■■■'■JpSßß - -kiPw« - ■ 'i A-. » '- , DBTWEKN - , ; Mfleh K» prtfr'M •18 ,r ,=.- ,*» «o ■*■ loti aa , . :;iBHMh»nBI[ s%v.-,«".851f '. ; v;--;-,-'i.r. x ..' T>:BBO6HD' -, y 500 p ,do •'7;w i ss',: : 1300 Cityß6’fl. :. c— IS Oam& Aitfb.'R' iOl fn ; • a ‘l ? i ;, ' ;JZ&wii . '(SHW-Wr fi}: 103 UnionOl Six Brcecli-loadiny Caunoii, supervision of Lieutenant Colonel V?ilmofc,.‘enper inUudeatot gorernment gaa- fQQtories at Wool*! djeen twiao fired witbaidoable Aatge tw^nty pounds of examined and found to Have , stood we teil satisfactorily: The' grins yptfro aim ply ' poiaUw.^idd,'placed' Id '.^o^fcion otf a temporary ... •*dfrom tb*ir«mmnotui neight-r-Sftvecteen Jons— tn®y _did i slightaßfe-'iriov'ement, nor freeoU. K The' 'material Of- Which- they/are - aap tr is f , ,A»«rioaa 6 olvareoal iron of the finest quality. i 4 Pr II?GAN—Schr 8 Burton, Qornißli-~12l chaldrons i'i jjaa^CMo rria t Walu Ar;po._ ; , ;*■; [\> *' t , ' • ;.o. - PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. . ’ l) '/! ‘ :i ‘f > CdJfttiirtS or iß* Monts.* Jomf Watair, ‘ V .' ,? «AHJS6 OF THE , 'rtililA; 1 - V** 'd-FBOH-POk "i y I- • i pit > Ja#onV;VA ,,.i. .New-Yorky Bremen;.; j, ..gout 8 . KOrtßßtar,..... New York • Southampton.,.-. i;.. Sept D *■ CnflTashu^ton.Now Yoric 'Mtorpool;;;. .Sept 2 .‘.-V-New? York ■ Glasgow; j.. jSept 5 ■ A-drlakc ..NewYork Liverpool...;Sopt 13 t JkWfOi.....p/.tN©if Yo^k r ‘'Hayro.....Sept Iff ‘.'*Ugara;’.;'.-.av.Liver|)6bfr-kostoniv.;-....;.,v.i-Aug l *«OIC*-b-Tbß‘ ■ ; -‘.c PAT. ;;^fHe»,,,iYiViVvLlTarp6ol T v/AJafffr f. .\i4it. .Havre *New-York.,r«,...'.V.Aug 26 Liverpool * New York..;..Aug 20 if......01Mg0». Neir 5 / 1* r •. j ? - , UOT*VKNfS or HAVANA STEAMERS. •b. ». *roiAN«wT«rk 2d, »rrlvlDg stlla v«»»Jtfc,»4NwOilMiM 11th. Erom New OrIMH. ’ , .*WkfH«T*M43d, »rrivmy!it Now. york2Bth. * r ‘ <, ;-3 j ' * _Bti«t ! Wißttrox-*Yrom~New Y6rk;2Tth, arrlVe at « • From New Orleans' ■ * due-at Nevf.yorklBLh.- - 1 ju. leanti-From OharleSton i 19th and 4th, due at tfa i'-'f wshutttd'aad 7th. From Havana 10th aud 25th, due at , ?;,r T. .iwTketOaUfcniiaaiMP sfaamer* sail from Netf York on tka Ith and faontb; . 1 - -v„ :j . M w it gI , ,j, j-n ..V ' .LT'V.‘ ! -V”'' ,I*. m l! ' * 1 * ; : 6 ' - < , ' ; ARfiIVKD. ' ' Z Richmond t 3 ~ jfiWWP.' B«toirito,B*S»]Y4B hour* front Boston, £ inttfmMßlw*o4asi«^to,Hon**Wliiaor.* , :o% ; ,>.: >' «« " W days from MatanzU, in e «£$ t yjWla*tHto.4*pUit»i.; - » f-‘ ! J , $ '-, - P*lni6r,Taraer;44^ay«ftomßttlormo, i, * £-> to|*»o3eM6a &Co : Jnlr Ist, off Cape * - Mart, exchanged signal* with ship Moses ‘ffarjor. ’< - >®P»4 'JP wwitor Ang 2|,lat 25 40.longaijo, . *r*«f,» c *P n**a%Qj two months trati haring ori hoard 90- % Ang22,fa*3C, long 3T 40, spofeo schf Admiral t ■ with .200 hbl* oil ou a . hoard, well. i i /Bdf Bttte4BMCorhvaliis« JldarsYrdcn Caps'JlarUen, ; smWflfWwdTACitoT Mattson k Son*.*! - itt*& vWrff •SAtM?tM*ya from Boston, in billMfc. - jULf* -,-.fo » \ji~> / infix '•• u * Mt*g Itoofi, Baris, 10 daft from St John NB, with j 'i rti! I 1 QUciiißt; ftciai* Pr'oiidenciij id w friin Pail'Wei, in ■ ~ . wu*,te«pt.ib:- ’ s ~ ■ . ; ’; ww^rv in . kVj .j'Coombs t fiary Boston, .ballast to Ch&a i ® ,3,,^on j i“ tellwt j Mtil 8 S *V f«™ Boitou, »W i .? Oreantaiy, from Now Tori' ' < t - ■■■ *efiiK-{,o»nW;Ptt!tijioa i Jtorton'4'.Co; ' , , ; ' . . ? ** * ’ WTidonce^in j e "-^h2StSSfe i C < t'r / .. iSSS^'^’^ifs¥*'£s!*itt“ oa >!"** l '’ :•' , r lw ' i f 1 lt i^liif.^SiV:-!"<•''''- • Mg*?*^** b%ard7 '‘- v Uajieadinjlt 2ilX •100 do p»,' ch 2 S 80'■.durSSX bit, 4 5 1 '2O Road R ,s ch:.2SKT sfiO^'flo-..2stf •60 l 'do<« *.'* . M- 25H ,-■ oh' 25# m>‘a do Votß bSwn 25# JBOABDr t ;2Pc3>kv •’ : 4s« 15 Refilling 11 Kili 23»j 4"'do ' 2SJj 'bqartj.: ' • : -J- i JuuUpror.7#' - - MBS;.!!* rAvMtmrtVurn. !S» . I do. J ,*dpS(lMBS«,,':63- tag IsUwU ,„ ojj;. ,10 ■ .Vtclnjmrg. a 7 , ~”.8 ■ Qu»rtl,Baoki):aox. 10* UhigtiZluo. ;-l CatowlijnJlß ■ i .10 -. AJSeArtrfte-WXwWrt: do Ne* 95 05 >4 ; Bijj -;«a s,s j - 'vmnSk* :~~i»x«iSfit , o^i3?3!S(U;HOT(I-’; 8 ,78a 34WylM»v8« 'Weo.vjeiX: .... :■•'*■ «S%;:o i'.. ,i....... . .260‘135 ■ • >,bi• i* *«*<•*•.•• v• .-.55^,673 - -1-."whir^fcrUc1ft*..,.......»,.....*.308420 :-s7 w•" Y-.Vri’ s ' YY/jnt sC.OR^pondh>s:i'eekof.l96s% ; \ iv7-v.’u ' r .:..T,7-4pcrp^Bp_ /-■ '■ , >•' f ; ■ *T!» following i» » rtcipHulatlim of the.lmporta Dr dry jqod>"Toftheweelteii(liE(?'Soj)t. 4'. ' : ■ ■' ~ - ; »smred roii cosaclrpTros. , : 11 " J t*iu*. M»n. Of Wool 4K® *448,641 Mwi: of Fla*-203. *44,693 . . ,do 1023 243,090 MUcillaaWus 34890,187 ' - ii AW»; - . * t' -jpkg*. YaJco,, -Pkga.-Y&luo. . Wool/419f134,045 Mam ofFIM. 169 : $40,754 Cotton. 235; 48,259 Miscellaneous- 80 - 11,412 •' *iflei4Ukl33 91 >4OO ■•<;. , i , ',,*©t»i v w .i,os*‘*32*,oS4 '- > X-f‘ r : w 'p asftafeHo s -5 \ ' M-V V, f ‘ V j:‘ :I r *v. Vkg*i talne. ~ ‘ioui.V.'-<.m, 210,201 . ' - 3"V • f fji ,-<) : L *hi folio trim? ii Aim taithlTf summary of imports at ,• tiktraiof K-August,-1857 * •■.•! «/, - 1 ; fr*e mtt&asdlH'. l XF*. ..$2,052,122 : J ,<17,319? ■ ■ 3,040,820 1 fro* 5,024.147; ' - XoUrod for warehousing.. > T ......... 3,516j039- -\ v ;: -r VPoaaoatfa mercbandise...a’.. $4,289,479 ? 393.882- 1, ~jBpMi«i,„..7*. 6,271,717- . Uf-.lr - b>in>: /{? i l . .» ‘ Totalexporta...... $11,609,106r , ,< ■fi -r.'V. l ', 'l+l ' t' i - > ; \vji tha Ifr*- OrUipJ»,We«kljf Bank.aUtom.ept of the 29th ' £*>f 'AtetatooiopMea with that oftheproceding.woek at' ,h:~ t >J V r’ j'Uw 3 v.;< ‘ ; 1 LMilig.VSlS,23o,o29' , ’*18.814,159 : i InC. .*044,629' . f»«w..ii,,*,«24,089:‘ ! »|;:e5i05a6 ■'■••jmo-WJso* 325 394: Dec.. 10;oa5 - 10,481,672 Dec.. 31,634 »mt._ with •'j *-. l mt cornor of Third Street, Philadelphia. Assets witt. cirr.lo/' Sfc&y" rn6 ? ’l ' ■.- ;■. ’ i «™0«« M.L...0* aud a Haw of Dollaes, invested ' ’Schr WHieVft'ep'tty, 2 d«a fro wMilford, with ff»la i n b Bll estate, Mortgages,G&oond Bents, and other ..to ; i s .U’' ' \, - first class securities, as required by the charter. This froniN fork. Via Cap* w7i j oat^u tlou confines ite busiuese entirely to the reeel. 1 of money Thursday evon.ng, until 0 o’clock. alpng: he wanted no'aasletance, though the water was Y ° rk ’ with mdsd'and pASsengon^to^Jft*^4iM ord ico. • ’IT 8 M steamship Keystone Stato, Marsliman, Bavau- Dow* New Simons T Knicht, Noble, Portland, J H Johns.' - ’ lirlf Elisabeth, GreonlA»V,BoAtoU, NSturtovant at , '«dw Y drk'jrestorday. Barque CD Truitt, Scull, for New York cleared at Charleston ln*t.' ; - : Barque Cuba. Batcs; ,for South America, cleared at Wihnfakfant N O, sth fast, .Brig Castilian, Morryiuau, for Philadelphia, sailed for Portland tthiaßt.- 1 - " / ' BrlgP, A Lacdsto; Pierce, for Philadelphia, remained atßottordam 18th ult loading. ' Brig Clata EUa, Haskell, from'Port Harvey, N B, for philadolnhia, sailed from Beer Island, 24th ult. Brig uatbiway; Small, from Porto Rico, sailed fromGoulisboroBotb(ult; ," 7 - - ' '..Britt'Satauel Churchman, Ankers, for New York, r©-* ,mained at Buorios Ayres July 10. Brig' Oregon. G-roea, nailed'from Baltimore sth inat. for Philadelphia. . Brig Abbott Lawrence.-Fullor, cleared at Boston sth Inst, for. Philadelphia..• ■ \ • BrigjMouDtVernon. Hall, from Bio de Janeiro, July 6, arrived up at Baltimore 4th Inat, ■ Brigs. Minnie White, and Julia, Ford, hence at Boston 4th fast.. .. . . Schrs Florida,' Kelly; Loejburg, Swift, and'S L Ste vens, Bindley, Cleared at Boston stb fast, for Phi lad. Schrs Rebecca. Jones, Winamoro, nqd Algoma, Pear* son* hones, at Boston 6th fast, j -SchrMary J Hoyt, Stair, from Baltimore, arrived at New York 6th Insr. / . Schr Estelle; Davis, hence arrived at Bridgeport Sd inst. ; . Schr Jano, Haskell, .from Calais for Philadelphia, sailed from Deer Island, 25th ult. Schr Spencer D llapes,sailed from' Fall River 3d inst, for-Phlladelphia, - , :. .Schr W.Crpcker, Farmer, from Dighton for Philadel phia, passed Fail River 4th inst. - Schr J G Btjl)e, Carson, hcnco at Portland 4th fast. ' Schr Ida, Carson, cleared at Wilmington, N o,sth inst forNew.York. ; v: ‘ t '/ Schr JonathimMay, Cobh, from Boston, at Alexandria bthinstr. Schrs Ring Dovs. J W Woodson, and Monmouth, hence arrived at. Alexandria fith fast. Schr W 0 Ellason, Buck&lew, hence at Salem 3d fast. ' Schrs SophiaGodfreyi Lillie danders, Isabella T homp aon h NHolnies, and Charlotte WilHams, for Philadel phia; sailed from Providence 4th last .’Schr Mary Eddy Kelly, hence at E Greenwich Ist fast. - ’ Bchr W, P COrbltt, Ross, hence at N Bedford 3d inst. Schr Thos.Page, Robinson, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 2d last, Schrs Adele Felicia, Cartwright, and Rio Grande, Bishop, for Philadelphia, sailed from Pawtucket 3d inst. -Schrs Winter Shrub, Hjtrrington: Indian, Thomas, and South Wind, Marshall, hene« at IfaHimoreith fast. ; Schr. Kato KaUshivn, Kdlahan,’ heuco at Richmond _4th inst,!. , , -; Schr William Henry, honco at Baltimore yesterday. , SchrUP WetheriU, from Boston, with a cargo of ice, at Baltimore yesterday. ..." ■ . Schr Maria guett, Cooper, for Bio Gr&nde, cleared at Norfolk 3d inst. . - Schr J S Weldon, Smith, hence at East Greenwich IstJnst Schr i 0 Runyon, Endlcott, sailed from Fall Elver 2d lust./fpr Philadelphia, ” - •’ , 'Schr Angfaptte, Blackwell, Bailed from Fall River 3d fast; for Philadelphia. •' 'Schr Wiri Thotnos Besso, from Wareham for Philadel phia, at.NeWport 2 P >l3d inst. Schrs Nathl Holmes,' Jayne, and Jeromlah Learning, ■ Brower, henco at Providence 3d fast.' .tSchr Henry James; for' Philadelphia or Baltimore, sailed from Providence 3d fastf ' Schra ClcCro,Yates*, ft B Bleecker,Edwards; Mary' Ellzabeth. Piqkup, and Jaber L White. Roster, sailed frbm Provlilcilco 3d inst; for Philadelphia. /' Sctirfl Broadflrid, Fisk, and Sarah AHatnmond,Paine, cleared at Boston 4th fast, for Philadelphia. ' fichra M B .Mahony, Samuel Costner', Glpsey, Grace Girdle^ Joßeph Ward, and. Yoloua, Troworgy; hence at CljBrl tyj h ence at Danvers 3d Inst. ' Schr Sharon, Thurlmr, henco at Newbury port 3d inst. ' The tug steamer Queen Victoria,, wlilte on liar way up the, St Lawrence rirer on Monday morning, with the ship Inkcnnan and barque Nina in tOw, was run into off ftooito Island hy (ho Rhip 8t Patrick, Kenny, from Que bec for Liverpool, and had her stem damaged. The St Patrick also broke tho hawier 1 that the Nina wan being towed by, and carried away some of her bulwarks, The ’ 'Bt’Pittrpkh&d her cnWatefr, jlhbbozn, and foreyard car ried away/andlt was supposed strVwbold hare to return to port to repair. / A later account'states' that the St Patrlckha? need brought back to port under seizure for the'.damagf sustained by the steamer In'the collision. V 'V. r , • Nmt.; A despatch dated Norfolk September 6th, says the U. 8. ship I’atraouth'aaUed from that port for Portsmouth, N. H„ os the Board of Ue&UU of Norfolk would not allow her to go to the Navy Yard. ■ " BOMESTIO^QRTa. NW YORK, Sept. 6,—At steamship Southerner,Rob 'ertsob, Charleston; Ships Cynosure, Parrish, Liverpool, July!.!; Charter pak; (of Richmond/ Me.) Partington, Liverpool; Harvest,Queen, Ymiug, Liverpool, July 23; Bonao; (Ham.) Meyer, Hamburg July 16; Glad Tidings. Nfelsop, Now'Grleens; • . Barque Golden Ago, Bouton, Xibra, Cuba* brigs Ga- Janto* (Fort) Eds. Oporto. 25. days with wines, Ac; Cre ole, (Br) TTood. SfrJago; Reamer,'Wyman,’Pensacola: gchr Sarah Maria, (of Cold Bprlnjr) Underhill, Luguna, Aug 16, and Porto Cabcllo, 18; "Fleotwing, Tilton, Now Orleans; Enchantress, Simpson, SavAunah; Qoeon of tho South, Nolfi Charleston; J M Taylor,'Smith, Georgo iown, SC; Margaret, Husen, Alexandria: Sunny South, . Washington. DO. ' . ; PAtERMO-T-Barnue John J ! Palmer, Turner .cactars sulphur 1400’ bags enmay 14 cantard corkwood 'l2B caseA licorice paste 60 cask's polishing stono 325 can tars'dodo 117 calcs tuaccarpnl 148 hales hags 60bbls canary seed 387 bags'corks 862 boxes lemons I. Joaues 'dcCal' 1 -' r . 4 " '' ' / RlCHMOND—Steamship Otty of Richmond Mitchell --1 M boxes, 6J case* tobacco, Bucknor, McCammon & jCo. j 303 do do Jloly tc Boehtn: 160 do do Mercer A An- 'j 89 do do Sailor A Sank; 51 do do Thos. Webster, ®° a hd 35 cases tobacco, W&rdlo, Barclay A Oo.; . J5 C: Adatns & Co.; 2 boXes nidio, Msrtiop & CO.J ° empty casks, Poultnoy A Massey: 4 bales do mestics,3. S,;Woodwatd A Son; 8 empty carboys, Pow jm baj. [,t» ou&, D. It. &B.G. 'Evatiij JST ilodo do N. Helling.; 18 do lend. Miller & do wheat, 300 pkgs. sundries, /power l * Infant. Cordial...«Thtq invaluable Cordial is preparedfrora a,variety of the most choice and effl'ciettt arom&Ues known In medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative’extant f o * i Q f an t s and youngchlldren. t'\,\ -■ " By iUrpowerful influence a speedy cure is effected in Mlcaws of‘CAolie, Windy peine and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much during dcntl 'tlpn pp,toethlng, ftnd by its'.sdothlng properties tran suhise»pains of the bomlti looseness, vomiting, Ac.- '' Ynfant Cordial his become a standard remedy; wd used In, thousands of . eases with the most N* family wltbout'U. Prepared only.by;,, fI - t 7 3ImTA. Bowxa, ! ‘ , ms -a i.-vM hjs Drug oad Ohemieal Btorp, * ; ‘ft £*?«*,<* *Bd Green sts. r Philadelphia. Ti"r. f? W*s °?d«m must be addressed. And ’for sale, i. . . ; S .V ■ .’ j j /Mhtojjfc T;vneB - Co;:;; : River, MARINE MISCELLANY. Special Notice©! Senmenfa Saving Fund —Office 203 Walnnt atreot, one door west of second street. Receives de posits fa sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows lutercst at tho rate of five per cent, per anuum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open dally, from 9 until 5 o’clock, and ou Mon day and Saturday until 0 iu the evening. President Franklin Foil; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James S. Pringle. List of Arrivals at tho Principal Hotels. GIRARD HOTEL—Chestuut Stroot, below Ninth. WP Nance, Ala DB Woodruff, Macon, Ur Mrs J W Qray, Charleston J G Moore, Baltimore Alias AGray, do Wm Bogardus, N York Miss T J Korn, do Jan Irwin. Nashville Ohafl II Korn', Ido B B Cunningham, Va W L Simpson, New Yoik II D White & wife, Boston A Lovett Sc. wlfo, Boston Dr Goo W Waiklns, Spor- W Rogards, Now York t tla, Ga A Newton, Jackson, Mlbs Wm Bowell, New York A B Newtou, do John 8 Walters, wife and J P Lackey & lady, Va eon, St Louis Brant* J Mayer, Baltimore J W Culvert, Ky Juo A Middleton, Ky B Green, Ky J L Thorkield, Franklin, 0 J G Floyd, Keokuk WmH Taylor, Va John Wilson. N Orleans Miss Emma Taylor, Va Wm McDonald A la, Balt H A Taylor, Va • It II Wyatt, Now York J W Schwipne, Alton, 111 M 0 Marin, Newport, RI Samuel Brodleo k la, Bost Robt A Greiman, N 0 3Uss 0L Bradloo. do D Mier A la, Ch&rles’n,3C John R Garnett ec la, Va Allsb hi filler, do M 0 Jime, Jersey City J Cunningham, Ya R H Hutchings, Ga . AO Glenn, do J Goetman, NY E A Leigh k lajly, N 0 Geo B Boomer, St Louis Sirs 8 A Elliott, do 8 L Crawford. Jeff city, Mo sllst* E A Irwin, Oin, Ohio OIJ Alien, .Mllwaukie Lewis tYhitumn, do F 8 Low, NY T H Hampton, Miss 8 Noble, IU 0 J Noobury, 111 J-C Feltman. Albany James Sillier. Ga J Lawrence, N Y Auson S Marshall,Concord, J A Foster, Memphis,Tonn N II W Sleelo k wife, N C Thos CLcak k wife, N 0 Mias L'orter k slater,JN C Mrs Dr Sturgesa k son, Mrs P Hooyland, Fort Wag- Fort Wayno nor S Cary Evans, Ft Wayuo James Slade, Boston, nou J 0 Rives. Washing’n 0 0 Cleaves, Memphis, Tcnn.W B Helm, aloes.. 0 Koppert, Mass J M Burrows and lady,N O Brig Gen T Lftwsou, USA TII Chtwso, N Y AlbortJMyerandlady, do E P Butts, Fla W J Morris, Ala R E Goodoll, IU Solomon Ohorry,Norfolk,Va Clias Kelly, Md John Warner, BaUlmoro Geo n Thortcr, Columbus. Petor W Grubl), Va Georgia 8 P Livingston, St Louis Jos U Kentts, Ark L Noland, Avk It Ward and sou, 8 0 Adam Treat, Frankfort D F Leavitt, Maine J P Jewett aud la, Gin. 0, Col 51 T Johnson. Texas A J Jewett, ao G M Slournoy. do Mary Jowett do JlisaLaino, New Orleans E D Willard k wife, Brad -11 L Shelton, Ga • f or j E J White do Robt M Coarder, Va LeonS Avery NY P W Hoisted, N Y J* Wh'dW' do J H Poindexter, Richmond W Tliavor, Ccrodo, Va Jos M Edmonds k lady do Miss OEsßom, Charleston, AG Seaman, Washington Goo. Hooper, Pa J WftUlngsford, Maysvlile, J M Sullivant, lU, a ICy GT De Costa k familr.Phila WII Richardson, Green's -0 T Shuman. Mansfield,Ohio burg, Pa W BCotis, Cleveland, do 8 T Iredell, Raleigh, N 0 E Rhodes, Jr, Boston DrE Powell, Chicago' 0 V Ellinwood. Chicago GFShuckman, Pittsburg Sami M Cotcord, Boston W 0 Harriet, NY A Girard. NY 0 Fox, Couu H U Holbrook, Boston G W McCrcady, Louisville 0 McGrath, Louisville A A Solovcr, Cal M N Y Thos 8 Moore, Balt Ohas Eldridge, Phila J A Graham, Ky Thos D Wilder, Memphis, Tonn. H K Knotwell, Lancaster Co, Pa. AMERICAN HOHSK—Chestnut st., below Sixth T B Brown, Washington J C Harrison, Virginia L L Arinistead, Va * R N Caldwell A la, N 0 A A Doll, Liberty, Virginia E J 8011, Danville, Ky II M Veigh, Hannibal, Mo Thos S Meredith, Dubuque W R Bcaver, Philada D C Harrison k la, NY Wm pAylor, jr, Lcasburg, 0 A Keebler, Salem, NO N Carolina P Hussey, N Carolina E L Ivcge, Lexington, NO II A Bowers, Bulto R M Sutfleld, Kentucky G F Ripley, Terre Haute, Jos M Morris, N York Indlnua R Snow, do W 8 Sandford, Baltimore W W Williams, Washing- Miss Sandford, do ton, 1) 0 Jno II Harrison, do Miss Williams, do B D Wright, Florida Henry M Catty, Reading,Pa Jno P Hooter k sister, CM Nowell, Hallo Owensboro. Ky J G McKinney, Elmira G W Irvin, Halt J Lloyd Shallenberger, Pa JII llodgings, Concord NO John McAdams, do J W Bond k ly, 8t Paul K 8 Derlckson, NY A G Jackson, Tenn Bliss 31 C Grcestono, V* Wtu II Barrv, Lynn Geo S Cftpell, Wilm Del Baiut M Withers, NO TII Brun k son, Charlotte B J Patterson, SO P J Lourie, do F W Houstou. NO 0 Woodward, BO W N GibsoD. Wash 8 Wolfe, do Darid Strolnn, Pa A G Gorman, Harrisburg S H Gorman Harrisburg S Sanford, Pa T D Steward k I,Ady. N Y John II Sanford, Pa. Miss 8 Sanford, Pa Geo P Sew, Pro? RI Geo W Peyton Prov R I 118 Anesbury, N Y Mrs S Goldston, N Y MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street.helowArch. D B Gaither, Newton, NOG Berler, N 0 C A Carlton, Statesville, All Most, do NO. II C Hunter, Princeton. NJ Hon 0 B Buckslew, Pa JHlluuter, do J JBroadhead, Galienaburg J Cochran Sc la, Stouben- W A Fox, Mo vilie, Ohio Mlrs Eskridge, Va F 8 Wilson, Bollefonte SS Corweli,Gauandalgua M Waddle, do J M Smith, Buena Vista, 1> B Woddlo, do lllinois, „ L II Van Vorcn & Is. Padu- TT S liowon, Oounoll IllulT cha. Kv Oco W Smith, Hartford, W O Eneland, Ala Conn , 0 W tlickll, N Y O Starknroathcr 2 IV Lockort, Washington BI Zabnison, Mercer, Pa -Y’L Birch, do JasDickson, do, E Schumakor, Milrnukie, Jas Forbes. do Wisconsin Halli Ohio Jas L Shlllnbcrger, Prince- S HeUnaup. Memphis, Ton ton, N J Mrs Wendell, do M J Brown, Alexandria, Va Mpi Stevens and daughter, Geo B White, Pittsburgh, LoulHvillo.Ky ■ Hanry I>. Ruttori," do Ofo F'Dunnston, NY PR House, N 0 John A Brown. Balt, J E Marsh, do J Smith aud wife, Egypt, P A Smith, do O W Doiige, Lowell, Mass D T Bedford do G W Goodrich, Reading W G Chitllck, Phila A W Mason, Moscatiue, la W Wheeler, Vt Perry Smith, Zanesville, 0, E Shephard, McConnell- J Sfarrs, Phila vilie, 0, W F Curtis, Manetta, 0, C J Neal, ParXeburgh W S McDowell, Baltimore Wra Alexander, lowa Jas Hopper, Montoursvllle, B F Bell, Blair Co John D Cochrane, N J John Jennings, lowa Jefferson Lovett, do RJllaysPalraerSTiUc, Ton W S Wilson, HarrißonviUe. J W Ridgwfty, loTra A. P. Vaughan, Kich’d Ind J 0 Bhlne, Pa a B Kcmhbanne, Union l Jas H Blako, Wilkeaburre- Indiana Bpringfleld, W M Lee, Reading » «?, * John Lerch, Bethlehem,Pa J M Fllntham, Md 0 J Holloway, Steubenv’e, R B McMulHu, lowa Ohio v ’ 1 ?° B Hurlbert, Warron, 0 FW Williams, Pittsburgh T M Stiles, do w™ s ? e ?’. ft L Freeman, do JI Chadwick, Pittsburgh August Smyard,Ohio SLACK BEAR INN—Merchant street, below Fifth. Goo R Moore, Now Garden, Geo M Hairier. Downing t S‘'. w .^ rM t Pa town, Chester co, Fa J Entrikoa, Clinton co, Pa John Smeltzer, Peach Bot- H Graham, do tom, Pa Robt Lysle, do J S Brady, Wllm’n, Pel Stephen D Byers, Chester 0 B Weaver, Pa , Francis A Tustin, Chester Wash 811, Delaware co, Pa Springs, Pa Wm Kaufman do U Garrett, Chester Springs Thos Dewoes, Obestco,Pa DLeinan, Moutg'yeo, Pa PLillp Garrett, WUui’n, Del N Vandoralice A la, Plim- M E Brant, N J uixvlUe Sami Gilmer, Franklin co,Pa Jas J Philips, Phccnlxvillo Johnll Kramer, do 'A S Morris & son, Doyles- Chau Warner, Del towu, Pa. ’ Truman Coates, Chester CO Jno Llmlßay.NeWtOD.Del CO J°hn Trainer, do D D Livingston, Ohio H H Shante, Phila , Jas gcott, Louisville NATIONAL lIBTEL—Raco slreot. above Third. J. M, Aiudts, Phila, H. S. Stull, Wilfce ß barro, It, C. Kimball, Canton, 0 M.lioao, Lafayette Indiana Chas. Moyran Pittsburgh M. Reynolds, Cnntou, Ohio, F. M. UtaufuM, Trappo Pa. Jno. Alrleh, Lebanon Pa. A. Aboy.Wyoml’gco F. C. Ever, Cattauissa. Miss C. E/er, Cattawisaa, O. W. iforgan, Pottsville Pa Win. Duncan, Now Yorx, G. A. Smith Port Carbon, L. F-Bettel, Light street, J. W. Roger, Columbia Pa. Columbia co. Pa. Horaco Rogers do Jim, laubach. r», Wm. H. WaplM, I’a. M. Wheeling, Ya. J. M. Arnutt, Wllkeatarro, 11. S. Stull, Easton P*. S R. Shops, Evftusburg l'a. B. 8. Burnham Plftn'th NH \Y. B, MaglU.Wilkmihamj, JamesMolonoy, Pittstown J, 11. Bnrndollar, Martens- Pa. burg, Pa. Dr. B. F. Sides, Lane co Pa. J, M. laiyton, Stqubonvill© F. F. Boyer, Reading Pa: Ohio. Wm Butler, Oekosh, Wis J Matrls, 111 Isaac Richardson, St Clair MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market, H Bloom, Cur&nsville, Pa Adon Alden, Boston Daniel Hertsy, Lowisburg, II A Beulcy A lady, Dorks Pa county George Yollmar, Reading, James Truman, Oswego, Pa ny Michael TerWnc, Plttsb’gh Samuel James, do John WCollen, Dover, Del SLOrossin. Baltimore John W llall, Frederica, Thomaaßuckmoster, Cam- Del den, N J John C PennevlU, lowa Thomas H Lowber, do William Carson, Browns. J A Oildorslovc. do ▼Mo John H Bolman, N Y WmOwons, do TliobO Alleu, Ponna Samuel Cftiavrell, Lewis. Jacob C Myers, do town . STATES UNlON—Market, above Sixth. Wm McKceyor, Phllada W A Allen, Berks co, Pa il Liman, Lancaster II Deakors, Pittsburgh Jacob I ettorly, Parksburg E McDonald, Pottsville N°‘»oway, Morgan co, Thos E Van Law, Morguu _ 0“!° co, Ohio i** y.°S, u ’ A B Krußchboura, Tnd 000 /.Chargor, Balt J D Conrad, Mtsalllon, 0 AHblton.Ky John McVeyf Harrisburg John Snyder. PprlagfieU Jacob SboIW, York, Pa Edmund Seal, St Paul Miss J A Daffendaffor, Lan- Saral Finley, Pbilada caster A R Thorne, Trenton NJ Lewis Sandcn, Phila M S Rouse. Erie, Pa j Hartley, Lanoaßter Edward Miller, NY A Hamilton, Pb ilada W Foster, Johnston CITY HOTEL—Third street, above Raco. Frauciallankln,PtComfort C M Blackstoue, Danville G Mcßlchlson, Doylestown Richard Moss, Williams. John Maroncy do port Jackson CaullCoworaMilton Aiex Hammond, Wheeling Jacob G Turner, Old Obes- E Stokes A Isdy, Williams ter port Wm Fits Clarence, Catloy, R McKinney, do Lower Canada D Mcßcan, do W Merrau, Clearfield Henry Rockwell, Harris- Isaac Jones, Easton, Pa burg Kehemi&h Morotif, Saint Richard Morrison, Potts- Clalreville grova John Harrison, Muncy, Pa Micbaol Moore, Reading John Belgrade, Lambert- John Mason, Montgomery ’ vllle ‘ county Henry Prlntzer, Albany, J P Floyd, Baltimore _J* Y j 0 hn Dovino, Montgomery Wm Nlcolos, West Cheater county BliOE BEAK HOTEB-Thlrd street, ah. Callowhlll. Amin Faust, Upper Dublin Milford Thomlinson, Bucks Fotcr Duffy, Butler, Pa , co,Pa Danl Miller, Reading, Pa ytte PRimTTrinupEtßifti. Wpav, septbmser t. isw. List op ietters bemAi'NING IN the PHILADELPHIA POST QJHOB Up to 19 o’clock, P. M., on Saturday, Sept. 6,185?. [Person, applying for advertised Letter, will plc4sn mention tho date of tho List.] Open on Sunday from Vi to B]j[ o’clock A. M., and 2to 3 P.M. ' • Archibald Miss B Field Mary L Mcdlnnls Anna Auhton Miu M Frneor Mrs SM AlcNalle Mrs E B Adams Mrs Wm Fox Julia Anna McMaune Mary E Albright Etneline Fanuett Sarah McLeod Mrs E S Auld Lucy A Furrows Heater A McCall Mrs Mery Anthono Tabltha Fraßßonl Jenny McFeo Matilda 8 Aarons itary Goiaue Heater McKay Mis* Allen Mavy G&UagHno Marg’t McOlaro Ellzabth Arrowsinith Mary Gross Magdalena McOawloy Emma Auxer Miss Grant Ellen E McKeovcr Mrs M Auckor Isabolla Graham Julia A Neolon Martha Bates Bebecoa Graham Eliza NugloeMrsE Barjroll Annie Gravel Miss 0 ' Jfnylor Mrs H R Beck Miss MY Gihhsllsrrict tlorton Loulss. Bcckloy Kato Graham Anna M NloklcUrsl Beamcra Ellon S Gllmoy Gcrlrndo Northrop A 0 Bonuott Mrs Gallagher Cath’e Nockdcn Slaty liakor Gorgana Garvin Sarah . Ncvrbold .Mrs A T Benard Sirs Sarah Oodbou SI A Nugent L Bartlott Helen M Gaston Slartha Nnurath Mrs K Benson Florenceß Grovel Miss 0 Nunsta Mrs K Bakor Matilda Qoriusn Anna O’Brien Bridget BanorSlra Oalleghcr F ann y OirensSlraJG Bender Miss Julia Goffncy Elis’h . Ovens Sarah Bnrtly Martha Gordon Ells’h O'Donnoll Ann Banger Mrs Sarah Gallagher Sfarg’t Orum Bella Bennerdlck Muio Graham Mlses Plumhly Mra 8 Barger MratVm Gale Biro Wm Patterson Ells . Bailey llannuh Gleason Mra Jno Phillips Mrs B" Berry MBe Anno acorgo Blr» A L Pennington Mary Barry Misa Ellen Guy Henrietta Pterpout Sallle Beans Sarah Gibson Mra Pratt Marr Ilinlow Oarolino 0 Glhou Saltto Peters A M Babbitt Harriett, Getty Ada 2 Phillips Mrs 0 Busso tMro Green Sophia SI Peterson Sirs HSI 2"™ h A Harrington AnuD Palmatarv Car lleaui Martha Harvey Mrs SauiD Ponnock P W SS 5 V, A Havlland Mr. J 3 parks Jane “J, 1, H H“ m ?S »H»s I. T Pleasants M T Blackwell Theo-Uamlltou Auu Puce Marttavet ‘r 3 "'lr S»FMau«.u B Powell A M B delman Blary Hackott Palmer Mrs P l»agb*ii Sobrina Ilarback Mary park M R BiahonMn SS Hardy Mrs Margt Peterson Sira II M Brickhoad Mra Ilerizloy Mrs E A Pigg Jlary F Blyo Carolluc h Hcrachy MatyAnn Ramsey Mrs John Bradv Mra Harvey Miu Alice Rtddlo Carrie Blankman Auna Hprmßtrong An* Reynolds M J Bratly Mwa A. HUI Martha Rltlgoley Rebecca Burko Jliss 8 0 Hood Elizabeth R Rnmbo Mrs Burton Miss Julia Holt Maggie E 2 Roilley Mra J Brown Mrs Mary lloppiu Mr* Uonry lUtterhoff Bottle Brown Hattie Ilogoland Eleanor Rapp Ancellus Buffington 8 J Hughes Mary Itodjor Mfas Jane Bower Mary I» Hyincr itrs tiaralt Roseuborcer R Bush Jlr« Iludson Mra U M -Roberta ili*a . Bradock Sarah H Hooper Mrs ChasA Rochra Fretlorlca Boyer Mias lluttie Hunt Martha Roberta E A Bryan Mitts Mory Iluguemtiu Mndm Robeson Margaret Bourko ilary HolmesAnnioKato Rosa Sallio 8 Burns Miss Alary liornbock Slargt Rowan Marie • Brown Alisa Jauo Hutton Alisa Mary RoekafeUow R ' Bordley laabclli . Howell SalUo A Roberta Amolia Booth Mias CAf Holton Alice A Roger Annie J Bustard Ann 8 Hopkius Kath’no Robinson Char’o Bunion II R Hussey Allas Sarah RoblusonO AI Brown Hannah M Hopkins Airs Abby Rorke Annie Bufliu Louisa llowsol Misa Eliza Russell Catharine Brown Susan Hunter Mrs Scott Robbins Eliza Bordley Anna Hodgson Mrs Elizh Ruburt Emma Bristol Laura Irriug Mrs JI A Rowley Rachel BradyAlaryß Joue* Carollno II Bh»in Mrs MO Brooks Eliza Johnson Julia A Shafer Elizabeth Brewster Mary K Jack Mra A Sheppard Sarah Broornc Mrs M Jones Mrs Annie S Blmno Ellon J Boyd Elizabeth H Johnson Alary Sandora Sarah Bouvier Emma Johnson Lizzie ft Baffeny Mrs Bruce Mrs Thos Johnson Anna Scott Emma • ' Buniett Adelia Jones Airs Ann C Scout Mrs Eliza , Brown Amelia Jacobs Elizabeth Schrader G U C Briton Mary J Jarods Mrs Juno A Sacia Fannie,Al Carter Airs AI Kobb Alisa Cath’a Scute Mrs II 0 Carter Elizabeth Kilkiuuy Mary Sexton Alarv Champion l, a Kinsley Alary A Smith Alaria Cabitt Eliza Kelly Alisa Anno Smith Misa Sarah Cochran OajHan’o Knight Lucy A Smith L Auu Calloway Eliz’h Kondall Airs Smith Mrs W Calloway Lizzie Kemball Miss MW Bimpaon Mary Carroll Mary Kinlock Mrs R Simons Mr* M CUeltou Martha J Kuysor Anna C Smyth Mrs B Cavanaugh Reb’a Kcopcr Oarolino Smith Elizabeth Caselouza Alary KnightAlraMartha Smith Airs Joa J Carroll Alargaret Karmely Arabella Simmons Nellie D Carlllo Rebecca KlappMiss ESI Blade S 0 Cadwallcder SI Kochnor Aliusea StonerSlralLM Cadwallader AI King Alias Alary Sullivan Hannah Carswell Ellen Kaesley Afra Chu Stilwell Mra E L Clarke Elizabeth King Alra Ueo 0 Stockton Mrs Cbanceaulmo M Knott Mra Annie Sprague Mra A R Clarko Airs A KemligAlra Dr Bowora Louisa Clay Narcissa II Korlin Airs JaneA Bprnt Jauo CrutcbtteW Mr* Lazarus Mrs Hen Stomdl Matilda Curtis Julia A Lorliss Airs AI J Spencer Matilda Curtis Mr* Sarah Lord Mrs Mary A Suramfcra Hetty Calhoun Uarrietl! Byons Bridget Btrjcker Helen M Cregmilo Chari's Linker Lizzie A BtowartJoseph’eß Cuff Julia LnugAfliksJoflfp’e Blowers Air* N B Orean Elizabeth Letrw Alia* KHzab Bylvc«tcr Lizzie Coileary Anue Lepriers Elizabh Stokley Cecelia Cummings AAI Lehn Airs Sterling Sarah CornoyCath’e Lozier AlrsGeo TurnerAlroG B Coda Miss Sarah Lorm Mins Carol’o Truman Sallio Conover Rebecca Liudouer Loulaa Terl Alary ConwayAlissM B Lescure Alaria Thomas Elizabeth Cochran Marla Lowheod ludle Tnfvilla Vlrg Crusler Airs Leonard Kuto A Tully Mina ConlyMary Lane Mr* Sarah Taylor Mrs M Connor Eliza Mrs Lit Dolphina Thorn Hettio Cochrane Ada Lafng Aliss'Famiy Thomas f/ouisa Cochran Eliza V Larri»on MU* MU Truitt Lydia Cooper Mrs 110 Lynch Mrs M A Touer Julius Collins Honora Lofan Mrs JohnT Thompson Eli* Cush Mrs Cnpt Lynch JJr* Alary Thomas Airs K Davis Rm-hel Loo Mra K Thicrnow Air Davis Auna 8 Lalnhoff Mary A Thompson AIrsRP Daren Anna Leavitt Maria L Wbridcn Airs E Daymond Clara Lawyer Lizzie Walter Afsry E De Beaumont Af Loug Aliss All AYest Anna Davis Mrs E C Lloyd Aliss Kate White Af J Devlin