September 10,1867. "- lII# salesof Stookito-day shew a Blight improremeat J io Beading iteilroid' and Pennsylvania Railroad shares, • but no change for the better in other securities, and we if, .presume non* is to'be looked for until wore ewe is felt . iii'dihe market. We' learh that sales of good ’ . Jiaper Coritinue fobetoade at IJ{ to coat, a month; ' the secontoatt signatures finding few purchasers at any price. -* r to z As s general rule, Banks act upon the doctrine of the faraoiis roUier of Mansfield, who cared for übbody—no, .hot he—beciUKenobodyc&red for he; but it is due to - the Banks of this city to record that while they hare ‘ t , . been obliged to pat themselves into a safe position In t rlew of the troubles in Wall street, and while they hare j - • been seriously hampered in their efforts to th** end by '' our own’ merchants; who have, in too many cases, been ' 1 ' ’ .tempted to buytheir own paper, sent oror here for sale ,% ■ i by.tha New.Ydtk Bahka. themselves, who drew gold for every dollar of the proceeds; yet, notwithstanding ail this, out- iianks "hive, in many cases, extended'liberal aid where U would beeffectiye and was deserved, and 1 • hare cxertod themselves generally to mitigate the evil effects of the eddden contraction. The atekmeafrom Boston to'ok only $5,600 in specie. The California steamer will not probably arrive until Monday, as she touches at Havana. The New York lYiAtwe of this morning says: The dullness of Exchange, and the tightness in the money maiket, precludes the probability of any immediate resumption of specie shipments. It is the settled policy of the Banks to keep'the money market for the present sufficiently stringent, to prevent the foreign drain. These institutions, are/daily strengthening .. • themselves In coin, and some feeling strong are dis posed to relax their sharp contraction, and loan nearly, T if not quite, their receipts. There is a much improved feelijg among bank officers, and some of them appear confident that they will beable to maintain their pres ~ E ent line of loans.' Some of the largest banks are lend* lug rather more than their receipts, and accommodating dealers to the fullest extent conslstenfcwith their owu safety. The up-town banks, we hear, have assumed *' position, and thc exchangoa Olearing ‘ . House to-day, passed Toff without difficulty. One bank iin the street is so strong, that it offered to loan other •banks $200,000 in coin. Experience can never be infallible, because events are constantly unlike one another; yet there is no teacher so good as she, and none to whose lessons we should give more heed. Wo are happy, therefore, to find that the thinking minds of the country are already devising means to prevent a recurrence of the financial | k . troubles wqbave undergone fromafcitmlar cause here after,while thq leading raU'roadcompaniesare Setting atone* about the most obvloiu-of thd necessary re t* forms, -‘(to exchange says: “Itwitl be essential with , all new railroad cotnpamos", as well aa with all existing ’ ones, to create -a; liberal sinking fund, the avails or ■ which shall fin due course liquidate their bonded and floating debts. This is provided for b/ law in the BtatesofMissoarl'ana Tennessee, and the sama princi . pie should be rigidly adopted in Ohio,. Indiana, New I York, Illinois, and other States. When this is done,and b a company can show a surplus of revenue,afterpaying its , running expenses, interest or debt, and the annual appro priation of at, hast one- per cent, of its revenue to the ,• floating debt, then its stock in the market will be sought for at-a premium, Instead of being-'hawked about for * or hypothecation in the market. The sinking fund i r&*y Indeed be considered as the corner stone of railroad credit, and, strange to say, is overlooked by railroad con - reniions that meet to consider the , “ways and means” . to sustain the railroad system and more availa ble for the Wants of the people. The railroad interests . one of the most important in the wfaolo Union. . • '-From the Baltimore Sun of to-day we learn that the articles of reform, proposed, by the officers of the four great lines,"the Baltimore and Ohio, the Pennsylvania Central, the New York'and BWj and the New Yoik Gen , tral, were submitted to the board yesterday during its • session, andVero acquiesced. In so. far as the Baltimore and Ohio Company is, concerned, by an almost unani mous vote.o One of the main requirements of the articles, It is understood,4a a general advance of 15 per cent. in. through rates of freight and-- passenger fare, to go into .offec; on the inst., on all the roads in question, which must necessarily effect all the con necting lines. The general freight agents, one belong ing to each road, are now engaged jointly in arrenging , the toil-aheeta on this beefs. Other articles of the pro c posed reform require a reduction of speed, which nf -4 f««t« mainly the “ llghtuing lines” of the New York the abolition of all free passes, even so far as to exclude the officers and operatives of one road 1 from j .passing gratuitously over -another; the dispensing with all runners and solicitors of .business for the severer toads at different points; the abolition of ’commissions | to such ageats and others, 4c. This Bt.|kmlri AepuMtcanof the Bthsays: “There j very, little excitement in financial circles yesterday * 60(1 the demand for money fell off. At the close the de poelta in several of.tho banking institutions had censid ‘ erably increased; and aa merchants are coming in from thsbountryand settling their balances, the probability _, is that money will continue to get easier. - 1 S "The Exchange Bank and the Bank of Bt‘ tuuii will V go into Operation by the first of next month ” The, Milwaukee Daily Wisconsin of the 7th instant, aays:/ 4 Our banks are not only in a sound conditien, •but are unusually easy—no difficulty is shown Indie counting all the good paper that is offered. The Banks are r thus wisely prepared to expand when iho autumn business and the movement of. the crops require a large increase of banking facilities.' Though prices bf pro duce are not high, the crops must come to market, ax debts canne longer be postponed, and this msvemont ''jwti'fceredtoa large business,” rTh* Pennsylvania BaHroad Company’s statement of earnings for the month of August, and forthe year, thus far, is as follows: Receipts of the road for the month ending-^ gff flame month last year.;; * *.... SCT’fIS 03 , 1ncrea5e.....;..,.../. $.88,907 97 Reeelptsfrom.Januaxy 1,1857, to September • 1,1857........ .$3,367,587 73 Bun# period last year 3,215,978 83 - Increase....; $151,608 00 The Phenix Fire Insurance Company of Brooklyn have declared a dividend of 10 cent., payable on. demand At the Company’s branch offloo, No. 64 Wall street. The official report of the business of the Baltimore and. Ohio Railroad shows the revenue for the month of August to have been as follows: Main Stem. Wash. Branch., Total. For passengers.,.s74,3oB 44 $29,568 88 $103,877 32 For freight.. ......335,553 22 8,927 64 344,480 86 . . ,$409,801 00 $38,490 52 - $448,858 18 These figures, compared with those of August of last Tear, show an increase on the main stem of $12,298.75, a decrease on the Washington branch of $1,156.27, and a total increase of Of the increase on the main stem $0,464.26 is from passengers. The financial year of the Company ends on the 30th Inst. The receipts of the past eleven months of the year, compared with those of the previous financial year, are as follows July, 1800-7;....;.* Julyj 1855-6., ■ < ~r,. ‘ • M Inerease I i.. $363,M7 47 The Jeffersonlan (Eastern Tetaa,) Gazette, of the , tth uli., aay*: ‘“We understand that the work upon tho ! i Pacific Railroad!* pmhlng along. - There aro now about five hundred band* at work npon this road, who com plete some two miles of road grading a week. The citlsena ol Smith county, Texas, are taking active steps to secure the-panage of the Bouthem Pacific Railroad tbr&ttgh that county. They have appointed a committee to procure dotations of land and aid to the road.' They are'to have A grand railroad barbecue at .Tyler, on the jbth of'September. This in the right y ’ ’ Wblaarjitbatthe Milwaukee and Superior Railroad Is being pushed, forward, withmuch despatch. They hare commenced layingtke track connecting with the * Ia Crosae road at the junction, about four, miles from the city, and hare some fire miles of track laid, and one “ • locomotive at work running construction trains. < The Cleveland and Toledo Railroad Company have appointed 3. Seymour, Esq., cashier of the Bank of .North America, Transfer Agent of their road, to com mence on the 21sfc Instant. The transfer books will be closei on the 12th. Instant, (Saturday,) and will be re opened ontho2lst,aithe Bank of North America, a* aforesaid.' • * The matured interest coupons of the bonds of the To ledo, Norwalk and Cleveland Railroad Company, Junc tion Railroad Company, and the Cleveland and Toledo . Railroad Company, will be paid at. tho same bank on tho V.SJstlnsV;'. ,* r ‘ .