’ Tho outside to-day contains, on the fourth pr.g-J. the commencement of, a new stovy pf deep interest, and on the first page nn iinportanC editorial artlole on ” Public Sau ries,’”. Dramatic umlctsm, Correspondence, General Ner?s,&c- ' "1; \ ONE or THE STRONG MEN OP THE TIMES The quality In a public roan that wins ap ' 'ptaiiijiiS:4ndrir , ets confidence is 'netshe gidte : of orittiry.’ . liare genius ‘and finished educa ’• tioii{tto n6t jeonVo'lastirig popularjty.The ,jteop|e*are'moreajj)t'fe : iidmii* indomitable \Vill atiA'tjbnrage tbaa &e graces of the forum, or tbepcqnisitiottaoftliecloset.Arougheharac-i ter,-like that of BEsUattMX, was Irresistible'!' whiloaii intellect, as full: of' rare: powers 1 of thought <tad- expression l is 'SBAjti’s ) ; lih|te^fed , 'nbhMy Eu charm, while, a. tniifjl: of rude 'growth ; jw| tra exterior of ruder b>»-- " - tg> corn- • an exterior of ruder manner .stir?.. >. Maedsuccess.', .. Therel», evenln, 'despifttegtsOC character ..that- ft?einates,a free people.*: Mr- (JiMrheld! iisfriejMs in subjec tion. not by hia groatpowefs as a debater # or as ahskyOcSteyorish Senator,"bub"by lgawerye and jhfifimcilinglng fidelity to those beloved! school of strong men, was. a man of austere 'simplicity," r utterly-"Vegardlhsa’ •Of fonhs" of, #pheph ? .often,accused of incapacity.; fpr : stotcsteanship because he .refased - to, be re* strained by rule.' But he .wielded; an Influi ence l oyer hft.'.conniiymen for thirty yesrsby his (faring intrepidity, his inexorable firmness, bis ires, will, t'and his enthusiastic devptipn to his tfiends, a? OTer'iteed have; asserted. '..The. people admire a cultiva ted man; but. they'love the" bold; and thegene rous'With an "affection that no vicissitude can change> and no.slanderabate. /All experience proves thisi it is a troth asserted by the past; wMch shohld not beforgotten by the futao. \ | One'of these then oif granite structure and of-warm heart now lives in the Jackson - State of Toi^essee//Hishame/is:: AitttiaiEijc. Johs sosj.'the, ■ late . Governor of that. State, soon to he a Sehator InCoegress. 'Woprppoie ld thls sketch, pf. Governor. Jonssosno" compliment to afriend, but a. just';portrftit of.ono df the strong men of orir day and time. ; Ho is what the world wpuld call in' Impracticable, \We knew Imii well whejn J he Vyas.in.tho t .ijonse of. ... wncn Representatives-i-aicalm,- quiet ■ mas most of the .ihhejiwho; bore' foe reputation among his MaoctalM of bolng too iradical rind too fond of 'Dut when .roused, he was •impetuousand- dogmMfri.3 : He ’ was rie7eff;fiigira;'to :'yiel4 : ly tooi;(a4yice. He .geidomiOrVnever-' ex plained away/his' opinions. : < Ho' fritter, de-; llghtedlri' alattrilng the timid witi; his roll of j drastic ridv(tnoea a upoh estabUshedinstitutions. His land systemand his scheme, of electing the' United States • Judges would .often; make the j dry bpnps,quake;andKittle.'X t wa!i predicted that his ultra notions would buryhim fathom deep, Andtbat ho would go back to Tennessee, and ptey dpon t a', broken heart, ttU carried, to his grave’. , But .any one. who gazed. into his dariceyesj and perused his’ pale face, would haye , ‘Keh‘fA««.ai'mi3iuencßabie spirit aflcijin almost.fanatic that spoke,another lookinto tbisstrangeman’s • histoiy. 'lt -is a true' story/but foil pflnci: ■ dont,serai'o ahdsb'opt, of jflioj cofomon ex ,df sudden fortunes I ■ and rapid greatness,.as almostto baffle belief. .We O9'tb'.thp ] ! 'io\^^«k;hrim l waoiii; ■ Uhioh'ab AN EXAjtPLK. Weask the boys in ; ourcammonschools toresdit. We'ask fo e ; fathers l and igothere, those'who' are rearing Boldierd and tostudy tbe examplc, ftud tbproflt by the lesson.; ■. Govmmorjonxsps was in early life, and up to fob' poridd a pracUcahmechaiilc,', , Ifomngypbiriiied .a kutpr - lodge]' of bis trade before ke hai acqkirtd- lh* Jint radimehts o/ an Englishedacalion. Wart ; ihg the intervals of reiaxationfrom necessary ■ physical. labor, he learned the alphabet of his mother r torigne,'and thus, at the period of matured to possess himrelf'of .thosofjprecedbnt acquirements necessary to attainment of knowledge, which otbera; '.Snore'fovhred by fortune and. MsndSj Ohtaln in ’ early-yqqihj],]\.'ii; j^ : r];.-!,p']r. " ;- ; ■ Hifl firfrt entranco. upon the stage of politi cal action, occurred about twenty, yearsago. ' whcn he'was chosen by tho peoplc of Greene,' ‘ ~, tho.county of his;residenee;'as' their ropresef p . tativo liTtho State, Legislature. At a subse quent period he was again elected, and served : several sossiona in this capacity. ■ ' . , , TbazealnhdabiUtyWhich characterised his legislative career won for him so entirely the ; confidence) and.rbgafdof his friends, that he - :wbs chosen by the .people of-his district .as " thelrEijpresentative in Hie. Congress of the , UnltodjStates,' In this inoro extended sphere of nsefulheasho served several terms, constant ly, tholjgh gradually; and surely, winning bis .way Intogtho conadorice pf;the people.! v 1“ In 18S8, following; immediately; upon the . .; State, bid-been carried by the Whigs, he re ceived thenowmattoh of the Democratic party' for Governor, and entered actively upon the canvaS^which’in Tennessee always precedes . a general election.' Gustavos a: Hehrt, a descendant of PATaioE;HnHRT, pf revolution . jriry fame,'arid ranked by bis Mends with' the ■ most eloquent‘deClrimera In' thq tTnibni Vas his con)petjtbr.--.Biit the."Eagie Orator,” as. he wastennedbyhia supportersandadmirers, , , soon aigcpyprisi, j jwriqbs, bis graceful manner, and his lofty eloquence, were peweriria when lnfo contrfywt|ii ; tiie, earnes|and:,imprcsBiye e.lbcut|on>;and Jhtiipbvv-; 1 erful and well sustained argument of his adver sary. Although Tcnnesseo was at that time a spe cerided inhisolcction hy ahandsomo majority. J - ; : Thri;foost as the njpst Im -por,la||peft<H|Pf.jtj&ppllifcrii' career) regarded in fetefeuce to its fesults, wss .lnhis great cam' vass fpr]Gjbyernpjr.inlBss/ib tofhe . beated. Coiit*st,' was ‘thO'Hon: M.;P. Gss iri V, and djstmgitisbedat homo and Abroad ait one • •' of tho ttosteniitfenVwatesmetl']Jn ~ The contest Began soon after the jHetpbric ad-! •; ■ ventof tho new party, and in the flush of its ... first unparailefSd'rriue^issesP'iir.TSiSiesSee, ■ as the Domo- apparently without a motive, contributed their numbers to ■ Bweilthoexultantrafiksoftho “Order.-” Never did'akjgfitfifcrigtige' ii pe twhidmpUshmeittOf ■ ataski apparenUy's'qbbpclessfwith more zeal, than Goverrior Joiissoi* ln hls grapple with this great adversary ': Kegardlcss qf ibis advicc bf timid fflqn^ywjfo.purged; him tjf deal more tenderly and inoro gcntly with this madness of the hom - /he followed np bis first attack by well difectedhloris/widcifi'fcll thicker and; faster' tuf tho canvass ‘ prpgressod. u ntil .the, ehtirc Stafc was si'puietlfb ajpitch- of tbe-.hlghost excite - wwCTnf.ft.-Aili'ftttfßTAilCHilfmW Af■ forgotten, dr kept m abeyance, or merged Soto this one groat absorbing issue/pSUatt Johhsom euccoed’Or go down V- It is relattd.that at one perusd of this can vass he was .waited,upon; by a number of his - political Mends, aqd'urged) as ho valued hls ■ suecossf to abate somewhat tho severity .of his to relax m bis urcomptomising ■ r:; hostifitffe' the Order. Joa.vsos waslnexora t>)e- “But-” said one of, the patty, d*.(bore aro conclusive fetthonsfor the adoption of the policy yw suggest, of the natpre it j)?u aro unlnformeif but with which I amfamlliaf To ho feafidid With >ou,’”be conttpued «<mt half tM 1 Mmafrifik parly 'htte bttong it lht, Order aad’Jkomwt 0/ ihtwmitrl tr ‘Then you ora no W»i«T bßcmoeCote 1 ' pfoniptly to* I srtttttrSftttes h- cemmuniegied to me foe flrsf inteUlgenee, mcku «r HW toty,by afAMES THOMPSON, o# Ant aram; 1 " :1011 CAWAITCOMMIMIONER. NIMROD STRICKLAND. OF OniSTIiS COmtTT. exhibiting the injustice fo? Americnpsm, to ucure accessions to ourVjjrajlsfcto i*ppljothe places of those who have ; 1 ' The result of that stra||V'if|j|ell pownW tho country. Many once of false pretences,'and in ignorance ,of the' real purposes of its leaders, who had been in veigled into the Ordor, abandoned it at once, and re-united thomselvos with their old ; ftiends. .Thousands'of patriotic old Whigs, ‘Of standing iand influence,. refused to follow j their letwera into ne mesnesof the new party, 'and'cbhtrißutedmatcrialiytdswelitlie' num ber of Goventor JohssoN’s supporters, and in 'the end he 1 was for the second time returned as Governor by a triumphant majority. "• .Asa debater, either in tile halls of Congress or before the’people,Gov. Jobhsos; has few, equals. His manner is earnost, impressive, and engaglng, conveying, to.the listener, a con viction of his ■ sincerity. His. arguments are strongly presented, and enforced with so much clearness that’the dullest intellect cannot fail to comprehend his purpose. ’ His sympathies are all with the people—they know it, and ■hen«So ! the; secret of his great popularity. They regard him as on exponent ,of their., feelings, arid.a champion of their rights. One'of his chief .characteristics, as a politician, is hisfirm and unflinching devotion to Ws principles; Su-, peradded to this, he possesses those estimable j qualities so rarely to be found among politi cians, of undouhted’/ronkheM and entire relid- MKfy,. Friends and foes know, at all times and under oli ; circumstances, precisely, where, to plgce.him. - - " ‘ His indomitable flrmness of character often displays Itself. An apt Illustration df' this characteristic is to be found in his doporiment iindsr the'heavy misfortune which befel him' , in February last.- He was returning home from Washington, whither he had gono in his offi cial capacity in obedience to an act of the Legislature, proposing, upon certain condi tions, tojVansfoT. tp. the United States Govern ment the. title to the ownership of the Hermi tage, ithe well-known home of General Jack .sps. The train of the Georgia railroad, in : which he 'was h passenger,' met with ah ob 'etrnctlon upoh'tho tihck, and'the car in which Gov. Johnson was seated was precipitated over an embankment nearly thirty feet high, He es caped, with his life, but, unfortunately, his right arid was terribly crushed, and in that condition ’he travelled to Nashville, a distance of seve eral hundred miles, before surgeons were called to'prescribe for the injury. During this perfod, of torture, the casual observer would scarcely have discovered from his outward manner, that anything serious had occurred. On his arrival at Nashville the most skilful and distinguished surgeons Were called in, and the usual means adopted to replace the fractured bones in their original position. After many weeks of almost 'constant suffering, the acute pain began to sub sidy, but it was discovered that in consequence of the swollen condition of the arm when it was reset, or the compound nature of the fracture, the' dissevered,bones.had not been properly joined together; the -inevitable result must .be, if no remedy could be applied, tho en- Ufe-, loss' of the use of his arm. The surgeons ' were again called in consulta tion. The., result ,of . their deliberations, as announced, was. that the chances were deci dedly against tho restoration of the arm; the only; possible ,-rueaus' of accomplishing this more than doubtful result would be in effect to breok thearm anew—restore the original in jury, and again make the effort to replace the crushed bones into their natural and original position.. Governor Johnsok, contrary, to their almost positive, advice, did not hesitate promptly, to' adopt the only . means which offered the slightest hope. • His arm was re .broken, the newly-formed ligatures were tore asunder—-through hour’s of torture, ho submitted calmly, determinedly, hopefully, to theterribie infliction. Another period of weeks of unrelieved' bodily pain was the necessary consequence, another interval of partial relief followed, and another. Critical examination proved that nothing bad been accomplished! The aria was still hopelessly disabled. Again the surgeons were called together, and again the Governor proposed to nndergo any bodily infliction which might promise even a partial restoration ; but this time the iqjury wag pro nounced to bo irremediable/ and the surgeons peremptorily declined. to renew efforts which ’only gave paln to thq.sufferer, without afford ing [any. prospect of accomplishing the desired result. . ’ Fortunately for himself-and the country, the ‘ serious calamity which forever deprived him of’thetise of an ormlefthimin possession of lift* and health, Ond the active exercise of the superior*.lntellectual/faculties' na ture! has endowed him.- Ho is still the same uncompromising, sell-willed, thongh patriotic Axdbew Johhsoh, still ready, Btill able, to advance tbo cause of the Truth, and now, as ever before, the sincere, the Earnest, th'e devoted upholder of the rights of the people. It requires no prophet to fore teHjthatwlth such antecedents, and suchquali ties and cannotfail, in the new and exalted sphere, to which ho will soon be called, to increase his reputation in proportion to the wider scopo which will be given for the display of his peculiar personal qualities arid bis high intellectual endowments. Such is a brief sketch of one of the strong men of the tiines. ' OUR BEAUT,FUf, CITY. •The fine weather is recalling tourists to their cool homesteads, so welcoriie after all the sacrifices of “ the season” at the fashionable resorts. ' It is also attracting to Philadelphia laTge numbers of visiters and purcliaserj from othir States. Our streets begin to be thronged with gay and happy crowds. The indications of a revivaliri trade' are apparent on all hands. The, hotels' are filling up's Market; Second, .Third, and Fourth streets resound with drays and the clink of hammers closing boxes up; thri theatres are opening their doors, and pro mising novelties , without end; lUbsuail gives us,'the,ballet, WitEATZEr the legiti mate drama, Boktqk the comedy. These, .with; a~ healthy climate, clean streets, arid lovely Weather, : mako the* promise of the autumn unusually auspicious. _ , ‘ • ,v NEORO SUFFRAGE lit MINNESOTA. . One Of 'the prominent questions under dis cussion by the. Constitutional Convention in Minnesota is “ Universal Suffrage”—Shall tjierebe distinctions of color? The St. Paul Timet. urges the Republicans to permit no such anomaly in the new Constitution asa distinction in'rights: grounded only upori'a difference of .color.' Itaayfi'• l ' J ’’ - , "Don’tgiveitup! It. Was this Sternal truckling, ;«nd pandering, and ’f*wrilng~tbia mean; servile complaisance, this locking arms with sin and hob riobing with Satan, this striving, to ont-Iferod and Cut-Devil our opponents' in the commission of stupendous' political crimes, that killed the eld •Whig party. It gave ip the ghost at the right tirit'oj in thfi right place. It died whori there wes nothing in it.that.deserved.to live. If Re publican delegates intend to kill.,he Republican paHy in Minnesota quick, let them take the same road that Benton and Clay,'Choate and debitor arid Winthrop did, yield every principle that the Republican party hes got, bow to viliapy in every form, and, fn.awqrd, make the Republican, party arid the Republican platform just like the Demo cratic.' so as to catch their votes, and it will be donei” At this rate Minnesota will riot long remain a State of doubtfhl politics. There is no party feeling about nttgro suffrage. The protest against it is that practical prejudice, call it wltat you may, inherent in.every white man’s bosom, and it cannot be refined away. progressing; 1 Tho magnificent- scheme of. Dudley Maun, and half a doson Southern conventions, to ran a tine of steamers from Chesapeake Boy to Milford Haven, in Wales','is making astounding progress, that will be a caution to Vanderl hilt and Col Tins, and other smollrfry steamboat men of the North. The Old Fi>)ht Convention subscribed eight thousand dol lars! A Now .York. raerohant (who is ho ?) has promised to take a eharo.' It will only take soven million , dollars to Complete tho enterprise, and eight, thousand two hundred dollars has already been subscribed. Only sUnmillion, nine hundred einntv.one thousand,.eight hundred dollars is required to secure the commercial independence of the South' Dot tho North tremble '.—Braollyn (N.Y:)Baglt. ' ■"Thta is the’material that outers So largely into the staple abuse of the South, and pro driccs counter-irritations and insults! Any 'tfrie friend of tho Union is a Wend of the' South, and will rejoice its. sincerely over the. success of such a scheme as that of Colonel Mhttn- as If it originated in .‘the. latitude of New Tork or Philadelphia. In the days of the Revolution tht North neoer tumbled save vhtntheSonih dupairtd / i Triri JomxttxM Fbikmbs’ Exctmstos, Which was postponed frrim the 15th of August, comes off on Saturday, next, and promises to A* ft r« htrcht aflldr.. Tije. Stepmhqat iWjtilidjn gvui leave- .street , wharf at half-ppst <t#o 'o’clock. - and wifi proceed to Florence Heights, one of the most romantic places on thri Delaware, Wt wish tbom a good time. THE PRESS.-l'HltAMaj’ltlA, 2, ■fttci that (mftre£y or Pearly proof against of oxygeth It ■prill multiply to a yery considerable extent fdj.pbrpoJUUfcU) wjuoh it is how applied, and givoit 'the- preferemra oyer.otherirons for many purposes forwhloh used. 1 ■ tl extent to which this materiel is superscdinV/tho upb of wood and stone in thopublio buildings, otooUng at a cost of many millions of dollars a\lmmlly> undor thi3 department, renders it of the greatest importance to know what irons re sist, for tho longest period, tho action of oxygon. It U hoped that the great interest the iron masters baTO ( in ortbis experiment will be con sidered' a sufficient applogy .for requesting samples of ihoir iron and tho ores from which they are ■' -* • - - * “ I have, therefore, to request that you will for ward to this department, by mail or express, two oc three small samples of iron and a sample of ore .from each of the mines worked by you; tho sam ples of iron, nptj to oxccod a quarter of a pound each, ‘and the ore not to exceed a half pound in wo*s(nU- I would also request information on tho following points,’ yi* § : The extent of thooro depo sit—faqjuwes of mining- orer-ita dlatanco from furnace, and distance of furnace from market, and mode of transportation thence—the fuel used—rela tive oost of charcoal, coke, crudo bituminous and Anthracite Iron—kind of flux and its ooat, Ao.—the Capacitybftb'OoitablishmentuDd the amount of iron produced duringthelastyeor, and what it would bo capable of producing under n ready sale and remu nerating prices—any peculiarity of the iron pro duced—^whether tborqaro rolling mills in the vicini ty,£hd what doftOriptionsof iron they roll—to whnt .purposes moat of the products of your furnnecs are Applied, and what description of iron the estali lishmentmpatly produces—when did your works first go into operation—wlmt has been tho annual production, ftnd whatlho ruling prices each year Singe jour tforhs wore first started. You will pience gtvo tho Btnto and county in which your iron mine is situated, and tho distance your fuel is transported. As it is the intention of tho ment to-furnish you with the roault of the expori- .will please name tho post offico through wblob to ad.drcffl you. If you know of any one in yonpwqtghborhood interested in tho iron business, wholes riot reooivdt a copy of this letter, if you "will'forward his address one will be sont to him. You will realiao tho value of the Information sought to he obtained by this' circular, wbenjOtt rofleot upon the growing importanco of thefrpiflnlereflt of tho omint^y—a foot attributa ble itt'po Small degree, to the introduction of iron 'as & substitute for other materials in our public ~ Mlh* poljcy of affording enoourogement to this JJVeatjfltercfit, by promoting its production and In* creulfttg its consumption, has boon ooramcncod by thb Qovornmont, and I am desirous of obtaining all the information which can bo had on the sub ject, with a view to Us further development. - i‘£hi* circular will bo addressod to persons not immediately oonfteotod-wlth, iron establishments, as jit |s" believed that there vyili .be not only a willingness, but an'anxiety on tho part of. ovory advance the object jvlueh tho Department hMmrlow. ,‘‘l wa desirous of 4 obtaining tho information ,'aakid for at tho carHest'praolicnblo momont. respectfully, your .obodlont servant, '~k , '• Conn, . ’ * ’ “Seerotary of the Treasury.” ;Thfl data wbloh may bo collected in response to thls-eircular will bo collated and published for generdl information. production of iron in tho United States has of Ttfth enlisted the attention of large classes of our citizens In every The timo is not dis. Mint, when Ponnsylvania’yiiono represented the Ifou Interests of the United States. Now we havo 4rohjflinnrkot from thq rich iron fields and moun (aihsof, Michigan, Jtti&fouri, and Minnesota. The consumption of iron is ypry* large. We seo iron boqses, 1 iron bridges, iron sailing with iron rigging—indefed, oountlcas arc tho uses of this metal. Tho Government encourages thli consumption. It provides, in items of appro priation, for .light houses, custom houses, post offices, court,bouses, Ac., that these strnctnres shall be built with iron floors, roofs, ties, sills, and doors. TUK rORMITHMI fo' by' tW several States, tho powersheccssaiy to lcyyjmposts' afldto regu la'ts.cbraraorcafiilted. Tlioy]#riedj#w9.Ys r ; to 'awaken attention to other methojstpf gaining the same end. So early as 1782: the. Legisla ture of New York adopted a series of resolu tions, which proposed to “Congress to recom mend, and to each State to adopt, the measure of assembling a general convention of 'the States, specially authorised to -revise' ft hd amend the Confederation.” But this, sugges tion docs not seem to have 1 been met with any general degree of' favor at that time. A somewhat similar proposition was adopted by tho House of Delegates of Virginia, in 1786 j and'in January, 1786, Virginia appointed eight commissioners to meet representatives from other States to examine the, commercial pro positions which had teen suggested, and to report to the several States such an act as, whan adopted, would give Congress the desired powers: This led to this conven tion which assembled at Annapolis, Sep tember il, 1780. It was composed of two commissioners from New York, three from New Jersey, one from Pennsylvania, tjireo from Delaware, and three from Virginia. Commissioners hod also been appointed to this convention by the States of New Hampshire, l Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and North Caro lina, ;but none of them were in attendance. Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina, and Georgia, had appointed no commissioners. The powers of all the commissioners in attend ance were confined to action upon commercial regulations, except ’ those from. New Jersey, .who were also authorized toconslder how far , a uniform system in “ other matter » might be noccssary to the common interest and perma nent harmony of the several States.” Tho Annapolis Convention seems to have been very deoply impressed by 'this suggestion of New . jorsfey'j for in. the' address In .wiiich they ’recommended that a now conven tion of all tho fjtates should be hold, at Philadelphia in May, 1787, the com missioners « submit an opinion, that the idoa of extonding the. powers of their deputies to other objects than those of commerce, which has been adopted by tho State of New Jersey, Was an improvement.on the original plan, and will deserve to be incorporated into that of a future convention.” The action of the Anna polis Convention was favorably considered by Congress, and in February, 1787,. that body adopted. a resolution endorsing tho recom mendation for the assemblage of a Constitu tional Convention at the time fixed. All the States except Khode Island complied with the recommendation. Tho convention met at Philadelphia as proposed on the 14th of May, 1787, and on the 17th of September, 1787, agreed to tho Constitution, and transmitted it to Congress; The latter'body ’ordered it to be trahsmitted to the several Legislatures for sub mission to a convention of delegates to be cho sen by each State. It was ratified by the several States in the following order: Delaware, Penn sylvania, Now Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Bbode Island. New Hampshire, the ninth State, ratified it June 21, 1788. Bbode Island did. not ratify it übtii May 29, 1790. While the l Constitution thus formed was an acknowledged Improvement upon the old Ar ticles of Confederation, it was still regarded as imperfect. A number of tho States, in rati fying it, expressed a desire that further re strictive clauses should .be added to prevent misconstruction and abuse of its powers. To accomplish this end, the very first Congress proposed the first ten of tho amendments to it. They were ratified by enough States to make them valid by June, 1790. Congress also pro posed, in 1794, the eleventh, and in 1808, the twelfth amendment, and they being ratified, compietcd'the Constitution. The time fixed for the commencement of operations under the new Constitution of tho United States was March 4,1789. But, singu lar io relate, it was not until April 6, that the Senate was enabled to secure the attendance of a quorum of its members, nor until April 1, that a quorum appeared in the House of Bep. resqntatives. On the sixth of April the clcc toral votes were opened and counted.' George WashingtOnwas elected President unanimous ly. i John Adams'was elected Vice President, by having more votes than any other candi date, but he did not receive a majority of tho whole number pollod, tho Constitution not having originally required this for tho Vice President. Washington was not inaugurated until April 80,1789. This short resume of tho movements con nected with the formation of the Federal Con stitution, and tho commencement of govern mental operations under Its provisions, stri kingly exhibits tho degree of caution and consideration which marked the movements of tho founders of this nation. Tho Con stitution evidently grew up out of tho ne cessities of the American people; and those who were then intrusted with the management of public affairs preferred that It should do so, rather than that a crude and iU-considercd sys tem should be forced npon them. There was no indocent haste exhibited—no immature and rash expedients resorted to. And Itlßundonbt cdly to tho prudence and patriotism which marked their conduct that wo’are indebted for the wonderful success that has crowned tlielr labors.. When we contrast the spirit which animated them with tho reckless manner in which other Constitution-makers have discharged Bimilar duties, we are forcibly reminded how rashly “ fools rush in where angels fear to tread,” and ceaseto wonder at tho confusion and dis aster which have attended the Babel-work of the latter. Tho Constitutions 61 France, the Spanish American States, and various Euro pean nations have been counted by dozcnß. Hastily and inconsiderately framed, they took no deep root in the soil of tho countries for which they wero formed, and the first storms that arose blew them away. Framed to snit rather the fancies pf political philosophers than to meet the urgent Wants of the people, the latter felt no special interest in systems of which they know little, and for which they cared less, and hence had no great motive to cherish and defend. It is therefore not strange that they have boen about as short in duration os they were hasty in construction—as prema ture in their death as they were precocious in their birth! The mushroom Topeka Constitution, and the stormy proceedings of the double-headed Min nesota Constitutional Convention, as well as other manifestations in various sections of the Country, remind us that the method pur sued ih following the Federal Constitution de serves much more consideration than it re ceives even from American citizens, and that in this «faat” age we are too apt to ignore that spirit of calm and careful consideration, and of studious Inquiry into the real wants of the peo ple which conferred upon' the nation its admirable frame-work of Government, and thus achieved such wonderful results for tho free dom, happiness, and welfare of its inhabi tants. Newepaper Impersonality. Tho New York Mirror has a judicious arti cle upon tho proper method of conducting a newspaper. Wo extract the following para graph as embodying a just estimate of public opinion respecting the matter; “The'paper, which Is the mere mouth-plcce of an iadiviaual, the reflex of the peculiarities and Idlosyneraeies of l a single man, is always liable to make itself unpopular or ludiorous. anu oan nover be a power in the community., So long as tho names of tho publishers are known, tho public has every necessary guarantee of the responsibility of their prints. Who Writos this or thatartlelo is a matter whioh does not concern the public, and for whioh they care nothing. Nor .do they trouble themselves muebnboutcditortnl quarrels and bick erings, except to laugh indiscriminately, as a crowd does ovor a street fight. A newspaper of influence and ability is on inslitutlon, not a personality, and its expressed opinions ere the aggregate opinions of a number of men noting with nnummlty, with oommon motive, and with a fixed purposo. Louis Napoleon crippled the French press effectively, when he compelled every newspapor articlo to be signed by the name of its writer! end th a London Times would lose half its ,vigor and inflnenoo were the same rule to be adopted in England.” K7”The Cincinnati Daily Enquirer litis passed into tho hands of J. J. Fabas and IVashino »on McLean, Esqrs., men; of great enterprise and energy. The name of J. J. Faean, Esq., is announced as editor.. His ability, integrity and experience, at the head of so important a newspaper as the Enquirer, ore greatly rioedod in tho present conditiori of Ohio politics. ■ Mr. Fa# ah is a sincere and honest man, and will greatly increase the'influence of that journal. . :settichi?nt,bjf the dispute Jiotweon the Wo Conventions in Minnesota is 'good new?, it was it disgraceful quarrel to both parties, mu GREEIii|S^.VA;ko'. 'KANSAS','-, . ’ (From Mondavi ' The Philadelphia {press, * Col.’ . Forney, b h$V paper, gives the following eyideocetbit the game of mahlng' Katjsoß asjave-. by frfthcj and vloJenoeisto bo pushed to an ImmeaUte opiums, motion; " ‘ IMPORTANT DESPATCH PROM WASHINGTON. [Special far The Press.] Washington, Aug. 2S.—The prospect of a fair elec tion for delegates to the September Convention In Kan sas increases. The work of the Convention will, it is said, be quickly done. It .will probably be submitted .to the people on the day that a Legislature is elected, and the chances arc that the Constitution will be in Washington, with a member of Congress and two Senators to back it, by the* Ist of December. It ia supposed that tho Constitution, like tfc&t'qf New York and Pennsylvania,'will be siltni as to slavery. This programme will prevent an attack on Governor Wolkcr’s nomination in the Senate. Zlo ran resign, and. may come as a Senator from the new State'. . > Rest assured, there la sorao hope this p)an will bo carried out. ‘ - Solltairs, ' ' Tho election “ for 'delegates to the September Convention inKansds” w&ahadru’o month's ago, and a pro-slavery body returned by.a total poll of loss than fifteen hundred votes. This election was held under, a bogus registry, vrhtoli excluded the, great bulk of tho free-State men from voting. The Constitution has of oourse boon already con cocted in some pro-fllavery conclave, and the Convention will merely go through tho form of adopting it. They doubtless know a good deal., more about its features In Washington than in Kansas. ' “ A Constitution silent as to slavery,” framod by a Convention elected, under border-ruffian au thority, will be a pro-slavery Constitution; slave ry is already in Kansas, so far as usurpation bogus law,can plant it thoro.nnd a Convention springing from tho bogus authority does not need to legalise slavery there—to say nothing is-to leave slavery legalizod and established. No intelligont person oan honestly dispute this. Shall a Constitution so framed by a Convention chosen by loss than a tonth of tho pooplo, and re presenting but one-fourth of the numbor, be im* posed oa Kansas by Federal authority and bayo nets? This is the precise issue now tendered* What say the free States? Our correspondent fell into tho error, doubt less, of supposing that the June election was for members of a new Legislature, as many have supposod, and not for delegates to the September Convention to 'frame a State Con stitution. ‘ It is not a practical question as to the elec tion of tho,delegates. They were legallyelcct cd according to law j tyd their acts are recog nised, bccauso they are tho only, regularly chosen delegates under tho. forms of tho or-: ganic act. .The whole people of Ihe Territory will decide whether their work is right or wrong The Tribune’s assumption that the Constitu tion “has already befen adopted .in some pro slavery conclave,” is ridiculous. Doubtless the Charleston Mercury thinks that instrument “has already been adopted in somo free-State conclave.” The one story would be as absurd, as the other. . “ ‘A. Constitution silent as to slavery/ framed hy a Convention elected under bordor-ruffian rule, will bo a pro-slavery Constitution.” Another bald assumption. Most of tho Constitutions in tho free States “arc silent m, to slavery.” Nobody fears slavery in New -York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, because their Constitutions do not prohibit slavery. But our correspondent might have gone further on this subject of slavery in the Cod-* stitution of Kansas. He might have said, that while the Constitution of Kansas, will, iu all probability, be silent as to slavery, a separate vote will be iaken , on the day that the Constitu tion is submitted to the people, on the proposition, shall slavery exist in the new State of Kansas or not i 1 This was thb ground taken in Juno, when the delegates to tho Convention wero elecicdr-most of the candidates pledging themselves to this effect from the hustings ; so that if slavery be in Kansas now, and there is a majority of actual residents and duly qualified voters against it, it will be removed \ it will be excluded. And if the majority is the other way, slavery will be recognized and retained. What can bo fairer than this ? The next paragraph of Mr. Greeley’s ar ticle is in almost exact harmony with Mr. Keitt and the few extremists who back him. The one wants tho Constitution rejected by tho free-State settlers bccauso the Administra tion intervenes to secure a vote upon it, or, in other words, to “ impose it on Kansas”; tho others demand its rejection because Governor Walker has “intervened” to secure a.fair vote; and while the Tribune says that Mr* Bo ciianan is bound to make it a slave State with his bayonets, Mr. Kextt and Company assort that Governor Walker is pledged to maki It a free State, aided by the squatter sovereigns 1 The truth is, the apparition that frights' the Souls of these fearful adversaries (not? sqch, good friends) is the prospect of the final set-, tlemtnt of'the slavery question by the operatiom of the majority rule. i CORRESPONDENCE. ■ FROM WASHINGTON. The Steamship* Niagara, Agamemnon, and Sacqnelianna.--Telegraph Cable, Arc. fCorreppoodecse of Tho Press.] Washington, September 1, 1857. From the subjoined extract of a letter to tha. Navy Department, dated at &c&, August l?tb, 1857, it will be soon that th© Niagara has proved herself u faster goor than cither tho Susquehanna or Aga memnon : “ We had somothingof a race to-day, and a good deal of exoitemont for awhile , Tho Agamemnon and Niagara have each large fenders or guards over thoir propellers; she has a load of about )6QO, tons, and wo ulond of about 1150. Both load and guard were not much of fin assistance in a raco ; bosides, X was a little afraid of tho Agamemnon, as eyory ono declares in England that she oan steam, elevon and twelve knots oasy; and I thought cer tainly tho Susquehanna would lead us badly in the trim io whioh we were. So, with all these reasons,! managed to keop & littlo back than otherwise. This' morning at 8 o’clock tho Susquehanna was about two miles ahead, and we were just abeam ef the Agamemnon. Capt. Sands signalized, ‘I am go ing to Plymouth,’ as much as to say, ‘ Can’t wait for such slow coaches,’ I asked Capt. Hudson to try and let us go to Plymouth also. Each ship’s smoko-pipes told the story of hard firing at onob. The sea was smooth and tho wind light after us; smoko just up and down when at full speed ; at 5 P. M. the positions wero nearly as follows;’The' Agamemnon was moro than hull down astern. Wo could just see her smoke. Tho Susquehanna was about seven or oight miles astern. As Capt. Hudson wanted to keop company with tho Agamemnon, wo stopped and waited for her.” The Niagara’s speed in the contest was on an average twelve knots an hour. This is a great achievement on tho part of th© Niagara, for I be lieve that the Agamemnon is held to be the fastest steamer in the English service, and tho hanna has hold all along an enviable reputation for speed in the American navy. Capt. Hudson, writing to tho Navy Department from Plymouth, England, under date of Aug. I4th, 1857, has the honor to report the arrival of the steam frigate Niagara at that popt, and tho morti-' fication' to announce officially the breaking of the telegraph cable, on the use of too heavy a pressure upon tho brake attached to the paying-out machi nery, after 334 miles of it had been run out—somo at a depth of 2,050 fathoms, or a little more than two and n quarter miles: Ho has every reason to believe, from his experience so far in wire-laying, (hat under ordinary circumstances of weather and of machinery adapted to tho aim inview—thAt aboard requiring improvement—that a telegraphic Sable can be laid in safety 1 over the plateau of tho Atl&ntie ocean. • At tho tixno the cable parted, August 11th, 345 o’clock, A M., the ship was going at a speed of four knots an hour. She had been running all night at & rate of three to four knots. Thero was “ a motion from a moderate head sea, and the company’s chief engineer and men attending their brakes to lesson tho expenditure of cable,” tho coble suddenly parted—an accident, says the Oaptain, “which madoallhandsof us through tho daylike a household or familythat bad lost thoirdearestfriond, for the offioers and mon bad bocomo deeply inte rested in the suoccss of the enterpriso.” Mr. Field loft tho ship soon after the occurrence of tho acci dent, in IL M. steam brig Cyclops, for Valenlia’ Bay, Ireland, requesting that the Niagara, Spsqu?- hnnnn, and Agamemnon should proceed to this' placo, after making certain experiments with tho wire and maohincry in deep water. The Leopard proceeded at onoe to Bpithead. Whothor tho com pany intend to supply additional cable and make another trial during tho prosont season, or to defer it to next summer, Captain Hudson is not ndvised. If tho latter course bo pursued, the remaining wire will have to be taken out of the ship and retarred to save It from rust, and he will requlro further instructions from the Department. X. Y. Washikqton, August 31, 1857. One half of tho iron required in the constructin' of a lighthouse was sont to tho dosired place under orders of th© proper authorities, and remained on tho beach o', little below high-water work for a period of nearly six months without exhibiting any appearance of erosion.' The other Half, after a like exposure for-only a few weeks, oxidized and so much oorroded as to need filing and soraplng to make the parts fit. This iron was from New Jor sey, but from different mines in that State. With this fact; and others of a similar character, before lt, and'.lookihg> the national importance of the 'Subject the ‘'Treasury Department 'ha's issued tbo following.circular: * • - ‘‘Tn.EASURY Department,’Aug. 31, 1857. “ Sib t This'departraont has been furnished with undoubted efidpnee that there is a great difforonce b©tweon:iroU;from different mines in the United States in the degree and rapidity with wmoh they becbm&'6x?disM. Congress, during the last ses sion, appropriated the sum of $3,600 to test the dif ferent iroos in this country in that particular. If these experiments rimU establish the important -Yet. with ore enough in the bowols of our land to supply tho wants of tho world, our iron masters oannot successfully, it seems, compete with foreign wSjpufaolurers.' Most of the railroad companies of tho United States purchase tho iron rail they us© in foreign markots, because there they can get it cheaper, although it is in nine cases out of ten of tho • poorest quality. To remedy this admitted evil various plans have been suggested. - Numbers of such plans will be ‘presented for the action of Congress. Duff Green, Esq., as spokesman of a committoe, issues a circu lar addressed to all persons interested in the ma nufacture of iron and in railroads, to aid them as delegates to a convention to bo held in January next, or by such suggestions ns they may desire to make. Ho observes that i “As our railroad system has absorbed, and must ■wf necessity continue to absorb, so much of our capital and labor, and as tho puroh&so of foreign Iron with railroad bond* must subject us more and more,to the financial polioy of tho Bank of Eng land \ and as it is now well understood that the “policy of that bank is to rogulato tbo exchanges so os to mako London tbo heart of the financial world and as she can under our present system roeruit jher stock of bullion by exporting our specie at les3 cost than sho can obtain it elsewhere; and as tho pttrohaao of English Iron with onr railroad bonds ta’ereascs tho power of tho Bank of England over ©Mr ourronoy, it is apparent that an organization bf which American iron oan bo supplied to our 4pUroad companies at less cost than is now paid for foreign Iron would greatly promote our financial independonco and greatly promote the general welfare of this country.” The pl&n proposed isono which has already been before tho Committee on the Post Office and Tost Roads of tho House of Representatives during tho session of the thirty-second Congress. It orabrnew “ an organization,under aots of incorporation, in all • the States from which they can bo obtained, with 'aaffioient capital, to bo invested in railroad bonds and other good securities; that it shall be tho duty of this association to aot as trustee and agent for - railroad companies in tho sale or their securities, and, from the proceeds of such rak-s and their own capital, to furnish funds to aid in the manufacture -of iron for railroads; that thoro shall boa fixed duty upon iron sufficient to protect, tho capital invested in its manufacture and tho currency from tho con tingencies, affecting the price of foreign iron, pro duced by tho financial polioy of tho Bank of Eng land ; that the lows regulating mail contracts be so .modified'ns tu authorise contracts with railroad companies for the permanent uso of their road; and that, instead of payments on contracts as now .m&doj there bo delivered to such companies coupon pburgeahlo on the revenues of tho Depart ment, rodecmablo at the pleasuro of tho Govern ment,and bearihg an interest at the rnto of two ind a Half per cent , for a sum, tho ihtorest upon ftt five por cent., would bo equal lo tbo pay ments' ih&do for such servico under tho present system; that the wholo proceeds of tho public landp bo transferred to tho Post Office fund, and that; whenever the funds of the Dopnrtinont and the surplus in tho sub-treasury, beyond a sum to be fixed by law, will permit, it shall be tho duty of tho proper ngont of tho Government to purchaso Up, at par, such of these coupon bondß as may h'avo boon deposited, under tho laws of any of the states, as a basis for bank issuos—in tho ordor of qio registry of such bonds at tho Treasury by tho Ijanks making such deposit.” I state those facts without any opinion on my part of tho practicability or propriety of this, or any other mcasuro; still hoping, howoror, that tho interest already exoited may not dio out, but con tinue until this important question has been tho roughly sifted. It remains for those concerned in tjio manufacture of iron to consult their own in terest by roady and complete responses to tho cir culars,-both of tho Treasury Department and of tho QHnmitteo of whioh Mr. Green is tho chairman yhen all tho ground of investigation and analysis has been ©xplorotl. then may wo arrive at a safe decision. « Until then we grope in tho dark. X. Y. STATE POLITICS. Countt.— -An extra from the Cfolumbia’jDcmocrafj of tho 3Ut ult., informs uj that the Columbia County Democratic Con vention idct on that day, ntEßloomshurg, and ujminated the following ticket; Congress—John Mcßeynolds. Legislature—Peter Ent, (both subject tq tho Conferee Convention.) ;The county officers nominated were as fol lows s Prothonotary—Jacob Eyerly. Register and Recorder—Daniel Lee. Commissioner—Elias Dietericli.. Treasurer—James McNinah and Auditor—John R. Yohe. |TnE Missouri Election.—The official vote gives.' Stewart, Dem., 38-1 majority over Roluns, American. (Fpr the Press.] tons Randolph, op Roanoke, on tiik Choice of.a. Wipe.—Roly upon it that to loro awoumn as a mistress, nlthough a delicious delirium, an in tqiication fur surpassing champagne, is altogether uiwssontlnl, nay pernicious, iu the choice of n nifo, a man ought to sot about in his sober senses, choosing her as Mrs. Primrose did her wodding goirn, for qualities that wear welt. lam well per sufdtd that few love-matches are happy ones. Ono thing at loast is true, that if matrimony has its cates celibacy has no pleasures. A Newton or a scholar may find employment in study; u man of literary taste can receive in books a powerful auxiliary« but a man must have a bo?ora friend and children around him to cherish and support th© dreariness of old age. Do you remember A-*- - V ?Ho could neither rend nor think; anj wifo, even a sooldiug one, would havo been a bUzsing to that poor man. After suitability is tho truo foundation for marriage. If the parties bofuited to ono another, if age, situation in li/o, (a jpari indeed may descend when all clso is fitting,) temper and constitution, these are the ingredients of a happy marriage, or at least a convenient ono—whioh is all that people of experience expect, Prederika Bremer says : Tho life of a bache lor is aa a good breakfast, a tolerablo dinner, buta wretched supper. A FALSE FRIEND is like a shadow upon a dial. it appears in clear wenther but vanishes as soon as that is cloudy. Writing, lik> ore, should bo valued not by its bulk but by Its riches. ' 'Jnyv is like a sore eye, inflamed by everything brtiliantor dazzling. Tbb old age of a literary person Is the evening of a fine day, 1857. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON. [SPECUt DESPATCH TO THE PBESS-] Cabinet Meeting— The Rumored Reraovnls-Tlie Ncav Sloop.of-War—Re.Assrmbliug oI the Naval Courts of Inquiry—Appointments and Resignations— General Denver and the In dians—The Consulate to Liverpool. •Wasbixotos, September I.—There wop ebrlef meet* tag of the Cabinet yesterday in the forenoon, on foreign affairs; what conclusion was reached is not known out of the mystic circle of- constitutional advisers.' It is certain that nothing dcOnlte was dono with reference to the rumored rentals in the Interior, Treasury, and other Departments, I presume now, unless something is dono at the regular Cabinet council to-day, that there will be nq further removals of chief officers or heads of bureaus until the commencement of the next quarter, on the Ist of October. Owing to the contiuucd.obseuco of Commander llart -Bt*ix and Captain Pexjjeeorast, it Is unlikely that the Board appointed to oxamlno the proposals for the con struction of the new sloop-of-war will organize for busi ness before to-morrow. On Monday next the tbreo Naval Courts of Inquiry re-assomble after their recess, to dispose of the remain, ing forty or fifty cases on their dockets. It la expected that they will have submitted their report* on all the cases presented for their investigation previous to the meeting of Congress. Where their duty ends, under the law of January 10th, 1857, that of the President and Senate of tho United States begins. Wm. WiCxr.H, of Lovrlstown, Pennsylvania, has been appointed to u first-class ($1200) clerkship in the Post Office Department. Lieutenant Thomas M. Crossax, ordered to the Merrt nißc, has resigned liis commission In tb« Navy. James M. Pares, of Alabama, has been appointed to a first-clftsfl clerkship in the Pension Office. Gen. Denver was in St. Louis on Wednesday last, on his way to tho Indian country. He goes first among the Pawnees, to adjust tho pending difficulties between the members of that triboand the whites living in their vi ciulty, and afterward to tho Sioux region, to observe for himself the condition aud feeling toward the white settlers, and the irregular bands of that nation. Beverly Tecerr, Rpq., accepts the Liverpool Conan, latt. X. Y. Berks County. [SPECIAL DESPATCH FOR THU PRESS.] Rradiko, Sept. I —Tho following nominations were made for Berks: Assembly, Edward L. Smith, Amos Weller, Benjamin Nuuamacher; Prothoqotary. David Fister; Register, Tobias Barto; Recorder, Nicholas Ilickmnn f Clerk of Orphans’ Court, Ephraim Frit* 5 Clerk of Sessions, Joseph S. Hoyer; County Treasurer, William Runkle; Commissioner, David L. Wenrick; Di rector, Jacob MalUbergor; Auditor, Amos Strunk; Dele gates to State Convention, Mandotbauch,Boyer, Sellers, nnd Livingood. ' The ticket is regarded as very strong, and the county may be set down at 7,000 majority for the State and county ticket Bounty Land Warrants. Washington, Sept. I.—During tho month of August more than fifteen hundred warrants were issued under the Bounty Law of 1850, to satisfy which 231,000 acres of land are necessary. So far, 26,600,000 acres of land have been granted in accordance with that Act. Edward M. Hastings has been appointed receiver of public moneys at Montgomery, Alabama. A patent lor 35,000 acres of land which have been selected in lieu of thoeo located by military warrants, or scrip, and issued by virtue of a special certificate, in favor of Wisconsin, under the second section of tho act of March, 1855, is new in course of preparation x [a the General Land Office, and will be transmitted to the Governor of that State in afew days. Tho President’s reply to Professor SlUiman and pthers, on tho affairs of Kansas will soon be published. Outrages on Mexican cartmen In Texas---The Louisiana Sugar Crop. Washington, Sept. I.— I Tho Southern mail furnishes papers and letters from all points as late as duo. The following intelligence is furnished : Tho continued atrocious outrages on Mexican cart men is exciting deep interest in the western part of the State. I.OCISIANA, A letter from Point Coupee states, that in conse quence of the severe frosts In spring, the sugar-cane ii four weeks behind tho fair average, and the fall must be very late to allow it to ripen. Under all circumstances, tho crop of sugar cannot exceed 250,000 hhds.; the planters genorally estimate not orer 200,000. Wedding of Hon. Hiram Walbrldge, WisniNOTON, Sept. I.—Tho President, Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, and of the Navy, and their fami. lies, and other officials,, together with Gen. Ward, Burnett, and several members of the press, attended the wedding of Hon. Hiram Welbridgo—to-day; a reehtrthe affair Mayoral Election at Wilmington. Del. WiLMisaroN, September I.—The election for Mayor of this city was held to-day, nnd S. W. Sparks, the American-Republican candidate was successful, having roceived a majority of 331 votes. The majorities, as divided into the separate Wards, are as follows: First Ward—Majority for W. 11. White (Democrat) 10 Bocond do do G.W.Sparkii(Ain..Rep.)49 Third do do do do 83 Fourth do do do do 109 Fifth do do do do 40 The whole American ticket was elected. Vermont'Election. Montpelier, Sept. I.—The annual State election was held to-day. But little interest was manifested, and but a small vote was rctnrnod. Tho return* received show the election of thlrty-hro representatives, lucluding one Democrat; a Democratic gain of one. Scattering returns from twenty towns show largo Republican majorities. towns returned give Ryland Fletcher, the Republican candidate for Governor, 1,008 sotes; and Henry Keys (Dcm.) 801 votes. The Union Ticket For Cheater County, West Cukstkr, September I.—The “Union’’ County County, in session hero to-day, nominated the following ticket: For Senate—Dr. Coffman. “ Aspemblf—Stcssra. Vlekera, Dickey, and Renrose, 1 ‘ I'rothonotarv—Mordeca; Ruth. “ Rrglstcr—Jci»p R. Dunwoody. “ Commissioner—David Taylor. “ Treasurer—Renj. Passmore. Commencement at Brown University, Proyidkxoi', Sept. I,—The commencement at Brown University to-day passed off well. Samuel Cox, Of Ohio, delivered the address before the Alumni, and IVendoll I'hilHpt tho oration before the under-graduates The New School Treßhyterlan Convention, Ricumonu, Sept. I.—Tho fourth resolution, relative to the organization of a General Syuod, is still under consideration before the Convention. It la expected the Convention will adjourn .nnc die to-night. Washington, Sept. 1 —The Richmond papers received this evening contain nothing importantof the proceed ings of tho Presbyterian Convention, beyond the des patch telegraphed yesterday. Bobbery 0! the New London Post OKice New Losnox, Conn., September Ist.—The post office at this place was robbed last night of a bag containing tho New York and Southern mails. No traces have yet been obtained of the robber*. The Great Horse Exhibition at Elmira, N. Y. Elmira, September I.—One hundred homes have been entered to competo for the prizes at the great exhibition which commenced here to-day. A grand cavalcade or all tho horses on exhibition started atnoon, led by Flora Temple, Jack Rositer, Lnncet, aud other trotting cele brities. The display was of a most imposing character* The weather is fino, and tho exhibition is thronged with visiters, coming from all parts of the Stato and country Yearly Cotton Statement. New Orleans, Sept. I.—Tho annual cotton ststement published this morning shows the total receipts at this port to have been 1,530,280 bales. Tho crop i* estimated at 2,935,000. Tho exports have been 1,510,920 bales. The stock now in port is 7434 bales. Tho receipts of the new crop are ouo hundred and thirty bales, againstlOOO atthe corresponding period last year. Middling Orleans is now quoted at 13«13# c * The average quotation during tho year has been 12>$c. Revolution In Yucatan. New Orlsaxs, August 31.—A revolution has broken out in Yucatan, and nearly thewholeState was In arms. The revolutionists comprised the radical party, and they were everywhere successful. At the latest dates the Governor was marching against the city of Cam peachy at the head of l,soomen. Arrivals at San Francisco* New Orleans, Aug. 31.—Tho San Frnncihco papers announce tho'following arrivals: Ships David Chock, Oaborno, Howes, Black Hawk, and E. F. Wlllets, from New York, and the ship John Sands from Boston. The Weather at New Orleans. New Orleans, September I.—Tho weather hero is very plcasaut. Citizens arc returning to the city from the various v> atcring places and country eoate, and busi ness is regaining its activity. Deaths at New Orleans, New Orleans, August 31.—Tho deaths which oc curred in this city, during the week ending Saturday, numbered one hundred and two. Commemoration of the Execution of Lopez. New Orleans, Sep I.—Six cannons were fired, and grand mass celebrated to-day, In commemoration of General Lopez. From Kansas. Sr. Louis, September I.—Tho Knnßos correspondent of tho Democrat says a meeting was held at Lawrence, on the 22du1t.,t0 elect delegates to the Grasshopper Falls Convention. Tho Democratic wing of the free. State party constituted fivc-slxtlisof the auditory. The delegatee chosen weto all in favor of voting at the Octo ber election. A nolle prosequi has been entered In the case of Capt Walker. St» Louis Agricultural and mechanical Asso- rt. Louis, Bopt. I.—Tho second fair of the St. Tiouls Agricultural and Mechanical Association, commencing on the 28th of September, promises to he the most resplendent display ever witnessed within tho Luion. Tho grounds have been beautifully ornamented, and largo additions hove been made for tho accommodation of tho articles to bo exhibited. Nothing *** overlooked that would increaso the convenience and comfort of visiters. The premium list embraces prizes amounting to $lO,OOO It is confidently expected that this fair will prove St. Louis to l>o the Agricultural and Meihauieal Exchango of tho Mississippi "Valley. SECOND DAY Louisville, Sept. 1.-Thirty-six classes of Durham and Devon stock, and of horses, were exhibited to-day. The Durham stock is pronounced to he unrivalled. Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana stock took all tho prises which were awarded to-day. Tho weather is delightful, and tho attoudanco at tho exhibition very largo. Intense interest Is manifested In the exhibition by t he most celebrated stock-breeders, who nre present. Exhthl|tqn of £6£!B£l|.l.Bj Ang. Exhibition of the ffajted States Agricultural Socfojy opened this morning qt'lo o’clock, when.the Butcher Association escorted ColonelWUde* the President of the Society, to the atppitbefttre, when be delivered as eloquent address in the presence of persons, half of whom were lodtes. Many distinguished strangers were present. The remainder of the day was devoted to trials of speed on the track, and voluntary exhibitions of horses in the ampltheatre. Between six and seven hundred entrees of superior stock have been made, and additions are constantly made. - # 2 The weather la delightful,' and tho city Is crowded with strangers. • - The Monetary Excitement at Buffalo Subsided. Buffalo, Sept.' I.—The run on the banks of .this' city has subsided. Tho effect of the recent excitement Is trifling; the banks possessing ‘more specie to-day than ever. Seventy thousand dollar* were deposited yester day in the Saving Banks. Markets. New Orleans, August 31 —Cotton—The sales to-day were unimportant. The news furnished from Europe by the steamer Atlantic (which was published in this morning’* editions of the Associated Press exclusively} had no effect on the market. Flour is active, but the prices are generally without change. The stock in port Is estimated at 125,000 bbls. Moss Pork is firm, and quoted at $25.&002S bbl. Stock on hand 7,WW hbla. Lard closed firm. Stock on hand in J.bld 10,500 lbs; (n kegs 12,600 lbs. BALTiMpnr, Sept. I.—All varieties of superfine Flour are steady at $0 bbl. Wheat and Corn are without change. Whiskey is quoted at 20)£e27e. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS TIJI3 EVENING, National Theatre, Walxot Stbert, above EiantH. —The Comedy of “ Blue Deril*,” after which the capi tal Comedy of “ Founded on Facts,” several Overtures by the Orchestra; to conclude with the Comedy of “The Toodlos.” Wheatlev’s AacH Btreft Theatre.—Melnor'a popu lar Tragedy of “Fazio, or the Italian Wifeseveral selections by the Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Charles R. Dodworth ; to conclude with, 2d time, the Comedietta of “ A Handsome Husband.” Sanford’s Opera House, ELirysTn Street above Cdkstxpt — The great Burlesque on the Opera of La Traviata,” prevloua to which Ethiopian Minstrelsy. Thomecf’s Varieties. N. W. corner of Firpnisn Chestni't Streets.— Musical and Terpsiehorean Me lange; interspersed with the performances of Signor Felix Aocher. A Visit to Blockley Almshouse. —-Perhaps one of tho worst evils that ever afflicted humanity is thatof insanity. Tho records of the various institu tions for the insane furnish many a sad illustration of tho unsparing ravages of this disease - Prompted by a philanthropic zeal, good men have erected insth tutiona where the unfortunate insane may be well cared for, where charity may perform her perfect work, and where all the offices of affeotion may be speedily dispensed. Alas! how often are these labors of love made fruitless, and defiantly laughed at by the fell destroyer! We passed through the lunatic department of tho Blockley Almshouse, West Philadelphia, whilo on a brief visit to that in stitution a day or two since. The incidents narrated to ns, by the keepers of the different wards, were foil of sorrow, and such as made the deepest impression upon our mind. The patients, for the most pirt, ex hibit a peculiar kind of aberration, which is no( often encountered elsewhere. One of them, with no visible reasoning powers, having no knowledge of the distinction Between right and wrong, is very apt at calculations in figures and is a very good mathematician. He can mentally multiply any sum by any num ber of figures, and give a correct answer with scarcely a moment’s hesitation.. He can tell the exact number of seconds, minutes, hours, &e., in any number of years, a moment after a question to this effcot is given him. Many viotims of in sanity owe their misfortune to reverses in love affairs. Patients of thiacharacter are of melan choly and selfish disposition; and they shun all companionship, and court solitude. Money jo&t-V ters contribute no small share to the number of viotims. Criminal actions weighing on the eon scienco will make many a lunatic. Different causes producing tho some - disease also produce different results. W 0 hod a conversation with one of the patients, who imagines that he is a woman, and whose speech is always relative to tho love affairs of the “ days of youth.” ' Wo spoke with another who calls him self a saw-mill, gifted with human powers. He stated to us that u we would make an appointment to moot him in St. Louis in the evening, he would give or loan us $50,000,000. We learn that this individual was formerly a prominent and wealthy coal merchant of this city, and by numerous sad reverses in busicess became reduoed to his present lamentable condition. By far the most communicative and amofiing pa tient in the entire department is one Wiggins, who states that he has a divine mission to accomplish before the destruction of the world, which, accord ing to his ( inspired declaration,” will take place previous to the 15th of November, 185 T. He ob tained his revelations whilo in a trance at the Charity Hospital. New Orleans, whore he was con fined to his bed through illness for several months. To his early days he represents that ho was a pro fessor of literature, having taught composition, elo cution, &e., in several counties in Kentucky, he being a native of Boone county, of that State. He is very desirous that the world should know his greatness, and learn to appreciate it. The ques tions being put to him: “What brought you here, Wiggins? Flow is it that yon, who are so great, aro troubled with physical infirmities?” he replied that his illness came to him while he “was 01 the flesh,” and by one of his own mysterious providen ces, he had for wise purposes retained it. “ Would you not prefer to be well, and to leave this place, Wiggins?” “ Oh! Yes! I would like to be cared, and to gat out of this institution, ‘right on sight,” was nis answer. Several gentlemen who were present asked him a number of questions, relative to his birth, education, trance, and mission, to all of wbieh ho responded with singular promptitude and apparent sincerity. Wiggins is about thirty six years of age, rather slenderly built, but with a deep chest and a powerful voice, lie possesses remarkable conversational powers, and is said to be a ready writer when be under takes composition, although ho cannot retain his mind upon any one subject for more than fivo or six minutes. He is the especial object of attraction to the visiters to the insane department of the in stitution, and Ills first inquiry to every person who Addresses him is “ What is new in town to-day?” Wc asked him if he was fond of newspapers, and with a good deal* of feeliug he assured us that there was nothing which afforded him greater gratification, excepting only—the contem plation of the happiness of his creatures. When wegavohim a copy of Tub Press', he appeared to be greatly delighted, and told us, as we left him. to call upon him frequently, and “to be sure to bring the paper.” Dr. J. R. McClintock, the chief resident physician, has manifested con siderable interest in tho wolfare of the patients, and under his admirable superintendence, every thing that can bo done for their comfort aud re lief is carefully attended to. We regretted to hear of thodeathof poor Fisher, who will be remembered by all tho visiters to Blookley. He was a good-hearted fellow, and though tho world only knew him as la sano, he yet possessed all manly and generous in stincts lie was the very personification of fun, aid tho soul of real, genuine mirth. Oftentimes he has kept his unfortunate, demented companions in roars of laughter, and was universally pointed out ns tho “ great and funny Fisher.” He received numerous presents daily, but ho always unhesi tatingly shared thorn, and thus was looked upon as a benefactor by tho other patients. The steward of the institution is Mr. Charles Murphy, who superintends all the purchases, and gives his personal attention to the interior arrange ments of tho institution. He is gentlemanly and courteous to all who como in contact with him, and is now serving his second torm of office, haring been rc-eleoted by the present Board of Guardians of tho Poof. The Almshouse ja evidently well managed, nnd Is kept in the bast possible order. The hoalth of tho inmates, considering their num ber and character, is very good. There were fifteen deaths among them during last week, , An Interesting Trip to Fairmount . —Last evening, before Alderman Eneu, a woman named Ann Gillingham was committed to answer the ohnrgo of larceny of several valuable articles from Mary Ann Gilbert. It appears tnat the complain ant, who is a very respectaple woman, started for the Baltimore depot yesterday morning, intending to take the cars, but was a few minutes too late for them. She met with Miss Gillingham, who in formed her that she too had missed the train, and proposed a visit to tho Fairmount Waterworks to fill up the time before one o’clock, the hour for the starting of the next train. This propo sition was acceeded to, and the twain ac cordingly started to inspeot the various sights in the romantic vioinity of Lemon Hill. Mary Ann was an artful one, and she induced her companion to take a few drinks of wine, which, to say the least, was of a very suspicious quality On returning to the depot station, Mrs. .Gilbert laid down for a few moments on the sofa, and en joyed a brief nap. On awaking, sho discovered ihat her pocket-book had been picked, which con tained several gold pieces, and her gold breastpin stolen. She informed Officer Harmerofwhat had occurred, and that functionary had no difficulty in arresting the offender in the person of Ann Gil lingham, upon whom the missing articles were found. The Ncio Pennsylvania Railroad Office, now in course of erection on Third street, oorner of Williog’s alley, will, when completed, form one of tho most ornamental of the many beantifhl and sub stantial edifices now going forward in various parts of our city. The entire front, and the sides to the height of the first story, are DuUtof the beautiful and durable piotou stone, which U now so generally coming in vogue in tho construction of ornamental stone buildings. The stones used in this are from tho Now Brunswick quarries, and are, wo think, of a color, if anything, more beautiful than those from tho quarries of Nova Scotia; the latter being of a more bluish cast, whilst the former aro more of a fawn or dun color. From the architect, S. D. Button, Esq., wo learn tho following particulars of tho proportions and arrangement of tbo building: It has a front on Third street of forty-two feet thrce inchcs, with a depth of one hundred and fifty-six feet, and a height] to the top of the conucc of sixty-oight feot The four stories contained in it will measure in the clear ns follows : First, 14 foet 6 inches; second, 17 feet; third, 13feot 6 inches; fourth, 12 fee t. Tho first floor, which is elevatod four feet above ground, will be suitably divided off, to bo occupied us offices, whilst the upper three will be occupied by the various departments of the Company. The main business room, however, will bo on the second floor, the entrance to which will be by the southern door on Third stroot. It will have two optranoes from Third street—the northern one leading to a fine, spacious room very suitable fora bank apart ment. Tho main hall, however, will been Wil ling's alley, whilst tho entrance to tho janitor’s rooms will bo by a private staircase in the rear of the building. The building, which will itself bo fire-proof, will contain near its centre a fire-proof twelve by tweaty>eight feat, extending from tho basement to the roof. Its interior will he plainly but neatly finished. The stylo of ita architecture is Byznntian, with Grecian columns. As the work upon itisboine executed by soveral contracts, we aro not enabled to stato what its cost wIU be when complotcd. Identified . —Tho narao of the individual who was run over at Juniper -nd Market streets has been ascertained to be William Agnow, a house carpenter, residing at 409 Washington street. Second ward, Coroner Delavau will bold an inquest in this case at soon to-day, at the Pennsylvania Hospital. To-morrow afternoon the Jewish Synagogue, in Franklin street, above Green, will be dedicated with Appropriate and interesting ceremonies. , 4 has beta .iHln opposition », JMUdel phU PoJfcV-flAiftmept members fn political opinions, itneVerthrieas oon- Ulnafeeu, who: foJ abfewdfcM dad skill ia tUtetUva operations, might vie with- thos*•- of London. Paris. The policy of <m* sauphnpfifc being always to .restrain, on Account os the . penile, every important primiha] investigation, it is no wonder that these individuals seldom, appear - before the public.. " We have in our mind one that da gnerreotyped aaaznddet of those few who may be. termed detectives. Thoroughly conversant with every possible branch of duty, and with the de tails of service In American and European cities, his fond of information has led him toaeool nnd deliberate analysis, and consequent discovery of the most efficient mode of operating in every/: emergency. . Of the utmost suavity in manner ana quietness in demeanor, he yet combines quick per ception with Force of character, and seises the points of anarration, or of a mysterious occurrence, almost by intuition. Tn action prompt and ener getic, he leaves no stone unturned to accomplish . the ends of justice, and frequently succeeds even when oidbr neads have given up in despair. . With the most unapproachable art of preserving frets ~ ana data witbtn his recollection, he possesses an advantage, from long experience, almost invalua ble, and ne is feared, eren by evil-doers with whom he has had no dealings, merely from reputation. Such a man we do not hesitate to consider as & model Philadelphia detective. Police Items. —We learn from the police re port of Lieutenant Spear, of the Seventeenth Ward, that, by the timely interference of some of the men in his division, a cheek wa* given to that spirit of bullyism which has frequently been manifested of late. John Barnet and John AlcErlanc were ar rested shortly&ftor twelrc o'clock yesterday morn ing* last aa they were about to leave their homes for tho purpose of engaging in apriie fight for $lOO a side, which was arranged to take place at six o’clock. All the arrangements for the encounter were said to have been perfected, the principals having had the hair of their heads swayed ox cut ho close that they resembled globular scrub brushes. This matter hod. been talked of for several days, but, on account of the vigilance of Lieutenant Spear, our city has been saved from the disgrace of another brutal contest between human creatures. The parties were taken before Alderman GUrk, who held them in Sl.ooo bail each to be of future good behavior and to keep tbo peace. Yesterday a woman named Winnie Burk was arrested and rent to prison on the charge of infan ticide. Celebration of the Grand United Order of Colored Odd Fellowt.— -Wo have already referred to the celebration of the Grand United Order of Colored Odd Fellows, which will take place feo-mor* * row, lu commemoration of the thirteenth meeting' of the annual moveable committee of the Order. The exercises will consist of a parade and oration - “ in the day, and a grand promenade concert at Na- 1 tiofaaT Half in the evening. The line of the parade will form on Arch street, the rigbton Inroad street, facing South, extending westward. 'The procession will move at 9 o’clock, A. M., precisely. Grand Marshal, P. G. M. Brother Thomas Ch&rnock. Aida, Bro. Samuel Barrett. Bro. Amos Gayer. As sistont Marshals, Bro J. C. Stephens, Bro. W. T. Jones, Bro. Charles Edwards, Bro. Samuel Samson. Master of Ceremonies at the Hall. P. G. M. Bro. Wm. S. Gordon. Singing tinder the direction of ' P. G. M.Bro. J. C. Bowers. • 1 We re-publish the route, so that those desirous of seeing the parade, which will, no doubt, be a handsome affair, will have an opportunity of doing so. Connter-mareh up Arch to Eighteenth, down 'Eighteenth to Walnut, down Walnut to Tenth, down Tenth to Pine, down Pine to Third, up Third to Chestnut, np Chestnut.to Tenth, up Tenth to Market, np Market to National Hall. The exorcises at the Hall will consist of prayer, .addresses, and music, after which the procession will move down Market street to .Twelfth,' up Twelfth to Arch, down Areh to Eighth, up Eighth to Brown, down Brown to Fourth, down %Yine, up Vine to Sixth, down Sixth to Spruce, up Spruce 1 to Eleventh, down Eleventh to South,'down South to Eighth, op.Eighth.to Lombard, down Lombard to the Philaael phia Institute, where tha ceremonies of laying the .corner-stone on the site for the new Odd PelTows’ Hall will be performed , The following is the committee of arrangements for the occasion: Cyrus B. Miller, Joseph H. Carter, JoshuaP/B. Eddy, Jr., Thomas Charaoek, Joseph Lyons, Jas. Wood, Amos Gayer, James Titos, John Bimpeen, James Biddle, Ezekiel Sulevas, Abraham Elsey, Joseph C. Green, Francis Miller, Wm. H. John son, John H. Bond, Benjamin Tueker, Wm. Allen Henry H. Williams, Abraham A. Morton, Charles Johnson. David Disberry. * - Fall of a Scaffolding . —Yesterday morning, about 6 o’clock, as some paper-hangers were en gaged in papering the ceiling of Bansotn street hall, the temporary scaffolding on which they were at work gave way, precipitating two of them to the floor, a distance of about 32 feet. One of them, Mr. P. Barnet, had his left thigh broken by a piece of scantling falling upon him, and also re ceived a severe g*3h beneath the chin, by striking a splinter of the wood. Dr. Wm. H. Basard, the uncle of the injured man, was called in. and after the necessary dressings to the injuries, his patient was removed to his home. Premiums for SU Louis Fair. —Messrs. Bailey t Co. have now on exhibition tho large silver premiums ordered by the St. Lonir Agri cultural and Mechanical Association. Persona curious in such matters can see them at any tuna' previous to the 10th September, at which time, they will bo' forwarded to SL Louis. The .pre miums are the richest that have ever been ordered - for any fair yet held in the United States. The fair commences oq Monday; 28th September, to continue during the week. The libersdity evinced by the citizens of St. Danis in reference to the value and richness of the premiums most com mand a universal feeling of satisfaction to all in terested. A Printer Knocked into Pi. —Last evening William C. nelm was charged before Alderman Eoeu, at the Central Station, with having commit ted an assault and battery on a very respectable typo, named Charles B. Atks. For this enormous crime of interfering with a compositor, Mr. Helm was sent below, to take his trial at the present tens of Court. Drowned. — A man named Philip Ray was accidentally drowned at Spruce street wharf, Dela ware, yesterday moraine. It appears that no was asleep on the wharf, and rolled over into theriTer. Coroner Delavau held an inquest in the care, and a verdict of accidental drowning was rendered by the jury. Scalding Case. —A young woman, named Sarah Mahlon, was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital yesterday morning.’having been scalded by a kettle of boiling water being spilled orer her at Nicetown. HATTERS AND THINGS IN NEW TORS* (From the New York papers of yesterday.) The third day’s festivities of the seventh annual meeting of the Social Tnmrerien, in this city, yes terday, were unusually interesting. There was a grand procession and pie-nie, and speeches from Mayor Wood and others, with rivers of lager beer and a good time generally. An embezzlement of seventy thousand dollars has been detected In the Mechanics’Banking As sociation of this city. The delinquent, it is said, holds an office of trust and responsibility in the bank. The matter has been placed in the hands of the police. Bv tbeoapsizing of a row boat at the stern of the yacht Mary, just below Staten Island, yesterday noon, Mr. Henry Longhnrst, of No. 67 Prcapeet street, Brooklyn, was drowned. Three ladies and two gentlemen were in the boat at the time, and belonged to an excursion party on board the yacht. A new line of propellers will shortly commence running between this city and Charleston. Much difficulty has been experienced during the past week in supplying crews for the packet-ships and other vessels. The packet-ship Southampton, for London, ships Plutarch and John Bright, for Liverpool, were all detained for several days owing to tho great scarcity of seamen. Several veeseU bound to New Orleans, Savannah, and other ports along the seaboard, have also bean detained from the same cause. Wages bare advanced from $l6 to $2O par month for Europe, with advance, and men are not to be had even at these rates. With a prospect of freights improving, and the moving off of our ahips, it will be next to an impossibility to secure cqmpotent seamen to man them with. The same lack of supply is experienced at Balti more and Norfolk, from which places applications have been made within a few days for sailors, and 'erews have been sent from this port at increased rates of wages. The no-advance system will bare to remain in abeyanoe until the supply of sailors equals or exceeds the demand. Yesterday morning a young man was arrested and taken before Alderman‘Williamson the charge of having amused himself by throwing stones at an omnibus while passing along Seventh street near Green, thereby endangering the safety of the pas sengers. He was held to bail to answer at court. According to the returns of the Lieutenants of Police, made at the Mayor’s office yesterday morn ing. there were seventy-one arrests during the pro viouß twenty-four hours. Yesterday-' afternoon, Deputy Superintendent' Carpenter was informed that a heavy defalcation had occurred in. the office of the Mechanics' Bank ing Association in Wall street, and that the pay ing teller of the institution, Mr. Edwin Tan Blar oom, was the suspected party. Assisted by Offi cers Elder and McCord, the Deputy effected the arrest of Mr. Van Blarcom last evening. Ho remained -in custody over night, and is now at tending to his duties at the bank under the surveil lance of Officers Elder and McCord. The amount of. the defalcation is supposed to he about $BO,OOO. A private investigation of the matter ia taking placo to-day. Tho presence of Mr. Van Blarcom is deemed highly important in overhauling tho acoonnts of the concern. The manner of Mr. Van Blarcom exhibits great indifference, and the assurance of being able to exonerate himself from this serious charge. If the fAct3 elicited at the Bank should confirm the present suspicion the matter will undergo a public examination in due time, before Justice W elih, of the Lower Police Court. Mr. Van Blarcom has a family, and lires in good style in Bleecker street. The case of Mrs. Cunningham on Anitas tor-pus bill cornea up before Judge Peabody to-morrow morning. Tho Hamburgh steamer Borussia, Capt. Trout man, left to-day for Hamburgh, with twoaty-eight eighty-eight in the steerage, and *25,000 m specie. A convention of the gentlemen eoimected with the various railroads in the United States wa3 called to meet at 11 o’oloek this morning at the rooms of the American Institute, No. 331 Broad way. the Morris and Ess,* Railroad, was chosen Chairmen, when, after the umal nre «Tr 5 ,7 P ? >C p£l i T, T £ : r ° 8°“ " i”h, Sr. Sot!™: PhlU<M l ,W > °Se™i rite following Ntfsojivd, That a Committee be appointed to be elation orKinhe » permanent asso ciatlon, to be called the -‘American Association for the Improvement of Railway Machinery. ' *jld Association have for Its objects improvement of railway machinery by actual ex periment, competent tnab,W by comparison of veri- States***** fr ° m t * l6 railways of the United Th * t Association elect a Committee to . m * k e «Wh experiments upon all improve ments offered at such time as the Association mar deem proper, and report thereon. • T dMm /toolred. That the Associatioiwalso ajmoick & Com. mitteeaotlually, to obtain and publish reports©? the various improvements tested on each of the railroad, and on the economy of their Aw sL»‘ io « «>«» » Committee on t° collect money from a, ririotu railroadi to meet the neoftuuuy expenses. •*«««* «» That the Association meet annually at the different clt!e« thronghont the United s£“ to C on .Met tt. progrmiT. improvement of kS&S ml.’ ‘ OT " ! iDfOnCTI «*- *? * K*erira»b, from whieh each yonog hXi ’* e “ f ’ bb4th ’ tbom *** rth ’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers