*■ - gill—<s* ;Vfe| lOe«nifpoiia*B^#®iV , ?m«.V'' .'* ■>•' •!- !i / t “:' ~ p;m; r t fVlisaVdlhaTtue banka-haye discounted- to-day tethttfdlaaicmnifc of; their receipts, and thatthfs b*, relieved 1 ’ tbo id : (h 6 money-market to a ;;.Tb9-detaebd, ! fcqweVGt,, is ifcwinytySb&sd of tfc<r supply; andnohe claaa borrower® osn obtain accommodation; even ai the rates’;-! ljaya quoted,/or tho' last week. The lending- oomraercjal papers -are begin* ntog.rto^eatd^e.Jhe.-bankfl; rather severely upon tnolr *? aistruBt*of.- the mercantile community,” and to warn tbemdhatif the public Were to.reoip rooate the distehst/fbf forty-sight : 'hobrs, r vfow of them -would- be, 1 ’able .’to!:,Withstand * the .belief ‘is, that the” next statement will sljbpSi4,ooo ) OQu mcoin in the bank vaults ;and if thi*Jbe, so,,the public are entitled to expect a proportionate ‘in' loans; "Ex* change is nominal at . former rates, if anything at a deollno. It is' not expected that .upwards of $lOO,OOO will be.sent.tmfc 1 by to-morrbwV steamor to Europe. 'pi, Frederick Swabh is said,to bavpobohslbiied that orPhihf) AJlen «£on, df Erbvldetffir,!!. 1 1,.‘ and of three other manafac turew inthatc’ity» which I bare to record..-This hainatutallyteudodto mnke domestic commission paper rather» harder-to, negotiate) and to sustain Che uneasiness id the market ‘ I might say/on thd whole, that street.irfts sfigbßy improved to*dny, ia not steady enable me to 1 giyoyou anyoplnipnas te its duration; u . To-ihWrowmaybe.aU.u|ouds again.. Thefailure of Wm. d Co., bankers, of William street* itt'tbia city,.is announced-; Its chief busin&s was with the far west, is' not of mtichifn* pbrtiwjce.: •-IW. UdbiUtier said te;be.Hncon-‘ sldeniblc; land"iW belief .it; tb,at‘the loss'wiltbe little,Or none. % The President tfce> People’* Bank* Mr. j. S; GiiberCon," hu3 reslgued .on account/ ; pf alleged personal* difficulties, arising from on* dorsementsfor &weBtero:railrosd,;and< Mr. Hun* ter, a retired I merchant, has boon elected to filb hia' plaee.<"‘-The s 'babk is in nd'way affected /by .Mr.*,, OUvcrton’s embarrassment*, *®£r*W»’'’,ree'eivjß^/ j. Bank, j of lThme'isa rumor ciirrpn.t,that, our bang* have been called on tobelp theßoston Banks with a.tuiUion or fifteen hundred thousand dollars, and j that thenOcomwodstion wiU be probably 'granted without doing ns any harm here. Coin is arriving every day; abd ibbre ia Sid ddubtvfrote. theirlkst statement; (specie; $2,805,400:: loaHg, $53,000,000 i and clrcuiationvJs7,OCO,(}flO.) that* the. Beaten Banks.Ma'ißa.ba^#/*!/l) V; n ThebußiqeWat ;tbe. Clearing. House, tordaywas perfectly satisfactory.•> .’Tho balances in. c6in~ were $044,107.80, and thwoletfringe $17,114,826.38. - The teoeipts afc the Custom House" for duties to day were ... {a A,t tho first Board this morning the'Stock market was rather lew hoavytbhnyesterday; butyrithout noticeable t,in, prices.*; At, tho second Board wh'ateVerr advanoa took plaoe in 1 tho 1 morning waa more than lost, and. the market dosed at lower.prioeg;<but father firmer than yesterday.-- Bfeading closed at- 441 i- hotter thin Michigan Central -644-^a ? docTiboof yes torcltty;, Erie York Central l lower; and POhnsylVanl/i Coni Company 2 per cent,; Y., Slater’s,.which mature next July,' t wei:o Sold, to-day ai, ; 95. was-the l fortunate purchaser of these securities at tho above > prtee 'bfttf no need to bo alarmed as to tho solidity. of his investment. * ' ' r ; Asuss —Are very.- irregular fvith satas .of. 40 bids at $7.67# foxpotSj aea Jf.l2# forpearla, ,* . ‘ f BaßAbaruff*.I—-The 1 —-The market, for, State aud Wosteru Flour is unchanged,; with fialeaof B,ooo>bblfi at $5.20© 55,30 for corandon togood,State;'!ss.4dass.6o for extra do: $O.lO ft $5,35 for,cotfmitm,.to good, Michigan,Chto, Indiana','Ac;‘s6,4sosB.2sfortatra do; IdiBo«fss.so,f6r extra Genesee; ami em Flour is also unchanged, with sales of >l,OOO hbla at s9.6Oa9'.o&'for hjfxed 'id good Baltimore’,' Alexandria,, Ac; $0e57.25 fpriaopy, do* .Canadian Floui; ia.hfayy, with sales bf;3stl h.hlB'jits3.lo®so,3o‘ for superfine, and; ss.soess.9Q fofeXtraW.'-' Kye Flour is dull, with sales of.fiObhlsat s4.lOoss.2s i fox^fiae , l to superfine.7Cocn ift's4'A£>as4 20 for'Jersey, and W‘,4oas, s4.Sfi for llranaj'WJife;‘' Satea'2oO Ibis. 1- ’ ’ Corses.is steady and firm. .Bio \s quoted at 11&0 n#c'. ,! '• ‘ The market is, steady j a t the following quo ; kstr TORt otiismcAfiQjtl ' { / " ' • 1 ; 'upland. Florida. Mobile. N.D.ATox. Ordinary;!..l2#. 12# 12# 22# Middling..ls# -15# ~ 15# 15#, Middling Fair.®..'. .16# 10# 'l6#*'., 17?* Fait,uora.‘ now.' lower, with Bales of 45,- 000 htfchels'at $1.2205L30 for.-rod Southern; $1,350 $1.45. fo£'Whlttf,'d6. "‘Oita are a Shade lower at 57ftpQc forjgtatQ: aid #fao2e for Western. Byo is unchanged at BQa9oor} 9aiss 300 bushels,: Cor&is slower.’ with isles' of 40,000 bushelsat7\)a7l#c for mixed Western, • . > are selling atOOc©7oc; new; at 25ct»27c.' --,.r j/. ,i. »• „. . _,•{ ■ < _ ~, Hiosa-rArfrjVpryheary; bpldeip.snd buyers being alike obstinate unwilling tp ylfld. la‘oii',--l8 d'QU ats2Sasiii for Bcutch pig; other kinds' nominal, r < , v Vp .* , u } i ‘e.iroi--. I '- Naval' BTQ&R&.-~Bpints- arequiet.at 47c. Crude do. isscarco, at $4- • Ooraiaon Roain Is lower, aud/tnajr be quoted at lb. Fine do. is steady*- Taris unchahged. ~ >';.. - . ? ~* Oils.—Cruie,ffbalels quiet at former prices; Crude ratrs; Xard oil is steady J linseed Oil is in moderate request at 79080 c 'for American.?/ PaOTiaioxs.—Pork is higher, with sales of 425bblsat' $25J5e20 fow. mess,>&nd t21.20»21.40T0r prime. -Beef is unchanged, with sales of 260 bblsat sl7© 18 forre-‘ packed sod glSftlP/or extra do. ;; Beet bams are nominal. >? i Bacus—ls-eelUug hy wtail at 14#©15e;.Cat meats are unsteady at 129130 for.hants, ami 11# for should- <BanUs firm, gutterJs:*otire atl6#©l&for ohis. Cheese is steady, ‘. t steady at former'prices. Beflnod are dull and nominal. ' *<- dull, with salos of 250 bhls. at 25# ©2s# ' Ffigioura are a shade quicker, without any change in rates,,/i.rr.-i !M‘ ’• •>/’ ;/-r iL tiXW YORK BTOCK SXCUANQ]S BALSB, BpAjip.- ', ' { ‘ \ ‘\ I, s V. 05 100 Pacino MS Co >.691 10,000 Ohio Os ’BO 95 GO Pen Coal Co -TO 2,090 TepnStfo.’SO -74 . 360 N Y flea \ «3 71- 2* ( tt#MoStai<MJ»b3 72 008 do W 71h 7,000 -s <do bS 10}g 60 v'do blo«7l'\ J, ’76 IQq:1 do- b3O-n.A 6,OOONYCenUePfI'B2 .200 do 07:71, 1,000 NYCenT* .-05 > IOOErieB WO 2Qtf 0,000 Erie B.CtibtyU,4Btf: .425 ;: 'wd6 A A *3>i2ojf,; 1400 , .'do ; ; ,f; 4A. 200.,/ do,;, ,010/20* , 3,oooEriefcCnWe24& ' too'. . do Wo~2otf; 5,000 H£Bbsconj62£Q 100,, - do ~ -b00.20^ 7,000211 Oen Bbds 84 260 do rt 20){ 10,000., ( do,-b3i 84 - 300 . do .-.*5 ..20* l,oooTiriAlt<3n2dm4sK 100 / do > b3O 20ft I,oooLaCdcMllJiGb's 35 . 100,. ■ do t \ M 0 20ft 2.000 GaLJcChic2dmbß74 400 ; V do - r j ©,;2oft lOßaokofAnierlca; 99, 50 d<» - , b3i2ojf 35B*hkofN York . 05, 20t)hift.KMBc. 73 X 46 " do ' '94 60 Hudson BE tS 19j{ 05 Bosk of Coni 96.'. ,60 do 40 15 Ocean Bank >- - ~70 - ,300 Evadingß -•; - 43 Ji 42Parkjoank , ;,, 90 400 ... ~do. •; 53,.45 , O.ApEXßank;, , 93*-. 100 u / do «3 46 K 40 do 9J„ 1130 ~ do ... , »3, 45), 5,, ,do 92 800 . do . , a 3 45X 15 Metropolitan Bk H 100 '. do . ■■ 46« I 60ContonO vi, c leX 48 Mich Con K ■ Mi 35 Com Goal Co 11' 6' •. do.: 06 , SOO do-’; 10X 60Mich83c NIB 21* lOd ..do > , C 10* ,'76. , ,do. 24 , 300 do MO 11* 20OM8&NInrka(k '43 : 1W -do., . *3,11. 1110 Panama E; 80.. MQaliChlcEalO.74.-1,60, , do ,830,-81.... O' . .jdo, .. ;liX OlUCeult • 16 40 do «1) 74* ; 60Oleg* Pitts B ~.86;. 5 , ,do ii7>k, MLaOiMSIR 18 ! 100ele»,#. 7o,;» r , ?8.,, .60 'do ~ .-*3O 15* i SODEikQnlner'E 78 100,,, ..do, . s2O: 35* 65 Del * Had Onl sBlO7 60 do b3O 1834 Id ?M»«ot/,!fi>'JIJO»xl ! Hi? .15!!’.? , ’0; board; - ! ? , s .i i‘c.u t* - tiatocib> 6,000 Virgfofa'O* ;,r ' ,67V 3,000 Mo. State Ca •' * TO# 9,000 ’ <fo « J, 70 1.000 *'■ 'do. J , i? 70V 1,000 NO.St‘fia' -' r ‘ol’ - I,OQO Yenb St 6a >9O * 74 1 I.QOO’MITCeABftr ’MV 4021 k of Com 94# 36 Dk of America , 90 L 26'Pacific M S Co. 03V ODel&HudCalCo 105# 6d?en‘a Cl Co W 7 69# 200 Cauton Co. 16# 250 NY CeuK'<*i3 '7o# 100' v - 'do '' ' 70# 150?rleE 20* 100 : do, . sio 20V 100. do : kO' 2ov 20 Hudson R R * 20 , 200 Head E ' T 44V, 200 do ' " . 41* 100 Mich Con R *3O 61 ; 40' ?4, d0 "64V ft ss 0 do . . 64V 10dmcb'SN&IR ' 21V 350 , do , 21* ’ lOBIleS&N rprfrtk 43 ' IOO.GftiA-Chic K t>3o' 14 ' 7 W\ ) ~ ri 6 ' . 74* 10taO&MIUE.' { ..15 ' THE i MONEY MARKET. ,f t, , Monetary affairs exWit a marked i improvement to day, the business circles generally wearing att Appear nzi&'bf th&rfuJneosj ' r 'and|j»ignV 6f ftTenewal ofconfi deuM. -.Thve U tn«r<? .buslnWdoing amougibo Dpt? brbtett, the holders of money- feofing loss dierpoattlqo to pus with it for good pft^ t 4houghdbe. rate*-aakeu and paid are such as may only bo submitted to In ee&sons'of emergency. 3?he banks eylneo aU they reasonably can 4* for the relief of their customers, and, the anion of* rthey llouu are largen in proportion to their Income than many of thdse who grumble at them would suppose'. , t . ‘ ' , t il %]\ The sales at Board, it will be seen', show,*n improvement in prices though any great ad vance is not to be expected thero until money elsewhere beCoidei ‘ ihore'abuddant J (5 or merchants- ha'vi 'many 1 ’ order* forahipmeot, which they of conrsC will ’not wbllb'tlib nidrje/markot'rhowS'sO little' ease, and this cessation pf business; itself-will , help : greyly/ to bring about a better condition of ! thihfi's>» It has been freely charged that 4ho late panic.iras H a great ifieiiore Caused by reckless speculations' in the. public lands of the, Wert during the past year, -but the pubilct records ahotr .tfia'r the total payments for this purpose during,tho last year 53,888,000, whjleia'theyettr preceding that, they w<50,|8«,?37,000, in the year 1865, $11,248,000. and in 1864, {0,000,000. These figures only need 1 to- be Stated to show the uttdr groundlessness of this charge. , thp' wealth of (he'producing West and ’ South', the industry of the Knitj.^odj.onriJpwn,mineral pod, agricultural riches, have all contributed' tdsove us from falling a prey fo the consequences of KewYork speculations;/' v ;iho Ifew' ftjric Courier and fenqufnr akyjj of the re cent Dank contractions la that city: ‘f a lack of Judgment exhibited-’by the Banks- in the duly and August extentenslons, and, we think, there 1 haij' been a 1 lack of uerVß''Very plainly indicated .by certain 'of the ingitotions-lA th?ljr yielding-to the late, panic, *nd cur tailtogthoir loans in two weeks to an ertent aeyer be fore heardof in tho-aamc-period of should , have occupied at least eight months Weowo it to the commercial community to speak thus frankly; but we also owe it to several of the oldest aud'leadiug Banks 'to' that not rendered themselves liaild’io'thV charge of having been influ-j enffisd' by psnl^"’thu r iT'ft’'ajipms" that the following Banks have varied loan* dhrlpg thd fast two weeks as follows; - '' - , , Bank of New .Y0rk....... f ..... $4,071,93 JS' '., $*,144,640 Manhattan Bank 4,301,248 4,268,620 Merchants' 8ank.. , ... , .;.:;.,.V..' 3 ! 342,4n .'; - 8,311,988 Mechanics’ 8ank..,.. 3,849,033 * r , 3,162,498 Hwc ft lB BankJ.,.i...A,V »,W7Tj :>, 2,986,736 , i* 3 ! ■ }-i . t “VTc have taken iiie first s?iffln,,Bank* eswfr 604 them, Bppto; and,we ikat. thfftfWitt Btkpd jLM«atftS their, jfeHUsii igei/APfitothis eikainaiWuV© attlWat the graUrjri&g &» < &&zenc» of ihat feeling, aod hayeWdocsd' their Wth* in the past two weeks ofil/ hed ; * like; coots#! yreeksirould^ yw rf&iMWW**- ■ ia'fujK*MA®&F** »$, J^Wr.* 1 ! 4 .tho.riwttUiMtr. of iwiotofMrvo wlo eo£tt»rfif( iaonrtfiyUffiWrjij MsWeta, tui-'i m&fltWperJnHted to n*y, Umttha JnacffiiUia i J count of jiiii hfgll Well worthy of tyltog.hrij ap aa • ejamptefl f otyt*? !*|** trylng-timcasawe .byte .jritW.** n Wall street during the put three weCka.’ i ' , , ’• “We repeat, that of tU»4wun!n»tioD, we, hay? taken the jin? jieen Bank* on the list; .hh* * we hact adopted any other rule, the B.anfc of .the State 0 New York, and several others, which actual]/ extended their loans last week in'thb’vety teeth ottho panic would.hare been selected for fcvorabfe coinment. The’ stockholders of the, Merqu>ste, »>“* .Gnteuaffon Ballroad Company heldtt meeting at Marquette, on the 25th of xluguif, sndclectoda Board of Directors -The Chief •Bnameeri Mp; A. W. .Wilds, reported that he had tuna -very satisfactory Use from the-Cleveland Iron Mountain to within twelve miles of L’Ance, exhibited bis profile of tho line showing-a grade at the hoariest point offtlrtffr'fat'to mlieifhW further that the' line Srah' olsh passed' through land.welL adapted ,to' agriculture and covered with maple and pine timber of excellent quali ty, and some oak. ”' , , ' 1 The Bulletin hks prepaid,' from the weekly feports of thia /ear and Its recdrdsof lost year, the following comparative statement of. the Anthracite coal tonnage, frdm the- Lehigh and Schuylkill regions, tor the week and the season:" • - ' ' ,3857. ,» Week-. Season. iWeek. Season. C&aa1,;.,;.;.;.34,Qn, WiB» ?7,&38 ,843,153 Rai1r0ad........10,812 , 310,165, 1,363,972 1 T0ta1:,....44,883 J 912,494,,•. 74,742 2,207,125 SS« TtMa fcißT vcaa. ’4850.1 Wesker «' Season. Week. Season. Canal 36,213 . 779,706‘i 34.061 744,184 Rai1r0ad......M03 93,603 62,880- !£40,662 T0ta1,.,,.41,616 sr 873,390 87,491 2,284,830 . .RBOAmOLi.TIOX ! O*‘ TUB BBABOS. ■: y's 7^4856* 1867..-' * * Lehigh Cfmaß..i-=., <779,706 590,329 Bee. .183.377 u .Railroad,.'.-, I 93,603 310,165 1nc..222,502 Schuylkill Canal,. t1 i,744,184 843,163 luc.. 98,959 « .JRailroad. 1,640,652 1,363,972 f Dec.. 170,680 Totfl. .78,163,146, -3,11f1,619 'Bec.. 38,520 The aggregate 1 decrease' by ;all> the lines, thus far', as compared with last year; is 1 38,626 tons. The Schuyl kill Canal has increased 98.959 tons, nqd i the Lehigh. .Valleyßailroad 222,662t0n5,, while.-the Lehigh Canil has fallen off 183,377 tons,'-/land the Beading Ballroad 170,680t0n5.. During the week lost reported the'Bchnyl- ( kUi Cabal has parried 33f toris’more than, the Beading jltAUroad, and nearly three ybonsand ‘ tons more than it did during tho correspoadingweek last year.’ - • • [From the BtatCtt Daily Advertiser.] , ? of Bos ton are in therablfc telegraph a small list showing closing prices #f several stock* ith&tmorniug , atth'e?few , ) York stock bodra. For some days past that list harconcluded with the startling Word : “Panic!" defined by Johnson “a sudden (fight without -'a cause,” Those reader# who are fortunate enough to 'know State street,onty'ai a name, may be'lnterested In ■learningsin very's(mple irords,*rtio'’process by wlilch a dozen ! snr4wd ihen,'aiqedby circumstanced manufacture >a panio/i-Much depends on the choice of 4 time/ The .most propitious instant is when two or three large in 'Btitui?oi»;happ«niq:be pressed for. lnoney> at the same ;timb, and. need gentle and odating treatment; Thb beaN poubca upon th e <r>tocksJike hungry,wolves. The first uh'd alMraportautatep .iB to sure of the sypport of the ( Newark lyre.',, That journal. In forms its readers that the, prospect ahead fs fearful and gloomy,.' The Lyte, makes &u investigation Into the- Brio'/ and ‘dlscoveM. .that..the, debts treble the ac-; knowledges amouut, that thp.road does nqt earn a cent; that largo defalcations will soon appear, and everybody Imd better pell, for the'road .will fail'next week." .Next .day the Lyre has .investigated the New. York Central. (Tho,Lyre investigates (hath) panic times ; ittobkChan-; Walworth'three months to Investigate, that con-, coriil) The Lyiwiavs New York Central is no better than the. KrloJ’ahd it proves, it thus : ~ It says, O Q ° is a rallrdad } '&nd 'tho, othccHa araßroadi w oue is no bettor;thantheother; , . ; The Lyre knows ‘of vast quantities of hypothecated fisoonto,be thrown qa the market, and It , advises everybody‘td sell everything. „ , t > , The Lyre has looked iuto tho New Eugland banks, and finds them'rotted.j /Even’ thosd who knew the Lyrq wiu.find their imlqda depressed by its earnest and those who do.npt are terribly frightened.'' . : 1 The conspirators meanwhile are. equally busy. They go to, a severalrlarge owners of stocks,; and >offer to borrow their stocks, lending them, in place, au equal amount, of money, icithfitit inteftst. ■ The capitalist reasons In thls.way :,,I-c*n’t lose.&nything, for if they fall to,return..my.stocfc.li keep tho money. I get the dividend on my stock, and the interest on the money, I .don’t care boy. much.they put the stack down,for 1 don’t wish,to sell.; So JlO lends his stock. TheTiears sell this stock at once and so get back the money they have lent to the owner. •• They make large sales outim©..that.is tOibe delivered within a certain time at ascertain price.',lf, atisoller sixty/ the seller delivers it when he .chaoses within sixty days 5 : if buyer sixty, the buyer chooses the rime.; '■■■ t : . ' . 7?hey arrange to sell a little -lower every, day, and if they cannot soil to others, they, make pretended sales to eschother. the’ Investor.' meanwhile' becoming loaded with the borrowed stock - They advise all their ac quaintances to sell out, and prophesy that stocks are going down fifty per coot. Outsiders soon* become frightened,'and begin to sell faster and faster as the stock goes lower, so thst when jthd time contracts fall dpe, the. Bear settles them at great profits'. W/ieh ibey;fhlnk they can go no farther they, gradually* supply thqmsolves,.keeping up their claioor aU tho time and let.stocks go up.at tbelrleisurq, 1 But. when they- ar4 atUf beht 'on' heattdg stocks see’a struggle; other brokers and outsiders 'rrho. tkink tho lowest point h&s boon leashed; buy for a rise,,and these are the Bulls., Sometimes the Bears are completely defeated and obliged to 1 pay enormous prices tor- the. hire, sold on time, and this 2s a m corner.”' - .. ? j"v’ ii 1 - But the holders of stocks ate very timid, and the sight is seen .every day of people selling at low. prices from this stockholders’ timidity, and as soon akthey hare sold, recovering their Courage and bnyingathigher prices the very same stock that they had Mid much lower. This mokes them tho victims of the Bear*.* If » few unexpected-failures occur, or auy other startling catastrophe frightens the - public, the. panic IS modes Blocks go down with aruo,ihe Bulls fail and the Bears pocket fortunes. ,f' , ‘ ■ l Then the Lyre delicately seizes the opportunity to Sound its trumpet, and call 'the public attention obce a day to the unexampled sagacity with which It predicted this state of things, and the invincible honesty with Which It proclaimed the truth. ) If stockholding -readers wish Tor any advice Jo such a State of thingi.ithe ,best we have is atitheir service. < Never sell in, a.panic, and never read the NoW York Lyr®- <■ - 'if < .if { : i The Bank.of New Jersey, at New Brunswick, baa closed its doors, Its capital is $300,000, end Itn eircu* lotionsloo,ooo. ~ . ' ‘ earniiig3 4 of thb' Milwaukee and Mississippi Ball- , road' Company for. the. mon|h of L u £ u *t, 1.857,, aro sBo,6loycbrrespoiidlng s month last.‘ye^ ssS, tov crease,'s24,o62,..* if j ' ' , ’ PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE DALES, Reported if Stock Broker, No. 80V Walnut Street. ■ ■ f - * FIBSTBOARD. •' 100 Oity R 6’« PJB n B*#’ 100 Keying, B "22V 200 J - do •" ■* • £ J<* ; «MT * m 1700 do 2ds ' 842 ’ 2 do 1 K 23 ? 700 do 2ds 84V 100 ' do - ' b 5, -'22V 1000 do 84V 15 ' do‘ 1 “ 23. . 2500NPRfl’*0’hlts 1 48 5’ do ' ’22« 600' *do 5-U8 | 100 do b 5. 22# ,10 do ' 22# | .100 long Island H l ; ! 10 R cAsi 00ft S Harrisburg R 52ft ■J / do pi ; l MX I f 2Xioehmy,.,/ Wft| „"6 vav ' coj 1 ,10 City'Biiilt a 5 . Bank-. 10Jf,; 'Tjr&Mamk.; ei* BOARDS.'* ' ' e-n •>.. 60ommercfalBfinfc 58 ! 1000 ' * ■•■ do, 48 1000 Bu*d Oanal.O'S ‘ 50 .200 Sch «AV O's,* J B2 68# 1000 do do »5 58# 3000; , do sdO'i)»s 58# ' 2 Pentt 1 tt cash'', 41., 10. ;.'do 7 - y •; : 36. , do ' lois. '' M 2 ' do - caAh '42 .43NPent*Blots 8 1 u : >, IiKTWEEN 8 Penn Riots' 41# 1 lOWSchNay G’ft’B2 68# | ; “ ; -SBOOND 600 City c»8 rS> . . £5 V 2500 do , ;; M'. 1000 do now,, 83# 300 Sch Kay Q’»’S2sB# 1000 N Ponn R O’a 48 . 1000 do . . 48 - BOARD, ' . ! r . 456 N Pena B' 7# 200 N.ew Creek Co Jf, , 75 Bch Nav prof d 1 17# 100 do , • IT 4 do , IT ; ; 00 Ui>lon Canal 5# * O Commercial Bk OO - ; 10 Comol’ii Bank 20 : 7F<fcMJiaok 61# 3 do • ©l# 10 do, ' W> ' ©l# ill do , W, 01# . 220 Girard Bank lots 10# ■ .*/ ji •/ - BOARD, i.i'-f ‘-'..a 100 Roadiug R l>s <22 i£ 100 do ns?. sag ■ 8 do l>s, 722# 100 do -»6wn> •200 hoog Island Jl . ,'.Sj2 ; 6 Mioelilll Ji .• 6CiJ 0 do' 6Qv j 48 Penn R lots 1 „• RAFTER CO Chester Valley R ■ ,;/:■; 'otoaiNtipßii Biel,, Altai. - , , „ Bid. C8«’«,>88 110. ' ISchrl NavPref 37 IT# Phllada Os 84 X 'B5 WmVttßlmßK 14 do,, ,BR SIX SS . dalatpwrtl’iK 71. do 'Bow SOX ,do da2dw6o 82 PonoaSi, 82 82« Long Island "8 6« BfladlogH ■ 22« 22« Viclutmrg / 'IX, 7 X ; do"' Bonds >70’67 •71 1 Girard Bank 10 V low ,do , Mo’n.’4i,B3 88 - Lehigh Zlno ; .1, .lx Pwm'Kß -.42, I 42X Union Canal ,6 / 6 MorrlsCahl.ConUH\ ' 45. Ne» Creek ’* v V Scbjrl Mar.o*''B26BX 68X Oatawisaa BR 7 S ’ do"'"StocklO- 12 ' "A”;', 5 •’’iit 000 Ilonding id iots " 42J( j 600 ■do .’ tls- 1 ,22)$ j CO" do ~ 22x1 ;*V lV I' tt> Beading '• 22# 100’ do' ,s 5 , £2# I Reading closes ,22#®22# 1 ' , y ' ' I&rTXR HAGS , - , ~ .. M lHitmKMttlExfha»l[t,Pkilniilphia. ... Ship Tonawanda, Julius,....Liverpool, Sopt 25 Ship Joseph Job'os, 9 10wer5..... .San PreueUco, eosn B&rquo Minaoeota, C010..............8i0 Janeiro, goon SAILING OF THE STEAMERS. ' FROM me,UNITED, STATES,, *’ BTfliME* '‘' ppoaTroa ” ' . jut, Atlantic*.......New York .-Liverpool ....Sept 12 Queen/ofSoutfr,.'EW,York J3rewen,...........5ept 16, Arag£;.7/...\..N*#yor£ Havre.’.;....,......5ept 19 Eoropa 7..........Ebii0n' Liverpool,Sept 23 HußmVmlk. J, J.tioir York : ‘ ' PBOM KUBOPB., ' ' " , , MOK. • ion , ' Bill Nammonle...... .Hamburg New Y0rk,.,.... Hept 1 8a1tic,,....,....Liverp00l New York ...Sept2 Glasgow.’.,..Glasgow New York..;,. Sept 6 Per5ia,....,..., Liverpool Now Y0rk.......;..'8ept6 0 of Baltimore.. Liverpool Hew. York,, .Sept 9, Pulton....Havre New York Bept22 0 or Washington,Liverpool New Y0rk...,,,.., ,S«pt 23 Atlantic..LtyOrpOot Nerr York .BeptSO Bdrimila...Hamburg N^w,York.,', Octl iHaririe Intelligence. BUN R15E5..,.*....,.6 44—SUN 5ET5,.:..;;....6 16 U1GUWATER.............. 8 32 ■ " ' , ARRIVED.', ' Mefryman, 7 days Ciom Portland, w itb ikrtl® pt»rT* ‘* c^’ p from Providence, in bal j ®Vlg Avon; Clifford, 6 dura from Boston, In ballast to If Co ’ - J ' Brig Canton, Crowell, fidorff from. Boston, with aided to Crowell 4 Collin*., 1 ' • . - , t!om frmii ‘ ac ‘ i ' wiUi tooKlWS''' 6 d W' f fS“ Bo “‘ ».*“«*• dajrs from Bwton, .with, Scbr K rwijrMk, 8 dij» from Buigor, with" InmVer toT wells, QaaViU ic- Ct.lviu ... - - . : 0lUy " fro “ H.Uowell, with fl.h’toßt 1 u lf 'kßth’ ar8 ® n > ,< -^y" f«m Bostoa, with i Bcbr BroMJjela, Fl.k,'6 is,a from Bojton, with mau to Crowell A. Collins.