* The payment of the third instalment of 25 cent ,on . each share or preferred stock of the New Haven, New' ■ ‘ lidndon and Stonington Railroad Company Is called for, . payable 35th September, to E. B. Brows, of the firm of Everett & Brown, No. 152 Fulton street. The Charleston 'Mercury says of the North Easton railroad: The company advertise tint this Important road wiUbe finished, for the transport of freight nod passenger* to Florence* by the Ist of October next. This will unitl it with the Oheraw and Darlingfdn Railroad, and, for all practical purposes, will make one clean route from Charleston to Chemw, The latter point is an old sad established centre of -trade for a large and' surrounding district of country In this State and North Carolina. ,We know, from experience, that the whole ‘' of this" trad© must sboh pass oiet,thisiioad., The in* . termedi&te traffic milst also, be considerable,' and the consequent Improvement to the agricultural resources - .of these districts will be so much'added to the general wealth of the State. But we all.think of the North '; eastern Railroad In a' more interesting light. We regard it*M the basis of a more extended enterprise, which ■ shall, in a few years, through the great Coalfields of North Carolina, connect our city with the capital ef that tate, and through it with Norfolk, in Virginia, •f L The Richmond Dispatch says: “ At a recent meeting of the President and Directors of .the Norfolk and' ' «■- ’ Petersburg Railroad Company, J the mnnibers of the .. board resolved to pledge, their resources for 1 ' the completion of tho work, rather than suspend opera tions on the ove of final achievement. The sale of a few more Of the mortgage bonds of tho company will c pui the company In fine - condition/ finish the road, and set the iron horse fa motion,” ' We copy'the. following failures, assignments, for last week, from the New York Independent of to day: - / Daniel W. King, SuffieM, Conn., failed. i Baton! fit Qoodhelm,Boston; Mass., suspended. Alden 4: Curtiss, “Bboes,’’Boston, Mass., suspended— /'' Cfferaoventy-flvff cents' ' ' ' ' ' ' Daniel Coolidgn, towell, Mass., failed. •Nibbles fc Clark, Natick, Mass., failed. - John M. Brown, St. Albans, Vt., failed. 1 « Acker 4 Harris, New York city, suspended; liabilities wylanre.v ■ ' : • *-< R. 4 v.Kirbr&Oo., “Dnr Good*,” New York city, , suspended, with liabilities of $500,000, and nominal as j ’ seta of about $600,000. , f Coffin New York city, ...suspended. ' - • t,Tuttle, Cutting, & Co., «Produce;’* ‘New’York dtr, suspended. \ j r ' : Rates, Griffin,,& Rlvermore, “Produce, 11 NeirYork eity, suspended. D. O. AE. Mealy,. “Merchants, ” New York city,' ’ '7/’ . , . " Stillman,, AU«n,k Co./ “Iron Worksj” Hew- York 3, suspended., f*i* Qto.J, levy, “Clothing,” New York city, Siand assigned.*, J.<*. -J* \ , Robertson, Hudson, 4. Pulliam, ” Dry Hoods,” New r *< ,/- 1 , : '3. H, Cotton & .Co., New York city,'suspended ; Ua ' £ Witte* rodßOO:assets $525,000 j ;i '/pmlvj'.•(ffltft&r,'* K«tt's«A aiViftiillil. tc Good, “ GMtoh'Wvm- So* «Hy. frUrt- -• Lane tc Porter, “ Dry Good?.” tiow York city failed. ,1 • \ > Lyons & Jones, “Dry Good?,” Now York city, eold oat and assigned. Jared w. Graves, “ Grocer,” New York city, EQS * pended. ... . James De Gray 4. Oo..New York city, suspended, out will probably resume. . ' Osterberz Brothers, New York city, suspended. Bock & Go.*. New York city, suspended. J. XJUma& ic Son?, “Fancy Good*,” New York olty, failed and assigned to Bondy, Bro., tc Co. Warden tc Pease, New York city, suspended. Burnett & Oldner, New York city, suspended. Richard March, No* York city, failed Alexander A Wuer, Now York city, failed and a.- "'Ship Adama, *' Fancy Goods,” Sen Yorkcity, failed Pearson 3c Co., (( Ooal,” Brooklyn, N. Y., "oGrer'leo A; Co.’s Bank, Buffalo. S. Y., suspended, tyuliam Foots A Co., Buffalo,N. Y., suspended. Niles A Kinney, Buffalo, N. Y., reported suspended. H. Jones, Dsnerillo, N. Y., ssslgnod. ’ Fitjhngh A tittlejohn, Osirogo, N. Y., reported sue pended. Pratt tc Alien, Buffalo, N. Y., assigned. * Williams, Tanner, & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., suspended. £. F. Folger tc Co., Buffalo, N. Y., suspended. M. 11. Dale, Ouylersvilte, N. Y., assigned. , John M. Odenhoimer “Coal Lands,” Philadelphia, suspended; liabilities said 4100.000. Colwell Jk Co., “Iron,” Philadelphia, suspended; liabilities large. Mcßride tc Brothers, “Cotton,” Philadelphia, failed, Bex tc Co,.Brokers, Philadelphia,failed. Christian 33. Spanglor, “Coal,” Philadelphia, bus pended; liabilities large, with good surplus. George P. Evans, Philadelphia, suspended: liabilities about $lOO,OOO, William It. Black tc Co.,“Cotton,” Philadelphia, failed. ’ , Richards tc Brothers, “Glass,” Philadelphia, failed. Edward T. Mott, “Crockery,” Philadelphia sus pended. Smith & Barton,Boone county, Pcnna.,re ported suspended and left. John Waugh, PotteviUo, Penes., suspended. John F. Gebhart, ifaytown, Penns., failed. , Chapin tc Osborne, Pittsfield, Penn*., suspended- _ Helfrich 4f Fisher, Kutztowu, Ponua., failed; liabili ties Mid $40,000. „„ . . tM .. I/F. Bruce, Lock Haven,Penna., failed and left the ; place. Withington & Eastman, “Sugar and Molasses,” Bal timore, failed for a large amount. I. T. Schamwald, Wilmington, N. 0., assigned. William Elden, Portsmouth, Ohio, asking an exten sion. Webb tc Davidson, Decatur, 111., “sold out.” Loomis, Abbott tc Chapman, Chicago, 111 , assigned to Bottsford & Wheeler. E. A. Sweetzer, Port Huron, Mich., assigned. I. N. Pendleton tc Son, Marshall, Mtah., assigned to Preston Mitchell. A. F. McKenzie, Adrian, Mich., -“sold out.” BUgler tc Glllott, Adrian, Michigan, failed and as- Alder tc Shiff, Milwaukee, Wis.,failed and assigned. Weil tc Harshberg, Milwaukee, Wi*., failed. Newton tc Kean, Fort Des Moines, lowa, assigned. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE BALES, September 10,1857. Reported by R. Manky, Jr., Stock Broker, No. 80# - Walnut Street. FIRST BOARD. 100 City 6's 85 600- do 84# 200' do new 92 100 do new 92 800 do s6wn 84 1000 do 2dyg new 92# 9000 City He'S lots 84# 300 do 84 700 Penna 6’a lets 82 28 Headings 21# 20 do 22 100 do 22# 100 do sfiwn&int 22# 100 do 22# 60 do 6dys 22# BETWEEN 8000 N Penn R 6’s 2d* 47# 100 L Island R' ch 8# 100 Beading R 22 1000 Lehigh Mt 6's 80 SECOND 1000 City 6>* 84# 1000 . do 84# 1000 , do 84# 1000 LSbuy B o’s 80 1000 Sahu Nav 6’o >B2 68# . 700 . do , - *72 68 1000 N Penn R 6’fl 48 500 ■ do 48 .10 Reading R 21# 20 do 21# 20 do ‘ 21# 60 do b 6 21# 100 do 21# - CLOSING PRIC Bid. Asked. IT 8 6'*,’6B 116 Fhllada 0s 84 84# do RR 84 84# do New 92# 93 Penna ss, 82 82# Readinglt 21# 21# do Bonds >7O 65 70 'do M G’6,’44 83 86 Penna HR 40 40jf Morris Canl Con 40 45 Scbrl NarCn *8267# 69 do Stock 10 12 lat; i*| 60 Reading 60 do Reading closes..., PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Sbttbkbbr 10^-Evbhihq,—The market for Breadstuff* is without much change but very dull wider a tight mosey market, and the sales of Flour are mostly to supply tho local trade at from $6 to $8.60 barrel for common to extra and fancy family brands. Shipping Flour, fresh good, parcels, are held at the former rate, but buyer* are scarce. A sale of 1200 to 1600 hbls. old stock Western is reported on terms kept secret. Rye Flour and Corn Heal are inactive at former Quotations, say $4.50 for the former, and $4 for the latter) which U scarce, Wheats are plenty and dull at former quoted rates, and some holders ere storing; about 2&QO bushels bare bocn taken in lots at 120e>1250 for redß and 12501850 for white, tho latter for prime quality; a sale of handsome Western white it also reported at 140 c. Com is rather mere Inquired- for to-day, and some 7000 bushels yellow sold at 76 cents afloat and In store. Wheat Is In slight decline. Oats are moving off In lots at sundry prices, and also 7,000 bbls Southern have been sold at 33030)4 ‘cents bbl,, the latter of prime lots.- Rye is dull at 76 cents bush. Bark—the holdore of Quercitron have reduced their quotations S3V ton, and about 60 hhds lst quality have been disposed of at $lO. Cotton remains inactive, with sales of abo ul 100 halos at near ly steady prices. Groceries arc unchanged but dull with a small business doing in Bagsr and Coffee. Proi visions—tho stocks are' light and holders firm, but the demand is very small and prices the same as previously quoted. Whiskey Is selling at £5 cents for Drudge, 26 cents for hhds., and 21a27 cents for Easton and Ohio bbls. NEW YORK CANAL TRADE.—The receipt* by lake forth® week ending Aug, 29th, for the aeuontoAtig. 29th, and for a corresponding period last year, are as follows: Weekend’s Season of Same time ' Aug. 29. 1857. lest year. Lumber, feet 18.163,099 322,197,622 317,181,322 Lath, N 0..... 3,107,050. 68.052,635 66,579,570 Shlnglos, No 2,073,000 95,019,000 84.962,200 Timber, feet 290,000 3,671.033 1,772,000 Shipments by canal for the week ending 29th August, for the season to August 29th, and for the correspond* Jng period last year, were: r Weekend’s Season of Same time Aug. 29. 1857. last year. Lath, No 876,100 10,746,375 7,363,092 Lumber, feet ...3.666.730 60,712,947 42,516,909 Shingles, No ; 284,250 13,845,750 18,345,660 NEW ORLEANB SUGAR CROP.—The following lathe actual or estimated yield for the past twenty-four rears: i Jrop of , .$4,733,844 90 4,869,347 43 Hhds. 75,000 .100,000 30,000 70,000 65,000 70,000 115,000 ...... 87,000 90,000 1835-4 mu> 1835-6 1830*7 1837- 1838- 1838-46..., 1840-1. i.. 1843- 1844- ALBANY LUMBER MARKET.—Sept.9—There his been a little falling off In tbe activity of the market, though soles hare been large and the shipments heavy. We hear of no complaint* from the dealer* aa to the payment of the obligations of their customers, and the effect of the stringent money market will be to increase the receipts of lumber. Receipts during the week have been large, and have added to tho previous good supply a due assortment of lumber, Prices on the better grades of Clear Fine hare declined $1 per M feet, otherwise they harp been pretty well sustained, though we hear of some concea sions for cash. The receipts by Canal from September 1 to September 8, were as follows: -; Boards and Shingleß, Timber, Stares. Scantling, ft. M. O.ft. lbs. 9,059,000 2,147 14,170 10,321,100 The receipt* of Boards and Scantling for the first week in September exhibit an increase of 74,517 feet over tho corresponding week last year, while Stares shew a touch larger incease, equal to 2,816,810 lbs.; Shingles 923 M. - Tho receipts of the Canal from the opening of naviga tion to Sept. Bth, were as follows: Boards and Shingles, Timber, Stares. Scantling, ft. M. O.ft. lbs. 159,293,402 41,053 38.811 119,562,020 In tho aggregate there is a slight increase In the fig* ures this season over last in all tho articles named in the abore table, but the change is net important. fßeported for The Press.] Ship Wm Cummings, Johns, Liverpool—l pkg ottar of roses Workman & Co; Ido mdse Bates A Coates; 3 do Bancroft * Lee: 1 McCandles * Richardson; 4 Billings, Roop * WalingW 16 J * J P Steiner & Co; 6 H Wal ton; 1 TUos Ward; 8 W P Wllstack; 15 W Watson * Co; 27 Sharp, Haines Sc Coj 8 8 Townsend * Son; 44 Go D’Parrieh; 7 L J Levy A Co; 1 DCollin*; 54 Lewis* Co; 2 8 Berea * Co; 12 Robt Ewing; 6 Btewart * Bro; 35 pulls * Cope; 1 Wooo, Bacon & Co; 13 W Raphael; 4 H Pisston; 7 R Shaw; 1 Cans, Leborra&n * Co; IJ * B Brno; 32 J H Oroe; 3 Geo B Reese, Son * Co; 3 Lippincott & Parry; 1 Biter, Price & Co; 2 Sheapp&rd, Vanharlmger & Arrtion; 85 casks so da ash, 50 do bleaching powders, 0 W Churchman * Oo; 39 do soda ash 8 * W Welsh; 168 do do C * F C Farnall: 138 boxes tin plates Code, Hopper * Co; 31 casks China clay C B Bonn; 30 do do N Lennlg; 47 pwg hdw P S Justice * Co; 4 Geo K Tryon; 10 Faust* Winebrener; 38K Hartr 3WS Lower*Bon; 4Uing Maginnis * Brown; 3 N ft G Taylor; 1 B Richardson; l Stotesburg * Ayres; 1J Lee & Co; 4 Nowlin, Marshall *Co; 13 Whitmere, Wolfe * 06; 10 J Parr; 1 Duucaa * Co; 1 Goff & Peterson: 3 R & W oBiddle*,Co; Thompson; 1 Macfiliester * Bro; 10 Handy * Brenner 900 bars |8 Mis iron 200 boxes tin plate* 32 cases and 248 bdls stoel Naylor * CO; 248 bdls iron Bringhurst * Yerrce; 2657 bars * eil Mis iron WFPotts; 256 bars49l Mis do Tho* J Potts; 3266 bars 289 bdiS and 600 sheets do'Morris, Jones * Co; 14 cases 42 bdls steet A M F Watson; 32,bdls Iron, Middleton * U&rned; 470 bdls ana 140 bars Iron Morris. Tasker * Co; 9 pkgs B Ware HP andWOLsglor; 56 do,A F Eberman; 237 do do P Wright * Son*; ,117 do Geo Haramerslev: 125 do 8 Aabury & Co; 6 do Tyndale * Mitchell; 100 tos bleach tog Powders:.6odo Sodalesb: 70 cases copper sheathing 545 pigs lead 20 cases mdse 20 pka E Ware; 1038 bars 50 bdls iron 3 anchors 2 chains 6 cables order. RIOHMOND-Steanwhip Norfolk, Kelly—l 42 bis to* bacco Bnckuor, McOvmnen * Co; 126 do T Webster, Jr 73 do Sslior * # Sank; 20 do Dohan * Tait; 12 empty hhds Poultncy* Massey; 30 do carboys Powers * Weight man; 0 boxes mdse {eokin» * lUrtahornejl do Corne lia* * Baker; 1, bbl do M Morris; 80 bales yarn J 8 Woodward & Bon; 17 do rags Parker * Toland; 200 Mgs peanuts N Uellings; 36 do seed Boyer* Barclay; 132 do wheat Miller, * Brother; 184 pkg* sundries, It empty qasks prder. 4 . TURKS ISLAND—Brig Albion, Parker—6Mo bus salt. 1 cask, 1 bbl, 1 case old yellow metal T Wattsons & Sons, CALAIS—Schr John Snow—7oo,ooo laths Twells, Ga* kill * Galvins. , PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. ISXiIL MofeXlg. ) JossphC. Geoeb, > CoioriTTxa or tb« Mows. Jovji-'Wblbb, . ) ' ;, ,1 t, BETTER BAGS s* merchants' Exchange. Philadtlphia. Ship Tonawanda, JuUu*.. .Liverpool, Sept 25 Ship Joseph Jones, Flower* San Francisco, seen BftißW Mwicwt*, odle„ ,#o /sneiyo, soon 75 Penn £ lots 40 13 do 2dys 40 2 UinebiU B 67 3 do 67 6 Harrisburg R s 5 63 6 do 63. 2 N Penn R 7# 23 do 7# 50 Long Island R 8# 1 Cam A Amb B 100 1 do 100 10 Bonk of Ken 108 20 do s 6 108 5 Oommer Bank 50 10 do 60 BOARDS. 8 Morris Can pref s 5 00 2 do iS 60 11 do 60 30 Reading £ sS 21# 10 do a 5 21# 6 do «5 21# 6 do a 5 21# 20 do 21# 100 L Island R 8* 50 do b 5 8# 13 Bea Mead R b 6 50)4 18 Penn B lots 40)4 10 Frank Fire Ins 165 6 MinehiH B 66# 35 do 3dys 6fc# 3ES—STEADY. Bid. As*ed. SchylNavPref 17 18 Wmsp’t&Blmßia 14 dolstmort7’s69 71 do .do2dm6o 02 Long Island 6 8# Vicksburg 0# 7# Girard Bank 10 10# Lehigh Zine # 1# Union Canal 5 0 New Creek # # Catawlssa £R ?EBT. I 82 Reading 22 300 do lots 22 „ 22022# Crop of Jlhds. 1845-6 ....187,000 1840-7 100,000 1847- 200,000 1848- 220,000 1849- 248,000 1860-1 ...211,200 1851- .236,500 1852- ...321,934 1853- 449,324 3864-6 340,635 1855- 231.427 1856- 73,970 Importations. SAILING OF 181 OCEAN STEAMERS. THOM THE UNITED STATES. . eTB4»«» FROM FOR OAT Atlaotle Now York Liverpool Sept 10 Asia New York Liverpool Sept 10 Queen of South.. New York Bremen Sept 16 Arago New York Havre SoptlO Europa .. Boston Liverpool Sept 23 Persia .New York Liverpool Sept 30 Uammonia New York Hamburg Oct 1 FROM EUROPE, Hatumonla Hamburg New York Septl Baltic Liverpool New York Sept 2 Glasgow Glasgow New York ....Sept6 Persia Liverpool New York Sept 6 O of Baltimore,.Liverpool New York .....Bept6 Fulton Havre New York Bept22 O of Washington. Liverpool New York, Bept 23 Atlantic Livemool New Y0rk..,,.,.,..5ept 30 Borussla Hamburg New York.,, Oct 1 MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS, Philadblpiiu—From New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th. From New Orleans 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. Quaker Citt— From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. From Mo bile 22u, Havana 24th, arriving at New York 28th. Oauawba— From New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 16th. From Now Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New York 3d. Kmfibb Oiti—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha* vana23d, and New Orleans 2flth. From Now Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at Now York 13th. Black Warrior—From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th. due at New York 18th. Isabbl— From Charleston 19th and 4th, due at Ha vana 23d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 25th, due at New York 16th and 31st. „ The California mall steamers sail from New York on the sth and 20th of each month. marine Intelligence. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA) Sept. 11, 1867. SUN RISES 5 44-SUN SETS 6 16 HIGH WATER 8 32 ARRIVED. Bbip Wra Cummings, Johns, 38 days from Liverpool, With mdse to Wm Cummings A Son. Sailed in company with ship R 0 Wintbrop, Norvell, of and for Baltimore Aug 2d, Tusk&r Light bearing NW distant 0 miles, saw ■hip Ohio, Hutchins, of and for Now York; 20th, lat 42 09, lon 61 59, saw ship Ben Bolt, of Yarmouth, bouud W; Sept 1, lat 41 20. lon 64 34, spoke ship Nebraska, from Havre for New York; 6th, Nantucket bearing NW by N, distant 61 miles, was boarded by N York pilot boat No 21, C&pt Clara, who kindly furnished us with n late paper; at 5 20 P M 7th, Cape Ilenlopen bearing W by S distant 42 miles, took a Delaware pilot from the Herald. The W C experienced a continuance of westerly winds the whole passage, and for the first 21 days had westerly winds without intermission. Barque Old Hickory, Voacock, 1 day from New York, in ballast to Burton A Clement. Towed round by tho America. Brig brig Albion, Parker, 19 days from Turks Island, with salt to Thoa Wattson A Sons. • Brig Abbott Lawrence, Fuller, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. > Brig Carolina. Parsons, 2 days from Now York, in bal last to E A Bonder A Co. Brig Napoleon, Gatcheii, 2 days from New York, in ballast to E A Sender A Co. Brig Keoka, Treat, 6 days from Wareham, in ballast to captain. Brig Billow Hodgson, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain, Brig Mary A Susan, Baynes, 4 days from New Bedford, In ballast to captain. Schr John Snow, Randall, from Calais, with laths to Twells, GasklH A Galvin. Bohr H 3 Spencer, Laugstaff. 8 days from Portsmouth, NH. In ballast to Yan Duaen, Norton A Co. Schr Alexander M, Christie, 7 days from Wareham, in ballast to captain. Schr Wm II Mitchell, Grant, 3 days from New York, with mdso to Crowell A Collins. Schr Caroline Hall, Graham, 6 days from Danvers port. In ballast to L Audenrefd A Co. Scnr 0 SI Wilson, Camp, 8 days from New York, tn ballast to Van Dusen, Norton A Co. Schr J Ireland, Steelman, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to Lowis Rothermel, Schr W L Dayton, Babcock, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to Rogers, Sinnickson A Co. ' Schr O M Neal, Henderson, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to Noble, Hammett A Caldwell. Schr John Cadwalader, Godfrey, 6 days from Boston, In ballast toL Audenreid A Co. ' Schr John Magee, Mageo, D days from Boston, in bal last to Brown A White. Schr J Frsmbes, Fcarabat, 6 days from Plymouth, in ballast to 0 A Hecksher A Co. gehr Wm B Ferguson, Wheaton, 6 days from Danvers, in ballast to L Audenreid A Co. Schr Lillie Saunders, Williams, 4 days from Provi dence, in ballast to captain. Schr Lavinia Jane, Ketcham, from New York. Schr Zlcaro, Allen, from New York. Schr A M Aldrldgo, Bateman, from Portsmouth. Schr D Bmith, Douglass, from Salem. Schr E Cambridge, Williams, from East Cambridge. Schr Minnesota, Baker, from Lynn. Schr John Compton, Sharp, from Roxbury Schr R M Browning, Conover, from Pawtucket Schr Lamartine. Johnson, from Sangus. Schr Sohn Harris, Rodman, from Haverhill Schr Telegraph, Nickerson, 4 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Schr Jane N Baker, Vannaman, 4 days from Boston, In ballast to captain. ’ Schr Experiment, Bristow, 2 days from Chesapeake Md with oata to Jas Barratt ABon. ’ Schr J W Early, Blpple, 1 day from Frederica, Del. with oats to Jas Barratt A Son. * Schr Golden Gate, B*one, 1 day from Frederica, Del with wheat to Jas Barratt A Son. Schr B P Godwin, HeodorKm, 2 d»jr» from Milford, Pel. with grain to J II McCollcy. Steamer Boston, Sellow. 23 hours from New York, yla Capo May, with mdse and passengers to Jas Alldenlice Passed barque Old Hickory, from New York, off Reedy Island, in tow of tug America, and brig Castilian, and some sixteen schrs in ballast trim below New Castle upward bound. * CLEARED. Brig Winonah, Rose, Boston, Monier & Co. Brig Keoka, Treat, Boston, do Schr C Hall, Graham, Roxburj, L Audenreld & Co Sckr M A Shropshire, Shropshire, Boston, do Brbr Open Babbage, do do Schr Atop, Clifford, do do . SchrW P Ritchie, jernold, do do Schr A Corson, Nordan, Norwalk, do gchr Henrietta, (Iraham, Now Bedford, do Schr Empire, Marshall, Cambridge, do Schr ) Cadwalader, Oodfrer, Marblehead, do Bchr John Howard, Baker, Boston, N Sturtevsnt & Co Schr Alexanders*,Christie, Now j, & Co. SchrJJ Spence, Langstaff, Salem, Van Dusen, Nor ton A Co. Schr David Smith, Douglass, Boston, do Bohr J Frambes, Frambes, Plymouth, 0 A Hecksher A Co. Schr A M Aldridge, Bateman, Salem, do Schr C M Wilson, Camp, Providence, Haves, Smith A Co. Schr J Ireland, Bteelman, Boston, Lewis Rothermel. Schr W L Dayton, Douglass, Boston, Rogors, Sinnlck fon A Co. Schr K Townsend, Williams, B Cambridge, do Schr Lavinia Jane, Ketcbam, Brooklyn, do Schr John Magee, Magee, Boston, Brown A White, Schr 0 M Neal, Henderson, Neponset, Noble. Ham mett A Caldwell. Schr John Harris, Rodman, Haverhill, do Schr John Compton, Sharp, Fall River. B Milnes A Co. Schr R M Browning. Conover, Pawtucket, do Steamer Kennebec, Hand, N York. Jas Allderdlce Steamer Farmer, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr Barge Delaware, Poynter, do do fBT TBLKOftAPH.J Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. OAPK ISLAND, Sept. 19, 0« P M. Beveral Bchrs are nuw opposite thiH place going up. There is a largo fleet at the Breakwater. Wind quite fresh from BW—weather continues pleasant. Yours, Ac., THOS. B. HUGHES. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES. Del.. Bept. 9,8 AM. The large fleet reported in my last letter still remains in harbor, together with ichrs Jsb T Brady. Mary Eliza, and LewisT Molford. J * Tbe schr Ontario’s materials have been saved and for warded to Philadelphia; the vessel and cargo are a total loss, Wind light from SE—weather fine. Yours, &e, WM, H. HICKMAN. Correspondence of The Press. Uavaa Da Gbaob, Sept. 10. Four bor.ts left here this morning, laden and con signed as follows: Robt S Reed, bituminous coal to T Barnes; Mary Ann McConkey, lumber to Fort Delaware; Judge Long and Lydia Ann, anthracite coal to Del city. [BT mBOBAPH.] {Correspondence of The Press.) Boston, Sept. 10. Arrived, brig Empire, from Bremen. MEMORANDA Steamship City of Now York, Howe*, cleared at Bos ton 9th Inst, for Philadelphia. Steamship Dolaware, uopes, hence at New York yes terday. Ship Welfleet, from Boston for Canton, was spoken Ith Inst, lat 40 59, long 60 14. flhip Ladoga, Pearce, from Boston, at St Jobn.Nß. 4th Inst. * Bhlp W G Lewis, from New York for Coast of Africa, was spoken Jnly 20,15 t 37 17, long 4614, Ship Van Wirt, from Calcutta, arrived at Boston yes terday. Ship Silver Star, from Calcutta, arrived at Boston yesterday. Ship Sumatra, Dudley, from Calcutta, May 11, for London, was spoken July 26, lat 15 67 8, lon 9 44 W. flhip Amos Lawrence, Nickerson, for Liverpool, cleared at 8t John, NB. 7th inet. Ship Loo Choo, Seyburn, from Bath, Me, r at St Ste phens, NB. 6th Inst. Ship Statesman, Watt*, for Havana, with lumbor, cleared at Bangor 7th Inst. Ship Elizabeth Dennison, Williams, from Brest, at Mobile 3d inst. Seo Miscellany. flhip R 0 Winthrop. Norvlllo, from Liverpool, at Bal timer. 6th lost. ’ Ship Mad&waßka, Noilson, for Liverpool, cleared at Charleston 7th inst. Barque Denois Kelly, Corson, hence at New Orleans 3d Inst. Barque Trueman, of Orleans, was at Galveston Bar 20th tilt. Barque Warren Fisher, Gallagher, from Philadelphia for fit Thomas, was spoken 27th ult, lat2B 15, long 62 42. Barque Orion, Stevens, for StaPce River, Panama, sailed from Montevideo aoout Juno 16. Barque Mary F Slade, Atkins, cleared at Charleston 7th inst. for Philadelphia. Barque Gem, Hammond, for Philadelphia, elearod at Boston 9th inst. Barque Octavia, Moore, honeo at Bichmond 9th inst. Brigs Black Hawk and Celt hence at Boston yesterday. Brig Pilot Fish, Heard, from Halifax, at Richmond 9th inst. BrlgM * J 0 Gilmore, Eldridge, from Boston, at Bal timore 9th inst. Brig Andover, Crowell, from Alexandria, at Boston 9th Inst. ' Brigs Empire, Crowell, and Aurate, Davis, cleared at Boston 9th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Tangier, Pendleton, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 9th inst. Brig Foster, Crowell, for Baltimore, sailed from Bos ton 9th Inst. Brig Myra, Kelly, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bo*, ton 9th inst. Bchr L H Scott, Jarvis, from Bristol, Pa. for Boston, with 306 tons coal, sprung aleak on Monday morning last, 8 miles 8 E of Block Island, and went down in 20 minutes. Seo Miscellany. Schr Mail, Crowell, hence at Providence Bth lost. Schr Jacob White, Carlisle, hence at Baltlraoro 9th instant. &chr* X 11 Brown. Endlcott, and Grace Watson, Cosdy, hence at New York yesterday. « t o£b®nce *t Now Haveo.flth inst. ■ . r*L B ”Shaddock, Williams, hence at New Haven Bth inst. 5 C S T 5t? dy « Wen » Cmkto,hence at Richmondfitta inst. Bchr Wm Henry , Passapea, cleared at Baltimore yes terday for Philadelphia. gchr Electric, from Delaware City, atHalifax 9th inst. gchr Empire, Marshall, hence at Newport 6th Inst, fichr Bnow, Benjamin,from Delaware Cityfor Nor wich, at New London 7tb inst. fichrs H Payson, Eldridge; AConlery, Babcock, and Geo A Tittle, Adams, hence at Boston Bth inst. 1 Schr Jesse Williamson, Winsmore, hence at Guiney 3d last. flehr Chronometer, Pearson, hence at Weymouth 4th Inst. Bchr Houterey, Stillman, from Delaware Cltr. at Woymouth 6th lost. Schr Alvarado, Stanley, hence at Milton 3d Inst. Bchr R 8 Dean, Cook, benco at Dighton 7th inst. ScbrsDL Sturgis, Norris; Etouise, Thatcher; WP Phillips, Smith, and Millard Fillmore, Tuttle, hence at Boston oth inst. Bcbr Martha Wrlghtlogton, Wrightlngton, sailed from Fall River Btb inst. for Philadelphia, Schr Elisabeth English, English, bonce at Boston Bthinet. Bebv Maria Jane, Crosby, hence at E&itport 6th inst. sailed 6th for St John, NB. Bchr Harrlet and Sarah, Tloe. bonce at New Haven Btb lost. 1 ’ Boweu, andfluwaiset, Hulse, hence at Providence 7th inst. ' »iMSafissssr r "‘ for pMitdd - THE PRESS.—MnLADELPItIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, i&57. i NOTICE TO MARINERS* > Notice is hereby given that the Beicbh tight of the Cliff Boa,con ranging with the Stake Light for entering Nantuckotharbor by tho custom channel w|ll be changed on thu Jut or October from a fixed white to a fixed red, and continue so until further notice, , By order of the Lighthouse Board, 0. H. B CALDWELL. Lighthouse Inspector, 2d District. Boston, Sept 8,1857. Oapt. Williams, of the ship Elisabeth Dennison, re ports to have picked up in the Gulf Stream an eagle figure head, paintod white with gilt, about 6 foot long, had the appearance of being In tho water but a short time, and looked as though the vessel which it belong ed to had been on fire Also saw a bark ashore on the Tortugases on the 29th of August. Schr L H Scott, Jarvis, of and from Bristol, Pa., with 300 tons of coal, bound to Boston, spruug a leak, (sup posed to h&vo started a butt) about 4 o’clock on Monday morning, 8 miles 8E from Bloqk Island, and went down head first, in twenty minutes from tho timo it was first discovered. Tho captain and crow, seven in number, took to their boat, and were nicked up about 12 o’eloek the aamo day, by schr Mary Auna, CaptAin Bowen, from Philadelphia, which arrived at Providence morning of Bth. they having saved nothing but one small handle of clothing belonging to the steward, Theodore Crawford, one of tuo crew of the LII Scott, also lost about {7O in monev, which wont down with tho vessel. Ho was transferred tho same aftornoon to schr Win L Auden reld, Hewitt, From Philadelphia for Boston. The h H Scott was a fine schr of 228 tons, launched at Bristol, Pa., Juno 1, 1867, owned, one-oighth by Captain Jar vis, tho remainder by parties in Bristol, and valued at about $14,000. The only iusuranco supposed to bo on the vosael is $l,OOO, the captain’s interest. The coal la beliovod to bo iusurod in Boston The Br brig Robert, from Cadis, ashore at Southamp ton, L I, haß been partly hove off Bhoro, but now lies In a worse position than before, the sea making a cle&u breach over her, and there ate but little hopes of taring her. Launched— At Denni-:, Bth inst. from tho shipyard of Prince 8 Crowell. Fsq, a fine ship of about 700 tons, called the “ Christopher Hull,” built by Messrs D Bhiverlck, owned by Mr Crowollaud others of Dennis, and contracted to load in this city in tho Conunorcial Australian lino, for Melbourne. NEW YORK, Sept. 10 .~Ar Hamburg BliipMaiue.K&ack, Hamburg, Aug 4, with radeeand 394 passengers; barques Waltham, (of Richmond) Witbam, Croiißtadt; Velocity, White, StjagodoCuba. August 12, lat2B 30. lon 76 35, saw a harquo, with double topsail yards, white poop, showing red and white Kwaltow-taii, with a letter in the centre—could not distinguish it—stcoring S3W; schrs Mott Bedell. Milton, Georgetown; Falcouburg, Rogers, Baltimore; Mary Pratt. Cullen, Norfolk; Golden Rule, Wilbert, Alexandria. Cl’d, ship Argo, Ballard, Metis; barque Beagir, Gugliolmer, Palermo; brigs Resturodor, (Dan) Jansen, Uumacoa; Lady Chapman, (Dr) Hill, Bermuda; schr 0 B Knudson, Squires, Brazos. List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels* GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. L W Maupln Sc la, Balt ¥ J Skunk, USA W B Miller, Va C F Myers, Washington W 0 Cased, Zanesville, 0 HCupperman, do E Graham, Parksburg, Va B Harris, Baltimore E K Showalter, Alabama R Edmond Sc la, Richmond, 8 Stickney, New York Va Miss Bacon, do D J Bun Sc la, do W G Bozior, USN A 8 Garrett, USN Rev Thompson, Cftpt 0 Wilkes Sc, la, Wash- L W Ralston, Philada ington D T Campbell, Sharon, Pa U3l Steinmanj Pa J M Werner Sc la, 8t Louis A Rankin, Henderson, Ky W Constable, Ni BNHaU, England IV Starr, jr, Savannah, Ga OB Benedict, Michigan Miss Lent, NY S E Sutherland Sc la, Bost’n J L Williams, NO AM Reed & lady, Balt RII Hutching, Clinton, Ga Mr Bennett, do G McDonald, Columbus, 0 J Campbell, do T A WJnham A lady, NY J M Slaughter, do C S Dana, do JC F Ladin Sc la, Bt Louis T S Saxton, do Miss Bowen, do W W Scott, do A W Lewis, do laedor Hauser, do J Kyle, Va Mr Alexander, do Mag Ranney, Miss Dr J Woods, do Mrs Bass, do W Woods, do Sir Bate, do R V Richardson, Md Gen Starke, do F C Yeatmas, Buenos Ayres ¥ H Chamberlain, Mobile M T Stickley Sc. la, Bangor J P Brown, E Cushing Sc la, do G T Mulford, NJ Mr Davis Sc la, Natchez M Devinell, Rome, Ga II W Kinsman, S C 8 U Church, New York T 0 Borabaek, Rochester Mrs Moore. Baltimore Ang Foute Sc wf, Memphis N T Conkllug, N Y Thos Taylor Jr. Richmond Thos B Norris, do P P Pratt, Buffalo Isaac Ulnek, N Y K,V Cook, Oregon E A Turpin, do A Myers, North Carolina I, Leouard, do W Mustin Alabama p Clark, New York Jno 8 Richards, Reading Mias Thompson, Troy Julius Hart, New York J R Stoner, Tenn C R Cornell, New York Geo Plltt Sl lady, Phila m 8B M Cornell, do Silas L Johnson, Rich Va Oscar T Mooro, do Dr Lumpkin, do Win W Diiks, do C D Yale do John R Scott, do Mr Avery, ClnO 0 Woolston Sc lady, NY Chas D Wadsworth, NY J W Maury, Delaware IV T Berry, Nashville 00l Tucker, Raleigh, NO J G McClelland, do Robt Garrett, NY E R Brown, RI lienj Bradley Sc wife, 0 L Helliwell, Canada Oswego NY Robert Adams, 8t Louis Horace Day, NY N 6 Wilson, Chilllcothc, O H Mariou. Ohio T Sweeny, Wbeellug Va M White, NY John Kynock, Buffalo MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. E B Adams, Md J Olancy Jones, Ponna M Morris, Carlisle Dr J Finney, do , E Foster, Pittsburgh Mrs Patton Sc eh, do J P Chapin Sc sob, Ohio J5l Lytlo, do J Lord, do Mrs Aitkin, do D J Church, do J A Ornton, Ky Z Ajdclott, do 8 Hopper, do »V tanhiso, do A Worley, Balt T Gillespie, Jr do fi 8 Platt, Berlin, Pa H Rang, N York Mrs Roberts Sc son.St Louis N 8 Adam, Va J G Ward, Ohio Hon J 8 Yost, Pottstown Andrew Patrick, Jr, Ml- A Allison, jr, Clinton co,Pa neraville Edw Daly, 8 Carolina James G Maxwell, Dan- S Anderson, Lock Haven villa, Pa Martin Inman, Shawnee. 0 Kldred, Bethany, Pa town. 11l w J Hogan, N Oirollna B P Salases, N Carolina E M Knowles, Ohio David Frebarn, M Chunk B L Wood, Taunton, Moss Tho* J Jloberliag, do £d Cowman, Baltimore T H Mcßorie, N Carolina Miss M Courmad, Balto AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut, below Sixth st. 8 M Keller, Va W II Dunny, Va J H Shields & la, 0 Alias A McCroskey, 0 W C Ilcudrick, 111 V? 0 Uuntiinccc, 111 J U Butts Sc la, Detroit 0 Stuart, 0 8 Stuart, 0 Mias o ' T Thompson, 111 II H Henry, 111 J Ileury, il» J Thompnon, NY W Bertrand. NO J H Shlrkfiold. 0 J B Maxwell Sc la, Milwauk 8 J Harrison, Phila J A nosley, Phila C C Carter, NY II Rowso, do W W Fryburgcr, Ind AJTim. do Miss Heron, do B F Davis, low a Nathan Ileron, do T N barton, do W P Dysart, Tipton LFBoutware, Ky 8 A Brumbaugh, Harrisbg E W Roborts. Chicago J L Jones, N J John Daly, Charleston N Daly, Ga C A Ifolnitsh, Lane Wm F Matt*, N 0 0 Maples, NY HR Gtuyne, do W B Reese, NY P J Johnson, Wash Miss Johnson, Wash W*Y Hoops. Pa G 8 Price. Va Miss Mary Price, Pa Miss Sarah Price, do 8 Frankcnthal, N 0 8 J Wilkins, Mis* 0 Wilkins, Miss PS Livingston, Jr, do J W Alloyway, 0 W Akeford, 0 J Megan Sc la, Wilm’n G W F Harper, N C JADaIa.NC JII Wells, Charlottesville A A Holt, do A Focshlo, N 0 J M Garrett, Qreensburg W Craig, Jr, Ky J 8 Brown, do G Stokes, Phila D M King, N Y E R Oliver, Texas T J Bartin, Baltimore James Deveny, do Jason Crane, Bloomfl’d.NJ W It Kyle, Philad’a F.diuund Kimball, Haver David A Frame, Newark, NJ hill, Rians W BWerrcn, Boston Lewis Livingston Sc sou, Geo B Warren, do Hartford, Conn Benj Robbins, Baltimore S A Foulko, Galena E W Kinckloe, Va V M Richards, N Y Ilonry L Pratt, Newark, NJ CGHook, do Edwin L Parker Sc wife, Fislikill, N Y. STATES UNlON—Market, above Sixth, John P Lee, Vhila John McYey, Harrisburg Wm Armstrong, Phila J D Mashbank, Lancaster James 0 Shirley, Martinsbg D S Hutchinson, Hollidays- U C Nieoderous, do burg Jo* Craps, Indiana E L Barrett Clearfield Andw Patrick, Huntingdon J Huffman, Pleaa’t Unity J N Kylo, York co 0 Beecher, Scboylkill CO Miss Reeder. Quakertown Dr II Johnson, Boyerstown Win C McFalls. McVeytown John Kennedy, Lewistown Henry Welsh Pittsburg Thos Aldred, Harrisburg II C Poole, Brooklyn Mr* Hutton, Chester co S K Engle, PotUtown R J Daily, do Wm H Alexander, Cal Jas B Shaw, Mt Pleas’t, la J Lewis, Dolawaro BLACK BEAR INN, Merchant Street, bel. Fifth. Bailey * Bro, Chester co Francis Kelley, Ohio S S Martsteller, do II A Hall, Downingtown Jacob John, do BCnalo, Phila E L Bullock, do John Creep. York co Dr J J Brower, Chillcoth, 0 John B Metzger, do W V Ponnypacker, West Sami Jones, Auburn. Pa Chester, Pa JohoYocnm, Doylostown II Bank, Delaware P W Silver, Darlington,Mi NATIONAL HOTflL—Race street, above Third. 31 n Prince, New York lIS Stull, Pennsylvania W P Ramsey, Lancaster, Pa Jos L Ramsey, Lancaster Wm Pusey, do C Sailor, Germantown 1111 Howell, Wheeling, Va llirorn P Anderson. N Y Jos 0 Wright, MiteravUle L F Irwin, Berwick, Pa II B Betdte, Lebanon II A Seyfert, Reading Jas floidle, Berks co, Pa 811 Putorbough,Wllk hare Goo W Morgan, R R R Jas Phillips, Phila R 0 Kimball, Canton, Ohio Henry 8 Meyer, Keene,NY Geo S Yonger, Plattsburg Benj Ihrio, Easton, Pa CF Smith, do A K Michler, do Peter Bowman, Glen Carbon P Lauenburgh, Vaml&lia UNION HOTEL—Arch Street, above Third. J Marshal, N J Wm Rainer, Ohio F Bhattior, Ohio John Parker, Pa Wm Dennison, Pa Goo Parker, do Jonathan Krnst, Ohio John II Armstrong, Pa J Ii Hay, N J Miss llorman, Reading Wtu Liitta, Ohio Henry Hunter, Ohio H A Bage, Pa Col A Wooley. Ky Conrad £ Sllman, NY J A Scott, Ina Thos Kearns, Ind Jas Ramsay * wife, Pa 0 W Sturgis, Pa J B Harris, N 0 0 C Kile, Ga Mr Whitby * 1, Del E Hacker, Vo 0 II Fitler, Pa 8 R niter, Frederick Md Jas R addoit, N Y J A Fulmer A lady, do Danl'Hill, BlcArthur 0 John Krider * lady, do E Golden, Athena, 0 David Wiuneberger, do Louis F Beckol, Bethlehem J 8 Reading, Flemlngton 011 Fuller, Scranton Pa Wm Mintzer, Pottstown BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab. Callowhill. Tabeu Seller, Pottaville Jesse Schlobor, Perklomen F R Schumckcr, Perklomen J Jones, I'enua. CHESTNUT STREET HOUSE—Chestnut, bel. Fourth, Maj S A Btnko, NY J S Baker, Lancaster 0 Belain, Ilarrisburgh L Greenwood, pottsville J It Diffcnbach, Marietta Pa MADISON nOUSE—Second street, above Blarket. D H Shrevcs. Carroll co, NY Thos Buckmnster, Del Wm Kendrick, Washington J II Pierce, N Orleans G W Kuott, LoXjngton, 1U J Ponder, Milton, Del John Dimraick, lioßton Wm B Easier, lloston Jacob E Parker, Oleaveland Henry Sands, Nt>\vark, N J H 3! Low, Paterson, NJ D M Newmau, Bl a irfl- John C Hillman, Ungcrntwn villo, Pa Sami Morrison, N Jersey David 8 Muycrs, Ya Robt Pearson, do ltFUaban, Ky 0 Arthurs * lady, Ky D Jlintzor, York, I»a, CITY HOTEL—Third street, abovo Race, M Price, Doylestown Jno Meridan, Bellefo nto Mr Paxton, Easton II Blair, Lambertville Uhas Burkboker, Williams- Cbas B Richards, do port Pa Jno Boss, Parksburg H norland, Easton Geo Piper, Pa W Rachel, Baltimore R ¥ Williams, Phllada W U Almond, Wilmiugtn J M Curtis, Doylestowu Wnrburton’a Inimitable Goverlnga for the Head.— Fiti. Styles. The Dress Hats or the present issue are eminently de serving the preferonco of gentlemen, as they embrace all tbe points necessary to genteel effect, and alt tbfi details and nicer elegancies which impart flnlab, comfort and durability—at the same time exhibiting appropriate accordance with the other prrts of tho Fall Costume. Paris mada Moleskin Hats, Opera or Compresslblo Dress Hats, Amoric&n and French Felt Hats. WARBURTON, Hattor, sepll-ffts mw*f nw 430 Chestnut street. Searaea’a Saving Fund—Office 303 Walnut stvoet, one' door west of second street. Receives de posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of tbe community, and allows Interest at tbe rate of five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from 9 until 5 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M.Morris; Secre tary, Junes s, Pringle, MARINE MISCELLANY. DOMESTIC PORTS, Special Noitres. . .Bwer’g Infant Cordial.•••Tbit invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of tho most ehoico and efficient aromatic* known In medicine, and is the moet perfect and reliablo carminative oxtaat for Infants and youog children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure Is effected In all eases of OAalte, windy pains and spurns, Believes and mitigates much of children’s suffering during denti* Honor teething, and by its soothing properties tran quillses pains of the bowel j, looseness, vomiting, Ae. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant suceeea. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Hbnby A. Bowaa, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must bo addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 13-ly Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in WiLffUTStrect, south west corner of Thikd Street, PninDELrniA. Assets over Orb Million and a Half or Dollars, invented in Bbal Estatx, Mostoaoxb,Ground Rkrvb, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, U received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 0 o'clock ia the morning until 7 o’clock in the evoning, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. iUnirriagea. Ou tho 16th July, by Rev. Joseph ’H. Kennard, Mr. JOHN WUNDERLIOII to Mias ANNA M. BOWMAN, both of this city. In Camden, N. J., Sept. 6th, by Rev. John Duncan, Mr. JOSEPH M. IIEWETT, of Williamstown, to Miss MARY E. ALLEN, of Camden. Ocnlljo. Oil Tuesday, the Bth instant, Miss AMANDA M. DE KLYNK, daughter of Theodore and Eliza Dekiyne. The friouds and relatives of the family are respectful ly invited to attend tho funeral, from the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr Jas 8. Smith. 1814 Green fit., west of Eighteenth, this (Friday) afternoon, at three o’clock. To proceed to Monumout Cemetery On the Bth infiUnt, Mrs. ANN MUltl'llY, in the 66th year ©r her ago. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, tram hor late resi dence, 8. E. corner of Ridge avenue and Green street, this (Friday) morning, at 9 o’clock. D 3" Notice.—'The undersigned, learning that tho Sheriff’s Proclamation will contain a notice for the election of a District Attorney, offers himself a candi date for that offieo. ANDREW MILLER. TJTATS.— • II FALL STYLES-SATURDAY, I3th. WARUURTON, sell*2trp 430 Chestnut street. illcrrhcmt (Jailors. JjIDWAKD P. KELLY. KELLY A BROTHER, Having engagod the services of CHARLES R 0 T n , Distinguished for the beauty and excellence of his Goods when in the Tailoring Bufiine&a, has taken the Store. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AMD BAS OPHJIXD FOR TUB BALH, AT RRTAIL, OF CLOTHS, GAB3IMKRE3, VESTINGS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, Ac., Of the best qualities, at moderate prices. AjP* The busineps of KELLY A BROTHER is re moved, from this date, to No. 814 CHESTNUT Streot, where it will be attended to by EDW’D P. KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. boS-Ij John" p7dohert% VOR YBABB WITn KELLY A BROTHER, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY A CO., eaviko hvcuobd CHARLES ROTH, Formerly the leading Tailor of this City: and M. KAYBEB, Formerly with 0. BOTH A CO., late Coat and Vest Cutter with LUKENS, KELLY A CO , and other supe rior Cutters, has rented a part of the store of EDW’D. P. KELLY, 814 CHESNUT BTEEBT, And has commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS. The most unroraltting attention will be paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment; the best of Clothes will be made, and at nioderato prices (ses-y JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 10 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A Urge and well selected stock of CLOTHS and CASSIMEREB always on band. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality, and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. auR-tf COAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WTLI 800 N BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, viz: Blunt’s Ooast Pilot. 18th edittou ; Bow ditch’s Navigator,27th edition: Shipmaster's Assistant, 9th edition. We invite attention to our new Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavy weather, and are especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where the motion ia considerable. They require fewer repairs than any compass now in use. Marine Opera Olasaes of auperiorquality, Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Aaimuth Compasses, Binaries, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and best authorities. Agent* for Roger*’ American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott’s Uoro meter, and is Instrument for working ont problems in Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex perienced shipmasters, and have been adopted by ins U. S. Navy. E. A G. W. BLUNT. aulS-lm* No. 179 Water Street. Henderson & co ,B great liter ARY FAIR. FIFTH .nil Anon mmol,. In order tq gratify tho wishes of our numerous pa trons, and induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, we Intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of SI and up wards, a Gift In value of from 25 cents to $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at our valuablo stock, and select Tor yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at the usual price, and very many will get, in addition, a present worth hru ing. au2l-Bin YANS’ GREAT~GIFT book sale, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. N. 8.-No couneo tlon with any other house in the City, aul-3m ‘ttiflfUtf* ..COALAND X U O N, HfTtt-VIUJU* which constitutes a third of tho stock of an incorporated company, will be exchanged for merchandise or real estato. It is clear of debt and futuro charges, (expenses will bo provided for by in come.) A railroad conncctingTWO GREAT ROADS is bring nudo at tho co*t of other companies through tho mineral deposits, at tho foot of the mountains, on their lands, offering a way to market on the sea hoard, and opening a village site of Incomparable beauty, as well as healthfalneu and profit. No investment can compare with coal mines for security, and none In the country can be more attractive than those for their resources or a residence. Apply 8. TV. comer of FOURTH and WALNUT streota, second floor. no 9-lw# r|FFICE OF THE NEPTUNE INSUR ” ANCB COMPANY, 414 WALNUT Street. PuiLi- DBLPniA, September 6th, 1867.—At a mooting of the Board of Directors of this Company, held THIS DAY, the following resolution was passed.: Resolved, That the capital stock of the Neptune In* surance Company be increased from one hundred thou* sand to two hundred thousand dollars. Books of subscription will be ODened on MONDAY, the 14th Inst, and remain open lor five days consecu tively, between tho hours of 10 A, M. and 3 I*. M. Dy order of the Board, so 0-0 t GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary. TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.— Attention is invited to the following: stock of sea soned LUMBER: 300,000 feet 6-4 Yellow Pine Floor Boards. 250,000 feet 4-4 do do. 30,000 feet 3-4 do do, suitable for lin ing stores. 76,000 feot White Pino Floor Boards. 360,000 foot Spruce Joist. Soiling low for eash, to suit the timos, and in lots to suit purchasers. ALBERT BENTON, South FRONT street. WORTH READING.—Why is it that so many suffer and drag out a miserable existence, unfitted for the enjoyment, and oven ordinary pursuits of life, when relle by troatiueut at once pleasant, safe and permanent in Its effects, may bo so readily obtained ? Dr. MORRIS (late of New York) tenders his professional services in all Chronic and Female Complaiuts, Piles, Gravel, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Asthma, Ac. Patients visited in any part of the city; or if prefer red, treatment by letter,and the highest satiefactiou war ranted. no matter how complicated and stubborn the case may appear. For some interesting and instructive suggestions to the married, or those contemplating marriugo, (nbich, when followed, will insure mutual pleasure and happi ness,) enclose 25 cents. Address WM. H. MORRIS, M D., selo 2t* Philadelphia, Pa. Consulting rooms, 270 South FIFTIZ Street. Hours, 10 to 2 and fto 9, P. M. Proposals for excavation.—Tho WEST PHILADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY will receive PROPOSALS, at their office, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, WALNUT Street, till noon ortho 15th Inst,, for EXCAVATING and EMBANK ING along the line of their route, llavorford road aud Vino street, West Philadelphia—about 12,800 cubic yards cutting, and 17,000 filling—there being very little, if any. rock. Contractors will state the time required to finish the job and termn of payment. James Miller, Esq , En gineer, Market street, West Philadelphia, wilt explain details of the work required. J. 8. SILVER. Chairman of Committee, FIFTH and LIBRARY Sts , Philada. BOARDING. —Very largo single and com municating roomfl, newlv and elognntly furnished atSouth-east corner EIGHTH aud SPRUCE. sclO-St* Rosin— 500 barrels soap makers* Rosin, to arrive per schr J. H Planner, and for saloby MARTINA MACALISTER, sclO-3t 119 Water street. A FARM Oil COTTAGE wanted within 15 miles of Philadelphia, In exchange for a threo stoiy Brick Uouso, east or Hixtoeuth in Vino stroet, and a three-story House in Murray street, one in Pearl street, and a lot in Kenslugton, 190 by 105 feet, fronting on four streets, all clear. Either or all the above and part cash. Apply to BOB'T A. PARRISH, sopt9*lw# 8. W. corner of 4th A Walnut sts. WANTED— A GOOD VESSEL OF about 2,000 barrels capacity, to load for a port in the Gulf. Apply to DIBHOV, SIMONS, A Co., ac9-3t 30 North Wharves IvrOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.—Tho ship A STALWART, Cant. A. 11. Lucas, from Liverpool. Is now discharging uuaer general order at Almond sti oet wharf. Consignees will please attend to receipt ol tbelr goods. THOS. RICHARDSON A CO. W«-tt NO MORE PILES—NO MORE PILES. DR. CIIARLEB KELLNITZ, from Paris and Lon don, Is in possession of a remedy which will cure radi cally this painful disease, however protracted and ob stinate it may he. The first prescription arrests all pain as If by magic, and throe days' treatment effects a com plete cure. No charge will be made If the remedy fails. All diseases cured, lie Is also the Inventor of a liquid for nourishing the growth of the hair,'and removing baldnoss.the efficacy of which he fully guaranties. Lewis Fishblatt cured of piles. Apply at 023 LOCUST street, near the Unitarian Church. i»Mm ACGRKGOR HOT-AIR FijRNXoES'. Bold by OIIADWICK & BRO., SECOND Stroet, first door abnvo Race. auglB-3mofl. SUPERIOR PICTURES—IIIP ROV E D AMBUOTYPES at the new skylight room*. 1620 MARKET_atreet, west, of Broad street,,over Chance's Dry Goods store. BVA’NS, practical Photographer and teacher. se9-lw# DAVID M. HOGAN, BLANK BOOK Manufacturer, Rtatiouer and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT street. between Fourth and Fifth, Philadel phia iW-lnt SlmnsemenU. A MERICAN 'ACADEMY OF MUSIC. J% E. A. MARSHALL Solo Lessee FIRST NIGHT OF TUB GREAT NOVELTY. ■WEDNESDAY EVENING, September 16th, lS5f. FAUBTUB, Grand Fantastic Ballet, by Domenico Bons&ni, the celebratedMaitro do Balletand Pantomlmbit. Principal Bancors and Fantomimiata. AbsoluU di range Franceae. M’LLE LOUISE LAMOUREUX, SIGNOR FILIPPO BARATTI. First distinguished Italian Bancors: SIGNORE GUISEPPINA PRATESI, TERKSINI PRATESI, M’LLE LUCILLE LAMOUREUX, SIGN’RA LURHA SONTOLINI. First Italian Bancors: SIGNORE CECCIIETTI, BIGNORE BECKMANN, SIGNORE DALTON, SIGNORE GALE, MANOY, MARY SHEW, ELIZA SHEW, WEISS. First PantomimUts assoluti: GASPARE PRATESI, OE3ARE CF.CCUETTI. First Pautoraitnista: GIOVANA PRATESI. MADAME PRATESI. Parti ingenue: PI A. OECCiIETTI, KURIOE CECOHETTI. Secretary and Agent: SIGNOR COROHI. Two huudred Auxiliaries; Entirely new and superior Scenery; new and magnificent Costumes: new and an* propriate appointments. Music by DAJETTI COSTA PKNOZZA. Orchestral Conductor, CARL BERGMAN. Particularsin futureadvertisements. Pricesasbefore. Box Office will be open for the securing of teats for the Ballet Season, of Sixteen Nights, on Friday and Saturday, from 9 till 4, and on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for the securing of nightly seats, three days in advance, without extra charge. P. B.—Stockholders arc requested to present their Certificates of Stock at the Box Office, and procure their Tickets for the ensuing season. Tickets of the former season will not bo admitted. sell TAPS. McKEON, Treasurer. \*7HEATLEY’* ARCH ST. THEATRE. f V —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Soils or Priors.