4 >s|j|§ -. ' • «NB*fsr«®B4W»#Bs7~B- SO, ?.-'!£«.• ■' -- dsnco eoma to*bor Jiankß show s ill jfund^amttßelr' -- Bhad4kfi»glfxdny..thBnlhaytßambecn faraovoral. _ are■j*liJl;(.>tf?nzeß,t,;-#floagh,,..ao(i.,.Tei'y, high ; .tttytMqtisiWi ;fota,inww>«.-W' jtio..,»ttset,; lihi .BMporttoOi jtoKths: : oioellouqo'hUHo pdporiiand tho neceaaitioa ; of. tho borroklf. l But tacS/fM {dbe'hfci tiMla^.’atHl. the -. hope is entertained'(hat fSOhdsy.thnt passes will' giveaddHionareMc.'hpleis’sjm'e'nneipcoteddrash' occurs. Towards evening thorovasn.mUainorQ . j'gSip.i.ifgiloiadteajting” 000 nr two of onrmtyk&nka, and a partial, run on a Park Bonk was spoken' of. Thanotes of Oliver, ’s Bank of BnSiUDj'Wdd l thiv-Danby. Bank of rafmtjrere thrown’otit to-day bribe nAmorlenn' Erohange Binkiknil dbaindo leartibd By toloSfoiih that tho former has'snsjjeridejl.. ITkesf tjimors.and facts loud to keep ilptbVexoitoiijent in rom'o do-, greo.bnt worowo surptfcat ottwasmhtift thb.tV'cst, weshattWife^acgroat.deßl,easier,.,,,.,o4 Foreign Exchange is.vorylduUand irregular, with Tory little variation'- from fonherqliotations. The oash trauaao LionB ;at the ,Sub-Trearury for tho Tofa&leipti. ;;*!l ;y, ;; v;;:;: 5109,403.75, “ ¥aymlatfuv:;^.:-T-.;....i.V,, .5i ;i^»Unc»..Vd.r,C'«^.;.Y, .... 023,995.74 • v. j ;7, r--\iZ\\ Tbe'teceiptsM forduY ties %Sre , f 143,000. f" iThe'ijtioßiton ajrikdnU' meat .of a Beceiyerin the; case of, - Thaw was* large ;pu?ino&* Stootosßowds this morning, .at a udeplhw ifori aomei .; stock^Jwsd^»nda_nii > yeßtardfy as you will' , Beo ’bQlietTiM. ~i n!n6ia central . S contY Other siniaftr rtporta , Wo s &otk6{‘‘ l olosed henyiJv.at' Ihfil Second stropg disposition to*a6ll. i ' The rapid, ri?a yeskrday.waß toogreafc to lt was '.isSi predi rcted, the reaction I wag is mflohu more easily shaken than inspired,-and the public * 'Win i llsnhefttfs-ithei nlirkit' 1 for!- Btaii ihil >Wfttorti flour Is hcAvy at a decline of-'s*>iOd., with Bales of 4000 1 bbl*Jfet>|&.6Q®ss,GGfor eommori to• good^State■-56®-. - 5620'fo£?ttttr* ffrf.;. 55:50ta55.G5 for common totfaood-* Michigan,/'lndiana, lowa,.Ac,} so.7&os9.idh extra 1 Genesee,- Tahd‘-$6,40?r59.25 *far“ extra- , Xouia. ; Southern flour> Is. heavy-And- irrerolar.l with'' sales > of 1600 btilsi at' 50.29a50A3 v ibrT , Tnixed:vtof>good 1 Baltimore, - Alexandria,.' 5G.60a57.50.X0r. extra do; aod>r*s7es7/90ffor -Richmond' country.'audacity: Canadian flour hi ftboUt,sc.latfer,:with aalea.of 450 bhls;’ at $3 55®5570* f 6 gad $0 SOa5T for extra.’ Bye flodr La dull, with salesoflOO bids. Sts3 35»55 2Gf6r good to extra grades. ''Corn ratal is doll at $4 15 as 4 20 j iorJerioy,anas4 GOXorßmndyiriaa. CorFEB, ifl Bteady, ai2(i in demand at ll&12c for'Blo ) . fo# Java; •-? markeUdsomewhatiirregular, hot the. areragfi prices do not .vary materially from our last quo* tations, whlth'are aS follows: ■ j.- •; • "J .> . v > ■ ■ t , NBW YOflX .CtAaSIFLtUTION. - .Upland. fldrJda.?Mobiloi:N.’)O. AToxas^ l2jg .12#....: wl2^w> Middling... 1 . .-,n .-15# ,v,--16# - =ls# ,u ; V . Middling fair.. >,36# 10#. 'M M... -iil6# j;'.notn;i-, ..rnom.-i t .‘I —The tnfket for Wheat is easier, with sales 0X10,300-tmshelalat jl^ffl.4s for S9uthern,red, and $1 &selmB for do,white.- Cats are steady at sTd>ooofor~ State, and 61e63f0c La’stesdicr.at 80a': 99c. .g-Uf'.-jS f'CA -j •i> W: -< ComiBln'aieioap(l'at(7sa76c.foE«>bdnnxedWe*torn.r i. and SOaSle for Southern yellow. ;i The - sales aro 43iK)0 'i bushels. ' ‘Ag\'} r 'U r - '/.fx-ir. Lh">- f Hat.—Sew U tailing f&eelyi at 25a50;adcordidg to'; quality. Shipping lots &£d OLTni at -60a75e, and retail at 50®90c. 'S A yj: ;-i .•.‘.•T'f ;T .> \<l Hinas—Tho market isfexceedingly dull at former z* i C }i.:.;{?wfs .'/}, 'i -'i .> i{. M Irox—Scotch Pig is dnll at 529,8 mohtha, and other-, kinds aro nominal. >. i s 'ti a NAkaif StogßS— I Tho' accounts from England: of an', active market for Spirits of Turpentino havo' given In* credssd booyancyitothe iDSrkct here.rhnd salcS ore made at46#®47o,ea&hv.OrudQdo. isnominaLat SL. Common Eoiln It sold fttsl 03 310 lbs.: finodo. firm, at. prc-, viouhpdoeaL':ToriaBi»adyatSi»s2.l2#fi3rNatfolkajid Washington, for.Wilmington; ; , ■ Oils— Crude Sperm is quoted at $1.30. Crude Whale ■ isflrm-at72a23ci i ?I/Jww)edOUbi i artnat,BofflBle.,larii Oil i> steady at 51.155r51.29. , $25^260^5;59f0r roes«wands3Xff*2l-40 for prime, with' sales, of 425 with: sales of 425 bbls. at yesterday’* and CutrMeats, are for-amoked-Weatern. lUrdeiodti^y^kfls#ols#.. j Batter;andOheesoun-. changed. •-; >3 !w C ’'- J.- s’i- i-bli i . •ect ottexpreisalyjto k^ep up the market, have had the desired effeefe-iff AV'allgbt degreo. ;;lUw Sugars have ml' . Cqba icay be quoted at paid / Porto Bico9# ; Crushed 11# ; lOalO# for soft y enfe»»diUor f}rt*hita.- >: n • ;i; r/ n t>- A ,markptiB firmer^wthfalesof.phio NEW YOBK;STOCK ? EXCHANGE SAXES, flept/'i'.' ,v'rßiyißfir-boabd/ -^ ( r‘ i' • eO&fefctfiGS&ie ? 22THndson 1000 Virginia Ga ;80 , 200'Harlem It , „ 7#. 2000 MiiSo StiW!’ 1& ' -100 BeadingJt '*B3o:^4 ? i IXOOO- j? 1 f' J 'W j 8000 -.do \ i«o^fdo/^<'"'-‘"s3/^ < '"'-‘"s3 / 1000 Cal State 7a »J 5 G 7 - -'2i>o\ l> do •, •' '• wmms4&M iSI^S-fdi-&SaSNSftKg;t' . 'Sow N J Ceil 8.7» cUU 250 flo . .. 48 f, £ |»o IfarlMlfLrt if, Ilf ltOUfacf'-"-' -< -48 - ' OIWOIU Cen.U hf 3 f 855 ' ,150 Panama It -■' v) o-85 . ■ 100*111 fti«anTssi : :> 'aMfimaoli6oaK-100- . . wUh’t prirhrtnhS- ,' . 99 32000 Tor H £ Alton ' - 100 blei- i pitf I ft “18 ' s loßkof ;I ■Boo',r-a°-' r ' ! '.' 20March BlEk 102'- ‘ 'SO ? do , 17« . 60BicbrCdmm6r' 09. 2 10/' do' *.' ‘ “17# ■SO do 13 ■' 'OO ‘-do. 83 - 200 Canton Oo “ ,t M l«5 C!or'4; Tol ft 'loft' 20 Padßc Hg Co 69 ?/ 300 ' do ' ! 40 V oDcl*!nnd6nno9X‘ “200'' "do 's3o 40 i ’t do. . 100 ft 25 , do. , hOO'4I ft 165 ./do- : n,A 110'- 60 Chli ftlitad RSI “ 10 Benia Cool Co 74 60 do . MOW 4 S' Ml ■'■" «20 74' , 'do' - ■;. ,'B3>(' J .'daf -"«1‘ ;25••d0 “ . - ■ • 83V CnmtiOoalCo 1314 60 do 560 84’“ Wxrm*;;:e,iß .; - Wr-’#r-~rr.-S*v ■ 50' r do '430 74’- 1 30-'-Ido vi .. ■ --182 V, ' "' " ' ' B?,K r ■}'- . StCOKQ 4W MiuoSUW Oa.W!3X i , ’&H 6000 Virginia*.., , 200 ; ».XCra,8; n ...7§;, MJjri'jta-iij-ij tj'/i. iS*is!iflftej a ~C 76 1W doi. -j :'s; b3-.?6« ■:».< ..-.Abr 3 7i«: MMIUMimE u» S?;i (tSO Brion- .4 tX n OX. IS ;do .. . ,'2IK .. 60,' ,!<la,: , J 00.41* 100 Beading B 52X 400,n, 4(>.. >•/•/* = PBit/iuatratA, Septenrttfifij/lfloJFs■.» stringency, iti th e -Iftmejr* Market produced & markc&etfeet sales ofgtoo^s records . of the stock-board : showipK n fallirig off aa'coni- . pared'wUh ( tfce,pr&ei .of yesterday-'., Heading&aUro&d 'sold ■dovrcfto'26j£) and tho safea gen. , erally show a declino^/This' ii'tbfco‘ expectod'wliile ratoey ~l»ilrC ;aueh;actual, d'gipwjd/’i.lArge; paper 3 artej)pn( over from New York, for sale, andihe nßttf' Srol&ft; Are 'generally"pretty; foil ’of’Jftsfryr,* » f Oar street firm*. ‘an ci c6ll#ft jwsjheifg/ tor. buying up thojf ojvn paper, sent here to be, sold on New York account. t A • * k!gh>at’M^ni!(ng 'eritire to .the benefit of fchltadelpiiii capital juB i^nbw, t 'btit 'they -cad. art Jtottyf.-nontbme. (/Tbe Jieavj Influx: 0/ .spenbj into N*w ; lfpTVi f aod''ihfl -entire stoppage of-exportation thence tHu fill the. New Yprk bank vaulta.with fitf’ih* e J®*W Ibna of dollars', TbV, j?zprcas,.*nd" tho' . says tt&ilfc&MC; iHll/reiCh three millions,of dollars. ■ This aifwiUeaabla tUejp.tprelax the pressaro their' sudderi extraction has placed upon ‘financial“affairs In' Now York, andtho necesßity.of sending their bills receivable abroad fotdiscdufctiwUfbe'removed from New York me^iiu.' f^A > r 4p»y : ieW;dio'BVillbi‘ld?about> i ebarige in of F t^ta^sAnd the stock^Vfil(W -* anmeth?\if>pn^ i ft4lj;iiy.: ju *U.fV s .***4 : ■ ThoNAw says: <* A^dis^MnS^wfHri'sncic^-- . tnipf .fhViivrgbiinloa^fo4 institutions ; t^W't^rou^#s jj&pw itferoh^e, ; «W j ]?.nd pak, that produced the panic and alarnfwblch ' !Apgjiet'7>. r Who can point to 1 any I ty£ ex^ienipo¥ I ,an^ isj pani9 ,w}iicb tbon \ «xl*&d moyrafOv’eftjifep'nifpUy,; 1 5 aud I hope, le&ro from experience, not to permit* pattie l - ofHh'jrtfe’ only aifrf fttljp'rey lippn f 'the weakness and Vd.b'otin a pofcl ( item to actual-stre.ugtu, I s j Onf-SftnWDg.lnstit'Qtlomrj jbe-v! }.\i-ii, > ,-, <■ I . jJgbHwfhf-yo^ ■1 Ing to those upon whomaevolves-the 'ddt^bf’gnanling ? tthe communityagainst the flendfrV4&p>p)* w. t|ip,nh l principled and unscrupulous, to break down ariddostroy,' t the inirtUut£otfi ’ vJ wh.lchrtl^y»ro,b^sed>a'd'WituV^c] l i^‘ s y'acfi iusenara j [ l t'7 lThe.New i .York2 , tm6vV6fihl«rt3oriiingrflmarkB:,‘bTlio ; J tinhMciioiif of the day) through -bank and X the 1 ' atreeti'were* ewSdnhlfei , of eaxa than borrower \ iame together^with'fflowf faciliQrf and there ia less dis-’ L amongtbe'prititdj'bfihjsiag'houseVia etnploj’lngj J ttaftty? xfcjffket/howorer) 1 ft actiye, aal the 4 raids' on paper 4 at|4' radgfttif dlwounft, obtaide.of bank,- take/thd wide dif-‘ feityjict of 12024-per cent, 'the detrlatui'fot' paper runs aj. orjjieu^dodbkd;endoried..s)gii|turVs#flyouti?®ls WkMufo&fmtoimi*™ wWWw; SBMolßff/» -There are no heavy failures to-day. -The Island - (Sot i fapfdly itscireulatjoil'Silled fc T ef in. .fo* '= Mcnrod at .Albany , wilf be.pared for;by„«her,b4nii'/ ■ r :• - t ihe receipted &e New york Sub'TrfiasWyggttii^ay • -, the'piymXiX^clu^Dg''it3,ooo . -for.Ca|ifo«oft‘draCft, Ibft* 4 thflclqwofbasihess was $1Z.(k)3,523. . <V,-\ ’ ■ :,thaflberfe hf ffiloroa rtported York* y egterday, ■ -" 4"4cb; strong and' buoy- - 1 fidm*Boston within ■•■rtch'M «iiji,tJio.WUW*9 W tot these ; mako'tnOh^jlfa^thbmatkdt l I - «> itfi ofe' ;■ 150; do . . 78 SOtfftfoß -IStrilS-jS ? 460 do ■»5 23Jf; 200<7‘do*- -? b3O 2S a» .'i-dd* o zijj 50 ■ do "’ll 23 i 100 ; : ‘do 1)7 23K 160.f1' do • b 7 20K 1150" i'do J •)"• c 23 « 200 Bud Ely B 160,20 * r.'.' /,»782X 300' 'i ' 1 -82- / 80» !40% * .b3O-83' 1 100 Mil ft MisaßeSO 35 ’6O • do >r80.87 v 1 *45- do ’! 40 40'. 1 do-". ■- '-89 100 La Crosse Mill R.I6K ■lOO ’iy do- i/v •• b 45 16m .‘ V . 17 ; jso'iabV i: r ; V . , , Ipo Beading E SIX 2Sot.{ ,do i sl^ i tojM/y- ;.M5 six 200 La Crosse &MU Rift# W "' do aia.ie R , COX .10 '25 "do , , .25,, 290- ..‘dp. 22#‘ 35p Panama E. l>3o 85 j’lOdCler & Pittabgß 2T 1160 (s . fJ do;-\ ,4 , 17V; ■,|]j« 4»‘ 17 mop^y.jktement',,' *i& n 'iMi , ■' _ ' vt-u_ ’.-. ■>>'. , ':' ‘ Average amount hi Loan*, and. Discount^.. ,$405,b55 ~ :-‘ AxcragTsamoQQtofBpeoio».;;.^i, v ./8,318- . 'AVeHgeaniUU«t:of- Circulutioßw,.»j . >W,021; * ”‘Avwko ttftouftt of *?0i341;.. , l Since the-last’advices, the Amount iff speefe. •has jjeen transported over the Pauamft Railroad, f4r Englishftcpp^t; ,■''■•',,,. .. p i .'.ilM „, 6 Mi'Tho aggregate Amount ortreasurft which ctossbU t*ie 'T*tKmiihMri*-Jhly jt waa i i5,029 : ,103.27/ 'The «amingß’of •and'wo ‘understand, an , iutrease of about{l4.ooo -over.&e jiamojuofltns or last i ‘i* . .’C-' *• < i! VeaUWhforatel' that the owners of the steamship and specie, on her late passage to New York with the, gold from California. * The signing of the *\ general ave rage bond 1 ’ has slfehtly delayed the receipt of the gold by the’oonsignofe.. ijf.thi* claim is allotrOd, as jt will probably be eitbec-in whole or. in part,’,*)»& underwriters on the'gold 'will have to pay the amount.; -The claim is for four h'lindreiithoaSahd dollars,' and as most' of the InsQrahcepii'iihe'goJdJa mise:lri‘ : En#ftnd on-Account o* ,tho low premiums ruling there',- thereviU'* he ’,a x slight addition to the exchange,; which, will help to aid the market. : / L , i [’ v *' ' _ _ .'