; :• JHEsmgme^ <->'.'Sp»aiKi'. ieU/tai torput ~ vlO-tb® continued yeeterosy, ; :.'i-V* fWf bfctha septirnttonDooior gmjftMu* made full.tiro .rr.XrTlsiou forilsnunily.- Several storekeepers were called aiid Boine witnesses also testified to the ,«•*- ,--violent eonaucfc of Mrs.; Fulton, the luofcher-in-law of Doctoraoltli.^'^^ 5 ' ■. ’ - Mr. Gilpin said then closed, and proposed to submit f!' thecwtfwttbohtargument. >., _ v ■ ij-1" '-'v MkrKl»aa-mid r ßrtM?ine‘fcaTiO}f' f coriseated to f ~this ptopbfiltiohJudgbJfcrioi said:-Kthatho 4 was satis ,: : v r!dedfnMn tiie testirooi]j* that -it WM the best bourse for v¥*i custody of- tholr mother.' ;; >;}! ca nnot-sea why the s husband; and wife.'cannot agree At-’iv .;,tether.-;, Theyhive - been living together for fourteen v 1 ? W '?**f*> kw-IAo nbtsee-why.thisy-cannot live Wether Bimreeimt la ’s mattit whichentlrelycoa. \ - .cerns theitiselTM. Let an order he made remandinir the /> custody of the Children ;tothcir: mother .-I think it b.‘--v heatfoftill parties;?* . ■•:••-;-*-w?.-. “ * ! Thla order giresonly the custody of the girls to the ' mother., The hors remain still with their father, i while the' order was making, that i; . V gn " rtw * “* ■ JudgeXnpx said,' I*that 1 *that such permission the father \ wk* entitled to, with, the express understanding that ho « should conduct himself without Violence, and behave ! kindly towards Mrs. Smith, in these visits. If the con >' ’’ SfF were shown, the permtssionwould be withdrawn. 5 * r This was promised on the part of the Doctor, and the • • case wasthen concluded, !r -.• • • - ] <>, 1 Oh as. Gilpin and Win. B. Rankin, Esqrs., for. the re ■-j . lator. Dr. Smith jJ-'H.. Msrkland and Jacobproome, -v- |v £sqrs M for the respondent, Mrs. Smith. ' . Quarter Sessions—Judge-Conrad,—-The jury in the case of Jos. D,|?enton, charged With libel, brought in a sealed verdict of “Guilty.” Wm. B. BAtikln.llSG „ for : the defendant. • - . * . .. , I v: &*rgcrst of Xavern Licenses.— Crosier Lowry, a young : man, was brought before the Court on the charge o • , having forged one of the certificates‘of license issued /• to 1 tavern-keepers, from the Court of Quarter Sessions, >. " • 4The defendant was arrested on the North Pennsylvania • • , Kail road, this morning, by officer t < .■■ • John McAllister, sworn—l keep a'tavern at Twenty, second and Summer streets; Mr.Lowry stated he was -a,/t-,©rdsredby,th6 Court, to bring' the license' (certificate /produced)and to reoeive the money from me; I-paid ... 1 him the full amount, $75, and |6 for his trouble; - . ■ applied for a license and had a b*lUmaii4nd-aU4 there “ of the money returned tome through a Mr. Woods, who-lives in Pront street,' aboveßace j Mr - ' ;Wood is a liquor dealer; the $26 was -sent to me by % ‘ the name of James Dairy,-who Uves at Twenty ..-othird street* tibove'Tiue,; he is a tavern-keeper. -i “'ißeraard SbatfctiV, sworn.—Mr. Howell is ont of town; ! 'I am familiar with his signature ; this is not his slgna , .tore/it Is a- forgery; it does not spell his name, it . sounds it; there is no seal of the court attached. The,-District Attorney then said: “If the Court , .please, there is now positive testimony beforo the Coart . ibattbe r bliuiks usftd bydhis Court have bees used for " About, *nd the J s]jfmrtufeß of iis officer* forged for the - ‘ purooieß of the Wo at kind of fraud. .Ihfive reason to - belfftTe.timl; this hinotan'indiTidaal case." aad I there . .fore aak that thisyoangman be held in 85.000 bail.” • r »>m -'Mr.* sabyj-who appeared fbc the defenaant. trusted tbstthe Court would not fix the amount of bail so high 7 ' .as to prejudice the case in the public eye. This young man fetid always borne a good dharACfer, and he con -1 - Mdezud half the amount of mil demtihded, would be suf-' ■ ameht to secure hit appeairahcefortritiir ' ' L '' ' • ■ -'Judge Conrad fixed the ball at $5,000. *; „* - ' Jfoosar Corpus.—Judgel AUison.'—ln the caße of - ' James Hullin,'in~which 9,\habtH9 corpus 'was heard some time’tigo/Mr. Mann.' the District Attorney, stated , to the Court, that from the medical testimony ho had <, - - heard in this etiw; he was of the opinion that could - - not make out a case of murder in the.fimt degree. - Ife -woutdjtherefore; consent to the application of the de fendant’s 1 counsel to admit him to ball.' Mr. Cassidy „said that any reasonable amount of bail cpuld be giren - bj-the-defendant. Judge' Allison fixed the bail -at . ' ; . : .. - Judge Allison, on motion’of the District Attorney, then proceeded to' pass' sshtehce'on Charles Jones, who . ‘ .. waiconyjcted. on-thß 23d of July last,'of the man* > • slaughter of william Sheldrake) onthe4tnof November, 2850. Mr. David Webster, counsel for the defendant, t: mode a short address to the Coart, suggesting the ex - / freme yonth ef th.e defendant, the' evident want of . j naalice in the'act, and the admirable Character he-had J>roVed oh the trial,' as also the recommendation of the urr.': :i -- ’ :* •;* The defendant waif sentenced‘ to two years in the Eastern Penitentiary. 1 ( ‘ >Deh&4 D; Dfdflieinan; convicted some time since of the larceny of, a Cnib of leather, the property of Mestayer . It Petgellne, of New "Tork, was ati&tenced to one month's The defendant had been.nine months r ® ni tirne of his sroest on this charge. • J FROM iffiW'YjOllK. ' {'if The Press.)-.' - ' ; J -- , : Naw.Tbni 1 , Aug/26, P. M. k- ft'no abatement iu.the stringency of the . j Money “' J* there any prospect of a ß y for '. . fiOititi tim* to Come* On the contrary, from the present : saect:pf things,wemay look-for fearder:times. The ' . bsfiki will be ooliged to limit still further their accom , modattons.,% The eXtra T cautlous and thh, croakers think 'l ' we hot cohtracting their losnsfsst enough, f-.x VTjsad-.tfeat; considering the small amount of’ specie on ~ y .k*hd,,ih* discount line' is'far too: extended; but the 1 ■.:, m non-speciilative commercial circles , are. pursuing a highly- prudent coarse, 1 'ttd tKfet, their power.to draw,op neighboring . >anks for eccrued.balances, and the receipts from Cali fornia (now due herej) there is no necessity for a more ' fwld"conbaction. - (Therd.is no donbt,'howeveK that " ' xeoeutevehts have largely-shaken public confidence, and that private bankers, usually, flush, and willing to allow ' j , every day to take caraof itsalf, ,aro npvr further .' „ ahead/and, dii ling In their loons, Ac., a^brdingly.' ' ' ' " * receipts'the Oustom-HoUse to-dhy'for dniies amount-to 8174.000. The Boston steamer'takes-out -l«(r,oo(H&-siiccie f ',: : -v ~ / The psnic in the Stock market was increased this - ’morning by the-announcement of the suspenribn of , JarofeltHtie A Co., in consequence of their,inability to l : uaUrthemdeliventia oh contractsV and of the failure of E.' T. Ppst/hn' account of. loans to the Ohio Life and Trust Obmpaiy. ' Tt is said that the former may resume . busine«,to*morroif. axjd th&f the asseta of the latter, though;hot realizable for the,moment, will be more . than sufficient to com thelr liabllities. Under this news, till sorts of Atockfl-feU largely at the first board beiow-yesterdar's dosing prices.. . •;« ,‘' » ■ - , Pennsylvania Coal Company Erie, QilMtitigto,Southern preferred.stoek, 8; Panama • ■ Slicnigan'Ccntral BJf, and New York Con* -i?¥>W*fe“» business was.done In- State Stocks, .firtsa%'anwttnUflgtoelsEe on $35,000. 6’s' , decliasg ;land- Virginia .fl's M.’ There: waa a con- I •mdlgltffl'mlyAt: , which closed yesterday jKp'fiO/- - -*' rkPdlWt-thispiorningto rose' to 6IX, Spa'dosed' . firmly, at the latter price, and Glevelum and pitta ■.’’-'J-bafgfeVrocbvered cent, on yesterday’s prices, leaving off Erid’alao rose lk. ■ ■ ' r ' ; 'YouwDli>erceive that almost all the transactions wore , for cash, very few time contracts, having, been made. - " " After the firatboard AdrianU. Muller sold the following stocks endf-bouds by taction; 84000 Junction RR 7 bent.-Bonos, ’6s, SOJf andtnt.; 6000 Clev k Toledo 7 . cent.. Bonds, >63; do/; SOoq Oler A Pittsburgh Ist mtgeT W oent'Gonvertifcle Bonds,’B7, &0do.: fl.ooo Gin. Ham: A Dayton 2d mtge 7 & cent. Bonds, >BO, 60 - - - ;do.; 1000 ahs McCollock cop A gold mining, 5 ceuta share.-, ; ’ , ‘ • ' '■ TThereiabothlngnewtonotewithregajTitothtfanure ‘ ‘ ■ of the Ohio.Ufe and Trust Company. One or two now ' aamall amount were issued’to-day, but tt jrthotmbttfist however great inconvenience that ’ may be felt by those who have their funds locked up for tfeb hibment. the aecuritiea in ’their peasession wiU amply protect them from ultimate loss. The books of -■ the company, which were, dosed on the day of the sus . pension, were opened again to-day, and this is conaider , - ed gooddvidance that were was nothing' fraudulent or ln'the failure. • ' Tne rumors a* to the improvident habits Ac. of the 1 Cashier, E, Hr Ludlow, are, I learn' from the best an j/thority, unfounded. His income from fila official sala . rieawas large, and his apparent expenses, were by ho , ■ means dlspTopbrtionate. 2 also, learn that the Presl * . dent and other .of the trustees of the Company com pletely exonerate Mm from rail 'blame, and that when the circumstances are made public he will como ont with - flying colors'. -'.a s-v>• - •. '. Jacob Thompson has been arrested at the suit of the i Metropolitan Bank, for a loan of $12,600. for which he ~ gave- nit check, tino- not • having been able to find the “ ' b*U/.516,000, ■ fired- by. the. Judge, Mr. T. is still in K'-'ewstody.-’*.'• •_ * .- ' , i The notes of the Rhode Island Central, Tiverton and C*v - - :P4rmer‘fl Bsnk of Wickford, Rhode Iriaudythe Han cock Rank of Maine; Warren Bank, Pennsylvania: - {Woostor BanlCj Conneeticat,-and-Bank of Kanawha, v.iv. iVlrglnia,are thrown out, there being- no present ar ' rangement for their redemption here. r .- The Interest 'on the second mortgage bonds ol the Bela Ware lAckaWant and Westßailrond Company, due < "heptember lat, will be paid on that day at the office of •i :: th? Company. - A m4nd,st 6c»lsc; Thematlcet for better heiy/fit morainal prieda. Sales4.ooohbls . at|6®fio,26for Commoartogood State, $8,40a|6,e0 for '■ ” c ' eltr* .do, sBfffiB,2sfprsnp6r Michigan,lndiana, Ac, t v ■' fi ‘ |9.40a57 fcrrcomiaOD to extra Ohio, t7fflHoforStLouis, and sTe|B.9o for extra Genesee. , Canadian Flotir Is , , v ' lower,'sith tales of 400 bbls-ai forppperflne. r 'r il ScmworyFloortiiU’.lianged. Cora oN; at foriner quo* -Coffee A—'fhftauctlon aale to*day was largely -23cforOhio.:.Ghpewduti*io»lOe.r ' r : ---V. ; - Narxi BtOBSS—-The market la doll,"bat prices are ' • firm at4BeVforSpWtsof Turpentine, ana $4 W 280 tbs. Cradodo. Coratncraßorin scarce at fil. 310 ftss. Tarlsindemand at Pitch dull ats2® r.-, ; 92Mi. '»' • - ' ' / .BpQAis—But little is deing, the tesdonoy downward, and buyers atm holding off. - , <•* BAUJB Af TUB NEW-YORK. STOCK EXCHANGE. • Sacosp Board—August 28,1857— Virginia 6s, 90# ; . Metropolitan Bank, 104: Brie Railroad, b 3 22k; Hudson . . JUr*r Railroad; b 31 8; New York Central Railroad,' bio 74, b 3 74; Cleveland and Toledo Railroad, s3O 40k i In Crosse andMlll,Railroad, 24;' Reading Railroad, s 3 82, b6O 63; Mich; Sp< and N. Indian* Railroad, 21; Panama B.ilroiwi, 84; Galena and Ohliago 8t11r0M1,.3 83^, Mi Dk Ljsbsbps on the Suez Canal.— M. Do . Lsfteps has addressed a letter to: the members o. the Cnapnbers 6f Commerce .'and Commercial Asso f,otaionr of Great Britan, In reply ,to the remarks ' made by’ Lord -Palmerston in the House, of Com mons,-in condemnation of the Suet Canal scheme. After disposing of the question in anenginoerlng point of view, M. De Le&ops, In reply to the poll. .'' • tibal argument of Lord Palmers ton, that the com* munioaOos to qaestfori would threaten India and 'theintogrltyof the ,ottomanEm'piro, quotes the .. English press to the effect that/ so long as England wai in of Gibraltar, Malta, and Aden, itberevras nothing to fear, from the powers border- ittg on the Mediterranean. , ‘j’i.:- \ fftfß ] Gin a3>jan . Seat ot GovbiinmenV.— The Montreal.says that private tetters re ceiVCd By, the Arabia state that Her Majesty has v, r Knuanentseat of Govern-. ment, bnt that the tihelal' announcement of the ! , ;;fae twill cot bemadetinUitheProvinoielParUa-1 r-'-.: assembles. l ; ; ,'- t ;v;,“f. t 1 ■ i >- -.EntcAT|ON-IN.EN ; GLANp.-~'yhe lastregistration returns in England reveal.,the factibat 44,840 bus- wereuhwjlftQ Write their v naoesinthe regiaten^ntsigned^^jQihrkßinen s^ ltli dUfi6Uß;'however, that “ab%Jpides‘wbo ~ ..“jhake'-their, actually deferred by U-, r : saJ4Jty;pr neryppjmess from writing their hahies' ; *".WI fz v &gpr : AOth>h**e Ud£ d th£'*&a» died »uddenly onUom^nomUgf * -lm k» »<« >V THE MONEY M4BKI),T. PHILApELTHIA, AugOS.i 25,165* • J The fhtiure of the Ohio Lifeahd Trust Company con* tinucs to elicit much comment and speculation." It is now generally understood that its suspension was , the consequence of & futile attempt to sustain certain West, cm Railroad Companies. A similar endeavor, it will be recollected, carried down the princely house or Page, Bacon, Sc Co. In 1865. Shortly after, when the Ohio banks were suspending in every direction, the home of fice,of,the Ohio Life A Trust Oo„ located at Cincinnati, Stood the shock bravely, and, wi a natural consequence, afterward receivcdaVaat accession to its deposits. From this circumstance we ars Inclined to estimate its liabili ties at the highest figure named, viz-: 7,000,000. " We stated a Jew days ago that banks could only strengthen themselves by a contraction of loans, but there is a feature attending this which we did not allude tol Simultaneously with a contraction of discounts is a narrowing down of deposit balances, and while the mo ney market is stringent, without extraordinary reason the two contractions are nearly equal. The cause lies here. Obligations must be met, and if borrowers can’t obtain money from the banks, they will from. the bank’s de positors. Neighbor leans on neighbor, friend on friend. On August Bth, 1856, the New Tork Banks reached their highest pioiut in loans—ll 2 millions. Money tightened , and their loans contracted for three months, when they stood 103 millions, a reduction of 0 millions, The de posits during this time declined 7 millions. On the 9th of August; 1857, the New. Tork Banks again touched the highostdiscount line; this time 122millions,work ing up to it from 114 millions on May Ist by a gradual Increase.' Bat we find no fncrease ia deposits in that period, bat S decrease, certain,regular, constant. From 99 millions the deposits sunk to 94 millions. Only when the July dividend swelled the deposit line for the mo ment, was there any,break in the regularity of the de cline. .. In a little over three months the loans have increased eight millions,'while the balances diminish five mil lions/ Thirteen millions of dollars are thus unac counted for. The specie has remained all the time at ; nearly the same figures, and the circulation little fluctuation. All this shows that loans on call, |nd per haps on time, have been made to parties opera Mug out of New York ; otherwise the deposits would have in creased simultaneously with the expansion. Tile ques tion is, whether the New Tork banks can or cannot re call their funds at this hour of need. They will draw on their debtors in every quarter j they may perhaps become borrowers. The prospect of returns from the Westia far from satisfactory. The Ohio Life and Trust .business will warn the bankers there to, husband their resources. Boston Is beUered to he In k good and safe financial position, and Philadelphia ls certainly thus situated; There is no donbt that we con respond to all the demands that can be made upon us by New Tork, without inducing any measures -om the part of the banks calculated to distress the business community. It wiU be well for NewYorkif her demands in other quarters are as promptly met. The panic in New York appears to bo subsiding, and the Man have cbme into the market as purchasers at present'prices. The sales are unusually large, and chiefly for cash, a wholesome feature. In this city, to day, Reading Railroad opened at 29, and closed at flO#. The telegraph reports the failure of Jacob tittle, the great stock broker, of, New.York} also of two other firms of brokers, Messrs. Benedict 4b 00., and Fisher Sc Co. There are rumors, too, of several bank failures, including the Warren Bank, of this State. ' The specie taken out to-day by the steamer from Boston amounted to only $460,000. , - The business at the New York sufctreasury on the 25th was as follows: Totalßreelpta ... $206,930 J 8 , . £*s™™*“ 3*8,073 03 “ Receipts at ths Custom-House, .$109,336 14. The following are the footings of the Boston hank statement for ths past week, as compared with thoso of the week previous: . ~ August 18. August 25. Capital stock $31,960,000 $31,960,00 0 Loans and discounts.63,49o,ooo 63,616,600 5pecie........... 8,400,900 3,497 000 Am *due from.other banks. 6,633,600 6.821,000 Am’tdue toother banks.... 4,407,700 4,883,800 Deposits. 16,763,000 16 765 000 .Circulation... ....t........ 6,763,000 6,665,T00 EXPORTS (RXOLUBIVB Of, SPECIE) FBO* NEW YORK TO FOREIGN PORTS, ', v .0 ... 1866... t 1856. . 185 T. Total for the .week.. .$1,274,960 $1,481,837 $1,864,216 Jflwkin August... 934,367; -2,374,678 987,512 JftwMk la August... 1,445,014 1,211 111 Total for 7 moattyi.,, 36, 787,467 47,103.341 43 925166 ®mi? J w 1,a 5e fc * 4M* l .** 62,242,850 47,438,004 - Yor * Ex Preas says: “Therelanmore cou n*eSiie«lio* at i cloBe of business. The feet that no new suspensions have been announced, taken in connectioa with the large depreciation already sub mitted to, arrests the desire to sell stocke, and holders are not inclined to make further sacrifices. The bears have been large purchasers, aud the market has reached a point where, with caution, a reasonable degree of security may be enjoyed. > A large class of borrowers being taken from the street, all legitimate business has naturally a better supply of money. There is no sur plus of uncurrent money for sale, the circulation in general use being so well seoured that the publio hare .full confidence in its value, under any circumstances. - - -‘The Banks are pursuing a conservative coarse, but extend to their customers all reasonable facilities, though a careful scrutiny is made of all paper offered for discount.” . The Olnclnnati, Gazette says of the failure of the Ohio Life and Trust Company: < “This news took everybody by surprise. It acted As » clap of thunder in a clear sky. The Trust Compa ny had been regarded as among the safest and moat sub stantial hanking institutions in the country. Its busi ness here had been carefully'managed, and yielded a fair profit. On the fourth of July a semi-annuil cash dividend was declared of 4# s/f cent. ; “ On Thursday lost the stock sold at the New York Stock Exchange at within a fraction of par, indicating confidence there. In addition to all this the Western business of the bank continued large and profitable. Its discount lines hare not been increased, while its de posits vrere not 1 diminished. The general business of the country is in a good condition, presenting, both pre «*nt ■- ««d - prospective, A- meet'healthy aftpedranee. Money in all the western markets, and indeed in every market'outside of New York Stock circles, has been quite easy.” • The Cincinnati UommerciciZ-remarks in this con nection : ; “It is useless to report the rumors, or give voice to the apprehensions that are afloat. Events will come fast enough, at the very best. Cincinnati is destined to re ceive a blow as severe to her business prosperity as it was unexpected. There are those who, whatever may ,be the.ultimate result, will suffer cruelly. In all this, however, it is best that moderate counsels prevail. Violence can do nothing but injury,and it is the duty of all good citizens to lend their aid to preserve the peace of the dty and.the good order of society.” The New York papers state that the Ohio State Agency and the transfer desk of the 'Cleveland and Pittsburgh, which were kept in the office, are understood to be In ordor. The London account of the office is also aaid to be fully covered. ■ A general investigation of the affairs of the Company is now going on. The assets here are under attachment.' The attaching creditors are: American Exchange Bank $448,000 Ocean Bank.. 140,000 Robb, HttUott Si Co 73,000 Brown,Brother* Sc Co 100,000 Strachan k Scott 25,000 Denniston, Woodfe Co 70,000 Phoenix Bank 35,000 'ComExehangeßank.... 15,000 And others, ab0ut....*,.... 63,000 Total 067,000 The New York Tribune says of, the suspension or Mr. John Thompson, the well-known hanker of Wall street, in consequence of the general calling In of demand loans: * “He found it impossible tomeettho large demands paade simultaneously upon him. This suspension Is much to be regretted, and will cause considerable Incon venience at .the -West. Mr. Thompson has been for years the largest purchaser of uncurrent bsnk notes, and has acted largely as agent for Interior banks. He is confident that he can meet all his liabilities in a reason able time, if not forced into an assignment. The other failures of the day are Messrs. He Launay, Iselin k Clark, and Messrs. B, 8. Munroe k 00., members of the Stock Board, who .have been carried down by the largo decline In stocks purchased for parties who are unable to ittspond to their fosses,” ’ The following is the amount of coal transported over the Lehigh Yauey Railroad, for the weekending August 22d: Mikes. . Week. Prbtiouslt. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Owt. Spring Mountain.... 3,606 08 77,874 08 81,380 16 Boat Sugar Loaf. 4 ....2,609 16 63,201 13 66,811 08 N. York k Lehigh.. 519.12 24,743 12 26,263 04 .Council Ridge 1,271 16 42,952 18 43,224 14 German Fenna 6,807 19 6,307 19 Coleraine & Stafford.l,o63 11 32,186 14 33,249 05 Dolbin & Behaven.. 444 04 5,146 18 5,591 02 Haaletoh ~.,2.333 07 28,271 04 30,604 11 J. B. McCreery & 00. 224 03 3 616 08 3,739 11 1 “ 11,972 16 283,199 14 295,172 10 PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Aug, Reported by R. Maniey, Jr., Stock Broker , JVo.Bo# Watnvt Street. FIRST BOABD. 460 Read Jl lotstfwn 29 100 do 29 100. do 29 100 do sSwn 20k 100 do a6wu 2691 100 do sswn 29# 100 do s&wn 80 100 do sbwnAint 30k 100 do s6wn 30W 84 do lots 30k 16 do. - 30# 160 Lehigh Zinc < Ik 600 A lots Ilf 26 Cam & Am R Us 106 16 MinehiU R lots 68k 2 do • 68# 5 Lehigh Ni_v 56 , 60 Qlranl Bank 11X 20 Bank of Ky 111 1300 City 6’e New Bs# 400 do . , 89# . 400 do 89# 1000 Lehigh ValßO’s 78 600 Wiimlngt’n R6’s 87 900 do 87 1000 Oity B 6*s PBRB9# 500 OltyGas 6’fl New 8914 UOOFennafi’a 64 15 Fenna R 46 ~23 do .46 .^4O- * r. 46 • ' .1 do .46 6 do . 46 6 do 46. 2 do 46 ' 12 do 46 '25 do 46 100 Beading B 29 219 do ( lots sS 29 - .BETWEEN 1000 Ohs k Del Cl 6’s 68 [ SECOND jlO Morris Canal pfd 92# BOARD. 8000'Fenna 6’s bswn 84 1000 C AA B 6’s ’75 s& 73 1300 City fi’a’6l 85 2000'Catawiaa B 7’s oh $2 60 Beading B 30# 100 do 'b&wn 30# 50 do {, 30# 100 do p 80# 60 do 30# 100 do 130# 60 do s& 30# AFTER 36 Reading R 31 16 do 31 100 do 30# 10 Morris Canal j>fd 92 3 . do 92 8 Harrisburg R 64 10Bk of Kentucky] 111 10 do ill 10 do 1111# 10N America B&nk 164 100 Reading B r bs 31 600 do lots lb 31 100 Reading B 60 do 100 do s 6 31 CLOSING- FBI Bid. Altai. Bid. Aitid U 8 6’i. '63 U6X - Bcbjl Nee Pref 21 o2lJj Phlladiee 891(090 Winsp’ttßtaßl? 020 do UB 69X090 ' do T’s do Now 95X096 lot m0rt.74V075V FennaGs, 8-‘i£oB4V do do2d m64x065X Beading B 30X031 Long Island 10X010# ' J do - Bonds *7O 78 ’ ®79 Vicksburg 1 0 8 _ Mort6>>44; 86 ®B6 Oltatdßank llßollX Fennaßß 46'oddV Lehigh Zinc ltf® IX Hon-laGanl Oon 49 051 Union Oanal 9 010 fichyl Nar6s>B2 64 065 New Creek Vo 1 do Block 12 old Oatawlisaßß 10 oil , LATIBT. [ORB-STEADY. 100 Reading Railroad. Beading doses PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Accost 29th— Evening—Breadsjtaffs have been de pressed to-day, and prices favor the buyers; some small salea'of Flour are reported at $6.?5 {or fresh ground superfine new Wheat, and $3.60 for sound old stock, hot there are few buyers to be'fouad at these rates for shipment, and a sale of 1,000 btyi. Baltimore Flour is reported ats6.37# W bbl, delivered here; the home de mand continues limited, and buyers are eautious; sales ranging at from $8.37# to 17 for common and good brands, $7,26«58 for extra, and for fabcy family Floury as to quality, Including old stock aadthattoadefrora new Wheat.' Bye Flour and Corn 'feeaiitte inactive; the forcter Is held at sl.6owithout, wiles, and the latter is .wanted, at $4 TP bbl. There is Iterylfttledemand for Wheat, and the millers are hold ingntf for lower prices; about 6,000 bushels have been .trimgpt sUO#l.6oforred, and $1.6001.63 for white, (tfttyWwijOcyat of $ ofic. V’bbli; Bomo . small lota of choice Wheat bring $1.6501,70. Corn is dull at 86a870. for yellow, In store, at which rates some small sales have been made. Oats are hard to sell, and 4,00005,000 bushels Southern only have been disposed of at 33«36c., the latter for good lots. Rye is selling as wanted by the distillers, at 90a. for Nortnern, and 870880. for Southern, the latter is dull. The Grocery trade is at a stand still as regards sales, buyers of Sugar and Molasses being disposed to hold off for lower prices before operating. Cotton—The demand is slack, only a few small spinners have been in market to-day, and prices show no change. Provi sions—Holders arfl demanding very high prices, and the sales are confined to small lots of Bacon and Green Meats at full rates. Whiskey—The market is better, and about 1,000 bbls. have been sold at 28c. for Eastern, and 29c 1 for Ohio; hhds. aell at 28c. & gallon. DOMESTIC MARKETS. THE COTTON CROP.— (From Wright’s Weekly Cir cular.] The accounts received since my last are con firmatory of the improved condition of the growing crop, which, however, being still backward, is more liable to damage from early frost, and had weather during the picking season, which has now commenced. A bale of new Cotton reached Savannah, from Marion county, Florida, on the 18th Inst. Last year the first bale was received on Ist August. With the exception of the five bales at New Orleans, noticed last W6ek, no further receipts are reported. The following is a statement of the movement in Cot ton since the Ist Septombor last, as compared with the previous three years: 1857. 1856. 1855. 1854. Ree. at p’ts 2,906.000 3,489,003 2,785,000 2,887,000 Ex. toG. B 1,416,000 1,946.000 1,628,000 1,687,000 Ex. France 413,000 478,000 409,000 362,000 Er. other F P’ts. 411,000 620,000 283,000 341,000 Total Export.. ..2,240,000 2,943,000 2,220,000 2,290.000 Stock on hand... 72,000 61,000 112,000 IGS,OOO BALTIMORE PROVISION TRADE.—The Atrurican says: The Provision market this, morning was quiet, but for all articles under this head prices are well sustained. Bacon is firm at 12#c.al3c. for Shoulders, and 14|{c.®15c. for Sides, tho outside figures being the prices asked by the jobbers. There have been sales to day, in jobbing lots, of some 40 hhds. Bucon at the prices named above. For Bacon Hams prices range at from 14#o. to 15j£c. Bulk Meat may be quoted firm at llc.olSc. for summer-cured Shoulders and Sides, and 12c.®13#c. for winter-cured do., IVe quote Pork firm at $2l for Western packed Prime, and $25.50 bbl. for do. Mess. Beef Is steady ats2ofor Baltimore Mess, and $l7 4P bbl. for do. No. 1. There is very little doing in Lard. We quote City rendered at 16c.®l5#c. in bbls., and 10©18>jc. iu kegs. There is no Western Lard here. importations (Reported for The Press.} CALCUTTA—Ship Fleetwood, Dale—l2s9 bags sugar 200 bales jute 625 do gunny bags 281 do cloth 64 bags nux vomica 19 boxes Manilla cheroots 545 bags saltpetre 2000 do linseed 2252 pockets do 112 chests indigo 107 c* and 130 casks castor oil Lowber A Wllraer: 13 nags mdse 10 bags sugar 10 do rice 2 bdls fishing poles Jos Cabot; 0 cases gam tragacantb, D L Miller, Jr. 23 chests indigo' Carson « Newbold; 37 bxs mdse Rev J W Dulles. RlCHMOND—Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell —6O bxs mdse Mercer & Autelo; 40 do Bucknor, McCsm mott Sc Co; 70 do Dohan Sc Tait; 39 bales mgs Servor & Marker; 6 pkgs sundriesParkeri Toland; 6 do J Palnvr A Son; 183 bags wheat Miller Sc Bro; 109 do R Newliu; 780 do Rowland Sc Erveln; 6 do nuts N Uellings; 118 do D Z A D G Evans; G bales yarn J S Woodward A Son; 124 boxes tobacco T Webster, Jr; 0B empty casks 500 pkgs sundries order. EASTPORT—Schr Harriet Ann, Harrington—lol2 bbls calcined plaster 500 oo scaled herring 100,000 laths B A Bonder A Co. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Israel Morris, ) Joseph C. Grubb, > Committee of tub Month. John Welsh, ) LEXTER BAGS At the Merchants 1 Exchange, Philadelphia . Ship Tuscarora. Dunlevy...,. Liverpool, Aug. 25 Ship William, Derry Valparaiso, soou Ship Tropic Bird, Foulkea Demerara, Aug 25 Barqu6Minnesota, C01e... .....Rio Janeiro, soon Barque Ala, Daviß .London, Aug 29 Barque E K Kane, Hewitt.. Cardenas, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. STEAMER FROM FOR DAY Niagara Boston Liverpool Aug 20 Borussi*. New York Hamburg. Sept 1 Arabia New York Liverpool Bept 2 Jason New York Bremen Sept 8 North Star New York Southampton Sept 2 Oof Waalnngton.New York Liverpool Sept 2 Edinburg.......Now York Glasgow Sept 5 Adriatic. New York Liverpool Sept Ig Arago New York Havre Sept 19 Cor Baltimore. .Liverpool New Y0rk.......... July 20 Niagara Liverpool Boston Aug 1 i FROM FOR DAY Atlantic... Liverpool New York Aug 19 Africa .....Liverpool New York Aug 23 Arago Havre New York Aug 26 Kangaroo Liverpool New York Aug 26 Glasgow ....Glasgow New York..., Scot 5 Hlariue Intelligence. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August ST, 1657. SUN RISKS HIGH WATER. Ship Fleetwood. Dale, from Calcutta, April 16, Band Head 18th, St Helena July 6, with mdse io Lowber Sc Wilmer. Lat 32 8, long 14 40 E. spoke ship Revenue, of Dennis, from Akysb, for Falmouth, Eng. The Fleet* wood has been 13 days within 650 miles ol tho Delaware. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, 21 hours from N York, via Cepe May, with maso ona 200 passenger* to J AIL derdlce. Reports having passed a large ship, deeply laden, with painted ports, above Bombay Hook, in tow of tug America: ship Morning Light,'for Panama, at an chor off Reedy Point, with loss orjibboora and bobstays. Passed in the bay and river six light brigs and fourteen schooners. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, from Rich mond, via Norfolk, 87 hours, with mdse and passengers to Thos Webster, Jr. Reports steamship Norfolk, Kelly, hence, at Richmond at 11 o'clock on Monday. Brig Jas Bliss, Hatch, from Warren. Brig Ohlmboroso,Drown, 12 days from Lingan.Cß. with coal to 8 Morris Wain Sc Co. Schr- Fessenden, Cooper, 7 days from Eastport. with laths to E A Bonder & 00. Schr Diamond State, Smithere, 2 days from Milford, DeLwitheomtoJililoCollcj Schr Mary Gray, Cain, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with wheat to Bewlcy, Wilson Sc Go. Schr Harriet Ann, Harrington, 8 days from Eastport. with fish, laths, Ac. to E A Souder Sc Co. Schr 0 Bbaw, Shaw, 7 days from Portsmouth, NH. with mdse to captain. ‘ Schr Lonsdale, Crowell, 4 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell Sc Collins. Schr Lady of the Lake, Jones, I day from Smyrna, Del. with oats to Bewley, Wilson A Co. Schr J Williamson, Jr, Wiasmore,6daysfrom Boston, in ballast to Tyler, Stone Sc Co. Bchr J S Shriver, Meredith, 5 days from Boston, in ballast. Schr Empire State, Atwood, 6 days from Chatham, in ballast to O Miller A 00. Schr Grace Girdler, Paine, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Geo A Wood. • Schr John A Hazzard, Laws, 2 days from Milford,with wheat and com to J H McCoUey. Schr Fra Ward, Till, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with oats and wheat to Jas Barrett Sc Son. Schr Telegraph, Truitt, 1 day from Camden, Del. with o&ta to Jas Barrett Sc Son. Schr M B Mahony, Robinson, from Fall River. Schr 8 F Solliday, Seaman, from Boston. Bchr A Henderson, Godfrey, from Providence. Schr 8 F Garrottson, High, from Pawtucket. Schr Speed, Bomera, from Boston. Schr Wave, Leighton, from New York. Schr Julia, Barrett, from Boston. Schr L 8 Levering, Corson, from Boston. Schr Lewis Chester, Somers, from Boston. Schr Jas T Barrett, Davis, from Boston. Schr Snow Flake; Weaver, f.om Providence Schr R M Browolng, Conover, frera Pawtucket. Bchr Antares, Ireland, from Providence. - Sloop J D Fish, Bell, 1 day from Lrwes, Del. with mdse to Thos W Parker. CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Sbaw, New York, J Allderdico. Ship Tropic Bird, Foulke, Demerara, Thos Wattson A Sons. ’ Barque Oak, Ryder, Boston, Twells, Gasklll A Galvin. Barque Parthian, Ilugglns, Richmond, S J Christian. Brig Jus BHss, Hatch. Bangor, Brown A White. Schr W B Horsey, Colburn, 8t Thomas, J F Peaistoo. Bchr Speed, Somers, Boston, L Audenreid A Co, Schr J 8 Sbiiver, Meredith, Medford, do Bchr 8F Garrettson, High, Roxbury, do Schr 0 Shaw, Boston, N Sturtevant A Oo Schr Empire State. Atwood, Harwich. 0 MUler A Co. Schr Onward, Toda, Baltimore, 8 J Christian. Schr Dorothea Harris, Reeves, do do Schr Jessee Williams. Winsraoro, Quincy Point. Tyler Stone A Co. Schr S F SolUday, Leaman, Boston, Rogers, Slnnlck son A Co. Bchr Alex Henderson, Godfrey, do do Schr L 8 Levering, Corson, Boston, O A Heckshcr A Co. Schr Julia. Barratt, Boston, John R White; Schr M B Mahony, Robinson, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis A Co. Schr Lewis Chester, Somers, Boston, Wallace A Co. Schr 51 R Browning, Conover, Pawtucket, B Milues A Co. Schr Joanna, Hand,Westchester, Dlakiston, Cox A Co. Schr J R Mitchell. Pumoll, Stony Point, do Schr.EllshaT Smith, Lee, Boston, do Schr Jas Barratt, Davis, Commercial Point, Vandusen Norton A Co. Schr Snow Flake, Weaver, Richmond, Morris A Murray. Schr Wave, Leighton, Portsmouth, Noble, Hammet A Caldwell. Str Honry L Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. [BY TBLBOBAPH.J {Correspondence of The Press.) Boston, Aug 26 Arrived, ship Starlight, from Manilla; barque R D Wolfe, from Glasgow. Nkw Yobe, August 26. Arrived, schr Harriet, Halloch, from Marannam rar tblkojufh.] . . (Jorreepoadenw’of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Aug 26. Two herra brigs and several schooners passed up to day. Wind BW—•weather fine Yours, &0,, Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Del., Aug. 25—8 A. M- A Urge ship, supposed to be the Stalwart, from Liver* pool, is now going np. The barque Conrad, for Rich* moudi brigs Orrs Fab&rs, for St dago de Cuba; Black Squall, for Havana, ana D 8 Brown, for Charleston, went to sea yesterday, In company with a largo fleet or schooners. Wind E—weather warm. Yours, &c, Correspondence of The Press. Havre Db Gbacs, Aug. 20. Nineteen boats left here this morning, laden and consigned as follows: Thos Welsh, bit coal to Cook St Eraerick; Tulip, do to Hecker it Long; Y S Doebler, lumber to M Trump be. Son; North Btar, do to Malone St Taylor; G Kinsman, Thos Rothermel, and Frank Taggart, lumber to Young St Woolverton; Col P Harley, S G Hess. South Ward, Wm 0 Krater, J B Earley. Montezuma, Daal Vories, J 0 Davis, Col R Bogle. A Fisher, Mirus Puer, and T Eck ard, anthracite coal to Delaware city. Steamship Vanderbilt. Higgins, from New York, at Havre 11th lost. Steamship Philadelphia, Gray, for Havana and New York, cleared at New Orleans 19tb Inst. Steamship Clyde, Melklerid, for Glasgow, cleared at Quebec 21st Inst. Steamship City of Richmond. Mitchell, sailed from Richmond frth lust, for Philadelphia. Richmond, Kelly, hence at Norfolk 24th Inst. Steamship Boston, Sellew, hence arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Nestorisn, Goodhue, from Calcutta, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Joshua Bates, from Now York for China, was' spoken 22d ult, lat 142 8, long 3127. Ship Levi Woodbury, Bradford, cleared at N Orleans 19lh hist. Tor Liverpool. Ship Tempest, Whitney, hence at N Orleans 19th Inßt. Ship Starlight, Matthews, from Manilla, May 5, for Boston, passed Highland Light Phi 25th inst. Barqne Merrimac, Fit*, hence, via Portland, at Pictou 15th Inst. . , „ r , Barque Evangeline, Clark, for Valparaiso, cleared at Boston 25th lost. , • Barque Jane Do ten, Hoffman, cleared at Boston 25th Inst, for Savannah. ~2days 30# ...30#®30# Barque Tanaro, Axey, from Cronstadt, at Bristol, E* LOth Inst. ft Barque Marian, Homewood, heneo at Btohmond 24th Inst. Brig Waccamaw, Grant, for Rio de Janeiro, cleared at Georgetown, 80.215 t Inst, with 140,000 feet lumber. Brig Oharlos Miller, Brewer, from Boston, at Plotou 16th fust. Brig Fred Beed, Crosby, from Eostport, at Richmond 241 h Fnst. . . Brig Leonard Berry, Steele, cleared at Providence 24th inst. for Philadelphia. f ° r philftdel P hia > cleared at St Brig Wenonah, Bose, hence at Boston' 25th inst. , lIP Crawford, Haskell, cleared at Boston 25th iiut.Tcr Gardiner, Me! * : Apew», 27, 1857. ,6 25—SUN SETS. ARRIVED. THOS. B. HUGHES. WM. M. HICKMAN. MEMORANDA. Brig Winyaw, Swaeey, for Philadelphia, cfeared at New Yprkyesterdaj’. «. , - • Brig Ormus, Baker, hence at New Bedford 26th Inst. Schr, A Hammond. Paine, from Newark, at Beaton 25th inst, ’ Schr Onward, Lel&nd, for Philadelphia, sailed from Oalaia 18th Inst. ' . Schr Cyclone, Dali, hence, via Delaware City, at N Bedford 2&U» lust. ~ Schr Meteor, Bowman, from Blppican /of Philadel phia. bailed from New Bedford 25th tust. ’ Schr George E Prescott, Gilkey, frjra Camden, at Plctou 16th inst. ' ' Schr R G Porter, Hudson, hence &tDanvors 18th inst. Schr Johu Howard, Baker, cleared at New York 25th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr Henry Janos, Aldrich, hence, wm below Provi dence 24th Inst. Schr T L Miller, Paddoch, for Philadelphia, sailed from Middletown 22d inst. 1 Schra P B Anderson and John Rovers, hence at Mid> dletown22d lost. Schra Electric, M M&rey, and L H Endlcott, hence at Newport 26th inst. Schr 5D Bellows, Clark, hence At Middletown 18th inst Schr Transport, Kenuy, from Delaware city, at New York yesterday. Steamer Concord, Norman, cleared at New York yes terday for Philadelphia. Schr Alerrider. hence at WarehamlTth inst. Schr Larkin, Ohurbuck, sailed from Wareham 19th inst for Philadelphia. Schr Breese, Dickinson, hence at Fall River 24th inst. Schr R S Dean, Cook, hence at Taunton 24th lost. Schra Marla Pickup, Baker, and Isis, Chase, sailed from Portland 24th inst. for Philadelphia, Bchra Mary Ann Guest, Barrett, sailed from Rlohmond 24th inst. down the river bight. Schra L B Myera, Somers, and WL Springs, Lippin cott, cleared at Bavannah 23d iußt. for Philadelphia. Schrs Walter A Lemuel, Johnson, and Hume; Phin ney, hence at Boston 25th inst. Schr J H Planner, Thompson, for Philadelphia, went to sea from Wilmington, NO. 24th inst. Schra Charm, Nickerson, and Trojan, Clark, Cleared at Boston 25th inst. i'or Philadelphia. Schr Kensington, Crowell, cleared at Wilmingtou, N O, 25th inst. for Boston. Schra Eliza Elklnton, Naylor, and Frances Newton, Sprague, sailed from Newburyport 24th Inst, for Phila delphia. Schr Vashtl Sharp. Sharp, cleared at Salem 24th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Alexander M. Christie, hence at Wareham 18th inst. Schr Stag. Townsend, hence at Dighton 21st inst. Schr Amelia, RockhllL sailed from Fall River 22d Inst* for Philadelphia. Schra James Martin, Harding; M R Carlisle, Wins more; Moonlight, Tuthill; Thomas Potter, Gloven Mon teven, Fnlkenberg; W O Atwater, Brown; John R Pla ter, Gandy; Daniel Townsend, Townsend; and Almira T, Gandy, hence at Providence 24th inst. Schr w W Brainard, Bowditch, from Delaware City, at Providence 24th inst. Schr Worcester, Rhodes, sailed from Providence 24th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Access, Adams, hence at Richmond, 24th inst. MARINE MISOKLLANY. The new steamship Adriatic, of the Collins's line, will, on Friday afternoon, be taken on the large balance dock for the purpose of having her copper cleaned—she' having lain over a year at the Novelty Works dock. . Bark Ariel, Cheesman, from Port au Prince Aug. 10, at New York 25th Inst, reports 24th Inst, 4.30 AM. lat 29.30, lon 74, passed a barque with loss of bowsprit and forctopgallant mast, steering S W; Apparently had been run into during tne night; could not make opt her name. Schr Adelo. Griffin, at New York 25th lust, from Wil mington, N C, reports that on the morning of the 24th inst, off Baruegat, fell in*with the boat of sebr Philip Gilkey, containing the captain, mate, and two men; took them on board, and brought them to this port. The FhlUp GUkey was run Into and sank on the night of the 23d, 10 miles E 8 E of Bsrnegat, by an unknown Am bark, and during the collision two men were lost. Laukohsd,—At Dighton, Maas., 20th inst., from Win. Cobb A Co.’s yard, a superior copper-faßtened oak schr. called the*‘Wm A Crocker.” She is intended for the Southern trade, and is owned by the builders. Sch Vermilion, Avery, from Warren, Jl I, for Port Eweu, in ballast, waa capsized during a violent thunder squall on Sunday evening, neat Mystic Island. Captain Avery, his wife and chila, and crew were saved, and have arrived at New London. Launched—At Harpswell, 19th inst, from the yard of Capt Norton Stover, 2d. a fine clipper schooner of about 215 ions burthen, called the “Eureka,” to be com raandedby Captain Gregory Gras ton, of Ellsworth. The following vessels have been sold recently at Bos ton :—Ship Onward, 874 tons, built by J O Curtis, Med ford. in 1852, for about $22,000; ship Bowditch, 678 tons, built at Medford in 1838, for abont $11,000; barque Home, 331 tons, built at Medford in 1849, for about $16,000. * Snip Squando, of Rockland, before reported ashore at Beaver Island, NS, reported by Capt Corbin, of steamer Osprey, at Halifax, to be in Sheet Harbor, no dategiveu. Sheet Harbor is about twelve miles from the place where the Squando went ashore, consequently she must have been Uoated off by the people who have beeu at work getting out her ballast. Previous accounts represent the Squando as lying with 24 feet water on oue side and 19 on the other, and a large rock through her bottom; her top sides were then good. The expenses of getting her off have beeu considerable. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Blaokwatsb Bake Light-V'ssel, Southeast Coast of Ireland.— Official information has beeu received at this office that it is the intention of the Port of Dublin Corporation to cause a light-vessel to be placed, on or about the first week in October, about 1% mile E £ S of the buoy on the north end or the Blackwater Bank, from which vessel two white lights will be exhibited; one revolving, the other fixed. The revolving light, which will attain its greatest brilliancy once in every minute, will be shown from the mainmast of the vessel, at a height of 39 feet above the level of the sea; ana the fixed light will be shown from the foremast or the .vessel, at a height of 26 feet above the level of the sea. Further notice of the position and bearings will be given when the vessel shall have been placed By order of the Light-house Board; Thorstoh a. jesxinb, Secretary. Treasury Defartmeet, Office Light-house Board. Washington, August 18,1867. WHALERS. Ship lonic*, for New Bedford, was spoken 22d inst.. lat, 30.02, long. 67.46. Ship Sea Gull, for the same port was spoken same day. r 1 DOMESTIC PORTS, NEW YORK, Aug 26.—Arrived ship Francis B Out* ting, Johnson, Havre. July 9th, with mdse and 180 pas sengers. Had three deaths ou board during the passage August 20th, George Brown (seaman) fellfrom thefore mast rigging overboard and broke his leg. Schra Gen'l Armstrong, Frisby, Alexandria: Osar, or Mystic, Ham mond, Turk's Island. August 16tb, with 9.200 bushels salt. Left no American vessels. The bark Stampede. york. wiua AngU, W DO«*W, S>4k Baltimore. Cleared Steamship Southerner, Robertson, Charleston. Ships Trenton, Greer, St Stephens; Sea' Bell, Lanpher, New Orleans. Barks S A Nickels, Nickels, Baltimore: Mustang, Greenman, Lavacca. Brigs Acadian, /Br) Fockbarc, Windsor; W Bootkbv. i Br) Martin, Windsor; Caroline, Whitney, Aipinwafi; Albert, (Dr) Steeves, 8t Johns; Charlotte, 8t Johns, N B Schrs Pointer, Fowler, Providence: J A Stanly, Sim mons, Wilmington; Three Brothers, Blake, Fredericks burg; Manhasset, Blake, Charleston; Isaac Hinckley, Hawey, Fredericksburg. Also cleared ship John Brieht , Cutting, Liverpool. NEWPORT, it I—Arrived 24th fast, brig Conductor, Gann, from Turk's Island, for Providence; Golden Rod, New Bedford for Baltimore. BOSTON, Aug.2s.