- ~ Bebr> John JJe&tv\pi*rk,'6 days fromProvlneetown; - ‘ / j ficbr 8 B/Wheeler, Corson, 6 days, from Boston; In ballast to I, Aodenreid ( & Co, „> , •< ; i I BchrNWJersey,'Worth, 6 days from Boston, In bal » 6eh*tt&pphs,-UirshaU,-4days from Boston, in b&U- •• J aturtevant, Corson, 4 d&ys from Chelsea, In 4 Co. , : ■. . , ■ illMt mßoiton, )n ballast :J tt-? &>BW ”' ln """‘ft Newport ' in b#i - Schf T Stratton,6 J«}'» frdmßlngham, In bal lMt WO A. ucckrttr* Co. ~ . ~ , Schr Bcphi, OodlWr. WHllams, 5 dn,« rronl F-ovi dence, in ballast to Lewi* Rothermel. 1 >' ' ' Bchr John Lancaster; Stltcs, 4daya from Providence, In ballast to ORrpplior&'Co. . SchrO AGrelUer, Weaver, 6 days from ConimerCial Point, in ballast to S&ugue, Wallace & Co. Bchr Seaport, Scull, 5 days from Pawtucket, In ballast to B Milnes 3c Go. Schr Little Bock, Camp, 5 days from Scltuate, in bal last to Yondusen, Norton A Co. Schr Cbority, Barrett, 4 days from Danvers, In ballast to Lewis Rothermolj • ’ Schr Wui P Corbitt,(Ross, 4 days from Fair Haven, in ballast to Bepplicr A-'Co.' < • Schr J A Uazxard; Lavs, 2 days from 1 Milford, Del. with bark to J II McColley. . Bchr Parmer, Deputy, 2 days from Milford, Del. with grain to J H McColley. Schr Reaper, Still, 2 dayß from Milton, Del. with lumber to J H McColley: Schr Fra .Ward, Till, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with wheat to Jas Barratt tc Bon, : -Schr ,Wm George, JacasOn, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with grain to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Schr Expedition, Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with grain to Bewley; Wilson Sc Co. Schr- Rock, Perry, 5 days from Denton, Md. with wheat to Itewley, Wilson & CO. Bohr Two Brothers, Rickards, 2 days from Indlau' River, with corn to J U McColley. Schr Diamond State, Smithers, 7 days from fifilford, Del. with corn to J If McColley. Steamer Delaware, Copes, 24 hours from N York, via Cape May, With mdse and hassengors to Jas Allderdice.' Passed snip Wm V Kent, from Shields, below Bombay Hook, ana some eighteen schooners; three of them deeply laden, beating up. SonCTLSILL. Ship Ruphrasla, Lonfalr, N-Orloans, D 8 Stetson & Co. Steamship Palmetto, Baker, Boston, Henry Wios*r. Steamship Norfolk; Kelly, Richmond, T Webster, Jr. Barque ThoraasDallett, DiU, Laguayra, Dallett Bros. Barque Laconia, Bearse/Boeton, David Cooper. Brig New Era, Walker, Cape llaytien, T Webster. Jr. Brig Advance, Eaton, Salem, Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell. i Brig Avqd, Clifford, Boston, I, Audenreid Sc Co. BrigLßerry, Steel; Boston. Hepplior A Brother Brig Abbott Lawrence, Fuller, Boston, R R Corson & Co? • » - Schr II B Gibson, Crocker, New London,' do Schr, Montevieu, Falkenburg, Fall River, do ! Schr Thos Page; Jones, Providence, do Schr.Sasan Orlean. Bragg, Pawtucket, do Bchr AuginettC) Blackwell, Warren, HI. do Schr Globe, llomer, d 6 do • Schr Osceola, Holloway, Baltimore, S S Christian. < Schr Sarah Burton, OurniHh, Bostou. captain. Schr Marshall, Boston, L Audenreid Sc Co. Schr Magnolia, Nickerson, Boston, Jalrus Baker. Bohr 8 B Wheeler. Corson, Boston, N Sturtevant A Co. Schr B E Sharp, Mayhow, Boston, Morris Sc Murray gchr.TL Ml|ler,-Lee, Bostoui Blaklston, Cox& Co. / - Bdhlr L Stdrtqraut, Corson, Quincy, Rogers, Slnulck- ’ son & Co. ‘ iJ ~ , J * ” - ! ' : ' l ' ' ■ - ’ 1 ' ! : J Walktiirp Washingtob,' -Von Norton & Co. , . > -/1 / j, . ; u / ■ Schr.Llttle Rock, Comp, Norwalk, , do , -■ Schr Alex Henderson, UodfreK’Provlncetawn, Browti & White. *-»' ‘ ' if - l - ' ' ’ 1 'Schr B L Berry,4faleyV Charlestoni Baum 2 , Ogle 3c.'Co. { Schr Z Stratfon,Haley..Dux;bury, 0 ; A Ifecksher Sc Co. . Schr Lewis Clark; Sooy'. Hingh'atn," " do ; -Schr Alhambra, Coombs, Charleston, Noble, TTam matt Sc Caldwell, - - < Schr J I« Bertino, Duncan, Baltimore. do Schr Matt Clinton, Ytial,- -■ do • drr Schr Anua Smith, Taylor, New York, do >’ Schr S Soymour, Bowen, Jersey City, do Schr S Godfrey, JVlUiams, Sag Jlarbor, L Rothermel. • Schr Charity, Bastatt, Newport,* do Bohr ti A Greiuer, Weaver, Sangas, Wallace & Co. • Scbr Johu Lancaster, Stftes, Providence, Konplier it Bro. Schr Wm P Corbitt, Rosa, Fair Haven, .do .gchr New Jersey, Worth, N Bedford, WW Do Haven. BteamshiiJ : Boston, Bellt*w, Now York, Jns Allderdice. Schr R Willing, Ci&ypoole, Baltimore,-A Groves, Jr. Barge Oatoctlu, McOus, - do do [BT TBLBOniPU.J (Correspondence of The Press.) ‘ .Baltimojiu, Bept.ll. Tho steamer Palctm, from Savannah for New York, with a cargo of wheat, was grounded on fhe Kuoll lost Friday.“’rt is thought she would be got off with little injury. , ’ ' ‘ New York, Bopt 11. ships Cultivator, from Liverpool; Orpheus, from linemen; barques Lion, from Antwerp; Lucy Fran ces, from Pictou. > *• ‘ CsT*Bpon4cuco of the Philadelphia Exchange. ‘ 1 • LEWES, Del.. Sept. 10,8 AM. The fleet which I have prorionsly reported as being la harbor left la.it evening for sea, and numbered about on© hundred sail;, among them were, steamship City of Richmond, and four' brigs, which beat out without cam muuicating with the Breakwater. Wind light from the S—we4tber very pleasant. Yours, &c, ' WM. H. HICKMAN. < MEMORANDA i Hte&mkhip Empire City, McGowan, for Havana and N York,'cleared at Now Orleans 4th Inst. ; Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, for Philadelphia,sailed from Richmond 16th inst. • i Steamship Atlantic, Kldridge, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. - Steamship Vanderbilt, Higgins, for Southampton and Havre,, cleared At Now York yosterday. SteauuhipKcnnebec, Hand, had arrived at New York yesterday. • . ■ , Steamship 118 Beach, Ramsey, from Charleston, ar rived at Now York yesterday. Ship Nor’ Wester, Gregory. Irom Calcutta, April 26, for London, was spoken Muy 22, lat 1 SO N, leu? 04 E. ‘ BhipSaransk,'Rowland, hence at Liverpool 27th ult. . Ship Potomac, Roed, for New Orleans, sailed from Liverpool 27th ult. ; ' Ship Tbos H Perkins, Wayne, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool 27th ult. Ship Nonpareil. Faulk, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool 28th nit. Ship A«4 Packer, Jones, from Sydney, NSW. for Cal cutta, la reported to have put luto Akyab, no data, leaky. Bhlp Geo Green, Fairbanks, from New Orleans, at Mo bile sth inst. , Ship Excelsior, Swift, for Liverpool, cleared at New York 10th Inst. ~ ' Ship J A Vostwebt, Austin, from Now York, at Liver pool 20th ult, 1 , Ship Kit Carson, Dillingham, from San Francisco, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Rsjat, from Now York, at New Orleans 10th Inst. Ship Tonkins, Bfoadbelt, from Hong Kong for Havana, was at St Helena, July. 22, captalu and officers sick; Cap tain Pauflotd, of Philadelphia, would take command and proceed on the voyage. - - Accole, Pllman, from Ricbmoud, arrived at hence Ship* B&ranak, Rowland, to nail 12th Inzt., James Brown, Crabtree, to sail 20th Inst for Philadelphia, wore advertised at Liverpool, 29th tilt. ‘ • Ship Lawson 5 , Watts, from New Orleans, at Bordeaux, Mult. , ’ ’ Bark Parthian. Hudgins, for City Point, to fiuish load ing for Rio', bailed from Richmond 10th Inst. Barque Mary II Kendall, Brock, heuco (or Mobile, wan spoken 24tb ult. lat 20 65, long 76 25, by the barque Pilgrim, at Mobile sth inst. Barque Jane Poton, Hoffman, from Boston, at Savan nah 7th Unit. ■ Barquoparodl, Jones, for Zanzibar, cleared at Prori-’ dence 9th Inst, and dropped below. Barque Mary Sc, Susan, Coliinß, from N Orleans, before ported at Rockland leaky, sailed again 3d inst for Li verpool. - - 1 ' Barque O W Poultuey, Marshman, honoo at New Or-. loons 3th Inst." Barque Sophia, Guptil, cleared, at Boston 10th. ioit.. for Norfoik, to load for West Indies ■ Barque Gem, Hammond.'for Boston for Philadelphia, passed Highland Light lOth inst. d P Bf, Brig Malvern, Lolar, hence at Kingston, Ja 14th ult. Brig Hannah Bolcb.'henfeo for Boston, passed High-' land:Llghte 0 P. M. Jfith Inst. Brigs John Freeman.-Loring and Eastern State, Da mage, hence arrived at Boston, 10th inst. Schrs. Lacon, Ellen Bush, and A. Tirrelfi, hence at : Boston, 19th inst.. ' Sohr Adeline Howes from Gloucester for Philadelphia, , at Uyannia 5 west, and sailed again 7th: , Scbr David Faust, Mostander, hence, arrived at Wil mington, N O, 9th inst. ■ Scar K S Janes, Townson, for Philadelphia, cleared at Savannah Bth inst. , -, Schr 801 l Conway, Dclany, hence, at Baltimore yes terday. - . .1 Schr Anna Craig, Manson, for Chicago, cleared at Quebec sth lost.. Schr Delatush, Bartlett, honco for Taunton, arrived at New London 6th Inst. ' Schni Rosauna Rose, Wyman, and W G Audenroid, Hewitt, hence at Boston 10th lust. - 1 Bchr Sophia Ann, &nitl>, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 10th Inst: Schr Electric Light, Dyer, for Baltimore, cleared at Portland 9th inst. Schr Alvarado, Stevens, henco for Saco, arrived at N York yesterday, : Schr Harriet and Sarah, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Haven 19th Inst. Schrs Lacon, Ellen Rush, and A Tirrell, hence at Bos ton 10th inst, Sohr Adaline Howes, frorai Gloucester for Philadel phia, at Hyanqis 6th Inst, and aatled again 7th. , Scbr Rattlesnake, for Philadelphia, was at Kingston, Ja. 17th ult to sail acme day.- Schr Weatover, Nickerson, cleared at New York lOtli ; Inst, for Philadelphia. , Schr Northern Light, Cousins, hence at Bangor Bth lost. - Schr Cyrus Chamberlain, Halictt, hence at Albany OtUlnfit. . . . SchrChas A. Heckshcr, Stubbs, hence at Beverly 9th inst. , Schrs J W Lindsey, Nickerson, and Orris Frances, Clark, hence at Boston 10th inst. Schr Volta, Case, hence at Newport Bth inst. Sohr Empire, Price, hence at Newport 9th inst. 1 ' ‘ Schr Martha Wrigbtlugton, Wrightlogton, from Fall River for Philadelphia, at Newport 9th inst. Schr Sarah 0 Willetts, Thompson, henco at Provi dooco 9th inst. , Schr'Wave, dpraguefsallcd from Provldeuce OtU inst. for Philadelphia! Schrs H E Weston, B Frink. Vashti Bharp, Paugas* sett, and Narragansett. hence at Salem 9th inst. ' Bohrs XonlsaGray, Marts, V Armstrong, Dill, And R F Stockton, Edwards, sailed from Salem 9tii inst. for Philadelphia. < MARINE MISOEhLANY. MS LAoxcit ok A Sklehoid VBS9SL.—Yesterday morning, a model barque, called the Kowena, was launched at K&iglin’s Point. Hor dimension* areas follow*: length 120 feet, beam 28 feet, hold 12 feet, and burthen 345 tons. She is owned by Uessrs, Dnllett Brothers, of this city, who Intend her for the Venezuela trade, under com mand of Capt. Wilson. The R. was planned, drafted and constructed by Messrs, J, Hammett It Son, whoso judg ment abd mechanical skill displayed in this and other vegaeis, place thorn among the must skilful of naval architects. . > < Schooner Ohio, Sayres, of Philadelphia, from Now Brunswick,’ N. J.\ for. Hudion, N.’Y., while on her way up the North Dim, struck a rock opposite Buttermilk Pall*, and sunk. The vessel and her cargo of coal be came a total loss. The captain and crow lost all but what they stood in. Barque Jasper, from isew York for Charleston, which Vb»*>lk -ifter collision with barque Romau. cld atNorfolrafh feat, for Charleston, having repaired, aua wo* upoaun 1 1U Inst, off Look-out. The new ship Christopher Mill was towod to Boston 10th Inst., from Dermis, 1 whoro she wab built under the superintendence of Capt Prince Crowell. She will load in the Commercial Bine for Australia, and will sail henco ’under command of Capt Joshua Frecinau, of Brestwer. u Spoken.by the barque Pilgrim, Ilallock, at Mobilo 6th lost, from New York; Aug 21, lat2B, long 72.40, barque Sampson, from Now'York for Galveston. Aug. 23. let 27.10,'10ng 70.20, ship Isaac Nowton, 28 days from Bos ton for Mew Orleans. Aug. 26, off Stirup Key, west 70 m;lcB, barque Victorlne, henco for Nosrau. The Y. has been erroneously reported lost. , DOMESTIC PORTS. NUlf YORK, September!!.—Arr barque John Hen son. Smith, Havana. The barque Jacob Cobb, for New Yor£waßtosaU29tb'iDst,ahdflchr Mary Aiiee, fordo 28th; brig Waverly, Rayne*, from Boudout for Newbury port; sebrs Laura K Johnson, Johnson, from Nowbern, N Cj Ann, Cole, Petersburg; M Platt, Ireland, George town, SC; AH Westorvolt, Bogort, Baltimore; Lom bard, (of Boston,) llardiug, Turk’s Island, August 30, with salt. Left barque J W Blodgot for New York, next day; Br brig Oceon lalo, for do, uncertain. Cleared—Ship Jißond, /Ureni) You Hagen, London: brigs Wavorly, EaynerSjNewburyport; Dostino, (Span) Bale, Barcelona; Queen Esther, (Dr) Merrlam. Carbo noan, Nfd; Flora, (Span) Moirlstang, Barcelona; Matilda, Richardson, Falmouth; sebra daif Stream. Godfrey, Mobile; N W Smith, Wyatt, Charleston; Racer. Pierce, Richmond; 0 Kceu.CbatUn, Savannah. Below—Ship Cultivator, Russell, from LlvorpooL List of Arrivals et the Principal Hotels, GIRARD lIOUSB-Ohestnut street, below Ninth. Rev CII Hall & lo.Wash’n G W Beruett A la, N Y Miss 8 V Hall, Georgia Mrs Clark, do Miss Mary II Hall, do WwQßlue, do G Peck It la, Toronto, 0 W Barauel R Adams, Virginia 80 Terry, Baltimore Geo Bryan. ao Mmßßudd.Ohlo Wm N Bentley,. , do , . JoaLßadd, do J H Brent, * ' ao r J Andveer. do JII Brent, Jr, do W Mllnor Roberts,Carlisle ' LII Lukins, do, i Steese. M&sllloo, Ohio J W Marshall, do Lewis WRalston, Phßa Miss B P Cbisolin, S 0 , {DAHedlings, ' do Mist E Z Cbisolin, do JBBabcoek, Wisconsin C A Chlsolln, do, i?.Werst, Wenona, Min D J Hall, Cblgago, XU; * ' 0 Church & la. Mass Ohoa Hall&la.Ga GPersico.Va ’’ Graham Davis. NO Wm Scott! La Job Jackson, NY B Cowan & la, 80 DrD A Jackson,RO , W J Gibson. NY JohttGreeh,NJ - DRed!y,’Nj Miss Fanny Starks, MDis Miss Mary Btarkw, Miaa Levi Miller, Cal '-J i . Hlllgis, Ga * 0 P I*bb * la, V» ■ ■ i l J Wicklto, ya * CLEARED. WJ Ellison. NO R RBifharason, NO • Thoso CornjBh;fintf ,• Chasllall St la, Wash P P Maftefc/stf'? ’ Mrs AI» Lucas,-80 ■ ‘ Misa'M W SO " Miss A Mnzqok,SO • Robt Chester & la. Ten* ’ Miss JanetTburmun, Tenn Mies L Donelson, Tenn ' ; Mrs Dr Chester,- Tenn Mrs M A Guthry, Tenn ’ 1 G llCapertou,Va • AD Alien, Rich ' : J Hopkinson,SO Dr Wm Atwatcr.Pa 0 Atwater, Ohio • Jos M Bowman, Ky J York, Cin, Ohio MrsLo Blanc* 8 da. NT G Gursean, St Louis T D David Perco, BiLduis Jno Perry, Alex, Va NB French, Ind It’ll Mooro, Urbana. Ohio ‘ Jno A Channel!, Va . W W Webb, NY E Townsend, N Y • - O Tower, Pottsrille . Lif Class, Nebraska • ■ •* Wm F Miller, Buffalo It f Cleveland, NY- • Geo W OaropboU, N Y Wm Turnbull, Jr, Balt ’ S PFierco, Syracuse, NY WJ Mulford, Montreal ■ D A Neal, Salem, Maas 1 J HStickney, Bolt Jos II BpenceY, Bait £ L Brockott, Petersburg U B Whittington, Alox, Va 8 B'Dawos, Norfolk' Dr A E Perrine * lady,To. a J Kicbanlsob, N Y > • ronto -J D Chamber*,’Pa ' Geo W Bilton, Florida T Ripley, N Y i W II Worthon, NY A JFrekey, Balt - B P Langley, N Orleans II O Wetiuoro, N Y J Joseph Loud, Jr, Dost Elios Graham, Parkesburg MKRCiIANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch 1' ) S A Pough Sc Jy, Wash Wra W Harper, Alex, 1 Va ‘ Mrs H Blanchard, do W McCUntock, Pittsburgh O Roberts, Ebensburg 1 Oliyer McCllutook, do 1 JAt Hart, Blakesburg, Tod Mrs Afoore, do N H Stewart, Muscat’e, la J Ueydeu A la, AP R R 0 Francis, Vlcksbg, Miss J Hastings, Jr, 111 G A Torrence, Councils- ST Collins, "N Y vllle. Pa J M Lytle, Blair Co, Pa G D StUlsoo, Rochester, D G Random, Texas New York N Oldham,' ‘ do k E A McClean. N Pblla.O J K Correy, Milton, lE B Pond, Mich GW Ross, Athens, Tenn J M Spr&uo, 111 I< K Bowers’, Balt O Madison, Decatur, 111 RSHabbau, La Orange,lnd Paxaon Coats, Cluj O B KKurck, do 8 T Browu, Swoctwator, John Will, ' do.’- 1 , Tenn ' ' RR Andover,London,Tenn HII Dickson, Alex, Va L 8 Nickum, Mercer, Pa ‘ John H Ilofinnn, Ohio ' H M Scrogga, Ohio T 8 Chapman, Fa 1 Mrs Holcomb * da, Tex's DWG iieutelt, Bethlehem R Courtney, Albany ' ■ Dr Wilson, New. York 11 Hopkins, New York H W Hager, Lancaster , -J U waller, Chamborsb’g J H Wilson,'Clarksville Pa J,B Martin, Tehn J Sauuders, lowa ' A Saunders, lowa . S Saunders, - do 1 J W McOollougb. lowa Gen W Irvin, Centre co I» Ulchardaon, Miss Miis H O Bwett. Mis* Miss M V Uragdon, Mass, 21U Hall, Massachusetts. ' ' UNION HOTEL—Arch Street, above Third. A A Cmiopton * la, lowa 3 S Binkerd, Ohio, James Smith', Va O 11 Voglor, Balt,. M A McLcudar, Ga A M Emlloionn, (la John W Wehn, Johnstown 3 McMillin,.Ohio I>F Connell, va . J Bcoasor, Ohio Wm Pepper, lowa ’ H Mooro,,lowa A W fliifeeson, Bristol J Lessor, NJ •- , Geo H PotU. Pa , Edwin Wells, Pa . B Jacobson, Ohio' II M itortou, N J . G T Blake, N J J V Smith, O|»io' . M SEichelborger, Pa L Drake, Ohio - > J J Benton, Ohio ', John Reillbart, Ohio W A HiutUraer. Pa joslUchic, do ' W J Wplfley, Ohio , John Williams, NY, . 8)iml Anderson, Putnam O Jos RStouiTer, Pennsville J Hacker, Lancaster Pa M FoshnacUt, Lancaster MraTanderKlicOjPhoo’villo D J Barry, Easton Basil Rader, Easton Pa - ' JOUttStOuelach, do ’ ‘ % J II Thompson, Tyro N 0, I AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut. bolow Sixth st. R Hollingsworth, MJ 0 T Boftrdman, New York W FStragliorn,NO JII Henry, do C Kora, Bait CII Henry, do ' JE Hopkins. NO C S Snow, do W II Michael, do G Hosier * la,'Penn II C Hamilton do David Mosior, do W L Granger, Ilollldaysbg R H Perry ' do - - GO Spencer, do - R K Crawford, Tenn Thos Pntba, Ohio W 8 Smith,- do J Sand do RL Smith, do EII Field, Va G A Baker, Md 1 "W Adams, do - W 8 Vriskoy, do Win Kiele, 111 J F Smith. Beading W R Bearer, Phils T 8 Meredith, PblJa P S Boilers, New York M 8 Sandford, N York O H West, do UK Mooro, North Carolina Bj. Allstruin, do O A Kcclilcr, do A Bailey, do J W Port, do 8 Owen and la, West Point O Potrlcken, Hartford, Ct Miss M (Iweu, do Andrew Petricken, do RGSmyth, Lycom’gCojPa M McFarlaud. N J R Godwin, Georgia A A Bell, Liberty, Va A O Tullev, Mississippi C Ledbetter, PeterstPg, Va BK Davidson, do A N llobsou, do Mr. Darby k. lady, Baltimore STATES UNlON—Market, above Sixth. Samuel Lockard, Columbia F N Bennett, N J James W Hunter, do E MLamborn, Chatk’nijPa Hiram Neoffer, Harrisburg Miss Lamborn, do Cui J Weaver, Berks Co,Pa John Wcike, Columbia, Pa Martin ICeyser, FaukUn, O D P Hass, Bhautokln‘ Pa J C Stower, Illinois J Baldwin, Ohio G W Kinfior, Parkesb’g.Pa L P Jone*, Danville, Pa E McDonald, PotUvma A K LGaberger, Pa LonisSehiuldtUohnaton.Pa Thomas Penrose, Ohio Jo* C Walker, Gap, l*iv J, O Dunlap, N J JaredMar!fl,CheaterlliU,o R P II Phillip*, Pottxvilto Jami'* Jlulleson, P Rll. BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab. CatlowhlU. B Ilerrcnger, Green Lane II A Sellers, Altoona A UucUuuvn, FeafttecvilUs J Hutbs Surauoytown pigllogeland, Byberry J Rllnldouifto, Worug’tou pauper Itoud*. do O P Shott, do A Clayton, Southampton G M Garner, do Master Cinytou, do John Kepp, Sumneytown Chas Hoad*, do Enos' Bennett, do Mrs Roads, do A G Kram, Doylestown Silas Roads, do Samuel LefUor, New York E B Kr&miick, Fogleston, Miss J K Yorkes. Bethlbin Henry Walters, N Britain, Geo Clemmons ChStr Val'y CITY nOTEL—-Third stroet, above Race, R Thompson, Danville • DW Smith’, Lewlsburg D Forest, do ' Miss A Weldrou, do C Morrison. ’’ do! i!' Wm Plumb, Liverpool,'Pa' A McAllister, do ~ B A Sterner, do 8 Dorcnco, do • Mra, Stover, Easton, Pa G Roberts, do ' G E Lock * son,'Centre co 3 MartlUjUiiHimoro j Steven's, d 6 A M Pruner, Doylestown M Davis, Dftuphin G Fisher, do II Fritz, Muncy W Janvcr 4 la, Virginia R Cowell, ’do WII Almond, Wllmlngtou 8 McHenry,Williamsport SDilwin, Lewlsburg - D W Daley, Jersey Shore G Weldron * son, Lovrlsbg D W Harrison, Clcorflold * NA.TI6NAE H9TEO—RacS street, abore Third if If IJruice, N T John 1) Lomun, Phlla A 8 Ilumbergvr, Masallon, L U Lord, Phll&da Ohio T W Burloo, <lo Jo?iu SCUwges, Philft- Geo W Morgan, PottarUle 0 II Nichols, Vermout H J Hendlor, do Moses Kiucado. do M Murray, N Y SO Snyder, do Jo* TYhltaker,Mt Claro \Vslllam Major, Lees* Richard P Ross, Tunic* port bannock, V* BLACK BEAU INN, Merchant street, bel. Fifth. J Grice, Chester co C M Tailor, Delaware co Mrs Brown, do WmMWilson,Newark,Bel Jacob Deroe, West Chester Jas Gilmore, Lancaster co Mas Callahan, Phllada Wm Rankin, Burlington A L Gull, Bridgeport. Chat Haines, Beading D B Nyce, Pboculxvlllp, Pa W Llvlugstou, New York ■8 Y Wilson, Newark, Del < , John Blakely, Chester, Pa 'Jas J Buyder, Port MlU|iu Sami McGee, Ohio Col W Allen, do . Wm D Kvaap, Pottstwu.Pa ,Wm Murray, Lancaster, Pa E f putt, Dauphin co, Pa Jas Williamson, Marple, Delaware co, Pa. ' MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Wm 0 Davidson, Milford M S Stoss, Scarlotsville JonwPeabody, Boston HenryGunts.Yft . J H Jefferson. Smyrna Miss Youug,l)el Mra Young &ehud’h,‘ Del Mrs Sherman, Dei A Miller, Lotmuou John Roberts, dies co, Pa David White A la, Lancaster, Pa Special Notices. Brown's Essence ol Jamaica Ginger is an invaluable Vamlly Medicine at this se&aou of the year as a preventive and euro for diarrhoea, dysentery, and many internal diseases. It Is peculiarly efficacious in summer complaints of children, and Is 'known and pre scribed by the Medical F&cnly. See advertisement. Warburton'a .Inimitable Coverings lor the Hood.— Pall Stylus. Tbo Dress Hats of fho present Issue are eminently do Bervlng tho preference of as llioy oinhraco all the points necessary to gontcel cflect, and all tbo details and nicer elegancies which Impart finish, comfort and durability—at the samo time exhibiting appropriate accordance with iho other prrta of the Pall Costume- Paris made Moleskin Hats, Opera or, Compressible Dress Hats, American and French Pelt Hats. WARBURTON, Hatter, eoplMAa wwAf n vr 430 Ohostnutsireet. Svamen’s Saving Fand Office 303 Waltmt street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of five per ceut. per annum. Moneys paid on Demand.' Office open dally, from 0 until 6 o’clock, tuid on Mon day and Saturday until 9 In the evening. President Franklin Pell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James S'. Pringle. Bower’* Infant Cordial.---Till* Invaluable Cordial is prepared from » variety of the most choice mid efficient aromatics known In medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young cklldreu. • " - By its powerful Influence a speedy cure is effected in ait cases of Cholie f windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children’s suffering during donti* tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran- pains of the 6otrefj, looscnoss, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has boon used in thousands of casoß with the most abuudaut sbcsoss. No family should be without it. Prepared only by llkhbt A, Bovrgß, At Ws Brag and Chemical Btore, N. J 3, corner of Sixth and Green *ts., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. Aml for sile by Druggists generally,' aulMy Saving Fuud—Five Per Cent* Interest—Na tional Bafety Trust Company, in Walhot Street, south west corner of Third Street, PiULADXLruii, Assets overOxa Million and a Half op Dollars, Invested in Rial Estaib, MQRTaiasa,GnooxD lUmts, and other first class securities, as required by tho charter. This institution confines It* business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, is received, and the money is always paid back, with out uotioe, to auy amount. The office Is open every day from 0 o’clock la the morning until 7 o’clock' In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 0 o’clock. itliuritigcs. On thooth month. 10th Inst., by Friends* Ceremony, before Aldonuan Charles D. Freeman, L. 11. STEEL, of Philadelphia, to JANE ANN, daughter of Samuel Lee* dom,of Delaware county, l'a. Eteatlja, On the OUi Inst., WILLI AM TRIBIT, Jr., in tho 20th year of his age. The relatives and friends aro respectfully luvitod to attend the funeral, from the residence of his fatlior, Mr William Tribit, flr., No. 410 Wharton street, above Fourth street, on Satuaday afternoon, at 4 o’clock, with out further notice. On the sth Inst.,* JOHN T. OURAM, in tlia 28th year of his ngo. His relatives and friends and thoso of tho family ore respectfully luvitod to attend .the funoral, from the resldflnoeofhisfather, Wtn.Ouraiu, No 1018 Find street, west of Tenth. onSaudav afternoon, at 4 o’clock, with* oatfurtber notice. Jp* Keysuins (Hub, .. Opening Meeting to ratify tho adoption of tho Constitution, Democrats, rally iu your strength for tho opening of the cam paign, aud redeem, your pledgo to the Democracy of the Union, to keep the glorious old Keystono in the column of those Who respoud: “No North, no South— our Union, one and inseparable, now and forever ” A Grand Ratification Meeting 0 r the Keystone Club will be held, at Indepondonco Square, on Thursday evening. September 17tb, to ratify and confirm the gene ral nominations of the party, to which all true tuen of the Union are invited. The meeting, will be addressed by General Win A. Packer, Hon. Wm. Bigler, Hon. J. Clancy Jones. Hoti. Stephen 4. Douglas, Kills B. , Hon Peter Shannon/ Spencer JB. Cone, Ksq., of New York', and a number of our fellow-townsmen. Democratic Clubs and Ward Associations Intending to participate will report to tho Committee, at the Club Headquarters, Globe Hotel, Sixth and Chestnut streets. , * Edward W.' Power, Joftpu Collins, Committee!, ■ ~. John O. McCall, \ • ’ ' w3l *WWBBt Wsf. B, RANKIN, President JJj-N«tice...The Power of Faith over Inlt deltty. First Corinthians, chapter 7, verse J4**lp» Rev. John Chambers on this subject TO-MORROW \ AFTER** .NOON, Bervice at half-past three P. M. Chhriih icon nor 6f Grund ftnd Gcorgo streets. BoJ2-lt* U7* West Arch Street Presbyterian Chttrch— Comer of Eighteenth Street The SABBATH DAY SERVICES in this Church will begin on To-morrow, end will ho regularly continued hereafter at 10U o’clock A. M . and 7# o’clock P. M. Tho Rev. JONATHAN EDWARDS, D. D, Pastor elect, will Preach morning ftnd evening sppl2*lt ttTt Notice,—The undersigned, lenrning that the Sheriff’s Proclamation will contain a notico for the election of a District himself a candi ‘ date for that office. sepU*2t# , ANDREW MILLER. A MEETING OF THE DEMOCRATIC hcmloecsof theiCltyaud Cuontywill beheld at the. Globe Hotel, ou Monday, Bepfc. 14th, at 10 o’clock A. M. Punctual attendance U requested. *epl2-2t , J. T. OWEN, Chairman. _ Notice. -a meeting of the cred itors ot RF.RVKB, HW,4 Co , The BHOKNIX j IRON COill-ANY. an,l REEVES, ABBOTT & Co., will l bo held at their Omcc in the Franklin Building, Walnut ' Street. nbovo Fourth, ouTiiuraday evening, I7tl< Inst, ,»t half-pant 7 o’clock. . fieplß4t* HYDE’S MORMONISM EXPOSED. THIRD EDITION READY THIS DAY EUR SALK AT T. B. PETERSON’S, No. SOO CHESTNUT STREET. : ELDER HYDE'S EXPOSE OF MOEMONISM. ! A letter from the Hob. James Buchanan, President of the United States: i 11 WiaMNOTOX, Aug. 20,1857. “Gsntlfmen : T owo you many thunk# for Mr. Hyde's <book on Mormouism. I have not yet found time to pejlue it, but have no doubt,-from tho notices of it and the extracts from it which I have read, that it cou* ,-talps much valuable information. “ Yours Terr respectfully, j 4 “/AMES BUCHANAN. , “ Messrs. Wtf. P. PKTKIOOS ic Co." A letter from the Hou. Lewis Cass, Secretary of State: ; Wasuiuotos Uity, Aug. 22.1867 ; tl OjgH tlbmekV % aril triuebobllgcd to you for the work oq Morroonfsm which you bare been good enough to '.seal me. I shall not fait to' read it attentively, for in .thb whole history of human nkture there ate few sub- JecH more interesting than the propagation of the ro* Volting doctrine which, under that name, Is rapidly Spreading, not only In our own country, bat abroad .j “1 am, gentlemen', respectfully yours, | l . LEWIS CA3S. 4 fMess?». W. P. Frtrihgk & Co. i The following are a few extracts from the many un paralleled lengthy notices of this work: *)Thts, probably,'ls the most complete and compre hensive work on Mormonism ever published."—N X. Kepresri, ; ‘.‘This is a reinarkoble woVk. ahd will do more toward dispelling the miserable delusion which Is attracting so many, thousands to tho Mormon land of promise than nit the publications which have hitherto appeared on the subject,"—lN. Y. Herald. { “Elder Hyde’s statements are deeply interesting, and they will attract more than ordinary attention.-’- {Philadelphia Inquirer, , : “This is the best :v.s well as the most entertaining book about the Mormons which wo have soon."—[lViehmoml Enquirer. i “This book affords a fupl of trustworthy information front Internal evidence, as well os whut we know of the character of the writer, and will be road with eagerness byfhpse who nre curious to learn the character of one bf.tbe straugest forms of humau delusion."—rN. Y, Tribune. PriceTerms—'2s copies, Z'i% per ceut. dis count; 100 copies. 37# per cent, discount; 600 copies, sO per cent, discount j Published and for sale by \\\ P. VgTBIDQi;. ‘ No. 281 Broadway, N. Y ( Or to T. 11. PETEBSON’S 300 CHEBTNUT Strict. Philadelphia, l’ejviona remitting the price by wail will receive copies paid. < Jn press, nud will shortly bo published, THE PhAN'TKU’S DAUGHTER. lly Mias Dupuy. < BAHTAHOI3. liy the Author of the “ Watchman, M i 4M2.1t \T 11. CHASE & CO. hJ • G B N E R A L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. ' CONSTANTLY - RKCKIVINO ! CLOVER S E E I) pn consignment from tho interior of PeiinHylraiiia, f-whoro our new Cleaning Mill in now in general use. ■ 10T Aho, TIMOTHY, AND RED TOP always on j>aod. _ , soRMt s*7oo Prizes *°r> Fruits Flowers,, ami '{JM'V/vJ VsdsTADLSe by tho Pennsylvania Hor ticultural Socioty, at Jaynes Hail Chestnut Street, near jerenth, ou Tuesday, 10th lost. Artudtm must bu staged fcofora 12 o’clock. R. RULST, Chairman. 3t P. P. JAMES, Secretary Horticultural EX HIBITION.—The Twenty-ninth Exhibition of the PENNSYLVANIA HORTICUI.TniAI. SOCIETY will be held In JAYNE’S HALL, Chestnut Street, near Seventh, qq tho 16th, lfltli.aud 17th instant, being Tuesday, Wotlnosday, and Thursday. [ Contributions in choleo or rare Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetables are respectfully solicited, f Contributors fror. a distance may address i THOMAS P. JONES, Secretary, •, No. O Market street, Philadelphia, j 11 JIUIST, Chairman, I »epl2-6t Nos. 022 A 024 Market street, Pltlla The weekly press. [ The Fifth Number of Til* W'kbklt Press, dated Saturday, September 12th. is cow ready tor sale at our lt la embellished with ABPLENPID KNCJRA* VINO OF THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON, as it trill appear a boo finished, with au original and highly interesting description of the lJulldiug, Dome, Statues, Qrnamonts, Ac. Tho contents will spook for them They are a* follows : f.BT OF PENNSYLVANIA, (Original.) ’ 1 A beautiful sketch from Hovithcltl Word', entitled, ; •• INCH BY INCU UPWARDS.” A RILL FROM THE TOWN PUMI’—A capital sketch by Hawthorne. POETRY. AFTER THE NIGHT, MORNING, (Original ) HEAVEN. LINKS WRITTEN IN THE CRYPT OF TAMWOHTH ; CHURCH. JONES. By CrtAHi.fcs MaokiY. OOLUMDUB DYING. From the Obhmah THE CHILDREN. By Mary Howjtt. \ EDITORIALS. OUR PLATFORM. THANKS.’ THE MONROE DOCTRINE YIELDED BY THE LON DON TIMES. WHAT WE MOST NEED IN POLITICS. FRATERNAL FP.ELINU FOR THE SOUTH. LAFAYETTE. THE FOREIGN NEWS. ADVANTAGE OF THE TELEGRAPH. NEGRO SUFFRAGE. HERO WORSHIP. TIIE CAMEL IN AMERICA. ADVICE GRATIS. TIIE PRACTICAL QUESTION IN KANSAS. THE FREE-STATE MEN WILL VOTE. THE FORMATION OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITU . TION. “TUB PRESS” vtrsus “HARPER’S MAGAZINE.” WHY IS PHILADELPHIA TUE CRKDITOII CITY ! AMPJUOAN ARISTOCRACY. FOREIGN NKWS BY THE EUItOPA. LOLA MONTKZ. 30 CORRESPONDENTS, ENEBAL INTELLIGENCE. PHRSONAL3. COMMERCIAL AND MONETARY AFFAIRS. ORIMEB AND CASUALTIES. AGRICULTURE, Ac. RMLIGIOUS MATTERS. MISCALLANEOT7S. ’ * A| LOVE STORY. MODERN APPEARANCE OF ATHENS. A PHILADELPHIA DUTCHESS. MISS SEDGWICK’S PLEA FOR OLD MAIDS. THE SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OK AMER ICAN INDEPENDENCE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN IRELAND. SABBATH READING. OLAY AND WEBSTER ON THE BAUBATH. REPORT OF A SERMON BY THE REV. ALFRED COOKMAN,, “THOU FOOL THIS NIGHT TIIY SOUL SHALL BE REQUIRED OF THEE. COESIESPOIVDESrOE. LETTERS FROM WASHINGTON-IMPORTANT IN FORMATION RELATIVE TO THE INTRODUC TION OF OAMKLB INTO THIS COUNTRY—THEIR SUCCESS FOR MILITARY PURPOSES, AND FOR TRANSPORTATION OF BURDENS AND RAPID TRAVELLING FULLY PROVED-TRBATY WITH NEW GRANADA NOT SIGNED YET—COL. LOCK RIDGE, OF THE NIOARAQUAN ARMY—JUDGE CURTIB’S SUCCESSOR—VACANT CONGRESSION AL DIBTUIOT IN INDIANA—REACTION IN GEORCnrA-fcESIGNATION OF FIFTH AUDITOR SPEAKERSHIP—NAVAL COURTS, Ac LETTERS FROM BUCKS COUNTY AND FROM CAR- BON COUNTY. GENERAL PACKER AT UNIONTOWN. HIGHLY IMPORTANT POSTAL TREATY WIT AND HUMOR. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT, PULL AND INTERESTING INFORMATION FOR THE FARMER. A CORRECT AND CAREFULLY PREPARED RE PORT OP TIIE MARKETS-STOCK, MONEY GRAIN, CORN, CATTLE, Ac , Ac. TIIE WEEKLY PRESS Is furnished to subscribers at t 2 per year, in advance, for tho siugle copy, and to dubs of twenty, when sent to one address, (20, in ad vance. Singlo copies for salo at the counter of Tub Piibbs office, in wrappers, ready for mailing. Persons sending clubs of twenty or over will please boar iu mind that tho paper thus ordered cannot be directed to each subscriber, unless the club price of $1.20 por annum is paid, and paid in advance. This is in accordance with our published rates, aud somo of our friends havo overlooked H. Our heavy lists compel uh to adhere to this rule. dh/in Ann -COALAND 111 ON> which constitutes a third of the stock of an jncorporntod company, will bo exchanged for merchandise or real estate, It is clear of debt and future charges, (expenses will bo provided fur by In coroo.) A railroad connectlngTWO GREAT ROADS is being made at tho Cost of other companies through the mineral deposits, at the foot of the mountains, on their lands, offering away to market on tlionea board, and oponfng a village site of incomparable beauty, ns well as hoalthiulness and profit.' No investment can compare with coal mine* for security, and none In tho country can be moro attractive than these tor their resources or a resldenco. Apply S. W. comer of FOURTH and WALNUT streets, second floor. so ti.jw* FALL CLOAKS.—Just ruceived at 1 v the Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium, to which tho attention of Ladles and, strangers visiting the city, is respectfully invited GEO. BULPIN & Co., 708 Chestnut street. . NEW FALL CLOAKS, at Wholesale —Merchants wifi find the largest stock of theso Goods, In the greatest va riety of materials and prices, at tho Paris MaatUVa and Cloak Emporium. priceß low, and terms liberal. GKO. BULPIN A CO , ae4-lm ■ 708 Chestnut street. OFFICE OF THE NEPTUNE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, 414 WALNUT Stroet. Phila delphia, Septcmbar Bth, 1857.—At a mooting of the Board of Directors of this Company, held THIS DAY', the following resolution was passed: Resolved, That the capital stock of the Neptune lu surmice Company be increased from one hundred thou sand to two hundred thousand dollars. Books of subscription will be opened on MONDAY, ,the 14th inst., and ivmaln open for five dayß consecu tively, between the Lours of 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. ■ By order of the Board, ft 9-tt GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary. AME RrcSTIISADEMFoFitTJsicT^ K. A. MARSHALL SM.IjJL FIRS)' miiin 8ol,u "«» or TJIK GREAT NOVELTY .WEDNESDAY EVENING, September 19tb, 1857 PAUBTDB, * * w ’ Grand Fantastic Ballet, by Domenico Ronuni the celebrated Maitre de BaMutand Pantomimiat PRINCIPAL DANCERS and PANI’OMIMISTS Asioluti di tango FYancesc : Wile Louise Larouureux, | Signor Filippo Daratti First Distinguished Itoltap Dancer*: Signore (fulseppina i’ratesi J M'lle Lucille Lamouroux, Tereslna Fratisl, j Slg'ra Emma Santollni. First Italian Danesrf: Signore Cecchettl, Signore Mauey, “ Heckmann, “ M, Shew. “ Dalton, i i' il E. Shew, ■ “ Gale, “ Weiss First Pantomimists astoluti: j Gaspare Pratesl, .[ Cesar? Prutosi.: ... First Pantomifnifa: (Movant Pratejl, | MadAm&'Pratesl. „ Parti litginus : '* Pis Cecchetti. ' I EnricO Cecchctti. Secretary and Agtnt f BIGNOR CORGni. Twe hundred Auxiliaries; Entirely now and suporb Scenery’; new and magnificent Costumes; uewoudap propriate appointments. Music by UAJETTI COSTA PENOZZA. Ortheifrul Conductor, CAIU, lIERUMAN. Particulars In future advertisements, Prices as before, UuX Olhco ,v,ll ho open for the secmog of «catj for tlw Uollel Seasou 01 Sixteen Night,, on Krlii.y and Saturday, from # till 4, tmd on Monday. TuMday, and " ednoaday tor the necuring of nightly ,eat», three daya in advance, without extra charge. , P. 3.—Stockholders aro requested to present their Certificates of Stock at tho Box OQlco, and procure their Tickets for tho eneuiug season, Tlcketa c,t the former season will uotbe admitted. wJjl TUPS. McKEON, Treasurer. RATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST?, 1 i uoar Eighth. W. E, BURTON R-turna thanks for the liberal putrouage bestowed upon his ii ‘rforumuces, and respectfully" announces his BENEFIT AND LAST NIGHT THIS EVENING. (SATURDAY,) Sopt. 12th. When three capital comic pieces will be given. Tne fu vorite comedy of • 1 TUB DUTCn GOVERNOR Myuheer Von Dunder. Peter the Great Peter SUiunitz,...... Bertha ' The comedietta of BLUB DEVILS. Megrim. & hypochondriac ;....Mr. Barton And tbo old favorite farce of ■ THE MUMMY. Toby Tramp, afterwards iho Mummy .Mr. Barton Boors opou nt 7; to begin at & quarter to 6 o’clock. W‘ heatle Y’ b ARCH ST. THEATRE. T f —Sole Leußee W. WHEATLEY. Soalb ob Paicsa —Orchestra Stalls, SO cents; Dross Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seaw), 60 Cents: Family Circlo and Ainpnitheatro, 26 cents; Seata iu Pri* vate Boies, 76 cent* j Whole Private 80x,53; -Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 cents; Prl* vato Box iu UHlory for Colored Persons, 38 cent*. Box Offlco open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. J. SI. B.WHITTON Treasurer. TIIIB (Saturday) EVENING, Sept. 12Ui, the per. formaiices will commence with Shiors tragedy of TIIE APOSTATE. Mr. K. 1,. Davenport ....Mr. Wheatley Mra.'E. j t . Davenport To conclude with (first time) / CAPE MAY. TUouias Twist Mrs. Thomas Twist. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Lok. see. Sir. E A. .Marshall; Stage Manager, Sir. Johugoftoh. Prices.—Dress Circlo aud PftrijueUe, 50' cents; Upper Circlo, 26 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Beats. 76 cents. Box Office open from 0 o’clock A. M. to 3 P. M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance to corn, jnenct* at 7^. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Sept. 12th. will be acted, flint time in six yenrs, VENICE PRESERVED. Jnffier... Mr. Herman Yezln Friuli./ .Sir. Yonug Beivldoro Mrs. Uennau Vezin To conclude with the Laughable Farce ot tbo DOUBLE-BEDDED BOOM. Mr. Dulcimer Pipes. Mrs. Deputy Lomax. ’ VCADE.UV OF MUSIC.—NOTICE.— The Gentlemen of the ORCHESTRA engaged for the ensuing scuboo, oho the Gentlediou engaged for the MILITARY BAND, jii tbo procession, Ac , luth6 forth coming Grand Bullet, aro requested to bent the Academy, 3‘iIJS (.Saturday) AFTERNOON, at thr&o o’clock, for Itchour.al. £UJ W. V. CUNNINGTON. ■ for Sulemiii to £ct. 'A Fourth Floors of No. 23 North Fourth Htreot.oppo iito Commerce. Powosatou October Ist. Applj to WILMAU H. BACON, 328 Market at. «i‘)(Uk OK $5OO HOOK BINDERY FOR tJpOv/Lf SALE—Seven yeara oatablisbod, doing a fair Job busineHß, which cau bo iucrcftficJ, both blank. iu<l priuted job/). Locatiou, D 35 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank hooka at coat, jobs bosud to order. augl9-5w PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N. J., FOR SALE, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 75 feet by 110. Prico, $3,000. Also. (<ota auitable for manufactories, fronting tins river. Apply too. HOIUI. No. 311 South Fifth street. . aa'JG-luiic , f~IIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR VJT ANOE COMPANT, PHILADELPHIA—OGico, No. 302 WALNUT street, west or THIRD. “FIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN.” DIRCOTOBS. Wm. M. Swain, John Ansparh, Jr., 11. N. Burroughs, J. U. Hughe*, V. I). fthertoan, Win. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, 11. A. Shackelford, , Hon. JBEL JONES, President. £fon O. W. WOODWARD, Vice president. Jso. S.'MoMffu-iii, Secretary. Ji«KB B. Altoru, Assistant Secretary aul-3m Jer. Walker, Juo. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. 8. Oillett, Furman Sheppard, Saial. Joues, M D.. Joseph Klapp, M V Dancing academy.—naylor & DAUGHTER’S DANCING ACADEMY, TENTH and SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY,September 1,1b07. Tho subscribers, in offering this prospectu* to the dancing community, respectfully acknowledge their kindness during past seasons, and pledge themselves that nothing shall be wasting on their part to tnak* the coining season surpass iu brilliancy that of foimer years. Sir. N. and Daughter have, with untiring exertions, added to thoir already full list of fashionable dances, many new cues, which will be, Introduced during Lite season. ' , . DAYS OF TUITION- For Children—Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons from 3 to 5 o’clock ; for Ladles and Gentlemen— I Tuesday and Saturday Evening* from 7 till 10 o’clock. uu 2741 m WM. D. ROGERS 1 CARRIAGE REPOS ITORY, 1009 and 10J1 CHESTNUT STREET, above TENTH, is now open for tho a&Io of every des cription of Carriages, combining Style, Durability aud Elegance of Finish, from the Manufactory at the corner ol .Sixth and Master street*, to which the attention of Citizens and Southern and Western gentlemen is ro.s pecttuMy called. N. B.—Especial attention given to Carriages for rc l airs in tho shops connected with the Repository.' Eu trance on Chestnut Stroet. au2l-2w WORTH READING. —Wliy is it that ho many suffer and drag out a miserable existence, unfitted forth** enjoyment, and even ordinary pursuits of life, when rvliel by treatment at onco pleasant, safe and permanent in its effects, may bn so readily obtained ? Dr. MORRIS (lato of Now York) teudera bis professional services iu all Chronic and FemaU Complaints, Pile*, Gravel, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Asthma, &c. Patients visited iu any part of the city: or if prefer red, troatmont by let ter,aud the highest satisfaction war ranted, no matter how complicated and stubborn the case may appear. For somo interesting and instructive suggestions to tho married, or those contemplating marriage, enclose 25c»*uta. Address WM.U. MORRIS, M.D., selO 4t* Philadelphia, Pa. Consulting rooms, 270 South FIFTH Street. Hours. 10 to 2 and 7 to 0, P. M. • Proposals for excavation.—tuo WEST PHILADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY will receive PROPOSALS, at their office, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, WALNUT Street: till noon oftho 15th Inst., for EXCAVATING and EMBANK-' INO along tho line of thtfr route. llaverford road aud Vino street, West 12,800 cubic yards cutting, and 17,000 fllliug—there being very little, If nny, rock. Contractors will state tho timo required to finish tho job aud terms of payment. James Miller, Ksq., En glnoor, Market street, West Philadelphia, will explain details of the work required. J. 8. SILVER. Chairman of Committee, FIFTH aud LIBRARY Sts., Phit&da. Rosin— 500 barrels soap makers* Rosin, to nrrivo per sclir J. 11. Planner, and for balo bv MARTIN & 3/ACALrSTKB, solo-3t lltf Water atreet A FARM OK COTTAGE wanted within 15 tulle* of Philadelphia. in exchange for a throo story lJrick House, oast of Sixteenth iu Vine street, and a turoo-story Hotiio in Murray street. one la i’earl btroot, and a lot in Keusiugtou, 103 by 103 feet, fvontin" on four streets all clear. Hither or all the above anu part cash. Apply to KOD’T A. PARRISH, sopt 9-lw* S. W. corner of 4th A Walnut 6ts. [\TOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.—Tho ship i.i STALWART, Capt. A. 11. Luca*, from Liverpool, is now dischargiug under general order at Almond street vcharf. Conttigoeea will nle&an atteud to receipt ot their goods. TUOS. RICHARDSON A CO. NO MOKE PILES—NO MORE PILES. DR. CHARLES KDLLNITZ, from Paris and Lon don, is iu possession of a remedy wbicli will euro radi cally this painful disease, however prulmatad and ob sliuate it u»y bo. Tho first prescriptiouorruHl* all pain os if by magic, and three days’ treatment effects a com plete euro. No charge will be made if the remedy falU, All dUoasos cured. He 1b also the inventor of & liquid for nourishing the growth of tho hair, aud remoiiug •baldness, tho efficacy of which ho fully guaranties. I.ewia Fishhlatt cured of piles. Apply at 033 LOCUST street, near the Unitarian Church. seMm ‘ MACGREGOR lIOT-AIR FUIttJ \CESJ. Sold by CHADWICK A BJIG., SECOND Street, Urat door Above Race. auglB-3mo*. SUPERIOR PICTURES—IMPROVED AMUROJYPUS at the new sk) light rooms. ]si>o MARKET west of Brood stre«t,.ovor Chauco’s Dry Goods store. EVANS, practical Photographer and teacher. neU-lw* David m. hogan, blank book Mannrnolutcr, Sluliouur mill Printer, No. 41H H'AtNU'i’rtreot, t«,tireeQPoartU and I'jrtb, Pill'hvl.Bi llina. M'.'MlU WELCOME U A OL D ify"Cli A iJ wrtlF A DUO. WIN. HRCONURt aiilH-.im. rfUIOMAS K. BAXTER.—HARDWARE, X CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 010 HARRIOT hT.| above Ninth, south sido, Philadelphia. an 1-flm Hats.—™ FALL STYLKS—SATURDAY, 13th. TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.— Attention la imiUd to tho followuig htoch ot sea- Roned LUMBER: 300,000 test 3-4 Yellow Vine Floor Boards. 250,000 foot-1-4 do do. 30,000 feet 3*4 do do, suitable for Jin* lug stores. , 75,000 feet White Pine FJoor Boards. 350.000 feet Spruce Joist. Selling low for cash, to *ult tho times, and in lots to suit purchaser*. ALBERT IIKNTON, South FRONT street. ©cntlcmcn’fl irurnisljin# Coobo. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE ” T MEN’S FURNISHING BTORE, aud PATENT BHOJJLDKR 88AM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. No. T«J CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia; The attention of Southern and Western Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of BhtrU, the moat perfect fitting article made. At whole sale aod retail, and mtifle to order. ' ■ au t-tylti ? CONGRESS RANGE.-arSOLD BV CHAD* \J WICK k 11KO,, No.UW IOECCND Stmt. ' ‘ tuglB*Baaa. ST. MARK'S "EPISCOPAL ' ACADEStY, LOOCST siRKST, WMt or Sixteenth. Cluing in liutiu, lirei'V, Vrtnch, mil the usual English brunches, arranged so as to allow pupils to advance in each, lode* pundtutly v f the othen, with a rapidity proportioned to tUcir several abilities. Much time, is given daring school hours to prepare lessons. Circulars u»ay be ob* tali.wUtthoAcWuiy. ; Jlfflgg J. ANDngITS HATUII3, Priutipil. IVfISsToNNEI- ANfli MISS DILLAYfi their HOABDIHG- AND DAY trnbi? 14th WU> CUEST No * Bluet, o» MONDAY, Sep- tt . „ REEERENOE3. ®OMAuun, D. D., Philsdelphii; Devil Melin. do, C. Mwleworth, D D., Jo; M Clark. Jo; „ D '. ll “’ Wnl B. Jacobs, do; Win. I etbuTn ■ii “n d ' “j A ' u . onT '-' r,, i D. D.f do John n H. Cuthhaf t, do; «V Y. Draotlejr, D. D.. do; A. D. Cheney, do; tviliisin'Drad. ford, New York city; A. D. Uillotte, D. D., 4o*Ul™. lock. D. D , do; H Puller, D. D., Ualtiuiure; Ueorge W Eaton, D. D., Hamilton, New Yorkid. KematonNurtb East, New York; Thomas Hambaut, CassvilFe, UeoSw Howard Malcorn. D O Lewlsbnrg/Pcnnsylra’nla; jfbi B. Hart, ti n Philadelphia; Paul T. Jonea, Kay., do; Col. A. Q. Waterman, do; Caspar Morns. M. D ’ do- Robert A. Ezell, Esq•» Marshall, Texas; John B Semi pie, Esq , Pittsburgh, Peunsylvarja; James Edmunds, **»•» do. do; George W. Jackso:., Esq.. do, do; John H, Rajrmoud, LL. D., Brooklyn. /Jew York; Uay&on Brar* sou, Esq., Chicago; Hou. George W. Bradford, Homer. New York; Stephen 1). Di’layo, Esq., New York, city lion. Daniel 3. Dlcklnsou, Jinghatntou, New York. sopLlni . CRITTENDEN* 8 PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, 3. E. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTX6T Strata, second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING. PENMANSHIP, every style.. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND K0R313. . COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. . • LECTURES, &c. ' ’ ' , Each Student bwlndivldqdj Instruction froni corape tout and attentive Teachers,’under the immediate' supervision of the Principal. 1 One of the Best Pennies in the Country has charge of the Writing . .\i Please csUud see gpefhneut pod get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. r it ‘ TTEMAN ALLEN, A. IT., is, prepared to * limited number of pupils on the Violin, parts or accompani advanced pianLts, Apply at the residence of hi* father, Professor ALLEN, No. 215 Sobth BeW teentU Btreot. Circulars, with term* and-references.' at G. ANDRE It Co.’s, No. 1104 Chestnut Bt. sel-lm* ......Mr. Burton ....Mr. }Y. Brings ..Mr. |I, Wstfciue .....Mrs. S'. Drew OCfIbOLFOR YQDNG LADIES,SOUTH KSS WEST CORNEROFAROQAND TENTH STREETS The pupils in this Institution will be instructed in ali the branches of a thorough English Education, and every faciliiyfor the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. 1 The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. ‘ 1 * • The acbool-yeif is divided Into two terms, of five months oach, commencing Drat of Ninth'Month (Sep tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) First Department, per term of ftve m0at&i.....‘*535.00 Second “ “ «* ...... 29.00 Third “ t* • <i ; 35.00 Fuel, 4c., per term. *. T.‘..,... 1.00 Harriett brown. . Philadelphia, 1857. , REFERENCES: Thomas Klmber, J, D. White; hi. D Samuel Bottle, Jr., BenJ. 8. Jacnoy, M. D. Marmadnke C.Cope, Robert K\ Wright, William Bettlo, - <* Thoinsa D. Smith, TUumafl W'iatar, . George Griseotu, Anthony P. Morris,,. 'William J. Pitfleld, Joshua 11. Morris, ‘ Da rid Yacderreer, Uriah Uuut, William R, Thomas. auSS-lm. ' . ...Mr. J. S. Clarke • Mis* Emma Taylor SUPFLEE’S INSTITUTE .FOB YOUNG LADIKd, (boarding tad day papils,} N.'W. eofoer ELEVENTH aud GREEN streets. Filth teuton will open on September 70*, Beat ,reference giren, .In cluding all present and for r,patrons. , ' au264f CPRING GARDEjN ACADEMY FOB »3 YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing fall particulars, pupils’ names, testimonials, &«., cants bad on application. au2J4f F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. ....Mr. Chapman .Mrs. JolipSoftou HAU, of ST. JAMES THE LESS. Philadelphia. A Family hoarding school ron sow. B*t B It. Smtsih, Rncroa. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember!. 1 j OircuUrs mar be obtained at the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, S. W. comer EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Fuat Office, Vails of Schuylkill. Phila delphia aulT-Ora' MBS. BARTON’* BOARDING AND IfA DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG ladies; No 1929 CHESTNUT. St., below Twentieth,*:!) re-oped on the SECOND MON DAY in September. aulfWhr* TOOTHING SD NEEDFUL TO ENABLE 11 persons, male and female, to gain a share of this world *s goods and comforts as a LBIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY. Nos 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, Oinbrncinga knowledge of ' WfUTING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC ,by simplified methods, in a short time. THE LKIDY’S take pleasure in saying, that during the, pvit year a Urge number of persons acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro fitable situatious, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au22-3iu. ITTriIE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA -Estate orjAMRS HEMPHILL, decoded. . , T/ The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the (final} account of JOSEPH LESLEY, administrator,' ue bonis nou, c. t a, of JAMES HEMPHILL deceased, and also the (final) account of JOSEPH LEBLEY,Trustee older the will of the laid JAMES HEMPniLL, de ceased, and to make distribution, will attend to the .duties of his appointment on Wednesday, the 7th day of October, A. D. 1857, at 4 o’clock P.AI, at his office, No, 181 South Fifth street, opposite Independence Square, in the City of Philadelphia. JOSEPH A. CLAY Aud ’r. 1 September U, 1857. ’ a-t'-tb-St, WHEREAS LETTERS . OF ADMINIS ’ TRATIOK to the estate of Chatharlue Beldeiuan, deceased, have been grouted to the undersigned, all persoosindebted toll will make payment, and those having claims will prescut the same to 1). S. BEIDEMAN,' Administrator, se72*M-flt* £O9 Tioe street. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TUB CITS* AND COUNTY OFf PHILADEL PHIA, of June Yerm,'3B&7, No. 11. Elizabeth Moouey, by her next friend, Bam!. Reynolds, vs. George Mooney. New, August 13,. 3857, on motion of R. M. Lee, rule granted on respondent to show cause why a divorce shall not he decreed, returnable on the third Monday of To George Moonoy: Sir, please take notice of the above rule. '' Bopt., A.D. 1857. R. M. LEE, au29-sAw2w For Libellant. IN THE COUKT OF COMMON PLEAS, FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. of December term, 1556. Alias March term, 1857. No. 15#. Isabella Josephine June, by her next friend, John Smith, vs James M.June. Now, August 13th, 1857, on motion of B. -M. Lee. rule granted on to show cause why a divorce shall not be decreed,, returnable on the third Monday of September, A.D, 1857. To James M June: Sir. please take notice of the above rule. R. M. LBK, aa'id-lawHw For Libellant. ' IN THE ORPHANS* COURT OF Mont gomery county, August 19th, 1857. Notice Is hereby aiten, to all person* Interested in the estate of Mary AlderfoV/late of the township of Lower Salford, in said county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and benjamin Aiderfor bare applied to said Court, by petition, pntyiogfor a decree for the sale of tho real estate of said Mary Alderfor, deceased. The said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of September, 1857, at 10 o'clock A. M.»?t the Court House, in Norris town, for all parties! interested to appear and show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of said: petitioners should not be granted. By order of the Court. J. 5. DAVIS, Clorlc of the Orphans' Coart. aa2o‘d4w P. KELLY’. KELLY & BBOIHIB, Having enraged the services of CHAR LJE S ROTH, . Distinguished for the beauty and ‘excellence of his Hoods when in the Tailoring Business, has taken the Store.* * ■ ! . 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AND TTAB OPSWSJJ SOB TUB BXtB, AT RSTAIL, OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERE9. VESTINGS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, Ac., ‘Of the best qualities, at moderate prlcos. IP 3 * Tho business of KELLY & BROTHER is re moved, from this date, to No 814 CIIESTNUT Street, where it nill beattemied toby EDW’D P. KF.LLY or JOHN P. DOHKRTY. ses-3y JOHN P. DOHERTY, roit YHWtH Him RKULT A f&OTBSR, LATE WITH IUKENS, KELLY 4c CO., HAVING BSOAGEO CHARLES ROTH, Formerly the leadiug Tailor of this City \ and M KAYSEU, Formerly with 0 ROTH A CO., late Coat and Vest Cutter with LUKENS, KELLY A CO , and other supe rior Cutters, has rented a part of the store of EDW'D. P. KELLY, 9H OHESN’DT STREET, And has commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS. Tho most unremitting attention vrili be paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment i the best of Clothes w»U be made, and at moderate prices, [soo-y TIMES ~S HER! DAN, MERCHANT tl TAILOR, Noe. 10 aodlB South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CUHSTMJT. A Urge and well selected stock of CLOTHS and CAS3IMKRES always on hand. All Clothiug made at this Establishment will be ol the best quality, und in the mo'll fashionable stile. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH* ING. auC-tf ('MUST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WIU J SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, viz: Blunt’s Coast Pilot. 18th edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator, 27 th edition; Shipmaster's Assistant, 9th edition. Wu invite attention to our new Spring Centre Com passe*, which auswer tor mthir light or heavy weather, aud ar© especially adapted fur steamers, and vessels where the motiuu is cousldcnble. They fewer repairs than any compass now in use Marine Opera (Hasses of superior quality, Spy Onuses, AucToid aud Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers. Americ iu, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compasses, lunacies, Log Ulasses. and all kinds of Nautical Ju*irutneutA aud Books, constantly on hand. Also, ChartBor all parts of the world from the latest and best authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers aud Compa-vses, and for Abbott's Horo meter, and an instrument for working out problems jjj Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They hate received the approval of ox perteuced shipmasters, aud have been adopted by the U. 8 Navy. E A ft W. nLUNT. aul3-lm* No. 179 Water direct. WAKIiUIITON, 430 Chestuut street. Henderson & co’» great liter ABY YUll, FIFTH a 1.1 ABCII street* In Order to pratiTy the wishes of our numerous pa* trous, nnd induce the book-boyjng public to fill up their libraries at the usual low pricoe,'we intend to present to every parchasor uf books to the amount of $1 aod up wards. a Gift io value of from 25 cent* to $lOO Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. nocollect vou are not buying at chance, forevery pur chaser gets hi* book* at the usual price, and vei7 many will get, in addition, a present worth having. aufl-finj EIVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 335 CIIESTNUT Street. N. B -No connec tion with any other house lu the City. anl-Sui BW. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS, * No. 37 Bouth THIRD Street, Philadelphia. . COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible point* in the United States and Canada. Stocks, Bonds, Ac , Bought and Sold on CommfffihuL i Uncurrent Bank Notes, Checks, Ac., bought at tha lowest rates. Deposits ysoetVfd and Interest allowed, as per agree meat. *«l*la ®iinfaiirnaJ.' TERMS BUSINESS EDUCATION, £cgal Notices. JSlttdiant . (Jailors. V<- ■ Shipping. JBHIP Oa.SEONTHEn FOR NEW 08-; K? LKIN3-LOUISIANA li.YJf.—To Ml] witiqoidr despatch. The A 1 fast-sailing packet ship OTBEONTKE, Wm. K Maxwell, master. Is now loading at Race street wharL and haring a large portion of her cargo engaged, ana goingou board rapidly f w jU have quick deapatch. Shrpper* will please hurry their goods alongside, and , bills of lading to the countiug-boure for signature. For balance of freight, whiieh will be taken at reduced sates, or paaaage apply io BISHOP, SIMONS * CO., 36 North Wharves. /ho OTSEO.NTHE will insure at the lowest rate*, and take steam down the Delaware aud up the Mississippi. F)ll SAN FBANCISCO— CAUi'OIiNLA UNB -—Direct fro at Philadelphia. The wag rnJLvnt dipper ship, JOSEPH JOSB3, Sam uel O. Blower*, eouunauder, is now loading at Jlace street wharf; having a large part of her earg© engaged aud going on board rapidly, wilt bare lsmiodiate pateh. Shipper* will please hurry their goods doodle with oot delar. Bor tMuaoee of freight apply to - BISHOP r SDION3 ft CO., t 26 North Wharves, IF'OR-'SAN FKAjNCXSCO—FKOM biE\Y 1 YOBX The celebrated clipper *hip SANTA OLACS, Foster, ®itster» the magnificent cupper ship BOSTONIAN, *——> master, are now loading and will have despatch aa Above. . t For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, BUIONS 4 CO.. S 3 North tTharrei. hotels ant> Bestaarnnts. The old star hotel in harmony public an rMpectlolty informed thlttlueldßlAß HOTihL la itilL ld-exiatenee The proprietor, *iU be gU4 to »ee ha olu frituat. and promises to tarnish them with p superior qualitrcf Ale, Wiaos and Liquors.. He feels assured that on paying him a visit they will not tie disappointed. ' * ‘ JOHN - CORLEY. Loneh from 10 to 12 o’clock. sek-lw -IifcGOWAK’S RESTAUBANT, SOUTH -ITJ. west corner of BROAD and WALNUT.—Game and all other delicacies In season. Families supplied . with O/iier* on the shortest notice. ■ - .sepL7m ¥ E\ns B. COFFIN,— T JJ THZBI) TfABD' HOTEL, (DEiIOORATIC iraai> ‘ ! ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 / QUABTKBS.J South-east comer FIFTH ami QUEEN Streets, aepSlroo ’ .<»■>! - * - Philadelphia. IifERCBLAKTS’BOTEL, lU NORTH FOURTH STREET, Ab'ovs Masxxt, • " PHILADELPHIA. au2l-tf HcKIBREH & S0»8, Paor*HTQR3. £JCOTT HOUSE—Corner of I r win Street J K 7 and Dnquesne Way, Pittsburgh, B. D. MARKER* Proprietor. aa3s-5m tones onii £iqnors. PORT 'VfIKE.—In bond and entitled to de ' beqtqre 250 mb Bt. Joseph's Pure Juice Fort ' Wine, in qr*. *nd eighths. . . Ten puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt Scotch Whis key. 2 years old ‘. Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. / Harett, Martel,’Bo err rt, and J. J Dapay Brandies, all of which 1 offer to the trade'at reduce! prices. * -■ JOS F. TOBIAS, ' >u2T-3mo* 28 and 50 S. Front Bt.,below Walnut. BP. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORT • BB3of BRASDLSS, WINKS, Ac. ; tlx, uati mal aol? proprietor, uf IM old WHEAT WHISKEY. Mo. 5 North FRONT street. A LBXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE. No. 226. Southeast Comer of QgOBOJS and SOUTH Streets. aal-Ir CL LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER ■ ra rtm winys, cigabs, a*., se Booth FIFTH StrMt } JPtul*d&lphi.. ' .til-ly TJRANDIES—Pinet, CastiUon & Co., Ms- AF rett k Co , and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, In half pipes and quarter casta: PcUercirin Rochelle Brsndiee, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all in Custom House stores, imported and for sale by * < BENB.Y BOHJ.GN & CO , Hm. SH tni 223 South Fourth ,trast. DITHMAR & BUTE, PORTER , ALE AND LAGER BRER BREWERY, Mo. 620 /new No. 038) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.— Shipping orders promptly attended U»- • ■ ' r snl*tf Saks 6g SUuiiatL WOLBEBT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, * T -431 CHESTNUT Strepji. opposite the Cnstcea House, between Fourth and Firth ctrecU CARD.—We invito the early an 1 particular attrnt'oi of purchaser* to the sale of T.OOOIVccth Corset, orth* manufacture of Steinb&rdt, On to an. * Co.. Gopp;a«n to he held at our store THIS (SUorday) MORNING, ai eleven o’elhck, by catalogue, oh a liberal credit. The *ale is made to close eoutigutnenU with the late grmof Goldsmith k Gutmaq, and. will bs the onlv sale of the shore celebrated manufacturer?, as the/hava trarv ferredtbefr sole agency in the United States to Julius Hart, Esq., New York. The Corsets and Bodices arewarranted 'in every res peel, being made in the best style and of th?best Freaeh materials. The lots will be found to contain a regular assortment of desirable sixes. PAINTINGS. We respectfully announce to ladies and gentlemen of this city and vicinity that the extensive and valuable collection of European Oil Palnt/ngv. to be sold on MONDAY NEXT, are'hbw arranged for exaniait.’on, with catalogues.- For eodveuienc* the store will remain open until ten o’clock this evening. dPRQIAL BALE QF FRENCH PATENT WOVEN SEAMLESS CORSETS, TO CLOSE AN IM PORTATION. ON THIS (SATURDAY) MORNING, Sept.l2. Cotmnecefng’afll o’clock precisely, we will sell at No. 431 Chestnut street, between Fourth tmd Fifth st«.. 7,000 French Patent Woven Corsets * embracing s full . and desiraMe assortment of short corsets and bodices, white, colored and mixed, of saleable sixes, assorted to suit purchasers. The above consignment of corsets and bodices comes from the importer, and has b.va s-deetod with a view to the requirements of the fashionAblu of this market The whole will be displayed for exami nation, with catalogue*, early' on the morning of sj», vrhen the trade and purchasers generally are respectfully invited to attend. > SALE OF BRANDY IN BOND. On MONDAY, aistinst., At 10# o’clock precisely, we will sell, by order of Mrs. Elisabeth ZLunas, administratrix to th# estate or John Guy, Jr., deceased, at the Custom House. Chest nut stmt, between Fourth and Fifth stmts, 2) half pipes brandy. POSITIVE BALE OF OIL PAINTINGS.—MONDAY next, 14th Inst.; commencing at 11 o’clock, we will Bell a largo and valuable Collection of European Oil Paint- Inn. embracing works from many of the best Continen tal Artists, .Included wifi ba found, Marine Views. In teriors, Cattle Pieces, Ac., suited for the Unitary, Par lor, or Drawing Room They have been selected with, great care by resident Agents, who have devoted special attention in selecting for this market. The whole will be arranged Tor examination on SATURDAY, until 10 o’clock in the evening, and on th* morning of gate, when admirer* of the fine arts, and purchasers genoraliy, are respectfully iuriled to attend. PEREMPTORY SALE OF EMBROIDERIES. SHAWLS. MILLINERY GOOD*.—WEDNESDAY next, at 10 o'clock precisely, we wili sell on a liberal credit by catalogue a large and valuable assortment of choice French and Scotch Embroideries. Shawls, RibVu. Art], ficials, Skirts, Coxaeta. Bonnets, and Millinery Goods generally. N. 9. Samples will be displayed for examination ear ly on the morning of Sale, when the trade, and pur chasers generaUy, wiU find it their interest to attend. HfIOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER if A AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. E. eoraar SIXTH and RACE Streets. NATHAN’SPIUNCIPALLOAN OFFICE. 8. £: Corner of'Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and eiivor plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Good*, Groceries, Segare, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture. Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on ail ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at auy ether estab lishment. fses] M. NATHANS, NATHAN’S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place la a low days. Dae notice will be givers. WKBB’B great sale of forfeited Watche*. Jewelry, Gnus. Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ac., will take place , shortly. Dae notice will be giren. WEBB’S great sole of Pit Goods. Clothing, Bedding, Ac., being forfeited collaterals, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given LARGE BALE OF FORFEITED GOODS. NATHAN’S Great Sole of Watches, Jewelry, Ac., Ao. On TUESDAY morning next, 'Sept. 10th, at lu o’clock, at Moses Nathan’s Auction Store, S K comer of SIXTH and RACK Streeta. Riles Boom 2d story, en trance from Race at. Consisting in part of Magnificent Gold Hunting Cue, Double Cose, Double Bottom and Open KacoEogliih Patent Lever Watches, the most of them 13 karat, full jeweled, aad of the most approved makers, Superior Gold Hunting Case, Donblo Bottom sod Open Face Es capement Swiss Lover Watches. IS karat fine gold, and cf tho best makers; Fine Gold Leplne Watehes, in Hunt ing Cases and Open Face, full-swelled and plain: English, Swiss, acd French Gold Watches; a splendid assortment of Hunting Case aud Open Face Silver Eng lish and Swiss Patent Lever, Escapement Lever. Lepina Watches; Double Case. Double Bottomed, and Siuglo Cvse Watches; Gold Chains, Pencil Ca*es, Eax-ricgz, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, aod Jewelry generally. Watchmaker*, Jewelers, Dealers, Ihe Trade general ly, snd private purchaser*, will find It to thei? advan tage io attend this sate, a* it wiU embrace tbs finest and beat assortment of Watch?* ever ottered at public &le. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No- V2l ARCH Street, between Thirl ami Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, Of Boots, Show, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac. N. B —Term* «( Night Sole*, four mintin' credit for approve.! city acceptance*, for sums of $lOO and with in terest added from date of sale. sepl-lm George w. smith, auctioneer, N. R. comer of BARRON and SOUTH Streets, above Second. EVENING SALES. BALE 3 EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At TX o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, CaTJ Ury, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel rj, Fancy Articles. Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE. No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Ite-ar st, only eight door* below the Exchange. Hoar* of business from f o’clock, A- M> until 19 o’clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales st the Auction House, aV tsoded upon the most satisf&story terms. CAPITAL F-W COd Sstailishid/ur ikt ta«r Ikirlp Years. Advances mode from one dollar to thousands on Die xaoud*, Stiver Plate, batches, Jewelry, Hardware, Jler ehandiao, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time sgieed open. All advances, from one hundred doli&r* and upwards wiU be charged 2 per cent, per month; $509 and over, the lowest market rate. Th:» Store Uouee haring a depth of 120 feet, hts large fire and thief-proof vaults to *tore All valuables, and jn v&t© iratchmea for the pceiaiies; also, a heart in.u ranee effected for the benefit of all person* hiring good* a-tranced open. N. B -—On accouot of haring an cnlizEite-f et|Jtal, this office U prepared to main advance ou more ratia factor/ and accommodating terms than «/ cth«r in tb*-a city. , Mono/advanced to the poor, in email amount*, Tita •at an; charge AT PRIVATE SALE. Odd Patent Lever and other Witches, Jewelry. and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-1/ ijats, Claps, ,<tc. Cfi.'tfAßsSsr& CO., • AUilufactarora of and Wholesale Dealers id HATS, CAPS. FURS, STRAW' GOODS, . Msey BILK and steaw bonnets, JKMriCUi FLOWERS, ROUCBSS, FEATHERS, Ac’, >c. Kp. “Mold No. 1M) MARKET Street, BeJow Sixth, Boath i;d®, Ana No. Mi MINOR Street, Phtlelelpblj. c, HExar QLwrXy damel dosotax. Merchants are respectfully Jorited to examine cor Hoct ■ se7-2m CStJLLfiNDEK * PASCAL, ►3 hattbrs, aol-6m Ko. 8 8. SIXTH street, Philadelphia. FLAGS! FLAGS!—PACKER FLAGS, ed» Fifth! Flftgft from two ud ft half Inches to fire reel, whotaftle end retail, tt Ue Fine Depot, No. «a Booth 8««u4 itreet. »ojl»-li*»
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