tilted . JWlllo 6^tt6^fe 7 and,*^@;»apDextig>it«T.‘thaß'ita,*3 : boeo-lcnoirc yah obott 6f toe bub* pension of tho ;Mfichablo'fl v :frafilt Wg Association w tho defecations iHopajingtenw**mopntiUg>ifr la ■lltjftdrtq :s7o<OTi Jbnl H;U rVtay >cohadently. &saorted;ih»t;ibe.benk hasihecnybehlnd'at tho oleariSrhodMfiirfwtne d»ys, and It Wa> yesterday debated whether It had not forfeited Ua ‘tight to memhflfsbip among: the 1 associated htnics. '.Vhb<tgKlC ; frs*C®j?l3«p?te4' ; i , slSw}i^},t > '.o4ttt:, tslljAMlwtt/itnnbfc'iflatia '7aiitonjsCJtte*V3®p<>syt^ ; ora I lwh6''commbneL>ddo,~ TntKdt>''Stheirdepo«its, ; ic »hfo jShi A«W»eq«fctie%.-. ?l S»- bl!l*.(rf;tfithanV are perfoetlyaafe.nnday e being j redeemed by the Bisk of AmerlotuPhealx, Union”: North America,‘New York, nndMahhattan; b’stlr i wo aroytb judge by the'aUiiemeiit'of Itsaffalrs, njode'Tiistordsyidopoaitprsarasotllkolj'.iobfitii ltt SMOtt.woro'thbitih.stgtea tdbeV,"- loins, $1,110,230-; speole; ~ ;$35,0?8, *>M, And iCalt&bilitWs—Bepoaltt,sBll,2lo; I Circulation, $222,118..;; Total;-$1,037,35G,*hi0h ] only; lesvoa a surplus of $108,932 sin assets j over liabilities. As tbaford stated the bill holders are qafte'seonro. tilth u clrculstion of $223,n0, , its securities nto as followa :; ; li.’: « sk << 62,000 ' / '. - . ' s v‘‘ ‘ ' ;r ‘ '- i: .$345,922 . . Isbell haite nQ meanV- to*day -b6^t« ; post-honrsi to obtain any.reUftble information as to the extent*? of theinkotvcment of this bank, nor do" I‘believe the. direetow wiU know themselves, the defaulting teller had bo . the books as to donoeftlhls embarrassments are occasioned, by - the ft# ore; of. the OhioXjfo andi Trusfc Company,. .and by loapfl on stbckawhich hecahnotciiUiii.. The v-rczaj ttsnoes and, collection papor.ofthe fins have fc&ndrftVferied to otberhands, and ihehope is expreased that the - doors WSIV Wopenagaiti to- ■ .*>« •■ •>*?-. shall be of.rumors irf'tho ‘ street; and in* ‘ deed>V^y^hor^^the> l eUy,i'Wifh= regard. to the aafetyorcdme of r tmr other city banks far. AsT can leara, groundless and malicious. iThere : has boon—not .exactly a run, hut ' vety /like it—ail day .on some of 'the hanks, the'Metropolitan, for instance,' but /without being; dome. , Thero is no . doubVVhowfcTer, I'thafc for -Home days -baok,- -de-i poettoft graddally palUng theiselves,-. «g*itfHf ? In ‘ net^-anrptUedvto ahina vffiatwb r that is now ; Tery ;iniioh, AV«reast,, rlj',my self,,;s*W*thV A paper fjot iohe-cHaur dirst’dry,* , goods. houses.. good at .all times, ' and - nowm gold • Mint, - ; W-d&y •at 18 per tout.' r The psperof; another boose almostls 1 good ia, the'SSme lino refusedatfihy pVIdV and the acceptance by-aaA Ifo/lllnu of, ha Hay&nadjafy done af a favor “atSi/per cent; ft month; \ Hearn at this the bank wished to help thoir brother in distress, 4f the condition of affairs .war-,, ranted it;’but on.inquiry this was found not-to be the ease, and they ,concluded only to redeom tbo notes. .; -• • v ‘ ; The'Bank ■ statement' or; yesterday. Wfts moro favorable'ihen'was expected; bat were U much more £>/thanii was; it oonld.nof have prevented the alarm which has existed during ,the day, and. csstloncs still.' The cash trunsactioua at the; Sttb- Trcnsury for. the day were. os .follows: /';/ • Totahßeoeipts, -• : 8230,589 80 v “.Payments, -. . - - 330,697 47 :, Bmanet, ; ---V - .? - . 12,210,293 68'. . .Tbeyeceiptsftt'thfe euAtom-hwwo./qr.duties td- : day 1 /t ,s % ' ~s, ; * Stocks-areagain doVn and the market *as un settled as -ever. A considerable amount of busi ness Was done for eaqifc'i /Ev 0 ry th! dg fell,'; as -you. will see by tnti bulletins of both , hoards; imt lUi nolsCentralwhich advanced 2percent.; <. , Mr. E.-H.,Xudlf>w\sold t<hday <me h'andrWi thousand fl,per cent; loan of 18d6.'!n stims'aiWlat prices as follows r.> / . :000Pe8bam&C0.;..wa..;...98 . 30004. A. SiebWitt.-. : ;;.;.v.;;;9OX • ‘ 3000 Mr. Braen.., 4;T.yr05t;.;...;.: WOO Merritt, Trimhle. - - 20004. K. Stebb.ns.... ; ' ■• do ?: .V...;..,...: oig - 1005J)e|11um&C0....;...v...91 10000 J .. StCbbins.. 91 i»o, asm' «• w WOfcW C0;..v......... «*» o<*6f>.. w .1.;.;;.'.?.... IW.Merritt 1rimb1e;............ MOO. 'WOO .. ,3c> .....i....... . 0000 lOOOollri i v ;.;V. ABHBS-aMTdtlet aVfSfbr.pols end $7.31# for market for -State and western Flourla dnlbandthti demand moderate with sale* Of 8100. bbl«•at’fS'.TSifclS.Ki for/conjmtmto good Btate;so.2o‘®' s6.3fi d£i;.s6-7if1*55.05 for, ebmtnfrn td taper Midilgin-, Indiana, loira, &c* s6.BoesS for extra Gen» easee, eod ss.6o«-0.25 for extra fit. LouteV.vScntherii Ploar Imxichxp|sd with Raje* oflOOQbble at $6,250(8.66 forniiXed te:gCod Alexandria, kc} (d.SSo $7.76 far extra do; for Richmond eounty, and-' Canadian IfJouris easier’ -wtthaales bf-20Q bbls at 5.85«56 for Superfine, and $6145; «$7 JW for extra do. ; ftye Floub Isqnieti and'firm' at $L2&055.25. for from fife* to auper. Cora-31 eal is- quiet at ffclft for Jersey. li • ■, -•:<•- . ' C«rfXE.i*The.ma«cet ta.veiy dnli;- The following Is the afexik on hand np to. this - ■ 1 ; • Stock op Corns ttf Kaw Yobk, Sept. Ist, Ei0.hdg5:.....5....V..;.. Lagusyra; beg5.........*. Maraesllxi^baga... .. Bahia, bag5.,.,,,*,... Jera, tags..., Ceylon, bag 5......... fit, Boiniago, hags Porto’Rico, n0g5.,,.... £arranWa,bi,gs. p ,, ...low 1ag... ;,,.r.vrr,m Java, mats ji jao is Steady at tho following qdo- . ; HEjr TOBZ CLABsiyiQITiQX. 4 -r7;« Upland; Florida, Mobile, N.O. & Tex. fttgßV t..W >, •»• ia. ’• 13; •• Middling. ...16£" 16JU v 15V 38 r Wi*Wnf Fair...ul6B ,UX Alg ~ . 17 ; v•; J^air.............. 1Q%- ' 30# nom. nom. • market-for wheat is irregular, with R?les Of 37,000b0. at for Southern red,- add $1,5501.70 for Southern whtte.-and $1.52051.60f0r good Kantocky; Oats are scarce at 67080 e. for. Western,' aad 01©63<v for Stato. 1 ' Ryo in unsettled at 80®85c:'for »etr.. Corn ia lower at 85c. for good mixed Western, and s&c. for do; Southern yellow^-.* ;*:»>'• -»’ '<•' t aro unchanged, with a better snppiy.. Ht&ss are rery (fall. ,r IBOX is dull at $29 for Scotch JPJg.:. Bars are-nominal: . There is a Httleroori? activity for llem lock. - Sola, at. 26%&27% foe Orinoco light audzniddlo vrflghts, and 20029j£ for Buenos Ayr&a. ' "4 v Turpentine continue heavy/ and held .firmly at 47048 c. Orude. TurpeDtine is very scarce at-nominal ratei,, Gammon Boetn is In demand 1 $1.95. for / 31.0, lba.; fine.do.Hrxnandin good'demand. *t $6.0316 280 fba.. Ter la request at $2,1216 for Norfolk and 82.37 X @2,80 for IViliainjrtou. - - „ Oita.—Tbo. market I« quiet-for Crude Whelefaad. Sperm manufactured Whale le in-lemaud at 80»S8c for | MI; rjuro OUil, quiet at $1.20 for Water prime) uadHoeecdOil t»hea!yatBoaBlo. j ] P*PTUIo*B.-Tl , «.. , Mj*et..f(ir.POT»with! MIM of.BW bbia t at |25.75 for,MMa,ewl.t2l.7s fer PJlbw.j Berf «in demand, with judee ofbble. at (ITa i *>* for fifcpeWl Weafcrn: and fltMoW tor extra do. Setfflanw.eednll atJ&3MtH2i. aecoo la flrra,, at 15f. for Wwtem eraolied. Cut.Merfe ew.ttomlnal at former quotations . lard la’dnll at So ; Scolft.—The market ianneettled end tending dtnvu ward.;.:Tbefollowingiatheeteckthlemorolnf': HEW TORS STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Sept: 1/ '\ ' PUfSt HOAED,'; . , , 2600 tnd State 6’a ’ 77 ’ COONy Oenß.tiric 72 Wo,r,:;da,.X '. MX "865 Erie 88r... eg >lB ; IOOM'TIWnia «’a ; -■ 1460, -.' 7 .d0 - ' ,S SOOO'—Vdo-.v:'-: t(W s> 20 .- VlOO#MoState.a<e;, '0834- 400:- do,’ . • -«s tQk 71000 do ;, 68 :100" : do - : alp.-iyo? 6000.7, do"/; wo'.'aoo-'.idff-vr.iAh.Sd- «,» IMOOI do ■: ••vtitWib .isso.t'db '■?; -••*». 20K MUCrtHREc 13 . r . BsoClev*'Tolßß;B7 _tol.ao -: .;wo 12 - 65MU*MtoBB 'B2 200 • do b 5 11 150 'do ■ ' Ji 8f 26 do- 10 , Sfilßoadbnßß .66 K 100 i-dO »>- .-,*3' 10X- -200 • dn- • ' 65S 2000ERConbda 1871 62 1400 , do 66 6000B»t.lUM4t.M -7« - - 200 ’ 'do ' 1 slO *35 1000IICon E Bonde .66 . . 25MiehCenEE.. 'Oik' ■ a6O SOX 100 < dOV. -J ;b3 ■&* ■ 6 PelArllnd OCo 106 ' - IOSIKIt lf #EU •17 05 Penn Coal Co , 6d . 60Panama It It *-eBl ' l 100 , dd ;> «ffaSO' 67 ' -loOUfCen ft ft p3O 'S4''"' M-J do, ■ tfx 10' do •88 - SOCpmCoai.Co .14 ' trOlOol* cin'tt. 02« 100 VdJ *‘* S W >,S-13 * Gal't'cillßß, rTSv! 200 Faoif M SCOBS -65 ' 300 u &•’ ' 7e a ’ .2* do 64 295,,. do -- 77J4- e^ N A 0t! ‘ EB73 # : 6o r .do' .■■ iL hr:nj} 950 ’-:«0 ' e 78:. ; 20Cl5T*P(t«nrt 16 SOJ •• do . .0 12* 20CW:jsBlBB 77X, w ;;do>"-.“- ~T 2« 145' ;do ■:;.'77,; «0 do atSd 72X M -do 76 U 460 :*. T 2« 250 ‘do’ 76* 160 do e- 72X 60 .do K 1 76^ 60 do , ; '72X 370 do . .. 75 $24 do ' '72 • 1 'SKcosn . 30W m Cen B Bonds 81% 1 60 Bank of r‘loov \ 600 N rj OOEriolKahnjalr.lOX ;SM „do . ,16/4 800 .do - Wit 28 Id.Cjf* it MB S' 11^’ ■7O I’/dd:';,?l ‘ . 60&ABft!D« H It 79 .100 UHkrrßßr^flOtf; '6O/r c-fy-fo s’^-90>*i ,W;/4fi-‘ 00# - 5 ;;»\o 350- , do - or ‘ ,200 Gal k Olil'lL *4’ ,70 ** '5»O '7ao : - v ‘,^bs l -.7«‘ ‘ loacier'&'rol AB' 35V ■ S JM< ff 3*»# (K» do ‘ ' ‘U 160CHUBX BB 75, ► «> jar & Mi«» n.B , so 58MS«TSJrfStK Ss.' 26 Bead Railroad 56* 200 ,-d« - v . . 66, . 100 4-- .ao‘ ; ' E2O 64X 100 :6o 64* 63 64 200 sdo'.'r . . 63V s» do . w . - -- PoiLAnatPHu, September 1,1857. “ lightning from cloudless fb£ language in Which, one of hut egtemporarles announced, the failuro of the Ohio Irffeapd Trust Company. Thteapnonneeraent, In Its vei7 coi>ied from newspaper to, newspaper , nntU with tbeslght.oftbls pot phrase thaiit grei f tiresome, and thevivld boldness . of ifcetnetapHoc poMMied no longer the powerto 4keite cither'airorapaimfratloft-'’ •' ? A ; •> ;-'i AsreaUtghtoingpAMce.fromcloud to- cloud,.asthe thunder reverberates iu aH directions, apd as the at* mosphereisthftMbj'purlfled, so-tho. pariiq ofvrhlch this failure .effect andean excititg 'cause, spread rrbm'dtxtp.ciiy, heightened ererywhere by the reports of-ifcfc teaching elsewhere, ' purifying the money market by brJngfngflil ’the bubble* to the shffoco, .easing, them, and Jowtag the bceujted the purer and sounder for , 'theif dejsirtuw,-;.;. •.. *- Wefiftji’tfiiacacMfvo eiploafenii bf;Mc,ihonip*on, • failure' of tha ? fee failure of/Mr, J.veU at Pc-' trott, ttte stoppage of tho faolliiter.yaad^p^lprocity. - Bank* Sitda boh upon the hdo&s'thereJgen*, , fchping thuuder^retuming - redoubled soqud to the place wheneo it erigiriahidJ Banking villany pf oge uof> its .*\bMcVfi/ sfe;jwlure;of thoieaienlo - ’•, ■ “■■' ; '' * > J;-^v s '' * /:tl» ; 3,200 sha^. ' 1 a gbod time odn'’;ex«3etfpiit' " fit#thfir r tliau ilißjhuTc buenat many ivS‘ H%>t&l '■ 7 % /yheathe brtgh.t'ftun of ourr&Uonai* lspeUed &V^oydi P ss Q ? e “; ;' shor C, sighted vision by th* h®*r-P r{ ** .„.n»u street; V •*■. •!.' - -• * ' !V -.’.' ...The President of the .Warren Count/ Bank, w «iu gU^ r aoco^Un^.ta• the .Buffalo. 'public, r?pptla that. iniitltaticiQinoi broken, but oil wfe and sound. W w cuiation lias been withdrawn,'and'tiiefe aro but few ajttblioWecß,, We dofcbt the -fctoHejr'Jof 4 'repotting the pf Banlt ‘failures, so Industriously eot Mott b/ih»p,nic-m«konf, «a Wh*« d '' t * l j m.'soo&m tb« tolograph ham rant »ho “«** “ f '’i .?, 1 orer'tK. country, Mght/lzilis tWihoHe™ « their «Ml. Iprtlonjiii&^eyieMrWiies..,^'.'tO r ., • The WtfcbiHKhfoit ;' „ . ' 3 “The Tar Collector'oMho'.FlAt Wfird.called tipon ‘ThomaßWilllMlu. BSfl.', o* FrWeJ, d «“ n 4 miam3 meet cl that gentleman's county tax. Mr. WHUina tyndemi him the . amount claimed, leas that portion to be"applied todbe payment of the Interest on the railroad hdnffi The Collector declined to accept.tho fonder, and levied, upon-the hooka in Mr.- Williams" law office, hit thewtoleamount of ila taxes. We hare no donlrt the •genttematl will institute preceedlnga to test the validity of the railroad tax, and hove this vexedgucstion settled ataneoriyday.”- •> "' !m& is - the cdmmsticement of a legal investigation of themerlte of .tiiecon'jw’fr'erey inflation to the bonds | given by Allegheny c<fu&ty, Allegheny City, and Pitts- | burgh, fot railroad pairposos, This is tho right course | to pursue, that the question will bo apepdily.coosidorddland definitely, settled. Suspenso fa, i doubly'iajurious to the Innocent holders of these nbll-* ! gstiost.M,:: 1 ; ' Thafollowing is a comparative statement of the con dttibn' df the Bants of the city of Now York, Aug. 22d and jUg ; 29tb,1857: ■' . Loans'. • - Specie. • Oirtl’n. Bep’ta. Anga 22;...5120,139,582 10,091,118 8.805,01 L 89,364,046 .Aug. 29,.,. 118,688,01 ft. 8,671,060 84,812,880 1 Snowing & decrease of Loans.,.,*. w.. $3,660,603 a decrease of Speelov.. / *25»59« , ;,.!•« a decrease cf:Circolatlon,....... -22,061 ‘•' •'-*< a -decrease of undrawn' Deposits.. 1,880.660 laone’week, the expansion of the' previous elx has ~been removed, - ' ' , i ls'in ,the 180,000; Mecha "nies,'sl3o,ooo; -Union, $77,069;...8ank of America, $140,000; Pbenlx, $27,000} '.titty Bank, $66,000} Mer chants’ Exchange, sloTjoW;'National, $05,000; Lea ther, $30,000; Seventh Ward,, $50,000; Bank State of New-York, $137,000; American Exchange, $550,000; ‘Bank of Commerce, $350,000; Ooean, $144,000; Mer cantile, $64,000; Republic, $100,000; Metropolitan, $850,000: Market, $60,006} Shoe and Leather, $148,000; • ; Oorn~E^ohange,'sl2B,ooo; Continental, $110,000; Im- | 'porton and Traders,-$40,000; Park, $112,000. I A riThe fcilbwing Banka increosed their loons lnstweok: 'Hidkof'NiirT6rk','t7B,6W)VMS»h»nW;l«»,oto'i , liH'- 1. - -.-::,- . /''■The New York Express says— “ The statement df the Newark Advertiser, that W. B. Ogden<E«t«} orOhldagOj haantatoati assignment, is en tirely grouttdleW-'MrV Ogdenhas hot been at Chicago 'recently, has not made.- an assign raent. and will not unless his crcditorefoi'ce'hlm to do S 6. Ills obligations -Are confined (6 endoraWnents oh Occoant of tho Fond dn Loo road; tile creditors of which hare acceded generally Ao tho'-wniest for an extension, and little donbt is felt by tiiore who understand tho affaire of-the Company that the shtira obligations of the road, endorsed by Mr. Ogden, will be retired from the funds of the Company, .which is having all the success It could reasonably hope is resto'ringlts finances.-**', V r ' ■’ i W. A/Bboth,'£sq; f President 1 of the American Ex change*Bank, and’F.!lt. ( l.ane, have boon appointed re ceivers for the Ohio Life, and Trust Co. - j The interest coufyont. bn the Ist Mortgage and “spe c's! issue” of bonds of theludl&o&poliB and Cincinnati 'Batiroad Company, due -September Ist, -will be paid at the American Exchange Uauk> - The Ift'Crosse'Company to-day pay at their office, Ko.-19 Nassau street,alt the' coupons due on bonds Is sued for their benefit. : J , ' TUo.lillngls,Qreat. Weatorn Eallroad is >advertised to bc> sold at auction atSpringfield/ontb'6lsth of Ootober. Messrs. J-N. A.GrlswoldandL. M, Wiley aro the as eigneesV_ '‘-V* - ■ 1 It is nOir «!aid that the statement that the New Eng land Bank Note Company had been robbed of a large amouhtof.htilshaS.vecy little foundation in fact. The whole amount will nol exceed $2OO. 1 The Detroit AJceriiter says: 11 Thosuspensiob of J. L. I/jell, broker, yesterday, hsa caused much tnik among business men, though most •f his depositors feel secure, being under the Impression that hts doors are closed only temporarily. Most of the business community have heretofore placed unbounded confidence in this community has en joyed bettor credit. - The.,suspension - baa caused con siderable distrust luthemjrids of all, and a tight run on eomo of our other brOkerd tcHlay baa beentho conse quence, but they have all met the calls promptly, and wo presume will continue to do so.” - ' ....oiX .90 The business at, the'New Fork S/jb-Treasury <m the. Slat ult. was Wfotiowß; “ TOtiki receipts. $295,010 TO > Payment*.. L*.... . 408,052 32 i‘. BnUrice.. 12,310,401 20 The following table will chow the. operations at the Assistant Trearam’s Now York', to the month oC August’:'"- /' > Bjr balance,' 3 August Ist, 1837, ;. peceipti during the month: - Vn accountorCustoms,:....s3,99o,2B9 55 'do -. -Patent Pees;, 5,085 00 ' > v4o . <v - • 67,037 17 do -800 ,000 00 do Miscellaneous 28,414 60-4,290,770 82 Ttymentn: Treasury PrafU.7.. Port Office ;do ... ’ Balance August3lst, 1857............57,787,830 39 By balance, Or., diiVgacti.',s2,ol6,349 23 J Byreceipts duruigthemonth 3,737,890 53—3,754,239 70 To payments.-. 3,657,200 c 7 01.360 ......12,37*, ......none' * Balance/..:;...V. By balance, Cr.j interest accounts, To payment 5,..................... 8a1ance...;..:...;..../.’ .I 1 . 64,846 00 By receipts for Custom* in Aug. 1867 3,060.280 66 ‘ do f . \--A4 ;do 1856. t i,«, 6)34<»}‘W 67 ..........SOO .none ’ JDecreMß in August^,lB67;. ~..$3,346,488 12 Bfbal. 0r.,8i4. a»4Bx. Acltfor Aa»y 0f.53,284,857 63 By coin reoMdUngthe month. $00,515 62 ■.- ■• : , .. fdo „ 32,061,032 39—2,168,147 61 Topaymeniiin c0in.,........5154,80615 ' do &ne bar5...1,870,179 05—1,604,085 20 5 Balance $1,938,020 31 By colnin bond in Aa.T’a0f;f0,939,710 33 ' , • do* . ' Aasay Of, 1,001,482 40-10,941,192 78 Byflnebar* ~$933,5.77 04 ■By unpari’dbul.anAfUfoßU'r.’ 401,447 €0 Bullion atMJnt ftrcoinage..,; 37,192 93—1,375,203 47 V/i Total. .j.; $12,310,401 25 /'Statement of business at the C. S. Assaf Office, for Jfte month ending August,3lft, 1867: v Deposits of (told— . Foreign Coins.,; Foreign Bullion, U. S. Bullion:.. and Purchases of Siver— ' -Foreign, C0in5.],..',.,....,',.... $72,000 Foreign Bullion 40,000 17,8.11itf. (contained In gold),. . JO,oOG ' do - old coins 120,000 { ' , do.' lake .Superior..,,.. 3,000 $245,000 Total Deposits,'payablein bant..' $860,000 -do* . - do . j coins., ,240.0CKJ~£1,130,000 ; Goldßarsj}Uraped,.. ' Transmitted to U. 8. Mint Phil., for coinage... 168,073 25 .' The following were the item* of tho HolHstorßank andof the. Reciprocity (or Sackett’a Harbor) Bask at ftbelrlwt quarterly statement, June, 1857.. . » ~ . -< • • » Reciprocity Bk.' 1 Hollister Bk. Capital. $200,000 ‘ $200,000 circulation... V.,....... 1*3,780 09,"206 Proflta .‘ 0,768 20,211 Due other banks.;; ....v 15,020 50,636 Duo Treasurer State New York.. 62,723 16,647 Individual Deposits 64,213 164,527 1 UUpollftneoafl:',.. is.+i .V. 44,610 ✓.C '.Total IJtkWUe*. .$4961264 $590,138 L0ta5;;.860,077' 423,326 Overdrafts,,, .v, /;i .v„. Due from otherbanks.....; .Beal estate... 4 .; ; 5.:;: . SpecJfe.-,.;, * .Cash ltoras&« , ;u'. : .. Stocks sod Bonds... Bank notes. ;vv.'..;.. f .; kU&)ft11a'a&0u9.;i,.. 1 ............ TotilMJjets.V*..../. 455,264 690,13 H ‘ The.clrcal&fton'ahd deposits of these tanks arc safe, whatevcr'may be the loss to the, stockholders. ,!• Themonetaryoxcftement WNewYork, f seeordiDg to the of fast evening; still continues: «' • Wall, street ba* been in a state of I more .excitement to-day thattfdr any* ported during the summer. A panic has taken possession Of the tldiidj'andtho fooling passes from qhe to the other with all the force which aaeh a /Mato of thing* lis naturally calculated to airaken. ,Tho immediate Cause is'the BUspenMOn.cT the Mechanics’ ,'Banking'Associatiorij boo or the officers of which has teen found faithless in the discharge of his duties. The liabilities ai* sot known to i certainty, and until they Are fcnowir'Xhe directors decline to meet the obligations ofthe Bank. 1 With'tbe previous'feeling In the afreet in regard to some of tho country Banks, such'ah a"t as this was calculated to produce the' natural effect* no have -seen. The suspension of Beebe & 90., owing >*> (heir largo loaks on stocks, is another c&oso of tho’.tiante. [ - An attempt to Increase thepanic by the report that 1 tho Brie Railroad would not pay the dividend on.vl.eir September Bonds was answered by the positive payment. 'Of them at noon attho Manhattan Bank. Those who, for surj>oses of bril’ahd to increase tliq excitement, htui cir culsteu aecritntfy repOrthacatiaß'they it to be ' true; of course were disappointed,' and such trill now set their free* in sowe iiew: dirdctloo, to propagate mis-, nhlefv 5 ' v .' s .“ / V .Though confidence'is a plant of Blow growth, It is most rapid Of all growtiwinlta decline. On occasions like these when tens of millions of dollars are in danger jaerlSccd almost dally from a raero panic, it Is time for solid, Intelligent business iuen to arrest the, 1 . evils of the loss by breasting the storm. Tho danger Is . ope of fear rather than, any-real evil.' There is as much , real; value - and as much money Id this city to-day as there was half a year since, and yet millions of dollars have been swept bj the board iu tho space o a few - -weeks, Only arotoration of confidence tan check the calamity, and sensible boßlnessmensUoiUd unite to accomplish this. One effect of tho present excitement has been to bring thousand*of- absentees to tho city. Wo observed many of our ‘leading buslness/pCn on Wall street to-day, aud .among those who have been at their country homes and the watering places for the summer. At one time, two or three hundred people were congregated opposite to the New York Banking AatoCifttiou building, attracted by curiosity, bat there seemed to be no excitement beyond this, add more of good nature and good philoso; phy than Ono-ft'oald •naturally expect. If the Banka, Bankers, and cltlseua wIU but do their duty oue towards another, by allowing a manly confidence and caution to go hand in hand, all will soon be well.' 1 Q»S O'Clocx,-—Abetter state of feeling exists. The Bank of America, 1 Phoenix, Manhattan, Union, North America, New York, and-the banks generally are re deeming the notes of the Mechanics’ Banking Associa tion. This is i stop lathe right direction. The notea . are equal to'gold,'based as they arc oa tho large pre mium Whiofc exist* for State stocks as security, aud any Sacrifice of a uch property is cruelty to the holder. 'IWO o’ciocit'.—lip to the time we go toprosa, no bonk in this city is In discredit, except the Mechanics’ Bank fog Association— as \of leant at the toUhleri of the banks'char fit io Uhbtttig diicredited. The panic makers have succeeded ih croatlng an excitement among :tfcs banks,'and hence, : as the immediate effect Is,to stop -loans, trouble in pther quarters is apprehended, with , reason, during the day. * * v 7 'The fottowlojrw* thprecsipt* at the Philadelphia .Custom ttouae for the taontha of August, 185e-’57 : : i< / •.’. •.» "• 1860. 1857. Y&tw of tnertlwindlM In warehouse ..flnitmoJith.,,.....a,.* 908.1Q3 2,738,160 foe warchoaeo ft 'm foreign • Enteredfot from other district*., iV.Aj.V ■»,«* ' 90,442 EateVcdfoe ccniramptlon from for-' _ • - eiffo JXJrUl .W, 714,000 free:tneroh&ndiM Entered.B79,oo7 ,?P4W«*alfreraw*Tebouw7<>reon-. ' : • Aniiatf 282,839 6«,435 Wttbdaw*! from Wamtotu* for- „ _ h\ 10,33® ; . {,W Wlt!idtf,#4ip G ivr4tehotuJefor exp't ■ - 10,203 8,209 -1v^ u *Pfaj*rch*n£ji»« lo <inireh6urfe '• ' - _ „ of ttoath/i* Min;:,.;..1 .>1.067,80* *,BBO,UT )' MtitMuHtetMrJ ~ ‘ ... **J- - , -18 M . 1888' !•’ ! iB6O. • Ml.! $‘*83,600 '5270,98? jjpttWlU 7 ' r , J,_ > }&h¥* 2,820,819 2,198,803 •ri wwm .-; - PHILADIELI?kiA BT6dl , ' W'rV'B^jtombw Reported.by B. . - • ; . Walnut . . FIRST BOABD, 300 City 6’a 89# 100 Beading BR «5 27# 400 do 80 # 100 do »5 27# 1000 N Pcnna R R 6‘s 67 IQO do a 5 27# 800 City R Rd'a 89# 6o do 27# 6000 do 2 (lays 89# 100 do 27# 2o Readingßß 28 10 Q do 21% 26 ■ ,do 1)5 28 100 do 2dys27# 5 do 28# 10Q • do bl 27# 15 do 28 2 do 28 ■ 20 do 28 8 do 28 ' 4 • do *2B 6 do 28 ; 6 do 28 1 do 28 100 do l>s 27# 8 do 28 100 do cash 27# 10 Penna R R f*strn 40 100 . do - 27# 10 do -40 100 do . 27# 10 do * swn 40 100 dp 27 # 0 do sOwn. 40 100 do . 27# 6 . do, eswn 40 100 do b 4 27# 6 do bswii 40 100 do 27# 7 Mor Canal pref 92 100 do 27# 13 N Penna Rft 10 100 do - 27# 22 do 10 2 do 28 BETWEEN 60 Reading RR b 5 27# 60 do . .16 27# 100 do .2 days 27# 200 do 2 days 27# 100 do b 3 27# SECOND IGGQ Elra’a RR 10 p cfc 80 1000 do 7 p c2dmt chOl 2 Reading HR. 27# 30 do 27# 100 do . 27# CLOSING PHI Btd. Asked. •V 8 e’Sj'W 116 PhiladaCU 80#e89# do RR 80#e08# do ■ New 25# 096 Penna6a, 82#®83#; Readingß. 27#®27# I do Bonds'7o 77 ®7B# | Mort O’s’44. 85 ®Bo# i Penns Rll ■ 45#®48 I Morris Deal Con 48 ®6O | SchylNav6i'B'2 63 ®C4 do Stock 11 ®l2 | lat; 100 Heading 60 do Reading closes LIVERPOOL—Packet ship Wyoming. Crooks—7 tons iron James Marsland; 181 tons tin plates Nathan Trot ter A Co; 1 pkg W B Carver; 1 do It T fibeppftrd, 1 do Coleman,Kelton A Co;3 do Field A Hardlo; 12 do W Mc- Kee &Co’,2df>GKTryon;ldoEO Borhek; 6 do 6 anvils Robt Dunlop; 6 do Bates A Coates; 0 do Muslin A Bon nett, 4 do Wright A Brown: 8 do Hamilton,Easter Sc Co; 22d01j SLevj ACo; 7do liaddon, Oadl & Porter; 6 do Oanbr, Neviilo A Hughes; 39 do Robt Ewing: 11 do Den ms jlcEwen; 1 do j T Johns; 03 do Sharpless Bros; 2 flat chains 0 A Lyman: 21 pkgs 74 bdls steel Curtis tc Hand; I pkg F A Packard; 1 do J Ouminlog; Otloll Howard: 6do Lafourcado, DeOorcy is Co: 8 tons iron Potts A Roberts: 0 do IV F Potts; odo IV (1 Hoopes; 49 Bteever A Whittaker; 0 pkgs J Lambert; 1 do Barcroft, Beaver & Co; 1 do M L llaUoweU C Co; 10 do Grundy Warden is Co; 46 do Thomas Mellor, 2do Esherick, Black is Co; 1 do Dalo. Ross A Withers; 6 do Greer A Lalng, Wheeling; 45 do J A B Orme; 3 Isaac Barton & Co; 2 do filter. Price A Co; 74 do J H Orne; 0 do Worrell, Coates As Co; 24 ts Iron Morris Tasker & Co; 6 pkgs Handy & Drainer; 2 doT & F Evans: 9do licsson & Son; odo Llppineott A Parry; 4 do Authony, McKhnbor A Co; 8 do Sami Agncw; 13 do Joel J' BilUoy A Co; Bdo W J P Ingraham; 3do G B Reese, Bon & Co; 4do Truitt, Brothers & Co; Ido E IV Payne; 2do Armor, Young & Co; 1 do Marplo, McClure A- Co; Ido > R Mcllvain A Bons; Ido W B Lower A Son; 10 do -John K Hart; 3 do J C Grubb A Co: 5 do Fassjtt A Co; 1 Roles, Bros A Co; 6 do Jas Lesley, Jr; 1 do Wagner ft Btuart; 4 do Mur phy A Yarnall; 1 do Field, Langstfoth A co: 0 do 8 II Bouighaus; 1 do Newliall A Lehman; 8 do Caldwell A Gbriskey; 3do Jos Woodward & co; 8 do Bedell, Pemoe A co; do SUaflner, Zelgler A co; 40 do Robert Pol leck; 4 do D 8 Brown; 63 ton iron Morris, Jones A co; 6 packages Bancroft A Lea; 7do \V P WHstach; 10 do Wood, Bacon A co; 8 ts iron Stccvtr A Whittaker; 08 do M B Mahoney A co: 11 packes Stewart A Brother; 8 do Smith, Williams A co; 11 do David Graham A co;'3do Alexander Wray A co: 6 anvils Justice A EXeimnofz; 1 packago Shackleford, McCauley A co; 1 do Thomas Richardson A co; 02 do Day A Matlock; I do >’ A Packard; 8 do .Lewis A co; 8 do Geo D Par fish; 60 do Sharp, Haines, A Co; 1 do B G Godfrey A Co; 22 do Oho Taylor; 3do 8 hags nails Smith, Seltzer, A Co; 0 doll do Shields A Miller: 1<) pkgs Goff A Poter-t sou; 12 do Chas Field; 37 do 55 anvils It A W C Biddle A Co; 4 do 7 do J J Duncan A Co; 1 do T llessonbrimck A Co; 2 do W II Knight; 3 doP g Justice A Co; 0 do J M Ford; Ido Hatch A Bros; 3do Stotesbury A Ayre<; G do Ratguel A Co;6 do K Mullins; 4do Dilworth, Bran son, A Co; IdoIS D Goddard; 1 do If DuUeiug A Co; tl do 16 tons 5 cwt 2tbs steel AMP Watson; 12 do 7 bags wills Davenport A Eldrldgo. .LIVERPOOL. —ShipStalwart,Lucas; 3cases rndsoGnU lou. llou'ioMon, A Co; 4]bales mdse, 12 casks soda, and 89 tes bleaching powder Churchman A Co; 2 cases mdse. 1 caso hosfory Canby, Neville A Hughes: 72 do steel D T Holley; 35 do mdse William McKea, A Co; 3 bales mdse, 1 case mdse Wray A Gilillab; 1. cask do Charles Field: 20 crates earthenware W P A G lfnckcr, 100 casks bleaching powders F Bennie; | 6 cases steel Henry Daristou; 1 do mdseiWood, Bacon A Co; 2 do do fihaptelgli A Rue; 3 do scented soap, Rolls, Matthews A Co; 3 bales mdse, Plggott; 3 cases do Clag horn A Mover; 2do do J W Gibbs A Son; 18 casks soiia ash, 720 rails to order; 1 bell, 63 bdls steel, Naylor A Co; 86 ca66d, 8 bales mdse, G D Parrish; 6 cases, id rskn hdw Newlln, Marshall A Co; 2 cases do Sowers A Smith; 1 case mdse, Barcroft, Beaver A Co; 1 do hosiery, Andress A Co; 82 dp steel, Curtis A Hand, 14 casks hardware do Logan A Gregg, Pittsburgh; 19 bales Osnaburgs Lewis A Co: 3 cases mdso 13 do Fustians do; 1 cose thread 2 do silk buttons Laleg, Haglnnls A Browne; 2 do uidse Lafourcado, Ooxo A Co; 6 do do Reiss, Bros A Co; $ cskfl saddlery Knorr, Neco A Co; 2 bales wdzo Rftieuol, A Co; 1 coso do Somes A Snodgrass; 0 cases aud 11 bales do and 1 cask hardware order; 29 crates and 10 caks ear thenware order; 8 cases and 2 bdls steel order: 3 cases book and 12 casks tiles 9 casks oil order; 11 crates earth enware Isaac Stork A co; 17 crates and 8 hhils earthen ware Stein, Warner A co; 2 bales radio J T Wray A co; 6 cases do Smith. Williams A co; 1 bale and 1 cask sad dlery W F Wilsiach A co; 2casks hardware IV S Han* sell; 1 cask chains and 1 cask merchandize W 8 Hansel); 1 cask hardware J J Dunkcn A co; Ido mdse Sbaffner, Xeiglor A co; 2 cases stnallwaro do; 12 do radius D Gra ham A co; 34 do smallwaro Grundy, Wnrdin A co; 4 bales mdse £ P Moyer A Bro; 27 cases do I> 8 Levy & co; 39 bdls bar Iron Steovor A Whittaker; 237 do steel do do; 879 bais, 349 bdls rod iron, Middleton A Harncd ; 2393 bars aud 180 bdls bar iron, W F Potts; 1118 do and 30 do do J Gillingham A Sons; 698 do and 678 do <loD Bob bins A Co; 191 lulls sheet iron,W WRichards; lease mdze, S P Watkins; 2 do do It Ewing; 19 bales carpeting J H Orne ; 1 case mdze L Bcukert; 6462 sacks salt T Kichaidson A Co; 3 casks hardware Justice Afiteimnetz; 2 cases mdze James, Rent, Santee A Co; 1 case mdze J V Cowell A Son; 9 cases and 1 bale mdzo, 23 bales blankets W Watson A Co; 136 sheets 1090 bdls 391 Iron bars Mor ris A Jones A Co; 13-bales mdz» David 8 Brown A Co; G cases do Alexander Wray A Co; 2 bales podding Owen, Hopkins A Co: 4 cases mdze filter, Price A Co; 14 cases nud 2 bales maze GB Reese, Son A Co; 20 bates blankets G D Reese, Son A Co; 3 cases mdze J B Orne; 3 cases hosiery Billings, Hoop A Worthington: 7 do tndzu Thus Martin: 1 bale do W JI Jiorstinan A Co; 4 do do 13 do blankets J P Ingraham; 1 case mdzo J T Johneg; 3do do J J Bailey; 100 sacks salt E II Byron A Co; 02 crates 6 hbds do atlur 8 B Pierce A Sons. .87.485,231 10 f11.7C0.0 07 48 i.53.725,M0 44 '' '262,225 65 8.088,177 00 O9 . 107.410 04 42,509 74 $3,443,005 64 LIVERPOOL.— Ship'North American, Clark.—l pkg indze Smith St fleltzer; 1 Murphy it Yarns}); 3 W Hop. klnwm; 1 3 Lambert; 5 W Mokes Sc Co; 2 Duohp & White; 1 Lafourcado,Coxe, & Co; 12 Rosengatder 4c Bod; 8 J U Orno; 75 boxes tin plates N Trotter A Co; 21 casks china clay 0 B Dunn; 340 casks soda ash E A F 0 Yamall; 42 do do 0 W Churchman 3c Co; 2414 bars and 738 Ixila iron M B Mahony 3c Co; 280 bars and 2010 MU do Barber A YoUtig; 395 udl* do McCullogh 3c Co; 140 do do Stover it Whittaker; 240 do do Faesanl, Raker, A Co, 205 do do Pedrlck, Price, it Co: 4334 do do 8 it C D Bobbles A Co* 70casks hardware W G Lewis It Bods; 322 brs and ISO bis iron R Norris Sc Sons; 1023 bars aad 00 bs N it <} Taylor; 9 crates E Ware, 3 Emerick 10; Rush, ton A Co 4: HP& WG Taylor»; do to Jules flauel Sc Co, 71: do do A F EbermanUS; Pkgs bottles 3 Swain 10; Puns Whiskey Mitchell it Allen; 2 OratesE Ware, Tyn dall 4c Mitohell; 20 do do W Everhart; 20 do do B B Pierce4tSon: 255 Geo Hammoraly; 250d0 do P Wright Sc Sous; 100 8 Asbury icCo; 68 do do and 30 Pks Soda Ash Dawson A Hancock: 670 liars Iron: 60 Tea Soda Ash, 40 Puns Whiskey, 10 Casks Hdw. 25 obis Chemicals orde, 316Aescks common, and 1050 uo Pino Salt to 8 Baldwin St Co. $lO,OOO . - s.ooo • .. 870,090 $885,000 $2,010,720 77 PERNAMBUCO—Barone A Scott, McGregor—l434 bags 736 bbls sugar 0,090 dry htdos T A Nowhall it Co. SAVANNAH—Steamship Keystone State, Marshmau —376 bales cotton Wm P Newlin; 13 Alllbone & tanks: COB Garscd 4c Bro; 60 casks rice C R Davis A Co; 10« ,aacks wheat Greiner AUarkQesa: 500 0 K Davis A Co; 357 do2Bo do Hour Budd A Comfy; 145 bales domestics Brown, Hill it Co; 228 Hay A McDeviti; 34 pkgs mdao Blaess & Bergman: 137 Ditim&r St BuU; 11 bales cotton 672 sock wheat order. 8,276 1.917 20 289 21,342 27,490 ! 3,654 ;; 3,840 7,SU 2,164 • r ....... . 44,003- 120,704 . 18,047 8,054 . .4,801 From Savannah, in steamship Keystone State—Mieses A Johnffou. H Templeton, Susan llobiuson, N Bostick, and A Bostick; Messrs P Jacobs. J O Sturtevont, Jos 21 Barthya, W Duncan, O Jungstettor, A Lefller, W Bur. nett, E B Lagron, W Cook, J McCormick, G A Oats, Benedict, A A Roff, 11 GUUlond, E Ilagar, U R fiaudors & Son, J M Eyre, V Curran, J M Bostick, L Bostick. Dre J 8 Coleman and W Purse, Miss Johnson, nod eight in tho steerage. ' PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept* 2,1667. SUN RISES. . HI&U WATER,. U 6 M atoamship KeystonoStato, Jfarshman. GO hours from Savannah, with radae and passengers to A Heron, Jr. Reports, 6PM Sunday, olf Capo Lookout, passed ateamehip for Wow IWk for Savannah; Dl6 PM. 25 miles S of Ilattoras, passed steamship State of Georgia; 10l&. passed steamship Nashville, hound 8; Monday, 1 A M, Hatleras bearing W, pawed Mtcatuahip Alabama: 8 63 A, M, 60 miles N or body's Tsland, passed propeller Ilenry D Ucaeli, hound Sj Monday, 31. Int b 7, long 76 10, exchanged signals with 6 U 8 sloop of war, steering IV. Steamship Fhlncas, Spraguo, Matthews, 00 hours from Boston, with radse to If Wfnsor. Ship Wyoming, Brooks, from Liverpool, 18th July, with mdse ami 200 passeugors to Cope Brothers. Ship Stalwart, Lucas, from Liverpool, July 12, with tudso to T Richardson .A Co. Had light weoteriy winds and calms the whole passage. Aug Otli. Ist 47 N, lon 80 80 W, signalised ship Kansas, steering westward. Ship North American, Clark, from Liverpool, July 12, tilth mdso to Penrose A Burton, Brig Mohawk, Henderson, from Wilmington. SchrJos O Caraway. Gardner, 30 days from Hamilton, NO,v.lUi«htnglea to liolton, 'Vundorvcer Sc Co. BcUr Qco Edward, Baker ,0 days from Salem, in bal last to Nobio, Hammett A Co. Scltr 8 B Bally, Werlan, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain. SchrH B Glbou, Crocker, 4 days from New London, with granite to P Hunt. Sclir Chas Carroll, Pratt, from flnybrook. Eclir Sarah 0 'Willetts, Torain, from Providence. Sclir A Corderr, Babcock, from Boston. Behr W O Audeureid, Ilewltt, from Boston. Bchr Bacon, Beareo, 0 daya from Wareham, In ballast to captain. Bchr J W Earley, Hippie, 1 day from Frederica, Bel, with wheat to Jos Uarruit Ac Son. Schr Golden Onto, Hooue, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with oats to das Barratt A: goo. Bchr Smith Towneend, Peterson, 8 days from N York, with barley malt to Bcwloy, Wilson & Co. ' Bchr Expedition, Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with oats to Dowley, IVllson A Co. Steamship Delaware, Shaw, 22 hours from N York, via Cape May, with mdse and paaicnger/i to Jan Alldcr dice. -Reports having passed bolow the Drown, ship Wyoming, from Liverpool; one barque, six berm brigs, and eight schooners. Below Reedy Island passed n largo barque, eight brigs, and sixteen schooners, all at anchor, upward bound. Steamor Tliob Jefferson, L F Scholllnger, 5 houmfrom Delaware City, having in tow 9 tidewater canal barges, laden with 1 flour, grain coal, iron, lumber, Ac. Towed down 6 others, bound to Ilavro do Grace, ladon with mdse for tfao Ulterior. CLEARED, Steamship Boston, fiellew, Kovr York, J*s AUderdlco, Steamship City of New York, Matthews, Boston, II Wlnaor. Steamship Norfolk, Kelly, Norfolk, T Webster, Jr. Barque Gessuor, Lankenau, Bremen, J T tichottlor A Plate. Barque Chester, Nickerson, Boston, Twella, Gaaklll A Galvin; ' „ 442,CCS 221,054 Brig John Freeman, Boring, Boatop, 0 sillier A Co. Brig Eastern State, Gamage, Cambridge, D Pearson & Co. Brig Mohawk, Henderson, Boston, 0 A Heckeher & Co. Bchr A Oordery, Babcock, do do Schr Lacon, Bears®, Boston, J B Baum & Co. . • Bchr D V&ust, Moslander. Wilmington, NO, D S Stet son A Co. Schr Rosanna Rose, Wyman, Boston, 0 Miller A Co. , SehrWmHenry, Baaiapea, DaHimoro.Bd Christian. schr Wm G Audcnreld, Hewitt, Boston, Noble, U*tn wett A Caldwell. * ’ ’ CaWweU 80 Edw * rd » B4kw i Bolton, Noble, Hammett A 'Whlrlow. Providence, do ov Eversnam. City Point, do Schr Qhw Carroll, Pratt,Providence, Bancroft, l/effic ME i»R»SS.^PHlUi)ieLfifflAr JR 'fcfcOtlAtf ttfc 6ALES, )El, 1667. . Ir-i Stack Broker, No. 80)4 :t Street. 100 Bending R K 27 V 200 do 27)*' 100 do bswn 28 60 Plant’s Bk Toon 105 100 Beading R R 27)*' 60 do 27X 100 do 27)/ 2 Penna R R 40 [OJSS-STEAD7. Bid. A/ked. Scbyl Nov Pref 19)4 ®2O IVnißp’t ABlmR do Ist mort. 7’a 74a76 *do do 2d U] 03)4004 Bong Island 9#®lo Vicksburg 7 a 7)4 QirardUank 11 all)# Lehigh Kino I)4® 1)4 Union Canal 9 a 9), New Creek X © 7» Oatawissa RR 10 all 60 Reading 20)/ 60 do *5 20)4 20)4 about. Importations. [Reported for The Press.] PASSENGERS ARRIVED. jtlarine Intelligence. .6 311-SUN SETS, ARRIVED. Scbr £ 0 WUletU, Tomlin, ?roviden<*e,t Auienteld' & Cp, , - ' . ' Btr Rich Willing, Claypoole, A Groves, Jr. [BT VBLKOttAPS.J • ' v, OomJbpoadeace of the Philadelphia Exchange. PAPE ISLAND, Btfrt I,OAW. The packet bhlp Wyoming, from Liverpool, mi alor£® barque, unknown, are udtr going up. Wind NW—wea ther ttno. ■ Yirnw, So., THOS. B.Ut!tIHS3. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Del., Aug. 61. Ship Tuscarora, in company with sererat colliers, went to sea yesterday. Several vessels are now In sight coming down. B*!g Joshua and Mary is the only vessel at harbor. WJndW. Yours, Ac. WM. M. UIOKMAN. MEMORANDA Steamship Arabia, Stone, for Liverpool, cleared at N York yesterday. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, hence at New York yes terday, and cleared to return. Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, hence for Charles ton, was Been Sunday last, at 6 M. ESE of Hattoras. Steamship Jason, iirltlon,for Bremen, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Asia, (Brem) Menslog, cleared at New York yes terday for Akyab. , Ship Marcia C Day, Ohaaa, for Valparaiso, cleared at Bavanaah 2BtU ult. Ship Riga, Frefto, having rep*ired. sailed from Nor* ult. for City Point. Ship Cora, (Peruv) Hamit ton, for Liverpool, cleared at New York 8m ult. Barquo Matagorda, Emerson, from Maratico Creek, Y«. arrived at Fall River 28th ult. Barque ROW Dodge, Jarvla, for Pictou, aailed from Salem DOtb ult. Barque Azelia, Davis, for South America, with flour, sailed from Richmond 31st ult. Barque Marian, Homewood, for South America, with Hour, Railed from Richmond 3lat ult. Barque FamO was nt Rio tie Janeiro July 0. Bpokc Jnno 10, lat 1015 N, lon 34 40 W, ship Hydra, from Ha vana, bound to Batavia, and wan seen again Juno 20, lat 320 N, ion 2812 lY,by barque OcUvia,at this port from Rio. ’ Brig America, Robbins, hcnco for Marblehead, at Bo lem 39th ulfc, . Brig Lydia Frances. Ilall. henco at Rath 28th ult. Brig Abby Ellen, Gilchrist, wiled from Providence 30th ult. for thin port. Brig Chicopee, Howes, cleared at Bouton 3lfit nit. for Philadelphia. Brigs Marcus and Edinburg, hence at Bangor 20th ult. Brig Edward, hcnco at Ellsworth. Me. 22a ult.. * . Brig Birchard & Torrey, for Philadelphia sailed from New Haven Dint tilt. Sctirs Almira Ann and II A Weeks, hence at Glouce ster 26th Ult. Schr M A Morgan, for Philadelphia, Railed from New f Ilnvcn Slst nit. Schr Fanny & Matilda, hence at Richmond 31st ult. Schr Isaac Miller, Anderson, from Trenton, NJ, at Providence 30th ult. Schr Pennsylvania, Robinson, Hailed from Alexandria 3l»t ult. for Philadelphia. * Schr Hunter, Flshor, for Burlington, NJ, cleared at Baltimore 31st ult. Schr Georgia, of Yarmouth, from Cape Breton for Phi ladelphia, was spoken 25th ult. lat 4020, long GGI4. Schr Victor, Long, hence at Bath 28th.ult. Sclir Mufalr, Sears, hence at Plymouth 27 th ult, Schr J Prm/ibes, Somers, for Philadelphia, sailed from Plymouth 27th ult. ( Schr Mary Delphina, Harris, for Philadelphia, soiled from Ylnal uavculOth utt. Rclirs Dorothy, Haines: James E Price, Lcverton, ami Omvard, Todd, hcnco at Baltimore Slst ult, ficbr George C Gibba, Gibbs, hcnco at Now Bedford 29th ult. Schr James K Stouebtck, Sisley, sailed from New Bedford Doth ult. for Philadelphia. Scbv Ahby Whitman, Clifford, hence at Boblou 31stult. Schr J 0 Runyou, Endlcott. hence at Fall River 27th ult. Schr Sarah Laviuln, Hanson, sail ad from Fall River 27th ult. for Philadelphia. Sebrs Ann, Bicktuore, aud H A Weeks, Weeks, hence at Gloucester 20th ult. ScUrs Open Sea, Bnbbidgo; Daniel Towiisoud, Town send; Mary Nalt, Smith; Boston, Brower; John L Red net, Eudicott; Mary J Carltcu, Shaler, and Saxou, Me* Derraot, sailed from Prorldence 30th ult. for Philoa, Schr Abbott Lawrence, Crowell, for Philadelphia, sailed from below Providence 30th ult. Bchrs Sarah Bright. Nobio, and Globe, Bailed from Sa lem 30th ult. for Philadelphia MARINE MISCELLANY. Ship John Hancock,Collin,at New York 31at ult from Shields, reports: Aug 20, Bnudy Hook bearing WNW distance 80 miles, picked up a vessel’* small boat, paint ed black, with green bottom mid a very narrow* red streak around her; apparently hod been but a short time in tho water; tamo timo saw several pieces of wrecked bluff, supposed belonging to a sohoouer’s house. Halifax, Aug 31—Tno City of To. onto, reported ashore in tho Straits of Bellcislo, is a Balling vessel of 700 tons, and not a steamship, as stated, gho had quite a num ber of passengers. 23d ult. lat 41, long 64 00, ship Jamaica, by tho brig Gideuu, at New York yesterday. 26th ult. lat 35, long 70, a barque with a black cross in fore topgallant sail, steering E, DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW YORK. Sept I—Arrived, l r BM steamships Au gusta, Woodhull, Savannah; Marion, Foster, Charleston; ship Uncle Toby, Soulo, Liverpool, July 23; Sw brig Gi deon, Meltopaus, Malaga, July 17; lOtii lust, lat 41, lon 94 09, spoke ship Jamaica; Oldenburg brig Anna, Burns, Angostura, 23 days. Cleared, ship J Foster, Jr, Abeel, Liverpool; barque Herzog, Georg. (Meek) Hoack, Tar ragona; brigs River Bell, (Br) Holmes, Turks Island; Lamartine, Zcmchow, Charleston; Ban Giovan, Bottlsta, Gals, Marseilles; Truxillo, Mulligan, Jacksonville. BOSTON, Aug 31—Arrived, barque Eenelon, Hoiking, Calcutta; brig Civilian, Freoinau, Cape Haytien, Cleared, barque Saxony, Smith, Savannah: brig Zuli cka, Crozirr, Galveston. NEW HAVEN, Aug 31—Arrd, brig M Rowe, Bonus, Porto Rico; schr Wm Bcmeut, Virginia. BALTIMORE—Tho following vcskolb went to sea: 29th ult. schr Alexander Blue, Hathaway, for Somer set; 30tb, ship John Jlryant, Gardner, for Savannah; ship Marianne, (Urem) Ilaeaibp, for Rotterdam; barques Huntingdon, Baldwin, for Rio Janeiro and a market; Auden. Holbrook, for Portland; brig Elizabeth, (Ur) Cole, for St J6hn, N JO, nnd schr President. (Br) Davey, St Mary’., Heo. List of Arrivals at tho Principal Hotels. GIRARD HOUSE—^Chestnut street, below Ninth. Robt F Kirk, Mobile II 0 Ward, Alex, Ya G N Sandler, do Jno 8 Knox & ly, do WlFyat, do JHMcVeyh, do L A Calvin, do J G Dell, Florida Mr Rulings, Pblla L D Holloway, Stamping J 8 Brawn. do Ground. Ky Wm C Smith, Richmond, Vft John T Sinclair, Stamping Mm Eliza Clark, Ky Ground, Ky Miss A Clark, do Mis* S Sinclair, Stamping. Wm L Blanchard, do ’ ’Ground, Ky Lieut Black, N York Wm IV Richard*. Illinois Chftfl Illius, do M R Pike, Chicago Israel Painter, Westmore* IV M Duucan, Ga land co, Pa W Cooke, do T O McThciver,lVest Mid- AIV Thompson, Md dletonn. Pa H Trexler ic ly, Reading A K Lewis, Baltimore 1’ Smith, Bostou II Cotirtland, dn IV F CiMlln, do G J Appold. do C B Ka\ivuaugh, Lex, Mo A II Guthrie, Ohio J McGrow, do IVm Richards, do LJ Sharp, do P Smith, Cin.Ohio L E H Fumcy, Ya J V Garvini, Florida Miss Finney. do Dr J G Dell, do Miss Arbuckle, do John L Williams, N O Mrs Wise, d» John Howard, do O Manly, Oh’n, 80 Thoa Norfleet, do AS James, do Mrs C M Williams, Notch's ll B Jtcardou & ly, Ya ilixs M L Williams, do WmHaxatl, do Mrs Stratton, do Mrs Hoy, N York Thos A Williams, do Miss Hoy, do P 0 Peudloton, do Dr Belt, ' do Mrs A Lchruijc &d, Cuba Mrs Bolt. do A Hern wider, do A L Yanaerbclt, N Y YMlro, do J E Hyde, Michigan J Borroto A Bro do W M VauLuken, N J IV E Seyrnan, N Orleans 0J Du Pont, Jr, Del Mrs Suyman, do Mr Able A son, Balt ThosBMooru, Balt T Cadivahdcr. Pa John StvAn, B.tH Sam Wilkes. Ohio P H Butler, Richmond, Ya Mr Barnet, N V A Johnson, do C Gilbert, N V Lewis Uinter, do A J Mullauy, Mobile E U Oweu, Hartford J W Cochrauo, N Y J IV Shaw, Miss MrMcDougal, do It R Thompson, Cape May S Nordht!lm«r,Toronto,OW L J Duproo A wife, Mem- IVm O Tompkins &. wife, phis, Tenn N Orleans 11 W Derby ic la, Cin. Ohio 8 G Trippe, Provid’e, B I Mrs Bronson, no J Ulgintatbcin, Balt J Smith Jc la, 8t Louis H T Roberts, do 1) IV Batch, Balt S H Tracy, do PH Loud, NY Jos Brown, Rendiug W Adams, N Y T White, do Geo StLoul* Isaac Keed, do H M Plimpton, Boston Mr 31cKenzio & daugb, NY 12 A Pcabodle, E P Prentice, Albany U Master, Manchcs’r, Eng H C Halbert, N Y Jos R Tilley, Jorsoy City W D Dobbins, Balt John R Brooks, Florida James B'tmi, do MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth otreet. below Arch. 8 T Collons k lady, Md J M Johnson, N 0 it J Gurrord, Ohio K M McKachoru, do Jas M Blanclmnl, Conn E II Weiser, York, Pa K N Jenkins, Illinois J Heuett, Phlln J S Dellett, Columbia, Pa V Harding, W&ah’ton, Pa W Fitzgerald, Wyaudotto Wm W Dlgby, Pittsburgh City, Li T J ti Mylcr. do J 8 Jiuchunan, Johnstown Geo C K Zulion, Ebensburg Samuel Ray, Blairsvlllc, Pa 7Y G Ohitllrko, Phlla J J Duvall, Frederick, Md J M F*yro, Susannah, Ga A Thompson, Murylaud J S 3Io Mm Dunham, Muncy, Pa Wm ii Efimreon & lady, Miss Poterkeu. Pa Newark, N J Wm Wlilto Si lady, Boston J Seibort A dau, Pittsburgh Jas Shoaff, Decatur, 111 J Morris, Halt WmHill, Hamburg, SO Mrs J Morris Si dau, Balt Henrj-Sheppard, Md John Hagan, Jr, Browns* D L StiulhorcLGicouc’llOjra vllio, I‘a A Dimock, Harrisburg Sira 0 Grant, Newark, N J W J Anderson, Ohio George W Gill, Phila F M Chose A lady, do it V Ilerehoy, Mifflin, 0 Mrs M Thomas, St Louis Wesley W Reynolds. Md CII Fredericks A fum, do Oco Cunklo, Harrisburg J 8 Hughes, Penun 0 W Mclntyre, Kentucky E A Owens k lady, Ponna Ezra Howe, do A Gortman, York, P« C K Bryan, Lancaster, Pa W JI Lovan, Schuylkill Jla- Hon Geo Scott. Ponna veil, I'a Irvin Million, Pittsburgh W 0 Sugg, Uniontown, Ky Jos M Burchfield, do W J Proctor, do Mins O Butler, do 11R Pritchard, N Lisbon, 0 Ira Bingham, Vermont J D Marks, Brookl) n, N Y K H Wilson ft vrtfe, York D Stratton, .Salem, N J ltufus A Girder, Peuuu Win Elder, Ohio Dr Branch, S (J W 0 Scott & wife, Indiana U A Jones, do II L Kr&mberi, N 0 AMERICAN HOUSE, Chestnut street, above Fifth. B McKoago, Virginia S B Settle, Tennessee W 8 W Tnliafend, do N 31 Gook, Alabama James Jlain, Tenue«seo J Crowther k la, Tyrone I) M Dick, West Newton It B Pearson, Phltmlu W 1) Wilson, New York F Jacob*, Savannah Dr W Furso, S Carolina J, G Clark k la, Delaware J W 7/udtow Now York T)) Locke, York villo Geo Shocks, Duor Crock T J Frow/Alalmna II H Hobbs, Smlthfiehi, NO J P Uiiildresi. Tennessee A 3litchnor. do JP Broun, Virginia OIV Joucs Sc 0 ladles, NO J V Jones, N Carolina N Clark, Pctersbuig B F Moore, do C Huntzlnger, Schyl co, Pa 0 J Bimmton, Washington, Jllbs 31 E .loynor, N C Ponna ilisa L V Murphey, N C It 3f Jones, Dover Del E A Clark, NY J B Gate, l'ennft T A llagort, do Wm Hankins, Conn If Wilson do T3l Rose, Providence RI II Bnitleman do V Schaeffer, Dayton 0 T Lew in, do A A Gur'try, Norfolk, Ya Wm Uowoll, do G 31 Snlkold, 31 Chunk John D’Angely, Newark K L Smith, Lebanon, Tenn NATIONAL HOTEL—Race Btroet, abovo Third. A Emigh, Pittstowu HR Little, Pa J H Miller, Canton. 0 J Wbltaker, Mt Clair 0 A Williams, Ohio H S Stull, Pa Ii Hanes, Scranton F P Dounolly, Lancaster M M Swnrr, Salmiga, Pa T G Quhuby, Stub’lle, 0 John Vogel, PiltHbmgh H Sutmeyer, Atlo’uy, I'a il J Taylor, Bch Haven 31 F 3lodler, Tamfiqiia Theo Thorn, Pa 0 3lauthuer, Vienna II Vunderleat, Rending G II Fowler, Fonlcrsv Edw Young, Danville J 0 Rnhiu, Pino Grove K B Cuthbort, do 8 A Stronso, I‘ottsv Mrs Welch & ch, London Pa D 7.ellara,Ohlo T R Jllllor, Illinois Oco Morgan, l'ottsvlllo W H Cool, Beav Mead,Pa F A Bateman, Pa Aaron Troxell, Allentown Wm Major, Leeaport C France. Pa D Bhelhert, DanvlUe II Slazinakcr, Lnno eo Pa W Bcnodiet, Balt Jatnea C Brown, Reading J T Balchelor, Lock Ilaven UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. A 1‘ Cropper k non, Md J Rapp, Ga M Borriuger, Ga Amos E Clark, Lebanon co J T McCenc®, Pittsburgh J Schilling, Ohio John Euwcr, AUogh’y City E AlcLure, Allegheny JlrsE Hancock k ch, do HannerG Fish, lowa City Julius King. Warren, Ohio John Crußter, Ohio Miss Ratcliff, Tamaqua Pa Jos B Stapler. Doylest, Pa A Wolle, Pn ' Win Brooks, l'hila S S Bloom, Shelby, Ohio J M Blair, lowa A F Butterfield, Cinu do Bobt A Pattoraon, Pa A Pyle, do J3f Cox, Del ti Goldstein, Warren do J p Fune, Akron, Ohio J E Clark, Mtillorsb do H J Mulford, Bridatoo N J L Foot, aiiddlebury do • H F Crano, West Liberty 0 >IT Stephens, Eaton Ohio M'm Sheets k la, Ind W Woodworth, Lafayette ills* Bett/o Sheets, do Alex Laughlln, Wheel's Va J P McClure, Akron 0 Geo Mendle, do J Clark tc In, Kevport N Y 0 W Burney, AllegVy city Wm Donaldson, 'PsTnaqua A Lyons, Pittsburgh Jos Carter, do 3 D Loomis, Dayton, 0 Mr« Hittell. Lebanon, Pft Mr Dean, Adams eo, iPa Mm C U KUlinger, do 9)lTO Tpwjr, J Y Kminjfer & lady, ■Jfrniry Marlon, Phlbula, . Fro,* C&m Qulmby,DflltaG*bve . nm>" t tr.vklns, do do H Williams, Kew.YOTk O JAokeoa. Hamburg 8 Cowell, do Wm A Jackson, do D Warrun, Colombia Cot Ross, Reading 8 M 1 J Device, do OMcllnbby, do' T D Manly, South Dorsot.Vt JR BOrwlg, Pbllfc Henry Oles, Pittsburgh Alf’d Oxlotou, PhUa Mr. Blake, Norristown Win .Lares, Tyrone City John Harris, French town BLACK DEAIWIOTI'.L-Tlm,', istr.tt,CaltowMll. Wm F Kohler, Milroy F 9 Kohler, Milroy H GrieLlo* "Upper Milford J W WUler, Pa , Job Johnson, Pa > . John Wambold t 9uraneyt’n Jacob Johnson, Norristown Nathaniel Landis, District 0 G Stickler, Pa J K Burkhart, I‘a A M Bright,' do J 0 Schaffaer, do L Honda, Byberry J 0 Roundenbush, Tylers- B J Ludwig, Allentown port Mils S A Ludwig, do Perry Relfsnyder, Reading MahlanLuthctjPft Hiram Wonnor, Haiboro Samuel Kuans*, Slii?rrafrra* John G Stauffer, Quakect’n vilto F $ Yan ArMale. Pa M B Van Aredaln, Pa Casper Hoads, Atlantic City OTA/rfa t’mON-MnrUt, akn Sixth, M Clipper, Colombia, Pa A Hancock,Ph!npsbUrg,pa lIJ Lynch, Pt.ttahurgh J P McCune, Ohio J BZiniijMceuanlfißb’g, Pa Wm A Douglas, Mil DHKimmel, , 'do Win Buchanan, Pa D W Bom, do J B Boone, Philadelphia SfrsltJ.Sheldon,Cheater SM Jarrott, Philadelphia J Bener, Mlddlotown, Pn Jos II Barnard. Chicago John Thompson, Ohio U 0 Ilrnklc, Pllll James Monroe, Baltimore John W Taylor, Pa John Farrell. Lebanon. Pa John Robins, Milton* Pa Geo L Walker, Newport,Ct Jaa Filbert, Vienna, Ohio M BISON HOUSE—Second rtreot, abovo Market. Samuel Whitfield, Con B L Spruce, Providence Sami Brown, Oinein O 1‘ McDowell, Stouington Aajcey, Ohio J B L*wrouoo, Bfldgeitort 0 Wise. do J) C IVlison, St Joseph 1 * Wm ANaeu.do J ltoach, N J Abram Hiss,do Geo W Kenny. Goorget’u JDonnollaen, Germantown- B Shepperd, Dol Wm B Balt P D James, Phila J 'Dyson, Ohio Wm II Owens, jr, Uurytown David 0 Smith, Del D (Irimth, Del Wm Wallace, Caimlon E O Dale, Long Marsh D Dunning, Centerville 8 It Mooro, Long-u-coming C,Worrell, Milterstowu Mr* Hagan A daug, I’hllft A Burnsides, do Spcriai JTolucs. Seamen’* Saving Fond Office 803 Walnut street,one of second street. Receives dc» posits in sums bf One Dollar and upward!, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per coat* per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open dhtyf, from 0 until 6 o’clock, and oa Mon dayapd Saturday until P in tho evening. President Franklin Pell; ‘Treasurer. Charles M. Morris j Secre tary, Jamsftß.ltlDgle: . Bower’s Infant Cordlnl.-»-Th)s InvaluoMe Cordial is prepared from a variety of the moat choico and efficient aromatlewknown In ruedlcino, and Is thotoost perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By its a speedy cure Is effected in all cases of_ CAelfc, windy pains and spasms. Believes and mitigated much' of chUdruu’s sufforlug during denti tion or teething, oud by Its soothing properties Iran quilises pains of tho looseness, vomiting, Ao. The Infant Cordial has Locorno a standard remedy, and has been usoil ln thousauda of cases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Uenhy A. Buwrr, Atliis Drug and Chemical Store, N. B. corner df Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom all oftlera must bo addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au IS-ly , Saving Per Cent, Interest-Na tional Safety Treat Company. In Walmui Street, south west corner of Trihd Streot, Piuladelpiiia. Assets over Oxk Million akd a Half or Dollars, invested in Ksal Botatk, Mortgage?,Gbodxd Rents, and other first class socurttluj a* required by tho charter. This institution confine* Us business entirely to tho recei ving of money on-deposit. Any sum, large or small, U received, and tho money la always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. Tho office Is open every day from 0 o’clock in tho morning until 7 o’clock in tho evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 0 o’clock. ittnrringes. * fit fo ! t " h S ihe Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, JOS. T. BAILEY, of this city, to KATE, daughter of J. B. Weaver, Ewj., Newport, R. I. « On the SOth ult., at the residence of E. F. Duffleld.bv the iter. 8. D. Miller, MARTIN VAN BURES MUB - to JANE McKINNEY. all of Frankford, 23d Wnrd, Philail. On the morning bf the 20tb ult., hv Rev. P. J. Cor, Mr. WILUAM L. TURNER to Min* KATE ARLINDA KENNEDY, both" formerly of Baltimore.—[Baltimore papers please copy.] Jonx » notice of whoso marriage appeared in tho Press on tho 22d ult., is not tho person of tbo same unino that resides at No. 47 South Second nt. JDcatijs. Suddenly, on the SOth ult., Mr. JOIIN ROBINSON, in the 78th year of his ago. The relatives awl J/fcndß of tho family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral, from his into residence, Richmond street, bejovr Kirkbride, Bridesburg, ou this (Wednesday) morning, nt 10 o’clock, without further uotlco. To proceed to Peunynaclc. On the 31st iilt., Mrs. ANN WESTCOTT, in the 44th ye«r of her age. * The relatives and R-iend* are respectfully invited to attend tho funeral, from tho residence of her husband, corner of Nicetown and Rising Sun Lanes, ou this (Wed nesday) morning at 10 o’clock. To proceed to All-Saiuts church at Ilolmosburg , On the 31st ult., TUOMAS M. SMITH, aged 40 years. Hlb relutives and /rJeaJs are particularly invited to attend his funqrai, oa this (Wednesday) afternoon, without further notice, f ro m his Into residence. Lei* perville, Delaware onanty. Pa. Interment at Ridley Church. # 9 iD* Notice to Ccnaigneea.—-The ship “Stal wart,” Captain Lucas, from Liverpool, in non ready to discharge at Shlppea atccet wharf. Cqu&iguefß will pU&sesend their pfftuiteaaboard.- All goods not ix*r mltted In firt- davs will be sent to public atoro. " THOifAS RICHARDSON & CO. ITT* A Meeting of the Wholesale and Retail MALT AND LIQUOR DEALERS’ ASSOCIATION, will lc held on every THURSDAY AFTERNOON at 2 o’clock, at the DILIGENT IIALL, Tenth and Filbert streets. Every member is particularly requested to attend, as business of grc.it imjmrtance will bo before the Association. N. ll.—Thoso who aro interested In the business (aud are not members) ore invited to come and join with us. By order of the s*2-2t* ASSOCIATION ID*" At a Meeting of the Democratic Citizens of the First Precinct ot the Sixth Ward, held at the bonne of Thomas Carroll, corucr ot Letitio Ceurt and Market street, Joseph Hull was called to the Chair atid John Hagan ducted Secretary. The following porwtw were elected officers to conduct ilioDelegate Election on next Monday evening: Judge, Terrence McManus; Inspectors, W. 0. Ilall and John llogen JOSEPH HALL. Chairman. Johm llaobs, Secretary. IT7* Keystone Clnb. Opening Meeting* Democrats, rally In your strength for tho openiug or the campaign, and redeem your pledge to the Democracy or the Union, to keep tho glorious old Keystone lu the column of those who respond: “No North, no South— our Uuiou, one and Inseparable, now and foreuir.” A Grand Ratification Mooting of tho Koystouu Club will bo held at ludopendence Square, on Thursday evening. September 10th, to ratjfj und confirm the gone ral nominations ©f tho party, to which alltmo monof tho Union aro iuvited. Tho meeting will be addressed by General "Wm A. Packer, Him. um. Bigler, Hon, J. Clancy Jones, Hoo, Stephen A. Douglas, Ellis 0. Schuaboll, Esq., Hon Poter Shannon, Spencer E. .Cone, Esq., of New York, aud o number of our fellow-townsmen. Democratic Clubs uud Ward Associations intending to participate will report to the Committee, at tho Club Headquarters,Globe Hotel, Sixth and Chestnut streets. Edward W. Powgn, l JinjKrii Cof.USS, |ccinm*r/ee. Jons 0. MuCall, j By order of— au3l-mts4iv . WM. B. RANKIN, President JS.JAIiDEN & BRO. • kiSuricTcnxus and importkrb op SILVER-PLATED WARE, First door abvve AJhostnut, on Ninth street, second story, Philadelphia. Constantly on hand and lor salo to tho Trade, TEA SETS, COJiSIUNION SERVICE *SETS, URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS, BAS KJ4TS, CASTORS, KNIVES. SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, Ao., Ac. Gilding and plating on all kimln of metal. «e2-ly Revised editi^“^~lvmaj^ HISTORICAL CHART AND QUESTION BOOK— Coutuluing iu a moat attractive form the prominent events of tho CIVIL, RELIGIOUS, and LITERARY HISTORY of tho WORLD. It will bo round one of the moit complete methods of imparting Historical Informa tion. By its use In fainUles, tho reading of any work on History will ba rendered much ntoro interesting ami proQtaulo. and to Teachers ouo of tho most iuvuluablo nlds Retail price sl.fit). Just published by MOSS, BROTHER. A CO., (Now) No. 10 South FOURTH St. Copies tent free of postage ou receipt of price, eeIMR Transportation or coal to china. ' Navy Dkpabtuext. ) Bureau of Construction, Ac., August 13, 2857. J PROPOSALS, sealed and endoreecf Proposals for FrricAt to CVitnfi,!’ will be recplyed at this bureau until h o’clock, the 25tb September next, for the trans pomtlon of noi exceeding 4.000 tons of anthracite c6al from the port of Philadelphia, in such quantities as may bo offered, and' the Department deem proper to ac cept, to be delivered to the United States naval store keepers at llong-Koug ondShaDghai as may be directed. The offer will stnto the price per tou of *3,240 lbs. for that delivered, without ptltnago or any other extra charge, ar.d also the rate at which demurrage will bo charged. No other than cargo for the Government to be received on board. If tho draught of water of tho vessel offerod makes any lighterage necessary In loading, it wJJJ bo nt tho cost of tho vessel; but good despatch will bo given in loading. For the delivery of the coal within reach of the ship’s tuckel at the ports in China lay days will be demanded, at the rate of .ouo fair-weather working day for every 80 tuna of coni. The vessel uamed louatsUnda No. 1, and pasa tho usual inspection by auch officers ns may be appointed by tho commandant of the yard where the ship may bo ; aud if not offered for inspection within throe days after a notice has been given, tho depat tiuont will make such other arrangements an will host subserve the publia in terest. Tho vessel must bo in Philadelphia und ready to load within teu days after she liaa panned inspection, and the notice of acceptance given. Wind and woather permitting, thu vessel will sail within flvo days after being loaded and tho bills of lading signed; othctwlso there will be deducted from the freight money, for each ami every day's delay in sailing beyond tlie flvo days named, a sum equal to the amount dumnudod per day for demurrago. Payment will be mude within tliirly days after Iho iircscntation of receipts in triplicate of the delivery of tho coal, by any un»y agent in the United Stales that tho bidder may select, who will bo derdgnated iu tho Charter-party. aul7-mthtw NO MORE PILES—NO MOKE PILES. DU. CHARLES KCLLNITZ, from Paris and Lon don, is in possession of r remedy which will euro radi cally this painful disease, however protracted and ob stinate it nmy bo. The first prescrlptlouarrcsls all pain tw if by magic, and three days’ treatment effects a com plete cuco. No chary® will bo iryulo if tho remedy fails. All diseases cured, Jlo Is also tfio Inventor of a'liquld for nourishing tho growth oT tho hair, and removing balduoss, tho efficacy or which ho fully guarantied. Lewis Flshblatt cured of piles. Apply at D 23 LOCUST street, near the Unitarian Church. sel-lm EPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS.— Ofllco of Chief Commlasiouer, S. W. cornor of CHESTNUT and FIFTH streets. September Ist, 2867. SEALED PROPOSALS, entitled Proimsals for build lug Wing Wails nfc tho >Ve.4 End of Girard Avenue Bridgo, will bo received at this office, uutll FRIDAY cost, Sepf ember 4th, at 12 o'clock. No bid will bo re ceived unless it la accowpaniod with the names of two responsible sureties. Specifications and a plan of the work may be soon at this Office, JOHN MCCARTHY, sel-8t Chief Commissioner of Highways. COTTON. —160 BALES UPLAND COT TON In atoro. ,Jor Btt j ß - MARTIN k MACALISTEU, ao3l-3t ' U 0 North Water streoe. UfACGREGOR IIOT-AIR FURNACES. iTA Sold by CHADWICK k »RQ„ SECOND Street, firitdoorfibf»reßA«t, . »iiglB’Bmoi, antnomenta.' ARISHsfrTHEATHE ' T T —Sole Lessee w. WHEATLEY* Scalb or Prices.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 ceuts: Dmm Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 tents ' Family Circle find Amphitheatre. 25 cents; Seats in PH vate Boxes, 75 cents; Whole Private Box, S 3 j Gallery 33cents; Gallery for Colored Persons,2s cents* pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. J. M. B. wHITTON .Treasurer i TUIB (Wednesday) EVENING, Sept. 2d, will be acted Melnor’s popular Tragedy uf FAZIO, , OR tlUf ITAMAX WIVE. Fazio,...- ..Mr. Wm, Wheatley Barlolo: .Mr. Dolman Bianca ...Mrs. D. P, Bowers 1 To conclude with, 2nd time bj the Star Company, the Elegant CooiedUtta of a * Y ; • JIANDSOME IirSBAND. Mr. Wyndhani Mr. J.B Olarke Ucnry Fitzherbert Mr. Dolman Mrs Wyndhain. ....Mira Emma Taylor TVATIONAL theatrr, walnut ST., i" above Eighth: ' Aumissiox—Beat«, in Private Box, 91: Orchestra Chairs, 76 cent*; Dress Circle and Parquet, 60 cento; Familly Circle,2sceols. Ropraopen at f. Tocommonce at n’clook. Box Office open from lo to 4 o'clock, when scats can ho secured. “iSBA'eV*" .....Mr. 11. W.lldni THI9 (H.dnesa.y) KVKMXO, So»t. 3,1857. will bo performed Colraaa'a Comedy of ' BLUE UKVILS, on T«8 CBP4JUUXO H.SQUSUMAir. Mi-grim, the Discontented Englishman. ....Mr. Burton Annette, Dounlsoa’a Daughter Mrs. Frank Draw The capital Comedy of FOUNDED ON FACTS Skeptic, hiß original part Mr. H. Watkins Mm. Skeptic. ••• •• Mm Prank Drew To conclude with the Comody of tho TOODLES- Mr, Timothy Toodles. Mary Fenton VAKIETIBS, N. W. COB. FIFTH and CHESTNUT Btreeta, eatronco on Chestnut. MUSICAL and TERpSICHQREAN MELANGE EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, fntorsporaed with the almost iniraculoun performance of SIONOR FELIX ROCIIKZ, throwing real daggers AOAINST A LIVING MAN, and playing a SOLO on tho FLUTE, when Standing upon a Pyramid of Wine Decanters. Commencing at half.past 7. Admission 10 cents. sep24t* VISITERS AND’STRANGERS, TAKE v NOTICE—BURTON, the, favorite Comedian, of Burton’s Now Theatre, New York, (tho handsomest bonne in tho world) is now playing hi* best parts every night; at the NATIONAL, WALNUT STREET, near EIGHTH, supported by tho best company. TOODLES, the original Toodles, title evening. aop2-lt WALNUT Sl'KfcP/t' ' 'l'ilEXtHE.—ilr. and Mrs. HERMANN VJ3ZIN. from the priori pal English Theatres, will make their first appearance in America, at the Above Theatre, oa Monday evening next, Boptfiuber Bth. : . B*l»St* SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE— ’ KLEVBNTiI Street, above Chestnut. Doors oj»eii at 7)s o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 suntp> QLOIUOUS fiOCCKHS. SECOND WEEK of the great burlesque on the Opera of ’ LA TItAYIATA. Written expressly tor tU« establishment by John liar rfngton, Hsq. The Manager respectfully announces that In conse quenco of the immeubu excitement produced by the performance of tho above burlesque, $ wiRLo repeated MONDAY Evening, August 31st, aqd every evening this week. Previous t<i the pleao ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY BY SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE. £egnl Polices. IN TIIE OBPHANS’ COURT OF MONT IIOMKHY county| August loth, 1357. Notice is herobygiveti, to all persons interested in the estate of Mary Aldeiter, late of the township of Lower Salford, In said county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Alderfer have applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for the sale of the real ratal oof said Maty Alderfer, deceased. The said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, the 30th day or September, IW7, at 10 o’clock A* M., (it tho Court llouso, in Norris town, for all parties Interested to appearand show cause, If any they have, Whytho prayer of'said petitioner* should not he granted. By order of the Court. J. U. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. au23-d4w IN IONf- OOXLKRY COUNTY, STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. In the matter of the partition of tho real estate of Lewis Zink, deceased. Jacob Zink. George Zink, Sarah, late Sarah Zink, in termarried with David lleebner; Elizabeth, late Elisa both Ziuk, intermarried with William Frank; and Aan*, late Anna Zink, Intermarried with David Miller: and EUwlwth Miller, Lydia Miller, Catharine, late Catha. ime Milter, Intermarried with Robert EsbaqU, atidfLun uel Miller, in his minority, having for his guardian Philip Super, take notice, that an inquest will be held at, the Ute dwelling Rouse of Lewis Zink, deceased, In tho township of New Hanover, in the county of Mont gomery and State of Pennsylvania, on Tuesday the 22d day of September, A. D. 185/, at 10 o’clock in tho fore noon of said day, for the purpose of making partition of the real ©state of the said deceased, to qu<j among the brothers and sisters and heir* and representatives of said decedent, if tho same can he dooe without pre judice to or spoiling- the whole, othcru i«e to vatuo ami appraise the samo according to law; at which timo and place you nre required to attend if you think proper. S. D« RUDY, Sheriff. SbenlFs Office, Aug. £5, 1857. au2o-w3t IN THE ORPHANS’COURT OF MONT GOMERY COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. In the matter of the partition of tho real estate or Johu Detwiter, late of Upper Proridoneo, deceased. To Jacob, Amos, Johu, Abraham, George, Abel, Ben jamin, Catharine, Elizabeth, and Sarah Detwiier. Take notice that au inquest will bo held at the late dwelling house of John Detwiier, deceased, in the township of Upper Proridcnco, lathe county of Mont gomery, on Thursday the24tb day of September, A. D. 2857, at 20 o'clock A. M. of that day. for tho purpose of making partition of tho real estate of the said deceased, to and among his children and representa tives, if the samo can be done without prejudice to or Spoiling the Whole, or otherwise to tsluo and apprniso the same According to law: at which tlroo and place you are required to attend If you think proper. S. D. RUDY, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Offioo, August 23,1857. • - au26-w3t Iff THE DISTRICT COURT OR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILAD > I‘llTA. NlCE.etal , us. THE FRANKFORD 0 .HALL. L. F.J.67. N 0.470. PETER CASTER vs. BAME. L. F.J. 7. No. 942. ARKL REED r*. SAME. L. F.J. 57. No. 724. Tho Auditor flpiwinted by the Court to make distri bution of tho fund arising from tho ealo of tho follow ing described Real Estate sold by the Sheriff undor the above writs on Slomlav, July oth, 1857, will meet for the purposes of his appointment on Thursday. September 10th, 1857, at 4 o'clock P. 31., at the Wetherill House, George street, above Sixth, when and where till persons having claims are requested to prefer them before said Auditor, or they will otherwise bo debarred from com iog Id on aald fond; All that certain lof or piece of ground situate on the south-easterly aide of Maine fctreot, in the borough or Fraukford. in tho countv of Philadelphia, now in the city of Philadelphia, at the distnneo of 278 foet uorth-easterly from the north-east side of Green street, containing in front on said 3lain f treot 00 foot, and iu length or depth south-easterly*, between parallel lines at right angles with said Main street, -00 feet, to n 35 feet wide street contemplated to be opened called Thomas street. Boun. ded south-westwiirdaiid north-eastward by otherground belonging to tho estate of tho said Isaac Whiteloek, do. ceaw-d, aouth-eaatward by said coutcmphitod street, «m! north-westward by Alain street aforesaid. Being tli .* satne premises which the said Elizabeth Whltelock. 3lnry IVhitelock and Elion L. Whltelock, Executrixes of tho last Will and Testament of Isaac Whltelock, deceased, by ludouturo bcarmg even date with the said mortgage! uud executed immediately before said mortgage, for the consideration therein named, part of which H Intended to bo secured by said mortgage, granted and conveyed unto the wild '• The Fraukford Odd Fellows’ Hall Asso ciation,” their successors or assigns, ju fee. Together with tho’freo us© and privilege* or tho said contemplated atreot, 35 feet wide, when opened so farasth® same Is laid upon lauds of tho Estate of the said Isaac Whlto iock, deceased. DAVID WEBSTER, Auditor. au3l-ruw&fT>t TVOTICE.—LETTERS TESTAMENTARY JL x upon the Estato of HANNAH CALHOUN, (do coased,) having been granted to the undersigned, alt persons indebted to said Estate will please make pay ment, and those having claims will present the suruo to QUARLES R. REES, Executor, aulfl-wfit# No. 133 d Coates street. IN THE COUKT OF COMMON TLEAS, FOR TnE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADBL. PHIA, of December term, 1650. Alias term, 1857 No. 15^. Isabvlia Joiephino Juno, by her next friend, Jnhu Smith, vh. James 31. June. Now, August 13th, 1807, onmotiou of R. M. Leo, rule granted on respondent to show cause w hy a divorce bltrtU not bo decreed, roturnablo ou tho third Monday of Sopteuibrr, A. D. 3837. ToJuiucaM Juno: Sir, please take notice of tko abovo rul®. R. 31. LEK, au29-2aw*Jw For Litidtuut. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TUB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA, of Juno Term, 1857, No. 11. Elizabeth Mooney, by hornext friend, Sami. Reynolds, vs. Georgo 3loom>y. Now, August 33, 1657, on motion of R. M. Lee, ruto grunted on respondent to show cause why a divorce shall not bo decreed, returnable on the third Monday of To Georgo 3foonoy: Sir, plea?® take notice of thu abovo rule. Sept.. A D. 1557. au29-sAw2wr TO PRINTERS.—A RARE CHANCE— FOR SALK. 1 A one-hatf Interest In a well-estab lished DAILY and WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, and JOB PRINTINGOFFIOK, located In acityof 12,000 inhabit ants, aud ouo of the most prosperous la the Svest. The paper is National Democratic in politics, it has the ora cial patronago of the Post Office, together with that of the couutr and city—it*be!ng tho official paper of the city, and the aggregate flauunl incomo Of the establish ment Is about $10,000.& The office in supplied with a superior cylinder press, a Bugglen job pre>>s, a Wnsh lligtou press, paper cutter, card cutter, Ac., together with an excellent variety of typo, fixtures, Ae., all in soudoedur. For a practical printer, or «ti editor, this is more than ordinary opportunity. For further partic ulars, address JI. (r. CBOUC’ii. Galena, Illinois. * There 1® only oue other printing office of uny kind in tho city. aug'ib-il&wlw Dancing acauemit.—naylor DAUGHTER S DANCING ACADEMY, TENTU and SOUTH streets, commencing TUEBDAY,Boptember 1. 1857. Tho subscribers, in offering this prospectus to the dancing community, respectfully acknowledge their kindness during naat senvMis, and pledge thoni«olves that nothing shall bo wanting on their part to make tho coming season surpass in brilliancy that of former years. Mr. N. and Daughter have, with untiring exertions, added to their already full list of fashionable dances, many new ones, which will be introduced during the season. DAYS OF TUITION For Children—^Tuesday uud Saturday Afternoons from 3to 5 o'clock; for Ladies and Gentleman—Tuesday and Saturday Kveaiugs from 7 till 10 o’clock. nu 27-3 m pIiITCATIONAL . , '• Mo. tos MINOR Street, Mm Murkot and Chestnut atroeta, west of fifth street ) haying devoted their uttontion especially to tho j.ubli ii tiou and ml© of Books for tho use of Schools and LM leges, hayo for Balu a Block eiubraclug most of tho text boulm oxtooslvely m.ed in tho educational institutioiH o y r.F n . I which, together with au or Blauk Books und Stationery adapted to tho uants of sohoola, they offer for balo, wholesale and retaii, ot low Erlces. Teacher* ond others wishing to ex&mlue text* ooka with reference to introduction into schools, are invited to call and examine the abovo named stock an2T-dl\v Francis p, dubosq a son, into of Dubosq, Carrow k Co., Wholesale 3IANUFAC TURKR3 OF JEWELRY, 30i CHESTNUT street. Phila delphia. ' Fasjjcis P. DpnoSQ. Wm. H. Dowo^q. au'Jl 3m Rosin.— soo b.uirees soaimiakers’ HOSIN, to Mrlvo porlsohooncr ). 11. Flumier. I’ormlo l.jr UMlflS & SIAOAL/jmt, UDKojth W.ter.troot Spirits turpentine.—too barrels SL’IRITS TURPENTINE In store. Vorßaloby. ... 4 31ARTIN k 3IAOALISTER,' att 31-3 t ijo North Wuter street. aUo Plain Flags from two and a half inches to flvo foot, wholesale and retail, at the Flag Depot, No. CO South Socond qtreet. auglfl-lm* WELCOME b ange.-soldbt CHAU ▼f p, xwN.sagowppL vaHm* QTanlti&otea for ©ffifo. (JIOR ASSEMBLY— ~~ “ X' WILLIAM 3. ASHE. Sstcstbbxth Wajuj, 13ra Distjmct. Subject to Dtmoeralic RvUs. sel«lw» POH ASSEMBLY— JOHN M. WELLS, • Bccotid District—Second Ward. _uj Subject to Democratic Rulev &a 2<Mot* pROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT A COURT, JOHN P, M’PADDKN, or Third Ward. Subject to th> rulet of the Democratic Party. aul-M J. kE£f£. b ■5 W “1 T » Di.trict, Second W«nl. •u&StM u “ e “* cUlo “° [ tkeDemocraticConrantlon. F MWN E ? ORD i R 0P DEEDS—T. B. i TOWN, Fourth Ward. Subject to D.raocratlo * *' auao-dtss F° R wS, K s ?£ I W' tER SESSI O NS »«sr wmN ' ri "‘ TJECOfIDEK OF DEEDS—ALBEHT^ S ‘ XlMnUl W,M - Subject to Demo. ctotie Billet. ouglKUtepgo PROTHONOTARY OF THE DIS COtIBJ’ »'■ «*»«, of JIntW„I. Subject to De mocratic Hole*. aulT-dUeS* Ij’OK ASSEMBLY—JOHN H. UUAVf, i » , K !? 1,lh W»r J—Seyeuth Legiaktlre Diltrict. gob- Ject to Democmtie rale*. .olM**pB* PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT C0178T.-WM. LOCGHMN.&wmdWard. Sub ject to Democratic raleg. aulb-SepT* For assembly—edwin smith. NINTH DISTJUOT.TWEWTU WABD. Subject to Democratic Buies. au34* ....Mr. Burton .Miss >Voodwatd FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District, PER RAN J. COOK, geecod Ward. Subject to Democratic Rule*- . aul2*tC* rjLERK OP QUARTER SESSIONS— ♦>d JOS RPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Boles. au!2*4w* For olerk of quarter sessions, SAMUJSI, 0. THOMPSON; Btb Werd. gnkjeot lo tne Rules of the Democratic Party, andwAatsS* WOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—THOS. ~ ./• HEMPHILL, Tenth ward, Vine street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules. aulQ-lm* • For assembly—third district— VIUjiKLIN UisIIVMN, Subject to Democratic rt * lea - i.ua-dUpB For coroner—dr. feodore mier- SON, Fifth Ward. Babjeet to Democrat® Roles auB-lm# FOR PROTHONOTARY OP THE DIS TRICT COURT, LEWIS T. HEARS, of TwelLh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rales. aoS~2m* PROTHONOTARY OP THE DISTRI6T 4 COURT, GEORGE F. HKESER, Twenty-aecond Ward. Subject to Democratic Rolee. au4*tS«S For recorder of deeds—r.lF. YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Bole* auA-laa* FOR CORONER—N. C. REID, M. D. Subject to Democratic Boles. sn4 lm* FOR ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT^— JO3KPU U. DONNELLY, Tint Ward. Subject to decision of the Democratic Convention. &ul-sw* FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT.— DAVID B. McLRAK, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic llules. ■ aul-taeB# For recorder of deeds— CHARLES M. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, on •. an] tael For recorder of deeds—george W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Babied toDe mocratic Buies. *ul-6w# - IjtOß recorder of deeds—n. f, WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democrat!. ralM - »a3-U, fUERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS”. OEOROK SIMPSON, TIUBTEENTII WAHD.— Subject to Democratic Bale*. taltsepB TTEMAN ALLF.N, A. M., is prepared to 44 receive a limited number of pupilaou the Violin, or on the Piano, and to play Violin part* or accompani ment* with advanced pianleta. Apply at the residence of hie father, Profe&ior ALLEN, No. 215 South Seven* teenth Street, Circulars, with terras and references, at O. ANDBK A Co.’a, No. 1101 Cheatuut St. ael-lm* CT. MARK’ 8 EPISCOPAL ACADEMY— LOCUST Street, treat of SIXTEEN.H, will be opened on MONDAY. September 7th, at 9 A. M. The Principal will be in attendance at the Aeaderoy during the Are* *<?ek in Boptomber, between 9 A. 11. and 21*. M., to receive applications for Admission. Circa* Mrs wny bo had of Mr. HILL, Sextou of St. Mark’s Church, or at the Academy. au29-2w<* J. ANDREWS lURUl3,Principal. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, SOUTH WEST COJtNEIt OF AKCH AND TENTH STBEKTB. The paull* U| this lustltution will he {Detracted in all the branches of a thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided fur them. The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The aohool-yoar la divided Into two terms, of five months each, commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep* tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) Elvfit Department, per term of fire months Second •• • »* u Third ** “ «« Fuel,pqr term,.. HARBIEtr BROWS ‘‘Philadelphia, 1857. REFERENCES: Thomas Kimbcr, J.D. White, M.D., Samuel Bettis, Jr., Ben}. 8. Jwne/, M. D. Marmaduke 0. Cope, Robert K. Wright, William Rattle, , .. Thomx» I). Smith, Thomas WUtar, George Griecoro, Anlb&Df P Morris, William F. Pitfield, Josbaa XI. Morris, Dsrid Yanderreer, Uritb IJuut, William B. Thomas. au2>«lm. INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, (boarding and day pupils.) K. W. corner ELEVENTH aud GBKEN streets, fifth session will open on September 7th. Best reference given, In cluding all present and forn\er patrons. au26-tf SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogues containing full particular*, pupils’ names, testimonials, Ac., can be had on application. au23-tr h\ DONLBAVY LONG, Principal. Hall of st. jambs the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Rsv. 11. R. SMtUKE, Rector. The Annual Session wilt begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1. Circulars my be obtained at the Book'Store of H. HOOKER, S. w. corner EIGHTH and CUKSTNCT, or oi the Rector, Fust Office, Falls of Schuylkill, I'hilv JeljiUii. aol7*6m 11/JUS. BARTON* 8 BOARDING AND IFJ. DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1029 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY iu September. aul9-6w# TOOTHING “SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE J* 1 persons, mole and female, to gain a share of this world's goods and comforts as a LRIDY BROTHERS* BUSINESS ACADEMY, Noe. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall mid winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a short time. THE LEIDY’S tako pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persons Acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATlON,enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au22-3tn. WF. YTARBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth. Philadelphia. au-t-lw rp CSULLENDER Ik PASCAL, *3 HATTERS, aul-dm No. 8 8. SIXTH street, Philadelphia. Ocntlemcn’s JTnrnislimg ®oobs, \I7TNCHESTER «s SCOTT, GENTLE TT MEN’S rOBNISHINO STORE, and PATENT SUOOEUER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 700 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this Improved cut of Shirts, the moat perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and nude to order. auS-lyif R. M. LEE, For Libellant The watsoiY 110 FAMILY SEWING MACHINE And Is now open for Exhibition at Second Story, front Room, No. 726 CHESTNUT Btreet. State and County Rights for sale. Apply as above. auUMf. Pon SALE—A NEWSPAPER ESTAB LISHMENT.—Any gentleman desiring to engage hi tho publication of a Democratic newspaper in a large country town, may bear of such an establishment by inquiring nt No. 0 DOCK Street, Philadelphia, of Mr. JOHN STEPHENS, Couiuilii'dtm Merchant, whore they nirty ltmrn u full dfbcriptinn of the press and terniß of sale, and a particular account of the whole business. Mr. Stephens will refer them to the party deslrlug to sell. SALE—TWO LARGE EAGLES, X and three Matches, for Signs, at 207 Carter street. <l. 11. TRYDAY, Architectural and Ornamental Carver, au 31-mw&f3t* For sale—a hard-ware sign, 1 L'adloek, 9 feet high;-I Ptullmik, 22 luchcshlgh; 1 Anvil Broadaxy, Hammer, and Saws, at 207 Carter “toot. U. h. TRYDAY. Architectural and Ornamental Carver, au 31-mw&f3t* TO BUILDERS.—FOR SALE, Curred Front Door Bracket and Mouldings, at 207 CAR- Ten Street. OKO. h: TKVBAY, Architectural aud Ornamontal Carver. aulll-inwnjt* rjpo LET—THE LARGE DOUBLE OF -i- HCI-J or STOKE, No. 222 South Third street, oppo site Pear street, j. TENNENT. sel.Ot* .1(300 ol < * SOU book blnderOok tt 'Jy SALE—Sereu years established. doing a fair Job business, which can bo Increased, both blank and printed Jobs. Location, 535 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank books st cost, Jobs bound to order. augl9*sw npo fiE let—the handsome three A Story Brick Dwelling, No. 8 PORTICO SQUARE SPRUCE street, above Ninth, Mouth side. ’ Apply to 8. Sc IV. WELSH, au2d-2w* No. 218 South Delaware Avenue. PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N. J., lOR SALE, handsomely located and shaded—Lot, 75 feet by 140. Prica, $3,000. Also, LoU suitable for manufactories, fronting the river. Apply toC. ROBB, No. 311 South Fifth street. #u26-lm* CEMETERY OFFICE, NO, tji 118 WALNUT St., below FIFTH. an Iltf MrELCOME RANGE.— SoId by OHAD- J " WICK Sc mu>. 2M N. SECOND St. aal3-3m. COTTON.— 150 BALES GULF COTTON in atom. For sale by MARTIN & MAOALTSTER, au3l-3t 119 North Water street. CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD WICK it fiftO., No. 209 N. AEQQNP Street. - Simcatioiuil. BUSINESS EDUCATION fiats, Caps, &'c. Settling ittactjines. Has come: fat Sale anti to £rt. hotels anii Smanrsnis. I|fERCHANTS , HOTEL, ITJ - WORTH FOUSTfI STREET, Amt« Rum, • PHILADELPHIA. McKIBBKN & eONS, PaanirroM. C^ T °N PLACE HOTEL, BROAD .n7L A il "T" r of EIGHTH, tfreet, Near York. TWB ELEGANT MODEM ESTABLISH}!Sift U ta.UwEw*-* H2ALS wmd at all hmus by the nodcxato zatea. * . • C. J. KACULLAR ( fl long tad favonblj ksontc «f Joan* and the Uatted SteSM Hotel. Philadelphia, } u uvcirted in the management, sal has especial charge or the Catering Deputaeot. Etwt attention has been paid to mahath*enraalxatlsmper feet, and oar friends, patrons, and the tnreUiaff nobtio In general, may rust auorrod that an wanting to make the CLINTON worthy the tent whfck we hereb/ respectfully eolldt. anft-Xm# WISAST ft 00. SCOTT HOUSE—Comer of Irwin Street and DuqnesneWsy, Pittsburgh. B. D. MARKER, Proprietor. aalASs (Dines <mir Cigsora. *pORT WIKE. —In bond and entitled to de* r*T. hectare 250 casks St. Joaeph’a Pare Juice Port Wine, in Qrs.and eighths. Ten puncheons John JUtouf Islay Halt SeotehWhu *V( £ /ears old Fifty pipes Anchor Glo an27-3moa 88 tad 90 g. TraSgl^btlolrwlaimt. EP. MIDDLETON k BRO., IMPORT • pso! BUSBIES. WINES. mnu» »! e g' o Kj»*"* < * «w WHBA< WHlgSjn? ho. 6 North FRONT street. A lexandeut. holmes, TOE and IL LIQUOR STORK, No. 229.' Soittmt Corner nf GEORGE and SOUTH averts. JS" r CIJ^JP 3 ’ IMp OBTER AND DEALER • wn«a. uacoßS, ciqab3,ac'» couth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, anl.ly Brandies.— pioet, csstmon & co.,jyta wt** Co., aoj otbkr brand. of Omul ol rsnoo* ?muge«, In kill pipe! and qaarUrau£) Pailaroßin Hochell. Sraadln, pala Aad dark, in half pfetd. aaartar caaki ud oaMighth eaika, aU b Cwtm &w strata, imported aad for aate-b, * HENRY BOHLSH fcCO. »» »<*■ *» and 2JS SoalhYaarth.trait. -pvITHXAK k BOTZ, POSTER, ALE M-r END LAGER BEER BBEWERf, Ha. 00 lan N«. 923) North THIRD Streat, FhUadalphb—Shlpcdaz ordara attended to. ' eol-tf Saiea bg &otticn. I\roLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, ? ?. 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. PEREMPTORY: SALE OF. EMBEOIDERIE3 AND MILLILNERT GOODS, BP CATALOGUE, OX A LIBERAL CREDIT.- - NOT ICE .—Gar sale "Gils day, cauMßdog at IQ o’clock, predseljr, vIU embrace the most extensfre and valuable assortment of Embroideries. Shawls, Miiliaerr Goods, Gold Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Bonnet Rib bons, French ArtifirisU, Laee Tells. Ac., otferfd *t auction in this market this season, be foond worthy the early and prrticuUr attention of the trade ana all dealera. The whole art now displayed far ex amlnation, with catalogues; included will he found, vii r IXAA . PARIS PANTED SHAWLS, 1500 richly Paris printed Cashmere. Shawls, elegant Collars, Bands, Ac. . Also, a full assortment of Cambric. Book, Swiss, aad Jacconet Coliara, Cambric and Book Bands • FRBNCH TRltal . Also, a line French black «Ut lace Veils • LAMES’ FRENCH CORSETS AND SKIRTS. Also, 20 lots Ladies’ French Conets, hooped, corded, and embroidered Skirts. . - * * SILK VJSLYJBT AND POULT ££ SQIE BONNtf JUBBONS- Also, W cartons black ttilk relret sad l»onlt d« Safa Bonnet Ribbons. FBI.VCrt ABTIHOIAL3. Afco, 103 car tens elegant french Artificials. FRENCH PLOUNCINOS. Also, a line elegant french flouucinjra GOLD JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED "WARE r» fefi?wS7SS.* r Q ° U VoUtrSl. LABI 13' HEMSTITCHED LINES HANDKEB6HIIFS AIM. hemstitched Linen Cambric HjcdkerclHcfc, yrencii embreUand udalais do., Liuen Shirt Fronts, Ac. Ac . r 1 n POSITIVE Si-’M! OP A HIQIILT VALUABLE COL ' SMS* 1 " SOMnwiffif S&- ana Coast Yieva, Figure pieees, Interiors, and a great } *rietj or elegair; and interesting a objects, all fin&hed JjJjJi* most!/ originals by celebrated arhsta. In the Collection HU also he found a number of exceedingly correct Copies, after the Old Masters. U an f ,?f ft e^ns,t^U^Uiexouia^e ca» AU the Picture* fcaTe been framed In rich gold kfit Frames, made Rxpreatfjto roll earh being in perfect order, are fit ornament* vtth which to adorn the parlor, gallery, or driving room. The whole of this saperlor CoUeerion will be open for all day on FRIDAY and SATURDAY preceding the grfe, and in the Arening until IQ o'clock* when the t apd-Centlemen are inrlted to examine them with Cat*, logues prior to the time of Sale, „ _ 4? RAWS POSITIVE. Parties from ft distance can have their pictures packed on the spot so as to be sent with perfect safety. ■MOSES NATHANS, APCTIONEEK i.7X AND COMMISSION MXIbCHAST 8 X J SIXTH and RACE Strwta. . . ' * - Mhli (W£DNES9A|Y) morning, the 21 of Scntember «57 t at 10 o’clock, at 4e ■dating In j«rt «*-» bbis cheese, 40**11* hotter, 2 z£ to piStes* Z 519 * T .b« lot’of barrels, o lot of spirit Toon *»»*•» from 30ft to so p-tllon*, boat and n«u fartakars, a Jot of cooking Utensils, tea ketUes t frying {mbs, *t»w puts. • grid irons, table corns, lot of shades for eternirindto** two cabin state room carpets, looking steiaea, hanging lamps, shades for wardrobes, disk torero, baodrSS bagles, french horns, band tramp ts,three beat cits&u! boat pennants, two broad pennants. American JackTlet or carpenter’s tools, 38 nils paint oil, let 'of hid*sad wheelrope, 25 ship backets, galley and fixtures. 42 feet suction hose, lanterns, lamp 014 lot of lines, log Uoe*, lot oil casks and barrels, and n umerous j** l ® whole to,be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. • BALE 0? SBCOND-HAND PUKKITtTHB, At the 8. B. corner of SIXTH and &AC£ Streets QafRIDAX UORNIXQ NXXT.Bept.4Hx, At 10 o’clock, consisting in part of—Jeonr Und. hi#h post, cottage, and other bedsteads: drwsingbmeaw wasbstands, feather beds, mattraweg, carpets, sprier seat sofas, marble top sideboards, boquei tables, elegant spring seat parlor chairs, card: tables, centre tables wipusor chairs and settees, cherry tables, lamps, Ac ' ; *«•» together with a quantity or superior t*eond'han£ furniture, plush divan parlor tables, staffed plus!* chairs, bedsteads. Ac. Dealers, housekeepers, and others, will find it to their advantage to attend the sale. • JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER— No. 125 '>*•*“» Third ui Fourth Streets. '• SA7.ES EVERY EVENING, »t 7 o'clock Of Boot., Shoos llsntu.re, Cutter., Tfutchei, J.«- clrr, Hosiery, Whips, Trunk., Funcy Good., .Notions. Ac., Ac. N. B.—Terms of Night Sales, four months’ credit for approved city acceptances,for sums of«Q0 and witb-ln terest added from date of sale. sepl-lm George w. smith, auctioneer. N. E. corner of &A&RON and SOUTH Btmte. above Second. 1 evening kales. BALES EVERY SATURDAY BTENING, At Ik o'dock, at the Auction Store, of Hardwa*, Cat! lory. Housekeeping Articles, Clottung, Watches, Jewel* ty, Fancy Articles, Ac. CJAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER. >3 and MONK'S LOAN 09P1CK, No. 113 Street, below Vtx tout, oppcaue Petr gt. } oniT eight doers below the Exchange. * J Hears of business from f o’clock, A. M until 20 o’clock In the ereninr. Oot-door Rklu, and sales at the Anetioo Hobm, *W tended upon the moat satisfactory term*. CAPITAL $200,66i>. Eiiabliiked far tk* loji Thirty Yatrs. Advances nude from one dollar to thousand* on Mi mom!*, SUrer Plate/Watche*, Jewelry, Hardware. Mar ch&ndixe, Clothing, rornitare, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Homs, Carnages, and Hoods ol every description. All good* can nmiia la, lrarili ot licit wml upon. AU td'KieM, from one hnndwd dolltro end upward. jriU bochugtii por emit, per moatt; J6OO.cS orer, the lowest market rate. * This Store House having a depth of 120 feet. btUm Ore and thief-proof TmoUa to store *ll valuables, *ndon rate watchmen for the premises; also, * heavy iwo ranee effected for the benefit of *ll persona bavin* rood* advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having *n unlimited capital, this office J* prepared to make advances on more satis* factory and accommodating terms than t&r other to this city. Money advanced to the poor, to aaosnts. wHk oat any charge. ' AT FBIYATS SAL*. Gold Patent Lever and other Watchea, Jeweby. aad Clothing will he sold at reduced priew. aal-ly ■furniture. Lb. kite & cd; • iCEtlllUlS, BKDDIXO. *c. So. 415 (lain 129) WiljvTT rt . . , ... VhitoJelphU- A new aad eupenor style of Spring Beds. I,TW oi l i' KlT *‘ J<w«ra W ALTOS. *u3l Cm PILOT*—IN PRESS AND WILL VJ SOOM BE PLBLianKD. the following standard y. lt: , ,Ual s Coast Pilot, l&th edition; Bow Shipmaster’* Ai&utaat. win edition. . >Ve Invite attention to oar new Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavj weather and are especially adapted for steamers, and Teasel* where the motion Is considerable. They require fewer repairs than any compass now In tue. Marine Opera Glasses or superior quality. Spy Glasses. Aneroid aad Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad- Axlmnth Compasses, Binades, Log Class**. and all kinds of Naotieal Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. * Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and host authorities. Agents for Rogers* American Code of Sinaia, Pen!’* Chronometers ami Compasses, and for Abbott** Horo- Tuoter, and an instrument for working oat problems to Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection aud with per fect accuracy. They bare received the approval ot ex. perlenced shipmasters, and have been adopted hr the U. 8. Navy. B. A G. W. BLUNT mIS-liu* No. lTd Water Street. Henderson & co ,a great liter ABY FAIR. FIFTH and ASCII street*. Ju order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa trons,and Induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to prefect to every purchaser of books to the amount of $1 end up wards. a Gift in value of from 25 cents to $11)0. Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you are not baying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at the usual price, and vary m*py will get, In addition, a Present worth baring. auSl-Sm Evans* great gift book sale, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. N\ B.—No connec tion with any other house in the City. «nl-3m MARINE INS HR ULADKIPUIa—OBm, tio. >r THIRD. ONLY TAKJSN." 3TOBS. Girard fire an ANCB COMPANY, PH 302 WALNUT street, west ol "FIRS BISKS 0 DIUQ* Vo. M. Swain, Jer. talker, John Auspacb, Jr., Jno. jjcCiure. n S Burroogha, Tfco. Crareo, J. 3. llughw, j.. g. Gill.tt, F; Furman Sheppard )*”'■ > ; BMol.JoDM,fi:i)., J.-r. Bleio.r, /.Mph Klapp, H. 11. A. ShacVettord, ' ■ _ „ _ n»B. JSKI JOSES, Pmldmt Hon. O. IT. ITOOBITABP, VIM Prealdent. _ Jso. 8. McMPIUS, Secretary JA»a B. Atroap, Assistant Secretary. npHOHAS E* BAXTEB^HARDWARE M. CUTLERY AKB TOOLB, No. MO jUSKS Igr’ *t*Ti Hlnti, it4U (Jif. jiuiielplla,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers