The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 25, 1857, Image 3
xslis.tlop Tor lorae tin** to;coiT.B, ,ExcWyr& U quiet. •Sawrty anythin* dotaret former rites,, lie receipt* Of Uiff OittoniSßisra 4«nw fcr/dttWea it>!« HM,OM. l Xie.tetoneat.of thoNewVorkctty hints of fheSr»TSrtM.Mn<lltton,tnrUia, weekending Ansoit32, shows a dc-cretHO in loans and discounts of 11,101,890, In specie of 31,2e3,4e7,tn ictrculntion of $88,901, and of j $523,1811n*. i ■ A%s. S3gl»ilBB,seB 30,997,178'8,694,01V-'. *9,804,048 average corresponding weeklast year ia 4s 1 sfeHoirtrr.'vi, vrr.iT. \-u^* •■ ' AtfC*2B/$UO.l86;005 $12,&H } T32,|5,685 ) 4ia|90437 5 233 tsyou.havealre&dyaeen, ; defidte® noi«At«rl*i cbAageto forelgnmarkets. Couaols' r:-- is .i > iSTfrir greatevefrt oftha diywoA Ui&fAilureof-theOhlo Life £aa«T W»t>o(towtD7,-wltiif lUbilltlW’-»ascMintißff tor rsome ;sfy Abotihere ! ha» been some distrust In the strength of thta cwfapiny for some days,' to®' announcement, at one, oldockthis afternobo/fell UkA;stopoderbbltapon'out-commercial ©omrauntty. the. opinions,;atil variou*; uto the'causa,: .of.'th©f«tfttir*. That.which itoißrfwtgeuerany'belleved . is, th&fc Having-made dirge Advance* to certainWestera i ~ ndtroads: and bavtogyAlao speculated pretty largely in tho stocks of .these, roads,' 1 .the recent; 4 depression in the stock the> consequent inability to , tiMidiitj-von'; their i ,®e£nritie*» l - ! -b»v©sforced 5 them - to suspend,' The whole;»Mrle mysterious,.andtiioittfr every »»%n iron lsiho cause of the Ohio Ltf© Company'* able to giro an accurate opinions More wlH' be known tomorrow, and ishaltkeep-;youadyispd, ~The effect of,thefailure ,wm severely felt at the .second stock board*? eras steady this morning at.Saturday’B prices {.Vbatthew i wan a great fali in.theafternoon. - iGleveUnd and Pitts-. bunk, (wUhwhleh.B,fi, Ludlow, Prealdentottbe Ohio I . iliftaauTnut engaged*),fellfrom SO (ocentag-prlco ab. first: froardfr to 20 at ieoond board; Mlcbfgan>Southeirttfell from3T to from 60 ato $& Erie 26#,ftad New. York Central.from jXSU4o 75.-A ateitogbu tire.credUora. of ithe St. P*p\ jjd fond dabae Company, Has, been.called fortheBoth .It is Mtoricafeihat.thesecudtio&of this eodtpahy nave tong been telling at extremely depreeiafedprieea. ; .-.'■AMss am pr»at,s7<3l.#-foc Pearls and (8 for Pots; v ;.v:V‘v-V-' 1 - - rSr-Tha inatkst Is heavy at a further, da-. ‘cUfte.of .ffom : 60., for State and 4,500 ~ ybbl*. were told fotcominbh-to gbod State:. 7 ,«6.«h*M* ft* iitrw dP456.46aia.26 for extra Mlchl tfaß.Ohlo,lndlanv&fri &lidsfii2lD*sB»4&for eottinjon to .gpop do, Therpi4.a decline of ,10c. in Southern Floor, 1 - .and even market is heavy. Mixed to 'good grades of Baltimore*- Alexandria! &e.,:ar#.quoted ; > at $6 40516.90, s7as.2& for extra and choice do:, and; & 18ttgS.26 ihf üßrandywine, u Brandywine, $7.60*8 .for Richmond) ooaQtt7, .and r «tra Petersburg and 1 1 RlohmoUdfClty. l The sales amounted to 1,400 bbls.) 1 CiandiMi Ilcmii,l> ~<V»,loww 600 tbls. wcro; Bold »t ; S j6,30«6J6 for fupir,'. and $6.16(18.26 for «xtn>.. Baits' Vrrivalsbfl of ied, which! , - msotbe^d^ ; Pbvasl.Bo*l.Bl; salbs^S.SdObashel^ ' iSjtoS6uth'ern ‘were sold* 4 and 1 . 1 Ohio .at- sl.Bov- - Oats. are.', steady pt MAffite? for nevr Jersey, and 68*; 60c. Ryfrduli atOO*Ofic. v ' Coim was to active; demscia tt tot- miied Western, and 900., for! prime Southern fellow; sales-43,000 -i BiT-Ifi 1 moderate demand v for' shipping at former prioes, • *.“*./*.*'• dull; ' Buyers are unwilling to give the prices asked by holders, and anticipate a large decline.; laoifr—The market 'Smail wClea of Bcotch Pig were made at s29es3o, six-montiu. • - - £»arasa-!-Contlnaes very dull, prices mostly nominal. Natal Sroass.—Spirits of-‘Turpentine is dull at 48c; . eellera&sk 48W.: Crude Turpentine Is'firm at $4. per 280,1b#-. -Common Bo«ln scarcoat full prices. Tar and Pitchflrtnatformerrate*.- " ; ‘ . Paonsioxs—Pork is firm and in good demand at $25. 7$ for Mess, and $22 forPrimej/sales 1000 bbla. Boot is firm atsl7*lls far repacked western, and slBbo*sl9 foir extra Westem-ifess; - Bacon is dull at IS cento for Rdoked Tftftern> meats nominal, lard firm at 16J^»16V.Ko <ohange In Batter and Cheese. fioOiRS—’There is hut little doing to Sugar; the ten dency,* however,-Is downward/ and lower prices] are looked for ere long."" l/r '\ • *- .•* r - * ‘ gpfßiTS, Wiffßß; ftO;~Thore iaa fair demand bribdie&at halfvpipes Cognac Brandy were sold-*t> $4 60o$S,’ and* 16 half pipes Rockelle at 53.10053 60. Wines unchanged: - Gin is in fair demand . at 80c*00e for Grape Eeaf., Bum quiet forJsmßioannd in fair demand for Obloaod Prison, aaUs 400 bbls. • , * yß*iawTS : eHtttt»uud»U. at nominally the same rates NSW YORK fITQOK- BXCHANGB BALES—Srcosn -’BOAKD, Aug. tc W. lst Mtge bond 23: Cumberland Coal Company. tftO 15; Pennsylvania Coal Company 68 Jtff'ifek-York Central Railroad, 76: o Galena A Chicago 'Railroadss; Brie'Bailtoafi26; Beading st; Chicago A 2 Island Railroad 88: Cleveland & Pitto i’bUrrtßi&oict 26; Bd & Ni Indiana Ballroafi 25i Cl«velaad bß r 44: ’ fililwaukic A Miss BallroiA iAGrowe &,MilUiaUtbad 23 . ■>■=»>■ : ;. •;•• •'{Pron the NwTotk papers.j‘- ’ 1 ’ ; , BLATTCB6 : AJTD - THINGS IM.REW, YORK. -] ’ ' KsttYork,August:24. ' VThecity und> neighborhood wero virited/about yostemay' afternoon, 1 by a terrifio •’stdrm ,pf- j hail; ifctd-.'wtod/; It came and'jpaSsed wore rougbly'dealfwtthV. \A two men an4 ;^: wotoaji» .was eapelsed to the East River; iibput midway, on the r trank of the Booth Perry .boats.-‘The eccupantawere pitched into the water, of coarse, but managed to maintain their graip of the Wreck until resanod by some;sailors. ■ r Richard Bristced, <wm«el tb'thfrfeOrpo^ • tioh, C rtceivea' h'regular fialdryof^slo,oo6'* yearj he furthef 58,0(19 for clerfcthirft. Besides this, fre ts'©ptltled to recclve fria prop©)* fees.and taxable cbsta in aU-pro<:e§d|ngs conductedrpKJse'- ’cuted, or defended by frim, from ail parties thereto except the dOrpbrfrtion.f'Prom these salarios, feesi and other advantages of position/ it 4s estimated that toe place oan oe;inade, stretching the poraeaors consotooofi unreasonably,t6 pay $40,000 orßso,ooo.ayeat.'; ■“ ' -Mr. Jobframartj'a'saleßin'an'ifr tire employ of ‘Mr,Carles Scott'A'Co., No) 41 Barclay street/ . New, York,?wa* found dead in -yestegday MorotDg, at his Hoboken. <)to*WtotWns'held'ttpbn>u»e : body ana ft verdict was .rendered of death by congcation of the Scotffekwij “ft .; terdfty the establishments dedicated to th® ®le-tof lfrsra‘ 'Stuff, ? 1 wefe closed dfr' £rfin to ‘bd tby way of seeurlfrg', proper - wentii ation they hud an ! ‘bjpait&l; in thbnrnr, tuitotofli which the thirsty were , .permitted were open front aatrrmto dm* 4ht large quantities of theOerman-nati<^al'heVe7tte / to?]to<’-.kni ;U V ) °? energetic brari andfstrjng bapas, •,./ A .V-.i a.n The meeting oalled to l oaturdav .evening (on the purpose of aiding'the remaining deserters to reach J ■ tofir :froibe» nv a nnsu«res3fuh 'NeVertheJe*?* ’k? r prlvito‘subgcrlptionB,,many hayo been to dtpift'indtbote ftyfjfcppUgijmHtfan ‘BioiA.eomfomMe., , ...’ Mr, Johnßrpogiißm’s.compltaentan’. c euefit. at .vH|b!o , «,.oaS*t!irtt»Mijst)t,W3s a pcrfoctorotioii, , t!(9 hottfebslog beyona »11 preoMsnt. *Ttie *ell-kriowD comedy6f*'iit®doii,auu»woc»” wm .played by.-Mew**: SoiiWloaaltißttrtcniSroiighain. waleot, te»lie, A. B;®«tfe»poit, John Wood, and Boutoteault and Mrs.'ft ood, '■ ' ; ' ' , Korritiifas W.- Clark, ivho was'oil Ward tie Metropolia when eho fandoffD the propeller.'J. N; Harris, yesterday, at Ids, ohnroh .In Brppldyi),, the South CehgiMaUonal, BreMhed&uitxipieMyeaer moa suggested by the collision. ,1 > It it now Bali thtp LMtlMf tho St. Nlohblaa do fbolSbiydonles bliVgWltifl'theiMttoraillcgbd of hitn,'jmi. tbo, '»s»iiion v QOntrtdlbt(id that Be hut bonfcjsei to soythlne. ; Aa WbibUjcra of f Cattla' fi to Ha held onder 1 tb* euiptOM of t!]H Ain ericiiETnititute,"soma time 4$ BpptowbiiJ4s&'9TfoJ. . ! , .-i it&r.-rp; „T»-Barnum has. taken passage.ln< the I Arabia? tfhidh leaves for Europe tbe or Soptem- 1 ■ Wr.’' Hiß faßttlly lts Loisdop, and Mr. B. baa determined to make that qityklffpdnnanent , plaosbfMsideflM; . '"‘.V. * .We regret 16,announce the suspension of tho Ohio ! and-Lift and .Trußt . Company,.of this city. This Suspension ;has;been -brought about by the Very Urge losses,<■; ; . failure is announced from Bosfcon'tomay, fyctfhitney d . I, - AsE,lw£pa#ago.eUtt made £l»o ‘ ttfpin ten;days an 3 sejenbourgnjoa^timar-a veiy good run; andv *aid to have .'made her ‘trip/in ntoetdaya and;t)tlrteen konra; shall bavo'Bome j)bsitivo fbleUigenco in re* • • f, probably,- by the sfoartfthiplforth Star, . noSrdue from Soiuhaihptbd*, '■wit' :tlrae v bra ‘''cahnOtoomparo thQ trips.of the'twOjyesselsy - \_ ( The seventh annimriaStivaTof‘the Turrier Asso - joiatfonp of the.easterc,States commence in this city, on Saturday evening next, with the reception t of the Turners from abroad cession to their corner r of Chrystie „and Polwjby xbelssllral %IU termmato onWednesdayeveulrig.'' r * ''-’' hAl: .‘y'o t u 1 > The Great Cricket Mnteh--CBuaila ,-t»; ’ the jfs?wk£}lnM>' ’.th a, tone", too| ’ thejiat, Bonding id Lnngand Sharp, the grit being howled by Bradbunvaftermakinefive,!.. Sharp : ; ; w«t eaught*,;by,PhuliW, whoumtde threeruna, • These geutlemon warefolloueu by Jlosara. Wilis ' - and Senior, tiro good batmen, but Senior it as . quietly put opt by a splendid bowl frora Brndbury, ' oinking a round. "Barlow followed, and.eomb'flne,, ploy wee oxblbUed between Wills and BarloW, the Brat keeping hi# bet one hour and three minute#, - and going out from a bowl by Bradbury# for twen . t ty-eije rnoK ) The .lattdf.wade t*a‘ron»/ and i was unfortunately, rutf o«fc , ''Tbey were followed bjr S.'Wrigfctr Beyjand CnyKbnt owing to tb e wetbejß bf 1 the ground; tbb 'b'3l%6ulfi l bo^iiffijan3fj|iiitiuieo.;- 1 .. i Inkanypleoee the'water wee ankle deep, caused > Me rain whlphMtat .lljlgapt) 3,,0?010ck.> A :*0» ''wu3ehp,vravor,made. notwithstanding. 5, and Ouyp 3, making tbo good eeore of IDS fir One .lining!. Beforetheganm nommedoed, bettingWa* to 6 to 4 in favor of; the Canadians, and in many eittaibeta waaHaken i to 2.''' The; inhings of the States Woro'fliiished abort b P. M. i ~ The Canadian! then took the,bat, Uesara, Howard ; '.enihStaxUtigdgoing-'in.; IfeWprAwas, powledphy Senior, after making 32 tuna. .Starling mado no -,-i thingj being :-bowled', by ,Comory,.t Rykert t and > i Bead now took tho-bat, they .being bowled by Co . mery for S rune, the !alter bowled do. for. nothing. '"Tariona Bow followed, and after being,|n a abort >-. tfisa# and .adding. ,to ’the adore, the wlokets were drawn, tho time being ?} o’otwkn That gvnewas contlnued nert .morning at' ID} o’eloek—JieuardandParnons resuming their inns ’ ty-two.,, PtiKo'ne wee aleo well in, and.befprehe 1 eould hb.pnt out had niide.the»pleudid more of - thirty rnnr,' whenva ballifrom Sam Wrightsent V tadtUerinanirihla place;.