rtsi .*,./ ntfroathe New York paper* of lastevening.] ■'* ' V, , AYmaetlng ofthe- Crioimri'Deniliorhttd.' General heia:lfcS';?Teotag at Tammany ■ .k«%MtyHon,Jobtt.C(»tooa, teoonfor.with the SMageandSmaUCommitteos, toseeifsome bub , of maori of tho oity BiOTpOiaoy oould not bo agreed upon'. held on Sfoqday nozt t(} hoar the report oMbV.obmmlttee, and also tom- '.v ... v repeal meeting was - held . lasi vtW oornetof Serenteenth street and Besendarennevin th® street. Along liat ef reea> samaras: those, brother tSftSuihineetiiijw,-,"was - udop tea. Speeches were - Jqbu'Xeuyv an£ iWzn, Esq. location of ihe propel leh Jv K. Harris—which . was ran down oh the Sound aadeaUk-by the steamer Metropolis,'a few days, sinoo—b«J ‘ neeo ascertained,: one [of the masts oopimg to* th* surface, tfcougb still’fast to tigging;' A;steff had'been attached to it, and a white fi&g 'placed. npon .that,’- Tbe % whole long Island shore from Qyater ;PQnd .Point! to. MlUeri - PlacO, baB been nxewii'withihales, boxes,-and dif* Jjarentartieles of tbeassorted bargo frith which the Harris wtfs loadedWheu * - Dr. Irelandy Ohe; 7 of "the oorohers of, Suffolk county, was spmrpbned yesterday rnorn&g to re-, pair at operto RiVeraead, where some of the *b6aies*of persons: lost; oh’ the,: propeller wore just washed ashore,r-.The oonld give no farther Informationi.; ■ .The Doctor started imme diately from Greenport ,to hold .the inquest. - The , was-not, of course, known -in: this Oity last night—nOr : WhoW;ttW ebraaea were?. ; v , - Arrdhgements sW making to raise the ‘wreck—' this •-I-ppipwer.'-•" Vv. r -- y , ~‘J \ ■ , ' - l " broke opt at half-past one o’bloek Tuesday morning, in the basement of a large brick build* . ing, No 23 Hammersli-y etreety-Cinneil by Samuel 1 Martha,* oarponter.-; The basement is bcoupied By eomestables, Vfhloh extended some distuncein the _te»t;;»nd Ae 'firs’ originated in the hayloft, about 'iMYintddla'qMhe stablest■ Thorowere -thirteen jtofsesin thesejteblos, belonging to peer men who . drive dirt carts, and the flames spread ed rapidly , that fix of them were suffocated tad-perished- : •• The Committee ofArrangemen'ta oftho Now Vork appointed recently to prepare for the rec option eftbd Pennsylvania Volunteers wben'tbiy vlrit thls city on the Hthinst., met last eTcning at tho Mercerilouse. Gen. Burnet (in the chair)urged the regiment to put forth its bestef-, . forte ip give thur onsltera a cordial welcome.-. 'An aUhsions to thosnuff-boxwere carefully avoided. b‘Rhfi»,TVUmp,fGrlenolsisiMinp». TAijingering i . iUnemjoimderivliinlt nehas labored* fori» ,number of yetis, last ovenlngossumed a fatal termination, tad he breathed hie lest at his residence* in this Alfred 11. Grif; commander,left New OrkmiiB 20th AdgustforHavanft, at whitnpliue she arrived-the morning of tho 23d, and snilcd again sameday for I New'jferk.--,The Philadelphia landed forty pas sengers and. $lOO,OOO. }n speoie let: Havana, atid! bringsninety passengers and $192,000 in specie for! this port. There was little of interest Occurring at Havana. Sugar hadnot declined! Stock on band 210,000 boxes; ..The Philadelphia brings the 1 first bale of Texas' cotton of this season,' August 284,. tb4ttt <0 inilesfr6td"Havana, exchanged sig nals vrith steamship Empire. City, ftom Sew York for Havana. .-. n\'.* '. Additional attachments, against the Ohio Life and Trust Company were this morning granted in fatbrof.thd plaintiffs named beloif fortneamounts sat. doim tii their names te'spWtiveljr; ' . The Paterson and Bagiapo'B.B* Odmpany. ; $4,805 27 Tfc* Paterson tod Hudson B. B. Company. 3,582 36 OharW.Woodfc, Powera.,.,; 'lO,OOO 00 Total ju|evloa*ly 8tated. tt ,1,341,771-39 of the State Bank of 0hi0... i. 20,747 13 -„ Total thQi .. **i -••<•• * • - - .91,880,806 14 ' OnSfttnrday last Louis Ehrick, a young German, twenty*aix yeart Ofage, who- for some time past baa bion paying his addresses to a lody in this city, with' the view of eventually making her his wife, arrived Tn NiwYpvk.Eroaj Niagara Pails and put upitjthe, Shakspeare.Uotol, William street.He was tHen enjoying good health and appeared to he in a haippy state; oi ,a sudden'change xameover'thflßTdritof his dreMo. 'The evening foliowinz he had an jhteitlew of bft Ohofoe,"which terminaibditthhaOTUyfor^im,'and allhis'earthly 'nbpes seein iolwo /been blasted. On 6unday> becoming .despbrafo ): ;oEhrick, ’while and swnUowed a large.do&e of amnio, after.which he returned to the hotel sick, fif , eon tinned? to fail under.the effects of the poison tUI lata Wednesday afternoon, When he 4 expired* CetoWer HiilSheld as inquest bn thebodyVand the of desth ! :by suicide by tramarstitiid?*' ThOdbbessbd’ resided in Buffalo, m^tUC^^la^hpircle.'.of;relatives and friends bf(t^fcy|ghfssrMpeotihibty f hefeand fwoi to mournhfelo». j- .>/ • .'V- <• . line. Press.] --- - o-v New Toes. Aug. **,•£.s P, M. t * was*afriiliec eariri? feeling la the"sftaWto^ay, btand ml' abatement-ofthe-atringeccy ih thb money market. 'Rates of discount continue, nominally'the Same.Attdt&e banksaraMUl contracting steadily, There is very Uttie' doing i Q Rxchangaat nominally" lower i- 6 :. i‘‘ ‘ - ' ‘ •*:'*"*’ ' r ‘^r. The receipts at the Oastom House, to-day. for duties amounted to$101,000.? At the first board this morning the stock market signs of improvement In soitfe stocks. New YotkCentni rose 2g per cent; Penn Goal Co., 1; Erie, 2; and ; baton the other hsnd Michigan Centra cent] Michigan South ern, 2JK; Cleveland’ and Pittsburgh; 2V'; and Illinois Central,'&M The' fall of this hist stock Is attributable to the 0*1) by the directors of 10 4P" cent, on the stock of ibt eempaby, aid the close of their transfer books till September Ist. Many think this was a# ill-judged adionin thist moment'Of panic and difficulty, but others think that, aa the money will be all promptly bald, adding $1.700,000td-thelr' capital, it'will material ly strengthen the stdekfanl trill prove a most judicioas more, op'storing'the trouble of sir immense float ing debt. -The second', board v’Opened more fcaatUjy-dhd-tthere ..was no improvement, tor the close. -.After the second hoard 1 heard of of :2lif—a— a fall' of V from the dosing price. Thisls somewhat remarkable, as I understand from joed authority that the Company have made arrange ments for their loan of ?600.000, and that they will be to; A .’position tfar meet their September engagements promptly. The most' - ,remarkable feature of to day’s proceeding*. Is. the decline of fltate’ and bank stocks.'' Missouri. fe-hayo; fallen-2# {'Virginia-; 6s !«, *042,000. OaUfornlfl State7a 75. were sold at 60, and some bank stocks, for instance the Bank of Com- MBPS/ are drooping. . This laaccoautodfor by, the gen ,4»l.downward current which baa dragged everything dews, more oh leas; but no one anticipates anything but a temporary and very slight depreciation in this class of securities.' < l •/ •: —MMSrr.Ghamberaaod Heiser, who did a largo business is Gelifbrnlarjahdjrere much interested In thoaffitlN-of that State hare. stopped .payment. % Mr. JacobjLittfo, Who, ft was reporteayesterday,.’ made his. stock de liveries, or settled his difficulties, has resumed hta seat at the Board, ami transacts’ business as usual. There is no*oew development to notice with regard to the Ohla.Lifeaud Trust Company, The rumor that the notes of the Port Plain Bank areno longer redeemed by the New'York Stateßank, is officially contradicted by the Cashier of the latter institution.A similar report, with regard to the Palmers’ Bank, of Saratoga, is also unfounded* - The .Gallatin Fire Insurance Company have Just organliedat 40 Pine sfrect, and have elected David Clarkson Precideutxnd Henry Baldwin Secretary. Their japiW ta $159,000. all paid. , j . -'Asneare quiet atssJor Pota and Poarls, ’ Bb*ADSTpri’B/-—The, morket for t a&d. Western flour U.dull and' the demand limited, with, sales of 9,700 hbta it 15.9ffaSB18'for'cbnu&ihtog0pdStato; |A4pO|6AOfoirejtrft'do',;s6.9sC's6,l6 for common'to 90bd.2-S. Oorn Heal la in rMuest ats4.2o for Jersey, and (4.40» 94.60 for Brandywme. ' ; CoffSß-rls lery dull bat firm at 10# att}£ for Bio. s. Common Rosin is • atfl.&btW. 910 Jbs.,andfinedo.at9Bo(7 4P' 280lbs;j according to L^-fhe market for Crude Whale isqulet at 73075 c. Crude Sperm Is Inactive at.f1.29 at New Bedford, and Idnseed Oil Isqulet AtfiOflSlci. . ’ .-BsoYisiossi—The’; market for Pork la a trifle better, with sa!cf| 0f.600 His at $25, 75d526 for. Meu/and 991 76 for prime. Beef ia onchangod at 9X7et|lB for re - lflsjkod Western, an & 91S4*$lg for exha do.. Beef Hams are quiet at |23 &0e524.. Cub-ileata are dull at 180 for mmar and 120l2Hcifor Shoulders,,' Bacoh is retailed At l6e for smoked Weeteru. Laid is easier at 16016Jkc, Np change in Butterpc Cheese, i-'t BveAM~~Tbo market for raw is heavy at 7#®oc for Cuba, and 9# for Porto Rico.. Be&ned are very dull at nomlnal rate#.; :, .• * - Til continues qalet and, firmly held trtth the prospect of higherprices.’ • „ WsnsKST U heavy, -with tales of one hundred and thirty hbls at 28c, IKtiGK'ts are,unchanged. , :, • STOCK EXOHANGE BoistvAog. SBi 1857-.—Goshen Branch Bondi. 60; Erie 8.-B, Bonds, 70; Pacific Mall Steamship 00., 69 V; Cum fctriaod.Cdiu Co.. 14; JS/Yt Central ft.-'B., 74;Chicago •jiidßocfclßlaud R. 8., 80; Erin B. B-, ,22;. Raiding!?. Jt.,61; Michigan Central % 8., 69; Panamflß.;R.| 82; and Chicago B.R,* j& .Clerelwd and Toledo ;R, B.; Mllwaukie and Mudailppl R. B.y 42; ta Crosse' and MUffadkie R. THE tyOHEY MARKET. FsiLiOBLpBU, August 28,1867, i . iJfhadeeir* 9& the port of some of the papers to enter ' to fht morbid' filings -which • are apt to tdize upon the public mind iattaes offiaanoltf excitement,leads them into thopublicsttou ofidle reports and defamatory , opinions. These are greedily.caught up by readers pre • pared to meet with confirmation of alt manner of vague feats, nod fii&f is Added to the £ flame/ if saeif'tt course oatbc part of the, presawexe uniremlj \t wpuld not be £axprf4ng .if a„,total-distrust of'ererybody and every * ' jfcUg&aslfteted'lteelf'ta allbtfrinwrctjeieS} aodprb dscedthomortdJssatro&sresults,' " * use story'Wei put Jnclrculatlon that York v Bank hodstopped paymentanother,thstaNew York Banking House had failed; >'third, that dye Rhode lilinißanks were broken, and innataoMhie. other', Idle ; t*lqa wholly destitute, qf.foundation, *nd[ only invented : for ificnediory purposes. The people (should iear& not - to believe everything for gospel that they geo in print. > It Ik time that theylearned to'lgok fcpoa of -the galea and prices of atopka what-theyuro, the recqrdgon onehandof a/fow commercial transactions between those whowb»fc, tp lyaltee money .from a speclos whoWiatf tp bli/ itj 'thie otherhapd,&9 the record of V gammed, win pr'-loso’ W tr^Hifei3^.a^,4®?J^ff^- l »pecrthwra‘ f 'w)fcip,iaeek to laduTthe cornmuoity believe thattheir, welfare or f nUn ieptada upon the tame of this tfaniMia# i It woftlOe reaeonabie, nay, for more so, to /geherat WttHhr'titt prosperity' or financial emWiuimqnt, from i theld i In otteittea./'-/#, - ■|U»emWrriSi*t{h'theetoCk;of Ih^B^Ading’lUnroid,. > l . niaety dayS. have reached tt^riy'nine ■. dartey ifcan-.the while large 1 gmatitiMofthestock.arth^lj&oyer.^,,c4Hnfr7y,by • : -.faftiaayiho‘hife' neither aoUmpMeslreiHo sell thfelr : - .'#dm^i»^il^Baiboedhflii r iD'thU'ft#jfeet,‘beenlO^ thehst of principal itofke ,at th#> New, Yorh Stock PwatpWsS»MfeaB» Vork CtnMl, »orYork ■ .. Wgy jiflf• dod-- legitimate, bnatness y of* l ‘ s-* 'game of hazard, In which, if the public are interested at all, it is aa victims of the false rumors, the exaggerated reports, and the wholesale slanders by which the beam seek to depress stocks, or the unfounded tales of profits ’7O 77*©78X Mort OU*44, 86 ©B7 Pens* BR 46X®40Jf MorrisOanlCon49 ©5l New Creek X© % Oatawissa BR 10 , ©ll BST. - BchylNavoe>B2 64 ©66 , do , Block 12 oil' ' U . • IATj 100 Reading R b 5 30X 100 Beading A e&80# .60 do ' »swa 30* Beading closes.. *........ Issfeotiok of Ftotia ANO Meal for the week ending Avgust 97,1867: Hslf Barrels of Superfine. Barrels of Superfine.... do line do Middlings ~. io Rye,-.. ' do, Corn Meal.,, do Cpndemnod,. ....6,078 STEPHEN MILLER, Inspector. '■ "■ < • \ f PHitiDELpnu and Beading Bah-boaD.—Amount o Coal transported on the Philadelphia and-Beading Ball* read for the week ending Thursday, August 27,1867: ■Tons. Owt. From Fort Carbon* 11,230 08 “ PottsvUlo 2,038 11 “ ScbuylWUHavon 19,119 16 “ Auburn 687 13 " Port Clinton* 0,828 07 Total for week.; * Previously tbi? year,... Total for year To Bftme time l&styear.., ’ SOHoftßiLfc Natiqation Coal the week ending Thursday, August 27, 1857: . . . , Tons, Cwt. ' Prom Port Carbon.; . • • •, J £*£fZ *® ' a PottsviUe.;... «••«•»» 2,848 04 - “ ‘Scbaylkill Hsren ~,.,...28,439 06. ; Pott Clinton . M 9 * 00 Tbtal for week Previoaflly .this year. To same' time IrsJ year. v. FOREIGN MARKETS. JAMBS M’HENEV A CO.’S CIRCULAR, LIVERPOOL, AUGUST 14, 1857, • [«CR AHXRICA.J Provision®—Bacon in in good request—all sorts are mow saleable—the stock exceed* 22,000 boxes —and will wind up better than expected, owing to clearance of all Irish at an unusually ft»rly period. Pine Cheese sale able, and more doing in inferior. Beef and Pork are neglected, except extra qualities, which continue to have a retail demand. Becon-T-Long Middles, rib'in. 4sdsQa w cwt, boneless* 2a mowy short middles, do, 61063 e do, boneless* 2s more; c. cut, do, 46046 s do, Cheese—Fine* 54069ad0,' ordinary to fair, 80«40s do. Beef—’Sew—Prime Moss, 140®150* tierce, India, 10®20® more. Pork—New—Prime Mess, 90065 s barrel." Shoulders—New; none. ' The consumption of lard does not Increase, but in settlement of. contracts 7Jtihu been paid. Tallow has advanced to■ 62a 6d. At this day’s Corn market there was a ; fair attendance of country buyers, and. as the weather continues broken, holders of Wheat asked 2d advance, which' was realised for rod, but scarcely .reached for wfcfto ;jpfour was more saleable, but not dearer. In. dlan. Com advanced Is, the stock being swain and a good feedlogdemand experienced. WheaV-whlte Cana dian, fatal)dqp TO lbs; white Southern, 6®ta4ddo ; red Western,Bs3d«Bs6d do: red Southern, 6sßdaOs. Canal, Soo3in & 199 lbs: Philadelphia, Ae..BlAB2sdd; Ohio, 80®83sdo; St. Louis, 83©S5s. . Indian Com-yellow, 3603 Tb lbs; mixed, 36® Sdfflddo} wWty«o44«de.' - ‘ - •' BBOWN, 3 HIP LEV, ip CO.’B OIttCOLAB [Per AmwiTO.] LIVERPOOL, Hth August, iml We have no change to notice io the prices of Cotton during the post week, the market haring been quiet but very steady. The sales up to last evening are estimated at 38,650 bales, speculators taklug 3,000, and exporters 3 600 bales. To-day the busiucss is called 7,000 bales, and closes firmly at the following quotations: fair Orleans, 8# | Fair Mobiles, 8 H 1 fair Uplands, Middling, 8# 8 5:101 8# Total stock in this port. 483,000 -balcfe— American, X'otal si.,- *u Uiis port. 483,Wu um«»— .-—a, 382,000 bales. Total stock in this port samo time last year. 813,000 bales—American, 004,000 bales. The Manchester market baa been quiet throughout the wcok/thc prosept position of affairs in India having a tendency to curtail business. Prices of Yarns and Goods are, however, fully maintained. The unfavorable change in the weather during the past few days has completely stopped all progress with the harvest, and the corn market has been a turn dearer, 'Wheat haring advanced let 2d bushel; Flour, 0d 4P* bbl. Indian Corn Arm, but without change in prices. White Wheat 0s QdOlOs; "Red. Bfi 3d9954d 70 lb ; Western Canal Flour, 30s6da31s6d j Philadelphia, Bal timore, and Ohio, 31s 6d3S3a; Canada, 325a33s & bbl. White Indian Corn, 46aff46s; Mixed and Yellow, 36s QdadTa 3d W quarter. Nothing doing in Turpentine. Basin in good demand, at 4s &d ‘Owt, for common quality. Yours, respectfully, BBOWN, BHIPIiEY, & Co. LONDON SUGAR MARKET.—The market continues depressed, and only very Hm&U sales have been effected during the week, at a further redaction in prices of 2n 03s cwt. Of West India only 730 hhds have been Bold. 19,000 hags Mauritius and East India offered at auction partly eo)d at the shore decline. Foreign—267 hhds 188 libls fine Porto Rieo were all withdrawn from public sale, and of 464 hhda Cuba Muscovado only one lot of colory grey sold at Ms (18s lOd duty ;) 2340 boxes yellow and brown and 662 bxs white Havana, were brought to auction, but only a few lots of the former could bo forced off at a reduction of laflls 6d from woek’s value, vis : at 4760478 Od for the inferior t© middling brown, (12s 8d duty) and 62s 6d for low yel low, (138 lOd duty ) By private contract 200 boxes washed white Havana sold at 60s in bond; and three cargoes afloat are reported, two white Havana, both in sured f. p. a., 1300 boxes and 2200 boxes at 60s for St. Petersburg, and a cargo of 120 tons white Mnrobn, In sured f. p. a., at 41s Cd for Gottenburg. Tho refined market is vory dull. [Correspondence of tbo Philadelphia Exchange,] Puerto Cabsllo, Aug 14,1867. The barque Thomas Pallet leavoß to-day for Phila delphia, which conveyance I embrace by sending a state ment of markets and other matters. In regard to Hides they have fluctuated within the last few days, owing to a competition heretofore unknown to our raei chants: at onetime they sold at24||,advanced to 33#!|, and now sell at 23#|i®29|(, and at latter figures it is thought they will remaiu, until later advices from the United States reach us. There is no washed Coffee in market j unwashed sells at 14#c. & ft. of this currency. Deer Skins, flO.&O.a' $ll & dozen. Ooat Skins, $6. Indigo, F., ft, 97c. Cocoa, $300534. Lfgnuravitm, ton of 2,000 lbs., sld. Fustic, do., $200521, and Cotton 16c, W rb. Coffee is scarce, as the crop season is passed. The political affairs of the Republic present no new feature worthy of remark, except that implicit confi dence confided to tho powers that be. who, from their devotedneas to the advancement of the public weal, have increased their hold off affection on the people. The crops have been good and abundant, and the grow ing ones look remarkably well, and should the weather prove favorable, the yield will be nearly double, on account of the immense tracts of new lend reclaim? J and now under successful cultivation. Yours, Set., V. H. STEVIER. RIO DE JANEIRO—Barque Octavla, M00re—2733 bags coffee Thos A Nowhall Sc Co; 1676 do Haxall Sc Co. Richmond. PORTO OABELLO—Barque Thomas Dallett, Dill— -1188 bags coffee 2768 hides 66 ceroons indigo Dallett Bros; 8 bxs mdse F Lennig & Co. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. In b&rquo Thomas Dallett, from Porto Cabello— H R Scanlan and lady; D Campbell, lady, three children, and throe servants; Miss Isabella Kelly, Miss E Ducks, Ro niuio Guardia, bearer of despatches from tho Venesuc- Han government; Lieut Col j 7 Pulido, B Constantino, Manuel Rivas, A 81 Soteldo. illariiK iJnteJligcnre. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 29,1857. SUN RISES 6 29—SUN SETS 6 31 HIGH WATER 9 27 ARRIVED. Steamship Delaware, Shaw, 23 hours from N York via Cape May, with mdse and passengers to Jas Allder* dfco. Brrquo Octavla, Moore, from Rio Janeiro, July 17th, with coffee to Thos A Marshall Sc Co. i eft ships Auro ra, Clow, from New York for San Francisco, with loss of rudder, Ac; Sampson, from Boston, one; Amelia, Ray mond, from New Orleans for New York, dlschg; barques Indus, Thompson, from Baltimore, for N Orleans soon; Mystery, Taylor,JbrN Orleans next day: Alamo, Mud get, fromLiverpooljdlacUg; Meaco, Gornam, from Now Orleans, do; Fame, Kennwij, from Richmond, do; brigs FoamiugSea, Beauchamp, from and for Baltimore, in 39 or 16 days; Alt&vella, Gilkey, from New York, dlschg. Barque Thomas Dallett, Dill, 12 days from Porto Ca bello, wlth-coffeo, hides, Ac. to D&llect Brothers. Left brigs St Mary, Johnson, from New York for Maracaibo; George Loshe. Harteway, from Baltimore; schr Sarah Maria, from New York. Brig Moonlight, Small, 3 days from New York, in bal last to captain. Schr Embark, Donoho, 6 days from Alexandria, with oidso to Thos Webster, Jr. Schr Courier, Crowell, 6 days from Portland, with plaster to K A Souder Sc Co. Schr Laurel, Hitch, 3 days from Vienna, Md, with ship timber to J W Bacon A Co. Schr Chanceford, Hitch, 3 days from Vienna, Md,vith lumber to J W Bacon A Cd. Schr Mary, Spicer,! day from Smyrna Creek, Del, with staves, to Uewley, Wilson A Co. Schr Mary, Rickards, 1 day from Camden, Del, with staves to Uewley, Wilson A Co. Schr Worcester, Rhodes, 3 days from Providence,with mdse to J M Kennedy A Co. Schr Onward, Leland, 12days from Calais, with lum ber to Herbert A Davis. Schr C A llecksber, Stubbs, 6 days from Salem, in bal last to captain. Schr Gilbert Green, Weaver, 6 days from Lynn, in ballast to Captain.* Schr West Dennis, Crowell, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Twells, Gaskill A* Galvin. Schr James M 3 days from Balti more, with wheat to Wm B Potts A Co , Schr Eloulso. Thatcher, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Schr George A Tittle, Adams, 4 days from Boston, in ballast to John R White. SchrB M Shaddick, Williams, 5 days from Middletown, with stone to Thos Mansfield. Schr George Leering, Piukham, from Bristol, RI. Schr Elmira, Davis, from New York. Schr Grace Girdler, Payne, from Boston. Schr T B Benedict, Goldsmith, from New Haven Schr Ocean Wave, Veasie, from Bridgeport. Schr Swan, Leeds, from Fall River. Schr Sami Costner, Garwood, from Boston. Schr Centurion, Stanley, from New York. Schr Lady of the Lake, Parker, from Pawtucket. CLEARED Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond, T Webster, Jr. Steamship Boston, Sellew, New York, Jas AUderdice. Ship William, Berry,Valparaiso, Bishop, Simons A Co. Bchr Eleauor, Hosmer, Calais, Twells, Gaskill A Galvin. Schr Gilbert Green, Weaver, Danversport, Rogers, Sinnickson A Co. Schr Jos Ward, Baker, Boston, N Sturtevant A Co. Schr S M Kent, Beany, Baltimore, T Webster, Jr Schr G A Tittle, Adams, Boston, John R White. Schr Geo Doering, Pinkham, do do Schr Grace Girdicr, Payne, do do Schr Elmira. Davis, Nowburyport, do Schr Oonturlon, Stanley, Cambridgeport, do Schr Lousdule, Crowell, Boston, Brown A White. Bchr Ocean Wave, Veasio, Boston. L Audenrejd A Co. Schr U T Benedict, Goldsmith. New Haven, Charles A Heckshet A Co. Schr Samuel Costner, Garwood, Roxbury, do Schr Swan, Leeds, Fall River, Tyler, Stone A Co. Schr Lady of the Lake, Parker, Washington, Noble, Hammett A Caldwell. ScnnrLKiLo [BT TELEGRAPH.] {Correspondence of The Press.) New Yoke, August 28. Arrived, steamship Philadelphia, from Havana, 23d Inst; ships forest Ring, from Liverpool, and Charle magne, from Marseilles} achr Mary and Susan, from Eleuthera. Below, ship Golden W«3t, from Woosung. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Bel., Ang.27—3 A. M. During the last three days our harbor has been quite bare of shipping, and at thiß writing not a sail in port, aod but a few small craft in the bay, upward and out ward bound. Wind S—weather pleasant. Yours, Ac. WM. M. HICKMAN. Correspondence of The Press. Havre Be Grace, Aug. 28. Fifteen boats left here this morning, laden and con signed as follows; Feronia, flour and feed to Robeson Lea; Chenango, wheat to Schuylkill; M 8 MiUikeu, bit coal to Cu-in, Hacker A Cook; Agnes Amanda, Lundy’s Lane, and A J Fessler, lumber to Norcross A Sheets; Reindeer, lum ber to Beading BE Co; Agricola, Amelin, Isabel, 8 It Baum, J D Cameron, P B Wilson, Clementine, and Ex tenuate, anth coal to Delaware fiity . Steamship America, Lang, from Liverpool, via Hali fax, arrived at Boston 27th Inst. Steamship City of Manchester, Kennedy, for Calcutta, entered for loading at Liverpool 11th inst. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, hence at New York yes terday. Steamship Norfolk, Kelly, for Philadelphia, sailed from Richmond 27th inst. Ship Charles A Jane, Brookcr. 60 days from Havana for Trieste, was spoken lit BB 40, long 142 E, with main mast badly sprung. Bhip Muncongus, Carter, from Charleston, at Liver pool 12th inst. .30X«30X Ship Arkwright, Kobloson, for Philadelphia, was in the river at Liverpool 18th inst. outward bound. Ship Champion, Lamseu, for Calcutta, was in the Ivor at Liverpool 16th inst. outward bound. Ship Geo Peabody, Emerson, for Acapulco, cleared at Liverpool iMh Inst. Ship Agnes Leeds, Watts, for Port Philip, cleared at Liverpool 18th inst. Ship South Carolina, Goodwin, from Mobile, was be low Havre 12th Inst. Ship Highland Chief, Sturdivant, from Liverpool lor New York, was reloading at Fayal 14th lust. Ship Geneva, Walker, for Calcutta, sailed from Mad ras 7th July. Ship Western Ocean, Hamilton, from Liverpool, Feb 12, arrived at Calcutta June 24. Ship Rival, Kelly, from London, arrived at Calcutta July 27. Snip Hornet, Benson, for London, sailed from Bangor July 27. Ship Arab, Crosby, for Hong Kong, sailed from Sau ger 24th ult. Ship Jacob Bell, Behta, for Manilla, sailed from Hong Kong June 15. Snip W J Morris, Taylor, for Boston, remained at Cal cutta July 4. ■Ship G&llego, Wolfe, for Philadelphia next day, was at Rio do Janeiro 17th ult, Ship Carioctt, Hotfaer. uuc, remained at Rio Juneiio 17th ult. Ship Amazon, Eengot, from Boston for Australia, we* at Rio Janeiro 17th ult; put in in distress. Ship ltobin Hood, Beurse, at Sunderland 11th inst. to load for Chink. Ship Westmoreland, Decan, hence for London, passed Falmouth 13th inst. ...40,702 15 .1,244,675 07 .1,286,678 02 .1,432,946 10 Ships James Brown, Thomas II Perkins, and Ocean Belle, for Philadelphia, were advertised at Liverpool 16th inst. 42,329 08 .723,884 17 Barque Mahlon Williamson, Bcaston, from New Or leans, arrived at Bordeaux 11th inst. Barque Jennotto, Barclay, from Melbourne for Hong Kong, was dismasted oil Laarone Islands, and put into Manilla Juno 18 for repairs. Barque Phantom. Qnig, unc, remained at Bio Janeiro 17th ult. ' Barque Azof, Simmons, cleared at New York 2Tth inst. for Lisbon. .700,218 00 ,076,725 00 - Barque Jacob Prentiss, Jameson, for 8t Jago, was loading at Glasgow 11th lust. ' Barque Belle, Ryder, cleared at Boston 27th inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Meteor, Anderson, hence, arrived at .Portland 26th inst,' Brig » B Clark, Rumney, hence at Salem 2Gth inst. . Brig Forest State, Stowers, cleared at Boston 2Tth inst. for Philadelphia. Brigs Sabao, Canton, and D SBrown, hence at Boston 27th Tost. , Brig Thomas Achorn, Hastings, cleared at Boston 27th Inst, for Mobile. .. , Schts Ellen. HaUett; Ik Marvel, Eldrjdjo, and New Jersey, Worth, hence at Boston 27th host. Sohr Telegraph, Nickerson, for Wilmington, Del, cleared at Boston 27th inst. a _ Schrs Mary Jane, Wall, and Hattie Anna, Tapley, : hence at Boston 25th Inst. . „ . Schrs Flight, Huntley, and Eliza and Rebecca, Price, hence at Boston 27th inst. Schr 0 Hall, Graham, hence at Danvers 20th mat. • Schr R A H Estelle, Baker, for Philadelphia, sailed from Marblehead 25th inst. Schr E 8 Janes, Townsend, hence at Savannah 2*d inst, Schrs A Pharo. Allen. D 8 Miller, Lathrop, and Elate, Eaeemlre, hence at Rlchmond27th inst, Schr A L Crawford, Blackman, for Cuba, was loading at Liverpool 15th last. Sohys Eleotric Light, Dyer, and E F Lewis, Stetson, herte at Portland 26th inst. THE PRfiSS.-~PHtt.AM3fcMHA Sniportnliono. [Reported for The Press.] MEMORANDA Schr Helen, Cottingbam, hence, arrived ftt Norfolk SWth Inst. , Schr M M Freeman, Nickerson) from New York,’at Norfolk 20th lost, Bchv Judge Uonklußon, Degtoot, house ftt Hartford 20th inst. • Schr 8 b llollotvs. Clark, for Philadelphia, oloared Rt Hartford 23th Inst. Sehrs Win Loner, Robinson; Martha, Baker; Florida, Kelley; mil Center, Fieb; Lady Suffolk. Waker: J Ire land, Steelman; J N Bobs; B 8 Miller, Hender son; Alpine, lloopor; Jos Nickerson, Baker; Pavilion, Grover; J Preble, Strout; Jos Porter, Adams; Rocking ham, Taptoy, and Cyrus Chamberlain, Hallott, heuce at Boston 27th inst. Schr T L Miller, Pheljps, from Middletown for Phil** dolphin, at New York 27th lust. Bcbr Charles Carroll, Mattlson, from Saybrook for Philadelphia, at New York 27th inst. Schr Buena Vista, Clark, from Delaware City, at Bris tol 25thinst. Sehrs J L Redner, Endicott, and J B Bleocktr, Ed wards, henco at Providence 20th inst. Bchrs W E Rowe, Wiggins; W \Y Brainatd, Bowditch; Thomas Potter, Clover, and V k T Cramer, Huntloy, sailed from Providence 28th inst for Philadelphia. » Sehrs Qeo P Brown. Cheater, AdeltaFellcl a ) Cart wright; Charlotte, Smith, and Rio Grande, Marian, hence at Pawtuckot 26th inst. Behr G T Taylor, Hooper, from Delaware City, at Paw* tucket26th Inat. Sehrs L Audcnreld, Godfrey, and M Reinhart, Peter son, hence at Marblehead 26th inst Bchr A IC McKenzie, hence at Neubnryport 26tb Inst. Scbrg David G Floyd, Rackettj Sarah Bright, Noble; Mary Patterson, Tomlin: Pequonnock, BurroughsjJane 0 Patterson, Hand; Henry Finch, F»lklnburgt WmO •Ellsson, Buckaloo; Mary II Banks, Banks; David Smith, Douglass, and S N Smith, Smith, bene® Rt Salem 20th inst. . Schr J n Etharge, Barnes, hence at Baltimore 27th inst. Schr Sarah Mingo. Weaver, for Philadelphia, cleared it New York yesterday. Propeller Beverly, Pierce, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. Barge J 8 Ido, McDermott, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. NAVAL. t a The U 8 Bloop of war Falmouth, Furrand, from Bio do Janeiro, arrived up at Now York yesterday. July 125th, lat 8 40 8, lon 3313 W, ship Washington Irving, from London, for Now South Wales, steering for Bahia. Aug 12, lat 26 25 N, lon 63 04 W, bark B 0 Wright, (of Baltimore) from New Orleans, for Guadeloupe, all well. July 27, lat 49 27, ton 18 30, Bhlp Lord Elgin, from Callao, for Cork. , . May 28, lat 56 8, lon 05, ship Amphitrite, (foreign) front London Mek 11 for San Frnusclsco. Juno 7, no lat &c, was signalised ship Starr King, Turner, from Akyab, last from Singapore May 29, for !long Kong, (by tho Intrepid, at Hong Kong June 20.) June 12, lat 22 9, lon 37 \V. ship Winfield Scott, Mc- Lellan, from London Apl 28 for Melbourne. June 23,'lat 82 8, lon 35 E, Ship Revenue, from Akyab Apl 6 for Falmouth E. July 25. lat 10 N, ton —. ship Bosphorus, Pendleton, from London (start June 7) for Melbourne. July 26, lat 45, lon 1103, ship. Indas, Weatcott, from Liverpool for New Orleans.- July 31, Ushant 814 miles, barque Alice Tarleton, of New York, from Shields for Constantinople. Aug 6, lat 47 40, lon 2125, brig E P Swett, from Charleston for Amsterdam—3 days before had lost both topmasts, but had new spar* on deck ready to go aloft, and did not require aid. Aug 8, lat 48 63, loc 16 63, ship Patrick Henry, Gif ford, from New York for London. Aug 20, lat 40 10, lon S 3 20, ship Christiana, Owen, from London for New York. MARINE MISCELLANY. Cardiff, Aug 11—The American ship Daniel Elliott, still remains under water In East Dock. Gangs of men are now working on board, and It is expected they, will raise her by the morning. Banff, Aug 11—A small boat arrived In Macduff last night, manned by five seamen, four Americans and one Englishman They report themselves to be part of the crow of the ship Hope, Merrill, of and for New York, which sailed from Shields about 14 days ago, and now lying at Kirkwall. On Thursday night last they left iu tho ship’s boat, and tho reason assigned for their de sertion Is their jnaltroatmont by tbeir master and officers. They are undergoing precognition before tho sheriff hero. nongKong, June 24—By the Formosa we have con firmatory reports of the loss of tho ship Vision, Gundy, while under pilot charge, on the north bank at the en trance of the rivpr Min. Tho Vision, having discharged the bulk of her cargo, from England at this port, left it on the 20th ult, for Foo-choo-foo. Whether there was a want of pilot knowledge or by an excusable accident, tho Vision took the ground and became p, total wreck, we are not {informed. She bad taken about 6600 chests of old tea in here, the whole of which Is of course gone, though some treasure on board was promptly saved by parlies from the Pagoda anchorage. DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, Augast 28.—Arrived packet uhip Ash burton, Dradish, Liverpool, July 15, with mdse and 329 passongers. Had 3 births on board during the passage. Brem ship President Smldt, Moyer, Bremen, July 6th, with mdse and 276 passengers; ship Consignment, Pu rinton, Cardiff, July 15, with Iron and 4 passengers; Hamburgh barque Nord America, Browlin, 54 days from Hamburgh, with mdse and 246 pasaougara. Had 2 births and 32 deaths during the passage; Siciliun brig Giulia, Pirandello, Palermo; sch Harriet Smith, Beckwortb, Fredericksburg; sch Emily Hobart, Savannah; sch R Bullwlnkie, of Thomaston, Hatborn, St Croix (BO). Bth inst, with rum, dec. Left no American vessel; Rr sch Charlotte Minerva, Slurrlp, Cat Island; sch Ben. Wainwrlght, Wilmington SO; seb Ripple, Lewis, Virginia 2 days, with wood; sch E SI Thorn, Hickman, 8 days, with corn; seb Oity Belle, of Belfast, Peudlton, St Anns Bay, Jam. Sehrs Brinkley, Collins, Baltimore, 5 days; C S Wat aot, Andersou, Nowbern, 8 C; Globe, Gotier, do; Hasall, Winters, Richmond; A V Bedell, Ryder, Georgetown; Edward Blade, Baylis, Alexandria; Entire, Demarest, Hamilton, N C; Areola, (of Staten Island,) Shanet, JElutbera; propeller James Jerome, Jerome, Alexandria, Cleared, barques T B Bartram, Gray, Charleston; P Deming, Fenfield, Rio Grande; brig** j G' Anderson, nosmer, St Marks; Fidelia, Jones, Alexandria; sehrs Henrico, Whipple, Richmond; Rebecca, Storer, do; Quickstep, B Dorman,Halifax; Jane, Fulfotd, Beaufort, Cftstillian, Lord, Bermuda. BOSTON. Aug. 27 —Arrßr Steamship America, Lang, Liverpool 15th inst, via Halifax 26th, 4)4 AM; arr up at 1 30 PM. Br barque Halifax, Liybold, Halifax 21st inst; has 30 passengers; brigs Somers, Olsen, St Jaso; Hancock (of Boston), Ober, Jacksonville; Prentiss Ilobb, Carver, Richmond; sehrs J W Rumsey, Taylor, and Addison Child, Bell, Baltimore; Emma Amelia, Harding, and John McAdam, Wood, Baltimore. Cleaved—Barques Wild Horae, (Br)JMarsterft, Wind sor, N 8; Trinity, Hall, Galvestou; brig Enoch Benner, Stoddard, Port au Prince; sehrs Orlando, Smith, Port au Prince; E Nickerson, PcttlngUl, Qonaivos; Path, finder, White, Charleston. Sailed,wind SWto BSW\ good breeze, ship Western Continent, fin tow of the Enoch Train;) barque Trinity, ROCKLAND—SaiIed 25th, brig Joseph Cables, Rich mond; schr6 Wm Gregory, Bucklin. and Chieftain, Rhoades, do FOREIGN PORTS. Ar at Quebec 21at Inst, barques riobbotuaten, Johnson, Cagliari; Margaritta, Key. Liverpool; 22d, Boss Grant, Bert!©. Malta; Columbia, Hays, Liverpool; 23d, stesm nhlp Anglo Saxon, McMaater. do; brig Rhine, , Shields. . • 01d22d, shipsFredkTFilliam IV, Fslck, Sunderland; Henry Cook, Flarty, Port Glasgow; Viator, Thu©, South ampton; Golden Light, Yaugnan, Greenock; barques Galatea, Poncomh©, Torquay; Coral I hie; Laverlek, Venice; Cosxer, Dickenson, Newcastle; Myuha, Reicke, Coiuwich, PJU; Dr Kane, Kent, Liverpool; brig Ford Atili, Rees, Swansea. Gibraltar, Aug o—Ar July3l. barque Mimosa, King, Boston for Malta and Smyrna, (and Ad August 2;) achr Kate Weston, EUU, Nqw York, (and aid Aug 3 for Mala ga;) Aug 4, ship lowa, Linscott, Leghorn for New York, (aid 4th, aud put back oth, on account of head winds ) In port Aug 0, ship lowa, Linscott, of New Orleans; brig Rush, Plummer, of New York. Wind W. [Per Steamship America, at Boston.] Liverpool—Ar 12th, Ocean Monarch* Pago, St John, N B; 13th, Pion, Fales, New Orleans. Sid 12th, Cultivator, Russell, N Y; White Cloud, Farmer, Havana; 14th, Atheala. Crockor, Melbourne; Fortitude, Lord, Havana; 16th, Carrier Dove, Montell, Melbourne. In the river, outward bound, 16th, Gen Williams, (as) Thompson, Portland; Sar/vh Newmann, Cobb, Cal cutta; Middlesex, Parmelce, New York; Frances & Ellen, Mansfield, Halifax. London—Ent inwards 11th lost, Laughing Water, Gardner, Boston; Willard, Mitchell, Quebec. Cld 11th, James L Bogart, Couway, Sunderland and New York; IHh, Brewster, Clark, Port Philip; 18th, Agnes Leeds, Watts, Port Philip: Julia Cobb, Rosa, Pernambuco; 14th, Burlington, White, Cronstadt, Ent for loading 11th, Byrou, Bartlett, Rio Janeiro and Rosario; Lightning, Enright, Calcutta; Northland, Fritner, New Orleans; 12th, Colima, Robbias, Buck port; Planter, Carlisle, Melbourne and Geelong; Poto mac, Bold, and Windermere, Smith, New Orleans; At lantic (a), Eldridge, New York; 13th, Elisa, Johnson, New York. OR Duogeness 10th, A B Kimball, Bletheu, from Callao via Queenstown for Hamburg; Palestine, Tinker, from London for New York, andpaased Portsmouth 12th; another large Am ship bound W. Off Dover 12th, Kate Wheeler, Grant from Rotter dam forNYork. Off the Wight 13th, Corinthian, Winchester, from N York for Antwerp. Falmouth—Sid 13, Tennessee, Stephenson, (from Ta ganrog) nail. Portsmouth—Put In 13th, Ocean Ilome, Means, from Trinidad for Bremen. Kirkwal—ln port lltb, nope, Merrill, from Shields for New York—(see below.) Cardiff— Ar lith, Waban, Paine, for Gloucester. Havre—Ar 9th, Aramode Snow, Hamden, Charleston; 11th, Portland, Brazier, Callao, April 27. Sid 9th, Carolus Magnus, Marsh, Newport and U States. , Fayal—Reloading 4th, Highland Chief, Sturdivant, from Liverpool for NYork. List of Arrival* at the Principal Hotels. GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth Thos McCarter, Tar boro NO B EUasborg, Salem Ala Jas J Bradford, RlchmondVa R 0 Farias, Montgomery Jus It Bradford, do Ala F G YanVleet, New York Turner Ashby, Virginia A Myers, North Carolina Richard Ashby, do Le Roy Percy, Mississippi W Hardin, Memphis ThOB J Spencer, Virginia M L Wilson, Alabama C Schwartt, Now York U W Jenkins, Oaltlmore W Breedin, Richmond T E Courtney, Connecticut 9 P Latkrop, do E EUls, Albany, NY A P Fox, do Haltam Eldrldgo, Mils W Clough, Indiana W E Montgomery & lady, D A Brayton, Fall River Mississippi R Bell & wife, Portsmouth Miss E S Clark, Miss Ohio Edw Bradford, Virginia J Dudley Smith, Kentucky Wm W Young, New York J A Quarles, BoonvlUc, Mo AM Hancock,Louisville.Ky P R DicksonA la, Witm, NO Mias Waters, Wilm, N 0 Dr John H HUt, do DrTHiil, do J Saulubury* la, Mont’g,Ala Wm Adams, N Y A Waterbury, N Y Geo Storey, England A J Buttler, Ala Mrs J G Shorter, Ala Mlsa Shorter, do Mias Guild, do J K Butttor, do E D LaieU, Phila H J Smith, Va E Johnson, La B W Sharp, La A T do Ireasuri T Parraga R Price A la, Balt B M Corner, Balt G A Neafus, La Sties L Lawrence, No AG Seaman, Washington EL Bishop, NY J W Trecher, N Y Dr Hove, Va Miss R L Wymes, Va Miss LB Hove, Va Miss JB Hove, do Mrs E M Hove, do Mrs C M Hove, do EH Hove, do J A Sargent, Troy, N Y A M Sotoldo, NY MM Rivora, P Cabollo SJTelden, NY L F ThorasaQu,N Y J McClellan, jr, Wheeliug Wm G Barnard, Belair, Md n Servis A la, N Orleans J Lambden, Balt A W Robbins, Hartford A H Boynton, Elmira W AtcGunnigle,UBN , J EMaxwell,N Y B Douglass, Middletown, Ct Win Gtb3on, U S N JS Haldcman A la.Harriab'g J P Strange, Memphis 0 H Townsend, NY F Yon Kapff, Balt 31 P Stacey, Charleston, SOLE Ballard, Balt Sami P Hildreth, Wheeling G W Herring, Bait C II Holmes, Jr, Mass Geo S Davie, St Louis. Mo W D Herring, St Louis, Mo STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. J Garret, New Orleans H L Thomas, Harrisburg L Johns, do W S Shaffer. do Jas Stewart, Ohio Sami McCrikard, Pa E Wilkins, do R Lumpkin, Richmond, Va Chns Browning, Phila G U Bardwell, Columbia Chas W Thomas, Boston Sami A Cook, NJ John McVey, Harrisburg H J Bowers, NY John 8 Parker, Clearfield, E McDouald, Penna E F Withers, Kane co, 111 A R Lowe, St Louis A B Long, Lewlstown MERCHANTS HOTEL—Fourth street, below Areh. J L Dawes, Pittsburg J Forney, Killanning M Daly. do J L Bridges & la, Teun I J McKinley, Harrisburg J Losswell, 111 W A Cathcart, do A R Wright, Pa ; J Dysart, Phila J B Dremnan, Mansfield, L Cook, lowa Ohio J Crulkshank A la, Albany, W Gale A la, N York N York J 31 Hume, Indianapolis L E France, Richm’d, Ky‘ G B Yandee, do J Paul, Ohio P A Bwith, Concord, N H R B Prichard, do JO Barren, N 0 G Humphreys, Moscow. lo E Nebut, Ga W Freeman, Nashv, Tenn JW L Emery, Wilkesb'e G L Wreno, AUddiet’n, 0 LG McCauley, do T J Frasire. Tenn 0 8 Parran, 3ld W T Dowell, do J T Briscoe. do A Miller, N York J Herdman, Pittsburg J 0 Hayer, Lancaster 8 Vincent, Etle, Pa lID Woodward, Keokuk 0 D Griswold, Hartford W Bavillo, Kankakee City J R Russell, Ark J BJgilefby, pine Bluff< H M Großvenor, Tenn T D Ryan, Independence I SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1857. AMERICAN st.. below Sixth. M Israel, SO - . i J Israel, Camden, 8 0 JNllodgena, Concord, NO EN Bail, NY nII Culbertson Sc lady, Ky John N Culbertson A lady, John Uarrl&on & lady, N Y Troy, Ohio MissS Harrison, do Mrs WH H Dye, Troy, 0 Miss G A Barber, Wash John T Fleming, Balt Miss E Sweonoy, do V M Richards, N Y Jas F Buiith, Reading D O Dodd, Newark ED Jacobs, JeffersouvlUo,. S Charwick, do Ind Geo C Pope, Ya P JI Keeiidn, l7nionvillo,SC Jas J Darden,.do J O Johnson A lady, Mem- Sami T Hatch A lady, Balt Phis W S Reed, Balt WmO Black A ly,N Y Mv. Sweat, Nashville. Ten E 7, Poalk, Bucks co, Pu Pa Stebbins, do ' T T Fanler, Tomi CE Baker, NY D O Spurlock, do L R Davidson, N C W K Raybu rn, do E E G ill, do Wiu R Wilson, Texas J Frlnu. do UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. E Straus, Richmond, Va Sir Howard, St Paul A R Haines Sc la, Ohio S Freedley, Phlla 3 M Moore Sc ia, Ilanne- John W Large, Putnam, O bil,Mo J HarnmoU, Cincinnati SR Gordan, Warsaw, Ind A T Pfohl, N O L Ilaruey, Chillicothe, O JII Susoman, N C J E Roch, Millersburg, O R S Odorton, do T McDowell, Vaiparaso, RS Bamhardt,do Ind A A Hotchkiss, Sharon, Conn LOVauAlen&la,Danville WinT Chandler.Balt Win Kittle, Wash, til Win ElUng, Watot’n, N Y Wjn Wehrmann, NY 8 B Smith, N Haven, Conn M W Gceawold, NY AM Sullivan,Gold lUII,NO BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, &b. C&Howhtll. 8 Ileningor, Grocn Lane Sig Hogetand, Byberry Jlt Ilnldeman, Warrington Mas IlogeJaud do O P Shutt ,do Casper Roads, do Mrs Shutt, do Wm Eddows, Moreland G M Garner, do A Clayton, Southampton O CleiunteaHf Chester Valley Steresoa Roads, do A Itoudenbush, Salfordville H Walters, N Brittain 8 Smith, Bumnoytonn Frederick Fox, Reading WmSosaaman, do Master Fox, do Master Dainoro, Reading Maj Leigth do MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Lewis Sustcha,Richmond Jno U Prescott, N Y Jas Carty, Salem Henry D Long, Ky J Cunningham, BrawmiU Thos P Adams, do J W Noreross, Salem, O A P Young, MaysvilJe J Thompson, Ohio jas llolen, Milesburg, Pa Charles Lewis, do Sami Clyandor, Blainsvlllo *as Jones, Jonsleam, Pa Jas II Beauchamp, Oanterb’y J T Holcomb, N Y Jnoßoss, do D O Muny, N Y Joseph Dyaart, PhlU CITY HOTEL—Third street above Race. Samuel Dexter, Easton Pa M Horsley, Williamsport ■4V II Lewis, do J D Smith, Muncy Pa John M Swoopo, Pa Charles Hays, Easton Pa Jacob Will. Lock Haven A Kelioy Sc lady, Vt A Oppeuheimer, do Col Wick, l*a Mrs Moore, Clearfield Charles Langdon, Easton B Armstrong, do Henry FJgo, Branchtown SJilish, do Jacob Scions, Frencbtown R BfcLec, do Henry Jackson, Pa A Grant, Lambertvllle NJ 8 Cowell, Lambertvllle NJ Mooro, Lancaster Pa Serial Nolircs, In no branch of so much progress in a few years as in the M&rblo business, from the simple headstone up to the most elaborately carved and highly finished monument. Our attention was called to this fact on passing tho oXtensivo Marble Works of Hekuv S Tabs, Green Street, above Seventh, where we saw erected in the yard a handsome tomb, or monument, of an exceedingly novel and original construction, and calculated to strike the eye at a glance, by its beautiful proportions, rich workmanship, and Imposing appearance. The bottom base consists of two blocks of Pennsylva nia marble, about seven feet by four, in tho rustic style ) on this rests two Italian bases, moulded and re cessed back. Above this are two blocks, carved with lions’ claws, one at each end, intendod as a support for the die ; on these rests the die, or principal part of the toiub, which Is carved with oak leaves and other de vices ; and oneoch corner is a beautifully carred seraph’s face and wings The top finishes with a rich moulding. In the centve of tho die stands a smaller die and pedes tal, on which, sumiountiug the whole, stands a splen didly carved figuro representing Time and Eternity, forming at once something grand and imposing, attract ing the attention of every beholder, and, no doubt, gratifying the eye of every one. Such of our cititens as contemplate erecting some thing of tho kind to the memory of their deceased friends or relatives, would do well to call and examine It, as it will well repay a visit, and we understand will be disposed of on reasonable terms. au29-lt Bower's lufant Cordial.---ThU invaluable Cordial is proparedfrom a variety of the most cboico and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the mo«t perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By its powerful infiuonce a speedy care is effected in all cases of Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children’s suffering durisg denti tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tron qulllsei pains of tho boivcls, looseness, vomiting, Ac. Tho Infant Cordial lias becomo a standard remedy, and has beoa used in thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it Prepared only by IlENnv A. Bower, At his Dmg aud Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green Bts., Philadelphia ’To whom all orders must be addressed And for sale by Druggists generally au 13-ly Seamen's Saving Fuud —O/ficc 203 Walnut street, one door west of second stroot. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes oftho community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, Moneys paid ou Demand Office opeu daily, from 9 until 5 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 iu tho evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles 31 Morris; Secre tary, James S. Pringle. Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walnot Street, south* weat corner of Third Street, Philadxlpsu. Asset* ovcrOxs Million ihd i Half or Dollars, invested in Rbal Ehtate, MoRTOAOB3,Gnoo:.JohnA Vaughan, D. D , HENRY C CHAD 3EY, of Besrdstown, 111., to S EMILY, daughter of John Alexander, Esq , of this city. CDcalljg. On Tuesday morning, 25th Inst., WILLIAM MAGILL, In the 42d year of his age. Ills male friends are invited to attend the funeral, from his Into residence, No 1122 Citron street, on this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Mac phelah Cemetery. Suddenly, outbe 21st lest., DANIEL JOSEPH, twin son of Joseph and Jlary M. Funk, of Elgin, 111., for merly of this city, aged 6 years 7 months and 11 days Ou the 26th Instant, Mrs. SARAH ANN RENNIE, aged 29 years. JO" Church of the Epiphany—Chestnut aud FIFTEENTH streets —ThisChurch witlopeu for Divino Service, TO-MORnOW, ut 10# A. 31., and 8 P. M. The Rev. Dr. MAY, of Virginia, will Preach Morning and Evening. au 29-lt* IN’ THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL- PHIA. of December term, 1850. AhasMsrch term, 1657 N0.16)f. Isabella Josephine June, by her noxt friend, John Smith, vs. James M. Juno. Now, August 13th, 1657, ou motion of K. M. Lee, rule granted on respondent to show causo why a divorce shall not be'decreed, returnable on the third Monday of September, A. D. 1857. To James 31 June: Sir, please take notice of the above rule. • R. M. LEE, au29-2aw2w For Libellant. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA, of June Term, 1857, No. 11. Elizabeth Moonoy, by hor next friend, Sami. Reynolds, va. George Mooney. Now, August 13, 1857, on motion of R. 31. Loo, rule granted on respondent to show cause irby a divorce shall not bo decreed, returnable on the third ilonday of ToUoorgo Moouey: .Sir, please take notico of tho above rule. Sopt., A.D. 1857. au2B-sJcw2w ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY LOCUST Street, west of SIXTEEN iH, will be opened on MONDAY. September 7th, at 9 AM. The Principal will bo in attendance at the Academy during tho first week iu September, between 0 A M and 2P. 31., to receive applications for adiuiißion. Circu lars may bo had of 3lr. HILL, Sexton of St. SJark’s Church, or at the Academy *u23-2w* J. ANDREWS HARRlS,Principal. TO COUNTRY PRINTERS.—A practical PRINTER desires to purchase an interest In a good Democratic newspaper establishment. Address, (post-paid.) stating tonus, ice., W. S. 8., 810 North THIRD Street, Philad'a, Iti&w-au2B# HS. TARR’ 8 MANUFACTORY OF » CARVED AND ORNAMENTAL* MARBLE WORK, GREEN Street, above SEVENTH, Philadel phia. aug2®-lw Department of highways— Olfice of Chief Commissioner, S. IV. corner of CHESTNUT and FIFTH strees. August 2Sth, 3857. SEALED PROPOSALS, entitled proposals for Wilding a culvert over a branch of the l’oquossmk Creek, near the Red Lion Tavern, at what is called ‘*ltod Bridge,'’ lath© Twenty-third Ward, will be received atthlsoffico until WEDNESDAY, the second day of September, at 12 o’clock. Specifications may be seen at this office. JOHN 31’OAftTHY, au3o-3t Chief Commissioner of Highways TO PRINTERS.—A RAKE CHANCE.— FOR SALE! A one-half interest iu a well-estab lished DAILY and WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, aud JOB PRINTING OFFICE, located in a city of 12,000 inhabit ants, and one of tho most prosperous In tho West. The paper is National Democratic in politics, it has tho offi cial patronage of the Post Office, together with that of the county uud city—lt bolug the official paper of tho city, aud the aggregate annual income of the establish meut is about $10,000.* The office is supplied with ft superior cylindor press, 6 Ruggle* job press, a Wash ington press, paper cutter, earn cutter, &©., together with un excellent variety of type, fixtures, Ac,, all la good order. For a practical printer, or an editor, this ia more than ordinary opportunity. For further partic ulars, address H, G. CROUCH, Galena, lUluolv ♦There Is only one other printing office of any kind In the city. aug29*d4twlw fTtHOMAS E. BAXTER.—HAItDWAKE, X CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No, 910 MARKET ST., above Ninth., south side, Philadelphia au I.oiu OFFICE OF THE GUARDIANS OF THE POOR, No. 30 Nouiu SBYBHTfI Street—PHILA DELPHIA, AtroogT 20, 1657, Proposals for tho purchase of FLOUR BARRELS, ac cruing during tho ensuing year at the Philadelphia Alms House, will be received at this office until 10 o’clock, on Monday, August 31at. Said proposals to state theaverflgoprico per barrel, «nd to be endorsed, “ Proposals for Flour Barrels.” au2Mt C. W. SQHLATER, Secretary. CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellentquality, la noli at the PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of fivo coots a bushel, and may be obtained in large or small quantity by ap plying at the Goa Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To Purchasers bv Wholesale, it Is sold at the Works, In First Ward, by the ton, ofc a price equivalent to An thracite, a Is 2 50 per ton. (Signod,) J. 0. CREBSON, Engineer. Pnn.APSt.paiA Gab Wongs, Aug. 20, ’67. au27-tf JOHN N. BEEVES, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PASSYUNK ROAD, opposite County Prison. Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. aul-lm CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD WICK & 880., N 0.202 N. SECOND Street. auglS-Smoa. Academy op music, broad and T.OOUBT Streets .-Mr. B. A. MARSHALL, Sole Lessee.—Last night bat one or the ’ PROMENADE CONCERTS. THIS EVENING, Aug. 29—The following attractive features. MADAME JOHANNSEN, MIB3 C. RICH. INGS, Mr. PICKANESER, MR. FRAZER, Mr. CAW. BERGMAN, the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. New and SPLENDID STATUARY, from the Warerooina of SIGNOR VITO VIII & SON, perfect likenesses of the following eminent American Statesmen: Washington, Clay, Jackson, Webster, Calhoun, and Fillmore. Admittance 25 cents. WHEATLEY* ARCH ST. THEATRE, —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Soils or Pbiobs.— Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 cents; Family Circle and Ampnitheatre. 25 cents; Seats in Pri vate Boxes, 75 cents; Whole Private Roil |3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persona,® cents; pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 8 P. M. J. M. B. WHIT T0N.... i Treasurer. THIS (Saturday)EVENlNO, An g. 23th, will be pre sented, second time, the beautiful romantic play, entitled BT.MARC. St. Marc. .Mr. E. L. Davenport Diauora .Mrs. E. L. Davenpprt WTo conclude with the Iniraftahle Comedy o PAUL PRY. Pauley 1 Mr. J. 8. Clarke Col Hardy Mr. Thayer Mrs. Subtle Mre s Thayer •JVATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., II above Eighth. QEO. CHRISTY AND WOOD’S MINSTRELS, from Broadway, New York. Business Manager, yj jpQOD. Btogo Manager MR. GEO. OKRISTY. Treasurer MR. L. M WINANB Admission—Seats in Private Box. 75 cents: Orchestra Chairs 60 cents; Dress Circle and Parquet. 37w Mnb- Family Circle 25 cents . * ’ * CenM ’ THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Aug 29, a grand pro. rannne is given, among which aro a number of aeleet melodies: Hujb-a-bye, Baby, Nancy Till, Ac. To be followed by a PROMENADE CONCERT, A LA ACADEMIE DE • MUSIQUE. After which, the HUTCHINSON FAMILY, (BURLESQUE.) To conclude with the Laughable Burletta entitled the BLACK DOOR KEEPER. Black Doorkeeper. Geo. Christy CJANFORD >B OPERA HOUSE— ► 3 ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7)4 o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 26 cents. MONDAY EVENING, Aug. 24, and every evening this week, will be performed a new original poetical, prosaital, Metaphorical, Oporaticml, Burlesque Extravagauxa, written expressly for this establishment by John Har rington, Esq., entitled LA TP.AVIATA. In which tho ontire company will appear. Previous to the burlesque SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE will appear in their grand DRAWING-BOOM ENTERTAINMENT. To be followed by the FAIRY STARS—THE BANFOKQ CHILDREN, in their BBXUTIVUL DiNCRS. »u24-lw THOMEUF' 8 varieties, n. w. cor. FIFTH and OHE3TNUT Stroets, (sew) 501 Chest nut. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT NIGHT. LY. interspersed with dances and concluding orf* MON DAY and TUESDAY with the little IMP aud TWO PIIILOSOPHERB. Fanchette, M’LLE LEFOLLE; First Philosopher, Cn. KENDALL; Second Philosopher, SAN FORD. On WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY with THE TWO GREOORY’3. Fanchetto, MAD. LOUISE PAYNE; LittleGregory,CH. KENDALL. Commencing at half-past 7. Admission 10 cents. J. B. THOMEUF, Proprietor. J. 0 WARREN, Conductor. au24«lw# PARKINSON' 8 ILLUMINATED GAR DENS, CHE9TNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADF. CONCERTS with the Scottish Nightin gale, a Fine Orchestra, Fire Works, Sto , EVERY EYKNING. sulB-H Admittance, one shilling. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, August 19th, 1867. Notice is hereby given, to all persons Interested In the estate of Mary Alderfer, late of the township of Lower Salford, in said couutj of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Alderfer have applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for the sale of the real estate of said Mary Alderfer, deceased. The said Court bare fixed WEDNESDAY, the SOlh day .of September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Court House, lu Norm town, for all parties Interested to appearand show cause, if any they have, why tho prayer of said petitioners should not be grunted. By order of tho Court, J. B. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court su26-d4w GREAT REVOLUTIONARY WORK. LITTLE, BROWN Jc CO., . A’o 112 H'aiAing/on Stun, Boston. Will publish by subscription, 7HR LIFE, LETTERS AND DESPATCHES or MAJOR GENERAL NATHANIEL GREENE, In sereu voU. Bro.. with portraits, maps aud battle plans, in stylo similar to Sparks'* Washington and tho Works of John Ad,uns. From the original Manuscripts in possession of hta family By his grandson, George Washington Greene. friob 12.26 ran volume. Subscription* -toil/ >ioit> be reettvtd. Frum Jortd Sports, LL.D. The work you propose will be a very valuable contri bution to American Uistory. I hive read many of Gen Greene’s letters. They are marked by a peculiar felicity of style, a clearness of conception, a llueucy of language, a depth of thought and a range of ideas, which prove at once tho power aud versatility of bh mind. Ills onorgy of character and action was equalled only by the ardor of his patriotism From the late Vice President Wm if. Ktng. Born In North Carolina, I feci the obligations of my native Statu and of the whole South to General Greene. He was without doubt the great military genius of the Revolution. From Lieut . Gtn IFm/Wf Scott I shall subscribe fur a copy of the Life and Despatches ofGuu Greene to place U-jide the Life aud Writings of Waxhiogtou These are Judi-rtoluble in tbeir im mortality From Alexander Hamilton'* Eulogy on Gen Green:. Iu his life we hare s succession of deeds as glorious as they are unequivocal, to attest bis greatness and per petuate the honors of bis name. His abilities entitled him to a pre-eminent share in the councils of his chief. He gained It and he presorved it. I -am b&ppy to learn that you propose to publish the letters and despatches of Gonoraf Gr* cue. His position in the army of tho Revolution, second ouiy to that ofits illustrious Chief, and tho importance of the events with which ho was immediately connected, will make hia cor respondence highly interesting to the general reader, and extremoly Important to thostudent of American history. From a rpetth of Jion. it. Toombs, in the U. S. Senate , Dee. 23,1850, on Revolutionary Claims. I hopo the unpublished papers of General Greene will soon bo printed, because there are In them many revo lutionary reminiscences of great interest; and they will bo valuable eveu for the administration of justice on an occasion like this. I bare had access to sorno of these papers through the kiudness of his son. From the ith Vol. of Irving's Lift of Washington. The news of Greene’s death struck heavily ou Washing ton’s heart, to whom, in tho most arduous trials of tho Revolution, ho had boon a second self "Ho was a gr**at sml good mau,” was Washington's comprehensive eulogy of him We aro happy to learn (adds Irving) that a complete collection oi tho correspondence of (i.-neral Greene is about to bo published by bis worthy and highly culti vated grandson, George Washington Ureeno. It is work that, like Sparks’s Writings of Washington, should foi m a part of every American Library. aug2s.tntß-3t i YOAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL \J SOON BE PUBLISHED, tho following standard Books, vis: Blunt’s Coast Pilot, 16th edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator,27th edition; Shipmaster’* Assistant, 9th edition. Wo invite attention to our new Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavy weather, aud are especially adapted for steamers, and vessels whore the motion is considerable. They require fewer repairs than any compass now in use. Marino Opera Glasses of superiorquaiity, Spy Glassed, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers. Thermometers, American, French and English Bextauts, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compasses, Binacles, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly ou bund. Also, Charts of all parts of tlje world from the latest and best authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott's Horo meter, aud an instrument for working ont problems in Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex perienced snlpraasters, and have beeu adopted by the U. 3. Navy. E. & O. W. BLUNT. aulS-lm* No. 179 Water Street. B. 31. LEE, Foe Libellant. Henderson & co ,a great liter ary fair. FIFTH and AnCIl streets. In order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa trons, and Induce the book-buying public to AU up their libraries st the usual low prices, we intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amouutofllandup wnrd-vi Gift in value of from 25‘tents to $lOO, Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets bis books at the usual price, and very many will get, In addition, a present worth having. au2l-3m X IVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, 14 No. 335 CIIEBTNUT Street. N. 8.-No connec tion with any other house In tho City. aul-3m TOE WATSON X flO FAMILY SEWING SIACniNE And is now open for Exhibition at Second Story, front Room, No 720 CHESTNUT Street State and County Rights for sale. Apply as above. nu2o-tf. 4 GOOD SEWING MACHINE.—HUNT, i*jL WEBSTER, & Co., beg respectfully to introduce themselves to tho public a 1! tho manufacturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE adapted to mauufacturiug or family purposes. Free from the objections which have been urged against those already known in this market, THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OF THEM ALL, aud will bo sure to commend Itself, upou examination, to, families, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, nod seamstresses. Those in wantof A GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOIBE, that will HEM, BIND, STITCH, RUN, or GATHER; indeed, that willgivo eutiro satisfaction even after they have been used tor years, are invited to coll at our rooms, 108 South EIGHTH Street, up stairs. HUNT, WEBSTER, & Co. Sewing of every description executed iu tho best pos- Bible maiiuer, and on reasonable terms. Samples of our work sent by mall to any part of tho United States au22-tutb.s 3m. /COUNTRY COLLECTIONS made with promptness and at the usual rates, by DAVIS & BIRNEY, No. 26 South THIRD Btrcet, Philadelphia. They invite attention to their unequalled facilities for tho adjustment of controversies in all parts of tho United States and Canadas, and collecting and securing MERCANTILE CLAIMS, afforded by their thorough organization; having »ocal agents in every settled county in the Union, and by pros perous associate offlses in Boston,. Louisville, Dubuque, New York, Bfc Louis. Detroit, Baltimore, Cincinnati, St. Paul’s, Washington, Pittsburgh, Mtlwaukie, Charleston, Chicago, Memphis, , Mobllo, New Orleans, Savannah. Each local office controlling ite own collections, and having dally business connectionaivith the most reliable and experienced attorneys In the country. They also have superior facilities for collecting drafts and maturing papot at points not accessible to Banks and Bankers, and Remittances are promptly made by their correspondents for commissions that exceed but slightly the current rate of exchange. By the aid of Intelligent correspondents, they aro able to have Land Warrants located, claims adjusted, titles examined, in all parts of the West. au4-tutbAs-Jui UfACOREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. BoM hy CUADWICK & BRO., SECOND Street, first door above Rnco. auglB-3moa. CHARLES MAGARGE & CO.,— Wholesale Dealers in PAPER, RAGS, & 0., No. 80 S»uth SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, aol-Izq ftmtißementa. £jjjcjl Polices. i-Vcm Hon Edward Everett. Sewing iUnt!)iucs HAS COME! (ffanbiimtes for Office. FoFassembly— JOHN M. WELLB, Second District—Second Ward. Jo=* Subject to Democratic Rules, - au. 28-lQt* FOR CORONER—Dr. THOMAS JONES, ot Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules, au 26-lw#' PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT A COURT, JOHN P. M’FADDEN, of Third Ward. Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party, aul-tf ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J. KEEFE. ■A —Second Legislative District, Second Ward. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. aufUltSS RECORDER of DEEDS T. B. A. TOWN. Fourth Ward, Subject to, Democratic Mlea. »u 20-dt3S FOR CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS SAFPIN, First Ward. Subject to Democratic Bulea, au 20-tsep 8 * Recorder op deeds—albert d. SOILEAU, sixteenth Ward. Subject to Demo cratic iUlt». augM^taepS* For prothonotary of the dis trict COURT, WM. M. REILLY, of First Ward jlubject to Democratic Rules aul?-dt*es« VAOB CLERK OF QUARTER SESSKLNS, X BXiWF.L a. THOMPSON, Sth Ward. Subject to the Rules of the Democratic Part,. aut rAa tat* For assembly—John h. bkady, Eighth War I—Seventh Legislative District. Sub ject to Democratic rules. auls-tsepB* Prothonotary of the district COURT.—WM. LOUGHLIN, Second Ward. Sub ject to Democratic rules. aulS-Sep?# FOR assembly—edivim smith, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. auU* OR ASSEMBLY—Second District, PEB RAN J. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aul2-fC* CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Bales aullMw* For recorder of deeds—thos. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward, Vine street, above Eighth. Subject to Ucmccr&txo rulea. aulG-lm* For assembly—third district— FRANKLIN UcILVAIN, Subject to Democratic mle> - auS-dtspS LpOR CORONER—DR. FEODORE MIER- L SON. Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Roles aub-lm* For prothonotary of the dis trict COURT, LEWIS T. MEARS, of Tweif-h Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auS-lrn* Prothonotary of the district COURT, GEORGE P. MEESER, Twonty-aeeond Ward. Subject to Democratic Bnloa. aa4-tSe& For recorder of deeds—b. k. YOUNG, Seventh Ward, Bnbject to Democratic Rules ao-t-lm# ■fclOß CORONER—N. C. REID, M. D. X' Subject to Democratic Rales. ta4 Im* iTIOR ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT.— ■ JOSEPH n. DONNELLY, First Ward, gullet to decision of the Democratic Convention. &ul-sw* IjlOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT.— DAVID B. McLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aul-tseS* For recorder of deeds— CHARLES M. MILLER, Fourteenth M^rd, Sabjeot to Democratic Rules, on aul t e*9 Fob recorder ofdeeds—george W. VTUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rales. aui-4w* 17»OR RECORDER OF DEEDS—M. F. WOOD, Thirteenth ward Subject to Democratic roles. au3-te* CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS OEORQE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD - Subject to Democratic Ruiee. aultecpS "^DncflUoiml. ttCHOOLFOR YOUNG LADIES,SOUTH WEST CORNEROF ARCH AND TENTH STREETS The puuiL in this Institution will be instructed in all the branches of a thorough EngH'h Education, end every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for thorn. The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The school-year Is divided into two terms, of five months each, commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) TERMS First Department, per term of fire m0nth5......J25.00 Second *' “ “ 20.00 Thirl “ “ “ 15 GO Fuel. Ac , per term 100 HARRIET f BROWN Philadelphia, 1857 REFERENCES J. D White, M. D , Benj. 8. Jsnney, M D. Robert K Thomas D. Smith, George Oriscom, Wiiliam F Pitfield, David Yanderveer, William B. Thomas. Thomas Khobar, Samuel Betti®, Jr , Marmvluke C. Copo, William Bottle, Thomas Wistar, Anthoor P, Morris, Joshua 11. Morris, Uriah Hunt, au2s-lm. C< U PP LEE’Si N STITUTE - FOR~YOUXG LADIES, (boarding and day pupils ) N. W. eorcer ELEVENTH streets. Fifth session Till open on September «lh. Beat reference giren, in* eluding all present and funner patrons. au2o-tf PROFESSOR SAUNDERS’ INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA Professor SAUN DERS can receive a few more PUPILS in bis family. Inquire of Colonel FORNEY, the Editor of this Paper, who baa at tbia time a eon iu bis family; or address PROFESSOR SAUNDERS. au2s-tf West Philadelphia Institute SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY . FOR lO YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. B. comer EIGHTH and BUTTON WOOD streets Professors of toe t qualifications employed. Catalogue;* containing full I>artlcularfi, pupils’ names, testimonials, Ac , can Ij i&d on application. • nu2s-tl P. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. Hall of st. james the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING fiCUOOL FOR BOYS Rkv. B p., Snra*R, Haems The Annual Session will begin on XCESDA Y, Sep tember 1. Circular* maybe obfcuned at-the Bookstore or U. HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. anlt-fitn Mrs.barton ,s boarding and DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No 1929 CHESTNUT St , below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aul9-6«* Nothing so needful to enable persona, male and female, to gain a share of this world's goods and cbmforts as a ÜBSINE33 EDUCATION LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, No*. US and 1&0 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a short time. THE LEIDY’B take pleasure in saying, that during the post year a largo number of persons acquired & BUSINESS EDUCATlON,enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. iiA to make tbs organisation Bar* feet, and pur friends, patrons, and the travelling pnUio in general, ha*- rest assorted that no effort stall bd wanting to make the CLINTON worthy the faror rhleh we hereby ra-pectfoUr solicit, aai-lm# SCOTT HOUSE—Comer of Irwin Street and Daqtosae Wsy, Pittsburgh.- B. D marker Proprietor. . LOUIS U. COFFIN,-* THUUI WABD aoiilL, (DBMOCHATIC H24J> GCASTABB,) Buuth-eaat corner flf Tii and UOX£N Streets, aul.iu Philadelphia. w JLLIAJI n. king,—southern *'* * EXCHANGE nOTBIt. Bonth-aui raroar of FIiTII aad CARPENTER Bts , PhiladtlfAia. .aj-la ptHESNDT STREET HOUSE, SAMUEL N.w So. 331 CHESXLt STREET, below Foarth, Philadelphia. tal-la YSTILLIAM HANNINGS* City Lager Beer » T Stlcoo, No. JB OASTER’S ALLEY FhiUdal >hl»- &B I,la tUiius anb tumors. PORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de benture 250 casks St. Joseph*! Pur* Juice Port Wine, in qra. and eighths. Ten puncheons John Ramaay lalay Mail Scotch Wfci*. key. 2 years old fifty pipes Anchor Gin. Marett, Martel, ikniret, and J. J Du pay Brandies, all of which I offer to the trade st reduced prices. _ JOi. 7. TOBIAS. w27-3mos •8S and 90 9. front 9t.,helcw Walnut EP. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORT • ERS of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac.: »1», ictan and solo propriatOTa of th. old WHEAT WHISKEY. No. 6 North FRONT .met. eaAi-lm A lexanuek y. holmes, wine and -fa. EKlL'Oa BTOBE, No. 233, Sooth out Cornw o t GEORGE utd SOUTH street*. lal-lf WILLIAM P. PITFIELD, —IMPORTER of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac . Aa . No. 323 CHESTNUT Strut, Philadelphia. ’aol-lta Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN SINE WINES, Ely CORS, CIOADS.Ae., 23 South FIFTH Btmt, Philadelphia. aal-lp BRANDIES. —Pinet, Castillon & Co., Ms ret t & Co , and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter e**k*: f elievoiMA ftocbelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter eaaks and cae-eighth calks, all in Custom Moose store*. imported and for Ml* by HE3TBY BOHLES & CO., *u * Nos. 321 and 223 South fourth street. DITHMAR & BUT 2, PORTER, .ALE AND USER BEER BREWERY, No. 820 (natf No. 938) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shipp** orders promptly attended to. anl if (Eobarro anb Cigars. HAVANA ClGAHS—handL&ome asaort meat, racA M Jlg*ro, \ Taxtap*, C»b*jui, [ SalUni, Oloria, ( /apfter, Coloso, j CojTereUa t*l, Torre jr Lope*, I Ualos ActnaAl, Orejoa, | Tier* Caban*. Ac.. Ac , Ao., in Js, 1(, I*s and I*lo boles, of all *■*<** and ties, in itora and constantly receirinj, and for aale lev, bj CHARI. 13 T£7£, (wwl US WALNCT Street, fcelov Second, faoosd story TJIIGAEO, CABANAS AND PAitTAGAS a BF.GAK3 —A choice InTciee of Ukm ttltbfLU>llB South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CiIESTNCr. A largo ■- i **-'l selected stock or CITIESand CASSIMEIU.I 8 00 baud. Alt Clothing _i-.de at this Establishment will be of the beat oaality, end In the most fashionable style. particular attention giran to UNIFORM CLOTH* ING. ~ . auA-tf Mrs. m. A. burke, -W) OHKSXSUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Informs SOETHERH »ad WESTERS MERCHANTS sh» has opened FALL AND WINTER PATTERN HATS in fancy colors, And a full line of MOURNING HATS. aogUSw FLAGS! FLAGS!—PACKER FLAGS, also*Plain Flags from two and it half inches to fir* feet, wholesale and retail, at the Flag Depot, No. 9) Sooth Second street. mglv-lm* winant * CO.