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dross Circle (no extra charge fer Secured Seats), 60 cents; Family Circle and Ampnitheatre, 26 cents; Seats in Pri vato Boxes, 76 cents; Wholo Private Box, |3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pel- Tate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 33 cents. Box OfUeo open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. J. M. B.WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Sept. 11th, the per formances will commence with Sh&kspeare’s MERCHANT OF VENICE. Mr. E. L. Davenport Mr. Wheatley Mrs. E L. Davenport To conclude with the popular Comedy of THE SERIOUS FAMILY. Capt. Murphy Maguire ...Mr. E. L. Davenport Mr. Thayer WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Lea *ee, Mr. 23 A. Marshall; Stags Manager, Mr. Jobu Seftoo. Prices —Dreup Circle and Parauette, 50 cents; UpperCirclo, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Beati. 75 cents, lioi Office open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 3 I'. M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance to com mence at 1%. Benefit of Mr. and Mrs. HERMAN VJSZIN. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Sept. 11th, will he acted Shakspeare’sTrairpdr of MAOBKTH. Maeboth Mr. Herman Teiin Banquo .Mr. Young Lady Macbeth.... ....Mrs. Herman Vesin To conclude with the Laughable Farce of THE WASHER-WOMAN. Widgets Whittington .Mr. John Sloan Mary White Mrs. John 81oan RATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., A’l near Eighth. MR. BURTON’S LAST NIGHT BUT ONH. FRIDAY, a Great Comic Treat. The two universal favorites for the last time, THE SEniOUS FAMILY AHI* THE TOODLE 3. Sleek, as originally played by him Mr. Burton Toodles, as only played by him Mr. Burton The Drama,of The Toodles, as performed by Mr. Bur ton, is a very different piece to the stolen and muti lated copies in use by other Theatres. The manuscript of THE TOODLES is Mr. Burton’s own property, and cannot be played elsewhere. Remember—Last Night of each Piece. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—For the benefit of MR. and MRS. HERMANN YEZIN, FRIDAY EVENING, Sept. 11, will be performed Shakspeore’s Tragedy of MACBETH, Macbeth Mr. Hermann Votin Lady Macbeth Mrs. Hermann Yciln To conclude with a Farce, in which Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan will appear, being their last appearance. s@lo-2fr* A RAKE TREAT, FOR THE ONLY TIME. To-night BURTON In his unequalled per formances of SLEEK and TOODLES, together, at the National, Ills last night but one. gcll-lt I OM HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA,— PTKMBERB,IBS7. Mowing described UNCLAIMED and FOR MERCHANDISE will be sold at public sale, at RAISER'S STORES, northeast corner of Front )ard Streets, on FRIDAY MORNING, October til o’clock. By order of J. B. BAKER, Collector. SHAW 5c BAILEY, Auctioneers. The foi FEITED 1 the APPR and Lombi 9,1857, at ■I • s'- 3-8 .S'. ;.»a -S 5 O O ji £*C"C*w'C KKV.KKS ass a pttifii iiiHiU&IU Sa 3 a- 3 ajjb 3 333 l Ej2w3 ! j c o t c .<■ . . S o o o o ... . I:: : : ::*2 : : :J9 ;» j. a -Bggs s aa : JufiiSia •& .saoa S’!*;* < 35 £*8 sl*** 3 a 5 a S gfl. 23£t g Sic £ 0 £ c.o.Aae,< « mmaS 3 % a £T3 3 £32323 Jf 5522555* A* qcacomOTPcpoocfcDQmcocoaaaocow ww«ai v : , u : . : . ijj : : .s . . !::jji: !4 ! i i i Ijif j j J:i : B : 4k. :s ii i i-S S•|S ? : : ijs vssljts ?S b S.2S £(» s-2'S • a ' a •r : i tl : : Sa* of!-« 8 s< a ||j3 : J 5 •• S *xl 8.2*1 i u,S is d? 3 I*"** nogjUa. Sj'-c ass • aa'*r® §S§--g§2 ssas B - "Jagg,.- sassa c S«®rKis il|l| Wool SZzZHi pi 4 i3sli a : 1 p.3.pia 3 SoqisgS o«®2° ■pBJaoS'S ► ► 3.2 a * a.SI dJj >jj>jau oSSwhbw ♦•••« • < . . ♦ • ; S ‘ -o’ ! • <3 "3 • ! ’• • c 0 s IlSif&ii iMilliiliill Jijil | O ft" V > 3 *«r w 12 d Sjfl a 3 O 8 • O b O. 5 cues will be read/ three daj le and the goods will bo opei the morning of that day. Dancing academy.—naylou & DAUGHTER'S DANCING AOADEMY, TENTH and SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY, September 1,1867. The subscribers, in offering this prosnectus to the dancing community, respectfully acknowledge their kindness during past seasons, and pledge themselves that nothing shall be wasting on their part to make the coming season surpass in brilliancy that of former years Mr. N. and Daughter have, with untiring exertions, added to their already full list of fashionable dances, many new ones, which will bo introduced during the season. DAYS OF TUITION. For Children—Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons from 3to 6 o’clock, for Ladies and Gentlemen—Tuesday and Baturday Evenings from 7 till 10 o'clock. au 27-3 m WM. D. ROGERS’ CARRIAGE REPOS ITORY, im and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, above TENTH, ia now open for the aalo of every dea. cription of Carriages, combining Style, Durability and Elegance of Flnisn, from the Manufactory at the corner of Sixth end Master streets, to which the attention of Cltisens and Southern and Western gentlemen ia res pectfully called. N. B.—Especial attention given to Carriages for re valr* in the shops connected with the Repository. En trance on Chestnut Street. au3l-2w IXTELCOME RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD TV WICK A DRO, Utt K. BECOND ft, WlMo. ;) d< s A ’ Converse, D. D., do; John Brantlev’ 11; Wm. T. SEv.l'-,” 1 V R* Cheney, ilo; William Brad cock’ Dn Y ,£n ,J id; Dl £ llU!tto ' D D., do; B. Bab- Fatnn n D tV R -,i, u11 "l D D., Balt,more; George W. Eut ivw’vis w t ° n ’ ! 'o W York i Kempton, North S.T k ' 111I 110 ™" Bambini, Camille, Georgia; H V? n ra, ?s' P J V e ;, Übur - Pennsylvania; John a.HartiLLD.PhiU'iclphla; Raul T. Jones, Ksi , do; £“!' A / .““i, : Caspar Morris, M.D.’do Robert A. Eiell,E , o. l Marshall, Texas; John 11. Se,m p'e, Esq.,Pittsburgh.Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, Esq., do. do; George W. Jackson, Esq., do. do; Johnll Raymond, LL. D , Brooklyn, New York; Mayson Brar spn, Esq., Chicago; Hon. Oeerge W. Bradford. Homer. New boric; Stephen D. Dillaye, Esq., New York city Hon. Daniel S. Dlcklnsoo, Binghamton, New Yo*k eep4-lm rf^RITTENDEN’ 9 PHILADELPHIA COM MKRCIAL COLLEGE, 8. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Becond and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every atyU, . COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, &e. Each Student ha* individual instruction from,compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, &c. se3lm TIE-MAN ALLEN, A. M.; is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils on the Violin, or on the Piano, and to play Violin parts or accompani f advanced pianists. Apply at the residence ?• hl * r *V> er l Proreaaor- ALLEN, No 215 South Scven teeathStteet. CrcuUr,, an d references, at u. ANDBK as Co.’s, No. 1101 Che.tnut St. iel-lm* S T ;.S™ K «’ B episcopal ACADEMY— KJ LOCUST Street, west or SIXTEEN.H will bo openedon MONDAY September 7th at 8 A M The Principal will be in attendance at the Academy during the first week in September, between 9 A M and 2P.M , to roevive applications for admission Circu- Ura may be had of Mr. niLL, Sexton of St. Mark’s Chnrch, or at the Academy. 5 au29-2w» J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES,SOUTH* WEST CORNEROFARCH AND TENTH STREETS The punlls in this Institution will be Instructed In all the branches of a thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. The discipline will bo a careful pointing onward and upward. The school-year ii divided into two terms, of five months each, commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) TERMS: First Department, per term of tire months *25 00 Second “ “ u on m ™ni “ “ ■■ """uS Fuel, &0., per term..... jx«o Philadelphia, 1857 Thomas Klmber. Samuel Settle, Jr., Marmaduke C.Cope, William Bettlo, Thomas Wietar, Anthony P Morris, Joshua U. Morris, Uriah Hunt, au2s-lm. CUPPLEE’S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG £?•££££££’ (ho*"* l ®* Md day pupils,) N, W. corner ELEVENTH aud QUEEN streou. Fifth session will open on September 7th. Beat reference giren, lu« eluding all present and former patrons. au26-tl SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing full particulars, pupils’ names, testimonials, Ac., can be had on application. au2s-tf P. DONLEAYY LONG, Principal. Hall of st. james the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOABDING SCHOOL FOB BOYS Bar. B. R. SMTBBB, RkOTOH. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sen* tombet 1. Circular* may be obtained at th* Book Store of H. HOOKER, 8 W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. aulT-Om MRS. BARTON’S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No 1929 CHESTNUT St , below Twentieth, will ro-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aul9-Cw* TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE X* persons, male and female, to gain a share of this world's goods and comforts as a LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 14$ and 160 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a short time. THE LEIDY’d take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persous acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling utnjr to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully, _qa22s3ta— IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE VciTY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Iti the matter of the Estato of James McGarritr, de ceased. Ad appraisemeut, under the Fifth section of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, having been filed in this matter, notice Is hereby given, that Mary Ann MeGarrity. widow of the said James MeGa-rity, claims to retain the per sonal property referred to therein, to the value of three hundred dollars; and that sbu will apply to tbe Orphans’ Court for approval of the said appraisement, oo FRIDAY, the Eighteenth day of September. 