-;':;' W:"-'i, : .IhiewM&eSryt wioket that tfrtglihtook. . He t ebbinibneeAWety' iiSdty',‘ I m r the ffritov’er Wniipg one Wide and one “ no bell/V tiiO gedOntl twoiviac#, • ' tit fj£ the next etrer.SartonkwM’ibowW. <.D)rl». followed,' but wee eoon .bewfed ?by;Seulor, after making lour ruui, Bradbury now tookbthelbat,' and bod made twenty, three ruiis, when bur rd .BOrter leK 4he gronn«4tid Mjrretiining bis bat. ■''BWkwltoanJht'by^liShW&ofciaSeßtorjJafter '*Spß/adtrary, batßsg-.wbeii^^ljpppfter,-.-left: to ' t’oabeadVand 5 thb probability-la thrttbeyiwiU run , ns the score to one hundred and ■ A th« ? StaW'hWe'a' , 'poOr:oßdtied td;*Hn Wmbtoh; v Bwhiay ; pvf ■ ■ • ■ ■ - ■ • ■' ■ ■ ee&tmir i «tfc f,0.« NNIH OK A Jl’s pWI M. IIiaHOSATE DECIpES AOAiyST HER. jr gB ; BA_Br - B|R aU D. ; le is Believed of thd Criminal Charge. The Alleged Marriage with Burdtll. ""■‘’DID SHE COMMIT.tiIOTRY! jtfrom the N«w of Jut MenlngJ The Surrogate, this morning rendered his de cision in the case of the ButoeH* estate. It is a very volumihous andlearned document.' and covers aU Ithe nuffierous.polhts'of this complicated ques tion*'^- ’ '• ' t , ij'Tiie Surrogate decides, that Mrs, Cunningham was iiot. married to Dr. Burdeli on the 28th of O,o,toherf 1856,.and consequently that sho is -not entitled to administer his estate. ■ ■ Thisdeeisioa will relieve Mrs; Cunningham from the oharge of felony, as regards the production of a'faiseheir., 'S\'V however, suhiects hbr,‘ as .well as her, daugh ter to.ihdiijtm’eht ani'prosccution for per* juryi,they having both - positively - sworn that tho marriagetookplace, -vf • i . v, The Surrogate ednolndes as follows: It beoomes niy >dnty to pronounce against the allegation \ The reasons leading to tqis conclusion mayhe amnmarily stated thus: , . • The marriage was clandestine—and there is no presumption in favor of d secret marriage, neither preeededmor followed by cohabitation. .2 The clergyman'selected was unknown to the -parties.' 3. ; The place appointed was distant from the de* OedentYresidence. - 1 > 4'4i‘The,btily witness. ohosen -to be, present was one ,of thejlnugh tera of ; , the icUlmantr. 6. .The witne®,is contradicted by her own state ments made under oath at different times, and by other evidence. -: ii. / / ;«' • ; • 7. -The'eertifieate or the marriage affords no evi ‘denceof identification. ' .' . . ; V iSyTUe' certificate is Incorrect as to the, name of theMeoedenfc, and ‘evinced, ignorance or error as tothcplaceofhispativity,. d. There wore suspicious circumstances attending the transaction. - j 10. The marriage was not confided by the claim ant to any member of her fatally, save one. ; 11. There waa po private or publicactof acknow ledgment, no cohabitation, bat the alleged parties lived as single persons.. . , . , ; ; 12.\0n tho part of the claimant there were eon* , fidential i relations with another person, in respect to whom thb'decederitchsrged improper intimacy. 13? Tho termeof the/eHtUifient fit the suits at*' to havb led to thd’ mariiilge aro - In Writing; and exclude the 1 assertion of ‘other terms. li. The marriage took place after tho settlement had,boon concluded add carried out. 15. Tho olaimant executed written instruments to the deoodent in her own name, after tho mar-' riage ” l She aSaigned ajadgincut, he drew & check to theordbr." She endorsed it, and he swore to the affidavit, in’all, which she waa described by her own,name.. „ , .V' i# At the settlement she stipulated, for a new lease of the house. :17- Shortly before the decedent’s death she re* leased all causes of action,'and abandoned her agreement for a lease. . -' ; 18. Ho spoke of' her 'with contumely and re* ptoacbj and made repeated,declarations against marriage. - . Id. jUe'wos determined to compel her to leave the promises, and a'new lease to another party was about to bo executed. 20. The marriage was : first announced after his death. ' The following order was entered: Surrogate’s Codbt:— /«the matter of the estate of Harvey Bur dell, deeeastd— August 24,1857. Let an orderbo entered declaring that the claim ant, Emma Augusta Cunningham, is not the widow of< the decedent,'and directing letters of odminis? tration to be issued to the'decedent’s next of kin; on giving the proper security. ’ Another Indian War. The St. Paul (Minnesota) Pioneer, of the 18th, learns that hostilities have Again broken out be tween the Sioux add the Chippewas.,' On or about the first of ,the present month, a war party of tho .Bed Lake and Pillager:bands of Chippewas at tacked detached parties of Sioux, farming or hunt ings in the neighborhood of Lao Travers. The Chippewas took between thirty and forty scalps, andthbn; hwtily retreated down and across Red river hdmewaixi: 'At one of tho white settlements on Red river they killed Jfivehe&d of oattlo and destroyed considerable lumber. Late advioes from the Sioux agenoy represent- that a war party of Sioux has pursuit of the Chippewas. A body of troops will probably be immediately sent to' the' Chippewa country to arrest tho mur derers and intercept the Sioux, before the commis sion by them of acts of, hostility. The professions of a*desire for peace on the part of , the Chippewas* last, spring,, were, made, undoubtedly, with the in* tention oi deceiving.the Sloux into a.state of fan* cied Wurity. , . , . 1 V:TMM:COaB,TS. > Qoabter Sessions— Judge . Conrad.—Patrick White wasoharged ,wlth arson in having, on the 6th,of July lasJ, set fire to,the stablos of John Mo- Laughlin, situate in Prune street, near Fifth. rJohnMeLoughlin, sworn—-lam the owner.of!the stables in Prune street; the defendant was in my employmeht for about three he left'my employment on Sunday,the sth‘July; oh Monday evening, T was in', my room ;hext thq stables along with my son, when.the defendant oame to the win dow ud asked if Joe .was there j Joe was my son; Joe went oat to the defendant, and returned, say inr.M Father,did yompay Fatriok his dollar?” I said I had, and went out; the defendantsaid I had not, paid^himj'l’eaid/^Don’t you remember I handed yoa'a gold dollar yesterday ? but if you go to an. Bfderman. and swear I jdid n’ot pay you. I £f;fce wid-lnolhingv our went savage, and did not ; retom,.butl saw Jfilm go dftWAPrune street about 10 o’clock. Crws-oxamined by .Judge' Doran—l knew no thing of the defendant before he came to work for 'me. *■*’ * ’ ; » ; i:! ;; Jobn'Crihwftifd, swotn.-rAm a police officer; ar te* tedthe defendant sitting ofi acellar-door during thep regress pf the fire; I found ft luoifer match in Mb pooket; he' said he tad it to light hia pipe; he wna Intoxicated when I arrosted nim. No cross examination.'' , \»«■ *si ' Michael 'Sheridan; > sWorn, know-the defen dant;, ho was in tho employment of Mr. MoLotlgh lin; onthCnJghtof the ota of July I had returned from driving; about 31 o’clock, when Patrick White came to and asked if bb could go to. the /water-closet;dsaid,he could, and hewentoaok.Te .saained about four or flye minutes.' About five or six minutes after he - went a why I hoard the cry of fire; I ran out and saw the back part of ,the stable 'tordr©,' "' /p ' / ■’ " . • ' . Cwss-examli^ed.—l siw no drc with! him when he wehtto the water-closet! ‘ Jo»pKifol»ougfciin, awern.-rOn morn* ingi ihaSthJuly,Lßtart«d oat on business; I met the duesdiot, andhe-sald the old'gentleman had dta* chargedhim {lamthe son of John MoLoughlin; Traits, perhaps hevrouldtako you book again; he :oainelbaok to the.evenibg and asked jay father for a dollar,' Which' he alleged was duo'to him; my father, said he. had.ipaicThini the.cUy before, but that' if he would make an affidavit that he was not paid; thathewoald pay him two dollars; he went sway and said “it would bo all right;” heaerer returned with‘the "affidavit; T think ho B&ldt “it would 'be . all right,” in. a mongoful tone; * No eross-ex'ajtitnatiQn.’ * J ‘-\ '‘/i "J . . Thls/olosed the'case for the prosecution. ,/Jiidgo Doran opened tho case, for tho' defence, and said, h*'would show that the defendant was a young man of tho most respectable character, and welt known- to some of Our most respectable oiti *ens—Mr.‘ Marshall BpVoyel,'a -mehiber of the Philadelphia Bank;.Mr. Pisber, and others. That howasunfprtunateljr given io. drink occasionally, and that waa .his only Fault. a Several witnesses were examined,-who proved a most excellent character; for-' tho defendant. The jury/Aftersome deliberatlon, brought in a verdict of “not guiUy.”, i -‘Wm.-B1 Mann, Baa.; for the Commonwealth. . Judge Doran for the deTendaht, s Michael Shock pleaded ' guilty to selling liquor without a license.' Pined $26 ahdcoata. , , Johh liOpgWlh .was fined $lO, and costa, for keep ing, a ferocious dog. » ■ “Down on a JScojfiwtt.”—George Johnson was indioted for hceping a diaorderiy ‘ house, and selling liquor withouta lioonSe. The defendant, it appear?, is,a Rutel&n; ond ls married tb an Irish woman,.and one of the defendant’s witnesses, an Irish lady, swore,that the 'prosecution. was insti tutodithrough spite, and that their whole design 'y&sto the Ropshian.” Another wit fiess testified that the; worst'thing she ever saw there/ * f f vds a, hoy taught in'a rat-imp, on Sun~ day;-morning. ,f [ .Verdict, .“Guilty” of. selling liquor wijhont licence. ~ THE MONEY MARKET. Pnu.SDßi.ntrA, August 24,1857. :'Thl# has,been another heavy, dsyio stocks, tho ’non f a-y log shares suffering it further decline under the Ififoenee of an Increased stringency in'the money market, ami a heavier exportation of specie. lost week thw wm, Beading Railroad fell oir# y and oth'er/ancleß.drooped; but in inysatmentse >eurittas, though 'thei.-tr&ns actions were small, prices wertf well maintained:" - : - ■/ ' ;.; J Inrefereoco tothemeeting of, railroad manners and ottjeralnterested Jh tho <running and direction of rail* roads, to be'held in New-Ydrk'-on the first of next month, it is suggested by‘,th> Courier and Snquirer that'thsdelegfttcß turn their attention to tb© prominent oyif jp— unproductiveness. The Courier says: - • . - s - 11 do not fear rontradiction'when we ugsert that the depreciation fn railroad shares and bonds within twelve months has exceeded 10 per cent. The amount invested inrailrosdsflt the present time in thli country cannot be loßs than ona'thotu&nd millions'of’dollars. Wtf have-five roads withan aggregate length of 2.600 miles, (one-tenth of the Whole .system) that have cost oversJoo,(Wo,O£W. •, ” “ This depreciation of one-teath in railroadbroperty thereforej Cannot be lesS than' one hundred thmionß of dollars—-or equal to three times our national debt. This question.- therefore, Is of thC first Importance—nwnely, ' What li’th fremtdyt IS it extravagant expenditure, or is : it dofieieticVin f ; -Every railroad .ma nager of experience will sarat'oncathat it is the lat idti't/biO'fareiaVhß evil f ( There fflno usein trying to find a remedy by abolishing posses to.'tba ' of the companies, and attending to other matterdbr minor. very proper for'-the .consideration, of each‘ company, but not of vital importance in the in»-. .nigemCht oi pnyV* ' u ''' ' -‘‘Therolsnbreasonabledoubt but'that ah advance oi twenty ber cent. in the tarriffs of all our railroads., ,tetherwtth/a reasonable* reduction' ,ln', speed, would fifteen per cent, to thenet earnings of the company. The present policy of railrOrtd; companies is suicidal, resulted ih making their stock subject .tdadisturbanechy evriy. Idle rumor; or false report, and a Continuance In the present'course -WIU soon pro duce* genWabbonkruptcy.” ‘‘ . Baq., the Prealdent of the Lacrosse add ifitwkukta HaUrotel Company, publishes a letter to the stockholders of that eompany,' couoaeUlng them not to dispoaeof ‘their stock fbr the prices at which sales are rioWrntdo;in Tfalf itmct, tinder the lnduence of stats- by the euemiea of tho road. Ha says ' are afluad, and Ita resources mQclect to meet -eveifr engagiment;notwftl;ftaftdiog -the efforts to,pre-* lt ,by ;tti6ro. interest may be ad ; by Pf yWllot to,tie pMTeUIag wnlo, _,tin4.ow«w, tiit.up •portfc'Se>nt«srl»e irilei ffllgiHe. jwttr ,«q«M pe^rteek .'iriU fT be ;.e^atid J oa-2«V;hava .the strongeat rodroa aotwltfitandu»g -the effort# to throw ln the way) for: though a > numerous, class #«QCfholdeni are Under the influence of evil reports, determined to ' following. n>« the exports of specie from New > s t-.'i .c• >\ ; iviUm-i B & .i ' i*>U I '* Aug, ITihi barque Honduras, B&llse, Sovereigns. $3,870 Aug. 17th. stnyr Empire City, Havana, Am gold 48,605 . Aug. 17th V' t • “« » Span, g01d.176,148 ; Aug. 17th, tf “ “ .Ajbi. silver. 11,419 j Aug.'l7th, r i‘. « • ■ “ Span, lllw 6,000 « Aug. 18th, brigT, B. Watson, Lsgoajra, Bpecle. 2,000 . Aug. istb, stnvrArago, Bremen, G. silver coin.. 2,000 , Aug, 19th, atm’r Persia, Liverpool, gold bars ...794,269 1 Aug. 19th, “ * <« « 1 gold coin... .701,000 ; Aug. 19tb, i( fi “ Mint bars, gold coin i and Eng. silver. .236,069 I Aug. 19th, “ « “ ' French g01d,.. 11,580 i Aug. 20th, atm’rClty of Baltimore, Am. g01d.... 60,000 j Aug. 20tb, barque V. U, Gaator, Barbodoes, [ American gold SO,OOO 1 Aug.22d, atm'rPnltoni Havre, gold coin 440,000 Aug. 22d, “ “ « gold bars 33,600 Aug.32d, “ i “ goldandailver..l44,ooo Total for tho week.... Previously reported.. Total since January Ist ; 31,827,097 value of foreign merchandise Imported Into New York last week was as follows: 1866 1867. 54,225,600 *2,510,786 1,626,392 2,420,126 Pry G00d5,..,.'. General mdre.,. g ‘153.803 4,946,862 674 161,337,747 Total for "week,..,,. Previously reported, Since Jan. 1, 148,026,469 168,888,609 The New Orleans Pieajfunt of the 37th lust, remarks of monetary affairs in'that city: “Iko week clone. on » dullmorkot. There U some ’ demand for money bnt not ot, a preajlng character, and flrat-claes long paper can he paesed pretty readily at 10 per cent, aid £od at 11. The tranaaetlona to-day ’’“fflwglfls I'rm hut without alteration. Wo Quote sterling 109k'fflll0. Francs, 6.10f1>5.16. New\ork,6o days, ceqt. discount. Sight was in demand at #■ cent, discount.” The weekly bank statement does not vary much from the previous return.) The exact changes, as compared with the former, are as follows: Increase in Bhort Loans • *5781,840 Increase in Specie...... * 72,174 Decrease in Circulation... 325,630 Decrease in Deposits **»®vs Decrease in Exchange I®M«9 Incressc In Amount due Distant Banks 62,621 Statement of the Imports of Foreign Merchandise at New York for the week,' and since January Ist: Dry Goods . $2,619,738 General Merchandise. 2,420,126 Total for the week.. Previously reported. Total for year. 160,833,609 Total value of the Foreign Imports at Boston, for the week coding August 21st, was os follows 1857 ,1850 The cask transactions for the week, at the New York Custom House and Sub-Treasury, have been as follows: Costom-Houss. . v .'Receipts. Receipts. ' Payments] ,17 $127,202 11 $238,748 60 , $260,478 64 18...... 144,631 42 226,819 67 181,105 04 19 97,6*4 46 207,323 67 , 239,536 79 20 133 208 07 149.031 60 171,976 23 21 195 264 76 333,768 05 263,760 61 22 113,063 40 128,017 60 72,973 63 Ao f . a t(‘ tt u ' 810,814 27 1,281,094 08 1,195,889 24 Balance in Sub-Treatury morning of Aug. 12,822,808 17 Add receipts during the week. Total coin and bullion In Sub-Treasury*.. 12,411,913 01 Increase fo? tho week. The Potsdam and Watertown New York Railroad Company have gone to protest, and there is no reason to bellevo that its creditors will obtain payment short of ajudgmont. The Ohio Life and Trust Company, of New ‘ York, is said to have failed for a heavy amount. The Trustees for the holders of the six per cent. Mori gage and Convertible Bonds of the Now London, Willi mantle, and Palmer Railroad Company, having been requested to take possession Of the road, under the Mortgage, and to operate the same for and in behalf of the holders of the Bonds, have given notice to all parties Interested to meet them and direct as to the course to bo pursued for the protection of said securities. Telegraphic despatches were received here announc ing the failure of the Ohio Life and Trust Company of Now York. EXCHANGE SALES, Aug. 1867. PHILAPELPHIA STOCK 24, II Reported by R, MaHlty x J\ Walnut FIBST ' 100 CltyO’fl 89 600ElR7'a!Hmtb5 65 tv.. Stock Broker. No. 80* t Street. BOARD. 60 Reading R b 5 33* 100 do b 5 33* 100 do sBwn 33* 4 do S3* 100 do siwn 33* 100 do cash 33* 100 do b 5 33* 100 do M 33* 100 do b 5 33* 3 Phllaß 122* 8 Farm & Mech Bk 64* 600 do 2dmtbs 65# SOOFeonaS’s 84# 10816 do 84 1000 city 6’s } 6O 2d» 87# 167 Penna It lots 46% Q MtnehlU It 69# 4 do 69# 16 Beading B sswn 33# 8 do - sswn 83# 6 do s6va 83# BETWEEN 85 33 | b& 33 I 600 Readings 100 do 60 do 100 do 100 do 100 Reading R *5 32* 100 do s 5 32* 100 do sS 32* 100 do 96 32* SECOND 1000 Sehl Nav 6's >B2 64 v SOOXebigb o's >7O 00 100 do 90 100 Beading B bswn 32* 60 Reading R 32* 30 do 32* ' 8 do s6wn 32* 26NPennaR 10* BOARD. 100 Reading R b 5 31* 200 do b 5 31* 100 Reading B 32* 100 do 32* 100 d& 32 CLOSING PR] . Bid. diked. TJB6% m 126* - PhlhuUfo 69*080* •do RR .89* 090. doj .New 9a*096, . Penn&fr. lot off 84 084* Reading B div off 31* eBl* do -Bonds >7O 78 .©79 [OEB-HEAVT. . . , Bid. Asked. Schyl War Pref 21 «22 Wmsp’i k Elm R 20 do Ist off 7’4 ... JUtmort.76> «75K do do 2d ro 85 tong Island 10 ®lOJ{ Vicksburg 7 o 8 Girard Bank 11# oil# Lehigh Zinc Union Canal 9 ®lO NewOreek " 1 Oatawlssa EE 10 oil JEST. 60 Reading B sSwn 31# '6O Lode Inland R 10 60 do 10 100 do 10 >44,. . int. off 87 Penoa SB 46*046* Morris Canl Con 60 062 gchyl Nar6#’B2M 064* do .Stock 12 014 LAT] 100 Reading R b 6 81* 100 do 31* 230 do 31* 100 do 31* 100 do , 31* Reading closes PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Auocsr 24tb, Evening.—The Breadstoffs trade is de pressed, and quotations generally rule (n favor of the buyers, who are holding off for lower prices; only a few hundred barrels Flour have been taken by the home trade, at from $0,87# to $7.25 for fresh ground super; s7.6offsB for extra, and $8.50&59 bbl. for fancy lots. A sale of fiOO.bbls, .was made, deliverable five or six woeks hence, but the particulars hare been kept seerot. There are some sales' of Shipping Plour at $8.75, which is a decline on our,lost quotations. 1 Corn Meal is want ed at $4 bbl. for country taeal, but there is none hero. Bye Flour is selling moderately at $4.60 bbl. Wheats are dull and rather lower, and sales of 6QO bushels have been made at' $1.60a51.C3 for red, and $1.60o$1.0& for white.' Coro Is dull, and only about 1,800 bushels good yellow brought 88c., afloat; a Sale of white was msde at 60c. ‘ Oats are unchanged, and sales 3,500 bushels; Bouthern sold at 35040 cents for. inferior to good lots. Bye, nothing doing, and prices about tho same as last quoted, say 00®95c., as in quality. Of Bark, saleß of 4& hbda, first quality Quercitron at $46. Cotton- Holders are demanding fully firmer quotations, with a limited business doing to supply the neighboring spinners. Tho Grocery market is Very inactive, and a email business to note at about previous quotations. Provisions—There Is very little selling, the high views of holders and the light stocks on sale having a ten dency to limit the transactions, and only about 60 bbls. Pork have'been taken at s2fl & bbl. for mess, which is a further advance. Whiskey trade is dull. Bbls. are selling in lots, as wanted, at 28®29c., hhds. at 28c., and Drudge at 27c. BREADBTUFFS AT CHICAGO.—FIour and Grain In store, Saturday, August 36/ 3867: Wheat, Spring, bus, .24,626 Floor, bbls “ Bed, bu5....14,660 Corn, b 05.,...,.. “ White,bus.. 1,424' Barley, bus Receipts of Flour and Grain for the week ending Au gust 16,186 X—2,819 bbls. Flour. 64,859 bushels Wheat. 228,836 bushels Corn v 12,172 buehela Oata. Exports of Flour and Grain for the week ending Au gust 4&th:, , . - To Buffalo. Oswego. Other Porta. Total. Flour, bbls.... 800 ...... 613 i. 313 Wheat, bus... 38,600 ' 33,700 12,600 66,100 Corn, bu5.;...163,478 33,700 49,101 230,309 Oats, bn# .... .... TOTAL rOR TUB BBABOX. Flour, bbls... 48,309 847 24,772 73,928 Wheat; bus.. 878 337 781,769 894,713 1,064,819 C0rn,bu5...3,147,972 1,133,885 878,300 6,160,157 Oats, bus... .107,400 ...... 66,789 168,189 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Israel Morris, ) Josefs O. Gscbs, > Cokhittke or von Mokth, John W*Leir, ) • SAILING OP THE OCEAN STEAMERS. BTBAMBB FBOM fOB OAT Niagara,........... Boston Liverpool..... Aug 20 Borossia..: New York Hamburg. Sept 1 Arabia..........NewYork Liverpool ....Sept 2 Jason .Nevr York Bremen Sept 8 North Star...... New York Southampton...... ..Sept 2 Cof Washington. New York Llvoitxwl. .Bept 2 Edinburg .New York Glasgow Sept 6 Adriatic.,,,.... .New York Liverpool Sept lg Arsgo..,.. New York Havre Sept 16 Oof Baltimore.. Liverpool New Y0rk...,.,. July 20 Niagara. Liverpool Boston Aug 1 fXQM roa OAT North Star, .Southampton New York. Aug 12 O Washington. .Liverpool New York Aug. 12 Canada Liverpool Boston Aug 16 Atlantic Liverpool New York Aug 16 Africa.... Liverpool New York .Aug 23 Arago,. Ham New York Aug2o Kangaroo .Liverpool, New York,. .Aug 20 Glasgow.. Glasgow New Torn Sept 6 ’ MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. PniLADSi-PUiA—From New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans lltb. From Now Orleans 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. . Quaker Out— From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. Prom Mo bile 22dj HAvani 24th, arriving at New York 28ih,\ »^Pt. AaAW . BA ‘“- p f om New York 12th, arriving at Havana JJ • ao iL New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, .Havana29th, arriving at New York 3d. ' —From New York 17th, arriving at Ha and o ?. ew Orloans 26th. From New .Orleans 6th,• Havana Btb, arriving at New York 18th. .BlAok Warrior— From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th. dno at New York 18th. . laaßEb-From Charleston 19th and 4th,‘due at Ha vana 23d and 7tb. From Havana 10th and 26th, due at New York 10th and 31st. , The California mail steamers uU from Now York on the sth and 20th of each month. Importations fßeportad for The Press.] ' MOBlLE—Barque F Lennig, Symmes—]oo bales dot ton AlUbone A Jenks;- 207 R Patterson A Co; 80 E F Brady; 64 Greiner A Hstkness; 160 A Heron, Jr: 31 bales Jesinp & Moore; 00 do bark 7 pkgs mdse order!' , JHaritie JttUUtgwce. ; • ;; PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Augu«t f15;1867. BtW I RIBEA i ,! , :..-.„6'24-4UN 5eV5........» high water.... ~ - ,- r ' . • ,■' ,1 ARRIVED. •■, ~ Steamship, Boston, Beljew,22 hours from New Ycrk,- with mdse and passenger* to James JtafWSuliota, Sweetter,from New York! ' Hawk, Putnam, 12 days from Lubeo,.wkh mart to E A Soadet A Co. THE PRESS.— EHM-ADEI-PHIA, TI E$pAV,„ AUGUST2S, ,1857. Brig 1M Strottt, BtroOt, 5 days from'Bor ton, lb bal last to E A Bonder &Co . , . . Brig Julia Ford, Turner, from New York. *Bebr M River, iu ballast to Careen ,A Co. ,■ ■■ Scbr Wm TbomM, Bearse, 8 day* from Worehatn, in ballast to captain, . j V4llbm Bchr 0 A Johnson, Everabara, 9 days from Newbero, NO, with lumber to captain. Bcbr Jaraos Ward, Bakor, 8 days from N York, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. _ , i Bcbr S L Crocker, Preabery, 8 days from Taunton, with mdse to Twolla, Gaikill A Galvin. , ; Scbr New Jersoy, Burton, 1 day from Frederica, Del. with ba.k to Jaa Barratt A Son. g c hr Wm Lea, Donby, 1 day from Smyrna, Bel. with, wheat to Jas Barratt A Son. Schr Vandalla, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna Creek, pel. with corn to Bewley, Wilton A Co. Scbr Expedition, Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with corn to Bewly, Wilton A Co. Schr Annie, Fleming, 1 day from Port Penn, Del. with oats to Bewley, Wilton A Co. Bchr Bloomfield, Crew, 4 days from Still Pond, Md, with wheat and oats to Bewley. Wilson A Co. , . Schr Fair Leader, Adams, 4 days from Salisbury, Md with lumber to 3 W Bacon A.Oo. ~ Schr Carthagena, Baker, 8 days from Bath,ln ballast. Schr Mary Eddy, Kelly, OdBys from Boston, In ballast.' Schr Mary Ann, Gibbs, 6 days from Cobasset, in bal* last. Schr Somerset, Pool, 3 days from Augusta, Me, - do Schr Henry Payson, Eldridge, 3 days from New York, with mdse to David Cooper. Schr David Faust. Moslander, from New York. Schr R W Tull, Newcomb, from Wilmington. Pol.' • Schr J H WUUatne, Smith, from Milford, Pel. Schr Emporium, Maybew, from Boibury. Schr Deborah Jones, Winsmore, from Roxbury. Scbr Jos Porter, Adams, from Boston. Schr Hickman, Oliver, from Broadkill, Del. Schr Firm, Jeffers, from Lynn. Schr Elisha T Smith, Leeds, from Boston. Schrfiayah E Jones, Jones, from Providence. Scbr Kate Kallahan, Kallahan, from Piermont. Schr Sophia Godfrey, Williams, from Cooper’s Point. Schr Mary Emily, Blanchard, from Providence.' ', Schr Boston. Brower, from Providence. ' Schr J.S Weldon, Smith, from Boston. Schr Canton, Johnson, from Portsmouth. Schr Gipsey, llinds, from Now York. Sloop A Matuhip, Qr&cb. 1 day from Frederica, Del. with oats to Jas Barratt A Son. ,2.080,008 .29,147,089 Schr Thofl Jefferson, Bchellbger, 6 hours from Dela ware (slty, havipg In tow 12 canal barges, laden with Hour, grain, coal, lumber, bark and slate, /Towed thereto 12 barges, bound to differont points in the into rior, with mdse . 4,646,862 .101,387,747 CLEARED. Steamehip Kennebec, lland, N York, Jas Allderdice. Ship Morning Light, Johnson, Panama, Bishop A Simons. ’ i >' * ■ , , Barque IR Davis, Hand, N Orleans, Pettit A Martin. Barauo Suliote, Sffeetter, Portland, 0 A Ueckaher A Co. 1 , , Barauo Falke, Raabe.Trinidaa do Cuba, via N York, J T Plata A Sehottler. , . . 1 > \ Brig DelbiaEennr, Pori so, Prince-T Mattson A Bon,' Brig Julia Ford, Turner, Boston, N Sturtevaofc A Co. Brig Mars Hill, Burgess, Bangor, via Buckspcrt, Van (lusen, Norton A 00, ' ‘ ’ Schr Oarthagena, Baker, Boston, do - Schr Sarah B Jones, Jones, Providence, do > * Schr Kate’ Kollahan, KaUaban, Richmond, do Schr Eiuporiuiu'/Marhew, lipibury, Hayes A Smith. Schr Somerset, Pool, Augusta! Me, West Mountain Coat Co. Schr S L Crocker, Presbury, Taunton, R Pardee'A,Co. Schr J F litharge, Barnes, Baltimore, 8 J Christian. Schr M R Heagan, Qraffin, Portland, 0 A Hecksher A Co. Schr John Farnum, Baker, Providence, J M Kennedy A Co. Schr Deborah Jones, Winimore, Roxbury, D Earns. SchrWm Thomas, lieaso, "Warchain, A Heron, Jr. Schr Gipsey, Hinds, Boston. N Sturtevant A Co. Schr J u Williams, Smith, Cohasset, do Schr R W Tull, Newcomb, Boston, do Schr Mary Eddy, Kelly, Fall Elver, B Milnes A Co. Schr Boston. Brower. Providence, do Schr J 8 Weldon, Smith, K Greenwich. do Schr B Watson, Robeson,'Boston, Noble, Hammett A Caldwell. Schr Hickman, Oliver, New York, do Schr Sophia Godfrey, Williams, Providence, L Ro thermel. Schr Mary Emily, Blanchard. Bath. Schr Jos Porter, Adams. Boston, L Audenreld A Co. Bchr Geo Harris, Frencn, do do Schr Firm. Jeffries, Cambridgeport, Blaklston, Coxo A Co. ’ Schr Elisha T Smith, Leeds. Boston, do Str Henry L Oaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Barge Catoctin, McCuc, do .do .$1,029,483 . '813,616 11,126,918 93 1,284,994 03 [BV TBI.EQnAPa.] Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Aug 24.-9# A. Mi There is a ship now off this placo beating In. Wind NW, and blowing & strong breeze, Aug 24, 240 P M—The - sloop yacht Katydid came ashore last evening near the steamboat lauding off this place, and wiU be a total loss—crew saved. The ship State of Georgia is now going in. Wind NW. Yours, &c., THO 3. B. HUGHES. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWEB, Del., Aug. 23-8 A. M* The following vessels loft the harbor this raorn'ng:— Barque Amy, brigs Lyra, Beronda, Orraus, S Nickerson. Billow, J Wallace. Susan Emily, Ocean Traveller, ana Eliza, with schrs Philip Gllkey, Avon, 8 A P Town* send, Helen, J Preble, Jane Pish, Paulina, Juliet, 1) Godwin, Alpine, and Belle. Also over sixty coasters passed to sea yesterday. Wind W Yours, Ac. WM. M. HICKMAN. Twenty-six boats left here this morning, laden and consigned tut follows: Uyder Ally, blooms to Cabecn A Co, and pig iron to Wilmington, Bel; CaptttL Schellingee, paper to A G Cattell A Go, and lumber to Norcross A Sheets: Alex Nesbit, lumber to D B Taylor A Co; B P Bowen, 3 0 Sampson, and Emma, lumber to Young A WooWerton; L A Mackey and Jas S Dawson, lumber to Malone A Taylor: Tuscarora, lumber to Bolton, Y*ndervo«r A Cot Col E w Bright, lumber to Norcross A Sheets; Trade Wind. Col B SI Thompson, Rebecca 1 e*l», Gabriel Woolroraberger, D Fannie Shuse, Crystal Fount, A W Monroe, Judge Long, G M Lauman, Ella, B P Uelstand, Yillago Bell, Capt John Ennys. E Harris, Potosi, ana Ocean Wave, anthracite coal to Bel City, Steamship Delaware, Copes, hence at N Tort 23d Inst, Ship Flying. Fish, from. Manilla, arrived at Boston yesterday. Ship MulUouee, Wllner, from New Orleans, arrived at Havro 7th lost. * . . - Ship Nicholas Biddle, Evers, from Mobile* arrived ri trvwyooUlthlhflt. " Ship Nonparlel, Faulke, henco, 10th ult, at Liverpool 11th Inst. . Barque Maty F Slade, Atkina, henco at Charleston 21st Inst. Barque Aselia, Davis, hence at Richmond 2Sd last. Barque Ann X Grant, Nelson, for Rio de Janeiro, with flour, sailed from Richmond 22a Inst. Barque H Buck, Pendleton, from Richmond for Ye* nice, was spoken Bth Inst. Ist4l 16, long 89A. Brig Baron de Oastlne, Lufkin, from New Orleans, at •Bordeaux 7th lost. Brig Myra, Kelly, hence at Boston 23d inst. Brig Loiogo. Arrants, hence at Charleston 22d inst, ■ Scbrs Johu A Griffith and W 8 Triplet, hence at Bal timore yesterday. Schr A iManderson, Nicholson, hence at Charleston 22d inst, , Schr A Flomerfett, String, for Tortug&s, cleared at Pensacola 6th Inst. Schrs Ware, Joline, and 0 S Peaslee, Foster, hence at Boston 23d inst, Schr Alert, Champion, hence at Quincy 20th ln*t. ;* Schr J H Kisley, Boyce, bonce at Milton 18th inst. Schr Josephine, (str) Grumley, for Philadelphia, cleared at Hartford 21st lost. Schr Orris Francis, Clark, sailed from Yinslbaven 18th inst. for Philadelphia. Sohr John Harris, Roberts, hence for Boston, at New York 23d inst. Schrs Racer and Sarah Louisa, from Smyrna, Del, ar rived at New York yesterday. 3l*o3l* Aug 8, off Mach las Seal Islands, ship Addison Gilbert, Paine, from St John, KB, Aug 5, for Loudon. - 7th inat.' lat 41 41, ion SO, barque 'Warren H&llett, Hallett. from Bordeaux for New York, 11th last, lat SI, long 65, barque Gay Head, Mayo, from Boston for Constantinople. Bchr White Squall, Smith, at New York yesterday, from Alexandria, while heating in the Hook, come In contact with the schr J R Shaw, carrying away the for* mer vessel’* jlbboora and fore topmast. Samuel J fieaO son, of New York, was furling tho fore topsail at the time of the collision, and fell to tho deck, -reeking one arm and one leg; be survived but one hour. The J R Shaw had her main gaff carried away, and rail and bul wark* store. Advices from Key West to the 12th lust, state that In the case of the schr Arlington, the wrecker* had been awarded $4710 salvage. The A was to sail the 13th lust, for Mobile. The dry part of the Pacific’s cargo had been appraised at $6OOO, aod is to be forwarded to Mobile. The sale of the damaged portion of the cargo wIU amount to $OOOO. Barque Palermo Ingham, at New York 23d Inst, from Palermo, reports: Aug 18, while reefing the foretopsail, Samuel Burr, boy, fell from the foretopgallant yard, struck on the fore yard, and from thence overboard, dead f the fall on the fore yard having killed him. The P has experienced a succession of light westerly winds the entire passage. Lsuscnso—At Essex, Mass, lfith lost, by Mr. Aaron Burnham, 2d, a One schr of 110 tons, owned by Mr John Low, of Gloucester, and intended for a freighter. At Blghton, Mas*. 20th lust, from Wm Cobb A Co’b yard, schr Win A Crocker. Bhe was full rigged, and went off the wayß in fine style. She is a superior cop. per fastened oak vessel. Intended for the southern coast, ing trade, and is owned by her builders. Schr Shoal Water, of Brower, fiat bottom and lumber loaded, was towed into Gloucester on Wednesday, by schr Ripple, having boon picked up abandoned off Cape Ann. Tno crew had been previously taken off by schr Genoa, at Bangor. The crew left with nothing but the clofhes they stood In, saving only the small boat. Bhip Riga, Presto, Bailed from Richmond 22d Inst. for Norfolk, to repair damages to rudder braces, sustained in the gale of the 16th inst. NEW YORK, August 23 —Arrived steamship South erner, Robertson, from Charleston. Thursday, 9AM 30 miles N of Frying Pan Shoal, spoke barqne Maria Morton, Buikiey, hence for Savannah, and brig LllUan, Nichols, from Boston Tor Charleston; off lookout passed'schooner Marine,• Powell, from New York for Wilmington, North Carolina, with loss of mainsail. At 4 A M, passed steamship Cahawba, hence for New Orleans. From Hatteras, the 8. experienced a hoavv NKgale. * 3 Ship Thornton, Collins, from Liverpool July 10, with mdse and 695 passengers. sth inst, lat 4a, long 69, spoke ship Sir Robert Peel, L&rraboe, nonce for Liverpool. Tho T. hod one birth and one death on board during the passage. ‘ , . r Aug. s?4—Arr steamship Roanoke, Skinner.- Ports mouth, &c., 23d. At 10 A. M. off Winter Quarter Shoals exchanged signals with steamship Jamestown, hence for Norfolk. Sobr White-Squall, Bralth, Alexandria: (see miscellany.) ffehrs Cumberland, Chase, 6 days from Alexandria; J M Douglass, Thompson, from Alexandria: Kate Field, Robinson, from Wilmington, N C; Manibes tor, Ohlchester, fromßlchmond; Humming Bird, Weeks, from Wilmiegtoo, NO. • •*' * Scbrs H T Tisdalo, Hacooers. Alexandria; Sarah Uruen, Douglas, Georgetown, S C ; Carlton Jane, Carl ton, Alexandria; Ann O Rickets, Georgetown. D O: Tanner, Pearson, from Charleston; Pantheao Loper. Alexandria: E I Do Rossott, Tucker, Wilmington, N G j J Darling, Rogers. Baltimore: Helena (Br.), Roberta, Plctou; Richmond, James, Richmond: Steamer Jack son, Baker, Baltimore. Cleared, ships Elisabeth Allen, Btalgg, 8t George: Belno del Oceana, Klppen, Bilboa: barque Clara Wind sor, McEwen, Port au Prince; brig H O Brooks, Bchor. reil. Gonalves; E Johnson, Temoell. Baltimore: Elijah Sheldoh,White, Richmond: Oregon, Krause.Wilmmgton: Worth, Alien, do: Jno Price, Mayo, Richmond. Also cleared, ship If Brooker, Huntoon, N Orleans; brigs Lauretta, DUnbar, Para; Lucretia, Brown, Savanna la Mar; schra Ann & Susan. Myers, Charleston: D Bit terly, Hughes, do; Highlander, Mayo. Richmond. BOSTON, Aug 23.—At barque* Lincoln, Antwerp May 18. Flushing 2<Rh; via Cork 10th ult; Rosalia (Dr), M’lnnis, Sydney; brigs Brothers (Br), Porrlor, Pictou Martin I Wilkins, do. At Quarantine, ship Sea King! BarkerJLlverpoointbuU. , *’ BALTIMORE, August 24. Arrived ship Roland, (Bretn.) Reich], 45 days from Breinan; barkMoldena, Ryder, from Boston; schr* Helen Mar, Nickerion.irom Boston; White Foam, MUilken, from*Providence; O Colgate, Seaman, from New York; T J Hill, Rich, from Providence; 8 B James, Clark, from Fall River; Isaac Morse. Parson*, from Windsor, N S. Cleared ship Arnold Boulnger, (Prus.) Hashagen, Rotterdam; schr President, Dawes, Mary*.- Sailed bark Wheatland. Despeaux, for Richmond; bng A P Pinker, Partridge Boston; , » • » CHARLESTON, Aug 21—Arrircd'brlg Maria. Swaju, Baltimore, 30 divi,• brig Johu H Jones, Nichols, New York; M* Km lr., Now York; .cljf,, Stevenson, Baltimore. Bound to Georgetown. 80. and put in to r,p»!r »U.( «ebr Indop.nd.iice, dSo», more: *' ■ TORSION POSTS. • / 1 ; F.r at.&mihlp An e loiSM6n,»tQuefcis. ■At fmNjw y OT k 7i[i, Queen of-the South, ot Oowee; if s,h > M - *t BonJeau*. “JJ Jw Bolton 6th; Bniith«inlen, from U.nelU.a. Correspondence of The Press. Have* Ds Gbaob, Aug. 24, MEMORANDA. MARINE MISOELLANY. DOMESTIC PORTS. •List of Arrival* at the Principal Uotele, GIRARD HOTEL—Chestnut stredt,-below Ninth. Twites £> Miller, Baltimore *McCarter,tMboro‘,NC W ro Dennis,i do, OMM iI W.'N ?T Yorl ' ' Wp.Kjffl do F E Oroesbeck, do MrsB AHardaWav Va Judge Magrath.’ A lady V&l* *££*** it « Shore, 8 0 *> JVOervi’o, Mjri* ate ■ v* j/tmiv U B Tebbetts, N Y ° V/'' 80 Ha°, t ey> B 0 Ulm!>r " ? “f*r e, l atont, Ala (i K Taylor, Wheeling, Va AU Oen Ward & Bur nett, N Y Smith, BtLoula 0 B Morton, Oa ’ w iA. , e » J B Simpson, England » P Slot,-, NY KSltilUly, lo*w Jj Mrs E Chamberlain A cbil, G A Nicolls, Reading w n W « w J D Hart, 1 Louisville >V 8 D Mogowan, Louis* R A Springs A ly, S 0 wTl Ue « • Mrs M R Gayrie, Cin.O E Moore, S O _ J F Gray, Richmond ’ J Reevea, Cln, Ohio Miss Bearing. Ga ' MJ” a luy» Clu, 0 Miss A M De&rlug, Ga M Bearing, Ga U W Dryden, Balt 1 u Heystan, Va E J Miller, Oin Ohio fr Albany Miss M 8 Miller Oin Ohio Mr Blake, N Y Miss U Harris, do £**«»? Roche. StPaul Miss L Ester, do MtiUt*, Vicksburg, Mias D K Ester, So WO France, Balt o Newton A lady, Jackson J Greenberry N Y John H Rauch, lowa *J, Y J A Rogers A la, Char'n SO WBroowe, do James Black, Lancaster f.STA * * w H Morton, St Pauls {•5 2 Gaffln A lady, Ga John G Oldner, N Y a S.^M«?f eri » Vickabur Bj M S Forbee, Miss ?S 5 Washington T E Courtney, N Y ri raffia * A Monheimer, N Orleans “ ** I etrie. do Wlflfeydecker NY Gen II WalLrldge, N Y J M Dryden, Bait fe m » 110 ' i° N U Tevis, Nicholasville « do John Stevenson, Ya 2^A F f, wcl ®» a ° r F Howard, Richmond Va », Jo F Brake, Chlcsgo „ ~ 40 fltmon Stevens, Lancaster ah Ballade, Beading 0 Tower, Pottsvilla Pa 8 Watson, Memphis Tonn W Logan Baird, St Louie Rodman H Dawson, Brk’lyn W 11 Walsh, Balt 8 M Conrad, Balt J C Itughaon, Albany UH Barlow, Glasgow Ky RJ Hill, Ale O Wuglaw, New York T S Babbitt, Ohio «F Schmidt, do J 0 Atkinson. Ky ' Sami McAuley A dau, 8 0 HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. B IV Klngsland, N York i w Y ,? on . S ’,. ,c ” <!Jr ff Townsend, ‘do u-wn Mt ’ . .MSShaflelgh, do ~ y.®™’ 4 ,° , , , Tl ““ 8 poster, flalona E Llgbtfoot, Louisville , K Nebllnt, do f I x^ Cai ,\ d 0 J * M triton, Pittsburgh ‘ • 3m Albree, do 4 M Slatto. N York Jfra Geo Albree, do J Richardson, Phila G H Davoo, S Francisco Fostlewait, lowa F Stabler. Balt s£Hfld»n, Me 8 Somora, N J WFryiluier,Yor k ,Pa Ignatius Lawer, Balt ' S a SV Dttndeft > ’ do rs 8 Lawer, 1 do M Thompßon. Md Mrs W Ebrraan, do JK mine.P* P Ferrell, Mo Jos Hayer, Lancaster W Heyser, Chambersburg J Lyons, Pittsburgh W Hoyser. Jr, do ** FHagaa.Louiarille, Ky Lewis Riciiwlne,Lancaster Bon Ituckalew, Pa B Forman, Atleg city T S Thompson, do C H Ludlow, Buffalo Wilkesboro, NO F Knife, Cleveland. O ?5u 0U n th \r . do LB Joseph. NY Arthur Orr, Madison Wm H ReoA, da Miss Armstrong,do Fred Stutler,<k» L L Lanier, Bait STATES UNlON—Market, above Bixth. jP°?» G W Hummel, Harrisburg •John Oambell, 111 GB Dickson, Dover, Del G Jf J eri * Coiurabia H EicboUs, Downlngtown SLockard, do John Smith, Columbia « w Hunter, Pittsburgh «OREsslngton. Pa ? e ® Z .R® ntz » Louis Frederick. Columbia John L Reese, West Chester G U Bnrdwell, P RR Col Sami D Young, P R R BEAR HOTEL—Third stroet.ab. Oallowhill. Thompson,'Zlonsvlllo WmHittel, Allentown E Manbeck, Berksco Jno W Wialer, Perkomvile Jeremiah Troxcl, White Hall Henry Thomas, Franconia Marcus Fry, Coopersburg Milton Cooper, Ooopersbrg Jeremiah Troxel, Lehigh co Her.ryB Cope, Bucks co * Joshua Johnson, Perkeomennlie . AMKUICAN HOBBY— Chestnut at., below SlJth. A £ “«!*• b » non ' *«» R M Green, Pranhlln, Ky J Streeter, Mt Hope, Ala ,w G Bntler, Portamoutb, J 11 Morey, Jackson, Mias Va Sllaa LBandall JllM , JSltandall, HIM « Y t WD Wilson, NY 8 0 Boland, Minch Chunk Herrick Prlco, Phila E Crouch, Marytond II Slmrna, Baltimore' ? J Hawoy & daughter, Ohio JHOborirn, do L 0 Oborlln, do ’ 0 0 Buhol. and eon, Boy- Jamea M Oldham and lady, lestown, Pa. 8t Loots l! M s I La 0 «r 0 n 1 . dh M m ' at LouU JoUo - J Filing and lady, Cincinnati w«wiiff n * ,d » v a John M Green, Mass 8i B . V» w *> X™ hesi * r R 0 Roberta A lady, NY. Mlaa Bohlnson, Now York Enoaa Smith, Berime BPwn»h, i: Henry Banfort, Conn Jos T Tattle, do 0 0 Iknton, New York T D Pearce, Pbilada Aug Blumonthal, NY W M Shuster, Washington HOTEL—Arch street. aboVe Third W F SLoffner, Lafayette lad J M Stlno, Chicago B Stratton, Riehm lad I s Handy, Delaware G Cox, Maysv Ky j Laubhoira, Baltimore A Herman, Wheeling Va, n Lehne, do WmK Jonci?A wfe, 0 H Brooke,.Phllada Mira EL Jones, do oFBt.adiger, do GMOldenweldor,Easton MESyaSS&p. So ?s£s2StS?o u r ,w M ?i A *-s¥ mU ehUd * W P Kraeiy, Flomt'n, NJ Salem, NJ S&ra’l Yeager, Easton Pa F. A Barnard, Maine O S Jones A lady, N York Ju Brown, Salem, NJ gam’l Bowman HB Webber, N Albany, Ind J U SUrk ’ do ° ,ytrr lngton, N Jersey It B Colllnga, do Flo d m,ng. W ta H i *Jri^B^usaellf'plttabqrgh *%£* : \L% ,dg,ir A $ MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market ? Clric J VDati J Dougherty, Camden ' JHThertlng, do L Jones, do JohnOande, do James Smith, Columbus Mias Mary Hoover, Clarion Alex Cook, do Miss Nancy J Litton, do- Jos Reynolds, Plttahur* A Lipplncott, Wood town W C Ivos, Camden * S!” dS,*^ o ****' 1° Mies Lapolle, Phila 2 l^i P K co V t *A do Ml« Patrick, do 8 DOpH, Tlemlngton r d North, Va A Harris A boy, Richmond D P Morrell, Ya CITY HOTEL—Third street, above Race B S*?, Co B 0 Hernando Miss Joseph Richsnli, Baltimore John Mayslmaysn, Ky Win Graham, Liverpool J Bordontou, Sfontgmnerv Henry Borer, Baltlmoro (I Hendrickson, Altamalui GMorrlaWn,Centre Co GO Montmartre,N Y A Bllcher, Fredericksburg It U Duncan, Centre, Pa Wm Franclsca, Baltimore Geo F Fillmore, BuclcsOo A Wyncoop, Marietta. Henry Jacliff, Jdontgom’ry £“**■ Wood, Branchtown 8 Frankfort, hasenno Co 7 G Errickion, Parkelmrg Wm Hopkins Miss Ahheyß. Wolton, Phila , ! Sperinl WoJircs, To all who Require Money,— Brokers, Third and Gasklll streets, below Lombard streot, advance cash, In large or small amounts, upon Watches, Jewelry, Plato, Guns, Ac., on moderate term *‘ au2o-6t#’ Bower’s Infant Cordial.—This Invaluable Cordial Is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, sad is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By Its powerful Influence a speedy cure Is effected in all cases of windy pains and spasms. Believes and mitigates much of children’s suffering during donti* tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quilises pains Of the bow<ls t looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Haunt A. Rowan, At hi* Drug and Chemical Store, N, E. corner of Sixth and Qroen sta., Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addroaaed. And for sale by Druggist* generally. au KMy Seamen 1 * Saving Fund —Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all ol&sses of the community, and allow* interest at the rate of fire per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open dally, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Erankllu Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Mortis; Secre tary, James 6. Pringle. Saving Fund—Five Per lnterest—N ational Safety Trust Company, in Walwot Street, south west corner of Third Street, PaiLADßLrnu. Assets over On* Million and a Half op Dollasb, invested in Rbal Ebtaw, Mobtqaoks,Ground Rsnts, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit.' Any sum, large or small, Is received, glut the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock la the morning until 7 o’clock (n the oveuing, and on Monday and Thursday oronlng* until 9 o’clock. fttarrutfgcs On the 20th Instant, by the Rev. Joseph Mason, Mr WM. A. CHURCH to Miss LIZZIE J. BARKER, all ol this city. On the 20th Inst., by the Rev. J.T. Henry, Mr. WM. H. COULTER, of this city, to Miss SARAH E. WAT SOS ,•»»«» of Schuylkill. Ulcatlja: On the 23d Inst., Mr. 01U8U33 SHO'.VAKEU, In the 68th year of his age. The relatives aod friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence. 1241 Wopd street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. To proceed to'tbe Odd Fellows’ Cemetery, On the 21st Inst., Mr, WM. W. KUCHER, In the 47th year of his age. . His relatives and friends, also Solomon Lodgo, No. 114, A. Y. Masons, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from hfe lato residence, No. 609 North Second street, above Green, thls-(Tuesday) morning, at 9 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to tho Odd Fellows’ Cemetery, SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, SOUTH- S' WEST CORNER OF ARCH AND TENTH BTBEETB. The pupils in this Institution will be instructed in all the branchos of a thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement of knowledge provided for thorn. The discipline will be a careful pointing onward and npw»fd. ,i The schooLy**? is divided into two terms, of five months eochi commencing first of Ninth Month (Sep tember,) and first of Second Month (February.) TERMS First Department, per term of fire month* $25.00 Second <{ . “ “ ...... 20.00 Third “ “ “ ...... 16,00 Fuel, &0., per term,., i.oo Philadelphia, 1807, REFERENCES: Thomas Kltnber, J. D. White, »t. D., Samuel Bettle, Jr., BenJ. 9. Janney, M. 1). Marrasduk© 0. Cope Robert K. Wright, William Battle, . Thomas D, Smith Thomas Wiitar, Georg* Griscom, Anthony P. Morris, ■ William F. Pit field, - • JcsbttaH. Morris,- DavidVasdervesr, Uriah Hunt, > William B. Thomas. ao2&«Hp..-' •• • • fitPHiyo garden academy for *5 WWW gss *WP BOCT. R. *. oorn4r HOTTS ud BCITONWOOp of ,h» hlSiMt HP»Uno«tlotu .fciplojad. 0»Uloew «ont»inti» full pirtimUri, pnpilj" umdm, tsltflMOlal., 4o~cu, b«. hsd on application. - ’ y&Hf r y. DONMAVY UINfl, Principal. mHE HIGIpCHOOL—The Fall Session ® « 0H °! 01 ' "‘h t*? 1 * o” Monday, «»•», wa»s,SAßX,rfiMipM. Great revolutionary work, LITTLE, BROWN A CO., No. 112 TVdrii/nglon Street. Sns ton Will publish by subscription, TBS LIFE, LETTERS AND DESPATCHES MAJOR GENERAL NATHANIEL OREENE, In seven vole. Bvo., with portraits, maps and battle plans, In style similar to Sparks’s Washington and the Works of John Adams. From the original Manuscripts in possession of his family. By his grandson, George Washington Greene. PBICB $2.23 VSR VOLUJIR. Subsfripltons wt'H now be received. from Jared Sparks , LL.D. The work yon propose will be a very valuable contri bution to American History. I have read many of Gen. Greene’s letters.' They are marked by a peculiar felicity of style, a deafness of conception, a fluency of language, a depth of thought and % range of Ideas, which prove at once the power and versatility of his mind. His energy of character and action was equalled only by the ardor ofhia patriotism. Prom the latt Vice President TT>/». K. King. “ orn r ‘ i n North Carolina, I feel the obligations of my native State and of the whole South to General Greene. He was without doubt the great tnllltary genius of the Revolution. ® T . „ On. Winfield Scolt. I * U „ Elubj * . 8 for “ “Py ° r thellfeand Bespatchcs ofGen. Greene to place beafde the Lite and Writing* ol Waahlogton. Theae name, are lndi flKl lnble in their im mortality. Alexander Hamilton'! Eulogy on Oen. Orient. In his life we have a succession of deeds as glorious as they are unequivocal, to attest his greatnes® an d per* >etuato the honors of bis name. His abilities entitled lim to ft pre-eminent share in the councils of his chief lie gained It and he preserved it. I am happy to learn that yoa propose to publish the letters and aospatchcs of General Greene. I£i s position in the array of tho Revolution, second only to that oflts Illustrious Chief, and the importance of the events with which he was immediately connected, wiU make his cor respondence highly interesting to the general reader, and extremely important to the student of American history. From (t speerh of Hon. JR. Toombs, *« tht U. S. Senate, Dec. 23, 1850, on Revolutionary Claims. J hope the unpublished papers of General Greene will soon be printed, because there are in them many revo lutionary reminiscences of great Interest;' and they will be valuable even for tho administration of Justice on an occasion like this. I have hod access to some of these papers through the kindness of his sod. fVom the i!h Vol. of Trving’s Life of Washington. The news of Greene’s death struck heavily on Washing ton’s heart, to whom, in the most arduous trials of the Revolution, he bad been a second self. “He wa* a great and good man,” was Waahington’scomprchenslvo eulogy of him. ' Wo are happy to learn (adds Irving) that a complete collection of the correspondence of General Greene Is about to be published by hia worthy and highly culti vated grandson, George Washington Greene. It ia a work that, like Sparks’s Writings of Washington, should form a part of every American Library. aug2s-3t ffIHE TENTH ANNUAL EXHIBI A or tbi WORKS OF AMERICAN INDUSTRY, “ .Maryland Institute lor the Promotion e! the Mechanic Arts,” Will be opened In the CITY OF BALTIMORE, ON TUESDAY, THE TWENTY-NINTH OF SEPTEM BER, 1857. The Managers of the MARYLAND INSTITUTE an nounce another or tho periodical displays of ART and INDUSTRY that have been so successfully conducted undor its auspices for several years past. The rooms will be opened for the reception of goods Intended for exhibition and competition, on the 22d, 23d, and 24th September; and the Exhibition will be opened to tho public on the 29th, and continue for four weeks, during which term the Contributions will be viewed and examined, by the numberless thousands who throng tho great Hall of the Institute on these interest ing occasions. Manufacturers, Mechanics, Inventors, and Artists, fromall parts of the Union, are solicited to send their works, and thua add to the interest and extent of the collection which has continued, ao far, to increase from year to year. The same care that the managers hare heretofore oxorclsed 1q conducting these exhibitions will be con tinued, and especial attention will be paid to the just and impartial disposal of the certificates, and Qold and Silver Medals, and other awards of merit, in the several departments under which the articles are classified. Tho Hall of the Maryland Institute was expressly constructed for holding exhibitions of the works of Mechanical industry, and is bettor adapted to that pur pose. both in capacity and arrangement, than any other building in the United States, with the exception of the Crystal Palace; and the Institution has been character ised for its liberality and fairness in the distribution of awards of merit. The Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Rail road Company wllftransport over their rood, both ways, free of charge, all goods intended for the Exhibition. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Esq., Actuary of the Frank lin Institute, Philadelphia, has kindly consented to give such Information os uiAy be desired id reference to the Exhibition of the Maryland Institute, and to that gen tleman the Manufacturers, Artists, Ac., of Philadel phia, and its suburbs, are respectfully referred for knowledge in detail, and from whom circulars, with the forms of application for space, may be obtained. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS* INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA.—Professor SAUN DERS can receive a few more PUPILS in his family. Inquire of Colonel FORNEY, the Editor of this Paper, who h&a at this time a son la his family; or addreaa ' PROFESSOR SAUNDERS, au23-tf West Philadelphia Institute. i CADEMY OF MUSIC, BROAD AND -fJL LOCUST Streets,—Mr. E. A. MARSHALL, Bole Leaseo.—Last week but one of the PROMENADE CON CERTS. THIS EVENING, August 26th, novel aad attractive features. MADAME JOHANNSEN, MISS C. RICH INGS, Mr. PICKANESER, MR. FRAZER. OABL BERGMAN, and the GERMANIA OROHESTRA. New And,|pjfia&id STATUARY, Just landed from khlp Xu pliraaTa by Signor VITO VITI * SON, perfect like nesses of the following eminent American statesmen: Washington, Clay, Jackson, Webster, Calhoun and Fillmore. Admittance 25 cents. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Pro prietor, Mr. WM. J. NAGLE; Acting and Stage Manager, Mr, WAYNfi OLWINE. Prices—Dress Circle and Parjuctte, 60 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Beats, 76 cents. Box Office open from 0 o’clock A. M. to 4 P, M. Door* open at 7 o’clock; performance will commence at 8. The Public are respectfully informed that tho engage* meat of NAGLE’S American JUVENILE COMEDIANS Closes to-morrow night. TUESDAY EVENING, August 25th. Tho performance will commence with Bonbon Rags..,, Little Frederick Wren Alico Little Martha Wren SINGING AND DANCING. Tho wholo to conclude with a new farce, entitled OUR MARY ANN. Jonathan Tunis Little Fred. Wren VMfHEATLEY* ARCH ST. THEATRE. f ¥ —Sole Leasee W. WHEATLEY. Post* of Pbicas.— Orchestra Stalin, 50 cents: Dress Circle (no extra charge for Becured Scats), 50cents; Family. Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Seats in Pri vate Boxes, 75 cent*; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box In Gallery for Colored Persons, 33 cent*. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M J. M. B.WIUTTON Treasurer. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Aug. 25th, will be pre sented, for the first time in two years, the play, entitled LOVE’S SACRIFICE. ....Mr. E. L. Davenport Mr. Dolmas Win. Wheatley Mrs. E. L. Davenport .Miss Anna Cruise Matthew Klraore.,,, Paul Latent... St. Lo Margaret Elmore. llormlono de Yermont To conclude wlththo comedietta of MY PRECIOUS IMST3Y • Mr. J. S. Clarke ...Mr. TannehlU Misa Anna Cruise ■Mrs. TannehlU Mr. Bobtail.. Mr. Wagtail. Mm. Wagtail Mm. Bobtail Doom will open at 7 o’clock. Performance* commence at 7% precisely, CANFOKD’s OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Poors open at 7% o’clock—to commence at 8, Admittance 25 cents. MONDAY EVENING, Aug. 24, and every evening this week, will be performed anew original poetical, prosaical, Metaphorical, Ope rati cal, Burlesque Extravaganza, written expressly for this establishment by John Har rington, Esq., entitled LA TRAVIATA. In which the entire company will appear. Previous to tbo burlesque BANFORD’B OPERA TROUPE will appear in their grand DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENT. To be followed by the FAIRY STARS—THE SANFORD CHILDREN, in their BEAUTIFUL DANCES. au24-lw rfIHOMEUF ,s VARIETIES, N. TV*. COR. A FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, (new) 601 Chest nut. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT NIGHT LY, interspersed with dances and concluding on MON DAY and TUESDAY with the little IMP and TWO PHILOSOPHERS, Fabchette, M’LLK LKFOLLK; First Philosopher, OH. KENDALL; Second Philosopher, SAN 'FORD.! On WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY with THE TWO GREGORY’S Fanchette, MAD. LOUISE PAYNE; LlttleGrpgory.CH. KENDALL. Commencing at half-past 7. Admission 10 cents. J. 11. THQMEUF, Proprietor. J. C. WARREN, Conductor. au24-lw# TMHKINSON’ 8 ILLUMINATED GAR -1 DENS CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE CONCERTS with the Scottish Nlghtin gale, a Fine Orchestra, Fire Works, Ac., EVERY EVENING. au 18-tf Admittance, one shilling. JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Nos. 10 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. ’ A large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and CABSIMERES always on haad. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTII ING. ane-tf WANTED TO BENT.—A THREE Story BRICK HOUSE, suitable for a email family, The host references given. Address “ Rent ” Press Office. »nl2-2w* STATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. -AORIOUbICRISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, GARB tUS&PNSSSB&I ™, v P To!ls > manuka® ™‘Sbt"r, N ' invited to be. SOO?ETV E ilfl 8 ? I !l^? I 4^o A JJ i , AORICDI ' TUBAI ‘ SOCILTY will hold its SEVENTH ANNitai. v.vnr BITION at Powelton, West Philadelphia on ffEPTEM BEE 28th and 30th „d OOTOBEK Ist' Rig, for the display of Cuttle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and implements. Dairy, Seeds, FnSta, Flowers and M ® chaoi ° Arts, Domoatlc, Household and other ManufoctareMitovca, Wares and Inventions. T x A FLOWING MATCH ! l In order to promote skill and efficiency in the Im portant work of the firm: a Plowing Match will coma off on the fourth day of ihe Exhibition, to which men and youths are invited to compete for the nreraSum* Ji o So^te“.M 8 f SSb;r -*• fM & «ad Mi oUutfißtamttoiiiriU bo furul.bsd on ippltcotlon to ROBERT 0. WALKB.Sa of. " «» P hlUd.lpht. (or rroTOliMApiotiltnro/'ObojnatStK.t.boTo.BoreiJtii, •outh slde, up stalrt; ■■ The books foe.the entry of hrticlee and will he open on and after the Ist of September. DAVID TAGGART, ' President Penaa. Stole Agriculture Society. jWlEdteep.fll ■ , - y - HARRIETT BROWN. |~V REAT ;BAKGAIN,-r*-A splendid seven octave ROSEWOOD PIANO, but little used, vKU he sold very aheap for cash, at the Piano Ware-room of, A. BIRGFELD, 139 South SEVENTH Street, oorner of Walnut, Also, PIANOS to root. au24-lw# Guenwood cemetery office, no, 118 WALNUT 0( 7 bfiav»UJtr, JHiercllaneocs. FYotn'Hon. Edward Everett. JOSHUA VANSANT, President of Maryland Institute. Amusements, BEN BOLT. itterdjant Sailors. titanis. <ffaitl>il>at*9 for ®£S«. OR CORONER—Dr. THOMAS JONES, of Seventh Ward. 'Subject to Democratic Boles, au 2Mwi* , ■ DROTHONOTABY OF THE DISTRICT JT COURT, JOHN P. iI’FADDEN, of Third Ward. Subject to the rules of tb# Democratic Party, aul-tf F“ OR ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J. KEEFE. —Second Legislative District, Second Ward, Subject to thedsclsion of the Democratic Convention. *u6-dtSB FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS.—T. B. TOWN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic rules. au?o-dt3B Foe clerk of quarter sessions —WILLIAM BAFFIN, First Warf. Subject to Democratic Rules. 20*tsep 8* Recorder of deeds—albert d. BOILEAU, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Demo cratic Rulea. auglS-Ut»ep3* . Fob prothonotary of the dis- TBIOT COURT, Wtf. M. REILLY, of PirstWard. Subject to Democratic Buies. au!7-dbieB* OK ASSEMBLE—JOHN H. iiKADV, Eighth War I—Seventh Legislative District. Sub ject to Democratic rules. aulMsepd# PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT.—WH. LOUQEtLLN, Second Ward. Sub ject to Democratic rules. ■ auXS-SepT* FOR ASSEMBLY—EDWIN SMITH, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WABD. Subject to Democratic Rules. suli* FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District, PER RAN J. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Sales. au DJ-lC* LEEK'OF QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject te Democratic Rules. aul3*4w* For recorder OF. DEEDS—THOS. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward. Tine atreet, above Eighth. Subject to Pcmocratie rulea. aulO-lm* For assembly—third district franklin McILVAIN, Subject to Bemocratlc ralea. nuWtapS li'Oß CORONER— DR. FEODORE MIER SON, Filth Want. Subject toDemocratic Rulea. aug-lm* FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE DIS TRICT COURT, LEWIS T. MEAR3, of Twelf Ji Ward. Sqbject to Democratic Rulea. auB-lm# PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, GEORGE P. MEESER, Twe D ty-sechnd Ward. Subject to Democratic Bulge. -* su<-tSeB For recorder of deed St-r. r. YOUNG, Beveath Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules ' ■ au4-lm* For coroner—n. c. reid, k. d, Subject to Democratic Buies. au4lm* For assembly—first district.— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, first Ward. Subject to decision of the Democratic Convention. anl-svr* OR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT.— DAVID R. HcLKAN, Fourth Ward. Sutyect to Democratic Rules. aul-tseS* . For assembly— JOSEPH HUNEKER, Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. atl.lm* For recorder of deeds— CHARLES M. MILLER* Fourteenth Ward, Sabject to-Demoeratic Rules, on axHtaed For recorder of deeds—george W. WUNDRfi, Thirteenth Ward. Sabject to De mocratic Rulea. aul-6w* For recorder of deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democratic rules. auS-te* OF QUARTER SESSIONS.- \J GEORGE BIMPBON, THIRTEENTH WARD.- Subject to Democratic Rules. i aoltsepB fim rational. TIE WEST PHILADELPHIA INSTI TUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES —WALNUT Street, south side, between William and Till streets. This excellent Seminary will open, aa usual, on the Ist September. It Is delightfully located, in a situation which combines the advantages of country air and ex ercise with proximity to the city. The health, moral and personal comfort of the bearding pupils are the spe cial care of the Indefatigable Principals, Mr. and Mrs. REED, who devote every effort to render the Institute a home as well as a school, both for boarders and day pupils. The torms are moderate, considering the many advantages offered, being only $225 per annnrn for board ing pupils. The system of Instruction embraces the whole scope of mental training, and the best masters have charge of the various departments of Languages, Music, Drawing, Paiuting, Ac., the object being to fur nish a really sound education to the pupil, from The commencement to the completion of all studies to which' the female mind can apply itself. For further particulars apply to the Principals Mr. and Mrs. REED, at the above address. We cordially recommend the above Institute to all parents desirous of providing a really sound and good education for their daughters. Mrs. Reed has hod up wards of seventeen y<.ars experience, and her system of tnitlon has been eminently and uniformly successful in forming accomplished pupils. Joseph Keen, West Philadelphia. Rufus Bicknell, M. D., West Philadelphia A. Converse, P. D,, Philadelphia. Henry W. Woods, West Philadelphia. E.D. Saunders, Professor Saunders' Institute, W.P. au22-3t A CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT xlu EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Tbo exercises In the Academy will be resumed on the 7th day of September, at 9 o’clock A. M. The Rev. Dr. Hare haring been requested to devote his time to the instruction of candidates for orders, has resigned hla office as Principal, but will continue to act until h!s successor la appointed. Thorough kiStructiou and discipline'may be expected under the active supervision of the Bishop of the Diocese, m behalf of the Board of Trustees. Philadelphia, August 17.1857. au2l-dCt . , ALONZO POTTER, Prest. Hall of st. .tames the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY DO AROIXO SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Rev. B. R. Smtser, Rector. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Set* tember 1. Circulars mar be obtained at the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila delphta. aulT-fim MHS. BARTON’ B BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1929 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. salS-Sw* TOOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE I- » persons, male and female, to gain a share of this world’s goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, Noa. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near RACE, Will re-open on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER JUd, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in & short time. Till; LEIDY’S take pleasure in saying, that during the past year a large number of persouß acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au22-3m. /CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM \J MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style, COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, &e. Each Student has Individual instruction front compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Beßt Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, &e. aal-lra Sctoing ifladjincs. •WATSON'S $lO SEWING MACHINE V* IS COMING!!’ •WATSON'S sio SEWING MACHINE TV IS COMING!'.! WATSON'S $lO SEWING MACHINE IS COMING !!! WATSON'S $lO SEWING MACHINE IS COMING !!! WATSON’S $lO SEWING MACHINE IS COMING !!! N. B.—The WATSON $lO SEWING MACHINE is quite as good aa any high-priced machine that haa ever yet been exhibited—will make a firmer stitch, and will beon exhibition in this city in a few day), due notice of which will be given in the public prints. au2o-tf • A GOOD SEWING MACHINE.—-HUNT, WEBSTER, &. Co., beg respectfully to introduce themselves to the public as tbo manufacturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE adapted to manufacturing or family purposes, Freo from tho objections which have been urged against those already known in this market, THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OF THEM ALL. and will be sure to commend itself, apon examination, to families, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, and seamstresses. Those inwantof A GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will HEM, BIND, STITCH, RUN. or GATHER; indeed, that will give entire satisfaction even after they have boon used for years, are invitc-d to call at our rooms, 108 South EIGHTH Street, up stairs HUNT, WEBSTER, * Co. Sewing of every description executed in the beat pos sible manner, anu ou reasonable terms. Samples of our work sent by mall to any part of the United States. au‘22-eod3m. WF. WAKBDBTON, FASHIONABLE No ' 480 CHESTNUT Street beto. Finn, Philadelphia. aul-lm rp SJOLDENDER fc PASCAL^ HATTERS, anl-fla No. 8 S SIXTH .treat. Philadelphia. (Btnilcmtn’s gurnisljing goo&s WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- T r MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 103 CHESTNUT Street, above Beventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, tho moat perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. aus-lyif Girard fire an ANCE COMPANY, PJJ 302 WALNUT street, west ol "TIRE BISKS 0 omso fn MARINE INSUR- W.ADELPHrA— Office, No. if THIRD, ONLY TAKEN •*> JTOaa. Wm. M. Swalci, John Anspach, Jr., U.- N. Burrougha, B. Hughes, r, D. Sherman, Wm, P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, H. A. Shackelford, , Hon. JOEL JONES, Preiident, Hon. Q, W. WOODWARD, Vice Proeident. Jxo. 8. JloSXulljn, Secretary. Javbs B. Altord, Assistant Secretary. aui.3m TO RENT— FOUR-STORY. HOUSE, No. 824 WALNUT street, With- eighteen rooraa. gas water, heaters, and all modern conveniences. Would suit for a first-claw To a good tenant it will be rented forfl>loo. ft applied for at once. tu2Mw» KEEN k TAYLOR. 826 Walnut at. THOMAS; Ev BAXTER .—HARDWARE, UDTLBB?, AW TOOLS, No. m UASKET BT„ ftpore Ninth, tenth aide. Phfladalphla.. m 1.6 m EJfEWtAND & CO., ~ • WOkiso puss un> piotobb rsAJttn HAOTTACTOaEAH. . WHOLSSiLS AHD RtTAIX,. Doalercln OU palattnp, WaJwOote * o ' * large eiaortment ttlxnfi On “and.. Pocking and remoelng Olmec, ud lunging v £?* ABOH Strmf chore girth,l nouth cldc, Philadelphia. T 0 0 ND-ON THURSDAY LASIVA BREAST BIN and pair of EAR PROPS. Th® owner C4n procure them R Utu ofioe, by pro^o^prop- fjdttls diib hfstanrants. UTEECHAKTS’ HOTEL, J-’-l NORTH FOURTH STREET. A>OTC IiISJUT. . PHILADELPHIA. McKIB££X * SOHB f PapWOTOM. CLINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD WAY, corner of EIGHTH, street, NwTcrt. THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT U now open for the reception of roasts, In tbe Europe** style. SINGLE,BOOHS from 66 cents toll per day. SUITS of BOOHS for Families, from $1.60 to $lO per 4ay. Tit* MEALS semd at all hoars by the CARO, at w*J*r*ke rates. 0. 3 . JIACLELLAN (“ long bToftU/kwate the patrons of Jones’ and tbe United State* Hotel. Philadelphia,”) is associated In the management, and bu especial charge of the Catering Department. Xresy attention has been paid to make the per fect, and oar friends, patrons, and the travelling penile in general, may rest assorred that no effort shall b* wanting to make the CLINTON worthy the favor wkkfc we hereby respectfully solicit. auMm* WIN AST A 00. CJOOTX HOUSE—Corner of Irvin Strant and Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. Proprietor aalA-Sa LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WABD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS,) South-east earner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, anl-lm Philadelphia. WILLIAM N. KING, —SOUTHERN • EXCHANGE HOTEL, South-east corner of FIPTH and CARPENTER Sts., Philadelphia, aol-lm CHESNUT STREET HOUSE—SAMUEL MILLER, (Old No. 121) h'tw No. 331 CHS3NUT STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. an Mft TinLUAM HANNINGS* City Lager Boer T T Saloon, No. 82 CARTER’S ALLEY. PhUadeV Phi*. a«Mm EP. MIDDLETON & BEO., MPOET • KBS or BBANDIEB, WISES, 4c.; .Do, nab and sole proprietors of tbe old WHEAT WHISKEY. No. 6 North FRONT street. laß-ln ALEAANDEK V. HOLMES, WINS Ajtflb LIQUOR STORE, No. 2£6, Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. anl-1 y IfITILLIAM F; PITFEELD,—IMPORTER If of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac., 4c., Ko. SB CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. > aal-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ac., «3 South TIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aal-ly Brandies.— Piuet, cmiuiod & Co., m*> rett 4 Co., and other brand* of Costae*of ran*** vintages, in half pipes and quarter casxf: F*U*f*tain Rochelle Brandies, tale and dark, in half pipe*, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all in Cos too Hone* stores, Imported and for sale by DITHMAK Ic BUTZ. PORTER, ANB LAG KB BEEB BREWERY, Ko. &tt ran Ko. 938) North THIRD Strut, orders promptly attended to. aaltf HAVANA CIGAKS-A haadsoma anort mect. rcch u tigtro,' PirUfMJ, Cabs&xs, Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Coloso, CoarerdeatM, Torrey Lopes, Uaioo AisericMt, Oregon, flora Caba&a. 4e. f fce.. ■ko., in X, X, 1-5 and 1-10 boxes, of all sixes aadqaatt tiM, in store and constantly receiring, and for sale lav. by CJUELES TSTE. (mw) 13S WALNUT Street, below Second, seeoad star f Figaro, cabanas and pastagas SEGARS.—A choice invoice of theae oelabratod branda on board trig “ New Bra.” d*ilv txpteUi fast Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TKTB, (Kew) 13$ Walnut straet, below Bf ootid, aal Second Story. HfIOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER JJA AND COMMISSION ALKBCHAXT, 8. t. cosam SIXTH and RACE Strata. Sale on soeoant of th* Uni tad Stain OerensMat, bf order of T?m. Badger, Esq , Sitt Agent. OK WEDNESDAY MOEKIKU, th* 2d of Sent aatar, 1857, at 10 o’clock, at the Philadelphia Karr Yard, cafe nistlng In part of— 3 this beef, 1531 Ibe brand, it lbs cheese, 406 lbs batter, 2 bbla pork, 100 Ibe pfofciee, IM9 lbs nee, large lot of empty bread and l«rra!e,a lot of spirit room tub from 390 to at 'aliens, boat and mesa breaker*, a lot of owftlny utensils, tea kettle*, frying pans, stew pans, grid irons, table corers, lot of shades for stem window* two cabin state room earpets, looking glaWirs. limps, shades for wardrobes, dish covers, bras* drama, bugles, French horns, band trumpets,three host ensign*, boat pennants, two broad pennants, American Jaok, M of carpenter’s tools, $8 galls paint oil, lot of hid* sat wheelropo, 25 ship buckets, gailsy and fixtures, 43 feet suction hose, lanterns, lamp oil; lot of blocks, hit*4 lines, log lines, lot oil casks and barrels, and numerous pther articles. Tbs whole to be sold without xiWHia to the highest bidder. FIRST SALE OF JTRKITUBB, At the S. E. corner of SIXTH snd RACE Street*,on it and 3d_story rooms, eatrucc from Bsce street. ON .FRIDAY MORNING next, August 23th, si 10 o’alock. Rale positive to pay advances. Consisting in part of—wreral Tick gUt frame oral French mirrors, fancy top mirror*, mahogany ft«wa looking glasses, three ply imperial carpets, sofas, case bletop tables, spring seat chairs, rocking do, bedsteads, feather beds, spring and other' mattresses, dressing bq> reaus, chamber bureaus, secretarydo. bock case*, card tables, breakfast tables, centre tables, Windsor *-k*<r* and settees, and farxuVm generally appertaining t* housokeepng. I*rQI*B£RT & SGOXT, AOGTIONBSE3, V T .431 CXLE3TNUT Street, opposite the Custom Ilose, between Fourth am) Fifth Streets. PEREMPTORY SALS OF EMBROIDSBISS, MILLI NERY GOODS, AO., Off A LIBERAL CREDIT. TO-MOBRQW, (WEDNESDAY,) 26th Inst., Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell by catalogue, on a liberal credit, a general assortment of French and Scotch Embroider ice, choice goods, Bonnets, Ac. Also, 60 doien L&fttes* Vats at Wovea Qocsats. Also, 6Q doteu Ladies’ snd Misses’ Corded and Hooded Skirts. MOIRE ANTIQUE TRIMMINGS AND BONNET RIB- Also, an invoice of rich Moire Antique Trimmings, choice colors. Bonnet Ribbons, Ac.' COUNTERS AND FIXTURES. Also, at commencement or sale, two Coasters, Stores, Ac. JEWELRY. .AUo, an invoice of Jewelry, sueh as Bracelets, Blags, Ac. JOHNBAYLIS, AUCTIOKEEB, No. 325 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING at 8 o'clock. Of Boots, Shoos. Brogans,^‘Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery, Wntehea, Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac K.JJ. Terms of Night Sales, four months creditor approved City acceptances, for sums of $lOO and ver with interest addod from date of sale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited of Household Furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwriters* Sales of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac. Consignments soli cited to be sold at the Auction Rooms. Charges moder ate. Apply asabove. Advances made onOonelgamsati of Goods. » Mila GEORGE ‘W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, vJT N. E. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets, above Second. evening sales. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 7# o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware. Cat* lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing; Watches, JewaU ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE. No. Ilk South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock in tho evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auetfoa Boom, si* tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. Established for the last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands os DU moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandue, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Clgara, Moaioal instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agteed apou. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month; $5OO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vault* to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the” premises: also, a heavy inso* ranco effected for the benefit of all persons baring goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of haring an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on mors satis factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Mouey advanced to the poor, in small amounts, wtth out any charge. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prioes. aal-ly Bailey & co., chestnut stbeet. Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Under their inspection, on tho premise* exclusively. Citizens and Strangers are invited to visit our miev factory Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all the celebrated maker*. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger- Riug3, and all other articles in the Diamond line. Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be made Dee of charge for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A frautiful assortment of all the new styles of Flak Jewelry, sach as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, iUrquirite, * Lava, Ac., Ac. SHEFFIELD SASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ao Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. aul-d tw&wly COAST PILOT.—IH PRESS AND WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED, tho following standard Books, m: Blunts Coast Pilot. ISth edition; Bow. gth^odit^on 7l^*10 ' 1 * Shipmaster’s Assistant, tVe iavite attention to our new Spring Centre Cotn- JSaiTJ 4 ? • D n Wor J fQr eithec IJ Sht or hw 7 weather, wd aro especially adapted for steamers, and vessels ~Q motioa 14 considerable. They require fewer re P*irs than any compass now in use. > Marine Opera Glasses of auperiorqualitv, Spy Glasses. Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometer*. American, French, and English Sextants, Octants, Quad. *Ti a i?’ Compasses, Binaries, Log Glsaaee. and all kinds of Nautical Instruments ana Books, oourtsnttv onband. * Jer. Walker, Juo. McClure, Tho. Craven. A. 8. Glllett, Furman Sheppard, Sami. Jones, Jl. D.. Joseph Klspp, M. D. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and best authorities. Agents for Rogers* American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott's Horo meter, and an instrument for working oat problems in Nautical Astrooomy by simple inspection and with trir* feet accuracy.. They have received the approval of ox. perieuced shipmaster*, and have been adopted hr the U. S Navy. 1.4 0 W. BLUNT. aclß-Im* ■ No. 179 Water Street. Henderson $ co ,s great liter. ARtPAIR.Fma and ARCH sW*U. In oW*p to pratify tho wjahw oi i-ar mraeroua »&. IJorsnei lev prices, ire Intend to • T ®J£ to the n*»ant of $i aod ward!, ft Qlft la ealoe of fr-jm i$ cent* to fiQO. Call at fot^MKITC^ n V Cok at Tftlttab * 9 stock, ftcd select «wf <,119 f t J? a * ro i. Mt b-jjing »b!n nee, tor mbt pnr tZFi* j!. k ? ol “** «,aad Tn?J£Z T »1U jpef, In addition, *l»sMnt#.>rti •. , iing. Sa-ai f?yAWS’ GKKAT UUT ; OOK s»rS L tlon with ABjr qUiw how ia ti® ity. • • iDines anb £iqnora. HEKKY BGHLEN A 00., Kos. 221 and 223 South Youth dmt Tobacco anb Cigars, Saks bn SUclion. FRENCH COR3ET3 HOOPED SKIRTS. AT PRIVATE SALS. tDutrljes, Jeweirg, £?c. WATCHES.