The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 27, 1857, Image 1

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.* a ms* -
‘ -Mftfclt'tft the carriers,
v•),v - HWW Sjftwqritwtt <jut of the City, *fc Poixabb
..: • r*jr&*sp»tjFoetbuoi.tabsfcoa,Eight MOKtag;Thres
: adrfcaee for the ’
'-rfcli&^JftSssaE** I * l6 * ■
*<>.pWwwriberß'tatV of the City, at Thrsi Dql.
ps*&¥&y 9 %?yf*&&vn&r press. %: —
, ; *m ber seat 'to; Snboeylbera, hr
"■ffSßßgthi* fSatSyis**”
' is - A'Club of Tweaty-oae or orer.-tfe .will .send an
the getter.up of the Clue.,, ♦. -
■ »3-.,OI,ABaOW. r BWNBBSO, 8,500 toM.-WloUiM
. . CtnotiK? Commander: N£W Y</KKv'2,l5Q taas, Robert
A £ ;H{Csijai Commander p&LASGOWi 1,v52 tons,'Job* Dos-*
<UM/ Glasgow and New York Steam.
, ship Company. intend mailing.these new and powerful
near from New York to Glasgow direct, m follows i‘
■ , '>iu ? satot jfaw Yußk: • v.”-. - 1 u --
• flew York, Saturday, Juue 20,12 noon. ;
- July 11,12,n00a.
, -■*• WtfiWUyrktiirt >l2 tack,
as yw Saturd<m?Aags-2a,.12n00n.
k r. . -:A Edinburg, Saturday, Sept;. 6.12 noon.
b-'v'-'V *"•' arsoM ; OLisoow: - 1 '
-low ■
X -.Sewrotkjuraa.,. • ;■• •-
at -Si’-; SeJMi-r: V : ;LV,'' r /
snv <W», rn ; E tbW 6W f™ 4 with -cooked pro
", • Woes, *3O. An experienced surgeon attached to each
.>s?f to JOHN MoSY
•.. • MON S No. .New.iotx city hills or gold
ffl;d.i<iolyt<whr^dYdf Saasager 1 .< *- *« .v ’ •ah 104 m -
' -. JL-“ Na'ir york'.ani Havre Steamship' Compsiiy.'r'The
'-'■ r xJclM. ;States Steamships ABAOO. 2,600 toes,
David and/; TOMON* 2;MO tons,
-S -5«.
,f ArifeopßataWay, Jaa. 9
\ T f ArjfO 5 ,-, '-40; * ;Bepsp29 Knife H-do. -i FebT 6
..Tnlfea,; ■-do.. 4 : Oct. 11 Axego/*,:« &s.k > Marche
v* zi&i&r ' d 0.," Kov; 14 m&i 1 , 'do. April S
M Mnlttb/?' do'.! -1)66/ 12 Arago, ‘ do 1 ’ ’-May 1
l ~>.,.j vr s, ,i 4 fido, . 'May 29
' V ' : ’ 5 ' ETAVftE. ‘ ‘ LKAYB SOIJIJUItFVOX ' ,
v :,• 186 T, . ." ■•. ■■Wfj:. ; ' •
. v.< Arago,' Tuesday: Aug. 2A Arago, Wednesday, Aug.2o
Ffllfea, ”do. 'Sept..22. Fulton, -do. Sept; 23
••'•- °";Arttfo;; ’ do: ' oct'2S'- Aragoi : Oct. 21‘
Hii J StOfen, , do.: Notf.TT; Fulton; do. : , Nov. 18
r^LAw«*', do. .. Dm.-36 ■ Arago. .- do. . Deo. 10:
rifd*on, - do.'; -Jaa.l2 V Fulton*-’ do: ’ Jan. 13
f w-v. fAsmio. v do..y .Te>. 8 . Arago, 1 - ‘Teh/ 10
J r Fttlton. do.' Merck 9 Fulton., do,, Mar. 30
c do. April 0 ‘ Arago,*: ; "do;- v April 7
Fttltoa,- do. May 4 , Taltofa', " v .May A
*”{Ha%-pr r *&k: jSfc
rare* afe Assise;'
• 3 frta N«# ! or Hairra—First :
,s. .Urn*, or. #>uth*m*foa4o New York—First.
' - '-'Wtfa. 800 fries; Second OibiaTwO francs. I
, fm fratghtnr.pkSMWi aypJr to ' :r> •. i
.V- MQBTIMER: J4VI«G9TON, Agent, 1 Broadway.
• WttWiMlSmN,';:' ’"« ' .Stavre. ,
' f_S; OiKlSKjar* eo.i ■*• *» '«■'-/• WMUh'ttii;
“ ~ m ". d 8
! fitit tU»isWe'Wheel Steimshlp*
anrafOK® ma&toirwtm Qi Qmmik, now,
( V, irr ;#onß *tW(wkly Llttofot the. South- and, Squthwei t, one
a the Ships aims* ATOsl>A Y t*t 10 o’clw^
"'''" : io* siVißHUiti'’Gi.?'-/'.' - ;
r,si P.MARSHW*K,Ootn-mmder, ? • " lftl
t:v-A ©eight onTfnrftSDAY.jW. 3d, and
- Wib'BATUBDAY, Bept ;sti>'»t JO o'clock, A. Jl. ,
v ;?or'Cßable&ton, src.-
- v - £os£ J. Gaetw, Commander,
MOtKo friteM on innMPAY. Aurnrt STrfh,
**diiU (oiOhKlenoo, 8,C.,0n BATUBBAY,. AttgMt
rtlOo’olooA.A-- ’ ' 'I. •./,
>l—AtbothOwlerton And SayaxmAh these ships connect
trtth'iliTinriwn Cor Tlorida and Hteatta, end withtail
'tfe^w^:‘4e.vftrfaU pIMAs in the South and Southwest,
'"^* e *rM l feKo«kwKmW;
* '•■-Atentsat Charleston, T. 8.&-T.G. ; Badd/ ■
A. Greiner; s- j- - (
JOB WO BID A, from Savannafc steairi*rs Bt. MARTS
and St JOHNS, erexT Xaeada/ana Saturdsy, ,
; £ •> TOR. MOBEDA ( from Charleston, sieMner tjABGLI
>:;;rI CUtjrlestaa, ste&e&SAIIEI,,
: j -- ? ,satha4tha*affihhf every month/' A : . ahl -
Oliver BHtUn, -
‘; v /h-ffcH*toip»kM® P*m bunt pjr contract, exprewlrfon
ft a. service; erery;cAre has been taken m their
U also In their engirios, to ensure strength
h<: a-v; fla4 their aeeoaimodailwuf lor passengers a re
i>;j; comfort.'. v i
of.rawegejroDi New York, 4ol#lr*rpooL iodret
• wu hriWir vom.:'- ' - mow Lirxftroon...
-};g«tordiT.JtweSlQ,' - 1857 Wednesday;Jtme24: 1857!
-•nj vMtetttrdey, Joly.'Af 1857 Wednesday, July. 8, 1857
Jaly 18,;1867. Wednesday,July32, 1857
... ..• IM/j A»g, l t , 1857. Wednesday, Ang. 6, 1857
y \ ,♦*.*?''Atorfey/Aag. 15/, ,*-1867 .Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1857
'■:l - : ‘Satorday, Sept i 12, : 1857 Wednesday; Sept; 2. ,1857
f V- Sept.2B; ‘ -1857 ‘Wednesday; Sept.3o, .1857
J-'f-J'lrtWw/Oefc'lo,* -185 r Wedoeeday; Oct; 14, 1857
>v eugMhriay, Oct. 24- ■ 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 5»,’ 1867
- CatordayrKOv. 7*- *1857 Wednesday, Novell, ,1857
*’ JSetttrday, Nor. 21.- 1857 • Wednesday, Nor. 28, 1857
WCaigidsy, Bee. 6, JSfcT Wednesday, Deo* 9, *lBB7,
'„V‘ * y r <gw«V»,p«va2, 1857
- •• WftH stroet, N. Y.
■ CROWN; SHXPiEY AOO.,Liverpool,' <
a *#TBPHEN KBNNAED CQ;,' 27-Anstin Frjaw,
u,\, London! <; -••' .•
-s & . -I .»* 0; WAINWBI(iHT A CQ. ! ,Parla. -
. cmjert.of. those ship » will cot he accountable for
. - #&;silver ..bnllloa , specie, ectons, stones or
‘ . bills of ;i;. ned therefor, and
V ‘a ~ th* wne thereof expressed therein , ' ' anl-tf
HDrngs ot\xir Xiltjctui cdlsV'
%.' jP. ' AND.DBU<HHBl,north*ea«fc cornerFlFTHand
•?; > .> CHESTNUT' Streets. PhtUdelphla, sole Manufacturer
"> %:! Wh£eh-is recognised tad prescribed hr’ tie Medical Fa
add has'become the Standard FAilltY MEBI-
the United States.-; s-u.-"'} ?•«»<
.£&» prepa«itlon.Df unusual excellence.
*•' tho,.Bajnriier. mouths,- do or traveller
v ehoulq:be .without It. Ijl the bowels, in
;,‘ £ *v.V’okas#*,' and, particularly in sea sickness,it. is an active
' Jaad iafeV as veil as a pleasant and efficient remedy.
* 4i ’;h ,GA ITTIOBt-^Periona'desiring aoarllele that can be
tailed upbnrbrepiweds'ol'elyfrom pare JAMAICA GIN*
" GIB, should be particular to a*Jc for * J Brown’s Eb
'. «Mne« of Jamaica, Ginger,” which ia warranted to be
'\ trhatiti# represeated. aad Is.pxepared PBJSDE*
.- WCK BEO WN, aad&r sale at hifl Drug and Chemical
; ; Jtow, north-east, corner of _PIP.TH.4nd OBESTNUT
~Y J- L Streets, Philadelphii; andbyaU the mpectsble Drag*
- '•■? l trAJfDEli & HAYDN - DENG STORE,
,-W-s -MM. IIOHTII sod OllEENrtrWts, BhiUdelpMa, D.
*f ACKHQUBS, Proprietor. ‘Always oa hand the
if .DBDOS,-JIMICINeS,. rsv.iV
.JTW, ■■ a ■■ >* ' •
Patant Silver; Soda, water Fountain
4 the Water it SS^deg.V l 'E& 1 Byriips .i ) thd T ’Cwanut are
•" ' 'nduavledged by *H4a the when in the' city.' f
; _ ©as glares; • ‘,
Mloi[trt J rertofo i BAUEM patjjKßlS, P2N
f- ':DAtnfa,*rmr(o*«n kind* or gas wi iamp
’.■i-u.S VOBMf GIRANDOLES.; io.y; No: .829- CnESTNU?