. ! ; ~ ~ ' It is somewhat strahgp tiiatV amid the man/ disasters Which have befallen, steamships ondifferont routes, and • even oh the California linos, there has not yet occurred a loss of treasure ,by the wireck? of o' steAmer from Oali-i forhia.'r. ,« ;w . ... . - < The'net amount in the United States Treasury subject ’to draft i5519,500,00G; of which there are In New York nearly.’nino^.and,phe.thlrd millions; at’ Philadelphia, .two millions.and ai/New Orleans, over a million and a half, Audi at Baltimore three hundred and •flfrtrtiioUßahd i dollar*. , <<•''i , ■ - •i. ■ ■ ■ - j ■.. thj>&te.©t Central Railroad lands for I Jiho -week ending/August ?Ist,' were 4p thousand two -ihundred and sixtv-siz and' tVrenty-ejgUt oae.huudredths '•acre?,for,fkM,7s2 17. '7. 11 ”7 " M 7 : / ,; t The.porn Exchange insurance Coropahy, of New York, has declared a semi-annual dividend cent., payable'on tho&th inst.'t ... ' • - ■ ,*: ' ‘ The New 4* Enquirer Says “A motion to dismiss the .attackipout at the suit of the Merchants’ Bank of-Oleveland, on the buildings and-grounds of tbe Ohio Life And Trust Company at Cincinnati,.waa .being Cburt bf Hhat cfty ! On'Monday.— !<■ >4^’ uQtea»«id'blUa* Amounting.t^ ;^lsTjB6o; o4»tq the, off tb'e>’Trustf Cobopany' fotrcollec- ; s6n ? \th^; 5i wer«'’hyt>9th««ttod or'sold, .and | the proceeds not accpuhted,fpr! 'lt is erroneously sup posed by many.that fwliectiou, paper .pannpt. be used by . the collecting'agent,'-for Jtsowu us«f legally. JtJuw, however, been established, ',that whllretUoreare run* ui&g’e^couh4! l hctweon-;par\ietf l that "the crcditor can Apjjly the proceeds of on ac-‘ cotint, even where the'pajfer belongs to third parties. la the 1 case'of the Now England Bank against the Bank •Of; Washing ton j before tho Supreme Court, y. 8., this point-was conceded.- Parties who deport collection paper with 'bankers;-therefore, assume therisk of,the solvency of such depoBl4rieB. n ’ : *•’ * The Evening JSu//«t»tt the following statement of, the Anthracite Coal, toanigo from Lehigh aud Schuylkill regions, for theiaat week and the season, giving also a comparison with iho tonnage of the cor respopding period last 'year,'. Tho’ [Schuylkill Canal and ! the-Lehigh Valley JtaiLroad .continue to increase thoir | 'tonnage over that of last year; -but the the failing off on j the otber two .lines of Improvement fs'stUl further aug menteds *. ' ‘ ] .<•: ‘t : 1657/ Canal, j'.' Bailroad LEHIGH, i SOniJTLKILL. WWk/ 'Season. 'Week. Season.' .1,82,31** • '582‘258 :30,402 • ,805,915 ;|.lO s 180'«'S06;8ia- ■ 40,000 1,326,168 .h 43j652 J ' * 867,610 78,492 2,133,383 • Ba.*BTiUB LiSf YBAR t * ; Totjilj • Week, • Season Week. ■ Season. ■'■ '743:403 ' 35,001 . 711,388 . 5,704'/ - 88,200 ** 63,450 > • 1,484,878 ! ;• -1856. OiIUUKj'.S. Rkllttii.".'; . . T0t41.:'...;4-M?0 ' 831,093 . 81,360' 9,196,264 ' ' RHOAPITtaATIOS Of iris BBISOK. ' • ■ ■■ - iB6o'. ' "' 1861. ' i Lehigh Canftl.-... ;743;493 ' 662,488 8e0....181,236 -• ■ Siilroid. - 88,200 305,852 ' 1nc.... 211,162 BihujlMUCanal. 711,380 805,815 1nc.... 04,040 ' ! -‘I • JlaUroaa.-. 1,484,878 ' 1,320,768' Dec,:. .168,110 , ; 'Toaij:.'l3,02f,067"-'2,099,905-lice.... 27,901 .The 1 aggregate ‘ shipment.!''of Lehigh' and.- Schuylkill Coal,to market are, it will thau'itheywero at this Urap lrfstyeir; -;* • •v.*.;, iThe Rational Intelligencer of this morning says “The Board of Directors of the' Chesapeake and Ohio Canal met yesterday in' rogular'.monthly session. The Amount of money actually rccolved by the company for the twent/rththe day's \ of’August on • which navigation was possible; was $19,464.63, but this will be increased from the Harper’s Ferry collection, -so that $20,000,' or approaching,onp thousand dollars a.day/wHI he' tho re* ceipts for August*. '."Most of the business of the meeting consisted in making arrangements with contractors. We regret fhaA.h ijteak' his, occurred in the canal about ( s&mlks ;thls x side.d&a,3«o. 6.; It'is not serious, how "eve?,?A {The Mississippi road has opened'to .Brodhe/uijjloayJng fl/^epi’ioije^ljc;-cbmplethto Monroe. It baabeen * aatenhined’ 'io'discontlnue work upon the southern branch dwyondßrodhead for the present, and to ile'Vate the earning! to-the reduction of the floating irpn^orthe^rahc^haVbeen landed, and the* finan'ciaraflhjia of.tfae road adAptod, as'far aa may be, to thapresent money ihirketl i .•/ . ') Thd has been shown a coun terfeit tb Ve a flvo dbllar'biU ot the Bank'of 'Oeorgefcpwp, The counterfeit has a ,figure of Liberty on the right band side, which is not in the on the lefthkodslde of the counterfeit is an the goWblD'A female head. The counter*, ffit opnxeadijy .be deteptpd, as aH good flye dollar bills on the Bank of.Georgetbwn hays a rod check back. The , color of the' printing is rattier pale, when compared with thd gemiiho. Iba''enghiyVr , sWinpmit on tho good bill U r ‘‘ Havrdbn, Wright; York,”' While on & Co., X. tfiV ThiseounterfelV is ‘dangerous,'as it is'&now IfisUe from’lhe densr-^uid l 'oue • which has not yet been exposed by any of published detectors. PHILADELPHIA. STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, ;v r , ; ~ septembei;4,lBs7. Reported by. R. Manky % Jr*,-Stuck Broker, Ifo. SO% j‘- ■ ,r-. Jtfahuit street, > PIBST BOARD. ’lOO City 6’s, 100' do ’ «6 27tf 100'* do . , 'B9 100 do ' cash 27 ft 1000 do,'. ‘5B 97 ' 25 Union Canal ' 9 1000 ’ dp, - 1 ’ , 89 23 roans R lots 45 :400‘,'_ do 1 89 .8 do’ cash 45 2000 do , . 89 20 'do athrn 45 500 Ch&Del Can 6'a 67 2 'do 44ft aOO ..do 07 10 do' fidyß 44ft , 100 New Creek Co - ft -10 do 44 ft 100 LeWgh Zinc M Ift 8. dd 44ft ,150 Bead K lots. cAsh.2B 25 do- 3dys 44 ft i 1 100 do , lota 28 lOXurristown R 59ft : 6,. do r ‘ ; • 27ft ,13 Cara AAm B 104 ft ; 100 ' do' bswn '27ft 5 Morris Can pref 01ft .100 do '‘ w cash'27ft 25’ do 91 ft ■ 3a; do . •, 27 ft . 3 Phil* Bank 120 ; 100 . do- - , . ,b 5 27ft 7 Par Sc Mec Bk , 62ft 100' 'do;‘,, cask'27 V ’lO Bank of I’enn bt> 112 j 35 Jo *• - '-• W '27V ' ‘5O Girard BAnk 2ds 10,V ‘ 20„ ..do , 27ft : ' "r BETWJBE] BOARDS, ( 10Q Long Ist R caah 10 50 do 10 ' CON American Int- 11 ; BNd?ennß> 60 Beading B cash 27# 100 do.t- s 5- 26# 100 j -do- : 'cash 27# , • " ’ ' SECOND 1500'Clty EC’s cash ’SO" 1200 do -80 800 City o’a 89- ' fiOOEtmfraßT'sSaartfiS'' • 600 do.- 2dmort .63. ’ ’*soUnJon Canal. ' ‘‘'6 ioo •do ; is -< 6# 25 < .do - , ~ ti ll Penri It . bSwn 44# f lO '-'do' ',"' "442 ‘ -Vi f;P.TER,, 500 City GajjO'a . : . 88# | • CLOSING PBl 5 ~ fHd.Asked, frS6’«, ’flB . 116 * J- PhiladaCs 68#' 89 ' *do_, S HR'B9 ' : B9# , * 'New -05# 95# ' • >' 81# 82# Reading iV : -’ i 26# . 26# do Donda ’7O 70 78 MoriflVUi’W- 85' Penni BE : . f 44# 44# Morris Oanl Con 47 ' 49 ’ Scbyl Nar6« J B2 60 62# '--'d<?.'- ;8tockl0 ;; 12 ‘ 81 Reading R lots 26# 100 do b 5 26# 100 do 26# 150’’ ' do' lots bswn 26# 6p . do, b 5 26# '6B Rebuy Nav pref 19# 44 * do 18# Q Harrisburg B ,/ 64# ' 14 Sforrls Can lots b 5 48 25'Long Island R 10 rCabd. ~ , 156 Scbny.Nav prof £ -18# 10E8—HEAVY. * ' Bid. Asked. Schyl Prof 19 20 Wmsp’t&Elmßl4 * 16 do lstmoft7 , s72 74 do do 2d m 02# 03 Long Inland 9# 9# Vicksburg - - 7 8 Girard Bank JO#) 10# Lehigh Zinc --i 1 ; 1# Union Canal » 8# 4# NewOreek - ’ % J{ Catswissa RR 9 10 ,’y.', :< 3tttjjortgtlons; 1 ' ... , PARAIBA—Prig Joshua & Mary, Taraer—47o9 bags sugarTho* A Newhall4b Go. i : SAVANNAH—fIcfar L B Myers, Sptnera—3s62 bushels wheat Greiner 4c Harkness;. 3070 do Budd & Comly; 12 tons old iron A Whitney 4b Son. ■, <■ ' , . PHILADELPHIA. BOARD OP TRADE! Israbl Moams, Joseph } CoMintTßs or thi Moith, Johs*.Welsh,)? j.-), '.uh.r. .v v... . . , *V LtTTER ;BAG& ' ,J ‘ ‘ ' Ai, Ms Merchants?, Exchange, Philadelphia, 81iip, Joseph Jones,'Flowers., ~,, ,gan Fraurisco, soon BarqueMlnnespto, Cole,.*,.Rio Janeiro, soon SAILING OF THEOCKAJj STEAMERS. BMAKBB,.". \)t BROS*'/ jroi . ' iur Jason. .New York _ .Bremen/., Bept 8 North 6tar f <»• «»N«W’York' Southampton.........Septs O of Washington-New York , Liverpool... Sept 2 Edlnhnrg.„,,..New York. Glasgow...*.'...!.'..Sept 6 Adriatic.; New York Liverpool .Ilept 13 Arago.New..York* Havre.* tfept 10 .O of Baltimore,.Liverpool. New,Y0rk....,..Ju1y20 Niagara.....;-..Liverpool Poston. .../..Aug 1 - • ,, DAT Africa..,/..,.., Liverpool >New Y0rk....,,,,*..Aug23 Ar’ago,.Havre Now Y0rk,..,,.,...<Aug 28 Kangaroo Liverpool .New.York,,Aug2B Glasgow, f .Glasgow,. New York,....Bspt 6 MOVEMENTS ;QF, HAVANA STEAMERS. .. .PaiLAiiiiLpnUt-From Na?v.York 2d,. arriving at Ha vana Bth,BPdNo*Orleans, 11th. -From New Orleans 20th ; Havana 23d, arriving At Nejv York 29th. . . QosKra GiTT-t-FfomNew York,7th of each month,' .arrlTingAt,Havana l2th,and Mobile 14th, .From Mo bile 22kf, 24fb, arriving at New York 28th. ;i Gahavha—From New York 12th, arriving at Havana Itthj and New Orleans 19th. From. Now Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New .York Sd. >.:E«riaß. Ciir—From New. York i7thi arriving at Ha -vana234j ana New Orleans ,20th.- From New Orleans s th, Jlayaoa Bth, arriving atNew.York 13th-, ~ i'jDMo*.-WABB.!ORi?Frpm Now< York 27th, arrivo at Havana let and New Orleans 3d. /From New Orleans 12th,iravaDsl4th\ New York 18th. V * ISABBtr-fFrom , loth and 4tb, dqo at Ha* vana-S-ld and ; 7th, From Havana lOthand 25th, due at ,New York 16thandSlBt..?. v , . „ 1 “testers soli from New York on andjSO.th of each month., - POUT \Ot PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 4,185 r. ‘BCS : M8«5....;..;.:.6'3T-BON 85Ta..........'6 21 t nrou j m-atisb; :a; r; :. ..v.,.... „ 1 • ARRIVED.., . -voteamohlp Delawppe, Bhaw* 19, hours from New,York, lutir, .with mdse and passengors to James All' :i Cejdico..i i Ott Rotnhay Hook passed the bwque Belle, 4P , M.W l tou»? l l^ r F 1 brigs,and 16 schrs boating tip,,! At ' * JA Ciquena, from Matmu. j, ~im C-fcbrß N Smith. SjnUb.2 Salem, In bJUart 3wo All?ckjiiw& COi.-v. . . - -Scbc-Sarnh Fisher, Fisher, 4 days from Baltinjoro, with mdse to chbtaln; fichr FrthA Jlawkins, Pcrclval, 4 days from Province.* town, in ballast to captain. ‘ ‘ ' • , 'Srht-' G'old'dn' Khglo,‘ Nelsbh; 4 days from New York, in h’ballast to BlakUton, Cox A: Co ~ * \ -‘Bobir li B ifj'ers; Sdnnhfl, 7 days from ‘ Bavannhh,with whcaf to Pouitj'Mdrtln A Co '• , ’ • V fiohr 0 W Hooper, Rowd, 6 days', from Tappahannock. Va. with wheat to Bowlcy, Wilson* A‘Co. &chr Mark Watts, 4 days from StlUPOpd,* Md. witti'wneatto'Bewley 1 , Wilson A 00. - Schr Sarah Warren, Bottle, I .day from Little Creek*, Delf with corn to Dewley, Wilson A Co. • Schr Victory, Chambers, % days from Lewes, Bel. with wheat to Bewley, Wilson « Co. • ' Schr Elliott, Weaver, 5 days from Boston, In ballast to Noble, Hammett &‘Oa\dfceU. , Sebr DM MoBBerole,Btllltban, 4 dayß from Providence, in ballast to Noble, Uammets A Caldwell. , -Schr Geo M'Smlth, Smith*, 4'daya froth Providence, In’ ballast WChai MUler A Co."