IS-, . - ' i§® 81® 18 * 7 * iDBMOCaiTICNaMINATIONS. ' ■ s ~ ;r oovwmoK, *WIUAAJt>. PACKER, ' & oarnitT.. - - . m iVMSft THE IQPRKXC COURT, ■ k £,c^..WIU.IAM STRONG, ' v l ' -- a'.-c- ’’ ■ OF WHIM 1 COCJCrT.. 7" ABBS;THOMPSON, ” J V ■%’;" op sub coostr. , V<'-V -iV ‘-V r ‘ CANAL COMMISSIONER, . »3 / - NIMROD STRICKLAND. ■'’i*!','i ■ of ohs area 'ofiyirr ‘ ' .' ■ - C£?"on our first page will be found an article SpinS lntetest on the IslhndofFormoaa, /]' .which bssubeen lately spoken .pf »s> likely to ' ‘ be occupied by an American force. ; ' J 1 On our fourth page is the commencement of .iq '‘ Familiar Life of Pennsylvania,” by an au ■ ... v£tiior of high literacy reputation; ' well qualified, , knowiefigh, to present lively, '' V truthful, and interestingaccouutsqf ceiebrities dead, with, sketche? pf tbe. iiabita, interestiuglocslities Of '.. . the Keystone State; derived flrom acthal "'.St‘ during'nearly thirty yeaM* B»i ' ;i tfks&lsw as we aye to mt have the appearance j thing 'in our own journal, ' that our readers will,thank pa ; for such an article as this—flesh, racy, ohar heteristie, andihlthful. , . u»c jfcwrwp^,. if To-day Wepomrnence’the gratuitous puMl ■ : oation of the weekly list of uncalled-for letters ‘•‘"ifp.dur Poaf-offlce, apdintend publishing it . V sp at some sacrifice Of space ■- ;■ Sand wnyonieacej but it ls tono ■ , ph/diciqund vi-e,'supply it as .au lmporhuit, and., iVeyeh viniercating, portion' ofgeneralinfonns " lit order that it may really be as dseftil - should beiwe. print,;’it in s?Clear and.legible type, “whloh he Who runs ' b ;piay rpad;’’ v , \ ' ...- '/•’ ! -XATTEST FROM EUROPE; j V'Skls 11 *Che 'dnglo-Saxon,! which left Liverpool on y 'jbejith instant/asd arrlved at Quebec ycßtcr dayj has brought fow days later news. -'No .f intelligence.fto.ih 'lndia bad been o/itiedykd, but Consols had declined one-quarter v per cent.,. being quoted at fiOJ. Thevisit of '‘’..NAPOUcps.tb Queen VieroaiA had resulted in }. between France and England to callbri the Porto to annul the recent Moldavian ' , ISWbtibns.... Lord John Russell’s Committee .i’f fcai reported ‘that, imder the Oaths Act, passed reign of Wilma* IT,, the Jews could tesoi sit in Parliament without taking the usnal ■ uathai t 'V! O.wing to Borne trivial accident, the, actual commencement of laying down the sub-Atlau }'tia Cable did not, commence from Talontia un f ~ tinbe 7th Inst., The latest account Was to the i- iotbdnst, at which time three hundred miles "’ bad' actually buen laid, part of it at the ~ ; of,two miles. No difficulty whatever bad pre 'i; sentod Itself, nor was anticipated, 1 The regii bit rate ofllayingdown the. cable was five miles ■ ah hpiur. Constant communication, by the te ;‘;)egraph Itself, was being made from the steam jbsquadrouto Valentia. i The usual . summary of news will be found * "iisdei' our telegraphic head. , j JOINING NEW; PARTIES. Within; the iast .two years'sVgreat change has come over the face of the political waters; »r The death of the idolized chieftains of the old •'Whig party has' left a fairer add freer play to grpat principles, which are too often subordi ; natsd before attachment to men and expe ’.'-'dients. This. addod to the settlement of certain J, excStihg questions of a local or pecuiuary bas served to clear away the mists wbich bave ‘surrounded these primary, duties incumbent upon ali the citizens of a oonstitu- tional Government. It has left upon the arena of politics but one great party. ’Although rye sympathise with the regret entertained i,-byT many at the progress, of these events, y^We : foUyshare the gratification which them : v u cithten» |niuBt baTe felt that ihedoor of this .oae„greftt party stood- wide open for their J'itodEsion, and ' that they are welcomed into ■ '’iWrahkyiiii taken by the tandwith iamuch ;• 1 confidence as if they had grown up ip support ~, -of its pephllar principles. Therehave notbeen dj»g ®^yV.hPwevef, , ' impreasive exodus into the Democratic fveiljw of bitter imUgnatlisS, and crindnations, ‘ which.'hjaye indoubtleas served to keep others from perform ing the act <>( duty which they will at .ttst he •Wheh aaold-lihe Whig :under the Dem»cratlo Bag lie /;fomfoit;hiuhted tritb having“deserted” his we inquire-into the sincerity el i . this casutstry, wc shall be alike instructed and _ -amused. ■ -;' , :''.There arb 'two opposition organisations hi this country. iiowhere dowebehold theHssnx CtAV orDaniEL Wnnsraa standards flying; hO • where Is the time-honored and glorious name hf antagonisms to the constitutional party are tbit ; which'chUs' itsolf ‘‘ ATneriean,’’ and that which li.calls itself “ Republicanthe first a.conglo ‘ lneiutecompound which is constantly changing ; ! its firm—and frankness compels ua to add, al *' -j inoat:.constantly changing its.mime t the se|- 5-ond,ah aggregate of Abolition hatreds and fo c natlcismS. .Is there anything in either of these : i,-.t<>* eotnmaud the respecter arpnae the enthusl asm Of an old-line Whlg J ; If we separate the .’'elements of which each is composed, and apply the testiUruished in the iife-timu of Cn r and iVsnsrua, we shall find that the lustre which - 1 the patrioticservices of these two men has shed larOhnd their respective names Bowed chiefly tifromthelr high and courageous opposition to “these very elements. If, therefore, the old *'Une.TChlg becomesa Kepubllcan, or an Amcrl . can, or a Democrat, his motives should not be challenged in cither' event for. inconsis ; .tency or. insincerity, and least of all/cab .•ir'the -Whig who has become an American, or -tbo Whig who has become a Kepubllcan, up •' brgid him Wlio haabecome a Democrat. There * has been a ebango in every instance, and we aim quite certain a conversion in the latter. ' Let us be content with things as they stand. unserupuious inquiry into motives m uijlyiproduces bad blood. Thousands and tens of thousands of men wlto hare attached them '. selvca to the Democratic party can find their - warrant for such an act of patriotism in the reeord of their supportof Ccav end of Wes "srih. These leaders were In their day and jtiipe the, very heroes in the struggle for the :ohion, and,let us not bo ashamed to say it, ' .tho sfout pillars upon which, In great part, the itself reposed. If thoy were . diving now, they, would be where the most of - followers are. They would be against ; proscription of tho foreign-born Cathollc clti sen. .They would be against sectionalism h* every form. They would be against secession, ■/-'the worst shape of disunion after Abolitionism -aiqne. They would be for allowing the people / of Kansas to vote upon their own locaUnsti tutions,, and for asserting In distinct and 'positive terms foat ran vriw. or tiiejiajoritt v'shounn iltisrnox,. They would he against the : Sftvasionof Kansas by. hordes from Missouri | and Massachusetts. They would be for this Administration—for its calm, conservative and . constitutional policy. Looking forward to ’•'the future; and beholding all good omens clustering arpunlour example, they would not ' hesitate to. say, as .they have not hesitated to tsay-before, in order to secure to that foiture and to their children and children's the blemlngs oftheegovernment to /.the remotest ages, they would repudiate old • -party nahses and remember 1 only their duties ’ first, last, and oil the time, to tho Constitution ;; , and to thtjTJnioh. . , , .y . Ttiera ia thls yearto lie nominated a candl ; ■; idatefor the Seltete, in the place of 0. B. Pek • R OSE, deceased. The nomination Will be made ■jjytbe delegates'of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, > v Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Wards, on Tuesday -, evening after, their election, which takes place on the 7th of September; /: ( 'Thc delogates of thebtheiwatds of the old -jfsjj^ffi&et ; <in .i^hwatUy, 1 Septemfcof, • JO, at ■'•4 &m#3kki ■*’s» cotat‘hoi»ef;io :-i for, the St^.'Senate^ln. .Mrfgttf for reboetbißftott?. -■ j ; ;/ * rccov«ed of the opcrsUtni, end U rist'iwireialngbsr'hMlth. The operation wM , j*ifoTi»ed>y,P?.WalWt B«rahiu> l ef how*ll,fcaW, |T;p i ' i: ' -- >- xomiamam. I *%&&£&! . ■ MIISU ON THE FAIR SEX. The didactic essayist in Harptr's Magazine, I who declared, in Aligns},- that AmeWcan gen tlemen generally W'ero.dii-bred. end impolite, and that “our countryman la too oltea known abroad by. his high pretcnslonaapd low breed ing”—-drops down on thoA tnericak ladies in' the September number, (just issued;) and visits them with his censure and displeasure. Heda clarea that “society generally has a right to more than it gets from our American woman, | and especially ' On the score of courtesy;” i that “to be seed of ail men is the highest dm bition Of oUr beauties, and they take care to spread ;their plumage before every eye;” that “our women, cunning as they may be In most arts, want the art of pleasing that (■they not only have it not, but seem uhwllling to acquire it; ’’ that it shows Itself “even in their chance Intercourse with strangers, in a characteristic deficiency of gracloushesp of mi tanner—that small return which every Ameri can gentleman has a right to expect for the gal lantry lie is so ready to profferand that they ! “never give a smile of acknowledgment, or utter a simple thank-you; for the thousand favors” [the best seat and the first place] which they i are « daily receiving from their gallant conn* 1 toymen.” He adds, «If what Livy says of I woman be true—that she ,is more, amiable abroad ' than at home—we should fear that American husbands have not a very pleatnnt tifHoof it et their own firesides*” ' This is a pretty strong indictment. But this is not all. The essayist—who performs ■ for tfarper what «the heavy ffther” does for, a lively comedy, relieving the gaiety by a little : gentle dplness—actually says / •‘iTWs-Wttdof gracious acknowledgment of fa* ! von received .in the ordinary intercourse of out* door lifecsn not'be. excused on the so ore of modest reserve; for where does woman carry a bolder air, in' public than with us? Where does she flaunt her charm* so freely? Where does her ejo look with a steadier gaze on man ? Where does her voice sound louder, and her laugh ring more sonorously? There is nothing, in fact, which bur women are so deficient In os reserve. Thereia a publicity >of bearing-flbojit them more Of die hotel then of home.. Ton gee that they are veterans in courage, however young in years, and'can stand steadily the fire of a huudred/eyes. Where a more timid bashfaln.ess would, not dare to show its face, they are as unmoved as bronze. If courage to face an enemy was all that was required, thero wonld be no„ difficulty. r we should thinks In recruiting an army of boul-eyed Amasons among oar beauties, ready to return look for look with the most formi dable gallants that wore over marshaled for rob* chief.’” . . Then follow diatribes touching the "character istic daring of ourwtonen;” their “certain self assurance," and their "prominence of manner." Bard words, but not the worst; for this cruel Minor norum takes care to add:.« Whatever may be the cause, there is no doubt of the fact, that our female youth ore more in the public eye, have a bolder face, a. looser tongue, and. afreet, air, than used to be considered consistent with the character of a young gen tlewoman.” The essayist, who evidently is a bachelor soured by a score of refusals, daintily reproves our belles for having beaux, at an earlier age than young ladies in the Old World think of such things.- "Long,” says ho, “beforea girl in England or France dares to raise her eyes to the face of a newly-made acquaintance, In America, so rapid is her progress, that she probably will have secured him for an acknow ledged lover.” Think, lie. says, of the con sequences to female virtue of such freedom of wilt on the part of our young ladies. “We may. state, however, that the experience of the Old World is against its safety; and it is only in our own country where a girl is allowed to form intimacies with a score of ardent beaux who are not even speaking acquaintances with •her parents.”. Dangerous they, may not bo to female mo rals, lie says, but injurious this youthful free dom certainly is to female manners. « Yes,” says he, “ it emboldens iht front, it opens wide the'eye; raises loud the voice, and gives an air of reckless daring to our youthfhl beauties, in whom ever)’ man—not excepting the rake— who has taste enough to admire the semblance, even if he care not for the reality, of virtue, wonld.wisb to find the blush, the gentle look, the soft speech, and the retired bearing of modesty.” .' The moralsof our females, be says, may be good, but their manners .ate bad. Their con versation, he,assures us, ia “nothingbut goi sip and the commonplaces of female fashion,'’ . with which a mania “ boted to death.’’ 1 Why .splenetic, self-sufficient cynic, should haVc written all these libels—for such they are—may be easily enough aeponnted for-' But we are utterly at a loss to know on what grounds Harper’s Hagasixie has adopted them- If our y opag ladies were only a quarter as bold-faced, loose-foßgued, daring, ungracious, flaunting, loud-voiced, bronzed, bold-eyed, Amazonian, •a* the msgazinist declares them to be, they would rise en masse, rush to Franklin square bit the impulse of the moment, bear away with them, from Harper’s stately, edifice,: tlieir doomed assailant, and, giving him anewholi day.suit of Ur and feathers, .turn him adrift with a contemptuous smile. But as they are not what their assailant calls them, they will bo content to smile at him, and dispense with any fhrther vengeance. . ' In the two articles oh the question “Are wc a polite people ?” the writer has repeatedly re ferred to his Old World experience and predic tions. What a pity, if the women of England and France so greatly deserves his greatest eulo gies, that hedldnotromainwith them. Inthoso countries, old bachelorship is more kindly entreated than In this,—we assume, Dorn in. tomal evidence, the condition of the man. Had he remained abroad, his absence would scarcely have been missed or lamented. We.bave token the trouble of giving a sum mary of his charges sgainßt the American ladies. On their part, we deny them. The proof now rests with Harper• We calmly, await it on the part of our fair clients. Let it come*, NEPOTISM* The distinguishing trait of ail Governments, not-deriving their powers directly from the people, is to be found in the fact that they seem to exist for the purpose, not merely of maintaining the few at the expense of the many, but for the purpose of quartering upon the public revenues and the public efflees cer tain titled families, who claim to bo honored and ennobled by tbeir ancestors or their mon arebs. The list of these aristocratic paupers and stipendiaries for each of the leading powers of Europe would startle our uninitiated sim plicity, and suggest to more than one mind a doubt as to the sanity of those who submit to suchthings without taking the law into their own strong hands. Nepotism, as popularly under stood, is'imdue attachments relations by those in power i technically the word means fondness for'nephews, or; as Wbbsteb expresses it, favoritism shown to nephews and other rela tions. Adbisox tells us that it was to this humor of nepotism that Rome owed its splendor and magnificence, for it would have been impossi ble to have furnished out so many glorious palaces with such a profusion of pictures, statues, and the like ornaments, had not the riches of the people; at several times, fallen into the .hands of mapy different families and particular persons. ’ In this country, whore every man can aspire to position, there is a natural Jealousy of this evil of nepotism, and nothing goes so tar to damage a public man in the estimation of his constituents as the fact that lie concentrates upon his own relatives and connexions the patronage in hiil gilt. And it is by this jealousy thst we are protected from the abuse of the confidence reposed in our representatives and executives, and that by this time the practice hM not extended farther. There are, indeed, many cases which could bo pointed ont in which nepotism has been allowed to prevail over distinguished merit and recognised ability. So many expedients can be resorted to at our great Federal and State capitals, that it would bo expecting miracles if they did hot sometimes succeed. The present Chief Magis trate of the United States has always been hostile to the encouragement of this habit, as indeed has nearly every one - of his illustrious predecessors.' Regarding themselves as trus tees'of the whale people,,they have, It is pro bable, carried opposition -to family favoritism sofaras, in some cases, to do injustice to those who have deserved consideration, not because Of their relationship, but on account of their Sacrifices'<u>d servlces to the cotintry in time of peace and war. ; It ls cnrions to ‘ observe how- the people, 1 In Certain cases’/ unwittingly encourage some of the very practlces against which they would be the firjjt to pretest if fityered by thelrdelegatcs et nfreemtathes. In the very las* Congress then were ho less thanthreo bfothers (the ‘ sitting in'the Housoof Representatives, from the respective States of Maine, Illinois, and Wisconsin, and those geng tloipen, Republicans as they were, seemed to be so much attached to the example sot by the voters, that they succeeded in securing an office for a 'rourtit brother., It is only a few years ago that this Hon. Henry Dodoe and his son sat side by side in.the Senate of the United-States, the one as a representative of Wisconsin, and tho other as the representa- tive of lowa. Not long ago the two dis tinguished brothers Inoersoii, one a demo crat and the other a whig, were members at the same time of the House of Representatives, chosen ftom the city and county of Philadel phia. In all theso casus, however, the parties honored by the popular confidence were emi nently deserving oflt. An objection to an evil may sometimes be carried to ridiculous extremes. Thus, let us suppose that six brothers, each emi nenfc in his own vocation, the one a leading inventor or mechanic, the other a great soldier, the third a distinguished lawyer, the fourth a profound statesman, the fifth an eminent artist, and so on, should aspire to office at the hands of the people!, or to appointment at tho hands of the Executive ; it would assuredly be most unjust if any one should snfl’er be cause of his relation to tho others, inasmuch as all would be eagerly sought for if they were strangers instead of relatives. Nepo tism, as we understahd it, is the appointment of persons to office only because they are members of certain families or Connected with certain leading men. A custom equally per-, nicious is the fastening upon the body politic the unworthy descendants of worthy ancestors —brokers upon the glories of heroic fathers or grandfathers—men who, in their own per sons, have neither the ability nor the character to make them acceptable or qualified foreleyated position. In a country like ours there is always a large class of men disappointed because they cannot obtain office, themselves, and otbers independent enough to do without office, but who are disposed to criticize and condemn somewhat too freely, perhaps, the doings of the men they assist to elect, and hence it is right and proper that the utmost care should be taken to leave no door open for the encour agement of thoso examples which reflect so much discredit upon Governments in which great families wield tho whole vast power of the throne, and farm away millions and millions of money which should be dispensed among the masses to promote their comfort, or distributed so as to keep the peace with other nations. Fortunately for us and for our posterity, pubi lie office in this country is not paid at the ex travagant ratos it commauds in tho Old World. Ambition can bo gratified only by the oxhibi tion of rare personal gifts or uncommon intel lectual advantages, and lie who roaches the dazzling heights of fame often finds that the fulfilment of Ills dreams leaves him loaded down witli a weight of public duties, and often with a burden of private debts. It is this which so elevates al! the branches of labor and o trade. It is this which promotes disinterested ness among the great body of our cltizons, so far as public station is concerned; and it is this, wo regret to say, that sometimes retains in the ranks of active professional and commercial life great intellects which, if properly compen sated, might bo transferred to the halls of leg islation and to the executlvo department of the Government. CORRESPONDENCE. FROM WASHINGTON. Warmnoton, August 19,1857. I learn from a gentleman juat from Tennessee, that Governor Johnson will be one of the United States Senators to be elected by the next Legisla ture of that State, and that the other will be either Governor J. C. Jones, Hon. Geo. W. Jones, General Pillow, Mr. Ewing, or Mr. Nicholson. Both will be Democrats and supportersof the Administration. It is not true that General Walker, of Nicaragua, was in this city as stated in tho despatch of the Associated Press. At the time mentioned he left Augusta, Georgia, for his home in Nashville. Look ridge and others aro in western