1857. at 10 o'clock, A. M., sec. reg. ALFRED 0 TOWE, se4-4 8 11 & 15# Attorney for Widow. IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Trust Estate of John Idel. The Auditor, appointod by the Court to audit, settle, end adjust the account of Levi Sperry, Trustee under tho will of Conrad Idel, deceased, of John Idel, end to report distribution of tho balance in hand, will meet the parties interested at his office at the Southeast corner of Eighth atd Locust streets, on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, September tf-'d, ut 4 o’clock. *ell-eodst DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. TVOTlCE—Whereas Letters of Administra -11 tiouupon the Estate of JAMES DUGAN, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, all persous in debted to said Estate ts 111 please make payment, and those having claims will present the s&mu to JANE DUGAN, Administratrix, septll-fBt* Grape street, Maua/unk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADE I'UIA. NICE, et al., **. THE FRANKFORD i'.HALL. L. F J. 47. No. 476. PETER CASTER vs. SAME. L.F.J. 7. No.W2, ABEL REED vs. SAME L. F. J. 67 No. 724. The Auditor appointed by the Court to make distri* bution of tho fund arising from the sole of the follow ing described Real Estate sold by the Sheriff under the above write on Monday, Julyfith*lBs7, will meet for the furposea of his appointment on Thursday, September Oth, 1857, at 4 o'clock P. M., at the Walhenil House, George street, above Sixth, when and where all persons haring claims are requested to prefer them before said Auditor, or they will otherwise be debarred from com ing in on said fuud; All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on tho south-easterly side of Maine street, in the borough of Frankford. in the connty of Philadelphia, now in the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of 278 feet north-easterly from the north-east side of Green street, containing in front on said Main stroet CO foot, and in length or depth •oath-easterly, between parallel lines at right angles with said Main street. 200 feet, to & 36 feet wide street contemplated to be opened called Thomas street. Boun ded south-westward ami north-eastward by othergrouud belonging to the estate of tbosaid Isaac Whitelock, de ceased, south-eastward by said contemplated street, and north-westward by Main street aforesaid Being th same premise! which the said Elizabeth Whitelock, Mary Whitelock and Ellen L. Whitelock, Executrixes of the last Will and Testament of Isaac Whitelock, deceased, by indenture bearing even date with tho said mortgage, and executed immediately before said mortgage, for tho consideration therein named, part of which is Intended to be secured by said mortgage, granted and conveyed onto the said u The Frankrotd Odd Fellows* Hall Asso ciation,’ 1 their successors or axslgui, in fee. Together with tho free use and privilege of tha said contemplated street, 36 feet wide, when opened so far as th* same Is tail upon lends of the Estate of the aald Isaac White lock, deceased. DAVID WEBSTER, Auditor. au3l-mw&fst IN THE ORPHANS* COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, August 19th, 1857. Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested is the estate of Mary Alderfer, late of the township of Lower Salford, in said county of Montgomery, decoaaed, that Abraham, John, and Bonjimin Alderfer have applied to said Coart. by petition, praylug Tor a decree for the sale of the real estate of said Mary Alderfer, deceased. The said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of September, 1867, at 10 o’clock A. M., at tho Court House, in Norris town, for all parties interested to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioners should not be granted. By order of the Court J. 11. DAVIS, Clerk of tho Orphans’ Court. au26-d4w Notice.— letters testamentary upon the Estate of HANNAH CALHOUN, (de ceased,) having been granted to the undersignod, all persona indebted to smd Estate will please make pay ment, and those having claims will present the same to CHARLES B. REES, Exocutor, No. 133 d Coates street. *Ul9.Wot# ifbr Sale anb to £eU T“ ‘ o'^Ye’ iV, THIRD AND Fourth Floors of No 23 North Fourth street, oppo site Commerce. Possession October Ist. Apply to WILLIAM II BACON, 325 Market at. rfhonn or $5OO book bindery for tjpdvrvf SALE—Severn year* established, doing a fair Job business, which can bo Increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location, 636 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank books at cost, jobs bound to order. augl9-6w PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N. J,, FOR SALE, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 75 feet by 140 Price, $3,000. Also, Lots suitable for manufactories, fronting the river. Apply toO. ROBB, No. 311 South Fifth 6treet. au'2s-lm* lys previous to the m for examination ee9 wfm t ocd JE. & B. SCHELL’S • 01TY MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL 8. E. CORNER OP TENTH 3218 * Where every variety of MARBLE MANTELS, TOMBS, JfONUMENTe, TABLE TOPS and ILOORING, can be aupplied upon reasonable term*. au24-tufJra Gikard fire an anos COMPANY, PH So* WALNUT BIUI Wo. M. Swats, John Ansptch, Jr., 11. N. Burroughs. J. B. Hughes, F. D. Sherman, Wo. P. llacker, J. P. Steiner, H. A, Shackelford, Hon. JOEL Hon.G.W. WOODWARD, jko. s.: Jins B. Alvord, Awlil mHOMAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE, X CTJTLKRY AND TOOLS, No. M 0 BASKS,* ST, »i«T« JliatA, Kite till, PWW*IfW». Wl*ta ®iratdtionol. HARRIETT BROWN! REFERENCES J.D. White, M D, Benj. S. Jannoy. M. D, Robert K.TVright, Thomas D. Smith, George Griseom, William V. pitSeld, David Vauderreer, William 1). Thomas. BUSINESS EDUCATION. £egol Notices. PAOTORY. MARBLE HALL, W MARINE INSITR HLADELPHIA-Ottca, No. ){ THIRD. ONLY TAKEN.” 3 TORS. Jar. Wilder, Jqo. McClore, The. Cr**e&, A. 8. Gillett, Forman Sheppard, Sami. Jones, U. D., Joseph Klspp, M. D L JONES, President. , Vie® President., Secretary, [tut Secretary. attl *B® Slipping. ttHIP OTSEOXTHEU FOR NEW U*- LEANS—LOUISIANA LINE—To sail with quick despatch. The A I fast-sailing packet ship OT3EOXTHE, Wn. & Harwell, master. is now load ng at street wharf, anl having a large portion of her cargo t-oz*ged, and going on board rapidly, will have quick despatch. Shipper* will please hurry their a!onge,4e, and bills of lading to the eountiog-hoase for signature. For balance of freight, whiich will be taken at reduced rates, or passage apply to . ... BISHOP, SIMONS * 00, *?7-dtf SdNprth VthirreJ. The OTBEONTHE will insure at the lowest rates, and take steam down the Delaware and r.p the Miwiastppi. TjlOR SAN FRAiiCISCU—OALIi'ORJ. lA •A LINE —Direct from Philaieipbia J“® “fSaiflceut dipper ship JOiKPH JONES, Sam * G * * ! lowers, eomininier, is now loading at Baee street wharf; haring a p*rt of her carco eng and going on board rapidly, wiU har* immediate de puted. Shippers will pleuo hurry their goods slonzsldo with' OatileUr. for balance of freight apply to BIAUOP, BTMO?H * CO . 38 North WhirTM. I jlOK SA2n T FK Aft Cl SCO—FK Oil YORK, The celebrated dipper abip SANTA CLAUS, Toater, “uwterj the magnificent cilpptr ship BOSTONIAN, ~—» maater. are now loading and will hiTe de«patch &i above for balance of freight epplr to BISHOP, SIMON 3 ft CO , 3* Ne’ih ~VTharrf<. ijolela nn6 tUstanianls. T?fnDT D STAR HOTEL IN HARMON? CODRT —Th* publie are r*sp*cifally informed mat the old STAB HOTEL is still In exltUcce. The proprietor will _be glad td see hu old friend*. and promises to furnish the® with a saperUr of A U. Wines and Liquors. He feels assured thit on rariaf nun a rmtthej will not be disappointed. * JOHN CORLEY. SeS-lW Lunch from ID to 12 o'clock. TltcGO WAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH- If J. ve*t corner of BROAD and WALNUT —Qaae atMl all other dslicaciee In season. lauJlies supplied with Oysters on the ibortest uotiee. »ep7-7ei Lews b. coffin,— THIRD WARD HOTtL. (DEMOCRATIC BRAD QUARTERS.) South-east corner IIFT 11 *ni QUEEN Streets, a»p3 Imo Phllid-lpM* EBCHANTS* HOTEL, WORTH FOURTH STRXST, A*o*g MtsKvr, PHILADELPHIA UoKIBBEW & pEoriiiTt*J SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street Duquetne Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. UABKI.iL Proprietor. aulVfci iHines an 6 £ianors. pORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to do* l ben tare 250 earics St. JooepVi Pare Juice Pert Wine, In qn. «nt tichUu. Ten pancheoni Joan iliawy I»Ur Mak Scotch \Chi»* key. 2 years old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. Marett. Martel, Bouvet, andj J Dupoy Broodies, all of which t offer to the trode at reduced prices JOS ?. TOuTAS, BS and 90S /rout St .fce.'ov JV*lcat. EP. MIDDLETON & BHO., IMPOKT • ER3 of BRANDLL3, OTNK.ic ; .]«, „„, u and sole proprietors of the old WHEAT WHISKEY. No 6 North FROST street *u2-.M :i A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE. No. 226, Southeast Corner of OKOItOE «,3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doors below the Exchange Hours of business from T o’clock, A. M., nntU 10 o’clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction House, aV tended upon the most satisfactory tenna CAPITAL £OO.OOO Established for the last T*irty Years. Advances made from ooe dollar to thousands on Dia moods, SUver Plate, Watehoa, Jewelry. Hardware, Mcr ebaadite, Clothing, Furniture, Bellcg, Cigvs. Musical lastramente, Guns, Horses, Carriage?, and Goods every description. All goods can remain any length cf timu agieeT npon. AU advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month j and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valnaMea, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advance* on more satis factory and accommodating tenna than «nv other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, la small amounts, with out any charge. „ ~ AT PRIVATE BALE. Gmd Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-ly Ijats, Capo, »Cr. CII. GARDEN A CO-, • Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, FANCY BILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERSi ROUCHES. FEATHERS, tc.,Jc. No. 632. (old No 186) MARKET Street, Below Sixth, south side, And No. 6JB MINOR Street, Philadelphia. 0. HSKItr OißOt*, BAKU!. DO.VOVA*. Merchants are respectfully invited to examine oar stock se7-2m CULLENDER A PASCAL, V 3 HATTERS, knl-fim No. 8 B.“SIXTH street, Philadelphia. ©enllcmen's iFunmljmgCoo&s. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE VV MEN’S rtnmiemso STORE, «o 4 TATENT SHOULDER SEAM SUIBT MANUFACTORY, No. 79S CHESTNUT Sheet, ebon SereoUi itreet, TMladelpbU. Tbo etteattea of Sootbera Mereßeate, sad Strangers, it parttcalarly intitod to thir iayroTed eat d Shlrte, thoiaoetperfeetflttiecexMeleisaSe. At .bote. «4W. attMjtf