V^f : THE MONET MARKET. ; " Philadelphia, August 29,1857. eales at the Stock Board, to-day, were affected ‘-\ ; it?piewhat as’ to the fancy stocks by the reported failure Atwood k. Co., a firm in New York, largely connected ;,’v zwiih the West. Beading Railroad shares, of which up- .--word* of 2300 wero sold, fluctuated between 3Q# and -The other Bales show a. firmness in prices with _ x^ transactions/ Reliable securities ate not largely 'hj papered and their' prices.ate improving. , ', ’ Money &• in good supply, and meets with an active' , the street, increased by the contraction of discounts. The rates remain about the Bameas /'~ %\4nowd yesterday, 1 for choice, names, and to for less favorably known. „ It seems to he thwgeneral opinion In various parts of " the country, resulting‘from profound reflection, that • Wall'street iB not th& world, and that tbe tlmeh'as ' passed when Its bankers and broken may destroy or sc , rlpusly injure the monetary prospects of the country. • The people have so long heard the prophecies of- a coming crash, like. Miller’s predictions'of the end of the ~ world, always coming, near at hand, that they began to . think it would be strange indeed if its prognostications 'should never be 1 verified. And when Jt bad come, and the prophets went mad with delight, seeing -that they bad told us so, many were found whothoughtthat there might possibly bo a general collapso in our commercial affairs. But they find'that after all it Is only the bulls and hears of the stock market who are in trouble, and they read one day that Jacob Little, the great original Jacob, has flailed for fivo millions of dollars, add on the next day that Jacob has arranged fell hla difficullles, and resumed his seat at the stock.board, and they decide that after all the crash that was coming has proved itself ' a farce—a farce which involves many.innocent victima, : and brings trouble to many credulous'people, anddis grace to many more who have permitted themselves to -be tempted into this vortex of gambling—but a farce after oil when considered'in the reference to the enor ■ Vttous interests, productions, and wealtU of L the country ,<• , , /' r, , *. The Wall street people have gambled In railroad slocks s snd-bonds issued in>o, many States, and by so many iu r jtereßts,, that they, scarcely know where they stand, fondly-imagine that they are the centre of the commer cial system of the country, but the country would scarcely feel the event if Wall street and its gamblers were annihilated to-morrow. The Milwaekie Press says: •< 't • '• “The best possible advice we can give all parties is, ; < to keep perfectly cool,.make oo blind and rash sacrifices v > -?n account of street rumors or the despatches of nervous bankers intha East, but calmly; and firmly abide re liable intelligence, of the result of the ‘squall’>, else ' where—always recollecting.that tbe material prosperity t of the West is sufficiently solid to withstand the shock of all the storms which Wall street, can ever raise,” - . The Cincinnati Gazttie says of tho panic in New York: “We apprehend ho^disasters from it to the central West. Tbo storms which.rage along, the Atlantic, or burst beyond theillssissippi, are lltle feli hero; for, In fact, the most solid wealth, industry, and 'resources of the nation may be found in the valley of the Ohio. Oar golden harvests,-our .’rich mines, our intelligent men, out hardy laborers; are beyond the influence of the stock exchange, and.without the atmosphere of wild specula tion.” 1 v-/ ■; • • - - - v - The Chicago Press of Wednesday, in an article upon the failures, says: “ Thp.West was never in a better position than now— never abler to withstand the conditionof things existing at the great money centres of the seaboard than at this S resent moment.. She has just harvested an unprece ented crop, and she is in the fruition of the high' prices the Bast has been paying her tbe last six months for seemingly exhaustleaSsupply of breadstuffs she has sent steadily forward In the race of continued decl&ra- ■ tions that she hadnothing to spare. Oar. country mer chants have consequently made unusually good collec tious. and this has created A heavy demand ■ upon our , local hanks, for . Eastern exchange, by reason of. which there are no heavy balances due them by Eastern banks.’ Should there be a much greater tumbling. among these instltutioifi than-we now have reason to expect, our Western banks %JU scarcely feel the shock ” The NewYori State Bank-redeems tbe issues of the Fort Plain Bank; and tire American Bxchange'Bank the , notes of the Farmers’ Bank of Saratoga, .which has not failed, as was reported. The Ohio hanks are making provision promptly to meet their checks drawn on tbe v New York office of the Ohio Life Insurance'’and Trust . Company. v -- Messrs. Atwood & Co. advertised, previously to their failure, that they would pay at their office the interest oh tbe bonds' of Marshall county, Illinois; issued to the “ Wefltern Air line Bailroad Company, due September - ; lst, and the interest on the first mortgage bonds of the Dayton and Western Railroad Company, on and after ’ We prestime a different arrangement will be Monday... >Thq followingIs the statement of the business of the -v New .York Sub Treasury tor the 28thinstant: Vi : JotaJ '-receipts. ; f . 102,914 62 . s Total Payments;.;;..;/.,...-.....;.,. * 59,054 04 Total balance 12,441,638 28 / ' The.Dxy Goods Imports for the week are $2,809,670, against $1,094,959 the week ending August 30, last year. ‘ ‘ ; .The annexed statement, exhibits the value of foreign ; Dry Goods imported Into New York during the weekend *' since Jftn. 1 in each of the past three' years ’ - 'KOVEMKXTS IX VOBEION DRY OOODfI. ' y For the week. 2855. 2866. 1857 EateredAttheport..,s2,ol2,o3l. $3,236,626 $2,309,570 Thrownon market.... 2,221,793 3,123,190 2,678,703 Since Jan. Ist.- - 1855, 1860, , 3357 Entered at,the port. $40,997,802 $79,295,080 $74,364,680 Thrown on market.. .42,944,234.69,716,172 72,252,685 The home office of the Ohio Life and Trust Co., has' published a statement of its affairs, exclusive of the New York Agency,' Showing its assets to bo $5,278,627, andits liabili ties, $2,963,683. -‘ The drafts of the Norwalk-Bank, Ohio, (Branch of the *Btate Bank,) on the Ohio Life and Trust Company will be paid by the American Exchange Bank of New York. The Athens County, Bank and the Logan Branch of the State Bank are . providing the means with Messrs. Winslow, Lanier* Co M of New York, for that purpose. All tbAsiffleersnr the Ontario Ba*k at Utica, except ing the President, hare resigned, ' - 1 • .The Allentown Railroad Company calls for the fifth' Instalment em its capital stock, payable September 12. ~ ' • Land Warrants, have considerably declined, during • the pant few darn, and are now 4uotod ns follows: . Buying. Selling. 40acres. ..... 105, no -80 acres 87K 98 t 120 acres 82#. 88 \! r “ 1 160 acres 87# 03- .The. transfer books of the Illinois,Central Railroad ,Company are closed, and will be re-opened on the Ist September. - The weekly statement of the banks of New Orleans' to August 22d, f is as follows Liabilities, ‘ . . Circu1ati0n,.......58,341,380 Syeclp $6,624,080 Deposits.'.’.....;.. 9,816,887 Short L0an5.’...18,230,269 Due distant banks. 667,289jExchange 2,696,380 This shows as compared with the statement of the 16th A decrease in specie <ff. i 5183.029 A decrease in Circulation of. ; 266,800 decrease'in exchange 0f;....'. 211,821 . 'A decrease In balances due distant bank5,,215.363 An increase in deposits actual of. 100,994 An increase in short loans of.. 746.963 ; v The Increase 'inloahs .is not actual, as paper falling .Within ptoety days .has been brought into actual move ment/* " ' v. , ~ The Della of. the 23d says: “Money was easy of ac icess to-day—no difficulty in realising on good securities, .long or short... . ° '-‘•'Exchange appeared to be very dull and torpid to day. . The rate of checks was well maintained. Some sixty day bida dragged heavily at 1# to 2.” } i‘fom Baltimore wo learn that in consequence of the pintf in New York, yet the depression in local stocks -‘•-and securitier has been very small in comparison with the break doßnin the “ fancies” or Wall street. • c >‘ Thoßogton money, market preserves a great degree of lt is announced that most of the bankg np to by Mr,.Moran, for;assistance to meet the inte .'jVregfdue'wi the, Ist September, "the BrieJßailroad,Company with the money wanted. Each of the; l»nk« ? applied to will contribute about ' $50,000, The stock of the Erie Company has gone up on v the fiittfont. - The. quantity of. Coal sent by Hallway, during the - ’ '• week ending- Thursday, August' 27,'1857, was 40,702 tons, being an Increase above last week’s shipment*; of tons,. The • quantity' sent by, Canal during the same time was 42,838 tons, being an increase of 3,714. - -The total quantity gent by Bailway ■ and Canal was 83,640, befog.an increase on the two lines of 7,765 tons. The shipments, for .the week, will be found in datall below: . ' . -'"Wherefrom: - BjrlUilfoad. ByCaaal. Port Carbon.. .11.230 08 10,847 10 PottsviUe..*.2,o3lll 2,243 04 ■* SclmflkmHmh ,10,119 16 ’ 28,439 05 Attburn,,... 1 ,.;. 687 13 ' PortCllnton/,.,.., 6,828 07 1 Total for week.,.... :..... 40,702 15 42.828 08 Previously this year... . .1,245,975 07 723,884 17 .Total ....1,260,678 02 766,213 05 Tosametimelaat year. ..1,432,'048 10- 676,725 00 » Decrease this season ..55,332 Lateral Hoads. Week. Total. SchnylkUl-Valley 7,631 10 208,414 17 Mt. Carbon and Ft? Carb0n...11,467 04 358,737 00 Hill Creek Hoad.. 12,583 00 339,408 24 ' Union Canal 8ai1r0ad.,21,157 08 ' 96,724 09 Swatara Rai1r0ad............ 15,226 13 r . 73,248 07 The Dariphin county Coal trade for the week ending . August 22a,' and for the been as follows : • week. Season. Lyken’sTaller, 1,621 10 37,146 34 ’. r Short Mountain... ,1,717.18 30,69918 - Vl .T0ta1.'...,.. J .V. 3,339 08 • 67,846 12 Tho Coal shipments over the Huntingdon and-Broad Top Mountain Bailroad fortheweekendlngAugust27th, - 1 ■t0ere...',..,-..;.....; 2,62s^'Tons, Previously 63,766 « ‘ Total for the season ..........56,291# « PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Aug. ' 29, 1857. Reported by Jt. Manky i Jr., Stock Broker . No, 80K • • Wainut Street, - ■ - - first-board: . 300 City 6’s cash 89* 100 Reading R rfirn 29* • v ’ 800 do ’ §9* 25 . do W* , „ 600 do 89* 80 do 30 800 do iiew 90 60 do 30 600 do new 9G 100 do 80 1000Ofees&Dfl016*888 100 do • 1)5 80V 1000 do 68 60 - do 80V ‘•'.*-.,1000 ',do ' .68 - 1 do ' 30 -- ■ 1000 Penn’aCoup s’s 84 V 20 do . BQ* 1700<Jity EC’s 89V 100 do afiwn 30 , 1000 do '■ Paß 90 100 do , cash 80 ' 100 Schuyl Nar' VI 5 do 80 1 Bedding B sswn 30 % 100 do b 5 29* 8 do gBwn 80 ¥ 60 do 29 V 26 do 30* 60 do -p5 29* 5 do • ‘ *swn 80* 50 do s 5 29* 1,5 da sswn 30* 20 Norristown R . 6G* •100 do 1)5 30 . 3 Morris OnlPref 92 40 do 80’ 10 do '. ' b 5 92 33 do 30 6, do 92 - 100 do 1)6 80 ’27 Pcnn’a R' 46* 15 do. , ,30 ' 1 '.do , 46V -10 ;. do' ‘ 80 10 ' do 46 V •25 do 30 10 Girard Baok' 11* 28 do t>6,3Q- .12 do , . n{ *’6 vdo 80' 10 do : ' ; H 6 do -80 ' .*BN Ilk Kentucky" 117 v- -y 100 do - * b 5 29* ' ‘ - * " ■ * ' - BETWEEN 1000'WilmtonB o’s «6 86 ‘' •1 .%!*•> 2500 -.do - ------ -• 86 2000 Cam & Am R 6'a ‘ .’B3 2dys 71 - ■ - 600 do >67 »6 73 .1’ i'-COOV do ' ' ' '73’ ~ 2Cim AAmR 100 ji 1 v do 106 - •‘lOO Reading R 29* if. 60 - ‘do - • 29» \ '• y ,closing-pm - ;• Bid.’-.Atkcd,' Mi w<;w- U6* e -&* ■ PWladate £89*090. BR '89*090 , *liew 06X096 &ik's3*iui*G« f P-,'-K , Bwuiiimtt;./ 29*029* JsKf* SJ sB7s fcibl Co 51^-* u^oia^ i>r : v -. PORT OP PHILAPELPiIIA, AngM.t 31,1857. SDN RISES.. 6 29—SDN SETS. HIGH WATER jmj yj22j "staumtlip Boston, Belle*. 20 hoors Trom Mo* York, via Cap© May, with mdseanJ passengers to J AUaertM. Off Bombay Hook passed tho ship Tuscarora, for Liver* .pool, in tow of steam tug America - Off Beedy lsJoud passed barque Anna Scott, from Pernambuco, a lumber laden brig, and o British schooner beating up, Steamship Kennebec, Hand, 24 hours from N York, vi a c B p e .May, with mdse ana 200 passengers to J All dlBtoSmsblp Norfolk, Kelly, from Richmond, via Nor folk, 27 hours, with mdse and passengers to Thos Web ster, Jr. Reports the barque Annie Scott, from Per nambuco, a baruao, two brigs, aud an English schooner in the bay. Si*s« Eclipse, Village Belle. Sharon, Cor nelia A Cook, Highlander, Caroline Anderson, John B Morrow, aud several others went to sea yesterday morn ing. Brig Joshua A Mery and several schooners were at the Breakwater. BrJgMamiella, KiltoD, from New York. Schr Phoenix, (Br) Punscombe, 10 dayft from Turks Island, with salt to Ooterbrldge, Harvey Sc. Co. < Schr Win A Copes, Oopes, 0 days from Southampton, Ta. with shingles to Bolton, Vauderveer Sc Co. Schr Eldorado, Williams, 4 days from Laurel, with corn to J B McColley. Schr .Burroughs 6, Stephens, 4 days from Bostou, iu ballast to captain. . Schr E H Weston, Maloy, 4 days from Boston, ballast. Bohr Thos P Cooper, Godfrey, 7 days from Dighton, in ballast to captain. ’ Schr Jane 0 Doughty, Murphy, 4 days from James River, with lumber to M. Trump & Son. ' i Bchr Richard Thompson, Loyd, from Roxbury, i Schr WraP Cox, Houck, from Lynn. Schr W» Dennis .Hewitt, from East Cambridge. I Bchr Caroline W Holmes, Webb, from Haverhill. ’ Schr Henry B Bascomb, Burk, from Boston. Schr Northern Light, Cousins, from Boston. , Bchr EUa, Bourne, fcom Boston. ■ Schr Essex, Post, from Norwich. Schr Union, Keller; from New York. Steamer Thomas Jefferson, Scbellinger, 6 bourn from Delaware City, with 12 barges up and 6 down. CLEARED. . Steamship Delaware, Shaw, New York, J AUderdice. Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, Charleston, A Herou, Jr, Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy, Liverpool. Cope Brothers. Brig E H Fitter, Turpie, Savannah. Pettit, Martin & Co. Brig Moonlight, Small, Boston, Vaudußeu, Norton & Co. Brig Crawford, Small, Boston, Blukiston, Cox Sc. Co. Brig Manuella, Kilton, Salem, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. i Schr Union, Keller. Portsmouth, , do ' Schr Elouise, Thatcher, Boston, Oain, Hacker & Cook. Schr T P Cooper, Godfrey, Wareham, A Pardee Sc Co. - Schr G Maugham; Scudder, Charleston, D 8 Stetson ■Sc Co.’ - • , , ( j . Schr R Thompson, 1 oyd, Beverly, Reppiier <fc Co. Schr W P Cox, Houck, Milton, Slakiaton, Cox Sc Co. > Schr U P Simmons, Barrett, do do Schr T S Grier. Durborough, Stony Point, do Schr Ephraim « Anna,-Dole, Providence, do - Schr Wm H Dennis, Hewitt,' Ea 4 Cambridge, Charles A Hecksher & Co/ Schr 0 W Holmes, Webb, Haverhill, Brown Sc. White. Schr Essex, Post, Norwich, do Schr H B Bascomb, Burk. Richmond, L Audenreid & Co. : Schr D.S Mershon, Morgau. Wilmington, NO, J Baker. Schr H G Weston, Maloy, Salem, N Sturtevant Sc Co Schr Northern Light; Cousins, Bangor do Schr Bing Dove, Palmer, Alexandria. T Webster, Jr. Schr Narrag&nsett, Hall, Salem, 0 Millet Sc Co. 1 Schr South Wind, Marshall, Baltimore, S J Christian. Schr JM Shewell, Myers, do do Str Henry L Claw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. • “ [BT- TKLEQBAPH.J Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Aug 30, 20 A M. Two large ships are now off this place, going in. with four hriga and ten schooners. Wind strong from the N. Yours, &c., THOS. B. HUGHES. .Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. . LEWES, Del., Aug. 29—8# A. M. The barque Ann Scott, front Pernambuco, in company with a barque unknown, brig Lincoln, with deck load of mahogany and logwood, a sugar loaded brig, and live light;schrs left harbor this morning for Philadelphia. Schra,Eclipse, Village Belle, Sharon, Cornelia A Cook, Highlander, Caroline Anderson, J,B Morrow, and seve ral others went to sea this morning.' The brig Joshua Sc Mary and seven colliers, outward bound, remain in harbor. Wind 8. . . Tours, &c. , WM, M, HICKMAN. •t* ; • Correspondence of The Press. Havas D* Crack, Aug. 29. Twenty boats left hero' this morning, laden and con signed as follows: L h Bruner, lumber to M Trump St Son; HBSuttlo, True American, and Wra B Dessau, lumber to E G Cnt tell: Pairfieid Mills, J D Bogar. Mary St Sarah, and Prairie, lumber to Norcross St Sheets: Col J B Eck, lum ber to Trenton, N Jj Calumet-wheat to Port Clinton; Intrepid, bituminous coal to Wilmington, Del: Orion, do to Chesapeake City: J GHe*rold, bark to order; John S Lino, J B Kressler, Cayuga Chief, Three Sisters; El len, Kate, and It D Jones, anthracite coal to Del city. Ship Tuscarora, for Liverpool, left Walnut street wharf at 4 PM ou Saturday, in tow of the America. Her cargo consists 0f1655 bushels wheat; 18,572 do corn; 310 bills dour, 883 do rosin, 320 hhds bark, 139 bales cotton, 359 bags quercitron bark, 130 bushels cloveneed. 3 bis mdse; a 150.120 forward cabin and steerage passengers. • Steamship • Keystone State, Marohman, hence at Sa vannah 25tu inst. •'Steamship'Boston, Sellew, hence at New York 29th inst, and cleared to return. Steamship Phlneas Sprague, Matthews, cleared at Bos ton 29th inst. for Philadelphia. Ship Beverly, Chase, for Calcntta, cleared at Boston 28th inst. Ship Western Ocean, Hamilton, was at Calcutta July 5, to load for Philadelphia; not Boston, as before re ported. ' . 1 i. Ship Bobert Harding, Putnam, from Calcutta for Bos ton, before reported at Mauritius in distress, sailed July 2d ror destination; her repairs amounted to $42,993. Ship —, with black cross In foretopsail, was spoken 20th inst. lat 41 25, long 4415, steering .west: probably the Wyoming,from Liverpool for Philadelphia. Bhip Neptune’s Oar, Bears©, cleared at New York 29th last, for San Francisco. Ship Noomi, Johnson, from Charleston, arrived at Boston 27th inst. Ship Charming, Jacobs, for Ifong Kong, sailed frprn Shanghae May 29. Ship Celestial, Palmer, having repaired, sailed from Hong Kong June 7 for Shanghae. , Ship Kate Prince, James,.from.New York, to load for BristolJS. arrived at Bt, Jonn.Nß. 27th Inst. Ship Helen A Miller, Galt, from Baltimore, at Trieste oth inst. . Ship Floating Zephyr, Young, for Buenos Ayres, cleared at Fcnsacola 12th inst. Barque La Ciquena, Berry, sailed from Motauzaj* 13th inst tor Portland—before reported loading for Phi ladelphia, Barque Fairy, Blish, from Hong Kong, at Foo Chow Foo June 12. to load for London Barque Maury, Fletcher, remained at Foo Chow Foo June 12, loading for London. Barque Conrad, Salsbury, hence at ‘City Point 27th Inst, to load for Bio Janeiro Barque N H Wolfe, Capt A F Holmes, of and for Phi ladelphia, from Turks Island, with a cargo of salt, won wrecked near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, on the 26th ult; Teasel and cargo a total loss; crew saved. The N H W was a fine vessel, of 450 tons, was insured for about $18,000,-and belonged to Carson tc Newbold, of Philadelphia.' Birque Mariau, Huge, from Palermo, at New York 29th Inat Resourced. Barque Azof, Simmons, for Lisbon, sailed from N York 29th lust. Barque Roebuck, Ohase, for City Point, cleared at N York 29th Inst. ■ • Barque Wessacumcon, Hallett, for Buenos Ayres, cleared at Boston 29th Inst. Brig J R Rhodes. Matthews for Baltimore, cleared at Boston 29th inat. Brig Irenej Wass, hence at Boston 26th inst. -Brig Globe, Roberts, hence, was at Nevis 4th inat. discharging.. Brig Samuel Welsh, Barrett, hence at Key West 14th Inst. 1 Brig P Lacoste. Pierce, for Philadelphia, was loading at Rotterdam 11th inst. Brem brig Elize, Horn, hence, arrived at Wilmington 25th inat ■ • . * Brig West Indian, of Baltimore, from Pensacola for N York, 19 days out, was- supplied with provisions 25th inat, Body Island bearing 8W about 18 miles distant, by schr Bennett Planner, at Wilmington, NO. 27th inst. from New York. 1 Brig Daniel'Malony, Wheldon, from New Orlerns, at Matanzas 6th inst. Brig Alfred Ex&ll, Deadline, hence, arrived at Carde nas 17th inst. Brig Got Bull, Northup, for Boston, sailed from Car denas 17th Inst. ' Brig Geo Whitney. Watson, hence at Havana 14th inst; .and remained 28a, disebg. Brig J Wallace, Porter, hence at Boston 28th inst. Brigs Ocesn Traveller, Sargent; Susan Emily, Wall; Lyra, Haskell; and H H MeGifvery, Harrlman, hence at Portland 27th inst. - • Brigs Anna Prentiss, Douglass, and Billow, Brown, henco at Salem 27fh inst. Brigs Susan, Cottrell, and Georgia, Carlisle, cleared at Boston 28tU inst. for Philadelphia. ■ Brig Beronda, noyt, hence at Newburyport 27th inst. /Brigs William Pickering, Mitchell; Tennessee, Charger, Kelsey; New York Packet, Church; Abby Weld, Wing: Friend, Elwell, and John Magee, Magee, hence at Balem 26th inst. , . Schr Damsel, Barton, for Philadelphia, cleared at .Baltimore 20th inst. Schr Frances French, Loveland, hence at Richmond 26tUinat.- .... - Schr Anna Matilda, Andrews, hence at City Point 27th Inst. . . ' Schr Virginia, Hlgbee, for Philadelphia, went to sea from Charleston 26th inst. Schr S A Roe, Bakor, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 29th inst. - Schr £ A Elliot, Kelsey, henco, arrived at Nantucket 26th Inst. Schr W A Newell, Bennett, hence at Wilmington, NO. 29th Inst. . . Schrs Lizzie Maull, Maull, and Mercy Taylor, Chase, hence at Boston 28th Inst. Schrs D P, T&lpoy; R Palmer, Nichols; and Challenge, Bickmoro, hence at Portsmouth 27th hist. Schr M J Ganse, Stokes, for Philadelphia, cleared at New, York 29th inst. Schr Stranger. Blackwell, hence at Norfolk 27th Inst. _ Schr Bueda Vista, Lynch, from Trenton, at Hartford 28thinst. - * LUtoi Arrlvalaat the Principal Hotels. GIBABD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. A C Poole, N C Col W 8 Andrews, Golds- A A McKinney, Petersburg boro’, N C -Virginia 0 Baskenhlll, Miss T 8 Fisher, New York , HE Robinson, Boston BSnydam, Br’lyn, do Js Wllmer, Elkton. Md W Batcher, do - J Fisher, Baltimore FSLow, do Mr Ponder A la, do LA Freund, do LLanfer, do J H Williams, do L E Welch, Albany, Ua R Trussell, do B M Young, Ga W H Briggs, do P P Pease, Darien, Ca A W Crenshaw, Richmond, Copt B H HUt, USA Virginia M Cheatham, Tenu R'Remson Sc la, Flstland J Y Jackson, do ON? McOready, Ky O W Barker, Memphis SCole,Wash II H Eldridgo.Phila S Stevens, Lancaster SHaskall,Bt Louis H H Armstrong, N Jersey J W Craig, Washington W J Chinn, Frankfort, Ky J K Smith A dtr, Cln, O N J Bond, Carlisle, 111 J B FasseUnan, S Bush, Indianapolis, Ind Springfield. 11l S Wilkes, Ohio J L Neal, Clay Village, Ky kb Anderson, St Louis J Thompson, Bt Catherine J a William., Galveston, TAW May, New Orleans W FNance A lady, SC J BCamiie A lady, SC W Johnson, Boonville, Mo T R Matthews, Jr. Balt ‘ J W Etmalls A lady, Balt - W H Forney, uaH T H Jones, Nftflbviflo, Tenn O T Avery, Chicago C Harris, Md O Curtis, St Louis Mr Gains A wife, N Orleans J W Higgins, Raleigh G Baum, Ky A WSandford.N Orleans Ji 2 Moore, Penn’s Grove John Steele, U 8 N W T Hancock A la. Boston A L EUett, Richmond A J Ingersoll, Mo Mrs Huntington, N O A JMul.lony, do Miss Huntingdon, do M Henderson, N Y - Thos O Blewett, Colnml/u s 3 W Crawford, Pendleton B Kauffman, Wash L F Ilearte.N O Ohas Stebbins, Richmond BF Caldwell, Newport John N Weddel, Tenn MissMCaldwell, do HBHunter,Florida John H Miller, , David Bone, Ohio L Warren, ' Robt Todd ft- E Nelson A I*, Greens- F M Crooks, Balt boro’, Ala Er J Metcalf and lady, Miss Gorce, do Miss Miss E J Handon, do Charles 31etcalf, Harry Metcalf, ,do . .Wm H Mann, Del GeoWCoIUS, da N Mann, do DD White, Balt Judge Vanderbilt A la, NY AD Plerrilled, Ga Mrs J A Whann, N O Miss Flerrilled.do HB Dawson, Ga WmWhann, NO GWOheny, Ala ,Edw Harrison, NY ,WB Hancock, Columbus,O - R Wilson. Bridgeport. Pa ' P B E Wing, Ohio \fm Jones A la, Chicago . C T Iredell. Raleigh, N C , £ Svttme, Ohio ' Jno A Weed. N Y . WLoye A I*. Miss , , Tboe 0 Fearn A la, Mian Baml Reber, St Louis ' ' F D Clark, fit. Louis ’ ?Starkweather,Balt OWHPotts,N Y ASToletf.Ala J Chevalier, Paris • , a ° - ' a.Girard,NO ■ Ark , GNoinud do , . 1 B WKinff, do E Payne, ky 1 ' E Payne, do - - Mr Sheyley tc la, St r.onlß , Judge Watkins, do J aße Mora, N Y ;; .MMBston,__.„do,-.i JWBoyer, Mo I . O B Tojlot, Richmond RohtHoeea, Ginn; Ohio *(, J>Bobbi;P|'vis»rl‘jj* fiv-ffc J i R T Kirkpatrick, Nashville Geo Maxwell, do 100Reading'll *- ft) 29 V 200 do 7 /h 5 29# 100 do - ' < 205 '2O ,do ' sSym 29 % 15 do , . 29j< 50 do ’ sswn 28K 100 L Inland R 2dys 10 , 30 Union Bk l’ep 2da 100 . 12T--do; 1 ; 2dsio<y :OES-fHBAvy. - ! Bid. Aikrd Bebjl tii.i Pr'ftf 20)<a21J< l7 a2O - ! t: 'lsttobft.T4xo7s* .‘•'to AoumetriaM i.oug rnisr.o,, lo aio • '•“ 7 a 7«. J : » jl 'nil* Ugh*lSf*:>- i}(« li, itssMb. marine Intelligence. MEMORANDA - T eim W E Burton, N Y Miss Woodward & sis, N Y Mark'Sralth, do Miss Charles, do HOJarrett, do JKEdgerton, Fort Wayne Capt Tyler, Ot T M Waller, NJ J M Cobbs/V« Judge McUary k- ly, NO Maj Bidgely, NO MasterPWinne, do J I. Hughes, Ark A J Bussey, Aik A 8 Morgan, do CM Erben, Pa Mrs A F Wilson, Albany D L Pike, O . G P Wilson, do J Chapman, 111 L M Ashby, ICy N Iliitord, Ct B Hyalt, NY W Wood, NY JM Bowden, Ala GB Hare, Ala Mr Grinnatd, NY Mr Schaefer, NY D Mayer, Ga M II Derringer, Gft AII Poor, Bostou G J Sumner, Va D G Hitchcock & ly, NO J Perkins, 0 AMERICAN HOUSE, Chestnut street, above Fifth E F Brady, Phila C II Mann, Balt A K Green. NY A Virden, Miss S Ytcden, Del ltO Januan, Md S W Taylor, Md R W Addis, Lancaster llDuross, Pa WR Soain. Piiila BStrokh,NY J RLivingston NC J P Walker, Ky Miss Walker, Ky Wm Craig aud la, IU ,T B Lewis, Bostou BFDyer,Va UB Paxton, do 811 llodgiu, Va K P Tiffany, NY A Atwood, Troy G Kellogg, do J L Oaely,NY E L Lone, Md J E Thmmas, Balt 0 Hoskins, NO T W Kane, N J W V Ilammund, R I WL Shaw, do a J tiilleti, Conn HL Evans, NO DO Murray, NC W Softwich, Tenn . 0 WHmer, Balt J T Lewis & la, Ga Mrs SW Towns & aon,Ga Mrs M D Howerton. Teuii Miss Colston, Tenn H P Dahnrst, Balt T Street, Balt J if Bigler & la, Phil W T Dupree, Boston S L McOtiUock, Pa R T Thompson, 0 G Goodwin, O J J Boone. O W K Hart, Pittsburgh S N McCullough, 0 Jos C Clinton, WiliAmsport Geo Spencer, Mincrsville John II Harrison do John II Woodcock, N Y G A Turner, do II Watkins Jc la, do J M Holland, do John A Hartley, Phil W Babcock, Brooklyn A SI Underhill, Brooklyn MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth Rtreet, below Arch, J Lewis, New York S .T Slillikeu, Lewistown A M Montgomery, Tenn Sami 0 London, Havana Richard Moss, Cincinnati J Short, Greenville, Ky David W Eaves, Ky W W McEwen, Sacramento J S Daaro. Allegheny eo John Thompson. Phllnda E M Burt', Indiana J Hunt, Cataßmtnuft Slast Inman, Shawncetown B H Burton, Indiana K SI Lewis, Indiana A L Mason, lowa Wm Craig, lowa Joint G Ilunniker. 11l N 0 Underwood, Tcun J M Ball, Blair cn E D Moore, Indiana Jos W Stockton. N C B Furlow St la, Cincinnati BF Martin, Tenn Nicholas Lacey, do Jas M Knox, Charleston, E B Colo Sc lady, Indiana Tenn lIW Applegate, Pa Mrs Murray, Portsmouth Mias MJ Murray, Fortsm’th G B Carey, Hartford J E Newton, Ohio J Callmau, Bridgeport, O Mrs 0 Winter,Ft Madison.ta Dr D Young Sc lady J A Riddle, Phila S Sartweli, Va J P Nichols, Williamsport D L Zimmerman, Lex Kv D D Jcnett, Newark, Ohio Mias R Stanberry, Ohio Mias S G Jenett, Ohio \V Cleary, Louisville W 8 Wescott, Boston D II Downing, Peoria, Til J Cheshire, Indianola, lowa A F Fleming, Trenton, La MB Barker, dy W B S Moore, Maine P L Chandler, Maine J Black, Pittsburgh T H Mcßorio, N C J M Neal, X C 3 P Ringold, Baltimore J N Hollaud, Va G‘A Turner, Virginia Thos Nelson, Tennessee Bcoj Turner, Kentucky Dr J Carr, do J T Bolinger, do ‘ John Phillips, Brooklyn N J Sanders, lowa Wm Hutchinson, do B 8 Fosdick, Indiaua E W Markham, Michigan T W Barnes, do J M McKee, Ohio 8 Rhine, Texas JnoM Morse, Mansfield GD T Malone, Tennessee J McLeian. Ohio M GreeDharta, Penn’a J L Blue, Tennessee A B Chapin, Mississippi C W Moore. Pittsburgh E A Reeder, Sussex co, N J ED Gordan, Delaware L Morgaußtern, Pittsburgh 8 W Berton, Brownsviile, 7j Emerson, Brownsville, Tennessee Tennessee JG Lauman,Burlington. I UNION HOTEL—Arch street, abovo Third. John Bray, New York Wm W Stevenson. Ind C P Tally, Bloomington E C Boyd, Ashley’s Mills Hercules Ellis, Indiaua Benj T Janney, Trenton Mrs Wm Ilainoß, Wm’sburg J 0 Blythe, Kentucky Wm H Thompson, NJ Wm T*Bay, Newark, NJ A Bates, Pittsburgh M Mentzer. Pittsburgh Robt Bterrett& son, Ohio 8 Oppenheim, Bluffton D C Moore, Pa A Halbron, do 8 Mincbrat, Kankakee city Francis A Gull, Ind BfH LichteDsterey, Pa M G Einstein, Pa E R&ftensperger, Ohio T M Kulin, NY A A Crompton A lady, lowa H Scheidcr, Ohio Geo Kemble, Lansing, lowa l STATES UNlON—Market, above Sixth. G Washington Reid, N O Isaac 8 Handa, Phila L P Harrison, Lancaster R B Fulton, Harrisburg Harry Wingers, Phila Geo Johnson, N Q C R Hosteller, Pa John A Cook, Pa Geo M Bricker, Lancaster Win P Panier, Burlington L J Kirk, do C A Williams, Ohio S B Russell, do Goo W Bradley, Pittsburgh Thos Stubbs, do M A Turner, Harrisburg 0 0 Hinkle, P P R 0 Byrne, N Y H Hpguer, NY C J Meiue, Pa John McCurdy, Ohio 8 C Jones, 'Pittsburgh Wm Gallagher, Mobile A K Lisßberger, Phila Mrs Gallager, do WII Sill. Harrisburg Wm Bradley, lowa John 0 Buck, do" Geo W Barclay, Lancaster Henry Uhler, do J A Dixon, Richmond John McNoy, do Geo Boyle, Lancaster, lIM Ilinklo, Pa Geo A Morris, Lancaster CITY HOTEL—Third street abovo Race. S Johnson, Delawaro Co G W Rockwell, New Jersey R Mapels, do S Dobbin, do James Convery, Reading Robert Davey, N Y G Orwick, Wilmington J W Templeton, Phila WH A Fitcraft, Baltimore John Ogle, Holiday sburg Henry Smith, LycomingCo John Mastori'on. Centre Co Thomas Blake, do H Johnston, Bridgeton n James Helm, Waverly, N J Wm Nimsou. N Y Edward Francis, Doylstown Henry 08tull, do John Minton, Washington City. MADISON HOUSE —Second street, above Market. Jos Dysaut, Pa P Lolland, Pol Jno W Cullen, Dover Pol Wm Newton, do Jnoßondol, do Thos Buckmaster, do Isaac limn, New York Jas R Brown, Balt Benjamin Wright, do Frank llovin, Leisport Jno Conrad. Phila Jos Jones, Del E R Risk, ’ do Francis Gilbert, l'a Joseph P Jonston, N Y Jas Sutton, do F Gilbert, do Nath Buckmaster, Del Jas Smith, do Paml P Jamison, do Baral Dougherty, Salem 0 II B Walcott, do Jno n Smith, do Jas SjKtakman, Johnstown Miss Sally Moss, do Jos Silry, Northumberland Jas Watkins, Cleveland 0 David Henderson, do Rev F Sinclair, Bait Md BLACK BEAR TIOTEL—Third street, nb. Callowhill J Abraham Buckinan, Feast- M ThomliiiKon, Bucks co eraville Air IVhienian, do Lewis F Schmidt, Piiila Jno Matsberger, Reading U A Wiisou, Philudclpliia. Special Notices. Bower’s Infant Cordial.—This invaluable Cordial Is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known iu medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for iufuuU aud young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected in all cases of Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much ofchildren’s suffering during denti tion or teething, aud by its soothing properties trau quilises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant suceess. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Husky A. Bowbk, At his Drug and Chomical Store. N. E. corner of Sixth and Green fits., Philadelphia. To whom all ordere must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 13-ly Seamen’s Saving Fund —Office QOH Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, frflni ail classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum Moneys paid on Demand, Office open dally, from 9 until 5 o’clock, hikl on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James 8. Pringle. Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. lutercst—Na tional Safety Trust Compauy. in Walnut Street, south west corner of Third Street, Philadelphia. Assets over Okb Million and a Half of Dollars, invested In Rral Estate, Mortoagbb,Ground Rents, aud other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, is received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning until 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. marriages, On the 27th inst., by tho Rev. Joseph Castle, AARON P. TOMLINSON to MARIA B. GOURLKY, both of Newton, Bucks county. On the 12th inst, by the Ror. A. G., McAuley, ROBERT MeCRAOKKN to Miss ELIZABETH HAZ LETT, all of this citv. On tho 26th inst , by- the Rev. George Chandler, .Air. GEORGE W. SAILOR to Miss ELIZABETH ANN KINEY. (Dcalljs, On the 29th inst., JAMES MeOUE, in the 57th year of blB age. [New York papers please copy.] His friends and acquaintances are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of lus sou, No 24 Charles street, below Washington, this (Monday) morn ing, at 8 o’clock. On thq2Bth inst., Mrs. ANNA DAVIS, relict of Solo mon Davis. In the Qsth year of her age. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Littleton Mor ris, No. 12 Hurst atrect, between Lombard and South, ana Fifth and Sixth streets, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. On the 29th Inst., JOHN A., son of Edward D. and Helen U. Ryan, aged 10 months. Funeral to take place from tho residence of his father. 612 Catharine street, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o’clock. 07“ Seventh Ward.—A Meeting of the Demo cratic Citizens of the EIGHTH PRECINCT, (recently divided from the Seventh Precinct,) will be held THIS (Monuay) EVENING, at the Precinct House, Charles Laffcrty’s, comer of WILLOW and PINE streets, to elect officers to conduct tho Delegate Elections on MON DAY, Sept. 7th. By order of the Committee. ITT Eighth Precinct, Fifth Ward. The Democratic Voters of the Precinct will meet at tho usual place. Globe Hotel, SIXTH, below Chestnut fit., on MONDAY EVENING next, foi the purpose ot elect ing officers to conduct the Delegate Election. No notice will be taken of the action of tho disor gnnizers aho voted against the aominationfi of the party lant Spring. By order of the Officers of the last Delegate Election THOMAS SLAVEN, Judge. FRANCIS PARSONS, Inspector. au.'ll-lt Ry Keystone Club. --Opening Meeting.— Democrats, rally in your strength for the opening of the campaign, and reaeom your pledge to tho Democracy of the union, to keep the glorious old Keystone in the column of those who respond: “No North, no South out Union, one and inseparable, now and forever.” A Grand Ratification Meeting of the Keystone Club will be held at Independence Square, on Thursday evening. September lOtli, to ratify and confirm tho gene ral nominations of the party, to which all true men of tim Union are invited. The meeting will l)a addressed by General Wm A. Packer, Hon. wm. Bigler, Hon. J. Clancy Jones, Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, Ellisß. Bchnabell, Esq., lion Peter Shannon, Spencer E. Cono, Esq., of New York, aud a number of our fellow-townsmen. Democratic Clubs and Ward Associations Intending to participate will report to the Committee, at the Club Headquarters, Globe Hotel, Sixth and Chestnut streets Edward W. Powkr, 1 , WM.Coox, I Joseph Collins, I Jons 0. MoCai-l, J By order of— auSl-mws4t SVM. B. RANKII pOTTON 160 BALES UPLAND COT. V-J TON in store. For sale by MARTIN * MACALISTF.R, 119 North Water atreot. POTTON.-160 BALKS GULF COTTON \J in store. For sale by MARTIN St MAOALISTER,. fta3l«3t jig North Water street. Spirits turpentinb.—loo barrels SPIRITS TURPENTINE in store. For .ale by i 4 MARTIN St MAOALIBTER, ‘ Att Sl*3t L ll9 North Water street. TtCF, PRESS.—i'HIt,AI)Et.i ) HIA, AtONDAV, AUGUST List op letters remaining in the PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE up to 12 o’clock, P. M., on Saturday; August 29,1857. [Persons applying for udveitißod Letters will please mention the date of the Lint.) Open on Sunday Rom 7K toB<* o’clock A. M., aud 2 to 3P.M. Alta Kathanui Gallagher Sarah McCaffrey Eliz’th Applegate 8 L Gaudhng Barbara AlcFodden Carol Adams Mrs Wm Gordon Ann Mary MeWard Bridget Addison Mis Grant Henrietta McKennoy Mrs G Alcora Hannah OriflUh Hannah McGlueMrsLuko Alice Hannah A Graham Annie McLaughlan Ros AbrleuMx* Grot* Itebccca McKoou Mary Abbott Eliz’th GGarwood Kate McLawerMrs Aloxander Car’e Gartlaud Bridget Nolan Mary Alexander Ellen Helliugs Amelia Nellies Miss Aiken Miss Bell Harper Miss IlellJ Newman Kate Bailey Maria Hendrick Jane Neil Mary Ann Baldwin Louisa Honsey Helen Me Nallet Mad Chaa BallLottice Ilelmich Mrs J Naylor Mary A Beesey Cath’e Harvey Mrs Jane Norrcs Isabel Barton Elizabeth Ilenloua Mrs Nowmau Cath Bally Elizabeth Hasson Miss M Norton Mrs MP Barrington F llall Mrs J Mart Otway Mrs C 2 Beans Rachael Hamlltou Clara 3 O’Neill Cath Baker Mrs John RHustiuga Aire Mary O’Dounel Mrs R Beisser Marie Heck Miss Surah Oesterlchor Mrs M Ball Miss AM Hall MissE OltMrsM Bliss Mary Auu Mare Mary Ann O’Neil! Mary V Bingham Ellen Harris ilmmnji E Powell Aire R Bingham Lizzie Heliiiu Mrs Purdy Anno Bosswell Mrs Henderson Mrs Prirum Joliapah Priston Mra AI A Wm C _ _ Price Ann Bronen Mary E Hawley Lizzio Prico Delilah Boyce Hattie Howell Fanny Porter Elizabeth 2 Bryan Mrs Anu Hill Miss Hannah Peddle Margt Brown Mary L Hill Miss Annie Probasco Airs Byrne Mary. HiltsMr&Luzio Pinkerton Jonuio Bowles Airs Hill Alias Grace Patterson Airs JII Bush Mrs Houston Bridget Parker MJ Brown Jane Holmes Mrsllehry Phillips Ellen Burdick Eliz Hunter Martha Reynolds Mary UyrmaMary A Horner Mrs Jas Reed Mrs A L Buckolcw M A Uußscy MiaaSarali Richards Mary Burk Miss C llufTnagle Mrs C C Redwood Airs Burdick II A Hopkins Annie Reed Miss Dora Burt Miss IluhnSubea Richards 8 M Blister it Hunt Miss Sarah Richards Harriet Buckley Lauretta Hopkins Mrs Jas Renton Mrs W B rally Lydia Iluntiugdou M ll Richardson Sarah Bose*S Mrs Hughes Almira Rill Anna Brewster ME llndgson Eiizabh Robinson Lydia 0 Brickner Mrs M Hughs Miss Mary Rothwell Eliza Brandt Mrs J Hugg Mrs Mary Rois Sarah Mrs Barton Miss M D Israel Mrs Rowe Lucia A Boyer Miss E Ireland Miss Emm Rogers Mary A Brisland Atm Ireland MrsDeb’h Romberg Mina Broom Mrs M Johnston Mrs J It Russ Emetine Bruce Mrs C Johnson Julia A Robinson Cath’e Biernmn F Jackson Susie II Ross Sarah J Burgin Lizzie Jacobs Anna R Richer MrsLM Chambers Anne JemiingsCaroliue Roo Mary L Casey Marg’t Johnston Miss M Hosenthel Mad Chamberlain 8 A Jones Miss Amy Sipamlt Louisa Canning Misses S Johnson Rachel A Seiin Mrs 2 JcL Johnstou Mrs Jas Shoemaker E A Carter Mrs L A Jones Mrs Ann Shonaley Car’e C'ulhan Mary A Jeter Miss Faunie Beaver Sarah Chapman Mary A Johnson Miss Jane Sharp AMD A Chase Sarah E Johnes Mrs J W Scout Elizabeth Carroll Mrs Dr Junior Sarah M Shiers Mrs Theo- ClarksouMrsFO Jarvis Alisa Lou bald Coudrick Delia Jordan Miss Sarah Sanders Julia K Comvay Cath’e KroweonMreSarahSheppard Frauds Cyphers Amanda Kartcher Mrs Mrs Cooper Louisa Kureley Mary Ann Smith Mar Miss Coleman M J King Mrs Augusta Smith Mrs Conover Rebecca Kimble Hanuah Smith Amanda Cuuingham B KiernanMiss Ann Smith Mrs Jane Cotimn Mary Kerliu Miss Jane Smith Caroline Crapols Luigi Keeloy Theresa Sitzgrearrie Mrs Crane Sarah B Knox Anne Jane Samuel Croft Cornelia E Kane Mrs Chau Smith Mary Comefort Aire B Kcrmand Miss J 0 Smith Ellen M Crawford Corn’* KirbyMrsDrJno Sinclair Alary Curry Marg't Karr Miss Ellon Soulier Elizabeth Coleman Martha A Kohn Mrs Sarah Stanton Ella Coleman Maria F KcllerMrs GeoS Straton MissL K Cohn Matilda Lynch Miss Mary Strobrez Sophia Cullens Mrs * Leo Miss Mary E Stevens Mrs JII Corson Cat'll 8 Lovelace Mar)'J Suthorluud Mrs Conhay Miss July Lewis Mrs Eiiz’th Btewart namet Culp Aire Balvlnu Longstreth Deb’h Stephan Mrs L Cowell Mrs Lowder Mrs Audw Strauss Bailie Cooke Sarah IC Lanango Miss Stone Sarah T Davidson Mrs Tom Leather MrsEllzn2 Strunk Mrs Henry Damon Lovenia Ludwig Carolina S Deram Mrs Lister Maggie C Stackhouse Mary Deery Mrs Jas F Ladley Miss Molly Stanley Maria Detwoiler Louisa bunny Miss Diana Stewart Ann J Davis Miss July Long Miss Juno Thompson Mrs J Day Miss N E Leverett Caro’e JI Taylor Mrs M A Dickey 3fiss Jane Lemons Caroline Thomas Mrs II Dillage Harriet Lowzer Miss Jano Taylor Mrs II G Biggins Mrs Jas Lawcr Mrs Taylor Mrs EDS DelanyMiss Mary Lancaster Magg R Twiggs Miss F C Dayois Elizabeth March Mrs Atm D Toby Mrs Doyle Miss Maria Magrath Mrs A G Tubard Madame Driscoll Ellen , Marriott Mra Ada Thorn Hetty Dolton Rachel Meli Mrs D E TrJcker Mrs M DunnMiaCC Macary Catharine Taylor Mrs Anna Doherty Alary A March Augusta Turner AlreS Donnell Mary Matron of Friends’Turner Airs F DurangMro Asylum TarrMrsMG Dossoy Diannah Megra Catharine Turner Airs J M DouglasKMajyDPAlanion Mary Tavlor Mrs M Doolrin Mrs Mary Jleaney Cath’ne Taylor Airs M J Dodge Mrs OE Magill PeninhM Troutman Mrs J Douglass Elleu Mullen Miss Mary Thomas H H Elisie Ann Maria May Airs F J Warthen Bliss M Erskin Mrs Mackey Mrs Jane Way Minerva Engle Femme Mara Catharine Wheat Maria Elliott Biro Wm Mitcbel Mies Clara Webster Mrs M M Eckel Anua J Mills Miss Emma Whitaker Mrs DK Emley Mary A Miller Catharine Warren Marv Edicts Emily B Alowatt Marrion Weller Mrs \y Flanagin Alice Alortimer Emily E Wandell Mrs AI Fairchild Jos’e Myers Emma 2 Wareham Sophie Fellows Anna 0 Aloutross Mrs West Airs 8 Fletcher Sarah Alountnoy Mary Willie Lizzio A Frlster Alary E Mooro Miss Virinu Wilson Julia Fining Alary A Alassy Cath’ne K Wilson Airs 8 0 FitzgibbonsMrs Mongao Isabolle Williams Sarah Farrell Alaggls Morass AlrolLichel Wiiudnnd .Mra 31 Fitzgerald Marg’t Morse Aire L A Williaics Mrs 8 S Fusa Aire Mehlna Alorrisey Susan Williams CC Ford Abhie C Murry Anna Williams Hannah Pitzwater Helen MorrlMiasElizabh Wlsner Mrs WII Getty Sarah AlcNamee Hannah Wilson K Gilmoro Eliz’h McFarland Eliza Wright Josephine Gillingham 0 L McMantiis Sarah Wowl JS AI Gordon Caroline .McCgflertyCath Worloge Mra N Gustavus Mad E AlcCalla Louisa Young Mrs Gilbert Jane McAleer Jane Young Marlon Gaul Alra W McGowan Cath AI Young Clara Green AlrflKliz'h McGammeryor E Young Emma Cillhnm Maria AlcOullough Cath Underwood C E Gotuals Esther AlcClarety Selie Vorhere lteb Grob&m Alarg’t Mclntosh Airs W Vincent Airs H GerherdGerdruda McGowan Auu Ziegler Dorothea Aitomus Wm K Chambers Jos 0 Fitcbet John 8 Albrecht Aliehnel Oliecpmnn R W Fisher Wm M Alexanders Christ Henry Fisher Mr Adams Alex Chapolle Jno Cdet Fidelity N G of Ackb-y U Christey Thom Lodge No LIS I Alexuudur AI W Chnlot Francois OOF Alrich Lovi I. Chapman R W Franks Jos Alieratn Thos Challnut James Fullmer August Alilum John P Chnmtimau Jos Foley Harry Allen Esq Goo Chambers Air Fuller John W M Armisted, Riggs, Ohambors Wm Froioan Ohan Sc Co Chenworth A Co ForUtal Richard Amos Lev. Ik JohnJ Pop 0 N Abraham .Mr Clarion® L N Foroll Capt E R Abbey Geo P ‘Clark John A Fuller Jas Agtm John Clark Thus C Friedlandor Robt Arnold EP & C Clarke Win H Fralzier J 8 Asbury Jos Clough J S » Preeborne Jas Ash Joshua W denser Lou C Fox J P Andrlot Paul Clinton Outer Foster Chas AungeJ Cllmint Walter H Francis JuoW Arnold Jos Clark Edward Fuvcy Robt Anderson John Cleaves 0 C Garret Hugh Ayres Win Clare Augustus Gamble R Ashton Samuel Connor Wm Gardner H 8 Arthur, Rogers, Sc Converse T Bart Qalliveu Danl Co 2 Coilison Edward Garrett Lewis Bauerfnihs Johu Coshbough P H Gaw Wm Barre Jacob 2 Conway Johu Geogliegau P 2 Rarrltt A ColHugworthS C Geary Win Rain Geo W ConaroGA Gellman Ilevn’ds Railie Robert Cooper E Oeblmrd Fritz Raw ter Danl Cohen J Gcharet Adam Rar Hugh Coleman JcCoSaml UilliarWiu RagleyJohnH Cox Chas W Gill BIV Raker M A Cnlhown H GillganPL JJakcr J R Coles Richard T Gibson Wm F Baker J Cottman G S Gibb Chas Rurclo Isaac Coursault Louis Gibson Jas Rarclay C Cowpass Mr Gib Jas II Rarldy Win K Oam'mnonlnlher GlnaderUeo Rarnaird Sc Co Michel An Glasny A J Barry & Henck Coggishall Geo Gilbert &Co Rail Jos Coltor&CoJII Closer Mr Rarth John Coryell Thou T Gilbert Thos R Baissman A Coaquanock En- Givon Wm Bardman Johu campment, No. (Hills Jas 8 Bauman Fred’k 105,1 00 F Gibbs Mr Rargan Christian Collins May R Goodin Philip Barry Patrick J Cummins Mr Gothrlo Mr Raker Jacob F Craig Wm 1* Gould Geo W BarrJas Creighton II Goodwin Wm II Baker Jos B Cruig Gulllermr Godl&nd & Bro Bartin 0 Craig Wm H Golding Wm Bacon Frauds D Crother* James Gorlromlea P 8 Barrio Jos Curtis Thos Gorman Patrick Ball Robert Cummins Lewis M Gallagher Mr Bailey Samuel Crutcher Wm II Graham John ’ Baton II Cresson E D Graham Thos Bashalow Wm V Crawford John Greenwood John Baxter A II Crisp W II Grurely it Co Jno Beatty Jas Craig Wm P Griffith 0 0 Bear G W Cresson Emlen Greonough S G Bornhcin J Crane Ifoury P College SC Bell G W Crimcrioux Jh Grisler Thos Beebaer Fred’k Culp Henry E Griffith Jos Beatty D D Rev 0 Culloy James F Graham Wm C 2 Cressman Thos Grattan Kdwd N Recket Thos A Cutler D R Griffin Dr Beariraont Jos S Darcy John Green Kdwd F Beures Alfred Dalton CaptUoroJ Groff Stephen Belle Dr Davis James Gross Sc Bros C Beardslee Arnasa Daly John GreanJL Bidding Jacob Dalieli Robert Gregory Gottlieb Biddle Samuel DavißJohn3 Griglerßobt Blake Robt B Dahl Philip Grlndel Josiah S Black Jas Daly John A Greco Jos Blooms Wm II Bale Alien Grier David Blake E W Day Theodore P Gratz RII Black Jos DavlßThosll Gregory Paul Blight Jos Deery James T Gray Wm Boureau II Delaney W B Gugler Bonoud A Deharcn Geo GyrimJohull Borner John R Dean James Jlackouburg J L Bourgmer Sc Co F Dennis Christian Hailey Thos R BonbriteGeo Dehart James Haboratick R Bolin Leri L Deatrich Geo Hall 0 D Bourk Anthony DeMeararos Erar Hall Ilamsou Boyd Jos J De Tack - Hall Mr Bond Thos J Delcker Js Hall Warren Booker Siunl B Dan Prof P Hagar Dan II Boggs A Rowland DlctzorJobn Ualligau Capt P Brown N W Dlollenshnelder J Haretlng David Brown Alex Dillan Richard Harscom Thos It Brumon & Heins Dirkny D J Hand J S K Brown WE Donaldson JN Hanna St R Arm llrown Dll Douglass Wm strong Wm Brown IV Doyle W C Ilagos Henry J B Brower H Dodson Rich’d W HnrtJ W Brown Edmund Donaldson Thos J Ilamford A Browu Mr Doyle Patrick Hand Capt E Brolftsky J II Dolan Frank Hartman Jos Brower A K Doull James llarbdiorne Jos Brennan JSc J Doherty Win Hannon Burton Broekley Wm C Dolin Charles Harvey A J Brush Jesße Donald D Hanson Stephen F IJrndfleld Ch«s 2 Doran W S llarnson Dr IV I) Brunt Jos Dosge Geo Hurlwell Ezra D Brooks Geo Douglass Benj J Harvey E nrinkmnnn M DonavauWinJ Harper W B Brennan Patrick Drimons Sam’l Harp II U Brady L Drown Palmer V Hanerolien Ed Broinwell Wm Drake John Haryes H Brainard D D Dromons Sami Hankens W C Bradley Patrick Dunlap Rg HarnsJasK Brazier Geo 8 Dyro James W Hardaway DII llrufTus Andrew Duncan McKim Harris Alfred A lirinu St Co Du Pout Cbas E Haslet John Blanchard J J Drew Johu F Haws Geo Buke Chas Dufficld James W Ilurtmnn Rev M Burcholl Uriah 8 Duer Joseph Harvey J BurchineU Thos Elliot John Hawle fc Co, Jos Bullock Thos R Egaler Chris'n Haywood Lewis Burgct Thos Edwards Joualhan Hatch St Lnngdou Burbridgo Thos EIuII Henry Ileautzoroan A E Burton Wm Ely W J Henry Mathew 8 Brutter P Foster EIIIr St Co J W Hewitt Chas llurghard Geo Edmunds John Ileury Geo W Rumen John Ehnoro A llennesey John A Butler Foflter Eckhnrt Abraham lloberton Lock’ll Burritt Elilm Edwards J Rev Heath 8 A Burns Wm Elerwein John M Henry G W Butterfield Edw Ellis Capt G R Heath John P Bunker D J 2 Evans Chas W Hendricks Isaac A Burke E St L English IV 8 Heilor Ottmar Caison R J Emmorsou RIV Hoinea Alex Caskle IV V Erring Thos Hendricks J II Camorm, J D Knocks Geo B Henry Solomon Castle WrnG K\anslVnvK Henley John Carl Jrona Evans Wm E Henry John Casgnie James Eshback David 2 Hellmich Mr Carothers J J Embargcr Ignals Hendry C F Caldwell J M Evans Thos Hewson Addinell Carroll Wm Evans V HertorJD Capper Wm Eltris Jos Helt Lewis Carllah R W Engel John Herriott J V Canter GP E Fcltwell Wm V Headman C N Cash Geo W Farmers’ 0 Agri* Hendrix Eli A Cauffman Theoph cultural Illgles Enoch Casey John Farron, Jtfi HlaskoM Cambridge Wm Fehleison, Mr Illgerty Ed Cain Certes Fains Edward M Hldrieh Jacob Carter Capt R W Ferria Edward U&ctbeyßobt P Oirter John Fitzgerald Thos ,!Ilpt Martin Carden Thos Flatwood, Thos M Hopkins Geo G Castor Geo K Fitchner 0 G Holllck Dr Campbell Joseph Plean, Allen L' Hopkins SM , Carver J Fllnn O Hodgera Wm > OardlneoW Field 0 E HopkinßE Cary Gert J Esq .Fisher Edward Houston Wm Oclcer Ohrißt Fitzgerald John J Hoofrtau Benj Chambers Dr M Fitch Wm Uoa ton & Srecko FRANCIS HUGHES, LUKE KEEGAN. THOMAS NAUI/TY CommitUe. [N, President- LADIES' LI3T GENTLEMEN’S LIST. Houston Wm Morals 3 Schaw E Hdofman Bonj ■ Morgan D . Bchepard P Hoaton & Brecker Morgan N 8 Scharp L Holman Jas 8 Maloney J BchieldsJ Hoebling A A More A, Gallagher Sclihm 8 W W Ilooporildbl Mollinhowera F Bclieuvood Tll Horne Lconp&n L Motl B Schanahan T Iloflman Wm Morgan T fbmomlsS Hopkins Goo G MoselyHJ Silvers Heilman Ohaa Mooro Thos Sunmons W R Iloppeo Jacob Morris Wm Singleton Geo Homeland J 8 Morso Geo A Smith 0 A Hodges Wash Mooro TS SietzonGuoW Ilnrtloy II Montgomery LodgSlackJ B Holters Wm Mi Olivo Encamp- Smith J II Hogan Chaa ment Smith D Holland Thos Mooro Francis Smith J S Hobson Wm Morgan C W Smith G P Huffuagter, Ohaa Murphy 0 Smith Amos Hyde E D Myers S P Smyth James Uueka Kdw Murf.es T «a«th J & J R Iluttuer Dr 0 T Murry M Robt Smith J J UussrieerUeo Mussulman J'F Smith John Hutchinsou p B Mueller G Smith J M Huff Chas P Mulled)- 1* Sml th J B Hurd Thos Michael J Smith \Y U Hurlon John 0 McDivltt Wm Smith U F Uunter Henry I* McCftsheu AA Cu Smith H D Hungerford A he McDonough T P Smith J James McCradden John Smith Jin P Irwin J Withers McCreary G J Smith E Isaacs Isaac MrColhmght A Smyth Jas Taaainvm Ferguson Snyder Wm 0 Irwin Thos Mcßride Henry Souerly Thos Irwin Wm McClure A Soloman J lioddon Francis McUhesuev J Spaneuborg (I James Dan McDevitt T Springer Chaa Jameson S S McCanoghy P Spronkcl W M Jamas G R McDermott W bpiccker k erf Jernoyßenj McCarty D Stead Joseph James Dr V S McKmver J Sturgeon Uicliard JentrsW A McMahon 0 W Htiolim A Jackson J McMahon P Storvort Win Jackson Sftml MoUonngle J Stenger Andreas Jefferson Encamp-McGowan J a-tockwcllC B ment, 48.100 F McLean E attumdel h Jefferson Lodge. Mclntyre D , Sec T MrFitrlan J Stratton J Juncker Jar McLaughlin J Stetson JnaP Johnson John McManus l* Stockley Ayrea Jones Prior McElrov C htoolumn G W Johnson P 0 McKebbit Wm Stapleton J ohu Joimlan John McGrath T D Steelman W A Johnson Wm II McMamecken W Stout J 0 JoucbLS McLaughlin D Stone D B Jones RM McKorerW Stockman G W Johnson, Cox, McGratli Robt .Stephens Jacob Cameron A CoMcUarvoy B StockleyWm McGowou A 2 Storer Sc Son J Johnson John E McKay W Steinberg T Kelch Jas McMahon J SteimnannA Alter Kelly Sami McMagboru J Sylmibo F J Keyle Moses E McWilliams F Surlauli F D Kelly Thos McPrivett J Swain Chas Key D Nebet F Sylvester G 8 Kern Robt Newton D Thomas Benj Knmpe T Mott J 0 Tidd II T Kertfdr T W Neller P Thomas JI) Kelly Henry II Nmott W Thompson CA R Kellen Francis Nash Thos Thompson N K Kern Thos Nice A Thorn J T Kelley Job Noxea J P Thomas JH Keene Geo II Nagle M J TickenorE Kemble Geo Nyco Win Thorne Thos Kerrn Jnn Newberger L Thompson M V Kennedy Alfred L Nugent G A Thompson O Keas J ’ Notour A Thompson it P Kern Xavier NokesJ Thomas 1) B Keyle Frof E 2 O’DonellJ Thomas A Frank- Kany Wm OventS lin KcechDrWmS O’llaganEO TruchelattE Keller Geo 8 2 O’Conner P TeentorG KeloyWmll Othenheimer 8 Tracy Wm Korn Ed M O’Neil J Tracy Jno Kennolly John Osbourne 11 Tracy EA Co Kelley Henry K Ourdg J A 'Poison W Keen Jr Wm Ogilby E F Tyler W Kershaw Thos O’Conner A Bro Tucker J Kurt* Chas Pauli N E Truchel Chas Krug Martin Parker A II Trimble J H Kendotl Dr KJr Pablishe P J Trempor Jno KUnahe A E PaffDll Turner JB King Wm Parker JE Trumbauor II KecrnCaptGH Paul J Townsaud S Kimball, Felt Sc Paxson T 0 'faith J T Wentworth Parker W Taylor T M Kitteringhani Jas Patterson 8 Taylor J W Kuhn A V B Paine II M Talley WK Knight John T . Patterson F E Terlmne J Knyht Thos Packer C Taylor Kinsey Kinks K PattanMr Taylor Thos Kontz Wm B Patrick J Taggart C Knight Jerome Parker G Taj lor W N Krauss Jr J W Parr CII Taylor* Murray Krug Chas Paxton Geo W Tutuer M Kilroy John Parry Eli Templeton B F Kyle W R Parker J Taylor John KreitmayerF Painter I) Taylor A Caura Kuhn A V H Paulus E Todd Jas Kuenes Jos Phillips X J Taylor T 8 Kile, R K Phillips Mr Taylor M Kuhn Geo PcrscbJP Tarpy Mr Kindell Mason Phillips R Taylor W W Knoche W Peawalt Wm Th) rock Mr Killacn A Burks Persons A Thompson II Kyßer J Perry B F Thompson W S Lane Sami 31 Pearce J Thompson, Buck- Lax Jacob II Pratt Wm E man A Co Lfthn Jos PorkiusJO Thorton Paul Lauearter Wm PoarsonJ G Thomas Wm La Rue Asa R Phillips N 2 Thompson J F Lacombe Thos Penn G J Thompson 1) Lane Nathan B I‘erkinplne C W Thompson Jas Limning Jas A D Townsend J C Lan Carter T K Peffer W V Turnage T G Lanson E W Perrin, Benjamin Tyler Wm Lanedell G A Co Tucker Stephen Langstaff Flt Pennebaker E R Tolbert C C Lambert Henry Phillips GJI Warren D W Ladue John W Pitteuger Win Wuiters Park La Comber W l'eale T it Walford Mr Lafavette Lodge, Piper It C Wayne J S No 18. I 0 0 F I’ieice T W Walton U 8 Lawrence, Stacy A Pickering J 2 Wayland D D Co Pierson A Waugh Ilenrv Lecorneo Alfred Plieo IV C Walker A Son* Leroy Jos Porter R Walker J Leuchsensou II Poucet Momdour Washington J Lee Thos M K Portmau .1 C H Wallace J Le Fawons Danl Poole Thos Wagner IV Leclkes Seims Pollock J Warlord W E Letament Thos Poehler I. Walton F Leo A Norton Pratt F M Walter J II Letford Wm Pratt F Walker WV Lendsenaug II Prenot C Wanl garni Levitt John Pratt Wm T Wodkin F W Lenox J T Price it Wagner Mr Lewis II It PreisehlMr Wallace WM Leuts Wm Pritchnnl J Walsh Wm Leech Finley Proprietors U S Wallace W M Levy Benj Hotel Walton Percy Loyd J R Prince A Garret Webster J Little A Brown Pyle H Weir J C Lit Jacob J Pugl>e H Wont 0 W Lloyd ThoaS Purnell V Weir Jacob Loyd WUsou . JUxlmi JK 2 Wells TEA Co Lisle Joe J Hayuor W F Wells Wm I.lpphicctt J Rank C P Weyman ll\ Link Martin BhajsonG Wot E 1, Lieber Fraiiria Baser Jll Weaver (I S f.ightuer Jas 3 Havummt A Webb Geo Lippincott Jc Co Bandies U Wt-stG H Geo IV Rapp IV Weld A Minot Locly P U L Roth, lilarke A C» Whalley IV II Lorengrund M Reinhardt Mr amt Whitney C W Loewengruiid S Mra Whipple lIC Lodge Jos Beeves X White LA Co 8 Love S Rendetl Mr Wharton 11W Loonris M B.n-ilcr C W’itham Sunil Lund 0 Ren, (irucey A CoWiitiamsJ W Lucas W'm ltivil J Wiser 1) Lyons Timothy Reynolds U T WllloUßF Lorouy II J Rigan J Williams V 8 T Logan JW2 lleid MW Williams Oil Lower W'm G Kessler Geo Widmafer C W Lothrop Zebediah Read (1 F Wilson .1 11 LowbcrDr Reuter Mr Wiltmaiur C Mahon 0 Rittclberger G Wilkinson K C Malady 1* Richards S Williams Chas Maguire J Richardsonl) Wilson Mr Magrntli A J RichardetJU Winants E J Magill J P Richards Dr Wilson Jno Mauille MA Co Bigg J T William C P MnthifwJA Roller P M’iUitunaCST Mruu W'm Ricliardson W Watson S Mathers Geo Richard R Williams U MattheisU . Uihl E W’iuncr Joseph Mathes M Rottenstein G Wiltenberger A Massey K D Rogers W J , W’illiam A Ilartel Mayer ill* BobardsllKMD W'iKon A Martor March C Royal J S W'oodward J P Markley II Roberts H C Wortabel G H Mann C RostC WomelsdorfJ ManamDr Rogers A Bolins Wooten Judge Martin Fr Rowand J 'l' W'oods 0 E Siarriott T Robbins Win H Workman W II Martin (i F Rogers J G W’oodslde A Mo- MarleyS Rogera Win Antin Martin II P Rosenthali D Woodruff J Manitou Encamp-Rowland ACo Wolher Francis ment Roberts Sainl Kev Wright John Mayo J Ross John Wright A T W Mason B Russell J -Wriglit J G Mason A RoblnsonßulUg P Wright E X Marshall W A Co Ryan Mr Wright il L Meveigh P Iluddinian Vi H W’rightJoim Medart I RyderS Wriglit CW Moohold L Hungan Wm Vicro A Signor .MeyCTB II N Russell CW Veron Lon is Megargee J SamnetMr Vethake II Meguire J F Schamberger L S'or Leto D Pedro Mean* Thos Schuchmau G F Ilero E Uniclos Memell J J Sands J K Vogant Alex Miller AII ‘ Sawyer A Son Voorhees D P Mites W U Sail© L Valentine T W Ming A Scott G C Quaekenboss (I Miller F Scott R Vaulted S MltchoH A Scott B Vogel CU II Mistraw E Saturday Empo- Vottela S Miles Mr rium Union Eng W T orks Miller Whn Scheucrmanu J (Juintus W’m Middleton Dr Sloth T W Quigley J Vi Miller WD Sellers MB UlamJll Miller Rev A A Sorlln J Vftu Osten Tho^ Mooro J M Session of W' Arch Ziegenfusn Jno Memo Thos St Church Yerks B F Mott A V Sellers M 11 Youug A Morgan A H Sencff J Vail A Garten Mongan M Seizor J Vote Stephen Morrison W’m Seymour W’ P Yeager Ily T Moanott Dr Shoughnessy D Zimmerman J Morris PM Schimm S ZiegeufusnJ nu3Mt GIDEON G. WESTCOTT, P. M. IN THE DISTRICT COURT For THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILAD • I'UIA. NICK, et al., vs. THE PRANKFORD 0 -.IIALL. L. F.J.67. No. 476. PETER OABTER vs. BAMB. L. F. J/j 7. No. 042. ABEL REED vs. SAME. L.F.J.57. No. 724. Tho Auditor appointed by the Court to make distri bution of the fund arising fiom tho sale of the follow ing deacribod Real Estate sold by the Sheriff under the above writs on Monday, Julyfith, 1857, will meet for the purpose* of Mb appointment on Thursday, September 10th, 1857, ot 4 o’clock P. M , at the Wetherill House, George street, above Sixth, when and where all persons having claims nr© requested to prefeir them bofore said Auditor, or thoy will otherwise be debarred from coin ing in on said tund; ' All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south-easterly side of Maine street, in the borough of Frnukford, in the county ot Philadelphia, nowin the city of Philadelphia, at the distanco of 278 feet north-enstorlv from tho north-cast «ido of Green street, containing iii front on said Main street 60 feet, and in length or depth south-easterly, between parallel lines at right angles with said Main street, 200 feet, to a 25 feet wide street contemplated to bo opened called Thomas street. Houn ded south-westward nud north-eastward by other ground belonging to tbo estate of thesaid Isaac Whiteloek, de ceased, south-eastward by said contemplated street, and north-westward by Main street aforesaid. Being tie* same premises which the unldElUaboth Whiteloek, Mary Whiteloek aud Ellen 1,. Whiteloek, Executrixes of the last Will and Testament of I*aac Whiteloek, deceased, by indenture bearmg oven date with tho said mortgage, and executed immediately before said mortgage, for the consideration therein named, part of which is intended to 1«5 secured by said mortgage, granted aud conveyed unto tho said “ Tho Fraukford Odd Fellows’ Hall Asso ciation, M their successors or assigns, in fee. Together with tho'free übo and privilege of’the said contemplated street, 35 feet wide, when opened so far as the same is laid upon lauds of the Estate of the said Isaac White lock, deceased. DAVID WEBSTER, Auditor au3l-raw&ff>t TO BUILDERS—FOR SALE, Curved Front Door Bracket and Mouldings, at 207 CAR TER Street GEO. 11. TRYDAY, Architectural aud Ornamental Cai i er. au3l-mwf3t* PERSONAL —All lovers of Ox Tail Soup will please come around to “Our House” to-day, betweeu 11 and 12 o’clock. Free Lunch and plentv of it. au3l It# Lb. kite k co. • FURNITURE, BEDDING, Ac. No. 413 (late 129) WALNUT st . Philadelphia. A new and superior style of Spring Beds. Lydia B. Kitb. Joshhi Walton au3l 6m FOR SALE-TWO LARGE EAGLES, and three Watches, for Bigus, at 207 Carter street. G. H.TRYDAY, Architectural and Ornamental Carver. au 31-mwAfSt# For sale—a hard-ware sign, 1 Padlock, 9 feet high; 1 Padlock, 22 incheshigh; 1 Auvil Broadaxo, Hammer, aud Saws, at 207 Carter street. G. 11. TRYDAY, Architectural and Ornamental Carver, au Sl-mw&f 3t# Rosin.— goo barrels soapmakers> ROSIN, to arrive per schooner J. 11. Planner. For sale by MARTIN & MAOALIBTER, au3l-3t 119 North Water street. 31, 1857. WM. D. ROGERS* CARRIAGE REtoS ITORY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET above TENTH, la now open for the sale of every dew! cription of Carriages, combining Btyle, Durability and Elegancu of Finish, from tlio Manufactory at the corner of Sixth and Master streets, to which the attention of Citizens and Southern and Western gentlemen is res pectfully called. N. B.—Kspeci&l,attentlon given to Carriages for re fairs in tho shops connected with the Repository. Ea ranee on Chestnut Street. au3l-2w i7IRANCIS”P. DOBOSQ & SON, Jato" of 1* Dubosq, Carrow A Co., Wholesale MANUFAC TURERS OF JEWELRY, 304 CHESTNUT street, Phila delphta. _ Francis P. Dubosq. Wm. H. Ddbosq. au3l 9m ftmnsments. IVATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., J-i above Eighth. Admihsios'— Heats lu Private Box, $1 00; Orchestra Chairs liceuts; Dress Circle and Parquet, 00 cunts; Family Circle 23 cents Doors open at 7. To commence at 6 o'clock Box Office open from 10 to 4 o’clock, uhuu neats can be secured. Stage Mauagur Mr. 11. Watkins W’M.E. BURTON, proprietor of Burtou’a Theatre, Broadway, New York, respectfully announces to the Lovers of the Drama in Philadelphia, that he haa leased the well-known and capacious National Theatre, Wral nut street,, near Eighth, where he intends giving a Series of First-Class Representations, assisted by the BEST ARTISTS of the day. ’ * MK.J.E. MURDOCH, the Distinguished American Actor, whose recent success at the llayin&rkut Theatre, London, has not beeu equalled by any other Artist * MR. EDWIN BOOTH, the talented Tragedian whose engagements ir. New York and elsewhere have met with well-merited success: MISS CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN, tho well-known Dra matic Celebrity—the acknowledged Head of the Modern Stage. MR, Vi. E. BURTON, will appear in his Popular Lino of Characters. AIR. .MARK SMITH, the Favorite Comedian from New York. MR. 11. WATKINS, AIR. BRIGGS, MR. LE ROY, MR. WARWICK, MR. MORRIS, MR. DENHAM. 31153 WOODWARD, MRS. HELEN MUZZY, aud MRS. JAMES DUNN. The whole resources of tho largest Theatre in New York, the most beautiful Dramatic Establishment in the world, wilt be brought into uso during the engagement of the various specialities abore named. THIS (Alouday) EVENING, Aug. 31st, will be pre sented the Qne old English Comedy of the POOR GENTLEiIAN. Dr. Oilapod Mr. W. E. Burton Sir Robert Bramble Mr. Mark Smith Ills Qrst appearance in Philadelphia. Frederick Bramblo Air. Wm. H. Briggs His first appearance iu lour years. Emily Worthington Miss Woodward Her first appearance. Alias Lucretift AlcTabb Mrs. Muzzv ner first appearance. Tw conclude with the Favorite Farce of the WANDERING MINSTREL. Jim Bagi Mr. W. E. Burton With hevoral Solos on a Cracked ClaHunot, and a Comic Song. FegW : Miss Charles Academy op music, bkoad and LOCUST Streets.—Mr. E. A- MARSHALL, Sole Lessee Positively the lost night but one or the PROAIENADF, CONCERTS. THIS EVENING, Aug. 31—The following favorite artists will appear : MADAME JOHANNSEN, MISSO. RICIIINGS, Mr. PICKANESER, MR. FIIAZER, Air. CARL BERGMAN. TIIE JGERAIANIA ORCHESTRA, In a combination of the moßt popular pieces of the sea son. Admittance 25 cents. \\fHEATLEY ,s ARCH ST. THEATRE. » ? —Solo Lessee W. WHEATLEY. So ilk or PiuoßS.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dross Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 conts; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Beats In Pri vate Boxes, 75 cents ; Whole Private Box, |3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 33 cents Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M J. M. B.WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Aug. 31st, will be pre sented Kotzebue’s celebrated play of the STRANGER. The Stranger Mr. E L. Davenport Mrs Haller M r *. D. p. Bowers To conclude with tho Admirable Comedy of the HONEY MOON. SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7% o’clock—to commence at 8 Admittance 26 cents. GLORIOUS SUCCESS. SECOND WEEK of the great burlesque on the Opera of LA TRAVIATA. Wrilteu expressly for this establishment by John Har rington, Esq. The Manager respectfully announces that lu rouse quence of the immense excitement produced by the performance of the above burlesque, it will be repeated MONDAY Evening, August 31st, and every evening this week Previous to the piece ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY au3Mw BY SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE. £ejgal Notices, IN THE ORPHANS* COURT OF MONT GOMERY connty, August lUlh. 1857. Notice is hereby given, to all persona interested in the estate of Alary Alderfer, lato of the township of Lower Salford, iu imid couutyof Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Alderfer have applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for the Kale of the real estate of said Mary Alderfer, deceased Tho said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Court House, in Norris town, for all parties interested to appearand show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioners should uot be granted. By order ot the Court. J. 11. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans' Court au2o-d4w IN THE ORPHANS’ 1 COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.-Estate of JAMES HAMILTON, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and Kettle the account of Thos. Codwalader, executur and tru*tee of the la>t will and testament of Jamen Hamilton, deceast-d, arising from the portion of the m-tute belonging to schedule B, nuneXed to the indenture of partition, dated Jan. 20,1849, recorded iu tho ofili.* fur tho recording of deeds lor the city and county of Philadelphia, in deed book G. W. C., No. 1, p. 497, aud to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at Ids office, No 528 Walnut street, iu tho city of Philadelphia, ou TUES DAY, September Ist, 1857, at4p. SI au 21-eodst FRANCIS WHARTON, Auditor IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of J. A NEWMAN, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the second account of James Shaw, executor ot the last will and testament of J. A. Nevrmnn.dcceaJied, and to report distribution, Mill meet the parties interested at his of lice. No. 628 Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, September Ist, 1857, at 6 p. ui. au 21-eodst FRANCIS WHARTON, Auditor. C'IOAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL J SOON BE PUBLISHED, the lollowiog standard Books, viz: Blunt's Coast Pilot. 18th edition; Bow ditch’a Navigator,27thedition; Shipmaster’s Assistant, 9th edition. We invite attention to our new Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavy weather, and ate especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where the motion is cousidernbie. They require fewer repairs than uny compass now in use. Marine Opera Glasses of superiorquality. Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometer*. Thermometers, American. French uud Euglish Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compassea, BiuacU‘S Log Glares, and all kinds of Nautical Instrument* and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Charts of all partsof the worhlfromthe latest aud best authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Siguals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott’s lloro meter, and an instrument for working ont problems In Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval ol ex perienced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the U 8. Navy. E. & O. W. BLUNT. aulB-liu* No. 179 Water Street. Henderson & co 5 * great liter ary FAIRj FIFTH and ARCH streets. Iu order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa trons. und induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, w e intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of $1 and up wards, a Gift in value of from 25 cents to $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select' lot yourselves. Recollect you aro not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at the usual price, and very many will get, iu addition, a preseut worth having. au2l-3m Evans* great gift book sale, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. X. 8.-No connec tion with any other house in the City. &ul-3m TO PRINTERS.—A RARE CHANCE FOR SALE ! A one-half interest in a well-estab lished DAILY aud WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, and JOB PRINTING OFFICE, located in a city 0f12.000 iuhubit nuta, aud one of the moat prosperous iu the \\ i-st The paper Is National Democratic In politics, it has the ofU citti patronage of the Post Office, together with that of the county and city—it living the official paper of the city, and the aggregate annual income of the establish, meat is about $10,000.# The office is supplied uith a superior cjlindor press, a Ruggles job pre.sa, a Wash ington press, paper cutter, card cutter, Ac , together w ith an excellent variety of typo, fixtures. Ac., all in good order. For a practical printer, or an editor, thin is more than ordiuary opportunity For further partic ulars, address JI. G. CROUCH, Galena, Illiuois *Thore Is only one other printing office of any kind in the city. aug29-dAwlw rpHOMAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE, A CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No 910 MARKET ST., almvfl Ninth, south side, Philadelphia au 1-fim OFFICE OF THE GUARDIANS OF THE POOR, No 30 North Ssvkntii Strket—PHILA DELPHIA, Aroi st 20,1857. lMuposnls for tho purchase of FLOUR BARRELS. ac ctuing during the ensuing year nt the Philadelphia Alms House, will bo received at this office until lU o cluck, on Monday, August 31st Said proposals to state the average price per barrel, and to be eudorsed, •• Proposals for Flour Barrels ” nu27-4t C. W. SCIILATHR, Secretary. C’ UIEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, > of excelieutqunlity, in sold at the PHILADELPHIA (lAS WORKS for tho reduced pi ice of five cents a bushel, ami may be obtained m large or small quantity by up. plying at tlie Gas Office, No. 26 South SEVENTH Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale, it is sold at the Woiks, iu First Ward, by the tou, atapriee equivalent to An thracite, a Is 2 60 per ton. (Signed,) J. C. CBESSON, Engineer. PiHLADHLPHJA Gas Works, Aug 26, '57. tm27-tf JOHN N. REEVES, CAKPENTKR AND BUILDER, PABSYUNK ROAD, opposite County Prison Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. aul-lm CONGRESS RANGE—SOLD BY CHAD WICK & BltO., N 0.262 N SECOND Street. auglB-3mo.s. HS. TAK IP 8- MANTJF ACTORI'Iff . O.UIVKD AND OItNAMKXTAI. MAKIIf.K WOJIK, (IHKKX Str.'ot, alio,» BKVKNTII, Fliilodel pliifl. nug2y-lw Department of highways— Office or Chief Commissioner, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT aud FIFTH atreea. August 28th, 1857. SF-ALED PROPOSALS, entitled proposals for building a culvert ovor a branch of the Poquesusink Creek, near the Rod Lion Ta\crn. at what U called “Red Bridge,” in the Twenty-third Ward, will be roceivod at this offic® uutil WEDNESDAY, the second day of September, at 12 o’clock. Specification}! may bo neeu at this office. JOHN M’OARTHY, au29-3t Chief Coromissioner of Highways. UfACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. J-TA Bold by CHADWICK & BRO., SECOND Street, first door above Race. nuglB-3moa. fSHARLES MAGARGE & CO.,— V-J Wholesale Dealors In PAPER, BAGS, ficc., No. SO Seoth SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-lm MRS. M. A. BURKE, IIJL 802 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. Informs SOUTHERN andWESTEBH MERCHANTS she has opened FALL AND WINTER PATTERN HATS In fancy colors, And a full line MOURNING HATS. auglfi-ffw Foil ASSEMBLY— ' JOHN M. WELLS, Second District—Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. an 28-lot* CORONER—Dr. THOMAS JONES, of Seventh Ward. Bnbject to Democratio Rulee. au 25-lw* OROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT r\ C ?F U 'f’ JOUN I'. .y’f'ADDE.f, of Third W»rd. auoject to the rules of the Democratic Party, aul-tf ■pOK ASSEMBIyZjosEFH J- KEEFE. a„ A c 2“ d ., Le 5 is, . ll . ,re District, Second Ward. auMtSB° tl9 deciBlou of the Democratic Convention. FOR .RECORDER OF DEEDS T. B. TOWN, Fourth Ward. Subjert to DemocraUo r au 20-dtSS CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS —WILLIAM BAFFIN, First Ward Subject to Democratic Rules. au2U-UepB* Recorder of deeds—albertT. SOILEAU, Sixteenth Ward Subject to Demo* cratic Rules, auglB-dUe P 3* For prothonotary of the dis trict COURT, WM. M. REILLY, of First Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aulT-dtueS* For assembly—john h. brady, Eighth War I—Seventh Legislative District. Sub ject to Democratic rules auls-tsepB# Prothonotary of the district COURT.—WM. LOUGHLIN. Second Warf. Sub ject to Democratic rules. au!s-Sep7* FOR ASSEMBLY—EDWIN SMITH, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. aul4* FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District, PER UAN J. COOK. Second Ward Subject to Democratio Rules- aul2-tC* CL ERIC OF QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPn CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Bulea, au 12-4w# RECORDER OF DEEDS—THOS. £ wf* ®RHPIIILL, Tenth ward, Vine street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rule*. aulb-lm* ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT— IRANKLIN McILVAIN, Subject to Democratic rttlw> au3-dtspB For coroner—dr. feodore mier- SON. Filth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rule* nuB-lm* PROTHONOTARY OF THE DIS- X 1 TRICT COURT, LEWIS T. MKARS, of Twelf.h Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auB-lm* PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT •COURT, GEORGE F. MEESER, Twenty-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au 4-tSeB For recorder of deeds—r. r. YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules au4-lm* For coroner-n. c. reid, m. d. Subject to Democratic Buies. aa4lm* For assembly—first district— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, First Ward. Subject to deoiaion of the Democratic Convention. aul-6w# FOR ASSEMBLY'—third district.— DAVID B. McLKAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aul-tseS# For recorder .of deeds— CHARLES M. MILLER. Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Roles, on aul t se3 For recorder of deeds—george W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. aul-sw* recorder of^deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject toDemocratu rulei. au3-te* OF SESSIONS.- • KJ GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratio Rules. anltsepS ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY— LOCUST Street, west of SIXTEEN iH, will be opened on MONDAY. September 7th, at 9 A. M. The Principal will be in attendance at the Academy during the first week in September, between 9 A.M. aud 2P. M., to receive apulication« for admlwiion. Circu lars may be had of Mr. lIILL, Sexton of St. Mark’s Church, or at the Academy. au29-2w* J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal .Sir. Dolman ~.Sir J. S. Clarke Slisi E. L. Davenport SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, SOUTH WEST CORNER OF ARCn AND TENTH STREETS. The piinils in this liwtitution will be instructed in all the brauenesof a thorough EnglUh Education, andevery facility for the acquirement or knowledge provided for them. The diheipline will be a careful pointing onward aud upward. The Kchool-year Is divided iuto two terma, of five months each, commencing of Ninth Mouth (Sep tember,) anil firhtof Second Mouth (February.) First Department, pec term of five m0nth5......525.00 Secoud “ “ “ 20 00 Third “ “ “ ' 15 00 Fuel, Ac., per term l 00 Philadelphia, 1857. REFERENCES: Thomas Kiuiber, J. D White, M. D , Samuel Bettle, Jr, Benj S. Janney, M D. Afarmaduke C. Cope, Robert K. Wright, William Bettle, Thomas 1). Smith, Thomas Wixtar, George Griscom, Anthony I*. Morris, William F. PitUeld, Joshua 11. Morris, David Vandorveur, Uriah Hunt, William B. Thomas. au2s-lm. Y’OUNG V 3 LADIES, (boarding aud day pupils.) N. W. corner ELEVENTH and GREEN streets. Fifth session nill open on September 7th, Best refereuce given, in cluding all pre.seut aud former patrous. au26-ti PROFESSOR SAUNDERS*INSTITUTE*, WEST PUU«\l)EltPm\.—Professor SAVX DERS cun receiw n few more PUPILS in his family Impure of Colonel FORNEY, the Editor of this Paper, who lias at tliis time a son iu his family ; or address PRO LESSOR "S.VUN D ERS. West Philadelphia Institute SPRING GARDEN ACADEMV FOR £5 YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the highest qualifications ♦•imdoyed. Catalogues containing full particulars, pupils’ uaines, testimonials, Ac , ean bo had on application. au2s-tt F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. Hall of st. james the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Rev. B. U. Smvsek, Rkotok. The Annual Session Mill begin on TUESDAY*, Sep tember!. Circulars may be obtained at the Book Store of 11. HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Ofllce, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia aul7-0m MRS. BARTON S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOCNO LADIES. No 19i9 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY iu September aul9-Gv# TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE X i persons, male and female, to gain a shared this world’s goods aud comforts as a * BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE. will ro-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fill and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a short time. THE LKIDY’S take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persons acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATlON,enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to piosecute their business operations successfully. au22-3m. /CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM \J MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Storiee. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES. Ac. Bach Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teacherß, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Peumeu in the Country has charge of the Writing Department Please call aud see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. aul-lm WF. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth, PhUidelphia. ou4-lm rp CJULLENDER *c PASCAL, >0 HATTERS, aul-flm No. 8 8. SIXTU street, Philadelphia. (Bcnticmcn's -fnrnisljini} ©oobe. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, aud PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 706 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Westoru Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. ,aus-lyif The watson $lO FAMILY SEWING MACHINE And is now open fur Exhibition at Second Story, front Room, No. 720 CHESTNUT Street State and County Rights for sale Apply as alone. au2o-tf. Dancing academy.—naylor k DAUGHTER'S DANCING ACADEMY, TENTH and SOUTH street*, commencing TUESDAY,September 1, 185". The subscriber*, in ottering this prospectus to the dancing comomuity, respectfully acknowledge their kindness during past season*, aud pledge themselves that nothing shall !>e wanting on their part to nuke the coming m-il-od surpass in bjilliuucy that ot 1< rn.er years. Mr N. and Daughter have, with untiring exertions, added to their already full lv>t ot Li-hiunable dances, many new one*, ninth wilt b«» introduced duriug tlie senson. Fur Children—Tuesday aud Saturday Afternoons from 3 to •» o’clock j for Ladies and Gentlemen—Tuesday and Saturday livening* from" till 10 o’clock. au 27-lro Educational bookstore.—e. c. 4: J UIDDLE, No. 508 MINOR Street, (betweeu Market and Chestnut streets, west of Fifth street.) having demoted their attentiou especially to the publi •i turn and sale of Books fur tlm use of Schools aud Col leges, have for Rale a btock embracing most of the text hooka extensively u*ed in tho educational institutions o the United States, which, together with an assortment of Blank Books and Stationery adapted to the wants of schools, they offer for Hale, wholesale aud retail, at low prices. Teachers and others wishing to examine text books with reference to introduction into schools, are invited to call and examine the abote named stock. nn27-dlw Girard fire and marine insur- ANOE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA— Office, No. 302 WALNUT utreet, west of THIRD. “ PIRN RISKS ONLY TAKEN.” DIBKOTOB3. Jer. Walker, Jno. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. 8. GHlett, Furman Sheppard, Sami. Jones, M. U., Joseph Klapp, M. D. Wra. M. Swain, John Anspach, Jr., H N. Burroughs, J U. Hughes, V. 1). Sherman, Wiu. F. Hacker, j. P. Steiner, 11. A. Shackelford, lion. JONES, President lion. Q. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. J.HO. S. McMulus, Secretary. Jams 3 B. Alyord, Assistant Secretary. aul-Sm Enewland & CO., • LOOKING GLASS AND PIOTURS FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importers and Dealers in Oil Paintings, Water-Color Drawings, Engraving?. Ac. A large assortment always on hand. Packing and removing Glasses, and hanging attended to. 604 ARCH Street, above Sixth,” sooth aide, Philadelphia. aol-lmrp WELCOME RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD Wto&fe O,RUN,SSCONDSt. nuIWo. (ffanbibates for ©fSce. (SftiKatioual TERMS HARRIETT BROWN, fiats, Caps, S’c. Seining iUimjiurc HAS COME! DAYS OK TUITION tyotels anil Sfosiaarants, ]^T£RC^ANTS , HOTEL, iTJ - NORTH FOURTH STREET, ABOTTJ iIIRtST. PHILADELPHIA. su24-tf McKIBBEN & SON'S, I'acrr-uroas. LIN TON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD- Ir„\'L A Y.>. f?f‘‘ er of KIUHTH, street, Ne*- York lUIS MAGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT U fltjTe°^ eII *° r receptiou of gacatfl, ia tbs Kuropeaa nf Bbmßi' 0 ?” 5 ,!'"”, B’to 8 ’ to » P er day. SUITS Jvr°o M 3 from $1 50 to $lO per day. The MEALS aeryed at all hours by the OARD, at moderate rates. ’ C J. MACLELLAN /“ long and favorably known to m and the United States Howl. Ihil&delphia,”) 1* associated in the management, and has especial charge of the Catering department. Every attention has been paid to make the orgauiiatioa per tcct, and our fneudi, patrons, and the travelling public in general, may rest assum-d that no effort shall be wanting to make the CLINTON Worthy the favor which we hereby respectfully solicit nus*lm* ttCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwiu Street £5 and Duqueme Way, Pittsburgh. B. D .VIARKLH, Proprietor • aulS-3m T OUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC HEAD - , v . QUARTERS,) South-east comer FIFTH and QUEEN Street**. aal - lm Philadelphia. W N -' KlNG,—southern FlPTf^*nrt^i i nDrwSxM, OTEL > corner or gIfTH and CARPENTER Sts.,Philadelphia. anl-lm SWSBsassnh/ss STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. au i_j ra ILLIAM HANNINGS’ City Lager Beer Saloon, No. 32 CARTER'S ALLET, PhiladeU aul-lm ttJines anir ii^nora, T>ORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de- A. bentare 2->0 casks St. Joseph's Pure Juiee Port *i me, m qrs. and eighths. Ten puncheons John Ramsay Islay Jlalt Scotch Whis key, 2 years old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. Marett, Martel, Bomc-tj and J. J Dupuv Brandies, all Of which I offer to the trade at reduced prices • JOS. P. TOBIAS, au27*3mos 88 and 90 S. Front St., below Walnut. R P- MIDDLETON & BRO., IHPORT V’ ERS or BRANDIES,. WINKS, Ac.; also, areola and sole proprietors of tha old WHEAT WHISKEY, ho. 5 North FRONT street. au22-lm A NDEE v - HOLMES, wine and »s 5« YS/TLLIAM F. PITFIELD,—IMPORTER » ’ of BRANDIES, WINES Ac a, «. CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia ’ ’ Vul.i„^ PJ I- LE WIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER VV. IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS. CIGARS An 23 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aui-i. TJEANDIES—Pinet, Castillon & Co., Ms •MJ rett A Co., and other brands of Cognacs of rarious vintages, In half pipes and quarter casks; Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in halfpipes. Quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all in Custom Houistoree, imported and for sale by ’ „ m HENRT BOHLEN A CO , atto Nos - 221 and 223 South Fourth street. DITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 520 (new NO.S3S) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.-Shippini orders promptly attended to. anl-tf Kobatco anil (Cigars, HAVANA handsome assort ment, such u Partagas, Cabanas, Sultana, Ulona, Jupiter, Ooloao, ConTerciantes, Toarey Lope*, Union Americana, Orejon, Flora Cabana, Ac., Ac. *«•} X, X, 1-5 and I*lo boxes, of all sixes and quali ties, to store and constantly recemng, and for sale low CHARLES TETE, (new) 1331YALNCT Street, belo-w Second, second atoiy TjHGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS BEGARB.—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands oo board brig * { New Era,” daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES T£TE, (New) IS3 Walnut street, below Second, Second Story. Sales bn Sanction. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Cujtom House, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. PEREMPTORY SALE OF EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS, BY CATALOGUE, ON A LIBERAL CREDIT. WEDNESDAY NEXT. Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sail br catalogue, on a liberal credit, a and valuable assortment of French and Scotch Embroideries and Mi linery Goods. REAL FRENCH VEILS Also, an inroice of real French Silk Lace Veils VALUABLE STOCK BY ORDER OF THE A3SIGNEE. Also, a large and ralu&ble stock, by order of the as signee, consisting of 2.50!) square and long Shawls, 500 elegant French Cambric Collar*, with a general assort ment of Choice Trimmings and Milinery Goods SILVER PLATED WARE. Also, an assortment of superior Silver-Plated Ware such as Table aud Tea Spoons, Fotks, Ac The whole will be arranged f«r examination with catalogues early ou the morning of sale, when the trade and purchasers generally are invited to attend. GOLD JEWELRY. Also, included in the stock, by order of the assignee, will be found, vix: tfOO gold Breastpins and Eardrops* Ladies’ fiae Cameo Brooches; dodo Florentine do: do do Mosaic do; do do Jet do. AI-.0. \arivty of gold jsw dry, worthv lipect&l attention. KINK EMBROIDERIES. LACES, LANDS. Ac Also, a line elpgaut Cambric Collars. LACES, BLONDES. EDGINGS, Ac. Al<o, a lint* Thread Laiceg, Blondes. Edging Jcc LADIES’ UEiI-STITCttED LINEN lIDKFS. Also, a Hue Ladies* elegant quality embroidered and plain »heer Linen Cambric Hdkfs; hem-stitched do FLOUXCIXGS AND BANDS. Also, a Hue Cambric Flooncinga, Cambric Bands. Also, Silk VeUa, Ulotcs, Gaantlet Si ceres, ■vyaiTs cBAPK shawls. Also, embroidered White Crape Shawls, heavy Silk Fringes. J Mosesnathaxs, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MEBCHANT, S. E. corner SIXTH and RACE Streets Sale on account of the United States Government, by order of Wns. Cadger, Esq.. Navy Agent. On TUESDAY MORNING next, Sept. Ist. at 10 o'clock Sale of Real Estate belonging to the United States Government, on the premises. Consisting of very valuable Wharves, fronting on the River Schuylkill, and very valuable Building Lots, 29 In number, situated contiguous to the U. S. Naval Asylum, viz.: from No. 1 to No. 9 inclusive* tune Building Lots, fronting on South street and extendii.- in depth 135 feet 6 inches; from No. 10 to No. Is in'- clash e. nine Bmlding Lots on Shippen street, extend ing in depth 135 feet 6 inches; from No. 19 to No 2S inclusive, eight Building Lots on Southerland avenue, varying in sue. ’ No. 27—The United States Naval Asylum "wharf. No. 2s—The adjoining Lot. No. 29—Large Lot. The terms of sale will he one-half cash, one-fourth in six months, and the other fourth in twelve months from date of sale. Receipts will be given for payments, hut no deeds will be executed until the final payments shall be made: and all payments to be forfeited if the terms of sale shall not be complied with The Government reserve the right to fix a minimum value on each lot, below which a sale will not be made The plan can be seen at the Auction Store, S. E. cor. of Sixth and Race streets. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, the 2d of September 1857, at 10 o’clock, at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, coi a sistingin part of—2 bbls beef, 1521 lbs bread, 25 IU choree, 405# lbs batter, 2 bbls pork, 100 lbs pickles, 1519 lb* rice, large lot of empty bread and whiskey barrels, a lot of spirit room casks from 300 to 20 gallons, boat and mess breakers, a lot of cooking utensils, tea kettles, frying pans, stew pans, grid irons, table covers, lot of shades for stern windows, two cabin state room carpets, looking glasses, hanging lamps, shades for wardrobes, dish covers, brass drams bugles, French horns, hand trumpets,three boat ensigns' boat pennants, two broad pennants, American Jack lot of carpenter’s tools, 38 galls paint oil. lot of hide and vrheelrope, 25 ship buckets, galley and fixtures. 42 feet suction hose, lanterns, lamp oil; lot of block's, hand lines, log lines, lot oil casks and barrels, and numerous other articles. The whole to be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. SALE OF SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, At the S. E. comer of SIXTH and PJiCE Streets On FRIDAY MORNING NEXT, Sept. 4th, At 10 o’clock, consisting in part of—Jennv Lind, high po«t, cottage, and other bedsteads, dressing bureaus, washstands, feather beds. raattra*ses, carpets, spring i>eat sofas, marble top sideboards, boquet tnbles/elerant spring neat parlor chairs, card tables, centre tables Windsor chairs and settees, cherry tables, lamps. Ac' Ac , together with a quantity of auperior second-hand furniture, plush divan parlor tables, stuffed plush chairs, bedsteads. Ac. Dealers, housekeepers, and others, will find it to their advantage to attend the sale. JOHN BAI'LIS, AUCTIONEER, No. 325 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets SALES EVERY EVENING at 7 o'clock, Of Boots. Shoes, Brogan.-*, Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jewelry, Hosiery, Whip 3, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac , Ac N. B. Terms of rilght Sales, four months credit for approved City acceptances, for sums of §lOO and ver with interest added from date of sale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited of Household Furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwriters’ Sales of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac. Consignments soh. cited to be sold at the Auction Room*. Charges moder ate. Apply as above. Advances made on Consignment i of Good* _ aul lm Gkorge \v. smith, auctioneer, X. E. corner uf BARRON and bOU'CH streets, above Second. EVENING SALE 3. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 7# o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cat j lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clotbiug, Watcbr-. Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER* and MONEY LOAN OFFICE. No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at , tnly eight doors below the Exchauge. Hours of business from 7 o’clock, A. M , until 10 o’clock iu the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction Hons-, at tended upon the most satisfactory tenrnc CAPITAL $200,000 £\tablishcdfcr thi fast Thirty Wars Advances made from one dollar to tbous&od3 on D a mou.K Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry. Hardware Mer chaudize. Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigar*. Mu-ical In-trurueats, (tuns, Horses, Carriages, and Gogjs ot ev>.ry description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. * * AVI advances, from one hundred dollars and upward* will be charged 2 per cent, per mouth; $5OO and over. th» lowest market rate This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all v aluables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; al«o, a heavy in.-u -ranee effected for the beuetit of alt persons having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having aa unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms th»f> any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in email amounts, with, out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent LeTer aad other Watches, Jewelry, aa! ClothiDg will be sold at reduced prices. aal-ly ttterdjant Sailors, T ames sherTd'an, merchant luiove'chkotkut 0 “ 4IS Soull ‘ suiTa 6TREET - riV/ui™' I ,'" 11 “ I * ct< ? Btot * of CLOTHS and vAaSiJi.j>RES always on band. 4 , A \f Clothing made at this will be of the best quality, and in the moat fashionable style Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH- ■ »uB-tf Tj'LAGS! FLAGS!— PACKEE FLAGS. *lao Plain Flap from twoand a half inches to Are feet wholesale and retail, at the Flag Depot, No. 6Q ftwti&waditrwt. ~ augli-im** WINANT A CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers