£ U; v-.-'Jv-/*..' •/*' ,'ii'y ."fT-* . s., ,i, i »^ VV> If *,J^j&?B|]^j||j^Pil^^PWM^^^^\ 'SilltotSs vr- 1 ,f „ ■ - «oi&*»»WW**. •• ; ! ! " : ffIJjPSOD.' STRICKLAND,.. .-.-. -fi f&- Sedj fl^|ing<^MM^^ l,s > Important, tfcs^n^P^^n*^ l^,: 81 ? G ™* '■■ ■■•*■■-' ‘vP-’-",-- /-. ; - ’ AND IHEiNEW ENG- V?:^t®i^gVt!ofje»feKlayexeni''!:>j“ st » B .' ,(, P ptW'-dhe? telegraph. ' b|-: j --V Js?inaljsm, «t>« critical ilhe^'^f^s.co^pe'llsii^fcby^ijChstoin and by - contiesyi': to ;> Be silent ■in themldst ' /'feSdaj®fi^;‘ ! ' i ;H^*''^oSit ‘ Stand ’ > see , - Ijrif' ; rinsritfrMß-' •: tie:utteranp«S(pf that v - him,would blow his , yifeitah^;'tii^thp;iiif’' : 'Bttt;tTierp''^e ; prol)er. ' *i«<^tSCaB : 4b eTOty.general. rule.anddnthla / cash thejiScspHbn enabteh.'a to re - the 1 aiippletruth,..a •hlmself. and agross ÜbeluponMstory.Wc, •furnisha more complete roplyto .a .dogmatic . ; assumptionor superior > patriot! smand, piety, ..than ttiat contained .in, Mri'BcoitANAK’sl re- Vaponae- sto 5 to thespConncctitutmeddicfa. The country owes -them - thanks, for ..the first timo -In‘ many ' exposing their, j , ..Sainjihfl fflpid’aophiatrylo tiieiiresiatiblC ar 'tilleryoftbe Presidont’S'old-fashioncdPenn •'sylviuiialogic and common' sfihftb- ! -• . .appaala'tphighgremptionajthan’ juirty feelings,; -Wbeifhh wrote; hhvgreat Qngon letter; noW ‘ten yearsagOj'hprstrncka ebotd.lh; every' fia , Mrioticbeart, :and, was .answered by.ah.out-' - * burst of unusual enthasiasmand’ praise. And • ■’’o .Vr'ill .it be now. Ho sheds along tlio . I'djirii; -■;, pathway Jn* .' Jed' Jnto‘ ; onr -’Kansas trCnbles, a flood of light,' He dissi piitesa thousand faisohoods ih an instant. He , ißc'inyiimraiba.tjie -\ friend* of the Constitution.- -Ho ;depriveasec r 1 tionallsm of theonly left InJtslanhory '" df 'expidienfsV. Ij taiiya denial upon its Btatemflnts,:&ncl' says ..to /Misrepresentation, *‘ Thusfarsbaltthou go,and r' afPrealdewtVftduuMmu! i' Sept.3;~The foflbidog Utke memorial SlMnumwhd fbrty-tffootfeera, bfCoanecti- * cat, addd cessed to His Excellency, James - Buehatiiu, K w'iV:J thotthdeftignedfcltisent of tkeUnltid gfcates,imd - Hflpeetfdlly offer - Kip CooitJtQtloa of' .the United' State?/ ani/of^ourr^otlttSl. instltatipjoe, ! i?, ‘that \pcopie' ,- ii!iell ; - thClr 1 blrfi ] titirt, and . Wh yfe'' seowitlr grief/ if fr i^&iidimen.t i l^t‘ J J, t IQdjjenl|', represent umU the ,' 1 of IhS’Unlted Staieslseinploying through himatt janny, , #; „eae corpoeebfwhiri* is,to,fp«e.the peoplepf Katiau to '- jaw*. nq£ih^r J oipjr porof bqt fi4ww© tbat, (hey hever. made,' and tbeyn?. T k ■ /-olectedj ’ \W«., represent, by;the, foregoing, ;-,.V jrobr Excellency is held op and proclalmedto tbe great de„' ./rogation ofou/aatlonalchAracter as violating in it* most ;particular the liotottmoath which the President ,o support the Constitution ©f thi|Uclon;vWo «*U farther to'thoiiaet that' year Exeellensy : «;J» laiikenjaansr held up to this to all mankind, ancLto. all posterity, in tko attitude of levying w*r . ;>s•**&# a opprtfojß #itbe l UnHoir States; byeniployidg i f'jSri?a>|,nsaa»ai,to,:uphold ahody of men ahda code'of *$ ierirhad the election; nor Sanction; nor consent of the Territory.-'. J ' ,: '•• j* Wa earnestly represent to your Excellency Vo "■* kaTa also (aketf the bath to obey the 'Goairtitatiou,and \ v - that** shall-notre '/admitilitriition anefcampte'bf'Justlce'aid’beneficence, ' * uwwlth Xfrfi ierrible inajbity protect our pcople 1 and our I Constitution. >> ; - : “ f^aXorblE^t'S.absence, yoar r niemori*l, r wit|ioat date,.was placed la my hands, through the agency of Mr. Horatio ,4w,.U»s!!wp»rt ;n peeupar charset#, I harp, deemed ‘«s-\ from my general rale in shch eases, i}.* u, ,5«a ?J -Aih\f :-;i : first assert that ‘the fundameatalprinciple of tht Ar : Gal,lB*titQtlOM, is that thepeople ihall Uiske theif Own elect?4heir bwa ii&finx grief* dhd ? astohtshtiient' that 1- should hare lated this *ind- through have bf.thb purposed of which U.to -pebpla otiEjme# to obey laws hot their own, iawawhichitisnbtoriooii, ’ evideneeV* they .'aft#&a«e : ; and ’ .' riders thcy-nlwsf elected And ai frbca the ; yeulrtpmeht thkt'l iim : :‘ openly.held bji, and -■ •’'“'^pifbclalnlbd, s^ -the dOri^a , '.. "l, r 'j \ \-%y. ■' n£ heavy &om geiittenven irtproportlphto ibe)rgra« .• >Hy, . should hara clearly v’VjubjertamMttUet '^lby'were VeU 1 ipimdpd.jifnbt,. they ;*^ynufborjL them. - ißntat the Pmo I entered upon my officlalduties,. 'X i® ’ .u .; 7 /fh^/auaiydlffeirentenactraeni?. ,l?hedelegate elected , wt'ibflt eoinplcted hlsterm ofVorrlceOn’thed'Ayp’re^loris; f, idmy inauguration/ ’ Iti fftct 'I found ! the r; .Pdreriiment ‘ hrtahHsbed as tUat bf aiiy other' l ' •-Territory. ’ ' _ ' . '■ Was s, : :.' ’ll itaoi ia sußtiiii this Ooveranfent ;Jo protect It from .; ; lawless med; who" y.. cf : the P vote, and members of'the Convention were elected legally and properly, without their intervention, The Convention .will soon assemble to perform the sol emn! duty of framing a constitution for tbemselres and their posterity; and in the state of incipient rebellion which still exists in Kansas, it Is my imperative duty, to emplby tlie troops of the United States, should this beriome necessary, in’defending the Convention against violence white framing a constitution, and in protecting the hon&fidt inhabitants qualified to vote under the provisions of this instrument in tho free exercise of the right of suffrage) when it shall be submitted to them for their approbation or rejection. < I‘Xbave entire confidence in Goy. Walker, that the troops will not be . employed, except to resist actual aggression, or In the execution of the laws; nndthU, not until the powcr ot the civil magistrate shall prove Unavailing! ' Following the wise example of Mr. Modi son towards the Hartford Convention, illegal arid dan gerous combinations) such is that of the Topeka Con vention, wilt be disturbed, unless they shall at tempt to perform some act which will bring theminto actual coiiisslon with the Constitution and the laws. In that event they shall he resisted and put down by the, whole .power of the Government, In performing this duty, I shall have the approbation of my own con science, and, as I humbly trust, of my God. ‘‘l thankyon for tho ossnrance thaiyou wlllriot refrain front prayer that the Almighty God will mtkemyAd. ministration sn example of justice and beneficence! Toucan greatly, assist me in arriving at this blessed consummation, by exerting your Infiuenoe in allaying ,the. existing sectional excitement on the subject of slavery, which has been productive of much evil and no good,* and which, If it'succeed in obtaining Us ob ject, woutd ruin the slave as well as tho master. This would be worth genuine philanthropy.. Every day of my life, I feel how Inadequate I am to perform the datlfs of my high 'station, without continuing in the support of the Divine Providence. T«t, placing mytrost in Him, and In Him alone, I en tertain ft good hope that He will enable me to do equal justice to all portions of the Union, and thus render me jrahurabje Instrument in restoring.peace and harmony among the people of the several States. Y°urs, very respectfully, Jamss Buchanas.” - 1 SOMETHING?© BE PROUD OF, That our new steam frigate, Niagara should havVbcaton the British stpam frigato dgametn.- ,iMj In i fair trlol of jspeed on tho Atlantic, is A ihouaand .times mote satisfactory than If Prior end Prioress had borne away the Cap at Good wood, the Queen’s -Plate at Ascot, tho Derby stakes at Epsom, the Emperor’s Vase at New-' maiket, the-great’ St. Ledger prizo at Dori bafiter,'or the steeple-chase, sweepstakes at Liverpool* or Heaton Pork. The dgamemii&n is .reputed to ins the swiftest sailer, in tho British povy, and,the, Niagara heat her easily in an eight hours’race.' The report says: “ At fire P. M. the relative positions wore nearly os follows: ifho Aguvi£mKvir wss more’than hull down astern,. \Vo could just see hor smoko, and the Stuyitehanna'mu about seven or eight miles astern, As Capt; Hudson wanted to keop company with the Agamemnon, wo stopped and wattoa for hor.”. t. .< Even the Svsquthunua was ahead of tho British ship. The sailing speed of tho Niagara was twelve knots an hour. ' ” It mnst be borne in mind that speed ought not to be the characteristic of a war-steamer so much as strength. ■ The Niagara has proven hehieif a rapid sailer, but We would venture to say tbat the Wabash, launched fVom our own Navy Yard last year, is, at the very least, the equal—if not the superior—of any war-steamer ever built, in all that constitutes tho perfection of a steam-frigate. If tho Niagara beat the Jgamemnon, we think the Wabash could do it just as easily. ’ ' ' If there is any thing that rVo Americans have a right to jje more proud of than another, speaking generally, it is th.e .und&niable supe riority of, pur ships, both in bniid and speed. They.are unequalled., WJlat is singular, (arid it may be accepted -as evidence of the perti nacity with which the British cling to "accus tomed things, even after experience, shows their defects,) Is the fact that, until very lately, .thc t Engiiih shipbuilders made no attempt to adopt our .models, rind, imitate our rigging. About four years ago, the Now York clipper Dreadnought (commanded by Captain Sain cub, whO’isa Phtladclphia man) went fronv -New York to Liverpool In twelve days and a" half, and made the return voyago in elghteon days'; This opened the eyes of a great' ship, building flrm in Aberdeen, Scotland, arid when ihh'Dre'adnqttghi'retnraed to Liverpool, one of the principals, a highly practical man, travelled noarly fonr hundred miles to see the ship, and. paving carefully studied her build and rigging, wont back to Scotland, where, in flilness or time, he turned oaf an Eriglish clipper, which, though inferior to otirs,' is so good a sailor that the entire" systeta of ship-briilding in England niaybe sai r d to be in a transition state at pros, eat,; Heavy, lintclhbuilt, tub-like ships arc at a discount . now, and clippers arc coining in. We have taught them what to do and howto do it." ■■ 't-'" -q • . Thetri werio doubts of the speed of the Ni agara when'shi left'thesis shores; That ex ceHerit artisan,toKQEdE STriEHS, who'hrid a geriius.far shlp-briildipg, if ever man had, did riot live to complete her, and it was said that .his plans ,had riot been carried out. This waa a mistake, however it originated. She has fairly and handsomely beaten tho swiftest steam frigate in the navy of Great Britain. In the flush of this triumph—for triumph it is—there arises one deep regret. Tho master mind which calculated and tho. ready hand which executed tho working plans and inodcis of the Niagura are lost, to the world. In an untimely grave rests all that waa mortal "of Geobob Steeus. Xiko almost every eminent man who has cut a figure in the world, Geobob Smess was self-taught, self-reliant. Had ho femained amoiig u«, doubtless ho would have improved even upon his own exeplionco j for it is the nature of genius to rise. At till events; hifJißs stamped hip name deeply in tho commercial annals of the land. ExrPgMldent Fierce, flmm the gpriagSeld (Moss.) AVgas.] „ dbofresldent Pierce, since ,bls retirement from the Chief Magistracy, has spent a portion of his lime in Concord, whioh has boon his residence fur many years before hiß election to the first office in the cation. The ftieblo ritato of .Mrs. Pierce's health pas prevented the. ox-President from deter hope that, he will, fix his. permanent residence among them. ...He is jiow staying Umporarily in Andpver, where Mrs. Fleroe has relatives gretlolesr# that her health, Which for a lo'nJ time ,Sm been feeble. is’not improved sinob il, e y i ef , .WashlDjrton, "We have Wer Been the' extpresl. .dent looking in better health than at tho present time. ■ ' i -' 2 11 Counterfeit _Flve.B j of the Globe Bank 0 f FfOYidettefl fliroqtation IpNew York, Oats the attempt p> pass', one ■ Sttoflff 'iortii'df Vojfr< rocontly bflen BdciinisteirM;ih New'York,.(as ah an tktete- W poUofij j to a bertpn tfho' bed taken tear onaoes of congolotis nees teem a (Uep sleep on the first application, and oa repfattef the dm wm soon oat of danger, ftil Mtfm-MU&fiU’ilU, A OP&ANSAV „ The following skefcih'of.Kfinaia-is from the ■pen of one of. Our worthieat cltizeus, a gentle mah.of integrity ftndlntelligencfe, who has just returned from ** the: debateahlo gromni.” 110 .writes not fdr eflbct! He .states the truth of \Vbat he saW, ndnatiug the facts'as they oc curred to him, without flourish or parade. We happen to know that his mission, not being political or financial, enabled him to judge correctly. There is a deal of humbug about this same Kansas dispute. It has been a cheap excuse for the agitators, and n costly luxury for the country. But it is w a process of - inevitable settlement; and because it is so, it maddens those who desire to be the masters of politics, North and South, leaving the groat class of conservatives free room to breathe, and to act out other projects, and far more practicable ideas, between the extremes. Why it will be settled onr correspondent plain ly tells us. There are in Kansas, as in Penn sylvania, and in Pennsylvania as in tho West and in tho South, hundreds of thousands of middle men, who abhor violence and violent men, and who love tho Union for itself, and have a very natural distrust of mere politi cians,‘precisely as they, have of all others f* who do not work for a living.” [For The Press.l , , The resultsof ray political observation duringmy late journey through Kansas, such ns they aro, ? am very glad to put at your service.' My object, how ever, was entirety disconnected both with politics .and with land speoul&tion; and I was able, during .ray visit, te keep with no sir .til degree of fidelity tho resolution I took before starting, neither to talk politics, nor to buy town lots. As, however. I visited, in my own conveyance, every town in the Territory containing over three hundred inhabi tants, and as no small portion of my stay was spent in tho cabins, or by tho, doors of tho settlers them selves, tho very fact of my withdrawal from tho whioh most travellers are swallowed may enable mo to give a calmer view of those soas into which it was not within their,province to sail. One or twq remarkß, therefore, I may be permitted .to hazard. '’ ' 1 , ' 1 Ist. As to extent df territory.—l think tbrft there has berin a great mistake in this respect! With the exception of. a few volleys, arable land terminates at a distance of from ono hundred and fifty to two hundred miles from the banks of the Missouri, tho Platte, tho Kansas, and the Yellowstone, After that come vast traots of sand intermingled with what are called the Manraises Terres, or * Bad Lands, whioli consist of terraces *of uninhabitable oalcareous deposit. The western shores of the val ley of the Missouri, In faot, fire the limits of Amer - can civilization in that qunrtor. It is there that the waves of the great prairie-ocean stop. There is something, indeed, in theprairieeonformation that presses this fact very vividly on the mind. In Illi nois, as you are aware, the prairie is a dead levol, like the ocean in aoalra. In lowa it is broken into vast and equal waves, like the ocean In a ground’ swell. In Kansas and 'Nebraska,, however, as it .reaches its sandy barrier to tho west, it throws itself out into long, irregular breakers, which ex tend at greator orless dimensions along the western plain. So far as soil is concerned, the bottom lands of tho Missouri are even finer, I approhond, than those of the Mississippi. The prairies pos sess about tho same Qualities as thoso of lowa, though, as I have mentioned, they aro much more Irregular in their formation. They are covered, with the same tough sod, which tho roots of the f grass have beenfor centuries knitting, and which it takes eight or ton yoke of oxen to up-turn. /When this is dono, bowover, the turf itself thus detached from the surface, proves tho best manure for the soil underneath. After the first year the ground can be ploughed by a single home. .... But what, it may be asked, will bo-tho effect o this closing-up of American emigration towards tho Northwest? The question is a most interest ing ono, which I do not presume toanswor. lean only say, that with regard to Kansas and Nebraska, while it greatly diminishes the supposed extent of their arable land,, it will increase, I think, their economical value. They will becomo, as it wore, the western sea-board of that great region which lies betweon tho Atlaritio Ocean and the base of tho Kooky Mountains. With a soil pre-eminently riqh, and with coal and water power to an unlimited extent, they will ho the great furnishing depot to which the Pa oiflo coast will resort for its manufacturing sta ples. When tho railroads ore built whioh will soon connect tho two oceans, it will ho in the val loy of tho Platte, tho Missouri, and tho Kansas, that tho tradors of tho two consta will moot Kansas and Nebraska aro peculiarly qualified to thus bo come the headquarters of American inland oora morce. The rapid, though; deep onrrent of tho Missouri carries Its produoo to tho Gulf States more oheaply and tpilekly than cun any of our eastern rivers; and its owu'agricultural and manufactu ring facilities will enable the valley of the Missouri to stock its warehouses, even putting freight aside, more cheaply than oau tho enterprise of tho most favored sections of tho Atlantic sea-board. 2d. Political Agitation.—l think agreat wrong has been done here. - I do not deny that there has been considerable excitement in tho towns. It has novor, however, with a few temporary exceptions, foundita why into the country. {travelled, in foot, oyer the whole of what arooallo'd tho agitated conn ties, and my errand wus one that took me froia houso to house, and gave me no small portion of tho confidence nf the people. Bo kind, so quiet so peaceable a population I never, taw. I had but one companion with me, and carried no loaded woapoSsof any kind. Wc iravolled.on, with the appeartnoe, at least, of considerable property, over the seenos of the pretended outrages. So far from suffering any aggression, or even insult, we woro received throughout with nothing but kindness and hospitality. We saw no sectional differences among tho real set tlors of the soil; Northern or Southern, it was the same. They lived kindly with one another. They agreod. no matter what might bo tholr personal preferences, iu acquiescing m tho foot that Kansas was to be a freo State. I met only one porson, out of the numbers of Southern settlers, wnb spoke to us on the subJcoVwbo desired U otherwise-all that they and their neighbors from tho North asked wos that they should bo let alone, and not forced to fight with eaoh other. Depend upon it, if there is any excitement it is that of the bonfire, not of the volcano; it is produced by the interfer ence of agitators from without, not by internal throes. W, THE VICE-PRESIDENT MISREPRE SENTED. The Observer and Reporter repeats, what the samo paper had been guuty of last fall, an attempt to place tho Vice-President in a false position, by misrepresenting his. speoch at Tippepanoo last September. In a silly article designed to stigma tize the Administration and the Democratic party as allies of the Abolitionists, it says: J > “ Mr. Brcokinrldge, standing on the samo plat form with John Van Duran, proclaimed atTippc oanoo last fall that tho. Democratic -party was not In favor of extending the-area of slavery.” „ ' .Why did not tho oditor publish what Mr. Breck inridge did say at Tippecanoe ? * His whole Speech was in accordance with the published platform of the Democratic) party, and,waa designed to assure tho pcoplo that ,ho belonged to no organization whioh proposed by Congress to' legislate slavory into or out of any Territory of tb'o United States. The following is an extract: “The speaker had heard it oharged that tlio fif teen slave States were conspiring to obtain cutire possession ofthe General Government, with a view of bringing its powor to boar .to extend and per petunto their ‘peculiar institution.' Gentlemen, there has been no such attempt. lam connected with no party that has for iu object tho extension of slavery, nor with any to prevent the peoplo of a State or Territory from deciding tho question of Us existence or non-existence with them for them selves.” In September last, that paper published the fol lowing garbled oxtract from the speech of Mr. Breckinridge at Hamilton, Ohio: “The Democracy was also oqually obliged to ar ray itself against tho so-called Republican party of the United States. They charge us with being the pro-slavery party, and say that tho object of that party is to.extend slavery over tho Territories ofthe UnltedStates.' Fellow-oitizons, it is not so. I have no Connection with any party whioh pro poses to oxtond slavery over tho Territories or anywhero else.” Ibis garbled extract wns takon from its connec tion, and published with the hope, doubtless, that it would make tho impression that Mr. Breckin ridge was personally opposed to tho introduction of slavery Kansas, Tho editor know this to bo untrue, bat did not seem to regard fairness so far as to publish the following, which was iu imme diate connection with the above: “ But I do belong to an organization which says 6nr Constitution was made to seouro certain rights to all our citizens,.and among those the right of all our peoplo to form tholr own* institutions and thoir own laws, subject only to tho Constitution of the United States. I know you aro' satisfied with your institutions and the state of sooiety bore; and has Kentucky; any ob jection to your sooioty ? Not at all. She will not interfere. Would It not bo a broach of harmony and conoord for hor to do so? But the difforenco is, she does not want tho common government of all tho States to legislate for any particular State or Territory.” Theto extracts contain tho substoncoof all Mr. Breckinridge said at Hamilton and Tippecanoe; and the most malignant partisan oditor will full to find anything in olthor of tho spocohcs which can be construed into an opposition to tho-adoption of slavery by tho pooplo in any Territory. Tlio doc trine of non-intervention by tho Gouorul Govern ment, and tho right of tho pooplo of tho Territo ries to establish slavory if thoyohooso, wns fully indorsed.— Lexington (Kentucky) Statesman, 28*/*. We shall bo glad to hoar frequently from the, writer of tho criticism on 3lr. Pa venpoet’s Richard * AMUSEMENTS. Mas. D. P. Bowens.—This lady, who appeared at tho Aroh Street Theatre on Moudny evening, will proceed to Boston In a short time, to play there for a fortnight. 6bo was called out by the audience on Monday, and in returning thanks gracefully alluded to tho kindness with whioh Mrs. Davouport had troated hqr. Mr. Wheatloy also oxjircsflod his thanks to Mrs. D., who, as prima donna assoluta (if wo umy apply the term dramati cally) has shown herself above all jealous footings of rivalry, and ulmost invited tlio performances of ,MpL. Bpwors. Tho friendly rivals appeared to gether on Tuesday evening in tho “Hunchback,” to a most crowded houso, Mrs. Davenport ns Julia and Mrs. Dowers, as Helen, This evoning tbo play wit! be rcpeatcdvtbe ladies ohanging tho parts. This ought to be, and will, bo, a most attractive novelty. , . , . Walnut Street Theathe.—The season will oommpqce here on, Monday, with two stars—Mr. and Mra, ; Jte.r rttia * m VoriDi “from ,tho, principal English theatres.”; William E* Burton.— -We havo tonotloo that Mr- Burton, who.la by far- tho most krtistio&l low comedian in this country, has a first rate company at the-National Theatre, Walnut street., From ;th© seale On whioh he commenced. he meana mis chief—or money-making. HO hfts-himself, Mark Smith, and ft good company, and.promises J. .6, Murdoch, (who is now in town,) Edwin Booth, and Charlotte Cushman. THE: APBLlfeb The ls, thattho oqujil temperature of tho climate of Kansas Is not favorable to the . introduction or maiutenaudo of slavery in that Territory, lutim&todby Gqyi ornor Walker in ono of his speeches, is guided by some of tho Southern gentlemen os an absurdity, and Governor Walker himself is roundly assailed for having alluded to it. 1$ an article, a few days ago, commenting upon this very, question, we alluded to the special message of Mr. Polk, in in which he gave his rensonsfor signing tho Oregon bill,-not withstanding it contained tho Wilmot Proviso* Had we sought the record a little further, wo should have found in a subsequent annual mes sage of President Polk, of Decomber, 1849, direct testimony in favor of this very doctrine. A valued correspondent and friend has, how ever, well discharged that duty for ns. Before giving the extract from tho message of Mr. Polk, with some of the comments of our corres. pondent, would it be unjust to ask tho extrema mon of tho South, why they did not, in 1848, donounce President Polk for that which nOw excites their ire against Governor Walker? If there was “Interference” in tho latter, there was, of course, interference in tho former: Our correspondent says i , Gov. Walker had tho highest example set him by o&e whom the very men and journals sow denounce ing him sang hozannas to—the late President polk, lie said far more than Gov. Walkor. Mr. Polk said he believed all of tho newly-acquired territory (part of Texas) California and New Mexico, which is far south of Kansas, was destined io be come free States, and Mr. Calhoun, Mr. Barnwell Ithott and othors woro silont then—thoy breathed not a word against Mr. Polk. Tho following I oxtract from Mr. Polk’s Message to Congress, De-' comber &tb, 1848: > “ It is our solemn duty to provide, with, lha leasft practicable delay, for Now Mexico and California regularly-organized Territorial governments, and with the opening prospoots of increased prosperity and notional greatness which the acquisition of these rich and extensive torrUcrlak posse*- sions afford, bow irrational'it'would he io forogo or to reject these advantages, by tho agitation of a domestic question, which. is coeval with the texlstenee of our government it self, and to endanger by interaajr strifes, geo graphical divisions, and heated contests for poli tical power, or for any other cause, the harmony of theglorious Union of our confederated thnt Union whioh, for sixty yoars, has been our shield and protection against every danger. In the oyes of the world, and of posterity, how trivial and insignifioant will bo all our internal div&lons and struggles compared with the preservation of the Union of the States in nil its vigor and with all its countless blessings. No patriot would foment and excite geographical ana sectional divisions. No lover of his country would deliberately calculate tho valuo of the Union. . Future generations would look in amazement upon the folly of such a course. * * In view of the ■ high and responsible datios whioh wo owe to ourselves and to mankind, I trust you may bo &blo, at your present session, to ap proaoli tho adjustment of tho only ddmeatlo ques tion which seriously threatens, or probably oau threaten, to disturb the harmony and successful operation of our system. • ■ “ Tho immonsely valuablo possessions of Now Mexico and California aro already inhabited by a considerable population. Attracted by tholr great fertility, their mineral wealth, their oommerolal advantages, and tho salubrity of the climate, emi grants from tho older States, in groat numbers, are already preparing to sook now homes in these in viting regions, las it is with KantaJ.J Shall tho dissimilarity or tho domcßtio institutions In the different States prevent us from providing fur thttn suitable governments? Our gallant forces in the Mexican war, by whoso patriotism and unparal leled doods of arms we obtained thoso posses sions as an indemnity for our just demands against Mexico, were composed, of citizens who belonged to no one State or section of our Union. They woro mou fVonj slave-holding States, from tho North and tho South, from the East and the West. When prosecuting that War, thoy wero brethren and frionds, and shared aliko with eaoh other, common tolls, dangers, and suffer ings. The wholo pooplo of the United States, and of every State, contributed to defray the expenses of that war; and it would not he just for auy ono section to exclude another from all partloipatfon in the acquired Territory, [That Is, that slave holders should have tho same privilege to emigrate with their sluvo property to tho Territories, as thoSo of froo States with their goods and chattels.] This would not bo in consonance with the justays tom of government which tho framers of the Con stitution adopted, if it wero not so acted apon. “Tho question is believed to bo rather abstract than praotioal, whether slavory over can or would exist in any portion of the acquired territory, oven if it wore left to the adoption of tho slaveholding States themselves. From the nature of the el* 9/Mte and productions, in muck the larger port non of it, it is certain it could never exist ; and in the remainder , the probabilties are it would not. But howovor this may bo, tho question, In volving as it docs a principle of equality of rights of tho soparate and several Stoics, partners in tho confederacy, should not ho dlarej garded.” \ Thus President Polk, & true. Southern man, ex pressed himself as to the existence Of Slavery lh the acquired territories of which extend geographically ijw Below Sidefi,*); min., and ho rooomtnondod in this moorage that the Missouri Compromise line should he adhered to and extended to extended to the Pacific, whioh ex cluded tho admisrion of elavery north of 38 deg. 30 min., which would have ombracod the greater port tiou of the gcographloal limit, of Kantae, New Moxloo and California! Governor Walkor is not, therefore, so presumptu ous as bis enemies would mako him to appear, in giving It as his opinion that slavory oannot exist in Kansas. FOREIGN NEWS BY THE VANDERBILT. The steamship Vanderbilt, which loft South ampton on the 22d ult., arrived at New York yesterday, and has brought odvlcos three days later than those recoived by the Atlantic bn Sunday., The news from England la unim portant. Parliament was almost ready for the prorogation. Tho Directors of the Sob-At lantic Telegraph Company bad not decided whether the- attempt to lay tho cable should bo repeated during the ■ present year. They are positive that the connec tion with the New World can and will bo made, with little trouble. Tho Russians havo been defeated, in Circassia, with con siderable loss, by Schamvl, at the head of 25,000 men. The Sultan was forming a new Ministry, and would not rosumo political're lations with the Ambassadors who lately had taken down their flags until his Cabinet was reconstructed. Tho British Minister bad de manded from the Shah the iimmediate evacua tion of Herat. On |hearing] tho disastrous news from India, tho Shah had determined not to reduce the Persian army. The fhnds had fallen, Lord Palmerston’s operation to Bull tho market having succeeded only for a short time. From India, tho intelligence is important, and seems reliable, having bobn telegraphed from the British Consul-Gcnoral at Alexandria (Egypt) to Lord Clarendon, tho Foreign Secretary, who immediately forwarded it to tlio London papers. This nows comes from Calcutta as late as July 21st, from Madras on tho 25th. Delhi had not ’been takon by tho British from tho insurgents. Gen. Barnard, commanding be fore Dolhi, had died from dysentery. All the troops had mutinied in Oudc; tlio native troops had been disarmed at Agra, where all was quiot. Tho Gunlior forces had mutinied and marched upon Indore. Fifteen hundred troops had arrived at Calcutta. Tbo nows of the capture of Oawnpore -. by the rebels, and wholesale masasacro of the Europeans was confirmed. Thera had been later engagements between the British and the Mutineers, in which tho lattor we To defeated. Sir. llknily Lawrence, a British officer of weight and importance in India, had died from the effects of a wound received in a sortie at Lucknow. • There is no further news from Ciiina. Democratic Policy—-Freedom lor the White At the late olcction in North Carolina, “freo suffrage” was adopted by an overwhelming vote of the pooplo of tho State. As most of our readers may not fully understand tho ques tion, wo muko room for tho following explana tion, sb furnished by tho Raleigh Standard; “Our Btatu oonatttution provides that no one shall vote for a Sonator in tho State Legislature who doos not own fifty aoros of land. Tho consti tution also providos that no amendment to that in strument, unless a bill for that purpose shall have passed ouo General Assembly by a three-fifths vote of all tho members, and tho noxt Goncral Assem bly by a two-thirds vote of all tho members; nor shall tho said - amondmont even than bo made un less approvod by a majority of tho people, land holders and non-iandholdcrs, at tho ballot-box. "An amendment, striking out this freehold qualification for a voter in the Senate, and extend ing tho right of suffrage to all nativo and natural ized oitizons who may have paid taxes, was passed by tho thfoo-ilfths voto In 1854,. and by tho two thirds vote In 1853; and was submitted to tho poo plo to ho approved of or rejected at tho late elco tion.. , , “ This measure originated With the Domoarglio party in IS4B, when Governor Reid,'tho author of it, was in the field for tho first tlino os their candi date for Governor. It encountered the decided opposition of tho lata Whig psrty, many of whoso leaders labored for years to defeat it. But the Democrats stood by it firmly and manfully, and it has at last triumphed by an IhUnfiriso majority.’’ Wrkok.—Tho steamer City of Toronto, thorn Liverpool for Montreal, ran on shore on Monday night, tho 17th uit., opposite Borteau, in the Strait of jßolloisle, Tho woathor at the tlino was foggy, and tho wind ahead. No lives were Jost. "Wliilo the exercises of Amhcrsf College commencement wore In fall progress, the Etrprcsr there tells us, a sedate baehetbr was 'so enraptured with the charms of the yoang lftdy whom he had escorted; there, that hti oomtnenood a vigorous courtship in whispers ,se loud as to be dlstlnptly hoard by not a few who sat near. Notwithstand ing sundry' slight rebuffs, which served only 1 to increase the ardor of his attentions, bo at length «tho‘queation|undwas rejected, The ver those who overheard was— 11 served him right,” &SDAE, SEPTEMBER 8, 1837. CORRESPOMEtiCti. iy. FROM WASHINGTON. MfW Palter by Joba Mitchell—Departare ol the Secretary el War—The Naval Board—Coarte ef'lhqatry—Death of Captain Gfeland—Tho Pension Bnreau« {Correspondence of The Press.] Washington, September 2,1857. John Mltoboil and Wo. G. Swan, of Knoxvlllo, Tennwsgo, have published a circular for the L*su wwe of a new weekly papor— u Tho Southern Citizen”—At that place, between tho Ist and 15th Of Ootober, proximo. One an American citizen by birth, and tho other intending to become a citizen by adoption, there is no question affootiug tbe des tinies of America, on whioh they will bold thorn* selves debarred from openly expressing an opinion. A thoroughly democratic and States’ Rights jour nal, it will nevertheless decline to be called “partisan,” unless the Constitution of tho United States is to bo called a partisan document- The Secretary of War left town yosterday even ing for Western Virginia. Colonel Drinkard in commissioned'as noting Secretary of War during his abeonoe. ‘ Tho naval hoard on the now sloop-ofwar will organise for business to-morrow. GommanderHart stene arrived last night. It will wait no longor for Capt. Pondergrast, who has been delayed on his joarnoy by sickness. It is expected, however, that ho will bo In time for the organization, as he is now on his way here. The Karel Courts of Inquiry are constituted as follows: Ko. 1, of Commodore Lavalette, Captain Mercer and Captain Adams; C. H. Winder, Esq., Judge Advocate. No 2, of Captains McKean, Pope and Von Brunt; Chos Abort, Ksq., Judge Advocate; and Ko. 3, of Commodore Storor, Com modore Btringham and Capt. Goldsborough; R. R. Little, Esq., Judge Advocate. Captain Mercer takes tho place of C&ptaln McCluney, detached, ►Commodore Storer that of Commander Long, re lieved on acoount of siokness, and since ordered to ®°d Captain Goldsborough fills a vacancy occasioned by the deoease of Commodore Newton. Courts 1 and 2 meet on the 7 th, and Court Ko. 3 on thb Bdinst. Capt.. John H. Grcland, 4th Artillery, died at iforfc Myers, Florida, August 17th, 1857: The following Is an abstroot of the business Of the Pension Bureau for August, under the aot of 3d March, 3855 : Number of applications for bounty land received.. .1,647 Number ofwarrants or certiOcatea issued. 1,661 Number of acres of land required to satisfy these warrants, 231,200—as follows: 1,223 warrants of ICO acres each. 214 ‘‘ “ 120 “ 122 “ “ 80 << 2 CiiRSTxrT Btkeet3. —Musical and Terpslchorean Me lange—gigior Felix Kochcz. Republican County Convention . — An ad journed meeting of this Convention was held yes terday afternoon, in tho District Court room of tho County Court House, the President. Mr. Josiah Kisterboek, in tho chair, Messrs. E. G. Water house and B. Huckel aoted ns secretaries. Tho hour fixed for organization was three o’clock, but tho Convention was net called to order until after four o'clock. A list ci the delegates was read, bn.t not one-hulf of them arswered to their names. Mr. William B. Pieroe, from the Committee on Resolutions, offered the following: Resolvrd, That the mission of the Republican party U to restoro the government to tho object of it* primal foundation, a* expressed in the Preamble to the Consti tution of tho United States, viz: “to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for tbe common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure tip* blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. M Rciotujd, That in the pursuitof thiegreat object the Republican party find? itself on the tame platform occu pied by Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and thepatri oh or theßevolutloa ,n 4 0 r 1757; .nil tUit the men who now wield the Government of the United States, have departed the faith of our fathers, and have dwarfed the Government down to the condition of an appendage to tho slave interests of thecountry. Resolved, That the agricultural, commercial, mxna fsctuTlng And mechanical Interests of the country m-e worthy the highest consideration and eare of tbe Gov. eminent; but while it directly and indirectly taxes ail these for its support and the exercise of ita power, its chief devotion at home i ad abroad Is to the sUvebolding interest; to favor which it disrupted the Missouri Com promise, forced upon the country an odious Fugitive Slave law. foments civii war in Kansas, and declares, and acts upon the declaration, that a whole race of peo {ile existing among us, numbering millions Ths description of work produced in nlsnat crashing, from the merest “ grasshopper” skeleton of a race course sulky to a gentleman's private carriage of the largest size, ranging in prices as high as $1,400 a piece. The building is supplied with buckets filled with water all through it, to be used in case of fire. A watchman is stationed on tb? premises every night, who rings the bail on the ?oof every hour; and as a still further prevent*- tive against fire, there are no chips, sharings, or. sawdust allowed to accumulate— tho entire onild being clearly swept every evening in all its • -Board o/ Directors of the Fire Department. —Last evening a special meeting of the Directors of tho Fir© Department was held at thcirHall, FHth and North streets, tho President, Mr. n. B: Smnexson. in the ehxir. Mr. Charles T. Holm was. admitted as a Delegate from the Franklin Engine Company, of Frankfort, tod Mr. Jacob C. Hess, from the Hand-In-Hand Fire Com pany, instead of Mr. George W. Mahan, resigned. - The President laid before the Board e communi cation from the members of tbe Hand-in Hand En gine Company, relative to the date of its (institu tion, which they allege is March lit, 1741, and stating that the Firemen’s Convention had received a report to that effect, hut had apparently taken no notice of it. They desired tbe Board to take some immediate and decisive notion relative to the subject. ?> Mr. Hess stated that it was not the intentiaa of tbe company which be represented to contest with any company relative to the date of their instita tion. All they desired was to establish the authen ticity of the date given by them of the period of their organization. A lengthy discussion then ensued relative to the proper con no to be pnrsoed in the of this question, whether it should be by means of a committee of the Board, or by arbitration of individuals who were connected with the Board- A motion was then made and agreed to, that a committee of seven be appointed to examine the documents presented by the Fife Co., and to report upon them immediately. Messrs. McCaully, of the Fairmount Hose Co., KcnsaU, of the Diligent Hose, Bhoemaker,of theUnitcdStates Engine; Abel, of the Northern Liberty Hose; Burk, of the Diligent Engine; Yates, of the Amer ica Hose ; and Desmond, of the Franklin were appointed on. the eommiUe. . and after being absent some time, re toned aee&fr ported progress," and asked to be continued/Dea# was granted, and on motion, the Board adjoined to meet on Wednesday evening next. Coroner’s Cast* —Coroner Delavan held ah inquest yesterday on the body of ah unknown female child, which was found drowned at Shippea street wharf, Delaware. The body was in an ad vanced state of decomposition. - < Passing Counterfeit Money. —Two iodifj&g als, giving the names of Charles Hawkins and William Tracy, were before Alderman Enett .lam evening at tbe Central Police Station, on the charge of passing counterfeit five dollar notes on the Lee Bank. They were held to answer the charge at court. ° Ferdinand Dular, an individual said to be somewhat demented, was held by Alderman t***” last evening to answer the charge of beating his own mother, and also assaulting a lady named Currier Wood. •Attempted Suicide. —Yesterday morning a woman named Blair, residing at Oxford and Peny streets, made an attempt to commit suicide by cut ting her throat with a razor. The wound is a very serious one, and there are but little hopes enter* tained for the unfortunate woman’s recovery. Drowning Case. —A. Udnamed WiUiamTite, aged about 11 years, a son of Wm. Fite, tobacco nist, was drowned at Pine street wharf, Delaware, on Tuesday evening. He was engaged in fishing at the time he fell into the water, and whenhu body was recovered, his fishing line was grasped in his hand. Coroner Delavsa held an inquest in the case. Accidents.— Yesterday morning, shortly after nine o’clock, a most distressing and fatal aqpident occurred in Clinton street, below Master, in. the Seventeenth ward. A little daughterof Mr. Jacob Heiver, between five and six yean of age, while leaning out of the third stoiy window of her father's bouse, fell to the ground, striking her bead npoffi the pavement below. Her skull waa frSetared/ and she sustained other serious injuries: Fhygleal attendance was at o&ee summoned, bat the ttztfbr .tuuate tittle girl survived the accident but a fow minutes. A young man, named Thomas Wart, was ad. mitted into tbe Pennsylvania Hospital yesterday morning, having had bis left leg fractured by a garden roller passing over it at Delaware City on Tuesday afternoon. Slight Fire. —Between four and five o'clock yesterday morning, the residence of Mr. George Devinney, Front street, above Montgomery, was set on lire by the upsetting of a fluid lamp. The flames, through the exertions of the ware extinguished before they had done any very mate rial damage. The Procession of the Colored Odd FtUms , which wm take r-lace to-day, win be pertfeiMfod in by about eight hundred persons. It wul no doubt be a fine affair, and attraet attention. HATTERS AND THINGS IN NEWYsHT. fFrom the New York papen.j .' c N*w Yonr, September^/ 0 The Germans continued their festival jrrtffiltfi in Conrad’s Park, YorkriUe, when the ilijinliirrr the elder Turners and the prtte fenaing twtth* principal attractions. There was not so finr*— an assemblage as on Monday, but the vtsUeraWfew more seleot, and the consumption of was but little diminished. In the'evening mpifc formance took place at the Stadt Theatre, Bowery. The festival eloeea to-night, with a hdf at the City Assembly Booms, and tim dixtdhltiefr of prizes to the Turners. < • r -v Wan street and its neighborhood was the Scene of an excitement such as Is sedoz* arife neased even in this excitable eity. The extant of the defalcation in the Mechanics’ Banking ciation has not yet been The directors appear to know less about it than people oat* side. A description of the run anon Several of the eity banks, yesterday, together with nor counts of the effect of the financial panic la vs-* rioos parts of the country, Is giren elreshvro ft our eolomns. Gen. Henningsen, of Nicaragua notoriety* ve to rued to tbe eity yesterday, by the Augusta, from Savannah. Report has it that re cruiting operations, with a view to Hie raising of a new force for Nicaragua, hare been set on foot hi the Sooth. It is not stated whether Gen. Hen ningsen's visit has had anything to do with this movement. A man by the name of James H. Magee bas been arrested on the charge of anon r and endeavoring to defraud an Insurance Company out of s£,ooo. A correspondent of the New York wri ting in regard to the washing ashore of two bodies atßirerhead, already mentioned in Tm Pnts» says that it is the same place where Aim* Crow ley, tbe second mate of the ill-fitted Lexington, was safely washed ashore upon a bale of cotton, after the burning of tho steamer. It will bu re membered that he was one of the four porous os|y who reached the shore alive from the Lexington- Mr. W. Riley, of Savannah, Ga., while bathing at Rockaway, on Friday afternoon, was suddenly snatched by the undertow from a large party wits whom he was enjoying himself, and, before assist ance could be given, was taken beyond their reach into the ocean. The body was recovered yesterday morning by Mr. Hickey, who found it seven mike below tne bathing-ground, and returned tbe re mains to his afflicted and almost distracted widow. Tho Mormons had a three days’ " woods meet ing," continuing through Friday, Saturday and Sunday, at Cream Ridge, near Homerstown, sfda mouth county, N. J. A brass band from Trenton, was present on Sunday, tho members of which’were Latter-Day Saints. A poor, dissipated wretch, named Charles Bab cock, residing at Westerly, R. 1., on Saturday afternoon, at about four o’eloek, killed- his wire with a common wood-axe. Being seen by his neighbors, ho rushed out and out nis throat,.ex piring almost instantaneously. It is said thfit Babcock had served a term in the State prison, at IT eathersfield, Conn. He was in the prime of life, about forty years of age. It is not known whether he leaves any children. The value of foreign goods imported at the port of Boston daring the week ending 28th ult, amounted to $923,913. The value of imports in the corresponding week in 1856 was $212,004. Two passenger trains came in collision on the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad, on the 22d ult. Mr. Sergeant, an engineer, was instantly killed. Several persons were badly Injured. The scene is described as having been most heart rending while the wounded and injured were being extricated from the wreck. It is a source ot wonder and thankfulness that so few were ipjnred and but one killed in the extreme periling of so many lives. ; , Three-fourths of all tbaships fitted out at XJrec - pool are now rigged with wire rope* It U de scribed as a fourth les in weight ana not one-half the bulk of that made of hemp, while the corf is 25 Scr oent less. It is affected much less than hemp y atmospheric changes, and it is predicted that in a few years it will supersede hemp for standing rigging- A trial of wire, hemp and Manilla ropes was recently made at the King’s Dock, Liverpool. The straining tests showed the immense mptr&iiiy of wire rope over that made even of the beat fibrous material. The testing of the hempen ropes proved the strength of Manilla to be far reporter to Russian hemp, taking many merchants,, ship-*. masters and riggers prosent by surprise, as a dif ferent opinion had been entertained by many of them. - ■ Tho British screw steamer Jason, Capt. Britton, sailed for Southampton with one hundred and thir teen passengers. Among them Chevalier Wykoff. Tho steamship Arabia, Capt. Stone, sailedfor Liverpool with seventy-one passengers and £53,000 in specie. ~ Tne theft, reported some days ago, of fifty thou sand unsigned Dank bills from the New England Bank Note Company, has dwindled to about one hundred and fifty dollars. Some of the notes bare been signed, circulated and recovered. On Monday afternoon the locomotive works of Breese. Kneeland A Co., In Jersey City, in whieh abont three hundred men were employed, suspend ed work. It is believed that the cause of this step is the failure of Western railroad companies to make payments in the present embarrassed condition,of unanoei. General Soott arrived at Conans’ Hotel, West Point, last evening, from Washington, whither bo was summoned a week ago by the Secretary of War, to make arrangements for reinforcing the Utah The General’s health, which was somewhat disturbed during his absence, is much improved. Mrs. Cunningham, otherwise Bordell, was brought into Court at one o’clock this afternoon. Mr. Stafford and Mr. M. H. Smith appeared for the prisoner. The court-room was crowded with people anxious to catch a glimpse of the woman, regarding whom the interest of the public seems not a whit on the decrease. Mrs. Cunningham was dressed in black ‘mid cloaoly veiled. She looked sober, sad, deep)? aggrieved, and daring a Urge part of the time leant her head upon her hand and her elbow on the table rather pensively. She seemed to Vratoh the District Attorney with care .every then. Judge Peabody said in regard to thejßMdioft pending at the adjournment yesterday he bad coma to the conclusion for the present to deny the motion, reserving, however, the right to reverse the tiaoi -Bion hereafter. A discussion then ensued on the suggestion made by Mrs. Cunningham’i|eounsel, that the paperi, in cluding the affidavit, be considered before the court, without the formality of a certiorari, r-No decision had been had on the subject when oar re port cl wed, at 2P. M. - * VirTT The mines up in the Lake Superior counfay Ut*»?«wunte giTiD * * fi °* Tiela ' *9