Texas, where, it is said, they are collecting men and money for another invasion of Central America. Spruce M. Beard, nominated by tho Democracy of New Mexico as delegate to Congress, is the same gentleman who was sent by the Bepublio of Texas to Santa Fe as judge of that distriot, and who went there in the face of many threatening perils. Next Monday is the limit of the time within which proposals may be received for the construc tion of the sloop of war authorised by the lost Congress. As yet, the board to examine the models end offers has not been selected, nor has it been .fixed by tho Department by what rale it* members shall be guided in their choice. There is competition amongst the ship-building cities for the work; I hope it will go to Philadelphia. The name of Mr. Rfggs, of Connecticut, was sent In to the President to-day to fill 'the vacant tteutenantcy in the marine corps. This young man deserves the place because of hfs gal lantry as a private soldier daring tho war with Mexico. Washington, August 22,1857. For the last few days there has been an unusual number of visiters in Washington city. The hotels present the same lively excitement that is to be witnessed during the week immediately previous to tbo commencement of a new Congress. The in quiry naturally suggests Itself, why are so many of our honorables now in the Federal Metropolis? We should judge from thoregularity with which they visit the White House, and tbo Departments, that they had business of pressing importance, and which would admit of no delay. Of the members of Con gress a larger portion arc from Now York. Your editorial on Mr. Keitt’s recent Sulphur Spring letter baa created quite a sensation here, and is universally approved by all whom I have heard speak on th? subject. There was great de mand for the paper in which it was, after the sup ply hod,been exhausted. Mr. Keltt has donehhn sclf no credit, but the Administration much good, by this demonstration. Ho h>is allowed his pas sions and his prejudices, to 'say nothing of bis anxiety to bo the Senator from South Carolina, so completely to get the better of his judgment, that all his rhetorical Culminations rebound upon him solf, and in looking over the list of killed and wounded we find the record to consist of the name of the Hon. Mr. Keltt alone. X hear from the best authority that tho Secretory of War will, this evening, despatch a special mes senger to tho army for Utah* I have good reason to beliove that this messenger is sent thither to seo that the mails for the officers and men are regularly delivered, os it is well known that Drjgbam Young and his confederates are in the habit of interfering and tampering with the United States malls, and making postal arrange ments to suit themselves. X. Y. AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Music.—ln a very few nights the promenade concerts here will terminate. Far greater novelties, of a wholly different character, will take their place. The attendance continues large and fashionable, and as tho vocalists are first-class, we dare say that the popularity of tho concerts will continue unabated to tho close. Arch Street Theatre.—To an immensely crowded house, on Saturday eveniug, Mr. Daven port played tho character of Richard 111. , well supported by Mr. Wheatley and a capital cast. Mr. Davenport was most successful, and the last act was particularly effective. This evening, “ The Lady of Lyons” will bo performed, Mr. and Mrs. Davenport taking the leading characters, with Mr. Thayer as Colonel Duma*. The farce of “ P. P,” In which Mr. Wheatley will appear as Mr. Splasher, will also bo played. Walnut Street Theatre.—Tho juvenile come dians prolong their stay for three nights longer. To-night they perform “ Bon Bolt,” and the faroe of “Our Mary Ann.” Sandpord’s Opera House.—The great feature of this evening will he a travestJe of tho opera of “ La Tr&yiita,” expressly written for this house, by Mr. Harrington, ana reported to be highly amusing. Various other attractions are also an nounced. Christie & Woods.—This effective company took the city by storm, and have continued in pos session. They fully merit their reputation, and continue to draw large houses. This evening the able manager (Mr. Olwyn) presents an entirely new series of performances. Another Shocking Tragedy. [From the Albany Knickerbocker of 21st last,] Portage City was tho scene of a bloody tragedy a few evenings since. A man, named Wm Rey nolds, formerly of Albany, was ono of a firm who lately purchased the lands and water-power for merly owned by Nelson McNeil. The land was a tract of thirty-three acres on the Military Reser vation. which was bought by MoNeJI a few years age, when the reservation was sold by the Govern ment, The same tract was claimed by John Dußay, under some dubious or extlnot Indian title. Lately Mr. Reynolds has been building a house on the tract, to be occupied by the head man in the mill. The frame was erected but not covered. Within a few hours Doßay went to the frame, which is a small one, and eut it down. About sundown the next evening Reynolds went there and commenced putting up the frame again. Dußay came out acd ordered him off. Some loud words passed between them, Reynolds oeasing .work and standing by a pile of logs near the frame. Doßay then went to Us house, about ten rods distant, and got his gun— nfeavy double-barreled fowling piece, loaded with lie returned *# the frame, recommenced the con versation, and highly exoltedj deliberately raised Mi gna, end took aim* two or three times, before firing: and then ihotftey&olds.througb the heart! Reynolds fell and expired Instantly. . Dußay then coolly Returned to his bouse and commenced eating supper. The assassin was arrested and taken to jau. Reynolds left Albany In 1850. He onoe kept a grocery in the vicinity of the DUtie Rwto. THE PftESS.-PHILADELPHiA, MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1857. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE; ARRIVAL OF THE ANGLO-SAXON FAVORABLE NEWS FROM THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH FLEET. NOTHING LATER FROM INDIA COTTON firm—bra:adstuffs quikt. CONSOLS SO l-3a90 1-4. Qcrbec, August 22.—The Csubdlta screw-steamship Anglo-Saxon arrived at this port this (Sunday) mom lag. She left Liverpool at about 2 o’clock P, yr on Wednesday, the 12th last. The route of the Anglo S&xon wm too far north of the line selected for the Atlantic cable to lead to any expectation of her falling in with the telegraph cable fleet. Her officers report much thick weather, and con* stant head-winds through the whole passage. Owing to an accident on shore, connected with the landing of the cable, the telegraph expedition did not finally sail from Valenti*, Ireland,, until the evening of Friday, the *th Inst. The latest report from Valentia is dated August 10, 4 o’clock p. M., as follows: The work of laying downiho Atlantic cable Is going on as satisfactorily as .the best friends of the great' terpriso could desire. Vp to the present time about three hundred miles of the cabin hare been laid. iThe depth of the water lntowhich it is now being submerged is nearly two miles. The laying of the cable from*the shallow to the deep water was effected without diffi* culty. The signals from on board the steamer Niagara are everything that an electrician could desire. "The steamers are heading west, with A moderately fitlr breeze, and the cable is being run out from on hoard the Niagara, at the rate of about five ralles.per hour, and messages are being constantly received on shore?'.The following la the latest flash from on board the Niagara i All well on board , moderate westerly wind. AH more and mote trustful of complete saocess. > Tho steamship Vanderbilt, fromlfew York on SofuhJay, August Ist, arrived off Southampton on Tuesday, the 11th, but our despatch does not state the exact hour. Her passage, however, is called nine days and thirteen hours, mean time. 1 . . The OolHns steamer Atlantic; which sailed from New York at the same time as the Vanderbilt, (12 o’clock M., Aug. Ist,) ahHVed at Liverpool at 12 o’clock, midnight, on the 11th. t The steamship City of Washington sailed from Liter pool for New York at noon on the 13th inst.j afaCt the steamer General Williams, in place of the screw-steamer Khorsoneso, (taken up by the Government for India,) was advertised to leave on the same afternoon for gt. Johns, N. F., and Halifax and Portland. The steamship North Star, froip Havre via Southamp ton, was also appointed to sail for New York on the af ternoon of the 12th lost. The Ounard mail steamship Amtrlca arrived at Liver, pop! on the 10th Inst. 'Lord John Russell had reported from the Parliamen tary Select Committeo, that the Jews could not be ad mitted as members of Parliament, undertho existing act for the modification of oaths. Lord Palmerston explained to tho IToaso bf Commons the difficulties with France, with regard to the Molda vian elections, and stated that it bad boon decided in conference at Osborn to recommend the Sultan to annul the late elections. Lord PAlmerston also stated that there had been djff<>: ronces between the English and French Governments relative to the Principalities—wrfas to their union, but simply as to the regularity of the elections. There was good reason to believe that Austria would concur with the decision arrived at between the French and English Governments, and that the Sultan, seeing that there was nothing in the measures recommended that would com promise bis dignity or independence, would adopt their views, and declare the elections void. Lord Palmerston said there was no ground to appre hend any estrangement between France and England on account of the Moldavian difficulties. A spirited debate had taken place in Parliament In regard to affairs in India. Lord Palmerston stated that thirty thousand troops had been sont out, and that active recruiting was going on. Mr. D’lsraell expressed tho opinion that the campaign for this year was lost. The Emporor and Empress of France had returned safely to Paris. John Bright had been returned to Parliament from Birmingham without opposition. The continental news Is generally devoid of in. tercst. The trial of Spollen for the murder of Mr. Little, of Dublin, resulted in his acquital. The French news fa of little Interest. The journals unanimously support the attitude assumed by the French Ambassador at Constantinople. A despatch from Vienna states that the representa tives of France, Russia, Prussia, and Sardinia ham announced, in notes couched in precisely similar terms, the cessation of diplomatic relations with the Porte, and the approaching departure from Constantinople. The Russian Ambassador struck his flag on the Oth lost. The Paris correspondent of the London Time* says that the pending difficulties in regard to Moldavia will be submitted for solution to a conference of the repre sentatives of the various Powers interested. The News from India. Later Indian news was momentarily expected when the Anglo-Saxon sailed. SEIZURE OF A SLAYER. The schooner Jupiter, under American colors, was seised lit the Bight of Realm, Africa, oathelsthv>f Jute, and condemned. She had seventy slaves on board/and there were many more awaltlngeblpsient on tile fce&h. The captain threw the Jupiter’s papers overboard. 1 Late Madrid journals state that tho Government are informed that certain Inhabitants of Cuba have framed a project for assisting theMlibusterslnacoap de-main, but that no anxiety was felt as to the result. . The rumored suspension of aegodatiosa UtweeaSpaiu and Mexico still lacked confirmation. Canunerclal Intelligence* livßßPooi., Tuesday, August 21.— Cottom—Tkenbt* been a firmer reeling In the market for the last three days, but without any material change in priced. sales on Saturday, Monday, and totday, aggregate W,OOO bales, of which 1,000 were takes' by speculators, and about the same quantity for export. Tbemarket closed with an upward tendency. Brbaustosvs—The market for Breadstuff* closed dull, the previous quotations being barely maintained. For Flour there was little inquiry, and the market closed weak. The quotations are—Western Canal, Sfisff 80s 6d; Philadelphia ondßaUimore.aOewSls; Ohio, 31i«32h. Wheat has experienced a decline on the inferior quali ties of ldoSd. Bed is quoted at B*oBs 4d; White, Os 3d®9s Pd—closing with a tendency downward. Corn closed dull and weak, the previous quotations being barely maintained. Yellow and mixed are each quoted at Stis oda>37s; white ii nominally 455. The weather is unsettled Provisioss.—’The market for Provisions shows no decided change in any article. Pork is steady at for mer priceß. Beef firm. Lard firm at previous quota tions, Retail sales were made at 70071*. Tallow has advanced a trifio on all qualities. Butchers sells at fife. Bacon steady. Coffee firm in price. Sugar quiet and unchanged, Blco dull. Ashes—Pot and Pearl Ashes quiet at unchanged prices, Rosin firm, no Turpentine reported. LokdOX, August 11.—Breadstuff*, steady, but quiet. Sugar heavy. Coffee quiet. Tea slow of sale, a? un altered prices. Tallow firm. Wool..—The auction sales of this article are progress ing with spirit, at firm prices, and with a strong export competition. . Moxet Market very active at full rates. Consols closed to-day at 89#«s00 for money, and 90k for ac count. Liverpool. Wednesday, August 12—1 o’clock, P ,M.~ Richardson, Bpence & Co. report cotton, breadstuff* and provisions very quiet and unchanged In price. The departuro of steamship General Williams for fit. Johns and Portland has been postponed until to-mor row. tOHDOV, Wednesday noon, August 22.—(8y telegraph to Liverpool)—Consols are at 80# toDOJ£. EXPLOSION AT DOPONT’S POWDER MILLS. Three M«a Killed, and others Seriously Injured 'Wie.uincton, August 23.—About flvo o’clock yeiter day afternoon a terrible explosion occurred atDupont’a powder mills, on the Brandywine. Mr. Alexis I. Du* pont, assisted by seven workmen, was removing a large and heavy box from & building which had been used since the year 1812 as a powder-house ; the box accidentally came in contact with the wall, and fire was produced by the friction. An explosion Immediately followed, burning all hands in a shocking manner. Mr. Dupont leapod into the race, and the others made every effort to extinguish the fire on their clothes, which they succeeded in doing with the assistance of Mr. Jlupont. Mr. Dupont then hastened to see if the press roof had caught fire, and as he approached a terrible explosion - took place, shattering the to atoms. By the flying fragments Mr. Dupont had his right thigh frac tured and three of his ribs broken, while one of his lungs was perforated, lie was found among the ruins, and when taken up, gavo directions to the persons present to hasten and extluguiah the flames. Bcndat, 6 o’clock V, M.—Mr. Dupont, Anthony Daugherty, and Edward Hurst, the foreman, are dead; Louis Vache is mortally wounded, dob a McOlWforty and George Fisher are injured, but not fatally. Tbo rest escaped unhurt. Battte between the Apache Indians and the 13* 8. Troops. Bt. Loots, August 22.—00 i. Roberts, who has just ar rived from New Mexico, reports that a battle had boon fought between the Apache Indiana and the United States troops, under the command of Colonel Miles, on Gila River. Twenty-five of the Indians were killed, and upwards of thirty wounded. Lieutenants Stein and Davis and nine privates were wounded. Colonel Wiios recovered a large amount of property from the Indians, which they had stolen from settlors. lowa Republican Convention-Nomination of Chicago, August 22.—The lowa Republican State Convention met at lowa City on the 20th Inst., and nominated General R. P. Lowe for Governor, and Oran Faville, for Lieutenant-Governor. The Reported Failure of Blanchard, Sherman, A Co., of Boston. Boston, August 22.—The reported failure of Messrs. Blanchard, Sherman, A Co., in consequence of the sui« pension of another firm, has proven unfounded. The Sub-Marine Telegraph, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Aug. 22.—. The weather is pleasant with light westerly winds. The Submarine Telegraph fleet is confidently expected to arrive at Trinity Day as early as Tuesday next, if the undertaking be euoeesiful. Terrible Hurricane at Woodland, Wisconsin- Destruction of Property *ud Lets qt Onioaoo, Aug. 22.—A terrible hurricane passed over Woodland, Wisconsin, last evening, destroying every Bouse in the place Mr. Fox, station agent, eras no over and instantly killed, while endeavoring to stop a train of freight ears which the wind bad set In motion.. The tele graph Does were prostrated, and the railroad track con. alderthiy damaged. . NbwYorx, August 23.—The recent report that the United States frigate Roanoke will be cot in two Is un true. No opinion has yet been given by the Board oi Constructors, either Individually or collectively. AT QUEBEC LATEST. Naval Intelligence* THE CITY. Funttal of a Fireman. —Mr. William C. Wilkinson, one of tho oldest and most not lye mem bers of the Firo Department, wo* interred yester day, the Vigilant Engino Company, Franklin Lodge of Odd Fellows, and the Washington JJlue3, follow ing his remains to (ho grave. Mr. W, was well known as the nrchltoct of tho Firemen’s Block In the Washington Monument, ns welt as of the monumentof the Northern Liberty Hose Company, which is to be dedicated to-day. Personally and professionally he was highly esteemed. Serious Charge . —On Saturday afternoon, before Alderman Enuo, complaint was made against Randall H. Borden and Jane Borden, on tho oath of Anna Hinkle, who charges them with keeping a disorderly bawdy house at the southeast corner of Ninth and Willow streets. The complainant i* quite a respectable young female, and was engaged •at the house of tho accused as a doraestio. She had not been on the premises more than tbreo days, she alleges, before tho most infamous course of conduct was manifested towards hor. Tho prisoners were committed, in default of $BOO bail each, to answer at court. The Agricultural Exhibition. —Powelton is now nearly enclosed, and the arrangements for the Annual Fair of the Agricultural Boeiety are being consummated rapidly. The Oldest Printer. —On Saturday the re mains of Henry Cooper,who died in this city, in the 92d year of bis age, were consigned to the tomb. Air. Cooper was in all probability the oldest printer in the city. His death was hastened by a fall, the effects of which he did not recover from. Nearly forty.years ago he was poisoned by eating a plate of oysters in which there was an infusion of arsenio. Mr. Cooper was a pressman, in the days in which he performed the manual labor. He was a man of *msU stature and delicate constitution, but of strictly temperate habits, and we do not think he ever used tobacco. Although not much known, and in humble life, he was highly respected by all who knew him. Arrest of Disorderly Women. —The residents and frequenters of the vicinity of Washington Square have frequently been annoyed by the loose characters who from time to time resort thither, nsto| indecent language and behaving otherwise in suoh a manner as to render it extremely disa greeable for one topassthore. The authorities, (however, have determined to abate tho nuisanoe, and on Saturday afternoon commenced the good work by arresting about a dozen lewd women who were loitering about and behaving in the manner spoken of. Alderman Emm committed tho party to Moyainensing for thirty days as vagrants. Military Funeral . —Tho National Guards, Captain Lyld, paraded yesterday afternoon to pay tho last sail tribute to the memory of Air. Oharlos G. AUou, ono of their oldest members. Tho United States Cornet Band aocompaniod tho corps, and along tho route performed a numbor of impressive airs in an artistic mauuor. Tho intorment took place at tho Mechanics’ Comotcry. Tho Diiigont Hose Company also attended Mr. Allen’s funeral in oitizens’ dress. Dedication of a Monument . —Tho bcautifu monument designed for tho lot of tho Northorn Liberty Hose Company, in tho Odd Fellows’ Ceme tery, will bo dedicated this afternoon, in an ap propriate and interesting manner. Tho occasion will bo marked by a general parade of the depart ment, for which the best bunds in the city have been engaged. The display promises to be both brilliant and imposing. The following has been determined upon as tho order of tho procession, The companies will meet on the aouth side of Aroh street, at IJ o’clock, as follows: First Division, —George Murgi troy, Marshal.— Northern Liberty Hose, Hibernia Engine, Perso- Yerauoo Hose, Rescue Hook and Laddor, Northorn Liberty Engmo, Southwark Hose, Afantua Hook and Ladden between Third and Fifth streets. Second Division.-^ Thomas Dallas, Marshal.— Vigilant Engine Company, Washington Hose, liand-ln-Jiftna Engine, united States Hose, Assist awe Engine, William Penn Hose, Eiligent En gine, Pennsylvania Hose, between Fifth and So vonth streets. Third Division,-— Andrew J. Bakor, Marshal. --Washington Engine, Lafayette Hoso, Friond flttip Engine, Marion Hose, Columbia Engine, Schuylkill Hose, Philadelphia Engine, Franklin Hose, between Seventh and Ninth streets. Fourth Division—John Webb, Marshal.