The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 26, 1857, Image 3
$ i * V. g? - gfcj ■ Bt4tesEloTen»nMbeOa*a4aEleren;whtohimnnt ~»lljr:^»dta;aor«tol«i!Bst s »oiong thocrioketerbof -r o4|MKcajiWß j»iiy «th«r : eVe>4t of the- year - , was oouimtho'ed htToronto on Wednesday last andcon ■" for the wltti Mven wioket|, to go down.. The ; matah attracted a,lartfe;nnmber of spectators, and daring thettM.ojdajr pJay therij was from 2,000 . ©,-4,WaSoilß; constantly in, attendance,-,a large • tsMSSSE - ■ walkln rang'with . Urt,oS*bM .that-were (Mat forth., . The anlrnatlon WM.ijpdatyfcthahef« before witnessed on abrioket ■, • *oSttd;ltt’C«ad<uahd the etettetnentof thetstowd - '»*.agw»lttt'%iO!itoh :; vf : aim*de,.or'a'wlcti)fc fe-' •• , “It Is doe to. the, good taste of tho spectators ,'tf> lay; that no difference waa made in the;.applause, whetherit was.a,o»n»di»n:or a representative of theStetos who made a tan hii,br: exhibited good ■ ieldlng of bowling.- ThdpWple entered thorough 1 -ly into the spirit' oftke seme. 1 They forgot: the - plaoe in the nlajrer/.'arid Chderbd the batter or the Ky^wtVWe^CahadiaaiohtßaTßiflieh'Vtepre . tentative of tfceSlsteaffoi'.jtfi a ourlqos feet, that there is only oner, stive' American: in the entire United States EleVen.eiehtof.them being English men, with one Saotoh and ono-Irishman." " v; -.Jieforejtheigame- 1 commenoedjbettlng n> six. te four id fefor of the CausidiKiit, and in many oases hets weird B*eh‘6ttb'totwp: , 5 ;.v i'.'. The foUowingis theJSnsS aaiuaat-fofthegaine: .. OKiTrD STAftBSLEVR.V. . ;i , 'Tirit Innirtzs.'" :Srcand fnning*. . Lang.l b.w.; ti.Brsdfcury, 5 b. Pareins.c. kykert 14 W ’b ’ Br*db & ry., *. i 2fi •;d* P&rapnB..«.4 ..0-' c;Bradbury,b,'Hore..'.i22 .10 ' run cruf. .i.a.,c., 2 . c.' Bjrkftrt, b. - v A Cbtattyi b.' PArsons^. 1. 1 4, /rub on t 2 - ' . CroA*l6?i brPafrftoufi.,'.o , ct.Hore.Ol?. Pwbohjj, ;*, 6. ' 99STf& Bradbury. Us*.l2 ,teuout. k .o <Bfryr Jrtt’ ,oq£;'.. V'a* Bd. ,Bradbary.\ ; .... ; 1 ’ ‘ ’!> W B5«sl0, LBg Byes 5, u . .103' Tbtal.’.Vl/. '-• , ,x. : -%.'££&*&■*.*- *L*TES ' • Second I»»i»fj, 1 lit - Dyke?,.os.Senior,..l...'4 /• “-' \ s ■ BeriiSf.v;‘..:7.Tl.;.SX' IKrefc.WiU>yj’b , .;Corae*/’; v „,.•>-, ry.. <.'.l '-.. % Pl'ek*rln|, , not'<mt.‘.v..vlB;. , “. ’ 'V',''V';>' . Dexter/V; geftor.T.;.V:.'2 '' ' ’ \.\ H. Philips, run out;;;.; 1’ ct, Lang, bdllWifght,.. ;20, Kl ßye % Leg Byea t 2,-; _' - WWm-8, No,ls*llia;.lC•,; \mtik3;;?;:;*;. ..., &| ;T01aV.;..'../.:.. .'.03 Ftat la&lngj. l .-. 1 !.-. ■ '■•.:: 145 Governor'Walter's peraohaffrfands ifllrm that .he will cauiS-ths'iß»*rtl66'oTthe,.Wilh3otPrOTl»o,t'eriaMm et; littrajimj in' tWKfUiSafl Constitution in order*, to spite the frecStateTbfcn 1f theycontiriau to A worryhlm.—. Washington i6rrespondente'6f'tht jV..Y. IVidufle., Patting/the ;Wilmot Proviso, orany'othar tire and emphatio.prohibition of-slavery/into the Kaaa» would not induce ihe partir aansof the Tribune lino of policy in tho Tcrritory to votf» .forit-^ ; Bho‘old' the Constitution, ahout to bo formed by ’ theYKansas. Convention. contain, ate article deelafing iliatieUrciy peverrexhrfc it the hejr~ 'W©; doubt /not thatth t Tribune would nevertheless advise.the men to tote it down. Orehoold the Convention submit the - qttwtiote<ff«l*veryoruO£UY6tf/&sk separate prrf poritionto\the t -electqjps.-of the'Territory, wo pre fume the■; Tribune tejnnagers/wo’uld privately (they might not W the bpural&tb dp it publicly), advise thelr^rtisliifto vote tor. riarory/ so that themew State*might apply for .admission:with a slave ,Con stitution. object in, either would!. of coarse, be to prevents setttoment of, the Kansas Mitterrand keep alive the bxclteinehtfor political puts6M*:> .To do this, every expedient vml.he re-' aorwL to,, and, especially will, the impossible and ab&rtWQdltipCofadim^onunder .’the Topeka Codslitutidn be iusistedon. ' Anything is acceptable to-thfW Igitatomoxcept ajettiementof* the Kansas dlmeultien That they will exercise all their in; gemrity'fcO'preverft, for its coasammatlon would be the^deathfblow': to - their aspirations.— Columbus (Geozv giaj chin, ' that; an /affray occurred *at /Howard’s of Columbus, on the . MusebjregCrfciJroau, fa Sunday week, between' a sum l>: P.-Bates, in which tile li'{ter#as killed'by a gun or pUtoiahoti^;' .Thdiptosecuting attornoy atSti fud, Miil- M(Kjti,-hBa dnolded that, wheren mao: only pansj*. <me,counterfeit bill, and oannot he conviotod-of harino Ufiiwod a-nnmhor, or- of being i a oouot<r feHer^ptef^6hV^ei^eieinpt:frompro«eotttlon, (N. Ci)'^ 'Tribune has'seefi three aatrta pf jmoUMos'eztiraoted from about 109 •talke of. ,the < Ohmosa Soger /efino,-’ By lewla ,Whstßtl3,‘swh<!;hM,,turneihte..attehUo'n td the growth of au eMellent' aif title,' i i^ihyCyjjh'fV v-;,f lt< , ,"?Tro-;Heiity Eumford,of: Wilmington, Del.; «ft route for'the Springs, was taken ill on thecets, at<3hahtottesvllle; Va.y on 'Thursday, and died a ■-/- • l :• and Kew ToS; yestordayyand the reporta by telegraph this Bicasiag ofthe b’HrpeiJßion of the Homes of John 'lbouip-' ron.E.glMuiuoeyPelapay,’Selin, i Co. and others, contributed r cry largely to increase thopdalc whMi has pnrwjjoi for amongtlio holders of, railroad stocki-sThe weetilystatement MitheNew Yorkßimks, IHongbby no means of worse aspect thftirwas generally “tedojtedatthe clq£eof.4he''w<iek; ttdia'io’tte'**» two' V&tS 'pet eeWtVfoe Srtt,' WWf.whUethe “ feueyVstock* seporitiOalfelttbe effects of the disturbance. *. Bjttlrbkd fell to 29Jtf, a declihe bf l fropiyeay- agatiflo 30/* few* shares being sold fat '- ' -- - - ----- “ ! W<tbfelf6Vhthat thtfoihf -in the de-Y clina fPof -Securities; •* - >f *ThV ’effects of ‘ the* preaent/^piojc, ■ upon. .the „ West; f wiu; be;, foundto' react "again tfntbe; ses-lKtwd, we may reasonably expect stringent, money market. wero In jthe tSOsltiou we have at times occapied/with ten times as'rqdtifdshcr wo 1 might jioii tain soyffre fiiißiicial omlFoyaaiiuioiit from such a gaino u nowholda sway; ■ but &t pTeaent, our monoyod inxtitu- tioUs are in excellent conditionj there .can bd no run upon tbem te an nt, and in a few .days the, - spent - i|s. fdiy",anif * hejter, etote 'of The Courier and 1 Enquirer says the> capft*r df the ’; Ohio £j&,Wd_TrUBtCompany; *at Oincinnati,'is'.aboat, two dollar; allof which fr inyesf*,: , ed fgd TboßabUitic^orAhecGoio-,; pony bthendsewere as follows at their 1 last published Trust,Fapd,.,., $188,872; DuWOafilpl andeßfmkflrV.“ *-< - . *.’ . 760;i24_ Due Individual■ DepbsitorS j at Cincltmati...... 1^20,234 HUfeSni&oiu.Y..;......Bi;?BB Tot^iiifijitief 7*. i ,. ;! i.. $2,311,268 Thefr ifircsiments at the same date' wore’ os, follows . .*v;.v-'r-«40,167 Balances dusty othei 1 Ihmkaihdßankers, h’i i>;;iJo,636 Btfionee held in 368.705 Beal Estate gad. Pdrs&aiU ’ Property, j;; w., V 23,002 Besouires. 126,888 /ixToidl Bemrce*., h E .?. Vi».. {■'. L ,;: $2,311,288. ' We- Mato ascertained from - the office• of 1 the ’“ Ohio , Mfe Insurance and Trusted.*’*'that the Company was not engaged in the business of life Insurance;'They bed not ft stogie policy of Idfo Insurance, so that, ha£ pUy ptto ftecattiufttionsCfoi' the *uspo*fc of families, con-' iemplited by Life Insurance, are not interfered-wlth by the failure ofhhat'C6mpwy. : opera tion* f6t wany.yeara past hare, been In bariktaf-alone, and they enjoyed a high credit throughout the -West. * - tkcfffieTr' Tort'bgenay.'irf the-Ohio life Insurance and TruatOompafly t *lH«Wud*wt<>odi hard beta mad a upon stook collateral*,-abd tf on caU.” The hsa»y,. decline In ma&yof'these secttriflea.'WiUentalla lOMAMmifae Company', but oftly »to*affect 'the 'capital (nemo creditors} of the Company. This business of loaning <*on call ” is purfiaed hyheariy etery bankand’ the city, ; Such'lojua are mtda-wW the- un ,derst4sdisg that,they shall-be returned promptly on the demag4;<bufc thtf lender* are usually cautions enough to require fcliberal margin, which it seems 'fffts wet dono vV:.. 0.-- ;t. Tarpapers are filled with explanations of the failure/ which it it scarcely worth while toqdote, as theyyhole tratbwill be by legal investigation. The (|t general credited Is euibodted ia the fol lowing remarks from the New-YotfV Tiims: f . ThebaakinsrddpartaxfentbM at hd'tiok'elhpidj&i ad-' tlfely erezLdrailityof-the capital,'though harinyth# whole,as the basis of aeSiirlty dealers.- and Mortgsges are tinder* tood to be of tfctbrot character, being on real estate, at its value heforatbejatTOdtictloa oflmplements to Ohio/ wblcfrharr.ijuadrupleti its tax list. Some of the loans of. the <&&t>ftby heni is ra'ptot ed uofortunate.-They have, not duly tied tip‘tbe xoeSns deposited here/but ombarrae •edtbeweditortheconcernto^nejtoßt^hich^ln^beab^ fcomewrepfidred the a necessity.; The Tratmeni, Mr Charles, stetson,'was a. few, daT*fehdeahd arrived here yesterday, "and after a cop- - saltation With the New Tori Cashier, pad Trustees was forced'tolhefolldwirigadhov^ccemeht 1 ;; ( -O , )*'OmCB & ¥U« Ou/oLifE IK9. iffi> Tuust C 0.,) --~V.'V X'-’> .‘H*lf-Yo*i£,Attg.»,JB67.; i ' ■ Tbi UdpleJttant duty has detolyed. upon .me to state that this Companyhad sutpedded'paymdnfc. 'Thlseveni hCs mninly.bcen brought afeopt- In consequence of m&-, klu# irons here to parties who are unable, to' respond at thiOfme.. TWculd jidd, that the capital oftheCompa njr: tWd mill louk i t Sfeund anareliable', exclusive‘of suoh • lost asm&y arjse/rdm insufficiency ofacfaiz-ltiea pledged. .ferloansaboyeTereWbdw*’,.':'-.".-''-,"-- v-I * 0. STkTBON. President., , - Tfie-ftnowitigisthe basinoM attheofice of,the New TOT|fQtto^s^iTr«siu^^ohthe24Ui'losfantJ , , ’ . glut’s..'l;/.,'.iv.i......- tn&,&43 71- -•> f; The foUhVingiia of con-' dltionof thVßanks of York, .Aug. } and /ugi'aadj Wv: j ; ' -V j Aug, *l6^.*^£s^72li;i©4s>,so,ol2 jw|j&o,3SB' AUg. 22,/..£120,189,632 10,097,178 8,694,01139,354,0*7, Showing ft decrease of loans/./, .{1,101,890 • « ,adecreasoof Specie. ....i 1.603.467 . a4acraa*e<?£circalatlett. *Bo,ool* “ . ftdecrtasc offt’idwvwn dep0ttH5.2,573,46A •" The remittance ol f» will be due by Thursday-deiti ] >The export hythoHoston stcampr will .be a moderate one, , ■. *■ ' t.> 1 - *■; , C»“«i .Coal statement for thewetkeadia| Aug; 22d: -r.\ Mg&bix '! ' ! 'r- *? vt: . •'/h&Eim' ! Buck MooQtain .. OO 16 “ Wilkeitarr* Co*l Cart. WyoinJng Coal CbVw* Hartfoi'd OojU Co.Vi.‘. ,28,675 19 629,886 07 ~ J Foot. ■ 25,648,642 , Lumber. , For the week.,, Per last report.'.. '.{*•... f . .Total PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Aug. >'• .as.iw. ; .v • Jt.vorlid bv H- Manhy. Jr;, StaciSroUt, No. SOX , yralnui Strut, ; FIRST BOABD. WOOltrO'a ' . SOX' - SMUebiU R 60 m do - sox' 6" -a» eo; 1000 do SOX lo do 68x fOO , do; SOX SSoBMdlnglUts6iraso 600 do .80X 100' -do SOX 1400 do - New oox 10 ’'do 30 -«Oh-' do- , ,;N»» 06X 100 do Mujti 80 1000OitrE8>« .cut 80X 100 • do Sara SO 000 I'do ' '' -SOX 100 do 'MraSO' 700 , do' SOX 60 do • bsto MV 800 do . ' 1 89 X 100- ‘do 1 e6wn 29X .400 Morris Can&l 6’a -71' '2OO do ; M 29v 8000 Penna O’s ■-' ;84V 100 'do 29k MOO Lehigh «’s>?o v 89* 700 - do lots town 80 . .-IPWttaß • ■ -46jf 60 'do town 29# fl7-/do - , 46* 10 Gtfard Bank IIS 6 Harrisburg R 6 Bk of Kentucky 111 ' fr. ■ 1 -'s4# '2oOity Bank cash 6QJ4 "10 Morris Canal pfd 92# 6 do cash 60$ ? \ ' % BETWEEN BOARDS. JOOPennafi/fl ; . \,Mx, 100 Reading R town 30. JJS ibßwnSO 200 Reading R 00. 200 do . , town 80 100 do,, b5,29ft TPennaß. . . 46)$ .300 ,;do . town SO - ,r % , do- 40*f SECOND BOARD. 3 Reading R. . / ~3Qj4 1 SMlnehiliß 6834 ?5 do , ,to 3034 ! 25, do s 6 MX CPennaß , .■ 46ft ] 8 Farm A Meek Bk 64# AFTER BOARD. '9Fenn& Railroad.. • • ; CLOSING PR] : Bid. AsJced: XIB 6% ’OB 116j4 Philadafis ' 88Vo9Q . > do RR 89fca90jtf -do „ New 95V©95S PebnaOs, • 84-«84lr i Beading R . SOtfaW : do Bonds ’7O 77J4®79 ! Penna BR ‘ SovetoK, HorrlßCanlConWcSlS •ui ty 1 f.'i’iTVi-.'-' j L-u:LATI 50 heading l( V; ; 30>4 I .Reading e101fg............ ICRS—STEADY, - Bid. Asked- Bchyl Nav Pref 20 V oil# Wmsp’tAElmß 20 do ' 7‘s Ist mort, 76 e? 534 do' do 2dm 65 e6sj£ u r JTf Girard Bank HYcrllX , Lehigh Zinc IK© 1« Onion Canal, 9 <alo. t NewCre,A %<tl 1 , C»t»)fi,«A KR .10 <®H nasv---'. 200 Reading R towu SOX 3O 0303 f j LETTER FROM NEW YORK. [Correspondence of The Press.;) i , NRmYork;* Aug.' 26', 1857—5.20 P. M. I' There were evident BigUi of increased stringency In rthe,money Market to-day. Tory little paper, except at phort dates,-even; though it ho what is called first-rate, is sold under, frdttr ll to 12 Indeed, it is hard to giro any duotations of the rates' of interest, the ne cessities of the individuals seekingaccommOdation being the only rule of the raiesp&id.- 'The suspension of the Ohio Lifo’.ilnsttrance and Trust Company, followed to day by .the failures of John Thompson, the dealer in un. current money, and agent'for several banks; Del army, IrOlen,-A Clarke, and-JSd%*ard Monroe;-stock-brokers, has naturally caused a wide-spread fooling of uneasi ness,-ikndvreadorß It difficult to borrow- at any price. Were .it-not for this calamity, the bank stated fnsnt yesterday- would have been • considered so a vorable that things Would have been easier to-day. It 1 s,. not j to. bo. supposed,-however, that tho legitimate trad®, is muoh hampored by this pressure. Speculators alono fool ita entire weight, and they will continue to feeUt for some time to - come. Mr. Stetson, the Presi dent.of -the Ohio-Trust Co., hhraed.the following notice yesterday evening: \ .--“Orriou op tqk Ohio Lire Isa. aso Trust Co., > v New York, August 24,1857. J ; • “.The unpleasant duty has devolved upon me to state that this Company has suspended payment. Thisevent has mainly been brought about in ednsequence of making ar. here to parties who aro' unable to respond at this , <l I would add, that the capital of the Company, two millions,’l* sound and ’ reliable, exclusive of such loss as may arise from insufficiency of sccurities pledged for loans atwve referred to; . . - •’ 4 ' “C.-Stetson, President.’ 5 i The precise caose of the failure of this Company,'and ihu.exact amount of its liabilities, will-not be known for iome days.,but sufficient 1b known to warrant tho be* llef thattheir default will be immense, and will hare the mostdlshstrous effect on sevcral individuals.- The Company’s dndebtedueßf to the bauke for call loans is no J bell aved to-day tobeaalargeas was atfiret supposed, and thosethatereinvolved'are-generaUy said to hold ample security against ultimate loss. There ia no doubt that the fint statement in Mr. Stetson’s notice IB , correct, but the propriety of the way in which the , “ louts to parties who are unable to respoud at this time o were made, is very much questioned, and much, f blame is.attached to the Cashier, Mr. Ludlow, for his - improvident management. \Tith what justice thieblame to awarded, I am unable to judge, nor to it fair to judge until aa opportunity has been given to the Company to explaittthelr case; Considerable d6ubt ia felt as to tho second..statement in the above as to whether the capital of the company will be found suffi cient to make'up for the low' from insufficiency of tho , securities pledged for loans. > Mahy df these securities have absoiutelyso market value'at this moment: for instance; the company; is said to have'loaaed 3500,000 to the Cleveland A Pittsburgh JWlroadCotnpsny, who de termined to close their books since yesterday evening. ! ThemWortdne,bf^the h.’A T. Cq. to undoubtedly < due to its appropriation of its means, out of the legiti mate^mir^to loans on" the 'speculative securities of railroads.-; The failure dobs hot'inuoh' affect the regu- '.Thb retd sufferera' are the those 'been Imprn- 1 dent enough;to engage in similar operations. 1 It is sup-' posed that this day’s failures sx£ more or lesi > owing to that rf.yasterday;fut nothing positive to known. 1 iTheshipmentof specie.'bytheCunanl steamer frost Boston tormorrtrWi wBl, it is thought, amount to, if not exraed, |MQ,6OO,* u firm at former rates for Sterling, and rather dull for francs. Should r the preseut/ paaic result .In bringing down the price of aT<manjftr'fK)«j foTeoder It no Itfager profitable to ex port. specie, it would' be'a positive benefit ’to tbb'tvux* mersi*uoßncunity. v The'receipa at the Custom House duties wire- $102,6001 - In the Stock market to-W, as you -wiU-perceive >by; the. bulletins of both boards, prices have reocbed.'mttch lower figures than on this-year. There is » regular mule. Every species of Railroad Stock, Indeed every thing but.the.beet State Securities are down, and no signs are apparent of any restoration of prices. Cleve 'tond and Pittsburgh has fallen since yesterday morning W per cent;; Benfta. Coal Co; 6 per cent., Reading 7, Cleveland ondi Toledo. 6, La Crosse; and MilwaukieO, Illinois Central 7: and Chicago and Rock Island 8 per c?nt. - ' AsnsS steady at57.81)4 for Pearls and $8 for Pots. i : BRKAngTppFS—'The market isverv heavy.'- Holders of the inferior grades are willing to sbu at adecline of 20c.. 'and the higher at 6c,®loc, The sales are B,6oO'.bbls. L at 86®|6.80 forcommidn to gqod State; ° $6.40®53.85 for, extra do.; s6crsdlBo for shper. Indiana, Michigan. lowa, -Ac.;4fi.40®57.10 for gboa Ohio; s7JoisBB.4O for extra do.; s7®lo?or ektra’St. Louis, and $7<r56.75 Lforextra'Genessee.' Canadian Flour has,fallen from 10® ;20c., with sales of 400 bbto. atso4O®s6.BO for super, and $6.70055J5 for extra. l Southern Flour, Is unsteady, at a decline, with sales of 1,200 bbto, at $6.30® ,s6.Bofor good Alexandria,Ac., and s7«tsB for the finer gt*des. Rye Flour is quiet at $4&$5.SO. Corn Meal has declined;' with 1 sales bf ‘l7O bbto. at for Jersey, and $4.25®4 A 0 for Brandywine.- ‘ . , Cotton— The'ioarketii firm and quiet at former qvo tationg. * 5 1 • , CoFrEBJ-There is llttlcdolsg. An' auction salo is an noanoed to take' plape-to-morrow 0f4,600 bags Bio. ‘ 'Graih—The market is heavy and ttrbgular, at a fall of 806 Cents.’"’The sales Arc 10,000. bushels at $1,45 £> $1.46 ton red Southern, and $1'.55051.70 for white do. Rye is dull at 900100 c. Oats are immoderate demand at 67060 for State,‘and 61c63c; for 'Western./ Corn is firm at > slight improvement; 21,000 biuHels -wore sold at 85® for mixed'Wosterh, And 86M'080j4o.' for South ern yellow. ' <: ;HiDB3 ore dull at a decline. IROS .—The market is heavy, at prices In favor of tho jbuyer. • Scotch pig Can bo"bought freely at $29 ou the spot. , 1 :Lbathbr—There is nothing doing ; prices are nomi nal.' *.• - * < Naval ofTurpentino arc steady and in moderate request at 48c. cash, with sales of 400 bbls. The supply of Grade do. is light, and prices are conse quently orm,-'(s4 &' 280 fts.) Common Rosin la scarce -at steady rates. ■ Stock very, small. Tar dull at $1.87 % *e52.25 i GttiS—Crude Whale is thtoyontat 73c. ‘.Crude Sperm Js in demand atsl J .B6per gall.Rngiish Oil is dull, with «afiSnf2,OOOgaU#. v «f r And AmeriomOil is algoduUatBOo.oBlO. r ' rU -ti , ,■ raqyißlbss—Tho raarkot' for ’Pork" is depressed and irregular,ats2s.76o^o ‘for Mess,'and $21.760522 for :Prlraef (the latter an outside quotation.) Sales 480 bbls. Deer Ja unebangod, at $17016 for repackedWestorn, and ■,518.500f10. .for 'extra' l doi Cut afth and Bacon un changed. Butter- Cheese quiet at former prices. Lard firm at ■ • - r SuoARS ore dull, buyers holding off, waiting for a de cline. There is scarcely anything doing. : Tea inaetivejWithont any fall in prices. Bpibits asv market is firm for brandies at S4.3O®JQ for Cognac, and $3;10053,86 for Rochello. Gin : hr jn request' at 85c fl, No ebange in Rum. IWiJskey'' • Wines’ are in demand'by Southern end Western buyers at $1.35052 for Sherry: sl.K6ftsl,7oforrPorfr $2.70« $3.26 for Olaret, (per case,) and Champagne at $90514 per case. Fnatoifre are unchanged. 1 *- ZNEW.IQRR STOCK EXCHANGE SALES—Aua. 26. - Sscohd State 6s 77; -Pennsylvania ‘ Coal CompAfiy 64: PAcific MaiLBtoarash]p Ob. 73; Erie Railroad Cleveland and Toledo Railroad 40V; RAsdintfßailroad«3Bl|-HHadffl Central Railroad 164; Cleveland and PittsburgßailreadlSW; Mich So and N Indiaaa-pref:Btock.6(h Chicago »PRlsland Railroad 82K: Milwaukla and Miss Railroad s3O 42W: La Crosse and Mill (Railroad 23; Now York Control Railroad 73#. • PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Tuesday, August £6—Kvdning. The depresßed condition of the market for Breadstuff's ■till oontinuesio affect i aad ,the s&lea or Floor only Mmprife shoot 280 bbla.; iate nude superfine from pld wheat at $6.50; 400 bbls; new wheat'dor at $6,75, atrifiOObbls'extra family flour, it $8.25' bbl, buyers 'for hbfcoe consumption are rather shy, and prieea range *t from $6.50 up. to $8.50 and $0 & bbls. according to the brand and freshness.' Corn Meal Is'wanted, but there Is no stock here, and Wed couldbo readily effected at $4 bbl, for Pen'na, Bye Flpur la held at $4,00 bbj. without muck selling. Wheats continue plenty and dull, and prices tend downward. -The sales Include 6,000 or 0,000 bn., at 145aa167e. for,reds, and 160®162c. for, white, according to quality. Buyers of Corn do not coihe forward freely ; but about 4,600 bu. yellow sold at equal to 68c afloat. Oats aro very difficult to selj, and about 6,000 bushels have been disposed of at irregular prices,’ranging from SOo. to 30c., tho latter for prime Southern afloat. RyeJs selling to the distillers .at t»oc., but holders generally ask more. Provisions are wanted, at'fully firmer quotations, but the";sales were only fh Smalt lota,’ owing to the smallness of the stocks on hand at present. Hams sell at 14ep160., and Bhoul dera at 12#c,, the latter tfi sftlt. Mess Pork is scarce, bbl, The Grocery Trade is dull. ; Cotton hw -been very inactive' to-day. Seeds,not much changed, Clover seed is wanted at $7 and none offering. 'Whiskey meets with much demand, at 280200. forbids,, -ahd27®2Bc. forhhds. ’ ; , : DOMESTIC MARKET; •THE ’cotton. CHOP .-The Now Orloani Prlco Oor says:,—‘‘Wo hare juet heard that the first htie Afthe hew ce<m fa <m Its way from Texas, to ar rive here fully one mouth later than the first bale last year, should the Mississippi Valley crop be correspond* ingly backward, (apd eyer since the frost# of April it has generally been declared to he about three wee Vs later than last year.) it must be evident that we shall be with out any reoelpts of importance until an unusually lata period of the season. Besides this, heavy rains have fallen almost daily for fully three weeks past, and as a -couseguence, there a» complaints from the interior of too rank growth, shedding of squares, rust,- rot, &c., and planters In paany section* speak dlscouraglnriy or • theif prospects.' The receipts at this port since Ist Bep .tember (exclusive jot the arrivals from Mobile, Florida, and Teias).are 1,440,60$ bales, against 1,690,647 bales to sainedimastyear; and the decrease In the rocoipts ;at dll the ports.up to the latest dates as compared with last year Is. 680,674^.ba1e5. If the exports from the United States to foreign countries, as compared with the sanie dates last year, there is a decrease of 648,667 bales to qreat fcrifaln, hales, to France, and 101,936 to i! MABiiST| 4rmuunda< thlaweek.have not bora extensive, ana tbe | ) t»ief T M ; thern%ie>; bolaen are firm in their ,'but: mahufacfhrer* .purchase aparinglyand ‘ -wlth’inuch reluctance at current, rotas;, there Is, how* - ; f$. T ®rLft>.fodlcatfon'of.a'decUne.Jttcprifcesr .Oor quota * sffotaafo'hnch'Auged. The stock at present la war* > bO-fc.heayy,, buc there js a good assortment of the feyriptlona; 1200 balep California, mostly , an?ed. will bo placed upon the market next week. yß l i^ a Xio^^ l s' are 90bales washed ftiH'U terms, but at very m 1,84109 f TOO 05 : 6,858 03 ' 15,340 IT Foreign market. (By City of Washington.) . i* LivaarooL,Aug.U. Proyibioso—Bacon in good Condition 1b in more re quest and dearer, but other rort* are neglected at the prices asked. Floe Cheese keeps saleable.. Ths pre sent demand for India being supplied, there is less doing in Beef and Pork; there are numerous sollers of new cure, to bo delivered from Ireland and elsewhere within a few weeks, at a considerable decline from re cent high rates; buyers act with great caution, there fore, und take anything Inferior unwillingly. Bacon— Long Middlings—Bib in. 48.tf405. & cwt.; Boneless, 2a. more; Short Middles. Rib in. 62a.a6&a.& cwt.j Bone less, 2s. more: 0 Cut, Rib in. 46.©485. cwt. Cheese, doe, G4s.qsGs.' Sp cwt.; Ordinary to Fair, 30a.0403. Sp cwt. Beef—New, Prime Meß9, lGOs.©l6sa. tc.; 1,1- dia,l(h.d2oa. more. Pork—New, Prime Meat, 905.& 65a. barrel. Shoulders—New, none. Lard—Sella slowly at present high prices—7o3o7la,' Tallow— Remains steady at GOs. . .BasADSTUTfS—At this -day’s Corn market there a good attendance—buyers were‘more freely met, notwithstanding the continued broken weather—numer oua retail transactions in wheat took place, for imme diate consumption, at a general decline of 3d. 70tbs. Flour w&s in felr request at rather easier rates. Indian Cora declined la., with little doing, Wheat-White Canadian, Os a 93. 3d 70 lbs.: White Southern, 9s®o* ffilp 70 lbs.: Red Western, BsoBs. 4d. ¥7O ibs.: Red Southern; Bs. Od.oßu. ty 70 ft a. Flour—Western Canal 305.©315. & 190 fts. *, Philadelphia, &c., 106 fts. ? Ohio; 30b.0385. 190 fts.; St. Louis, 33a.0 lO9 fts. Indian Corn-yellow, 36s.©S8a. 6d. j? 480 lbs.: Mixed, 355. 6d.0 80s. V 480 fts.; White 40s. «445. 480 fts. James McHmr k 00. LIVEBFOOL, Aug. 12—A. M. • CotTOS—A slight improvement in the demand, and fuU prices paid for good current qualities of American. The market closed quiet, but firm. at former rates. Sales of the 8 days If.OOO bales, including only 2,000 between speculators and exporters. Bbesdstuffs—Wheat doll, and common descriptions of red ld»2d lower. ,Wheat and Oorn in very limited request, and quotations barely maintained. ' Weather unsettled. Provisions —Beef and Pork steady and firm. Lard in good request at 70s, and 71s at retail. Bacon un changed. , Pboddcb—No change of importance in any article. .26,821,519 * - [Reported for The Press.] LONDONDERRY—Ship Zeted, Corlsh—l6o tons Iron 20 casks whiskey R Taylor k Co; 6 Oapt Corish; 6 John Dougherty 2 Hugh liarr; & Alex Rankin; 0 casks hosiery CHARLESTON—Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin —l2O bales cotton W P Cochran k Russel); 114 J -Palmer k Co; 3D Solomon; 129 order; 11 hhds Tustin Sc Sbewell; 35 tea rice R J Graham k Co; 135 bales waste Jessup k Moore;’ 28 do skins order; 14 pkgs L B Jones: 5 II Hallti; 1 basket T Fleming; 155 bbls Engle A Wolfe; 21 BlaessA Bergman; 24 Poultney k Masse;; 20 R Nowlin; 24 L Tainan; 24 J P Balts; to F Gaul; 65 bags feathers J Blspham k Son; 24 bales yarn 0 R Moore; 24 J S Woodward k Son: 2 oases A Raffalln; 48 bales Hay A McDevitt; 1 pkg J Ritchie; 2 Mrs Cassin; 10 bxs A Bftrratt; 200 pkgs order. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. From Charleston, in ateamslfip State of Georgia—Mrs F K Morgan, Misses Washington, M Jackson, Mrs B Mclnbes and Child, Mrs H Locondolf, Mrs J D Owen, Mtb H’ P Johnson, Mrs and MUs Blamyer, Mra W A Burritt and children, H W Kinsman, Messrs J MoPhor son, Geo Hllpes, A Tannluson, Barrett, F Charlon; 0 Love, 8 B Crocker, R F Tams,D .O’Noll, W Cross, J Armstrong, F Police, W Blamyer, L T Levine, and 14 in the steoroge. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. Israel Mobbis, ) > Joseph 0. Grubb, > Committee or the Mohth. John Welsh, ) ■ . LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia, Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy .....Liverpool, Aug. 25 Ship William, 8erry.......1.-..; Valparaiso, soon .Ship Tropic Bird, Foulkes. Domerara, Aug 25 .Barque Minnesota, Cole.. Rio Janeiro, soon :Barque Ala, Davis, London, Aug 29 .Burquo E K Kane, Hewitt.. Cardenas, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. STEAMER FROM ros HAT Niagara Boston Liverpool Aug 29 Dorussia ...NowYork Hamburg Septl Arabia..........NewYork Liverpool .....Bopt 2 Jason.... New York Bremen ..SeptS North Star..... .New York Southampton........ Bopt 2 oof Washmgton.Now York Liverpool. Sept 2 Edinburg New York Glasgow Sept 5 Adriatic., New York Liverpool Soptlg Arago ..Now York Havre Sept 19 Oof Baltimore.. Liverpool New York ...July 20 Niagara, Liverpool Boston. Aug 1 FROM TOR HAT Canada. Liverpool Boston Aug 15 Atlantic..,.... .Liverpool New York Aug 19 Africa .Liverpool New York Aug 23 Arago Havre New York Aug 26 Kangaroo Liverpool New York Aug 28 Glasgow.;.*.....Glasgow New Yota.. S?pt6 ’ MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. Philadelphia— From New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th. From New Orleans 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. Quaker OiTt—From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. From Mo bile 224, Havana 24th, arriving at New York 28th. Cahawda—From New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17tb. and New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New York 34. Empire Citv—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha vana 28d, and New Orleans 26th. From New Orleans sth, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 13th. ■ Black Wabrior-t-Fioiu New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th, due at New York 18th. ' Isabei—From Charleston 19th and 4th, due at Ha rasa 23d and 7th, From Havana loth and 25th, due at New York 10th and 01st. ' The California mail steamers sail from New York on the 6th and 20th of each month. Jitarino Intelligence. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 20,1837. SUN RISES ......5 24-SUN SETS. HIGH WATER ARRIVED. , Steamship Delaware obaw, £2 hours from N York, via Cape May; with mdse And passengers to Jas AUder dice. Reports having passed below the Buoy on the Brown, a ship ttrikfiOWtkjf brig Chimborazo, frota Boston; four brigs and some thirty schooners above Reedy Isl and, all beating up. USM steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, 64 hours from Charleston, with cotton, rice. Ac. to A Heron. Jr. 22d. 6 PM, exchanged signals with steamship Keystone State, 20 miles north of llatteras; 6 PM, passed a pro peller bouud 8: off Cape Henlopon, passed ship Zorcd, at inchor. ' Steamship City of New York, Howes, 60 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to H Winsor. Ship Zered, Corish, 28 days from Londonderry, with mdse and 147 passengers to K Taylor k Co. Brig G L Backman, Vfright, from Addison. Brig Oriental, Chase, from New Bedford. , Brig Condor, Gould, from New York. Brig Larch, Gilchrist, from Boston. ' Schr Cambridge, York, 8 days from Portland, with plaster to J Baker. Schr R M Dillon, Marts, 6 days from Portsmouth, in ballast to captain, ; Schr J Learning, Brower, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to captain. . Schr Fly, ChOeeeman, 3 days from Nantuoket, In bal laattocap&in. Schr A M Aldridge, Williams, from Salem, ; Schr Neptane.Clark. from New Bedford Schr F A Goodwin. Fairchild, from Newbern, NO. Schr Mary L, nuff, from New Bedford. Schc Cicero, Yates, from Fall River. Schr Shenandoah, Hickman, from Newport. Schr Charlotte Williams, Golding, from Providence. Schr Frod Warren, Coombs, from New York, SchrWm B Ferguson, Wheaton, from Roxburj. , Schr Urbana, Norton, from Jersey City. Schr Charity, Barratt, from Danverspori. Schr Algomu, Pearson, from New York. Schr Chronometer, Pierson, from Boston. , Schr B U Wilson, Uulso, from Boston. Schr Edwin Reed, Green, from Boston. Schr Adelaide. Clark, from Boston. Schr Mary Haley, Haley, from Boston. Schr Alary Louisa, Steelman, from Boston. Steamer Gen McDonald, Whildiu, C hours from Capo May, with mdse end passengers to captain. Steamship Boston, Bellow, Now York, Jas Allderdico. Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal, Richmond, T Web ster. Jr. Barque Emblem, Davis, Boston, David Cooper. Barque Benj Hallett, Bunnell, Charleston, Pettit, Martiu k Co. Barque Elm, Taylor, Boston, Twclls, Gaskill k Galvin Brig Enchantress, Murphy, Halifax, do Brig Minnio Hiller, White, Boitcn, G Miller k Co. Brig Amanda, Coombs, NewbttTyport, W H Johns. Brig Oriental. Chase, Boston, . do Brig 0 L Buckman, Wright, Boston, Bancroft, Lowls k Co. Brig Condor, Gould, Boston, N Sturtevant k Co. Brig Larch, Gilchrist, Bostou, Noble, Hammett k Oaidwrll , ’ ’ Bohr Mary Haley, Haley, Boston, do Schr Algoraa, Pearson, do do Schr Mary E Gage, Crowley, Portsmouth, do Schr Noptune, Clark, Boston, Baum, Ogle A Co. Schr Chronometer, Pierson, do do Schr Mary Louisa, Steelman, Gloucester, do Schr Jt H Wilson, Hulse, Boston, John R White. Schr Shenandoah, Hlcktnan, Boston, Cam, Hacker k Cook. Schr Edwin Rood, Green, Boston, Brown k White. Schr Frod Warren, Coombs, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis k Co. ~ Schr Adelaide, Clark, Boston, Tyler, Stone k Co. Bchr B W Dillon, Marsh, Boston, 0 A Hecksher k Co. Schr A M Aldridge, Williams, Ports mouth, do Schr Mary Jane, Crosby, Eastport, do - Sohr Fly, Gbeeseman, Nantucket, Vandusen, Norton k Co. ' Schr Learning, Brower, Providence, Repplier & Co. Schr Cambridge, York, Portland, B MUnes k Co. Bchr Mary Eddy, Kelly, Fall River, do Schr Jas Bliss, Hatch, Bangor, Wll Johns. Schr L Phliger, Chance, Baltimore, 8 J Christian. Str Sophia, Ely, New York, W M Baird Sc Co. Str Fanner, Donnia, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (8V TKLKORAPU.] /Correspondence of The Press.) Boston, Aug 25 Arrived, brig Urania, from Marseilles. New York, August 26. . Arrived, barque Ariel, from Port auPriuco. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange, CAPE ISLAND, Aug 25.—9 12 P. M. A large ship, several brigs and schooners came in this forenoon, and proceeded up. Wind B—weather warm. Yours, dee., THOB. B. HUGHES. Steamship Phinc&s Sprague. Matthew s; hence at Boa ton 24th Inst. Steamship Fulton, Wotten. from Now York for Havre, was seen 23<1 inst. lat 40 48, long 03 30. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, hence at New York yes terday. Ship Nonpareil, Faulke, hence at Liverpool 9th inst, and not 11th, as before reported. See Miscellany, Sbip John Patten, Woodward, sailed from Liverpool 9th inst. for Philadelphia. Ship Ocean Ranger. Treworgy. from Rotterdam for Philadelphia, anchored at Deal vth inst, and proceeded next day. Ship Radiant, Bearse, from London, May 12, for Cal* entta, was spoken June 10. Ut ? 80 N. long 24 05 W. Sbip Dorchester, Henry, from Mobile, arrived at Li verpool 9th Inst. Ship Stranger, Brown, from Mobile, at Liverpool 10th lost. Ship James Nesmith, Watts, from Cronstadt, at Liver pool 10th inst. Hannah, from Pensacola, at Liver pool 10th itut. ’ * Ship Coosawattee, Paxton, cleared as Liverpool 9th inst. for Rio Janeiro. Ship Samuel Pales, Young, from St John, NB, entered inward at London Bth inst. Ship Banker Hill, Em ottj for Calcutta, entered out ward at London Bth inst. Bhip Laughing Water, Gardner, from Boston, July 10, for London, at Gravesend 9th inst. „,ShiP John Merrick, Plltner, for New York, sailed from Shields 7th lost. ’ Ship Trade Wind, Johnson, from Callao, at Queens town 7th inst. ' Ship Moses Taylor, French, from Homily for Mar semes, pat into Alicante Ist inst. for provisions, and sailed same day. , Dannie Mary E Dodworth, Baker, sailed from Gosha ven 7th inst. for Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. Barque Laconia, Bearse, cleared at Boston 24th lost for Philadelphia. Barque Gem, Hammond, hence at Boston yesterday Brig Alesia, Douglass, for Portland, cleared at Salem 21st Inst. Brig Birchard & Torrey, Wass, from Bangor, at New Haven 24th Inst. Brig Fillmore, Evans, cleared at Copenhagen 6tb Inst, for StCroix. 'Brin Morning Light, Huff, and Ann Elisabeth, Tay- Boston for Philadelphia, passed Highland tight 24tli'tnflt. At 7 PM.. *,vlr^ a .Triudelin, Ilavenori and Oronoco, Tabbott, for Fh _ ll «i e lphla, aalted from Boston 24th Inst. - - '■ M Houston, Russell, sailed from Providence minst. for Pictou, to load for Philadelphia. . SShSE* 1 for BelMrm OHr - “ il6d from p . rico » Brandywine, at New Haven PMiss.i-yiatßiEiiM, - 1 augiM 1 a^isw. Importations. [BV TELEQIUPtf.) MEMORANDA. Schr Now Haven, Griffin, hence for New Bedford, at Stoniugton 22d Inst. ' l ,i Schr Frank A Hallj Bain, hence at Salem 234 in*t- Schrs B 0 Scribner, Carlisle; 0 A Hecksher, Stubbs: Geo Edward, Baker, and L P Phoro, Qraamer, Bailed from Salem 23d Inst, for Philadelphia. Bcht Tiger, from BlgUtoh for Philadelphia, a« New port 24th Inst. ' , „ , t. Schr Alert, Ohampion, hence at Quincy 20th Inst. Schrs M Powell, H M Wright, Elisabeth L Tucker, and Baltimore, hence at New Haven 24th lost. Schr Paragon, Hatch, cleared at Boston 24th in**> for Philadelphia. . Schr John W Gdndy, hence for Providence, went ashore 24th inst. on Fire Island—the crew were saved. Schr Mary Elisabeth, Munsey, hence at Hartford 224 Hartford, Griswold, hence at Hartford 23d lost. Schrs Annie J Russel), Hodges, and J G Collier,Cha pin, failed from Hartford 23$ lost, for this port. Schr Meteor, Bowman, from Sipplcaa for Philadel phia, at New Bedford 23a Inst. Scnr Matthew Vassarj Jr, Crapo, tailed from N Bed ford 23d Inst, for this port. Schrs Ontario, Beiders, and Arroo, Torrey, sailed from Providence 22d lust, for this port. Schr V J .Cummings, Jones, sailed from providence 23d.Inst, tor this port. Schr Monterey, Craig, sailed from Providence 23d inst. for Philadelphia. Str M W Chapin, Gramley, hence at Hartford 24th inst. July B,lst 803 N, lon 24 69 W, ship Granite Sparrow, from Boston, June 12,f0r Guayaquil. • 23d Instlat 40 48, long 63 30, ship Ashburton, Bra dish, from Liverpool for New York. 20th lost, lat SO 67, long 6141, ship Forest Queen, bouud W; probably the Forest King, Luce, from Liver pool for New York. Aug 11, at 1120 AM, N£ of Tu&kar. ship Ocean Mo narch, Page, from St Johtt, NB. for Liverpool. Aug 11. Am ship Wisconsin, by steamship Atlantic, at Liverpool PM of same day. MARINE MIBOELLANY. Quick Passage.— I The clipper ship Nonpareil, Oapt Faulk, from this porf, July 18 for Liverpool, landed her passengers at Queenstown after a passage of 15 days and 22 hours, and proceeded to Liverpool, where she ar rived oth inst, and entered next day to load to return. Fayal, July 21—The ship Highland Chief arrived here yoßterday from Liverpool, bound to New York, leaking badly. A survey has been held, and she baa been or dered to discharge a portion of the coals, and to be caulked from the copper up. There is no doubt but the leak is above the copper. Salcombe, Aug o—The Zebedee, Vivian, from Ramble, picked up 10 casks of dour about 20 miles west of Port hind, with the following marks, vie: E A 1,086,890,889, 908,896,1,048, 243,1,003,248, and 656; on the other head is marked (l Orango Mills, (190) Montgomery.” •' DOMESTIC POSTS. 1 NEW YOKE, Aug 24—Arrived steamship North Star, - Lefevre, from Bremen, Aug 8, Havre 11th, and> South ampton 12th. Aug 13, off Lands End, exchanged sig nals with barque Stella, from Bremen, bound £; aaipo day, off Sicily Islands, exchanged signals with steamship Uarmonla, from New York for Hambnrg; 18th, lat 49 long 35, exchanged signals with Br barque Omar'Pacha, bound W; 19th,lat 47 20, long 4210, exchanged signals with Br barque ThoaLea, bound W. . : Aug 25—Arrived, ship Erie, Knudson, 22 di fmNew Orleans; hadheavy weather qost of the passage; brig Carolina, parsons, 10 days from Calais; 17th inßt. 15 miles 8 of Cape Cod, was knocked down in a squall from £!-) and lost part of her deck load. Old, ship Helvetia, Higgins, City Point; brig Remington, Jones, St Marks. BOSTON, Aug. 24.—An-ived-Ship Fiyiug Fish, (or Boston) Nickels, Manila April 29. Passed Angler. May 25. Had a flno run of 24 days to Algoa Bay, CGH, thence t» the Cape had light westerly-winds and strong easterly currents; afterwards met westerly gales, and did not get clear of the Cape nntil June 7. Touched at St Helena J uly 17, and sailed same evening. Spoken 2d inst, lat ]>so. lou 38 40, Nor barque 1 Niord, 26 days from Rio Janeiro for New Orleans. Via Quarantine.—Pkt ship H-a King, Barker, Liverpool Hth ult, with mdso and 3-K) pussohgors. BALTIMORE, Aug. 25th.—Sailed ship Arnold, Bon inger, (Prus.) Hasnagen, Rotterdam; barque Andes, liolbtook, Portland; brig Robert K. Kirkland, (new) Knight, for St. Johns, N F.; brig James B. George, At voll, Bt. Johns N F.; brig Los Amigos, (Br.) Lawson, Kingston Ja. Went to sea 23d inst., from Hampton Itoaui. barque Creolo, Coffin, for Bahia and a market, and scnr E 1 Talbott, Strickland, for Bath, both hence, uont to soa 23d inst. List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels* GIRARD HOTEL—Chestnut street, below Ninth. 0 Eldridgc, New York C C Cleves, Memphls.Tebn R B Vance, North Carolina J A Johnson, Mississippi i O H Oh&lkley, Rlchm'd, Va A K Childs, Georgia G W Van Hook, Mississippi Jno Cochran k wr, Ala G W Sherman, do HO Hardon, Boston W W Avery, Chicago J B Hardon, do R M Miller, do W W Carter k la, Georgia JALSmith, DC J W Bellah, do . E Smith, do Geo Herring, Baltimore Oliver W Barnes, Penna I(R Robbins, dQ , II W Kinsman, Charleston Jas McCullough, N York Miss U M Washington, do W B Koonta, New Orleans J J McPherson, do W Billings, ISugland E M Richards A wf, Lebanon B W Sharp, Vienna, N Y Dr WJI Crane, Baltimore Geo A Berry k wife, Pitts Mrs £ Wick k son, Pittsbg John G Reantiy, Baltimore E P Hewllngs, Philo W J Baruey k lady, Phila Mrs AH MHih A child, Phila GooM Murrell A laay, Ark Bliss J P Ross, Ark Bliss T Vann, Ark Mrs R E Clayton, Va Bliss M R Clayton, Va Miss E A Turner, Va Robt Paton, NY Rev Dr Kerfoot, Bid John B McMullin, Md Gen Gordin, Ga Bliss Gordid, Ga Blrs Andrews, Go J D Helm A wife, Kv Bliss Logan, Ky Sami Harris, Baltimore Julius C.Smith, Chari, SO A Morris, Charleston, S 0 C D Hale, Richmond, Va Thoa M McLean, N l Miss BI .McLean, N V Mra 0 V Clark, N Y D B Hager, Boston 0 A Turnbull, Baltimore WE Sheldon, do W GEvans, AwrdeeUjMiss BI J Buckner, Savannah, Thos Holliday, do Georgia j T Jameson, do F U Baldwin, Cincinnati, WII Garland, Ark Ohio J Hillman, do J Dam, Dayton, Ohio A F Shutt A lady, Balt J N Hike, do DrE Urquhart k lady, Va J Van Ausdel, do James Salmon, N Y DW Winters, do GS P Triplett, Alexandria V Schaeffer, do Va MrMcWilliarason A lady, Wm II Hooper, Balt N T A W Lelsenrlng, Pa Bfr Coppell A lady, St John Lambden, Balt Louis W H Ross, do Hr Robins Alady,Bt Louis HII Soule, Boston J L Lewis A lady, La • WO Andrews, lowa - John G Walsh, Mbiit’y, Aia Lyman Reed, Balt Jonn BlcGrogor, Phila S A Winsor, Prov. R 1 Geo H Ranalo, Ct Pliny Jewell, Hartford; Ct Pliny Jewell Jr, Alabama K Rogers, Alabama DJ Seely, St John, NB RG Rankin, NY 1 B A Carrier, Pittaburg ' Mrs John W Allen, Walk Mrs Geo K wood, Wash W Henry Alien do WTEv*, • >-do .... MeßottAla,NY ' W B Brooke, Balt - . G Hynson. La L F Beech, Nashville L W Carroll, Norwich,Conn R B Woolsey, Chicago AS Wentworth, Oin Ohio J T Daniel, Columbus, Ga F G Van Yleet, NY W Russell, Cin Ohio G L Kelly, NY A nubbill, Bridgeport, Ct 8 McKee. Oln Ohio DPFlotnmLngAla,Chartn J U Washburn, Bridgeport Geo F Platt, Ga L Turnbull, Columbus, Ten AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut it., below Sixth. • W Weil, Belt Thos V Hill Sc daug, New O A Hudson. Augusta, Ga Castle, Del V Puraell, Miwouri £ Douglas, Brooklyn John U Bowman, Smyrna, K J GrlfTeth, Norfolk, Va Del J Wemble, Raleigh, N O Mathew Gaffney, Balt Sami O Hunt Sc wire. Md Miss G A Barton, N Y Mrs Oapt OH Fairchild, Balt Miss Emma Sweeney, N Y Lewis H Doll, ]Ud John H Harrison, Waah’n 8 O Eaton, Smyrna, Del J Cleveland, S C LO Smith, Conn Geo F Wright, Va T W Valentine, Brooklyn , E P Bomcr, Md S E Thune, Prov, RI H Simons, Balt B E Hackney, N 0 W R Ailing, Newark, N S John L Davis, Miss J E Gillette, Hudson, NY W W Morrow, Arkansas F M Pratt, NY T Smith, Cape May MERCHANTS—Fourth streofc, below Arch. R Henry Chaso, Miss J M Rodgers. Miss F M Griffin, Tonn John McMullen, Balto J D Brown, Lynchburg, Va F GDelia, US N R Lewy, Harrieburg John A Nevln, York, Pa G W llgenfrotz, York, Pa H Raught, Jefferson co Henry H Collins, Pittsburg If O Davis, Miss W B Priestly, Reading John W Sexton, Phila BenjT Johnson, Tonn L W Leslie, Pittsburg J It McCnne, Pittsburg OHLovo, do K G Stilos, Chicago Wnj Flemming, Pittsburg John Dcau, Ailegheuy city John Porter, Pittsburg ' Ira Fowler, Yates co, NY J Morrison, Trenton, lowa W A Linn, Phila John W Jonnson, Sk Paul ’ L W Leslie, Petersburg, O W Nebeker, Bloomfield, 111 55. Bennett, Wilkesbarro O Brewster. Fort Madison John Mills, Cincinnati A B Carmichaol. Wilkes- M McFarlin. Cincinnati barre, Pa N Clark, South Foanlngham D C Mensey, Bostou J Rotienfleld, NY A Hobs, NY A Gablsmith,do G M Harris, Jackson. Tenn JJYeagor, Jackson, Tenn HD Harris do A Bollock. Detroit R Wrav 3b daug, Pitttburo U E Melilnger, Safe Har- J 8 Moss, Springfield, Mo 8 hj ,r » P* G W Rose. Gloucester, Va J BlcNally. Ark BonjK Mills, Bridgeport. Wm Daniel, Md Conn P H Blurray, Portsmouth, Geo Groot, do , Ohio Benj Orano Danville, 111 John E Collins, Pa DJ Crane, do E Frauenfeld, PHtsbgh John Blooro. Mercer co, Pa LK Spang, Berks co, Pa Miss Moore, do DL Rhoads, do WmDeHoven: Minoraville J J Goodrich, WarrenPa WmP Vaden, Tenn UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. TUCoombo.W Phila BECoorabe, Cheater, Pa TMixseli, Easton, Pa Sallie BCoombe, do Honry Smith, Pittsburg NB Harris, do F J Delner, Pottsvilie It B Morehead, Indiana co Chas Love, Charleston, SO T A Boyd, Illinois T Y Wilson, Dublin, 111 J F Schroeder, do J A Derrigne, MtEaton, O WHarood,BunmiltHm,Pa ADerrlvn., 'do DL Eehfarnocb.ljajicMter D O Davin, Obfcgo, 111 county. Pa Harry Clayton, Tama«ina.Pa E P H.rrlaon, Paris. Ky J Lessor, Plomlngton, N J O T Blake, Elltabeth, N J J W Johnson & wife, NY J S Sterrltt. illeghenyOlty M Lynch. Arkansas A W Perry, MansdoU, O 8 H Ooldthrop, Pittsburg David Putman, Ohio (1 Cox fit wife, Middleton,Del K Francis. Brandon, bliss W R Cameron, Brooklyn John Clark, Cincinnati Andrew Ross, Marietta, O Mra B Smith, Columbia co Mr Black, Easton, Pa Edw K Smith A la, Oolum- Edw II Albrecht, N York bla, Pa John P Bets, New York John Schlmmel, Mllroid.Pa W Hebherlngton, Pottsv’e L J Hall, Lockport, NY P. W Lake, Rochester,NY lIW Shipman, N York Is II Smith, New n&rcn, Ct Levi Bennett Sc 1&, Eos* O B Fisher, Wltkrebarre ton. Pa O A Re lucking, New Al- Col John Hood, Marion, Qj bony, Ohio * MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. * LevtMtonBmith,Capo May Wm Coalman, BloomsvUle Wm Brown, Jamestown Charles Grace, *do Jas Williams. Newberlin Jas Arthur, Harrisburg E n Rusk, PhUa Isaac Caldwell, do Alfred Montlaus, Clncln’ti BO Taylor, Trenton N J SII Blockonheld, do Peter Easawes, N Y M H Blockonheld, do SAral Dameaboug, Norfolk ’ A llutylen, Richmond, Geo Berbrons, Newberne CITY HOTEL—Third stroet above Race. John Milligan, Doylestown M Wtnegardner, Muncey, Daniel Reynold, Danville LycoinlngCo David Knorr, do Mr Janlon, Monroe Co Alfred Roach, do James W Moore, Penuaßß P Kane Milton, Penna Harry Price, Philo Samuel Gibbons, Clearfield David Hert, do R S Brown, Memphis, Tena Wm H Pratt, Lower Cauada R P Jones & la, do G eorge Minton, MUton, Pa Henry Hampstead, Balt Alfred Scblosa, Philoda Wm Elton, Parksborg G llors, lady &. child, H Moss, Parksburg Fayetteville Jullen Anson, Milton Wm Rogers, Bngratowu David Hannah, PitUburgh Smith B Thompson, Dan- Simon Minchrod, Kauka ville Bee Alfred B Smyth, Hogartwn Special Nolueo. A “ Little more Grope, l * said Grn, Taylor to Capt. Bragg, but “a few more grapes” says Col. Jones to the public. The Arch street (below Eighth) Ladies’ Saloon is now the fashionable resort or the city. The dinners served up put to blush the principal hotels. Every delicacy the appetite can crave la on the table at a- moment’s warning. The confections are all home made, and of the finest quality. But the Grapes—they 'are luscious, indeed—a look at the rich clusters which are so temptingly displayed Is enough. There are the Chasselaa, the Frongtignocs, the Hamburg*, and tho— that is as far ob we can go now j hut if you wish to go a little farther, just go to 001. Jones’ and see for your selves. ftii26-lts Bower’s Infant Cordial.—This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics knoWfa Jn medicine, and is the mpst perfect and reliable carminative extant, for infants and young children. By Its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected in all cases of CAoHe, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quiliees pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &o. , Tho Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Hbjjbt A. Bowbr, i , At his Drug and Chemical Store,' N. E. coraor of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. ■ Tp whom all ordert must bo addressed. And for sale, by Druggists generally. au 13-}y -ID” A. Meeting oi the Malt Bad Liquor DEALERS ASSOCIATION will be • held on every THURSDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock, DILIGENT HALL, Tenth and Filbert streets. By order of aul2-WAthtf v ASSOCIATION. To all who Require Money.—Jones to Son, Brokers, Third and Gaaklll street l ?, below Lombard street, advance cash, la large or small amounts, upon Watches, Jewelry, Plate, Guns, Ac., on moderate terras. _ au2O-ot# ‘ Seamen’s Savins Fund —Office 903 Walnut street, One door west or second street. Receives do* posits lp sums of One Doll&r and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open dally, from 9 until 6 o’clock; and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in tho evening. President Franklib Fell; Treasurer, Charlos M. Morris; Secre tary, James 8. Pringle. Saving Fund—Five For Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walsut Street, south west corner of Triad Street, PfliiaoELrHxa. Assets over Oh* Mutton asd a Half or Dollars, Invested in Rial Esvat*, Rents, and other first class securities, as required by the charter, This institution confines Its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, is received, and the money Is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock is the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday ; and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. iUnniniges , In Monayunk, on tho evening of the23dinHt.,brllnv. A. Culver, Mr. JOHN McUOWF.LL to Mrs. ELMIRA MARLIN, both of Mauayunk. At Beading, Pa.. August 13, by Rev. Isaac Beavan, ISAAC H. O’hARBA, of this city, to MARIA, daugh ter of Adam Johnston, E«q. 9 of Reading* On tho 22d inßt., by RcT. Francis Ohurcb, at hisresi dence, 1324 Lombard street, Mr. JOSEPH MURPHY to Miss MARTHA DIAMOND, both of this city. On the23dlnst., at the Church of tho Evangelist, by the Rector, Rev. S&rauel Durboroir, Mr. NAHUM, CONANT, of Boston, Mass., to Miss ELMIRA A. W. DOUGHERTY, of Philadelphia. CDtfltljs. In Chester, Pa., on the 24th inst., KATE A. CLYDE, wife of J. Edward Clyde, and eldest daughter of Sarah P. Cootbbo, agod 33years. * * it* ; On the 23d inst., Mr. LUKE MeOABE, In the 76th yeaV.ot hla ago. His fdlativea and friends and those of the family are repebtftilly invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. No. 1216 Pearl afreet, above Twelfth, between Vina and Wood, this (Wednesday) morning, 26th, at 10 o’cloat; without further notice. ’ la Bristol, on Second day, 24th instant. BABML TV. ALLEN, wire of Samuel Alien, Esq., in the 67th year of her age. On the 24th instant, Mr. MATTHIAB 80H00U, in the 37th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from' his late resi dence, No. 64 Mead afreet, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock,’without further notico, T^JOTICh I .—-At a meeting of the Democratic J. v citizens of the Ninth Division of the Fourth Word, held at the house of John Thompson, N. W. corner of Twelfth andßrinton streets, on the 19th inst., it was, on motion, unanimously agreed to, that the place orholding the Democratic Delegate Elections hero after be changed from the houso of Mr. John H. Neiss, corner of Florida and Pltzwatcr streets, to the bouse of Mr. John Thompson. N. W. corner of Twelfth and Brin* ton streets. On motion, resolved, that the proceedings of this meeting be published tu Tbb Pbuss and Public Ledger. WILLIAM BELL, President. . i Doctor A. Wilson, Secretary. Jxkks MoKekna, ) BJoun F. Bradlbt, > Committee. Owbm H. Quikk, ) jt* TOE PLUS ULTRA.—FOU THE FIRST A n TIME in the Uuitcd States.—GßAND BALLOON ASCENSION AND DESCENT IN PARACHUTE, on . THURSDAY AFTERNOON, Aug. 27th, ’ AT LEMON HILL, By the daring Brothers, E. A A. GODARD* The hitter just arrived from Europe, will make & descent in a Parachute from an altitude of six thousand fett, and perform in tho same time tho extraordinary feat called . . THE A3RIAL TRAPEZ. A fine Band of Music will be in attendance. Doom oped at 12 o’clock. Final Ascension at 5% o’clock. Admission to all, 26 cents, , au2s-wAt-2t TO BE LET—THE HANDSOME THREE Si?. 1 ? P ric . k Dulling, Ko. 8 PORTICO SQIIARK, M'itCCE street, above Ninth, south side. APfijrto 8. k W. WELSH, au26-2w* No. 218 South Delaware Avenue. PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN ULOUOKS TER, N. J., FOR SALE, handsomely located nnd snaded—L°t,76reet.byl4°. Price, $3,000. Also, Lots suitable for manufactories, fronting tne river. Apply too, ROBB, No. 311 South Firth street. au23-lm* The watson $lO FAMILY SEWING MACHINE HAS CO Mil.’ , And 1. now open for Kxhlbition at Second Story, front Room, No. 726. CHESTNUT StroetT State and County Right, tor Bate. Apply a. above. OUPPLEE’S INSTITUTE""*FOIiTVOUNS (boarding and day pupil.,) N. W. corner ELEVENTH .ud okern streets, girth session will Open on September 7th. Rest reference given. In* eluding all present and former patrons. au26-tf GRAHAM’S ILLUSTRATED MAGA ZINE ; Charles G, Leland, Editor. TheSeptem bor number la a gem. Read It.* YOU WANT TO BE SUITED—THEN GET YOUR AMBROTYPES at the new Skylight Rodina, 1620 West MARKET street, over Chance’s Dry Goods Store. EVANS, practical Photographer and Teacher. au&Mt) 1 - -for Sale ani> lo Cel. mo RENT—FOUR-STORY HOUSE, No. il. 824 WALNUT street, with eighteen rooms, gas, wafrr, hlatera, and all modern conveniences, Would suit ton k Srst-blfi** 'boarding-house. To a good tenant It krill bo rented for $l,lOO, if applied for at once. au26-Iw* KEEN k TAYLOR, 325 Watnut nt. fclOR SALE, OR TO LET ON CUiOUND -1- RENT, the Lot on North aide of High Street, 132 feet east of Twentieth Street, 20 feet 4 Inches front and 170 feet deep, to Jones Street. Apply to aulO-mwf2w* EDWARD WALN, No. 702 Walnut Bt. GREAT BARGAIN, —A Splendid seven octave ROSEWOOD PIANO, hut little used, will be sold very cheap for ca*h, at tho Piano Ware-room of A. BIRGFKLP, 139 Bouth SKVENTU Street, corner of Walnut. Also, PIANOS to rent. au24-lw* tUaiUs. WANTED To RENT—A THREE Story BRIOK HOUSE, suitable for a small family. The best references given. Address “ Rent,’’ Press Office. aul2-2w* £ftn AGENTS IVANTED.—A HOME vvv STEAD FOR $lO '—Third Dlvision.-$310,000 worth of Farms and Building LoL», in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to bo divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the7th of December, 1657. Sub scriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one hau down, the rest on delivery of tho deed. Every hubscribor will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. Thcso farms and lots are hold bo cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, tho increase iu the value of which will compensate for tho apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 lots and farms aro already sold, end a company of settters colled the 11 Rappahannock Pioneor Association” is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Amplo security will ho given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 45,000 acres of land, ip different parts of Virginia, uow at command, and will bo sold to Bottlers at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable titles will in all cases be fftreft. Wood-cuttora, coopers, farxuors, Ac., are wanted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subtccibcrs. to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. Some agents write that they are milking $2OO per month. For full particulars, uubacriptioos, agencies, Ac., upply to E. bAUDKR, au24-tf Port Roynl, Carollno county, Vo. MECHANICS, FARMERS, MANUFAC ivi TURERS, and chemists, WILL FIND THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Exactly adapted to thoir wants. A new volume begins on the 18th of September: therefore now is the time to remit the subscription price. One volume of this jour nal contains 416 pages of printed mutter, and has about 600 engravings of nearly all the imiroveraents made in Sato and Grui Mills, Water WA.efr, Lat/if*. Steam Engtnes, Reavers, and Mowers, 4 [grieultural Imple ments, and tools of various kinds commonly employed in shops and factories. The Inventor, Mechanic, Chemist, Engineer, Farmer, Manufacturer, and Housekeeper, will find in each num ber Interesting articles adapted to their wants. It Is the most extensively circulated, and tho only reliable jour nal of the kind in this country. Tho Subscription Price in only 82 per year, 81 for six months, and less to Clubs. PREMIUMS, VARYING FROM $3OO TO $2O, IN OASH, ARE OFFERED FOR TIIE LARGEST LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Specimen Number and Prospectus Circular are sent free. The Editors will also furnish, free of charge, circulars In regard to the best method of procuring American snd Foreign Patents, and Information is freely given upon such subjects. Address MUNN k CO., ■ au2l-eod4t 128 FULTON St., New York. Coach, engine and hotel lamp factory of E.W USSnERS.No.IOO (late 43) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, lias become a saving of 60 percent, to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new silver.topped and bottomed, and sent by express to all part*. au!2-ly LUMBER ! LUMBER!! —The subscriber, who has for seven) years occupied the premises at f * 1 ' Kcnsingtou, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phoenix Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other tloor- Ing boards, steps, risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in yited to call and examine for themselves, anti every ef fort will be mode to give satisfaction. Ordors received and supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and sites of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling. au *- tf 8. 8. RICHIE. £.‘W| 0R 5500 BOOK BINDERY FOR ?ALE— Soyen years established, doing a fair Job business, which can be increased, both blank £i )°y a '. location, 635 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank hooka at cost, jobs hound to order, aug 19-6 w JAMES KELLY, (Successor to William Ourtis) Rogalia JJook* Jewels, Emblems, Masonlo !S?orS, n , c^j1 Z < ‘,“L 6lll ' rt, i kc - Odd Fellows' Hall. NORTH SIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia. Qcders from any part of the. country, addressed to James Kelly, promptly attended to. au 1-lni CJPIRITS TURPENTINE—2OO bbls Spirits KT Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by , MARTIN A MAOAI.IBTKR, 119 North Wator Street, WELCOME range.— Sold itr CHAD. » T tVICK A BRO„ 202 N. SECOND St. au!B Jo. f'tOTTON —100 bales Gulf Cotton, in store V/ and for sale by MARTIN A MAOAMSTER, 119 North Water Btreet. ■WELCOME range .—SOLD BY CHAD TT WICK A gRQ, 202 N, SECOND St. aulMm Xj^LAGS! FLAGS!—PACKER FLAGS' . i “leo ? 1 “ ln flags from two and ahalf inches to Ore feet, wholesale tnf retail, at the Flag Depot, No 60 Bouth Second street. augl9-Im# TOHN N. BEEVES, CARPENTER AND PASSTDNK ROAD, opposite County Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. anl-lm H|ACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. AM.' Sold by CHADWICK'A BRO., SECOND Street, fleet door above Bute.' aug!B-3mos. JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET, , . ’ ' . ' CHECKS, NOTiS, DRAFTS, ' ■ ..BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, And JOB PRINTING generally, at shortest notice and fair prtws, v ' nO-ln &mtts«ments. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, BROAD AND A LOOUBT Street*—Mr. E. A. MARSIIALL Bolm Lessee.—Last night but five of the ’ PROMENADE CONCERTS. THIS EVENING, Aug. 28—The following attractive feature*. MADAME JOHANNBEN, MISS 0 RICH INGB, Mr. PIOKANEBER, MR. FRA7.KS.Mr. OABL BERGMAN, the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. New and SPLENDID STATUARY, from the Wareroomsof SIGNOR VITO VITI & SON, perfect likenesses ofthe following eminent American Statesmen: Washington, Clay, Jackson, Webster, Calhoun, and Fillmore. Admittance 25 cents. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Pro - prletor, Mr. WM. J. NAGLE: Acting and Stage Manager, Mr. WAYNE OLWlh'Jsi. Pricos—Dress Circle and Parquetto, 60 cents: Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 76 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 4 P. M. Doors openat 7 o’clock; performance will commence at 8. Most positively farewell night of NAGLE’S American JUVENILE COMEDIANS mL WEDNESDAY EVENING, August 26th, The performance will commence with THE ALPINE MAID. Rosetta. Little Martha Wren Walter.. Maat. John Wren singing AND DANCING. The whole to conclude with m CHARCOAL SKETCHES. Tommy Charcoal Mast. Frederick B ‘fs“ r i* awnWwll Little Martha Loutia Admission on this occasion, 25 cents. \*7'HEATLEY’ 8 ARCH ST. THEATRE. » * -—Sole Lessee w WHEATLEY Soals or Prices,—Orchestra StalYa, so cenU: Dress Circle <uo extra charge for Secured Seata* so nontq- Family Circle> and Amphitheatre, 25 in Pri vate Boxes, 76 cents; Whole Pr/vate Box i 3 • Oallerv IS coots; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 wuU Pri! vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents’ * Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 p u J. M. 1). WHITTON Treasurer THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Aug. 26th, wlUbo'pre seated, Shakspeare's tragedy, entitled RICHARD 111. Duke of Gloster Mr. E. L. Davenport Earl of Richmond Mr. Wm. Wheatley Duke of Buckingham Mr. Dolman Quefcn Elizabeth Mrs. E. L. Davenport Lady Auuo. Miss Anna Cruise To conclude with, 2d time, the comic drama of the TOODLES. Mr. Toodles ...Mr. J. 8. Clarke Farmer Acorn Mr. Fisher George Acorn Mr. Wallis Mrs. Toodles Mrs. Thayer Mary Acorn Mrs. Tannehill Doors will open at 7 o'clock. Performances commence at 7# precisely. STANFORD’ 8 OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at o'clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 cents. MONDAY EVENING, Aug. 24, and every evening this week, will be performed anew original poetical, prosaical, Metaphorical, Operatical, Burlesque Extravaganza, written expressly for this establishment by John Har rington. Esq., entitled LA TRAVIATA. In which the entire company will appear. Previous to the burlesque SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE will appear in their grand DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENT. To be followed by the FAIRY STARS-THE SANFORD CHILDREN, in their BEAUTIFUL DiKCES. au24-lw rpHOMEUF’ 8 VARIETIES, N. TY. COR. J- FIFTH and CHESTNUT Btreets, (new) 6QI Chest nut. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONOERT NIGHT LY, interspersed with dances and concluding on MON DAY and TUESDAY with the little IMP and TWO PHILOSOPHERS. Fanchette, M’LLE LEFOLLE: First Philosopher, OH. KENDALL: Second Philosopher. BAN FORD. On WEDNESDAY, THURBDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY with THE TWO GREGORY'S. Fanchette, MAD. LOUISE PAYNE; Little Gregory, CH. KENDALL! Commencing at half-past 7. Admission 10 cents. J. B. THOMEUF, Proprietor. J. 0. WARREN, Conductor. au2Mw* PARKINSON* 8 ILLUMINATED GAR DENS, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE CONCERTS with the Scottish Nightln gale, a Fine Orchestra, Fire Works, Ac.. EVERY EVENING. aulS-tf Admittance, one shilling. Notice©.' IN THE ORPHANS* COURT OF MONT GOMERY COUNTY. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. In the matter of the partition ofthe real estate of Lewis, deceased. Jacob Kink. George Zink, Sarah, late Sarah Zink, in termarried with David noebner: Elizabeth, late Eliza beth Zink,intermarried with William Frank; and Anna, late Anna Zink, intermarried with David Miller; ana Elizabeth Miller, Lydia Miller, Catharine, late Catha rine Miller, Intermarried with Robert Esbach, and Sam uel Miller, tu hla minority, having for his guardian Philip Super, tako notice, that au inquest will be held at the late dwelling house of Lewis Zink, deceased, in the township of New llanover, in the county of Mont gomery and Stato or Pennsylvania, on Tuesday the 22d day of September, A. D. 1857, at l 6 o'clock In the fore noon of said day, for the purpose of making partition of the real estate of the said deceased, to ana among the brother) and sisters and legal heirs and representatives of said decedent, if the same can be done without pre judice to or spoiling the whole, otherwise to value and appraise tho same according to law; at which time sad place you are required to attend if you think proper. S. D. RUDY, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, Aug. 25,1857. au2B-w2t TN THE ORPHANS* COURT OF MONT- A GOMERY COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. In the matter of the partition of the mil estate of John Detwiler, late of Upper Providence, deceased. To Jacob, Amos, John, Abraham, George. Abel, Ben jamin, Catharine, Elizabeth, and Sarah Detwiler. Take notice that au inquest will beheld at the late dwelling house of John Detwllcr, deceased, in the township of Upper Providence, in the county of Mont gomery, on Thursday the 24th day of September, A. D. 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M. of that day, for the purpose of making partition of the real estate of the said deceased, to and among his children and representa tives, if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, or otherwise to Talue and appraise the same aceordlog to law: at which Um«* and place you are required to attend if you thluk proper. „ L *B. D. RUDY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, August £5,1857. au26-wBt IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, August 10th, 1857. Notice is hereby gi\on, to all persons interested in the estate of Mary Aldrrfu, late of tho township of Lower Salford, iu said county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, nod Benjamin Alderfu have applied to said Court, by petition, praying fur a decree for the sale of the real estate of said Mary Alderfu, deceased. Tha said Court have fixed WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of September, 1857, at 10 o'clock A..M., at the Court House, in Norris town, for all parties interested to appearand show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioners shouldnotbegranted. Byorderof the Court. J. 11, DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court nu2B-d3w I~~N THE ORPHANS-’ COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of JAMS 3 HAMILTON, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the account of Thos. Cadwal&der, executor and trustee of the last will and testamentof JawesHauiilton, deceased, arising from the portion of the estate belonging to schedule B. annexed to the indenture of partition, dated Jan, 26,1849, recorded in tlio office for the recording of doeds for the city and county of Philadelphia, in deed book G. W. 0., No. 1, p, 497, and to report distribution, will meet tho parties interested at his office, No. 528 Walnut street, in tho city of Philadelphia, on TUES DAY, September Ist, 1857, at4p. M. au 21-eodst FRANCIS WHARTON, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of J. A NEWMAN, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the second account of J&tnca Shaw, executor of the last will and testamentof J. A. Newman,deceased, and to report distribution, will meet tho parties interested at his of fice, No. 628 Walnut street, iu the city of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, September Ist, 1857, at 6 p.m. au 21-eodst FRANCIS WHARTON, Auditor. Notice.— letters testamentary upon the Estate of UANNAII CALHOUN, (de ceased,) having been granted to the undersigned, all pcrKoua indebted to Raid Estato will pleaae make pay ment, and those having claims will present the same to CHARLES IS. REES, Executor, au!9-w6t* No. 1336 Coates street. .gnculuire, The tenth annual exhibition or TBS WORKS OF AMERICAN INDUSTRY, “ Maryland Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts,’ 1 Will be opened In the CITY OF BALTIMORE, ON TUESDAY, THE TWENTY-NINTH OF SEPTEM BER, 1857. The Managers of tho MARYLAND INSTITUTE an nounce another of the periodical displays of ART and INDUSTRY that have been so successfully conducted under Its auspices for soveral years past. The rooms will be opened for the reception of goods intended for exhibition and competition, ou the 22d, 23d, and 24th September; and the Exhibition will be opened to tho public on the 29th, and continue for four weoka, during which term the Contributions will be viewed and examined, by the numberless thousands who throng the groat Hall of tho Institute on these interest ing occastous. .Manufacturers, Mechanics, Inventors, and Artists, from all parts of the Union, arc solicited to send their works, and thus add to the Interest and extent of the collection which has continued, so far. to increase from yeartojeAr. , Tho samo care that the managers have heretofore exercised in conducting these exhibitions w ill be con tinued, and especial attention will be paid to tho just and impartial disposal of the certificates, and Gold and Sih cr Medals, ana other awards of merit, in the several departments under which the articles are classified. , The Hall of the Maryland Institute was expressly constructed for holding exhibitions of tho works of Mechanical Industry, aud. la better adapted to that pur pose, both in capacity and arrangement, than any other building in tho United States, with the exception of the Crystal Palace; and the Institution has beeu character* lied tor Its liberality and fairness in the distribution of awards of merit. The Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Rail road Company will transport over their road, both ways, free of charge, all goods intended for the Exhibition. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Esq., Actuary of the Frank lin Institute, Philadelphia, has kindly comented to give such information as may bo desired In reference to the Exhibition of the Maryland Institute, aud to that gen tleman the Manufacturers, Artists, Ac., of Philadel phia, and Its suburbs, are respectfully referred for knowledge in detail, and from whom circulars, with the forms of application for spAce, may ho obtained. JOSHUA VANSANT, au 25-2 t President ofjtlaryland Institute. STATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITIONS —AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BREEDERS. GARD NERS, POMOLOOISTri, INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS. ARTISANS 1 ! All classes are invited to be comeexhlbltors. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at Powelton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 29th and 30tb, and OCTOBER let and 2d ensu* Ing, for the display of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and poultry, Agricultural Machines and Implements, Dairy, Field and Garden Products, Beeda, Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, the Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and othor Manufactures, Stoves, Wares and Inventions. A PLOWING MATCH ! ! In order to promote skill and efficiency in the im portant work of the parm, a Plowing Match will come off on the fourth day of the Exhibition, to which men and youths are Invited to compete for the premiums. To seller* and buyers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. The different Railroad Companion will carry all stock and articles to and from tho Exhibition/ree of charge as heretofore, and will issue Excursion Tickets for the Fair week at the usual liberal rates. Lists of Premiums and all other information will be furnished on application to ROBERT 0. WALKER, Se cretary, at the Rooms of '‘the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,“ChesuutStreet, below Seventh, south side, up Btairs. The books for the entry of a*Ucles and animals wHI be open on and after the Ist of September. „ ai DAVID TAGGART. President Peuna. State Agricultural Society. au!3-d t sep 28 * Rtmhcml tailors. JAMES SHER ID AiV, MERCHANT TAILOR. out It South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. . A Urge and well selected stock of CLOTHS and PABBIMBRE3 always on hand. AU Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality, and In the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. ( Glenwood cemetery office, no, 118 WALNUT fit,, below FIFTH. m lltf ©aniiibatfs for ©ffice. POE CORONER—Dr. THOMAS JONES, of Seventh Ward. .Subject to Democratic Rules, au 25-lw* OROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT A COURT, JOHN P. M'FADDEN, of Third Ward. Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party, aul-tf OR "ASSEMBLY —JOSEPH J. K'EEFjET. —Second Legislative District, Second Ward. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. au6-dtSB FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS..—T. B. TOWN, Fourth Ward. Subject to' Democratic rulea. au«LdtSB gpOR CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS JL —WILLIAM BAFFIN, First Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. 20-tsep 8* ECORDEB OF DEEDS—ALBERT D. BOILEAU, Sixteenth Ward: Subject to Demo crfttlc Buies. sepS» For prothonotary of the dis trict COURT, WM. M. REILLY, ol First Ward. Subject to Democratic Bales. au!7-dt»«B* ASSEMBLY—JOHN H. iJHADY, Eighth Warl—floventh Legislative District. Sub ject to Democratic rules. aal6-taepB* PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT.—WM. LOUGHLIN, Second Ward. Sub- Ject to Democratic rolee. au!s-Sep7» FOR ASSEMBLY—EDWIN smith, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD. .Subject to Democratic Rules. aul4# FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District, PER* RAN J. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. &ul2-tC* OF QUARTER SESSIONS— \J JOSEPH OBOCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rates. au 12-4w# For recorder of deeds—thos. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward. Vice street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules. auIQ-lm* Foh assembly—third district— EBANKLIN MeILVAIN, Babject to Democntia auB-dtepB ■OOR CLERK OP QUARTER SESSIONS, IT. «• THOMPSON, Sth W*M. Babjert to toe Bale. of the Democratic Party . .Qt w &. bS$ G'OK CORONER—DR. PEODORE MlEK auS^lm* Flrth W * tJ ' Sub J" t to Democratic RiHee. For pbothonotary of the dis- TIIICT OODBT, 115WI8 T. HR ABB, o[ T.alfji Ward. Subject to Democratic Buies. ’ auB-lm# PROTHONOTARY OP THE DISTRICT COURT, GEORGE f. MEEBER, Tweatj-»conA Word, Subject to Democratic Bulcg. so 4-tS«B For recorder of deeds—r. r. YOUNG, Be Tenth 'Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules au4-lm* For coroner—n. c. beid, m. d. Subject to Democratic Boles. aailm# For assembly—first district.— lOSKPH H. DONNELLY, Pint Ward. Select to decision of the Democratic Contention. aul-sw# For assembly—third district.— DAVID B. McLKAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aul-tseS* For assembly— JOSEPH HUNEKER, Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Bnbject to Democratic Rules, atl.lm* For recorder of deeds— CHARLES K. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, on aul t seB F)B RECORDER OF DEEDS—GEORGE W. WUNDBR, Thirteenth Ward. fiulyect to De mocratic Rules. aul»sw# For recorder of deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democrat!, rules. aus46# riLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS.-. GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Babject to Democratic Rules. aolteepS incationaJ SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, SOUTH- S' WEST CORNER OF ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. The pupils In this Institution will be Instructed in all the branches of a thorough English Education, » n| i every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for them. The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The la divided into two terew, of Are months each, commencing first or Ninth Month (Sep tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) TEB M S First Department, per term of fire months $25.00 Second “ « “ 20.00 Third “ “ “ 15 00 Fuel. Ac., per term 1.00 HARRIETT BROWN, Philadelphia, 1857. REFERENCES Thomas Kunber, Samuel Bettle, Jr., Marmaduke 0. Cope, Wtltiam Bottle, Thomas Wlatar, Anthony P. Morris, Joshuau. Morris, Uriah Hunt, au2s-lm. J. D. White, M.D., Benj. 8. Jan& of, 31. D. Robert K. Wright, Thomas D. Smith, George Griseom, William P. Pitfield, DavidYaaderreer, WUiiam B. Thomas. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS* INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA.—Professor SAUK DEBS can receive & few more PUPILS la his famllr. Inquire of Colonel FORNEY, the Editor of this Paper, who hss st this time a son In his family; or address PROFESSOR SAUNDERS, West Philadelphia Institute. Spring garden 1 academy for K 5 YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N.». corner EIGHTH end BUTTONWOOD street*. Professors of the highest qualification* employed. Catalogues containing full j»artlculars, pupils’ names, testimonials,' Ac., can be had on application au2s*tt P. DONLEAYY LONG, Principal. THE HIGH SCHOOL.—The Fall Session or the UIGII SCHOOL will begin on MONDAY- September 7th au2s»2t JOHN 8. HART, Principal, 4 CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT xm. episcopal church. The exorcised in the Academy will be resumed on the 7th day of September, at 9 o’clock A. M. The Bar. Dr. Hare haring been requested to devote his time to the instruction of candidates for orders, has resigned his office as Principal, but will continue to act until his successor Is appointed. Thorough instruction and discipline may be expected under the active supervision of the Bishop of the Diocese, m behalf of the Board of Trustees. Philadelphia, August 17, 1857. »u2l«d6t ALONZO POTTEB, Prest H ALL OP. ST. JAMES THE LESS, A PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY HOARDING SCHOOL FOE BOYS. Rst. B. R. BmtBBk, Hkotor. * The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1. Circulars mar bo obtained at the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, 8. W. comer EIGHTH and CHE3THET, or of the Hector, port Office, Palls of Schuylkill, Phila- aulT-6m MRS. BARTON’ 8 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG- LADLES, No. 1929 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the BECOND MONDAY la September. aul9-fiw* TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE •I" persons, male and female, to gain a share of this world’s goods aad comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Nos, H 8 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methoda, in a short time. > THE LEIDY'B take pleasure In saying, that during the paat year a large number of persons acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATlON,enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au22-3m. /CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM \J MEROIAL COLLEGE, 3. E, Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, 4c. Each Student has Individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmetf in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. aul-lm fiats, ©ups, &t. WF. WABBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, below fifth, Philadelphia. eot-im rp gULLENDER & PASCAL, 3 HATTERS, aul-6m No. 8 S. SIXTH street, Philadelphia. (gentlemen's (Enrnist)ing goobs. YIfINCHESTEE & SCOTT, GENTLE- T » MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, ud PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SIURT MANUFACTORY, No. 700 CHESTNUT Street, above Beventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Btrangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. auMyif Boston benzole portable gas APPARATUS, for Llgting Store*, Dwellings, Vic tories, Hotels, Ac. This Has Machine has been in constant and successful use for four years, and U therefore no louger an experiment. The simplicity of the Apparatus, its entire freedom from danger by explo oUus, the little attention required, the ease with which it is managed, by any person, and thw'cheapness and superiority of the Light over all others,baa gained for ft the favorable opinion of those acquainted with its merits. The coat of tho Light is about one cent per hour for each burner. Numerous certificates by those that have used the machine; and a Machine In opera tion cm be seen at the Gaspit ting Store of S. R. BLAIR, No, 10 North Seventh Street. For further information apply as above, to 0. P. WEEKS, aul-stuth 1m Agent Boston Benzole Uas Works Co, Girard fire and marine insur ance COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Office, No 303 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. “FIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN.” PIRKGTOBB. Wm. M. Swain, John Anspacb, Jr,, 11. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, V. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Ilacker, J. P. Steiner, H. A. Shackelford, „ _ Hon. JB*i, JONES, Pre.ldent Hou. O. W. WOODWARD, Vice Preiideat. Jho. 8. MoMollis, Secretary. JIMXa B. Altosd, Assistant Secretary. aul-3m Jer. Walker, Jno. McClure, •Tho. Craven, A. 8. Gillett. Furman Sheppard, Sami. Jones, M. D., Joseph Klapp, M. P. Notice is hereby given, that po licy No. 4202, issued by the American Sira Insur ance Company, in the name of Nicholas B. Thouron, dated September 12,1853, for $4,000 on brick building situated on the west side of Sixth street, between Prune and Spruce streets, has been lost or mislaid. Applica tion has been made for a new one in lieu thereof. A suitable reward will be paid for its return to No. 28 North Beventh street. ausw4t* Thomas e. Baxter.—hardware, OUTLBRY AND TOOLS, No. MO MARKET ST.! above Ninth, aoetfa side, Philadelphia. an l«8m JNEWUAND & CO., ~ • LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE PRAMS MANUFACTURERS, „ . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importers sad Dealers in Oil Paintings, Wate*4olor Dr V rtn f*» &«. A large assortment always on hand. Tacking and removing Glasses, and hanrfng attended to. 604 AROR Street, above fixth.*sout& Side, Philadelphia. aal.lmrp HfRS.M. A. BURKE, JjJL 802 CHESTNUT STREET, , ABOVE EIGHTH, Informs SOUTHERN and WESTERN MERCHANTS she has opened PALL AND WINTEB PATTERN HATS In fancy colon, And ft fUU line of MOURNING HATS. augU-Sw fotris - aitb Heetanrmils. MERCHANTS’ hotel, - north pocbth street, Amtc KatiT. PHILADELPHIA. au24-tf McKIBBEN A SONS, Paoraatou. CLINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD WAY, corner of EIGHTH, ftiwt, New York. THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT U now open for the reception of gneJts, Is the European _SINGLE ROOMS from SO cents to $1 per dar. BUZTS of BOOMS let Simiilea, from $1 60 to |lO per dar. The MEALS serred at all hours br the CARD, at mniltritd rates. * 0. J. MACLELLxN r“ long *r)d ksovsto the patron* of Jones ? nod the United State* HotaL Philadelphia,’*} i* associated ic the tauunsttAti hu especial charge of the Catering Department. inn attention baa been paid to maXe the cmranliailOO per* feet, and our friend*, patron*, and the tartUing pom In general, may rest assured that no effect shall b* wanting to make the CLIXTOX worthy the favor wfcUfc we hereby respectfully solicit, aos-lra* CSCQTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Stroot and Way, PitUbd/gh. B. D. MARKER, Proprietor. anl&3m LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC HKJLD QUARTERS,) South-east corner FIFTH end QUEEN Streets, »al-lm Flulidd^ili, W ILLIAM N. KING,—SOUTHERN • EXOHANOE HOTEL, South-east cornar of FIFTH and CARPENTER Sts., Philadelphia. anl-lm CHESNUT STREET HOUSE SAMUEL HILLER, (Old No. 121) New No. 321 CHESNUT STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. an 1-la ijUILLIAM HANNIk GS* City Laser Beer ▼ ▼ Saloon, No. 82 CARTER'S ALLEY/phlladal. Pk**- an tDirus anb £iqoors. EP. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORT • EES of BRANDIES, WINES, Ae.: also, agent* and sola proprietor* of the old WHEAT WHISKEF. No. 6 North FRONT street. A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND xl LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Southeast Comer of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. attl-lf, VSTILLIAM F. PITFIELD,—IMPORTER T T of BRANDOS, WINES, 4e., 4c., So. 3U CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ’anl-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • II? FIBS- WINM. LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ao, 2* Booth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. . aal-lj Brandies,— Pinet, Cistmon & Co., icv Tett & Co., end other brands of Cognac of ranous vintages, la half pipea and quarter casks : Peilrrotaia Rochelle Brandies, pale aad dark, in halfpipes, quarter caaka and onwighlh caaka, all in Cuatom Hosa* stares imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN & 00., snß jios. 221 and 233 South Fourth street. - DITHMAB & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LACIER BEER BREWERY, No. 633 fan No.9M) North THIRD Stmt, Philadelphia.''—aalppW orders promptljr attended to. Enl-tf gobuttp (tnb.gigars. HAVANA CIGAjRS—A handsome amort* meat, each a* Fig&ro, Partagas, Cabanas, Saltans, Gloria, Jupiter, Coioao, OoaTerautu* roxxtj Lopes, uoloa Aaofeau, • Orejoo, flora Cuban*, fte*. 4fce,. 4c., In X, Xj 1-5 and I*lo dozu, of all sixes aad quo ties, in store and constantlj reeelnnr.and for sale lav bj CHABUES TETI, (new) 133 WALNUT Stnet, below Seoood, second stay 17UGAR0, CABANAS AND PAETAGA3 A SEGARS.—A choice Invoice of these esiibnM brands oa board brff “ New Era,” daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, fcjr CHARLES IK£. (New) 183 Walnnt street, below Seeoai, aol Second Story. Soles bn Slnhion. Moses nathans, attctiokeei AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. I. ooraw SIXTH and RACE Streets, Sale oa account of ths United State* Goreraaeot, to order of Wm. Badger, £sq., Navy Agent. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, the fld of Septantor, 1857, at 10 o'clock, at tie Philadelphia Navy Tvd,oga. Mating in part of—2 bbls beef, 1521 Iba bread, MUb* diewe, lbs batter, 8 bbls pork, 100 lbe plekb*. 1519 lbs nee, large lot of empty bread aad irbJakay barrels, a lot of spirit room caaki from 300 to M' gallons, boat and mesa breaker*, % lot o£ «wMv utensils, tea kettles, frying pans, stw T*f irons, table covers, lot of shades for stem wiaacni two cabin state room carpets, looking glitfifw, hinging lamps, shades for wardrobes, dish covers, brass drums, trogles, French horns, hand trumpets,three boat »»»•**«» l*>at pennants, two broad pennants, American JackTiot of carpenter's tools, 38 wlla paint oil, kA «f hld« aa& trhtolrope, 25 ship backets, galley and fixtures. 43 Mr suction hose, lanterns, lamp oil; lot of blocks, lines, log lines, lot oil casks and barrels, and numetoua other articles. The whole to be sold without reeerve to the highest bidder. * FIRST SALE 07 FURNITURE, At the S. R. corner of SIXTH aad RACE Street*,on 34 aodSdstorj rocms L entranee from Baca stmt. ON FRIDAY MORNING next, August 23th, at 10 o’clock. Ssle poaitire to pay adtsooes. Consisting in part of—several rich gilt truss oral French mirrors, fancy top mirrors, m&hogscy tr**** looking riesse*, three ply imperial carpets, so£u, au bletop tables, spring Kit chairs, Tocklag do, VdAtafl*,, feather beds, spring and other mattreaeea, dreaaiag bs> reaus, chamber bureaus, secretary do, book "tiff, card tables; breakfast tables, centre tables, Windsor '»*>»?*•? and settees, and furniture generally appertaining to hoaiekeepug. WTOLBEBT & SCOTT, AU'ITIONEEHS, TT 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Cttrtesh Hose, betv*ao Fourth and Fifth Streets. PEREMPTORY SALE OF ESfBROIDERIES, -HXtiLl* NERY GOODS, AC., ON A LIBERAL CREDIT. This (WEDNESDAY.) morttfog, 26th lost Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, ire will sell b* catalogue, an & liberal credit, a general assortment of French and Scotch Embroideries, choice goods, Bonnets, do. FRENCH CORSETS. Also, *M) dozen Ladles’ Patent Woven French Corsets. HOOPED SKIRTS. Also, 50 dozen Ladies' and Misses’ Corded and Hooped Skirts. MOIRE ANTIQUE TRIMMINGS AND BONNET wtw- BONS. Also, an invoice of rich Moire Antique Trimmings, choice colors. Bonnet Ribbons, 4 c. COUNTERS AND FIXTURES. Also, at commencement of sale, two Counters, Stoves, JEWELRY. Also, an invoice of Jewelry, such as Bracelets, Rings, 4c. CARD.—We invite the attention of porch aser* to the peremptory sale of Embroideries, Millinery Goods, An., to be held at our store THIS MORNING, by Catalogue, on a liberal credit. FRENCH ARTIFICIALS. ALSO, 25 Castors, Latest Fall Style French Artificials. ALSO, 25 Casters Silk Velvet Ribbons, Moire Antique * Trimmings, Plaid Silk Bonnet Ribbons, French Fiuet Mitt*. Gents* and Ladies’ Gauntlets, Ladies’ French Corsets, Ladies’ and Misses’ Hooped and Corded Skirts, 4c. ALSO, at commencement of sale, Counting-House Desk, Large Counter, Coal Stove, 4c. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER, No. 525 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING at 7 o’clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches. Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks. Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac.. Ac. N. 5. Terms of Night Sales, four months credit for approved City acceptances, for sums of gIQQ end war with interest added from date of sale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited of Household Farsi tare at dwellings. Stocks or Hardware, Underwriter!* Sales of Hardware, Cutlery, Ae. Consignment* soli cited to be sold at the Auction Rooms. Cnargea sodar* ate. Apply as above. Advances made on Consignments Of GOOdS. 1m W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER* VE N. E. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Stmts, above Second. EVENING SALES SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 7# o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cut* lory, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. CJAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER. and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at, only eight doer* below the Exchange. Hoars of business from 7 o’clock, A. M.. until 10 o’clock in the evening. Out-door sales, ana sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms CAPITAL $300,000. Estoblisktdfor the last Thirty Tears, Advance* made from one dollar to thousands at Di* mond*, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer ehaadlse, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigan, Musical Instruments, Guns, Hones, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agieed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month; $5OO and over the lowest market rate. * This Store noose haring a depth of 130 feet, has Ursa fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persona ha Tim? goods advanced upon. * N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this bfflee is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms thaw my other in this city. Money advanced to tho poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-ly f'OAST PILOT—IN PRESS AND VILI SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Book*, viz: Blunt's Coast Pilot. ISth edition: Bow ditch’s Navigator,27thedition: Shipmaster’s As?istant, 9th edition. * \l e invite attention to ofir new Spring Centre Com pares, which answer for eitiyr tvfht or heavy weather, and are especially adapted for steamers. and vessels where the motion is cousiderable. They require fewer repairs than any compass now in use. Marine Opera Clashes of superior quality. Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Atimuth Compasses, Binaries, Leg Glasses. sxtd all kinds of Nautical lu-druraents and Books, constantly on hand. Also. Chart* of all p*rts of the world from the laten and belt authorities Agent* for Rogers’ American Code of Signals. Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott'* flow meter, and an instrument for working out problem* fat' Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval orS* perienced shipmasters, and have been adopted 'JiiS.II- E * (V. V. Ill.f NT.ysi. aulß-lm* Xo. ITS W.t.r Sirirf.' Henderson & co ,s great liter. AKY FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH Itreels. In order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa trons, and induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to present to every purchaser of books to tbe amount of $i and up wards, a Gift in value of from 25 cents to $lOO, Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect you are not baying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at tbo'usual price, and very many will get, in addition, a present worth having. au22-3ui EVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. £35 CHESTNUT Btreet. N. B.—No connec tion with any other house In the City. aul-fim BALE ROPE.—Buyers are invited to call and examine our Manila Bale Rope, which we can can sell as low as American, and warrant it superior in strength and durability. „ „ WEAVER, FRLER&CQ., •u M Vo. 2$ N. Water «t. and 22 N. yFharve*. Wif- D. fiO~GEBS’S~CARRTAGE~RE; XT JPOSITORY, 1009 and Kill CHESTNUT Street. . abovft Tenth, will be opened on or about the 25th bat * v tX* °* BTer F description of CARRIAGES, to which the attention of the public is rapectfellv «O5-lU * ' OHAR LES MAGARGE & CO.,— Whaleul. Dulsn la PAPER. HASS. *«.. N» W SMtt SIXTH Stmt, FhiUltljlS. ’ mh£' WIN ART A CO.