> j. , *: *. Schr' All4d H’ Brown, Endicott, 4 days from Provl* dence, In ballast to G Audenreld A Co;. * •• t • - ' Schr Alert, Champion, 4 days fram Quincy Point, in ballast to Bancroft, Lewis A Co. .: Schr P A Banders, Bole, 5 days from Boston, in bal* last to Rogers, Sinnlckson A C 0»..., ’ Schr Triumph, Atkins, 5 days from Boston, in ballast .to Brown A Whito. Schr Beauty, Johnson, 3 days from New York, in bal last to B Milnea A Co. . , * ■ Schr L H-Kndicott, Yankirk, 4 days from Newport, m ballast toJohn It White. „ _ . , . . - Schr Sarah Louisa, Cruiso, d days from Pawtucket, m ballast to NoMo, Hammett A Caldwell. ■ BchrT L Miller, Pholps, 4 days from Middletown, with'stone to captain. ■ 1 Schr E H Atwood, Atwood, 6 days from Boston, with mdso to enptaiu. , . , Schr It J Mercer, Cullen, 0 days from Boston, in bal |„t to captain. OLI , AMD ■ Steamship Phirteaa Sprague, Matthews, Boston, Hen ry Winsor. > ■ «£ Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, Richmond, Thomas Webster. Jr.. * i . .* • Brig Lillian, Somers, Barbadoos, Outecbridge, Harvey •A Co. ’ - Brig Forward, Qoalfleot, St John, NB, captain. .• Brig Trlhdelm, Havener, Roston, N Sturtevant A Co / . , Brig Chimborazo, Brown, Boston, Norton A ,Co. Brig R 0 Dyer, Turner, Bangor, Tyler, Stono A Co. Schr F A Hawkins, Percival, New, Orleans, Bancroft, Lewis A Co. , , . Schr Argus Eye, Sharp, Charleston, D S Stetson A Co. Sclir S N Smith, Smith, Boston, C A Uecksher A 00. Schr £IJ Uranlcm, Rogers, Boston, It Corson A Co. Bcbrlt J Mercer, Cullen, Boston, Rogers, Sinnlckeon A Co. Schr P A Sanders, Bole, do do Schr S B Austin, May, Boston, Van Dusen, Norton A Co. - Bohr Sarah Bright, Noble, do do Schr J’P Oaktr, Bndicott, do do Schr J P Collins, Butler, Somerset, do Schr 0 T Nicholson, Blakleton; Cold Spring, do Schr Shooting Star. Ruark, Easton, Md. do Schr T L MlUer, Phillips, Hartford, do j Schr Chariceford,‘Hatch, Baltimore, S J Christian. • • Bchr Laura, Hatch, 1 do do - Bchr W P Phillips, Smith, Boston, Nobio, Hammett A;Caldwcll. ■ 1 'f 1 Bchr Elliott, Weaver, do do 1 Bchr B M Mewcrole, Steelman, Richmond, do ■ Schr Sarah Louisa, Cruse, Hoboken, do Schr .Golden Eagle, Kelsey, Providence, Blakiston, Cox A Co. • Schr Geo M Smith, Smith, Edgartown, C Miller A Co. Schr 1 Alert, Champion, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis A 00. Schr Triumph; Atkina, Boston; Brown A White. ■ Schr A H Brbwn, Endicott, Wlckford, L Audonreld A Co. . ' ' 1 Schr Beauty, Johnson, Providence, B Milnea A 00. Schr L JI Endicott, Yankirk, Newport, John R White. Bchr C 8 Peosleo, Foster, Providenco, do Steamer Boston, Bellow, N York, Jaa Allderdlco. Str.Blch Willing, Claypoolo,'Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. £BT TBLKOEAPn.} of The Press.) New York, Sept 4. The ship Roswell Spragae was got off Bquan Beach this mowing, and towed up to the city. Bho Js leaking at the rate of six inches per hour. * Arrived, brig Herbert, from Newcastle, E. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. 1 LEWES, Del.; Sept. 3, 8 A M. Steamer, Norfolk, after having landed her passengers last.evening, proceeded to Richmond, Tho pilot boat Enoch Turley, from acruise. cam© to harbor last even ing, and remains up to this writing, In company,with brig Abby Ellen, scars Ella A. Matilda, J I 1 Bent, Shy lock, and twelve others. A large fleet of colliers are in alitht bound out. Wind E—weather cloudy. Yours, Ac. WM. M. HICKMAN. ■ Correspondence of The Press. ■ Haybe Ds Gbace, Sept. 4. Eleven boats left hero this morning, laden and con signed as follo.ws; Lewis Ilorford.flour and corn to P Fitzpatrick: H Niles, lumber to D B Taylor A Co; K B Cabeon, pig iron to Wilmington, Del: .Col R M Thompson und Keonomy, 'anthracite coal to New Yorkj William and Mary, Mary ‘Frank. G WolGirabergcr, Trade Wind, Forest Blower, aind Reindeer, anthracite coal to Delaware City. ‘ } ’ ' MEMORANDA Steamship Norfolk, Kelly, henco for Richmond, at Norfolk 2d inst. Steamship North Star, Lefevre, for Bremen, via South ampton, cleared at Now York yesterday. 1 Steamship Edinburg, Cummings, for Glasgow, cleared at New York yeatorday. ! Steamship Konnebeo, Hand, henco at New York ym terdaj. Steamship U B Beach, from Now York, was below Charleston 2d Inst. * . Bhlp Oliver Jordan, Aldon, at Callao, from San Fran cisco, sailed Jnly 23 for Cbincha Islands. Barque Dorchester, White, sailed from Cape Town for Fort Elizabeth, Algoa Bay, without breaking bulk; she would probably proceed to Kio do Janeiro alter dis charging at Port Elizabeth. ’ Barque Azolht, Davis, from City Point for Rio de Ja neiro, was in Hampton Roads 2d { nst. outward bound. , Barque Mary A Susan, Cullutn, from Now Orleans, Ist ult. for Liverpool, put into Rockland, Me. 28th ult. leaky. Barque Laura'Russ, Summers, from City Point for Rio do Janeiro, was in Hampton Roads 2d inst. Barque Benjamin UaUett, Burnell, hence at Charles ton 3d inst, 10 A M. - Barque Elizabeth J, Thomas, for Philadelphia in a few days, was loading at Black River, Jr. Aug 12. Barque Soboois, O’Niel, from Savannah, at Boston 2d inst. '* Brig Sea Foam, Warren, cleared at New York yester day for Baltimore. Brig Anna D Torroy, Griffin, from Picton, at Boston 3d inst. Brig State of Maine, Cates, sailed from Machias 25th nit. for Cardenas; Brigs Minnie Miller and Julia Ford, hence, were be low Boston 3d inst. Brigs Emma, Baker, and' Condor, Allen, hence for Boston, passed Highland Light 7 A M 3d inst/ Brig Heyward, McDoogall, for Philadelphia, was op at Charleston Ist inst. Brig D 8 Brown, Baker, hence, was below Charleston 24 Inst. ’ , Brigs 0 L Bucknam aud Sarah, henco at Boston 3d lust. Brig Larch, Gilchrist, hence at Boston 3d Inst. Brig J Nickerson, Nickerson, cleared at Boston 3d Inst, for Philadelphia. Brig May Queen, Jones, cleared at Damariscotta 31st ult for Philadelphia- Scbr Suffolk, Baker, eleared at Boston 3d iost. for Philadelphia. ' Schre Charger, Kelsey; John Magee, Magee; David G Floyd, Racket; Pequonnoek, Burroughs: anil Mary 11 Banks, Banks, for Philadelphia, sailed from Salem 2d mst. Bchr S G King, Andrews, hence, arrived at Alexan* drin 3d in&t. Bchr George Darby, Mulllner, from Charleston, arrived at Now York yesterday. Bchr Cyrus Chamberlain, H&llett, from Boston, at N York yesterday. Schra Martha Jane, Pierce, and Lewis Chester, Cor* son,.henco at Boston 3d inst, Schr Julia Anna, Harding, cleared at Boston 3d inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs Martha Jano, Piorcej and Lewis Chester, So* mors, hence at Boston 3d inst. Bchr Carolino Hall, Graham, hence’atDanvcrslst inst. Schrs David Smith, Douglass, and Sarah N Smith, Smith, sailed from Salem 2d lost, for Philadelphia. Schrs Vf Warren, Cooinbes;’Emporium, Maybew; RIl Wilson, llnlse; R W Dillon, Marts; Mary, Haley, and Julia, Barratt, hence at Boston 3d inst. Schrs Isaac Rich, Smith, and J Nickerson, Baker, clearod at Boston 3d Inst, for Philadelphia. Scbr W L Dayton, Babcock, hence at Gloucester 30tb ult. Schrs Anna B Ilays and Buena Vista, cleared at Hart* ford 2d lust, for Philadelphia. NOTICE TO SIABINEKB. Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco Bar Buor is replaced, and a Buoy placed on Four Fathom Bank of samo Bari San Francisco Bar— A large Can Buoy, with black and white perpendicular stripes, Is placed outsido of San Francisco liar, at 10 fathoms at mean low water. The course from the buoy to enter the harbor is to keep Fort Point and Alcatras Island Light-houses in range. Bearings and distances: To Port Point N E by E (mag netic) about 9# miles; to the Telegraph Station on Point Lobos, E NE # N magnetic about 7# miles; aud to Point Bonita Lfght-houso, N E # N magnetic, about 7# miles. Four Fathom Hunt—(Being the southwesterly and sboalest part of San Francisco Bar.)—A first class Can Buoy, with red and black horizontal stripes, is placed at four fathoms at mean low water on the west or seaward of Four Fathom Bank. Bearings and, distances: To Point Bouita Light-house, E by N (magnetic) 4 miles; and to the Telegraph Station on PoiDt' Lobos B by 8 (magnetic) 6 miles. The buor is also ou range with Fort Point LSgbt-house aud Potnt Bonita. The Bunk extends towards Point Bonita; is 2# mites in length, and nearly one mile In greatest width. Tholeast depth on It at mean low water is 3# fathoms. . By order oftho Light-nouse Board. HARTMAN BACIIE, MaJ Topog’l Engineers, lir Maj, Ofilce 12th. Light-house District, ) San Francisco, July 27,1857. > SPOKEN. 14th ult. lat 4518, long 43 20, ship Polar Star, of Bos ton, bound E. ' MARINE MISCELLANY. Nonvowc, Nn , September 4.—Anlvod, brig Arabella. fropi'Asplnwall, for New York, with her forotopinast gone, her,foremost sprung, and tholossof her The crew are sick of Ohagres fever. Ship'Eli Whitney, for Sidney, while being towed to sea from' San Francisco, July 29, by tho steam tug Mar tin White, went afoul of the brig J B Brown, lUggius. fOr Mcpdoclno, beating out at the same time, but was then’ In’ stays. Tho ship sustained no damage, and pro ceeded on bor voyage The brig had her loro rigging carried away, foro topsail split, ic. She was compelled to return to the city tor repairs. The new Collins steamship Adriatic was floated off the balance' dock, at New York, yesterday, and towed roiitld to her berth at tho foot of Oan&I street, East Rlvor. DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW YORK, Sopt. 4.—Ar ship Calhoun, Trumau, Liverpool, July 30th, mdso and 841 passengers. Mar garet Ward, of Ireland. died; Bremen ship Emigrant, Andresson, Bremen, with mdso and 135 passengers; ship Both Sprague Mylohor, Bhietda; ship Thulatta, (of Batb) Cooper, Liverpool July 20; Spanish brig Pensatlvo, Rebaso, Havana; brig Mary Lowell, (of Machias) Foiu roy, Savannah la Mar, Ja; schr Challenge, Whitefor, Cnarlestoni schr Onrust. (of Squan, NJ,) Thompson, N Orleans; schr Arctic, Critchte, Georgetown, 1)0; schr Edw Kidder, Ilartstcin, Wilmington, NC; schr J Turice, Rogers, Charleston. Cleared—Bark Col Led/ard, Beckwith. Apalachi cola; brigs Sea Foapif Warren, Baltimore, Washington, Marvlck, Matauzas; Cyguot, (Br) Smith, Wiudsor; schr Panther, gaper, Richmoud. °l *'"■ Epiphany—Che.tnnt anil FIFIELNTII streets.— I Tho Rector of this Church, tho Rev. WILLIAM O. PRENTISS, will preach to-morrow morning and afternoon. Service at 10# A.'M„ and 4 F-M- ses-lt# (Lr~ Preaching, to-morrow. Sept. 6, In Locan SQUARE CHURCH, TWENTIETH^and VINE Streets, atlo#,'A. M-, and 7#, l>. m., by Rev. JOHN PAT TON. It* Jl7» JonrnernienXoilora.—An Adjourned Meet* Ing of the Trade will bo hold on SIONDAY MORNING beit/Sept. 7th. at 9 o’clock, in Fraukllu Hall, BIXTH street, below Arch, in*accordance with a resolution passed at thb last mooting. so4-lt# ny Keystone Club. *• Opening Meeting.— Democrats, rally In your strength for the opening of tho campaign, and rodoom your pledge to tho Democracy of tbo Union, to keep Jho glorious old Keystone In the column of thpap who respond ‘‘ No North, uo South— our Union,' one and inseparable, now and forever.’* ' A Grand Ratification Meeting of tho Keystone Club will bo hold' at Independence Square, on Thursday evening, September lOlb, to ratify and confirm the gene ral nominawQDß of the party, ,to which all true men of tbo Unloose Invited. , w J Tho meeting will bo addressod by General Win A. Packer, Hon, Wm. Bigler, Hon. J; Clancy Jones, Hon. , Stephen A, Dbuglas, EUiaß,. Bchn&bell, Esq.. Hon l’oter. Shannon, Spencer E. Cone,. Esq., of Now-York, and a number of. our fellowttoWnßmen. 1 ? M i l Domocratic Clubs and Ward Associations Intending to participate-vf ill report to tho Committoo, at the Club Headquarters,Globe Hotel, Blith And Chestnut streets.- • >' ; . Edward W.- Powiß,) * JoBßru°CoLtlK. ■ } Cmmiitu. ; ''wa. s, suiKwyr^wrtti ID* Notice to Cons)Ktiee»>-4)hp .*hl!> wart,” Captain Lucas, from Liverpool, ready to discharge at Shlppen street wharf: ‘ Oonslgnees-will. ploaso send their permits os board. All goods.not per', milted in flvo days will bo sent to public storo. THOMAS RICHARDSON A CQ. List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL-Fourth street, below Arch. ' j A Palmer, ’ *l®°?°s“*°’ N *°£ W Young Mtffiebburg " H Ercholberger, Balt •< Dr JF Henry, Burlington, JABoweti, do ■ l OWft 1 P 8 Blit*, Columbia 1 • Mr, Hour/, , ,do •O T Bdoo, ludlana 1 Mrs Graham, do ? i r S, n L Co ! !>' Misa Haiftmol, do J R ?4duird, W Grumrlllo E a Baldwin, St Joaoph, Mo Velina - .1 - E R Oardner. Pittsburg G W Ouspln, Conn S J Berger, Pa & Ketebem, Musca, lowa P Stabler, Balt 1 W B tilbba, Tenn T M Peerce, Tenn • J YT Eyster. Chairibs’bg W McCormick, Tenn Mis* M McCormick, Tenn 0 N McAdoo, Oreonaboro, Robt Williamson, NO NO James Stewart, WellsvJUe Banl Fuller, Cedar Rapids, Hugh S Wilson, do ' lowa_ _ Samuel Capo, do J A McCord, Ga Wm II Brown & la, Pa E Ncbhut, uo Alex Leathern, do II H Cohen, NY 8 WethorlU, Bethlehem N Smith, Troy, NY JdhuCrawford, MB, Pitts- Sarah Saxton, do burg Susioßaxlon, do Miss Alvord, Tow&ndft TV It Hughes, Cambria co, A Edwards, do Pa T Strong, Pittatown, Pa M Murphy, Salesbury, NO E Gortuer, Ooshon, Ind 8 A Potter, Prov, HI AO Larnsou. N York A Gartman, York, Pa F Dowdy & la, Poca, Tenn ’ Win McCabe, Springfield, 111 STATES UNlON—Market, above Sixth. F Vouslch, N York’ K Few, llarrisburg W Forbes, Westmoreland, E C Lyons, Phila l’ouna WPWlthors, Groon’b,NC S Peters, Potersb’g, Ya' II Sampsou, Pa Q M W Biles, N York J Reynolds, Md B F Park, lowa .W Finney, Dauphin co, F H Foster, Panama Ponna G U Bardwell, PRU 0 'Walton, Phlla A Armstrong, Col, Pa BLACK BEAR INN-Mercbarit street, below Fifth. Jos Portena, Cheater co JU Rosenbaum, N J Mrs Callahan, Phllada Mrs Riley, N York Sam’l Loedom A la, Del co Jacob Dovoo, West Chester K T Mercer, Cheater co Homer Radius, jr, Kdg* 0 Taylor, Eugmont, Del co . mont, Del co, Pa Jacob E Johns, Chester co S Alsop, jr, Phila SucukiuHii Millor, Chester MUa Sponco, West Chester co, Ca ,00 Marsh, N York Jaa Williamson, Marplo, Jtly Parry, Lancaster Del co, Pa Lewis Seal, N6w Garden, •' • Chester co,‘ Pa ' ‘ > NATIONAL.H&TEL—Race stxoot, abore Third. ~ Henry Conuard, Reading Jos Adlor, N York ‘Dr J Fords, Hamburg . John Biogol, Reading, Pa II Brandt, Augusta • A Schille, Hamburg, S C N W Ilobinßon, Koeavlllo ■ ’ H J Hendler, Fottsville R Thompson, Doylbatown A J llumbergof, Ohio • Gcorgo Fry, Allentown, Pa T W Laaeastar D D llrodliead, Phila ’ ■ BMayhew,. .do John 0 Walton, Lancaster Geo W Lawrence,Loularlle Miss Walton, Lancaster , , GIRARD HOTEL—Chestnut Street, below Nsnth. jAMooro.NU James Getty, Balt GFoushie, do Jlt Wyman, do Oapt Craig, USA • Geo M Ricker, I.yucli’g, Va Wm Earley, Va Sami W Holt, Ya Harvey E/Unger, Ya W Harper, Washington G W (jwous, N 0 Sami P Hoover, ’ do R R Thompson, Cape Moy G W Shepherd, Ya Wm Lowry, Ya Jno J Ahahan, Balt 0 Wendell A la. Wash Goo 0 Grey & wife, Mom* Jno S Spencer, Va phis,Tcnn Max Studlor, (Jin, Ohio K M Ayres & la, Miss J BTavlor, Ala ' Waltou Cooper, Ala W J Stowoll A la, Balt J G McClelland, Wash J Winslow, Peterab’g, Va Yf 0 Oleuu, Balt S S Carrier, Harrisburg El’ Miller A la,Uearda’n,ll J Leonard A la, Illinois D P Russell, N Orleans E A Bteed, Miss H Terrill tc la, St Louis J VII Hunter, Reading Mr Strihbling, Ya T U Ycatraan, Cincinnati Mrs Phillips, do John J Achcz, Dayton, 0 Miss McCurdy, do Wm L Baird, St Louis Miss B Purnell, 'Westerly H 0 Whitell, Chicago A 0 Weedon do H J A Foster, MomphTs A H Washburn tc la, NYv Jos Rogers, jr, Balt B B Cunningham, ’ do ‘ Dll Reman, SO S II Young tc wife, NO G W Dean, Boston M A Bledsoe tc wife, do 8 Darrell A la, lialt E Dwight, Boston Miss MII Jackson,’ Reading R U Roberts, NJ 11 M Ayers A la, Miss Mrs 0 llornoudy, 8t Louis J Lansing A la, Albany EFBenounly, do T J Shannon A la,’lll Wm McCracken,N Orleans J J Granger, Balt J T Wobb, Ga Maj W W Chapman A la, Thos U Rich, Dalt . U 8 A T McCann do Dr W R Prior, BO ' Mifls A E Prior, SO Mrs RG Whito, do Miss Gregg, do Thos E Gregg, do 7« F Nnnee, Va F A Jewett, Boston p 0 David A son, Balt Jamos G Rogers A la, Ga John G Blasdd, N Y P F Rogers, Oln 0 BP Strader, Cin 0 John Williams A la, NY 1 Jacob Strader, do Johu M I.anier, Phila W F Master, Ala A Crehango, Paris, Franco H King, Washington W Steelo, SO A P Blackwell, Ky A Outdone, N Y llonj Tyson, jr, Reading J Hirshfiold, Pittsburg F Rattle, Cliicsgo G Fowler, Cuba C V Chamberlain,Charston John Alexander, B< Mrs Alexander, Balt J C Klino A la, La Mrs T Brisco A son, Miss T C Flournoy, Ark Jas E Ripley, N Y W B Caswell, Mllwauklo A Menls, Richmond Maj Geo T Steadman, Ohio P Weycoff, N Y UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. A Baum. Uhriohsvillo, O W W Berry, Balt John G Reading, N J W' M Walker, Keokuk,lowa Jos Dixon, Ireland Jas Wilson, Sch Haven J B Shaw, lowa G W Yonamar A la, Now J D McGaleb, Mt Pleaa’t, Pa Pads, 0 J ItStouffor, Pa 0 Craves, St Louis, Mo It Hollingsworth, St Louis Wm H Schofield, Yellow Jos II Wfiey, N J Springs 0 Miss Biggs, Pittsburg M E Gross, Del Go, Pa 0 II Schohlor, Rochester, OGB Markle, llazletou, Pa Miss A Robins, Bloomsburg T Stackpolo, Salem, 0 J Hay, Easton, Pa A Bates, Shanesville, 0 . J llnston, Carrollton, 0 B W Ulling, Grauville, 0 J A Saxton, Ohio jf Cannon, Ohio Goo Bacon, Dayton, O HD Doweu, Dayton, 0 P S Steer, Washington II Leonard and wife, Bur* David Leonard, Burlington, linglou, lowa lowa ' Elizabeth Leonard, Bur* L Jacobs, Richmond, Va lington, lowa Bonnot Nooe, Lexington A F Boas, Reading, Pa Jas W Hubbard. NJ J &I Blair, lowa J J Craig, Madison, Ind 0 W Ely, Ohio, CITY HOTEL—Third streot, ahoro Race. J Wallace, New Jersey WII Flitoraft, Bridesburg, H Jackson. do Pa WII Wapiei, Northumber* H A Qralr Burks <•' ir* Ua ham, Buries co W Brobst, Daovillo G Wilton, New York J Ilonry, Purktburg G M Fronklcy, Mnncjr II Hooloj, Jersey bhore Y Svhlting, Cheater B II Cummings. Oloarfleld S McDouvls, do 8 Newbold, ‘ do D Nelson & la, Easton G Mason &, daughter, do FlJorsoy & sou, Doylestown W’ Foust. do R Pemberton, do 8 Willing*, Pittsburgh \V Pemberton k la. do C J Wilber, Now York J Roberts, Columbia, Pa I) J) James, Columbia, Pa MADISON nOUSE—Second Btroet, abo.e Jlorkot. Jaa M Donnoly &. son, Pa Bam’l Blooncr, Ohio Chas Bowman, Del A M Mnntoller, Saletu ChasLebrom, N Orleans W G Moore, New York Phillip Stater, Albany J Jones A duughter, Alb’y H GotUugham, Albany llHeffert. Peutift Caleb llelllngcf, Illinois H E Couch, Hope, N J Danl F Uansan, Now York BLACK BEAR UOTEL-Third street, ab. CaltowhUl. T I) Wolf, Danboro E Ilaldeman, Bucks co G W Wolf, do A IJuckman, Feaaterr L Clemens, Doylcstown W Buchmah, do J Clemens, do B Brandt, Spinncrsville 8 Foil, Buckingham 61 V B Van Artsdalon, G U&rtzol. N Texas Southnmton C Roods, Byberry Miss Vanarfsdalen, do A Eshbach, Norr S Roods, do G Clomens, Chester Valley T Morgan, Attleboro 8 Fidler, Orwlgsburg AMERICAN HOUSE-Chestnut st.. below Bixth. S Hoffman. Va Rentes Hoffman, Ya C EII Boruvillo, Del T N Briggs, Jerusalem, Va Tbos Scott, Va J II Harrison, NJ Chas Jackson, Pliilada T J Moore, Ilollidaysburg Jas F Smith, Reading Daniel Miller, Balt B B Knight, Providence A B White, Tenn Vi II Cam, Easton D Doughertv & la, Potts- R 8 Gilmer, NC T Streets, Balt C Mahoney, Now York J M Cook, Ky J Vf Paine, do JDllocker, Ky 8 F Brown, do W J O’Brien, Balt J 0 Cooper, do A R Harrison, Provldenco L Hooper, do J Bates tc la. NY 8 L Cook, NY Wm Hopkins, NY itO Oharles, NY L S Smith, Baltimore T Reed, Hnvro do Grace Samuel Smith, Pa T 8 Reed, do Miss 8 Smith, Pa 8 S Llviugston, Maes W W Williams, NY 3 H Livingston, do W It Williams, KY P J Flaherty, Alton Bay C P Emerson, Alton Bay Mies Emerson, do Miss Bates, New York. Special ifotues. Removal.—Fowler, Wolla Sc Co., late N0.23t Arch Street, havo removed to No. 922 Chestnut Street. W’orks on Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure and Phonograph, wholesale and retail. Phrenological ex aminations day aud evening. Seamen’s Saving Fund —Office 203 ‘ Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits in sums of Ono Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, aud allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 !u tho evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James S. Pringle. Bower’s. Infant Cordial.—-Tbit invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the moat porfect and reliable carminative extaut for infanta and young children. 1 * By its powerful influence a speedy euro Is effected In all cases of Choltc t windy pains aud spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children’s suffering during dent!- tiou or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quillses pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant suctess. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Hk.srv A. Bowen, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. cornor of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. an 13.5^ Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interrst—Na tional Bafety Trust Company, in Walnut Street, south west corner of Third Street, Philadelphia. Assets over One Million and a Half of Dollars, Invested in Real Estate, Mohtgagbs,Ground Rents, and other first class securities, as required by the chartor. This institution confines Us business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, is received, audthemouey is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, and oa Monday and Thursday evenings until 0 o'clock. marriages, Oa the fiiornlug of the 3rd instant, by Rev. Dudley A. Tyng, Mr. JAMES MATHERS, of Baltimore, to Miss ELIZA RANDALL, of Philadelphia. lst instant.by R ev /D. 8. Miller, Mr. JOriN COOPER to BALLIE Y., daughter of Dr. R. Burns, all of Frankford Pa. , 1 IDealljo. On the 2d lost., FRIEND LODGE, in the 42d year of bis ago. Tho relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invltod to uttond tho funeral, from his late residence, Apple street, below Master, on Sunday, 6th instant, bo tween 10 and 12 o’clock, without further notice. To procod to Cemetery, on Frankford Road. On tho 2d inst., MARY OALLAN, daughter of Mary and the late Thomas Callao, aged 11 years. The relatives and frlonds or the tamily are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her stsp.fathor, Thomas Mahan, Cuthbert street, above below Arch, This (Saturday) Aftoruoon, at J o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Ca thedral Coinotory. - , < < • ■ T • Hs.. tTk E>» MANUFACTORY OP • CARVED ' AiiD ORNAMENTAL . MARBLE WORK, GREEN. Btraot, above BEVENTIJL l'liilodel- TW*. ’ . . . . augSMw •jifACGBEGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. ITi Soil by OHADWIQK A BBO.,BItCOND SGont, fiwta«otstw -. ■ wgis-smoi. CjPEOIAL NOTICE, " ' w CT ■ l. 0,, s.' 'Mi' . .1)33 D I G A T 10 i! i ' ■MINNJJ.IIA-lfA LODGE, NO, 1. , > ' < TiViCE NOTICE. ' ’ The Member* arohorcby commanded to present tueid- Bolvca atthe New Hall, N. W. corner Fourth and Wal nut streets—Entranco on Fourth strcot—Ou MONI)A.Y EVENING, 7th lust., at eovon .o’clock,' Brother Jno. B. WfttePa, Gland Commanilor of ,tho Grand Council of thd State of Missouri, will bo in attendance to officiate 'bn tbo abovo occasion. By Order of tha Bcs-2t* GRAND COMMANDER. TINITED; STATES RAILROAD AND ■JJ MINING RKUISTER.—The United States Rail road aud Mining Register is a journal publishod in phila delpbla. and aa its homo denotes, is devoted to tho rail road and industrial interests of the country. Its edi tor, Thomus S. Fernoni Esq,, is eminently qualified to conduct a journal of thU description. Having been a member of the Legislature for a number of years, whore he made the railroad'interests of Pennsylvania.his study, and acquired a mastery over them which left him without a’ Superior or scarcely a rival, no man in 'the State is consequently better adapted to bo useful in the position that he has chosen. , Tho railroad and mining interests of Pennsylvania are second to thoso of no State in the {lnlon, although with truo Pequayivania modesty vro U»ye not mgde tho roost of our achievement* aud advantages by advertising tliepi to the world. While othejf States have supported journals of this description, Pennsylvania has been do lioieut, until Mr Fercou stepped forward and embnrkod Ills onterprlse and experience in tho work. Wo hopo that liis success mny equal his most sanguine expecta tions. Punw/iu RJBhine to ‘subscribe {s2 |»or aunum,] will address Thome* S-Feruon, No, 42J Walnut street Philsdelphia. —Harrisburg G Patriot and Union,’' Sept. 2— ii. J. Jialdeman, Editor and Propfiitor. R# Her home was but a cottage ItOilK, A simple home and small, Yot swootuesa and affection made It soom afciiry Hall.— Charles Swain. LADIES’ JOURNAL, for Soptembor, contaiua this beautiful Poem. Also tho Poem of •* WINNOWER,” -by T. Buchanan Read. ThU neWILLUSTiuTEO M ioa 21M8 also contains every month, thrilling and excellent Stories by tbe best writers, beautifully embellished with Engravings— tv largo f-olored FASHION PLATE of authentic fashions, Bounets, Head t)rP sseB > Ac., and about 25 Deelgns for Needlo-work. In the umnbot for September, is published two pieces of cboicoand now Music. “The Echo,” a quartet of • remarkable beauty, am) “ Tho Ladies’ Smile,” a favor ite waits, in the opera of THH BRIBES OF VENICE, arranged for the Ltulics’ Journal. This is tb£ most useful and entertaining Rfipjodical uublDbod. .Bold by all dealers. Price IS cents. BOiTTKBUOO!) If CO., VublUhun, BhilaJa. The Ladlofl 1 Journal for salo at every store throughout thofitato. r sefr-It Edward p. kelly. . LATB KELLY A B T n E R , Having engaged (he sorvices of CUAKLJ3S R O T n , Distinguished for tho beauty and oxeellenue of Ids Goods when in tho Tailoring Business, has taken the Store. 814 OHESTN UT STREET, AKD HJLB OI'KNED FOH TUB SALK, AT ItKTAIL, OF CLOTHS, CABSIMERKS, VESTINGS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, Acq., Of the best tpialltiefl, at moderate prices. |E?» Tho businof* of KELLY A BROTHER is ro moved, from this date, to No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, « here it will bo attended toby EDW’D P. KELLY or JOHN I*. DOHERTY. seb-ly JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 432 CHESTNUT. BELOW FIFTH STREET, Importers of Watches auu Fine Jewelry, Manufactu rers of Sterling and Staudard Silver Tea Seta, Forks ami Spoonsj 'BolW'ftgonts for the Bale of Charles Frodshatu’a nww series* Gold Medal Londou Timekeepers—all tho sites on haud, price* $250. $275, ami $3OO. English aud Swiss Watches at tho lowest prices. Rich fashionable Jewelry. Sheffield and American Plated 'Wares. sc6-y WHO WOULD HAVE A DAGUERREO TYPE when a Splendid Improved AMIJROT YPE can bo had lor 50 couts, ami upwards, at tho new Sky light Rooms J 520 West Market shoot. EVANS, Practi cal Photographer and Teacher. eos-lt* Leather— sole and upper, of alLkiuda; Morocco, Linings, Shoo Findings, and every article requisite for boot aud shoo making, at the lowest prices, at No. 1130 MARKET street, below TWELFTH, Girard Row. aus-2l<* JOHN F. COMBS. Shipping. FOli SAN FRANCISCO—-CALIFORNIA LlNE.—Direct from Philadelphia Tho magnificent clipper ship JOSEPH JONES, Sam uel G. Flowers, commander, is .now loading at Race streot wharf; having a large part of her cargo engnged and going on board rapidly, will huvo immediato des patch. Shippers Will pleaso hurry their goods alongside with out delay. For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS A CO.. ses4tf 30 North Wharves. IjlOK SAN FRANCISCO—FROM NEW ’ The celebrated clipper ship SANTA CLAUS, Foster, master; the lungnillcent clipper ship BOSTONIAN, , master, aro now loading und will have despatch ns above. For balnnce of freight apply to BISHOP, SI MON 9 A CO , aeS-dtf so North Wharves. FOR NEW ORLEANS, La—LOUISI ANA LINK.—To succeed the barque SARAGOS SA. Tho fast-sailing packet ship OT3EONTHE, Win. K. Maxwell, master, is now ready to receive heavy freight, and having a largo portinu of her cargo alroady engaged, and will have quick deapntch. For freight or passage having elegant accommodations, apply to BISHOP, SIMONS A CO., acS-dtf 30 North Wharves. NEW ORLEANS-PACK.ET NOTICE— Louisiana Liijo.—Shippers per barquo SARAGOSSA, Darr, master, will please hand in their bills of lading THIS DAY to tho couutlug-houac for signature. Freight will bo received until high water to-day, (un less soouor full. BISHOP, SIMONS A CO., ge9-U .30 North Wharves. THE WEEKLY PRESS. Thorourth Number of Tim Wbhkly Piikss is now ready for sale at our countor. In the quality and variety of its contents it surpasses any number yet iosood, and merits the reputation it has already acquired Of being tho boat weekly journal published. IT COJiT.iI.S3 The third number of TUB FAMILIAR LIFE OF PENNSYLVANIA—A striking original uarrativo, nhich is attracting great attention. TUB SIX GREY POWDERS, by tho author of the Court Farm—An intensely intonating story. POETRY. TIIE MONKS OF THE WKY. OUT OF TOWN. (Original.) THE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE. THE DIRTH-DAY. (Original.) CORRESPONDENCE. JOTTINGS OF TRAVEL, No. 4. (Original.) TnE ENGLISH HOUSE OF LORDS. LETTER FROM A SOUTHERNER. (Original.)—An elaborate exposition of the vlowa held by a portion of the South in relation to Kansas and the policy of Gov. Walker. HIGHLY INTERESTING LETTER FROM NEW YORK. (Original.) THE CRASH AND HOW NEW YORKERS TAKE IT—MRS. CUNNINGHAM AND HER CASE—THE LAWYERS, Ac., Ac. LETTER FROM LOUISVILLE.—THK U. S. AGRI CULTURAL PAIR, SCENES ANI) INCIDENTS. WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. IMPORTANT TO TUB IRON INTERESTS OF PENN- SYLVANIA. THE CIRCULAR OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY ON IRON. CABINET MEETING—TIIE RUMORED REMOVALS —TIIE NEW BLOOP-OF-WAR—RE-ASSEMBLING Jfl OF THE NAVAL COURTS OF INQUIRY—AP POINTMENTS AND RESIGNATIONS—GENERAL DENVER AND,TIIE INDIANS—THE CONSULATE fO LIVERPOOL. NEW PAPER DY JOHN MITCnELL—DEPARTURE OF TUB SECRETARY OF WAR—THE NAYAL BOARD-COURTS OF INQUIRY-DEATH OF CAPTAIN GRELAND—TILE PENSION BUREAU, fee., Ac. EX-rREBIDENT PIERCE. TO READERS AND CORRESPONDENTS. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT.—A careful Selec tion of Valuable Information for tho Fanner. GENERAL INTELLlGENCE—Coutainlngall tbo News of tho Week. NATIONAL CONVENTION OF TEACHERS IN PHIL- • ADELPIIIA. ENGLISH REVIEWAL OF AMERICAN POETS. CHARLES FBNNO HOFFMAN, THE POET—HIS INSANE FANOIKS. THE PRESIDENT AND TIIE NEW ENGLAND ME MORlAL.—lnteresting Correspondence, with Edito rial Comineuta. HISTORY. UNPUBLISHED LETTER OF WASHINGTON. JEFFERSON’S PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON. THE SIZE OF LONDON. )VmTJS-HEADED, OR BALD EAGLE. MARRIAGES IN ENGLAND. RANDOLPH ON TIIE CHOICE OF A WIVE. ASTOUNDING FACTS IN REGARD TO TOBACCO CHEWING, SMOKING AND SNUFFING. VARIETIES. A FULL AND COMPLETE REPORT OF THE MAR- KETS. THE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN—GF.NKRAL PACKER AT YORK. EDITORIALS. ROGER B. TANEY. THE OCEAN TELEGRAPH. OUR BEAUTIFUL CITY. NEWSPAPER EXAGGERATION. ANSWER TO A SOUTHERNER. MR. GREELEY AND KANSAS. NEGRO SUFFRAGE IN MINNESOTA. PROGRESSION. THE CONFERENCE AT OSBORNE. THE LONDON TIMES AND SLAVERY. A DANIEL COME TO JUDGMENT. FOREIGN NEWS BY THE VANDERBILT. TnE GREAT REVOLT IN INDIA. THE FORMATION OP THE FEDERAL CONSTITU TION. GOV. WALKER AND THE KANSAS QUESTION. TRADE. DR. aiUSWOLD. DEMOCRATIC FOLIC Y—FREEDO3I FOR THE WHITE MAN. OUR GREAT SUCCESS. NEWSPAPER IMPERSONALITY. THE WEEKLY PRESS its furnished to subscribers at (2 per yeai*! in advance, for the ainglo copy, and to clubs of twenty, when sent to one address, $2O, iu ad vance. Siuglo copies for salo at tho counter of The Pmbsh office, in wrappers, ready for mailing. Persona sending clubs of twenty or over will pleaso bear In mind that the paper thus ordered cannot be directed to each subscriber, unless the club price </ $1.20 per annum ia paid, and paid t» advance. This la in accordance with our published rates, and some of our friends have overlooked it. Our heavy lists compel us to tdliero this rule. NBIY FALL CLOAKS,—.Just received at tho Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium, to which the attention of Ladies and stranpors visiting tbo city, is respectfully iuvitod. GEO. BULPIN £ Co., 708 Chestnut street. NEW FALL CLOAKS, atWholcaalo —Merchants will find tho largest stock of theso Goods, in tho greatest va riety of materials and prices, at tho Paris Mantilla and Cloak Emporium. Prices low, and tonus liberal, GEO. BULPIN fc CO., got-lra ■ ■ ■/ 708 Chestnut street. DAVIT) M. HOGAN, BLANK BOOK Manufacturer, Btatloner ‘ and Printer j No* 418 WALNUT Street. botweeoFourth and- Fifth, - Pbltadeh phis,-'s'/''''- ■ *■ ■ s sri'liji ' 'Mtttsfiineitis: .OTioNArTHnHIrTO^^ 11 above Eighth. - , V ' * ; AoMisstON—SeaW fn Private Box, sq : • Orchestra Chairs, 75 cents; Dress Circle and Parquet, 60 cents- Family Circle,-5 cents. Doordopen at?. Tocotnmence atBK o'clock. 1 Box Offico open from 10 to 4 o’clock, -when sc&ta can bo secured. ‘ 1 1 - •' 1 ' Stage Manager, . J : Mr. 11. Watkins THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Bept. 5, will be played tho favorite Drama of'-J ■ . - • . H■- DOMBEY AND SOX. Capt. Edward Cuttlo.... Mr. Burton. Mrs. Skowton... V.’.V.*'..' /.Mrs.n. Muzzy. To conclude with the Laughable Farco of WANTED, 1000 MILLINERS FQR'TUR GOLD DIGGINGS. Joe 8ag5........,, /.Mr. Burton. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Lns: »eo, Mr E A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. JobnSefton. Prices.—Dresft Circle and Parquette, 60 coots; UppcrCircle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Beats, 76 ccuts. Box Office open from 9 o’clock A M. to 3 P. M. Doors open ni 7 o’clock; performance to com mence at 7Jf. • i ■ , OPENING NIGHT, This establishment hu 1 been .Newly Decorated and Painted, the Lobbies New* Carpeted, Papered and Em bellished, and the Boxes re-fitted and Cushioned. . MB. AND MRS. JOHN SLOAN, THI3 (Saturday) EVENING, Sept. 6ib, will be acted MQctan’a domestic Plav of ' ALL THAT GLITTERS 18 NOT GOLD. . Slephoul*lum....i. Mr.Bh.well l'lmn Mr . A'ilecKct Marth. Oltihs M'llo PoaUl hady l.oatherlirWau........ Mr.. SiLboe . To concludo with the Laughable Farce entitlM 808 NETTLES. Moijs. Tourhillon Bob Nettles.,,*, Waddi10v0.,,,,,,,,,, WHEATLEY* ARCH ST. THEATRE. VT —SoloLeasee * W. WHEATLEY. Scale or Prunes. —Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Beats in Prl vato 80xe5,.75 cents ; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored 25 centa; Pri vate Jip* In Gallery for Colored peruana, 38 centa. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3P.M. J. M. B. WUITTON Treasurer. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Sept. 6th, will be pre sented Sbakspeato’s Tragedy of ROMEO AND JULIET. Romeo, Mr. Wheatley Mercutlo.,,,...Mr.Dolman Juliet., »,Mrs. K. L. Davenport To conclude with the Comlo'Drama of TRE GOLDEN FARMER. The Golden Farmor.,, Mr. Dolman Jemfny Twltcher. ............'.Mrs, J. S Clark Elisabeth., ,Mlsa Krami Taylor ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1857. GRAND FAREWELL FESTIVAL AT LEMON HILL, by Messrs. E. A A. GODARD. Grand Balloon Ascension and Desoentin Parachute at 6 o’clock. Grand Illuminated Balloon at? o’clock. Games and Races, with handsome prizes. Admission to all 26 cents. Cliildron above lQyeara.,,., ..»..12)$ “ N. B.—Persons havim; boen disappointed on Thurs day last by the inclouiency of the weather, which pre vented the* det.ccut in parachute, will he admitted for ONE SHILLING on tho prcaoutation of the BADGEof the last ExhibltlcU- «e6-2t# miIOMEUF* VARIETIES, N« W. COR. X FIFTH and CHESTNUT 1 Streets, entrance on Chestnut. MUSICAL and TERP3ICUOREAN MELANGE EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, intersporsod with the almost miraculous performance of SIGNOR FELIX RQOIIEZ, thiowing real daggers AGAINST A LIVING MAN, end playing a SOLO on tho FLUTE, when Standing upon a Pyramid of Wine Decanters.' Commencing at half-past 7. Admission 10 cents. scp2-4fc* • ' * WALNUT STREET THEATRE—Mr. v T and Mrs. HERMANN YEZIN. from the princi pal English Theatres, will make thoir first appearance in America, at tho above Theatre, on Monday evening next, September Bth. sol-6t# CfANFORD* OPERA HOUSE— £9 ELEVENTH Struct, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7J{ o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 centa. OLORIOUB SUCCESS. SECOND WEEK cf the great burlesque on the Opera of LA TRAVIATA. Written expressly for this establishment by John Har rington, Esq. Tho Manager respectfully announces that in conse quence of tho immense excitement produced by the performance of the above burlesque, It will be repeated MONDAY Evonlng, August 31st, and every evening this week. Previous to the pioco ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY BY SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE £fjal Notices. IN TIIE ORPHANS*. COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, August 18th, 1857. Kotico is hereby given, to all persons interested in the 'estate of Mary Aldorfer, late of the township of Lover Salford, In said comity of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, andßonjaiuln Alderfcr have applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for tho sale of the real estate of said Mary Alderfcr, deceased. The said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, tho 80th day of September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M.,ut the Court House, in Norris town, for all parties interested to appearand show cause, if any they have, why tho prayer of said petitioners should not be granted. By order of Hie Court. j. B. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court, au2o-dtw I" N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, 1 FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA, of Docoutber term, 1856. Alias March term', 1857. No. 15*. Isabella Josephine Jane, by her next friend, John Smith, vs. James 51. Juuc. Now, August 13th, 1857, on motion of R. M. Lee, rule granted on respondent to show cause why a divorce shall not be decreed, returnable, on tho third Monday of September, A, D. 1857. To James M Juno. Sir, pleaße take notice of the above rule. R. M. LEE, au29-2aw2w For Libellant. TN TIIE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS A von THE CITY ASD COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA, of Juno Term, 1837, No. 11. Elizabeth Mooney,by hernext friend, Sami.Reynolds, vs. George Mooney. Now, August 13, 1857, on motion of R. M. Lee, rule granted on respondent to show cause wby a divorce shall not be decreed, returnable on the thin) Monday of To George Mooney: Sir, please take notice of the abovorule. Sept., A D. 1857. R.M.LF.E, au29-sAw2w For Libellant. ©cnllcmcn’s -fiirnisljing ©oo&e WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE » » MEN’S yUIINISniNO STORE, nnd PATENT SHOULDER BEAM &lIIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 706 CHESTNUT Street, above Soventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole aale and retail, and made to urdor. aus-lyif Aov Salt mib to £tt. 570 R SALE— A VALUABLE PROPERTY. —The subhcriber offers for sale his old established ICE CREAM aud CAKE BAKERY Establishment, with all the fixtures, No. 920 PINK Street, with a business that will yield a profit of $5,000 to $O,OOO a year. For terms, apply on the premises, to flt‘s-ll# B. W. SHARP. T7IOR SALE —Tho Stock and Fixtures of a -i? Grocory Store now doing a good business, if ap plied for soon, as tho owner Is going South. No. 553 Germantown Road abovo Fifth. e#4-2t* TO LET—A CLUB ROOM. Apply at tho STAR HOTEL, Harmony Court. acS*3t* FOR SALE.—A flrat-class Dwelling and Lot of Oronnd, on WASHINGTON Stroot east of SEVENTEENTH Street, FUtoeuth Ward. Lot 20 feet 0 inches by 95 feet. House three stories, double three story bock back building, and contain! every modern convenience. Immediate possession. Will bo sold very low. and but $lOOO cash required, or will be ex« changed for city loan, or good stock. Apply to 11. C THOMPSON k. G. W.CONAUROB, ae4-3t* Conveyancers, 933 AIICH Street, dhqnn OR $6OO BOOK bindery for wt/W SALE— Sotob yo&rs established, doing a fair Job business, which can be increased, both blank aud priuted jobs. Location, 535 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank books at cost, jobs bound to order. auglQ-Sw rrto BE LET.—THE HANDSOME THREE J- Story Brick Dwelling, No. 8 PORTICO SQUARE, SPRUCE street, above Ninth, south side. Apply to 8. & W. WELSH. au2d-2w* No. 218 South Delaware Avenue. PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N J., FOR SALE, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 75 feet by 140. Price, $3,000. Also, Lota suitable for manufactories, fronting the river. Apply to C. ROBB, No. 311 South Fifth atroet. au26-lm* The best books to sell.—Book- Bcllcrv, Agents and Newsmen will find a quick sale for those new hand-books, just published—“ How To Write”—D How To Talk”—“How To Rehavo”—and “How To Do Busiuesa ” Price, free by mail, only Thirty Cents each, or the four in paper, $l. Com plete in ono largo gilt vol., $1.60, now ready. Try them. Address FOWLER & WELLS, 308 BROADWAY, New York, or FOWLER, WELLS & CO., 022 CHESTNUT Btroet. Philadelphia. ses-d2t&wy2t* NH\\ r TREATISE ON LAND SURVEY ISOC.& T. BIDDLE,No. MS MlNORStreet, have in press, and will publish on or about tho 15th instant, a TREATISE ON SURVEYING, by Simcel Alsop, author of “ A Treatise on Algebra,” Ac. In tho above mimed work tbo subject is presented in its practi cal as well as itri theoretical relations; tho theory being comprehensively and plainly elucidated, and the directions for practice being dofinfte and precise. Tho work is designed for tho use of Schools aud of Practical Surveyors. ue4-2t Revised edition of lyman’s HISTORICAL CHART AND QUESTION BOOK— Containing in a most attractive form the prominent oventa of the CIVIL, RELIGIOUS, and LITERARY HISTORY of the WORLD. It will be fouud one of the most complete methods of irupartiug Historical informa tion. By its uso iu families, the reading of any work on History will bo rendered much moro interesting and profitable, and to Teachers ono of the most invaluable aids Retail price $1.60. Just published by MOSS, BROTHER, & CO’ (New) No. 10 South FOURTH St. Copies sont freo of postage on receipt of price. se2-Gt (■'IOAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL J SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following etandard Books, vis: Blunt’s Coast Pilot. 36th edition; Row ditch’s Navigator,27th edition; Shipmaster’* Assistant, 9th edition. ’ Wo invito attention to our new Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavy weather, and aro especially adapted for steamers, and Towels whore tho motion is considerable. They require fewer repairs than auy compass uow In use. Marino Opera Glasses of auperlorquallty. Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compasses, Rlnaelee, Log Glasses, and al» kinds of Nautical Instruments and Rooks, constantly on baud. ' v Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the Utcsi and host authorities. Agenta for Rogers’ Araorlcnn Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers and Oompu.»eii, and for Abbott’s lloro mstrr, and an instrument Tor working o n 6 problems in Nautical Astronomy by simpio inspection and with per. Tect accuracy. They haro received the approrsl of ei periencod shipmasters, and have been adopted by the V. B.Navy. E. * O. W. IILUNT. aulB-lm» No. IT9 Water Streot. Henderson & co ,B great liter ARY FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH streets. l ln order to gratify tho wishes of our numeroos pa trons, and induce tho book-buying publlo to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, wo inteud to preuontto every purchaser of books to the amouut of $1 and up wards, a Gift In value of from 25 coats to $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and aoloct for yourselves' ' , Recollect yon are not buying at ehanee, for every pur. chaser gets hi* hooka at tho usual price, and very many will get, in addition, a present worth having. au2l-3m Evans* great gift book sale, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. N.D.—No connec tion with any other house In tho City. aul-3m Thomas - e. Baxter.— hardware, OCTLBRY AND TOOtS, No. 910 MiSKKT 81., pbof. Ninth, sodth il4(,’f bllMil|>hi». • • 1 .. .'n , . ■ 'iv.f it -;n fi i For assembly.-Joseph keyser', FIItST I'fIUCINCT,: FIFTEENTH WARD. Snli jeet to Democratic rules. ‘ '' ses-2t* ASSEMBLY— JOaUUA T. OWEN, • ' - .Twenty-second Ward—Sixteenth District, Subject to DombcratfcruleS. " ’ , eei-Stfr pOiTASSEMBLY— iY: . ,■ "T’* e WILLIAM j! ASiIE. * . Sxvextkkktii Ward, 13th. District. bubjeet to Dtntoetatic Rvlti.- Sel-lw* K*OB ASSEMBLY— ' ' ' ! JOHN M. WKLLS, !T-» ov S . ? n l District-Second Ward. ; • U-T Subject to Democratic BuUg, au 28-10t* I^UOTHONOT . . ART OP THE DISTRICT COURT,J°HN P. M-PADDEN, of Third Ward' Subject to tho rulea of the Democratic Partp. aul-tf G'OH ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J.KEEFE. l —Second Legislative Diitrict, Second Ward to the decision of the Democratic Convention, anO-d toB For recorder of deeds.-—t. b. TOWN, fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic ruloe. au2o-dtSB For clerk or quarter sessions '—WILLIAM BAFFIN, First Ward. Subject to pemocratio Rules. au2o-UepS# KECORDEH OF DEEDS—ALBERT D. UOILKAU, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Demo* cratic Buies. auglS-dtaepS* Fob prothonotary of the dis trict COURT, WM. M. REILLY, of First Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au!7*dUeS» ■ Mr. JohnSefton ..Mrs. John Sloan ...Mr.John Sloan For assembly-joun h. brady, Eighth War I—Seventh Legislative District. Sub* ject to Democratic rules. au!s-tsepB* CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS, SAMUEL U. THOMPSON, Sth Ward. Subject to the Rule, of the Democratic l’artjr, Mil wflts US* XJROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT A COUUT.—WM. LOUGIILIN,Second Ward. Sub ject to Democratic rolea. . au!s-Sep7* FOR ASSEMBLY— EDWIN SMITH, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELPTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. au!4# FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District, TEH RAN I. COOK, Secoud ffwd. Subject tu Deiuocratio Bnl6 »- , aul2-tC* ' CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au!2*4w# For recorder* of deeds—thos. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth vrard, Vine street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rniea. aulQ-lra* For assembly—third district— JBANKLIN MftILVAiN, SubjMfc to Demccntlo &aB-dtspB CIOR CORONER—DR. FEODORE MIER- L SON. Fifth 'Ward. Subject to Democratic Buie*. auß-lmv 1?OR PROTHONOTARY OF THE DIS • TRICT COURT, LEWIS T. WEARS, of TwelfA Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auS-lm* PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, GEORGE F. MEEBEB, Twenty-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au4-tScB FOR ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, First Ward. Subject to decision of the Democratic Convention, anl-sw# FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT.— DAVID R. McLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aul-taeB* FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS— CHARLES M. MILLER, Fourteenth Wprd, Sabjeot to Democratic Rules, on atu t sed FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—GEORGE W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. aul-fiw* l?OR RECORDER OF DEEDS—N. F. JL WOOD, Thirteenth -ward. Subject to Democrats, rules. au3-te* CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS.-- GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratic Rules. ault*epB IVffISS BONNEY AND MISS DILLAYE J.TJL will RE-OPEN their BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL at 1815 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, Sep tember 14th. Revs. 11. A. Bcardman, Di D., Philadelphia; David Malin. do; C. Wadsworth, D. D., do; 51. G. Clark, do; J. Newton Brown, D. D., do; Wm. B. Jacobs, do; Wm. Blackwood; D. D., do: A. Converse, D. D., do; John Leyburn, I). D., do; James 11. Cuthbert, do; Wm. T. Uranttej, D. D,. do; E. B. Cheney, do; William Brad ford, New York city; A. D. Gillette. D. D., do; R. Bab cock, D. D., do; It. Fuller. D.D., Baltimore; George W. Eaton, D. D., Hamilton, New York; G. Keiuntcn, North East, New York; Thomas R&mbaut, Cassville, Georgia; Howard Malcom, D D., Lewlsburg, Pennsylvania; John S. Hart, Llj. D., Philadelphia; Paul T. Jones, Esq,, do; Col. A. G. Waterman, do; Caspar Morris. M. D.. do; Robert A. Kzell, Esq., Marshall, Texas; John 11. Sem plu, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, £sq., do. do; George \T. Jackson, Esq., do, do; John U. Raymond, IL. D., Brooklyn. New York; Mayson Bray* son, Esq., Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford, nomec, Now York; Stephen D. Diilaye, Esq., New York city; Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Bloghamton, New York. soplOm THE WEST PHILADELPHIA INSTI TUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES—WALNUT Street, south side, between William and Till streets. This excellentSemiuary wiU open, as usual, on the Ist September. It is delightfully located in a situation, which coinbines the advantages of country air and ex ercise with proximity to the city. The health, moral and personal comfort of the boarding pupil* aro the apodal care of the indefatigable principals, Mr. and Mrs. Rkbd, who devote every effort to render ioelnati tute a home as well as a school/ both for boarders and day pqpits. The terms are moderate, considering the many adjutage* offered, being only |2is per,annum for boarding pupils. The system of instruction embraces the whole scope of mental training, and the best mas ters have charge of the various departments of lan guages, rauaic,drawing, paiuting, Ac ; the object being to furnish a really Bound education to the pupil from the commencement to the completion of all studies to which the female mind can applr itself. For further particu lars apply to the principals, Mr. and Mrs. Rkbd, at the above address. We cordial!/ recommend the above Institnte to all pa rents desirous of providing* real!/ sound and good edu cation for their daughters. Mrs. Kesd has had upwards of jei'entrtn/ears’ experience, and her system of tuition has been ominenttj and uniformly successful in forming accomplished pupils. Joseph Kki.v, West Philadelphia. Boros IiicKSBLL, M. 8., “ A. Coxykbss, D. D., Philadelphia, llaxar W. Woons. West Philadelphia. K. D. Bau*dbbs,' Professor Baunders’ Institute. W. P. I most heartily coucur in the aboie recommendation, and thtuk any pareut highly favored to have a daughter under Mrs. Hkkd’s training and instruction. CUB.D. CLEVELAND, 003 Clinton street. CRITTENDEN* PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Stroots. Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEKPINO. PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL IIAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive? Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Beat Penmen in the Country ha* charge of the Writing Department. Please call and flee Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. teSlra HEMAN ALLEN, A. M., isprepared to receive a limited number of pupils on the Violin, or on the Piano, and to play Vloliu parts or accompani ments with advanced pianists. Apply «t the residence of his father. Professor ALLEN, N0*215 South Seven teenth Street. Circulars, with terms and references, at O. ANDRE A Co.’s, No. 1104 Chestnut St. ST. MARK* EPISCOPAL ACADEMY LOCUST Street, west of BIXTEKNIU, will be opened on MONDAY, September 7th, at 0 A. 21. The Principal will bo in attendance at the Academy during the first week in September, between 9 A. SI. and 2P. 21., to receive applications for admission. Circu lars may be hod of Mr. HILL, Sexton of St. Mark’s Chunk, or at the Academy. • au29-2w# J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, SOUTH WEST CORNEROF ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. The pupils in this Institution will be instructed io all the branche-iof a thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The school-year is divided into two terms, of five monthseach, commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) First Department, per term of fi.ru months $15,00 Second “ *♦ “ 20.00 Third “ “ “ 15 00 Fuel. &c., per term., . JL ._I.CO Philadelphia, 1857. REFERENCES: Thomas Kiruber, J. D. White, M. D., Samuel Dettic,Jr., Benj. 8. Janney, M. D. Martnaduko C. Cope, Robort K. Wright, William Bottle, Thomas D. Smith, Thomas Wistar, George Griscom, Anthony P Morris, William ¥. Pittiehl, Joshua 11, M rr'u, David Yandenroer, Uriah Hunt, William B. Thomas. au2s*lm. SUPFLEE’S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, (boarding and day pupils.) N. W. corner ELEVENTH aucl GREEN streets. Fifth session will open on September "th. Beat reference given, in cluding all prexont and former patrons. au2o-tf SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N E. corner EIGHTS! ami BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing fnll Particulars, pupils’ names, testimonials, Ac., can be ad oti application. an2s-tt F. DONLUAVY LONG, Principal. Hall or st. james the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY HOARDING SCHOOL FOR ROYS. Usv. B. It. Smtser, Jlkctor. The Annual Session will begin ou TUESDAY, Sep tember 1. Circulars maybe obtained at the Book store of H. HOOKER, S W. corner EIGHTH ami CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. aul7*6tn MRS. BARTON’ B BOARDING AND DAY SCUOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No 1929 CHESTNUT Bt., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aul9-Cw* IVOTHING SONEEDFUL TO ENABLE 1" persons, male and female, to gain a share of this world’s goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 1« and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-opeu on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of 'WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in u short time, THE LElDY'Stake pleasure in saying, that daring tho part year a largo number of persous acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATlON,enabling many to secure pro fitable Situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au22-3m. Dancing academy.— naylor & DAUGHTER’S DANCING ACADEMY, TENTH and SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY, September 1, 1857. The subscribers, in offering this prospectus to the dancing community, respectfully acknowledge their kindness during past seasons, and pledge themselves that nothing shall be waatiog on their part to make the coming season surpass in brilliancy that of former years. Mr* N. and Daughter have, with untiring exertions, added to tholr already full list of fashionable dances, many new ones, which will be Introduced during the season. For Children—Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons from 3to 5 o’clock; for Ladies and Gentlemen—Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 till 10 o’clock. ru 274Jdi Refined sugar and syrup.— C. DONOfInUB, 16 South WATER Street, offer* for sale 8,000 barrels of various grades, at greatly re duced cash prices. se4-3t* Welcome range.—sold by chad- WXC* ft O,VttN. MO St. fiolMa. Ebiuntioual REFERENCES. TERMS HARRIETT BROWS. DAYS OF TUITION, ~ fiestanrmtt*. 1 o »U . QUARTERS.) ' ' • South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, Be P3 lmo Philadelphia. ]Y|EHGHANTS» HOTEL, XIJL NORTH FOURTH STREET,* Abotjb Maimt, PHILADELPHIA. •• , McKIBBEN A SONS, PaoranrroM. CLINTON PLACE HOTEL. BROAD TV AY, corner of EIGHTH, street NewToric. THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT is now open zor the reception of guests, la the Bnrotman style. " •' ; SINGLE BOOMS from 60 cents to $1 per day SUITS of ROOMS far Families, from *1 60 to $lO per day The MEALS served at aU hours by the CARD, at moderate rates. O. J. MACLELLAN {*{ long and favorably known to the patrons of Jones' and the United BUtea Hotel, Philadelphia,”) Is associated* In the management, and has especial charge of the Catering Department. Every attention feu been paid to make the organisation per* feet, am! our patrons, and the travelling poblle In general, may rest aastirred that no effort shall he wauting to make the CLINTON worthy the favor which we hereby respectfully solicit. aus-ltn* SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of I twin Street and ItoquMae War, Pittlbewh. B. D. MABKBB. Proprietor. mlMta iMints onij tiqnors. OOKT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de- X. bentaro.2so cult. St. Joaopb’, For. join Port Wine, in qra. and eighths. Ten pnncheoni John Kamitjr Iil»r Melt Scotch Whia key, 2 years old .Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. Msrett, JlArUrl, Bouvet, and J. I Dupuy Brandi ee. all t>f which I offer to the trade at reduced prices. . JO3. F. TOBIAS, »u27-3mo» S 8 and SO S. Front St., below Webent. EP. MIDDLETON & BRO-, IMPORT • XK3 of iIRiNDLES, 4c.; alw, agents and sole proprietors of the old wheat WHISKEY. No. 6 North FRONT street. A LEXANIXEK V. HOLMES, WINE AND xm. LIQUOR STORE. No. 226. Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. s«l-lr C l. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ac., Bft South FIFTH street, Philadelphia. * Ul-ly Brandies.— Pmet, c&stiiioß & Co., m&* reH A Cd., and otherbrands of Cognacs of vanouf Tintagw, in half pipes and quarter casks: Pallevoisin Rochellei lirandies, pale and dark, in halfpipes, quarter cuks and one-eighth casks, all In Custom House stores, unported and for sale by ’ „ „ EKNRT BOHIKN A GO., No*. 531 aad 233 South fourth itrMt, & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 mew No. 938) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.— Shipping orders promptly attended to. aal tx Salta bjj Suction. * ■ 461 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. POSITIVE SALE OF A HIGHLY VALUABLE COL LECTION OF EUROPEAN OIL PAINTINGS, about Two Hundred and Fifty in number, on MONDAY MORN ING, SEPT. 7th, at 11 o’clock, at the Auction, 431 CHESTNUT ST. We will e«U one of the fiantOdko* tious of Modern European Picture* ever offered im this City, including choice and beautiful Landscape*, Marine and Coast View*, Figure pieces, Interiors, and a great variety of elegant and interesting subject*, aU finished in the finest style, being mostly originals by celebrated artists. In the Collection wUi also be found a number of exceedingly correct Copies, after the‘o!4 Masters, taken from the originals withexquisitecare tbd beauty. AU the Pictures have been framed in rich gold gilt Frames, made Expreesly to suit each picture, and all being in perfect order, are fit ornaments with which to adora the parlor, galleir, or drawing room. The whole of this superior Collection tQ[ bo open for all day on FRIDAY and SATURDAY preceding the Bale, and in the Evening until 10 o’clock, when the T and Gentlemen are inrited to examine them with Qatar loguea prior to the time of Bale. SALE POSITIVE. Parties from a distance can bare their pictures pecked on the spot so as to be sent with perfect eafety PEREMPTORY SALK OF EMBROIDERIES, SHAWLS *AND MILLINERY GOODS, BY CATALOGUE ON A LIBERAL CREDIT. WEDNESDAY NEXT, Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, we will mJ], without reserve, a large and valuable assortment of French and Scotch Embroideries, nhawls and Milliner* 1 goods of recent importation, suited to present sales; In cluded will be found Cambric, Jaconet, Book and Swiss Collars, Cambric and Jaconet Flouncing* and Bands, Gauntlet Sleeves, Chemsiiites and Habits, Cambric! Book, Jaconet and Swiss Seta, Ladies and Gents’ Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. ' BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBON. Also, Silk Velvet and Pouitde Sole Bonnet Ribbons SHAWLS. Also, Paris printed Cashmere long and square Shawls. Broche Log Shawls, plaid wool long Shawls. , Also, Ladies patent woven Corsets, hooped Skirts Also, Thread, Laces, Inserticga and -Edgings, Nets, silk Blondes. * * ARTIFICIALS. Al*o, 100 cartons Frsoeh Artificials, latest styles. The whole will be arranged for examination with Cata logues, early on the morning of sale, when the trade and purchasers generally will find it to their Interest to at tend. CARD.—We respectfully- announce that the extensive and valuable collection of Oil Paintings, to be sold without reserve on blonder neat, la imaged for exsnu* nation, with catalogues. Included will be lound many excellent prod actions of favorite aod well haown artists, who have selected this medium for their disposition. PINE SCRIPTURE PIECE, E 7“ Evidently an original. Iha Holy Family,a large and trathfn] repmsaatalion. evidently aa Original, baling coat * high ram, U to ha aojdj by order of tha Admtmatrator, for tha moat it will Adialrcra of tha Fiaa Arts, aarl oar cithern gvaaially, will ftnd tho collection worthy their critical uupacUoi. Be 5-lt r Moses kathaks, auctioneer AND TOMItbHION UABCUAKI, A S BIXIU iiml RAGB Slmti. o? SKCONO-RAND AS© NEW PTTBNITUEE, ON FRIDAY MORMNO oeit.Bept 11th, it lOo'dockJ At the E. wrner of BlXTE'and RACK Streets Consisting in part ©r Spring Seat Parlor chair*. Mar. bio.top Sideboard*, Maible-top iUqaet Table*. Cvte- Scat Chairs, Mahogany Cart Table*. Walnut Centra Tables, Plush Divans and Chain, Cao**eat Rocking Chairs, Stuffed Rocking Chain, Imperial Carpet*. GUt Frame oral and square fancy-top French Plat* Mirror* Fine Feather Beds, Mattresses, Jenny Lind fll/h Pen anil other Bedsteads, Walmt Criha, Cherry Breakfast Tables, Windsor Chair* and Settee*. Secretary X>Mka and Book-cases and numerous other articles NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. B. Corner of Bilth and Streets, Where money willbe loaned on gold end silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods. Groceries, Segar*, n&rtwire, Cutlerv, Furniture, Be£ ding, Hones, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on ail ar ticles of Talue for any length of time agreed on, on mar* satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other '“ballot . (iei] M.-NATHANS, NATHAN 3 great sale of FORFEITED GOODS will take place in a lew days. Dae notice will be given Wliim’3 great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns. Pistols, Muamsl Instruments, Ac., will take plane nhortly. Due notice will be giren. WEliB’S great sale of Dl7 Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ac., being forfeited collaterals, will take shortly. Due notice will be giren. JOHN BAVUS, AUCTXONKKH—No. AUOU Street, between Third and Fourth Street*. SALKS EVERY EVENING, *t J o'clock, Of Boot*, Shoe*. Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whip*, Trank*. Fancy Good*. Notions. Ac., Ac. ' N. B —Term* of Night Sale*, four month*’ credit for approved city acceptance*, for aamiofglOO and with In terest added from date of sale. sepl-lm George w. smith, acctioneeS, N. £. corner of BARSON and SOUTH Streets, above Second. EVENING SALKS. SALES KVEttl aAi’UltUAk EVENING, At 1)4 o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hstdware, QwtS lery, Housekeeping Article*. Clothing, Wstshes, Jewel ry. Fancy Articles, &e. . S" AMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. US South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear it., only eizht doors below the Eichange. Hours of bu*ine*a front 7 o’clock, A. X., until 19 o’clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sale* at the Auction House, at tended upon the moat satisfactory term*. CAPITAL 9200,000. BsUilUlud/cr tx< la,l thirty Y.orx. Advances made from one dollar to thouaaadi os Di* raoode, Silrer Plsto, Watches, Jewelry, Hard ware, Her cheadlie, Clothing, Yaroituxo, Bedding, Oigsrt, Uaaieal lostrameals, Gone, Home, Carrie™, and Goods of every description. All good* tan remain any length of time sgteed npou. All advances, frem one hundred dollars and onwards will b® charged 2 per cent, per month: $5OO and over, the lowest market rate. Tbi* Store House having a depth of 120 feet, ha*large flro and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchtueu lor the premises; also, a heavy um ranee cfiected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advance* on more f*ctory and accommodating terms thaw nr other la this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with oat any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watehe*, Jewebr, sad Clothing will b« sold at redneed price*. ani-Iy §ats, Caps, &c. CULLENDER & PASCAL, HATTERS, No. 3 8. SIXTH itreet* Philadelphia. WP. TVARBURTON, FASHIONABLE • lUTTKR, No. 430 CHESTNUT Btrut, txlo* Fifth, Philadelphia. «04-lmrp ('IOUNTKY COLLECTIONS J promptness and at tha usual rate*. by DAVIS & BIRNEY. No. n J> Booth THIRD Stmt, Philadelphia. They invite attention to their unequalled facilities for the adjustment of controversies in ail parts of the United States and Canadas, and collecting and securing MERCANTILE CLAIMS, afforded by their thorough organisation,* haring local agents iu every settled county in the Union, and by pros perous associate offices in Boston, Louisville, Dubuque, New York, St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Bt. Paul's, ■Washington, Bittsburgh, Milwaekie, Charleston, Chicago, Memphis, Mobile, New Orleans, Savannah. Bach local office controlling its own collections, and having daily business connections with the moat reliable and experienced attorneys in the country. They also have superior facilities for collecting drafts and rajturing paper at points not accessible to Banks auJ Bankers, njid Remittances are promptly mads by their correspondents for commissions that exceed but sliehtly the current rate of exchange. By the aid of intelligent correspondents, they are able to have Land Warrants located, claims adjusted, titles examined, in all parts of the West. aal-tathis-lm NO MOKE PILES—XO MORE PILES. DR. CHARLES KEIINITZ, Iron P.\ri* and Lon don, is in poweasiim of a wmMr which will cure radi cally this painful Jismso, however protracted ani ob stinate it may bo. The first proacriptiouarroaU all pain as if bymagfe, and three dais’ treatment effects a eom pletecure. No charge will Ua made if the remedy fail* All diseases cured, lie is also the inventor of a liquid for nourishing the growth of the hair, and removing baldness, tho efficacy of which ho fully guaranties. I,«wii PishbUtt cured of piles. Apply at 0'23 LOCUST street, near the Unitarian Chareh. vcl-lm GTBAUI) KIKE AND HAHINK INSUR ANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—OffIae, Ho. 302 WALNUT atroet, west of THIRD “JIBE BISKS ONLY TAKEN.” ■ „ - , BIUOTOM. Wm. M.Sweln, see. Welker, John Anspach, Jr., Jno. McClure, 11. N. Burroughs, Tho. CreTrn. J B. Hughe,, A.S.Oillett, f • u* onerman, Forman Sheppard, y™. P. Becker, Sami. Jones, AID , . H.suSffi&M, Jeseph KUpp, M. li. __ _ Hen. J$2L JONKS, President. Hon, G. W. WOODWARD, Vita President. . . _ . J»o. 8, UcilCLLis, Secretary. B. Aiyow, Aiftlstact fiemtoy, WINANT t CO,
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