IfjyU'tf-ifS: 3i4«:iiV«7,v -v «*'*•'■< •'A. )i-." .{Stpagp wittbo, foun4,a:iilgh p fttyj.fp.t; an, early, copy ! ;;W a.,fr)en4iaWi«h-, Jrtgton, It ia‘a postal convention betweentho IlDlUi(l ; at4tej9'.iB)3.,iHamburg, and. establishes the ratesof postage on hU mailable matter be tween the titl&l.Pitiabio Poverty,.ahetch of aSermon P*ieWay 9 teri6s > byEev,.Dr i May, ofVir-' p.tmSahhathßeatling, Religious Intelligence; Getl^^ fonrth page, part, third .ofFamiliar Life.of Pennsylvania. • ‘ APPRAISER AT lARO*. ' 'f Tlu3 I’lesidenfc yesterday appointed Cu.uilkn V. HAQKKR,';iSsqi, Of.tkis citjy'.United State* Appraiser at Large, in'place of H; C;Laugu ux, Esq!, resigned.; This id ahappy selection. Mr. ■ Haokeu is a citisen of high character, possfeaslngyrare/businesß-, qualities./; Ho is known' to. our people, and-bis name will inspire confidence'among all who bare dealings at tlie Custom house. , Such an reflects honor upon the'Administration.' U-V'/.... THANKS. ■ •' «: ■■ It has tioota’.a matter of thought arid 1 doubt with us, for the last throtf weeks, whether we. were not bound, iii conimon gratitude—not only tp warm" friends', but also . to numerous : political opponouts—to acknowledge, theun-. procoderitod favors which the-'Press througb- Out ,the country, have conferred upon us. From tioo,-the kindest,-heartiest, and most eulogistic notices of. bur! efforts to' establish a first-class / Jontnal in .Philadelphia, haVe poupod in nppn us.,, It was impossible to count,-it was difficult everilo’arratige'.them in 1 alphabetical order,— but hot-, less.-than. Two Thousand favorable . noticcsbayo reached'ns," written irrespective of party influences,- and ,giving us tho .en . couragement which,cheers, the pralse' Whlch compensates, and the welcome which assures ns.. Ifwilibadi/Scnlt todeseryeall these eulo ,gles;ho,;repay,'.aU 'these' we shall, endeavor to do so. . Fair play . to wards opponents' as woll as towards friends, „ was the principle on- which Vo commenced, ;kndwp shall'.cartyit outto tho utmost of our ability. ,Wo aim 'at making a journal distin gnisbed.by tke'fltlness/f'aimoss, and authenti city of its intalligence; fall, fair, and accurate, also, .in-; 'otir, comments' upon, political, local, commercial, literary, and general topics? Wo, should ho ■ unjust to our moro imme diate 'contemporaries, the’journals of/this city, if- wo. did - not' : acknowledge how;, deeply, we rejoice iit< the/good feeling, which pro-' valis among'them, , towards The'-Pkess. -In honorable rivalry, we contend with them, ■ and-feel that, next to a warm friend is a chtvilrohs opponent. , ' ' pne Word as to,om: success and prospects., Newspapers resemble States in ono thing— , they' arts hSot hnllf tip'ln a day; - But, by a sort of miracto, ‘which, wb, would, willingly attribute rathor to - tho ; .kindness' of the public ; than our own efforts—though we haye not .been idle or careless—'The Press la weally as well eatabllshed, in and out of Philadelphia,' as If, under ordinary circum stances, >it -hadthia - d&ycompleted its fifth year instead, of fts fifth u/eek..' Every day adds to ouralreadylargo circulation. . These remarksmoro ■particularly refer to our daily paper. But tho reception of The ■sFa*iat, PnES3,' all through thocountry, has r been extraordinary. aim at producing, at a every one's maims, a,weekly. . journal of -news,' politics, agriculture, science, commerce,' and literature.,-More particularly do tre aim aV giving to tho public a newspaper inwhich—not evenin an advertisement—shall thero 'bo one sentence or sentiment which would, tingo . tho delicate cheek .of modesty with a blush! To'the foutnumbers-of The ; ( v I; 1 ' j‘, ’V > t‘.- . Weeket Pbess, whioh have been ; published; we tconfidehtly appeal. Itet/Twhat' wo ■ have, done declare whatr we shall do. ’ Let the Past| brief thongh it bo'in our case hero, be pro-, phetic of the Futuro. : J . ■ >'i 'W» ;re{W, ;«nd gratefully, our thanks to ,onr, contemporaries, ter and near.’. hafted, <mr'kffy,eht kthdiy, generously, andnve cordially return ft® compliment, and Would on them all diie good wishes theyhayoAhowered upon us. - 1 . - the DOCTRfNE YIELDED BY , , ; - TUB LONDON TIMES. - , It Is curious to'tee how solf-interest controls the operations of the British Government. Within ifieiaßi year we have had some singular concessions i'romtheorganaof that’ Govern ment, not the least of which was the, declara (jon of ttmjlio'ndbn Timet in reference to the, failure of free negro labor in the British colo nies,’, thus; at, omr'foil swoop dissipating all those theories which if had so frequently and „so ‘eloquently elaborated i and this, let It not be forgotten,- at a period when the French Go vernment was, itself preparing to .inaugurate for, its dqiqnies a 'system of ; slavery under an other, name,. 1 f i Tho coinplication in India and the War upon China at(K rapidly' producing a condition of things iri England which has been repeatedly prophesied.*, Thu attention I of : the .British ru lers is now recalled from other fields to their ' Own immediate interests.. Before the war with Hnssia,nnd previous to the proved'snperiority of the French over the English troops, In' tbe Crimea;,tKefliondon Tints amused its leisnro momonts by ,addressing vigorous anathemas to ths world against the aggressive and encroach ing designSoftho United .Statosnpqn neighbor ing nations pn the'North American continent. Quif affairs formedrtiie'steplo ,of English jonr nalism, and consumed a good part of ttio time of English statesmen;.' It , is unnecessary that yre' .should' recall , tho intqfveritioh' of Her Majesty.’® agents in. tho affaire of . Texas, ■while Texas was a republic, In order to prevent the annexatioii, jof that province. to Stat??V nor that we shpiild refer, to iheir'lntrighcs in California, in Mexico, and flnally. in Central America. Upon, tile latter she is’emed, awhile ago, to have, taken her last stand. She had sdhtineUed the,whole Pacific .coastjjoas. to prevent the progress in that di rection of our institutions,, and ss one placo after the other fell into our hands, she exhi bited ilnmistafeabie Signs of 4 determination to resist any fnrtlicr advances, even at,the point ■ of tho bayonet,- _ Witness the, difficulties grow ing out of. the Central American negotiations and the, Cns.YTON-Bci.wEtt treaty V the long ];dipl6,matifc .corfesjpndonce on that subject j the miaundiirstendirig in rcterehco to the con struction of that treaty i the excitement in Par liament;'in. dotigreSs, and iti both countries) affecting the funds,; disturbing business fcla tionsi’npd jii'spiritig ah almost universal appre hension that war wim inevitable., . .Through all •thesa troubles) however, • public sentiment . steadily adhered to the princlplo laid down by , Mr. Mqsdqii, id liisianhual- I ,message’of 3,823. We give hisoiV(i,language: : ,3 “Of orents In that quarter of the globe, in which tl we hive «q .wupbin^OTOpwae Jl and from which w# derive'orir'orjgijv, we Ji*ve always .been anxious and tn*ereypd Spectator*. Thd citizens of the United States cherish sentiments th£ most friendly ■ id anOh'ippinew of thdir fellow* toen oo that ptdeof the AtlAntio/ In the warsrof the Ea.opoAn powers, in masters relating to thorn . eolvfs, iftfdmV&,never take# any -part, nor docs it *comport-;, with^tiur;..policy w .to. do. It is only when ‘qui;~ rights fire invaded, of. rp . riousjy, -.menaced, 5 that • fte resent injuries, , “srmdK'epfiroAVationfl'fnf our/defehoe,With the •- movements jn J thif btmisphere wd ’ aro of necessity more immediately connected,and by causes whioh , jnuatbe obviOast&iAU>enUghtenea;aiul impartial ..pbaervef,,shq pcdittoaV, system ,of-,thp. allied . poweri is essentially diffeHjaijn this iespfpt from ; r tbntfc of Amorioa.. This differenoo' proceeds,from o<W«in thelri-eipeetfve Governments. : < And to theidefWco bfouriaWn’, whtflh baa -been ./ achieved by the losaof So much blood and treasure, and matured wisdoiniof their most en flight ehs4oUiseb*» aridi under .whtph en h-joyed ,*}«« -nation is - ?;%4evbtedr;vTOoiW.y/, •4 •;thiMiitahh relationseastingfativsefutheUnited . K'S.tdffpaTfd those-jm&bfi to dtfarejtfat.'wt should comider any attempt on shH*i Part to tet&nl their 4 the bav%sbt ioterferbdi and, , 4lt* wii t cfcTM&Ueaar&l theirtndept}(dcncc x taiiiM r ityaudiltbhos6-indsptnitUne4. pre4t(&n*spafimafid6^jtiet^wweiple3 t (te- Jhwiitiifa&iieitoutd Met tiieio.tsny interposition, fur mtnil- === * n au y other manner, seir destiny-, by on ■-European pokier, in any other iightfhon os wf rhontfestqtion of (jnunfrie’idly disporitton- to ward the United Statee. Iti tho wpr tSosa now governments and Spain, oiir neutrality at tho lime of tljoirirocogwtion,- and to this we havo adhered, and' shaU'iOonnnqo to,ad here, provided no ohango 'shall ocour, whioh, in the judgment of tho competent onthentiee of this gov ernment shall make a corresponding change on the 1 part of the United Statos indispensable to their seotirity.” , ,if tho reader will snow tprn Jiis-eyos to the article of-the : ' London' Timls- of the 20th of . August,which appoare lathis morning's Fbbss, he will lid surprised to find that that paper has surrendered, with nioro than its usual grace, to the great principle of Mr. . Monroe, . Whon, during the Oregon . controversy and Moxlcan war, and the subsequent acquisition of Cali fornia, certain Sagacious public m,on (Presi dent Buchanan among tho number) took posi tion in favor of this very doctrine, it was gonerally ridiculed by that Anglo-American sentiment which is too apt to oator to tho pre judices of, our cousins over the water. Some of, the first intellects of our own country deposed it" as an abstraction, and tho 'British Ministerial journals mode it the text of austere satire. Since that period, however, it has boon growing more and more in tho popular ihvor, until; at this time, it is a practical necessity to us, and is os ,'practically maintained as if it were an inherent part of, our constitution. The tribute .of the London Times is not so much a tribute to tho principle as to the inte rest wbicly compels that paper to recognize it. This necqisity is an existing proof of the de claratiod that the British Government puts on and throws off its diplomatic habits, precisely as'Lord Paimebston puts on and throws off his morning gown. . If there wore no insurrec tion in India, no war in China, and no troubles daily increasing in Australia with tho masses ivho havo caught the republican spirit of ■the IJnitod States, and are beginning to feel a iojiglrig for the rights onjoyod by their twin Y.'ondpr on the Pacific, California:—lt these exigencies did not exist, it is probable that we should have the British navy hanging in clouds in tho Caribbean Sea and in the Gulf of Mexi co, and wherever American progress sought the extension of American principles. Butwe are happy to mark in the article we copy from tho Times, an improving, spirit of friendship for . this country- And we reciprocate that friendship. • Wo entertain for tho British Government, so long as it keeps within its own sphere, and does not rash out of its owu orbit, a natural regard. ,'We havo said, and still say, that it is better that India should be undor the guardian ship of'Her Majesty, Quoen Victoria, than under the rule of a hundred native butchers, each fighting against tho other, and all outrag ing humanity and civilization. Our interest goes with our affections in this regard. War with England would bo an indescribable cala mity to this country and to tho world. Wo are happy, too, in tho knowledge that British diplo macy isaboutabaniioningitsridiculous preten sions in Control America, and that tho resistance made to these proteiisions by President Bucha nan while ho was in tho Department of Stato, and while he was Minister at the Court of St. James, Is about to bo crowned with ontirc suc cess.' Meanwhile, our, peaceful examplo is doing good work upon this continont. Here, surrounded by comforts and blessings, wp can look out upon tho busy, bustling, bloody thea tre of Europo and of Asia, hoping that tho day is not far distant when the citizens of the world'may sing j * ” u If we were king of Prance, i ‘Or still better, Pope of Home, We would have no fighting men abroad, No weeping maids at heme. AU the world should bo at peace, . And if kings would show their might, Why let those who male the battles, -t. -Be the only ones to fight." THE PRACTICAL QUESTION IN KANSAS. The New York Tribune of Thursday, in reply to 'The Press of Wednesday, mystifies the issue in Kansaa with its bost ability. As a specimen of its sophistry, take tins paragraph: “ New York, Pennsylvania aaLNew Jorsey had expressly abolished alavory'SbefifrWthjsir present Constitutions were adopted. ' Had slavery existed therein prior to'snbh adoption,' and no reference boen made to it in their Constitutions, the Courts Would bilye held that slavery retained a legal exist feudo/ So'will it be in Kansas if a'Constitution springing from the loins of the pro-slavery Terri ierinl authorities shall be adopted.” Granting this assumption, for tho sake of the argument, Mr. Greeuet, and even suppose that tho Constitution of Kansas does not for mally- abolish slavery, and that the test vote is not taken between tho two systems, if you hqve. the majority in Kansas, you can vote the Oonstitfitioc; but. That is the practical question; and yon know it. But wo'have said, dn good atthority, that there will be a fair vote between tbe systems; and on this head Mr. Gbeeut proposes: “Very well, 001. Forney; you can assort this or anything also: Lot us bring you to a tost. You have some influence with your sido of tho house; We have, tried to doservo some with oura. Wo on treat you to nsa your influence—as wo will ouis— 'to obtain a 1 final settlement of the Slavery ques tion' in Kansas on the following basis: “ 1. Each party to name one Intpootor or Jndgo for eaoh poll for tho Oetobor Eleotion, and tho two to agree on a third or do without—no voto to be received but by tho aasont of a majority of the Board, hut any Inspector can only object fo a good vote at’hia peril.' ' "2. Every American oltison, or applioantfor naturalization, who aball have boon a bona fult realdent of Kanaaa since - the 4th day of July last, ito be a legal voter. “3. The Two Constitutions—Topeka and Lo compton—to be submitted togother to the popular vote, and the decision of the majority to bo final. - “ Wo have mado tbis proposition already to tho Tfnion, hut its editor cannot bo coaxod nor taunted into making any response wbatovor. You, surely, will evince mere courage than this. Lot ns knew whether yon will or will not unite with us in thus attempting to secure; through the instrumentality of a free and fair vote of the people of Kansas, ‘ the final settlement of tho slavory question.' “ The curse, of this whole Kansas business has been outaido meddling. To no influence can more of the excitement be more distinctly traced than tp tho powerful aid rendered by the Mew York Tribune to the Topeka party. Mow that events are irresistibly shaping them selves .to a' final, settlement of this. vexed question, we do not aspire to Imitate tho ex ample,' The editor of tho Now York Tribune sees things through party spoctaclea. Ho is capa ble of ah occasional act of candor, and wo are sure his judgment will at last load him to ad mit that his partisans in Kansas sre in the wrong. Wo look for this about tho timo the voting on the Constitution is over. At present he will not see that by an understanding, acquicscod in by many of the free Stato men, a provision that every citizen who has resided three or six months in tho Territory, shall vote for dele gates, and for or against tho Constitution, will bo agreed to in tho Convention, tho shorter period having tlio most friends. Even a six months’ preceding residence is required by many of tho old States now controlled by the Republicans. Mr. Gheblbv will not soo that the St. Louis Republican, tho leading organ ot the pro-siavery men in Missouri, has positively declared flint there will bo no interference with Kansas, by tho citizens of tho border, wbon tho Constitution is submitted to a vote. Ho will not soe, except to aasajl him for it, that tho Presidont has resolved, so far as he can, to protect the actual residents in their right to- vote. Ho does not see that Governor Walker is committed bold ly and bravely to the same policy j or If ho does, It is to join tlio chorus of Mr. Kkitt and tho Charleston Mercury, adding his notes to theirs, and harmonizing with thorn, in trying to keep the question open—tho Tribune shout ing that Walker is to make Kansas a slave State, and the South Carolina extremists de claring that ho is sold to the Abolitionists. The idea Of submitting tho Topeka Con stitution seems to be a favorite one with the Republicans, .who strangely forgot that the samo voters who prefer that produc tion, can exercise their right in voting against the one that will bo framod by tho legally clooted delegates! Will anybody bo good cnouglUb; toll us what those voters will lose by taking tliia course? Besides, Kansas will bo a State of the Union Una few months; and then, If, all else falls, tho real majority, whether for or against, slavery, will be ascertained, and will bo exercised, in doflance of all outsiders.,. This fact ought to have some influence Upon tho extremists. It is already producing its natural conacquonces upon the great body ,of the poople. ' EP** We tare Pleasure In anuouneing to oar oitizons, admirers of the fine arts particularly, that the extensive collection (two hundred end twenty) of‘EeropeanOil‘Painiings,;tq be’sejd at No, 431 Chestnut street, oh Monday, noxt, by. .Wolseui & Scott, Auctioneers, is now arranged for examiaa tion with catalogues. Includsd in tho sale' will bo ysjjad /'.The, nolyPemily,' 1 - evidently so original,, haying cost a high pries, life to.be jold„hy,order 6f the Administrator for the most it will bring; in faettheentire collection is to ba closed without rewrro, THE PftFSS.— PHILADELPHIA, SfcPTJEMBRR 5, 1857. “THE PRESS" versus " HARPER’MMAGA- ■ , JUNE." It , was our duty, to animadvert upon two .articles- in Harper's irt which un meritedj wholesalo, aud hitter satire was cast upon American men and women —the former being accused of ill manners, (of being “tdo often kuown abroad by Uis[high pretensions and low breeding,”) while tho latter wore far more harshly doalt with. In Harper's, Weekly t a .publication somewhat ambitiously and self-de nominated a “Journal of Civilization,” find a roply which wo publish in full: “A Champion or American Ladies.— ln a lato number of Harper's Magazine certain judlolous though severe criticisms were made on tn® manners and habits of American women. To those criti cisms The Press, the paper lately started by Colonel Porney at Philadelphia, pubbahos a lengthy and somowhat bitter rej>ly• As sotoo days niu«t olapso before the Magazine can defend its position—should it doom necessary to do so—wo tako this opportunity of remarking that Tub Press has, in our opinion, suffered its gallantry to get the bettor of its judgment. “Tho position lakeu by tho oritio of Amerionu womon was, in a few words, that our Udios are often do9oient in those amenities of sooial life which an elevated oatimato of female charac ter requires: that tlioir maono'rs, in publio, are not always marked by that quiet ease which is the oharaeterfttio of good breeding; and that thoso among them who flourish at watering-places, and other fashionablo resorts, are too noisy, frivolous, and bold. “In this position wo fear that every unpreju diced obßorver must oonour with the Magazine eritlo. V Of course U is an unpleasant thing to have our wives and daughters taken sharply to task for tbeir faults; and without doubt tho country contains vast numbers of ladios to wboso manners and beha vior no exception could possibly be takon. But that the generality of American fashionable wo mon are not fitted to be good wives or mothers— that they damage their health by unwholesome feeding and reckless dressing—that they neglect their families for tho pleasures of sooiety—that their education fits thorn for and docs not fit thorn for any useful avooation in life-rthat thopr are often rude to strangers, unconscious of the obli gations of Qivility, ana deficient in sweetness of disposition-:-that many among the fashionables aro odiously ill-bred, incorrect m i diction, empty in mind, emptier in heart, and atrociously extrava gant, must bo the verdiot of every candid person who undertakes to study them with oaro. “ IVe aro vory sorry to say it, for more of tho futuro of this great nation depends on our women than on our men. But tho faot can notbo blinked ; it is a faot which no honest,writor on our sooiety has for O' moment attempted to conoeal or deny. “ It would be better for Colonel Forney to em ploy his talent in aiding us to reform the habit sand manners of our fellow-countrywomen than todovote his energies to a pourilo championship of tho sex, in defiance of truth. It is not by oaptlvating tho favor of a. few young girls that a paper can oithor achieve or deserve suoooss. “ And let us further observe, without designing to retort personalities, that the impertinent con jectures which Colonel Forney hazards in lieu of a sensible reply to the article in the would be in nod taste in any p&por, and aro in vory bad taste indeed in tho Press■ A little moro ex perience of journalism will convince Colonel Forcer that this is not tho way to win a character for hts paper.” Strango as H may appear to Harper's Weekly , wo would rather be considered the “champion of American ladies” than their slanderer . Wo shall briefly ro-stato tho case —condensing our original hill of indictment, In which we summed up tho leading objection able points in the article in Harper's Maga zine, To show our thorough impartiality, we may premise that, two days touching on tho unjastiflable attack on American women, we said, when noticing the periodical, iS Harper's certainly is, what it has diligently labored to become, not only tho most popular, but the best Magazine in this country. It is also by far tho cheapest.” ~ Speaking of. “Libels on tho Fair Sox,” (quoting tho wri ter’s own words>ywt <f society gonerally has a right to more thaS .it gets from our Ameri can women, and on the scoro of courtesy}” that “ tShb seen of all men is the highest ambition of oui'beauties, and they tako care to spread their plumago beforo every eyo 5 ” that “ our women, cunning as they may bo in most arts, want the art of pleasing ;” that “ they not only have it not, but seem un willing to acquiro it,” Wo condomn tho Magazinißt for writing this untruth, that— “ This want of gracious acknowledgment of fa vors received in tho ordinary intercourse of outdoor iifo can not be oxcased on tho score of modest re serve; for where does woman carry e, bolder air in public than with us? Wberodoosiho/awwf/rer charms so freely ? Where does her eye look with a steadier gaze on man ? Whore does her voice sound louder, and her laugh ring more sono* rouslyl Thero is nothing, In foot, which our women are so deficient in as reserve. There is a publicity of bearing about them which remindsone more of tho hotel than of home. You see that they are veterans in qourago, however yonng In years, and can stand, steadily the fire of a hundred eyes . Where a more timid bashfulness would not dare to show its faoo, they are as unmoved as bronze . If courage to faoo an enemy wore all that is required, there would be po difficulty, wo should think, in recruiting an army of lold*eyed Amazons among our boauties. ready to return look for look with tho most formidable gallants that were over marshaled for mischief.” We also quoted what was said touching the “ characteristic daring of our women, ,, their “ certain self-assurance ” and their “prominence of manner When tho Ma gazinist assorted, positively, as an un doubted fact, “ that our femalo youth arc more in tho public eye, havo a bolder face , a looser longue, and a freer air, than used to ho considered consistent with tho character of young gentlewomen,” wo denied the charge. Wo further denied the inference that our young lad!es , acquaintance (prema ture, ho calls it,) with tho other sox, “ em boldens the front , opens wide the eye , raises loud the twee, and gives an air of reckless daring to our youthful beauties.” Lastly, wo expressed surprise that such a work as Harper i s Magazine should havo pub lished, and by publishing adopted, wholesale slander like this. Wo said “wo aro utterly at a loss to know on what grounds Harper's Ma gazine has adopted them. If our young ladies wore only a quarter as hold-faced, loose tongued, daring, ungracious, daunting, loud voiced, bronzod, bold-eyed Amazoniaus as tho magazinist declares them to bo, they would rise en masse , rush to Franklin-square on the impulse of the moment, hear away with them, from Harper's stately edifice, their doomed assailant, and, giving him a new holiday suit of tar and feathers, turn him adrift with a con temptuous smile. But as they aro not what their assailant calls them, they will ho content to smile at him, and dispense with any further vengeanco.” Harper's Weekly , it will he seen, also adopts the elandor on American women published by Harper’s Magazine . It praises it as “judi cious ” criticism —adroitly qualifying tho cen sure (which tho Magazinist did not) by pre tending that “ American fashionable women” alone were alludod to. It affirms that wo champion the sox “in defiance of truth,” wbpn we deny tho wholesale, and wo must add impertinent, charges hurled against them. It complains that wc did not give « a sonsiblo re ply M to tho Magazine article. • No reply . Wo drew attontion to tho ar ticle, fairly recapitulated its points, quoted its ipjtjitma verba, to deny them, and called on Harper for the' proofs. What wo said evi dently /oM—for, rather thau wait to tho end of tho month, when Harper’s Magazine could roply, (if possiblo,) Harper’s Weekly rushes to the rescue, with raoro zeal than success. Editor of The Press ought to bo obliged, perhaps, for the patronizing mannor in which Harper’s Weekly volunteers advice and in struction as tho best way of winning “a cha racter for his paper.” As the advice and tho examplo of Harper’s Weekly are on a par, ho is compelled to decline both. « Tho reference to “a llttlo experience of Journalism” is amusing from a paper of which only thirty-six numbers have appeared. Oolonol Forney, referred to by name in Harper’s ro ply, happens to have had over twenty years’ experience, as editor of a newspaper. THE NEXT NEWS FROM INDIA. In reply to correspondents, who aro anxious on the subject, we Would state that the Over land Mail which left Bombay on tho 2d of August, would probably arrivo at Trieste on the 27th, with a fortnight’s later news from India. The Collins steamer of September 2d, which w oukl reach Now York about tho 12th, would bring the intolligonco. But, until the arrival of Sir Colin Campbell, (who would proccdo the largo reinforcements of British' troops,) no strong and sncqossful de monstration against Delhi, tho stronghold of tho insurgents, is to bo looked for. Wo do not anticipate any very decided measures until there was a sufficiency of British troops to give every prospoct of success. Sir Colin Campbell may not be the man destinod to re store British supremacy in Indio, but some commander will do it, undoubtedly,—for num bers are inferior to discipline,—and that man .will bo rewarded with an Earldom and a mag nificent pension. England is a grateful country. IXy* CnRisTUN F. Spndel is the authorized carrier of Tiie Pbess between Sixth street and Broad, in the Twentieth ward. Tbe Rev. Solomon Jacobs, Preaeher of*tho “Beth Israel- 5 congregation,'will deliver a sermon in English, at the new synagogue, Beth El Emotb, in Franklin street, above Green, tbU morning at eleven o’clock. STATE POLITICS. MR. WILMOT ON HIS WINDINO WAY. Mr. TVjxmot Is making speeches toMs frionds. and shows a good deal of vory unnecessary industry this warm woather. Vo sympathise with him. The labor he Is undergoing, how evor, is what may bo called a sacrifice to con sistency. Ho is compelled to all this dull drudgery by his challenge to General Packer. Having failed to get tbe Gouerol .to oonsent to quarrel and dispute with him all over the State, bo is bound to make his own asserva tions good, and to show the people that, if tho Democratic candidate won’t join him in stir ring the hitter wators of discontent, ho must do it himself. Mr. Vilmot has a herculean task before him; and a thankless one; but hav ing pledged himself to it ho must even go through with it. This is tho ponanco a man sometimes pays for a hasty act. Had Mr. Viihot homo his nomination quietly, and put It away in Ids desk as a memento of his stand ing with his follow-citizens, instead of getting into a heat, and trying an experiment upon his competitor, ho would havo taken his defeat as a man takos a lazy nap on a warm afternoon. REMEMBER TIIE DELEGATE ELECTION, OnMonday evening next, between tho hours of 7J and -8j o’clock, delegates are to ho chosen in every precinct of tho city of Phil adelphia. Thero are to bo two delegates chosen in each precinct; one ticket is to he headed “ City Delegate,” the other “ Legisla tive Delegate.” Those delegates are to nomi nate a candidate for Judge of tho Common Pleas, to bo elected for ten years. This is a very important oflico, and tho host nlan should be selected for his integrity and ability. The Senators and members of tho Assembly are to be nominated by the Legislative Delegates. Tho success of those tickets will very much depend on tho qualifications of those nomi nated. On tho tickot in tho old city last year, hut ono person was olected, whon tho whole ticket might havo boen elected. Vo hope that all our citizons who wish a good tickot nominated, will attend on Monday evening in their precincts. Do not he absent. On your voto may depoud tho success of proper persons for delegates. [Correspondence of The Press.] Union Countv.— Prosuming that an item from the interior of tho Old Koystono will not bo unin teresting to tho readers of tho Press, I havS 0- concluded to Bond you tho result of our De mocratic County Convention, hold In tho now Court-houso, in tho borough of Lowis burg, on Monday last. Tho following nominations wore madoFor Assembly, Robert Swineford, of New Berlin. For Registor and Recorder, Thomas Rebor, of Lowisburg. For County Treasurer, Jo nathan Wolf, of Lewisburg. For County Commit sioner, Daniel Long, of Hartloton. For Auditor, David Ramsey, of White Doer Township,—making an oxcoiiont tickot in oonnootion with the State tickot. Resolutions complimentary to His Excel* lenoy James Buchanan, his Administration up to tho presont timo; to Hon. Wm. Bigler, as eno re liable U- S. Senator; to Gen. Wm. F. Packor, our oandidato for Governor, and the additional candi dates for State officers; tlio Convention pledging themselves to give a hearty support to tho ontiro Domocratio tioket. Tho ball rolls on in this county, and in October noxt, will roll up more than tho regular Domocratio voto for the Domocratio ticket. Mark it. Yours, bee. C. September 1,1837. BEAUTIFUL LINES. Wo aro indebted to a friond for tho follow ing surpassingly beautiftil poetry, which will be road with tbo moro interest whon wo assure our readers that tho lady authoress is young and lovoly: AFTER TIIE NIGHT, MORNING. BY AUIE. 11 LI dia sst&nublada t el corazon sovibrio, y las esperanzas perdidas /” [Corroepondence of a friend. Whon tho day is otoudod, Dro&ry, dim, and cold; In its wob of shadows Not ono thread of gold— Wing with hope the hours, ’Till the morrow's hand; Fling a veil of amber O’er tho smiling land ; Just outside the cloudy goto AU the golden sunboams wait! When tho boart is sombre, Shrining, liko a tomb, Joys that dropt to ashes From their riohest bloom— , , Though life’s rare enohantmonla . f Die with thoir deoay,— Wait, till some white angol Roll tho stone away;— From its gravo sorao bliss may riso, Purer than the joy that dies f When dear hopos havo vaniahod, As tho bright stars ileo From tbe wrathful midnight, . Wait thou trustingly; Buds that d/o in autumn, Bunny June will bring; And Romo hopos must perish That now joys may spring! Every choerleßa wintor day Loads at length to bloom and May 1 A Philadelphia Duchess. A private lottor from Paris says: The Duko do la Koohcfouoault is shortly to bo wedded to Mis 9 R , daughtorof a gentleman of Philadelphia, and long a resident of tho Faubourg St. Germain Tho young lady is beautiful and highly eduoatod, and with her parents, mores in tho most exclusive oircies of Fronch sooioty. This Duko do la TvoohofoucauH was once engaged to a very rich, handsome, rather strong-mindod English lady, a Miss Coutta Trotter. They hap pened to disftgroo about hor taking hor English maid to Paris with her, and ho, with intomporato haste, very extraordinary in a lover and a French man, exclaimod, “Mon Dion! deux Protestants dans unmenage! ah! vroimente’est uu do trop.” [Bless mo! two Protestants in ono family! Truly, it is one too much. J So, the lady rcpliod that sho foared thoro would be “ ono too many” in any case, and broko it off. It seemod that, whether a philosopher or not, there wasous “maxim of Rochofoucault,” whioh Miss Trotter did not assent to. Burton’s National Theatre.—Last night was played hero what is commonly called a comedy, but what is roally a five-act faroo—“Tho Rivals.” It is exaggeration from first to lost. Extravaganco tints ovory character. Mrs- jSlalaprop, (the ma ternal ancestor of our own Mrs. Partington,) scarcoly ever could havo had a type in roal life. Sir Lucius O' Trigger is an Irishman, whoso si militude tho world never saw. Falkland is believed to havo boon a highly colored sketch of Sheridan himself, wbon lovo-muking with, tho bo&utiful vocalist, Miss Llnley, whom ho aftorwards married; and yet is a most improba ble charaotor. Julia, his lady-love, is simply a fioft-hoartod girl, Tho pluy would bo all tho bet ter if suoh dead weights as Falkland and Julia wero wholly out out of it. Sir Anthony is the tra ditionary atago-fatber, irasciblo, blustorlng, and affectionate. Captain Absolute is tbe walk ing gentleman, and littlo moro. Lydia Lan guish is a caricature on tho romantic sohool* girl. Bob Acres represents what is soldom seen, — an English country-gentleman who lacks courago. Wo really boliovo that Thomas (well playod by Mr. Harris) is the only roal charaotor in the play. Yot, when well acted, “ Tho Rivals” is very at tractive. Tho bluff humor of Sir Anthony is ox oollont and gonial. Mrs- Malaprop's blun ders create laughter, to u certainty. Thdro is some humor in tho situations in which Captain Absolute and Lydia ore thrown. If Sir Lucius O'Trigger had a proper ropreeontativo—which certainly was not tho case last night—thero it high comedy in tho sceno with Acw, wbon be diotatos the ohallongo, and tho explanation it the close, when Mrs. Malaprop acknowledged horself his correspondent. An Irish gentleman, who had moved in sufficiently good sooioty to qualify him for o. knighthood, would not havo spoken liko an Irish bog-trottor, as was done last night,) calling “Dolia,” Haylia , and using tho word asy, in stead of “easy.” Mr. Mark Smith clovor )y sustained tho of sir Anthony—de veloping the charaotor a littlo moro strongly than usual, but not exaggerating it. Tho roal weight of tho play rcstod on Mr. Burton, whoso Bob Acres , though tho character is not very natural in itself, is wonderfully well sustained. It is impossible to soo and hear Burton in this part—for ho drawß on your mind in both ways—without ac knowledging his skill os an artist. 110 plays low comedy, without boing vulgar, and indeed (para doxical as it may appoar) it requires mental refine ment and cultivation to understand, to tho full, how to oxhibit broad humor without letting It bo tingod with vulgarity. The houso was woll at tended, and by a class wbo seemed, by thoir appre ciation of the acting, to be moro critical than the usual run of play-goors, who attend morely to bo amused. This ovoning. Mr. Burton appears in “ Domby and Son,” as Captain Cuttle , with Mark Smith as Joe Bagstoek , Mrs. Kirby as Edith, Mrs. F. Drew as Susan Nipper, and Mr. T. E. Morris os Jack Bnnsby. A Qubnciikrfor Vesuvius —Among a parly of Americans travelling inEuropo was one, (aYankoo) who, unwilling to admit of any superiority in Europo over his own country, would always tell of something to “ match” whatovor ho was taken to soo. In Italy they asoonded Vesuvius wbon that volcano was much disturbed, and he remarked, “ Woll, it siderable of a firo, but wo have a water privilege in America (meaning Niagara) that, I guosss, would squirt It out In about five minutes.” M. Pcrrotii has bought all tho fumituroand books that woro in Borangor’s bed-room at the moment of his death. They aro to bo placed in hta own house, in a chamber of exactly the same form and dimensions. Tho paper of Borangor’a room will be takon off and transferred to the fac simile apartment, which, when tho relioa shall bo arranged precisely as thoy were in the poet’s last day, trill bo exhibited to the public. THE LATEST j^EWS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON. [SPECIAL BB6PAJCH SOU TUE TBSSS.) Resignation of Juitgf Cunts, ol U. S. Nuprtme Court—Statement ol Treasury—Naval court Court ol Inquiry-The Northwest Bonn. dary, &c.»&c, Washington, D. 0., Sept. 4, ’S7.-Tho resignation of Judge B. V. Oobtis, of the Supreme Court of the United Ststos, 'has been 'placed 'in ; ih B bauds of the' President and accepted. r ' - ' Accordlngtothe Treasurer’s weekly statement, the amount credited to tho Tre«ur /0 f the United States, In the hands of tho Assistant Treasurers and designated doposttariei, and in the Mint and branches, by returns received to tbe 31stultimo, and tho amount of that date subject to draft, is as follows : Amount In tho different depositories.... $22,320 243 00 Drafts drawn but not paid o 343 121 66 Amount subjoct to draft.,, "20 721 06 Increase for the week 395!597 95 Amount of receipts 1.740,864 60 Urarts returned paid 2,023.846 80 Dratis issued 1,344,000 05 Naval Court of Inquiry, No. 3, met this mcmlng, at half.past ton, but adjourned without having transacted any business. Capt» Goldsbohodoii has boon relieved from duty on this Court, and Capt. Phauson appointed to fill his place. Tho United States Commission, to run the northwest boundary lino, was at Oiyihpia, Washington Territory, on the 4th of July. They loft Sau Francisco June 17th, andln four days reached Vancouver’s Island, and re mained there a week’. The American and British Commissioners had at this place an interview in regard :o thoir work. The lat ter arrived at the first with Her Britannic Majesty’s ships “Besolute” and “Satellite.” The American Commis sioner, Archibald Oamphrll, Esq., left Victoria, in company with the “Satellite,” for Olympia, on the 2d Of July, Tho acting Secretary of War this morning received in teresting- advices, <Uted El pjmo, August 24th, from •Liout. Beale, who Is now superintending tho construc tion of the military road from Fort Boflance to the Colo radojiver. Lieut. Bealh reports that his cameJs had performed vory satisfactorily. Thus Jar, he considers tho experiment with thorn com pletely successful. They are much moro docile than mules, and eat with avidity what the latter animals reject. At tho start they carried 700 pounds with tho greatest ease. Lieut. BrAlb expresses tho opinion that ho would rather manage twenty camels than five mules. Judina HotUlUles in Texas—Death of a Thou sand Cattle from Starvation—Tho Constitu tional Convention, Ac* Washington, Sept. 4.— The Southern Mail furnishes papers from all points as late as due. Tho Texan papers abound with statements of Indian hostilities. Tho Indians had appeared in the vicinity of San An tonio. Captain Whiting, of the Becond Cavalry, who went in pursuit, recaptured all tho horses and mules taken from the Sau Diogo mail train. Captain Pope’s party had arrived at Fort Clarke, alt well. The Indians had been troublesoino along the route. They were defeated in two engagements near Fort Lancaster. A aorgoant in the Bth Infantry of U. S. troops was killed. The Indiana were mounted and armed with Sharp’s and Colt’s rides. A thousand head of cattle died from starvation on the Island of Galveston. The subject of a Constitutional Convention was being agitated. It was thought probable that Gen. Henderson will decilno, and Matt. Ward be nominated to the United Staton gonato, in place of Mr. Rusk, deceased. A Savannah (Ga.) paper of the Ist gives the stock of cotton at that port at 1500 bales, against tho same amount last year. Despotehea from Costa Rico—American Citi zens in Nicaragaa.—Dispatches from William Carey Jones—The Treaty between the United States and New Granada—The Exploration of Colorado River* Washington, Bept. 4.—The Navy Department, this morning received despatches from Capt. Thatcher, who visited the capital of Costa Rica and had an Interview with General Mora, the lato commander of the Costa Rican forces in Nicaragua, relative to the alleged for cible detention of certain American citizens on the lake of Nicaragua and the San Jnau steamers, by the Costa Bican authorities. Gen. Mora denied auy such detentions, and said tka all tbe engineers and hands employed or occupied on tho said steamer by blra or his subordinates, wore paid by Costa Rica, and none were forced to remain in any capacity. The contracts were made of thoir own free will. There are not more than half a dozen American citizens in Nicaragua who choose to remain there. The Government has received despatches from Wil liam Caroy Jones, but they contain nothing definite in regard to his mission to Costa Rica. Captain Goldsborough has been relived from dnty on the third naval Court of Inquiry, and Captain Pearson has been appointed to fill his place. The articles of tho treaty between tho United States and New Granada are agreed upon, and will soou bo transmitted to that Government for its official action. The main portion of the party which goes out under command of Lieut. Ivos, for tho exploration of the Rio Colorado, will start In the Star of the JWj! to-morrow. tn route for California. It is the intention of Lieut. Ives to proceed immediately to tho Gulf of California, from Sau Francisco In a sailing vessel, taking with him the" materials of a small steamer. On reaching the mouth of tho Colorado, this party will forthwith com mence the ascent of tho river. Till* expedition of Lieut, Ire*, it 1* bettered, rrlll oventually prove tob*te been one of the most import* ant enterprites of the kind of any now in progress; whether considered simply with reference to its antic!, patod scientific results, or more generally to tho future destiny of the vast region which it 1b contemplated thus to throw open to the march of civilisation. Tbo Colorado 1b the largest river, pare one, of any of tho Jlocky Mountains Tho lower portion of the valley, at point* where it has been crossed by exploring parties, has been found t%possess a soil of unsurpassed richness; and tho region through which It flows Is believed to possess mineral resources of tho most valuable kind. Trappers tell extravagant stories of the sublimity of tho scenery on tho higher portions of the valley, and of the gigantic cations, or gorges, through which the river passes. The new territory of Arizona, which bordors the lower portions, is being fast filled up by emigrants. From Salt Lake too, tbo Mormons arc pushiug their settlements towards this valley, and are now within twenty-fivo miles of its most western bend. It is thought possible that Lieut. Ives may find the river navigable for his small steamer, as high up as tho 97th parallel of latitude; which will bring him to a point at no groat distance from tho Salt Lake region, and solve the problem of a short and direct water com munication between that territory and tho Pacific Ocean. Tho sarroys and explorations connected with this ex pedition will include tho various departmonts of topo graphy, geology, zoology, mineralogy, Ac. Lieut. I\es Is already familiar with a portion of thii route, ha\ Ing trfltorsed it, In company with Lieut. Whipple, upon the Pacific Railroad Exploration, near tho thlrty-fitb paral lel of latitude. Tho expedition is despatched undor order* from tho War Department, and will bo especially gratifying to the citizens of California, who have long desired that tho resources of the unknown region lying adjacent to their own should bo developed. Subjoined Is an opinion of tho Attoruoy General, on a question of vital importance: “ Attorset General’s Ofhiob, August 17, 1667. “ Tho note of Oount Montqxlas, transmitted to your department through Mr. Yroom, oar Minißter at Karlin, asks for an explanation of the opinion given by Mr. Oosiko iu October last on tho right of an American citi zen to expatiate himself. “ The specified case put by Count Moxtqsliu is that of Jcuvb Author, a natlveof Irtnclbauson, in Bavaria, who came to this country, and, after being naturalized, returned again to Bavaria. Hia effort to recover hifl status as a native of Bavaria so emu to he impeded by a doubt which tho authorities there entertain on tho question whether bo can throw off his alioglance to theUnltod States, and, if so, in what manner it is to bo done? t( There is no statute or other law of tho United States which provents either a native or naturalized citizen from severing his political connection with this Govern ment, if he sees proper to do so, in time of peace, and for a purpose not directly injurious to tho interests of the country. “ There is no mode of renunciation prescribed. In my opinion, if ho emigrates, carries his family and cfflcts with him, manifests a plain intentiou not to return, takes up bis permanent residenco abroad, and assumes the obli gation of a subject to a foreign Govoruuient, this would impfy a dissolution of his previous relations with the United States; and Ido not think wo could or would after wards claim from him any of the duties of a citizen. At all Qvonts, the fact of reuunciatlon is to bo established, like other facts for which thero is no prescribed form of proof, by any evidence • which will convince the Judgroent.Jjlt Is for the authorities of Bavariu to determine, first, whether they will admit Mr. Au thor to tho privileges enjoyed by a native sub ject of their king vitliout an express ronunciation of his American citizenship. If this he decided in the negative—that is to say, if they demand from him au express renunciation—they may take it, and cause it to bo authenticated in what form they pleaso. They may demand an oath of abjuration as a test of his sincerity, or as a necessary part of his title to tho future protec tion of tho Bavarian Government. Whatever satisfies them, ought to bo satisfactory to us, since, in all simi lar coses, we prescribe our own rules for the admis sion of Bavarian subjects as citizens of tho United States. » I have spoken of tho laws of tho United States. Virginia and Kentucky, two of tho States, have statutes which requlro a certain formula or ronunciation of citi zenship. But thoso statutes have no application to this esse. Ido not understand Mr. Amtlior to have resided in either of those States. If the Federal Government gives hitu up, his obligations to tho particular State in which he lived eoutd hardly comohitoauypractical con- Oietwith thoso which ho is about to assume toward his native country. 11 1 am, very respectfully, yours, Ac., “J. S. Black, “Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of State.” The Brig Arabella, of New York, in Distress. Norfolk, Sept. 4— Tho brig Arabella, frouiAspln wall, bound to New York, put into this port with bor foretopmast gone, her foremast sprung, and loss of sails. Her erew are sick from tho Chagrcs fever. Another Bank Suspension at Buffalo, Buffalo, Sept. 4.—Messrs. Oliver, Lee A Co *s Bank has suspended. The other hanks continue strong, and no excitementhas been caused by the failure. The Niagara CUy and Danby Banka of Ver< Nsw York, Bept 4.—lt is rumored the Uaukcrs have thrown out the bills of the Niagara City Bank and Danby Bank, of Vermont. Heavy Robbery of a Bank Cashier. Albany, September 4 Mr. Daniel, tho Cashier of the Niagara Bank, of Lockport, was robbed last night in tho cars, of a package containing 930,000, indrafts. Dcstroetivtf Fire at Brattlcboro* Yt. BRiTfLßßotio*, Yt., September 4.—'Twenty bulldiugs were burnt this morning, including several fine dwel lipgi, g paper mill »d £ity’« rule factory. The ttaij.ed States Agricultural Exhibition- Award of frizes for Mowers and Reopen. Looisvillb, Sept, 4.— Tho awards for the most suc cessful Heaping and Mowing Machines, at tho,trial ojode at Syracuse, ia July last, were made to-day} aA follows: Por Reapers—To 0. H. McCormick, of Chicago, a gold medal; Walter A. Wood, of Hoosac Falls, N. Y f| 6 silver medal; Wardon, Brokan A Child, of Springfield, Ohio, a brouze medal; and Jonathan Haines, of rekin, 111., a diploma. For Reapers and Mowers combined—To Walter A. Wood, of lloosac Falls, jf. y., a gold medal; D. M. Oibprne, of Buffalo, N. Y., a silver medal; Warden, Brokan A Child, of Springfield, Ohio, a bronze medal. ( Tho awards to Mowing Machines hare not yet been made. , , , Tho attendance was quite largo to-day. An exhibi tion or the horses was made. Five Arabian hortes, belonging to Mr. A. Keene Richards, of Georgetown, Ky., were among the most prominent. Mason D. Weg ner exhibited, tbreo horses, “ Scythian,” u Sovereign " and “American Pedlar.” Awards of a blue ribbon to Sovoroign, a blue ribbon to Scythian, and aeverat rings to young horses, mutes, and Jackasses, wero made. Tbo agricultural machines on exhibition were examined, and a trial of tho plows was made. Failure of a Baltimore Firm* BittiMons, Sept. 4.—Messrs. Withington Sc Eastman, importers of sugar and molasses, have failed to a large amount. Ballaou Ascension, Maucil Cucsk, Sept. 4.—John Wise made a brilliant and graceful ascension from this borough at 2 o’clock this afternoon, In his splendid air-ship “ Old America.” Tho balloon took a northeastern course. Markets. Baltimore, Sept. 4.—Flour—Sales of Ohio at $5.75; Howard street, $5.87a56 ; City Mills at $5.76a55 87 Wheat is dull at 120a125c. for red, and 130®140c. for white. Corn dull and lower at 70e. for mixed, 75c. for whlto, aud 75a78c. for yellow. Whiskey 25®20c. Avgusta, Sept 4.—Upwards of 500,000 bu. of wheat were received here duriug the month of August last. Manifest Destiny in Indio, and Central Ame rica—American Sentiments on tho Indian Outbreak. [From the Loudon Times, August 20.] While tho unemployed politicians of Paris aro mr tho twontioth timo prophesying the decline of English greatnoss, a justor appreciation of tho In dian crisis seems to prevail in the United States. Americans and Englishmen, in their reciprocal judgments of eaoh other, enjoy tho not inconside rable advantage of possessing in themselves a tolorably accurate standard of roforonoe. The subjoct or citizen ,of either country is conscious that a ruling ■ raco is not oasily dispossessed'of an anoient dominion. The suppression of a Sdrainolo. vrar or of a Mexican insurrection in California would bo anticipated from one end of the Union to the other as an inevitable - event* and it- is understood that tho moro sorious undertaking of reducing tho revolted eopoya is only a question of time and of oxponso. The work may bo difficult and tedious, but tho?o who 'under stand tho English charaotor oan never doubt that it will bo dono. Demonstrations of tho necessity *of our r failure may be left to the epigramnmtio syllogism of continental sa loons. A nation whioh is unanimous seldom falls, and tbe universal concert wbiyh prevails is only disturbed by an involuntary humorist who, in the porsonof Mr. Urquhart, invokos success "on tho arras of tho subjects of her Majesty in India against tho insurgent, rebellious and traitorous governors general who, by ©no and the samo blow havo driven loyal men into insurrection—usod tho Quoon’s forces in an attompt to destroy them—violated tho honor of this land, and broken through tbe enactments of Parliament.” Americans kuow by experience that the lioenao accorded to maniacal nonsense' indioatea thofoarloss strength of a free people. The good will towards England which is exhibited by the American press is moro gratifying, and perhaps more unexpected, than tho sound judgment which has generally been formed of tho probable result of tho insurrection. One New York journal of large circulation actually recommoulsnsto recruit for the Indianarmy within the limits of the Union. On certain conditions, it is said, "there might doubtless bo awakened a strong feeling hero in favor of the British in India, and vory likely, with proper measures and a suitable outlay, 50,000 men could be enlisted in a few woeks.” it is notvery likely that Lord Clarendon will givo tbo Distriot Attor noya of Pennsylvania and New York any fresh opportunity of displaying tholr indignant elo quonco against tho encroachments of the English minister. It is possible, also, that some objection might be foil to tho pacification of Bengal through tho agoncy of 50,000 froo and onlightenedoitizon s The Queen’s subjects who aro now in arms on be half of the King of Delhi, sufficiently illustrate for the present tho inconvenience of a divided allegi ance. But the friendly spirit which dictates tho suggestion may be noticed and rained, although tho offer of an army of auxiliaries is undoubtedly a more rhotorioal flourish. Tho history of the An glo-Indian erapiro, especially in tho earlier stages of its growth, may nutuunatnrnlly attraot Ameri can sympathy to its founders and to tho successors. Clive and hie contemporaries may eptily he re * startled us filibusters on a magnificent scale. Hastings and Wellesley? though they might not profess the doctn*y x cam ed out the decrees of'man* xfest destiny ” with unexampled vigor. Tbe demo crats of tho Western world aro tho firmest of all bo lievers in tho aristocracy of raoos. and especially of tholrown. When thoybeliovo that a half-breed Spaniard of Nicaragua is equal to an American from the Union, they may sympathize in the pro tonsions of Hindoos and Mussulmans to shake off tho supremacy of Europeans. Even the errors of English rulers have not in genoral been such as to offend ordinary American prejudices. Disregard for natiVo custom, and contempt for pornicious usa ges and for strange religions are at least as charac teristic) of the United States as'of the mother coun try. Tho friendly fooling entortainod towards England is tho moro trustworthy bocauso it is thoroughly ineligible. It has always been diffi cult to comprehend the irritation which has so frequently ombittorod tbe differences between two kindred nations. Tho more rational opinions which have found expression on tho present occasion are founded on reasons whioh cannot be explained away. Foreigners may be oxcused for underrating the powor which would still remain to England n hor Indian dominion woro at nn end. Tbo strength and vigor whioh havo rodueed tho millions of the East to subjection would continuo to oxist, oven if they wero oxorted in some other direction ; but it is natural that tho Tndlan crisis should appear to tho world to bo absolutely vital to England. The sober judgmont of the United States, howovor, do preoates the supposed decline of our national pros perity and groatnoss. “Our best customer and our olosest commercial ally, England, stands in a posi tion that is peculiarly interesting to us, as the head and homo of liborty in Europo, tho only country whero spoeoh, thought, tho press and notion aro froo.” Othor journals express oven more strongly a fooling which, on tho part of English writers, might bo attributed to extravagant and unreason ing patriotism. It is not too inuoh to say that an equally cordial sentiment would be entertained on this sido tho Atlantic if tho Unitod States were raonaccd with any serious dangor. The gratify ing change which has taken place in this respect since the time of the Russian war may he, in part, attributed to the progress which has been made in removing the Central American difficulties. It is tiue that the treaty negotiated ky Mr. Dal las has not yot boon concluded, but tho principles of an arrangoment aro rocognisod on both Bides, and it is certain that tho torms which woro origi nally proposed will ultimately form the basis of a settlement. Tho only English interest in tbo dis puted regions concerns tho free passage of the Isth mus. The half civilized States of the American Continent may be left without 'interference on our part to adjust their future relations with their formidable neighbor. The world la wido enough for both brnuchoa of tbo raoo to spread without collision or interference. With Inaia to govern and Australia to cultivate, Englishmen may look without jealousy or regret on the progress of the American Union toward the South ern Continent. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENING. IValkct Street Theatre.— “ All that Glitters is not Gold”—“Bob Nettles,” National ThbatrjlWalkct Street, above Eionm. “ Dombov and Sou “ Wanted, 1000 Milliuers for the Gold Diggings ” WnKATLKV’a Aacn Street Theatre.— “ Romeo and Joliet “ The Golden Farmer.” Sanford's Opera Ilocse, F.lrvbstii Street, above Chestnut —La Traviata—Ethiopian Minstrelsy. Tnoxurr'a Varieties, N. W. corner of Fifth anp Cuestnut Streets.— Musical and Terpslchorean Mo langc—Sigaor Felix Kochcz. Dcsfrucftvc Firt at Consftoftocfan.—Yester day morning, about flvo o’clock, a fire broke oat in tho extensive print and bleaching works situa ted on tho banks of'the jrivor Schuylkill, opposite Ctmshohooken. They wero destroyed, nothing bat the baro walls remaining. Tho buildings wero largo and valuablo. Thoy wero formerly owned by Dotbol Moore, Esq., and at tho timo of their destruction wero under the management of Mr. Bliss, who resided at Oonsho hocken. Tho proporty was in tho hands of James Boyd, Esq., iittornoy-ut-law, Norristown, I'a., who noted as trustee for the ownors.- Thoso, it is un derstood, are two banking corporations and a pri vate gentleman of this city, wno is largoly into rcstod in tho wool trade. Tho works wero orccted about eighteen year* ago, and until about throo yoars ago wero owned by Mr Moore. They wero oallod tno“Aramlnk Print Works,” and gavo employment to a largo number of hands. Tho loss, os wo learn from good authority, will reach about $70,000 losuranoes are standing to tho amount of probably one-half of this sum. It is stated that tho fire originated from sparks from a locomotiro on tho Reading railroad. Coroner’s Cases.—A young nwn, a canal boatman, named John Sturgeon, whllo at work at a windlass near tho Wire Bridge, yesterday morn ing, was struck on tho bond bv tho capstan bar and instantly killed. Coroner Dolavau held an inquest in tho case, and a verdict was rendored in accord ance with tho facts. An Irish emigrant named John McDermott, who had recently arrived at Now York from Liverpool, died yesterday morning on board the steamor Dela ware,■ ns sho was coraiug up the Dolawaro. The deceased was au old man, and was in apparont good hoalth tho day previous. The body of a man namod Charles Akestine, aged 35 years, was found drownod at Race street wharf yostorday afternoon. Coroner Dolavau hold an inquest in the ease, end the body was sent to tho groon-houso. tost Children, —Wo saw last evening, at tho Contral Office of tho Municipal Police and Fire-Alarm Tolegraph, a littlo girl, who had wan dered from homo in the early part of tho day. She was sleeping in a chair, whilo persons wore con stantly coming into and going out of tbo offleo, and tho remark made by soveral was, that tho room was ontirely too small, and altogothor unfitted for tho accomodation of lost obitdron. The Commit tee on City Property or Police or Couuoils might pay but a single visit to this office, < and thoy would at onoo coincmo in tho opinion which has Been so frequently exprossod, that it is not half larg* enough for the pronor transnotion of ovon the or dinary business, when will it bo enlarged? The Detective Police Department of Phila delphia will compare favorably with that of any city In the Union. Its head is Mr. J. Bulkley, & regular veteran in dotectivo police transactions. High Constable Alexander W. Blackburn enjoys a reputation as a skilful and exporlenood detoctivo offioor, second to that of nopolioemen in tho world. Special offioora Smith* Carhn, Callanan and Tag fort; High Constables Russell, Clark. Watt and refts, together with the gentlemen' mentioned above constitute tho Detective : Police of our city. The office of this department is in tho basement of tbo building at the Southwest corner of Fifth and Cbeanut street, The Armory bf thtNational Guards Pro minent amStfg tbo flne structures now in progress in this citjY» tbe Arawry of tho National Guard*; in FilUi ahd Sixth streets; it is 20W. Sear?itB completion, being in tho hands ‘of lhe> plasterers, and? it is expected that it "will-he formally dedicated about the first week ’in 'Novemhc?. Its ciipacfautv rooms aro well calculated 4 for all kindfoof public exhibitions, affoMfng a surfaco of 25,000 feet, indepen. dent df*the cellar, which adds 7,500 more. The apartments on tbo first story aro two stores on Roco street, oach 21 foot wide, and 35 deep The main entrance, which is in the eentre of the building, with a tiled vestibule 13 feet v wide, connecting with the ticket offioo/vestibule, jrbtoh is’2l feet wide, and leads to tbo main hall. This hall is 10 feet wide; all the stairway? converge into it; also the vestibule, which opens on C reason’* street, from which il lsi divided by sliding doors 10 feet wide, from which Issues tbe private entrance to the Ar mory Saloon, and can t>6 used whon a rapid egres3 from the entire building is required. On the west side ii the banqueting room. 27 feet wide by 57 deep; also, tho ladies 1 dressing room, which is 27 feet wide, fitted-up with all the modern conveniences, and oonneots with the ball room by stairs which are striotlyprivato. being cut off from tbe gehtlemen’s room br a sliding door. On the ea3t side is the gentlemen's dressing room, gontlemon’s saloon, tho refreshment saloon, and janitor’s offieo. On the socond story is the grand saloon, 60 feet wido by 22C deep, and 27 feet high; the ceding is arched, springing from level plan ciers. The stage at the south end of the room is circular In© walls are ornamented with pilasters supporting emblematical brackets. The whole is to be painted fresco, And lighted by the improv ed method of ride lights on Hie wall. This room whon finished oannot fail to be one of the finest in the city, for acoustics, and suitable for dancing ooncerw,leotures, Ac. 61 On the third atory is the armory saloon, 6Q feet wido by 110 deep, and 22 feet high. This floor is supported by 10 trussed girders, designed by Ed win F. Duraog, architect of the building; they are the most powerful that have erer beon put in a building of this character, being 60 feet span and 7 deep This saloon will be the most magnificent drill room in tbe United States. There u a bal cony on the sooth ond of the room projecting 6 feet from the wall, forming an orchestral or specta tors’ gallery. This saloon is of the Gothic style of architecture; the ceiling is divided into compart ments, tho rafters springing from corbels; thoy are to b© stained ahd varnished. This saloon Is to bo lighted by drops, suspended from the rafters by bosses—adjoining it is tho library, which is eighteen feet by thirty, and the Secretary and officers’ rooms whioh aro 20 by 15 feet. It is in tended to lot the armory and tbo ball-room to gether for largo balls and assemblies; tho formor will hold 2200 persona seated, tho latter 1800. The entire building is ventilated on tho most improved plan. On tho fourth story is tho oompany’s meet ing room, whioh is 18 by 30 feet deep, opening on a balcony. The Quartermaster ana Committee rooms aro also on this floor. The front is sur mounted by an observatory, whioh is reaohed by a passage through the roof. Tho staging of the observatory is 85 foot above the door sill. Tho oxtrome height to tho flag staff is 145 feet. Police Matters.— Tho rctnrns of the Lieute nants of iho different wards, made at tbo Mayor’s offioo yesterday, woro. entirely devoid of intorest. Tho cases hoard beforo Alderman Eneu, at the Contral Police Station, and tbo Ward Magistrates, wero mainly for drunkenness and disorderly con duct. Two individuals, who got into a fight abont the late contested election oase, wero hold to bail to keep the peace. A Gorman, named Frederick Durr, was bold by Aldorman Williams to answer tho charge of robbing his employer, Mr, Julius Up man, of $2BO in cash. A driver of one of the coaches of tho Merchants’ Hotel, was arrested by officer John Bean, of the Ninth Ward, on tbe ohargo of reckless driving, and held to bail by Al derman Thompson to keep tho peace. We Noticed Yesterday a beautiful fire-horn, manufactured by the Messrs. J. S. Jarden A Bro., for tbe coming firemon’a parade. Those gentle men are extouaivoly engaged in the manufacture of ailvor-platod ware, and' their work is noted for beauty of finish and durability of wear. Their show rooms are at tho N. W. cornor of Chestnut and Ninth streets. Entrance first door above Chest nut street. A Delightful Serenade.— The other evening tho members of tho Unitod States Cornet Band serenaded Col. John W. Forney and a number of our citizens, and their adfnfrable performances wero listened to In many sections or tbo oity by delighted groups. This Cornet Band is now one of tho beat of oar musioal organizations. The leader is Moritz Biorhalter, an accomplished gentleman and musician. . Accidents.— John Boidarfl, A stevedore em ployed at Lombard streot wharf, had hi* left leg fractured yesterday by a keg of nails failing on it whilo ho was engaged in loading on the ship Que bec. Ho was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. MATTERS AND THINGS IN NEW YOBS, f From the New York papers of last evening.} Yesterday morning, a flagman on the New Jer sey Railroad discovered a “tie”—a wooden sloeper for the rails to rest on—lying across tho track of that road between Jorsey Oity and Bergen cat, whioh he removed from tho track. It nad just been placed there by Michael Walsh, who was at once arrested and committed. He gave as his ex ouse for tbe not, that "be wanted to sac tbe ears bounce,” and ho stood, when arrested, not far off, awaiting tho result of tho experiment. He is a shoemaker by trade, and has worked in Jersey City about two weeks. „ A report bas been circulated among the Irish Soplo of tho uppor wards of Jersey City, that an isn woman named Elizabeth Daniel had been marrying a sailor named John Bravrery, a mulatto of vory light oolor. A mob of Irishmen and women, to the number of nearly 300, collected about their rcsidonce, at the oorner of Monmouth and South Eighth streets on Wednosd&y eveniog, and demand ed that Bravrery como out and "treat”tbe party.” Mr, B. declining, the mob assailed t&r’honse with a shower of stones, breaking Three policemen attempted mob. Offioer Robinson received a blow OpAbß?<Mtefroni a stone wbioh was probably Tho crowd was not dispersed nntil only one arrest was made. Rev. of tbo Roman Catholic Churcb, pnbU*hra jtcari},' stating that the parties had not behn'siariied. A woman was instantly klllodlast night, by the down express train, near Hastings,: on tbe Hudson River Railroad. She was walking on tbe track, and, it is supposed, sho thought the train was on tho other track. ■* A young gentleman from Georgia, who was one of tbo unsuccessful applicants for admission into tho Military Academy at WcstPoint, on his return home made a sojourn in this city to seo tho sights. In tho courso of one of his ramblos ho made an investment of $4O in the patent safe gamo, whioh sum, of courso, soon disappeared through the agency of the sharpers, leaving the would-be mtlitßry gentleman without tho means of getting home until the arrival of fnnds for that purpose. Thoro woro 35 stonmors, 183 ships, 105 oarlcs, 103 brigs, and 230 schooners in purt yesterday A man named Edward Martin was brutally as saulted on Wednesday evening in an open lot on Church street, noar Hiok* stroot, by James Mc- Cauley and James Mulligan, who throw him down and bqut him severely with stones. One of his arms sustained a compound fraotnre, and ho is so badly beaten abont tho breast and head os to be in u critical condition. Tho parties were arrested. Tho Asia brings the official report of Mr. Bright, Engineer to tbe Atlantic Telegraph Company, to the Board of Directors, in reference to the accident to tho Cable. A difficulty took placo, about four o’clock yester day morning, iu a German house of ill-fame in Howard streot, between two persons—Bamuel Sands, a stage driver, and a man named Beatty. The latter was stabbed in tho breast and shoulder, receiving dangerous wounds, and there wero doubts of hU rooovory. Tho various committees of the Now York volun leers appointed to prepare a reception for the Scott Logion—a corps composed of tho remnants of the two regiments ol Pennsylvania volunteers,who visit THisoity on the Uthinst —met at the Mercer street House last evening. It was announced that tho visitors would arrive at 3 P. M. a week from Monday next. Tho 12th Regiment, Now York Stato Militia, and other oity corps, will Join in tho parade on tho occasion. A steam-boiler employed in driving piles near the old Penny Bridge, Brooklyn, for the purpose of extending Hamilton avenue, exploded about noon yesterday, and resulted in the death of one man named Thomas MoGavery, and to the serious injury of Thomas Henry. Another man named \Yneolor vras slightly Injurod. Tho Railroad Convention continued its business yesterday. Soreral models were exhibited, and papers road, bearing on railroad matters. There was a larger attendance than on the previous days. Towards evening the meeting adjourned sine die , witn the understanding that another meeting ehonld be called some time within a few weeks. Israel Hyman, a morchant, was arrested on Wednesday, on a warrant issued by Justice Wood, at the complaint of Nathan Meyer. Tho complaint avers that tho accused has stolen from the store of Nathan Meyer A Co., No. 25 Coder street, dry goods, clothing, Ac., of tho value of $7,000. The accused was committed for examination. Yesterday District Attornoy Hall concluded his argument bejbre Judge Peabody against admitting Mr*, Cunningham to nail, and this afternoon Ma thow Hule Smith is replying in bohalfof Mrs. Cun ningham. The court room is crowded by people anxious to catch a glimpse of the features of tho notorious woman. A serious fight occurred in the First Ward last night, at tho Ilqrvey House, 87 West street, kept by Louis Sohorher, Amannamedßonjannn Clark, who keops an oyster stand in front of the premises, got iuto a quarrel with a ’longshoreman named Flynn Clark was joiued by the engineer and three deck-hands of the steamtoat Atlanuo. Violent threats wore exchanged, and Flynn left; but soon after returned with a gang of ’longshoremen, who commenced an onslaught upon Clark and his com rades, and a general fight ensued. Clark, being worsted, rotated with his men into the Harvoy House, the doors of whloh were instantly closed and fastened. But Flynn and his followers attacked the house, and breaking down tho door, rushed in with clubs and brickbats, assaulting and boating every pot bob in their way. The enginoor of tbo Atlantic w&b soriouBly if not fatally wounded, and several other porsons reooivod severe injuries. Tbo Mtrror says that Col. Du Solle, formerly of tho Philadelphia Spirit of the Times t has pnr ohasod Mr. Dean’s one-third interest in the Sun day Times. Col. Du Solle is aeprigbtly writer. Attempted Burglary and Murder in Brooklyn.—On Monday George Burthlo, residing at No. 28i South Fourth street, proocedod to the Sixth Precinct Station Houso, and informed Ser geant Gnion that his brother-in-law, Peter Mattor, who resided with him, had been asked by a young man named Charles Mirth to join him in robbing his own house. Mircb and Muller wero out of work, and the former offered that if Matter would get him tho keys, thoy would together rob the houso and sharo the prooeeds, and if resistance was made they would use their revolvers, a pair of which he exhi bited. By the advice of the sergeant, the young man apparently acquiesced in tho plot, save Mirch tho koys, and fixoa tho attempt. On Wednesday evoning Mirch made his appearance and coinmencod to ransack tho rooms, bat on entering the room of David Klinck,>ho resided with Burtbte, Mirch fouud himself suddenly seized from behind and placed in irons by Klinck, who transferred him to the custody of officers who laid in wait for him. A few days since s boy was passing through tho oars on tho Cleveland and Erie road, handing on? Xrtisofflonta of “ Nothing to Wear,” illu® trated. A lady remarkod to a gentleman, “That takes off the ladies, I suppose.” “No,” said her friend, “it only takes off their dresses. “Then,” replied the lady, “it is proper that a smiling should sell it.” Tho Courrier state* that tho remains of a press jehleh Gutter* berg used to draw off his first proofs has boon found at Monti. It boars the date of H4O, WEEKLY *OF? THE PHIA MARKETS* “ ' ” * Ftipir Etssi.vc, Sept. 4. J BREADSTUFFS—The dull and unsettled condition or tbe market, noticed for some time past, still eon-” aad Flour ia but little inquired for, partieulariy *or export—tbe demand for which purpose is limited at lower figures. Abont 4,000 bbla only hz.t been disposed of at $6 37 X efi 60 for fresh ground superfine; the former • w*Southern Flour, delivered here; $6.75 f or selected ' brands, $4.r5a7.60 for extra, and $7.75*8 25 for extra 1 2 I!lo * T » “ iB fluaUly-tt,* latter for fancy lots, tA * n * l » so °kbls selected brand* on terms kept pri *“* , Th ® “arket closes inactive at S6SS &bU ' c . tt& ““ifonn asking rate for superfine Flour TJrzr?*- Th ' i ° ma 8 extent within the above rtm of qcota lion, forcotoon bnmiU, SSoß^bMtor »«•«» U ttaUj, with Elk, oTsM hhk cels At $4.629 475 bbl. Oo« M.el u tedS, rery scree, with ulaj of 7M bbU Perm,rl», n ;. .. fit bbl. WhsiT3 ere doll ond actual, «d J»alsc tsr bus lower; sole of 20,000 bushels .re reported n ™ 01.60 for red, end 51.4001.60 for white, u in ooelitr eloslog unsettled end dull et Sl-40 for the former, end 51.6001.66 .for the letter of good end prime qoalitr Bro Is elso lower, with selee of 1,600 bus, in lots, et SO OSOc for Southern and Pennsylrenie. Coes close doll end lower, with sales of 20,000 bushels Southern end Pennsylvania yeUow mostly et 85o8Se, eßojl, end ' 860660 In store, end bnyere holding off for lower price., O.ts here beon plenty and eery dull until within e day Or two, with sales of 36,000 bushels at 35040 c for fair sn4 33a36i for good end prime Southern, .Boat and in cars; the market, howerer, closing firmer et the letter figure*. PROTUIONS.-n. reduced state of the stuck end the h>gh rates now current hare limited operations, and the market is qolat. About 230 bhls Mess Poet here been ,oU, mostly et s26 a j2o 50, cash. City Mass Brer •ells, a, wantod, at ,20 bll. Otß.cox the stock his been pretty much all closed out at 14*15 v eta for plain and fancy Haws. M.,,* cls for E nnJ Zul?r S 'r h " 4 Bi ° rt li “'- letter are now held higher. ShtsoMsits are scarce with sale, of 100 casks St 12*12X rt« for S/tooiDths, ind 13k cfa for Stoss leering the market nearly hare. Laid is firmer, with sales of barrels and tierces et 16*15 if ets - Md kegs et 11 Cts. Buttes is in steady demand it 14* " 16 cts for solid Western. Chskse-Xo change, eid salee • limited et 9*lo cts *rs>.- ' QROCERIE3. Holders of Coffee ere firm in their ImT'i’), Dt TT,* te “° t dißpo “ d t 0 POKbese Largely, end the market has been inaction at preriou, qo'ta tlon,, Mies only reaching ,o mo 2,600 baga, mostly Bio, withm the range of ll.Salljie, on the usual terms closing, howerer, a little more attire. For Molaaaec the market continues et a .tend, end prices, in the ab sence of .ales, ere nominally unchanged. SOOm—The mMket 11 unsettled end drooping, end buyers ere hold- P'l CC9 r but purchases to the client of ““ from a neighboring market, including Culm, end Porto Kico et from svaoxc on the u,„al credit. Price, a th.?l£ were very feeble. METALS—The Iron market remains Inactive, and Only abont 1,000 tons, ehieSy Anthracite Ro. 3, here been sold, delirereble on the Susquehanna, to go West « a price not made public. A few smell sales of Ro. i haro been made here at ,27 and Ro. 2 125 V ton, on time, which are the uniform asking rates, fialos of Blooms hare been made at sB3as9o for prime quality. Scotch pig sella slowly at $290530 ton, «a tolote For manufactured Iron the inquiry continues good, the advice* from abroad being more fevorable; but there la not much doing. Of Bails and Bara prieeaare, however, firm. For Lead the market remains inactive for the want of stock, and we hear of jm ules thi* week Copper is unchanged, and Yellow Metal sales are making at 22c eix month*. BARK Is leas inquired for, and lower, and at the elo&e aorae buyers are not disposed to pay our lowest quota tions. Sales include about 150 hhds let No.l ais49e $45 4?* ton. Tanner'e Bark is dull, with but little selling. - • BEESWAX.—There is very little offering, and good yellow is wanted at 30*31e lb. BREAD continues dull, end prices abont the samo, the demand being mostly for home nee. CANDLES.—Tortier/ale. of Adamantine are renortad at22#23eon the usual terma. Sperm and Tallow ate steady in price, with about the usual buslnem delta ia the former. - COAL.—Eastern on’ers come in slowly, sad the mar-‘ ket generally ia rety Cult for the season, but withtmt change in prices, which rale about Alle ghany Coal is doll. A sale of Cumberland Coal was made at $5.25 ton. COTTON.—The late foreign news has had little or no effect on prices, but buyer* come forward slowly, and only about 750 bales have been disposed of, In lots, from 15 to 17#c for Uplands, and 16 to Hc for Mobil© and New Orleans, cash and time. The market closing firm. .PISn-New Maekerel continues scarce, particularly lit and 3d, the stocks of which are light and the demand 1 small. We quote the former at $l7«$U, *nd the latter at $13.50«2514 for medium; No. S are selling at $8.60* $9.50 per bbl. as to size. Smoked Herring* are begin-* ning to arrive, and sales are reported at 50 cents box Pickled Herring are steady at $4, with moderate ialea.* Codfish sell as wanted at $3.60 100 fts., bat there are very few offering. , FRUIT.—The market for foreign remains very ins©-, tire from the want of stock, and we have no ehange toC note. Green fruit is more plenty. Apples are selling ah from $1 to $3 bbl., aud Peaches at from 75 rents to $3 basket. * FREIGHTS.—The marketeontinuMdoU. Borne small engagements only have been made to Liverpool at4d for corn, and 25* The asking rate to London is 26* for heavy goot's, but there is little produce offer-'' log. Welt India and California rates are unchanged. . A vessel On the berth, for the Utter, is getting 26 cts. - per foot. Coastwise freights are steady, with considera ble doing. Colliers have been in fair demand. Thefbl- J lowing are the going rates from Fort Richmond: To ' New York, $1.05; Albany, $1.25; RiehmoiusSStasS Charlestown, $1.50; Providence, sl.So; ~ J Pawtucket, $1.60; Boston, $1A0«1A5; Baltimore 75 cts, Quincy Point, Sl.flQ; Fall Hirer,sl SO; New Loudon, . $1.85; Boxbury, $1.80; Alexandria, $l, and New Haven $1.25 ton. GUANO.—No change in quotation* and the demand* good. HEMP.—The market remain* quiet, and prices the same as last noted. HlDES.—There is very little doing, and the market I* doll; about 1,400 Pernambuco Hides were disposed of os arrival, at a price not made public. Booe ficSOOO Porto Cabello, from a recent import, are held above the views of buyers and remain Unsold. LEATHER.—Good SpixisuSole and SLXxrGBTaa are in demand, at full rates, but other kinds are negleeted and dull LUMBER.—Thera is not ranch doing, and the market' i« unchanged, with further sales of Liras at $1 Yellow Sap Boabo3 sell slowly et $120514; and Whit* Pinb at slseslB as in quality; Clbjlx Boards are quo ted at s3sas33&' M. , * NAVAL STORES.—Stock* arc light, but the market' has been quiet this week, wiih sale* of Spiaiiz Trap**-*. tix* at 47«50c, cash and time. Rosts i* «*re©. Yaw • is quoted ats3#es2#; and Pitch at bbl. OlLS.—tbe market for Lixszsd is unsettled, with ulea at 75676 c aa to lota—the stock la accumulating. La*d Oil is bettor, sales ranging at siaT«sllB,4 mo*. - No change in Spxom and Whali, and about the usual * business doing. PLASTER.—SeveraI cargoes have’been disposed of, part at $3 per ton, and part on terms not made public. RlCE.—Prices are hardly sustained, and we quote ft a 9 ia quality. SALT.—The market is dull, but on import of 8,000 sacks Liverpool ground, and a cargo of Turks’ Island have been sold on terms not made public. SEEDS.—There is more demand for Clovencwd, and.’ verj little is offering, and primo Seed is scarce and wanted at $7.25 4?" bnshel. Timothy Is lower. selling moderately at s3*s3 50 bushel. In Flaxseed there Is nothing doing In domestic for the want' d? stock. BPIBITS.—The market for Brandy end Gin in very dull, and sales are limbed to the wants of the trad* at' about previous rates. N. E. Rum moves slowly at 50* 52 cents. Whiskey was rather more active early in tha 5 week; prices of barrels remain at 26027 cents, the latter for Pennsylvania and Ohio, and 26*27 c. for hhds. TALLOW is quiet, but city rendered is scarce,- and firm at 12,¥ cents &&. * TEAS are more inquired for, and holders are very firm in their views, but as yet there is not much movement in tke market. SUMAC.—About 400 hags Sicily have been taken at 80c®82Xc, as to brand, on the usual terms TOBACCO remains inactive, and prices the same, with a limited business to note. IS OOL.—The demand continues good at fully former quotations, and the low and medium grades are scarce * Fine Wools are also more Inquired for, and very firm. The week’s sales comprise about 200, JOO As, at from 42c «65e, on the usnal terms. Among the sales we notfS* fine and extra fleece at 60c065c; quarter blood 43c*00, and three-quarters do. at 53c*55c lb. Philadelphia markets. Frioat, September 4.—The unsettled and stringent condition of the money market bos operated unfavor ably on the Produce markets and interrupted business very materially since our last weekly notice. Bark has declined. Brcadstuffs meet with a limited demand, at irregular prices, which tend downward. Groceries, ea peciilly Sugar and Molasses, are unsaleable, except at much lower prices than holders are willing to accept. Provisions are br.nging higher figures, bat the stocks of most kinds are nearly exhausted. Coal is dull, and Iron remains inactive, but manufactured Iron i* held with more firmness. Hides—Little or nothing doing. Nava! Stores meet with a limited demand. Oils are quiet, but without much alteration to note in prices. Plaster is lower. Cloreneed Is wanted at an adrance ca prerioas sales, but there is very tittle offering. In other kinds there is nothing new. Teas and Tobacco are unchanged; the former, however, are more in request. Whiskey closes unsettled and with very little doing, and the de mand for Wool continues good and pricts are fully itn. tained, with mero disposition to operate in the fine grades. In the Dry Goods trade there are no material changes in any leading articles of cotton manufacture. Stocks ars moderste, and prices of all good styles tend upward. Prints keep well sold up and firm. Woollens are steady, with a fair business doing in most kinds at previous quo. tations. Toe Trace or tbs Raising Railroad —The follow, ing is the amount of Coal transported on the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad during the week ending Thursday, Sept. 3,1857; From Port Carbon “ Pottsvillc “ Schuylkill Have n “ Auburn “ Port Clinton..... Total for week Previously this year. Total for year. To same time last year. BcmrrL*tLL NaviOiTiov Cost Txtn*.—The fot lowimr are the receipts of Coal for the week endihr Thursdays »»1»7: From Port Carbon <* Pottaville “ Bchuylkili Haven. “ Port Clinton..... Total for week. Previously this gear. To Mm, tim, Uit jew J t U4,HtMW Tons. Cwt. .11,503 00 . 3.694 09 .10,699 . 07 . 653 ’Ol . T. 505 Oi ...40.090 OR 1.236,673 02 .1,326,768' 06 .1,434,878 06 Tana. Cwt. ... 9,C93 .00 ... 1.543 00 ...26,55T ,00 »,m. oo * ■■■" |'T« « ■ —A 1,328,768 <&.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers