ltesa@^@SKKBS*Bg» L : i; - teNlmcyV'Wt tli«. Ugjti r»tMooif.ear«iit'cli*oki.ik«. . yUAdy, sml CcmMe*l W'lrt&t.dV.iiid if here would J tnng.<(e ciTprerioiur salM. Or«Ju of nil Usds f -t* fh».^9iur|;«^^«|^^li:| I '-' o ' Iro^3<’|ti^^riß'prie^-;^.o^ProTiiJoaa , tha'd»tniod'c»Ow. ' s ’* • «»• %y&£- 1.... l . l hohUwiftCjtlfe J*iterarf»fih«.lh; j Jseralr‘ j / l - tittads and ;duU ,* bat Wool i» buojafit^iiuwL i .. ■ manufacturers take hold'* freely at fownCrquotatiqa#.' The pry Jeqi?^^e'k^ve[(t£ia tbB uiarkfit pttrchmß 5 bat ( the com*:- mission houses haVe not beeii' quite 4 "^e - staple articles of cO jiswf2rheJd, and firm, tbp -.price^o t ‘ its'. n^r ’,rn*terlai# ■' ottlbß. .<*o. .the fall lag -off’in. the^rbductioti^*' , Urge number <.• ofv • the mills at the jKait sea*c'd.* 'ora tions or are Upward l tandeaayv to prltes , k*»p well sold up end new styles bfcpQggodl prscejJ.' woollens but well assorted sip^pV;aUkii»i», i , ;.u-.Viij 1 jUUSAJJB^tfFPS.-rrTrade;in -articles under-this bead has beta depstsibd;' iuosi kinds £i»T BSX3WAX Is wanted, but there U verylittle offering,' and ffocd yelloiris scarce at .* V*/ : ' f BRSAIi-No change inthe roarketi andbusiness very dttll., ', i, *;U_ ’ --- ’i -'* i;.' *t •!”,■ c BAfiK—-The demand for Qoercitron is lMs utlse/bhi abontltohhdfl: lßt'quaUtyNo.'lharebeentaken V ton, uniform^iwiing ratei „OI Timnirs’i v&y. little offering, or. selling, ( ahdjthe market is inactive. 1 - -: ; 'i' >."“ i'- ; - v ' ; OA3f2>^ «m 5* th '(Mesoti fiO^bbyes AdanmnuDe'aCiffic/jph time-. ifoTphange In or TaUowOandles.-;/,' --j V ■(, */. ; COAL continues dull' at previous prices, ahd a nhiUl businCsa'-oxjly to note, mostly to go Rut. Cot) U last sale was made at 18o< If* ■}-*, >-’• ',. *,u COTTON.~-The foreignnews hashadllttlsorho effect'' 00 hnythlpg,areratJjeir‘firmeri, and some are v indifferfiui. about realUlng, in iez* peotation of a further advance {-the demand; however; is limited, & mWaUfacturers c wnje fpiw&rd alowiy at the preaent hlgh, figures, and ohly *bi?ui S6O bales hare bqep taken waging 16 td for Uplands, and, 16wlSc/for Qulft; on the usual termrf. - 1 F£ATHEBB>-There;js"a sjaidl buaiiiWoniy dOlhg in* western at ft: , ts/) j- .. - KfiH.—*The stbek of old Mackerel is exhausted, and>ofi*ne to* slowly, v 2s iell j u winted',’hti33W» 14;bout’ latfjw j*sn sold at $1,70 sM>bi/ for common, aadftWgdforflnevnTar and Pitch aw -.* ‘ OILS .—There la dtfhg ihldxiß&d Oil,* and prices ; are upyoglog id,the',high noit seed at ' the, Bait,'and Mies to BU ■ being nearly Imre .j>f Pork, ia quoted at ftttfj&fr, and "City Mesa fceef at* tt9®sl9.sQi^'.' : bhi.,^rith ; imaU salesl" 'Bacon raovesoffaa. wanted at ldttlSe. for plalh.and feajcy Kfms,;, 14J(®ljk.for SidSsf «£. trt scarce and wanted St an advance, and sales.only , affii^rtW r for >^adts/hl4 S2*l2X«fp'r. BhetUdersih salt, elites beenmade. ai.the.Utt«B;i*t«,ca*h l and keg» at 18ml$%c, Cheeae— and sales''- ®, prirao.' - > -anchanged, and arrivals T; or ( *aJes to'nbte : . - , aelHag, and ‘the transactions .Cloverseed are small' from second hands'at-tlJlSos7.6a-V hft- .Timothy U qajitfd at |g.16»4 y/bi*. -.Plaiseed; ls,WatrtHndvfani* ed? prices, rtffipoF/m^S^^^e.Esst Kri '-7 r e B#l«l¥B^f}MWwipe? the tfajiMitiOM krt veiy'ligWty ‘‘ )3. Buid Is Selling as f S£®;bsg»BicUyhare-baen soliatgSO ton; '. v ' y t . .. , .„• .'j' irE foreign news ias ’imparted a better feel i&g to tho market for Blacks aad Qreens, and JioldeW #jiy of salki V . S ' ■'- " y ,•?{’>. ’ .* - • trt2isictions are, limited, bnt pricea Without'aUeratioh, -- ; .' ■' r u / >, •'.- : contlnues with assorted stocka, and ‘ a glod demand' Wm manulicturors > who take; hold freely,'partidnlarly of the^lew> , and r >medium' grades,-at full rates. ,t Pipe,. Wools ate also in sales to tlid Clt'ent of lhi«’are rtported , -. OOMrtirt Htes art u!nchMiged..’''Wo QttoW at Bc.'to Chsrioatou Md KeTr Qrle»ns, and Cpll}frt;hsve.‘ heea but at the close small vessels are tfettitijf goict'rtVe* are $l.BB- to Fall ] Maa^- ,{ *° B .O, | $1.76 to $l.BO l- } fl.76«sl>dfctp ; Pror|dcnce \ sl.4o.^.Alexandria,TSi; $1.66-tOBoston) $1.70 sl.loto Norfolk; Newport. ;t:V/r ir» - * f i' L Cs& s.4 r ,-*‘ ,<• . fliU£TB«-^Tb£re > haw been W arrivals of Foreign th&toarket ha* been inspire. sales being Nmiwal small lot* Oranges and lemons at pro* riownttes. Abont2,ooo Fine Apples sold at sfios6 the IW. fruit'la are Veiling' QEodK^riSfl.—The stocks of Coffee hare crsaiedhjrree£hi.,+.* T p'f L '{ fl ia little or none offeringor selling to establish qabtatioTSsr/j 1 f 6UANO Is - •"- " there te;"uWe ; nr nothing doing,'if either American or Foreign, arid the market U without altera ; .*■ j-/f- X . loVfng f« theVmcmnt %tlsli}a apd-ficudlng fhay»d&y, August 20, JJ&f: ‘ ’'•' / r ' r '' s ■ ■ ;«.,.! •-,. .v>„u ; .■ B*mi»»e Cattle'»irt*u: - ; : ■ i f-«"..fc -h'tiw ;ga.(is at priori rehringfrom $375 to 14.87 Mon Uwßoof, equal net, imd averaging $437# grpfi*. A lot >'ef vety flne,C4ttle were \ ftonto go ta PfeUidclphla at a >Uttlii{baifetfctoutridequotation,..; y»-r **- The bytb»:folfow% dealws t : RMtabUNfc/Httnfou *o# f county,**,; US bead lair. q.uaUty,#*ttU--ws«*4 to Bal tlmcre butcher*. and tbe Balance '(42 he*d)i wer » «blp> •tied: for Mr. Cooley. of Frederick county) Ya-> Sshead V»~S9 hwdCQinraoi* cftttle, &■ Po., of F«m* sVlWBte; for A. T.H, Filler, ofloudonn county, Vi,, JBhUul good cattle, butchers, ttie lalaapo, (10 head) to -OplKOoj A Oa., of fe'J.TrAvUma, of Fawiolor Y»it 86 ho»dj good 1 o»ttW'U> T^rVfloßk; fpr JSr.:®>wb», of BocWngUsm I cottntsvTfß.r 80 Wwt «0 ' Mr *». °* Murphy, of 'WUmfngtoo, D,l»w»r»! B'O.TOi " 1 *»®WIW eoimtv,'Vß„ «0 ie»4 Air c.ttlo to. g. Baioi, . otVimn lot,Mri MSwln, of toudouu o '" „ ~..» * of Fauquier county, ( ,sold 50 head ,tole cable goodcattle to Baltimore, butchers,' j WilU»r A sold,-for }.'• L. .Adams,-.of Fauquier oountyvY*., 41 head fair.cattlato Baltimore butcher*; for Seibert, of- Warren' county, ,Ya< r 30 'bead ordinary cattle to Baltimore butchers, , . I of Loudonn county, ~Ya,, .sold 89 head or dinary, cattle, to Baltimore butchers, , ; .. * A. Boland* of Loudoun county, Virginia, sold 101 head good cattle to WiUiar.A Bro.; they.jrero afterwards sold to a new Association of, butchers, termed the, Baltimore Butcher*- Association, so. 2; It comprises; a number aw*r®] for Horner, of Roskingham county, Virginia, 7si ; head ulr cattle, 02. head to .Baltimore' bntchers, .the.balance (10bead), to Win’. Davidson,of JPennsylvanla.. ’ 6h|i?—Sheep, nre less .and prlceß are a sb«de, Ibwer _Wg. ; quote tbemto-day at loo,fts. these figures^sre..a decline 100;lbs,, on last ;week‘syateq^-y1 ‘ * < Hoo»—Hogs continue in demand, and prices are a little,'better. 3%*,.receipt* ihls.week reach about I,OOP heady all of Which .were’ sold, at frota $9 t 059.75 yiOQ.ftsCnit. r , ~ , , ;■/ -. ■ 3mpf>ttaUptjo (ReportedfpTiThc Press. J ■TURKS ISLAND—Brig>Thos Walter,Hlorth—Booo bus salt Jauwtche A Oaretalrs. > - 1 ■ ' , , , NSW ORLEANS--BrigMay Queen, Jackson—7 cases mdse Mitchell A Allen;. 13 do sundries, J?ettlty Martin A Co; .104 bars RK iron Eeayes, Abbott A Co; 26 bales moss 10 rolls leather W 8 Hansell A Co; SO.bales moss W P MoLaen A Co; 4 bales 9 bags wool Senneff A Hughes; 139 hhds tobacco Mercer A AnteJor lot old iron Seyfert, McManus ACo:.S2 empty casks R Poult uey A Massey; 40 do 16 pkgs sondrles order. . . ; ! ;;; ViIILADKLPHiA BOARD OF TBADK. . imnt.Honaia,', , JosarH 0. Chubb, > CotouexßS or teb Month. I JOBK WbLEH,. ) . v- • .’* ■‘ Marinis Intelligence. PHILADELPHIA, Angaat dD, 1637, SDK EISKB ...6 SO-SON BBTB .....6 40 HIGH WATBB. 4 8 ARRIVED. , Delaware, Shaw, 32 hours from New York,, via cape May, with merchandise and passengers to Jas AUderdlce. ~, BenJ Little, 0 days from Boston, In 1 ®/lffFlios Valter, Hiorth, 10 days from Turks Island,,Jattretcbe..A Carstairs,. Augl7.lst 34 52, long 7840, ptsaod au American barque, painted black, with white garboard, standing N£. Demerar* bad not been aihe*lthy’for,‘the previous seventeen years as it wa4'at the.time Capt H left, .8t Barts, St Martins, And Tuks Island were also perfectly healthy, ~t , , . . , 1 BrlgLbdL A}len, fromßq»toa,in balkat. * n r l e from New York. Andecsdn, 10 days from Port “•':*« *ithltonS to if K AmW; . Afk&? 10<1 ' ,J * with p£t “EA , fc e i.Oo: J '‘ ,rom M8 > ,rith , ; Brig Geb French, Harris, 6 days from Boston, ballast, ‘Behr Annie B Russell, Warrington,2days from Lewea, Del. with min to Bewley, Wllwn A 007. . . Sohr Victory) Qharobers, 2 days froih Lewes, Del. with wheat to BdwW, Wilson A Co, ...... 4 Sjfty’Mkrk wnltallVAdams, 1 day from, Btotken Bun,, with ieitktoßewley’, Wilson A Co. IM ,, . w ■ Schrß Knlght, Endicott, 2 days from Bgg Harbor, in hsllut to Captain. . ... ‘ Schr L ijatdl) Maud, S daya from Boston, in h'Uast • Sahr p;Jono«;>flßsm6rb,6 i days from Boijury, m hai lost I . .. 1, r j , 4 1 Britt C Chamberlain,HaUett,‘fiwmK York,ln ballast., i Schr SUen MaiUda, Wells) 30 days from Calais, with lumber to capfain, , ' SchrA Barratt,'Cbates, 5 dan from Boston, In ballast to captain. .. <{ 1 Scurß LBerry,' Haley, 4 days from Rt»ton. in ballast • - , , • Schr J/ConefMehMley.i' days from Had dam, with iwtieto~eantam; - ‘ - ;; : hallutto Gr&n&m,7, daya fromWctt Dennis, In 8 days from New Bedford) « Scßr OMoorei Ipgersoll, from. Morris River. ■ Bohr C 8 Carstairs, Somers, from Boston. ; Schr W 0 Klieson, Buckaloo, from Salem. , Bohr .Lamartine. Johnson.from Boston. ‘ fohr from Boston. , , • JV / S Corsop, Corson, from Boston.’ |®^ r s.V,Ttyi?i ka *froifl'Boston.' ; StCebrgS’s Md. SchrZStretton,‘Haley, fromilihgham. » ; SdhrCrimecticptjWilsojo) from Mystic. |ehr Mary Jano,'Warren) from Frovldepee. Schrfldrlia, Shaw.from Providence. , , MiW; from New Hiveh' BchrV French, Lorelin, from Providence. ’ Gen McDonald, Whildin, 6 hours from Cape Kaywith:tndse and rAssengbrsto captain. Reports one large snip, painted black, and. three berm brigs below the Brandywine,'names not ascertained. . . ,J OLKAR&D. ’ ‘ 1 Steamship Boston, Sellbw,New York, Jas AUde'idice. ; Steamship Norfolk, Kelly, Richmond. 1 T Webster, Jr. ■ Brig Black' Squall,Bryanf, Havana, GW Bernadou A Bre.' rJ ,/r-\ \ ' ' v Brig Kmplre, Crowell, Boston, Cain, Hacker A Cook) Brig Lodi, Allen; Boston) Tyler, Stone A Co. , , . Brig Handy; Nonrian, Boston 'Bancroft r Lewi* A Co. i Brig America, Bobbins, Marblehead) Lewis Andenreld '■ Bchr R Knight, Endicott, Boston, N Sfurtevant A Co 1 SchrLM«ul, Maull, w 'do , \ ' tfo . i Schr Leesburg, Swift,, ' , -J ' do •'A ‘ Schr J Nickerson, Balter, Boston/L Atidenreld. A dp. Schr,OHalt.Graham,Danyersport, ~A do/ .' ■ Schrß7 L, Lewis, Georgetown, T‘ do' V SchrWKenuedy, Christy. Washington, do Cyrus Cbimberlata) Hollett, Boston,;0 Miller ’ Sriir Fidelia, Shaw, Pi)6vldezice,' 5 ‘ do 1 Schr Angtoette; Blackwell, Fall River, R R Corsdn. - Bek* B L Berry, Haley, Bo*toH, Kirk'A Bond. ' Schr Charles S Oarstalre, Somers, Boston, Brown A White.'* *• •• ;* / ' “ ' ' , J P Cake, Rndicottj Boston, Vandusen, Norton Schr Connecticut, Nelaon, Boston. , 'do . ! gchr Sea'Blrd, Ellis, Washington; 'do , Schr Odd Fellow, Craig, Boston, , . ' do < Schr D S Miller, Lathrop)Richmond, ’ do * BcErG ANicholls, Gandy,Newburg, do i-ScW&BrieM.Bokle.Meiii, , do , Schr SllzaDetn, Johnson, New Haron) ’ ‘do 'Scto'Juoge Hopkins) De Grobt, Hartford, do Schr E O Depnlson, Southworth, Deep River, do Schr S Fisher, Fisher, Baltimore, do Schr MM. Ross, Miller, Norwalk, J R White. , ~ Schrß Corson, Boston,. . do '. ,j SchrßLTay, Laky.Boatbn. ijo ’ 1 1 SehrW O Backalpo,Balem r _B Milnes. ' Schr Lamuttne/Johnson', Sahgers,’Wallace A Co. v ■ SchrDP)Tl|pey,Portsmouth. . 'do ' , ’ Schr QhaUenge, ! Bfckmore, Portsmouth, G Recksher It CnV ; v ' 1 •' '• •' • ' SchrFStratton:Haley; Hinkbam, " / do : ' 1 gchr Omtal St John's, do ! Schr C Moore', Tngereoll, Lynn, Bancroft,Lewis A CO. ; Bchr Mary Jane, Warren, Boston, Rogers, Sinnlckson A 00. 1 J 1 w , , Schr E ; Okesterj Brower, Frevldenee, Tyley,' Stone, > SchrF French, Levelln.Richmond, Morris A : Mnfray. ' Schr Firmj 'JeffrieSj Cambrldgeportj Blaklstoh.'Cox A Co. ( lik’ : Schr David Hale. 1 Atkinson, Providence. 1 ,do : Sfchr BUiA’PhanJ, Butter, Dfghton, ; : do , i Bohf GBTwit.hell;Owlluher, Wekchiitot-, So : SchrM JBiddle.BarrtttTNow Yori, r ’ do StrßdWfliiOg, CUyp York, Or&lgj for Glasgow, cleared at New York yesterday.-\< •" J ' * ' ; steamship Kennebec, Hand, hence at New York job- City of New York, Howes, hence at'Boston yesterday'. ••-!'>' -’ ’* •- 1 ’ . Steamship Philadelphia. Gray, frpra'New York, via Havana, at New Orleans lath inst.. ' , . - Ship Ordy Eaglet Hughes, at Oity Point, Va; was rup Into'darihg thi gale adth lnst. by the ship fiilVia* car rying- away the; former ship’s speaker boom and boat. and damaging stera quarter. ’ * . '' ’ -Ship Ocean Ranger, Treworgy, for Philadelphia, sailed fromlfelroet sth'inat.'< / - •' QB^t® oa, o i Oi Lord, sailed from St Helena July 9 for 1 - Ship Dhblltt: Evalds; for OronHadt, cleared at Boston' ■ ' -- • Ship Dictator, from Cagliari, at Boston 90th lost; , Barbae Gem, Hammond, hence for Boston, passed Holmeitflole at 4A M 90th inst; - - Sophia, Guptil, from Turks Island,tin Holmes*’ at Boston yesterday. '/ ; Barqua Nashua, Bearse, henoe for Boston* pairfed ,Hlghi«dWShtatatpjk>M2othinst. •-v> •' ■ Barque Brothers; Oheever, hGnca for Clftnfuego , sailed from New York 20th inst, having repaired. ' Brig Orinoco; Talbott, cleared at Boston 20th Inst, fo? phnaaeijihiw. •*• j ■ - . j Brig Nenophon, Desk. hence at Portland 19th Jnst. i Brig Alamo, Pearson; nenraat Newboryport 19th Inst. i Brig Afosia, U4ikeU, hehce at Belem’lVth inst. • Brig Black Hawk; for Philadelphia, sailed fromLubec , lSthsi>t/' v, ' ; j BHr Atgo, Moore> fqf Philadelphia/Cleared at N York; ' f.BrigV»ien», 81ms. from Calais, at-N York yesterday, l .* ‘MutfUUfi Bowmng, Hice, ana Mitfolj Huff/for p£ij UdetphlajaaUsdYrotdNewßedford ?oth bit.;J 1 * t ■ Schrs T Bejiedict.'floMirmlth, frdmNew Haven for 5 Philadelphia; at New .York yesterday:' ' - 1 ; { Jfchifl M *lf; Jxseman/Nicksrson, for Norfolk, Reared ' ; «goto?wtßSffiSk for Brazoa, cleared atN York, . *'*- ■ • ‘ J£hr Ida/Cotton, benob at Wilmington, NO .-Mth inst. » R ,>piacaer, Thompson,' for’Philadelphia, : dear* 1* Wilmington, NO, Stfh inst, 1 ' •’ ' « ; and Y? h Jones; henoe at BaU’more yes : terday. [ ?*! -.Nent, Reany, and Onward, Todd, for Silifi !? 6 : ‘i>T,rA ti>.« -,i'i } ,ii* , i -• Schr Florence. at Alexandria 30th last. i Schr West Wind .Bwrett, hence at Norfolk 19th Inst. ■ ; Sohr Meteor, Bowman, sailed from New Bedford 19th init. for Philadelphia. 1 - ' . '*• . Schr Empire) Marshall, hence at Boston 99th Inst. r Schr A'TirreU,'Higgins,-’cleared at Boston 20th Jpit.. -for-M>n*drtpSl». . 4. ”... 1 Schr James Brown, Brown, hence at Salem 19th jnst., , Schrs’C'A'Reeves, Lake, and AM Aldridge, WRUams, Sailed from Salem loth inst. for Philadelphia. ‘ : ; i Bchr Courier sailed from Portland 19tn Inst, for Phi ladelphia. - 1 Schra Smith D Bellows, Clark; ,4i;hie i Russell. Hodges, and Josephine G * Cbllyer, Ohapln, hence at Hartford 19th Inat; . * * 1 ' Schr Charles Carroll, Prktt, cleaned at Hartford 19th Inst, for Philadelphia. , ‘ . * • ’ ’ SchrsLUlie Saunders)‘WllUama; Henry Cole, Haiel 'ton; Sarah O Willetts; Thompson, and,Golden Eagle, Kelsey, sailed from Providence 19th lost, forphitadai Sloop 'Delaware, Gibbs, for Philadelphia; silled from Alexandria 20th Inst. { ' • iSi ' Hi. . ' ’ '.*-/* r , . -if * w .< / NAVAL; t ■ ' U 8, surveying schr Bibb;'Rogers, from Gloucester, Ac. arrived at Boston 20th’InSt. './*• ;; >/. The U S despatch steamer - Water-Witch, Lt Com Lovell, from Norfolk, arrived at New York yesterday. MARINE MISCELLANY. Oh the 21st, at 3 o’clock, P M, City Point was visited by a- most terrific gale of wind from the Northwest, doing considerable damage to shipping' Ship Silvia broke from her mooring and run Into the schr James town, breaking her jibboom and main boom gaft, and stove her stern Ip—also run afoul of tho sohr Busan, of Boston, doing' considerable 'damage; the'ship Grey Eagle, of Philadelphia, was also run into by the Silvia, carrying away spanker boom and boat, aod damaging stern quarter. ’ The ship Riga lost her rudder, and did Somfe slight damage. Advices from Key West to 14th instant state that the court bare settled the salvage claim upon the'schr Ar lington and cargo, by awarding the wreckers $4,700. The total oxpensea are $5,800; The A salted on the 18th for Mobile. The dase of bark Pacific in now before the Court, and will btfsoon disposed of. The Value of pro perty Raved exceeds $29,000. Of this amount $22,000 in will be forwarded to Mobile; thd 'other por tion (wet) has already been sold by the U 8 Marshal. ( Ship" Gosport, .which was ashore near Cape Henry some time since, ind afterward got off and taken to Nor folk, while being towed down past Gosport,'drifted on the bank opposite the'Gosport Iron tyorks, making another leak, which caused her stern to .'sink, leaving the bow 8 high out of wafer. / A steam pump 1 wasat work on the evening of the 18th;' which would, doubtless! free her apd allow, this alight damage', to bo « effectually repaired.,.; ’,, / ' ’ , ‘ < Schr Jobh Mnrj&y,A portion pf wLo«4 'stem drifted •shore near Black Rock, Cohtaset, \i Stated, in Portland papers to belong to BrOokllri, Me, (not Brooklyn, NY.) She was commanded by ' Captain Shenuan, and was bound to a Southern port from Calais. FISHERMEN. ■ TRURO, Angusl2o.—Arr sohr Robert Ripley, Hughes, Bank Querean. w\th.29,o6o(fish. -.Spoke August 10, schst Lodi, ofßeverly, 2i,; Heraer, do, 13.000: Prize Banner, do, 4,000; Dorado, do,8,000; Mary ft Smith, do, 12,500; Mariotta, do, 1,000; Boys, of Marblehead, IT,000; Erie, do, 10.000; Joacphiqo, do, 10,000: Philip- Bridgep, do, O.OOo; William Franklin, do, 10,600; Blue Wave, do, 52,000: Mary, do, 10.000; Caroline, do, 10,61)0;. Bmeline, o, 12,000;• Sarah Jane,',do, 9,000: Deliverance, do, 12 ) 000;,Ma88achp,ietts, do, 9,000; Helen, do, 9,000.. On Westcrh;Banks,Augußt 14, schrs Marblehead, of Mar blehead, 10,000; Martha and Mary* do, 000 qtb>; Benda, Of MA&ohesfor, 85 0 qtia; Dolphin, of proyjncetown, 17.000 .fish) Yazoo, do, 13,000; Alabama,' do; 16,000; Ocean, do; 33,600; Express, do, 7,000; A O Small, do, 11,000; Rough and Beady, of Truro. 11,000; Florida, do, 12,000; El Dorado, do, 10,000. Spoke on the passage home, schr Flora, of Barnstable, with'22,ooo Osh, bound home. Oaptain Hughes reports fish scarce. . NOTICE TO • MARINERS. ’*? ' On or about the 20th lust, the Janes Island Vessel in Tangier Sound will be withdrawn from her. station for repairs. -'A schooner will be anchored in her. place, and the light exhibited as usual. By order of the Light House P.oard: . •. W. M. MURDAUGH, ’ ‘ Light House Inspector, 6th. District. Norfolk; Aug. 17,1867. , ‘ ‘ ’ Notice is herebv given that tbe following buoys have been placed in the passage botween Outtyhunk and Penikese Islsnds. Bozzsrd’s Bay: < SW side of Middle Grouwl, Black No 1, placed in 18 feet of water at low tide. Whale Rock, Red No 2, in 18 feet or'water, loiV tide. Middle Ledge R A B H 8, lu 15 feet of water at low Ide. 1 ' , . Pease’s Ledge, Red No 4, in 10 feet of water, low tide. This is also Astarhoard hand buby for entering Cuttyhnnk harbor,'where there is good anchtrr&ge, In from two to fonr fathoms water.' - GuU Island Ledge, Block No 8, in 16 feet,of >ater. Gall Island, South Point, Black No 6, in' 15 feet water; There Is |a long sh°aV between! this buoy and GuU Island, covered at high water.' The chaiinel bo*; tween these Islands is now safe and reliable. vessels of the deepest draught heating up tho Bay or bound ,/or New Bedford., Depth'of water from four tq six fathoms. By order of the Lighthouse Board, ’ . ,O,H. B. OALDWEI.I., Loot. V. 8. H., , , ’ , . Lighthouse Inspector. 2d Dish , ■ Boston, Aug. 19,1857. , . ( ' tll SPOKEN. . ' /’ - July 14, lat 37, lon 14, bark Palermo, from Mefwina for Now Yp’rk. ■ j ," , . - , t ' Bark Dnblin) from Maohias, fur Cardenas. Aug 14, lat 40 41, lon 68 20. ~ , l June 8, lat 60 57 8, ship Houd, Stevens, from New York via Rio Janeiro April 28 for San Francisco. June 28, lat 5 55 N, ion 22 20, ship North, Boyd, 34 days from Liverpool for Calcutta. • June 27,jat 9S. lon 2917, ship Wanderer, Ryder, fm Liverpool for Calcutta. No date, lat 13 40 N, lon 27, 44 W, ship Johh Gilpin. Rones, from Boston June 0, for Honolulu—by the Green*, fell, ar at Swansea Aug 5, from Ooqulmbo. WHALERS. Whale ship Othello, NB, with 1,600 hblaspoil on hoard, narrowly escaped drifting ashore in Wafnoua, a deep bay about tea miles Northwest ,of tho Nine Pins, during a calm. A.whale boat Iromßusscll went to her assistance,.and succeeded in taking her into the Bay of Islands. The Othello while at anchor for 14 hours had her bows cut down to her between decks by the action of the chains., .. t , ■ • i - t ; . , . ~ Heard from (by letters from Ospt Cornell, corrected.) May 13, off the West Coast of New Holland, lat 82 45 B, lon 179 k E,, Eliza, NB, had, taken no oil slnco W, reported. Reports spoke a few days previous, India, Holland, NB, 160 eq this season; John A Edward, Smith, do,.half pf a large whale, which was taken by the Twilight, after three boats from the JAR had been Slovene and divided .between them i E Dunbar, Lincoln, do. 200 op, this'aeason:; Afton, Clarke, do,. &5 do do: Columbus, Taylor, do, 650aPand60 wh.alltold. Heard frppj,, Dolphin, Cutler, Warren, 200,5 p this season; .Twilight.'Tompkins) Nil, half!of two. largo whales, one’or which Is given above—the other was struck by the 2d officer of ship Sallow, Stewart, NB, who Was killed s>y the.whalQ.iwbich was afterwards killed by a bomb lanco from a boat belonging to the Twilight, and tbe whale divided between them. . Spokeo, July 20, lat 88 lon 72£, schr R £ Cook, of ProTlncetown,oillfanynotreported. • i : . ■ /• ■ July 20, lat 6 32 N, lon 88 W, Bea Qnll. Nichols, from Pacific Ocean, of and for New Bedford, with 1750 bbls sp oil (by the Ladoga, at this port.) * - . ■ < DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW YORK, Aug2l—Arr Barque JO Nickels, Nick els. Mobile. i Italian barqne.Tre Re, Petosi, Trieste, 84 days—passed Gibraltar July gd.. . , Barque Samuel klozley, Holmes, New. London. 1 i Br brig Wmßoothbr, 1 Martin, Windsor. , Br brig Exemplar, McKennon, Aux Cayes, 2d inst. Merithew, (of Gordon, Trinidad Brig Industry, Robinson* Machai&s. 6 days. Brig Mary'Means, (of. Sedgowick,) Hopkins, Mas samlla. Schr Brothers, Willeta, Baltimore, coal, Bandall & Co. > Bchr Elizabeth Greenlaw, Calais, lumber to Jed Pry, Cleared ship Columbia, Lewis, Charleston. Ship Ellen Austen, Garnlck,Liverpool. Bark Ocean Favorite, Pearse, Cardenas. Brig Bonaparte, Mears, Boston. Brig Conquest, Kaamusser, Genalres. Brig P Whitten, Gage, Buenos Ayres, , Brig Pauline Vene. Lawrence, Norfolk. Schr Francis Beveridge, Newbern. Schr Eugenia, Crook, Baltimore. Echr J B&dall, .Chfmerlin, Rappahannock River, tiled, steamships City of Baltluoro..Liverpool; Cen tral America, Asplnwul; ships Yorktown. London; PomCni, Liverpool; Neptune, do: J H Elliott, Antwerp; Kate St John, NB: Oambria, Lepreaux, NB:/t Magoun, San-Pranclsco; City of Mobile, for Mobile. PORTLAND, Me—Arrived 18th inst, brig Cosmopo lite, Kenney. Picfou, NS] 20th inst, A Taylor, Tapley, /m Turks Island.'Old-loth inst, ache Jno Shaw, Wal lace, Havana. ROOKPORT, Mei-Sld 14th lost, Bchr Bbeot Anchor, for Charleston; 16thinst, bris E Dole, Iluse, i Virginia; 26th, schr Beauchamp,, Savannah; 18th, brig Toccoa, Petten, Charleston, . . • BATH, Me—Sid 19th inst, brig Sheet Anchor, Wil mington, NO. DAMANISCOTTA, Me—Arr 17th Inst, brig May Queen/Morton, Baltimore. Old 14th, schre Charlie A Willie, for Darien, Ga; Rocky Hill, Virginia. : i PRANKPORT, Mo--Cld 17th Inst, brig I Jewett, Reed, for Pensacola. ■ BANGOR, Me—Arr 18th inst, schr J E Arey, Stone, fm Turks lsland. Old 18th Inst, ship Premier, Emery, for Searsport. Me, and Valparaiso. BOSTON, Aug. 20.—Arrived—Br barque Warburfdn. Robertson, Newcastle;’Eng., Hamburg brig Urania. Gilson, Bordeaux,' June 26, Br brig Franchise, Acklos, Newiß&ndcm-N 8. • . ; Trimountaln, 1 Dudley, St John, NB,, to load for Liverpool; Br brig Roderick. Leblanc, Pictou; brigs Dido,Kearney, Jacksonville. Sailed, wind SE to BSE, latter port E, a good broese, ship John Tucker, and from below, ship Sparkling Sea; barque EtJwan.’ .BALTIMORE August 21.—Arr, schr George, Walt's, from Kennebunkport. . Old, schr Hugh W Fry; Wilson, Antigua; schr Ad dlson Child (3masts) Bell. Boston. NORFOLK,. Aug. • 20.—Arr, steamship Jamestown, Parrish, from Richmond, bound to New York; schrs Samuel Eddy, Patton; from New York bound to York River, put la with loss of • main boom to master; Eliza, Crowell, from Boston. > - ■- ■ , ■ GEORGETOWN, (5.0.) Aug.l2.—Arr, echrsSßruou, Douglas, from New'York; -Ino, Morris, from New York. Cld. brig penobseott, Edgely, for Martinique; schr F Nickerson, Goodwin, for Now York. August 15.—Arr, schr Medora, . Ireland, from Balti more, Old,SchrSßrtum, Douglas,'for New York. CHARLESTON, Aug-19—Ar schr' Effort, Dunning, Savannah, ballast; cld steamship George’s ureek, Mor ley, New York; schr William Smith, Fisher, New York; went to *ea eehr 8 V* Bmlth, Wyatt, New York; steamer i Catawba, Hawes, Key West and Havana. , new ORLEANS. AttguflfrUtbAr Steamships Phila delphia, Gray,fm New York 3d inst: Opelollsas, Ellis, fm Galveston; ship J P Howard; Andros, fm Liverpool, sth June; towed to aea on the 7th inst ships H H Boody and Juliet, schrs Eduardo and Leonor—brought up ship J P Harvard.. ' f FOREIGN POUTS. At Cronstadt 31flt ult, ships W 8 Lindsey, Gray, for New York.'ldg, only Am vessel Idg for Uuited States; Caroline Nesmith, Kenney, for Bordeaux; Mohtfoello, Lauderkln, for-Bristol’ E; ■ Java, 'Graffam, for Hull; barques Sarah Ann, Drinkwater, for Newport, E; San Jacinto, Fratus, for Boston, wtg cargo; Norwegian brig Courier, Havoland, from New York, just ar. Sid 28tb, ships PoyssfcEagle, Crockett,; Bristol, R: 30th, Wind sor Forest, Graffam, Liverpool; Mansanllia,’July 30th, in'port barques Wataacnaw. for London, unc; M IV Babbldge, for Bremeu, do; New Castle, (Br) for Lon don, do. 1 Akyab, June s—ln port ship Cromwell, Adams, Havre. Antwerp, Aug; B—Sid from Flushing Rhodes ship J H Ryerson, Latham, N York. t tilt of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels* MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. ‘ J £ Newton; Oxford, O j R L Hunt, North Carolina M Masson, Mississippi .. J Henderson, Ohio O Blanchard, Rlcbm’d, Ya B M Johuson. Hollfdaysbg 5 Doryey, Huntingdon. D A Altick, Lancaster EGUaiL Henderson, Ky ' B U Henderson, Penua ’ d o ' • • > B D Perry, Prlpceton, Ky ¥ sarA‘5 ar A‘ d o ' Hoa G Scott, Pennsylvania' Jr., Lexington, Ky E L 1 Anderson A sofa; Ky JohiMa, QtU i Vlu# o G k Allen, 1 'do WROiMlp,Donv, 111 WinMSheppard, ’ do ’ JTenneMeT.Oo.'nUKy - WRoelio, 8t Loui« I) *si r ' B tv S ?. , “ UM '>. SBltivlkt; HootcuvUle A £2 ,l *l*S p “4j r, te* 1Y« GW Moore, do. .. B BarfonA la, o JJ{ Hol>!i7eli, Baltimore R Maorearri Cin Ohio. a. * a nich.A gt Mali ■ wi^SSSS^KSSSS 1 * A Robb, StLonls '„' B Ezekiel, lowa Wm Given, Charleston, 80 . J Ennis, Belleville N J MShslloe, do, Johh A Bowen A Ja, Balt 8 B Glenn, Ohio > £ B Robertson, Nashville Wmltay, Baltimore * £aml U iluthencs, E Daffer, TonneraeQ . j , / ( * Atlanta, Ark AMERICAN it.; below Sixth, JB, Livingston, NP . TWW Berry: Balt R P Brooks, Va Goo Goss, Balt ~ Uriah Pittman* son, Md RD Murphy, NY, . Wm.Overend & lai Oin : •' J G McGregorj Md • ' HFridant, NY F WBosbfathiL St Louis v G J Beaty. Henderson Ky Theo Kalb. St Louis WDWilson,NY . SMJPhBois.PA,, - JasPSmith, Reading'* JaaLyman, Esglcton Pa Mrs WmF Johnson, N J /- J M’Yoohgi Tenn DLPlke,'Obio : SpCncer Small, Ky Chas E Furand, Ky 1 Hi Frick. MinersvUle ‘ G.W Kestler, NO • , ; Gli Gardeqer, N-Y 'l > 1 Lb Carter, Nx . Jnp.Simmoufl, ,do , B Tfoaijj New Vqrk Mrs Waugh,, Newark, NJ A Lamborp, Palmer, Mass, Wiri B Hatch, Boston John o Thttntisoß & My, ' ’ Lewlfi Oiatk * lady, St { NeW York ' • ' ” Louis Y j /' \R Mann, Baltimore Chunk M - Jer Bauman, Lancaster > c. ...i ! ‘Hr Tort i Ml-trii THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY U AUGUST jjS»,: 1857. GIRARD HOUSlWJbArinntjßtreeU Wlow Ninth. A Q Wilkinson A la. Wash J Hushfiald, Pittsburgh 8 Atttfood, Netrßerne»NO Maj J B Seott, U B.A; Sauß Masters,- 1 do Mrs Scott . WH Nan«o,Hupt#vi|lo, At. MiM Scott ; *l ~ J II Darwin, Decatur, Ala; W H Jordan,.Floreqce,Ala *H Droifn, A JRobinson,Columbus,Qa -RTurner, Balt' , Ml« 1 A WitoWnsoD, ’do „ J2®>»TOW.Md .MlsiMEßoblnson, do -1 WLlgglus, BdW' , WK Clare. New York . . : W C D°n«van,M,rioii, M's E H Bhls»r Charleston .H M MMn.Oa W T Dowell; Toon Johnlj Parker, Qa . , n M Zook, Harrisburg , D Dume, Richmond, Vi • 8 E Lane. NY D»|mey, do, . Mrs J H Walla, N Y , tf M Bunn, Mojllla T Q sinoms, Ga , ~ ;R W Bmi.i; S Poke. Mobile DMarksleln, Mo Graham Davis, N 0 , .RJRosa.Pa SO Holms,Balt , WSWbltely. Balt^ G F Holmes, Jr, NY R S W Wilkinson, Washington HPeel,Va ~ , v> - A It Foreman, i do,. H 9 McCombs, Del A RBell, Monaco . • BH Pullen, Baltimore Mrs Purnell, Md IJ F Lorrabee, '. do, H T Downing, Springfield, J H Taylor Sc 1a., d0 Illinois J D Lucas, do ~ , D Humphrey, Nosbr w - • > W 0 West, , , • L do , . A Blake, New York-' A Pennington,’ Kf JODeMier, .do •• W.Ash, wnin.NO ■ Mis* A B Mler, VloksbY ' .3 E Weedin, Westerly, BI J B Marsh, Aaron Springs JBogel, NO J £ Rasim}, Mobile, Ala J Moires*. Del . , M E Woodward k la. Pitts* P Rahm. tUchm’d, Va burgh DR Robb, Nebraska F Buckingham, Pt Gibson J P Lee & |a, V* •, , , Oscar K Moore, New York EBThotnpson,Florence ■ James McCullough, do, •. W A Macfarlana, Oiu, 0 Wm T Lee, do 'OM Irvine, Blair Co, Pa Win F Dowd & ly, Mies . A W Samford &lyN 0. N B Lane, Ala Mr Lohm&n ti ly, Balt Wm Williamson, Pa £ H Green, Ky Win H Uenwood, Balt , Miss A A Green, do L Veat, Memphis S 8 Green," do G B Hall. Lexington. Ky Wm II Henwrtck, Balt Sami Bruner, NY OP Hack A ly, do P Wenlngen, Oin, 0. , PeterEHines, Raleigh,NO I K JeßSup A ly, otat lel'd Miss S A Hines, do , Miss E McNoian. do JH Moulton, MT’ W Constans, St Paul’s, M.T Thos Moulton, do Miss Ambroso, N 0 Johu Berger A la,' B<o • Mr Freeman, N York C 0 Lund. Texas Wm McLean, Texas W P Wall. do ‘ J iiCombs/Yazo City D 0 McCailum, N York , Kdw Graham, Petersburg, Thos D Fullerton, OEHalrlht;New York. Edw Gardiner. N York’, 0 Benistone,Mobile 0 Torrend/Phua • Jas McOloskey, N Orleans Dr A 0 Hensley, NO John H Uhl, Now York . Wm 0 Allen A, laVTYlseon R C Cunningham, Mobile GMPall,Balto W W nague, N York J Stulttto, N York Win 3 POOIO7, St la, do AP Cochran St la.loulß’o tt W Koarfatt,. Balto II A, Burr & dau, W&sh’toq' SVmWilllams, Balto Mr Hurst, Balto S A J Murrill & la, N 0 John T Hungerford, do H Elliot, Miss J B Oroner, N Y > . MDHuson, Ga, Wmß Maxwell, N Y . f P A Bruguire & fatn, NY J Sc las, Rich- E P Richardson, N Y mQod, YA' ,' , ‘ , / Edw Payson, NY ' Miss Williams, do UNION street, above Third. L Libienthsl, Savannah . •- JHcod, ohlo' ' ■■ ; M Libicnthal, Columbia,Bo H N Deroe,New'Albany < , R Earley, Indiana ' ,J T Hornor, Ohio 3 P Kauffman. Pittsburg R P Williams; do Wm Semple, Pa " WmLowman, Pa J n Wlglo «la. Ohio SamT Patterson, Pa D Weßton, N York Dan'l Geesy, NY B Gardner St lady, N Car OPS Eisner; St Louis Wm Gardner, do Marcus E Cross, Del ca, Pa Bryan Gardner, do J 8 Leeds, Erie, Pa Miss M N Gardner, do P 0 Linthrop, Trenton Miss Susan V Gardner,do 8 T Wilcox, Connecticut Mish 0 W Gardner, do 8 A Price, Illinois ‘ ' D S Pas torus, Illinois. CITY HOTEL—Thirdstreet, above Race. Geo P Rafferty, Reading Robt Beorgis, Prenchtown Jos Fleseor, Bordentown Rich’d Ellis, Manltouvlllej Francis Rump, Baltimore . Geo Graham, Fayetteville II Blanchard, do Henry Hinton. N York ' M Blake, Bloomsburtf TJioa Stones, Prdnchtown Richard Ross, Altoona Henry Flinn, New York Robt W Smith, Phllada J D Comstock, do Wm Baker. Holldaysburg R P Whlto, do H Wilson A la, Burlington 117 Richardson, Altoona John Harrison, Centre co. Mr Green St la, Lancaster STATES UNIOK -Market ptreot, above Sixth. W R Ycrkea, Phcenlxvllle II P Valentine, Coastosv M R Hurden, Blairsville A Kephanl, Lancaster A 0 Mitchell, Wilmington J B Adams. Phila Jno Bowers. do E Hufaey, N Y 0 Hughes,.NY 8 Kirk. Harrisburg J M Watson. Lancaster 0 Randolph, do J Parkins, NY. G H Bard well, P RR T J Osier, Harrisburg Thos Welsh, Columbia, Pa John J Osier, do Sam’l Maxwell,'Lancs’tc co John Robins, Milton Pa Miss Maxwell, do JohuL Reese, PR R Mies McSparin, do • LKjrk, Lancaster co. MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market., ’ Jno McClayton, Pittsburgh Jas W Templeton’, Pittsb’b Jas M Carrell, * do Jas W Thompson, N J HSnry CdrneA, Salom, N J Franklin Adams, Salem, 0 Lewis Brown, Balem, 0 AU* Craus, Louisville Miss Kate Jonel, Balt ■ Jas Willson, OurwensviUe Chfls Dunlap, Lancaster Jas Inn, Belford W D Kempton, Phila Jas Johnson- A son, Balt > Anasia Browd, Salem, 0 L Cunningham, Salem, 0 Oh&s Worrell, Ginn Jas II Flemming, Cinn ‘ Thos Thompson, Ala , Jon&’n Davidson, Wil’n J Treadwell, Del YW Field, NY BLACK BEAR HOTEL, Fifth street, below Market. Wm BmUh, Montg’y Oo - Blast Smith, Montg’y Co Wm Bddems, Moreland Enos Haldoman, Bucks co BShutt,Warrington - r GWBchmldt,Montg’y A Clayton A an, Southamp- L Olemmeuß, Doylestown ■ ton 0 Roads, Byberry E W Trexler, Allentown G W Wolf, D&nboro II Leffort, Northampton S Roads, Southampton A Buckman, Pexßtervill© George Clemmons, Cheater H Walter, Bucks co Valley ' The Ladles’ Saloon, Arch .Street, below Eighth, is now. the fashionable place of resort. Col. Jones, .who Ib famous for always being ahead In delict cies, has just received some choice bunches of luscious Harrisburg black grapes.' On Sunday evening, is well as through the week, you can getihe'niccat cap of Sou chong, or the coolest plate of ice cream that can be found in the city. To all who .Require Rloaey<-*-Jencs St Son* Brokers, Third and Gaokil! streets,' below Lombard street, advance cash, In Uigi'dr smalt &mounts,spoa Watches, Jewelry, Plate, Guns, Sto. f pn ’moderate terms. au2o-6t* Bower’s Infant Cordial. ••• This invaluable Cordial la prepared from araiiHy of the moat choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and tellable carminative extant for infanta and yonog children. By its powerful Influence a speedy cure is effected in all cases of CAolie, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties trao quUlses palps of the bowelsj looseness, vomiting, &o, The Infant Cordial haa'become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Borer A. Bower, At his Brag and Chemical Store, I N. E. corner of Sixth and Green ata., Philadelphia.' To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Brugglsts generally. au 13-ly Seamen’s Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits in sums of One Bollar and npwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from 0 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon i da/ and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Pell; Treasurer, Charles M.Morrisj Secre tary, James S. Pringlo. Savlug Fond—'Fire per Cent. Imcreilr-Na* tional Safety Trust Company, 1 in Walnut Street, south west corner of Tbiad Street, Philadelphia.. Assets over One Million and a Half op Dollars, invested in Real. Estate, Mortgages,Gboond Bents, mid other flrst class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to ; the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, Is received, and themoney is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office Is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. On the 20th instant, by Rev. John Chambers, JOHN LAMONB to SARAH ELDER, both of this city. 1 Ou the 17th Instant, by Rev. Mr. Maguiggun, of St., John’s Church, JAMES RYAN. to MiM ELLEN MA GUIRE, both of this city. # On Wednesday, 19th Instant/ HENRY COOPER, in the 92d year of his age i The frieuds of the family are Respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his James U. Bryson, No. 122 North Seventeenth street, on this (Saturday) morning, at 10 o’clock. * On the 20th instant, JOSEPH JOHNSON, In the 83d year of his age. The friends of the family are invited to attend the fu neral,’ from the residence of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, No, 752 South Fifth street, above Catharine, on Sunday afternoon, et£ o’clock. , # MOSES NATHA N S, AUCTKjJffEER ITJL AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. H. corner SIXTH aud KAOJS Streets. Sale account of tho United States Government, by drder of Wm. Badger. Esq., Nary Agent. ON TUESDAY HOBNINU/lhe 2d offeptomber, 1867, at 10 o’clock, at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, con sisting in part of—2 bbia beef, 1621 lbs bread, 25 lbs cheese, 405# lbs buttor, 2 bbU pork, 100 lbs pickles, 1510 lbs nee, large lot of empty bread and Whiskey barrels, a lot of spirit room casks from 300 to 20 gallons, boat and mess breakers, a lot of cooking utensils, 1 tea kettles, frying pans, stew pans, grid irons, table covers, lot of shades for stern wmdoWs,' two cabin state room carpets, looking glasses, hanging lamps, sbadeß for wardroboß, dish corers, brass drums, bogles, French horns, hand trumpets,three boat ensigns, boat pennants, two broad pennants, American Jack, lot of carpehter’s tools, 88 galls paint oil, lot of hide and wheelrope, 25 ship buckets; galley ana fixtures, 42 feet suction hose, lantorns, lamp oil; lot of blocks, hand lines, log Hoep, .lot oil • casks and,barrels,- and numerous other articles. The whole to bo sold without reserve to tho highest bidder. . ■ • FIRST SALE OF FURNITURE, At the S. E. coruor of SIXTH and RACE Streets, on 2d and 8d story rooms, entrance from Race street. ON FRIDAY MORNING next, August 28th, at 10 o’clock. Sale positive to'pay advance^. Consisting in part of—several rich gilt frame oval French mirrors, fancy tob mirrors, mahogany frame' looking glasses, throe ply imperial carpets, sofas, mar blctop.tables, spring seat chairßj rocking do, bedsteads, feather beds, spring and other mattresses, dressing bu. resus, chamber bureaus, secrotary do, boqk coses, card tables,‘breakfast tables, centre tables, 'Windsor chairs; and settees, nod furniture generally appertaining to housekeepng, 1 , Nothing so needful to enable persons, male and 'female, to gain a share of this world’s goods and comforts as a BUSINESS EDUCATION. LEIDEY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY, . Nos. 14$ and 269 SIXTH Street, near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowlodgo of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC by simplified methods, in a ahdrb tluio. THE LElpt’ take pleasure in saying, that during the post year a large number of persons acquired a BUSINEBS EDUCATlON,enabling many to secure pro fitable situations, and others to prosecute their business operatiomfsuccoßsfully. ’ au22-Bm. \FOU WANT TO BE SUITED I—Then get JL your AMBROTYPEB at tho New Skylight Rooms, 2629 West MARKET Street, (oyer Obanee’s Dry Goods Store.) EVANS,* Practical Photographer and Teacher. au22-It* CAILOKS !—WILL THE CHRISTIAN ►w; Public stand, with folded arms, and see the poor Sailor robbed of hliOharaoter and hard Earnings? Her. John Chambers on this subject to-morrow afternoon, at 4 P- M-, Church corner. Broad and George streets; Ballora and tbolr friends attend. Psalm 107, r. 22 add l 31- : , aug22-lt* ■ T -~orsrm : 1 — ‘ >R IMPDRTINr BUSINESS MBBYINO 0? • 11 •> AtINNE-HA-HA, DODGE, No. 1 * ' Will be held, ‘ Tnia (Saturday) EVENING, , .. „ .. , ~ At Bo’clock, j , , ■ A'full and punctual requested. ■ • It* of 1 ■ GRAtfD COMMANDER. Special Notices. •Carriages. l0Mtl)O. TViSOIPLES.—JAMIis OHALLENj PAS JL7‘ YOB of tß* OHURCV'I, YweUtU utreet, nbovsW&l -IMO.-wUlprMdimmOKßOW, »t-W A. U.,taJ SP. M, ...... .■ .. . -j.-aW. CAFE FAMItT HEADING.: ’ O, . HA»PER’3.WIJJKI.Y. . ~ . Nambrr Thirty-four Rtady This Oei. .. 7o6st*mtB. . ■ TiutEt KOTJSfI IN BIBIIS. LANDS. No' [Prom our otfu Correspondent 1 ‘ ' > jj *’ ; N/iis R. Domaoax, 5 Sfcretartes. A GOOD SEWING MACHINE.—HUNT, JA WEBSTER, St Co., beg respectfully to introduce themselves to the public as the manufacturers of this * IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE adapted to manufacturing or family purposes. Free from the objections which have been urged against, those already known in this market, THIS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OF THEM ALL. and will be sure to commend itself, upon examination, to families, tailors, saddlers, shoemakers, and seamstresses. Those in want of A GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a hand some back-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will ITEM, BIND, BTITOH, RUN, or GATHER; Indeed, that will give entire satisfaction even after they have been used for years, are Invited to call at our rqoms, 108 South KIOIITH Street, up stairs. HUNT, WEBSTER, Sc Co. Bewiog of every description executed in tbe best poa. slbie manner, and on reasonable terms. Samples of oar work sent by mall to any part of the United Btates. au22-eo REEVES, CARPENTER AND tf BUILDER, PASSYtSNK ROAD, opposite County Prison. - ' * Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. aul-lm TIfACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES.' ivA Sold by CHADWICK A BRO., BECOND Btreet, first door above Baoe. t auglB-3mcs. JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, „,„DTLL HEADS. CIRCULARS, . And JOB PRINTING generally, at shortest notice and fair prices. • tdl-lm TAfOSS—I7 bales Carolina Moss, for saie by ifA - - V MARTIN A MAOALISTER, attl ' ' 119 North Water Street. TinNOHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- F T MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. TOO CHESTNUT Street, aboye geyeaith street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchant*, and Strangers, 1* particularly inTited to this improved cot of SUltt*, most perfect fitting article nude. At whole*» sale and retail; and made to order, oas*lylf ;■ QSStntrmitfuoJ.. Tie west Philadelphia insti- TUIB rOB YOCMO LADIES.-WAINXJT Str..t, ‘ south side, between William and Till streets. This excellent Seminary will open, as usual, on the Ist September. It Is delightfully located, in a situation which combines the advantages of country air and ex ercise with proximity to the city. The health, moral and personal comfort of the boarding pupils are the spe cial care,of the indefatigable' Principals, Mr. and Mrs. ’ REED, who devote every effort to render the Institute a home os well as a school, both for boarders and day pupils. The terms are moderate, considering the many advantages offered, being onhrjra&per annum for board ing pupils. The system of instruction embraces the whole scope of mental training, and the best masters bavo. charge of the various departments of Languages, Music, Drawing. Painting, Ac., the object being Wfur nish a realty sound education to the pupil; from the commencement to the completion of all studies to which the female mind can apply itself. For fhrther particulars apply to the Principals Mr. and Mrs. R&ED, at the above address. We cordially recommend the above Instltate to all parents desirous of providing a really sound and good education for their daughters. Mrs Reed has had up wards or seventeen years experience, and her system of tuition has been eminently and uniformly successful in forming accomplished puyiU * Keen, West Philadelphia' - EiClcnell, Jl. D„ Vfett PhlWelpWi A. Oonreno, D. D., PhUuMnii, W. Wood,, Wont Philadelphia. ED. Sanndora, Profes Mr Biaudefe’ Inetltute, W. P. au22-3t ASpL Protestant _ The exorcises In the Academy will he reramed on the Ilh day of Septomher, at 9 o’clock A. JI. M Tho 80/. Dr. Ilare haying been requested t- j.,.*. hi, time to tho Instruction of candidate, forordere haa reigned his offlee as Principal but will continue to let until his successor Is appointed. Thorough Instruction and discipline may be expected under thoactlvo supervision of the Bishop of the Diocese in behalf of the Board of Trustees. ’ Philadelphia, August 17, 1857. qu2l»dot ALONZO POTTER, Preat. Hall of st.” jambs the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Rky. B. R. Sutsbr, Ksctor. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY. Sep tember I. r Circulars may be obtained at the Book Store of H. HOOKER, 8. Vf. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of tho Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill. Phfla dolphte- aul7-6ia Removal. — the young ladies INSTITUTE, formerly located at No. 48, now M North SEVENTH Street, Is removed to No, 1711 VINE Street, west of Seventeenth, north side, where tfiemb scrlbor will bo happy to see his former patrons and pupils, at tbe commencement of the Full Session. For eTrculors, &c., please apply to W. G. E. AGNEW, au!o-2w No. 1711 Vine street, * MRS. BARTON ,a BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1929 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. ’ -iLWfiwi * Academy of music, broad and LOOUST Streets.—Mr. S. A. MARSHALL, Sole Lessee.—Last week but one of the PROMENADE CON CERTS. THIS EVENINGy August 22d, novet and attractive features. MADAME JOHANNBEN. MISS 0. RIGG INGS, Mr; PIOKANESER, 818. FRAZER, CARL BERGMAN, and the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. New and splendid STATUARY, just landed from ship Eu phrasia by Signor VITO VITI St SON, perfect like nesses of the following eminent American statesmen: Washington. Olay, Jackson, Webster, Calhoun and Fillmore. Admittance 25 cents. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Fro prietor, Mr. WM. J. NAGLE: Acting and Stage Manager, Mr. WAYNE OLWINE. Prices—Dress Circle and Parquette, 60 cents: Upper Circle, 25 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Scats, 76 cents. Box Offlee open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 4 P. M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance will commence at 8. BENEFIT OF LITTLE FREDERICK WREN. LAST PERFORMANCE OF NAGLE’S JUVENILE COMEDIANS. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Aug. 22d. At So’clock the performance will commence with an OVERTURE. After which, an act of the laughable burlesque of BOMBASTES FUBIOSO. To conclude with tfaeburletta of BWIBS SWAINS. SATURDAY EVENING, August 22d, The performance will commence with BEN BOLT. Little Frederick Wrea Little Martha Wren SINGING AND DANCING. The whole to conclude with the operetta of the Reuben Ruga..,, Alice ! WELSH GIRL. WHEATLEY* ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Solo Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Scale ok Fricks. —Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Dreas Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 60 cents; Family Olrclo and Amphitheatre. 25 cents; Seats In PrU rate Boxes. 75 cents j Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13coots; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 33 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3P.M. J.M. B.WHITTON Treasurer. TIUS (Saturday) EVENING, August 22d, will be pre sented, for the first time in several years, the tragedy of RICHARD HI. Duke of Gloucester ....Mr. E. L. Davenport Earl of*Richmond Mr. Wheatley Duke of York Miss 0. Reed To conclude with the drama of THE TOODLES. Ur. Toodlea, Mr*. Toodles. Doors will open at 7 o’clock. Performances commence at 7# precisely. National theatre, walnut STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH—Actio* Master, WAYNE OLWJNE.- Prices—Seata in Private Box, 75 cents; Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents; Dress Circle and Par quet, 37# cents; Fatally Circle, 26 cents. Box office open from 10 to 3 o’clock, when seats can be secured. Doors open at 7; to commence at 8 o'clock. No bill received. SANFORD* OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7# o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 26 cents. VARIETY WEEK-- . _ MONDAY and TUESDAY, August 17th and 18th, will be performed, “ The Virginia Mummy.*’ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, “ The frightened Family.*’ FRIDAY and SATURDAY. VUUkins and Dinah.” Previous to the piece; Ethiopian Minstrelsy by Ban ford’s Opera (Troupe, and Dancing by the Sanford chil dren. aul7-lw PARKINSON' 3 ILLUMINATED GAR DENS, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE CONCERTS with the Scottish Nightin gale, a Fine Orchestra, Fire Works. Ac., EVERY EVENING. an 18-tf Admittance, one shilling. hJnuto. WANTED— Two respectable YOUNG LADIES to learn and exhibit the WATSONS $lO Sowing Machine. Apply 726 Chestnut Street, Second Story front. au2o-tf WANTED TO RENT,—A THREE Story BBICKHEUSE. sal table for a small family. The best references given. Address u Rent,” Press Office tnl2-2w* Bailey u co., chestnut street. Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Under their inspection, on tho premises exclusively. Citizens and Strangers are Invited to visit our manu factory. WATCHES, Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, and all other articles in the Diamond line. Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be made frao of charge for those wishing work made to ordor. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new styles of Fine Jewelry, such os Mosaic, Stone and Shall Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marqulsite, Lava, Ac , Ac. • ■ < SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. aul-dtwAwly riOUNTRY COLLECTIONS made with Fy promptness and at the usual rates, by DAVIS A BIRNEY. No. 25 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. They invito attention to their unequalled facilities for the adjustment of controversies in all parts of the United States and Canadas, and collecting and securing MERCANTILE CLAIMS, afforded by their thorough organization; having local agents io every settled county in the Union, and by pros perous associate offices in Boston, Lonisvillo, Dubuque, Now York, Bt. Louis, Detroit. Baltimore, Cincinnati, St. Paul's, Washington, Bittsburgh, MUwankie, Charleston, Chicago, Memphis, Mobile, New Orleans, Savannah. Each local office controlling its own collection!!, and hsviugdaily business connections with the most reliable and experienced attorneys in the country. They also have superior facilities for collecting drafts and! maturing paper at points not accessible to Banks aud Bankers) and Remittances are promptly made by their correspondents for commissions that excoed bat slightly the current rate of exchange. By the aid of intelligent correspondents, they are able to have Land Warrants located, claims adjusted, titles examined, in all parts of the West, &u4-tnthAs-lra /10AST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL \J SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, viz: Blunt’s Coast Pilot. 18th edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator,27th edition; Shipmaster’s Assistant, 9th edition. We invite attention to our new Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavy weather, and are especially adapted for steaiuors, and vessels where the motion is considerable. They require fewer repairs thau any compass now in use. Marine Opera Glasses of superior quality. Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial'Barometers. Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compasses, Binaries, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Charts of all parts of the worldfromthe latest and best authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott’s Herd meter, and an instrument for working out problems In Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection And with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex- Serlenced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the . 8. Navy. K. A G. W. BLUNT auIB-lm* No. 179 Water street. LUMBER | LUMBER !!—Tho subscriber, who has for several years occupied the premises at Sloan’s Planing Mill, Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phoenix Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other iloor ingneards, steps, risen, shelving, celling, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers ore in vited to call and examine for tbemselveß, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction, ■ Orders recoivod and supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and sizes of Southern yellow Pine, Timbrir and Scantling. 8. 8. RICHIE- JAMES KELLY, (Successor to William Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jewels, Emblems, Masonic and Encampment Charts, Ao. Odd Fellows’ Hall, NORTH SIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia. Orders from any part of the country, addressed to James Kelly, promptly attended to. au 1-lm \\m. D. ROGERS’S CARRIAGE RE If ROBITORY, 1009 aod 30HCHESTNUT Street above Tenth, will bo opened on °C about the 25th inst, for the sale of every description of CARRIAGES,** which the attention of the public Is reipectfull colled. _ . antiMlt, TUVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK Hi No. 536 CHESTNUT Stmt. N. 8.-No oonoM tlon with oay oth«r House In tho Oltjr. »nl.3m /MnAREES IfAGARGE & CO.,— VA Wlolesale Bolen In' PAPEH, BAGS, Aol, No. SO gouth SIXTH Btrot. PMltdelphl. ENBWLAND k CO., • MOKINO GIAbS and picture frame ’ ' ' MANUFACTURERS, . . I > ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. , „ . ' Importers and Dealers io Oil Fainting*, Water-Odlor Drawing!. Engravings, &c. A lame assortment always on hand. Packing ana removing Glam*, and hanging attended to, 604 ARCH Street, ahoTe Sixth,' south lid** PJbttftSrtpblK, i . * aulßarp • CanliiJmlea for ©ffitr. F)R RECORDER OF DEEDS T. B. TOWS, Fourth Ward. Subject to Dsmocratie rules. au 20-dtSB 17?0R CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS A* —WILLIAM SASUN, Sint Ward Subject to Democratic Balts, i: : '• . ' au 30-tsepB* . IJECOBDER QF DSSDS-ALBERT D. Al' BOXLEau, Sixteenth Ward, Subject to Demo cratic Rules. ’ ;t 1 • auglg-dtsepB*. Fob frothonotaby of the DIS TRICT COURT,WM. M. RBIRLT. of liwiW«4. Buojwt to Pemocratlo gala, . »aIT-4UeB*. £AOB ASSEMBLY—JOfIN H.rfcßADt; ■ Eighth Wirl-8e»«nlh LegiiUtir* District. Sub ject to Democratic rule*. aulfHtsspS* ■pROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT Jr COURT.—WM. LOUOHLIN, Second Ward. Sulk Ject to Democratic rule*. aulfi-Sepl* - For asse m b l y—edwin^smith' NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. au!4« FOR ASSEMBLY—-Second District. PER RAN J. COOS, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Boles. , *o 12-tC* COERtC OF QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au 12-4w* For assembly—Joseph j. keefe, —Second Legislative District, Second Ward. Subject to the decision of the Demoeratlo Convention, aud-dtSB PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COUBT, JOHN P. M’FADDEN, or Third W»rd. Subjectto -the rules of the Demoeratlo Part,, aul-tf For recorder of deeds—thos. 9. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward. Tine street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules. aulQ-lm* p'OR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT— A PILUJKJJfJ MeILVAIN, Subject to' Demooratie rales. . , anS-dtspg FO® CORONER—DR. FEODORE MEEK- Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. For prothonotary of the dis- TBICT OOURT, LEWIS T. MSABS, of TsfelfA ward. Suhjoot to Democratic Rules. auB-lm* »ROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT A COURT, GEORGE p. MEEBEB, Tweatr-second Ward. Subject to Demoeratie Rules. 1 .a^s For recorder of deeds-b:~r. YOUNG, Sereuth Ward. Subject to Demoeratte Rules aui-lm* For clerk of quarter sessions, SAMUEL 0. THOMPSON, oth Ward. Subject to the Rules of the Democratic Party. au< w4s tsB« TOOR CORONER—N. C. REID, M. D. ® — Subject to Democratic Rules. and lm* ■ 1710KASSEMBLY— FIRST- eosT-RICT— . JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, First to decision of the Democratic Convention; • aul-dw* For assembly—third district DAVID B. MeLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Demoeratlo Rules. »ui-tieS* For assembly— JOSEPH HUNEKSB, Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Bales. atl Am* For recorder of deeds— CHARLES M. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Demoeratlo Bulee, on aul t seS XjIOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—GEORGE X 1 W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Wari. Subject to De mocratic Rules. aul-Sw* For recorder of deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democratic rules. au3*te* OF QUARTER SESSIONS.— V/ GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD Subject to Democratic Rules. aoltsepB Summer Resorts rTIHE EPHBATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS X the opened tenth day of June, with additional lm. grorerntmte and more extensive aceonyuDdslions. This ealihy summer resort haa the advantage of the purest atmosphere and water, tho buildings being located one thousand feet above water lersl. The prospect embraces an extent ef eountir nearly forty miles square, and points in ten counties are visible to the naked eye. Baths of every description, and extensive graveled, shady walks. The peculiar virtues of the water here is the great softness and purity it possesses, (being quite as efficacious in restoring tone, health, and vigor to the whole system as that impregnated with mineral,) conse quently more palatable for drinking and better for bathing. The amusements are* superior band of marie, billiard* and ten pins, pleasant drives over good roads. Accessible from Philadelphia via Railroad to Lancas ter or Reading,reaching the spring by either route within six hours. For further Information apply to Myers, Kirkpatrick A Co., Third and Pine streets, Philadelphia; James S. Sar!e,No. 212 Chestnut street, where circulars can be obtained, or to the proprietor. JOB. KONIGMAOHER, au!s-lmo Ephr&ta P. 0., Lancaster county, Pa. .Mr. J. 8. Clarke .....Mrs. Thayer C 1 AU classes are invited to be come exhibitors. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL 800IETY will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL BXHI BITION at Poweiton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 29th and 30th, and OCTOBER Ist and 2d ensu ing, for the display of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and Implements, Dairy, Field and Garden Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, th/» Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and other Man ifacthree, Stoves, Wares and inventions. . A PLOWING MATCH!! -In order to posnota skill and efficiency In the Im portant work or the Farm, a Plowing Matrix will come off on the fourth day of the Exhibition, to which men and youths are Invited to compete for the premiums. To sellers and borers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. The different Railroad Companies will carry all stock and articles to and from the Exhibition fret of change as heretofore, and will Usne Excursion Tickets for the Fair week at the nsul iiberdl rates. . Lists of Premiums and all other information will he furnished on application to BOfiERT 0. WALKER, Se cretary, at the Rooms of “ the Philadelphia Society fox Promoting Agriculture,” Chesnnt Street, below Seventh, south aide, upstairs. The books for the entry of articles and will b open on and after the Ist of September. DAVID TAGGERT. President Penn*. State Agricultural Society. aul3-d t sep 23 TMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT— X NEW GAS CONSUMING FURNACE. CRILSON'S NEW CONE FVRNME f after having been put to the most mere test, during the two cold wiktsbs or 1356 asd 1867, has proved to be the most powerful heater in tht world, saving from Hto )(the fuel over any of the beat furnaces now in use. Tnsss PutaiCis are Constructed with a cast iron ash pU. and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brick or Iron stares. The fire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, largo and broad at their base, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the anular chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the fine. Tqk whol* products of combustion m the form of smoke and oisss, are suspended directly over the fire, cosrisrsDor compressed into the tapering Coses and ooNTinpALLT bxposbd to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This heat and light Is brought to a roocs in moo Cons, not uuiike the COLLECTION OF THE SON’S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the skou inn oases to become intensely heated and tho roughly oossuni), by this operation the gxoxa asn oasbs are mxdb iqoallt available with the vest itsslv for heatiag purposes, while, in other furnaces, it is oanniED orr axd wastxd in th* oniMsxr. All persons desirous of obtaining the best and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fall to examine the Ksw Gas Cossumiko Cons Fobuaob. before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD 3c WILSON, (Successors to S. A. Harrison,) No. 624 WALNUT Street, aol-tf Opposite Independence Square. KNIGHT’ 8 COOKING EXTRACTS FOR flavoring Pies, Padd/ng, Cakes, Jellies, CmUrds, Ice Creams, Blanc Mange, Sauces, Syrups, Soap?, Gra vies, Ac., Ac. Comprising Knight’s Extractor Lemon. Knight’s Extract of Vanilla. Knight’s Extract of Rose. Knight's Extract of Orange. Knight’s Extract of Peach. Knight’s Extract of Almond. Knight’s Extract of Strawberry. Knight’s Extract of Pineapple. Knight's Extract of Raspberry. Knight’s Extract of Celery. Knight’s Extract of Nectarine. Knight’s Extract of Cinnamon. Knight’a Extract of Nntmeg. Knight’s Extract of Ginger. Knight’s Extract of Cloves. Knight’s Extract of Allspice. Knight's Extractor Mace. Knight’s Extract of Apricot. These Extracts are nude with groat care, and ore war ranted to retain all the flavor and strength of the article represented. In a purified and concentrated form, conve nient for all culinary purposes. Retaining their flavor for any length of time and iu any climate, and can be used at all seasons of the year when the fresh fruit can not be obtained. They are put up in a neat and convenient manner for use, vis: 2and 16 ounce bottles, and are respectfully recommended to the attention of House and Xlotol Keepers, Bakers, Caterers, and the public In general Price 26 cents per bottle, or 6 bottles asserted for one dollar. For sale by 0. D. KNIGHT, No. 7 South SIXTH Btreet. Grocers and Dealers supplied on liberal terms. sals-lm Philadelphia type foundry— N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUTSts. L. PELOUZK A SON, thankftri for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN BOOK Is now ready, and from their increased facilities, abs now prepared & furnish every thing necessary in a complete printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice, Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than tholr eotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. Old type taken at 9 cents per pound, In exchange for new at specimen prices. . aul-U gALAMAJfDER SAFES. ~~ A large assortment of _, „ EVANS A WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, , „ VAULT DOORS, BANK LOOKS, F ° rB “ ! “ St ° K ’- ' _ _ Equal to any now in use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS. Ac,. On as good terms as any other establishment in the United States, by EVANS A WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. PLSABK GIVE US A CALL. t aul3-tf ENDERSON & C(J 5 » GREAT LITER ARY FAIR, FIFTH and ARCH streets. In order to gratify the wishes of our nnraerons pa trons, and indaco the book-buying publtotofiU up their libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to present to every purchaser of books to the amount of $1 and up wards, a Gift In value of from 25 cents to $lOO. Call at onr establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select for yourselves. Recollect yoa fte not buying at chance, for every pur ebsser gets bis books at the usual prices, and very many will get, la addition, a present worth having. ao2L3m Russia and American tarred CORDAGE.—a superior article, manufacture *nd for sale by WEAVER, FITLER A CO., ' aU No. 23 N. Water st.,A 22 N. Wharnf * Spirits turpentine—2oo bbis spirit* Turpentine, to arrive, for tale by MARTIN A MAOAII9TRR, . . »ul U 2 North Water Stmt. ' inisrelinneous. fjijiels onb Restanranls. CLINTON FLA.CE HOTEL, BROAD WAY, ibnrang'of EIGHTH.- New '< j r' THIS ELEGANT -MODERN ESTABLISHMENT iw now open fn the rsceptten of guests, in thi European style. .SINGLE BOOMS ftomfiCesnta to $1 per day. SUITS' ‘ j|®PpMSl*r Families, from ft-W to The.- HHALB sarred at all hoax* by. the CARP, at moderate , 6. J. MACLKLLAN fitTonfcly knows no- i Of JtW nndtie United* Btat«s EfiteL- FbUidelpkj» *0 U »»ocUt*d ia the mmugcihent/u*!, »“ «P«ciAl chixgo aC tte CaterW Iwpftrtmeat. - Zmy attjatioa ut lm o«H to uaktth* acgudution per* sect, And ear iM&Uy patroaj, ted tl(t tatnllieg ctu&s ia geaertl, m&j nat aaaurred that no effort shall be to oak# tte CUNT OX wortkr tfc* Urm iriJ* berebjr reepeetAUr folicit. aus-lm* 4JCQTT HOUSE—Comer of ItwUi Street ►5 and Waj, Pittsburgh. B D. Proprietor. aulMbi LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL. (DEMOCRATIC f> -QUARTERS.) Soath-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, AQI-IIQ '* Philadelphia WILLIAM N.V KING,—SQUTHBBN • EXCHANGE HOTEL, Soath-e*st corner of TIYTH tnd CARPENTER St*.,'Philadelphia.' aul-l© pHESNUT STREET HOUSE—SAMUEL V/MILLER, (Old No. 121) New No. 331 CHESNOT STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. aa 1-lm YA/TLLIAM HANNINGS’ City Lager Deer T » Moon, No. 32 OAMSR’B ALLEY, Philadal. P hl »- an 1-lm toinss and £iqnors. A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND -lA LIQUOR BTOEE No. m, Sootheaat Comer of GEORGE and SOUTH Strata. .ai-i, TSTILLIAM P. PITPIELD,—IMPORTER » » or BRANDIES, WINES, Ac., Ac., No. 323 CHESTNUT Strat, Philadelphia. aol-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ac., 26 Booth PIETH Street, Philadelphia. aol-1, Brandies. —Pinet, castuioD a co., Ma rettdt Co., And other brand* of Cognac* of ratioo* vintage*, in hAlf pipe* and quarter ca*kj; Pelierohin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipe*, quarter Cask* and . riHAS. HALLO WELL. & CO., KJ NO. 447 MARKET STPaEET, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF HATS, CAPS, AND . LADIES* FANCY FURS. Merchants will find it to their interest to examine our - Stock before purchasing elsewhere. *al4-lm* . _. MTELCOME RANGE .-Soto bt CHAD * V WIOK & BRO. .202 N. SECOND St. aulS-Rm. COTTON —100 bales Gnlf Cotton, in store add for Bale bp MARTIN Sc MACALISTER, 119 North Water Street. Glenwood cemetery office, no W YTAMVST St,, Uloirfim »a 11U WIN ANT A CO