—Woe* oflooe Engine, Vigilant Hose, Good Will Engine, Bpring Garden Hose, Decatur Engine, West Pnila delptua Hoso, Union Engine, Cohookslnk Hose, betweoaNinth and Eleventh streets. Fifth Division—Charles F. Crap, Marshal.— Globe Engine, Fairmoant Eugino, West Philadel phia Engine, Aleohanio Engine, Liberty Engine, Independence Engine. Bpring Garden Eugino, be tween Eleventh and Thirteenth streets. The Chief Marshal has power to place companies in a position in this line that have not been re ported to the Secretary of Committee of Arrange ments of Northern Liberty Hose Company. After the Uuo is formed the route adopted by the Convention will be adopted. Countermarch in Aroh street, up Aroh to Tenth, down Tenth to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Third, down Third to Walnut, down Walnut to Second, up Second to 'Coates, out Coates to Ridge avenue, out Ridge avenue to Islington lane, thenoe to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. After the ceremony take up line of maroh through Islington iano to Ridge avenue, down Ridge avenue to Vine, down Vine to Frank lin Square, and there dismiss. The dedicatory address will be delivered by Charles sf* Nfial, Esq., .and will, no doubt, prove an eloquent effort. The other exerolsos will be not leas entertaining. Hospital Cases. —On Saturday, a man, named WiUiam James, aged sixty-three years, was ad mitted to tho Pennsylvania Hospital, in conse quence of injuries received by being j&mzued by a cart at Twenty-first and Viue streets. Wm. Donlin, aged thirty-one years, was also ad mitted into the same institution, he having boon badly burned by the premature discharge of a blast of powder, on Friday, near Norristown. A young man named Wm J. MoFee fell from the third-story window of bis residence, in a small street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, below Fits water, about threo o’clock yesterday morning, wbilo walking in bis sleep, causing a compound fracture of bis ankle. Ho was taken to the Penn sylvania Hospital. Suicide. Yesterday afternoon, between three and four o’clock, a man named James Mona her jumped into tho Delaware from the second wharf above Vine street, and was drowned before any assistance could bo rouderod. .Drowned.—-A, boy named James Alexan der, was accidentally drowned yostorday after noon in the Delaware, at tho foot of Bcaoh street. Tho body was recovered, and Coroner Delavau held an inquest. . Thomas Golden, aged 22, was admitted into tho same institution, yesterday, with hU right armfrae* turod, caused by boing caught between two ears at the Bouding Railroad Depot. For Tho Prosß.) James Logan.—Your reporter of the account of tho old Ponn House, corner of Seoond and Nor ris alloy, Intended to state that James Logan, Secretary to William Penn, had resided in this house in 1701; but tho printer has misspelled the same, and makes it James “Lager” in one place and James “Lagar m in another. Tho name of the person is James Logan, and ho Is the ancestor of the person who left the Loganian Library, now united to the Philadelphia Library, .Fifth street, below Chestnut, founded by Benjamin Franklin. Logan Square is also called after Mr. Logan. He was bom in Scotland, and when he first camo to Auorlca was a sohoolmaster. You will please make tho oorrection. the elections.' Getting Vert Close.—The Sfc. Louis Repub lican of Friday last says that the official returns make the eleotUn for Governor so dose that only when the last county is hoard from can tho result be announced. We publish this morning official returns from ninety-eight couuties, and unofficial reports from nine other counties, In all of which Steward’s majority foots up three, with Ripley and Dunklin to hear from. Those two counties gave Buchanan 453 votes, and Fiilrooro 142. In the eleotion for Governor last yeur tbev gave Polk 485, Benton 142, and Ewing 122—0 r 201 majority for Polk over both of his competitors.” Texas.—The Democratic minority for Governor in seventy counties is 5,100, a gain of 84 votes on the last Governor’s eleotion. The Legislature is largely Democratic. So far, the Houbu stands 57 Democrats, ©opposition; and the Senate 27 Demo crats, 6 opi>oaiHoo. Reagan, Dem., is elected to Congress, over Evans, Amer., by about 4,000 ma jority. Bryan, Dom., is the other Congressman elect. Destructive Fire at Lexington, Missouri— Hrmp Factory and Mill Burned.—A tele graphic despatch from Lexington, Missouri, was re ceived ofc tho St. Louis Democrat office, on Thurs day, conveying intelligence of a fire in that place, whloh destroyed the extensive hemp factory of MoGrow A Bro., and a flouring mill adjoining it, o*ned and operated by the same firm. A seoond despatch to John 11. Fisher, earner of Vine and Second street*, informed him that a ware house. of whioh he is ownor, and that formed part of the same block, was on fire and could not he saved from tho flames. The block consumed was of brick, three stories high, slate roofed, and one of the most substantial structures in Lexington. Messrs. MoGrew, besides owning the factory and mill, used the upper portion of the warehouse for storing hemp, tho lower story being appropriated to another tenant doing a business in boat stores and {other things of that description. They, of oourse, inout heavy losses bv tho disaster, bat are fortunately nearly covered bynsurance, thegreat or portion of whioh is In tbU olty. Yeatman, RoWnson, & Co., to whom McGrow 4 Co., havo beretotore consigned tho product of their factory, furnish us with the following particulars regarding their iusnrsuoe policies: Aoerioan Insurenoo Company - • *2,500 MonidWy. (Story Md mill) - - IjhOOO *30,000 What their loss is, with the ejoeption of this amount, cannot y«t he determined. The faetonr wa« one of large capacity, and yielded, when in foil operation, nve hundred (soils of rope per week, all ©/which came forward to tills market The mill 13 »'os* of less oonaeviouoe to the community * j*£gs Sr Sy o&es-th. Bt. Louis-had a rtdt for *5,000 upon the stock stored in the ware h°On ihe building itself Mr. Fisher hid insurimie to tho amount of 54,0 DD to °®« M - j MATTERS AND THINGS IN NEW YORK. • [From the New York papers of Saturday,] Between 12 and 1 o’olock this morning a terrible murder was committed at a drinking «uoon called the Phaw Houso, No. 480 Broadway, between Grand and Broome street*. The parties to the affray wero an actor named Theodore Nimms, lately engaged at Wallnck’s Theatre, and a Tombs lawyer named Wagstaff. Thoy mot in the bar room and quarrelled, and after many hard epi thets, WagfitfltF struck Nimms a powerful blow. Nimms recovering in a moment. dr«w n revolver and fired twioo m quick succession at Wagstaff. Tbo first ball hit Wftgstaff’s arm, and passed into fne breast, injuring the lungs. The second bail passed through the mouth and upwards through "J bead, aj>art of whioh was shot off. Wagstaff Sllit .“°° r A corpse. Nimms retreated im mediately into the street. The news soon spread, arm sroa fc excitement prevailed among a largo crowd whioh gathered immediately. The police arriving, conveyed the body of tne man to the Fourteenth Ward station-house, in Spring street. They ulso arrested a boy who was behind the bar when the Killing was done. Nimms is about fcwen ty-fivo years of age. Wag,toff is a few year, older. Immediately after the fatal shot Nimms walked out, sayma ho would go to the station-house and give himself up; but a few block, off ho met Mr. John E. King, an intimate friend, who asked what was the matter. Nimms said he had shot a man or killed h man, and was going to give himself up He then briefly related the circumstances, and Mr King advised him to go home, as his wife was in feeble health. After some demur Nimmsfcoasent ed, and Mr. King walked with him to his houso, No. fis2lloufdon street. OnthewuyMr. King told Mm that possibly tho man was not killed, and he had better say nothing about it to alarm his wife. They wont in, and immediately despatched a mes senger to ascertain tho extent of WagstaiFs inju ries, and then seated themselves on the sofa to await his return. In the meantime a large crowd collected in Broadway. The police were soon on the ground, and officers were despatched in various directions to arrest Nimms, who was supposed to have fled. Ser geont Williamson and Officer Williams, of the 74th precinct, proceeded at once to Nimms’ bouse and rang the bell. Mrs. Nimms came to the door, ana Mr. King came immediately behind her, thinking it was their messenger returning. The officers entered immediately and arrested King, supposing him to bo Nimma. Mrs. Nimms imme diately tainted, and went into a succession of hys teria fits. Mr. Nimms went with the officers willingly, saying that he had done nothing ex cept in defence- During the night bis wife and sister visited him at the station-house. He is a young man of respectable appearance and well connected. He has been assistant librarian of the City Library, and has heretofore borne an excellent character. He is an amateur actor of considerable ability, but does not rely upon that profession for a livelihood. The body of Wagstaff was removod to the Fourteenth precinct station house, where it still remains. He has a wife re siding in Eighth avenue. He was a strong athletic man, somewnat given to strong drink, and not of a verv peaceable disposition. His ostensible means ofltvelihood was practising as a lawyer about tho Tombs and inferior courts. About ton o’clock this morning tho coroner em pannclled » jury, and after a patient investigation it was shown that Nimns had aotod in self-defonco. The testimony boing clo3Cd, tho jury, after an ab sence of an hour and a half, returned the follow ing verdict: ft‘'sVe find that tho decoded camo to bis doath by a pistol shot, firod by Theodore S. Nunns, on the night of tho 2lst inat., at 480 Broadway.” Tho jury wore then discharged, with tho thanks of tho coroner. Tho prisoner was nost brought into tho room, and addressed by the coroner as follows: “ Tho jury in this case have rendered tho follow ing verdict." (Reads it and continues.) “From the testimony which is given in this case, it leaves the matter opon, and I shall, therefore, discharge you upon my own responsibility. The case is not one, in my opinion, which could warrant me to hold you—lt Is clearly a case of self-dcfonce. I shall, however, hand the paper over to the Grand Jury, for their future action. You are discharged, sir." Several of Mr. Nimns’ friends now gathered around him, and Bhook him warmly by tne hand; bo seemed much gratified by bis release, and came forward and shook bands with tho coroner, thank ing him at the same time for the patience whiob ho and the jury had evinced in the investigation. This morning, about nine o’clook, a terrible affair occurred between James Began and Peter Vieto, partners in tho boot and shoo trade, doing business under the Howard Hotel, corner of Maiden lane and Broadway. It appears that Vieto, wbo is a Frenchman, lived with bis family in tbo premises aforesaid, and that for some time past Began has suspected that bis partner was appropriating to his own use more than his share of the proceeds of the business. No open outbreak between them, how ever, took place till this morning, when a man named Cose brought in some work which be had been finishing. They wero indebted to him in the sum of eight dollars, and Vieto paid him three dol lars on account, and g&ve him some more work for him to do. To this Began objeoted, and said that no more work should be made up till they should get out of debt. A controversy then ensned between tne partners, which soon merged into an angry alter cation, during which Regan, as obargea, seised a heavy shoe hammer and dealt Vieto a powerful blow on the head with it. Tho viotim fell insensi ble to the floor, from whiob he was soon taken up and conveyed to the New York Hospital. The doctor, under whose charge he was placed, pro nounced his skull to have received a compound fracture, and thought it impossible for Vieto to recover. Began, the assailant, was arrested and conveyed to the Tombs, where he was locked up to await the result of the injuries he had inflicted. About six weeks ago, the proprietors of the St. Nioholas hotel, in oxamlning uieir books, discovered a deficit in the accounts, and that money to a con siderable amount was missing. The books were thoroughly examined, when the extent of the de falcation at every step became more apparent. Suspicion at once .rested upon John M. Lawler, wbo has been for a number of roars connected with the house as bookkeeper, and a close watch was set upon his movements. Mr. John P. Treadwell, ono of tho proprietors of tho hotel, having bocomo satisfied that the embezzlement bad been committed by Lawler, re paired to the Jefferson Market polloe coart, and there made affidavit sotting forth that Lawler, during the months of June and July,, last past, feloniously stole, embezzled, and carried away from the possession of said Treadwell ’ and bis copartners, Virgil, Whitcomb and Oheater Lamb, about one thousand two. hundred and eighty three dollars and twelvooents—and,further, that since his engagement in the house four or five years ago, the said Lawler had stolen and embezzled $5,000 and upward. Upon the affidavit of Mr. Treadwell ana others, Justico Flandreau Issued a warrant for tho arrest of tho accused, and a war rant to search his promises. Lawler was arrested by Officers Elder and McCord, threo days ago, and for some reason or other has been kept prisoner at the hotel sinoe that time. It Is estimated that the embezzlement will not fall far sbortof $lO,OOO, and itmay possibly exceed that sum. Tho accused is a young man, and very modest and quiet in his behavior, since his arrest we un derstand that ho has confessed his guilt in tho matter, and statodthathc has taken over $5OOO shoo the Ist of January, 1857. With the moneys thus embezzled, it appears, Lawler has purchased property in or about the city of Albany, whiob pro perty he now bolds in his own name. Several months ago bo became quite attached to a lady of wealth from California, and has interested himsolf greatly in her business affairs. It is said that be has a large omoun t of this lady’s money in his hands, but declines at present to givo it up. It appears that for the last four years Lawler has been employod at the hotel as entry-clerk, and was always very regular in tho disonarge of his duties, so much so that he won the entire con fidence of Mr. Treadwell, until about three weeks ago, when ho observed something in his actions rather peculiar, and on Thursday last the sus picions entertained of bis dishonesty were oloarly founded, as the above faots fully show. Last ovening Mr. Treadwell called upon hiia, p and conversed for somo time about the matter, and finally askod him to divulge tbo amount which he had taken. Aftor some little hesitation, he said that it was about $B,OOO. Ho, however, informed Mr, Troudwoll that ho was roady at any moment to make a restitution, and urged upon Mr. Tread* woll to aocopt. Ho was, bowevor, informed by that gentleman that tbo matter must be adjudicated before the propor authorities. Lawler, U is under-, stood, is very' respectably connected. His mother resides in Albany, and on looming tho condition of her son took on quite freoly. He will have a hearing on Monday. There were seven hundred deaths in the city for tho week ending to-day, being an Inoreaso of sixty our over last week. THE MOlffEY MARKET. Puiladblpbia, August 22,1857. TbU has been another heavy day la Stocks. At the first board Reading Railroad fell to 33but rallied again to 33#. Camden and Amboy R. R. declined X, and Schuylkill Navigation preferred %. The bonks are discounting less freely, and the prices of stock are de pressed, but no material change is noticeable inthe rates for money on the street. Nothing is done for less thou s©lo, and good builnasa paper sells at 10 to 13 cent. The public attention continues to be directed to the unusual and continued low prlcoofrailroadsecurities, and Opinions entertained show the widest differenced. A. few are found who are disposed to follow the counsels of the New York J/traid, and count almost all railroad stocks as entirely worthless, and the bonds as far from being secure, while others, in a painful state of uncertainty' watch the markets for a favorable opportunity of rcaU zing, even at the prevailing depressed prices. The daily accounts of this Presidont, or that railroad com piny proposing a plan by which to escapo from the dilemmas in which bad management has placed their corporations, does not tend at all to improve mat ters. Disinterested parties read over their schemes with ch the some feeling that the hackm&n regarded that bellicose and deformed poet, Pop{* He generally used, by way of oath, the expletive, “God mend me!” He used this expression one day in a dispute about a coach fare, when the hackman, looking upon his shoulders, exclaimed, “Mend you! ItwouMnotbeh&lf the trouble to make a new one!” But the case of the railroad companies is only like' that of tho rhymer in this, that it would seem that th.'y sadly need mending. We, oursolvea, believe that a new era of railroad management is near at hand, under which their earnings will not only suffice to pay the in tercut on their bonds, but also to return a remuneration to the holdersof the stock. We would earnestly advise the holders of railroad stocks and bonds not to he frightened by the panic-makers Into heavy sacrifices of their property by sales at current prices. They certainly cannot fall much lower, and as fhero ia a fair promise of the intro duction of ft littlo good business sense Into the future management of railroads, it may reasonably bo ex pected that tbelr Stocks will appreciate in price The following is a statement of tho earnings of the New York Central Railroad for the month of July, 1857, compared with its earnings for the corresponding month of tho preceding year: Decrease.. .. 58,985 52 Coraparatiye statement of earnings for freight for. warded Eastward from Buffalo and Suspension Bridge in July, 3856 and 1857 1856, 1857 Decrease 567»141 90 The following are the receipts of the Morris Canal Compear for the past week end season, m compered with the receipts to corresponding time lest year : Total to August 9, 18 M 5® Week ending. Aug. It) 1856 11,714 31 Total to Ang. 8,1887. 168,831 44 Week ending Aug. 15,1867..,.. 10,234 09 5168,656 42 Decrease in 1857, W an n px the following statistics of the Maryland Coal * ade. for the week ending Saturday 16 August, the Command lron Company's Railroad brought iawa 4,t87.01 tom of coal, and too Cumberland and Pennsysvaaia Railroad 3,068.15 toga, making a total from, the FrWburg region for the work 0f7,80516 tons, nod for the year 187,1974® "tons. During tho spine period there were shipped over the George's Creek Coal dad Iron Company's Railroad 6.418.08 tone, 1 and orer the road of tlj* Hampshire Coal and Iron Company 2.179. W tone, making a total for thf* W©?k from the George'* Creek region of 8,59741 ton*, and the year 200,029.16 tons. Total from the entire coal field for tho week 16,403 07 ton*, and since January Ist, 387,187.13 tom The falling off la the shipments, « compared with last week, i5‘2,738,13 tons, which la owing to the fact that the boats detained at the Georgetown Division hare not yet returned for their cargoes. The shipments from the coal region for this season up to the present time falls behind that of last year to August 20,23,855,18. Since the completion of the canal* however, the shipments hare increased largely orer those of the same periods last year, and in a abort time he amount of eosl transported will far surpass that pf. 1856. Tha Lynchburg Virginian states that bonds of the Bast Tennessee and Virginia Railroad Company, to the amount of 8100,000, wore sold In that city last week, and that more could hareheeu disposed of readily. The following 1* the statement of the baldness at the New York Sub-TrtMury, on the 21st Inst.: Total Receipts 5333.755 05 !! |vnwn*a , 263.760 61 ‘‘ Balsuce 12,355,968 54 Receipts at the Custom H0u5e—5195,254 75. According to the Treasurer’s weekly statement, the ‘““UM credited to th. Treamrjr of tbs United Stitt,. a of assistant treasurers and designated , ?*’ tu *l to the mint and branches, by retnroa rewind to tho 17th Inutaut, nd tho Mount at that flat* oubjoct to, lo w follow, ; Amount to ittodiiToreut dopoottaMo, 428,154,858 45 Draft, draws bstaot paid 2 757 2o? 0? Amount subject to draft “i Reduction from lart weak 'u’T% Si Amount of receipts.... * i Drafts returned paid 1’,425jt79 m Drafts issued 1,568,323 oi Comparative statement of the Imports Foreign Dry Goods at New York for the wreck, and since Jan/lst: For the week. 1855. 1856. 1857. Entered at the p0rt..,82,115,041 $4,227,806 $2,519,736 Thrown on market.... 2,225,229 4,051,477 2,643,545 Since Jan. Ist; • , J Entered at the port. $38,984,871 $67,068,554 $72,555,010 Thrown on market... 40,722,441 68,691® «,673,892 The following is a recapitulation of the imports of dry goods for the week ending August 20: ESTIWD fOR COHSDMfTIOJf, Pkga- Y&lne. ...2790 t 1,040.347 •..1494 828,850 ... 805 551,049 ... m 183,883 ...484 162,339 Man. of W 001... Do. Cotton, Do. 8i1k... Do. Flax... Miscellaneous.... ■6,099 $3,215,841 witnoßiiry rnoit wabbhqms. Pkgs. Value, j ptm v*du# Man. of Wool. 657 $180,1021 Man. of Pl&x. 214 $38,770 Do. Cotton. 229 45,286 I Miscellaneous 113 171339 Do. Silk.... 140 146,1981 _■» Tot »* 1,354 j42r.eS! EIfTXRBD fOB WABEHODB(J(O. Fkgs. Value. | Fkgs. Value Man. of Wool. 4931172,1911 Man of Flax. 53 $11,913 Do.Ootton.. 144 28,123 I Miscellaneous 185 25311 D0,5i1k...114 58,3421 ■ Tota l 934 303,885 The directors of the Reading (Pa.) cotton mill deter, mined, at their meeting on Tuesday last, to eloso their mill as soon u tho yarn now on hand is exhausted, which will be iu the course of two or three weeks. The great increase in the cost of cotton makes It impossible to keep tho mill in operation except at a lose. This company employs about three hundred operatives, who will of course bo thrown out of work by the stoppage of the mills. The Louisville Btate Bank has declared a d ividend of 5 cent. This makes 12 4P cent, for the last year, and the sixty-stxth dividend declared and paid by this institution since the year 1810. The Clti sens’ Bank of New Orleans has declared a dividend of 9 V cent. The Bank of Louisiana has declared a divi dend of cent. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Aug. 22, 1857. Reported by R. Jr., Stock Broker, No. 8034 Walnut Strut. FIRST BOARD. 200 City 6’s 89 V 100 do 89 X 100 do 89V 600 do New 95)4 300 do New 95)4 100 do New 96V 1000 Oat&wlßsa R 7 ’a 52 V 2300 Petrna s’a 84V 1000 0 A A R 6’s'B3 71 1260 City 5k ’6O SfV 600 City R 6’s 89V 200 do 89V 590 N Penaa R 6*s 69 20 MinehlU B 69 V 35 do 69V 10 do 50 V 100 Reading R b6wn 83V 100 do bswn 33V 100 do 33V 100 do bswn 33)4 100 do 33V 100 do 33)4 AFTER 1 SO Penna R 48* l 50 Reading R 2days 33* | LATi Readlug closes CLOSING PI Bid. Afked. U S 6’s, ’6B 116 V Philada 6s 89*890 do RR 89)4090 do New 96)4 ©os* Penna 61, let off 84*084* Reading R div off 33*033* . do Bonds ’7O 73 V 079 ’44, int, off 87 038 Penna RR 48*048* Morris Canl Con 50 0&2 ' Schyl Nar 69 ’B2 64 ©65 do Stock 12 014 PBU.ADEI.PHU MARKETS. Aoqdst 22—Evening. The market for Breadstuff*generally continues languid and there, is little or no, demand for Flour other than the regular home trade; parties buy as wanted at from $6.60 to $0.76 for aoond old stock,\'s7®7,6Q fa* new wheat su perfine, $7.7608.2$ for eaten qualities, aad $8.6009 V I bbl. for fancy family brands, the latter for premium flour. Shippers are not In the market at the present prices, as the export trade is at a stand still. Heal is quiet, and holders of Rye Heal ask hbl. Com Meal is scarce at $4, there being little or no stock here to operate in. If heats are not plenty except poor parcels, which rule rery dull, and also 9000 bus. have been sold at 105c.©167c. for good dry white, and 160c.©164c. for good and prime red. Corn is only in moderate request, and about 2400 bus. Pa. YellowbroughtB7e. Instore and 1200 to Delaware 88 cents afloat. Oats are selling with toler able freedom at 40042 cents for good southern, and 28036 cents for inferior to fair kinds. Bye is dull at 90 cents for Southern and 95 cents for Pennsylvania and buyers holding off. Barley—The trade is about opening; Pennsylvania is selling at 85 cents and Western New York at $1 35 bushel. Bark is lower and small sales of Quercitron have been made at $1 49 for Ist quality. Cotton meets with a limited demand from spinners at the stringent rates now current, and the transactions are light. Groceries move off only in small lots for the supply of the trade at present quotations. Sugar and Molasses are dull, but Coffeo firmly held, and sales of Bio in lots are reported at 11X©12X oents on time. Provision*—Very little doing in any kind aud the stock quite light. Whiskey is unsettled; a sale 0f450 barrels prime Ohio was made 29 cents, common do 28 cents, and hhda at the same price. NEW YORK TEA MAJtXET—The advices from China are of a character to strengthen the views of holders, inasmuch as the arrivals at the Chinese ship ping ports were small, and the markets had opened at unusually high prices; but the trade here hold off, and our market, though very firm, is equally quiet. The following are the exports from all ports in China to the United States, from July 1 to June 8: 1856*57. 1865-6. 1854-5. Youngnyson, 1b5....11,552.184 10,215,025 12.816,452 Hyson 1,238,878 887,247 850,920 Hyson Skin 330,091 1,061,189 493.893 Twsnkay 1,114,450 1,606,910 2,313,590 Qunp0wder.......... 1,622,244 2,078,178 1,896,228 Imperial 1,629,373 1,765,251 1,529,274 Total Greens, 1b5..17,388,721 83,714,951 19,900,357 Congou, Soafhon*,»fl. 1,869,826 4,786,995 9,485,963 V0uch0ng............. W,4OQ 281,595 190,000 Pekoe amiOrangedo.. 29,066 'lJ9B Oolong wxdliingyong.. 5,919,959 9,465,437 4,815,672 Total Blacks, 1b5....7,913,5T5 14,694,140 7.483,451 BALTIMORE TOBACCO MARKET.—Maryland To. bacco was in brisk demand this week. with ft better in quiry on the part of shippers, and sales hare been made at the advance noted last week. We however continue to quote a« follows, via:— Maryland brown leaf Toboceo at s9<rslo. a* to quality; inferior abort seconds {7.50a $8 50; browoleafysloasU,andextr»atsn»sl6. Bay Tobacco comes in slowly, and prices bare rather a droop ing tendency, but we still continue previous figures .vii: Tlpsats9asll: seconds $l3*Sl5; yellow spangled BOa $35, and fine yellow at $35a545. The reoeJpt* ot Ohio Tobacco were rather better tbia week, and we bare to note a fair demand for it, with sales of some 180 hhds. at tijo quotations, vis: Inferior to good common brown at 58.60459.60; middling to good red good to One reds and spangled good to fine yellow $l7 <rs3o; and some sold as high as $35; fine red segar wrappers may be quoted atsl4oslB. Kentucky Tobacco is in fair demand, though by no means active. We quote *, Kentucky Tobacco at $9e59.50 for common logs; good lugs at sll©sl3; medium leaf at sl3usls; fair $l5 asl6; one at $17o$18; and select do. at slBes3o. The inspections for the week wore 801 hhds. Maryland, and of other kinds 19 hhds.—total, 990 hhds. [From White Je Elder's Circular.] BALTIMORE COFFEE MARKET.—We have no change to note In the Coffee market. The only sale re ported to-day la 200 bags Rio at 12 cents. We quote Kin Coffee to-day at ll#c.o!2c. for fair to prime, and 12#c. for choice; Laguayra do. at 13#c., and Java do. atl6c.«l7#c. The stock of Coffee here Is 46,000 bags. We give below the weekly circular of Messrs. Lockwood Sc Co. f WRSCLT COWES REPORT. Stock of Rio Coffee August 15 ,47,600 bags. Received since none “ Sales for consumption amount to about... 2,600 “ Stock of Rio Coffee oa hand to-day. 45,500 ‘ ‘ Other descriptions... ..... 600 “ riKTICUMKS OF SILK. I.2sobegs Rio 1,150 “ 2 00 “ The market continues steady, without change in prices. The late advices from Rio, though very favor able to holders, have not produced any movement of consequence. Since our last there have been no sales from first hands. We quote prime Rio at 12 to 12 Vc.; fair to good 11# toll&c.; Laguayra 13#c.; JavalfiU to 17#c. White Sc. Elder, Coffee Brokers. THE PORK MARKET.-[From the Cincinnati Price Current.}—During the last two months a good deal has been done in the way of contracts for Hogs for Novem ber delivery. In the early part of June, when it vu thought quite doubtful that even a moderate Corn crop would be made, the disposition to make these contracts wss strong and very general throughout the West, and within the last month, when it became apparent that the markets would be entirely cleared of the old stocks of Provisions before the new would come in, the demand, which had subsided some during the fere part of July, again became more aC J)uring , Jum and the fore part of July $O.» V cut. seemeSto be the MevaUlag rate,wd at which we heard of contracts to the extent of TOOO head. During the latter part or July $0 75 was paid for 4000 headTfor Novlmbcrdellvery. ana S6.M for the fore part of December. Within the last two weeks about 9000 head were sold, for November delivery, at $7 ¥ cwt. M The Impression l* pretty generally entertained, that the Pork brought into market tariff will command high Pr AMc*ltne to our advices from Illinois, there is an ac tive demand for Hogs in that State, at sonet, with more buyers than sellers, .$555,619 57 . 024,605 09 .$149,055 20 . 91,913 39 LETTER FROM NEW YORE. f Correspondence of The Frees.) Knr Yok, Aug. 22,114 W » ?• M Tlffi fftTßOfflitedil' choose to lotice in die Moo market to-day. The demand for money continue eu actire at full rates of interest, with a slightly upwar tendency for street loan.*, aod strictly first-claas paper i scarcer than it was. Exchange is firm at former rate, but eery little done lie Pulton took out to-day {587,000 in specie. Tie total exports of specie lor tin Week ending August 22 were J 2,650,007 26. Tie receipt# at the Custom-boos* during the day for duties wero $114,000. The Slock market opened this morning at a farther general decline, bat closed with greater steadiness, and price; were firmly maintained at the second hoard. Brieß declined 1#; Pena. Coal Co., 2#;' Reading. 1#; Mi chigan Central. 2; panama, 1; La Gross* and Muwmskia veot down at toe first board to 2#, and closed at the , second hoard at 22, end Michigan Southern advanced # on yesterday’s closing price. Th* Potsdam and Watertown R. R. Co. hare gone to protest, and it la said that the creditors hare a blank iook-oat for re covering their debt* without legal process. 1 luloeme d yon yesterday of the failure of E. Estes & Co,, of Boston; another ullate is announced tr day that of BUnehand, Sherman 4 Co.—ctid to be eotut qnent on Bates’ failure, with liabilities of 5500,000. While the market for railroad stocks still continues so fluctuating and irregular, owing to the universal di*. trust in this etasa of-eerurittes, from groa mis management which has been discovered in thadirection of some companies, St is cheering to see that tfcf rr»eee of shares of good reliable companies are’firmly main tained, and that they are steadily sought for invest ment. It Is confidently expected that much per. nunent good will res alt from the present panic in railroad slocks. A general exposure of the affaire of the different companies must be made before public coo. fidence can be restored, and, a* a necessary consequence radical reforms must be made in the financial manage ment, rates of speed pf trains, passenger and freight fares, and last though sot least, in the character sad Integrity of the officers employed, before railroad stocks will be freely takes for investment. Asbss—Are steady at 67.87# e{S for Pots, and ft 3k V for Peris, felt) 100 MU. Bbiadstci’Ts.—The floor market is irregular. ffb* arrirtl* are moderate, and hoidere who are aoxtau to realise, are obliged to take lower prices. The salsa 4,700 bbla at the following rate*; Common to good State..,., * §3 25e56 49 Fancy and extra State 8 COc 8 7s Common to good Tfettern $ 30* 8 48 oiu> ' *'•'■ J • g l^s 0 , »SS|® -ill St. ~ The market for goathem floor is depressed; 1400 bbla. Tero sold at sG.sotts7 for good grades of Baltimore. Alexandria. Ac.; and from $5.25«53.40 for extra Peters, bare and Ktabmond. Canadian floor was dnll at a slight decline, and 450 bbla.were sold at58.35«t6.40 forroaer. and f10.?50f8.30 for extra. Bn floor unchanged. a£ nominal prlees. Corn meal doll at $4.39 for Jersey, and $4.40 forßrandywine. Sales 200 His. Cor fes. —There is hot little doing. A few baa Bio were sold at 11#, " *" m^ 3o n?**T* b * Market is firm at yesterday’* prices. The following are the rates: Upland. Florida. Mobile. N.O. * Tex. Ordinary 13# 13# 13# i3«i Middling 15# 15# 15# 16 Middling Fair...l6# 13# 17* 17 fair .-T....16# 16# nom. non. ; FftciT.—The advices from Malaga with regard to the Baista crop are very promising, and the market ia eon seouestly quiet. Gaits,—The Wheat market is ossteadr For all qualities not strictly first class, the demand 1* «e«d. keaTy. About 16,000 bushels were sold at $1 4B® ™*fm Bed Soathern, 51.10w1.7t for White d5!,1u5 i $1.48 for Bed Illinois. Oats are dell at 40c.«54s for Jersey, 58c.660. for State, and 62c.c63c. for Western. , Bye Is in very moderate demand at 62e. ! The Cora market was slightly mere active at 84s85o» i for mixed Western, and 99c. tor Southern yellow I Harris in fair request for shipping at 80095 c. j Utnss—Are still exceedingly doll, with a tendency to 1 decline. Small sales were made at the following rates: Salted Maracaibo, 23c., six months; dry do. 23# e. six mouths; Vera Crus,‘l9c.: Port an Platte, 2&e. laos.—There Is very little doing. Scotch Pig is firm at farmer quotations, and English Bar* at $54 6 mouths Lk4Teeb.—Tho demand is more active, but as buyer* would not give the high rates asked by the holders very little business was done. The priees asked were aa follows : Orinoco 26e27c., Buenos Ayres, 28eSfc The following is tho statement in Hull’s circulars: Hemlock. Oat. Receipts .....65,800 7,000 Sales 89,800 5,700 5t0ck........ 05,600 20,900 Rim. Storks.—Spirits of Turpentine are firmly hcldat4B*»43#c. The transactions were small owing to the smallness of the stock. There is no change la Crude Turpentine. Common Rosin lain demand sif].9s 3lO lbs. Fine Rosin is also in actlre demand at 280 lbs. Tar and Pitch are In demand at former quota tions. o\ls—Crude Whale and Spenn Oils are unchanged Lard Oil is in request at fil J 5 for good. Linseed Oil i» firm at 80c. OUre Oil $3.25 for quarts, and SL2S for pints. Protisioxs—The Pork market firm, with an opnrd tendency from yesterday's price* both for prime and Sales of 725 *«5.75e*2fl fbr mece.aod 50fi^/?J or prims. Beef Is. firm at yesterday's price. 450 bhla. were sold at H7oslB for repeated Western, and $18.50 for extra. Bacon quiet at 15e Cat Meats improved at lljf a!2e for Shoulder*, and 12¥«13 for Hams. Lard active at Butter and Cheese are unchanged. Spirits ayo Wtjrra.—There is little change from yes terday’s prices. There is not much doing. The unfa vorable news from the vineyards has given an upward tendency to the market, and choice brands arcfeejd firmly. 800 sb.—The market for raw was heavy at Baloe for Cuba,- for Havana, and 8c for Porto Rico. Re fined sugars are lower. Tss is firmly held; but little doing. Tobacco U in Mr reqoMtmt B*elBfor K.ntocl,: 23A42 for seed leaf. WmsKETislowerat 28c for Ohio and Prison- Salt* 509 bhla. v- Wool.—Domestic fleece wool is la good deeandat from 45a52#e, 6 mos. Frriohts—Are dull and unchanged.' NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, August ifi Sicosn BoiSd.—Kentucky Statens, SOxTcumber land Coal Company. 15 ,* Pennsylvania 003 Company. s6O, 69; New Yorit Central Baiuoad, b 3,77 v, eQQ^Tfi. MO, nx, at, 00; Kri. B»n J «ui,sok > So 4 H Icdisn* RB, .00.86, hlO, JjflO, 2T: lOckla tS Mu jmf rtotk 63 X ■ Illinois Cwtnd Asflroid, SO Cleveland ft Toledo Railroad. 43K> s®, 43. *OO. «fi. s3o\44j La Croat* ft Hill tax, *», toy, boo, or *, so*. 100 Reading A s 5 33# 100 do sswn 33 W I'o do bsvs 33V 60 do sswa Sjv 60 do «S 8S V 3 do ' 33V 100 do »Swd& int 33V JOOCaUwiseaß Jf 10 Cam & Amb & 107 3 do , loj 10 Bear Meadow K &jv 100 BcM Nav pf iswn 45 10 Lehigh Nar 6$ 6 Morris Canal pfd 93V 10 Norristown K tx> 52 Lehigh Scrip town 41V 13 do 43 6 N Bk Kentucky . 11? Y 10 do u? 3 1 do 117 V 3 Farm & Mech Bk 34 V 10 Phila Bank Mwo 123 # 80. >ARD. 6 BesvT Meidow B 53 ft 33*033* [OKB—DULL. Bid. Aiktd Schyl Nav Pr«f slk*2tX Wmsp’tfcSlmßl? *2O do lot off 7’a Ist sort. 76#*75# do do 2d m &S#ads# Long Island 19# 011 Vicksburg 7 a 8 Glrerdßank Lehigh Sine l#a 1# Unto* C»*»l 9#*lo New Creek #• 1 ' CatawlmaKß 10# 011 , C*ssort»l jbr *fioViws.l RlCHMOND—Steamship PeuaaylvaoJa, Teat-400 bza 15 cases tobacco Buckoor, MeCammoa ft Co: 56 do 128 <to „ **“ *> M ' re * r * *»• t»!o; 19 do SS boxu do Do&w * lilt: 85 do Slilor 4. Ssnt; 86 Ww donmtlca JS Woodwtd 4 goo; 71 Osld- Jsnd; 66 fcSff! gtxsord MHIm 4 Bro; 33 tnntr eada do lAg* aandriM order. .omvS ll>l^ TC I , L' , KC ~ Sclir Sow Bepablie, Bs3ar— -1291 bblfl rosin J Baker. 1 JACKSONVILLE.—Schr Colorado, Sheldon— fegtjeUow pine Inmberßolton, Tandamet A Co.' PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 94,185 T. SDN RISES 5 22—SDN SETS HIGH WATER .......7...“. ■ „ ARRIVED. Ship Margaret, Merrmao, 57 days from Liverpool, with mdse to Dawson & Has cock. ’ Steamship Kennebec, Hand, 24 boors from N York, rfa Capa May, with mdse and passengers to JAUderdfee! R®po£« having passed In the Bight of N«r Castle the ship Margaret, from Liverpool, heating ap. Stemship Pennsylvania, Teal, from Richmond, via Norfolk, SO hours, with mdse and passengers to Thomas Webster. Jr. * Brig Bolus, ifstthesa, 7 isjs from Portsmouth, HE in ballast to captain. Brig Marcus, Nickerson, from Providence. Brig N Stowers, Stowers, from Boston. Brig Com Stewart, Bishop, U days from PortlaaAwith plaster to Jairus Baker. Sehr Sally Gay, Peckham, 6 days from Norwich, -with mdse to captain. Wctartwo, 4 4»j» from Hnrtown, Md, with wht.t to J H HcCollef. Schr Two Brothers, Celhoon, 3 dare from Indian Hirer, Del, with com to J H McColley. Schr Parmer, Depot/, 2 days from Milford, Del, with bark to J H McColley. Schr Hope, Morris, 3 days from Indian Direr, with corn to J W Bacon A Co. Schr E Herbert, Johnson, 19 Am from Calais, with 440,000 laths to Twells, GaakJll AGalvta. Schr C SI Wilson, Camp, 7 days from Boston, in ballast to Hayes, Smith A Co. . Schr Woodruff Sima, Mason, from Boston Schr Young America, Tuft, 1 day from Port Deposit with oats to Bewley, Wilson A Co. Sehr Mjrr GnlW., J dMT from Sajni», Del. with wheat to Bewley, Wilson A Co. Bchr John W Hall, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Little Creek Landing, Del, with grain to Bewley, Wilson A 00. Schr Mail, Crowell, 1 days from Providence, with mdse to J M Kennedy A Co. Schr Henry Hill, Layton, 1 day from Milford, Del. with cats to Jas Barratt A Son. Schr Sarah Warren, Beattie, 1 day from Little Creek Landing, with wheat to Jaa Barratt A Son. Schr New Republic, Baker, 5 daya from WQmingtda. NC, with naral store* to J Baker. Sehr Colorado, Sheldon, 15 days from Jacksonville, Fla, with lumber to Bolton, Yaadervecr A Co. Schr Hornet, Upton, 0 days from Portland, with mdse to J MiUlken, Sehr Putnam, Canfield,3days from Albany, with mdse to White A Bon. Schr Martha Jane, Pierce, S daya from Portsmouth, in tod Miller i Co. Schr J 0 Runyan, Rndicott, from Fall Hirer. Sehr CAT Creamer, Huntley, from Providence. Schr C Smith, Smith, from Pawtucket. Sehr Franklin Bell, Robinson, from QhJncr Point. Sehr W L Dayton, Babcock, from Boston. Schr J Ireland, Qteelman, from Cazchridgeport. Schr Wiasahlckon, Leet, from Pawtucket! Schr J L Redner, Kndieott, from Bootes. Schr J B Dlckineon, Wheaton, from Roxbary. Schr Fannie, Spence, from Boston. Schr Stranger, Blackwell, from Providence. Sehr David Smith, Douglass, from Salem Sehr E A EUiott. Kelsey, from Nantucket. Schr L H Eodlcott, Yankfrk, from Newport. Sehr Treasurer, Fisher, from Boston. Schr Lewis Clark, Sooer, from Hingha®. Sehr P Armstrong, Dili, from New York. Sehr Ontario. Yangttder, from S Greenwich. Pot Back.—The Z A Paine, Folsom, hence for East port, loaded with corn and flour, while lying at anchor on Saturday morning at 2 o’clock, off Chester, was run into by the schr Bobbie W Dillon, from *a Eastern port in ballast, carrying away the 2 A P>a jibboom bow sprit, flying jib, and all the rigging attached thereto. She was towed up Saturday forenoon for repairs The RffL lost her main shrouds and railing CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Shaw, New York. J AlMeniiee. Steamship P Sprague, (new) Matthews, Boston, Henry Winsor. U 8 Mall steamship Keystone State, Hanhman, Sa~ vannab, A Heron, Sr. Barque Conrad, Safrbury. Richmond, T A Newhall A Co. Brig Julia Ford. Turner, Boston, N Sturtevant A Co. Brig Eaglet, Dunham, Boston C Miller A Co. Brig David g Brown, Baker, Charleston, Jalrus Baker. SchrW A Newell, Bennett, Wilmington, NC. &> Schr J C Brooks, Graffin, Portland, do Schr Friend, Biwell, Salem, L Audenreid A Co. Schr Rockingham, Talpey, Boston, C A Hecksher A Co. Schr Jacob White, Carlisle, Baltimore, 8 J Christian Schr 0 M Wilson, Camp, Providence, Hayes, Smith A ~ .at ll*«12c. ...11 oll#c. . Co. gchr Elisabeth, Parsons, do do Schr Maria J Carlton, Shaler, do do Schr Win Hone, Scott, do do Schr M&ttha Jane, Pierce, Boston, C Miller A Co. Schr M Taylor, Chase, Boston, J R White. Schr A Whitman, Clifford, Boston. Repplier A Brt>. Schr Elate, Pacmlre, Richmond, T Webster, Jr. Schr S O King, Andrews, Alexandria. do Schr Putnam, Canfield. Hodsos. Peaalee &. Co; Bchr Ellen, Lather, Albany. Noble, Hammett k Cald well. Schr W R Galt, Lather, do do Schr Saliie Ann, Joelin, Baltimore, do Behr Henry James, AUricb, Proridence, do Bbhr A H Brows, Sndlcott, do do Schr Clotilda, Edwards, Crotoa, NT, do Schr New World, Argw, Troy, do Schr ConsUtitioa, Scodeld, Brooklyn, do Schr T GaUaxher, Gallagher, Newxork, do Bcbt ißlarw&nt, w?ann*.NY t do Barge Shat*, EobUloa, N York, W M Baird & Co. (BY mBQtIYB.I {CorTWyadenoe cf TktTrtfß.) Bostox, Aug 2* Arrived BhipSeaKing,from ttwpooi} taa^uU*. coin, from A&tTttp. ship NytafPlsh, from ManlH*. H*w Toby, A’BfiTJrt 35. Arrived* ship Thornton, from Liverpool; Vsrqsd P|. lerno, from Fsltnoo. Baltixom. Aog 8. Arrived, seta floritU, Edmonson, from BUiUdd&hU, with fttsas. 7 3mporlqlions. Marine Intelligence.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers