: VI l; 1 •- - - -.i ifpGNEBj ■-Jhie.tfiwi^tWAmornM',*' l ' l Mg'M H SflUlkto, for = - HMaXTSimt ooMirt Waning. Quits » fleet of we ir'jaaesiro-t Beil,' KtO! -1X0604* in. Jwiad HICKMAN.;; • S#|vjs4%*’.}Oo«^it<«SeMeof.*he»M.-:i^..--‘-»!:: •'■' -..■,A'»;:fsits AbteimuMMOiuißj'AMin-' ■•. “, . left, 5 M^qoiMlgwdasfollow*:; .iQW~ *23 &» iV.ivvi&v.»^ -•, I9hnQAMcOonkey t wh»t,cofn,ltc;toG& Murphy; • Tlhfle,b*rif6mioEobt V&lfenfiiiej A'E J .Bogtrdcs; , , E .WOhapJo, ft B Seller*, and DW Bennettv-ltunber, to Malone * Taylor; ’.Elder* lumber, toil!. Croaker; Mary-ElUn, lumbefcto D P- Tajiocr .t ; Col Saml'A Cohk,' r ; I amber to A-CoUL’M/N OP Q, lum« ■*m r h*r>W Nowro«‘A Sheets,*- BiMite/San,laraber.to Ohfes-V .. tert Baltic; anthracite coal toNewdiUUs.'DelyLebwra;* ■ - 2c6oocoTi MeCOnkeyv Maj £** AleConkey, Drt_B , rB#llerß,Two r jDrySei-' ier/W Dugan, B*hx'BlMk r «nißW, BroWn; anthracite i ,«MWo*?ett7i Cttuemtive, MBurtnouncorttoChe .. ' ' MLptCkeQlty Jy --..-y, ;iv,4 J* - V"* - --- :1 -, ’ '' V** {- •fV*"'<•■} - "V; ~' , -'KSMOBANBA.--:; .i. 'V. t-’f , , etc«mi!polt/tf Blciioood, Mitchell, hence'atßith «’-.'jM«tt»lefult/----'-.-;-.,--' ■ ‘ --t '-- BteMMhiP IwWn, Brltion.ftom -Bremen «ud South nmpton, urtleofl St New York 21st inat.- ■' •'. : EWmehlp Sfllfibuw; Xtaitrailng,; front-Glrtgow, Cfc luet. arrived rtNewYork22J tort. ' 1 >S StrtraMiUhßortonißeHwiheueeutHTowMllnst. ' eteerrohlp Citrof New York,Hsw«3,T<>r.PhllwlelpM», ~ ele«*i-»|fe«ott2M flirt; !*/P "‘■V't*’? 1 i> ; BtesthiiflthLtopold Z,Mich*i, Jront Antwerp, wiled ;*sH«w.Xoik Stunt..: - ■; ■<:■'-■ , • BMplirto tSehVßjet. ftoitt Uwrsool;'utrlted&V -sKe*fo»aatflaf.>'<*V«-'H' -f «e i ili-tyaspOolten itule,Me,s, for te Prioeieetj, ctetrei et: f <*• ,j ßoetooSfcJcl - ,5.-!, '« #%*_* re t 1 .- .-A' A froth He* OtlHat tor iril lat 87.21 j lta£ MlBi 1 \ ->;. CaroUQeSt«T«nß,’?£o6M; from‘B4Uipnore, . . ■ t- Ph3idciphU, »aUed from, ' l's * * 7'-. 1 a , &ipH«thAtUntic, aiw>re,'for LlverpiMit, cleared,at ' Styohn, NB. 18th Inst. - : • ‘ h '/~" A . - Ship -Toroido, Momford. for cleared at Bt 1 3oha f »B/14rhW.*,* * *' - ’JhJp Neptiioe?d.P«vcrlte, Emerson, for Philip, ,t»mloMlnratLondon gtlrliist. ” f \ ....-BhipArwaan, PoUtod ? from Uverpoolat New Oriapuj^ . ’ Wilsoa,.' Peiiooti.’ioiiee .tcii'vierton ~- »tStJoiia r liß, 11th > . . Barque XOues, from at Briton 21« t. *y inafc.. 7', .. ''‘-k." >. , . BarquelSain'SiicV; ttayoj from'Blo' Janeiro,wjth 5400 ~ • htt t cofee. arrived at N .■_ ,1 , .. . Banide Boinbtdr,HuiDiJireyi &r St . * JohnjNßyiath’last. rv’-V:V . Brig , csstiKin,'HetT!ni»n, hence aiporiland 20th innt. ,f Bri| Wliahj-for perhiirilucb'j palled from Blchmbtid SlfttlnltV - / - ; \ »*’ Jacjc ' Ooii'‘Pierce, : Bagetfey f , ,'irem ; WO A. JTiUrlO. atWew York aa W. " -* r *' j ' .: %i^Besrer f ‘Saanders,'hto'co at Bainyor 10th Inst. ? ,: Brie THndeleh, Havener, cleared at Boston 21st Inst., . • forPhnadelphhr.*. r.V'r.:*'' ''.T ,‘ ' ' •- ‘ Brie Ganges, Jones,' cleared at Boston 22d .lost., for Wnthu)jrton:N for BUfeioa A^rea,' BrieTerhiont,'Smith, forpietou, olejued at Boston 22d 105t, 5 .vV L ' •' ‘ BHg Fannie o Field; Hoidman, for Ptctop, ele&red at Boston 22d Inst.* *** ’ ■ : : V'. “. - ‘ . Oleared atßostonZSdliwtj for Searsjorti \ rL' V;.'' ' ,’.V •. r - ('< "■ 'AWi^BHraheth. Taylor, and. Morning,Bight,. Huff, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 22d Inst. > Brbr MnUuknß. MitcKcU ,-closed at New York 22d Ipst fo^BoUtos.' I ,’ >*/": '*■ ’■ - i : BchTSEmpire,'Pnce,"and A. W Leeds, C«uxmey s for. , ' bailed frpmPVirtacket,2lirt inst - . , . { ’ -I 'fichta James' MextcOj hence at New. 'Haven,2lstlnst. ;. # .?V7 v v -*\ r "IU 1 *" , N.cai, for Phtladcljiliia, .MUed] fre oi ,* • adir N J Brayfohvßogera,' cleared at. New Yo?k 23d teatf4PM^fea.>’'-i-V.' ? -\‘ F ''' jv. Schr AltheA Harveyi henee arrived at JBa*t Green* . J '• - Schw 9 BAF I», Pharofjand.M B Jdahooy* Bobtnson, . for Phlladelpbis; sailed from Fall River 20th inst., ♦; -r- Schr Sw&n. for PhiladelphU^' sallw from pail River Slat test. .... </ ? ’ ■’* M BehrlTH Hoyts; Wiggins, hence at FrorldenpeSlit -'ShfiHaiii • 5 * ? , v ’ 'ST , , Bchr Nathaniel Holmes, Williaips,'sailed from Prof)* ' ,- r | hence at Richmond »nwV" - i x . , , » * | <■' ? .‘Schr Satfon, Halifax it Norfollr 221 Inst, , ' - - . Sehr Bhoda & Beulah, Hoffmad. hence at Wilmington, ■ B 'gCtttntoriV Catbcart, henoe arrived, it v HRdwleyy GodjDrer, hehee arrived atCharlos ■ ■«t , *taii2lftfhifh? i £V'; ( rt Y' ,r f ' V' ' r - .KhreC .Matthaus: sailed f J .’ : ; < 1 DchsPOD'WaterhUryi Cook, and Orusol, Poster, and BUenßusk, Caid,.hence at Boston 22d inst. . ScbrGtidaa/Hat&ew& brace at Portnnouth,Hass. SWb'inat.'-' 1 ;* l< • . - Schr 8 Applegata, Pallovr. henci at . Richmond .215 t , x ? Neweli t aod Pierce/ htne^fm' ' Boston, at Provincetown 17th inst. JiICA } - Sehr.itenlgKi ; /or Philadelphia, at P«j rt hence at NeWtmryppft Schra M.Tilton,; Tilton/and H-WiUetta, Oranmer, fir PhUade]phia,J»U«d from Salem awhlnst. > ' [, , > flehr Gteige Deerteg, PJnkham, sailed from Bath 19th' test, for pMad«lpM*< r ihß .'* :/< > «'■?, I. ‘ . .. BchrAmßHe^BockhlllihenCOntPall JUfar 19t»rliJRt. Schr River 18th test. j Pidl Biteraßhteirt.rforEhiiadfelpfcla.'; .’ J? * ' BoSr Chat Carroll, Pratt, sailed from Hartford 19th '« -p - /.i *-a*j J L White, poster,* Antares, Ireland,_and Har-' Prorldence'2oth;insi. gefcr ; - ; : Atwood* Atwood, nehce at Boston 21st Just. . j*-'x t 1 , lBopJqaSt^^=lnrf«' J;lchr-pi»sto,;B*.wkinSfiieiioe at Dighton 18th test. -! .. - gcb rB Ontario T Benedict sailM.from New Baven ’Schr Abbott; ciwmp d at Baltimore siaVteat. 1 forPhlladelphl|V.^vO'^ v „ r , „ - j ; Scht* fifarwAnn Carollpe, henoe pi<Blcn* 1 7mend .,;/r r; y-u, f 7, J , ...MARINE MraOELLANY, .“s’ 17 '; j .I**TOC«*o—At Newburg, NY. 12th ibat..byjlifos3r4. sTcmlteaouA Co, a doe'jchr called the Water-witch/ of thptellowlngdm>ettiistui:-iBsfeetkeel,'2B feetheam.B teat depth bf-'hold / and. Is about 180 tons burthet; >. She . la owned: bypar tl ea in-Providehce, 4a intendedfor the r fJpightteg ahiwßt.be; apder^thh raphedwort tha 21at.',7Idord*g leUv? to mbritrw fßathiday) morhiim for the vessel; for, the pur* if pOMlble.. « BchrDavfen waatow'eA nptoßpcksport from Robinson’s ' M|i:?«iMhaeotßty. i»B off by iteam-tug Ter r * . ror: J , Tfec .ashore .some two weeks since, ‘ 1 and remained on tuitU 19th Inst., when she ?wae got ,off by two forge Gondolas . .. Wasoxs rros,rflaHam^Hs,BaKM^r-A.docmnentpre ' pared;hy. J, H- ; Dptdn,' E»q\,' a.list of vessels > upon the athamaßaukayaM ibose mfriringL at <. th# poH'brjSkssSCNp. J -dlstritw, 'during, the ‘ 1858 and paH.1857/ The list includes elght'barques.’foffy'brigß,'and'twentyheight; schooners, msklogA totel. of WieD; forty of which _ , (| were,lost," The'property 1 Wtamounts the,enormous 'tinnbf 12,609Awr Tbo lofi& ofiuch, an Immehsf amount of. profHsrry at theßallftiha .Banks for a . period *• or only eighteen inonths'J is a kubjcOt ofgreat interest . ,tp.the mercantile community of. the jv6m, and espa '• cjlsJly to that of the' Dnlted States, and we hope.ere lopff to see some steps taken to plsce lighthouses (ted. ' ”beabOQi on Some of the'most dangerous parts, of the Baoks, . Pour shipa-wCrq wrecked and three got ashore on the Gingerbread Ground/and, property to the extent .of 2579,000 was lost'■at-thai on'e pl&ce.; If somo.eßorfo irriibt made soon to hive' more Ughthodses erected on nMf 2^ thCiloas .of. wiU keep with •,. creasing Conrmf rce. Vi, i -SJ lB 'l r = [ 4 ’-,■ < ,■:«£'? i "" ' Aug 16, \i ;PM, off Cape Hatteras,- barque “Mary B . .i Ar at New Bedford 21rt, f barque Belle. Handy, Pacific Gceen, Bay of Islands March*l2, .Corns Rocks May 4, with M 0 bbls sperm and 100 do cocoa nut oil onhoard. rgont home on the-royage.WO.bljls.SP.snd 850.cocba nut oil, Reports spoke off New Zeeland April 15,,Narragaty sett, Gsrdner£NanUiekefe-45&«»;iPotoniae, Bwain, do, r.mAhtegifoiceleairiMtftJfpf t lSa|fe 30th, ’"Coffin, do, nothing since £ Avldg do/ E Coming^Botch, New Bedford# do dodo; 22 d; Alpha, CasweG, Nantucket. ( dododo/ 2fl(h, . do dot June 23, oft CspeHocp', passed a ship with T H Jn fore topsail; Jnty2B.sttLp JnjXj lop,.Sd/ »,W, spoke J Bedford,bound . ITSO hbls sp ,011 on board, haying ukep $ Urge whales slnceifeaylntf-Bayqf . Islands; /. The. *a F orand for ,Newßedfcrd, wm # -fnttn Bey of ißianoji April 27 oli on freight. v. jiiMiaiTO poßTfli; f , ( j. JlKff' TosK t A«g»—Arthed, ahlpOrittflon, of Bos. ' ? <o‘n', H&rdlng, ¥i day* froth Cardiff; pkt ship Margaret Evans,-Warner, froax hondon >nd Portsmouth, July 8; Sp brig Flora, 72 days; yr§ncb eehr Aunai N ft schr* JAChad bourn J F WUmißgtoa. NQ; W» Bmlth« Flapkr, Charleston.. • "ciSiwi; sieamahipf AD^ta^WoodhaU.. Savannah; i . ■ ton; shte Orieaps;. mmu»4 1 • H Aitenbeftson, P6it, Mobile, Caroline (Brem) Btrlck- Brews, AiWtbj’, Ap«liuS>lMl)i; Kits J .* Bsra.rt; UmvanetiiSHav, .MB,' t ‘ 'AtfllXoin;Barton,.ii 5 3S A!w«lM«d(rtfp O Rood, Wonch, obwe» »nl» m«r -| irtjtotnaoJuyr, B|nnett, Ohartenton^.^ri^TjTWrt, 1 JMMOtierdrooltor.'WUnjlngtofif--'-' ll - !, 4 : 'i E BOSION, Xag. Bl—Arrival, Sr, Wff,Slink. I >*osUr ( Tf Irtonitls HsUfii*, utter» >he jnt in with fore \ . (cert hering etperionced a heavy blow on the ;; ' tltt Inst; -Cflv E&ich*. Dos Acoren, (Port) Meoelros, . Pernsmijuco, IStknlt.-* - .I 1 ;i".’ ( i •u< iJJAOaiASPORT,-Alii Wri D Bice, f ■ il!trhell, Tre«»H; Cof Perml[ian, Ceffln, New Pott, r / «ia i6th, fari?* B ¥ Kwh, White, Oudrauj Clreusisn; i' ■ HlifllM, Port an Prince.. ' —yv- < V'.; '> - , T haBDOKSPOBT—Ar JRhMnttr, larque Alrtlra Ccomlja, H Klnkvater, PorUanfl- TPent to era .Uth, hwqne K. f Hlnckle/.Stront,Csrfetlrt... f , I lrnit, • eklp' RolndeSr (of Bortoni, f, sSr.tooini^Kerthkl.pMSod'AWlerVApU W, vU k . IPrtnateWo/aly ■ Spoke, ( Aof.-M, BoflJi'Shore W ? ’ hjNM miles, birquo Glen,-Holmes, from I r - Hivfthal' v ThV? teuehed ; qt Pertiambaeo- for t- HsrrinsfoU< Pletda-- Bf brig AmkricaviMeegh^L"**^ , Jffiii7th Inst.- CJ«trsd#*t«snier Josepbwbitney, Howes, k Baltimore*, sehre 1 Osprey, ’ Bragg,'Baltimore; Jcrti^ha ; ' MAr^BaThesSck,,.Portland} -battue’ Kdwte,'Richard. - Nugent,Mobile.,;* ; '■.w <"t % Arrive/! August 22f1, sttism-hipflociiFt Pylot. Fiehcflifilt-KVotti'hsnitieTlTitoii, Konorlck; ftn 1 Bortcn jh-lii StcSh-Belle, 1} tin corf, from Sit fioque, l . - Aturart let,; brift.lil'-'ShQuegu,.Gregory, fpr, Haiti . iwwe -ln’ Atlsye; britt Roliinr Wave. Coia, from Pali Sver t brie Pauline, fe soeiott uiKhr BlaS .f-Btfl;-Hea*or,from StnggmgUthHif.% , , Below—llarque I*aheU* -0 Joneß, frcitl • iwiWrtSfe-Biitintol schni I TflrtnU, povisilew Porki Pi DCarghJi H»rrk&i, Heni GMrtfl Mst, lehr 1H HleketWß, B6rtw,<l •< > -J-. iSwt.bfcwoe JaetieeStoiVi'iAtkuei'Bostonf iohrAdw ' «wnOWs7B*U,Boston!X W*n««j,Tsjrlrtj'flofE'M , | * ; «•>»» ‘ .m 1 pete SAW.EBXON/ Pslfotto tiio pohr FawporV H»nkim, New Torll, 12. OB««aSOth,»Wp, VAtmßdrlnej ? e ; Btnlfl>tjb«Vßsftiraore ar Went to sealQth, steamfefctp So Robertson/NewYorfc;y J lt . r ''SAVXHRAH,' Aog ; a » Setoncfc, KIT; Cld barque'R&dstetl, K&Mej Bremen; aohr Kate Brigham, Norton, ._. _L_ LIST :op ;liETTI!HS, BEMAINING ! IN ihe PHILADELPHIA.) POST OFMOE up to 12 o'clo.’.V, i 1 M,, uu Boturdpy v August 22,1867. [f er ?°? 9 . X,?(.,.»n4 2t? • w.VlW'Mfe.;, ■ ’ ' . ,'AAbeyXlKle . ,:..,GUraElf*abeih , M«?a Ainsworth MaryJ Gingrich Mrs,#.- MaginlaMrsLydal AllowayAuna, Gillingham M ; ParkSlrßL ; Allen Mias Mary.*; GiUttm Marl*,' . Preston Jane » Allen Mrs Jttd- 1 GbdardMadE M .Prince An»iej jßaker Blb*Fo / Gcrt<mMrs F- ; . .PfulspnMt ß S ' %miinn fanny Graham Isabella Plckdown RJ j Barr Rachel ~, Gray Mrs R,, . Parker Rebecca JMn^ohflorence/ Gyahatn Mrs Off Pettit Betsy \ Beiinera Mattie flacker Debbie Pollard Yirg , Range flannel J . Haven Rebecca E Parr Mrs R 2 ; .BatflamanEß flail, ;‘ . Porter Jane « , Bennett Virginia. ,Hsll Maria,K 2 ' Piedmont Mrs RarcljiyH Sf .V , Hayden Minnie 2 'Pennington A 8 Barrister, Edward.Haworth Esther \Palmer J V ; lire f s r; .; HprveyMwSA', PlattJdrsOj Behder Mrs Ann Hazard Catharine Perry Mm BP, BibfltteMifls' Hamilton Mr? ; Posey MraCG , 2terton I HissR > ''. .Hackett Isabella 1 Parker MR Becker Amelia. ' Hamilton. Clara Pow AP\ . ; Baker Sarah E Harken Mrs Peter Paterson Mrs 0 Brbme Emma ', '‘HammondMartha Perkins Mra * Bill tetltla. ~ ; Halnea Kafy R Pain Mira ,i . ; Haynoa’Su&lo S . Primrose Sirs },' BtyautMtaAtm Harlan Margt II I'illuier Mrs lIC Bills Mrs Henry , 'Block Urn. Gath’e , Park B 0 Blair Mrs Mary Hasten Mary P Quinlan Mrs S Blwner Mr* , Heathora Emma Quick Margt Boland Bridget , Heu MUa Louisa Qulua Mary j Broww Mary 1 Hecaun Miranda' Quinn Mrs E Brown Mr« J\ Henk.l Oafctlna'.' Quick Mm E »J Bute Mrs IT A , HenryMmMargt' Bcynogom A Burns Jlo My, '.Hegwty Bridget RlckotcMargtJ Blown Mri) HW" Haliuo Honrietfl Barney SarafiE Burne Mrs H Heuton Miss Ann Rlcß Juliana i Oonhoßime ME HtUler Louisa Bel Pannie , BiahMreE JlMMies Sarah BayHlra ■ 'BrookepLouisa . Hlcki Martha t Blely MIM Annl* Burko MIUB.E Hollingehead Mr* BI<» BUrabott Brown' Merge ret 1 Joseph .. ~ Bela Mies 8 Brofesfcy Henry 0 Hirst Mrs. Site* B.Becd Mrs J Mrs . , ..Hickiaeh Meiy ,;' Bioe f Mrs Mery BlenchKrdMerle' floweily Anna/ RickardMery Brewster Isabella Holden Mery ‘ Bcjnbaidt 0 , i Batter A. _ HowccoftMwgt - ,Rol*tin Mery j Bolden Annie Hood Miss Mergt Rues Emaline • : Rreiinon Cath'e Howe Mrs 8A 2 . Robinson Mrs E Byrne Catherine. Haney Caroline Bumford Manr A I Barr Mbs Rae" - Hopkins Mary ‘ Bussell Mias Jane | Brady Jl&ry ‘ ; Hhbly Miss Mery Aoberts Mary E BoutdenLaviola 'Human Mrs. , Ttobinßota Margt Byeriy AnnaD ' Hutton Mrs E : ...Rosenberg A » BrbcoeEmmn\; 'Httbe,Mrs‘Ch’as' l ./Bobertsß , ; i Royers MUsJaue IdlefMts Hosanna, Roberts Mrs Win I Blackwell 1 Tfioo^'lreland Emma N' Robinson MmtJ ' ' dore Mrfl *-- JArden Ann 1 Shelly Mias \ f Black Charity A Jasfee Mrs Jaske Maria Carver Mrs E ' ' Jenkins Mias Julia Bendas Sarah A Campbell Maiyfl JahisMrs ,Bhatpa Mrs Ann j Carr Mrs M ’ ', Jonaailrs Ann 0 BalsburgKate ‘ ; Ohampton L A ; Johns Carrie P Bhiolds Catherine Chesorlehory , , J alley Mrs Elijah Shery Mrs JlrsJ ' 'Jones Misa Fanny Schofield Ann ; Chambers B T . Johnson Margt * Sharp Ellen , Cotton Mrs'Mary ’Johnson Annie B Scott Jane Campbell Mary '• 'Johns Mrs GeoW2 Banaress Mrs G ‘Chamberlain J Johnson MreEUah Sample Miss Bell Chamberlain A “ Johnson Misstucy . Shaw Mrs Ann Chambew Margt JeheffMrsMeridth Scbreder Mr? GBI , Casfeli Mrs W G Keeffißw BopbiaJ Bhay Mrs Qalvid Elizabeth Kavanagh Jiarj'. ’Bhinkle Mary • Coe Mary H Kelly Mrs Asa ‘ ‘ Sayen Mra hi 2 Clarke Annie Kerr Mlhb Susan 1 Bhoomakerli D,2 Clarke'Mra JI Keyfier Miss Mary Sharp Mrs Jam>' Clark Rachel Knnpsey Rllzabh ' Shaw Sira Jos Clark U.M 1 ’ Kelly Mrs Cath , o Bmith Kate Clide HLM‘ 1 Kelly Margaret Smith Kate h ' CorbittSkrah E. Keck. Miss Mary SmithMßK Cook AnnloC ' . Simmons Mary M I OrahbMr? MJ " KoanMary ' Smith Pauline A 1 Coyle Eliza , Kent Miss R C Snyder Blargaret Covington Mrs, Kimball Mra A : , Smith Lydia D ■BW 1 ’ ; ' KingleyMnryAnii o Snarltnon ElizHh 'Cohen Mrs EP 4 Knight Rebecca Simeon MaryJ Coligwr Julia " ’ Kromlnller Mmy Smith Mis* Sarah Oowiogton Mr?J5O KrellerMrzSophie Smith Adalina ' CrhseJtfrs M ‘ La cock Mialantha Slnnett Kate Cower Mra J M Lhngdan MreGeo Stout Kate Cunningham (J • Lftlm Mrs Elizabh Sparks Mrs Thos OoHensHraß ‘ tainhoffMaiy , Steaphenaon Cath Colli tan Oath’© . Lavin Mies 111 Stein Susan Commit)? Hon Ora Lawrenoe Jane ' ■ Stooker Caroline .Care’Mr? * 2r - Laguerenne Mraff Stockton Mary Culleb'Bridget ' 'Land&ny,MadE Sprigman Ahoy Culiu Mm R 0 ' Lewis Maty Ami Steen Miss Mary Davi? Julia Lewis Emily J Stocker Slaiy De Sahdrans Mad Lewis Mrs Elizab ; SwarrMrs i HO - Lebam Mary E P Stroud Tacy A Dimmit Sirs 'LB' Leonare Kate A Solely Eliza DickhuhnMrsHß Lewis Mr? A W Smith John Mrs Be Free tea Hr? 8 ' Lemon Miss Anna Stephenson Mary. Davidson Sa\Ue‘. : ’Lewla Miss StoodardKate Dewey MrsS ' J i LeverihgMmEH Stelnmet*Matia . ’ LlebrichMUaE Stone Sarah T Dlncaran Mary- Link Marie ' Mra C M Davie Mra 8 LorUar Amelia Sullivan Mrs Jno Dugan laabel . Low Emma V Spencer Kate Ruddy Ellz LundayilrsO Tiles Harriett DohleyHrtH ' Lays Mad J Towny Sophia Dodd Mrs D Lynch Miss Ellon Taylor Avnlo Daucinaon Mra M More Mrs • ' • Thomas Jlrsß Dunbar Mra A - Morrison Mr? Jacb’ Trusty Sarah Duffy SaUlo ' ' Mongom Mra Attn “ Tvaon E R DonneU Mrt R W Morris Elizabeth Tilhngbust Mrs M Eldrdd Mra N M - MontgomeryElsth Tyson Lydia Ely 8M ' ' Murtagh Mary Trott Sophia Ennis Mary Mullln Miss Celia Troth Mrs H EUottMtkO ,> 2 - Murphy Mies Ana Tomlluson Mra G Eldridw Mcs L • McLaughlin "Mi?? ‘W •EdgUS&JH McCallister Mrs Waehk Hannah EUlott Mrs *A ' MeKeima Mary : .WaUhAB f Everett M McCledd Mra E W Wallace S E Everts Eliza ■ McGuggan Hargt'WandeerLMrs EvasisEUfen ' • McGonagal Mrs WheeleyHen Ewing Mrs J D McCloud Mrs Jno White Esther E 2 Ericel Mn J ■ - •»McKeever Ha'rrtß White Cath H Elssell Mrs H < -McOulloogh B X Watts Marian Foulk Mi/enret * McCllntock i-i-" WaughopHrsJ W perree Mrt E" ■ ' MoC andleM' l !-! ; A W illes Bf 8 Elinn BUen - ' MoCoy AunaMaria Walls Atm Foster McDonald Mary A Wall BUtabeth « FarrellM»ry->n ‘McGrath Mary A WetheriU Rachel Fretc Anna feMcOrath Mary. i, -R , kelaa Ellen FlouodertB-J McClain Mra Mrgt Warren Mra M . EMrweatherMScJ Matßer-SUzabetti White M L For her Sarah Mann Mra Eliza 8 Warburton Mra E ?erguso&'l4& - •■'•.Mirri* Mrs Wnx Wetd Julia Falier Mrs M E ■ - JiaHiu Mra A Walton Bell FlatterlyMraJ - Meredith Mrs S , = Wlnmrop Emma Mrs ' Meehan Widow -. iWittter Mrs 0 ' vpatt.Grace> <= & .Measchert Aunie'Wilfion MrsE FohninSarah BUen v \ Wilson Mrs S B ’.Farren EHxaU-. 5 ;s' MUler Mr* Dr J D Wilwour Mrs J M Foster B09& ; ' ;’-v- 1 . • - Wilkluson Biddy Fryer Anna Marabou Sarah E Wineland Mrs M Flood M A 4--5 Moore Miss Clara WbtonMrs Eliza' ><* Morati Mra Louisa Wilkinson Oath ■ Ford Harriet. . 4 McCallister Julia Willing L L Flood Mrs O ' r Neal Mra B Wood Mrs 8 FirkeM» A'E ! t &ollM J • Wright Mrs P E Gardner Mrs G Nagle Mrs M J Woodland Mrs M Garett Mrs K . ’ Nlbloek Mrs M Wray Mra M l-Geyer Caroline' »• O’Brien Mrs P Maria B 1 Georke Mrs AL 2 Oldenburg 9.- > Young Emma Gellette Mrs A Ogcrle Mrs EM Yapp Mrs H S“'“ ie Adelaide Palmer Mrs M ZellorAA .Mrs EP -' v Hasson. Mrs Susan • -«< ' GBKTLEMEN’S LIST. Abbott Isaiah 4 Dyers Jos Dutton Wm AyusbaiTy Bobt Catnpbell G V , • Dunloo Edwd Allbanror John ' Carpenter Cbaa 2 Daren Charles H 'AUcfs w»'-> f ' CarkenNonnan Dudley NicholaaY Agent for the H Y Cav&gnaw Paul 7 ■ Duug&n Sami Tribune'' ' Canfield CaptS‘B Dunham CaptAE Abbey Rosewell Carrington IsaacO Dudley John Adair John G - 1 Carte John Dunn J H Akens SaulS tassiday Chas Dukoadolf K AldenJas 0 ‘ CartUfchJG* EbennaaAF Allexandrierß WCaradlc James 8 r Ebert Stephen Aldrich BUas •'‘ Carr Stephen IT ’Ebriecke J H Aitkeasß - Cadiz E : •, Eastwood Wm AidedJaaC/ J OanteeGßK' ' BliabOH Albro Henry ' 1 CarreaWmJ ' Edwards 8 Academy of Music Carmang'Joseph - Egbert H 0 Adams Henry 1 Carroll John Elkins John AodyOeo ' Caru Edgar W ’ Eage William Adams John B Cartman A ’ Earepon George' Allen Alexandria ■ Cains WmG ' Ehrman H Dr Agent for the sale Cample Wm T M Jonathan of. : Gr&fenberg Calsidor G E Elmer John • Medicines 1 Carson Gideon H EchavarriaNS AdAm* Robert ' Carriean PH' ' ' Ellison Edw lAckleyThos ' CalnJ&meft " ■» EdmonaonJas I Akeit Jcsß ; * Casey Daniel ■' Eaton Bros Messrs ['Acton' Woodwertt Chandler F U ’ Bmerich E * Moss • Cheesman Capt C Ensign Henry Abbott Redman Chambers W J Emery David Altemus Jos T • • • Christman Bev A Etris K tt Aurony Horatio ' Ohepard JohnW Emery Geb Andra Adolf. Chemdß -'Euston James Anderson WG A * '• Clkrle John ' Emich John -ArtharaJas" ' 4 --‘'OhiffeUoFG Ernes Bob 5 4 Appleton Samuel : Chambers Bobt Emmerson Rif « AtduneadJ-W : Childs Richard S Emerson G - 1 Antre JosG' • Clark Mr' ■ * ', Elmir G T Arould John ■ • - Clements 'Jacob B Kuo JB 4 Andros Jos W<- Clark JO' -‘Evans Thd« Andrew Jesse- - Clark Wm ’’ Evans Jas P Andrews J W ' OlementsonD&nlel Eno J B Abraham M Clinton Rev Jos J Emory Louis Aitendftr, Theo Clark OH Ewing Jas Ayres,' Alexander Claus Saint Emerson John Clark Edwin ‘ Epp Wilhelm Barien John Clagstine h II Einmeet Juo W Baudtn Edmond • - OUae HJ M 4 Eshbeoh D E Bassfer, Jos ' - Cohen 8 E - Eavans 0 M Baumgarlen, J - CobbettGco Emley Gilbert' Bacon El) Capt Connor Richard Faulkner H Bartleion JasH Collins JohnE ' FaborOliver Barker Geo Cook Capt WW " FemersFW. Babecdek Sami T - Coules (f H - Felde Joseph Banes H Conway John Feldman Chas Bayerslcrfe MSI - Connofl Cornelids Feldman Hy Barry Jas ■ -Collins W ¥ , - - Ferman Tytus . Baoguard Wm ’ : Coppeo Professor' Fettoes John BarbefThoa . 4 . Cooley HD Feeraan B Baker John B Cor&m Louis - ? ' Fenton Joseph Bailey Mason B 'Compass Prof T Ferguson Peter Bairn Thosß Cook Jamas -’ • Wenemand Wm Bailey John ’ 1 Cooper J H * Fisher Wm W Baird M A Mesa '' Coward J Hicks Pitcher G G BartleAlex Cope Kite FizeH EH BArrettWmß CookCaptDWß TlnlsyJohn Barton Frank Cohen 3 i Fleming M Batcmar. JosJ Cope JL ’ Fish LXI Bassett 8 M Corrigan Michael Fletcher J Bates Edwin .Meet* Oook Jameß 112 Flow Edward Bennett Jon'S' ' Cooper* Redman •Fisher & Heirris- Bell Alexandria ColesburyAlexP" *°tt JSaabeJuW - Coke Aridrew '■ * F/sherGeb Mes BeeberPhilip ' CooleyThosW , FullerW W Benson G A CouleyGeb - Foils Stfewart Bell A ii , Colfle«hWmP2 Fury JL BengristG - ’ - OonelThos J Fouler J P .BelTGeo.W ‘ v ' Copant Jfahu m Fulnier Agust Berry JTCaptV Ooleman Danlel Fulls Col BeagsWm- Bobt Funston John raettW IhMH ilcßtrs B ' Jui» Angirtns - ' OvNijr John n. ’ I«nk 8 BogfhJat : - Cot.Xnd, J 0 ' Tread Amo* Beebe J L Coom *\A Co Mess Furlong W N Benner Freni 4 - Erode PE Major .BeardSaml ’ Cramnoau'mp ‘ Furlongßimon BedchLF - Creighton uhm 2 France Reading Bean A; Co . Croissant Th -Fnild A Capt .Biasete/ohn ' Cropper Henry Furlan Jas BUalhaer Eugene Crowell ACo Foster T B BilgenJasM Phillip Foster HD BlcminghamJ ! '-Crowell Rev Jas Foster Robt Black Bobort Crawford Wm - • Frey A Black Jno A ' Crosby Capt M Q Frlaehmlth JG W ! Blank John •• Craig Wm James ' Gallagher W Biackiston Jos Cuneo Andreas GanU Jones Blanchard J' w Cnthbart Bdwd Gartland SrD PA BlumenthalCß Cunningham Wm. GartyJas • Bontnauß i - Cudnoy John 4 Gallagner SI Boyd G W Col ' * Damch Thos Gardner Jos BoloUsJobn '' DavisEamuol Garland Ben Bowers Henry• Danne Louis Gardner Jas 1 Bonnell David f ■ Daley J A Heard Prof | Bourko John - DftUing Tobin Geiger Wm i Board of Marine DrUellßeyW T D George F • . Surveyors Davis John 0 2 GUI Joseph Bogart. Frank B Davis Bev Jos M GlUigan John Bowman liCapt Dsrddn Archibald GUIs JB Capt BwwnH.D , RsvisJohn GlbbsJ-E Brown ThosM v . Davis John R Gibson John ■Brown John 0- DavUDr Perry Gibbs JT Brown. W- -DawsonWmlf - GlgohOhstavo Brown I«al*h , 1 Davis J B ' Gift# E A Brown'Wg . DadoF 0 ‘ Gibson M Bryan Chas Danley John ‘ Gillett J E Bryarly- WH • ' Dehaven John E GlasaellWT Brubaker'S M Delacroix Jos t Glooser M. BrewsterS 0 : • Desstrae August Glasael WT It Brocker Wm -' Pencil A •- GoldsmittHA Bryan TM Decordover'Wm Goldsmith M 1 Brinejr Wesley v Dean Prof»■ * G&uvander P Y Bramoa Robt •- Devine Dauiel Gouvaode Dr ’ Broren Fred Pr 1 Debrot John 2 f . Gordon SW Coin Brines Thos Dickenson OhM GoldringWm BMsdyTbos. ' 1 DinglenThosß GoddaDj JhWnix Peter 4 DlXon Dsnl W GmxLepold • Swuji/Micliiel DlckwonTb6s J . Jlnuat fc Bnn , Wok«»4n John - g™** Johu ■tojrla PrtrMMf . DluoftW : • S. 8 ,. „ »«4)*jr, * Son DJbblek DJoexe OoM Tettr p i lMtd Co-' -V. Deaiy KA‘-‘ OotlumO W . Ill2lw.8“ ,:DoaoHoe l Mlckul, Oritt 0 iStS fke* , f . Doft ASton i ~ i-Oreea HM, ■- j *o*^BAtol- C6nrt OriJW.OOBr, ; i-flkragktrtf Wm Oteeo CD URnMJcko A . : Vovgherir Robt (frzno 0 , ’ Qrlnther Ab Barm Putritk ‘ Bond Wifi t Gutbreo J T Bamjaglu/Jobn 2 Dorp Joseph ■■ — ” . Ouebhery John Busk John Doran Jam eu Oray&P ; BartrU H. -J .Dpunham Bdsr Ouleotlorf J F , ! Green Daniel Martin John W Roberta O N Griffith G ' ■ Mansfield Henry Robinson Jno Graham James - Matthews R T Koyor O W Grant John' , liar lor 8 GussonA, M&whineyGeo ■ Rodgers WD Green Joseph - Mapes Capt Qeo T R<spe Hetiry Halbauer 0h« 2« Mathews J B Robots Bepj QaU’a Journal or Maulsby Dr Geo B<ihlagor John riucUK' Mauu John . Schmitt Geo ITaUpuils RP MarthinoMr . BcudainO.pt Win Haines Alex Manning Wm A Behwaub Geo Ilalloy p Mason Wm Sadler W K Hammond JP R ' Markham GeoT eehaperkoteor J n Rov 2 , Mam Solomon. Scott Capt FA Hall John ' M*rtlndell Chas Schuehiinan G F HaUuell N P . Mayarlcal A B Seblomm A Bro Ilairfc Richard , Maupay Samuel Bchawar* Fred k Haicn Matt Mason Geo », HallenbachH ' Moyhood James Schuyler Ira U Hamilton J Alex Martin John 8 Sohffietrer &Oo Hall A R Mayer A Romo- BextonSß Hartman M Rev seller Sec Glee Club Hartwell Ewd MeanyThofl Seawall Jas M Haslett John Mead Alfred H StifriedAlb Ilaryey J • Meyer* D Sfellnghain ACo Hons George Merryman Capt H Belt* G B Haslet John Mead RP ' SheafferLE Harris Alfred A Myers, Glacorine ShenkJohnU Hartoy T W A Co Sheehan T J Harlson S F MlllerGeo H Sharp John A, Hart Geo A MilierGeoW Shreove David A H&jlewood John Midway Frank |K arBl l. *’ cp Harland Ohaa Middleton Hn’y 0 Shinn SUcy HanisonWA Miches Geo SS wI b Hand Geo Millet John Shatlockß F Hancock Alex Miller Stephen P 3 Jm6U Eredk Handley B Mils*3 Q b l e f i oß *P b < Harmer Jas MillerG Sickel A Co Harris Rota • Millington Dr Jno Simmons Frank HaSfr ' MillerXhoa C Skrum Morton Harner Jas Miller James Slnoltt Patrick Haavhav Wm T ’ Miller Balthasar Simon D ffle/amelß Mitchell Samuel Slesholtz Dr John Harris John H Middleton Rev J Smither* Michael Harris J Tildau Miling AOo Jas Simpson Chaa Heller C R Middleton ACo JR Sklrm James Helm Peter Millar JohnD 'Simpson Jr T Hctrel Chas Moss E A SkeggEligh HearkeyLM Morris Anthony P Sivais Guflber Hedge Isaac A Moore John G Sleeper Edwin . He&fyJosenh' Monisß Smith Capt J&3 Hebrew Jas Morgan R n J C Uellen H Dr Morris Evan Smith J a ™ oB 2 Henderson W H Moorhead 0 W Smith E T Hemoley fVf Mordock Adam Snjith Wm M Hclfrlch J 8 Morse Morin ■ Smith Wm D Hendley Wm If Moore Dr J D Sihlth J Irwin Henderson T Mosley J H Smith Robt A Heckman Dan Morrison ACo H Smith Francis Henson Henry Mooney David A Smith Wm Helm!* Jos Molllneaux T E Sin th Siduey V Henry 3 G Moore B Frank Smith Daniel Jr Healv Jeremiah Molllneaux Thos Smith ACo JW Horsey Jos W Mongea Henry B Small Hugh • Hendry A Harris Montgomery Slat Smart Walter ItcvllnJß Murphy Col OS SmedJy Enos Hickey M Murphy Rev Thos Smibles Chaa H R Hitchcock qeo MiUenWm . Bn»™iyJohn Hill a. ’ Blnlliken Wm Snook Wm N Human? & Eclkel Myer« Henry Snyder & Co W 0 Hinton Geo W M ar ‘? B S l, ‘ M Hooper Ben j Murphy 8W SouerChasll Holt James Marnaue Lawr’ce Sommers Israel Howrnd N Murry Basil Springer John Hord Wm TDr Murton A Mott Springs Col R A Hopkins James McCurdy Jocob W Spejer 0 Hoadbuss Jacob McCracken Con L Spoidel L Hopkins SM Dr McDonell Mr Squires A Jaqties HoenichWm MoDovitt Bernard Spear J * Honan David McOrcary David G Stetron Jos P Hoft Humphrey McCrimWm StuertJamoa Holt James McCoard James StanlonthA Holian John arcOabeß' Stone James L , Holier Jos McDonough T B Storm Jolm O , Hoffman S W McCain Wm Stokes A Co P Horn Henry McDonald DMe Storey Abort Hogan Thos McAtee Thos Stratton Thos Horner Joseph MoAulay Arch’d Strichhuid Kov E 4 Hoeau John McDonell Charles SteathaU B Hoffman JH McCloyWtn Stilwell Henry Hannor S S McCarty DAnle! Steelman Capt Howell Geo E McDonald Kdm’d Stehlin GP A Howell A Burke McLaughlin J Stonlcy FIL Hummel Z McKenna Thos Stanton Wm Hutchinson JP dlcEweu B F Stewart. Wlf Hunter Edw MoMahan Goo W String Joseph Umidcy Wm G McGowen Aug M Stork Dr Jno II Hughes CW Col McKinley Sauil Stirk Isaac nuff ChosP Capt McGee John gtlhr II Hutchins B Rev McManus Hugh Stewart James Hunt Hiram McGowen John otickney John H Human W Mclutlro Patrick >« Stone A nson Hutton Frank M McKeever Wm SjrtneO 0 Hugcard Wm McFarland T A Stout A Ford Uughea Jas G Mellroy Alex Stone A Burrell Insurance* Intel 2 McLaughlin And Swope Jacob Irins H 2 Mclntlre James SwoellngWm ItedolGG MeGuireWm Sweeny Hugh Zredlit 8 T Rev McMahon Patrick Swenson Gustav James Thos McKellopACoJno Sutherland W James JO BlcHenryACo Swain Chaa 8 Jenkins Thos £ Mcßea Geo Talo M O Jenobs if McNeal Jno Jaggart J K Jeffers M McNamara Jos Talbert JW Jamcsson Robt McWilliams Jas Tender Aug Joyce Richd McNoillo Btephen Terhuro Joremiah Jones Edw McXeran Malcolm J ft lhey Wm R Jones John ' NoyeaJwP Taylor H J Jones Sami ‘ Noyaus Mr ' laaant Jos Dr Johnson Tbos J Newman Isaae Thomas P Jones Geo W Nebe Harvey Thompson A son | Johnson lIC Nilbuo A Wm Jordon W G NeaJor Jas Thompson Mr Jones GW Noon James Thompson John JohnesGW Noo Valentine Thomas Quincy Johnson Wmß Nauce Wm Thayer Gardner Johnson Wm G Neale Chas 2 Tlngatrom P Johnsou Frank Norths Thomas JI Jones Wm Nlcholsllsaac N Thaln Capt D Jones E B Nathan John Thompson Geo Johnson Wm S Neall S W Thackara B Kahn V Neil Jas Thayer Gardner Kahn John Norrla Dr Basil Thomas Daniol i BalktenD Nicholson EG ThomasßU Kellogg A Mllson Neff A So!aB Peter Thompson John Kennedy James Newell ACo Thomas IHighcs KMn Phillip • Otto Andreas A Caldwell Kennedy C T Orcutt J F Thomas R P Keen Wra W Otis Bass Thruston T B Klfher Anthony O’Brien Rev N J Thomson Com E Keller VT.MD Osgood Sami RfUBN)2 Kern W Cant Olefer James Turning E B Kellev Henry R Ogden Dr WM Tollman MA • Keller Wm Dr. O’Toole Martin Tschudy Slartih Kerne* C Owen Henry D Trowbridge Wm Kingraary lIW O’Kane Daniel TrueC«ptßS KoonsJnoG O’Maliy Patrick ToddWH Kem A Dr Ogden Robt N Todd Simon KugnesG Owens Richard Tolberts Dr JW Kumerle M • Oeme George Totton Marten Kinsey Y 8 • OlliaAßro Todd Jno Kline J W Oderdonk A Ca* Toole Thos Knott WmF pron TraderHTß Kersey Kile Darks FA, Torhert Jas King John PanlluH Turner Thos 1 - KuhnAVß Parkin Joseph Toad Wm H r Kittemiagh&m 3 Paine Bufin Tyson Sami Koons Wm B ' Paine David Trenehard Lieut Keemen Antonio Pappl Vincent 8 D (US N) Kline Wm Parker Win TrotterNH Klug 8 A Patton W H Wfirenock 0 Koons S M ' Parry R G Wagner R KoogJohn Philips EF Walton Percy E Knlgg J ■ Phelps A Bro W'ard Dr J R Eropp John PetermanHFrank Walker R C 2 King Wm Perkenplne 0 W Wallace Alfred Knox Chas F AD Walch Robt Knox John Perkins Dr EH WainwrightJA Kivers 8 Perham Commltto Watt J M Kimball, Felt A Pearson JrE J Wallace DW Wernboorth Peterson T Walker Chas Larrott G B Penn Granville J Warren 8 M Lane J Capt Pease David Walker J W Laselle E James Peters Jr Jaa 8 WattPJ Latdner JL Com 3 Phelan N P West G W Lancaster John Peterson A Son G WobsterG If Lancaster Edw Perkins R Weber Albert Laner W Phipps Fredk Wellman G F LambertilßA 1 Penneret ACo D Weeks E A Lain© 0 Philips H Weatherly Dr J R LamotteEdmond Philips WD WockaOPS Lane 8 W . Pedrick E Weldon Thos Labens A Philips Isaac T West M M Lata HE Piper Jacob Webbß Laben Dr Rev Pierce John WceverJnoß LaggartChas Piffer J A Wells Lewis B Leighton, Wm PlttengerWm WhereyJobn Leatherbury W L Pilerson 011 Wheeler 8 0 LenatGD Porter WG Whiting JHO Lentz A Flach Ponlson R A White A Co L W 2 Le Breton Monsr Poythiess W P IVbithey 0 0 Leach Wm B Polendorf W * White A Son J G LeileThosN Powell Alex A Whitaker OW Lea Isaac LL D Powers TJ , Winter Wm Lever Potta DrC 6 Lemon WJ Porter Edgar M Wilkins Dr 0 M Learning RW Pojock Thomas Wilkinson Major Lenny W Pratt Wm II Williams JL Lowia n T Prince Henry Williams Sami Lighnox M 0 Rev PryerPeier Wilson ID Litaon, Joseph Pruepe. Voaburg Wilburn W T Litch J Roy ACo Wilson RG Lfppincott J K 2 Pub. of Business Wilson Dc TJi Lincoln Job Dlrectoty Williams Sami Livingstone Jno Pub. Columbian & Wiloy T H Liebuch M 0 Great West Williams Chas Louervo GW Jr Purais Robt Willayton Patk Lombaurk C Putte 0 A Wilson Philip Logue Pat Rawlings AD Wiley PG Lozier GY Randall Hiram Wilfaug Peter Luekenbacko A RaymondKß2 WllllamaDr Lundy Jno P Her RathberoßN Wilson Alvin Lucoa A Thomp* Ramey Geo Wiley Thos son Raeby Hy Wilt Thos A Co Lyon & Short Reynolds CM Wlaalovr & Van Loughridge W G Reynolds W A Polkcng Lofland J A Capt Reis Jos Williams Jos M LumJaaß Heines P Winlerson Wm Loyd Wm RelnarJohu Wilcox Mark Lutz James Reiter Bernard Wood D D Lolsberry Jos R** WM . W'oodbury DB Lowery i£ Reiaky R Wood C It M Lynen Kdw Rhodes Geo Woolston J W Lynch Col Redmond Wm Woodzide Jas Lodges Reynolds Thoa Wooley WII Jefferson No 120 Reed A WooneKW hiloam 17 Reihhelm Dr G Wright AT N Howard 83 Beeio Berapio Wright John Paradise 53 Richner W D Wright Jaa A Brotherly Love 38 Eigerwas Nath Wright JG 2 Fred onia 35 Ritter Wm Wright A M Waihalla 17 ■ Rlngwalt J L Quinn Michael Jordan 55 . Richardson G R Varmgine Mr Montgomery 115 Rinewalt John Vance Wm Lafayette 5 Riddle W D Vails P Palcstlno 51 Riely Dr J D Volls Geo Ashland 45 - Robinson Jr W 2 Vauioon Jno Mount Carmel 49 Robbß Vanhorn Julius Golden Bulo 122 Rosenberg F J VollnerG Philadelphia 1 Robinson Daniel VortschJohn Harris ii Roberta M L Vailo Prof Hamburg 100 Robinson R W Vauglmn R B Pennsylvania 111 Rodney J P Vauavko Dr F A Veritas 443 Root Martin Van Hiper Jaz Liberty 272 Rothrock, Dr T Yardley A fion Madden John P Roth George Young Jamea • Mallory Mrl Rosa John Young 0 H Malt Christian Russell JL Young Joseph D Madden James Ryan ED Yurot Thomas MagttlßevD RuddhnanWU Young Henry Mallon Michael Buxton Thos 2 Zell Air Modcria W J Ryan Martin Zinio Cba Maguire John Russell A Jones ZleberJL2 Martin D Bobotbam Jno Ziegler Dr G J GIDEON G. WKSTOOTT, Postmaster. liisiol Arrivals at the Principal Hotel*. GIRARD HOT-EL—Cbeatoatdirect, below Ninth. J H MaUord, Ga Miss Hager, Md Frank Hagan USA Judge Johns, lowa H 0 Walkec'i ly, N 0 Sami M Price, Richmond JP Davis, do lIW Fry. do AE Berry to son WraH Gordon, do RT Donnell, England John Temple, do J 0 Green, SO J li Walker, Knoxville A G Goodwin, do A M Piper, do 0 B Parker, Memphis J J Watkins, Ga BW Shelton, do JG White, do Mr Brown, Ga Jas G Gbenny, lUohmond 0 W Pettit, England Geo W Strong, Vermont HH Tucker, Ga NWBell, Keokuk • . M Jones, do T D Eaton, do Geollayder, Md Jas McClelland, Lexington