—Arrived, steamer Admiral, Small, St John, N B, via Eastport; barquo Hadley, Kent, Balti more; brigs John Boop, (Br) Crowley, Weymouth, N 8; O O Clary, Philbrook. New Orleans; Mystic, Fish, Mo bile. Telegraphed, ship Serampore, from Now Orleans. Signal for a barque and brig. Cleared, barques Vivid Light, Blanchard, Alexandria, (Egypt.) Sailed, wind WNR, good breeze, ships Golden Rule, N Thompson; barques N Boynton, Ontario; brigs Mecosta, Broome. Barque Undine sailed yesterday. BANGOR—Cleared 22d, schr H D Grindle, Bartlett. Winward Islands. PROVIDENOE, Aug 24—Below, brig Maria White, Elwell. from Grand Turk, Turk’s Island. Went to sea 24th, barque A U Kimball; Br brig Columbus, and others. NEW LONDON, Aug24—Sailed, bark Lucy Johnson, (new) Johnson, Coast of Africa. BALTIMORE, Aug. 25.—Cleared to-day Barane Lightning, (new, 235 tons,) Dashielda, Richmond: Mi Elizabeth (Ur) cole, St John, N B; brig Ina, Lancy, Halifax, N 8: Bchr James Madison, Diggs, w Indies. Sailed—Ship John Bryant, Gardner, Savannah; ship Marianne, (Brom) Ilaesloop, Rotterdam: barque Hun tingdon. Baldwin, Rio Janeiro and a market. CHARLESTON, August 23—Arrived shipsSarabPur rington, Whitney. Boston: Tern K O Fetter, Collura, N York; At Quarantine—Sehr J F Davenport, , Ma tanzas, 6 days. Went to sea—Tern Queen'of the South, Neff. New York: schrs Challenge, Whicher, New York: Lewis S Davis, Lynch, New York; George Darby, Mul llner, New York. Arrived—Bark Maria Morton, Thompson, New York: Bark Harvest, Nichols, New York. Below, Bark Chas William. Cleared, Brig Macon, Moore, New York, 21st. Arrived, Bark Tidal Wave, White. Boston; Brig Eliza* both, Howe, Oamden; Bchr S J Waring, Smith, New Yorlq Sehr R M DemiU, Hendrickson, New York: Bchr Geo Davis, Kelley, New York; Sehr Maine Law, Fitz gerald, Camden. Cleared, Bark Schools, MoNolU, Boston. GEORGETOWN, (8 0) Aug 16—Arr brig Rainbow, Patterson, 21 days from Booth Bay. Aug 17—Old, brig Sarah, Lebby, Maine. Aug 16—Old, brig Caroline Grant, Shute, West Indies. Aug 2ft—Old, schra Pokamoke, Munroe, N York; Maitland, Speed, for New York. Aug 21—Arr, sofar Bfedad Platt, Ireland, from Newbern, NO. MOBILE, Aug 17—Old, French ship Circe, DaviQ, for Rochefort, (France.) NEW ORLEANB, Aug. 19.—Arrived, brig Allan A. Chapman, Simpson, from Baltimore. Below, ship Kdw. Hyman, Neil, from Bostou. Cleared, brig Rufus Bouie, Davis. Matansas; sehr Star, Gammon, Punta Rosa, Fla. Towed to sea on the 15tb Inst., brig Eudorus and sehr A C Brewer. JLlst of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. GIRARD HOTEL-Ohestnut street, below Ninth. W J Cline, Frankfort, Ky J Chapman, Springfield, 111 A P Blackwell, Versailles Henry 0 Ashley, Ark Mr Eustls & la, N York T J Glover A la, N York Mrs J Porter, Harrisburg J H Wilson, Illinois, MiaaPorter, do D H Rush, N York i Horace Porter, do R w Williams Sc la, Jflorida Jno Cunningham, Charles- D A Clark, Atabama ton, SO D B McAree. 8 0 G A Chandler Sc la, Co- Mrs Dakar, Columbus,Miss , lmnbus. Miss Miss Goffe, do Thos Taylor, jr, Richmond Judson M Duckett, Balto Wm H Dale. Boston W Wilkinson, Washington Mrs E A Hales, do Lambert Tree, Chicago, 111 JohnPHale, do MMWamb&ugh,Oincln Jno W Walker Sc la, Nash Jno Blasdel, N York ville F Woodworth Sc la, Balto E A Shire, Charleston, SO HH T Grill, Missouri' A Poull&ln, Augusta, Ga T 8 Ridgood Sc la, Mobile R Douglass, do Edw Bradford, Va A Hitchcock, NY E P Hernia, Mobile OP Smith, do E FTete,Phila P Loughry Sc la, Mobile W L Brown, Boston 8 S Carrier, Harrisburg T J Shannon It la, 111 J Ross, do Dr John P R Lane, La W R Glover, Louisville, Ky 0 A Blarvln Sc la, Brooklyu J EWinans, West Rush, NY AW Doneph&ir St la, St. Alex. Alien, La Louis EdwO White,NY F A Peterson Sc la, Ark John 0 Fall, Lexington, Mo J 0 Cornell, Washington J Byrne, Jr, St Louie J L Rodman, Ky Mr Washbourn, Conn A J Harris, Charleston, S C Prof Saunders, Louisiana W Cooper, New Orleans 31H Stevens Sc lady, Wash- A R Towne, Boston ington D 0 Green, New York N Elliott, Rhode Island R L Brown, Danville W P G&ut & lady, Columbia D K Dunlap, Alabama Chas H Trask, New York WII Jordan, Florence, Ala A Johnston, do D Thompson, do D Humphrey, Nashville J&s B Blcrwine, Chicago Cornelius Andrews, New Francis W Waldo, N York Britain, Ct Jas E Rankin, Ky E B Thompson Alabama J G Oooper, Lexington, Ky T Norris Sc sister. Newark Thos Do land, do Jas Murphy, Baltimore W C France, Baltimore Jos P Battles, Bostou T B Wallace, Lexlngt'a,Mo Chas A Green, NY Wm L McAfee, Washington E U Pendleton, NY B F Crane, St Louis E 0 Simklns, Florida W W BlcGrew, Oin Ohio U T Blow Sc wife, St Louis Edw L Tberiat, N Y WDWBarnard, do J M Tucker, St Louis MERCHANTS—Fourth street, below Arch. J C Goodrich, Fayettv, Tenn Lewis Kraus, Baltimore D W Moore, Clearfield, Pa Simon Janouitz, do J M Guthrie, BUirsville 8 Rofieustock, do J A Vinnedge, Indianapolis Chas Zekind, Ft Wayne, In D B Anderson, Loganspt, Iu 2 Herdman, Pittsburgh J Farnemao, Rockfield, Ind J 8 Herbst, Reading John Oollman, Bridgeport F F Bruner, MontourviUe H E Pitcher. Waveriy, NY Miss E Blason, Fred’ksburg A Fulton, Pittsburgh J G Penney, do F C Gregory. Montgy co, Pa A J Mclntyre. Wllming- John Culbert, New York ton, 111 A G Broadhead, Jr, M OhunkN Oldham, Texas J Finn, Dubuque, lowa D 0 Rawson. do J A Wolf, Pittsburgh B Houston, La Grange, To John PGowar. Nashville A J Williams, do J A Shaw, S Gibson, La VP Armstrong, W Pt. Ky J H Alles, Miss Hon W F Packer & la. Pa James D Binder, Pittsburgh J V Painter Sc lady. Kit* David Mofflt. Chester, 8 (J tanning, Pa N A Baker, Fayetteville, NO Hon J 8 Yost, Pa HRaught, Jefferson co,Pa John France, Washington Wm MeKnlgbt, Mis* Mrs France, do Jacob Goldsmith, N Y Miss France. do Henry W Potriken, Lecomp-Alex H Seigie, Reading ton, KT . George HMcllvane Sc lady, Miss S R Mcllvane, Pittsbgh Peoria, ill ’ Miss 31 McClure, Harrisburg J T Musselman, Indiana Thos Wbita Sc la. York, Pa BI Gregg. St Lonls • A Montgomery, Gallatin, Tn E 0 Cook; Mississippi F W Kerner, New York 0 W Rowel, ? of the 21th Instant. Mr. WARREN WRIGHT to Miu MARY E. FOX Bjr the Rev. A. Johns, on the 25th Inet., at the house of the bride’a father, Mr. T. M. SAYKR, formerly of Bridgeton, N. J., to Sltea BARAH EOtTISA, efdeat daughter of Wm. B. Schooch, Ken., of Frankford, Twen. ty-thiid Ward, Philadelphia. August 18th, 1857, at 242 Hanover Btreet, Kensington, hj I°hu O. Wll»on, V. D. M., Mr. PETER B. STEEL. MAN to Miu MARGARET BEQROAT, both of this city. Deatlje. s norninft, 23d in.tant. of droply, Dr N. C. NANOBRDb, Id the &th year of his age. HU male friends and those of hU family, ace respect fully Invited to attend hU funeral, from hia late real deuce. 240 fipruco street, on this (Thursday) morning, theSitb, at 9 o’clock. On the 25th instant, Mrs. ELIZABETH KARLER, aged 58 years. [New London papers please copy.l • The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, Mr. Wto. Eerier, No. 778 Booth Second street, below German, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. On the 24th instant, Mrs. HARRIET RUHL, wife of Frederick Rubl, in the 43d year of her age. Ou the 24th instant, Mr. JOHN BROWN, in the 66th year of hia age. OFFICE OF THE GUARDIANS OF THE F? OR , No. SO North Srvrhth Strrst—PßlLA imshPSUA, 40003123,1857. Proposals for the purchase of FLOUR BARRELS, ic- OTiug during the ensuing year at the Philadelphia A , , . noaM i "Hi he received at this office until 10 o’clock, on Monday, Augnat 31st. Satd proposals to stMo the average price per barrel, and to be endorsed, “ Proposals for Flour Barrels.” •»*l'-** 0. W. 80ITLATER, Secretary. rjHEAP SUMMER FUEL-GAS COKE, n7an'oo C rro? t, J?‘ , **«W»tth« PHILADELPHIA OAS n ORES ror the reduced price of five cents n bushel, and may be obtained in large or small quantity by ap- Strecf ** So - South SEVENTH ■ % P ?" h ** er ” b /. Wholesale, it is sold at the Works, In First wart, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, at $2.60 per ton. J. 0. ORES3ON, Engineer, i’au.AnEl.rHii (jm Woata, Aug. 20, ’67. au27-tf TjVPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS— A-i Will continue open for visiters until the last of September. This is a safe pUco for persons desirous of spending tbe close of the season, where they can enjoy tho mountain sir and pure water without the risk of contracting epidemics. For further information ap- D. Myers, Esq., Third and Vine streets, and to James 8. Earle, Chestnut street above Eighth, Philadelphia, or to tho Proprietor, a«3T-» JOSEPH KONIOMAOIIEh, ’ « Bphrata Tost Office, Lancaster county,Fa. 1. }. MiCHat.] rw. B. Roosts. TMfICHEL & KOONTZ IS* ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 28 Camp Street, Neto Orleans . KKFSREXCEB IK PHILADXLFUU : Caleb Cope k Co., 183 Market street. Smith, Murphy k Co., 97 Market street. Wm. u. Brown k Co., 108 Market street. fau27»2oi* Dancing academy.—naylor & DAUGHTER’S DANCING ACADEMY, TENTH and SOUTH streets, commencing TUESDAY, September 1,1867. The subscribers, In offering this prospectus to the dancing community, respectfully acknowledge their kindness during past seasons, aud pledge themselves that nothing shall be wanting on their part to mako the coming season surpass in brilliancy that of former years. Mr. N. and Daughter have, with untiring exertions, added to their already full list of fashionable dances, many new ones, which will be introduced during the season. DAYS OF TUITION. For Children—'Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons from Bto 5 o’elock; for Ladies and Gentlemen—Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 till 10 o’clock. au 27-3 m Educational bookstore—e Tc. k J. BIDDLE, No. 608 MINOR Street, (between Market and Chestnut streets, west of Fifth street.) having devoted their attention especially to the publb cation and sale of Books for the use of Schools aud’Col leges, have for sala & stock embracing most of the text books extensively used in the educational Institutions o the United Btates, which, together with an assortment of Blank Books and Stationenr adapted to the wants of eohooli,they offer for sale, wholesale and retail, at low prices. Teachers aud others wishing to examine text books with reference to introduction into schools, are invited to cau and examine the above named stock. an27-dlw JW. DERIOKSON, NOTE AND BILL • BROKER, 38 South THIRD Street, up stairs. Time paper negotiated, Loans obtained on collateral, Interest allowed on money. au27-3t* PORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de benture 260 casks St. Joseph’s Pure Juice Port Wine, in qrs. and eighths. Ten puncheons John Ramsay Inlay Malt Scotch Whis key, 2 years old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin. Marett, Martel, Bouvet, and J. J Dupuy Brandies, all of which X offer to the trade at reduced prices. JOS. F. TOBIAS, au27-3moe 88 and 90 8. Front St., below Walnut. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—2OO bbla Spirits Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by MARTIN k MAOALIBTER, aul 119 North Water Street. WELCOME RANGE— SoId by CHAD f V WIOC le PRO- 202 N. SECOND Bt. aulB-3m. COTTON—IOO bales Gulf Cotton, in store \J and for sale by MARTIN k MAOALIBTER, aul 119 North Water Street. -imrELCQMjB RANGE .—SOLD BYCHAJJ TT WICK k BRO, 2C2N.SEQONP 81, *ult~3m. Academy of music, broad and LOCUST Streets,—Sir. E. A. SIABSHAIL, Sols Lqe^oq.—Last night but three of the ’ PROMENADE CONCERTS. THIS EVENING-, Aug. 27—The following attractive features. MADAME JOHANNSEN, MISS 0. RICH INGS. Mr. PICEANEBER, MR. FRAZER, Mr. CARL BERGMAN, the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. New and SPLENDID STATUARY, from the Warerooms of SIGNOR VITO VITI A SON, perfect likenesses of the following eminent American Statesmen: Washington, Clay, Jackson, Webster, Calhoun, and Fillmore, Admittance 25 cents. WHEATLEY’ 8 AROH ST. THEATRE —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Soalk op Prices.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), SO cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre. 25 cents; Seats in Pri vate Boles, 76 cents; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 cents; Pri vate Bor in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 8 P. M. J. M. B. WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Aug. 27th, will be ore seated, first night, the beautiful romantic play, entitled ST. MARC. St. Marc..,.. ..Mr. E. L. Davenport Dianora . Mrs. B. L. Davenport To conclude with the comedietta of w « . . MY PRECIOUS BETSY. Mr. Bobtail Mr. J. 8. Clarke Mr. Wagtail Mr. TannehiU Mrs. Wagtail MluAnna Cruise Doors will open at 7 o’clock. Performances commence at 7 w precisely. yifALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Fro ? V prletor, Mr. WM. J. NAGLE; Acting and Stage Manager, Mr. WAYNE OLWINB. Prlceg—DreßS CinHe and Paranotte, 60 cents: Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Beats, 76 cents. Box Office odaq from 8 o’clock A. M. to 4 P. M. Doors openat 7 o’clock: performance will commence at 8. No bill received. RATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST a! above Eighth. ’ GEO. CHRISTY AND WOOD’S MINSTRELS, from 444 Broadway, New York. Busluess Manager MR. H. WOOD Stage Manager MR. GEO. CHRISTY. Treasurer I MR, L. M. WINANS. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Aug. 27, a grand pro gramme, among which will be found Hold Your Horses, Old Vlrginny, Ac. ’ To conclude with the MASQUERADE BALL. Doorkeeper Mr. Geo. Christy Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o’clock. WAYNE OLWINK ?. Acting Manager. CJANFORD’ 8 OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Btroet, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7# o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 26 cents. MONDAY EVENING, Aug. 24, and every evening this week, will be performed a new original poetical, prosaical, Metaphorical, Operatical, Burlesque Extravagance, written ekpressly for this establishment by John Har rington. "Esq., entitled LA TRAVIATA In which the entire comply will appear. Previous to tne burlesque SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE will appear in their grand DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENT. To be followed by the FAIRY STARS—THE SANFORD CHILDREN, in their BBjUTTIFCL DAMOSB, &t124-lw THOMEUF’ 8 VARIETIES, N. W. COR. FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, (new) 601 Chest nut. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT NIGHT LY, interspersed with dances and concluding on MON DAY and TUESDAY with the little IMP and TWO PHILOSOPHERS. Fanchette, M’LLE LEFOLLE; First PhilosopherJJH. KENDALL; Second Philosopher, BAN FORD. On WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FHIDAY and SATURDAY with THE TWO GREGORY’S. Fanchette. MAD. LOUISE PAYNE; Little Gregory, CH. KENDALL! Commencing at hair-past 7. Admission 10 cents. J. B. THOMEUF, Proprietor. J. 0. WARREN, Conductor. au24-lw* PARKINSON’ 8 ILLUMINATED GAR DENS, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE CONCERTS with the Scottish Nightin. gale, a Fine Orchestra, Fire Works, Ac., EVERY EVENING. Admittance, one shilling. TIIE PLUS ULTRA—FOR THE FIRST L* TIME in the United States.—GßAND BALLOON ASCENSION AND DESCENT IN PARACHUTE, on THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Aug. 27th, AT LEMON DILL, By thedaringßrotherß, E. Sc A. GODARD. The latter just arrived lrorn Europe, will make a descent in a Parachute from an altitude of six thousand feet, and perform in the aatnetlme the extraordinary feat called THE AtRIAL TRAPEZ. A fine Band of Music willbe'in attendance. Boors open at 12 o’clock. Final Ascension at 6# o'clock. Admission to all, 25 cents. au2s-w3— AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, GARD NERS, POMOLOGIBTS, INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS. ARTISANS! All classes are inrited to be come exhibitors. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at Powelton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 29th and 30th, and OCTOBER Ist and 2d ensu ing, for the display of Oattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and implements, Dairy, Field and Garden Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, the Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and othet uaaofaetares, Stores, Wares sad Invention. T A PLOWING MATCH * ! Ia order to promote skill and efficiency in the im portant work oi the Farm, a Plowing Match will come off on the fourth duy of the Exhibition, to which men and yenths are inrited to compote for the premiums. To sellers and buyers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. The different Railroad Companies wilt carry all stock and articles to and from the Exhibition free of charge as heretofore, and will Issue Excursion Tickets for the Fair week at the usual liberal rates. Lists of Premiums and all othor Information will be furnished on application to ROBERT 0. WALKER, Se cretary. at the Rooms of “tho PhlladelphiaSociety for Promoting Agriculture,’’OhesnutStreet, below Seventh, south side, upstairs. The books for the entry of articles and animals will be open on and after the Ist of September. „ DAVID TAGGART, President Penna. State Agricultural Society. au!3-d t sep 28 __ 3 REVOLUTIONARY WORK. VT LITTLE, BROWN & CO., No. 112 irajAtnyton Street, Boston. Will publish by subscription, TUB LIFE, LETTERS AND DESPATCHES or MAJOR GENERAL NATHANIEL GREENE, In seven vols. Bvo . with portraits, maps and battle plans, in style similar to Sparks's Washington and the Works of John Adams. From the original Manuscripts in possession of his family. By his grandson, George Washington Greene. PRICE |2.25 PER VOLUME. Subscriptions will now be received, from Jared Sparks, LL.D. The work you propose will be a very \aluable contri bution to American History. I have read many of Gon. Greene’s letters. They are marked by a peculiar felicity of style, a clearness of conception, a Uuency of language, a depth of thought and a range of ideas, which prove at once the power end versatility of his mind. His energy of character and action was equalled only by the ardor of his patriotism. FVom the late Vice President Wm. B. King, Born la North Carolina,! fuel the obligations of my native State and of the whole South to General Greene, lie was without doubt the great military genius of the Revolution. From Lieut. Oen. Winfield Scott. I shall subscribe for a copy of the Life and Despatches of Gen. Greene to place beside the Life and Writings of Washington. These names are indissoluble iu their im mortality. From Alexander Hamilton*s Eulogy on Gen. Greene. In his life we have a succession of deeds cs glorious ss theyaro unequivocal, to attest his greatness and per petuate the honors of his name. His abilities entitled mro to a pre-eminent sbsre in the councils of hh chief, lie gained it and he preserved it. •FVom Hon. Edward Everett I am happy to learn that you propose to publish the letters and despatches of Oener&l Greene. Mis position in the army of the Revolution, second only to that of its illustrious Chief, and the importance of the events with w hich ho was immediately connected, will make his cor respondence highly interesting to the general reader, and extremely important to the student of Americas history. From a speech of Hon. R. Toombs,in the U. S. Senate, Dee. 23,1866, on •Ret'ofuG'mwry Claims. I hope the unpublished papers of Oouoral Greene will soon be printed, because there are in them many revo lutionary reminiscences of great interest; and they will bt> valuable eveu for the administration of justice on an occasion like this. I have had access to some of these pipers through tho kindness of his son. From the 4th Vol. of Ir ting's Life of Washington. The news of Greene's death struck heavily on Washing ton’s heart, to whom, in the most arduons trials of the Revolution, he had been a second self. “He was a great and good man,” was Washington’s comprehensive eulogy of him. We are happy to learn (adds Irving) that a complete collection of the correspondence of General Greene is about to be published by bis worthy aud highly culti vated grandson, George Washington Greene. It is work that, like Sparks’s Writings of Washington, should form a part of every American Library. aug2s-tuts-3t ("10AST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILI J 800 N BE PUBLISHED, tho following standard Books, vis*. Blunt’s Coast Pilot. 16th edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator,27th edition; Shipmaster's Assistant, 9th edition. We invito attention to our new Spring Centro Com. passes, which answer for cither light or heavy weather, aud are especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where the motion iB cousiderable. They require fewer repairs than auy compass now in nse. Marine Opera Glasses of saperiorquality, Spy Glosses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers, American, I'iench and English Sextants, Octants, Quad, rants, Aslmuth Compasses, Binaries, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly ou band. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and beßt authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Siguals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott's iloro meter, and an instrument for working out problems in Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex perienced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the U. S. Navy. E. k Q. W. BLUNT. au!B-lm# No. 179 Water Street. Henderson & co ,s great liter ary FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH streets. In order.to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa trons, and Induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of $i and up wards, a Gift in value of from 25 cents to $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you are not baying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at tbo’usual price, and very many will get, in addition, a present worth having. au2\-3m VANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, J2i No. 330 CHEBTNUT Street. N. B.—No connec tion with any other house in tho City. aul*Bm &qnrv or sgoo book bindery for u’tFvvF SALE—Seven yean established, doing a fair Job buJinwi, which can be Increased, both blank and printed Jobs. Location, 636 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank book* at cost, Jobs bound to order. »ugl9-5w JAMES KELLY, (Successor to ■William Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jewels, Emblems, Masonlo and Encampment Charts, &o, Odd Fellows’ Hall, NORTH SIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia. Orders from any part of the country, addressed to James Kelly, promptly attended to, aul-lm Can&ftoles fat Q&f&ce. FOB CORONER—Dr.. THOMAS JONES, of Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules, au 25-lw* • OROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT Jr COURT, JOHN P. M’FADDEN, of Third Wird. Subject to the rales of the Democratic Party, aul-tf FOft ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J 7 KEEFE! —Second Legislative District, Second Ward, Subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. aufi-dtSS . • FOR RECORDER OF B. TOWN, Fourth Ward: Subject to Democratic rules. auSO-dtSS For clerk of quarter sessions —WIILIAM SAFFIN, First Ward. Subject to Democratic Roles, an 20-tsep 8# ' RECORDER of DEEDS—ALBERT D. BOILEAU, Sixteenth Ward. Sabject to Demo cratic Rulcb. aaglMtsopS* For frotiionotary of the dis trict COURT, WM. M. RRILLY, of Tirrt Wm 4. jiubjoct to Democratic Rule.. aulT-dtaoS* ciok assembly-jOhn h. Brady, A.' Eighth War]—Seventh Legislative District. Sab ject to Democratic rales. au!s-tsepB* PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT.—WM. LOUGBLIN, Second Ward. Sob ject to Democratic rales. anls«Bep7* FOR ASSEMBLY—EDWIN smith, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD. Bubject to Democratic Buies, aul4*. FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District, PER* RAN J. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Roles. au 12-tC* LERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward: Subject to Democratic Rules. an 12-*w* FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—THOS. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward. Vine street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules. aulO-Jm# FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT— FRANKLIN MeILVAIN, Subject to Democratic tuMtepa "OOR CORONER—DR. FEODORE MIER. WwA. Subject to Democratic Rules. FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE DIS TRICT COURT, LEWIS T. MIABS, of Tweß* ward. Subject to Democratic Rqlaa. auS-lra. PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, GBOBGE F. MSESER, Tirentr-BCCOnd Ward. Subject to Democratic Eolee. au LtS FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—R. IT. YOUNG, Raventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Bale. ea4.lm» FOR CORONER—N. C. REID, M. D, Subject to Democratic Rules. au4 lm* FOR ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT.— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, First Ward. Bubject to decision of the Democratic Convention. aul-Sw* FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT.— DAVID R. McLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. eul-teeS* For assembly— JOSEPH HUNBKEB, Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. atl.lm* XjlOR recorder of deeds— A 1 OHARLES M. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, on »al t #es For recorder of deeds—george W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. aul-sw# For recorder of deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Sabject to Democrat!, tulei. aoS-te# CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS.- • GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratic Rule*. aultsepS rotational SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES,SOUTH -13 WEST CORNEROP ARCH AND TENTHSTREETS. The pupils in this Institution will be instructed in ail the branches of a thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement oi knowledge provided for them. The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The school-year U divided into two terms, of five months each, commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) TERMS First Department, per term qf five months $25.00 Second “ “ “ 20.00 Third “ “ “ 15 00 Fuel. Ac,, per term , 1.00 HARRIETT BROWN. Philadelphia, 1857. REFERENCES Thomas Kimber, Samuel Bettle, Jr., Martoaduk* 0. Cope, William Bettle, Thomas Wistar, Anthony P. Morris, Joshua 11. Morris, Uriah Hunt, au2s«lm. J. D. White, M. D., Benj. S. Janney, M. D. Robert K. Wright, Thomas D. Bmlth, Qeorge Gris com, William F. Pit Geld, David Vanderveer, William B. Thomas. CJUPPLEE’S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG O LADIES, (boarding and day pupils,) N. W. corner ELEVENTH aud GREEN streets. Fifth session will open on September 7th. Best reference given, in cluding all present and former patrons. ao26«tf PROFESSOR SAUNDERS’ INSTITUTE - , WEST PHILADELPHIA.-Profttsor BAUN* DEBS tan receive a few more PUPILS in hU family. Inquire of Colonel FORNEY, the Editor of this Paper, who hu at this time a son in his family; or address PROFESSOR SAUNDERS. West Philadelphia Institute. SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR >V. YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N.J3. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD streets. Professors of the Jiighe?t qualifications employed. Catalogues containing fall particulars, pupils’ names, testimonials, Ac., can be bad on application. au2Mf F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal. A CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT A EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The exercises la the Academy will be resumed oa the 7th day of September, at 9 o'clock A. M. The Bee. Dr. Hare having been requested to devote hi* time to the instruction of candidates for orders, has resigned his office as Principal, bat will continue to act until his successor is appointed. Thorough instruction and discipline maybe expected uuder the active supervision of the Bishopof the Diocese, va behalf of the Board of Trustees. Philadelphia, August 17,1957. &u2l-d6t ALONZO POTTER, Prest H ALL OP ST. JAMES THE LESS. . PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOABDINO SCHOOL FOB BOYS. Rtf?. B. B. Surat*, Btcroa, The Anno&l Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1. Circulars maybe obtained at the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, 8. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Palls of Schuylkill. Phila- aul7-6in MKS. BARTON* 8 BOARDING AND if A DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 19M CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aulfl-Ow* TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE i i persona, male and female, to gain a share of this world's goods and comforts as a > BUSINESS EDUCATION, LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTU Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, In a short time. THE LEIDY’S take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persons acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au22-3m. /CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM \J MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Btorles. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Student has Individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the Immediate supervision of the Principal. One of tho Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. anl-lm lints, Qlqis, &t, WF. WARBTOTON, FASHIONABLE • lIATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. au4-lm rp CULLENDER & PASCAL, HATTERS •al-em No. 8 3. SIXTU street, YhilidelpM.. iSeitUctncn’s &nrnisl)iitg ffioobs. \*7INCHESTER k SCOTT, GENTLE II MEN’3 FURNISHING STOItE, sod 'PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 708 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this Improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. aus-lyif Boston benzole portable gas APPARATUS, for Ligting Storva, Dwellings, Fac tories, Hotels, Ac. This Gas Machine has beeu in constant and successful use for four years, and is therefore no longer an experiment. The simplicity of the Apparatus, it* entire freedom from danger by explo oisns, the little attention required, the ease with which it is managed, by any person, and the cheapness and superiority of the Light over all others, has gained for ft tho favorable opinion of those acquainted with its merits. The cost of the Light is about one cent per hour for each burner. Numerous certificates by those that have used, the machine; and a Machine in opera tion can be seen at tho UaaPit ting Store of S. K. BLAIR, No. 10 North Seventh Street. For further information apply as above, to C. P. WEEKS, aul-stuth lm Agent Boston Benzole Gas Works Co. Girard fire and marine insur ance COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Office, No. 003 WALNUT street, west of TUI UP “FIRE lilbKS ONLY TAKEN.” DISIOTOJtS. Jer. Walker, Joo. McClure, Tho. Craven, A.S.QiUett, Yunnan Sheppard, Sami. Jones, M. D., Joseph Klapp, M. v. Wm. M. Swain, John Anapacb, Jr., 11. N. burroughs, J. B. Hughes, V. D. Sherman, Wm. P Hacker, J. P. Stainer, H. A. Shackelford, TT - « Hon - J oll *' JONES, President Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Vico President. Jso. S. UcMcllijt, Secretary, lastss B. Avroan, Assistant Secretary. aul-Sm ITIHOMAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE, X CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. fllO MARKET ST., above Ninth, south side, Philadelphia aa l*6m Enewland & CO., • LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importers tod Dealers in Oil Paintings, Water-Color Drawings, Engraviug*. Ac. A lam assortment always on hand. Packing Glasses, and hanging attended to. ABOII Street, above Sixth,'l south «\4e, Philadelphia. aalAmrp Tl/TRS. m. a. burke, iTJ. 803 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Inlorma SOUTHERN ud WESTERN MERCHANTS she ban opened TALL AND WINTER PATTERN HATS in ban eolon, And a full line of MOURNING HATS. eo*lB-2ir UfACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNVCES. ATX Sold l)j CHADWICK Be BRO., SECOND Street, first door above Race. auglB-3moe TACKSQN, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT «J STREET. OHECKS. NOTES, DRAFTB, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, And JOB PRINTING generally, at sfcostest oetiee aid fair prices. aal.JJn fjplels rinb Restaurants. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, 1"A - north fourth street. Amts Uabzkt, PHILADELPHIA. McKIBBEN A SONS, JfaonitfgM. CLINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD WAY, comer of EIGHTH, street, New York. THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT la xmw open for the jeception of guests, in the European SINGLE ROOMS from 60 cent* to $1 per day. SUITS of ROOMS for Families,'from SI 60 to $lO per day. Tho MEALS served at all iKntrtbv the CAILD, at modarete rates. ~ 0. J. MACLELLAN {“ lon* *n4 favorably knows to the patrona of Jones’ and the United States EotoL Philadelphia,”) is associated in the management, and has especial charge of the Catering Department. Irny attention has been paid to maketbe organisation per fect, and our friends, patrons, and the travelling punDo in general, may rest assumed that no effort shall t* wanting to make the CLINTON worthy the favor wfckk we hereby respectfully solicit. aus-lm# WIN ANT A 00. SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street and Doquesae Way. Pittsburgh. B. D. Proprietor. ' aul3-3m LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC HEAD , QUARTERS,) South-east corner FIFTH and qUXEN Streets, aul-lm Philadelphia. William n. king,—southern • BXCHANGE HOTEL, Soath-eut comer at YIYTH tod CABPBXTKB Stl., Philedelphie. id.li pHESNUT STREET HOUSSV-SAMUEL ( 0M N ° 121) New No.' 831 OHB3SO* STREET, below Jfourth, Philadelphia. on l-lio "l/ITILLIAM HANNINGS* City Lager Beer T f S&loon, No. 32 CARTER'S ALLEY? Philedfl* P hu - * an 1-lm tOines anb £iqnore. EP. MIDDLETON & BRO-, IMPORT • EBS of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac • d.o, tgeaU ud eole proprietors of the old WHEAT WHISKEY. No. 6 North FRONT street. «n»Lim Alexander y. holmes, wine and LIQUOR BTORE. No. 226, Southeast Comer oC GEORGE and 80UTH Streets. asl-ly VffILLIAM F. PITFIELD,—IMPORTER ▼ F of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac., Ac., No. 3M CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. aul*lm Cl. LEWI§, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. &C.. 29 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul»iy Brandies.— Pinet, castiiion & Co., su rettA Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various via tag©!, in half pipes and quarter casks: PeUevoiaUi Rochellu Brandies, pale and dark, is half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all la Custom House stores, Imported and for sale by ~ „ _ _ HENRY BOHLEN & 00., * aB Nos. 221 and 223 South Fourth street. DITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 320 (ora No. 838) North TRIED Street, rhUAd4hl»_£hllta, orders promptly attended to. aul tf* Sobacro anb-Cigars. Havana cigar* meat, inch as. Figaro, Cabanas. Gloria, Coloso, Torrey Lopes, Orejon, &e.,ln K, X, 1-6 and W 0 ties, In store and constantlj eol-1, (I -A handsoiae ufort* Partagas, Soltaas. Jupiter, Coatercisates, Uqloq Americans, Flora Cubans, An., Ac.. »im, of all sites sad qosll. r recemng, «ad for sale low, CHARLES TBTE. tew) 138 WALNUT Street, below Second, iceond story T7UGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS -A SEGARS.—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig “New Era,” daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETE, (New) 13$ Wain at street, below Second, sol Second Story. Saks bg antlion. WOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, oppoaite the Oustom House, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. PEREMPTORY SALE OF EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS, BY CATALOGUE. ON A LIBERAL CREDIT. * WEDNESDAY NEXT, Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, we will sell by catalogue, on a liberal credit, a large and valuable assortment of French and Scotch Embroideries, and Ml* luiery Goods. REAL FRENCH TRILB. Also, an invoice of real French Silk Lace Yells VALUABLE STOCK. BY ORDER OF THE ASSIGNEE. Also, a large and Taiuable stock, by order of the as signee, consisting of 1,300 square and long Shawls, 600 elegant French Cambric Collars, with a general assort ment of ChoiceTrimminge and Mtlinery Goods SILVER PLATED, WARE. Also, an assortment of superior Silver-Plated Ware, such as Table and Tea Spoons, Forks, Ac. The whole will be arranged fer examination with eatalognea early on the morning of sale, when the trade and purchase;* generally are Invited to attend. TIfIOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER IFJ. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. E. comer SIXTH and RACE Street*. . Salt on account of the United States Government. by order of Wm. Badger, Esq , Nary Agent ON WEDNESDAY JIOKNINO, the 2d ofiieptember, 1857, at 10 o’clock, at the Philadelphia Nary Yard coo siiticg in part of—2 bids beef, 1521 Iba broad, &1U cheese, 405# Iba butter, 2 bbla pork, 100 Un pieklea, 1519 lbs nee, large lot of empty bread and whiskey barrels, a lot of spirit room casks from 900 to 20 gallons, boat and mesa breaker*, a lot of cooking utensils, tea kettles, frying pans, stew pans, aria Irons, table coven, lot of shad#* far stern window* two cabin state room carpets, looking glasses, hanging lamps, shades for wardrobes, dish covers, bra* drums! bogles, Franch horns, hand trompm,thrae beat ensigns, boat pennants, two broad pennants, American Jack lot of carpenter’s tools, 38 galls paint oil, lot of hid* ‘and wheelrope, 25 ship buckets, galley and fixtoree, 42 feat suction hose, lanterns, lamp oil; lot of blocks lines, log lines, lot oil casks and barrels, and numerous other articles. The whole to be sold without neem to the highest bidder. FIEST SALS OF FUBNITUBE, At the 3. E. comer of SIXTH and &AC& Streets, go 3d and 8d stoi j roomi, entranee from Baca street ON FBIDAT MORNINO next. August 2dth. it 10 o’elock. Sale positive to pa/ advances. Consisting in part of-several rick gilt frame onl FreMli mirrors, fancy top mirrors, mahogany frame looking glasses, three ply imperial carpets, W*s, war bletop tables, spring seat chairs, rocking do, bedsteads feather beds, spring and other mattresses, dreming bu reaus, chamber bureaus, -secretary do, book cases?teed tables, breakfast tables, centre tables, Wlndlorcbaire and settees, and furniture generally appertaining to housekeeping. * JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER, No. *25 ABCH StrMt. betwMn TUnl 4od Fourth Stmt#. SALES EYEBY EVKNUOr at 1 o clock, Of Boots, Shock, Brogkac, G altera, Hardware, Cutlery, Watchea. Jewelry, Ifoaieiy, Whipe, Tout. Juxr Goods, Notions, 4c., Ac. * J N. B. Terms of Night Silts, four months credit for approved City acceptances, for earns of $lOO and t®t with inarest added from date of sale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited cf Household Furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware. Underwriters* Sale* of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac. Consignments soli cited to be sold at the Auction Rooms. Chargee moder ate. Apply as above. Advances made on Ooniirnnjoata of Goods. aal lm |~IEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, V* N. £. corner of BiBEQS «nd SOBIU abore Second. stoking saxes. SALES EVttu oAI'UKUAi JSTONIKG, At IK o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cut lory, ffouiekeeping Article,, Clothing, Watcher, Jewel, ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER. K 3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South TUIBD Street, below Walnut, opposite Peer it., only eight doors below the Exchange. * Uours of business from 7 o’clock, A. if., until l(J o’clock in the evening. Oat-door sales, and sales at the Auction House, aV tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL #200,000. Established for the last Thirty Yttsrt, Advances made from one dollar to thousands on DU monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware Mfer chaodiae, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigan, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All gooda can remain an j length of time agiced upon. AU advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards win be charged 3 per cent, per month: *£QQ and over, the lowest market rate. ’ This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has lam fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons bavin*- roods advanced upon. ® 'N. B.—On account of having an unlimited eapltaL this office is prepared to make advances oc more satin factory and accommodating terms any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SAXE. Gold Patent Lerer and other Watchee, Jewelrr, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-ly Ulcrcljant Sailors. JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Noe. 16 and 18 South NINTH STREET. ABOVE CHESTNUT. * A large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and CASSIMERES always on hand. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality and in the most fashionable style Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH* ING - auS-tf Scaring iilncijincs. A GOOD SEWING MACHINE—HUNT, WEBSTER, A Co., beg respectfully to introduce themselves to the public as the manufacturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE adapted to manufacturing or family purposes. Free from the objections which hare been urged against those already known in this market, THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OF THEM ALL, and will be suro to commend itself, upon examination, to families, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, sud seamstresses. Those inwantof A GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will HEM,BI>«D, STITCH,RUN, or GATHER; indeed, that will give entire saUsiactum even after they have been used lor years, are invited to call at our rooms, 108 South EIGHTH Street, up Btairs HUNT. WEBSTER, 4 Co. Sewing of every description executed in the be ß t pos sible manner, and on reasonable terms. Samples of our work seut by mail to any part of the United states au22*tuthsSm. rrUIE WATSON “ J. $lO FAMILY SEWING MACHINE , t HAS COME! And l* now open for Exhibition at Second Story, front Room, No. TO OHLBTSCT Street. SUte sml Coontr Rights for sale. Apply as above. au26-tf. WM. D. ROGERS’S CARRIAGE RE. POSITORY, 1000 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, will be opened on or about the 26th last for the sale of every description of CARRIAGES, to wbicn the attention of the public la respectfully allied- aolo*Ut CHARLES MAGARGE k CO.,— Wholesale Dealers la PAPER, RAGS, Ac., No. SO South SIXTH StrwMt. PhiivMpbi* aul-lm Glen wood cemetery office, no. 118 WALNUT St., below FIFTH. ao lltf Give huftt'S American manu factured STEEL PEN a trial. *O7 CHEST* NUT Street, above Fourth. >1 par gross. aul-lm FLAGS! FLAGS!—PACKER FLAGS. also Plain Flags from two and a half inches to five feet, wholesale and retail, at the Flag Depot, No. 60 Sooth Second street. JOHN N. REEVES, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PABSTUNK ROAD, opposite County Prison. Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. aul-lm CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHADe V WICK A BBC., N. SSCOBD Strwt. augl9*3mos.