Ajihould deem It w ,'jbrduty ofovery , ?|^;fe<^(jyji(sfctbfttrmea ; A that atiy trteinbei ■W^s^mw,&e-fQi(nds tymWtowiyzfeTßjW jomßpnt Js capable or being made upon tuo evidence, to makesueh continent t6art<my,'an<l-Mifliout'referenei t# his own there- isß'diffi- 1 OHfett ’ttie Shade ifoOlbr;; he ijrbmnid to give tho Whr.tis thoO’pittii)li,fcVs?SoUio;thi B 8 ! > (bit hot | nan;) wild" puzkle A PhiifuUlpkui. lawyer. ;J ,Per- EMKAonDiKASi-,t'iMjit;- i A traveilerthrongh j Wetzel connty/Vd.; observed thßt in almoit'.'eVery precinct there livett-tbrceor fotujiamiliM'byiJhe i . nano of Morris,',ind-having Eomo.auiioty toieara; the extent of tbjCfaiaii y? ;jnBde.ihflnity i <.'nndi'wa»> directed to the mother of .thewholo; tribe for in-! lometien/hnting.lwen nrevioasly told thiti she; still lived.thoitghhpifards of SiTeardof age; He ; interrogated Old lnay'WlitOlj tWd gently,: gr»M children, onehundrod and eighteen great m£ft4obUdre»|V»H4"ona great greatgrand oniltl.! eJd'Vrtjteepuon 'of; flvcOd'ead;i2-girls and 3 boys)] A6w itainif in ti G one neighborhood;; One- of her ,; and another U. ’One! “|£fepthei*,#W|sothO!f tflXMmn.iM ! Wbthet:;6fil3; ,ali the.raskof ten i . S PdßhojihiK'rnoWfit'B apa.seven.-One.ofihewns, TrbpiSiJKiw ■ tmUorbn old man, .lives within seven M otythoSaUimort and lOblo: Bailtoad, bat never saw a railroad uofil a few days ago: - tOM. i 4£tadflhe binfcs certainly, j^rm.thprigooira^t, , *xid a«lfkfe> «sfltsiirtbAulijrtra»t; people Wba jcnowwiy tbinguf business affairs, theexfera tMgnae*<>tib&ftpQklg>iß'*ifohiur td?rtnier ! tfiem only”ixjv(@j& ’ its the baijk iliff-banks bamgot » coa*MteftWe,«n®xnt en $1,000,000, ■ indipendehtof -the-CAUiQi-tttAdemit tanoef-and-1 know/rfroui 6 r *mtHisrifcy'tKafc -than. they barr beanfqrsofpeHliiie. ThejTfcr^aowever, 7 doing nothing in aiabounffl,% * advicepf the Daily,ijmtti in whoso moneyarti olenthis mornlng, they .were .reeonmiended all “ to look one way,”. from three <i’olook ; and " that the ■ way. vto' Immediate relief ftoaHnanitf.”. On tHe'ioatratyi they hire lookedininnhy ways, and much:more in. the,direction of making; tkom sei vesks ssfeVas they;can, titan' pinning shy ‘risk for philanthropy's'sake. lAKonoy. is not scarce ;I bsUere itiwrn is plenfcvof. it, bait those wlio havafltJare .determined. t 6 keep, itf'untilthey . see how things afe cgoitig to tam j and Uinsv , ness men. who'.havd.deposiu in tho . banks either; leavi" in e'sSi' the violent contraction .of bankaceommodatiou oonUnuos,,or else thaydraw'themipnlJO discount theirown piper, Mtpmeet their avoid, the sacriSoe that many are obliged to make tu honor . their engagements, ■ The bank QohtrtusUon of orose ■ On fivemillions within ten days,' if eorititmidlh a Similar wtgo for .onpttteryrepk, will, .nhdoubtediy ■ ereate es'nsideraHo etnbarrimimcnt. of the most . seribnsnitnre, and Will tend to damage, rather than aecatp.tha.benks thpmrolves. i Jfow tbat tbey have ' ,netnededlnptenp)ng.|he ezportof.speeie:by bring ’ tag down the raleof eiohange, there is no apparent nMdforabiltting thSirdbors to all offerings, aatlioy did yeeterday t slnce. by dolng so, they only oblige if I)it^Htf«htf , ahji#ta: whulf they bontdother t'commoroooftbo country. I . aomeßUp ami ior «^l^:^l^^U.i^‘thOipaBC,:tbV-iailure u of;a and Trust Co,; aod jhe depraciatlQubf iiewi ; railway tlie cause foe jeopard uiigfaf-ic^triQ^th^ohigherand morelegitimata _p«iperity of the country - had expended too muohl and xnetthaAppmal'ofallSearntfo itien; butlt:isno, reason, beeanse.a sraaUdose.of a.eertalnmeaieiito is ueeeotivaofibealtlr, thst large doses taken rap- IdryjcwiUhPtdo barm instead; of good.'.i have good reason'to bolievo that our banks are strong and pft!f#r«t'f»,i&y .iraergeW, thd ' cT’ Hhr al4, andihe’miHoloi&batidbilfs'ofthe Baijk'nate detebthte .to'.tadt(te^Bfcw.ifiitwahi(auSlhfc; mu •re ate>arej;»ljetina)ly.te' [ iffhe fsiinre.eftbe Me- Aseooiatlon) which, notwlihstand, tag .Ute-wisdom‘of sst post factor prophets tind p&hteyaii of probabilities; wm ntterly nnorpeeted by ,the mtbjlo, is 1 ikply. to, proke disaelroiis only to SSewwMlderaiwboibhihgllnblelMder'tbe'gta ; erallenaßnglwrpfahp Stateibr an araonnkeanal to to pay tap doposi ta»*jj«en»h«tld the,atee.ten^n»Mtnttes i tataeotent, tfbey willihave to appolnt a roeeeiver •Mit BIU JllqnitlaW thail - affaire.,.kShte' feefe'das to the liabii!ty <d' bank; stmkbolders, will ndtd rMfylkive'eSnSdohoeito drSsltore, r »nd'ptatent a iai»;ftr.tbe tritWratfaU&f.Bieir;^balancss;, Birst %Utt;PpH dhd notttaiki'elte, Is jtrafc saleiiblo to h>?h#tej,Mm.l3,per ceat. npto 2 madfftpiir pent, amonth . ;In owh ango nothing is , doing.;, Bapkershsigaatnres aremomlaallytraotcd at lMtalOd} ; for storlligi'and 517,f0r irancs; hot geedkirdattires cad bebooght easily at innoh lower f is for cash. The Arabia, which salted to-day, hot tftke out a suigle dollar.' Tho rcport tiiat Ainerioah Erohange and Metropolltan Banks navi tefijsda'coantry ntoney on deposit is unfotttid od;t f bey;o6ntinne tO'rodeem in the nsnal way. Tbe,repoitodfai!uroofathoCatariwtCity.Bankof • JI-VUSUAfthiMM.' .«> Y> t V*i W »reno.hewihilnresttanonneed,th'oSgh'sev- ■ ' *m*mm ,; 7~, « ".AJPaymant, , t»54,145.28 n- ..12,188,659)76 •!;2BoMosipta for dntiea atthe CustomHonsato i tgiem*. aßTOtotff'atMka.mhfehfell'offakhade • PWf-w!W»t ■ WSWMiV A <MI : . below former^prtees f Jmt ViKUiieand Wiforcift advanced • little. Illinois : €«teblta4i per cent, better; Qalenaand Ohieago IffdSWeago-nadßi Island StpahaLhCrosso aM asaasattssaw^Sk'- lsSJb»..!ll«meh>o.ln»oo;t,;.-4l7eai3» . W Ao . 8o ~ do....iv..ltea'Mflthdawn. s Itegassaassif^^ffl*1tegassaassif^^ffl* v yftfwheM 7e«ofetA..v2Bihmfeiaid..fc jg 'I ’ i<»idO-;»eS»«i;T)i*’Ci. s .;. i ;.>/'2S«L'BUK' tr/a . A ! ,<B«riTCWW'BAi*B,' f ßiitV'iij ■ 4*AriV v.:; 410, •,; dp' /'>' 22 ■ P-, 40Sixth AvU ■ f 'B6 - l»Wt .;db • ; hOff fid - S.NH& nB - . la, S -V 100 Seeding UMlrMdc 02 ’ : sb-«v ■ = ?& & is . .... SoopO*o,Sam)Wllsj 100, ad 0.,;.., tio‘63 , , 'jWO;f»-JCo'-r-;lli V .n ,- do’; ; ' i»'«3 . £M M£.*Pi 0o J 0 ?.. tlhMSo A S:I» RMIJB ■. .a«Sa,Co*lo()Vi J 3 , ,0a .; _JS_»Mnlncjß76 . I .fMParioriQo..-,;,.w,Vi ~*V«M' ;-ci'aw 70.' iso; to - - -'so if.W 'ia . esj- ,76*. dd..' -Irliitlu ■ rfßcvViJo "• ■ l7r M 1 SJOQa'AOWiifi ofoe . IMS yew H rit 72k iOO,QI«v * Tol B siStk, > 900 do ; , . sfio 115 lob Obis A It I it , .3 70 „ “-.72)i 106,; d0,.-;:;«a }6« .* ’ 'WlXyx o : -' ffraSfyfc ' ■.-■MB.CaW WtlCn*. ,iS;-' 20 ; ‘: do^T 1 ,',; •'; "M& t&uQa: J W':., r -60 *rf« Huilmrf;* -,2lJ{ ' iilOOiß r-CisS'K 7- !% MO&Mlnpli *7b3 038. • •1. ../ • Mi coo .dp , >- - i 100 ■ do. lo , ;«10.T3 lOfiCleTfe'iltUß ' ldS ; ‘WilijEwSiSSpJto;* Ai)4J Bjfao (l^tTtn. WlcWgt'iliklwep, -■. t \ ■ ?lpur.H Icwpr, at " .fof'Br&nafrfliieJ , : ' : '" ‘ : •,.-. oOMMBS*»i«toth dou, 7, ;';-v J i •.- < ®S ,s ’^ T h® ““«•«> »,,W lo ::fw-We*t«rOiM(l 01003ctfnjdt <***«*■.. renting tordvln loomy jading Bailroad r t opening at 26 jipfll stock used 16f course suf fered far more in price, in consequence, than any °^ e * > * We repeat our opinion of yesterday,- that it is an excel. •lent investment at the present prices. It « « * P Br Mnt'fe^dt^elllngataiirlMWhl'hmaytcreaMn iblyreUcd npoa to pay nesrlylS per cent , 3 on invest nwnt.. It shwM.'for the present, She fate of other se curities of the most undoubted value. Yesterday, In flow'York,» poremWlT «“!> 1™ tnMO' Ibr Mr: ludlow. M auotioneW, of *lOO, 000 of Ohio »l«s of the new loan of 1880, which had been hypothecated hv parties; ami was thrown'upon tho market by ,ho holders. This loMiwM taken lwt winter atlo3X,and has quite recently been quoted as high as 108. Yesterday it sold atprice* varying from 08 down to 00—the average price: being 92. These bonds will secure a handsome profitio the'purchasers within a Very few days, and-a similar , return may bo confidently expected from any good stocks purchased at the present extraordinary , plcMV' vf '_;y /' \ Too'much sixes* Is lald upon the reportß, many of .them entirely false, and almost all the others exagger. afedj l -which aro issued in hourly bulletins from Wall streetj 'tho caldron of stock-gamblers and des. that confidence is os scarce;there aa the, veriest-bear that, ever trampled widows orphans out of their dependence for bread by.hlV could .wish, the;conclusion must _coihe to‘every thoughtful mlnd that we cannot avert theSpeedycomingof better times, by oven our most insane folly;' .We never gathered a greater harvest than thaVbfglss7; our cotton never before promised to yield it will this year;, our railroads are -spread far-and wide into the rich Talleys of the interior,, to'bring their products cheaply to purchasers, and we have an enormous fleet of merchantmen ready to carry oursurplos to foreign marhots, and bring back increased .wealth to our seaboard, -c. f ("Shall the faUurd'OfVfew stock operators, and the moneyed institutions who have foolishly and wickedly attempted to sustain them,.bo allowed to spread terror over the land, and blight the brilliant prospects of.the future * - They cannot and thoy will not. The West ond'the &mth' are teemingjrifh wealth.. Out of Wall laad,U7rich Jtnd prosperous, To tbo man .who has (nerve enough to ralse above the mlfts Whlch momentarily over the s^nby,market,and i 'Btirycy iberifch'prospoctßroundi the present depreciation' of stocks affords an opportunity rarely presented• of realizing.great profitsin a short time./Tbisisthetiineto buy. ' / / The Tribune say a: .“Mr. JohnThompeoa has made aii asslghment to Mr. Platt Adams.' Mr. Adatns la well and favorably known' to jhanr of our citizens, and repre sented Greene countysevonu years in the Senate of the Stated —. '' r ' , '/The. Dubuque and Pacific Railroad is not now on the market for fifteen millions, but only for s6oo,ooo—more than 'half of Whleh is already 1 subscribed. The link weatwardis oho of the, if hot the, great link to the Pa cific, and must command .trade andtravel. In Bxchsnge, the.'-business is quite,small, audit Is very difficult'to make Rales of sterling, even at much reduced‘rates' The.leadirig drawers a*kO£®o#, but sales pf ilrst-clnsfl outsido bills have been raado at 8® 8% 'i and 8# I s called the top price. Private transae* tional by leading drawers are rumored at about that figure/ This put a'fltop, for the present) to the foreign speciedratn. . The Hide mad Leather Dealers Company was organised inßoston on Tuesday, by the choice of Directors, and the election ofLee.Clcflin, President, and Joshua March, .Cashier,/.The Bank is expected to ge into operation earl/in October next. /The following table allows the receipt duties on fo ,reign, imports. at Boston for the first seven months of 1867,and fob the corresponding period last year: 1858. - 2857. (587,478 58 $541,253 36 ; 660,628 83 704,883 16 .. 855,262 76 €21,075 70 .......... 843,873 19 621,660 75 .742,840 03 850,813 05 595,128 02 135,113 30 \ 669,736 54 . 740,447 64 828,800 91 791,130 80 Jiiufliy JebrUaiy,.;... March;... Aprft..'..'. .... J . May;. 1 ,;;.....; tfuly.y. i Augu5t............ .... ,«5m4W TO *4,660,2:8 66 4,606,278 66 Decwuwe,.; .;$1,191,070 10 ; The total value of good* Imported iuto Boston during the last week was $926,913. Amount of imports during the corresponding ' tteololu 1856..;.; $1,138,917 Amount of imports from Jan. 1 to Aug. 28, ’57 86,017,050 '_• The following- are' the footings of the Boston bank Jrtatemont for the past week, ,afl compared with of the week previous .. r.i - August2s, ifiept 1. Capital'stock. $31,960,000 $31,960,000 Loans and discounts 53,610,600 68,853,000 5pecie..u.i.,..'........3,497,000 3,431.800 Am’tduo fromotherbanks.. 0.321,000. 1 6,180,000 Am’tdue toother banks,,... 4,383,800 . 4,224,000 Deposits,... 16,755,000 , 10,664,700 Circulation’.6,66s,7oo . 8,657,300 . Yesterday’s business at the'New York Sub-Treasury miaWfcUoW#:'-'* '- 1 ' * 5230,689 66 ....... 330,697 47 ..... j. 12,219,293 68 hisses Comparative; statement'of the exports (exclusive of specie) from-JTew Yorkto foreign for the week, and since Jaalst’j' ; ' ' ; 3 655. 3850. 1857. Total for; the week $660,653 $828,274 $1,149,011 40,441,808 ,52,242,850 47,438,00* Since January , $41,108,401 $53,009,124 $48,687,015 . The Clereland and Pittsburgh Railroad Company give notice that its September Coupons will he -paid at tlie ijomb Office., / .-f .-The says :7"-V ; 7‘THe September Interest heretofore advertised to be paid by Atwood & Co., for Mat-shill County, 111., and for the Payton.and Western .Bead, is provived at the ContinentallJ&nk. The Bankbf incite public will pay bathe 7 per cent.'lnternal Improvement Bonds of Flo rida.' Messrs.' Briggs & Co.,' will pay on the Florida Railro&dß per cents., The Coupons due ou the Bonds of, the Terre Haute and Richmond Railroad will be paid at the office of the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co., in this city.”, . , . r ‘ The Drafts of the Breckenrldge Coal Company will be paid at the'New YOrk office of the Company, No* 93 Greenwich street. , - t ,'<-The Interest due on the Erie and Kalamazoo 1862, and Smifhera.Mfohlgan.iB63 Bonds will be paid at the office of the fionthern Michigan Company. - The Richmond Enquirer says that the report thAt Mr. Ludlow, Cashier of the Ohio Trust Company, has been arrested on suits o£ the , Merchants? Bank of Wheeling ahi Farmers’ Dude of Virginia, Is entirely Incorrect, as far •as B»nkfo c«Dcerned,&ud that the Farmers’ Bonk of Virginia has had no transaction what ever .w t lth Company. ' /■ The Pjlitaburgb and Bofitoa Copper Mining Company have declared semi-annual diridCnd of $l5 per Bhare oh*Hid shares; 1 August 31, , to holders ’AuguHt 20. ! .‘This makes $BO per shore for the year, arid is ihe seventeenth divivend in succession, since the first payment in>May,lBtt. ‘The amount paid .thus far Is $l5O net share, or a total of $90d,000.‘ The whole cost iOf the mine to shareholders was $lll,OOO, or SIB-60 per shore/ wnd tbe stuck sow sells at $2.60 per.share, ex-dlvidend of $l5. Very fiavorable letters hare "just been recelyed/rom the Tolteo and various other mines, [which are getting oui considerable quantities of copper. The. product, of the Isle Royal for 'July was twenty eight tons. , . • «„The following Is the amount of coal,transported over the Lahigh. Valley Railroad, for the week ending August 29,1857: .kixxs., , ' Wfißiri. ‘ IPBxinonfiLT, Totai.. , 3 ' i • ’ , Tons, Cwt. ,Tons. Cwt. Tons, Owt. SptlTigMounUiD....2,6Bs 18 l6 83,906 14 'East Sugar Loaf.... v . 2,288, 09 ' 65,811 08 ' 68,099 17 ’N; .York Ac’ Lehigh.. ''446 03 25,263 04 25,703 07 CoUndt Ridge,.. ...1,003 1$ 43,224 14 44,223 12 .German Penna...... .... .. 6,307 19 6,307 16 Colereine A: Stafford.l,ooB 07 , 33,249 05 34,257 12 Dolbin tc Dehaven..' 392 13 5,691 02 ■ 6,683 15 Hazleton ~....2.269 04 30,604 11 32,863 15 J. B. McCreery A Co. 201 08 3,739 11 3,940 19 - 10,180 00 295,172- 10 305,352 10 The following Is an abstract of the business of the U, A. pension Bureau for tho lost month, (August,) under theactof 3d March, 1855: ; ; ■ ■iJumber of epplicatlonsfor bounty land received... .1,547 Number of warrants or certificates Issaod... 1,561 % Number objesrof land required to Satisfy these war rants/. S9I&JL 'u r i -.V - • - * . t -Total number of applications received....,, 279,215 Totalnuraber of Warrants 155a0d.........212,768 ' 'To srtlsfythero warrants wilt venire 26,465,910 acres ©f.tfce.pupl'icßwds.' u The Board bf. Con trolwho are charged with the-dis* trlbntloQ of-tbe public lands donated by Congress to the State of in aid of various railroad enterprises, ha-re granted 63,000 acres of those lahds to the Detroit *ad'Milwaukee Railroad. Company, upon the completion of their roid from lonia to Grand Haven. This grant, says the Detroit Advertiser, insures the subscription or pope*A fqw mouths more,therefore, will seej •thisjjeWhnd direct thoroughfare completed and openi forbuiincM. Vu \';' P 's ' 1 i "' 1 ' \ ' >\Tlie Soothern HVis«oni.iq; railroad, extending from -Jaaesvilie’rm, the Mllvraukle ahd.Misslsslppbraitroad, ■w&twaVd to the MtaUrippl river, has been opened for ' as redhead, twenty-two miles west o f ,'s r ~ - (ilheDit enters of tboHewctstle and Darlington rail* rpad ’ arO pushing forward the work with commendable 'ehe/ftt; Already six miles df.ihe.road-woyare graded, .and alvge force of men are at work. The company de« airs, and intend;'**- soon m poMlble,tol*y down rails audplacd a lodomotiVe on that portion of .the road al ready graded.. !, r Wlioh £nWied f this road will prove & valuable feeder to the Pittsburgh, Port Wajtoe ocdChicagb Bead, with which it trill' connect At Darlington. Lawrence county Is rich in agricultural product#, and the town of New (fcettMoes a large amount of manufacturlng bustneas. At present the Ohio and Pennsylvania easel is the only rnedjumfor thetronrai&slqn of freight, and the large .tratel which goes is'compelled to pass over twelve miles of,most shocklngbod road. The Knoxville Whig states that the president of the -Xaet 'teimesm and Virginia' Railroad has recently enough to complete the rp*d from Ball 1 * Gap to Blue Spring; The ireok is now being laid from Jonesbordughj-'ln the direction of Blue Spring, by a strong fese'e.-’The gap la the to ad is now but fifty miles, and ..will, soon, be reduced to ten. By tbo first of the coming Whig thinks, the road will be entirely, •Completed, -it connects hot only the most of the Cotton-- 'grpwlhgwglon of the South, but aconßlderable portion of graln-ifOfllcg country, 1 With all the manufacturing, 'commercial, and couramlcgcltiesof the Eiurt,at 4 saving of at Itaitthree hundred mile#; .- Anappl|eat^»f^ t en,lnJanqtlou to restrain, the Chi cago, aud, fit. Louis' Railroad Company, from building extension 6t the, present toad from Alton to rgf/liouis, was argued at Springfield last week. The in jhnetiod iva4 St. Louis Republican tbepriyileire of of 'their, road from Springfield, tp the Mississippi railroad/ commencing at any point they please, At a re :cent~meciitig the cpmpany .passed a resection authorl xlngf acontr&ct with Mr. Mitchell and others at Alton, Associate With Gov. Mattesoo la the ownership of the GhWgoVAltoG, and St. ton]# BR. to build theroad from Althhto St*. Louis, mi a portion oj the branch of gqmpa imd-Noridiwest).&ilrmbd. from totho Railroad., OUnfier, this iMoluttou wm abstracted' for and/iW construction com* appUeatioa’fpr an howeter, been legally done, Tho charter of the SAnkatPOn and Northwest lffalUedl the road, a .contract with tho.Cßi* eip sH-Mlonroadh/ build It was duly ekeehted; and the Master in Chancery had no alternative but to refuse . [ ;7 THqfyaetedtf .tbutoddtrill be run parallel with the Terre Raute road to Alton, and but * row yard* fromit, :rn sVF&ftWH Um t&U 4 lc-‘ iu :s* hi ' UUgliOswl, fof tt>° andlogAag. ssth,-ytu*i folio*. i‘~ . . ~~ nb±‘ : ; .:w ■ -tOML. Mauoli Ohuck. infokos*’ BmnmltMtoes.. W >S3 J 3 M Ji;5 55 Room Run Mines ....1,657 10 36,634 10 Suu& tm™:... ....... 1,246 17 17,073 08 14,090 01 237,2550 15 A, Lathrop and others, Pea and Dust Cool 164 09 2,021 10 East Mauch Chunk. ' Soring Mountain Mine 5....... 1,116 01 21,714 02 Sit Sugar Loaf do 1473 18 14,368 03 Coleraine ■ .do 1,839 10 ' 32,727 H Stafford . ‘do *■“ _ _ N. Y. andtchighCoal Co ... 1.280 14 17,998 12 German penn. Coal Co 22 Booth Spring Mountain Coal. 630 00 10,700 02 North Spring Mountain Coal.. 63} 10 • 6,109 02 Bearer Meadow 1 Coal -306 08 1,035 18 Penn Haven. Hazleton Coal Co. Cranberry Mines. Diamond Mines... Council Ridge.... Mt. Pleasant Coal, 3,443 00 60,308 02 3,002 15 38,035 10 SOI 08 16,529 01 800 02 21,748 06 898 05 3,398 03 Jlo'ekport, Back Mountain Coal G 0..,. White Haven. Wilkesbarre Coal Co Wyoming-Coal Co Hartford Coal Co Lumber, For the week... Per last report. Total 27,821,932 PHILADELPHIA STOCK. EXCHANGE SALES, 1657. Reported bv R. Manley. Jr., Stock Broker, No. 80# r Wa)nut Street. FIRST BOARD. 300 CltvS’s 89 21 Reading R 26 100 do 89 100 do b 5 26 600 do 2d vs new-06# 100 do *5 20 1000 do &5 89# 100 do R 5 26 600 do S& E ox- 0 do s 5 20# emptss 90# 0 do 20jtf 8800 do exemptss 90# 9 do, b 5 20# 13 Penn’a R 45# 05 do 26 2 do . 46# 43 do s 5 20 2 do ' 46# 00 do «5 26# 10 do b 5 45# 200 do cash 20# 30 do b 5 45# 60 do cosh 26# 100 Reading R b 5 26 60 Girard Bank 10# 60 do 2dys 20 BETWEEN 1000 Elmira R 7’slstm 74# 1000 Cltv O’a new 95# 600 ’do now 95# 400Penn’a 6’s. . 83# 3Cam tc Am R 107.’. 2 do - » 107 SECOND 1600 City r6’b 89# 2000ElmiraR lOpct 80 350 Reading R lotsW 27 60, do 27# 50 do 27 60 do 27 2 do 27 2 do 27 100 do b 6 26# 35 do 26# 25 do b 5 26# 100 do b 6 20# AFTER ] 100 Beading R 27 100 do 27# 200 do *5 27# 100, ; do b& 2 200.'. do 552 BOARD. 3 Reading R ' 27 15 do ‘ ‘bs 28# 11 do b 5 20# 60 do 26# 100 do b 5 29# IPenn’aß 46# 12 do 45# 1 do 45# 6 Mlnehlll R 68# 3 Girard Bank 11 10 do. hslo# 500 .City Gas 6’s CLOSING PR] Sid. diked. tTB6’s,' } 68 116 Philada 6s 89 089# do RR 89 089# HOES—DULL. Bid, Asked. Schyl NavPref 19 «20 Wmsp’t&Elmß 20 do IfltmortT’s 73# 075 do do 2d mO3 0&4 Long Island 9#olo Vicksburg . 7 ® 8 Girard Bank 10#<*10# Lehigh Zine I#o 1# Union Canal B#® 9# New Creek #® # Catawissa RR 9#®lo# do New 95#095# Penna6s, 82#083# Beading R 28#®28# do Bouds *7O 77 o7B# Mort 6’g*44, 85 086# Penna RR 45#046# MorrisoanlCon4B a5O Schyl Nav Os »82 60 063 do Stock 11 Q>l2 LATJ 100 Reading R 26# | 50 do 20# 100 do 27 | Reading closes 400 Reading R 2<lys 27# 100 do sswn 20# PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Wrdhbsd.it Evening, Sept. 2.— Bbeidhtuffs of all kinds are still dull and unsettled; and in the absenco of any export demand the Floor market is very inactive, the sales being limited to about 160 bbJs. superfine at $6.60, and 200 half bbls.W. B. Thomas’ at $7, but there are more sellers than buyers at the former rate. The home demandi s also limited within the range of $6.60® bbl. for common to extra and fancy family brands. Brs Floor is steady at $4 60 bb!. Corn Meal meets with a good and about 400T)bls. Pennsylvania Meal brought bbl. Wheats are selling slowly, and only about 3800 bushels have been taken by millers at 138a1430 for red, and 150®166e for white, the latter for prime. Codn is steady in price, with sales of 3500 bush, yellow at 88c afloat, and 86c in store, chiefly at the former figure. - Oats are less plenty, and about 8500 bushels have been sold at 34036 c, the latter for good Jersey. Ere Is unchanged, and sales are making at 80eS5e for Southern and Pennsylvania, Bark— Quercetron is not inquire! for, and dull at £49 ton, at which rate It is held. Cotton— Holders are firm in their demands, with a very small business doing at pre vious quotations. Groceries—not much doing, ex cept in Coffees, which are selling moderately to-day at good, stiff prices, but the sugar market Is dull. Provi sions are wanted, but the stock is about exhausted, And so transactions of any moment hare been made public. Whiskey Is dull at 28cforbbls, and 27c for hhds, and very little soiling, DOMESTIC MARKETS. WOOL—A late New York paper in speaking of this article, says: The market duf Ing the beginning of August was quite active for all kinds of domestic Wool, but more particu larly for the low and medium grades which wore eagerly sought for at full prices, showing that all grades, or do mestic Wool coming In Competition with foreign Wool, now imported free of duty, are notonly in better demand, hut comparatively much higher than the finer grades protected by 24 cent. duty. Wool growers understand the language of facts, and will now desire to have the duty removed entirely. Withlntlie last few days, or since the difficulties In the money market, there has been but little demand, and we can therefore buy at lower rates. . The stock of fleece—the bettor grades—is not large, while low aud medium continue In short supply. Pulled wool is, however, in fair demand, at full prices, but the stock is also small. Small quantities only of No. 1 aud super lambs’ are now coming in. yino foreign wool, imi>orted direct from the wool growing countries, met with a good demand, and sold at high prices, principally Cape wool. We have to report but a small business in fine Mestizo, in conse quence of the price asked being considered abovo those’ of Cape. Low foreign wool sold rather slowly; manufacturers and prices not warranted by the sale of their fabrics, land—except Smyrna wool, the sale of which has been good—all the other kinds of Mediterranean, Russian .and Buenos Ayres moved heavily. Donskoi, being in good ’ supply, is considered worth the attention of buyer* at present pritM. East India wool la in bettor demand, and will continue so, as Its value becomes more known. The accounts from all the wool markets, here and abroad, show no abundance of wool, and indicate firm prices, without much change or decline. The recent stagnation in moat branches of business, caused by the depredation of railway stocks, and other shares, in consequence of which a number of heavy failures In the stock market havo occurred, has been the means of creating a sudden crisis, the influence of which js peculiarly unfavorable to. our money market, and a similar effect has been experienced elsewhere. However, the money deportment will soon recover, as the stock trade is merely a branch of the general business, and the influence referred to having arisen from speculative movements, will not bo felt, we think, for any length of time; and parties engaged In legitimate trade will not be seriously inconvenienced by it, as tho harvest, both with us and in Europe, is pronounced a good one. With favorable crops, we may expect good prospects for future trade, os it sooms already from the news received from tho English and Continental markets, that the wool commands not only firm but advanced rates. The latest auction sales In London, of about 80,000 bales of Austra lian and Cape wool*, went off with spirit, at an advance of l®2d V ft, above last May’s auction prices. BALTIMORE PROVISION TRADE.—Bacon contin ues in brisk demand and the market for it is quite firm. Wo have reported to*day sales of 76 hhds. Bacon Shoul ders the terms for which were kept private, 20 hhds do. Bides at 15c, 60 tierces lfams atlfic, and of some 50 hhds. Shoulders and Sides in lots at 13c for the former, and 15c for the latter. Bacon can he bought in large lots at 12#c for Shoulders, at 14#c for Sides, wo hear of uo transactions In Bulk Meat. The market for It Is steady at ll®l2#c for summer cured Shoulders and Sides, and 12®13#c for winter cared do. Mess Pork is hold firmly at $2O, and wo quote Prime do at $2l 50® $22 per bbl. Beef is steady at $2O for Baltimore Mess; $l7 per bbl for do No 1. There is very little doing in Laid, We quote city rendered at 16®15#c in bbls and 16®10#c in kegs. There is no Western Lard here. We have reported to-day sales of 200 boxes English Dairy Cheese at 12#®18#c. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Iskakl Morris, ) Joseph C. Grubb, > Committee or thx Mohts. JohhWelsu, ) LETTER BAGS At tJu Merchants* Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Joseph Jones, Flowors San Francisco, Soon Barque Minnesota, C01e..............Ri0 Janeiro, soon Barque Ala, Davi5,.,.... London, soon SAILING OV THE OCEAN STEAMERS. Jason.. New York 8remen.............5ept 8 North 5tar...... New York Southampton. Sept 6 0 onVashmgtofl.New York Liverp001...........5ept 2 2CdfQkUT£,.*.,..New York G1a5g0w............5ept 5 Adriatic......,...NewYork Liverpool. Sept 18. Aram..........New York Havre.,, ...Sept 19 oof Baltimore. .Liverpool New Y0rk........., Jolf 20 Niagara......... Liverpool Boston Aug 1 from . roe oar .Liverpool New York Aug 23 ....Havre New Y0rk..,., Ang2o .Liverpool' New York ~Aug2Q Glasgow New Yora .Sept 6 Africa Arago Kangaroo,.., Glasgow.,,, MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. PHiLADEIpnu-Ji’rcm New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th. Prom New Orleans ,20th} Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. . QuAKfea Cirr—From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. Prom Mo bile 22d, Havana 21th, arriving at New York 28th. , Oahawba—From New York 12tb, arriving at Havana 17th. and NeW Orleans 10th. From Now Orleans 27th, Havana 29tb, arriving at New York Bd. Xmtibs Cur—From Now York 17th, arriving at Ha vana 23d, and New Orleans 26th. From New Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 13th. Black Warrior—From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14tb, due at New York 18th. Isabbl—From Charleston lQth and 4th, due at Ha vana 23d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 24th, due at New York 18th and 31st. T ’ The California, mall steamers sail from New York on the 6th and 20th of each month. iUariuc Intelligence. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 3, 1867, SDN 815Efi..... HIGH, WATER. .6 33-SUN SETS. arrived. Brig Morning Light, Hull, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to Captain. Schr Damsel, Smith, 6 days from Baltimore,with guano to BA Bonder & Co. Schr John Howard; Baker, 3 days from New York, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Schr Tbos O - Acton, Snow, 3 day# from New York, with stone to eaptaln. Schr Jas English, Neal, 3 day# from New York, with mdse id captain. „ Schr B O Scribner, Carlisle, 6 days from Salem, with plaster to captain. , ,-fichr H Curtis, Johnson, 4 days from New York, with rndso to captain. ■ . i Schr Mary Ann, Reed, 4 days from New York, with mdse to captain.. Schr H Blackman, Sherman, 6 days from Salem, in ballast to captain. Schr Era. Wheaton, 2 days from Tockahoo, In ballast to Tyler, Stone &-Co. . . - * Schr D D L Sturgis, Norris, 4 day's from New Bedford, id ballast to Baum, Ogle ic Co. ' . 3*br BWaasett, liaise, 4 days frem Baldgeport, In bal loettoOMmerkCo. 1 ■ • ' tiflbßrtSf Price, 4 d«y« from Pawtucket} la ballast \.®2f r Warwick, Warwick, 4 days from New .Hayjnj in bolioet to John R White. l«t W & 3 ft<,la Hew T ' rtE ’ [nMi , »ltß iftßtftSSAfc SBpfrfiMMß i. Mt. . °>7>“ S;iM«aieo, laittf, Slfri front So«oa, In ballast to L Audeureld A «J*r 'P«nnylv»nl», rnrstyM,,, ftojnHomclfi 1# ballast to captain. , * v < . v Whit.,« inOdlfUtto schr John Lauk, ArtUh.l tUvfroin'Frederica, Del, with wheat to Jos Barrett* Son ■ ’ J'V,*'' Ward TUI l day f r ora Smyrna,Del', with wheat to Jas Barratt & Son. . > Schr Mary O Jonns, Hill, 4 days from Nowrit, Md, with cot-n to H McColley. Bchr Haniy Wolf Mklnj,? days from Milton, Belt with wheat and bark to JII McCoftcj Sohr J A Hazzard, Daw, 2 daya from MilforU, D.?, with wheat and bark to J H McColley Steamship Kennobec. Hand, 24 houra from N York, vio Cape May, with mdse and posaene'era to Jas AH derdico. a -t . • CLEARED. Ship Georgia, Malcem, Sayannah, D 8 Stetson A Cq. Brig Thomas Walter, Uiorth, St Darts, Jaurotcho A Oarstairs. ' Brig Black Hawk, Putnam, Boston, Barcroft, Lewis A Co. Brig Edward, Carman, Boston, Qhas MlUer A Co BrigSuwasset, Ilulse, Providence, do Schr BenjO Scribner, Carlisle, Charleston, N Sturte- Tant & Co. , Schr O A Hecksher, Stubbs, Beverly. Mass', do Sohr Eugene, Whito, Boston, do Schr O A Paine, (second clearance) Forbes. Eastport, E A Souder A Co. 728 03 46,669 17 7OO 05 657 17 7,516 00 867 12 16,108 09 Schr Courier, Crowell, Boston, Van Dusen, Norton & Co. Schr It Blackman, Sherman, Salem, , . do Schr D L Sturgis, Norris, Boston, Baum. Ogle A Co. ■ Schr Ella, Bourne, Boston, Blaklston, Cox tc Co. Schr Pennsylvania, Fargo, Norwich, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Schr Indian, Thomas, Baltimore, 8 J Christian. Bchr Eva, Wheaton. Roxbusy, Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr Empire, Price, Newport, Lewis Rothermel. Schr n Warwick, Warwick, Alexandria, J R White. Schr Milton, Steelman. New York, do Steamship Delaware. Shaw, Now York, J Allderdlce.] Str Ilenry L Gaw, ller, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Str Black Diamond, Hamilton, New York, W M Baird & Co. . . 602,258 04 Feet. . 