( . .." 7 .:';l' Cf: 4 ;"? 444 akh.j-M:"*. U>lJi. \; I“fmWiW°«^W'»PJ»«- t , < “ s ,- v ft < A : WOW' ,' z-y, )■'« ‘ -;.' '.Wbri«ge'tS.^^^P^»ni^^niils>, . BnBg,6»t.WT taWptcSsißlanijaanoottreo, -/ wckx® 0 ? 11 * B^. '* rwtni«stefllJ«s*)i.w>Sß niln tldifSe J (»'"« * And thut'«*tll«MMTT&U*d States have s*eu 'WSSSSM ■J i > $0 3 ■ J J*'f /h>'}M - f* ’ clririflfcolit / ■•'■•■> «tr*twy re ydjmma;ta/th& tffcftd'bewi ’ :: j6SyagKH)fS?'' i'j mi .e&> ; ? -iso^mij. rB l®^PS*ii* s ’ fbo.yoamg gent Itfinanhsa -sprang; ft-pffl be-; , hinfeteiate c ®tftb% , d»p^)iW4e.^^Ef'.M*i nes * you Ai*ca;umt'.ssen:ihU«ns; anyWhefO, -: ~^;'»v:3S 'V “Oh, vr6U, jrs nofcmy ianlti:./She told.me tomeet her sotHe^liw’he^iOS.l'.OiroOliPffl®' ham <mi.' i ’Old Brookes dia not doitto. please; hgr'i^:tißiei'iosKo'Biud'she’d-'4o''aiid ;j »(!e-' ; it ■ ' They- Do yo», ' ; kn o w,” 3ald the”boy/ fehhft Us companion, “l;'Clfi‘peMj«h,<> yomare?-; ,You. : • are the,.ng)S/curSe.? «&> ;W«'•-•,, Thestiahgsritaniledi- iiHoWdo'rouguOss r j.«<KO@SyoR4>UC!3U» U« : And .we toipw ‘ ■ : the; other did •:•■•■<! hot|slt,r.®Bi|i teo,lii,nosf to dp ItaiihiihShlt' :-..--3bSdßiCl#4%j9 suthhewortlive long.:Do /■:, «SoY- ; TOo !S Jfr.tjastoncl ?>’ •/: -4:,,; ' '- ? ’ ■: \ 'Us whii/Did jottiseo .tow blackthey-Wore 1 ’-■ ' - - “*Y6BE'!i Ha apMired th hpia”doep'mqnrn -1 ‘ .ir- Sra-t ;.<■£ I •wealUikcdherso.-; -Shewai EUttt Wlpiestor, ■ - pt&£t&4fr - jMf wastiirt spring; andiia.sineetbon thstiMrjlreioesterisßgot sodn/Htsflrstwlfe .' - scarcely making sbnseof the-boy-’Stale,;. * ffj , ■ ; “Are yon irpetikbg; : 6fjimjgentlt>miin of wh,OKtI inquiredihy wayte -He lobksyotingto ■ .-MtfnrjMiM 4ws*i»#s*9 s••*»**? « 4 '.~.. 5 V7' ;! . ; : 1 as they tstte twa tiroiDg ih tlie' sttOeti} «' Ahfl’ forit',ffiffl>S l * .don't anew i herj she’il-6lo» menpi” ;>■'•;: ?o yj. -y ■ “.I-thank-you, foFbHngints.,tahj’?'4* i fJ 5 ws^4is}Vp4pji''.l»e.T}elt9irSo!; qnsiUtedUi 3teUano jtmtw&vx* .-> nf- ; : - hall : t^rou^ f^%.^^owJ black ■with me,«ncl!utfey a»id l-had;<6o hnlch; : doyil. *f»; i-jis *.m?r w> v;-v w.,- ■ ; ,; “.-Maye “not ,'got : half' the, devirtHat ’some ; 'cpnftnued 'kaitec Arthw, : ;.“ I, only- jjif p, hodgc?> and climb trees, and- w»4c atreamsl'ahd all that. I don’t aeo Tvhat'hahm, . ft 1 Klghfibd'|j6i^,{B(M?'fdF,olWs(s^nw]»U ' “il'hihy-I-sjirtt* nriah yoti’d 'tell them' So 'at l :- parson i -Its.too . l O m l#!Wf«r«fl'- - Good by, air.’?: ' • : HeftW':away, a high-splrlthd^geiierousiaii ~ and iwas-t-looked after. ’ himljjJ'neubQ. turned toittn’erectory^gato.". ■ :. He was shown • Into, .tho ropin- where ' the' .; Keverend t-eicesterjand hla,. wife ; were slt ■ •t^^MSMsjpoMfwett'ipeoplOitbeffoiiner - TeiyfBeble,bntHbfwithhgei J Arthur ChaVaMe, '_. had glven a pretty accurate accOUhtSfthatfers.. ' Frooftjfetitid, their only child hid ruithwa^’ ' wiUijlllKQ»ttOinel r they: ; had -bOeii breaklng-lrt, . healtjif ;,Bdttf«lfccot.her\d«i|[t^wUhi;!h^fpS: maync ffiid to have been a dylngman.'j t . ~ ■■- ThnrnMrtis '«ertainly%'fatAllty'att«hilnfr;tbe; : wires of htr.' CMW^pitig!jiej©®»!fa‘'to‘ - Hisattim ;was!.'aa!*blacki'es'coold-'beyhehad > ' >’ - a mourmng pm, tind a mourning rlng rtltb El-? len’Shainittlt; indnbetalft6d :; ff6m hltgdiety, 1 J oolc tSvffi ( ?/ 1 ® r wfi u Pf Of tpf l ' oecasionally-wlth: : Mr. djPJUf3,,Chay»S»e,.and.pald a/ormal vlstt . to the rector and Mrs; Lejcestcr bnObaiiniohth'. by MwV'iWf!W‘ ppssossoddfan I amazing rtocfeo4<Wr3»<»t , >CTUditiot!f , bdt was?rti{lring and shy, to a fault. He, took . the fhftlet.furniiihediodgings . very ? .Mgt{«rthiJieiiand:qulctiirOne -day''he re ceivedaTisltfromMr. Chavassa,aJ)l«ff, hearty stewi^Q^i^e, . estate of the Earl of rKwtbeny,' a neighboring, - nobl*nwn.K»j' \w%afiw ;>/••'?> or-r-o sr .toidmdbethought y 4 a teach-. ..tag nfta , ‘^‘Certainly, 'iirSiy ‘‘coughingi ■ is^s^6mama& ;to otmSlMf my.llmdrij that.way when my diitfeV “Xtotratcalofa boy : «fi(mifft, Arthur—the' lad h M.gaod.ahillties, lknoW)JV)r inttet rcjpeftt heta^^SjBeithlstnpfhltf@iaaPfarfi^J^cttu'dje’ i . in a differei>!idJtactitjii»-thabfref maybe/forWed /by ' •b* l <Wsr digest if ( strnckntaithat.iCyeiirwwnld'ndais/'say at four ot.UwU whilst I . and ngttftnersofflMhtag in him till half-pastfive lost . air, - --•■-■■■■ * ’VTJmMMlftStttfeft ndfcMM.KMQ'StHiaafg! . named a verydowisum'/ fi W> \ >T? t“ ! ■. s:S®«»&ag ;: ahockihg'hipehse to-imOi -:Sban , Wo' !bfetriii , '6h ■ *** : u; “AWm}nd^',|i ß /add ? 'alwayn stopMaiaaoiyo.«r,tca,wUh'ais;iwh»»it’oii'bafd ';, -l-no, o6al-" / ’.y«sae4pr^t^on^latitaiff«f , tbrWrgaih. v —, ,«kj i qua- i Tfiagrowlng com,'. Wa&ripenlng,? and issntlyrJLo- had. ,IOIV ated >noar. “Ah,, hbw d’ve do }>l .'.'cried-he. "A'lovely after-, .pponiHl-b m ' r ‘‘Vfe-??;,dr'waßjthe;;curate :whq< had.inet cpived abnuMhe, child ■ ’he. dl<l wotvehoose: to go himself, but' .sent jpo.’’.*’’’ v -’’ A: ''-'-' , ' ' , '‘ i ■'•’’£ ;■' 7, “Is jt ill cried the curate ins tone bf alam/ 'ihlt.fcunftt.bbptiaed.;’ It nWhr'canifeetj tb wje.thewotterahoat it.’i'? mu-.-i ~ j “Ilb'-nd.'.’ A trifle feverish. The poor do .bpmtvthPp^Childrenj.tyith ,suc.h unwholesome a;. ,tui. ..'Ci'iUSr t.'S aqt on tny way toThomaa ..Shipley’.® tny, urst. -i Mr.lEeifcesterf Wsked- me ifl-had seen him this week, So T thought I’dtakea walk thie.wW-.and caU.upon a;few;bf them. .Mr. ielcesteri.eeonw ,fo have aigteptiregard. fqr.tbatiold man.”* te "> s. »■ ’ .. !« I beHoybyhe£hS,B\t)@<;nAU ■hfB t TllS7, , ;retume(l(]Hr:;ttic()..ii<i t >Ahdslnc(i_hlS; idaughteriforgot>h6rSetfypdople;%ave wished to ‘show hlnfmoro respecUH.au before.'”; .. ! i- 1 ‘i3yfthe way|;Vsaid; the( curate,/‘waoße; is tbechild.”.-.,- ? inr- 't~ |Mr.'Bicd' laughed. “Youhadbbtterdsk that; qpe»tlpni6fSr-i!a3tonal. i’l den 1 1 fcnbv/,"; i llbtty shaok'hartds.and'parted i' the Surgeon proceeding to the, residence of Mr. Castonelj whored* busied-himself for.'Some llttle time, jafclag up'medicine, • ■He liad-jurt edncmcied, Is.tAskwK'on Mr..CaatonoLentered. ... j«Weli/iSsald hoy “whafcwas; die- thattef i“Ohi'nothing. Child somewhat.feverish imdjts, Uowiilf?.owt, of order, ..ddiavc madc up m rffeffi4iewp»d9wdoaJ>ettliiofmi3tt«re.:’H | (“FbrtMts. Aero. -. I -am eff naw to old- (T.tV'diij'x—v •. «aif:■> ' r" j .:; f, ■ < lAstMr-Rica quitted. the '.laboratory ho rnet ;thotiger.--- , , yfStuae mediqlny tb goisjut,.Jphai”.< , j ;-*< w -• ] K 'twflfC Wh'wJcXiV-'.’if.i:' ■ i;;,.vr £-'.7 p <f JSi.' Cwtonel will tell you. He is there.” I. H jehffiwepi" jiutpj jjher"KS)qmtpry.! -.‘.‘.Mr. slee. ist ys thbre’s.spmp.medfcine twgo. put, sir?”.: ; 1 «■ Jlr.,OaBtonel did.not reply immediately. He atsUp.'bfpwer.; t.iii ‘f.,Qp’w.dhelibrary,’ y ;he.. saidyhandlngdt to Jbliu, v «aud inquirekwhotherthisi.boojr.'haS' fa<riyed.';.lf,So,-brieglf.” .'.(iii'U'.n.i,) iu.-f; ‘i .Canjt .1 take the modicino *t ,the same l_tiuefsir?” - “dio.as .voft are bid aud.npthlng roore/lreix we-the book, if ■4wJili'e*itjsj^r,i,lSe^^tuiib^^M<^lero’» ) ' . c powders to , 'Thomas Shipley’s.”. j >■•< ■ ; The; tigoij went, off, yrhlstUng, .apdliie mairter remaitied.ih vfl(is whonthe.boy 1 rfjtiihuid, he..was no longer there. - ‘'Hart.iah!” ,sang. oUt;t}\6lad,., « dfhat do w;int : ,Heniipli ? ” de- ; manded the hon.aelke.eper, putting her head out pi le the kitchen door.v.i.c, v." "' ■ - * ’ “Bidihor.tellmaster aa 'Hie. .library; Bays be, never ordered tho book at ail, as they /hcered oi; but if'he wants ittlioy.cangetdtfrbnil/pn .don.'n?erhaps you’li' cbhdeseend. to ;teil him, yburself, Msdara Muff.” 1 He took up the hiedl cfao as'he spoke, and went out.again,! . |SfeMiWhile th'e Reverend Mr.‘ Hurst had left tnecorn*fleld<iahd;prb<jeeded;;t6 Gaffer 'Ship ley’sAs|l|SMlffnr —a?..he;;.tw»;'»®cdJn;4he. •vaia«>-“l«yonthb'))edin i therbacK room: A' foil from a ladder Hid- Tiid fhifh-bn it, and he would neTer-rise again; ;Pame Vaughan was in the front room, Sewing.’ . She hdd been hfred. to attend.; the hoiisßf durlng'a; recent StCkt ness.of Mary'. Shipley’s. , He is asleep’,! sir,’’ she whispered, When she saw the curate about' tb ehtqfif, "ho dfOppbh hff just np’if, and J think it wilt do hiiu good.” : Mr. Huretwodded' and droit, away.l Jle'.wai i houricl'to'soVeral.cottßges in the noighlibrhbod, ; Jso; be went to them-first,, and returned after., wards to Shipley’s. The Gaffer ‘ was then ■JwtaKajv "’•/V;"-"'', ■! ,i ::i .' ’ ;e'<<X’m ailing much, airy’he said.: "Give rny.htimble dUty td'Mr. Leicester, and thank •him for asking.. ; I’m ai fot tfi X can be foulay. Ms .i ' I ’ yon toHthm to Mr.lUce? r He might Sad'dropped off asleep whto hte-'waa here, and Dana Vaughan never ' As the Gafferapoko; Mr. Hurst saw the on-'' trance of Mr. Ctatoneyr.tijjser, the door being lop'ep between tho two rqoipJh. « Powders for ;aoiaebpdy,Dwne Vaughan,” said he, “Who’s ft jf'Tjiis' littleond,” replied Dame Vaughan,’ jjcjlntihg to the Infant on her lap,, 'i ■* “ That young scaramouch! X thought, per ! haba too Gaffermight beagolttg tp Walk it.”. {Tp Tlie ; ,Gaffer, 'ppor. i4aii, ain’t st all well,”, Bay/’rcsutned this hid, “where’s Mart?, ’What’s she, gouelinto hiding for?,-Nobody, Xuere set eyes oh- her this age. Give 'her my complimentsond ——- I . .! At.toatmoroent.lhe hoy caught sight of Mr: Hurst/; It was quite enough, i Ho tbudhbct his i ■hat, backed out, and setoffjfor home.' .a -/? .4 WheaHhb cflratd, passed tlirbnghthb frofit rborn'toiegbe, hdstoppedand- loohed down at the baby.!“ It does notappear to bo very-ill, MfttTailghani’f ,} ‘ ' f * ‘y :„ < ‘ sir, M’Vsis iwe, and port asW bb, this aftemooni ,I.did not see muoh too matter with it>this morning, for ,my own partj oiily Msuy” r --Bhe hesitated!,!! Mary. wotrld send,to toll Mr:.CaatbneU”.-.1- •“Whore is Mary?”. ' ■ :, M‘Sho's up stairs,” whispered-the .woman.’ :<‘Bhe made offthere,iiir. when she sawyou a 1 coming, to face . .Vaughan spoie she was opening, the packet left by the tiger. It containodsix small,- neat; white papers, which her curiosity, led bey fb examine. Thoy.diaclosed aninisig-, •pificunt portion.of grey-colored powder. ~i s 222 (‘itaoW what that Is,” she observed ::«the very bfest physic you carl give td/a'child. 'Will ybu.jilease'to; read ®c : direction or me, sir !’?- “.Onaof-these .powders-is to be taken night and morning. Mary Shipley’s'infant.” • •• :l o Ah,that’s just wli^tMr.-Rich-Said, Thfink yop, air. Good day,.- I’l!- tell-Mary, what you ily Shout bringingtho baby to’ Church.” ■ ■ -7 u It was.fheßafearl^;f6ifr;6’cldckjhudthjS;(iu 'rate, after catling in at honjoto wash his hands ’ahjl brush his hair, made the best of-his Way to sthe iwußO of Mr: Oimyassoi swrccly knowing whether Wftjrft' pfpgf&ibgth'ithor on bis.liead ,'or joh his beeis. That house contained 011-that Tfo couJdimagincref beauty,' and goodness; and loye. 1 It was hi>, world.; ::}lad 1(0-not been a clergyman, he mighVhave said.his paradise. ' “ 4rthtfr'wus;Jilready i if, the sttidyv J Arid when., -the iessbnswete’dvGT, the curate entered I ,tho,’- idrgwiiigtrdom, he-and . his fluttering .heart, jThcre she-was, with-'bey-kracefbl forth," Her ,flhe features, and hfei' dark/briiliant, eye. .To, - biih,there.waa:hut.,one;joveiyface on-earth, and it was.that-of Franks Charassp. ~, ; , : , To hlm'sho was a 'perfect, contrast.' Open in -manner, ;ready apd ipleasant in- spetatt; 'the - ReyrMr; Hurst, when ho first know her, could lohly-gMC- ather through his- spectacles, with' amhred adihimionßnp delected his homage -ishp flpptrdetbctfldJds Jove; and, .true do, her vita- nature; she'gavd it encOhragement. Van ity,)iaMiou: oht; Was thisc vt-hing attired in a pink muslin dress, : Very pretty and- slioWyJta'iid Wlieii ;: Jfri Hurst she waa-sfandingbefore'the chimney giats, putting some freah-gathored roseS into heifdark hairV Tha'tpobr boating 'heart bf his leaped ipto bjs mptithafihe flight, j , £‘<See what I amdolng,” sW said, perceiving hishpnroaclijri,the.glass,, - . lie took' the hand she ’ carelessly extended -behind, took it,-Slid dlaspeditj'iiHt! retained it; $$ It hod,come,noWi'tluit, he. nodonger,strove so - “Ajirthcy not pretty,roses, Mr, llurst-7 Igot them p(rHiafrteob;by tho’lower garddn. rYoil [know it, "Here's*just one. left.'' I will give it tayou.”, -'wf-,,; - ; r- . »- : t -“And 1 1” he. Whispcro'd,'taking It JVdm' her hand, 1 ‘‘Wljl heep itfor eVert” " ;',W;Oh?<‘cried Frances, laughing, «wlmt d collection you-must have, if you Hnvekcpt all ihavo you! v ; You miglit sot up a rhiisourii 'ran fit', "and looted at the table with a blank face. “Why is tea not ready? Ithns •Stnipk six,’’ , -• /- '■ . ..' “ Marpma is.gone .outjiWe Shall not have tea i till! she- .comes. ■ homo,” answered ; Frances; “ Papa is.nof cpmtS jn cither.”. ~ /.,.I'iThe‘n I cah’t wait,” cried Arthur,ruefully.' “I shan’t wait.” .* =-.-«<I-would .faint if Iwcroyou,” retorted Frances. '«l'know l yob'-must bo' fafaished -thpngh yon fljd.eat enough, dinner; for six, at ione;o’clock.” ' i • • ..‘‘Twaiittobocff to cricket” returned tho - fl&t.: “ I'shall get my tea in the kitchen. Uniat Jbavo‘ybti/t>ueh- stlcldiig’ these things, in your head for f” ■ f-1 else, trt ndi • mire.'* «r,!’ added the boy, ,eanily;,”;sho wlllfllrtyotir heattout, and then ,htr4 round SAd's'ity'She didn't; mban it.” -,'••■ ■ - A glimpse of aDjry passion flashed into the :s 'jßu^Arihurfe'dc^ped'fr6ptht)' m ipd'JVimJ»’ ’ whispered the curate'. ."All boys are the Some;’? , ■ 'dweftiwid Frances craSsJj'.- i y'fffi- W sajne When,you Were yotipg/ - neyet ihad ■ e a sterj” sighed: the citrate,' Ho;drew;, hef hSHdtvitliitt Kiahrtp,anU they, yamhledlrile;'the garden. ‘ He Siong beep tcrenvlnenphis coinage to speak tpor® seriously ‘t now. “ I hope I shall not always remain acurate >* j began,:by way'OfdntrdSnotidrt. ■■■■ •• ' “Ihopenot,’* assentcdFraapas. ■ . ’ • *h’.Vrtl>P> ; d.'.}ic/wiiai,stowied by is nervous cough—” to go into housekeeping, iow muQhdoyouthlnk iftftjdJd take 1” , , “ Housekeeping t I snpposoyou moan, set cvwmw. .a rosy aiia bn thiix. clieotEo “If ;ono.to 'sbato lt.Wlthme ’:\ ,' 'V,- i:i,, I *‘“That's Mother thing,” said trances, jvitb a laugh. " SfKj 'mlghl .ha -fond ofdrcas and' nOnsensoyas I am,-and then she would spend :youdut of hbuso :.'V S « Oh, Frances,” hb tmmuurcd; his nervous tone giving place, tomn impassioned one as ho {clasped her hands' in his; and turned- his spec?, tta’cleslo'CinglyujJoti her faddy «\ fcnowT'ought, nbt yet /to'speak-.0f.1t ;hut;give me a:hope— tliat should the time como. wf#’ I. Jdetifled , jrf asking for yoiij 1 shall not asic lntain*,.« « iFrances drew her.lihhdi) away, and speeded toward the house.. .“ It will be early enough ,tq tall: of that, when the.- tipie dQqa .eome,” rtvasTief light'answer.' To the slnjple nilp.d pfj Mr.. Hurst it conveyed all ho .wished-f or;.. t 5- Mrs.Chavasse came in'. .And - scarcely had i’they sat dowrt toted wlidn ond of tlle Servanta -appeared and- .said that a ■ boy-.wanted -Mr.- jHurst. .... !_i 11 1 i“ Don't disturb-yourself!” cried' Mr/Cha-: -va&e; aa the curate'was rising.' " Let Nancy Caik what ho wants.” ; •• .-i j «Xtis Ned- Long. flip masort’s'boy,.from Beech. Cottagcs.l’saidtlieaervant. , j Mwliat can ho wantJ” wondered tho cu-> irgte. “I gave them rolliif td-day.” «* Sjmd.lum' round to tho window/Nancy,” ssUid'Srr".ChavhSse’Nr » A young ragamuffin/ in ! avery dilapidated stjato nf’cldthes, was soon discerned approach .,ipg the large window; which' was open to the JEIO took off an 'old blue cap, add' dial: played a shocking bond of'light hair. 11 ’ • I '' ■ 5 “ What is.it,.Nod?” criadlhe curate. the; lad,-lifting his ;si|nbumt, freckled countenance,«l have Boon .to Mr.Loleoster’s/atid.iioltcllecl, itie’to.como. Jaid ask'WiietlierlMrV.Mnrsfwas horoif!.,. , -, :■ “'Wdll/you soe I am,” replied HriHUrst,- £w th a half Smile/'' ! '• ' •'• •' •' •• , I “He said, please, as I was to toll you what J had tolled Mfn, atfd’ would'you' go oh<pficki hnd Jio’d get a fly and,come’ after, but he; was stejobadtoa'alk.'” ' • >• /‘Go where J” cried.tho lourate.-. ‘- To Mr. iljbicester'aj?”•> i;<— •■ ■■’ -■=~ 1 i “JSfojiglr, .'' He’slook, aprihh” ft'f. > -ff''!’- / “ How t' -Is ho vror»o , V : ’ / ''V * 6 '“Ho’s/a dying,'sfr,•.Dam'e.Vaughah said I’ .was to ssy so. ’Ho can’t hold his sclfstlll on ■his bod tor screeching.,• :And itho'baby’S a Idying and screeching ; it’s. oaDamo.Vaughan’s’ lap, it island she-says they won’t be alive - .many minutes, and,it’s the physic as Bho give t’em.f’ . . . , ■; [They had’ risen, all of them, and gathered the window,'lbdkiiig at'the hoy. Mrs. iChav&sse spotoj in hofsharp,hasty way.. , , »]“ What is.-it you are saying, Ned Long? ;,Tcll your-talo’ properly. Who is that is dying ■ditypatShipley?’’,'', . ‘‘ The Gaffer, ina’am, and the baby.’? ' i‘. “Both?” ; ■ ■ YeSj ina’iim.” , 1 never heard of. such a thing. You must have brought your tile' NVrongJbbyi” i“ Dame Vaughan pays as it’s, the physic.” _ !“ What physio?” V “IdbSs’ntknow,” ' .' V ' i j“.I never saw'such a atupid boy a who is to Sake out 1 what ho means.?’.’, irritably repeated rsVChavassc, her ‘cariosity forcibly.excited. .“Mr. Hurst—Why, whore’s Mr. Hurst? Ho has nover gone withbut tasting his tea.”, jllo had, and was striding over, ‘ground . toward Thomas, Shipley’s cottage. , ' A strange, ■sqo'ne presented" itself thCfe. The • bahv Was lying'deid, and'the' oldman; cui'his bed, seemed in danger- of dissolution.., “ Wligteyer isithe cause of this?” questioned ,tb’e, cu?ate; “ I 'don’t' know; wh’at’S the:. cansg,”., spbbed Dame Vaughan. . “ Iliopeno blame.won't bo !laidtome.” "■ '•' ' V ' ... {‘“lf appeared that t?a : at .fopy'Vcibck, and scorned refteshed|,and better After ,it.. At six, whon damo Vaughan 1 An dressed the infant, she, remattoid' flidt it/ap peareyi so well 'dy, scarcely to' heed the ponder. . f 1.. ’ ■ (To be Continued.) ■• ■; ■■ ffioolv : ' TqrAZELTON AND, SPRING, .MOUN TAIN, I.elitgh. Hickory and Locust Mountain Schuylkill Coal for ealoat KNOWLES’ flepat, NINTH and WILLOW Streets, anld-lm id* OAL! COAL r, COAL!—TAGfGABT’f \y OBMJBftATED BPBING-' -'MOUNTAIN liBHIGtET Ul 3. TAMAQt7A 00AL’ aEOEQE W. BNYDER’SPIHB • POREBT 80HtW gTT.T, (JOAD. • i - ” TT BANDALL & MBBEDITH,’ ' i " COAt pi' pIZES, , There w no Goa\ mined ?nrwbere,e<iualin.quality those,Arid atrial will convince any one oftheirgreat Anteriority/ Oar Coal is very carefully scrooped. lit <jujr ysnlO/fcnawe Will warrant it perfectly' free from slate, dMVrod jOar yJUpEB area* ROW ** the bit Of?*, No.’lOl SODTB. SBOtIT CALMTymiit ' Order* loft; .at Oar Wharf,-WATER street, above OAL. - I#OWHILTA—or sent to either place per Despatch Post, .willreceivepromptattention* T i •<. u ' : iY , . Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex-, amlne.our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf SUCK MOUNTAIN COJd*-^>\ttyt , from thd'Company ; a Mines, and the onfj authorized ts, b/ retail, aontU of Kensington/, < _ j Ai«o telUghandSchuvllciUCpßl.,. ‘ ; j' ' . ' •i, Swaruon street,, ••Ist Wfrfcrf qfeoyq ’ffanMagton, Boulhyflrls, C<CHUTLKILL AND LEHIGH ® fS.'** l * doily receiving/nt'my yard, the quality o. SOHtTYLKtLL ANDXEHIGH COAL. My customers, ftp a SUOthers who may favor me wlthtbeir orders, may rely On getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. * II7“.No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PBIOfiS.' - 1 . , ALEXANDER CONVERT, . afal-tf ’ N- B. 'corner, of, Broad ead Cherry fiw. » T EHXCrH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.-L J-l ‘ DALY, mm k 00., CO All DEALERS, No. 821! PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep conetentlron hurt. »t tie vorjr loweit ratei. e tall Mijmly of LsStgh en«X jjchuj-IkHI Coal, ~; ~n «al-0oi„ T 'DMBEE'AtO) COAL.—MONTGOMERY M-J A NEALL having connected .the Cool with the Lumber business, Inform therr friends that they hnvo made'conttwU for a supply.pf the, beat'qualities of Lehigh add Schuylkill Coal, and Are, how. ready to; My eelve orders, twelfth and Prime streets. .Orders may beleft'witn Mr: S.KIIiPATRIOK,Kp, iIfi..FIFTH •street; or with Mr. flf, p. fJBALL, comer PINE and ~WATKB;atreetji., ;au3B-gm j ;■ ;; ; &»wk", J. .. ..j .. . rw. B. Room, TM'ICmL.& KOGNTE— if J. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, • .f . No. 28 Camp StuAt } ffeio XJrltans. e • ( ( ■ . ’ 1 ■ ftBFBRRSCgS.IK ; ” V -C&ldbCopo & C0.,-183 Markot ttreet: 1 ! ' Smithy Murphy &0e>.,97 Market kiM, ! / , t Wio/11. Brown & Cel:, MftVket street■. [&u27-2ra* ARMSTRONG, ATTOR vX NBY' AT 1 LAW AND CONYRYANORR, Lombard street, helper Broad:, “ ; / ■' >’ , p.nl7-flni* BANXEL DOUGHERTY, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW/Southeast comer or EIGHTH ahd LO t pUBT Sircots, Philadelphia, ~, , , aul-ly ;mter sy rouse, attorney at 4?JL LAW, CENTRE street, Pottsville;'Pa. duUy ; taunts.,..: J Kftfl XGSffTS WANTED.—A HOOT* 'Wv STjffAP you*fio 1-Third DiviBion.-$310,000 worth of Forms and Building Lots, la the .gold region of Ottlponcr\douhty, Virginia, fo pa divided amongst i0,200-subscribers, on the 7 th of December; 1857,, Sub- SCribtiops only ten dollars dowri, or fifteen dbllars. one half down,-the rest on‘delivery of the 1 deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a-Partn, waging in’ Value from $lO to $25,000/ These' farms dtid loWath .sold; so cheap to Induce settlements, a' sufflcientbUmber being reeerrpd, thcln«rea»©*Jn tho value of Which Will compensate for the apparcntloW price how asked. W&rpi of 1,350 lpts and, lurms are already sold, gpd & company of settlors called the “ Rappahannock Pioneer Association” is now forming and will soon commence a Aettjtment, Ample security will lo given for tlie foitlu ful perforraHoco of* contracts and - promised; 'Nearly '45,0)30 acres of land, in different parts ot Virginia, hovr at command; and'will be sold'to settlers at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. ' Unquestionable titles will ih a fa Mites’ -5a given. Woodcutters, coopers, farmers,-dcc>. nre toadied, and* five hundred Agents‘to obtain eubicrlDers, towjkomthe most liberal inducements will-bfc given. fioniß agents write that they are makings2oo pei| month. Por pill particulars, subscrlptidns, apply J 'aq24-tf • . PcrtKojalyOarollae'coufctyjVa. "Summer lUoortG, EPHRATA .Mo UNT AIN' SPRINGS- Will continue open for visiters until the lost of September, This is aaafe'place for persons desirous’ .of spending .the closo of the season, where they can enjoy the mountain-air and pare water withoattbe ripk bf contracting epldemioSi .For further.information'dp - ply B.'.ilyers, Ksq.j Thlrd/and Vine 'Streets. B/, Earle, Chestnut street aboYfvKigbth, PliUsylßlphla, OT,to.th« Proprlfttor;.. au|2i-2vr, ~ . ...JCaivttii KONIOiIAOHER, * . ~ ' , Post Offfoq, Lsgoastcr. county,Pa. " 'Agricttlinre. CJT ATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. (O —AOniODLTURIS’ES.STOOK linEEDERS, OARD NRIfe. YOMOI.OGIST9, INVENTORS, MANUFAO TOKERS. ARTISANS!!' All obuie. are Invited to be dorai exhibitors. - < . • • JTHE PENNSYLVANIA STATE I AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY wUI hold It# SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at Fowelton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 20th And 30tb, and OCTOBER. Ist and2d ; emm for the display pf Cattle, Jlorsoa, Shoep, Swlno and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and implement#, Dairy. Sield and Garden Products, Seed*. Fruits, Ficircrs and Vegetables, the Mechanic Art*, Domefltle, Household and other Manufacture*. Stoyoa, Watea andluvek-ioua. • ~4- PAWING MATCH l ! . , *, . . i Jn order to promote okill and the Im portant work t , the.Fanp, a Plowing Match -will come off.on tho faurth dny.ofjhe Exhibition, to which men and youth? aw . ' TosoHeja and pay 0 rP Of, farm. Mock thia Exhibition wiR afford a moat farorahJhmwhoW.t . i ■■ ' The different Railroad Companies will carry all itook Mid article# to and from.the Exhibition/rct-of ebarge tsheretofore, and wijl ig#uo UtfcurJfon %Sckttt foftha . Fair jw'eek at the'usual liberal rates. , . - ~ | o. Lists of Pretnlutnß/and- all other IhCorradtlon will bsj furnished on Application tb' e6b'ERT CT. iYAtiaEK, Be< CTetarr,attbewoweof “the Philadelphia,Society for PJonMinfe AgriCUltur<V> ChesnutSireet, belov? Seventh, reonth rid®, up ataira,. .jTbe books lor the entry of articles and animals wH| be open on and after the let of September.' y~" * . r, w •/DAVID TAGOARTj •'.* President FeaiWi- State' Agricultural Society.; - v *ttl3-dteep39<* “ I‘iUV’'( 1 ‘ iU V’' ( . . /' ' WM 1 . D;H'doi:RS’ carriage kepCS-' ITOfiV, 1600.aml 1011: O^E^TNUT‘STREA-J, j above TENTH , ll jfair open far the sale of ©very des< criptloa of Carriages, combining Style, Durability and *Eteganco of Fiofan, from thefclanuractory httho Of Sixth arid Master street#, to. which tb c attontjo/n of, .Qittaeiii And Southerii .and"‘Weswri centlemen fa pectjully daued;*" ' u ‘ f - 3-^uL-.-t.™>k i ‘ -N>B -to-Carriages for re *pg™ y^e^owsomMted.t ,'-sus ,y -MW J ; nET\a>m vmii. AND COLUMBIA -:' f&r 8 - -i 1 • 18;cta. petbafteV.' •” • Beco„dQbA ,; j Flbttr, U 25ots. perbazrel. / ’„ Pig Metal, . lO'ctflJpe'rlOO Boanlji; - : •J i ’ '■ • ARTIOLBff OF'FXRSTJLASfrTr . Boots,- >,' - .’ !■ ■ VtoßhVlsh,' .'^ t&oots and Shots,' - - 1 ' Nuts In Bags, ■ j <* > ~ Cedar and Wooden Ware, 1 Porter and Aleih butt lei * • Dry-Goods, : 1 .'Poultry in coops, l - • * • Egg*. - Pork, (freafc.r , ’Fumitdfe, 1f . • Poultry, (dressed,).. s • • Wrapping Paper: . -j . ' ; •ARtipWOpao’CLASS.- ‘ j „\ /, Molasses. • , . , j Cheese, ‘ Melons, ’ Glover and Grass Seed, • OUa In casks or barrels. Cfoctoy, , Paper in boi« 3i Caddies,’ . ; ’Pasteboard," ’ r \ .Casks or Barrels, /empty,) Peaches; (dried,), Groceries ' ~ , Printing paper: , Guns and Rifles, ..Paper Hangings, ,Hferring In boxes ana ksgs, Cneensware, , ’ . ' 1 llirdwarp, , ' Sweet Potatoes/ ’ , ‘ Mbps,’ • ‘ ’.TpbacCo'Jn bales, iron, hoop; band, or sheet, Tea, ‘ : \ LijAther, , i , -Type, , , 1 LlquOrin vood, 4. , •, ' Tallow,. \ r ’ Marble Slabs and Marblo ' Turpentine, (sptfl.t) • Monuments, . .. ..Varnish.. •» ~ „ I - AIRHOLES OF 3d CLASS. Alcohdl,’ f *-'% ' Potatoes;”' , Coffee, • • ‘'Turnips] ' ' 1 Hides; (green,) ’ • ; ; Vinegar, 1 ' ' Lard, •'V' t '* •. f ,f .’'WhiteLead, Oysters Sc Clams, r (ln shell) Window Glass, '- Tobacoo; (manufactured.) j AtiTIOLKB OP 4irOLABS. ‘ ■Codfish, * ' Rosin, ,l ‘ ><‘ 4 Cotton/' ’ ’ Balt, , ’* Fish, Batted. J Tobacco, fleaf.) " ■ 1 Grain of all kinds, ■ 'Tin, ’ " ‘ Kails and Spikes.' ‘ Tar, ’ Pitch,' 1 ' 1 r ’ Whlskeri * PtWr. . „ , „ . . 10“ For further information Apply to , I B. J. SNREDKB, freight Agent, Phils. E. K, EOlOH,,freight Agent, Columbi.. . . kolgj ~ a. JIBSRS, Freight Ageui, Uracwtor, TMPOETijffT' IMPROVEMENT-- . i' ,4;., nßw,cTaB consuming jdhs/ujb. , . CUILSdN’S NEW CONE. FURNACE, /„ alter .haring been put to,, tho. most mew teat, during the t\tO GOLD wtMTBRS or 2856 Ago 1857,1jm proved to be the taort powerful heater in the worlds a&vini from' if to Jf the fuel dVeriny of the beutfaraaiesnow filuso. 'TficSH Fpbnaoes are constructed with acAafelxon ash .pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shapo# fire pot. lined' ’ with fire-brick or iron staves. The fire pot Is surmount* f.i 5 • * •’ l ' l- i > A fiimißS 09 CONES,' OB TAPERING RADIATORS, , large and brojvd at their base, but tapering to small aper tures at the' ton, and uniting* Ith. the anula? through which the 1 heat and smoke pass to the flue. -Tps whole products of combustion in the form of smoke and oases, are suspended dirsotle pvar the fire, confined or compressed Into the tapering Oobbs and coxtinoallt BXPO9SD to the direct action of'the rays of best and light from the fire. ’ . r i This heat and Ught la brought to a foocs in each i CbNB, not unlike the . 1 ! COLLECTION of THE BUN’S BAYS, ! ta a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the i skoKE AHD tO become intensely heated and tho roughly ooffsmtED, by this operation the bmokk abd oases are made bqoa/.lt available with the furl itself for heating purposes, while, In other furnaces, it is OABRIBD. OFF AND VTASTRO IX THB OBJMNRT. All persons desirous of obtalnlugthe best and 'HOST ECONOMICAL BEATING-.AftPA&ATUd, ' should not fall to examine the New GabCojuJomihq GpXß'Fobsaoe. before purchasing any other, The at tontlon of architects and builders is particularly re- Rested. ’ARNOLD tc WILSON,' < . (Successors to S. A. Harrison,) No. &24 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Sdu^re. HOMESTEAD FOR $2,00! LAND DIS TRIBUTION ! I OfIANCR FOR ¥DOR MEN!! ’ ' ■ The Northwestern Mutual Land Benefit 'Association will taake a grand distribution of s3o(OOOworth of real estate and maw to its members. The number of mem bers is limited to IS,OOO. $3.00, and fire lesttr stamps pdr membership, or a share. 'Any Indlrldual sending $lO and the stamps, shall be entitled tnsixshahtd ;or’ adj person sending $lO with six names, with the address of each, carefully written, shall be entitled to six shares.: The distribution will be made In Chicago, Sent. 26th, 18&7; - ’ , The following; li the real estate tobe distributed "NO,I. An improved farm of SO acres in Cooke . Co., Illinois, slued at $3,000 No. 2. An improved farm of 160 acres in White- ■ , sides Co., Illinois, valued at 3,000 No. 3. An improved farm of 160 acrcs-in ‘White- • sides Co., Illinois, valued at- ' - 3,000 N 6.4. An excellent private resldenieln Dubuque, - > Jowa, valued at 3,000 No. 5.160 acres superior farm land 'in Cooke Co., ;* Illinois. valued at ■- - 3,000 N0.,6. 160 acres well pine timbered in Wttnpacea Go., Wisconsin, valued at 2,000 Nb. 7. A good lot and cottage residence In ChU- Cago, Illinois, valued at • - - ?••• 2,000 No. 8. 160 acres superior land In Whiteside# 00.*- *• ’ Illinois, valued at • • - - 1.000 No. 9. 160 acres good land In Ohippeway 00., Wisconsin, valued at < 1 ’ * 960 No. 20, 160 acres good land-in Chlppewsy Co., Wisconsin, valued at '■ > 960 N6.?1. 160i&ens good land in QMppewavCo., l ' • Wisconsin, valued at 600 N 412. 160 acres good land In Dunn Co., Wis- 1 fMum, valued at- goo ;Np. 13. BO acres good land In Marshall Co., Iowa; \ voided at *■ - -COO No. 14. 80 acres good land In Marshal}Co , lowa, ' valued at ' * ... * (jqq N 6.16. 80 acres good land In Marshall Co., Town, valued at ' • • • «00 No.lo. 40ftcres good laud Id Marshall Co., lowa, 1 ' ■ valued at r go^ N 9.11. 4Q acres good Und In £lnn Co:, lowa, Val ued at * J ' •* 300 No. 18. 40 acres good land in latmOo., lowa, vaV 1 * bed at •>. gM N0.)9. 40acreBgoodl4ndinLltmOo;,I<iwaVvil* “ . nedat gno No. 20. -One building lot in lhtbuiiae, lowa, val ued at . - , - . •' j .* 300 No. 21. One, bnlldipg lot in Sterling, Ullnols, s valued at , - • : . v 000 No. 22. One f bullding lot In Stetllngf Illinois', • 1 v valued* . . , 800 No. 23. Oqe building lot in Sterling, Illinois, 1. valued at -800 N°- 24' • 40acres farm land in Grant Co.. Wbcon. ' sin, valued at No. 26 . 40 acres farm land In GrahtOo,, Wiscon- * . sin, valued at « 300 No. 26. 40 seres land In GrantCo .Wisconsin, . valued at ’' - 2h) •No'. 27. 40 acres land in Grant Co.. Wisconsin, • valued at' * ; 240 No'. 28. 40 acres land in Crawford Co,, Wisconsin; valued at ' goo No, 29. f 4O acTesland In Crawford 00., Wisconsin, * - valued.at .200 No, SO. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, valued at' ‘ 20*0 No; 81, 40 acres land In Monroe Co., Wisconsin,' * ' valued at 200 No. 32. 40 acres land ip Monroe Co.. Wisconsin, valued at , goo No, 83. 40 acres land in lackson Co., Wisconsin, ' . valued at ’ ‘ 200 Nol 84: 40 acres land id Jackson Co., Wisconsin, valued at ’ * ’ 260 Noi as. .40 AQIU Und in Bad Axe Go., Wisconsin 1 , - valued at - No, 30. 40 acres land in Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin,- valued at ’ . . */ No, 87. 40 acres land In Bad Axe Co.’, Wisconsin, - . valued at » - ’ 300 No. 38. - One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at ' 160 No, 89, One lot In Fulton, Illinois, valued at ‘ 100 No, 40. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 be conduetod fairly and hdnor aoly. The names and address of stockholder* shall be written on as many < small cards as they have shares;' and the whole placed in a bor, and the first name taken out shall be entitled to the improved farm Nd/ft In the above list, and the next taken out Will be entitled'to N°j 2. and so on until the 40 items of real estate ace alt distributod. Then-to each of the remaining 14,960 stockholders will be sent a cheap map of a-Wonern State or Territory. A full account of the dlstrlbntlon w jl] be forwarded in a printed circular, to each member of the Association, with tbo namwaod address of such receive the rpal estate—to whom also the deeds .win be seut and liotpediate possession given, Each sp« plication mast be accompanied with-$3.00 and five letter atmftw. Address LINDELL, JONES ACO __ Obicsgo, Illinois. HOICK FARM LANDS FOB SALE Vi TH:B IDMNOIBOSNTKAD RAILROAD COMPANY W aow prepared to sell About 1,500,000 acres of choice .Farming lands, in tracts of 40 acres and upwards, on png credits, and at low rates of interest. : . These lands were.granted by the Government to aid la the construction of this Kosd, and .'are among • the richest and most fertile in the world;‘.They extend from North-East and North-West, throhgh tho middle :of the to the extreme South,'and ihclnde every variety of climate and productions found,between those parallels of latitude. The Northern pbrtion'ts chiefly prairie, Interspersed with fine groves, aid in the middle and Southern sections timbor predominates, alternating wltt Wutlful liralrlM ind'opsnlnr.. ■ Th« cUmatA ft more hcslthy( mild sod equablu, th»n gnylother part of the country—the air fr pure and bra- - elnd,' while living ! streams and springs'of excellent water abound, Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, and supplies a cheap and desirable fuel, being furnished nt many points at $2 to $4 per ton—and wood can be had at the <i&ma rata per cow .*■» . • ' Bunding Stone of excellent quality alio abound*, which can be procured for little tho expense of transportation; • i. *■ i i - . > n . .. ' The great fertility of these lands, whfeh are ablaefc rich mould, from two to fivo foet deep, end gently roll Ing; their contiguity to this road, by which every £aci lit/ la furnifibed for.travol and transportation to the Frmcipal mjrkotj North, South. D«.t, West, »uA tha -lth which they c»n hi) cuWwteJ, render them th« most valuable iuvestmer.t; .that can. found, and the most favorable opportunity for persons of Industrious habits and small moqni to acquire a com fortable Independence in a few year#, r,, -f. • Chicago is now the greatest groan market in tho world: and the facility and economy with which the products of these lands can be transported to that market, make them much more profitable, at the prices. asked, than those more remote at government ratep.ft* thaaddi tional cost of transportation is a perpetual .tax on the latthr, which must be borne by the producer, in the re- price he receives for his groin, &e; . 1 The title Is perfect—and when the final payment! are made, deeds are executed by tho trustees appointed by thoßiate, and in whom the title is vested, to the pur chasers, which convey to them absolute titles jo fee sim ple, free and clear of ewery incumbrance, ilea or mort gage. , < -The prices are from $0 to $3O: interest only 3 per ct. Twenty per «t. will be deducted from tbirprlcq for cash. Those who purchase cm long credit, give notes payable In two, three, four, five and slxycars afterdate, andaro required to Improve one-tenth annua))/ for five years, so as to have one-half the land under cultivation at.tho end pf that time. , i • . •Competent surveyors will accompany those who wish’ -to examine these Lands, free of charge, and aid them In. making selections. The Lands remaining unsold are as iloh and valuable as those which have been disposed of. SECTIONAL MAPS' Will be sent to any one Who will enclose fifty cents In postage stamps, and books or pamphlets containing nu merous instances of successful farming, signed by re spectacle and well known farniero livlug in the neigh borhood of the Railroad Lands, throughout the State— - also the cost of fencing, price of cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, etc.,-or any other information— wiu be cheerfully given on application, cltherperjwnally or by letter, in English, French, or German,VWrcfwed Land Commissioner of the Illinois 'Coutral Offico in Illinois Centred BalUoad Depo^OiiJcag^l- LUMBER l LUMBER J l- t -Thp subscribor, who has for wmal years f »cdppiM r the premises at, ftioahVPUnfag. Mill, Kensington. h M removed to COATES STREET ihIARF, ndjfjlnfng the Fhmnlx FlauiugMlU) on Delaware avedOe/ Where he' intends , keeping a largo assortment of other floor-' Iflghoatds, steps, risers, shelving, caillng, y OQO i n g aud' wafffald boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked, p loweat/asK.nrlcev, Burdiiwflrs aro'jn*} J ll ? 1 104 *xamioefor every ef fort will he made to give satrafWstfon. ’ 6f?era rocelvod ‘ tod luuplled at the shortegt all kinds and atees of Southern yellow Pine,' Timber andScintUng. j . " • 1 •»■ B.'R^CHIK. T3USSIAAND AMERICAN TABUED CORDAttH.— ftrtlel., Tnflnnfactura »™» for .ala tiy WEAVER, PITIJIk •£ go" ' ,an B.tf No; saft. Wator it.ltc tell■-wharym 1 . BALE ROPE.—Buyers are-invited to call : ana Mamina oav Manila Ilalo Hope, 7*l ch n-o can 1 TOraoUt er,or,n , ! an|l ■ • Rp’M W. Wateiitlrojaa^Whmla..I Mb. mil , SSSSSISSi,™”'*”-""'”" jlNopapopAiap rfy tua Briy* of - t’KNKarLVANiA. ■£ sum,‘large or small, and in* |Tho office J?. open -very day fromOo!clocKln the jprniag till 7t> ? clocfc In the evening, and on Monday id Thursday, eveningetiU 9 d’clock. , . Ul sums," large or* small, are - raid back ! lh gold on de iuidj w|thOtlt notice, to'any amount. ... ~ ; J *• 'President,. W. „ v««.<.'-i. w r®IWWOES: ' , ( ' Hon: Henry L. Benner, ’ 0. tandreth MtmnfS, gdwwd Carter, / -p. Carroll Brewster, v Bobirt SeHVidge, Joseph B, Bare/. ' |aml. K. Ashton, Henry L, Churctunan, ■ . gamea-B. Smith, * ' 1 , phis Company conflneß ita business entirely to the' T«)»Mng of fconey on ’interest. • The' Investments, amounting to over 1 > " I ONi; MILLION AND x HALS’OS DOLIAriS, ' *V> made In conlnmlt, vith ttm .provisions of the SM«<V in ItRAI, ESTATE MOBTtfACHIS, WOUND .Bp.NTS, anqanch first-lass securities osjViil always In* Bare perfect to the depositors, nnd which ca'o »dt fail t° give permanency and stabilitjhtothislnati tdtlOQ. •• ■ aul*ly , CIX PENNY-SAVINGS FUND, Comer of JV FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. Open dally, from 9'to 8, and on* Tuesday and Friday tjrebifigflj until '8 o,clock. .Largo or small sums and pa(d with out notice, with FIVE PER CENT: INTEREST,- by check or otherwise. , JOIIN.THOUtSON, Vjes’t. ! ' ' VIOB PBESinRMTi, ' * j THOS. T. TASKER, EDWIN M. LEfrlS. I * ‘ ' 6KORRTAHY ASO TRKAB(TRRR, ’ ! ( WM. T. ELBERT. TROBTRia., ‘ r ‘ffo, 0. Ludwig. 1 D.G.Levy, ‘ "Charltd El Lex, A- Mlskey, Israel W. Morris, Jr., Wm. Neal. Tho's. Nellson, • Thomas S, Reed, M.D. James Russell, Thoß.T.Spftrhawk, . Oscar, Thompson, ‘ Peter Williamson, Isaac S. Waterman, J 1 Charles T, Yerkcs. ' i jJolm B, Austin, HJbbnE.'Addieks, ■ ‘Salomon Alter, - ' ! M. W. Baldwin, , . i WMlirtu Clark, i Ephraim qiark, Jr., Gnarled S. Oarstafra, . Robert Ol&rk, ■A. J. Droxel, , .Charles Dutlih, t Wm. B. Foster,, , Benjamin 4 GerhOrd, John Jordan, 1 Jr., Lewis Lewis,’Jr., • jaul-3m , , lirp. 8S (241) DOCK STREET. —FITE W* PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS PENH.' liTOi 88 .(241) DOCK STREET. —FIVE •AjV.PXK CENT. STATE SAVINGSFDND. Tiro. 88, (241).D0CK STREET.— FITE ip PEB'OENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. . lirOi 88 (241) DOCK STREET. —FITE i.p PER PENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND, anl-ly i ftlacljincrji ani) 3roh. eiUUCL T.VKRBIOK. J. TACOUAH UEHRIOC. ' [ , WILLIAM n. HERRICK. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, • FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STKEETB, paiLAOßi.rnii. . . MERRICK & t SONS,- • ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. ‘ Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac., Oast* ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, Ac. • 1 Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and ‘most Improved construction. * • , • Every description of Plantation machinery, snch as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills,'Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole. Agent* forN. RHHoux’s Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Nasmyth**.Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Rosa’’ Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and' Steam Pumps. jSuperlptondent—B. n. l BATITOL, ■ «u3-y lOHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO- Jt*. TIVB I STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, ' SBVEHTBBSTH BTRBBY, HAMILTON, PAIBVIEW AND ! " • SPBING OARDEN STREETS, , [ 1 * PHILADELPHIA; Engaged exclusively In the manufacture of • I LOqOMOTiyB STEAM ENGINES* 'Manufacture ,to order Locomotives of any arrange* n»Rt. weight pr capacity, for the use of Wood or Coke , or BUummous'Coal in its crude state, or ANTHRACITE COAL, ! WITHOUT EMITTING SKOCB, GAS OA EIRE. To design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any t , ; The materials use£ in, construction aro madd on the spot, and insure the best Quality and moat reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Com plete Equipment of Machinery and Tools* enable them to execute the BEST OF WORK WITH GREAT DESPATCH , ’ ; , OF ART AnRANaEMBNt REQUIRED* , • (HULLED CAE IVHKELS, HAMMERED AXLES, • | , With Forgings of apy Aire pr form, ; i IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, • ; , , And.MAOHINR WORK generally. .BfCHABD JIORBIS. < HBNEY LATIMEB HORBIB. aul-ly «- , 1 * ■pENN. STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL JET JSR WORKS. | REANEY, NEAFIE & CO,, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS. i MACHINISTS, BOILEIt-BIAKKItS, ULAOK SMITHS AND FOUNDERS.'' : \Haviig for many years been Ih successful .operation,, suid been exclusively'engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines; high and { low pressure, Iron Boats. Water Tanks, Propellers, &b., Ac., respectfully oner their services to the public, a* being fully prepared tq contract for Engines of alt sites, Marine, Hirer, and Stationary. "Having Sets bf patterns of' different sites, are ..prepared to. execute orders with quick despatch. Jitary description of Pattern-making made at tho shortest notice. -High and, Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers', ot the best Pennsylvania ebar* coal iroU. Forgings of all-sizes'and kinds: Iron and all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Catting, and all other work connected with the abovo btiainesß. v , ' , , - Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment free qf charge, and work guaranteed. .. The subscriber* have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they pan lay in perfect safety, end are provided with, shears, blocks, falls, Ao., Ac., for raising neary or light weights. . , . THOMAS REANEY. ; ■ JACOB G. NKAFIR, JOHN P. LEVY, , auj-y BKAQH and PALMER Streets, Kensington. Handy & mqriUs . JUNVSAOTUiIEItS OP CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES ', ] FOR OAB, BTKAM OR WATER, ' , ILBO, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION MERCHTS. Warehouse 8. B. corner FRONT and WALNUT. . &ul‘3m iUetiirincs. TiriNETEfiNTfi; CENTURY!—THE XI GREAT REMEDY -OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY IS TUB IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. This is now the groht standard remedy for diseases of ihi Blood, Stomaeh and Liver. . If you have ft Cancerous ■ or- Scrofulous aflootion, at once iuo th* Initial Dlpurdtive. Tettcr.-iAra you troubled with this obstinate and un- Eleosant disease! Use the Imperial Dcpuntlive. Try utorta bottle. > Have you White Swelling, Hip Disease, or Glandular Swellings ? The Imperial Depurative will effect 5 euro. Trflt. ■ For Pimples, Blotches and Bf options of the Skin gene* rally, you have & prompt and certain remedy in the Im perial Depurative. One botilo will satisfy you of its efficacy. • - , .... Vie the Imperial Depurative, If you would have a clehrv healthful, and beautiful complexion. - yse the Imperial Depurative for a diseased ‘ state of the Liver or NfomacA, » • ■ > For females of a weak and debilitated habit and shat* nerves,dhe Imperial Depurative is ju6t what' is 'required to re-invlgorate the frame and restore the ner vous syatom.to a healthy state.- ■ 1 We know the full value of this great remedy, as we aroj using it every day in an extensive practice, and see its great curative powers manifested in numerous cases. Wu Know it has no equal in this country. The careful preparation, great purity and strength of tnq Imperial Depurative renders large doses or long continued use of It-acta directly upon thd diseased part, and it is uot necoßsary to wait months to discover the benefits to he gained. If you wish to purify and enrieA the Blood , aid pre sent disease, as well as euro, it at this season of the yeah, uso one or two.bottles qf the Imperial Depurative, an<s we will guarantee its beneficial effects. reared by,, Dr, LOUNBUKRIIY k GO., and for sale •at tho Principal Office* Nq. tjO North Fifthstreat, three docjrt below Arcti,' whore patients may consult Dr. L. daily, freo of charge, . . • Tho Imperial Deppratfve Is the great remedy pf .tho nineteenth century. , , , aul-tf. a ELMBOLD’ 8 GENUINE • PREPARA TION, Extract Buchu, removes all tho symptoria 1 , amdng which will be found Indisposition to exertion, Low of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disoaso, Weak Nerves, Tjeinbllug, Dreadful Horror of Death. Night Sweats, CoI4 Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, yhiyersal Lassitude of the MJocular System, often enor* mouß Appetite or Dyspeptic Symptoms,” Hot Hands, Flushings of the Body; Drynoss of the Skin,’ Pallid Countenance, Eruptions on the Faoo, Pains in the Back, Hoavl*CBi\of the Eyo Lids, frequently Black Spots dying before the Eyes, with tomporarySuffußlon. Loss of Sight. If those symptons are allowed to go on, which this me* Hicipe invariably removes; soon follow Fatuity aud Epi* aj Fits. ■' •• • • \ UlMBOLI)’ 8 GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buchu, for all Diseases of the Bind* derJKidnbys, GriViel, Djopsy, Nervous and Debilitated Suffferert.. , • TF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITO ANY JL jof the above' distressing ailments, use HELM* BOHD’fl PREPARATIONS. Tiy them, and bo convinced' of taoir efficacy. genuine prepara- AJL RATION, Extract Buchu, ’ • “ Give health and vigorto the frame, ; And bloom to tho pallid cheek And are so pleaaant in their tattle, that patient's be* come fond of them, • ’ H ELMBOLD’ 8 GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buehu—Sec overwhelming evidon* cos which will be produced to show that they do great good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for tjhe inspection of all. < HELMBOLP.’ 8 GENUINE PREPARA TION, Extract Buchu.—Price $1 per Bottle, de livered to qny address. Depot, WSoulh TENTH street,- Assembly Building, below CHESTNUT “trout, Philadel phia. , , • Address letters. H*T. ILELMBOLD, 62 South TENTH street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Sold .by Prug-grsts and Dealers everywhere.. Beware of Counterfeits, . , , au7-3in* • , Bools .anil SI)oco. -\V\UVAVWi,\\V^ NO. 442,. SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ‘ MAIUtKT ahd FIFTH Street*. Gentlemen’s Best Patent Leather Gaiter Boots, “ u Calf do. do. u 11 Patent Leather Oxford Ties. • “ “ Calf ' do. do. j “ “ Patent Leather and Calf narrow Atrap Shoes, Boys’ and Youths’ Patent Leather and Calf Skin Gaiter Boots aud Bhdpfi, , aul-tf Fbr sale by GEO, W. TAYLOR. TTtALL STOCK OF-BOOTS AND SHOES. J? f —JOSEPH H. TIIOMPSON k CO:, No. 814 MAR KET Street, and Nos. 3 and 0 FRANKLIN-PLACE, have now in store a large and well.assorted, stock 01 BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, ’which they offer for sale on the' best terras for Cash, or on tho usual predit. ' Buyers are lurited to call and examine thelr'ntock ' aul-dtf fiJIARLES ,P. OALDWELU—Wholesale ' and Retail WHIP and CANE Manufacturer* No* 4 North FOURTU.Str?et! ’ , t : ' ( t LOORING BOARDS-—23:580 fdot C»ro Una flooring boards, afloat! for sale by , ' MARTIN k MAGALISTRR i anl 110 Nnrth_W*t«r Htreet. Y'OACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL £AMP V/factory of E.W USSHERB, No. 109 (1at043) South £IG|ITH, below Chestnut street, has become a saving of 60 per cent 1 , to. our SOUTHERN AND. WESTERN MERCHANTS, apd Also the convenience of having their bid OarrJegA Lamps new silver-topped and bottomed, and sent by eapt-ewe togllparts.. . as>l2 r ly /-'IOTTUN—2OQ bales good Middling to Mld- Hllng Fair Dottis, in »t«« tad for Sals W'' ..V-' 4 -■ MAMIN & MAOALISTKR " ' V> ,t ■-V. J Nortltfstor street. 1 ;; ' £.■ peptone :^msmvismT^ ■ °f£l C £ 4 ? 4 St., Franklin Buildings. ' AND MARIN# INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE ToINCREASE > • TO 600,0 W. " r' • vnnw. U yjB now fully orgAn’sed, and prepared to v£« D< ! B of r.* n - s . aran ° 6 a S AinB t ioss'oc damage "by rlro and Marino Penis, at current rates. t . . » ‘ „ 1 OFFICERS. •.„ - Df 0. LAUGHLIN, President. . OFn anXJS I q RD 4 8H * EI< ? )3 > President. •. « GEO. SCOTT, Secretary* < , / 1 „ _ , ‘ DIRBCTQRS. | H..C. LaughUn, r Gdorge Minster, ! w^nT 0 ' I ’'' r I W.-. Stotesbdk, r i Wta. Osborne,'- j I JI M Carlil/v ** 1 ' i O.O.’Butler/- a j T.-F. Shefrell,. - \ j ,{Jeo. Scott. (aul9-y Q lA^D MARINE in «iAN*tUrmNmm^fl.^ANY ot PHILADELPHIA. ■ i„™ted« ( rou'oV s '“ UO!,ISCBBC, ' ;BG “-) ;' ;• PirstDonds imd Mortgages o n Property in the ' '. Icity of Philadelphia *,, 5 om. Stocks worth par. * ’ 032 ioq Cash -on hand......^, r ,.***7* * *sl’ion Amount aecured by Stock juotes. *. ' f “ * ion 000 Atn&uatof Stock.due on l’lip „ | i' . w ~$600,000 • This Company effect* .insurances Mer chandise, Kurmjure, Lumber, ico.j on' Tesaejs. Cargo, and. Freight,'to all ports, and iby Railroad, Lake's, ami Rivers, at the lotfept rates, and -the| most.liberal tenns, guarantying Prompt Parmept on the adjustment, of losses. ' ' < ' ‘ * lD*Ferpetua! Insurance made,upon the ustfol term*. ' DIRECTORS. ' ‘ V - * IVpi, F, Leech, • R. T. Kensil, 1 .11, 11. Houston, j , i Jos. R_ Withers, ./ , Abr’ra. P. JSyrp, IV.Ralguel, ». , , Charles F. Norton, ■ . ■ Johp H. Lewar#. 'James E. Btlles,|, ' Hi N. Burroughs, OTTS. President, ■ ’ is’t., iW. H.WOQDS, Beo., Treasurer. ■ P.M. Potto. ; 0. E. Sp&ngler. Afar’iu.ftex. ' • , (ieoigoUowpl!, X, Edgur Thomson, • 0; Q. Sower, John Vf'. Sexton, , t i 'Herman Haupt, ; R. lf. Vi C. E.|SPAKGL3SR, Vice Pref Aag3B«ty R. T. KENT THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY Office No. 403 (lute 02) WALNUT Bt. Capital ond Surplus,.s2so,000. j , * This Company continues to make Insurance against »os4 or damage by Kiro and the Perils 0/ the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation, at current rateß OPPIOERS.- ... President—GEO. H.HART • J Vico President—B.P, BOSS." ' Secretary and Treasurer—H: R.' COGGBHALL. Assistant Secretary—S. 11, BOTLER, DIRECTORS. f 35. Wi Bailey, OUarleg G. Imlar, Win. D.' Lewis; Jr., J. L. Pomeroy, Andrew R. 'Chambers, 11. R Coggshali, • ' Samuel Jones, M. 8., > A. F. Cheesbrough. George n. Hart, . K. P.ltoes, A. 0. Cattail, Joseph Edwards,.. John G. Dale, - ■ ■ Hon. Henry M. roller, Poster 8. Perkins, Johull. Chambers, au 8-ly ‘ ■Philadelphiaflbe and life.in;-. •R-- SURANOH COMPANY, Incorporated' by thnfltain of Pennsylvania In 1848, are now eataWlahed in their NEW OFFICR, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to moke ALL KINDS OP INSURANCE,. , J? Ft FIRE, on property of. every description, ™ Town or Country, inotndlng PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, is, Aleo, MERCHANDIZE of all kinda: .STOOKS OF GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY STORES, Goode on STORAGE or In BOND, STOOKS and TOOLS of AIL. TIPIOERS and MEOHANICS; FURNITURE, JEW ELRY,-FIXTURES, 4cc,, Ac,, Ac., Ac,, at moderate rates of premium, and for any period of tlmo. - This Company refer to tholr past career an an ample guarantee for ttye PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES, There are at this time no unsettled claims against them. RORERT P. KING, Pres’t, M, W, BALDWIN, Vico Prea't. [Fsasois BtAOIBPBKB, Soc’y. , nnl-3m Life insurance and trust com pany .—A. PENN JIUTUAL LITE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Cornor of THIRD and BOOK Strocts. Capital, $612,725 03. IN3UEE3 LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life-—crania annuities and endowments pur chases life ou Interests In Beal Estate, nod makes all contracts depending oh the contingencies o( Life,, , They act as!Executors, Administrators,Assignees, Trustees and Guardians. , , MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT in any amount— Five Per Qent. Interest allowed from date of deposit, piyable back on demand without notice.' ASSETS ,0P THE COMPANY, January Ist, 1857. Loans of the State of .delphla City, Penn’a Railroad, Camden ; , ana Amboy ltallroad,and pthcr Loans $179,855 38 Bonds, Mortgages and Real Estate.., 117,137 19' Stocks In Banka, Insurance, Gas and Rail* , road Companies 81,729 98 Premium Notes and Loans on Collaterals.,.., 193,692 01 Cosh in Dank, due from Agents, Inter ost, Ac 38,780 47 Guarantee Qapltal, Subscription Notes 100,000 00 $711,224 03 DANIEL L. MILLER, President: . SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Pres’t.. .Jornr W. HoßSOß.SocretarT. , anl-lf AKOTIO fire insurance compa xl NYyNKW YORK.—Office, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital, $250,000, wj-th a surplus. This Company Insure fiuildtngfi,'Mer chandize, nirnlturo, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Loss or Damage by Fire ana the’Riskd of Inland Navigation. DIRECTORS. Henry Grlnnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Bar,stow, Rufus R. Graves, Henry O. Browtr," Henry Davis, Edmund Penfold, 0. H. LUienthal,' Hanson K; Coming, Tbeo. Polhetnas; jr, Ogden Haggerty, Elisha E. Morgan, - / Thomas Abm. R. Van Nyst, ' Johu H. Earle, 1 William A. Oary, Albert Ward. Thomas 8. Nelson, • ‘ Charles Easton. 1 ‘ James W, Phillips, LqulsLonit, f * Charles A. Macy; t Saknnel G. Glldden, - EdwardHlnckon, Stephi Cambreleng, , * - Wm. E. Shepdrd, Thomas Scott, ’ ChartesL. Prost/ • ' John Ward, • LothropL! Sturgea, Henry K. Ilogert, ’ ! ' William R, Fosalck, I’qter Edes, ■ ’ Emery Thayer, Benjamin 11. Field, r Geo. Westfeldt, A. 1 K. Frothingham, Zalmon Taylor, *' Tljos. F. Youngs, Henry E. Blossom. • Samuel L. Mitchell, • J 1 ALBERT WARD, President. Rioharp A. Oaklit, Secretary. ’ au 10-ly , INSURANCE COMPANT.f-Chartor Perpetual. 1 Granted b/ tbO Btate of PennsjWanis. Capital, $500,000. Fire, Marine, and Inland Transportation. - 1 BISLKOTOBS. ■' ~ AaroU S. Lippincott, Charles Wise, , Wm.' A. Rhodes, - Alfred Wefeks, • Charles J. Field, James P. Smyth, • ‘ Wm. B. Thomas, J. Rinnldo Sank, Wm. Neal, John P. Simons, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM. A. RHODES, Vico President. . ALFRED WF.BKB, Secretary. 0. W. MARTIKN, Surveyor. This Company was organized with a cash Capital, and tho Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available re.aooree*— to observe prudence hi pcaduct* {nb its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Pffice No.lo Merchants’ Exchange, Philadelphia. tul-dly • i < . , i wE MPTUAfi INStT >? PillLADE&P#M.—Office >pj>oßitet)iD Exchange. MA- Cargoes, and freights. XN )N BISKS, per Xtailroadj, irriagea. - ided annually among the As ia cues of loss. CTOM. npHK MBRCANTII 'JL RANGE COMPANY OJ Ho. 222 WALNUYStrept, 01 RINK RISKS on Vessels, C RAND TIIANSPOiITATIOJ Oanals. Boats, and other.cat ALL THE PROFITS dirii eared, and ample security It ! DlBpC Edward Harris Miles, John M. Odonheimer, Muhlon Williamson, Samuel J. Sharpies*, . ‘ &aao Jcanes, Henry Preaut, ; Edward 0. James, William h. Springs, ' Franklin 0, Jones, Daniel Haddock, Jr., , William Taylor, 'James Murphy, lfa. F. Smith, , A. 'J. Antolb, j Samuel L. C \ EDWARD HA! ; ALFRED FAS JoaaO. KcrrEß, Secretar; Thomas T„ Butcher, Algernon E. Ashburner, Aliired Faasitt, Thomas B. Foster, Gvatarus English, . .James H. Stroup, . Alfred Slade. A. G. Catteu, Oh&tiefi IK Caratalri, Samuel Robinson, John G. Keffer, , John P. Steiner, Henry Grambd. Wm. J Oaner," ' Jreuttborg. IRRIB MILES, President. 1 3SITT, Tice President, r j. aul-ly 2IARTEK OAK PIKE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY of HARTFORD. CONN. OapitAl $300,000. Losmb in Philadelphia and vicinity adjusted at tUe Philadelphia OJftct . • > . By leave we refer to D. o. Brown Be Go., PhUa. ] Bon. Joel Jones, PhUa. Chaffces, §wut 1e Co., “ , | Hoa. Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, tea & Co., '* <f 1 Hon. T,S. William*, part’d 'We have facilities for placing any amOtint of'lnsu- ln the most reliable Companies. " . ■ PHILADELPHIA GENERAL .INSURANCE AGENCY, No, 413 (oW No. 143) CHESTNUT ST, j * THOMPSON & ROOD, [ apl-Cm „ , Agenta. ('IOMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE J COMPANY, OF THh STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA.—Office. N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, $500,000. Paid-up Capital. $-*OO,OOO. , , | -DAVID JAYNB.M.D., President. ! THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Pres’t. - SiMOBL S. Moon, Secretary. aul-ljr Philaiielphia'Wpel'oundry^- N. W. Cor. THIItD and CIIESNUTStit. , l: PELOUZK & SOS', thanltfiil for the;lil»r«lp»: tronage heretofore accorded to'theli 1 Establishment, . andjdoßirouß to merit Ha contluuanc6, would anhouhee to Printer* and Publishers th&t their new SPECIMEN •BOOK la now' ready, and from their increased facilltlea,' • art pow preli&'rod to fhrnish eyery thing necessary Jft 4 complete printing Establishment,, ht the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and { the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that; they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Tbos», therefore,'who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to thorn previous to purchasing elsewhere'. 1 Oljd type taken at 0 cants per pound, in exchange for uswiat specimen prices. aul-tf THE ADAMS EXPRESS ' CO., OFFICE, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE. BANK-NOTES and SPECIE, either by it* own J LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to alt the principal TOWNS and CITIES ot tue United States. , ' • ■ , E. S. BANDFORD, anfc-tf General Superintendent. A DRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking and Embossed Printing, Envelope and. Fo:il Press Manufactory. 37 Strawberry Street, between Second nnd Third, oud Market and Chestnijt Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ‘ au!2*ly S~ UXIT PE i_ S~ MEN’S AND”~ BOYS'* CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Ard) aud Raro. auG-ly Sardines.—- iuu oasos or bo imir boxes pack, in storn and lor pale by HENRY BOULBN& CO., Nos. 221 and 223 S' Fourth street RAILHOAX) SPIKES' . aFB constantly ou hand. Orders received for lron—‘is lha , S 3 tba,, 40 lbs. per yard. lIANDY &, MORRIS,' *u4-lm. , , 8. B. coriuer Front and Walnut. 'Tvtmoje-TiiE business ou dwells X 1 j k. CO., and J. \V. QASKJJuL & CO., srilldieroaner .bo, conducted under tlje stylo of TWBMiS. G ASK ILL & GALVIN, No. 6_pn,d ug. Wharfs, and No. 328 N. W.tmrTOfl. *u44m HiOTRI, AND SUMMER RANGES.—r : SoM by CHADWICK AUbO,. ;02 N. BKOOJJD St. auglB-3mos. fuss —17 baluA Carolina Moss, lor saw by MARTIN * MACALISTER, . !f _ , f . 119 WatqrStreet. BW. TIiTGLEY «t CO., BANKERS, » No. 37 Sofith THIRD Street, Philadelphia. * OOLLKOTIONB promptly made on all accessible point* in' thjo United States atm Canada. ~ ' ■ Blocks', Borids, Arc,, Htrttght and Sold on Cordmlaston. ‘ ■ Hajcurront flank Notes, Checks, Ao., bought {it ths’ lowest rates. ■ - Deposit* received and interest allowed, as per agrpe. menb “ ntrt'.nm 1 SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, \J of excellent quality,da Bold nt tho PHILADELPHIA.' •DAS WORKS for the reduced price of Ave cents* bushel,- and may be obtained in large or small quaptllr -by ap3 plying at- the Gas Office, Nff. ’2O SfcVKNTII Street. . Xo [purchasers by Wholesale, It Ji Isold at tho Woiks • in Pipst Ward, by the ton» ataprico equivalent tb >Ajf.- tbttitdte,a I|SL6op«rtpifcU i .^u1 , 14 . , . i xix v.v,4;>* u U-. , | (Signed,) . J.O.ORESSON, Engineer. > Gas Wobkb, Aug, 20, ’57, nuST-tf • of. fitprjsteata-' tyttof prPjhnstfUtifinllin;' erat Ahembfy rtet: That theMtewiu/amJndQMhtoare preposedto the Consulate* riel tfe'e 4a accordance with the provisions of the tenth' artiste T.-- • - , ~ , FXBJ» JJrtMOJIIST. ' • There shkll be an additional -article to nil fcenstitete t}oh to be designated'Bfl article eleven, at follows * . i-.-anxiffLixi} 1 • .. J „. . « . , .0? PUBLIC DEBTS.- . " ' / 8* Ottos X. The State mij cop tract debt*. to tapplv ' cisrial deficit or failures’ Inrevenow; or to meet ettwov sis- not otherwise 11 pfttidkd • -fori ottt'-th* aggregate; ' afnouiitoCeach, debts.-; direct: and jsonttngeat,'Whether;< contracted.by yittu*ot on*or moreacta,of ihegeunai assembly, or at different periods,pf time, sbej) .hot** «Xv Cfed seven hundred and fifty thoqsantf dollars, tad the niouey arising fr6m thd ertatioh of inch debts, Shall • applied to the purpose forvwhich it arks- obtained; oerto repay the debts so Contracted, and to-no ettter pdrposo wfcatever.-' -J* r ~ rr r .i '/ s'* SaorioirS. In addition to tbe wore Iharted.pdrerr' the State may contract dabtr to repel invasion/suppress Insurrection, defenftthe' State in wan dr to redeem thk present outstsndingindebttdnlka of ike Statejr but the ntoney arising from the contracting oTstohdeotej aboil* be applied' to the portosa for which if was raised/ repay such debts„anA to no other pUrpofiewhatetors * 1 • SsCTiosO. Except the debts above specified.-ita.ae©* tiona -ooe and two -of this article,- no- debt .whatever : sbaU.be created by. or on.behalf of the State- • SBOTtOJf.d.' To provide foVthepaymeht oftite present' debt, and any'additional debt contracted & 'aferdsatd;' .the legislature shall/at itiflret session, after the adopr tion of this amendment^create a sinuqg tund r Yhicb shaU bp sufficient to pay the .Morning interest on soph debt, and’'annually to reduce the principal thereof bra sum not lesfiHhanf two hundred and fifty thousand-ddl lars 5 which slaking fund shall consist oi the net annual-' income of the public works, fromtime to time owned by. A flr - proceeds of the .sate of the same."or "any hart thereof, and of th&'income 'or' proceeds of'saW stocks owned by the State, together wlttfotiie* funds,' i of resources, that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may he increased, from timeto'tiftie, by a*- signing to it any part ef the taxes, or other revenues of .the State: not required for the ordinary and current ex?- peukeß orgovernmeut, and unless in case of war, inva sion or 1 Insurrection, no part of the said slaking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in extinguish ment of the public debt, until the amount of such debt’ is redueed below the sum of fire millions of dollars. .. ! Sebtios 5. The credit of the. Commonwealth shall qot in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaded to, any individual, company, corporation, or' assoditidh; nor shall the Commonwealth hereafter become S joint owher, ofr stockholder, in any company,- association, or nqr pbration.. , . , .. . ‘ ." Hsotiqs 6. The Cpmmofiwefilth. shill not assume the' debt, or any part thereof,'of any county,'city, borough', ot toWnship; or of any corporation, or association'} on-' less such debt shall hare beep contracted to enable .the State to repel invasion, suppress domectid insurrection, defend itself in .tltqd'oT' war. or to assist thefibltp in the discharge of any portion of ite present indebtedness; * , : Suction 7.. The Legislators shall ’not authorixa any county, city, borough,, township. ,or incorporated-dia trict, by virtue of a vote.of its cluseas, or otherwise, to .become S' stockholder in aiyr company, association or' corporation; or to obtain money for. x>t lOan its'credit to, any corporation, association, institution or parted - J SSCOXD AXBSDMBHV. , t ' There shall be an additional a»ticlQ to said Ccttstito* tton, to be designated aa artlole XII., as follows; • xbtiolb joi*- . 01* NEW, COUNTIES, ’ {No county shall be divided hyaline cutting off ovqr ;ooe-tenth of its. population, (either to form new county or otherwise/)-wlihcut the-express-assent of such county, ,by-,e vote of the electors: thereof j - nor ' shall any new countyvhe established* containing-tees than four hundred square .miles. . , ••• tbibp. mynvxxf < i . • From section two of the first article -of the Constitar. ;tlon.strike out thewords, . tc o/ tk* tity of Philadclphiai, and of tach "county T«rpee<»e«/j/;* > from'section-five, same article, strike out the words ‘ { i>f Philadelphia ' 1 cLnd of the several covntiet;” rrom Wectiou sevto; same Article, strike out the words, ‘'neither the tity of .Phi ladelphia nor Orty,” and insert, in, lieu thereof the. words, << afli«o; ,, and strike"out “sectionfour, same article, in lieu thereoflnsert the fallowing: ' > “SncTios4. In tho year one thousand eight hundred ’ and sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, re- < presentatlves to the number of one hundred, abaU be 'apportioned and distributed throughout the* Sate, by districts, in proportion to the number of taka . e Inhabitants In the several parts thereof { except that' any county containing at least three thousand fire hundred taxabiea, may be allowed a separate represen tation j but no more than three counties shall be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any city containing a sufficient number of to entitle it to at least two representatives, shall have a separate representation assigned It, ana shall be divided into convenient distrlcU. or contiguous .territory, of equal taxable population as near 4s m*y be, epch of which districts shall elect one representative:*' i At the end of section seven, same article, insert three . Words, “ the.city of. Philadelphia shall be divided tnto sfngle senatorial .fiistjic{s t of tontigpom territory as nearly equal in taxable population as possible, tac no .ward shall be divided in fA/ formation > ' The legislature, at Its first session, after tbeadoption > oi this amendment) shall divide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial apd, representative districts, in the man \ nee above provided; stich districts to remain "unchanged until the apportionment In the year one thousand eight 1 hhndred and sixty-four. - • r j • roosTnaiwinMfxxT.,. ... ) 1 There shall be an additional section to the first article . of said Constitution, which shall be numbered and read j as follows: ' Sxotioh to. The legislature shall have -the poweb to' alter, revoke, - or. annul, any charter of tocotyoration* hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general ' law. whenever in their opinion it may bo injuxioua to the ctiisens of the Commonwealth; In such manner, hbwerer, that no injustice shall he done to the corpora-, tors. - ■ ' i lx Smtx, March 29, 1557. Iflrjo/rrJ, That this resolution-pass. .On .the first amendment, ye&a 24, nays T: on the secondameiAmeat, 23, nays 8; qa the toira amendment} yeas 24, nays 4 j on the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. • ~ | - [Extract from the Journal.] ; ' 1 GEO. W. HAMEESLT, Clerk, 'ls TBS Hots* ov BxrutszVTATirxs, April 26,186 T. • 'RtmtveiyfbiX thi* resolution paaa, On tb» flat amendment, yeaa.7B, nays 12; on the second amendment, joss W, rsjti 34; on the thirl amendment, jeai nays 23 j on the fourth amendment, jeaa 83, 1147 s 7. ' .. ~ r [Extract from the Journal.) , ,*. JACOB EIEOtBBjOjwk. * ' Filed in Secretary’s office, May 2,185 T. • | • A. Q. OUBTO,, k ’ > Secretary of the Commonwealth., ■ •SSCTBKTAfiT’S'OmCI, * ‘ Hibmsbebo, June 22,1867. PenHsylvania ss:' I do certify that the abore and foregoing Is a true and cmrectcopyoftheoriginal “ResolutioupTopoeiEg amend ments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth,” with thie rote in each branoh of the Legislate re upon' the float passage thereof, as appears from the originals on file in this office. • .1 - In testimony whereof I have' hereunto set my • (lb) hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the ; - - 'Secretary’* Office, the day and year abore written. A. G. CUXTIN, ' • Secretary of the Commonwealth: 1 1 , " ' *' la StsitiV Afore* 2J, 1857, The resolution proposing amend pa cats to the Consti tution of the Commonvealth being under consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agrpe to the first amendment? > , The jeafi and nays were takenagroeabjy to th® .pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, rix; Y?ss—Messrs, Brewer, Browne, Coffer, Ely. Brans, Fetter, Fleoniken, Fraxer, Ingram, Jordan, Kiliimrer, . Kpol, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shu min, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Tag gait, Speaier—>24. - Mats—Messrs. Orabb. Oresswell, Finney, Gregg,. Harris, Penrose vyi Bout W—7. So the question wwr determined in the a|flrajgtlTe, , On the question, , ~ WHI the Senate agree' to the second amendment! 7 ’he yeas and nays were taken agreeably ter the pro* Lons of the Constitution, and were as follow, vlxi Ybas—Messri; • Brewer;. Browne, * OrtenVell;' Ely,' Evans, Fetter, 1 Finney. Fleenlken, Ingrani, Jdrdan, Knox, LaubachiLewii,Myer,Sellers,-Biumad, Bodther, Btdele,-Straub, Welsh, Yr llkine, Wright and. Taggart, Speaker —23. ' * , Nats—Messrs. Coffey, Orabb, Frazer, Gregg, Harris, JCillinger, Penroso and Scofield—S. So the queatioa-was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Jill the Senate agree-to the third amendment ? • ‘ The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro* visions of the Constitution, end were as follows, vis:' ■ , Ybas— Messrs. B»wer,liroinie 7 Orabb,Oreaswell, Bly, Evkns, Flenniken, Fraxsr,,lncrami Jordan, Killinger, Kcpx, Laubach, Lewis, Myer t Swfield, Sellers, Shuman, Boqther, Steele, Straub, Wels.h v .Wilkins, and. Wright —2*. , . Nats—M««rs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penrcee—l. So the Question was determined In the affirmative. . On the question,: , ... . Wi|l the Senate agree to i2zq fourth amendment f l. . The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and iff?*? ** follow, ril: Y*A9—Messrs. Brewer,, Browne, Coffey, CreezweU. Ely, Evius, Fieuniken,, Frazer, Ingram* KuUcger, Knox, Lauback,Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, fitefele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wrigbt-r?5.. Nats— Messrs. Orabb, Finney, Jordan sud Penrose— 4 ' go the question was determined id the affirmative. , lx tkb Hou&a or Bxeaßa*sTAviT*s, >- > • ’ .Ayw*i29,.lSs7. y' The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, ,On the question, ♦ - • • 1 ’ rWlll the House agree to the first amendment? , The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the. provi sions of the Constitution, aqd were as follow, vis: -, . Yeas —Meters. Ahddrtob, AMhur, Backhouse, Ball,' Book, Bishop, Bower,'BrowmCilhoub, 4 Campbell, Chads, Cieavor, Crawford,Dickey, Ent, Ryrt«r,F ausold,Foster, Giblxmey, Gildea, Hamel, Harper. HeinS, HUstand, Hill, Hlllegas, Hoffman, (Berks.) Imbrie,'lnnes,Jicoba, Jenkins. Johns, Johnson. Kauffman, Eerr, Knight, Lol* Lovett, Man ear, Mangle,' M’Calmout, M’llvain, Moqrbead. Mamma) Musselmon, Nichols, Kfcholsdn, Nuafrroacher, Pearson, Peters, Petriken, Pot nail, Purcell, Ramsey. (PhiladelqUlft,).Ramsey, (Yo k,) Reamer; Reed,'Roberts, Rupp/ Shaw,'• filoaiij Smi ;h, (Cambria,) Smith,'(Centra,) St*Vexs»wn, Toi^a, Yni , Vauroorhie, Vickers, YoegbieyiWiUer,Westbrook, Wharton, Wlllistod, Wither©*', "Wright, Zimmerman and,ttets, Sptotyr— ra'. / '* *' N ats— Messrs . Backus) Benson, Dock, Hamilton *Hao ‘cocHt nine,’ Hoffmkn, (Lebahonj)Lebo, Btrutfcm. Thorn, Warner and JVintrbde-i-12.' . . 1 , l • $4 the 1 determined la the affirmative^ * * Onthe'quenloa,' ' " , Will the House to the second amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follows, vis: Ybab—Messrs. Anderson. Backhouse, Ball. Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Ent, Fausold,Fo*ter, Gildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Uiestand,HUlegas,HQff'’ mad, (Berks,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Innes, Jenkins, Johns ,Johnson, Kauffman, Knight, Leiaenringec, Louga 'ker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle,M’llvaln,Moorhead, Mus selmau, Nichols. Nicholson, 'Nuuem&chßr, Peaxson. Pe ters, Petrikeo y Fownall, Parcel), Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Zimtncrman anjl Uet*, ’ Nats— Messrs. Arthur. Augdstlne, Backuf, Benson Bishop, Br«wq, Chase, CleaTer.Craxtord, Kyster, Gib* tonfy, iramilton, Hanojck, Hift, Hlue l Hoffman, (Leb enod,) Jacobs, KemLebo, M»Calmont,MummPj Beed, (Cambria,) Qmith, (Centw,). Etevensou, gtruth ers, iThoruJTanyoorhls. Ticker?, .Wagonseller, Warner, Widtrode, Witherow and Wright—S4. Sd the ( question was determined In the affinnetlve. Oo the question, " 11711 tho House agree to the third’amendment! Thqyeaa'and days wpre taken agreeably tp,the pro vision? of the Constitution, and were as follows* yii t • , Yeas.—M£ers. Anderson, * BackhoG?e, Rail, Beck, Benson, Bower* Brown, Calhoun, Campbell* Chase, Crawfortl, Dickey, Ent, Kyater, Fausold, Fos ter,|Glbb6ney, Hamel, Harperr, Hejns, Hlliogas, Hoffman, (Perks,) .Hoffman,. .(Lebanon,). lmbrie. Ines, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Maugle, srCaimont. Moorhead, Momma, Muss elm an, Nichols. Nicholson v Kunemachor, pearsoa, Peters, Pet rikep, Pownall, Purcell,..Ramsey, (York,). Reamer. Reod.Rupu, Sbtw, Sloan, Smith. (CambrU,) Smith. (Centro,) Stevenson. Tolan. Tall, Vanvoorhis, Tickers! voeghley. Wagonsellor, Westbrook,. WUligton, Wi«2 erow, Wright, Ziramerman and Gets. speoirr-»« ' N^ts— Mewrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus * BishnV Carty, Dock, Gildea, Hamilton, Hancock* nine JeS klus Kntght, Uisenring, M’Hvaih, Ramioy (Phlladel nhio,) Roberts, Struthers. Thorn, Walter. Waraer Wharton and Winttode-32! ‘ ,J ’ naraer, Sa the questiflnivaa determined in the affirmative. '' - On the question, * * ** ■ * ' , Win the Bodto agree to the fourth amendment f The yeas end nays wera taken agreeably to the pro* visions of the Constitution, and were as follow. Tiz: YSAB—MeMn. Anderson,Arthur, Backhouse, backus, Rail, Beck, Benson, BUhep, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, CampbeU, Oarty, Chase, Reaver, Crawford, Dickey, But, Bjrsterf Fanfold, Boiter, GihboDey.Uildea. Harper, Heins, Utestaad, UIU, HUegas, Hoffmaf>, (Berk|,> Hoffmwf /Lebanon,) Housekeeper*. Imbrie, londs, Jacobs, Jonklns, JohAS, Kaaffman, Ltbo/ Lqisenring LP n £Aacr,, LoTett.. Manner,- Mpugle, M’Galmqnt, M’llTafue, Mumma, MusseNnan, Nichols, Nieholsoh, Nuuemacher, Pearson. Peters*. Pe .trikCu: pownall Pnroell, Ramsey* fP.hUMelnhia,)Jlaim sey, (York,) Roomer, Reed I Roberita.Rupp,Shaw, Sloan, Smith? (CarabriaJSmtth, (Centre*), .SteVenHon, Totem: VallL .Vanvoorhls, Vickera, Voegiuey; .Walter, Warner, Westbrook, Wharton, .naiitfioa,-. Wliherow. Zimmprtnan, and,G.ct*,.Sv«akcr.-T-sa. , ' Nats—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton. Hancock, Btruthen, Khoin, Wlntrode and Wright—J. ' * . flo the'qatftion wu <JotqrcjJn.ed.ln Hidkffiimativ#. ; j’-" 1 *;:. s7 STbi*taeV'sCttici;' w ' i4><*rtU)rtto,a*Cj«T*MAanisUi itmtjil >*U of the two Herts** of tfatf e«tflre'3LfeMßU*«£tfefai- ~-0 r-'” » fL. WTUjeasjayhand the cs*l ©£(*|d pfflco., tU* dly of -June, “one v ihott*«d eight JiMd«d*od^ftyvieT«a.' , ‘ i' J..5* - • wi&anflni -. ir{SriyettryoftheGoagiOaw^flttk. .Sqilirpahs: ' : |>EKNSTLVANIA = - - ■ * .OHSAJIjCBNTHiJ.' BOOTH, eonotctiae «b« « }*&tie&itl.g.viiE'W«itteni 1 Ne*th-T«stgn, EaftSpote, K co»tiiMs6«p Mni <Un>tt. % U»: i Rii4>l» . ro cMaa »i.B IfUbargis ,ith Siati-, ■,. Win. BiV.i'a., BW&lf , ' •.-} , owds, On box* . .'• ' 7- " ' * '* Drpgs, \lji r r.: • i; fflSWa?KSB h «St®:7, ; 1 :L««!they r '(ax:hUJrdr boxes), : - .:. .. / ‘>adghe*pPott«,Bte*wa*d,Ae:Ae.,..eGe.werlQQ b- M ns/ - -\ . s . - Salted, (looseorlnadkks); H manufactured, (except Cigarsor cat . .&e.,;..-.;;.v...v:;;..v./4Soe‘ &»100H>. ** roraw*jCuBB—CeflfeejPiihVßaeon,,, V l (ln casks wboxes , r - ’eastward); Lsrd and Lard Oil, Nails, * t 7SodaAsh,GermanClay, Tar. Pitch, ‘ v ßoeifa,'Ac , ....' 40c per 100 lb Pu«ra-4Se. perbW.. until farther notice, r •*AiK f —3Se. per 100 ibs., until farther, notice. -•- In shipping Goods from any froirtt. n f . •P„ h! *j “et'd P*«juyteiai« .KaUroad.” . All Good* consigned to the Asents tf «m» - *™*-. * wj. EnmnUto. lad.f Dumwr.il, Bell ft Murdock, - end Ckrpenter ft Jerrett, Louisville, Kr - B. O Met • ' 4kom, Medieoo, Ind.jH. W. Blown ft Cod eid Irwin *lCo., Clneino.tl : n'. W. Gr»h«m ft ’aSrtE ' *'Po’ f?S C 9 ?,?° ’J' <> - «I KUtretreet, Boston: Leoch & ;. KooMi ■**■?» *•. *• ' • • ' .-HoH. HQHBTO» t ' « - GeneralJreJghtAgent, RhiiadeEhlft,. r v- '* b. t _ , . i Superintendent, ,... ]tfSW YORK liINifeS.^—THE\CAJIPEN ; il AND AMBOY RAIIMED AMD PHILADELPHIA. ANJJ.IRENTON.IIAttKOAD COMPANY'S BINES. ...,.- PEOBI miLADELPHIA.TO NKW YORK. AnSwA ■ ’ ' pbacss. ' ;, ,vi"- iLfcave as follows, vir? ‘ • ~ r . : At 1 A“. H r j 'frdm' Kensington Depot, ria Jen/ef City, 5uii..:..;:.;. At 6 A; M„ ri* Ca*dea andjeraey Jer - [sey Aecomm6datioa,..i*..:‘....i.,.‘ r ,ir. ...\ l At ft A. Camden a&d Amboy, • Acaomitoda*. " t10n..;... . At J A. M., na Camden and Jersey City, yCrtraing ; 3 .* At 10 A. ,11., by steamboat Trenton, via Taco&y' * aid Jersey City, Morning Express. ...;.,..73. & At 3 P.M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex* ’ preaaw.*;, .3 AtbP.U;viaGamdenand jersey City, Evening ' At 3 P. M., via Cftiuden and Amboy, Aceomi&oda* ,tion, 15t.01a55...... 3 At 3 P. M., via Camden Amboy. Actonnnoda non,sodciaM. .......777,...... i * At dP. M.. via Camden and Amboy, ' At 0 P. M,j vis Camden a&d Amboy,'Aceosxmoda* tion, 2nd Class. # ».i *.>..1.7 1 * ’ Th&AP. M. line mn» daily, all other*.Sanders'* e® ted, - _ , „ Express Lines stop at the principal stations only. ■ iFor IleWidera,’ Easton, rWmington,, Ae., atb A. % and 4 P. M.y from Walnut street . r ‘ jFor Water Qsp, Stroodabory, Scranton, Wfliesbarr * Kontrose, Great Bend, Ac.; at 9A. M.,Ti*DeUwsr - Lackawanna at Western Railroad. - yor freehold, at 6A. At. and2P.lt. . •, Per - 2% and SP, H: - ■ - porßristol,TrekteniAc..pt2K ) ' ; i 1 WAT IiUHJi ‘ . for Palmyra, Saneoeas. Beverly; Boriington; Bcfdta v tolwn Ac., atAP. M.’ ‘ •• ' •V, • • . • 1 WAX LINS. :r Mount Holly, Burlington and W*y Stations .it if Bteamhoat RICHARD STOCKTON Sot RcEtegtoo Bristol at 8# A. M . and for. n *-fitrfrTrr stiirfufiiHir' '• dikteplaces r : jL.tw.J * ' Bteamhoat ZRKNV«7 for .TacanyntlO sadUX &L, «nd4£. M.. and for Burlington, and Bristol at 4 ! All line’s,’, except ‘ill M.V.leave Wains* etier '- lD*«fty pounds of baggage only allowed tech pee-* lehger. / Passengers are prohibited from taking afcy ' thflng anhMxage hut their wearing apparel. - s*g*$*g* or»? fifty .pounds to.be paid for extra.. 9fc*odmf r '' P*°y unst thelc responsthility for baggage toi ooa dollaw •- pep pound, and will sot. be. iiahle for Bnr amount bb • ymid $lOO, except by special contract. r*■ «•; -: < • . Wil. H. OATZMEB.-Agent • - i ... C. A A.lb S. ca..t'- R-B. MORRELL, Agent,, ... Vhil*.,4n 3 |t:Ce. - . CHANGE OF.HOtTBS'r—P !*>. \i/ WILMINGTON ANB BALTIMORE RlIT.i _ BQAB. , > - . ‘ t .- r* 1• ■ -On and after Tkarsdsy, Jilw&l. HCT.- -- .' PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. -- PorDiltimorttitS A:il;,lP. (Elprtsa,) ini U WwitetestOßaftl A.K.,'l, dLlftttdllP.'X/' forNawCastlgatS A.M.. land 4.15P.M. * : > ' PotB AiM.*nd4JsP,'M.. •* forDor*ratBA.H.and4.ls.P:K. - PorSeaford at BA. M. and 4.15 P. M. -*.* i *• TRAINS'POE PHILADELPHIA'' eve Baltimore at 8.54, Express, U A; M., tad 635 • ' • . • • ' i - : - ■ - re "Wilmington at C 50 and UA$-A.H.rVtAliB' anttRWP.M r7^- LeareNew Castlaat 6J2Q and 11.05 A. M..aadf-CS-' Leave Middletown at 10.00 A* UvandBDsP.lt. ' “ Leareßorer at 8.50 A.M. and TP< If.* ••• ' *' » Leare&£afard*t?.QoA.M.aad4<ooP*H. ' utl j .... TRAINS JOB BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 005 A. U., 2 P. If; dndlSlf aJm. • - • SUNDAYS only at 11 JP. U. from Philadelphia to i ! • .. Baltimore. c . • do. do. 6.25 P. 11. from Baltimore to ; Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND HAVRE-DK GRACE ACCOMMO - . J . DATION TRAIN Reaves Harre de Grace at 6.W A. M. Leaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. freight Train, with Passenger Car gtached, wQI t«a " as follows:-- j ■« -* Loire Philadelphia for Perrynlle and intermediate-' Lears W ilmington for - >do. . - da. BDO !:S: ; Leire Wißhmgton for Philadelphia at. • < 8.00 P. U/ • s. M. WXTOH, PtwUeat.- ■ CJjPBIN 6 ABKANtJEMENT—PENN". K?| SYLVAN!A CENTRAL RAlLROAD.—Banningni direct connection with the PITTSBITBGH, FORT WAYNE AND CHIOAGOTUIL- ROAP. Foi Cincinnati, St. Louis, ‘ • lowa City, Louisvillej New Orleans, • ‘ < St. Parris. - Indianapolia,: OteveUmd, > • vr* Terre-Haute, - Chicago, ■ - '-'Nebrtsfii. - J v In advaaoe. of oil other ton tea cat of Foraging cltst ve*/A ali tJu Grtat‘W(sU. em Railroads., THROUGH TRAINS * Leave Plriladilphia, for Pittsburgh and western cities. Lodi the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Stattoq, south-east corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET strtots. (entrance on Eleventh Street,) as follows: 9 g Train.uv. at T^-.A.M^ Line......* :atlff»,p.M. ' rewHaU, till 00, Night. mbi* R. B. Line leaves for ai ffDO. P. M., Lancaster )AcconßßQdation,>at ASO'F. M.. The Express Mall mud daily, rite other trains,'Sun days excepted. * '■ Fbr further particulars tee hand-hilU, at the different starting-points.' -Pissengen from the West wiR find this the,shortest and most expeditious route Baltimore, New-Yorkcorßetter :'' ‘ ! THOMAS MOORS, Agent, ' •[ Passenger Line PeTthsyTrauU Railroad Co. - Philadelphia, February, 185 T. '; • anl-ly ¥IH ILADE L P HI A,; GERMANTOWN X] AKD KOKIUSXQVX aUHOAD-SCMMEB AK RANQEMENTS. On and 18&7. ' FOB GERMANTOWN. Leave PhHadelphia at 6,,7,‘8, 8 Khmin.ilO.llK, A. My and 3,3, fi-10 min.j 4,5, 0,7, 8, *, P. if! Ltaveu ueraantown at 6. 7. 7-35,8,0-lOnrin., IOX ux, A, M.yl. 2, S.lO Bin.. 4, J.S, ?, 8, l#x, P. M. The 7-35 o'clock, A. M„ tram from Gerarantoim, will net stop at intermediate Stations . ■ , ez stvpats. p W«T. 9-J# A. M., 8,3,10,6-30 , .1 8-», 9-20 A. M., 1-10, *JS, «• *&, find 7 ?. M. -1 - OHEsnnri hili baileoad. 8, P p"m elfhi * * 4 ' 9Ja *‘ Sn * U X A. M., *, ■ ’lun fcbwtnnt HUI.! T-15, 7-35,10-I*,' 11-10, min., A, H., 3-40,3-40; 5-48, 7^0 t 10-10 min., P. M. ' \ ox soxdats. Leave Philadelphia at 9-20 A. M., 2, 6 W aui 8 P, M. Leave Chestnut Hill at BA. M.. 12*50. 4-10, and&AO, P. SI. ". , * * On and,after May 4th, 1857, * . , . FOR MANAYDNK, CONSHOHOCKEN, AND' NOR ' ! RISTOWNi - Leave Philadelphia at C, 9, and n. A. M., and 5,4 V, «X/audnx,P-M. J ‘. 1 * 1 ** teareNomstown at 7,9,And 11, A. H., 3, and i ' oaf firapita. Irfare Philadelphia at 9 A'. U., *s& 8 P. M. ' XorrbtOTO at 7 A. M., ahd 6. p. M. CfUSSTEB TALLEY BAIISdAIE-JOII DOSTWR ZfWre Philadelphia at Q A. ST-, and 3 P. 11, Laava J>owniugtowa.»% 7)f A. >l,, and 1 P. IT. Aql-lj HENRY £. AtfITH. GaaUSapt; Dapot, NINTH and GREEK atrehti» t Philadelphia: TVORTH TENNSYLYANTA RAILROAD. 'll! FOR RETnLEnjSM; BARTON, ALLENTOWN, MACCir CHUNK, -WILKE SRARRE, DOYLESIGWn! &e.» &<* •' , ~' v ' THROUGH TO BETHLEHEM WITHOUT CHA^GB On and after Wednesday. Jaiy Sth. ISoT, the trains os this Road vUlletT? a* follows, daily, (Sundays ex cepted' * ’■ " 1 ' ' Por Bethlehem, Easton, AUedtowri, Munch PhnnV SSSfSfiu *>»*« For Easton, Allentown, Minch Chink, Pll hl *h ' EiUtoad, Evening Express, at 210 IWneen for Easton by 215 P.M. train take statea at Iron Hill station. . - • 4 (-keconuhftixflon) at 845 A If . aid • Pot Owynedd, (Accommodation) at 6 35 P. 21. c ‘ , REIURMXO. ' «•« Bethlehem at 915 if. M and 245 P. M. with Eaaecngers, via Lehlah "Valley Railroad, from Easton. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wilkesbarre, Ae., arrhinw la Philadelphia at IRIO H. and 345 P. M. - • Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation) at 645 A. M. and 410 P. M. * 1 ’ Leave Gwynedd. (Accommodation) at 6 50 A. H ; . ON SUNDAYS • • Leave Philadelphia for Doylestown. {Acoommodatiaa at A SO A. M- and 6 *5 P..M. lieate for Philadelphia. (Aceommodatita At 0 A. M. and 315 P. M. • -Fare to Bethlehem , . G5O Pare to Alaoch Chunk . . - , SOO * * Fare to Wilkesbarre . . ' 450 Passenger Depot, FRONT and WILLOW Streets aul-ly - SLU3 CLARK, Agent. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC EAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS. Oil and after Monday, August ITtb. and until forth** notice, trains foe Atlantia City wiU leave Vine sfewet wharf daily, (Sundays excepted.) . Yirst down passenger train will leave Tineatmt wharf at 7-50 A. M. Second down pxsieoycr train will leave Vin« rirant whorfattP.M. , V ErpighS trlinx, with prasenyer car Attached, MS A. fli. ' * Returning) leave Atlantic City &j follows * . .- : train at:.,.;.C-30A.ST. > Second do 450 P. M. . r Freight train 12-30 P.M -_ PASSENGERS FOR lIADDONFIELD THU teve Ylne street wharf at 1045 A. M., and 4-45 ?,‘ V.W4lleaveHaddonfleli at 7-20 A. M., a&d,2P,IL.- -1 freight mnit he delivered. at Cooper's'Point lar 9 ■ h’ojocS,’P. 55., to insure Its going down in the morning Company trill sot be responsible for any good! ■ until received and reeeipted.foroy . their aof-lni*.;, r? ; ‘. .. R.FRAZER,Sectary,.-. : , isi’X Hd. SR. Water it, «4 22 N.'ffiirrli,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers