-DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. ■ V r *-. wrggwwsor. •„ ..>•> E. PACKER, tot LTQOMI** aoxmsr. - writ;'ramcin,ti of local self-gov. : ITS ASSAILANTS. ThS DtttiScratic party is essentially the party ' lt ia, deeply impresses! with the ..truth- that-. the • true. purpose of Government is to advance their welfare ! by all the experience of the • put,-by id the,indications of the present, and' by thefwholO history of mankind, how prone to prostitute Govern ' menttothe advancement of their individual sel fishpurppseB,andh6wstrongthetend.ency, even _ in free repuhlican countries', to the concentra tion pi power in tho hands of the few, regardless 1 of th‘ejhterest3pfthemauy,the Democratic par ty has ever been keenly alive to the importance - of presCfyihg tbe greatest possible amount of - potferinthe fluids of the people themselves, as , the surestcheokfhat can bqderised against the' ahusejbf .which so many lamentable examples ; havC bteu fUrn}shed. It has won its proudest ' gloria itibattling for -their, sovereignty, Wherever a foe has raised a standard against their ,; powef,Vherever an ’assaallnt of their, inliefeht gorernmeiital rights has appeared, whereVer thoir majesty lias been attacked, it -■ has etepped forward as their champion. In contests aifecting the extension oif the rigbtof acffrage, tn straggles for liberalizing Constitu tions, in efforts to increase the number of ..electee Officers, it hits espqused their cause. Against mammoth corporations, again* uaur the exercise of uncon'stitu;. I tiongl powers, it has taken ..sides with them. Popular' rights breathed life into its. nostrils, and ifj DVes,' moves, and has its being as thoir. advo,cate‘and protector! If it ever ceases to defend them, 1 its nature will have changed, its glory will , have departed, its days will , have been.hum bored, and it will speedily descend to as: silent a tomb as those which enclose the remains Of the various extinct' antagonist or gamgaiions it has met and vanquished in timesgpneby.. ' - Wlieitthe country became awakened to tho, impoKtaaccand/tlio justice of finally settling the lbttg-Vexed slavery question upon the broap/basia bf permitting tho inhabitants of the Territories who were immediately inter ested,>topass judgment upon it. without the intervention' ot Congress, there, was but one course .which a party with the antecedents, the proclivities,; and the popular character pos- Democratic organization could pursuer"- It .would have been felse to its in atincte/to its nature, and to its history, if it. had ppt promptly, espoused the extension of. the privileges of local solf-government to; the inhabitants of the Territories, with, the same zeal that, it had ’■ defonded the elective rights and the sovereign powers of the people-of the Statesk; j The Kanßas-Nebraska act originally received the support of the Democratic party, and it has sippe -been defended hy .it, not alone on account; of the fair and equitable-method it presented for the adjustment of a long-vexed . question, but because' that method was,, ip itself, an acknowledgment by. Congress of the Inherent rights of the peopte of the Territo ries, n’nd ;becauB.e it finally removed a barrier to theifbjxerpise which was unjust, and which hioa, since been pronounced by the - highest legal tribunalof the country to have beenun-, consfitutionil.uaad, therefore, illegal. :- The Democratic party is not, as a national or ganization, pro-slavery oranti-slayery.. While lending"all its energies to the advancement of the best interests of the white race of Ameri ca, and-;eitneatly endeavoring to secure the I largest'ahiount'of .liberty compatible with the preservation of order to all white citizens, with Cut reference to their birth-place, religion,. or residence, it ignores all Quixotic efforts to . raise an inferior race to a position of equality for which it is physically and mentally unquali fied. " The condition of the negro, his bondage or ’ftccdom—is a mere secondary consideration,- left to bp determined by the ftee action of the whites, under the existing rules and customs which have grown ont of the relations established by the importatipn.qf Africim. slaves into this .country. The.woii-- being, the liberty, the advancement of the true interests of the whites, is; the first great point to befconsidered. The surest method to se cure this end is to endow them as fully as possibief with the power of regulating their laws hnd : institutions for themselves, for-the . presumption is natural that they are the best judges of tho proper means for their own ad vancement. The conditions and terms under whicb'the negro is to live among them, if ho - is at.allto be permitted foreside in their com munities, are left to the decision of the. domi nant and ruling race. Because thepasaage of theKansas-Nebraska act removed, a Congressional prohibition of slavery in those Territories, and left the people to determine whether itshould or should not . be tolerated, the Democratic party has been bi t terly assailed as essentially a pro-slavery party. During the-last three years, the Democracy of ■ the ndn-slaveholding States have, bmyely en . cbutered,in their defence of that law, an active ' and untiring opposition party, whichhas gained large secessions to its ranks, by its appeals to the aentiment of dislike to the institution of slavery' extensively prevailing in those- States, by its persistent 1 assertions that the Democratic party was a frb-slavcry party, and by enlisting ,ev;ery possible-phase of feeling of sectional animo T sity it could manufacture.. Many brave and true political spirits have gone down in. this . encounter, as''so many martyrs to the great principle-of "self-gobemment. They may be counted’, by their Ihousimds and tens pf thou sands. In every nom-slaveholding State tiio Democracy were for a time overthrown. Tho clouds of prejudice and misrepresentation long hid froft the people the sun of truth, of justice, and of ,correct principles. Singular as it may, and doubtless will seem to future ages, that, after sixty years of successful experiment, the principle'iifdpcal self-government should have found Joitter and venomous assailants, who temporarily gained the confidence of the peo ple. Such was the fact; and while It is melan choly to reflect how many men have been mis led, aiid how-many voters who should have known better have been enticed into tho oppo sition ranks by their noisy clamor, it is gratify ing to recall flow, sternly the masses of the Democracy adhered, under, adverse and trying : circumstances, to a great principle, and how undeviatlngly thby followed the banner of , populaY'sovcraignty, regardless of the smoke . of the, conflict, or the extraordinary pressure which surrounded them. They did not do so because thoy were pro-slavery men, but they did so in defiance of the unceasing reiteration of the allegatibn on the part of the Opposition . that they were such. Thoy did so because they believed .the principle of the bill to be . just in itself, and they were determined to sUs-' lain It, let it.operate as it would in deter mining the institutions pi Kansas and Ne- , At thb present time the National Democratic . jArty, After* having fairly won one of the most memorable political victories known in our . ' ruuis, for the great principle they had so gal , lantly e4poUsed, igainst the assaults of aboli ' tionism, is being subjected to a new attack i- from suiotheirqiiartef. ’While in the North it U agsailedk for 'alleged pro-4laveryi am, in the South it 1> antagonised on the score of. aholi -110 disea i The indications that a majority of ItM citltnni of Nahsa* desire lt to be a non tileveholdirig StateVand that they wjll make it inch if alloired to give # fiilr and free ex , i jieiiaioß'to iheir sentiments, as was originally proposed hy the Nebraska bill, acquiesced in Cqnventiqn; abd.how ettemp^'' ; to.hOiihily:.carried into practical operation, in Kansas by Gov. Wamck*, have' furaiahedthepretext for these assaults. The ' :U a.:sii)plar one, but the lesson it . \ ■ .',r r~- •vi.rf.fest.v.-j^—V*y.' $»«»• FBtDAY, AUGUST 28, 1867. for umi* OF thlesijfreiuk court, jrtlilAM STRONG, - brssaxs coBSTr: ,:. s -JAMES THOMPSON, •-V or KRIS GOCfiTT. ' ■ „ fOK CANAL COMUHSIONEB, . JfIHKOD STRICKLAND, - OF OHEfI'JEH OoqU'tt. — tfimmtmwm BJT Editorials on first page: “ Palmerston’s <(An Eloquent Oration.” Communication: « The Electric Telegraph.” j . Aft', teaches Is impressive, and Should not] oe lost. The counter attacks maddJujfKtfl our/paMy. serve to neutralize each otliciY ' Practically* Kisitt answers Yh.mot—-WiIMOT /answers' Km I —the New York 7 Vituafeanswers the Charleston Mercury, and the' Charleston Mer cury answers the New York Tribune —those who accuse the Democracy of Abolitionism answer those who accuso them of Pro-slaycry ism, and those wliouccuse them o( Pro-slavory ism answer those who accuse them of Abo litionism. The opposite conclusions which such astute reasoners draw from the same facts can only bo arrived at by overlooking the fun damental principle which underlies the whole subject. Meanwhile our pathway, ns a party, is marked out for us cloar as the noon-day sun. Turning neither to the right nor to the left, we have hut to adhere to the literal language of the Nebraska Bill; to leave the people of the Territories perfectly free to regulate their own institutions. The burden of the attack against the doctrine of local self-government has heretofore fallen upon the Democracy oftho North. Though it has temporarily reduced tlieir numbers, it has neither diminished their courage nor lessened their devotion to the true : principles of government; The Democracy of the South are now being subjected to assault, for their devotloh to the saine principles, but oh diametrically opposite grounds. That they will, however, sustain themselves unfalteringly under those circum stances, we do not for a moment doubt. Con scious of rectitude of purpose, of the impreg nable soundness of tHeir position, and tho roughly assured alike of the fidelity of the De mocracy to the Constitution and to the great principles upon which our Government is found ed, and of the utter unreliability of all other political organizations, it cannot be that the onset upon them will, prove successful. The united National Democracy, North and South, will be sustained by the great majority of the American people in their: advocacy of a doc trine which is > necessary sequence of their , whole creed and history, and go on conquering and to conquer, to the general benefit of the whole nation, the extension of the privileges of local self-government to all our citizens, wherever they are located, and the preserva tion of :the Union and the Constitution. GOVERNOR WALKER AND THE KANSAS QUESTION. , Some days ago Hon.B. J. Walker stopped at the little city of Manhattan, in Kansas, on his way to Lecompton, after his visit to Fort Riley. The Providence Post says that Man hattan is less than twenty miles below tile Fort, and is considered as the “ Far West',” oven in Kansas, there being, as yet, but few settlements beyond it. The settlement was first .called Boston, or New Boston j but the name . did not wear well, and was changed. Nearly all the settlers are free State men, and a majority of them are radicals, and go “ their length” for the Topeka Constitution. Quite a number of them went from Rhode Island j the others, chiefly (of the first settlers) from Cincinnati. Amongst those from Rhode Island, we may mention the Rov. Mr. Goobnow, formerly of East Greenwich, Dr. Amort HuNtiko, for merly of this city, and Rev. H. A. Wilcox, Who is now here. All these have “ claims” jn the neighborhood of the little « city,” and arc interested in the city itself. Governor Walker, as already remarked, stopped at Manhattan on his way down from Fort Riley. The people soon knew of his presence, and called for a speech. They gathered in large numbers, and he responded to their call. We do not find any very full report of his re marks ; but a “ freC-Stato ” correspondent of the New York Timej.gives what appears to be a very,fair outline of his remarks, and the re mo rks of a couple of Abolitionists who followed him. . We copy his reference to the meeting: ‘‘ He oponed Ills speech by saying he was requested by the officers of the Fort to return their thanks to the inhabitants of Manhattan and the neighboring settlements of Ogden and Waubonse, for the promptness with which they turned out for the assistance of the Fort when it was supposed to be in danger.. His attention had, just been attracted to their town by find ing) upon an examination with a scientific friend, that the site of ,their , town was in the centre of the United States, and also in the centre of North America. After this in troduction, he went into ; an examination of the present political disturbances of Kansas, and .recommended the. great De mocratic remedy of the ballot box j assured them that the vote of bonafide settler would be undisputed, and that they could then have a peaceful, constitutional method of electing their own rulers and framing their own laws. The method' by the Topeka Constitution was unconstitutional and revolutionary. That con stitution had already been rejected by Con gress, and could 'Only be carried into effect by forcible and successftii resistance to the Go vernment of the United States. If not in tended, to be carried into effect, it were a farce, and should not engage the attention of sober and reflecting men.. He urged them to vote upon the Constitution to be framed tn Sep tember, and to vote for members of the Territo rial Legislature in October. If they had the ma jority of voters in the Territory, as they con tended, then would he the time to give it ef fective proof. The earnest sincerity and ef fectual' logic with which the Governor presses tills, argument is the secret of his success with die conservative free-Stato men. There is a caqdor of air and manner about him which, united with the force of reasoning'and high reputation for statesmanship and ability, wins the faith and hope oftho people. He produces a conviction that he at least is. anxious to do the right, and determined to pursue it. ’ “The Governor’s speech was well rccoived, and,;after its close, General Hall was called out. Dressed in workman’s style, without coat or waistcoat, the General took the stand. His speech was rather in the stereotype style,’» resume of all the injuries of the past—-Missouri at the ballot-box—Missouri in the odious laws—sack of Lawrence—massacre of free-State men—cries for vengeance—‘hate ful and diabolical ’ Kansas and Nebraska bill—and, as a climax, Stephen A. Douglas sent to h—l. All this was uttered with revolu tionary emphasis, and was loudly’applauded. After he sat down, Rev. Mr. Blood was called out.,- His tone was somewhat milder, and his address more logical, but the burden of his remarks wasßtill ‘ Bleeding Kansas.’ After quite a telling speech he sat down; and the Governor was agqin forced out by repeated calls. “ He began by saying he was not anxious to respond, hut would do so if they wished. He said that ho had heard substantially the same speeches before; that the staple of every Re publican orator was the same—to re-open the wounds of 'Bleeding Kansas;’ like Mare Antony In the market place to expose Cffisar’s dend body, and point to its gaping wounds j to rouse the evil and malignant passions of men by dwelling upon past wrongs and iniqui ties i now beyond remedy j' by evoking tho ghots of the past; dragging its buried dead bodies to the light of day, and pointing with malignant pleasure to their festering wounds. Even mlnistersof the Gospel, forgetful of their mission of peace and charity, joined in the howl for vengeance and retaliation. “ Buttheypolnted ont no mothod to Btuun'ch the bleeding wounds. They have no plan, lie continued, for the future, unless it bo tho To peka, Constitution, which, if carried out, would bring violence, bloodshed, and revolution in its train—would devastate your fields, depopu late your Territory, and rend the Union asun der ! The Kansns-Nebraska bill has been as sailed. Do you know what was the principal provision of that bill ? Lot me ask you doyou wish Congress to dictate your institutionsund laws? [Cries of'No! no!’] Doyou wish to form your own laws and institutions by your own votes? [Emphatic cries of'Yes! yes!’] Then you are tho friends of thcKansas-No braska bill, which the speaker who preceded me haadenouncod. Previous to tho passage of that hill; Congress mndo laws for you. By the rights secured under that bill, and by it alone, the peo ple of tho Territory are enabled to make their own laws and determine their own institutions. But one of the preceding speakers accused me of supporting tho Legislature and laws of Kan sas. What docs he expect of nio.f' To oppose them ? Oppose tho laws recognised by Con gress as clearly valid and binding as any other laws of the United States!’ The Governor of tho Territory oppose tho laws ho was Bontherc to administer! Should' I follow the lino of action Intimated by that gentleman, I, who have been sent hero to pnt down insurrection and revolution, would myself become an in surrectionist and revolutionist. Concluding with the hope that Kansas would soon bo ad mitted as a sister State of the great Confedera cy, tho Governor sat down amid a round of hearty cheers.” We call upon, any reasonable man not en tirely carried away by Abolitionism on the one hand or violent Secessloniam on the other, to say to us frankly whether there is a word or a line in what Gov. Walker has spoken that meets his disapproval?' Uttered apparently impromptu, as it will be seen, and evidently published without revision, his language com mends Itself for moderation,, common sense, And frankness, to tho confidence of all lovers ,pf the Union and the Constitution. ' ' ' ' . Senator Douglas has received the compli ment of an invitation to a public dinner, from the citizens of St- Paul, irrespective of party, In recog nition of his valuable services in behalf of Minne sota, when chairman of the Congressional Commit ton cn Territories. THE MISSOURI JEM£C‘*tO&i ? Nothing ims dorfoso much to a Jay/the pro gress of constitutional and peaceful etnanci patiouj.ln ceriairi of the Southern States, as the, violent course of the Norjheru fanatics'. This was the opinion of Mr. Buchanan' years ago j and what was truo while ho was a Senator is more strikingly truo now that ho is President. The agitation which began by tho presentation of Abolition peti tions, and tlie circulation of incendiary docu ments, produced tho ropoal of the twenty-first rule of the House of Representatives, and from that dBy the unceasing crusade of excited zea lots In one section has boon resisted by the sternest antagonism in tho other. TYo need not recall, for the hundredth time, the attempt in Virginia on the part of Mr. Ranbolpii, a descendant of John Randolph, of Roanoke, to prepare a plan of gradual emancipation, nor revive recollection of Mr. Olay’s position on the colonization question. All these'advancing steps were not only arrested by the evont alluded to, but those who have been willing to co-oporate with the philanthropy and patri otism of the tree States, in a work that, twenty years ago, was treated in the spirit of tho loftiest disinterestedness, are to-day (if alive) the most forward to oppose and resist all appeals on the subject, and even to regard it as a proof of heterodoxy on tho part of a truly national man, should ho refer to their own liberal course in fonner times. The bad effect of abolition animosities and efforts upon the slaves themselves was another natural result. Such are the teach ings of history—of yesterday’s experience j and they are full of suggestive eloquence to the wise and the good of to-day. The course now taken by the fanatics of the North on the late Missouri election, as well as that as to, Kansas, shows that they have loarned notiling from experience, and remember noth ing of . history. Thoy persist in mystifying the fr-pth, and in arousing prejudices, and in pouring their mad appeals upon the South. Their conduct as to the Missouri election is thus sensibly, oxposed by the New York Journal of Commerce of Wednesday: “ The truth is, that in tho election just past tho Democracy have achieved a noble triumph. Col. Stewart was not personally popular j and; in addition to this, he had certain hahitij which operated to prevent thousands of Democrats from giving him their support. Moreover, it was proved (and admitted by him) that ho had been for twelve or fifteen months a member of the Know-Nothing Order. This, although ho had withdrawn long ago from tho organization, drove from him many thousands of voters. There was arrayed against him, from feelings of jealousy and rivalry, tho influence of all the railroads in the State, except his own. These influences have caused his own vote to fall off from the Buchanan vote about ten thousand. Rollins, supported by the whole Know-Nothing and Benton influence combined, lias nearly, though not quite, equalled the Fillmore vote; but has fallen 21,000 votes behind the aggre gate Know-Nothing and Benton vote cast one year ago. “ What trifling, then, to claim the result of the Missouri election as favoring tho doctrines of Biair & Co ,l Even Benton, who gave to Rollins all his influence, denounces this eman cipation movement. Rollins denounces it. The great hulk of the slave-holding counties supported him warmly. Rollins has received tlie whole strength of the combined opposition, Benton and all—yet is probably boaten; while 20,000 Democrats have not voted, from the causes above stated. Lot the Post, and all those political papers which think with it in regard to the Missouri election, re-examine tho facts and figures—proviso their inferences, and look out for the next election. “ In the above statement we have aimed to look at tlie facts only; without referenco to any theory on the subject of emancipation. Our, own opinion is, that Missouri may advan tageously, for the white population as well as for (he black, adopt a system of gradual eman cipation, which shall ultimately free her from the blight of slavery. But it is her own affair, and'Whether she adopts such a system or not, is, politically speaking, none of tho Post’s business, nor ours. The grand hindrance to tho .progress of emancipation hithorto has been this foroign interference—this meddling of othor communities with what did not be long to them. But for Northern Aboli- tionjsra, it is our firm belief, (and it is nearly capable of demonstration by historical facts,) that a gradual system of emancipation would have long since been adopted in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri, if not also in North Carolina. But what cares a regular built Abolitionist for consequences! What cares ho for tlie slave 1” , NEWSPAPER EXAGGERATION. The article in the British Westminster Re view? is filled with a number of ridiculous mis takes, which are eliciting comments from our Argus-eyed cotemporaries. Some of the errors of tho Review are amusing. But are we not ourselves responsible for a good many of tho assertions and fabrications of tho foreign press in reference to this country? A stranger tak ing up a violent Abolition newspaper will find a variety of statements against the South— written, too, in a spirit of apparent fairness, and with an amount of detail well calculated to deceive him ; and we frequently find accu sations and statements no less seriously made in certain Southern papers as to other sections of tlie country. Wc have before ns at the present writing an account of a whipping of a negro in one of tho Southern States, almost equal to Captain Reilly’s Arabian narrative, or to the over-true tale of the sea-serpent. As a specimen of de lightful composition, behold tlie following: “ The trader took tho old man to a place called Bean’s Btation, in the next county, (Grainger,) and there, on Sunday morning, in a stable, on the public highway, stripped and tied him naked on a plank, strapped his feet to a post’ and tied his head forward to a brace, and then whipped him by striking with a car enter’s handsaw—Mississippi way—which aises large blisters and bursts them, cutting the hido in pieces. He whipped him that Sun day till all the neighbors closed their doors— whipped him till the neighbors put down their windows and closed thoir curtains—whipped him till tho women, driven wild by hearing the blows and the negro’s agonizing cries for mercy, cried out against it—till one man de clared if ho did not stop he would return him to court—till the landlord of the tavern, after bearing in silence the infliction of at least three hundred blows with tho saw, went to him and told him that he must put an end to it— that he himself was liable to indictment for suffering such tilings on his premises, and that be was unwilling to bear it any longer. The trader became very angry at his interference, and told tho landlord that he had sent a boy to get a bundle of whips to scourgo tho negro’s back when the flesh should be too much cut up by tho saw; and, finally, finding ho could not go on, ho tumbled the negro into his wagon, in disgust at tho Bean station people, and went to Uutlege. The Blavo had two fits in conse quence of tlio beating ; but notwithstanding, tho trader tied him up again at Rutlege jail, while the jailor—who would hardly havo al lowed it—was away, and beat him with threo sticks from a loom, over the raw flesh, until he was tired, and then told him lie would try it again the next day. Tho inspectors, however, refusod to let the jail be used for such pur poses, and the negro was sent homo in a week —no information having been obtained from liitn.” This is in the usual style, and will no doubt be adopted in Great Britain as another evi dence of the way in which our Southern countrymen treat their servants. Is it any wonder that the TVcstmmtcr Review makes itself ridiculous, when serious American types are made to print such laughable romances as this ? Let us correot ourselves beforehand; and be careful to publish nothing that relates to our country that is not strictly true, remem bering all thd while, that however for party or political purposes we may justify newspaper exaggerations, there is alynx-oyed enemy over tho water who discovers these statements, and uses them to our lasting dishonor. The American Battle Chart, being a correct list of all the battles, skirmishes, as saults, &c., in which American troops have been engaged from tho days of tho Revolution up to tho present time, will be found useful for reference in the schoolroom, office, and tho dwelling house. It was designed by Mr. P. McCafferty. Callender has it for sale at Third and Walnut sts. OFFICIAL. Appointments by the President. J. B. Danfortb, jr., purserin the navy, vice Jno. V. Dobbin, resigned. Clias, E. SinoToir, associate justice for tho United States court for the Territory of Utah, vice Stiles, removed. AMUSEMENTS. Arcs Street Theatre —The new play of 11 St. Marc" was produced hero lost night, and extremely well performed. We can say, from a twenty minutes’ presence in the house, that there was a very large audience, and that (as far as we saw and heard) the play, went off admirably. Mr. J. E. Dunn played the character of a oourt fop with rauoh spirit;’ he did not overdo it, which is a great dead. This fine play will be repeated this evening. . We understand that, yesterday, the stockholders of this theatre accepted the resignation of Mr. Denoka, who has been their, treasurer and agent for thirty years, and appointed Mr. William D. Kennedy, counsellor at law, to that responsible offioe. 'THE i’ftESS.^i’HIIADEfFRIDAY, AWHi*T B*. 1857. STATE POLITICS. nominees for the next legislature to use aU the means in the}r power to defeat any bill which has for its object the repeal of the tonnngo tax. Pqiladklphu, August 27,1857. Resolved, That wo feel deeply the disgrace in- ID* The Democratic Citizens residing In the fliuted upon our oouuty by the traitorous course of several Election D visions In the several Wards of the aua Wegonsollor, and we take this occasion if«S our follow bemoorats throughout tho Slut, and elect one person to serve as Judge and Stato that wo jj.JJ®® *}{. our en jJ ?w°Rn°i?3i a persons to serve as Inspectors of the Election of Dele- them to that political oblivion whloh they so justly gates on the following Monday. The Delegates so merit, elected to meet at thB respective places provided for in the Rules for the Government of the Democratic party, py order of the City Executive Committeo. . JOS. LIPPXNCOTX. Chairman Wm. M. Rakdall. )n ’ ' * J. J". Sullivak, ’ j Secretaries COUNTY MEETINGS. The Democracy of Montgomery County, ac cording to ancient usage, assembled In Norris town on Tuesday, the 18th of August. The meeting was well attended, and the utmost harmony prevailed. Charles KuYLEB,JEsq,, presided. The following resolutions, reported by Col. S. D. Patterson, were unanimously adopted; Resolved, That we, the Democracy of Mont gomery county, having assembled In accordance with ancient and established usago, to consult to gether and give expression to ouf fftiited senti ments, rejoice in being able to congratulate each other on the reoont triumph, and the bright and encouraging prospects of the party to whloh we are attached. The conflict from which we have but recently emerged, has.oleared the political at mosphere and dissipated the mists of prejudice and misrepresentation; and our country stands in the brightness of its glory, presided over by a Chief Magistrate of the people’s choice, who will see that the laws are faithfully executed, and guard alike all portions of the whole, from oppression or abuse. That, as James Buchanan has ever been a favorite with the Democracy of Montgomery county, so, rejoicing at his triumphant election, we cordially approve of the policy and the mea sures whloh have thus far marked his Administra tion, and rely, with entire confidence, ou his wis dom and patriotism, to maintain for our oountry its proud position among nations, and secure to each and every seotion of the land the full and secure enjoyment of its just and etiftttlutional privileges. Resolved) That, knowing no sectional distinc tions, so far as the fights oi the several portions of the Union are concerned, we are gratified to see our National Executive planting himself firmly on constitutional grounds, and. have ansiklfng con fidence that the moral sense and patriotism of the great mass of tho people wilj ln his efforts to preserve the publto peace, metre out an equal measure of justice to aU, in despite of blind and infuriate seal and fanaticism) whether the same be developed at the North or pe South. Resolved, That the selection of ijiaHonorable Jeremiah S. Black for a high position in president Buohanan’s cabinet is a meosuro which meetsour warmest approval, and will redound to the honor of Pennsylvania, ranking among the noblest and most distinguished of her sons, we predial that he will earn for himself a brilliant and Enduring fame, whloh jhe entire nation will acknowledge, appreciate, and rejoioe to honor. Resolved, That we will unitedly sastoin thb nomination of William P. Paoker. of Lycoming county, for the office of Governor, Wiovinz that tho best interests of the State and the welfare of tho Democratic party demand his eleotlon, and that he possesses abilities which would insuro the honorable _ dischargo of tho duties of the guberna torial office. Resolved, That the nomination of Nimrod Strick land, of Chester county, for the station of Canal Commissioner, meets our hoarty and unqualified approbation. We know him to be proverbially honest, thoroughly energetic, and eminently quali fied to guard tho interests of the Commonwealth, and justify the confidence of his follow-oitliens. Resolved, That tho logoi learning, acknowledged intellectual strength, and moral worth of William Strong, of Berks. and James Thompson, of Erio county, the candidates for Justices of tho Sdpromo Court, entitlo them to our cordial and undivided support. Tho highest Judicial tribunal of the Stato demands that tho highestgrado of ability should be brought Into requisition to adorn it; and the can didates nominated by the Domooratio State Conven tion will, when elected, maintain the elevated dig nity of «he Bench, and confirm the wisdom oftbo pcoplo’s choice. Resolved, That we are, as wo ever have been, opposed to the injudioiouß and unwarrantable ex tension of banking privileges*; *thivt we regard the oxercise of suoh privileges os an invasion of the interests of the many for tho boneflt of a favored few; and that Governor Pollock, by sanctioning indiscriminately tho ohartor of a batch of bauks, by moans of whioh the paper circulation of tho Stato will bo unduly and dangerously increased, hag been guilty of a gross violation of one of the most sacred duties he owes to the people. Resolved , That tho sale of tho Main Dine of the Publio Works, if made in good faith, and In suoh a manner as would lead to the actual liquidation of a proportionate amount of the Stato debt, would bo a meosuro which, as a party, we could not objeot to, and would not opposo: but we do most solemnly protest,against tho czcrcise of any system of trick and chicanery, by whioh tho property of the State shall bo snorifiood, and appropriated to the benefit of a corporation or set of men, leaving the publio debt unreduced, and tho people still subjoct to a heavy burden or taxation. The regular Democratic County Convention of Lohigh county was hold at Bittersvillo on Saturday last j Hon. Jacob Esdhan presided. The following, among other resolutions, were adopted: That the triumph achieved by tho .mooraoy in 1055, and the more recent victories <n several States, is but a just apprecintion r of the principles laid down in the resolutions pf the Cin cinnati Convention, and prove that no party sustained in this Republic except it be based upon constitutional principles. Resolved, That in the election of James Btt oh&nan, the people of this nation have paid h juft regard to tbo long-negleotod claims of Pennsylva nia In bestowing upon one of her most distinguished sons the highest honor in tho world, and that the principles sot forth in the inaugural of the Presi dent, and his subsequent policy in the administra tion of tho affairs of Government, he has proved himself to be the true exponont of the principles of the founders of the Republic Resolved, That we endorse and ratify the nomi nation of General Packer for Governor. His life and publio servioes are a certain guarantee that in his hnnds the affairs of the Stato Government will be safe from the present misrule of a Governor elected by that despor&te and almoßt defunct faction recently known by the namo of “ Know- Nothings.” Resolved, That in Nimrod Strickland, tho can didate for Canal Commissioner, William Strong and James Thompson, for Judges of the Supreme Court, we have presented to tne people of Penn sylvania men of enlarged experience, ability, and worth, and men who, through long lives of upright ness and honesty, have placed themselves beyond 1 the reach of the calumny of their bitterest foes. Resolved , That the nomination of David Wil mot by a convention styling themselves Republi cans, but in truth a Convention oi|mon who seek a disruption of the fraternal feeling between sister States, bound together by one constitution, show ing to what length desperate men will go to ob tain power and place, and evory man should pon dor well before aiding in the sclootion of mon whose principles are fast tending to open treason against their country. Resolved , That we have unbounded confidence in the high character of our member of Congress eleot, Hon. Henry Chapman, and wo trust that he will redeem the aißtriot whioh his predecessor has tor the last two years knowingly misrepresented. Resolved , That we approve the course of the Ad ministration relative to Kansas and Gen. Walker, and that tho President has carried out tho wishes of the peoplo in all his acts with reference to that Territory. Resolved, That wo approve the decision of the Supreme Court in tbo Dred Scott case. Resolved, That in the selection of Judge Blook to a place in tho Cabinot the President b&s se lected one of the brightest intellects in tho eoun try. Tho Schuylkill County Democratic Conven tion assembled at Schuylkill-Haven on Monday, tho 17th inat. J. K. Kuewson, Esq., presided. Tho legislative and county tickets were agreed upon. Dr. Emm M. Weaver and C. D. tlip. ple being placed in nomination for tho Assem bly, the traitors Lebo and Wagonseller vere denounced, and the county pledged to do bet ter in future. Tho following are the retolu tions adopted: ' Resolved , That tho Administration of Jiraos Buchanan, as it progresses in tho management of national affairs, challenges not only tho adjura tion of his own, but that of evory enlightened na tion in tho world. His great purity, emhont ability, and acknowledged rectitude, point him out us one of tho brightest Chief Magistrates the Domocratio party have had the good tortuno t> se lect. Resolved , That in tho solootion of his CaVnot the President has beon guided aright by his <bter ininatiou to administer tho Government witi an oye single to the honor, and glory ol tho nution. That tho solcelion of tho Hon. Joropiuh 6. Black as his constitutional advisor was the highest compliment he could pay to tho Step of Pennsylvania, and was An earnest that tho vholo Democracy had placed thoir confidence in tho hands of sterling worth. Resolved , That we have entire oonfidonoeb the ability of the Hon. Robert J Walkor to brinr tho Territory of Kansas through the difficulties Grown around it by ill-advised faotionists. Resolved, That Gen. Wm.F. Packer, ouroindi dnte for Governor, is well worthy tbo support of every Democrat in the State, that we will contribute to his olootlon with our entiro atrei»th, knowing him to be a true Democrat and a fhopugh statesman, and knowing that he has risen b his present proud position by his own exertions. That wo will hail his eleotlon os a happy relict to tho Stato, and looking to this result, call upon tie De mocracy of Schuylkill county to roll up a nifioritv of atleftst3,ooo. ! Resolved, That tho olcction of the Hon. fames Thompson, of Erie, and tho Hon. Wm. Sirong, of Berks, to tho Supreme Bench of tho Coifmou woalth, is a duty (he Democracy have clhrged themselvos with as the surest mode of preserving the prestige of our Supremo Court; anil tint wo have every confidonco in their legal ability t, take the place of tho omlnentDemoorats whose poutions are to be filled. Resolved, That in Nimrod Striokland, of Creator county, tho Domooraoy huvo a nominoe for Canal Commissioner, whoso great aim, when eleotoc, will be to administer tho afTairs of the offigo with rqulty and economy. That wo recognise in him aio of thoso old-stylo Democrats whom wo delight to lonor, and believe that his olcction will be an ticquiition to our already officlent Canal Board. Resolved, That we approve of tho oourse if the Executive CommHtco of tho State in advisirg the Hon. Wm. E. Paoker todeoline the ohallenfe of Judge Witmot, the Black Republican oanddnte for Governor, to canvass this Stato togethw; as the seoret object waa to revive the agitation upon the slavery question, which the Democracy if the Union, at the recent elcotion, had so signal]/ put at rest; any other eourse would have beet un wise, injudicious, and inconsistent with the Avowed principles of the Democratic party, whose fbjeot has ever been to exolude the controversy if this question from the hnlla of Congress, and eonine it to Territories in which the issue legitimately arises. Resolved, That the course of the Hon. Wm. Bigler, United States Senator, meets our entile ap probation ; and wo rejoice to know that the lemo eraey of the Keystone State has.one faithful and able sentinel in the national forum. Resolved, That in oar opinion any measures tending towards a repeal of tho tonnage tax could bo detrimental to the interests of the State ; that wo regret the oourse pursued by our represtnta tives in the last Legislature upon the hill for the sale of the Maine Line, and hereby Instruot eu CORRESPONDENCE, FROM WASHINGTON [Correspondence of the Press.] Washington, Aug. 28,1857 But three months remain before the opening of the new Congress. The Departments are already put In motion peparatory to the President’s message and the reportßofthoSooretaries. The first annual mes sage of Mr. Buohanau will present many interest ing points, and will doubtless be conceived in the plain, straight-forward spirit of his Inaugural. So many important topics are presented for his consideration, that a highly interesting paper may be expeotod. The reports of the Treasury, War, Navy, and Interior Departments will be anxiously awaited. The condition of the currency, and tho late events in the money market, will furnish vast material for Gov. Oobb’a prolifio pon. The in crease in our navy, in accordance with Mr. Bu chanan’s earnest declaration at Baltimore, in May or 1855, while on his way to Washington, will de mand Governor Touoey’s comments. The war like operations on our Northwestern and Western Territories and borders furnish ample scope to Governor Floyd; while the land and Indian policy will doubtless be fully explained by Mr. Thompson. Late nows from Kansas shows that at the elec tion of delegates to the September Convention to form a State Constitution, there is every prospeot that a large vote will be polled, and that Governor Walker’s policy will be sustained by all the free- State men who are not in favor of the course of the fanatios in Lawrenoe and a few other towns, and by the great majority of the so-called pro-slavery voters. Indeed, while the extremists in the Ter ritory, like the extremists out of it, assert on the one side that Governor Walker’s policy is to make Kansas a slave. State by means of Missouri votes, and on the other that he intends to make it a free State by refusing to let these votes prevail, the groat body of the people have become satisfied that his is the only ground upon which a set tlement oan be had. Mr. E. 0. Perrin, now of Now York, formerly of Tennessee, a gentleman conneoted with Governor Walkor, passed through here two days ago, and brings assurances that everything is quiet in the Territory, and that the result of tho election and the notion of tho Con vention will be suoK as will command tbo approba tion of Congress and tho President There is quite a party in South Carolina disposed to give Gov Walker a fairohance, while in Virginia a good .deal of the bitterness whioh manifested itself in the beginning is subsiding. Tho Mobile Register, edited by Hon. John Forsyth, American Minister to Mexico, has become very moderate, and tho Montgomery (Alabama) Advertiser has also a scathing article, denouncing the violence of the New Orleans Delta's course, and even the Charles ton Mercury admits that the prospects of making a groat Southern party against Gov. Walkor iu tho South are not now very promising. Excellent results will follow tho visit of Gen. Denver, the Commissioner of ludian Affairs, to tho now Territories and to the unorganised Indian country, for the purpose of making examinations into the manner in whioh the duties of tho publio officers arc discharged in those localities, and to see if a stringent reform cannot be brought about in reference to the treatment of tho tribes. That Ihorois a good deal of ohoating going on botwoen the land-jobbers and their agents in all transac tions with tho Indians is dear, but it is no less cer tain that the richer an Indian gets tbo more worth loss he becomes. It would bo a crowning act if Mr. Buchanan could reform this system altogether before tho expiration of his Presidential term. Tho most oordlal relations now exist between tho British Government and our own. I think this time the former is sincere. She has her hands full of India and China, and nothing but utter infatua tion will prevent the authorities of Now Grenada atod the oonfiiotlng members of the Central Ame rican Ropublio from agroelng to a settlement of all difficulties betweon those countries and our own. England, after ourselves, is ns deeply inte rested in keeping the two great isthmuslan pas sages open ; that is, the one in Nicaragua and the other in New Grenada; and whatever may have boon her jealousy before, she oertalnly cannot maintain the absurd policy of resisting the construc tion of a railroad across that portion of Mexico which divides the Gulf from tho Paoific It is now positively stated by loading mon from Virginia, that tho present American Ministor at Paris wIU return homo, unless bo Ib specially re quested by Mr. Buchanan to remain. We are having another lesson taught us of the value of tho Independent Treasury. Had the money of tho Government boen thrown into the New York market, so that operators oonld have gOtkold of It and invested it in railroad seouritiesf the crash among the brokers of that city would have extended to almost every branch of bnsiness and labor, and the panic and suffering that fol lowed the downfall of the Bank of tho United States would have been nothing to th catas trophe. It is well oeousionaily to romlnd our selves of the practical workings of this' admirable improvement upon the old-fashioned system of keeping and disposing of the publio revenues. The claimants for tho site of the New York pest office are working most vigorously against eooh other. It is very uncertain how the contest will end. Tho President will notyield to personal interest in this or any other matter, Utit will de cide the question upon its distinctive merits. It la non assorted that Chief Engineer Martin Is being newly supported by some powerful influences, and that his friends hope he may be retained. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. [fIrKCUL DESPATCH FOR tUR PRESS.] From Washington# Washington, Aug. 27 .—The receipts of the Treasury for tho' week ending August 22d, 1857, were $1,225,- 077.57. There wero drafts p&iil, $1,350,409.83, and drafts issued, $1,045,213.68. The amount subject to draft on the 22d instant was $19,587,223.60—a half a million less than at the end of the previous week. Bcoretary Thompson returned from New York last evening. Within a few days the General Land Office has received Intelligence to the effect that the engineers employed in locating the Ontonagon branch of the Chicago, Pond du Lao, and St. Paul Railroad are pushing forward the sur vey with great rapidity. They have got off from the Trap range on the south ern side, and passed the east branch, and are vigorously progressing southward. The party is now comploto and thoroughly organized. X. Y. National Emancipation Convention—Third Day. Cleveland, August 27.—Before the National Eman cipation Convention, now in session in this city, a series of resolutions wore Introduced to-day, the principal feature of which Is to make the General Government an agent for the people in the cause of emancipation ; paying to each State abolishing slavery the sum of $l5O for each slave \ and further, that each State Bhould pay to the slaveholders au additional $76 for each slave emancipated. The latter sum to bo raised by a land tax and the former on Government bonds. The resolutions are still under discussiou, Messrs. Elihu Durritt, Gorrit Smith, and others, participating. Reported Collision in the Chesapeake Bay* Baltimore, August 27.—Tho steamer St. Nicholas left here lost evening on an excursion to Annapolis, aod has not yet returned. She is reported to have sunk from being run into by a brig in the bay. The particulars havo not yet been received. [SECOND DESPATCH.} Baltimore, August 27.—1 t has been ascertained that the steamer St. Nicholas earne in collision with a vessel which was in tow of another ateamor. Tho Bt. Nicholas was somewhat damaged, butwas prevented from sinking by being run ashore. All her passengers were landed iu safety. Financial Matters in New York. New Yore, Aug. 27.—Financial mutters are more tranquil this morning. Jacob Little took his Beat in the Board of Brokers again. Attachment of the Ontarioßank at Utica, N- Y. Uticn, N. Y., Aug, 27.— I The sheriff to-day attached the Ontario Bank on a Judgment In favor of 11. A. John son, of New York city. Southern Mall. Washington, August 27 —The Southern mail fur nishes papers at all points as late as duo, but the con tents are unimportant. Key West advices to the 14th inst,, four days later, are furnished. The case of tho barque Pacific was be fore court. Tho value of the property saved exceeds $29,000. Exploration and Survey of the River Colorado. Washington, Augu«t26.—The Secretary of War has organised an expedition for the exploration and Burvey of the River Colorado of the West, traversing an almost unexplored region. Tho command has been assigned to First Lieutenant J, 0. Ives, of the Corps of Topographi cal Engineers. Failure of a Detroit Banker, Detroit, Aug. 27.—Mr. Jnmes L. I.yell, a private banker of twenty years’ standing la this city, closed Ills doors this afternoon. The suspension of the Ohio Trust nod T.lie Company was the linmedlato cause of the failure. Another Failure In New Fork. Nsw York, August 27—It Is rumored that MeSßrs. Chambers A Holser, largely engaged In California and India trade, have euepended. The America’s Malls. Boston, August 27.—The R. M. steamship America, from Liverpool on Saturday, the ISth inst., via Halifax, arrived at this port, this afternoon. The newspapers and part of tho foreign mall were despatched in the afternoon, and will he due at New York at midnight. The remainder ot the mall will be despatched by the evening train. Michigan Senthern Railroad Difficulties. Burrato. Aug. 27.— The passenger boat of the Michi gan Southern Railroad line has been attached and Btop. ped, for a claim of 00,000. Rain at Baltimore. Bsltimoub, August 27.—A northeast rain storm pro vails this evening. From Washington. WASnwQTOiI, Aug. 27. —A deputy marshal of Alabama, having taken nearly 5,000 from Lovelace, who rohbe the United States mail in 1850, and refusing to restore the money to the several owners on the ground that they had not sufficiently identified It, the subject was referred to the Attorney General, who has, after a re view of all the facts, decided that the marshal must deliver it to the Post-master General, who, by law, is the tnihtee for losers in all similar cases. The President has appointed Beverly Tucker, of Vir ginia, Comml at Liverpool, vice Nathauiel Hawthorn, digued. Henry W. Spencer of New Yoik, Consul at Paris, vie Mcßae, resigned. John EndUch, of Pennsylvania, Consul at Basle, vice Leo, deceased. Charto J. Fox, of Michigan, Consul at Aspiuwall. fire Thornton, resigned. Ernest Volger, of Virginia, Consul at Barcelona, ri« Pablo Anguera, the present incumbent Jacob Forney, of Pennsyi Tanja> Superintendent of In dian Affairs of Utah. Tho Secretary of the Treasury hs , , he dMI . «i<m of th. Collector of New York, charging * duty of 24 per ceutum on an article described u «»„ embroidered cut velvet slipper,” the upper being or cotton velvet and overruling that collector's, assessment of 24 per cent, on gum ben tom, or Benjamin, and 35 per cent, on leeches, and deciding that the former bo charged 8 per sent. and the latter be entry free. The Secretary has also afilrraed the decision of the collector of Boston, that Wood's patent dry or boiler felt should properly be charged 19 per centum, and “ felt” at the same rate as “ manufactures of hair not otherwise provided for.” lowa Democratic Ntate Convention CoiOAQo. August 27.—The Democratic State Gonven tiou, hold at lowa City yesterday, nominated B. M. Samuels for Governor, aud Colonel Gillespie for Lieu tenant Governor. New Orleans, Augmt 20—Tho foreign intelligence furnished by the arrival of the steamer America, at Halifax, was published iu the regular evening editiona of the Associated Press exclusively. There are no sales of Cotton to-day. Flour continues with a declining tendency. Mixed Corn quoted at 83e. Oats are dull at 42e. Lard inbbls Eastern Hay sells at $2O ton. Gunny Cloth quoted at 15c. BitriJioßE, Aug. 27.—Flour .-Sales of Ohio at $6.25; City Mills $6.00. Howard street declined 25c. There is a large supply of Wheat in the market, and prices have declined soaloc. Red quoted at $12001.30. White $1.25a1.45. Corn—Sales of White at 77©82c.; Yellow 83®84c. Whiskey—City quoted at Ohio at 28c. haw Yore, August 27.— Tho Flour market is depress ed ; 4,500 bbls sold. State has declined sc; sales at $0 06.25; Ohio is 15c lower; sales at $0.85. Southern is unchanged. Whoat buoyant; sales of 21,000 bushels at 3c better; sales of white at 171 c, red at 145 c. Corn very dull. Provisions quiet. Stocks are firmer. Ster ling Exchange dull. THE CITY. •Alleged Incendtarism Hearing of the Ac cused.—There oan be no question as to tho great efficiency and importance of tho Fire Detective Police system, under tho superintendence of Mr. Alexander W. Blackburn. A fire occurred yester day morning, about one o’olock, in an old two story briok and frame dwelling, No. 46 Frankford road, opposite Quoen street. The incidents given in connection therewith fully illustrate the truth of the assertion. The flames woro seen by a woman opposite, who gavo the alarm by springing a rattle. The flames quickly communloated to an old frame shanty ad joining upon the south and belonging to Mr. Geo. Cadwalador. Tbe frame, which was unoccupied, was mostly destroyed; but the William Penn Hose Company was so quickly in servioe, that the fire was soon subdued in tho building in which it originated. This building was owned and occu pied by John Ooffee, an Englishman of sixty-five or seventy years of age, who has kopt a junk shop in it for a number of years. He formerly kept a tavern in the same building. Officer Glazier, of tho Nineteenth Ward, was upon tho ground in a fow minutes after tho alarm was given, and ho immediately broke tho door open; but he was greatly surprised to find that the building contained neither furniture nor goods. Coffeo and his wife and child wero found in the yard. An examination of the premises disclosed the foot that a number of holes had been cut through the lathand plaster in tho partition walls in each story, and were then crammed full of shavings. The building was fired in no less than seven different places, but the flames wero extin guished so promptly that tho traces of the inoen diary’s Work wore not obliterated. Search was made for the furniture and goods, and thoy were all discovered stowed snugly away in a small shed which had been erected within a few days at tho lower end of tho yard, and far out of the reach of the flames had the dwelling been entirely destroyed. Coffee, upon being questioned by Fire Detective Blackburn as to the origin of the fire, stated that ho was awakened by the flames, and that he, assisted by two men whdm he did not know, had removed all his goods to the shed where they were afterwards found. As this was deemed an utter impossibility, and as Coffee did not ex plain away the holos out in the partitions and stowed full of shavings, he was at arrested and 4aken to the Central Station for a bearing, on the charge of arson. Tho prisoner had yo insurance upon Jils furniture or stock, but the building was insured in tbe Fire Association for $BOO. Tho damage done was about $3OO. Yesterday afternoon a hearing took place before Aldorman Enue. The first witness was Fire De tective Blackburn, who testified to having visited the premises after the fire was extinguished. The witness testified to the facts narratod above. A hatchet was exhibited, which still bore marks of having come In contact with plaster. This plaster was found undor a bed In the shed describ ed. By comparing this instrument with the frac tures in the wall, there can scarcely be adoubt the walls were broken with it before the shavings were stowed In tho partitions. The witness gave his opinion that ton vigorous men could not have moved tho goods in the time named by defendant. Mrs. Alico Furness was examined, and testified to having discovered tho fire and given the alarm; Bhe tried to rouse the family of the defendant, but oould not. Solitaire. Officer Rotan was sworn, and testified that he had brokei open tho door at tho timo of the firo, and found the house empty or nearly so. Defendant told the witness that he had given the alarm before ho commenced moving his things. Frederick Glazier was sworn, and testified to having discovered the fire quickly, and he saw no person moving about the house. Robert Poale, who Uveß next door above the de fendant, was examined. He knew nothing of the firo until he was roused up by the neighbors. Ho saw no goods moved. The defendant built a shed in the lower part of the yard about two days since. Offieor Glazier testified to going into tho house soon after the firo broke out; he found that the house was empty, and arrangements mado for firing the place. Tho witness inquired of tho defendant wliothor he was insured; ho replied that ho thought the policy had run out. The policy is dated June, 1857. Witness saw that shavings had been piled on the shelves in thooloseta, and set on fire. Witness then arrested the defendant. Offieor Munsfiold testified to having boon at the firo. Coffoe told witness that his insurance was very trifling. This witness corroborated the ovi denco of Officer Glazier. Officer Fleming corroborated the evidence of the other witnesses. Ho found tho goods in the .shed in as neat condition as any furniture car man could pook them. The defendant stated that when the alarm was given he opened tho door himself. He protested that ho did not set fire to his place. The prisoner was oommitted to tako his trial on tho charge of arson. Thuß, through tho exertions of Mr. Blaokhurn has another clear case of incendiarism been made out. Shall wo not congratulate ourselves on the possession of a Firo Detective Police, and thank Muyor Vaux that he was tho first to institute nn organization which has already displayed so much comraendablo energy ? Poinf Breeze Park .—There was a re-union here yesterday, it being tho first meeting after the summer reoess. There has seldom boon a more crowded and bettor attendance than on this occa sion. We nolicod, too, that the upper piazza wns graoed by tho presence of tho families and friends of tho stockholders —a fine array of beauty aiul fashion. The general company, as usual, was very soleot. Among tho company was Genernl Packer, our future Governor, who was warmly greeted, not only by “ hosts of friends,” but by many political opponents, to whom his private worth has greatly endeared him. In good health and spirits, the General was the centre of attraction, and seemed greatly to onjoy the liveliness of tho sceno. Tho troting may ho set down, on this occasion, as—next to nothing. It showed, howover, that the course (which is in splendid condition) continues to bo the very best, beyond all comparison, in the country. Police Item. —'Reserve Officer Gamble, No. 17, was before Alderman ilelffricht yesterday, on tho oharge of committing nn assault and battery on Mr. P. Kavanaugh. Ho was held in S6OO bail to answor at Court. Albert G. DoremiiH, formerly justice of the peaoe and member of tho Legislature for Bergen county, N. J., died in the village of Hackensack, on Monday morning. His disease was congestion of the brain. Deceased was In tho 68th year of his age. In the Florida Peninsular of the lstiust. wo find the following: “A letter‘came to the post office in this place, a few days since, bearing tho following inscription: ‘To Gen. Wm. B. Legs, Chief of the Seminole Indians, Everglades ’ Col. Loomis, we presume, will deliver this document—when ho catches Billy.” It ia reported that $2,000 in gold, recently robbed from the safe of the American Express Company, at Quincy, Illinois, was found a few days since, in a wood pile into whioh a rat had been ohased, and whioh was torn down to catch the rat. The company is still minus about $5,500. Mrs. Moore, wife of N. B. Moore, Esq., of Floyd oounty, Va., was killed on Sunday, the Bth, by lightning. The Bostonians spend $O,OOO per day among the eating houses. They are good feeders and know “beans.” Sight of the Boston churches are without pastors at this timk Markets. [Reported few ThePreW.j OF CITY COUNCILS After a vnfation of four week*, during which timo the City Fattier:! have hadample opportunity to rusti cate, Councils held their stated weekly meeting yester day afternoon. SELECT COUNCIL. At fifteen minutes after three o’clock this Chamber ! wan called to order. theProsident, George M. Wharton, i Esq , being in the Chair < I A number of petitions and communioatioos were pre- ! Bented, read, and referred. « follows: Mr. Ashton preaeuted a bill for of a cer tain ground rent. , - Mr. Bradford presented a petition for the, erection of a bridge across jae Schuylkill at Chesnut street. Mr. Cuyler presented one of a similar import. M. Neal presented a petition from the Manager* of the Deaf and Dumb Institution, asking for permission - to construct a drain into a culvert at Fifteenth and Pine street. Sir. Curler presented a remonstrance from property owers in the Ninth Ward, remonstrating against the laying of any additional railroad tracks along Market street. Referred to the Committee on Railroads. Mr. Taylor presented a remonstrance, very numerously signed, against the closing of the markets on Saturday evenings. Referred to the Committee on Markets. Mr. Beidewan presented one of a similar character, which was likewise referred. Mr. Neal presented a communication from sundry in dividuals, asking permission to make oat the tax du plicates for ]BSB, at a very reduced expense. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Gamble presented a number of petitions for the onening, grading and improving of certain streets in the , Twenty-first and Twenty-second Wards, which were all referred to the Committee on Highways. A communication was received from the Chief Com missioner of Highways, calling attention to the eon ouioa ofthe bridge over the Frankfort creek, at Brides ourg, >n the Twenty-third Ward. It has been a source of complaint and trouble to the Department for sere ral months, and all efforts to repair and keep the pre ■ent superstructure in good working order are attended with but little advantage. As the city may be sub jected to damages, the matter should be speedily at tended to. * The communication also urge* upon Councils the pro priety of building new piers and a new draw for the bridge, which can be dond at an expense of from two to three thousand dollars. Referred to the Committee on Highways. A communication was received from a Committee of Firemen, asking Connells to review firemen of thU city on the occasion of the parade on the fifth of Octo ber. The invitation, on motion of Mr. Marotilee, was accepted, and the communication referred to the Com mittee on Trust and Fire Department. A lengthy communication was received from the City Controller, calling attention to deficiencies in the ap propriations for the several Departments for 1857. Referred to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed In the Appendix to the Journal of Reject Council. A number of unimportant petitions and communica tions, relative to gas lamps, water pipes, claims, Ac., were presented and appropriately referred. Mr. Williams read in place an ordinance to make an appropriation of $l,OOO to the Department of Highways, to meet a deficiency in the payment of certain officers. The ordinance was read three times, and passed finally. Mr. Cornm&n offered the following: Resolrtd, That the Committee on Water be, and they are hereby, requested to inquire into the expediency of having the grounds attached to the Fairmount Water Works lighted with gas, and also that they Inquire into the propriety of improving the lot on the same grounds, north of the basins, and that they report by bill or otherwise. Agreed to. The resolution from Common Council, admitting the Moyaroensing Hose Company into the Fire Department, was taken up for consideration. Mr. Roberta thought that It was a standing rule in the chamberto require all companies desiring admission into the Fire Department to submit a roll of their mem bers, their residences and occupations. In order that this course may be pursued, he moved that the resolu tion be referred to the Committee on Trusts and Fire Department. Mr. Marseliß thought that there was no need what ever for the proposed delay. The Company was known always as active and efficient, and the reference to the Committee could accomplish no possible benefit. Mr. Cornman said that the motion of Hr. Roberts was deaigned for a good purpose. It would enable the mem bers of Councils and all those comprising the Fire De partment to know who were to be their associates, and would serve as a gusrautee for the future good conduct of the Company making the application for admission. It was well known that the Moyamensing Hose Compa ny at one time was notorious for its evil doings. It bad sustained for a long period a very bad reputation, and it was spoken of in terras of censure, not only by the press and citizens generally, but by the entire body or firemen. He desired now to see the list of members, and if he should become satisfied from it, that this Com pany was really reformed, and necessary to the district where it is stationed, he would cheerfully vote for the admission of the company. Mr. Ashton stated that he spoke in behalf of the pro perty owners of the southern section of the city, when he advocated the admission of this company. It was all folly to talk about its bad character, when it was well known that at present its members sustained a reputa tion for good and useful citizenship of which they might well be proud. Mr. Benton, of the First Ward, spoke in a similar strain, and said that he had been waited upon personally by property-owners In his Ward, who requested him to endeavor to obtain the passage of a resolution admitting tho Moyamensing Hose Company, as its services were greatly needed in a district containing lumber yards, carpenter shops, Ac., and thus imminently exposed to the destructive ravages by fires. Mr. Kline bristly opposed the motion, and he was re ?tied to at length by Messrs. Roberts and Cornman. he latter gentleman said that he had been accused by several of the speakers with giving a bend to the ques tion under discussion. Hp knew that one who had op posed the motion was ton on obtaining office, (laughter.) and another, the noble Doctor from the Fourth ward, was equall v desirous of securing an official station, and probably their eulogiums of the down-town boys were not without a cause. Mr. C. spoke at considerable length, and with much force in favor of the resolution of ilr. Roberta. In case we hare a roll of the members, said he, when that com pany is charged with riot or disorderly conduct, we can examine the roll • and ascertain whether any of those who participated in these illegal prooeediegtj and who were arrested on charges to that effect preferred against them, are really members of the company or not, and thus whether that company is amenable to lawa alleged to hare been violated. In the old District of Spring Garden it waa customary to have framed rolls of the members of the different companies in the district, and they answered the ends of justice materially when auy riot occurred among the firemen. These views were dwelt upon at groat length, and interspersed with some very humorous remarks. The question on the resolution of Mr. Roberts was then called for, when it was negatived by a decided vote. The origins) resolution from Common Council to ad mit the Moyamensing Hose Company into the Fire De portment was then adopted by an equally decisive vqte, 1 there being but two or three dissenting voices. A call for the yeas and nays waa nude, but subsequently with drawn. Several ordinances and resolutions relative to the drawing .of warrants, changing election districts, Ae., were concurred in. The following amendment was of fered by Mp. Roberts, to, the ordinance from the other chamber making the annual appropriati ons to the com panies composing the Fire Department: Provided, that the City Controller shall not counter sign any warrant Tor an appropriation to any fire com pany until the Ohief Engineer of the Fire Department shall notify him that a list of the active members of such company, with their ages, occupations, and resi dences, has been filed in his Department. Agreed to. Tho resolution admitting the Spring Garden Hose Company into the Fire Department was concurred in without discussion. Adjourned. COMMON COUNCIL The Chair submitted a communication from the Con troller, reporting the payments that had been received from the Board of Health up to April 30th. It intimatea that there has been a misappropriation of the funds. Also, a statement of tbedefiefeades in the appropriations to the different departments. $l,OOO more is required to the item of Salaries in the Highway Department; $2,500 to the Cltv Commissioners for jurors' fees; $4,000 for the Coroner;’sl,24o for the assessors; $45 for the Return Judges; and a considerable sum to pay the fees and claims of tho sheriff. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Also, a communication from the Directors of the Fire Department, inviting Connells to review the companies on the morning of tne parade. The invitation was ac cepted. Mr. Drayton submitted a petition for s bridge on the. Schuylkill at Chestnut street wharf. Referred to the Committee on Survey. Mr. Perkins moved to suspend the rule so as to con sider the report of & special committee, and an ordi nance dividing the Election Precincts of the Seventh Ward. Mr. nolroan moved to amend to include the Nine teenth Ward, which was accepted. Another motion to consider similar reports and resolu tions in regard to the Fifteenth and Twenty-first Wards, was accepted. An ordinance was then submitted dividing the Se venth Division of the Seventh Ward into two Election Districts, and it was agreed to. Mr. Holman, of the special committee appointed for the purpose, submitted an ordinance dividing the Second Division of the Nineteenth Word into two Election Dis tricts, which was agreed to. A similar ordinance was adopted dividing the Eighth Precinct of the Twenty-first Word Into two Election Precincts. A remonstrance was submitted against the laying of any moro railroad tracks on Market street. Referred to g special committee of five. Mr. Mascher, a remonstrance against the closing of the Second Street Market on Saturday nights. Referred to the Committee on Markets. Mr. McF&ddeu, a petition for the re-paving of Sterling alley. Referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. King, petitions for bridges on the Schuylkill, at Chestnut and Spruce streets. Referred to the Commit tee ou Survey. * Mr. Kidgway, a petition from certain persons asking to be employed in indexing the names, Ac., in the As sessois’ Books, in the Office of the City Commissioner. Itiferred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Holman, a petition for the erection of a bridge over the Readiug Railroad, near its intersection with New Front street. Referred to the Committee on High ways. Also, a petition for water-pipes in Anita street. Re ferred to tho same committee. Mr. McManus, a petition for the curbing of Somerset street. Referred to tho same committee. Mr. Goisier, a petition for the paving of certain streets in the Nineteenth ward. Referred to the same committee. Mr. Cooper, a petition for water pipes on Seventh street, and the paring of York and other streets. Re ferred to the appropriate committee. Mr Warnock submitted a number of petitions for the opening of roads, Ac., in the Twenty-second ward. Re ferred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Butcher, a petition from the Directors of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, asking permission to construct a drain in the Twenty-fourth ward. Referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Miller, a petition for tho grading of a street in the First ward; and for certain road damages. Referred to the appropriate committee. Mr. Drayton, of the Committee on Finance, submit ted an ordinance creating a temporary loan of $lBO,OOO, redeemable at or within ninety days of the date of the same. Agreed to. Also, a report and resolution referring the question of the payment of the damages claimed by the owners of property on Lancaster street, to the Committee on High ways Agreed to. Mr. Mascher, of the Committee on Trusts and Fire Companies, submitted a report and resolution admit ting the Spring Garden Hose Company iut© the Fire De partment. Mr. Parker opposed the resolution, as there was uo necessity for a Company where this one was located, and it would increase the expenses of the city. Besides this, the Mayor was opposed to the admission of any more Companies to the Department. Mr. Mascher said the committee were unanimous for its admission. The resolution was agreed to. A report was also submitted, adverse to appropriating $2OO to the Empire Hook and Ladder Company. Tho Committee was discharged from further consideration of the subject. A motion was made to suspend the order of the day. so as to consider the ordinance providing for the rare of the Steam Fire Engine “ Young America.” which was agreed to by a vote of 41 to ID, viz : 4 Ykis— Austin, Baird, Barnwell, Bromley, Barnwell, Burns, Butcher, Clay, Coiboon, Day. Drayton, Faulk nor, Fitter, Ford, Hal), Handy, Holman, Hutchinson, Jones, Kauffman, Keller, King, Knows, Makius, Mas cher, Melloy, Morris, Moyer, McFodden, McManus. McNeal, Palethorpe, Parker, Perkins, Sites, Steel, Tay lor, Thompson John, Thompson Oscar, Tudder, Van horn, Waterman, Wildey, Wolf—4l. Nays— Alexander, Cooper, Deal, Geisz, Gillin, Kerr, Miller Andrew, McLean, Mcllwain, McMakin, Ste>en son, Williams, Miller John, President 14. The ordinance provides that the steam fire-engine “Young America,” together with all the bo«e, tender, and all tho appurtenances belonging thereto, be, and ; the same are hereby placed In the possession and under the control of the Diligent Fire Engine Company of Philadelphia, and that the said company be and are hereby authorized to have all necessary repairs aud alterations made thereto, for the purpose of making said euginn serviceable and effective for the extin-; guishment of fires: Provided, that the expense thereof shall not exceed the unexpended balance ($3,600) appropriated by the last clause of section 1 of an ordi nkuce approved March 2, A. D. 1857, entitled an “Ordi nance to make an appropriation to the Plre Depart -1 mentferthe year 1807, aadto pay certain claims incurred during the year 1856:” Provided, further, that should the said sum be inadequate to make all the repairs and to pay all necessary expenses, requisite for tho purposes contemplated by this ordinance, or should the aforesaid engine company fail to hate said repairs and alterations made within a reasonable time, that then, and in snch coses, the Councils may again take possession of said Steam Fire Engine “ Young America.” The warrants for the payment of hills contracted under section 1 d this ordinance shall be drum by tito Chief Engineer of Vie lire Department, after swh Mile-rfwjft have been verified by the President and Secretary or the Diligent Fire Engine Company, and after the same shill have been approved by the Committee on Trusts and Fire Department. Mr. A. Miller eoald see no neceitti >j for the expendi tare of any more money on this engin4,*iahe had proved herself worthless. He moved to amend, to strike out all after the word provided. Sir. Perkins contended that the engine has never been fairly te»l*d—that she vu now in comparatively good order, but if left another year would become worthless. He was summed at the propositi on. Mr. Marcher opposed the amendment, as he believed it had been introduced for the purpose of defeating the bill. He had submitted an ordinance to return this engine to the donors, but Councils had refused to consider. The only remedy now was to give the engine to this Company, who would pot her in effective service, if it Is possible to do so. After a lengthy debate, the amendment was agreed to. A motion was made to amend to restore the engine to the trustees of the original donor*, but not agreed to. Several motions w*re then made, and Toted down. Amidst much confusion and some very neperli&mentsry language, with violent gesture, doggedly insulting and excited looks, and touch hammering upon the desks, with '* confusion worse confoundeda .**ll of thn house was ordered. The clerk called the roll, but no <juorum answered. Mr. Holman moveo that they postpone the Fire ques tion for the present. The Chair decided this out of order, as there was no quorum present. Another call of the house was made, when 3? mem bers answered. No quorum. • Adjourned. The Coal Trade—lts Difficulties* . . [From the Miners’ J oarnal, Schuylkill county, 22d inst.j We are frequently asked the question—“Whxt is the cause or the present difficulties in the coal trade ?” It can be answered in a few words—over- production, and a comparatively diminished de mand for coal. The over-production was caused principally by speculations in eoal lands, and the formation of a large number of coal and improve ment companies'within the last two years, princi pally in the new regions of Wilkesbarre and Scranton. In these regions extraordinary exer tions were made to open new collieries, more with, a view of selling stock, and thuß deposing of lands at high prices, than for legitimate oosineas, and the sheriff will have a pretty busy time for a year or so at least. New collieries have also been opened in the Ash 1 and or Mahanoy region of Schuyl kill county; which are all iu successful operation, and this additional supply has given the canal com pany the increased tonnage she is nowsnjoyingovar - the railroad, and has made up for the stoppage of ao many of the red qsh collieries in the first, or more southerly portion of this region, within the last two years. On the Lehigh there has also been - some increase, and also in the Shamokin region during the last two years. In Schuylkill county, for the last twelve years, the eolliery capacity h« been either ahead of the demand for coal, or ahead of the transporting facilities. This year we are suffering for the want of demand, with abundant transporting facilities, at least by rail road. Suoh is the case on the Lehigh also—ex cept the order of things there is reversed. Here the canal company is increasing their business largely beyond their share, and the business of the railroad is fallingoff—there the transportation by canal is falling off largely, and the trade by rail road is increasing even beyond what it was sup posed it would carry. In the Wilkesbarre and Scranton regions, the ability to produce coal is ahead of the transporting facilities; such is also the case in the Shamokin region; but fin increase of rolling stock would only be followed by a want of demand—so that all the anthracite regions, with but one single exception, is Buffering from various causes, and all tending to depress the price of coal in the hands of the miner or ope rator. for the last four yean the averaged increase in the consumption of anthracite coal was in the neighborhood of 680,000 tons. It was supposed thataa iuoreaso of at least 500,000 tons would be required this year, and the coal regions were pre pared to furnish at least 500,000 tons of this in crease ; but the great depression iu all branches of business has sufficiently demonstrated that an in crease of not more than 300,0b0 tons will be requir ed this year, iu addition to the supply of the winter months that will go forward to the New York, Philadelphia, and tne intermediate markets oa the lines by railroad. The 'increase from all the re-' giona, so far, is &l out 100,000 tons—and as only fif teen weeks of the shipping season remain, it is extremely doubtful whether that quantity can be made up for the balance of the season. The competition for the trade by the new re gions, with the increased facilities of transporta tion, was anticipated in the early part of the year, and led to the organisation of the trade in this county, with John Tucker, Esq., at its head, in order to keep the supply within the demand, especially in the early part of the season. As it was a new and untried experiment, all did not join in it, and it met with opposition from quarters where it was supposed it would receive co-opera- • tion, and it consequently' failed in accomplishing as much good as was anticipated—in Ike t, the ns charities of the trade were so great, that they almost defied any voluntary controlling power— but eren outsiders admit that it kept up the price for the hotter qualities of coal—and eren that of the second quality that was well prepared for market, from tea to fifteen cents higher than it would have been sold without the organlxatien. */. We also know, that, by conference with other par- ’• ties, it was the means of warding off many evil*. v which would have proved much more disastrous ' in theirconsequences than any that have occurred ■ -• so far to this region. Many of the ohslaoTe#~wUh .—, which it had to contend the present year are ,v now known, the more important of which can be ’ * removed, and the organisation placed on a more - ' firm basis, with more controlling powers. Its utility was at first doubted by many; out the nece**ity a the organisation is now fully demonstrated ia the ! minds of all thinking persons in the trade. This year It was compelled to shape its course weootd- - log to file act on of others, and consequently it was greatly embarrassed; but we do nope ft I** 1 ** all operators who desire, or who can oontian* in the trade, wilt coma together as a unit at the / ■close of the season, if not Before, for the poipooe ~- of setting forth their grievances as a united body* abd take part in shaping the future action of the transporting companies. Heretofore we hare 1 everything too late—there has been no unity of ''l action. The stockholders, as well as the am- J - gere of the transporting companies, onght to be , made acquainted with the wants cf those vh* .- furuisb them with their trade, as well as a state*' -- ment of the finances of the companies from the managers. There must also be a enange of policy at Port Richmond, and plans for affecting this change must be devised before the timo ofallot ting the wharves. This will require a unity <ff action and general consultation among the whole trade. Information is also imparted as these con sultations which is of importance to all, and whether they unite or notin every measure, they are vastly beneficial to the trade. SchnylkiU county contains within her liroit3 more than one half, u not two-thirds, of the anthracite coal de posit of the United States. Heretofore she has famished annually more than one-half of the sup ply. We have been falling behind for the last two years, with a more extended portion of the region opened, not on account of our geographical position with regard to markets, but on account of nigh charge* in all the department* of themin’ ing and transportation of coal , which is crippling the energies and progress of the region. There must he a genera* reform throughout, and we know of no more auspicious time to commence this reform than at the present, while the trade itself is undergoing a rapid revolution; and in order to mako the reform effectual, it requires united and determined action on the part of the whole trade Experience has long since fully demonstrated the truth of the declaration, United we stand, divi ded we fall.” THE COURTS. Qoartbr Sessions— Judge Conrad. The mat ter of tavern, license forgeries was brought again before the Court yesterday morning by the District Attorney. James Daily, sworn.—l am a tavern-keeper; I know John McAllister; I saw his license, and thought it was not good; I took it home and compared it with mine; I then brought it to the office of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions, but found it closed; I then took It to Wood's; he told me to take it again to the Clerk’s office; I then took it to Alderman Martin's; McAllister and I went to Wood’s, who told us to take it to the Clerk’s office; we did so. and a man whose name I don’t know, told us to go home and we would get our money on Thursday; this was on Monday; Mr. Collins was there when the man told us that we would getour money; Wood gave us the twenty-five dollars on Tuesday; he said Lowry gave it to him; Wood’s name is Charles D The District Attorney said this was all the testi mony he Intended to offer at present. Bush Taylor was indicted for keeping a disor derly house and a tippling house in Pine Alley. His wife is now suffering imprisonment for the same offence. Yerdiot, guilty of keening a disor derly house. Sentence deferred Judge Doran for defendant. Edward Lawrence, a police officer, was founa guilty on one bill obsrging him with an assault and battery on Charles G. Biedeman, and not guilty on another bill charging him with an assault and battery on Mrs. Beiaeman, but pay the costs. Wm. B. Rankin, Esq., for defendant. James Dennison pleaded guilty to the larceny of a horse. _ Sentenced to eighteen months in the county prison. U. S. Commissioner's Orricr.—John Maher, oharged with selling counterfeit coins, had a hear ing bofore Commissioner H&ilett this morning. On tho testimony of a man named Adams, he was held to bail for a farther hearing. Last Letter or a Suicide. —The following is the letter written by young Kinney, th e printer, who killed himself at Westfield, Chautauqua county, on the 17th ‘ Westfield, Aug. 17. 1857. Dear Brotiier a*d Sister: I have but a few words to say, and all I can aak is to forgive and forgot me. They got me drunk, or I never should have done It. Bill can get back his horse and buggy, but me he’ll never see again, for I have just bought the pistol which will do the work X will die. Since she was married I have not wanted to live. Send for George to come and li\e with you. Now, Jimmy, when asked to come and see me for the last time, do It with a willing heart. Jim my take care of poor mother, and now farewell forever P M. Kinnet. Robert C. S!oo, who murdered John E. Hall, clerk of the oonrts at Shawneetown, 111., about a year ago, has just been acquitted on the plea of insanity. A young lady, named Ellen Duncan, died in Churoh on Sunday week, in Bethel Chapel, six miles from Piqua, Ohio. She had been subject to hemor* rhage of the lungs, andboing seiied with an attack during divine service, died in five minutes. Lazarus Eader, a respectable resident of Petersville district, died suddenly in Frederick city. Md., last Saturday. B. TT. Jefferson, a farmer in Frederick county, Va.. fell dead in a geld on the same day. Major Ward Marston has taken charge of the marine barracks at Portsmouth, Va.,vice Major James Etelin, who haabeen transferred to the com* mand of the marine barracks at Washington. At Richmond, Va., the receipts of new flour were very heavy on Monday, and prices declined about fifty cents per barrel. Considerable sales were made to shippers at $7 a barrel. The Board of Directors of the State Bank of Indiana have returned for cancelling cna m ui,v« two thousand one hundred «Td e ighVdMlan S deemed within the last three months. The journeymen tinners to Memphis trera on a stake for higher wages a few days tgo. Sere ral of the employers hare agreed to the idi-ance Wm. McAllister, a compositor in the office StS'sa-Ah'sJEtX'SitS uSl» U. r™. ,t ■ d»Jn«t° Dt h ° l<ls her election on Toe*,
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