997,413 .20.824,519 [nr TRLEORAPn.j iCorrcspondence of Tbe Press.) Nbw York, Sept. 2. Arrived, barque Wagrand, from Montorideo, ~ Boston, Sept, 2. Arrived, barques Growler, from CrensUdt; Bienti, from New Castle. ’ ( . [BT TELEGRAPH.) Correspondeupo of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Sept. 2, 6# p M. The barque Jos Maxwell, for Laguayra, went to sea this morning. A fleet of herm brigs and schr* went in to-day. Wind NW—weather pleasant.. Yours, Ac., B, HUGHES. , Correspondence of tho Philadelphia Exchange. * - . ; • ' LBW?M,DeI.,SORt.I. * I have not ascertained the names of the twd barqqes which paased'Jnon Sunday,, Shin WUUam,‘fpf Valpa raiso', went to sea yesterday} barque E K Kaufc, tot denis, on Saturday morning! ana brigs Wluyaw, Morn- 1 Ingjzight, Elizabeth; and senr Kmeline left yesterdayy The brig Joshua and Mary still remains in harbor’for orders. Wind BW—weather clear and pleasant. Yours, Ad. WM. M. HICKMAN. - Correspondence of The Press. ‘ Hxyrr Dx Gbaox, Bept.2. Fourteen boats left here this morning, laden aud con signed as follows: Paxton, blooms to Cabeen tc Co; John Irwin, bar Iron to E J Ettlng tc Bro, and lumber to M Trump tc Son; M P Miller, lumber to Malono Sc Taylor, Thos Craig, lum ber to 8 u Bally & Sod: 811 Trump,lumber to M Tramp tc Son; May Flower, hit coal to Chester city; Frank Wyke, Dr L 8 Filbert, 8 O Collins. W O Bradley, Major Landis, Frank Fidlcr, Isaac Prince, and Mary Dockard, anth coal to Del city. Steamship Boston, Bellew, hence at New York yes terday. Steamship City of Washington, Pctrlo, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. r Steamship Philadelphia, Griffin, for Havana, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, hence for Richmond, at Norfolk 81st ult. Steamship Kangaroo, Jeffrey, from New York, at Li verpool 20th ult. < , Steamship Ariel, from New York, arrived at Cowes 20th ult. Steamship Indian, from New York, arrived at South ampton 20th ult. Ship Margaret Eliza, Straut, for Buenos Ayres, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Mohongo, McDevltt. for Londonderry, cleared a St John, NB, 27th ult. Ship Wm West, Wadsworth, from Calcutta for Bos ton, was spoken April 80, lat 5 08, long 87 04 E. Ship Vandalia, Anderson, from New Orleans for Bor deaux, was spoken Aug 5, lat 4216, long 37 40. Ship Hindostan, Jayne, from Oulcntta, July 8, for for Boston, was off Kedgeree 4th. ' Ship Boneta, Hath, from London for Calcutta, at Algoa Bay June 25, leaky; had been ordered by a survey to discharge. .26,# about. Barque Young Greek, Humphrey, for Boston about Sept 10, was waitlug the new crop of fruit at Malaga 9th ult. Barques Emblem and Oak, hence at Boston yesterday. Barque Wheatland, Despaux, for South America,with flour, sailed from Richmond Ist inst. Barque SaxonviUe, Bobee, from Calcutta, arrived at Bostou yesterday. Brig liucy Atwood, Paddock, for Jacksonville, soiled from Now Bedford 31st ult. Brig Ormus, Baker, sailed from New Bedford Slat ult. for Philadelphia. Brig Eaglet, Dunham, hence at Boston Ist Inst. Brig Eliza, Thayer, cleared at Charleston 29th uli. for Wilmington, NO. Brig WII flrune, Knight, for Bahia, cleared at Balti more yesterday. Brig Aaron Eaton, Perry, hence at St John, NB. 27th nit. ’ * ’ Brig Orison Adams, York, for Philadelphia, sailed from Portland 31st ult. Brig Handy and Menonsh, hence at Boston yesterday. Brig Geo E Prescott, Gllkey, for Waltham, cleared at Plctou 22d hint. , ’ ’ Schr ArJeUs, Chase, cleared at Boston yesterday for Philadelphia. . Schrs Gen Marion, Hulse, and W H Mitchell, Grant; for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. Schr J K Stoncbaek, Rinley, front New Haven for Philadelphia, at New York yesterday. Schr J O Brooks, Graffan, bonce at Portland 31st ult. Bohr Only Son, Perry, from Delaware City, at N Bed ford Ist lost. ’ ’ Schr Emerald, Bacon, hence at Barnstable Ist lust. * Schr Crystal Palace, Leighton, hcnco at 8t John, NB. 28th ult. ' ‘ * Schr Henry Nutt, WiUlams, hence at Charleston 30th ult. • fichus Josephine, (str) Grumley, and Rough tc Ready, (str) Kellogg, hence at HartfordistbHit/ : —V Schr Cyclone, Dali, for Philadelphia,Railed fwnNe* Bedford Slat ult. Schr Mary l Ellen, Cottingham, henco, arrived at Nor folk 39th ult. Schr* Charm, Blimrd, And Flight, North, hence at Norfolk 21ft ult. . , Bchr Ring Dove, Palmer, sailed front Alexandria lit Inat. for Philadelphia. Bchr Empire, Marshall, cleared at Boston Ist Inat. for Philadelphia. Schrfl Fannio, Spence, and U Betts, Godfrey, hence at Boston Ist Inst. Bohr Jane C Patterson, Hand, cleared at Boston Slat ult. for Philadelphia. Scbr Nlcauor, Parker, sailed from New Bedford Slat ult. for Philadelphia. Schr Connecticut, Nelson, hence at Bangor 29th ult. Bchr K T Smith, Leeds, hence at Boston Ist lost. Schrs Aretis, Chase, and Chas D Ilallatt, Hodgklnson, cleared at Boston Ist Inst. for Philadelphia. Bchr* Polly Price, Baker, and 0 A uroiner,-WmM, hence at Dorchester 27th ult. Schr Spencer D, M&pea. hoiice at Fall ttUa l Both. ult. Schr Timothy Pharo, Oranmer, sailed from Fall River 29th ult. for Philadelphia. Bchr Fanny Fern, Briggs, hence for Boston, at New port 81stult. . Bchr JBA F L, Pharo, hence at N London 31st ult. Bchr* John Farnum, Baker, and Cicero, Yates, hence at Providence 31st ult. Bchr Sophia, Godfrey, hence, was below Providence 31st ult. Schra Star, Taylor, and Almira T, Gandy, sailed from Providence 31st ult. for Philadelphia. Bchr Buena Vista, Clark, sailed from Bristol 30th nit. for Philadelphia. • Schr Gem, Crane, hence at Blghton 28th ult. Bchr 8M Kent, Beany, hence, arr at IMltimore yes terday. Bchrfl Bloomfield and n L Phleger, hence at Balti more Istinst. Bchr Y Taylor, Abbott, for Philadelphia, cleared at Baltimore Ist Inst. Schr Rboder k It on lad, Hoffman, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmington, N 0, 3Ut ult. Btr Bichard Willing, Ola/poole, hence at Baltimore yesterdoy, and cleared to return. Propeller Novelty, Kelly, cleared at New York TCB - for Philadelphia, MARINE MISCELLANY. Lmcii—On Saturday afternoon last, the ship Nor way was launched from the yard or Mr A 0 8011, at the foot of Stanton street, East lttver, NY. The Norway is a first class ship in every respect, and has all the modem improvements, including a steam engine for loading and discharging the ship, fee. She is of about 2000 tons burthen, and is 221 feet 6 inches in length, 4S feet beam, and 30 feet 2 inches deep. Bho is intended as a general freighter, and is npw loading on government account for China. The Nis to be commanded by Capt Major, and is owned by the builder and othotfl of New York, from whence she halls Fr barque Olympe, Estebe, from point Petre, (Goad) 26 days, arrived at quarantine, Charleston 30th ult: was bound to Havre, and put in leaky. While trying to make Charleston hatbor in a disabled condltfonTgot ashore on the broakers near Edlato'lslaml on Thursday last, and after remaining thoro some forty-eight hours, was assisted off by the steamer Edisto, and towed by her to Charleston. > DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW YORK, Sept I—Arrived, llr ship Raphael, Hay, from London; ship Cairo. Wo osier, from Sacuv Aug 18. barque Watren llallett, Haleett, from Oharouta, July 18. July 18 left at Rochford ship Brandywine, Under wood, from Mobile, discharging timber. NEW YORK, Sept. 2.—Arr, sehra Isadora, Walling, with mdso from wreck of ship Roswell Snraguo, ashore at Squan; Wm Collycr, Rowland, from Bridgeport: Rucna Vista, Ilneklaud, Newport, RljElecla Parker, Parker. New Haven: Breaso, Clark, with mdse from.ahip Clara Brook man. ashore at Squan, Faulkenlmnr, Falken hurc, do do. , Olearodi-Shlp Bellewood, Bush, New Orleans: barques. f“lly..bylo, flavandi Ariel, Must) Builck, Trieste) brigs Zero} Went, Bathurst} B T Martin, French, ton} schrsC Jayne. Tyler, Richmond: Montrose; Wins low, Galveston: Olobe, Oauten, Washington; Betgen, Megee, City Point. . PORTLAND—Ar3Ist ult, bapls Chevalier, Woodburo, Shields; Odd Fellow,' Elliott, Havana: Nelson Place, Thurston, do. . ' - - BOST()N, Sept I—Aj Steamer Admiral. Small, St John, NB, vm Eaatport; Joseph Whltn'ev, Howes, UalUmoce; ( shlpJullot,of Boston, Moulton, New Orleans, Bthhit: brigs Leviathan, Morton, Plctou; Iris, Bogart, Pictott: A l* Fluker., Partridge, Baltimore: David DafEold. of Bostoo, Tabbutt: Br echs Billow, Foraey, Burin, NF: Union, Leblanc; Church Point; Steward, LleWetlyo, si John, NO; HarryHwlth, Anderson, St John, NO: Mary Jane, McLean, St John, NB; schr* John 8011, Ham, Richmond; SR Allen,Baker,Richmond. Tolegraiihed—BrigDeinamra, from Baltimore. Cleared—Br steamer Eastern State, Klllanj, Yar* mouth, N 8, and Halifax; ship Misconomo, Geo B Swasey, New Orleans; Br barque Halifax, Lavbold. Halifax; brigs Icarian, Charles <J Chadbourn, St Thomas; Henry (Br) Boudrot, Pictou; Belle Foulet, (Br)LcbUuc, do; Mauzoul, Ames, do; Mercy 8 Cou sins, Lancaster. Sagua la Grande, Aug 18—In port, barques Theodor e Curtis, Oliver, for Now York loading; Gen Jones, Tap ley, dischg. At Antwerp 17tU ult, ehlp Roger A Hiern, Btewart, for N York, uac; Troy, Bnlch, for do Aug 26; Viking, Winsor, for do Sept 1; David Hoadley, Magna, for, do SeptlO; Tropie, Nowell, For N Orleans Sept 20; oarques Talavora, Merrlthew, for Boston, Aug 20; Austin, Wildes, unc. AtGiaßgowlßth ult, ships Uonrieita, Tr&parten, for Sidney, NSW, Idg; Mlcmac, (Ur) ‘ McNutt, for Halifax aud Charleston, do; barques Uudeshelm, (Dutch) Bay, for San Francisco, do; Jacob Prentiss. Jamieson, for St Jngo, do; Jane Daggett, Lambert, for N York, unc, Sid 14th, Dr brig Florence Nightingale, Bobbins, Boston and St John, NB; 17th, ship Rome, Liucoln, N York.'' At Constantinople 6th ult, barque White Cloud, Hoyt, disebg, to roturn to Smyrna, and leave the latter port for Boston about Sept 16, At Smyrua Bth ult, barque Combridge, Harding, for Boston. Montevideo, July 4—la port, barques Manto, Savage, for Boston, Idg, to fill up at Buenos Ayres; Ellen Morri son, Lewis, for N York Idg; brig Baltimore. Johnson, for Baltimore: L Peacock. Franklin, from Union Island, Go, for N York. Bid 16th, barque Wagraau Sears, Hampton Roads. ' * < "•* Arr at do June 25, brig Joliet, Dunton, Baltimore, and probably sld for Buenos Ayres prev to July 4. AratPiotJu lOth ult, barque Mr! Norton. Qerrior, Bostdn; schia Esther, Le Blanc, Bath; 21st, AnnVLe vasbe, and Fellow Craft, Ditmars, Boston: Emma Far bisb. Kendall, St John, N Bj 22d,barquo SebraCrooker, TiPDouald, How York; brigs Northern Light, Gannlon, and Leader,.Levashe. Boston; 23d, Gen Pollliwior.Por rlor.do; Bridget, Leblanc,. Saloro: Martha 1(111, pun-, nells. Snedlftfc; ' , , .