JssLLong, Balt M F Bogle, do T Robertson.jr, Richmond Wm M Sbepperd, Paduah M B Porter A la, Olnn ' Joa A Jameson, St Loula Miss J Porter. do Win H Alien, do Jas Walsh, Richmond A Harasr, do W A Garls, NY G B Wilson, do Wmllays, do Miss Wilson. do R S Palmer, do Mr Morafcoude, N Y E R Rlchler. Boston Mr Stoeehl, Wash G KReynolds Ala,Miss J M DenfiOn,Balt GStisstlug, N Y RLilly, " .do Li Melcheor, do CF Wallace, da OhflS 8 fitoel, do Miss M F Walsh, do J F Butterworth, N Y MlWaUh, do James Cooper, Baltimore Oharles F Lowry, Ky Wm Queen ' • • J Bunatine. Dayton, O 8 M Murphy „ I’M Hannan, do John 0 Huntingdon, Cinn, 0 REMooro & la, Miss Jas B Oasey, Covington, Ky John H Eckford, Texas John R Mason 8 Hersh, Richmond, Va WComegya, Delaware HDWorrell, Augusta.Ga Mr Atmore & 2 ladies J NAußley, go Dr Primrose Tbos Gorman A l». Halt RW Hansford, W’mab’g, Va T H Elliott, England Mias L Hansford, do Col Geo W Hughes, Md Missß Hansford, do HERom«n,Greenaeld,Maß Dr Daniel Pope. Blufftoo, BO E P Walsh, Bfc Ltja4» . Dr AGVedin, do W P Steele It la. N V W WLotapklna A family, Ga James Taylor, 8 0 Wm’Poindexter Ala, lax- 1 D L.Rike, Dayton. O - itfgion, Ky B F Stout A fem, 8t Louis WOWhitcher A la, Olao HElliott Ala’s, do H A Schraser,N V OBHubboll, do . W B Mooro, Ky,. W Perpignan, do 1 8 W McClure A la. Ohio 0 Hitchcock; Chicago, 111 W % Bpotewood A lady, T £ Ballord & wife, Blchm . Huntsville, Ala JAG Gray, do Miss H Welkins, do Ohas Weis, England GB Gaston, do J Taliaferro, Ky ’ JM Brown, Galvest’n. Tex T Gale A la, Memphis J V Cole* NY r Wm Stewart, no „ , Mr Macaowald. Nicaragua ? W Hawley. lowa Bpringn’d L H Came/ A dau, Tern} THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, ■ MQNDAV. ? AUGUST 24, 1857. Jlt Page, Frankfort Ky . Prof AI) Bache, Coast B'y A P McMillan, Natohei, M G N Banders, NY D C la, Cbarles'a DU Lang, ,do. T P James, PenSc-ld, Ga • Mr. Belknapido , 8 Armstrong. do W R Smitfif OMeago.lU J 8 Pinch, Washington ’ D S Gcxly.'Golarohus’ '< . • 3W Holly, do • L S Gordon, Bidio J Vanatta, N 3 J Currie, RichttJpnd, V» A Mitebner, N 0 Wm w Wright, Albany J B Garret. Mont'ry. Ala G W'Campbell’, 'Ala J P Dickerson, ou Wm U Stovall, Meinp, Teq C Rogers and dan do Jl* Watne, Balto - A K McWilliams, Platsvil, J W Kn-dgn, Forsjtb, Qa Alabama 3 11 Gardiner. Barnaul. Ala T Haustrian, Montg'ry Ala Klt Welch, DO - R A McMillan, Ala • M Go • A G Tyng 3c la, Peora, 111 U P Lriboy, 8t Louis WE Camp, Taunton,lll ' BHale. do G Amos. K Easton G 8 Keene. N C ' JO Wills. Mt Sterfesllng, 3 O Pay, Chicago Kentucky Mrs Sheperd; Ohio - A T Smith, West Point, N It B Hurt, Jaokfcin, Tenn York ’ . . > ’ T. Robertson, Jr. RhmM Vo. W. M. ShAppord Padu M D Potter and wife 01 Ohio cab Ky ’ ' AUss J Potter, Cln Ohio Jos A Jameflon St Louis W II Allen, St Louis A Harper, St L&Uls J Walsh, Richmond, Va W A uarls N Y W H Uaye.rN y”~~ ! • ftichard 8 P*lmer, N Y MrMorooouseandlady.N Y Q R Wilson, BtLouls Miss Wilson, 8t Louis T. ft Pichler, Boston MfStochel, Washington (1 It Reynolds sod lady, J M Densom, Baltimore • Mias -'•> ■ - R Lily, Baltimore 0 F Wallace, Baltimore , Ed P Roche, Baltimore 0 J Stiasting, If Y ' L J Melckcts, N Y . , - ”:; 3 MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—-Fourth street, below Arch. J A Wilkins, Trenton 3 E Endes,'Mis* ' 3 Q Trigg, Miss J McGowan, Al* - 3 AWlor do AG Ward,'Taco JG Meuse Sc (m, Jt Louis 3 0 McOubhlns, N 0 - W Murphy. NO P Drill, Pitta Mrs Ail Purnell & ch, N J M Mosson, Mice M Marsh & In, N Y U Homan, Clh ■- F SGrlesirus, Ohio ' AW Walker, SO BTownsend,SO SP'Merrell, Ky _ . ' J McCormick, Ind S Hamilton A7m. Ind J EUnsfelter,' Balt W Wright, Tenn ’ - A H Barnett, Pitta 3 A Dtonleonj Pitta 3 Black do J Hainis, Pa - > , Wm Hill, Hamburg, SC HP Lowry, N M WithsreU, N York B F Bates, AlettMrU - W H PrltchtlLSt Francis* S 3 Crump, Richmond . 1 Wile, Mo JIM Johnson, Carlisle ' Jaafiheaff, Decatur, 111 J H Hayes, Wayneihrg. Pa T S Thompson, Pa JasQilbeeA dauiPortoßico , R Brown, ip, Qulnby, 111 G S Van Pelt, Elisabeth NJ John Mailer, N York Mr Perkins N-Yorkfr IJ J McCulloch, Canton,To D Huston. tTulontvWn, Pa 1 R N Davis, Canton, Tena 11 M Couea,olareMoa,Ark WLMcOutchon, do Wm B Lynch, Ark ’ ! J W Ileotor, Kr RL Brown, Ky ‘•'•i ! Miss Snyder, Pa H C lluston.Bowling Green . Qeo Wallace, Oitm, 0 Alex Ledbetter, NM&yille < Thoa J G Minor, Nashville S Heilman, Memphis H Mendel, Memphis Miss Little Snyder, do W 0 Doyle,Dyersburg Ten Frank Grace/, Memphis CB Foster,Ponna 0 HMiller,Phha ! ‘ James W Evans* Gallatin •• f"' STATES UNlON—Market, above Sixth yj*, A Schock, Marietta ' J B Adams, Phlla * J Fitzgerald, Pittsburg J BBlngham.St Lgula 0 McCartney, Clearfield Jaa Monro©, Balt t>, K McDonald, PottsvlUe J Seuires, Ohio 8 A Cook, Pa J McVey, Harrisburg' H Hyneman, Pittsburg H SchnOiOerj li* A Sharpless, Chester co S RJerfliet, Dubuque . J lUrriß & Ift, Harrisburg J Eller, Phlla A D Boggs, do T Gordon, Pol J Johnston, Ohio LSD Bees, Phlla' John D McGrath, Pittsburg B L Jacobs, Prospect, Pa AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut st., below Sixth., O M Newell, NV O M West, T» . „ Geo Bowden, Va T J Lewis, Pbila Sami Cotrille La s WK Rayburn, La D C Spurlock, do SB Swoope, Pa J C Johnson, N C G n Topping, Ashland E W Wallack, Ashland J B Johnson & la, Ala Enoch Russell, NY Miss Johnson, do .11 B Henning, 111 GW Todd, Phlla Miss Douglass, Norristown D W Geinroilt, Jr, Bel' It R Henry, Ky B Bonalson, NO Jas Hardie, Ala EE GUI, NO J W Veazer, Md John Curran, NY ] W E French & ly» Md W M Shuster, Waahingw'n J L Gaushorn, Phlla Thos Street, Balt Jl North, do J B Stone, Tonn ■ , J C Thomas, NY 0 Lawson, Phlla J A Donaldson, Phlla 8 0 llelstand, Chicago 1 G H Fish, Evausvillo J Maclln Driver, Tenu J C Ilay, Tenn J F Ohatelllor, N Y G H Hamilton, M T CITY HOTEL—’Third street, aboro Race. Kinsey Thompson, Phlla H Rankin Blooinsburg Jaa Fisk, l’andoo T D Hudson, EFreedom 1 Aaron Mull, Jeukcn Spring D Houaen, Beading .. T Barto, Reading Henry Knowles, Danville J P LeUerlng, Danville Jaa Bamaoy, do Win ShafTnce, Berks Co J Groot. Williamsport Win Uudlck, Centre Co Mr. BlankleeHse, Parks* Sami Jacobln.'Fronchtown burs Jno Foster, Centro Co J Amherst, Balt J E Jones, New York T H RUhey, Canada MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Daniel Hortsmou, N York Thoa P James, Harrisborg Jno n&rtemau, do . H ? Gorman, Lancaster R A Landis, Poltsvillo Jm Goodman, Bridgeton Jas Wallace, Winantown.O Robert Manning) do Robert Thompson, Ohio Thoa Thompson, Ohio JaeWOolHns, do Jno T Collins do Isaac Aeken do Wilson Jamison, Md Mr Willard, Baltimore E T Cortlen, Maine Miss Willard do D T Millason. Camden Geo Montgomery, St LonU Chas W Harrison, Bedford Janies Jons ton ft son, Clear* Jas B Darla, Md Bold Geo Reed A lady, Green- Thoa J Wolf, Camden burg, N 0 Joseph George, do P Gilbert, Dover, DM Jft Herring, Hancock J H BQtlan, do R W Harney, Del T J Stevenson, 4® Jaa Clifton, Dover Geo 8 James, TamaquA Jas Thompson, Centro co Sami Grant, Lowiatovrn, UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third, Jacob Coffman, Dayton, 0 J McWorkman, Illinois W J Taylor, Seh’lf Haven ■ J Cromer, Cincinnati, Ohio Amos Abbott, do H Morgan, do WM Berry,Baltimore IBHandy.Delaware l B 8 Kunkoll, Harrisburg R Krause, Davenport, lowa P B Hutchman, Lafayette, B B Brown, Phils Ind R M Ackton St 3 ladiee, £ J Fry A lady. Tamaqua Salem, N J R McLood, Millwood, Ohio H B Tteeso. N Carolina A 0 Winchester, Beloit Wit H R Loman do H B ilalooo, do S Atkinson, Putnam. Ohio A Butner, N Carolina . J 3 M’Connaugby, N Q 8 J Smith, Madison, Ind J Oakley, Ind J B Glea, Wooster, Ohio 3 Smith. Madiion, lot-" WCHopkins St fa, Qa HWilliams A la, N Y 't 8 Handy, Delaware A X L Gee, Ashland lIW Shipman, NT A Carso, Princeton 2> Thomas, Reedeburg, 0 BLACK BEAR UOTEL-Third street,ab. Callowhill. Wm Brumbach, Exeter J B Thomas, Germantown J Womens, MlnersvlUe J Q Helfrich, Allentown The IriidUt' Arch Street) below Eighth, {» now the fashionable pl&ce of resort. Cot. Jones, who la famous for always being ahead In dellca clea, has just received some choice bunches of luscious Hamburg black grapes. On Sunday evening, as wpll m through the week, you can get the nicest cup of Sou* chong, or the coolest plate of Ico cream that can he found in tho city. ■ . To all who Require Money.—Jones fc Soil) Brokers, Third and Gasklll streets, below Lombard street, advance cash, in large or small amounts, upon Watches, Jewelry, Plate, Guns, Ac., on moderate terms. au2o-Bt# Bower’s Infant Cordlhl.*—This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and Is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected in all cases of photic, windy pains and spasms. Believes and mitigates much of children’s suffering dating deptl tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quillizes pains of the bowels , looseness, vomiting. 40. The Infant Cordial has become a standard'remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the taoat abundant success. No family should be without it. ' Prepared only by lUjtar A. Bower, . At his Drag and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Greea ets., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au lWy Seamen’s Saving Fund—Office 303 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives tie posits In Hums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classos of the community, and allows interest at the rate of Groper cent, per annum. Moseys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from li until & o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 6 in the evening. President franklin Pell; Treasurer, diaries M. Morris,' Secre tary, James S. Pringle. Saving Fund—Five Per Cent, Interest—Na tional Safoty Trust Company, in Walmot Street, south west corner of Tuino Street, Pjiiladklphia. Assets over One Mumom ako a Half or Dollars, Invested in R?il Estats, Mortgages,Grourd Rsnts, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, Urge or small, Is received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office la open every day from 9 o’clock la the morning antil 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. Non memorizing system of FRKNCH-A THOROUGH COURSE OF EXPLA NATORY GRAMMAR—The practice through Mr. DE LACROIX’S comparisons of (ho French and English idioms convinces all who havo tried to learn before of the fallacy of relying for conversation on verbs, rules, phrases, Ac., learned by heart. Ladies and gentlemen practice Mr. D'a combinations of rational, syntactic, and Idiomatic exercises under his immediate explanatory directions, and without any other application whatever, acquire *n a reasonable titne a competent grammatical and conversational use of the language for all the purposes of business and social intercourse. Learners who havo been disappointed in the effects of the memorizing methods will readily appreciate the clearly explained practice of Mr. D’s course. Judgment is the agent of acquisition—memory is pas sive. All that Mr. D. requires Is d«K6era(s practice, while with him in the study, and persevorance for a rea sonable time—(Ac result is certain. Apt students finish the course in six or seven months; others, slow of apprehension, extend the time accord ingly. The French Etudy, No. 907 (lato 31) FILBERT Street. au24.lt CAA AGENTS WANTED,—A HOME- UvU STEAD FOR 110 !—Third Division.—l3lo,ooo worth of Forms and Building Lots, in the gold region of Culpeper county,'Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 2807. Sub scriptions only ton dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from (1G to (26,000. Those farms and lots are sold so cheap to induce Battlements, a sufficient ndrabor being reserved, the increase iu the value of which will compensate for tho apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold, and a company or settlers called the “ Rappahannock Pioneer Association” is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 46,000 acres of land, in different parts of Virginia, now at command, and wiU be sold to settlers at from (1 up to (300 per acre. Unquestionable titles will in all eases be given. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmers, Ac., are wanted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. Sorao agents write that they are making $2OO pofmonth. For full particulars, subscriptions, agencles^&c^apply au24-tf Port Royal, Caroline county, Vo. GREAT BARGAIN,—A splendid seven octavo ROSEWOOD PIANO, tut little need, will be Bold very cheap for cash, at the Plano Ware-room of A. BIRQPELD, 139 South SEVENTH Street, Corner or Walnut. A!ao, PIANOS to rent. au24-lw# JE. & B. SCHELL’S • CITY MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL S. E. CORNER OP TENTH AND VINE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. .Where ever, variety of MARBLE MANTELS, TOMBS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and PLOORIKO. can he eoppned apon reaeon.Me terrain aa)4-2aw3m; HfEROHANTS’ HOTEL, ' lv.*. NORTH PODRTH STREET, ‘ . Asova Merer, ■ PHILADELPHIA.. ' »«24-tf McKIDBEN A SONS, Paorwatosß, ~ ■ . , .. ii.« Special Notices. PAOTORY. MARULEHALL, CAFE FAMILY HEADING. ninucntfi ~ NEW MONTHLY? MAGAZINE FOR SEPTEMBER. f ' ‘ CONTENTS ' ' . ' A WINTER IN THE SOUTH. Illustrated by Twenty Engravings. COAL, AND THE COAL MINES OF PENNSYLVANIA, By li|.l BOWBJt. • Illustrated by Eighteen Engravings. TUMBLES IN WIUOIII HAYE WORSHIPPED Illustrated by Eight Engravings. MY INHERITANCE. DESMOND THE SPECULATOR ; ESTHER. HANDEL. LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE. THE CODE OF HONOR. ARE WE A POLITE PEOPLE?—OUR LADIES. MR. SREDY. TUE.TAKING OF THE BEDEN QATN. A SUMMER CRUISE IN SEARCH OF AN APPE TITE. • ALICE MAUDK. SEEING THE WORLD. MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EVENTS LITERARY NOTICES/ Books of the Month. EDITOR'S TABLE EDITOR’S EASY CHAIR. EDITOR’S DRAWER. FASHIONS FOR SEPTEMBER. Illustrations. Equestrian Costume. Luce . Fichu.—Lace Sleeve.—Lace Body. f ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THOUSAND Copies are now Issued of Harpxr’s Nkw Moktqlt Maoixiub. The Publishers hare endeavored, by a well directed use of the abundant resources at their command, to render it not only the cheapest, but the moat attractive and moat Useful Magazine for popular reading in the world; end the extent to which their efforts have been success ful Is Indicated by the fact that it has attained a greater circulation than any similar periodical ever issued. Special efforts will be made to* render it still more in teresting and valuable daring the coming year. The new Volume commenced with the Number for Jo.vs. -No fabor or expense will be spared to render it in every way, and in all its departments, still more worthy of the unparalleled favor with which it has been received Hanrsß’3 N?w Mostblt Maoaziks owes its success to the fact that ftyresentsKOßS rending waiter, of a setter quality, tn a more fleoaxt style, and or a CBBAFBft-rate. (Ann any other publication. Terms.—The Magazine may be obtained of Hookuel lers, Periodical Agents, or from tbo Publishers, at Thbbr Dollars a year, or Twentt-tivs Cexts a Num ber. The Semi-anuual Volumes, as completed, neatly bound in Cloth, are sold at Two Dollars each, and Mus 1m Covers are furnished to those who wish to have their back Numbers uniformly bound, at Twenty-Are Cents, each. Fuurteen Volumes are now ready, bonndin Cloth, sod also In Half. Calf. The Publishers will supply specimen Numbers gratui tously to Agents and Postmasters, and will make liberal arrangements with them for circulating the Magaziue They will eI/iq supply Clubs, of two persons at Five Dol lars a year, five persons at Ten Dollars, or ofavon per sons at Twenty Dollars. Clergymen and Teachers sup plied at Two Dollars n year. Numbers from the com mencement can now be supplied. Also the bound Volumes. The Magasiuo weighs over seron and not over eight ounces. The Postage upon each Number, which must bo paid quarterly in advance at tlio Office where the Mag azine is received, is Turkb Gluts. Each Number of the Magazine will contain 144 octavo pages, in doublo columns, each year thus comprising nearly two thousand pages of the choicest Miscellaneous Literature of the day. Every Number will contain nu merous Pictorial Illustrations, accurate Plates of the Fashions, a copious Chronicle of Current Events, and impartial Notices of tho important Books of the Mouth. The Volumes commence with the Numbers for JUNE and DEQEMBER; but Subscriptions may commence with any Number. au 24-lt HARPER Sc BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS. £cgnl Notices. IN’ THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Estate of JAMES HAMILTON, deceased. The auditorappoiuted to audit, adjust, and settle the account,of Thus. Cadwaiader, executor and trustee of the last will and testament of James Hamilton, deceased, arising from the portion of tho estate belonging to schedule B, annexed to the indenture of partition, dated Jan. 26,1849, recorded in tho office for the recording of deodsfor the city and county of Philadelphia, in deed book G. W. 0., No. 1, p. 407, and to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at his office, No. 528 Walnut strcet, ln the city of Philadelphia, on TUES DAY, September Ist, 1857, at 4 n. M. au 21-eodst FRANCIS WHARTON. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE COUNTY OV PHItADEI.PHIA.-E»t»to of J. A NEWMAN, The auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the second account of James Shaw, executor of the last will and testament of J. A. Newman, deceased, and to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at bis of fice, No. 528 Walnut street, in tbo city of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, Soptember Ist, 1857, at 5 p. m. au 21-codst FRANCIS WHARTON, Auditor. aitorncno at Lara. Horace l. peterson, attorney AT LAW, No. Cl 7 BANSOM street, au22-0t George h. Armstrong, attor. NEY AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, 1,044 Lombard street, beiowßrood. au!7-3m# TVANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY JLJ AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGHTH and LO CUST Streets, Philadelphia. aul-ly MYER STRODE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRE street, Pottsvllle, pa. >u4-3y JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES COM MISSIONER AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, AND THE PROBATE OF ACCOUNTS tor soveraj States and Territories. Ue Is. by law, authorized to administer Oaths and Affirmations to be received in ail the Court* in Pennsylvania. JOHN BINNS may be found in his office, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, opposite the County Court House, from 8 A. M. to O P. M. aul-lra Sewing iftadjinco TS/ATSON’S $lO SEWING MACHINE TV IS OPMINQ!:: WATSON’S $lO SEWING MACHINE IS COMING!:! ■MTATSON’S $lO SEWING MACHINE V V is comm;!: WATSON’S $lO SEWING MACHINE V T 18 COMING!! ! WATSON'S $lO SEWING MACHINE IS COMING !!! N.B.—The WATSON «10 SEWING MACHINE la q.uito os good as any high-priced machine that baa ever yet been exhibited—will make a firmer stitch, and will boon exhibition In this city in a few days, dae notice of which will bo given In the public prints, *llBO4/ Xttmlumt Sailors, JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 16 andlS South NINTH STREET. ABOVK CHESTNUT. A large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and OAoSIMERES always on hand. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality, and in the moat fashionable stylo. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH. ING. ftuQ-tf fiats, (Saps, #c. WF. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. au4-im rp CULLENDER & PASCAL, ; HATTERS, No. 8 8. BIXTH street. Philadelphia. ©cntlcmeUG* (Hurnisljing Qfoo&s. rafINGHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- T T MEN’S FURNISHING STORK, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 706 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, eud Strangers, is particularly Invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. auSHyif JIfECHANICS, FARMERS, MANUFAC- IfJL- TURERg, AND CHEMISTS, WILL FIND THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Exactly adapted to their want*. A new \olumo begin* on the 13th of September: therefore now Is the time to remit the subscription price. Ono volume of thiu Jour nal contains 416 pages of printed matter, and has about 600 engravings of nearly all tho Improvements made iu Saw and Grist Mills , Water Wheels, Lathes, Steam Engines, Reapers, and Mowers, Agricultural Imple ments, and tools or various kinds commonly employed in shops and factories. Tho luvontor, Mechanic, Chemist, Engineer, Farmer. Manufacturer, and Uotuekcoper. will flud iu each num ber interesting articles adapted to tboir wants. It Is tho most extensively circulated, ami tho only roliablo jour nal of tho kind In thle,conntry. The Subscription Price is only $2 per year, 91 lor six months, and leas to Clubs. PREMIUMS, VARYING FROM (300 TO (20. IN CASH, ARB OFFERED FOR THE LARGEST LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Specimen Number and Prospectus Circular are sen free. The Editors will also furnish, free of charge, circulars in regard to the heat toothoi of procuring American and Foreign Patents, and information is freely given upon, such subjects. Address MUNN & CO., au 21-eod4t 128 FULTON St,, New York. FOUN D—on th uhsday last, a BREAST PIN and pair of EAR DROPS. The owner can procure thmu at this office, by proving prop erty. au22-3t BALE ROPE.—Buyers arc invited to calJ and examine oar Manila Bale Rope, which we can can eell as low &r American, and warrant It superior in strength and durability. WEAVER, FITLBR &*CO., au 11 No. 23 N. Water st. and 22 N. Wharves. For sale, or to let on ground RENT, the Lot on North side of High Streot, 132 feet east of Twentieth Streot, 26 feet 4 inches front and HO feetdeep, to Jones Street. Apply to aulO-mwf 2w* EDWARD WALN, No. 702 Walnut St. ttQAA OH $6OO BOOK BINDERY FOR SALE—Soven years ontabUahed, doing a fair Job business, which can be increased, both blank and printed jobs, Location, 635 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank books at cost, jobs bound to order. aug!9-Sw COTTON— 200 bales good Middling to Mid dling Fair Cotton, in store and for side by MARTIN A MAOALIBTEB, aol ( North Water Street. JOHN N. REEVES, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PASBYUNK ROAD, opposite County Prison. Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. anl-lm ■MACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURN\CES, l?Jl Sold by CHADWICK A BRO., SECOND Street firftt door above Race. auglß-Smos. fWGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD WICK & BRO., No. 202 N. SECOND Street. ftuglB-3moft. npHOJtfAS Ee BAXTER.—HARDWARE A CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET BT. above Ninth, south side. Philadelphia au l-6m LUMBER! LUMBER /1 —The subscriber, who has for several year* occupied the premises at Sloan** ‘Planing Mill, Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phoenix Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where be intend* keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other floor ingjowds, steps, risers, shelving, celling, fencing and scaffold hoards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers ore in vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and auos or Southern ytUowPlne, Timber and Scantling, anl*tf < fl. 8. RICHIE. TACKSON, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. CHECKS, NOTE 9, DRAFTS, - "ILL HEADS. CIRCULARS. And JOB PRINTING generally, at shortest notice and fair prices. atQ-ltn TAMES KELLY, (Successor to William oF Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jewels, Emblems, Moaonio and Encampment Charts, Ico. odd Fellows’ Hall, NORTH SIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia. : Orders from any part of the country j addressed to Jamw Kelly, promptly attended to, ftuMw Sbnraticmal, The west Philadelphia insti tute poll YOUNG LADIE3.—WALNUT Street. Fouth side, between William and Till streets. This excellent Seminary will open, hs usual, on the Ist September. It is delightfully located, in a situation which combines the Advantages of country air and ex orciso with proximity to the city. The health, moral and personal comfort of the boarding pupils are the spe cial care of the Indefatigable Principals, Mr. and Mrs. REED, who devote every effort to render the Institute a home os well as a school, both for boarders and day pupils. The terms are moderate, considering the many advantages offered, being only $225 per annum for board* ing.'pupils. The system of instruction embraces the whole scope of mental training, and the best masters bare charge of the various departments of Languages, Music, Drawing, Painting, Ac,, the object being to fur nish ti really ‘sound education to the pupil, from the commencement to the completion of all studies to which the femole mlnd can, apply itself. For further particulars apply to the Principals Mr. and Mrs. REED, at the above address. We cordially recommend the above Institute to all parents desirous'of providing a really sound and good education for their daughters. Mrs. Reed has had up wards of seventeen year* experience, and her system of tuition Uaa been eminently and uniformly successful ia forming accomplished pupil*. JoiopbiKaen, WeslFhllid.tpbla. Rufus Bicknell, M. 11.. Wwt Philsdelphij A. Converse, D. D„ PUlLdolpMs. Monri W. Woods, W.st PhlUdelphi*. E.D. S.undors,Professorßounds*.’ Institute, W.P. au22-3t Academy of the protestant EPISCOPAL CHURCH. , ,™ e •sS*!' "I th 9 wilUe resumed on the 7th day of September, at 9 o’clock A. U The Bor. Dr. Hare having been requested to devote his time to the instruction of candidates for orders has resigned his office as Principal, bat will continue tZ act until his successor is appointed. Thorough instruction and discipline maybe expected under the active supervision of the Bhhopof the Dfoc#.» in behalf of the Board of Trustees. * Philadelphia, August 17,1657 &u2l-dgt ALONZO POTTER. Prest. ALL OF ST: JAMBS THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Ret. B. R. Smtsek, Rector. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember 1 Circulars may be obtained at the Book Store of H. HOOKER, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Fails of SchuylktU, Phila delphia. aul7-6m Removal. —the young ladies INSTITUTE, formerly located at No. 48, now 64 North SEVENTH Street, fa removed to No. 1711 VINE Street, west of Seventeenth, north side, where the sub scriber will be happy to see his former patrons and pupils, at the commencement of the Full Scanlon. For circulars, Ac., please apply to W. G. E. AGNEW, au!o-2w No. 1711 Vine street. MRS. BARTON’S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, N0.1&29 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. auli-Cw* TVOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE ll persona, male and female, to gain a share of this world's goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LKIDY BROTHERS’ BUBINES3 ACADEMY, Nos. 148 and 350 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a short time, TUH LEIDVB take pleasure in saying, that daring the past year a farce number of persona acquired s BUSINESS EDUCATION, on&bling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations successfully. au22-3m. /CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COM- V 7 MKRCIAL COLLEGE, 8. E. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of tho Best Penmeu in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, See. anl-lm &mns£ittfMs. Academy of music, broad and LOCUST Streets.—Mr. E. A. MARSHALL, Sofa Leasee .—Last week but one of the PROMENADE CON CERTS. TUIS EVENING, August 22d, novel and attractive features. MADAME JOHANNSEN, MIBS C. RICU INQS, Mr. PICKANESER, MR. FRAZER, CARL BERGMAN, and the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. New and splendid STATUARY, just landed from ship Eu phrasia by Signor VITO VITI St SON, perfect like- Donscaof ibe following eminent American statesmen: Washington. Clay, Jackson, Webster, Calhoun aud Fillmore. Admittance 25 cents. TMTALNUT STREET THEATRE—Fro v Y prietor, Sir. WM. J. NAGLE; Acting and Stage Manager, Mr. WAYNE QLWXN’E. price*—Dress Circle and Parquette, 60 cents: Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Beau, 75 cents. Box Office open from 0 o’clock. A. M. to 4 P. M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance will commence at 8. The Management announces a re-engagement for THREE NIGHTS MORE WITH NAGLE’S JUVENILE COMEDIANS. MONDAY EVENING, August 24th, The performance will commence with BEN BOLT. Renben Rags Little Frederick Wren Alico Little Martha Wren SINGING AND DANCING. The whole to conclude with & new farce, entitled OUR MARY ANN. Jonathan Tunka .....Little Fred. Wren 'W/’HEATLEY’s ARCH ST. THEATRE. ¥▼ —Sole Leasee .....W. WHEATLEY. BciLt or Pricks,—Orchestra suits, 50 cents; Dreas Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents: Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 85 cents; Beats ffiPri. rate Boxes. 79 cent* • whole Prtr*U? Box, $3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persons,2s cents; Pri vate Box In Oalfenr for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. if. J. M. B.WHITTON Treasurer. • THIS (Monday) EVENING, August 24th, will be pre sented. for the first time in two year?, the play, entitled THE LADY OP LYONS. ' \ ...Mr E.L. Daren port Mr.Thayer .Mrs. I’. L. Davenport -Mrs. Elmore Miss C. Bead Claude Melnotte. Col. Damas Pauline Widow Melnotte Marian To conclude with the comedietta of P. P.; 08, TUB MAN AND TIGER. Sir. Splasher Mr. Wbeatler Uobßuckakm Mr.j.B Clarke 311 m Startle. Hits 0. Seed Doors will open at 7 o’clock. Performance! commence at 7% precisely. eANFORD’B OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7# o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 cent*. MONDAY EVENING, Aug. 24, and every evening this week, will be performed a new original poetical, prosaical, Metaphorical, Operatical, Burlesque Extravaganza, written expressly for this establishment by John Har rington. Eaq., entitled LA TRAVXATA. In which the entire company will appear. Previous to the burlesque SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE will appear in their grand DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENT. To be followed by the FAIRY STARS—THE SANFORD CHILDREN, in their BSSOTirCL I>AKCEB. aa24-Iw rjIHOHEDF’ 8 VARIETIES, N. W- COR -*- FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, (new) 601 Chest nut. VOOAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT NIGHT LY, interspersed with donees and concluding on MON DAY and TUESDAY with the little IMP and TWO PHILOSOPHERS. Fanchoite, M’LLE LKFOLLE; First Philosopher. OH. KENDALL: Second Philosopher, SAN FORD. On WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY with THE TWO GREGORY'S. Fauchctte, MAD. LOUISE PAYNE; Little Gregory, CU. KENDALL. Commencing at half-past 7. Admission 10 cents. J. B. TIIOMEUF, Proprietor. J. C. WARREN,Conductor. au24-lt* "PARKINSON’ 8 ILLUMINATED GAR- A DENS, CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE CONCERTS with the Scottish Nightin gale, ft Pine Orchestra. Fire Works, Ac., EVERY BVKNINO. Admittance, one shilling. bOnnts. WANTED-COAL, GROCERIES, DRY « V GOODS, Ac., for House and Sign fainting, and Glnziug, at No. Oil OALLOWIIILL street. Also, a boy wanted under aul£>-eod-3t# WANTED TO RENT.—A THREE Story BRICK UttUSE, suitable for a small family. The best references given. Address “Rout, 5 ' Press Office. aulg.2w*__ —a——— tmmm ———^— ttlatrl)£o, Jemelrj), <Cr, Bailey & co., chestnut street. Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Under their inspection, on the premises exclusively. Citizens and Strangers are invited to visit our manu factory. WATCHES. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger. lUnga, and all other articles in the Diamond line. Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be mode freo of chaigo for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new styles of Fine Jewelry, such as Mosaic, Stone auJ Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marquisite, Lava, Ac., Ac. SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. aul-dtwAwly COAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, vis: Blunt’s Coast Pilot, 18th edition; Bow. ditch’s Navigator,27th edition; Shipmaster’s Assistant, Oth edition. We invite attention to our new Spring Centre Com pares, which answer for either light or heavy weather, and are especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where tbo motion is considerable. They require fewer repairs than any compass now in use. Marine Opera Glasses of superlorquality, Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad, rants, Azimuth Compasses, Binacles, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and beet authorities. Agenta for Rogers l American Code of Slgnhla, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott’s Hero meter, and an instrument for working ont problems in Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per feet accuracy. They nave received the approval of ox. Serlonced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the 8. Navy. £. A G. W. BLUNT. aulß-lm* No. 179 Water Street. Henderson & co* great liter ary FAIR. FIFTH and ARCH streets. In order to gratify the wishes of our .numerous pa. irons, sad induce the book-buying public to fill np their libraries at the usual low prices, weintend to presentto every purchaser of books to the amount of $1 and up. wards, a Gift in v&1uo of from 25 cents to $lOO. Call at our establishment, look at our valuablo stock, and select for yoursolves. Recollect you are not buying at chance, for every pur. chaser gots hjsboofc* at the usual prices, and very many will get, In addition, a present worth hiving. au2l-3m riVANS* GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, JCi No. 336 OHEBTNUT Street. N. 8.-No conneo tlou with .ay Other houw In the City. «ul-am WH. D. ROGERS'S CARRIAGE RE. J V POSITORY, 10W and 1011 CHESTNUT Street above Tenth, will be opened on or about the 25th inat, for the sale of every description of CARRIAG®f»ti> which the attention of the public is respeotfull called. 1 nuU.Ut f®ARLES MAGARGE & GO.,— V/ ‘Wholesale Dealers in PAPER, SAGS, Ac., No 80 South SIXTH Street, Fhilftdelphift. aul-lm ■ ®anbiboLea for ©Site. THOR RECORDER OF DEEDS T. B. X 1 TOWN, .Foutlh Ward ■ Subject to Democratic rules. . - a au2o-dt3B T7IQR- CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS X 1 —WILLTAM SAH'IV, First Ward Subject to Democratic Rules. ' - ■ tu 20-taep b 4 Recorder , of deeds—albeit d. J3OILEAU, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Demo cratic Rules. \\ auglS-dtsepS* OOR PRQTHONOTARY OF THE DIS- M TRICT COURT, WM,M.fcEItLY. 6f First Word, subject to-Democratle Rules. - * ay!7-dtse€^ ASSEMBLY—JOHN h/'MaLv, X-' Eighth War I—Seventh. ResrlilatiTe birtrict. Sab* Ject to Democratic rules. 1 .'a£lS-tsepBS PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT.—WM. LOCGHLIN,B«cond Ward.' Sub- Jeat to democratic rules »25>S»p7* For assembly-edwinTsmith, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WABD. Subject to Democratic Rule*. auU* FOR ASSEMBLY— Second District, PEK RAN 5 . COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Buies. ■ ttil&tC* LERK. OF QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. ■ • au 12* 4w* DIOR ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J. ifBEFE. V —Second Legislative District, Second Subject to the decision of theDeoocraUC'ConTentlon. an6-dtSB ' , . PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, JOHN P. M’FADDEN, of Third Ward. Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party, aul-tf FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—THOS* 3. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward. Tine' street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rulca; • • sulO-lm* JOHN 1L ARUNDEL, of the Twenty second Ward, trill ho a candidate for Assembly, from the Sixteenth District. Subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convention. *u%-eo62w# OR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT— FRANKLIN McILYAIN, Subject to Democratic rules. • suB-dtspB For coroner-db. feodore mieb- SON, Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Buies. auB*lm* FOR PROTHONOTARY OF-TfiE. DIS TJUCT COURT, LEWIS T. HEARS, of Tifetf-S Ward, Subject to Democratic Kulm. auB4m# IIROTfIONOTASTOf THE DISTRICT X COURT, GEORGE F. MBESEB, Twenty-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au4-tSeA I^OR" RECORDER OF DEEDS—R. R. YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules aut-lm* FOR CORONER—N. C. REID, N. D. Subject to Democratic Rules. au4lm* For assembly—first district.— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, First Ward. Subject to decision of the Democratic Convention, aul-6w* For assembly—third district.— DAVID R. UcLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Roles. anl-taeS# For assembly— JOSEPH HUNEKER, Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Bales. atl.lm* POE RECORDER OF DEEDS— CHARLES M. MILLER, Pourteenih Ward, Subject to Democratic Boles, on anl t sefl FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—GEORGE W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De* mocratic Rules. aul-sw* IjYOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—N. F* WOOD, Thirteenth ward.. Subject to Democratic rules. au3-te* CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS.- GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratic Rules. aultsepS ittisfdlancons CTATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. —AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, GARD NERS, POMOLOGIST3, INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS. ARTISANS!! All classes are invited to be. come exhibitors. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at Powelton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 29th and 30th, and OCTOBER Ist and 2d ensu ing, for the display of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and Implements, Dairy, Field and Garden Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, the Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Stoves, Wares and Inventions. A PLOWING MATCH l ! In order to promote skill and efficiency in the im* portsnt work of the Farm, a Plowing Match will come off on the fourth day of the Exhibition, to which men and youths are invited to compete for the premiums. To sellers and buyers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. The different Railroad Companies will carry all stock and articles to and from the Exhibition frte of chance as heretofore, and will issue Excursion Tickets for tiie Fair week at the usual liberal rates. LUts of Premiums and all other Information will be furnished on application to ROBERT 0. WALKER, Se cretary. at the Rooms of “the Philadelphia Society for PromotlngAgriculture, M ChesnntStreet, below Seventh, south side, up stairs. The books for the entry of articles and animals will b open on and after the Ist of September. DATH) TAGGART, President Penna. State Agricultural Society. aulS-d t aep 2$ Knight*® cooking extracts fob flavoring Pies. Podding. Cakes, Jellies. Costards, Ice ffteami, slano Mange, Sauces, Syrups, Soups, Gra vies, Ac., Ac. Comprising Knight's Extract of Lemon. Knight's Extract of Vanilla, Knight’s Extractor Rose. Knight's Extract of Orange. Knight’s Extract of Peach. Knight's Extract of Almond. Knight's Extract of Strawberry. Knight’s Extract of Pineapple. Knight’s Extract of Raspberry. Knight’s Extract of Celery. Knight’s Extract of Nectarine. Knight’s Extract of Oisnamon. Knight’s Extract of Nutmeg. Knight’s Extract of Gloger. Knight’s Extract of Cloves. Knight’s Extract of Allspice. Knight’s Extractor Mace. Knight's Extract of Apricot. These Extracts are made w ith great care, and are war ranted to retain all the flavor and strength of the artlde represented, in a purified and concentrated form, conve nient for all culinary purposes. Retaining their flavor for any length of time and in any climate, and can bo used at ail seasons of the year whan the fresh fruit can not be obtained. They are put up in a neat and convenient manner for use, vis: 2 and 16 ounce bottles, and are respectfully recommended to the attention of House and Hotel Keepers, Bakers, Caterers, and the publle in general Price 25 cents per bottle, or 6 bottles assorted for one dollar. For sale by C. D. KNIGHT, No. 7 South SIXTH Street. Grocers and Dealers supplied on liberal terns. au!s*lm Transportation of coal to CHINA. NATT DapARTMXST, > Bureau of Construction, Ac., August 13,155 T .) PROPOSALS, sealed and endorsed “ Proposals for Frtifht to China,” will be received at this bureau until 3 o’clock, the 15th September next, for the trans portation of not exceeding 4,000 tons of anthracite coal from the port of Philadelphia, in such quantities ss may be offered, and the Department deem proper to ac cept, to be delivered to the United States naval store keepers at Hoog-Keog and Shanghai as may be directed. The offer will state the prieo per ton of 2,240 lbs. for that delivered, without primage or any other extra charge, and also the rate at which demurrage will be charged. No other than cargo for the Government to be received on board. If the draught of water of the vessel offered mikes any lighterage necessary in loading, it will bj at the cost of the vessel; but good despatch will be given in load ing. For the delivery of the coal within reach of the ship’s ticket at the ports in China lay days will be de manded, at the rate of one fair-weather working day for every 30 torn of coal. The vessel named must stand A No. 1, and pass the usual Inspection by such officers as mar be appointed by the commandant of the yard where tno ship may be ; and If not offered for inspection within three days after a notice has been gUen, the department will make such other arrangements as will beat subiervo the public in terest. The vessel must be in Philadelphia and righ to load within ten days after she has passed inspection, and the notice of acceptance given. Wind and weather permitting, the vessel will sail within five days after being loaded and the bills of lading signed; otherwise there will be deducted from the freight money, for each and erory day’s delay la sailing beyond tho five days named, a sum equal to the amount de manded per day for demurrage. Payment will be made within thirtv days after the presentation of receipts in triplicate of the delivery of tho coal, by any navy agent in the United States that the bidder may select, who will be designated in the charter party. aul7-mth4w (gAEAMANDEIf SAFES. A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOOKS, Enaal to an/ now In ose. IRON POORS, SHUTTERS, &c. , On as good terras as auv other establishment in the United Slates, by EVANS k WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. aul3-tf PLEASE GIVE US A CALL, NEWLAND & CO., • LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importers and Dealers In Oil Paintings, Water-Color Drawings, Engravings, &c. 'A large assortment always on hand. Packing ana removing Classes, and hanging attended to, 604 ASCII Street, above Sixth, south side, Philadelphia. anMnirp SPIRITS TURPENTINE—2OO bbls Spirits K 3 Turpentine, to arrive, for sale bv MARTIN fc MACALISTBR, sol 119 North Water Street. WELCOME RANGE.— SoId dy CHAD WICK & DRO.. 202 N\ SECOND St. aulfi-am. I^OTTON—IOO bales Gulf Cotton, in store and for sale by MARTIN & MACALISTBR, aal 119 North Water Street.^ XITELCOME RANGE.—SOLDBY CHAD v T WICK tc PRO. 202 N. SECOND St. aulS-3m. itI^STirTrBURKET J.TA 802 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Informs SOUTHERN and WESTERN MERCHANTS she has opened ' TALC AND WINTER PATTERN HATS in fluey colon, And a full line of MOURNING HATS. »,iglB-2» TOSEPH BLACK, Banner, Sign, Decora •f tlva md Oenoral ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, N. E, corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, entrance on Fourth street. AIso—PORTRAITS, the site of life, painted from Daguerreotypes, anl-dlm Hotel and summer ranges— Sold by CHADWICK * BRO., SO3 N. SECOND St. .ugl3-3mos. Tfyross— l7 bales Carolina Moss, jof sale by ITI. MARTIN A,MACALISTBR, »ul 110 North Water Street. SKATE S-S K ATE S.—MERCHANTS visiting Philadelphia are invited to examine the large stock of German, American., and city made SKaTES, manufactured expressly for * , W.W, KNIGHT, 619 Market, ang23»3t* , Exactly opposite Decatur street. ■pLAGSi FLAGS)-PACKER FLAGS, .a Flags from two and a half Inches to five whoiesaJe and retail, at the Flag Depot, No.XO South Second street. aagio-lm* T UMBER AND COALi-rMONTGOMERT 4 having canneciwt ,4he Coal wltb the Lawyer bpsinesa, inform their frjeiid* that they made contract for a supply or the beat Qoaiitiw «f Lehigh aad Schnylkill Coal, and are isow ready to re ceive orders Twelfth cod Prime streets. Orders mar he left with Mr. S. KILPATRICK, No. 13 a. tITTB Mr. VM.D.XEAU, comer PIKKwS j TffATEB rtraetg. anllfe Jtepbeit* reqeited tatereatallowed, u per agree, [ fTJEENWUOD CEMETERY OfFICE/NO. meat, a*l-3m I VTIIB WALXW St., below mifl. *a Utf "Wi TINGOiY & CO., BANK.EK3, • No. 87 Sooth THIRD Stmt, Philadelphia. ' COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points In the United States ana Canada. > Stocks, Bonds, Ac., Bought sod Sold on Commission. tJncurrent Bank Notes, Checks, Ac., bought at the lowest rates. fjuieis niib_ tlcstanranis. CLINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD WAY, comer of EIGHTH, street. New York. THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT Is now open for ths reception cf guests, in thoEuropsn • $ .SINGLE ROOMS Cram 60 cents tc $1 per day. SUITS of ROOMS tor I'auiiUes, from SI 60 to SlO per day. Tka MEALS Eorvcd ct all tours by the CARD, at moderate rates * • C.J MACLELLAJ? (“long snd IsTOribly known to tba patron* tf }ccec’ and the United States HcteL Philadelphia.") is associated in tee management, u& baa especial charge of the Catering DepsrtauatC - Every attention has been paid to make the organization per* feet, and oar friends, patrons, and the travelling public in general, may test assarted that bo effort shall be wanting to make the CLINTOX worthy the Savor wfcMfc we hereby respectfully solicit. aus-lm* SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street and Daqu-'sne TTij-, Pittsburgh. n. Q. >f ARK Eft, Proprietor. t »7<tAr> LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL," (DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS,} Booth-east comer FIFTH and QUEEN Street*, aol-Im . Philadelphia. WILLIAM N. KING,—SOUTHERN • EXCHANGE HOTEL, emtw of FIFTH and CABEEXTEHSts., ghiladalplila. ail-l» r'HESNUT STREET HORSE —SAMUEL MILLER, (Oil No. 131) New No. *3l CHESNOT STREET, below Fourth', Philadelphia. 01 1-1* YI7TLLIAM HANNINGS' City Ltgefßewr » T Saloon, No. *2 GARTER’S ALLEY, PhUadß- Pt‘»- ul-lm tOiues" imti Ciquoni. Ef. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORT • LBS of SHANDIES, WINES, Ac.; alio, awastt and sole proprietors of the old WHEAT WHIS&RY. No. 6 North FRONT street. vaS^lm ALJSJCANDJSK V. AM> LIQUOR STORE, No. 220, 3oath*e*t Corset of GKOROE and SOUTH Strata. «J-lr VC7ILLIAM F. PITFItLDv-IHPOBTER V ? of RBAJiDIiS; &SHE 3, He.. te. % Ko. 22* CHESTNUT Street, Phil&acljftia. aul-lm CI. LEVFIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IK FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, 4ft., * Sooth FIFTH Stmt, Philadelphia. aal-4/ Brandies —Pinet, castuioc & co., ii»- : mtt 4 Co., and other brand* of Cognacs of Taitoc* vintage*, in half pipe* and quarter casks: Peilavobba Rochelle Breadies, pale end dark, in half jupas, quitar cask# and oesveighth cask*, all in Caatoo Hooas stara, imported and for-saie hr hejjry bohlex a co., and No*. 221 and 223 Sooth Fourth street. DITHMAR & BCTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (sew Ko. 908> North THIRD Sheet, Philadelphia.—Shipper orders promptly altohded to. aal tl gobntio onb Cigars. TXAVANA CIGAKS—A handsome assort- XX meat, such as Finro, Plrt'rt*. Cabanas, gultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Coloso, CoaTerd*&ies, Torrey Lopei, Union Amufern, Orejon, Flora Cabana, Ac., Ac.. Ac.,in K, if, 1-6 and 1-10 boxes, of all sises and ties, ia store and constantly receiving, and for sale krv. by CHARLES T£TE, (new) 138 WALNUT Street, below Second, second atey Figaro, cabanas and pabtagas BEGARS.—A choice inroioe of then oeleiotod brands on board brig “ New Era,” daily expected from Savina, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETB, (New) 133 Walnut street, below S«MH t aol Second Story. Sales bfl Sturiion. MO S E S N A TH A N S, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. X- «WW SIXTH and RACE Stmts. Sale on account of the United State* Government, by ' order of Win. Badger, Eaq . Navy Agent. ON TUESDAY MORNING, the 24 cf September, JB6T, at 10 o’clock, at the Philadelphia Navy TanL era* elating In part or—2 bbla beef, 1521 lbs bread .23 lb* cheese, 40»X lbs batter, 2 bbls pork, ICO lbs pieklae, 1510 lbs nee, large lot of empty bread and whiskey barrels, a lot of spirit <nx>m casks from 300 te 9 gallons, boat and mess breakers, a lot of cooking utensils, tea kettles, frying pans, stev pane, grid irons, table covers, lot of shades for stern wLoonwa, two cabin state room carpets, looking gUssct* banging lamps, shades for wardrobes, dish cover*, brass drums, bugles, French horns, hand tnimpeta,threeboat earigns, boat pennants, two broad pennants. American Jack, lot of carpenter's tools, 3d galls paint oil, lot of hide and wheelropc, 25 ship buckets, gailey sod fixtures* 42 feet unction hose, lanterns, lamp oil; lot of blocks, fcaad lines, log lines, lot oil casks and barrels, and numerous other articles. The whole to be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. FIRST SALE Of FURNITURE, At the 3. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets, (a 21 and 3d story rooms, entrance from Race street. ON FRIDAY MORNING next, August 23th, at 18 o'clock. Sale positive to pay advances. Consisting in part or—several rich gilt frame oral Fyench mirrors, fancy top mirrors, mahogany frame looking glasses, three ply imperial carpets, sofaa. mar bletop tables, spring seat chain, rocking do, bedsteads, feather beds, spring and other mattress**, dressing bu reaus, chamber bureaus, secretary do, book am, card tobies, breakfast tables, centre tables, Windsor chain and settees, and furniture generally appertaining to housekeepng. VV OLBE B T auctioneers, v ? 431 CHESTNUT ■ Stmt, opposite tbs Custom Hose, between Fourth and Filth Stmts. JOHN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER, Ho. *25 ARCH Street- between Third and Fourth Stoseta. SALES EVERY EVENING at 8 o'clock. Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, fancy Goods, Notions, Ac.. 4c. X. B. Terms of Night Sales, four month* eredit &r approved City acceptances, for soma of |IOQ aaj ovar with interest added from date of sale. CARD^—Gat-door Rales solicited of Household furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwriters* Sales of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac. Consignments soli cited to bo sold at tne Auction Booms. Charges moder ate. Apply as abore. A Frances made on Consignments of Goods. aulas George w. smith, auctioneer, -V. s. comer of BARRON asd SOUTH Stmto, above Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 1)4 o’clock, at the Acction Store, of Hardware- Cut lery. Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Article?, Ag. CJAMUEI. NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, to and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 Soath THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear ft., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hows of business from 7 o'clock, A. SI., until Id o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction House, at* tended npon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. Established fer the last Thirty Years. Advances made fro a one dollar to thousands on Din monds, Silver Plate. Watches, Jewelry, Hardware. Her chandixe, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Cam*??*, and Goods ot every description. All goods can remain any length at time agreed open. AU advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month; gooo and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House haring a depth of 120 feet, haalirga Are and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy Insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of haring an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms than any other la this city. Money advanced to the poor, In small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watebee, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aui-lj Summer iirsons, The ephkata mountain springs opened the tenth day of June, with additional im* provcuionts and more extensive accommodations. This ut-althy Bummer resort has the advantage of the purest atmosphere and water, the buildir.es being located fine thousand feetabore water level. The prospect embraces an extent ef country nearly forty mUe* square, and points in ten counties aro visible to the naked eye. Baths of every d<icriprio»i, and extensive graveled, shady walks. The pecnh&r virtues of the water here is the great softaeM and purity it possess**, (beingquite as efficacious in restoring tone, health, and vigor to the wholesystem as that impregnated with mineral.) conse quently mote palatable .for drinking and better {or bathing. The amusements aro a superior band of mode, bULiards and tea pins, pleasant drives over good roads Accessible from Philadelphia via Railroad to Lancas ter or Reading,! caching the apriug by either route within eiX. hours. , For further information apply to A Co . Third aad l’ine streets, PhiUdclphfa; JamSsS. Earle. No. 212 Chestnut street, where circulars can be obtained, or to the proprietor. JOS. KONIGMACHER,* Ephrata P. 0.. Lancaster county, Pa. SEA-BATHING AT CAPE MAY, CAPE ISLAND.—The Centre House will be kept open for the accommodation of visiters until November next, at a reduced price. J. L. MECRaT, Proprietor. aug!9-eod2w HAZELTON AND SPRING moun tain, Lehigh, Hickory and Locust Mountain Schuylkill Coal tor salest KNOWLES’ Depot. NINTH .ml frILLOW Street.. .Wien COAL! COAL ! COAL!—TAGGART' S CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. &B. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TA3MQUA COAL „ G r?°££ E , W - SSYDEH’S pine forest schuyl KILL COAL RANDALL & MEREDITH Ilaxe for mi,, and are constant!. leceis-ine from .bore celebrated Collieries, . COAL OP ALL SIZES. There is so Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, Finland all impurities. Oar PRICES area* LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. 151 SOUTH FRONT street, above Walnut. , Orders left at our Yard, CALLOWHILL street below BROAD street * Order* left at oar Wharf, WATER street, above CAL* LOWHILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. Purchaser, for Ismilj use will do rreil to »U end «. amine our Loal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf 13UCK MOUNTAIN COAL—Direct from -*-* the Company's Mines, and the only suthoriied agents, by retail, south of Kensington. Also Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal T TREADWAY. Swanson street, au2o-2m] Ist Wharf above Washington, Southwark. CJCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I ara daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o. SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. Mv customers and ail others who may favor-ms with their orders mar rely on gettior Coal that will bo satisfactory to them 07* No interior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES.- ALEXANDER CONYERY, N. E. corner of Broad and Chany Sts. T EHTGB AND Spft&YLKILL COAL— ij DALY, PORTER COAL DEALERS, So. 821 PRIME Street,. abovfc*isghtfl, keep constantly ao hand, at the verv loweet ra%a7ull supply of Uhigh and SehoyikUl Coal. , anl-Sm WIKASI ft 00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers