three nad ,o\t -■ . -- , don,.pf Peek>l£Ul. '>thCw?‘ tl Tvtaing jf»; the. tos4 ’iwts Ce*®v i *.'tSaMiot;siid.i! i iK'PdSi> stssi; Wom<», mdepetolators. . ThV«mteß»eht was considerably aotraanted by reports:'w6ihiiclSltoseT.eralof,the city banis, bat as yat tbey haifeiotyleWed to the,' VJitesanre. The attachments agaiaatttaOblojLlfe aod TrostObipany, itoned in .the:Slat two days,; amount to over a million dollars. : J - ■ Mrs. Bliaabeth Mulfyrit^r,‘replug tyith her. bretber-in-lawj;Henry HhihlJßsq.i'So. .81 > Hleks; Brooklyn^'diod: yesterday .inorDlngfrCm' - borne received. fey the iiaploaion of a fluid l amp the "rtoopjof-jra*/ Bellafd commaodor, fromßio onthe 11th tilt,,' has arrived it this port. .Her odoera-ere all; re-' ported well. ::. . ’: Th*;libli«t?aerjWiUlata;.Eddy, to# lylhg, off ,-the' by burglar* «kffijfsivCtf’ sii Ban Jred .debars' inigold. 4X& ■ kurglBtp» ; ,»fter Oaiping the-deot, proooSded oan tl«alyrto;,the.oabin door, trhioh they pryed open: : They thec appUed a sponge saturated with chloro form WihSnoje of thecaptlitij-JrTrtiinah, whom they foiind slcepiug in hia‘barth, ; ahd' threw him . into a profound .state of unconsciousness. ' They than, proceeded.'ooolly to .ransaok the cabin, and unaliy fouod'-Jtoired .-ait-ay at the foot of the ' captain’s herth-.two ,i*g3 of- gold, containing sU hundred dollars. The captain was owakeped just - as tha-thieyMyrere,leaving,; .Hogave them ohase, bat' thcybLaarpgaiood:thorr.boat before be,reached . spiashingof their buta, and. flrribis'ferotTßrrlnthedlw.ttoaofithefßonndrfor .he mi unable, to distinguish' theta. Ho think j he; shot oOe of tliC partyj for ho heard brio orthe.'u,erO olaita^jiy’Soaf’Tffiffwpffid!" ThTy,:^ ” cover of T. vtt.-; !.-•> 1 ' Forty thowaadefeargwere, seised by. the .custom boose ■ oStaots, .on hoard. the* barque . Express,’ at ;Tue&*y, on dhe-charge* of; being': Anothargrfiad utterance of coonierfeitnotesythis, time on the Oiqbe;Bfibt r oCProyidraM,' Bj p. w*w, on the progrlaiiae for last evening'' AVoioenent ' counterfeit b£ the fivesdf that Bank,'bailbeen pro-, pared, buElackily Pepaty.SuperiutetfdenfcCarpen tier, in bomßohe, of those mysterious ways peouHar to police QffiQeM,'got wind of it dnring the afternoon. He had all the inspectors’ -and sergeants Jjvctfm-' mand summoned/and urdered themj.with'tho as sißtaneeoftome of ‘theirmost reliable men* to go aroued and warn ihe.'Shopkeopers of their danger,-. , and to request them, if My of the bills were.offered, to detain the'perwn,offering it and immediately to send for an omoer.- Those precautions seem to have been of service, ' The' first arrest—and tho only one Of which we have as yot heard-r-wfia that of.a man I named Edward Pewter, who offered one of the bills \ at Thompson’s Saloon jip Broadway.; He was, do-. J tained andahoffioer sodt for.;. On searching, him $ no other bad billls wore found; about -hun, and it | is thence supposed that he worked with a cenfeder -1 ate who stayed outside and kept the balahoeof the § money, wmle--he'-tried--the in*door experiments | bill meh'aftgebn Tnesdaynight, waj .. I day, thetotal city receipted’ fresh peeves: having I; been only 2,703," against 4,332 the previous week, P and > mt;weekly average for; 1856 i: - The | sturpltur froffi ihe last- market day in part made up tthe deficiency, so thst prices did notfntiy recover , the h^^dectirte -or previotts market ' day. € 1 Xhe advance,'" yesterday,' averaged about one cent' I. per of sheop and Veen quite especially of the . ia,howover/ - a free damand&r itiid no perceptible de -1 • d&kft V | • via h)rei«ring her petition for {, wnifetolf fhfok fSfy : 1 U allowed BhVbomplaing that her is wearinsr her health dTbpey- She does not shrink atenl f*oiaT-the', jbougbt of preparing Xh atsome:fature;4ay,as a |eggey to the, •»«:: V' wiOtffohn ffi>wed,./oha,2Jpfctflrfeld, and o.aew he is aboutto push forward ]ob.d gteat enterprise of oUr i l , abffio J fstflioiy by melw^.tS^32lagneUe r Telegraph. . • V few d^ys' t the in: tbis 'oity, that a seHesbf 1 frauds had beOa'-'-perpetWitedj'.upoii s ; the custom bouse hare by ; Mr. Hart, the. surveyor, and.-Mr.;- C,raig,t .‘private ; - . the. collector, returned on j Tuesday from Philadslphia, where they bad been 1 inthecurav- They’ made i. -*Misfire of nbout $5,000 worth of gooda.'The l nwatsbf partieS"the surveyor'deems' I ik adviwble td keep f?ojn the pubUo for .the present, as it is proposed tb xnatterf olfj Sifted in ’ ad&y.or two/ ItjitJnuuoiad that numarbuSyatid ibeayy froudsV -npon the custom dtoM&fePArties/inßhUadelphiapstod it is stated thw;^somenighly interesting developments Ths,. body, ot h young marHe^Woman, named . Silva TlUotae,-ife foini in the' oeuea Jiatety employed ; m'4he flaundry of Savory’# hotel, mid jraamarried to one of thewfirk-* • men of that establishment only last 3aturtay : week.- M , On Sundaymorhing lasteheueftherMme In Madl : 1 Kmstreetvhhdnever returned again. 1 | 'cominitted iaicidefpr sbme'reason’ 1 uoknoWfe- 'iAh inquest Was held upon the body,: If and a verdict'of “ Supposed, rendered/.' The bodyyrifhot identified until after the inquest. \ HeoeasMvWajutiiative otXreUud, and about thirty f yean ofAgd^ x HormaidenMame-WW Creadon/^ g ; About one ( o-clock'y«fcerday morning/Mr.' Solo- ! | mon Bhihebaii, who keeps a store at Ho: 228 A,ye?, § nue Ariffid awakened from Jg his slumbers hy a burglar stirring about his room, i The insUntJheburglar discoyem that he Wafldc-' s tected,' he Tushkdupon Rhine|i’art', with’a knife,‘and M stabbed him fieveroly in tbehreast in three different f? planes; trying to save her M band, washadlyoatabout the hands. Her cries of g murder brought to thoir assistaeoe a map who lived lin the upper story of the buildliig/.The moment t)ie burglar saw ala coaling, bc'fled, but' netr-before,' strugglehitten blSwristluft tbockln'g'mlmicr and otherwise The robber was immediately nuwtied £y .officers, Shaw and o’C* v ' ■ * '’i Xj ;;* of arrived■ at. this port lo Ihe 26th Inst., is I22iBBB*ap 1 increasa of over last year. . At the meeting yesterday, |t was reported that the atoamor City o Washington,on her recent arrival hod lauded else* where tnah'at Castle Garden, twenty-five passen gers. Thbpenalty for this offenceis a fine of twenty* five dollars ’ The referred ,to a of . tie board for investig^' ■ ftp % 'j. $' There will be no ste&niaf leaving fot Burope on I s Saturday—qutte'an iirttfstiHl oco nrreiioe—on a yro. bore none-again -until iJektlTaesday; when, the; Bonusia wilt leave tor Hflhlbhrg,. to be followed nt and on Thursday, by the City of Washington,, alzo for.;l*ivfitpotiL, end the North Star on Saturday-for>Southampton end Bremen;'- ; W't The new steamship Adriatic, of the Ootlins line, will on Friday afternoon he -taken bu tho Vrae balance dock for tie purple of hoving'her copper |eWan«d,, ** y \* ’ ‘ , ; i • I The kray found at tho foot of Wall street* yes*~ jterday, r waa : ; that of a young married ' woman, foamed Ellen TiJJman> lately 'em fployed laundryofSavfery’sHotel, andwas onh of of tfca|; establish fment omy Vast Saturday week, -On Sunday morn ung she left her home in, afadlaba*street, and Jflaver fe^ajfßed;i^ain jflppo6ed' to hare f;omm i tte d'soieide for some reason runkoown. .An linqttestiWaeheVd upon the'body, and & verdict of | f Sappose±Drowning^,rendered. ..The body waa pot identlffeduntil after the- inquest. Deceased Ivas a native of Ireland and about 30 years of ago. gler maiden naine f was Creadon; ~ -/ w* | Coroner Hills held ,an inquest this morning on i the bodyofLouU Ehrkh, a German, twenty-six I'ears old, who died at the Shakspeoke hotel, yesr ' ferday Doeeluied Niagara' |*aiis list aM on Saddityefehibg was - faken u wdlk L iSrcconijtWA!lpy(C Affair #Hth .a.-young girl, in this V;row woifeswil |he time ofhla death r Verdict, | AbontiSbatioii of. $492. his been ..t*ise4 by the iftnnuf Mtabitaiita of tne cityforthe benefit of. \be widejr.eol’ornhen* of John iwief, the n*nwbo.««kttiwi■ oo worth of silk and:, other go&Jswere foundin' &g housi'. -The prisoner itfiwt said his name Was I Qu«rMi(lnj, onlqciidjy,, on, ohnrge of- beiilg life-. . J The Indiana In Florlia; '/ ...-' r The XndisM. ate Jow- jn nuinljer., perhaps . two jliun4ree)t ; ie Sher it once plunge .Into the glades, wUph are seter»dwith saiTTgriwhlaher than th'eifbesa* *ad aUM with watettaodmudfremhoeetowaist dew;' »4Hiacti!jr;,biiWtWnßtb»ir:ttaU thraffehJhtt, Me^eldpitf-^Ml^^'jaWjfltarauaj'SF - .i rfw. - «>.,« 5» -; :R:pppiSpiif jfoSirAlißUt 27,18ffT-J. 20 P M abtolufoly done nothing tb-doy. They call loani from to-day to to*inocro«r to ta« \ And tfioßh whd art)' obliged to borrow Scessarilyforcodto paya.v«7 high rale< .rices o£ commercial paper, 0* to drawany Hh regard to the safety of some ofour city banka, and handbills hate been circulated recommending the .public to change i their nofta for gold. These rumor* we, utterly ground-, lessi itod their ahthorsdeaer v« severely punished. TnecaßeofKr:3ohnThompson^wa3eora o whatmlB stated-yfiifordeeri ,'cdntrietinjr-to'keep, themselves above l.watA * Theowners of' thesu notea are going to teat the UegaHy of this use of theirpro’perty, on the ground that (the notes ire ro - hot left for, discount merelybut forcoUec-' tton. ■ .The'general opinion la, that this pledge of colfoc [ (tloh paper by the company for their own use is decidedly A good deal of litigatibu Is expected. t '•Thefevasa great improvement in the Stockmarket w thi.lrrt lioiia: tSIf morning; .Now York Cantralj which left off }-est«rd»y 74, rase,to , it#; Boodlog to. frorei IJ<; ;Peiiii/)Fznia Cool ComjMur A Erie 134; YlMinUilij Olovoliuid »ai PltUbtuSh o|«feUnd ood Toledt?!#, nml MloWgan Contwl »H .-!««« “100 weth made aVthese prices* and the .first board closed firm. Between the two boards a rumor that some of the paper of the Erie Railroad hid gone to'protest (which £ have since the best authority to know was groundless) cftusedagreatdepreßSlonatthesecond board. and every -1 thing went down.. New York Central to 72#; Beading 1 to W#/PanamatoBl:Penn.CoalCompan/to63#, and Erie to 18,leaving ou at 19. Michigan 8. &N. Xnd. is down again to 21. and tho preferred stock to 46#.. Mis* souri Os have declined % v' Terre Haute; A Alton dduig«, bonds', 1} ana La'Oroaso A Mltwaukle Land Gtopt cent. .Notwithstandingthis unsettled feating* that th#re v some signs of aim that theboitom h m really been, touch ed .. ThlSi however, is si mere oplnlon, which 1 give you 'foywhatft'i^worth.^. V j[ have made the most varied and diligent Inquiries as ,to,the general condition of our commercial community, and tamhappy to note that, the non-specula ting com mercial houses are quite unaffected by, the present ex citement, and that their offerings *ttfce, banks are not 'larger or. more s urgent than usual.;, Those who have prudently bold aloof from., what are called ‘>fancy stocks,» have reason to rejoice at their caution, and are 'looking,to tbeapproschlng buoy season with firm and well grounded confidence. .It is absurd to suppose that the present large depreciation of Western Railway stock bespeaks any unsoundneas, in the; financial and commercial condition, of the country. Perhaps the craahwas not expected so soon; but |t has beeri long anticipated by prudent people, that the rock less management of railways, and tue construction of so’many .reads’,in 'excess of the real wants ,of the popu lation, must result in disasters, to maily. „. So far a* the coUntryiis concerned, however, when tb6 crisis has passed,'and'railway property, has passed into other , hands, at its' tone value, the state of thing* will bo more .healthy, and'a belter, and .more provident management will reader railways useful to. the community, and legitimately remunerative to the new owners, who will doubtless profit by the imprudence and .error* of their predecessors. The foliowJng are, the sales by auction ! to-d*y,'of stocks and bonds: . ''SALKS BY/A. H. NICOLAY, August 27. $lO,OOO Milwaukee and Horicon lift Ist mort : 8 percent, conv'tsluking/und b’nds. .67# private. ' |lOOO Cedar county (Illinois) 7 per cfc bd. .Passed. HO'OOO Great Western B (lii.) Ist mort 7 per * centconvft bonds : .....Passed. 1 ' $3,000 Galena and Ohio. Union R let mort 7 I . per cent bonds ..87. SIO,OOJ/Detroit *nd Milwaukieß Ist mort 7 ’ 4 her cent cohv’t bonds. * Passed. $12,000 California State 7 per cent bonds ma-. , V‘.. - L turihg'ih New York .Withdrawn. ['1X5,506 California State-7, per cent bonds ma-. , . ‘ turinginNewYork. Withdrawn. • $l,OOO Cwfornla State 7 per cent bonds ma- - taring July, Ist, 1870 ..-..Withdrawn. ‘ $6,000 LTuroaae:A MU; R fannmort 8 ;per - centcdnv , rb0nd5..i , .,>,5,'...,,.v...,.42 . , $6,000 Bad&Q.aad.Mlu&.latiqort 8 pei , .- cent couv’t sinking food bonds.. t . •60 ■ $4,00 Clove. Medina and Tuscarawas B • .■, 1 7 P er v. i.Withdrawn. 163 *>*, Bonn Coal Co (hypoth); /.$lOO ea.-Withdrawn. > "20,d0 Tradewnen’sßank .....40ea. 122 - ‘ ' iOWMschanics’ Bank,W , msb’ghso ea. 70^ ' '2O do farmers’. A Citizens’ Bk. Ll.2se*. 7a# lns 00....60ea. lli t ua# - 10 do WtillamshurgCity 1n5C0...60ea.115., 90 do Eiremen’s 1n5.Cp,.........17 ea. 160.180#, 161 100 do Hamilton 1n5,C0....,.....V16ea.' 73# 14 do'Broadway-Ins Co :.../.26ea.>123# 100 do Manchester Mining A Msnufkc turiagCov .4..,i; ..sloooa. Paaied. 'f4Q6- r A,noteifor l tlto prefixed amount dated r - ■ vjeb. 17,1867, anddueoheday afterdate, < Mining sod Man* . ■' ufactoring Co. :«tock as collateral, at ■C. \tached (tobe sold toou«lct.)»,Withdrawn. J; t BALES . BY/A. H/ MUHLtR, AUGUST 27. Oleve, and Pitts. RB Ist mort 7 per 1 / „ - cent oonv ’ t b0nd5....,/.' 40 . / JdjOOO Jtwttioß RR 7 percent .bchda ' ; $6,000 mad Toledo RRrpeb; A" ( /, , . $3,000 Cleve. and mort '7 ’ ■ :.flT l oooS/^ c^ >t D^ <^ ~ , t cejitaff mort bond» Wilhdrsra. ' - Asuss—Are dnll-at $8 for Pots and $7,25©57.81 u for Pearl*. „ . •• " £ '‘ - 1 ~. iharketat the 1 ilosa was dull, .sad 6c. lower for Western Canal. The sales are 3,800 bile, at KettßSO for. conuaon’ to good State; UMa MM forextr* c do.; stfasB.2o for eommonto xbodWert #nw PIMM • for ’extra Mldiigan;lndiana,’lowa, See.-. M4*»9t.7Q t tmoxto*ie>XMihorn Ohio/ -UMMs*Mtor extra Genesee, and sTes9 for extract, Louis. Sooth* era Flour!* Arm and prices still rale In favor, of buyers, Sales 1 .tW iJblfl.At ;®P>2> Brandywine aod ex* trs Petersburg.' Canadian Flour In rather lower, with .of 400bbla;~afc'$6,05ffi$6 25 for super, and $0.75©58 'Bye'flour is- lower, with sales of -380 bbls. at $3,90056,23 for the range of fine and super* , fine qualities; i Corn Heal fa steady at 14.20 for Jersey. ands4.4Qas4,&o for Brandywine* . Sales 180 bbls. ; r Coress and held firmly. ~ Oqttox.—There is no change to note. There Is scarce v iy an> buBineM done. { The following are the quotations; -< ;• ' Hines are unchanged. •• ' 1 , ” Ibox is in steady demand at s29©s3o for Scotch Pig: $530554 for common bars, and |63«64 for refined bars. „..liKATajjß.—The market is closing at 26V827*c. for Orinoco; and 28%b25%c. lot Buenos Ayres. * ; .jOTa-val Stqbks,—Spirits of Turpentine fa dull at Crude do/fa-scarce at $4 280 lbs; Common Bosin fa firm at $1.05 V 810 &s.j and fine do at |sos7 lbs., acoording to quality. Tar fa steady at $2O $2.37X. '*- r y i *' <- • Oils.—There fa no change In the market for Grade Whale and Sperm Oils. ~ The former fa sold at 728750., and the latter atslßo.' In manufactured oils there fa a fair demand for summer and fall whale at 80083 c .: 860 88c. for winter bleached do.:- 81.85081.40f0r summer .and fall sperm; andsl.4sesl.&s for winter and bleached Sperm, hard Oil fa in demand at $1.20e5i.25 for tprlifie. Linseed OlidA-steady at BOoBlc.‘ Olive Oil is soldats3.l2x®BB2s for (its,, and $4.25«f4.87X for Prtonsioxs—Pork farteadyVttKe’last quoted decline, wt|h sales of 100 bbbL at $25.76 for Mesa,'and $21,760 $22 for prime;.- Beef fa unchanged at HTttlS for repack red Westers, slBMasl9 far extra Mess, had $80«m50 for prime Mess, (this last Quotation is nominal). TBeef hams are quoted'at $23.50®524.- ( Out meats are nominal at 13c. for Bams and 12jfo. for Shoulders*.- Lard fa steady »tlG*®lo#e.,rwUhiales of tcs. Butter in good do .inapdut 26020, for Ohio; 17822 c. for State.dairy, and 28835 c. for choice d 0... Cheese Is sold at 8010 c. - - Spirits aNj> Winks are unchanged. - - , ;Bocak—Haw Sugars, are 'Xc.lowerion an average’. * Cate mar H qaoted at. 1%a9% for common to good, Rico at 9 **A Havana at QXOIOX.' The de cline, from the highest point fa2Vc. There fa little -.doing in Refined, Sugars. • •'-< ' , *. . >TRA-fThe marketislnactiveat former Quotations. WfliSK*r„fa Steady. at-28028Xc., with sales of 300 bbfa. > ’ ; ~r. .. • ~a NEW. YOBK STOCK EXCHANGE SAMS. :B«qo»o, Bomb—Ang, 27._MiMonri State 6>», 78K; Ohio Ufa ATirot Cotnp»nf,M; Peomjlvanin Oo»l Co., ■6«J -* ; / - > , Some of them an able* io flo ibis and continue their bUßideis, bat other*,, and among them are very exten sive dealers, find themselves rained. They* tend in a breach where they cannot maintain themselves, and are Bwept away. : The taaan wtil, we trust, not bo lost. ,For a Considerable time.the gambler in stocks will find that the remembrance of this panto and its effects will furnish a severe' 1 check upon his operations, and men of means will far mqre ,careful to investigate the charac r t£r of- the collateral .offered them for security, and to Stop supplies where they have treason 1 to' believe them required for hew Veotutes in stocks. . , N ~The enterprise,; time* and. money-used in desperate ventures nponvrailroad’ Shares wilibe directed to the legitimate operations of business, and the, writs! that has;been required'tokeep tap these hubbies, wilibe fdeed/and may be. applied to its proper uses—the sup 'port ahd,encouragement of our trade and f commerce pur agriculture and manufactures, shd.ohr arts. ;A ifortnlght may elapse ere the money market will retUrn t< * : George H. Nungeza, “Olothing,” New York city, N. Y., assigned. John Thompson, “ Broker and Bank Note Reporter,” New York city, N. Y., suspended. Fisher, Denny Sc Co, “Brokers,” New York city, N. Y., suspended. Jacob Little Sc Co , “ Brokers,” New York city, N, Y., suspended. 1 . _ , Delaunay,lseUn dtClarke, “Brokers,” New York city; N. Y., suspended. A\ S. Munroe Sc Co., “ Brokers,” New York city, N. X., suspended. . _ , ' Ei A. Benedict,Brokers,” Now .York city, N.Y.,' suspended. . Edwin F. Post, “Broker,” New York city, N. V. suspended. , John Warren: New Yotk city, N.Y., suspended. Solomon Mayer, “ Millinery,” New York City, N. Y., assigned: liabilities said about $20,000. Ferdinand Ernst, “Paper,” Now York city, N. Y., suspended. • ' , Mayer & Brother, “Fancy Goods,” New York city, N. Y., failed and assigned. - floury Kimball, “ Fancy Goods,” New York city, N. ,Y., assigned. ■ Brewster and Co., “ Bankers,” Rochester, N. Y., sus pended. •, Thomas Elwood, Rochester, N. Y., assigned. B. D. Van Zandt, Rochester, N. Y., failed; closed up by the Sheriff. Edward Borcy, Rochester, N. Y„, failed. 1 , J. M. Winslow, Rochester, N. Y., suspended. Golden, Walker Sc Co., Utica, N. Y., suspended. Grove Sc Hamilton, Utica, N. Y., assigned. J. J. Boswell, Oswego, N. Y., assigned.' H. If. 1 Thorp, Oswego, N. Y., assigned. Hill, Brothers, Sc Co., Rome, N. Y., assigned to Dan iel Utley and Porker C. Cole. Samuel W. Wheoler, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., assigned to Ira M. Clark. Marshall R. Hulse, Deposit, N. Y., assigned; liabili ties about $30,000. Gross, Robinson. Sc Co., Homer, N. Y., assigned. George Humbert, Lyons, N. Y.. assigned. Puffer Sc Bfotsball, Hawklnsville, N. Y., failed and assigned. Joseph Alexander, Morristown. N. J., failed. McMillan Sc Oleeland, “Carpets,” Philadelphia. Pa., failed. Sheets Sc Duffy, Philadelphia, Penn., suspended: liabilities about $120,000; it is said will arrange ana go on. ~ F. I. Phrvio, St, Clair, Penn., suspended. . John B. Baker, Mount Pleasant, N. C., suspended. George Sc Erricksoo, Charleston, S. 0 , failed. Alexander Fraser, CnUHeothe, Ohio, assigned to Enos Prather, with liabilities, it Is said, of over $300,000; since which it is reported that Enos Prather has sus pended. W. G. Smith Sc Co., New Lisbon, Ohio, assigned. - •. Jeuuer Sc Jenuison, Belvidere, 111,, sola out. John Cohen, Detroit, filicb., suspended. TenoehiU Sc Morton, Kalamazoo. Mich., assigned. W>.Plummet, De Soto, Wis., failed. A. Q. Stephens. Fort dee Moines,'lowa, foiled. - Clark Sc ualback; Oalcaar, lowa, failed. I. Sc Co., Winona, M. T., failed and as signed. • - E. M. Earl k Co., San Francisco. Cal., failed: liabili ties said about $150,000. Sc Co., San Francisco, Oal., suspend darr Brothers A Co., Newcastle. England, suspended; liabilities,reiy largo—to a single banking firm aald to be aa milch as $1,000,000, PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Auf Reported by R. Manley, Jr. t Stoek Broker , No. 0# Ifalnut Street. FIRST BOARD. 800 City 6’s 89# 1C0OO& AR6’s’7o 72# 1000 do ’B7 b 5 73 1000 do *O4 73# 8000 El B7’slstmprt 75 600 Cal ,73Penoall lots 48 6 Norristown R - 80# 45 Wash City Gas It 21 6 Harrisburg R 54# 6 do 54# SONO Gas cash'l26 13 Reading R cash 31# 100 . do 31# 50 do • 31# 1 do 31# '29 do 31# 100 do b 6 31# ; 3000 Read R 8»s »70 76 • IQO Reading Tt 1 • b 5 3t# 100 Reading R &dya 31# 100 do b 5 31# 100 do s& 31# 100 do cash 31# 100 do s 5 31# 20 do s 5 31# 20 do 6dys 31# 100 do t. 5 31# 100 do b 5 31# 100 do s 5 31# 100 do s6wn 31# 100 do gswn 31# 7 do 31# 60 do Sl# 1 Mech. Bank 28# 7 do S 5 28# 7 Commer Bank 51 ’ U Girard Bank 11# BOARDS. .. - 100 Reading It $0 BOARD. 26 Reading R b& 39ft 100 do bSvra 30ft 00 do . b3wn 30ft 60 do 30ft 100 do a&wn 30ft 100 do *4wa 30ft 100 do aswn 80ft 24 Wwb City Oaa fa 600 Uhigh Zl*o, ,-lft BpennaA 40 6Bk of Kentucky 111 5 do 111 BOARD. ■©»«..., 100 JOES—STEADY. Bid. A'rtktd fichyl Nav Pref 20ft ©2lft Wmap’tA EImRI7 ®2Q do 7»s let mort. 74ft©76ft do do2dmfi4ft©6s Long Inland IQ‘i 011 Vicksburg ‘7. ® 7ft Girard Bank llftallft Lehigh Zinc Ift® Ift Union Canal 9 ©lO New Creek ft® 1 Catawlssa Rft 10 ell JEST. | 60 Reading tt 86 30ft *, 30ft® 30ft SECOND 1500 City R 6s It p&R 89# 1600 Wil R6’s b 5 86 1000 CaUweiai R 7’* 51# 1000 Penna 6’s 84 100 Reading R bSwn SO# 16 do SO# 69 do SO# 11 do SO# ■ 100 do b 6 SOX . 100 ' do b& 30# 25 do b 5 SO# do bSwn SO# AFTER 7 Camden and Ambojr Bailrc . CLOSING PBI Bid . Asked. US6’a, »88 116#. PhUada 6a ' 89# a 89# ( do RR 89#©90 ' do New 95#006 Peuuafia, 83#«t84# Reading R 30#©30# do Bonds ’7O 77#a78# • Mort 6”44, 86 «88 Penna RR 46 046# Morris Csnl Con 49 e6l Schyl Nav 6s ’62 64 ©65 do ‘ Stock 12 ©l4 LATJ 100 Reading R 80# Beading closes 3m?orJa(ions. [Reported for The Press.] NEW BEDFORD—Schr M Vassar, Jr, Crapo—23s7 galls winter sperm oil 4729 do bleached winter whale oil Shober, Bunting & Co; 26 bandies paper Joshua 0 Bates; 30 do ptetare frames Albert Shaw, ' PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. Israel Moaais, ) Jobsph O. Gbpbb, S Committee of the Mobth. Josh Welsh, > , LETTER BAO& At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tuscarora, Dunlev/..... Liverpool, Aug. 25 Bhip William, 8erry..*,...............Va1parai50, soon Barque Minnesota, Cole Rio Janeiro, soon Barque Ala, Pavia,... London, Aug 29 SAILING TIIE OCJEAPTSTEASIERSr" 6TBAUBB FKQU FOB j)AY Niagara....,., ~,., Bob ton Liverpool.... Bprusala New York Hamburg..,. Arabia........ New York Liverpool..., Jason. New York Bremen,..... .North Star,..«..NewYork Southampton, Cof W&abmgton.Now York Liverpool. Edinburg,,,,...New York Glasgow.. Adriatic .New York Liverpool, Arago ..New York Havre.... oof Baltimore. .Liverpool New York. Niagara. .Liverpool Boston, - »ROH Atlantic.. Liverpool Africa Liverpool Arago ....Havre Kangaroo .Liverpool Glasgow. .Glasgow FOR New York New Y0rk....... New Y0rk,.,.,., New York New Yora illotinc SntelUgcncc. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, August 28 t 1857. AUK RISES .....6 27-SUN SETS. HIGH WATER ARRIVED. Steamship Boston, Bellew, 22 hoars from Now York, via Capo Hay, with mdse and passengers to J Allderdice. ' Bchr Argna Eye; Sharp, 4 days from Boston, ballast. Sehr fob Green, A gen, 1 day from Smyrna Creek, Bel, with oats to Bewley, Wilson A Co. Schr Wm George. Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Bel, with wheat and rye to Bewley, Wilson A Co. Sehr P Carter,Fowler, 1 day from Leipalc, Bel. with oata to Bewley, Wilson* Co. Schr J W urUco, Drtska, 12days from Ungan. CB. with 207 chaldrons coal to 8 Morris Wain A Co. Schr Geo S Weaver, Morris, 2 days from Indian River, rJth hark to J W Baooa Sc Co. Sehr Reaper, Still, 8 days from Milford, Bel. with corn to J W Bacon A Co. Bchr Matthew Vassar, Jr, Crapo, 3 days from N Bed ford with oil to Shober, Bunting A Co. Scnr James £ Price, Levertoq. 3 days from Baltimore, with mdse to Wright A Co. > Schr B B Vinton, Washington, 1 day from Wilmington, Bel. in ballast to.captain. Schr Ju « w.ple.l. Long, 3 dnga from Indian River, with blrlt to J W HIM k Co, Schr L Saanders, Williams, from Providence. achrET.ux.FrioK, from Boston. g e ? r J®lwa, Treworgy, from New York. Seaport, BcoU, from Pawtucket. Schr JBAPI, Pharo, from Fall River. Corson, from Boston. Schr W P Corbitt, Ross, from Fairhaven. Schr Group, Somers, from Salem, Schr M Tribou, Ray, fro m New To Vk. Schr H Crosby, Nye, from Bigbton. CLEARED. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, n York, Jas AUderdice. , Steamship Palmetto, Baker, Boston, U Winsot. Barque Anna, Kildahl, Bachtoucbe, NB, H Bohlen A od. Barque E K Kane, Hewitt, Cardenas, t w6 Us, Gasklll Dunning, Portsmouth, N Btnrterant A Co. Bchr Jas E Price, Leyerton, Baltimore. 8 J Obrlatian Schr Bloomfield, Chew. Baltimore,, do Schr 8 R Vinton, Waahington, Richmond, Thos Web ater. Jr. * • ‘• * Schr Mary Ann, Gilds, Boston, Noble, Hammett a Caldwell,. , Schr Lamont Dupont, Corson, Boston, 0 Miller A Co. Schr Gasellej Somers, Boston, John R White. Schr Rlchara Vftux, Frink, Boston, Brown A'White. Schr Yelma, Treworgy, ‘ do do Schr Henry Crosby, Nye, . do do ’ScbrLUUeSaunders, Williams, &re la Trlbou, Ray, Boston, Rogers, Binntckaon jkhr Beren gist era, Crosby. Boston, do * fw Seaport. SculJ. Pawtucket, B Wilnes A Co. * B A F.L, Pharo.N London, L Audenreid A Co. ' o/Jff ft l ?*** Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Barge Delaware, Pointer, do do , fnr KLKonjya.] • fCorrespondence of The Press,) . , , Nsw York, August 27. Arrived, schr Elliott, from Jeremie, , ■ ' Ah-ited, Mohr Richard Young, from North Atlantic Ocean. V-.V.m . ? .MUM SI-! !!! ! . WE rmh*rd9mtM -MW. ~' U* MWWWM iS-i-iH »>. ■ ( 1 ' OorroAponaenee of top Philadelphia , - ~ OAM ffif-ANP, Aug »i. , Several square rigged vessels aud, schooners went in 'to-day. Wind &—weather cloudy, and look* Ilk® ***B at hand. ' ; , , • Yours, Ao,, THOS. ?. HDOIIEB, 1 c«™i»Mo»co ot * • ' A nrateit IromOapt Jackson, of trig Sosa# Small, of and from Philadelphia, for St Jago do Cuba, with an as sorted cargo, stated that tho yeaHol wont aah-ro on ««« I Inagua Island 28tli ult. and. became a total loss. Tho i cargo was insured for $26,000, and y easel for ICOOQ. AU hands saved. . 1 Correspondence of The Press, • . . UAvbb Ds Obaob, Aug- 21- . Fifteen boats left here this morning, laden and coo signed as follow; t _* 1 Tfeeaver Mills, lumber to Norcross $c Sheets; Tom McOurdyj Sc Co, lumber to £ 0 Cattail; J D Green, Mary Snider, wm J McCoy, and W ,R Dujjuy, lumber to D l* Taylor k Co; Stephen Gould, lumber to Young & Wool, verton; S II Hicks, Dauphin, Susquehanna, ,8, Ann Thompson, Swatara, Lilly, Harmony. EUeu JcCathArlne Ann, anthracite coal to Delaware City, , , MEMORANDA, Steamship North-America, from Portland, arrived at Liverpool 12th Inst, Steamship Delaware, Shaw, hence at New York yes terday, , J ,1 • • , > / T ’ , Steamship Black Warrior, Smith, for, Havana and N Orleans, galled from New York,yesterday. Ship Golden State, Hepburn, from New York, March IU, arrived at Hong Kong June 20. ' , i Ship Phantom, Peterson,' from New York, March If,, at Hong Kong June 12. Ship Cossack, Ballard, for Boston, sailed from Penang June 28. , Barque Mary C Porter, Porter, for St Jago do Cuba, cleared at Portland 2otU Inst. Barque Sylph, Jones, from Baltimore, arrived at Bos* ton 26th Inst. , Barque Amy, Ryder, hence at Boston 26th Inst. Barque N G Hltchborn, hence at Boston yesterday. . Brigs J Nickerson, Crimea, N Stowers, Empire, Crow ell, Kolva, Brookline, Gen Boyd; Empire, Moore, A JB Cook, and Irene, hence at Boston yesterday. , Brig Belmont Locke, Park, from Wilmington. NO,was below Boston 26th Inst, ~ Brig M&J&O Gilmore. Eldridge, cleared at Boston 26th Inst, for Baltimore. , Brig Leonard Berry, Steel, for Philadelphia; sailed from providence 25th inst. ‘ . • Brig E Doane, Lorlng, from Baltimore, at Bouton 26th inst. Brigs Times, Phinnoy, and D B Doane, Yeazie, hence at Boston 26th 1 nst. 1 Bchr Jonathan May, Cobb, for Alexandria, pleated at Boston 26th inst. Schts S B Wheeler, Corson; Harriet, Stanwood; Ell' T owusend, Williams; William Tyson, Wheldon; Brutus, Klwelh J Grierson, Harding; Rebecca Knight, Hotch kiss; J W Pharo, Cavalier; J Cadwalader,, Godfrey, Charles 0 Carstairs, Somers: Jl E Sharps Wheldon; Julia Anna, Harding: J. Welker, Finos; ItDorson, Corson, and 1 E L B Wales, williams, hence at Boston 26th inst,' Schr A Townspnd, Williams, hence at Boston 25th Inst. Schrs E Pharo, and Almon Bacoh, Williams', hence at Dighton 25th inst. ’ ' - Schr Waltham. Clark, from Windsor, NS, atEaatport 25th lust, and Sailed next day for Philadelphia. • Schrs Wide World,’Dickinson; T Pharo, Crammer, apd Anginette, Blackwell, sailed from Pall River 25th inst. for Philadelphia, 1 W, Elizabeth Swift, Cbie, do 1100 sp on board; KHrreet, Riddell. Naat, 600 sp 3600 wh, would leave for home in August, , Heard from, off French Bock, about April 18, Awaahonka, Tobey, rat mouth, 900 *p: April 1, off do, Sea Hanger, Davis, Nant. 50 sp: Oliver Crocker, McClcave, NB, about 136 c sp ; Aug 6, lat 19 38 N, long 49 37 w/paasW clipper vvhall ? pr^rqw e r steering NW, showing a red swaifow tall with two or .three letters, a « ut London 2ith, brig Amaral, Quavlo, from NOrtbumborland Inlot July 6, with about 250 bbls wh oil and 7000 lbs bone. Left barque Georgo Henry, Bud dlngtan, 600 bbls oil, . ’ . . _ „ DOMESIMO PORTS. NEW YORK, Aug 20—Cleared, »hlp Boutliampton, Pratt, London -. ’ r * * Aug 27—Arrived, Bhlp Globe, of New Orleans, Baker, Havre. Joly 22, barque 3falin&, Pennington, Port au Prince; 20th Inst, lat 69 27, long 73 45,feU in with a sunken vowel, a schooner, with the stumps of both roasts two feet out of water; barque P 0 Alexander, Colcord, Matanuu: brigs Franconia, Upton, Trinidad de Cuba, 18th Inst; Ocean Eagle, Bunco, Jacmel. 20 days. Old, Bremen barque Von Stein, HorWlk, Baltimore; barque William mid Jane, Cobb, New Orleans: Hr brig fit John, NB; Br sehr Reindeer, Firth, BOSTOh.Aug 28—Arrived, steamer William Jenkins, nollett, Baltimore; ships Starlight, Matthews, Manilla May 6, Anjler May 30; Borampore, Stone, New Orleans barqo Vesta, Percival, Malta, Juno 27. Cleared, steam ship Canada. Shannon, Liverpool, via Halifax: ship Western Continent, Reed, New York; barque William Hyde, Atkinson, Gonaivcs. FALL RIVER, Aug 24—Arrived schrs Cohansat, To- Dor, Baltimore: Justice Kenyon, Petersburg. Va. PORTSMOUTH, Aug 24-Arrived, echr Naumeag, Rogers, Pensacola. BALTIMORE, Aug. 20, arr brig Celia, Karanaugb, from nt Johns, N B; schrs Romngton, dark, from Richmond: Naiad Queen, Hulse, from New Bedford; Eugenio, Crook, from Now York; Asa Eldrldge. Row land, from New York: steamer George Peabody. Arr 27th—Steamship George’s Creek, Morley, from N York; brigs Argo.Auld, from New York; Candace, Bray, from Boston; schrs Red Wing, Kirwan,- from Salt Key, 1. I.; Leocadia. Diggs, from Ooycos Ke" Mlucrvn, Winslow, from Pall River. , Old 26tb, schrs New York, Stevens, Trinidad; Golden Gate, Hammond, Boston; Alexander Blue, Hathaway, Somerset; 8 B James, Clark, Boston; J H Jones, Fisher, Hartford; barge Ann Elizabeth, Holiday. Frankfort. 81d brigs lua, Lancy, Halifax, N 8, in tow of steamtug Tigress: Elizabeth, (Br) Cole, fit John, NB; Rolling Wave, Cole, Boston ; schrs James Madhon, Diggs, W Indies; Lightning, (new) Dashiolds, Richmond. From below, Andes, Holbrook, Portland. WILMINGTON, N o—Aug/25,—Arrived—Brig Philip Larabee, Auld, from Bath, Mo. NEW ORLEANS, Aug 29—Arrived, steamship Toxto, Forbes, Vera Cruz. Cleared, ship Cotton Planter, shiu noy, Lisbon; brig Mary A Stevenß, Butler, Havana. .Aug 23 ..Sept I ..Bept 2 ..SeptS ..septa ; .Bopt2 ..Sept fi , .Sept 13 .Sept 10 .July 20 ..Aug 1 DAT ~..AuglO ....Aug 23 .....Aug 03 .....Aug 26 Sent 5 YOREIGN PORTS. Jackrael, August 7th, In port, brig Starlight, from Boston, just in. Schra Samuel Frances, for New York in 5 days, E F Bennett for do in 7 days. AtCronstadtadinst.,ships,William Lindsey, GraV fof New York, Mg: Caroline p«»m|tb, Kenney, lor Bor dean*, do; Montlwllo, Undertln. for Brl.tol, Kng;’ Java, Q rattan,, for Hull; barque. Sarah Ann, Drlnk watcr, for Newport, Kng; Panama, OrnTea, probably for Rio Janeiro; Ban Jacinto, Pratuj. for Bouton Ar at St Thomas previous to 10th inat., brigs Lion Perry, Guadaloupe; Triad.-Bailey, Barbadocs. Arr at Halifax loth Inst., barque Halifax, Lavbold. Boston. J 1 Ar at Buctouche July 2, barques John Wesley, fiyl veater.New York; letb.Abbyla, Johnston, do. Salt Key, T 1., Aug 15, in port, barque Stampede, for New York, same day, sehr Czar, for do next day (Per steamship America, at Halifax.) Ar from New York, Aug 11. Karel, at Helyoet; 9th John Bertram, at Cuxhaven; 14th, Blr Robert Peel, at Liverpool. ' , Ar irom Baltimore June 18th, Dorehoster, at Table Bay. ’ Ar from San Francisco Juue 18, Sport, at Iloug Kong' July 21, King Brothers, at Madeira; Aug 14. Lady Franklin, at Liverpool. , Sid for Boston June 28, Kossuth, from Penang. List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. AMERICAN HOHBE—Cheatnut-at.. below Sixth. A Snow, North Carolina 1 J E Cornell, New York D Morrison, Boston W W Hyatt, do E V Dailey, Baltimore J R Anderson, Phllada W F Hancock, New Castle, W R Talley, Murfuraboro’, Tennessee Tennessee Wm B Irick, New York Thos E Powers, Wood- Isoae M Smith, Norfolk, Va stock, Vermont F Mattingly & wife, Wash- J M Taba, North Oarollna ington ' W Saudford, do eno B Anderson, Sparta, Ten B L Bmith. Lebanon, Tena J F McCrellon, Gettysburg R G Rogers, New York 9 M Morgan, Washington ,W W Welbier, k lady, J 0 George, Boston ’ Mauch Chunk Gustavua V Hall, Boston Geo Waylaud, Bridgen’t.Ct Calvin Morrlam, do Ifor Wolllnefoh, Obarlen. Fred’k Biruley, do town ' ’ H Waterman, Hudson ‘ Jacob Manchester, Trovi- Robt H Taber, Now Bedford dence, RI Stephen SUbey, Boston w J Lewis & son, N Y W M Shuster, Wash John if Streets, Warwick, JSBurd, Pa- Md B S Fahnestock A da, PIUb J H Dawson, Nofolk, Va Wo Little, Ky Tyler Cobb, N Bridgeton J O Wilson, Pitta < • Geo W. Wo/sh, Ky * H O Ostrander, NY S W Henard. La W M Price, Houston Edw Buggies. N Y JII Irwin & la,' Phila W A Sheppard, N Y H 0 Hepburn, New; York. UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. O Schooler, St Louis, Mo L H Laubaok,Unlo&vlUe T Brush, liY SM Young, h [L Spew, Harrisburg Mrs Service, do WB Brown, Md Wm Oochrui, Olnn Ohio I Martin, AUeghooy j j Craig, Medleon, Ind Olty.Pn Mark Wnluerj’, South Bend Of Benner, 4o Md Chri;tl»n Hew, Flttatmrg lea P Johnaon. ,do . SS.»Bw.«, d d°o. Pfi Seidel, Potttfille " ' ,' 8 W Udd, Reading JohnA Craven, N O A Scott, jr, N Y 111 Oox, Del J W Zelefro, do 11 , MBflOßANTS—Fonfiii, street, belfw Arcji. ( d E Andrews, Danbury Ot- Prof U M Johnson, Car ,LHeJruanu,MemphlsToun lisle, p* , r Edward Riddle, Boston J S Hughes, Stanford Ot W A,Lowry, Danville, 111 C K Mlrea, Danvillo 111 J JHSooell, * >' do; JUBurchfield,' Plttsb’gb A F Brooke, Pittsburgh Joseph Speueer, • do 8 Btmu«, Now York T Grocgs. New York W F Gladding, Pa, r A Samhola, N Orleans ■ Abraham Trout,Mlnerev’e - 0 Brodheud, Bothlehem E P Weyer, ATadlson Ind J Graham, Fort Wayne W Elden, PortamouthOhto SR Smith, Mies W I£ Huttor, Easton I Baughman, Chamberab’g H W Applegate, L N Waterman, Ottawa 111 M A Waterman, Ottawa 111 B'Beav, HepklnavlUe Ky. D T Redlearon, WbiteStono T D Winchester, Monroe, North Carolina North Carolina J E Marsh,White Stone, NO T Chandler, Parkeburg D V Miller; Kansas City,Mo 8 M Irvin, Kansas J Connell, Wilmington,Del A B Tomlinson, Princeton, Ohaa B Wright. Pr , New Jersey W B Aber, Pittsburg 0 Wftteriuau, Meriden, Ot T Connelly, St Joseph, Mo R 8011, Alexondora, Va ,W N Wright. Tenn . W'm lAhn, Oincinuati li Dettiner, Cincinnati B IVarburg, dn J B } Nunabcr, Cincinnati. Mrs Servh. Penngylvania D Hertz, Philadelphia W S Ohanalcr, Baltimore Chaa W PfttnacJPottsrille W A Field, Pennsylvania B B Carpenter, wilksbarre JLMyera,OhiQ OBOolUn,,s< do Mrs B Hand, Lancaster, Pa O V Hands A wf, N O J B McAlister Phoenixvme B Hutchinson, Indiana Joe H Hlggius, New Jersey R 0 Crowell, Indiana J H Murphy, Indiana. GIRARD HOTEL—Chestnut street, below Ninth. Joshua G Wright, NO L F Hasson, Columbia, 80 G 8 Gideon, Washington C H Cwmlcle, NY Dr T Lawson, USA Dr J S Fall, N Orleans W P Downer, Buffalo . Maj Graham do 0 Helmke, Louisrille A Pe/ln, do E R Miles, Charleston, SO 0 Faulkner, Boston John P Pucher, do E H Gilmer, Montg’y Ala Edw G Pucher, do John M Mayo, Boston GeoPucher, do A v Amoker,Florida John Ward, Palma, bias's G A Sykes, Miss Miss Sykes, Miss S Bro&dwoll, N Orleans f W McComts, Baltimore WTI Dunpsey, Washington F A Halcomb, New Haven Jas T Ames, Mass Wm Williams, Pa J S Abbott, Columbus, H Bancroft, Columbus, Ohio M Bach, NY J Hnalnes, Brady’s Bd, Pa W P Groves, Alei’ft, La G*oD Burke, Halt Robt Graig.GalnosvV Ala E W Blooro A lady, Va MiaeSallle Gralg, do Asher W Cray, Aloi’ft. Va H Wolff, Ohio WllmerJ Entwlsle, do Miss C Lieber, Ohio Logan, N Y Henry 0 Rvereon, N J Dr DIUon, do J U McGill, Nashv’e, Tenn YJ Walker, Riohm’d, Ky tD Mahon, Lexln’n, Ky . oif Mulligan A lady, N J obfc li Mowry, Wash 1 O ' C C Adreon; Balt N'Holme*. Pa - • AELewiß, do W Scott, Georgiy P U Bugler, .Richmond, Va G WHenderson, Eckhart ‘ TUo*Shelby,GreenT’e,MiBB Wl* Grimsley A Ia,NO W H’H TucKor, N G Dr J>MLitton,' Tckos T W Wilkinson, Tcnn T B James, Bermuda ,Chas Browning, Phila /WCraig. Columbia, Ark BF Tardy, Richmond, Va Geo Lewis, Clan, Ohio .J W Knapp, N Orleans J H Pordlcarlfl, N J , ,T H Walsh A la, N Y MUa L McKtuley, NY ]J P Btow, Mont, Ala • G D Sperry A da, Balt , J M'Wslkinon, Ky Mrs WHe old, ' -da ’ '4a‘ E Perry A son, Wash L T Threlkeld, Ky FA Campbell A la, Va D K Sherwood, NY , i Cyrn4 J Hunter, Pa K W Conkllng, Danville j W D Jloore, Pinegrove G H Randle, Ct { Munroe, Boat/>n J N Freoman, Ga ¥ Dali, San Francisco D S Gray, Columbus , L 8 Gordon, Bali J R Ryan, NY * W A Butter, Chicago Frank Griunoll, NY i , John F McJelta, Balt J L Allin, do Francis Junet, Parlß 0 Rochette, dor W D Thayer, Boston R n Kunkel, N Orleans T A Griffith, Balt Fredk Hdrnbosfel, NY MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Mr Bherm&n A lady, Ohos- Jno E Mount, Smyrna, Del terfleld i >VmE Goodman, do Miss Sally Sherman, do JL JI ever Id, do Miss Sally Yoang, do J L Duckraaster, Del ThoaLlppeacott, S&lom Jos R Robison, Phila Miss Mary Pnncost, do J Duntas, do M Tobery, Richmond E R Benson, Washington John U Street, Md county HF Davis, do J Quimby, Lancaster J W Ernest, Del R J Dennis New York Thoa Coats, do M W Hickman, Md Alexander Mooro, Centre N Hayes, Del county STATES UNlON—Market, above Sixth. Fred E Richards, Panama Wm B Morris A lady, N Y Thos Robbins. Clearfield R B Taylor, Clearfiold 0 0 Hinkle. PER, Sami II Lockard, Columbia Jas W Hunter, Columbia Alex D Boggs, Harrisburg CITY HOTEIA-Third street above Race. R H Cowell, Lancaster, Pa G McWilliams, Doylestown L Wilson, Jr, do ' Mrs Moss, do Wm Long A eon, do GW Fisher, Lewtsburg Henry Jack, Centre co Miss F Fisher, do John Bigler, Lycoming co H Kuhn, Baltimore John Morrison,Racino F Corson, Fort Wayne E P&rrivicin, N Y Ilcury Plact, Marietta J Minton, do P fllankmin, Mauayunk H Branch, ¥renchtown Henry Jones: Branchtown John Paul, do . R Richards, Phitoda Special Nonces. Bower’* Infant Cordial.*—Tbit Invaluable Cordial 1* preparedfrora a variety of the most choico and efficient aromatics known in medicine, sad is the most perfect; and reliable carminative extant for infautsand young children. By ttt powerful influence a speedy cure i* effected in ollcaiea of C/iolic> windy pains And spume. Relieves aod mitigates much of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething, and by ite soothing properties tran quilisss pains of the boiveh , looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and ho* been used In thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family should bo without it. Prepared only by Hssrt A. Bowse, At bi* Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Blxth and Green nte., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 13-ly Sramrii’s Saving Fund —Office 303 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate ' pf five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open dally, from 9 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 lu the evening.* President Franklin Fell) ’ Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James 8- Pringle. 'Saving F*od-»rirr Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company. In WALNUT Street, south west corner of Third Street, Philadklpiiia. Assets over One Million aid a Hal? of Dollars, invested in Real Estate, Moitoaox9,Qeoohd RtNvs, and other first class secnritiM, as required by the charter. This institution confines Its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, is received, and the money Is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office ia open every day from 9 o’clock In the morning until 7 o’clock In the ereulng, and ou Monday and'Thursday evening* until 9 o'clock. iUarrtages, On the 25th Instant, by the Rev. Henry Steele Clark, WILLIAM 11. MUNYAN to MARY PORTER, daughter of the late WiUi&m ProbflßCo. a On the 26th instant, by Bishop Kennerd, Mr. JONA THAN MILLER to Miss ANN MARIA WILSON. On the 28th instant, by Rov. W. Bishop. JAMES E. WHITE, of this city, to EDITH MONROE, of West Chester, Pa. EHcatljs. On Wednesday, the 26th instant, JAMES, Infant rod of O. Burt and Kate 0. Town, aged 4 months. Funeral from his father's residence. N. E. comer of Tenth and Fitzwater streets, this (Friday morning) at 9 o’clock. it* On the 25th instant, SUSAN McMAKIN, in the 64tb year of her ago, THE WEEKLY PRESS, THE THIRD NUMBER READY EOR DELIVERY TO-DAY. Single Copies in Wrappers Ready for Dialling, tor Bale at the Coanter The third nnmher of the WEEKLY PRESS ia for sale at the counter of this office to-day. It la a capital num ber, embracing a variety of original literary and miscel laneous matter; a careful summary of tho latest news of the day, and a correct and reliable report of tho money, grain, cattle, and com markets. The following are tho CONTENTS. FAMILIAR LIFE OF PENNSYLVANIA. (Origi nal.) Being the second number of this most interesting narrative. POETRY. THE OLD FAMILIAR STRAIN. (Original.) (By R. Shelton Mackenzie.) THE RAVEN. (ByEnOis A. Pox.) THE LABORER. (By B. Bbiduubt.) THEY ARR SLEEPING. i TOSOfiLLANEOtrs, THOUGHTS FOR SUNDAY. (Original.) LITERARY. ORITIOISM. (Original.) AMERICAN HORSES IN ENGLAND. HISTORY OF THE COAL MINES. ME FASHIONABLE CHURCH. (Original.) WAS OLIVER OROMWELL A POET. (Original. FRANKLIN'S GRAVE. (Original.) WAITING A SCIENCE—SCENE AT LONG BRANCH. (Original.) AGRICULTURAL. THEORY OF GRAFTING. SEBD WHEAT. CAPACITY OF FARMS FOR PRODUCTION. HOW THEY BIND WHEAT IN MONTGOMERY. THE CHINESE SUGAR CANE-ITS GROWTH AND UTILITY, THE PRICES OF GRAIN. CORRESPONDENCE. LETTERS FROM MONTREAL—The Scientific Con. .tentlou. NEWPORT. BERKLEY SPRINGS, Virginia. JOTTINGS OF TRAVEL.—-The Two Houses of Par liament. WASHINGTON liETTKBS. editorial department, tub wnx op inn majority. MR. KKITT, OP SOUTH CAROLINA THE SLAVERY QUESTION. IMPORTANT PROM MISSOURI, SOUTHERN AMERIOANS. PERSEVERANOE IN THE RIQHT. THE POSITION OP WOMEN. LADIEB’ COSTUMES. GOVERNOR WALKER. TUB COURTESIES OP POLITICS. THE GREATEST ENEMY OP SECESSION WHO SHALL TAKE THEIR PLACES ! THE MILITIA OP THE SEAS. YOUNG MEN NORTH AND SOUTH. niBTORY OP THE BIBLE. THE TRUE PLATPORM. A SOBER UOUBE, OR HOSPITAL POR DRUNK. ARDS- INTERFERENCE WITH MUNICIPAL FRAN. OHIBE3 ANP RIGHTS. NEGRO SUFFRAGE IN MAINE. ( , THE WEEKLY PRESS Is furnished t© snbgoribers St ta per jeir, In Mvsnce, fo, the single copy, end to dabs i>f twenty, when sent to one address, f20,-(n id >anep.\ Single copies for ssl >e et the counter of The Pesjs offlce, In wrappers, ready f or mailing. Persons Bending clubs of twenty or oyer will please Mar tn' mind tint the paper thus ordered cannot be directed to each subscriber, onlesa the cluh price of II, *0 per annum Is paid, and paid in advance. This is in-accordance with our published rates, and some of our friends hare overlooked it. Ouf heary lists compel ns to adhere to thie rule. ftntnsmous, Academy op music, broad and 10COBT Streets.—sfr. E. A.. MARSHALL, Bole Lessee.—Last night but two of the PROMENADE OONOKRTS! THIS EVENING, Aug. 28—The following attractive features. MADAME JOHANNSEN, MIB3 0. RICH INGS, Mr. PICKANESER, MR. FRAZER, Blr. OAUL BERGMAN, the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. New and SPLENDID STATUARY, from the Wareroomsof SIGNOR VITO VITI A SON, perfect likenesses of the following eminent American Statesmen: Washington, Clay; Jackson, Webster, Calhoun, and Fillmore. Admittance 25 cent*. rational theatre, WALNUT ST., JL"* above Eighth. GEO. CHRISTY AND WOOD’S MINSTRELS, from 444 Broadway, New York. Business Manager..... MR. H. WOOD. Stage Manager?..;.. MR. GEO. CHRISTY. Treasurer MR L. M.WINANS. Amiissiok-- Beats in Private Box, 76 cents; Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents; Dress Circle and Parquot, cents: Family Circle, 25 cents. . >.'< THIS (Friday) EVENING, Aug. 28th. a grand pro-’ gramme, among which will be found Husb-o-Bye, Baby, Nancy Till, &c. To conclude with the comedietta, entitled NEW YEAR’S CALLS. Peter Day..... ..Mr.Geo. Christy Door* open at 7. To commence at 8 o’clock. WAYNE OLIVINE. Acting Manager ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Sole Lessee w. WHEATLEY. Scale op Piuoxs.— Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Dree* Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seat*), 60cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre. 26 cents; Sent* in Pri vate Boxes, 75 cents; Whole Private Box, S 3; Gallery, 18cents; Gallery for Colored Persons,2s cent*; Pri vate Box in G&llonr for Colored Persona, 33 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. J. M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Aug. 28ih, will be pre sented, second time, the beautiful romantic play, entitled ST. MARC. St. Mar 0,.... Mr. E. L. Davenport Dianora.. ..Mrs. E. L. Davenport To conclude with the comedietta of THE MARRIED BACHELOR. Sir Charles ConTtall Mr. Dolman Sharp Mr. J. S. Clarke Lady Courtall .Mrs. TannehiU Groce .Mias Anna Cruise Doors will open at 7 o’clock. Performances commence at 7# precisely. WfALNU T STREET THEATRE.—Fro- V v prietor, Mr. WM. J. NAGLE; Acting and Stage Manager, Mr. WAYNE OLWINE. Prices—Dress Circle and Parquetto, 60 ceuta: Upper Circle, 25 cents: Private Box tad Orchestra Seat*, 76 cents. Box Office open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 4 P. M. Doors openat 7 o’clock; performance will commence at 8. No hill received. CRANFORD'* OPERA HOUSE— K 7 . ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7# o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 cents. MONDAY EVENING, Aug. 24, and every evening this weekl will be performed anew original poetical, prosalc&l, Metaphorical, Operatical, Burlesque .. Extravaganza, written expressly for this establishment by John Har rington, Esq., entitled LA TRAVIATA. In which the entire company will appear. Previous to the burlesque SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE will appear In their grand DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENT. To be followed by the FAIRY STARS-THE SANFORD CHILDREN, In their BBVOfIFOt- DAKOSS. 0U24-lw THOMEUF' 8 VARIETIES, N. W. COR. FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, (new) 601 Chest nut. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT NIGHT LY, interspersed with dances and concluding on MON DAY and TUESDAY with the little IMP and TWO PHILOSOPHERS. Fanchette, M’LLE LEFOLLE: First Philosopher, CH. KENDALL; Second Philosopher, SAN FORD. On WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY withTHifTWO GREGORY’S. Fanchette, MAD. LOUISE PAYNE; Little Gregory, CH. KENDALL. Commencing at half-past 7. Admisulon 10 cents. J. B. THOME l/F, Proprietor. J. 0. WARREN, Conductor. au24-lw* PARKINSON' 8 ILLUMINATED GAR DENS, OHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE CONCERTS with the Scottish Nightin gale, a Fine Orchestra, Fire Works, &0., EVERY EVENING. sa lfl-tf Admittance, one shilling. £egal Notices. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, August 19th, 1857. Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested in the estate of Mary Alderfu, late of the township of Lower Salford, in said county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Alderfu have applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for the sale of the real estate of said Mary AldorfU, deceased. The said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, the SOth day of September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. 51., at the Court House, In Norris town, for all parties interested to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioners should not he grouted. By order of the Court. J. B. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. au2o-d3w IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of JAMES HAMILTON, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the account of Thos. Cadwalader, executor and trustee of tho lost will and testament of James Hamilton, deceased, arising from the portion of the estate belonging to schedule B. annexed to the indenture of partition, dated Jan. 26,1849, recorded lu the office for the recording of deeds for the city aud couoty of Philadelphia, In deed book G. W. 0., No. 3, p. 497, *ad to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at his office, No. 628 Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia, on TUES DAY, September Ist, 1857, at 4 p. M. au 21-eodst FRANCIS WHARTON. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of J. A NEWMAN, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, adjust, aud settle the second account or James Bhaw, executor of the last will and testamentof J. A. NeWmsn, deceased, and to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at his of fico, No. 629 Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, September Ist, 1857, at 6 p. m. au 21-eodSt FHANQIB WHARTON, Auditor. Hooks, f-iOAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILI \J SOON BE PUBLISHED, tbn following utondard Books, viz: litunt’a Coast Pilot. 18th odition; Bow ditch’i Navigator,27th edition; Shipmaster's Assistant, 9th edition. We Invite attention to our new Spring Centre Com. pomes, which answer for either light or heavy weather, and are especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where the motion is couoiderable. They require fewer repairs than any compass now in use. Marine Opera OUiwtes of superiorqualitv, Spy Glasies, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compares, Binaries, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Chartaof all parts of the world from the latest and beat authorities. Agents for Bogera* American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott's Horo* meter, and an instrument for working Out problem* in Nautical Astronomy by simple Inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex perienced shipmasters, and have beeu adopted by the U. S. Navy. ft. * G. W. BLUNT. aulS-lm* No. 379 Water Street. Henderson & co* great liter- ARY FAIR. FIFTH and ARCH streets. In order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa trons, and induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, wo intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of $1 and up wards, a Gift ia value of from 26 cents to $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pur chaser gets bis books at the*usual price, and very many wtii get, in addition, a present worth having. au2l-8m rWANS > great gift book sale. JJJ No. 336 CHESTNUT Street. N. 8.-No connect tlon with any other house in the City. anl-Sm Sewing filatijincs The watson $lO FAMILY SEWING MACHINE HAS COME! And Ib now open for Exhibition at Second Story, front Room, No. 726 CHESTNUT atreot. State and County Rights for salo. Apply as above. au26-tf. A" WEBSTER, k Co., beg respectfully to introduce thoiusolros to the public as the manufacturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE adapted to manufacturing or family purposes. Free from the objections which have been urged against those already known in this market, THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALIIiES OF THEM ALL. and will bo suro to commend itself, upon examination, to Tamilic*, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, and seamstresses. Those in want of A GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will HEM, BIND, STITCH, BUN. or GATHER; Indeed, that will give entire satisfaction even after they have been used for yearn, ore invited to call at our rooms, 108 South EIGHTH Street, np stairs. HUNT, WEBSTER, k Co. Sewing of every description executed in the best pos sible manner, and 09 reasonable terms. Samples of our work sent by mail to any part of the United States. au22-tuths3m. Dancing academy.—naylor. & DAUGHTER’S DANCING AOADEMY, TENTH and SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY, September 1,1857. The subscribers, In offering tbia prospectus to the dancing community, respectfully acknowledge their kindness during past seasons, and pledge themsclrca that nothing shall be wanting on their part to raako the coming season surpass in brilliancy that of former years. Mr. N. and Daughter have, with untiring exertions, added to their already full list of fashionable dances, many new ones, which will bo introduced during the season. DAYS OF TUITION, }or Children—Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons from 3to 6 o’clock; for Ladles and Gentlemen—Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 till 10 o’clock au 27-3 m Educational booksto're—e. c. & J. BIDDLE, No. 508 MINOR Street, (between Market and Chestnut atreots, west of Fifth street.) having devoted their attention especially to the publi a Uou and sale of Rooks for the use of Schools and Col leges, hare for sale a stock embracing most of the text books extensively used in the educational institutions 0 the United States, which, togatbor with an assortment of Blank JJookß aud Stationery adapted to the wants of schools, they offer for salo, wholesale and retail, at low puces. Teucbers and others wishing to examine text books with referonco to introduction Into schools, ar6 invited to call and oxaraine the above named stock su27-dlw JE. & B. SCHELL’S ~ • CITY MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL FACTORY. MABBLE HALL, B. E. CORNER OF TENTH AND VINE STREETB, .... FHILADELPHIA. Where every ran.ty of MARBLE MANTELS, TOMBS. MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and FLOOBINO, ran to .applied upon remmnble terms. «u2l.tu(Sra (VJACIrREGOR HOT-AIR FURN ACES ITB. Sold by OHADWIOK h BRO., SECOND Street fir.tdooroboroßdco. auglB-3mos. MAGARGE & CO.,— Jri. ?. eslera *“ paper, RAGS, 4c., No. 3ft Booth SIXTH Street, Philadelphia aulOtl) Glenwood cemetert office, no. 118 WALNUT Bt.,b«)n» FIFTH .nlltf HUFTT’S AMERICAN MANU vji FAOTURED STEEL PEN a trial, dor CHEST. NUT Street, above Fourth. Slp.r,roM. aul-lm JOHN N. REEVES, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PASSYUNK ROAD, opposite County PrUon. * Orders for Jobbing promptly attended fmw 4t MUNN Sc CO., 128 FULTON St.. New York. FIRE VT AKOB COMPANY, PH 302 WALNUT street, west ot fD MARINE INSUR HILADELPHIA—Office. No. of THIRD. ONLF TAKEN.” OTO*B. Jer. Walker, Jno. McClure, Tho. Crarea, A. 8. Oillett, Furman Sheppard, Sami. Jones, JI. D., Joseph Klapp, M. D. Wm. M. Bw&In, John Anapacli, Jr., H. N. Burroughs, J. 1). Hugbea, F. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, If. A. Shackelford, „ „ _ Hon. JOIA JONES, PruMent. Hon. O. w. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jmo. 8. McMolli.v, Secretary. HW9 B. Alyo&D, Aisigt&nt Secretary. au3-3m Thomas e. Baxter.—hardware, CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No, 910 MARKET ST,, ahnva Ninth, aoath sfde. Philadelphia »u l«6m OFFICE OF THE GUARDIANS OF THE POOR. No. 36 North Sstsmth Sthibt—PHILA DELPHIA, Adopst 26,1857. _ Proposals for the purchase of FLOuR BARRELS, ac cruing during the ensuing year at the Philadelphia Alias House, will be received at this 5 office until 10 o’clock, on Monday, August 31st. gold proposals to state the average price per barrel, and to he endorsed, “ Proposals tor Jlonr Barrels.» ’ au27-4t O.'W. SCBLATER, Secretory. CHEAP SUMMER FUEL—GAS COKE, Sa 13 «M “ PHILADELPHIA GAS IfORKS ror the reduced price of five cents a bushel, and may ho obtained in Urge or small quantity by an. plying at the Gas Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. , ii is Mid at the Worts, in First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a tj2 60 per ton. (Signed,) J. C. CRESSON, Engineer. PntLAiistpnu Gas Wob*s, Aug. 26, >67. au2?-tf TAMBS KELLY, (Successor to William %F Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jewels, Emblems, Masonic and Encampment Charta. Ac. Odd Fellows’ Hall, NORTH SIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia. Orders from any part of the country, addressed to James Kelly, promptly attended to. an 1-lm hotels and Bratnnnmts. IVfEKCHANTS’ HOTEL, i'l NORTH FOURTH STREET, Aaor* Miutf, PHILADELPHIA- McILIBB£S * SONS, PMWWW. CLINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD* WAY, cower of EIGHTH,-rtreet, Net* tort. YIUS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT U now open for the reception or guests, in the European style. * ' tiINGLE ROOMS from 60 cents to $1 per day. SUITS of ROOMS ter Families, from $1 5u to $lO per dsy. Th* MEALS served at ail hoars by the CABO, at moderate rates. o>iiUiCt£Llii2( ( (< Icog and hfonUr kcevn te the patrons of Jones’ and the United States Hotel, Philadelphia,”) is associated lu the management, and has especial charge of the Catering Department, irel7 attention has been paid to make the organization per. feet, and our friends, patrons, and the travelling public in general, may rest assurred that no effort Shall he Wanting to make the CLINTON worthy the favor which we hereby respectfully solicit. auS-lm* WINANT &. 00 SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwiu Street and Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. MABSSB, Proprietor. *ulS*Sa * LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (BIHOCRATIQ HEAD „ QUARTERS,) South-eut corner Elf TH and QUE£N Streets, nai-im PJulsdtiphl*. WILLIAM N. KING,—SOUTHERN • 2XCIIANGB HOTEL, ikrath-ewt comer of I’flfH and CARPENTER tits., Philadelphia, scl-lm P key, 2 years old .Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. Marett, Martel, Bouvet, and J. 3 Dapuy Brandies, all of which I offer to the trade at reduced prices. JOS. P. TOBIAS, iru27*3mos 88 and 90 3. Front St., below Walnut. EP. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORT* • EBB of BRANDIES, TONES, Ac.; also; agents and sole proprietors of the old WHEAT WHISKEY. No. 6 North FRONT street. au2J-lm A LEXANDER y. holmes, wine and LIQUOR STORE, No. 226. Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. aul*ly M/TLLIAM F. PITFIELD,—IMPORTER » T of BRANDIES, WISES, Ac.. Ac.. So. 323 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. aol-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN fINE WIK'SS, LIQUORS, CIUAES,4o. 24 South fIT TH Street, Philadelphia. .ui-ij OKANDIE§. —Finet, C