‘ . T 7 Old 20th. .barque B Fountain, Kellar, Boston; brigs Ann Gannloh and Caledonia; petttpas, do: Lliabri, .Colley, and Beatrice. Dyer, Wareham; senrs New Lon don, RamsdeU, and Mtry Atm, Leblanc, Boston: 21*t, brigs Sarah Wooster, MoOro, New York; Bithbp McKin non, poudrot, and Abeooa, Forest. Boston; Time, Mo’ 'Ddugrtl, Pembroke, Me; schr Emily Polrout, 22d., brigs Ororimbo, Rogehrook, Dlghtofi; AUarCtta, BJbwij Rlyer; Thomas, and Union, MEMORANDA FOREIGN PORTS, Jus, So,ton; Blldeford; Mtb, urn, Anna Laurie, -Forbes; G M Johnston, Ross, and AnnaG Torrey, Griffin. -Bockm: schrs Adelaide, Bou tin] Mary Jane, Forrest, and Mazeppa, Merchant, do; Sarah, Hutchinson, Saco; 20th, brig Lydia* Storer, Bib ber, do. Coal shipped during the week, 6722 chs. Ar at 8t John NBiSTtHuE, brigs Mary Ann, Cole, New York; Alruccabah, CarHslu. Georgetown, SO: 28th, Peru, M’Lellan, New York; achs Catharine Brown, Bull vao, hence; Franklin, McLean, Salem; Mecca, Edgett, Eostport] 29th. Athol, Farr. Alexandria. Qld2?th, ship Monterey, Mayo,Dublin; sch Margaret Elizabeth, McDoUgal, Providence; 28th Anna Decatur, , Penarth Roads; Rufus Choate, Rich do; schooner Brunswick Lion, Craft, fiallowell. Lint of AnivuU at the Principal Hotels, MERCHANTS* HOTEL—Fourth street.below Arch. A Gold, Balt P 21 Hunker, Pittsh J R Wallace, Atlanta Ga J W Bradley, Ga W J Kuhns & slat, Ohio Isaac Long, N 0 J W Duuran,Tenn J W Jackson, Tenn T M 0 Armbruser, Bolt GLDuton,Va J R Glass, Pa An Packard. Va W Dultz, I'hila Samuel Hartley, Ind M W Bhindel, Lancaster K F Greenough, N II Mrs Andrews. Pittsburgh H C McCluchen, Tenn T P Mills, Bridgeportlnd B Sanders, Bridgeport Ind 0 Beck, ConeraviUe Ind W 1£ Moore, Milton Pa J W Hays 6c ly, Tenn Miss T Peck, Tenn MraStepens, do WF Speer, Bellvernon C II Bpllkcr, Texas G Gingrich, Lebanon Pa Wmllelner, Milton, Pa J A Wilkins, Tenn GW Funk, do John W Johnson, St Paul Mrs Funk, do M Cohen, Savannah D W Moore. 1 Clearfield, Pa H Haym, do : Wm U Huffman, Wayesb'g Wm Feabit, Mt Jackson Wm McOreery, Pittsburgh John L Hays, do ■ Abram Lozier, Aurora, Ind D K Sparks, Lawrenceburg II Ray, West Wheeling, 111 Stephen Neal, N 0 M J Brown, Ales, Mo John L Dawes, Pittsburgh A Thompson, Balt Mrs Scott, WUkesbarre, Pa Mrs Eldrin A 2 sons, Har- E A King, York, Pu risburg E P Flint k la, San Fran BMcKenney, New London, JW B Murphy, Trenton, Conn N J GeoC Clare. Washington B Teale, Worcester J O Freelana, Mendvlile W II Mcffert, Nashville It E Siller* A: la, Pittsburg J D Gower, do A Miller, N Y Hon J S Yost, Pottstown Lewis Strange k lady, York E M Pollock, Harrisburg Ponnn ' Mrs Pollock, do Chae D Emery,,Williams- Prof A L Koepper, Lad port, Pa ■ caster J Goodman, Columbus, 0 EM Enfer. lowa Jas GuUderaheimer, Balt J A Caldwell, La Porto, Ind J.O Hammond, South Bend Jos Paul, Ohio Ind Jan McLeran, lowa Ed Hyle Elijah Sturdcvant, Ot Jno Dean.AUeg’y city, P» John Porter, Pittsburgh MMBaialUng,NY H F.Ulott, phiia •j , W Dlgby, Pittsburgh t - GIRAJUfHQUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. SFPatSrgfcforttl ML Ogden, Washington Harris, Pa Silas L Johnson, Rich Va .JjQ,Canfield <k la, Balt • Oeoßßagby, do CBm Haihmond k daugh, SO John D Lively, do MiflaMcKee, do Jos H Spencer, Balt fi Wood, ya • C Walbridgo A ly, Wash Mlsa M Wt»od,-Ya Gen H Walbridge k la, NY Ml* Hall, Pa 8 8 Spencer, Lancaster B B Leyr loud A la, Ind II K Eastman. Chicago J S Mitchell k d, Milwaukee Mrs Eliott, ri Jos PCl%rk, Albany Miss Eliott, do F M Crook. Balt H T Eliott, do GOoMßtomman, Pa Miss R Lebanc, Cienfugos Jos G Ogden k da,' N J R K Porter k wf, Ga Mrs Whitaker, 'do F B Hacker, 8 C Thos Parker 6c ly, k Wash John T Brown, Ky Mbw Parker, do Miss Ingraham, Miss 0 Alexander k wf, do Mrs Kirby, do D Mcßae, Wilmington, NOW Coverly, Harrisburg Joshua Harvey; Balt W B Shepard, Tonn John E Harvey, do Geo M Mnginnls, Fla Geo M Dean, Boston Miss Gatlin, do Wm E Short, Va JGDolt, do Oapt J Young, do W Garnle, do W 8 Groesbeck, Cin, 0 Lieut Evans, do Dr W WOnnsbee, New- T V Holmes, do bern, NO T Fernandez, Cuba M Colas, Cuba Jas Price, Wilmington G W Farquahar, PhNa llarvey Price, do J G WhltweU, N York Wm Orauo, Manchester E H Hatch, bt Paul J Richardson, Georgia K B Gossett k la, Cin Ohio Miss Richardson, do M fi Mauhis, Trenton Alisa M Apstey, N York J W Sylrester, do SlissK J Atkinson, do Geo W Bylreater, do E Hnndfout, do N Hunter, Leesport J N T Levick, N Orleans T B Cramp, Moutreal Henry Block, do John W Grant, do A B Williams, Buffalo N Y MII Merrimau, Chicago B M Mooro, 111 J W Austin k la, Louisiana Mr Schoonmaker, N Y AMERICAN HOUSE, Chestnut street, above Fifth. John A Calender, Smyrna, J W Harper, Va Del G H Eachus, Chicago, 111 Harris Telt and la, N Y Wm J Naglo, Bait A O Anthony, Ky Isaac"lloskiu«on, 111 JobnUemmington, lowa J Lloyd Shalieubeger, Pa Chas B Reed, do John McAdams, do John HHarrison, Chicago Jno O Stuart, Chicago P V D Lockwood, Kings- D Dougherty k la, Pta’vlle ton, NY J A Reed. Phiia Barnuel Smith, N C J W Irvin, Baltl SM Hobson, do Wm Walsh, Richmond, Ya A II Pierson & la,Wooster, P S Pierson k la, N J Ohio Prof Geo A Haynes, N Y E A Clark, N Y Mr* Incho, do W Incho, Jr do David Dodd, do 8 F Duckworth,do AR Davis, Lebanon, Tenn T Brlaeham, do A W Strong, N Y O 8 Ricnard*, Troy, NY E W Dennison, Boston Thos Godson, do John O Havemyer, N Y M 8 Goodtnon, Newark,N J I< Jiutes, do JII Orosbee, Pror, N j Janies 8 Sanford, Wash Mrs M Amden, Trenton It C Sanford do W W Woodward, N Y Miss C Sanford do Chas T Lewis, WUksborre ThosSmlth, Pa 8 M Lawton A la. N O J Eckert, Reading O Keos k wifo, Rlch’d Va R J Smock, N J S A Whitney, N J A L Mellen. do A Crane, M D, N O F E Voas, Charleston S O John Chandler, La J Bunstlne, Dayton Baml Reber, St Louis O M Harman, do JacobKapp,Ga FStringer, NO J Rllett. Ga Thos O Payun, N O E M Edington, Texas O F Turner, Louisville A R Toft, Charleston 8 0 0 G Torry A la, Hartford J Leblanc, Jr, Olenfugos Miss Terry, do A U Mechlin. Washington N Winslow, N C Mias F Mechlin, do J 8 Cannon, do J A Norello, London 11 F Strohccker, Charleston fl W Donegau, Ala A C Strust, Portland 9 fi Sanford, Galena J 0 Tcrnm, Miss J’.A Wniiamsoo, Memphis 0 J Field k dau, Miss Jffi Taylor, N Y Miss M J Clay, Ky 9 % Tata tor, N Y Mias B Field, do Mr* A Marshal, Cin Ohio Miss M Miller, do % < - Miss P Holloway, Ky W C France, Balt ' Mrs Mary Conrad A dau ,Lt R Rose, Cal Geo Brown, Conn A J Ingersoli, Mobile R Langden, jr, N Y HI! Ware, Selina J C Snyder, do Eli Porter, Vicksburg Geo Kellogg, jr, Conn DMcOullan, do D K Storkton, Utica Mo E 8 Greenwood, Col Ga A Lodewig, N Y WHBecboo,NY UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. M H Williams, Savannah Geo Mendel, Wheeling, Va H Mitchell, do 9 W Luceoch, Liberty, O I»«C 8 Hands, Del 0 F CUne, Richland eo, 0 Henry Saxton. Carlisle John Brower A lady, Now John Reed A la, Orrville, 0 Castln Pa R WClendenln. N Castle,Pa 0 Renford, Somerset S Ehllson, Berlin HII Scott, Huntingdon, Pa JIN; Henderson, N Athens,o A V Bonnet I, N J Wot Cannon, do 0 Rover, Reading David GarU, Easton, Pa Jacob Ileyxn&n, St Clairs- Dan’l Lsrer, Patterson, Pa ville, 0 S Wilber, Ma4Ui»n, Ind J T Amkin«on A lady, G J I’algett, do Chamberaburg Ju A Brandt, Cumberland JaaCalwell, Allegheny city Ffl- - Henry Carver, Bedford co J Y Callen, Colnmbuß, 0 A Mode, Savannah, Ga W 8 Clawson A lady, N J fi Bostick, Fort Wayne, Ind J 0 Rosegraut, Ohio J Wlster, do fiaml Crooks, Bloomfield, 111 John Lerch, Bethlehem Emanuel Brown, do R Krause, Davenport Thos Youpg, do Bonj Moffitt, Ashboro’, NO Chas Blttenbender, do S Hall. Va. SHall, Va F P Hollister, Montrose,Pa Chas G WUcox. Phiia P Wells, do Albert Mory, Dayton, Ohio CITY HOTEL—Third atreot. above Race, Geo Martin, Wmsport N M Kerr, Phiia lUleh Herbert, Elmira. R Williams, do Miss L Hopkins, Hudson J Richards, lk rde itown M N Franklin, Parkaburg J M Wood, Doyleitown D D Jones, Phiia 8 S Paul, Cambria co F Rules, do A Beckwith, Va MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. P Holllngshead. N J Wm A Benbener( Delaware Jacob Binder, New Jersey Wm C Powell, do Q M Clayton A la, Freeport J W James. do A Waterhouse, Now York Jno Reynolds, Jr do Jacob Smith, Penna Henry Bailey k la, Pcnna JG Wheat, Delaware K Holies Hartford, Con JW Davis, do J V Moore, Odessa, Del J T Sudler, Cambridge E N Moore. do U 0 Murdock, Chester co A P Kennedy, Kentucky A Bailey, .do 8 F Lawrauce, Chester co STATES UNlON—Market, above Sixth. John M Phillips, Moss W 0 Mager, Duucaunon Qeo Hooch, Perry co, Pa J L Reenc. West Cheat, Pa J Weames, Ind co, Pa H Walker, Pa Wm Brooks, Ya Mrs Keller, do Joel Miller, Pa DK Barton, Balt Mrs Danner, do A II Chase, Lane DHKimmei,do BUOrslip. Pa J B £ino, do A Melley, do G H Bardwell, do D W Ross, do Jaa Mullion, P R E JSmeltzer.do OH Blake, NJ i NATIONAL HOTEL—Racostreet,abovo Third. J M Hodesby, Tamoqua Samuel Scott, Pottsvillo Jo* J Greor, Doyleatomi H J Hendicr, do BDa Paw, Easton Geo W Morgan* do 8 H Woodward, Wheeling, JFGemmunAwife.Doitou Va A fiimbol, Indiana L 81ckler, Wyoming, Ta D Walburn, do Geo Heckman, Reading M llerspcr, do J Fisher, do T W Mayhew, Lancaster M DWetman,Daupbln, Pa B Mayhew, do JohuStoue, do R A Glover, Schuylkill co Isaac Bard, do D Glover A la, do SS Conley, Pa P Lavenberg, Pa WmHugg, Reading Peter Bowman, Glassboro’ ' P Williams, Woodside, Pa. BLACK PEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab. CallowhUl. David Welda, Lehigh co JB Gelring, Kimmao Mra Weida, do Sami Perry, Mohravllle Wnt» Gerliug, Amity J Troxolls Warren, 0 J.Weand, Allentown J Heffner, Mohmlllo Albert llino, Bernevillo. Special Notices. ' TiiU being the season of the year when Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera are unhappily hut too prevalent, wo remind our readers of Brown's Essence iff Jamaica Ginger, and Ills Incomparable Cholera Mil sure. Each nets with the curative and magical power. Vhe medicines above named Imre truly arrested the fatal frogreps of disease, and saved hundreds of lives. It Sefc&tcn’t Saving Fund —Office 303 Walnut street, one door weßt of second street. Deceives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Bloneys paid on Demand. Office open dally, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, Jam«B B. Pringle. Bower’* Infant Cordial,•••This invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By its powerful Influence a speedy cure is effected in all cases'of Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Believes and mitigates much of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties Iran* qulllaes pains of the iou?«f j, looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has bees used in thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Uanar A. Bowed, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N, S. comer of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom *U orders must bo addressed. Aud for sale by Druggists generally, au 13-ly - Saying Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in W surer Street, south west comer of Third Street, Pbiladblpiiu. Assets over Oxn Million and a Hal? or Dollabs, invested in JUal Bsta?*,’ Mobtqaqis,Ground Rshts, and other first class soedrltl&i, as required by the charter. This Institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, is wcelvadj Mfithetooney is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. . The-office ia open every day from 9 o’clock i* the morning until 7 o|clock in the evening, and on Monday so 4 WHungti until 9 o'clock. iflarricigea. August lttb, et the M. £. Parsonage. 1823 CallowhUl street, by Rev. J. E; Meredith, Mr. JOHN R. LED GER, of Fraukford, to Miss PRISCILLA ROSCOW. of Philadelphia. * August 31, at G&Uagherville, by Rev. Win, Duncan. Mr. J. E. FOX to Miss CAROLINE A. BOCKfS. both of Philadelphia. SJjntljs, On the let Inst., ELIZABETH, daughter of John 8. ond Sarah GUI, aged 7 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful* ly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 1110 Frnnkford Road, above Otter f.t.. Kensington, on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Odd Fellows Cemetery. On the 31st ult., JOSEPH BURROUGH, in the 77th year of his nge. The relatives and frionds of the family Are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence. Ponder Mill Lane, near Adam street, Frankl'ord, 23d Ward, on Friday afternoon next, at 3 o’clock, with out further notice. ,117“ An Adjourned Democratic Meeting of the citizens of the Ist precinct of the Eighth Warn will be held THIS (Thursday) EVENING, the 3d Septem ber. at the MKTAUOKA HOUSE, South Tenth street, above Spruce, for the purpose of deciding upon the ex* peuiency of changing the Precinct Democratic head Quarters. »e3*lt# U 7“ Fifth Precinct, Eleventh Ward.—At a meeting of the Democratic citizens, held at the house of Aaron Gilbert, for the purpose of selecting officers to conduct the Delegate Election, on Monday Evening, Sept. 7, Samuel Taylor was elected Judge, and Jacob S. Mintier and E. Wood Inspectors. JACOB NULLETT, Judge. C. LiOTEXBAOK, )_ L. Wolles wbbbbr. < inspectors. Samuel W. Tatlor, Clerk. , sc3-lt# 07“ Notice to,Consignees.—The ship “Sul. wart,” Captain Lucas, from Liverpool, is now ready to discharge at Shlppon street wharf. Consignees will please send their permits on hoard. All goods not per* mlttcd In five days will he sent to public store. THOMAS RICHARDSON A CO. 07 A Meeting of the Wholesale and Retail MALT AND LIQUOR DEALERS’ ASSOCIATION, will bo held on every THURSDAY AFTERNOON at 2 o’clock, at the DILIGENT HALL, Tenth and Filbert streets. Every member is particularly requested to attend, os business of great iraportanco will be before the Association. N. U.—Those who are Interested in the business (and aro not members) are invited to come and join with us. By order of the se2-2t* ASSOCIATION David m. hogan, blank book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 4]g WALNUT street, between Fourth and Fifth, Phlladel* pl»»- ' Be3-lm Lewis b. coffin,— TUIBD WARD IIQTKIi. (DKUOORATIO HEAD QUARTERS,) South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, »op 3 lmo Philadelphia. 000 on< * well secured mort* HP * jv/UU gages of these amounts for sale. JAMES 11. CASTLE, sep3 It* Fifth st. below Chesnut. TO LET—A CLUB"BOOM. Apply at the STAR HOTEL, Harmony Court. se3*3*t# SlimtsementG. WHEATLEY* 8 ARCH ST- THEATRE. —Sole Lessee ~W. WHEATLEY. Soils or Prices.—Orchestra Stalls, GO cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents; Family Cirele and Amphitheatre. 25 cents; Seats in Pri vate Boxes, 75 cents; Whole Prirato Box, |3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. 51. until 3 P. M. J.M. D.WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Sept. Bd. will bo pre sented Sueridan Knowles’s ever-popular play of THE HUNCHBACK. Julia...,. .......Mrs. D. P. Bowers Helen Mrs. E. L. Davenport Master Walter .Mr. Dolmau Sir Thomas Clifford Mr. Wm. Wheatley To conclude with. 2nd time by the Star Company, the Laughable Comodletta of the MARRIED BACHELOR. Sharp Mr. J. S. Clarke Sir Charles Courtnll Mr. Dolman Lady CourtaU Mrs. Tannehill Grace... Bliss Anna Cruise TVATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., 11 above Eighth. Admission Seats In Private Box, $1; Orchestra Chairs, 75 cents; Dress Circle and Parquet, 50 cents ; Familly Circle, 25 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8% o'clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o’clock, when seats can he secured. Stago Manager Mr. 11. Watkins THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Sept. 3, 1857, will be acted the capital Comedy, in three Acts, of tho SERIOUS FAMILY. Amlnidab Sleek..... .......Sir. Burton ' The capital Farce, as played st Burton's Theatre, New York, with uuboumied success, for several Beasons. of WANTED, 1000 MILLINERS FOR THE GOLD DIGGINGS. Joe Bags Mr. Burton MR. BURTON, OF BURTON* 8 THEA TRE, New York, Is non- playing his best charac ters at the NATIONAL, In this city. Ho appears to night os “ Aminidab Sleek.” and also plays two parts in the farce; ono of which, “Madame Vaaderpant,” has be come a standard favorite. Visitors should not neglect this opportunity. se3-lt rjIHOMEUF' 8 VARIETIES, N. W. COR. X FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, entrance on Chestnut. MUSICAL and TERPSICIIOREAN MELANGE EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, interspersed with the almost miraculous performance of SIGNOR FELIX ROCHEZ, throwing real daggers AGAINST A LIVING MAN, and playing a SOLO on the FLUTE, when Standing upon a Pyramid of Wine Decanters. Commencing at half-past 7. Admission 10 eents. scp2-4t* WALNUT STREET THEATRE—Mr. and Mrs. HERMANN VEZIN. from the princl fial English Theatres, will mako thefr first appearauce n America, at the above Theatre, on Monday evening next, September Bth. sel-6t* C AFFORD* B OPERA hSUSK ~~ ►3 ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7# o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 cents. GLORIOUS SUCCESS. SECOND WEEK of tho great burlesque on the Opera of LA TRATIATA Written expressly for this establishment by John Har rington, Esq. The Manager respectfully announces that in conse quence of the immense excitement produced by the performance of the above burlesque, it will be repeated MONDAY Evening, August 31st, ana every evening this week. Previous to the piece ETHIOPIAN MINBTIUSLSY au3l-lw BY SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE. £egal Notices. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, Augußt 39th, 1857. Notice Is hereby given, to all persons interested in the estate of Mary Alderfer, late of tho township of Lower Salford, in said count? of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Alderfer have applied to sold Court, by petition, praying for a decree for tno sale of the real estate of Raid Mary Alderfer, deceased. The said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, tue 30th day of September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Court House, in Norris town, for all parties interested to appearand show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioners should not bo granted. By order of the Court. J. 11. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. &u2O-d4w ocntlcmcit’s‘i r nnrisl)ing (Eoobs. VSHNCHESTER &' SCOTT, GENTLE- Y V MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 700 CHESTNUT Btreet, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, aud Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the moat perfect fittlug article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. auS-lylf tjats, Caps, &r. WF. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. au4-lmrp CULLENDER & PASCAL, ►3 HATTERS, aul-fim No. 8 8. SIXTH street, Philadelphia. For Sole anil to £ct. TO LET—THE LARGE DOUBLE OF FICE or STORE, No. 222 South Third street, oppo site Pear street. J. TKNNENT. sel-3t* OjOnn or s6oo book bindery for tfPIFW SALE—Sovoh years established, dclng a fair Job business, which can bo Increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location, 535 Arch street, below Sixth. Blnuk books at cost, Jobs bound to order. auglP-Sur TO BE LET,—THE HANDSOME THREE Story Brick Dwelling, No. 8 PORTIOO SQUARE, SPRUOE street, above Ninth, south aide. Apply to S. & W. WELSH, au2t)-2w* No. 218 South Delaware Avenue. PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N. J., FOR SALE, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 75 feet by 140. Price, $3,000. Also, Lots suitable for manufactories, fronting tne river. Apply to O. ROBB, No. 311 South Fifth street. au26-lm* TO PRINTERS—A RARE CHANCE;-u FOR SALE! A one-half interest in a well-estab lished DAILY and WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, and JOB PRINTING OFFICE, located in a city of!2,000 inhabit auts, and one of tho most prosperous in the West The paper; is National Democratic in politics, it Las the offi cial patronage of the Post Office, together with that of the county and city—it being the official paper of the city, and the aggregate annual income of the establish ineut Is about $10,000.# The office is supplied with a superior cylindor press, a Ruggles job prehs, a Wash ington press, paper cutter, card cutter, Ac., together with un excellent variety of type, fixtures, Ac., alt In good order. For a practical printer, or an editor, this is more than ordinary opportunity. For further partic ulars, address U. G. CROUCH. Galena, Illinois. #There is only ono other printing office of any kind in tho city. aug29-d«wlvr Dancing academy.—naylor & DAUGHTER’S DANCING ACADEMY, TENTn and SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY, September 1,1857. The subscribers, In offering this prospectus to the dancing community, respectfully acknowledge their idudntss during past seasons, and pledge themselves that nothing shall bo wanting on their part to make the coming season surpass In brilliancy that of former years. Mr. N. and Daughter haTe, with untiring exertions, added to their already full Uat of fashionable dances, many new ones, which will be Introduced during tho season. DAYS OP TUITION. For Children—Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons from 3 to 5 o’clock ; for Ladies and Gentlemen— I Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 till 10 o’clock. au 27-3 m pOUNTRY COLLECTIONS rnado with Vy promptness and at the usual rates, by DAVIS A fiIRNEY, No. 25 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. They invitp attention to their unequalled facilities for the adjustment of controversies in all parts of the United States and Canadas, and collecting and securing MERCANTILE CLAIMS, 6 afforded by thoir thorough organisation; having local agents in every settled county iu theUulou,and by pros porous associate offices in Boston, Louisville, Dubuque. New York, St. Louis. Detroit, Baltimore, Cincinnati, st Paul’s. Washington, Pittsburgh, MUwauUe, Charleston, Chicago, • Memphis, Mobile, New Orleans, Savannah. Each local office controlling its own collections, and having daily business connections with the moat reliable and experienced attorneys in the country Tlwyalw have lupertor facilities for collecting draft, and maturing paper at points not accessible to Banks and Bonkers, and Remittances are promptly made by tp c *r correspondents for commissions that exceed but slightly tho current rate of exchange. By the old of intelligent correspondents, they are able to have Land Warrants located, claims adjusted, titles examined, in all parts of the West. au4-tathAs-lm HS. TARR ’ 8 manufactory“of • CARVED AND ORNAMENTAL MARBLE WORK, GREEN Street, above SEVENTH, Phlladel phi*- “ »ug29-lw, aLENWOOD CEMETERY. OFFICE, NO. Ut WALNUT Bt., Wow FITTS. saUif Can&i&aUa for ©ffice. For assembly— WILLIAM I. ASHE. SEVB3YEBKTB WARD, ISTH DISTRICT. Subject lo Democratic Jivlet. gel-lw» For assembly— JOHN M. WEILS, Second District—Second Ward. CT* Subject to Democratic Rules. feu 28-lQt* PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT JL COURT, JOHN P. M’FADDEN, of Third Ward. Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party. ao!4f For assembly-josefh j. kebfe. —Second Legislative District, Second Ward. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. au6-dtSB FOR RECORDER of deeds.—t. b. TOWN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic rules. au 20-dtSB For clerk of quarter sessions “■WILLIAM BAFFIN, First Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au 20-taep 8* Recorder of delsM—albert d. BQfLRAU, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Demo cratic Boles. augtiWtseps» For prothonotary of the dis trict court, WM. M. REILLY, of First Ward. Bubjoct to Democratic Rules. aul7-dt*eB# FOR ASSEMBLY—JOHN H. BRADY, Eighth War I—Seventh Legislative District. Sub ject to Democratic rules. au!s-tsepB* Prothonotary of the district COURT.—’WM. LOUGHLIN, Second Ward. Sub- Ject to Democratic rules. au!6-3ep7» FOR ASSEMBLY—EDWIN SMITH, NINTH DIBTRIOT, TWELFTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. au!4* FOR ASSEMBLY— Second District, PER RAN J. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au!2-tC* LERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au 12-4w* For recorder of deeds—thos. J • HEMPHILL, Tenth ward, Vine street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules. aulG-lm# FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT FRANKLIN McILYAIN, Subject to Democratic anS-4tspB For CORONER—dk. feodore mier &ON, Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. euB-lm# FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE DIS TRICT COURT, LEWIS T. HEARS, of TwelfJk Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auB-lm* Phothonotaky'of the district COURT, GEORGE F. MEEBKB, Twenty-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au 4-tSeB For recorder of deeds—r. r. YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules aui-lm* For coroner—n. c. reid, m. d. Subject to Democratic Rules. au4lm* For assembly—first district,— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, First Ward. Subject to decision of the Democratic Convention. aul-sw# IJGR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT.— DAVID R. McLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. eul-tseB* FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS— CHARLES M. MILLER. Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, on aul t seB For recorder of deeds—geobge W. WUNDRB, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. aul-6w# For recorder of deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democrat!, rules. au3-te* Clerk of quarter sessions.-. GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratic Rules. aultaepS <£ intentional. The west Philadelphia insti. TUTE FOB YOUNG LADIES—WALNUT Street, south Ride, between William and Till streets. This excellent Seminary will open, as usual, on the Ist September. It is delightfully located In a situation which combines the advantages of country air and ex ercise with proximity to the city. The health, moral and personal comfort of the hoarding pupils are the special care of the indefatigable principals, Mr. and Mrs. Bred, who devote every effort to render the Insti tute a homo as well as a school, both for boarders and day pupils. The terms are moderate, considering the many advantages offered, being only $225 per annum for boarding pupils. The system of instruction embraces the wholo scope of mental training, and the best mas tors have chargo of the various departments of ian ?u«ges. music, drawing, painting, Ac ; the object being o furnish a really sound education to the pupil from the commencement to the completion of all studies to which the female miud can apply itself. For further particu lars apply to the principals, Mr. and Mrs. Rkeo, at the above address. We cordially recommend the above Institute to all pa rents desirous of providing a really sound and good edu cation for their daughters. Mrs. Keen has had upwards of serenteen years’ experience, andhersystemof tuition has been eminently and uniformly successful In forming accomplished pupils. Joseph Kern, West Philadelphia. Berea Bicxkell, M. D., “ A. Convkbbr, D. D., Philadelphia. Hbxbt W. Woods, West Philadelphia. E. D. Sauxdkbs, Professor Blunders’ Institute, W. P. 1 most heartily concur in the above recommendation, and think any parent highly favored to hare a daughter under Sirs. Reed’s training and instruction. CHS. D. CLEVELAND, sep3 3t 903 Clinton street. CRITTENDEN* 8 PHILADELPHIA COM \J MKROIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner of SEVENTH and OIIKBTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Koch Student has individual Instruction from compe tent and attentive! Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. se3 lm HEMAN ALLEN, A. M., ia prepared to receive a limited number of pupils on the Violin; or on the Piano, and to play Violin parts or accompani ments with advanced pianists. Apply at the residence of his father, Professor ALLEN, No. 215 South Seven teenth Street. Circulars, with terms and references, at G. ANDRE A Co.’e, No. 11W Chestnut St. stVlm* ST. MARK’ B EPISCOPAL ACADEMY LOCUST Street, west of SIXTEEN aHv wiU be opened on MONDAY, September 7th, at 9 A. M. The Principal will be in attendance at the Academy during the first week in September, between 9 A. M. and 2F. M.j to receive applications for admluion. Circu lar* may be had of Mr, HILL, Sexton of St. Mark’s Church, or at the Academy. au29-2w# J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES,SOUTH WEST CORNER OF ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. Tho pupils in this Institution will be instructed ia alt the branches of a thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement or knowledge provided for them. The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The school-year la divided into two terms, of five mouths each, commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) ana first of Second Month (February.) TERMS First Department, per term of five m0nth5......|25.00 Second “ “ “ 20.00 Third “ “ » 35.00 Fuel, Ac., per term 1.00 HARRIETT BROWN. Philadelphia, 1857. RUI'IIkKN'CKS Thomas Kimber, Samuel Settle, Jr., Mannaduke O. Cope, William Settle, Thomas Wlstar, Anthony P Morris, Joshua H. Morris, Uriah Hunt, au2s-lm. J. D. White, M. D , Benj. 9. Jenaey, M. D. Robert K. Wright, Thomas D. Smith, George Griscom, William F. PitSeld, David Vanderveer, William B. Thomas. SUPPLEE’S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, (boarding and day pupils.) N. W. corner ELEVENTH aud GREEN streets. Fifth session will open on September 7th. Best reference given, in cluding all present and former patrons. ao26>tf SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing full particulars, pupils’ names, testimonials, Ac., can be nod ou application. nu2s-tf F. DONLEAYY LONG, Principal. Hall of st. james the less. PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. RKT. JR. R. BXTSIR, IUCTOR. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember!. v Circulars maybe obtained at the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of tho Rector, Fust Office, Falls of Schuylkill. Phila delphia. aul7-fitn MRS. BARTON’ 8 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1929 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aul9-fiw* TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE 1 v persons, male and femalo, to gaiu a share ol this world’s goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, In a short time. THE LEIDY’3 take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persons acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au22-3m. Giltier-tUnrc & Jnuclrj). JS. JARDEN & BRO. • MASUFAOTCRBRB AND IMPORTERS OF SILVER-PLATED W ARE, First door abote Chestnut, ou Ninth street, second story, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand and for sale to the Trade, TEA SETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS. PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS, BAS* KETS, CASTORS, KNIVES, SPOONS, FORKS. LADLES, Ac., kc. ’ Gilding and plating un all kinds of metal. ae2-ly Francis p. dubosq & son, late of Duboaq, Carrow * Co.. Wholesale MANUFAC TURERS OF JEWELRY, 304 CHESTNUT street Phila delphia. ’ F/ias-cis P. Dcaoaq. wm. H. Ddbosq. au3l 3m Seining iUargmw. A GOOD SEWING MACHINE.—HUNT, -c*. WEU3TER, A Co., beg respectfully to introduce themselves to the public as the manufacturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE adapted to manufacturing or family purposes. Free from the otyectioua which have been urged against those already known in this market. THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OF THEM ALL. and wilt be sure to commend itself, upon examination, to families, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, and seamstresses. Those in want of A GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will HEM, BIND, STITCH, RUN, or GATHER; ludeed. that will give entire satisfaction even after they have been used For years, are invited to call at our rooms, 108 South EIGHTH Street, up stairs. , HUNT, WEBSTER. A Co. Sewing of every description executed in the best pos sible manner, aud on reasonable terms. Samples of our work sent by mail to any part of the United States. au22*tuths3m. npH£“WATSON ' X $lO FAMILY SEWING MACHINE HAS COME! And in now open for Exhibition at Second Story, front Room, No. 726 CHESTNUT Street. State and County Blghta for sale, Apply as above, au2o»tf. /CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BTOHAD. WICK & BRO., K«.1»3 N. BSCOif® StTMt, ,0(18. Smog, ... hotels aiii RtstacratUs. TtfERCHANTS’ HOTEL, KOBTH JOUBTH STEEST, A ROT* MARKET, _ PHILADELPHIA. tnSt-tf MogXBBBX 4 SONS, lumtnu. TON PLACE hotel, bboad rnw IV SH”"' EWHIH, rtrwt, New To*. . E .‘J ANT MODKBN SBTABUSHMEST ll style o *** 1 * CB P t^on °f guests, in the European r>t Rnovfn^ rom i a t 0 **7- sum MEALS served atali hours by the CARD, at modcrafta ‘thft * P l ®?* favorably known te gSiSSSLA iXZELft feet, end our friend., patron., and the tAtelUnn n nZ o in general, map reat aunrrod that no .Sort ilSlb wanting to maka tha CLINTON worth, thn faror vhkh we hereby respectful!, Kiieit. WXSAKT * 00. CJCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street ►3 and Oniaesne W.r, Pittsburgh. B. 2> UAKKhr Proprietor. anlMm tOines aiib tiqnoxe. 120 RT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de benture no calks st. Joseph’s Pnre jnlen Port Wine, Inqrs. and eighth.. --vs. key? 2 “““J % M* l * ScotehWhin- Piftj pipes Anchor Bin. -ed J. J Unpnr Brandia, all of which I offer to the trade at reduc-f prices!^ an27.3moa 88 and W?/—♦ EP. MIDDLETON ITbro., IMPORT . BBS of BBAKWM, WINKS, 4c. : iSo ?H: *“ Jr , s*gs n <* th * eld wheat! wlisKwr ho. 6 North TRONT street. A LEXANBER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. 228, Southeast Cornin' of OEOEPE and SOUTH gtreet.. ’ S*, , Cl* I^S r j%pn , OKTER AND DEALES e IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS.'fte. South FIFTH Street, PhAadriphhT nU, Brandies —pinet, c*atmon & co_ Ma rett 4 Co'., and other brand, of r *r —~r nf Tannna rlnUge., la half pipe, and quarter e»*k. : Petlwndeta Boehelle Brandies, pal. and dark, In half pine., onartwr oaek.andonMlghthcask., rt! laCiuWSKwrtSi imported and for sale bjr HENET BOHUSff fc CO . ' ' anS Hoe. 2H and 233 Booth Tsartbstreet. * BUTS, PORTER, ALE AA JtKD fcioEß BEKE BBEWEEI, S» 03 raew ho. 938) North TUIBO street, order* promptly attended to* . ” “"f 1 ™ ~BaUa bg &nrticn. VyOLBERT k SCOTT. AHCTTOWBBPiB, V» JA CHESTNUT Stro.t oppe.lt. th. House, between Fourth and Filth Streeta. POSITIVE SALE OF A HIGHLY VALUABLE Cot. EUROPEAN OIL Two Hundred and Firty in number, on MONDAY MOBN. ING, SEPT. 7th, at U o'clock! at the CHESTNUT ST. _We will sell one of the finest GoW> tlons of Modern European Picture# ever offered in tfeht City, including choice and beautiful Landscapes. Maria* and Coast Views, Figure pieces, Interior*, and a great variety of elegant and Interesting subjects, all finbhei In the finest style, being mostly original* by celebrated artists. In the Collection will also befoundaitumbee of exceedingly correct Copies, afta.‘ tiie Old Hasten token from thei originals witkexqms»tec*r»; All the Pictures have been framed la rich gold silt Frames, made Lxpresalj to suit each pleturefand aU being In perfect order, are fit ornaments with which to adorn the parlor, gallery, or drawing room. The whole of this superior Collection will be om& for all day on FWDAY and SATURDAY prectdSrK&K X n Evening until ID o’clock, whenthe Ladiea and Gentlemen are invited to examine them With Cata* iogues prior to the time of Sale. SALE POSITIVE. Parties from a distance can have their Pictures 'on the spot so as to be sent with perfect safety. • * Moses nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MKBQHANf, S E comer SIXTH «nd RACE Kn<te _— »«*. «WeT BAUS 0* SKCOMJ-HAND ITJBKITtJB* At the 8, E. corner of SIXTH smi EAOK Streets. .*,2 n . , t W ? AY MOT, Sept. <3?^ At 10 o’clock, consisting In part of—Jenny Lid, hSA post, cottage, aad other bedsteads; dressing bora*m HUhstands, feather beds, usttruses, carpets, nriag seat sofas, marble top sideboards, boo tut tables, elenat spring seat parlor chairs, card tables, e*nt« ÜbW. Windsor chairs and settees, cherry tables, UxnitTke &e., together with a quantity of superior secondThaod furniture, plush diran parlor tables, staled blush chairs, bedsteads. 4c. Dealers, housekeepers, and others, will find U to their adTSiitafje to attend the sate. OXLX FRAME MIRRORS. In addition to the sale or rural tar, on TO-MORROW (¥rlda,) MOUSING, at in o'clock, at the 8. sTecSSSt SIXTH and RACK streets, ,m hi sold •ome oral French Flat. Mirrora In rich gilt framta ■ one circular tap square French Plate Mirror in rich tilt frame, with handsome bracket; several gilt-frame tehcr tup Mirrors, together with walnut and mahogany frame Looking (Hasses, 4c. J NATHAN'S great aaU of FORFEITED QOODS *m take place la a lesr daja. Due notice will be slrro WEBB’S great aale of forfeited Watch esfjwlry, Qnns. Pistols, Musical Instruments,Ae., trol taka m.li shortly. Due notice will be giren, ™ WEBB'S great sale of Dry Hoods, Clothing, Bedding Ac., being forfeited collaterals, will taka place shortly. Dus notice will he given. ■ 3 J OHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEEK—No. 125 ABCn Stmt, Iwbma Third sad foarth Stmts SALES ZVSttY XTEHISG. At 1 oMoek, Of Boote. Shim H»rt»Me, CoUejy, WiteliM, Jtv. " 7 ’ W “ ! P“> **•*"> *uxt Gottis, Xdttoch, J{. B.—Terms of Kight Sales, four montke’ credit lor approved city sccepUocet, for acuna of $lOO sad with ia> temt added from date of sale. M£l*lb EOKGE W. SMITH, ATCTIONB2B, N. K. eonwr of BAKBON u 4 SOUTH StnoU, *t»Y» gtcood. * . ' CTESXKO BALKS. BALKS EVKHY SATURDAY KYETIHO, At TK o’clock, U the AbcUod Btoro, of ftfl *terr, Hotueketpuiff ArtielM, Clotti**, ’Wtt&m.itwu rjr, Vue? Article*, Ac, , CAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER. K 3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE. No. U 1 THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear it., aalv eight doora below the Exchange. * J Hours of business from 7 o’clock, A. M.. until 19 o’clock in the evening. Cut-door tales, and sales at the Auction Bows, at* tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. BuahHshtd/or tki lasi Thirty Years. Advance* nude from one dollar to on Did monda, BQver PXate.Wetehea, Jewelry, Hardware, Her ehandise, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Inatromesta, Gum, Hone*, Carriages, and Goods of every description. AU good* can remain any length Of ttm agl«|A upon. * AU advance#, from one hundred dollars end upwards WiU be dugiJS p« Mat. pm mouthlMS ud. otk, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 190 fret, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri» vate watchmen for the premise* ; also, a heavy rattes effected for the benefit of all persona haring goods advanced upon. • N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office ia prepared to make adraacea oa snore satis* factory and accommodating terms than unv other in this elty. Money advanced to the poor, la small wmnti. with out any charge. AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watch**, Jewelry, and Clothing wUI be sold at reduced price*. su-3y Fnrnitsre. Lb. kite & co% • FURNITURE, BEDDING, Ac. No. 413 (Ute 129) WALNUT st., Philadelphia. A new and superior style of Spring Beds. Ltdub. Km. Joa*w Wairo*. au3l 6m Hooks. Revised edition of lyman’s HISTORICAL CHART AND QUESTION BOOK— Containing in a most attractive furm the prominent event* of the CIVIL, RELIGIOUS, and LITERARY HISTORY of the W ORLD. It will be found one of the most complete methods of imparting Historical Informa tion, By it* use in families, the reading of any work on Uistory will be rendered much more interesting and profitable, and to Teachers one of the most invaluable aids Retail price $1.50. Juat published by „ MOSS, BROTHER, k CO., ' (New) No. 16 South FOURTH Bt. Copie* sent free of postage on receipt of price. ceS-fit C'MJAriT FlliOT.—IN PKESS AND WDU. / SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, vis: Blunt’s Coast Pilot. 18th edition: Bow ditch’s Navigator,27thedition; Shipmaster’*Assistant, 9th edition. W« invite Attention to our new gprfug Centre CCTB* passes, which answer for either Bghtor heavy weathrr, and are especially adapted for steamer*, <ad TtwU where the motion is considerable.' They require fever repairs than any eompaas now la use. Marine Opera Qlaaae* of raperlerquality, Sot Giaaau Aneroid aud Mercurial Thermometer*. American, French and English Sextante, Octants, Quad, rant*, Aiimuth Compasses, Binaries, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latent aud best authorities. Agents for Roger*’ American Code.of Signals, Denies Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott's Haw* meter, and an instrument for working cat problems in Nautical Astronomy by simple Inspection and with per fect accuracy. They nave received the approval of ex perienced shipmaster*, and have been adopted by the u. S. Navy. E. k G, W. BLUNT. au3B-im* No. 179 Water Street. TTENDKKSON & CO>» GREAT LITER; *JL ABY FAIR. HFTH lad ASCU itrretl. In order to gratify the wishes of our numerous u. trons. and induce the bock-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usnsi low prices, we intend to preeentto every purchaser of books to the imoant Of $1 and up words, a Gift in value of from $S ee*t» tos}o9. Call at our MtaMiriuuent, look it our valtuM. .took, u 4 wtael for yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, tor erery pur c •ff er **** books at the usual price, and very many will get, in addition, a present worth having, mfldia C*VANS* GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, A-d No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. N. B —No connec tion with any other house in the City. aul-Sca Girard fire and marine insur ance COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Office, No. 302 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. 11 FIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN.” DIKIOTOas. Wm. M. BwaU, Jer. Walker, John Anspaeh, Jr., Jno. McClure, H. N. Burroughs, Tho. Craven, J. B. Hughes, A. S.GiUett, ?. D. Sherman, Furman Sheppard, Wm. P. Hacker, Sami. Jones, u7d., J.P. Steiner, Joseph Kiapp, M. D. E. A. Shackelford, Hon. JOEL JONES, President. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jso. 8. McMullis, Secretary. Jauts B. Altoed, Assistant Secretary. aoI-Sm Department of highways.— Office of Chief Commissioner, S. W. comer of CHESTNUT and FIFTH street.*. September Ist. 1857. BFALED PROPOSALS,eotitled Proposals for bund ing Wing Walls at the West End of Girard Avenue Bridge. wiU be received at this office, until FRIDAY next, September 4th, at 12 o’clock. No bid will be re ceived ualess it ia accompanied with the names of two responsible sureties. Specifications and a plan of the work may be seen at this office. • john McCarthy, sel*3t Chief Commissioner of Highways. •MACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES, IYJL Sold by CHADWICK k 880., SECOND Btmt, flr«t door above Race. onglB-3moa. ij^LAGS! FLAGS!—PACKER FLAGS, A also Plain Flag* from two and a half inches to feet, wholesale and retail, at the Flag Depot, Ho. 90 South Second street • taglß-las* TTTELCOMS RANGE.—SOLDBY CHAD* TV WICFfr O. M 2 N. SECOND ft. anl«-$m- rrmouAs e. Baxter.—hakdwake. X ODTLSBT AHB TOOLS, No. no IUUST.n.. tiflTtNtett,NO, er Nl<«o *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers