvcle JnoM Kleinkopf Louis Peuioroy Gen J 0 West Wm G Room Fredk Pollolch Oottfreid Week George Krouso n A Price A Welthatn Webb W II Kallnor A Robert William Wenpolo 0 J Pryor Geo Webber John Banning Jns Pride of tho Oak Welsh Wm C Grove No 8 U AWehner Peter OD West Thomas Lamb Wine fond Ladue John W Lawrence—— Protection Lodgo Webb Geo W Labat Henry ACo N0243100f0F Weatherhy Jno It Lanfnlr Robert 0 Prospect Lodge No Weatwonl John Langabortello 187 Ioof 0 F Weller WUUam Isaac Purser of tho U 8 Weßt Joseph 0 Lastroo Joharia, ahip Saranac West Duiher Langton Edwin Peerall James Welcomo Lodge No Large Darnel Parker Thos J 2?9 10 0? Langdoll G Parker WH Wharton T F, Lancaster John Palmer James White Alexandria Layton Purnel M Page Joseph F Whitaker W B 2 LascoJle K J&mosParker Mr White A Co LW2 LanoWmO Parker Wm A White A Co IV IV Lrucw Emanuel BaggoJohn Whitaker Wm N « Lappan Thomas Randles James Whitson C P RovJ WMyJohn Rank John II Whitaker Jaa Lancaster John KayJ Hutchcrsou Whitaker HO Lafayette Lodgo Ranisoy Sam P Wliltland Henry No 18 Raff J W Wilson Wm R Lehr Samuel Rase Henry Williams Wm Lerist ACo Ranzha Adolph Winclionb&ck Jas Loland Jenlson A Raslnriu Jos E G Oapt Lewis HA Co Radiant Star Lodgo Wilcox Jaa , Lcdgro Wm No 282 I OOF Winters J M Reoclior A William Jas 0 Lo Blanck Louis Reink Thoopahiia William Thos J Loutz John Tt Reed Hugh B Wllsyn Wm 2 Leonard Felix Reed OUS Wilson R JJ Lo Marie Monsieur Read Win A Wilsou J A Leouberg A Co , Ranson George M Wallace Wm Loerla Charleton T Reed A Warner Win 8 Rev • Ready Michael Walker L Leech Thomas Rexford Philander Word Wiu H Levine AT -- ,ReodJobu2 Waters John Lealio N Reed Jamo B Watson Wm Lehnemau Angus-Reed JaraosM Ward\VL2 * tus Roueher, Hon A 2 W'agstift X 0 Lewis Edmund D.Rces L 3b Warwick Jameso Leaker W’n\ P Roarner John Wayao H B LccllirainCol .Rogers Wm Jl Walsh Joseph C Letmer James Rose Henry 8 Walker A White Lippincott John A Robison Aloxnn’a Warner A Walton Co Roth J A Wuilace Wm IV Lipp James I Roberts HP Wallace John D 2 Lloyd Goodwin Roelm Eugeno Ward Lariue D Linton James IlouoyWm Wado Henry LinconFF Rogerson Georgo W alter Charles 11 Little Littoli Rood Ant>oa Rev Wakoham Thomas Link Petor Joseph Rotteck Grove No Walker Neles V> Loob Jacob , I,UAOD Capt Lombturt 0 Robert Morris Ldg Walker John F Long Jno Dixon N029100F W'ainur Frederick Rev Ruppmau Jolm WaU'r FraukUu Pc LomrvilleDX , Rush David Wallace Jno DF Luckenbacli 0 A Rushlnbergce Dc Wiley John Logan Jamo# Pub Dog Wilts W Lj'no Tims A Ru*aell John A W'iHiam Samuel Lowber Bowers Russell Wm Wieland Jacob Ludden William Richardson Frn'cs Winkler John Lowell John 3 Richmond J II Wiaoa John F Lve Henry Ricliords Geo W Wilson C Lufkin Horatio • Riddle Washint’a Wise Abe LeweSJosiw Riley Geo 8 Williams W Lowell Jno 8 Capt Richmond Frank WiUitUJ F Lucke Frans Richmond F E Williams J B MeAHaio Jno M 0 Richardson £d Jr wiilatns John 0 McDormott Jno J Rice T C Wilson A Bono© McNony Wm Rickwine Daniel Winters J A McUllow Peter Riothmao David WUcox JII McCttUf &Co M Rlwgaw Bart Welkesson M J McCnffery Felix Richards Thoa II Woodwards Messrs McGarnonJohn Kfghtmyer AII Worthington W McClune John Rlokner John Wolf 13 McOloiikey Ilonty lUlerS ; Woiturth Gottlieb MeOwty & Co P Richard Henry N Woodward J P McCollum Jlt Reinbartßylveator Wolf D McDonald Wrn Rleben Lttdwig Wobaneff Mr, McColo Hugh Richmond Goa Co Wool Wm 8 : McCorkeo James Richmond Lodge, Woodrow Richard McConell T N 0240,10 0 F Wood*d. A. Bald- Medina & Bruder Rogers Sam D win McGowan John 0 Roberta Jas Wood John McGrath OB Rogers Geo W Wright WD McGrath Dennis Robison &. Sibley Wright Frank Dr McGsnu Bysoq Rockhlll Edward Wright Harvoy GIDEON G. WESTCOTT, Wholesale and retail mer chants, TRACERS, MANUFACTURERS, AUCTIONEERS. DISPOSERS OF REAL ESTATE. Ac., will find th* GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH to be linear passed as a reliable Advertising Medium. .Terms scru pulously uniform. Orders can be forwardedby Mail, or da positedintbe Telegraph, Letterbox, at Messrs. THOMAS fi. JACOBS A CO.'S Wine Store, 75 Dock street, below the'Postofflce. .Address P. R. FREAS, Germautown, Philadelphia. ( sopl4-lt* TVOTIOE,.—A MEETING OF THE CRED IT lions til BEEVES, BUCK & Co , The PHOENIX IRON COMPANY .had BEEVES, ABBOTT 4. Co., Will be held at their Office in the Franklin Building, ’Walnut BtreoJ. »boTO Poctth, »TealWfi Into »«,, q’o3oo)|, , ,spi3 it* Slmttaemtnjg. ' ; FIRST NIGHT ''' ' 'of tne • 11 ’ ; „ OBEAT NOVELTY 1 : WEDNESDAY ICJh) ISW.’ Grand Fantastic Ballet, by Domenico Boriftni, tho celebrated Maitru do Ballet and Pantoumalst' PRINCIPAL DANCERS and P. AN TO ill MIS TS tfi rhngo Prancttc : M’Ue Louise L&u\ottfftut, ,} gfgixir Filippo Bwatti/ ' 1 JFYrjf DlstinguisKtd Italian Dangers: Signore Gulaeuplfia PratesU'M'lle Lucille Lamourenx, Tereslnp Pratißi, ’- \ gir’ra Emma S&utoiinl. ' First Italian JJarictrsf Signore Cecchettl, Slgnoro Mancy, . u "Heckmann, ' M, bbevr, ' » Daltdfa, ' , « E, Shew. 1 “ Gal*, I V/ “ W4s». FYr'sf u PiSrtltromnt.<lj asioiuii ; Gaspare Prates!,' '* J Ceaare Pratesi. ■ ’ First Pimtomlwifsts':, " , ’ Qiovanl Prates!, 1 ' . J Midatqe Prates!. I f ' \ - „ , Parti lAgtnus; , Pia Cocchetti, ' i Enrico Cdccbetti. ; . m ' Secreiary and a Jeaf, SIGNOR CQRGHT. ' Two hundred Auxiliaries : Entirely new and superb Scenery; new and magnlflcentUbstumesj.’new.ana ap propriate appointments. 11 , Music by BAJKTTI COSTA PENQ2ZA. Orchestral Conductor, CAKL BERGMAN. • . £ Rr *!Si ors prices as,before, it 5 8 0 °P en lor the securing of,seats for tho Ballet Season, ol Sixteen Nights/on Friday and Saturday,-from 0 till 4. and on Mouday, Tuesday,,and; Wednesday for the securiug of nightlv heats three data 10 advance, without extra charge. ° ‘- R f* P. 1 8 —Stockholders aro requested to np«*enV «i«lr Cortlficatt# of Stock at the llox Office, aud iSo tW Tlrt.ti fu f 1.6 ensuing scon. liclJrtAf SoS season wIU not be admitted. - lowaer THOS. McKEON, Treasurer.! 1 TVATIONAL THEATRE, WALKUT'STT 11 near Eighths • t - /ii " ,iw . , > ** ; ,MR. W, E. ; ~ , * ONE NIGHT MORE, AND TUB LAST.. Mr. and Mrs, J..W. appear at this Thei. tro on Tuesday, they being unable to anise in time for .Monday’a performance. v . , Mr. BURTON/will on that night repeat hla I TfIHEE FAMOUS CHARACTERS, YON DUNDEE, TOUY TRAMP, and the HUMMY. ; MONDAY, fiopt.ildth. The comedy of , , , t , , . ; the dutch governor, in which Mr. Burton, Mr. \y. .•Briggw,- Mfl H.Wtfkins, and Mra. F. Drew will appe**.'' I i The ludicrous farco of N ,' 1 ' * " ' THE MUMMY, , 1 ' V. ' | ‘ In Which Mr. Burtim'‘will play Toby ..Tramp and the Mummy. ' ‘ * /• . i Andthe farce of ' ‘ ,l FOUNDED ON FACT. , ' { with Mm. P. Drew and Mr. H Watkins. Mr. J. W. WALLA; OK and Mr*. J. WALLACK {her Brat appoaranco since hersuccrseful European tour) will appear on Tuesday. W' AX.NUT STREET-. THEATRE.-tea seo, Mr. E A. Marshall; Stage Meager, Mr. John Belton. /. Prices,—Ureas C ircle< and 50 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 76 cents. Box Oflhje-ppen from 9 o’clock A. M. to SP. M. Doors oponat 7 o’clock; performance to coni* inence at 7K. * i ~* ;•, . i \ l * THIB (.Monday) EVENING, Sept. J4tl£iVlfl;bo acted tho play of , . 1 DAMON AND PYTHIAS. ' ■ ® R mon .Mr. M’Douoiigh Bythias ' ..Ur.Daly C&lantho .Mrs., Proctor To conclude with the Laughable Farce called - TWO BUZZARDS. , , , Mr. Benjamin Buzzard,, .Mr. A’Becket John Smalt.Mr. Chapman Sliss Lucretia.;.,,.',...;, f4 ..,. T , ...Mrfl.Stoneall WHKATLEt>a AROH ST. THEATRE- Tf —SoleLessoe W. WHEATLEY, Boalbof PRicßa.—Orchestra Stails 4 60 cents; Draw Circle (no extra charge far Secured Seats), 60 centi: Family Circle and Amphitheatre. 25 cents; Seats in Pi-i -rate Poxes. 75 cents;. Whole Private 80x,53 ; Oallerr, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persona,-26 cents; Prf. rate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 3S cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 8 P. 11. J. M. B. WHITTON. .Treasurer. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Sept. 14th, the per formances will commence,with jlassioger’s play of A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. ' Sir Giles 0verreach........... U .. .Mr. E. L. Davenport We11b0rn............. ..Mr. Wheats Lord Lovel, Mr. Dolman. Margaret Overreach ;.V..i i Mins Emma Taylor Tv conclude with (secnd time) ' j .OAP£ MAYj,, ; w > , * i Thomas Twist.....’ Mr. J. 8. Olirlje Mrs. Thomas Twist Mifs Epirn* Taytyr for Sale and to £et. T""0 KENT.~tYi¥‘SWERLIN&PARTOE the IIouw) gouthweut coiner LOCUa'A* ami JJ-UVJC:?- TEUNTH street*—Gas, Hath, Dot and Cold "Water. Inquire aa abore. f ael4.2t*j To RENT-SECOND, THIRD ANf Fourth Floors of No. 23 North Fourth street, oppo site Comiuiroo. Possession October let. Apply to ■ WILLIAM H. BAOON. 5 828 Market at. > ftonn or $5OO book; bindery-tor SALE—Sevan year* established, doing (a fair Job business, which can be Increased, both.bUnk and printed jubs. . Location, 635 .Arch Sixth. • DJanfc bonkj*tcdst, Jobslwaod'to order. ' aug 19-5 w 1 1 ■ ’ ' PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES- I TER, N. J., FOR SALK, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 76 feet by 140. Price, $3,000. Also', Lots suitable for manufactories, fronting the river. ‘ Apply to 0. ROBB. No. Sll South Fifth street. au2S-lw# tTORTICULTXm'AL . SOCIETY*. nEX XX lIIOITION.—The-.Twenty-ninth Exhibition pf Ue PENNSYLVANIA . HORTICULTURAL' SOCIETY will bo held in JAYNE’S HALL, Chestnut Btr«et, Dear Seventh, on the 16th, 16th/and >l7th instant; being Tueaday, Wednesday, and Thursday. ‘ i Contributions in cboico or rare Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetables are respectfully solicited. Contributors from a distance may address THOMAS P. JONES, Secretary, No. 030 Marketstreet, Philadelphia. R. BUIBT, Chairman, Nos. 023 & 024 Market street, Phils, i tt’TfMl * n r * zea for* FrwtbFlowem, und © 4 v/vv Vegetables by the Pennsylvania Hon ticultural Society, atJaynes Hall Chestnut Street, near Seventh, on Tuesday,’ 15th inst. Articles must be staged before 12 o'clock. R. RUIST, Chairman. P. 1\ JAMES, Secrotary A MEETING OP THE DEMOCRATIC nomiuees of the City and County will be held at the Globe Hotel, on Monday, Sept. Hlh, at 10 o’clock A. M. Punctual attendance in requested. &epl2-2t JE. & B. SCHELL’S • CITY MAKBLB WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL FACTORY MARBLE HALL, , S. E. CORNER, OP TENTH AND > VINE STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. . Where e.ory vnriotr of MARBLE MANTELS,TOMbS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and FLOORING, con bo supplied upon reasonable terms. au24-tu/3m • W MARINE INSUR IILADEJ.PIIIA—Office, No. if THIRD. ONLY TAKEN.” _ ... >TOM. Wm. M. Bw?in, . Jer. TFalker, John Anspach, Jr., Jqu. McClure, J 2. N. Burroughs, Tlio. Craven. J. B. Hughes, . , AVS.CiUetV ¥. D. Sherman, . Furman Sheppard, ?. Wm. P. Hacker, fiaml. Jones, U. D., J. P. Steiner, . Joseph Klapp, M. I), H. A. Shackelford, , • ‘ Hon. JOEL JONES. President. Hon. Q. W. WOOPWABD, Tice President. Jxo. s. UoiScLLtn, Secretary. Jatrss B, Altord» Assistant Secretary. anl-3m Girahd.fibe an; ANOE COMPANY, PH 302 WALNUT street, west oI ■ “FIRE RISKS 0 nifiusoi Dancing academy.-naylor & DAUGHTER'S DANCING ACADEMY, TENTH aad SOUTI! streets, commencing TUESDAY,September 1,1857. The subscriber*, in offering this prospectus to the daudng community, respectfully acknowledge their kiudness during past seasons, and pledgo themselves that nothing shall bo wasting on their put to make the coming setuon surpass in that of former years. .' / ; , Mr. N. and Daughter have, with untiring exertion*, added to their already full list of fashionable dances, many new ones, which will be introduced during the season. . PAYS OP TUITION. ." . ; j For Children—Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons,from 3to 6 o’clock; for Ladies and Qentlemon—Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from? till 10 o'clock. au2?i3ra. WORTH HEADING.—Why ia,it,that, so many suffer and drag out a miserable unfitted for the enjoyment, and even ordinary pursuits of life, when rrile by treatmeut at onco pleasant, safe and permanent in its effects, may bo to readily obtained? Dr. MOKHIS (Into of New York) tenders his professional services iu all Chronic and Female Complaints, piles, Gravel, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Asthma. Ac. Patients visited in any part of the city; or If prefer red, treatment by lottor.and thehighostsatisfactiouwar ranted, no matter how complicated and stubborn the caso may appear. ’ Forsomo interesting and Instructive suggestions to tlto married, or those contemplating marriage, enclose 25 cents. Address , . - ; ra,ir,MOitius,M«ij..: I selO 4t* , Philadelphia, Pa. Consulting rooms, 270 South FIFTH Street. ffourp, 10 to 2 and T to O,P. 31. WM. D. ROGERS* CARRIAGE REPOS ITORY, 1009 and IQU CHESTNUT STREET, above TENTH, is now open for the ealc of every des. criptlon of Carriages, combining Style, Durability and Elegance of Finish, from tho Manufactory at the corner of Sixth and Master.etreeU, to which tho attention of Cititcns and Southern and Western gentlemen is res pectinlly called. N.B—Especial attention given to Carriages for re- Jaira iu tho shops connected with the Repository. Eu ranco on Chestnut Street,. - ■ sel4-jnwf2w Proposals FoftEXCAVATioN—Tho WEST PHILADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY will receive PROPOSALS, at their office, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, WALNUT Street, till, noon of tho 15th ia.it., for EXCAVATING and EMBANK ING along tho lino of their route, Haverford road and Vino street, West Philadelphia—about 12,800 cubic yard* cutting, and 17,Q00 filling—there toeing very little, if any, rock. , Contractor* will state the time required to finish the job and terms of payment. Jiwuc* .Miller, Esq., En gineer, Market street, West Philadelphia, mil explain details of the work required. • J. S SILVER. Chairman of Committee, selO fit FIFTH and LIBRARY Sts., Philada. A FARM OR COTTAGE wanted within mile* of Philadelphia, in exchange for a three story Brick House, east of Sixteenth in Vine street, and a thrco-tftvry House in Murray street, oue in Pearl street, and a lot iu Kensington, 190 by 105 feet, fronting on four streets, all clear. Either or all the above unit part cash. Apply to . ROB’T A. PARRISH, fcpt 9-lw# 8, W, corner of 4th St Walnut sts. Notice to consignees-—Tho ship STALWART, Capt. JC. 11. Lucas, from Liverpool, is now discharging under general onlay at Almoud street wharf. Consignees will please attend to receipt of their goods, Tilfts. RICHARDSON S CO. se3-tf MACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURN \CES. ITX Sold by CHADWICK <fc DUO., SECOND Street, first door abevo Race. anglB-3mos. David m. Uogan, blank book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT street, between Fourth and Fifth, Phitadel phia. - siS-fe) WELCOME RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD VV wior * BRO. 103 N. SECOND M. tnlMio. rrraoMAs E. Baxter.—Uakdwaee, X OUTLEKY AND TOOLS, No, 930 MARKET BT •hr.* Ninth, nouth .Mb. . , a j., m TO CARPENTERS.AND. BUILDERS.— Attention is invited to the -following stock of sea soned LUMBERS 3W,000 feet 6-4 Yellow pine Floor Boards, j jjoloOOfoetW v ido>* * f ™\Z ’v 30,000 foot 34 do i- ” do, suitable for lin ing stores. 76,000 feet White Fine Floor Beards. 350,000 foot Spruce Jo/at, • Belling low for cash, to ault the times, and In lots to suit purchasers. ' ALBERT DENTON, South FRONT atreet. SUPERIOR PICTURES—IMPROVED £3 AMBROTYPES at the new skylight room*. 1&20 MARKBTietreet, west,of jßih&i streetlfover Ghana)’* Dry Qooaiitott. JSVANS, prMtioulFhbtographifrMd U ftchw. ftMwt ■■ ' ■ (educational. | ■pKOFESSOB’ SAUNDERS’ INSTITUTE, A .wbbt Puir,AD*T,pniA. - T No Seminary whatever is more Ul*e n private family. The,cpucBo of study and thorough.' P-o -fewmr Saunders will r'ecelro * few more pup|ls iinir fourteen'yiat I * l Of'igC'into his family; Ji«q>l»re k>f Mt\jars. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or W. Fornev Jvdiforof thjfl Papir, whose sons or a i-ru> *. now members of' hTB family. ' * Veptl4-tf ST- II AH It'S EWSCOi'AL ACADEMT, wguaj sjrjiEKx, u-Ms,orsist«eßtb, cijwe«)n Greet, French, and thfc usual EagUah. branches, arranged so as to allow pubfta to wlWnifff'WJ feach, fiids poQduutljr.of the others, with to *‘^ls,*® veral , a b, litie«. _ Much, (ime is, eiyeji f?!’®®! b ?*^ s P™P*re lessons. Circularsmjty'be' ob ,tamed at the Academy, .. ? , .-\ K uli I . »ell 2w*, . J, AKDRSffa HARRIS. PrincipalJ . iV|ISS BOKNEY AND MTSR IUT.I.AY& thflir HOARMNB ASD DAY Saf, 1 CHESTNOT B.^^MOSDAT.S^' MSTEWSKOja.I, ~,‘j J.Newkmßrowxv P.P:, do; Wm. B.' Jacobi, do: W*V Blackwood: p,;P- 5 do: 4.. Conyers#, p.D, dor John leyhurn, t). D., do: Jamqs H. .Cuthbert. fl 0: Wrc. T. Brantley! I>. D.. do; E. B; Chendj.'do: William Brad ford, New lotSs city; A„B. GiUetth, J>. p R.ißaf ccock, P. D., do; R 4 Ful|m, B. J>,, Baltimore: Georee W. 1 Eaton, D.D., HaraHtonfNew YorkjG.'Kempton,North ' East, New Turk'; thoriiks fiatnbnht, Camille Georgia: I Howard. Ualcora.P. P , pewishMrg, EeoasylyanU; John; LL.l).JßhlUe7pbift: taut T. JoW 8r , db; ! Col. A. G. •Witennhtr;'do}‘ Caspar Morris, aivp., do; I Robert a Ezell, Esq.,-Marshall, .Texas; Johnfi. Beai- ' pie, Esq., PUUtiargh, Pennsylvania; lames- Edmonds, ! Esq.j do. do; George W.‘Jackson, Esq., do,' do; Johnß. 1 Raymond, LL. P.> Brooklyn,'New 1 York; Blsysonlß’raj- Chicago; Hop,'George %, Bradford/ Homer,:. York; Blephon D, DiiUye, ,Eaq., New York city; On. Daniel S. Dlcklrifeon, Binghamton, New York. , i'eep4*ln»'* -> ' <'t- ’ » H’‘- > ■ i’ /■iKITXEkDPNia:rHIXvA3<E)itoACOM vv Slt'RCl.rt' COLLEGE, S.'E.'corner of SRVKNXfI' And CUESTNDT StKeeto, SeWnd and Third Storiea. hOOK.KEmKft, PENMANSHIP, ereiy atjle. COMMERCIALLA IVS ANfIPOBMS. , , , COMMEROIAE'OALOtJLAttONS. ■ iLBOXCBES.fte. ,„:[!»> ; J« i Each Student haa individual, inatracfion from, compe* teat and attentive Tcachora, under the immediate BUperviaion of tho Principal. i' J ■ - J i .d 1? 2{, lh *i? < * t Jp' wa,n in the Country hah charge if the Writing Department. * , , j _ Pleaee'caU and lee Speo&ieha and get'V Catalogue of Xerhia.dco.'. ill H .EMAN ALLEfT, A. &(,, is prepared- to receive a limited number of pupila on the Violin or on the Piano, and to play Violin parts Ornecompani- r J A h piaoists-' Apply at U& reiidenoo of hjs father. Professor ALLEN, No 216 SonthSercn. teenth Street. Circulars, with terms and reference! at G. AN DUE tc Co.’a, No. Si. - iwl-im* School for young ladies, south fj WEST CORNEROFABCH AND TENTH STREETS m The pupils in thli Institution will be instructed la all ‘ of *,fbo«ugh.lijn§Uah Education, andetery facility for thV acquirement „of knowledge provided for them; l • > \ !* t i * •-■ > - j • wijl be a’ careful pointing onward aqd upward. , _ t « . - The 'echool-ydifle divided into two terms, of five iaontha each, commencing . first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) and drat gf Second Month. (February.) J •' :| - TERM 8: " ’ '• ! First Department) per term pf five m0nth5......126;00 Second <* li .tt .... 20 00 Third •*< 1 «' • « ......1600 Fuel, Ao.yper term...... 1.00 ' - harsibtibegwh. Philadelphia, ; 1557. , • * * RETEBBNCESi * 1 Thomas KimhftT, , , J.D.Wfcite, • Samuel Settle, Jr., Eenj, S. Janner, M. D 'Marmadufce O.Cope,' Robert K. Wright, Wittiafn Settle, Thomas 0, Smith,: Thomas Wiatar, , , George Grisoom, Anthony P Morris, William P/PitheM,', JoshhaH.: Morris, • ‘David Vanderreor, ' Uriah Hunt,, • , , Willljua; B. Thoaa*.. ‘ * CJUPPLEE’S INSTITUTE FOR, TOONG. LADIES, (boarding and ‘ day pupibK) N. W. corner ELEi'..XTIUad ; GREEN streets. Fifth session wilt open , on September 7th. ' Best gives, in cluding &H present and former patrons. au26-tf SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR K? YOUNG MKN. ANp, BOYS.. N. K. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. Professors 6f tbe'hTgh'tJst qualifications employed. Catalogues containing " full particulars, pupfU’ names, testimonials, &0., can be had oq application. »u25-tf - F. DONL'BAYT TONG-, Prtnelpal.; JAM£S -XHE ,4-ESS, PHILADELPHIA. ! • AYAJiIpY BOARDING SCHOOL JTOB BOyH.x ; Rgr. B. it. Sum&, lUctoa. 0 , Tho Annual Session trill begin' on, TUESDAY,r Bob* Wtobetl. ‘ ' •' t ' Circulars mar be obtained, ai the Book Store of It. HOOKER, 8. W. coruar.EIGHTH, and. CHESTNUT, or of the 1 Sector, Post OBce, T*llp of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. , , , 1 ‘ “ aal7-6ml IlfBS. BARTON’ 8 BOARDING AND IfJL DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 19® CHESTNUT St, below Twentieth, will re-open on tho SECOND MONDAY in September. ,aaZP*6w* TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE i l persons, mala and female, to gain a chare of thia world’s goods and comforts aa a BUSINESS’. EDUOATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 160 SIXTH. Attest, near RACE, t will re-open on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies: embracing a knowledge or ‘ • WHITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC j by simplified methods, in a short litaO.. THE LEIDY’S take‘pleasure in aiying, that daring the piwtyear a largo cumber of-penons acquired a BUSINESS. EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. ■ ' - . auSS-3m. f^OAL; —The very hesfc assortment Of LE HJOB »pil SOHJiyLKIM, COAL, on t*nd, in. 11BOAD Street, second jarti above Vine street. K'U-lm HOWELL DORMAN. I C)Ojn LBS - 13 A TON—BUYERS wWiv and consumers Are invited to examine oar Block of <‘LKHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK HEATH COAL.” Our Coal is selected expr&wiy for family use; being carefally screened, we’ will warrant it free from slate and dust. 11 We sell 2340 lbs being “ 240 lbs. wore”than sold by retail dealers, at “2$ cents less per ton.” . ‘ Also. on band a fall supply of “ BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL’ ’ for Steam-generating, Bl&cksmithing, and Rolling-mill purposes. This Coal Cannot be ex celled. : | Yards, BROAD and VINE—Big 8ign. : ‘«2240 LBS. IB A TON. , [eeB-3m] LEIGHTON A CO. azeXton and' spring MOUN TAIN, Lehigh, Hickory and Locust Mountain Schuylkill Cool for aaleat KNOWLES’ Depot, NINTH and WILLOW Streets. , au!4-lm > COAL! COAL! COAL I—TAGGART** CELEBRATED SPfIING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. i J. Sc. R. OARTER’SGREBNWOOD,TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER’S FINE FOREST SQHUYL KILL COAL .... RANDALL & AfgJREDITH j, Have for sale, and are constantly recefvihg Horn ■. - above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There Is no Coal mined anywhere, equal iu quality these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and wo will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust and all impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. 151 SQUIH FRONT street, above Walnut. ~ Qrdeca (eft at out Yard, GALLOWHILL atreet, below BROAD street. • Orders left at our Wharf. WATER street, above OAL LOWHILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Faulty use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct from the Company’s Alines, and the only authorised agents, by retail, south of Kensington. Also Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. ’ | T. TREADWAY, Bwanson street, i* au2o-2tn] Ist Wharf above Washington, Southwark. SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH iCOAL.— l am daily receiving, at my yard, thebestqoalityo SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be Satisfactory to them Lji~ No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRIOE9. ALEXANDER CONVERT, aul-tf N. E. comer of Broad and Cherry S’-*. ■ Lehigh and Schuylkill coal— DALY, PORTER 4 CO.. COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIMP Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on band, at ‘be very lowest rates, a roll supply ot Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. an l-6m Lumber and coal.—Montgomery & NEALL having connected tho Coal with the Lumbor business, iaformthoir friends that they have made contracts for a supply of ths beat qualifies of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prin** streets. Orders may be left with Sir. S. KILPATRICK, No. 13 8 FIFTH street, or with Mr. WM. D.NEALL, corner PINE and WATER streets. »018-3 m Hooks. COAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILI SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, viz: Blunt’s Coast Pilot. ISth edition; Bow, ditch’s Navigator,27thedition) Shipmaster’* AMisiant,' 9th edition. Wo Invito attention to oar new Spring Centre Com passes, which auswor Tor either light or heavy weather, and are especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where the motion is coutsnWraMe. They require fewer repairs than any compass now in use. Marino Opera Glasses of superior quality, Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers. American, French*ami English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compares, Binaries, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Noutieal Instruments aud Books, constantly on hand. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from tho latest and best authorities. • • - Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Signals, Deal’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott’s Horo meter, and an Instrument for working oat problems In Nautical Abtronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They hare received tho approval of ex perienced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the U. S. Navy. E. & «. W. BLUNT. aulB-lm* No. 179 Water Street. Henderson & co’» great liter ARY FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH streets. Iu order to gratify the wishes of oar numerous pa trons, and induce the book-haying public to ftU up their libraries pt the usual low prices, we intend to preosntto evorr purchaser of books to the amount of $l aod Up- Qift in value of from 25 rents to |IOO. Gall at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect tqu are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets “j 9 books at the usual price, and very many will get, ui addition, a present worth having. aatl-3m J?YANS? GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, -K-i No. 336 OUEBTNUT Street. N.B.—No connec tion with any other house in the City sal-3m NO MORE PILES—NO MORE PILES. DR. OHARLR3 KKLLNITZ, from Paris and Lon don, is iu possession of a remedy which will cure radi cally this painful disease, however nrotraetril and'ob stinate U may be. Tho first prescription arrests all pain as if by magic, and three days’ treatment effects a com pletecuro. No-charge will bo made if the remedy fail*. All diseases cured. lie i* also the inventor of a liquid for nourishing the growth of tho hair, and removing bsJdoes*. the efficacy of which he fully guaranties.* Lewis Fishblatt cured of pile®. Apply at 933 LOCUST street, near the Unitarian Ohurch. sel-lm T H. CHASE & CO. COMMISSION ANTS, 43 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. 'CONSTANTLY BBCEIVISO CLOVER SEED On ooiulgmueut from iho interior or PenturlnnU, ' vh.ro oar new Oleaaiag Mill is now ta eener.l use. ■ {D* Al«o, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP »!v»r» oO hand. ' ' »el2-tf Rosin.— «)o barrels soap-makers' * ROSItf, to Krivs 1 l>-;r schooner J. H Tlmner. iMARTIN k MAOAWETKR. : -I:i it.Wn CHIP OTSEONTHE FOR NEW OK- LEANS—Guarantied, first v*»s*l to zzU in all ihis we.k, mid takas what fr’eipht offers at the ioweet rates. Thu remarkably pa-*'.* ih ; OISEoN TIEE, ,Win. K_ t co.w loading rapidly at lUco street wharf;‘harijg u larg* portion cf hlr cargo engaged, will «ul a* at»»feyfaii or not full. rs win /ii»n*v \’u **“ and bills of idling to the countiar-boy*** for aigasture. For balance of lreiyht. of haring el*g«at state-room aecouwiod&tioaa. <te storage-paaiaget apply f®. ,i , hiiituy, iutoffs a co, , ‘ -•■■•I 33 NorthWhirres. -■ The GTStOATJIB insures at,the lowest n&i*, and will t&kg strain down the Delaware apd upi the Mia sissippl. • m.xr ffrv . a ttl T4Xa TjtOIUSAif FKANOISGOw^jiIFOIi&IA f.l#tNS.->rWtec*.Cwfii sbiUlfelpba>~ . , ( The njJgpiScdat elipp&r ship .JOifcpji JQ&&3. Sam uel O.' TloirSns, commander, ti h<m toiding ' Bsc* street wh*?/; uriaf/vliigb part of haf esnaiintej ,*od going tay» immediate tei- Shippen w5O please burr/ tfieit gboto albugude wrlh- XfetdtMX. I;!.!', i ** • , iFoc.balanceof fright r *«pplr to < ' BISHOP;BT3TOK3 k CO , aeS-Atf' * '•'* s -'' ,ij * * ‘ North Whtmi. TSOO2-FHOM SEW 17»0R - SAN '■ YORK- -f -.‘.li' »« , ?h« celebrated cling*ytiup SANTA 01AU3, Frist/T. inajitar j the clipper jiliip JjOST^IAI-, * master, ahi-fiow loading Any-will'ciTt* Snatch as abor«( • ; . .f, {.. 177 - .< <, .. • ~tot tfl'tmtt pt [riigbt avnlrtfi -'■ - , Bffiior sntoN'R i co, i'„i, ,trl Wbsrtw. > hotels an* ttesurarants.' The old sTajr hotel inhakmonf COURT,—The pubUa. are ;rcap«c tikil r r : i oTo nned that the oil STAR HOTEL is fi exiU*n©T The proprietor will* be' glad to* s<J* and promises to fhrnjeh th#av with a superior qu&hty U Ale, •rules and Liquors. He feels assured that ou-psrinsr him a visit they will not be disappoint*!. • " 7 ' » i JOHN COfILBY. i. - .k^lw Loach fromlO to 12, o’clock.., MCGOWAN’S RESTAURANT, SOUTO - west'corfitr of BROAD'aixLWU.LlCU'f—Same and all ;othar detieaeie* irk seasou..,.''.Faaaliea with Oysters.on the shortest notice, . , ( s-nfr.y V • EW'XS S. COFFIN,—: 1 . .< -.i .jy, iWP WiW^^oil^ypsiKNKinQejao Bouth-mt corner FlfrH‘4n?iiTOß!*3t'-Mto, ' 1 i ic-,. fet'.MelfhLv Hf EHOHANTS' HOTEL; - I*l, tiORTH- JOV&TU STltSat, ■: Asova MiArw, , ' 'PniLADEJ.PHfA fifcKIBBKN A SONrf, P*orHr*T'-a3. •BSJ-tf ■ M. QcOTT HQHSS—bornar' oOtWia, Street VJ aril Duqnesne Way, Pittsburgh. ,B. 9'.MARKER, Proprietor, ; rioIS-Jiri tOints nn& S/id&dra.' PORT WINE.—In bond and ohtKled to de benture 200 casks St. Joseph’s Para Juita .Port , Wipe, in qrs..Rnd eighths,,- , ' Tart puncheons John Ramsay lilay Malt ScotchWhia key, 2 years old 7 ..i, ■>, ..• Fifty nJpes.Aochor Gin. - . r. ' . . Marett, Martel, Bouvet, and ?. J Dopar Breadiaa. elf of which' X offer to the trade at prions •.j .i ,'i »*••? ! . jos.r. roaiXs, . au27-3njpa i . 83 and 90 3. front Walnut. O P. MIDDLETON k BKO., IJIPOKT BBS of BRASDtES, WINM.'Ao ; .1.0. “'• I P'°Pnj>cni«/ tie pU .KBMI. KatSrfKY. a NoKh FRONT street." * , ' ' ao*2-lia A ? LE.XANDS# Y.,HOLMES, WJNE A#D xA. LIQUOR STORE, Ko, 226, Southeast Corner of GEORGS amf SOUTH Streets ** • ' -aal-lt Gi. Lewis, iitppKfEß and dealbb 0 IN une ‘wines hqt-om, aciß.4t„M Scntt.WMH Btreot, . i ieM, T>HANi)IE3.^-Pinct ( CasflUoa &;CJo., Us rrii dkICoL arri other Twiad* of Cognacs of bartons vintages, In half pipes aod qnarierc&3*j ’ iFelJiToicn Rochelle Brandies,jiaje and half pipes, o airier casks and one-«fgbei casks, all wCasiomHouse stores. Imported and for dale by. 1 '—J > , ■ - ‘ HRNBY BOHLRSi&OO-, : an,B . . Ho«. 221 and 2» SonU’fourth street. TyTHMAR; & -POBTBK,: ALE V AND LAGER B££R, BREWERY, #O. 420 ftjew N0.928} North TfllßDS&M^PhU^elphla-ShleW order* promptly afWaded to.' - •-"’aol tf Quite bg VI/X>LBFRT& SQOTT, AUOTIONESEB, » v 431 CHESTNUT Stycfit. opposite the Cteton House, between Fourth Fifth Streets • IOARD.—We' Dkvlte the' particular attention of par chasers to the positive sale of a large &0d valuable (Se lection of ancient and modern oil pairitiags, to be made at our eUrre this (Monday) morohjg at 11 o'clock. SCRIPTURE PIECE. • Also, Qnd-vatueMo t>ciioiy Family, to.ho so)d by oyder of th# admintftrator. <..! i i.VIWOP FBAXCISCO, Also, a Daguerreotypie Flew of the City of San Frau ciaco... SALE bF CLOTHING. ■ Thursday next, rooimeselnF *1 29 oVioek, re will sell stock of men’s and boys l Fall and Winter clothing SALK OF BRANDY IN BOM), f On MONDAY, ilstinat, At 10)i o'clock precisely, we wilL sell,, by cider, of Mrs. tTiiibetri nsjfloa, 1 administratrix to the fesude of John Gnjij Jr/, deceased,'ai thu Custom House, Chest bcl,v3,a Foorth aad Fiflh streets, 2D half pipes brandy. ’ VosfTiT® Bale of oil faintings.—Monday 14th iost.i, fcthmenctny tX 11 1 o'clock, wa will MU a large and valuable euUoqUon at European Oil Puat* Jng'f, embracing' works front micy of the beet Continen tal Artists. Included *}Q be found, Marin* Timm, In teriors, Cattle Piecoa, Ac .ialtodtor Ahe QsUery. Par lor, or Drawing Room. They bar* been peL-ctca With gtfkVchru tiykcHdcnt Aye&t«. T *hb hsTedaTOted spefial hUentkm In selecting for this Bskckst'. PEREMPTORY BALE Or EMBROIDERIES, SHAWM, MILLINERY n*xt, ut 10 o’clock precisely, we will Sell oh a liberal credit by catalcvue a Urge and, valuable .acjmrtiD«nt of choice French, and Scotch Embroideries,Shawls, Ribbons, Arti ficials; Skirts, Cornta, Bonnets,'and Goods generally, • • N. B. Samples will be displayed lor examination eir -1? ou the mCrniog of Stie, when 'the trade, and pur chasers genorally, will find It their Interest to attend. TVIOSES NATHANS, ADCTIONEEB iTJI AND COMMISSION. MEBCHAST. S. K. eoener SIXTH ud RACE Streets. NATHAN S PRINCIPAL LOAK OFFIOE, • 3. B. Corner nf-&xth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gald,an4 nlgte Watches, Jewelry, Diatadnds, Lletblng. Dry Goods, .Groceries, Began,’HsmSwanv Cutlery. 1 foreituro, bid ding, Hoceca, Vehicles. Haruan. Stocky sed, eu al» ar ticles of value for any Lmgtk ofli-ue agreed on, cn ict satisfaetoiy and Gbefal terms than at any oihrreti V lishment. , fsefii.. . t M NATHANa, NAT£IAN'9 great sols of FORFHITND UUOD? will take’place ih a few days -1 Doe roSfee w;R be given. WKBB’S great; axle-of iorieitvj Jewelry. Guns. Fietols, Mas-cal Instrument*. &&., wiH t*ke ce shortly. DUebfitiee will beg!r<>n .. WKUS’S great sale of Dry Good* Clothing, Bedding. Ac., being forfeited cuUatesala, will take shortly. Due notice w»H be giTvn • , ! LAHGK S»ALB OF FORFEITED GOODS. Bale o! WatchK &o , Ac. On TUESDAY morning next, 3opt -aI ’IC at Mosjs Nathan** Auction Flore,'B L corner of SIXTH and RACK Streets. Bales! Rdem 2d etety, en trance, from Race *t. , Cobaiating in port of Magniflcen; <JoId IlqaAlng Case, Doable Oasd, Doable Bottom and Open FseeEogHßh Patent Lever WoWhee, the most of thorn-23 fcarat, faU jeweled, and of .the mo-A appro.mokfxz; Superior Gold Hunting Cue, Double Bottom and Op-sn Fore La eapemSut Bwis»'Lev*r Watches. t% karat fine gold, and of ths beat maker* Fine Gobi LepipeWatchee, in Hunt iog C«*ev and Open Face, full-jonvlLsd and plain: Englfih; SwU*.’ and Preach Gold V, atriirs; a splendid aioortment of Hunting Case and Ojwn Tare Sliver Bng li*h and Swiu Patent Lever, Escape.::“lit Lotir. Leniue Watches; Double Case, Double and Siygie Caso Watches,* Gold Chains. Pencil €»«*,■ L'ar-ricgs, Finger Rings, Brnut Finland Jewelry get-arally Watchmakers, Jewelers, Dealer« Jhj T.'-de general ly, and private purchasers, will find it to th Mr advan tage to atterfd this sale, a* it will embrace the fine*! and beet assortment of Watches ever offered at {M*-i ic eole. JOHN BAYUS, \2t ARCH Street, between Thud.and Fqurlh Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING; at X o*rio:k. Of Boots,*Shore, Hardware, Cutlery. Watch's, Jew. elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goott, Notions, Ao., Ac. f < N. B.—Terms of. Night Sales, foar worths* credit for approved city acedpUares for sums of JlbO and »;th Ln terort added from isle of solo eepl-ltu George smith, auctioneer, N. F 2. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets, above Second. BVKNING SALT 3. SALS3 RTERT SATURDAY EVENING, At 7)4,o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hozdvora, Cafl ltry, musekreptng Articles, Clothing, \Vatches, Jewel ry, Fancy Artirieu, 4e.' CJAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below opposite Pear «t., only eight doors below the Exchange. , . lloure of busdoeM from 7 o’clock,. A. hi., until 13 o’clock ia tho eveahiff. 1 Outdoor axles, and sale* at the Auction House, at tended upon the moat watufactory terms. . CAPITAL $200,000. EtUibliikat for Its last Thirty Ys«rt. > AdTOocei n>ide from oue dollar to thousands os B*a moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewulcj, Hardware, Her chsndiee, Clothing. Famiture, Beading. Cigars, Maafc&l Instruments, Guni, Hones, Cvriagre, asd Goods of every description. , , Au goods e&n re mala any length of time agieed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars sad upwards will bo charged 2 per cent, per month ; SfivO and r>rs: y the lowest market rate. This Store Housa having a depth of 120 fret, baa large fire aud thief-proof vaults to store *U valuable*, end pri vate watchmen for the premiss; .also, a hoavy insu rance effected for the benefit of oU person* having goods advanced upon. N. R-j-On account of having su unUudbed capital, this ohice le prepared to make alvutcoa on more satis factory and accommodttingikenua thas coy other la this city. Money advanced to the poor, 1c email amounts, with out any charge. ;. AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold PatentX*rer and other Watches, Jewelry* Clothing will be aoM at reduced prices. aul-ly tints, Capa, S'c. CH. GARDEN & CO., * Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers <u HATS, CAPS, FURS, GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ROVCHXS, FEATHERS* d*c M Ac. No. 532, (old No. 19fij MARKET Street, Below Sixth, south Side, ; And No. A»MlNoRBtreet, Philadelphia C. JrENfiT OXRDKNj . DOSIBL noVoTAX. llerchante are respectfully invited to examine our stock . ' M7-2m CULLENDER & PASCAL, ►3 1 HATTERS, aul-fim No. 3 8. SIXTH street. Philadelphia. (gentlemen's ytimislting <2oo&s ■WINCUESTER & SCOTT, GEJtTLE VV MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. No IW CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadeljibia. Tho attention of Southern and Western Merchants, aai Stranger*, is particularly invited to this Improved cat of Shirts, the wort perfectitting Mttriemade. Atwhule- Bale >Dd.rtun,h£tt|eaaw to order. oao-lyif BT Cll AIL 4j£tjcWo., No.SMN, SECOND Strwl, T?fcA«3 r i- ?Jo4S!SMCKKR rt.A o’s. A’ alsoFl^ o Flagefrom two and a hvlf Inch feet, vfholwl* *ud retail* at the Flag i' o b-/ Sooth Second,*treat lOi** »>' wTI'JNDLEy & Co.. . J>« No. M'soutti tIHRD Street. ibHUtUa f CGLLEOTiONS prinuptiy made ofa »H acc4tfftie' point* U.tbe United Btdtes ana Canada. •; Stocks, Bonds, 4c., Bought and Bold on Oomn&sion. Uneurrent Bank Note*, -Chebks, &c., bought at the lowest rates. * : t.. «s 4 . M
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