Biddy Ladrilo Virg’aZ Whittsley Mr* Af Dixon Rebecca J Lewis Mrs A\V Wagun Airs E Do o’Sou Louisa Lozier Sirs Amelia Waltou Lydia Day Jane W Marsfan Martha A Warner Marla Davenport Sarah Mercer Airs JounyWeyant Louisa Darmody Marg’t Merita AlissMurg’t Waiter Oath Derrick Rebecca Meagher Mary ' West MR Desmond Alary Ai&ssey Mrs Edwd Walker Airs C Dawson Eleanor G Mason Emma L White Air* U G DeYoung Emily Merrick Amllla Warner ftyhel Dostor Paulina Aloson Alisa Emma Whitewiife Airs E Dye Airs John II Alartin Alias Ann Wellington Mrs H Dougherty Airs AtarsUal Lizzie J WiemauuAlrsL Donelson Eliza ’ Marshal Mrs K W WilliamsonA W Douglass Afury Maguire Cath’o Wilson Rif Dunbar Molly 2 Alalln Alias Sophia Wlliou Alary Downiflg Amanda Maxwell Marr Williams Air* AI J Dunhiu Matilda Sillier Mr* T Q Witte Mr* M A Dunlap Barah Miller Mr* Jxw.y. Williams Sarah . Dorsey Alary Jane Mile* Airs Jacob W'llUanu 0 0 Dowd Anno Mltchol Miss Alary William* Afr/i J Douglas* Aim Aliller Harriet William* Mr* Af Edward* Jvunlo E Allltlinuo Sarh Wilson Alles E«oklel Flora Murcll Miss Carol Wood Julia M Edgcl Ann Murrry Air* Worcester L P Eastman K Jane Marshall Mrs Woolf Mrs M A Kckford Henry Aforries Cornelia Zeller Mrs A A Frambus Afurtha Alow Mrs Van dor Lyon Freeman Arney Morris Atiss 0 Mr* J - Fisher Jime ■ < Muriaugh Alary Quigley Jane Frazier Nalbor Alary Aliss Million Zimmerman Mr* Ford Mary Ann Moore MU* Maria N Y Freaman Afarg’a Alurcli Mrs Vincent Lizzie Furria Jane Moore Airs Dr Young Air* E Francis Alisa Aloore Ellou Vaughan Mr* K N Fennell Alary AlcOuukoo Kllcn VontooOlsrenco Fitzgerald Marg’t McGibbon Jane Ynrt Mr* E Fleming Kato AlcOloskey Alary Zornow Austin Flaherty Bridgot McCloskey Alarg’t Varbt Clara Fostler >f*ry McKey Miss Mary Quandall A AI Folkrod Glnnia JlcCulllon Alarg’t Van Horn Fanny Aldrich 8 BurcbeU J Dermldy P F Allen R L Bulger Johu Dolsvort Henri Alexandria Hugh Bunting k Slid- Dejhl CliM Abrams W illetou ’ Doihcr Kasper Alday Rev Dr Burgthal C Do Buck Edmond Anbbltt k Wells Burnsido Wm J Deiker Hoinrich Alboraon Gilbert Butler Foster Diebr Philip Altimas Nicholas Burko Thos Dickey AS Alikins J Burton Johu A Digging John Alboru Theodor© Byrne John Dickson & Gass AgnewWG Cart/John Dick Robt Alday Kor JII Castle Daniel 0 Dillon John AikonH jQgsn B Caldwell FM 2 Dickson John Adams Jas W Carr Gluts DiebricU II Henry Agin Isaao Carter John Dillon John Anderson Juo P 2 Campbell Geo Dickey M ft Andorsou Jno II 2 Camden RL JI Dounolt John Armstrong WII Castirs Mcflgrs Doran J M Andrew W A Carter Dr J W ®otz Hlt Anderson John R Cattercl 0 Dowison W II Anckor Adolph Cnrson Goo 0 Dow Thartou Ancker M Carroll Owen Donssk V Anderson DJI Carroll John Dnughortp Robt A rrieon CboH J Carroll Patrick DontQJOUQK Arthurs A Rodger* Caster H Doyle Patrick Ashcraft John Carnoy Hugh Dory P Ash Thos CatupboU J P Doak Robert Ashton V CnasronKliab M Donnaldson John Arton n S O&lpChos Dornan Thos AslitonJ Hubby CalepChas IV DohloChristian Autin John J Carpenter TII Drowcry Zebalon Alwood H Carron Geo 0 Prcff JI J AvensWraL CainbySaml Dubjoll Rey W T Appleton RWMD Chambers Win II Dickerson Atlantic Lodge No Ohirifant John E Dmlie Adolph 262 Chambliss Dr J Doty lIH Barton Isaac Chapello John 0 Boncan liar McK Barker Rk Co Chew Johu Durell Nathan B 2 Jlarr Lewis Chambers 'Alexau Durria Thomas Bacon Wm Cherry John Durr Joseph Ball 0 A Child Johu Dunham Rev TS Barney Wm Champring T B Duncan Bft Barnes 0 W Childs Ariier Dyche M Baldwin, SUrr k Chardin B R. Rarde G Co Christman Rev AFdffarJa Rev J Barber Jas Chardon Robt Ii Etlog Qraff k Co Baldwin JY k Co Cbapman Frceman Edwards ]f D> Barrons J.uclus 01agettDrTU2 Eldridge EJ Baker E Clark Robt W Elcphaot Pub- Barrio Jos Clark Chus K lisher of the 2 Banker Uonry Clark A D EllfaCh&BE BautZ Jacob ClemenU Joseph Editor of Sporting Bailey John CloavUGC2 Chronlct© Banner A 8 Claik John II 3 Eaton Andy Unrthel A Plum Clark Thos C East Goo A Itannac Wm R Clements Jos M Kla John ACo Bardin W W Clark Win U Ellis Francis Barr (r Warren Clark C K Hhornian Henry J Baker Walter OioavOS 0 ElUl W Banner Silas W Clough Wm W Kdon Jas Beable Abr Clear Uriah Eaton Hussoll J Bennett Joa Clark Lewis Eberly Geo Bennora Jas Clouaton Wm Egen Joim II Benkerg, Roodell Corley Patrick' Elwell Wm J£ Messrs Counorty Patrick Ebert J A Co BouuottWmH ColemauKGGD EngoJs Wra Bocbe J L 3 A- Co Everett Davis Benjamin Park Cox Joseph E&ohonsack G Beale Henry Coulter Dr W B Encampment No Bcnuoll H It CookJamoaH 20 JJoiiuott Jon Oollona Ellis Ernest Henry G Bennett Joshua Cox Win P Emley Eriwd Beaty Robt Cornell McJ) B/ykiel Jacob Boavcs Alfred Corrngan Chr Evans G J ltecknig* A V CorstW Jos 2 Ktria Clt BiddloUeoM Consul i|p Chile Emry Davis Bishop Capt Jako Colwell F M Enterprise Lodge Blugham H Coopor E J No 201 Biveton A J Collins Joshua D Fahnestock Ch«s Bick Nathan Covey Augustus FoilChasE Blanco Antonis G Coursault D Louis Felila Conrad Blair Samuel Cohon lIM Fahuestock Chas 2 Black Johu F Cook Geo Faulkner II Hill Blanchard J D Coleman Sami ACo Felix F A Son Bourgnor Mess F Cox Rev ?.vml 2 Fakir of Binm Bolding Rov Jesse Cohen Robt Farbugh Francis Boyce Ur J G Cornier Patrick Farlo Goo U Boyd WA Co Coats A Austin Flitcraft A B Boyce 0 8 Cox Franklin Fisher Thos U Bouteli Dewitt CouardJesse Frlotter HenryC Bouk Christoph Ooloman Boml FlocsserGeo Boyd Wm Cornish Captaiu Finch Sami B Bowen Stephen R Cogswell Amos Fiske TheopUitus Bowers Thos Copes Capt Peter FioidJohu J Bolston Richd H Colhoun Geo Fisher EE Boyr JHII Constitutional Fisher Jacob Bonaud A Grand Lodge Fitzgerald John Hortscher Jacob Cunningham J W Fisko Rov Thoo’s Boyd Jas W Cummins E G Freodiey E T Brown John Oulst J A Frlley J Brown John Crebba Thos Forney Philip Brown Rov It A Crawford John Folger C J Brown Wm Cross TiiosH Frank Lobrceht Brown A S Cross Francis Foster E 0 Brown Jas C Crulkshanks Wm Furness F W 2 Brown Alex W Orcswoll JVA Co Fruocls Dr J B Brown Wm A Crookendor Chaa FredoaFJ Brown Rev Jno D Crocket Davy Freldley J B Brown John Brown Win Brown Peter Craig Wm Foster James Brovrn T H Crauo Daniel H Francis John Briggs Bamuel R Crane Geo W Friebis Adam Brodfiold Chas DavisA Thompson Foster Wm Bright Joseph Davis Sidney Fox OACo 2 BrozorGoo Davis John Fogg Henry MR Bridge James H Damon Jacob Fricdlein Chas F Brand John U D&vls Warren Ford Jos T Bray Hezokiah Dalberfns Edward FuHomldor Col R Brodfiold A Gil- Daly N M Ungh&m Dawson Wmll Ford Isaao Broiler A J Davie Thomas Frooao Thos II Brinlor Johu Darling Wm Frick Jocob Bradway Jos II Davis Ilcnry J Garner Robert K Bro&dy Patrick Dalltw Mr Gaskin Johu W Bryel Jas G Davis Edword Gallon Hugh Burr Geo W Duvereux ACo GantSlmouM Bulland John ' Dercura Ernest Gaines B N Burk Ed j)e Haven AII • Garouer Thos G Burnett Gen W A Do Pennon A Co Garret Hugh BorcheyGeoH peeWraG • Ganison Sami B Butte 0 A Dovltt Rov Paul FGarthwalie Sevan Buts P H povenney A Bro* Gerland Christian Buhler Albert thers * George Win G LADIES’ LIST. GENTLEMEN’S LIST, Crane Wm II Frederick A Orabb 11 N Frausson E GeluistfFcU* I .'tsvjf.-Oeo (Ship* Hoblnson &6o t GtsrbM jB 2 • wrlght) - Roasv Jas M Gorord Samuel P ludoo Emilo ; Bussell ChwW Glllman Doynoliis Lous lUvJD ByderCaptS Mesa Luken* Rullig Put k miiintilnj Ijott Judge? 2 - aoM ‘*i l ' GihenShH LynchS T RungardWm Gllmah Capt R J Lyon Walter Ruk F GUesonH LukeniCUas Rust John Glebner Herman Ludwig John IlusscUJßF Gellooly Thos Lovett James Russell Jos » Gibbs EUogious B Lyau Edgar Rust John P Glllot Jo* Lynch Joseph Scott John Giles Geo I/>ughridge Wm Ba* AB P Gilbert Tho* B Lynch Wm , Scott Edwin T Gilbert Dan’l Lovett Thos Sclmefer Geo Gladun SAI Lukins Isaiah' Schlppor Hoary Qlbbluß Emanuel LorlngJohn Schortohl A R GotahaU M Lynubumer Ford Bchnell ILmry B Goodman Jas A 0 Mackenzie John Sandora G R Gormly Braith Magrath Hon A G Schoiloid Wm Gonld Israel Alaenncr Joseph SchofloldT Goldman Marcus AlaUy'Thos F Schwartz Joseph Oroady Thoa Maher John Sargent Isaac Graff G J Alarsh Clement Behalfner Andreas Grady J F Alarehall Simon Search 0 J Gray Lafayette W Mayer k Borne fa- Seabrook Dr II W Gray 8 V ter 2 S*?oJy \l m Gratz Jo* MaUfir T Sears Rev Thos Griffith S’ddona Mason V J Seely Albert Grayson Lt J 0 Markloy Gao W Sebrjng Edwaid 2 Grigtf Gustari* Alarsh Cha* D Po fteo Greadv Dan’l Mason Wm E T Sellors »r B Griffith WU AlatUl&a J A SelbergorOart Uurroy John W k Alason R W 2 Sheppard Robt Co Maflterson Levi J Shouley Wm Gun Lt Wra Aiaxwell E 2 Short 3 k Son Gnthman Lewis Manoo Geo Shoonburger E F Oulit Wm Mayer* Boy Joue SShields Wen Guffoud Job 2 Alaisey- Edward Sheppard Nathan Gunnell Wm Martin E Shejdroq Cfjss Gwin Frank Mendlnlmli B V ShorjiUn Gruffin Terehco Moyer Henry Shelton RoyWn* Glover Benj Aleuiea GF T Bhaw J E Guffon Jas Alcyer David Sibriag Edward Guiger Chrfat’n Alollon A L ftlogera David lUrrinon Jo* 8 Mercoror F F Siddnn Wm Ilaio Alvin C Ateghvr Michael SfatyJrJohn Hatilold Adavu A Merritt SlmpaouUeo2 Hampton 8 W Meyer. Deuch & Sfnnick«on Dr J J Halfaivell Jo* S Weis J)j- W II Hall W I J—2 Merrill Cordcaulo Sinn Wra k Hagojinegor C Alitchel A Ed-Slocum Jenathan Hail George B wards Sloan H P natnmer Jo* 51 Mtadil Theodoro Smith James Halt Dr L 'Afillfa Jeremiah Smith 1111 Haidomnau Jno R Miller TbosG Smith Ephraim A Hagan 8 P Middlctan John 8 IlackenJ JllllesAugG SmiM) S4mQ Uarpen Ilnrvcy Miller John Smith JJ Ilnrrity James JlidcUetoo Fraud* Smith David UayJTACo JlitteeOeoW BmlthJnoP Htwara Theodore Mileu fl Smith Wm AI Ilarvy John Jliflltn James L Smith Shermau Harris Daniel 3 Mintorlmlbor John Smith G P Hasting II ifoyamonfung Smith E T Ilarmcr Rev S Y Lodge No 830 Smith Johan lUys Thoima Alowbray J G SmithJ Uopkinson Hinls Waltor W Morris Dr S R Smith Wm L Harri* Alfred J Alohlor John T Stnljh Rcatfaf Harley Richard Moore 11 A Smith Wilson T Harrison Joseph Afausanalt Col G A Smith J N Harvey J V Moreau Fredk Smith Cha* R Hart A A , Morton &8 C Smith John Hammond G Alorrfaon Matthew Smith Daniel Harris 0 Mo.ioly and Wood- Smith Capt Hansboro Hiram ward Di* Smith Henry 2 Hahly David Monge* IJonry B Snydor Jionj Hasellon Wiu A Morgan Wm Spe.ar K W II aye no Jeremiah AtorganJP Snndliolnjor Jos L IIayJTA Co Alorso Rnv B C Bonn Sam| H Jlarknc-s* Sami Morgau Rev J R Spjaiirig ilenry H Harsen W Aleoro Stephen Spilt* John Harris Sam’l L Aforris JohuC Spear James Ilart George N Aforris kQo Spark Henry A HnrriuJohn ilurpliy Joim SpoarChas W HaVvcy k Ford Alurpiiy Ju.i Spangenburg L Harding U F Alurpliy R It gnepcor John 2 HarmorJ WASon Murphy Robt Slyer David J J Harris Geo J Murray Cnpt StnufferCßpt Jolin Herman, Weller A Mygutt Alston 2 Staats Solomon II Co MiUorMalh Stocktou A Mor- HttNtßujra JR A Alyreik ACo Bon B i l»on Heven f, Afullor Afr Stockton Abram 2 Harvera Conrard Mulrey G Stanton E W Henderson E Myrick Ifabf B Stewart John B Herbert Henry AY Aluolior Fritz Stowo Af II JUeavner 0 N Mullen John Stewart Thoa HondrlcksonGeo Mury Hugh .Stevenson Robt Hemphill 0 J Alurpliy A Smith Stoke* J Herr Rev J Alucphy A E Stradingen Chris Heath Joseph Mulfer A Frey Strcich JuoLouia Henry M 8 AO cr# Dr S F Simpson Wm Heller Dr McCurdy JH Stoner Jlt Heaven C N AlcCobb David Stowart Dr J it Helm Goo AlcArille, SmitbA Steele Thos Helm F Cp Stephen Vantin Ilea* Samuel 8 McClain Richard Stauffer AbK Ifellenger John AlcOloskey Franc Steyenspn 0 Healey John AlcClevo James nStadekor V Henri Peter McAlcnrJohn Henderson Jas S McClelland R Ilitzelboroer Ja McCormack Wm Stein G IHndlo IvT McAnany Uov Jno Stewart Rowly II HUner D C McCaonfng Peter StilwollAn Higgins J W McPevilt Robt Btuhltrager Ph Hieker*onJB McKinney Robert Stownrt Autlumy Uildhurghaulor H McLaughlin Sam Ililller lt AlcKahn James StvoopolllJ, Uitors Thomas McLaughlin Ed Swartz Ueo Ulcks Ezbon ft McLaughlin Wm Swift John A Hill Wellington AlcGowan Dual Tarr DII Illnes James D Alcslaner* John Taylor Dr JY UlbUWtu McGvitro Col Sam Taylor P 8 HosgWmW Ji|cGuirt» JainesT Taylor M Hodson AVm MoLoodJamc* Tc4m*tdo Isaac UoytJAAßro McNameo W H TaytavChan Hopkins Cha* B McWilliams Kdw T&sh Jamen Honnrd Jas T MoNicholl Wm Taylor B F Honard 1111 AlcNight Wm Talbert Alfred HoylcsGeorge AlcPhereon Kdw2 Thomas David Huffman Jnhnua North. Lib Lodge Thomson W J HovuerGßU J 7, I OOF TheaudernOJ lloyenT Nixon Wm S Timmons Cyrus Hohuht I)r J E Nicholson Rd L Tiiorntoq A Smith Ilovner II Nolen H G—2 Thompson A Sons Humel Dr John Nash Henry R Thomuson John Howell Jno R Nichols Jacob Thompson ACo Houck Wiu Nelson W 0 Thomas E J B lloweil A Bro NeallSain’lW Thmnpsou JAI Iloloch Goorge Newel i'otcr Thomson James Holland FC Neald'Miles TUb/ Wm llonmer Jacob E NanoNind TouhnobDrJ Hoskins A W Nlcgle J Trixelt Aaron Horn Wm V Nelson Steven Tuft Dr Hollla* C D Newell k Co W M Trorapor J—2 llcsfand David Nelson Robt II Townseml J 0 Hoffman Joa A Newlln J Shipley Truitt 1 J Hough John L Neilo Isaac J Tooley Wm Hopkins E J Norris A Co E Tyson J W Howell 8 A Nesmith Alfred Trimbell Joseph UolracftA Uovrell Nurlgen A Gallo-Tolan© B Hall James AI gher Truinbour Lewis Htibba A J NangloChae Tcole Edward Hylacd Patrick Nlsple Henry—2 Trigg J G Hunt Phillip Newman Her LO ToddJ Hubbatd Eilwln Nison W P Turnor S K Hunt James—2 NewliaJosS Quick G F Ilullng* John Olt >Vm H VrianJohn HunbideAugO O’NoalJohu Uuited Brtu En. lines John W Osborne Henry campraent Iredoll G G OaerWinF Urian John Inderraetler Jos Owens Wru H Underhill Cha* Isaacs Savon o*NeHl T p Vannlcklo Mr IblengWm A O’Brian Jus Vantmjche Win JaytonWm Osvvold Jacob Vaodovor Wm Jewett II M OhligerGeo Villa Giovani Jackson B Oldham Cumb VlnyaidJas Jenkins John 8 O’Donnnld Nonl Van Dyke J Jacobs Jiuuos Osmond IV H VanloouJohu Jacobs Mouuor PaikJolmG Vaivdotrlch G O Jacobs John Patton W I| Vandyke D Jeukins Clias R Parker U A Vandyke Fred Jacobs 8 F Parker Henry Voimtln* Louis Jarrott Semboll Parker Wm Walton S D Jones Eft PagoJN Bare David Jones Roy Ed 0 Painter Col J Warreu F V Jacob J Piivy John G Wulker Robt Johnslon Wm B Targo Benj F Waltor Jacob Johnston Goo W Paulon* K M'ard Edw \Y Johnston Fred A Paul Wm N Ward John Jones J Pattonon, Jnfun Walker Lanser JohnstonTMD l’ayuo l)r N H IVatklns Wm Jones Captain Tatton W H—2 W'ard L C Ko!lrBainuel PattittDrJA Wall Patrick Kenton Joseph Pattridgo Dr Waugh ft B Kentou Pat Patterson F F lVasse Geo Kollen ililcs Patton J J Walker Wm Kcnsil Wm Pouny Arthur IVarnock J T Keller Capt ft ft Pholp* Chancy Ward Patrick Kendell J Pearson Simon Ward W Kean Jas M Pcall Geo F Waterman Theo Konnsly John Phillips J 8 Wakolaai Vrod Kearney Ed PorryJrJohn Wallnce IVni Kearney Jos Perry James Ware Judah Koller Ixmfa Phlnuey Capt J 2 Walker Potor Keller Capt Geo S Penn G J 2 IVarnock Camp Kirby Samuel Phipps Geo Walls Talbot KlngJabora perkin* Jacob WobertCoJH Keniton T Perrin Beni Cp Wefael C W Kuntz II Philips R l / Wobb!(L Kurtz Kollen Philips John West W UussoU Kids Isaac Philips Mr Wearer Tho* Kiukman 0 Poinborton J Weigle E Kleimn Beuhard Pilklnton Jaa E West E L KittoringhamJ Pinkey B'm West Joseph King JIU . PiloChasll Wheeler E Klnfohan Thos Pierron Cha* B’hittiesey P W Know!* Ueo Plun)mer Robt White R L Kicnior Rudolph Pollock Dr WA J Whitecar W B Komball Cha* Portman JR 0 Wharton CaptUW Klunhoff Irwin Porter Wm T While LW 0 Kingsbury Horria ToltaDrOG TVilkinson Major Knowlton Capt 8 Price Joseph Williams T J King Jamea Plttfaes Dr J W Williams ACo J Raise Frank 8 Preston Robt Williams T IV Knapp M 8 M D Prln ot Obsorv Wilklna Abel B Rolfmey 4 Preston W T Wilson Jas Roble Jacob I’rioeH Wlrtor fl ififfiin Lanquy Jame# Price Capt John Williams J w Lqg John Pratt N M Williams John Likens A PrinsoCh' , ia B’jfaonJK Lambert Ed & Co Pubftun Diapatch Wilson Goo Lengsbertelle J Purrlngton Md Williams 000 Laehoff Glaus Randolph Goo P Wiener D D Layno Samuel Rawllng* 0C M Wilcox Capt I.agroV© J L Ramsey Wm 'Williams Albert Lausylen R Rathwelt Ezra Wilson 1111 Lath&u Stanton Kasimi Jon K 3 Wittatcin John Lapslcy Thos Ranbulin Baral Wilson J Landry T 4 Baw Shively A Co Wilkin* J A LaselieEJas Casper Williams FS Laws \V T Itau j Henry WHtata J Lamott Dk Co Ralston Wm Wilsnn J Lamlin Win J Ruyuolda Capt W Wiedmau G Von L&ucaater 110 F Wilmer Wm Lory 8 It—2 Ramsey G W Wilkorson Rev M Leaden David II Ray Wm J Lerek Vra* Rand Thoi D Williams J L Lepier Geo Iloisqp Chftl WHHampon C 8 Lellold Jacob Redmond Geo Wiiliainson II W LotUllea Josiah ReitoubaugJi A Wise J A Lorin Lewis Router RernM IVilson W D Lonty Gilbert J RoingACo Peter Williams T B LeuryGeo Rhodea Elisha A WjlwuNJ Lbger LA Co Iteushaw Henry IViUlams D P Loping Rd It RoaancrWm Williams A Dallas Levitt John Rhodes A W Wilkinson I’oter Leech Chas Reed Henry II Wilson Francis Lerck Aug Kola I.onU Autla Wi|linmn Kent Leonhardt Tlieo Bold Wm B Workman HW 2 LelbranottG lUce ltev Geo Woods Jas Leo A Brecorgo Rlttenhoune L B IVoddrop Dr R 8 Levy Jacob A Richard E Wood T H hecnler A A Righnyr A U Woods John Loiboahutz M Rittmayer Pot WoodsldeACo Ledow John Vf Richardson C W Wood Dr G 11 LcuchJas Jticiiahlaou I) WootlJS Liuwood N T Richardson 8 11 Wright T 0 LlttlcfloldN RidgwayJai Wright A Bon Linehter L Richardson Sami BWurts Uev K LoggettA Tiiorn Robinson John Wymborly J Linn Dan Rose Dr J 8 Wylie AM Loyd Rd A Robinson W J fl Young W J Linn Hugh M ItobiuHon W E Young JnuiCfl Lindsey Jas Rockalellow Sami Yates 0 II Livy Mayer Robb R R Co Lilts Wui Robinson A Lord se7-lt GIDEON 0. WESTCOTT, P M- £E7* At a meeting of the Democratic cltir.en* of the First Division, Thirteenth Ward, held at Philip jtebutiiier’a Hotel, 8.15. corner of Eighth and Cnllou hill streets, on Monday evening August 21st, IJknuy J. Foookrit was called to tho chair, and Gvorch C. Gkvbr appointed Secrotary. Tho following persons wero elected olbcors to conduct tho election lor Delegates on Monday ovonlug next: Judge—SAMUEL J. NIKU MANj Inspectors—OEOllOr 0. GKYKIt, and 11. 0 YEAGER. Tho following nominations wore uiada: For Legislative Delegates: 8. B. McCahan; Wm. II Boyoo, J. H. WlUetts, W. R. Torbert. For County Delegates : Lafayette West, J. Rbem, Henry J. Fougoray. On mo tion tho meeting adjourned to meet on MONDAY EVENING, 7, at 7# o'clock, at tho same place, to elect Delegates. HENRY J. FOUGEItAY, Chairman. Gxo. O.Gbyer, Secretary. se7-U* JJjf* Keystone Club* -•Opening Meeting to ratify the adoption of tho Constitution. Democrats, rally In your strength for the opening of the cam paign, aud redeem your pledge to tho Democracy of tho Union, to keep tho glorious old Keystone la the column of tboio who respond: “No North, no flouth— our Union, one aud inseparable, now and forever.” A Grand Ratification Meeting of the Keystoue Club will bo held at Independence Square, on Thursday evening, September 17th, to ratify and confirm tho gene ral nominations of the party, to which all true men of tho Union are Invited. Tho meeting wtU be addressed bv General Wm A. packer, Hou Wra. Bigler, Hori. J. Clancy Jones, Hon. Stephen A.Douglo#, Ellis B.Schoaboll, Km., Hon Peter Shannon, Bpencw E. Cono, Esq., of New York, and a number of our fellow-townerooD. Democratic Clubs and Ward Associations Intending to participate will report to tho OommUtco, at tho Club Headquarters, Globe Hotel, Sixth and Chestnut streets. Edwxhd W. Power, Josepu Oolmss, Committee. Joint 0. SloOall, ‘ By order of— ; *u3l«wwsBt Wif. B. RANKIN, President *y£># b’CoaelgnjMi—The ship •• sial* »«V• CspUlttLuou.teii#. 14V«fpwl, u um tait ia dljchargo at Shlptwn street whaif. ConeiiraerawlU Jloeeo Mod their permits en board. All goeda not Mr. mittod in five days Will ho eont to public Store 1 r . THOMAS RICHARDSON * C Q. - CH. GARDEN & CO., 0 Manufacturers of and Wholesale Deaton in HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS VASOY BILK AND STRAW BONNETS. : ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ROUCHES, FEATHERS, fc., ic. Kt>. 832, (old No. 196) MARKET Street, • Below Bixth, south fide. And No. 623 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. 0. HENRY OAROBN, DAMBL DOSOYAN. Merchant# are respectfully invited to examine our e toofc* ae7»2m IifoGOWAN’S RESTUKANT, SOUTH- IfX west corner of BROAD and WALNUT.—Game and a tl other delicacies in ueaxon. Families supplied with OyHter# oh tho shortest notice. *ep7-7m "WALNUT STREET THEATRELes- H *ee, Mr. E‘A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr* JohnSefton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Pareuette, 60 Cont«; Upper Circles 26 cents; Private Box and Qrcheetre Stabs, 7ft peats. Box Oflico open from D o’clock A. M. to UP, M. Poors open f o’plock; performance tp pain menceatTtf. THIS (Monday) EVKNINO, Sept. 7th, will be acted Knowles’ great Play or . THE WIFE; OR, A TALE OP MANTUA. - St. Pierre Mr. Vcrin Leonardo Mr. Daly Mariana.. , Mrs. Vezin To onnolgdo with the Laughable p&rco ontitled Of LIVE. Allay Croakor. |Mr. Ohspmsp Mlldmay.. .Mr. Le Moyne Mrs. Courtney .Mrs. Stooeall WHEATLEY* ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Sole Lessee * W. WHEATLEY, Scum o? Phioss.— Orchestra Stalls, 60 ceuts; Drew Circle (no extra charge for-Secured Seats), 50 cents; Family Girdle Amphitheatre, 26 cents; Seats In Pri vate 80xe5,76 earn*; tfifftitf Cfiflft?. S§{ Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery tor Colored Porione, w’wowyPn* vato Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents.. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. J. M. B. WIiITTON Treasurer. Tills (Monday) EVENING, Sept. 7th, will be pre ’ spnftd Shak»peare’a Comedy of JOT* j&q wiry nothing. Don podr,) Me. Dpln;aq Signor Bo»o4ick> tr .... Mr. Ij.' L. Dayonport Beatrice..,iMra. J}. b. Davenport To conclude with the Comedietta of tho HANDSOME HUSBAND. Mr. Wyndham Mr. J. S. Clark Henry Fitzhorbert Mr. Dolman Mrs. Wyndham Miss Emma Taylor TVrATIGNAI* T4EATRE, WALNUT ST., ll aboyo Kigfjlh. Now onon with au excellent Company. MR. W. E. BURTON; 4 * ■ Of BURTON’S THEATRE, New York, is now playing his FAVORITE CHARACTERS. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Sept. 7, only time (to gether) of tho , 1 TWO GREAT COMIC FANORITES, THE SERIOUS FAMILY AND THE ?OQ!)LEg. These two plcoea have boun'piayod iuobo frequently than any other piecos iu tho dramatle list—upwards of 600 nights. Aniinailab Sleek Mr. Burton Timothy Toodles Mr. Burton This is positively tho only time these Comedies can be playod together. ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th, 1857. GRAND FAREWELL FESTIVAL AT LEMON HILL, by Messrs. E. Sc A. GODARD. Grauil Balloon Ascension and Descent in Parachute at 6 o’clock. Grand Illuminated Balloon at 7 o’clock. Games and Races, with handsome nrjjep, Admission to all, ,25 cents. Children above 10 year#.., at ,,,]2X “ N. B.—Persons having been disappointed on Thurs day last by tho inclemency of tho weather, which pre vented the descent in parachute, will be admlttod for ONE BIIILLING on the presentation of the BADGEof the last Exhibition. ; ses-2t* TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT OF MONT* X GOMERY county, August 19th, 1457. Notice is horobyßivon, to all persons Interested in the estale of Mary Aiderfer, late of the township of Lower Salford, In said county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Aiderfer have applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for the sate of the real estate of said Mary Aiderfer, deceased. Tho said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of Septembor, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Court House, In Norris town, for all parties taferotfod to appearand show cause, if any they have, tfhy the prayer of said petitioners should not bo granted. By order or tho Court. J. JJ. DAVIS, Clerk of tho Orphans’ Court a«25-(Uw r Stoenson Robt Stines J B TN THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIULADfi' fUIA. NIOE,c(,I v>. TUB FBANKFOIjp 'MJALI, L. F. J. 57. No. 470. PETER CASTER vs. SAME. L.F.J. 7. No. 042 ABEL REED vs. BAME. L.F.J.57. No. 724. Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court to make distri bution of the fuudarisiug from the sale of tho follow ing described Real Estate sold br the Sheriff under the above writs on Monday, July flth,''lBs7, will meet for the purpose* of his appointment s HISTORICAL CHART AND QUESTION BOOK— Containing in a most attractive form the proodnout event# of tbo CIVIL. RELIGIOUS, and LITERARY HISTORY of tho WOULD. It will bo found ono of the most complete method# of imparting Historical informa tion. By Its uso in families, the reading of any work on History will bo ronderod much moro Interesting and profitable, nnd to Teachers oua of the most invaluable aids Retail price $1.60. Just published by MOSS, BROTHER, A CO., {New) No. 16 South FOURTH St. Copies sent free of postage on receipt of pTlce. so2-6t COAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED, tho following standard Books, vit: Blunt’s Coast Pilot. 18th edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator, 27th edition; Shipmaster’s Assistant, 9th edition. Wo invito attention to onr new Spriog Centre Com pasHcs, which auswor tor cilfaor light or hoavy weather, und are especially adapted for steameta, and vessels where tho motion is counidorable. Thoy require fewer repairs thau auy compass now in use, Marino Opera Glattbos of superlorquality, Spy GiaHges, Aneroid and Mercurial Baroraoters, Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compuskcs, Dloaoles, Log Glasses. and all Htods of Nautical Instrumeuts and Books, constantly on hand. AUo, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and beflt authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Codo of Signals, Deni’s Chronometer* and Compasses, and for Abbott's Iloro meter, And an juatrunicut for working ont problems in Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They havo recoivcd tho approval of ex perienced shipmaster*, and havo boon oqopted br the If. S Navy. U. 4, G. W. BLUNT. euis-lm# No. 179 Water Street. Henderson & co ,s great liter ARY FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH tlroots. Iu order to gratify tho wishes of our - ouraorous na trons, aud induen tho book-buying publio to 111 up tholr libraries at tho usual low price., wo intood to preoontto ovory purchaser of hooka to tho amount of »1 aud up wards a Gift in value of from Si ooof* to 8100. Call it our establishment, look at our valuable otock, and soloct for youcael\c«. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pnr cba*or got* hi* books at the usual price, and very aiAay will get, in addition, aprosent worth havlug. au2l-3ra EWANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. MS CHESTNUT Stroot. N.ll._No eonnoc tion with any other house in the City. aul»3m tpHOMAS E. BAXTER—HARDWARE, A OUTtERX AND TOOI.S, No. 610 MARKET BT.. above Ninth, smith wide. VhHadeipbla . *U 1-fim TJA VID M. HOGAN, BLANK BOOK Jh%tJs?i u !? ctttr ® r » Statioaor and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT streot, between Fourth and Fifth, Philadel phia «03-lm A GOOD SEWING MACHINE—HUNT, WEBSTER, &Co., bog respoctfally tolintroduce themselves to thu public as the manufacturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE adapted to manufacturing or family purposes. Fteo from tho objections which have been urged against thoao already known in this market, THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OF THEM ALL, and will bo suro to commend itself, upon examination, to families, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, and seamstresses. Thoao inwautof A GOODARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock-stitch, work WITH LfTTLE NOISE, that will HEM, BIND, STITCH, RUN, br GATHER; Indeed, that will give entire satisfaction even nftor thoy havo boon used for years, are Invited to call at our rooms, 108 South EIGHTH Btreet, up stairs. HUNT, WEBSTER,* Co. Sewiug of every description executed in the best pos siblo manner, anu ou reasonable terms. Samples of our work sent by mall to any pact of the United States. ‘ftuW'tutbiita. amusements, £cgnl Notices. Hooks. FoBASpHBuy .Joseph keyseh 'jIRST.PRBCINCT, tomsxirWAßD. Sib ject to Democratic rules. • \ ses-2t* 17»OR ASSEMBLY ; JOSHUA T. OWEN, Twenty-second Ward—Sixteenth District, Subject to Democratic rules. se4-st* ('OR ASSEMBLY— : WILLIAM i. ASHB. bivmtmstb Wabd, Uni Diimn. Subjict Ip Democratic Ruin. 1.1-Iw* p’OR ASSEMBLY— , JOHN M. WELLS, m- 0„,., Dutrict-Sotond W*rt. IL/~ attpject to Democratic Bnlw. »0 4*-10t» 0P TH E Subject to ,he ni!e, uftbe JISSSI r J- KEEFE. s^^Jwwsasasi. f?OK KECOHDEK OF~DEEDS^tTb -T TOWN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic r le - au 20*4133 FOR OLERK.OF 'QUARTER SESSIONS —WILMAU BAFFIN, Firet Wml. Subject to rromocrfltio Rulm, «u2O-Uep»» Recorder of deeds—albert d. BOILEAU, Slltoouth Wort. Bubject to D«oio cra«cßula». WBlB-jtrepB» For prothonotary op the dis- TBICT COURT, WM. M. REILLY, of FiretWord. Subject to Democratic Rules. au!7-dtaeB# .tjlOß ASSEMBLY—JOHN H. BRAUV, JL Eighth War I—Seventh Legislative District Sub ject to Democratic rules. aals-tsepB* PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT.—WM. LOUGQLIN, Bcooud Ward.' finb ject to Democratic au!6-Bep7* For ass Fm b"ly-edwin smith, ninth DISTWOT, TWELFTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. *ul4W TfOK ASSEMBLY—Soctfnd District, PEB r;. ® AN *■ CODR, Second Wurd. Subnet to Demoontle WM- »ttia-tc* QUXItEb SESSIONS— BUtMaIh FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—THO 3. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth erard, Vine etceet. abora Eighth. Babject to flemocratie rn{es. aalo-lm— S'OR ASSEMBLY—THIRD USTRIOf^ MeILVAIN, Bnbject to Deineeratle M - ang-dtapB FOR CORONER—DR. FEODORE MIER. SOM, Filth Ward. Snhject to Hemoeratle Buie. auß-lm FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE Dis trict COURT, LEWIS T. MBABS, o( TweUA Ward. Subjoct tn Iltimoevallo Rulee. auB-lm* IiKOTUON6¥aKY OF THE DISTRICT JL COURT, OEOBOE F. MKE9EB, Tuentr-eecond Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. ah 4-tSeB FOR ASSEMBLY—first DISTRICT.— JOSEPH H. DOMNELW, glut Ward. Subject \o aeclalon of the IJeiqßcratie Convention. aul-6w* FOR ASSEMBLY—third district.— DAVID B. McL£AN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Buies, aul-taeB* FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS*- ~ CHABLSI M- MILWm, Fourleenth Ward, Sobjeo) to Demoeratlc Rules, on aul t s«8 FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—GEORGE W. WUNpEB, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to IW mocr&Uc Rates, )R RECORDER OF DEEDS—N. F. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democrat!, rulee. auSlto* pLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS.-". aJ OBOROB SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.- Subject to Demoeratie Rules. anltaopS ®ftncational. MISS BONNEY AND MISS DILLAYE will RE-OPEN their BOARDINO AND DAY SCHOOL at 1015 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY. Sep tember 14th. , REFERENCES. Revs. H. A. Boardraan, D. D., Philadelphia; David Malm, do; O. Wulsworth, D. D., do; M. G. Clark, do; J. Newton Brown, D. D., do; Wm. B. Jacobs, do; Wm. Blackwood; D. D., do; A. Converse, D. D„ do; John Leyburu, D. D., do; James H. Cuthhert, do; Wm. T Brantley, D. D.. do; E. B. Cheney, do; William Brad ford, New York city: A. O. Gillette, D. D., do; R. Bab cock, D. D., 4qj R. Fuller, D D., Baltimore; George WL Eaton. D. D., Hamittcn, New York; G. Kemp ton, Nortk East, New York; Thomas Rambsut, OauviUe, Geotwla; Howard Malcom, D. D,. Lewlsburg, PemtsylvanU; John 3. Hart, LL. D., PhUadelphiaf Paul T.Joues, Esq , do: Col. A. G. Waterman, do; Caspar Morris, M. D., doc Robert A. Etcli, Eiq., Marshall, Texas; Johnß. eem.- ple, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, E.iq„ do, do; George W Jackson, Esq , do. do; John H. Raymond, LL. D., Brooklyn, New York; Mayson Brsy son, Esq., Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford. Homer, Now York; Stephen D. Dillaye, Esq., New York city; Hon. Daniel 8. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York, sejvt-lm ,• PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE. 8. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. - BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every stylo. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. • COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Student has Individual Instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the inufiediate supervision of the Principal. . Ope of the Host Ponrnen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call ana see Specimen! and get a Catalogue of Terms, dee. lm HEMAN ALLEN, A. M. f is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils on the Violin, or on the Piano, and to play Yiohn parts or accompani ments with advanced pi&oists. Apply at the residence or his father. Professor ALLEN, No. 215 South Seven teenth Street. Circulars, with terms and references, at G. ANDRE tc Co.’s, No. 1104 Chestnut St. sel-ltn# ST, MARK’* EPISCOPAL ACADEMY— LOCUST Street, west of SIXTEENiH, will be opened os MONDAY. September 7th, aft 9 A. 5f s Tho Principal will be in attendance at the Academy during the first week in September, between 9 A. M. and 2P. M., to receive applications for admiaiion. Circa lara may be had of Mr. HILL. Sexton of St. Mark’s Ohureh, or at the Academy. « au29-2w# J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal. SOHOOLFOtt YOUNG LADIES,SOUTH WEST CORNER OF ARCH AND TENTH STREETS The pupils In this Institution will be instructed in all tho bronchos of a thorough English Education, add every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The school-year is divided into two terms, of five months each, commencing first of Ninth Month /Sep tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) TERMS First Dcpartmont, per term of five m0nth5......525.00 B®cond “ “ " 20.00 Third “ “ « 15,00 Fuel, Ac., per term 1.00 HARRIETT BROWN, Philadelphia, 1857. REFERENCES Thomas Kimber, Samuel Bottle, Jr., Marmaduko 0. Cope. William Bettle, Thomas Wiatar, Anthony P Morris, Joshua H. Morris, Uriah Hunt, au2s*lm. J. D. White, 51, D., Benj. 8. Janney, 51. D, Robert K. Wright, Thomas D. Smith, George Grlscom, William F. Pitfleld, David Vandorreer, William 11. Thomas. INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, (boarding and day pupils.) N. W. comer ELEVENTH aud GREEN streets. Fifth session will open on September 7th. Best reference given, In cluding all present and former patrons. aa26-tf SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR ►a TOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. coru.r EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD'streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing full particulars, pupils’ names, testimonials, &e., can be had on application. au2s»tr F. PONLEATY LONG, Principal, Hall of st PHILADELPHIA A FAMILY BOARDED SCHOOL FOR BOYS. RBT. B. R. SlfTSSft, KSCTOU. The Annual Seeaion will begin on TUESDAY, Sep* tember I. CireulAn mar be obtained at the Book Store of H. HOOKER, S. W,eorner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Pott Office, Falla of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. aalT.flto JAMES THiS LESS, T%fRS. BAKTON’s BOARDING AND XTA DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. IW9 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY la Septombor. aul9-6w# TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE 11 person*, male and remale, to gain a share of this world’s goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nob. 14S and 150 SIXTH Street, uear BACK, will re-opcu on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, In a short tirno. THE LElDY’Stake pleasure In saying, that dorlng the past year a large number-of persona acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au22.3m. Illcrclimtt Sailors. JOHN P. DOHERTY, FOR TRASS Trim KEI.I.T A BROTHER, LATE WITU LUKENS, KELLY & CO., OATIXC ENGAGED CHARLES ROTH, Formerly the loading Tailor of this City: and M. KAYSBR, Formerly with 0. ROTH & CO., late Coat and V4*t Cutter with LUKENS, KELLY A CO j and other supe rior Cutters, has rented a part of the store of EDW’D. P. KELLY, 814 CHESNUT STREET, And has commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS. The mqst unremitting attention will be paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment; the best of Clothes will bo made, tod at moderate prices. [seS-y X7IDWARD P. KELLY. J-i LITE KELLY & BROTHER, Having engaged the services of CHARLES ROTH, Distinguished for the beauty and excellence of his Goods when !n the Tailoring Business, has taken tho Store. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, AND UijS OPENED FOB TUB 8 ALB, AT AKTAIL. or CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, YESTINGS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, BIURTS, Ac , Of the beet qualities, at moderate prices. 07* The basinets of KELLY & BROTHER is re moved, from this date, to No. 8H CHESTNUT Street, whore it will be attended to by EDW’D P. KELLY or JOHN P. DOHERTY. ses-ly JAME S~S H E RIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 10 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE'CHESTNUT, . A large and well selected Stock of CLOTHS and OABSIMERES always on hand. All Clothing made at this will be of the best quality, and in the mqstf&lhfenable style. Particular attention given 'to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. anfi-tf KATUEIt—SOLE AND' UPPER, OF .11 kind. ; Morocco, Lining., SbOB Finding., and every article requisite for boot and aboo making, at tho N “- 1130 MARKET street, below TWELFTH, Girard Row. «uO-0t» JOHN F. COMBS. SPECIAL NOTICE. I. O. S. M. DEDICATION. MINNE-HA-JIA LODGE, NO. 1. TAKE NOTICE. The Members are hereby commanded to present them* selves at tho Now Hall, N. W. eorner Fourth and Wal nut streets*—Entrance on Fourth street—On MONDAY EVENING, 7th Inst., at soven o'clock. Brother Jno. 8. Waters, Grand Coromaiidor of the Grand Council of the State of Missouri, will be in attendance to officiate on the e.boVo occasion. By Order of the ««•**# GRAND COMMANDS^. CHIP OTSEjQN TKE U FOR NEWOR LEASS-LOUISTaSA XlSl.i_*o nail with inlet dee patch The a 1 faat-aalUng packet ship OTBEONTHB, Wm. u » XDA,t4r ! ** now loading at Baco'street w j rf \ end haring a urge portion 'of her cargo engaged, ov? o n * oa board rapidly, will have quick despatch. , .f.k'Ppe™ willplgaie huriy their good* alongeide, aad oiua or lading to the eoonting-houxe for algnatore. for uianceor freight, whlieh will ba token at reduced rat**, or pjMaaga apply to BISHOP, BIMOSS & CO., 3d North Wharrea. The OTBEONTHE will insure at the lowest rates, and Ufce atcam down the Delaware and up the Miisissl j pi. ■pOlt SAN FRANCISGO-GALIt’OKNU. LlNE.—Direct from Philadelphia. The nanuSctnt dipper ship JOdjsPH JONES, Sam oel «. Plovers, commander. is now loading at lUee street wharf j haWag a Urge part of her cargo engaged aod going on board rapidly, will hare immediate des patch. will please hurry their goods alongside with- For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, wmoxs ft CO . 38 North Wharree. |j*Oß SAN F HAN CISCO—FKOM MW The celebrated dipper ship BANTA CLAC3, Teeter, master; the magnificent clipper ship bOSTOMAN, 1 master, are now loading and will hare despatch as above Tor balance of freight apply to BLSEOP, SIMONS & CO , 3d North Wharves. tfotds mid UfstantfliUS. r EWIS B. COFFIN,- - Li THIRD WARD HOTEL. (DEMOCRATIC READ QUARTERS.) South-east corner HIIU and QUEEN street* Mp3lmo_ Philadelphia- "MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, ifJ. NORTH fOOBTfI STRHBT, Asgtb His.cn. PHILADELPHIA. McKIBBEU & SONS, Pbop&Utobs CJCQTT HOUSE—Coraer of Irwin Street K 5 and Daqoesne Way,Pittsburgh. B. D. Proprietor. «ua^wa tUines onb liquors. PORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de benture 250 eukJ fit. Joseph's Pure Juice Port Wine, inqrs. and eighths. Ten puncheons Joha Ramsay Islay Halt Scotch Whi*. key, 2 years old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. Jlarett, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Pnpny Brandies, all of which 1 offer to the trade at reduced prices. JOS. t. TOBIAS, auST-Smoa 8S and 80 8. Front St., below Walnut. . R p - MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORT “* KBS Of BBANDIES, WINES, &c.: also,- agents w« aw'JCTSXfe? 01 tte old WHKAIf WHISKEY. No. 6 North FBONT-atreet.- - , auffi-lm- A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND nKrtimS * o ,?uStS«u ß o No ‘ 228 » B»att«ast Comer of UhOhOB and SOUTH Streets. aul-ly C I-IMPORTER AND DEALER ciaAßs,4 C .,c south PIPTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly Brandies —Pmet, castuion & 00., m&- rett ft Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks; Pelleroishr Rochelle Brandies, pale aad dark, in half pipes, quarter cask* and casks, all in Custom Honae stew*, imported and foe tale by 1 . hbnby bohlrn & CO., , Bo*. 221 and 223 South fourth street. T\ITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE "'AND LAGSR BRRB BRBWEBY, No, 520 (new No. 938)7torth THIRD Street, PhiUdslphu.—ahlm/in* Orders promptly attended to. ml tr Suite bn SLorium. VMfOLBEHT iTsCOTT, AUCTIONEERS^ " • ttl CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House, between Fourth %uo Fifth streets CARD—We invite the particular attention of pur chaser* to the large and valuable collection of European Oil Paintings now arranged Tor examination, to be posi tively sold this (Monday) morning, commencing *i 11 o’clock precisely. IO3ITI\E 5*.1.8 0f qUAMPAQr;i3, GOLDEN SILERKT AND KIRT WLNI!. Tuesday nut. »t 11 o'clock, wo will Mil wltiout re serve to close a foreign account 48 baskets Heidaiekand Globe Champagne Wine: .38 doses London Dock 9ne Golden Sheny do u Port do The wine comesfrom a aonree to Inanro its gennlneoew and is worth/ the attention of eonsoiasenn. Samples at time cf sale , PEREMPTORY SALE OP EMBROIDERIES, SHAWLS AND MILLINERY GOODS. BY CATALOGUE ON A LIDERAL CREDIT. WEDNESDAY NEST, Conamenc'ng at 10 o’clock precisely, we wRI *eIL without rewire, o large and valuable aMortment of Preocb and Scotch Embroideries, rbawlj and Millinery goods of recent importation, suited to preseiit» • w . eluded will bo found Cambric, Uvok and Collars, Cambric and Jaconet Houtitinga and b»nJj*. Gauntlet Sleuvv*. Chewealttea and Habit** tambre, Book, Jaconet and Swiss Sets, ladies and Gents* Ucen Cambric Handkerchief* ' .. BONNET trimming RIBBON. Also, Silk velvet and Pooltdo Sole Bonnet Ribbon* SHAWLS. Also, Pan* Printed Cashmere tong and square Huw!*, Droche Leg Shawl*, plaid wool long Shawls Also, Ladies patent woven Corsets, hooped Skirts ailkEionde* ' lAce> > and Edging, Nets, . ARTIFICIALS. Alm, 100 cartons French Artificials, latest styles. The whole will be arranged Tor examination with Cata logues, early on the morning of sale, when tbs irede and purchasers generally wiU And it to their interest to at tend. > Moses nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION iUBCHANT, 8.. E. tona SIXTHh&d RACE Streets. . SALE OP SECOND-HAND AND NEW PITBNIfCRK. ON FRIDAY MORNING next.gi pt 13th, st 10 o'clock At the S. R: corner of 81XT11 and RACK Street* Oonsuting in part of Spring Seat Parlor chair*, ilar ble-top Sideboards, Marble-lop B qurt Tables. Cane- Seat Chairs. Mahogany Card Tables. Walnut Centre Tables, Plush Diraus and Chairs, Cane-seat Rocking Chairs, Staffed Rocking Chairs, Imperial Carpets. Gilt Frame oral and square faney-top French Plate Uirrere. Ptoe Feather Beds. Mattresses, Jenny Lind Hl-h Poet aud other Bedsteads, Walnut Crib*, Cherry Breakfast Table*, Windsor Chain and Settees, Secretary Deaka and Book-cases and numerous other articles NATHAN’SPRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S, £. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and direr nUto Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry n£ed* Groceries, Segare, Hardware, Cutlery, furnityj® Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles. Harness, Stocks, and on all ar ticles Of valift for any length of time agreed on, ou more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. faes) M NATHANS NATHAN’S great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a few days. Doe notiee will be eiTen WEBB’S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry Guns, Pistols, Mnsieal Instruments, wiU take nlaea shortly. Due notice will be gireu. ' WEBB’S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding Ac., being forfeited collaterals, will take place shortly Dne notice will be given. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets SALES EVERY EVENING, at 7 o'clock. Of Boots, Shoes. Hardware, Cutlery, Wakhes, Jew. elry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac. * N. B.—Terms of Night Soles, four months' credit for approved city acceptances, for snms of $lOO and with in terest added from date of sale. sepl-lax George w. smith, auctioneer, N. E, comer of BARRON and SOUTH Streets, above Second. EVENING SALES. BALE 3 EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 7H O'clock, at the Anetion Store, of Hordw&ie, 0«19 lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, jewel IT, Fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, Md MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 113 Sooti THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear st., only eight door* below the Exchange. Honrs of business from* 7 o’clock, A. 51., until 10 o’clock tn the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction Bouse, at* tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL 1200,000. Established for tht last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousand* on Dia mends, Sliver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, tier chandlxe, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, aud Goods of every description. All good* can remain any length of time agreed upon. AU advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per eent. per month: $5OO and over, the lowest market rate. * This Btore Uoose having a depth of 120 fe»t, has large fire and thief-proof raolts to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of haring an unlimited capital, this office Is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms th»n nor other tn this city. 4 Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. ' AT PRIVATE SALE Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. anl-ly tjals, gaps, £rc. ttDLLENDER & PASCAL, HATTERS, No. 8 8. SIXTH atreet, Phllsdelplila. WM". D. ROGEWCARRIAGE repos- ITOBV, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET above TENTH, U now open for tha a*le of every des cription of Gardajra, combining Stylo, Durability and El franco of finish, from the Manufactory atthe corner of aixtb am! Muter streets, to which the attention of Cititens and Southern and Western gentlemen is re*- pcGttuUy callod ' li-”lifpvdll attention given To Cs’risp s for re* I airs jn tin* *ho[* couuwctod with the KepoMtu-y t n trance on Chestnut Straet au ji .2* TVO MORE PILES—NO .MORE PILES. ■J- * DR. CHARLES KELLNITZ, from Paris and Lon don* is In possession of a remedy which will cure null* cally this painful disease, however protracted aod ob stinate it may ho. The first prescriptionarrests all pain as if by magic, and three days’ treatment effects a com plete cure. No charge will be nude if the remedy falls. All diseases cured. He Is also the inventor of a liquid for nourishing the growth of the hair, and removing baldness, the efficacy of which he folly guaranties. Lewis Flsbblatt cured of piles. Apply at 923 LOCUST stroet, near the Unitarian Church. seMtu JD MARINE INSUtt lILADLLPIIIA—Office, No. if TUIRD. ONLY TAKEN.” 'TOES. Jer. Walker, Jno McClure, Tho Craven, A 8 Giliett, Furman Sheppard, Sami. Jones, Al D., Joseph Klapp, 31. D Gikard fike an ANCK COMPANY, PH 302 WALNUT street, west ol ‘‘ FIRE RISKS 0 fiIUC Wm. M. Swain, John Anapacb, Jr., U. N. burroughs, J. B. Hughes, F. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J\ P. Steiner, U. A. Shackelford, non. J6EI Hon. O. W. WOODWARD, X JONES, President. >, Vice President. . McMctus, Secretary, slant Secretary. tul-3ra Jxo. 8. Juris B Altobp. Assii Dancing academy.—naylor & DAUGHTER’S DANCING ACADEMY, TENTH and SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY, September 1, 1867. The subscribers, in offering this prospectus to the dancing community, respectfully acknowledge their kindness duriog past seasons, and pledge themselves that nothing shah bo wanting 00 their part to make the coming season surpass in brilliancy that of former years. Mr. N. Daughter have, with untiring exertions, added to their already full list of fashionable dances, many new ones, which wilt be Introduced during the season. , DAYB OF TUITION. For Children—Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons from sto 5 o'clockj for Ladies and Gentlemen—Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 tin 10 o'clock. an 2T*3m Refined sugar and syrupy 0. DONOGHUE, 15 South WATER Street, offer* for sale 8.000 barrels of various grades, at greatly re daoed cash prices. se4-at* XI7ELDOMEBANGE.—SOLDBYCHAD- V? WIOXA 0, WON. SECOND fit. wi