■ii ■ '‘ WnSCPilWdpbl*. .ABCHER.WARNER * CO, No.
»«.BBOAI>WAV, New. York., ; BaUdinw flttsd with
.. ■ deePipei, ant ell Kind* of a Hot-log end r.palring of
ffiommifisioit MerdioWs.
J'i'-'i A«wUiww*Min b»‘i»ww»^K^*« | wyOr‘»VM»wie»Aw^o^»»wiw.wv»
uO JroLr MERCHANTS and Dealers In Foreign tnd'Ame
rteanHAKDWAßE andOUTLEBY, Nos. 23,25 andB7
j North FIFTH Street, Scat side, above Commerce street,
Philadelphia. - , , anl-if
- ij V . IJ ottAhtT- ahd' ; or HAVANA. SEGARS,
3» , (New) laS Tyhtnnt Btrect, tsefaitfirj, -r stll-Iy,
t?J,‘ PUbLVicfotm their friende and the tcadeeener
tUythatthey here made arr&ngeraentsfor one of their
; '.:; BayerBleaTiog mcnthly for- tfie Prenoh; and- Gendsn
/ JBany o y«Af4! the permanent reel*
of two'of the. Srm. and anabundant
thei offcf unososl facilities for THE FU&-
CHASE ON COMMISSION ' Ih ahy of the European
markets shipment direct. ■ v" 2 ’'! 11
mite'il Theyarealso prepared to receive orders from Bamplcs
-v,; ; tot Flowers and i’eathortirom their extensive and welt
v‘ Imnwn manufactories.ln Paris,.to ha shipped direct,
. either under bond or doty p^id.. :
;, ; r HENDEBSON, SMTTK & CO.. linporters, , *
'7-c-i V '‘, % No. 200 Btoadway. ,>
.. -. JIL- tLiVOXing'xitn, PttddjQg, Cakea, Jelllea, Ciiatards,
'I j. tic* slwge.Wttces. fljraps, Boupa, Gr&-
' iy. ’■ .
.yi.-v Extract of "Demon.''
r “'-KrilffQtVjixtra€46f Vanilla. ; ■
tr-■>* . : >&ojm f *Xxtratooflto»i‘ Wo ' : -
Knight s *Extractof;Orange.-- i i
, Knight’*Extract,of Peach.
k - r Knight’a Extract of. Almond. ..
,»t-: Extract tf Strawberry. i m -
Extract of ' - .
Vl'XfilftW* Bxtf Mt.of JtaepVfi«7r
i''-i i ' bf OGlcrj'.
;.?.? Extract if Nectarine.
' ' '■;/ KaJcht’a Extract of Cinnamon. - .
• i •' of Nutmeg: • '
; 'Knight's Extract of. Ginger. .• *
« l- ,Exthw t‘£»f Oi ovoa;
:Kal|hyaExtrtel*)&<AlhptaeJ.'. .-s •; ‘
ritesl xialgUt’aExtrftctpf Mace/ ,
*, w$ Apricot. • , ..
,: 'V. : name with great flcrt are war*
T,V retain ftlt the flat orapd%f njqgili of the, article
y-x ln sirarified and-eoncenihitttr form, conve
. - niaritfdr all cuilnaty parpoaes. Retaining tbeir flavor
-&FifayleP&B P* anyfllmate, and i can bo
>. t f> f atalt«easona ( fche/reßh fruit caa
£*: '4 l -Y* :They ace put up in* ktftWnYeii{etit Jaanner for
• BriMMWHnEfrMß.flw litlla In
- ■ 'H v‘l ';■• * •■ :
mia'r/t JtrleepetnU pjr>sfflBj4«. S.- W>tfie» 4 «f»Oft»a for one
#;i; ,vi tjYi; i>.' kNISitT, 1 spoin sixth
•' * 'A «so#;ii*jtsii2. it; ‘ j-
! 1 ii;i!
VOL; 23.
Stranger©’ ®nii>e, in ff!)iUibetpl)ia,
_■ For the benefit of otranvers and others who mar de
sire to visit any, of our puttie Institutions, we publish
the annexe&.list.t ’
Academy of Music,' (Operatic,) turner of Broad and
• Locust streets. ‘ -> '
ArchStwet Theatre, Arch,.above Qth street.
‘ '/ParkteWd’stented/Cfiestndt; k*oH Tenth. .
? a H Theatre'and Circus, Walnut, Above Eighth.
Bandfoyd’s Opera House,(Ethiopian,) Eleventh; below
Market.; * . ,
Walnut Street Theatre, northeast corner*Ninth and
, = ThqraenPs Varieties. Filth and Chestnut.
!j Thbmaa’aOjferA'ttousfe, Arch,'below Seventh.'
- " ' CARTS AKD BOlEjroagr
'.Academy of Natural;Bcienccs, corner, of Broad and
George streets.
Academy of Pine Artsj Chestnut, above Tenth.
• Artf«ts , f’andHaU^Ches(nat,'aboreTenth.
' franklin institute', No, 9 South Seventh street.
west side of Schuylkill, opposite South
* Almshouse (Friends’),-Walnut street, above Third.
' Association ibrthe Emolorchent Of Poor Women, No.
292 Greori street• ■■
Asylum for Lost Children, No. 8$ North Seventh
Blind Asylum, Race, near Twentieth street.
1 .Christ Ouurch Hospltal, No. B.Cherry street.
"City Hospital, Nineteenth street, near Coates.
: Clarkson’s Hall, No. ISI Cherry street.
Dispensary, Fifth, below Chestnut street.
Female Society for the Relief and Employment of the
Poor,-No. 72 Ndrth Seventh street. - •
Guardians of the Poor, office No; 59 North Seventh
street.. * - . , f ,
• German Society Hall,No. 8 South Seventh street..
Home for Friendless Children', Buttonwood street,
.belowßfoad..-*- *' ' \ .
Indigent Widows’ and Single Women’s Society, Cherry,
-. Masonic fTabl, Chestnut,.above Seventh street.
.•Magaalea 'Aiylum,oornef of ’fUfie and Twenty-flbfc
Y V 1 - , 3T'V3?'tV'- * '
Nofthefa Dispensary, N 6. £ Spring Garden street.
Orphans’ Asylum, (coloved,) Thirteenth street, near
: ■ OddFellW aW H.taos.lreet.
'' . 0)o. - n - do. 8. 35. corner Broad, and Spring Gar*
, . . * den streets.
' : ' 80. ■ do; Tenth'and South street*.
;D6‘.. • ■ . do.' Third and Brown streeib.
,■« ' Vo. ,, t do. Ridge Road, below Wallace.
‘ Pennsylvania Hospital, Pine street,between Eighth
; - Pennsylvania Institute for the Instruction of the Blind,
corner Race and Twentieth street.
Pennsylvania Society for Alleviating the Miseries of
Plibiid Prisons, Sixth; and Adolphl streets. .
~ PennsylvaniaTraining' School for Idiotic and Feeble*
Minded Children, * School House Lane,'Germantown,
office No. 152 Walnut steet.
, Philadelphia. Orphans s Asylum, northeast cor. Eigh
teenth and Cherry , ,
Preston Retreat, Hamilton, tear Twentieth street.
> Providence Society, Prufle, below Sixth street.
„ Southern Dispensary, No; 98.Shippen street.
Union Benevolent Association, N.VW.' corner of
Seventh hud Ssihsom streets, 1 ‘ '" ‘ ' -
- -Will’s Hospital,' Race, between- Eighteenth and Nine,
St/losenh’sHospital, Girard avenue,, between Fif
teenth and Sixteenth,' < ; ■ '
Episcopal - Hospital, Front etretit. between Hunting,
don and Lehigh avenues. .
■' Philadelphia'Hospital forßiseases of the Chest, S. W.
corner of Oheatnut and Park streets; West Phlladel
.phia. s-
' bottom tfoote'i Chestnut street, above Fourth.
Cou« tr-Priagn, Pesayunk road, below Reed.
City Tobacco Warehouse, Dock and Spruce streets.
City Controller’s Office, Girard Sank, second story.
; Commissioner ; of City Property, office, Girard Bank,
second story. „ v ,
Olty Treasurer’* Office, Girard Bank, second dtory.
' r ~Oity OommlfialoQe’r’s State House.
> City Solicitor's Office, Fifth, ‘below Walnut.
•< OltyWatering Committee’s.Office,,Southwest corner
Tiftß and Chestnut. ,
Faifniount Water Works, F&lrmouut on the gchuyl
| . 'Hottfecfladnifcry, Seventhj above Arch street,
I House of Refuge, corner Poplar and William.
House of Refuge, (colored.) William and Brown.
Health Office, comer of Sixth aud Sansom ,*
4 House of Correction, Bush Hill.. - - -. .
Hospital, Gray’s Ferry road, below South
street.'')' •->
BtreSs >rß ' S. W. .corner Fifth and Chestnut
New Penitentiary! doates street, between Twenty
fourth and Twenty-fifth J (
Nary Yard, on-the Delaware, corner Front and Prime
streets. ' ''
Northern Liberties Gas Works, Malden, below Front
street.:. ,- , , ' ■
fort Office, No. 237 Sock street, opposite the Ex
change. ' *' l ' ' 1 '
. Post Office, Kensington', Frankford road, below Sb&eka
maxon street. 1 .. r .
Port Office, Spring. Garden. Callowhlll, near Eighth
street; '* ■ ' > •
i. Philadelphia Exchange,, corner Third, Walnut and
‘ Gai Works, Twentieth and Market office,
No. 6S. Seventh*street, . * : ' ■ *
Pennsylvania Institute for Deaf and Dumb, Broad and
Pine streets.
. ’Penh's Treaty Monument, Beach, above Shackimaxos
street.;, ■ :■ t . i
. Hlgh School, 8. E. corner-Broad and Green
.street*. *■ ,
Pnbllo Normal Sohool, Sergeant, above Ninth,
j, Recorder's Office j No. BState House;east wing,
. State House, Chestnut street, between Fifth and Sixth
\i Sheriff's Office; StateETohke, near Sixth street j
ifvffoAgfi /Xpjnpmu#* *&!!}•* CMrtJtb, *•»***]
Streot.’ . . -r:, , •-• ..* - , r , - J
United StatCa Mint, comer of Chestnut and juniper
street*. *V j; i
;• Uaited-StatesArtenat, Gray’jCFerrr Road, near Fede
'!•*!'street.- •' '< ■• ‘ J > ■
•: Kaval Asylum, on the Schuylkill, near South street.
United States Army and Clothing Equipage, comer of
Twelfth and Girard streets. . ;
Btates Qaartennasier’s Office, corner of
Twelfth and Girard streets. j
• •- ' r '- r i - ' 00U.S6E*. 1 '
, College of Pharmacy, Zone street, shore Seventh.
Eclectic Medical College, Haines street, west of Sixth.
■ Girard Collego. Bidge road add Collage Avenue.
Homoeopathic Medical College, Filbert street, above
Eleventh: i
~ Jefiterson Medical College. Tenth street, below George.
-, Medical Institute, Locust, above Eleventh street.
. Polytechnic College, corner Market and West Penn
Square. ' , f
Pennsylvania ‘Medical College, Ninth street* below
Locust.. ,
Philadelphia Medical College. Fifth street, 1 below
Walnut. j
< Female Medical College, 226 Arch street. - j
University of Pennsylvania. Ninth street, between
Market and Chestnut. ’ , 1
; University of Free Medicine and Popular Knowledge,
No. 68 Arch street* . 8 ’
■ United States Circuit and District Courts, No. 24
Fifth street, below Chestnut. . ' ;
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Fifth and Chestnut
-•- Court of Common Pleas, Independence Hall. 1
PistrictCourta, Nos. 1 and 2, comer of Sixth and
Chestnut streets. , , ,
' Court of Quarter Sessions," corner of Sixth and Chest
nut streets. ‘it- 1 ’ *
American Baptist Publication Society. No. 118 Arch
street.- ]
•.American and foreign Christian Union, No. Chest
nut street. r - , ,
American Sunday Bchool Union;' No. 316 Cneetnnt
street. • - • V
American Tract Society, new No. 829 Chestnut.
. Menoqiat, Crown street, below Callowhll! street.
Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Bible Society] corner
of Seventh and walnut streetn. - '
- T Presbyterian Board of . Publication, No. 285 Ofeestnat
street. , . . F,
' Presbyterian PnbUcation House, No/1834 Chestnut
street.' , : . i : *
Young Men’s Christian Association, No. 162 Chestnut
.Philadelphia Bible, Tract,and.Periodical Office (T.
H. Stockton’s,) No, 636 Arch street, first house below
Sixth street-, north side. • ' ;
'@ro»fller’B' ©uibc.
' Perina. Central H. K .—Depots Bleventh and Market.
I A. M., M&U Train for piushursh attd the 'West.
12.66 P. M., Fast Line for Pittsburgh and the West.
2.30 P. M., for Harrisburg aod Columbia. j
4-30 P, MAccommodation Train for Lancaster, i
II r : M.', Express Mail for,Pittsburgh and the West.
i > Reading NoiYrodtf—Depot, Broad and Vine.
7.9 Q A. E.,' Express Train forjPoUsviUe, WlUUinsport,
' . , - Elmira and Niagara Falla. ;
S.BOP. M.i as above (Nlffhtßxpress Train.) 1
- w~ Rewtorb Lines. i
IA. M., from Kensington, via Jersey City. •' ;
C'A. M., from Camden, Accommodation Train. ,
7 A; M., fromCatnden. via Jersey Oily, Mall.
10 A. Mm from Walnut street wHarf, via Jersey city.
2 P. E. via Camden and Amboy, Bxpress. ;
BP. M.,ria Camden, Accommodation Train. -
5P M., via Camden and Jersey City, Mail. ■ i
6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation.
Connerting Lines. 1
0 A. M,, from Watnut street wharf, for Belvidere,Easton,
- Water Gap, Scranton, Ac. •
CA.ity for freehold, . ]
•7 A. E.,_for Mount Holly, from Walnut street wharf,
2PjM.jforfreehbld.' /. . . [
2.30P.M,, for Mount Holly, Bristol, Trenton, Ac. .
BP. M., for Palmyra, Burlington, Bordentown, Ac.
4 P. M.,forßelvldere, Easton, Ac., from Walnut street
-T-. v. wharfi< . • >. [ .
6P. M., for Mount Holly, Burlington/Ac. , !
■< . Bfiitipune A.R.-~Depot, Broad and Prince.
,5 A-M.,for Baltimore, Wilmington, Now Oastlp, Mid
- ’ dieto'wh,'Dover, and Beaford.
* P* M*>'or Baltlmere,.Wilmington.'and New* Castle.
4.15P.M.,f0r Wiimlugfon,' New Oastje,. Middletown,
• • • r Dover, and Bedford.
M., for Pertyville j Past Freight.
11 P,M. f for Baltimore and Wilmington.
Ror f n Rfftwylvanin R. Front and Willow.
M j * ? or Bethlehem, Easton, Mauch Chunk, Ac.
8.46 A. M., for Doylestown, Accommodation.
2.16 P. M, for Bethlehem, Easton, Mauch Chunk. Ac.
4 p; Mm for Doyleatown, Accommodation,
6.36 P. M., for Gwynedd. Accommodation
Camden and Atlantic R} K.-Ylne street wharf.
7.30 A, M., for Atlantic City.
10.45 A. M.« for.Haddonfleld.
4 P. M., for Atlantic City.
4.46 ,P. M., for Haddonfleld.
JPbr W estehester.
. By Columbia It. B. and Westchester Branch.
' "From Market street, south side, above Eighteenth.
Leave Philadelphia? A. H., and 4 P.M.
u Wertchestet 6.30 A.M;, and 3P. M.
Oh Suhdays ,
Leave Philadelphia 7 A. M.
' V ' Westchester 3P, M. ~ ,
Westchester Direct Railroad, open to Poaaelton, Grubbs
. Bridge.
. From northeart Eighteenth and Market streets.
Leave Philadelphia 6, and 9A. M., 2,4, and 6P, M.
“ vPennelton', Grubbs Bridge, 7, o, and 11 A, M, and
„ „ 4 ana 6P; M.
On Saturdays last train from Peanelton at 7 A. M.
<j -* > • Oh Bbn»itB \
Leave Philadelphia 8 A. E. and 2 P.M.
Penneiton9K A. Jl. and 6P.M. i
-Germantown $* Norristown R. R.—Depot, 9th and
- Green.' , ,
■a; 9 h *n& 11A? and 3, 4.45, 0.45, and 11.15, P. M.,
-6A.MJ *hd2P.M.,forDownlngtown.
<S, 8,9,10, tn 411.30 A. M..aui 4. 4,6, 8, and? .
M.forChestnatHlli. - 7
6, 7,8,9, I<U9, 11.30, a. M., andl, 2,8.10,4, 6,
... - Bj7,J» and U.aop,u for Germantown.
Chester Yalltyß. Jc.—Leave Philadelphia 0 A. M. and
‘' " / 0 P/M. ■ - ;
. LeayrfDowningtowft7)( A. M. andip. m,
i V ■*.* : - STEAMBOAT LINES. ‘ •;
\ 2.89 P. Jl.i Richard Stockton, for Bdrdeutuwn, frem
• 'il’i-'j-i? Wiinutstreet wharf.. 7 - t
10and.lJ.4fl A/M.. and 4P. M., for Taocay, Burling
ton and Bristol, fronl Walout street,wharf.
~9,30 A. M., Delaware, Boston, and Kennebec, forCape'
i ' >rr 'V May, fii^tpierhelowSprncejatr ; eet. *
7.'30 Al M./and'2, 3, and 6 P.' M.,* John A. Warner
t. .; >• - and Thotna* Ai Morgan,'for Bristol, Bun
ling-ion,Ac. 11 ’ i ,
< M., General. McDonald, for CapO;Mayy, every
■' ’ - Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday, from
:m JArolutreetwlwf. . [ ~:a
'■H * s -”" o ■! ./ ' \
TAIN, Lehigh,' Hickory, and Locust Mountain
BchuyUdU Coal for gttfe at KNOWLRS’ Depot, NINTH
and WILLOW Streets.- anU-lm
00 AL.
. Have for sale, and are Constantly recalvlng'frow
above celebrated Collieries, , . , .
There is ho Ooal mined anywhere, equal in quality •
these, and e trial will convince any one of their great
superiority. Our Ooal Is very carefully ecreenod at our
yards, ana we will warrant it perfectly free from slate,
dust and all impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the
, Orders, left at our. Office, No. 161 SOUTH FRONT
street, above Walnut.
Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWHILL street, belo* ‘
BROAD street. .
Ordere left at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAL*
LOWHILL—or sent to either placo per Despatch Post,
will receive prompt attention.
Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex
amine our Coal-before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf
the Company’s Mines, and the only authorized
agents, by retail, south of Kensington.
Also Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. . ’ «
T. TREADWAY. Swanson street,
au2o*2mj Ist Wharf above Washington, Southwark.
I am dally receiving, at my yard.the best quality o.
and all othera who may favor mo'wlth their orders, may
rely, QU.getting Coal that will he satisfactory to them'. -
olKt LOW pKroi 9 * l - pt ** to
N. E. oomerof Broad and Cherry Sts,
821 PRIME Street, Eighth, keep constantly on
hand, at the very lowest rates, a roll supply of Lehigh
and Schuylkill Goal. au l-6m
A NEALL having connected the Coal with the
Lumber business, inform their friends that they have
made contracts for a supply of the best qualities of
Lehigh and Schuylkill Goal, and are now ready to re
ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders mav
be left with Bt*. 8. KILPATRICK, No. 13 S, FIFTH
street, or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINE and
WATER ’streets. aulB-3m
StUornegs ot £au>.
•AT LAW, No. 017 SANSOiI Btreot. au22-6t
Lombard street, below Broad. ’ ' ' aulT-lia*
Daniel Dougherty, attorney
AT LAW.Southeart Corner of EIGHTH and LO-
O'JRT Streets, Philadelphia.' aul*ly
LAW, CENTRE strfeet, Pottavllle, Pa. au4-ly
States and Territories. He is, by law, authorized to
administer Oaths and Affirmations to be received in all
the Courts In' Pennsylvania.
JOHN BINNS may be found in his office, No. 116
South SIXTH Btreet, opposite the Qountv Court House,
from 8 A.M. to OP,M. aul-lm
iFire proof Safes.
■ A large assortment of
For Banks and Stores.
Equal to any now In use.
On as good terms as any other establishment in the
United States, by
No. 26 South FOURTH street}
' Philadelphia,
IDaidjes, Jeutelrg, &c.
Bailey & co M chestnut street.
Manufacturers of •
Under their Inspection, on the .premises exclusively.
Citizens and Strangers are invited to visit our manu
factory. , i
GonsUntlyon hand a' splendid stock of Superior Gold
Watches, of all the celebrated makers.
Necklaces* Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger-
Bings, and aUotter.ariWAalin the Diamond lino.
■Dcawjpgfy or NEW; DESIGNS wlH~oo. .■xl? of
—— cnut&trtor these wishing work made to onrer.- ? •_
■ A beautiful assortment of all tho new styles of Fine
Jewelry, such as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo,
Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marqul&it®,
Lars, Ac., Ac.
Alao, Bronte and Marble GLOOKS, of newest styles,
and of superior quality. aul-dtwAwly
Sor Sole aitb to £ct.
Story Brick Dwelling, No. 8 PORTICO SQUARE,
BPRUCEstreet, above Ninth, Booth side.
Apply to B. & W. WELSH,
au2o-2w* No. 218 South Delaware Avenue.
TER, N. J. f FOB SALE, handsome)/ located and
76 feet by 140. JPrico, $3,000. Albo.Lolb
suitable for manufactories, fronting the river. Apply
to 0. ROBB, Nb. 311 South Fifth street. au26-lm*
824 WALNUT street, with eighteen rooms, gas,
water, heaters, and. all modern conveniences. ■ Would
suit for a first-class boarding-house. To a good tenant
it will bo rented for $l,lOO, if applied for at once.
au2s-lw* KEEN A TAYLOR. 325 Walnut st.
GREAT , BARGAIN,—A splendid seven
octavo ROSEWOOD PIANO, but’ littto used, will
be sold very cheap for cash, at the Piano Ware-room of
A. BIRGFELD, 139 South BEVENTH Street, corner of
Walnut. Also, PIANOS to rent. au24-lw^
Story BRICK H9CSE, suitable for a small
family. The best references given. Address “ Rent, ,}
Press Office. aul2-2w*
tW STEAD FOB 810 .'—Third JDiri>ion.-$310,000
worth of Farms and Building Lots, In the gold region
of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst
10,200 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 1867. Sub
scriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one
half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every
subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging In
value from 810 to 825,000. These farms and lots are
sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number
being reserved, the increase In the value of which will
compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up
wards of 1,360 Ibts aod farms are already sold, and a
company of settlers called the u Rappahannock Pioneer
Association” Is now forming and will soon commence a
settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith
ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly
45,000 acres of land. In different parts of Virginia, now
at command, and will be sold to settlers at from 21 up to
8000 per acre. Unqutationable titles will in all eases
be given. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmers, Ac., an
wanted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subscribers,
to whom the moat liberal Inducements wilt be given.
Some agents write that they are making $2OO per month.
For full particulars, subscriptions, agencies, Ac., apply
to K. BaUDER,
au24-tf Port Royal, Caroline county, Va.
&ft«r haring been put to the most Revere teat, during
the two oold wihtsbs or 1866 iHD 1857,. has proved to
be the'most powerful heater in the world, saving from
M to # the fuel over any of the best furnaces how Fa use.
TfliSß Fuafiioes are constructed with a castlron ash
pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined
with fire-brick or iron staves. The fire pot Is surmount
ed with
large and broad at their base, but tapering to small aper
tures at the top, and uniting with the anular chamber,
through which the beat and smoke pass to the Due.
Thu whole products of combustion in the form of
*mo£c*nd oases, are suspended directly over the fire,
oonmispor compressed into the tapering CoKßoanu
OOKTJHOALLT EXPOSED to the direct action of the rays
of heat and light from the fire.
This heat and light Is brought to a foods id Bicn
Cons, not unlike the
to a focal point through an ordinary lons, causing the
evoke ajjd oases to become intensely heated and tho
roughly consumed, by this operation the smokk and
oases are made bquallt available with tho fuel
itself for heating purposes, while, In other furnaces,
AU persons desirous of obtaining the host and
should not fail to examine the New Gas Consuming
Cone Fdbnace. before purchasing any other.. The at
tention of architects and builders U particularly re
quested. . , , ARNOLD & WILSON,
(Successors to S. A. Harrison,)
No. 524 WALNUT Street,
aul-tf Opposite Independence Square.
V-/ promptness and at the usual rates, by
No. 25 Bouth THIRD Street, Philadelphia.
They Invite attention to their unequalled facilities for
the adjustment of controversies iu all parts of the
United States and Canadas, and collecting and securing
afforded- by their thorough organization; having local
agents in every settled county la the Union, and by pros
perous associate offices In
Boston, Louisville, Dubuque,
New York, Bt. Louis, Detroit.
Baltimore, Cincinnati, St. Paul’p,
Washington,. ~ Pittsburgh, , Milwaukie,
Charleston, Onlc«go, Memphis,
Mobile, New Orleans, fiavaunah.
Each local office controlling its own collections, and
having daily business connections with the most reliable
and experienced attorneys in the country.
They also have superior facilities for collecting drafts
and maturing paper at points cot accessible to Banks
and Bankers, and Remittances are promptly made by
their correspondents for commissions that exceed but
rilahtly the current rate of exchange.
By the aid of intelligent correspondents, they are able
to have Land Warrants located, claims adjusted titles
examined, in all parte of the West. au4-tnthAs-lm
' vy Factory of E.w UBSHERS,No.IO9 (late 43) Smith
EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, baa become a aavlug
of SO percent, to =our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN
MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of having their
old Carriage Lamps new silter-topped and bottomed,
. and sent by aU parts. aul2-ly
The Cheapest aiut Best Weekly, /^ewpap^^m
'• : the Cohntty . 1 -' ! ,^y,
Great Inducements to C^ b “. ,
On the 16th of August tho first number of Ta* Mfa***;
it pHKSfe will ha issued from the City of Phttadeljs&;
It will be published erery Saturday* f !s)■
• Tub WbbkltPrbbs win bo conducted Upon
principles, and will uphold tho rights of tho BtatWJ. J *£i
will resist fanatfolflm in orery ehepd i and wiU r ba'dj»|q. i
tad to coneerratire doctrines, as 4ho trae fooadatiflH of
public prosperity and social order. -BUdh a weekly ifrur* •
ncl has long been desired inthe United States,
togratife-this want that Taa IfiSKLTPriBB tftitjie.
pubtishra. ’'- AL. '
Thb TVbrklt PasaS'wUl be prlutedon etcfcJaSjit
white paper, clear, now type, add ,ln' quortp-faTip^for,
blndiug. • .r «' • *'*.*j_ ,V,
'lt ir\\\ contain tbe news of the. ; Gorrtop6Qdjtij<s
from the Old World and the New; ’
go nee; Reports of thb varloaa' Markets ,* Liters
views; Miscellaneousßelectlonsjithoprogress ot, 4f’
’culture in all its virions' departments, &o. -t'. »
{o* Terms invariably t« advance; • • ; ; i,^ f
The Weekly Press will be sent to subscribers,' cl
■ by mall, per annum, v.,,i.'..i1§r.00
copies f0r..,,,,,'.i
Ten copips for. »*• ••••••••••■•”•{•
'Twenty copies, when sent to one address..
' Twenty copies, or over, to address of each auk»dr»*JF 1
her, each, per annum ,',,4,v,V'*pr SQf
For a club of tweuty-one, or over, we will; .senate
extra copy to the getter-up of the Club. u/) & sv
Post Masters aro requested to act as eggnt^rlUlf,
Weekly Press. JOttNW. FOBNRt|t,
Mlto t »nJ PfopUftfe'.I,' 1 ,'
TuMteatlon Office of ■
'Chestnut street, Philadelphia:';
___L ' ‘I^T.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1867. ;
A few months ago, Lord Palmbb3To&
the effrontery to ask tho British
to present thePaiNOEsa Royal of EngtijnS, aj
child of sixteen, with £70,000 as a. inarrijJge
dowry, besides £B,OOO per annum for lifa[ ( brm
plain-spoken member ventured toinqultillwy*
out of tho enormous income'grauteS to fjjafan
yiqrpHiA and her husband, one fourth’ of which
they save, they had not made provision's)}'
their daughter, as any other parents with. RSu
pie means would have done 1 The replyyqSvl
ally was, that rather than spend her own mousy,
the Queen preferred depending on the
ty, affection, and benevolence of her. jpyjug
subjects.’’ This charming sentiment,-»o iqex
pensive to the Majesty of England, was loudly,
cheered in the House of Commons, Arid
the inquisitive member,' who had
treasonable as to think it mote, ~ho-j
nest for Royalty to spend its own ' money,
than ask the people for theirs, was looked, ct
withigreat contempt. . A pretty thing,
that he~not earing tor invitations to ;ibq
Queen’s balls and concerts—should have ,pre
sumed to question the propriety of,
other royal pauper to. the pension list, ‘which,
the feoplo must provide means of payingJ, ’/
Some men there are, like Andrew Marvel '
and our own Patrick Henry, who are so
downright that a mere generality fails |td sa
tisfy them, who expect a plain answerto a plain
question, who persevere until they got if, jThe
Parlismont-man in question was one ofithis
class. He .repeated, his inquiry, .and further'
demanded to Ay, oat of their Immensely! Jfrgq
income and their unquestionably large savings,
the Queen and her husband had, not mailed,
off their ■ eldest daughter, without dialing
largely on the public treasury for an jostBt,
and settling her upon it, as a royal incogs,'
for the remainder of her life ?. j -kt 1 ” •
Lord Palmerston, thus driven into
ner, was compelled to answer. Ho decilhndj -
that, large as were the numerous and munfflient
allowances to the Queen and her husbAfefewjplf
contingent exiyhses Wore eo vqry hsgwqxapi
as not to' allow them .to lay 'by*hy«plP»' •
worth speaking of. Ho Instanced'’tho poEtll
ncss of receiving royal visitors front abroad,
and emphatically said that the expense of suits
ably entertaining Napoleon 111. andthe Em
press Eugenie had been very great, and fell
entirely on the Queen. He added—and we
would draw especial attention to tho statement
—that this visit of Napoleon and hiawife was
by mo means a pleasure to Ike Queens that aho
merely had submitted to it as an act of duty,
imposed on her by the exigencies of her situ
ation ; and that she had no personal gratifica
tion whatever in receiving such guests. -
We aro positive as to those words, for we
particularly noticed thorn at tho time. Here
the British Premier stated to the world, in the
plainest and most pregnant manner, what was
not only an implied, but ‘an actual insult to
Napoleon 111., for whom the Queen of Eng
land had professed the highest personal regard
and admiration, making him a Knight of the
Garter with her own hands, writing to him as
“my well-beloved brother,” and accepting Aii
splendid hospitality at Paris for herself, her
husband, her children, and her suite. It seems
to us that Queen Victoria played the hypo
crite on these occasions, pr was it really
“no pleasure,” but a reluctant yielding to
“duty,” which led her to Palis as Napoleon’s
guest ?
It is not to be supposed that such a state
ment as this, delivered by the PremieMo the
British Parliament, could have escaped the
sharp eyes of tho man whom it principally
concerned. Napoleon, whose myrmidons
anxiously inspect every lino of every English
paper carried into France, to prohlbitltacircu
lation if it oven hint anything against him, must
have speedily been aware that such language
had been employed. An ordinary man might
have bristled up against the insult, and de
manded explanation and apology; but <fMr.
Bonaparte” (as Victor Huoo and Leorc
Roilik childishly love to call him whan the
voice of Franco has placed on the throne) is
not an ordinary man. Astute, cold, refilctive,
far-looking, and with his impulses under great
control, he let the matter pass. He world not
compromise his dignity by descending t« com
plaint. Timo—which the Greek poe( truly
caTls the Consoler—has another missicn also,
and then it becomes tho Avenger. Naioleon
trusted to time, end has been compmsated
much osrlier than he bad reason to exptet. It
happened in this wiso
By the treaty of Paris,'the Prmdipalllea .of
Wallaohia and Moldavia were . taken from
under the protection of Russia,- and alaood
under the joint protectorate of France Eng
land, Austria, Sardinia, and Russia. Before
tho union of those provinces could takoplace,
a Representative Assembly was to bo tlectcd
by the people, whose wants and wishes in re
gard to internal arrangements and organisation,
were to bo considered. This Legislatrre.was
to agree on some line of action, as rfgarded
the future condition and status of tt o pro
vinces, and roport accordingly, to a Ongress
to be held atPuris, (composed of tho resident
ambassadors there,) who, with the Sultan,
would finally determine what should bs done.
Tho Sultan issued orders for the eleriion of
members of tho Legislative Assomblr, which
election took place—but with so litte refer
ence to the instructions and their objKt, that
the ambassadors of Franco, Prussia, Russia,
and Sardinia, called on tho Porte to ainul tho
elections, and hauled down their flajs when
. (on the pica that England and Austriahad not
joined in the demand) tho Sultan rcfjswl to
have any re-election.
Things wero in this position who;, threo
weeks ago, Napoleon and Eugenie paid a
private visit to Victoria, at her marne villa
in the Islo of Wight. A private vsit—but
for a public purpose. The aim of tie allied
Powers who combined against Russa is to
eroct the Principalities into an independent
sovereignty, and there is much intriguing on
this subject—nearly every one of tk) great
Powers having some pet of its own family for
whom a crown and scoptro would boa hand
some present. Napoleon has kept liß views
secrot, but it is bolieved that he desirts to . get
rid of bis. cousin, Prince Napoleon (son of
Jerome Bonaparte) by making himhead of
the new regality. His visit to Enghnd was
evidently for tho purposo of gettllg Lord
Palmerston to abandon Austria and sacrifice
Turkey. He ■ has succeeded. Couit Wa
lewski, on the part of France, and Lords
Palmerston and Clarendon, for England,
4Si|fsted'KAPoii6N J aria r 'Vi(lTbaiA in the 'con-'
I fewnco'at r Osßorne),ahd 'Englahd - ha's 1 'given'
Jnl 1 ’ So,' bn' the 10th 1 fhst'.j It' Was' hnhduhccd
in the HbUse qf (Joihtribns 'by Lord 1 Pat.jiek-
Mlh) Who said: '' 1 ' ■ : 1 ’ | -
! Tho recent visit of tfie Kmpeior of tlio French
to Osborne,! accompanied as bo wab by the Minister,
,Of foreign Affairs, gavu (boh'nrlisliGovonuMoiitan
opportunity of coining to a full understanding with
tho l'rijnoh (Jwornmcnt; and 1 it whs' thought that
> there was a sufficient prtina ■ facie ground ;of brier
guUrity, whioh,. although not, amounting to a'
. Proof, made it desirable, in tho interest of tlio Porte
'ltself; 'that .the I ‘elections should 'toWpiade over
Again; andlheudieetoral lists, he revised. ft jwas
believed .that. the,.Austrian .Government, was'dis
posed to conoto in" tniiT arid there was also
gopd/reasoti totellova that tho Sultan, fooling that
nis dignity and,lndependence,.would,not be at atl
compromised,. would, yielding to representations
'made by the whole of hi* nliics. inniil the dibe
ttions, and hove the feleotion,lists properly 'revised,-,
ijf order that the fresh; election might be. mnde at
theondof ftftebp days niter tho lists were so'ro* 1
'vised. ‘Ho was giudi thereforO/'to sajl that there
:was no-ground',for. the npptebqwiqn thpt’a di
yergonco of opinion hod arisen between (he English
amfpronch'Gdt'ernmonls.” f ' '
In' all probability, 1 Lotd ' Hntich.lrrE, (the
English' AmbiisStiddr,) who hnditfdrtglji urged
the Porto Hoi ’io 'yield to tlio othot'povvurs,
Would be >ccAll^d,'Afa'd- a : successor
'more amenable to'tlih'rhlvaneeinent oi’vf rdllch
iriflilencb and iri teresfs'. - N fiMii'.Ecw lilts ohtiiflffed
a quiii pro quo foi; the 1 i nMflfc l reco i ved f flfbin >•
■PahsnsKsibjr. Protean'states^ 1
intin abandon a ’favorite. position— lie l liab shade'
EitglahdcoilJeAft'bfiliiy'etflbfcotni toErancoo ..
? I ‘Austria 1 ,
i Hon of a new Kingdom, with a free conatitu
j^iiiii'/iiffbSiiFlluntfbp' 1 , (ripe and ready for rb
vblt,) standa alone hotb. Napoleoh will gain
the credit of having made England abandon
her old policy. With the terrible'state of
things in India to press down hla Wind, It is not
surprising that Lord Faimerstok, for the sake
of pCiSc'e and quietness, lias tlius allowed Na-
VoiroN to become master of the position.' ■ *''
! '
[Correspondence of The Press .J ( f »
Naiiavt, August!?, 1867.
Dear Sir : When one attempts writing a latter
from a, watering place in dog days, the natural in*
terenco LS, either that the place is really dull; or
elsejthe e'acDßthn tcribevdi amounts to a mania.
This oase_ has a new’element. ThePrtESs must be
'malnialnbd in its omnissiont character. ' You.
should j khow that the echos of the r -rboky Nahant
have beeh “wakened in his praise, and the re verba-,
rations are sweeping from the eastward, wViohwel
come hjm back to his ancient vocation. In abort,
-the Press has made a sensation among the gay
and grave who snuff those sea breezes. I cad too
my copy In a daily tour among tho fair and wise,
flitting from hand to hand, while expectant succes
sors stand anxiously awaiting their turn to - read
the best daily of this Olympiad. •
l - It is not neoossory to describe Nahanfc —Philadel-
phians have been hero before, and are now hero,
giving grace to the salons and adding the charms
.of esprit and learning to the conversation circles
around the hotel. The sea breezes which sweep
! around our peninsula bring refreshing coolness;
and the regular Nahanters, clothed in cloth coats, as
! they greet the linen-dad steamboat passengers,
from Poston, remark with an air of pity, “ Very
hot in Boston to-day, Is it not ?”
j*' Wo have plenty of'the usual amusements of a
1 watering place, as well as many which are peculiar
I to Nabant. The drives upon a narrow beach three
!. miles long, connecting this peninsula with the main
‘ land, with tho ocean on both sidcsof you to temper
the atmosphere, have a charm which nono can
know but those who have participated. The sailing
j and fishing require no reminder.
We are not without enjoyments that partake of
a graver n&turo. An established succession of dis
tinguished olergymeu of Boston, of various de
nominations, alternately lead tho worship at the
little church and strivo to reoal the hearts of its
fashionable congregation to the highest duties of
life. Yesterday a sermon from the Rev. Dr. Vin
ton, ft( St. Paul's, abounding in that mystic elo
jqqenoo thptmade the imagination of Paul chnrm
,the Roman Praetors. To-day, two holy women of
fry TfyioK gome
brands from the burning, pud to*iu«rron, ay,
to-morrow, the' loaf turns, and tho beautiful
Miss Eloiso Bridges, uho bus como hero not
unheralded by fame, is to charm us with dramatic
readings. The stage has its moralists at Nahnnt
who have held the mirror up to nature with success.
Mrs. Fanny ICemblo inhabits oao of tho cottages;
Miss Davenport resides with her mother at a pretty
cottage in Lyn n, immediately opposite Nahanf. On
Saturday evening Mr. John Brougham, the dis
tinguished author und' comedian, favored us by
reading one of his own drama’s, “All's Pair in
liove.” Tho literary merit and clever points of the
comedy made a great impresrionon tho audiences,
but the style of reading was not equal to that fun
and mirthful imitation which has made him so suc
cessful an actor. Apropos, B. has just olosed a most
prosperous and successful engagement at the How
ard, in Boston.
The conclusion of the regatta, at Now Bedford,
was followed by a temporary dispersion of the
yacht squadron. Besides the Volante and other
eastern yaohts, several of the Now York yachts
have found their way into our bay; the Starlight
and the Argo of the fleet, the Wanderer, have alike
been seen from N&bant bond os with snowy wings
they swept along the glad waters. The Wanderer
spent several days in these waters giving to tho nau
tical connoisseurs of Boston and Gloucester, capital
occasions for admiring and reporting on her fine
model, the exquisite finish of her cabins, aud the
capital tuisint whioh threw a golden sunshine
over tho fun and wit of the amateur blue
jaokots, who were making their first essays
on Yankee ood&sh and maokorel. Colonel John
son may well bo congratulated that he has
succeeded in putting afloat the largest and
finest yacht which ever graced these waters. We
admired her from the Nahant Hotel as she glided
past on her watery way, and participated in the
universal regret that the threatening prospects of
the weather debarred him from anchoring in the
cove and affording an opportunity for a closer in
spection. Wo have looked also for the Soadrift,
bat alas, in vain; the charms of Cape Cod have
been fatal to her spirit of unrest for this season.
A letter from a waterlog-place would be no letter
at all, unless the bops, beauties, and notables were
all duly recorded, and yet I feel thoroughly un
equal to a just performance of this part of the
duty. I have laugbod at the wit of John Phoenix,
Esq., who, with his interesting family, have been
amusing themselves for some weeks here.
I have talked “fish 15 'with the great amateurs,
Mr. M——, of New York, and Mr. 0 ,of Troy;
have watched the neat equipages of tho fashion*
&bleB, and the fast horses of the fast young men—
enjoyed tho merry laugh of the youthful belles, and
the voluble chat of tho dignified matrons, as they
lounge over a Into breakfast, after their husband’s
matinal to the city or the fish banks;
but not on this occasion can I attenuate my epistle
by comments on the lights and shadows of their
boauty and gentility. Should I praise those who
morit It, tho rest would gnaw the UDfortunates with
the teeth of slander. Fashion is a fierce democra
cy, whose decrees are made in darkness and exe
cuted without a pardoning power; its ostracism
roaches alike those who are too good, and those
who are too bad. Your correspondent, like Touch
stone, would be politlo with his friends, and is
therefore Silest.
(Correspondence of The Press, j
Limerick, Montgomery C 0..)
August 24, 1857. j
A letter from tho country—X he God-mado, luxu
riant couutry ! a lottor from old Montgomery—
never-failing, Democratic Montgomery! and withal,
a letter from the domicil of your correspondent’s
ohildhood—may not be altogether unacceptable to
the readers of The Press. Tho season through
which the country has just passed has been one of
marvellous beneficence. Its matronly beauty still
wears a spring-like hue. ’Tls true, “ its flowery
spring” bus passed, the days of ‘ l its trammer's
ardent strength” ure fast drawing to a oloso, yot it
shows uot even the incipient marks of
“ Its sober autumn fodhg into ago.”
Tho mead still luxuriates bonuath a waving
velvet of living green, the rustling corn shows no
premonitory wilt of its ripening age, and the flow
ers of tho garden vie In their matchless hues with
the spring-like verdure of the dewy lawn. The
sunny smile of a bounteous Providence seems to
rest upon the whole, as if to challenge the tardy
gratitude of man for blessings thus lavishly be
This is no fanoy sketch. In more inatoncos than
one have I been told within the past fow days,
by men who bavo grown gray as tillers of
the soil, that tho present season, in their memory
of the past, stands without a parallel. Most sig
nally, too, has it so t at nought the croaking of gru m
%ling prophets; prophets, who, from early spring
through all the interval till now, have been prog
nosticating “evil ahead!” Whether the folly of
this ungrateful distrust in the ways of providence
will, bo,permanently silenced in tho exhibition of
the proaont season, of course remains for the future
to reveal. To citizens who are not familiar with
the usual strain of this agricultural faultfinding,
a brief reference to its main characteristics during
ih'tl present 1 fieasoh-*-especlallyeinco it has bienxme
alikoVtfta-rfroMnita indications and in its results
may aotlbe amte&u < t r • -i ..i ■ -i < m
'As. alL.djriJl remember, .what is. Usually termed>
the opepupigr Of spring Vfo3,. this year,-runqsual Jy,
much the, oats, inatyatl.of finding
their way intb.tba. tho closing iay«.
«« they ordinarily do,' ,
wcre.'in bht very few' inatanoey. sowii thisy6'af
before the-Ist of May] arid in 'riot a : fiw baseiW
late even asthe 15th.i'-Cora; whioii’farmorsin-this- 3
seotion generally calculate: to ' plant-seme tlmp;
sth and ritf :
according e to jthe oldyludiap ruU, -wkft&the oak
loaves are ahout;tha aqulirel’a-ywr, this, ,
abouV^ 1 "^
' !^ ri VC ip. mAd, howler', r fa&''
rather than VnLf'tfas'the 1 immediate cattid ofTfiia*
llelay f though
unusually, tiuUii a Its' cuntinuaEcn. whioh had !he
.ofTeot In.stostflliWttUties of Ibelatlag-tlw tjtktt of
winter a.t»U,of F Wch,w M io;.
doed : unvvawiilly roroarkoi Mjd.ptett,; gjuanjUj
at (east of throq Uojla ta a "t,usKef for iySeat 1 ‘ At
lagt, |imvus - cr, by dint of iaduurwuH Vigilance, the 1 ,
ekfly Weals werJ Rftujf into between tiS
[ihr/u*ota, lalo a!J it oil a feiAd of hopeless viii
tur&xl had almoabSalil ptayA'leia diitf-it. *«Jt»
Tke<ws»fcr(Jtis tti/a^wfa.‘!oypfiedigoiia iptt,
as ..Sh<mr
pftar,shores followed ijaati ia.eao^, otjiM’i w|W
,wjti»curefjforty;eißhl ( j)Oar’s^ptetvsi. l ,TUegiia
in tbo'me&ntUne had urged its tiisr blade ahovn the
hUhddVuHb'/ ihd greeted fl&!iwJ^Sor-il^%S
This crop, as all w&o'afa at all familiarvltlr its
datur'e' dro aware, roquires the freqboDt appllev
ties of tL soil-loosmtr in some shape, from the time
itjs the height of.a,partridge tmt'd it beeomes 10
large as tojeoparilire the stoot hy driving through
it. . J .., • , , |
.. this proieM chn, howevpV, not to"
Wd adyoiitage wjien th'e ls very Wei, and
ieiidrdiDgV aßrlng' , tti _pil‘ ! Bea^n i «/ llosesf
1 Vfci' n, s ofy* in ueV' to" AcbbxqpUrih
tHis ! theW
when taken at the nick of aJßirdedy
instances ofintg&cs Arbimnri ana Uioe
of a, .grpwth; of
sonic instances,oyertoppipg ,ia height
dqi-hjitsel^/' t t ‘ , “ Y
’'GrisaeSj'liothlri [he'fields nnd'ineadoW, inqtwith*
1 Biaridi i Dg‘their oompsritiVely late start, on abcount
'of tbri aburid nnce _ of moisture' grew with prodigious
rapldlij\ v . Still tlao rains continued. 1 Croakers be
ganUotbenlmrmed now from fear that the promised
. rankness 6f the grass -would oertaiolyoause it to
Jqdge, and, thus the quahty\ if dq tithe crop, would
. be ruined. StUi the rains pantiimed; the,time for
- early haying bad com©) thp wiseacres of oux fast age,
even here m these rural parts, could submit to the
mistaken Ways of Providence no longer '; the grass
was Ug enough, the season was late enough, and tut
it they would, and cut it they did; but they didn’t
slop the rain! Days on days, to the number of a
weok and npw&rds, passed, with intervening spots
of sunshine,, which just continued lobg enough to
harass fhe unwise with a great amount andrepetition
of unnecessary labor, and finally obliged.them to
cart what had been intended to feed the rattle,
into barn-yards, fit only to be trodden under their
feet. It Is true, this bit of wholek>me experience
was purchased by the folly of comparatively a small
number, tho others having awaited the due iudica
i. lions of a mere auspicious bay-making season.
Finally, tho rains ceased. The season was unusu
ally late, to be sure, but considering the lateness
of its commencement , tho grass had even then,but
arrived at a proper age.
The grass, during this interval of delay, slack
ened not its growth, but was merely reaching an
e&sentia] maturity, without which its quality
would have half been sacrificed. '
Millions of additional tons of hay aro
have been tho result of.this inter-,
position. The grain harvest, of course, was cor
respondingly late, but it hae : been gathered at
last, not only in unequalled abundance as to bulk
in the strata, but equally prolific in its yield of
grain to the number of sheaves; and the quality
is excellent. The second crop of grass is now
ready for the soythe, and has, in fact, in many
places already baon commenced. Its abundanoo
will be proportionately as great as tho first. Corn
fields are like young forests. The stocks are tall
and massive, ,thp broad linear blades fojip an almost
■ winniDtrabhriaino, slnt r*rrr -fn-mr I tnmir , i init «.LT
well graiued; and, as the earth is now well
saturated with moisture, tho protection of shade
afforded to tho root, together with tho natural for
niation of this plant to secure the benefits of dew,
renders all danger of future drought well nigh im
possible. Fruits of all kind, thus far, have been
also abundant, and those of later development are
equally promising; so that, taken all in all, this
season may well be said to be one of unprecedented
And now, in view of all this, how vain and un
grateful has been tbe solicitude of men ! The
lateness of spring was tortured iutoabaleful with
holding of the Almighty's goodness; the con
tiuuance of rain was productive of a fear thatcrops
would be ruined by an abortive luxuriance; and
the frustration of this ealculation waa followed by
tbe equally confident prediction that excessive
drought would oertainly blight »\\ the later crops—
a prediction bnsed, of oourse, upon tbe doctrine of
■meteoric retaliation.
But in the beneficence of Omnific Goodness all
these signs have failed , and our favored country
to-day, throughout her borders, presents a specta
cle of agricultural productivenesses-tainlyequaljDg
any one of the seven productive years of Pharaoh’s
vision. How far this fact should go towards re
buking the almost universal croaking about “crop
failures,” by a people who have never yet known
from experience what such a failure means, I
leave every Christian reader to decide for him
This much, however, wo may glean as a moral ,
that it is sadly ominous of tho ungrateful pro
clivities of our fallen nature.
That the foregoing reflections may constitute an
humble tribute to the beacon whioh the press and
the pulpit should everywhere strive to elevate as
a guide for our meditations, is the siuoere desire
of your absent GKaYßfiano.
(Correspondence of The Press.]
GnEEXSBURO, Pa., Aug. 25,1857.
Mv nxan Forxev: The political campaign has
opened In Westmoreland by a large meeting of the
Democracy, held last night In tho court-house—
tho venerable Col. Guffey in tho chair. J. H. Cal
houn, Esq., of Armstrong, one of our candidates
for Assembly, opened in an addre'w and defined his
He was followed by our own distinguished and
cloqueut oltizen, William A. Stokes, Esq., whose
powerful logic and Irresistible appeals to the sound
sense of all honest men hold the audience in pro
found attention for more than an hour. It was a
speech which ought not to be lost—original incon
ception, conclusive in argument, clothed in ohasto
language, and delivered with the dignity and can
dor of a true patriot.
, Jacob Turney, Esq., candidate for the State
Senate, next inQde a soul-stirring appeal to the
Our people are all right, and you may roly on a
good nccount from Old Westmoreland. Wo hare
made up our minds to go on until we give the old
standard majority of 2,300, and this will not be
very long.
Wilmot is to speak here to-wotrow. Stokes cut
out work enough for him last uight lo keep him
hero some time, if ho undertakes to answer his ar
For twelve years I have uniformly voted tho
Democratic ticket without a scratch, but!pro
mised to vote for Wilmot if bo could successfully
attaok anyone of the positions taken by Stokes in
bis last grout speech. Mac.
Charles Fenno Hoffman, the Poet-Ills Insane
[From the Harrisburg, (Pa.) Herald, August 18. )
Evory visiter of Intelligence who enters the Asy
lum culls to see Hoffman. He receives them all
with a hearty greeting, will oak them to sup and
drink with him, and when they leave invito them
to “call ofton.” On the last occasion that wo saw
him, after sitting in his cell and indulging iu a
pleasapt chat—no, not pleasant, for the looting of
his condition prevonted this—he ordered at seve
ral times somo of his fellows to fetch wiuc uud
glasses. They would just stare at him, and he
would seem to forgot it, until suddonly the order
would be repeated and again forgotten. He gene
rally labors under the idea that hi* plaoe oxcon
finemont is a garrison, of which he U the com
mander, and is only prevented from enjoying the
outside by advloe of his physicians. He will
frequently endeavor to prevail on the superinten
dent to grant tho liberty to roam through the
country for a while, and when this Is refused will
submit quietly. Hoffman wears a cocked hat con
tinually, and walks with ft cane. His appearance
beurs the mark of eacentrioity and genius, but the
former may md have been the ease before his in
sanity. Ills voice is clear, commanding, but still
The venerable Chief Justice Taney, who
some six weeks ago went to the Fauquier White
Sulphur Bprings at Warrenton, Va., in a debilita
ted condltion/la said to be now in tho enjoyment of
excellent health and spirits, and looking bettor
than he has for tho l&st fifteen years. To seo him
walking briskly over the Springs’ lawn, soya the
Warrenton Whig* one would never suppose that
the ereot old man bad reached his 80th year.
Joseph Gales, Esq., the editor of the No
tional intelligencer, has recently been spending
a week in St. Louis.
LtexTiik’Fßosr A s6oTftEWifekt
1 - J 1 FBinoisivHii, Aug. 23,4851. J
c 3. W.'Foißrfir.ESif.r'Dregrot tb'peroeivrithat,
■ln dommori’with no iuatmsidurable portion if the
Northern; DanjboriUo 'press, yoor, comments upon
Hw.,f>oH«y!inAng(irat«* ; in Karisas, .by, Governor
J Wm> Iff,#* ‘iptfßation p/.tb*t BigtrafMH
TMiJjtojar/^Jo t great to ,ihq lif the'
_ % tlpnrt lijmMiaUo piity.‘in Bon\hem Btntos,
who (ImppfoVe'tHfti poHiy 1 , km j)ibiWrict it un
, wise, injudicious, and eminently antigontstwal to*
' the'prlricipW ripdlj' Which Uro 'lakt' Pjesidentijd,' 1
iPKtiori'Waa'fatiniy brorightto •»'■ success Ful itstteV
•/rilt faftajumedSbat thfi ißjchlilondtEjiyail'tr, the
ltWMbißgtMl^!«tl>») ! nfl44iilfc«rjotwt|lji,of4[iniJt j e(i
|W i} * t ‘a f ,™nmfUTe„pofUen l fif At; gontfrorp peo-
Jd»:,ifliile tl&e. ,who enUrtaia cpnfliotini con-"
vnlrawr are • ‘‘ex
•"tii«tiiiiHU^k‘ ! flßlgJf >iiijayißdff l of amplebjf
portnnittta db mining oorfebt ihformatioii
4h reg'arf to the *ettfieHriga hull opinions of the
Southern pobple, hi low nsstxKyrin that at-,
d%jSl»d etajunqauUffeiUdiuapßefibaflon of Gov.
“fat gß&»« ! p V air>ng, jbut I
ff W tVe jtfMnatfitimtnl ! The
w^r E f d Ws*’ c ~ tyttonne
“s»*>x toJ< views
#«*iegjl* her.
taxtotmmmottb* mm^ Btv^nUL .
,tire.., If disapprobation of andoppesUioiCto Gov.
Walker's Kansas; policy, justifies'the charge of
“qUreienv” and the epithets of'«exttemieti''
.«W ,do hun-'
'Utoieetfwtheiw dftnaibe! ‘ ”
It is by no means my impnjfi directly.
tSii tnotfewl «.?ptt!ptoei bf. that' portion of the
flriatherorp teas/so.complAcefttly. referred td as the
on IS itofhfni exponents of Spqthern conservatism.
I entertain a high respect for the Virginia Demo
”*SM? d Jbe Virginis.proM, hut certainly not
gfo&tor tim for.t^ePcmocraoy and the press.of
'other Istitodea, ijtore remote from the great centre
of foicraf patronage, and consequently freir from
thn'Mitilßbriifc' atmospheie'pf a groat political
.metropolis.' If the purpose be to discover the most
.'reliable exponents tad the most tmthfdl reflex of a
eooservstito and-enlightened pnbllo sentiment, We
might expect;with as much confidence to flqd it in
localities where federal patronage is rarely sought
or bestowed, as with those possessed qf ft keener eye
and a stronger relish for such extrinsic ’stimulants
to the performance of a public duty, Tdo not
moan to charge'the presses referred to with being
operated upon by sordid or selfish motives; they
ate doubtless actuated by patriotic considerations;
but it is .wrong to assume that these are more to
be relied upon than thegr«r mats of the pouth
»m press, and Southern people, who have been
constrained, under the pressure of a high sense of
duty, to maintain a different attitude upon the
merits of the question referred to.
Having said thus much in reference to the public
Sentiment of - the South, I desire* very briefly to
state the causes which have induced this universal
feeling. Vo went into, the last Presidential con
.test upon the almost solitary issue of the princi
piea of equality and popular sovereignty embodied
iu the Kansas law. By and through that second
Declaration of Independence, the hitherto disfran
chised Booth was to enjoy equal rights in the Terri
tories. The stigma upon the Constitutions of Ten
nessee, and Kentucky, and Virginia, and the other
Southern Statee, was removed, and the people of
these States were informed that they were as free
to cany into new Territories the Constitutions and
Jaws under which they had been born, as were the
peoplo' of Haw England to transplant the Consti
tutions of Massachusetts and Connecticut. Free
from Congressional oontrol, and by necessary im
plication from executive interference, the people
were to frame their own Constitutions, in con
formity with their own Unbiased wishes, The
j South, under ail the disadvantages of her position,
I frankly aooepted the terms, and aimost by .the ac
' olamation of her people elected Mr. Baohanan to
tho Presidency upon this issue. The Southern peo
plo did not ask that tho Executive of Kansas
should interfere in their behalf—they did not even
desire it; but was it unreasonable, under the cir
goißatoryas-that they should doaandhixriaritnilitul
and insist that be shouitThot throw tho’wpight Cl
his official position in the soale against them ?
It is sufficient for my purpose,without pausing to
investigate the force and tendenoy of each par
ticular word or act, to show that the spirit of Gov.
Walker’s whole polioy has been, ab initio, indirect
eonfliot with the spirit of the Kansas law.and that, so
far as he was capable, {under the operation of causes
which it is not my design to investigate,) he hta
used his official position to the direct purpose oi
forcing Kansas into the Union as a free State.
Upon the appointment of Gov. Walker various
givings-out of his Secretary, of himself, and or the
press supposed to he in his confidence, created an
uneasy feoling in the publie mind of the South,
and a vague though general impression that
a treooherons application of the powers inci
dent to his position was within the scope of
his designs. Day by day these impressions
gained strength. The Washington Union soon
startled the pnblio by the announcement of a dis
covery, that the real purpose of the Republican
party was to force Kansas into the Union as—what ?
A Slave State ! This being taken for granted,
it waa unquestionably the wish of the Southern De
mocracy to do the same thing; and with two Buoh
powerful parties combined for the same purpose,
how could they fail of snneeesl Did tho Union
desire to create the impression that Governor
Walker canid avert suah a calamity ? Arid waa it
the purpose, even at this early period, to lay a
foundation for the bestowal of the rewards and the
oredit upon Governor Walker as the real champion
of 1 ‘fret Kansas ?”
In short, was it not & clear foreshadowing, an
authoritative, premonition of tho new tactics to by
introduced into Kaneas, and an effort to throat the
Republicans from their position, by charging them
with insincerity of purpose, in order that room
might be made for the real champion of freedom
in the person of Governor Walker? But let us
, now consider the reason assigned by the Union for
tho assumed opposition of the Republican party to
allowing Kansas to come into the Uuioa as a free
State. On tho brief sentence referred to, hinges
not only tbe policv within the contemplation of
the newly appointed Governor of Kansas, but the
justification and apology for that policy. The
reason assigned for Republican opposition to the
introduction of Kansas into the Union as a free
State was, that that party did sot desire to giro
peace to the country, and (tho Union goes on to de
clare) they know that the only way to give peace
to the country is to bring Kansas into the Union
\ as a free State !
Thus was clearly foreshadowed the purpose
which Governor Walker desigued to accomplish.
His subsequent official nets correspond with the
programme a a arranged and proclaimed iu the
Union. He goes to Kansas upon his mission of be
nevolenoe, to “give peace to that disturbed Terri
tory,” and wo have his antecedent declaration,
that “Mo only means'" of accomplishing this
coveted end is “to bring Kansas into the
Union as a free State.” As a salvo to the
wounded pride of tbc Southern people, and as
another apology for his conduct, be tells them in
effect that they bavo no business there—that tbe
soil and clim&to are not adapted to slave labor, and
that Nature and Nature’s God are with him, uud
cannot bo successfully resisted. To make assurance
doubly sure, he issues his mandate to tho Constitu
tional Convention, imperiously demanding, under
pain of hla personal and official displeasure, that
tboir Constitution shall be submitted in such
manner and to such people us he may dictate.
It is not necessary to discos the abstract merits
of Gov. Walker’B instructions to tho Constitutional
Convention, bocauso these have no relevauoy to the
question at issue; and the fact that hta supporters
have boen compelled to adopt this line of defence
proves that upon tho real subject of controversy
they can mako no defeuae. It is a virtual admis
sion that no defence can be made, and is in fact an
abandonment of the very principle which under
lies tho Kansas law. Tho argumentin brief is
this: Gov. Walker’s views and opinions are cor
rect and right in themselves; therefore, it is right
for Gov. Walker to attempt to enforce them. Upon
the same principle, with equal propriety, aud with
far more consistency, tho Republicans contrud that
it Is abstractly right to make Kansas a free
State; therefore, it is the right, as well as the duty
of Congress, to make it so All that I mesa to de
clare Is, that Gov. Walker has violated the spirit
of the Kansas law, and that his almost undisguised
purpose has been to adopt such a line of policy as
would accomplish the introduction of Kansas into
the Union as a free State.
Without entering further into details with which
the whole public is familiar, I ask you in all frank
ness, Is this tho feast to which the South was invited’
Is this off that they had a right to expect? Are,
theta the legitimate fruits of their successful efforts
to win a glorious victory for tbe National Democ
racy? Remember, that we asked no solitary ad
vantage over even our Black Republican foes.
We asked no interference tn our favor from Con
gress or tbqExecutive. Even in the flush of vio
tory, we only wld, “Give to every section an equal
chance, but do not coat the weight of executive in
fluence against us, and we are content to abide the
Police to^ccbrmpokdbsts.
Correspondents Fans’) wfll jlrufi bear in
r * earn cum i cajagqhsnat bl by th*
&aae of the wrftar. aterdw to insure ccrrectoNS 2s
*** typography, "but one* “side of a*beet ahosUl bo
writteaxipoo. - *' *' l - ■ ■’' '•■
We *haji bo greatly obliged to gentlemen to Pemuyl
o«i£«»£a the cor'
teniaeweof the<Uyi&~thelx particular looollUm, tba
resoarcea of tb e « turdd2<2 &2 1 c& no try, the increase ct
popatati m.Wiiy will U intwertto*
to the general reader. '* t *
issue. Arid is it for entertaining such views that
we are to be stigmatised as “dismuoniits ” »rid
•‘extremists?’- 1 -* .i v
By such unwise denunciations, gross injustice is
d°no to* the of the Democratic party of the
South; injfiittee&doneto'thodemocracy of the
North,*‘‘Wfeete'wtf Have every reason to believe cor
dially endorsed the great principles embodied in
the HVDMldshfSsd » gwfwraDg U data u> th»
max tarn,car?£
appeal |<r,the sohentea of Walker. He will never
fair *iiia9 ! J bj* a long life or ir
'Peproachable’-iategtity, by bestowing hi* appro*
val upon such an act of bad faith. I have every
"conslftufo^.Jhe g2fcafc bbdf 'ot ihs&atfcern people
of all snaueVof opinionhsve 'Implicit confidence—
honesty of the President We
bro sstfiified that Oven fot tae attainment of a far
'ugto ofcjectthari thaignoUeputpowef prtmpUrf
the personal ambition of *Dy many he would never
be the apologist of wrong. Elected to hi* high po*
■* titiem overwhelming and unprecedented mx*
. jortiffof the .-Southern peoplet-baving cams forth
victorious from the greatest struggle ere; before
witnessed i£ the.,pe^ubUf—haring woo the battle
upon gfaat pAiiobal which were alike adv>
cat»d in the North end in the South, in the lowlands
of Elor Ida and ,upQu the granite mountains of
New Hampshire -having attained to the highest
elevation which a oidj^nof this great Bepubile
' hiving nsihlagleft tbdo bat to
a l record for ppeterijy, he cannot, ha
?r'thui*iW\o weaken oar rupee t
ma sutssaa&j or box re
gard tor Idm aa.JL»Ua.
And pow,£enßit m? tojeferyoa tothe retail
of Gov Walker’s schemes- Have his concessions
Won far Atwtor for tig Democracy the supporter
■ cwDfidenoe of the Republican party? Hava they
i ( eviriced any'gratitude for
.■ suta'thai’ although. the Democratic paity hod
'declared that the people Of Kf pa M
fhoiflfl be allowed to decide their own domestic
■ institution*, yet, in paint of faot, the only way to
i ‘‘give peace to the ooustxy” was to “admit Kan
sas into the Union os a free State?” No! so far
from this/ Iheir hostility has been redoubled, and
they have evinced a determination that Walker
shall sot have any legitimate claim to the coveted
honor of making himself the ohampioa of “free
Kansas.” It being conceded, then, that'he has
gain&d so strength for himself or party form the
adversary, has he strengthened or given unity to
the Democracy?. If jfabibl«,'he has failed still
more signally here than with his adversaries. Ha
has been the instrument of much mischief to the
only national party in the Union and the proper
course for that party to pursue is to repudiate
and his acts.
Let us all, North and South, replace ourselves
upon the great national platform, from which we
have, for the moment, been jostled by Governor
Walker. Let as again re-affirtn the doe trine
which allows the rights of sovereignty to the
people. Let us submit the question of slavery
in the new States, and-aU others, pow and in ail
time to come, to the supreme will of the qualified
citlsens of the Territories, without interference,
either on the part of Congress v 6r the' Executive.
Let us again join hands npoh a declaration of, and
an.unfiinching determination to adhere in good
faith to, those broad, catholic, gation&l principles
which carried- tu triumphantly through the last
perilous -crisis. of the nation. Thus may we tri
umph over sectionalism, and thus alone can the
Democracy maintain its title to the proud distine
lion of being, what it in truth is, the great na
tional conservative party of the Repv&lic !
The Booth has full and implicit confidence in the
loyalty and good faith of the Northern Democracy.
Nay, more: I hare an abiding confidence, that when
the subject of slavery is more thoroughly under
stood, and when 'the passions engendered by the
fanaticism, the jealousies, and the prejudices of
the hour, have given place to sober reflection, a
more matured judgment, and a stronger fraternal
regard for the citizens of the South, that the ranks
of the Democracy in the North will be swelled by
vast accessions from tho body of those who are now
.arrayed in hostile attitude against ca. But we
should at all times thoroughly understand each
other, and correct in. time any mischief likely to
arise oat of a misconception on the part of either.
We can stand together in practice os well os theory
upon the platform of equality, and the attempt to
occupy any other position, or to evade thezeipoa-
Ability incident thereto, will at the best only sab*
hopes, out in Uxfi end
chief. I have not presented the proof of Governor
Walker’s disloyalty to the principle* of t3e party,
as a lawyer would hare prepartd a o*a* in submit
ting it to a jury, but having stated the. general
points indicative of his purposes, I have assumed,
as granted, what all know, and about which intelli
gent minds can arrive at hut one conolarion. How-
ever conflicting may be the views entertained iu
regard to the abstract merits of Walker's coarse u
the chief Executive of Kansas, ell candid observ
ers will agree that I have not snieesueeiTid hit
evident designs nor aUsUutd bis policy. Southern
people, jealous of their rights and of their honor,
asking no concessions , and conceding no advaK
£ hgest could not do otherwise thou condemn, where
it would have bees so much more gratifying to ap
The South must maintain her present attitude.
To concede snore would be destruction. In the
Union we live as it were in a gl-sa house, while
our adversaries cast their missiles under the pre
tention of impregnable ramparts. While occupy
ing our present attitude, we are necessarily tbruwn
upon the defensive; we are powerless to commit
rotaliative aggressions upon our enemies. We
could not, if wo would, cast back the firebrand
which would “oommit cor dwellings to the flames,”
or arouse the dormant passions of a servile and
degraded race, to make desolate your homes,”
and to “pollute your hearths tense.” Under such
circumstances, how necessary, and, at the same
time, how natural, that we should vigilantly guard
tho outposts of our defences; thus ho should waich,
with jealous care, any effort to impair or evade o«r
conceded rights, and that wo should frankly but
earnestly ask our northern friends, and cue conser
vators of the Union everywhere, to extend their
necessary aid to the preservation, in letter
spirit, of our right* under the Constitution. I
have an abiding faith that perzaveranco .in such
a line of policy will in the ead triumph, even in
the South; and that the principle of equality of
rights of all tho sections of tbe Union, firmly main
tained and adhered to, in every conceivable emer
gency, by the conservative people of the North,
will perpetuate to the remotest posterity the bless
ings of our great Confederacy of :reo States and
free people. Respectfully yours,
Interesting Wedding Party--.VJarriage of Two
Mutes by a Mute Ciergvman,
[From the Louisville Jcurual.J
Iu the city of Lexington, on the evening of Au
gust sth, was witnessed auch a wedding party and
such a marriage ceremony as perhaps never oc
curred in the United States, certainly not in the
State of Kentucky. Mr John Blount, tho bride
groom, is a deaf mute, who woe brought up in Ala
bama, but received his education at the Kentucky
Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, at Danville,
where he is at present an accomplished and hi jhly
esteemed instructor. Ho is a tail and
specimen of a man, and is a gentleman in every
sense of the word. Miss Lueretia Ann Hoagland,
tho bride, is also a deaf mute. She was educated
iu the institution at Danville, and would pass for
a beautiful and accomplished lady in any circle of
society. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoagland, the parents
of tho bride, at whoso house the marriage took
place, are aico both of them deaf mutes lhey re
ceived their education some twenty-five or tnirty
years since at the same institution. They have
threo other children—two of whom hear and talk;
their Youngest, a little boy of nine years old, is,
like tbe bride, a mute, and expects before long to
fj to the same institution, to obtain that inoitima
le blessing—a good education—which his father,
bis mother, and sister have received before him.
There were also present, as invited quests, some
twelve or fifteen educated mutes, all of them pre
sent or (ormor pupils of the above-named institu
tion. ~
The attendant of tbe bride, Miss Mary B-iyd,
from Harrison county, was as modest, bcautiiul,
and elegantly dressed a lady as adorns any draw
ing-room. She was formerly a class-mate of the
bride. Other young ladies who were mutes, were
present, who attracted marked attention by their
personal charms as well as by their superior in
telligence. Younggentlemen, also, were not want
ing, of fine appearance, education, and manners, to
leud interest to the occasion. In addition to the
mutes who were present, were others who, from
intercourse with the family of the bride or in some
other way, had become familiar with the lan
guage, so that the conversation of the evening was
held chiefly in the beautiful pantomime of the deef
and dumb.
But that which, perhaps, gave the most peculiar
interest to tho occasion was the faot that urn mar
riage ceremony was celebrated in the sign language
of the deaf and dumb! The officiating otargyraon
was the Rev. S. B. Cheek, Vice Principal of our
Hate Institution at Danville. Not a word su
heard during the whole ceremony—the prayer, the
propounding of tbe marriage covenant the bene
diction. and the blessing of the marriage fewt,
were all performed in the graceful and eloquent,
though voiceless language of nature, which may
be termed the vernacular of the deaf and dumb.
The mates who wore present all testiiied their pe
culiar delight, saying tboy had often witnessed
marriages oefore, but had sever understood whet
was actually said and done until this oocariou. It
was, taken altogether, emphatically a mat* fes
tival, in which all parties present were delighted,
and which furnished a most striking exemplifies
tion of what has been done and can be dose for
the unfortunate mute.
Attorney General Black has gone on a visit
to Bedford Springs to remain a week.